. ilins -i),otour.4ll(gazeito; BZ:Z=Z I.7ituFraro tor CiZEiTB WEitirESDAY, O. 14 ].865• 'COWNECIICUT., l - • ' In 1857, when the, question of negro Rif ..':. (rage wart:submitted to the peorde of Con , nectlent, the proposition received but 5,353 votea, to IP,l.44votcs against; it, At th e -- ; tateidectitniiittg - yet cast foslt was 20,687, to illi 3 Otig ageinst ir, ...This s ho w s a very health y , advance in • *! public _opinion, - and ' , demcmstrates that the ~ peOile of tiltrno dr are gifidually recover ing i• from b sotted prejudice which was 1, instilled into th m by the press, the pulpit F. i. and the forum in tho - pro-slavery times of ',.. thirly.icars ago. - With the.new generation ] it will dies out altogether.' i ~,. We were not among those who expected j., 1 a different result In that State, nor do we -i, feel cast down of dismayed bpi; 'n the least. ~- Truth is mighty anti wit! prevail, I -: Same of the "conservative" 1 rersea have 1' teen weak enough to agree quit., if:the peo -114 pie of colgitctieuem;ill . n....t do justice to L .i' the negro, - the people o.! the Soni, with all id[ their prejudices fresh and bi t er , cannot ' jrusflibp expected to do any ber. This leagoddntatuurnt: but as it tls against 4. the Cons ervatives, they are the last who 'lshorthOirge ir. ..; No . party, other than the Conservatives, , .. `tins proposed to leave this questioa in the I httrids of:the , Sonttern people; and it did not need the eteetfon to Conner lent to tjemontdrate that it is unsafe to leave it `i ;'there. I is simply because we know, and . ;body knows that :he South- I' beca use eVCI3, ' ern people can not be relied upon of tiaeir 1 - own tuotivea, to do justice to the negro, . , that. lse have protested against leaving the : i ntatter to them AD ffeelde without compul . 1 -alon. ' , ---: We believe that Congreas and the Preat ,- f dent Lave the same power to react negro !. suffrage'front the Southern States that they , i have to exikt the abolition of slavery, No i one believes that net Southern States would have abolished slavery, if left to their own free will; but the government required it, as a sine 'qua non to their return, and they have compled, because they can '. ; not help it. There is precisely- the same pcivier to exact .negro aufirage as a condition ;rem dent to their return, and we believe it i should be exacted,. While vieliave thUnow i ; er,..becauee; first, ft is right, end second, it i 1 will never be concoe d ed except upon such '` comPulig."i: :. - t il• .' -APPRENTICESHIP SYSTE3I Were is nothing which tfetracts BO much from the credit of mechanical skill In the Znited States. AI. Cite „lax ayateni of µp pienticeship pieinita, or rather the ,entire want of system. /a Et: limo IP:Mechanic can work :at, his trade who has sot served a regular appren tieeeldp thereto, IV that amenticepipht prolorigedeald ozact ngt Iu thi4 coitot4- i An apprentice simply serves as long as he pleasea l, 7E6 CoatAirence iathat While w a I have many skilled mectiiiia6; who con ! soiettilonfiy„Aerie. leng, , ,enough to. learn. "—thatcatttoilli, we Lava malty More, in every _trade, who have..acqtdroli bat smatterinepf irtrawiedge in their auk • Such a state of things is as injurious to ; the p3en theraselvei as to - the trade they profess; and the onlyenre Ibritlathiadop tion.of an effective system-of apprentice ship. It la ;hing,,itrdeed; now, tome air apprentice's indenture; and until we. 416 see that class of papers, and see them hedited,about with legal sanctions and pen 4sliles,' we shall have to endue the disadvart tans of the preseuraystem. ' The consideration of this, matter hes been breached by the mechanics themselves, .land It belthves them to Preis Its considers tion,until'the proper legislation is obtained. These are, sva knoW4 intitraliculties in the way, : ticit the chief difficulty is in mak ing a beginning in the right diractloa. The ftist thing to bedinte, In our view, is to "provide legal mutation and- protection to ',written articles of.. apprenticeship, under which the apprentice may be pro ected Ifrosioppression and at the Lamp time com i pellettto serve out Vitierm of apprentice ship. That point once attained, almost ev ery,thing ele desirable would naturally j A COLD SHOULOEIVACO GENERAL BANKS. lThe Boston Advertiser friendly to the pretensions of Gen. Banks, who is witting', and in fact anxioni to represent the Sixth District of liassaditisettsiii grew. The Advertiser thinks-the canvass is,too far advanced for hisa, tog:cake a mac sessful contest, and farther, that in spite of E'en:foliations, the people-are not , sat's ! fled. with' hisrLonlidene policy , - that ;•• moreover the question - Of residence will have great weight, Gen. Banks five years ago hering dead:it* . severed his connection With 31assachnsetts and removed to Loins . The a'ai lifotte of' his tianness ;plane and—to esy nothing of an intermediate perlodmhen liew,Totklyas,understcxl.to be his local hatitattottat li s t' ca fri e til i i n i • to Louisiana, where upon the advent of peace he : was-, sCktll estahlishpd that otipposea tfist hn mould feel at liberty to.ries4l.l na even a fipnatorship • h if it should bo placed tv rose . The Adeertiser . lrlievep that the tutor ity of- Dietetic:lit:Mut 13161 will find their pride :revolt at the preposition that their * - 7seats in c eOngfess are:field at so-cheapa 'rate, and that men ire there so acarce that a Massachusetts r ditt: !let, pay, be dr...pate : 4 , A legitimate aiii:ilecf" eseaPo 'trent - prdrli - - . demi life' at New Orleans-7n lugitimato source (cam which to zepla6 the political Mtpital that, has „been !mended elsewhere. : - _ NUERMAN AND SCHENcE. ts ‘ Senator Shernimitaterymokb'al Sprink ,A,2•lleld, Ohio. A: resolution having bosn idonied , llCi . iitii''=Setsritotial district con:' yerstion In firtoT of :tieneratSoheick as Ida \ suecesior In the Bente of thii , Erni fed 'l3:ateo, Mr, ,_ Sherman d _ _ MCC FrOCef ;Wrist particular iairesese In th' as extraordinary, and tendh the defeat Of Union Fame. He tV- clarb3l career, - do. bat Mr. Lincoln did right toeall out eiVent&ie thousand men in 186 t and bleo4‘,, , the Southern pore, but that he itad r iiii'legal ‘ pottier io =mend 71, the wet of habAttlintfkv,llewia opitosed the repeal of the pngllie Slave law of 11793, and so, he said, imis He .dad opposed the repeal of Vie: quay on tol - - oyer, but - hoped - the Internal 'levitate tai it#Ould be lightened. - icashville; Tennessee, Presa ~ 1 01 stated !heath(' disease amougatiCkt: generally ;precedes the cholera \ amongst the human tied, is Prerallhig • thronghout tlerState. 'Cattld and hogs are' • off ht a fesiTal ratp,. and Itte are' jn '• fanned that*Tenr. c ases telaolj itiiifitang oloritiar" l 4 4 4: ooo W l Tß iiiimiiiiiniids city." private , letter atiPtieeiefith cases lef cholera havu'oectOed_at Memphis. '.LIST OP LANIIIIPATEB YLIRODEIL., MUT TOE STATE---SrAYE. SENA. ;TOBIAL AND ASSEMBLY. ;The following list of nominees Ilse been Care hilly compiled, and will, we think, tie found to cdritain but few errors. The Independent fora- Innes arc also gicen. The Senators and Ftepro- Eeittatlves wbooectipied similar positions during thelast session of the Legislature, and who now seek re-election, have an asterisk prefixed to their names The districts in which Senators are to be elected are ar-follows : s e ,,,,„l,_c o mpo s ed of the Ninth. Tentlf,Thir teentli. Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards of the rite of Philadelphia. Fourth.—The Nineteenth. Twentieth. Twen ty-lint, Tn enty-seeond„ Twenty-third, Twenty fourth and Twenty-fin wants, and Eleventh anti Twelfth divisions of the Eighteenth ward of Pit Ilapeiphia. Eltra.th.—Bradlbrd, Susquehanna and Wyo ming counties. Twelfth.-1-azerne county. Thirkenth.—Potter, Tines , IldeKean and Clin ton. Eightettah..—York and Cumberland. Ninctecuth.—Adams rind Franklin. Turnirsecond.—Caml,ria, Indiana and Jeffer son. rtc , ntit-titirr).—Clendield, C'ditteron. Clarion, Torivst and Elk. Tmen —A I Ily. ~ e Butler and Bell- STATE TICKET, For Auditor General. I'llln-1. liClTlOCrafic. l'ol. 11". \V. 11. Darla, t . l). of Backs co. For • Survey or Geurral, u. J. M. FULA. Juo. P. Linton, of (iambi in Cf.. Scuatorial Nominee• f4ATPTCT. Jacch E. Ritizeway, I Samuel 11. jr Citizrns' Unii.m—Sterlittx j i.rorp• W. H. Smith ~,((.,. I ; n dnu I L. E. tqwphanl =IQ =II St.lcy IVoodwaril TIIInTErsTn DISTRICT. IVAlrtli CUR • I Frank W. Knox. Independent—J. R. Peak. P/STRICT. Dr • Alex. St.4vart, I A. Ilit.-Aand Glatz NINETLF.NTII DISTRICT. DM id M 4 Conatrallty. C. M. Pmlcal I Evikin c I. 1111EIMII AN A. \Valince Jon, L. I;robato. j ( 01. licorzi. ILty, I=l Distrid. Henry Starr 1 George VS. Gliegan 2 *Vi. IL Ruin:lnman 3 John McCaw, Win. 8. Gregory. 3 .Sanniel Josephs. 4 Chas. D. Nouhauser 5 Martin McNeil. 4 * Wm. W. Watt, 5 *Joseph T Thomas, G James Freeborn. 1-* James Sabers, S * James N. Kerns, 9 Fmtlerlek Dittman, 10 Elislm W. Doris, Dr. Jas. 3i itapisj 11 * Fr - anklet D Sterner 11 Alexander Adair, In W. Scholleuberger, 14 Francis Hood, 6 Edwin B. Hutclitns 7 Jacob A. Dos. 8 Robert W. Rensil. .Goo. A. Quigley. 10 Capt. ,1. E. licitly. II Albert D. Boileau. 11. Wm. E. Fordhum. 113 %lames Donnelly. 14 William I'. Rood. 15 Albert B. Soholleid id John B. Gibson. 17 Thomas B. Worrell IS Capt. H. L. I L A 15 •Geo.Dellaven,Jr ur David A. Wallace, 17 *Edward Lei!, IS Jaincs N. Mark., - j Independent. Dr.V. G. M. Griffith. "Elwood Tyion 'N. A. Peouppacker." - C. Calebrower lktfm. 6:Waddell, ' W. L. Latta, *Nathan J. Bhagat:ss. Jett. VV. Lyle, masTcausar. Capt. Stim. Ritchie, I *A. D. Markley, Col. M. R. McClencan, *Edratcl Rattertaw.tit Bums. Capt. Alfred Mart,le,. 1 I *Luther Calvir, Capt. Joshua Thomas. .F. W. Headulaa LEEUGH. Capt. A. B. Schwartz, *Mason Weiser, Leut..Jai. .I.l.(Qultlan.(: '!dames F. Mae Capt. W.HAtoltextbaeb. Oliver H. Meyers, Wm. R. Geiger. I Ter. D, Bwringtort CAhBON /MD bIONIZOE. Awes Regd. Allen Cralz. WAINS MID KIM I • Wm. M. Nelson Lrzzamr.. Col. B. jr. Raines. I 'Anthony Grady, Litni. JllO. Harding, D. F. Beybert, Ceps. Cy, us Straw, 'D.B.}loon. tosgustruiria. Aro wrcrstrao. J. T. Cameron, I C. H. Gilbert. r. M. Osterhunt.. .1 Mason parker lIIUDITOBD AND BLLLIVA.n - .Lorenzo Grinnell, C. W. ny. • LICOMISG, 17.517 x V. 41) SYTDTR. Ba= - net C, Witigard, Cita,. Moon, Dr. Isaac Wie.limtb, Jana Piatc, David A._ Irwin. amid 8, Lkiyer. COLCIIIIIA AND MOVT(Ft'II Col. Chat.Sl.leman, ) W. EL Jacoby. FORTRUYBEIILAND Gen. C. C, IftCormsek. I Charles W. Tharp. TIOGA AND POTTIM. Dr. Wto. T. Ilgrophrey I Bacu'l E. EarkendaLt. John 8. Mom. 'CLINTON- CALIZUON AND BeISCAN Bgt. T. P. Dorabbsor. •E. B. Eldred. I Pred'k K.1:112Z Gen. Jae. t: Beaver. BOVITIONSN, MIFFLIN, AND , JUNTATI. Lt. Epbrafm Baker. David Banks. Jazoea IL Brown. I Major deo. M. Porter G. W. ReUs-nyder, Dr. Kennedy &Almon. Capt. Jas. K. Helms) - dna. M. Crosland, Dr. J. C. - McWilliams. Peter F. Collins. Cert. J. Trezler, *Franc Hariier, Cent. Jos. S. Holmes; *H. B. Rhoads, Capt. Josiah (Ruh. j *Jam Moss'mu. L.CSCASTEII. *4111). IL W. Shenk, Cspt. Daniel Herr' '*Cap{. Chas. Dennte. I Licht. J. S. Roatfi, *Day Wont!, --Gro. P. Dtlnkier, Jno. St; Stetunnat I Lt. 0.11- Ltententtutler LEBANOS. Cep:, Jacob B. Melly. .11i. W. CameTer DAVVIIN. .Dr. Jetenilab,EiLller, Dr. Lewis Heck, Henry D. Hoffman. I 1nd., , C0l H C!Oman TO2S. John Bear. ~ .JameaCameron, Capt. W. Bergairealer. `Abraham B. Lawrence Col. T. B. Hanfom4llMPtally.,Long. PEERY AND PIIANIAN: Capt. deo. A likannt O,Wm. McLellan, Etatoban I 6: Capt. D. L Trager 4.L Pl.lllp L. Efouqk Dr. P. 8. Pfeffer :~£Vnll.♦NL Futzox !km ft Aramrmit, (Ito. A. Smlt)i, Ali ttl A. WA , . I A. J. C•iborn. *Jot eph 0. 4.41= I BUJ. B. M, Morrow. 4 *jrus L. Pereblnz James Conrad. ,CLEASPIEL.D.. E7.X Arm roue?. Lieut. 'thee. Liddell. *Dr. ?hoe. J. Dower. Indepezdent, Dr.l. O. Derley. • • 4•LelDprr Artp rreizzecrs. Mir Ewing. ~I W. W. Barr. , . 111315TIIOND. LL'Fiabk Meitillog, I *Gea.•Alex. Andernon INDIANA AND WE9IIIOIIELAND. *deo. E. smith, . H. B.P.luer. *J. R. McAfee, Jae. Rutledge, *James,Malan. Jae. B. Samna F/YrYTE. Capt. J. M. Mullane. I Chas. E Boyle. guraNa. • *Thos. Rosa Silas M. Bailey WASIIDSDION AND nzAvzo. . ... . . . *James It. Kelley. Asa Blanchester, *4 csepti B. Welsh, 14 Col J. Adams Vara *Col. Matthew B.Qtuty, -John 13nch. ALl:BanrNt• *Geo. Z. Me rCapt. - .a.ttdrew Lsrge, *Have B. Etcrioo, ' I Major Thomas Gibson, *4l-fredilltek, Major JAL I"..Eyan, David after, • Henry B. McCurry, *John . Glue, Gm). Ewalt, „jeratiti, Daub. .; Blanc!' McClure. 'o2t CE I / 1 LIWIIENC3 AND DCTLIM lislah liferherrlls, ..., James IL c o n, .. *am. N. Meer, : ... An. C. Ault,' Hairy Mow, . .- . K. K. Derranee. :Mani , ' Alabilay. P eta Salley. . ,-, i VENANGO 1.1.1 D WAEILLY. .. Dr. W. N. Mann, - 4 1. e i n ns. P. Raoul'. `Col. Benison Allen. Joseph A. Nell \ '‘lndependen . Roy Stone: . Cl2/41 , 011D. - '''' • ' ' krite. Benue? I Lyuiso Hall, 'Nno. (.1. , llturdis l ant: I M. W. lennlngs. Col. O. ', li:Woolwild, I CoI. W. O. Colt, .:COL D. P. llNCreary. "I Major T. JtHofklasoli AIUOUS ITEMS. As extraordinary ei.e.AC cel phenamaann occured a short time since in Forest of Chan tilly, France. A waterspout passed across the forest, and In less than five minutes de stroyed ahnos , everything in the passage for a width of 00 yards and a length of nearly five miles. About GOD trees, many of them oaks of large slze, were either broken , off close to the ground, or torn up by the roots and shivered to splinters. PARTIAL returns of the new census of Illinois show a large increase lu the popu lation of most of the counties In the State. McLean county has increased 11,000 in five years. Ford county has increased 23 per cent. It is estimated that the whole popu lation of the State Is 2,300,000. Rhode Island has a total population of 184,953--a gain 01 7,810, or 4.4 per cent, since 1800. BALICtilt is to have a new curiosity• olwat t elephant is on its way to New York for hies from England. It came from the interior of Africa,a nd Is about the size of a Newfoundland dog. There is Inv one other on exhibition in the world, and that is in the Royal Zoological Gardens, London. It cost Barnum about $11,200. SOME fourteen years ago a Chippewa Indian was executed by the British authc r- Pies near the Pembina settlement for the made rCI a Sioux warrior. A few days `slum: a sun of the Chippewa avenged the death of his father by killing a young Slou.v. squaw near the same place. ILA Ll' of the wilting parper made in the Uni ed States is w - Ithin twenty-five miles of Sprit:ol6th .The great writing paper tnannia, tor; In Vie couotry are in the COEIM “111.1 Westfield valleys, near Springfwd. and the Housatonic valley In Bet kabire county. Tin: number of Oil Companies in 0:tho, whir. h real vcci eel: ilicates of incorporation rimier tic tiaime of the State for six mouths cur ing on the of Jane, was one hum (lied and ninny- ore—the uggregule capi tal (nominal) being a I.ttle over 00,006,000. Toe Salt Lake News of September retorts a heavy snow storm :on the Satur day previous in that valley, and says "It s orated eastward as far as avast:de, and a foot of now is reported on the Sweetwa ter. The snow was six inches deep on Green river. Az the meeting of the British Scientific Association, Mr. W. F. Fairbatrn stated that el 14,000 miles of submarine cable, whit h has be. n Inhl, nearly tbree•fourtbs bad Wit rt. and ihat only 9.000 or 5,000 miles J nun' in successful operation. A is v of ftdirtren and a miss of tseive. in Wleiingls•id. CL. Milling to receive the consent of their parents to their union, ••Feenra leave," but wit.a arrested just as they we re taking the boat for Ne s' TOE report of cholera breaking out at Nice is cflicially coniradictot After a mim eo. rof rare btauty Nice is in a perfectly healthy sate, and no case of any kiwi has.. leg the character of choleza has wade its appearance. Tax Newberry coal mines In the Tesca• mwts valley, from which Cleveland was formerly supplied with most of the coal consumed in that city, have been reopened, andwill be developed further than hereto fore: Mine HAMM, who shot her lover re cently In the Treasury Department, la now residing in Richmond, follows the oc cupation of a milliner, and has apparently, quite recovered from her , insanity, A. ones') niece of Captain Cook, the great cireumnaviga or, died in Sunderland, England, last week, where some of her rel atives still reside. The deceased was in lit; seventy-fifth year. Tan elephant Cieopatra, belonging to the famous showman, Jo Robinson, of Cin cinnati, which recent naderwen. a sur gical operation, died a night or two ago. Ass English paper says that Sir 8, Mor ton Peto•invested £30,000 in Pennsylvania oilwelig, which he now holds to be worth more than ten times that value Tan contract for grading the next eighty milts of the Atchison ana Plate's Peak Rut read, beyond . the twenty-tire miles now completed is to be at once let. . Tynan are three National Banks in Rich mond, and we notice by their qusrt-rly reports in the Republic that they have made handsome profits. A 611ARN, measuring eight feet In length anti bitween five and ars feet in its great est girt), wes lately caught in the herring nett of one °fele crlina uniting Cl Wick. PUBLIC NOTICES TUE al EIIT ILBOULAB IQEETEII6 of tb. ALLEGHENY OtiONTY KEI)I- OeI'.3A•OICTY wlll he end in the sinesnutte urrivi_u , “Ty pF PENNHYLVAN/d..eftnef,ol Note and 1)1•mocdd atreLta, TVESDAY. Oat. IT b .t 214 o'cloeir. P. N. oet :sod N. B. 'MESON. tit 0.. Seal. Batumi, Um Box es a r. • Pittsburgh. O. • s th. The Stated dienthly Stec Slow el Le 0. the ototrd of Director. of tbir Compotes , h , he hel r at tee ofZe• to Pittsbertd, od the SLCOB 0 .81.18.E.8.1.A7. If,h day of Ov.sober, at 2 JVC , ock, Tim fratdder Books ef the 0 noirs.m will be shoed from Saturday, thelth to Morel ey, the Mt a of LW, ber. By order of tbe ocf:f ere Y. WESf vu.r, Secretary. 7r I Irrll WARD DOITIVrY TAX.-.The I Tex.psiets of twa Nude Wont of thlslatt 9, ars hew by Do filed that the noway T sx, asseeied is tdw due. All prisons ho tntend paying the Imes/Ito Boun•T Roods, will ideate present tom to the Hoard of below* Dirsotors, which wdi men on iti(foi HAY, TUESLIAY and FRIO Or EVEN INO:. of (web sr , rk, between the hoofs Orland 9 o'cicein st to, DOko.l itottee in skid wised, until (Varela , er 1101, otter whteh time ma bonds will be useeired for tosea. • 1. NOBBS, Pra't. JAE. u. Sxl•D•c„.Fca•y: wa:twd MOLDIER'S' RION 1GNE.97.... TO E V.:slaters for the tiltlPallatzer OLSTION are neonate,' to report AT ONOE, to the *tatters , of the nesse.' (..nmittea, Gen. L. PELILSOff, at his oilier. Grant street. . sae WM. M. tfalt.TILT, CtIM . I2 Oom. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TAITAIUNDS, preaerred in sugar, and Ma Up in pale bus; a desirable 'mit for the sick room - just itecived and for sale at the ram., fly Gracoryatore of JOHN A. HENSII&W, oat) corner Liberty and Hand eta. QIIA FIER BW.EiLT bbin. now crosa jot received, dried and 'put op by thr tinlara Soder, el/Malan, for rate by the bus Ira or quart, at Chagrstraily tizataery Store or 'GEM A. KY...0810,W, cornet of Mery and Eland alma& ,1 4 •110NTING THS.ORIO RIVER, at Id...chaster —A. choice Residence for IMO, lenge weltpolsbed Rowe and Isms Lot, fruit., shade here. etc , easy of access. Also, a good two story Butch I/Welling and large Loitrontiag oa Slyer event.; Lamm:osta porsesston. Also, for *2,0C0, s plat .wq storn Fl , tok }IOWA sod Loco. Srourd on S. Gaunt street., two squares frost tot Bond st Bridge. roc tale by S. CIUTISPERT St. SONS, 151 Siarket strett. BARKER'S casr,s FOE SALE BY MYERS, SOKOYER & CO., 6TA.I lON EIIS A ED I/LANZ-DOOR M 6.11 D RS, 14}LOCNit.LES-- .." di* baser:inn to choice Rio Coffer, 26 pockets Java Ounce, 5 bhdi. P. R. add Cuba Pii,lang, tibia. Based and Ci tithed Sugars, 75 pelf ebelts 7. H. and Oolong Teas, t2do J . apsai. do strictlany T cholas O. P.l ea, de bags prim's/Hee, 160 labla cheap 'sod at °fee Syrups, 10 ibble.Sorghlimldolassos, 160 Obis. ehoite P. N. do • S 5 bbls. mo. Wargo Ydrakerei, to half bbls o„ a do 25. 0.8 do 115 hitt. Nos ry a and 3 do 75 Wets large -Cream Cheese, With a lull assortment of Pittsburgh Menefee ".es, what, win :be told at the lowest market pike, by LI'ETLZ, BAIRD &PATTON, *en Nos, 112 and 114 See lnd stated. AIthIINISTRATOE'B BALE Or -FUR, DITI•BE, PIANO. O.2.IIPETS, Ao, AT AM TION.—On THURSDAY AIONNINII, October 12th, at.lo ° i cings, at No. 24 flay street, will to cold,_, quantity tt well kept Household Goods, embracing piano and stool, mahogany sore an d parlor chairs, Otlart table, marble-top mahogany sideboard, mahogany side 'tables and cup chairs, CktetisiOn -title, tomato-top 'mahogany drestlog bureaus, o bureaus, enclosed wash stands, lus lOgany and enemy wardrobe', gilt frame mizrom - high - arid turn root bedsteads, lounge, testing stood' &Nog room and kitchen furnituFe, feather beds,. .and hunk mattresses, elegant Brussels and Install). curporu-lausar .new,) stair earpdta, Oli,cloths, rugs: and rods, chamber Otte, China, glass and qiirertirtWo4:inderr, hot root, itriactian bilzids, Noels, Ai. - cell . McCLELLAND, Auothieetr. • AFFIX& '' f liS bblr CholeoAPßla • puiceesvcd uif°f ~.ur ii ArtraSTEONG; co „Market nod EltirtAts. SWEPT POTATO :.-25 bbls. Jersey Sweets, Just received and for sale by FE2ZEB is oe9 Ara. ING ROOK' DECURILTIO O.—. , Fruit, Dead Game, and oilier pictures for parv , el papers. Jost received or ota . . - W. P. IdditSILALLe. IrAIIIIISHE/3.—A largo lot of the finest T btandajttit recalved. - 7. SOHOMPISIA d M EW ens in Wooed NEW ADVERTISLVIELbriS A PATENT (ROSS-CUT SAW, Rhleb is superior for slmpllafty. end in every re. Thia Wet ahead of anything or the hue known la use. M12.41.10131=1117131 Can be teen at the Faelery cot . THOMAS A. HARPER, mil:tart BEAVER ST.. AIANORESTEII FINE DWELLING FOR SALE, Situated at the enrner of I uncan and Davis tt•eeta, Seventh ward. Pittsburgh. having a (wont of GB feet 3 ivehea nn Duncan Street, and extend. lug along Dave Street HO feet, on which It erect e•d a New Twa-Storied Brick Dwelling, Containing.." en room,. bath room and dreseing room, finished attic, wash house, cellar under the cart.. house With cement tbior, gee and water, Grafi'. large rer ge In the kitchen, marble mantle. eta fine nnianed grates In the parlor, dining room and bed rooms 'I he house wee built In most durable me. ner, and finished In the best etylea (or the ONIIOOa own occupancy. Grape Mee beat- ing, Unit tree, end a Inc selection of flower. Any [WM.. creirous of examtnit < the proper ty, will cell on the premise., cots occupied by Mr. Tlio s. SING WIM. N, and they will re,eive fur ther particulars, terms, he. call 1 and TENNYWN CLUB LECTURES JQ➢9i9 G. S IXE 1-1.11.11 Ow day Lad larsday Er enings, nat. In and 17 11CI C,1161T . 1 . 311: J. H. BITTTERFIFILD, it. H 111lIS, .1. 11. ItAZZ 131, 1. NI. It \ I . hl -.K F. W. KENNY'' , . °cit. lw.l W 11 1-111. KNUV. LE'- e. s • X:. 11[7. I. LT MLP Thin romp ha, no rrnntt or fl r- noble qUtotly It 16 al,tys ready to start ttithout srttiF WM Old. If nab teen fnr lour yAst• entett.ive u•e for supply Log untt r to N. I. Itt4lLl:ft, to 31, L 0u. keturiag Est.butthu,of.. mlt ,I•Cre outer.. It la tiocitiP•tilltillbiy Inv Mo:r HEu . O3LE INDEeLMJEST eve r lever tea, end for S'IIPLICIIV aa..l 1• ii'LITY alle. etatuprette lon I 'all Int t .0 arr. .411.1 u. deli derea pre dainty to or er by the sole agents, MILEY, FARBELL 0., No. 167 EmPlifield Street, puatac SALE IN ALLEGHEN Y CIT Y —7 he underlain ad will attar at Public Sala on the premises, to Allegheny city, on SATURDAY, (Jet. tttb, IWO, at 7 otclo.k. p. w.. the Prez. n y where Mn. FOLD now Uses, on Pastore mug, Allegheny City, at/Joining the Tannery :of John Taggart. It has a trout of about Ms 3 lent on Pas ture Lane, and ext. ad, back about 4.00 feat. It is a part of John 0 limes plan of Moues Italia, re corded in Plan Hook vol. 1 page 14, and embrace MI lota of said plan, being lots Lumbered a to 11. It has a/comfortable Frame Rouse, and tits grounds are planted with good trait trees, as. It could be divided into several good , bultill g lot., or, tf Iw. proved as a whole, ltorould make a delightful rot- Iden-e. It is altered for sale as a whole, or to sep arate lots to writ purchaser., and the terms of payment - will be made easy Possesalon can be glyen Immediately. J. W. P. WHITE, bellidte bi IM FM etre.. (1.5.:CL o 1 sun earn •n• e IL LIOIM ANT, • PLILL/lelpbl/1. °etcher 6th, te6. X'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a gPECIAL ISEETINOM tboistockholnars of the PETRONA OIL COMPANY milli)* bed at theta akin Tt0.1521 Walnut attest. Dooms Non 111 end .29, as WEMNESUAY. November lit, MS, at it &Mode, m., for the special ourposs of twanging the Capital Stook of the aadd ()miaow from Plan Mmedied Tnooeand holly. to One licinditel and Serenty.five Thousand Dot al's. HENRY 1.. ELDER, ALES. GARR Err, ecimetilAseV 4l 1. AL RILEY. ALLEGBEN Y NESIDENUE CiECIMMI lilt P. the two *tote 8111.0 X D WEIA, /NO, No. til Rebecca It feet, Atlaehenr, canister tog parlor, anon, room and kltehisa on ant eoor. three chamber* on second foot. gna and water. A oUR ROOM 11.0.15 E on mu end of 10., hooting on Park street.. Apply to EL 8. BRYAN, ms 67 FOURTH ST.. ( Rurke's Hunditi.) j eta ittCEI V ZD, I=l FALL. AND WINTER BOOTS IND 3110EI, ttemptietts to pert Siert and Hare Boots and Shoes, Conga es* Outer* Betstoral Women's atrt Snot • Baboons , * met (Wien oat num; • One estortment of ttbilercns` Shoos. which has beam Inoehaard before the late advance to eboso sot will to sslot stomper Mot see other house to the My. (octioa J. arhILLVY ,4t VIM et. ItitlCK NOUSE AND LOT AT AUC TI,.N —Oa THURSDAY zvternact. r o'clock, at Staeotilo Atretkra florae, Hos 65 sad 67 Flrth great, will 1w sold, •deslrabl• two et..ry HUTCH IiNTELLIII7I flUltd• of 7 rooms, dwell tialsbed, todether Welt • Stable sod Oat. 'rive House. Also. a Lock I& gni *laths. by its fest tb • le feet alley. !tootles oa Desases street, Al weeny, rms. the North tlommoas. clan be easmicrl •1 any thee. Torras at sale. 015 T. A. Ille01,ELd.„1NO, Aast.r. 0. D. COLLINS er - WFTIGEIT. u"5" wa.°" •7.4,5• RR AND SHEET METAL, WORKERS, BRITTAMA CASTORS, OARRON AN I. IA RD HIL 1117117SERN, and all Mr:Wert styles or Mt tsols used by thus Memo [scup's". Orcers promptly Mien. No. 139 SECOND NTILECT, Piste/MOM PA. oit:tyd DIIACTIII.ISI or LITATS. Waehlustan,. Oct. MIL iNFORMATIoN bra been rer.elred At sthl. Depattmeat front Mr. George S. Fisher, the Consul of the Untied Statet at Eanatawa. Japan, of the death, on 12th day of Aprli last. at iokokam• Civil Eicavital. of OHABIar.S SCHMIDT, ail a. CHARLES DAMMAM, tam o wing e , Prozap;a u e b n u T t ee h :, phinving tlslitnte re; to yea 76 of age. caeltttri fIONSHINMENTS or PRODUCE. • 76 bbl.. Jersey Sweet Totatoei; 6 Mils. sliver akin Vulcan; 9 Mans Huttet; 1 krg dry Sweet Cora; MS boxes W. B. Cheese; 10 boles Herkimer Cheese, 60 bags Pea Nati; PA)pounds Beeswax, :CO Mai- chola. Osten Apples, 6 this. Oran Clderk Just received and for ekle Ir POITIIE. AIKEN h SHEPARD. "'AVM) REMOVED TO NO. 32 FOURTH SWRI,ET, I have opened • splendid swettraent of the latest stb led In BUR NECK HATS. RIBBOSS YLUWEUS, PLUKCS. PAN. UY GOODS, he, and am now prep►red to wall upon my maternal, ►ad all others who may favor me with a all. MRS. DI. IL WRIGELTER. Itifiold 'WANTED, 'ln a tier private fondly. for TWO YOUNG MEN, MI a five or tho cothutes Wilk of the Post office /fest of re ferez cc Wel. Adders / D. T. At., cctOM 0/]ICE. — O r R&PESI GRAPEEII-00 boxes choice ()MAW BA AND ISABELLA. GRAPES, Put - up expreiraly, for family use, Just ?mired per Es, rest And for oil* by 017 LP lc BIrEPABD, oclo 111 Liberty street SW& WILSOII-17.6p0s W. tuna—DAVID WOLK/MSS wusox, CARR kt CO., (LATII witson, peon t ^.,) Wholesale deniers in FOREIGN AND DIMES T/ii_ DRY GOODS, No. dd Wood street, third Lei .~oyn thitroond alley. Pittrburth. apill DESIRABLE CITY PRO er•RT Y FOR SALE.--,he taopetty now occupied by the imbeeriker, se a COOPERS SHOP, n the Fourth Ward Elitaburalt. having a front of r 1 feet Stitches on llutinerne Way, running book 170 (Oct to a ton foot AliAy. F. r farina, to e.. 1 cilantro a; Kirkpat rick h Rerun fa, No 242 Llbarty 2? root, or Of the .niblOriber on the premises ocloflnd ROBERT BOLE. - - CHERBS, CHEESE, CHEESE. 1(0 troxes Goshen; • 3GO boxes W. It., to arrive; WO bones Itaorbusg, to orrice, For solo by OILAS. t). BALSLET, 'OCR 201 Marty street THE; 800.8. S for , he County Tax m ne b erl a n ° 4ll rot th yg ge p . ard t h e tines, will plesee Y take notice Ana eau et PEELP , PARK' ktGO'S office, where Rs will be ready to receive them. - °PAW° ZSACI A STEWART. Collector. IN 0 110 B.—The Patent Grain ' Drill wheel, coreztabitton rt..th•Sanorrylair. now In note and for oslo hir MULTI VIOHEY & GO. A PPLEB-200 bbli. prime Apples reo'd and or sale In ce4 FETZER a A:MST/CONG. NEW RAIBINH—Nevr Layer and Bunch a , Ratans. In whole and WI 'boats. .Ind-reed MI MT lila by Ina Rl= Ea mos. CHEESE -200 boxes Goshen Chzeie, 100 ac g o, 'ti,bu 7 11°. For canzFterm. NEW ADVER TIS EMENTS RUNT'S PITTSBURGH ALMANAC TUIS POPULAR ALI!&I.tiAC Ls :old et the old price, With usual discount to dealers. POST PAID, on receipt of two three cent stamps. JOHN P• HUNT & CO., Publisher, 59 nFru STREET. IVleuottic RsII oell THE 10.. W YORK OBSERVER. A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND SECULAR NEWSPAPER, ! the IMIli/y end the Fireside, vUI 110012 enter 'IRTY•FuURTWYEAR fyT PUBLI , IITION. .00 to the CHIJIIOH, the LIONSIITUTION and UNIUN. It la calculated to edify sod I,lea.c truth OLD AND YOUNG All NEW SIT I , SCRI BER < paying we le advatice for idea shall have their names immediately ea toed, are the WISER Veit wilt Di seat to them UNTIL JANUARY FIRST, Su, so, I,P coop, as Ilto vnee rt, In. trill corn mener When the tottner arr rote/ t,.1 rmple gold. to way euldrese vil 1:4 Tei ins: $3 50 a Year in Advance SIDI , EY t. 51 , , HSE. Ju. ft ractAttl - 31 Pwr4 Ifnw, New York w E ARE DAILY RECEIVING I=l CA li PE Ti CIA , THs tY IND! , W sH %DK , . Ne(!!!1.1!.,.. AND LIN 1.7!: DRUG -0 ET, end Jilt II CLOT..., DAMASK, ItEPS AND LADE WINO 1W I'UKTA !Ns, Cum; rime el ell,!hing new sod deeltable, whale ua fter et ROPE L4ll PRICES. Iti'FARLAND& COLLINS, 71 and 73 Filth Street, N ex t Bonding to the Unite] States Unite Vat House and Post (Mee. : ocf FOURTH STREET CLOTHS, ,01i All arld‘ir,.. ie ste , w at lglays, cyan', C.) 01 VERY SUPERIOR Cotten 1211 , I Chain, List and Rag 1111 CARPETS. • 1 W. D. & H. McALLIIOII, 11:1 ; ' rib 87 :FOURTH STREET. CARPET STORE. Boon AND. IDIOM. JAMES ROBB, I- 1 = Ru Jost rammed from the EAST with • .iry I•r[. and etescomble mecca of .Es.grZOTt3 Ai..N'2ZI/ SESI3CCIPIE726 of the 'MKT BFST QUALITY. nate, Bore' and Youitts , 'Hours Alta) to all their varfatlaund asp:ea. LADIES WORE of the tin• eat and twat that s• manufactured, from the tine Po' lah to the plain Calf Boot. enthlrnowt Boot.. and Snot. to every style and valley. Our of la to sell ruth goofs a. will give ant -10.0 ten to the liftmen/tsar IfirPlcala call and examine. and Ton will be eathdlod with the QUALITY an4PßlOlgofgoods. Ennalmber the place. 'AXES ROBB.. OtT rto.ll 'Market street. MCCORD or. Co., Wholesale Dealers to Hats, Caps and Straw Goode Alva nom to rum,pit and most complat stnolt GOODS FOR SUMMER AND FALL Ern atoll la the west. Itterehento ere requests to esti goat attemine our stab, vat:a will be WU at rare low rata. oat to WOOD STRJELT. OUTLET SAW MILL. AND BARGE YARD. CTa►a Street, Allegtien,. ON CVNbIGN3IENT. 10) Into hela ilmothr Feed; 60 half Numb White Flab; 50 barrels Males, Males, barrels • meet Potatoes; 300 bbla. seismal Peach Blom Potatoes—to at rive; 30 Wises prime white Hcmer—to arrive; 005 boxes pane liambust Mese; 25 boxes; prime Goshen ebabes Ira burets prime White Ileum; 20 barrels tholons; • 50 barrels Dried Apples; 6 barrels Pried Pe/Lebec so barrels Hominy—very slump; 700 bushel. Barley; IA barman No. a and 3 51 ackerel, Ami lam sate by GRAFT k REITER, oel 9111 Liberty it., Pittsburgh. GENERAL DRAUGHTING OFFICE. AND PATENT AGENOY Na It ST. otron wrnENT, mar Save.ion Midge. U. P.O ENGEM/IRE, Clv 17En6tneet. Eteeleumee No. 14 list , street 1101.EhLiPANAKA., (BLOOD CDINA, ) - J.- 5 A MIMS remarkable 'Male mut positive Var. tor EUROPCLA , RHEUMATISM, NEURak 01A, IrTSPEPt , lA, 17E11, PIMPLES, anti it Chasers of the SI-LX. . . . As Tonle, revives the appetite, rnt.t.sd station sod te1e,.1.1 7 restores tbs phsides leonseth and it mess but trial to prove its , rot isle by 21111015 JO/1.2415TU15, Drantri earner Smithfield sad Fnum Watt • rittsburgh White Lead Works, PERE WHITE LEAD BLUE, LEAD OROONO 0.11.F011 PAINT MU OIL MABEL% NO. 03 WOOD STREET. PRODUCE. CORBIGNMENTB Now /1( iS%Qtt.E ear loads Shelled Corn; 1:00 Matteis 0/d Oats; HO busbels New Timothy Heed; 00 barrels Sneet Potatoes; lintabels Dried Apples; 200 dozen Fresh Canned Poaches; 10 Darrel; Druid Peaches; ZS bine* Maple Sugar; 15 kg. Peeked Butter. for Web, L. H. 70IGT a 00. VINES AND PLANTS. A large and very select dock of FRUIT and OR. NA DIENTAL TREED kV EROREENS,OIIAPE TINErI cod GUEENHOUSE FL& NES. HO. talaTE4 and OUT IrMYWER.S td order. fiend tot a catalOguo or call and examine our stock. TORN R. A' A. 1511.11100013. Plttsburgh Ramey and Oakland Oreanhouse. JOIN DULL, GO TlZEiaw*otWoolt. PIiTLADELPH/A • Importers rof ayeninn, French meld English toys sod Fancy Doodi, Mins Wu!, Plotse..t.l.anee, &o. Wbolesid• dealer In Dementia Fumy , WieUndyed • N E N ir GROCIERT-rple.i,undaralvied has i ItigiRELY'ISIEW STOCK froth and WELL sEizarED GROOEMES . their NEW STORF.. inaddlUon loather nov eittez, they would call attention to their stoat at Eutent BOUND OEDALR. WARE. SCOTT to timer . coiner Mach, and Tern meet& SAO) .i3ALT-1000 sackafialt, dairy, in ems lind for, We by REYMER k BROS., cels Nos. 0.0 eau 125 Wood duo. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: CLONES, CLOAHoiI CLOAKS, FERN, FORS, ALWArt , ON A LARGE ASSORTBI.ENIT OF CLOAKS' AND FURS L adies and Misses LOW EST EASTERN PRICES. H. OIICS.ENHAUSER & CO., Paris .lioak and Fur Emporium, GB Xlitrarlicrt Sitroo w col ;W&. OIL LANDS, 90Acres on Pithole Creek, About one mile west of Nelisburg. tt ilea well for boring; to consH ered good oil territor.Y, sod will be sold altog, tber, or in lots of 10 bores. It will be sold obenp. ALSO, The Three Undivided One-fortieth Past of 42 ACRES OF LAND. unto In Corn Planter Townthlp, Venanrs In.. between tlelnaten's ..un and Plthow Omen. about t 1,/ I r./i3llrlts of pile from the linne,l Grant Wet. This Is part of the wm MelC,nue.y Yarn, which 114 • Itotneulateli n..rth f the storey Yarn.. We ...II One u; throe stint,. to. gtliu r. I Few Lots of Lund oa l'est flickory About two tulles from Tidioute and ono and n hall mile. from two howler wejl. on tiennit Ron. hese lot. c..ntain spout one acre each. They lie well (or boring, and otter a good opp,riunity to irtlirld , ala and companies, t o purchase a small amount of torch, ry, in fee simple, at a moderate price. Tltlo warranted. LLPX.AIiDER WALLACE, Pwd TIDIUUTE. WAJ REN t3U , P NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS J, A. ROBINSON & CO., lye. 61 Market Street, Rave just opened an immense stock of NEWS, LADIES', MIS'AES' 111 D CHILDELER'S Boots, Shoes, Balnsorats, 3P C11.7-.IBS 33CIHCIPIC6, atc,4a FALL AND WINTER WEAL We tines the, beet assortment of MEN'S BOY'S AND YOUTHS' Calf, Kip, Crala and Water Proof Hoots, IN THE CITY. Don't forget the number, et 211AILE.ET ,THEFT, Lext door to DARKEIt`i N. B.—Mews OW Boots made to order. ore AN ORDINANCE Wag Section iJ of the ordinance creeel ng tan oirMo of City Controller and tP.tining hi. duties. tit e. t. & C ordained sad enacted by the Select and Cowmen Conn lle of !Act City of Allegheny, and ti is hereby enacted ty the authority of thd same, Net. 9. That section id of an Ordinance creating the ofScs of LI ty Controller, and defintmt his do. deg...., be nod the acme is hereby amended so that nothing tonere contained shall bee hstrued to referje the ordinary expenditures of the Wa ter Work. for repairs to ntscbinery, bolters and fmonees, and the myrtle. necessary for such re paint. That the Controller In hereby anthorizel to ratify still:4ls made for snob repairs or mit,• pile. erten he beleiva them to be coerce% and whenthey have been duly probated by the pert,. making such repairs of turnishieg such strophes Ordained and enacted into a law, this the ath day of October, Anne Domini, one thousand sight hundred and IstrirliVes JA ALES MAR.,IIALL, Pat of Select Ocemell. C. W. kfEri.bl Pro pro tem. of Common Council. Mtn t: L. AIAOFKRHON, Clerk of Select Council, M. McGOICKIIII.E; Clerk of Common Council. oc92td J . G. LAI:EIt No. 101 Mae% 3r/5.4311 ES Itz - c.co t. NEAR VLF Ili, [haler In 111 triad. of ENEEI33II I=l At reasonable prices Wkicoloasialcs wad 1:11.0tai11. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR BALE. —The undersigned will dispose of . hi. Ben. deans, well known •• "TB SIZI.INERY,” sted on tce cant beak of the hilegheng River, a few rods north of the Borough line of Kittanning, Permsylvanis. The premises conslste of between tutee and four ICI. of Land under good fr.incelit large. solid and commodiousßßlDE DWELLING HOUSE, with convenient (rune buildings attadhedj Carriage Bogs; Stable, Or. Then is an unfailing WELL of delightful *rat weiert• YOUNG 011flWM'S, sell h some trees In boaring;• productive Garden and non Meadow, surplice with water. The location Is generally conaVered the finest in or around Kittanning. For term.. hc., apply to !Mr. fi. 11. Kttlanaln{, Pa. oe" , 3td AT TILE CENTRAL DRUG STORE, You will Llvrays procure BROWN'S BRUN UHI AL TR AMP>, for Coughe ; Oaks, to.; LONDON HAIR DRESSING AND RESTORER; iIeBRIDE'S KING OF PAIN; PINE OLTORRINE SOAP, for the hoods; TOOTH DR OSHA S. HAIR 'BRUSHES; NAIL BRUSHES, /cc. A ND ►nd comploto .took 01 DKIICIS, PATENT rdEDIVIN ES, LSE STUFFS, RED ►tld wit tra LEAD, vv .y. on hsritl the ONNTRAL DRUG SIvR L, vorma 01 Uhl° ►ad Fe,lor►l streets, Alla Chevy. GEORGE A. KELLY NOTICS We hire the Sote Agency for Pittabuash, of tha UNITED STATES PIN COMP&NY !Adamantine and Swan Bill Rook and Eye Uompany. WHOLESALE DEALERS AND JOBBERS can buy tho abbess goodi by tho cue, (thus savlsw g e g l it t and expenses, su New Tort Pri ,by old. rtes. 78 and SO Market Street, MACRUM. GLYDE & CO. 1 IIEwITTS POLYTRIOUM FOR TIM HAIR, ls acknowledged by all Who hove used It to ba .A No. 1. Try It ye doubtars asullba coavincaA For sale by all druggiati. jyttoyd IN 0 R BALE OR EXIDRANGB.—Tho saw Mill property, containing &MIA tan acrrA partly underlaid with coal and mune opon, located at the niouth of Chart len theca, on the Allegheny river. There tri on thin property a Saw Mill and tWo Bonsee—wlll be sold ehcap, or exchanged for protrty in Plttsbnrch, Allegheny_ or Lawrence ville. , LYLAI tr. 431101gPENLeigh, floor }blew Hand Street, truqueane Way. _selednl R. H. aeon, 401.. CI , IQ au rt. • Nos', 1 -and 2 Diamond, PITTSBTIIIOO. P.L S2OI 0 WILL PURCHAISE.VIAT . extorts re MINUET 1111ILDING and LOT ea by Inn, cornet at Sheffield and. Our- Um streets, Maneheeter. Ms le greet batman. POI' to eel B. IaoLLIN k UO. IirEW.ADITERTISEMENTS BUTCHER'S LINEN, 40 inches wide, OPENED TO-DAY. AT WIL SWIMS'S, Nos. ISO and 162 Federal at , Allegheny "lifts, AT $1,25 GOOD KID GLOVES, OPENED TODAY, AT Nos, 180 and IS Federal et.. Allegheny F LANNELS AND BLANKETS, A I AIME STOCK OPENED TODAY, AY NOR. ISO and IR.I Federal at. Allegheny FRENCH MEIHNOES, from $l,OO up, I=l 'No.. IBC acd 16./ Fed.'s! .t.. dileghactr. TTATS, RIBBONS, FLOWENS AND -L. I. EAT LESS WM. SEMPLE'S Nos and MI Fe, st., Atlegheny 0 BALES COVERLETS, ao 13617111 U, RECEIVED TO-DAY AT WM_ BE.MPLE'B, Nos. IS , and 152 , Federal at., Allegheny GOVERNMENT SALE EX,TENSIVE SALE OF BLANKETS, BEDSTEADS, Q CERMB WARE, Se. WILL BE BOLD AT AUCTION AT THE medical Purveyor's Warehouse, No. 1.8 Market at., Nashville, On Tuohy, Oct, 17, 1861, at 9 o'clock, 1, ta,ooo:l33antets, Loa Small Tables, flint iron Bedsteads, t6 Cooking Stores, AEA 0•417111. Cote, I b do Rang" , 1.202 Bukets, 35 Caldrsas, 2,r00 Knives and Forkk, WO Ssdkona 2,1300 Spoons, 1 200 LOokll4 . 01 sues, And it.varlaty of other Famishing Goods. Queensware and Glassware, =III Plates, Dishes, Dilates, Tea-Pols, Mags, Bowls, etc., ArtO s large assortment of 'r I 2...7 177 ..EL M. D . A large part of chase articles are entirely new Catalogues may bet had on stylisation. HOBERT FLETOWEtt, snag. and Bret. Col. 11. B. Y. Med. Par. 11. S. h.. 0. H. Ziscuala a 00, Amide:Leer. oc9xlt4 HUGS FITZPAT RICK, FIRST PREMIUM GOLD PEN MANUFACTURER, I hilo Hall, cot. Third and fllarkrt sts Second Story, entrance on Third street. Gold Pena and Gold and Sliver Penal.' Cues, IME!E=22II Peas repaired. Persoru haring Peas to repair can send them by mail, and they .111 be PenmPtlSE returned. COME ONE, COME ALL GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING N'T`OOELIE. Nos. 18 and 15 St. Clair St. The attention of the pantie is exiled to the latv and extensive stoat of G.ENTIAIW RN'S, FUR NISHING GOODS Inn opened at the 'Above. mentioned plate, whim 1 am nom &Tering at great hematite. Any one to craw. of the above Goode., will end it to their Mt-entity, to glee me a nag, and examine my stock before pursdhasing where- They tan fled the Largest and Deft selected moth Of FIX. White Shirts. extra nixes, No-elegee Shirts, Woolen, Cotton and LIAM Thread Under MUM and Drawers, Searle, Neck plea, Socha,. Safe ponders, Buttereles, and everything pertaining to the Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, in the city, Remember the pima. 13 and Ib St. Olateatreet. SAE:LI:FEL LEVII7. A large stock of Hata, Caps, Gray's Col. Inrt, Lockwood'., 1, pill LnstratriainoVlyro%,...Entn.amitled end hi lytholyanixa ALLEGHENY COLLEGE,., NEADVILI E, PA calcancicax Tor 1305;038. WlOllEO9'2, SEPTRXEM 20, rozr, TE.47..71 OPE.O'S Weducsday,l)eceratar O. FaLlTerna edases;Thrui• day, Taauary 4, Winter Termoren,;Frldsr, Marra ro, Winter Term doter; Monday, April 2, Spring Term°wain Thuredsy, JUDD. 213, • Sprung • Term . oloses—oolllllENOEUtsNT. _ • . Location beautiful, heslthful;and essy of seem, Libraries, Cabinets, aria apparatus imussuilly tensive end valuable. ts new boarding ball with completely furnished room, for the accommodis. tion of One hundred students. Boarding from 113.00 to litoo per week. Cisme commencing Latta and Greek will be mined at the beginning of the Fall Term. RENO & HOPKINS, COAL AND COKE DEALERS, AND SHIPPERS, ICI NCIIESTER, near the Panleaner Oar !Rabies. lUIILIES far lashed at the shrrteat nonce. ocanltt $38,000 RAILROAD MORTGAGE lloDiDS.—On Tneedsy evening. Oat. 17th, 1866, at ri.g o'clock, will be sold, by order of Janes Laughlin, trustee of Pittsburgh Trust Oompenp. on account of whom at meg toneetn, on Um second floor of the Oonunercisl Sales itootos, 106 Smtalleld street, opposite the Onstom House, Pittsburgh, • thltty.eight Seonnd Mortgage Bonds of the Pittsburgh and Steubenrille Railroad Co., for 61000 each, with interest coupons glace 1853 stint:bed. (on 7 ) A. IIIoILWAINE, Auct's. COOKING STOVE.% reamon /OW HEATING srovEs, uIt&T.M FEONT:3, FENDERS, ka Also, all kinds at DOLLOW WADE OASTENCF, No. SO/ Ziberl3r Street. ooIIFS ALLEN, .131caCEEir.00. 1C131.7 : • .L 1 • CONTROLLER'S winos,j City of Ailestienyi Oot. tt1i.1863. Sealed proposals will be received at this o ee r ZUES.IiitYk Ittb het, inclusive; for deliver.' 1113 R att the •Aliegteny. Water Works, .ao.ooo BUSHELS OF , 1300.1., Met.. Tie contract to be completed by the brat day et lanoory, ISCO. it. h. 'FRANC/IS, ccealtd UL y r Controller. W3l. SIMPLE'S, WM. SIiMPLET, Dap Gen Me Mis WM. SEMPLE'S, AT EATON'S WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDEIefES, L ACE GOOD 4 AND RTTFLINGS; OLLARS AND sAtYDKERUIT/EFit BONNET, NEON AND SASH RIBBFNA; EXTRA SILK BELTING}—faII Ittai PLAID VELVET RIBBONS; VELVET RIBBONS-41104am t WHITE EILKIB,SOARLE r AND 82.440 K TEL NEW ; ST4 RIBBONSLE HAT VELS; • THREAD AND LACE YELLS—fun Etaortaoutt; BEAN ORNAMENTS AND SETS; HEAD AND SILK BUTTONS,• DBEsS AND CLOAK TRI aI.AIINGij • • . Foas saga FIIIESTS LANG GOODS Tor Lattlam .r 1 . ZEPHYR slur 0111•DS1 • FULL Loon HOSIERY AND GLOI7E4,j - FINE ASSORTMENT ZEPHYRS nod IeA.REs, F ANCY GOODS. AND NOTIONS GENERA-re. LY, at Ai /I CRUM t GLYDE a&V3 4E102- TED AS PaIITNERS, Prank Vas border and Cairki Hagan, %Ike pertnerably toilets from Awn= 10. and tee end teenualnen to be conducted =al:lj the nine sad ctn. cd AT WHOLESAEF. • 89,000 Enameled Paper Collars; 25,000 Common do. du;; 2,000 pounds Wool Enillitm : Yarn; 2,000 dozen Wool and Medd° Qom. SOO doz. Undershirts and liramers;. 75 cartons Bead. Gimps; 500 dozen Lace Teu 500 doz. Ladies' Linea Itdids., Azle, ray heavy stook et Fancy Notien4, SZCF, a 5 AT EASTERN PRIM:3. . EW GOMIS , . iNIF4W 4 13 -4 000DS - Two cases Ladies , Node Ribbed bl.c4ino Stock* logs, two sages White Ribbed MeolooptOckin6l. '.two eases Chlldren's Mod, and Whits ltibbett Merino Stockings, ono saw Chtidren's Palmy ',Stocking,, two asses ilient eoeks.sun blasts antdrawers, and atoll It et of BALMO - RAI, Hoop skirt., Hoods, Son tsp. Halt SaaWls, ?ta blas, Head Nets, Corsets, TrimnitOps. Straw ,Goods, REillleery GoOda FtoWers. kedUdert, bons, tiliks, Erstwo•der es, and • grest,'Arartisty at Fancy Goods. Our Notion Doparto*iti )Rill be found Banstally tapplk4 ' EST OCKIEIO YARIB. :MOO pounds superior make—all calcire„ while:Us and totalli at anti:am-wimpy , I 103 H 07111 2. 013., , sr= 17 and 73 BLARS:rl::,.:driq-42 J. TINGLEY, :AT `W. W. IittOORHEAD'S, 81 Market Street,- NEW FALL COCPDS, FULL LINE VELVET - RIBBON*, 41 colon; EMBEO/111 191 vg AND rAieialoons; QLOVES .e.IIOSIERE; EmaitoIDEBED, r.rsEzf and - • - SILK ILLNDEEIII3B4/19EFEI . _ BILS Bnanaitis et Mlcolon sErs ILND COED TRIBIALBIE. ALEX.ANDEE'S oec WoCil,ENUoobs.qoallitYin, Secretes" , of the Faculty 47aEppwr, f• - •; - • Utcomilets.:? -- cA3:4I . Esitt. NO' 21.-*lttlE STAMET' ; -: •gtiurs. TO antra - GEdR oirrinuct AND =MELO FUB. pisw Leivzofosts., VORK STATE APPLES. —2 icar prime uk.°l":APClTiltrAnt;n4 ars GOODS, TRUSENI#GS, &o; GOODS. cittn & cturasie,, No. 19 FIFTH natal, . . Trimmings and Orniqents, ; Gimps and Buttons, Bonnetand Scarf Bibtons, ! Gilt and Pearl Belt Rockies, Silk Belting -- a new rote I .ains in Linen Handkebhiers, 1 Lace Collars and Sethi; e Work Edgings and Inserting ' •ric and Hinibrtrg Bawls, o Ruffling and Cashs Mings t Thread and French Veils, i t 'can and English Hosiirv, s and Gauntlets--last r, Wool and Itnitthiggarns r 1, 8 and Childrens' Undqwear, oral Skirts- -new styles or Skirts, French Corsbis, lona , s Shirts, Collart,lfies, o and Silk Underwear; !es Kid Gloves—all sizei. NERCELANTS AIM DEAJFBS It to their advantage to pail and grnt* Moak l'efare pu.r.heatag. . • mammas aca ism, iv }IFTR STREET, Plits_buSo, NO, 17 leirra 13TRIOET. JUST BEUFIVED, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Wholesale and Fee,tail. F. H. EATqIII.- No. 17 FIFTH ST. BATES BELL .;, ABB NOW ()PERIM F s rotic or -; fiES3Eir—siEreßO.' . DRESS GOODS, M E.R I N 0 YS; CLOAKS. No. 21 Fifth F. Macron', (Hyde 8 Co.:,
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