TABLISHED IN 1786. /s!let VittStatrgil- gazette, .. CITY I T • • ... , ..., . ~ \.. For the Largest ...„"ta t o4 of reticular: ir; isit4 at the lowa% prices, la to EU Deg Druz:More, No.Bl nor ket street. !EMI entral ettlptitte of Lime, For siitesiqving eider. For Sole by Multi Super, IlrogOt,tornei Hof Penn and St. Clair streets, Vittibtag • :Bates d: Bell I:l6eap Book Cases tar Sale. ..,Ttjo, Doak Oases at the furniture ware 0171:61 Ot 6. Freeborn, tot, Cornet of Ohio 'Arid Eint."oematon streets, Allegheny, suitable for lawyeers orrice or e gentleman lihrery. Pelee in° and $25. ' nu27-3t Bates do Bell vicar Dlogibic -1. Best Bargains ;In antsoodt, in ttal city, are to ho had on the stortheest cornet of Fourth and Market streets. • •O. Staeo, Lorr. h Deo. .Buy the Belt t, ladto in tho city, at Fleming's Dtug aton,, , No, it market street. Batee . d: 'Bell Sara e 1 &P =callus. The Fenian BFotherhood. And Allot therestOf mardiand, azid we will Indeed Ojai lOwmaattklnd:aind alio the llttie -folloanr, alelnSitedlo' Yam; bleotel,latid , a Nola andfd Street, atrd• we the_ Attest "serene" steak of ..Bodti fe,§lAesres the play-actor failows . say, (no , allasion to Yankee Loeke,), that has filian under War settee: 611'of those who are gramblieg at the ?high prices of lloots ec Shoes, (and they nave • tight to do so Id some quarters,) should not fail to olidt IhroVelland's, and get a good article at slow ree.l r . /Pr the . C. l 3ri . 1611 to examine the Stocker Overcoats_ Sleets (mita,' lidstness coats, '.Tests! and:Yards to be fohnd at this establish. neat: Aid- Irian would keep Warm at a cheap iviiiakietienabei that: IlLankets and Flannels are d'ofe g Off at yeti 'write'. & Bell litreetbelcp Afnahns . . That's It to a T. 'Good candy, butter botch or Event' otaNyoMeOli Mit Midi, You, lemon. pine apple. VanNinand mountain tea sandy and Carden Good iiiiiiii;fign;:yalliliAidiites'and Currants, at No. :119r *dual atreSs. 6 . '411 timilulted. notaer .!;431013414c.atit101d:41 3 / 6 1Yorcitti cortheut , stiniii3l.Fouttli i Q Nallust strestsitban any atbattilicSinthatity:l C, Haapoa L e mma & BAD.. " Bates A.,;llett 211 7 0 CIIFsP . . She IYorWil Opinion of Hoetetter's Steed. • AMA' Bitters, ..-.TOnelting the Bitters. this grand fact Ii clear, _::'Their lame hits all the western hemisphere, ! . -.'li..E.nown In all lamiti - wrisited by its Ocestui twain, ;,:"ZeaabandPA sad slgOr tollovr„in the. Main. couirransurra. raigketter , a Bitters share the common fats Ur,ll thingS good—Mmes.. Imitate. 'Of thdaffbeFtift-44efgetlY use your flea— Prom lioaest homes purchase your supplien. 01.13T10N. Tau OOTEltalittner DIDOVALMEST. laonlirrto guard against dangerous Impositions, the radio are 'requested to take especial note of the bea utiful engraved proprietary stamp, through the of the Vatted States oftl - daily anibenticates every bottle of liontetter's Bit ten. This skied, thrown by the government' over the proprietors and the public for their joint ...Protection, Is placed conspicuously slam the work and over the neck of each bottle, and cannot all to strike the eye of Moment . ..nal observer. liathlrg Mot purports to be Hostetter. Bitter's can be genuine unless the stamp is there. '", ICU also trope: to state that the Bitters am told extlualielyin glaze, sod never by any Mr. anantaxens by the gallon of the barrel.. Lap:fe lon sod imitator are .s.oaff;stifilho only safe guard thaA lea age, nit them to to see that Cho Bitter buy bear the mama.' label and note of d o Blears. Hostetter k Smith, and the stamp above mentioned. .; Cotton Goode, onght elnes the late decline sod sold acerrdingls. Itemenit.or We. are now, cus,the northeast corner of roiuth;sinalciitkotittieeta. • - 0. Hasson Lou & 800. Bates & Base Cheat, Zdulltas. 7,77lleurrakfialph;Veir ofX.ptte, :.--4iesrvirectder.',larasia tyeharleaSuper. Driggid. corner of Penn and St. Chic Alleys, -Fatib?real French keriiioes c'l Eififotber Meal Goods 'entab below the - market hortbsest.eprner of Fourth_ and MM. Jai " o:Heorecar Lov h Rao. Ladieswars.: ; -Great sale of Ladies! sad mires' furs. at the ex. . .f.1021T• Hat, Osp and .1411 Los Fur Ethan of Wm. 'Luning, tie Wood street, Pittaburgb All thence; of Mee, Sugezies, eclipse, meffe and cuff. of Hudegai Hey . 1014 mink sable, Geicasn firefi„ eniatrral, Smell= fdeh. Mach and brown ,eatde. Ciects fur caps, collars and gi ryes. gents line French, felt hats, gents fine fashionable silk and aaealtner hate. bola' and children.' hats and cans of alf kinds. For great bargain. go to wt. • aninninre brat elate Hat Cap and Ladies Far House, No. itti,Wood rtreat, sign of the large Gilt Hat. Elates' & Edl ', Its Philosophy. So:Odont Isan antiaeld. • Scrsodant lo an sattpu --treseents: :Sozodoitt Is • tools. Sozadontu all veritable &a - entirely hapialess. Hereft cleanses -tho teeth ftem soetons coaretlans, stops the de. ' - eneiposttio? r of 'their jabirtinee, iwoetins the breath, stinktditil the jams, ens Is the safest and UskplePotstlon of to oleo in existence: . 'all and 'Winter Goods. • tiisi4t4 grist ratiasmiiira oell the att&itipa of our ttadeti to the sn➢arb stook of Fall sad Mater ffaialia4tatalralbY VLF. ;Oa Welta merchant atiaat. iliegheap. His Cada alabtat.= imam intuit raiastwaa moat bean. Ititololott,osse2eteres,theiroostienesetVestuut embseakhf to the western =met.''mom ma. et. Fttritkitank GOOds, Colainitktl Skirts. Dkawery psllirsr, 'lsleekties, Etseekeeintiet, nano, Da itterpassest east or west. A./arge stock 411: ,aattrviad• Pasts, Omits* Vests , and Osairosts %Olds*ooi:int-et his establlstuneat. Persons waraotasatbior tas elottarkellas should not . ..Mill to sten Jur. water eeill; Pates & Bat p Zu2l)l/1. 'Vivo on Code Dmepsis Cairo Does sot exhilarate and exults the batten& suffer :WO afoAtillolto bittitat and berstragea all ad vertised tb cure dpxpebtla, but it Ls a mediate 'moat: woadarltdll - adapted to all diseases of the iirsibiltreja; Abidd ar;.Joitarri, Piamiisn's Drag and Patent ?Leaf dna :toot, go. ae llitarkat street, earner of Dlasibtid,'neir Fourth street. Bates a; MU Naze 0244 P ri,clllAF !Timis W. Parry & Co., Prupu4lll.o4,ltccists. and Dealers In Amerisas Late of, Tarions oolong. Ottio• Absanded Ailol/110011gag:#4,1.7r442 Work* rittitnusb. Ps. Emden% No. PJ 'WU stme. Orders Voliptirstattded Mtn& grartantild Batt Dna. RopabiUdguio the P4orties afitisit. 1 &2111 ,- rOrinith - rill* as roof to not , - ,tllisisfleritistmt &&•.. aowbuts . Bstlo6rotnx l artsiaa amnia at WIN_ lain ~thipttar.lhatarS:oyenedmyatioytotiUaorta , 1 4rPatla ma misAo maw, vArgai&ush MIRO Stalblield_atteet itidOherrf Pragis nettled awl prnaptly 'Winded to. , , .' lirteaus Smarr. _ ll4ntral BOOM. of Lltoe,g p cerav w x dam for mate pi Ckusrles Saga e O ra *:° / .V5F 14111 St; (frost. , . . Just opriea, . _ etii Olothifig Roam, st s33Akin:eat, Vane WS1321:21120,00 1 .11rott.II 'of olothlas ft:saran' of 11011 t, at par<usu. slaking -o.Bl2lMentlic 246 Peso street. „Attend; tinn2A7 tO all nentelso La lits protee• '-‘4lrtalk THE BY LAST 3TIGHT'S MAILS ANOTHER GREAT FIRE AT hTEADVILLE .01e. Sunday morning, about 4 o'clock, a fire broke out near the corner of Water and Dock streets. Which spread so rapidly that when dis covered It was impossible to tell whether It bad originated In the Journal office or In Thomp son's book-store, or from what cause. In short time the entire block of wooden build ings on Water and corner of Water and Dock streets, were totally destroyed. They were oc cupied by some of the most prominent business firms of the city. The exertions of the Fire Department alone saved the opposite aides of both Water and Dock streets. Eleven stores, several 'milliner establishments and offices, including the Joste ns/ printing office, are a total loss. The Ilre. Is supposed to be the work of incen diaries. Several arrests hove been Made. The loss is estimated at from 6100,000 to 8175,000. The heaviest 'losses were Steinielder S Co., milliners, 820,000; H. Saeger & Co., 615,000: Goldstein & Woodriag, clothiers; $25,,000; Levy & Co., clothiers, 018,000; 51. A. Platt, 815,000; Journal !Office, 87,000, no insurance. In all, there were eleven stores and a number of offlcts and shojis buried. Most of the losses were hat imitlalltooverefl by loirtrance. 00711 - 7.0105 of A 11MtDIMML. William Corbett, ono of the murderers sen • Mined by Judge Geary, of the Superior Court at Chicago to be hangedonAbe 15th of Decem ber, bss ttuiie a confeasion to his counsel stating ihtt,t.hlusseltand Patrick Flemming and a man aemtdKemfeflfklllcd Maloney; that they were hired to do the deed by amen whose name has not yet been revealed. They were to have fifty dollar!' for the job, out Corbett got, nothing. They weft to the vietbn's house at a late harm on the night before Thankegivlng, la nu., call ed Um om:of bed, ana le the presence;of his fam lly'shot him dead. When sentenced, Flemming assmned.a bold front, and said he feared neither man, death nor devils; but it the same time de clared be himself innocent. Corbett, the young , cr of the two was deeply, bat said bete log, Detectirta are at work endeavoring to secure the alleged accomplisher. CEIMU AT WASIITTLIZ. We learn that Mr. William Heffernan, who was robbed and outrageously maltreated at Nashville List Thursday, has glace died. Mm. Heffermsro is a raving maniac, and not expected to survive him twenty-four boars. While the man was dylfig, a horse belonging to si friend of the family, present by the,bodside, was stolen from an adjacent Ineloanre. This Is but oiled' numerous atrocities lately committed at that city. . . ►9AIIDS OR TEL GOVNIISIII93I7 Frauds of 'upward of one hundred thousand dollars have bee. dlmarered in the Quartermus ties Deptitaintit at Louisville. The I:slitter, authorities 'withhold the llama for the • present. Ow. BEAT= OIL INTELLIGENCE. The Moorhead Oil Company succeeded in finding oil on the Itaylay farm in this county, at a depth of 815 feet, the gravity of which Is `3l.flegreee.'..They are pulaping tweiityfive bar rels per day. This is the heaviest 01l ever found'at so great a depth, a circumstance which knocks the theory that heavy oil exists only near the surface, Into "pl." The shaft which Is being sunk by this Company Is also producing finely. The Longmoor well, 185 feet deep. near Eaton's Tunnel. is pumping sixty barrels per day. and the Harlmese well, same depth, a short distance from the Longmoor, yields two hundred barrels dolly. The gravity of the production of both Is about 28 degrees. These wells are situated about fifteen miles from Marietta.--.3lariactEncs, , Tan "..Maple Amber 011 Company" will hold a meeting on the Bth of December to consider the propriety of reducing their capital stock from 8500.000 to glOO,OOO. Tue Reed well Is pumping fully thirty-five barrels.per day, and occasionally dispenses with the agency of sucker rods, and does quite a fair thing in Dreamy of flowing. AT a recent meeting'of the atockholdera of the "Irwin Oil C 0.," a resolution was inbuilt led and adopted, that the capital stock of the Company be reduced from V. 40,000 to 8150,000. Tan "Femme Oil Co," held their annual mreting on Tuesday last It was agreed that the capital stock be reduced from 8500,010 to 8250.800, with 50.0E0 shares, and the par vale° from $lO to 85. Tat famous Rsthbone well yields one• hun dred and flay barrels a day, whilst new wells are discovered almost every week on the old Berning.Bprings territory. Andra= well •bas been struck on Bennehoff Run, which flowed at the rate of one hundred and twenty-five barrels per day from the start. A wires. has been struck on Allegheny Roo, Whlchls the run ad,foLtdow West Hickory, and about Vote quarters of a tulle from It. It fs pimping and • flowing oil smiler to the West Hickory oil. It is estimated by competent Judges to be a forty barrel well. ON Sugar Creek ail operatlmss are going for ward with renewed energy. Recent strikes have added to the long prevailing belief that that, re glee is to become very prodeictlye. Trotßogersville well, near the town of Rogers yiLe on Ten Mile, struck oil at a depth of four hundred and twenty-tire feet, and at last ac counts was floating.. AN oil well has smaally been struck in Clark county, ld the Wabash Valley, a few miles moth of the Terre Haute and 81. Louie Rail road. Tartar. wells are golag down on the Grandon Farm,, two and a half mile/ below Nekton, on main Pithole. Tun "(Jolted Btatcs Petroleum Company" havtra powerful engine at work, and orpect to renovate their well. No. 76, on Fiolmden Farm, :11 said to be fuming three hundred barrels per day. A Goon quality othithrleating 01l has been found• on tt.o Parton Form, West Pith°le Creek. The cast branch of Cherry Ran la also look ing nu, the Green well, the Arid struck thereon, having Increased Its yield to forty barrels per day. THE daily ,)Icl.l of the Kanawa, West Vir ginia, oil regions to set down at seven hundred and fnety barrels. OIL bas been :truck at Puneatawney, Jelfer ton County. Pa., at a depth of four hundred and tblrty-llve feet. - Tux Kent well, on Tarr Run, near Rannehoff, has begun to spout oll—probanly a filty barrel well. Fria new well situated on Lease No. 2, Ham ilton McClintock farm. la now producing two hundred and twenty-fire barrels. TIM Coyle well. on the diverly Farm, on the Allegheny, bee produced atthe rate of fifty bar- MIS per day. 'Fla* "Centralia Oil Company" have ;reduced their hapital stock from $1,000.000 to 31500,000. Tim "Tarr Farm" Is now producing seven hundred barrels daily. Ix is now asserted that not a single flowing well of oil elders In California, and so far the sinking of wells there hare been (allures. OE9O ELECTIoN.—The Caton majority tar Governor. Is 29.956, and for attorney General, 31,7110. Thus does not Include the small vote of 860 cast for Long. The aggregate vote, Lida. log eoldlere, compares as follows with that of 1864, taking that far Secretary of State last year, bed Attorney General this• • 1884. 1885. _ . Milos—_ _ M. 577,214 r 225,269 Dealoctaile..—.....—. urhan m o w ,—.---- ' 429649 418,737 Fa 1 1 4 , 1 1 08 In Union v0te...—.... 11.612 laorew La D.morratto vole 11,030 bec" ll,o 14(44rtregate vote. .... —. 10,912 The loss in the . Lisloa vote wits chiefly in the Western Reserve counties, where a full poll was not necessary to the election of local officers.— Ciscinaoli Ow-cies.; Ttip allastpred President. Tbe last number or -ho London 14padator ro. merlia as follows, In a long review of President Lincoln's life and services! "To our minds no lateral oration ever exceed ed in pathos that aeolteu by the President, is daft:atlas ti a national cemetery part of the tittle-field of Gettysburg. .Nor can the message In which, before Mebane of the emancipation Iniicienbattoni, ii utreeted the border &Ades to uctifice slavery. not at their own cemtse, but arthe expense of the cation, be easily surpassed' is the depth and eanteatness of Its entreaty." 4Odt ogl4.llPeoliPlS of hle rftiowis.ttarac. tent sof: • • - iiisgerlia mt; tissoints Tairlons faith tea 0140103 y era the-only traits which atilt rental naappreetitedby the - Arnerimuipeopla at large. For entail - rehire retain read bla last Inaugural pdthrits;dellyttred "only. , five 'weeks , before his. watitinatiori,Wlttulea.: rinewed:couvictlotr that ;it Is the noblelittcal document totown eidehtt have kethewatioe and the auttesmen he left behhl4ldm aornethbe of a mitred and amiort prophetic authority. Bun ly nOne - was ever written ander a stronger louse of the reality of God , ' overawe:M. and certain. /Y. cone written in a period of passtettate coulltct net so completely excluded the partiality of almatious faction, and breathed a) pare Ina% of mingled maw and lastice.'