pittsintrgh tazettt. Mau= 'Fir in SIZBITE PllBElißlis THUREIDAY, • baTomar, 12, 1862. HEAVE WORDS FITLY SPOKEN We are rejoiced /0 see that Our talented and &erica townsman, F. ICBau wi Esq„ has stirred even the leaden waves of the Episcopal General Konvention by protest. Ing againaljho,pro-slareritapirtt prevalent hl that - by. It Ica - fiaod thing to see such boldness In snap:Vl/lace. The rebuke was inn& needed, and it was administered - faith- Ap honor to the to the brave ' lay- Min who n ttered it. ; THE PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION, It now seems certain that we have car ? Yred the State alt 7 d2l.4l.slattm3; but the tic • tory is one that we can hardly crow over, much. It has been won, not through any Strategy of our party leaders, nor by virtue ; Alf a compact organization of our forces,but plainly through the energy of the people • themselves, coupled with the partial disor ganlzation of our opponents. The victory .might have been and should have been over. Whetting, asst would- have been, if we had been properly organized. , The campaign throughout the State was badly managed, .1 4 ,ri rather not managed at all. The vote that :gas polled was spontaneous. It came out of itself. While, therefore, there can be fio doubt of the decialvenesi of the reszl t , it ill-to be I Pgrettext-that it was not made morn 'Atom 80, by orgthiliatfern and labor. THE PRESIDENT'S SPEECH ' We hays read with some care, the speech of the President to a colored rent.- . • latent which hes jinn returned to its home in the District of Golembia. ' The chief objection we have to this, and Fin other speeches to the colored men that 'inhale read, is,thattoo rauph promineace Ifglven to the advice to go home and be , have theinselves...Thia is good advice, in itself; but why, 'after having been iterated, Should it be re-iterated, and re - re-iterated' Do colored men need this advice more than t White men? They have been good soldiers, according to the President's own testimo , itty; would it nor have been fair to infer 4bat they will matte equally good citizens' iWhat is there inhlrairpast or present his ' tag, that makes them sinners more-than all Othqs in Jerusalem? : It seems, nowevOr, - to be the rage Just stow to !eclair° the colored people,, and the , President has but fallen into the general •.- practice. Letting this 'but of view, via • call attentiom.se* the main idea that runs through the speech, to wit : "That this is "your [their] country as well sa any body .• "else's country:' This is a direct and distinct repudiation of the democratic idea that "this is -the White man's counter" exclusively. That OniCriptive, persecution and narrow- Minded Idea belongs: oily to that party. --They claim it and,we yield it to them. They hive claimed the.. llrealrient, too; bat the President, it will l 'be 'seen; stands Upon Meter and more manly ground. He recog nine the colortidlinin salt . citizen, and the cCumtry as being as much the black matt's , , 11. country as tiny one else's. •f~- If, then, the black marl lit a citizen, and i.'?•• • thts is his country, let the country be just • r- • If .• to him and treat him as a citizen. The liesident assures these met th-:-t..t.itei shall be protected—that they shall have—a fair chance, and that much being assured, we map safely anticipate that the democratic • ..' `,l Ida of a republic founded upon caste and oppression will not be reallied for a ) ear or two to come. t, Dow THE SOUTH IS B-HAVING 1 , 1 The Pottanoora liazette, which ought to be; good authority in' such macs, it very much afraid the Southern people are - failing , • . tO allow proper signs tit loyalty, or to prof fez; thd • riceded proofs of their repentance and trustworthiness. As an evidence of the feeling in that end of Tentlessee, it cites tilt following facts: ti ' The Sheriff of Jackson county, a . man • named Snodgrass, issued a call (or a special mitt to be held at Scottaborough, which is not tke county town, and on a day other r. thin the court day. When this original court convened, It was found that fiber ' ; iff had in charge fifteen discharged. Union ' 4 soldiers, of the First Alabama CavOry. ar • rested and placed on trial for Ifturore — r, that is fOr killing rebel soldiers, guerrillas and bnithwhackers, 4- while soldiers df .he United ,• States and in the line of 'heir duty. •••• This self-constituted court remained in session for fifteen days, when General Brynyanowskl, the commandant of Ihe district of North Alabama, :bearing. of the • - 4.. affair, went down to ScottstiOrOngh him : self, and ordered the selftyyled court to atop all PruccedingtifilitiZdisettargOtho onera. Al ter the General had left the room, • the,:fdheriff rose up in the court-rdout and said Publicly: "Tit= Date.ttare not running this thing now. We, are running • this machine," and would ndt release the '• prisoners. The .03eneral hearing of this t i the, next day,' Sent - down some colored guaida to Scotteborougb, released the prig oneta, and sent Mr. Sheriff to Nashville under guard. iL Only last Friday we pabllshed an de count of the killing of a young man who • had formerly been a scout in our army, by disOharged rebel soldiers, in the north • weStpart of Georgia, at the same time . running off some Union-'men who had .re • !). turned to their homes In thit neighlushood. ' u We:have been informed, that it is unsafe „ fora Union man to . go into the country, 4 ` • if fifteen or twenty miles, from . Stevenson, Ain., and in our own State we hear of eases belpg gotten up against Teenier the killing ofxebele, or the burning of houses, done rt while lathe service of the United States, a var. RESULT IN Tilts COMITY. We have returns from 45 districts In this cone: v. :w hich chow a I:epublican gain of 2 on the . 1 , vote of 1862. ThliThicludes the two cities and adjacent boroughs. As, however, the country districts generally a:..Ow - a gain, while our prim elpal loss was in ;the-cities, we judge that the , total Tot of the county will allow a Republican :•t gait) of SOO or 3000 a &besot° of 1862. ' Tlie Republlcaii inalority la the Comity In 1802 was 4,3228,, It will now be about 4,500, and mai rim up to 4,600. - IPle a matter of reproach to our organization fa tlcat'iio cities and adjacent boroughs that we _ Jobe: largely in nearly all of themon the very llght *WI of 1862. We gala In nearly all the country districts, and If It had not been for the gala in aerie -country districts, we should have been far "-..•lseiciss our light majority of lad% ~ ..:Okaat credit !LAW Our country friends for the etteeess in bringing oat their iota. 'tithe 4111.tus had done as jvell mi the country, our mt. would hare liceiefleast 5,000. H EEGRO SUFFRAGE 'SUSTAINED. • ''he democrats made this a special Issue in the /ate;clcetlon throughout the State, and have been 4,04. The'y Insisted upon that It was the Istrufwand the only issue. We accept the result /115 difilve upon that point, and the democrats _beiniOndete, may fairly claim that Pennsylvania ban 401dCd againd the admission of Southern Stati4gallessuiali lloo ff suffrage 15 ant conceded tad iffAlPd• . 3 . A Parr ffi Ctllll.—The Pima news. psPeF. at Pqa . ..0 0 " . ,?deallY. Cuba. has pubßahedit i poesa attltlea Whe am 11 , mit : tat by a nee° sawed :AfattaelllbbleJo. .it also isaya that measures-fors hls„ austleitr o lou atek la Ptafftesa , cotyo' 2 t free POP f owe dear but by others who ere :tuarested Is the 4 - young man : , As to , the poem.l4o4lt tattarts. that,ilth,Sagh it has Boma dellelateleitti POWS eouatittelßpit. yet B has matty_stasassworthy of etuniendatkei for the beauty. of _the`. thoUght. and the elcupllelty:* asdltuelacy 6f , the,teralfles . Bee. , . , ..„.. .. DEMOCRACY AS IT IS. , . . STATE 'DEWS,: --- The following is from that model demo- On Thursday of last week, at C. , ..n'ndfai =tic sheet, the Lacrosse ( Wisconalw) Columbia county, Pa., as Wra. Stetter, a I /him:terns. . The ch ief difference betvreen i trustable, was attempting to arrest Thomas Its . editor -' and the , Oditors of most of the , Devine and two others, on a charge of lar . democratic papers In Pennsylvania ) is that ; be stayS.Wbat he really thinks and thoYaii trying tia cot}ceai their hearty:rortenrrence with him, 'Bead "The war Is virtually ended. I "Where are the will of-the-wisp states, men and generals wholed they-bonbon par- ty through the bloody lanes of tyranny and power, from plunder to corruption? "Where Is Lincoln, the patron saint of niggerism, who owes act much to John Wilkes Buldb,- and who is well-nigh forgot. ten already with hardly a dorm in tae land to revere his memory? "Where is Chase? Where Is Bmugh ? Where is that crowded' Constitution-bmak- I big, law despising fungus ? " Gone or going Into oblivion leaving a nation In tears, a country in ruins, a once ' happy people In debt and taxation, a trea sury once well-filled with coin, empty. and thousands Of millions for us to osY• They have gone to perdition, and their victims are many. They h ave gone from their field of power. • "We deprecate assassination, yet we tee! to thank God for calling Lincoln home, vaereser that home may be. The will cf God I.e .a•wnrs done on earth as it is done in lIE :Ivan. Not all the cannon in the trot !,I ever scat an echo 80 tar into the fu. Ins t . , ns dld the report of a pistol that fatal ni g ht ins Was.hingtost theatre, where groat rnen were p:nyers nod nations the :mama tors. I: woke up the pcoplo of America. I: t , ,oke the spell. It gave the country a s'atestpsu for a President. It II ishcd its sic xt mper if; suis front Maine to the golden 8; Li o: war western b01111;litl rieS, :and belted the advance of raurpstlon most of factually. Lincoln has gone. P.)nth has gone, The nation wept. and ye' for what It did not know. "Democracy" Is coming:to our IttOp. "Peering through the !dimity vista - - !xlrir gradually iu lovable bu',lonity— lifting itself to went the wish of utillioha, there once thme comes to the nation, De. mocrsey, talismanic word Cl blessed hopes and joyous memories, The people have tired of strange doctrines. and every breeze comes laden with glad tidings of a return to the only tree prttcipte of government_ Democracy still lives. It cannot die, for with it dies the hope of the nation—The Republic Itself. "And we shall live to chronicle its re• Pt , ' , 3linll to power, and to mingle our voice with those t, ho will rejoice, as surely as we have lived to see come snd go the men named above and the principles :hey ad vacated.— M7BSlB2lppl The colored people of blirsissippi have held a State Convention and uttered a atrode protest' against the reactionary pol icy now prevailing In that State. They say: "That we view with alarm the - efforts now being made by the men in power in ludinsippi to nullity the 'Proclamation of Emancipation.' And "That it is oar firm conviction, and we hereby put It cm.tecorti, :that should Mis sissippi be restored to her status in the Union under her amended constitution as it how stands, that her Legislature, under pre.ext of guarding the interest of the State front the evils of sudden emancipa tion, will pa's such proscriptive class laws against the freedmen as will result In their expatriation front the State or their practi cal re-enslavement." These men know whereof they affirm, and their protest Is one that Cannot be dis regarded. There're the best Judges of their own comiftion and of the tendency of thing; around them. The alarm they feel Is evldentlY a well-grounded one. Remarks or ISlr t ltrumit In me Episcopal Convent - tom Mr. F. R Bruno; of Pennsylvania, said: We she ule go to oar canons, and aerial - as .practicable under the cirumatancca, follow their letter and spirit. It m impossible that now, at this late hour, the testimo nials necessary cau be brought to this con• vention, and received and adopted. IT we assume that the Chtirch of Alabama has alwayabeen a part of this Convention, and owing to certain circumstancas they have seen enable to semi their delegates to this Convention. ^we must have the omission corrected t o far as it is prsettimale to do so. He then called for the reading of the ca non I:: sec. 3 page, 26. "if duriag s the re cess of the (inners! Convention, the church in any Dion , te should be desirous of the consecrationof a Bishop elect, the standing commit cc or the church in such Diocese may, by their tares! cut, or by some person or persona sttecially- appointed, cornmeal rate ;Lent derite to the standing committees of the churches in the different Dlooesna,with copies of the Meetassary testimonials, and If the major nuteber of the standing commit ters shall consent to the proposed consecra tion, the madding committee of the Dio cese cr ricer - mid shall forward the evidence of such consent, together with other tea I mot it3:s, to the Presiding Bishop of the anus, of Bi4tops, or, in case of his ab sence, to the Bishop who, according to the rules of the House of Bishops, is to preside at the next General Convention, Who shall communicate the tame to all the Bishop of this Chnrcb in the United Stateb, and if a majority of the Bishops consent to the con secration, The PK:aiding Bishop,or Bishop slimes:aid, with stly - two-llishoos, may pro ceed to perform, the same, or any thr e e Bigh t:spit to Whom be may comnaurdcate the tes timonials." The order of the day was called for. The followinegentlemen, on motion of Jades Otis, of Illinois, were elected a Coln mine to act with a Committee of the Rouse of Bishops in nominating!a Board of Mis sions: Rev. Dr. Rowe, of Pennsylvania; Dr. Clarkson, of Illinois; Dr.' Wharton, of Massachusetts; Ron. Washington Haat, of New York, Peter E Dem 11, Esq., of Michigan; sad Judge Battle, of North Car oline, Mr. Btunot rvsumed—The church should demand that the canon should be complied with, The church of Alabama he consid ered a part of this church and It is entirely practicable for them to Supply all the orals gone. The consecration has already taken place and there is nothing left fot the Pre siding Bishop, bit to receive the Bishop of Alabama as a member of the House. II on the other hand we aseumethst the body electing Bishop Wilmer was not pro rely constituted, it they call a couvertt . oh and proceed to dote to fill all omisions made by them, It would be, he thought the boost proper and most iecomig way te proceed. it Is attempted to Idylls back our Bouthent - brethren, with at order that Mason and Dixon's fine still, -lilts in the Church. Judge Chambe, called the gentleman to order.. Be ails t confining his remarks lu the resol•;ilca. The . cLair decided the gentleman to be in order. 31r. Brutiot continued—se did not wish our Southern brethren to come back with an idea that we-Were ashamed of our man hood, but that YrO,Were not afraid to stand up and speak what we felt It om duty to say, without being afraid of hurting the feelings of any:shiner. SALE OF TUB BELMONT Muse.--Th e Belmont Mills were sold yesterday. as per advertisement, at public auction. Toe first offer was $lOO,OOO. The figures wow. goon run up to $185,000, at which sum thT property was knocked down to Messrs. Moore, Lebr & Co. The principal bidders were the successful parties, and Mr. Wood ward, of our city, and Mr. Kerr, of Pitts. burgh. It is considgred that the above was a very good price for the property. The last time It sold was for $127,500. Whed fag Intellfgencte of yeaterday. Ton case of Edward B. Ketchum was called up in the court of General Sessions In the ci y of New York last Monday, and a note received from his counsel stating that he orig'nally desired toplead "ginitY to the charge of forgery, but that for cer tain reasons he had on the indictment plead "not' He wished now to alter Ilia-pleading, and, at his request, the last day of the term IMO agreed upon, *khen the conslderation.of the case will be continued. Momma papers loudly complain of the inefficiency of the judiciary of that city. to tranutt the immense Nisi:Len thist accumn ' lates. Twenty-three hundred cues were pending before the Criminal Court, which waffle commence its seal= on 31onday. There are 4,440 cues before the Common Lawand• Chalon Conn to be disposed of by 6 single Jadva, _-- rwo others, ... - ..rge cent', a Bea& ensued, curing which Devine tore the constable's revolver Irons his pock- D Wde t aY a p d r , inet, and beat him severely. While Stetterlth eyinenesb his pistol from It to w was-d r ra nch charged accidently 1 and the contents cuts red the body of De died from the et. 1 factsvi oe, w ai lm r. EU s Z , r t q r I was held to bail in the n r e .i n a ii rr Y enderrni himself to a t a c : i t s l 3. o , r oo ti t, e , , b ; n Seulie Devitt to answer at Cour t. I TOE Altoona Trib•ine seas : St. John's I Catholic church Of this place has been the ~,,,,,,, of :wale a Lilt imposing 'and !mores : !ice rellglcur services duritie, the past e i g h t i or ten days, the occasion being the cute bration of the Jubilee, a spiritual festival endowed with p. culler graces and prlel• leges to the papist. Several handmi pos t Intents approached the sacrament?, and on Friday morning confirmation was ad.niars tered by the Bishop of the diocese ton large number of children and minis LAST week two new proprietors took possession of a popular eating saloon in Titusville and kept open house one day. One of them tound an old acquaintance arming the visit, r.i and I , ,ritided to him the 'act that he lire 5:,:,')C1 with him which he was tearful or losing. and asked him to sus, p with him le we mo - slog the friend ai d his moo y sire missing. No tidings of thins the c.i.it or u oney. 111E11(1,r Cl. woiiMipreeently erected by the Seem], r.i , rman Reformed congrega thm or 11. rr.rl 1. g, aas crmscr.tated to cc :igloos Puri , r. ' n l .1 Send ,y. Sii-vlees is C. ? el,lnt •• -; ~' ,...i, , ,., a lieu nu ap,..ro. pr'otle re; car. ait I.l.lClind it; It,a. W. LI H. s, pier, o. the the.tuti, •a - tree , tier. ~n It. faith. C ,, ttreh: ,at :IL ...t. o'r-ock Ri.i. Nieho:its ti• 1.1 - , a' Philadelphia. tic:iv e.i d a d!tcourta, is 111.. (1,-111311 1311glia,,:e. MIL CF:ol: , :i' W::.1:VI.,11 ..cc of t h e pro prooloia at tle• Allis tei Later Bar lif..wery, died arty sinii]• r iv, en Mon lay moraine last, from an attua of heart disease. Mr. %S. tied Just. llelncd ~1 ,11 II !sail of ipatu at the brewery II L . i went tom ape tit tee vaults (or the purl 0.,c of seeing,hor the work WAS progressing. nn ! comiug from the vault, tell dead at the thrcshold. A. 11t.731A2: hotly was found cut to pieces, In ar Mineral Post station, Cambria counts, on Sunday morning last. Sth inst. Tim eutertuna to man woe a stranger. lie-was mulnless killed by one or the passing trains of the night previous. but there is a possi •.lliiy of his having met with foul treat ritaro and hten laid in the nositima in whiel L•. was Mum!. ItEv. DANIEL. GARVF.It, a Lutheran min iso r, well kedwnthrou4hout Pennsylvania, tied whose lectures on Jerusalem, in which were given beautiful de , eriptioui or 9Cela ,. .i wit xis cord by lion upon the occasion of his visit to the Daly Lund. are remembered by many who heard them-. died on' Saturday week last, in Greensburg. Pa., at the age of thirty-nix, CUBISTIAN Wit. - r, of hianheim township, Schuylkill county, committed suicide by hanging, because nig wife gave him 140 on conditions that he should leave and trouble her no more. Sp Wednesday, Mr. Thomas Bechtel, et Spring iownship, near Readine, while walking on the Lebanon Valley Railroad, was run over and instantly killed. Wu. Wausau, a miner, was killed l"st week at Mt Laffee mine, Schuylkill county, by the explosion of ern damp. Joins Hunts's, formerly of Ne wburyport Mesa., has been appointed postmaster of Liberty, Bedford county, Pe. . Tint water has at last been let into the West Branch Canal, and ft is now in boat. ing order. VARIOUB ITEM. Tau workmen at the shore end of the Chicago Lake runnel struck for an increase of wages lasi Tuesday, and no work has been done there since. The inters were receiving $2,60 per day, and demanded an increase offttly cents, MISS KATE GOLTRA, dal:4l{2r of a well known citizen of .Tacksonville, Illinois, Mr. Moue C. Golira, came to a sudden and dreadfuldeath on Tuesday. She went to berfrotno suffering from toothache, and took ether to alleviate the pain. Three hours afterwards she was found need In her bed, having died from the effects of the (AL er, Os the 9th day of September las L ; Fred. erick &Infra, lulled John Sachs, On Smith street, in Buffalo. He has eluded the vigilance or the nflieurs of the law until Tuesday, when he was arrested in Cleve land. by meant of a decoy let ter, which wee dropped in tb e peat office toe the pur- A rtes to break out of the county Jail at Cie% eland, which some of the prisoners have been maturing for several days, btu been presentr a by the watchfulness of the jail authoritl.s. The plan waa to take the In ner doors oil the Wft% and then break down the outer doors. An. not highwaymen luisappeared near Chiesgo,who are boldly performing the role of Dick Turpin. Several citizens have been malireated and robbed by them, on the roads leading oat of the city. Tits Detroit mail-bag for Chicago was cut open and rifled of its contents, last Wednesday evening, at Ypsilanti. The rifled bag way subsequently found in a (nigh, ear. DAVID All EN' went to Fed drank at the Exchange hotel, Plymouth, Indiana, ant the hottac at fire and. waa consumed in tho flames. PUBLIC NOTICES THE NEAT 11,COIDLE111 MEETING I of the ALLEGHENY OuUNTY MEDI CAL:SIIOMT won be held So the WLSTERN UNII ILDNITY OF PERNSYLV&DIA. coroe,tot Rosa este Memel:el streets, cat TUESDAY, tie 4 H0b,142;4 o'clock. sr. .1« wd - B. B. 3114,50 N. M. D, {.701.17111114 OLL gl.hr, asv, Pltubutik, Oar. Ulu WO. The Hulked Ilenstaly Meeting of the OS the rioara of Direatora of Ode Uoa•paoy will be held at the office to Pittsburgh, cm the SECOND 't2 ELNESDAY, ilth day of October, at 2 &chock, p. SD. Th., Transfer Books of the tJorops 2y will be et... 1 from SMard.Y. the 7th to Monday,. the lath hi Oeober. By order oil the Hoard. ornitted E. SVETER V ELT, Secrotar mrsafUlaT.° .24/OITII SWARD BOUSTITAX....The Tax.iwiern of the rliniti Ward or trdrialty, me ben he no toed that the ilotusty Tex assessed Dow due. All parr:ins who Intend paying the rime with 1100017 Bonds. will please present them to the Hoard of tiohnol Directors, sehleti will meet 00 MONDAY, TUESDAY and FEUD Alt %WEST ING:: of each Week, between the hour. et 7 and o'clock. 0. m., et the School House to said ward, until bloveinier Mt, VMS; alter which time no bonds will be received for tames. J. H. NOBBS,,Pren't. JAL ;J. Fames, Seesr. Oc Oaf tar. NOLDLEIUP nontlllll6.NT.;-• THE Orelectors for Cup IRON UMANT ASSO CIATION are tequested to report AT ONOE, to the Secretary of the FlOll.. 001.11Ittee, Gen. B. L. PEARSON, at his Wilco et Grant etreet. ewe 'WM. GORMLY, Ohm% Con. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Et , PEP.UI3 On, FORTY-FIVE DOO•POST DAYS, • BIOORLPAIY, Prom the Durmast of JEAN PAUL FREDRICK BICUTEB. Two volumes. Pries N,OO. J. ,L. READ, Ro. n Fourth Wort PRODUCA CONBIGNIVIENTS-- SO bira, /cps lied and Yellow Odious, raised from the seed this 20571 1(0 bbit.priate.Appissi 60 bbls. Jetees, Sweet Potatoes: 1 carload Poach Elbow Potatoes. 60 boxes Gosben Cheese; 30 boxes W. B. do 60 this. White Beaton 16 tbia. Pier lea; 60 dor, clap Pesehtll 00 dos. Can Tomatoes and Blackberries. ?Fp s"pARD._ OC.P.IIIEB—. %.6 200 bags bridle to choice Rio Coffee, .211 pockeu Jeri Cone., 76 hada. P. tr. aad (Yuba Fugal.. 126 bills. Refined and Ot tithed Sue 75 belt chests T. R. and Oolong te do Japan Teas, 12 do 41110 14 choice O. P,l ea, 20 bags prima Rice, 160 bids cheap and choke Syrup. 10 bbls. Bomb= Molasses, toe bble. 060ica P. 11. do 26 bbla. 1110. 3 largo Mackerel, to half bbill No. 8 do 26 do ' No. 2 do 475 kitte NOs 1,2 WS do 75 boxes large Creams Ohecee, With a Lull Soortiatnt Of Pittsburgh Man t a.. WU, whlelvaill be cold at the /ascii market rria.r. Py I,t, BALED k PATTON, 0112eas b Not.lll2a=l 114 Sabond stoeaL GR&PEBI 4Mtd''BE3l-60 boxes choice OaTAlfillit AND ISAIIELL4 GRAPES, Put. ny exprwly for family nee, Put reseteld per Ennis and for bale by CULP ft SHEPA. B / 1 , dem se7 Liberty street. TiLNA.RiNDS. preserved in suer, and ant up.inglius Ann a desirable rrWt for the alak room,',!Jtort received and for sale at she Pam. tly Grocery non of JOHN A, RENSUM, ' 0011 comer Liberty and Hand Us. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS y 08T—On Wednesday morning, 11th inst., nn I.lberty Ere t.n BOY neut.(' R• ENT HARE, &boot new year. of wee. Had on 9120L1 lest, /L brown waist, with White buttona, red light cap with & little blue ribbon le frost; very li:bt ..r, .ight complexion and blue eyes. Any Inforraatioincons whereabouts will be thanktilly received by Lk paPents. If left at the IIIAYON'S OFFICE, t r at Mr. BROWN'S residence, on Diamond alle oetßOnl y. WILLIAM. RARE A PATENT CROSS-CCT SAW, Vhlcb le uP'l" i're"Orti;:elinTlsid'o'srenvlnrYuZ iip t e l e . t ahead of anyth g nK:C MEIN-2EI Can be seen nt the Futhry of Tr3Cr4AB a HARPER, 13E/1.1-ZR ST., MA NCH I? SHAW Lb BRCCHE LON.G SHAWLS f lama. 3:1 or Qtaw,li2 y WITH RICH HORDE. S EIZIEZEI WHITE, ORR & CO 25 FIFTH SIREET, FINE: DIVF.LLING FOR taLE, Sit anted at the c •rror of Lunette anal Darla at, cede,; or. ntn %natal . Pl•taboritt, having of oat of e 3 feet a rhea on Duncan etrext, nad ex [cyst lug along Da , 'a et roe[ 140 feet, on which 11 erect ed New TWC Stny ieq Brick Dwelling ar's c rs OM.. !..n.th "son! and t . rtilifin4 tt, ft , a., as.s•l •• •.••,) rt•II-tr ua t:3e ():•,1.11, 15,15rn. ma. teir A: it Our rr. r t!..• ; sr. 11n1r, au, lii tku,l, 151 he as •41. dn./Ullan..intad lu , Go Gast ati Ica for t. 'I. upnurv, Grape ttt,ce hear (rult n. , •1 aOn. 'Klee:lnn or llntvt•ra. I p tent... 5• - nrzarniulr; pro•r. I).'. r. •I , • r.r. en• ocmipted ta Is, 11. r 71-10. S;•• TO N. mat they will rarely. rar ities part-cutn.r, terms. a.o. 0012 Iml TENII I ON ('LLU LECTURES. 91? hILVE ...41.111,4 111.:fill Marlin) ra Tat sdb) Elellll2l, "rt. If, and 17 J. 11. BulrEttnEl.l,, H. H DA% I-. J. :11. ..AZZ ISt. T. :tt. RA t NF HEN W(101,4 F. W . d octO ta W D. HILL. KENNEDY: orrms or rug PETE!. N• 1, it Ookrarrv, OTICE PIS H hasemp E hia, October 6th. iRM. REBY GIVEN that a sPLTRO n PECIAL MEETING of the Stockholders of A OIL CONIPA.NY unit be held at their odic% lg.. 624 Walnut street. Rooms Nos. NI end W., on iiVE.r.,NRSDAY, November lot, lOU, at iko'clock, for the •peclal purpose of reducing the Capital Stock of the said Oompany from Fire Hundred Ttusuutod Dollars to One Hundred and Sorenty-five Thousand Sobers. HENRY L. ELDER, ALEX. OA RN% eT, oc9mctil,lS,wd I. Al. RILEY. kLLEOHEN Y RESIDENCE FOB SA the two more BlltO D W EL,L- Dal, No. VII Rebecca ureet, Anegilear, eontaln lnd parlOr, Owing rOOl2l and kitchen on drat door, three chambers on second floor, cur and water. A POW? R , .0112 1 - I ,, VNE on rear end of lot, (writing on Pert, street. Apply to 8. 8. BRYAN, or 9 en FOURTH ST.. (Husky. Saktullq JUST RiSCSIVED, A SPLENI,ID STOOK OP FALL /SD WIRER BOOTS AND SHOES, tleroprteng In part Man and Boy.' Roots and Slott, 0011ffires Ostler, , Re noral Women'. and Milt. flalmams and Gaiters and aunts; a large easettraant of Children.' Shoes. leash has been pnrebsord bedrolls Ws 114119•13 d• 11,1 than and ernl be told *heaps than any other house In the /Up. loot lard J. arKELVY , Fifth at. COLLINS hWRIGHT.—"oK" BRAfts AND SKEET assreL woiatzus, BRITTANIA CASTORS, CARBON AND L iRD OIL inr6Nlc6ot, .nri dleerett styles pf UMW] la used py Mess M..n [estrum, ureen prumpUy No. CIO Sumas, Ifenteur, Promerean, PL 0c7:17 d VRONTING ON THE 01110 RIVER, it Stanchest," —A chews Bee!dance for Sate, huge well/notated Bowe and Ism Lot, snails tteee. eto s easy of anise. Also, • 51..1 two atom. Brick Dwellieg awl lugs Lot hooting no 'Steer evenly a leitnenlato poesession. Also, for 12.c10, a L.trtt two store Brisk House and Lotof flroor.d on S. Carnal street, two squares (ma the Sena •t Bridge. Yoe ••le hr---- -- 6. et.. ^ DhIEIDUT SONS, of Market Meet on, tim LIIOAD DIORTOAGE uLf BuNDs.-0. ?nowise grantees (ht. l7tb. WAS, at 7 o'clock, will bo sold, by one/ . of Issas Laughlin, trustee of Pittaburtth Trait Coulson,. on account of whom it tarty concern, ori is a second Geer of rho tiosencereisl Sal.. booms, ISO Stulthneht street. corm:Helm the Custom Honer Pitteetitgo, thirtg.elent : wand Mortgage Bona. of thr.Plltaburgh and Steubenville Ralleottl toe sums saoh, with intornitt coupons Enos LEOS at tool ed. (oe) A. MOILWAINE. Ann's. • ROOM -- WANTED, 97.1111 OH WiTLIOCIT HOARD, In a Girt Kit mte family, lot ?WU TOUNf MEN VG - lain ere or tea minutes molt of the Port attic Bert of toferece, lialaree. IL B. XL, 0ci03,1 o&rerral 0.7,1C11. Dar earwax? ax titan, / Washingtou, Oct.ts, Oct. I INFORMATION bet teen waived al this Pepartmeng from Mr. tletewn S. Fisher, ths Cordial of the 'United States at &Lumbar*, Japan, of tht death, on the lllth dap of Ar il Jut, at lekohama Hoar:tat, el CHARSM% SCUBILUT, atlas CHARLES LUilgallitt, tun supposed a Prussian subleat, having parents re siding at or near Pittsburgh, P. Us was about IS years of age. oe9;:td llevnio REMOVED TO n O. 32 FOURTH STR.t:ET, I have opened a splendid amassment of the latest styles In BONNETS, HATS, R IBLIONS 1. - LAMERS, PLUMES. FAN CY GOODS, Re. and am nom prevarod to wait alas my onstsmers, and all other who may favor me with 4 es IL 507:13e, 0,1 MSS. tld. H. WHIGHTSB. I )EBIIIABLE CITYPROPERTY b• property nom mumplml by the aa a COOPHESS SHOP, in the Potutft NT ard Pittsburgh. haring a front of 44 foot Dandies On Duquesne Way, ruzMnif t b:k 170 lest to a ten foot alley. Per terms, De., enquire at fOrkpat- See k Benot 'a, No 943 Li y street, or of the eubseriber the ;trembles. • oclered HOBERT BOLE. COOK LIS G STOVES, PARLOR AND REAVINO STOVES, O RATES, FRONTS, FENDERs, Alto, all alaelVor HOLLOW WARE CASTING So. 301 I.lbeply Ntroot. oc4:11d A 1.1.eN, S. nu NIZt Corrizontan.a OveN. City of Alleghany, Oat. 4th. 1 reeled proposals will bo received at this o de, until TUESDAY, 17th lnd ,t. InoluslVegii i r deliver ing at the Alirgueny Water Wor 30,000 lafelf.ELS OF 011 MERCHANT& LE rut COAL. Tbeeentntot to be completed by the drat day of January, 180. R. A. FRANCIS, ordAtA City Controller. --- THE BOUliti for .Ito County Tax re• footalux unpaid have been Piseed An I:Mr/Pot the subscriber Tax-payers hevirg not pot paid their taxes, will plaseo take nettoe sod aul et PicIELY office, inert he will be ready to receive ttlia , , oeo.lwo ISA A FTEWA BT. Collector. x . JACK, CA. Xi 400 CI El MI. Nos. 1 and 12 Diamond, PITTSBUBOII, PA OONSIONMECNTB OF PRoDUC.E. lJ 75 bbm, Jemmy Street Potatoes; 6 Wax sliver skin Onions; 2 brides Butter; kry dry Swett Horn; xi boxes 27, 12. Obeessi to boxes Herkimer Cheese; 60 bars Pea !Huts; Pa pounds Heestssal itio Me choice Green Apples; 6 Ws. Oran Cidess Jest received and for ells by sin PHTTBIL AMEN as SHEPARD. -- SHAKER OWEST CORN-8 bid& new crop, So u st r re o c f e S i ae d.e, d O r n kal e p by t t u h p butte) 0: quart, at theist:ally Humor, More of JOHN A. erastaw, corner of L betty and Hued .. nosr°4.l7Colii.E°.L-11Tihi:Orebitlius°nir bilnlSaniGtElt.:4l aplitt' "11 ISAIAH DICKEY at W. A PPLEB—tOO, bbls. prime Apples reed for sale br act FETZER. & ARATSTRONG. ENV .New layer andßullch ail lo7iiirrb o to whole e6 eu34 Lull bozo. Jan reosl Mauna BROS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GRAND coßcLiti. PROF. W H. SLACK Would Informs his Allende and the punka, that TWO GLAND 001c11E11113 will be elven by • [km numbering about ONE IiUND/LtJ) AND Ylk"lY of hie PUPS*, at ExcELSIOU BALL, ALLEGHENY, 011 THURSDAY Awn FRIDAY, Oen tare Awn Iry lon of 131 a. TheSOLO programm e and s .rll/ embr a choice re. CHORUSES.R knots, 16 eta. Children under 1g year/1,16 ctn. Fot rale Srt the Book Store. and at the door. Dons open at 1; Concert eornmence at ni Welk. The Plano to be used on the occasion ha. beau kindly furnished by H. Braman Bee., Wood at. The neat term of Prof SLACK'S Sollon., commenres en tia TUB IJA Y Wet. 01.1, at ILIVIS. HALL, Water street, over Revenue Wilco Terms, II per Session of Are months, payable to advance 1 )1.. FF'S BLANK h11,11 , ;(1 I'ENS t•iAT/ONEhY AND BLANK. tHOICS Myers, Schoyer & Co AUNT'S PMnIIBURGH ALMANAC THN POPULAR ALMANAC AB :Old M the old Klee, FIVE CENTS A COPY With usual discottut to doslor Y . , T YAt U. on receipt of two Llta cent ctotopt. JOHN P HUNT & CO., Publisher 59 Fl ILI I EET. 51neort. 1111, ocl2 Ar.I.I"(;IIENY COUNT? Agricultural Society, TENTH .A.N TN UAL. FA IT IRRIV CITY PARK, OCTOBER 18, 19 AND 20,1885, ITIDNEEDI T, MBAR f AND FRIDAY. The Board of Macaws announce to the pub!' tam they have leaved for a term of year• the commodlous and tutors/1y beatalltal pounds known as tr. IRON CITY PARK, SltAtatal at LeannateoLlle, masa the fate Ilcah Large and Irrell.lrranged BUI.LDINGFS Here bent erected for the &splay of a IEC I I4IIIIICII.II.IIIMO noamEn. I Is Ammar ars, 'CATTLE. ram& SHEEP, INIADWERA AN a WINE AND WEGISTAIILJLM; POULTIST, LIBERAL ARRANGEfItENTS Mass beam made to Lamm> ERTIRE BATISFiCTION To EL Whit°. and Spect law". LARGE PREMIUMS ARE OFFERED. And the display to all departments promises to EXTI.NSITE AND, IMPOSING. 1 1. 4 3+ItS;]E!rN'. The Managers, have provided I Suitable fauna for the Display of Hanes An/, to addition to the testa specified to the Pre mium Lists, tra track wild Do °yea oxen day for EQUESTRIAN PERFORMANCES, Tinder the directions at the Oonisilttce. TED GROUNDS ARE Supplied With Pure Water Hay and Straw FURNISHED GRATIS. ' rain fit Cost. IRON CITY PARE can t• .reachal by the Ott were Fatte Railway. Also, Accommodulost trains will b ro e by the Penneylvarde RaiCowl Compute. Q Premium lasts tut be procured at the Booms of the Society, f T. it lath Street, or by 'Pa= either a almt cr:lM l llocere4 on b e urd e Secretary's books before TUESDAY EVEN. NO, (AMMER 17, and (except hone.) brought Within the union/. aseartv as TUESDAY NOUN Air- ABrew Ihtod pill be in at. endenco. 67 . • Ample adrangonenta for maxis. PRICES OF ADMISSION. alga Adtszors 10 cents. 15 Tarobone Vett!d .... 25 oe °mar.eat,. Shure-horde Vehicles O 3 eons.. Slagle lam so lO agate. Oeoupasta of 'abides 011 l pay, In addltlon, illo regular prim of adrolsalon. Judges' R. 1,011. will ko road Ram tbo Pratt dci.t•. trot on 1 RIDAY, OCTOBER 20, st o'clock r. ■, CASH PRL•AIIIMS WILL RE PAID BY TOE TREASEILLEB For for Let latonnatton. address Capt. JOBB TOTING, J,a hoperintendent, Uen. JAMES d. BEGLEY, Corresponding Beare. tray of the Smug, or B. SOHOYER, Moneta ry to the Board. .nratstawtde BOOTS AND SNOBS. LAMES ROBB, lea Just returned from the EAST with a very ergo and seasonable moat of a f 3 11 -MS-3:1 faXICVELID. of the VERY lIFSt QUALITY. Mena', Boy,' sod Youths , Routs AND 6H0E.9 to all that varieties and styles. LADLES WORK of the fin. est and best that is manufactured, trent the fee Polish to the plaln Calf Roots. ()bikini/Is' /loot+ and Shoes In every style and variety. Our object Is to sell such goods as will give sat- Waditon to thepurvbaser. Kir Please nail and examine, and you will be imitated with the QUALITY Sad 10 ROB goods. , Remember the place. oat No. 71 Market etreet. IMAOIII/41 WORM!, -a-11. K. LEAKY, Manutacturar of his Casa hrMtf Pateat improved OIL WELL TOOLS. SA NSOM POST, AND WALKING BEAM IKONS and rU FIXTURES USED IN SINK ING OIL AND SALT WELLS, Nue. 12 and If 08/0 STREET, on the uppez route of the Man. allude: Penman Ballarat , . P. O. Addreu, Bon ITLALLzu PA. Potboiler attention II Invited to Ms /ate La. Proeementa in iJars and Joints, all made of the porn; Sligo and Low Moor Iron, batsmen:al ea prettily for them. All parts warranted and on, to standard slam the pins and sockets of any on, set lining any eiaez of Ida MMIIIIZMUTO Mirky the same Dumber. Steam banging lad Machin Work made to Order. We f o u r rus the pub/tato) ti sad 4111.LE1100, and Pulse for Ineinsalvta and vr . challenge equality of workmanship sad cOmpeti Um Send Or (lard and jirlaagarma SAT:IK BALT—IOOO sacks Balt, dairy, in atom and for sale by • Etym% Bails., Noa. 121 and 12 a 1 WOOd atreet. - - YORE STATE APPLES.-2 car . l oa d s prima Lake SturlCAPthncrw In stOre soA /opals by VOIOT b& 130. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mc/ADEN'S Pittsburgh Package Express Delivery mt. great conrenierine to the boatmen coreinu• el! Is DOW/ in euncessfial operation, Dam, IDE B BMWS AIENILPPE.P.GRATErr. Packagy tric e t c , barrels., bones, fce., ac, conveyed to ell parts. of Pittsburgh. A. J. RANKIN, Druggist, St. (Asir street, op. poslte St. Clair Hotel. Its. FLErgigo, Druggist, South -cast corner of Merkel street and DiemotaL J. M. FULTON, Druggur., talymob4lAg, 11th greet. 10S. ABLE. Drugeet, corner sth and Grant Ata SLIKCJN JOBSISTUN, Druggtac , corner Fourth no Smghtleld greet. N....IIcCLA k UO., Drtiggfatt, °met of Market and Diamond. R. P. VAJSDINURT, Drugzint, corner of Smith eld sod Liberty ntreets J. W. PrITOCK. Neon Depot, corner Smith .ehl and fifth itoretEd. tf; AL lil LYII,IIE, Jeweller, career Wnod and Liberty et feet. OED, ALIMEF. SON tr. CO., corner Wood ~ t 1 aura, r Ocida. LuCVAZ9NTACIONS E. W. L) c.,rncr Wood Bt. end Vi . r,in Bllcy. .10S. Nt - ,4,I,WELL tx. Cu, corner Wood end Second Klutz. _ - - SC W. E. SI ilit 11T7. & 0t3., NA 31 girth street. HARE'S HriTE.L. Liberty street. U. A. RELI.Y, Druggist, No. 63 iederal street, Allegheny City. S. R. LIRA It.. Druggist. corner Federal sod tnwa sheets, Allegheny City. G. A. KELLY, Druggist, corner Federal and Vhto smarts, Allegheny City. nr J H. FICRELANIeS, No. 36 arket strret, ler ere ps: kegs.* can be left. The. Wagons are to st •'3l.Failee`i Plusborgh r,,k. age Enemas ltch, cry" end '•Re4 Star' correspond leg malt the sig.,' wards. No connection with any other Express Company. 0012 lid It 'II , I' k DI:N. - - IN'ENV (TOOLS' JP Fl FT H ST IZEET J, A. 1/0:0111is401; A: CO Ne. 81 Market Street HAY!' just opeue4 an Immense stock of MEN'S,LADIES', MISSES' AND CIIILLMO Boots, Shoes, Balmoral. P CZ/ I F.; 3M" 33 FALL AND WINTER Wi'.2lß. We bare the beet dasorLment of MEN'S BOY'S AND YOUTHS' Call, hip. Crain and Water Proot Boats f , rge! ho number, GI 11A Int ET , THEFT ext th•or to ItARKE/Pb. B —Ken'. Out( Boots mod,• to order. olt A DDY et EWENS, V:I1i'dM(N:INVIIIII1:1:4 Gas and Steam Fitters, 14. 165 WOOD STREET, Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet Lead, LEAD PIPE, PIG & BAR LEAD Plumbers' Materials in General. OIL REP/XERIEB Fitted Bp in the Most Approved Style. Tonto hoed orltl, lead or copper. Houses Ours op olio wow Or ga. F. 6.—.911 orlon promptly artondoo to. pu TEIR Nk.W YORK OBSERVER. RELIGIOUS AID SECULAR NEWSPAPER, For the Family and the nrealde, will soon ent IORTY.F..URTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. trus , to the COURCH, the CONSPITUTION acul the UNIUN. It la calculated to edify sod please both OLD AND YOUNG All NEW SUBSCRIBE:RA plying us In oklvance for leo thall hover nut.. bereft Itemedlot4y eu tenet, ute the ORSERVt FL will be Bent to them UNTIL JAN GARY FIRST, GRATIS Subscribe 6 , 50110.111 the rasa razza3 will co.. memo were the names are catered. Sample coplca to say adOresa raze. Tunic $3.50 a Year in Advance. SIDS EY E. ZduBSE, Ja, ect.4141 17 Park Hoar, Neva Yolk. - CORE ONE, COME ALL I GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING . Nos.lB and 15 St. Clair St. The attention of the public la called to the large and extensive nook of GENTLEXEN'S IFIJR. NIBILINa GOODS, just opened at the above. mentioned place, winch lam now °redo( Goods, bugalna. Any one to want of the above will find it to the.r advantage to giro me S rah and examine Mg stock Deign purchaaLng when. They Ma End the largest and best selected stook of Flue White Shins, extra nan o rtlegria Shirts, Woolen, Cotton and Line Thread Under. shirts and Drawers, Sluts, Neck nos, Soda, his. ponders, Butterflies. and ~...Taning Pen.lll.l: eo the Gentlemen , " Furnishing Goods, In thorny. Remember the place. 13 cod 15 St. Olatr street. street.. LEVIN. N. B. A larks stook of Rats, Caps, Grey'. flal tan Lockwood's, Oatmeal. Byron'. Enameled and 81ue...0i1, will be told lower that, eon. linsayinati• J G. LAUER, No. 31.132. ThiEssk - Isgot Elf lik-cnot. Dealer la all kArstla of FA NOY 0 0011 IS TOY OAFITS St reuonable price, `OCla of csemea-lo staacit ZiLotztiL eel AT THE CENTRAL DRIP. 3 STORE, You will always procure BROWN'S BROM/MAL TROORE3, for Mulch., OolOt, LONDN HAIRI DRESSING AND RESTORERI Bst. McBRIDE'S KING or r LIN; FINE OLT OERINE SOAP, for too head.; TOOTH BRUMint, HALE BRUMES{ AIL RSHES, A full and cam Leto stock N ot DRUBGS,U ka, PATENT MEDIULNES, DYE STUFFS, RED and WHITE STORE. airway.. hand at Um CIENTHAD I ORE. sornor of Ohio and Federal streeta,D RUG {teeny, NO - rib - 1 We bare the Sole Agency (or Pittsburgh, of the UNITED STATES PIN COMPLIT ; Also, Adatirantina andlwan Bill Hook and Eye Company. wROLESAILE. DEALEISS AND SUBBEES can buy ea above goods by tho owe, (tsua savtna I'M& and erperaw, al New 'iota PiWM% by tall. lag at RoA. 78 and 80 flatlet Street, MACEUM, GLYDE 0 R BALE OR I/SCR/LNG/I.—The Saw Mill [mope/tr. containing about tan aecu, partly tuiderlaid with coal and lathe open, located at the mouth of Chattier, Cheek, on the A llegheny river. There la on We property Baw EDI and two Howes—will be sold alien', or exchanged far Property Plitebtlrgh,Allagbeny or Lawrence ville. LYDAY & CLIORPEN/NG, One Door Below fiend street, Duquesne Way, sefumiad $2OOO WILL PURCHASE THAT elttena ve FeUNDBY BUILDING and LOT 211 b ernnier el Sheffield and Cher tiers streerts, ter. Thls le unrest bargain. iply re eed B. )UL AIN le DO. TALLuVf 01L-20 bble to arrive. Fo by IFAIMI MOLET k 00. , MA/O'J, No. I . oi Won NEW GOODS IN THE r)ITY (OPPOSITE FIRST OEWallaj I=3 REAL FIFIIi WAGONS, WHEEL BAR RU &c GEORGE A. KELLY & CO. I W'r 3 4'llilU.Rl4 o r 4 g g- . i . 4,4 -a c. . 0..„,.,_ _ wp.i4! , -I eiri /t0m.n,...„. _. E:ga:,-.,.....27-p ,7); mis ® ›ft,„•_,:c..-..0. ,- ,... - w ° ..F.• t,g;giig6 , Z IA irm ?, 4*..1:.:; c r=== , 40.:.g,nE; r. t.. 49...1.f. ,44 0 atm 0 ,ctim=p 1: mr , ..ca. I a A'?o. t - . 4. 6c cmcc4. -lE—i cM g M fes C. 7 ,7 a. t. 2. ,Fe r , z amm4 . 4; : -, c=,. .. g=l P 4H3 g.. -,1 4 r .i . g q,114-i, ~ f ,;l, O P. : 11E .--,„ z. ~,. pp , . r tZfr'gO.E. ,?...r' .;. q r. ,, 8,,r; El:r '' .., = gri, z i , U Tg4 . go " 2E! 4 m....4c,* ,t C" ' 1 . 17: F,,5* f 49.1 = PI - , :x.-=, .g - g = N ===l ri r Iff; 1:: 1 .4=4 a. rri 4 97/'m 2g4l a =c; . 0,..g 0 mi „, ..4: 2: mi2b. —. = w ma - 7 , n -11.: >r.::-L 4 r 01) m 'Li F.isi zi ,:og, r. m N ...--.Tx. '.1.. q.. 4 > 4:2 ''' z.t ® C:2 A p 1,,, ~.,. ..., .. 1 , 'P, c: I,4*e 0 rla ! g.A ..,, E. , 5.:,i . 4 co, Ngi ii ii 4 ri GOVEBEME.NT BALE EXMENSIVE BALE CIF MARKETS, BEDSTEADS, Q !yrs IRE, bc. WIWI BE BOLD AT AUCTION ATTIE& ffiedical Purveyor's Warehousof No', 18 market st, Nashville, On Tuuday, Oct. 17, IB6i, at 9 o'clock, A, E, 11,065,Ei1ankets w 1 1.400 Small Tablas, 51,0ielron Bed/Saadi, 165 Cooking Stoves, I ,galAiingai Cots, .6 do Hauges. LIM Etuau, 15 , a,NatC.IIIT6 ke II and Forks, Zsi Winans, Caldrons 2,580 Spooo2B, ; 200 Looking CH uses, Atol a variety of other Ccu - alabing CYoo4s. Quirennvare and Glasstaare, Consisting of Platt; Dishes, Pitchers, Tea-Pots, !lugs, Bowl; etr.. AM e large eiecriment of T N MIT A. Nit. A Lupe part la them &Maim are entirely nem eatalogina may be had on application. • ROEIHRT-71L.Enl8En. Burg .and Brut. Col. V. & V. Pled. Pus. V. S. A. C. R. Disenotn ti Co, Auctioneer. oetaltd OIL LANDS, 90 Acres on PitholeCreek, About one exile west of Nellabers. It ilea well for bailor to eonsldered good oil territory, and will be sold altogether, or In loge of 10 acres. it Rill be sold chttsp. ALSO, Vile ll= Undivided Oat-fortieth Part of 42 ACRES OP LAND, Sltitat• to Corn Plante.? 'Powrahlp, Penang° Co., e., between Rolm? ant Run and Plthole Creek, about threetourthe of a mile from the General Grant Well Thle le part of the tam. McKim:Leg Perm, whith Ike Immediately earth of the Wore? Perm. We irtll sell one or all three shams to gether. Few Loh of Land on West Biekory Creek, About taro miles thou Tidloute and one and a halt miles from two flowing well, on Dennis Bun. Tune lots 1,411A1t1 about one acre !nen. They lie well for boring, and offer • good opportunity to Individoala and companies, to porch.° a small amount of temit.ry, In lee eimple, at a moderate price. Title warranted. ALEXANDER WALLACE, TIDIOUTE, WARREN OR, PA. HUGH FITZPATRICK, I'IDST PREMIUM GOLD.PEN DIANDFACTUR2R, I hila Ball, car. Third and Markel sta., second story, entrance on Third street ;7 Gold Pens and Gold and Silver Pencil:Cuts, wholesale and retail. Pens repaired. Pereons having Pen' to repair can send them by mall, and they will be promptly returned. ordwd KROWLET PATENT a mmi.a.nes .P'CrMM.,. Mb pump has no crank or fly-wheal, coast , thu quen s t i l A y . it:Ls always ready to start without arthl 'this been for four years tin extensive use for supplying water to STEAM BuILEtIS Mann. lecturing Establlahrants, MOS T fect success. It ts unqueatidnably the RELLIBLE . INDEPENDENT I:=1 ever loyeoted, •nd for SUIPLIOITY and DOBA• BILITY dates compel:Moo. OaL for eirtu arc All am deltreted pionaptly to otter tar the Cole agents. DAILEY, FARRELL & No. 167 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH, PA EN o & Hi/PRINS, GOAL': AND bOKE DEALres, AND SHIPPERS, MANCHESTER, near the Pauetier Oar Stabler. r mixes rue• witted at the ittrile it AelleC, °nit: NEWADIM!,TISEKENTS Goan, aussß eavri OIL t Oil Shares and Presints for the ilitiloil. TILE sALILSEOOO .0? TILE EW You BTROLEIN PRIZE COMPANY WILL OTISIT THE SP.3.0101::18 STORE, No, 61 Fifth St., under Opera House, ON OATTJUAT, OCTOBER FOIC A FEIN ' . DAY4 ONLY. OPEN FROM • A. A.I. UNITE 10 P. AL • A CHANCE MR ALL TO STRIKE OIL! A SURE INt:ESTRTENTI OIL SHARES FOR ONE DOUAI. A Share in 5125 000 for One Dollar! 811AHE Ii A LAllet TIAM O 7 LIND FOS el. A Share in the Zistribution of $125,000 worth of Goods for One Dollar. The Poor Man on a Lil , l with the Bleb Man Present to Evert Shareholder, TO 13£ TEN AT TILE TIME OF "PURCHASE The Shareholder still rbtaining his in ere in the Oil Lands or the Company. 125,000 PRIZES AWAY, WIMOH COST AT WHOIIESA.LE, BUT Worth at Retail Pr;ices, $125,000, TEE NE*. YORK PETROLEUM PRISE COMPANY. The excitement attendl4 the develonneat of the vast reservoirs of l'etrcicum In various parts of the continent of North A;berica, he. never been equalled since that whicb Allowed the discovery of gold In Calllonds, end cite amount of capital invested In Its production .11,1istillation has bean onprecedensly large. In Yunumerable Instances Investment ha. been followed by largo profits—lll many cues almost fabuloud awns have been nisi , toed, and hundred., any, thetmendsotindividuals have becomesuddenly Ebel, pave pulsed (tempos earl° affluence In the twleitlins of an eye, and emerging from their state orris= end deprivation h.ve reveled In the comforti - Justiry and ease that the porseesion of riches ein bestow. There is scarcely an Individual in Uri Eastern, Middle or Western States who Is not Sesaurinred with these facts, and there L. scarcely 0t,30 who has not some Lrienl or neighbor who bac excited Ms envy or congratulations by "et rthing. Ile." Numerous Al those thetaetes have been, how. ever, and great as the amount of oil taken from the many wells now developed did constantly dere,. aping hu been and 1., the ohnuoas for Investment are by no means exhisusted,4l they are even di„, =lashed, and every day.imparienee testate. Shea the Odd for enterprise is by means filled, bog that the opportuntrieolor ripstivng encomsoms turn, from small taveameripa are quite atattalar. . The plans of many of the CR Clonovanter In the country are liberal laths extCerae ; many, moat of thew, we we willing to belictre, are conducted on yrinelphts of perfect falrneaskhut none of thaw, of which we have heard, offer CERTAIN AND INUNEINATE RETURN'S an the Inveatments made to them, or combloe any of the DIZENSE ADVA=ACIM annul by the YORE- PETROLPArM PRIZI3CO. touch not only mom twahateh' older. an Interest in Its va.maeat, 011 LARDS, -, • which are uniurpaeard lOcattop, and which, from all the owble mdleattori, Pcorche to be es Productive sw anr In the weed. otti every Stook holder Jaime of on Wamv.llWW return of thee= toresiod, with the chums of Realizing- st,ooo [wenn , dollar invested, orees r.szoszt titoOrral =as astounding Mutt tag. more tartly pp and its feasibility be - thorou;bly understood, by the perusal of the following _ • PROSPECTUS OF THE NEW YOBX PETEcidNir Pa= CO.' oapual.workinicapitala— $410.000. Priccipal °Mee: 542 ;BROADWAY. OPP/CCU: F: G. W. cress Err; raxerps64 W. BENNETT, J e eweller. laykst. FRIA, street, Ellerlenatl, 0. O. A. SAGENDOSPII, Wa4ob Cale - Maker, Ptevieence, R.I. T. R. G. MARSTON, Jewarter, Wr Fkaedwii. New z ark Oily. 30EN F. A. van, MorebiAt, al Broadway, Naw York CUT. P. A. ROBlNSON,Jenrellokl23s Tenth Agree:, Phlledelphls, Pa. I. D. MILLER, Hijverware COMer sad Lel -Ot street'', New Ye*. MANE NINO, INe:cluirdlzellroke; PM Cedar, rower Weld street. G. A. BAGENDOEPIE Treasurer. JOHN P. VAIL, Seerstatr. - LIB? or PI4OIOIOI,TY. The OIL LANDN OT THE CILEEPANT consist 01 CZ extensive tract of Land Satiated six macs from Parkersburg . , la Athena lOsaty,Gltio, lo the neighborhood of come of the I HIGHEST OLL YIELDING ItAND IN THE - WORLD, o number of lowing and pumping wad yielding the flout Otddittes of volatile, end Lialltlo.l.llfila Oa*. moith Rota twenty dollars to 1; sm-r-Datizeas PFRO*RILEL. Upon this Property it is tle. intenUen of the bakers to comlnerme sinking • fretl immediately, the nesaauiry mach tarry being proves, of este atructlon, and it is the opinion it the Uompaog's Geoloilst., as well al of the more experienced ox. Pert+ that oil will be struck liatan a eery short perwelliod from the time of con:nu - Wog to Mak Um.. • in addition to this valuable t oll lasul, the win,. ImnYia in poasent an of a inure.limount of sasomwomous. Pli OPER CY, eonrating ot, Tamable Heal Estate, SIM Gdeds,Lsoes,Shawb. Gail and Silver Watches, •Thernande, Jewelry, Sewing Idathines, Chlekerinitra Grand Ptanas, Enables Planes, Steinwey and (ion's Plano; ale. end Mr Dresses, Breakfast, Diftwr luldTesPents, Wryer Ware, Plated Ware, (19d - Pens, Seerisi Birds. LADLES , .TEWEL:WY . Breastpins, Finger-rine, ErrlagvWalcb flame, Splendid Tea= of Hot es, doent ; ilanress, uuriages. Buggies Trotting Wa gons AFL AN ISLILSIVS.E.3yOQC of every description of - LI ' ' SALVABLE Alit ELI3O ailrx , GOODS, an of which Is to become the 'EXCLUSIVE riIOPERTY OF THE slidarp /10—DERS, DESTRENITNED WITHOUT tiFITLIOLITY or dlocnmtastion to EVERY ONE WHO INkEsTs ONE DOLLAR, ONE DOLLAR, ONE DOLLAR, 0.15 E DOLLAR. . -- . THE PAR VALDE OF EA2 , SHARE . , This large amount of property been oontrib label to the general stook of the company by a tura:mi. of WHOLESALE DEALERS ARD'thLERDHAMPS of the tat position In the hiliatthißTlLE WOiLD, an.l le worth at .. 1 - ilttlll. ralcss, -, 4 11 . 1 36.004P1e . BY:euut rhea or oxeraratrrioavto sharehohlera and the average Draft Made on Ott Mall prizes, they calculate that a .3 ' Profit Gr Trenty rhousr4Dog ars will remain in the hamis of the Iteamarth wlillth sum will form THE WOR.KING CAPITAL, 0 1 - T;IE 00 REPAINT • with which to pay for the lIPCZSP.S.Pir xacpak ,t for the purpose of developing the h VALUABLE OIL LANDS, which will forever remain the g POPPEITY EP rite or PEIT. , and each ß ahareholder b. enttled Way t in quota of ell the proceeds derived from the PRODUCE OF THE wgra.s. , or the consequent INCREASE OF THE VALUE pe,Trre LANDS, an well as all the products of the afpne, mmil SS OP COAL, coon OM 71X, BSA.. The faith, reputation and Mulmese petition et the deters of the Company ate PV••• to • 'JUDICIOUS MAILSOAFEBT of the Walla of the Company, az?' no effort et tartly wilt Do spared to nuke EARLY AND LARGE DIVIIDEBDS. In - the distribution of - Pimento qere wID be no lottety, no game or theme, PI the: ian of pretest. tatter is entirely new, novel, and:ViriginaL Ta u it will be seen that every porcinCser or a a a jiae moat. receive Usartilately some return for by In vestment, and • BESIDES BM IHARE IN 'AM Drt. WELLS, pll.l. =entre A vatman;* am% " • in , N. ... T ot a FARM.. Re ma a thousand dollar PIANO . Be may [ eta D WATUEL heciony get a DIAhltiND PIN. may gat Sh:wING Me.4.lllDir. Ile may 0: a thousand Moen more than he has paid, ~..*lll certain yl maitre an mutant return on the nom instated, immediately on purelmninn the shar e s. One Readied and nrollPgre ha tealli Rues WILL EL OM= AY )11 ~. ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE: 11., ;hues end Resents to be Tr i o. at *nee to the purchaser. ; Tem sales room will open for thetorpecoola of the Immense atom of geode to be pin away on SATURDAY, October Ittb, f ef;a rom I. at. until 10 P. E. Thant/ of oil stock will soothe/tee on MONDAY, °MODER le, • • and con TM= .11: YEW DATE, from Ito.. tromitll ID N. IL—Ladies desirous of Livrettnilit stock tell BM sO °Mee in the sales room expttlesly for their aseomtnodation. • _ i The ladies and gentlemen-al Pittelitirgh are re. Ilmetrolly I Writed to TIER the mill* room an the openingday, and see for themseires;the immense • advanteges to he Wired by buratto,/ ln atutzeirot the Now York Petroleum Prim Company Gale 6td
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers