tSTABLISHED IN 1785. ht i# ii It Om*. CITY NOTICES Beantlfd - Goodi, Shim% Ice., nos , opening on the east orimer of Fourth and Itarket streets. O. FLayrscrsr Lovn k Eno. Vale bin Property gttAuction. will be 'sold at McClelland's Au°. iym,m, A 5 Fifth °treat, a fiery desirable two. brink ;,dwelling, with 'stable and carriage % sltnated'lli the Syedad Ward, Allegheny. .Wholsale as of Dry Goods' will find our 131.1 'took of Goodi, Flannels, Matte Murtha tee., the altraetlYeln the atty. An we ask Ls to cell na. :We will marinas you that we hare heaped atooleof (lohurts, De Latnes, Cant s, firutiels, Blankets, and other Dry Goode, city. Ilemeafter the place—on the north corner of Fourth and Market street. U. Bearsois-LovE It Bno New t . paid kvillt to the welt known Dry Goo Is le °Mates k Bell, No. Si Fifth street, a few done air can really sky that we were more pleaseebsts Well as surprised with the elegant il:Mtt qt , fress goods and sacque silks. Many am are noveltles,Oza - we Chine to the CO2Cill• that thls Is the Silk Howe. The Cloak Room laud to GIL Haase in worthy of mention. The 1,,,,, elthoegh pouanrstag three upper 'tort., ly, to oar opinion, went to the ex erne of Wing the grotuld_and meting a Very ammo - s Cloak Boom upon the ground floor, I me/ll ,fa the year of thlt store. Thin fitted p very Portably In the place where one- of the very d aasortments 01( Cloaks in W. city can be id. Coil ladles, the clerks love to show goods. To Dig Goods Denleis, r. Wlltiew Sample, the well knorgn dry goods er, of Allegheny, has now on hood a large and no assortment orplain flannels, white, yellow rid; plaid and country flannels. cloths and Mei es; French merinos, delsinet, and other cable dress gooda; pslols, gloglssms. Me. Also, Data, ribbons, tlowersiplumes, eta, stock to one of the largest ever 'opened here, Air. Scmples ittellitles far keeping up his k are ouch 'as to guarantee to his customers Their orders will be promptly awl salient:to. filled, it reasonable pr'cre. The attention of trade is specially directed to their house, as fag the most . - ailbatantlel wad reliable in a cttica octl".•2iv. Fall and Winter Go.odq 1 .Is with great `pleasure we call the attention of , • leaden to the superb stock of Fall arid Winter Aldred received by Mr. Sohn Weler, herchant , lor, No. 126 Federal attect, Akleghenp. His ek embraces some of the cutout soil most beau. . dClothspastlegeles,UvercoistingiaadVestusgs rbrought to I.fieweatelot 'biketer.t. Miassert ' at of Furnlalling :Goods, tomprialus irate, IWers, OollariOte . ick.tice, Ilandkerehle fs, Ice., not be susurpassed castor wegi. A large stock . eady.mado Pautei„ , Cloata, Vests and Overcoats hiss EiFfetuid at hlfrestablishment. Persons want of IWFUO u g isrigie clothing line saleable:Lot . ' Ito give air.' reefer a calL Beware of Ambuscades 1 'ew people realize the Int that disease lie., to hash everywhere,ready to seise upon the weak. e strong pass through many perils hr safety, the enapiless MIT the wayside. ti to amazing prat tke feeble should totter with `artaln steps over the fare of the earth in ann. every day of fsmeg ,vtettas to the morbid bac. by wbieb:iore'aib*"aniiiabtiddii, wheal a . . , 'tell and proven vegetable fordo, capable of en. ; , Wing theM wittrthe vigor they toed, is prooura• • lin every city, town and settlement. It might Asonably be thought that affeethe twelVe yeaits' e.rience which the World has find ofNeWret , ' , i 'a Svosreont Airigaß. a ll y/011W know that 1 4 t L to prevent Macaw. • , e fact la notorious theta : demi-of polson.which • - ' i lscarcely effeet a vigorous marriaperfdet health 'llt kill a weak one. Now what la the cause t*Pidedd.didedaeat , Paine; to the air. At this 'MU the ittmespiteto is • s u rcharged with the . r eds of intermittente, - remittents, rhenmariaro, Ibuonary disorder., billions complaints, and the - I, , e. Femme whom, nervoua systems aro relaxed +, the first - to anew:mob to theaedistempers. Brace y i the physical energies them, with this putentici 1 -:' , , 7 '''getable tonic. Ii is the moat powerful h recuper - e Which thebotantokin,gdoM lea/sever .1.,.. ~ ,'", tient researeb and , eltperiment. Try It The ~ Indent dhictple of the old medical dogmas will at ' - 'i ' - Ist admit that a tonic. and alterattve,coinPound , ,i• 7qof approved herba, roots and barks, can do no - •i, ,nto, while the teatienony or thousands Invites a 1., :till °rite vlrtuii. . - . , Thomas M.-PAM - On Co., .fu I r A cal Slate nooftis, and fleafMa la Amettean •: of eariour colors. Mice at Aficuinder ..` Italia% lee* the Water . Works. 11/labia:O. I', Ecaidence s No. la' Plka stivet. Orders 4_' pmptly attended to. All worn warranted water ~, cot. Repairing done at the chanter: notice. No ' t aiga an repairs, provided the mar fa - not ..tlised 'Ault L vat on. -, . 1 • Carpenter Jobbing Stops t, re urned aftsr.an absence of three lean ithe stmt'. I bare re.openedhly shop for all aortr jobbing lnihe carpenter - 11ns, - at tho old stand, Allen b oilmen Sgulh a• d Mood. and Cherry fray. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. ° The-Teeth (Men Die • ' '.'dog before the system loses tta youthful vigor. ,o.ts should not be so. To prevent this species of Ulll3 'Fragrant SOZODOWT. .It keeps the Intel bone alive, the enamel `spotless,. the gums .y end elastic, the breath pure and the mouth '.an. . Eno . OR Company. , •thrlog to net quorum belay present at toe Stock- I r .',,,,„. ' .".• ;-..... a' Meeting on Saturday Lot, there will be a T . , ieettng of Stockholders, on Wednesday, the tub .' at., at 3 o'clock. By order of the Board. . . ~( i ! Ilcruaire WILLY, In., Secretary. On the Counter, 4 112 Federal street, second door from the Fuld hdtonal. BASS, good butter ecotch end cough Indy. Mendfactured and sold by George Beeven. Oct. 10,-la. Just Opened. „Fr new clothing House, at at rim street, Where j t j o °Car t. ^ ,o[o wotth of clothing r-ardlasa of r rOt, at Oak HAIL oct. 5-2 f. Sew Complimner, in Louisiana Airsirs— Washington items. wonurarosr, Oet.lo —A special dispatch to Heralde says: Some new complicatlons seem a have arisen inLonlelana affairs. Provisional imrernor Weals seems to have made some doubt. 1 11 appointments In Gen. Canby'e ophdoo, and therefcre calls for the political antecedents of appointee!, before allowing them to out& 'open re discharge office. of the duties of their Gen. Iberidan Is understood to approve his proceed t ge. The President Is reported to have sent for I ,:cretery Stanton on hearing of the imbrovdo, d Inquired with some warmth whether the in , Nrference of the military Commanders was by :Vder of the War Department. Mr. Stanton. by kie same authority, acclaims atty and all Inter - Armee and left the onus on.elther Gen. Canby !, ' 7 .' l ' Gen Sheridan. According to the report of the 4triv, President Johnson la determined to sup ;prt Governor Wells'and to tolerate no interfer. with his Imitimate duties. 4The garrison of Washington is at present I,33mForied of Wen regiments of the Veteran_ .geserve corps: The 7th, 9.th. 10th. 12th, 14th -"ad 39th, a l so the 3d and 10th regiments of States Infantry and the 195th and 219th Siaylvenla regiments ' and the 194th Ohio teen,, nth:abating in the aggregrate about 000. None tint the sth ,holted 'States cavalry 2i on duty 4t General GrinVa headquarters. ;!_tel duty required of these troops, }alight It being morel:hen paixolingtheLong Bridge and doing arddnty akthe Whitehouse and at the parlous'fork houses iv hero surplcui 'Government pro iln-t# Is kept. ;',ls this property is fast being 9-sfesed of at auctiOn aid,privato sale, the gar son ero long be reduced to merely an or ..i.a*tal body bf hoax:: .... ~ 4 'oL K ctrong or Mose y in Navy Yards for ~. , political ,lgtr4oses Abolished. ;.i titw Tons, Oct. 11,--The order of Secretary , Tleges, prohibiting collections or money for po -I.ical poricises, from milkmen, In Navy Yards, . .ii problished. , " The Secretary notices the attempt -)ltistify this practice by the claim that It has :wetoforit' prefalled Studer - 411 parties, but he LAM not, 'consider the excuse, of any validity, 'tea therefore tap. that an Immediate stop `moths put to slime. The Navy Yards aro t,:i be kept free from political meactivreing, and tiverrone will be anwed to report to them for , Aii. mucosa Of electioneering or to collect thuds 'io advance the *meet of candidates for office. 1.. i 'the:et:L*7 him also Issued a circular, which -.' vealreadyinoticed, direr-tins &heti:larcener li - lesuokus for:the position of master work j'r , must be in Westin Made to the bcrenivotyarns - and gion. eiT Trotting Match; Him YOU" OC4 it meta for 1 5 ,060 r ogid.C.oo, that the trotting home Dexter cold ,-tit trot a m1 14 31112:19, waa won by the borne glt the rublon Coma yesterday. He having Iniieendished the featiald.64-6, making ty9 egret time on record.. • .11_ THE ELECTION ON TUESDAY. AA A:{ti:lN4aillinill'aVOlktil:4o:! We present In tabular form all the returns from this county, received up to four o'clock this morning. We smelt the complete returns before attempting an exact estimate of the re sult. udaor Sur v't d 4- General. Gen'l. Att'y. frol:rr. EBEEES2 9.12,5925 lOU. -.. • _ _ First wsr „ .. . ......... 301 82 2* 84 299 79 295 82 Second Wool-. ... .-_ .Z.5101:9;7 101 282 lot 2..1 99 Third Ward, Ist prec 149 .43 4:1/7 450 129 444 114 495 Fourth W ord ........_ .3231116,324 116 . 333 114 331 111 Fifth Ward, lat; proo,' 149 153 1 4 8 151.162 1&2 153 151 do 2d do :2471 365 i 227 268 . 3 40 253,233 '63 Sixth Ward 146 7 .95 454 225 ass 225;457. 222 15aveoth Ward 1147. 90 ' 1,19 83 , 149 83:150: 63 Eaghth Ward .... ....1258' 2 5'932 99 263 99 t 260 • 89 96E 6 i.t, W or d_ .... .......126611141296 115251 116i292f tl2 T00thtar,u6............ 216 101'97,121 klaxon 1.3,T. ' • roodard 40, 0 89,401 89 B3 493 as SWard 466 161;461 16 467 i7l 451 059 Third Ward, let pros 2,921 0 1331 5 7 320' 81 331 90 do 0,1 do IV 'IQ 167 156 183 161 186 Fourth Ward, Ist do 428 113 44 7 145 442 141 445 144 do 2d do 11006.121 105 123 815 121.101 1.34 109 164.130 146 109 349 lug iers;l33 137'13 7 167 131 167 132 237 , 2 6 6 . 241i= 241 297 24 , . 205 - 9051166 : 107.155 105 163 199 153 87,118 69 118 hi 166 ES 70 46' 73 45 00 00 73' 49 106, 1 ,1 .105' 68 105 59 104 59 136, 112 117 109 117 111 119 111 I 4 1 0~ 437 32 130_ 6.7. It 11 80' 57 81 1i Sz 5,, 63 511 132./ 21 .1 3 4 IN 12 1 122 133.121 67 33 06 33 91 33 9, 33 33 18 33 II 23 17 33: ,7 80 no L.ll S. Birmingham, let pree Ilirmlogham, 24 pret East Manchester South Pittaburgh__. West Pittsburgh ..._ Temperancevllle Lawrenceville,tat pr LawreucevUle, 211 pr Duquesne aspsbu rg Tarenrum. West Elizabeth_ TOWSIIII,I, Lourty Co lo n y ..... McClure ...... Rosa Reserve ... . Lower St. Clair Plum Marshall tiewtelLiey.— ()hustlers Scott Robinson Upppvv St. Ulan Smith Fayette.. North Fayette Harrison Crescent. 209 - 73 163 73 206 74 114 1 74 163. 26 155 21 184 26'103' 25 lab; 39 116 39 119 3 5 3'114' 39 L.. 64. 69 ,161 7., 89. 72, 65„ 73 ,„, 13. 3 ; C - 1177 63 168 611167 64 81,172 93 167 92171 1 94 141•200 0 145 196 139 107 1511189 240-7491243 62 00' 06.231. 67 1291253:134 2 4. 9 ,129 452034,253 1115 69,116 6 I 113 5 5 IL, 63 145 . 15b , 143 151 143 158'143 166 5 0 , Ml' 22 no .2 ., 60 .... 69 'n 69 231 80 2.3 57 23 ••••• 66 66 69 5.5' 65 /6 69 69 108 73 110 73 11* '73 111 71 .... 63 . 34 83 34 Bt 34 HI 31 117 67 114 67 141 57 Ito 57 63 63 61 44 63 15 63 15 ..... 119 46 117 4.5 111 47136 47 ... 131 55 101 56 102 6.1 191 67 121 21 120 21 121 123 25 ~,. 79 19 , 13 10 16 75 47 SO 25 79 a; 80 25 73 79 .... 27 11 25 11 '35 11A Dear. S Set, Cam', Burrs. P D. c a r. P .7.. : : kis:renolo,l I 1 143 Ward_..... 996 1 ' 131 29 - 2 65 n. 5 SI 291 82 060 ' 000 2d want. "49.1e1 M 2 101,290 1,9 MC 100 000 0,,, 34 ward 1121 482 120 446,765 138 111 441 000 Ow 412 ward ;319'1'6 319 114' 347 114 418 719 am coo 528100/23,134p1149 154 152 164'163 151.118 itkl 020 030 do. 24 p,=l We 331.262'233 : I AS =0 ^an WO 098 64h ward-.... 1442 .222 451 .11314: t3S 222 434 229 aat neo 730 ward ...... 146' 89 149 87.150 97 145' tit too col 8111 ward 1168 91-.267 90 258 88 254 86 000 ow QUI weld =6 11l V 6 1111 ZS 111 V"; 128 Ov Co° lOLLI ward.... 213.D52.209 2 16 115 177 211111 MO coos Al.r.zoß - Mre. 1 ' ' • : ist ward— 11131 612378 85 325 93.403 92.000000 24 5aard..........4,53.161 451 1631:459 : 1601463 16710139 IVO 3d Ward, (alp. 321: 91 311: 91.330 91 E9' 89212 Y 00 do. 24 p i 17e1183269 176:165 . 183:164•152 . es t ,. 4171 ward,tet p,430:146:420 147 ittato9oiooo 000!030 o'3o do Id p 11231102121:110:11.232081128.1050090,090 0120190110, 1 • • 1 , , . ,' i ' 13 Birto 1. 2 P• - • 141!116 14-1:tto 14 2 .1.07:14.5 ; 109 1111246 do. 24 p.... 1171 4421ViettP 121: tan 1E3.722 121‘130' LES:I2I/100.:224 213 241 "k 37 239 870:236 299 233 279 15 33131133 ttet "": 180 15511 73 : 4515 . 1913755 ;a39 L 6 4 ,19.1 163 S. Pitfiiborglc Its, 9011111 29 IVY 961716 90 116 'B9 W. Pie l . ll2 /'3ghl 72. 461 'W. 46 72 46' : 73 46 72 46 TentWeevllle 1031 aslica: 57',004 00.230. Mit colooo LA5N'441.6,1 1 , 1 136, 82133 kJ in 61235. 82 195 32 do: 2 P218: i 21'112 112 , 111 112019 ill 414 114 SlUrdi3llll-1134,1 v1 133 113 9 2 34 i123223 1 122 1 114ii24 D0c 222 0n• .• • I 824 tYll 801 59 el. 0,8: 63 79 54 Tancatuna ...1 97 ' 331 97' 33 97 M 96. 32. 921 31 4,1 W. Ellkabelit 93 1 18 31 20 37: 161 33 17' Tr 22 TOWIS&1311,- i 1 0011102 207.10:202, Lieer l s ' 160 : 27 4 162 1111.10/1. 113, 11 . 3 lacelare. 86. 72 82f PAL— —.• 11131 Eo 3621 Rona 1107162;1M: Reserve-- 1122:122 06.1 LElktn.----119. t8;2.3. 2 Et-01 i 4n - !) 2 26 . 2.39 . 1M , I l'lnm--......-. 214 59 113 111111110 - 3 244 86 , 143 Manumit 12360 21 Sewickley.... -L9 V 6, Chart!, es ..... '. 09 66. 59 Ve180LU133.... 210 721101 5.c0t.t...--1 . 83 34 82 Robinson —. 1 142 57 142 U. St. Ulalr... 1 . GI 47 64 Bildtain....•••• 113 in 137 Fe1t0n......... :Po: 65 , 102' S. F•yettr......113 30 114: P. Payette... : 113 47 80. Hull3oo 60' 73 0re13e57.....: , II I V : II • 73,206 74,202 71 • 296 27 161, 21.162 26 169 26 41 0 ,, M, 00 116 35 119 36 • 71111 , 491 59 74 89. 631 61{175, 73 Y 74 83 171' 73 62 1 101 65 1 109 62 : 103 61 Mil 153 182 1 1441191,165 1194 51 000L0 Hl O OOO , 00 COCO 01 I ST i 1. 1 3..260 . 138 233 260 67 1011 59 ILI 60 111. 69 115' 144'157'143 154 111 167 IP 2 2 53 22, 50 22' 00 M 69 22 53 22 69 23 55 55 57 8555 61 t 2, 11 909 Ta Ito' , 351 66 ' 12 35 85 35 85 32 82 21 57 140 23 142, 57,139, .37 42 60 44 65 42 67 61 13 111 46 IM II 114 47 66 101 63 102; cz 0021 63 30 121 15.1.21 23 1211 23 44 79 47 M . 00 IV' 66 15 76 29 'l9 23 73 IN M. II M 29 11 , 'M ASSEWBLV. rT-11:5V,2 o,itql - 5 ••,, -; t :„, • I; Pitt, I , . . . 1 936[01308,110 863 110 300 301, 73, 72 71 72 12 78 2.69803.293 291,193,276731 f 93 93 94. 93 93 99 3 par:1 1 317118110 11l 119'117'411 432 452 450 ' 433 451 4 53.26,399 , 1930,019 328 153 310.193 114.111, 5.1 901301149 1139'151 : 14 4 ,8 49,140:L51:144,143'153 MI 6w 2,1!52929 533M0 92312810 =3,2331261'26a 209 Sward .454 434,459!4.35'4334.51 337 227 2,17 , 2 N 230 226 7.338 142'143':140143 160142' 89 91 5521 89 99 9/ 853931261261 261 991 251 . M, Tr 90 90 90 89 89 9 yard 133,7143 Zl7 302 2773 ZO,llO 116 116,116 1/6 115 10 .11,212914212,221.2530 214195 , 141 1131 190 120 MO 111, 161 1 1 I i 1 .1 1 weudieo3,4o3 291 , 492'391 3331. 22' 94 el! 64. 61 62 2 53363,4574/31 129 478 4-16 437 1 113162 199 166'171'1Z 399 1 1 1. 3301331 313 331 318 329' 90. 90 90 90 91 6.3 3 w 2 1 ,. 170,170.159;1 7 / 3 ,1161,118 234 186 1155 163 186 185 4 iv 1 p 453,402 438,453,451,447 1.37 , 147 136.338 136 1.37 4 lir 2 6 , 1Z1132,121 ] Ll3llB 1.22 1014103 339.105 161 .105 floros.' I i Dm I.p 145.145 136 ,1 4 5i242 1 146:11C1.14 , 117 115 111 114 Bin 2 p• red 184 18:1' 1821184;180 137,137 139 136 . .210 137 E 1313 , 237,937,535:938,973,339 309209 216'.'93 206 203 Man 3,1961101,182 , 9 , 2731:0;202 1158,169 168169 155 155 SPILL, 110116 115 . 116.1.75“14 5:;) 83 89' 89 88 ES WPlts 73 , 731 73, 73!' 72; 63, 48, 00 OD, 00 110, a) pewee. 911109,1081 901106 63. 58: COf 00, co, no 00 1, , e1p 117 117 1 117 117117 117-113,1.3 113 , 113 113 113 1, , 6 9 61136 136, 62‘,82. 811 11.31 W. 92 bwe 1 60; 79; 78 80 76 711 69 3* 59 691 59 59 Ellen us 132 132:113.132 133:196 126,125 135.125 131 Tar'n3 ' 97 77 97 ; 97. 07 97' 23, 33 33, 33 31 34 W.L'Il: 33 33j aa ..13. as 33 Is IL , 18 VS le 18 T 54.111 ! i i I , . • ' wi1ea , 237!9:37.2.39 940 9:5) 933 67 38 67 57 67, 63 01311 . 4.1526 2115:909 1 298 MG 239 73 73 73 73 73 73 Litor.:l64 184153 165 , 144 183 , 97, 77 27: 27' 27. 78 Union; 09 , 00 , 117 Oa , 133 00' 01 39 09 131' 00' 07 111 , 1.1 e j ea 90 86 68, 66 87, 75 136 73 31 74 73 P313....1171 , 181 179 181'179 189' 56' SD . 79 87 74 59 Ron.. , 1011 109 103,109 107 104 63 61 63, 83 63 83 E., senlls3 163'163 . 163 163 163.191 191'191 191191 191 1.91(1.'120 126 125 126.126 125259 257 267 237 957 157 P1601..111e 185 , 115 7151112 116 60 80 67 0716.7 60 29312 6'141 141141 1441133 143 166 167 167 157 137 136 Mae! 92 = 2.:. 26, 22 22, 50 55 53 50 50 60 8 wklyl 69 59 67, 59! 50: 57. 23 23,33 23 93 - , = 1D h 4 3 ,4; 60, 69: 49, 59, 59 69 63 81 65, 6.3 55, 55 V 3351 3 ,110108 109 110 1 ,1i* 110 73 73 73. 60 73 61 Brott. , , 83• 83 , 83. 53! 83 83' 34' 34 34 33 31 31 R09'6130 142 142:1411149'141: 68' 3.3 67 57' 57 57 Ugt C' 66 06. 00 651 66 61 43 43 43: 43 43 , 43 113.431116115 , 115 116'115,115 49 49 49 40 49 49 1 Pat30&191101101'111 101,, 97 07 67. 67 67' 671 67' SSJOeI 99'106'169421 109'1191 ril .28! 091 28i 7.1 as M. Pei 773 3 77', 71! 79 771 77, 4s 60, 48 49 1 48 45 1130.411 78 ; 78 , 76; 73 j 76! 78 301 30 30 ' 30 , 8 0 1 30 4.3tea'l.; 11l i'l 11; 11 1 11, Ili 28; W. kb, 24 98, Z Troops Furnished by Misslssippl—Prom Mexico—President Juarez at El Passo —Public lauds. Maw Yotut, Oct. 10.—A special to the Herold dated 10th nape: Adjutant Geo. L. Thomas re• potta that the State of Mississippi alone it cred• Ited with having furnished upwards of seventy nine thousand negroes, and one thousand whites toicourmand. them. They are represented to have been raised during the years 1813 and 1864, tor service during the war. Mr. &mese, the Mexican Minister,• has in telligence that President Juarez was still In El Passe es late as the 15th of September. if forced to leave that place, he de , igued movinz to Sonora, but in no erect did be contemplate giving a,, the contest or quitting Met;eau adi. During the mouth of September 3.463 acres of public lands were taken up at the land ollite In St. Croix's F 4.1116, WUr,noiu , nod upward, of 5,000 acres were entered at the all te to Testimony 01 Colored IV Unease, New Tone, Oct. 11.—Provisional Governor sharitey, 01'1.11E41E011pp, on the 95th nit., Issued a proclamation In regard to the reception of tes timony of colored witnesses. The Governor says that In all civil or vim heal cases In which th e tha ts Or the ncgroes are involved, their testimony may be received in the courts of the State, subject to theaame rules as govern the taking or evidence of white persons. Tole was issued after an agreement had been entered into with Colonel Thomas, Assistant Comman der of the Freedmen's Bureau m Mississippi, by which that of consented to transfer all muses affectingnegroca from the military to the local civil tribunals. Arrivakof .Gunboats. law Toast. Oct. U.—Within the past twenty. tam hours there has been a unusual arrival of gunboats. They consist of the double turreted monitor kteagtonanlab.• The aide wheel and old blockade runner Trbstrom Shandy and akar of war, jest come in; Whoa° name we have not yet ascertained. 4: Pt G AZE 114'. VERY LATEST NEWS. Our Special Dispatches PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION ThE LATEST RETERXB. Union Majority About 10,000 to the Pittebeerh ci,ette ft/L....DE.1.PR lA., Oct. 12. —NI ',,al ichaer maj2r • ity for IlaroF, 5,109; liartranit for Auditor General, 7,092; Campbell far se-veyor General, 6,750. All Union city tickets elected. Two Untodlt :nears, 6steno 17 am] wad three D:ml erat Assenah' yam elected. 51 t ia. I: abn can'. date for District Attorney, his 8 .0 i) ,n aj The vote in the city was the lar4est ever east except at the Presideatial election—not less than 87,000. Tn the 2.i mmatorial District. Ridgeway, Union, has nearly twelve hundro.i majority, not, withstanding the split iu the party in that di.+- inlet. The Union inajorty In the City On the Stateticket is 7,70 d. The full vole polled In the city Is eighty-seven thousand. WASHINGTON COUNTY WASIIDIGTON, Ps., Oet. 11.—Wei5hingtoo borough, Ittpublicao majority of ono voie. The first time ever the R:p..v.ii,ons carriel the town. Eeventeen districts returned show a net Union Fain of :254 flyer the vote of lest year, when our majority was ICC In the county. The majority In the county will be between four and five hun dred. Twenty.three districts are yet to bear from. JEFFERSON COUNTY BROOKVILLE. Oct. 11.—State ticket returned a majority of over 2.000. Mike's majority over Blood in over 2,100. Assembly return a majwl ty of over 2,000. Indlann County an :-igbt. nt v [LLB. oc:ober 1 I..—F ay,:c roan ty has a democratic majority of about seven bun- Crtd atd tifty. A. EL dusty. UNIONTOWN, Oct. ll.—Ttre Democratic ma jority In this county will be about 550—a Colon gain of :150 over last year's vote. BEDFuttD COUNTY 13zori , iin, Ott. 11.—Davis and Linton will have about one hundred and thirty. majority in this county. A Union gain of about rive hnn. dad. Legislative ticket about the same. SOMERSET COUNTY, STorsrowN, Pe., Oct. It —The Union maJorl. tyta the boringti and giencithohing township in TS, a Union gain of 14. The county will go about the sam4 no last (alt. IST Associated Press.) rrtuAltlO.Pkell. Oct. 11•—Rcuurna of the elec tion from the littertor of the State come in very !UV. ly, and as; yet are very indelicate, bat It Is v ry geverellytconceded that the Union malori— ty will be about 10.000. In Philadelphia. McMichael's majority Mr 5103 or to 5,109. Hutranft's majority for Au. tiller, General, 7,692 ; Campbell's majority for Surveyor General, 7,750. All the Union city ticket le elected. Two Union Senators and fif teen 0 . 111013 and three Democratic Assemblymen are elected. Then Union candidate for District Attorney has 8,000 majority. The vote In the city. as the largest ever cast,. except at ?reel dentin] election, It be-1;11111ot lens then 87,000. • Bedford collets , gives a Democratic majority of abaft 1,000; a 'Union gain of over 500. Cbe t acr county gives a Republican majority of 2,000; a tri1101:1 lose of 350. Montgomery comfy—Rettiros from 27 cat of SS districts ahem a l'aion gain of 331 over the _vote..of 18ca. , The Tftiion majority to the State Ls estimated at ten thousand, with gains or several Member* id Assembly. In Philadelphia, John Given, the Union candidate for City Comosiseioner, le de— feated by a small majority; D. P. Weaver; (Dem.;) being elected by 1,147 majority. Given running neaFts 9,000 behind his ticket. THE TROUBLES IN KENTUCKY Alex, U. Stephetta , Release Urged PEIITION FOR JEFF. DAYW PARDON Compound Interest Notes NirceLal Di.pstela to the Plttsbu gL Gazotte. rititezet.rm.s. Oct. 11, 1363 President .Tolamp will take no fr-'er action in reference 14 the Kent nth trouble, until he hears from General Thotnas. It in said-that the colored troops will be Rithdtaxn. Goo. fiber man Is said to denounce General Palmer's , rale. Many leading radicals are said to be urging the release of Alexander H. Stephens. It Is not true that Trenholm, We rebel Secretary of the- Treasury, is a prisoner in Fort PrilaskL lie was paroled some weeks since. Nearly all the rebel States have now sent to President Johnson pe titions for the release of Jett Davis. The Ledger says that the funding of compound interest notes and other :martial In the new firotwendee goes on slowly, and that up to Monday evening only fifteen millions had been so exchanged, but the favorable news from Lon don will probably aid the loan. The &Tairer says that the whole loan has already been taken. The Age faintly claims that the Democrats have carried the State, but waits to hear further. • Ile tone le very desponding. 0111cial advicee say that Jsurez is WS in Mexico. The leading Union men here claim that we have carried the State by five thousand ma jority. W. OHIO STATE ELECTION Republican Majority 25,000 Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Clszatte. Commune, 0., Oct. ll,—The latest returns show twenty-rive thousand majority for Cox. Sixty Union repreaentatives and twenty-one Union Senators are chosen. The House will stand about one hundred and bye Union, and Ile Senate thirty-seyen Union—a large major ity in each. Jeff. Davis' New Quarters—Rumors Re. toting' to tits Trial New Fong, Oct. 11.—The Herald's COMB. pendent says Jeff. Davis expresses himself greatly pleased In his change of quartent—tem porary steps have been built admitting him to Carrot Nail direct. He taken his walks daily, and continues in the enJoymeta of excellent health. There is the same guard on him now en from his first entrance to the Fortress. New rumors are getting circulated as to his trial, bet no trace, of course, to any reliable source. The most Important of these rumors sets his trial to commence In a few days, and to take place here. A counter rumor gives Washington es tits place of trial, and the time for It to conk. mence directly at close of the Wire examination. Amid these conflicting statements and surmises the only satisfactory recourse, after all. is to leave the final decision of the matter to time, that great arblter of events and destinies. Pardons Granted—Cabinet !leering—ln- terual Revenue Receipts New YORK, Oct.ll.—The 21mrs' Washington special says: The President t 3.day granted one hundred and seventy-five pardons, all to Muth Carolinians of the 520,000 class. The cabinet session was brief, and was atten ded by Messrs Stanton. Welles, Dennison and Harlan. Megan'. Steward, Speed and McCel lock are still absent. -. • . The Interne] Revenue receipts to-day reached but g 679.813,14. They are always light on Tuesday, but from the present clans to the close of the year they will doubtless show a consider-, able falling oil. Cherter:lrMeetion In New Jersey—Whole Union Ticket Elected. NEwA2II, N. J., Oct. 11.—At the Charts elee lon yeeterday the whole Onion ticket wee elec ted by over 1300 MajOrity—Ualon gain 0(2400. The Unirmlste gain tour Aldermen, Every de partment of the eltv government Union (or the first time to elz Years. Gold. NEW Yong, Oct. 11.-Gold, ; Ball weak. Gold 16 abundant and loans - are nude flat. The , downward turn In exchange' keeps the premium down. The quotatiOue. have ranged at !mg@ 145%. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1865 NEW THOM REGULLTIORI. Trial of General Briscoe INTERNAL REVENUE DECISION WAR.INOTON, Oct. IL—The Treasury Depart ment has issued regulations, the substance of which wag published several days aga for the removal under bond, without the prepayment of tares., of taxable products or manufactures with in the limits of the late insurrectionary districts. but requiring the tales to be paid to the Collect or of Internal Revenue. at the port of destine tion, either New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore, Boston, Cairo, St. Louis. Cincinnati. or New Orleans, The regulations are not to be held to apply to the removal of distilled spirits. coal oil. manufactured tobaceo, snuff or cigars, matches or quicksliver. which are fully provided for under the mutations of May Ist, 18115. The defense of Gen. Briscoe, charged with the larceny of certain money, opened today. Ills counsel propose to show previous gooa charac ter, as a brave, faithful and efficient officer. . . _ . The Judge Advocate objected to the question asked of Ma). Gen. Curtis to this effect, saying It had been too common to bring before the mil. itary officers of the court, the conduct of the ac cused parties In the field, when It had no rele vancy. Good conduct In the field might however be the fore• round for Execntive clemency. after a party had been sentenced, but It was not with in the provinrc of the court to entertain any such consideration. Th- Cononi.ioner of Internal Ilceenne hos canned the snt.fcrt of the tient:n.l , of cluvinz cards, properly stated by the manufacturers, to an additional stamp duty in the bands of re• toilers to be carefully reconsidered. After giving grounds of his decision, he concluded as follows "lam of opinion that where the man ufacturer of playing cards has affixed stamps appropriate to the price per pack at which he sold them, the subsequent vender should not be required to affix any additional stamp thereto." CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA Fears of an Iniasiou al Panama fiVIT, WAR IN PERU Nrw lout. Oct. 1::.—By the Wean queen we have Havana dates to October 1,4.. ' Panama L. been kept nightly excited by re ports of an anticipated invasion to release the rebel prisonersaad to , =eivr the President. The excitement has abated however by the Presidani potting the prisoners on board a vessel and sending them to their homes In the Canes. Theleaders, ex President Collanchaeols, Nervo sa, Valera and a few others were shipped off to Jamaica and Santa Martha. Busint.s.9 is stag nant. The United Stales steamer James Adger had returnee. to Asplawall from a cruise to Rio Hakim, where it rem reported that th 4 Milted States Conanlate had bead attacked by the re title and the premises sacked. It appears that the report was a ruse to get foreign vessels to go there sea frighten the revolutlooists, but it did not succeed, and the revolutlonlate hold pun stealer' of the place. They have also undoubtedly got possession of Pants Martha. TYe rebels appear to bu making headway throughout the Republic, and though ,; new Government la to be inaugurates next Ape;?, It Is doubtful If the present tan Sustain neelt to,t :Les• The steamer tr.),M Centel A nier,ea, in' formation of great dlasitiefaction throughout 1111 the Republic. agettal Ralvador the brutal execu tioner of ex-President -- • - - • President Dufmaa is obliged to keen his berme guarded, and dare not go abroad or receive any one from fear of using imaatattiated. From Pere. we learn that the rebels still hold the Chinchalslacda against tiro Peruvian gov ernment, but allow American. Pin llsh and French vessels to land ander their regular char ters. Mitten, however, look a Llttie favorable for the government. The Bmintsh fleet had left for Chill to settle matters there. 80 lathe course of a month intcreating news mao-bc, looked (or from there. Dates (rem Valparaiso to Sept. 10th. from CaLao to the !get, and from New Zeeland to Anunst 9th, had bean received et Panama. The Chili= 'Congress was still occupied on the remarms in the constitution. Trade was satisfactory, showing a large increase in cue. toms. Ia Nco 7.calawl the Nl:l,i 1,0 urn,ll) &Innl n liritinh iiovernnsimt and maKt, and ere,. „ Caratht, Lad cajun. The mar nee rousideml th,u. tiatiofis f,or peace had been runt-laded. The "(..1'.111141e.11•• ont., million t;t httodn,l thott.luld, hatAted 31111 ,even a„UHrT Trut.inrc Field, of San Fran, o , la .11floo; pat.ficugvnl. Finance and Trade ln' New York. New Yono, Om. I 1.--Goverument securities maths°, strong under the stimulus of foreign orders for five-twenile• and the growing strength of our securities abroad. Some Im porters have bought for remittances to lieu of exchange. The old issue sold at 104;4. an ad vance of within three don. The new bout advanced y,. Seven-thirties were offered more freely. Some of the western banks are sellers. ' The third issue declined 14. New one year certificates are more to lams od and rose The mlseellaneoua list was generally lower. Coal necks show • deaths of I®2 per cent. Railroad stocks were lower throughout the Ilst. Money is a turn easier, though the demand is still very active, The majority of the tran.sar tloes on call loans are at 7 per cent. There is, however, a good line of exceptions at 6 per Per cent. Rankers are lending very little, and and the wants of the street have to be supplied chiefly at the prlvate bankers. The western cities ate borrowers. Discounts (»mimic art :yr. The supply' of ' " ' • paper exceed:4 Ue demand. Prime ptptr is cm rent at ,cell per ,•flt. Good names are Ms counted as high as nine per cent. Three Is at present is large animmt of paper offering. at .I(a.. per rent. Cotton bills an: shoelhot at 9412 per cent. If the ',resent partial stringency should I.e maintained, relief will he sought In the falling 41 of the temporary loans front the Treasure. Already notice has !wen given for the paytnent of derstslts at the SuteTou•tury. At the Set-ond Board then teas 3 general Improve molt to Stocks. Governrnent stocks were very aetloe and higher. Ilve-Tlventle. rose Xt., cud the nee issues 3 ,:c. At ten morning board. stocks opened firm and cloyed with a slight improvement. GoTent meets more Aware, especially s:2o's and 7:3o's, ohlch have advanced. Compound interest notes are rather better. Railroad shares bald for an advance, Illinois Central was the strong set on the list. Another vigorous bull move. Meet seems protable. The mLscellaaeous list was generally lower. Coal stocks declined le per cell. At the second regular beard and last session of open board, the stock market was steady and the tendency towards higher prices. There V an improved demand for stocks generally and the market is steadily recovering from the recent scarecrow of tight money. Thera Is a gradual but lure absorption of dividend paying shares on the Dart of investing parties, and the outside public era largely represented ou the attest and eager to speculate for a rise. Aries. the lest Board, higher prices were made on the street, wilh• active btudness. The fol. lowing are the closing notations New York Central. i0.33;g103, Erie, 93%@92,'; Hudson, 100 V; Beadle,. 117 1 ,1q118; PrairleDe Chloe, 66 , 4455,, t ; Old Southern, 76,"; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 1 33 N; Rock island. 1104; North Western, 3135; Gold closed at 145. Right or Colored Men to Bear Arms. WASIIINOTON, Oct. 11 —ln Alexandria =Jim 30th. a fowling piece waa taken by a Justice. of the Peace from a colored man on the ground that tbo statutes of Virginia rendered ouch roe• sesaion by a negro, illegal. Provost Judge Hambrick addressed a latter to the Mayor of Alexandria, easing: In ail Ca' Fee of similar character which may come here after, the colored people will he protected by me in any infringement upon a right guaranteed to white citizens. Hereafter no Colon I man will be arrested when found with a fay ling ulece In hi, posses tdon, our trill he be liable to arrest if found In the stmet after the hour of ten. I trill further state that thl4 plan will he strictly adhered to. The colored man must I,e regarded, so far as the right of Property and the freedom of tenon Is eoneerued., on the same footling with the white Other, No inure and no less. The Major General, comonsoding the Dapart meat of Washington has directed that the, man be restored hls oroyerty, and that the civil au thorities be notified of this action of the Provost Judge in all similar eases. Oeditieua Characters In Rest Virginia. 4arrnicone, Oct. 11.—Gov. Boreman Of Weat Virginia, has issued as important proclamation in reference to the efforts Of ,evil disposed and seditious persons in the carroty of Jefferson, to Melte the people there to resistance of the laws of Wert Vh•giula,by holding an election of delegates to the General Assembly of Virginia, claiming that county to be in Gm-State of Vir ginia. The Governor orders the arrest of all parties offending and calls upon the United States Military authorities to aid the civil au- Glorifies to prevent such elections. OL'ARTERLt TREDCIO STATBIIM S widish int tn (gra' ton St it (Inc LABOR QUESTION IN TEE SOTTR. NENI . I,,am, Oct. I I —Tit. IN Herald y Tltt• tweipts anti t tlttliturc, of tlt,l, •Itttlt DA), 10a11 4 , fr-,nl Inans. total i '3.46 E x i,C.':!:•,71,7,411; of whirl) R'7'3.914,4%S for the rob toption of t!o. S,...kLes ¬ ionai .-Irn•ney, The Wertife Washington special has the fol lowing: The Richmond Tuna says ens Sivieli-h emigration experiment bas worked to the ro,— faction of all parties. The rennet,. are much pleased wan the Swedes,'whoin thy tied luau,- trions and orderly. They do double the wort of negroesi and require no looktrg after. A gentleman who Jai, returned from an tit, Laded tour through North, South Carolina and Georgia nays: A lard.: number of the plan ters In those States threaten to entirely dispense with the labor of negro., alter January let, ae atter that time they say they will have scarcely enough to live do themielyes, let alone feeding and taking cane of laborers until the next crop le gathered, lie alto soya that In the three States meatlonui not more than one-third of the able-bodied pop ulation Is steadily at murk. Another third is travelling about from place to place, seeking to bet ti r their condition, and the remaining third live In id:enrsii. .1. U. Steptieue and other Noted Rebel, Itelraaed on Parole WAEIIINGTON, OCL 11.—The following was 165t1 d today Ex.scimvs ()ems. Oct. 11, ltiGs The following named ',ergo., to wit, John A Campbell, of Alabama; John 11, Reran. of Texas; Alexander 11. Stephens, of Georgia; George A. Freaholm, of South Caro lina, and Cnarles Clarke, of Mississippi, lately rt.gaged la the rebellion against the United states government, who are now in clone cue. tody. have made their eubmisalon to the author ity of the United States and applied ti, the Pres'. dent for par Jon under his amnesty proclama tion, and, whereas, tha authority of ;he federal government la sufficiently restored in the afore. maid Stat., to admit of the enter:mu - sent of said pet... from dos , cusexl Y. It Is ordered that they he released on giving their rev lective paroles to appear at snob time and place as the President may designate, to answer .y charge that he may direct to be preferred against ,them, and also, ,hat they will respectively "abide until (Other °Mersin the places herein designated, and not depart therefrom. John A. Campbell In the State of , Alabama. John R. Reagan le the Stale of Tens,. Alexander H. Stepttens la the State of (150 m ... George A. Trent:mix, in the State of South Carolina, Charles Clarke in the State bf Sliaahs.ippi, and if the President should grant tda pardon to any of said persons paroled, such persons will theteby ha discharged, (61gned,) AN mum Joansos; President of the United States. The Eltrtion to N0e1014.-Northern Entl gristle's—Fire In the Dianna Swamp-. Siw lona. Oct. 11.-4. a the election draws near. there In a growler . interest an to the local unsafe and mutt of the coating Alec:lon In Nor : . rott The most interest, of course, celltjref, Ip the Congressional candidates. It Is understood 114 Mr. Olandler wUI be the soca:ash' eandis da%e. • There la no let tiP in the antipathy to 113:t vrn tnidretion and northern cal:4l4(as. A afatedl Lo developing Itself of letting northern frueinesa men leverr_ly alOne 113 the hope and determination to drive thorn In this way from the city. An extmeive Are t sweeptce or sr Diva sl Swamp., Isla probableltiat thonaands of acres have already been burned over. . . There has Dorn an unusual amount of gun practice itaide the fort. The shooting as hem , tafore has been principally to test the strezmal of the guns. 3iajor Farouher or the Eagle re* Corm, to-day mounted the first gun on the rip repsg Yew Indemnity Hoods Whstirsolo; Oet. 11.—The Secretary of the Treasury has lately derided to pay all the Texas Indemnity bonds relented at the Department, with mamma that they. we •tasned bY loyal holden. and bad been transmitted from the State of Texas only through loyal parties. It la not, however, the intention of the Da, partmett to pay the bonds presented, without such evidence cud without a careful scrutiny of the fads In each case, Gov. Hamilton. of Texas, haa represented to the Deoartmrna that certain Texas Indemnity bands were by °dicers of the rebel goverameet fraudulently taken by the State Troasarer,:end nowln,New York,to be disposed of for the benefit of =tato rebels who have gone there Gnus the close of the rebellion, and Governor Hamilton protests against the payment of these parties. her bonds to any party excepting the State of Texas. Preset Troops to ttracuate nome—llles eau Loan—Ctiolera In France. New nub, Oct. 11--The Tetbarie's rads letter of &Member 29th says: The most Im portant newt of tbel week it the coodrmatlon by the Manama: of the statement made day be fore yesterday by the London Afornoso Po:tit:at the French troops will probably evacuate Rome by the time fined In the Convention of Septem ber 15th. and that some of the redrrienta will be gradually withdrawn to %Ala Venal' some time beforehand. I have private Information that the convirainn of the Mexican loan has bomeirected on terms considered very favorable for the old land hold- The cholera et Toulon, which he i subsided Is reported to be agate worsa Pennsylvania Soldiers , Vote In Washing. WAIOEMIGTON. Oct. 11.—The polls were open ed le venous parts of Washington yesterday to afford the cornparitivelrfew soldiers here ID opportunity to TOW. Partial returns show that four cormosnies of the ll4th Pennsylvania Ter latent gars ality-elx union and • twenty-live Democratic oaks-, At the Soldiers' Rest, the lUSth Pennsylvania regiment gave Hartranft a majority of nearly one hundred. At three of the places opened for the Ohio election, one hun dred and nineteen votes were east fot the Union and one hundred and twenty-one for the Dam. critic ticket. The pardon of the members of the Booth Car . olbsa Convention Dm ben signed by the Prey dent and forwarded to Gov. Perry. From the Plains—oaten Council—Attack on Butterfield's Express. Br. Louis, Oct. ll.—The Democrat's Low rt.:ice, Kansas, special says: A courier brings intent:rat/ea that the In4lata Commiesloti, which was to meet at Bluff cheek on the 4th last-, had arrived. The Slowas, Comanches and Chey ennes were camped 60410 distance off, but up to the sth none had appeared at the Council. The same courier says that one of the Butter field coaches was attacked and burned. by the ludians, and the stock driven off. The loss, in cluding express matter. Is 810.000. The Pas- Imagers escaped. Au escort will hereafter ac com patty the coaches. General Dodge, with a strong escort, left Dm ver on September 20th, coming ttds way. Great Revenue Frauds at Nadir'lle Nasnvn n . Oct.ll.—lmmense trends In the revenue have beer' discovered here, Tho United Buttes Revenue Collector for eine!anat.l reached here yesterday to Investigate them. A large li quor house haa swindled the Government out of one hundred and !My thousand dollars, but will be compelled to reined at once or pay two hun dred thousand dollars. . A. A. Gu w iles ee arrested here by order of Governor Browniow , In accordance with a re quhation from Governor Braudette. Hardee ht Indicted In the Kentucky courts for acre during the exciting war times, In the Tennessee Legis lature on the negro and franchise question. Letter from Spangler the Awing:du—He Ine Innocence. NEW Tonx, Oct. 11.-6 letter from Spangler one of the parties convicted as accessory to the assassination of President [Minnie, dated Tortugas bland. Sept. 15, is published. Us lays ; "Before God and all that la 'sacred, I am perfectly innocent of all the charges and speci fications brought against me by the proaecutor. 1 had go knowledge or Idea of anything, nor did I aid or assist the villain or the assassin of the President either before or after the assassi nation. Fire at Auftuata A VOVI3TA, G►., Oct. 10.—A large portion of the btdlding formerly the Confederate foundry and machine shop, was burned tabs afternoon. A stationary engine, boiler, lathes, tools, Sm., were destroyed. A corral was alto burned, but the bereft were all saved. The fire le supposed to have been the work of an Incendiary. Virginia Congressionil Candidates. NEW Yonn, Oct. 11.—A dispatch from Bina Mond says them CU be no Congressional can didate In the field on the election tomorrow who will not take the oath, Bishop Qaintard Coaseernted PUILADELIIIII.. Oct. 11.—The conaecratlon of Rev. Dr. Qointard, as Bishop of Transmutes, took. place this morning at Bt. Lake's chursh. Municipal Election hi Baltimore--The Coming Election In Richmond. P ‘LTRif 011 F.. Oct. 11.—At the citycouncil election today. a small rote was polled- Tnere was oo cppneitlan- All the eanadatate were Pn3onieta. Only 500 votes were The Richmond Ifrpublie of to-day 005 0 : It will bt. o> , s , -red by an official order In onother column, that , Olcient ovens will be taken to pee-sect any Interferer, t - the military with the eleettor.E TO-Mot r Dr: , All the Ern - pa h, rytyorej from the yie,ol ty of the polling pincre, and uo ollicer or man be perrnitb-d approach them en oept In cases of disturber( eel The pence, wh.n, !f ah,latelo ne m sears, a m:!:tary fore, may be 'esed onell the tme. Election of Officers of Erie Railroad Now Fens, folloarine zentle. re, were yesterday re elected as director, of the Erie Railroad, by a v.tz of 01.030.000 out of F94,000,0ftb of the combined, eommon sad preferred capital: S.,attel Marsh. Thank! Drew, John Arnot. WilJam B. Bkt:timbre, Gornalins Wanderh,lt, Robert IL 13,adtli, Danicy S. Greg cry, Ralph Mead. Ambro,e S. Murray. Wi.bam Evans, .1. C Bencrob. !Moms. 11. L. Pierson, J. Cashman. Alexander S. Devon, Thomas 0. Gates. Isaac W. Phillips, J. D. Lank, Fires In ?isle York—Muster out of Color ed Troops. Nrw 1. , 1;1:, Omit 1 I.—A !ter brc,lcr out ar ear., u: .r. :,1 !LA, in the rear of !! , ,6 r,th -tort. n 5-I , pro sutathed, part . ..Wy de-:m , • 14 burned four lea - ee, it , , leach. An about the Same time, the Var,,all F.,..0r3 of F. Marks, A; h destroyed. Thr Posr3 Wahhingion special say, Orderi hove o ~unied fur the lone; orint; Out of the 2: l d rnrps. composed cxclu,ively of 0,10,41 troops, and now doing duty on the Rio Grand, Cotton 818 Burnett—Horse fair PRormErirt. R. I. Ontober 11111 cotton mill in fropkint,,,, R . I . w n nurn,l resterday evenlmr. Logs $50,000, inmr,l . i.1n,000 in ILie city. The ktor, fair nnw quite mnens.ini. ,"• eloeing Editor of the Bunton .lournnl Dead. t.lllOl IN=llllllllll /1 —(ln Wednesday, lILA Inst. at his real dance, to YIN mlng,ham, JOHN /101:1 , E, ng•d .ev eel y•alLe ears. R. it, REETES, g /*oil. 01.4. - 04 sr-Ok z.b. I 88 withfleld Street, mar Firth Street ea.—COFFINS of crew •leacrlptlla. CRAVE. 01.0% 2.S and FURNISHING Fs,g FVNLIt. ALS gcncrcliy. Jar FINE HEARSE ►ed OAR Itl A.' FS retrnlabed Ivy .0 MEDICAL uouou zio morns. TUT STIECItItiLANILP% MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALBP EtRICILIaIin , B tdr.L.L.U'LUOO3 BALSAM La wanaotal to norm Llougha, Hoarseness, Asthma, Whooping IJongh, Son Throat, LionsumptioLL, aryl aU r,inctiazia of tar, nzost and Luny& Oat e.ac by lin= 6 aner4l Vapor, IVW ilirord.:!'" l . V: VI et. the Mect..l man emi We tr_tau Mao= P.TRIPS.LARIPS ANTI- ( M OO hill. TUnt, as ine only oestain regitalytortharrbranace Dysentery. It is • antabinacion of Astringent.. Absorb.sra, Stironllekta and tlarminat jam and 1. warranted to egad a anra altar on nalana bare tailed. For side Oy Droning flour - v . Oct, Muir Fourth or.rou, Qineinsatr, U. STERTALUIVE PILE RFWEI)Y, DR. STRIGHLAZI/PS PILE IMUMUY au ounwl thorium:la al the wont onus of Mad au. 'flooding Prim It giros immediate tette". an" •I oda, •p• =mama OUZO. Try It directly. 110 war ranted to cum Foe yae by aU Drogylsta. clentral Depoi 3 O gr.m Fottyth stayyt., Olualxamt.l, 0. Dyspepsia, Nervonsaess, Debility DA. tn . /mu...Laws TONIO. W• ast resomixesui toow aliffsitag with Lost s A urtie lt rio h4l os tr i burTy.te L*l4 ntLt r ai f l rV Pow 'a eu." Tohl , It to a vegetsbls prepare...ea, hs• trem alsoholl. Liquors; It strengthacs the whois tervous Is auto. a wood 5i11...Wt.% and is warrantailrri I pets sod Nervous ••01.11ty. Tlresle b IrEORGE li, KEYSER. Plttsbargh. R. L. SFLY.Pws E L co. .TOS. PLEATING . N. IdeOLARREA & 00., MIA MAN .1. M. FULTON. CitS). A. KELLY, Allegheoy 0117. d.haz oetttli A m li Or A TIIQUBA.NI), A 0010 St bIPTIVE 01:711ED. Dr. D. Joules, • retired plisalcian of great emi nence, diecovered, while to the West Dulles, a certain erne for Consumption, Asthma, fironellitis, Clough., Colds, end Gerivat Debility. The remedy woe diseovined by him when hL only etuld, a daughter, woe given up to die. Hie child woe cured, and is now alive and welL Desirous of be:minting his fellow mortal., he will send to those who swish ly the recipe, containing Dui dl rections for making and successfully using this remedy, free, on receipt of their names, with two stumps to pay expenve. There le not • single symptom of Consumption that it does not a; once take hold bt sad Magnate. Night mote, peer. tonness, initial on of the names, Mare of memory, difficult expecitoratann, sharp pains In the lungs, sore throat, chilly sensations, nausea at the stom ach, loactien of the bowel., wuting away of the catmetes. The writer will plea.° state the name of the paper they see this advertisement tn. Ad. drew CRADDOCK & CO., witilwdlmaT It Race et. Philadelniiie, P. Foien 1' EARS PRAUTIO.6 LIT lIIENVAIL DIIIHAMED Glees me • knoWledge *Wan acquired by Phret- Cana Kly long residence In this city, ea.! s omonat of patients treated annually by me, sufficient proof of tray seeress SPERBIATORREMA, or ELEIRIAL WEAILITES And all dlaesses Webs therefrom, are lured l and. shorter dos than heretofore by nay NEW yEagyABLE gam • raEl. xmlann seat to any pa rt of the Colon. All letters must Contain I state d to pay rerun_ peepers. Consapendmere WRY game. Office, El rtreet, near pals crowd. . Address AW. fiRANSTRUP, 111. D, (attar Hos lios.Prttabureb. Pa. pluvaTs DISEASES. Office =3 , 4 PENN IiTIIEZT. wow EilUld. For tam sure of all cllseaaas of • private nature, from two to four days, by an entirely new and oaf/ treatment. A 1.., Seminal Weakness, and all otbet &Erase. of the genital organ; and their prevention A ewe warranted or money refandad. ()Nee hour•-1 to to it. ou, l% to; and Ito Bp. m Address letters W.. 26174 Penn street. not DRUM et MACH, kali on hawl a largo lineament or MO N't, IN G MAOHINES. XXCIIII.WiI Mit...M32EE3. Straw Cutters, Scythes and flay Rakes, Ao. 28 and 30 OHIO STEM 1333=MM GIONEltal, DRAUGHTING OFFICE AND PATENT &GENOY BridNo. In ST. CLAIR STREET, near Suipenston ge. P.GENGEMBRE, 01.11 lEngunee. Heeleans* No. 11 Hey street. SPORTSMEN'S HEAD QU &ETES, ar.416-111.1:31U3 .13CaN717Dir urttes tho stteuttou of Sportemeo arul others to rplendld dock o f GUNS rt:I)I7DER FLA sicb HOT BELTS end POUOB DRAM FLASKS d ammualtlon of every kind. lits stock le best ever brought to this merest. 001 l NEW GROORRY—Tho underatgned Lay opened en ENTIRELY NEW STOCK [reel and WELL SELECTED GROCERIES their NEW STORE. In addition to other nor eittee, they would rail attention to their dm of Bute= sin Ass Royal) RERAN WARE. SCOTT firrol Irma corner Liberty and ß. /wry tweets Jas .4L.rp.13.1.t00?,,' MATION P ; &MI T DR iV INCIS azu BPSCI Intends chair erection 05 ressomabla terms air Office on araumsuN =mom; bem" , Luau sod Itobtsuica. Allecnouv cora MOO Ml= STEEL & BAUM, «HMI DaBAUXY stock Brokers and Beal Estate Agents Stacks bought and seta we nit iambi Stocks Or Wee. WILEMB BMW CHEESE, CHEESE, CHEESE. 100 boxes G 0514411 240 boxes W. 21., to arrive; . . WO boxen Hamburg. to salve, Tee Ws Dv CHAS. C. BATALEy, Ose DOI Liberty_street. VOLUME TXXTVII---NO. 20. RAILROADS papm °or. of T8:61:455V.--tb.:AILY TRAINS. 717/ •ABRA NOE. (1s [olloat: ,11:dr:ftr:::;71:1 da A il Y ;e: thbe-r ;Sursi eth' ay lBls. , at 270 l a: m., gypping Only at principal dation; and making Ew dlreet tim c o ralUa ics.d oetto w nat Barrisbr„ end t n o t r Neer Yvra, tar Rem Yor k Barton and intermedinto MAIL ACCOMMODATION, daily eacept suw day,. at 6.60 a. m., stopping at all regular editions between PitUburgh and 110.rrisbn_ and tanking close connection with train. on In Branch, Wed t Petulaylrania R. 8., Ebensburg wad Cresson K. IL, and Hollidaysburg Branch_ PITTSBURGH A ERIE MAIL, daily ex. Dept Sunday at 7.60 0. m., atopping only at Oman. burg. La arobe, 131erasli/e Branch, Johnstown, Cocemaugh. Gwlitzen, At , Huntingdon. Leiriatawn, 11111110. Newport, Maryville, liar:JA- N:re, I.oneastor pied Downington. At 11 irrishurg dulcet c,,nucatons ore mnde for Baltimore, ash. ingion and New York A LT( , N hi /MAI o daily. except otrlays, 1.10 12n ..LOpplag sr all regatta ea- Pri.tab a, 1. nz. , l Altoona, and mak. cc/large:UM. ir,th tromp on tha Ebensburg and vresson Rallroxy end li,iblayaburg Branch Rail- J (rl-0 STuWN At NJO.II %10D ATION, dally. ex cept SUnCtiy, rat t. 36 p. 3:11. stopping at regular sta tions but w•en Pittsburgh and Johnstown, and con necting at Piairsville Intersection with trains of the Indian Branch and West Pecuwilrnnta MR PHILADELPHIA EXP FthZS, daily, at 4.25 a. m., stopping at Latrobe, lionemaugh, Gallitzen Alta.ma, Huntingdon. Lewistown, New port, Marys ville r „Harrisburg, Lancatter,arei Down lagtOwn. At Harrisburg direct mm.neetions are made for Baltimore, Washington and Now York at Philadelphia, for Now York, Beaton and Intel. mediate points. Sleeping Oars run through on this train from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, Philadelphia and Now York, by the Allentown root. FAST LINE, daily, except Sunday, at Ina p. m., stopping only at Conamanott Altoo na, Huntingdon, Lewistown. Mifflin Newport, Marysville. Harrisburg. AlLldletown. ilreancto ton. Mt. Soy. inancaster. son Down ingtown. At larrisounr connectiOnr are made for New York, Baltimore and Witablugton.st Phlln drlphla, for New York. Boston. and Lotermedlate points. First Accommodation Train for Wall'. Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at 6.30 a. so. Second Accommodation I rain for Wall'. Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at I 1.40 a. ru. Trani ACCOIT. matintion Train tor Walla Station leavos daily (except Sundai) at r.oop an Fourth Accommodation Trani for WalPs Statlen I raves dolly (except Sunday) at 6.05 p. Aesnoinsalatioa for Penn station, leaves at /0 so fl Church TrAle Les, es t'Ve;l's every Sunday at ear A. m leave. emreource at IM6Op. zo. Pettumlng Trams arrive it. rgh n. I:3llt , wr A s. m Feud 2.0(1 a Flirt Well!■ : statlon Aeconawollat:an... 141. AsetorimodnAlou Second ViaWs Station ACeellintOdaloll 6.50 m Johnstown Accommodation 10.05 a, in. Plttmbnrch b. Erie Aka. 12.60 p. m. Baltimore Expreta 110 p. m. Thligl Wall a btatior Accommodation.. 106 p. m. Philadelphia Express 2.30 p. m. Fourth Wall's Station Accommodation .11002. to. Altoona Accommodate° and Emigrant 10.30 p. :a . An Agent of the Exeeleior Omaha Otompany .111 pa.. throtgli each train Colors teaching toe Depot, take up coeeka and deliver baggage to any part of the city. Ottlec No. 410 Penn street, epee day and night, where all order. for tha movement of pamengern and baggage will receive prompt et. tentlon. Baltimore express will arrive with Philadelphia firm at 1t34. I/. M. On Mondays. NOTICE.—In ease of loss, the Liompany will hold themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and for an anionnt not eseeedingslo3. W. IL BECKW/T11.„ Agent, At the Pennsylvania ()antral Railroad Panataget Station. on Liberty and Warednston streets. 1865 . P 1 T TBll U RGE1,14..-wa 130LrBIBUS AND CINUINNATI RAILROAD i f c Great Short lac butt. lie 3 tuber."' TO COLINItrti, CTISCIN X ATI INDIANAPOLIS ,And ail the prlnalyea Oltaea, WEST AND SUQTFL-WEST, •O-p-... 15,,. 1-I MONDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 18G5, Trains leave end arrive et the UNION DEPOT as thilOWl.: 081,02211. "Express ..... 2.10 a, m. t 25 Exprws "46 p. 8.35 • StCUbOlll - 14.3 " 10.0 a. in. S. P. SCULL, (tee , ' raket Ageat, S teubeuv il le, 0. 111. D. ALOTHEESPATION, ocsayd Ticket got, (beton Depot, Pittsburgh. IDITTIII3URGB, FT. arig e gg WAYNE & tatIOAOO RAILWAY AND ULF:NI - ELAND & P/Trir BUDGE RAILROAD. SIIMALEICAR.IIANGEMENT. On and alter May I= 3 Ind; train. will rem folls, viz Lea ow ve" I For For Filtr•bulThAllner_go. IClloreland. I Ewers.— ..... ,S.lO a. m. 2.10 e m. FMpre5a.......... Moo p. m. Lee p. m. Express--..... tll.oo p. n. a. m. For New 'Asa* and Erie C.lO a. so. Arrive at Pittsburgh—P. rt. W. & C. Rill 4.0 IL M., /..10_p. M., 6.W p. 1.10 p. 8.10 tr. 0. &P. R. —2as a . M, LSD P. m soo p. Aooo2llLonallniir TIMM. Leese Allegheny. New Rosters. New Steub MUM.. ter. Castle. Fewaomy • villa. 0.00 Law S.sop. mite= p. p. 11.50 a. m.. p. 4.00 p. M • • - Arrive at Allmberty—P. F. W. & O. Sa4lwa 7.16 s ID. , ILIA a. m., p. m., 1.60 I m. and 12.40 p. m. O. ar, P. FL 11.-0.10 a. m. . . . GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Amon, lea! c .,=3 . 2 4 2 t Litt& Ivey Pa, t ir mei F. k. NMI& Geas=l t pll - ft3BURGH AND OONNEOAD.LLSVILLE RAILR BUMMER ARRANGEMENT On and after SIONDAY,Sune L 1253, Um train mill leave the Depot, corner of Bon and Watt. streets, ul fOIIoWS 1.0/121 Attie= tat Pittabtugh. Pittab.gb. Mall to and IV Unt:indown. 7 3 5 m. p. m. Express . cap. m. t2ll a. W. Find McKeesport AesonVn...ll=l a. m. fad a. m. Second " gab p. m. 105 p. Fint Braddookl" Tfe a. m. 820 a. ;) &road " " 4:15 p. m. 6.10 p. Sunday Munn Train to and from McKeesport. loa p. m. 1003 t. For Velma apply to A. J. SHANK, Agent. WIMP Wi B. STOUT. Superloten% A LLEGHEITY VAL. gi ntime •i-lk LEY ItAILBOAD..— CHANGE OF TIME—On Uld after MONDAY Octobir td. Passensar trains will be arranged to run as follows: • INAIL TRAIN —Leaves Pittsbargn at 7.M1 • a, arriving at Kfttamalag at lOW a. in. Leaves KM tanning at 3.35 p. arrives at Pittsburgh at 6 1.1tiggS3 TRAlN—Leaves Kittanning at 1.20 a. m p. m.., arriving at Pittsburgh at 11.21 a. co Leaves Pittsburgh at 4,5 p. arriving at Klttamung at AtIOOMBIODATION TRAIN.— Leaves Sod Works at 643 a. m., arrivingstPittaburgt atB.o a. to Leaves Pittabrugb at 3.W p. m., arriving at SClslentneus at 4.15 p. m. man P. WEIGHT. Sunerintaruisnl. PAINTERS JAEIMS a. 1.01.0.....10111 LA112....J01CK DOIIAAIIT LONG, LANE & 00., SIGN ARTISTS & HOUSE PAINTERS, No. 60 Elmlt.bfield BL, Plttoblargh, LETTERING tar ALL KINDS exentitil Promigs? sittl with aninirpartal e Leanne& EAUTEFUL SHOW CARDS on enameled paper of all Colon, and GILT SIGNS ON GLASS made to order and Bent to all parts of the eonntry. PICTORIAL DESIGNS execnitedin a highl7 ar• dello manner. ROUSE PAINTING done with a retard to do. rabilltL harmony of color, and neatness of 1101sha B Ait work at reasonable ratea, wetly WILLIAM H. BROWN, (Leta of the Mak of Bizowr a. BlogitowJ HOUSE ADD: E 31013 PAINTER. orth East comet of.Thlrd and Market Its, I== DISSOLUTIONS DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER. SHIP.—The Partnerardp heretofore between the undersigned, under the Era c= CROMPTON & CO., for the manufacture of Silver Pearl and other Soaps, has this day been demised by mutual scoment. S OHN o. AMUEL M. HIER J mumpron JOHN POSTE:I3. Ptttsburgh, Sept. BIN WS& WDLEXMODY & Co., (s.emors lb CR rrarpray • c 0..) . . Silver Pearl and Snarler Eosin Soapa, W 7 Luszarr 6711mt;T, • P.1773.1M0S deld.rd pms, VINES AND PLANT& tmmv7......seleat • 'took of FRUIT and OR. Avraciaer.N, GRAPE VINES and et. • 011 BE MUMS, _BO. Wan andOLIT BLOWERS to order. send for s catalogue or eall arid exam:doe our stock. JOHN. &A. Eintoooit, • Pituburghnurzen , 14 Oakland Greenbonae. ipeedyd TOKIRSE FORSlilarge ear .a.a. old flay Horaa, antenatal sound. Axply at teglibalW at;aet, W. B. BEGS a Utt . GREATEST BARGAINS OF Tim BEASON, Concert Hall Shoe St6re. WINTER STOCK PARTIOUWE SELLING LESS THAN j: ][I.4I3E COQ MENS' HEAVY BOOTS, sl,ttt, EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORION. BARCAINS!BARCAINS! ALL THIS AIONTIL No. 60 FIFTH STREEt No Connection with ply other House in the City. OTIZEliti, AROUSE 1 Look to Your InteEest. THE SEASON WHY YOU sauutiv PURCHASE ALL BOOKS AND WAIF) 74:F1F'TEI spApt*. • rasc Receive a Present evith*aeb B . 9bK OR ALBU*,- ST. LOUIS • WHICH IS SOLD AT TEA PUBLL.4I-ERSi Ott% HALL YME CLOTH COLT, ENGLISH WdL/E.LNO COLTS. OVERCOATS OP ALE. RIRMS. FANCY CAP PANTS. PENTD BLACK PANTS cg EGAS OUZO OF COST. FOE TILE NE:IT 00 DAYS. J. H. SMITH & 00.; OLOTEIEES, OLE HALL, es Firm Opposite the Opera Hone, oafs pLUMBENG, Chui and Steam Fitting In all Its bfanabea, earefully attended to, by sae. deGAS wed cal workmen. A las aziorttaaaant S"S ATH SIM BA TER :- , • WA • H • Constantly on loud and mute 0 o D da. ~ TATS & SEVILTI )i ir . no FEDERAL STREET, Alleelenyt . ems zn umarry frruzzr,putaftrail MCCORD .£ CO., , Wholesale Dealers l Hats, Caps and Straw 6/000 .• Hive now to Store the largest and stoat SOMPS. stook, or GOODS FOR SUMMER AND FALL Ever offered in the wean Merchants ere revue* to cell and mewl= oar stock., which will be mall et very Low rata. nal In WOOD STEENS t' BAAO ORAIG'B OUTLET SAW MILL, AND BARGE YARD. '; Craig Street, Allegheny. VrEMAPLWARA, . (BLOOD CURB. 4 -A A most remarkable wild. a n n a cC_st, mitt for 601t0I. HHHITAIATIS Azuzajd GIA, DTBP ITCH, P AM al diseases of ths SETH. As a Valle, It revives the appettAu sd 7 gestloa and wholly store, the $ . and It needs but a &nal to prove 11l virtu -: it Per ask by , EOZON AITINSICH, , • . • • J. 5011001121 A Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEAD. BLUE LEAD GROUND IN OIL £O/1 ,ING OIL B A Parr ITO. 63 WOODASTater. ,11. ■. rlllll SOS Atteasqlimet lEttreat. Importer' oeCrertiszy rreach aisit Vl i getlV4e ' % °ll = l l.",, lts „..ft e te9.-..1214e,* - • . . no.lnunti. ann. Ir. an....,plwwWkwzatais WILSON CARR& CO, (Lik:ie wlssow, llas a '; e„) - • Wholenle diners 'ln FORELOWAND Watts TiOa DRY EMVPS, bra 14 Wood street. tII4IIU Lot-. non_Dlanoad &9.Ph.nuanr,a. . . ALL p Dps, AND CTLCYTILING 110U3E, o. B 3 TOTH STREET NEW GOODS SZLOIC COATS. PEG TOP PAFTS and all styles of CLOTHING.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers