fittsbureffek - 0 EATURDAY. NOVAItIBER 25. 1885. GAZETTE TERMS : Bally mown". ip) per Itaanm Dilly do. do. area ''' curie* El avail week. Evecht Seiko pee peer, 4* do., weed Pi 'misfire. Le oetdi a week. Wekly, la elute 114$0 per year. 40. Ye& copies. WO do. RATZIt V CRT 111 - 1 Y G. ea NOVAZ:FONOMDEIIO XLITZII t Day II I a W 2 t a will t•wiWal flu Mat a / 6 Two timos... 123 Tlcrott 1 21 _Toot 11.2110. e. 210 LEI 72 Win—. Vas.. 5 73 Two wee 22..: tl5 Muss weets.. ri CO i0n52022tb.. 2 . ti 25 ,Two 2101113. al Maw stundha IS CG 111222450122.: 5245 M2O niOnitii at co IV= Teat" tiO gor $l3 711 . 5 4 60 45 1 10 60 t Adestutemism mamma one yearmay cc manned the eneertlses s p • atm' of 25 cents pm. scum or t i tle k 'n'LzA:ll,ll st the of tont Tama lerneo . ismiedlate brute of the AilvettMements contracted for oth than &My, VIII be Warted on stmh days the oMcs innstent tehnetiatzi OA88.• Death Nottacs, each Insertion 2141277 41 1 notices, 75 Eni 7ll7 o o 4 ll 4 7 .e7Deetanntn. per trip.... a oo -;morar'or Adantdantatars. -Notices. a o 0 YEalitlY ADVESITIBING RATER one and in tee ismszedtare bantam of Ithe verttser, and not to Include dinuotattonn, &mat= 'et new nun, waata. ea.—changeable Anne a week. Any exam to be charged as tran. ileat twittery 13 times 2 time:3l I time I Deily. week.l s weak. la week. 1 months...! • ... ', 8 !filroseatba i SO . 06 111 , 00 16 00 10 60 Nit 51202222 . -... -- - 42 00 26 Co 4100 , -12 00 -Year' . - 62 00 -' 31 - 00 - - OS 00 1600 ,rar-Fizt, Nottoe. double the Om rates, Ulm unied.oxitt month ea' more.. rat LOUk petto4 Tammteottetutir attatt rata ea may be agreed r,,atta the ip _am wan. a pi by tea tbus or* the ruguary "Overturn alio or!upszlro.- SOMBER pi PRESS ON THE LATE ELECTIONS. allefekefegeteidad - nr el.aqh:enee in the.; toniiiiiignriditithellenthernjomnata have well c4441.4F..;0 , /ku.4 , 0 - 4.4 v.iitorki 1... th., Notth.-Iv 44. 5T it*tereii a §otthinnap arty 10 4, &ante enVhietteteto - relcdee at 'Om freatt. spade-fullazf entthltust twee been Ahrowis on 14eartan. or. tlea424- Democratic kart). Wa dud AittgetAdOdttaa View -in 'am columns at Wend representatives. of' the day - prase In , mitlig4i , foilaWilia and Georgia. Thai 1•, , joarnils reeeknlze,lita defeats - the Demme , icy brie laielj slificreddn the North as the. wip• Ing nit Cif tluseNter wing of their" .own'rebel . % lion.. 7 lTtey; racecard* • the old- affilnties and " ftd4l lll 4 l *.tilteenfgen*Vtei end theaPhit ~.', of slum? wad rebolloni . and trelcores the last battleidthtria4;ilitch worded* fought at'. i - the ballot boxesorNew Tory end' New Jet- • sal The Savannah *publican gives the announce- . i Inuit iii ajebaati Ofjoh type; C'United Sia stand," ; •INVlded Werfall." l andb4vremithese headlines are the claaPad , hatida—symtellc.of. unity. It smtites'"The Glad" Miss from !few Turk and tiMi:Jersey" the it:spa:en of a doable-leaded leader. It bollyexpoge - andstronalydenotmces thebiasneda of the Northern Copperhead rank entitle, and (Weed that the vital interval at stake true been , well protected by toe resent fidelity of the mole to loyalty and anion. This 1 oyfut welcome to ..New Jersey on Its return • from wayward -paths reads strangely lei a Bevan hahlonmai, • And eqtially strange the vitupera tions which are heaped upon the Copperheads . , who have no more' cordial haters than among those who have sulfated tram the (allure of the schemes they launched nal net the country. ' ' t t The Richmottd- licizatie of Nov. 13t's, de , 7 - clams, - ' "The resell of the northern elections has been fortunate. The triumph of the opposition would ; , hereto:hi to the nation a caLsmity—to the south - a disaster., - "We repeat,. that ft fa one of the most lucky , cireaustanees4-of the times Shit the predecal. nut party °title, uotth did not lose, for a mo .'" 4 . 1322 nistYaedaeA lathe lassiturie.of relaxation • _- • from a Ma , trntre. the =eat. elections in the different States. Such a miscarriage would ; havalwin contrary to the logic of events. It would have anactrled and disorganized public ! opit4o4 north arid with. _lt. would bare intro . 1: ; duced confusion,- perplexity dlatrost and 11l ti • feeling into,the yollticaLdtaatlon, which is rap. !, ! Idly becoming settled,. fixed apd determined." The Charltdie (Va.) Neneddiesse =prattles the . ! eery sensible conclusion that to lot& for farther • al front the Dchipentile • arf.t Seto "tight alley !, 1 thing with a dead cue." - It deciarea that 'the Demo — cretin . party "li Ixecieely where the old Federal party 'wee et the elPee of Mr. Jetfer : soiti firetiortn. , ?. The-Denville (Va.) Baglder bids a loilt_flireatiltO the Deeiocraey in.theso i:: trims "We Gale foraome time inclined to the belief, • that the 11Xteuxinstle party Of the North can ao • eotapilsh nothing.for the - South, In their pans , • cot cagneizatlou. -If the Democratic party held ; out •uFlmuell'iut firer again being useful to the county, we. should edreeMe the policy of • adppting it as 11-rldirla to rely upon, but its reisstouneems to be ailed. Isis utterly power , ; less.. It can tio - long.= swell lea ranks by re. front other organizations. It UM but serves the purposes of a faction." ; "'lt is evident that, in the opinion of the whole country, /hp -Copperhead Democracy has been finally mustered out at tits close of Its term of service. It enlisted under slavery "for thewar," ✓ and the war is over since shivery Is dead. There are, indeed, victories yet to_ bowon and pro gresayet to be made. but it is something galnea 4 3. to see abandoned as useless the old Democratic machine, smasbed finally and beyond repair la • thc • recent Northern elections. inst. All the Bishops were present, except Bishop Davis Of South Carolina. After a lengthyltpOrt, setting forth the reasons for organising an Independent branch of the Church, and commending the spirit of charity which prevailed in the General Coh vendon of the Episcopal 'Church at Phila delphia, resolutions were adopted , denier it to be consistent, in the Judgment of the Council, for any diocese to decide for her self whether she shall longer continue in union With the Council, recommending that wherever the word "Confederate" oc curs in 'the standards of the Church, the word "United" be substituted therefor, and that whenever any diocese withdraws from the confederation, such withdrawal shall be accomplished by giving proper notice. A resolution was adopted changing the name of the Church to the "Protestant Episcopal Church of ,he Associated Dioce ses of the United States." The next Gen -- era' Council is to be held at Rlchmond,Va., carrox• caowisc IN ILLINOIS. 'in _Noyes:ober, 1868. Cotton growing boa been very extensively cul tivated throughout Southern Illinois this year, with very satisfactory resole, the yield per acre being : from one to two thousand pounds, most of it of a first - elm quality—as good, indeed, as the beat "upland" cotton raised in the South west. Prom the Chicago 7OUT/14. we learn that in Tinian. Williamson, Perry. Jackson and Saline cauntles alone, at least one Lou4dresi thousand bales have_ been raised, and in other empties. whcre not as much bee been planted, the experiment has proved. equally mamba.. The cotton after being pinked, la sent fo Meath' to be•prepared for market. Cairo is the minci pal pita at which thee-noire is now perform ed, but preparations are making for the. erec depot gine at sdier and more co nvenient point.. Unginned cotton is selling - for about- ten cents par pound:: - Ttiettatittiasti idUiLnimin Rimini in the shade by the struggle with slavery and the con sequent- rebellion and war, has been laudy re. lived by the organization of a new liational Tempenthes Society, In New York, of which Wm: E. Dodge, Esq.; one of the' most public spirited of &teens, is president, and. among the vice presidents are Bishop Janes, Governor Buckingham of Connecticutiand Generals How ard:and S. Y. Deity. Tlie en:melee aimiUtdruek nrdi will becondacted by Lectures and thecir stdation of 'temperance tracts. An enthusias tic meeting, .attended by upwards of 2,006 per. sus, 'wag lately hold' in Brooklyn, under the preshiener of Colonel Wood, the mnyor of that city,-la the church cf the Rev. Dr, T. E. CuyleF, the ctudrtnan of the ezenntiVe committee of the new leagne. Impressive speeches 'were deliv ered by many eminent men, putliettlarifby Dr. Clutrlealeenti, of • Norwich, Connecticat, whose address, based - upon- politleal,_etto=ll - scicatidi tab staihricaUconsidenttions, et traded honelttle attention, • Ginierm Sunni; or liewlV, to nail' hi chit sago fka4alin4oia mil etas of tikipokgo 21qnin. 111x1, pablistad` lit -tlitaiinditar In Jinn wherein by cation ,Ite',__Pf:,..aF 63o 4.' r feleal . g escape r7O , 3MALI • FelpOillaill_LX the. John &awn raid, and that helpinvosaly'caatinned it' ater Llncidn arm Inaugurated. Book; • from tho rigors of a Northern whiter; CAW, 6 the diakiilikaiii,Ji;:t. the;depirtoro 4......c'fiAtramer for Near Oriel Ma . ZMztaa . . CorsAz hosi received women 'Governor lloymond pad -Gonna Books tbi will not permit their names gob. use Ile BMW:OWN , It ELTGIOUS- IIiTTMEIGEXCE. IThe month of Isrovens' he' r this year should ; , e - itgar4 c'd sill eitillitirabl a' period In - the histbritritriericati'Methodlani, from. the fact of theibtlerrofthe general Mbutionary onnoittee, especially, in connection with the Southern wprk, and the perfecting of the:. firinclai 4,Cheme, of the Centenary Of Itletheillato, Both.. these important taeatbngs wore held ieffew York week th fore last.' During the same iveeK itamedi titely-thezeatter, the first ,annual-meeting el the M E. Church Ilidenshon. Society took obialit Philadelphia: . The :Game Mil elonary Committee is com Posed of nine iiialions,ihree Misihntary Secretaries. and # largentlinber of ministerial and lay mans, seral . - After deliberating four days, ,dis ring-Which they field seven sessions, the ap propriations for foreign. and domeshe mkt- Monti, forthe next year were fixed et Oar. hine.row OP DOLLARS, we belay.° foot hundred thousand dollars more than the previous year, and about double the sum of 1804,: This lathe usual custom, to fix in advance the amount of appropriations for the support of tho incoming year, and the Church, as she always does, responds even 'to an excess of the call. The distribution Is as follows : 1. Foreign Missions, $287,- 057 88; 2. Foreign Population, $15,00 09; C. Indian Missions, $4,550 00; 4. dined- Can Domestic Missions, $321,150 00; G. For the South, 00; 0. Contingent HiPmgeat 'lc, $70,000 00—in all $1,000,- 000 00. The appropria lon for the South is a new thing, except a slight one In form er years for-the border work. About two bandied and fifty thousand dollars of this amount is Lobe used for homes of worship in South and North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Virginia, Texas, 4tc, Twenty thousand is for the education of colored TooLii men for the ministry, and the re mainder for contingenoica. Bishops Jones, Simpson and Ames, Dr. Durbin and Messrs. - Rostand Walsh, was appointed a ram a 4 ttiott to visit President Johnson and confer withldm *respect to the protection of the Missionary and Church 'merest, of the 31. B. Church; throughout the South. The Central centenary Committee were la Burden two days, at which the editors of the "official" and "Independent" papers attended, and participated in the delibera- blow. At the lag meeting the Bishop, were present and many other clargYmen and also influential laymen from all parts of thechurch. The object of the meeting was to perfw.l the arrangements for the cen tenary Is. 18613, especially the financial ef fort, and bays unite of purpose and action with the editorial fraterrdty. The bulk of the corder:dal offering is for educational purpoites, not somuch a monumental edifice for ita , r.iirderuslal memorial, as a monumen tal inatittitLon, a great educational fund. It- is expected the pecuniary contributions will be of unprecedented liberality. Foca liiim.rox of DOLLARS will likely be the thank-of:slring of the people called Metho dists. Among the interesting features of the gathering - of dignataries was tire giving of a generous dinner tit Delmonico's by some city laYmen. The Church Extension Society of the M. E. Church, though provisions had been made for its organizadonin May, 1804, has been In operation several months. Daring that time considerable progress, however. has been made in the work In view by its organization. The drat annual meethig was held in Philadelphia, on the 14th inst. Appropriations to the amount of two hun• deed thousand dollars wore made, one-halt ~••••• 1 75 9 67 715 7i 123 1 61 '2 CO 175 ' 225 211 3 731 4 2 4 11 423 ea, 12 CO 8 00f 17 CO pcn oo •1 251 CO , 975 ` . OO 600 7,00 9,50 of this snm to be expended la the never Conferences. The meeting was a grand succesa. The full Board of Bishops, nine in number, were present. Rey. Thomas T. Tacker, Sr., a distinguished local preach er, presided—being President of the So ciety. Oen. Fiek, of the Freedmen's Bu reau, was one of the speakers. —The Protestant Ephteonal Church (nf the so-called "Confederate States") Council met at Augusta, Ge-, on the Bth —We group together in a condensed form some Catholic items of interest. The creation of Cardinals, which was to hays taken place at Rome in December next, is postponed till Lent, 1168. The Sled's saYB that a third Catholic Congress is to be held at Malinss, in the month of August, 1866. Tho Engilah Catholic congregation of Johnsto*b has purchased the Foster House and some lots adjoining. A seminary under the care of the Slaters of Mercy is to be es tablished on the premises in the Spring. A Congress of the independent Catholics of Germany was recently held under the ens• pima of Rouge. Great enthusiasm pre willed. I'he bull 11 , the Pope against free. B3MEM= , . . =lt is ;estlmated that during the late war Sbe*wesl4o,ooo Jews irt the army. They,hain'etitablihed five asylums for dls. &Ned 'soldiers, their widows and orphans, the beile,fiti of which are Malted to no fen or creed.'. The OngregsVon of St. George's Epis- copal &Welt, New York, of which the ex cellent Dr. Lyng Is rector, le now wor shiping Inlrving Hall. In the coarse of Dr. TyriA'spermon last Sunday he referred to this deutreetton by fire of the church* 81nyvesant square, Laying, ghat fire Is a Ram; ;that god takes various means of pt!titlxig and frying his people; that how. eiesevere-thelrlal and boa of the church neW Mayi teem to the congregation, the hand or pod mint Bun be recognized as the hand itt 4. chastening parent. He *dram fohed the! congtegatfon to. bear Op agatatt their Mlllatitm mid to learn from It the per , lahible matured all earthly affetllona Chatmcy Giles', Pion of a Bare: 00= 1 4:-. 0 4 1 3 0 k deillreretfl Acrare theiCaigiu 7 netiteteplietr , Y 4 F4r Btelderr drerder list, letting &TM , the - deltas of wedintitirku Bpltltea tlosi;:difter re= thrring,*,the . fact, ths;tlte,l4ord'iiiscrt proildes leaders omit te a chers forma;ma ple, and that greafzielt ire the way marks eel 011010 the Preffresit of age% - ho _Mated that the ;mole of the. Nets , : Chttryl j oelk ask for their doctrines a Oar heaifie: But this they. find It difficult to vit.' asliiiihit tarra irfortmited that Swedessborii Was Immo, and his Writings not worthy of notice. swedeabeig chi= to him re wind sad comiusicated to ma a true knowledge of tho sip:trans! worlderfUtd44 man as a spirit:a being—having bad open intercourse withaphite end angels-for many years. He alidOilma Hutt lie luis lerned and disclosed the tree Interpretation of the Sacred i3eripturell, and aciordirtil to which they are written. He presented other traits of character in favor of Sweden borg as a Spiritual Seer. " —lt is noteworthy - 11w two of the ro- Centlyielectld Episcopal Missionary Rish e' are PennsYlvlntlana, While dui third was reared in Philadelphia. Rev. R. H. CLinkson, D. D:, the Bishop Meet of Ne breska,was born at Gettysburg ; Rev. M. C. Lightener, the Bishop elect of Colorado, le a native of Lancaster, and Rev. R. 3. Par via, the Bishop elect of .Nevada, though native of New England, was reared In Philadelphia. —The new Baptist church In Chicago, by the Rev. Dr. Ewart's congregabonorill cost one hundred and fifty thousand dol. 'Ara —A full blooded African, Rev. Mr. Gibbs, took part in the proceedings of the Presbyterian Synod, at Lewisburg, recent ly. He preached with great acceptance during itif session. —The New York Oirsercsr gays that Dr. Judson, the great Baptist liflationtry, to a letter written thirty years ago, on the vanity of the heathen women, he cites as one proof o f their heathenidh cus toms, that the Karen women wore fanci fully contrieted bags, enclosing the hair and °wended from the hack part of the head! The origin of "water fall" is now explained, SPECIAL NOTICES EITTILOUVET'S RANDOI.6. - NIA3I. RETILtitiVISY'S HALL TOMO. IIETHOUVES'S TURKISH BANDOLENI&N BAIA TON/U. tErnouvEl , 3 tthit=ll BaNDOUMUAA HAM TONTO. Traansturrws. FRENCH sta;l.. EFIGLISS- BELLES. Eitstur azurs. ANERIOA N BELLES. ANIESIOAN BELLES THE EL-ITE OF EVEILY COUNTRY, THE ELITE OF ALL OIVIL/ZED NAMES Uso ;that delightful ;preparation. the extract of menY Reefers and herbs—that great restorer of hair, color and beauty.. It make. the heft grow Lt the roots are not entirely lost It will name the cols r. It OM mai:etas hair eurL It will keep the hair be phew. It witi add luxurianie of hair end beauty to alt It lathelfreatestdrasslng ever of fered to the public: Ito popularity onthis amnion made 44 other More the Introductlon of It here We are dailyratelvinguneollnited teetlmordals of its virtues... It only requires a Mil to insure it. permasurot reseptiore In every family. Being en timirtree front arduhur Or 'toddle polsons, tens Otto ityiecullittlY sAapted for the Lutreery. In not, no toilet 11 complete Without lt. For salsevenehere. Wholesale Corner Wood and Second ns cto.. eta. PittiburO, Principal Depot far 'United Staten and Oanaa. JAILLES rar.arza a Co. 1201Datzteod&orr Phibidelptia. AYEEVIs PILL! !LIM S Ithe most Peered ilargative whims We are able to produce or which We Weft has ever yet been made by anybody. Their clifecte have abuo dantry Shown to the community hew mush they excel the ordinary cicadas* itr use. They are cafe and pleisszt to tate, but powerful to ours. Tees/S aamestVe o Pertiell eirte the vital ectivit of the .y. remove the obitructions of its organs, purify the blend s and expel disease. They purge out the feral humors which breed and Mew distemper, sttmulate doggish or disordered organs into their natural =floeand Impart a healthy tons with strength !to the whole system. Not quay do they cure th., every day complaint. of everybody, but also formidable cod dangerous disuses. While they produce powerful Cron% they are et the Sane time, in diminished doers, the safest and best phptio that can be employed for children. Being anger coated. they are pieeo ant to take; and , being purely vegetable, ate tree from any rink of harm. Clues bars been made which surpass belief, wens they not subslantiatep by men of such exalted position and cheracter, es is torbid the suspicion of untruth. tdanveminent clergymen and physlolans have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability of our rem edit., while others bare amt us the- assurance of .their enure• on that, our Preparations contrib ute immensely to the relief of our alighted, suffer. ins fellow men. The Agent beim named 4 pleased to Cornish gratis our American Almanei, containing direo- UOOl for the use awl certalwates of their our.., Of the fallowing complaints: Coenvenom. Bilious Camplent., Rheumatism, Hropsy. Heartburn, Headache arising from foul stomach. Nausea, Indigsellan, Morbid inaction oft he Bowels and wile Artsialan therefrom, nat. atter. Loss of Appetite, all Diseases whieh re quire au evacuent mealcine.• They aloe by puri fying the blood and stimulating the Eye.= acre Many complaints utile:tit would not be supposed they Gould reach, awe as Dasfaase, Partial listed. mess, Pe eremite and riereenn trrltability, Derange meats of the Hirer and Ditiness, Goat, and other kindred comphunte arising fronts towage alias body, or obetructlera of Ms functions. Do not be pat od • b; unprincipled dealers with other prepsfatione which they Make more prent on. Demand Armes, and fAce no others. The rice want the best aid there Le for theta, and they should fusee It. -• • Prepared by J. C. AYES 00., Lowell, nue. and ro:d by B. A. FALIINESTOOS, SON h 00, end by ell Drum:LUC, nolillmoodoeho rirrssoauit ssvr WOXILIr HUBBARD, SRO& CO. PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS. Of Kerr lb sothe crlption. Allll, Maar, Cross Out, Gang, and all r varieties. All kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGg, made Irmo Sheet Oast Steel ; Extra Radned HESPEH AND MOWING KNIVES, ita. ad- Warhol:ma and Works, earner WATER and SNORT STREETS, PittablireL Particular attentfon given to Re , Gum rang and Straightening Diroular Sams; Mao, re. pairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling dons at reasonable rates. aPASgy ar 131111.1111111-a ft s co.. Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workera Nos. 20, 8., 14 and '4l PENN STREET. Having secured • Large yard, and furnialuld with the most improved machinery, we AM114 . 11 , ed to manufacture every description of 801T , ..5, to the best ER mannerr, andRL warr Tßl anted equal to Any made in the county. NEY_S, CHEN FIRE BEDS, STEAM O PIPES, LOCOM BRI OT/g BOILERS, CONDENSS PA TANKS, 011. STILLS AGITATORS srr. rutin PANS, BOILER IRON, usitors, SDOAR PANS sad sole minufacturers of BARN HILL'S PATENT sort.rns on the shortest notice. p . w..LAKJG SIIPZILIOB Copper Kill and. Smelting Works, PITTSBURGH. PARK, McCURDY Pc CO. Manufacturers of SHEATHING. BRAZIERS' BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER EleT. TOBIS,IIATSED STII,L BOTTOMS. SPALTER SOLDER Also linportws and dealers In MET. ALBS, nit pz.ArE,sumET Constantly on loud, TINNERS' littaniurops mo 4 TOOLS, - 1/7arnltonse Pio, MUST and I:0SW. ONO STREETS , : Special mini of Copper cut to obi/ Ac‘O*4oo4lll. arILIBHOODS , 110 W LOOT, HOW RESTORED I.—Just Publbibed. to a seal. ed - Envelom Price eta *eras. A Exert:meow THE NA=RE, TREATMENT, and Reding Oars of Spermatorrhatkor Seminal Weakness, fund. notary EtolaMOne, Sexual Debility acid inEedl. meats to Atertiagettnerally i Renominate, upo n:petition, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental- and Pity& cal Incapacity, resulting from Self Aimee, kg., by Rosy. 3 Ontrantriv BLD., antherr , of the aces Bo o t, bc. ../1 Boos To TIWOBANDS or Burial:sea. • Sent under meal, In a plain nand.' opo, to My Adams, pop paid, on receipt of Ma rent., orttro portage damps, by Dr.J. O. KLINE, 127 Bowery, Pew York. Post oMce box API. THYT2OdkOT igrTO NELIVOUS lIIITZ/DiFJI3 OD EMI SEXEIS.-A remount patty:ono him 14 been restatt4 to health In a few oats, after on. m:lff i l t =ral o ita t a . o w inet oea,rawzmapoit:ll nand dlltp tO - dotomuoloato to Ma aftlood fallow. . west the means of ante. Howe, on the zealot of an envelope. to will ilatol,filw. • • 0 1 , 7 of Du prescription ma, . Direct to Dz. JOHN. U. :DASMILLI., MS Fulton street, N. Y. • natligydrin GIIO. lIMILIt W. D. IIZZLZ/S. P.ROLLXIII itar•TA MLLE STEEL WOMBS. REITEEt & CO., Atannacltircrts of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL{ SPRINGS, AIL; LES, GROWBARS,Ao. Stir PITTSBURG % _PIL J Otlee,'No, werzit STREET (up stairs) rzs virINIZINNIAOI. /LEA B CO, MOSSO= to Roannex,lEnrus tr. Mtttaq iYtroldnaton Works, FOIINDITIE AND MKODINISTS, Proimmam Manufacturers of BQAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENOINEsJILAST ENGINES, MILL MAORlNERY,oratEmwsummiiMASlt INOSefaßdarnattow,olT, TANKS & STILLS, WILT:RAND SHEET IRON WORK. to for GI WA ELM 6XX T =mom OR, lorleodlng bonen „ - 111 'II numAULTmaa Wen of DION VAULTS AND V DOOM IRON RAILING WINDOW SH =as, WINDOW ottAND.4, 8 1: 2 OND aadaaT/llRDAT,baawata Wood and Muted, Wm «Lewd 'Arley of maw pattacas, Own tAd Ada, MUIR, for all rpoiNG . don at PlaNcalaz te ea a datala Lota ta lobtdos sh ort &or ,11•••• I r 8A T s lir • wAurtuftt Arm • • •u TIOX7OII TOMO MEN: anoolsw ead ble treetzent ef the littaAry awl Sexual .Iteteme. =roe Dr. J. BEitc.l v DOUGHTON, How ard Amioclatiniabiladskalas Pa., , . aplay EirBENT FILEZ.—a, PALIIPELLET. Or Lamm* lawortansata ths old and young, =rem aid mnsds of both WHIM, Haut art andmemag, with stamp tha =BMWS & 00., Box dd, eP Oftloo, BL"BF3Iff~.~N3'S ITTEIBIIIIGH THBATEIL sae Moscrtr,....W.e44 zucertmasolt, trotetneoPoentsely hut might el the tavern, Yankee ~. YANKEE LOCKE.; Owl aPPaar la twd character, , supported r7lbe tan trearls of M, arknoW/edged exertleat c"TITS 7. iSaturddopi__ EVZ3I/170. be. Per. (prized the popular d rams entlt/ed Tay nun OP in or. n/LPPT =nun bloderattou Easterbrooks..Yartiae Locke. NwarValbay Orerture, adapted mud &minded bP Ur. Cleo. ntuk. - . To emu:kW with Mud, time this season) the tbzialoc.d.tams of SIM OF ITID WOODS. totem Ralph Stackpote.. ...... Yankee Locke. Sir Will .bortly be revived vitt' an tts origi nal effects, ' , Streets of New York . and Uncle Tom's - OPERA HOUSE. feu. d . Nenapacia, rasa ANNIE EBERLE. NO CHARGE FOR MEREETED BEATS. SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. NADI night of the renowned artiste, ° M. & MS. W d. mama. Who win appear to-nyht to variety of 111011 characters, minim an doom. Afternoon performance te commence with the great tact drama of the STREETS OF NEW YORE. tresdnes porfonnance will commence with the mate act drama of SHANDY MAGUIRE' or. the BOLD BOY OF THE MOUNTAIN. (ter which lIINCIIIEVIOIIII ANNIE. To conclude VIA Ur. Florelooe's ilsuglooble Woo eraltled BETtnarEn VOLUM VEER MASONIC HALL. THE BATEMAN' ' 00NOERTS. THE BIOST THII72eIPHANT SUCCESS EVER AcLary= ILY PITTSBURGH. TED EITTADAT ETENVIO, 10T...21, AT 1 O'CLOITI, Podtively the LeaMopportuelty of •rer heeling the DISTIROLIIS OED RTISTES /it'L LI: Pa REPA. 31L. J. LEVY, itzBB OABL Et*A. PII0011.&112.111Et DVLLE Pa ark& will king: Mr, Oreatlon."erla verdure clad, netto and Air,” Linda Marble Malls, Der Kleine Hama; (sung in Gamma.) AM J. LEVY, Una Tow nano La. ',Excelsior Polka. =IR CARL ItOad.: Fantasia Claprice. Rath. seen Inarourneen, Caprice Fentastlene. vssas. BVICOW/TZ and MIBOILITI2 preside at the Plano. MONDAY, FIRST GOLICIERT IN IV REELISO The Grand Prancruied to these Uonoerta from the celebrated factory of Maws, Steinway h Sons Admission al. Reserved seats Kt amts extra. Seats can be secured at limber • Brost Rasta Store. Doors linen at 'rid; comments at A nor. MABONIC HALL. Monday t ytupday and Wednesday, titontraber 9744 h •aA 11214 b, Tn 11.111110121 ?MUTT MOW OP AXIOM% r i t tATWlr IMAXIITONIVES COMBINATION TROUPE (Room Eno Ors Homm, Bowany, N, • Will hove the boom of apptatins so above Cot Positively. Throe Nights Only t La that elegant wad umeguolled VAULTY Elf. TEIITAIN=NT. which embraces shoat •14,7 opectahty to the oalloculaz of atmleattahl Toe whale undo? the direction of Quilt Moos of Oomto Vocallita, DILLY PASTOR., The +tll appeal. each evening to a Wootton of nes Bongs, Oonaloaltlos. or. ; Regerrsd seamall MIL. Ada. stun, a a- For full Pallietthre, gee to. 1).. open ft cents "7 o 'ac t °.cl e..mt4'" P.lkr! At. at 9. ul2O-1 LINSON, /Lout. BOOTS AND SHOES LOOK OUT FOB BARGAINS BOOTS AND SHOES TREMENDOUS STOCK FaLL $ IIrIJrTED GOODS, J. A. ROBINSON it CO !text door to DA R£Fg•g .9).7:G00ds Scot. not B°°' AND SHOLIX JAMES ROBB, Iles Just returned from the EAST with a vary lugs sad seasonable ssock of .13000rfEi IS-1•72, 133303316114 or the VERY MET QVALITY. Mans', Boys' sad Youths' ROOTS AND BROM In all then 'varieties and nines. LADIES WOWS of the Mi. est and best that Is manoLsetured, from the Eat Polish to the plate Oslf Roots. Ohlldtens , Boots and Shoes In every style and variety. Our object is to sell mash goods as will Elva sat- Ideation to the purchaser. rEfr-Pleass .1u awl examine. mid you will be satiated with the quezrrY.rointiozot goods. Remember the piece. JAMES RUDA oe7 No. 7I Market street. BR EGAINE3 I EIASIG Altf9 Ili BOOTS, GAITERS and BLIMORLL9, a, McOIZNIOCK'B, 92 Feaeral Street EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. Call and zee the `o•da. Remember, B 2 Fedora street, Alleghaoi. atett NoTicE. Boots and Shoes 63 MARKET STREET. SOUTH & ROSS. I AMES' GENTS', MISSES' AND 1 - 4 climintErs Boots, Rhoea and Gaiters, Of every Style, Blake and Fenn, at CLE'S, vOorner Fifth and O W Y ylie streote. liir PrLe toes mit merited,. son CALL AND SEE THE GENT'S ESP BOOTS At 8:3 Market, street. col J. OARNLHAN. CALL AND BEE THE GENT'S PINE aa.t.s Boors J. W. OMINAHAN, Lis Market stnat CALL AND s THB LADIES AND s-• .1118313ES' ME BALMORAL POLISH 80018 at Ai Market street. 903 I. W. CARNAHAN. pvl.l6..iaf . tW I: I 4 " 41141! ADDY & SWDREN PitACTICAL 'PLUMBS, Gas and Steam Fitters, Do. 165 WOOD STREET, (OPPOSITE FIRST 0=0%! Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet Lead, LEAD Pus, PIG a an ram eta Plunkett' Materials in General OIL REFLIttEIIZEM Fitted fp in the Nog Appined Tooke Stott Wilk load or copper. Mons SUN up with inane gat if. 11.—.1111 owlets prowptp:ottotidihi to. IH TTNIVERSAL tYrRICE3 WRINGERS. arm Patent Flour Sitter. They DO 111 bouseltsig. Thlrf San tiale. matimay. OW and mufti tium_at tie tan *Utter Depot Vi. kIL PHI L LIPS, 011,ee aal 23 St. cusr assn. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &O. EL&CRUEL GLYDE & CO., Noe. 78 and 80 Market Street. WHUBSAIX AND MAIL DEALERS IN BEM s NOTIONSr& VARIETY NOBS Respeetfcaly call the attention of IVROLESALE BUYERS To out LARGE and FAMED STOOK OF EP ERY rIIING PERTAINING to a WELL SLEPT T B MAI ow ROCASE. Our Mr. hiWAN le now In the East buying and sending home all the NOVELTIES Thst Are to be fond. On elm win be to BELL GOODS AS LOW ►B ANT OF THE EastEnzr, JOBBERS. We can ass will do thin, _as Ws BUY ITT THE QASE tram the MANUFACTURERS earl trete FIRST /LARDS. Please call and EXAMINE our GOODS. And Compare Prices MAGID - M. GLYDE & 00.. Nos. '7B and 80 market Street AT RETAIL. BALERALS. We offer for nla a Bee of ITPXY ntstrunix BALMORAL BRUM, wIAA6 ere very cheap, el One Hundred Si 00 Skirts for $3 00 One Hundred and Fifty $3 ter $2 50 MAORIIM, GLYDE & 00, , Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. nOlll POSITIVE SALE ONE WEE IL NEW DRY GOODS, AT PRICES BELOW Gardner & Schleiter's NO. 92 MARKET STREET Russia Crash. 741 pines extra hoary at 1.2;y, rent@ per yard told •very whore for :0 mats, except • OAHDAY.II k SOFILLITEWS. One Cue at CO cent., one ease at 15, ore cue .4 en, sold everywhere at tt coots, except at GARDNER • BORLEITER'S. 4-1 Bleached Shining. One ease very lens, only n sent. per yard, .old ertarywhere for 4h ocean, except at GARDNER la 4-I chiding and Sheeting. Very extra nnallt tor TN mate, bold emu NEB ha . whale at BOILLEVrErS. SO And C , ,h qua& except at Ghat& Printed Delaines. 60 Were tot 1.5 cent. pay_ yard, can Only be tufa at GARDNER SCHLUTER'S. 1-1 French (klutzes. 0 ,4 40 seats per yard, sold everywhere for Snifters, eieepil 06/I.liletft 7-S and 14 Linen Sheeting. Only sni and 50 rent. per yanl--eloraper than eottoo--ean only fre fauna at GAJIDifER BOBS] LEW& Balmoral Skirts. Only $2 12$$, gold everywhere at $1 10. Black and Colored Silks, Meaner than any Dense west of New York, to ee efravrtored, came and sec Salle Plaid Poplins, Double Fold, Plaid and Stripe, great ban ains, onlrdy. eti cents. Sold • tory when at di per ya Plaid satin Empress, Book fold: seautttnl goods; linear at tt 001 GARDNER k SCHLLITETi'S Price only Cteats. French Merinos, P o Pliaa, E.ppa, Empress Glottis, Bombs- Mau, Iloriled kleritos and Delaines, Mo. balm Silk Ladies. !mak Plaids, reotoh Plaids, Palaley Plant, bluk and Erato Plaits, all new koode. Cheaper than than all, for ONE WEEK. or durum the GREAT SALE &WARMER • SOHLIITEE'S. Gelb Cloaks. Willyou buy at 55 0), nt 03 00, at s{o CO, at Q 0,451400, It elk atoo, at Bs on, at AB 00. kitty .tyke to eitlaM from. $ cd on • Cloak, @heaps/ than Munster.. at our (Moak aad Shawl hooms, Harked street. Table Linens, 01 '73 onto. Tweed., 3714 mt.. Owl mere', griA dent. and 51 Flaw:kelt *heap. Eisrythlng cheap daring the great mile for one week, at GARDNER is soaturaws. Kid GI o es. But quality, stitohed or plant, only ti ta. noiniturdir BATES & BELL. HAVE IN STOOB FELL LINE Or BLANKETS, ALL THE BEST MARES WABSANTBD I At the Lowest Cult I"ric4i. 21 Firlb Streit naIO JOSEPH EIORIIE t 00., HAVE JUST OPEIPED NEW GEO 4:391305, D rats Triraveloga, Cloak Osaamenta Real Laas Goods, New Style Belt Booklseji Bost rat** 811 k Bela RsadOrtuutuakts, New • Meek Boaga,Aboatabit Flotalolow 'Min= ltiadkprohlalik Balmosalt atarts; Breskrast Males, batts'..lo2ltlfOodl, /*AMU': ZaßbP'lstatbsi, -Now naWrGra Skirts; Globes 'tad Gazatlets,V7ln tstfordeldl• then, Saint% - nut Aiminare Gloves, Ladles , Mato Castor Gloves., 'The above and many other Goods la Groat Vaxisty, at WHOLESAIII AND RETAIL. ios nom a co. 71 ail ILNAZEBT WIIOLVSALL BOOM OP STAID& MI I air,GOODs,Tkritnyn--- 1 17 fil7l*-1-1.1111-- &0. FIFTU STREET ESIBBOIDFOTrc COLLARS AND SETS AT:EATOWs. TRREAD AND FRENOR VEILS AT EATON'S. GLOVES AND HOMEY • _ hilt•jNiD:r.4.3o:4Dl:ol2.W4:ll AT gATON'S 1100 P SKIRTS (DIIPLES) aitatotua. /SKIRTS MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AT ELTON'S. DEF-SS TRIMMINGS AT EATON% CLOAK THIATIKINGS AND BUTTONS AT EA:rows, ETTLLINGS AND KIIFYLIENGS AT EATON'S GENTLEMENW SHIRT COLLARS BELT BUCKLES - - AT EATON'S ALEXARDEE KID GLOVES JOUVIA•S 1W).5 SOARF BIBBOFf 5 BILK DEW LNIIS I=l ALP AOC& BRAIDS li= The above is only a very small put °rule stook offered 41 ton OLD STA DD. An apartment can now be annul. cunt only to consumers, but to the Trade, that will eluUlenye empeUtlon with any Week ever brought to this alty. They were bought upon • tailing market, Mtn will be told at slow seem. BALMOBALS F. H. lATON, (Suuessot to EATON, 11ACEU,11 k 00.,) mAcarm & CARLISLE, SO. 19 FIFTH STMERT. New Thimmitas and Ornaments, Bead Gimps and Buttons, Eioh Bannetand Scarf Ribbons Fine Gilt and Pearl Belt Buckles, Rich Silk Beltiny--a new lot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs, Beal Lace Dollars and Setts Needle Work Edgings ad Inserting, Cambric and Hamburg Bands, Magic Ruffling and Cults Frillings, Real Thread and French Veils American audEnzlish Hosiery, Gloves and Gantlets—last styles Zephyr, Wool and Knitting Yarns. Ladies and Children' Underwear Balmoral Skirts—new styles Duplex Skirts, French Corsets, Gentlemen's Shirts Collars Ties Merino and Silk Underwear Misses Kid Gloves—all sizes. FARM ON WAICH HE NOW HERME:s, Situated In Crth Township, WashlngUin °minty, on the State Rood leading from Pittebragn to West Middletown, It miles from the former, and mime tram the latter place, contain:Ml 190 ACRES. The ;land le good, well witteM, with about SO LURES OF Gt. OD Tlx The improvernenta area good two coil Fruina Dwelling Boole, with tritcheni a Flame Bank Barn, nearly new, and other necessary Ann Buildings. There are two Orchards, of about six acres, 01 choice selected fruit. Tne location is within of a mile at Venice and S miles of Do Donald's - Station, en the Pittsburgh and Sunbelt. vine Railroad. This I arm is in • good neighbor hood and convenient to schools, onep e hee. nod Storrs. riceftdwil JAMES REED. Will Ind It to their advantage to mill and exam I FOR aeLFy in. our Moir berate purchasing. ALERCEIANTS AND DEALERS PdA.CRUNT a CARLISLE, PR.). U FLFT/1 STREET, Pittsburg. P. 0411 ATTORNEYS J W. V..- WHITE, ei.LiLAGLE:. ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 1043 En.ftla. Street PITTSIITHOH, PA., Will Woad to all buidneu le the lice 01 Men Prolesalon, T TILE OOLLEOT/ON ,OF CLAIMS AOMPISTIIEGOERN Mr. tithatAtiavinit haw m u. ofoutMENT. the OatteO Rum bonito, will twietftet in attar Lion to the businesrof the Gin. stall WOUNDED SOLDIERS IN EITHER The First or Second Three Yeah &Withe as receive the full bounty the wad as it TTI7 hid served the full term of enllstammt by Wiley UpOD T. WALTER DAT, SeDefter for Romania, Penton. WI Pay. To. IC FIFTH STRE.=, third dour below the 1 CathedraL WIC ■. ■ollirl. 030. IL. 00CE/411 M OFFE fT 4,t cocanix, .A.ttorracrirei at 1-11101 i 7174 00 Ice—No. 60 GRAFT STREEr. THOS. lanti. 11043 W. lairs 13A.Y.NE a SHAFER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW lio. Si DLAZOXD SSZERT, 'Pittsburgh, Ps- Court Business Examt , g Titles. Conveyanc ing, Collections, and all kinds of Legal Busloses promptly attended to. set MILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, RAO% PAY and MILITARY °LAMB of every deudiptlon, collected by the subscriber ,at the following rates, t Pensions, $lO all other claims, $3 CO. 0. 0. TAYLOR, Attorney at Law, Blamoad street opposite the Court Bourn. N. B.—No chnrgae are made tf the Milli does not nrneed, and all information given gratis. seedy H. C. I:LACE-NELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND V. S. LICENSED SOLDIERS' CLADS MIEN 7 Bounties for Wounded Soldiers collected Is iron ten to twenty days. Br Ogles No. 1311011.011. gime, Pittsburg*. Call will , Wachs:Ts and two witnesses. maid, /LIM 11. L0150...40831 LAJII.••.J9131D0.34110111/ .14°1113' &LANZ CO., SIGN /ARTISTS & HOUSE PAINTERS, No. 60 Eimitbileld Bt.. Pittsburgh. LETTERING la ALL KENDS extents prealmnMth tunnopaaud oftener'. SHOW CARDS on anainaled paper of In colors, and GILT SIGNS ON OLABB nude to order end seat to all parts of the eotintry. DESIGNS aseentolln • niggly or. UAW manner. ROUSE TAINT/NG dons anti a Ammo to do. MORT, tonnony of color and no of nellet. sir Al work at rouoaable MPS% WILLIAM H. BROWN, (Late of the Ina of Baows t iltoaaner.) notice AND SIGN PAINVIEL GM' Mutt earner of Third sad blarkarta., PITTSRITEIGH DRUGGISTS WOODSIDE. & WA.LLACJE, Vl7 - hAolloassae rOzmaggagate AND DRALIDIR White Lead, Red Lead,ldtharaso, 01 larelakes, 07* MUM', Wiedew l ass Fut piees„ perfumery, Banzole, eathati OU, wag Aped, for Winters Metallic /Mown Patna Hamilton Mato Lead, Mute Oak Whim Losot and Mum h Whiton's Celebrated elteillOrrei la oat anatTO PdtA4 AtiaiL . . No. 37 WOOD IMUI;ET. orPosrrs THE sr. cdair,Es norm. J. e 0110024 Pittsburgh White Lead Works. resat nate= trim. zwur. LEAD oit. tun rim' ou. wawa.% see ..En. 62 wain nzmintlr. EATon•s. It= I al= EMI AT EATOVPS I=l I =:33 ICEEMME! AT EATON'S NO. 17 rirTH sTREET PittabarAh. Pa. : , : 1, 4 1 / 4 131 :t:1 PITZSBUIIOII, re. FOR SALE—POR RIATIML eShBlll,l3, E=034 . 11314 um= Elam PEarZIZ: Tx, AT WOODS' lION.STATION: riffam semi, Laze, Mkt Dwellng vnterur MOM WU !anti pienstoFscia Fatta sat fruit Z.l kbuIsLAW. mlauLu mgt. tkom. Federal girt.t•.lll7o4 4.1•11, eesty t :Ere of the - tabActliber, hig Da si tir.Ari r OIL TOOL WOW/AZ and Li thktn Itzurt, ALLTAtexty. OUlatild • Tr..R. bromr. • FOR BALE—ONE` twin' moraLE DocatritueANDBIMOLARPROOPSArt, tined with Star!, aaa La eamplats , oreter, Wei Owned L-y Bated Ashworth, deceased. , Far par• le ulata, eaquire , A.:4.4 B. STRYOB=2, Adtler. No. I St. CULL. street. EA= =mar, Sousa. FLY WILEELAL, iOnlrfate• /tad/ Or putt i log up, inattobto tor it ■ oaw-mll/ or lop Or:WM r gotring SI borne Row Rower S . TE 'E VI, 40 111:122rd 111 . 83:600 WILL PIIReIELKS4 . me= sotvg., With SIX lio6ltS, an! about TWO ACRES or LAND, altuatella the village of Mount Wath logien. For furtbarpartioulars enquire of ,Li. H. TOWES. _ 164 FoUrthiStrect SPLENDID D WELLING FOE Baia, situated at No. 253 Rabectietteent, Allegheny City. The Lot has • front on! Rebecca street of 20 feet, and extends 10,, feet to Nut's atrost. O. which 1.1 erected* neatly dashed' two story Brio* Dwelling with women contrortablef robots. Cite kitchen. with range, bath hone.. gite;:hOl 0,14 sold water tarouyhout; marble mintleg.'gtone hearths; grape arbor. Tele property be Offered cheap. Apply to, not' B. nioLnIPI h CO. VALUABLE COUNTRY HOME FOR r BALE, situated on the Pennsylvania Hall. read. onoball mile from Wilklashtterk. and only three minute. walk from the newly granted STAT I ON; a on said road ; celled EDGE WOOD' STATION; a LOT ago:wird containing il arras tin perches; three anus Oak Forrest; large Trams Building, Pat net with to room. end cellar .underneath; bearing Fruit Treu; Water and other conven ience.. Three ground. Will dlrire handsomely. For further Lnfermstion @all on • id:DM; N. KANO, No. I% Fifth street OAL AND LIME PROPERTY FOR G BALE-011%11e Steutems the Railroad, wen miles from the ally, CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SIX ACRES, Steam and Water Flowing and Saw MIS, and Other nee imprewcineata. For (=Cheri/damnation ePP I 7 to cnimax Cam), (Oppcwlce the o#Lbegrali Jyii - 80. to. DESIRABLE CITY PROPERTY let, LARGE OFFIGAI ROO - 418, !co, GO Fourth street, opposite M. ea M. Bane, suitable for a Store, hirekor's Ohl sea, se., ea. Sri. A. LLEttlt PLitintitatiFlL OA IrLEHY. ad. A SALOOM', in a good location for an exten• aye Basslauzant. o. 413 ?earth Z. D. GLZEAM., and E 0 ?eon street POR WILE, A.LOT OF GROUND, con. taininp about Tbroo/Loro Maine to Pitt Ty, Aliostellyeouniy, baton= lands of Capt. Bret*. tot and Mn . E. Lenny. This proportjils del/W -ray situated, combating aportion or nom Mtge ottitirs Allegheny river. It la ► beautlfal bullologlot fora Country Residalca, foal will be sold altogethar or In lots. • Tor term, Inquire of the cuidersigitod, ffo. el Diamond doret,Pinaburgh. O. W. ltol3B, JOS. 0 , 811/MT, orieeitf Executor. of S. E. Braosrlet. dee,d. CIONFORTAELS DWELLING FOR %-/ SALE.—I offer finite!' that well finished three stazy Brick s o dd 'Be Lot streets ah th cornet of Second P erry streets .The house contains nine rooms betide waah-room sad bath room, and has gas and water throughout. This property is convenient to the great business cen tre, and yet from Ira surroundings retired and comparatively One from image. full particulars given on application to S. S. BRYAN, Steak and Beal Est a te Broker, 0021 61 Fourth EL (Burke's Building.) PARE FOE SALZ.—TIia subscriber vr oder et pinto ule, the THOSE TWO HA NDSO3.I.E THERE STORY BRICK HOBBS, Noe. so and rL on the east side of WEST COM. nort, near the corner of Ohio street, 'built and finished throughout In a superior mangier—Onlabed with emery modern convenience, and improvement, and at present to perfeet order' one of the clean est sad most desirable situations to 11.1.1.eghemy. Posse/Won on the lit. of Aprii, 16is, Niquire of SAXES T. SAMPLE, Reel Estate Broker and Insarsnee Agent, °Call No. Federal et.. Allegheny. FOR BALE Finished Frame Two-Story Dwelling, Having SIX ROO.MBI_, newly Papered and. Painted. •'PORT/00, H YDRANT` lositle end outal4e the Howie. THE LOT Is Forty-tire feet trout, by One Hon bed test deep. YIPTE AE.BOI/1. FRUIT TREES, ka. PCNUMIOIII will be givezi on Ow let of April next. Also. A COHNE&RTEIRE-HOOMe WITH ONE RLLIO HOUBE . pound= via be given N on tao Let of Aprill next. The proprietor gill either eel!, or exchange for tlonntry Property. Tema easy. utrio of O. IL TOWER, Ho. RN Fourth street. J. T. sesietx, Real Fatale /ironer and Lauren. Agent, Rubdown: 85 Federal street, Allegheny. FOR RELIT. Merchaiat Tailor ; R0N11141137 COME OF MN m 82.CL1D2 Takagi:eat plessitraln antionnalng to Ms Mum abs Ina to men and the pimps generally. that Ws pi:catmints and arrangements for the FALL SEA. EON are now earatiletedk tuning bean varionslty selected :from the lirat.nlass Moth houses to Ur Eastern plea. OnlTh a class goodi as ma re ally be room one ba °Mired, which ent• braves 'the newest most approved malaria& and atir . les, the entire stook being very large. varied and a, pro. Hale has much tionffdanna inn. th airEIVTINE i ntrO L /L COLORED crimes, AND DOE SHINS. as usual, warranted Zaat. eolora, aim sound texture. MFAiniN CLOTHS and othir new casting; new style for entire molts A great variety of FINE OASSINE'RES for Patti add Vesta for Morning and Evening wear. anti "VAS 0 1 1431ds LARGE FIIIINISHED CELLAR ±. • _ • THE TWO LARGE Front Rooms or Offices, NO. GO FOURTH GIBBET. A Photograph Gallery Immediate ponenton gleam. Enquire of • MeZUBTEB. GAZZLIE & CO.. note Aproarmrs, 94 Grant Street. , OAL, COAL AND LAND FOR SALE. The vory valuable FARM to Ellmbeth town. Anegheny county, Pa. contalnlng 173 eeres ot SURFACE A.ND COAL, arid frontlat on the Monongahela Elver (or more than halt a mlle. In Pool No. 1. . In this tract there are 133 scree of good mar chantable SIDAL fronting on the rider, with deep water all aloes the property, The water is never less than from 7% to IO feet deep, when the river is at it. lowest stage. The Land is of the very best quality of raver bottom, oh to good order, and ender good fencing, with a large well detailed two ;Mort , " BRI.IK DWELLINJ fiOTISE, large frame Barn, frame Stable Me feet long; Dorn Crib, Wagon Ileum and two Tenent Dwellings. The Greeneburg and Washington i'arnplke rune through the farm; and tatting it 'altogether for convenience of location and intrtnale value, certatnlyone of the very best lovestmeAte now offend in Ma county. Payment. will be mad* to intill the puretasera. For particulars, enquire of G. 8. TOWER, Beal Estate Agent, No. 164 Fourth errata. notealit FARM FOR SALE, • • CONTAI;UNG 300 ACE* All of which la Seed Farming Land, and MS awes cleared and under good Censer: the rennalnlnslS awes first.rate timber. The land beat lamest meetly to gramcand Is in coed condition for erlthel • SHEEP FARM or far AGRULTI7RAL. PURPOSES. She neighlbortiodd Ii good, and easy Boatrti a few tailed-atria -P. IL , maws •Station and two ataanthost landless an the Ohio river . ' it .12 near Minehat• ter, the eonety 1011110 f liancook county, West Pa , edn miles from Wellsville, end CUM= from Steubenville. O. The improvements Cr, 4 lute Frame House, Rare, Wagon Shed, Oars Cribs, Sheep I:locums, dad ill necessary cabindldlesi. sad • Steam Mill close be. There are two good veins of COAproL, pail at which to ()AIMEE% on the farm. The pert Ls well worth the e(Vslien of tartlet! Oalrlnsy ll nth property, betas rqually well adapted foe, weol growlers, smiles or farming as the Washington :county land, which County Ji a oi lens to ßansack, ?Further partleulars on apptlea. B. 8. BRYAN,' 0051 67 POTTRTH STREET, (Shrhe's Ballnla.l POR SAWS— i • • . • A FARM of 111 eats. with/a I isle Jaws statleP. Os the Pena& sallroae. Tha lm• provemeate are s hewed low house la 4 bac& pan apple crehmtileaditceo4toOrserci ed; the oamee'well Arnhem. • , 4 ,/ • • • lso, I emilltraltAl adjelabis the Beret el Elisabeth. cantsbibtx U earth well adextee ;fox [srdeatas. Tassel' to the vary tat riper hot. sus bs 1, Mgt stabs AXxx A. Nal -stock. &dims arab eaalabds • 100 sat; 'baste la Oben/Mir Ttmashsat £o 2l. sax a:m=7;Pa.; aux the At Onswerllle: Tbil.tbangsrmers, Ow tw.rXteatuilltaxv th gei t s z s t, auk bees - buttla soualytblaSlav goodrxso Awes xlsewArthe reawuslex elmbentd. ixed4srpool,lame atiladalre widch. snows Gaetano el - nay.. Atte marl tea. nAlta:4.lo atilatexileoo44 Mlll4 litoralo46l6 Thigmropftrwill be sold yam :4741i) , eAI AA eas y; Semi. Alto, s Faxaref - Mr - Lam Windom tAwasbip, ItrilxoonalastlyriPx: WI- be soldthelis.. , ea Oa Illtsuz mz , imbilignysbotiltliacra. The hsproTemeate sis • frame 'house sadtxwx;:seraarliat4 mom Stied; wllll .'Othat Outballd — A • Lusa xrpple MAW At between w;si,U-trau oines• en= sail OS matt *N of 0. TO Beal ail Mate agent, 0. its Rnattli Itosg. • ItAtbilo • ► 1 18S5 - . • allc If Azt WA" . - 11ENT.—FENNSYLVAITUt CENTRAZa. TirEv i trAlLT TRACTS. _ _ - lon acsA, ertiaelNDAT.f ant.lith.3.sl3;tralars Ammo e Union Patzenes, Depot, cornet eg ashlnaben and Marty streets, La 4111PDIPUNS4idnllrt - MeR Smut% ass.= al t:onct, il:42‘...4l2 W.tainisi artme::: tau aret.:; : G in.„clopp ut: lamti t 7 John ne sto n wnr Conema ,:afer nan :rtr 0. Pete Wbutf. and all principal Matto:m.lnd skim tar New Tork,Statonatut ti 44" Avrobruk. Aocoaudomilosi - exam SonttaTott tin ,s,- - 12C4 ittOnitsiC Mattbaa betweca Xlttaltargll• Ind 'Adam% Sit , tasking dose ennneetinte RIM trailer Snatch, West Permsybrania EL'S., and 110411dayl , C MINNATt'. rrP111.13, -- craity aunt , dal. 'At 040 h us.; stopping '0 . 07 at Statewide; rincloal tton,. smatter' Menet counted°. • arelMe - f ßa or 'New York, liallizopta.,amkr.k urai; ACIY3BLMODATION, dabs - do 11.40 a. aa, atappyag at aLl it = ttak. e:V4Tt at . Hoar. eletTfaVi Pl/.U.Ow.kautd a ins conned:lam with trains en the Ebe si t i lmand Clasen 8411.1 . 0 Ad. Anti barg PaIIABSLMA dany; at atoppina at Blaltardle ftetiton,, , Johnsto - Conercaugh, Clam, earoarm,lll.uu. tren, alttelintti Rtalls.` burr, Acie,svillei:lani' Amt Dow um At Itarru dnamr area patinbeittres are iha far New Pork, Baltimore and ,Witatilng tom. *Ed FaalaintiOnn, for New York:„.13+311011 . and Liter medlate patriot . Sleeping tram, =la Br:rotation this Lain teem Pittstronti to Rhiladal. Phis :and Baltimore, and tn. New York. by this Allentown route- JOBB I:MOWN ACOnaoniusAfluis.ualts.w cept Sunday, at aid p. m.. nth as air I.loo4'hetareea Pittslarmi.. sad and edit- , nerting at Bialrartlie Intend:NM Fri MIAs 0 1. the Indiana branch and West Penns:ass= &S. FAST LINE, daily., except, Sunday, at 'MN ti itOPPini 0 01 y at ConaJaanah. GIMILOO. tato) na, atudinedon. Lewistown. ISM= leatepent.. Enarando. Marysville, aarnabade. Lindurrdte. Lsneaater, and Ilowntrrown. =tang Oonneltinir aiallirthburlf for New ort, Baltimore annWastr. Ingot. Ind at Philadr phla for New York. Boa.' tan, Mid intermedista patina. 61..pths. througb 04 this Mtn to Philadelphia, atat to Saar Yora,by the Allentown route. Fleet Acoommodation Tram for Wall'eStation lama daily (=apt Sunday) at lAD la. Second Accommodation Train for Walls Statism. Waal daily (excepttinaday) at 10.44 a. m. Penn Accommoda tion No. I. teases daily (except . , Su = ) A=odttion Train (Cr Wall , . Static. leave* (eseept Stu at 11.05 P. la. Perm Aceommeda= 80. Ur leave, duly ( ar' cePt Sunday) at 10 sO p. atopplarat etatioal Th ee)betw Pittsburgh and Penn Statklitr.. • eChurch Tram learns Wawa Station .Teat Soma; at ard a. m., and gutter Pittsburgh at 10.03 m. Ratner= lama 1111400010 at 14.0 p. and arrives at WalPs Station at 2.03 p. Betufulng Train; arlivo V. flttiblugh 4$ ioarrni SAIL_ a tle a. nu Fut /ine...... ' , 1401, E. First Mirell'a Station Acconamodatian.„ . .ll.22 It. NU 'Penn:Ao4onitno4Aflal. , 1.55 11,4111. seeetai Walra Station ArtonusuxintiOil ..13 4 / 1 1.4:6 Japan,:ma I._ , eoferaodatlon - MOS a. la. Bauman Erpren - -- -• • 0.1 4• 20 1,1!* NI Altoona Accommodation b. Eat nttant.. 10-:: a .. or. Third Wan a Station Astommonatioa.t tio p. at, PliLlabelphis Scorns. . 9.06 p. lb Penn Accommodation Se. 2 ......... 41.22 in in. Pitts Dumb and Erie Mailc PAP. XI et Vyleert or the &feebler OnultbUi 00MDInir ni.T.l Trabillit Oa 44 , 21. b4lO maws mit ; Dog take up aueoka ar.d deliver Biome en i.7.Z rthe atty. Mee No. 410 Peat street, °Pear y and, west, whets altar:Len for site IDs,of pasaon. eageri and 41441i110 Sill =CIT. R lll :4otaitt, 2.m. flaithaois expels will with ebligneliggs rear at Lao p. m. on aontisyn. . OTIOR—in Cu. of loss, flo p =og a Ze hold thetnaahres tegponsinia Zoe. 01147, olud 10x b amotnit note W. H. !Liana Pennsylvania Onntrai B 4k=lll Station. on LLSorts and Washington ktreptiF. 1 865 . PITT BB URGB,Magni C0L174113 ' DS AND CINOINNAT/ RAILROAD; Int Gm Short lane Boole vitt Stab:aril% TO COLIIIIBIIB, CINCINNATI LOMBVILLE, INDLIELPOLIS, LOVIII. And all the principal Cale% WEST AND SOETTILWEST. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th. 1887 Trains leave aad arrive at the ONION DEPOT folloser. DTP AZT& 1.111L171M. Tut e, Bto it. ca. Mall-, 8.00 8.160. 61. Evolves 210;p. m. na. Steubenville Amommodain.4.oo 4 Wan. M. 5. F. SCULL. Gen I Mika Agent, Steubenville, 0. . PIIOERSPAUGH, Tiebelkigen M t, D. Union D TLL eyo t,Plttgitlssl. 4.91 pl prITSITURGH AND CrONNELLSV/LL RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On wv2 after MONDAY, Oct Goth, t 66, the trams will 'earn the Depot, corner of Rom and Wary Amu, az follows: Geneve Arline Ml Pttrabargb. 0001ilIt. Mill to Led from Unionsown. 7:15 e. m. N... Express . . . 890 p. au 1000 a. Da. Flret tder.eerport Accomhe...ll.oo a. EP. ISO a. a. S " . ... add p. co. US p.m. S e c ond lrreieak's ... 700 a. so: 020 a. a. Second " . —. 410 p. 21. Oali p. is. Sunday ,I3barch Train to nod trozalleiteerport ISO p. Q . PLO, For tiekete apply to _ Y. CM Aiwa. W. B. STI,I7T. Suputeteren. _ r - 4 - MROHANT TAILORS HEIC,ftY G. HALE, D.ESERABL,N GOODS. For flent's S Youth's Clothing BLADE TO ORDER. IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. B. B. NORRIS. DIZECCELAAT TAILOR, Ma. 79 FEDERAL Si..leatketr non-ta)rd FOR 0 rIE 0- COAT IffG 8: Blue Chinchilla, • Black ChinchiHi% Brown Dash Chinchilla, FINE FRENCH BEA.VERS all colors WNW w 1 will make op to order arder . ln al a9paitat: • avatars and atria 'GRAY, POSSUM/. Sureenort to S. GRAY A SON, non Alzactuots rAri.Ons, No. 03 Fifth BoYa•: DRESS An SOROOD SUM. ♦ new rot of aurae goods For Fall Wear. Str,ST itEDEIVED BY GRAY-& - 41X04.1'44 .. r• 'Nth 4T i3T CLAf6 STREFir. sr FURS .r/U3l LLDIZENMISSESAMnaIiarswat The - ;tries), and'tio&C'soingete 111,, 4 1.1 n -11*51)OP10:44ttlift • ' • :.;-, ; i teCIOREC4SIOOI§4 - 4 - 1-; ; . tvgad hiliset;istittbi*to T:13: .8 iir B. ...ErTB.RET—For . • .. 1 e k . ac4.o^ela was: 0.037 nirenku t a zw . lit iurazipWill Onsimi luileateueinothir sad wiittli irs %old ot tivoranu Ultra. tar S. CTUTIIIISST ik. sown, ' . ng4 lit !Matt street*
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