• ; ii, -- -- - - 1 - 1) . _ , . THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH FROM NEW YORK. Reported Case of Cholera. PHESTON KING THOUGHT BY SOME TO BE ALIVE 40 - airs in Georgia and Florida NcreYonn, Nov. 27.—1 t Is reported that a case of cholera has occurred on Greenwich strict In this city. • Wall street le dull and there Is but little epee ulative feeling. The news from Mexico is vari ougy interpreted. while the near approach of the meeting of Congress, the conflicting rumors as to Mr. MeCallouch's policy, and the alleged fact that some of the Western buyers are unable to meet their thirty-day bills for geode bought here, tends to increase the general Incertitude. The Commereici's Washingurn epeeist contains the following: well-knovrn.contributor to the press Is not the only New Yorker who believes that the collector of your port still lives, and that a method In Me •madiretantabled Wen succestfolly to deceive his friends and the pub lic. A lady, whose husband occupies a high po litical rack, has written a most Ingenious paper on the. subject, and forwarded it here under functions of the strictest secrecy, maim endear ors to proew that Mr. King: If unmolested In a retreat which he proved for tilmtelf, will, In a few weeks, recover his reason. Impossible as this may seem at first sight, the theory is top ported. by tome curious tarts not generally k no wri." Mary F. Cunningham, who was on hoard the steamer St. John when the explosion occurred few weeks ago, died last evening, In conse quence of the Injuries she received by scalding, The .Gornmeretal's -Washington special Says : Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, arrived In Wasbington'this morning,.. He brings favora ble accounts of the return of the Union senti ment among the people. The Clirenicie today contains an article rep resenting Ex-Speaker Colfax as having endorsed the President's policy. This Is the construction that the friends of Mr. Colfax seek to pat on his speech. Tha Savannah Herald states that General Gil more ban obtained a pardon for tke rebel Gem. Elliot, who defended Fort Sumter. An order in printed cautioning the children of the whites In Savannah to refrain from ston ing and maltreating the children of freedmen. Freedmen occupying lands which •linve been restored to their.former owners are also notified to reMonSbefore the 30th of .Decetaber. ' A Mutiny occurred ' the sth regiment of colored troops ,at Jacksonville, Florida,lliquell bag which the Lieutenant Colonel was shot In the hand and several mutineers - wounded. Etghvroughs, who lately arrived at Savannah among the laborers shipped from New York to work on the railroads, garrotted a citizen at his own acre, and robbed the Store, The Tomes Methodist CkWeremee Is in nes alonnt Macon. • colored ciagyman, canted Rev. Bella Mar-. t n, ghee the results of his misatouto Engle:4l t obtisho aid for the saillring freedmen of the Smith, at the Shiloh Presbyterian church last e ening. lie had succeeded in collecting ab tut s sty thousand dollars. bet he thought that the ireedinen must rely chiefly on the contributions of the North for tenet its found mach sym pathy among prominent Englishmen. but &gen eral unwillingness to contribute pecuniarily from a km lest they might be considered as imperil :ie. SIC Interfering in our domestic =Cern& Only ten days have elapsed since the deposits of gold eerier:Ass c.-mueenced at the United States Treasury in this city and during ten days $8,670,C60 sorthef certificates have been issued. t.d. eeme period, the redemption only reach ill 284.000. The tw, my dollar certificates have oily been issued threw days. 111 EREST - 1N G FROM WAShIINGTON Iteiltictlon of Government Taxes Proposed —Command of Colored Troops—Exports to .Parelgn Countriez--Tbe Veteran Re -zees! Cerps--Spenial Ocean Mall Agent —Government Property Sold—The Tex OD Soda Fountains—The —StonewalPi— Commodore Craven--The New York Col lectorship. Nee TOES, Nov. 27.—The Thou' Washing ton dispatch rays: A prominent member of the Senate Finance Committee has announced his intention to urge upon Congress a reduction of the 00Teroattifigin full one brindled millions of drillers. He alleges that the revenue. after this reduction shall hate been made, will be Sufficient to pay the expenses of the Goiern. meat, beside leaving a large sum to be applied to the public debt, Brevet Brigadier General Duncan will assume command of all colored tr, , ps in the vicinity of Waritingtml. Inmaking up the statistics of the Treasury Department, the Diet to discussed that in the fiscal years ending in J3oe. respectively, In 186943 and 64, notwithstsnding that we had over one million of men in the field, and thus withdrawn from labor, we extorted to foreign countries two and threesmartera Ime■ more wheat, and eight times more ham and bacon than . in 1859-5 b and GO. Nearly all of the privates in the Veteran Re serve come 'here voted, under the late order of the. War Department, to leave the service and have berm mustered out. In one Regiment bat toms men remain; • large number of the officers, however, =ale in semi ie. Tim most of them are nuerly incepaeltated from the pursuit, of their former basloese 117Je102012.1, as found from the edictal reports new coming to the War De. pertinent and from other sources. There, of candor, desire to remain In the service, and In order to make a place far tit m la ttie regular army, II it ehall ne 'determined to torn the vete ran service into that organization, an enabling act is proposed to be submitted to Congress to be enacted Into a law which will provide foe the ado:Melon of the veteran rescreeoffieers, retain ing their pment Mile CT rank so near an may be, ppon certificate from a Board of examiners. of competency and Omens for their mi./Mons. It is understood that the Secretary of War in vert ibis plan. Capt. S. L. Phelps, of Ohba, for twenty-fire years past of the Gutted States Nary, was on Saturday apprUted by the Postmaster General a apeelal agent of the Goiernment to accompany the mall steamers under a contract a few weeks ego, entered Into, and look to the Interests of Gm Unlted States In the azreement between the ma company and the Government. Captain Phelps will b aye Boston on the 6th of Deccm bet ler England; thence to China, and return by the'Pacitlc route. The Tribune's deepateb says. When the war ended, In April last, Meth:wen:meat owned sad need for military purposes, 830 locomotives. 4,- 000 cant and 70,000 tots of iron in all. The to. cortotives have now all been mold bet 32 and there are about 1,000 ears yet on hand. Some bade been Enid for each at auction and sours on alx'montba' and two years' time to the Southern railroads. All will be sold before January let. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue have celvedKcom.nunicationfrom several proprietors of iodate:der touthabta. remotivating against Molex of six per. cent levied according to law on all mitufsmarers of each beverages. They claim that as they do not chargethar fountains with carbonic sold gas they are not liable to, the tax, and ask tbat the amount already levied be iemlitsd. The Commissioner has replied in effect that they cannot be exempt from the spec ified tax of six per. cent and that whether they buy their fountains already charged, or hire a person to charge them. they are regarded as manufacturers or produsers. Tee Weld's special, speaking of the trip of the Stonewall for the edification of the Farm gukcourt martial, says: Her speed was ten =lies an hour, which is by all means her maxi mum She seemed to be very formidable. Her ran, projected twenty-five feet from her bow, and lies eight feet under water. After the tri al was completed the general Impression seemed to be that Commodore Craven exercised a sound discretlon In not attacking her. Had the Niag ara' guts failed to make any Impression on the four inch giallo:got the Stonewall the result would prrbably have bean the elFitleg of the Niagara by the latter , ' ram. The Stonewall Is -to he batted Into the stream and a gnu of the Niagara's calibre Is to be fired at her a dis tance approximating that between her and the Niigata at the time Commodore Crayon declined to attack her. The IfrtvacPs dispatch soon A petition mimed [Tommy legit* New York me-Inherits and Im porters, ineelnulemding the- appointment of Henry .2i. Smythe, of, the _Central -National Batir,lothe Sollectorshlp, was cox Saturday pre : sented to the Secretary. of the Treasury by • delegation on behalf of the aigners, and by the Secretary referred to the President for his eon ! !aeration. ' The Assassination of Mr—Befferman—tier. - McCook's Murderer. •-* Wtzumwros Nay. 27.—The cond. martbd Auntembla. yesterday for the Wel of Wm. Hef Inman, adjourned till 10 • 11. to-day. Yester day Mr. Heffernan died at 12 noon. Frank , Guerly,-Hte murderer of General B. Nnemdr; readied bere from Huntsville lad Wed. General 11. V. Janson; actingby order, from the War Department ieturnedtheprtsontu :teaftmtaellle, where be will be esecatoct PITTW3URGIT . GAZETTE. PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1865; FRAUDS ON EraiGßAvra. Credenttalsof Southern Congressmen. POSIIION OF TUE EMI OF TUE HOUSE. /4acellsMeous News from Washingtoi. WASIIIICOTON, Nov. 27.—T0-day the Military commission Tomposed of General Hitchcock and Seth Millis= met. This commission IS, ordered to Investigate certain frauds alleged to hive 'been committed at Boston by agents who by fraud and misrepresentation induced and for., red German Emigrants to enter our army as isubstitutes. The commission will probably In a eh= time move to Boston, where It will hear the evidence In the cue. Hobert Beth, committed to tho Old Capitol with Taylor, for appropriating to their own nee about 5'20,000 of specie belonging to the rebel Government, and which went Into their hands after the capture of Ricomond. was this tnera. inn released from the Old Capitol by order of the Secretary of War. Hitchcock and Merlin, wren also released and turned over to the civil authorities, Very few visitors at the White House obtain ed Interviews with the President, owing to the pressure of Important public, business. On enquiry It Is ascertained that but compar atively few of the credentials of the members elect of the Rouse of Representatives have bean 'meet 'zed, either from the late mitirrectionary or the other States. Therefore, the Clerk of the House has not prepared a Mt of the members, and will not probably do so before Flatarday. No eseentials have been received from the late Insurrectionary States, exceiaing from Virginia In T art and Tennessee complete. Tee position of the Clerk of the House to un derstood to be as folk.. That be la merely to admlnliter the law of 1863 In plaelng the name of the members elect upon the roll. his course on doubtful Points being controlled by puna dents set by the Rouse, In the absence of indictsl ruling as to the construction of the law. What ever defects may be dlecovered, can, If right, be remedied by the Home. In addition to the validi ty and formality of the credential's Should these frets appear, the only open question which could Decor would be whether the States lately In rebelll are In full relation to the other States in the sense contemplated by the law of leeS, and, In different Language, whether the are completely restored to their rights and twirl. leges In the Detect. The question as to whether certain members elected can or minuet take the test oath. will probably cot occur 1,111 after the election of Speaker. The Clerk is to administer It to the other members before proceeding far ther In the Detainees of organization. The Treasury' Department It delivering the bonds of the fifty millions of the 5-20 Conver sion Loan, et the rate of one and a half mil llons per di,. Between tithe and temmlillon* remain to be supplied to the snbseribera The Secretary of the Treasury makes no se eret of the feet that hts forthcoming report on finances will be merely an enlargement of the views recently presented in his Fort Wayne Commedore Palmer has received a proem tory order for the command of the West ladle -squid:en, which tIOW is bebug_formed. The trial of Commodore craTeit was Cos• tinned to-day, but eothing elpecially hetereit tug was elicited. . . Gcorge C. Whiting, Esq., Act.lag Chid 431a1t of the Department of the luteflor, flu been 6apatebed by the Been:they as epeeist agent of the Department to 'IRK the Mama Indiana, eta pay them their anntalea. He 100 the city Kr day for that purpoee. Tic Government has received no intelligence conformatory of the recently published exciting reports from the Rio Grande, Involving our troops with the French. All the volunteer troops in Central Texan hare been paid. preliminary to their places be ing supplied by regulars. FROM NEW ORLEANS The Ten Oath In Lottlntans—Encouraging Cutton Matting ProJecto—Case of Trona nry ♦gent Dentor—lluavt Vine and Ito. prisoument—Cotton Market. New Ogassiss, Nov. 25.—The test oath has beer argued net= the District Court for two days. Judge Drsael intimated to-day that he considered the law ttnconstitutionaL A Monroe. Louisiana, patter speaks ecconr agingly of the prospects of come ptanting Is that seeilon. rianterS are disposed to give teedmen fair wages. The same paper says a large number of emi grants from Alabama and coo tigu ins States are going to Tessa. In the United States District Court at Mobile proceedings were had, on application of Sir. Dsiter, Isla Treasury agent, for • welt of ha beas corona. Gen. Wood decl ned to release Dexter, on the ground that the writ had em been restored In Alabama. The charges were alleged mai (mance in Mike, and Dexter was hold for trial by military court. The Judge of the District Court decided that Dexter was unlawfully held and entitled to his discharge. Dexter's counsel moved for an attachment nutrias. Wood, re turnable In two weeks, which the court granted. Thomas J. Carver, epeeist bonded agent of the Treasury Department for Choctaw County, Alabama, tried at idobilo by military commis. Lion on the charge of fraud in revenue traces, Lions, has been p. our:teed to pay a lino of $9,000 and one year's Imprisonment at hard labor In New Orleans cotton depressed; salsa of 3,030 bales naiddlln,g at 52453. Freights to New York of cotton and quarter creeks are at a quarter discount. The Cleopatra has arrived from Bos ton. • Prom Meilen —Emperor's Power Dectl ning—ltiopre,e Gone to Yucatan—Ml.4rib • New OItIALLNO, NOT. r.—The Time Yens Calm advlera to tbel4 , ll say I Everything le un settled in Mexico and the greatest Martial pre valiq business is paral Med. Maxlmlbanla tower Is dolly lee. Ding Puebla has been Se lected as the general furnishing quarters for the Imperial army, and le strongly garrisoned by Anstalsos, The roads are unsafe. and robber ries are hourly committed, Tea country to la a deplorable state. There is no business of any Med. Orizaba la etrorgly for:tilud and anti cipatiug a Literal atta:k. C..rd,ee ban been at,ananc..d cud all war material rem pied to the I..tertor, Jurp: Pe, kits, General Prier, and others, aro anotone of the ancesse of the colonization diem, The Emitters etarted for Yucatan unaecommi nied by Maximilian. who foUowa In January. The reception of tiro Emitters!' along' the route troll quite ttIZIC, except to Vote Urn!, where the ectnircetratlona are aninewitst grand. fine would depart on tem 16th for neaten. - One dammed fora hundred rainforcomanis arrived et Vera Cruz oo the 19th. The Liberals are active in collecting at all Galveston data to the MI report the arrival of the steamer Clinton from the Rio Grande. with a large Dumber of white and block troops homeward bound to be discharged. Passengers lotardals from Matamoros state that the Littor als, 2,500 ,trout, are encamped ten miles above Matamoros. The garriaon consists of about 1,- 7 00 retrularz. Some volunteer citizens sod de tacumemta of the sth amines are aald to have been sent from a French man-of-war. Two or three such vends are reported to boat the month of the river to cooperate with the Imperlellats No other reinforteMent has arrived by sea. The Government , forces are supposed to be ample to defend the city, but Insufficient to keep away the besiegers. The citizens of Liberty county, Texas, bay° petitioned Governor ILtrolltos to organize • colitis force to eapprus the anticipated hoar. maim' from negroes, who openly avow a right to a division of the property, and refuse to as any terms of hire. Colonel It. H. Rope:sou, of Texan, has gone to Washington to complain of the corrupt con dition of the officials and tbo unwarranted as. sumPtion of power by the Provost Marshall and Preedmen'a Bureau. Tim total stock of cotton gathered In Houston was 52.000 bales, and the weekly receipts 9,000 to 10,000 bales. Cholera Steamer Atlanta—Release of Con victed Soldiers Ex-Prealdent Pierce neconring—canadian Attatri. New Toni. Nov. 27.-4 t Ls reported that the haseeDgere on the Atlanta, bated west, will be allowed to come no us the city to-morrow, and proeetd to their Inflective destinations. Ordo • haTe Welt received from Washington at the fleadneartera Department of the East for the release of all volunteer soldiers who have been convicted of desertion, and are now wader: gulag puniahment for that offense. Thls will release about 210 soldiere now confined at Au burn, Meg Bing, Cllntou, Albany* Concord, N. 11.. and also those detained eyelets Jaliptsts. A letter from. Concord,. l'i. EL, says: Ex- President Pierce is set:eve:Wm from his recent and in Arm reported out of danger. A.Montreal haat sent The Fenian e=cho- meat haying_ soraewhilt : subsided In Canada, the Protticial Confederation scheme will soon be brought up again. Every effort will beside by the Canadian . and Home 60mpg:tents .to effect a sobs of the CO , lonies; -tot 'meantime; the Peeebeee will °MOO. it.. - A French Re publican Club has been Clagaalled in Montreal: srlitt the object of andistina - . - Amor of acerb: . etten to tlielatiteOttetee i 41 • =mos= Li rrEe CO ADVIPES FROM Irish Refugees in Paris. GEN. inn AM THE INESICAN NEW YOB.; NOV. 27:—The 'Washington cor respondent of the Herald says: Advisee from Mexhiratate the Mexican Cabinet adopted a resolution to fortify the frontier, and Marshal Beeline had already commenced so doing. A letter ia said to have been received by Markel /An from Napoleon, the latter rebuking-the former for lack of energy. The Paris correspondent of the Herald says that one of - the editors of the Dublin Irtall Pee 'pie, and one hundred other Irish refugees have Alva to that city. They assert that the first .movement of the realms Is to capture Canada. The World'. Washington special arm Gen. %Cunt received a lei ;cram yesterday from Gee. longan, wbo la at his home in Moots. He states :tha , he will be In Washington about the let of Wee . mber, when he will decide what course he 'Rift-pursue respecting the Mexican Mission. .prtbre this Information was received, com tannicatfoo Wits sent to him by the Department Of - State, dellring to know at once whether he tie.cepted the appointment or not. 9091, NASHVILLE. .Irtbil Of Amulna—Wegre Whet and Killed —White Mae Snot by a Negro Soldier— ' The4Cottan Market. etc. NLEIMIIS, Nov. 25.—The special court .rce, tlal ordered to try the assassins of W. tioff smut, convenes to-morrow morning, Major Gomel B. W. Jobnenn, President. L negro Was shot and killed last night while "attildOttng to enter the house of Mr. Flowers On :Union street. Mr. deo. Horne was shot last :alght,esse mile from the city, by a neva teldlerand mortally woanded. .' - ;I:lotton 15 excited, with a alight falling off to day and the umbel qatot; prime ranged from 40 to 43e. closing at 42,4 e; receipts, o.±l bales ; 4agymed; 264 do. .• General Thomas bee rescinded the order pre. Matey issuedprohlbiting citizens from carrying Ode arms. The riser la 18 inches on Ma shoals. 'Opposition to the Admlaajen at Southern Congressmen—Countertop Bonds—l n. Weise of West India flnnadrvu, ace. litrir YORK, NOT. 27.—The Herald's special sem the membum of CatiCresa now in Wash ington are almost unanimously posed to the daantiliste ad:Maslen of Southern op Espresso:as ..tiros, and manifest no disposition to ;spool the 'attit oath. i • Mat Poses Washinzton speeded dispatch says: Rbe ogieers Of lbe - T4easm7 Department have ` - sitsted. a connteefelt, plate of tho Ten-Forty 3044 Otthe ..deneselnatlon dire hundred IctUars.,sct viellinetzetal. that the spurious notes wOold have teen Micah or detection. • Geetr.:Grint. started on his Southern tour Gas Eleven bundrbd :dotted bale been paid the 'widow of Lewis Wastinitton, a rebel °Steer, itteoimpasalion for htsbeabold property seized and soldiluriag Minna ttie'W.orld'a Wasltiligten - sPeclal says: The . I ?leSt 'lcOls squadron it to be Increued by ad din all' additional au* vessels, and is to be tinder commend of Commodore Palmer. The tear steamers Mode libeled and Seratose are tab of the verselawbich have already been aa. bitted. They will keep a 'damn rratesh or al. 'Dwain the Gulf of .11exlco. . ThuTrbrotr's special-says: AII order Is truth tender tuasterliW out all commissioned celleere 41.1 . 011217teerS rict, SO ,comptand or uaterned to Soler dnlyt alto, ordering similar embers in Invalid eorpg toyeturo to their uomes sod report Cry tettar to AdJalstit Gemmel Porter. Warlike , *port: Orem Mexico - Sir* YOkw, Noii. 21...,tacivices from the city efldexleo state that most of the public men polltirleas I the city looked upon wee 'nth* United States as suite probable, and %Ve Conking preparatlotus, In consoiveta of the`violatlon of centrality by a few federal sol diers on the Rio Grande, which was considered as fleforeernaner of invasion on a large scale, ad the dispatch of Capra] Weitzel to General Steele as indicating clearly that the Intention of eto federal authorities was to provoke a war Nrith Mexico. •„.if_iitycrel Cabinet Inectir.fflt bed been held, to ''S. - fer'rfaii - guestliim of or with the Melded States was agitated. The decision or the cabinet was. that serious apprehensions were to to entertalted cn that subject and that it was cot too soon to tam measures far the defense of the country against foreign aggressurra. The resolution of the Cabinet had however been anticipated by Marshal Ilazalnc, whe to, the taut six months has looked upon a war with this country as unavoidable, and who has in consequence prepared himself for each an emer gency. By his orders several points have been fortified, and others . arc actually receiving their contingent in men, guns and ammunition. From Nashville—Military Trial of the &letterman Murderers. fj* Nkanvtima, Nov. 21.—The military commis- Mon fotAlystfulal of the murderers of W. Met. fermaxi closed the case to-day for the prooten fton. The roar persona engaged In the murder are Wm. Dean, titmice Craft . James Lysought and James A. Jones. The Corn adjourned MI two o'clock to-morrow, when sentenm will be Minn. Craft la considered the principal ACV,/ in the tragedy. and is from New York State. Mr. lieflenionn's funeral took place to-day from the cathedral, attended by an immense cou• mimeo of citizens. Cotton market dull to-day. Prices ranged from 42 to 42,%; nosing at 42. Ilwecorta much la:uer than ueual ; 915 bake received and id 4 'hipped. There are fourteen tochne of water on the shoals. Escape at so Express Robber-61.000 Be— Ward Oftered fur nu Arrest. CINCINIUTI, Nov. 27. iho Adama Erpreas Company, tbrongb their anforlntenneet at Cat elnuati,offer a reward of one %house:A Adam, for the arrest au] holding of End ilph L. Dodge, who creapcsi from Jail at Vicksburg, Miss., on the eight of the 20th. last., wham ire was bold on the charge of fobbing Mao company. Doize is floe feet eight Illettei to height. stout butte, dark brown hair, dark completion. Leavy black moustache. blue eyes, and pionsant citrons, lila parents reside kt Portland, Maine. lie baa a wife In Chicago. Report of Negro Insurrectiouv Untrue. Nrw bona, Nov. d7.—The Herald's Charles ton. South Caroline. cornapondeht says: Brig adier General Janie/ I. Maher. eoininan !Ina the eccond vntrillnrict of South Carolina, writ:ow from Greenville, 8. C., to the Nee, of this city, thinks that there la any troth In the rep.-rt of negro Instil , eetloos or all-mina of Insurrection In the Barnwell district. The re twin grew out of the killing of a roman named MeKerr, a planter of Barvieshorg, it supposed by a negro boy whom Melicrr had whipped and cut with a knife. Muster out of Troops—Countertelt U.. S Bonds—Prlzo Claims, WASTICKGTON, Nov. 37.—1 n °bedtime° to or ders tram the Wu Department, th e Bth and 11th Connecticut, 188th Pennsylvania and dint and 103 d New York Volunteers, serving to the Do. partmest of Virginia, ore at once to be mustered out of service. Counterfelt plata of twelve fifty coupons have been tounttilud emend by the ddeetleea. Up to the present time prize claims to the amount of ten million dollarsimee been adjudi cated, and over nine millions paid, Dispatches from Presldant Juarez.' BT. Louth. Nov. 27.--Colonet Bravo, of the Linnet' army, ?denten, brtngtog dispatches from James to the United States Government, ar rive° at Kane. City last Fr!day, and left im mediately for Weanlotion. Colonel Bravo states that the Mexican B.publlcaos havo twen ty-flee thousand troop. under Crete, and seven triter thousand troops can be put In the field to then as the means are raised, which will be speedily. Orlabials Colored Brigade—Boat Leaded with OH tithed: LOVISPILLII, Nov. 27.-o , u. Brisbin'a colored brigade Lett yeterrday for Helena. The Collector of Internal Revenue received a dispatch from Cincinnati to seize • boat loaded with three thteciand barrels of all en route to 81. Louis on its arrival here. Meeting of North Carolina Legislature. R►wott, N. C., Nor. 27—The Legisisiere tart to-dat. The Lower House organised by electing 13. F. Phillips, •of Orange county. speaker. There was no election of speaker to the Senate. Ex.Goveruor Labbock • ?taw Yoas, Nov. 27.--Tbe Fort Delaware eorrespoadent of the Herald;says es-Onsemor Labbock was released last Friday morning, WA , In that rebel reformatory -to a altaatioa as thorough • Union as he was formerly a rebel. General Grata at illettraoaa .Biewworro, VA., Nov: 27.---Oesend Grant ar rived here skis afterdcon lad took quarVers Ave Spottswood House. Republican Ticket: Elected ln 'Hartford. Butnoun, Not. St —At the annual election p.asy, tee ftspuhtleaus made( a clean sweep by osioritia nolOt_fietm al 19 NO. COLLISION' 05r THE MISSISSIPPI, Steamer Niagara Snhic---One Hundred Discharged Colored Soldiers Drowned. El warms, Nov. 27.-- , There wee& Collision last night between the Niagara and Post Bey os the Mississippi. seven miles abe alaleas. The Niagara sunk in twenty of Water. Oae hundred deck passengers, mostly discharged col ored soldiers, were drowned. Cable preamiterS and crew were all saved. The Niagara was valtlea at one-hundred and thirty thousand dollars. No surance. Had two hundred tons of freight 011 board. The Post Boy is unit:duo:l. Steamer Melnotte Injured. Canto. Nov. 37.—The steamer kielnotte, from Cincinnati to New Orleana, struck a elan near Island No. 60 in the Bdiasistlirpl Alves, and en.. tallied a serious infurvVehtch' obliged her to throw•her deck load overboard to prevent her from sinking. ELABILBTS BY TELEGRAPH PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEW YORE Special Dispatch to 'Western Press. New Yonr, Nov. Si, tan. The Petroleum Stork market ors• generally firmer to-day with considerable activity In the le•ding shares- It le remoerd that there la • corner to Mouton a. This stock eras quoted at allay dollars this afternoon. The taloa to-day were at the following rates: Cherry Ron, 25; Ex. calsior, 1,42; Oceanic, a 5; Eynd Farm, SE Empire Otte, to; Bergen, 30; Allen Wright, 83; Enniskil len, 90; Kentucky, 1,22; Palmer, 2 1 73 { Berm 9 h o fr Run, 1703; Buchanan. Farm, 66; Webster, 1,19; OLI Creek. 2,95; Plthole Creek, 14,60; Rooky Run, 20 ; InexhauzUble, la; Bradlee, Wq Fee Simple, 25; Mgt National, 48; Shade RIM, 25. Finance and Trade In New York. Haw Vona, Nov. hi.—The Stock Uarket is hes. !toting and weak. The Interest to the Railroad 71st Is confined almost exclusively to cllnue move ments, which are progreuing very unsatisfactOrUY to their promoters, and the outside publlo atand aloof through fear of corners. At the morning board to-day the volume of busineu was very It ht. Ihe Mexican news had a very unfavorable effect upon the marks& At the seeped hoard the market was very heavy, and at Um last board it had failed to Improve. The speculation In North Western and Mulligan Southern appears to have ceased. The following were the eosins prices at Soo v.w.: New York Central, INN t Erie. 92!...; Hodson River, l 08%; Reading, Michigan Souther*, veN4 Cleveland a Pittsburgh, till Rocs. Island, tOS, North Welter/4 14,i; North Western preferred, he Mexican news had as effect on Govern. merit Stoats this afternoon. At the aloes they wart Weak, with a pressure to sell. Theta le a fair demand for money, out the supply tr ample at seven per eant. State Bonds and zaseallaneotre shares remain Srm. New Tort Dry Goods• Market. Raw Yam. Nor. 27.—The Dry Goods market Ia hewer today. with • doming, In Prim. Open, tore were wattled for Additional concesalans. A conger of 'Western houses, nevertheless, were fermented here to-day; but•purokases were very nat. The following are tla quotations sad eds. patches from the Dry Goods Exchange Bremen ehaetlngs—Stanisrd, saMai ffiedford,SOM Yepperell;R;M; Golden Bldre.Ode; New fdltkes, A. Do, Lasants, 'ma. Bleached fillWew York NMI, MO; Wounsuttas,Dc; Lo atm Bore. 1:44o; tlarea, No, ?truest.—Oc. arm Zoo; Alosrlcan, WA; Dan 411,12 c• Damao: Itimßpragns,inXm lim Iderrimack, V.l7,: M.itlmaek, D Hoop Bklrts—Bradlers Do ves 1 4945 1 . 03 NM dor 'noon.; 1157.,'e 1X I. good demand al loans Prim. talcum, Nov. B.—Trade Gyms better POrroll NOT D.—Tne marks; scarcely opened, and them is no material change to prices from last week. tati.Anirtruta, Nor. 21.—There to little mop, seUrity In the Dry Goods trade, and prices aril unsettled. TM market is plurally ulet ELLTIZOTUL, Proe.27,—There Jr nn change to o 30 In prices; some bath:mu doing Oottsto steady, at sla. LOUTIVILLII, Poe. 27.—Trade dull and prices un• changed. hicney easy. Wm' York Stock and Money Market, lOaw TOMS, Nor. 27.—Mcney firm At 7 par out premium. Sterling firm at 109gliten‘q Gold Caner: of.tilrg at advancing so is 7%, and closing at 10714 Government stooks steady act lower. 7ratsbta to Liverpool gotta Orta. Stock. heavy; U. S. 'SI coupons, 101%; do Reg ular, 1013%; 1 7 S. SULU 6411 cot:woos O 100,5; 0. fives 10 lb coupons, ditt.i• 7-ZO's, ant •eries, 00).1, do oecnod series 961 C. , S. Size s , cue year oe•tificates, now tn., trn 7701.0 LEO ellutostppl Certifleates,794: 14 :4; Otefaree 4, 9 0 , New Yore O6;4: Erie. 9074, Hudson. lot Altchlgan °Patrol. 1 If; Reading. 11374; :Wanly.. entailer:, TrY,; Illinois Central 1.11!4; Pit tehurgh, 914; Northweetern, ntig; do ?referrer, el}(; Bock Warn, Itenr,,; ort Wayne. WeN. %I evilly Bank Statement. ILW lioak. Nov. rh- Increase Doc nesse. 604.111 . MERU 106,47 15,340.5. N 1.001.360 Lagar Tender . 2911131,..= 1.769,711 Deposits 175ie6.irir 1.927,5e1 New Vark Market. kr,r Toast Nov. St —Uotton quiet at ate.die for IA . d 11063. Fterrii—tatra State rules quite arm. wrier Wanda at 11 and lower; 113,1n(g9.00 'or ExtreS•ate; mix, fee It. ii. 0.. •ad 19,t0c311.76 for trade hangs, the Market closing hoary except for Ex tra Stele. - - Werser—llesry, 1r 24412,1 M. (Mem—Wheat heavy, nod about to lower; 11,67 al,BO (4.4 Chicago Sprine; $1,11101.31 for hllluau kee (Hub;-11,1,85 for •mber !elm. ker. the latter price for Lem . . Choice. Bye dull Barley arm and drooping. Bane) Alan quiet. (torn :Wavy ard le lower; 111.243 a for un s ound; 94,13514 tor eoood mixed Western, nod e& for dara•ged.— Oats Wall, at 01t556.0 for unsound. nod 621065 e for acrid. anOcantrln , -Coffee. quiet. Sugar quiet; Calla Inßemnathl. 1J5L13 1 .54: Barium, 14A ilolatara quart,. rina-txry--Steady; Crude, 40c; seen.' lo Bond 44%. BancutOlte-pork L. deeldally lover and atom actlfa at 14.0(r5t,6e for Mess, eludes at $3O oast,, and $.4:11 1 / 1 for Prune ale.; sales of :4130 atom of lot bless, ostlers eptiort, for Dnerataerand January ad9f4/0 Beef. boar , , at ell fella for Plata Mesa 0. (Cr Eases Mess; :lere• Ll , ef to da mned. Beet Ilan- doll at 350,60341 13” on quiet I , ut Nes.s bear; and lower, at 131ie1160 for Sheila:en; 175.061 , 4 for Barns - Dressed Hogs heavy. et 13\L - 4314. flay Lard haa•T so, lower, at Butter dull. at &lam Itr, sad 3134/.41 for elate. ebeexe, steady, at 14 01911 Chirac° Market. t 'Hit stir. N o , 27 —rtoon—rla I mad nominal, and tae lower ()Sem—Wheat eery 1.1.111 and 4 , 4731, lower, at 11.22k0.1.12 for Nu I; A 0201,04 f•r No. 2 Coro quiet lad 21f;30 lost, at alCooc for No I. and Vs ler bl , . 2 trate dull and 1.ti(32.0 lower, at Need. If won .nn—Dull parrs 'loons—Dull. Favonos—Not hint doing. n,,,,,,,,,..._•arn t to. Flour; 5t.020 built Wheat; la,tc. loth c0te•22,000 Coati Oats. sit , Tat re r„—also fable Fidu ;z1 OW bush Wheat; e,,,. tw, Cora; tfi,odu bush Oats Cincinnati Market. (lie: ,11,..n. N.... v.—Flora —O2 :Art, and prterri ur encored. 0 KAI,— W beet doll a: 0 lower; old 1,1. S 2, now, $1,12. limn dull at 480 for new. Otte to good de. !sand at tie in the tlerator. Nye dull at filo for la nos—Doll and prier. lower einalng no t lacl, Whale canto saSed lii 2812 coos. a , d Watt net; dropple, rather than accept current rates, are enamo r, arrangement. to L•rit no their awn at. count. Iletvlpts, for the last 24 h.. 0 a, I,Wn head o enceinte—quiet ti mesh—quest at 1 2 . 26 . rnovistone—Unrettled and ratn lower: new oily urn. Pork col 1 St lionli and thin rate w.. non-. hamlet the close. Green moats declined to {St la It tor shoulders, alder sari Mime, dull. Lard declined to 20e. Nothing doing le old meats, anti pFee• are norminaL Gel 146140141 N. Milwaukee Market. Nov. g7.—Einar—Den and de. sot pantry and dealing/I &Wm; miles 4 N cmlnal. Oswego Market, no. 77.—Ftotra—Steady, at 1ig.7534,00 rind. 1110.2Mg111.50 for lied Ws...ter, it White, and $12,2591240 for Double heat dull, Inferior Whit. Canada, Inlet; No.l Damns, air. Other grants inlet. Toledo Market, tor. 27.--Onatz—Wineat to better: and sales nominal; While Itlicidean, that. Me; New, Ma; Old No I Red, ..... c. o.soJotti &ewe and arm; Oat.; aales at ante. Montreal Market. A "TRIAL, Nov. 21; FLoure— Super F„,,, i ,t...bolt:sig,., sale; Et,., sl,lod t i . fi.t n 041 z i.CI AN-4 .nd. and Western . 9 1 2 25 a 1, with cm:milky:hie offering. Oate t .32033c. its ley, &Gado. Toronto Market. norm, Nov. 27 —Fiuna--Sunev its.d o o o . o o, Ex sa, as,boal,oo; :taper Extra, 112,2202 4. Lull — When , " t 1, 1 0 8 5 , 01 llariaY. lll 4/63 coats. Oa a, maw. CME 0/131 4 COME ALL! , GENTLEMEN'S FIIIVILSHING ST 4 ORP„. . Nos. 13 St..olair St. • Tooottention or the peel's e Mulled to the lam and extanalve - Moat of - GENTLEMEN'S PO & - NISMING •GOODS, Just wand It the .abows mentioned pleae,Vb.leh i ant sum offinlng at great baryamm• %Any Ottain Etat' of the Stamm Owlet wlll'End Ate IDA! •advaltays to ittiro• ms mamik and = p alm, my Moak balm* . purentalog -.elm wham „Tbayran ftnd Ma lined and Mit *cleated - .flock of Elan White Mans, extra Mush Naglayee ShLitaoiTooten,Eattoo and Ltsla • Tiiread limier.' Mate and - Dimmer% Saari, Neale Thai, oeki, (Ut Detidete, 'Butterfat& litalayarrOdng aersaini.,. to , the Oeettesetwe rurnteriies , ollooes,'Lliehe sty. . Itemeesber the thee: Dam is gt, pm: t t too ti BARCITEL.IBIN. . N. E. • ILlArtgo:otock'et liats; Cam Gnat 061,lllesaliVozetsiali B.i rwr tto,isillkir...l,s,mmea iminnaut . , "' FIBIL-11hL bble. White Fiett, Treat Fetal' by .I,a aitrrißL'a VOLUME LXVIII--NO; 297. GROCERIES, PRODUCE, &C T . o. JEN-Kuits. Commission Merchant. 80 IA X .IEI 39 R. •Z' lir T. AND PURCHASING AGENT,' PITTSBURGH, PA. Dealer in Flonr Grata, Seeds, Batter, Oben% Frulta, and nil Fawn Products.. Beat brands Fate. ilyyLOlrli (warranted) always on hand. Medi REFINED DEM Prompt attention glom to oteudranants and • correspondence. Weekly Price Currents sent to Boludgnors. Orders and Ocuisigiuseutesolletted. Sellaydairs O. D.PATTISSOX ♦. ANNON...a FA.TTERBOI 4 , AMMON CO., Canitaission Jfleratards, Flour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS,. Hos. IMO oad 4152 -PEH" LiTRELIy Scott'. Nem Datiding, opposite O. es'P. B. B. Depot. ; (Z.RAFF & MITER, PRODUCk, COM.' MISSION AND FORWARDING ATER: CHANTS, and purchasing agents for all PHU burgh fdanufaatures. Wareham. No. 315 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Po jcikima LEM ilfiAtl 3/I'BASE It &TUFA Commission Merchants. Filar, Grain and Produce, EEOOND ST., between Wood tr. Smithfield, u-ly PITTSBURGH TllO6. TOTTEUI...IIIO. taIOOI..ISTMILE .46EIMPARD POTTER, AIKEN & SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, c°ro=t t an C h D e o et m e. e s Eg c g s r , PmO lWts,o os, and produce generally. No. add LIBERTY STREET, fen Opposite Peasenzer D. 1,0%. Pllteaurea CHARLES C. BALBLEY, PRODUCE and Comadasion Blexchant, ,Warehtnuo, No. Wl Liberty a, Pittabur Ps. Wholesale deal. er In Butter, Cheese, Lard, Env, Pori, Baum, Beans, Sallow, Feather,, Bro.* Potato., Hom iny, Dried Fruits, Given Fruits, Onions, Flour, Grab:4ol=er Feeds., Timothy Beads, Flan Seeds, Game and Poultry. „Particular attention given to Produce Omligaments. mud WiTATTRB umuarr, (Straws*: ToZACICEOWN CLELTRAILT,) NT-00 , 171R: set 4N1.9.1MT. Produce sad Commholm itesedeant uldIT No al Liberty 16. Plttabg3b. R . B. JACM, 'os. 1 and 2 plarnond, . _ rTr73B(IBOH. P.A. IITLA-ELIIRD,4TA.TTOZI, Whole. We Grocers and Commission Mereb. en In PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACION,_ PiSH, CARBON AND LATto ,OPL, MON, NAIZ.S. GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitt* burgh nosnatsermes gactersily,ll2 andlill Second street Pittsburgh. • • FCLP creznonicrAzze w PULP & SHEPARD_,_ _Commis - WOa Mer chants abd dealer's in FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. at, Liberty areal, Pittaburen. Choke brands of Flour for Ratan and Family use constantly on band. Partlentar attention paid to tilling orders for riletchandlta generally. oett•dty Inc P. =cr.. UTM. P. BECK tt CO., No. 185 Liberty 6,7=l7..Pitt.btargh. Pi, Wholasts Groton, Oenuninzion nwehnnu,and denten in 0017NTRY PRODLICE, PROVISION BACO N LARD, BUTTER LaOS 1.3 FISH, PRO. 2 4 eT71' and " "D JOHN B. CANFIELD, Conmi.ton and Forwarding Merchant and wholesale dealer in WESTERN B.MERFE CHEESE. BUTTER, LARD, PORK., BACO, FLOUR, FISH, POT AND PEARL ASHES N , SALERATUS,_ LIN SEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUTT, and Produce generally, Nos. lal and Da Front street, Pittsburgh. W.81.111,rH1CC..1. H1e.IL1,11 . 11101(..4. 1: • A WV, TIIRK PATRICK, BRO. , a CO:, (tiucces sera to loacptt Kirkpatrick rs Bra«) WBOLE SALE DEALERS to tiruccrlelrtr, Grairc Prostalkab nob. eltstea,eigh, - - Ctivet'secd, Otth Noe. 'Si sula "teLM . trrti • " JAMES DA.LZELL 4k, 80N; Mawr= tuzers of LARD on., sad Co.:Mellon Mar. chante for the puroluse sell sale ol CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM. No. el and 70 Water street, Pittehurth. &dean.. made Oa eons*. Mentz. QCIIOMAKER & LANG, Wholesale dcalors Is GR(X3ERIFA FLOUR, GRAIN PRODUCE,. PROVISIONS'. FISH, CHEESE SALT, , CARBON 01L. ho.. No. 172 and 174 Wood Street, sear Llberty street, Pdtpurgh, Pa. aell6dty atones B. HLD aiposoll mirrzwas. 14- -.- ---- . - - R&D & METZGAR, Grocen wad Com talsaloa Merchants, and dealers in all Wade of Oman - Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. US Liberty street, opposite head of Wood street, hetahurgh. aptly T. assume .1 • 1t1ET).12.....W1L D. ligrltIll• REYMER & BROTHERS, (fmccesaorz to Rermer a Andersou) Wholesale Dealer. In FOREIGN NUTS and SPIODai, CON. FIXTIONERY, SUGARS, FIRE WORKS, tan, Non 126 and UP Wood .cress, above Firth. Pitts. burgh. I. 4 'ETZIiR k AR.W , TRONG, Norw A. and Commfuton March.ts. for Irmo t r al d e l l FLOUR, URAIN, BACON, LAILD, BUTTER, SEEDS, DRIED FRUIT, and Product generally. No. 10 Market street, corner of First, Pittsburg Penna. fertay LWALLACE, Commission ' Inerenant • and Wholesale Dealer to FLOUR & GRAIN No. LU Liberty street, opposite Penny teazle B R. Ps.sseurer Depot, Pittabtugh, Ps.. Storage Werenouse - . enrcor Wayne and P enn streets. lIRIDDLE, No. ISU LIBERTY 13T., • P ITTSSU 13, annatislon Bier• chant, w Lolessle T.wter In Gauntry Produce, Groceries. And Pittsburgh Manuractitres. ~a sh ALIVAncAn onAlonsiruments, arta held ;or Proauce cnneralli. eut.'l:stas .. .. ..... .. . . . _ and I . S. LIGGETT & CO., CITY FLO 1.)33- 'tILLS •-• • INU certer Liberty. Ad= arreet. Pittabero, P. Si - enireelty, 400 turrreir per day. : ap9 . • ..... . _lollli 1. ['OUSE CO., = Wholesale •••• R h It S AND et /AIDLLSSION AS/TS, conier o Smithfield and Water street, 17...CCT A. V. LLALStL IIOI3EIIT DALZELL CO., Whole 1 •Ale 0: Uonatutaama wad lanvar Dlerctwas, wail dealers la Produce wad PluAbarch aimuluttanas, Liberty street, Pittabuirta. • - OIIN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Oro. Den and Com aatmont Xeretteot., t 72 Wood end Llborty strana. Pittitough. jel6 C' to L. CALDWELL, (successor to Jame. Holmes ta-Co., PORK PAOKLII and dealer la PROVISIONS, corner 01.111erket and runt streets, Pittsburgh. , 1111 JOHN WILDOS 'WATT a WILSON, Wholesale Oro cure, Gotomisainit Merchant; and dealers Lo• Produce and Pittsburgh nuinufaradres, No. MY Liberty Amid. Pittsburgh. ISAIAR DICKEY & CO., Wholesale Comalanto3 Alerevults, And dealer. In P 110 1 ,1101., No. Et) Wzatr istruct 4wl i 6 Front tract. Pletehargh. Derma. saves a VOIGELT H. VOIGT CO..ueemors to o anal; PRODUCE AND 00M.USSIO mimuliArers, usi Liberty Attest, Pittsburgh. ne.vm ?fi. EDGERTON,: Wholesale Grocer add Cotrealesloe hlerettint,lo7 Woo( Street, Patel:nu h Pw (Mll/ EUOICAr 1....X.ir1i..J0H11 murroa...c C. wAtia.aii, LAMBERT, SHIPTON , t. CO., Whole A-4 Ade (Innen And Proßico Deslet*, No. ti Mils street, Pittsbur#l. !ate FLOUR AND GRAIN. •ar ux, Ws Family flour, whits Wheat; SW do do red dor 100 do dO ripring:do We bush prime Ear Corn; Ird , do %belied do; MO bush Oats; 20t0 do Spring Car load Mild Feed. In store and for wale by • PATTEEL'iON, AMNION it DO. • crez Hoe No. to, sac= Penn street. GHRcios — RTEB. •• • • tiosoliss4s Fats to Prime Cubii.Bligsr, so 10 tierces la Ito • too t h fi l i gte l LW, Youog anon. Tel: ba . Tet. ' Is otiolgl a ll T gtluseli, 20 ". " Cubs • ' Sao" 8170 tatvlag nod tos sale. : 1 * 44 1 4 T 1i I7:8$0. ?."- ~14abhrt IIIII,DALE CRUET/MY-4 new ana mostplands picturesque plus inneedistalz or...Bepillt are; innate outb_e u, notthui. Allegheny OM% ,the Aiiir Brighton Roali..„Perwine wise, lug to select Burial Leas will apply theSuPer; Inieudents Mk*, et the Ceantrap, , Title Medi; Panaltteed all Wiwi furriness will be attended et the Drug Warthoutent the undateutned, timber of Yabrtal and Leiwooll streets, tillexhaay. 4.1E0 KELLY. , . ' &watery' and Trasturer.,. gpitGau,ntmounees—asbbia:c!Klielt "" .15°4 4 4123 .fuat ?tainted andiatialaby" _ ,:y.ETZER Ir. 41/51.-STRUNCI: 2 .aatact Matkistiad That sta. PAPERS—In-eTprietyk; pricoi r low tot Um /CUM For wally ' , r, AULUSILLI.L. I I3t 1 : b~j~tal:l GREATPOPIJW:gf* Concert Hall Shoe Store IS PRINCIPALLY OWING TO TUE Astonishingly -Lon. ,Prices BOOTS & SHOES AIM SOLD `OA; And :tee the fart that they &Ili - err : MAW theft . 113 9 e, sad CACI BMW THE FEETi But Give Perfect Satisfaction to GIVE THEN E TRIAL, AS THEY ARS WABILOTED, AND LEE MADE uPcrrt PATENT LAST it. 13 omen Rubbers. —OW ntel • o"Rual. GLOTILINe.HOI72I% o. 0 FITTE ITEXIST. YID E CLOTH COATS. , JERGLLSH WiLLI33INCI 006 x. OVEZIJOWES OF ALL SIIMU rANOT CM' PART% END LILACS PLLIT.9.,. - ZGABOLB/33.01. COS FOR THE NE= to DAT& J. H. SMITH & 004 OLOSELE63, OAX HALL. arm ST. Oppeette the Opera Hone. OAT SUPPLY YOUR WANTS BOOKS AND ALBUDIES BOOK PUBLISHERS' PBBENTETIOS - DEPOT' 74 FIFTH! STILEET, For tael4lloarlas reasons Tall CITE the finest stock In the eity to ad* from. lon only pay the Publishers price for Book% Yon also receive Mtime of pureinso anressalt. Your present will be worth from ine. to Sint You will ho entirely istisf led with MAIL Book and Piesent. M=IEWM All we ask, Try us; CALL OH SEND VOA A CATALOGUE. 110 C GT- 01-111 ! The choicest stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, , OLGOR,s, AND JEWELRY, ever brought to Al lo- shenyllltv, can now ba seen at the • bTORT. of T. H. 'KT A GEA. No. BB X • ectorcul. ABU.' Whet. WATCHES of the best maters JEWEL. RY of the newest styles, OLOOKS of every Clan minim of ben American and French makers. ), PURE SILVER AND PLATED GOODS, swift - ` - u Forks, Spoons and Hollow Wart. Bohemian, and French China ant Glass !TARES Of 111LOtheit wine:tun and all articles belonging twiny gr_tynnelf ; Musines; w hich will be sold at kgreat IREDUC.. T/0141 Fine Watch and - Jewelry - worts earefcMy V mace and repairs& Highest, pbeapmfd tor thd SLIM. Don't Comet the plasthu Fadeset SUMS. Alkghtztv. BLANKETS, SHAWLS,- DEEss GOODS, natiIEELS. And, en Immo= 'toe* of SOOTS Wu) SIIOEII. • 1 , 11157 . PRP-R:ll7' GOLD PEN IliMACTlllliat • • Flll6 salt ear. 'Phlrd _ • \' :6am:lsic* Catrazie ori Thirit Gold Pecia mad Gobi acul Earn: FtuirSbkielt. wholesale and retalL •• f Pent maize& bayibirhab to Matt %. mumsend them by mall, bad they. will a% YeblePtlY , ixt • ' • oblayd t AODUC9p NOW ;REClEratie Varrik • : smo usrt addle freih Roll 1101tari 1000th!: nosh sew Lard. la arzsi • ' linr) bona extra Omar bad GOSISEM yatierei iOO doun trot BOX. ; T MO lbs. ituakwltess 1 1 . 1 11. b" b011, ftesh abola i r F u sil l and °°"' W m6 lsts ai r ; r!1p;11s. ) 'O , O booed/ law Dried Apples; • pOO bushels arm Dried Yeachal: • - ... 20 laurels Sweet Older; _ • 'lO banes Older lilsellstj ." • Oh bushels tlhessultsl - • • 10 bushels Ehellberkg - - 4 was IN 5x42122h42.21be1l .; esti _natal 2 tars ag jr, ; For sale 00,5013 NEW 000D3. SACK 00&1•3. sad ell styles et DRY 000DS, AT PEIVATE SALE, A. zateosirari ha A lenls7 AiDDLE6 GO. ISt Litugq
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