lake gotta's* Gazea THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 , TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Arrival and Departure or Trains Pennaidvanta Central Railroad, Departs. 4n-fro Ray Exprow.... 2,5 as to Penn AccomO'n. T. 6.1 a m ELLU Accommon ago miman t=ato Pitts &Etta Mau vo a m raw Line........ 2uo a m Lltoenarlecoshi r o p m rata Erie p m Phila. Express.. 4MS p Baltimore Exp's 1U43 p Johnstown AChi p Phila. teeters.. xao m last Line..--. 01 , 3 pto lobliat'elvec'e..looi a m lit Wail Station GAD a no yt Wall Station ens a m gd 850 a to o sx6 p ta . 3.1 " " 2.06 pas G,05 meth " Pena Accoma'a.tOire pp Altoona A ex'a wpm and Emigt Tea 10.3 r p m The Church train leaves Walls' S tat i o n every - Sudsy 'at DIG a. ra.t retonalng, leaves Pittsburgh at 1.21.0 p. m. Pittsburgh, Columbia and Cincinnati. Departs. Arrive,. ..... 210 a m ExprCm. ....... 711.3 ano BMp 714 a m Man 3:0op m relm...—.— As. 2:45p m B - .15 p M Ntenbewrille iSteutmo rule au cOmmodatton two p commodatios. imoo a m Kin Wayne and Chicago. Departs. drrivs, Expreu.:—..... tem a m Express ...... 2= ra .?s'a p pre55......... 3:ZOptn 0:1X/p no,Express 8:00 p m _ 7e.flra m 1.11.11 uho p m pi. Culte to. Erie emo a m !N. Casue thie New Brighten AccommodatiOn leaves All depot di a. m., 11 - 60 a. ra.., 4.46 p. m., antutiott p. L.:ld:tester, 2:15 p., m.; New Castle, j 6.0 tad Economy, Lae p. Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Wireelloor &Tune. Ar man. Repress ...... oda am: xpreae ...... ..• 2 :10 a m Exprew ...... 2:56 pm f i 3 : 0 P Ant a ro I 9:131 p Steubenville AtaaMinodettlOD Leavca Mlegt,my lief= p Pittsburgh and Connell wills. Deperts. , Arrive:. SQL& 1.... 1:65 0 a Mail SIX , 1 , M ._V- 1 4 •• .. • ... ario le At .Ezpress WM a m sas OmcVapeill.llln a wiet. Dialteessrust 6:50 a m NI. ' '‘ r... ono p mild - "•• • • Ica I , lik lot Braddoak4.. 7:00 a m len linvldoelea. EIMD a tu Rd " . Clop MIAI . " ••••• b>/ 0 DM Allegheny Valley Railroad. Departs. Arrives. 1 Mall. 7120 p-m . Fxprell OM it 0 . ftpress ..... ....t.m p m Mat 7..c0 p m i . I AMICIMMOdatiOn 219 , J Dm .Aacommod‘tiOn 8:04,, m = ! --- i • CITY AND SUDI/RBAIsT, s: Vulcan Works... Joseph Tomlinson es. St . s The foundries and machine shops of the yity ; .of Pittsburgh, always havo bete, runt still eon , • I thine to be places of interest to the traveler nod : sojourner in our inil.cht, and no sum eonsidvrs a ' ! visit to our city complete until he has risked all -.. .., of the prominent mannfueturin7t,tabli.shmeutu. '. A mere casual ol.:.;cetHer would enter one f I . Ouse ly 1 ior one maelllnd-shop, and upon less ine: it. isrould era lain in the pr,ide,of Lis hear, '•1 her. lye have Creen the Plttsbaugh foundries or ma- I.plane F.hyps, Ice as lists some Lao., :t..lnstl jal i.;branch." het what you would sane in one es . . Itablishment yea mr,uld not hr 1i!...11‘ ..., find iu c 1 I 'another. for alillagt every concern has its speeisi ` i 'Xs, end therefore: t'firlety. is 'not to be found In • I )511/y One COnCert4 • • i 1' We :Yesterday paid u visit to the estubliihment, • s ' the name of whlehficatia our article. Tl,, , s e *Yorks are Mtwara on the corner of Duquesne I 'Way and Chesnut alley; and .were first estehiitla .led In the-year Ifial by Stesnra. elfackit 01t..e and 'f -t- -,'Tomlinson. In - ,the year'l6lo - the firm iv , , . Charmed to Justplt Tomlinson -Jr Co., Jaine's Thompson, Esq.; having purchase - I an interest ';. In the conerru. :In the . year ISI4 ''lr. e1i,21.1/1 Y i , 'Tomlinson heemse the ado proprietor by por t' Shake. and In Ilid4. Ile associated whit him his 4 son William so pt present the style of the firm If it as aboves-josnpit Tomlinson C.' Snn. it wnl ' i s. • lie seen that front its veryineeption 3fr. Joseph a Tomlinson 11.1 S 13 . :,11 interettal,, and althoutth. t awing to his ad , sueetlseers he Is enable to zi se . f . that general supervisions - which Is - netess ary to f -- carrying on so etcnsivtlyi bashiess, still he is • i • rawayg so he found in theoffice, bib active mini'".,. Cher engaged In snme.iitiw - Leriterprisie, end keep ' 1. leg an eye to the Uenereliintertzt.of the. works. .:' ~.'.. He Is however ably represented by his sou. to s i - Whose courtesy we are indebtedfor our infor - I /nation. • F ...lln the year 1840, the firm built the first Iron clad steamer that was ever bullt.hera. dhe was - - . - .1 7 - cilia' the "Michigan," ant IS - now on Lake ... • , Erie. She was flubbed here complete, teen '• - taken apart, tat erntothoLake and there eatit no it- again. In the yea[. 1842,ilsey_baUt.the Milted - A States Revenue Cotter " Walker," rthic:s was ,t- 1 44 taken to Mexico, and therolOst. ' Tbe - yaliii the •- t game year VIM the iron clad "Allgeheny," but . . t of her present whereabouts 'ike hire no keen , - ledge. In 1846, they ibtint, "the- United States ..,,,- Envenue Cutter " Flouter," the present whet,: nhouts of which is also imlrnown. These vas '-', sells were all iron clads. During, the pres..sat • •t; year they have In conaexten , withllleasra. Her.- ; ..i • ttltee and Co.', completed the Iron -clads din• I dsOty and Marietta, now lying In the Alle. '••' 4 ,- ghee) , river just bele a the. suspension bridge. These last resse_laitesithiret vessels oriniiiiale. • ...:, atiength i but light dranght,and are mounted each with two eleven Inch guns, manufactured tit'the .• • t ,,, Fah Fitt Foundry. . .- . • • e. - : .. The buildings occupy a' space - Of Zrnundll2 ' l ' feet front by= red dam. Tim main baildiar • ..t, •LS twOstories In height , anti is built of brick, asl 4 - are also the blacksmith shops,'foutuiry &a. : For 4 1 : many yearn they deleted themselves mainly to r thimantifecture Of_railroad care, making that + 1 teeirspeclalty. At present, bowever, they have ..- 1! , extended their business. and In addition ti rail ,, i s , road min, they mannfactere ail kinds of mac tan a a ay,ll.llCl engines, and:Crotings of an Infinite sm .:. i":" rieir of deteriptlotele• - Warta:feed- quite a num i herb!' hand cans for railroads in different stages • !-.• of completion. The power used to drive the machinery of the • I. : works Is one enable, 12 inch "cylinder, and two' ,---, f,. fectettoko. The 'beater Is dt: Inches In &done t+- t• ter by 31 feet In length. This power is stifiltdent 4- • to drive seven lathes for taming eron. Pee drills, 12 I. three iron and one wood planer. one "circular %.1. rair one wood lathe,. two . mew_ cutting• ma- .. chines, and two Jane • fortis blaciosailth shop.. ,tz. jl . Thetdepartmentew are the 'foundry, • blacismlth i '''lthopcontalfaufg five forgee.--fPrning shop, and . •-si ,patt4rn shop, beskies brdaide machinery for snaking the wooden work of their ears,. 1 Prominent among the objects of Interest at 1 . i - . prment to be rime at that trofim, is s oanoblne, .i,ll - which If successful, is destined to make a ream- . i; 'halms among our coal mining population. It 't dormilits Of two cylinders ten lashes In diameter, 1 . 4 and rms; and a half Inches stroke, which :by - a means of coggearing . drlves twenty-two angers. 1 ' The hilhadets are worked by compressed sir, and the screws Mb 'fed into the coal bank by =earn of a feeding acre*: Tee whale machine - 1 I ,- . is on a truck, which rests on rails. so that when 7 : the angers have performed their duty the length Itif the machine, they are withdrawn, the ma. 7:I 'ehletreptiehed farther alarm and- the boring Is , i again, commenced. The mass above is then . I' . l rokeis down with wedges. It is claimed for this 1 machine that its work will in very' 'rapid, and 1i the expense but email, It was patented by 4 llctsra, Greer and Boyd, and is owned by them it In connexion with Xerxes. A. Carnegie and John &att. This.'.'. noel digger' , will be first li t tried eit Johrsiown,. cold: D. successful., will be 2 eel at work at Halton, twelve miles no the Atte. • stheny'stier. The entire machine will coat about ttl - gs,oooi.• •• 4 . A steam hammer; 'somewhat after the Davy S . Brothels pattern, also Altraditil considerable at -1: ,* Untied. This hammer weighs about 720 pounds, and,Wail built for , tifr; lohn Sall, plingh man ' s nfeetturebof this My; ' hut we believe It is now . t- for italel, being demntd. to heavy for their ,t. heal- Meat.' ;There le a alit lit difference between this -, ' hardmerand the 'Lb 4 pattern, the difference .being In the valve; t..hicit is regulated by a lever • 'attached to the hase...ter head. The Vulcan works . eve, when they made It s . .gpecially, turned ott: railroad work to the 1.. amount of ovhr 81(4.200 a year. At present, ' - :. , being Engaged in othcr branches. they tern out 1.: of all. kinds of manufactures, about 8150,001, E ' yearly consuming in the same/ length ot time, • F these tons of Iron. They give employ ) . metig - When running fall, to seeenty hands. and ~ 'the: tact of running Iby werke IsCeliontAlW,ooo. r. , Mr. William E. Roe, woo bas for many /gars been connected with the Government service, 1 • Lai Wastes at the works, being at present , , de tailed lime as Inspector of Machinery of United 1. 1 , ,' Btetes gunboats.. . - - Fire in' Monongahela Borough—Clinton Trap Works Partially Destroyed. , Wednesday morning about four o'clock the ;Clinton Iron Works of Grad, Bennett d Co., 131 ,]Monongahela borough, were discovered to boon and before the dames were extinguished a i. considerable portion of the establiahment was dilltrOyed. The fire broke out in the nail de partment, a frame building, - on the east elde of On= atmt, and isprgad with great rapidity. !COMSKilleating to the sheet mill immediately adjoining, and In a very abort thn• both build,- logs ware destroyed. /t alto extended to the mUI on the opposite side of the street, but it was , savidihkongh the active erection of attaches of the establishment and' the lire dePartraimt. In the sheet mlll there was a very large •••• A in t o t pit of heavy machinery, but we learn that ‘: the damage sustained Is not very materiaL The destruction of toenail factory was complete, tome ihirty nail machines, a large cm. • gine, .tools. &e trick dwelling adjacent. tookffitrea,, NU the dames.wede soon crUngalsiced, dud the ',wmf emnitiedio the root,. Sow the Are orlglntod Is not known. It was itrst dlsenverepi byes watchman', who at the' time of lbsbreakkg; Oct was engaged It Bring apraforeaCe In another portion ofthe works. In tbe•cellar of the nail mill them were stored nivel thi hundred. empty- nail- kep, and •It is supposed llm was..colomunleatnn.front 2 omrof. the furn#ool. TUC lose has not bSen esticiated, but will cloned considerably the amount of In anrance.,4ll7,ooo. Between sixty and ' seventy hands wen onployed, In the pealed of the wont,destroyed., We understand that the lime Intend rebuilding immediately - . - ,The 10111 end. blast furnace was La operation yesterday., Avg OliffOr;cd but trilling danger by the •Bres 11112111120 Ti 4 ,BUID'S HILL TRAGEDY. Trial of August Frecke. The eourt of Oyer and Terminer was crowded soon nftertopening this morning, it being gen erally known that Auguste Frecke, one of the Boyd's Hill murderers, would be placed on triaL Judges Sterrett, Mellon anti Brown presided. The prisoner was brought Into the court about half pmt nine o'clock, at which time the District Attorney mooed to take up the case. The Com repre,e2Hyd by District Attorney h :El,. John Mellon and C. W. ftobh, FAT., and IN- by Jacob 11. Miller. J.. 1. &the m, i, cud l hauler W. Mc:llene - 5% Fotis. '1 Is otistonti, In impome to th e i nt , ,•,, clerk, •'llow will you be ,ri l" made the lit ual rest tome "By tiod anti my 1' t ryt - The trek rttplied, "lisp Go•I yla sit-hitt-tram," The arrahmment tookpt.,, tin Thus:ton,. of we- k, when :!,, IcIC,I "uot 1,21i1t5." EMPINNEI.I, Or TM: JI Isola, Vorgittlry, of ;lie An , . .‘ ll ` . .ii'- ny, the first Juror f ente.l an er , f tar pri.uucr , hot dereu.e. :iota! 1,-or 7. oleo had furoicif lit am unit - . e. J. Moon, pollee Sereuth Ward, had 314 Opinion. and was challeugNi far caste by tae iickree. The Court sod not sustain it, the juror baring crated that he ceifil gird a vendle. ac• to the law and the evidenea. The de- ILLEe chalks:gad peremptorily. Hrun JoLna, Pitt marnahip, had formed an 01 , ,n1,, a hick he thought w told interfere with Wen :a stndering a verdict. Challeage for cause nut tallied. Deets! Hamm, of Fast Birmingham, was Men as the second juror, and Jame,. I.appen• not:, merchant, Seventh Ward, as the third. John El. Jones, Fifth Ward, was .challenged rcremptorily for the defense. • Levi Wade, Fousth Ward, had formed an opinion, Out it would not influence him In the jaytax. Joseph Mates, Snowden townahip, was ac. Noted and sworn as toe fifth juror. it.ehard Allen, 11th ward, mitered he had formed an opinion which would influence him is the jury box. Challenged for ran,. Wil. linen Burns, Lower St. Clair, was challenged for a similar reason. Jaime .141'M ask le, 6th ward, thought it would 'a vary bard to change his opinion, hot be- I tesed be could render a verdict act:m.llllg to the , idenee. Challenged peremistarlip by the de- \Wm. H. Barker. , Suuth ttas tiriblasyd. p,rempi .ray oy FllOl ward.:ai f an 01 , 113;or, and was rot uppoietl io vap,:ul pea ithotent. Sixth jto - Hugli 8r0x.,. It•nttson tp. i had his mind !rear no as to the :II • prl , lnf:r. .Icrard lor llAicrt Ellis. Lac.rrccville, Irr, as th:', Fecer.Lbinrot. lie was a juror in the case of al archall. Heary Britteobtrtn, Mamball loarn,Jin, was satisfied of the I•rso,.er'a gnot—challeaged tor cause. John McKnight, floss township, and J tan Bill, of Versailltat. were sworn as the eighth and ninth jurors, David 'fantail. 3d ward, Allegheny, was chal lenged penimptorily, and Kennedy. th ward, for canoe. by tte defense. Alexander Speer. 4th ward, was also chal lenetd for canoe. Rsbert fader, Pitt tleniship• had formed an opinion, but said it would not at all interfere with him-in rendering a verdict. Ilsalleuged prteniptorily by We defense. Morrow. 4:h ward, 4.llQteny, was as the tenth juror. Bunaley,ist ward, All..Th.tny, would not be entirely unictluebecd by the opinion he bad forwed. Dat Lh McKee, 9th ward. Si 33 Sworn ai the eleven juror. Ralph W. Means ' Pitt townthip, and Willie m iiiskty, 4th ward. Allegheny, w i re chalieuged peremptorily by the defense. Isaac N. Deemer, Moon township, was next Baba,: completing .the JurY- ' • The 'clerk then read the Indictment, which contains two COnlll4l, the lint charging guarder. at common law and the accood Bader the stat ute. The 'prisoner daring the reading remained mandlte.. toed appeared composed, exhibiting no signs of Emitter or excitement. lances TUE . GTO 211 ff JURY. gnat:let 41.1. CT Elinkpatrien opened the case to the Jury , detailed briefly and explicttly all the clrc lances of the stoner. or rather butchery, of ill 4 turitnourn man on Bayd'a fill, on the night of the Md of A etpuit, ny the pris oner Auttuete Ftecte and B. B. Materiel', for which the latter was tried and cooxic,,ed last week. Wm. Clan - goo, Coroner of too eentots. testi nee to ILK muting nr the dead bf)dy 00 Hopits ZHU, on the mcraluf Or the 24ta An.Tatt. 6.1.1 it :abet to Deeortentradertatting. establish • meet. Ahern M'Cook made en et ,, inatto., of It. James Lowry also testified bathe ending* of the dead body. The man was lyiug oa his flee, and them were two big eats in his back. ono almost - txrensive ecough to Insert a man's shut fist. - On turning over the body,discoveral MN throat was cut. Every pocket of the mane clothing was turned Weide out, and his bat, sheds and tic-things taken off. The:body was taken to Derorea, and *thence to the Mayor's office, where it remained some time for ideutlfleatlon. „leaking was discovered to Indicate Oa mar dered man's name. Cross...v.apiined—First saw the body about.lialf past tire o'clook In thc!inornlng. Liens; Wilson, of the polite, la charge of tar—Lloyd's Hill Dis trict first informed me of the murder. Re-direct—First oats' the prisoner, Frerke, on Friday, •.:-..i September, at the kfayur'e olliee, In the afternoon. Officers Wilmot and Moessner had charg,e of idol, I seat them to McKeesport for him. I bad a conversation with Freeke, and . he made. statements to me. District Atnamey—l propose to Ask Witness what the. prisoner said. with F ke be Ore.-nammiced by Mr. Niftier fo efease— The'llest interview I hartined° e r,...d • a Paten:eat. Beforelie made 1 I toil elm that I had arrested him for being t ebaceraeo with Morel:tall, then under arrest, in certain burg laries. I bad at that time no statement from MarehalL I also stated to him (Freeze) that I wanted to know it be wee in New York, and whoit woo that came wlthhim back. Before tide I called in officer Moessner and had him caution Frscke, In German, not to say atrytbiag an. legate did so voluntarily. I told the officer to tell Freeke that we had him arrested on a charge of btirglary, and that there was another charge which ho was mixed op in. I told the officer to tell him that - it was In relareace to the mur eerrtl man Lund on Boyd's mn. I told the officer to say to Freeke that he u eel make no rinlernettt unless he would voluntarily and of his own armed do so, and to be careful that he (the prisoner) nealerstood him. The can• lion was in German and repeated. and the prisoner indicated to me by nodding his head that be understood the caution perfectly. HA statement was taken down In writing two days afterwards. Frocko must bare seen Marchall in the tombs. I did not tell him that Maroball had made a clean breast of the murder. Frecke spike to Messner la Ger man, and what he raid was repeated to me in Braila. Ido not speak German. , District Attorney i:lrkpotrick repeated tile offer to have the Mayor state want Freeke said to him. Mr. Miller—We O loot. The statement, It appears, was reduced t writing. Tee Mayor's evidence would he be say, as the prisoner spoke In German, and whet to said. Interpreted by the The offer was with' - awn for the present. The cireet t 1ft%111.,0n of tbe 'layor was con - lintd (bleudy clothing exhibited). This coat and vest was found with the murdered man. Frecke seemed to understand every question. Beth Wilmot sworn-1 am a member of the 'Mayor's pollee. I wengto McKeesport on the 413 d of September last, In company with °wee r Moosser to arrest Frecke. We arrested him In a garden about a quarter of a mite this aide of garden Ernest littler was with us. We saw Frecke abOut eleven o'clock in the forenoon He was laying 'sods In the path of a garden. We proceeded at ODCO to arrest him. Ito made no resistance at first. We took him to bin boarding house, Walker's, In McKeesport. He said he wanted to change his clothes. I left Moessner with Miller, and went up stairs with Frecke. He attempted to go from one room to another. I prevented him. After he had changed his clothing he came routinto the yard, and I went with, him to another home, or room, at the back of the yard, where he said he had some cloth ing. He came out without getting anything and went to go out of the hack 'ate. I. would not let him. Wu came back to where Moessner and Miller were, ,Moessuer said "We'll hays to do our duty with this man." I then toolc hand cuffs out of my pocket, when Frecke made a spring to get Away. Moessner caught him. I got the shackle on his left hand, and Moessner held him tW I got on his right. Frecke then raised his hands, and struck at me, using Ger man oath, "Dnianer 'Wetter." In so doing ho broke the spring of the handcuffs, and we had t a:pe totlelimilftegetthyllstmds tiedwe going he once or twice made an effort to get away. He was very uneasy. I had no conversation with bint,.except a remark. Defense objected, and were allowed to ask 'preliminary °neatens Wkness—Moessner did the principal part of She talking. It WILODOCTIIIan. I daunt speak German." The pipsecution did not press the question as to what remark the prisoner made. 8. F. Von lionnhorst,sworn--Was at the May or's once on Sunday, September 2.5t1i. The pri soup Frtithe Was there, I speak German. I ha forpthted for the Mayor and yourself. The pris oner madda statement width' interpreted (wit_ ten paper shown) I believe this to be the state- -- - - _ writing,. meat. It is In Digtrict Attorney's hand- 1 .' 7 m ''' All ' l ' s " al ' ll '""I"Ill O °Y gull cum,. The Dweller and ili•weet false-Vindication A Sequel to .•r .1.113..: ' I bortlOta Ca.. the conclusion to allow the witaeseto be swam al Mayor atorrtson. I • The follt wine communications to reference to fonzi°dWatu'dour;dso'iMe th r:ibbb‘)lsd:ondttinne cial'onitonw: Dialling Attorney Kirkpatrick -I now o ff er Mardian having beea sworn teatitled,v,,_ staRCIIILL's IrrIiDILISCII. the statement. Mr. Mllier-We object., because It in hearse,' Birmiegtana. which net beea thrown there by evidnce. The prisoner spoke in Ger Man. Of', Anenet Freeke quite well. Heaven him since 1 -' '. name Is Benjamin Bernhardt Ne ban /IF the late alleged larceny of drugsabyyoung Meal aXe n ' bow ( le t, d Loa la." whicl M a?°r i ' ll ' rr il'°° me 4 a - / in a man employee to clean Loaf the celaw of Mr. tallness beted ait. Interpreter, end Mr, Kirkpe- ..-- . this fait a year ago. He arta 1 wa rt . i n N t ., I lb, affair. arc Oren 10, CM/ QUAINT e%id , :nceof the A. Koch's drag Mere. on Car-'c va... ea aa a . trick as an amannenala. I fact that lie had no official cograzatme of the E tioued that be need oat ally anything to erimi- I - • the - man Donaldsoe, at the request of th e Comm , and Interpreted to the prisoner? u= -- -e C 4- ; Cabe, sod armee was wholly undeeerving of the el. Mr. Kirkpatrick- Was not this statement read Y°.;,° Mill m . ollth ened of A t ufts , t the lan w a l,„,„..,, ate himself. „The court did not think It nem,- I Proceeded to the place for the pereoae of b o w. censure can noon alto or some of pale; is, lie .a e tail, seal examined several wilt:les/se. Mr. Von Bonahnest--Yes. sir, and come cor recting Made at his reqemt. eery. Ne Wltntes continued: We left e.tuthar g b r.., tutee's Orem. g, ~ tram al e.° trail stony It would seem that the Mr. Iflrkpamick-1 now renew the o ff er. Aileeteey City, Oca II lea', a melee of this lefaat arc these of the child of Yew leek about live n'eliek In the ehy refs r the peolic tot' e t iilowir, r , • . n 'l n Mrs. l'i o ft, oho had lest, sada •ed bI)'I • . 3 , , . 4 ,, .....,, ;01 , . ~,,,.. 1 ~ , I „,,„„ tio n o e were delayed in Harrisburg three or eau i encore, thicn I thick ell : to ly t =male, 60, 111 r ,,.... , .„ ~,,,., ..,...,',. - . y • Aa - cocain I brr doellir.acit Miller-Whet iel I itber. wl T t nrevla b fee ' ll .- h v e o a i r l . _ I ours. We got to New York Tuesday eat:re a m lhe name time satisfy the mail c mind , that I _ sire. ,:',-.' - ,; , ,,,ured d- b ' - ' 3, aa ,, : ld als • tff , I- ..r is different from that rained le tiemeall'e ease, 7 . s ;i L. r, .e:l i t 2 ; l- 1 .. .fi1t al t h e ; :.I. , ' . e:nr wan convicted eDa.ved. It . b, uuhr . l .,, b , ae,at„e_ about four o'clock. Fraelte and I ILartgal Mame ; she uld me here hien arens,et by the neaap apers, a togt thee. We made Lb, aerjharatacce of a i;tl - 911- Judge Sterrett-Yee, the qu tat , . ist entirely Jaar. Mi n.its N. ° u ' ' - L , , l a st 'alai of c , a ", dibt,cuu, our immesion is that the statement nor on the Mat game non New York to An' I at in new sr-ling out ars scalene,. la Lb • Lien I wl' h ED In tract bra ell lire law. bOy. Old not kn,•w 0.1 name. We came Le I ALLEI/1.1,1' 1 - El, 1 ~• 10/ler 1.1. 1V1.",..-TIII- •• lo ', • I I' '- a , a0 ,,f,,,, ; „ /00 eta parte should be taboo down Philadelphia, tee three of to As a. t he language tliven. T. otsiactien i s , u 3. , • •sod a as We I Ce• 111) Ilinti I n 1-.linn; ,y a anitta ;a; n e ~, 1 ". , , , ;; . , . „ a .. I 9 , , t...- I II • . • •OITINI ". 1.. I, 1 ,, ,, , ,, Mo I t got there we wen: to the market and got e te-ta ,• • e an- I ' ;re .- , -.1 la etlie.':' v. •11 , • e ii, ' , Arai iad, it, mn , , , ' •• , a a na a a , attar ei n e gare l ,n r i c e_ l prap a,„ th 1011etber, Freette, me ate! tbe area .•r W- 4 v' e. . T. Fl.,‘ qt. on 1 v,.. , , . ~ ',',. ......'". !!! I: ' ::_, ti d . •• ...• ~., sok whoa, (Mr. Von Bon horn) what the Nile Iva , . tied about ,ha city aet am ear, a,las aa ' . a • anti al out say tadoek in the lit Wm we toak 1 the tad: Die ~,; • I!,9• •/.. I• o h. r. •... .•. •li , ' r ' n ''‘'. 1 " on, fold et the Mayor'S epics On Ilatday. 0 T. Crater '24. the steam earn. We slot:mid in t Pellalel- •el e. I. ee• ' r • • 1 .Mr. Miller naked witness some preliminary phla until about ore Celeck b efore Gm s c a m l ,v DI. a ll - -./ !I. ,mo ',.„!, -I . ;,,•• ;/ /../ 111 , --.' , ; - ';• quevtiona. start, ii for Hereleburg. Freda: told me, on the Mover, a, the '•, (If 'oh know I•shfic, inforinc.l I' n , n i ,',' - ' mm, that lac stranger bad a Good deal of mOrrey 01 i' l lo mann et tho °lieu,. if an,. , ~,,,,,,i, •• ' ' I ''' '-- Witness-I was reimeatee to be pemeee at the . . edt Jar. l i llht li i t :',. Mayor's office by the Mayor. West therea seem him, that he theualat hr had 5.1133, Ih•Illi- 1/3. De inv. le tie after nine o'clock. MarehalPs etatemeat and , . Freeke said th at he nest ree n. vs . TL, ai t' la,- ri, ,,,,,, rr..,,, .h.• m ,cot'- j !• l ' o ' I , c' i it in', l ,'',,., hour dto bare that m eney. I tol, him :La I i LI, -. ..,,,i t .t., It t., tilc o - ere,:lni, ofli, In Pitt- i ' ' '' " ''''' ...m. l{' ;f ' nee taken first In the presence of Freckia Ile - It•II 1•0010 A lil, ,war • . a.- npoke in German, In order that Freeke would writild assist him all I mold to stet It. Tee tai- a e, ae,,,1 05 ,,, ,;, a , A „me as ., tvitl;,th,, ;la d i" ' ' ' stranger did not hear what we tailting i1.d... , ; ib•- earl, t...,111, I ;..11.1 taint.. six t . .,,?, 1, 1 , 1 , 1 , 1' , ' V '' , ; ' l '''l. underetaad hlm. Morahan was first bromaet about It was in the night time a .1 he wan ; Ocilla, in Fes a'. Ine e sa,,, , nis; ,ir ;I“; ,;r1;•;;_ ~ --' -- ',''' I " " , In and mode a stateeneet which was after shcpinr. We ate and drunk toget aOn 1 1/.: I 11000 l I.f 'I:, a; ~' t:.. I ;.ol I'i Pl; ' ;,I .1,..... 1.. ' I . ' h' ' ' C ' '''' ' o r "'"1 'W :I I.. 'l'ol- li '' ' ''' ' " wards repeated to Freeke. I think no one In al I llli s a., . .111 , . ; aet cars. We gut to Pittsburgh about ha ' nail ten liii , Derail,. terpreted for the Mayor tinamyself. Freeke WAS 11, irr rt 1•11 If F.l Ell ;., or. t or 1, . o •.ti ell • Mr. Seth . vra-binie to 11l Or Ileer eleven o'clock at night. We got off Cautioned to sap bothingteblch would criminate At :.n.lles.l - , C;Tr, Oet. 10, 1165. adt tbs. a a , a eav, ea.; a ;est a mail to waeei axe; the cars about Itelf way between the mean depot e himself. I understood that the purpose was to if .- In reference to the case 0. prams ' the rubbl ha.dt. MI th • e. , c y 9 mama - recall. of hart him hear the stammeot which ?darchall aid the eastenzer dope; We went into a yea:, r. who tar. relieved tn ln h' * ' the t-e ...ender ti, ; lv:ant were I„rr ught I / /1•1;t. nib: parlon Lilian nod got a drink apiece. Wu rad it Woe shoat to make. Freeke made a Statement, ii • , .... ' all t3wlas last, nod In which comm on mei m rl,• to 'of the hotly which end rteenleid env, aid wall made up before , Me and 1- I MCK.I. where to Ink,' after being gest cautiened, ou the s cat of you, I here Mae to moll that you knew eothlue : the Ileme. was In c gmal state of presereatani, the man to. We told him we were gong to t . ~, A ,„. at; . nice Saturday, on s hteb etcasion I did the le ar,,e aaust Mueller; therh nos I 111 of ter i /;: 'I n• laid t' • amen:rata, of teriene take him to a boarding. ous where ho •••• la terpretteg. Naming was sell to him of the -b e ---- -- n ado - mat:nu m the realer having tean ' lie,. are , tr . .'. - ' ' ' ' ' Aidermat, lannalanoe, have workWe went to the brink of the pnrinert thet hd had " better tell all about it," ' handy, a :eyed between the tamer end myself. whim I attar I.ratain EClale three Or four witeessen. nst• hill, (Bojo%) and th ou ght to throw him Into Hie guilt was ROI .3 a_ erred by the Mayor or tt boy was taken to the recraitlag office in , ram d tee Ir•!;1,,, mull Motel,: P nazi, Oll 11 will the elver, 111: looked down and Saw the light, r L ,,,, Lbrorizh me Or 111 my nresenco rtch. I Nina Li' oit a 'he Div else ,lbw ii .. • 'shat and thought It woald be a had Job to go lowa Ihe Court tippravesi the offer at the District . regret that any entaleallon 10.15 made re .* *l - * -' . '-). ' . 0 , COMM.. /.0 pure tie. there. as somebody might meet us. We turned Attorney, and the witness Woe alit wed to detail I cling on your official conduct y ou , to Inn 1 . . . _ back again. I toll Fleck.; I had am:eating to i f k i , : • ~ ;.„; 1-. - . o ' Gm statement made to hlm by the prisoner, fleet eatof my awmdge and .a...,1ef, befog totaay 1 An Incident at _McAllister's. giving it le the Garman and then la En ash. do, 1 warded teas away a few naluntee. Freeke ig•DCIII4I. 01 If, 11109 in the ease. I desire far fur' 1 'I tie day night In the d scriber toe of Pasco; c, a Frecke nerd that he and . .teit IN:at-chub) left and the strut/ger stopped till 1 - retail/led. I /Old the: hthe• to -ay, tat publlchtlon refereed to, sa New Yeti:. on . lapen rheir err!- Fri eke to rorar on. It was all eight. I was la a., - as it redacted on )ou. mast have originated ; seek of flour was drawn by a atettleman, who Di r I, the strannt i h. the mid& ••, sad Previte be- Cal they went to a tavern. where we conversed in malice, all lie w h e a t, to i. e , . r was In atterdacte• accompanied by a lady. abaut the disposal of two limit' el eo•tile lat.:. I 1,0,1 toy pate of 1100 In My Jeufe. /0 Dee / is eta, I: etc Cl the teeth. you ar° co . 1 "Gen - au the maze wee Made known to him. be F./ I, stovia th. man ageirot tne, inn at •h.• . which 'Ley hail Moneta from Pi tseureh. Teoets Hew:TT. M. D ran: time 9•9;;I•ed him ni use ha It nr . • • , meet dto the audience sited teed, ••Ledlea and Witness explained that It was probaele Ai r.eornar Crirr. the. ii, 1.3,35. IG . 1 he would mlx the statements of Saturday and n ' r il ,,, t. 'i s ,. I,r dot'' ''' ;s e e s . blbbw A ; Y :. l ,'. ' '' a f ,,„ ' al ~,1 , 7 0;,;_ a h, ;,... ~,,,, of ;tae „,;„ .. i ~ , ~. cat.emer. lama at rah in your Lay, and Sueday. He was not sure ae to the time when '- - ° '''' - '.' ''''d It'll a * .- dap- tuba, I h * bYbl " ~ , • tuna, s ,e, 1. , , •d'' P"! d,,au, }',. I c, dinggee rim over Ik e gide- . ~. 1.9 e 10 !We / then. , ile• v, Tient uf , ,• . . ' °I- a of ... Peeing , 1 1119 pi isouer stated that be stud March all left Pins, 11 Ll'I• L I MO • I n Ba D.• Ilea IR. f 10; L ) , ..Log 11 ft. - I l i //0 0.• .I. •, ' •0, ro It I• • s - • I , o 9 •. - • • • • • - burgh. bet tbought be said It was immediately u'l" pub' Tb ' 113 he r." Valle, ' pockets, end Fri Mac Lam, men watch. Te IA .ta 1 1 ;;;; - r , e;;;•;; '' uli 're in thi. <t lii f - se after rho robbery on Liberty ever t, I , trinrnlng the la th er of :be 6: v. Film Dr. Ileirt,t, ' old•' , id I' F. . ,: In el • Is the mulch, I,llown by Dist; lel etturnet ) 'I he mart took a reeees till two n'elnek. told Pa ,lie lt, ail, ireful and tot tea, anytaine l' ° “°' I° the Ill ' ll '' ' '` " la "q n " d s ' ll " ' l-1 ' llll ' l ' l ll l I Ge. at please was deafening, a hes n . , f, u hen the Mapa Met came to the office that ielve'• sue , or our 6 '4 Phenlelees "lese to hi' In the pieliete. Hia shoe.. and stockin ,, N Were Mon !''R-oh,n. alter Lee tallier and the D WWI. ! feel alai reple d flit, le , e ,-, d Giant turn tiff hitu. Freeke thought Ike men I n a, , ,e( e ave aat ,„ more itan„, to a h ., atac e itc . A. : nen ell to 3 9ell 11.11/9 el of tlii aff.,, f -pole to the l i ti, a ...ate-- i, ,d , A . II.•r. 111 applan.. , ii. a -., w; 1 ., , ,,,,,, hp Ih _ „ cc . , . 10 ,h,,,,, 5 , c,,T, and ;Ma try rn3lro.-., that "n bey bail bean lonaked ,"I "'ell. 'll the ll l''''''' or "I.' '' '''• La" '•'' ei,j a ., aaao, nu;: 1 ,,,, taem I: a e ta ah ccchier. ; lip who e. bean cheated a l e robteng 9 Ortiz ; !,/ 1 fora, - ' ' . r1i..111dr.,41 the sack. and dep.o...!led nache toil all cia, man ha a u a much ~,,„y. ,I' r.., - r.r something to that effeet. and that tee j o d I. , d. •ela a ae an vie tea in eiteitintly lath r And 11, drOgglit were two', and a.ll.'d to . . , a , lala. A , the oen, 10,1,111 Of Lb 1•111-IfifintIMI, He coucatd it, nail save li nobruntel GOO.. EMU , ere,. ' el tle r It . isti ad , be fatt er ; the In ,I. r a - _h; Itioe been seen erdn . it l .i-haliy dead and twenty a . ..liars-a li , ly and 50..., t a e..• to send Lim to the Norte of Its- I earreitie tie. .ICA 4.0 hie 'shoulder, e tem he tat tier. lie Previte told we leat. If / wasne't eaten- ; Red with the watch head Men me the moues., or ! fare or Into the army; wi.en the ; nee. . allied .le• lode-hie wife dole° le- -elm Una he woad man s It an lIZIII. 10101 ••113,r . Ill°3 " . re ' II"' l't al , he know notlung about it na ; mi., ......,,,eat ee t him. We have no itea :Out Clan wee tan lb, Matron made rttere him aed ! he l'a. rem. Gat Na l. of flour has al eel. a; il time. 'I ben wr ire' ( L•oira tn Ler fluid ~,,,..: ~,i,/,„ :,.;.; :;,..„„ il/ ;. „,, o .0: that no (11. i .1.alor) wonad la., on ° T a n a, an ' the la • , i .1 -see. evar 11,,,I11•4. family of t de -Ithc river. We 6, ...• ..n ,:. '., l,e. iv. . ~„.. ' Lt.' ~,,..`,''• Tt, - , we. • ' tar'rranban mode I ..,..e.,-... :C.,. ~ ,,,-1, a„d ‘,.„,,..., ~ , n n 1 ... .. n, ~ ~,,., ~ le the Mai t.r, nor did the M arnr b.quire Into the 1 ci ri !•, ill ~f ._ ‘ It, ~,..: 1 bad ute.heri Fe, 1., sa-I a 1 • ~,, A s .., , a ~;. mat:, i ILe Li Our and Ili ' rattier arvangal ; —' --'' ,-- "."'" " ' a' '' h i m. I n , hi I , ~, , , e r .,.. a; a , h , • ,, ,r 1 ,.., „,, d i „,„ ;,,, ~ 6,, ,„, ~,k, ~r , h „ literal as the •s , --ualle ' tr. , . ~ P.'', brl,ch ~ I r'''''''. 1 ' -..''' 4 1icmi , . ,,., ' • I '`•" 10, II`'0! .1 . -i, ". ol• I lineille 111.•illotorl, II 5 . OCM.O run dt At! Mall. laved ..o•I Io I.rel ' r 17. rII ,I-I-V on 'I . - 111 1 - llre / COVV, 1.11 tam, aas ated by attleer ia, r , a l 1.....• , Vain. SIM 'IMP vralkilo• home 1., mirk, 4. that la.- a aid la. ;to .sa•ilii- Ke." , l'ir n "In et O'll ' , qui' , 14 lhn fath , r• it , i al ,„„, T i„, e ',.,.,f n . „, i i ,„ ~.„„,- , ~,,. - rho. I weed 'ln t'' Rhae•l,•tedta ais ern, end Doctor sewing to Mils erflegeMel.l. eat 111911 r. ,, , 0,,',,, ~., l' ' . - ','• ' I - I - - "11 . 1 i Ire a train 1094 /111e11 01P - encr cime staid them WI lit., ~g la, .•', 1.0. in ti,.• 'la ll 'll ".... 11 •'' "'is . ' 1.1 . "" AlaYa , 1„,,, a ag ata , uA. : 911 , 00 10 111/ OI•por•Ite tel and !WM, sbe Inc. lane la wee: lie,. to if titer's right away. not our or sir, ,t,ry she was stook and go ievily I /I,el 1,111 El:lncl....dr- 1,, , :Ix ,dil P . 1.,..:1..7, ' 'lt at pr rartm Mr Connell.. [nut il Ited thni she tried in a few home Al tor drai, and i iii l loall. IIJI I, 111,11 O,,;. !;eIA,•••1. • roan 1 ahnaltisrin lots zone out to hirlii an logoi•St 11,0 null ~i i, 0 .,1,,, i . k. 1 gy „, i t i , r .4„,„ . r.,, to i . ~.,_ Tie 1..,..,, .. of 11/L 1 . ., ~'./ 1 , 1 , Im, af.aal ie ~ - . • I -aelie r.rome. le i riz detained as a e tile •• el tl. Iv. aatiree. and tan: el , ta aflll,•idn. I 1,4 tim everilee. Orteate 'eh lad la meal. r trial. „ Irr 1,4 - i...L., al, lilirmed, -la il an eit who . ,e, I ' a. ken id nit she,- at Mil!, •. I n.k.. I F',....• it he 119111C1 a ;1990 911ir/. to ...1,1 rue. Ile said he hadn't. Throe I looked a: alto. Hhier, but didn't speak to ha. She ni Meat her head that' she had fro starts either: I lee and wen: dew a to iteebasilta again. I a-bee Mar:Lard, ti Me leuttles ahlah mne; he beid they Mt 1 paid him half a dollar; and he nail it wan a dollar. I eatiat areac abate It midi, and gave trial the eoliar. I took a nea t out of the lareeorunk (of Incas.a4'i) and went up stairs and exit tt on. I put my own Puri (the ore hr bad taken off ) on a piece of newspaper. As I came eat Bleehardt'a I met Freeke. Tu ts was about ten eloch la the foremost. We went to Alive/meta sad I threw the papa coetatolog my shirt into the river. We had some beer in Allegheny and stopped over there statist an boor and a half, whop we came' back to Pittaborsh. _Freeke, *aid be would go home nod eel somellane to 1 went to itlachartit's and ;rot 14 Milner- • I didn't see F cake no more that day. I of Mine edam seven o'clock and r aycd home all that night- Neat day (aecand after the manltr) I met Freekecoming from antler's. Ile said wa meet line* the intake mooed from P.teettartitas, ell to Mate them there eo load Meta rato ma. plileu. I removed them to Ward's hotel, tor. Der of &Testi; and Grata “zue.l.s. I V•ld ell- Masa Coward that [hero was Es man going weal, and hr 11/0010.1 to 112940112, tranaltis der a Cu. days. F.rt La want. d to cosmic.' the meek, there, but I re d it would be a Dad 10101, a.ed that WU moat take them some place where they did not Lauer us.. We then removed them to a Lavere on \Teter lareel, up from Smithfield a plztl". The trur-ka teem left there one night. We examined them there. We divided the geode, Teethe tank the !ergo shat (or trunk) nod 1 look the man one; Freeke then went home and I didn't two him for it few dein- About a week or ten days after, I met Freeke cur Smithfield street, and, allowing me a ring he bad an bie finger, he said: "Bee what will pew give me for thin I'l I said It was only erase, tomtit but tweaty cents, I told him I would glee tam tao Minks (or it , we went into e Lavern and got a drink • piece, and afterwards got two drinks at member tavern , he then save me the flag ; that to the one; (shoent be DM triet Attorney ,) I told him It was a kind of mar liege ring; It was on a Saturday, and on that eight I last thq ring at Dittlet'a, on Peansylva nla Awe., ; we went borne that Mete and did cast lee Freeke till the neat week t I Zll39ef now that chest again (the large one) till I saw It at the Mayor's office. Murdered man's clothing ehown.) Thin vest and coat belonged to the Meaner, He Wee a pretty stout letup of a rum. tie laid a moustache. 'The place where we kill ed him In sealed Brickyard Ulla Both Freeke and I had tvorkeil there. We went directly farm tho' ears fo Die 1011. The man made no noise at all after Freeke alma, him. Nu one stabbed him Scot Freeke; he had the knife and dal a all the cutting. After washing at the river, we sepera teta. on Liberty street, at theolddepot. Miller's bound is somet one hundred' yards from the de pot. '...,' , 0r0s der after the murder Freeke had a reuirret will, Miller's wife, and be told me tlett We bad better go La the roOntry for 0 while. It wan between olerce and twelve o'clock wkao me killed the stringer-It could not have Item later. Since 1 have been In Jail I have had a good deal of talk with Preeke. Ile offerad me tummy if I would take all Gut blame on re feel(. He told mall I mold get him out of the serape he would do most appease fur me eater he world get oat, He did give rue a quarter on lest Sun day weak at meeting time. He shored tome. thing Into ray bond. 1 looked at It acid found It wten a quarter. I didn't nay an)thing natal It, and thousfte I would lake all I c o uld g-t. [Lauktiterd We talked tacether through the ;apes. I ,ild I would do sill 1 ef4lll for hie;. liel9 /1111,11 10 s. l l for Use Meyer f.. 1.1110 El, ~,L. n nun 1'1.6.n.i011. Ile did Head lin. the .11.ty., and 11,0 ifl.til,t-r, MI. Slnilli.c.tior• lip alid nsked the afoul it. I ..11.1 ii vs.., all wind. Frvel, Ilwirt gait! 11 , liP••1. ,01.,1a it. Las; Sea. day week lie went rose ,Miller'. cell, and Itv of fered Miller one Iritialred dollars to swear lii it he (Freeke) was al lib (Miller's) house before 111 ribiloetr on the night of the murder. I did not Levu lido ray t hi.. Men In hin cell did. We went about tat way on the Hand street bridge, when we Grate the bundle lota the rhea Freeke paid the to he gave ten cents and did not wait for use change. When we came back we did not atop, Mr wad righal n -[ She murdered man's Of t tun Were shown, a In the different ar. ticker leer ialiy identified by witneen )-D, not 'crew the de.: mesas name. Ha L Id us lb ahe tank.. kepi COMLIDO, and that hie trade was that of e Moulder. I told him that was a good trade in Pittsburgh. Cross-anaralned-I was born In Germany; was 29 years of age last February. I had no trade In the old arantry; was quite young when I came over. Ives rallied in Jena, Bane Weimer:. I belong to the Lutheran church, I believe in the existence of. a Ood as much as Freda does. [Laughter.] I believe there Is a Heaven and Bell; don't thhik I believea this Merit when I committed tale minder. t'oever hilted a man before, , and would not hart done Ills If I had not been led fete If. I did not rob a 0 steal till 1. lltied:Fteeke, 'Mardian woe on the . etand about two bourn, and withstood the examination with much sur prising &meets. He evinced at Urns a dlspo• ninon to be jocolar, and his replies- to Interrogatorlea excited laughter on two beery. else,. ,f-01 LOWll4lip, . L lie ,k ilVO! as The Ceurt re nesembled at two o'clock. when Br, Von lionnherst rum - Tiled with hie evidence, commencing at the point where he left oil at the col:elusion of the meeting session. Freeke said they tai keel together nt the Layette as to the nentiree in which they would sell the el. ues brought ue New York. They spoke of the propriety of potting them into the heeds of Jew, to tell, and concluded that his (Her. eball's) broteer, knew the people who would be most Likell to buy. Frocks said he did not lit ow how the goods were ertle, but that 'liar chilli gave hem some en seer. They remained In Nen Tick rite or ell dayr. Toe brother of Bet (Matc_ht...B) and Freeke went to the boot eogetter whoa leaving New Turk Ben's brother did net go on the but. (At this point coursel fot defense consented to relieve witness of the trouble of giving his evideace in Geru an and then luternrelleg it. He gave Frecke's etstement as near no paste Me in his own words.) Found a great enemy people on the twat, which . mooned them to go below whet° the trunks were and there mit for the first time the stranger. Bo h eireair convereattoe with him .abont the sam,i tune. B' - (the orange) stated hews Goa C Togas, bet did not glee bin paste." After they lau the iiioA, and het on the al:/i. Ben and the stranger occnipled the canoe seat,' Freeke sitting three or feat seatsfrom them. Ben and the evangel eat Berne cheese and tweed reed drank some teheeky. Freeke eel fiOnie 'Worst" nod seam broil end dreek his owe whiskey. After a weal the stranger rose in ins seat and elated that he had lost his pipe. Traceled In the cats to the ferry boat at Philadelphia. Ben and the strange man remained on the ferry boat, and Frocks steel behind to get his trunk. as he had no check for Lt. He did not get It, and bad not got It to this day, Otte date of statement.) Went so a tavern, got a drink and ate something. Ben and stranger went out leaving Frecke. After a 'while ' P,ranke went lon &ad .met them. frock° raid: They (Ben and the etntorT) again took a drink, but I did not — drink wlttt them. They went out again, and I went to the cars. Idid not see Ben and the stranger on the passenger eerie Afterwards I gut nn Me" edam COTS. They were very wet, as it had been rain ing heavily thegrenter pert of the day, Time , (Bee and the stranger) Caine to me, and said they bad been running rimed the city. They went together CD a taw roma tiro oe three from .- where I was. which they kept till they came to Pittsburgh. I oceneied the seat I wee first in. I kept oars to Ben, ou the trip, and asked him. for a cigar. Ile said be bad some, bat they were all wet, lie, glee me two or tired, and they were wet, lieu arrived at letteburgh, Bee and the stranger gut off the cam before the cars golf CO the depot, I and I went . to Hiller's where I had been boarding before went to New York. la the morning after I arrived, Bed cane to Hiller's somewhere tram Ore to aix o'clock. Hie hands were bloody; there was scam blood on his ebbe., and trishaws were muddy. He washed'hia bands and asked me foe a clean shirt. I told Idea I lead no shirt for him. He cleaned his beats and went away, lie seemed to be •ge id deaf . excited He bad a little bleed oil his chin which he explsined by saving ha bad flatlet, doled . . After heerent away I remarked toldra elllierthat If anythleir wear happened to the stranger I was afraid Bun lima murdered him. (The question, meld the wit. nese was at this time caged rreeke if he had heard of the murder, and he said that as Irish woman bed commenleated the fact to Moe about eight o'clock in the morning.) Did not ice atu all that day. Did not meet film and go to Alio gt et.y with hie). (These last. two answers were given by Frecki In gnawer Ite Interrogaconee. ) Dr. George eile(:ciok at thie point appeared in court, and stated that he wished to be exunirted immediately, that he might be able to leave fur IVaehlngeoneley ou4he everdtee train. He lime retied red a dispatch that his brother was dyiue. Hie request wet granted. The Doctor testified to rile examinatiou of the tiody, and to the nature (lathe wounds,, font of vellich he field were neceesaelly fated in their character. Mr. Von Bonnimmt resumed: Frecke raid : Ben gave me a trunk. I ( witness%) asked. him, (Frecke) bow it was that Bed gave him a trunk. if they were bad friends. Re said Bun was put out because he (Fricke) lost itts trunk at Philadelphia. A gold watch With a white face, was &town Fricke, and I asked him if lie had ever acct it - with the stranger. He said he had. Re recognized it by a pivot. A ritigwas al so shown him, but lie said he had never seen it, and to my mind shrunk from an etaininstlou of Mr. Kirkpaulck—Y•wi were pr•iecrt when Marcball made his atatenuot. draw, it )0 o please, .bat the elr-ct we, upon pr.r4e , , rten Mantual came to describe the klino.l Whet was bls manner and consittett Mr. ?Miler—We object. It Is not evidence, The COnet—The ohjerann Is Slii.:4ll,el. Witness cintinned—Freeke slid he had iaken a cheat which Marcholi had given him to Steel beri's, and that be took It from Miller's. lie Bald he limit 00111 at a tayein on Water Street, near the old glass works. His recognition of the watch wee Instantaneous. He also recognized a bowl of a pipe aa•belonging to the stranger. Mr. lrkpatrlck—Dld be state to you tot oh• Jut In going to New York, and If so, what aid he say It was? Objected ban itravelant. Objection mashie& ridarchall was at thin time brought Mtn court, and seated within the bar.) Mr. Von Bonnimrst continned—Freeke stated that his relations with Ben were not: n4 . reen o ,lo prior to goinc to 'New York. Thu rea , ou he gait work at the brivkyard was, he said in con sequence of Ben wattling to whip hint. His not _ . sitting with hint in the care coming from Phila delphia, he also said, was in consequrtuce of their being bad friends. There was considera ble variation In Fmcke's statenumts, that on Saturday evening nod that on Sunday differing in several particulars. 121=12 Mr. Farkpatrick cdlled "Batilnmln Barnhardt Mamba," who wan conducted to the Witt:lead stand. Mr. Miller—We object. lat. That Mardian, called by the commonwealth as a witness Is in competent, became he is jointly Indicted with the Prisoner, and has, on the ladictment a been convicted of murder In the first degree. Bd. That Marchall should be rejected because the principal offender, and so charged' in the indictment. 20. Because the history of the ad ministration of criminal justice and Its prece dents would justify Marshall In expecting from the authorities a r ecommendation for pardon, on the ground that be bas been used as a wh eels against hie accomplice. Mr. Miller stated that afler considerable. re admit, he had been unable to and a parallel we,. In those cited In the books comittg near. eat to It, the Patties called ea wunessea bad been tried and amitatted , Ito argued that Memball ehould be rejected as a witness on the mond of pub: l: Tolley, anti, quoted from the 9th Cowan, AO o vb. -Whipple. attained a s he was, March might swear away the ills of an Innocent man,el either whit the hope or p ar _ ev do ent o t r hets V w ai se f n r o re h T o e ps ng fo e' r k h n i o m w . hi ch t e ha q t u l e a sti o a l co lieV ori olv . it ed was tildressed to the discretion of the The District Attorney quoted ft om Ureeuleaf and Wharton, to ebow that conviction of an la. fatuous crime, without Judgment, did not dis qualify an actoompllee from being used m a wit ness. The Court had no discretion in the mat ter. Tha law. was' plain. blarcludl shoatd be viewed In the light of a man making his dying declaration. fila doom was mated and meld bare no such motives as, 114104:1 In consenting to come into Conti as a Witness. • The Court regarded the case oui an Witold! A FIER NOON SESs los ?reek° at tinses appeared much digressed, shedding tears. and gave evidence of very great untesina.s. He apparently understood every word that harebell uttered, although It has been stated that he knows very little of the English language. The Court room was densely crowded during the afternoon, and the atmosphere was decl. dedly oppressive and uncomfortable. The case le exciting gory great Interest, and in some res pects Is one of the most remarkable on record. Corot adjourned at the conclusion of Mar. chall'a testimony, till nine o'clock this =M ing. The Late Accident at Diri[inners Station. The came of the girl killed at N'S.inney's BtrUcn, on Tuesday noon, was Catharine Ca sey. She was fourteen years of age, and resid ed with her parents near Brinton. She was walking on the south t rack, towards hir home. and was keeping out of tee way of a Iresforil bound freight train, when the Wall% Accommo datlotl, which left this city al 11:10 that morn— ing, approached upon the same track on which she was walklrg. and before she amid Get out of the way struck and knocked btr Own, in , Bitting inlmies which causal her duith in a few hours. .1..1. ,1. ~:i~ 11.. MUT , . or the pr, UV', , 4 t• read and appr,Kod. "rhr I+l,l , 4 he C ' . , llllllkla C r - rnovilar: thy T,.11 :411./ •,11111.1.L1 Im A' o, tht r. ~r Tile ( 1)11//li I „t, pyorted 011 1111)1.,.. Bran r rams In f, Cline:ea of yew., limiber, ,tr. Jach.s NieM Wen, bill of Ininnitiz Witsult. cleaning water C 0411111,... 7,00 James Tad, oqc half tizzy's hauling.... 0,00 xnutinu. an tlniill4llVC kas adopted rngu 1.%111 flu mi rdlnerle, non In oriernibin and fortdaing the loldin:: of any mortr within the liaiks of the boruncti. On motion, the. C.eaneil shall farni,ol pow, and boards for looking a walk elute.; the Iwoperly of rilebardNou'i On motion, the water Tannin_ down the plank road be conveyed to the run at tiro Sulk road I.tlBgo-, ao root Ito Board cam obtain Watley to c 10.89. Alltn to .1..x 0r v,,_ 1,4 itt fitter of tie , . rerniAct Uh unglun. itc l austaitle of thei bona:nth hi c author...A ba‘e the erne in Lei:A.A. k-irc..41.). en /cured. 411./74,153 FV , 41,61,1 In hi. re,k mto Atating that Ire voold not :ace.' th e d& ortbe 0111.09. Orr 3n 4 not It way auctlett4. On motiou, )Ir. Gvig-er Apl,!:11"1! P> eon frr with Sie,sno_ O'Finninn anti K^unt.kty, to (nix; the right ,st to,v through their plop a.rty to parlous un the hlll, to tint I hi,y rw gut WlUter CM/ Up. 0.1 motion, pifjotirrW,l. . FE).I 15, r,,rven, Cikerkor Council. ' Statue et Benjamin leratiliiin • Weeks of art, when well executer/1/re always pleasing to - tho eye, and persons of relined taste always feel enjoyinsni while garing at them. The art of earring In wood has been brought to great perfection, and we take pride In noticing the fact that, Pittsburgh enjoys a reputation abroad for oxen - citing 601:110 of the rittedsonsest work of this kind to be found In the United /hates. In this connexion we would call the enaction of ear readers to a statue of the o/d Phlioeopher Setijausiu Franklin, which bas Just been completed by our fellow-di-Den F. Meyer, No. %LI Penn street, near IreLn. This beemitui week is Intended fur the clone of the new Court Hence In Chambersherg, Franklin county; In tbie State. Blanding ereetoMon its It measure, eight., feet six iceben In height, the plinth having %lx Inches in dark. mere, giving to tbe Image a net height of eight feet. It is dren-ed In the garb of hie day ; collarlese cork knee breeches sod lenekies, low erontered sheaf with large buckles, the large neck tie, led _lappets of coat and coat being fringed, and Ike button, of very Large size. The lett band meta note an octagonal pedestal, on which is a erroll, supposed to be the Declaration of ledependence. The ritht band Is inised In suet n pewit/on as to grasp the lightening rod, which will paFe through the band. Mg hair is lone, ler-4E4131Lp luelleed to curl, nod the race Is rvo ettnsstvq Tho olare:c figure Is painted white. A, enmp,nylng It, and Intended for the rarer reiltlre 15 the Pennsylvania Coat of dram db. of %C.a. Slr . Mayer', MOM la well worth N;.31/ 111113 the lovers of the beautifal. Looking Ahead At: enterprltln4 n porter off4,4l,•loporeey, In .ee Of the t 1,16114 or the dread set:teller of tl a lon 111 , 11 the 11111 tnurdererA. yester nay Intel-111-Med Sherif f nn 6 a hat out, he 164 tided 1 , . pursue in admit ;ng persons to cultures thee han,- - iw4., or kilter he a enhl, like a former reporters. [Melia Stewert Informed hum that representatires of the press would he adwiltted unit den all reason/Ode facilities to report the denth Beelll, Of 6 . . 1 murderers, In Caen It .fell to Ills Ire to conduct hell, cocution.llN't. aill rote to ttlyr our "bretlte• chip" a front seat rewant for Ins I/ 1 . 1 . 1.51 fin en behalf of rho emit. Is he not,lmat . r, nett, than .1 Mut Lee L Package Exprc. Uelitery. li/in a Lew to contributing to the conven ience of the community generally, our enter. prialng young friend, Mr. John D. MePadem, hue lntroducssi a package express delivery, for the con raying of packages, trunks, barrels, boxes, ac.. to, all pails of Sheeny at a reason able consideration. The want of such an ar rangement has long been felt In this elty, and we trust Mr. McFadden will meet with tha atm- CCU Ms energy deserves. The principal nalee le at J. IL Borland's, on Market street. ' W as It Ungallant t District Attorney Kirkpatrick, observing an unusually large number of women present in the court yesterday forenoon, during the hOmi eldo trial, desired the the tipstare to Write those of (him not subpoenaed as witnesses to ieave and give their seats to others legitimately pres ent. Was it ungallant in Mr. K. thus to do. prive the ladles of gratifying their curiosity to see a live murderer on trial 7 We think not. Ladies are out of place Ina crowded court-room. would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Prof. Slack,lnfor ming the public that two grand concerts will bo Given In Excehlor Hall. Allegheny, on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week, under the.di rection of that distinguished gentleman. We have seen the programme for the Drat contact, on Thursday evening, and can assure our read ers that It contains a choice selection of mega, duetta and choruses. From Prof. Bieck's' ea tabllehed reputation as a teacher and aloger, we anticipate a rare musical treat in this opening of our musical season. ' Cricket Mitten To-day.—The return match between the Olympic cricket dub of this thy and the the Washlagton county club, will be played to-day on. the Allegheny Commo n& The alma le expected to be a very spirited,one and will be hotly contested. The Olympics neve arranged to treat the Washington cricket er. with a te hospitality for which our city la' Proverbial. A -supper will be' given theta at Kennedy's, on Smithfield street, In %heave:gag. alter which the gtteets will visit the theetre. In.rharged.—Thu two Tonna meli Emitted for ateniluot "diamond parks," forconicrglan, from the trorke of A Or D. H, Ohatabera, bout h Pin- burgh, were given 4 hearth:,by due tow \V. H. balk, m . or Tuder, and - ditieleirie4l, nothlug apprarivc to 'amen guilt upon theta. The rein, et the arthl a taken is estlmated at th , Pars. Tt.ey w. re taken Imm the Clitgee. the viih.e-hhu,e. tbe thlif or thleeeir brteking opec, the drawe rs in which :bey were p w .th an !rola bar. • n of I At-vv,r).: Trial of liase.—Yesterday lharemainder of the tifteca hundred feet of hose manufactured hr Bartley, nsbcoek and Co., of 1115 city, for Allegheny city, wsa subjected to a Lest, the steamer Gen. Grant being used for the purpose, The Irish which bugWats ln the presence of the Commltiee on Fire Engines . and 1106 c. sod • camber of Bremen, Wu very afitufactorf, the hole standing the Lest of a priehture of one hur.dred and ably pounds. Personal —We met yesterday vlth two New Turk trite° <Pacers, Messrs. James briar and Jacob Dspagh, who tatilight hither Mallard Ilareehall. brother of the murderer. Thme men are lair r-preseutatives of the "31+. Unix limner and sustain a high reputation wit their professioa. It Is their first atlt to oureity, ace they express theinselem well pleased with their experience here They will return to their duties iu a few days. The Irou Ctada."—Snm- Sharpley's ts- MOUS }Qlhatrcl Tr0111)e., 111 .13 [lett blIl with S. B. Nandford's (Fait Trope, will open as Ltswele Belk on the 2tlit test., for a abort season . The troupe to onentthe best ererorganized. Hazhty ISongherty, the eseat Piltaburnh favorite,. Is with Icomtal 3 f • The &Teat, lir. Charles B, Griste, Its ro vin the city, mating the prey:Oulu' ar. Irt.rgezeients. On a Ball Piete.--firknes, of Ber whose release from Jail no bail, to answxr a dl.rEf. or adults', we nottoec.tos Monday. was yesterday nocrommitted to prisnu on a ball piece, Me bondsman haring concluded to trair ender Dim. Perlodlcala..—John P. Root h Co.. st , Fifth Atre(s. liner received WM& Bplrlt of thellmes, New York Clipper, and Chimney Conner. usblortun County.—Tbe tunirwite In Watiltangton county will be from are to nix taut tree!. Tile Yining Mao'■ Frit wt.—Warranted to cure Private lasmiscs. For sale by druggists. Ark for the Young Man's Friend. A pamplilet giving the symptoms and treatment or private diseases accompanies each Box, or can be bad by addressing Yocum Man's Films, Box 6 i. Cinettosattl. wit!, a three emit, wont , enClosatl. to Joseph Fummg. Charles 9uper , J. / . Fulton, or A. W. Foa Allecbenv FINANCE AND COPIDIrERCE rtimHERN AND DANK.E.ID4 BOARD (ointamTED Sr anarrnox, It 00.1 Wiinn,orst - , Oct. IL, 1265. Oamed. wed.S U. . G's . 's U. 5.6-40 s, new 101 50 12. S. 740'7, tgi 00 Gold . Itt (0 —.- A peg-1001y 12 50 ISttbuegh ..... _ ..... 00 (. onuellst 111 e 11. BOnela---..• •00 '5O 6' /litrolnghsrn Made ...... . at 03 Allegheny ........ ..... 2500 (SIFT ]La.. 05 Cu Western..... 51 00 -- Eureka 5l 00 I 'enneylennla in..... 10 00 Connellstllle 11 li. Interest 10 "Xs ( 'onne/ht Ille 11. li. uon-unt........ 9 1.1 Feurth Nat. Hank ....... ....... - ISt 03 Iron l'Hy 60 00 Tradestnens National 120 Oa A Ileghen) a Pittsburgh 011 ...... 9 (IA 1.11/01"./10 Murray—. ..... ...... -..• 75 011 ..... ...... •• 001 00)0 Valley 03 23 L. or. s t'herry Pun 1 15 Holston ...... ....... . tOO I 121 Phuentx (OA .......... •-•.- • 1 15 CAL . O4I, u 7 a•r.oew 110 (.11,10 VOlll-2 23 • sit, C , 1,41 , AV Perp!, 11‘.1.1 al II n. tn. 141 Gold continues to recede slowly but steadily, the quotation, at noon today being Irr!i. This is a decline of nearly five per cent within the beet few days, 149 being the highest point reached. In governments the only material change we hare to note Is an advance In Five Twenties from MX yesterday to lON to-day. The slecllne In gold is attribnled to the feet that Importers are not compelled to buy, and the large exports of cotton. • In our local stork market there WWI 001 single operation to-day that we could hour of. There is some Inquiry for "Columbia" oil stock at 33 tfej34, but holders are, apparently, eery stile, and refuse to sell fur less than 33, and there 13 not much fur sale at that. It iven rejutrted to-,lay that the 1.1.11 Co. has matte a flat like" of a sixty or seventy barrel well but the rumor has not yet been confirmed. Ily pri vate telegrams, we learn that the stock exist at t!. In Philadelphia to-day. There appears to be conehlernble Inquiry for "Warren re Venanao," but the views of holders, haa a tendency to prevent operatio.. Thus In the Company, It trill be remembered, that made a very handsome "strike" on Went kilakory, the other day. —The Philadelphia inquirer remarks that "it has become a matter of very little moment to the community at large, whether gold la 144 or Ifidi and In this heedlessness of the gold thermometer the the public evinces Its good sense and soundjudg went. Certain It fa that gold ban accepted stan dard value; but It Is likewise true that this stan dard Is being tampered with continually by cer tain men for their own individual interest. An over sensitiveness on the part of the people to the successes Of the gold "bulls'i In productive of dis trust, and Is likely to beget panic. MI sorts of remedies have been auzgested for the gold epee.• Inters; none of them, however, hare proved prac tically satisfactory. We think that the Mt...laces community have at length adopted the true Mahal of dealing with the gold manipulators, ord that is not to be governed by their operations, .1..! cut •1Iowir; r, •,. • Vice, of tho ; ...too to on•ottle ttic c.trul of Owl- • . R —TI e fr,tlnteirtz statement nholr PETROLEUM STC.JPER NEW TORO, • lb • 1 0., d i it „ Special Dispatch to Motto= Ploy,. I'hilad.. rift, f • ontiltlOA 0 rPA d i nt fIIIS the S Ranks for the past and prerioul rltr 1 : 0114 Odk. tl. Il* week err/ALLOY SIT.p11:8--, 41e, of Plthole at 30 Ben. Last week. flue week. "IOU; 1 4 5 D: ButtiaaaniTatiaike; Chatruala . 30 ; Capital _ j 114. n 1,150 44,442.350 vier, lea: Tint hre,ttonal, 37; Brad FAPTIA Loans _.. 4h,thet,e37 1 tee. 1101,544 j WI; [tailed States, Wehrle?, 107; Shade pece_ .... 1. 4 36.7D5 b't o,o Weer, 140; Bergen, tf . t ierr y Roo, so; Montana, Leg•tl tee tiers 112,7...11 16,101,51.5 Dee. 862,06 0_ os Depostt. . 14231 27,t/S,0:8 Dec. I.,Zrt-15.1 t "'rack, 2.%11 Excelfult, ton .. 7,t156,2 , 14 10182,197 100 1%213 I The srer - sres the past week %Amex very j New Tor k. Market. ever. w I'1: t n•sets•ase ta every item t e arm / 0 .9!L, Ott. 11. ..-ilbaytoa..-Staatty, at 47d Le; •tt. ulstton. whwo Own, s Kiduttng. , I Fr-orn--Market Wisp tl,', 'net-tett. the de ease t past week shoo:eine, wee as eOltunon grades, it eit •, ‘ L : • Ihe week n.ect r •"`.—^"tw-w 417 . 00 4 . 4.2 2 for Sulam' • toe Vuo ^ eldero. VA.4OUA or common to medium eLo:.•,t, ;h.,c. •1 t• • • L. • • Xt" .Inaril'ln to goal spring brand. tails h. h. 0., Son i 9. ,75 fo r Trade lb ands— the market clatter beery W itts v—Unchanged. L., 0 . 1 ,51e2,Z for Vreats urn. ! GRAlN—Wheat; Smite arm, with fame eroort 0.7101;16 for 'il.tiwaukta Ctub, 11 itai,3 1.18 for Accber AtilleautQ,l"..3sals, far common to prune Amber hlichlgap, sad 12 an to. N. Am . Der State. Rye firmer. ;Harney more active and decidedly lower, Corn 18,1onyer, Wayne for un found, 91693 a for sound /fixed Western, end ntlic for bleb Mixed, nearly yPlore. qua la lower;at Steele for unsound, and tOS6le for woad. • (3co,,,,__Riee i,lOoffse et'atirsteady. Seger quiet Cubs Zdosav ado, 13m I.Lavana, u. 4 eta.. o.asses quiet. PATROL Aril —Quiet, .V,u fur 0rd.14 41,21;31 tot "leaned ln Bond, and BSirsl/c for Beflned Tree. /' rt. viezoN o—Pork opetad hcetts .at lower. but cl.eed armor, ats3le3c,67:,i for 111ea5,136.62 , 4caeh. 7, and Saoaro,te4, for PrWT.lmi ale 3 : lso herfela ew hies, tor Uctober. and .buyers' °Aldo, at 638,N1037,00. Beef brd,'at N 9,50013,0 for Ex tra Mess. Beef Hams tu:st Cut Mesta Urt• changed. Lard dull, at ntspi., , ,pc Butter in de. mend, at r2Cfne for Ohto,e Cheese drui at 13(1)113a. Kett York Stock Stoner Market. PlTT,kflt;l.(:ll MARKET?. 111111111 MI I/ 11- zu no , notaMe decline in I rtn, and' moderately an the grocery market La teal joiorne trade, and prices ace •111. L.lll'l ;1111/ /1. 111 ,1.11 at, .dl suntaiutal. t rt • :••,,,! drraaud i n wit:, but little tut, rinv... , .•1, arc tuklng rat reme Ji.and Fallat I. Liariry 4111:..and :: :1;.• “I tr No I ;T.19. tiata grin :tad; safes on true;; at 50, .urv, .• more arrive. nnit 'ii rite moor. `aid hunts prime Ear at b). It) 4 . IS dui/ anti al 1id49 . 2.. io ' ia dint bt,t lean active. at huyera are aid it ;..t alms I decline. We continue to quo, frir`4,nrititt Wheat Faintly, ' , rid 1 , 114 7 11—'5 , a , Inter N heat du. Sate of 114 't' al riot, to setting from nt PI,OV In. It i's•— I in. is Urn. with a tar job* ling dr mat., ..• .aletultiera; aud. :May fire. lii 1 . , 41 Sid. 6 1..0 r. firm Ind nviilerritely ',- Elan, at :a fur sod as for jtrimus city.; >midi sales of 4. l'itra ti . o. n., ~, -tidy. and roniattle, b:p in t• i•- tilu colt day CO to lc c Isc its! V:r 1.6 rt. unit erne.", o, it,: tit v w it'll up to 'P,i n , itie Urn, ternea qualatiotta tuft, air the true ll...liana Of the: utarknl. ac, ile prime Rol/ le lxiilernarid. end Bells for repadilked y at Wh .10c - i 42, P may be quoted at 50 to 35:primly to prime. LOGY—Hay emir/lued to Mc. r/EI:I3:'—FIRK Sr . o! is in demand at i... 5, am! but I;tt le off;ly ...eed in toll and droop-. sa,ll fit iu3.; 1,:.3 No deunant tor Clover I.T--Ix fi,tn 'AO?.r I• r denlxnd , 1.11:11:1111.0 , 1 .1,1.4, .04 53 ,/4:1 Al'/"1.1:•-1- .!etnntr4,rrenetrlerl,ly .•xpros t; In og the • for h. PoTATI”. r 3. 2, per 01 - 111 , 4:—,te , • . N i , 111 ur , • , I , w,gt• err, Peeerve nt 19, ntei A.:tor Ind 11..10-n at Stsr2t. REA Nr , --VP , • note ere-, .”1 . 1! prime Nrltitte r.t tl:.= t.r.r I , erh 1)/L—No 1..u.1 qut,tt-d Lieu st PIG LK:IP-4 Ate or 2011,1,, IL I2r. 11;9 Tr IreT—elie a in tons at sr.. Ile. nI j per bt,), PITTSIITTEICIiti ?Ertl( ).1, CP 31'14.1 ii ti ET 1i hon. , olT, oq. 11 . 1555. :}; he—Tl,.r 'rude market .Irn*ikillani /It t went tn.lnt , ld the trailer, olis, In the Ag gregate, were I.golter than donne guy Soy for memo time pnst. Th :11 :hey he et trlhiawl, t inwso me, to the Ilealic iu eh Id, and ether unfavornble ai rier* from the Kettl. quotitions irony ha fairly given at 31022, 001..n/oil; hi.l4 In cluded; nom, eneut, thees am) be re-rsrd ro ne tht—entis me. of the market: The art - honk me. alai the Moe*. ::,Ire it eonnis,,- n Lively liyhti IeFIFINVEI-- - r.e /erased for bonded paling-hoe. less active 4uritte the poft fleo or three itays, but . . holders sec shyer as atilt as ever, and there lath: tie nr none oftetinir. In fact, there Is no stook vnlllLtrir for pritsent delivery, and, to tee have re pen, evlly panted: Ur, gieat malOrity•Of ma retn' era' have about all the contracts they want - mitt:out entcritiglntP new cases—some of them: - nt s - sery low atom, In the absence of sates, prime city brand. may he quoted at snVsEleents, free. on board eanulterr, anti anat6n, , lellvered In plain- Floe all la held pretty gamily at 17ty784- aome holden caking Di. isrAYTILA ANTi s rdneleoperstlhn In either or thaine 'articles that we hest of, end in the sales vre• ninit qneta4 toms. There liras acme inquiry for ?lanais the other ltt Sl, In tone Vial a aked2 • - - lIECEIPTS--TI ere has been but one arrival of, oil I•t> the AlSeq.heayi.RlVei slOnt busilast report-- Zee tails for 1' Sher 71 pPrurtaten .Trade. (Fhifthoilkleigo Tritiefto Slontll3-4 ' There hi io been; ecealied,hrthla merket duties the f , astwsrek, , 22,tk0 Hop and Mid heatiett ..trser Cattle. Priees,or lave ! . ..tookors.suatr hlgiter,thqh.. evert , efore knoirta—Hoge hacfmr,bnen solt1;t14. ring te Irrali: -V high 613,E0 pewee Ilto. grout utd.' Beef i:atle as high as Ba,t4). At these rate's IC' Inkew an onoorootu. amount ca r e . .ror..ey to handle _Line Stack, an 4 cart butkers have bad morn than they oauld tie to keep npisith the requlreseaote of tn. ttetlo.. . _ . . . •UItI9AL.9. It • Rade Putman....Aneliv.a.U.—St, Lotila. ~ . . ,namiienre.D3 4 ‘, " " Pti , ini.—...NoCsity.„--reelphf, ' csatella Henn— . ...g,t. Roars. , .. tgrewit t legAllrStL,FSTO. iThe river continues to reeedeialetely, with hut ,-- '- twenty-flvo-bashes of water on Ada ss H ope,..lli' Weather was very fine, belt for t.p.e Aamo regatta as - -' before stated—low water--to.kmess VMS ;111„....„ dull. The Camelia Went oat Ariste,eritning, dewing- o more testes than. There' was inthe elder; but as ' aie had a largo, barge. ist The. anauLrget,... "gale - ,through- ' The Pilgrim left last evening tOr lilemphis,drawe - toy alike seater there wart- Sts'elerill make upher toed below-. • ' t: Tie ka.telPutators came up jcg thelandlng, dsy bermVl - V. 4, 11n with a portlortor. Lee load„ hay big- been obliged to tighten tq l below. She re earned tke eatneeventem, and yeagrd a x earn°, int 0..... • • rail with the baLsocc of heriosi.h. 4 repOrt has been in ciretilatlea , for several days b4k that. the Hard Time la LPerry Brown, while on her way to the Sisvirinah river 'way wrtaked between the &dire anii Mobile, and all on board loot -IC'e are happy to announce that the report is considered hero by ynrttea deeply in terested, to be entirely without Wl:iodation. The Hard TinaOs Is probably by' thle, Unto neer, her destination, The Little Fort Pltt met with bite en amsident a day, or two since not far from Freeport.. Shegot outer the channel, run aegrolumVand Nokia both 'Akers. New wheel. have been, , Sent to tier, earl by this time, illajor Rasp, and.. his gsy party are proceeding on their way up the titer, i d engage in Detre& Market. pianstorial sport.. },- . (!apt. 1. M. Mason, of Braemar-I' c,now Captain PF - rttotlT. tel. 9 —Flour—Merkel higher, but Ir- of the steamer Hawkeye, - from St. Louis rundar. ., lee ICO bhls htgli extre et 3t0,d3 1 too it. Si. Paul, has been very slc' IR St. Lotus, but' :-. tell unotspeeted ai 1110; matt la.) tails supccior at t. °O. rec o'rerirnt , ' o 5i1.99-. Capt. Robison. of the Nate Ralson, to nowt,' \Vt. ot —ll. e market opened excited, hut closed our City, having,pleeed the uHritP 2 Ig the Made eomparatit el). qt at no odvause up_ou pester.• end Mem p hi s trade dUrlailet-tie fad - water. day's rates of ac for No 1 white, to on No Stio, 40 Cull..T. Spunk !sin eornmand. , , . for No 1 amber and se for No ?.do. sales 1 ear No The C th e fanati Co ,,,,, rwerief, 3 1 2 white at 23; 1 car No 1 white at-32.'t1; le cars No 'rile weather continues tetr a d clear. At 3 white at el.efr, 3 ears rejected white at td,as; l Pittilburgh there were 3 feet r, and falling ear N o 1 o ro t a , a t •2,31 ; , ear extra white at„, /not Welt. _Here, the ricer haeded a lathes is can No 3 +caber at 11i.96; t ear Nn Ido et fe,lo; during the 24 hours ending last n4ht. There are and 10400 bush No a what. et 42,'y. At chlee, .2,10 •' fret h..c " .° L* 2l3 ‘ *lll ' , and 4 4e to th e "eat. „ , o tr„ s i rb r oil No i amber , end rot , „„ „,,„.. No There are istriches in the Cambe red and falling, 2 u Lite 92.01 ,man naked and 3 05 offered sod a fret 111 the .2121saissippi froutSalcit LOUIS to '-' Corn—No change, being In moderate demand et Cairo. ne deillerej in 1t,. ) :. The Sliver Lake No, 4 had. arrltjd from Pitts. Ont.—Steady at 380 delivered In he,. Nominal b. , 10.• role free on heord, 3.1 e 1 .. .er0t prlce.l64toe. I The ricer editor of the St. Louletuttoscuar, sayer Ltarfel - AA, r. •-',os , too-o tool I . enatilso set- Whale at Cairo we werelntrodnet to 3.1. r. W. EL um i. , eau , A lot td• '', , tl -, bttoh coot , ' `tr.. Wren ., Wolin, formerly, if not tne, of PptabUrgh, who at Olin Street pre, ts , leh to itt.ll, m.Pldiee coal to steamers at Cairo( and la noted 1.3.-- - . ~,:.- at 0k !", the vt - t.n.n /old Itiotil- for his enterprise and fair dealing. i-We learn that era ousel pe37e, --- ..elr Limon has amassed , a large foresme by invest tag in cool lends, he., marl it is gengally conceded ,hat hedererres It all. He has Jus9 heel e".- . ... Touching theile4 - 44;piiems for Bee( and. Rork. there is some eldfcitude felt both by Tuardiers nnd packers as to the operation. of the coining season. Last season prices were much. lower than at plea and ))etis: tate to estimate that the Deer and, Po t rk pool:toe , ,/ the West /Oaten millions of doh: lan. Expedient, has shown them that they paid. too high proem last year, upti it I. not Strange that they should fecLuervons about paying . ' high priee• even intim; the coming crania:di. i Rut glom ii, this in favor of the present pricer. It is the legitimate result of an aches denanoctihoth for the home and.: fottigaMarket, Lost iertion, the advine4 to pH ces was caused! mainly by this high rate of gold, and the demand was (*telly Speeulrilive., Drain?. Last season gold fell from LSO down to in), and, al though the pork erop-was -believed loaf. Anaort,„ g notations fellovith unlit it:incite of all the super. human efforts Chat were able to buy Ike titlarks: up. Loot season, the beef and pork paciersbodto meet. not only the doehmeAn ,gold, hod alio thoz pants whloh that decline mused in the geuetal market. burin; the comb:spen/ton thk-gold -ques tion will probably not disturb them materially, and withAight 'Jocks at the East, sattaargond do mood, there is not no mush danger of-a pucker NO tnag, twpoly per cent ol his lures,Ustetat,' -even hough oleos rule high. There will - 'probably be less disposition to speculate on the, sod in thin way values will hove a souniter basis. At the same time, we think lion It will be • necessary for procksion dealer, and packers to operate Con• usly. never forgetting d ecr eas es prices aiyar.,.. the rade of consomption .; and that. no matter how short the supply whenever the price rocabeyond a certain figure, the demandis acre to Lail. oft. BOXIOEI Fish MartieL There is n steady demand for codfish at very full prises; and the summer catch, which Is now be ginning to come barward pretty freely, is taken an (nal se it arriv, s. The beat tares of fir and Rink are In small stock as yet, and have a siren; isinvard tent'en..y. Sales or metlium and large at f+t, 1,00 per qt.!. Hake are selling at 4.Vsa,Cini Yo/lock 9.4611.50 per ult. Mackerel are Is /wilt e demsne. and a shade higher. Sales of No I U.l al No 9 at *11.306I0• No 3 at •ti,io; Na i shore a/ EaMa23,so; No '2 at 1110 per bbl. In Aleait ea nales at 14.5 ,- kri per bbl Pickled her ring are In demand and highest {30 , 3 per barreL Dot herring are selling at 40i4de for No I and acaled. Cleveland Market. I 1., A g !., oet to—Flnut—tltoct. tt without Ie r.•l•••/ thumb hardlr ho Ore.. Luz sad lrre/ular. - Snles this forenoon I ch• ...." amberer, 0.1 .0 • 2 In: / 'tr.! NO 2 red al /I,Sit rat do .I't nr'• .4almi • till al - Irene:MAL i:orn—ileld °ally at G for No 2 mixed from stns. Oita— ndl and t 460. Rye—Held at 3/ di9l/ row moll itaflry—Qulet and nominal. imPonrs BY RAILROAD PITTOROILOB. FOOT WeTSII Is 021W1130 R. IL, Oct. 11.-1 car barley, W H Garrsal; 100 bbIS flour, Kirkpatrick & Herren, ICS bbls flour, r. H Myers & co; - 33 dos broonts,.3 ' Painter K co; 50 bxs cheese, I 13 Canfield; 2 bal. hops, S Hauls Ito hfdwW 'A LI Clark; 4 kegs fend, DlcDonsld is Arbuckle; 3 Ltd, ;vhl,ll;ey, Traurman & Applebsum,• 5 bbls Ins SloKay; bbls apples, Fetzer & Armslrom„Y• 41 bales broom corn, E R Mathews; 0634 keit bulk meat, I , Sellers & co; a cars scrap Iron , 'L Maloney; IT Ltd; flaxseed, Henderson & 13ro; t 0 bbls apples, Potter, Aiken & Shepard; lot broom corn, McEl roy &co• ; ISO bbls apples, Llf Volgt & co; 10 bbls Your, apples, DiellanY & Auger; 1500 pliptiend, H A Fahnestoolt & co; 8 eke raga, Godfrey dOlark.; IT kegs butter, 2 bids eggs, John Floyd; 2 cars wheat; Dan Wallace., 3 bbls engs,JLi Dilworth K Lo• 2 cars ) barley . , J Rhodes; 1 do do, .1 S Ludwig; f ro; , 1% Johnston; 2O bbla Dour. Herron & co; 5 barrele applea, S Lindsay n. co. SM do do, E Ileszlettm; 23 hes feed, Shomaker 6r.. Lang; 6 bus peaches, J Little, Halal K Patton; 16 1,818 op -0., Potter, Aiken k Shepard; t car lumber C CLETT.!..a.RD AIM PITTSBURG!! R. R. Oct. 11... 16 bbls apples, 16 do potatoes. Shomaker a. Ling: bbl eggs, Sheet. b Smith; II pigs pearl barley, C Broom; E. do do, Seghtnyer VOVAmp; 15 do do, D Haworth; 10 bble apples, Campbell re linteldn son; 10 bbla apples, 29.10 potatoes, 1 pkg, eggs, Pot. ter, Aiken b. Shepard; 3 bbls egg 9 bbls onions L 11 TOlght a. co; 34 bbla oil, .1 Pa ., lmer; books Liar. ley, Patterson to Atrunorli 117 bush 4o Shomaker Zs Lang; __ bags do, 11 F award; 101) bbla dour, S Lindsay 5. co; 157 aka oat., Herron .k co; 100 .bbl. Dour, Graham Ir, Thomas; too do do,".r. RearletOn; I eor potatoes,. C U Balsley; 69 do 16, 100 • bbla ap ples, L H Volgt; 23 able apples, 4do cranberries, 11 Riddle; 6 kegs tobaceo, J .N. !Hebei; 25bxs cheeks shotooker fir. Lang; 10 dodo. 61 W Rankin; 60 bbl. apple, to do potateeo,3 Klee to Brohll Coll Wheat, .1 S Liggett to co• i I car borboy, 143, 0 3 33 , 3 cat. urtio.nt, hicOreery & cos ado do, nos Bell h co. turancerr . B7&77on, October 11.;-170 trolls pa- Mr Pitts PaPot Co; pkg Began, do tobrsoco, &lard & Enuitruao;lo dxx corn -starch, Tietruto Getty; 1 car head ings, H Guyer; Wboxes starch, Hahn tr. Riddle; t 7 bag. flaxseed, Enter, Hamilton h pe bble dour, O & 1 Stetrall hills &deep rte. J SelsubF6 pkgs butter , I 41 ego, Cob h... 0 racks oboe., 0 tlyers;l4 bales cotton, It en r;y, & crn bssley, eon (legit; It' ears w'--:cot. Kenn dy .. le u.• 1- , a t t 41. TU.~Jey. Now 10n... Oct, 11.-221 0 nev active and steady at 7 t 7 cent. for call lost's. Sterling Eicih c M7 1p doll and lower• at 14947 1 ,14. Amelia= without decided change, *ening at Nei,' dentin. 113 g to 1464, and closing a4;14.5%. Freights to Liverpool gelat and Orion... Ftccke steady: 0. S. 650 ex-Nor, i*etc York 0e1117.1 10576 Connor.. 106 ...... 9 1 4 - dn. new lone. NV*, Beading. lia N. tooo coupons lent., WIC st,lctagan SCUthera 75 - Serfs thirties 92 7 / (4.4 a. N. W. pfd.... rctisnrg Notes.... 731 4 - gr. ILI. 110% ' .do. Usenet 96 11.4 IS. P. Duo 64 0.4 s K. certificates 304 mire Warm Canton_Prw FL h Co L - berlaod 4714 *ripens Chlengto NiarkeL, . 0E10..0, Oct. 11.—Takca.-13741.1 and 13344303 lower; tale. GI Choice Spring RamatB9,6o 0n c t Et—Wheat firm, at aI, 44411 , 4%. for • NO. 1, and 91,35 for No. 2. CO= Ittlre., oh 64,/t2Na for No. t, and 614g220 for No. 24 , Oat, doll and I cent lower, at 29t,40294e.. PEnvraloas—lnactlYe. lizon TrtrToncs—Wealt and lfk'n lowa, at Ito on NV: eat. and 15,.,‘'c on Corm to 'Buffalo. awrs—Flowc, 7,560 latta, Whcat, 63,,000 011.3 h; Corn, taß,coo do; Oats. 61.00id0. Ss, wns - re. - -Flour, 7,600 Ws; Wheat, 9,000 bun; •I n, 730,000 do; Oats, 40,13Xtrio. Ituflalo 27firket. ItcrrAto Ott, 11.—FLor - k—.lJull oan IN —W hest: 9312de Winter, 01,264:22,40. Oth- k er nominal, strh patties about 10s apart. Coln Inactive and noininal;',Vartles apart; sold at tor; Icahn ' 4:044e. Faller Inlet at d nOtalaaL Ay e er and, a. 00c ' I . l 'lnextr:—Dtol, nt p 2,374. f!, • • Pacrviaroirs--Pork setrco 6t.d firm, at 0,50 Papocc - rs—Firm; neat, Wei corn, 1841 , oats, 11 , 1-10 NOW. oicr, , go 7140 et; - OrWe.oo. October 1i..- - 44r2—T.Inchanged, at 60 for:Nr. I Spnne. 91065 tarllril Winter,' MAW:: : for White. and 619.62 for DoiilletEllifa. Ottaan—Wheat in modaride demand; Clhicago prime. by sample, ,61,63. tram dull and cuotted• n 013,14,114 lower, at 774 for 112. Oda stares and • nominal. Buddy cloaca ncr., litany lower. lige buoyant. CANAL. Frimoriva—Litchaiged; Plata 074530; %neat, 14c; Cam; 17c; Earlty, 12,c; By e, 130--to Nate York. MEE .y ~arar• nc Toronto Market. Toucans,. October ti. — Frpoo—notible esits. • sae:vxtts,eve=✓;taot+er9n.,4l4B2S. • Gusts — Wheati.Oprar-51.4A1,66, Marley MO oy. Oats*, Pete .eoton. cut*: "arsacy , sh•enaoktt is quiet sudstess flidotrqal, - Oci:lirisirr- - nie market area. , ei gum; flrll closed *false Amon trades silitrad. ''oelM of elnes SuperlsCrloar.„ . _ _'.Extrs Sleds ids; Weiland Canal Suoisiloo Olkl , "; ilsoads Wheat mixing staiill. . - .. . te , Raw Toca, 04. 9. 7 .Y10 ini of talfelng gawky ' - 151,1 la 8011012 to-day, were: . Oppor Falb . .1 9 fl — '" Fraakqa, ar3f; lijsacoesc,,M.. Alma Ca rale Royal, - S 105 , i; Wive- etata, 1f2.4; Qijaaci,,,.. 35; Rock4u4; ta35;,;,, Toteda. DiabUt. Totem. Oct. tt.--Odirs—Wheat:: Old , sales of Old No.l Red 'PlianuF. at OW, Main WK. her Nlablyan Rt." n so, 'lnfeel,r do; "11,10, Cans dull and las lowarysilar at6Ce.z Oats ataadyi ado + At 481 c. • - • - e RiVtalt. try A IL Cuttingthern, a fine boats. tow-boa t to halt upon :it. I.ouisi anal sou Theism(' paper also adds: Emigration has set out briskly Crow Pennsyl vania, /i.entucky, .le., to llllssOttel, The 31.1 rude attired Sunday from the Ohlo, bring:ing, over ,tll3 hundred souls, nearly nil for Atiesodyl. They - aro trona the aforesaid States, and arefseesers and fam ilies. The moat of them left for thelYlissourl yes terdnron the Fanny Ogden. Some Of them hats their cattle and agricultural latploextenta along; some have already bought farms, sad others In- tend tb, besides many Gamines Fli# are getting seedy to follow them. 111 , VP.ANIKOST EACIL. The Cincinnati Enqutrer, sissies A Tbe steamers Alejor Anderson sze4 - arlld Wagon er—the former in the United Statot Adel Line, and thsi latter in the Peoples Liner.deft vine oq Sunday, at 12 ii, for thin mita, the Major Anderson ahead. The Wild Wago.r, however, succeeded in passing her under trayruld got into aladison about . a mile ahead -of 1t Anderson, From thence to this city the Andertstn got ahead, by the Wagoner nropp . ing to do her trey lent whein a few rollen below thin he Wagoner ' overhauled the Anderson. and was staking an 'at tempt to pans, when the Wagoner rsivlnto - her and tore away a portion of her cook Amnia. The data age to the Anderson inbut alight she left on her return to Louisville last eves:ll We ahould have mentioned above that., as the agoner wan about passing the Anderson, that boost ran somas be bows of the Wagoner, and that fanned thenw eldent tO the Anderson. eliThe Revenue, on her recent dors:skirl trip front Wheeling, While landing at FranklisOfurnace, hit a rock or a snag, knocking a bole to her bottom. She chipped about two feet water, dins_ It.strig a lot of wrappingpaper stowed In the hold; Fortunate. Iv, oho Was provided With syphon pimps, which I:elit. het afloat until she reached here,sehen (UPC. Russell entered protest before Mr. Togo J. Rook er, the emery. The Revenue went sty the marine treys bort night for repairs, and will itrobably re turn to Wheeling to-morrow. The flevenue porta the Nerqdit and America laid rgj at the foot of 13uletnpr on, Isixerethere to only three feet water. Capt. Henderson has concluded to loCd the Mag gie Hays, for New Orleans direct. SS. BALTIMORE AND FREDEak, icassußan, vA.—The new Lei commodious Steamer WENUNAII,.Oipi Dewar. runs regularly between the sbove ports ooze week, leaving Baltimore. front:ha wharf. foot of South street. every 1117.DAlt AFTER NOON, at o'clock, and Predericksbu Gael vsMAX 31011NLeiG. .Paseatiters:aml er.0... It low rates. Through Freight pro Will attenool to. Merchandise from Bosto 'Slew Cork, Philadelphia, or shies/tare, CO :to earn or Steamer WIErfONAII, will be taken ogles's of raeXately upon its - arrival in Bald afro, ettsrges paid, and lerwarded promptly, free Z 1 commis. gots. Persons from the Northern Suae destirlog to view the Battle Finds of Viiginilst:Orj,e_loOk after the bodies O f friends and rererrooe 'euieu the battler of the Wilderness, Cbsiu4d l orecUle, Frederrokrr uroh. or flpotarlvanio CloElotue, have _ Naos did ooportuolty or doing by this route. no WENOtrAII Provided th•ekeele lett Stataroonce and Berea arcomorod•.t.tions. and U in every respect a eintolass• Boat, nedni o ur. fart and o Foe ininern.ser' ht or panne, p ly to . ad icr.3 4 7lstn j.°s:.lw ?Vees D P -S r er all T s k rY. l4) ,Latio7or o ? " 21t. Ii&SK ATS ..rfLtateg.&PH. STMUZBOATS. , z
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers