"..„ESTApLISHED Witt Vittsburgit taziitt. CITY IRON CITY COATERCIAL COLLEGE • ' NATIONAL TELEGRAPH INETfTUTEL w. J. C. fxrrff, DC., .]] •prigrypa s . Allua.CoWtAl. ri n g aver Bullellag •Ontei . Peart on! c. Clay at: secerj ' Oddrelloual BuUding, MTh Se. Mir,- • v ' rot. IS mut - M St. Carr St. iliz:lncec Elmo liov.o, _Has P. L. Speck, Eituaing . ,Eelmont Co., 0. D. Ballibman, Bed Bank Frnusee, Araerrong Co. H. B. Haa, To.. Co., 0. O. NakIXIIIIIN Clinton; Summit Co, 0. J. N. Brim, Venanyo H. H.Ockavut, Washington:Wash. Co., Co. A. L. Bowen, Cuyahoga Font Summit Co, 0. T. C. Fullerton, hit. Jackson, Lawrence Co., . A. W. Irwin. Arroyo, Elk Co., Pa. 0.1.. Cotton, Indianapolis, Marlon Co., Ind. E. relit or, atternshy Ca, 0. W. S. McDowell, Mt. Parcel, Frank. Co., Pa • H. Beekj Barony, Centre_ Col; P& _ J. H. Beek, o T. B. Frew, Illasaillle;OrawforttCO., Pa, A. W. Cordon, o ut J. H.? Wattleter. OOtsiesi; Wiiiith Ca, O. J. E. Warner, w eh's. outtord. l 4rwtler,'Wciltl. 3. R. Scott, Athens, Athena Co., O. F. B. Smith, Brittgewrtr Bel. Co, O. H. E. Waddle, Elm Orove, Ohio 101 a; Wert Va. O. W. McCullough , Bloorniq Valley, CrawPl Co. F.. W. Hutto., R. 31—•tipea r Sate Lick, Annan ng Co., Pa. .T.T. ourcoN Washburn, Grant Co., Wis. 'Potteries eaki inforrnarton cot eerm! the Ctol. lege, alarms - Ismerns, Start & Cowrorr, • : Pittsburgh.; Pe. Mull&. . at IS% eentsper yard,si Slines,&err & BAHCL4VII Fu mil • nk' At ern:4les N 0.15 Wood'itreet. 300 . Pars Of blue, pair and White blankets, very cheap, at SHELLAIrT a BArtrti ..Fars, At Nincimaa's, No. 7a Wood Mee!. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure Bats not eihilerste and excite the patient suffer er, Like alchohotte bitters and tererays, sd merthsed to cure- dyspepsia, but lt•is • medicine mom wonderfully adapted to all diseases Of the stomach and bowels. . Bold et,JOSitett Iteurs - o's Dreg sad Patent D4ot, Ito. St Market street, comer of the Diamond, heir Fourth street. At ault..rmaxis . s, liO• 7155700dItnet Neiatrof Sulphite of Xlitit, Tor preserving eider. nor Wel* Charles Super, ronilient, corner of Penn anti St. Otair streets, Pittsburgh. Medic-13e Given. Dr._ J. Dodge Warren still continues healing the at Lmonto Salt, each day from 9 till tt A. L., free of chugs, and from 12 till II he mar be found at the St. thanes Hotel by-those who are able and willing to pay. Win positively remain no 10i1Sel than Dic. - IL übt&tt At /Lillemest's, 150. . 75 Woo 4 street In=l The public like to be shared thirty cents On pall . bank notes, bnt all eves that a cake or - Sawyer's Sather Soap to fully worth SO coal. Attention. Ladies, Dorn toryet to call at Dnabp, Laker • Co.'s and 4ouinatle thelraidendld stock °lntr.. Remember, they hard the largest, cheapest and beat stock or Ueda, talssen and Children's fur eaves, Maoris:km ofkilere, tuft and man, ever offered in the atty. Also, • One, stOckor altatind. capes which they are ofrailtieat eitricitely low prices. Don't forget the place, lii Federal street, Allegheny. , • Faro, At I.llllermoVo, So. TS Wood strut Great Sale of Ladies Fan tithe extensive Hat, Cap and Ladies Fur House of Win. Fleming, No. 166 Wood street. Hundreds are daily supplied 'Oriel capes, engenes, berthas, collari, nitro and culla of Hudson bar sable mink sable s Herman Fitch,. Siberian anulrred. water milalL'ldited; and briiwit sable. Ladles fur 0e.., and . Skating caps - Men's ftir collars, caps nod gloves. Beal Ina French felt hats, gents allk And cashmere hats. Bear in mind this important fart. that at Wm. Fleming's, isa Wood street, goods are said at from 10 to 16 per cent. 1.8. than at Any other House in the alty. For the Army, for the Navy, and tor Every One. The world la:so Inundated now with medicines revery dei:riot/An which are warranted cures for every known and unknown species of dine.e, thatthe sufferer finds It almost impossible to din. tingtdah between genii and bad. Some of these wonderful nulls profess to cure every com plaint known to the Almeria Medics. fa speak ing of liostetteee Bdters we refer to a Prepara tion which limits itself to one deparment of the body—the stomach—tho hregulbrities and diner data rriwhiell %not only claims to core, but does. to r eputation boa become world-wide, and from the Petite to tie Atlantis, to Doti. nead9heras, and !never, - Latitude and zone, is Is known and employed so a remedial agent. . Persons who have been repeatedly deceived, ;perhaps, cannot be convinced that Hostetter's Bitters will erect cure, rapid, and permanent euree But Ude assertion Is confirmed by testi -snouts; letters from the most distinguished men In the country. •Alivrho have once used these Bit ters keep them now by their side as a safeguard, behaving that ...a ounce of pleyention Is worth a pound °reuse." The digestive organ. which have been Violated and prostrated by excesatre or irregular bidet. dente of appetite will be restored to their normal condition op the . us: of this wonderful omit tine: Beene Traveler Fall and Winter Goods ft L sflth great pleasure we can the attention of •ar readers to the superb stock of Fall and Winter Eloodajust received by Mr. John Weler Merchant Tailor, Ito. MI Federal street, AlioShen/. KM stock embraces some of the rarest rind most beau. ttfYtl OlothsAlassitireres, trvaroostlags and Vesting aim brought to the western market. Ms assort ment of Furnishing Goods. comprising Shirts, Drawers, Dollars.: ffeck.tles, liandnerchles. •annot be surpassed east or num. A large stock of ready.tead.e Pants, Mau, Vests and Overcoats WU/ also be found at his establishment. Persons In want of anjiaPgiu the clothing tine should not taUtb eVa Mr. wale: • sail. Theateckholdits of the Lincoln OU and Mining Vompily ire areby notified to meet the Dire. Vas and tlerporatOrt at the office of Robert Wray, Ko. I. Hand street. Pittsburgh, on Thursday, Na Tember 11th, at throe o'clock. The OorPore , tom propose to make an equal division of all un sold Stock of the Company, to present 'Rockhold. en la pro rats shares, thus placing au holders of ;took On as equal footing with themselves. and thus giving them an equal benefit of what money was =dela getting op the company. Tha propo. I•. Made on the part of the Corporatofs, in .itotatfaith, sad for the purpose of convincing all parties Laterested, that the Company I. not only well founded, but likely yet to be prolltable as an torlistment.. It le therefore, to be hoped that all nterested will ar.end. Vibram W, Puri* dr. Co., rtaatlaal , Slate Hoofers, and Dealers La Arnett's. Slats or vartotul colors. Otdoa at Alazazded IAtA: At - Water Watt's. ntuhturh. Pa. Eestd.ftee. No. 13 POP* street. Orders 1., promptly Atte:vied 10. All tso:N Warranted water proof.' itiOiltisti done at the shorter settee. No o harp .re? repatzs, provided the too , Is not tilthsed stable put oti. Ifeutra Sulphite or Lime, pregUrthiratiter. 'Worn!. by (Martel Super, Druirst, conic.: of Pena_ slut St. 011 LT streets, nttirtm.rgh. Taniperlitt with the Teeth Se atseneu. Arabi the comity* de/stir:UM soh. mit to tio aerobe, ale - nothing but Sotodom. Otismt herbs ars Ste bisredients. /tzmmerves the enamel. 'lt remove* all ImPUtitilL , itrug th2 eni thermos. it dadaists a ttigted bteith. It hi:milts as vitet tad mote valuable than Its melgAt in gold. . arpenter Jobbing Stop. Ratinta Manta .1t an atoms at three Yuri 'Mae wag. Zaire menace MY shoo ratan aorta eriabbloir leek luineatlsr lane, at the aid stacut . intgbiAlionbetweta Smithfield street and Marry alley." Oa= solidted and prompt', atteatftl to. wint.i.c, Folmar. - Just Opened, psr agwolottaoir House, st a Tllth street, where ors offer MAO, worth of clothing regardless of sent, it Oak HilL notelm -Neutral elulptkite of Limo, Forme by Cowles Sopa, 051"; ant $. Vl*li klreeth *41421 TIIE DAILY.. N 1786. Boots and Shoes. We cannot refrain, after an examination, from chlllog the attention of tae aboelao, to the msg. raticent Stock of Boots sad Shoes, at bleChellature Ho , . 66 sad 6 - 1 Filth street. They embrace term 'tyre, quality and finish In this eoniseatton, we will atate, that they are sold very low, and speak. .Ing of tide, reminds us of the Immense Stock of Readyaleule Cilhthine, new en prifate isle. The Stock embraceslOyercoate, Vests, Fail and Win. ter Zusts, sadilikrianseasi behid, if appliiia for at one., If OWAeepertulll ftruialf elegant Stook of Illaukets, and other Domestic Pry Goods, at this House which 11 1e0. , s 55 and en Fifth street. Prepare Yourself For tke cold weather try attendlngthe great blank et sale at 7,1 and to Market street. SEIELLJUIT R BAItCLAVII. Opposite the POst-011ics, hu the best anortment or Ten-Knivet, Gold Paul and Holders to the city. Furs, 4t terrain's. No. - RS Wood .treet • I Great Sale of White and gray blankets to take lases at SHELLARY & BARCLAS',. Flannels and Blanket■, Cheaper than you ran nod them any where In this city. Remember, we are new on the northeast sorrier of Fourth and Warket streets. . O. H•naoa LOTS fr. Rao. Cloaks and Shawls In thie department of the dry goods btatticss we can with entire con➢dence recommend our friend. to the eatabllaliinmat of Rata & Bell, N 0.21 Frith street. Call and examine the great variety of style. the nearness and diversity of Raab. the great &Osumi of texture, and it you Cannot be mated, we alai cell you an old curmudgeon, who Is hard to plena,. Remember that the cloak room Is upon the ground floor, at No. 21 Fifth street. Furs, At Hillermau'i, N 0.75 Wood street Opposite t..e Post-001es. has the best assortment of Pbotograpb Albums and Photograph Cards la the atty. Cotton Goode, At greatly reduced prices. on the northeast corner Of Fourth and Market streets. C. Haymow Love tr. 800. Furs, At II illerman'i, No. 75 Wood street Dress Goods.- Ness, beautiful'and cheap, on the northeast corner of Fourth arta Market streets. C. Eltvesos Loos & Bros Plttock, Oypomite the Peat-Otden, has the beat aanortmeat Of Pocket-134)04a and Panes la the city. Puri, ' At Rtnermansi N 0.75 Wood street Wholesale Dealers le dry troods will find It will pay them to call and axatolhe one stock before baying: Hs number, we are now on the northeast corner of Fourth and Plarkal streets. O. Haseou Lore k 800. Pltt.ck, oppeette the Poet-003°e, lisstell the Magezthes tor Pecera,er. Fars, At 11111erman , t, No. 15 Wood strait Prince'. Antntantic Organs and Melodeons. C3rar forty iinnimidnow to suie..Each Lusty:meat warranted flee years. An entire new stock for sale at 13Ismael Motto Store, 43 Fifth street. Prepare Yourself for Bargains, Shellaby ►ad Bartley will commence this morn• log, to .e.ll for one week, their clock of prints, chintzes, muslin de lateen shawls, cloaks, and drms goods of every description. together with blankets, both white and colored, also, flannels barred, plalee'sMd twilled of every make. Remem ber, all of the above goals were purchased within the last week at the large New York auctions, for crude, nod will be cold at ement eastern prices Be sere and sell at the Old Bee Hire Dry Goods Store, before making your purchases. You can make it par. 31;.; Cents For red std yellow aanaela, at t aaLLear h Bae.dr,se Pittock, Opposite the Coe;-Offics,.itss the best Assounsent. of Qames of aft kinds, In tie city. s Wm. Knabe At Co's Great Unrivalled Piano Forte*. These instruments are superior to any other la regard to tone. touch, trorkmatmhlp and durabili ty. Kaabe's q uare Plums have theta new Cm. PrOVed grand i scale and the Treble. A complete assortment just received. Far sale only by Uharlotte Shuns, 42 21111 street, sole agent. C. 8111, benthrt., 246 Penn Street, Attends promptly to all badness in his proles Eon ly EAST ASD ;WEST VIEGLNIA.—The Richmond }minutia, and' some 'Ahem in that section, are agitating the question of reuniting the two por tions of the State again. The Ti,ica save: 'lint the division has been made. Will It be permit ted to stand? When reason and justice shall return. and passion and prejudice subside—when Virginia shall have been restored to the Caine. and her people exhibited, to the estisfactinn of the credulonsand doubtful, their loyalty and purpose of remaining faltblnl to the spirit and letter of the Constitution—we do not believe that this wrong will be persisted in," 130P.00 CONVEN.ION.—The Ohba State Sorge Association will hold its tegular annual Conven tion In Cincinnati, commencing on the evensin,g of the sth of December, in the lecture room of lilcsart Hall. All Sorgo growers and manufac ture's, as welt as al the friends of this impor tant agricultural Interest, are Invited to attend. It is expected that models of machinery and ap paratus, and Samples of sirup and sugar will be extensively displayed at this Convention. Tar New Albany Lselfrrr is infosmed that the disease known as hog cholera has broken out among the swine in that city and vicinity. It has hoard of gentlemen who have lost a num ber of fine hags from the disease. In Orange county, Indiana, some farmers have lost all their swine from this singular malady. The linseatlne (laws) Journal says that the hog cholera is prevalent in that vicinity. Miss Maur LEE, a daughter of Gen. Lee, has been the guest of one of the Diplomatic Corps at Georgetown, and has been called on by many of those who admired her father. Crop Statistics for 1865. The following table has been procured from the Department of Agriculture : Genera/ Summary of the Crops of 1565 of the QM= 1884. ) AL Wheel, bush... 118,61 . 2.9_ 1ti0,895,50 119404,036 Rya 19,60,905 18,872,975 241/32.782 Bnfle9" 11,391,788 18,631,128 111,8139,158 Oat. " 228,7.,n5171.418:075 . . om 106,427,803 630,6 , 1,403 461,7117,050 BUCk43/30/3:.,bU. 18,931,069 itoccoto ta,aoaass Potatoes • ... 101,172,034. 96,466,663 100,445,470 Total Duch.— 1,=8,601.983 1.013,429,871 953 MS ert Hay, tons—,... 23,639,740 18416,761 12,7311,837 Tobacco, 1n... 185110,953 167,468= 287,267,850 Quality of Me Crop of 1905.—The wheat crop of Ises la very deficient In quality. The August report estimated the deficiency in quality and quantity at 98,241,699 bushels. The above ta ble places the l deereaae in quantity alone at 12,- 122,244 bushels. The quality of the corn crop never wan mirrored. That of the other crops Is believed to .be en average. The number of bushels in 1A63 exceeds those ellfdl-t by 21.6,011,411. Pr TA cows to our readers that the Rev. Rat ty Ward Bucher has backvlidden as the ques tion of negrO suffrage. Bat the indepeurkst does not follow or sustain him. The last issue has this clot at the pastor of Plymouth Church: "The Republican party never won a victory except by borrowing strength from the enthusi asm excited by moral principles. It won Its late victories-Oat by reoson of Its political sched ules, but of its moral principles—for the plat forms In the tarlotu States only half expressed the conviction of the people. Every orator who addreised a Republican isndleuce during the late Wake campanili bears testimony that the pul ses of the pedple were everywhere for equal rights. ,Whea Mr. Member sat ie a pirate box at tbellrooklya Academy of Mule, at the late tremendous ;teeth= iddremed by Lege* and Bilpaitick, Tie 'dawned dho wholesome ,spectacle of half his cmiE l egation cheering its very opposite views which preached at P/ymduth church. 'Resolved," d the Democratic Cd * forna of New Jersey ; pitied we emphatically approve Prmadmit Jotumon's policy, and emphatically ovvoso negro lauffrane.t , .- To which New Jersey responded at the hallo 'ltaxe; whin: "Even I, • half repo:rapt sinner, will not discredit my self by an Amen." Tan team and soldiery of the Army of the Cumberland are to hold a tainting in IndlnnaP olla on Dseenaber MI6 rovwol:ihotimevimisil Cerrenondenee of the Pittabazah Gazette. FLOnasca, Nov. 8, 1865 I feel that r owe an apology to some, at least, of my readers, fen - having been thus long in my correepondence with them from Florence with out sibudon to the subject of arr. More especially to such an apology needed for my silence, re pecting that name which stands so supremely eminent In this land of artiste par ♦rcelknee, and•whose genius has raised the fame of Ameri ca so high, even when competition is most try ing and Most redoubtable. I mean the name of one of the greatest, If not the greatest sculptor America has yet produced—the name of fliram Powers, the Immortal author of the far-famed Greek Slave. And how pleasant a sensation Is It for Americana In this distant land, here in the stronghold of media.val Europe, to meet at every hut, almost, in the streets, exposed to general view as also to general saimirallon, la the artistic stores of Florence, the familiar bust of thls great creation of trans-atlantic (genius. There is scarcely a :shopwledow la this city where such objects are offered for sale, In which the full length plain;!,. figure or at least the piteous face of Dower's Greek Slave does not meet the passer by. And who may say what influence tub an advocate, so constantly plated before the eye and so powerfully pleading ■ great cause, rosy not have bad upon the lanai tire and artistic Imagination of the Italian peo ple, totems the whole nation In favor of the great conflict which was lately waging In be half of freedom 1 The artist who puts forth such an emanation of his genius writes at the same flats • book which the whole universe may read the golden eharamers. And then, again, to turn to the producer him self and hie no* famous studio la the Via ne Seragll, what a pleasant sight it la to enter these, and breath, as It were, an American at mosphere, where one sees armed one the re production of all that Is best and greatest among her eons. There they stand in goodly rows on the actilptory shelved, from Washington to toe last great martyr to the came of patriotism and enlightenment—Jefferson, Jackson, Ram- Mon Lincoln; far too numerous to recapit ulate—all telli ng their own tale; all bearing ev idence in this fbrelgn strand to American great nese, many having passed through the bands of Powers lalteself,and being indebted to him as the transmitter of their mortal semblance to far off generations yet to come. Nor are these all, though they are much that we admire in !Dram Powers' stpdlo. All Flor ence bas flocked to see his beautiful Genevra. Jest finished, and (resenting a new and exquis ite triumph of lus delicate and expreasive How beautiful le the drapery of Powers' busts, and how Indebted ans we to hint for relieving OS from the monstrous folds of that eternal shawl, and substituting for It the chaste sad elegant medhcval customs which fall so gracefully on the shoulders and bosom of hie female patient busts. Nothing can be at once more becoming and elegant than the appearance of these match less drawing-room marbles, with their draperies dtsgelaing so exquisitely the well-moulded pro pot lions of the figure beneath, and edged them selves with their delicate bordering', displaying the cunningest work of the artlitt'a hand. Pewees' studio is fitted up with these elegant productions of which the supply can never alas equal the demand. There is one of his wife, too, of Inimitable grace and feeling and of an expression of grace, radios and deep intelli gence which one lever tit es of gazing upon. Then, besides, there is his Genius of America and other greater works, the description of which would lead me on to still warmer eulo gies. And yet, even as it is, I dad myself at the end of my paper, meant to be upon Tus can Art in general, end of which a single notice of an American acelptor haentread,y absorbed the limits. Well, so let it be; could, Indeed, my paper or your columns be better suited to any subjecte art !ban one which ;elects 93 widely the fame of American genirtsr BY LAST NIGHT'S MAILS A tau. before the Lower Flonse of the Miss touri Legislature to appropriate looney to tit out a militia to scour the southwestern counties of the State, and drive out or kill the thieves and bushwhackers now roaming in that section and commuting all manner of outrages and depredations, has elicited a spirited debate, and met with strong opposition from the Copper heads and conservative members. The Cop perhead press Is also howling piteously over the matter, for fear some of tteir friends will be hart. The bill will no doubt pass. A tionainin state of affairs exists at Nash. vine. Eighteen deaths by violence have oc curred dein!, the present menu), besides 'ergs numbers Injured who have recovered. Many have been robbed In the most public places. On Wednesday night two persons were mortal ly wounded, and another serloualy shot. Great excitement exists in the city, and knots of men on the street corners are talking of organizing a vigilance committee. The city authorities have called a meeting of the citizens to form patrols, and organize for protection against the banditti Infesting Nashville and vicinity. Tat election in Arizona, resulted In a Galan victory, although the Unionists divided their votes between two tickets. Goy. donor N. GOODWIN was (limo Delegate to Congress over Coi C, D. Posnol. Six of the seven members of the Territorial Legislators ars Union, and one uncertain. A MOVI2I,MT is on foot among the citizens of Cerondolet, to annex that place to St. Louis. The lower suburbs of St. Louis almost Join Caroudolet. The Common Council of Mtraitit. ter ,place have passed resolutions favorbaggae project. A LoCONOTWE on the Illinois Centrallisilmad exploded at Mum Station, Thursday moreing, lulling three men, residents of Mason, whose names we base not been able to loam. The en trineer fold fireman wore seriously injarod. LAKE navigation is rapidly , losing up foLV.he se soon, and nearly all of the velvets arrlying at Chicago from below are gOinz into winter Inarters. VINGENIA ENTATT. Lat•x TON BOSTON Ileac.—The 13hapherdstown (West Virginia) Rrui.Fter states that the into R. D. Shepherd, of that place, lett an estate valued at about 51,500,- 000, all of which goes to his daughter. lira Brooks, of Boston. He was Lam in Shepherds town, in 1784, lo a house where the town house now stands, which accounts far his partiality for that site and the erection or the hall to perpetuate the memory or Ills birth place. In 1800 as went to New Grimes and engaged in the COMNIISIfOiI hotness until 1043, and was the executor of tits estate of the late Judah Touro, of that city. Mr. Shepherd was formerly a merchant in Boston, residing In High lama. He accumulated a very large property in New Orleans, and was reputed to be one of the wealthiest Men in that city. Upon the brrakirg out of the rebellion he returned to Bos ton and resided fora short time with his danzh• ter and sole heir, Mrs. Gorham Brooks, widow of a son of the late Peter . C. Brooks, ilia estate in High street was formerly, we believe, the property of Samuel Dexter.—Busten Traveaer. TEE Em PIM: STATE OF TILE SOUTli—Georgia. le the Empire State of the South, and contains a land area of 59,000 square miles, only one eighth part of which le In a state of cultivation, The land west of the Chattahoehle Is beat adopted to corn, while the country east of the Chattahochie is highly productive of cotton and rica. What is known as the Cherokee country is exceedingly rich, but peculiarly adapted to grain. No State in the North La better watered and timbered than Georgia, and no• State at the present time presents better advantages to the emigrant. Lands are exceedingly cheap, the people arc hospitable, and the climate is agreea ble all the year round. There is alsa a great opening for manufactures, no nearly everything In this line has gece ruined. &fore the war there were folly-nix cotton factories in the State only three of which are left standing. The Georgia railroad system Ia (he most complete in the South, and permeates every portion of the State. B , IITEISRANEA • LAE -1 - I.IC. editor of Eh Reedtrig Del!, Tlmea, in a recent visit to the Emit Petinsylrunia Railroad shops at that city; thus notices a subterranean lake or cistern that was discovered on the- premises of the 'com pany: `'Wlatic going, over the works, we were par ticularly struck with a description of thq well which supplies the water fortho different shops, engines, dm. It appears la digging' this well a airy bard rock had to be porforated. This was succeeded by softer atone, until the bottorn of the well fell out ! This revealed to the work men a subterranean cistern or lake, the water of which was as pure as cryrtal and the supply In exhaustible. No bounds could be found to its southern termination, and the conelosion ar rived at is, that there exists a lake of some di mensions, over which the workahops are 'erec ted." CSIZAP Lrvxso.—There am a large Ember or laborers, white and yellow, or European and Chinese, engaged in constructing the Western Division of the Machin Railroad over the Marra Nevada Mountains. The white labwera are paid thirty Collars a mouth and board, and the yellow laborers thirty-one dollars' monthiwltti out board. This to an allowance to tha latter claturofjust one dollar a Mouth for their board, It is not a large sum. but, with the economical habits of the Chinase, It goes a long way Upward their enatenance. Rice is cheap and rats are plenty, and from the fibre and farloactons sub stance in these twain, the Chinaman manages to derive flesh and bones of sufficient strength to undergo the heavier& labors. Mu. Dtcasele, a eon of the note:lst, hal been caned to the bench la England, 7 :TITTSUURGIt GAZETTE: PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 25. 180. ff-Aintuf 217.4=1 *rsiTMGB.APTI BOBBIE!, OF AMORAL BANE CAPITAL. Frrtirtt View of Oar Relations with France. Vessels Destroyed by Rebel Pirates Disastrous Tornado in Nicaragna New Your, NOT. 24.—The Tribune r Wash ington special says the becretary of the Treasu ry will recommend in hobs report a conildemble Mertes° hithe national banking capital, made necessary. by the • commercial reunimmeits of the country, and especially the destitution of banking capital at the South. He will also ask for discretionary power to withdraw the legal tenders and compound Interest notes, replacing them when necessary by a loan of money at six per cent. The Courier dee Etats Deis of this city, today contains the following special dispatch from Washington: The recent appointment of Oen- Logan as Minister to Mexico, immediately fol lowed the receipt of important dispatches for warded to the Government from Mr, Bigelow, by a special messenger. Mr. Bigelow, it Is said, has 'Misted with the principal members of the oPPosition.who have promised him their support in the Corps Lisghtlatif In endeavoring bit bring a bout the prompt evacuation of Mexico and urging the pressure of the American menace to that of French opposition, thus increasing the even tualities and dangers of a war with the United States. it to hoped to Intimidate the Cabinet of the Tullleries and influence its deelsicos so far as to decide to abandon Masitalliati. It le certain that negotiations more or less direct have been held between Mr. Bigelow, whose in timate relations with the OpinfoisNationeje are well known, and other Journals of the same shade, and the principal members of the oppo sition. The nomination of General Logan is an attempt at intimidation, and is intended to aid the French opposition party. o The ComnsereiaPe Washington spacial says leading Republicans are arcing consideration of financial matters at the opening of the ems toe, keying the admission of Southern mem bers until after Christmas, by which time har monious action may be secured, The Navy Department has information from the Brasilliar: squadron to the 4th of October. The Susquehanna, the flagship, was at Rio Janeiro. The Islipale went to Bahia-on the Wed of September. The Juniata was at U Rlo Janeiro, !The Nyck arrived I atr, Rio Janeiro on the 19th of September. ham Pernambuco and was to sail for her nation on the sth of October. The Susquehanna vu to leave for St. Catharine on the sth of October. 1 he Thus' special says: The American Freed men's Aid Commlastest= have issued en argent appeal to the piston of churches who have not yet provided en .object for their contrtbdtiOns, on the day of NMloyal Thanksgiving, to devote them to the °Watts of the Comentseicat. They represent that undue immediate and efficient aid he even, seventy thousand freedmen are likely to perish before miring, in the States of Alabama and Georgia alone. A New Belford paper gives a list of fortyslt' American whaling Teasels with ten thonsand two hundred and fifty-two barrels of oil, de stroyed by rebel pirates during the late war. The value of the vessels is estimated at one million ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the value of the oil at half a million dol lars. Greytown, Nicaragua. advice!' gay, that On the night of the Bth of October, a fttriotut tor nado visited that region, sweeping nearly every thing before it along the shore from Monkey Point to Blue Field, is that part of Central America known at the Mosquito coast. The entire town of Bluefield, with the exception of tho Rtnr's residence and the Missionary bold ing, was completely demolished and many per sons killed. For miles Moog the coast, all the houses disappeared before the storm. Plants• Cons nom careered with live feet of water and all the growing crops destroyed, FROM NEW ORLEANS The Markets—French Emigration Agent Arrived—Mexican Matttrs— Governor ilumphrey's Recommendations. Nen Or.tssns, Nov. 23.--Cotton doll, Men ty-two hundred bales sold at 5263153. Bariar heavy at 174®1$c. Cheeks on Nev. York one quarter premium. Gobi IV. Frelitnts—cotton to Liverpool by et• Amor elevenalrteentbs. Busi ness continues salvo and thereon, dolly. Almost every newro taken before the City Re corder le pewessed of some unlawful weapon. An agent of commercial houses of 'France kae arrived and announces to the Diemen of Louisiana that he Is authorized to contract for the emigration of laborers from India and China. The English capitalists who sailed from this port on the lit Lux, had a pkasant passage borne. Kr Morton Fero, in • later to a friend In this city eaye that his visit was an exceeding ly happy one, and that ho cannot but hope that It will be of some little use in dispelling the clouds which, with a mere period knowl edge of the sentiments and feelings really exis ting between the two countries, would never have appeared. The Louisiana Lezialatnre met to-day. (Aber than organising. no Mishima wee done. The Matamoros Ranchero- says that the Lan. a!a were eight milts from there la force. A skirmish took place, rcsulting In the killing of one Imperialeit and the capture of three others by the Liberals. General Lendery has been =pointed Liberal commander of Sonora. Jarboe, (;fin.,) Noe. W.—Governor Hum phreys hm sent a message tx the Legislature recommending that negro testimony be adcrel• tod into court; that freedmen . be encouraged to support their famillea, educate their children, reaming them protection ; also to tax freedmen for the support of helpless freedmen, and force engrains to profitable employment, and recom memos the passage of the militia law, enabling the militia to protect our people against va grant whites and negroes. lie deems the pass age of ;lore measurer; of vital importance, and may secure the withqawal of the I , odr:eel troops. Ram Rtonewv II *Trivet-11yr Voyage— Farragut Court-Martial to Vint nor. WA-11,0TON, November '2-I,—Commander NI:1r ay, of the United States steamer Rhode 1•;antl, reports this morning the errl - val of the n•hel am Stoocaall, at the Washiortort Nary Yard. The only Incident of the voyage which be has to report in the slaking of a coal rchonner, which ran ncronn the bow of the ram MT Swath'. Point, in the Chesapeake Bay. The night tw ine dark, it may have been an accident, but to ail appearances, the schooner, from some mo tive purposely encountered her fate. There was an unavoidable delay in bringing the Stonewall away from llsvaaa, owing to the derangement of her machinery and the keeping of the holidays by the Spanfah oflielals,who ex tended to our °Mears many courtesiell and un expected civilities. The total amount paid to the Cuban anthoritles (or the custody of the rata, ordnance Cores, and provisions was $13,- Therravatrnt naval court maraal, who are 11111elged in the 1:1111 of Commodore Cravea, for fading to attack the Stonewall to the harbor of Ferrol, will tomorrow embark on this ram for the rearpose of testing her sailing qualities. North Carolina E.lectlon, Saw Yuri, Noe. 24.—The returns of the North Carolina election are not all in, but It la expected that Worth In elected over Holden by tau thousand majority. The Newborn Times says the truth Is the whole South has been guilty of a piece of the most stupendous folly ever wrought by any people, and we fear we will have to papier it sorely by two yearn more of probationary suffering under a military goo , ernment. If, when our Legislature meets, it will at once accomplish what the convention left undone, and we can have a new election of men to Cougress who are in favor of the Fed eral Government, we may yet get In &minx this seaslon, otherwise all will no lost for the present. Let the people ponder these things. Lawlessness In Boston New Toni, Nov. 24.—The Amon /braid ups: A number of young men In the south end of the city have organized themselves into a band for the purpose of patrollog the streets In that section during the early hours of the wean ing as a Protection Itgainst the rescalltles that are nightly being committed. We are glad to fled that our citizens are beginning to prepare therastlem to /toy; the lawlessness which now prevails, and to chow We we WOSI'd say that within the past three day", one tirm la this city has sold over three hun dre d revolvers, The Murder au New York—Another Sus. peeted Cuban Arrested. Haw Your, Ifov. 24.—Thoo4ore Martinez liiireer, a Cuban, was' &fretted but evening on board a steamer Just about to sail for Havana, on auipleion of being implicated In the murder of Otero. Circumstantial evidence againsthlta is strong. Joso Vonzales, the man who left tho hotel with the murdered man, lau not yet been found. The authorities are snaking every effort to dilleoserlatu, as well as °thus en rrlool suspicion real,. FROM WIBIIINGTON. The DDteHons Prlsonet —Dastmaster Ceti. Maly Report Freedmen's! Affairs Snaring Among the Negroes—The Staht'tvall" at Alexandria— Veteran Clidets—Mr. Coltax , s Lecture— erttor Cummings in the city—The Treasury Report—Survey of the Magda lena! Hirer—Novel +Metal Document— Cosf:o1 Killing Indians — Mr. Mallory's Daughter Interceding for her iratber— Two,. Murderers of • Negress Sentenced billanged--Gen Baker and theTtobbs One— Bentham Eudgrationpcinrenn- Varming--Ceneral "icon—The Elec tion Farce in North Carolina—Letter frotafilr Merton Peto. .NcriYonx, Nov, 24.— Th e • Tiro'rld's Wash ingtork dispatch says: The imam recently brought frouLthe South wader eirenmatances of great poyatt-ri, and incart.rated In the Old Capitol Prison, is Major Gee, of Florida. He Wig In charge of Salisbury Prison, when:tile mortal was greatest among the Unicaprisoners. Postmaster General Dennison has eoMpleted his report, and it is now ready for distribution. The reportex.hibits the Department as Oman In a favorable condition. It will not require any additional appropriations for the next fiscal year. Reparts from nearly all the States where the Freedmen's Bureau has been established state thereto conelderable suffering among the negrooa. General Howard Is strongly opposed to abolish ing the Bureau at F resent. The reporta of schools in the Bureau in Kentucky and Tennes see show one hundred schools In active opera tion for colored children and destitute refugees. These Bel - loots are supported by different benev cleat associations throughout the North, but they are placed under the auspices of General Fiake,Asalstant Commksioner. The total num ber of scholars in attendance in the month of SepteMber was twelve thousand four hundred' and clghty-three, and the total number of teach ers employed In active service la one hundred and eighty. Reports to the Freedmen's Bureau from Ap pomattox county, Vlrginla, announces very no ticeable kindness of feeling toward the freed men from theold residents there. The Trtbuwe's Washington dispatch says, The Stonewall arrived late last evening and anchor ed off , Alexandria. Bite will come up to the city The War Department has decided that no claim for veteran bounty will be entertained an. len the claimant has heretofore been recognized and borne on his company rolls as such veteran. Colored soldiers applying far bounty _ahould state Whether they were mustered on or before April 1eth,1865. Hon. Schuyler Colfax will deliver his lecture "Acmes the Continent," la New York and New Nngland during the holiday week. - IteGerparaor Cummings, Duchanan't Territo rial Execntlye of lath, was at the Treasery yesterday for the ptirpese of drawing the bal ance of the salary_ dua bleu, He his taken ail the oaths, teen pardoned, and to-day expecte to d maths greenbacks and leave for Georgia. The forthcoming Treasury report will sharr!a more encouraging condition of our national Uneaten than Idtherto anticipated. Thei World's Washington dispatch says A contract was conelnded yesterday by G. Low boxer, Minister of the Colombian Government, *lath Col. 8. A. Gilbert and Preston C. H. West, two officers or the tinned States Coast Surveyors, enter the service of the Columbian Gorernment, for the purpose of malting a sur rey of the Magdelena river, a stream empty-. tog into the Columbian sea, four hundred miles east of Aspinwall. The object of the Colum bian Government is to deepen the channel at the mouth of the river, and ales to overcome two falls some distance op, by which eight hundred and forty miles of navigation will be saved. The Tribune's specials:ye a novel official doc ument was reeelvedat the Indian Bureau to-day. It Ise tabular analytdi of the coat' per head to the Government of killing Indians and squaws en the western plains. The average oust of epilog as Indian bat been about half a million of dol lars, while for a ronsw the Cost is nearly two The War Department has disposed of all Its sea going transports, and la now arlablo to fur nish transportation to refugees and otbters. which ft has boretofore measurably famished. The Herald 'Washington dispatch says Mrs. Bishop, daughter of the ex-rebel Secretory of the Nary, Is is the city, interceding for her father's release on Parole. Two white men, nursed John hi. Brown arid Chrlatorlarr Crease, having been ciaricted, by • Military Commisaion, of the murder of • ac orns pruned Nellie West, is Tallaferro county, Georgia, were sentenced to be banged. The Penne= has approval the sentence, and order ed the execution to tate place on the first Frail,' in January. nett. Manywell informed parson hazard the opin ion that Mr. and Mrs. Cbbb, pielotlfie &genet General Baker, will not appear against him when he Lit brought to trial. They Save altered lit& tone Considerably lately. General Baker alfraietts to produce In court the acenconlited IMAM of their sersral years In Wuningten. The Holder. Washington dispatch says: Eat !elation companies are forming in many sec ideas cd the North to furnish the South with the labor sad capital necessary to produce their ac customed crops and also to substantially benefit the emigrant. The United States Mutual Protection Comps• ray of this city, with the First Assistant Post master General at Its head, has already leued mazy valuable plantations in northern and cen tral Mississippi, and hu many *DPUCatiouS from Southern planters for tenants and laborers, Some Lye hundred families are preparing to move South in the month of January under the auspices of this asanclation. The Timer' Washington dispatch says: Gen. Winfield Scott vriii spend the winter . in • roy• age to Bey Westlnd, New Orleana. A. J. Bayne, of :ft wbern, is here. lie saps that the people of his State loi.k upon the recent elections there as a completa farce. None of the Congressmen elect can take the oath. It. F. Lehman, the only candidate who could do so, was defeated by a large majority. From A astirtlle rti.BOTILT-E, Nay. 24,—The cotton market is still declining. Is Is sery dull to day, receipt. 700 bales, !shipment., :PA bales, prices 40 to 14 Closing at 40c, A meeting hes been called by the Mayor, of tho citizt cos of the county. to protect themselves against the bendelof robbers and murderers who infest this city and the sturounding country. Citizen. from each ward we, enrolled for pa trol duty. The citizens of Davidson county as sembled at the Court Douse to-day azd passed resaintione to organise a force for the suppres sion of the robberies and lawlessness in the surrounding country. Twenty live men were detailed to Irene to the Districts. General Whipple has proposed 11 equip and mount sufficient men to cooperate with this force and effectually exterminate the drapers does who are In our midst. A request was made of Judos Frazier, of the criminal court, for a special Jury for the trial of Mr. Heger• man'. assassins. The river la fifteen inches on the shoals. The Pmpsylrarda Steel Works Ilsintsscanotiov. 24,--The Secretary of the Pennsylvania Steel Works has decided to accept what Is known as the Bilker farm two and • half miles cast of Harrtsburg. The ground at that point Is contiguous to the Susquehanna river, and Immediately on the line of the Penn sylvania Railroad. Engineers were on the ground to-day, surveying the necessary lines for the area required for the erection of the works, It Is admitted by all practical machinists that this enterprise will be one of the most extensive of Its kind ever erected In America, and is to be on tisls continent what the celebrated works of. Wade and Butcher, at Sheffield, are to Eu rope. One thousand experienced workmen In steel will be brought from England, while fifteen hundred other skilled mechanics wilt be mini, en for the full operation of these works. Attempted - Bank Robbery—Revlew at Troupe. Now Yono, Nov., 24.—k daring attemPt way made to roe the First National Beek of Hobo. ken, formerly the Hoboken City Bank last olttbt. The burglary entered the bank and bored a hole in the fiats, filling It with powder and in setting about two feet of fuse, and being prob. ably disturbed they cid not Ignite it bat de camped. The parade of the lot Division rnd review by Governor Fenton In commemmoration of " , evacuation day" took place this afternoon. Over eight thousand men were said to have been In line. It was a grand affair. Nearly two hundred hales of Mobile, Now Orleans and Florida Otto were sold today under the direction or Bimon Draper, U. 8. cotton vent: Mobile mltWonlale brought 55e per. pound, low mlddlititt„ 45,14(4160)4, Shipwreck and Lou of Lite 401110 N. Nov. 24.—The schooner Armlet= of Harrington, from Cadli for Wall% was absn. doped Nov., 23. any mut' from Calm Ana, rnlnt in a sinking condition and &misted from the 'lmola of a Krug, Cam. Chandler was bat over board and drowned. The crew were caved and brought to this oort- Government Property Burned. Cum Nateos, Kr., Nov. 94.—The largo goy. ernment btaidlng here occupied by the quarter master and commissary departments as emcee, was burned at nix o'clock this morning. d, large IMO= of goverammt propel, wail des. troyed. All the public lands and nearly sU valuable papas were tared. THE OBEN' OF TEE slirsisnam An English Actinowiedgunt of Hostility STATE OF THE PIRATE SHIP WREN SURRENDERED Saw Tour., Nov.2-h—ln the foreignfileStlY the China, the London Daffy Aries says : The Order cenecraing the crew of the Shenandoah, 4ipn laced that all who were not British subiedis should be liberated. The men on being called up, claimed to be residents of the Southern States, or Spain and France. None acknowl edged to be British eubjects, though many had Scottish and Yorkshire Decent, of the broadest character. All were released. Thclr baggage was noticed to be - particularly heavy. An article In Blackwood's Magazine says: In the Trent affair it Is now no longer a secret that Lord Palmerston made up In his own mind to go to war with the Federal States, The Em peror of the Branch, equally long-sighted, agreed with Lord Palmerston, and bad there not been with him In the Cabinet, men to whom the thought of war, tinder any circum stances, is dreadful, the messages sent to Washington would have required • short and categorical ens wer, because a fleet equipped for action would have escorted It to the mouth of the Chesapeake. In the Cabinet however. there sat at that time, not only Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Mil. nor Gibson and Mr. Villiers, but Sir George Cornwall Lewis, the most subtle of political reasoner,. tkemost pacific of Ministers. The ar ticle says at tee time of the TreuS affair, Eng land had • long list of outrages Ole accounted for. It had been cheated in the Ashburton treaty. The States claimed, as their own ter ritory, what they had In their possession the clearest proof, belonged to us and at if to cap this outrage, the Is'and of Ban Juan, admitted to be ours up to the Moment of lie °mouton by en American force, was Invaded and kept military possession of. Those with other les ser, but not therefore unimportant wrongs, rankled and festered. The Trent outrage presented such an oppor tunity as could never be expected to occur again, for righting them all, by a process which would have beneatted the whole world. Had we struck then, as Lord Palmerston was anxious we should do, the Southern States would have achieved their indedendence and become to us Cantata allies, as well as our best customers. The Faris Tempi, Dttkats, Sled< and'Opinion Nationale, unite In demanding he withdrawal of the French troops. The New York Times Liverpool l etter Gar, , th e Shenandoah was in a very filty condition !when surrendered and Indicated that the offi cers had no control over the crew. There was a large quantity of sage of all nations on board and the crew says mane more have been torn tip far cleaning the guns. The same letter says it is intimated that Mr. Adams will In the spring resign tits position of American Minh, ter In England. The advent or Caleo Cashing is I ooked forward to with somtiatarest, There Is an Anglo= feeling expressed that all matters In controversy between the two governments should be amicably adjusted. VACANCIES IN THE REGULAR ARMY THE REWARD FOR JEFF, DAVIS AND THE ASSASSINS The Bassin Cattle Plague and the Cholera, Wasnincrofv, November 24.—Many vacan cies exist in the lower grades of the regular ar my:and among the geld and company officers of the Veteran Reserve Corps at the present time. The order heretofore Issued by the War De partment, providing for the examination of applicants to till vacnacies In the Regular army in being recalled, and an order has just been promulgated directing regimental officers of the Veteran Reserve Corp, to forward to the chief mustering officer of this Department duplicate muster rolls and .leserlptive lists of all officers and men who elect to remain in that service. It Is believed an order will be loaned to re cruit the Veteran Reserve Corps and to resume the examination of candidates to All existing vacancies. These meneares will afford mesas of providing for many ex-netleers of volunteers of merit and ability, who are anxious to re-en ter the military service.' .11 will beretiaembered that, of what is called the regular army, the term, of nine regiments of infantry, flirtes battalllons . each, one regiment of artillery and one of cavalry, will by law expire one year after the- end of the Rebellion. Heave legislation will become necessary in regard to these Chnil of the military service. The Secretary of State has received • letter from 111.ister Clay. dated at Petersburg, On. 29. As to attempts being made to destroy the existence of the cattle plague in HassLl, Le quoits extracts from Rambla papers In Moseow to proof of the fact the nothing. has bees at tempted to arrest the Magus. The followlng order was Issued from the War Departercat to day Ordered, First, that all persons claiming re ward for tae apprehension of John Wilkes Booth, Lewis Payne, G. A. Ate e rott David R. Ilarrold and Je ff . Davis, or either of them, are notified to dlc their claims and proofs with the Adjutant-General for deal adjudication by the Apecial Comm'esioner appointed to deter mine upon the validc.y of such claims, before the fleet of January next, after which time no claims will be received. Second, The rewards offered for the arrest of Jacob Thompson. B. Tucker. Gee. N. Sanders, Wm. H. O'Leary and John 11. Stirratt, are re roked. The Department of State receive] from the U ulttd States Consul at Gibraltar a commnalca• tine that the Sanaary board at that port has de clared the place free from cholera, and that clear bills of health are leaned by the aathorl• ties. The Consul states that Spain and Moroc co will now probably admit to free pratl.ine ar rivals from that port. and that the naultart cordon by land will COO2l be raised by the Span ish government. The total aatocipt of conscience money re ceived at the Treasury Department for the year ending with June Cut. was t 20.976. It was received in thins caning from 50 Cents. to $5. From Northern Mexico—lntentions of President !flare... New , Tong, Nov. °4.—The Ihraid has • letter from El Paso, Mexico. to the 29tla of Oct. President .I:area and all his Cabinet were still there at the time, but it was thought possible they might remove to a more favorable ideality, as reporvl of the intended movement on the place by the imperialists continued to prevail. Juarez bad called a eselnet clotted% but twining of the proceedings hem been mule public. If compelled to abandon El Paco, the probability is that Juarez will go by way of California to tome of the Southern provinces of Mexico not yet visited by the French. The population of F.l Pas, mud marrosodlng country, had euffored severely by forced contributions of all kinds, for the suppott of Juarez and his ladverumeut. From South C arollna— Terribly Fatal Aceldent—Gen. Sickles Assumes Com mand of the Department. NKR , YORK, Nov. ill —The Charleston Coor• We, of the 20th, reports an accident near Hope Station. on the Greenville Railroad. twenty-one MLITT from Columbia. One of the hacks which conveys passengers micron a break lu the road was precipitated down • gully thirteen feet, In the darlatcsa of night, Into the creek.. Four persona were killed, viz.. Mrs. John Van Win kle, of Charleston, Ifra. Anna Bedews, an Eng- Illn lady, Rev. Dr. Cohen, Professor In the The ological Seminary at Columbus, • small colored girl, servant of Mrs. Van Winkle. bevy.' were severely injured. Gee. Sickles has assumed command of the Department of South Carolina. Gen. Devltis remains In command of the Dlstrlet and Gen, linegher has command of the State. Elliott and Paola Frize Fight NEW roux, Nov. 24.—The Expect. tars tie Elliott and Davie tight which WU to come off a fow days ago near Albany but sobsequemtly postponed on account of the Interference of the antnorlties Is rumored to have taken placn thle morulog near Troy. In a private room, and It is reported to have ended In a draw, both parties c:aiming the fight on account of foul blown having been arUCk. Gov. Curtin Goes to Cuba for Ws Health H.LatiMBUIIO, PA., Nov. 24.—8 Y the adsics of his physician, Gov. Curtin will spend Amon In Cobs, returning In time to prepare his Mee sane to the coming session of the Lezislature. He sails from Near York next week, secontps. sled by Mrs. Carlin, Burgeon General Phillips, ' and one or two of WI Intimate friends. • The Canals—Murderer Hanged New Yon's, Nov. 34.—Tho Canal Commls 110IICIII have resolved to close the canals on the 12th. gersetmer was hues to-day In the Jail yard n thU elty, for the murder eta Bolter named Henning. TON WAY TO DO rr.=Dr. Chambers, of Singe . ton, N. Y., was beset try two stoat highwaymen In aloaely part of the . road a few nbats alum and biamoney demanded. The doctor asld: If I must give up my montff. I had bet ter do it." Bo he quietly took off kb clove, and puttbg Lis band tutu bb pocket, he drew out—not bin pocket-book—but a neat revolver, and taining It to bear In an Instant, he abut one of the robbers dead. The other ruffian then fired etthadoetor, but the bah went harmiessli through bin hat. The doctor then took his torn again sad wounded the Mow merely. He then rode back to Megaton and mada known Me Mom. but o f feturnini, the woundod man bad ward. • VOLUME LXVIII-NO; 2' MARRIED, TATLOE—KYLE--On Thursday '231 Lat., by taa Bee. LLEtattery, at the realtlettotottae tutte.• tattler, TLYLOIL of Sleunors, U. Iteoli to Etna SUS 6.1 , 7 KYLE. of Plttateargb, Pa. I DIED. IktaFARLAND—Ott Thursday organs 2la /net, at 7:45 o'clock, ROBERT moratm AND. aged So years, at Ills traidente, No. et WIWI, street. The funeral will, take place 91.1.1180AY, 2.5 th that, at 14E, o'elo4k, 5. if., to procied to Union Depot. ono from thence to Smith's ratt7, 43 Erater county, Po. The Idendsof the Gunny are 10.59604• 4,14 batted to attend. 1011TILDAIX CEMETERY-6. rural and -a-Autoetpleteresque plum of Sepulture, Musts on lb* naiads. heatediately nose of Allegheny City, on Ma Rea Brighton Bowl. Persons wish ing to intact Burial Lots will apply at the Soper. Intendants °Mee, at, the Comer:ay. Titre Deed., Permltsann another thorium ar be attended at the Drug Werehtuto et Ste underacturd. loonier of Yellers] hati LieldifAk staves, Allegheny. ' GEO. A. Kre Y, Secretary and 'Manatee._ STANDARD PETROLEUM REEETNERY. CLARK it. MINNEIL Worlo and Mee, COLLLNS TOWNSHIP °Mae In Pittsburgh, 14 WOOD STREET These works have the largest ea natty tu the Country. The breed Braude the highest tu thts country sad to Europe, for quality nod lire taw" sad the oil le put to apeoried barrel., prepared upeetelly for carport. Manufacturers of,BOILERS, STILLS, TANKS, sad IMPROVED BORING TOOLS for Oil Wens. TBNANT FARM OIL COMPANY, Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Streets . TM. Oonipeny was organised on the .Mth under U.. Pennsylvania Pilimns and Manufactur ing Laws. The Territory of the Company is et aided on Dunbar! Creek, between the Lands of the Dunkard Creek Milan Oil Company and Ma Dunk. and Creek Petroisuin Company. Capital Steak Working rand Par value of each Share S. A. JOHNSON, President. ISAAC NOOK, Secretary and Treasurer. edam:moms. James Graham, J. G. Weir, Stephen LAWSON I EL W. liatchla Frank Snyder, anneal InIINKAMD CREEK PETROLEUM 00EXILIST. Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Ste ThLs company wee organized on the =us inst. ruder the Pcnnrylvanfe Mining and Mannfaeln zing Lama The Welton' of Om 60 = 1 S+AY ad Ms n... the lanes oft the litusluird Creek union Oil yOrel of thls atty. ' 0203. WliagStook Fluid 000 2. Par Value of Each Share k 00 'O7IIOXLS : PM!aeat—S. A. Jorixerott. Seeretary and Treasurer—lSA-AO rrocK. pg. ' , b. 42.1 • L. S. Manor, JA.lnce GLUIAI4 W. U. Kure, Racism FL A. Josinrroa FILAME F. D. 08.13 T, kJlard 2L W SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We or. constructing, and will keep on band I superior style 01 cal:La IITSO-11VIII Either a Comtaoa or Tubtila.r Boiler We terns parties needles engines for this pur pose to esti and see them, aoroar of PIKE and O'HARA STREETS, near Vity Water Works. Jess htACKINTOSH, REhiLP • L 4 CO. COMMERCIAL OIL WORKS. Pure White Burning Oil, Co.tantly on hand, and for sste at TIME LOWEST MARKET RATES B. C.. & I. H. SAWYKEL. auSAI No. CWOOD STREET J AXES W ILEIN 'MOWER MID DIAL= CRUDE AND REFINED OILS ann. Block. DapuS. . Way. Pletab•gb W Speolel etterstlon vireo co tee SALE ANT) SHIPMENT OF PETROLEUM .ad lta products. Conalenmenta respectfully eollelted. Air-POST OFFICE BOX 142. mll2. 7 I BEAM No. 1 et. Clain ST., PlttsbarZb. TOBWAJID/50 ALVD COMMISS/OA MERCEA-VT, AND DEALER IN OILS ILLUMINATING, LUCRICATING, CRUDE PETROLEUM OILS, co.tantlF on hand mad for saleat the lotrest market plea-Consign. meta. •rld orders .dicltcd. 4,1411 a PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881. DIrEIHIDGES PATENT Oval Lamp Chimney*. Manufactured of XX 1 7 1 int Giant Then Ohio:limy. are lutexuteu for ths Cat mu, oestang .11 parts of the glass equally, does not Cl. pose It to ...eking. E. D. DITHRILDCIE, Fort Pitt Glum Works, Washiogtoo street, apt? Pittsburgh. Per..n.a 117•8.61 saar 41../.• • WARING & KING, 002116ISSION ISIERCHANTS, £SD /1101[111E5 CH PETIIOLEITH AHD ITS PRODUCTS Lad dealer. ta HetLaing Materials. No. 63 MARKET ST. Pitts burgh. B ONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, root of 13ALTUJ n 1iA1,13150N Sta., Brooklyn. stelAlill op REFINED PETROLEUM. In Tanks and Barrels. See Olreulam Onkel, No. 93 BEAEB STREET, Neu , York. 0r.34 y LUCENT OIL- WORKS. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO., Pure White Refined Carbon Oils. 80. 231 LIBERTY STREET not OIL BTOCKEL—The uoridinidgiied will give particular attention to Uto purchase and side of Stocks of ALL ItiILIABLE Companies I invite buyer. and salon to mall No. 107 FOURTH STREET MANUFACTURERS. ARbRIVAL Eiji:BB4oMß. DIODES, RYRIE & CO., hianufaaturers of liTsiek and Green Glassware, Wrunglats. Ware. Bottles. Detoßohm. Carboys, Be, Ware&ruse: N 0.144 WATER STREET, BETWEEN SMITHFIELD AND GRANT STREETS. PITTSBURCIFI• PA. We warrant ouri Wares to be raparior to any manufactured \Peat of the Mountaina Always on Land, Glanwaro of the above deseeptten. All order, promptly attended to. PartMolaratte. Lion paid to private monlds. anMtv TII F. COLLINs ...._ . —.... 0.1tH WIIIOBt ir COLLIES a — BI GHT. SR T wAs,:ww„.a. BRASS AND S EET ME row S y B. BRITT . _ NIA CASTORS CARBON AND azI7RNERS, end all didtzent atylso of Bruuda used by (km Mum teetusere. Omen. romptly tilled. No. OD 81001D , STIMST, P1TT11317114111. PA., Ocfrard _.--.. aus j i lJo4i .kw"ll" lßVa!'i & CO., auurtniaortrazu Os Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia, OM= No. 39 MARIENT Bt , : PITTSIWILGH. Pa. RIEBEOR eb BRO., Engtaalldeaa'and Dia , Athalata; Kuanfactirres of ILlausk.• Patent Minn Vans 8,8 btu,* ruirialts. Qii Eugutui,Bravers , after/. tibutthl rus Eingura, rzilLBYB. 844 HadesNaThan al Bau .."Putabaral. na =as p tizur up Maaam pro*tly o*. D al isr. BEMETT_ Manufactnim D . and Itkportels CIi_OSIME;rSWAILE. Ica u DWKOND ST be two= woos alstkot Km% r 1 mburp. rod iszkl NW AD VF3RTISEI~TEy`ry BOOTS AND coNO/F§ FOB THE a. 1., i_Aguti INT 141 AT ABTONIIIINGLY LOW PRICES; &T THE OELEBEILTED Concert Hall Shoe Store. ENDLESS VAIIIETY ROBE STYLEO, SUPERIOR QUALITY; Fl NEST FINISH, ABOUT HALF PRIOE. RIVETED GRATIS, REPAIRED FREW $1150,003 00 Z,003 00 I 00 Every Pair Warranted 8010“1 and Perfect or no Hale., No. 60 FIFTH STREET; WHOLESALE AND RETArL, lf'onterial Rubbers, . - - Mk OAS HALL 11,1..01111CM ROMS, Po. la FATE STREET. ►a. E CLOTH Doers ERGLISR WALKING COLTS. OVEROGATS or A.LI, TANCY C'U . PANTS. E2ND BLAWE PA.NTS and all Kyles of OLOTHING inosantassor 008 FOR THE ITMET 40 DAY'S. J. H. SMITH & 00.; currituat.s. OAK asza..43..nria Opposite the Opars noun. eise 1 SUPPLY YcoUR WANTS BOOKS AND ALBUMS BOOK PUBLISHERS,' PRESENUTION DENT! 74 EITTH STREET, For the following reason. You have the finest stock in the city to tele* from. You only pay the Publishers price for nook, You also reecho attune of purchase a present. lone present will be worth from ilk to OM You will be entirely %sill( led with both ink and Present. All we ask, Try us. CALL OE SEND roa A CATALOGUE. non WINTER DRY GOODS, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S; ISO and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY SHAWLS. .CLOAKS. ILERIICOEP COBOiCIS ea.ll sta eois rd oms, FLANNELS, BALELOBAL SHEETS, t:Ord FORTS. HOODS. OLOVM FIEMIERY, "all stock at as law .prizesi svholeaahl Mail, es eau be found anywhere. , WM. SEMPLE, Federal Street, atafe the Diannlui. , • PG. A.—Ali ADJOURN/3G MIXT • ING of the inomben, and MI atbort Mao eatcd, lat e PITTSEVEGH GYMNAST/0 AS. 3 W O i O lki A n TON, w oMONDA Y th 1 M/N0 Nawr , Mtb, at fl o'clock. A toll sttendoesoicnouukted. =oaf= I. O. BICHAERT. /we% BLANKETS, 81L&W1.9, DRESS GOODS, MAMMA DRY'GOODS. And an liasavascistosk Botrra.actu 15110E1 ZSLPORFA, gill) 7 fgli, ALLEGEZRY: •F ' 1.1 er nuirtr. 84LE, AT:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers