INTED.—HOURE. - -A stain, - hedge •Arairdru r roar, twat'? six Alcwrti ,be arm r l ooi • Nther jn er L i 0 : o l4ml=oOyctober,7sacal t he two eddat.lldrr,dlasn tam embro7i • IA INTEDL.--BIIITABLE .1:14.1i TO, . periatend thee minim! of coal, Doi clay, salt • • :about SS miler froai this city la a vary abbe and Noma location oa a railroad • . r need apply moats tot campy eat to man. whole thing with WWI sad abllity.To a • maser a vary desired° alccudloata crare& 'Scoot must famish ttto vary best to,iti mo „ A qualblicatloaa 6, Tnqpire at IS =KEY it Q. AGENTS WANTED- canvau tor DR. aoLrarops LIFE NOOLN. Tenn. liberal JOHN A. LIMEY, General Agent, I mdarha :53 Liberty at.. Plttabtugb, Pts. IiITED.—AGENTB FOR " THE LEOIiET SERFIOE; ME FIELD, TILE SON AND THE ESOAFE.a RTpcaaa7 cannon, New l'Ork.,ribune Correspond be mom Wei:sting end exam. book erne id, emplacing Dlr. Riehardeanle unparsit /Perinea rorrour pears, [reveling throngb Vin the secret' service of the Tribune tbrenk of the war, with our armies and With Eas4, and West, during the Mat Iwo of the ellion; Ma thrilling capture; his .dentent for Reb nanioutha In sem; different rebel tal escape and almost mlrseulocut Journey pt or nearly Oa /t abound in g events, end contain mnreof the fact, incl. tdromanee or the war than any other work bibbed. ticks, ladles, energetic ninny men, sad espw returned and disabled ofileers and ;miners, it Of profitsble employment, win rind It po. I wapted to their ooadUion. We tinge elear OUSIIper mooch, wide, WO mil to any doubting 6;lND:eat. Sand for arm. Addtees, JONES, BROS. & CO., iv. E. corner Sixth and album street., IsidowF ' Philadalvhls Pa. BALE!;--FOR R f. BALE—Thu splendid Lot of Ground rinks front on Penns Avow:Loot %feet, and ling back 12.0 foot to a ono atorybriekt shop. to oaf H . bIeLAIN & 00. EILLE-=-A. two awry 131 seven Toone, on /WTI, str all In complete order. For-• cal Estate and Insurance Offie re. Sutler street. Laurent .6 BALE-•A mililber of LotiPt well lo r an dd e t d a,' lll ITr LT, . " elo " vAt ' ut ' s: i t! :e r r 4 and wiliero disposed of on vary liberal 3, a large °timber of Lots lo Bloomfield, ty township, above the Penna. liatkoad, .111 be bold for the laic price of IMO, $75 and ,plece. : VIM is a tine chance .lor persons of means or investment. as the heal hatato and Instance °Mee o G. HAMS, . • Butler street, Lawrenceville. Pa. 11 F nutted Frame Two-Story Dwelling, °Wirf.4lBB,zfrisie -ndirlYtPrafo'xd?,=, the /louse. LOT.Is Forty•five feet front, by One Ellin fort amp. HINE ORLPU Flltr/T FS,Possession will be given on the let pill next. Also, ORNEFISTOREHICOM. WITH TWO OwELLING - HOUSES. • - talon will betraron taa lit of April next. pro_prittor at either ion, or exetange for tuy Property. "Inquire of G. H. TOYiliR, No. Ist Forma street. —iH BbLs— itihl BABE., • very valuable tract of min and spleoltertalland, ettetalnlng forty acres, stee at the eaate termites of Blairsville, bounded en the rn thank Conemauga a tble triad there - am three strati. of Iron 4tecoteirmo Profnsor Green , ' report the ad and W relied 'trate w ill re Is of . good ny, highly II optotlo,_luid yield tarty • Cpw• teat Of it= Us sum th resyect to tttty thls Writ* will, yield 10,000 tens to the Of native di* and r i tilnehigtkti =an Oinno to Rem of dollars Ira anti, reckoning the value ore am a ss i sents per Urn. this strata intik! ,:p one hundred th ousand dcULua. 'dation to Ws ere, have twenty-llva 'ores of ' , ..pfts epeeist 'and In - encesesful operation at Cog e tM"T . ifttS itirr i grzze, tAe d • and ears` - Spesimetw of ore can be seen at afana Lea A No.l dock end grainfann containing „Urea, climate in Cherry Hilt Towluddhlrell - county, Pa, near, the village of Greenvale. Improvements are twwmtpsy flame house, gamete and bect barn In the county; fencing , lally good; we acres cleared• the remainder I timbered. The Land toe, liasge meadows • ' •-• eh p ro duces doe crop* of y. It Ls very eon. ~ ent to churches, schools. male store., ea., ha .te property will be coin very eheey and on mi. ro, a Farm Of INI Aare,. In Union townshic i Whington count/. Pit Will be sold cheap. ---' Ise, the best farm on the hionoegabida Elver. • . ila one mile from abilleelport, Allegheny Cio., • ~ containing about !anaemia 'The (mob:traumata . 1 a frame hostas anti barn, corn Mat ruiti Wagon - : ,• if, with Other outhullouno. r A large apple • bard of between ado and boo trees; hi - enlace • • ''' *ll 3 yeai trees. and peat:Alava. • ~ . - •• Actium 00., Pa * containing about*tonere', mei about thieenaler cut of the borough o tO,th. The f ... ~ imp rovememts are a large Mick ~,,,,.,.,,,,,,_,.,- • . , - ...„, rit,•*sos hollow) with nine. tvell flaimmi_ ;rooms a ,al a - y_tAnbaul ;awn WAWA; aiumceadeg by mammeatal No. I barn, with :mac) other buildle" • •‘:,.. ,f.-,•-•• •••• hi fencing; to wireS of the very best-White at • serf 1t I. the' est timothy of Limestone .• - • ; ~ .4.1s ea underLs4l with coal. land, . -' l'a hatter plrticalars. Inquire Of c..._ G. ff. TOWEK.'lteal Estate Agent, No. lot Fount; street. _ • IT ROLE' CREEK OIL LAND FOR b.L.F.,—interest, la Lamle Inv cua Plt Hole rA .A DJOINING THE HOLUDEN PARIS, n as the "Deer Lien; ";also In the PEE EDE ' 'A.lll5l. . • ' 4t4113/113r kw. aeres.eltaale on Pico Rta, be. ' 4 hr-e Pit Hole end Oil Meek. Three leteresta lam!.. LIKI,OII ti t he Wheaten, are all bet- W J & HALL PATI.ERSON, Fo Attoraev, urth a. . Math:MO. Pa. :14WELLING ROUSE IN,!!HIENY ~ '- ine two half stniairaute Oottakra= oat. ''. rang two parlor', groan; our • !unbars, with water gas; cceupving to tCOX :j y, bights' o ultitatelli.anaornatunted with shrub . .. 11 e a :utoundinsts are plensati4 , Wording =LSO ''' , ), 441 for fresh air, Sad the outlook on the three. 7 . Are commandhis an extensive and varied view ,for rtuther-tutorreation, &pole to •. 1 5.5. ligYAl7. Broker, rOttit,tt street. Bttrkel Building. __ 'OI3 TRY SEAT F OA _p o ! teen aerie, three...fourths ofa mile from Horne era . Station, Oftt on the relmourylvanla ,;.,./Iroad, In a eloslee,loestion. part of which le Ls 11re forest, and the. remaLstior In a high state of • Mere is a two story DOI7I3LrEfILIOK MOM .;;;ISH. eontairuns shires rooms, including W and PantrY, with hot and cold water; • bath Luse and range In the kltaluenstono sprints house 1:41, mains water; chasm, LSO barrels eapaolty; .0 and tenant house *ambit:al; hydrant at toe In. For further partial:Pare apply to 2 B. S. BRYAN, 67 Market street, tet , t 6. (Suttee Bulletins.) Area Superior 'Second Rand Boilers, ictlea4llmi:tater, thl;_ty.alx feat long, la Inch flue.. la each. 211. be had at a bargaLtt. clair° at the intligitrtal - IL M. .00L.E & 00.. - e39w ear. Point Alley and . DT:quanta Way. .%4 O — R BALE.• . - . I ENGINE BoiLtu, - •: • • FLY WHEEL. ft. ; ... p ie ., i - r2tble (or & Saw , Grist, ' ?rY Other b t u ieu ~,,,„,, i , L , F .301 Milling For.. 1 r Fifty Eons Powitr'n '' "MacitY or PP y at : aware: Entirrarizt,D - ' AUCTION' SALES . PUBLIC BALB-1114.LLEGOZNY CITY is — P 'flet rt;VEl e e 'i 1 % 11 7 ° le% trARTIVIA V, et. e Ste, ISO. at 2 cPelb.k. 1 1 2 ' M.Lthe rropetty ..,,hen) Mr. FORD now-ltves, on - Pastore Lame. ,•" , wheste City. adjoining the Tanner' :e.f Jelui .art. It has a kunst.: Shoat UM feet 00 Pea • _Zane and extendabiek Latront CM feat. It le )I,tt of Alin Crlfernhfklatref 1110ual Relief, re )nlecl u/Pa Book• sal, vend 'lt, end embraces K lota of , acid plan,beiog lot, nomeered oto el. ...has eftOmfortable Frame Virtue, WA thogronnas :ko - nlantea 1 11th - rood fruit tree; R. It could be avlaMl lito weal good bank t ;Ott, or, If kn. 'sane to a whole, ft wontd Janke Iroughtfal rex- AMT.. /t Is offered for talent e whole, or fn ten. ote tom to mkt Foralestra, ' 304 11"- WtE2' af byment will he made any Foufeeslon tan be . AT= immeguatc . v. •• - - ..1. w. FS WRITE, eMAtfl llo; lea Flfth area. A DpafzusT ILTouir , nix !- - LraTt RE, Pi amo.ol.HOZit o , AT AIX /Ism —On THURSDAY' X ~ ING, October =that le o'clock, at, N o . ; ; ac.u.„,, Dirt win iiii pld, a quantity of wall keptolotegforif moods, ..tra,,,,weg plata and mai, mahogany sofa and rarlourralts, centre table, marble .top oishogMlY Iddeard, Mahogany aide 'tables and easy ehalrs, atension table, matbleArei anahogativ dressini icue s , e , Oath Means, enclosed wash stands, ma. Logisny and cherry wardrobe. Silt keine signer. ;Ire and turn post bedstead. lounge, lowing 3ard, dining room and kitchen furniture 'feather eta, hair and husk mat:roues, elegant Reuz,ua s 'us instead carpet. Inatrir new ,) liar earpeta, Al cloths. rug, and. rods, !chamber AM, Chios,. Atli and quteraware, fermata bet reek, g.,, Let w i Airds, deceit. trA ! ' ' tell T. A . McOLI.7.,LAND, Auctioneer. PRICK - .H01:13$ AND LOT AT AUO- PRICK -on: THURSDAY EVERING. et aock,.l. Slasosdo Hall Avalon Haut, Mai 87 TY7 lath atreet, will bo sold, a clearable two t BRI.OR DWELL/NO HOUSE of 7 raping, et Mashed, together with a Stable and Oar. I,a.e Howe - Also, a Lot 24 feet beam Ito Jett to_e to feet alley, Denting on Rance' street, :Allegheny, near the North 4lornmone. Van be examined et any area Tama at sale, ate T. A. bIeULEGLADD, And fy &- W. B _ ,TT lionnfacturers 4J. and ImiXICIT. Ix. • xi Dr mxxx a,aioND sr 4 1UE SWARE arxr bemoan woodt agir ' lot it.noth attabtustu kg 6 nal ..4x • - i wAbrrs Last night but two of Mlle ANNETTE MOE and S. EL TAYLOR. - Kir t tiles In nil omit venni of the Virtiling Snot.% da drama of IEANNI DEA TETS (Thuny) 2.YEEIENG, NS . " be presented JEANNIE DRABS; or, The Heart of Eld Lothan, Jeannie Deana 1511 s. AIMETrE MOE. David Deana Er. J. H. TAYLOR. With a cast of characters motif effect. presented that ehailg ' g e any heretofore placed upon the Pittsburglatage. Overture .- • --. '- To conclude with BROTHER BILL AND ME. rl/112A. AshriortiritraNt.°E. f )PERA HOUSE. Leuze 4- Manageren, MISS ANNIE EBERLE. Continued anaemia of Mat IifnLLIE WILLIA.MS. Fourth night of the popular Comedian, FELLX VINCENT. • LEAK aa Count Henry Haituatiell MOELLE WILLIAMS In Six Characteri. rEtax vIroDENT in Tiro Characers. THURSDAY EVENING, 001. Mb, t the enter tainment Will commence with the n002013t10 Drama, In three Oct., mat Itied SATAN IN PARIS. The Mysterious Stranger, LLIE TANS 'Count Allsa rao W V ILL OANT. favorite Dance— Little To et nelude with the amusing interlud tante.e of OBJECT OF INTEREST. Fanny MOLLIE WILLIASIS. visnerr r. DIPOLE Tool's °ABCS, Saturday Afternoon, 25 cents to all porta of the noose. " ' NOW }SEINE RECEIVED. ilck House , Lnwreace. . npply et 10k ts„3. .7111 e. Ps. CHICKERING PIANOS, Selected personally by the subscriber, duriny a recent cult to the Factory. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENT ara now open, awl ready for examination. a public are limited to call and gee them. Warrnnted for Five Years auB Sole Agent for the Obiokering Plan pLAI , IOB AND ORGANS. TELE EL. EIIE..&T ED BRADBURY, NEW YORE, Sohon4aokar (lz 00., Philadelphia PIANOS. TILE AMERICAN ORGAI7, ami S & CO.'S CEITTAGE ORGAN, admitted byeer& sad all who town hoard wen, to be onperlor la lona to all other Instrumeate of the kind multi Lastuzed Lil the United Staten. We are prepared to furnish, at the ahotest notice,. Brass and German Silver Instrtunants, atezdzyjnigr, BIUS end Cornet !leads, Prue Pasta itireWted on applleattt"l°lu and Nem and Second-hand }lanai tor Heat. ALL THE LATE SONGS AND PIECES Qmitantly Ma head. WAXEMINK & BARR, gel No. t 2 ST. GL&Ill STRUT. Rum c,tuGHTE.EB RE cau Grand, Parlor Grand, Square awl Up right Pianos, with overstrains ban. *van treble. [Whoa improved frame, and all the valuable ina provements. The tone is pure, brilliant. entirely musical ch, of tn. best morismansEp; toad. Barb dotery of tone tumurpaased by any. PLsno gmeranceed for Went years. CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. RI FIFTH STREET. Second door above Wood caret 11 . t 1 P n MAN, HOSNS It CO" ) 53 ytirru 15731ZET. 3 C)cmo3as..erx.ei .1. 0 10622.01114 AISIP• Best PISELos fa /Wallas. BOOTS AND SHOES - - • FRESH ARRIVAL EVERY DAY OF FA LL AND WINTER .13cNoteso etatici.Shcooar. Men and Bora soots, Etalinorsts, Gum Bbati. Gum Orem and Gum Sandals. Women , s Balmo ral Cowen Ga.Beni and LW/ Gallant, 0/A dieu's ShOei of all kinds. li/ow ir the time to boy your Fell and Winter Steak, *rump, at WINTER AND FXLI, GOODS, Heavy Wallah:lg &boaster Mlaaes. PHILILDELPHLI SURE STORE, o. 81, Corner of the Market and Diaatoal seIR J. W. CARNAGH&N & CO. SOUTII & ROBS dre melting otr their stook or ]Boots and Shoes REDUCED PRICES READ AND REFLECT I save 'Your Money It Is now a well known feet that III 'CLINTOCK, No, 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, Sella the beet and cheapest SOO I E.4, 3CITS ' ArTERS, AND nAtacroßetzs, Of any other house west of Out mountains. Give 'Wm a call, and yoi will be cationic& A well selected stook always on hand. ante ADIES', GENTS', 1 ,1 / 8 8E8' AND Dolts, Shoes and Gaiters, Of every Style, Make and Form, at YLE'S, Comer Fifth and C W O ylie streets. Prla tom salt everybody ante BOOKS, ALBUMS, &c OOKS I BOOKS! Sbetnian's Great Waren- Olvil Polley in Ann nce Draper, TN Sabbath Paelt. n, Exiles in Babrlo Rondotacences. Pliteen Deriat.e HHilnfant Bloeit..• . ' PhotoerapnAthu; .4". Pooket Bowan Portfolio.,ficatiene7; Smith's Aimed Ink. Staten; o" &IA! Books; inkztends; - Penholders; Pens, at J. L. B EAD'S, No. 78 Fourth street. THE STORY OF ERMAN GREAT HARM, From the DIARY OF A esTAFT OFF/OED. BY BREVET-MAJOR GEORGE NASD AMOK ONE Et tle ri tartip volem Sherman. MAP AND NIIFIEROUS ILLT.ISA'ATIONS!k PRICE .. TOBEPH ADAMS. Delll4gt. 0011nellv I M a l i gairtr liir ft! bUa°ll6 La!'f.df.l.oieol: CJII.T2Core iiodl=ißLical T , NTS p ITTS . a Lessee sad 'Mangler ..... WEL HENDERSON. Pam= or .A.D.v.maion--Dtea Chet; 6) ea; F.. ny Circle, 52 de; Third Tier 25 eta Prim!. Box. es 155,1 X); 6e6,4,51,25.. Doors open at 7 o'cioek. Cartaln Heel PIANOS ' MUSIC, ace THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF ULIARLFZ 0. MELLOR, 31 Wood are, 114:1LB AGIVIS 1,311 I. E. BORLAND'S, miuszET STREET. Somali door from Filth. Balmoral. for Ladle., KIP mid Calf Boots Strong Boots for Hos, nen BTEZL TEETH, fat Baty, Hay sad Grain Bakes, of say ahapoatred. Hay anti Gale Bakes loaatifootarad G' NAB, Zdarlai AveAtioAllogltaT. imam el L. C'Elikl Oar Copper Mill and Smelting Works. PARK, MCCURDY & CO. Manufacturers of BREATHING. BaazrziEs , & BOLT COPPER, PRESSED WPM. Bar: TONSOLD, }LAMM STILL BOITCMIS. SPALTZB SM Ala importers and dealers In MET. ALS, TIN PLA SILMET IRON,WIRE. &a constTOOLain3.tlvi hand, L I Fp .i J MA ' '1 ,7,;7, .1 Stet ORD STBEM Pit - mon:el Sperom orders of Copper ant to any desired E1729:17d&WT TO NZIVVOUIS SUFFIEVIZELI OF BOTH Sh...lLEs„...' A reverend gentleman have log been restored to health egad few days, after un daecr:f t th re. o at u' nken " :lllo th u n t u U'ere'oin'wsl,l'arVlTl.: sacred duty to communlcate o to hie afflicted fellow creature. the means of Hence, on the receipt of an addreased euvelope, ha will sead,free, a eopy of the pmertptlon taw. Meet to Dr..7011N ..11.. DACINALL, lau rotten street, N. Y. nahl I a vdswT ... _ PITTN .... EI CROEI SAW WORK.,__ Orchestra. HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. ar.s_uulfAcrivazas OD PATEIVT GROUND CIRCULAR:I, • Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS. of every- de. Tcription. Ai ill, 2dulay, Oroos Out, Gang, and all other Varl.qien. All kinds of KNIVES and srizmos, made from Sheet Caat Steel ; Extra Refined REAPER AND /ROWING KNIVES, &. 46P Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particularattention given to Itetoothing, (tom min g and StraLehtening Circular Saws; also, re. pain of all kinds. Punching and Drilling dono at tataaonable rates. a025:1y W.ll. B ARNIIILA-. a ut. Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, No.. 20, 22, :A end 20 PENN STREET, with Han manufacture s e c ur im ed a lame yard, and furnished the moat proved machine, we are peep. al to ufacture every deserlpito ry n of BOIL er ERS, In the beat manner, and warrantal equal to soy BOILERS, CONDE NSER. SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SM. TLINO PANS, BOILKR IRON, BRIDG US, SUGAR PAN,, and sole man ufacturera of BARN RILL'S PATENT lion -ENS. dons no the shortest notice. notartt RIPATV.Et — NV. D. EIIILLLa V. HOLIJIAA LA. /MLLE STEEL WORMS. UTTER & CO., Manufacturers of OAST STEEL; SPRING, FLOW and BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, A. LEM, CROWBARS, an. sir Odle., No. go WAITS STREET (up stairsj PITTSBURGH.. PA. 1T22, ROMITINON. NBA de Cu., (s to Rosnreoa, Muria er. MlLLasts. Washington Works, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PErraistraoA ALLanfacturent of BOAT A.NO STATIONARY STEAM ENOINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINER Y, GEARING, SHAFTING, OAST. TWOS of all dexriptions, OIL TANKS S STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. NB - Agents for GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECT. OR, for feeding hollers. JOXIN COCHRAN & truer, of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT LIOORS, IRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUT. TERS, WINDOW GUARDS, ha., Noa. Cl SEO. UND and Se THIRD STREET, between Wood and Market, have on hand a variety of new patterns, fancy and plain, suitable for all purposes. MY. Particular attention paid to eneloaing Grave Lots. Jobbing done at abort notice. sun BENT FHEE..—A PAMPHLET OF married inunenae importance to tae old andsoung, and Mgt° of both sexes, will be seat tree by addressing, With stamp enclosed,the &mita; DJ A. R:ENDRICH h 00., Box IS, Boston Past eloe. narjklidemF THE Bard A.N F.B. ler SAY OF WARNING AND INEITHUO. MN FOR YOUNG MEN. Also, new =Aar. Us treatment et the Urine and Sexual 8 ID& Addren Dr. J. HOUGHTO , How and Anne tatlon , Pldledeltado; PA. splay ATTORNEYS _ _ G. N. MORAZTIII. J. X. 0 . 1 214.11. J. U. E11 7 T71111/121. D MaIIABTER, GAZZAZtI it CO., ATTORNEYS FOR CLAIM]RTS Licensed U. S. dgents, fulsroetainit PENSIONS. Cb. UNTIES AR OF PA_ ,Y PRIZE MONY.I. EN -9A.TiIiN FOR HORSES, am. Knee preparey Lost or destroyed while In the seswice of tee Untied States. STOPPAGD3 OF PAY AND OFFICERS, ORDNANCE AND QOARTERMASTEWS AC COUNTS adjusted and cerMeatea of Indebted p2mcumed. Applications M. by Mail attended to a. II made in NO CHLAROE MADE UNLESS SOO. -rFUL. OFFICE No. 98 GRANT STRUT WHITE & SLAGLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Zro. ZOO mr..trtaz Oltrocpt PI ITSIITROH, PA., Profession, a l d a m t i o n ae( b T al H lhe n O L t LE C e l OofN hOeiPr CLAIMS AGAINSTTHEGOVEINNINENT. Mr. Staetiothevlns beat mastered not the Caned States Service, will hereafter ire atter,. tlon to the businece of the arm. anal _ _ WOUNDED SOLDIERS IN BITREB The First or Second Three Yearn Service tan receive the full bounty no was as If had served the full term of etoistment.b_A X,y eating upon Oolkltor for Roan[ D T. WALTER tes, Paulo= sod Pay. No. RO FIFTH STREET, third door helots the Cathedral, .—reLLii m ot COCHRAN. .A.t - tcbran.e.3rial Ot X.caoc , COEtzt--No. co QRdNT STREEt, Plttsbula Pa TEM. x BAm NOAH W. 6 [1•116.1 BAY.NE & SHAPER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Mo. 81 DIAMOND STISI7, Pittabusgh, Pa. Court Sueln os eas Ease:lll4ot Tine,. Conveyane. log. Collectlo, ao4 all kinds of Legal Bubo,. promptly atteadml to. set LnAR y rim 0 1 3 0UNTLES, BAUR PAY and MILITARY CLAMS or overy_deactiPtion soliectad by the subscriber at the neowing rates, via: Fangio., $lO ; other clan., p to. 1.1. streetYLß, [Literacy sr Lam, Diamond opposite the Court House. N. EL—NO enet7ree are made II the claim doe, not succeed, and ali Information given gratis. eel 17 H . C. MACK L, AT TORNEY - AT-LAW, V. S. LICENSED SOLDIERS , OLAI.II AGENI - . 13ountte for Wotuaded Solemn collected to trey ten to twenty days. Alllirol2ce Igo. Ed Gnaw? rennin Pittsburgh. eel with enchants and two witness., u2l dv AZiDRBW STEVENSON, X. 3431717 oss=oe. No. 144 Fourth Street PITTSBUEIGH, P 4., notice In the various courts of Allegheny end adjoining counties. apthlyd CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c w E ARE DA.ll7li-E-ECEIVING OUR NEW sToCji sE CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, WLNIX,W 8/IA DEs, WOOLEN, COTTON AND LINEN DRUG GETS and (MUM CLOTAS, DAMASK, REPS AND LACE WINDOW OVUM INS, Comprising ever; thing nem sine dezireble, whlbti we offer at PUPUL.IIR PRICES. FP/ARLAND& COLLINS 71 and 73 Filth Street, xt Buil/nog to the United States Ilu d Peat °Moe. FOURTH STREET 0! ()IL CLOTHS, All widths, new deittn, every C) variety of style. 0 VERY. SUPERIOR 1 111 Cotton Chain, List and Rag CARPETS. W. D. et a. 8a0.0.14.11111, lA . 115 EttiFOUEnt STREET, CARPET STORE PirTssuftea. advertniernentsmserten one year may be en ange„ at the advertiser a pleasure, at a charge of 24 cents per square, (or 1 , 3 crate If prtpl Si the time,) but must be confined to the Immethate business of the adrurtleer. Advertisements ci.ntractad for otherwise th In daily, Wilt be in3erte.l ou such any. as the 011 m may :elem. 'I tar/smut advertising CASH. DeoLtiNoticec, each insertion Marriage nollres , w Steamboat lovertiaernents, per trip . 3 on Executors , or Administrators , Notices 00 YEARLY ADVERTISING R One e qUhre-001/fitieti to the ire.medicre business of the advertiser, owl not to Include dissolutione, tormattoo of sew firms, wants. ...0.--ehangenble once a week. Any excess to be charged as tn.. stem matter. Three moduta. . Ild to 412 la/ 6 c $ 00 SLx months 3d 00 19 00 16 00 10 40 931ne months.... 4o - 00 2$ 00 22 00 15 00 One Year 6143. 36 00 26 00. 16 00 - • " Itet 92o,cea double the abet e ratea, if In. merted onemouth or more. For a le. pemod 20 cents a line. Local notice/2 At 41.121, rate. 0a easy b 9 agreed alma. ET n A square to e considered as you, oclu pied by Lou lines o f the ordinary advertising. t of the paper. SOME OF THE PARDONED AL.4I3AM lANS. Some of the friabamians lately pardoned. or about la be pardoned by the President, have an Instructive record, which, If not calculated to strengthen our confidence In their professions of loyal submission to the government, mast make tee feel, how essential a •pardon" Is, as a con dition pricedent. to their holding Incrativa post. Bons elihnr to :be State. ur under the national government. A. J. Moore. governor of Alabama, at tee time the State seceded deserv,ily stands at the heed of the list- He took time by the forelock. and before the act of secession had passed, he oidcred the seizure of forts )!organ and ()alas. with all their equipments—alas the taking of fr ris Pickens, Me Rae, and Barrancas In Fiar- Ida, upon his own responsibility. The Presi dent should not stand upon the order, but give ' him his pardon at once. His successor as Governor was John Gill Shorter, who was commissioned to Geogla to In duce that State to secede, which having been accomplished, ha was very properly sent no deputy to the Rebel Congress, where he was a better Unloo hater when be was not, at home persecuting Unionists, and ttu - owlng them Into prison. Thomas Hill Watts succeeded Governor Shorter, who was a Colonel in the Robe/ army, and afterwards attorney General of the Con federacy. He, like his two predecessors, was a staunch Confederate, and optally with theist stands in need of a pardon. Leroy Pope Walker, went to Tomte,se 04 cormuibaloner from Alakoanta to help wh:edle that State out of the ru:ou. lie was, we LII the drst rebel S.eri...tary of Wnr, and afterward. Major General Itt the Coufed,ate army. To Lim helom.,, the honor, a la &mthron, of order ing the firing of the tit,t gun ou Fort Sumter, and on the sauleewnltig of dvelaring his Wets. /ion of planting tho tiro. rebel 11.14 on Fatteuil Hall, Boston—about :he ..otue time that Toombs should be calling. the roll of his slave, on Bun ker Rill. The Nit , ...tantlal tint lire of the , rvices Le many performed, to say nothing' of be, - cood not to keep the Pr,ident long 111 411,1,1, ler the matzo of Id. pardon. Ben.larnim Pltroatrlck's early seal In tae cause Of secesatoc,ts,:too well known to cause the Pres !demi to hesitate in retard to hill ea••• As a Uni ted State Senator, he was among the earliest to absolve himself from all obligatione to suPPon the Constitution of the United States. tie was also a prominent member of the csocus In which Southern Senators advised their Statea to secede. Ile wants to go due to the old Senate. Ha is already pardoned. .1. B. Pugh abandoned his seat In Congress, and noised home to prcxlpitate his State iota se cession. He declared hla purpose to nits°a regi ment, and march on Washington and set the Capitol In flames. in consideration of the fact tbat he didn't burn the Capitol, and wants very moth to get back there as a representative, it is not rrAable that the Piesident will Interpose any , unreasonable delay In granting him a full pardon PITTSBURI:i Yabez L. M. Curry, also abandoned his static Congress, in 1660, and Joined with Pugh in ad vising the Alabama Convention to ems an emin ence of secession. He was a commltaioner to Maryland, and II member of the rebel Congress, an original proselyte of Calhoun, and a violent persecutor of loyal men. As be wants: very meth to get back to his old quarters In Washington, the President is expected to remove 1111 interven ing obstacles at the earliest posalble moment, William B. Chilton, was an early secessionist, and,s working member of the 31 entgOmerT COll - and enbaequently a Member of the rebel Congress. He was an active agent . In pro curing subscriptions to the Confederate Cotton- Loan. His zealous participation in all the scoemes of the Confederate Government, were so notorious, that the President was enabled to grant his pardon withont delay. F.. 8. Lyon, was from the beginning an avoas.J Secessionist. Ile was a member of the Rebel Congress awl Chairman of the Finance Committee, and author of the scheme for ef fecting • Confederate loam of fifteen millions upon bonds, to aid the rebellion, as well as the bill for taxation and the funding act of the cur rency. He was, of coarse, one of the most vio lent Seeeeslonlsts. And equally of course, the President hastened to pardon him. Edward S. Marian, Thaddeus Sandford, Gee. Cornelius Robinson, James 31. Calhoun, nephew of the great Nullifier, and John F. Morgan, were all violent seeesalonlats from the start, and added largely to the fuel that kept the Southern heart fired up. They are well recommended for pardon, and their well known services In the cause of rebellion will enable the President to act with promptitude in granting their regent. "W. it. Fowler. pardoned. s-so secretary of the Alabama Secession Convention. and atter wards amerned command of a company called 'Warrier Guards,' with which to take possession of Fort Morgan, before the State had acceded. Lie la now la Washington acting as pardon agent. On the 4th of last month he telegraphed from there to a certain gentleman In Montgom ery, Alabama : '1 paid nothing.' fie was made • special agent by Governor Parsons to admin. later the amnesty oath. "Washington M. Smith, pardoned, was presi dent of the Selma Bank. "Colonel N. H. R. Dawson, pardoned, was the first man who wore the South Carolina cockade In this State. "Lehman Brothers, rich Jews, and mer chants In this city, were pardoned. They were blockade runners. W. Echoir, pardoned, was a contractor for the State of Alabama; went to Illinois, when secession took place, to purchase corn, meat, ke. Was a colonel In the rebel army, a con script officer and persecutor of Linton men; drank the Confederate hospital whiskey at Selma, for which act he was superseded. Ell S. Shorten, was ono of the most extreme rebels in the South, and honored there for his persecution of loyal men. He le an ex-member both of the United. States and Confederate Con. gress—wakalso a Colonel in the rebel army. Of coarse the President seized upon the earliest opportunity to grant him a full pardon. These are tut an lefintentimal part of the pardoned legions, gathered almost at random from one State. They may be taken as good specimens of the whole. A NATIONAL convention of spiritualists Ls to be bald In Philadelphia hoot the 17th to the 21st day of October, when the supernatural attain of the universe will be duly discussed. iiph? pitisburgh fae.dit. TRORBOAY, OCTOBER 12, MI. GAZETTE TERMS. Dally ....................per do. do., served by earners, :Is erata non .a Daily Evening ••• • S do. CO, serve..l by earnClA, 15 c de eoci a wc,11., Weekly, In clubs .................. $1.60 per year, do, single c0pie5......, . .... gib RATES OF A DVERTI SING, DDlDalia—aTelaDll7 IgaTTSZI: -cried. Lady ltaw2ta 7/1 t One tune • - Two time.... 1 . /6 • j 1 ri Five t10:ea.... 2 2-0. lio One week .... 275 $ 75 . 1 . 2.i .•73 252 Two weekz... 4 7S lb 200 26 123 Three week, . 6to 27 275 a5O 13 One awiath..., IS 23 656 4 00. 2 25 210 Two month.. 12 00 500 aO2 373 425 Three roonche 16 u 0 10 60 78/ 47$ 6 2.5 Nine Six mouth, .. 50 II 75 950 N 600 11 00 11100517 a 24 0 , 1 17 70 1 . 2 ./0 01 17 thie - Year..... 40 00 2.5 50 16 Da 10 00 /5 00 0,3 3 Llales 2 ti..veulTime Daily. a week. a week a week WIOITTINAN, ENGINE BUILDER AND MAGEINIsT. LAcocz aTAAIIT, between Fedora! s od SAII4I•Ps LEGTISIST OITY, PA. Manufaetuter lAL of WlO TDI A N S PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING !MAE!. EN ()INES, ShafttAK, Pulley/4 &a. Repairing of al/ kinds attended to BLEBEW ., Engine Milldam and Machin/atm, anundactinera of Rlmeekh Patent Batmen Val MI fitiaaa Engines, Enenna, Brewers' da. eldnery, Shafting, Hansen, Palley*, ke., font! Bantson and Pita Wan% elnabaral• Pia Repairing and nutria; up Machinery promptly attended to. 1021 ft Jo lc /LIM HIM 1121 H JOHN B. HERRON a 00., 1113tcrwro 39Eltaaaltaramottirergli4 AND IRON FOUNDERS ° r a g "4 Sal" BV:16 LIBERTY STREET, Lesemat. Guaar ass ptOoltshad a Intim motel of the Pennsylvania R tilatfitirto and candidates. In which it. says of the votsd oncstion: men must he mate ritual before the law. so far as r ts of property and the pursuit of haootatist. loavicg the adjustment at the sit If, atze to the people of the several states, tuba ehould he left perfectly Gee to determine the question In their own way." 'bin case of flenry S. Jenkins, the defaulting teller of the Phoisix 13 ink, was coiled up it. the Court of Sessions In Nair Yorkclty, last Mon day, kut the District Attorney not Seine nrepar eel, Court agreed to let it go over for the hum, espessally as Jenkins' counsel had given notice that he Intended to make a plea of a char- atter "deserting careful consideration." The nature of tole plea did not lest out. Brown I (Genevieve's loves I. h.'', a: a witness against the prisoner, hat m 3.10 appliestion fir die charge. Argument on that wee tired for fleet Fr May. THE Chicago Rey out: kan say,. Water Is at last reached in the new artesian welt. A depth of six hundred and sixty three feet has been at tained. The water at prosent Sown slowly, but by the la. ter end of this week. or the fore part of next, Ole expee ed that it win Bow as freely an from the other. The boring is progressing at the average rate of tire feet a day, and I. is new withal forty-eight feet Of the depth of the old one. THE cargo or h •w London whaler, Just in, Is worth £l3o,ooo.Th e New Bedford Mercury nays the captain of a whaJeahlp, s i h not long since arrived Iron] a voyage of thirty-seven mobths, Took as his part of the proceeds the sere of F42,000--a larger amount than was ever nerom received by a whaling cap tain for a single voyage. TEE library of Peter Force, of WaShington, comprising fifty thousand volumes, has been sold to the New YOF k Historical Society. Among Its curiosities of literature Is said to be the only copy of a printed newspaper containing an ac count of toe discovery of America by Columbus, which was publiahed but a few months alter that event. M AJOIL Gexenat . POPE, and Captain Sawyer f bin ring. MeJor Geoeral Pleasanton, General Stevens. D. L. Phialps, C. S. Mio - shal southern district of Illinois. Hon. A. A. Hammond, and H. Fitzgibbons cf Indiaza, were at the Tremont house In Chicago. Monday. Top death of the lion. D. C. Smith, Secretary and Acting Governor of Idaho Territory, la ronfirtned. fie id! dead in the ttreels of Rocky Bar. lie win from Ni w York, and f•roterly (lief Clerk under Attorney Genera! Bate, at Washinuton. I, Agr Sunday %that. tnyi Moroi! Bold i..., tislrop on thy- at a tavern, in Cincinnati, ttiiiirm. Fool, monk:Til to Melt their pocking of all their molter, $2.40 ‘l . • art and $24) (ram Ford wog toai u l ar• ea rdand alum; hod of Ow mom, y Wittar, Mr number of ,10:.(t rrog 3 1 ,14, Ihr manlier litr lir !Ott urinth a. only :14. - 1, a ileigrro g e of 4,, SEWING IYEACHINES. V HEELER & WILFON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Lock Stitch Sewing tinehine BUTTON-HOLE NACELLNE agencib ". 21 rum street GROVER dr BAKER FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS TUE ONLY ALIDFLINE VPNtOH Embroidera TILE ONLY ALICHIRE WHICH }Rakes the Elastic Stitch, THE ONLY DIAOHiNE WILIOII ' Uses Two Spools THE ONLY ELM/ELMS Wit/Olt Fastens the Ends of the Seam THE ONLY 111214311.TETE W/ELOR Makes a Bias SO= tut will not break or ravel ln ittogablog tb inatertaL Tile Only Sewing Machine Company WHICH DUXES LOCK-STITCH AND Double Loch-Eililch Machines. re- wi th can ixpliarige for either, U Got =al with thou tint choice. =Milne for yotirsolviw NO. 18 FIFTH STREET, A. P. CILATONEy, GENERAL AOEINIT 1211:121=1 INST.TRA.NCE AGENTS, Fit3l3K - .4iiit onto Etinitat rara neeKaasiastort Fire haunt= Clo., and the Penn M utual Ufa•- 00. of Phila. delpble. Zia a Market arm, Pita. ' , wit. 117:17 J . CiARDINER fbr tbr m e P . h I s = a zg Italti , lr v u o Tr U tr inn , ups Vir P. JONES. Agent j. Nartn ~.s.,Stata l'atunylveurta, na4 Hartford Za. Oompalps. IR WAITER STREET poSILVEL REA, gem haw. setee Compaily,coraer sad WATEIt street. UNDEIITA ALEX. rrAT X )3 EIra.M . ./11.3Eran No. iee Fourth street. Plltanurck, P. 1./OF) INS eripc:uo of Funeral Farntenua of a// land. 01tApt5.,.(114.4 E.S. and eve e. ry d . lf Go od. furnished Somas once day end eight. Ilesree sad llarrials ferelenell. Ilarinarom.--Rer. David Kerr, D.b. Rev. SI. W. Jaaotnu, D.L., Tanaas Carina, Ego taeon H. Killer ran. yd LEGHENY COLLEGE, MEADVILLE. PA. claxioacietz- for 3.880..66. WEDNESDAY, B EPTENBER 20, P.ILL T E 413 ./f/ OPEArS. Wedne Ja sday, December 20, Fat/ Term closes; Tau, day, nuary , a, Winter 'Term oyens; Friday, March so, V7lntsr Term closes; Monday, Aprll 2, Spring Tulin opiqui; Thursday, June 20, Spring Term closes--MO NMENCEIItrIYfT. L Location bealitlfuas l, thful, and easy clam:eta. ibraries, liableteta. healpparatus unusually Lenity. and and valuable. A now boarding hall urlth completely furnished rooms for the accommoda tion of one hundred students. Boarding from IMAM to Win par greet. Classes commencing Latin and Greek Will be tinne i d st the beginning of tha nil Term. I J. T/NCILET, Seor.tht7 Of the _7' Aae~vaL axes -. U 9 ~ . MODES, 11:2121.E & Illsouteetutere Bieck sad Grooll Olalairelista Or of r . ilsfeiluta' Ware. Bottles, Baditiobtla. Carpool,. ,kO. WarrA ous, No. 144 WATER STREET BETWEEN +SMITHFIELD 4ND, GLUM STREETS, PITTSBURGH. PA. - We warrant W ea est of the frfottnialne. Always ro r Waxer to be impeller to any manufactured on hand, Glasawere of the abOtvdesatiptlen. orders pmptly attended to. Particular atter.. BEA paid Captivate moulds. !)ENN ZIACRINE WORKS .ma y AND FOUNDRy. 1 :A.101:. WHITE ODDS AND EMERbIDERIES, LAOIS GOODS AND lITTIFLINGs; OLLABS AND HANDKERCHIEFS: BONNET, NEOK AND SASH RIBBONS; EXTRA SILK DELTING—ruII Hoe; PLAID VELVET RIBBONS; VELVET li/BRONS—aII colors; WHITE EDGE, SOAILLEC AND BLADE VEL; VET RIBBONS; NEW STYLE HAT VEILS; THREAD AND LACE VEILS—(uII alsortment BEA), ORNAMENTS AND SETS; BEAD AND SILK STITTONS; • DRE.s D CLOAK TRIIIMINGS; FTILL L ) OOFURNISHING GOODS for Ladles and Grata; ZEPHYR KNIT GOODS; FrtL. clan HOSIERY AND GLOVEs; FINE ASSORTMENT ZEPH IRS od YARNS; FANCY GOODS AND NuTI. , NS GENERAL, LT, at BATES k .BELL 1 ISIILLIEK.S4 M ERIN OE S,: ------------ CRUM& GLYDE RAVE &Win- TED AS PAMPERS, Frank Van corder and Calvin Iladary Tbe pan b ne** to date frCrat Atnr under adet tat Ind Mil anal Um eta to Ca conducted nr MC ilnelU and stile o Macrum, Glyde & Co. AT WHOLESALE. 65,000 Enameled Paper Collars; 25,000 Common do. do.; 2,000 pounds Wool Knitting Yarns 2,000 dozen Wool and Merino Bose 300 doz. Undershirts and Drawers 75 cartons Bead Gimps; 500 dozen Lace I'M 4 500 doz. Ladles' Linen Ildkfs., A 4 a very heavy stook of Fancy Goods, Notions, &cm EW GOODE! INT.O G S ! Two eases Lilacs' Mode Ribbed Merino Stock. logs, two oases White Ribbed Merino Stocklags, two cases Children's Mode and White Ribbed Merino Stoeking., one ease Cittiltiren's Fancy Stockin hi ga, two CASCO Mee'. Seek/. nee 115110 Srts aril drawer., and 'lull atosk of BALMORAL SKIRTS. Hoop skirts, Ronda, Sontag., Halt Shawls, Ni. bias Head Rota. Cornea, Trimmisws Straw (Rabe; hillnnery Good; Flower.. bons, Saks,Yea Rib. 00 Etable , dCrieS, Mkt a pea; variety of Fancy oala. Onr Notion Department, WW be found unusually well supylbal STOCKINC YARNS. IMF . POUtIe superior snake—ell colors, wbalesale and !stall, at eastern pd... W. W. MOORHEAD'S, 81 Market Street, NEW FALL COODS, PULL LINE VELVET RIBBONS, all colors; EIIBIZO/DERIES AND FANCY aoons; GLOVES AND HOSIERY; EXBROIDERE2, Lizrsze and 8/LE RENDILZEOBIEFS, NILE REWINDS La all colors READ SET'S AND CORD TRIMMINGS, ALEXANDRE'S RID enoyrs; ac WOOLEN GOODS. la all gtylea. O. WI/LW, MU:mom azziariztzt. NO. 21 WYLIE STREET, ALMS TO ORDER GEAR CR7FTING ARV CM ilu MODELS FOR DEW LITVENTLORS. tika t eeL Choice Apples. Jest steely and far eels e 002 , FETZER a ARBISTRaNG tome: Market And First GOODS, TRTWIT•TrIVG-4, & l~ FAY GOODS. 1 NrilCittli 6: CIaLISLE, 'v NO. 19 FIFTH STREET. D , ew l 'comings and Ornaments, Bead imps and Buttons. Rich nnat and scarf Ribbons, Fme G It and Pearl Belt Buckles, Rich Sil& Belting--a new lot. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs, Beat Lace Collars and Setts, Needle Work Edgings and Inserting, Cambric and Hamburg Bands, Magic Ruffling and Cashs Prillings, Real Thread and French Veils, American and English Hosiery, Gloves and Gauntlets—last styles, Zephyr, Wool and Knitting Yarns, Ladies and Childrens' Underwear, Balmoral Skirts--new styles, Duplex Skirts, French Corsets, Gentlemen's Shirts, Collars, Ties, Merino and Silk Underwear, Misses Rid Gloves--all sizes, MERCHANT , AND DEALERS Will and It to theor ',drat:Gaga to toilttal exa file out •took t.clette pot, httlag brIA.CRUId & CAJILLSLEI, NO. In FIFTH sTßEET,Picuburgh,l%. OCiI AT EATOist.:± NO. 17 FIFTH STREET JI ST .1111El:FIVED, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Wholesale and Retail F, H. EATON, !LII ARE NOw OPENINCi A EA S rocK OF DRESS GOODS, CLOAktII No. 21 Fifth street. I AT EASTERN PRIG 108 HORSE & 00., T and 7P MARKET BTEZEIrt gEsT 44,1741L1TY FEFIII.ED 04. ST STFZU f3qttir trat and Datarcn, o all slue. Worrazt. ad Nos ito hoi Impend or ¢aorifrotttrod 111 yr aad Mee and warehouse, ?tot tpd 161 ant cap marts, Pitt burgh ?last MISCELLANEOUS z d nrrA ttY DISIEIO ,ti OF THE TEN. 011 .110 QX.LIZTRUSAsimiII , 0/1101, S. Mn.rntscr RA1L204106, NasAville, sq-1. 1814 Large hle of Coreratneut Property. edif r pier at Putotte St le the folio deeedt. ed ' , roped 7 of th'CT. e Malted St sees, vie, T,T n ober loth, lsoc h et Johooontwo, TJUIIT FYCILIITTOS. such ea l, lien and Dav-Ilin: House., • Do 7 hue , ley, October 12th, (SC& TWO 1111:3DRED f3TILDIN6/3, or difitier t Coe., such As Storehouse, Men sibt psceilior kai.uses s :et • Sea. , a Lusts, la s of 11. s Chatt scou4a Devot, Nashville, Ten.. On Friday, Dotober scar the tihatta.. noo,o. Depot, Nashville, Deus . rsie log asily thereafte r slut vousp,eied, TWO THOI'mAIaD ToNs. 01.0 SCILIP 11CO3:a. 'Ma , or least constectof,• of (tar When!. and (tar Axle.. Midge tletaLlntta Ind Roar. an la. rt, ttettortortent of Ca t and It' ton tat Strap. To he sold to tote of 2.5 Lam or more 1., sun the , utchaser. FIVE RILEN OLD STRAP r...4.xcao&D IRON, eul tai, (era country Horne Railroad truck. Elb11:1T MAN) PUl'\Lly SCRAP BRAWS AND COPPER. O E BUILDING. !ill !'• onoay. Guth, at Smyrn t,au-I C ONE EUILDING. Vu ruts +3r, Ortuot, 31st, 1566, at Titltzhoctin, N nr“.l tt. N. ft oNX BUILDING. Con Wolc..:Ay. Novea. .r lat, I as /C. ant! e It.. TEN BUILDI MESS HOUSE. n Thnrsday, November 24, ns S:evenson, N. and C. IL It., On Theredn y, FOU It 11E1 eral.l)lNC:B. A. and R R., her 24, 11, at Bridgeport, ONE BUII,DI On Thu:sday, 24. 1662, at Slaellnionc4, N. and C. R. R , a. o &clue!, V. CLL., ONE fIUILDI Friday, NoTonber E. 1262, at Ilhatta.nolg•, On Tenn., and no_ Inaundt dat;Y urn,/ denunletdl, ONE 111: N LIEI) API) Tll , ENT T E 11011.1)IN ON, (more or less) such as Storehouses, Mess and Dweding Houses, 0M..., Stable,, As. A large brupottion of the move mentioned oulid legs are substantial end well adapted for either 05.1.11411 Of store.; at the same time they MT so constructed that they eau be readily removedecessary. As the land on c h i these butbiltans ri gh t nd does not bylony to be Government, the to remove tlilem will be guaranteed for ten days from dal:. of sale. Sale to commence at 9 ° co clock each day. utiles otherwise specided. Any le formatton desired with reference to the abate property may be had upon noplination Capt. S H. Hasac . A .4. M., at reastiville,Teco. or Copt. W. H. Horn., A. Q. M., littattanoo;a, Tenn. Terms Crab, Government Ftlaell. oclidtOct2oCapt. and A. Q. M., U. S. A. LARGE GOVERNMENT BALE OF Steamboats, Wharf-Boats, Barges, and Other PropertY Qtrani[rnickaTan 011:27/18,13.15 WAR/U/9TM, D. SEALED PEOPONA.L.P be reedy-ad at the plum. Wafter named, lot t. mmed STEA.III.BOI4 s, WHARF.BOATS, BARGES, and other property. A.l nloblie, Alabama, until Tbttreday, Ons tober 12, 12 M., steamer bayra WU, registered Tit tons. 41 de-Wheel steamer Warrior. registered 455 tons. Side -wheel steamer James mule. registered 621 blur-wheel steamer Adel recta - tared au tons. Side-wheel steamet. N. W. Thomas, registered 111 tons. glds-wt.sel Steamer ht, registered aSi tom. Side-wheel steamer Isersille, Ad tons. B ol e s. ole-wheel steamer J. D. Swain, teg....nered 21 Stern-wheal steamer Janata Rogers, registered it tons. Stern-wheel simmer R. B. Hamilton (sunk), reg. lamed 109 tom Strew tug Perry, registered 154 tons. Screw tug Mph (Jotting, registered 55 tons. Berm tug Blossom. registered 54 tone. Motel barge Fard, canal boat Golden Era, seise' boat e), forty (4 0 ) Pontoon LMtes, tbirtY (SO) a wl y boats, and those (3) seal docks. All of which own be ram at noarzE, AAL until the day of sale. Persona making proparals for more than one boat or barge, should give the name or number of each boat or barge but for, with thepries proposal obe given for uric Each envelope containing a bid should be scaled, and the name of the boot or barge, or description of the property, indorsed thereon, and addressal t an o fte di r e 2 : ransp7, IL. B. i P n ".*** aan'lll aorgo of river traneportatio n at the point dear. rated for opening Ws. The Govern/neat reserves the right to withdraw any of the If deemed oboes low. PfoPertY, and to reject proposals too Payments to be made In United States currency, upon the acceptance of aay proposal and prior to delivery of the property. A fail dad:TlM:ln of the property mar be ob. Waal on appthation to Ckaonel Arthur &Guards, Assistant Quartermaster, St. Louis. Magma- By order of the Quartermaster tioneral: • LEW B. PASS Brigadier General and Chief lS of Rail awl OIVS, l Elver Transportabo.l. ---- atadd Wasthmarom, D. O. t September al, toss. i ATOTICE-41.1 boats, dc., at New Gr. leans and Mobile, for width bids are not ao cepted, will be offered at Purls Auction. Those at New Orleans. at that place on SATITBDAY, the 7th day of October, and those at RObile, at that plate on amrinsol, the ittn daY or October. Due notice will be given of amiss hour and locality of Ear, By order of the Quartermaster General. LEWIS B. PARSONS, 5V..5 thirstier Cameral. _ CLOSING SALES OF Government Horses and .ides QCAETZlOffmnriu, Gluteus-I.N 079016, Wkomeoras. O 0. fieo"omber 2t gee. Wrilie sold ki nuligoirroilTm durloß tie stenth tame ze d to t b el ow: bidder, 9/ th Mae zed Warms named vis YOR E. New Yerk otty, N E Tu W esday of caeb wrok, 100 Boma each day. EMMYVNI. mil d Pittl i ay de l phlNlThrusday of each week, 1 ,1 0 r 1909.59 FM each day. adelphla, of each week 100 Halm Harrisburg, Tuesday of mak meek. 1 0 0 Mules each day. ea ch day Harrisburg, Thursday of each moth, HD Horses Remitog, Tuesday, October 3, coo Horses. gferfnb__. ofitt_Eriday. October 13, 150 Horses. 341 oemocr. 'cm/11May, October 19, 150 Horses. Pittabmgh, Thursday, Oetoper 21, 150 Horses. Allentown, Tuesday, October 01, HO Hanes. D 3M.A.1 Wilmington, Friday of each weak, 100 Hones ugh day. Wile ingten, Tuesday of each week, Ho Mules •sO/1 des . EUSSOVEL Sluice ea Lords, day. October. 4, 5 , 9,7, 9 end 10 , 10 5, ch St. Louie, October 11, t 2, is and 14, 150 Horeb each day. St. Louis, October 24, 25, Re, 27, 23, 10, and 11 —l6O slttlen each Any. GLESBOSO, and Thursday of each week, 106 Honer each day. No itales of Hulse will take place at WASHINGTUN, D. 0. - The tutimele to be sold to October are cape/r -im to any beeetotore otibred to the Roblin The afority of them are sound end serviceable, 17 is expected Met et MMe t. series of Sales all e tt ,.- pt Cooper dohnott wilt be disposed of. ea porene BumssA r fo avail awnetre: of Mb tan ppri. Animals wll.l be sold tangly. Sales to commence at 10 a. M. each gay. Terna--OnSti, in United 3tistee Ourre Ey ffl. AMES Ere, J Brig. Gen es . In eharies First Div. Q. 14. G. O. TTIBBURGH STEEL WORILB, ANDERSON, COOK & CO., SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD 6- co. Manufacturers of the beat relined Oast Steal, Square, Fiat and Octagon, of all akar, Nay Pla.te% 800, Fork and Sheet Cut Steel, Out Steel for Heaping and Mowing Machines Steel Plow Wien, Sprier., Axle., Moulin, U. ast and Common Plough and spring Str , Uttlei—Corner of nest and lieu street., two bloclui above the Monongahela Route. itgvtty FITTBBURGR FOUNDRY. A. GA/111111011 roes IL I.tIOIreSSOS A. GARRISON & co. (Successors to flollman, Munson, a C 0.,) FOUNDEBB AND MACHINISTS) Idannfseturers of Chilled Bolls" of ail alsah for aisr S g o ,,, l Lcea ' ilr.priFj= of Ral/Ing - null Outings of All description; Patent Double Grinder, wltaj, outs. ty of other patterns, alwayi on Auld awl atted to order on short notice and faroranto terms. °Moe and Wanton" lit fitoltalleld street, PitlaborgL fately BLACK DIAZ OND BTZEL IVORIES P/TTSBDROH Pd PARK, BROTHER & CO. niszatatturers ; . 11. S. Government Depository. ewonal Pahl In 1):31.10,000 With Prlviloge of Inerease W:300,000 Haring estenetve eorreepoteience with allniC.3 sad Hankers , hroughout the country, gra Offer =W. . m facUttlec to those dolog btleintse w;th ax And all other Government eeourltleti furnished In turn. to Suit narchaaera. Deposita Manfred and laterest allowed hp vestal agreement.j. DICYCTOI4I: THOS. DONNELLY, R. H. EINCA D. M. SMITE!, .N. J. HIGLEY, JAS. M. HEALEY, JOHN F. HERRON. THUS. S/111114 J. IL KI.RISP.STRIOK THOS, DONNELLY, Prigident, RUTWARD, CaabiCt• sts&w ---____l___ __.... LLAR sAviAG E 9 nO .31-g" Nil s 9 1 D Pourers! Sinner. O dom a s- 1 1A-RTERP- day daily -a Id - 'I ISM . and actors- ~, I o'clock, alas 'on Wednes. vcmber lar ••...y evening, from Kay". Ist to NO. let toL '" , ulna sto El o'clock, aced fro*Noveintste .....ay tat from 6 to 8 o'clock. , isepoalta received of all sums of not ItelthanOsul Dollar, and a dividend of the profits deo:herd Mae a year, to June and December. Interwrt tuts been desdand aeml.annnally, In June and o:kmaiber. slate the Bank was orlowilmal l at U lB ::att a ES ' . ~. o.opfeinrthp7"newldt.edit'a rfalrtbled6l7:et74l:, hi.3l::±2:l7th. ..c. interest m the day, of June rbnececu tl" hve. depositor to Call, or even to nresent Ins r . At this rate mosey Will double hs lea gu.!liewsll4444, yeare. anicregyna; cailotatuns,i'ghamichthe ed°bageatAne;l3Vllo, tlic: at the odic:, ~. PszeinEOßGE AL.- • Ma ... William J. 0.1.- M..- -Itrin I'-4Er oh . :l4. - , lt_son, A.. DI. Pollock, IL D., Bekt.L. n 1.44 yelsert Robb ohn EL shoe:4 mm , James Hardman, Jame' Riddle, James IlleAulay, Alexander Speer', Woo IL Pennock, Cluhroc. Team. raussoute. , Calvin ' Henry J. Lynch. John 0. Bindlr, Peter A. lOadel/$ G in % itrack, John Ilianhall,_ Waiter P. mama% d B A. Carrier Jazzes a.p. ‘ nset% • mune. A. Colton, Jan R. umanddiaN. WEL ouglas, - Jahn Org, John Rainy L. Igh t,„ John fratcsyle, William R. WU= S. Raven, hhatuideeniku4: Peter H. unker, William Vanklzki, Bland Rays, Wm. P. 'Heyman.. • James D. Kell - Isaac Whlttaw, -.'. COLTON. Reo - ciaro-JAnics R. D. =EDS. '" • LIIIIiIi , viu____r_____._.____—_—___---- JM Ta. MS. ere Invited and will And until the time here. s purchase of the folio EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK' 0 f Pittsburgh. Chartered by the! Capital lOffellited under State of Pa., 18.16.1 4 1 , 0 00,000.1Nataq LarlSgi This Bank ha+ be designated a DEPOSITARY 0? TEE United States Treasußy, and appointed wait for the sale of the 7'.430 EL XV Every facility will be °Cued to inverters or tie. purchasing for meals. par• asyM.l.f 8 ri MURRAY.Y, Caeh ter PEOPIE` NATIONAL BANS Of Pittsburgh. Capital titi 81,000,000, with Prvti lege of 82,000,000. S Rantdo TS. g Elturef WRITER MIST AND WORD TREE This Rank,rganized coder Che Netlonalut Rig System. 1 nowpropared to treason n at Re Bankluc Hone; comer of Wood and ctreeta Collerthrne made on all aoreatlble paint' an most favorable tonne Special 0008 E, for the Bale k.f the Agents km 'Alf F. 8. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. nikartitz. REAL. President. F. M. GORDON, Ctuhier. J. O. ritoPHERSOIf Teller MERCHANT TAIL • WINRY 0; HALE, Merchant Tailor, NOBTE-WEri. mutat OF FM A at MOB may . ~ • PITTSERTECtIi, PA, Takes great plenum. In announcing to Ids lamer ~. coo customers and the swath general! FALL that hts i. purchases en meats for the FALL SEA, SON are comp_ Med, having been oarmnualy selected from the nrstass cloth banana In the reallEastern dries. Only anal $ can:: ends IM yaw ) really be recommended. Will' be which GM. y be newest and most app materials and styles, the enrirestoek bele:very large r varied '2 ana 'amt. lAr. Hale hay mush clonnamaa— in lii* ring an early_Lnapnm e , SiTPERELNE SLUM, coLOICED oLOTREI, : AND DOE s Bl llB.aa natal, warranted fast la colon, anti sound texture. AIM TON OLOFILs and other new coathiga r :. new style for entire Mts. A great variety of FINE OASSINCERES An Putts and Yeats, for Morning and Zvi:Wag wan. 1: aux BOYI---------------_________ DRESS AND SCHOOL SUFI'S. A nay lot aCalioloe goods For JUST REOEIVED BY GRAY & LOGAN, ASHIONABLE DESIItABLI'; u•OODS, For GenVB Cr Irouth"B etothin9 MADE TO OEDE:E4 N THE BEST STYLEAND MANNER, It B. NORRIB, AtERMIANT TAILOR, no:140 N 1;0 . 1 70 FEDER AL 6Z., Allegheny. TAILOEIS wr.smso: TO REclavic UPSTIII7OTIOAS lit TUE MIT OP Catitng Nie l s - and Bole Gamlen% avrrUill LTA , STREAtzg orrout do woii by esainvato Z, ..Tice At Kola ITT'S caoutkc coma Ohio st. and innotonds.uqpiCAT DitYs paw, Maga oiND 011 , 310 MOM lam or Ito beat Oat, telioltAg. Large :dock 034 band and Dm laloodther nrAwnian. or mall et Qs. /Vila Butdmr.uonot of J. & FL, p pro. , a Se and ISSL. rlnts4F4El4 bbia. cluAce Borghtun mamma ottly ut ittostrikl sad STRO_ Tabula by. ' NG • acomet_lituket tad ABB rim Bd:MING 3301178 X, S- N. HODIE'S scirt*-'4' Ho. 57 market Street, Pttlibarga DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN PA FKFITITOS arm I=IEI Collootlnnen:Lode on all the m:00 Paint/1 0 f Unit.' Stelae and Canalan STOCKS, DuNDS AND OTHER ',SECIIIILITIII BOUGHT AND SOLD ON CT*SSKIN, Pa - Clanlst attention paid 10 tle;:finratiaaa 42 W e of UNITED STATES SEMITES; 1E27=1 carte nolo Mies of t5l; Po. co. 11-300 Do. Floes. 10-10.1 ; Do. 'Moen-111mm ; Do. CertlClcales or lade.ledaer..o. ORDERS A_Z: D VOUCHERS DpUGHT OR EMIEEM FOURTH NATiOHAL bANL aI4RILET 811SeET, PITTSBUGH, PA; 8-1.0 w-carrzsls. aidlNhii i 3 t 4 7 Ste Viet, Street BEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers