' WANTS FOR GEN 008zodrszooaft.." At ie, labero gt. :.;, ' EtZ:lar ilinti) ... -Iq.. tiE- _!' 101 84,1kril,Als"4, ,p,e., ',) ,•", Ina g 4 iiill;Wg -ny -tetd. Addhlip.-.44,13at150 •-• g ' -4 ighl / 4 7t. W iIIiTMD.--1101.1NS —e. sum). nouze VT liontaita./ four avow az rooms to In Plt4lllllthicaUti Amiens. is scrsatok about. um. 1.; 1: ,:_ ._ 4T, i o . a g_141,170:. ":1,,„,„„.2)....:,_;7....4.,..n.14..11 -.... itaiitT titTii.f ii Ira.; ' - I CU' teV # 4 (... nii..VeliiOf 11l . 'AA .sip'SltiiPtti ~ 1 01ted, t•bc altila VO/Itgoodblnrr *Ol kad hod ::,,• VgEtglezr,itttgarrhAit. , Tr . ... N 0 41oLISTI.Edifir - ,11114,...,:‘,..,,,.._: - Great .cme..61.1.4. wiT47,m-v—sti --Fiiie.TirTTlT3- IreEP. -BUnitS. SERVICE, Mt: falt/aIS..TRE- S END TRE.EStiarii".. fliAtaarare; ~. h .iitlifilihtwow; Wow York , r , ib 4. Aklaturat ' , ufflALTlfirifffist fatatistiag cad choir/at WI AV OI %, e4.filintiofri•Abridoir Itlr. Biebarsx attar talpsectl 1 gi lettriftiirsolo for roar pirs. trivilluithroash .4 - , lIPE viltuu la 'Ms sista: straw or tail , Tr/buss! _ saf tilif • ;cafllirisk 01 Mewl', with hirt &Mies and " . .. I °s_, 'NNW EdISO sail West,,lnting the ttriit ism S'ofirs-b1 ale,E4Aellios; hartatlifto‘aantare l hts . ..octlacaltrit for 3) ahrathflk actretr4thakm. robil. 1 , rh0,0; SW eas ape WILD:3I,I.r wiritmlo u. journey .t.r night ot Ana 2-E0.16% It ist!l I:00014U. othllhgewhig, Ana c o l d, more.or the tsa r , Nil L . meat sea rota...oaf qt the-war than say otinarsrark • Tcsatters,„Lafiter, energetioyouu: men, end espe. iltrirliaatraril sal Ms ibleil h2ch:v*l,n isabiletiya, la I OOOt Of Vrallti l al Caalaployatectik.fittl and It pa. owly,sni~4o4listi,-clutittroa.,-Wsliasyri , s eastaziaLlClNll4o V= mina ti,.-libisa`VAl , fitil 1 anyf to 1 .4',. 41O,iinistwili qi.4. far a laral.,l I' Ag rt.'"erp";r.t: lilajb . R e Rtt o ' r s .t ( rTels. le'=M4:lX 'o. ,-, .1 ,--,Eati Phi! PL W. 0 e'M—TC-' tis - YE, ,: r4tift'sl t? -- 1 ------ : { ----ram,EDfiti ms; -., .-s misatapo r li . 4%,o,grip, tv. , ,pg, enopgg: 1 , ArlirtOlLS'_aurt steal crA4 ?• ii* 1...na, Mick i weillit 221221_10 10$1,411.ret, il e NefliZirr, '` leg Weluelag,::Ait,T.,,,,,4l;;* ShelVigtil Oer;fiy 4201A rtbiknitt . r..,t his NA.- crin. A, 11,0#.7.001.'WORKz 2. MO 21 Ohio Illeeti Alli.ll74t*i. ',.'" 0432i3a ... :.1 4. E.O.It:KAUE. , A . PATIM of 177 *dies within a islet of Lad. mete Stenos. on tee Peau n. Relies.-. The in. proverseota-azt e, hens/trate beset ass beta. 701126 e lT le 'aiehittilabeina keeil;loo4eres dear. ottratre tiataar yell timbered. -also; a terattztattetTraellaeintedetthe Eno' et hi t t azoth.aantainket ia atm,- well attsptec: tar o r deelog ,4 ltoeothtit.ther- veer .tatatet teette.bot. Lutliad_lchr K eVrrultlaallua.—.., 0- , • iSi-amai a. yelueble treat otettlu. oral sad apical 411 boadatathin (Orli' seen, •atturcd at the eastern-tem:flees et Blairsville, mentetneendtacietaint bomb bat Geoentstth.ttleer. 4,l P u ttiblatiteektteate AM thrae rgreSel M. leen reee.,:c Iftsecateedo *Ptelsolar, 'akr.afillv , repo l l. WO , 'SiXtiraiSMAF.Peatiglatikl Pi4ll , L .1. 013'0_04 arn"PiMt4 •16L13=1C.:3131C313a:r31.3334=64 aifilf&dlsfirtau. it lla teatrcao :recrest to latattivteßl maid ttlabeeinalo the, MI , riebeteltattrettuttne tie etudestmee Pq . =tlt/labervispreint437=re t te . veil, P l fi l t iL lt elteAttititcðisorseaL ti,=,: dia autattftartliaamp traltavassaramirmsarsao Wit lifieata?-aavill ~taikrol apezattaa au • -- atalgo: Mir Otopettt fismorahr the at dr*,ottamti; or.bortarestmentsrould.hu auto . - . l ' , ;;Epiletlbeentr_otete• can be -i-a,,,...,,,iiiii-,itia'i::6 gratin faragiaaatalaiaa aco stares, Ouster I. Cherry Alit Totrualasp, /ctli atm county, Pa., near the.vtlateLof OteeneLber The toptovoment• en a two-story frame holm' the arrest infil teat: baritAtc.themonnty; teecleg .rgenetroodl OM acres cleared; the reassander itelt. red. , MA - Una le feeeaxtib Pmenwe *bleb- treitteeeropi ollatie: , -Asaa very eon. reope g, arazatat.to archer, aebeote„ eau., wore., or.. ikg. Thbi _ ,puttl Weald teertelmay,ana on City .....' iiii'Faiin oaf na gaires-In ilatOn,iitieeibli: Iwbfi binittnbeenbtPrritu , Welt he said diem JUL°, tee beat Caere on the Rinneurilet• Elect: about one cotta km bleßeetpolt,' legueey.oo., Pa, eontaintna &ben:Mita Amu The Itnralraolanta err a frame both. and ek harn,eoto crtb and wagon : ed , with - O'thur ouiba ',rai6 .e:ebardtot i b l e l t Z roio ett aadireesi6o42es *lad ASO mat treca.: : 0411 % ' iruo' - i! . llltitx t iEg lz Z a t i t T. 91,1,1 ..„,.ted about titegibUte ease of the tasettagje al hlialeth. Attio , lleaprovaausats aft- a, lama Mica **State bonze lotth. utneurell,,llnteaet mama i e ..eut/ful lawn in frontonirrotulled by ornamental tem 4 , Pro.si but; aritai-many - tataer tit/11411ga, ;good lenetne; to aerea - of the eery ben White Oaf tmber. It Is the beet Iltualty of thaestone.land„ ' am] if all tlatlerialllVTO 01361: .= For turtherverttetilara, Inquire at G. U. TOWER, Real Eatste Agent, ' .” i: - , No, 163 Poncth street. ~-N.E DWELLING FOR BALE, '-^t. ..... ! • Situated At th e corner of rune= arul Davie , nicest, Weirratti Chard, Pittsburgh, _having a Pont d a feet 3 12ettea Si, Duncan street, and eacn • lag along Davis street 1110 feet, on will oh a. erect ad C. ~ , Jew - Twa:lltotied Brick Dwelling.. vontalethe ee.en tooms..bun scorn end drinnung : room, fltdatied.llW.C4 tntfalttotmr, cells/. nudes the mea titWOnlisearttlgeonsent Iltnctri gm and Water, I ',Otani IlLuelmr.:o4 . fa: the *Stetter:4 mlutle Montltta 1 ASittkil nttlE m l fgeole!tio.Llmmitloy,lllltios roam ~tmel • ' .4.501 E .Iftteehottla wan boil; to the most '4ltakab Mettirker;/.1.&f10tab152 ist'.4 Deft styles toe s -t.tio—otv itiVa..r.o. , _ poolapaturr. - cirang 'Cbtee Wm , Mk . frtitt. [rem Imo' rons S'llmsseleatlot. or, to m isg the proper. ' '- j -t icvM:Mr,ill .._pritra, - ' g i • Voccupled by i blr.itio.l.9lCOW4g/Tolltltypoewill receive far. 1 UM? P arifi lOW ll 4 4 o:4ll44‘.. ~ . _ ftalsce V . QITt 'ATE IT ~I . '.U. WAIT' STREET, I: i,),,Rier tr i tydeo3:ktiiesidat.e. fo r , see. They are a (ati yleuluesul. well ) ' li ldeleed - dwenbege.leaving • lotahlwl feet deep, , weal hnlycllEM VIA tdela WllHrrePdhutliVUY SOM. Iv i ltp„ E.T.sRpie.Or r the Pasitheeilteliew. .4 , • ..elutixtep4n, ,wafailedberarall= ,+3a An Wtil,llienetykitp,me hlegAo impure , a preassenr aztd-eh4p-plikeif. ,i'dildet,'Wheft real lembelesse geomeepl , pmereontleueloadeuxte, liAMß•4oYetiemy c Weeelee Zikt AO . .rrolli,-the eltiss l'A t v-thairtactrAso,in,,Olo :iIia:WPC uota - Mein 4 144,11 :4111. tr. eiglbilKlii:44l.TUW.t4a*WlNellaill7 feeeldlilemezrsgeserall, 0 4.0 n• di 00 test rega4 - i.cOutivi-iiiiii 4113 i averioii 4-fiiiiiiatsitirildid.WiAinon4ppmeits. Oil, .ixotest,Boxiat ism tie Utely li PeMeet if dealleel. AtigriaiiitlriatZetits and kutursiciOticeirt PusliiiiisiZ Liviiicarms, Pi. 'lt Bitlar,,,i.:.:!il.L, (CHlir Plated liaine.To-Stott ;, 4.llarlags23:4oll3lB,newly.Papared and Pain SS= ;,..! ted. Win PO3 ; - EiltiLliefir.inaldeand airtime theworse.• 1— , :drErE LOrla Farina= ten froxi; ft One Finn otnit frat-Onw 11111XJ3EAPE_And0R; raurr „ —Possaujoin3llll beeuren. go the tat aperhaext.. 41.180/ A. ' A CORNER_ STORE-I:D.OM Emil( ONE Peareseren tOw beELUNO,-PioOsa,, will given Dia talt.lJ2 Dr AMC next. The proprietor lather sell,oratnnare for 4.ounory Property. Tenor ears. -Inrge of • , • — tat Fourth street. • • .4.7 r-i; Real relate Bralerand In 7s7s tea surance Ag au2 ent, Ciathiti stir "Altegheni FOR BAJA TriOSE Tviro FIANDSO3IE THREE /WORT BEM HOUSE% Vet to and Sl. at the easzahle of WEST COST. ZION, near the corner of Uhl° lye* t, bath and finished throughout la a superhitnallyillgehed ulthnvely modern coarenietiee aid ImprovelzuMt, aid at Present In perfect order; one at thetelean est and 'most desirable !Mueller°, In Allegheny. .Pcssesslon on the Lt-of-Apra, Ina. Enquire of .T. ee.2:tr t ne .Mate zsu spsiefiLia leserieeiAieet: No. 111 Federal at.. Allegheny. ThIRIIALE,IA tot OF 'GROUND. con. "•• tefeingaliOnt Tlues Aines, situate la Pat Ty., ARtigheageountir, between lands ortispt. Bran- Yon sad hirs..E: Lenny. This property!" delight f td l 7 leltuated, overbooking a portion of both otties and the Allegheny river. is is 3 beautiful hallo:hrlot tor Country Residence, but wilt be sold altogether or la lota rpraer , ,itrgnire Of the ?_talereigned. Pto. 91 C:otsstorst street, rittebtuth. - • O. W. 808 Exesutors . l R. Eallioistr, deed. VOR BASLE fiQUI3E ,L The Lttel 4wellimg, No: OXI, Wile street , LI. pz..r.ami — , ':Allls,ls(llllllLte=7,fisruaittl' 142.. Of ground „with . Ilao. orcb4p4 en-Franaleetsesi- Tor tams, apply to •• •BOOTRA r. erre. 1.5 a Liberty Street. 0-R 41..N saw mu imme. mbituag &boat 4 a* aria teal sad mine eotaa=. .... liver. at Ms moutkor Elbertler.lreek, on tlo. Mire; y 4h Lek , reporty a Saar ,w 1 and two Hourelo—mal be col obese, or exalts for ....;neserqz.4-.itleurebealetbene. Zetwitge 'f! Yu" ' - LYDAY OHORPENING, One Door B tovrthutit litteetcPucputazte Way.' seso:l=l : 1 I ' ld-irvSo4mn,oe , ate , d b l id s wi lbe roiei red • ma by r the : ' ctei.iin 04Atiar • 4 Lo • tU.4 4149a iiE , ilicoii:inkizt, -4 •`,.;lltuateel Ad W. 0 1 1.2treet, oar bogan l / 2 4 the Math Ward, PitillstsTs.llptilBA;V:l44l/53.11ovambar i -111 h. at , 5 okdoca 2.. IC . TheCozonatuteinsiet - rya - ,watt ft 550.510501 aliprall 515k,..p . 4 ,-. --' -•- n-• NV V. , ManatrOMEst, 1 ,911344.1M,P1ir-544.,15°.14i.re"41#,1tA4bizt7i 4 a ,... . -- "' ostif 5 • -- —•Ffaasall• ,- -4!, --. 7L --------------- --, 4::)p GRoOT UND cu ' sgabirstrEW.4.oß, ..maltastekaiii.ii. .- '' • ^rlll ht.soium,sowszafp,4ksacttatifertravittung , ftbßifdiaPOß:Vis Waltitultencir 4f Comm, -. i Newman, Wag *Jassy =tea to Co. aft litho Rant.hester Passenger, RaßonoVor To It W. k • - ', ' 13 R. R. WollklailwelThilfts or t !to lotl. t.. 244 I, Tf.; . - 1;"""Mlir, kaorefarsx•Allefibinv ' Fan --2 , 2 , , _L, , pe A er l ra tst t bJ i o n t . boaw. Inuitrequlp a A m cm a :ll4 ISola —Torru cy otB oan -- Apprz -- -ot M r A ez. ' starxtt 80 ZedMillitirSilitlti% -, .--gi, TWOZteRr ENAMMIIOI7B4:: &Mt eon -streth-llttab hi, Lot 111 ' 4het 6ln eta froxit, an 4 to 4404,4 . +; ..,....._.4 two ey A fj r r Fa. iME ROUSE oh OriThlu, Elt ...+ ,,, 9Pih e a ea et 4 07-4 eS-1.1,4- O r zo. t rAirr&f, '"" a ca. ea I am 4 A% W18P42409.4 meet. r. H. LEczy ttl'en at 7 O'clock. I,ootote 7'; n't•lroe't. Stogie rte cent._ Secured •oate AS cents titre. Bolter. of •ctUnik Ilettet• ek .1 no [ANA tart'Lat her rest, act!, ei.ata [fettle •t the Llitreo,e Bogota on illeautada may be. y, yam -1,4r) cit gat I o'c ock A. X. 1 Ursrlay, November 1, ti. Orem:war!, the rltsgej. , ' etueued Orltutallst, will lecture) owl itzklyt) Wier, and .1.1-alluerc. oev ltd Jmmitt TEN Zi YSON CLUB. LECTURES. At •he r•••••-•t (Luang, the fretrlure flommtttee of lila TENNYSON Et L 178'harii ooaseo to. to lute a nmlt.ii strtaber ni. tluttiLiZi TiiIMETS for the season oft 100-8; . . Thn•lfstt Lasturors • for the sonsts; Season eOrt_prives the names of HON. GEOfiGE THOMPst.iy, WM. LL011) GASittBON, WENDELL mut...tars, , NET. BENNY 8. GILES, It V'J r ira p l el l 7l T i itVlloltlLlNS. And - others.- A emote arTIS OLIVE LA:oil:tars will be Oxen from the Phut of _Novonsternext. 0 e rent im gq?nEuinoitl,EwlMg grv44l-tenna.. fore the'Olnh 11 1 .1NOAY - Ato TUESDAS A'VENIKOS; tiffiveintieretti end 7th. lltr..Thompson will lentateenig Wt the Twiny ton_Cjlihi • Seaion'Tlettotes3,oo, now hassle et the prinal. ter Donk Musts and urog Stows, Ht served wet; will .be held at ell tho lectures for coldrrs of imagism ticket, Without extra charts. enang .OEO. T. VA.NitOREN. Pres% MciSatlC HALL • ONE WEEK ONLY, • --Cemmencirm MONDAY, Oct. x 0 th. BETININOF THEEA.VOEITES . EUE CARTER ZOIIANV. TTIOUP le AND YOUNG EISIELS.L.E.,DRASit BAND. TWENTY STAR II.C.EVOREIBILS. tion The management oint with oo crutides to their list o p f Untivalle Perform., and Eats ordlnagy Novelties nalAttenettona, and beg to ammo Ue. public that they have not stoppo4 et_a map.. v him would thable them to DEFY 4 1081er.T.ITION, and . Dingle every other travel. Mg establishment in Om et:matey. They point to the mind of their efferei w e Jur tifyable pride, and look with annfidencetti a generous andointivv• dative publk to reward them for.theirr. untiring efforts to afford thexivarATEU,AiiTlVE, CHEAP and NOVEL E vT c ItTALLMENT. OAETE.Ii has. at an' enormous expence. purchasel.-10 Lonitosi,..l.lke hew nod woaderful oPTI CA.4./LLTJS/UN.lnv.ted by Prot Pane,, entitled PEOTRUS; or, B'e A r e lien BO Not litre, Whitt, will be exhibited each cytosine in con., tlon with the time/ novel and pleeving ent-to sin menu of the ClVier ZltllVe Troupe. Tighe. cants. Iteeerred /Mal co cents. or_.•erd I, AL W STEEZE, Agent. ittsBURGEI TIIEATRE. 4 AWE. RION] AND MG. SUM'S GRAM ITALIAN OPERA: nui.x IMIECTO.II Mr. Strakonah announces with much pleasure, the -vile ban succeeded in angsgbcc a complete and et c : Lecd .ttadsa._OPent Comps/ay. embracing some al .ne.llloeL C1:111.¢WIL &LW (111/011bil known artists, and a maiden CIPZIRTJS AND fIR(3IIEsTR it, concocts nc same a r the most' talente• arttna frcing b New York, pith whom ha will glen in Pitts urgh POSITIVELY ONE WEEK ONLY, COTIAILIiCTS 0 MONDAY, November G. SIX_ DLL ELBERT GRAM) UPERAS, 11l 0. aiyie unrivalled by any other manage tient- Ike following eminent 'Mate from the New ' Ynrk Atedeiter of &Inv*, constitute the Gillen! , at SWIM Greed Opera Oomp_sny `• Signorina AN JIOLTITA OHIO VI, the. famous ,WAllyail. Prins Donna , from the Italisn.Opant, 'NererVork Academy of Matte, and the Theatre ; Tact; Maven.. Nom PATI2 STIIIMO .:Ulf°. SOH, 1 e favorite Coll ' Mile. CANNTSSA, 'Prima Donna, Orover'a Grand Theatre. MSignors MACAFEERI and ERR-ANL Met ort.:l d.t i N o e t w rg Yor , fi Boston and Phtiadel- larorlitAlitllly, th e entinent 13 lene, from theßlaorAtrizitT tst: I4 BI . IS ^ . P LI the Grand Ruin Prebade4lAte;of Max Xeretz 4 ,IgramnOpera, Ties York. Signor ANTON GRAFF, the celebrated Bono Bufto,lam of Grocer's Rieman Opera Male. PAIZOZZL and tils. ZAPITZZI, Second "Mg. i/MENENandSig. PERRI. Second Tenor,. B a eftt. tocurew.i, and Sig. MpalSlO, Second nos. LConductor. ........... —.Sig. FRANCISO ROSA.. eader _ _. —. . . .................... Mr. F. Zlirerbart. PStage Manager -- —....l.4Nardlni. Prompter....-- ........ .............. • Langs. roperties.— —.- ... " . _.. . . .. ~./Sig. - Grillo. Ormitumers ---- . Akan. Reuling, Sig. Saatelta. The entirety new and costly wardrobe has been rarrhaied kr Pin Director in Parts. The following open.' Will he perMcnieJ with a cast of unsurpassed strength , • . EtthIANA, FA UST. MARTRA, NORMA. IL TROVATORE, DON OIuFANNI. dominion to Parquette and Dren eirste, al; moored seats, 50 cents extra', Family Circle, 60 cent.; Private Boxes Sti. - ' The dale of 5G.013 Ticket., (Si each). entitling the holder to a secure I east for each night, win commence on WEDNESDAY, Novehmer 1. at I A. u„ at a U. blellor's hrtulic Store. bale of tickets for einsle nichts will commence at the wane plane 00 FRIDAY, Noeruziber 3, at 9 A . 21. oe%sta PLIMBERS,GAS FITTERS,&o -- ki nni gw-112cia, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS. Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 165 WOOD BTREE'r, (OPPOSITE /7.115 T OHLIEO/1.) Pumps. Hydrants, Sheet Lead, LEAD PIPE, PIG 4 BAR LEAD. AND Plumbers' Materials in General OIL nEri.ren.rice -fltted-Ilp In . thellostApproved Style. • Tanks linc.l iesd or solver. op with Bonier actor orator or gas prr mirky ottendectro. js EN. aIt: S.X'UF4.CTORI2IB AND DNVELI..INGS ' rrrrzu up wisu • ..ez Water Ges and Steam( .1 , • 1 x" ' • • A,BtrIPINRIIPCIPM '• ~,, ,r , i .' 1 x....; /..i . f. r-,...fi1," ;-• y_ , Thatnigutiei if. iiiist‘ilait - Viir 'stabli of •ZlX , nn in in 311414111 trnurl4;gi4n 0nreZ,,,.,,,,,..Wi: ellreiterienzaliVer tO 4/ en .....71._ fi11£1,4141 n'aferit..o:4llTnPAW 11 44 14, 'W 4 ' 4 , :* tiffaieFillithvaili " 1 ' rrci.l6744 4t4teutsteiiti -prrnsumunt, _ Want and bull:Ural dolma 4 , PANNE'. DzotThATZON ,t 3 far Halls, Lama: Booms and Yeallbatas, at Zao. un Mutat Oilier atia JO, S. HUGH= h BE; g %..-- • • 'tft KtC . .A 1 diftgl- , ...:WZr. utz vocas rat. Thtfdtd or r" s_ tit the rologegehorit, and Last-but arse. Urefemrrltt, a eititeod ;tragedian, 21/1 tI.C•WIN ADAMS, Who will appeir In his great cher:der, ENOCH Tit IS; W;tnerdarl BPSilRlis wilt he pressatad Me), Cunha tire .10 PliWo Sed t . Zi%th.ed cc. PreSity for Ms. Lot:riff Adags , by lulls-de Stsr row hie. from T` nn *oaf's-se/Ebro:ea poem, exi.. titled - Exclim jusisE.St or, IL'S WERT' ME PA Epoch .... To toS'oldde with • WHAM nTAMONDA. ay Pane ter nott“t..fidSlLEV. ClP.Ettli 4,100 St. 'kg 'Grime t Vent,serrs, MiSSANDUE EBERLE. Lgt nlat but two of ~ Mile. mom. THIS !We/cep:lay) LVEhnne, will be performed the thillibig 'drams of the lIIIOIir !V til WORD; or. tHER.FIVAIEk. Zilyie Zoo: To sorrludo with thoOraulO drams; in two actii, Lite 7oUBTAIS DEVIL. • .......... file Zs. SATUR.W. AFTETINDerg. Tr, NM/MI OWL , A-14- _ H CA.4T/L'? VIISS ANNA .8. DICKINSON WILL SrEAR" Ar X./axes:7 ett a Extia.i., THURSDAY EVENING, NOV. 2/ titcbject—lfo.llE TII4 U.32"8. I'HON.AS BAREWEL . L, Ss . 17. R. EDWARDS, O. SIMIAN VOCE; J AS. J. DONNELL, t L. C. 4.1. DR CALDWELL, -L EE. ,Lecture 00: Q — AmmarßE4l4l3dere_imatteg e r 1J reet. mu. oompanzto44Xo4poptAMW4733 I Liktr,. S.T. 3 _E_'CI AL NOT/C ES. 11.112 iiittr butt a?ct. a TTS vaufk or IIIieSSIS. , 3 HUBBARD, BACiiecO. , awl cra...4.4 CALLA& Oa YATEWT c 1 ":" 1 N cnictrEAß., Warranted CAS/ STEEL SA Win. ot everf as. million. NW, Malay, iota Cu; Cur% tool on other eattetten all kt t b , of KNIVES and SPRINGS =taint= Sheet o steel Extra - Refined REA.i.ER AND t3/MO , Woricf tel , coma WATER and tt, ttain co mud thl4, anis mare and ( Stimieatagl.trouler Saw Wto. tin VPain Of Purt4 a =a LugaiL done at anable retie: apttnly wiz,* jiissaludy—a cu.. Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Moo. / 0 . =. /41 and 21 PENN STREET. trlth the Harlot scented a large =ana Intntthed ea to ataandrattitlnto every prored %eziptlan giVtM e M In the heat manner, and wacranted equal taany tinsatalaseowablyupTcs, 9111:10TW4 80/LERS, 6 ONDENSER SALE PAN_A, IMP PnAltS,BlCtal motrovitkg, SUGAR PAN ,s mad RO L L inuLatdoters of Wino 1111.1.,s PATENT rfaz on t.henhottest natl.:, Ezpal ani 010 l doz. _ ._ cir I, tim NiCiplentor. 'Capper Ytil and Smelting Work,, PARK, McCUROY & CO. Zdantwacturcra or SETEATIIING. BRAZIERS' A BOLT utiPPER, covps4 nor. iiik.D>Ell STULL isorrobu. SPd7.TER SOLDER. Also., izoporten an 4 4emorsin at= ALA PIN PLATE. shaut IRON, WIRE. Ba. Cormantly bawl, TINNERS' MAUMIM end TOOLS. W N.. NE RS' swat EV SEA} OND STREETS, Pittaburch. Oidett.ol c..pror c any dcaind pattern. anyZarlau•T ,mys TO itiantwout ire HOT H SEXM3.-A reverend gentleman Lure lagrgadc; been rectoted to health Yew days, atter Uto f t de tile mat rOine and ftuLar ensive mode oreatment wi th out success, ree conside xpe rs It Wu seen . .d duty to communicate to Wm althiCted fellow crea!utot the 'meat:ma( cure. Hence, on the rcutelpt of an a.laressed envelope, ha grill send, fres, a copy oft he prescription used. Du, at to Dr. JOHN ffi. IbiatiftisL, Phitnh treat. N. V. habil drawl' ONO. ItklTr. W. 0. 3 e51.0.4 J. •. tgy . j.a nELLZ STEEL WORKS. RElrat. 44 CO, Nor.t..mttuoro of OAST ST REL,• SPRING, LO O O PW ond BLISTER AO. STRE,7.; SPRINGS, Al. RIVRARS, -4 Office No. in WA TER STREET (up stMIM PTITSBUA R. PA. IT= ouEA caensoit 1..19 llonageon, Mats Iranblngt.n Worts, FOUNDERS END BIACILINISTS, • Alseutnctureas of BOAT AND STA.Mank STEAM LTIGGUMAST ENGINES. IRMA., (NORIWAIRTINERY, G SHAFTING OAST. MI ueiettintoul, OIL TAKER dr. 'nom= AND STREET /Rot; wows @d.gent. for GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECT. UR, tor feeding boilers. .1101/11SAN lalito., Nuotare• I -Utter* of racrN VAULTS. AND :VAULT DON:fIiSty.LRON AND STMT . TEES, ANDOW .A.RDS odo E4E(3. Mar sad prrumb riTHEET, betivera Wood and !lute% lure co hoar •Mvartety . ot. moo. potters; [oar: mut Wain, oalteDlß for MI purposes. Atir korttoplor otteatioa pold:to euloalng Grove Lout; Jabblardonifirohout [tortes. sal immaoae PISLET Or Ini,dortaaeste tde•okt and rduzyr. married and Bugle of both scum.- will be.deat -free qubitrip ANV6a, !kr: l 4 ll FriattireA: °Moe. • • • ectsdadrdswF TUE lit' mei, un!„ Ewe Mr SAY OP WARNING AND LLYSTBULu TION POE YOUNG ALEN. Mao. new /111J1ITlia• hie treatment of the Urinary .and Sexual Systeme. Address Dr.. 7. STCT7.7 HOUGHTON. Now and Association, PhUwlettdda. Ps NoTicE. STiLLS OF Boots and Shoes 63 MA k• KET STREET, Crs SOUTH & ROSS BOOTS AND JAMES ROBB, No. 118 Market Ntreel Han Just rrlorneo from tho EAST with a eau lan, and seasonable ssoek of .Esr:#c:vxNezi zh.=l3 isiscoxtes tbe VIMY EIFST QVALTrir• UMW,. Boy.' as" Youths' BOOTS AND SHOES to au Metz carirthrs end etylea. LADIES WORE of the Pa co sod beat that to manufactured, from the Sat Poach to the plain Calf Boots. Childreno. Boots and Shoes to every otyteson varlet,. LlOur chime le to sell ma goods as win give oat g=the'aratralioctrt. and lon win be caticAst with the QUAL/tit andWßluSorstooda Remember the place- . SAXES RODE, ocl No. D Xarket &Wax. NEW GOODS. tro have Just raea4nscl direct from the EAST. ERN MA NT I FMITCEICS. /ar ra f aad fired a c fact cd 'cock of all Cho Won et, les o 80078 AND 8110E8 FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR LADIES' AND MISSES' Gum and Pelt Oyer Shoes Cheaper than say house to the city. J. A. ROBINSON A: CO CI M/LRAL'T STREET, Nola door to BARE Dry Goods Store. bC2b LettGE tuck BOOTS, SBOES, 4.ll.lluflILS &COI J CST It ECEIr/NG All the Latest Styles and Qnalities, And will be sold at the seta LO WEST PRIUES CALL A T DIM IND'S, 98 Mrake* Street, (2nd door from rash. °e SOCA Solled aloe., Oa hand at one-haif price FALL AND WINTER BOOTH, snons AND GUMS, AT 52 FEDERAL STREET. Our stock of BOOTS, BALSIORAIA and GAIT. EIL 9 for Ladies and Mime, la unsurpsued. Our selection of Ohrldrems , Mutes cannot :be mined. Our Clue of Oat?, /Up and Heavy Boots end Bal. morals for Men, Boys and Youths Is the best la the city. Otrhl SHOES. SA/SIDA LS end DYERS for all. I do not sell goods at hall prise. but Ido sail a goal auricle for ims 'money then any Other house to the two cities. Please call and exam:rule my stock and see the price 1 410.25 'you buy. W. B..WeCILUfIOCH, No. 92 Fedora' Street, ALLEGRETPT CITY FALL A.Niouf•is, J. W. CAMPANIA& & COS Haylogitist returned Don the East with a lull and complete auorttutUt of Boots and Shoes, We are enabled' eti offer itiperfor Inducements to purchasers. fi tiPstOckamtniateaailltiacm of LADIES', HUSHES' AND OHILDELEHS' BOUII3,IIHOES, GAITEES er. BALBIOIIALS, Of the bealoiallty. Alia MEWS", HOYB' - ,A..Mr EOLITHS' _ BOUTS AND SHOES. • ..Blemember, the "OILS_ Dirlawira sEKOE .erroniti: sa , B3 ; Corner of the Ita.rkat, and .111amand. .teus;h4r"'. D Bhßep qnctfitaitp74h, UL erer7 StPIO, Matra tariontt AIL • its6l4.ll44iialta 741"5t. , Lid . , , , kYVZ" r '' • :tea . #' .01116; -nn itstfithißeaskuutwaw Mau, Zrotet am** stroghlw.olugh 1 ra7dy T smoni 12011 CO P !1 Ag , GARD &ea atl ent ttmon for aego., ac' -I`,l44ol:ltig„WaciD AWLMIME ; I fbs';llotttt gip: C.ll grtWATZIAM*7 PITTSBURGH. Coroner's Jury Empannela. We give from the New Tork Trarm: of Mon day the full details of the fearful calamity to the steamer John," early last Sculday morning, In the Hudson ricer off Hoboken, of which our readers Lave already had a foretaste In the tele, grunts. From the account in the Tralone we learn that stu.rtly after six o'clock on Sunday morning, one of boilers of the splendid Ai bony packet St. John exploded, when Jost below ihall's Ferry, on her trip down the Hudson, Coutling the cabin door with scalding lea•er, Instantly kliling ten persons, mortally wounding another, and badly scaltitag and issuldhalag AND SHOES many mor Storrtly a'ter the areldeot, 2:4 of the riaa.on, gen wee taken oil Mr St. John ..y the terry boat Morristown. The steamer managed to mach her pier, at the foot of Debrosses• street a few hours later by the use of one boiler. litre she was Immediately boarded by the pollee, and 3 number of physi cians, who proeccd,l to dress the wounds of the sufferers, and prepare for burial those who were happily part all 6 1 1:reTiOg. Toe bt. JDl' 3 Was almost new, and, In point of else and cleeencc, was the dust steambyal that ever floated on the broad waters of the North fintr. Great excitement arm therefore occasioned throtrahout the. city when the news spreaddfoß that she bed - Piown hp," ktarg lieu Lad wcrt almost everybody on board, u rumor It, coo at an early hoar Lore crowds of pmplo wcyc presaing aeons the gate of the srharf house, ruled to gratify the morbid turf c"'hYr * bleb 'ell., ab bare, to look oo eCCT3C3 of wreck and staughter. But a strong force of polLetteee, cadet Captains Brackett, Petty and Peck, kept the way clear, permitting no olio to approach the except ott urgent bestows, or Oa the sad plea Mtn a relatlife was among the Sufic rens. • • Perry. Crooks, twenty-two years of az., formerly of Hoene, Oneida county, now of iiiy„; West Twelfth street, passenger. Mrs. C. F.rcbambault, Montreal. Her little girl. Mn. J. A. Reynolds, t wenty-G• e yea, of age, Albany. Mrs. H. P. Wananor. Her two children, aged reipertfidi f tire moncla and itY9 years. Jahn Anderson, deck boy. Joseph Lambert, fireman, missing. F. J. Lyons, Yew York. Mary Imogene Lyons, Sew York, twnty three yearn of age. ewe imrußrn. M. Caldwell, Ancor) House, slightly. Henry Dudley, 39 ['resident badly about bead and lace; will probably recover. Lewis Seaver, Batavia, New York, badly about the feat. Cyrille F.rebanilrault, Montreal, about feet an•d ankles. J. F. Cunningham, 911 Second arenas. Mary 13. Cunningham. Mary Cunningham aged twelve years. Clara Cunningham, cured thirteen year . .. All about feet and ankles. Edwin Searles, ba,ggage master, eery badly about the head and scalded over the body. Charles E. Saulpamgh tobacco mersbant. Esther Sanlpaugh, Lis wife, badly wonnded about feet and ankles. S. W. Northrop, 33 Spencer street, Albany, badly seakled. --Coyle-, Albany, also scalded. Mary McDonald, dotnestl , , about fem. A. /1. Coditcr, colored porter, d•...ut Lands aud lacr. Ton .i(rIDENT. The aceldint was occasioned by the berating of the siattreard boiler, almost ImmcdiatelY ithine the files • and abrint twenty fire fret forward of the wheel-house. The aperture la the boiler is eboct eight feet long and two and a half feet In width, and hi situated near the top of the boiler, out Inclining toward the Interior of the boat- Ttre piece which woo blown out shill remains apy‘nded to the lower edge of the hole, Larigiure dairy as snugly as If it had been beaten dower! Ant by blows of a hammer. The toilers of the Bi. Jobs were built by • Crobanks No. SO to No. 88 liarrisea street, and put In In March last, at a coat of 02,000. The Iron of which they were made appears to br, about a quarter of an inch thick, and the general appearance of the bailers lethal they were stanch and sound. al tile time of the accident the boilers were carrying from 25 to 27 pounds of the althea of the boat hating the lawful right to eany es high ne 83 pounds. ft Ii the opinion of "Engineer Ho* and others that the amldent was occasioned by a defect in the boilers, the material of which. they ;say, wag coloposeda f what .tsealled "santl-doxt"—an Inferior, brittle kind of Inan e which Insometitnes Ita need ch ea In pness. the mannfeetureof bonen oa account of TILL NATCRO Or 7821 ACCIDENT. With the exception of. Cho destruction of the boiler, and the shattering of the starboard aide of ibe cabin immediately above it, Um boat ll cell Lea sustained bat RM.:din/ege t but, as may be imagined, the Wildest contusion reigned among all the passenger& most of whom were asleep in their those who berths at. the time. MOWS!. all were killed, amplest the state rooms in near vicinity to the holler. The explosion tore &We, completely. through the entire cable framework on the etarboard side of the bout, all large eS void hive been 'made •by a hundrect- Pouoil ehelu-ehok , and flooded - Ahe enttreloor of the othiserelth-aealdlag water. komedlataly 1 attar tha.expldslern, the boat realeet r ovexon , hex laiboa4.4l4plrom the Adek; Our' 000 tiolf3 1110 beflingsiligi. 10 4044 'tee: that 'Me: " It. was owing to this thatreucti a dumber wale assl464 to the feat *ad aaklezzr. caulartbe amass of Vibtvengewyfthey,sOr fPo Plat t iciliV! ;14tteilloietrut41**4 4iirsip WAii : ixl• gortiNul. conlikradepmeaceof miod, . Om* Ifti ftvgragifftge All! booffi'mlo threiroffed attain itn — both"Dollere.' The refry toit 7‘titifssOlvirib ."o,iitirruttPf loenaibrir 4ft r Car4 OPOhillOotige a Inv number ,of 114004,1 eri4:::r4O;0121,„ _O4l - 0,00 1 fit. oftlitken 'm an Aolflot ofk-olos4o-mibb htrboad.bollar,: s ag aseeeal to , workftwrhei ;Into bergOeViltVig! Riot -Of 'POPfothrolOffed) ':ellfiOgoll031ki:;a14 lethi,4esupw 4r,re* dee the , toglekil eulthr4rke. filigkraftetbikM r.. 01" ,!, , ' Tim ; 04*(23iis , ;vv. 1 4 • • • ' -Comdex 191 4 10 *witl•rti ittetdit teat - it eat. A1ibm .1 11 1 144414144 Duey bay at d nett am , r,:s : ' tam mild & . . •;8 -6 nr-Polrebnlo go itaiding at VlO te . Pg' Way-Witt) aisagicr.ap our roporm approadod • • 'G'AZETT'E tly ..... .... ... seevedll7 41am, 25 vo:i: WV. Daft Evealag ... ... .... SIM per I e.o. ao, .erNe . ll byeanti " ;a: la masa week. IA °rely, .. ... flea per year. do, , Aare. .......... do. RATES Of ADVERTISING. eatratua.,areArimaa searelra: ftriod. 7-thiiry—.4il“ --- ; 7 .-Tt... wi Is ,s .., wisir tiiiiiirai.:::. — II — t..1----±...-...--- -• — 725 Tom tlmes...l 1 23 . 1 ....., .....:: ..7. 1 i i 216 Three 21.400..1 179} .., ....t .....1 ITS Four times...; 2 1.0 ....,1 .... t •••••, 214 Fite flaw_.. the ....• , ..• , 2 111 One meth .... 2,74 ; $ 4 221 $ iiii 2.; 73 Two Weft& .. 1131 2 7Sl' . 2.001 1 2ti r 2.3 Thr66l.6 rt. - 1 60 t. 264 2 TS! Roo lIS Orreolonta...l 6 stSi, •4 SW 2O, 2 23; 240 Tito •mouthe 52 Mr '•2l Ce • 6 00. 3 rbr 423 Three Moathsr 10 00. II 60 1 txr , O. 6 LS Six months.. USO Il 7a, 960 4 l2 00 Nlne moottu.. ; is OM 17 70 14 00 Boe II so Oct Ye5t.....: to cc, Zso la oo 10 oa 3 , 2 00 1 Adsneruieni.,,,,, ;me - year moe jgeer ay at thnodrertlzera pleasure, at a manta of 24 per tonere, (or 40 neat' it paid at the time m ,) eta am Muslrt:teim manned to the Immediate bucket, of the adve . Adteratementa eontratted Mt othehrlee than daily, will be Inserted on inch 119)4 s 4 the °dice may :elect. Mlrarismet admitting CLSR. -.' N r otices, each Intent= '' 9 50 anima.. TS Steamboat advertisements, per trip - 0 CO Laeontond or Aelministratore N0t10at....., 1 ea YEARLY ADVERTISInd RATES Q O holetiote—eantlate to the teatteetete melting , Or the adv. [leer, and not to (adores dleneOltiont, foroletioe or new lime, moots. to—oheiventle once a week. Any exeeti to be charted satrap. elect matte:4 a Lunge 1 tames, t time. Daily. ,a week-.• areek.,•oreett. Th 3 - m o ots • at 3 DO 1 BO 0 Sixons-- to no 10 Oa . 10 001 Id 00 Nine menthe.— 13 OW MI 00' 23 15 00 One Year 02 fay 33 DT te eel is oo . netted air- Fist Net win enable the above. rat, It In nee month or more. her • lees period 20 ceilte a lie. Local notice/ at such rates as may be agreed upon. Ciir A square to be considered sia the spree ocew Ned by ten lines of 'the ordinary advertising type 01 the haiicr. • TERRIBLE eitLABIITY. Boiler Explurion on theS teenier St. John TEN KILLED AND HANY WOUNDED Decks Finoeed with Boibug Water NIMES OF TEE GILLED Aso WOOlll3 Thr 1114 tultincelx b) Fyr Wiluttse, WHO 18 TO BLAME? TILE DEAD I . ana on . from outaide , 10:,,o; a re, .•,-1 before, e e had rte ore lrn . ri•ile destroying iihmeter. Itatesd, sin.. ..a.grvatly dan,21711.• iL ity nel•along thelon r , . it g intnterfelc in of tin. ,01,'","1,^e. Ihc te,rilik mecident can at once be pt' tcived- Them 1.. er , it rip in tin holler. Inmc cnongti to tell a pine of Wine through, the lace that i 110 1 ,13 out, lying lu a fistlY-kritili ered lap Tram !Ile lower cage of the a;tertu e The apyrture rev.o the entire in 4,1.. to nion at the boiler, It U 00,2 lend with the saloon deck, so that when the shect nail bolts gave tray the Ste..lll Ivan followed by a perfect deluge of boiling hot water, which passed through state-roomi. Nos. 1 121 Bud 123, which were shattered Into shapeicseneas, rut rolling in a sealtlint; torrma across the deck. poured Into the opposite male-roams. Itl a taw seconds the boiling water mns 4,1,1 half a foot deep on the rabbi ttoora and these of the ad)a cent Ltate-rooms. Tbeexpleitics proper completely demolished the Elate rooms mcntiontgl, tearing op ale war. ricat a nit in and spliabei lag inn worts fora long dishy e. around.• The large miltr to tliti centre of the saloon is perforated lath probably a pima of flying iron, trisilethe rooms 196 ha the main tali on and 43 In tlin galler3, on' the opposite file of the boat, orertwensy feet , Tromahs point ot.ex.klashon, anishalteretlainda drenpbe4 with water. la .really sr.aiderfull,ko sc..? „hoe 1111 steam and water were distributed le that abort j spice oT tribe, SeENt AT Till BOILER. It was Avila!' point, .betweee ,- ttle butt of the boll, r and the wheet-honsz & that theitwiis Are. men wt.rael, work.- at the thine of the schdent; PLX of theta lost ble.presenco of mind, spraig oetilboard std was lint. rarto quota the Isegnage of hfs s 'arriving/coat ,,!;,:t was PlO must fearful; thi itqf ever sa e . Wit weaeluslabOut 1.0 set Iloen end take a smoke, a b h p I Ltisi4 the noise; It sounded like the repeat of a liin gun. only monist' like, ex I lai...hett it woo tv hind a the k raj is a sensed sfu ria era, I taw the steam tpriuglac up from th e tot, ad :be lis.ile:, 111 V a /layman mountain, lollowad lay guaLea.oc hot itatei: which drip. led down awl burned my febihails, I ena toI I a Jun u tor ihapin wits andgninq - it; 'Wipes I ' rale.Jou &hoist Co jcicug,:liito :the Clircr,'' We ilreir. g td l i g.4.ll - siodit IT 'ed ?it the 'tittiel - ' 'and' It was still Wry _dna, .I:D..)r.i'l jiamli'' Jot!' I ear *my i but it w.as Iv") Lite. ilis tutned tile look at air, which t Err, ild'l forget, It not at lull of I co ri, r aLd fesr. an i Mira. without nue,. lett a a ki k le try, hn sprang' Ito .the liver n 3.1 w. lore. The twain was ohm(///' .111 . ,,,,, gra r kil, ate, as coon As the water on the dicks had cut rtily cool, I r a nt down from tie raft, nail limind over to theotber side of the be at.'' lonian TOE trot non,. The etiltway to the main cable was guarded by a Captain of pollee. who ILO tired that no one sholnd coup stain. 'goon atter out arrival on board of the boat, we heard Crle& of agony. They came from Adrian . fiea•les, tbo Issggage touter, who was }pine ors the dick above. with Ms face liumallydavold of fl;sb, nod the ringer tag. ,seeded tech of Ms hands end arum beim,: the elbows ciutrhe with body pagers In et - teton mama. The fritrful;hefrlige agony of that - long. vibrating howl Inspired a prayer that the boors of the. rultertt Wonl4 be few. Ile was expected to die In a few hdora; tint unecinsekmel a there arose the thought of ..V l o7soliter those bawl of array toe:Wove, whop the /anent of a surgeon would accord eternal peace 1 ' They came In a and procession. litre a moth er, there a brother, Mid then a horroritrickaiu father, all aliens and pale, winning the respect of the , crowds thmugh whichthey Made their way to look noon the forms of theicloved once, motionless In death, or iwritlaing and groaning In agonies, In comparison with which death seemed sopleasant and sweet. Passing the Policeman, and making etc tray into the long cable eh rn - A wren or auto LCD 1101311 RP was prciiiented which em only be, imagined hr 'raise who are familiar with battle fields, and which cannot he described slob accuracy. There in the centre of the forenoon saloon, Our rouot/rd by glided m alto, elaborate chaudeltcn, and corercti with velvet, carpets of bhp. and minion arabesque ' still warm from the burning . waver, Which 11 00 , 1.1 them but a re,. hour s be. fore, L 37 a outhawr of corpses and writhiug forms, :row, one of which, al rthriost rugulat /12- terrain, Leaned Lift.: appalling. blood-curdlin g yells. Irzit a palatial cbernct--n mansion Vided for the dead and dylog. Urre lay a mother and lier two little children —ritb on/y their cold, dead face' elalcdo. Neat io title melaocholy group, were the ma , tionlesa farms of another mother and her sweat child; the hatband and father lay at the other nd of the talaon, tellering lizczprtharale to:- WM/. By the head of another woman-OOrpse, eat • .fteat, pa lid man, who, but • few hears before, wits./ happy bind of a living wife. Tuck little e LllO Brea also alive, nod LOW 8.1 o.iiering at her tether's lute hardly appreelstleg the -• • • los, w Lich ha.) br:,i!.7 :. - nr. 'the o - rive of a ,Silt also lay to .-We group. Ni,,, had already gone to their long home, and • nembercer policemen and cchter:pararres wore boar cr.:lying each wounded down stairs that cenld bear amoral. Mott of the scalded were Mare ad of in the after part of the Saloon, In two matertrams. Among the woutdoi, Mr. .1. F. Cannlegiums and tits wife and two-very interesting Rule daughters, formed a melsochollv group. The feet of ad were terribly scalding , bat with learcely an memos, they Mire their hard Edo with commeedable fortitude. lir. graver rat bel.tered up, trying -to look comfortable, bat evidently enduring greatly. kr. I.sona, or l'orkville, was ao severely melded that It eras fared he mealtime: survive. rekr..PaelarrnArp ymr. cants,, A general glance at the Interior Of the cabin from ether end does not rental any:conaldera Me deeirtmlon, but, steppfn . to I,IIC side as which-Ms rxplodan otxarrM* glares asters of the veal mama of the. cameo austahmd, and, of course, the persona who accepted Max were killed re the instant. Through two of I,t, st•tereotos (Na. 121 and IZI) mean ta a wide bleach. Illirtlngh thts tomb dm gimped the tea/ding clouds of at estaj.lollOwtsl almost io fi{ette DJ the, torrent of boilin ,' - art whirl ~ '- a rt the dtcha many lethal t o depth,ater. Invad ung the state 67,03 pt on every side. and calming many an agonized attr:Zl l - Se Os edright e d ac . =pants of Ma bet the arezegiiilo Is with their naked fret. Thebight of the water can be readily Judged by the fi ght around the bottom or the etate-room dour!, and the panels betaeen. white paint of which le washed to a cleaner a nd more trlllbost white for about six fetches from tbe floor. The - gilding ef the doors and panels, Is also, Is many places, effaced by the balling widens, mod against Os white framework ear romialng Me machinery, hi the centarof the sa• Mon, Is a great dark stall. as of human bleed- Several of the passengers occupying the state- . rooms Immediately adjacent to the explosion were hurled from their berths completely amass the saloon, red terribly mankled, well: others etre literally bolted In their beds. 1111111LINCI . 4 070t."113 an kr( ETL,WITINEAS. A ger:Orman who was on beard tho boat at Ibe line of the explosion gives the foU.ming Ihr li lag screen!. I that k the ac.eident cirmrtel a few minutes bedew air in the morning. At feast I remem ber uat it were jest twenty mintites before six when lan:we from my berth to dress myself, as I thought we must ;re nearing the city, and / Ranted to be on shore es soon as passible. Ely etate-room eras eat ted In the forward part of the cabin, on the p oet aide. I looked out of the window and saw that the western ilk, Wal Jost brightening nithAlarklinclimi 6 L:daYtight from the earl, and then, opening the 'door, stepped out ll:mother saloon. which wart dimly lit, only one of two burnera of the main chandelier be ing lighted. I had hardly reached the centre of the saloon, on my way out to open air, before I heard a strange report tch Milled me with unac countable apprehension. It was not so loud al It true deer and terrible. I onto beard some gun -rotten explode Ina cimeapartment, and the Present report resembled that nearer to anything I can compare it to. It was immediately fol lowed by a terrible shock, which shook every plank in the steamer, and before I could make whet it meant I saw the side of the "noon, A short distance In hoot of the wheal-house, emash In as If by a cannon shot, with a terri ble crashing sound, accompanied by one wild yell which ringkin my rare at this moment terrible distinctness. A great cloud of steam rushed though the apertsre..spordily Ifting,the eaftre aloon; but first •I law a mars dying introit the cabin. This proved to be the corpse of a child, who had been sleeping in state room No. 123, I think, allboughl sin not cartels, Lheardtl3o crones step: A - great ' light- Illntrafisted the .saloon tbrcagb the err 'drifting stea. I gave •nD had, and for • moment m could not Stir .toyself . • The steam was almost I mmedlstelyfollowed by vast bodice of hot tater; *bleb - minx( to burst Into the saloon In a puled deluge. It covered the floor so rapidly:that I hod jam - time enough to eptitig , add watatiohrot'g if' data chandller befOrtl 11 p, anetOttnastitr.. .Ifirrett. ' • 1 In ofelefotordh rim peoptstyperehed above the watty r NW; annealed a Ma oblestructioll and bofnor-jaittelf wuirablde Wltn me until my dyitV, rn,foiter 41d ItAnif- - of . 0 2 4 into tea ' - ' midi (.: goli,lll-. .a,ad Ataall" ,it 4 41iiiriztoa or ring hot 'I vallioughtbat. en mina atm and , ttaa Ita bintatrfel'iffietrwas'4loll/WCW '"AtOpWo4ctittnit'a Aortlble;',foOito.anotot ' hili;qadaloasepq'hl6l4.4 tY2194/**"o7MooLto i lhatilat, Alto Wad. of alive:4oE4i; ; Xno ludyftliktiveldehaesolysll of, them -obeyed, noon 1 0 ,a,-Ifir Mideaf'alfakened innvi ctrrillav Lth ele .. anook;!--wanprizig-to ..itul..toot; 'ilia . their screams and yells & aide reet'stent atalbleop Into tiny s'auft: glood4unlkamnylhatitrlbab/n. Few of them,tad presence of foln, d yap to climb amain Into-',thelf littaksiAtl, 4 Alow mei. ment or rathev,seionsliselianloein lllUlPeopled with terror etrickm and azonlteritibom, m a * 13, in their night tune*, 1,41114 about In the bolllne water:" ' . - • . _ Onentruff.4 .tikaffitiklfthi loin„ -airy p or elar i ciesiallad surennorm.: ,I,Sat 2=o, idietnanallitti'ig," ~.,,... ::::3.!. LI '3 7 i . - ' I • dn.l og Car I coy throngt Lee- V .• • linte C. , Csla lift up la, r oak,. do of ?ten Lol!ed to t , h • log yliti.M one n. tke tit V lut : "ht alt l& 010 other ..cc 'n•: WA' •r, Moores . , but tn,t I L,„ alto potato myrrh or it I then her by the trair, and assiwth tt-ir to a sn on cm a cbtit, where she munaocd t steed at the ACM' had Subsided. miklit re/ate namerOtusotherhatattees, bat, In, ak ontwelettce,the atKl9TAlrnhorrit4e cantina. The water tobsided very taittear., it baring all run nut in a very few Ininttretriltnnitit that ap• oraran , s. Itin the nouns and thidiks of the scalded and mutilated was the utaot.threadfai t rtvrience of my life la 'boa /Men neugt4s afar tba t . I p:onion the ferryboat Morristown came MoDoslde, acid took off about 2,11) of the passel:reel P. ANOT ILEBACCJCNT. th e A atter -eabi oang lade, y, who occupied a state-:oom la ees We were all in be l d at th hemp common with the trot, I sprang or and out in the saloon. but before the deck was mimpletely Elooch d. I haw It C012111:1p and mourned a ehair„ assisting Niles , icy traveling campaniato au• othtr one immedlati b-side me. la another Instant the water was around ns. At float it premed ten twel re inches deep, but I hardly think It could Co mute than live The honor and confusion which followed was lde aertbahig,„ latidtrkin their. night clothes were itemising shunt in alto teal hug torrent aunt their hare lertinien were rushieg this way and that, and the air leas filled with piercing shrti ks. I ear something Boating, In the . water, about 11 e middle of the saloon, WIIICISI think must have been the conete of one of theLPtie children killed by the explosion. Some of the otto mans, which were tl 1.1 with some light mate rial, were afloat, and the beautiful gilt e Igoe/4 the door panels were rapidly becoming utterly ruined. I lifted up a little zirl who was splashlnx about in the water, screaming pisarmsly,, and. Miss S. Mee rescued another child, not before ha feet, however, were frightfully scalded- Most all the Ladles eel - m.lPa be uttn•ly insane 'with fear, and would not get out of the water, thonflth there were many chairs they might have mount ed. They would only run about frantically, and seemingly without any purpose. I had a beau tiful little black-and-tan terrier, which I had missed for - acme time, and now I suddenly saw blm floating about In the octet. Before I conk! reach him be was dead. In a very few minutes the water had all run cut r r the eels o• , porm . tung• ws to stand upon the r erp. t. 1 ne. we I e sad moats of the sulk.... e-s we re dread. el. 1 come away shortly after. weed. 0 0 the I rat. coat. I never 600 each a t ishi to the a hole course of my tile, and never wee t to pee such at otter. WOO I, TO 1., C • It wcuid be utjurt, at the ortscnt writing, to endeavor re determine upon whore shoulders the rest-visibility of ibis terrible disaster rests. We have-not heard any er planation on the part of the certain of the boat. As before Itlentlen sd, the engineer asyrlbes the explosion •to the to r gralby of Iron of Which the holler was mode Attu, rate, to this case at least, it is to be P hopedthat an iefrestthallorr• will he. made at the same time, thorough and rigid, and that the guilty parties urn cot go nopunished. We hare to record an addition to the MIL of .lain. Francis Lyon, ono of the badly scalded, died et four o'clock yesterday afternoon. Inthe forward pan of the cabin was lying a lady's Polhill boot burned to ;wisp car-rings torn oat, finger-rings nail other trifles, black ened end bloody, were scattered about the floor. And then we turned away from the ghastly scene which man's criminal cupidity hod wrought la the brief spire of a dozen fatal minutes. We Teeth that the surviving sntibmrs ore re ceiving every possible attention; bat there will probably be more death, among them, day by clay. • .1. Ilanctay Uartling We regret to chronic/4a the sodden dent',, last evening, at lOtvreehlenee in thin city, 01 Mr. J. }lstria,' Harding, the publisher and editor of the 11:11.1adelphIn ,Fer-eOtg TeLfverrpfl, aged thirty . - ..ye year., of enn,,,eat lon of the brain. Mr. Lind ing was a native of the city, twin brothers William W. Harding . , publisher of the fops: err, both bring sons of the late Jasper Ifardinz. lie tens a graduate of the Central iligh School, learned t hr. printing bssineso as enrataasitor in his father's eillee, ved a nurnher of yearsas a clerk In the platelike, and the, became a publisher of the Philadelphia Atay rizrich an eaterprl leg anl'nterestlng Rernablicazi morning paper. doting the Fremont campaign. %Vben pea. ple'e party attained pozer tn nu) Oki. he'll!' elosen Assirtant Clerk of Cotorr,b n c onin n , and the fall - ming year era! a,t,d Chief o w * o _ r .Soect Courcr- "a has alone established the tiud upon the death of hie father eThe !t4i3td blm as Collector of Internal Rerenne for the Fleet Congressional District. Helm a ze- Mal Wan, of popular ammaera, lad plearealng muc hlnh/IC:V.7lt.—Pillcelellide &la, of Iloralay. : TAR C R AIWiAILORS SECOND STOCK OF FALL LID lIISTEE GVDS, Fr.R CIENTLENIEIV WEAR The Le:est Noce of the semen. The largest am: beet Waned stock of FRENCH COATINGS, HEATHERS AND uneviors IN THRUM Y. Which vs trill malia to oraef In • supcilar Pitti3Es MODERATE. It Ir, POSSUM & lIEESE, Sueceyoto to S. GRAY a SON, 047 Iltracn•tur TAILOR.). NO G 3 Pitt ,t. . DORI G. SALE, Merchant Tailor, MUM-VW coma or rart a sr. CUM STA rITTSBURCIIi, PA, ITakes neat pleasure in tooolutetes to till Wale ow customer* and itie poplin generally, last hit outlaws and trig h int tor the 'FALL, EA. 50tr Ate boW Mandate& baring beet emeriti:ly t_ 4 _, , get4 from thy lint-elan tiara hetet" In ths Eastern dike. Only sash • elz.v,da as we rosily be seactoacuto&d. ba artds %Inbew• braces Me nearest and twit appror m awl styles, the en Lre stock bele; rery large, irarled and iterWs west. bLr. Rota bar 'web eonlidenee in Intl. tl itaitatlytaspeetion. aAD LADE, crowaEo tit.LE .18.7218, as mud, warranted t o ast c°flAAVll"dmrii.Zd gL other new eositaTii one lam for entire suits. A gnat variety of FINE OASSNIEEES for Pants cad Vella for blornws and Evening we ar . tU2O FAt 5ll lO: 5 lA "'- B - LE DESA — R.A ts.L.t; GOODS For Gents 1 r roulh,s Giothing MADE ID ORDER, IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER, R. B. NORRIS. fiIEILOILANT TILMOII, non- D o. 7v FEDERAI ST., Allegtseny wd _ DRESS AND SCHOOL SUITS. A new lot of eitoteto goods 1 -, "*or Fall Wear. Jrs"r azorrvED DT GRAY & LOGAN, DISSOLUTION 8 - - _ . 111 - 81:1 4..0r saw... The Partnership heretofore. between the tuadetelpten, undar tbo, - nni x 0}117111:MON 00., fee the ellenteettlreht u se r r Pearl and other Boatel, tuuttldi &whom diatnittted by mutual tranient. SithtUSLltdjp:g4t„ T .1111B.N Ontinirroja, iOI . IO TOSZEIi. Pittsburgh, Sept. BthrtEOL wx. . ..... . lank WM. Maim a co, grgapron to CRVMPTON t COO. laillittarrtrazu Bil atarlandtAlioloadoloap, • C. 11774 Chliath .. ~ ~.. : ~ D I--8 ... , L 30.41 ;TaNyg0•RA,(0703K. 7 Al...acjerm tik Os. botwom Me gab. urlbets% eV nal `4lbit • to - srs grit, BAILEY .1d th tar tl3l4ll '.i ll l l 3Ull.lo/21013. .JORI'd D. 13 ,_lltcroonllnuesibs Dtislnsas, is dui, ilialtot4ed' 01 m11011a1 liOcietintal et sad frau . ir. - - , : , . .,1......1, 03 ra:IMASh:RILLEir ' ( l)3'-' - i•-• - Itettetimui eatEc 'a Bli. zepi . iil pact ow r*"ortlifffgyintlui .3maqualmaners," a1 1 0 ,1 11113 , 1117.,EL0 -atitili,ii..iteittilli7 . % .' , . . : - - , :Cdizade.gigr l'a LITLEL't . 4 141 " — f.) lt:lPk'Xwm: nil' Aux, ritat Aige itilhatooki botight aasold al:43tignandat., • • I .', .liffigonacafilfnALValitii4l/ ill. ; 1 ap' DPW %HADES, • (mita aplatnergdtaivivstres, ittla ratios', AS ap, ;kw Maus Qta cropszmucuzza &BEA IMAM Hc, N. HOLMES & SONS No. 67 Market Street, Pittsburgh. DEPOSLTS RECL.IN ED L PAR PURRS &NI Oolleatleasmade °wall the prtrusipelpalatal of Milted %Val and Canastu. =lx% 13 0XDS . ALND OTHER sactrarrth BOUGHT AHD SOLD ON commluvi Pirtloniat attention paid to the purchase to UIMM:STATES SECURMES, Uinta Kites IStral Iget Da to. 6.7 Cs .101.011? Do. c a n -TI Do. Ceruilititas • pf emedstea. ORDERS AND VOVOLIgRD BOVOHT OD Jalflay COLLECT/'. lowan b , s.y/Aues BANK, utit , 95 PotraTu sTetwe. arty lie 1856. da°Pen deity tram *to 2 &clock, also On Wednes y sod Saturday amercing, Lou. Na /gay let to N e tabor tat, itinia 7 to 11 o'clock, sad from Norembei Ist to lday li st from 6to 6 &cloak. Denoilts received at all mascot nOt resstban tab, Dollar, and • dividen_d Of the pronts declared twice a year, in Jong aid asectratben in two bees declared. a eaditanyally, Os June and ecember, aince , tha Bank was organized, at Lite rata of Els per at, asp od., Interest, II not drawn ant, is pineal co the etedit of the , iepersitor as principal, and bean the earns of the lint days of Joneand December, compoundingewicq 6 year. without tokibllne the depositor to enll, or Oren to preset?. his pit• I/O.A. At this MN/ money watt doubts In len the. to years. an ßoons, containing tics Charter, Ily-Laws, Stoles /regulations, at the *nice. tulcalshen gratis, on appallatiOS I'LL Lreirwra-aELDILJE A.LI3R La: VIC. r8113111)JIWTML. William J.Anderson, A. AL PuLlock, N. IL, John G. Backe:en. Robert Rohl., /WALL Pahnestock lan IL Shoenherger, Junes fierstman 'James Kiddie, lo w . cze McAuley, Alexander ripeer, M. Pennock. Uhrlatien Yeater, Datrie. Adams, Jade 0. gill, Pete a, Tu T ima. nrir t A. .7. , L l ynch ; Yi . gru ni- . John Marshall, Water I , AlonzoNlarlell, binto A. Barrier, James IL 1/ ai.•, s y,,, Laurin A. Colton, John R. A7clradden,l trolin Wm. Doughu, John Om trans, Henry L. 1t= „... ., John' .I. 13111.001 e, W Wl= H. Witham S. Haven, , AJoinratez Tbz4le. Pew H. Hunker. MALISson Vankirk, Jiillsnard Days. inn, P vh r r m . an, ' ump B . Soy 'lssas AIL A. oomon. Seartent—JAWES H. L. WEEDS. Amain. THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. 11. S. government Depository. 5:1 MARKET SIiTEET, Capitol Paid le 8300,000 With Privilege of increase to 500,000 flaring extensive eorreepondenee with Henke and Bankers throughout the country, we offer unwu• al taltllinies to those: doing bailor= with us. "7 8.1.00 And all other CliovernmenS securities, farnieScd o •was u, suit purchasen. Deposita reecive4 and late:eat allowed by special agreement. k,„ vrewro na THOS. DONIVR.LY, SIRE. D. Al. SSIIIII iN..I. 11161,1.7.11, JAS. AL H,SILI Y, JOllll P. BERECIIII. THOS. Sainkli M. KIRK.PATSWIC THOS. DONNELLY, President, BUTLER WARD, Canhler. aellayiTku-P EXCHANGE NATIONAL DANE 0 f .Vittsburgia. Charlered by the Capital jOrganized andel State of Pa., 1816.! $1,000,000. Natal Law 186 i Mg Rank lass Deer 111 1.411.teff • DEPOSITA RV VI THE United States Treasury, and appointed agent for the tale of the 7.4:10 ' CO defa. N. Every Utility wlll be °Mimi to Invastars of pap ties pilichaalng for ra-aaJe. 617w:if H. EC, Eirtatimr..Caishler. PEOPLES! RATIONAL, BM Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid in IC1;000,000. with NW' lee of $2,000.000. rafting as coital." min AND WOOD =WEST& TWA Beak, combed tinder the National Rtnn hz, Smelt; .as nom at prepared to trammel mutants . ILE . Etan.kian Boo* comet of WOCKI fjoliewah, mg, On, alt ammenble potato on most fevorebte terms, Spectal Keay to, JaCy COO SZ, tot the sate of th e U. 8. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. eartvm. RIM. President F. M. CSCIRDON. Vaihim J. a. rerawatsorir tatter. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH'S, (Nte, EDIJRITL ST • APET .1 DRUGGETS. l el 'Aa I 10 WWII% arOon''''groetrlPt2Airl:ofu" Ilea anortcuent . of every Ihlng In the ( j 1 t ;CARPET LINE ittV c4 l / 1 1 ,113_ CLOTHS ahleh we oilier at b . ; The Leteest ! %%D.& EL McLiALLILIME t r j Ir I 0r.4 :131 rourza STREE ?g • I'CARPET STORE E ARE DAILY RECEIVING OUR NEW sow o C 1L B P.E.Ar oth moms, wathow serAuEs. Dpu ooLN2T_ L orroN rai ms. ia -0 E DS - and ut c itfat OLOT A AS, t .IitaLLSEC, .12EIPS ANit lACIE WINDOW OtritZtaid, OtnnPriting at gran tidat nieds, and desirable, Cab we sate. I * It;.PITiaR PRICER MI/114RD &A CIL I Nt, "./4,4nd 73 Fresh swot, Next to tae Matra States tlattom llouseend Pasco mos. oat ,BOOKS, A.LBTIVES, Bzo .BOOIEBI .8 1 40g.13 1 _ Isbcratr. °reit Mardi: • ..; (4 1 1 1 1 44 3 snati'kn.' D " Pr ' .Extlastalta itestiriust= ttles; • I,lll abnel.SXkai . •• !,?.100,01440.1- Eta Irows4 area: :an 1:14-011111 42‘;0 rti*;LVa moms t—zbi leureolo aa tutu', "fettee. Counters, also .Usnew s Trizoatoge, Sawa,' d itortotialiptltter Wholimale or litetalt atth e Oil COt WPM VO. 7Y &Jul .23 St. Clots woe :AO J. It U, . +el AD .3 I /0 ,,•,.„ iE , tl —ll I.N 'l' ii fl . "'" -: " : " --- - - ----.... • A k R A ii 1 111 E. ENT.—ENT. raa. ek..nl. et a --TWELVE DAILY TRAIWS' yru ."..-" Wa sad after Idetni./.11. IJa ably iet:a Latz . 1 / I ,leavo ebe. Valet' kaiiwave n r ,A L ..,)Z2 0 9) Warblawl on haid 'Liberty greet., as ri:6l.w"-r 0f mel tai . lit.s*.PailY itzg"4 4 " 24 .1 ."3.. 2 -S O. l ontlag at Jeltenmen,Oaddraulleuvaleltuo. altootta lad an, kyttilitta It:Steak aid coari atilst,ss dant eselsas al leavelabarg for Now Teat, !Stith:are laid dystahladtaa..imal e.`raUndslater tat now liltade Beaton nad !uterine...teat* pole.. • A LIUONA AMILLTLALCILkiatux. "Lally eiltspa l '''...d.vs at: riae , .a- an. eoppetag • lit-let-fenalat Otatloill between Pittaburgh • and Altoona, and *saking shwa eadeneettan with ka1.....„ ..... ..13. dli 1,.... 241 .....V1L &Ana; Well Prailtplyinli N. ~ _,..•,.......:".". ' Ciftion it E-. aha 110 nIdayilitin neuter. • ..• YaTTSETITiOn 2. Elan- rtml,,- dathe ea. '. rept susiai; attti - i. Arc, 'ltorrsat, pelyatAblita,- Instltli. Gurus, nlranatt. allk. il l: °a . 01 '. done,' nt‘aluf theent '.,coaneettott it ttarrttoillt" New rmar Et Itlmore.:Lat ,, lWWlluatton, - L 1, prAlLAMMlTtiitariu3,i4oir. egeeptvgiiii., da3f. at it, • strt...nt.litOtrptit it ell teguese sta. rate., beaten - Parediu:t.ey Id 'Yearrhaalrg, rail" ins 6 ormeetlaik wit:rerun:id ICE! etaiqurr and Cle..n Antal iS, ststll.llll.lsyslim Nantes& P ULLADIXEIJIA:EXPItt....% del!, at 44SL c. , dellearat at ,Lattobk.iPilissillainttntietton Johtrtiww, Onneznatele.thilittati.'eXciana. Ran. ..y . tingdox, Lerwstosso. - Idultat, Netspoets-atityss - ' vllliy Bareletran, Lsessaitetc.airr 700Watattelelli.; At Harristrasa +erect Connections am Falitt• (Cr New :Vork..,..,Etittlstnest,ard ' , Waebtaxwei, .aas • at Ilttlieilpityka. New Yora.lloston Asa Ware rvediatapolutea SteeernirOnra nun tarourn on able • train from Plttatmeeb to Pl.l 3 ndalanne_aint: 43alta. ..- mere. and ta.Nsw.YDratb9 the Allenk , Wltiaits..- JCilliSTaltta Atx:ttamOlY,S;TiWt. dany. aut. 3 1 T. Sway. at a.S.Tp. at., airltOppelV ail seism - t Gnus between Pitutwer aft and LO-wassegataLa a• nee elag atliparart, itridtrearettntorLth.realnao Se Indiana Itranee and IVellll llalista.lvantanan ~,,, , FAST IsTNE, daily, except tiaidep r .iiitio..P m., stopp taw ozdy it Conianitati. Slallitze_assitt Cos..: ni, Huntlnplob: LinAtitovra.,llfletstJesiwaitt Unryseille, italststque.:,llildalertcnena Kra Itewneteyienaa, I.4.4l,l•CanantialattoVAt --, . mat ter New "Tetra. Battalions aid. Was/Ml:tea ~,,,,I at phusjelphi s , Ins Eitaw:Yoli, Hostow.sait ea:gen:radial. Neter.,... 81 , aidaz !cat. rtyre„etyeagn to this el din t. ,Palladelphla; laid 14'1"7ita , Yuen' ay the Allentown route. _ nave ,aiwuntaltwianou Teen Tbe lYalrontation itilVell daily (except Supaigt at La} ...it. - Se...onid Ageoustuodsllott Trills fop Wall's,..Statton 'cares daily (execpt Sunday) atte al a. in.. - • • Third Acciwaraßilaeloa Train loc.:pal/la Statics .., have. dtaty (pane Senulai Iteva. 3:IN re.. ,t YoUtta Atwontmodation Train far Wit/IStatles leaves daily everspeStandayjatel.<*p.en. Atatacm.mastaa for V.= Starred, d_h - Pplara.i all .tationi between Mutate' :and. , Ketell• A. • The elbaveh Tran. leayesWariStatn. GYM Sunday at 1.,n6 s. P. , nu d /wetter Gil l'lt ant at. l" .5 a. n'. neaten's , leave. Pleteetare, at ItAltl a ea and garters at Vera StatjpEr.f a 2.0119 V. 11. _ UtYRBF-NCI, 19IILDOLTil Returning 11,111.111117111 n Plttstittitte no talloMi.re le sal._ 1.2015. ID. pen Lice ' ' Pan Well . * Station •Ateommala £OO iii. in. tat.. &25 5. 56 Penn A eeoitimpdatlon.' ' ' es 7.50 a. . to m. Second WWI... Station Awommodatlon 850 a. Johnstown Aceommoa a. ttlon .... 10.05 M. Pititburgh faLlte Mall • Ittiti p. mt. Baltimore Exress Tiara Wall • S tation AccOmako . l.lol2.. 945 p.m . Pktllnale/phl" Enpre-aa _ 111. Fouttii Via./14 stat on naeommoostlase. es* p. nu Altoona Acestonsodltlon and Reidgriers ULM p. ens An latent al the Exteislor.thstoßsemCkimpanT - win pea. Cretan's each Math before resettitg Ma /repot, tate up eureke wed - deliver titggago to any part of the city. Odice No. CO Penn nicer, open .y and siltilit, wham: attordwrintlilimenciTmosont of psuengers and baswisivlß recePreprionpt. Ws tuition. Battlmorcoxpsen win AeltlM Clap'.ggl i Ex_ press at 2.30 p. m.eui Mond. o. ' , . NOTICE. —ln ease of bis - kir 1-.tcuamar leill told theraselmes Mecialiudblo Pee _PeniMal .41Vieli only, and (Of as amount not eseeedint:ll/0. u i ma rn. At the PEDELITIIMEI,Ot mid .W. IL atiLl. Raiirg sEcucwrglyt• Station. on Liberty Wasigettomliteeetit 1865 . P/ T TSB URGHONAffin COLUMBUS AND CINOLNINAiIi,AiLao'I' The Gnat Short lase Route vta PITTSBURGH, PA, TO COLUMBUS And all .he principal Cit:es, 21 0NDAY, OCTOBER 91,14 1985, Teethe leave sad arrlse at the UMO'4, D4P,in ea follow: 2.1 Q it..¢l.; 231.1 n, Mail— ---_.7no ; 3.oaci.as. Express 46 D. Ma 16.25 Accommail "MECO a. at. Gen I Tiekoungen Stenbenitillei u. li. aurtizase4trou,. Ticket Agent., Union lieyot Pltlabatirt. 003111. 1 3tITT 8 / 3 1.J110.11, Fr. o aggsm I WAYNE A UNICA HAILWAS, OLEYSLA4N rmitt, sysoa miteno.tp. s-i-7.1" thiumforattri.'" On end atter fo llo w s may ILA wo laws ws wal etta ) llows. viz Leaves o 1 VW 1 Fr r itt AbluzhiChkagoorilenrolond. vrosepp tlrphOLi....-.....210 a st. -a. 11. I._ ' 'lto a. l' •• - ........ 1 7 uo a. ot. • • For New Castle and Erie LSO a. I. - 411 ' 0 :a* • .>: arrive at Pirnalii W .Q. aidi 2.20 a. to., &Sep. a, . at., 7.15 a p. at.. U. tr. P. E. K -t tea. as., 1.15 p. m„*arp. nk. . Aookarzonmos tows. Leave Allerpreur. _ New , - Beane& I New f jektal Brielioll. ter. i Owls. lEconeesil mile. *moo. m., 2.1 f p.n. , 1 .enp.a1. 1 10.14.w.. Igit p. Mee a.m.; Lot p.m -i 1 I 7. 1.00p.r0 , , AM!" It allsturo .aa y—P. F. VI: Si O. Sipes us a- In., ail is: ix, tau 0.43 Li Lbe am. and 12.20 6 4. :r4 C. lir.% 144A11. • attar° • _nmet a. 44. OA u W.L.W..R.8F1 . P. •ittirnmoimeis — ltaut Aso Pri . tautt C olcif 11"- -Arid Ataatmtf.l""vlitialligOli - . 04 :, 1 '": ir,!ittli Art:iijlid ' .. Oa mul after MONDAY, ir a 3 M,Vita, Mal erwas win ~.. the Depot, emu? c4 , ElOlOf au was. etteeta, u lollown zesive Ant - sa xutabrmai. hrial C 9 mg thal raw:down. 134 a, sa; issev. ai. EtPr°o " • IMP. X. Ulm ; Y om . First McKeerport, Ae o oPOn...llloo a thb -ISO Ai a. 8,,,,,,,,,d . . ....:. &la pos, SOS mt el. Mat Itradiaok's a . IsM Secood .r...,.. M. Sunda/ Ohara ...... to, ..aa . • 2! Cram McKeesport .. . ..... .. M301,,M0p510 n"kket"9Vi: stini4Actua,.. ... •'' w. a. swotrx,Supoo**.t.:: ' A LLERELISNIC 'VAL. laftg ami ..a. LEY RA ILEOAD:-. 'GE OF 1132.E.—On'axavaltar MOMDAy 4.24 Jea az mettger tratuta)l.l4 tai maatimo elutes tatlows r.. • . .1 .1" . , ,:;,. . ....- , MAIL ESAlll.—Leacca Pittaoaraa at laa a „it autylag at Kluaaalag at 11 5 00 <IL 1 0. :1 144.1 13 . 1 44 ".1 ttRlll/4 at a Vi - P. 2, ... A r r/ , T* ' a t ‘111 4.4b*!4, 111-Z r ELL ' EXPRZBS.T.W.Ani+//tilttli 81 t Lea -113 t i. lo a, t=113141 1.1t4tma4,.;...-4..F.„,,...,* A t 7-I QzeroDATiort TRAM.. TALPar: 043,1 a craras at Aso a-aL, atilsetlapatinuabarchatttOGai, .!a. Leans Vittabarga At .zoo,p. nutigablai ti 1 qii.bezbetai et 41.16Ju M. ' • _, • • .I___ . ,!, - . '.•, : g, "*0 E-WElGar,Zililliadaak • - _ _ PAINTERS Jamas a. z0z0....:011111.A.u.r.i4t050r DortAal LONG. : /ANA CO., . . . 13Iditlittgratb ./r01;14,41:62231f. , rro, St*Pittobitrati.' • x.rnsiaNci tat ''ALL Anna j /*a* p r i o avukadwite - unitirpused4de gans , - wirEt..I3BOW vaaDs saw at ALF oo3onyaadCULTtitaN3 OZASIZE pada to °Mat sent to 841)iittli talreouatere 110TOULataal$IGN9 otottrAtaMl shistarw 9 rov l TlVAlNTinaZdoar mime .iiniaidisw: EiggilryirbSntiatlynt Cam stod soatary ItataL 42. 47 :44!r0tk at rsaaoasal• :ate*. • gefla,r I I Tra . .TAM a BROW 2, • (ratitortas Amor asoiririmosioira trotnim i tai, if XCiZi'j.AtOtjz* Ortikisrioribi of Ttaresid Mirth " _Errismiteti; _ • Wit 111%1100 &do Amoy Qt PftfittoffE, of 1.2% - UNITED STATES Pki: ,Also,- iw Bill • 'ad Ey* Vonvitztp:•,, micadmaix Dmizaitaiei) 3olaiis '6l' L. VAT, 'Ar4 tO".l7s'silfiV 414,5441,1.1'1 ltiekthit iOttfi,Pwititto '1 eigAlLlT:4l,3{Ttrlo4.lt44l n v adoovarepiqew • -- .9 7,. - -, - ;•, - . .. , i ' "Ay :14NISChtUalltS.0t.C.00E .r, .7 . ,-,. - .. . : '''' ',C, ... .. Vadlik Wang .:. =l'7 ..7'''''.: ~,* .., , tiCO, 1, enl"4l-•-• :Patl4(;; j ''ra'Vettlteele; .-. I: ~.. 1 -I ' • -", lgtrlll ea ll '•N do' ''.;. bidg..ersabitrinti.; . : : 1 1 ... : 7 ..-.... NWeshig!,.. il 3 42 tgalf b)4,210 . 1-- - --_ '. • ~..io EQ ,w 11,114. ~ j,l,- $ L '... , ,4" 1,,14,07 sroutr_- - .„,._ ~„ . , ~,-, ..... t, • .- HothuheienzoFbs,,47lvrik....o •:, ari (~ L:,.:. :- - .. ,, : -.l ^ ' "_ t„ robe" Lc= - 'A st o r ti ,i iii a tn s ,Ppteakpa a . owl as. cup .G ,ga# 4l °w 6 f '24"41 wat. ammillsr7l. Rama= Wm. .14.104 14;tinic eirO WA,,tfc*: ,T9ob Lawn ~ 4, tp11:05: r vso 0110.0. qcss• t St y • el 41 0 1,1.0_, c...»." ,-;;[:17 AILIIOA:1; 7 3 (11 1 1C71CNALTI IA 1718 V LLLE, L.NDIANC6N,Lrn, BTo Loris W ..T AND ^.OIIY'FI•SVE 1=1:12=1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers