F Z 3 - - • TRANIEtage GUIDIL —• • VIM iUt4 .Departare Of Trains. . •••••• V;eaniiikrila Central Bahr - Cad. ,__ _ *pals •mTWiPpross... ... Staa• 44 , 11611- ..... ..... 1:514 so mamma/m:2 , m Tao • m Past lam J. • ..... 219• m PittaliZtl•M•ll 43.16 • m Mt Wan doom s to is si Nal" ' —.WM •so litt Penn AzeOts. 7.14 ala Splam. Moms- 466 p 10 td Watt Aeoam- Bto • la Jobmitosra.64l2. t.O p m .Tohnstft /104 On-1005 am Fast Llesa..-.- .1040 pin PM &Illemasum p m ut Wall Asseas. 420 a m Baltimore Ears IMlp so s , . • 1046 am 46 Wall AzOmo... 153 pco is,. . a P:O5 pso MlLE:press. MOO p m rolls Asr . ,n. 1::;: t i reaa , M4 I.Mi pal Ifr.Emidt Trlsl:l4Mlp.'m I z ji. , Attablm..,_ 'Mar Swum em 11••••••••• r .. kn.; tetsamlms, lemrdirlstab Ai:nissi p. sp. - , Pitialntrgb, Colainbns and Cincinnati. i Vast rana......... INio a m fast.Ltils..' . ea aas man ............ smo am Mail c • Sal pis 210 p to Mrs= 12,360 as Ilitiftemis Aco Siepbeinilliais. •Poussadoupo. 4XO pat .„49 4 mac4114•1130:10 s m Pittsbnvitn, Fort -Ware end flikago itriamm__.... - 2-14•mrkoriM. ... : . . im.• m 1 __Bosseett. - .........., :46 p m Rayless.— -... ado pso antpress....;—.. 235 p si Express.— -... CZ p m ! Mail ........-..- 7:01• m EL*4l.«. CVO p so - If. Quite& Erie CIO a m N. Cutle a Erie MO p no Haw Brllttess AmmOsemmialsoa Mann 41/lelnsay depot 0 II; a. to., site a. at, 4.20 p. as, and &to n, my Eog,, oas 9, Ira.; New MEM, I.la -F. lo,LEse.or, 10a0 p. EL; WellsTillo.ii4 p at. - Pittitrargis, Cleveland and 1 14exing. Departs, it0ren......." 11:101111P*Ort1 p.,. 210 aln M ela •*•••!••• 'Mt it i mm1.»...,.. 135 pm • emilreraWkimorm&suon ierreo azttli Pittsburgh ant C011114141 , 111e. Depends. Amite& • 1 11 1111..... 7:14S dart:VW 41:0 p m 11155 P m Ultp.ress 1010 a m Meeportaixs a so un - ttelrerart OW • 00 sa - ... mu prozi - = O5 Pla 1411114141341.. 70) a m tat Staddockls. 630 • m ft " .... 4:10 p m sd" .... 645 pla .... . Allegheny Valley Railroad. &Yens. Arrives. Rail. SAS a mrtprem Ilia a m Loma &10 pmNI 4 11:14 p' so Acconamodulon 130 om Accommodation gala m &ICEMAN WHIM OD LITER! STABLE 4.10 ..V l o=l3l. etre.Ot. "" JAMES DAM a; SON, Proprtetor, • 0 3 221/DIIB6EB AND ()AIit{LS.GES funaltherl for OCltraloo. Also, Damascus for Ft:mends, Wed /DO and Prt/to, at abort notice and reuonfolo 13 ram • STABLE OREN DAY AND NIGHT. 0701 (wry AND SUBURBAN A Romantic This. About five weeks ago, a yanag girl, daughter of a Steamboatpilot, residing in Newport, op. Penne Cincinnati, left her home without penile elan of her. parents, and without giving them shy Imowledge of her destination, or the object she had in Slew. She was only fourteen years of age, but had been well educated, sad was eipeciaily accomplished as a piano player. - the bad been goals three or low weeks before any bribrimatlon was received by her anxious' friends, and then iteryitereabouta 'were discavered ae- Afirjr 17 by an old friend of her father, Who islet her on one of the streets of this city. and asked her What she was doing here. ,Abe was caving enough not to tell him that she Lad eloped - hem her . parents, but !anomaly remarked that elm .was `on a visit to a friend here. , Thlr "fait that the was absent without l i perudsalon became knowa u her father's friend, and he advised him accordingly. This morning a cousin arrived here from Cincinnati, in starch of herr, and engaging the services of Chief Long, the palm. were at once put upon the Mum- She wealinally discovered eta respectable boarding Arose on First street, where she had been lodg ing =du the assumed name of Blanche Taylor. She appeared very mach mortified at her dis emery, and begged the officer to let her go. He cumin bad been watching et the_ posteffice, - In Lupe& that she might call there, and on being advised of Der discovery he went at once to her Warding hove and had an interview. We are not advised as to the reasons which induced her to leave home, bat ahe appears to be:Manned, (like many other girls of her age) eta ropunalle disposition, which a Mlle of the rough cxpetience of life will soon crect. From remark -made to the officer, it a ppears that she had become fascinated, with the stage, and was endeavoring to ontelis a altearuat as ballet girl. Her conduct has been uneecep. tivable here and leer character la yet unsullied; burl( sire leaves her home vain, end deter mines to set at definite& the advice and counsel of parents end friends, she eaters apps a dan gerous coarse, and oco In which sbe Is almost certain to encomia many acetone difficulties, an:limy soon bring open herself life-long miss any and ruin. She Lett for home this allanoon la - Dliarge other cousin. The Itegsdars. It Inn old be &limit to find a more irregular set of "regulars'' than Chase three hundred be. longing to the Third Infantry, which arrived in thts4city yesterday. In addition to the four Committed to jail for riot, there were some half dozen or more lodged In the tombs. and about ttilt the detatchment should hale been *lced under anent. They are thoroughly demoralized, and b,yond the control of the on:leers. Eras soma of the alma were suspected of having Imbibed too much ."Idonnnualtela," and it is probable that. this was the cause of all the nilachlet Even the guard, sent out to pick DPUU , atritgalers, got drama and becanie "itrag glum' themselves, with loaded arms in their heads. One of them was shot at on the wharf, by in 013;:.1f 7 hilt missed, and Via most rechima - conduct sternal to prevail among both officers atifitnel. They are expected to leave the city this evenhur > by warner, and the sooner 'they get off the better. . Sett !Dawn.—Twenty four soldiers belonging to the squad of regt4ta which arrived on Wed letrilj night, who were arrested and placed in the watch house foridrunkenness, disorderlyeen deist, and stealing, were taken out yesterday afternoon by therallee, and placed on board of a barge, and lent down to the 3. R. Gilman which langrolmd. Oar city ie very fortunate In getting rid of them this easy. Their own Mil - kers say they are the most disorderly eet of Men they ever had charge of. On the way from the wit to this place, they threw the stove out of the car window. Men who act as they did de serve severe punishment. Assault and Battery.—Patrick and Jere, wish Regan were yesterday arrested by othcer Moianerand taken before Mayor Lowry on oath of Thomas M'Lung,klin for assault and battery. 'fhaftezatt stand In the market, and It appears that they had, taken offence at Mc- Latrine for some reason or other, which cal- Waisted la an open rupture. The Mayor upon hearing-tbe case, came to the conclusion that the parties were equally guilty, and the case em. dbpseed of by dividing the costs between th . Alleged Larceny.—Jacob limp was later. day arrested on somplahat of Emmen Brill, who (taws him with the larceny of • Sliver leper watch> sliver chain ItesA Bold key. tke whole be- In m i med m Ito 00. The, articles were hattg s ite complainant's mom at Lange, boa," In home on Liberty street. aanlionfl was the only pawn who went to MS mem, ;-hocce the suspicion. Ile wet Locke fnis bidets* of spco, bail. He rays that he can estaldish bi n haao. The Annlveranry of the re-openia z conteekatlan :or St. Jessica church, ; corner ;o r Penn and Mechanic streets, wi ll he held on Setudax - next, 'Nov. sMtb. Eferntobs will ,be preached and coliedllona made morning and afternooniln aid (Attie Sunday School work.of the Parish. :Iles% Mr. Snlvely of St.. Andrew's chUrett, will preach tho gterT4o,2l4, at half past.cwo iVelcek"." Wenve requested to announce, that the • "Ladies' Freedmen's Aid Society" will Ceres[ lei hold tkrik_ryielar weekly meetings every Monday affdriboUArthros o'clock, pt 31)zWa Daily bOginniqg Miinday, Nov. 27tiii at which time and place there will be a supply •of Cut out clathisg for those Who are willing to assist in • milting tt no. • The Batemiiiiirou — pe. , Ain Monday even ing this troupe appear in . Wheeling, where they penthrm two nightt. From thence they pro ceed o Erie, where thyygiye one entertain ment. Thertioldalutirc rc.ained longer here, but for the fact that they could not plocure the hall. DlsOrderly.—EdwardlCongan wailasterd a y A. arrested . lad 'faked :bitOr's Mayor" Lowry fonipladneof tilt models-whit charged Itim-wlet disorderly conduct... , had ions no me lawn. ••" .111 -4, lestediand happening - to run against a Tallaa sad sub. h hrirlok/dAttrough , tbs rladaw,' breaking • gl/14 (lit, gat It - ;gdorets are In a miserably 'MY an • crosslugs are.atmost lot ./ * anieten there happens to be a crowd Tehidetrindh r tenectoon of thn Wets. as kgstt/ng Dag t r ers.ottnimon Case now ays„ an attempt to doses hl abilollll,* dlatresal • • Sebteaced.—add bitin sad oaicor•Camp• bell or art Umber* Pollee were aesteneed, rareeday in Bent to P$ a las of $24,00- and cods each; for mama and battery upp 4 a n u_ rwbd 111441till:414Utnealist. Canto* Soileddr..4olui P. Rut Lt lifihotroot;buotbkresztealikpr for arao. noomaltot otti tFonhl ?striate' k,sentlmeatal and 0 1 Z 11 4 6 04 11 , 44 .tOtit4, • k ial l ga ltt_WArd,lll 191 1 1 1 042.: , !lissome FULL—The concert last night was a repetition of the triumph of the first. The programme was arremged with equal taste, and the enthusiasm of the audience was equally demonstrative. The queen-like prizes donna interpreted with the same grace and brilliant expreation The German Master, as the did Verdi upon the prervions evening. no Caste Diva of Bellied wascan outpouring of melody that steeped the tenses in a delicious atmosphere, and 'zed the poetic Mess of the bard of TreLand of the potency of music over mere language In ex. pressing the feelings of the soul. • - Another gem, "The Alpine ilottt," rung by Madame Parepa, with cornet acecompanbnent by Mr. Levy, was introduced 'eat night,and the. applause that followed was fairly divided be- - , tween the singer and the tunitician.' The latter. ' did not fail In the estimation - be established at his delta, for his perfOnnance butt - night revived thefirrere of the previous evening, although to those who Were net present it may seem a cam - Tel bow SO nanny esteem.' commonplace an ins as the cornet can excite such a tumult among critical and closes reesiemue• But Levy In a wonder,..and undex , Ws control it breathes forth notes of almost rsalf i eFlOwer's The Alpine echo was marvelous in its start ling resemblance to the slicer tones of the sine. er ' and at the conclusion me storm of bravo , could only be quieted by the appearance again and again of the performer' carl Rou improved the favorable impression h e east created. He Is one of the moat sympa thetic pe r /b r ogue we have beard; his bow glides as mit i, o p e n the strings, and the response is As sw ee , as the flower-laden zephyr. T o . o lght Is advertised as the last concert, al thoorn we think that the manager would con. so n perhaps the interest of the troupe, and car. vainly the wishes of the musical community here, by giving as a second edition of these de lightful entertainments. Taguran.—As might have been expected Yankee Locke had a splendid house at his bene fit last night. To night is positively his last appearance, and our amusement lovers should embrace tills Last opportunity of witnessing the last performance of the best living delineator of Yankee character. The pieces selected for the occasion are, "The Hermit of the Rocks" and "Nick of the Woods." Opt. Housa.—Last night upon the aces.' slon of the benefit of Mrs. Florence, the Opera Nome was crowdedto its utmost capacity with a very fashionable audience. To-night the great seven act drama of Um streets of New York will be preset ted together with Shandy Maguire or the Bold Boy of the Mountain, and Mischlevoc4Annie. minimum Es, 1885. The following eases were disposed of in dais Court yesterday. Conrad Speidel watt tried on a eharto of eel Ling liquor on Sunday, and acquitted—the cone ty to pay the costa. Louis Cella plead guilty to a charge of selling liquor without license, and was sentenced to pay a tine of twenty dollars and costs. The same defendant was arraigned o• • charge of assault and battery, ;preferred b James McNamee. The Jury found a Verdict o f net guilty, and that the prosecutor pay the cos; Jobs It. Shelby, tried and convicted at the tut term of court for the Larceny of a pocket book and a utunber of passes from Ed ward N. Hunt at the Monongahela House, and to whom a new trial was granted, on producing teetnnoalals as to good character, from numerous respectable citizens In Philadelphia, was pat upon trial • second time anti emitted. Joseph Armstrong, charged with keeping a gambling house, was declared not guilty, and the prosecutor, W. W. •Neoper, ordered to pay the anus. Jane Kennedy was acquitted of a charge of illegal liquor milling, and the county held for; the costa. Mathew McGregor, was tried for selling liquor on Sunday, The Jury acquitted, but or. dered the costs to be divided between the de fendant and the pmsecntor, John T. Malone. Thomas Morgan was acquitted of a charge of Illegal liquor lulling, and the county held for the costs. Police Officer Dlamissed. Police officer Peal J. Wilmot was arrested late on Wednesday night charged with being &nth' and disorderly. A citizen, at whose in stance WI/mot was arrested, stated that, while standing : nu the corner of Liberty and Washing tom Biretta, a young lady walking pail him wit hailed team across the etreet by Wilmot, who asked her where she was going. Instead of an sweriag. she hunted on, when Wilmot started in pursuit. Opposite the Rash House he over took her and asked her the same question again. She, being very naturally alarmed, ran as fast as she could and in her fright and bewilderment, came in contact with a barricade erected around an excavation for a cellar. The- barn code gave way and she fell to the bottom of the cellar, a distance et several feet. Bee was re leased with considerable ditilculty and conveyed home badly hurt. The case was investigatod be fore the Mayor who at once dietals....-ea him from the Police force, besides fining him five dollars and costs. He was farther held to answer a charge of maul% The lady in question is la the employ of a Mr. Fox, a resident of the Fifth Ward, and is said to eer an uy e lemished reputation. The injuries she has lved will be the cause af caudal/mg her to th house for SO/Ile time. In the address of Dr. James King, two or three errors occur, which injure the tease. la the phrase "unfriendly criticisms made in tha newspapers on the speeches I delivered," e - the personal pronoun "I" should have been omitted. Again: "That the nine central par ishes which are elevated, better drained except In spate, less crowded, and other hygienic con ditions more favorable, should In every epidemic toffee so much less than the others, while the CoLieges and Halls, and city goal, still more favorable In a unitary point of view, should suffer more, can only be explained on the princi ple so open recognized In regard to cholera, thatita. Prevalence grettly depends on the un healthful Influences I have referred to." The word italicised in this sentence should read none instead of "more." Again: In the last sentence of the article the word 'eryptog - amic" was im properly spelled. Nary Lot-al.—Heating for an item at a very late hour last night, or rather en early hour ails morning, we came across two hungry looking "locals" who were upon the same errar.d that we were. Interrogating them as to their suc cess, they replied "nary keel." As this lan guage may appear somewhat ambiguous to many of our readers, we will interpret it by my log, that local items were lamentably starve. We could not even get up a respeetabh. case of drunk and disorderly. The nearest approach to It that we saw, was two policemen carrying an unfortunate youth who was under the info race, to the lock-up, but he was too far gone to be disorderly. We shall have to reverse rules, and go Into mourning, it something does not turn up. Committed.— Mayor Morrison, yesterday committed a man by the name of J. Van degrift to pill for ten days, on a charge of dis orderly conduct preferred by IL Feibancb. Van degrift is an old soldier has been spending his anboance in riotous living, and been Guilty In numerous instances of ablating his family. He made a piteons appeal, but it availed him noth ing. Gone Into Winter quarters.—The %We steamer Port Pitt, has gone Into winter quer• ten in Conneaut Lake. like Ls anchored In about twelve fathoms of water. The gay and festive party of thiliztrods and Walton; who ac companied hereto her prowl quarter, have re tamed well animated with their trip. They re port game and fish In abundance. Enters' and ashen' will make a note of this. Gone East. —Beeler's Bulk 011 car left for the east night before Mat. its merits will now tho:oughly tested. We can see no reason should not answer all purposes for which mi madesigned. It le a remarkably strong car and is sekbuilt that on the return trip, it esn be ' 32 'o for Ike transportation of dry freight. /Cr' riot by "Anctionl"—The caption to the great sale of ,by Mr. Wm, Flaming, No. 189 Wood ' , treat, was made to read "Great ' 6.416 " , £al6," otek , That gentleman reminds us that . he neither buys no r R u a at auction, and &Ala only In goods of the scry but Inartufac tare. The error wan typommticsi. Anemia Ward-1115 Shaw,—.Thi s aome. whatvelebrated gentleman svM yig t pi thwe to day far the purheee of "th'ig the eats had hot to exhibit ble wax "liners." The read ,i rom Thesayille to Paha!'" Is In tob bid a condluea transport blspanorams and machinery. Telescrit. John P. Hunt .St Co., 50 F ° lol street, hale received Hone at Homo, and Ifni,. Dernorest's Mirror of Fashions for December; aliiiThe'lndependent, Nation, and Harper s Weekly far the current week. Bent him up.-411detmaa Strain merits; committed to Jill a man by tho aliment :Jobs Demos.ts„ who is charged by his wits Mmofts with desertiow. Gone to Beaver.—Officers Ell= and Cay j ,. bell; elute Allegheny pollee, left for Bearer to., daYaSe the purpose of , reeelrine . their isate•ce on • shame of mama end . battery for which they were convicted some days so. nedlarfied.--There were two enamel:leases before the "gaper ormiecheny. Vas Mare/lg. bo,thot where Were discharged upon the pay merit of a nominal fine. Opening Das.—Don't forget that to4iy 11 , CI Crating darlif the Muuum. We expect tt Mil balmewded all day. iwit-a4litoSilttleeldld alma twn -eats Wong& badistrouttnom Its meats, was Salmi to the Mar r's Safe / 01 0 1 3 1 7 Min& Amusements. The Criminal Court " " • CLE9I3.&ND ATV PITTSIII72OII It UT. ROAD.— Nov. 24.-30bbls Sour, S Liodsay Tr is co; 49 dos broom. Watt h Wilson; ; bbl eggs 1 do onions, T 0 Jenkins; 9 bee hardware, 41titir h Davidson; 33 pkg. tleb., liaslage; H. pkg. copper, Thus AI Howe; ill. bbl, potatoes, 8 Ewan fa co; 20 blpls apples, H 5;133 bbls potatoes, W; 23_plates copper, CT G Hassey; ears potatoes, L Vote Is co; 13 rolls !cotter, G H Anderson; cars • wheat, gett co; 4do do, Kennedy k Broll do corn, D N Courtney; cars tardier, Schmidt; I 0 kgs tobac co, E Mcgraw h co; 10 bble do ,0 Ilataley; 20 pkgs do, John Floyd tr., , eo; 1 dodo Watt & - WllllOl4 4 do do, M W Rankin; 3 bbls appl es 1 bbl elder, A Bou cher; 33 bag cheese, W Rae ge. PlTTentliatto PORT Warns & Dimes° B. 11., N 09.24.-138 hides,W A Clarkriti bbls dry peackes, L.ll. Voigt & co; 6 cks pearls; - McKee a Bra; 45 Wu jerk , J L Bend & col 3 bales wool, Olinda taco; J.JS Rah:ton} 00 doz brooms, Little,Baird & Batton; II bbls apples, D Keller; I oar oil bbl,, Wightman to Andarson; 9 cars metal. Graff, Ben.' nett &e_ ,o• sks rye, rdoElane & Anjor; 6 oars wheat ; Liggett taco; I car oats, Kennedy h Rio 4 bbla eggs, W P Beck dr co; 4 ...to do, Kell & hatch ard; 5 do do, I keg lard, Hatay Rea Jr; I do do, T Jenklna; 1 bbl 011, J Klrkentrlck to co; car lumber,iL Larlith3l2l; 1 do do, Armstrong & aro; 7 •bblo beans, 10 ea Jr; 2 bits butter, D•Dichl; too bbla floor Watt St W 111100; 18/ do do, T 0 Jenkins; 160 mks wheat, S K Funk; 100 Dbl. dour, (Julp to Shepard' 10 do oil, B L Fahnestock & co; No bags barley, John Gangwich; aka rags, glarkie & co; .1 }digs lard, t do eggs, Graff to Reiter; 25 two 041111- diet, J S Dilworth s col 4do soap, II Rohe; 6 pkgs butter, bbl. lard, 2 bbl . egg', Balaley; 4 can wheat, D Wallace. PlrrenunothCol.lramos A3OD Ciecorrarm Nov. 24.-973 , gd01 chairs, Earthier & Irwin; 3 bars atop pelts, H Languor; 00 bdl. brooms, Shrieer & Lizear;224.s 40, KioNtroya., cope bbis lime, Evans In co;20 dot broom. John liutohlrwon; 0 do do, Little, Baird to Patton; I cask cullett, Kee & co; AimaconzaV STATION, November 24,47 lacks naneed,..zwee xamlliont do do,', Ketahani 169 oko Ilaxseed, 0 Et SuYdarot 100 bbla tlour, P Greasy 1 eat mill . feed, Slaps.. es Iroontio bbla io7l.l,af.t att r s l o6V .i ttg . ,e ' . b Ci bli n p d o e rogj 11 Knox; MO do do, ohOlz, Eton k 106 do do, Jo ho .Herbert B 069 do dolbDren oulons,los Mgt 1 00 b la po tatoes, Beekeleld Ittlehoute; 101 aka barley, Sam Reeky. IMPORT!! BY RIVER.. Sr. Lorts—Pen Yokra cnnt—Delange & Cheat. nut 101 Weal Wm Hingham,Wo do do ; H H bbladayt-Llttle, HUN lk Pat ta o 45 bales broonaeonli W-THonntai 10 Dbl..; nourthmiak & psrntio.cgri ai r k e ntrataZ 11 , barrel o e Clark k & 1441 bldcaj 001 bat and 10 bbl Jok ationnor,2l)bOrtarcblS Evrard,ft 60 d Fabaeateek &Seth-21AL nilypery eLm; Fa:killer & 1r. 1 n , /a l Ol chairs. : tOttkit LiiiihA.-:.IEB.0011Inh 00 Mb clan D atalailebutttut,loo Wes; GM Curtin, t Igatnatotaetifttc 8ri4.111 empty 1101 bbl, daul inot 4 74.lOlis c antlier li ' t ,,re a itZwaabl* , Al about Wpm twelve O'cloek this mores:yr, • file broke out in Griggs & acmes Match Foe to litrawbeny Ailey. Owing to tae com bustible nature of the contents of the building, which was a frame, the firs at Bret was of • • Ta 7 Wang character , co bat after causing s eiderab e r damage 'to the building and etoek, the aaonnt of which we would tot estimate, both the hirep r t etore b e ing sauna. it was subdued la the amutkeiCortho Neptune Fire Company, mu c h wys pnzfirtty on the ground. Had the are gib e d muck headway. the aurronading fr om badwp woad have been In much dan ger. Thm U the second time this eatabliehment has /offered by Ire, it having been Wally des troyed Ism summer. The Young Maws Priena.—Warranted to curs private Diseases., For see by druggists: Asa for the Yonmg Man's friend. A pamphlet giving the symptoms and treater:at of purge diseases accompanies each , Box, or can be had by eddremmny . Young Man Friend, Box 99, Cincinnalti. with a cent sum en to B. W. P adoest. Jiintit of &o- nlng, Crarleal3aper s .f. H. Felton, er Allegbeny. OBISSON, McOLEAN &co Bankers and Brokers. No. 7g Volulb. Street Pittalmrgb. Healers In al/ kinds of Government Secatittes Gold, Sliver, Unctumost Bank Notes, Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Ms, &a. REITO Deneana neanlean In PAIL MIMS nu CUR - . Interest allowed on time depodts. Collections made in all parte of the tinned States on most favorable tams. Orden executed with dispatch for averythley In the business at the Bostos, Now York, Pails. on eenn delphia and alsdon Pittsburgh Brokers' Bolas strictly Drags on A. OLEWS & 00., New York, JAY COOKE 600_, Philadelphia; Mesas. 0. D. HEAD &T. PEEKINta. Boston. FINANCE .AND TRADE eIROICEREI AND BANKERS BOARD (ODDIDOTDD DT 2.01111801, SVOLIAO b. DO.) OTTICIL . 031 . THIS PITTFIDDROD GAT DTTD.J FCID,T, Nov. 24, 1355. Otifred. 4sk Q. s. I 11661 11. S. 6309 101 23 U. S. 6.20 '5,new....-- $7 50 -- U. S. 740 , •,...._ 00 99 oo U. S. 7-30's, 34 Issue 00 711 U. S. 99 00 U.S. Certificates. 97 10 Gold 144 co Allegheny Co. T 3 60 --- Allegheny City o's— 97 50 Allegheny Valley R. R. 103 64 Connellsellle 11. R. Bonds-...... •.79 00 gl 03 Boatsmen Insurance......... 110 00 Pea.yleania -- 2600 Allegheny Valley R. R. stock.... 00 Counellsellie R. R. 9 60 National Rank of Commerce -.....1 10 60 110 00 AL & lit. National 66 00 CO SS Peoples Rational ----.-104 00 105 3 Third Natlonal....-__--. 124 041 Columbia Oil TT 3 Eldorado Paxton Phila. Lane & Cherry Run... Ritchey__ Western Coal Bluth Mining Co-.-......-- SAL. 600 U. S. 7.30'5. 3d series ..EM... 91 00 MO U.S. 7-30% Ist series 93 Os The market for Government bonds continues de ;mewl. The bide at morning board were . shade lower than the market would bear, but there is undeniably lees dispoattion to luv.t in Five Twenty bonds than when they *ere lolling from three to gee per cent higher. Seen Thirtieswere rather more. In demand—Lt series *it readily at 95-2 d and 3d at 974. Gold keeps steady at about 147 In New York-10(9146 here. There was no change to reportpin Bank or In surance shares. National 13ank.ot CoMmereesold at 110. We have about the usual report to make on oil stocks. The only stock which has moved to any extent during the week Is Philadelphia, Lerma*. ter h. Cherry Run. Last week early it was bought quite freely at from SO to Pk per share— then sales were made at 6t, at which It has hung steadily for some days. A new impetus Was given to the stock to-day, mad Revers/ thousand shares changed hand. at prices ranging from 1,23 to I.:A. The men by yesterthtre reports teas yielding 2.00 barrels daily. Columbia I. verytqulet at 27%1129. The prospect (or next monthly dividend is • very fair one, Ritehlo still bangs tire at en The present depression in trade generally, here es elsewhere, arisee doubtiese from the uncer taint), a. to what action will be taken at the pp. poaching meeting of Congress on matters apper taining to the finances of the country It le la mest generally conceded that whether there be a reeumption of specie permeate, within • •hot period or a longer one, It Is almost certain that we shall neversgalci bad the country, on the whole, so well prepared for resumption as at the present moment. Our mercantile and industrial classes are at present almost entirely out of debt, haring kept so (eon, fear of the unforseen even to which the war and the subsequent peace aught produce. These t eo events being passed, our merchants and Industrial classes will boon launch out again into their former liege operations, based on long credit,. The moment they do this, resumption of specie pap:ciente - becomes Impossible except through one of those terrific commerciai and mon etary crises which ciagulpti the earnings of years of labor, strew the land with wrecks, and retard the progress of the whole community To-day, If we act properly, we can return to specie payments almost without an effort, and without disturbing thenatural current of commerce and Industry. —The Internal revenue receipts show a decline from the high point reached a chart time ago, ac cording to the following returns of last week Monday Sl,274,9oSThuteday —.SS/2,bn Tntedny - Stagli Pride, Wednesday... 1.53,064 Saturday ..... . 7/0,140 Total received aince June 30, 150....1141,001,344 —The circulation of the State banks at the pre . sent time is about 1130,000,000. In July it amounted to $ 63 .0 18. 304, ;in June to 1133 . 333 , 77 2,32: to Slay to $12.1,671,633,75; in April to 11130,434,434113. Those expasudonists who are In favor of the repeal of the t hree - hundred-million-currency limit would do t. well d t pon t.k..b der over a if.:r returns ewf of h itagathe,post.redfrom the t. The entire circulation of all the banks In the ['al. tad State. In 1931. was .71036,930; rn 1a31.11,13,011- 303; in 1336, .116,104.440; 1337, $ 127 ,737,183;131., $7l,- 891,184; 0839. .913,220,146; 1.013, 1.76,00a,337. The books in these yours held specie tothe Amount of from twenty flee to thirty-three per cent of their etteulhtlon. National bank notes, though nomi nally-Issued by the fount (branch) bank whose off cers tinlsh them, nre of the Woe of the Treasury Department.Th e Co y mptroller . of the 17urrency inn aubordlnate nicer at the bead of the United States Treasurer'. currency deletrt mettL —The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Baltimore and Ohio road met at the Camden Sta tion. fialumore, on Monday. The earning. of the road the present year are greater than the pre t loup year by tag, lbsi,67, and the Int rental eapen .e. B a y e been $13,424,30. The aggregate earning. wonilog expenses and net earning. of the nun tteM. Wbington Branch, and the Northwestern Virginia ay ßailroad for the lineal year itai were Al Total earl:tinge, $7.6...ti,t`..T01; total ex pense., r2,41a,175..3. TORO net earning, 1' 015, 'rar e. , The , titate tax on pasaengers Oa the ash. Ington Branch for paid Into tee State Tree.- ury, was 0./1,N40.01. The following gentlemen were re.elected Directors for the ensuing year, by Colo GII Z105:1 ahares. John Ilapkina, Samuel W. smith, Fransi. flume, Wax. A. flack, John l ame. ti Joho Gregg, ,nneli, Jame* Harvey, Wm. Ream, llalloWay Chesion, Wm. W. Taylor, Samuel linty. impown By [maime/ prirTaßi7aGu aukairaili. Oar= os Tni PrrnsattrurnreFalnntlit, Yarnell, November 21, Ma. litire II no improvement to note in the tong of the produce minket, and, with [only a limited as mead for most of the lending ecitomodittes, prima generally, are weak and drooping. ASlMES—lleftveand firm, but at Sales of 25 tons common Soda Ash at ff);;; 10 ton. Ele tlned do at 0%; 2 ton, Potash at l 0; and 7 tons Pearlash at 12. GIIAFN—NO Improvement to note fa' the do. mend for Wheat, and, In the absentee! sales, we quot Springat 10, acco 21 , 20 21 1 ,2 0 ; nod Winter at 111,040 =ng to qua li ty. Oats dull but un changediptinte May be quoted at 49 41Sofrota nom I. ' ell l l' a r g a ' I a to 3l'ati 7 l ridr or lar Tftlt. gritirrSheCliq Barley 7 Ls b. Irregular to q uote o correctly. We eon report a small sale of prime old Rye at vs. FLOnE.--Conthmea [doll and neglected, but wltAat ras iotable change. Small aales from store at " for. Spring Wheat Family; 810.2543/ t0,715f0r inlet. Wheat, and $l2 to Irtn for fancy brands in it mall - way. No change to Rye or Buckwheat. PROVISONS—Bacon Shoulders are dull at 17%018, and Ribbel Sides are quoted at Littera. Lard I, sellingat T , for prime new kettle rendered and Bless Park Is held at 324,504025. GBOC ngiGll4sl—.llLarket dull and Sugars are fraction lower. Wet.. quote CribaSuotr at 1014 @RV Porto Rico, 12,717; Crushed, 21 M; "A ' lion., *4021; "Li" Coffee, 1954111/ Por t RI. Molasses range from 00 to 11.10; and prime New odes," are selling at 4140. Fair to strictly choice Rio Coffee is quoted at 12 to 34.14, and Caw olinalnce at M. POTATOES—In good demand and Inner, with an upward tendency. Sales In meta at ett,..ai,23 per buah; 120 bble, on track, at OM per bbl, and 50 bbls from store at 00.12, New Jena, sweet, are selling at $7 per bbl. APPL LS—blarket a shade firmer, and the de mand Is better, though prlcee are unch t imed— reeling gfrom IA to $9,00 per barrel, according to TAER—Is as dull a, ever, the Supply being somewhat In excess of the demand. Fair to strict lygir RoLll: l ;; , ut , : d .tgl a at fa t r ie d tt and at 0. CHEESE—Is steady , and moderately active at 216122 for Hamburg, and 22&22 for Goshen. CRANBERRIES—Firm, with regular sales of eastern at $l5 to $l6 per bbl. s7wEll,—)tanges all the Way from 110 to 1115 per P bbI, IGKELS—S according to qu ales a atll lity 1 ,n an s d E per 100 ye of barrel. PIG LEAD—SaIe of OM pig, at 120.. HOMlNY—ltegular”les at On. llAT—Ranges from BC to 120 per ton. . c LA rdi ß—S .gt al o es . g o N f o b rt arre lt Oro . Ilan at 1110,50 to $l2. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET °YIN, OF Tat Pl,PliOrtIGH 04021,2, r 1111,A T. November no, 1058. CRUDE—There was again a eery fair demand for Crude to-rlay. and while the market an. Orin and active, there la no quotable change to make In quotations-26627, In bulk end Dbl. returned, and 31(0.12, bbl. tneluded. Sale. of 470 Dbl. at 27, bbl. returned; 760 to bulk, to arrive on drat water, at ; 100 on the .pot, 28;400 (40 to 47 gravity) at 254300 atn, bbl. included, free on board can; and 270 at 27, bble returned. We baud of an Offer of 441 for 1000 bbl. delivered in Philadelphia. REFINED—The trannactioes In bonded oil were uncut:tally large to.dey, and with • good demand and limited aupplyp4 further ces have eta' fuher ad vanced. Sale of 10'00 bble "Union Refining & Stor ing C 0.," all Jannetry, sellers 000100, at ft f. o. b.; 000 Dbl. to be delivered In Philadelphia between the lOU and 20th of December, lettere option, at 65; 000 this, let to 20th of December, atAl, f. o. b. helot 100, on the vat, •t to, 1. o. Dbl., let to 20th Of December, eellere option at 58 t o. b„ 600 bbl. let to 15th of December, et 56 t o b. 011 le firm and higher. prime elty brands being quoted at 76670. NAPTHA AND RESIDDITM—''here era. 'no movement In either Napthn or Itesiduum 10-dey, and, in the absence of sales, we omit quotations. RECEIPTS—The receipts of oil by the Alle gheny diver aince our tart report were as follows: Fisher A 8r0....—. 1310 Jas. lidawhinney.... 126 Levi Wade. ' 07 11 O'Neil 51 J. E. Strickler...—. ell W. P. Logan 231 ft. A.ii 'Aden.__. Jaa. Gallagher.— in L. 1.3 Total ' -• 1a IG HAREETfI BY TELEGRAPH, CHICAGO lIARECT. Special dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette CHICAGO, November IS. FLoon—V cry dull, With light Pales, OR.A , N—VirDeat, White Winter, at 81,15; No. I .6pring declined le; No. 9 advanced tete, with twee at el otstp.tok4. for No. I, and for No. 2; Bed it later quiet at 111,00 for No. I, and 11,031.49 for No. 2. Corn advanced 20. with sal. at Walla for No. I, and 55500 for No. 2.. Oata dull .ad gate lower, at :sumo for No. I, and ettMe for No. 2 Rye la better, at selel for No. 1, and iZe for No. 2. Barley dull; rake of l'aciadian at $1,13. Wm:tar—Dull at $2,25. Pave:auras—Very dull; neglected new mete pork offered at $32; no buyers. Lard dull and nominal at :tyyx?;. Hong—Aloderratol7 active at yesterday's rater at $10,1104310,113 for medium to good. Hear 1.4 r -r; a—Very dull and droopily: mles at s3.6nfse,no for common t o good, idoort MATTKlTA—rdtb.cgad; Geld 46,146? i. It e'r..-62.c00 bblo Flottr; 2 3,W9 both Wheat; 3.3,00 boat, corm; n .000 bob Data. Slur on ro--1 •mo bbto Flow; Z 6 =Mall WL MOM bush Oars; 164=0 bush Oats. PETROLEUM STOCKIII IN NEVI TORN Special Ilispalcitto Weeteru Preen. Row YOAI, Nor. 114, 1993. Prig/33.M' STO+ co—There it tronelderaNe to tint, in Petroleum stooks to-day. Dividend. have been declared La ble<iloy, Fountain and OUTton Companies. The amiss boAllay were at the following rate.: Bogen. S; Clinton. 100; Forest Courtly, 23; Polsoet, 293: Manhattan. 93 ;0oeardc, is, Bush,nah rum, to; Exaoßtor.OS: Ile Simple, 31; Perot Natbrtnal, 43; 03 Crank, 133; Bannetioft Bur, 19 93; Pitbran Orwrk, 19,03; Tolled Stases, M,to; Webster, IS?. YOBIC PETROLEUM MARKET. Spatial Dispatch to WentersPrem tins Toss, Nov. 24, 1843. PIiTSIOLEt 1, —The Petroleum mutat to excited and Ormeri sales to-day of 11,000 Shia Relined In Bowl at 66NftEci LESio hbla Oruda, oath. toot, at 44!,264r, eax bbl. for Donau:Q*4 at 4.1340, 114.64 000 beds for January, at !1,. Finance and Trade in New York. New Yon_ Nov. 2.l.—The sten market dm- Coosa ntsve Several stocks are attracting at tention. Ede and Hudson are being bough hOug up, and advanced at the morning Board. Reading and Michigan in , uthera weiro Isom astir*. Ft. Wayne and Notthwastens wen the leading Western shares. The market was quite strong during the day, with coniderable busmen. The folktwing were the cicalae prices ate r. New York Central, 97.037 , 4; Erie, 927/(yOlt.„;; Ohio sod IllinimiCer Certificates, 2310114 it Oa. ton, 1.504.51,i; Cumberland Coal, 4.0.412444; Mari pose, 13.4013 X; Quitdrainer,C43l7%; ll (ills,. Government Srournsee were quint, with limited busloes, at about yesterday., quota tion*. Money any. There were many loam at eta per cent, but most of the businen it sev en per cent. Gold Is quiet, with Moderate de mend for customs. It closed at Istr;',. New York Dry Goods Market. Now taxa, Nov. 24 —The following are the quotation and dispatches from the Dry Goods E.:- ethane: Brown Shistings—Stadlard. n3f, LacOnla, Va . ; hiedlotd, Plitiflrlo, A 2Co. Bleached snotiooo w wio; ,Meson stile. it'4c; James, sifielint;e. Printe—Gocheco, gee; Hamilton, 2.5 e; Freeman, It. Detainee—Ham ilton, 310; Lowed. dhecka—Amoneag, 11, tact U, 47X,c. Sttipee—Ererett ; American. sae. Denitea—York, et),• New Yo r k , { O Corset -lent —Bates. anc,• Lewiston. 13 4 c. Or tern LIMN —Nat Usti.) Ile; Wintarop, 4754 c. Canun Flaonels —Et mine Bleached, 415(0; Nashua hrowo, Sic; Boston iir. Recaullty,Jeses—(tines er.i. Helmond Skirts—Gilberts, $ll per der Hoop Ns Irts—llleyers, I XL, narrow top., 20 to se hot p. RUM; o Ids tapes do do, 60t3t25. Lotto. v or. ol.—Trade fair; Meow, Sheet in. a coerce and to demand. hices UnOtIPOJW. BALT/ Nov- IL—Market quiet, Prices (be mile • se yesterday. Sr. Loom, Nor. 24 —Trade light, and no disposi tion to give way in print Orscr*.c.,, Nov. 2J.—The aspeet of the market Is uathanged, and a general dullness prevails. Collodion from the country are slow mid await. Pers. retrain, Ner. U.—Gotten Goode dull and Irregular; Import/. holding otr. Trade light; stocks of staple weediest steady but quiet. Botrox, Nov. In—Prices unchanged., Market quiet. Fen York Market. ' New Yong. Nov. 21. thErTOX ^ quiet and steady at lil(gMe for middling. At the auction to day 4000 bales of Mobile and New Orleans o etton for Government account, the following prices were oblAined: Sto for Mobile, for middling; fot do strictly mildiung; 4334. for do low tor . rfew Orleans etrocriv middliculi, GOO for Ile strictly middling; 4010 for wite. rwxy mush all other kinds areduil and unc h ange d Fuollit—dx, l o69B,so for extra State; 1921,m (or extra round hoop Ohio and 12,250111,8 i ler trade brands, the motet Moen quiet. WRlBlT—iteart, water* at 0,1501,511014139 2,54 X for liedned. Gluon—Wheat heavy and drop In except for strictly choice gouda paresis; $ 1 ,MA1,91 tor Ohl. onto spring, the lueldelprice for unsound; 111,130 1,9 l fey Mliwatikee club: 11.8301,831er Amber Milwaukee, the latter piles for eholee. Ave heavy; Inferior western 81031,17. Barley malt quiet. Corn opened firm but dosed heavy at WA Ste for unsound and 93%A1n0 for sound mixed weetern, the letter an extreme. Oats quiet at cieg Mc for unsound and AliAato (or sound, and mall parcels at (to. caOciuus,S:43ofree quiet. rue _it bay sales at no tilde Cuba Muscovado et iscrl:o, and eighty boxes Havana at 17340. Metassu quiet. PICTISOLIVIC—Firmer and excited; Mtn Cairo at 40g140 for Crude, and trlente for Relied in Bond. Woot—VeryQuiet. Pnoverone—Pork lover, With. more doing, at $0,371 , A5t (*for Meut—closton MOAN Dash, and etWarl td for Prime Mess; aiio 1,040 bp's Mess, tellers' option. for all the year, at 1130,1n.ie gpm Begfritilag hwy.; sale* of Soo bbla at aliCilt. oo rot nazi XesNAndl Mgtepo for Extra Mesa Best Hams heavy, ;casein, fierce Beer In deuend,e/datigindlatuS at 841.00. Out Meats inlet and declining, at Ittglit for Shoulders. and for B .:B aumoma Aull and Unsettled. LA emu and lower. at 21(g.hhc i 150,11,1103 bbls for for fa* 11/Ity; waterer option; finnan:WU, at Mealier Ohio, and atalgiller 'agate, Cheese duU,,at ,-• J •, . " Near:York Etna abdiNoneyklorkit' rtzw' Yoto.:Node , 24;-;.'" Zooor - our at rer rent., Malta; itetletrOttl arm roorsii. - .Goid without, decided, awe, apenthE at .3.i,and de clining PO Up!,l Ativatteltig to to, aed at Oo~arnmeas6toanaa Piede eager. Freights to Liverpool a farthing better for pato. Ovocita,-Oaavpiteek Waal, 11144; Toledo, l 03; Northereatyr,, ea tirsv l elann_ and ip Pl?tabtupty Mehl an Bort ern My Erie, -X, !Ladino. ti 1 Beadle", 117; bile lift Fort team., loei lee se Tort- trait t Ohio and Oartlllsetea,VaiMicro Blue, 14 iteven.Thtrou, VSK; One Year Oert , boatea. ; Ptve.Twvattas, Oottitane '6l. fold; do W 2, t 0.% Fortlipa Exports from New York. _ The export. from this port continue large. The following ahoere the expert. (eerlualre of /prole) from Am York to foreign port. for the week stains. November 23, aryl Wore the bettosiog of the year: NOW i BEING RECEIVED. THAT ELEGANT STOCIGOP CHICKERING PIANOS, ""td ter=elitt elalibltott a Ft s t art orie be • duling SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS are nom! open, and randy for examination. • public 111111 Lnytted to call and Lae than. Warrnnted for Five Years, CHARLES 0. 1113SLLOR, al Wood cue Sole Axton for the Ohlakerituf P PIANOS AND ORGANS. Emme Grahamull .St • alartetta. I nmsa, ay:am= ern ISM. 1874. For the rreek..•.s 2 . 2 cOgri $ 4 . 8 43,104 $ 6 ,04. 1 50 p reported —151=067 191.298,/ C i18,919.e0e Since Tan.. 083,883,665 108,62),68( 144663,566 The export. of domestic produce for the week biClude 11,719 lbs beeswax, 31,748 bbl, wriest dearr, 15 bbls rye dour, TM bbl. corn meal, 114 031 bush wheat. *IS bush oats, OCRS bulb peas, 148,790 bush corn, 44 , pkgy candles, 40 tons 6 0. d. 10 ,816 baler cotton, TOT balca hemp, 54 bale. hops, 2291 barrels rostra, 10 bbl, spirt/. turpentine, •Miki galls whale 011,, 16,926 gallone.perm oil, 1833 galls lard oil, 45 calls linseed all, 1489 bbl. pork, 142 bbl, and 1173 tea beef, 398,6t0 lbe cut meats, 32,999 lb. better, I,f 86,067 lb. cheese, 110,487 lb. lard, in Dbl. rice. 189,321 lb. tallow, aloe bild, and 1789 other pkg. crude tobacco. 22,674 lb. manufactured do, :in galls petroleum —Cora. adeertirer. RIVER NEWS EIMME! Leonora.-- Sherman There were three feet four inche. water In the channel by the Monongahela pier mark. last night, and the river was about at a stand. The Yorktown come through Glue House night be fore last, drawing three feet two inches, and rubbed all the way, but did not stick. The weather was cloudy and damp. We may reason ably expect to have more water than what there Is on the present • rise, and should not be at all surprised to see the river coming up again this morning. Starnes. at the wharf Is dull. Ma rrivmsTa.—lf our steamboat clerks will take the trouble to make out and mall us their man ifest. from Wheeling or Cincinnati, we will pub -11.11 them In advance of their arrival, and by this means notify consignees that their freight is com ing. It is of very little use to publish a manifest after all the freight has been dellyered. The Yorktown, Capt. WasK",,Ebhert, arrived night before !net from St. Lout manifest will be found In another place. She will load In urn for St. Louie. Capt. Ebbert Is probably th e oldest regular boatman that Come, to this lauding; lie haebeem runnings steamboat steadily without any Intermission for twenty Ma years. Who can bent lit The Lorena, Capt. Sam. Shuman, came up to the landing from SI. Louis yesterday evening. filer manifest can be found elsewhere. She will await her turn to load out ride n for St Louis We learn that In the Allegheny river there are 20 lariat . . of water at Franklin, and 21 tech. At 1)11 l'ity and the river is Halos •lowir• The Emma Graham came up yesterday from Marietta, and having dbicharged her trip, Started on her return yesterday afternoon. The dam In the Mnakingum wW probably be repaired early in the coming week, so that the Julia can resume her regular place to the trade. The J. R. Gilmore, which left night before last for St. Louis, with a lot of soldier. on board, was aground at White'. rime yesterday afternoon, a barge fo l l o w nt down to her. The ing la the port list Including only ouch boats as are ready to gel out in turn, and not Including tow-boats or boats just finished Rock et, Argonaut No. 2, Silver Cloud, Yorktown, Lswrenet, Lorena, Pine Grove, Financier, Ne. coda, Bayard, Leonora No. 2, and Leal Leoll. The Leonidas Capt. M. A. Cox, I. still reedits leg freight slowly for St. Louis in anticipation of a rime. She will be ready to go just a. soon as there Is water teuatlfher. The Nevada, Ca .l p, E van. is about loaded for Louisville, and will go as soon as the-elver raises sufeeiently to let her out. Thc.Sliver Lake has het shingle out for Cin etnaatl and Louisville. The flee steamer Lenl LebtLir receiving freight for Nashville and will leave on Thursday the such lest. Capt. Campbell thinks that by that time there will be no diffictiltr in going through with out delay. The Bayard, 'apt. Herron, will resume her re gular trips In the Parkersburg _trade on Moo_ dal The Cillren, Capt. Armstrong, was tohave left ht. Louts for this port on Wednesday. The Kate Putman, Capt. biamtta left on Tuesday, The Mender Hambletoe was sold a few days glace at Hemphill to Captains Bro•enan nod Bay for fa 3,000. 'I he steamer Brasil was hunk lest saturday night, near N'ickaburg by colliding with the steamer Magenta. Two II ve. were loaf. The Cincinnati Comuserrial publishes a reined of boiler explcolons for twenty-nine days, show ing that Dine boilers had exploded,' dextrdying i'llity-four lives or an average of three. live, per .!nr erten live. to barb accident. The St. Loul. Republica.. of the tliit sort The Kenton would leave the iron pile Last nicht at a late hour for the Oelo, with her co sold nal in the water. She has two , hundred nn,l forty tong pig Iron for Newport, Kentucky, eight hun dred barrels apple. for Louisville, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, twenty-rive tong bloonta:tere•ty-rive baled hemp, (Corti cabin and t treaty e deck pan. sender. fire Pilots are Captain. Mason nod Jonas Myer.. The stern-wheel Hemmer Deer Lodge, hound from et. Louis to Omaha, with valuable cargo, struck a snag twelve miles below St. Joseph on Monday, and sunk In about eight feet of water . She Is supposed to he a total lots. She was owned by I 'iipLionn CT Capita, of St. Louie, Henry Ho lleman and Capt. Lea. She was valued at lion,- and Inst.red for 140,0 CH A di/patch from Nash, tile, dated last night say. there see 15 inches water on Harpeth Shoal. According to Ulla, the Cumberland river must to fal/Ing. I rapt. John L. Rhodes will arrive here some time to-day from Cincinnati. The Mobtie Fettane of the lath says 'Pb, Montana arrived here yesterday, with a etrancr story to tell. While passing Fort Stodard, near Itetuat Vernon, the boat ww tirnto oy negro soldiers. The wheel. at the time, trio in the hands of the assiatant pilot, but the crashing 01 the bullets through the woodwork of the pilo house aroused llctitain S. R. Reclined, The pilot, upon dlacovertng; the point from which the volley d c o a cmke., reversed the t m ov h e in ethat pur anooicehs and some soldiers wished to come to Mobile, and had adopted the novel plan of ordering negro sol dier. to Ore Into the boat to atop her. Theme geo tiemen never attempted to usa the neual to bring her to, but preferred to accomplish their purpose la this Welly objeetloembhi manner. There was a lame number of ladles on board, who hadjust returned front the deck to the cable a mo meat before the volley wan tired. We call the at tention of the Major General eostunandlne to this statement, am we are Winked that he will hold the perpetrator, of thin outrage to atrial Itenennt" STEABEBOICTf3 Vfln WHEEL MARIET + re, PititHEEslll7/111 and all in termediate porta. • The swift aide-wbeel Damages attester, 3381re26.1F1.331. George D. Moore, Master Leaves PITTSBPROH FOR PARKERSBURG * every Mosday and Thu.day, at II o'clock a. u. Lear. WHE*ALING FOR YARKER HMSO every Monday and rtursday at N o'clock r. r. unrc.ruso. Leaves PARKER:4BI'IIO FOR PITTSBURG); every Tuesday and Fnday, at 3 r. N. Leaves MARIETTA 11/R PITTABUBOIf every Tuesdayand Friday, at 3'4 o'clock r. n. Leaves wItELLthrG it PITTSBURGH .017 Wednesday and Saturday at i •. 002 For frei gh t i oLu s astw o ndlo s n ik boonl .. or Lo a, FOR ST. LODI/3.-71m light g passeager steamer YORK.mag TOWN, I smear, Maater, will leave for the above and Intermediate wpm, en W EDNESDAY, Igor. :Nth, at s (2.olcek, r. a, For freight or passage apply on .board. 002! lOn NAB 11 VILL Mauch and light drausht LEVI LEO t I ('a,t. ),y Ua Lrrr it., VIM leave as above, on THIJDSDA.Y, Nov, ,10,0, at I p. m. For freight or plosase imply on hoard, or to . P. COLLIN() WOOD , JOHN 11.40 h. A +rot', • •• CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C. McFALLAND COLLIWS, DIRECT (AMOK rEr.:3, Are receiving by next steamer from Liverpool, e choice bet at EIVGLISEI CARPETS, Suitable for Parlore, Melva Room( Offices (fade °burettes an, salmon exprenly toe Pitts btu•gb east/ trade, and offered wEforzemx AND RETAIL, AT THE LOWIST MARKET PRICES. 4-4 and 84 'ENOLleill TA PE , ITH Y, WEI, VEDAnd o AltPErts, Including many styles never before offered In this Country. 11 and 73 Filth Street, Next Buthllttx to the United States (Instate Eoutilind Poet Office. nail -- WITR -- 0 - E -NYS 11088 7 Agent of the Equitable In. soranas 00., reagoston luiturioest Co., awl thereon Mutual Lira Insurancel7o. of Pllua. delphis. M. Q Market street, Pittsburgh. felay J. GARDINER COFFIN Philadelphia, Agent rbr thr Franklin, Lad Baltimore's' s,/ anca O STE orripaniesa Northeui ecinier WOD THIRD 4=lS. W P. JONES, Agent for North Amer •as,State of Peraisstvantand iiszttord Ii Oomph a.® WALT= STREET /MUM REA, Becre_tau Citizens' Wm feet. awe Oospanyotuatit =ARM im4 WATER BOOKS.- JTJPCsr PROM TH — CPBBSBI --- ARTHUR MERTON HELEN NoGREGO _II -- GUTHRIE ON PAR ABLES, ' WANDERINGS OVER BIBLE LANDS, BIBLE BLESSINGS, SCHONBERG COTTA PAADLy, _ MALY DAWN. DIARY O PEnTY TREVYLYAN, MARY, THE HANDMAID OF TH.P. LORD, VOICFS OF.THE SOUL. LIVES MADE suazamiss also PHOTOGRAPH ALBU.ILS. WHOLESALE AND RE'Tvz, t3TATINERY. - .1. L. READ'S, No. 15 Fourth atm:. GNIPLOWIT FATIIIZY BIBLES. ' • J. L. BUD, no. TS fon:Omer. PIANOS MUSIC! dm PIANOS, _...._ , Louts _.St. Louts. THE CELEBRATED BRADBURY, RN YORK, Sehomacker dz Co., Philadelphia PIANOS, TUB ARCEIsIOAN ORGAN, and ENDER k 00.'s COTTAGE ORGAN, sdratttarl by dealers, au w have hoard theta to to eorlor la tame to .1.1 ho other lostrtuaents, pe of the kind au no factored la the United States. We are prepared to ftirsdah, at the shotest notlee. Brim and s German Silver Instruments. of every deeptlon, for Mau and tiorost Bands, it reduced Oeu. Illustrated Catalogues and Pnte Lasts urnlahed on application. Neer and Seeond.band Pianos for Rent. ALL THE LATE SONGS AND PIEC:: Constantly on band. & BARB. _N0.12 BT. GLAIR STREET. NABE HIGHICST am °Mild., Parlor Grand, Bquare and Ur. 'debt Planoa, with oversize/2a bu trOblo, run Iron improved frame, .add all th e valued. taw provementa. The tone la pare, brilliant, entirely inntdeal eharaoter, of MO beat worktneoallipi tonal. evennaaa and quality of tone unsurpassed by any. Each Plano guaranteed for eight years. CHAIILOTTE No. W PIM; SPERM. tele Second door above Wood street f oFF2ldt7 , HO.ENS & CO., BS MIMI 62111NETI I occia•airlis ran Decdaisaroo 11114eiza.com. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS PORBIIPPLIES. QIIMITSIIILMITKMI 0171.(11L S. Si. C., WMISINOTON,D. ber 20, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS, for east Otaaa wiper stall., will be ronelved at Ms case until 2 o'clock r. of the Igth day of NOVEMBER NEXT for furnishing to the United States Marina ()asps dar Ing the yeas 1854, the following supplies, to he de. livered at the ofgee of the Anitidant lignartertnas ter of the Maxine Corps, Philadelphia, Panntyl. rants, tree of expense to the United Sham in nista qua:allies as may from time to Unts,be re quired. ASO. I rs. 13,600 . yards of Sky Blu S e N Keey, all wool, free from bolt, 61 tastes wideito weigh 22 ounces to the rut (Indigo wool.dyed.) 5,600 yard. of Dark Blue Hersey, all wool, free from hair, 64 inch*. wide, to weigh 11 ounces to tlie yard (Indigo wool dyed I,2oouds Dark nine Iwllleci Cloth, all wool, for uni form coat. (Indigo wool-074440 54 Dictum; wile, to weigh 12 ounce. per yard 150 yarda el Scarlet Clh all wool, (cochtheal dyed, 61 males wide, to w e t Ii minces per yard. CLASS N . 6,000 yards of 4 Dock Blue Planoel, for over, sacke. all wool, (indigo wool.dyed,l64 inches wide• to weigh 13 ounce. per yard. 18.003 yards of Dark Blur Flannel, for shirts, oil wool, (Indigo wooi•dyed.) Inch. wide, to weigh 434 ounces per yard tics Oray Blanketa, all wool, to weigh 4 pounds eaoh, to be 1 feet long and 6 feet wide, and free trots grease. ,sro patio( Woolen Bealu, three area, proerl made of good deena wool, with double mid twi p ned y y an, to weigh three pomade per dozen pairs, free from creme, CL • 1, too yards White ASS Linen fo X r pants, Inches wide to weigh la 4dt:woe, peryard. 10.. xx. yards White Linen for shirts, SO inches wide, to weigh II ounces per yard. 17.1.00 yards Carlton Flannel, for dra were, 17 Inches wide, to weigh 7 mamas per yard. lI,CCO yards Cotton TlaYir a for bedeacks. CLASS NO. 4. 11,0.0 Uniform Cape eompletrx, (except pons.) poln• I,mo Pompon., red worsted, ball-shape, and lire is rhea in circumference. 4,reo Fatigue Caps with covens, to bs made of blue cloth, (Indigo wool-dyed. 1,40 Stooks. f71,A.51 , N 0... 6100 muss Coat Buttons, (Lexie.) 050 grosaJneket Bettors.,_( Cagle,/ 78 gross Vest Buttons, (Eagle.) 1,000 palm Yellow Distal Orements and Scale Straps. 15 sans Epaulet Bultloa fee :imamate and corporal& 1.(03 setts Epaulet Bullion for privates. 00 Rod.wcwated Sashes. 6, 0 //0 yartla Yellow Banding. ~0110 yards Bed Cord. 6o Swords lot sergear to. 40 Broods for musielsne . .15 Drums (tenor) complete. 20 Dram Slings. MO Batter Dram Reads 60 Snare Drum Reads. 160 Drum Cords. 60 won of Drum Soon. Boxwood "B" 60 pairs Drum :sticks. /LASS NO. I. o , ooo Areay Boots, (Infantry pattern., ULAS ts NO. 1. 6tll Cartridge Bsxes Dinpultioe. 1,000 Baronet Scabbards with !togs attached. 900 PereussUm Oar Pouottes. on Carts Idge Boa Belts. 1130 Waist Belts. 060 'Waist rlsOs. 615 Sword Frees. 1.100 Knapsacks. ma liaversacks. m 0 Canteens. B Musket Wings ()LAS,: Ni). For tasking and irmaning I he following ankles ir: I Watch Coats. Untform rusts for sergeants, corporal., 011.1. elms and privates. Fe 'lgoe Coats for sergeants, corporals, moat. Mans and private.. Woolen Pants for eergeante, corporals, maid claim and privates. Linen Pasta for serpents, corporal., musicians and privates. Flannel Shirts. Linen Shirt.. Viewers. F'lamtl Snake. lied and Blue rackets for boys. The above =motioned articles must conform, In all respect. to the sealed standard pattern, to tie office of Lao quartermaster, Marine Corp,, Ma rie.< Barracks, Waanieetoo, D. o.i Aulstaht Quartermaster'. (Alice, Marine Corps. 22. e. South tourth Street, Planadelpnia; and at the Marine Stamens, Brooklyn,New York. Barton, and Mas sachusetts, where they ea be irsamtned. A d whenever the article,. named above, or no; port.on of them, shell to Considered se not fully conforming to samples, they Will be ref toted, and the euntractor will be bount to turnism steers of the required kind at own. or the Quartermaster will all the deficiency at the ..pence of the con tractor. Payments will to trade upon the 'accepted de• livery of the:WholaventAlly which may from time to time be ordered, nuthbasilnd ten per cant, from the payment of , come tendered - under Ands:order awe tit second order e n derd, and ten per cent. from connt rendered second order until third order Is filled, and so on until contract to ecnople tad. Eaca propoialmust be accompanied krf theta. lowing . guarantee: FORM OF (11:1AnANTE6 The undersigned of sties of and ---, of in the State of --, hereby guarantee, that In rase the foregotaff bid of --for supplies as above described he accepted, he or they will, within tan days after the receipt of the contract at the post :office named, execute the contract for Manama, with good and sufficient sureties: emd in ease the sold -- shall fall to enter Into contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference between the oder of toe said - and that which may be accepted. Witresc A. 8., Guarantor. • E. F. 0. D, Guarantor. I hereby certify that the alms% named -- are known to me as men of property, and are able to make good their guarantee. G. tf. To be signed by the Untied States District Judge United States bistriet Attorney or Collector. No proposals wilike considered unless &mom. pasted by the above roarantee. Newspapers authorized to punnet the shore will sum Ito paper ccultalning the Mut Ltsertion to thts office for examination. The Ladder's place of bualness, or manufactur ing esubltetunent., must be epenniaLy stated in the proposal.. Proposal. to be endorsed on the 'envelope i'Fro• Poses for Supplies for the lliatino Corps for 1976,fi and addressed to MAJOR WEL. 13. 5t.4,01. ilintterataitst M. 0., Washington. DA) D 1 AIIGIITZNi2F.- G EC DRAUGHTING OFFICE AND PATENT A.GENCIV uo, u sr. CRAM STREET, nou Eurpeasiee EI.P.OENGENEBE, utyu E Num. r MA., *alto. 1 , 1 Vey west. ' DlssoLumoNs. C _ 0- PARTNZHBIELP NOTICE —..The publto are • hartby Inforiad th at .UNTEIt, imam his be •amit&e• • nun:emu mu Illruy i inuns, at whlalk costgatus Uta gasp, as hereto.. • . Thep lights& with baiinsiht &alma, am oontLacte4 ar.otur NEW .961 , MKELL, _oOIINER Or COREY Hits= END ALLEGHENY ILlVELL. g Alletheari.Pa: 11/491D.finagy Aims Jriziva EWUEY FINK.IIITrE. 110;ftEil . swan* BEETDICAL; FUL TREATMENT OF Monk Diseases, Consumption, Scrof ula, anthills. Seminal Debility, and all Female Complaints, DRS. AMOS & JOHNSON, 1.421 Fourth /31trerat. PITTSBURGH, PA, reathnonlahi from the Medical Proles. don and Others Mr. Edgar: It is wltn pleasure I Make Imerwn thefollowing facts to the nubile, batwing my tee hitherto Downy moy failed O btain be ofbtatn mil» tom= A in all la ereents Ind who aka t doing no mom Mtn Matieeto two to 1. 1 7 . 1 mita mn of i t = ,t . 1 0 0 m lu rea l = of eemtaht weaknen and tamale eomplainta, by Wonting' the mods of tzeatmeht now wunibad Dra Amos It Johnson. • • • • ) For female, weakness I do not knOlo Of theßean equal them remedlea I Imes p them (or • Prat many ladles who bees bees Cm ta bled for year* with weakness, and in entry we a perfect awe has Mt= effected; some very bad eases hare Valet+ to thts mode of treatment Da dune - eakte el two weeks. • Yours. respeatfully (Sled) W. F. I TERWIN, 11. D. Cdereand, Ohio, December 9a, itaa. EETHICJTE FROM THE BET. Dn. gAYILTON FRE/ICLI OF MONTREAL. I certify that Dn. mem es .004111011 1 wietteinu have vexed wrirlim who mu .abject. to debility many years. Th e medicines wets oiled Only tiro Months. H. O. FREKOR, D. a Important to Ladle& Our PERIODICAL DROPS • catnip alaknara In rasa of abstrustlTEratt u ilny use. Price 11. N. B.—Ladles who are prep • t Wald rot ttsa the= Tads ftr ranee Wahiawa. a mutant are, ft Wrath= for the Widnes or Leutoracca, DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. oto. Dm 4 a t JaArtama—Dear rpm% eiraln tats this font remedin tar scrofula and blood airman us many excellent For scrofula, typal la or Lisperities of the blood, 1 flad they never fail to cure wharf need as directed. I bare atm. seeded Lo ruling the worst cam of snadlis now Lo our hospitals, La the Limit eau:east ttro months. F. W. EL LESLIE, DL D. Clizuurufatl, December 18th, LSD. • SEMINAL WEAKNESS Dm Im Johnson: 1 hayeemed, by the use of your remedies, usual paiteate that had beim nun of the Lustig Joyltun from the *ell effec4 of seminal weakness or aedantry tudAte. La all ea t nesch caws I eenelder nothteg eon onr may.may. W. 8 N. D. Alban) N. T., October talk, WU. Take IPartlosawr ottew.--Drs. Ammo. had. Johnson address all than who hove lgldeedt hero soling by Improper indulge:two end solitary bob. Its, whim% ruin bout body .ad istimL untlitang them tor either business, study, society, or marriage, These we KC* Of the sad and meissichitly ef. frets produced by early habits of youth, such as wail...a the bask and limbs, pains to she lie+dinuiess of slight, loss of musaular power, p Lion of the: heart , dyspepsia, nervous de. tab ty, daangessigna of the digestive frusctions, general debility, symptoms of consuSiption, Dra. Ames Johnson have for inanylaste em. O l f i re=ne it lef theiz it erb t a i g '` ou IV: "" Address, Dan. AMOS h JOHNSON, 2 No. IN Youth stmt. annUndellessodxsaw Pittsburgh. Ps. TJ .11PHItE HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS" Rave prOved, from the most ample experience, au entire success, ample, efficient awl rellabba They are th e only medicines perfectly adapted to popu lar use—so simple that nstataltea cannot be made In turns them; ao harmless as to be free from dam. ger, and 20 etileient as to be always reliable. comm. No, three FEVERS, Congestion., Inliananm, - Hon. 25 2 " WORMS, Worm Fevers, Collo.— 2.1 a CRYING COLIC, or Teethilig of 2 4 " DIER tHCEA of children or adults 2 5 " DYSENTERY, Griping, Billow • Conti 26 • " CHOLERA DIORBUS, Natuilia... 25 2 COUGHS, Coldsi_Bro6olll6l6--- NEURALGIA, Toothache, Face_ • Retie s READ L% Sick Readathe...-- 25 to DYCPEPSIA, Bnllons Stomaeh... 25 sUPPR pe &thED. ...Ay and Dal ds.. 12 " LUCOOR rio RECE . A.. or Whites - 23 13 ' CROUP, hoarse =0ath—..,,.. . 95 14 •' SALT MIELE, Erysipel.lup. bona 25 RHEUELpainsATISM, all Rheumatic . is S AND FEVER AGUE , Chille d sss ever 50 r . or external 60 OPE/PALEY, sore, inflamed eyes, 00 is " CATARRH, emote or ahronlo, lia fluenta 20 " WHOOP/NO OOUGEL. apawn64llo 21 ." ASTHMA, oppremed... . 60 EAR 191660U.A.EGES, impaired 2 hau1.... 60 SOROPULA, enlawybunto.—.. 60 24 " GENERAL DEBILI T Y , phyelnw wash:nem. ..... . 6 ... 65 " DROPSY and ecanty searrtlons.. 60 " SEA SICKNESS, or slekneas (tom HIDNEYIDISEASE, 60 • 60 " NERVOUS DEBILITY. seminal CE221111110112, involuntary Da chance 60 is " SORE 21011TEI or Canker.—... 63 so .• URINARY 4344LITI SULNdi. 44 sl " PAINFUL PERIODS, even with panse..-- 60 22 •• BUFFERD4GS at-Ctuulge of Life. 100 an EPILEPSY. Spasms, St. Iflctull I ante. 100 st " DIPTHERIA, Ulcerated Sete Thre at..---- /*XXVI' CASE.. • Cues 01'30 vials, la morocco eau tad boot complete 010 00 eau at m large glebe, In morocco and boot. 000 Cu. of 23 large Title, phis use and b00t... 500 I.lu of lobo:es (Nos. t to 15) gad back 03 91 7 f ht is C 4 etilN i ? , !!„ .l o 4:).l27 ty • Far este _E NINEL Matt/mew suet; JOCi. FLF2III.IOG, No. 84 :kat ctreet. corner or the Dimond. P 1 Unbent', and J. 3. EAST, WC Feceral street. Allegheag. iglOageod lOUGII NO MORE. ZILY STMICHLAINEVIS MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM armomaraPs aumizeixous minis B ALSAM Is warranted to ours conga., ooltr oarse:um, Anthem, Whooping Gough, .Sort 'Mont, Oonstimaption, Ent all arootiorte ths Throat M Fourth For saAtig Lenge. 1 . 18. Cleterni Depot, Bass O. X;11 AU the Medical men and the reeomiunti DR. STRICKLATHYS ART OLERA MEI TURE .a the only certain teased, for E:arrinaltand Dysentery. S ti mul ants chnshlaction of Astrigent., Alosorbants, and earratriat nit and ts warranted d. to land • sale eta all anal hash faile For sale by Draggista. Gene "A. Dot, 1 .11:t fourth street, Otactrusath STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. STRIURLAITIYS FUZE BE:etELY tum surd thonsande of the worst eases of :and Bleeding Files. It clew Immediate ro dot end If nets a permanent cum Try It dizerrtly. IST In/ ranted to mug. For male by all Drogyteteb General Dopot, t Yam Fourth =rat, tlbartneuttl, U. Dvepei)uia, Nervousness. Debility DR. STRIOZDASOPS TONIC. We eats retommema to ratrartas WIO lasi :t i n? t 44 l l%buity, ° le D g l if=4 , s ht la a egsetabla prepars.kra, Ave tram al . = Naomi It =Verb= the slime aureola It mates a gooel appetttg and Is warrahted to MU Disge s p2 mut Names Debility. WEOROEJE;,_EZESER. Plttsberst R. E. SEI.A.ERS, & 00., SOS. FLEMING, N. DisOLARREN & 00., unABLEs SUPER, • .1. M. FULTON, „ A.TORREN_ ,OE Market street, ear.g ' 02.0. A. A./MILLI, Allesliegy oett'rdytkia. . , DR. STRICKLA.NO,3 ~..• ... - ... T : I -'-' Ats,LiarLIIOUS . - o.otirli 41 COUGH BALSAM , ...: • , ... ...Nci...----, le Warrented to be Ma only -. .. • • • :,., • P" trl i r(Vil d im s =Xs! MO RR - Asthma. Whoog C ough. ' 'Chronic Cough a Coasurept on. zironealtle sad giremp. Being prepared from Liceey andllebajt to healing. ion* Wag, and e xpeatOtatleg,aa.l par tteblarly imitable for all etieetloaa et thy Threat and I.unga. For cab, by Diagglata everywhere.' B. Z. SELLERS k CO., tvEozz3Aui B PErsIA. STEICKLASIO.S. TONI() is a coatentratee preparation of Root. and Here% with Anti-acids mad carminative to streitetheo ato tas lt e and c o t aretem. is • {attain • remedy for Dyspeimis Indigestion, rierecounets,:' Lots of Appetitadtaidity. or the Stanscri, Maim- 1= eV iind Debility. It it foot eleholioLle. chart:its particularly toiled for wealr, Nervous' and Dre• Peptic persons," Far isle 17,11 Ltrugglits area. where, at per bottle. . E.: E. SELLERS & , • Wnot.zaarai Agent% ' nR. sTniczwirYs gtiri. 4 c?z , 1010 9,, 0 rITR, r;.:fo Ft.":. 1 1 r.f.‘. 1 . 1 ..- SA. PILE" FiEmErke - Inlred thousiodi of the wont. usu.:a LCILia sot Weeding Piles. /4 iz• I mtdla Len lit( and etiVets as permanent MUM 'MY I c 4 }l natty. - IL Lv tut Far si t Br a Warriated to tue. 5 3Tg i tS i t.6, - - pRIVATB DIBILLeara; '•' aste sa3i Mrs aro*. aoir Raadi r a the aura ot. an Ot. Waste natate„. from two to tow days, by an ntAal_ yam and Mai Cm:mat.- Juno, Saalnal Woaannow and ribose diseases Mho coital ottani: and thau prarannone A Mt M trzatorisynateada. " • 012 Io• tonna—no IX to; WO to a p.la &Wall Was Wu Bay { Pons urn% 111017 ETEIDICAL COMIMPTiON HOW TO cu /T. WITH CV ata t ore 'lntl rig ZElastary DR. SCIENCE'S OWN Cia. Mil Laboring Tinder that Dims AID HOW HIS- PULMOXIC Brix UP.' SEAWEED TONIC Z l ffiaaaciresameo 1;;EY• ON TUE SUM IN CUING 1111? DINEASB AND TICE GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT / Many Ter. ego, White residue in lot load progreneu ir . ually Into the S ~.,,,,014th=ieg disalpited, I woe 111 Dr. Panda; to remove tato the ea my ult_ . town, N. J., about ••mile Oa teat, bear nitre plus a warn munesit tholy le; qop,sey two toil days In the menguee i fuer, and he Dual& hod and Col there—soul ttied of Puremarny , Wa snivel at Norrestourn / was put btorteff y. Whets lay for many weeks la what was denoted a bee leas coalition. Fr. Thereon, who bad bees ['theft fami/y pheichm, sad haal idiended hilt ft my his Let ltie•e., was sailed to es* net Ile thaught my ewe eaUrely beyond the reeeit of bredlrdes, acid decided that I must 414 and save zees* week to arrange my tampers! Were He Mid eau all se family die of coronata pUon, and therebne csanale esd that death from the emus which had gamed ail my kindred to the crave would also take me bare. la this amputate emperors comiltion, lard of the rmeie which now maks and ml! seemed to me that / cone feel than, workurnas tiray, and penetrating every en; Ake ea tf my Mu= w e ns lun &native, pea on • saw 'and the morbid matter which had for years acetunulated and Imitated the different omens Of the body, Warn e the tubercles Co my Mast rimed and/ expectorate.] from my lungs as Meal aa • glut of yellow offensive matte army mozning. da the exP ectoration of mallet mabeldol, the feet abated the pain left me, the drub ceased to harem esa sad the cithausilre algbt eireatelrew no knows, aad I . Ltee zetrueing ahem ertlekk= long been a atranger. SST impede now woo to reed; and at thus I fated u CLUtictUt to nurse myself from eating too numb. With this rotes of health. I elinedle with am aow dad? m now • healthy man,• lees hedge Lades lo the middle lobe of the right tong he lower lobo earelete adessioe sod of the pluera. its tell long Le somod.. sad the upper lobe of the right one Line tolerable health/ co = piton at tnat type was thought to be an Cons= Incoarble dilute, efert one, as those who we by In as Wallre Unlauned male lastly such cases as were reamed to the I was In. This Indeed many people to baler mg recovery only temporary. ander prepared and em s ataliene to emuntmeibres far seeds* and many wonderful es, and tile dentaad wowed so midi: that I n d etertilmal to offer them to the public.and dorm my 'redivided idea lion to lung diseases. La ftrtun. / Ina nets to Imam to it, for prOldeitatildeend for am famed near. to ascertain whether their cues were turn mine. Having occasion to examine many calm of lung ailment,/ was prompted to event the intro- meat called .. .Schenck , ' Respirorceter." which materially amide me In detecting the various stases of lane disease ror many years, In canjilnetlen wall, rev Mind . pal °Mee in Philadelphia, have beez..essag res • ulcer flee to New -rode, Bacton•Bahmeore arm Pntkbureh. For several yearn past thane mete as many as re h Oldie examinatidons weekly with the pip:meter!' For suck examination my entre tr three dollars, and it amble Mb to Ore cane Pa tient the true condition of Ma Mane sod telblm frankly whether he will Yet welt, Use of the greaten diNcultial I have with pa. • tiarm afflictedwith lung dame, le to convince them to avoid tattled litho cola. Many think If they take my medicines they should ewer no mat^ ter how careless they Mr . be In that way. The to • great error, for U any ace will. mad over the many corn which I harepubUshol from tete to time, they will end that most of them were those of person. who were confined to triad hoe and Maid not take cold, and by this carotid avoided* cold the lungs were heataL ph !clans advise her patient. to go out and Inhale the fresh air but dot hey cure by so detest Let the hundreds or deaths by consumption In every GUT answer the question. CWted I would rather deka patient la a tight, Illy Tea. room, Lima Ist ibclll ga out and take a alight cold. Many who have been cured by my methane., when the abscesses broke, were sore* a suave that ore could hardly remain In the room, an yet they got well settled eaDostuate the °pas The great ruse= why physicians do not cure coup:Peen= la, that that try to' do tee Muhl they give medicine to stop the cough, to stop the night meats, heath: fern and by so doing. the/ derange the whole digest ing 'sum, locking lip' the secretion% and mentalist the patteat dles. What a.• 1. to first make • careful munileattee with my ReutroMeter, and if I dad luau ecuratt left , I direct the patient hutto nse the torus new tiles, and thee eau him. I know very wail thel It is Imoossible to make new truigs,er area reams the portion that is diet:eyed. but Ile now at the same time that cantles in the lunge and el sem lions to the lantyx and- bronchial tube' can be nebteamij tat sue eases are cured by the 4 &beech's "Pubnonle Syrup; sad EM I drake Pillan whilst thee are dying daily under the mammy treatment of Diursiciatur. It is • greet nustami common =wig mane Intel. threat persons, that there are medicines which will purify the blood. 'When the blood la diseased ft secannot be 'quilled ilt ts then the ha v e other di ise matter In the system and will to be ese• riot out of the system ey tae ergs= which are appointed for that purpose and replaced br new blood, which can boks4by improving tlutantrildre tuttetioas and setting the digestive apparatus to good working order. The stomach, flyer and bowels" once restored to a healthy condition. Mantilla abundance of good, nourishing food will make new blond widen will peahen; as It wore, end take the plate of that which ls disused w . It the want of - the Dodo. , and tans •up TUN P01.1[0310 $11113:r LI One of the most valet. able medicines known. It is mu-11cent, poise:l4y tOnle, and healing in itself. It to readil digested and absorbed into th e blood to which I ts inoan" its healing properties. I know no medicine that has dons or can do as murk to rebuild. WOlll-Oat and broken.down conditions of the mum. • henna - ewe bsawirra, Tonto is distilled from seaweed, combined with other tonic and Ctermlire roots and barks, la earn a manner as to make a decidedly pleasant medicine s haring • powerful tonic ed.* without the terrible drunr, te' results arising tract alcoholic silinalanta. The Seaweed Tonto produces lasting remits, ting h uch a dsttho ough ly m i, nvaingt i orating t Eu eiminat n e d anrmak v Into blood, the f oo d whi c h may be used for that pun pose. It Is so won+letful In ft/ • Orate, that a wise gins full wLLi 'Mess a hearty meat, and a node of it taken before breakfast will glee a tone to the stomach which few rirAle.”o4 Dossers the power of dace Tux DIANDruir2PILLe ataf be taken with entity safety by all ages and conalmons, proL uslog env:, goody of the molt. mercurial net can ba obt•I medicines, .aid nem wi alomel or Am thout any Of their brimful senile. They carry Out of lb] system of feculent and worn out matters looaened may dissolved by my Seaweed Tonle and Prumonle glass full wilt be seen that All three of my men aces are needed la most cases to cureCloomump- Mon; and, In raft cams. enes enables me to decide may they hare entW more came of that dleeese to than that eombizetton] of medicine knows, Irma , la the various editions of pamphleta I tom pub itslicd many of the most - wonderful cures of &'ut honary Consumption on sectoon Personsoneriy with both lungs erected, sometimes large certain to coo lung, healed over by ray toe...iebses. are cow living and enjoying excellent nealth. I will give a few - eases end select them from &recentparts of the co untry ,eo th at those who watt rosy visit or write to them for mortiwanive information. Be, Fleury hlorgan, a ad:deter of high repots to tle..alty.of Boston, and well known ore: the United States as a man of great Mangy, was cured by tai ro a miter= Onea atter all other =:43% ; . regard to the facta is las Me: end alWily o s h i, 0 1 am the man." A (oil statement of ease may be men In my pamphlet. Re had profuse hemorrhage of the lungs, and wan very elnde emaciated. • • Robert H. Deacon, of Burlington, N. .7., wag cured of Scrofula and Alsratu l s/diaeasee, At the time he corameneed Mang the medicines he was almost a maits of sorsa Re 11 now perfectly well and attributes hie care entlreep to my tamiteines Manta Koch, COLD, Bared new Petersburg, Afes. bentog malty, COL", wash slay badecre of Putizerterg Coaminprion, and ref entirely cored ty my He is well lemon Co that cot usurittry, and Ass bernMe means of tadoceng a great eurny Oeto sue Am remedies, and midi ors :access His .Phao• papa, bota before ant :Urn /swat neva, itch he seen arm gdgml , B, Dr. Heccer,l4o iferui Ste.; droye Penna. Whits= Alexander, of Pithdrargb, was cured of a Ivry bad ease otDyspepsia and Liver Complaint, by the Seaweed Tonto and litsadzak Pills.- • Di=Tune B..ber, et Weahlaxton City. ete ref of a has 'ease of DY l PePsla mut Liver Cans She L as axed woman and kit eampisus eroesere L very remarkable. _ Prudence JOTISOII. wife of CND *halos, now residi w ng ar.t. No. 12 W. Third street, bum u eared et s 112.1.1anjury 4 7 7 u m, and now La ' ellniali aid lady asa . _ found. Peter Styker Iteeams. of• SaTaata4lo, J vats asottur tabisraabas sara or Pubsiortary44,en anzaptlon.:. Ufa eartileate ittestindblAte clergy' man tuld caltazarsal knows eitlsmas ,• Mass Mat/ Schmidt, of renshaalopiai wa aytact aim of ConsamPtlon lAA tirrie Nag IVirtakruipesily tram bella.baylat a/ Ona tame, :babas way balls apon bar persog, • Sam sass aallialr ya Land la now in.trried andltrTag with Dr: SORIMOR'S p "Olitat 11.• !forth StxtbLE Conunerce rte., delphia. p ore all otters mast be Phis ems r batooma th eavirroasiftwisilzrzis VED,ax.. • , , • • DR. GEO. H. EEYNEE, No. tlO Wood Street, pitt,trgh, Pd.; , , the - auttalized spat for thp an"lit
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