arte Pittsburgh Ow*. TVESDAY, NOVSIwEaI 28, 1865. TRA.VELIEDLE?GUiDE.. IrriVal and Departure of Trains. , ; ,pellti ff iyaitill Central BO) 'road. . f ' - "'"-- -. AUPartg. krises. t - lospixpress...: =Os m OWL_ ..- ... ...... ISO a to _, ,All,oo.,,assw , n 7:10,a m Peat Line...-. 2:10 • td .PlitatrErlalnall thlo a m tin Wall Aveom. GUS am Nall -Uwo s cm isiPeca &sten. Talia M psus„ Express.. 255 p m 24 Wall Aneote.. 800 a In • Johnstown Asti Ate p m .TolinsVa Atra'n. - .102*2 m Fiat L1en......-.1210 pin Mit Ecie,.._ . _124111.2:15 pm 1 . AMR WILY AMA. grumerars• ........-....--. r. " l ' !Mt! a/ -- _co, . , . 10AS am 2d Wall AZOom.. hie pln M. q . U . eSeipm PhllaJlepress.. toe Pla 'sat even Aeva'n. X-02 p td tat Peon Asso'n Snap m •. cd " • 0 IC:M p m Altoona *COMO. • ___ . tr. E22152Tra1. •:-,,,* n m ,Tha.elinteh xnuaar.tre I W. , timit ' im ei er , . ...fitoda7 at 9 : 35 12, X 24 “ 4 7., -. reang, leaves PillebulTh al tgclap. la. . ' ..''Pli4lbnigh, Columbus and Cincinnati. , .. - Trait Liat.....- ado s mirsat Lint....-.. @so a m ::;Malt.::am affi l Nan.. -...... MIS p m Stenhenv EXPrees.ithria. iluni 2Wlrm EXPl panythrsi.. es&-.........12.35 p m ... ..., t . i.- ... Actomodation. Sg,ip is - comtaolatioa.lo . lsl ani Pittsbnigh; PitirtliVatriiiraind coileigo. s. 4- Arrive • ..,:j...,Eiptess.—.... 230 a . ' MlExpress ...... ... tiso sea 1 . ,En pre55. .......... 1:25 p m E5pre5t......... Ind pee ...-.-; ;Express..-- 142 p m Express ' eno p m .• Mal , 720 • m Mail 2210 p ~. li. Cagan/ & Ella VAO a m N. Castle& kite 820 p m . Elm this:lton Accommodation waves Allegheny *spot ale; a. - m.,11250 a.. ea., 4.20 p. 22., oho 6113 p. ss. lioatutster, 225 p., um New Ovate, s4O p.A2.;Esonomy,lo2o p. ro.; Wellevlllv, DM p vs. . ,'-- . Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Meeting. rrives. Exprele ...... ... 220 a tal Emma: .... A . .... I . , °' : itr " - Inis p m1Expre55.......... !....'; 4210 mo re Steubenville .trzeoMm mplail edanon leans Allentreny ' •At 112 p . m. Pittsburgh and Connelsville. Arrive/. --, ~12lall 4:Se a m Mal as 2 20 P M LIZIt 5r,. , : rr- - dee.,..1:: :: i -9.--.1; 4 - - tee pco tat graadocisti. un aOl Isl addeek . a egos m . • -ed . - 2d . .... 6A6 p m . Allegheny Valley earned. ArriveL OAS a mFxpress liAo I M EOM!. fan p mildalL - 6:18 pin . . Assomeacelatlon 1:40 pm iiecommodation lidela m • BICELIIION ORNIBUS AND LITER! VIABLE, •.r 410 Zi'exam& Eitroot. JAMES DAVIS & SON. Proprileton. • =MOUSSES AND CARRIAGES fan:diked Ito all trains, Alto, Carriages for Panerals, Wed. oat Pasties, at abort notice and esiscsaibie ; • taloa. STABLE OPEN DAY AND facncr. CITY AND IBIJBURBA.N. TM! .1111SAIL1ES TOVINOIIIP HOMICIDE. Trial of Richard &Leiden et al. f or the murder of Cornelius Bresstlia, • COURT, OF OF= AND TERMINER. — Bator° Judges Sterrett, Stowe and Browne . Moniak, Nov; 2T:t—John M. Kirkpatrick, Esq., the ex-District Attorney, celled up another lutemicide case, the seventh In number during the present !erm. The Indictment charges Hien and Sudden, Murray Dias, Norasan Herrington, s‘.; sliltssisarti Smith, .Jamva Jackson and William - Ryan with killing Cornelius firmsCie, at the house of a man named Early, la Versailles tp., ttriar . theaown of Conllersville, on the night of the lath of October last. The first named, • - Snaidert. Is accused as the principal, having, as "i4iated,- Stabbed Bresstiln with a knife, in the breast, causing almost instant death. The , others are accused of being present, aiding and abettingiin the perpetration of thenausler. The • - partial Were at the house mentioned, where a "party" ins being given, the deceaml being pres , matfett:incapacity of a "lid.iler." From the-pre ' Lindner - 5 , examination before Ills Honor Judge Stowe, at the time of the application for the re - lame of some of the accused oa Gall, It appmred Aka adirturbancs arose from some of the par ties, who had not been invited to the "party," forcing their way into the dancing room. They were ejected, bat again forced an entrance, when, as is alleged, the stabbing took place. A barrel of-beer or ale had been provided on the occasten, which wet freely partaken of by those rresent. ..The °Wet of the conviviality was to - .Wel:irate the arrival from Ireland of a young lady, _a member of the Early family. Daring the row whica occurred a young man named Daniel hi allay, was very seriously stabbed in tee . beck, bet ac tam recoverwt seillcleiiily to be "dansidated out of danger of losing his life from lets wined& Smith, Ryan end Jackson, these of the defen dants who are underbeil, carte culled, answered to their ttames, and took their scats within the bar; The others were brought in from prison, ~ a tid. placed In the dock. The indictment Lavine teenread, ate defennants pleaded "nos guilty," and desired to be tried "by God and their con a tm". Thecimusel representing the defense were Thonias M. lifaishall, Thomas !Toward, Gearge R. Cochran, C. :I. Taylor, James Erase, and J. Seltietteci„ Eros. 'The latter gentleman .• was called in the cans hg Mr. Cochran, whose partner, William Sinitic, Esq., could not be - present Oa account of Mates from billions fever, EX-Di/Stria attorney ' Klth9ntriek :epresenled theS,orranonweelib, any .vas assisted by Jacob Led . Wm. C. Mot:deed, `ilcsAti.. Cochran and Taylor, representing arid% Rian and Herringion, moved for :Leer crane in trial, and that the defendants named be tried together, and apart from the other de - ,feadanta. • After some conversation. a severance was al lowed as to Smith and Jackson. represented by Siestas. Cochran and Seihencek. Mr. Kirkpatrick th m asked to proceed with • the trial of Smith and Jackson. Mr. Ctehran said he Wan trot ready, his as iodate Colittsei, Kr. who bent under- stood the case. not being. pn?sen!- Mr. &die . neck had Just been called into the care and knew i ''litrt, link about it. • The clerk proceeded to call over the names of -- thejarors, but twenty-six answer: an The Cohn—Well, Mr. Cochran, 7.'t are watt. • Ydr. CoOkran re eatcd that ho a 5 not ready, and asked for farther delay; on e 'ant of the absence of Mr. Stebeneek, who had left tae court room, After some further delay, 11. Swartzwelder, Esq. i being retained to astat Me. Cachrae, tine plea for severance was withlraera, and the trial proceeded as to all of the defendant , . Tbe.Jd'Dr s were again called, the tame earn. her ansYtring as be _re. (tin cote each of the defendants shonld exercise their rigat to twenty peremptory coal. knees, In 120, there nil be Chile prospect of *Melly obtaining a jou. ale foible-log Jurors, were ollipipcd at the hoar o'f races& 1. Jonathan Bruuff, South Pittsburgh.; 2. David Allen, Peobles. i neephDebold, Sharp...bur:. 4. Frederick Dehacen, Sal Want, ally. 15‘I:obcrt Mekidsiniy its Ward, tllerrheny• 6. Wm. . iremmoo,(ltlt'Ward, Court look a rums till two o'clock. • Artrataaaa:err.c3lo.:.• The Courtre-auemblesl at. two o'clock, wan the entrap tmEing of the jar) was reaamtxl. Ste • Punts had been sworn at the close of the morn inreession, and the remainder. at le a o'clock, as fbliowat , Stlinnel Wilson, Upper St. Clair. '11; James Nanallton, city. 4 R. W.-Bohcrts. till '. ---: 10. J. W. Nicholson, city. • —E-Afters -the- awenring of the tenth Jnr ,, , eke clerk announced mi, panel exhausted, and the Sheriff summoned twenty tales man.] •11..W.m., fiftrigu,_oll,igissay. , Cue — Fer Gang, Allegheny. The magnum:l of tee prisoners huhu been Icompletedrby sraccond.reactivg of Ole ludlct , Merit, th e cue of the commonwealth was open s`.i. Jed to thajtuy by W. C. 3forelurf. Esq., who detailed* some Imigth the nature of the ell. . Islam* whlcrwinild adduclid 'to tesdie out the enure in the tatictment. The killing of Brlast ,-, ,1111 took place on the night of the_Oth of Oa,- ~ "1 Wet. on the OCe/Plell of the reception, at thsT tome of John Italy, alien to a young lady nae imcd Mary Callahan, woo had just arrived from :Shedd country. Jit another of guests had Been InvitedAnd.defeadants, or some of them havihg 4 had-it difficulty Inch a yoang man named Gil key, afterwards prepared themselves with lostyesknucklers, &e., for a fi ght which marolte ' d inAlte murder of Brisstlle. Against sag* grkg ;t rrpt,,tvw.of.the ddiandatft, tle ,COMMCVW perhaps, would not bd able to sate out *-clear ease. aSt Z.„,.A..yf00d. the first witness Galled, was eurabserbywrlnt. yr, aad testified that ho I saw the dad body of Cornelius Briastiln, at I**.oaf, on danday . October lith, a . • Lbe soldalnl the day, Whig been sea fry tlp beta sks pas aintem exandlation,‘: pare woultstonaise beritys4l9ras In Abe isborylynispresi in length, cam dittoed the second {Wm*" lt d ` radon with the breastbone; the 'Wand was .._ /4011fhwardas brinier& pad ontwerfs, totesede the lett ode; and extended into Om: batig ‘ AW o *A4o;alf or three Inches., It was neceiterily., _ ifite.„eartslog death by internal hemorrhage' perm Weald not live more than from, on to_ Apeman:2;es glier receiving such a wound. alb .t." itintlid In the lung tissue was larger than ybe • internal Wiattn+ty'nrt''''lril e4t4 ' m th* t ' aire-1 tadlittfit DardelAlwayirEdf atflitatier's Station, 'o n , the Connellayibr ad. testltled tkat he was , at the balm , ofiJObn Zarin on She nlOO4OO 14th of October; went there betweeft Seven 'and eight o'clock in the craning. Saw all the de fendants there; they camo.,abontsfsehm redlcch: We bad * dancing party at garly , s. Abiitit au Dpat haf; Ildrsdn ,7 4ll I was 312 the Iroom. when a man named Gilkey wes struck; I came out as as the door, and raw -Ryan strike Gilkey; far this disturbance was aluelehed doein. Defendants remained quiet until about thirty minutes before twelve. I was la the out side kitchen, and as I was coining In the door, I met one of the girls ; as I came as far as the room door, another young man of our party, Dennis Gallagher, was there, and I went out with him. I then saw two or Clime, Sashimi, - Ryan andllertirgton, I think, pitching CM to Gallagher: I struck one of them, I think Hey. ringtor. Then Malden came on and we struck at one another, When Herrington came, and he and Tstruckat one another. Then I turned round and saw Enalden uth 4 knife In his hand, and before I' could move he had the knife in r"-' . and Then I made for the room door, . ; could get Inside Snaiden MAN ...eforl ' . ` ...Ad more. Ho first 'truck me Melee I lte aide;cui d-.!:'"; . ...m. In the back, .ext. on iheuld blad th r e e m . ea in all. Ilirda a kind of a er bowie e. knife: had a handle to It; and was sharp on ban sides, blade six l ,cr Soren inches long. I went in the room then; ea I went in, I met Brisalla, the de ceased, miming out of the room dom. Bealden then Was in the kitchen aomorhare. The room be be tween t t c h tect in. are i o w n ai on: t. fi t cz j a l d rth o o pe kitchen, ntig where the dancing was. Th e accused wa s com ing from the room L.,. the kitchen when I was going lnto the idta re . S . alden last stabbed _ me wi th in a few amps of the door between the room and the k„,chen. A. few minutes after I grit - tato the room I heard that Scudder; was lidkin rwt go ouutt of the room afterwards, to go o w t. ...d w.. cwas.cratehami by Mr. Howard. I etruck B o wen with nothing but my hand, when I amen him he went back a few 'steps. To the met of my opinion Bnablen was stanati as he got Into the kitchen. The defendants first pitched on to the young man, Gallagher, and I went In to help him (Gallagher.) One of our p&p, a Olin tamed Padden, had a small rang, or leg of a chair. I struck Saaiden only once, and scarcely a minute after I saw him with the knife. Gallagher was taken :out of the kitchen by bin teenier, 'When I saw Itra.4lla at the door he appeared to he weak, lend seemed to be leaning; there was no hall there at the door, but a stairs, at the other end of the kitchen. Dias, Ryan. Sharp, Jackson, myself, Pad den and Gallagher were in the kitchen at tha LIMO of the fighting. At the commence ment of the fight I came from an outside kitch en. a third apartment, and went to the room door. When I struck the first blow, at Herring. ton, Padden and I were the only ones of our party In the room, but others afterwards came la. Padden. I think, struck Herrington with the club, and not more than two minutes after 1 was cat, Padden came with the club from the room into the kitchen; It was a common chair rung, ten or twelve ine_es long, that he had. The hest I saw of Sualden, Ryan, Smith and Dias they were In the kitchen, and as I Was going intothe room Brindle was at the door and had not yet got to the kitchen, I did not say that it was a good thing that Bnaiden had one me; for I would have killed him. Herring ton had a pair of brass knuckles. I knew none of thetpertles when they came to the house, ex cept Jackie.. and Smith. Things went on smoothly until the difficulty with Gilkey. Af terwards Ryan and Dies had a difficulty with Gallagher, who I came out to the kitchen and Bald the man who hal etrack a man named ll , Cottnell might ae well have sumac him; then Herrington. DI:4W Ryan pitched on to Gallagher; can't say that Bealdea struck him. 1 Mina Butddinibeastusel saw he was making on me. If I said finalden was one , of these whet pitched on Gallagher, I . was mls taken. He (Sadden) came towards me and made a downward blow, when I threw my head I beck; the front of my hat was cut, but I did not 1 at this time see the knife in his hand; after this I struck Remington, when Snaiden came at me and cut me. There was some ale or lager In a barrel; I did not drink of it. They (the de feddanie) said when they came they must have everything that was to be had In the house,and would have It. Crta-exturiined by Mr. Swartswebler—l did not see Smith and Jackson engaged in any of the fighting. There were some ten or twelve men and boys present who were invited ; there were some Quarrymen from the other aide of the river p c=ent, setting quietly in the room; by boys, I mean lads o sixteen or eighteen. Mr. Earle d:d not keep a tavern ; the ale was given to whoever would pay for it. There were six or env= women present Question by Mr. Howard—Don't you know that Ryan woe knocked down? Alswer—There was one of the defendants kneeled down. but I don't know who it was. Did not know Ryan then, but know biro now. John Early (examined by Mr. hillier) testitleal that be resided above Eldred, In Versailles lip. and yak thej owner of the house where the dir. finally occurred. My wife and cianghtera made a little preparation for a party, and invited Margaret at d Annie Early and Sarah Monday, end toy two daughters, and also Joan Miedev. Charley Sharp, Jam Padden, Dennis Gallagher, Edwerdl Gallagher, and Con, Mullin. I did not Invite the defendants, but insulted one of them on that point. I saw no one stab &int im or stick Monday. I saw Bristlin with the - fiddle le his hand and heard him say he TAM wabbcd; he was coming eat of the kitchen into the room, and went back into the kitchen whet, be wanted some an,, to cane him up stairs; he died at the toot of the stairs. My bc,nsrd is twenty-four feet Nig or Mateo= feet wide, partition through the middle, Vero rooms reed one kitchen back. The defendants came In civilly, about eight or nine o'clock. and I knew nothing of them until I saw them danc icg; Was well acquainted with Smith, JaMscia and Herrington, bat never raw the others be fore. 1 heard a fuse, and saw Smith trying to pm Gilkey out to save hire. as I thought; this wee in the dancing room. The first I knew of any other difficulty was lb bathe raying be was enc. After this I raw a man in the middle of tie floor waving a knife, and saying an oath which Ido not like to repeat. He said to fetch sty one out of the tocm and sec what he would with him To a juror—l could not ear who the Pain was , tbat flourished the knife; I could not soo well having a cataract of the eyes. Cro , s-examined.—Caul tell how long It was alter the fuss with Gilkey that Brisstlin said be was cut; may have been an hoar or mote. Briastlln was cut after Gilkey and brother and the two brothers Carroll had (gone home. I left the old woman to attend to the ale barrel. It wan intended to be a free party, but when the ontigders came, and said they were bound to have all that was to begot, I thought I might as well letthetu have the ale if they wool,' pay five tents a drink. Close-•xamned by Mr. Flwartzwelder—Boxith anti 'Jackson had been at my house before, and I Mum them well. I have known Suuth from chi:dhood. Qacstion by Kirkpatrick—Who wort the fiddler t Answer—Con. Briestile, lie fiddled In the dancing room, hcar the door. Feltz McKenna, residing an Skater'. station, on the Connelsville railroad, testified that he wasM Early% house on the night of the trouble. I saw Con. Brisstlte standing at the door be tween the rooms, and the first of the row I saw was Sill Ryan striking George McGowan at the d., ri The nest I saw was Brisstlla falling at tret at the back door, Lead; this was in the d.-ccing room, mai n,a Maim I saw Dick Stridden, close to the front QOO/ of the house, writing a knife, and say the first -CI of a h—ib that would come out he would cut the g--;e out of him. Murray Dias wan standing at the right side of Barriden, with a knife In his let , timid. Met Bearden on the railroad above the house. and he said he had oil three or four, and cioubletil his knife Li one. It was about to dee o'clock when geoid= fen dead. The Moretne stopped when Bill Ryan struck Mo, and' In anent ten minutes after Briestlin fell. Ile had played the fid dle op to the time the dancing stopped. The swo Gallagiten, John Padden. George McGowan,Daniel Handal. Charles SUM my Mother and myself of our party were there. Saw Hers knocked down; saw Eittaiden on hl t knees, but do not know whether he was knocked in that posltiont'aaw Ryan lying Aowit, A fterlthis Tare= out of the house, and the a car Yrsut sbnton me. In;hwo or three minutes alter the door was opened,; .when I clapped m, and ftristiln fell at my feet: Previous to thi Val.:lan came out of the.ropm Into the kitchen, 'fit M club, and struck Herrington first; at Min th " 3 , g - dt &glance of Britstiln, and heap. l' ar g s l to be.-coming out of the room. I do !not' is aa , w that Ryan was cut in the basket the ner.k. Ther_difilculty with Gat Wal ena ad by his Wanting a "Prenott G Ai far as I saw Paddle - had charge of the ale hand. Notation drunk as to Snatden abboared about half-slowed. After the fuss Ryan was staggering along the riiiir 64 -- 351.4 " FAIL"' %an or Herrington complained of his treadle*, Sore th_ w are soing no the road. truck, I ran out of the house, Abe door W was shutron me, and Lfettlattled out abuse two .or torn minutes., when I got the door p,” vain. The Court -adjourned All nine o'lleT t h - thi . morning. Ikifore Alderman Taylor--Careic u A':26l Henry Bler yealerday,nned George inch , tete+ Alderman Taylor for driving in I? care. ices manner. and nolo/ng OP Els wagon, by obLetrtothlibaltairerebniiken: Thema was ECuleld , by UfamlNefor new palrofshafta, acd paying the anata. _ nem, Rarkarrand Louis NuneasulsEer Were arrested on oath of !initial Habartich, itzedibeltY Vint atealtinkftenn Elm the awn of 000. Upon hearing the case, the ; roma. Gen falledlo instabllalk their: pilt, and they .7scadlecharged. Rear" Robbery In Lawrencevfll6.—Dnr -ln: Sondem forenoon, In the absence of the feta flynt etonth; the bonne of Wetzel Oarmly, on ,nolerotreet, In the borono of Lawrerneerdle, Was entered byeconepmen'or Dew= unknown. itho ireArd off els hiutdraddollare In money, a 5 11eLf *itch, and a LAO clothing: The WM( Or were not observed. and cotton!, that. we .ceortl hear Of tout been obtained by tho pollee. ‘Wnsiati Knocked DoWn.—OnElmodaynlght; In koirrenotaille, two women were knocked down, and caberwiaa maltrESMll,^la we learn, LI Olden divoin4 iromen'e c),othlng. Meeting of Pittobargb COancfir, A elated aseettag of-tLe Cour.cll6 Ira; held lest evening. In Sale,at Conadl—Preseat, Mews. BrOAII, COffig• Catireln. Herdnala. Mrlintock, Ltsighlig, WiffSen,afarrow, Qoans.B.eal J.l L , WA:4n mow , maw, sad al'Auley, Presi dent: The „g ime s of the prerloms meeting were read and aPProved• Mr. Wan Presented a Petitina from D. E. Hall, Presidett of the Steward Dank and Lad der Company, asking permlsston of the Conn- c p. to ma a temporary shed on the corner of Bard and Penn Meets, to be used until. the lit of April next, for the purpomt of stowing their apparatus. The petition was received and the request of the petitioners granted. Mr. Quinn presented petition from proper ty holders on Beech alloy praying for the grad ing and paving:of said alley from Seventh to Washington streets. Read and referred to on Streets, with instructions to re port an ordinance. Mr. Quinn presented ripetition from citisems of High and adjacent streets, praying for the appointrient of viewers to assess the damages sustained by reason of the grading and paving of the extension of Pennsylvania avenue. Read three times and passed. Tile following gentle men were appointed as viewers! Messrs, John Shipton, James Dean and Robert Hill. Mr. Heroman presented a Nation Irmo E. F. Peanuts and Robert Hare. praying Councils to grant them the privilege of erecting a partial hen clad budding, on the earner of Try and Diamond streets. Read and referred to 94112- mitten on Wooden Buildings, The President presented a communication hem the Board of Trade, requesting Councils to appoint a committee to confer with similar committees, to consult In retard to the unitary condition of the cities. The Presideat stated that he had received the communication through the PttrHe•, but lid not consider himself jus tified In calling a special meeting of Council to appoint the committee asked for. On motion of Mr. Quinn, the communication was referred to the Guamlane of the Poor. Mr. Reed presented a petition from Dr, Rob ert Wray, praying to be Indemnified (or a lot of ground In the Sixth ward, which was taken come years ago by the city In the evension of 'Wylie street. The petition was read and referred to a Select Committee, Mr. Morrow, of Select, ■nd President Steel and Mr. B , lsely, of Coca =On. Mr. Brown. from the Wetter Committee, pre sented a report: together with the following rtsolotion : .Reietwd, That the financial condition of the ctty at the present time, forbids the extension of water pipe asked for In the several applica tions referred to the Committee. and that the matter of said app lestiona be laid over. The report was accepted and the resolution adopted. Mr. Reed presented a petition of citizens for the erection of a fire ping at the censor of Third and Rill streets. Read and referred to Committee on Water. Air. McMillen, from the Apportionment Com. niittee, appointed to report the number of members of the Common Council each ward shall be entitled to for the succeeding three years, presented as follows 1 Taxables, Conneilmea. First Ward.— 2 Second Ward 920 3 Third Ward 678 - 2 Fourth Ward ' 1 050 3 Fifth Ward ...,........1,1374 5 Sixth Ward • 1,659 5 Seventh Ward.... ....... . 589 2 Eighth Ward 1 143 3 Ninth Ward 1 095 3 Tenth Ward 678 2 Tho report was accepted, and an ordinance providing the apportionment was read in= times. and finally passed. Mr. Quinn presented a resolution auttioriz.:22. the controller to issue his certificates In favor of sundry persons, in fall, for preparing copies of tee duplicated of taxable!. The resolution was adopted. Mr. /Malan, from the Street Committee, presented :he following report, watch was adop ted. in reference tothe resolution offered in Coun cils concerning a contract between the Pitts burgh and Mechanics' Turnpike Company and the city, the committee recommend adverse to said resolution, on the ground that ne such contract can be found. Raolred, That the pHvilage be granted to the Patabargh Grain Elevator Ilompany to lay a railroad track actors the foot of Washington street, and that the lartog of the same shall be Ooze under the dlreetiou of the R ectrding Reg ulator, who stall toe that the C mosey will haulm Iron gutters to be extended to at least four feet above and below the track. Resolved. That Albert Moore, Joseph Hastings and A .1. ()ribbon be and they are hereby ap. pointed viewers to mess the damages or broth. flta, If any, canoed by the grading of Keating's alley. Rao:red. That the Conuotler be and he Is hereby antborivel to certify a warrant no the Ti Mawrr In favor ot Meters. Park, Oro. C J., for $16.86, Mr. Met:llll3n presented the repot of tha committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Central Board or Education, when wan read and accepted, and the Board authorizai to publhb It. Mr. Reed presented an ordinance repealing section one, Chapter seventeen, City Code, re quiring Councils to appoint Street Commission ere. and requiritig the Street CoMmlßes to elect One or two commitslonens, as they may deem beet, and that the salaries shall amount to no more than the two COCElMiEtiollerel now receive. ei Me. Reed disclaimed having any preindlees agalestyks present COMMISMODCIII, but it was a well known tact they did not attend to their clutlim. Re believed that if they were directly responsible to the Committee on Streets they would be more active. Mr. Reece said that to was satisfied that the Cote mla•lonern did all In their power to keep the streets to good renmr. Mr. McLaughlin stated that the PM110:11Stli0C1- en had never attended to the cutler of their office. The Commissioner in his dtr riot could always be found loitcring around store doom. and had appar..nt:y no business that his attention. After some farther deba'e the ordinance was refe-red to the Committee on Streets, with in structions to report at the next =min t :. In all of which action the Common Council coucurrod. On motion, Council adjourned. Lu Common Council the nacculiers were prt Brut Messrs. Ardarr. Arrn,trong, Bock. Boggs, Bole, DeviA, Dicks. n. Frederii 1,, Bore, llorrls, Duntsrutt, King, Leonard, M.whlitney, Mc- Cieliond, A. B. 51 1 Quewon. old rely, Tomlinson and Steel, President. Clerk Melina - err. read the minutes of the pre vino meeting, which were 1, 01 , (41,(1. hi-. Hare , Lb:: rev,. di of re melts of Dr. A. G. M.*Candleor., late ineaul,r of Cannel!, at the lagt evntsr mirutiog, conc. - 41,in vo , in to eyts agr Lei ag4tua: Lit, rm. Ina of the to a reeoln , ±on wattti• Ir the erection of an iron-clad httl•!!"'„; in C. e Stub ward, wan expunged Loa the min. Me* Mr. Role pr(acctid a petiti fr,co dealers, in the low. r pan of lac cltv, ankine the prlvi:ege of ronatruellug a aide railroad track on the Monongahela wharf from Liberty to West Ftrnit. Rale:red to Commitice on NI nowsbela Woad. to conjunet:on with the vbsrfmaster, Mr. Mewhinney presented a communication from the Relief Firs Engine Company, reques ting the erection of a stable on the vacant prela tica belonging to the company, for city), With a view of affording ample pr ection to their horses and stores. Eiferma to City prop erty coremittee. The council concurred In the adoption of a resolution, from the other branch, authorizing tie payment of contractUrs. for paring street crossings, aims bill of city regulator, &c., amounting in the aggregate W $2531,56., Mr. A. B. M'Quewan presorted 'communica tion Ism the Controller, submitting a esmner of petitions for reduction and exhoneratlon of business tax, also, bill of Daniel Armstrong (for costa) for 026 75; also; a communication hum the city clerk of Columbus. Obtodreeseut. ft% this city with a map of that city. "The petitions and bill _were referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. and a resolution was adopted directing the Controller tO acknowledge the receipt and return thanks for the map of the city of Columbus, Ohio. The President (Mr. Tomlinson in the chair) read a communication, as follow" "Thomas Steel; Esq., President of the Com mon Connell: Dear Sir—At a meeting held of the committee appointed by the Board of Trade on the 6th inst., to confer with the Board of Health and the eityouthoritles of the two Mice upon the 61thy condition of the cities, and the best method of shielding them from the approaching pestilence, the following resole- tWa was. adopted 4 nesolivd, That our Secretary.. Inform 'the totowlls of the cities of Pittsburgh and Alieghes 07. and the Beard of Health of ills city of the' • lot*ents of the commitleepy the, Beerier ode,request them to, a - ppolet. clommit- , tees to n "bet..litt et the rooms Of the 841101 of Trade 00 ""dirf evening Nay„l4th:ilt 7 'o'clock, to wow:alias to the bestsuenne of avoid fog the threatened Nish of that tetrible disease; the cholera. • ' Reepectlnny LA, - `flit. GuAll4ti mu lt i.= Seery. ) The President expinlo.... . , -s commonest tlen had been received after the lest'regular meeting olCouncil,and tent et a anhaeij o duc meeting, officially' celled, no fr,tortim soon pees. ;tut, ondtlecrefcreLO diEIe , PC. , could properly be charged, cis no Joint O.MIOn C 0,1111113 hod an• tiktonight.. • • , •.sss. Mr. Davie 'moved thee joint committee of three from the Common 'rind two from the ga. led Council, be appointed tooth:ad the adjourn t:tl mteeting foy,Peultary intrposes, to beheld to. morrowrfuesdayl evening et the Board'of Trade Rooms. The Fri:olden( eppeeed the utoilon the utnuxrdinary course which had been ratan d by utatenttary meetin, where a a te all was manifested to do n othig. bat berate all who did not neon as fast as they destrad ta tin mat ter proposed, and oleo [tote the fact that the statements set forth by that infitteetlal body, which met at the Board of Trade, u to the mar ta/Ity of the city of Pittsburgh, were he to nalsleadputalc opinicrn is respect to the health fulness of our city, and. In conflict with the fir urea ea furnished by the Secretary of the Beard of Health. He offered the fent:mug figures. ta ken from the records. and ccalausl on te MOM heals that the PhiladolDhia al Board of Heal th estimated their mortality, to disprove the state ment that Pittsburgh was the most unhealthy city north of Mama & Dlson's line. 1856 Deaths. 764 or one In 66 1857 " 008 6 66 1858 . 847 .. Co 1850 " 782 " 65 1860 ~ 819 . 62 0 1861 800 !. 60 1862 " 1011 .• 50 1869 " 590 " 61 .1854 . " 1045 " 53 1865 882 " 63 From 2855 101862 the population is set down at 52,000. From 1863 to 1865 the population Is put at 58,100. Taking the average of 20 yearn, the mortality would be one death in sixty of the population. The health of Plusbargh, In compel-Mon with eleven mannfacturing Mlles, as shown by . Thnrston's Pittsburgh as It is," is as follows: Pittebnrgh . .... . lin 60 Philadelphia .... ..... . 1 In 42 Cincinnati . 1 In 3.5 Bt. Louis I In 24 Glasgow, Bcoiland ........ ............ 1 in 44 Birmingham, England .... 1 Is 37 Leeds, England.... .... Ito 57 Bbt Meld, '. , Ile 33 Berlin, Rusin 1 in 34 Lyons, Eranco ....... . 1 in 32 Manchester, England 1 in 26 Brussels, Belgium 1 in 26 Mr. Bole, from the Sixth ward, said there could he no doubt that Pittsburgh was the most filthy city in the Union. and that filth did not go band In hand with health. He attribu ted this filthlnpas!(without intending to bring charges against any one,) to ealamenagernent. Mud three and five Inches in depth now exist■ and has existed in our streets for some time, and that such has been the case, was disgrace ful to our city sod its authorities. Mr. O'Neill, of Second ward, saki be hnd examined the lig - area of President Steel, but could not decide as to their correctness, not having the data upon which they were bestial. When it was stated that our city was the most unhealthy in the North, he could not be lieve It, or that haled for ten years been writ ing the lie (as an editor) that we were living in the most healthy atmosphere under the son. He had examined the statistics of the Board of Health Physician, Dr. M'Cook, with great care, and could not find an error In the calculations, while his arguments were broader end more comprehensive than those of the President of Council, ft bad been said that "flews will not Ile," but In this use there must be an ex ception. He agreed with the gentleman from the Sixth Ward (Mr. Bole) in ?allot to the filthy condition of the city, and slab as to the cause of It being mismanagement. The amount of money appropriated to the Street Committee wee far too little, not morn than sufficient t) keep clean Liberty, Smithfield, Wood and Fifth streets, to say nothing of the balance of the city. Preadult Steel Indulged in some farther re marks, when Mr:Davis withdrew hie motion for the appointment of the committee, elating that had he thought It would hare excited ids canton, be would cot have offered It. Mr. O'Neill renewed the motion Although he barred the appointment of the committee would result In no practical good, yet to avoid the reflections and remarks which would be In dulged In, In ems of non-action by Councils, he thought the committee had better be appoin ted. President dlteelc, again alluded to the sub ject, sad said be did not differ with the gentle al to the dlthinesa of the city. It wu the health. and the unfounded statements, aa he believed, conee.rtiag It, to which be had !Vend. Be believed that mire adequate and stringent sanitary measures should be adopted, and, be wu willing that an ordinal:tee touching the matter should be at onee adopted. Mr. Sing eadd he traveled about the city as much as any other man, and could not agree with Mr. 8010 that mud existed on the streets to the depth of two at three Inches. Mr. Bole thought the gentleman defective ill obserratlon. Mr. Ring thought Mr. linie had looked through a glass largely. The question being taken on Mr. O'Neill'a motloa, it was decided lost, thus putting an end to discussion on the subfect, Mr. Hunnicutt offered a resolution instruct. leg the Rea.nding Regulator and Street Con• mittee to prepare a comprehensive and effective plan of sewerage for the whole city, and on its cempleflon present tha same to COIVICiI for apprcval or rejection. Adapted. S. C. non• conctured. • Mr. Klng offered a resolution adding the Presidents cf Councils to the Committee on Cos poll eation. Adopted. Mr. A. B McQusseao presented a resat taloa lerarnettng (hr water COranalltee to have a fire plug placed on the north rant corner of ?eon and Marburg etreet. Referred to grater com mittee. The choir presented as opinion from the city •solicitor is relation to the Carson Street sewer, sad it appearing that there were some:de frets in the report of the based of viewers it was referred back for correction. 13* C. aoo-coacar red: report quashed, viewers discharged, and Mina! Trodlc, George B. Jones and David Bands appointed la their stead. A communication from Edward Alien, contractor, was referred to the new viewers. No further action la C. C. In all 'action not noted otherwise the select council coccurrod. On nurion adjourned. BorlarS's Upsetting Press—.A Powerful Machine. We had the pleasure recently of Inspecting the model of a most powerful and wo think n valuable machine, called an Upsetting Preset, Invented ny Mr, D. A. Borland, of Plus. burgh, and patented by him a few weeks figs. The object of this machine is to conform or finish iron to any sbapedellrel, especially when neeesenry to swell the end larger than the b,dy of the bar or plate. I 1 can been gotten up expressly for the purpose of finishing what Is shied Or. dge Chords, is lug flat plates say II feet long. one by eight inches, It being heeds. t•ary t , have a bole say 4 Inches in diameter at each end, (or tho purpose of Inserting a pin so no to connect o eerier of chords tOgetnex to , form as it were, a chain, Now to. give the chord the name strength at the point, were the bole Is drilled, II is neccesary to swell the plate sago. wise only, so that there will be tine half the attioubt of iron on vac ,IJe of the hole as there in the I,redy or Cl •I 1 it.e, 11100 gi ring the same ff , fereth viiioily. To do this has been the stud, o sews al of the must skillful mechanics, but oil hoot , m ete. A. Borland being a geotinni an tsi•ert :be e , r.Ftructlon of 0121- • tir ai.d. 131 ilValw.le to his proless- I no the diflLLut tit u. r. rt,dertd tosurmattetatile. it 11.3 L co• it a I • 110, - 11. /4 Mlle ot.e er .woilert, It has ins same In el •st ten to n-r. 9 tip tts aidewiu Nnw to Swell Oat I We edgewise alone and to opilnutla the same.throkna.. i. Lie thelcalty. It is necristary to bold the plate permanently between what is called a trdplate and esp. The bedplate is con sidtrrd reasons,: but the cap Is of necessity moveable, sod when brought down on the hest, ed plate to 'prevent It from getting thlciorwhlle !wing ~u 7 ectgocise has ladled heretofOre todo its work, in. prcroure becoming to great sit to rase it ern allow iLe rar or plate to ber.onse too thick. Mr. Borland has Wlla, we ;think Orally a perfect marbit., It all lis parts, but wu feel certain that bo has a pirfect cap as It Is so constructs] that (sfuituler at It way appear) the more pressure that is produced the MOM In chnstlnn It ins to K 4, downward and fully an ourniaisto.* that which Is Intended. All large Rolling Mills, looking to the contract, or such won, would do well to examine the model or thin meeblee. as It will be found an Invaluable textuary ILI stab establishments. Union Sliattag Park The Union Skating Park of Allegheny Clity is now ready to receive. water, after witieb.all that •is necessary for the enjoyment of skaters will he a good solid freeze. The Pa-k es loca ted on the etyma . of Fremont street and North Avenue. It le in the shape of a parallelogram, hoar bendred and sixty feet by six hundred and eighty, and containing six and three-quarter amts. A very handsome building has been erected for the accommodation of visitors. In one wing is the gentlemen', saloon. cloak room, die., and in the other. the toilets' saloon, dram log room—fitted op with elegant marble top mash ettinds--cloalc room, tte, In the centre to [ha ticket taco and leireshmeut, room, and •to the basement le the kitchen. Tee.wster will Iseict io tie !don as there Is a prooahhily. of froszlint,westiter,. Tll3.7ill.—Tbiric aro non in the,countf pals. or Woo bait evening, widen saatenee: or or awaiting trint, ferantyldne persons, of which. . htiferuwonieth,sindslz,t 7 rdted,Sistes prisoners. eo crowded is the secand story of the ballditt" -which Is speelaily smigned prisoustWof Itid male aim, that the urard a n hen found It as, L CE5p lay. to vlnce ilereit of tifo' outlber above,the say,rant depiirinntnt an the grouad nuOr. bloat of the celis witstn. due persons, eon's two wad Oren. end 11.arhtill.,,Yrecke and }lunar - the horuleidis, occupy cods by item. pel , i es. „ , • Sanitary bleoling.—An Jpurned MSetlag °film several Conurnittes appointed to take /triton in refercnen to the analtirreOnditlon of the efts •alit he held dale evening at tte DJard or'lr Amunmeat, Tiretnts. —Mr. Nestle was to have appeared lest night at the Pittsburgh Theatre In the Cor sican Brothers, but having failed to make the connection, the parte of Fabian and LIU'S Del Frenchl was personated by Mr. Little, who sur mised his many friends by the excellent manner in which he performed his part. Although he only had from yesterday noon up to the time of the sMaing of the curtain to study Ms part, he did not need the prompters services. Mr. Neste will this evening positively appear, the Pay for the evening being ttie Ticket of Leave Man. No other piece will be performed. Prrrswcnon Mrsarm.—The nauseam eras crowded all day yeaterday. It Is well worth Mille. The animate are perfectly secure in their iron cages, and the most timid have nod:l -ist to fear. Grans Hocan.— * Mr. and Mrs. Florence AP reared again last night before a crowded house. Their populartty appears, If anything, to be on the increase. One never tires laughing at their jokes and blunders. To-night the new and original Irish drama of Inshavogne, or the Wearing of the Green, will commence the per formance, the whole to conclude with the Irish Housekeeper, a play written by Mr. Florence. Tear PASTOR'S Mtesram.s.—This combina tion troupe made their first bow to a Ilttsborgh audience Last night, and their performance wee really good, The skating atone of Mr. Mac was extraordinary and one would have Imagin ed that the real Ire was before them. The gentleman skates beautifully. Billy Pastor's tongs were good and to the point- They appear again to-night. AIITEIfAB 'WARD —Be Is coming, and will appear with all his Mormon wives at Masonic Ball on Thursday and Friday nlghta. Platform Scalea We were yesterday shorn at the coal depot of Mr. Meakimen, ea Liberty street, a new arti cle of platform scales, patented by Mr. J. F. Beeler, the manufacturer of the Immense scales at the Fort l'itt Foundry and at Lhe railroad depot at Altoona. These scales have but 'one beam, and ere to all appearances like the ordl• nary settle, the peesfflarlty being that the beam bee two eliding peas, one In the upper and one on the under side For Instance when a coal wagon enters the yard It la driven on the plat form, the upper elide or pea is placed in the notch neareat the bearing., end the weight of the wagon or cart la taken with the under elide. The wagon is than loaded, and the spore elide denotes the number of pounds or bushels of coal there ill In the wagon. The whole contri vance Le so simple that a boy ten years old can estimate how much coal he Is selling. The one that we saw was capable of weighing one hun dred bushels of coal, or 7,600 pounds. Mr. Keeler also manufactures the double beam scale. Sunday School Meeting.—We trust our readers will not forget the Sabbath School meeting, to be held to night In Rev. Dr. WU son's Church (Sixth Presbyterian.) A great deal of Interest DI DOW being felt In the advance, meat of the Sabbath School cause, and we hope to see the church filled to overflowing. Pastors, superintendents and teachers of Sabbath Schools are cordially Invited to be present. Al though the meeting is essentially Piesbyterian, all:denomlnations are Inv,red to attend, and take pan In the exercises. Back Yards.—While Committees are driving ways and MUDS to preserve the Imoltt of the city, there arc persons whose back yards are sinks of pollution, and hot beds of pestilence. We think that soma means should he adopted to compel people to keep their back yards and private alloys in a cleanly condition. On a Ball Pleen.—James Jackson and Stewart Smith, on trial with others for partici pation In the Versailles townsh'p homicide, and under bail, were lodged In Jail last evening on a bail piece. William Ryan reuaalas undo. ball, Jurors Dlzettargod.—The Jurors to nttend• Liner at the Criminal Court, and not empan tolled In the homicide rase on trial, were die charged yesterday afternoon, with the th , witut of the Cnurt for their attention and prompti tude. From Yesterday's Evening Gazette. Alleged Larceny by Clothing Dealers. A colored soldier named Robert Dillard op. peered before Mayor Lowry this morning and made an Information to the effect that he had been roLhed of 5160 In National currency, on Sunday evening, while purchasing clothing In a store on Penn street, near Canal, In the rm.!, ward, kept be George Cohen and others. It ap pears that the negro had been solicited, by a "runner," to enter Me store for the purpose cf examining the goods, and while In them was treated several times to whiskey. He laid Ms pocket balk down on the counter. as 64 alleges. and It soon after disappeared—those In the store allewMg that It had been loot among the gooda, but on oearehlog It roved not he fond. The pe-sons in the store et the time, were George Cohen and his wife Mtn, J. Simmons and his wife Jane ' Asher Simmons and William French. The whole party was arrested, and after a hearing w, re held to bail ID 111,000 each, to answer a charge of larceny. French being unable to field ball, was coma:airs:l In dcratalt. French is suspected of having taken the mon ey, bat the evidence against him is no stronger than against the others.. The money has not been found, and the poor negro has thee been deprived of his hard earned pay. These par ties ahonid also bs prosecuted for keeping their store open for bash:gees on Sunday. A Pltikburgb Captain Murdered. intelligence has barn received to the effect that Captain Harry N. Baker, who had charge of • company of infantry:at Wilmington, N. C., was shot by ■ highwayman a abort time since, and died from tne off eca of his wounds a few days after. Captain Baker was wed mad 'se Ishii , knows In this city, and his numerous friends and acquaintances will be palsied at this announcement. He was formerly a salesman In the trimming house of Eaton, Matra's, & Co., and at the onthreaking of the rebellion sae Joined the Ninth Pennsylvania Heim •.et of .e vvvv v and has been In the service ever since that period. The dee-teed was deeervoily re. ayseted by all who knew him, as he was the poesensor of many Bee traits of head and heart. Apportintiment of the Clty.—The corn. ndllrr appoluted by the City Ciotti.:lis to ap• ion the number of the milr,motation from e.rh want In the Common Oonncil, hod, the art of -I,,,tetily ‘ have, we uodenitarid, conclu ded their labor., and wilt matte .the foliowin; rep .rt First Ward, two mentherai Second Ward tinge membera; Third Wart two inem• tie. , ve .., 1 0 '0 , 1 ,, rt , 11 .,„ % ; S:: ., r : 11 :h ti v ro: ni tric i v i l v t . .:r in s; 2 1 , e ri t b t .,, h r, Mr: s„ ard ,. . eml• W.N two m •nMere.; Etettit Word three mentherP; SIMII Ward, three meirilierA; Tooth Ward, two membera Total, thirtrmeintiers. Portable Fntm.—This foreumns, la the Quarter Bantam, John Sullivan was ode I up..n on Indictment for torelide eorrv, (under di a PC(110110, LW, PCOIII Code, ) on oath e Walsencroft, who trollied that In Septum er Let, the defendant, In tit.. cklit csin. , to tan bowie at Sow Mill itun, and entered wit violence end farce, hotly irieht-nthe Lila tr.: and tamely. Teta cid lence tieing uue.nrrad , •- t,id, the Joni convicted end the deendsnt was untenced to pay a fine of #BO and to underlie ten days' imprison meat In the comity Jail. Alleged Poisoning lu Cleveland.—A man named Phinney died suddenly in Cleveland, a few dale since, and a yoneg lash woutatcw nom be bad married but a short limo berms, was ens. peeled of baying , poisoned biro. N•toot sod denly 111 after drinking • dipper of water, and dbd In convulsions Tb.- contents of ii, at,l2 • orb were anal, are. and enougb strvennlnn found to kill nix 01Pe. Mrs. Pnlymoy was plan,ri un der arrest. No andlcient cause has been stump ed as to why the should bare poisoned bar bus. band. Hone and Buggy Missing.-011 Bnaday, a beret and boggy, ticiOnglag to Dr. Childs, or Peon . street, wee tell standing on the publie road, near East Liberty, while the dueler [Cada a professional call. On leaving the house he discovered that his property was Missing, and could tall by the wheel marts that the horse had turned bock towards this city. rid at drat sup posed that the horse bad broken the hitching strap and gone off voluntarily, hut as be ha., thus far beet unable to Lind any trace of it ho fears that It msy have beau stolen. Naw'Preventiveor Cholera.--A physi cian of this city hands no the following para graph which bal found in a late English paper a `•The leading physicians in Paris hate come to the conclusion that one of the beet proven tins of cholera is ram mixed with tea, and that to COLStquenre of this'en !annum econiumption of rum has taken place In Franca within the last fortnight, we hear that one home stun, 19 Paris sold no less than 300 pincheons of rum in a week. irtre at Illetiresport.—On Sunday eight a Oro occurred at the ropewalk of Messrs. Fulton & Co, at McKeesport: which rersuP.ed In tea total destruction of the "muftis bonse,";lntrolv lug a lan of solue Ave thousand dollars. Tee main building wirrowl.T.esesped destruction. PAW, ant , yctlt =There are two Dace core ;aimed Wilmot-80th and .P.tal. It wan Paid who was dlerharged for conduct nnbecnm g au ofticcr t wbllo Sah ban maintains hoe po. ' ja WWl. and Wefiotin will continue to to so. -VfYung . .ldrat"s.Fricnd.-z-Warranted to cure PrlveteDheetot. 'For sole by drunl,;V.; Ark for the Young Ittnii Friend. A. POO) Aret gielog the epaptomn old trentment of peientc dtseeees seenzatnUdre cut BOX, or Coo he bio by *detesting Young hien's hoe PS, Chminuatti. with a threo cent dtrt p enelnsal, to Joseph Flemtim, (*dries 1311 , ....r,J, rd• Go, N. B. W. Fin A Niegular Pree , !dli g In a Clothing We hav e already mentioned the larceny of 5150.50 from a colored soldier named Williams, by a comrade in arms of the same complexion named Seeds, The parties were mustered out of service: In the west, and were on their way home to Baltimore, and the larceny was corn• mined on the can, before reacting this city. Seals was arrested, when he admitted havicg found the money In the car, hat dented haring stolen it. When brought before the -Valor this morning, be stated that he had spent sixty two dollars and seventy content a clothing store on Literty street, kept by John Isaacs, having teen induced to go there on Sunday forenoon, by a "runner" for the store. They entered through the front dcor, the abutters being closed, In a beck room Isaacs had a plentiful supply of whiskey, and Seeds got three hi" "horns" while he stayed there, He purchased a fall suit, paying therefor *62,70. When he came to ex amine his bundle, however, alter leasing the store, a pair of pants, rained at nine dollars, could not be found. He bad on his person • portion of the stolen money, out not enough to melee nn loss, and alleged -that he lost twenty dollars playing euchre at the Sol diers' Home. Isaacs was arrested, and at drat dented that he had sold the black man any clothirg at all on Sunday. The black man. however, brought the matter so vividly to his recollectiom that be bad to admit the fact. In reference to the mis sing pantaloons, Mr. Isaacs stand that they had been accidentally left out of the bundle. The 562.70 was refunded, sod the clothing was ta ken back by the dealer. who was admonished by the Mayor to keep his establishment closed on Sunday hereafter. Seeds was committed to Jail to answer the charge of larceny, but it le uncertain whether Williams will remain to prosecute the case. Serious Accident to Judge Boggs. On Saturday, an accident of a very serious character occurred to Hon. William Boggs, late Associate Judge of this county. While riding across the Monongahela bridge, his horse be came fractions and ran against a buggy. The Judge's foot caught between the spokes of the buggy wheel, which caused him to be dragged Out of the saddle, and ho fell heavily upon the bridge floor, cutting a severe gash in his head, and Inflicting other Injuries which, considering his ago, are regarded as dangerous. Ho was conveyed to his residence in Lower St. Clair tea - m.lllp, w here he received proper medical at tention. Ills coaditloo I. ressedeci as critical. An Unnatural blucher—The steamer On tario arrived at this port yusterday, having Oa board one Wore passenger than was registered. It appear. that • woman, who gave her name as Lottie Williams. having with her an Infant two weeks old, took passage on the boat at Par keratrurg for Wheeling. Upon arriving at her destination she led; the boat, but neglected to take her child with her. Shortly after her de parture the little waif was found snugly wrapped up in a shawl, and sleeping quietly In a berth. It w•s taken in charge by tne ofar• of the boat, who, It is understood, will adopt It and name It after the boat. Arcued.—The case of the Mayor aid Conn di of Baltimore against the CoarseWyllie and Southern Pennsylvania Railroad Company was argued before the Circuit Court, In Philadelphia, on Saturday. The point In the ease Is, the con. stituthmality of the act disfranchising the COs nellsville Railroad Company. Hon. &nerdy Johnson, J. IL Latrobe, George Shires, Jr., and Wm. Price appeared for the Baltimore cur• poration, and Hon. Jeremiah S. Black. Hon. J. Vetch, and lion. W, H. Lawrie appeared on the other side, ROBINSON, MoCLEAN & CO Bankers and Brokers. No. 15 Fourth, Street Pittsburgh. Dealer . . In all kind, of flovantaent Sea Lilt!. (Md. Slim, tincurrant Bank Note., Foreign and Do=e•tle, &c., &o. unmans maven in Pali FUNDS end CUR HMV!. Interest allowed on time deposits. Colo-Alone made In all parts of the United States on most larceable tens. omen executed with dispnteh for ererythlng In the b atneee at the• New York, Ptah, delpbta Wald Plttabnrgh limier. , Board. itrietly on eceaml”ton. Drs • on IL ()LEV'S & 00, New York, 3&Y COOKE &00 Plals4elpnis; Messrs. 0. I) HEAD & T. H. PEKk INb. Boa, n. FINANCE AND TRADE BROKERS AND BA N KERS DOAR O) (0.)0.1[314,40 ST ROSIIISOZI, 11rOLILAX & 00.) Onto', Or our PITYYMCMIIir. GAZETTL.I ?Idol:UT. Nov. 27, 15a. open,. Ar C. S. 6 s 1663___ 103 00 U.S. 5401, old 101 00 U. T. 5-20 . 1ancir ...... Al 60 C. S. 10-40'a 10 U. S. Certificates 97 50 Gold_ Allegheny Volley R It 0 . . ..„__ 10 so Connells•Ille R. R Rona. 79 A lirgheny alley R. R. stock... 00 rotcrth Nat- _ ...... tNI CO Iron -- 'I , 00 M. & M. National Bask 66 00 Peoples National ...... ...—... 100 oo h 11 ood Farm & Otto 011 20 Colmablapil 20 00 Eldorado ao . Oil Creek & Cherry Ilan 100 Pittsburgh b Plata 100 Phila. Lame. la Cherry Run....... 1 00 1 bb Dunkard Creek 15 MMi;3M=I 16 Peoples' Bank 185 00 810,800 V. S. 6-20 , a, new......_ 100 CV 600 Bind Form 76 Government atiourlties are heavy and lower. Flee Twenty Bonus declined 4 per cent, and are quoted fn our market today at MI 4101% for old Esau* Bonds of '6l and '65 are from one to one and • half per cent lower. Seven Tbleties are to 54 below ourquotstion orhaturday. Pittsburgh Selling rates—August notes 95, .1 une,s, 9:;4; July's Bank shares remain eery quiet stare the Not Tember dividend,. The only sale that come to our knowledge to-day er that of 25 shares of Peoples National at Exchange' National I. of seed at to, Bite bid. N. Et N. National, 55 tad. There Is nothing new to report in Insurance share.. Railroad shares di-pressed. We hear au enquiry now and then for Allegheny Palley, and Pittsburgh h Steubenville, Out at extremely low prices—to per share for the former. ILI per share for the latter. No sal. • of ttottnbi• far some days. :It Is of fered to-day at .6 bid. The market for oils opens gloomy. with here and there an exception. Copper stocks are ngnin lotoklng up. An advance of from three lode° dollars per iths an made made OA S number of old favorites at the B Won groan' during the week. thitf rose front .3 to hi. quinc) from 61 to El Pesrabic from 33 to a), Franklin Item 00, 101;.4 Copper, under toe one Gana fr..m south tootrtnoi has hag a sharp Cdr anon and is rob! oot 064:0 cent/, The Loan market exhibits hot tittle prospect or retioning ease In thin guarder. The liity dank. are busy redeeming their State Bunk circulation. and cannot therefore extend favors as usual. We may expect n cloacae.. for wyrrowers, to whom We...litre sic id) and p. tristaat cuntrAction of of their line of credits. From the stock report of he liAtstod aff clic, of Saturday, we take the haunting parkgra,ms to reference to cop, or stock,: "Our stock tattle In another column reveals Week given to copper speculatitms do fur the very central advance In theprise of these shares, s represented by fractions; but better things are expected soon. We readily renosinide he preacatce among the operstars of the week of several "mus ter spirits," who have bee: to some time remark ably quiet, and °Altos are being formed out of "ant class" material. Some copper men who carry Miami in companies that hare never even broken ground, and which own properties that are of very doubtfui mineral value,are talking largely About the recent Advance is the price of Atnericen ingot copper. The advance tea reality sad has in part 14,0 caused by the troubles in t,hdll and the pet epee!. of open hostilities Detweee that country and Spam. bill encouraging to us, for Ea4land and Frame will cad wad the Superior region to supply delliciences that occur In South America. "The advanced sheets of our figuring friend Du per 4 table of copper statistics are haring an en couraging elffict upon the minds of soma of those operatAr• who are pretty heavily loaded with mining shares. lilt most flattering statements re vardng the Amount of 'timid In" mtpluil, market ," arid cask dividends of the (topper Fails, the Huron. the Franklin, c th • Flan , and other Lake Superior mines have been compiled from official and theret,re entirely reliable sources. Tim paid in capital ot the Pewatoc is said to be ft has made each dividend,. to the 'mount Of Ir.Bo,odil Its" market value," to:cording Inc to dt4 ts guard lota, is ever 1000,000—report • •• m Seim., false. and unworthy of notice." to the contrary not withstanding -Quincy. which It .1.1150 of intrinsic value, is ad vancing, nod all offered at the board is taken by eager hiorra• ' an advacee of 7 per !share has been' ramie within the past week, sales )esterday at 5n with An upward tendency: this puce is eumlidered cheap by copper men, nod a still further advance is probable." Boston Wool filediteL The wool market exhibits no new feature. Trails I. quiet •s usual at thli season, awl buy ets eontutue to I old oil' or to operate only to the extent of present wants, whlaio tre.not veer pre o- . sing owing to the torpid State Of, the goods mar keL There Ire no large lots Meatus and proba bly will' not be till the dose of the year, when 110.100011ttat3tCrs, having sioargdf.thels soeuunts, usually begin to otoek up. ''- Price. for - the lower &Wen of staple are Ws tively 'depressed and mostly. ifoinlast. Coate°, wools nee not wanted at tills season, awl undo lottof Meat-Simeon/A Icet forced 01:r ea.,, Sept at a atatertal concession, :But,ehtnee.paroO/S: 'or- palled , wool. asulAif -Ohio- al4 , PeAlesYlratalt ii , ece culled to. the matiutetztire of spring atialc logs and light - Taney eaodluirrco, are not pissed on I he market and eannot be quoted layer. sales of domestic for the week fogO u t home '316,011n the nt e range of 1,00 4 toe for Ilene!, sod 04 lot the 10110010 ft 2414 of pulled. the L... netlobs here been wholly to -einati 1,,0 :sour - wort!, while ill Onle ice slttell, end Ins'n 1.1 uo.ner .olll,Annele of [Winston /I& sae At 16.11.11te1, ,rt , l choler sole-nowt 0 0 01 ar"oe-e- faro's and double er,tr , lot, !lOW. , In 11,0 :mike'ar , held shove tLe 1,11, 1110, tlittre. I• In b o4l nt quest, nlll. seles of s at s 1:474,10.., es , 11, Pos.!, rh the eases litre • s ttlettne 141 oriees. quit. ,v,chr, • ••7;•*--- .s7v, • PITTSBURG/1 f3AIIH ETS. clones no TOO Preroanurin Gazer 'a I Moo in ono. November , ley, The week opens with a very dull market for most of the leatilisr commalittes of trade, and with an entire absence of anything like a specu. Latin, feeling, the transactions in produce gez, rally no light and mostly of 0 retail character. In prices, there ate no remarkable changes, though the tendency Is downward. GRAlN—There is nothing doing to Wheat—not enough to establish quotation*. Barley continues dull and Irregular, and there are no established quotations. Onto may be rpibted dull, but prime qualities are selling from store at 4o sa. No I ..Micago Oat. otrered at 42403, Corn to selling from store at 750 to toe, for, prime old Ear and Shelled. FLOlTll—Continues excessiiely dull, and not withstanding there is a general disposition on the part of holders to make concessions, there seems to to no demand, and the gramtactions are r> markaoly light. Weicontintieto quote at Ililig"di 23 for Spring Wheat, and 11,100a10,50 for Mater Wheat-310.62610,75 for choice trends. Smell sales of 113 e Flour at 17€1llPer bbl, and Buck wheat at $5.2.5 , 05,60 per curt. !, PROVISIONS—The demand for old Bacen seems to have almost mitirely subsided, and as yet, there Is hut little new In market Lord 10 selling at 27(J28 for new kettle rendered. No do , mond for Men Pork, and no wades to record. POTATOES—Demand fair,' and market steady, and the arrivals continue pretty large. WO have sales reported at chic to $1,25 per bush. and 03-0 to sd,7o per barrel, according, to quality and gaze of barrel. APPLES—Steady, with a firmer feeling and A little better demand, but prices are not quotably hi, her. Sales Gum store at yt,6o to 0,60 per 6 W -- choke at 86. CRANBERRIF-S—Moderately active and gra but unchanged; regular ealeacrf easterndtt 615 to $l6 per bbl. CiIEIE-119 moderately attire, and the stock is light; gales of prime ,Hamburg at 11021 and Goshen at 2...:423. ClDER—linage. 111 the may from 810 to $l5 per bid, according to quality and sloe of barrel. 15011.1ali1J-11-13 in good demand and steady at 90c. SEEDS—Flaxseed is In good demand at $2, 7 6 per bush—nothing doing In Glover or Timothy. SALT—Is selling In small lots front stare at $3;-'ee3:a per bbl, and ea by the ear load. HO3I.IKY—I. selling at 4640 . per lb to the trade, and 6c in a small tray. HAT—Is setting from city lefties at $l5 to per ton. as to quality. BUTTER-1s dull but unchanged; small sales of prime to choice fresh Roll at 50,31E35. EGOS—Regular sales at 10. BEANS-. —Sale of 6 bbla, old, from store, a/ St „FA per bush. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKE T Orrice or Ton Prmatritou Gazwrrr, )105Pag. Novel:ether 27, 18115. CRUDE—Owing to abme cause or combination of causes, which at the present writing we are =l nt le to explain, the Crude market was agairiquiet and a little dull, though there was no ay. positiott on the part of holden to make renccs stony to order to effect sales. The demand sms to have slackened up very suddenly, but the ee ar rivals contlnue light, and comparatively speak ing, there is no stock in this market, and, Indeed holders, generally, seem Indifferent about realiz ing at the present rates, as they entertain hopes of a still more active market and better prices. We give 27, bbis returned and 32 bbl. Included, as the ruling figures, with axles reported of 260 bbl. at 52; DO at 22; 225 at 21, bbls returned; and 66 at 27. REFINk.D—The transaction In Betlnid oil were unusually light to-day. Which is poring mainly to the fact that there 10 no amen In first hands, end the majority of out refiners era sold for Witty and even sixty dayrahead. On the spot prime city brands may be fairly 4ttoted at a& h and 0366564., delivered in Philadelphia . Sale of 1620 bbla "Brilliant" for January delivery, in Philadelphia, sellers inytlon,at. 153 . Free Oil moderately active and firm at 766)76. 10AFT8A AND RESIDIIIIBI—Napths is dull and In the shaenee of sales, may be quoted at Ml6l 21, in bond; and 231:441, free. Residuum Is stlil quoted at 45,2445,40 EICEIPTS--The receipts of - oil by the' Alle eheny River since our last report were as follows: J. T. Stnekdale. 140 John 420 Jas. B suer 412 I 1. Jaeobs 100 Flatter a Jiro 000 Jae. Wilkins 4SI EOM! KEW YORK PETROLEDIK MARKEY Climatal Dispatch to Western Prcii. Hew Yozir.„ Nov. 27,1. M. • The Petroleum 'Parket le steady lett' mem of ttAoo barrels I:tensed La Bond at 646654 e; l'j) Obis do Fee an! January delve'' , AL G 614.7 2r6d) able Crude et Ere. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET Special Disposch to tn. Ptttsbtuit! Pn t. an nt.r tn 4, Nov. hi, t 9 5. CATI LE—fleef ('stile continlata rather dull, prices are without any material change; about 1:503 head anis cd and sold at frOrn In@l7c for ex tra; 14163ic for Isle to good, • ner lOalac per lb for common, as to quality. The fctilowing are the particulars of the sales : 296, Gust Shamberix, western, 11014. 14, anoikey & Bro. irtsiern, gross, 0',..,;33. TO, Moody Smith, western,l44 l6 '4. too, We & Co., western, crOsa. 7 as. GS, E. Me len, western, IS 16: 11, J. Alert len, western, tb 61. Jas. Metlese, western, 12514. 97, H. Chris. venna& Va.., 14 1944, 116,.1. Chain & Bro. Penns, 12b10. 125, Martin Fuller & Co., western, 15 , 316. 107, P. Hathaway, Chester Co,, and wester 42, .I.Trk, (Mester Co. 1. 5 0 1 5. TS, P. Sterillen. western, 40, l'hristy & Bro., Tecate , 15(11W 50, Owen Smith, weste - n,161D 6 T: 64, McCardle & Co., Penns, groiu, COOPS—Are In good demand a 6. au advance; 80 head sold at from alltalt.s for sprliwers, and 'sag 140 per bend for mulch mown SHEEP—Are more active, 4CooBead arrived and sold at 70734 per lb, gross, for good fat sheep, and to It per head far stock sheep,: HOGS—Continue very dull, and prices have fallen on; OM head soul at the different yards at from 61301100; the Italtra net. 'Boston Iron Market. The market continue, very firth for, and mean rely supplied with, both foreign and Americas Pdt. The demaid for manufacturing purposes I rery brisk, wad large lets see taken to antra Penneylvan's makers are also sold ahead on or ders; though they complain that, at the present cost of coal and labor, they cannot profitably conpete with foreign producers. 11, however, prices continue to tend up, as of late, In the Erre- Ilsh markets, there will soon be no margin on Im ports at, current rates, and this branch of home baduntry will receive its due reward. Matitifse tured tern as very goatee and filmorth s large consumptive demand and great activity id the rat ioua rolling nellla. ta e n, to further small “le. of Se itch 50.41, at ihdfiell per ton for (Imcsarnimk and Gartztierda brand. American is scarce and selhng at $.401 , 55 per ton, foe the cumbers different. Charcoal Plg film at f:.: 85 per ton, cash. Bar (rob la en active demand with very nil AlOeite, and lots are. Sell- Mg from stars at full previous tato,. Sales of cernmon allatplMl; relined at sll6dtao per ton for klaigliah. AMettean retitled Bar Is setting a Sire per too from manufactures' hind., and 111256/. lm from store. Americas/ Spring Steel I. In de and at 11%412.c per lb for large lots; foreign do- In m t.All4;i, a. to qu 'My. Coat Steel I. ceiling from store at 1;21.c per pound currency for American, lied tame. gold, for foreign. Railroad Iron is firm and In demand at fid per ton for Ararrican, dellvered at wotk.s. English Is scarce coa held here at $5B, gold', per ton, with sole. of Son tons In New York at 937 pee ton, gold, Boiler Elate. are In good request at previous rates. W e quote Flanges limo attrer C No. 1,7 c; and tank plates, per lb, Cecil.: Russia Sheet Iron rot.' -" • And jdetritrg In lute at 4.20 lug per lb. English ao Is firm at I' Qlbjyc. Ma chucc mode florae Shoe s are .Citing at 854"11"li ler lb, for roromon and ronosvc. Naha are se leg et 7Vtitc Per lb for assorted elres. lIR YOB ra BY RAILROAD rirreauatia. roar vraraz n 0810•00 R. IL, Nov. 27-90 tea hams, 90 do lard, 11 Sellers 3L co; 1 CA. mall feed, T C Jenkins; I car met 41, Livid, tt & on; L.: care oats, Hen-co S eoi 33 butt onions, 11 Biddle; 23 do apples, L H Voir a co; c 9 Oozes Ink. Harris, Clark b. co; 92 dor brooms, Lambert, Shipton n co• ' Ito !Al. dour, W Llah•rt; 100 do d Shomaker a Lana; 1 car oats, J k. W Fairley; 60 bids highwinrs, Wm Little, S Oollestor;160 bb apples J W (Joe; 1 car potah3es,J Rhodes; 100 tibia Dour, in. Gardlnert 29 do d0,, , W 11 Hamilton; 2 pkg. butter, I do egg.. John F,,yi; 90 thils paper, H smith; 160 bid. Lpples, Hitchcock, 51cl:retry tr. co; 2 0 bunches ahingles, lY m Dilviorth & co; 5 be. candy, beymer & Bre; 1 pkg tobaoco t 3 hi Jones; 'll tuts poultry, Sturgeon It Bro; 190 bbls dour, 1' 0 Jenkins; 3 0 bags cmversced, Dan Na.lace; 3 pkg. butler, H 61 Lytle; 16 bole apple., 3 do alder, W S brown; 60 bhis Culp tr. Shepard; Hi dor brooms, W Volgi; I ear malt, J Rhodes; 1 cat oats, Meek & Armstrong; 61 blls carbon oil S H Barbour & co; 4 lads apple., i pkgo lard, H. lies jr;ll6 Oka potar la toes, J Kahn; 04 sks rye, Meilen° & Ander; DM bids W. Hoes, 10 d 0 moverseed, 16 !do dry apple., L H Tolgt & co; :l can stares, J Jritalya; 1 do do, J N Miller. ct.svabamp atm Prz - nostliton. Rau, Roan.— Nov. 27-3 pkra butter. AI Ilyelo9 boa oil, It E Seders & . 3 ; le pkg. I.obacco, J 2X.eturtland; do do, borland & co:7 bbl. apples, S 11.146 Obis po tato., 42 0 Douglas; to ass potatoea, c C BalsLey; 3 cam metal, Nimick Is co; 2 bin checae,Daub;.2 CNN. tobacco, C Ellirnsthal; 101' . .carboyi, Tames Invic; 35 bbl. apple., S Ewart A 27; 45 pkge cop per, rack ,' McCurdy 6. co; 75 bag. :plaster, Burk ta Barnes; Itro bats wheat, Hitched/dr, McCreary & ea: I car scrap Hon, W J Hammond ; 1 car lumber, El Schmidt; bid nuts, II Riddle; 34 bbl. potatoes; Bro E. co;llsks raga, Ittatkleta co; 65 tads WI, I E Palmer; 6 age rags, bble bean., Sacks onions, Atwell, Lee & co; 1 car barley, Spencer MoEny I car eriri, Patterson tr. .Ammon; 54 tolls paper, W N Haven; 3 btos butter, McCullouch, Smith & Col: bads tobacco, Jobn : Grazier; 9 bales cotton, Holmes, Bell h co; 6 bblsoll,Woodside Wallace;ll do do, 11 E 11 Msmel3 l oo ' barrels nour,Sbomaker es Lang; 7-tar wheat, Ken. nedy ,b. Bro; 33 bbl. eider, .1 0 Buthun;l6 cubs pearls, Bryce. Walker It co. ..i ActeaNnsv STATION, November 27.-397 bbls POtatillelb! Jahn Ilerbert;l bra et**, J rilmeon• sa hales 10w, oh H Childs; 4 cars Wheat, Kennelly: & Boo; H bole. wool,Dlchl k Walker2o dos broom. Jacob Altnebart; bis candles, Graham & Thom., 10 rolledeather, 0 11 llontott; 5 do do. J Loughrey; 551 bine paper, Pittsburgh rApef Co; 1.16 ans onts,_Noble tr. Angel; 100 bbl. dour, Peterson,' HAMM rye. 41 N.lfenshawl 17lirke H Suydam; ;*n •km caillfeed, Ca J stew s.; tit bra barley, Luta a Warit 300 aka barley,. DI Beekelmaa• 760 do da, tt W Anderson; 2 ears corn. Taylor, ilhleSinner, 109 sliallasseed. Ewer Hainilton;2l.9 bucktrbeatll9tWaOs Vrabgig potatoes, W Benae.. n. ' Tergsarambltottsralre erns Alltreteleali 13.14• N0v.27.—1 car *taws./ Scab; 6 lrondliva, Superior Iron Coilto sks Wheat,..ll,gane,t,,k Bro, 6o aka barley, Ma 3 e l r & N'telrell4l 1104 A:44 , bbisnAle. 0 BalaleV • FmikoßTS ST. EtOtE* Zr,rerfu. , ..—riar. :ENNA bbh dour 14 blittet,A 3 l"l4ketts co; II bb's or gum, 61,14,47 ripple, 1.) plze, er arta egg", Fetzer rt. IGO Wild' flotiitotis Potter hikeh hiShetahrd;./LnsidiOns & Kennedy' 81 yikga dry If Ward; CO our, 34 plc.,* dry lirrid tr. eirgar; bble Foryth, Bro rorpkg. ebeeme, , C Khecktves37l4efurniture, Leo -1110“ & WeLst, 2 tubs butter, T rl:,Tenlacis Will till, .1 tithiArldil lrmis butter I dd egg,} y Dll. RIVER NEWS, Ar.RIVALS. Emma Grahrun.Stull ...... Dir•IITUSLE.4. • ]loon .Parkerabure. linweli --Mil ty. • Gordon _—:011 City. saint Oil city. seats Learixo TO-DAT. Emrps Grahrun—Stun Lawrence Lo a. • Fine Grose--Maratta.....Louilsellle. Lawrence--.....Craae ...... Lo RUB. WELATIII34 MVO. The direr TIMS rising aloe!. tut night, a four feet three to Ora So the channel by the h onnahrla pier marks. The weather was alo and raw, making overcoats • luxury - . But at the landing was rather better. - The EMMS Graham came through Teeter from Marietta. She reports the dam in the h tinware as having been repaired, 110 that this 1 abe will go clear thr.righ to ZaneffUle. Julia No. 2 will be here on her rozular day— day—and will leave or. Saturday. The Et Graham will leave this afternoon at 4 o'clock The Bayard, Capt. Goo. Moore; left greeter for Parkeraburgh. She will run regularly to thole Until the river goer dry.' 'Her regular for leaving this port 8/51 Illoiday'a and Tit, day's. The Peerless, Capt. Russell; Echo, Capt, don, sad Vrilda, Capt. Salot, 'left yesterday nine for Oil City. The Pine Grove, Capt. Marattai'telli leave everting positive y for Loillarille4'She to a neat light draught craft., and rietions wlattin on dun= the river will and her It Very comfort and pleasant boat to travel on. The Lawrence, Capt. Crenc,wlU leave this otos for St- Louts. It was the !I:tient-Inn of CY erase to complete his load and :welt for re . tut he has changed his mind, twit" *Vigo ou the present water. The Nora, Capt. H. H. Do%lane?, John Ea clerk, will leave for Cincinnati and Loulsvilt. Wedneeday evening et 4 o'clock, The Leonora Na '2, Capt. DM - fa, 13 /134,:1ini Louisville. The Nevada, Capt.Erans, had nearly her load, and will leave for Lonisettle with patch, probably, TO-MOITYIP CVelatlplf tl4, w, continues to rise. The Lorena, Capt. S. Shuman, is retell freight for Cincinnati and New Orleans. The Leonid. Capt. Con, is still reeeit freight for St. Leonidas, - and WIEIIOII.O ateoon there is sullticlent water. The Silver Cloud, loaded for iCew OrLean. till at the landing. l'he Armenia will be , 1 tie et the lending too row or:next day. A 'lllll:ketch from Oil City, dated yesterday, • there etre 30 inches water - in the channet,And river la at a stand. The treatLerdn the morn Wel cold. and Indicated snowbat dubs:the at noonft moderated consider:Lb/T. • The manlieet of the Emma Graham mar found In another column. We late indebted her ateond clerk for • Marietta paper. The Kate Putman, Delaware, ClUsen• and ton were due at 1,0... the trognli,t. Loam on urttny lent. The Kate Robinson wax at the wl bound for rittaburnh. Klotz, look nut ! The Wtodaor tan a Dame I of pig Iron on the rooks at Wallow, sad It there sunk. The steamer Melsotte is not stink, as.repor yesterday morning. She was terrible •nogg but well caved by throwing overboard arge qu titles Of freightouid by the timely a/Mantic the steamer dames Raymond. The Meinotte rived at Memphis on Saturday toot, and goes St. Lollis repairs. Meartruars.—lf our vteambriat their t. the trouble to make out and inell usot Rest• from Wheeling or Oincitutriti, we will p 11 h there in adysace of their arrriVal, and by t means notify consignee• that thelbfreight is c tog. It is of very little use to publish • =nil rater all the freight ha. been ddtteoeed. The Few State, and Kenton paned Cal bound foe Pittsburgh on Wednesday last' TI bad full loads Of iron, hides, empty barrels & o, The Louisville Journal contra= the follow item a • Ton Cot-Lunar ncrwrMS SEC. SUPSIIIOII RALTINOtta.—The Local Inspectors of eteembo at this port here folly incesilsiated the cast the recent coll.slon between the , Superior I towboat Baltimore, and this entire blame for • rolllafon has been placed Upon the BARB:Eta The Inspectors clone their decidon as follows t•lirul the pilot of the Baltimore, Jesse Tot ker, after mairdne his signal., and white one in beiow the Superior, lend having one third of r.vcr on his left, arid with a cleats, clear and tit shore, In which he could, with entire !safety, ht been from one to two hundrednrds nearer at than he woe but hove atm. ed.„ lo ta boat in acco anse with the equirernents or - Rules Second . Third of itiot's Regulations, uo collie - Rut Wo• to any probability have occurred. “And treasure he so signally raped to obser these rules so assential to the safety of We iv property entrusted to ble prudent - and :stunt management, the license to act pa pilot of ate, to, of tile Jesse Younker II [hereby recoil foi the Space of ninety days irons the date of t. notice. SALES OP BWITS.—The , follogilog bastg se digposed of atallOvemmeht tlele thcently et Vl.l b : Duo. S. Carley, steamer D. d....7anuary—__646l Wm. II Rolla, steamer. Trlgosfor • 6, - - A. J. 31111er steame: L..H..Fsirchlids (leo. H. Schmestmas, steamer belts 6 , J. W. {'enter, steamer Joo. Rata!, M. S. Mepbatri t Bro., stesmes Hob. Wood 7, J' H. Willoughb , , steamerAd.tilne.---... 6, L. Campbell, steamer Metropolitati---.—, 6 • Total sleamero.-- Locr.VILLn CeNai..—Tae Lott Urine can tvitich has been in the course of eanstruetiou tire years past writ proh.b/e be delayed a tit . while for the want of fund. Cinch:met', it h-s refused soy further loan. We eta r t chess that the Poncoprottans vrlll longer rein Rather loans, as the completion Or the canal w Le inealnatue to them. EEMESMEii;Iii Commetdant J. W. Lisingiton telegraphs tb we sate of railroad lfiso at Monad.' Clty is pot poned until further notice. . The America passed Cairo, .heg way to Louis, on the =lt inst. A dispatch boo, Nashville. reeefired 111.1 nazi reports fourteen inches on - Burp ttll Shoals: STE.AMBOATS WHEELINO h16.111.11T- I da I: PAIrEERSITURG end ili in termediate ports. The swift etde•wheel passenger Steamer, George D.Moore,,Master Leaves PITTSBURGH FOR PARKIMLSBUR every Moadsy and Thursday, atarohdoek a. a. Leaves IVInELLIIiei FOR eaxsEßeßUx every Monday and Lime - ado rah o Mode r. Y. . Leaves PARKER.F.BURG FOR PITTSBURG ,el 7 Tuesday and Fnday, at 2 P. z. Leaves MARIETTA FOR srrrastrao ve_ty Tuesday and Friday, 2;4 o'clock Ikares cvaramarra Fog" Prtrsatava .renr Wednesday and Saturday at 7 A. K. For freight or plumage apply on board or to aC JAMES IJOLLiNS &Ulf.. Agents. p EGULAR PACKET FOR Av. WHEELING, MARIETTA AND ZAN EN:VILLE .—Tha tine nem steamer EaiM °BARAD!, 4,apt. C. H. Brom" will leave lot abase am! all Latermedlstc pcsta - RVERY E NA Y at 'p. m. Retarning, leaves Zs:mall EVERY / RIDAY. at 7 i. L. COL....E . ZIGIVOOD, Agent. ti oit ST. LOUIS. —The light : ff pass s dr aught eraer steamer YOKE- gig, ; TOR N, lancer, Master, wul lease for the &hos and intermediate port, on WEDNESDAY, Not tsth. at I o.ricrk, r. M. For freight or passage apply onboard. flogs von .D 4 AS. V 1 L .E.—The jr. d tj Stanch and light drought LENT LEV Copt. J. T. ea srrazzt., incase — as oboe. on R TUDSD&Y, Nov. ,its, at 4p. m. For ketch Or passage apply on boaxl, or to J. 11. COLLING WOOD, /OEN FL SUE, Agents. V .F. ON ,f.:IN CINNATI. dt. LOUIS- ZE4 . VALL—Tbe floe passenger tie . NORA' i min. U H. Diviuu wtll lease . above, . IiFEDINEDAY, the 3.0 i., tort, .at 4 p rt. . For trim. J. or ;wane_ . .;:ty on bflard or to D. COIaLDRIVITOOD, }Av ." . tot l JOHN-TWAT& 1?OR NEW tALE.6.NB.-i-Thei t ir s i ••• floa lialst draugat steam.= . LORENA. Cm. SAX. Rasirsoa Will leave for Um above -and ail lateastedat' poky, oo THURSDAY. Nov. feta, at 4 v. aa. For neighs or vaalate..q 00 b oard, or to JOHN MA. .'. - Coal J. U. COLLIN WOOD. tray VOR CLNOINNATI & LOU .- IST' LLE.—The light draught-psi urger steamer rlteE °HOVE, (Mot Uca, as AT PA, Rill WATS u above, on Tllll-DAT. NOV • • J. D. 001.LING141:11:11), lacq , JO UN FLACK ' C'..`°"`• STEEL .Wo=3 pITTSBURGit ANDERSON, (300 A YO JONE;, RLTD (SUCCESSOR the best rebuts Out Sleet . mem or all glees, sw pi.t e i. ere Cert. Steer, Wait Steel. too Manufactures o, Square, Fiat aril Hoe. Fork and S mowing iilachtnes' Reaping a steel Plow Wthr Springs, Liter, .oheniara, ka Plough ad ;pang Steal Cat and 'Comma' tt That and Borg pitons, tin Etus MOLLUDIVIWE SOILML Llnc , --Cotner LIOCItt star • stiriav • BracE DL 1 310 ND STMII; WOREk. SBLT.OII re: — BROTHEit,ti €44 -,Ltacturg!sor , I' • rE£ll9 ED :d35 . :1 4 STSEL. Bar Q.U4- • Octsro:49 .piatzloz . Ln Sq an ed Nue az,y •• - country.. Mob oate, Was. 1.1.9 xn.1.151 Nits> srax4r4al.42o7l.gk Alrir fgrtee end and 11V al4 122 ' 2...E9.F. Musser. - C 3111:9111 CO testy ito Co Tor wile *9 Jermauxe rt. tANG. /1710 , 1 LWooa.4oh •;!:-.":-t - P., • z.-fe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers