int Vi eanitt 172, 13041311 1 A,Y. NOVEMBERA. 1565 GUIDE. ; Wird 'and Departure - of Trains. . .. . --. I br eninrl l, , tants Central Italleoad. ... Nyco% .. , drylirat.' . "•. opaYßavress.... Dam 2l JitcommEmaiM 640 a m Fait 1.1-te. ..-.• ...MN am ft •PtttaaErla man Ilaa M IM Wall Ailioatt, 4.z am ~. 3 • 1 . mall —lido am Thema Ammo% 1:614M •• .... _ Pnli•./Xpreit.. 4=p m 26 Wall /Mom- 90 am ‘,',„. Joanstama.da',l2:4-26 0 to ToMarthia.aaM..tons am , Flat ida•.....4.... IVO pla,Plata Erie Idall.11:50 Pla • ,t.I . W..ap *lima. 6.l4lattipalttmor•RWs IMO p m - _ - • a - 1 4 40 alkali Nralt Lccoat.. MON, al ". - 141 P ' . IMOD Yalrldla ratirreaL. W/0 V m -ma II ' lt 405 p tallith Wall AMOM shop ay , leanlloatoMea.looo pmidltooaa Aalt , a. :.. load F.attirt TettattlN p m tba,aboralt•lmln learao Walla Stattao arcry :fanadayaasas' a. m.; coturatag. laatealltutbara . mt. t,/da - ja, m. Pittibturg, Colombia' and Cincinnati. Expren......... 2601 a in T.xprea5...............vm's m Diall .... .. ....,, 790 MAIL*. Loop of Expteac.:.:.. ::la pin Exprem-...... mm,eut tatatbandlla4ko. ~ ttibearuleTs - .0- aplalitadalMon. Ado p m " &misty:LOMA_ i 7: a m 4 . lltalialittl) roll. Wayne and Chicago. Atlgirilbo arrival. Exptma........... tdO a MlraPren.....-.. aZI 4 m Expre5a........... Moo p amEapreas po. 2:30 0 m mapram. - .....-„; 210 yliEspreaa. WI to Mall. . .°....: 'TM a Mall. . . .; 75a ya 2:. caa'ar'En•lani ani N.o4;italaiZilit 13:3o . re ~- 2: acconsmtdatton Mayo --, 4. - is iZilik ha , It LUSO a. at. 4A6 p. AU m e l l o r i 9Y A . , ,, p, to.' baCtiatei% 2:lb :114 NOW •Valltb, GO (~ p. M.; Egoaamp, MOO p.• m: -- . • • • lout Ortirni4 nee - eland and Virneeiin. - Depod. - ' Arrive. .. .. - lESPOILA.W.... 210 it_MILIPMIS...•••••• .%; ; "Eure5m......... 2:0 pan Eiltrem-....... .4,,,, . • Dia21...... '... IMO a m MALI ............. Stmlaalale amostmoaaclan laa 7. i lai MX/ p aa. ; : • „ r . mikeL PlttabFcp gli and Canuellirvale.rter tatiul , 7 , 65 ..:midl. ........... i sm p omo a ra -I.l2=ment.straP rttat P r &Tian , . 0-30 a m -2a ~ ..., fa; .41 0 ..-- -... Tao Pm tat aradaorA,. lota so mt. ...Mock , . 8:23 • m / ',LI' • ~ ... itto pay at . .... 6:45 paa Ailegneny Valley Et:Mr:fan. arrims. Drparsa - 1 . ta1at1..;,.” ... .. 7,1:0 a m!Kttprma ...«.... •MI a m sdia ... ' ;CI Pln ' OULLI 'Ma pal ' •ANOMMOdatiOI 3 946 pm .Accommodation Otots m nil AiD SUBERBiII. r - - - THE MORROW-IVELVB IIOMICIDE Trial of PotrioAr. Eorrow for the Nor , der of darsts Welsh. • COVET off OVER Lien TeamiNta.—Before. Judge/ fif.4:47,l„anikktellon. !TCICSDLT.PCIobar 111.—At about ten o'clock the case of the commonwealth vs. Patrick nor roiti Indhitteent murder, was taken up. In March last, pi.= , ad ay _td Love's tavern, on Wylie attliet i a man earned James Welsh, • rest • • ding In the 'Eighth ward, received Injuries which „ re4tated-In his death. The orfsoncr, Morrow, is charged with causing the Injuries, and hence lArtridietentlnt for murder. He was tried at the June term and convicted of manslaughter, but a desire de neap was awarded, upon the ground (as presented) that defendant's counsel, having been misled by intimations thrown out by the District Attlrney conce ning the facts of the case, bad not, as they believed; discharged their whole duty.',L Marshall Bwarttwelder ind John Coyle. E. 1 ,• ua counsel for the prisoner-, Di.triet Attorney Kirkpatrick and Col. Levi B. Duff re preseated the Commonwealth. The prisoner having been arraigned in due form, and with nroper solemnity. by the Suer, tr, John H. Stewart, E.q.. and a plea of •".P it Guilty. entered, the follow tog jury was en paneled 7. Hobert Brewer, 2.7irnall.Sterll26, S. Harvey Gamble. S.:ThOlsula limper, 9 . rn. Campbell, 4fr. ar.. McGowan, , to. Iltchard Knolvlson. 5. - TaeobljoArne, jr. Geo. W. Robley, G. JobAS.ltandltan, Ifnuaro Kruzb. Alta the,'Ofeaving of the ninth juror, the ' 810z11P1Mnounced the panel exhausted. The prisoner •had'rehallenged peremptorily twelve Tarots, and the Oommonwealth one. The de• Innen were called three or lour Lilnei, sea it appearing that fernis--B.C, King, Bernard Krogh, diumettsMaileihr 1311 Richard Knowison—aso answered tOthetremmes at the opeabig of Court, Judge Stamm ordered attechmstits to be issued and directsd that a fine 'of twenty dollars be collected from them. Immediately alter this &num:cement was made, Mr. Krogh and Mr. Knoirleon made their appearance. Other de lantern now.pit In an appearance. and the jury Uncompleted at half phetrlsece o'clock. The • arraignment being - bocatleted with thesecand . reading of ;the ladletmeist.:, Mr. Kirkpatrick formally on.ened the care, de taling In substance, the torture of the evidence which would beorei.d. Morrow, and a cam -panioa- netted.Hanle, cetera! the saloon of - 'Robert Love, and dieputlitgOver a gadia. fivally -got Intera quarrel. .Welsh, the deceased, inter laced,-'and was attacked' by Morrow. and as severely beaten-and.kicked;about the bead - and body tlnth be died within three dope after. _ THE =MIMIC& Dr. George McCook, swornr-Made a put mai lerstexamiestkes of the body OfJarnes Welsh on the 230 st Matta Boyd's Hilt. Eighth ward. I found no external Mtn,. Remo open ing the abdomen found the bladder berated, and the ittlaulltlfa:teartither.tvidences of violence, iitneitof liattlatilpotatiett;'AllthiaMtiti needs satils!ltatz SeAßta. by some violence. A -aldowt: w . u ta, tin stomach would very 11444 444,stsill:b- sote r esse.4. Chtlie a rap laise.of TM . •viaAelle kick in the region of 0 . 4 n would roptdro Death would result fiord - such injury in from twenty-fSsirlofortyeeight hood. Sate tmerteraal wound Offiniturl ' co n ld klts" the re sult of violence, b stomach or , bladder xialgtt beyet Rired.'hy,a kick - without leaving 'any Mark. — A rupture of the - bladder -caoticoprodnual frermitther caused; do not think stitetthiaC4l4 that If resulted from distension Wini.-clionson,.Comet of the county, testtlled .. , "ofiztriok, held an lnque-t on the,body of James Zidof March last. Witnessed the mortem Was 'noes that-Welsh died on 711:ic Md. - .•Mtry Waist, (widow of deceased,) tea - Din_ -Gila that her husband died on the day before the Coronasslttoneet. ••I was present when my :heaved - Was dying; about a crustier of an hoar IseloretediedbeHrpoke. A woman, Mrs. Par :Xen:lnfiqlfseid lie;' 464, had given Ike a drink cif water, endiltaked him where I was. Be said dims - to:Altera. --I then went rile* before . ..mid said who aro 11. " Herald "You are my wife, Smart hs almost broke to part with' you ;,and my chlidriso...r.. I asked him If he wetted the 'Priest. - said. he 111, "just - Tberwitneas lad been cautioned nate erste anything barites tended bestow the decent:a - Ms latowledgert abe r rant tbat he was going to die, Ana this Drat the - .District Attorney offered .to prove ale Nitiicadeciaration.q .Idr.BWans - "iweldet , objected,!,on...the ground that It did apt appear auffidentlyelear that the deceased leas fat p aware Of his eleursiehing disco:Orton. the Court - over itled the; "Weellog. coilet look a moo of smitottr: --Attn::a:ooN BYABION. The Court rr-useteided Mita noel hem, ` when-MM. TY ebb =tinned her testimenyes to theAtdgirg drebentions ° of her heatend..., Op said s..lfirtolrlhe teat fleneos and Ite r -4. Langhile lied.hdoe ewes?. ta bla bask and-ctiegrditirott - Voe Mid Me • arms Leith his back. andone ated /*Una"' prcsted op mind Ms bread. thew= who „ •,sitt at his lett bend stde when they were PlM d(tabaces due vith three .icanlng Mein itgainstklsg, lie este he pat lip Makeeesed .4.inid-Ilienselfltrem the kicks as well as he • .could; as mrd be did ;net mei arty of them except ate bek , In his Winner."lie said he •• did net /now the ttaz thtt Meted bier,. hot, it wits thy one wbo eat at his left hand hkisyleg dererees.. in Madre, hal -told; me to mind hand to. Me, gstiler,td mother that he wan - " Mayorlowry was nett called sod . Melded • • to-adtalsalens made to him by the OrlSOtter• lie said Morrow suited tO that Wel ch, the • ....dsemsadr wiant Lose4,-serydnink„ playing - game for the...drinks...4x nd some cme badetelen • his (Welsh's) or Batile's pops; that Battled wad, • dittinit arta mid he amid whip the one who tad Bug= the Pile, and attempted to asianit o ftier i geg gamy's; that. Wel/blot:aped op and got into an altercation with NicLatmhlin; that ;he (ItotrOw) hamtiereti to separate them. and 411i1 separate them. that they ImMediately came tstl , = l er again:ltad that Welsh studied Dim „ w;) tast Janda ant get rid of Oita•and %hist be Mt a kick. atked him her ig ' often he kicked - Weinbflie. 4 aid that he though t owns =Mend had :been upset. and Was, nuLLalthem; asked him where be kickeQ - 111n,.aald be could not hell where, might Use been on tbi leg and qalglit have been on. ' • elde;, iiras about the annountoribliciteo l . ItlhiniaPa had told Men tad be did nominal!: name as rat Ammer, soul& not ten . ak zoo ha did gt Txu ra, • i t : _ me crotoetattkod ,00ntIdept - t •,ole aa to wbal, If says in cements he had Dille the Prisoner Unmake any state , ^nt. It did eot appearlikundne•Lnlacece. 'w the rule of the ialPlatt been held out. • Rattlelsreseet• at the dimonity . o a k tadopeaso weal taw Lows . *PA into .4110 back • of &W -t toat vit i th r tat Woltz • kg 101... ''.C o tisp , 44. 4, 4 , 1 4:1111:414 00 .4CrMi-jA pe,..rae 49 4 - 4 4e4 ' 22 , it* vk • 4, 4 1 ,* , 4 6.1442iShottlft ao,_etieetgr. .eiare tqc/theil zotaaB, cab . tir zoo , ;0441 , i.-3 4 014,: 0 44 . Ta l aairlhart Ze.- ria • - IiMEICIIEIME In the reckoning. and Men an. gave We'se the lie scecee the table. Welsh ;mid that Morrow arse the "bloody liar.• ens nib that Morrow got up sad struck Welsh. Witness roast an to where the scuffle was, when - 3forrow bit - him na the leg and knocked him on the floor; he got up, fearing be would be tsamped the Inc. Patsy McLany.b.lie caught Welsh by the areas, and hold him up, white Patsy Marrow come w I•h a ininingitlek at Welsh and bit him in the ha; tom SI the abdomen, from which he cot no Ma until to died. After the raw tee party went mr, a d Welsh - wad only able to go across the street, estate he ley down on the aide walk; an officer came along and took him to No. 51 Tuned auteL where hr remained until next day, baying been temoyed to bLs own house. Alter W.-lsh'. demi.. witness pent with an officer to arrest Morrow, who was found hidden in a closet at JObn Brnsou's house; be denied that he area tbs. Ulan. -- Vhbatitners underwent a mostsearentret crew-examination by Mr. Bwartzwelder. Officers Kemp and Culp were naffed _„.,„ 404, „y libed to the arenas of Morrow, it the •;7, — , 2 Jabs Ben, on. on Font Lb sums, n ' dl the cal. clnaid. to the tipper storj. Teta cl7e / dense for the Commonwealth..- .a 1, - ;a. defense. SIC. BWISI I ZWeidt/ ~wa d ed th a t Under the evidence r resented thebry could not find • verdict o move than maffidaughter. lie wonin ask t hat the testimony of Mr. Wilt u dflug declaration' , be ex ert improper nature. Eel tindtd, wB6 °f dente would be offered to show that Mayor Low ry was mistsen k in Ma recital of the admis am,W t h a rlsoner.and to shear that the Met he refdrred to was Inflicted upon the man Battle. an d o at upon Welsh. The testimony of Rattle, t b a y would endeavor to show, was unreliable. T a xi= all the circumstauces Into consideration, he (bought the jury might, have but hub diffi culty trearquitling the prisoner. The first witness called was John Benson. On the night of the difficulty he went to Love's with .McLaughlin, two brothers McSteen and John Moran; Morrow was not along; went to Lobe's about half past seven in the evening, and found there James Welsh. James Battle and Mr. Lore. The McSteens went away before the difficulty; Morrow came In before they left. (Witness detailed the quarrel about the game of doeninoes.) The first difficulty was over, and 'Welsh and . Morrow came ant into the bar-room, and each was talking about whipping the other; Welsh pulled out money and wonted to fight for it. Battle said he lost his pipe, accused:Mc- Laughlin of having taken it, and coiled him a s—of a—. McLaughlin threw him down along the counter. Welsh and Morrow renewed their datculty and got ..In halts • Bottle made a kick at Morrow, and was again assailed by Mel.finghlin, Witness then seined Morrow by the breast and pulicd.hica away from: - Walsh, and as he did so, Morrow made eklekat Welsh, but witness could not' say whether he struck him or not. Battle' then came op and struck Morrow. whoesked whether he was to, be held and beaten. Witness let htorrow loose and went outside; he came is !VIM, when Battle and Morrow were maim. quarreling . . 8301 090 Raid the police were coming. At ball-past five o'clock the Court adjourned .iii nine o'clock this morning. tugltlve from JouUee Arrested—.\u Old Offender John Wilson. alias Charles Poch-was a:tested by officer W. C, Way, of the neyor's pollee, yesterday, as a fugitive from jostle*, having. with two other prlsoners—.N. T. Eldridge and John bhulten— escaped from the jail In Wheel leg on the 24th of July last, where he was con. deed under sentence for counterfeiting. A re ward of $lOO had been offrred for his appreh This is the came Wilson who figured in oar Comical teurt a 3 car or two since. Its was nested, it we eerneMAer ilgatly, for writing s thneatecing letter to lir, Greenwood. proprie tor of a hotel on Pike street, near. the Alib i: teny N'al y Itillroad depoe. Mr. Greenwood's netse had bosh burglarionsly =Mere, propane stole and damaged. aid one of the parties cot ce mei was arrested and to prison a exiting Trial. lie was a friend and partner of Wilson, w loenade ea energetic attempt to mare his r. lease. Falling In all ether Orilla, he resorted to the Irlen of ft:anteater, Mr, Greenwood, and efeni diner !edited • I suer to him, threateni , C to tisturge him In property, if he pressed the i irsecuth o against his friend. Tali let ter with other ctratmstaneea, led to his "Ma and an examination of his baggage revealed the fact that Lewes a finish ed and professional scamp, counterfeiting being hie special forte. It was also discovered that he was a higitive from Wheeling, where he was either awaiting trial, or had been tried, ou a charge of counterfeiting. He was tried in our Court for his threatening desire, convicted, and sentenced to ten months ts mprisonmcnt , , hat seas tun - endered to the 'Wheeling authorkle.,wati the understanding and condition that atter serving out his "term" there, he was to be returned here, to put In the ten months in our prison. lie escaped In July last, with the others we have maned, and returning hem, has again be,ri ap prehended. The description given of Urn, an.l which he answers well, lei Ilea feet_ nine, dark hair, grey eves, mild manner, and re..ier,ql speech. lie formerly lived In Cincinnati. We understand Lem he t.:11.% sue ala,guler and very ssfishr story. tMa be in not an escaped coatict, but that his description was given for one of those who did escape, and -accemuts for his liberty, by stating that the Governor of West Vitginia. a: short thee abtes...desired to know how "Wilson" was 'mutt g along, and being entwined "lino rate," ordered kis release, He pretends not to know anything of the ten months. atTangetaeat referred to. G immure are 111 t in the habit of eierchang their element,' in that was, and no credence can be placed In this statement of Wilsns. Mayor Lowry Ides telegraphs ti to Wheeling for Information. Gritting Aft AmwrgWiens. On Monday night a rather serious affray - enrred amongst the soldiers, Or Provost Guard. stationetkat thoGirard Howe. It appears that soMe four orfatiAilf Went in a saloon, on Third street, enjoying their " beer." when tab others, oncof.theM the second sergeant, came In end Pic ked a quarrel, the result of which was ' the serious wounding of one with a knife, ret'elring a Severe - mat on the neck, near the .jirgalar," and anothet ha the face. The Lieut enant In command was promptly on hand and without the aid of the pollee quelled the disturb ance and took into custody the belligerents. They were taken to "quarters" in the Girard, and an Investigation was at mace entered into by the Lieutenant,' Those who wen: instru mental in causing the quarrel, were closely cou . tined, and will be Gent to Philadelphia, with "chargee,lontrLal by Court-martial. The m,l - on duty in this city, are of the GthSftr.T.',l - orlfancoch's Ist.corpe, and although they have been here for several months, list, is the first time we have found occasion to note any breach of discipline and good'ordee. The prompt action of the Lieutenant is ame.,,iug of coot. mcndation, and mlcht serve as orr example to some of oar NUM` on occasion of brew hot of the peace. A My atvetorn. Case. Nieht before last the residents of O'lrara miter, between Liberty and Penn, were roused m their beds at a quarter peat tea o'clock by !be'cum of murder. On looking from their windows they sew two men attacking a third, Odium they knocked dawn and robbed. and as inn policemen made Lb& appearance on Peon 214 t, Mel ran fowapis Liberty arras andmads Aheir escape. Th policemen came up to the may, who wis ly g in the gutter—sad who {Twit badly cut ahem the head—and Look tam off, . , awards rum Wm: The injured men said he ktfi oven robbed, and now for the matery. The mlsts all Ire cattid learn about i the metier.. se e- girded the office of Alterman Taylor: sod -tbe Mame. eine% but no one knew anything olecrat it. - One li a lt -I.s emurtold In - we? emphatic *IMAM est *eras all a damned lie. But we bad the testimony of curly half a dozen wit- Demo who Mill Lbb outrage. Now. whO was the man that wee hunt. Who wenrt h e p, Ilce men who took- him Away% „wh am " s h e t a k e . too 7 Who Were the then'who attacked' him ! And why cannot shmaiof thaeonce answer to s civil manner, when they 511,401 44 a civil pavi lion , Wilsey andha. rigna inta the town, end yet when we wish to obtain ,7,,,a,„,a -1100 (Mammy of the odium, tto*. tale; —as sume s wise le-0k: as though to ens , working the essu np,,,and do noloraul. _the f ac ,,, published," or Oro they are dowarieht This is not the case with all, tit only with a few, and when these few make anything,hy emu - reticence; may we'belhete to. Me. The Alleged Infanticide Case. An leatiest.wasateld felt evening upon the Aady.of the . ftunalewhild founitha tho ,yault on premlsee of ids= pleas, op.:Erinv.2l3ot. in' the =f =c tit ,surd, 'on Monday evening, Dr. W. wapresent and lacing made a 4naininatiou Of the body, testified ' t the birth of the child was °louts= month mature, and- - that - lts internal organt revealed the fact, 'after the ordinary testa r the . t never had respired. Trom the manifestations, upon the acct, and the coojestion of the brain hr. was satisfied that death was produced by strangulation before birth. The jury, from the evidence, firand that the child was "still born." The lump! the mother Is Frances Zeigler, who is a married woman. although deserted by bet. hosissmt. , - BitaltaeLtmetwith-Kr. Slims her t-0 three uund tour : eschttla.-,-and had ben, etployed, 11 - the a Aft' %imitator,_ to wait upon re. Nino to her , eentineaosuk, Whether , any l ega l gap unit begae t * gging barer the eon •hzteat of taitairilt 400 ObJWITLII bolokon, , , .- ^Osbleto•statm ~....a_-: i..,.-, • --: ~ , • _ - . - r9e• fnie* --- iddepsat ;; , •ior gat9;" iktonisond ' • •:.slaccalstiet to ant m aatlCoi Leyte afwlt AT $l,OOO. 4 Prefetred 3- , .`2 `. l.ff~f'~'~LS t~J.•. -Manufacturers of ob.. tarts, 1Y lleelbarra tr. The establishment of the gentleman whose name heads this article Ls by far the oldest es tablishment of its kind West of the Allezhany mountalna, -mars, the senior partner, has been counoned nith the concern fora pc f,d of twenty sic S ear s. having entered it after It had been - In sticesasftil operation tor about fif teen y ear,. As the business of the firm has in erens'en, sn n oes hare their facilities, until to day they shied in the position of helot:. nearly if not he „nu,. s` largt,4 Louse of the kind In the Nor. Tbe maul, aetory in situated in MAnclostra , , a Bearer street below Walnut, and occupies au a rea of ground 200 feet by 240. The °face is on Beaver St. Entering through the office we pars into the sawing room. It is here that all of al e wood work of the different vehicles is male—rte telloes, axles, bolsters, hounds, tongues. coup- Hogs, and other parts of the wagon arc prepar- ed for the workmans hands. We find in this department one wood planer, three circular and three upright saws, two iron and one wood lathe, one boring and mortising machine, two drills, and one screw cutting machine. In the second story over the sawing mom, Is a room devoted altogether to the finishing, of wood work, which Is filled with machinery for making . wheelbarrows, and wheels. Hack or this is a room devoted exclusively to the storage of saw• eel and dressed stuff, and in this room all of the wood intended to be used in the construction of any vehicle, remains until It seasons. Fronting on Market street is a room ono hundred and twenty lent long, by fifty fact in width, which is used as a store room for finished wheels. In this room arc wheals that were made before the late war, and which arc now thoroughly season- Adjoining this room Is one tilled with spokes. On the first day of July last, an nee flint of stock was taken, whoa it was aseertalued that they had on hand one hundred thousand spokes, and there is at present an equal number on hand. Underneath ti is room is a room where the flashed wood work and gearing is fitted and su red, and from this department it I passes into the bands of the blacksmith, where It is ironed. An alley runs through the 1.11 pant this room, across which is the store room for axles, or more strictly speaking, the iron axles. Standing In the street back of the building. we raw two singular looking wagons, called floats, mended for the Now ()de= market; they are used for hauling sugar. Two of the same kind have Just been shipped to their destination, and the company are building two others of a lighter kind. intended for one horse. Connected with the establishment is probably the finest lumber yard to be found anywhere containing the same kind of lumber. An enor mous quantity of oak, hickory and ash wood, sawed to the requisite sizes, and thoroughly sea soned is here piled top in regular outer under five great sheds, which protects it from the weather. The lumber la kept carehilly assorted, each kind and each ace being piled by itself In as neat or der, as a dry goods merchant arranges his goods upon his shelves. This lumber yard is said to tr the finest to the United States. The blacksmith shop contains nine forges, which arc driven by a fan. Opposite the black smith shop is a very extensive paint shop, where the work receives its finishing touches. being taken direct from the hands of the black smith and placed in the hands of the painter. The iron house, containing all the necessary sizes of iron, is In front of the blacksmith shop. We noticed a machine in connection with this establishment that has created neomplem revo lution in wagon making. It hm a hub-tiorer for boxing wheels, and Is so arran,cnd that a huh can be bored in desired shape, withom taking the wheel from the gearing. The cot is perfectly true and neat, and no hand work could ever compete In excellence of finish, or trueness of boring with this machine. In addition to this it is very rapid In its operations, and the bits can I.e changed at will, and in a moment of time. The engine which NOS all the machinery of the concern is a filly-six horse power engine, supplied bye boiler forty-two lashes in diame ter by twenty-eight in length. The lino work fur m seventy-tire to one hundred hands daily, and turn eat about $125,000 worth of finished we rk yearly; Their specialty bi wagons for the ssuthens and western trade. Before the war their trade was almost wholly with the South, and slum peace has again re-united its, their southern trade has bees reviving rapiiPy. Their orders for plantation wagons arc very large, and even now they are a ttiug In readiness a lame lot preparatory to shipment down the Slissis irL tiaddltion to their w arm:sines at Nsi. ri St. Clair street, Pittsburgh, they also hare a house in Nets Orleans. IL is worthy or notice that during tins war there were but two wagon hous es in the entire Smith that were not closed, om of which was that of Messrs. Phelps, Park Co., and the other Wilson's of Philadelphia. Their rapld increase of orders from the South Is no indication that lllnttersare once mare :swum inz their old position them, told ;ha; '.c fore on, months. Olte:nl . , will he go.itg ou is 0.1 - Lat., that le purse r Ct.r Amusement. Pa - rat - non Toss-ma—The polite comedy o , NVIld Oats. ono of the most beautiful plays of lie kind on the stazr. and a piece In which Mr, Adams appears to antanal advantaza was last night presented to a crowded and very fashion able house. As the gay, dashing, devil may. care never, Mr. Adams throws bla Thole soul sad ererglcs into the character, nod plays the part to perfection. It is only fair to add that be Is ably castanet by the entire asmpiny. .To—sight he appears In Enoch Arden, drama tized from Tennyson's cerebrated poem of that name, the whole concluding with the It nigh Diamond. 011:11A .E.—The Sy ipla Ilke 3l'lle Zoe. vlu se beauty and I,raCC are the theme of every tongue, appeared again last night in the nel of Midlafght," a piece In which she sustained four characters, viz: Angel of Mid night, Love, Revenge and De..-411. There is a pfmaliar grace in Mlle Zoe's movemoots which renders her fascinating, and tiler. , lainst enough foreign accent to the musical voice to complete the charm. To-night, she appears In the "Bro ken Sword; or the Boy Avenger," and the "Mountain Bevil." if you wish to sec the -per sonifidation of once, go to the Opera house, and see Zoe. .Tim Cs Irma Zorssu Trmere —Masonic Hall was again filled • to midair:La last night to salutes the performances of tbls troupe, com pered fnr the most part of young ides Silage'. The songs and dances are really= fel, and their training is so perfect that there is nothing to disturb toe -harmony of their par. formanms. 'Last night Master Paulits con vulsed the Radiance by his chair act, sttow• the marvelous activity. Signor Girard, as an Imitator and preattdmitateur is wonder. fut. Wes Annie Smith. a remarkably hand sonic young Mbs, combines a!! the excel lenctes viral and instrumental musty, danc ing, and her performance on the al.:: wire, be 'irks the other parts trtth h etre undertakes. But forst wend rful of all is the optical illvdrin VII,. Every one should bee It, for we cannot. de peril, 11, a young lady cote, the box or cabinet, and when it Is opened, there stand, Pool Pry. He in surnmaril3 cdec cd, and where hr etood, a ghastly skeleton is been. The bkel , aort dlNap peare, and presto, the young lady le there, and ric..tit she 'walks on, tat tt the skLietou in a shawl. The titbibllne Is ne-rt shut in, and be .nopenrs, b ut. so reappears, takes possesahm Pau l Pry, locks him up In the cabinet, but what Is his ruitonlabment to lot her appear in the (rout of the Hall among the audience. IVet can tell cc more abmu It; go and see it. lie nook and Ladder Company.—The or ganizatlon of a hook: and ladder company, ells projection of which we hare noticed, is, we may state, a tiled fact. bath has been the sucrose of the energetic persons who have taken the matter in hand, that they have mode a contract for a first class apparatus, to bo Alelivered on the barcit December; and bon made the tree poy meat. Alderman Strata's Oflice.—Alaerman Ettaln, of the Tenth ward, yesterday entertained tho followinneases :. At 13, 411 1 0 vs. G. Ste idle, prosecution-Mt linttotr-wlthout license at Draddock'a Fieldei held to answer. harsh M lle-mg TS. Joint Letarmice, surteti of 114 piece, bold to RDbßet. chiniii , Foster aft John Ott. assault and battery; he d to 4131""n., ..Sutety.—Alderman Kelly yeatardny commis led Samuel Young toe steely .01 ao pmeo, on complaint ofliectie Prom Yesterday's Evening Gazette. Another, Alleged Infanticide. - MI =rams a -German.tamatiAdsm Klaus, rfsidint en Erin abed. In tbs Seventh Ward, appeardtat Sto Mayne,: office and stated : that a it-Infbed •Staneis Zeigler. whit had been in bia etaPinir kauvant, had ging birtlito child on /4 411 Pfening,. which ; wee` let*. AVM in Vei•ii6..poig in, tha italAd •Itat 11 , 1' 04 '"IllcutrOped bibles Wt toz wegge ago, ItAtbetramatly her prreparki beeline' Rdoilti iflOsltt. Oa Monday evening vrifii n gliod her Rom letecalwomed draw, snaking Wok Mend In I n w 4. Od being gneetfented , smaxt , ttercmdttbn . theglrt denled - that elosha4 given birth tow child, and It wu not nnttf;ldrs., Mans , remand aof the clothing; that rohe mum/el hen a thls polnt. The girl_ atilt dented ail knowledge of the Child, lint WIT= enbeeescutay found tzt the out house, end takenront• for exam. inatico and burial; The"Mironeriis been'nott. nal, and will hold an impleat Mayor Jam"! dispatched an officer to.the.hOpee,,,to, wateb, the movements of the girl. qt 'notlmovrt: Whelk, er-the child wu still born, or--murdered' after birth, 'but. this fact can, he ascertained fohn Arm supposing the ,alll,ld.Atti hays been dead, the m other - indittalidP.:=der ad section britiO:lScifel'hate, ftlf otincediolf birth. f..1 ,,, m0 Court TUESDA T. October Et r—Prescot: CI itlJostire Woodward, sod Judges Thompson, atrott4, Read and Agnew. Wm. H. Roae, of Cambria county, was, on motion of IL L. Johnston, duly admitted and qualified to practice In the Supreme Court. Hoffers ys. Miller. Westmoreland. Armed: by roster fcr plaintiffs in error, and by Laird, contra. Grallllo3 ye. the Commonwealth: Indiana. Arzned by White and Stewart for plaintiff In error, a• d by Ranks. contra. D'Latti et. at. re. School Directors of White township, Indiana. Argued by Taylor for plaintiff error, and by White contra. Ebel. vs. Baird el at. Westmoreland. /tr aced by Laird fur defendant In error, sap by Foster contra. McClade's App:al; Cambria. non. pros. kicl.alti's Appeal; Indiana- Argued by Tay lor and Banks for appellam.-sad by Clark, coo- Carr it Co Beek ; emends. Argued by ffrade for plaintiff In error, and by demi, eon- Larceny of Clothing Chief Elkie. of the Allegheny police, arrived this morning from Alliance, Ohio. haring in custody a man J umped Charles Hunt, charged with the larcedy of a lot of clothing. It ap pears that Hunt—who is an excellent ...-Rlll formerly ingaged as an actor in this city but taroming sotaew hat dissipated left his situ• ellen, and tack tioardieg at the Union Hotel, (cattle yards,) iti the Second ward, Allegheny. Nhlle these, on the 94th ultimo, he pertained a coat. valued at twelve dollars, a palr of panta loons valued at eight dollars, and • vest worth live dollars, from a fellow burden' named Thom as McKee, with which be Mee his way to Atli •nce, where be wu "picked up" by Officer El kin. At the time of his arrest he was arranging preliminaries for the srganization of a "Min strel Troupe," and was las fairway to succeed. The stolen articles were found• upon bin person, and after a hearing before Aetleg Mayor Hlble- Ino be was committed for trial In default of five hundred dollars bait. The prisoner attempted o a zenre himself bysaying he we 's on a "spree." An Explanation In noticing the insult offered to some ladies at the Fair, by a couple of New Yorkers, we stated that they occupied Mr. Garden's "turn out," and were driven by his "nigger." In doing so we only stated a fut. tending Lo al the Identity of the men, and not with say destgn to nflect. upon Mt. Gardner, who had nothing whatever to do with the affair, and Wh) was absent In the oast at the time. Sloe° his return he Informs us that he had given express orders to his man not to permit the horses to be used by any body, and that his fail ure to obey these orders bat resulted in his dis missal from his employ. It Is due to Mr. Gard ner to nay that we disclaim any Intention to re flect upon him, and-any Inference of this charae ter would be unfair and unjust. "The Successful W ell.' We acknowledge the receipt of a copy of this flee lithograph from H. P. Gengenbre. it Is printed in colors, and gotten up In excellent sttle. 'The reputation of llr, Cl. In mechanical drawing Is well-known. Ile drew two premiums at the late Pair, for mechanical designs. and Is a thorough master of the art. The perspective la the picture is good, the landscape artistle.and the small figures 'matured abont to give It life are quite appropriate. The picture, on the whole, Is beautiful and attractive, and would mate a very appropriate office or parlor orna ment. The designs are not"fency sketches," but each separate part has Its '•reality" In the all regions, and therein consists its value. The picture will be sold at flee dollars per copy. A Card to the Public Tv the Prm or Pittabarg —The underlsgeel will soon have tie honor and the pleasure it appearing before the citizens of Plttsbarrrh in the cepa ity of a Pa.& &al,. By my method realm to effect an instantaneous care upon all curable diseases, will:tont the aid of medicines or surgical operation. Simply by the martoto touch. !shall soon publish a columa to each city paper of testimonials of the most remark able cures that I hove performed. I have the original of each one of these tentitrionialo sworn to and subscribed before a Justice of the peace, end the county clerk's or prothoaotary's teal attached. My operations will be open to all to come, investigate, criticise, and be healed. I commence on Monday next. November . dih, at Masonic Ilan, from nine to eicirea o'clock t. v. where cures and the exhibition will he free to all. I will continue there for thirty days (B un days excepted.) Thaws able to par will be re celv re at my parlors la the Bt. Charles Rotel. from two to abs r. st. each day. J. Donne Vi'srutz.v, 11. D. Saw the Metiker.—A rollicking German ramed Fred. Wei.. while under the influence of "lager" at beer hall. Third ward, Allegheny, on !looney night, to company whb some Metals, was requested by Lieutenant Bal mer. of the night pollre, to heap quirt. He Valiantly stepped out tato the street, asked for the policeman, and boasted that no Gaza could take him. He made a remark la German. about the ollicer..Characterizing him as '•a man with • mot try face." He was at once seized and taken to the tombs, where Imbed the ”pleastur" of masiplem all night. and this moraint was tined two dollars. He will doubtless hereafter endeavor to avoid "man-monkeys." Mien Yin twat • month sent a man named Iligige&Grandlint a breast pin stolen from him. r woo.. detithfleht street yesterday, he eaw the pin to E. Le !toy's window, and on incoldpg found that It had been pawned by a young man some wean ago. The pin . was taken to the Mayor'a and tfforta am being made to amen the party who panned It. It coolant of a lamp of t.'alifornla gold, about an ounce In weight, and is prized by the owner abate Its intrinalc„nalue. Slicmid be Remedied,—The payements la the vicinity of the Weigh Scales, In the Atte gheay Diamond, ere becoming out of repair, In cots, quence of drivers running their vehicles over them. A correspondent wishes to know if their is soy remedy for this. In scow:, en re fer him to the Chief of Police. Wooden laulldinge.—DUrin our perigrina lice. through Allegheny to-day, we noticed a number of wooden bull,fings and "improve rucras" going up. There b ra ordlnancaprohd, tang ,thia; and the prope authorities shonid sec to its enforcement. Convicted of Lareeny:—The jury to the eras br damn Bell, tried yeaterday for broglary and larceny, earns into Court this morning and rendered a verdict of not guilty of burglary. but gollty of larceny. Remanded for sentence. The Opera Season—The sale of season tick et. for the Opera, which open& on Monday nett, at the Theatre, vtlll commence on Wednesday, the let leer.. at nine o'clock 10 the macular, at Sluelc Store, Wand 'trout. The Young blan'a tretenu.—Warranted to cure Private Diatom. For sale by druggists. Ark for the Young Man's Friend. A pamphlet git tog the aymptums and treatment of private accompanies each Box. co , call be had by addressing Y 011111( MAD'S Frleod, 1301 %, Clnclimett.i. with a three cent stamp enclosed, to Joseph Fixing, Critics Super,J. Fulton, P. W. FAX in Vat Abllegbetis. HUMBUGGERY PLAYED OLT A WASHING 71ACIIINE ron $3 00 ! ORLI. AND F.XAMINF. FOR YounsEmrps FURNISHING STORE. No 6 Federal Street GEORGE W. RUBLES punt G1.001_4114 Tho choicest stoat of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS ARE JEWELRY, over brousht to Alla *MeV CRT, 0111 Asir tee ALVA At the ;STORE of T. H. KLAGES EY of the stewsst stiles, MOORS "jot every Os. entttlos ottest A alo ILA Vilna reolterse • PURR SILV ER IIaw ware. AND PLAT/MOM/ fla 1M slob nitwits, flpoom - and -,Eobetmlsa , sad Fronelt Chloe Ana Uleee VALI3ES , ot, . r , OR artletesbeloasthit Me et la ot Dustotto, *hist will bo Itt Pelt E 110. Tiorri • IfinoViddlrisulr3nnilty wOrk earettalf mussed trepailloL , /1181= 1 *- DflohPaHl foo 1 0E0 • TeriDlM% STrEet Olt place,,es. sera street, • boy. , oettlelt VLOUR-AND'.4III.IaIG. : 10:1111As Dually iflOur*Whilt* wheat; 1 09 - Cd• ' ao„, hrid4 4o;, aub bush pit:6 Earboin) ahatled4l, AKA nih-osta; 200) lac. opting Oirhal 't cdr kmd Min Yeea, 2; atom aae for PA N,10431101t.ik.041., , rliosras2aA3 PlassfalA. TLASZPR ,DXOO • WOW- ' • , Velvilt 614001114 -- Tor br oct W. P. ETAIMALL ROBINSON BIeCLEA.I7:Bc Bankers and Brokers. No. 15 Fourth, S4V.Pittit;vu-gti. Dealers in all kindadg Gostmaent Sec it - tier, 0, ld , SUrer, Uncurrtnt Bank Notes, Forel‘n and Domestic Eachamie, ke., ussuennts mama in flaii FUNDS and CUE lIEPN.7I. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collect* on. made In all pints or the United States on most fi,•orll,o/8 tee,,.. masts raceme with dispatch for everything In the b mums at the limbos, New York, Pails dolphin snd f ittsburga Brokers' Boards steal, on commh•San. Drs • on A. CLEWS k 00, New T. es CO Philadelphia; Messrs. C. D HELD IL T. H. PERILINb, B.cons n. FINANCIAL BROKERS AND BANKERS BOARD (CallanßD ItO5lllllOlN, n'oiza a. 004 MoNDAT, Oct. 31, 1953. Off "WEL Ached. MET= IPMZI 23EZi ENE MN= All.econnetirriti,.ll: ' 7 4 70 4eay Co. Flvce Pitts urgh ' •-•—•••• *72 07 • urek, counellsville IL IL Interest Oonnetlpllle It. R. non-tot. ltlreas Bank Fotrth Nat. Bank— 83 So —..— Peoples National .. . _. 60 Allegheny & Pit tsbic — rgh 611 * - ..--"5 Columbia 0i1......_ ..,, Eldorado Oil Basin Rots. Tarr, Story & Cherry Run —.... Helton _ hemlock_.. • Pioneer Phoenix Oil —.----.- Duck Crock Volley Coal Itturil Alining Co-- Gold mooed up again to-day. New York quota tions hove been very steady at 1.15, Pittsburgh !tankers were buying at about 10.1%t0 144. There we. no further improvement in U. S. Bends. Speculation in the East, u the maiket grows ',toy, Inns turned upon railway shares, ,which for some days past hove been moving uirwords strong -1) Fort it' n 1 ar h L•hleazo hos risen from 'Or to or. ernl other Western Roble have o-rot up in pearly the same proportion. Pirrsbareir stock market exhibits rut IP t Ito It y. There W. about the usual MllOOll , bra. loess transacted at Morning Born!, hut no sales were reported. I 2 bid for Columbia but there W. no responne. Later in the day we found or. dens in the street fore, limited amount, buyer wit . I tog to Increase his bids. We learn of sales at 15'. nod rat(., and toward. u, arm,: of 02.:ru..1 t the former figure. Tarr, Story S. l'heell Run sold the day it W., offered at 21 this even log. The Philadelphia market rontinues very much 'tepees/red in oils. Caldwell Ire notice no ...Nag below $1 pet shore Darrell touched ribo Out hos rengthen,l up n trs. lion. New York err•respon. Ar nt ea). Consider:lWe exit went eclat• bete over Pit hole 'reek roleuto Company which lidls LAW to touch 113 yet share on the strength of the s6O bar rel srell}ult obtnincii, nod the probable yield of felt more well. I:Lely to strike tiny moment. It it tlisti;hl the will yield sm at. , ,od.•otly et ;lie rolled Flittel now selling rit follovriug (wk. were soLl u:l4 Oct. 31st, It I *olnenerr4al Salts Rooms, No loa, :•quithArld .lrert, by A Mc Allegheny National GO 30 Alen:bands ay3lanulastuyer• Nat. Bank ou The total value of torvtgo export. II 01:1 .he port Of flAlttenore, the past week. an:Monied to $1:.1,091 Included In . the shipments a ere 610 bbla flour, .00 Mid. leaf lotion., 69 bag• bark, slat es. pkg. brandy It f - Of gallons petro/eum, and u 6 tons vast. I be lasi VAILIt of formdu Ampor . for Ow week mounted to k. 9.43:. The new gold certi 5s ales of 111 , drnron,ns ., no of e thousand dollars hare wade their appear... , They resemble eery oroteh in appearance the ordl nary I reatur y e The signer te .s sn en; r, with Anterneso fl ag and olive bran-ben. The motto 1 . , l'lttrlbtt• 1. num t• env, .-.1 at the Zell of tie note, On t Ise right band lower • oft., id the s Igoe, at a female heal rut the upper eorner the figures • 5.C.00 - are engrased In a most e'atso rate deaign of scroll and lathe wort- The note is bordered L. the figures • ,OOW' in felon form. Th'e lettering and fancy work on the buck of tna co, art printed In • rotor representing sold. In lee centre of the bark, surrounded by a wide end elate orate larnier. are the worms "Flee Thousand Ilas- This Is the only I.criptton on tne reverse of the certificate. The Auletant Treasurer at New York has re eels.. from Washington itsaMoixr of Ti 1C new get. litirates ofgold depoitila cf the denorntootlou of oflASwotnO,, pa t.,. p n oble`"en d el o . t f orben T re i rre smite[ deoominatloae w 1 I and prarti , ally the same as our batik note rut-cola thin before the suspension of specie {canto.ts.he m.; sinspl, paper normalcy eons ertrhie Into gold on .ternand %Ye - .nay naturally expect a ..trply tpf ihr notes of the smatter ..b.nroninsitons In this city tn the course of 14 daya. These new gold notes, o ix g oal m a gise to the the ....trot of the market, and as the Secretary's opera iiol7ol see kept secret and the law ex prettily allow. him to Issue gold checks to the extent of 2.) per cent b-yond fha amount of coin or bullion an the Treasury, be will bare Ire cominsurd of a large amount of gold by Which, It is supposed, he Will be able to regulate the market price of gold and form. exchange Th. plea t• oat new. Share the adoption of the flutstreasury system la lon, this snetbod ha. hero frequently suggested for ren dering useful the large amount of specie seta. has been permanently kept Idle in the Treasury.—Pritl. crlerphle Larer• PI7TI4HUIR. a PETROLEUM HARK CT Trr4DAT. Oct. 31, ISO. I•lit'DE— The Crude market was 44,1J:1 unnwu ally artier torte s, the reported sales tooting op ever clog Pioneered borretl, tout pekes have still further declined, and we now quote St ntt4tem Idol. returned •nd In bulk, sod bbl. Included. The e.liar of the decline Is ow ing to the Met that buyers are enelou• to reettre, end the euppli being somewhat in excem of toe demand; Coleco; iSOO bbl. to bulk, at 33; 150040 do, et Mt;. :tot let Tal4. bble returned. ion, bbl. cludoi, at go free on board; IWO, in bulk, at -Mt cal bo 103 M, lit 1303 in bulk. at I edu at .1.,, and I.o—on :gouda), but not Leone reported--at 35'. r d•lierred In Philadelphiti, hblYINI:la.-The market for bonded oil la more ail,e and prima shade better, although there ' still an shundonee of room for Improvement. Sole of IS) !ibis to be dells retell to Phlladelphla,lst on.) loth of Deetnatier, relict's option, at 159,1;" Igo for December delivery In Philadelphia, option, at fg, and iasSibbls"Brillitual." for January delivery, in Philadelphia, at s t s teil that thee. arc large export Order. In Philadelphia In the hangs of ear, oilers, at el cents, there, but arse potties A re •givarlog" the market With great mass.,, and buying at from three to four cents gallon below the,: goat. Fri, ill may be quoted stem) at 71 cents for prime city bran.,,. N.kprnA PESIIII I'll—There was 140 19n•f . MC ha whatever to alt het of those art 1.0.1 my, and, In the a! e of s't lea, r omit quo.. quo , ationr PPIPEIPTS -The wilds of oil by thr \ Ft ray' Int rr during the twenty-Inge hoots rr1.1.:,1 this earning torte ns follows J... 111.1a1,1n114 k Wllklna I 11.11 Collla , It. LW/ n W. 1 4. Logan 11. Wray ...... 2AI Tot Flour and Grain at Tide-water. The quentlty of Flour, Wheat, Corn And ItAr/ey left A 1 Mk-seater during the third week of I:Y:tu ber 111 the years 18E4 And 18,,A, was as follows Flour,bbls. Whest,bu. COro,bu. blariey.bu. teat— ..... 1.6.600 610,800 318 0 0 a 51,20 Ifit3 31,1500 210.600 1,000,700 00'1,340 Der..... 51.0. —1.4,00 10c.74.1,%0 Inc ..51,100 The Aggregate qunntlt of the same articles left At Tide... titer from thecommencement of na ['lntim . . to the 7.1.1 October, Inclusive, during the tests 11184 nod 1880, wns as follows: Flour,bbis. Whest,bu. Gons,bo. I.lArles,ba. th114.....716,4 0 0 12,302Z2 0 8. 842 . 000 10 00 . 180 c,p1,900 13,401,4n0 2,Xi3,000 Dee..l,alo Per.8,170,3702a5,5C2,100 trie..774,rtz By reiluaing the wh rat tooour, the quantity o the tattler Mt at tiacrivtiter this year, compared with the corresponding period last year, shorts a Sellcitosey of 407,0 0 0 hbla deur. Cleveland Market ri-EVITAWDIkt.PC.:IIOIIr—QuIet awl mead at, 6 9 g red, country branda; 110,50 111.4A .a-n. Whit° do; 111.0301.1,6 0 XX red, city ma r 1 1 1 .1 ;ovist,6o N..x. white do, Wheat—quiet and num- In. New NO 2 redoffbred at 1610, without Baler. Old No. I red held at 1232(62.16; old No. 2 red at 111,P502,00 Corn—Quirt; wiles 2 can No. 2 inland from atOre et roe. fiats—quiet and eteedy. Rilew 'a cafe from 'tore at 400.-Ityeo—Hettor demand; •ile. ear. irons itlote 65e. .04r 1 .7 dull and uuml nal. BY RAILROAD. PITTSBUZ OII s FOOT ,NYATLIII A UntOodo n., Oct. al-1I eases tobsero, id A. Jul:mg Doer epplea 7 Shield; 1 car potatoes. L H Vold la co; t do do, B.Hood;.10o bbla flour.Shomaker A. , Lantriet of 0g ,,,, 104 , ma* mrhisoo; 6171,1211ti0nd, Phu% ,etalarsap bnbutter,;deek ft Armstrong; - b ; - whiskey Trot:anionic Cp_rArdOr hrOonia.B . Ewat A co; 2Or 'tallow, Anderson; 'Pear - wheat, 6110gge t egars, , Kerr Prim,' 62 bras sand; .• cot IGO bids apptek Rot to,_Alken AhlhoP ti.bbl whiskey, .Guekenkel men k co; 20 aka rage, GrAfter & (Mark; 201 bosos heess,7l l Ccanlioldi AS do do, IlDnizall cof gt ICi 6°,11 hidalo;al'hblocarbon oil, Harbour & 001 :ear oltai - John Slarshallll2l2 bbIS applAsMulp k , ith e pardi Lou Wien Slisrbapilt k co 4 wk,lsbis 114 11 41 1 '0144194000._44044 getiztotor; ego Agri r. Frniumtvlin.;./ 1 4u. , ' i.itef:=l6o.o.le•pot!itoes,.. tit Nolgt*hOi bble,raraft AatehhtLlllo bbp; appics,'H Baisloy; 16 plates 'ctlipor, H •„Hussay cco) ititattbabnoirs, ADA Chamber* • 61..bbli50ttr011indiffikorA Lang-ltind oo sutra! & L . Gutta . ndiortila hbds.sabooso, Hose* • better; bbliUbs'eco, .m.stchett'Abon Idtirphrt2lo2l6 tonAter J . 'W:Binocni•Orbblimets Dark •g HWyerin bbls apples,J Denbo; ;Sake barle,y,Shomaker k Lang. 12 MA/ apples,llinhp. bell k HtlielhlikturnAtttiontons, J - Herbert. 1 ausistaire.h7Allol,,Hat.,4ll,4, car Asked, _Kennedy A.-.11r0;_.264 t}:fa-ZE,tforsrt.; 'Years whiffed; Hlnsjamitaciroftl ll. plum .23.d0a brooms, A Kirk 1 S Kt tales cott;roady, (fads b. co; 1711,Akstanlood. 7 Ewer & Haralltoni 100,1 Ada Apples, her ,F.Eichwidt;l2 aka finalised, ht •B guydatarlaobblinpplesi Hurons - to Kennedy; $ -Mitaorbeit;tOObPla lent, nob:WC k;Eaicrx• 1 (Mr wiry, W IV Anderson. PITI &Ili ItGB "MAKE I-5 'lruinse, Oct. M. 15.4. Thr le cat been no near features In the general ;markets to-day worthy of special notree, the cle mend for moat of the lending commodities being light. while pr , er. have colt no quotable • chance. GRAlN—Wheat I. in stonily demand and firm but unchanged; sale of s cars inferior Western Spring at $1,10; 2 cars Milwaukee Club at 61,50; nod 1 cm No. 1 Chicago Spring at $1, 5 0. Rarity centimes very dull emd SIP leetlllso b. the nil. Sao prtee for good Spring and 'Fall. 92,2 S illy be quoted steady at 48,05 the track, and 62 tid for mall tots In store Corn Is selling In email iota It 16480. FLIILIR—Is quiet and a little dull, hut, as Vtt, priers e.. not quotaldi loner-49,15 for guodS p ril g Wheat Family nod #10,15064511 for Winter Vi hen. brands. 11.} c rour is with:min amall way at $7 2;44,7,/.., per btil and t•ornmcal at 61,10 per bushel PROVISPINSBcon is quiet and dull. in tact the aces. is about over. Mess Pork is dull and loner. end unchanged. be gunted above Ir 4. Lard ts quiet .d unchanged. st.l. light. and demand POT ATCl , —Tbere ilia continued active denoted for Poach Boma nod the market may bequoted than at 1260 per bill. Sneers are selling at 14,504 l,lllesd,oe per hbl, according to quality. APPLE-s—tlnder the Influence of large arrivali, the market is some whateasier mid prices are a fraction lower; we nolo anles to a fair extent at S B O U tToT 1E01.5-Ih er c rbe I i sf da m ti m noune d t o (ale strictly pr d ime. for Soil Butter and or note ;eviler sales at 40 to 12, tot fair to prime. F(;GS—lu demand and cry aciar.•., would.-ron lo•nd 30, readily tilt:lSE—is stead) nob regular ashes al Pt (or HamburgamitTl@2.l lortlanthen. as yet. is liahl small rale. at 13011 c for prime old crop apple., KIM! 11l for new Grop peaches. HAY—Nate on wharf of tons strictly ;mime baled at /113 per ton; sal. at scales at ats to no 'o (V7alaig,lll2ly_s—nre attune In a regular way at 4114/11ser bbl. CHP.STNOTS—IN but unchanged: aconli sales from mote at 11 1 Per bushel. tat:EDS—Small talcs of VI/lases , ' at $1,70n 2,211 per husheL No demand whatever fur Oleo. or Timothy. 110511NT-1a selling nt 5 rents per h. SALT—Stale on track of d car loads at yi,oo per blil. alto Small stales at the usual advance. PEARLS--Salta of 1 1000 at 9. Limo •Snies of 100 1.111.'99We at $2,22. ALLEGIIENF CATTLE MARKET I: 'Tort ed for the Pittsburgh Gazette. ALLZOFILIIV liter, 11," 31, ta6s. 4' hTTI.I" twat:poly of Cattle, aithonzh hard.l9 point of number,. to I het of 1..1 reek, was onstderntd) to exrest 01 the demand, and ul.nt dull and In ng n ;th morr w:icr• than buyers, end prwcw, generally spealtin‘7, ruled lower . Prime fat eattle were again in light supoly atm Bald up to about last week's Ileums, while inferior and common grades ruled rery dull, end "seal. wigs" apps red almost unsaleable at any price. The whole number of cattle on sole this week may be fait!y ert down in round numbers at two thou nand bend, some fifteen hundred head of which hanged heads and the balance were left over. Geod fat stem and betters sold at from '7 to -ph and some few extra were rebelled at 8 cents; stock e-lre continue dull and neglected, the supply each u rek being in rural of the demand which Is now restricted almost entirely to the very heat grades. Fpringers are quoted at from Ed to *SO per head, nod mtleh cows at from iSO to MOO per heed. 110(}5—The market for Slogs continues dull and depressed, with a droop'ag tendency, and not the arrivals vont inue .naparstively light, the supply Is somewhat in excess of the demand. Thus far, our packers have not purchased a single tog, nor le it likely that they will until prices get down considerably below the current rates, and what la true in this respect here, will apply to most of the leading rne•kets in the West. It 10 I rue, there has Deena decline of 1!.; to: cents nee pound elready, e• compared with the highest polnt ached thl• season, but there must be a stilt fur- Orel arcane more our packers nun be induced to cemmenee operation. We hal e t follufftLlZ ,Ire rpro,tenl head at eraging. • du tut do ets rtt f 1.1,50 I,J do n t I !, 7.4 no nt 2,10 n itt r :4 ,•. av it 1l,(0 • ‘I 14,77 •II 11 1 :1 . :; err IS rt a•ch , nd far •to k •; '.c • st• 1:13 444.1 h.rl) n(I pr,ro nr.• •11,,n0.1. t1.k41 ,t Is)) LO Inedium do •I btarl. Shq. 01- h nhd nitp `I. lat I.:tie .nhai, (or them. 1.-• 51.5 y be 4,0.1). .1 A: f. '4. pra he+d, • I I: , 1, r t..., : ol ro ,••• 1... •1. - • st Mc. 'al,bstri :et 11e.;?.' 1%.,4 IL, rel 1C44 , 114 : 1,411, •'. 11.41 , ovg• , 14, •o I. • ' ..; oura k! I 3111! A I—,Fftronti, h. of [thrush Oh, 151 et..., Lelo nr 12...t.nver, , er.: ,• Mrr, :et • • to . . cat ti,end tot. oi or. K al. n 'loon is ato to 51ys r.h shactherer ro load ot et , r st.ors Mora•init orideratood 'o be at 1 ..,; hen..l to man, and retailed 6) L. nd Rothe:1111s h. tx.kert to 311 era h Shhusberg head of falvt•h stock cattle, a rerrizlng 1 150 It 5%; retailed 0) held al 6!.4f7... liofher Horner . 34 Tend, aremglar 5311, at 6c; 7t* Lead to tlmlll. at about same price; retailed 45 head. Ncwrus to Kahn h fireenWald 61 head, Overt gine' ikr—price U111.1011 , [1. Idlers h sitaml.cre to rarne hard stock cat tie at 534—retailed 14 head. (7rawfhrd wholesale) 52 hehd at from CO Co 7,26.-10 sold to Oiwts et t Phillips report s 1105 log 1,611,1 2, heod at 5,5) (7 Co° Verner .k. eo retailed 55 Loa.l of Waahscirtoo co. Peron. esttle at tot 7*,.. to .hark.ta ! Traurman 13 lies) of good Ohm rattle Ai Maths R Ttalarm. repOrt baring retailed bead at Kis; end tOtt bead .eft. over. t 'h ryst h Ecrior .0 head of rough Lthio cows and Ft sr, averarirm !so, retailed II head at 5,!..k G 631; 2.1 head loft Grey. Fattens n tot 'hoist h. Ewing I' hood of rood oovss and helicon, averartn3 952, at per h o .d. II If. I 'or ret•iled bend of common cows and heitera at .5* A16 1 ,...,—.4 bead loft over. ti SMillt repeals haring sold 35 heal at 6.1 g. Kola co. retailed 60 head of ratans! :own sad ottorn at iNkArii. ' Latrerty to It Dor h. on 70 head of et ', tra stock tattle swooping rotnat. 61.„, 31 head of ! (*.lrish stock steers mid heifers. to name borer. at 6 • to head of eVra Cerra at nc; ostalled 47 head • (s;—' 3 left over otootr sold Is head of common steers 117 5,40; a wl6 head of hulls at a!'is. mh•ugh reports having sold 12 bead of nice bin glop co. Parton steel" nt 1 o'sl on tot' (task. la Rothchild, 96 71. I:notsfeWs nod steels. aver agtng stn.*, st Detrult Grain Markrt 111-11 11, nif for the week I t., u:1 he 4iiien liN thr following table' . . VI Mir. White. Amber Amber. 1,74 1,.1 :110 feta) . ;Lai 1,02 1,70 Tuesday 7.17 1.1: 2,01 1,113 Wednesday 2.44 1.9. 2,oii 1.05 Il.tiraday 2,11 1,01 1 0 , I ,a 1 1 ., idn) . htlViN —The market. with a lair demand, has de. r rod duriti• week Present 0 ,1 0 , tor Lt. and delivered in My*. i.l , —Thr demand is tea miles al ale ed in ban.. The supply by teams a still a mere t.tutiug tiomptirlatiti with the demand for the .11traile, and prldes are higher,. the range being Its 4a. 1: LEI' —1%1,:c1 are lour , . 115 e pi,' 102 i 2.5. he n in'.l s atom! the 1.16110,1 pat,d iin at - e eo Canailltin ate not iltsposal to tlizow their stocks ott market at pretax'. IS 1 I.—Steady, at 750f10e with a lula's demand it Da I cry kale oassiag.-2.46urit Dalin MAE RETB BY TELEGRAPH. PETIZOLEUIII STOCKS IP NEW YOIISC. Specie' Mopetoll to Weeter P n reen. New Y onic, Oot. El, 1915. Petrok um Stoche eteady, with sere et tits tot lortrie reload: Cherry Rue, 2.1; Webster, 1.50; Plt hole erect, It so; Bradley, 1.10; First National, 11; Meehan. Fun.. Er); Mt. Vernon, 45; Oceenle, 10; Denochoff Run, 13.25; Knickerbocker, 11 Sheds River, a go, E.r.utlicril, 101 1 1 01t04 State, 112 W VOOK PETitoLIaIRI s r odot "Avow, co wetter:, h... Nen . Yoac, Oct. 31, Int. Petroleum la more active, but. 111 dull; Isle. te ak), 01 10.30 bbl. Crude at 35t.ecre the epos, and too bbl. tar November at 361i0. Woo 1,000 btda Helloed le hoed at 1113630, aed 103 bbla White at Yree 0111. held at 160714 Now York Market CI Or Yana, October al.-UOTTalt—Bun and beery, le. lower at ai 1. for bliddinig. Frown-68100. better and more agog, it f 8,0) broods, 11l for Extra State, ItS t eagßO for good rill , OldS brands, the 'Marie) closing steady. W maser—Dull it , t2.16y4 _, , GRAIN—V.7Imm., opting doh and aid/ding) White Winter closed rather more •lady„ at 411,00, for old Chicago Spring, arid ,M 3.502 38 for Neer Amber, the Larger pries for, ahotaer. Ilya dull' and Melilla. Barley doll and aoarcoly so Orra Parley Malt Quirt. Clorn dull, and Sc. lower] 001185 for tio towed, andltklao for sound mixed %Vattern. 040 1....mue and d r ooping et 41451 fere unammd, and 68667 a. for sound buTtareriugßarAlultitt:litslWiint n'en Cuba 5112100VadOr Mow, tetVlktitt.' 4 .ll,o464 quiet And firm, IDrlutotrot.-blore, active at Ittgp for crude, and Iyegoe. for reflood itibond audits. for do. free. • Yrrotruncros—Porletetver; at 433,S.Vaiint f or, itti, - ALM - elosintilii r terlOY . S.agthu— 11Z.nri - for i 'Will fOYrdir blesin-goef anti at 1 -1 14:fer. fan" eali - lintlitaireg far Extra Adm. ad Name In demand, ton nima-0,14..0M rears dull at 1611131r4e , for Bruntldert and SO°. -133(daortfenia.• - Burgr in tale taw:Ma i elem . WA. la, d besty.ll , 24WA,. - 'Butter la demand stla ea fereThici•and 00 , Mri for ELAM •• Meese 14 _LI caste, ._ ~ ~ „ .:. •-• • • Clnelthisttl Market. , f . . t 41 , 1bractiduett. Oa. 51.—lrLooli—Tincbanitd 'sad 0 twat' SUptitlle 41.1509735 'emeri4,llWoLnim. pid,limuly, and Pop up-,7 te,' •- • 4 • aseis—Vitiest cum st tor FRIO aft rfdoutel ,Isl,lo6:ACTSfoinli. 'Cori tllA.(tia 6CCI. apitialt "rasa myetninotterftuolawat 40.13,0_744,„., i - XBDTI3IOIKh4BeII _TOlk:lll3.ltt *I it s: ittlaastp 4 la *OzgalatO Aletit,7no.94. t, pad steady az.1•70.: . T. , ~. -,,, _ ~_, ~,, %_,,, 1 1 " `Willor- - Ftrbe. it 1 12,0'. '' ' ''"' " ` ' ' ' ' ' I , Okocazna—quittm New Tart Cattle r eve Tann. Oct. 111.—Thel following see tae entrant pricee tor the wriak, at ail the muses, Bass OsVMS—Fleet quallty, por baba, sil,i4a Slat fair to geed . 1 10riaogisel2016.60: In tenor, 0100 12 . Cows ann . ija.r.ces—Extras. per head. 113051.33; Bret quallty 566(185; ordinary, ;$Ol/2a; common, I ak.5414.5; Inferior, Wade cat Csixrs—k fret quality, per pound, 12%2 1504 weiosty.ll‘2l2e, oommott,l:l.4,c. Snare also Llikrzoll—E,soWr head, Penn; prune, s6s7; ardisßll , common, $B.lB 04.1514 Inferior, 11, : 25. Ssrar —Light and cilium at th(ll3‘l,le; LOU 2aB, 12(02,24e. There w'asno decided change in the socipiellan of the beef cattle ma t kat tide Week as co mpared wits, las— The cattle acre scarcely zo food ss t week, yet they were lull as goad on t aver- - age nod price' Were nesrly the earn°, though the at :rage price eras a trine tonal . . any kte cents per Ica pounds, making It sboUt Din.r potisd—olt la C.. fficult to sell, exempt at low Milan cove Irregular, varying trent sal to. 11160. Vssla more steady at previotlll gnotstlOctl. Sheep sod Lams Were rather lower per pourid, bat the range of prices per head are aboutthe tame. liogeaberse. were b. sty and micas are somewhat lower, ri. ttri s—Beecea, 6,081; C orm, !Bat Teal Ill; Sacco Lau Lambs, 1,659; marine, 14,419. New York Stock and Money Market. Boa 1' tinit. October 31.-110ney atesdy at 2 per cent. llterling Exchange dull Knit lower at 1003 Ing. Gold lea shade Omer, opening et 146, declining to 1461 , ,,, and clewing al 148;,. Government Stocks hoary and lei lower. Freights to Liverpool dull and drooplog. huallse steady t. tatted States 6'1,5-.10 othpers, Extra botember, IMPS; ditto new tome, PIN; One year Cost Beate., sew hue. 9rn• Tennessee re, Boys; Ohio hltsaisUppli Cermaes 28y.; thustott 1*; Cumberland Preferred 43%; QUlskitilvigr 49: Pennsylvania COM Otinipany 111; OM L e rBIZ se 81%; Hudson 108; eading II Mieblyso onthern 'r.stS; Ce ß ntral 135; ittabUrgh 82; North Western 91 , A; ditto Preferred CP Chicaro a Bock island VS, Quincy 118; Prairie Du Chien 13 ; Fort Wayne 105. Chicago Market. Cnirs6o, October 3L.—fLosr.--12 1 de 1 but firm at C a ' f- 6 4. eat dull, NO. 2 spring at 01 5291,61. and No.:: Corn nos and ittha higher; No. i at 60e, at .480sitc. tints ham but quick at tOo. Bye and Basic, quiet but firm. Mon uuses—Dull and uncbangea. Pnov 101 0 e,—l nacti ve. Fenton-re—Quiet at 130 on corn to Bull air, Ilscrirra—Acon b: la Flour; 64,110 tiu wassu: 33 ,- Cao Mr Gore; 7,1 , 30 bu tate; 1.100 bu Barley. bbl Flout; 48. 0 0 0 80 Waeat; 112,810 Uti Corn; 60,000 bu Oats; 121.01 b r Eye; 1,• ai V tin Barley. Pitlledelpbla Market. PftrLADELraI.L, netObef 31.—PETSOLEUM —Dull and unchanged. Fterit-17u11; extra superfine, 45,55,00: e.trs, $2,2 , 01.11 , —Wheat dull: new red. r.,20e7.,10tend do at 111,5eG2.,.34; white. e 2.60.23, Corn stes4y, sales of yelloW at B.lggsic. Ip.W at SR. —Ali qualities slightly Weal:iced riles et 1, r e . Balt imure Market BA171)161tr, October at —Ftot . B—\ ery dull and tines Wheat firm; red, .1055 4 22,Gu. Corn steady; Wes of act. , white at s3eSsc. Set na—Stan; Clover *8,75. I.ll4,lPtorg—Dolt awl tleaTl• 0 u, canlea—So=ar dull and deollnin 15 /lax r —Dull at VA& Toronto Market. TORONTO. Oct. 31.—FLO1M—Deable extra $7,750 tbi extra, Ine 0 : el/Pertas• eatit 6 . 2s * Ottatawhast M. at fox spring. Barley afsde, Oats WWI°. resa t 634)1k. By* t6etsc. Tcledo Ilarket., Oct. 31.--anals—Whgat a shade easter; sales of old tettre allehtitaa at al,Ille241; new at 11,5301,8 c eta Amber alt a !age°, 111,1:d; sew tit ,t 4 01,824. Cern stead, and final .ate. at 61 . 1 a steady; sales at sea. Oswego Starlet. - - 01 ,1 ren0, October . XL—F L LOITR steady sal um. *hanged, at II for No. 1 Spring, 810,60 for Red Winter, Fiijo for Mate, and a 11,60 for Double b atm Onaly.—Wheat dull. Oats te•ree and nonanel Barley In better dem and. Rye dull; Canada, SI. Buffalo Market, BT7T A I 0, Oct (last`—Whrat timer and to light milling de m.d; No. 1 spring and Green Bay, at,ol. Coro— vales cf No a 1 ectland at Ms. oa.• t i n e stea W y. wear —Firm sad held at 11,21. 1"...01-15,craR—Pork r25(130 BITER INTELLIGEIVECE. aeurai.e. ..........nib _ ...Gord-ck I oft. ity Pt? AUTLD.L9 AMI et , ...... ...:11cCealum ..... ct. Louie. Emma (Irslimru...titull Zwneset lie Peerless City. Ida ..... —.Oil City. LOATB LEA VINO TO-DST. rest ('it y ...... (lordon... .-. Parhersbn - jh Echo ....... City. e. ..... .tienne ..... ille. Delftware . rt on ...... El= 1 he tit rr sees failleg slowly lest night with six feet in the ehannel b 3 the Illoriongahelapier marks. , h from (iii city dated yeateniay noon, any g there are four feet or water to the channel and t sig.,ng steadily There was also rain at Free r...3l all DI Might before last, and sppesstances then, -le A ',VII of weather" here. The weather :Itr imideami businesa at the wharf good. he I.:MC[ln 1; mbar, Capt. pt till, left last night h.. Zane., die, with • good trip on board: Capt. A . McCallum left last evening with the Armenia, without completing hie load, as he was eintol that the river would fall so rapidly as not to allow him to get out. He has a Large lot of freihgt engaged at Wheeling however, which will nearly complete his load. The peerless, Capt. Remelt, came down from lei CU, night before last about mid-night, and left on her return trip last evening. Beg =lschia. wry puked Lea util wily both on the up mei down ter he ids Rees, Vert Rees Bees., dill not get oat night before last but left lain night for Oil City. The Nevada, Capt. Evans Is nearly filled Up with freight, and will moat positively leave this ea ruing for Louisville The Delsware,Capt.Thkrioll, leaven this eve nine positively for Keokuk, and will take any way-freight that may be offered. She trill go With. out tail. The Forest City, Capt. Gordon, will be fervid at the landing this morning, and will leave on her return trip to Perkersburg this morning, at 11 o', trek. The Kenton, Capt. Dunlap, commenced rec tog St. Louie freight yeaterday eltcrooon.and will belhe next boat In turn for that port. The Echo, Capt. (lonian, goes to fHI City today at I o'clock - , ft. m. The Belle (n-doe at the Allegheny landing this niervdr.g from Oil City. The Petrolia still lies at the landing, repeating. hood her lest upward trip, when In the neighbor hood of Brady Bend, sh e broke lire •!theft. and tea. compelled to reship her freight on the Belle. She will be all right in • few day.. • The Ontario has been thoroughly docked at St. Louis, and Is now lying at that landing ready to receive freight, probably for Pittabnrigh. The Camelia, Capt. -Leslie Dean, lime advertited t o leave St. Louis for this part on Monday. Heavy rains have fallen out West, and the con sequence is that the Western rivers are all rising. ' Freight Is abundant for tire South, and passengers numerous. The Argonaut w ea ve ilver Cloud an Nora. were advertised Cincinnati for Pi t tsburgh The Gleaner ai rived in l'ineinneri oa Monday The Teritto n also passed Cincinnati bound for Si Lout , on :timidity. The shamrock sunk in ihr Minoan river, three nue. stoi e. its moot h f days since. In ea fool water. She iv at probably ew be raised. She We. In. Bur. It tor rai 3 Ooo. The ellenrn souk on Grand Chain on the nub she was full of freight and people. The Arkansas river is very low, with but twen ty .. Inc hr. in the channel to Little uock. hite eels al.o falling, with 1150 feet to Du W val' Bluff. The t'incLir.all (Inertia, Of yesterday, contains the followles Renton( news ArvnaV all TUE Onrush Ilnutt...--A negro by the um. 'et Henry to helton has been serrated for Im:renting the fact) of bete Taylor In a terri ble wanner. by throwing plate at him in the pan try or the abna e boat. AI nos, a TILMILI.T.—The wife or a steamboat cleric Imprisoned on a charge of emberrlement, driven SO desperntl in by tho oonViction that her hunband would be tent to the Penitentiary at tempted to commit suicide by inhaling chloroform at her boarding house in this city a fens evenings I since. A fellow boarder entering , the house rat late hour heard her rt 133.15, I‘r. l CAW 11l ladle, of the house, sucereeded a re a oring is, to animal km. Pawnee .at..--Capt. Frank Rene has arrived from Ili. arcing tithe CII Sith's Ferry, end report g that it i. dia , •hreing • r...ic of ten barrel. a day. The Lord, lilt of Muaddy. contains the followint • llt.r.n.—Tho second mate ni the Champion tv•s killed at 'Cannelton Friday niernlngtulder the bd. low leg circumstances', lie was engaged In tiling. something about the rougineoind had hit head be ietitti the pitman. The eurnant In the titer turned the wheel, bringing the pitman down on his ..‘a lt. bres... The Ft node BroWn Was sold few days Matte It St. Lou a for e 25,010. The 'Majestic was bunked at Point Coupes en the LW ult. A discharged soldier whtt had:been robbed of SOW, Jumped oi'erboard front tne Tycoon a Cent dasn since, and WAII drowned, STEAMBOATS FOR BT. LOUIS: . ALTON, Lag H&NNIIIAL, Quiri WAR SAW AND KEOKUK, DIREOT.—Ths stouter DELAWARE, EL W. - trxwrott Muter, laws oo WLDNESDA Y. Nov. Ist Ilia good scoomlntods lions for through passengers. .For freight or pogromo apply on board. . ors VOTt WHICELINti MARIET-Oadt - TA,P&BlLE#sl3l.lll6eidAillio termedlate ,O to • 1 ' • ' The swift elde‘wheel ßs:wain steamer, George 75.11115c0r•K Master". : Lem* pITraIIWZMI YOU PARKERSBURG every Monday ancrPtinraciar, at 112ealoalt t.. x. Leaves 'BURP-LING PAIR PARKER Siding) estry 1511:44FALLI truniAtiAt t eyelOok r. . Spots P . 23403115EWR0 TOBPETTSBWI2III tverrtuttda r Prillay, mot r: fir.. , .rrrnitßGEL even Tands7. l l l 4s.,;.az 3;4 cealoct r. Lcares: - Ww...tma• "SOK.. PLITSBURGB evary Wednesday awl Saturday at 1. x. gOke44.4AMirealif°3VW " Assatt. I LARD- 0 m r .%: , ••-n::34II.I3L3tISOWE'LLNOING, IL.t't :11 , 01 tap ky 7 .1. V 4 . 47.1 oar IS~AIAH DIOKEY '.p1~.~. - - - - - SITOOESBFIJi, Titt&TX)LIT OP Chromic Diseases, Consumption, Wet- Byphilis. Seminal .and all Female Complaints, DRS. &MOS & JOHNSON, 142 M a Elltreet.! PIT TSBU UGH, PA. Teattrooniala from toe Medical Profia- Rion and Odors Ili. Editor: It Ls with pleasure 1 make keens the following tuts to the public, belle vtag wen Moony maybe of germs to some tnralle *hakes hitherto filled to obtain relief. At all MIMS tmo &duo * more than Insilco to two medial Dale , ttion ot sour ally, in confuting that tlareltte .0.111 , treated - several very bad elms of vestment arid female somplalnut, by slop mode of treetment now p ress , urMi Janus. • • • yin female weakens I do not know of that can equal these remedies. 1 hare p them km a great many ladies wno have been. bled for years with weakneu, and in everY sale perfect core has been ellertedt some Trayt*ad cams have yielded to this modem( tawttatelt ta the Shur; mem •f two weeks. • Yours, respectfully, (Signed) W.F. MERWLN. Cleveland, Ohio, Lecember 21 , tfa. ERTIFICATE'FRON THE BET. DR. ELLHILI;Off -- C. FRENCH OF MONTREAL. A L lAertlly that Dn. X= a J MUMS S gIaSUOSSO , hayecured my wile. who was subjest lodide/try meeY Teen. The zczaguaas wen used 00111 , 0 moths. FLIMILENCIA L .M. Immortruit. to Ladies. Our PERICIDIOLL DECiFS will bringne t monthly sickness In cases of obstruction mom WM mum. - Price IL N. B.—Ladle* who in rip rant should not ass them. Tordo fir Female Weakness. s aortal* can, U. Injection for the Widths er Leacorthasa, DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. Drl. Anos P Johnson—Dear Sirs: IMort Milo tate that your remedies Cu scrofula and Idrod di tea.'" MMUS' eV:ellen* For sauna*, OPIU- M or Imperitles ot the blood, I find they item Lail to cre when used as directed. 1 Imre Deeded i n n ceding the worst cases of syphille sow to our hospitals, to the short LE enam oSLIE r two Months. F. W. U. , :D. Otionnnatl, December Witt, ISIS. SEMINAL WEAKNESS Dr* Amor t Jammu: 1 Imo sure* by Mil= 01 your remedies, several patients that had todin ate. or the Locums haylum iron the soil elect* of seminal .raak um or isdantry habits. Is all Wid. D. rnak WM. I MOW= .llotll#4 CUL miustiyouremdl. War.. • SAIAMth Amway N. T, October Imo, NAM Take IParttestae Astleta—Dn ems and Jotenon address all those who have taltusdiheee- ZAZ t ifl i a g d dlrs tuaz 2 l l == . for :What business, Mk= e s t r , Than are soros of aad And as deb prodseed by early of youth, as Weakness of the haakounaihnia, palm In *us mdtontess of elata t !ose or wwindar wr a i iree, to of th e dr b , derangesuess =el fnaellos4 gavaral debility. maple= of was td. ■ lire. Ames le Johnson hare lox many Teen a t elusively devoted their attention to thatellalnent of the elsorders referred to la thew bestsfealals. Address, Dan. ABIOS & .10IINSON‘ No. le Fourth MINA, atr3dledollascodsosw Pittsborebo Pa. POUGH NO MOMS. •-• Tim wriaczmunne numuotra ooucaz etritlONLanre IMILIMAXIIIB Cptrail B 4 SAM ti war/anted toooplfis am 0=04 ; 0014, Hoorseoets, Asthma, WIl Cloog 800 nips; Ooosumptioo, and Oil otrettiold;Nli Moat sad Loop. Muth anew, by 4:: = , General Deyot.4 Ewa u , • :CMS. Au the Meal num ant the w•eml rewYmet__Wer DR. STRIRICIAMYS ANTI.=• 01.1184 =lt TREE ea the cody =Mate remedy forTharremm and , D venter'. It fa a eomblaatlon of AstrtrePfdit Eitimtdattla and Afar:Mug 11111-4434 - ,4 warranted efreed o Adfaello MOW Fortilled. sale by Dnisgispi. tkne 4d-94 fiegt prod' street, OteetemashlJ. OTRICTKLAND'S PLUMMY: VB. 611110CMIAJTD9 VILE Et=MY - 4r&red thousands of the went sass of Band staf beading Pike 1141tres lira:waste rolestsid & penzvenezt cue Try It ditestty. fAte ifs? rented to cum Tor &LW by all Dra.Vatti. UZagrA. DeDa4 8 Srs prspepela, Bencrasnesa. Do?llity DR. STILICSI.2.MYS TOMO. I Slrs tan resohuscrui mos* =wopos w , weed! lomt Appetite. 'lodtan Inirso fitemown oL6d Nervous Mb=7, Esu haled/ Ad= 1.0 is s Instable preparauss, Ma Dam uguors; it stresgthms ths whopnervesurlystsai ti greaten good spycthe, sx..4ls wsmiatietpo 3pTostsis stul Morons DWIMI. 4 1•01 sale hl GEORGE BOA _EWER; Plttssa¢sh. H. E. SEL , ••., b. CO, r JOS. FLEDIIN r o• - o N. LARNE T - CO, • UkaBLES - SIIPER, J. M. FULTOR, # • • OM A. KELLY, esteruml Gar. oiltitavd-sbit • - 4 , ••• VORTI TUBB PR&OTIOD • IS ormxvaLlonans urns me • Jammu. said= -aeeralrell rod, dem my long reddeneo to UM dtM Awl dire Owe/A of psl4=l.l Medea rearlany lak 06 1 w.'en t dad MI diseases Wang litreettedi eided le 6 Mi z o r h Aj ort as r lima than aseter=lMV a pay part Mato Maim. An =a I damp relay return moca _ bail Mere& Om% MIMIMMEIMraI street., new as. lam& Ate; W.BHANSTIMTP , wady- 1111117 . ATE, D1dE68853. i' - - . ostc• 24334 PENN STILE= tutab.M2l46. . ,For Wm ems at all Means of a padyste&StUTO. ;from two to font days, by an Witt II new , =Loa' trobtooot. Aloo, Saint al Weakness. stui allotboo klaitikaa of the mad organs, sad itutu ,str?vii:l4llPi• .A cur* inannW cri musty rattans& , . ". Wax hours-7w SO b. to., il.; to; andiwsp. et 7 Addzess 'Wm vv.. OVA Puna Etna; , SDI Iow.IODIJCS CONECIGMINT*.buw. x..• INsroast - • • :. - 2 car loadS Shelled-Odra; • • 010 bush. Timothy Seed; - 26 pails fresh peeked Butter; • - 12 carrels hear ESP; I NO Nixes Factory UAW- e; • 00 boner EugilinHairl Cr , eew; •! Taho:es Hewn W". B. do See bbis. choice Wlnter,hpylea; MO do LakeSliera Potatoes; 6100 bush. new halves Dried Pamela; . 30 bets Eastern Cranberries; 6 bbis. Hazelnuts. 60 bush. Blau lt Wlllints; 70 bush. Chestnuts' i SCO doz. frest; canned Peacheai 1 - . 26 bbls. Vinegar Cider; i lo bbls. maple Sugar; .26 tones Heill Tsland Grapes; cibbls. Dried Apples: i 609 pout& Feather;. a 200 66W Otainy Baja, tUt gals try Is U. VO/47 k OA, COMMEROIAL OIL WORKB4 Pure - White Burning 011, • Censtnntly on Lsnd. NW for =a THE LOWEST lIIMUKET lat Ea. B. C:* J. H. SA.Wiaa, No. 47W00D irtiEET, G=MEMI Is tiger= " " " 110 blialtiotoiret: 1001laltalle-Ve imperial nall'onnilietin Teat St • . 0 ' -4 . flolorkrrge, • ta c o barr..• , , - • mg:lTel. at - 4 . ICnba " • am 0. Areivir_g and fafTle,4 811311:PAIRTOK, BRO-. 11 ae% 11rt anal 101 LiberV aree! WOODSIDE dr, WALII4.9E, TR77racrimiuDays ..I:7l,X26Nitei Arm Draraunt IN = wane Lead, Red Lea% Lithium% tbilltik CR Varnishes, Dye Stud% Window lblealealid, put Spines, Perfamer%__BeriedWciuttiencil, ke.: - Aseate for Wlnteestle.lowriWo k wa Palria Oalt White Lead/ liamMon - Whlte Laidg Ghana p . atet maw it Wham' s Celebrated_ ft :mous rrrA MIMS CM. - ' No, '3l WOOD' STRENII coirosrrz pirrs - !Wink PI 0jA63311114 I; fq- 9ivhbtiturustoll4Pwrtmedpul-43ktisrail -JIL Cats fa "B-_ 10.1=11111,13offss Suit; r: , • ftS Primo and lllMmattgdar-'''' - .119 4 44 'JP:It, = 1.F .. "'.;' artattodia 'TO bblr Bootk IS 4, Moles P. B. tafaiagei; ffio do MC14.!. , _ and:tore addltAtatailt. For rslsDf r, 7 14b0BOITVING; ~• - ; WOO:tiaras& -W a Y ; / 4 / 4 -- - • , 1. DBAUGlLTlNt3iiikEitar t . e At4OZATV-40 - TAMiit • wr:lL**o4o#4*"l34iiiMl :ilataftiontsWelithi'assols EMIE!M=I I ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers