*lre fittsburgit anent: : ,4 +;nigua l " + l 7 _ ASOCIATIO. BILTUBDAy. NOVUtSEIMIT es" Sale. geoLeir Zola* Wanted* r oma. i imm u ns , ar „inserted anger appropriate headings. on MU page. at own! PE ' AIRPORTS AND EXPORTS. The 112PNta at Now York, last week, attlicir go ( illfinr.Yfr-zef V... 1 % 725 ; the exports,At their currencyYalue, were only ' $5,022,760. Adding the present premium WI eat Mt:MUD:alai:4Th of 'Sniped; , exid welittitr i theli — evireney valuer the'enerr- Omni gum of $3 310,380—a difference of over three milliens in one week between WtAt we are buying and selling to those from who we buy. In other words, we are otitutltig i tn - dit,hlto, Europe at the rate Of-ittie s ll Wni'a 'freak. _ It is time the people were pondering carefully on such facts as these. Thle State of affair& cannot last long without producing CeinCtierelal-re ' vnlitora and hank. =pity. We know that many.--inen who have not lost dish.' caution lii'llie excite ecir2 IneletAxellFuter.4lll su , are looking tiliontlielignieewhicl gr w weekly more and mgr? 4 :944 1 9 1 i1e With feeling akin to di/inter biittheir number s too small, and their fears as yet are too v e, to enable them-to produce any efts , even if th ey should lift up a voice of w big; and so we :suppose things will drift:nlong on the - realstless Cuirent, until the inevitable crash comes, and then every one Will be wise a r belA tflip,o_htte , . . •. . : • • So long as a redundant currency makes ours the highest market in the world, to long will foreign dealers try to sell all they can here and bay as little from us as possi ble: and liolorig willbe go cur over trading 4 and running in, debt to ,Eurppq winiout any reasonable prospect of being able to pay *elf ktil tpliti,7o.iire _mann ~.gp,. The, only thalite-ef safety ahead is i n ' the air- : bin contraction of the currency and in .such a consequent Induction, in :prices; as will tlittitirimifoti consequent end check imporlntion. In the tmeserit condition of thinothe lispoitati of New 'York are All infl_their_warehousea with goods, trusting • to realize a higher market, and the grain . denims of the West are filling their ware louses to overflowing In the espectetion of being abid (6 force prices up. A dis appointment to botti would stop farther ordemfor foreign 'griede And bring down the prices of breadstuff. and provisions low enough to NOY their . exporta lion with profit:— ~- Ltit the work of contraction, then, go on steadily, firmly ibid. with a strong deternal nation never to let up - until the currency is brought into a healthy' condition. Some speculators may fail; but It is better that ' they should go to the wall than that the nation shotild become bankrupt. BF.DUCIDG THE NATIONAL DEBT. An Indian'arose are told, lately bequeath ed a iO-40 bond for $lOOO to the united States Treashiy, as his contribution to a sinking fund to pay off the National debt. The gift, it is -true, lea small one; but every little helps: and the example la worth mono than the gift Itself, • Some men who delighted to see their names in print lately paraded their willing ness, in the New York Herald, to contrib ute sundry large Bums to a thud to extin guish the whole debt of the United States at one sweep; but as their subscriptions were made upon the Impossible condition that the whole amount of the public debt should be thus subscribed, the subscribers. got a tempernry reputation for generosity •withouteontributmg a cent. Our Indianiattshows them a better way. He does not Wail until every body else is willing to give, but leads off In giving and leavesitto others to follow. Efis gift is not conchtionat,..but absolute. Let the am . bltiuus New Yorkers. who advertised their literality so cheaply„munlate his example Let them give to The National Treditiry the one or:two millions they conditionally promised ; and they may rest assured they will prcivoke imitators much imore readily ist,thatthamany other way.- Svery free, will effetioi -6r this kind, whether large or email, helps to reduce the debt, besides-do ing ed to the donors; and every reduc tion of the debt carries encouragement to trie.hear.l of aleavily taxed nation. Siiiiiing;lninis, as a general rate', are financially worthless ; but a sinking-fund composed of the free-will Offerings of a generond people, would be a success. Fig ures, we : know, never Ile; but the figures -4)1 such eland woald speak not °sly fisum olsl butVeat moral, truths. ,-We beg the Resiliiikeiratresaid to try du4differenes bettreenlhe sensations of giving is fun and glviriginitaritest: atiniti J. CRAWFORD, of Georgia, the telegraph informs us, is waiting daily at ate ?made/WM Mansion, beseeching a pardon. At tbeillme of the memorable contest for SPealter of the House, which revolted in the election of Governor Penningtoni after a retracted struggle of several morithsvilds, Martin J, Crawford was a Membeareratitorgia. On the Brit day of the seislon, after the first ballot, and while Thad. aarsien; had thniloor, Crawford In. P , Proceediags in a most disor daily Tie worked himself Info s: fearful patt•loa, danced down sh e t id es , gestidnlitMe Violetay uitif front of titeiiiii; alio& his fists at therm lees old ; Panyalvanian, menacingly ex claimed L'wevrill have crarrightsi" "repeal your personal liberty laws!" &c., his evi , dent intention being to.strikelln Sieves& He was backed up by nearly till theßouth em r,qcmheFa;!athd closed in behind him, anions for a.ravr, end especially 4speciaU,y desirous i to priMad'. %Item:l34m. 'The latter, -- Voirevii; did not stand atone. Behind him in compact-array stood Owen Lovejoy, t William ifillttiard, and a large number of 44 , .olher Northern members, all of them mell t - of large frame aid determined W 111; and ait -1„:.•::, the puny Boutheinerirthek care , to survey t 3. this ATAIAGI listtscie befosio Ittempting to lay ahead on,fimvens, they concluded it wOuldiinzpay," - the more 'discreet of, r. them led' tTavitold off,' in_.og And fret: lingaitidittatlemorous for hie"rights." ' fit :Course, one of the first of that StlFtpWons iptringliv toi.the rotteir''' I Sonird.'"azitilii4iiiiilttaeliirriarigpig f3etriltA i airliWchrtj ;tett aftezinalcillniiziyi 'lig • 4.21 rtif i gfuliteturig, we hope his quese nor pirstap sdllbAluitsucceestal. , Whether ther4tl lPilibOOr re sai-Por.soseell-min , k ..,,..k.acct,rdtqljilin,jes matter forfeiture conald- P elation; but it Is' certain he deserves it _ much more than he deservee it par. r don. Oringara. , •--Jnitirnd,'lrto ld elected Goo- 1 Irnor-of Georgia, voted and spoke in the laieWriiention:going the repudiation o f Abe rebel debt.., .ThinCtite Pt oPie T or that, State rebuke thilk:Claniention 4,, Ins 'with, the Prealdnave -commands,. and DV* their determination to ' pullet la dl5- -' kiyalty. DER-Ott-TUB SIiEN/k1 It fa raid that our Government la dlasat failed with fbrytot of the American Consul st LivorphOrin accepting this pirate veneel at the hands of the British authorittea. - We , • think it ball good regent° be dissatiafted; for the acceptance of the ship Is an ac -I,4o3!ledgenient on theout of this Govern ment that-the Eheriandosh was a Confeder ate vessel and not a mere , nest of brigands whet went forth Senn that port to bum and destroy om• commerce on the high eesa,and that lever once entered a Confedera , e port or evext.touChedupOn the 'shores defined by the late rebel government. > It the Shenandoah was a Confederate vessel, as the Britialtiuthoritime clsinkwhat right had 44.Tpxcleva3 or 'parole the cers and MVO"' Having tatten that Datil , ' end Usti itisurtid that. Caleb authori ty, the j;kimnises, that Government ought to have been compelled to keep the vessel and . bear all the responsibilities that attached to her. It perMitted the, essel to go forth On her deshuctive mission; it gave her aid and comfort in her colonial pd'rts; and WA 'when that career can no longer be pursued, and when she retinue to. the place-whepee she went out, that Government caste the protection of its flag over the outlaws who used her, and hands over the empty vessel las a thing to which it has no claim, with !which it has nothing to do, and for which it Isnot responsible, thus trying to.disclaim the paternity of the pirate, while at the same time receiving to her protection the piratical crew, most of whom never owed 'allegiance to any Government but it. We hope that our Government will reverse the action of its Liverpool Consul and allow England to keep Its own ship and' bear all the odium and responsibilities attached to it. If this vessel is accepted by our 00902 a. men: it can be in no other character than that of a prize ship, which would of comae pines her officers and crew in the category of prisoners of war, and, as such, not lia ble to the provisions of the extradition treaty, which embraces pirates ,as well as Other offenders, Moreover such action on the'part of , our government would go far toextricate.the British government from the atritWard predicament in which it is now involved growing out of the affair of the Alabama, and enable It to shuffle off the terrible responsibility under which it brotwdit Itself by winking at the outfitting and escape of that far-famed corsair, Tzrz Cincinnati Commercial, after show tog that the Nathan Episcopalians will lot unite with thelr Xorthorzt brother% notwlthirtartaug_the flail-abase-man of the latter, says It is not a_favorable sign for the future. It was believed that nnloh of the sunder ed churches would do mush to promote a Lunen of the people of the two sections, .and immediately after the collapse of the rebellion, high hopes of such - a reunion of the 01:Lurches were cherished. One by one. however, the expectations of those who lookedlor this visible unity have been dill appointed. The time may come when it may be brought abqnt, but we need hardly look for it in our day and generation. True; and leis just as true of political, as it is of religious, union. There is no unity of sentiment between the two sec tions, either in politics or religion, and there will be none dining the lifetime of this generation. The people act out their real sentiments In their re:Watts organiza- tions, and the course of there Is a far bet ter test of public feeling than can be ob tained through any political medium. The better plan, therefore, Is to wait patiently for the change that must come, and aban don all present efforts to force a union that is sure to prove Insincere and hollow. In tLg ccur,,e of time the South will ell up with a new people, and then, and not till the'', will the present asperities pass away. LooisiaNA. There was a genuine out—and-oot Repub lican mass meeting held recently in New Orleans, and it was large, respectable and enthusiastic. The proceedings show that there is a vvell-orzanized and numerous Repu oilcan party in that State, and that it has no faith whatever in the present State government. These Republiesns took no part in the late State election; bat :titterip denying its validity, held a separate elec tion and chose a delegate to Congress, Judge H. C. WA.aneorn, their theory be ing that Louisiana Is not a State but a Ter ritory. The Tollowing resolutions indicate their views : "'Relolr4d, 'That there can be no State, in the acme implied by the Federal Con stitution,: without a loyal organizsbon in said State. "Resolved That we are without any du ly authorized State Government in Louisi ana; that we are in a territorial condition under the exclusive Jurisdiction of the Fed eral GerVernment " Resolved, That the temper of a majori ty of the white voters, nine-Lemke or whom are disloyal, renders it expedient at this time to apply to Congress to admit us. "Resolved, That the experiment of re constructing Louisiana by the hands. that were lately in rebellion, and red with the blood-of loyal men, is unjust to the loyal men and the few confederates who have taken the oath in.good faith. FLORIDA A great deal of credit has been awarded to Florida by the reactionary pressa for her alacrity liaconceding the privilege of testi fying in Court to the negroes. The con cession ho . waver, is Only a partial one, and is intended to mark the negro with degra dation as an incompetent witness. The following is the ordinance adopted by the convention : :'ln all criminal proceedings founded upon injury to a colored person, and in all cues, ' affecting the rights or remedies of Colored persona nb Person shall be incom petent to testify u a witness on account of color. In all other cams the testimony of colored persons slid] be excluded, tulle's made competent by future legislation. The Imp shellludge Of the credibility of the lesUMony." I nut in all suits in which a negro Is .not a Part. tey shalt list be a witness 1f for 11/Stine'' , negrO is UlO • solo wltactie of a murder by a loa m man, the murderer can go scot free. , • • " Ocruourt LiluA=Ar .irrur A MO le the cereal Ude of' an art na icle b Bon. berles Sitoner , bor . i f the 4danric The Innate te in itself ;20 ordinary croloeuf. as a 11_14141. ingAttaMoll el the various pursuits and aturar tmooto of its welter Its lent . ; if we may ea omen. Is found in the 'pro Latin yersee olnstabile estiegunnaqtrod non cleurestiaa mot heyllam, k-apiens sitars Charybdu,„ Mr. Sumner tormallyrecords the face that tit., ere firm 010 CM called itdlezandrem, are Gez. La Alintaadd 4 11 2.131: 1 !-14 rhtlffpnit Ganiterua, • Preach medlawal poet. , The `two verses may betntradated" in Prose as_ follows r aljoetable.. la the ;cella cleumel don not strengthen it j emidiag to mew:ICU. Fbele, you fat; upon Scylla." - And thltt farina cislothe heed of moulting. *own with eel:any In our natfonal affairs. Mr. Sumner' a that wows ldetrinse uPon - the 80 1/ 14 of condom and compromise, In escaping. from, hagbdia of vinstietivesermityVand aermrd-. sly ves hi. Mewls!' the conditions to be ab ed Io oterterleher the beutifyl lava of ."' (1) Thit 'bellgerent traitors should the tied M Mee. without probstion,"to essum their old places of Mut and power; (2) Attu they sheratd not be allowed to ruliover con.. Paul r black Pr White:And tulading In E at el the freedarea; (3) that they should be v the slowly and. cautiftelyinto the. •of , einceuehlpr . (4) 'that pardon letintli t r a Wti oo Pon let.Ofactery amarauce that evil =stela theognel rights. ...pWes3 9l all mem, pledge morsel( to.- • • • _ If a gu l au o id ef 4 amst`homeaMane tbr hit fteedmen, aril henrys doWn:tdisente rather eplgr 0.; eemearm unit, and obtain .guaran. its enanaensurate with the danger'' , and if these cannot be had at once "Tepee* all pres. mit sarrander to the oligarehf.' VARIOUS irbms Toe Lebanon, 0. Star announces that W. H. cervie, Esc., t he proprietor of that estab lishment, will soon return home and assume editorial control, and that Hon. Thos. 'Corwin, las father,. Will Sao return to Lebanon, and probably will Sao a regular contributor to the Sim It We that Hon. Thos. Corwin resigned his position as Minister to Mexico on Septem ber Ist, 1564, when at his request, W. H. Cor win vras appoidited mage dirs. Ia • a suit brought In a Breach court to recover poasessicn of • well there was much complica tion sad contradidtd7 shearing:rinally, the indite exclaimed: "But this is all about • little Water. What can it larger so very much, that you should bath' pal yontrelves' to sonata trouble and enema:. .abrotrit_ f" "Mouth= " roiled one 01 Abe advocates, ,dryly. "the plead. era are, both of punt. wrue merchahtt." WAnialft. lavitHiteton,the Ahserlcaa Mae- Jets Who was rlaita afilf:`,ita, introduced ' t the Court of liapoleint;he• 1"! lad ratted to nterer r the'anettlen ettppoeed t ratted 'world 48 kitt'ftliard to We Patent - aort a the Attune. Ihrttaleter un `. wed Mtn' ttant i anew' It Mr. J e ffoir ' • Vert hoiden:mei very boister ous r. replied Mr. :LtvirriptOn,., to the great annusement of those petseat. Siva/dab Brierratiais u(lournor Chetlee Jenkins her been cloned without the slightest Uppoaltion t no other candidate having btenhooditated, and in behove he pill moyeto be 'the right man In the right place,' and will make - an excellent chief pnestrate. Mr. Jen kins has bees threughout the war a conservative secessioalat. Tau gad case of the young girl, Dena Chap man, in tart Saginaw, Michigan, who commit lei suicide Friday evening by taking ten tilling of irzychnlne, Is still enveloped in mystery. Abort ten minutes beforeshedled, aharequentol that a young an named .Samuel Ramliton mbar, be sent for, bat as rte did not come, tke girl died witho4t making anydisclosunas. /I COarDl7Crcia UFO horse Car at , Providence,. on Monday, asked a man who was sitting up right in his seat for his fare, when it was-seen that he was dead. His death occurred so quiet ly that persons at his side had not noticed An immense block of Iron buildings, weigh ing 50,000 tone, has Just been raised over two feet In Chicago without the least Injury to the building or witlibut disturbing the occupants. In the Court of Common Pleas for Chester county. Pa„ a Mrs. Bally has recovered $10,700 damages from the Paaasylratila Railroad Com pany for the death of her husband, which was caused by a train of cars on that coed. Tim fall,lllall Gazette remarks that Lord Brougham la now eighty-seven years old, and es yet has shown no symptoms of decay. except an increasing fondness for Social Science gath mines Das Fenian "Read Center" of Quebec, bus absconded with the money of the Fenian Fund In hta pomeeslob.' STATE SEWS It is atatad that the Railroad Campany con structing. • railroad through OleOPolls from Pit hole city, under the charter or the Clarion Land Improvement knot:fatlon, have completed their road-bed along the Alleaheny River Rd a mile and a halt above Oil City ; but are obstructed la their work ty the Pennsylvania Railhead Coin pany, which claims the richt to construct a road ova. tke lame route. The latter company has not eonstructed any Pat of Mgr toad at this place* but their employee& are shoveling Alowa dirt upon the toad-bed of the other company.. Meanwhile legal proceedings are going on be !wean the rival companies. .A novnixter Is on foot In Afonon„,.altele„ among wool-growers and. others, to establish a Woolen Factory on the river, a short distance below town. The building le already up. the engine provided, and the machinery will be geared in as soon as the stockholders determine. The Republican says This L a Stock Company with a Bold basis, a good prespective bnabaesa—and the project one shat finds favor with ell who have given the Imbject of home production a serious thought. The Wllkiabsere Rrcord ofM, 'Attu says The ;mast delightful Imam Sommer weather was enjoyed laa week—dry and warm. It is too dry and thifirekon the mounteine raged fa ric scaly neatly anu tut weer. The spectacle was magnificent wind nights with the line of flames µganging up end down the mountain. A wax was Instantly killed at Consohoeken, Pa., last Tuesday evening, being run over by the 8 o'clock train whilst walking on the track. RELIGIOUS NOTICES TPIE FIRST REFORZIED MES SY rnii,ulN OtwaTrWll (Kee. Sono fiC. Allegbensw, twat been thoroaghly rclhred, 1,,.) ,1 will Deepen tor perm* TO-NOR wto 'abbata. at 1034 A. X, and at 234, r, Sabbath 00l at B a. wt. 11,1,25 FIRST VILEINTLILN CEEIDEL7I. AL tdroworrr VITT, EXCELSJDE HALL, corner of Federal sad Lame& streets. Pastor, JOSEPH. KING. Services at c. and Proper Meeting on WEDNESDAY EVEN. LNG. 'Cho public. are aredially Isrttecl to attend. RELI9 10 V A NEEVICES.—THE FINST BAPTL9T CEIVROH oorraure OATION vlll hereafter bolg._their etarrob Berme. MASNIC HALL on .M.R.n street. Prartuns ey Lim o Rev. JAMES 8. DWILERSOIC, every LORD'E: DAY M 1020 sad Tan. Sunday School m 2 Woloak P. &Reagan and the putthe are coratelly Invited t. attend. Sees (we. nr2o:ltd IrEV. TILIII6I , D. 11101119 E, Pastor, islh preach in the YGYZIOITtiI 00AtO E.- GAT1(44.1.1..Cii CAW', Oa ailed strain, TO•ttlifi• • t lOji o'cloch, in In nice at 7 o'clocs. The sermon In Ma evening wttl to, especially addressed to yoimg men. Matt pay avadalt tO De Cihrholam Ail ass altactionstaly Invited to attend. n025.1t1 PUBLIC NOTICES - - . o. /11 - - EiTiti or. CLAM LODGE, 34 - 2, Temparane N eellie, r s. Da toll on NOT UB AY, I:3th feat., at It o'elOolt, to order to attend tLe funeral of Brother WELLIAII SINGLE:ION at steelock, T. tt. Members of the Large will pie •ro to attend panel - welr. meal• beta of slate, odgelf are ropectfolly larded. BI older of J. M. stIEiL.E.S.TAN. N. G. Joao Baran. tfeatetary. no24:ft SIBNCILISLEKS TO STOOK OF FARMERS' aND Pi:EEC/BASICS, TURNPIKE ROAD COMPANY, Are hereby me neeted to call and pay the IBM and last instalment of !leper share on said Mock. Bnbsrrit»n trho hare failed to respond to form er cats, mitt please observe that the whole amount eabseribed 11130 W dee. By order of the Board. JOHN H. t3E.IIPLE, Treaeursr. Pittsbarab SaIIATIVEI BELECT SCLICIOL, No. 12 ISLItIELLA STREET, 6.1.4. OIS ENY, neat St Mats street Eittilge. Young Ladles of ordtoary !abiliti attending flan School, must Improve rapidly. Too system Is thorough and Interesting. Ihe notnerpal desires to receive none but sovh as aro anxiotw and will. lag to acquire SOUND &ND PULITE EMMA- TlOll. Trams-Ist Clara. it CO per month; 241, in 5O Prlslsxy, 51 to. MUSIO by a competent teacher. l can en•cr at any EV'uyII a YNING CLAS S um*. ON MONDAYS AND THVAZDAYS. n010:47111:14:14.181.laf POLITICAL FOB II A-Y-0-11.- Oz.. D. W. DIECHIAW, L►re of the Iletb P. V" be ► e►odW►te for Mayor of Allegheny WIT, enklen to the Tinton nomination no2l:te oroC/TY CV.ITIZOLLEEL Ladies' Misses' and Obildron's Boots, Ralmorals, Gaiters. Polish Boots and Gums of all styles and ua qualities Which will be s q old at the lowan prises. • few more pelmet those SOILED SHOES on heI"%UXVV: he ite t al T::71 all owlitai of J. U. BORL (ND, 08 Market Street, aolle (244 door from Fifth.' Late of the 169th Penasilvaati Voltutteera CI eel adte StaIIIEL ALLINDES, Olerk In the City Treunter's Otace ft st the solici tation of Mn friends. will offer himself as a candt. date for the above °tilos, subisot to a vote of the Linton noldno party at their emitting primary election. cv to , t , nl7r• i-)aq:(4,111 SAISII7EL lILOOUE, FOR MA TOR OAPTAIR TAKES rdaVIOICER, Of tba Third Ward, ALLEGHENY, LV be • can. Masts for Mayor, anNost to a veto of tile Unloa o ac tara of Allegheny at the omitting primary tion ottd arrOa. naron. CAPTAIN War. MAYS, or the Seventh Ward trUlbe a otndlttoto for MAYOR, ,tarot to the nomination of the Union party of the city of rittabargh, is be held prior to the nest aft) Car nal:oW ME . 1[4. 1 f01tAi11TY..,16.11123 DON. DSON, Aldonnati of the Fourth Ward, at the Solicitation of friends, has oonsented Al Sow CO • Nl' Ulled in Connection with the neat Idapnraity, and-WLII be a candidate wattled to the direct me. of the people in accordance tetth the rammer-dation of theiast- EiePlaihtn P l.4 clPal Votive:Mon. . ocalc MEIET/p7GI3 LINCOLIi'oIL Lt.ND MIIIINCI CO. --4 i••••• Taani.lt . tlt the Stoatgolden of the Abele pigmy WillAni twin at their °Moe, No. I Head et b °2 Tituttsns, Nor. win; aggi oitleak Mt hien °I Vit4lVgml. ;dle" lityught fore the meeting. Au m iiiihstl7 Dieji,egkie :tread. •Eig.nniteg nr..111 . ' noZintiti • .• 4 • w diclif.; seer. pyiux .prnaGri. onsiguairuzitap 0 9. I iOntrtirCIBTOCIRHOt ERS.—Tellt Trrrantraav-t1614' ii . . AtiltltO,ftETlNG o tiht Isttektiatdat, at pitisburguUoniteltislila Rail:gad 13 0 . 0 ., I beltattt at' thai Oka af, _Cloantnt, Jones' r ifi l ra t inh d ifigagitrtruta..i, a Qui NS ONDA t 7 0 Fa t llftigfl3 l =7ol g lialllolll °l . ridEltEtz. mbs2tawoa. ) , Siorkittr mid nftsurer. • TSB ANNUAL MEETING ..OF:THit . emit vow:mess ortt• rENrretzteroas NAST KANUPAOTORINOOONPANINUI be OLIO; Nate No. Ne a Front Etre. Phila. aleipble, an th e Wen DAY Or NOY= EH; at -11 web2e3g, at., lorthe Meal= or Directors ter:thji ensiling poem and nab oiler bestow es may be bronett on then. aoLelterd OLEAN. LENN/Ci, Trimmer. 1 06T—On Fri Any morning, Mb i ce ., Waiiiitlicniee, • rcilllT% MOD NIITTEI9. TM ender wilt receive the titmice*, the owner toy Winn it at 0. /L. B .eltre fleeted trug Stine, comer or Stud and Peden! Attests. - acZelid - - WANTS WANTED.—LIFE INeSURANCIL—Ia TI dip, an active, inessetm di3kipT for • LASE LIPEINSIIBLIPOIS COMPANY. thasigns who ink lin las Viola Mine and amain tho work.. a liberal compensation mill Psalm. Address Pat Ottice Das No. Am, Nair Todd ' ' noltst4, VITAZTBD—Zy a geallemaa and wife, aitaM il f• F A NZs anates i ff 3 grorMa t ß ol* Addied, Vattog tocialOn and tend% g, p. OAUTTII 071101 ztodiltd WAZITELL—TOEXCHAAGE A PARE of ere loos hundral meals lowa, fat eitY Ptopetty. The orkereen be teen at the thurra Orme+ !rem IV A. WWI 41: Y. nab E 147. WANTED.—A YOUNG WIDOW, who has become tired ofalagle bleasedness, would be pleated to correspond ortth • gentleman with • Viet to matruoony. Piastres esc%!_nted Let. ten strictly confldentlaL Addram Cia• rate dorms. naidhdtd WANTED--GIRL—A GOOD GIRL Wantetlioa the drat of December, to do metal hoosemork d • Nhortdlsteace from the atty. mom or iol es lot 's good home. Make Vero Mon it the GAzerne Oirmos. a tf W ANTED—At once, four or five good BLLORSIRITES, to work on Barnet any Brldkr/31ti. Cbustant ,cmploymont. Enqutro al OS WOOD STREET. non:lord WV ANTED—A HOUSE, containing from four to at' rooms, either In Plttsburg or Alletheny. Beat no conalderatlon. Dtheoc o otO Boit'•F Cluirrra Ornoz. matt W AIRTED--AGENTB.—ENEROST.I.O s NEN AIR Mako 5.3 to 610 • day, MIME the celebrated, improved PATENTETAa N0. , M2b1. SONY BURNER for Kerosene CU Lamps. It in-s a splendid Ntht, without amok. or smelt, Elroy fanuly wanton, Winn be sold forth,' prim 'of a oonple Of Oidianont. Sample, post-paid, 28 cents. Send for CUMalat t tatilillpartiohls... Exclu. etre terntary elven. - JAMES EUGea , Abtanfaaturer, nosAnid N 0.16 Malden Luau New Yolc. IV AA N T S D— A GENTS.—E hIPLOY— fiIMNT FOR RETURNED SOLDIERS AND ALL UniEltS.--Groat Sate of Jogrolllr. Sllvu ware, &a The H•AoLron a Co.'. Gecos Girt DIIITkInc - nox. Our Kontos. ro•klcopfroza Fire to Thirty dollars yet dee, end we Deed min more, Late invoices Troia Europe ham:rowelled out sloth to over One Million Oothirk A splen did alsortment or 'Watches, Rings, Ladles' mid (tentlemen's Jewelry Mali kinds, of the Most Mak. Wattle patterns, an at 81 each Simi at for cerfilicate, and van will .ee what you are en. titled to; or send $1 for five certificates, or KS for thirty; or tend a three cent stamp for our terms to snots, wbitliare of the most liberal luod. Now to yont time. Write plainly your Nuns. 01 y, 0011Dty_ and State to Nairn:sok Co, 1,1 . 94 ftri P, ft„ Now Yolk. B . 7 'fractat t !'lity Matti New York. Cogan/ WAFTED.—AORNTB FOR "TES SECUIET SERVI Hers mu), s i nes: Q AND THE. Birdanoze Etoalsostow, New York TrOdus Correspond mt.. The wet intete*Ung and tatting book am palgtabed, empress hlr. Maharanee amoral) Wed th in the soaret Griplidefte for four sm coman., o f Ms tling through tho Sourvine o Davos et the outbreak of the war, with our armies end tests, both East end West, during the IWO two years of the Sabana, Ids Melia, wiptadsi his eannsteraent for Xi months to scram diffeavat Raba emair i ati o almost torollO in r b iontood soots, and contain more of tiorat, 'deaf out osso' of LP gar Mad toyothar watt ToOpol aottos. Te.thiml/2 LW*. euzgeus you:wins% orPlo 414 teltusod aid disabled Moots and motile:s e to watt of Natal° molt Ond po soOpte4 to UOIr "To bus mats Cle aringll6o per !motto %WI vs will prove to any tlonlittos oßpfluzio Sand for ainna• lam Adam, JUN 11:E tat ic . . Z. arms Elitth and lidElindeoF FOR SALE. FOR BALE—One three - rory Brick Dwrzta.nto riousr, No. 1011$1&yAt rtreeU Alleirbeay..ontarullig elthi MOM, with a good cellar wader the who!. howl,: all 111 _1004 order with • ••••nt Lot adiatting t 20 by ITO feet. Au wlll be solo tocethar. For hirthezjpartto/•11. entiorre_of RAMSEY HAL Heal Errata AWL% 01 Roarer street. Allegbitor walla urn VOS BALL —A. 2io. i STOCK Atil) GRAM FARM, containing about =1 agues, situate In Fallovrliald toweallp, Washington no county. Pannsylvania, on the Ilinnongabela the rt ,ver o mile above lock No 4; 110 sores of bort river bottom. Ma Whole farm launder • high ruts of Ccaltivatlon. Floe apple orchard about ra an emu location of coal With pbeautifuLlt opened; the fencing to good d For further particulars empire of G. H. TOWER, nisi Es' nate Agent, No. lee Fourth street. or to E. T. yetATOOli ZS, on the pnratinea _ novlArtf - - - nIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Board of Din:stare of the RITCHIE OIL COMPANY bars Ude day declared a dieldenal of TO i TEE T. on the Capital Sto W ck. t) payable C a m the office el the Secretary, No. 63 Market street. on and after De °e November.mber 6tb , Tranater Book. Glom on tas 1'.3t1 of noliO3 BORT. D. THOMPSON, eemetary. 11/VIDEND. Ors,. op rat .. Prrisocw. INew•Anroz Co "1 Clorember eoruAttiruzz teymkaojt:di...rdezinotr FMB DOLLARS PEE SHARS out of the profits of the put three thoothi, free Of Clowernment an 4 State taut, (ph to euh, sod Si to the eudit ea Stock Dae-011/2,) payable on itehoarpl Ate meeting of the Board, November 7th I%t, a meiotic', reeved changing the dividend day to NOVEMBER &NB daY , mimed of febrile tit awl Ansuat JAMES COLLARD, note:tad Seareenry. Ta Gnmeoa , Namonat Bnx i / Tm - reernitom Roe. 3, OWL 1 1 - `IIE DIRECTORS OIP THIe u have Qua deelared a Me - Wane of EIGHT PER CT.. free of Government Tam out or EN the oroSts or the last ale mamba, payable to the atookhoteera or their legal tepnesentaUvea, oh and after the tith Inst. nOle!wd J. E. HEALY, Ja,., Cashter - - - /ArtIAPOS Narioxat. Bark or Prrrenanonl Prrranneon, Now. 7, lean. THE BOARD OF DIREOTORS E% E thle day dealated a dlrblend TEN PER CENT. from the earning. of the last ale month., payable forthwith. The United States Revenue Tax will be paid by the Bank. nada tedawF H. N. MURRAY, Usable,. • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AWRENCEVILLE SAVINGS BANK . L —Perms delltotte of eubserltring to th, etoak of the WRENCEV I LLB 86 PINGS HANK win and the books at Dr. Banns'. office, on But ter !street. Dine° been from I l a . m. to 2 p. m., and from It to p. 0026. F•Ew RENTINO.—PLYMOUTH - Caisf• OItEOATIONAL 0110R(111, Oa Rend street, Rey. Henry D. Moore, Pastor, sell/ be YVIILI , LT BENTED for one year, on TUESDAY EVE Y. ING,'next, at 1 i.. 2 o'clock. The Church win be open or hour previously, that those desiring It as hare an opportunity of examining the lo catlo and the price 01 pews. The value of each pew is flied at • reasonable rate. and the ellcice will be sold to the highest bidder. notes ' , LOTLI BACQUEE, SILK SACQUES, VELVET SACQUE6. .FOR SALE AT LOW PRWEB, BY WHITE, ORB it 00,, No. 25 Fifth Street, PUBLIC tIALK OF .13 UILDTTIOr LOTS• I it'll °Per at pane Pale 011 the premises near taaEataport, on 04171111 DAY, DIEOEIIB6II 2d, /416, at 10 o , oloek, A. n., !THIRTY' BTALDING LOTS ! "rear .11.1 1 Ketsport, Balm part of Bus • SiZOiLIP farm. Two LoU on Ninth Street, In DVECcosport. on whinti is erected ► Twootory Brick Home with Ole Room end attqloux,Lbto out Walnut axed, ealttllorough. Tnsittone,tuilf salla,The Wooed to two n nual paytnett.• With itirkTen, the hook paymnnts So DO neural:7 Rood and tquate. • • • :Ord , Jourr IV: PATTERSON. 83,500 A riLt P U " a ArSE A molt Dw_tiratick,or t3ll, ItOOMS; . tt feet derin frootthg on fimhlMin. street. 1111 h , ward, Pittsburgh:Eifel 'womp 'street, tt potted for anon. For farms, eur,iipply at ttipltealAqiteafd Ift -0., S. SAVA zaiwrosoortUo,Fd. CAVIIRRIMIL-20 bbIL- prime oalU wed Cranberries Rs* ttaiVOU sod tot sob oy "atil4"ati Exam MO hterisELE. NO. 113 Third MKS. SPOTATOEB-18 bbla prime. .1 0 ; 1 :117 ZraP b ratoes, tor Winter icHplog, In FLEEING k STEELY, Na 113 MIS irtreit. OrE97 ADVRRTISEXEDITS A YELPSR FOR THE PROPLE Tilt, PITTSBURGH DAILY DISPATCH. Enlarged to Thirty-Two Columns. FIETN COLUMNS OF READING MATTER, CLEAR PAPER AND CLEAR TYPE NO ADVANCE IN PRICE By NAIL Sb PER YEAR, SERVED BY OLE BIERS FIFTEEN OENTs A WEEK. CHEAPEST PAP= IN THE STATE. LARGEST DAILY CEROCLATION. ELILiLEST LOCAL REPORTS. LATEST TELEGRAMS PROS ALL P LOMPLETE MARKET REPORTS. Includll i ruport. of the !audio; but...it and Noste Kati. Jamey and Stock quotation.. he , he. To the Public The Proprietors or the DAILY DISPATCh take pleasure In eatioUnatrig that the paper will. on WEDNESDAY NEM', the th lost.. be no. laried some SEVEN COLL! nus, uuserss the SEUOND ENLARGEMENT During the present year The advantage■ to ad rerelsem of the very large edition ',Muni will be worked= the occasion mutt be to obvious to business men that we need not do more tha n re quest them to lend In their favors at once. The price of the paper will continue sa now at PIPTEEN t 7.1 TIS A WEEK" maiden It one of the cheapest paper* ot the Size In the country. The advertising rate" will oleo remain the sane. J. H FOSTER @ CO., DISPATCH 'HUN BULLU/N Fifth street, rittsbursh L , 11 „ 1 MENAGE It 1E IS NOW OPESILT NO. 61 FIFTH STREET, UNTIES THE OPERA HOME. 4021141 CHICK BOORS ON ALL THE BANICB DRAY BOOKS, rteceint Books, BUR DOOM AND STATIONIM GOLD PENS MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., S! FLFTII STREET. SALE OF SERVICEABLE HOSPITAL PHUP Eta 4.151) MEDIOLNE WA:IONS. C. W. BOTELSE, JB., Am:lona:tr. etravrreta'a Ovvicra, Wratimutoli, D. 0., November V. Ida W 111 be add at publie auction to ad. city, at Judiciary Squaca WA:l4moms, Fifth and E arena. 00 THURtilar ELOUNINO, November:M. at 10 black A. w., a hair. lot of oorPloitable limpital Bedding, ha., embracing 030 Towel.. I WM Pio Wog Gown. 6,[0:1 Him Pillars, 6,b00 Pillow 11.ite fladacia liao Drawers. kcal shirts. 10,0003 Oemia:v.. bkoca Sheet. 20,C.Al Blanket.. At close ol sale allibtrtoid 24 Idedleine Wagons. Om awls will be requires to pay far and to more property alttia fire day. from taratnatlav of We, 0 SUTHERLAND, itAkaci Sorg. U. A. A. and /Mai. Pury.yor. ring AND STOCKS FOR SALE. IN) thane Peoples' National Sankt 60 Dolma:0-1a ULL tiompagyt " BUM do de .1010 Alter/may sad Plttsbergh Oil Co-; eoo Lantraater & Cherry Rua do; IM,Oto Allegheny (Win/goal Ronda; 2,000 Allegheny V R. IA tat Mortgagors; lI,Cco Butler County t s; United States Bonds of all kinds. WONTED, 103 them M. & AL National Bank; •tachange do do Erett Fleming and Blood Oil Stocks; too " Eldorado do t,too Poston do Su 600 Donde of Warren County. BOLD. SILVER AND COUPONS bought at highest market rates. ROBINSON. htoCLEAN & 00., once:ord No. Ts Fourth nixes.. MEDICAL.—C. W. DIIVINGER, M 11 PLITISICIAN AND 1911110E0N, Late Surgeon of the 00th Regiment Ohio Veteran Volunteer. Infantry, :Merman's Army ,) offers his prabliolllll saretaea to the eltletris of LAWRENCILVILLE AND VICINITY. IPICIAL ATTWWTION T•ID To Surgery and to Dlitasei of the Rye and Ear. N. B.—The Doctor will keep on heed hod fur nish, at rsuoneble chum, 4/1 medicines to his patrons. OFFICE ON BI7TLER ,STEEET, • betweetu Ewalt and Bellafoutalue streets. BIZIDENCE UN 01IVATZIIIT STREET. ninth house above Butler street. no=•. t _ THE ORBAT PURIFIER HEMAPANAKA (BLOOD CUBE.) MOST REXCARAPIBLE ARTIOLE AN'D POS ITIVE VOILE FOIL Scrofula, Rheumatism, Neuralia. Den Dyspepsia and PLmple, AND AAJI. alb E A AS OF TIM AHED. A• • Tanis, it miles us vacua pima et geodes, LW wbeßy restores me lards& latraaat and tt emelt bra a trial prim us rims, tale by SIMS Jusiterow. earner esantaine and route SUOMI. DO2 HUGH FITZPATRICK, FIRST pH/wring GOLD PEN MANUFACTURER, Philo Hall, ear. Third and market its., 8 . 10 . d StorY, antesnae on Third sweet. Gold Pans and Gold and Sliver Penall,Oyea wholesale and ratan. Pena re aired. Palmas bating Pena to repair sea sand them by mall, and that will be Promptly returned. oa7:tyd Loos ER E. A great variety and well mimed stook of PIOILLES, PEACJIBS, And all kinds of CANED FRUITS, for mats by Jour 11. scarf. his New Cfrcetry. 9O Liberty it., earner Tony PELQUZST, aaoa*nT. ner.sammirt. NO. 21 WYLIE STREET, ?SLABS TO ORDER GEAR OIITTING AND MODELS FOR REW lIIVERT/ONS. _Jo. W . W0412n0.m.. WILSON, CARR it C 0.,: Iwra alum, rags a a%,) Wholesale deafen In FOREIGN AND DORIES T/0, DRY GOODS, Igo. SS Wood stress, thud 1.4 . „wove Oldsoond sills% Pittsburgh. 1 _ _ • GrUPEE3I GRAPEBI-60 boxes Choice CATAWBA. ARDISMIELLIL GRAPE% Put up expressly for remit, use,jost rettelrei'pe . . Xxpros sa4 formal* 47 , 011 UP k 1 3a$PA13D, art LatirtY street, A.PER EIANOINGt3. <Maly land beautiful thitels td 'PANNEL Dretrig /MONS, for ROM. Ifesatinkm, at Zia. tO7 Market Urea. eon JO& 8. OUGEIF..9 +1•1380. lAilt,e: o7 6oo d tb r ia. ct l ifice wit4 ir A. . s od A ainisriarsta, comer and 711rst Its. POTATAVLB--300 kbh. choice York for b Mato rush Jio* Petataisdasosseelvel 1.4 B. 0/1151ITELD, non NO. WI IC /Ira stmt. NEW' ADVERT/SEMENTS xt:uanax.n.o clef We., Prnasonous, P... Roo. SAL, 1.1.%56 1 / NOTICE IS EIBREBY THAT T E following Accounts of Executors, Siorntois. Dale.; Gusset.; Ca, have been duty paned In saldßer.lstes'a Olin. and will bop/T.2lnd to the 0, pr..' COUrt for cOotlrM•ttort and allowance, on MONDAY. Dectuntate 25th, 11*5: Flow account of Daniel Grimes, adminlerator of 111ra P. Manly, decent d. Plied Sept. 5, ins. Final accruot of John Toned, acting executor of Asellbald Your* destined Ftlea Sept. 4, tan. Mal account of A.n P. thulds,ailasintstratur of Dann G. Mid; damaged. PA. Sept Aceonat of J. A. illstlonabe and Ellen 21 , Gouslis, administratots of tun Sm i th, deceased. Piled GO. and ttnalactouttt of T. D. Hammer, guar. dion of minor children of Oliver Clark, deceased. Mull Sept. 12,12211 e o f and Anal are.. of John Graham, ex ec. uteri of Robe. t Peebles, deceased. Filal Sept. 11, 180. • First and final account of D. and H. Donaldson, edmiASn Sept. fltrators Taof William Donaldson, asseoled. FB 11, 16. gletottat $ W. D. Courtney, adminietrato: of John B.Sharp, deformed. Filed Sept. 18, 3881. Float and final account of Margaret J. Oslo, ad mirm.rmatrla of Alfred N. Cain, deceased. Tiled Sept. Is, ISITS. Final account of Thomas Penney, admroistra. tore' namuel S. Lem osisfm, deo salad. Flied B° Sta -2 f ; erlr e f s tinal account Of .Taoe Morarland, so. ecutrix of Andrew McFarland, deseasel. Filed Set. UR, Me. P p icul account of Thomas Farrow, guardian of Mary Wiz Ann, mind: chltri of Jay Winders, de. ceased. /lied Sept. 18, 1865. cco - nt of Wiliam Thompson, administrator of Margaret E. Thompson, deceased_ Filed Sept. 21, ISO Final amount of 6usaa P. Wilson, arlmlnlstre trta. of Samuel Wilson. deformed. riled Sept. nil, 1666. Pint account of B. T UMW and John Honor, eaccutore of Valentine Holler, deceased. Fllot sept. tS, IBM Final account of Margaret Pancoaat odroloSs trot rlx of Samuel Pancout,dermateu. Filed Sept. 311, 1665. Acpount of Mathias Danner nod Grow Here% adnalerfatratorelot Mathias Danner, deceased. Pil ed Oct. 2. 1866. Account of W W. 61 allot. guardlao of minor Arlo. of Joseph Mar lam detoesol.l. Filed 00.. 7. 1E65. /noel account of W. W. Marla°, goattllta of mt., or helm of Joitsph M 53101;, deceased. Flied 0.1.7. lea. Amount of lames Patterson Wylie. executor of John heed, deceased riled Hot, la, land Final account of John °lthenpoon, acting ex eentor of John IdeCliness, deceased. Fittd Oct. 17. TEAS Final account of James R. Trimble, admlnla trator of Samuel°. Trimble, deemed. Flied Oct. 18&5. Account of Taeob fl uy, Esq , and Thu. Stswart, executors of John Burin, deceased. Flied Oat. St, lEGS. Aram - tot of Wm. B. Rog.. acting admfolgtralor , f A. ffiewroyer. deceased Filed Oh. na, lint sad final ancofint of Nathaniel Ingram ex• ntor of Alice Ingram, deceased. 1'115,1 Oct. , I.S. lib. First and anal sesount or .ras Irlvine , Sseeutor of John Divine, deceased. Uct itcoooot Joba N• cl i:.tainiatrator of Win. lief I, eocco.!'". r,loo Oms. riool account or William Nicholson, adminls. trator of James Walker, oeCessed. FUed Vol. 24, 18E5. AiMalta Of Stoatlel Mass, administrator of Junius Jones, decreed. Ftka Oct. V, 1806. First accountof Alexander Hunter and lames NoldN executors r f Francis W. Hunter, deceased. Flied Oct. Sri, 10C.I. Fine and anal accOutst of WHllam a Stag,aamlnistraton of Samuel Shaw, decornd. Flied soy. I. tees. ActrAnst of Mittens Thompseo and !Wary H. Stevan, odsolnistratcre el Thos. H. Steward, ceased. Filed Oct 26,1966. Final acooant of Wm. Rogers, admlnist rator of James Racers, deceased. Fuel ooy. 2. Md. Account of Henry ingrain, executor of Thomas Locum. deceased. Flied Nor. 1666. Final account of Arch° Atelienry, acting exec utor of Hobert Donaldson, deceased. Flied Nov. 6, IBM. Account of Moines Hamilton, administrator of Whim 0. „Hamilton, teceased. Piled Noy. 9, 1884. Final account of Charles Snider, adrithilatratar of Jahn Hartley, deceased. Filed Nov. La, 1863. Account of mino r Dean, guardian of J Amer and AllOlll Glides, heirs of James Gllde•, &vet. ee. Flied Nov. tt, 1866. Amount, of Caroline Hearten, admintr r Predeack A. Manna, deceased. Filed Nov a e, Rasp, Final a moimt of Robert Robb, administrator of Eaubath Tay:or, deceased. Filed Nov. 17, ItB3. Final SIICOULIL of ho Bechficld, administrator of Margaret Rabat deceased. Filed Nov. 16, MM. dt Fhal account of John Backfield. admLnistrator boats nos rum testament° annexe. of Carl Babit. deceased. Wiled Nov. id, laM. Final account of Willlam Cowan, miles admin istrator of Samna W Hamilton, dammed. Filed Nov. in, 186 E. Awotint di Alexander H. Miller, administrator of Charles 3. Long, deceased. Filed Na,. 20, 1065. First and Anal account of Eleanor Slocum and Elisabeth tied,, execntor• of Salvador Slocum, deccuod. Flied Nov. 11, iSikS. Mal mit of Hobert Robb. trator ol Elisabeth &re Snowden, decerized. F, adm lrdin is Nov. 21, IWe. Account of Robert Pou•r. 24m11512trator of S fortlAbooy. doseaseo. Flied Nor. 21, 1245. Ito al sccoult of Jut. w.trer sod Robert P tar, exeouton of John Lusk, deceased /Flied N 21,1245. Second end al account of John raham, ear- vivid g eseentor an of J nun Keating. de ceased. flied Noy. 21, 13..5. Account of John Graham and A.:crhander Fos_ burgh, exeentot. of Mary Nogeburgh, deco:Bed Flied Nor 21, Ifgh. Account of John Graham. executor of Alexan der lioaeburgh. dere:ailed. Flied Noa. 21, IterA. - Account of James Laird. or e of the adudaist to.. of iaabeita Laird, deceased. rued Sept. 21, 1868 /loft and final account of H. M. Soot:, execut 1 Samuel MeLfortnics., ttoocased. Fled Nor. 2 Account of Wm. n Holmes. rus - diso of Wm. 1. Holmes •od Lt tUtls l• Homes, m cot heirs of James Holm. s, drowsed. Filed Nov. 22. NO. t of W. a Ho: me* gus eHao of Letoltao C. Holmes, minor belt of James Holmes, docess. d No. •,count rf Clectege ktt 014 .d twat, Kim, ex ,enter, of B. L. ElarlascuL dereessed. Noy. ..13, teed Aaeount •f John S. Slagle, guardian of mina Lein of Osorge Knox dearamed. Flied Nor. 11, Mina aesonst of Johi Wrisbt and lobo S. S. (Is, sdollotatratoro of Dixon Brown, deceased. I , llrd Nos ember 23, 180. • Account of Joireptl A. Banat, admiontrator 0. Blargant Bon. dnotted. utaiara. •cconat cor B. B. Darn and IL E Ds, ioce.• ton of Hugh Dorn, dezoosed. rtlod ov. !3. lohn algalte:rronft ofV le°:eled.";?lfetl4t7l oe 1 1.4 i :taw:I Anal account of John, MoUune, sue- Ylvlag oiteutor of rho. McCleary, Filed No,. 2/, Ifa. Ay:mut of Jaa.sajdogoloy. guordlan of ED Snowden, eeceutd. Flied No , atOO. WM. J. R/ORAEDSON, iloglote c00.23-itd2twr The cholees GOLD AND aILY - ER WAT C HES. CLOCR.s AND JEWELRY, ever brought to All, grief:l7ogs , , can now be seen at the oTURE of T. H. KLAGFES. No. 98 N . c.49.4Dirci.3. Where WATCHES of the best makers JEWEL. RY of the newest styles, CLOCKS of emery des. anal. of best American PLATED kers. PURE SILVER AND G OODS, such as Forks, Span= and Hollow Ware. Bohemian and health China 004 glue VASES of choicest patterns: and all ankles belonging to my etre of basin.., which will be sold at a West REDUC TION, Pine Watch and Jewelry work carefully mace and re aired. Highest pries paid for Old Saver. Don't forget the {dace, 00 Federal street, Allegheny. - octs:iri FOR 500 ACRES OF COAL LiFiL, Situate to Westmoro land county, Penna., on the Notth•Western Penneyirsois Railroad, containing taro vein. of tioal. Lit:Demon. sad Fire (lay. The COAL, LIMESTONEand FIRE CLAY pi I vilest. of the . hove tract of laud trill be told on or S. fore SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9.rx, 1665 01 F .t ; , CL o ugibgr o particulara, Inquire at the Law and W. J. it [SALL PATTERSON, 002.4 510.144 Fourth St, Pitt•tugh. Pa No. 81 Market Street You will and a vor7 fine nasortamit of LADIES' , GENTS. ANDMISSES' UNDER. GAN DlFFirs. WOOLEN HOODS, SONTAGS, SK AWLS. COR SI:TN, Hoop SZIRTS , lIIIIEROWERIES, LACES. ho. ALLEXANDHE'S SID GLOVES, INFANTS' KM/I'D ROS moirrasows STAR sttn ES Ts, la REPS PATENT MOLDED COLLARS. w. W. ECOOBEIEADII _ . . 'VALUABLE. Books In' CATALOGUE. , NATO/3 DAY EVENING, Nov. 25t11, of 7! io'clock, wilt be coca by cautions, oa Secon Floor of Consaterelol Salta Ronan, 100 Smithfield street. (entrant also Nom OULU street to rou of Kole, Hloonle, g/lth and l Peeks In valuable coil( aka Amen of aanchoice and Me- T V. , t Travel., llLtory , anti, Illunrated works. An., all in superior ectitlone. mostly am and Well boatel. Tke eatslogue is /area, and In. dudes osimp tore w qork s Wall departments of 1.1•• mature. Ibrataloge a now toady for distribution , and tbe Bookt ean bee examined on day create, n 024 A 4 11TolliWAINE, Anettonser. 6.4 AT CHANCE FOB AGENTS: — WHAT TELE PEOPLE WANT: Tbe STANDABD IIIaTOBY orTitz wan, complete In *ea lugs volume of over itok pages, 21"dhil lJr, i fitZTA., ° 171 . 47,2114.111 1 `Tills work bap no rival aa • eendbl ludo, sons - plate, Atittlektio Lad tellable bletory of. the war. ;It contains reliant matter audit to tbm e Wei* , ;octavo volumes. Send for etreularc sad Beeper' terms. Atelteas JONES- BEVY.* (70.., • :tad . - _ • Phliadelptti ~ Pa. • ! OND BIRj!TPROP9g POE S s eotste tbtea Itorollint Boons of ball, to palm,. dlslsrroom, 'kitchen, {altar, bath-room and ets, ambers, in • nood locution nearlilarkot street. Far pilot, and terate, apply to ourustirreg soNs.. note it Market street. IMPROVED f'ItOPERTY bqt TIIIISTEE SAL IP .-T'Deealey Afte2nOon, ath, st 2 °Weak, on the . javedsee, Will be cold, by lorder orgrintelf, thtee iftlak Nevem Nee. do, 22 ,„,,d 91 , an getyyralley. bet ewe Second and Third letreete.• The LoUfare 10 feet Dent each and SO feet ' • dept. ' _Taw at Isle. 'Dole " • A-MaLWAIRE A.uat'r. WE,I7 JITB LDIA-200 bbla fresh. for Wo k! ' 1. smaiftEcto. NEW AniniamisEncorrs BEGINNING WITH MONDAY, Nov, 20th, Reduced Prices, WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARIUM'S lIT ~SL~~. WE WILL OFTEE =EAT BARGAINS IN lIN Co S WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN POPLINS. WE WILL °ITER GREAT BARGAINS IN BARATHEAS WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN ALPACAS. WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN REPPS. WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN 21 \ 7 11 .10;112-1,:--01 WE WILL OFFER GREAT BA_ROAINS IN DELALTES. WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IR ARMURES WE WILL 01 FEE CITEAT Alit3A.lN, COBURGS. WE WILL OFFEE UREA? BARGAINS IN l'auslins. WE WILL OFFER OREAT DAZGAINS IN PRINTS: WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAIN'S IN FLANNELS. WE 'WILL ;UPPER cumAr BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. WE WILL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN LINEN GOODS WE TULL OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IR SHAWLS WE WILL OFFER GREAT B&ECkAINS IN EVERYTHING. J. W. BARKER & CO 69 JIIOIIRAET STREET, pLRIB CLOAK AID D FUR EMPORIUM CLOAKS AND FURS THE LARGEST CHE4PEST STOCK Cloaks and Furs LI THE CITY: H. GUNZENHAUSER & CO., 43/13 There4rls.olt eitroots Oalangra. J &ILES BOWN, lIANUFACTI7REE or IId:PROM BORING TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt and Other Wells No. 136 WOOD STREET PITTSBURGH PA. ei% : l7` . LOV"lti`JVA''ttol.`" v " t ' e " s " WELL BORERS Lowest Clekesta. -Vbrioetis with Inch articios u are neconary to conduct op erations, vih: ANVILS BELLO 14 S, S7.inVIES, HOES, HAMDIESS SHOVE . LS, LIES, HATCHETS, SAWS, KM /LEES, OUELS WBE S NCIELS PLANES, LEVELS, NAILS, tn. Rope ) Leather a TAII of which I have eallate nd Gam Belling, constantly !a store, ALEX. AIKEN. I : l =7:3Wriffiararma s No. lail Fourth ear % PittOur.^ Pa. 00F1 LAS of all kind', GRAP=,r CSLUBEES. and do. arriptinn of lfuner at Furolaracq Goods gloom open day and night. Hearse and 0 aml Punished. Harxxxxcnse--Rev.Darld Ifert i tr Ear. IL W..Taeohuis, telas, Ba Jacob 11. Millar ler Eau. g • Wird COOK/E0 RAIBIN - 100 boxeliValea eta Raisins ; SS bean Sultana do. leo mats Seedless do. ISO boxaa Layer do. tip bona Bunch do. :SO half and quarter boxes Layer and Bunch Raisins ; all choirs and fresh Amu ; Mow to afore arta fax sale by REY ME R k BROS., Ada. Bliand 12S %sod street 11 VINES AND P LANT S. TREES. NA' anII very sue` sti Etas OM and INA ...t'FAL T__,IsVNAOItAFR MINES log OREwPROUSE PLANTS. B 4 taIIATS and OUT FLOWERS to otdat. seia for a listAloTnn i ornatt and ermine oar otos& JOUR R. & A. ELORDOWL rlttabanti Ndttery and Oaltlanul Otennhono& &Alta 8- ; PALE. CM= An MO= ALB Phernix Steam /Travers, rarrrsuttrint • JOHN D. BAILLY, ' glummer to eirerr. va..upsra . ,Stock Broker and Beal Feats 4geat, Sir Stock' bought and sold on OomuLtuloa. Ono; wlLlimme BALL. ?Mauro. •44 PaaV.W. l6 l4o4:llaoentiv` THE UP-EAT P L RIFLER. F 747127 the mly to slllble eure_lbe &BROS/TA. Is the only uttalllble cure - for ERYSIPELAS /. the only Lffalllb/s our. fay CARVER. the °nil intalllbla mut Mr PINIPLES L the only tnialnlle sure tot' . . ITS$„._ Is the only tafaSs T s ge tor, - ILS. Is the only tafalllb4s SO care foe atAT/ShL. Is the °all , lata ll tble Sll sor fey SALT RIUSSIL Is the only listailible sure for mum I, the only Infallible eon tor % conalams. ILE Ix the only infallible curse for DYSPEPSIA. Is the only Info Mite eon tat Comex.eurr. /e the onti infallible ewe lot GENERAL insu.rrY, the only tobJttlolo onto tor ITUHI Ever I:llasecrtreored. AS A TONIC IT IS :UNEQUALLED. roa SALE 81( 8I lON JOiIIfBTON I Corner Smithfield and roarth Stn. 13014 p REM' UlllB THAT ARE PREMIUMS. Read the List: The records of the rations Important mutuab cat and Indust! lal usoctstlone terongeout the country are, atemecant of the populaot7 of the WREPT.FR, & WILSON MAOHIEE. They hare stamped upon It NF: PLUS ULTRA, The Ampruan Institute. New York, reports "This Ditchfne meku the LOCK STITCH, and risks highest on account Ot the elasticity, permanence, beauty, mil general deitreableneia of true ; striating when done, and the wide nape of its indication." repeaThe report was in accordance With the previous ted awards at the Fair of the Milted Ststei Siiiioultntei Sealed,. at the r sus of the American liattlate. N. Y., Mechanics' Amor.lation. Beaten. Franklin Institute, Phil's: • • lientlicky laminate, lLonialrillet, Mechanics* Iturtlecti e, Baltimore. Mechanics* Association, Cineinuati. 'Mechanics* Ass °elation, 811. Louis. Mecluinlee. Inatitate, Asti Frani:lace. Metro W Ulan liectiamles° Institute, •- • • • 'And at ailLthe State and (Jaunty_whereeee Exhibited. • The batsle-nelds of Napoleon L were searsaly Wore numerous than the forelguaentesta of the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. PARIS IN 1881; LONDON IN 1365. LINZ AND KOBNIG3EDRGIBBS. DAHTZIC, ARRAN & MRS 1364, DUBLIN, STignui, COLOGNE AND WRINER, 1961 • . . Bear testimony to the anperierigg Cathie &Gaetano and Its eppreefatton abroad. At an these Intents, Lionel f...Yhibittone, the beat hints' or foreign a'eratm were arrayed ayelturtit; bat - Vrae, at here, storr of do destiny's always is the astouleat. Iralee4 no human testimony maid be stronger titan that which Be. been samrdild this Machine Oar superiority over MI others to, family see edit fere perural reamkraetwing parpons. A machine whom merit nes achieved such • World widen /30WD and success, WARRANTED THREE YEARS, by a responsible company, brought to the bonze of the purckaur. instructions given in Ito tura, Without extra charge, and antiziaation griaran teed, It to no experiment to buy, and there is no investment which frays a bettir interest or kiwi mere comfort, health, trappfnest cut refer to tie household. atr :=ll . : D avz o ttex o ci f T i m:Woo, or nal for E. P. CARPER I'M o.za.crea.3. ALA- exit, NO. T 7 FIFTH ST., PITpIIIIITAGEI 110=1Wdk SKATES SI6ZATES!! 12.500 PAIR Ladies, Gents and S ]EZ AL 'X E S IN EVERY VARIETY. FOR Satz LOW BL J4JOE9 BO rrrr, No. 136 wood Street. 14.A.8Y TEgllEft, WALICIR AND JIIMPEE, takes charge of Infants, providing for their amosentent for Ova years. INVALID CHAIRS Fresh lot of the above Whales. Aloe. ADZES, GENT'S AND CHILDREN& CAMP OHAIRS al/ styles. 6.18 STOVES. For heAtthe Bath and other theme—all stem Also PLATE WA.22IIEFIN,.COAL Y aSES, HODS, FEN DEES, PLRE•LEONS, Az. SKATES! SKATES !! Ladles'. Genre and Callttrelee, 88ATES-141 styles, just recelred at the HOUSE-nIiNISHING STORE OF GEORGE W. EMBLEM% 2 fo 68 Federal Street, Allegheny. STEAK PUMP Is 1121pla la constnastion, Wall And Mustily mat, easily kept ist order. and Is 12 all ruiners relieble whoa. a lane amount of work Is required: Quite a number are In operation Odra, tiring sompfete satisfaction Parties Ileeclitig a Plump will do Wall IS 'au and gee this one BAILEY, FARRELL & C 0. ,, Sole Agents, 187 lOWUkIIOIO stfteg, P/TTSBIIIVIII, py HE prnssumni PAPER MaNU eartrEnut GOXPALITY ogee for isle 1,500, bills. Cr . own Wrapping Paper 1.000 bdls. Efealtuo 3,000 bd42. hefting ak do ann. I.ooof bdln. D. C. and D. E. dn. Their here also on bead axe eanktsztly teceleles hoax tuft muis, MANILLA - cc• /a weightsand sizes, HAZDWILKE P4PE of is into ,the.b.raufrs Day ee4 B4TB. Aft niuntltisi sad abet of-PAPEICItibt OEDE at tIl6thOrYtit;III:11.10,411ACIIII:0127en. - . . ,000' TUB OP Ititrk ValutEtOtrsa GO: es O D vault, orates?. PITTSBURGH, PA. ' NY TOYS; rarTy - clocrm - ,- • • HOLIDAY PIIESENTS, WHOEESAME *IW RETAIL. at L , • G:.LA 11.E.8.! VARIETY AND TSY. 3.01. neteay.-3Hiaigatroo HEAR whafewe boyars an Invited to esti an y tagt Aren advantage ' before bums SKATES!!! Children,
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