41iltsburgit eautit: !LPostanst, , ?BS num rißitsmo eikicinfol NONZUBER '1; 1565:4 -MAUSof LoaD PALSIERSToN. TatflialiteinTtear4MAiliP.OZtniitlfr intelligalcoof the death of the most etni sent man in Eng.s' adhoh for his versstil • ity and greatness of to eats, and the impor. tame of the political IMiuttice WitiCh 49 lair lde fig Oars: - Sinai the gfriiejtits . sudden and violent death of Sir Robei: Zert, iiii4lucV slots hafbeen sustained by -=„ * Ast prAor ilgost9ttAtlte Nel A trt.ttil44TiCipiAto and death, stoma a consciousness that the void Is can that iikenot-hofedly supplied by any successor 4, Mil be chosen from ;Mang his colleaguesiVt b thought thit Eajb, 11 U y f tuckFed ,tho doceascd . stafe. ; hale ;cants& inherit!the cosolden= which wuteposod in the itt. ter. Russell is a mast efllkient timbalte rt, 1 Put has tilwaralletinlitble,to blu der When 's.. be attempted to lead. Dexter° but not 4 deep: slucyd, but riot foresee g, he 6 ':!' 4 : E.ParlititigC-KAILUPPAV I /1 off: s talls, but i/wot in choosing and carrying o t a coin. ptelosiveschene or policy; y t into hl . Mita Vlb IlkelY to:ilattc the con of tire a train of ,Engle d, snd t . 491. too. at a in ec -1 - Lae etbeSlititaa, in thecktia6tY of Fir. ! eign Secretary i cenkmittociAtatsalf• to apo • sition, in teepee to the 'pending difft.:unty with this country, which is regarded as no. lenabln bysa49lrgt4ftretPeetten of,: the E-`ll - itefitViineetieit Of (be long and ever active life of Vie t` count PALIIEREITON we can only allude to few leading points. Thum in 1784 Of a nb ble family,he was efinnated at Cambridge, • AnalifsktitiltaKyafrir coining of ago catei, • ea Into poll teal lite Lind for twenty year upreEented;Cumbridge in Par: iament,durins that,time,qberinktopn't og party : ,sy apn the enine into power, in ltki, lie not • led with iligiiqnliteirtizaano of the reform eincettiat tiine.ne isiurniltoented ' , era! prinuipl• IP 1835 he was appoint:ad gotega iiiir'reilirprustdlstinguished himself .bulas ability is dlplomacp, ,T3e celebra • ted "iittadruple alliance" in stipp3rt of the Turkish Ente_w!is his work. Ile was re-appoLniati-liktte-rame odiceln 1846...nn , -der Lord RUSSELL RS Premier, the prevlogs Interval being spent in active oppoeitior! in Parliament, - to Park's admit:dar:dim: , dialcultv with his coliesgnes led to his dia. missal by Lard •Rassam, and strong indnekments were __offered him to re unite Wi.h 1140 ...Tories He adhered to his liberal principles,' howiyer, and soon after entered the neW coalition ministry under LORD AnszanEsiac, as Home Secrete ry. The inefficient action of this ministry in the Russian war occasioned its fall and the elevation of Palmerston to the prime .ministry, whirl he held, excepting for a ; • :shortlnterval, nail the' time of his death. Diving this period - he governed with an ability sad-success unsurpassed since the , time of the first Pitt. The people of Eag. land showed !bedr appreci atlon of his ser- . . then. CE3 by theaced majority othls support ' era returned to Perhadient, at the late elec tion. his henith was then falling, but he took an IteaVe part in-the canvass, and sus '';a tallied the reeponaibilijies of his high ()tripe ' till :be last, an extraordinary example of v'ior in extrem-e old age, alter a life of con' stunt and areln,"ifeeler F 7.1 LUlt CI OF 134,1IEDIATE R ECON.. STIIIICIIOII. • -We lasme...lj• ...leak - Tame epooceo to i....- mecilate Reconstructiob; considering that the Southern Sates-needed a longer pro bation and were riot-Jetty for re-admission 40 the Union, the old, rebellious feeling be • Ing as prtrinec.nane-as ever. The Caton ' State Contention, whim' mominsted Hirt vsAerrr and C isiriikty, took precisely the came v i leW k and uErf 44.5 . Issue the canvass was carried to eacceisful eonclasimi. There were many,-toweyer, who were desirous af--_givimr, the :rebel-:Staters a full chance to show CI retuning sense of loyalty, • bt / f9llO, conseellpg • to,,,iihot, them put ; and theselhave williuli spid, Itaited;, : auxiouslY o ' for the evidence of - that repentance and rd. pewediesay wh'elt was expected from those to whom the C;::yernment had been so gen- , tromp. Tile waiting and vra;ching they itavpkeptwroutil fitut3;jiatorsdnally f cine by tfii'Alit'S' glee ftfiNifild admit thati the confidence reputed iu these unrepentant • rebels,hos..keen sadix.misolsepd.. -, Tie coerce of GOv. PERRI', of South Carollna, In cle4otu.cingthe Congressional 'Stst,-.oath .and 44.00g:111/g a Black Co& , Texas Stale; the election of WADS Rote- TOR, a .conquered but ansubdued rebel, to succeed him; the election of lit ISFEDET4 and ALconv - in Mississlppli 'le choice of etch tatniS . k././ J U. IL fiquarry , : to Congress, ' -111\1i : elite; lite healtation about rerndla ' ling the rebil aim—A these have contrib gtte4, Art , tiqing quottt,thts feeling. The, pee ** oilarge faith begin to see that it is idle - lID "NA gr,apek: from, thorne, or to look for figs hem thileGs: klia'd tree; it is now play, cannot bring forth good fruit. ' . - "Last - Ince, sayalfoonn A. Pr.von,"the • &tab was wllllng to conced6 everything— abolition, taxation ; -universal suffrage, and IrweTereisethe...Gesernment chose to de "riiitt;'lntgsf,-We fie4MV - lt - we stood on different gronnet. ~Witivl7- 1 34nply because L the linficfeii them shown by the North • induced:lhr ,m4„9 - I . lp — .4ge: tat theypeed not cot celde aridget back into itititinlC4:fv4444al l l l s4: : . ,Pence, the - 401.elaiii - oflhe 6,,:ielth, , front. being , humble .141t0ife:Mte , iT-hnitslieninini. iniolent la:their 414afanidAleiatn.f4kerrniof their return I .4 l rill;i? .6l' ,4cePliag trim:: . . - ~'lVlitligg,..therefereto leaks up to the ' `46ciiiki,Mek:lT-A0 .real : loyalty in the AnflOnfl /L gusted of admitting -the ' rebel hales heck I !pip 4.lte * triton they , intiat-he: remit t.f0714„8., (Cgitol;l4 COI:O4WD, "lititirAbetlA4 . opio -- Y,01!0 educated', into t _plow a tit rptio'nOf their condition and ' dealer. . - -' C., i., _ A... .. . II an e, i.lenco, of ;he changed feelinF • among Gest r 11 , l o t were so hopeful for the better. ' are cite do. folliatving from the Al tlailit'ren:',,s .fi--,-nal Referring to COO. lreltyleunetatson of - the teat oath, it says: -.. "The lest.o,}4,- wag enacted by Congress as a safeitnnfd,-and-ia , clesigtted to be held as a re4 , oyer, the i Soutit, to compel thit to coo. form Itelollry to at Of theTederal Go -, ''t , rll:ffiebt , riltiflig-44-tdisntGiron,tlG4r a' . contended thary peithonteome ,ntch P , the Rebels irate beaten might merely ofriltie)Fn ll2 44 e1i.J.1.t4 4 ,4 1 l ••tror , tot . thuria,loins, come - ' kit ontrol , thei poll 41 , the• , - r j , i • StrlY , W4setlrei,CtEc'ileh: k iwi g i urged:oo:64las , ariieirsl3 - 0 - 0 olf, Gerellon and ~fainbk.trertrailink - , ~ • t - ****Ltitheirs - ' ' -ovinv in i, t eAttuot ----zadosr_ineldalf , azo dp • i - eireitaLlie • Lij?t.......Untilthese tuNahrogated,theis *co ..• "rllteltarla-D* , . 1 .4. considered. Calarae •:, ZirinepabiS4' ivill isint- bole ' i i, j is4 , -.4. rillibriinia:vreittgdAtelee ''-',•7tordeliiiiirAii,iiin'an:addreali trejleensd , W-- • lloro:ttieni • Ake :tither' •dityi . *tereaffY..")ald c''llarietirsthatihne tha;PietteritileotiltinnilY .. iiiiltipriefer the restoration or civil . ..lw lin t litgam Gesolias,_taiii - cennot .t _iCepOrit 19. z foradadatriboara4la tontrnl toUtionitlts ;.• until, subiUntiiiil *tiatitritees.liatte;'b n . e t ---- • thief( Lthillthlreesiniazu will be eetttred all the rights to which he let entitled under his changed concliticin..• 'Governor -Twat. gni sheother statesmen_of the la , e insur gent COnamonwealths are very mu -I mis taken if they suppose the test oath will be rescinded, until the South has Oren emu' I;y for rams gcod behavior. We feel en tirely see Lttpiiclicting that not a member from Carolina will secure admission upon the floor of Congress, so long es the laws now in existence remain upon her statute buoks." Retetsing. also to the election of . WADI: riustrosr, It inrttrentsyrs: • "His election Ina:agreeably significant, as &bowleg tharthe rebel - spirit still domi• La • ce in BotoVerolins. Hamptokh OM& been cioscn Governor, and perry pro. nounctint agaltisHeit Oalls and Ti favor ef' of e black code,- .we probably. must cease_ to hop for the choice of • men ' like Gov. damn snd„*..,flii,ra to thell-9. Senate, Unlit the Palmetto Conimonwesith has bette:iiiMaiderahly mots 'ketionstruetc.V! lie Philadelphia Press, atiiiding tcio 1110., in.Ylent,denticiation of the teat oath. by GovernorPEßET arid L. H. H. STUART soya! • "thee different thing to ask for the• repeal or modiflattlon arena law enforcing tbincondltlonal Covenant; hut, when" th e y come with words offififult upon Weir lips, charging ripen the au Nora of tide leglabv- , ton =pitting: hilt a ellicure • dnotic% tO patriotic ditty, they only proem the% their arotesslons of loyalty' are filet:hoods, and that they are unworthy of the confidence of the Goveill.03001." • "Occasional" b evezumoreilmphatle. In ditcussing the course of the Northern Cop per/lead lendeta;-he anys: ,`Tht 3P.M:the shameful and 'open profit- gecy Of n number Of thO Isordoned leaderi of. the rebellion, in rekard fo , Lho rebel war debt and the congressional oath. They ad mit in private conversation that this profli gacy Should keep all mea Rattly of it out 01 Congress. And yet the Democratic tare not had the coura:ge or Pitn qooil le We to sat an meth in pultlP, and In do elate that then , ungrateful men have shown thenmetres ttna,rall of the inny,, iniotts treatment they Late reee;red a the &yids of Pr'estdentJohn..on. .Intelligont men will re fear to act with party chiefs who hava'attid farewell to everything like discretion stint smtesmanship. What interest 1199 any A merican 'citizen in . votingLwltle patitictpas whn are silen t before, the recent-acanialous awl treacherous conduct of some of the rBbel leadety. Datvrtthstanding they have received the - forgiveniss they beggedlor at 0;6 7- hands of the Erecntive?" THEJI3pILER OF rue MT. doIIV. In another column or this Issue will be found a detailed account °film explosion of the holler of_the St. John. We give asEiv,.. s .4,4litional intoimation regard to the matter. The baler Seat lan Match by Crowbaltbs Theal),. of "New Tork, and-was Pasl 3 ,Tted. Yy titipector Harper, and iif*ltif4ed able to bear a preestire of thlrty , fiye ponndi of steam. It burst under a iimisnri, at affirmed, of only twenty-eight ppruida. These are the main points In the story-of the AecSording fo the evidence . of Mr. R. Km°, of Ithaca. printed In-the liewa'orit Iferlfd. the engi neer on ilutf does not 'Wear ta give been in a condltlmito know earl4ng Or tile Pres sure on th . e.l4le . r. ltriOtlng's sistementle sabjoitted : . "Et bent half past flixt \o'clock I :passeel the engine. room, tend sate a young man seated theleapmently_ next, passed to tha , - barber f/4 0 1 1 ' kind 'laud It clodid; flrtrobrci itinfiatv them ,patOng cog remarked.tliatit would be awinl if the boiler _Should -eiplode; was fertrlbl on account of the great 'seat from lite - fires; about half past six passed the en gtheroom and saw the.man still apparently asleep; he was a young man; I think not over seventeen years of age; went out upon the guards; about a quarter to seven o'• clock by my time the explosion took place; lvn.wcre just abreast . of Hoboken. I vis ited the engine rooitt times. within the hour from hall past five to Italf past six o'clock, and taw no attention Whatever paid to the machinery,' as the young man each time was in the same positron, retain ing_ln a chair, apparently asleep." ThesttranteT xarrert long ago b;c w up, on the Hudson; her machinery- end oilers were shown to be very old—but they had been duly Inspected ''as the law di rects.". So had this boiler of ,the Si John been inspected ; bu' it also burst.. Ageln, read In the TtWe.' report : “The damage to the steamer is trifling. The mthin—indeeelthe entire hull-18 in tact, not even sidoari , of.vraer having en tered belew..; but .4/I4el°°flis Non, 119, 121 and 1.2.1, ontlieupper or:Saline -dock, th, rooms dirretty orer the port bqger arc a wreck and sta.e.rcom No. 46, on the second story, NI7I. "aln and, .121., 19, eon elder:tidy sbattcred. The wrod and Iron work near the point of the explosion is aLto shattered. Bea aside from this, little Injury hat been The Coroner onght to ascertairritilethcr passengers can besafely pat over the heif ers. These spaces in, all ; riverrind Sorted steamers, so far as we know, am used fo`r staterootalVtind-plit: off by the clerks upon unwary passengers, who discover when it is to* latethat they are to be stewed all night—and perhaps; as in this case, blortn up in the morning. So long as boiler in spections fail to disclose flaws It would be much better to put the engineers and their assistants In these state rooms °Yee the b)11- Finally we read In the same report one St. John's boilers are built on hen guards, about reldships, and rest on the cabin -.deck, whereon there is a shield, w,hich, in the case of the exploded boiler, prevented the escaping steam from in• juring the hrtil, but turned it off at an angle of ptrbapa forty-five degrees, tending it through the staterooms in the great es oon." ' • • RAILROADS IN PENNSYLVANIA. We find in She Philadelphia Press a corn • Pflailen of facts, concerning railroads, froni which we ,gather that there were In the United States, in. September, 1805, five hue. dred and ninety-three companies, owing one or more lines of railways, of. Which Pennsylvania possessed 85; ILassachuseitei 46; New toils., 44.; Ohio, -28; Maas, 28; lOW ,Jersey, 28; Indiana, 23; and the 1 s7a . .hra State; 101. A.Coaslng . to the return of 1864, Penn. ei t heigilkada all.the' State is ,!he.leegth, of TllllWltYstonapleted.4 - siii , zeporta 0.35 P mum . We give thine next highest %their `,.,„,„,.4fe0---, ,TotatLl renze1ran1a...........;:r4" , ; , P IN, . ;, t gj ii i do Sloo ~ Oho. - -- -kW — luso • MAR GOO Iillools— • -• • • •-•-• —1,71 , 0 31s. '-1 2 ,f4t 7 :0 0 3 Read ortr: --tea ,_2,am . _, ~., ,,, , T .c. , _,/ 11 421 "- ••NI • — 2 4 22 2,195 7i . 2"0,3D wed 10.-,....—.- ....... .1,419 1.419 2 9 8 9 8.0 ,3 0 Ve 1 1140 ,41 .4 . ... .r...• .- - 4313 . - i -M2 - , :42;00%000 MaasiclettSo44l:.--' ' 4 ;001 - - 1 - pee - —em u . = .North Caroltvs—.— 92'3 see 19 ,1 , 150040 01241110/1 1111 yip, . ‘1 ,72,05," While Pennsylvania thus leadi the lift in the number of her railways and in - their extent, It must.be borne In mind that trauo . of these railroads wore. constructed nattily for.oonveying. coal, and that she yet lacks what most other States possess, a Mei. tetteirde'er through road. She has pra . i '„irr, : 9py but 'one through line of goad,-faro ' , ' 1 -111M..tireg,t1-.end-41Pr - liiil* l 4'vitily-ir i; I pifii , :ECPl4ooo. 1 ~441 ,1 ? ii0 - T.43 4, "*4 r , , more . 41p cp4l/400..n of 'the Cor(sialsvl e . 1 raiiiiionili-nipt.y tile lade , Aneput:t e Siete la altrespects alma& of , hes.Compe-• , tom- , :r...z..: .1., Ci :=- .stem -j` porh apealEa_ Rsm i Yi(1414%;4044. 1 Pg 000 1 1, 1 MtPiVitqfwilaeldAffZtelitsia forcels 2 -11eYethest*-1,?Ila Eastern exchange witlbe'plertity.- 0 - I rating7 3 9eMii cci )etter mart:atm 4414 ;he ItidtsfOsVotra beta Assuiniattiloas ItitlittlifeeettgbOANW of the beet r teet w iti steel, and It was harlot that We obstacle called -marl the OPOSete} 4lo4 Grai bur rad. THE4Caw Ileis,ze says It hears' brit ddtirnol - ctiillt - Creport that the spec- , lan re have arid! an imp-easion on Secre• tary McCCranco, and that In Els annual report to Congress he will modify the bold; but iuCrery way correct, position In favor_ of contracting the marrenox,ennuciated in , his ,F=tyfaYrtfrAPeeth. the probably; ho better roan: dation than the fact that the.pecretary will not (bemuse he can't - M)' Mid any more of ths national 11ml :kap, Slarigralfa .n:teets gevmg exhausted his ihnits in that direr. lion he very, naturally waits until ,he is empowered teproteed further by the lee s Wien iiiitecesetry..l Thwpartaa -in -the work of contracUon, thniteilder.ed Imperative is Ached xtrtun'hy UM gem:Linters as their opportuidiy, and they are preparing to. bealege, 'Congisai with importunities to prevent the farther finding of greenbacks. Congress will hardly be allly . .ermegh to play into Awl!. bands,' !he meantline the Secretary wllidoubt• leas coulluie.tho work began hi September, god use U his surplus lends •by rearing the nosy-interest bearing greenbacks from circulation. Over tive.ralllious were thus retired in Septeinber y anl wa lave no doubt the Secretary will- contltne steadily' the good work 'bus hegmx-,- TOE WEST VIRGINIA ELECTION. Au election for members of the lar,is'auturc and local offi.ues, was arid in ,{Vest Virginia on last Thursday. It has turned out such a one.' sided affair that very little inter/an. app.urg to be taken In the footin4 up of the raterns. The result as we learn horn the Wheeling LIM/igen. err. overwhelmingly Colon In Hancock, Brooke, Handrail, Marion, Harrison, Taylor, Preston„,4organ, Berkeley, Upshur, Tyler and Itoodngalln, counties,- -and the State has given a heavy Union s _orojorlty. Tire infqlgeareT,,, 'in the course of an editorial an the .elcctiocti rays:The Demeenald party wasdefeatedere an Thertddy bevailteflineltilit {be Male that' ' oughly dtstrusted fatare'pollcicia . .riccoaat oiltg Past:record. - Thetlute pow the worst ant, evienta of V* arianizatioa ever known In the colntry,. 710 apologet or. eaetisaa can t:uthloily deny. it le not worth . while for any kurnaliet or .speaker to be sbuslye to arar,:s It. All :hat charily can rightful• ly ray In Its behalf, could not and.wla ept alter 'he facts as they and out before - the mind. The party is indelibly stil:red_ with the, rebellion. With oil the amends It can and does sect, eraccrely sad Insincerely, to - vaska. In the Way of nominating golcUen „Fit agaplicaeatiag the President, Vs old - . sdbCreat~ are hat very partially convilleted. piawlatte bad It achieved saneness hides thor claps of the. war. All the Staten have voted it derfe; .Atter blab* tried, all along the I the bilhe hopes of findlartua trance to a re/adorn: tharbaperl ment t haslalled: And It will fall. mere - Or lass decidedly, clear . . thr,regh. Protlir.alli : it le an alien party. la the loyal, Rtatea. The tapes of the leaders exaseandwlll be turned tonne south ern Bates. Whether they will stuigeed there as la former tiates• no one cats new eat deal will be owing to the , neV, Coupe% - , • A.-.-FEB tmlr Y. Oar - ermines 0rt044 COEtali i sadly letter e:sting Account of ,a terrible steataboalallsaster, on the Hudson river, opposite the city of New Tort. Thet Albani steamer 4„ . .10hn,, on her arrival near-that city, was theacene of a fright ful calamity, by which .h te.a.peranns were Instant ly pled, sad lancet - terribly wounded. As the sta pas gier ak neat:leg thi Qock , Vac North my ex. 010:alike trot4eti• ter boiler exploded, blow ing away several of th e eta:term:as and either kllhtg or scalding all - the inmates. In regard to the cause of the accident, the Tribtme rays The only them of the ex plosion enzgcsted In our report Is that It was occasioned by a defect In the Iron of the boilers. The engineer of the boat, James nook, mauls that he way parrying not more than twenty- seven pounila of Skim, thirty-Live portals b2lng the allowed maximum. Of course, I 1 Is not to that inc TA . CI Li is stated by the engineer. Should it prove to he, it will be come an Interesting question how much value is to be attached to an laapector!a and what guaranty of safety the pa bile have on any steamer whatever. If our boiler-makers are In the habil:of nalpg "sand Iron," described as 'an inferior, brittle kind if Iron, 'need for cheapness' aake, Rudy such boilers can be pot la to inch steamers aethe Bt. John, we might as 'well travel on rid:stays." PUBLIC NOTICES Fqq. 3147013. OAPI 41 i a at,. JII,LAYS,,oI tha Serentll Wert, m at. so.oaiooto for M tyoß, .&j ot to tn. no - alum-log of the Goiaa party of the city of Prtiaturgh, Lobo held prior to taw peat cttp elx tror. •olt IC - - - _ eTUCKLoIOLTS'IrJUIrEt ETINO. Or ns .TON F w. y . , ? .PTISatRal 2Bth, Mit A meeting of the Stockholders of the Josea' Terre Company Will , taker piece oo MONDAY, iveratter Mb, et It/o'clock • . ■m., at the OF or A. D t U. piL.PMITH, Vrat.4, etmet, Pltu burgh, at erhteh time and plate ao ELEC . , 11011 FIR DlSEUTtniele to serve tor the minting year. wilt be held oc3Chltd . 31 FICHSEL S,Vret.r7. THE RIATOBALTT......M.III.IS DOH ALDEON, Aldermen of the Fourth Ward; at the solicitation of friends, has consented to of. low his name to be used In connection with the next Mayoralty, .d will be a candidate subject to the direct r ote of the people,' In ItedMianee with the recommendation of the hut Ilepublloaa B.!untaipal yotiveytioß, otida:to NEW ADIMIT/ MMMN'I"S4 QOBGHIIM STITITR-20 , choice Sorgtosin just Anointed /Ad for sale by FETF.ER re illtatsruuxo. not corner 'Market sad First sts. CIDER-8 bbls prime Sweet Cider just recciVed qnd trAv i k, mini:llloN6, 101 tom: Mattel. and Fine sts. Tr OMINY-10 bbla. Flint Eicaday mat receiytd anti rostrata by FETZER 6. StabISTItONCI, not corner Maskirt and Pint Bts lorraca BLOWTOTATOBEI. REO eIV ED this 441.Z4Cl Bartell of Lake Shore Peace Moor rotatocs. Alan one car load la bulk.. For . . _ tale by VOIGLIT tr. 00. Pittsbaigh, 7To• - •. - 1, 1166. HANK ANDINBURATICE STOCIS.— Avvesz .A.TigyEffiNG, opeoerpto, 45 , eleek,w111,be ied= l eet e,of the yarn. Ineseliteatee,BOVe Wed. PPP ge It , tIMPPI Alflea,,Lthk Prdi int •44 0 4i.r.0 0 ;q:. fgagal . Prig; • . •to do 1 "gtosit'tioiiilortrnitito oeit • . • IiteIAWAINE. Auerr. - - 1 - 1131301:OTION‘ OP ,PA.HT N !II P. —The' patthezihlti btrntOtore existing eq. ,leteen - o.l3Migielanzd :WC 0114DE8. Goole. el.ttoness,ares dissolved - on the lab last., us M.. earseme,.. - Tes-biudzim wAI be ',Mal by WILLI/4.81 tr.,UODES. _ . RROPES. (succegeor to STAMBI V abd7arale:tlearai-12 Frutt#, Ruts, Usadles sad Coal,e4,lpnadf sn o b= --TVirdd szaitVeitatreat. p LL 0W el MANUFACTORYThe ntlen Ott beltaitatrillitztea tin knair drm mit ornamented the work Or • • • 3141iILTA(.7EBIBI4A /04 , 1 , 0 WS. No. 19...„`Birtrefittlai!Alleellemy City: Where the teifa k ielilitein tette on the most toa 40nahlo.te rms. - ALI ardera.promptly attended to araTaLlilliamomrArieghend CUL/4 P, addredn ocaldwd .tic radi at 4_ ta CIA; Box la, Allgontlixa.' e BAMAYANA (BLOOD 00101 ) ,ftiz .Iteidet • Werttalaveipettl9 KEEtO 9%.8111117.51/1.2 • ILIteDYBP 'lTtligtaAac r e Tows tt revives tbtaVrstrytl. tette= ttsalkoumstoreittPa sad It stets bete to prove virtu ..'P6realirbpa. eat= roanerox.in JAmentrittzoltedlaki and Iratel.pVel 4. - Alanitm LOArjr- roll clouDi4 A-f TRY SEATS FOR . atate 'on Bsor e Le) stn rozratne e %M i l= ambediaistatf a, iftiltatiantiritiall lin • to...fg-. 1 . e=v7-4,r4____ A irt. '9,Wtzt,!' 'p, , ....,- 1 4,l=inr.. .. .-liiiiii,"ftw*. tpl 15 atresmsEnr• I I ; • 47. ' Og!"- t ikl. ;3 u4 s aVr I T I M I '! d t , bl Natifit. t ,rpa r inos...niseawl OAAAUS4IISb 15 , 05,9915 n9 4 *P 4 1 311& CA... . ...7 -- t......_ a ~ ,. :-.1 . a ,i....64.17r 1177 t. 0 . ' -(4417-"??'`t'49l•-V, r , •.•,1 3101118T , CfOODS, No. 55 WoV 51rat, _ .to C., , .15AalluNdl Ales. Pittennra. r,i4n. Vc.reeMtAW PAPAIRS - 0-4usA • for Sabr at No. 101 lirst*tArt i st . JOS. B. 111:1043 NEPAT. I U;IV.ERTIB/MSIIMTS rOll BALE, 11 - 101111" PRlntre• I; MR ream of to acres, more or les., la Nishelsors TerstishArostlannt_y.2e..krios ts. as the .443zoster ram! lath Closl, Hower, Berm Cerfosrfl, Eugsri erl One of the beet oil prospects' an the vidnity, Han, opeleg Implements, _sod other ants es nog netaid — Day of ello, - 11E , CENBEwsTir,-, ter& am:4SM , JoaN catortze. 07171C1 EVO.ZILA ISM/MINCE UOVPAN'T. PITTB6V 6 ad,-SOV. lit.. ISO. A L N ELECTION ,•• . • • . TOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS OF Tilts CO„ To l•rre for she ungulngyear,lttli held Cl its tArke tu Auglers Bttictsg. Witter strut, on TutuouT• NoTtnabor 14tth 1416, 1.-twain the hoots of imp HURT. . . norldtOr - TARS STRUT, tacIISRLY Ras Wt. Cottr.iarr,l Pirristßon, Novettber t MSS. 1 4r.t . M.ISETIlie O' -T B PrOclholasmOr Tam %omit tine%Rtm 011 Ost.Ptilly 1/111:birti1d thee - Boud AtTrade Roosts, 'Woad street, onTsetday, Novembl4t, leak al so'clatlii.. ZA, tor the purpo/4 At electing calms-for OA As Smart cad S enea ottler.buiditui As may cotne Deßrn= ln :N44 .t, MARSH/mt., SW?. Qemer West - aim liesoasYcit ' Prrtairoana. Oct it titin. A ELECTION POI THIRTENN Directors of this Otrayatyflo Reeve for chi, enittint year. willba held at the oittoe„_/Yo. 93 Wood street, on Tuesday, the Ilib day of Novem ber fit, between the boors of lta. m...aad 2 p. m. oov . WM. P. UK:MAT, seer. I , OOK RE HR, A gsseOlirlely wad well selected dock of £IOIELL.S, PEACH IS; • A ad all lands of CANED FRUITS, for sods by zon U. scatr, At kle New 0,, eery, 9c Liberty it., corner Fatty 83,600 WILL PURCHASE A ?Met MAME HOME, with SIX ROOMS, and about TWO ACRES OP LEND, situated le the village of Mount wash• legion Fur furt her particular. enquire el TOWER, rldrotl toe Fourth Street. 1 0u r - ATIi L 0173 FOR. BALE Front oo the folioed./ Iteedst reLerhat Wee, Pdro street, Vactory street, BaltiOni etreeLSmitta- Cal*, Ridge. Second, Utgo, Walatit ' Sandnaks, s rlfit, South Avenue Sonth Ocrsonon,South Ca stro, rart•s, fa samara, Leseosis, Grant, Dtanionll Libirts, , catnap Deettnr- inot—Legas, anon,Wharton'.W.ytte; .0/talus's, I.lberty It., • llegbent • (Sheryl. various locations. r•• OU tti BERT a SONS, hl/1 . psi .Iturltet street, FURSI'FURSI FURS! LADIES, MISSES AvDCIIILPEENS , 1G - R S The:Larg - st linti Tat rompletr isettilutt EVER oFFEBED IN THIS MARKET, AT MoOORD do CO'S b nol 131 Weed Street. Pitlbibursh. pdPORTANT NOTICII—The ins le the wreathe. awl of Uts Winlady Ap pointed judges on Bowing Machines and Inter, ttonej tha.illthehatty Clonallr. Mete, WU- Th. Judge. are thorough aatpreatleal meo, well itllOVO tp tide eannennlty, belbg Wad:dare and dealer. In maeldnery, their demean ia wetttintaf 006 sidtrattosi. TO TUE PISSEODII? AND blewriona—Gcsilanac We :hose names are annexed, appointed by you MWass on Claes No. id, rendez the followlog rer er, which acCordlng to our Deft Jaye:tent, namely We a ward to E P. Csrpenier. No. >t rink G.. th agent los Wheeler e. WriaonM lllecidne, iirentinni and diploma, Rae t i ts And thorougtronn of cooittuttlon, end la the best machine far lanuly and general purpose*. . We award to Grover h. Baker lint premium sod diploma, as the beet machine for heavy work Yd embeoldery. teignedi }(ogh Eli. Bola Richard !Worrell, Jaredtd-Btuih,Ju. Rt e . Y & Foster,dr. 0i27 THE GRINDER POISONING CASE, Complete in Pamphlet Form, FOB SALES I ALL ENTERPRISING NEWS MMIM=I JOHN HUNT & CO., Publishers, 69 FIFTH STREET, Masoata H►lt arStat, post•pold, on rnotpt of price 1111 - 13 - 11 LINEN 0001)5. WHITE, OAR & CO., 23 'arra s'IIkEZT. La re now on • large stock of YEILY STYPERIO UHT, MEDIUM VID RANTING 'IRISH LINENS PILLOW LINENS, DA}IABK NAPKIN!, HEIII-STITF;HED HANDKERCHIEFS. Three t)oods we have Imported direct from IlikbAND,o/sete they were seteettd for us, ►ed we now offer them for este ►t i-54=01717 X - 10:3 0 SI dlatd EptESB TEMILIN GS, EMBROIDERIES, UO,9IERY, ac. Particular attention la directed to our Wawa of the abote lines of ,goods now befog selected bye,' Ida. WYLLIE; to Now York, mot received daily by dorm's' at tatagnisei Vilthout attemotlad to particularize, Wu will state talitliverytaine new in Oa mutat la befog wetted. Among the EMBROIDERIES WILL DM POVV4 JACPITErs' LAOS TRESIIIINGS, it A 51 %UAW!, LINEN SLEEVES, S - WisS HANDIPTIA, WIEN SEIM FRENCH EtillißOlO. LINER COLLARS. e , KRirayi - rn, • • ME RES SIRENS' . FURNISHING • DEPANITHENT Will be found to embrace . si very tall ■took of 000Cif, wet I . NEGLIGEE SNIRTS, RIEBING'AND SILK UNDER MIMS AND SUSPENDERS SIMI SUSPENDERS, HID, SILK AND uorronr or..nvEs, SILK. JUGTTUN AND DIEFLitr LDJSIERY • or' k ahmt, armithlog needed 10 make up a Gentleman'a 'wardrobe. T.U.Z.LADIES• DEPARTMENT U coiled to our airortmeot of WATER-FALL NITS, BUITESSofir BOWA._ . ; gicaL DEEZ3 TH/MBUNGS,; , Andia short, E VER Y NOYEZATIoI acaso Li Stall - Ft lii-AArTA ) NI - i* Oueoessor to EATON, nuoutrm it 00.,) :!, lIIMACr4t#4 I et Ink, oft, an 4" tkiwiry St irta=t) 3g12i0 WWI. suMry.F. 2, 1 4 1 ? Pri Improvotegt Jan or 011 Too Mad JAHElctufflrgratide4:l l lit 16 . KIIIVELTA WU:111p Wit. Ina 114tnts to “SOUIE JOINTO" tor de I fBtra motaitsuktuicrm,4l6s4Pitr;q: • .- - 44 1: 24. ??. ' TA 4. ;..;7:: " . H .LNatnll7ilVl I _ 2 l f ill - CAXV or '' . ""esnrs =cot NEW AnvERI ISEt4ENT., SII.A.TEB 1 12.500 .P AIR Ladies, S TEES 1N EVERY VARIETY, FOR SALE LOW BY No. 136 Wood Street r&T •rii. j 19 1:4 era re Ca 1 4 f: P .° `0 c WA E./ p: atr, 111 va 20.0 4 1 3 . iia Ca 10 z. p yttji. tii tz •c 4 i....git:diptei: t i O i 4 + .l gr,pgh,:l ® • ,t ) arittpt, plderliazeii:P- C/2 ... P 4412 .9'9 7 e o i l lo 01 ....„g gL..-7Zpri at,. imi .4 4 ...., fiZ . tfile. ''' ig . ar le % 074 i'l l 1 5 . VP, ..... ^ . te. 0 0.45 . 2 4 2' 3 11 , _ d c z; ;- Ed43:1231.1z L. 9ii c ' s -40 434r...- 42 :1c4 .:, ki b 4 Nlzis-ii-Tripw 1 4 4 rd'Alltizi e zz' z ' 0 n cz c , .4.:5,3-ier...-; If , .4 1 . 4,.0 4 !.•40. 1 !„ V.! . ca r 4 011 5 ,01. yi j a : iPI ::: GI . k .T, .14. c. A to 0 .r,,,, .1.414 : .4 1 da 0 Z 8''' 2 4 1 " 5 ''.;:: . .4 e t: U .4 4i' §`s l g . t z li 17; tci2ll 12 . 0 oca sig:Viatt.. •, -- i, w taphsi 4 , 6 , ,.,1 ) ; tio Gig ; 15 ,tar.,gry-1,1 1 a - - alr ra Ir• 7. 6' 4 d rcZ :' .. . 4 i::e 4 a: ii - 4,-,41„,..-:-.4 tv-.V.:5. itt ARJOUBMID Administrator's Sale, Fustian le an otter of the Orphan't Court of Allegheny County, the undusWol edmisistrator eta bouts non, of ELIJ/112 SAMS, deed, wilt , spin expose to Public Sale, et the COURT HOUSE on THURSDAY, Nov. gth, IBC, et 11 A. n., all the right, title, Interest OT elides irldettirer of gald.Eldeft Bretth, to end 10 the TWO STORY 'BASE HOUSE, of dee reams, ind 'LOT OF GROUND, altruttd an the south cornet of Fulton. Street and Mertes Alley. attabargh, fronting SO feet 214 - teats On Fulton Urea, and la bet 2 inches CO Males allay, awl eglendlng book hi he. Cie/ with Callgsll greeted Dot Inches, and line at right angles to Colwell strut Sr fret ea. TirtaakCA'sti. • " JOHN G. RATAN?, Adninbtrator, not,lld co fourth att•eL OFFICIAL lIIPORTA-VT NOTICZ.—The followina t. the rerreffei ttport of the regularly appointed Judea on hewing !Lachine' sad inventions at the Ailtubrise Comae Talc, I£4l, The intim are titcrough end prim lenl man, wall known In this community, bets( umahlante end denten In ma, chinary, and Iheir dealaton L worthy of wander. Wen. 7 h. Committee on Sewing Machines beg leave to mibmit the foihrwteg report, Tt ~ B est Sewing Machine for general pi:amass, to %MOYER a DIRER; DOODLE LOCK• often. Best Bearing Msehtne for manufacturing ptu• pis., to •OROVEB sk BAIL EII.• Best apeolmen of Etsetitne Wor'k, to *Get DVEIt oc.SAlrd GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS NTRAT THE PEOPLE NT 4.1(T: EMI= b. MTAIIiDAKI, HI- TOUT Or THE WAS. complete In eae large volume of OVlrt MO pages, eplendltne filttstrattid wlch over Ifn flee pentane et flenecall, Battle Scenes, Saps and V 1547110.1. This mark bee to Meal pa a candid. Wald, cow rleteranthaatlc and rellatde Watery of to. mar. It contalu rearing matter egos) to Mtn e lame , ctavo volumes. bead for elreulant and sea Oat teems. 41clarsu JUNES SILO, 1 f 30.., Ortfclnatt Ptillaletphla. Pa. pITTSBIJEciIi FOUNDRT. 4•1•11 a A. GARRISON & CO. (Srumesson to BoDamn, Garrison, Ili 0o.,) FOUNDERS AND MACEINISTRI ttlanurers or Malin Rains of all Mr for Iron, Sto ol. Bran, Silver, Gold Straw Boards, Paper and P2lr Rubber Works suo, Rolling hilit Benno of all description, Bark Mills, Patent Double Grind b e t k i with a surd. on and ty of other patterns, always fitted to order on abort notice and Carman e terms. Office and Warehouse, tit Sactthiliild streak Pittsburgh. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH PA. PARK, BROTHER & CO. BFST Q.OLLITY FEFthED OAST STEEL. Squat ~Flat aad Octagon, o all Urea. Wimact. ed aqua Ito any unparW er nanaulastuJact to thi SI" 0510 e and warehouse, Nes. 141 2201 151 Lod 120 and In KILOOND sTalmrs, Plttburth Fros? tell-rd DIAIIBIIOEA Over 113./00 soldiers were cured of Diaryhm and. Dpsentory last Tem by the ow. of Sr. ST kiDDD LAND'S AII2.I4IEIOLERIk Too WS o Ito bathe usecl o to , ostonap i ty . l, floatt , lo I . O.I:rHgtE e RAIVIATKIO bfor he caro p ol ante and obrardo cases of lltarrhcoa and Dysenta. ry. ThL la tits only prepays/Acne/a Men sea seta and eaten remedy for Unolers. be not be with. outgo valuable a enedlcitua. Got ► bottle of It dl. Bald by all Drudilits at AO costa pot bottle. DW E.I.LIN 0 HO OBE IN ALLEO HEN y • one and a halt story frame Cottage Itouie, eon. tatning two parlors, dining room' Moho* and rocs stambors, ;nth crater and gas, Oticupros• ain ass 2E4, highly cultivated and ornamented with ahruG Wry and idurdo Tbia surroundings are plenum, affording awls aphelia°, Bah air, and the outlook on the threlo Beers conrmandlne an extensive and varied view prtustlitr Inrorraatton t *note to • . R. b. BRYAN Broter, Fourth 'treat, Burke'a p UGH FITZPATRICK, • - . FIRST PREMIUM GOLD PEN ,111ANUFACTURED 1411, cull* ad Markel its, Seined Story, examinee on,third street. Gold Pens Ind Gold lad Silver ?earn Glees, Whole ale and WILL Penr,teuelred. Pemeturhavlns Pens to repair nenreted them bi sw46 end. tau ;via be promptly returned. . oolslyd Sip ;YOUR HAIR FALLING OCT OR tondo!! ago go to Um' CENTRAL D 3173, STORE, itier itch's o 6ottio' siivs storuivi 1LA166 PeEiERYER. One Mit 'sotll convince you of ile-viinz — " - ' *IBA 011WERVICOUELEN,CIOLD OftEA64 ' • Dit;•I9WATIIEIf int:WOUND' 31111131 1 tit . lki T au imoi marg Balkositteniat. the irENTa LIMO. epkOßAgge cif 0410 ao '''s:tenicafrootO, brotint.thelitt.t. • P !ALP 6 0 1 9 wor r . t .... Irs4%1 1 :: 'lt:P*94;44ot • s ill e 0 0 X 6 1 4 1,9 1171 '0Y011, eAti 1 -. • • • IT ddalgot Otatt46l ,14,-;l4lllol6l"Th6&llbanciel'aintOen 7 ; 60 012MIAtin . • Et bozos Ml, w. TV do 60 zoitturAtesan_ 0011 01 i Tainswee and illeckhertica. ~•96112 . trOTT,EI4-61gAtitle su,seLaD. MITALL - PAPERI3;Iin , sPlllOlB' -Dh4 ,c 1 gßagooo,MailiAott , Ohatoboi: Plita - OCOSattleltAal. it No. 107 air et_ot,totly_ MX 041 dOe R. RV ago to gmo. SSA TES! ! SKATES TT Gents and Chi:drams' J.IJEBSO BO IFF"Jr, GEO. KEYSER, 02Orman. H W. EWING, H. F. lUHNSTON, W. A. 1141.130013 K. /021 IL 111171131111011 Manufuturero of EL E. SELLERS at CO., Wummaeam Learn 1 1 / 4 37 - v.)itia4szifyllaiJ.4b,::ll sx A I; CTION ARMY CLOTH. /NO •ND EIILTPLOE. ernesOn nasoo, I Aerrirra3rlLo, Oc Qcoboatarer WiilltallTaa. th, LEM Willie' at Public Auction at the Government Warehouse, Noa. 901 and MS Sottalt Water street , cosseagm.l.l.l., on W2lLlNEsrtia, tae 15th day of November 1841, a Urge lot of Army Olothlng and E Ve " "".."' lost 251. Bed Snag, SAM pales - Trewse , I Stet= nag, If - YdraMas, , 1 291611aventeeks, . g 2,008 dabs, 1,899 Cheat Coats, 27 1,896 Straps, tTrumpet, 2,9211 Woolen - 14 1 M's --.l9'Drani-flaalha • • EntinaL"' - -4,lllfas, 3 " Pouches, 1% pietas Steve Pipes 968 Shir Sack Coats, Bdtrove, for Slb. ;:rB4 l, ting ts, 181 enils, 1 '94 Ax rut es lr ) 299 , 6,2 ml Toots 100 Ate 'Boodles, PM sets Trot Poles, , 75% pairs DnonSticke COMMI Teat Puts, 74 " Blimp Maly Tang stoves: 99 Spldee, 8211 camp Satan. 14 t tlas • *hots, 929 Moss Pans, ' Bataan lb Mk Arum. 6, 19 6 Gartteena.liandles, 27 Pick Axe Undies,. Also, e small lot el Bootees, Boots, Stockings, sts, Ceps and Sashes. Bale to comMenca at 100 1 / 4 1043a A. IL Ina con. thole from day to day mall ad the prop erty Is dis posed OE Most of the clothir g Is eve, but Irregular. Terms cash, In government Property to be removed oy medium selchla twenty-Mu boors after the sal. NELSON PL I,TO, reptatti sr. Alli s Quartermaster, no 1313.144 7;;;A LE OF tiUV ALLOT BOATS AND 11,SZCIIS TALCT/ON. Qesi W rr AirZtureOt O O N c S , ZP e V 2 B h 1 8 1 6 1 5 0 .11. The folio wipe names Haste sod Bargee TIM be sold at Vohlle Mignon. as follows: . . . • At. LDUIeVILLF., KY., SATURDAY. October Darz. Ai W Ir block. A. rl., the aceamboats UflO awl T. D. HORNER. . • - - - • Eight Model Barges, and Elity-elx tioneeeJe and other Barges. Lying as Isoutsville and Nam Altisny, Ind. A.t EleANDir IL LE, IND., TUESDA 1/, October Nst, A. or., the steamboat LUE EA WED, Sig fitoelii Bare.; roar OnnretiN giant., and Dye Wharihnat, Ina at that place. At Oat 80, ILLE , NOEESIBER tat and 24, at to s the steamboat, S.;' one Wharflost, sod about eighty Model, Guosvale and other Balite, now lytes at that oboe. At SAINT LOUIS, , NATU RDAY, Novers• Da r 116. at to o'clock, a. C., the eteatobokla AUTLUHAT, IZETT/S, D. A latiVaitY. ' I Nerd SOW, A. NE gROPOLITAN, I rt ti. Oo AD. HINES, FAUNA-Us—b. One Writhing Barge— . 111. Ryland—aocapletc. Wharf boat Dew borne. i i (6O Fifty Model Barges, and pi Twenty Ocarraie and other Barges, L eget Saint Louie. 1 Is toils will DO sold with all the furniture, rirlt, and aPlitutellailte* therewith. hohnighil uly retuned and examined vouchers for trans pult aatcieo n w s a e n r e vi ce in s payment so o lv r d I. r c e a p s e h r atyt their sold; otherwise, terms cash. BYorder of the thruirtermester GotieraL LEWIS B. PASSONS, Ltrigstim General and lawurtennager. eenultd 11\8t. RE YOU tt LIFE IN THE METES Oil LIFE 'AFFIANCE CO 0 OF UARTFCUD, CO3.m TILE ONLY tat ,INSLIDAZOTE 1302LPANY IN A.DIEh/0//. that lioll/ takes and pays au an -31 anal CASH DIVW II cos the first end sub subsequent puesent f premium. Oa CASH CAPITAL and accuse talon 01 N1L500,000 la geburely Inverted to pa eatocka and mortgagee al =AL EMT& AL la now In Itillith feat of ri nin u t et I n e grey thtoe Muwanfl O NE' M IL, LOON VOLLASS. - Totals date not a single aim of lltbration au occurred, an evidence that libel. silty and fez dealing is a apubility with this Lc' =pang. The pollees of this Compeer are not forfeited by tenon of roulayment of premium after the second year. No porsiten•• enintred Otter ton i ears, but Arteries coattailae good through life. J. 0. WALEI,i, President. N. S. PALMER, The President. S. E. WRITE, Benet:ay. Wu= Offieeler Western Pe:m=ow=la, where Crircntano end HIS Applicant= will be furaini ed,slk Wood Miseefl. Pittsburgh. Agents want= throughout the State. Apply to oteiLlyd F E. GOODELL State Agent. Tug PITTSBURGH PAPER YAM - DRUM (XIaIPANY offer In tale 1,600 bdts. Crown Wropplwn Paper 1,080 bdls. Sledlaza 1,000 btlls. Elediatn 1.000 Wits. D. C. and D. SI. do They have also on head are constaatly receiving ftem their AWL, ALILITILLA PAPER of all weights seelight• snd Ova,si res, HARDWARE PAPER of all sad PRINTS, DRY and SATU RATED ROOFING, &0.,a1e• MI quantities and arcs or Part:lZ MA DE TO ORDER at the shortest notice, to UV/ eur.omers. IMME7O 1 000 TONS OF GOOD MIXED RAGS WAREEOPSE: SS THIRD STREET, matt PITPSEMItiiIi. FOR SALE, Uri E-BALF INTERIST )lION BOLLING )[ILL, lh [hie neighborhood, now IA operialon, with es. poet), for • bu r ette:lm of over eleven Hundred Thonsard ballare per annusa,.a.nd iirlth a well ta -1.4t1.111 trace. To a pu.tuuer • ho should prove to be exempts• bre arttlt regard to bust:zeta qualltleatioae and mean• is the party remittals. fa the ootteere, tae opal:toe to mood oae. Apply to S. S. BRYAN, FUERT7I STREET, (Bzu•Cesllicrg.) Cal LAW HENCE County Bonds. Perron, bolding the BONDS OF THE CO crhrry OF LAIVIMI.IE. Pennsylvania, issued for Usu. twd "F . urPe.a are requested to amid the under signed • statement of the amount and numbers o the Bonds they hot/Land the railroad to Which they were Issued, She eieet bend to have eon. meted action In an imitable arrangement between the MMus and the County of Lawrence • n.w WZIALLI3Li& CO. Wood street, corner of Third SPLENDID-RESIDENCE FOR SALE. I , ...—vr e offer for sale ,the residence of Dr. Dale, pleasantlysitnete on Stockton 111/ellll6, between Federal and Sandusky streets, South Oommon, Allegheny Otte. The lot has • front on the are. nue of SO rest by :48 feet tO a 10 foot street. The house Is bUill In the most substantial manner, and handsomely finished; main snd beck building each three stories: two* Lugo parlors, dining room and krt.:lien on first floor. The house contsins 14 room. in al. S. ,UDTMDER V it SONS, ode • 61 Market stroet: - - ARsEIVAL GLASS WURIIs. MODES RYA 84 CO. Idanatadnans of • Black and Groan Glaaaware..Dmanl.l4 . Warn, Bottles, Demijohns, earboy4. &et. W atitoyar No. 144 WATER STREET, BETWEEN .5.11171111ELD AND GRANT ST R EETS, PITTSBURGH PA. We manna otm Wares to be superior to any manufactured West of the Alonntalnn alumni on hand, alma/are 01 the above doourip awl. A ll Order. proatptly attended to. Partiodlar Ma paid to private metildn zna3Tly CO GU NO MORE t TRY STRICKLAND'S MELLIFLUOUS COUCH •BALSAM. Da STRICII.4IVD . 4 16611.1441.60113 60V46/ 641 ear 1a 1141"141.10t1 40 cure Coughs. Colds, hoarse. nen, Asthma. ctrhoopins Cough, Sore Throat, Consumption, and all alrectiorw of the Throat and Luna.. It Is the only preparation known t 6 cure Chronic Cough., Asthma, andOoasuistptlon. hearer farts lota. Whooping.Codigh and Usdlip. Try a bottle directly. • it is prepared from honey. Is Is articularly redoinaiended for the young and te. the o l d. Sold by all Druggists at 43 'sults per Oafs R. E. ..ELLERS a, co„ Oett yd ARUM dr. BLACK, WIiOLESALm A.oEm Cave on hands lama assortment at MOWING MACHINES. miccopuzim in-asaws. Straw . Catters„Seythes and Hay Rakes, No. 28 and 30 0810 BTRPZ!X, mys, A.14.ta1 mrx IfAL LOWE ILN NITS °BACKERS, NOT ORARK CRS, MEM HIMLEIPS UOUSEFURBISEUNG STORE, celAltdEidciat Etiee n t;llegtmlY, ' ! , ALLEGEMITY • : ' : xecort. es".x.an• A comfortable well Aelllt•tero story mini Irti.ttal.B an r.Literelt.lalTel. 2.[MA Zrobtall mutt, tooth:clog tiIIVEN ROOMS awl moment earreti ...km:teeth alketTaßt4tb Room with tot and tol4.tlite%, A.l2"Lrvis.-ffetary 11erbieeratimi; Alle/itteny, ap stain. octletere c• .t rr.7 l i ffkan's - - tr.idgigrt7gt ceg="l,:itn , Wall; •the Es=7 (ROLM Stars et: "7.. , JOHN 4.BsamtteWe ids miktcr Athett, slut iiinaltallitiO DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &.c. OFMNBD THIS_II&I AT 11% . OENTs, ONE CASE FITE/Ann la • - Pitet,colors; - , , AT 15 CERTS,.()YE CAIIE 1305138P5; AT 2SIENTB,FOCE OASES FAST VOLOSED Fra.NTSi AT 40 OTZITS, ONE CASE BLEACH/3/NRS LIR, WO Mb 60 Mali AT 11,00, ONE CASE MERINM BLANKETS—White and Colored FLANNELS —Barred and Plain FLANNEL='—WHITE—Sbaker sod Conektu VELAINES, ENGLISH MERINOS, rLAJDs, TICKINGS, LINEN DIAPERS, RATS, RIBBONS, pLuarEs, OLOVEN, HOSIERY, ho., ♦o. Ae complete a et✓Y se ever S had the pleaeure of ofttring, AT TITE LOWEST RATES, EITHER BY THE YARD, PIECE OR PACKAGE, WIL LIA3I SE II PEE'S, 180 and 182 Fcderal Street, A.BLNE THE MARKET, ALLE3ItENT oast NEW GOODS. MACROS' & CARLISLE, HO. 19 FIFTH STREET New Trimmings and Ornaments, Bead Gimps and Buttons, Rich Bonnet and Scarf Ribbons, Pine Gilt and Pearl Belt Buckles, Rich Silk Beltins ,-- a new lot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs, Real Lace Collars and Setts Needle Work Edgings and Inserting, Cambria and Hamburg Bands, Magic, Ruffling and Clutha Frißings, Real Thread and French Veils American and Enelish Gloves and Gauntlets—laEt styles Zephyr, Wool and Knitting Yarns, T r ies and Children& Underwear, Balmoral Skirts—new styles Duplai Skirts. French Corsets, Gentlemen's Shirts Collars Ties Merino and Silk Underwear Misses Kid Gloves—all sizes, CIO atnl MERCHANTS AND DEALERS Will cod tt to Chair advantsge to cal and ex.= the our stook Cstors puzchaatoz. 111.9.0111h2 & CB-RUBLE. NO. it IfUTH STREET, Pittsbnmh, au jOE Ent 1101 th & & CO. HAXE JVST OPEITED N IENV cskokfiros, D retie Trimmings. Cloak Ornaments., Beal Lace Goods, New Style Belt Buckles, Beat Make Silk Belt lags, Head Ornaments, New neck Scarfs, Hamburg Ylounctugs, Linen Handkerchiefs, Balmoral Skirts, Breakfast Shawls, In tents' Milt Hoods, Infanta' Zephyr Leggin', New Empress Skirts, Glories and Gauntlets, Win ter Underwear for Men, Ladiesand Chil drbn, :eavin said Alexandre Hid Gloves, Ladles' White Castor Gloves. The above and many other Goode la Great Variety, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WHOLESALE ROOMS UP S rams. ode .:NAL SALES OF GOVERNMENT ••• AND 'Qr.otrnnx., , rztr. Orrcrx, IVASII,IITO,, D. C., Oct. JAn, tsar. ' Will be sold at public a untlon during the month 01 No; ember, to the highest bidder, at the time and places named below. viz NEW YORK. New Tort . CUT—TUESDAY of c.v.\ week, 110 MULES - each day. • PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia. Pe.-4 - 111:RSDAY:, November 2, 9, 16, And .23, LOU HORSES etch day. Harrinburg, Pa.—TUESDAY of tech week, 100 .1111.71.115'0neh any. liarrisbingh, Pa.—THURSDAY, 'November 2,9, 16 2 mad 21,100 HORS KS each day. 01ectinnionburg, Pa.—TUESDAY, November 1, iOO HORSES. AIIentown.P.s.—WEDNESDAY, November la, VP3IIOI{SES: Pottsville, Pa.—FRIDAY, November 100 HORSES. l'heater, Dela u. arc county. P,—W EDNESDAV, Noyetober Z., lOU 1.101i:Nt. Titusville, Ys. Tlit lisllSS, Nov et IN, IN) TIORS£4. • P4.—TITURSD.I Y, Noverntot 10, 100 sad FRIDAY c,lkblr 4114 24 100 3f each by DELAWARE Q'itminOon, TIdI.—TUESDAY of each week IC.? MORSE." cad% day._ __ I,V Iladdytoa, DeI.—FRU/AI of cull week, WO each d . dy, BIARYLAIIII fleltimore, 11t5.—WESIDNE.51).1Y, November 15, lee 110R1k. /S.IIImore,Did.—Nrk.IDNESDAY, November 25, IN HORSES, TIT_STAYI end TLIURsbATS of ekeh week. ted•HOB.SES each day. NU SALES O 1 AIULk WILL TARE PLACE AT WASHINGTON, D. C. . . At etas aeries of sale/ all ftukfaovertunent ani mals will be disposed of. Buyers should therefore areal themselves ut this last - opportunity to pue ch.e. For aftlerottrutetcantinair taihe West, tee of dotal 'Western nearapapera. .Animals wilt be atabeuittly. Wei tereopmeaseat to a. at. each day. Tent 1-4.1,1514 in Vetted States Ottmt rz w. • JAM A. • • . mtg Clett, thitAla ortd:tacce. • •First,. Dir. Q. Pd. G. 0. pYrtI333I7R9R STEEL r1)11KS, ANDERSON, COOK & CO., Of:Mgt - Ma TO JONES', .#OTD 1C0.,r • arszoirsetinvm the but .raftlatS OSA Stela' Squur, FAt acd Oeuxcs.otALlttus,,shu nue., p 9 e, rot Luta Shut.i.lin,SLUVADait pseel.far btaping .and :19.0 g.r. ac Cited piorwuticspityp,-Avei c auc.pursoki... 'FOr_ thig:S* ll l o 4 intlitillgEtetl.- ... l. az'orit *id ludia.aVeiriii,i l t o _ r T . - trE.growrou • to moo 00a1113. DRY GOODS, 'ITIRDMAGS, &s, NOTI WE ELATE TEE GOODS EDYF.RXISkeI,both ttaintity sad o; the peon csanasti lealthis Stook ocolvatent to that eolts:104 L t all 0% I:t7[ or:U:0y start& O ico INT 's JOS HORNE & CO., 1860. ;1865. GRAND OPEPIIOC, AT .4 Nos. 78 and 80 Market . .:"ttreett, MONDAY, OCTOBER VS. Haling completed our 2.7ITENSIVE i4EP Ills lt w ciari a tizroan t oa cad lEeL ace or the LAEGMISIIIIEST SEL,EqTED AND CHEAPEST noos ot Trimmings, Embroideries, Hosiery,"; Gloves, Fancy Good& Frt:inish in,' and Woolen Goods and liotiona ever brought to thin - city. Toone, , litEreirxis-41..E CUITCMILits Wa can ter SPECIAL. LIARGAINA SI *re now eelllng a Cult Wag E" 4 4 Less than Eastern Albers, MACRUM, - GLIDE CO - 4 Nan. 73 and 80 Market !Wit: CREEELOrts • ►o : P..,— W lzadosstssa WO ELS ad J :* ADJOINING TIE HOLUDEITUBMI,.. PLX8.1111&7/A1/316.. toutabilii !kin eark,tirusiiiciii /hil t be. Meta Pit Hole atai ow Chuti , -Tlugtivtatelits are very dtalrabl% as MO Ilittualsoxicir. 6D,aot. larealavali. EINEM* , r v plattu z io% , Attorney* saurus as , . l ltistmolla Poo• WEOFPER3o6PIECE§ ' • ' rrEw E4l.ll3,bewadwe others Velentog to tomer eirelessee.. - 'We e . WeoPett" uuon fa Ude dewclaw, • owo4 to otul r belas PIN lamest to the Weel,l.Thrl we tell 8111 ca ece Woo es other goats.; WE OFFER 3,OOOFIRCER /MASS GOODS, dzibrialddidtgradea 1311 to dip per ydrcl. Dalaii?‘F rat 31c, qabdrdi, FdPrd 31 4. , or t4git print" at 2k., and good ditto ft wit. W3l OFFER 2,000 sruwis AND caatxs, eridasatizt 441 the desirable etre', Greitd rstietY of Cashmere Long Shawls, Wag PULS CIO Rambo ditto. and Velvat,Tlial and Plata Sacques, Basques, U. we an SM. VERY MEW.. WE OFFER LINEbi GOODS of an kinds. sheet(ngs, Cluing; Table Cloths, Brown 4no 13Laulteot s/1 kind, sad ilnd °Noted Bottlcri, ditto Napkins, ditto ktrile, data Towel.. Quills of all lazuli, and em broidered. Table and Pisan 4*lnces. TAM Covers by the yard, and Ctsib, V 7 cheap. W E OFFER CLOARINGS, SILK VELVETS, albwidtbs,ioclOred wad Amur SIAN CattaisadEig4itaux Beni. en. WA* aid fangs , aolonp au4 aU ttui otiatt STYLES Or OLOILETRG adopeod to the Prestatiteesoz: Fsised om $ 1 , 50 Roos. OWENS DUDES° oRDEIt true our own vatnial, aaa liArrs#44 to? At. WE OFFER WO PIECES PLARNBLIS, U. Whltp Tilley. Om Blue sad Faaey alaancla Cl atf kind; good White Flannel at it teal magi and extra neaT7.lll 645 *aq vom• try Barred Flaanda ae Oantil *there ebsip proportion. ormskoo rucks • PANT, STollB,oasaimern, Vreeds, KKAA• tonArElatioeth OnsizysZA,As. GoOd stlirool Casilmeres, 7T.O.APOod!l'weedd 1144 cents' Good Satinets and Isaac at Topther with hal Liner of eterytling Is DRY COOL'S, BOTH AT Wholesale and Retail. J. W. BARKER &- 0.1 59 Market Street BATES & BELL. ATTRACTIONS. Call and examine our NEW GOODS FOE SWAM. KATMAI:LIES (nun. Honey-Comb Quilts, CRIB BLAICKETS. No. 21 Filth Street. AT w. w. moorramittis, 81 Market Streot, A - TULL LINE Oi TAntit9=1 * 4H3ODS. to LatuesAlegtall . - iItrEMOS: . ;'.- WOOLEN .oin ki l T oo n D u 4 aL l tim . a I ta 3ol: on‘ lg EEls zwora_tals.itgl LO r , ..gl3OraSt RIBBON%.Irs LT 111 iOnni&O . 5 cog 71 PPLIC (14,,1E8E.4,6d. `as. elm Pine Apple (Menem! ; 0:213 Intl tor sas KM b. aBo-3a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers