.E6TM3LISIIED IN =1786. 641**glf.'il'anttt. NOTICiES , Pre4 Goods. - An almost, tmluol — tOeisOttrilsta,stid te mpi id thi ven , lowest Veil; 'BsTker ucof; k3Market maw. ioncs. . , complete assortment or soloin and widens may , be found at tlie. Very lowest prices, at Barker & 00,v, rs Mullet street. • Beautitt4 Dieu Goode, - • 5h6 . 101, ha, sate cipaning ou the north-east corner otiourtE inuiluit arctic • Q. lioutos- Loyr. s 800. WhalesaidUri , Goals Buyers, fine . tho ryst,asiorted Stock on the north-east =liar of Swath" ah 4 htatlat streets. New goods ixrar (pen. • C. Etsissox Lairs tr. 800. At 'MOlttale. pews, sanalbss,, flannels. blankets, pantatulft, dicey.% -- - unEvalled *twain! dri ekes 4, Co , s, 09 Nance *4. M.6i, ipaned, ba sold t ,aul any place, on the. nottb4asilentnot I:Fourth and ntatket streets. ' ' U. Italfsos Love n Eno. • Mien - G• Sable Ltomesie,-Table Clot .1, white, and colored Borders, do Flapklno,Voyllo and Towolo, - Muted= and Prdstinf idnen,P.rintedniulEinbrol. dared Table tftd minolviseni ctunti;kmithge go od assditldent, nt 00'8, no Blanket 'tract. Do You Want good gutptd, drab, garnet, green, blue or black nAllkeor all erool4elatne dreet II so, go to Doo ley, Luker er. Dols for they have a good assortment of the ahoy; named conni, and are Belling them rower than egy other home In the city. Remem ber the place; ledroderal strect,.ll.lLegneny. "MeFudenis Pittsburgb Paehage Express DeMurk. ,'..RLe•attentiOn Othtudneta men and the house seeping eotenannitp Ls directed in of r. Ida aden , s adyerttsmnent. Tbleio a great convenience to the sifters of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and we are 4* bear thatthey falls' approve ft. = • Vett , Silks. In Will neof dream goody we ears with. entire confidence, end pleasure; refer to the erten. • moue andelikint stock of plain, barred and ribbed alike, embilOzsg every novelty of the 'assort. They era Werthrtheettention of every lady who desires to metre the' “late4,l4roliy.. Where an they trrbe 'fitted, - to stoui We 'reply at Bates & stroot-:the store at which the grand cloak opening was held onblonday. 'apialc• ins of Miele* opcetflg we wilt - marelire ter .tia C;5 - the fact tloitaVoil. comfortable aoartiatit,'Opern ',,tast amnia Pooi, boa bittilidded "to the eitatalish.' eavoted excliodvely to tbi display and isle of cloaks.,manttlla, lacono, no., Every': OpOiticiarte , Ss.aßafed foe AliglAr; •:„! *Tin , 'qualkie of good. are - olfavir;• tenor are tuned, sad Ideas mei:, Country dealers need seek no rather, and fatherriated:, see go ,othwe assort tient &MAUI atiWly'ireftdeml4td. coots Dialers.- . . Wlllias3,l3e4app,-..tbe wellicnowt, dry goody. Ander, of Allegbeay. has now od hand a large and olepapart meat of plain ftsertels.-white, andred; Iliad and ceuttry illeirnel,'eldths' Ind Trench merinos, dilators, and other desirable dress goods; prints, gingham , ' tittangt, eta., etc. Also, xibbank Ilearnis,pleraies, eta, The steieleli one of the hugest ever opened here, and. kir. pemples facilltieoor. keeping up his sleek are:reek as to eliminate to his easterners that their - Orders Will be promptly and ratisfaeto• lily oiled,' at reasonable prices. The attention of alestunie Sime.ligi - Aldieeted to Shalt heisse,":sse r among the "mol t Substantial - end renal:dein tie two wits: , - cotio..2w. ikmie iSt." ; Mnbuseadeff t M===l embush everywhere, ready to seize upon'the weak. 'The street pass thsough.many perils in "fay, the strongU*o foil brthesrayside. , It la amasan . glbat the feebleihnitletettir wtth i nnzertstniteps Over the face or 'the earth in den• get elrell day of 'tailing victims to tba morbid hz. litigates by which we arizell surrounded, when a ;tested and proven vegetablil tonic, capable of ea :lowing theni with the vigor they need, is procura ble in every city, torn and settlement.' It might resaatustilj be thought that after the twelve years' t . .experience which the world has had of NOSTES- I' Tries &roues:cc oil would know that its effect's to pr"oientdlseee'e.' I The fact is notorious theta dose of poison which 2 will scareelysifeet avigOnnisman,inperfect health will kill • a weak - one. Now; what. is the cause . 4 of epidemic diseases? Poison in Ow air. At this a 'wawa .titoatioosphens Lssurehatteid _vents the seeds el Jisterinittents, remittent., rheum'atism, pulmonary disonlersitilitouttectmplaints, and the ? like. Persons whose nerVoussystents are relaxed are the drat to succumb to these distempers. Brace e up the physical energiee then, with this potential vegetahlattrele. Ala thenaost -.powerful reetaper.; f ant whitti-theijxatento kingdani has ever yielded to patient research and experiment. Try it. The blindest diselplioPhoolil reediest dogmas Iriti at least admit that a Wide and alterative, compound °. ed of approved herliX, roots and - harlot, tan do no harm, while the testimony of thousands Invites a „h3, -- trial of its ilstnes. - ! Frat.araur3rlnter GOOMI. is with - neat pleasure we can the attention of nt ree4iri to thiliperh neat of Veit and What: 00dajUlt reecteedby Mr. John Weer, Merchant. • 4 Tailor. t FederiVstreet; ittletheop. EMI _ stock menaces setae of the rarest and most bean, A tlfolCraettra,Threriteeics,oesteoatirker Vestingr net brought to the western market. snort. • tarot of Fonstshing .Oorarasi reocopriitrik cairn, Bremen, Collars, Neekralch:Llstutheretratfc, ere., (mien bc orlaired , gait ell wen.' .A rage ' , steak' • of reedilnrahr - 17atits, cleat?, Veste nal Overcoats also te r rourod at his estabtlehrisent. Persona watt ocarffagio, the.clottrang line should so tall to give .a .r. reeler a call. itionaza W. Parry di CD:, fractleat S'st a Bearer; and Dental' In Ainerinan Slate, 01. T 1 1 .330113 colors. Office at dlazandez Lauchltrea, ;near the Water Works, k Ittstnirejz. Pa. Iteridc.4e, Pio. '79 Plke street. Orders promptly etien4ad.ta; Ati.worn warranted Water done of - chant - onm notice, - No thane tor itpalra, praldnd the root , ❑ cot ebneno altar 10 Is vat en. Jol*tv: Shop.' ' iibteue . ortt *} - lark the arcairllliiiiii.o.repzo #1,7 shoplciragsortit criobbing*itur Carpezter 4uos67ley,6e;(44augoiciotreetiattotioln- Oa; Orders collaited Lid praiwtly stri, to 6 - ~:; toitzt#x Voititar.' Oltelf• Die tong beflate . the *item ,loses - fte yoiithful +lgor. ahoul 4 i'libt - ho - Sor To preventtlds teitee'ses of neereada lad Fragrant Sozonorr: -It -keeps the dental alive, bane sthe enamel spotless, the gums rosy and . eLu 4e,•the,.breatli pare and the moitth .Drsjg Store, forNalc„, 2& rrug &dig siskooi_taaimemi. , iitusi. ed on a junlsit!tte.eti VIL , be sold cheap. res. aortae sale Ls Jae_ pierrlstor has Mr Ta,. to Ileac that eagiges the Davit of his time. pp 7 It. E..SEGIMIZEifr. CO., eerier ffeiond Sid Wood 'Meet. GCE Rou'OU Sompuuy. . Owing to no quorum being preseet et the Stoat• Aoldeta'Nectiag ert,Sathrday. that, there will boa ffieetltg of Etoektuldere, oalVedaeaday r the , lth Put. et , PR'loelt;' Brattier ar the thihrd. /tone= SeeretaLy. , . 1011211 e Cnialito4 lit 112 Federal etzept., !secce4 door frapx tho mot ;rational Durk ; "-geed butter 'motel:Caw:l cough' sandy. btortlifiletuted tuletzobt byllicorge.Beaverh. Juit opened', - Agar nOW clothing lionsiitot 63 Virth street, sitier 9iftr*A ooo ; W o rt h :Ori/5 4 44.;c5Irdiermcf tinik cot. 54r. C. Slll, Dentlot. "2 , 10 Venn Stieet, Itttes43 plokopily fatiatoesi of fits profs. 14 d4 XeirwAini=s, NzW yoaw,Get. 10 The ,2'riberfda Hata. moral cormapondent: of September 14; sap: the 1 2 th last, 'Guathtleape.Gefeth who . SeaffearsOgo Valf fiCCl:Otrdita ',Of • the T- , tee of the Rio Grande, ' attired` - at'lltmus' 'lHe `room that ,Aa loan of-$5.000,000 tom effeeted by the Liberal c oeeramdeb to Tabe a leeker orlp.ooo to 20 . 000 eito:ltad it bag bad la VeVf - lortorcie thee past. Bach a reams wohld cbebl4.tt to vegeta all; Mei •eriurttry borth of Abe , Santana's:fur; betere the Trench repaid collect a. force • adeveto• Altrrstt ,Its Erogrera „ . T 1 T, VT -w :; r THE RESULT We bave ecatterlug returns from almost every part Of the State, which, token together, ladt• eate that the Republican ticket la elated. Nearly all tbe gales reported are on that side. V:e Republicans seemed to he neleep, and a the Democracy hed not been dead they would have been defeated. The falling off to the vote of three antes la very extraordinary ; but it affeetul both parties about equally. In the rural and suburban districts the apathy seems to have IY..en very nearly equal to that Which rrevalled in the citlee. We think It prob able that the falling off in the State will be very heavy. The entire Union Repnbllean ticket Is elected In this county by majorities ae large, in propor tion to the aggregate vote polled, as usual. Neither party bee any reason to boast of what It boa done. LATER—The latest news from Philadelphia renders tl almott certain thatwe have carrted.,the Etat, ticket and securred a majority In the Led- THE ELECTION YESTERDAY. ALLEGHENY COUNTY RETURNS The following are the retorts of the election Mid yesterday, In Allegheny county, es far as received by us up to four o'clock alb, morning : Auditor Sun , ' r Lie. Con- Genera/. Grn•L .4Wy. I .xp ccic; •4 • 9 2 " ' DISTRICTS. ,1 !:7; 91 . 22 - 991.14211. FirSt 302 132 300 Si 297 79 195 69 Second 785 101 07 101 7.32 101 233 99 77211 d W&FI, let p 2. 119 431 117 490 021 411 111 413 Fourth Weld...__... 333 116 214116 3/3 114'711 . 1U Ilth Want, 144 prec. 149 153 149 191 152 152 163 151 . . _ do 2d do '2.7.265 6:7-2.64 249 253,233 !En Sixth W0rd._._...... 4St'tm 6.54'2.23 45.3'= 431 232 Seventh Ward !ft 90 14.9 65 543 86 150 83 eighth W.Od 258 93 262 93 261 69 260 4.6 Ninth 110 296 115 2 91 116 253 113 Tooth Ward. .. 216 OM 2371123,214'122'.501:123 ALL3IOII£OST. First Ward 496 BS 401 83 VG 53 . 4 0, 3 se Sucand 161 tot 16 167 171 459 169 .Tltirl Ward, tut prec 330 66 331 67 320 67 332 93 do 2d d0'167'185 165 157 156 183 161166 Ithath WarB,l6t 80,435:143 467 145 417. 147 445,141 .24 d0,t14:t61021,05,123:1044/1,101 BOSOLOUS. , • ; • ; •, Birmiughani, tat pre& 145 109;145 110'146,109 135103 Birmingham, 711 plea 183 133 1117'132.187 131 1871131 East Birmingham—..=7.2os2ll 237;241;337 243;205 blanchrster 1805' t55 , 1071 1 .155;205; 152' 199, 153 13612thPittaburgh..-.113; 61;118,' 89 1 118. 83,166. 88 West Pittabrirsi.:44.7l'.4s:73l; 46 ; 924 00 111'U: Temparazieeville-- ; 106! 55106 58 , iW 681104 99 Lawn:aces ille, Ist pr; 1LL112,117,109,117. la. 119 111 'Lawrenceville, 24 pr 1145.81437 891119 ,' 69;1191 81 Duqueane, Eir 67' 81 45. 81 58 83, 50 Sharpsl2l.l2l', TOWSUIPS: - ; • 1 0411.131 1709; 73 253 77 1 203 74214: 70 Liberty mos:, 51 1 164 tos, 23 Union 11181 n 116" 39.118 ; 38 Illf 39 fa:a:Tule 69 107 Rau • • 0,1171! 83;116; 821127c63 117 A 81'172 81'167 81'174' 83 64213. 112 66:60 ; ^.31 87 Zi'73:O'a• E==tE &r. S.: Sere: Cots'''. ewer, P. Din ''reiT l C,4El ` 9l < 1 3.;) , I r# . . rrrtsiumati. f 1 ',. 't ' I' , - ! 1 ` t 1 utwa d t' , 6, 81 . 299 85225 61 M 1: 93., 'X0,000 24 ward. ,6240 104 29 .E1 8 02 7 8 7 69 113181oaio00 ozo ad woof :120:462i123,445302 /221 114.441`.000 000 4,hp.,j3i9;116,319 114 147 114!/15 11033181:00 6th ward,!.( 011 49 11 64 '133:464116.2'161? 145 158;021loo0 do. 2d p. 23( ~ M 5 . 2.1,1 . 2.132 265 293 12111'.V220210'030 6th wi r d_._. 14425X:1 ; 451 2221433=;434''0c.0'c00 3thiveolL.--.:,.114 11 : 65i143, 87(130, 67,146 81i000rei •B[hwird ...... !253' 91P13,90,258', 88:251; 82.000,001 9th WaldlM6,lll!"6 114 2 9 81111;297:2**270ut0 ' 103171776 rd. —.. j21a7152128971461215,1717211,114 606;0}) AL3.E01106T. . ' " 1 1 1, 141• 78 r0—.....-7 103 59114744 66236. 911403 , 92.000.01 a 2d ward.._._.. 41 8 161j431 , 135 459; tee , 182 i 161 '77.700 rood ad ward, Um p.'437 '9173111 913279! 111'. En Ivo' oo I d o . cd p l l7O tufts!! ra1.011.182. taiTetooo 103 40 Wtrd,lstpj4l3 141 P 4Z:8147,000 031,630 Ovio9o OM do 2d p 1132 ( 104,121.1101121i lOW, 12811051000 009 nnuOroos, I 1 !Hill litz'oltal p...,111.716,141 tag, 141167 113 109 , 147108 do. 2.71 p... 111 119 784 132 793 714,783 132 187 . 132 E. myddooo , 234 213 241 an 239 ZIIMO 233 2118 239 219 Manchester... 700 155:113 705 191 131 131 193132 S. piatibuigh, 118' 5 , '110! E 0.115 90 116 99 116 81 W. p1tt40 . 5 , 12, 46 72 , 41 72, 46, 11 46j 72' 46 TedopkevtUe . loaf svoiodij otcoo, aoloco' 001 ado) Law'vllle, i 9.136, 112 7 62 128 811125 et 123 82 : • - .do. 20.18.1911118 112 111 1131119 111 711 111 Eltirpabulg_ 124 1 , 1 133 130 134 123 13.1 12.5 131 124 .Drioeme,...„l Ed, bdi 80' Go ,el 09 81 61.. 79 64 T0WN61312.4 1 7 '0'1/06 i21:121 10. ^ X7 , 2.1 ' 008 1 Ili 204 14!3 0 e 72 Liberty -7 1G5 2.7i16V .21361 , . 91 164 26'76.1 28 236708- 1113' 41,1 . 3 4300 00116 39 119, 3 6 McClure. ..... . ES 721 82 73 111. 49' 134 74" 83 69 p4t...............11731 83'165 , 80 179' 73,171 851171 73 Bost 197 . 63134' 63 Itlf 6310 e callos . 61 Beterre—.462'lB7l 156.484 169 14'87171 194 it 43 IN Wi11t1a........ , ..0t0l /8 236 , 57!07I0 . 1.017:873 001000 97 L, 84. C1atr._."126,266i129 257 1180• 300: IA 253 123 ."50 ASSEMBLY. I , .7 I Q ode mr 1; . P 2081110 , 305 110402293' 73' 79.• 71 71' 13! 16 .2 s , .A . 29 3 ,29201 192275,291' 95 95 99 92, 95' 99 77 1 1161117'116 119 117' 117 411 162 452 45011 451 w 1 p p1=,3:10,319 399 115.23.1 9 /1931214 1 214 11211 45 2 111 4 4 , 9p,190!149150 161;144 649,140i151 '141'1491153 152 6,,,,,,d , 53 11 :9,222,220M31 . 229M29 292293 26:1250 209 64 , 4491454,454,459:455 , 436!4.51;227 227-V7 4231230 2/12 w.,4:142143 140 143 140 112 69 91 631 90 9/ Bw&r429t' 251 261 291 261i2Q! 711 92 991 99, 59 93 w„„f 232 ' 17292,21 3 201118 IteOlieCite , ,ll6 115 10 W4 ; 212.2121212 221 203;214.120 120 i2),120:410,123 • 'Alle'y, 1 ' I • ; 1 war01 4 0 3 1 403 ' 68 Q 1. ,403,361,868 1 ,. 31 ; 94 81; 94 1 , 91, 92 2 15314' 555 1, 46111478'445 457 113 122 169 164'171 102 3 w 9 p'320i331;a13 311.,3113.r.t, a°, ai, 9/1 91, 60 „9 , 1,11,,:i101170:10 1 ;1101164113842:381183,16.5!185:168,169 4 WI a w 24821422i133;4551432, 811 , 1137, 10475 1331361138;137 Born, 1221=11211123 1 118!121,100,1106 ; 1051105'1as Vm J p 146/to,ta 145;142 i 149,114 I 11411t7 , 113,111 ild B o 184115i1a5i 2 a1im5 , 150,137137 ; 139:116,236;137 E 4550 337 1 537333.339 1 233335 30912091216,203,209:2V 944 , ri961101118212091431202456,186;1661186163;156 spi,tol9 , lx6 115:116;1151114,68; 67 69 60,.08; 69 UTltsi 221 13! 731 IN r 631 461 DO ; 09. 02 1201 0. Ten;oB.l 9 / 1 1 a/ 06 ; 90;4 6 81 69i 681 O'Lh 001 01,. 0, De 117 . 117:117417;111;317i1l3fi;111;113:113.1 - 13 118 128:13g,1:50.31.838:03 Sli 83, 82' 83 GO' 19:_ Is. 50 76 T 9 59, 59 . 59' 69; 53 59 In 121 112 . ,tn , r,in"156 . 12a; t2O : I^_B I:1 tI ' • IVines VoWs. Unitm 68, mi 67k57, Ss Iv 77' is , 73' 73 77 27. 27 271 39 00, 00 113 f 03 68 75 ; 74 , 71; 73 80 79 60.74 59 109 109 119 107 43 61 6: 03 63 63 .237 231:232270 MP 2334 571 DA 204461205 281.209 721 164 104 , 14711/85.16.1 1110' 271 00 00 117 00 1 00 00' 00 es OP Ell 84' 54 87 73' 171 05) 141/ 181'.179'189 501 153 153 113 133 153 153.191;191 101 , 11L121.191 126.120 126 110'120 123 259 . 217 297'243,151;157 Ar 0.1113 10 Kentucky Dlscuseed—Cirll Law to be ttestered—Siegro TrueOs to be Withdrawn. New Your, Oct. 10.—A special to the //mita from Washington, voile o.h, says: Gen. Rosserra bad a. macre/ice with the Yrealdent and the Secretary of WM, , during *bleh the Palmer troubles in Kentucky were ' disc - oared: The rrsult of 00 1.01.t0"41111r. was that the 'SreSV dent promised the peteple of Kentucky threnZll their popular Conmeasmau that martial law shall be repealed tbroutruout their &stay that all nemo troops shall soon be withdrawn; and that the abuses cf /113 Freedmen's Surrem shall be corrected so far so a vigorous probing can reach them. lel understood that the con-se of General Palmer. In the admlntstaatlon of Kentucky mti, [tray affairs, is in the main apprsred by the Pres ident, and that be will probably be retained is .eielnated of the Department. lientnekinee era not so much displeased with the arta of General Pelmet as they are rlllgeitted with those of sous Of Ma subordlnato, who hare been running a little darkey madden of their own In soeae of the remote districts of the Elate. The withdrawal .of colored froora, promised by the Pro.sidsat., and the , detbronement of - meddlesome (little Brevet Brigadiers of darkles and freedman ages IS will speedily harmonize affairs In that Elate. . Colored Joldiot. In'Wdeldngto;4 NVAISLI*G262f CITY, October I.o.—This is aja biten with many of the colored people of Wash ington, who in large .crorrd have followed the Erg District of Columbia 'regiment es they matched through the streets. who 'receatly re trotted from the south. ,The ne4meut pneceeded to the Execution 31anslOn, ar.d ,wera Cheri; ad:. dratted by the President: who thanked them for the serrices,which they had rendered:; This. he eaid.istite couutry of aU within Its limits, with out reference to whir. and login? soda - whole: tome misled iticulesding nut Importenceof how' CAL indu stry tod virtue. X e_W Cotirersioll Loan. , . . _ Nnw Tonic, 0,61.30.....F1iteen millions- of the newly inalsonsed Conciretniez.tato 5 W's rarer() _taken .4tuirg the Ittet .week, - lostoit or pity ml on as stated to a Pelhtdelphla paw. 1 - o v _ ' ' • :-, , -- , ,_- 'I 41 - 4 ~..11L - ._ _ VERY LATEST NEWS Our Special Dispatches. ELECTION RETURNS. ANOTHER UNION VICTORY Pennsylvania Certainly Republican. Special Dinpatehee to the Pitt sburgh llazetto. PHILADELPECIA., Oct 10.-3 d Ward, Dem. ma jority 404. 6th Ward, Dem. majority 224 IlLmocratic gala of 913. 15th Ward, Uatort majority 1001—Republican gain 315. 18th Ward, Union majority 030—Republican gain 351. 20th Ward, Dolma majority 604—Republican gain 304. 22c1 Ward, Union majority 811—Republican gain 63. 12th Ward, Union majority 191- 7. Dtm, gala 126. 14th Ward, Union majority 785—Dem. gain 10. 4th Ward, Dam. majority 416. 1011 a Ward. Union majority 1069—Union gale 13. 13th Ward, Union malorlty 978—Dem. gain l s67. 17th Ward, Dem. majuriq 848—Dem. gain 148. 25th Ward, Dem. majority 475—Dem: gain 168. 26th Ward, Union majority 812. Brian county, 4 townohips, Union gain 19. Dauphin marry', the Union majority will be 1.21/0. Chester county, 11 townships, Union loss 130, Wi.litngion comity, 13 dintrictn, Union gain Wesunoreland county, Vint Newton 47 Union majority. rumanammia, Oct. 10.—The returns Indicate McMicbael•s election by a reduced majority. The comparison Is with 1862, when Henry (Un ice ) was clotted by .5,088 majority. PriII.ATELPHIA, October 10 ~- -91 z wards com plete, 201 democratic majority—a democratic gain of 200. Norristuvvo gives 1G U¢io¢ maJority—a gain of 9G. Scattering returns from Bucks • county ebow Linton gains of 225. Linton'i'maJorlty in Tyrone township, Blair county, ii 3; Davie, 25—a republican gain of 20. DAUPHIN COUNTT H.Lactsmmo, Oct. 10.—First Ward 59 Ourao cratic majority; north Ward GS Democrat:c majcnty. 'A Democratic majority in the city of 11. Second Ward 54 majority for Hartranft— gain on ormidential election of O. Third Ward ninjoilty for the Union ticket—a gain of 10, Fifth Ward 22 Union majority. Stith Ward 136 Union majority. CHESTER COUNTY. Wrs.rcnir.srsa, Qcs. 104—.Nsnitt and Bon' preclnttei otWesteheater and Emil Gannet show • U•t•• •t/ 8 9: . WAiELING rON COO: rY IJunosmturf.a.' CYR; - .dor Sty, 23—a Soya of 15 *lnce last fait. Be:Wyman, .114 publican majority 53—a gels of four. LANCAPTEE, COUNTY.: LANCOMEEI, Octobcr 10.—Davis galas in the city 200, over the Den:morale vote of I.ast year ; Martranft 109. In three tepbektice lierrraaft gable AS votes. „ CAMBRIA COUNTY. In ten distrlets the Union wan Ls tern htuadred end forty-elx on the Toio Of 1809. Wenavi COUNt?. Wilmal. Oct. 10.—Union nanjorlty In War m county 5.50. solo FiET COO NTT. 8011131 SET, 10.—In Cots bOrptigh nod toort• ship there to • gain of 61 for the Union Bata ticket. BFRRA COUNTY Pcnrom.rnits, October 10. 4 —Realeg gives 141 Democratic majority. roar townships give Unlon gam of 119. The demOmitic msJorila will not exceed 5.000. Union Gain 909. LEOIGH COUNTY. Five Lovneltlpsi eves • Cab= gala at 832 WASHINGTON COUNTY. WASIIIEGTOIII, PA.. Oct. 11.;--Retaras (coin tat dietrims show a UUIDn gain of 1.37 over the Pre.tidentlal Tote of last seer. The Union ma jority in the county will be over 400. BOOBS. LEBANON AND DELAWARE. DoYlestown borough, toe home of G n. Da— vis, gives a Danocratle majority of, th-a gain of 7. Bristol, 28 Union majority. Lebanon borough, three w weds, 281 UM( n majority, A Union gale to Chester, Delaware county. Gala In Providence, ram, county, 1. Upper Providence, 55. FRANKLIN COUNTY The Republican melortty in Chembersburi, le 148. a lon of 7 on the Tote of 1864. YORK COUNTY. Borough, Democratic majority 2'..17—a gain of 42. All the U.waships beard from, show galas for the Royal:diem:s. NORTIMAMPTON COUNTY. &mon, Oct. 10.—Republican majority In Eaton. 3l—a gab on 1ay31.4 election of 103. EoatL Eamon, Union majority on 8t :Le t icket,•ls, for comity ticket, M. CRA svFoiii cotniTY Maiovazz, Oct 10.—FivedIstrims, Wending Meadville, gives a Union majority of 30, a gala of 76 over vote of 1562. Crawford is likely to give from 1,500 to 1,700 maJolitY. lu 1903 the Union majority aas 1.417. no,NTINaDoN COUNTY EVATINGDON, Oct. 10.—Thin conaty can ho earels vat down at 550 ma.) xlq for the Union State ticket. Both treml)ers elected in this Place. CUMBERLAND cot-sTy CAMLI,LE, OCtOlwr 10.—Thitiy-clght Demo mile majority in Carlisle; gain of 11. South Nlicldleton—lifty-clglit, , Dernorratic ma jority; a DOrtltqiCall gain of 75. Four other tcuraahlpd shoe a Republican gain of over misty. A probable Republican gain of from 150 to 200. Cauncl gut comet returns to- night. Tickets /Olt and counting FAYETTE COUNTY . , rSIONTOWN, Oct. 10.—.. The Uniontown Dis trict on State ticket E,-avc one hundred Democratic majority. Gain over !oat Congres3lonal elec tion 49. McKee:trot:7, October 10.—Unlou majority— for Elate officers, 117; for rounty officertt,:on ave rage of 110—n glln of 20 over the vote of C7tl2. YE: 4 I4-NC° COUNTY. FRANI:L.IX, October ILL—Sugarcreek township Dbmocratie majority. Cbrrry township ithOnt TsT:stiou majority. Franklin borough, 58 Ileptibllcau majority—a gain or 10... wok tlty - and ftatuship—ifariranti rlO9, Danis 90; Campbe)l,lo9, Linton 90. 011 City-135 Roliutilleari;llDerOcrallc. SOMERSET -0017NTY:• Sominsirr, Oct. 1.0.-7118 botbi/gh Wird finr tr:mtt 109; Dais 71; Campbell. 108; Linton 72; Arro,btrong 102; 11033 . 99; Colbarn 03; Smith 10. WEST.MORtL. , IND 'IOt.”4TY M0t7 , 7 PLeitIANT, OM. /0.--bil;11111t Ple=ml Born gl—:latetiOniion innJoiliy, gala of 7 Union. Mount I.loNam Township—Democratic ma ority 7, a gain 0( . 11 for the VMMI ticket. "TILE OLD (WARD." , LANCASTEIt, Oct. I.o., t l..nzteast , .;r county good for 5,400. [ln 1102 the Republican majority iu Larteas ter wa4 4,(1:3-0.1 31E1WEB' COUNTY, GnmeNcrun, Oct. In.—Mercer county glvra about live. !Inticlred Union gran oi'ar last Yo4tr,.to far au beard from. LAYER . VIROM PHILADUiPIIit EntiaientratA, Oct. 11, 2 L. at.—]tartan McMichael, for Mayor, nos rLc thousand major. ity., The taaJorlpr nnthafitate Ocltet lq - about ,accen thatisand. Two Benatorn and fifteen 'Rep rileciitailtA are elected oti t biTnlcia ticket: r- Genital Bantii Piondiao,pr.cowela. Bostn.s . „ publican bald ip` 1 0 11 64. 1041 . 1 .9, nominated Omen: X; P. Bank , for Ctingroe.- rt i 16 -- - --- i . L.- T 1 ' : V IA ., r - I ---. • 1:,.-.: 2- 4•i e - . , MEM ::1 Sl2 Y. OCTOBER fl. ;mi,s Probable Abandomeat of the Freedmen's Bureau. THE MISSISSIPPI ELECTION emointraur Against Grunt Unmphries ENGLISB SPIES IN NEW YORK. Fenians Closely Watched TfIE ELECTION IN PHILADELPHIA Special Illatotich to the Pittsburgh Gazette run...kw:l:mu., Oct. 10. ISGS The Ledger'l Washington dispatch says that President Johnson feels inclined to abandon the Frecdtneh's Bureau, and hand over its funelions to the civil nuthoritleB of the Btates. Itemonstrayces have been received from Mt elesippl against the election of General Hum phreys as Governor of that State, but they are believed to be too Weak to accomplish anything, During the war he was, a fivne rebel. Both he and his opponent, Fisher, were unpardoned, but their pardons have since been vent to Sharkey, by whom their applications had been forwarded. New York city Is raid to be full of Floglish epics watching the Fenians and reporting their discounts by every steamer. The lout dacetiou of Fenian remittances to Ireland Just announced by the foreign news Is said to be their work. At a Fenian meeting on Saturday night, a VW :once Committee was appointed to discover and report the names of the spies. The election here is proceeding quietly and with geed prospects for the Union tichei. Ridge way, for Senator, will hove a close shave, but will most probably get through. Connell In his own Senatorial district, will have a large majority. There is no doubt of AlcMlchro.tra election on Meyer. W. EPISCOPAL GENERAL CONVENTION Pro-Slav,f ry Spirit Denounced TUE EASE OF TUE BISHOP OF ALIBDI9 i'IIfLADr.LPUIA, Get. 10.—The Genyral Cen veerioa roar:stumbled at telt o'cloelt this morn liev. Gr. Bargees, of M tine, from the Com mittee of Consecution of Blshons, reported a rreobatior. favoring the transfer of Bishop Tal bot to the Assistaot Bishopric of Indiana, and from being Missionary Blrhop of the Northwest, After tlisensssion the convention adopted the resolution. by a large majority. The sante committee then reported a reso'u tine rerornmending concurrence in the accept ance by the noctac of Bishop, of Rev. It. 11. wit me; on Bishop of the diocese or Alabama. Dur ing the diecteulon, Mr. Brenot, of Pennsylvania, made a 9 .-,th denonneing the spirit n - litch he said haul crept into the church, that nothing lutist be said against sods sully as slavery, 6:c., ' , crams: some serious feelings way be caused by It. A Southern delegate attempted to atop the sraterlt by wits of order, but Mr. Brant WWI %LlS taltzed by the chair. A motion to lay the whole subject oa the table was then lost. The Convention will no: be In session to-mar• now, that daybchag appropriated to the conse cration of Rev. Chas. Tcdd Quintard, Illsh.m elect of the diocese of Tauserusee. Dr. %%ten. Of relshaliVandos laid that It was a painful duty to him to Oppose the eons°. ermine of Dr. Wilmer to the Bishopric of Alaba ma, knowing him as he did and hating partaken of his hespitalitiett. Be then offered attain res olutions which had been odfm•etlitty him at the last Convention, and which had been laid on the table, as Wows: Resolred, Thst the Ram of Bishops eonettr• ring in the general Convection of the Pre:natant Erd,copal Church in the Cattail Buttns of Amer , lew,pranonneed the action of the Bishops of Virginia In their consecration of Richard a. wiltner,Da)., to the Episeopelßee of Bishops of alstams, to be left: molar neeanonleal and Debit tattleil. sod that his jertadletion In the Diocese of Alabama la void and of no effect. Zootred. That this preamble and reaolution to referred to a joint committee of this limas, with Inatroctituss to consider and report what farther action. If any, this Garver Bon shall tike to mere the dignity and enforce the debts of the Proust ant Episcopal Church of the Dolled States, le the preen:sea.. Dr. 'Vtatcrn then read the oath required of a Bishop. which rnintrcei Mgt 40 aWcar allegiance t ;the. United dtatea. Re then asked: "Shall there be 6 Diglop, acknowledged as a Bishop of Cho Mem:. who has not conformed to the oath required of him by oar canocal lied we net better trait until the Match In ALstams Ox- presses Its willingness to comply with oar n oel. events I" R.,. Dr. tiarkAon annotmeed that at letter ad dressed to Bishop Hopkins and others, bearing on the very colder: had been received. The reading of the letter teas thou called far. Dr. Cinekson here stated that the inyers pro- IVISVd , to he read 'RCM tilt letter from Bishop Wilmer to the clergy, the order of the eotnnueni ant thertnpon, the rts i tn,t of Bialtop Milner for. an explanation of the action of the command-, ant thereon, and the reply of the commandant. The letter from Bialinp NS Dater to the Douse of Itiallops was not in the envelope. - Dr. tuniminz.. objected to the readiest of any part alic document, in the enCclV;n• Dr. V. B. IlarlOw stated that If the telqraph he& dOte its work with ordinary spited. Bishop Weiler had heard of the salon of this.Conven thee, and that he had expressed a willincneas to candor= to the reqtr.repsente of theehurch. The President in commenting - tipod he call for the reading of the iloenancta received, :f^M Bishop wiimer, sold that es .It eppsarod to be a muthated paper It could'uot he received. ' Dr. Cie, haon then explained that he had stated the I, tter from Bishop Wilmer to the Ilona° of Bishops had been received with other d“cuments. Tame papers had been handed to blot bm,were subsequently withdrawn. • ' lion. S. B. Ruggles. of New York, then mule an add; ess--oatng to the noise nod confusion at the doer. noise of It was heard. lIE i ISE OF CHAMP FERGUSON. Pr isoner Sentenced to be flung. SENTENTE APPROVED BT TOE PRESIDENT. brAstlviium. Oct. Or—ThOpapersp the case of Chump Pmgeson. which were fOrwarded to iVarlington for the President's, aplimval, were returned 10-day. The sentence was read to Far. geson jo Ina cell by the post eottbsodant, which was that he be hanged by the neck until be be dead oci the 20th of Oetabir, between the bolos Of ten a. in. and two p. m. 'Yeransoti re er.ised the announcement of,his a:relation with, appareht unear.eert, not a nuncio' of his face was moved. Ile we} taken out a riding this af tereoon by hie guards: Ho is In apparent good health and is io all outward' appearances re gardless orbit' fete. At Bowling Gram, yesterday,the sheriff of the county bad in custody two negroiii. convict— ed In the county court of tba.murder of another negro, Find who were then In custody and on their way to the Nashville penlteuthey. Upon their arrival et Blwling Green. Kentucky, and when In the act of changing cars, the sheriff was turronoded by a detachment of colored guards; who demanded the release of the prison ers, which being related, they took them by force, removed their handeaffi and sot them at liberty; With Coed bayonets, they defied the theriff bed his party, threatening death to all who opposed them, From Oil t Ity 4 —Eteeti Welt Reported Burned—Price of tni. specuis iptspatcb to th - Pltlabstreb Ossette. * Om cp . ; October 10. The need Well on Cherry Run 11113 reported bitrnedicst night. .011 here Is ten dollars per barrel. Hew Planet Vizcaya:tit. Oneratvs.vonr, ANN October O. -T , o the duociatea Preap.l have the pleasureLo annourine that I &covered a tie* Planet. at, half Past ten o'clock Ude evening. - 11. 414Ittes Mira star, and is situated In the right ascension fourteen degrees and thrty-tive Ettinince,. and In a declination of eirtlegrecs north. ' • ' (8110 2 vd) ~.a. C. WATSON. et. tegee= Ram rs.TrEnsoN'N. T. Ontobeilo..—Tho 'rater fay. times year olds for'llic ISt..,Lsgerstakes- to.day; won by tho .colt Or , Baltimore. Jullns was second, 011ats a good third.' l'lnier4d3b.". The, fuss of one mite Ireate . l6ll lion . by Areal; In, straight, hosts.' Thno-1.141 add 1:40);. TUE BEITRIVED COLORED ISOM Address by President Johnson IfIS VIEWS OF THEIR 1)01FTION. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10.—The First District of Columbia colored regiment marcbe r d from their itliarti-rt is eSs . phell 11...splial to the Executive Eitil.Bic C. where they were rteeived tit the dirt, wto addressed theca as follows: bir FlLl=7:l,9—My object In proseneinz, myself befrre you on thts occasion Is simply be hank you. members of one of the colored regi - nonta which has been In thu service of the c matey to Fustaln and carry its banner and its laws than, thorny in every part of tilt, broad laded, I re peat that 1 appear before you on the present er. mean-. merely to tender you my Hunks for th • compliment you bar, paid me on your return borne to again he associated with your (moods and your re-Wires and those you hold most sa cred and dear. . . It Is unusual for this Government, and most of c ther governments to here colored troops engaged In their service. Erects have shown you that they have served with patience and eic durrece In the cause of our reentry. 'rho is your country as well as anybody olisehr country. (Cheery.) This the country in which you ex ct to live, and in which you should exprct to do something by your example, to civil life as in the field. Thls government Is founded open the principles of rirualits, and at the waistline .the standard by which persons are to be estimated is ±re,11111:: to tScir morals and their worth; and the Government has observed, rye doubt, that fir him who does hie duty laithfully and honmtly, there is always Just public Judg• went that will appreciate and measure out to him Ids proper rewgrd. • I know that there is much calculated on the Government, and since the late rebellion com menced to riette the white ru,alust the black and the black eceinst toe white man. These art things you Should all understand. and at the same time prepare yourselves for what le before I you. Pron the return of peer^ and the our- I render of the enemies of the country. it should I be the duty of every patriot, and eve; y one wan rails Urns( If a Christian, to remember that with the termirallen of war all hatred atioall cease. That every roan should become calm :tn.! tr at quit and be prepared for what Is before him. his is another part of your mission. You have been t no aged in the eir,rt to sustain your coon- Go in the past, hot the future la mere Important than the police to v bleb yen nave Just been engaged. Uue great que,Alua has been .51.15 e. In this government. ant that question Is toe g ees:tem of slavery. The inatuutton of silvery made war agnimt the United dater, and the Col[rd Sates has lifted ~ s along arm In vindi cation of the Governmeat, and ol tree Govera mast, nod to lifting that are and appealing to Stu God el hattle. n bas been decided that `-‘•; Instant ion et slavery must go down. (Cheer, ) This has been the -mutt, and the (3 Aide's of Liberty , in bearing witecas over many of our battle [rebel, since the struggle commenced, has made her loßiett eight and proclaimed that lib erty had been established upon a mare parser twist and enduring basis than heretofore. ( Ap plause.) But this to not all, lied as you have paid me the compliment to cell upon zne..l !ball take rhamitilege of eaying ono or two words as I sm befofe von. I repeat, that le not all. Now. when the Award is returned to Ito scabbard— whet None arms are reversed and the olive bi etch of peace is extended, ars I remarked be fore. resentment and hatred should eubside. Then what Is to follow. You do under stand, no doubt, and if yon do not, you cannot. tioderetand too soon, that "simple liberty dose not mean the privilege of going into the battle held, or.into the service of the country as a . It lIIC4IIII better thingv, and now when, von have Mel down your emu., there are nth.), Objects oft lit importance before you. Nowthat the Govenn4ent hestriumpnantly passed through tide mighty tebeillon, eller the snout gigantic betties the world ever saw. dm problem Is before you and it Is best that you should understand, and I speak eimrdy and plainly with Ton. Nor, when you have returned from Ore army of the United Staten and Into the position of citizens, alien yen hate NttlinC4 to the avocations Of pence, will you give evidence that yen are cep. . bk. and cotopetent to nos,. theinsclven. That Is what you will have Lode. Liberty la not a. were idea,4 mere lager,. When yoo come to amebae Shia question of liberty you will not he making a mare idea for a resllay. It done not armlet in Idleness, Liberty dorm not consist in being vorthires. Liberty does not engirt In &leg all allege Wu please, and there can be no liberty without law, la a govern ment al freedom and of liberty, there must be law and them must berobelmace and enbmisslon to the law without regard to color. ( Cheers.) Marty mrionutrymen. and may not call ecru my conntlymer, liberty consist! in the gimlets riellege of week—of pnremng the ordinary airoutlorte of peace with Industry and with en,- nomy, sad that being done, all those who have been iudestrions and economical era permitted to appropriate and enjoy the pradams of their own labor, (Cheers.) Tills Li pee of the great bin:slogs of freedom. and beoce we might all the guettion and anew= it by slating that liberty means freedom to work and enjoy the product of your Own labor. Yon will soon be mustered out or thy ranks. It la far yen to cstehlish the great fart that you are fit and gablillol to he free. Hence freedom is , not a mere idea. but something that Wets in fact. Freedom is not simply the privilege to Ilea In 'Menem or to resort to lOw saloons end other plaesa of disreputable character. Freedom I'MM:eV do Doti mein that the people um to live in licentionsraw. but It means s.mmy to be Industrious, to be. virtuous, to be upright in all our dealings and relations with men. and to do chose now before Ma.atielubtri of the Fret regiment of colored troops of the Dis trict of Columbia attd the Capital of the.Uulted States, 1 have to nay, a great deal depeude open yonrselyea. Yea moat give evidence that you are competent for the rights thst the Gov ernment has guaranteed to Vora Heneforth each and all of you mot be measured according to your nitres. The mat why Ls u. re mul -1 tortoni than another, cannot be equals, and he le the wont honored. that la most metlisniellf, withoef regard to color; and the idea of havirm I a law pasted en the morning that will make - white man black before night, and a black man white before day, Is absurd. That la not the eilledard, It Is loot own esnduet, your ow n merit, tires delblopernei t of your own talents and of your own latelllgence. Lot this, then, be your course. Adele a system of morality. Ab stain from all Ileermiousuess—and let me say one thing here, for f am going to talk plain. have lived in a Southern State all my life, and know whet has too often been the easa. There In one thin:: you should esteem ne more cop./ me than almost all others, nod that Is the anierne contract, mean all the penditlei, In the enrovintiee of married mot, end women. You s noted abAitin from uligualitlet and habits that 14,0 frequmnly lead lit dicedrd among your nano- chit, Just from the army, and nmternber lb if irtne, merit and intelligence arc- the standar& to to 01.,reed, end those you should determine to maintain during your tiro. Ile that is inerltorioue and virtuous and total. mast stand highest, without. edger 1 to color. It Is the basis noon width Heaven rests Itself. Each indieldual takes bis degree in; Its . sublime regime, in proportion to his merits and his virtue. Then I shell say to you, on this oc czoiton, when returning to your homes and dee aides, feeling proud of having faithfully dts. charged your duty, return tvlitt the determin Mien to do your duty. Slavery rained its head against the Government nod (i...v-rourerit rained eta stroll arm and struck it to theground. S m that part of the emblem is salved. . . . The institution of slavery Is everthroWn, hat another part remains to be solyed,—that four ;Editions of people, roused as they have been, with all the prejudices of whites, taut they take their place In the community and be made to work ,Larmonionely and congruously In our system. This to the problem to be considered. The highest power of the Ameritan Government is. sufficient to receive tlds element In a new shape, and make it work healthfully upon the system that has Incorporated It. This is the ques tion to be determined. Let an Make the experi ment. There Is another problem that Is before Ile, If we have to become a separate and distinct poo. plc, although I trnet the system can be made to work, and that the great problem will be set-. tied without going any further. If It should be so that the two races cannot egres and ilve In peace and properlty, and the laws of' Providence re quire that they ehontd be aspirated, In that event, looking to the far distant letum, and truettuX that It may never come, if it should come, Providence, that works mysteriously but certainly, will point out the way , and the man lier by which th, se people ore to b 3 separced, and they are to be taken to the lend of their Inheritance lend premise; for such a one Is before them, liere , we are making an experiment. Lst me (merest upon you the Importance of controlling your passions, developing your Inteillaunce, aitti of oPPIi log your pram to the Industrial in terests of the country, end thistle the true basis by which thin question can be actiled.:. Bo pa tient, persevering, and you will :be - better able to solve the Iproblem. Earn yourselvet a TCPs latkin ea you have won a reputation - in the , geld. In-speaking -to membere of Rept .ment, I want them to understautthattO fat lam concemcd; I dti not manias or, pretend that I aucetrouger than the laws, por thll I am oiler. than Providence. - . • . • • - It to our duty to try dtatoier aria! th en "great laws ore, sad havlog discovered what they we, to contort* to diem; and toodan og ne i vei so that the God who rulto pll thugs, will ap. prove Then let WI be ,patlttit, Industrious sad perseveriug. Let us developa ouy Intettect ua and moral: worth we 5117 noa etas. 1 Iran what I have said may be undereloOd and ap-The Earthquake in California. ; Predated. Go to yonrbom and lead health- „,„ scis co. 01..1. The danutere done by I NEW A_VirEER TgiEUMENTS, es ful, ptoshcrons and happy lives In peace with s. r... GREATEST BARGAILS ,nartt q uake yerterday ornonnts t t:W cobale- ; all men. Avoid disc...ions, hot do what is creditable bin in the aggregate. mativ houses needing to yourselves and to your country. .To the patches rr new pleat -ring and repairing of t , .. r.fticcrs who have led you and SO nobly COM - ken w-th:ows. The (ILI y Hall was damaged to I MISOChtI coil In the field, I also return my thauks the frot. t wall. that tcrdoto mu-: be eibuilt.et o ft, che tiiitiplitnent you have conferred noon reel of sect rat hundred dollars. The old ; relate FAO - tares ! u.tSiar. 0pp013.12 the ; Cmton , ilouse. t!uitilv r rebuilding. o , No fealty .olishaiittal cud well const ailed build ings damaged. Sea to CI ..z felt Oho check mar • .ever,ly than any otbt tner, of the trick houses wo re so ball; damagedt.ht a 1301 . 1; Ca- CenttrUCtion Is necessary. A ni.patch feitte there nave that there was a central tumble down of chimneys, and those left standing were torn ,d partially around, the motion apparently beteg from cast towest. The ground along the river opencd in flosses, and spouted watt: like gay vs rte. The people are finable to use some of the write. which are either cry or ailed with sand. A chimney st the powder mill Ras thrJren down. et d other to Jury dote the works. A portion 'ot the wall of the nr.w Ball was thrown down. but the ft nadetton Is all richt. The smash In the Mug stores was treat: set in ether stores. Very harrow I scopes from falling chimneys are metticued. Thi! tide tore very high at the time of the shock one fell very low immediately af terwards. Ten or eleven crstlnct sh,clits have been telt since the first shock op to 5 o'clock this morning and ass a number of smaller visita tions. The loSso s era mllt aed at aboutslo,ooo but may expend that amount. Date. from flononbulo have been recelvedto I he 16th of 8. p ems, r. TLC war steamer Garonne arrlred there on the 6th. Nothing has been heard of the Shenandoah. Tbr rl,llell fn f'.ltop!,cll whoro ikai - Z..1: or Loc. 11...picalitici of tbvir PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION /II DIT WIN , OUR STATE TICKET ELECTED Pna.snr.drilia, lkt. 10.-In making b.• election returns to-night. the gains or loss will be sent en compared with the vote of 1902, when Mr. Slither, the Democratic candidate. was Irrttd by 3.5104 majority. Pyi lIA DELPII IA• Oft. 10.-Cranford county. Union nr j tty, probably 1,500 to 1.700. York .outid-York borough 227 Democratic majority. opting Gordon 204 Democratic ma. jonty. Franklin county-Chamberstolrg 19`l Union entjmity. a loss of 7. Dauphin county-Eiarrisborg complete; a Lie. Union gam, 158. Philadelphia connty -the 22.1 Ward of Phila delphia riots McMichael 650 majority, a Union loss of its. Latcasb r county-The Democratic majority in Late...ter city is 200. Union gain 105. Adams county-Gettyabargh, Union majority 95. Union gain 55. Mottg.mtry county-Morristowr, Union ma jority 46. Union gain 46. Bucks county-43cattering returns show a Union gain of 226. Dam his costly Union mejnrUy will be 1200. limitiendon county, thirteen districts, show a Utitn gals of 256. Berko county. throe war is of Reading show a Union lots of 115 note 104.4. r wooly, ton .11 cshliu show a Union 1,.,e of 130. Putquebanra county-Ensyithatina den. - 3 shown a Union majority of 99. Lincoln's ma. (05111 in 1904. 11. Union majority for Repre• genial:re 117. I.l.iladelphia county, third Ward, for Mayor. Fox, Di m.. 261 majority, galo 202. 6th Ward. Yox 421 majority, Democratic gain 213. Fouileetth Ward, McJfichael, Union. for Mayor, majority 705. Union loss 19. Fourth Ward, Fix. Democrat, 1396 majority-Union loss 627. Third Ward, Fox 410 majority- Union loss 266. The city returns Indicate McMichael's elec tion by a reduced majority in comparison with 1862. when Henry, Union. was elected by 5,020 . unainiity. PuiLhontroia, o.t. 10.-Sixteonth Ward, Mallehael 12 majority-Union coin 170. Elev enth Ward, Fox 3'37 majority-Union lose 47. Fifteenth Ward, idttfichael 1001-Union gala 285. Severn/1 Ward, .11.c22ictiaol 94 majority -Union eain. PHILADILPLIIA, Oct. 10.—Seventeenth Ward, Fox 848 majority, Union loss 148. Twenty-sixth (new) Wald. McMichael 812 majority. Toast' . - 11. th Warr% Fox 875 ranjority—Ual= 105 4 168. Twelfth Ward, Fox 13U 015jority—Uatom loss 1115. Ninth Ward, McMichael 210 majority, Union loss 131. Sixth Ward, Fox 291 majc:itY —Union loss 931. Fifth Ward. Vol maj Jr its—Union loss 216. Tenth " L '.'".:(d, Mollichsel 1,069 mojority—liglow gain. Thirteenth Ward, IdeMicb-AX l ‘ 7B majority—Union lose 207, Ft. Otttatil Ward-11c4Uchael 1.002 majority. 'Juko:galn 276 ; Fire. Ward. McMichael. 042 majority, Union loss 99 ; Nineteenth Ward, McMichael 274 majority Union gain 431; Tartly-first Ward, - ?M cMichael 291 majonty, Union gain 391 • six Union Wards to be heard from. McMich ael majority thus far G 3,710, it will probably reach 5000. Berko County—Reading gists 191 Democratid Majority ; totr town.shlpa glee a Colon gain of. 119. The Demoaatic majority will not anneal 3,000 A Union gatn 90Q, LehiEli County—Two township glee a Union gala of 889. Farther returns from Lehigh and Carbon cormiles .how Union galas. Backs eon:Ay—The democratic majority will not exceed 500. Northamtron county—The democratic ma jority la shout 3,000. Main coring—Union majority 40. Union lost, 58. Perry county—Eight districts shows a Union gain of 142. Philadelphia at:rang—The Second ward gam Fcx 107 majority, Union loss, 192. Twenty-second ward corrected, giving Me. Michael 746 Luderitz. A Union gain of 11.. Chaster connty—A Union majority of 1,900 to 000• a Union loss of 300 to 400. rtaladelnhla county—Twentieth Ward, Mc- Michael 341 urairitii trnlon gain 419. Twen• ty th ird Ward, elllchad 320 majority; Union gado. GO. Third Ward corrected, Fox 424. Fifth Ward corrected, Fax 416. A Roans for Auditor General from all the warts bat two of the city give General Ilaarenft, Union, G.G37 majority. McMichael's majority is 4,437, with the Eighth and Tsrenty-fourth %Veda to come M. Wartyd'lllehael3ol majority—Velem loss 13. 24th Ward, BPHlchael 297 majority—Ualon gain SO. This completes the city, tasting hi'. /Udine§ majority 5073. There is hat little doubt that the State Das gone Valor by a handsome majority The complete city • 00M glees Rartranft. Union, 7,431 majority, showing a gala In the city slope of 4,030. PIIII,MIELPTILk, Oct. 10.—McMichael, Eighth Ward, 5591 Union; lona 13. Twenty-fourth Ward McMichael 297; Union gall SO. This completes the city cote.marJpg Ilcatiehael's majority 5,073. There le but little doubt that the State has gone Union by a handsome majority. Oar papers tease net yet figured trp return,. The complete 'city vi le elves Ifartrantt, Union, 7.491 majority, showing a gain In the ehy el into? 4,030,' - Carolina state Conyentleui New Thaw, October o,—the 7S - ibeneis lets. r from Raleigh, dated the Sth Inst., gives the re port from the Boqins.i Coromittee of be North Carolina Convention of an ordnancolegahzing all lawn of the State passed bared° and place the anh of May, 1881, not niece repealed nod mord- Ifled, which are compatlEde with the Constitu tion of the United States; also, nil judicial pro ceedingt ; also, the acts of civil officers It State under the State lawn when consistent with their alb - emcee to the United Staten; also, exempt ing all civil and military °Matra from lirbllity from any act done under the authority of the State or Confederate Gov cromeut, with the proviso that nothing herein shell be construed to debar any citizen or the State from his civil action for the- recovery of darnagra on leceatit . of any Improper .at Rleaal execution of the law 'lmposing ouch duties . ; all other lowa or ordinance* are declared null • and void. Al; cmotracts made since the 90th of may, 1881, not incompatible with the Coabtita• Von and laws of the United States, and all the marriages which have been 'solemnised since - that time Ewe declared Medina., and all children born of such unions are legitimate. 'All mod and women slaves, who have cohabited as man and wile without lawful wedlock, ere permitted telnake oith of the same before the proper maz- Lstrate Dud have their felatlon ththltd es legal, and their children legitimatized from the dahs of said connection, Southern Sallrueuls,-Coallseated Property ==l NARaviu.r, Oct. 10.—A special to the Huss*, sap. the tbnmgh route from 'Washington. to Lynclibunn Knoxville, Chattanooga, and At lauta, end thence to .Augusta or.Niontimmory lei now open and communication perfect. The schedule time for making the trip from Chat tanooga to Washington:is sixty hours. .Me. Brownell V. Paf, of rho East 7 . 6.12e55CC and 'Virginia line, arrived in -thin city this even ing on his way north, to purchase additional roiling stock and fixtures for puttingtho road Lu . working order. At present, the speed on sottle - parts of the line is very slow, but this will ho increased no soon as the track Ls thoroughly 11.. , paired. Wm. Henry Prescott, formerly Assistant Sec retary of State. with (den. 'Coss, Is in the city seeking the 'restoration of sonic Sea island pray:- er t yi now On po.reesion of the frceduatn. 'He hos taken the oath of allegiance, but claims not to roma within coy of the excepted classes, . the receipts for internal Revenue today arc $14n,840,03. Ex-Marshal Lamm In Washlngton—Ward to be U. S. scuaLor front Georgia—Capt. CcttlVs Trial to Commence Soon. Wistuawrow, October 10..-Ex.-3iarshal 1.42- moo is In the ally and will• Open a law °Mee here within a fortnight: - ' Mr. Ward, of Savannah, a foimer representa tiv e of the United States in China, Is spoken:Of 08 the United Statesgehator from Georgia. The specifications for tie trial of Cam. Pettit, now in prison, are nearly made out. The tel will be commenced in the course of a few: days at Aleanndria, with Assistant Jud.T Alir" 3l4 Geaeral Gowan, to conduct the ease. Death of Coixiniodore illcrolNzgo='.ll!toct Seelotler, , , .„ New youn, Cletotob6 lib—Ex-Commodore Moore ; of the Texan Nary, died Thursday lasi this city, op apoplers, InAtt flAy-tlfth year of his egu. .• • - • . ' The' rather Mathew Toieferance Societies IT. this city, Brookiya,•WMltintslanh,GreenPoint, Jersey City and LtrAoria. to-'d•y• attended rho ag.,• rftentary of the birthday of ratuvr. The Societies - were qz - Loweir , by ArchbLihop Mc Clarkey. VOLUME I,XXIVLI--:-Wk 256. The Election In G eorgia T C orapl aluts against Negroes—Failure et the Crops. Nan' Yong, Oct. 9.—The llera/d's Savannah eorrespcndent says: The election lu Georgia was prceeeding very quietly. No mitititry were near the polling places, and ererythiog in con nection with the election was being managed by the civil cfficers. In the majority of the counties hat one ticket was roe, and It Is said that a frond class Of men have been selected for candidates. lu the Intenor of the State. general harmony prevails, the people accept with a fair amount of grace the new order of tningS, though platter's coming into Savannah from gome sec t:one. make strong wmplamtA of the (lei:roes neglecung their wok, and say that in reuse quence next year's clops will be a (allure. Gang of Countorfriters Arrested—The St. A lbaaa Case, TORONTO, Oct. 10.—The Government hILS had detectives two weeks Mintier a gang Of coon terfeltem of American silver. They hace•ar rested live wealthy farmers, who, it Is repre sented, for forty years hare been maeufactoring bogus silver, tear Sterlitz. They also captured all the dyes and money in the possession of the larders. They belong to every extenslne gang. of which suety of the drat merchants of the countts are numbered. The jar, in the Sander's kidnapping case disagreed, and were discharged after being locked en two days. The assizes opened here yesterday. The cases of the St. Albans raiders, the Lake Erie raid and the yellow fever plot are lo come on. Sentiments and Projce.s of (bp 1 7 :nians. ;Caw Yuan, October 10.—A fork letter to the Loudon Morning Star of the 7th inst. says BlS agreeable as it may be to oar them Is no such thing or active loyalty to Cite British throne among the orators. That stoulment Is confined rto the Orangemen But tito dlsatlß faction, I em quite satisfied, isnotatrotigienOlgh to secure a respectable Irish army of 'insurrec tion. Supposlngeren a contingent of American soldiers were landed upon Irish soil, thin are no arms amongst the Fenians of •the South, either In town or country, the Fenlans are unarmed. This, even the most boastful of the Body con fers, indemnifying themselves, however, by the assurance that they are to get plenty of weapons from America. Indian Affalrs---Geli.StUro Expedltlou tleturned Br. Louis, Oct. I.o.—The steamer . "'Rattle jkLiyrt from Fort Upton, Sept. 79th, reported the rattling of the laillan Commtaaton near Fort Berthold. proceedlog slowly Ia oenseqriate Pr low water. A pin don of GEM Flully , s army, en Mute for Sloe: city passed below Fort Mee. The re- Malnder were left at different forts along the river. All the Indians along itirsouri river - aro reported friendly. Bitty returned miners from Idorland bring a hundred thousand dollars In gold. Ohl) Election Cixcursarri. Oct. 10.--The election to this State, as ler as known, paned off quietly. The cilium, thus far, indicate a reduced vote and ecnsidi ruble gelne for the Mmocralle. ticket. Cincinnati and Hamilton cOnniie3 give Col. Onion, for Governor, about thirty-foot hundred taajoity; a Democratic gain of about totenty•foar hundred. SECOND DISPLEiD 0er.10..-12:30 A. 34.-,Cox has carried Ohio by about tweety.fire thoassad ms jorlty. Wolelde of a Default•r—Custom Hbusii7. polnimeitta. NEST Your, Oct 10.-:-Hobert Therp, book keener for Georee H. Hughes & Co., Rends street, La this city, while under arrest on a theme of being a defaulter to the amount of several tom, Ned dollars, Jumped [roma ferry boat thls morn ing, sod was drowned. He leaves a wlfe and two children.. • Collector King. has made fourteen appalat meats 1n the Custom Rouse, an the appointees being disabled aoldlena From Ramat Cliy. WASSIINGTON, Oet..lo.—Mr. T. Vanhorn, the member elect from Missouri, arrived this after noon, direct (tom Kansas City. Col:. Vanhorn has been in attendance at the great Indian Connell at Fort Smith, looking to the future de velopment of the western border, and will ba enabled to lay before the next Corigrau a most valuable report concerning the wealth, *rival- BIM and ta:v7ee: of has hahred prominentllla the lest ten pests. Wotern Missouri for omliz:cloud Papers Resuming Publication RICENOND. VA, Oat. 10.—The Commurc Bußetnt eatahnebteent was reetored td the pro prietors to-day, and the publication of the pa per will be resumed on laeaday, but for the present bilddlchurn will not be allowed to re tinae editorial control. The publicatien of the Enturrr will be bummed next week. : - TIIO Es- Miner will soon re open by Healy Ricca Pollard, late editor of the nalm. Arrival a! Troops—Trotting Dlatrh New Tonic, Oct. 10.—The eteamer3feClellan, !tithed from Hilton Head with troops. Gen. Weld, Colonels Brayton, ItcLaughlto And Oat hla, are among the passengers. Trot en the Fusion course to day, The geld ing Dater, matched to beat In 2:19, accomplish- cd the feat, mating the cells In 2:151,C; Pardons—Wlttudravral or Troollo from Kcntacky 'Nl'asnisorox, Oct. 10.—The President great, cd amnesty psrdons to ITS persotetiaidents of the Maloof North Carolina. It Is fold the Xxesiderd has directeddhe 'with drawal of the colored troops flora Kentucky, and the suspension of martial law In UM% State. North Carolina State Convention; IlarAmu, N. C. Oct. 9.—The No:thew:alna State Convention recoraMered to-day, and after making unimportant amendments, pasied again the ordinance flung the day for the election at Governor. Members of Congress, and Members of the Lo g i filature, on the drat Thursday In No. 'camber. No other businosawas transacted: YTa Late 'cenc.; . l4 Sat!ude:s4; . . . Nsw Yours. Oct. 10,—At a meeting of thst Wisconsin Club in Ude city, this eveninAnnlarc priate resolutions of condolence with the fanthy of the late Gene) al Horice T. Saunders vivo' unaninfouely adopted. All citizens of the State were inVlLeitto accompany his rersoirl to: the depot tomorrow. North Caroilito Convention. ka.tattan, Oct. 10.--Th - e Cooventloe anent the day' In dtscassleg the debts of the State. It tathenght that the Cm:mantles will 'hot in sane the rebel &ate debt. though come dele gates and a few outsiders favor the measure. The, .Conventlon moves slow, and will hot 'ad journ thlaweek, Ptogress of the Election in [Rllnde lphla . , PIITLLDLLTIIIA, Oct. 10.—The election pro. gieeces quietly. 'The indications aro that the whole pariy,tote will be polled., The ;neatest for Mayor Ili:citing the moat Interest, to„ ether with Bencthr from the nd district, there - being two, caedidates for the Utley 01114 on the Union ticket. , - Caton Victory - 1n New Jersey lialrAllS. N. Jr..ln tba charter election 'to- dap gra traionista carried tturelty by from 500 to Ouderity. Tne Union gala 1a 1.4 00 'aver lag October, and I=o over last Novercher.. Vnioniets also gained ihrett. or four Alder- Inca, 11: It, REEVEB; . - • •,..172,71MZ15L• " - • •Exultbile Strr..ets 3:04r . Fifth Stniat : 111:2tCOYEINS at every ocscslrettoet: (IRAtE. 6L TES arid FORNISSIING .Finit -PONES. ALL generally. , 431•MtE 4 . .EA4SE.azi!VOAII. ..111.6 - (ll`,4'Papaithal • t %V' or THE 8114110 N, Concert Hall Eaoe Store. a LL OOODtj&ND WINTER STOCK PI4ITICIILMILT SELLING LW THAN !t‘ias.r. MENB' H,EAVY SOOTS, gl,OO, • - 1 , • EVERYTHING ELBE itN PROPORTION. BARGAINS! FeARGAINS!* LL,L TIIIS-b4ONTtf. No. 60 FIFTA STREET. No Connecticv'h with any other House;, the City. CITIZENS, LROUSIS I • ANII - to Yoth Interest. TILE SEASON witiriou saw:rim PERCRASE ALL BUMS AND ABDE An :4 74WIFTH E'OREET.. You Receive a Priuni with each BOOR. OR ALBUM, WHIMS /S SOLDAT " draI PTIBLIS/Ml5 PBESISFIT9 WOlrta 01:M 59 e! TO Dot 'src au or send tbr a Cawiagaa. OAK HALL aLm=ci : :gousg, NEW Gre2DS 1K FINE OLOTWOOAT3.- seas C 341.3. ENGLISH W•aa=ct °O&M Animal:ls imt . -,a.L KUW3. FANO! CArVAATS. FIND awm t f: PANTS. PEG TOPIAi9TS and all sty at _ MMIGI3, EGA.P.DLIOF 0 On, FO/, TUL M9 - R OD P4lfh J. P . - S MITA: & C 74!):: oz.oranzas, DAIE atir t p, et Ears sr: Oppeeta the Opera'trouse ADDY & .1315UDID, PLUTICAL Eta= Gas and Stew ..12 Fitters; No. 165 WOOIkSTIMP, (OPPOSECE offultalw Pumps, Hydrauti,' Sheet Lead, LEAD PIPE, PIG CBII.IIIEAIA, Plumbers' HaterialfL in :General; . • -. • A S ent iliarjr*Z4ll4.B Mod ep Is be Mcst pPrpreit Style. .-. owilpichie or <Hopi:. attat alan owns immotairted j 163 IntalBENG, siaci:StaAf-;Pittang, In 'lntl branches, caratilly :)headed to, b 7 esp. Rented prsctleal workmen. :i.„.S.Etsamtortacuma, 43! GAS r.u.rusEsic . sufg ars-TuA l .„'• •. • , Oanstaatl7 on hazid and Au4ll =Att. TAU 09 7 trj ak . : If . Q 9 FEDERAL SpOMer,:#lllllzerm . , . • ' AM! f/27/ABElLTYs2.*ltralltalpthi ' Git c A003:1117..E. 3° " hosee344 raiz toirinsA 's s!abs r:es •"."- 110 begs Rio CoLftl, ; • - .• - toe halfebeaus:ltoperastal HymnHymnteas P -.• lfo barttle,delee °p P. F... 3l 44Paacz. , •“.;•-•71.0. •• - 7: , . . - (kb* • T.:if , .• . Ardclegaad ter gale E.I.EM 3 .A.T • RHO, lc ••• - ISt smut: Lllsext al••• ee2ll i P ICKLXS,' PICKLE443ICKLES. tb4. premiumTicklettKumlos, tit emu% „ • , pri rorrals 318.t.txxr1 .o , bait ' ' Uhrtpetted.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers