_; - _wAvTs. 1iTAD.,:410138.16. UMW; 6 , 01/00 , i l Outahalis four ' Nei or six Wooarlielthar 01 r 4 ~ .a.,.., ball& oval .I a vaatild about Ms 0$ BeDGetntir or Oct.ober, Dy ovum/non, Ids Wu% two elUltren. -• Aretreee, . ~., , .... 101 'olf -, :.. - :,, , W 1 5 2 511324•0 0 02 1 wrru 000 ` 00 ~..- . . .. 1 a small famfli, to take trouts of SSITIOlt• "OEDISTEST., Souse. and tool and abou; aurae Of 'arablatroawl toruithed. On! fair is aim., „Enquire of the subscriber, at the rnalneEwlue oftlee;110. - 07 • Water oteeet. el., ear. : zottOwnl '•• ix El': Wang, , 1 14574M13,.• • Ar MARRIED MAR, "ANTED, A SALESMAN, • arba hal a kaaveledra or.thaDrrEklods bald •,; (agars at - vsistrre bsa a co, 123 Fifth street. • - f'AIiTED.-4. 131JITMILE ItIAN, TO auPetititona the 'WWI* Of coal. fire clay, salt olliabatt" 455 anitsi front ttas city, la a o-a 7 , Ratable an 4 inns, location on a railroad. twat aced =TO hi tot eccapt eat to man. the wbole .With akill and ability. To a mi l ieu Imam' a %toy &nimble mittuttionia offered. 'ppm mustfarnish the vary best tgatilcio atd q ha= Inquire cit laitia.H DIOKEY & OO• A.G2.17T8 WANTED- To cumin (or DE..IIOLLAEID'S LIFE LINCOUR. •Tma. E11.413Yi General Ageat. '2stt7atitsti4: Eltuanizeth Pa. r2LETZE.--AGENTI3 FOR "THE .6EOhET SERVICE, I•HE FLELD, THE BOMB AND THE ESCAII. By,Ar.nonv Ramannaor, New York etch T Erne Correspond The hum Weaning anding book ever ealbraeber.2lr. Rieharelson's unparale la sotPestenee for foUr year& traveling through _South In the searet service of the Tribune Ins outbreak- eit tho war, - wtth our armies aud Ag r imtb Eiwt; suth ; doing the dint two in of the , Rebellion hie thrilling captures Me iffregival ford 9 Iliontbstle? !wren different rebel oaf his Mope and alzrant miraeutorke ;anther nistit of .4,104, 400 Antics. will abound in' frlngirrents;and onateln more of the fa:l,lnel. st and rolnanthret gib war ;haaetir o thot. vat* loatenr, /Viess.'enesgetle Totuspa Lip returned, and die sbled olden soldlarr , want of prolltablo-ernplorme dad it pew daily us Led 40 Wax •oculdi an. We have late ,al5O -per- zueruh, .whlah we etre to ang doubting- applicant. Send tor elm. S. -Address, JONES, BROS. tr. 00., comer Sixth and =nor meets. liwandawr . EathidednhLa Pa. ~r_oß SALE...,- . FOR RENT. . . ,jOR SAL.-.That splendid Lotof Gimnd 11avlaga boa =Deans Avenm 0125 teet,and batk 120 feet 14-s-oft story Art hon 417 - ANT B fatL • ' I OR`SALE , 4A, Awe elm ,- Brick , Houso of a yen roosts, on Harris street, Lwrence. Ad al t o eampleta order. Per tams, apply at nth l Estate and Insurance Office of e one. 4 . G. 6. BAITS. , , - nutlet meet. Lawrenceville, Pa. jqlt SALE-=A-number of Lots, wall lo ... witeator_priva{e residences, situate on Butler entre arid Hill Etreets, above the new Passenger net aod,wlli co disposed of on very Ilberal Mao.ra large of Law to Bloomfield, natty townahlp, alum. the Penna. Eatlrowl, ad will be Judd fat the IOW price of 650,101 f east 100 apiece. This is altos ouaaca for persons of mall means or Irrestmatit. : _. I Apply at tee heal Estate and Insurance Offlie of G. 6 HATES, 'WWI '::-. ._.7:..fatitlist atteet.Lawrenceville Pa. FoR 84.Y!".•.-,: . . . ilr Finiehed,Frame Two-Story Dwelling ~.t : L .,_. Two- Story SIX ROOMS, newly Papered and Painted, IPA 13:19,i HYDRA= 'wade and outatda ... THE MT laffivo fiat frooti by One Ann red feet dean, - /ME GRAPE ARdt/G. PECTIC GLI4 as. Voltsesuftii will be given on Me Is: 4 next: - 6.10%,..: I cofrtNEßilitßoOtr i WITH TWO 'E .r7F..1.m. fllcl NO Eft. Pios uaalaararflllWigiit'cufatteiae, at Ain next. Tbaprevrietter le either aell,-of r ,Ixtuf7 KfRPR1N.1.451.44 azatummte 6 or - - 1 auxen - etts . , ~ are. tat Fourth street. . ' Li • • AL X BABB,* lery•ultaibie'thiet' of - ago. • Pal cod edricalturat teed,Uataintag fluty saes, T Stoats:l at the eettatit:3-latte' of Blairsville, , . ''Aei bOnft&ea 011,410 .801;ghbfqcntemattalkaiver• . 1 .. .... .14,wat lt zt t s tzset t mare - tar tar gtftirrtiou ; seactad. wad. 4-OPPD at strata or ore to good .- allin ktilak'reurnetto_azd iviti eld - thirty. pet CCU. of' hut. Be says to" ros,atet to 1 ' 'duality _Ms strata will '741.1 10 0 0 MIN to the r . - :- on..frudlfecireieruiratatingthls crude mass to an; Stem of dollars and euts, remtaidatr the rain. 1 of .'ore, si 25 settle Ret. loo t Ude Mete world f tau produce . east 'immoral thotoutu dollars. 1, . ~ , lit anit u rx4to this an trls i ve twetr o live sates , i c , l ,' Oat:autocue:m - I'Mo pro pis sroQrtt.2st.- i ••' itutlon 'of e utatleut Thu IntasUnent would be ..';'" • . ' : Nrate asp sak . 13 P,ainits .of ore can 64 seen at u., 1 • ) d o k w o, es. ;41:0 A. sßaiate -irtoet nt and groin how, eeaialug s cree, itulic Marry 81.4 Vossuatoni, fadi i..,,-., L. , : .:?..:2.she itOunt7.re. near Ala value ot Greenville: -,-17ft-:rflhe Improvements .ire stwoatory frame house, •I ' ; Us largest and best barn to tie e oemtn footing > . l'. Apatersity goody We iteres.chmul• the rush:War , . twell tletbere,L The-laad fagot lane meadows • • , -. A. , ,-.• p ungen t rorates toe mops of v. stir is s ayer„con 7. •"' CO tburthettchools: WA, es, &CI !, '-,; This Pn r 1 . 1 . 371 41, °14 T 8 '17, PeNr - 00 . Pa sesjy ,:. ~--.1 =egetia - . Of lit Airma tizt n Dalai toa :'. IV t .144 alrotaltyi.Pri." WW be said theta- D. Also, e bed farm on the Nana la River. .1,.;1 ; -.'• about one intro frosa alegemport, Co., .; , contgturticabotalis acres. The improvemeate ii •-. ace a fume hoes* and bare, tarn crib and wagon . . 4 1 : S t a rd _ wi g,i. a cdlie w : c2 0 : 1 4 Mir o:u t i l . arze,,,,,,„ ii , . ...t.o_ pear titecizo 02 peach cress::: - 5914. "- . C If: Am itiso,la! getik.Earte I.l...____Elitaboth T i rlrialp afttui l aisitiettireriacci.tPZlgtioro ac tra 1 .:.:-. f............271e- /reprove:tense are - / r - e n erhat ' • !*:4' '; eatteM menu Via, aloe well llolsrli i rt; 0 .. a i, -- . .4 Le . 4l . l . we rr taN In haw, svondad by otaamee.al .1 a .....1 .. very f beat il,te,„,.,,aur ~. 4 .::: arid 4 all underlaid with coat. x,-. ... •: . 4 .-rot turt/yitt.t/evmtwarei:tr.i.•• 1 eeze j • • i NO.l6trourth street.' 4 k pFF HOLE . CREEK OIL- LAND FOR w.bilLEe-lalerrata la Undo Wax *APO Hal. 1 , A ADJO TRE ROLM:DEN PAN-m, Eacrwa al the "Dear Liar alio la the . . • Z!IRE EON vAzukt, . antatatAfL r itrAr * Banta *Oasts Pirie Roe,be • ,! tureen Pit Hm.and 011 Greats. Thaw lateesta • ars vem desirable, as the situations are all bat. tara lauds. , E4quira at , • &U.Atr., pArrEasos. • • • Attorney*, • • Irtaatt Fourth St, Plumb Iznik Pa* -.1 ' W - Gin} l'ara - '.' 1 ; , . tfitall.'etAa.X.433' f A. one and 'alidritowiriffs Or j e l fgr n e j Lot I'i. e,ktalairerk."Trrtairs =rind CU. dAtIPYLEIS4IIO9x ' ad, body cultivated eel onvueeksed, with' brut. ... • toe, and shade rem ,1.... n, ~trordioir areyle 34;1i ..., The ni ,luf fr zolt dings are au, outlook on th e Um° ,- Bar -- ' L r ; an extensive and ruled view f : Bar ltu n 4er larkeskation. lipP/v to 1 P. is iiitYlat. Broker, f • Bokifth etre:a, Burke/ Banklega ; aft.L.E..—Fonr '.) teen antes, three-tonrais of a mils from Dome. 6,, yb c, =!rt - `ll l ,19 4 Zin ti l °,',,tg 0=731 :utigiTelt A i" th c ,"`"" mgb s t ate of ly D OUBLEBEIOx DIVEL. LUG, containing cloven :Doha, including wait. „Cooina and pantry , mitt not and cold Water; a bath aaUla and tango In tlin Inteen: Mono hones with running neaten dawn, LlO eapackyl tArA atiaciraterl= t= "l l h7 tO rsal at b . aon y cern t et alreat .17: ig.) 17)Ji •.121,11.e Supdrior theond Hand Boars, Forty indict In diameter, thletrlx feet long, ; g.Ettertg I t t u t e L I LVILM.g. I ! " ° barg U. 24. BOLE fr. 0 seSls.lw cot. Point Alley cad.Daquestul WAY. kft 136.1 ! "Tr jE:NOTEIBOILER, ' • j acimgotai fOultAle Oatio:31;14c; or iidaiLtiolitag MITI • -.or antstiatc bastacza regal/14g a capacity o e Far. Fs zi.Eons.Parrer.: APPJF 4 ; Ataollll SECITRVIELD STREET., .. 3 0112t .uatat....aorrx rposaani INTI 3, Ia&AZ co:, siatlilt/7.833 & HOVRAPAINTIMB, ; • ;, • Mo. 60 essittliela St., Pittsburgh. ;LETrzunsuii icfrtiis iri.xures ipromotti and 'mitt cuasuritucedakra, co.- . BEAUTI.FLID. 8110 W (MIMS co cro Amami Paper or all colon} itatIOILT MONS he GLASS caJude to ardor and SOIL to all pattitot the country. PI.C7OItIAL Oaccotad In a lUctly L. ..BOUSE I'AIl TIIIG dock WI a regard 0 do. rilbatty, bantiontof color and Aegtilesiot tl idarAn worltat reasonable gotta l ittetostigow ? • !' 20 l,!.iiiMp34. 1.. a9tremi Atm ; . •4, et ta i d .324 Narked • ,sst gs, '• • BER)WIi ' , DRUTISTRY , - • , . I P OSErIi - ADAMS, Dentist... , Donnelly , .‘", mann& corterof mamma . and 011/4br, /dreg . ,s Plumb grotta—Dr. , ll.M.Pol TH:.HAFfeakj,TOllllO. bbbillaitillollElnt... • • : - 1 -71 1 3SEMIDTTS rlPitttecllol:ll3k- - - •;, pp! 4r Aaluverets,XlSS mum HEERLE. Third BPDCI/104_ettSeisiegtable comie setrese. n ituitiliti.przizt*Tkadarae, 'An the extremely popular eoninismn* MR. Illeatc VINCENT, Who ate or/gated tog SIX NIGHTS ONLY. W. ze. Luz In by Met ffieteaSiteeth Of 2101ICHED. .I=iffESDAY VENING, Oat., itth. the_ per. fon:sumo will E eointsenae with the grand tarp Drama, In S acts, entitled the MCII SPY; or. the Arab of the Desert. Nathilde de Merl; Bead St, Alms—. I hIOLLIE WILLIAMS. Hemet Dance LITTLE LIZZIE. ASV iraieh tte highly ateming Marlette of LOLA MONTLE. —Hiss MOLLIE WILLIAMS. —.Mr. YELL% VINOEN T. I LOU Monte" Michael, Toconelt2de wish BEADS OF DREADFUL NOTE. lINOLE TOWS CABIN, Saturday Afteinuoa, 25 septa to all parts of the home. PITTSBURGH Lutsee and Manager %VM. EIERDERSON PRIPCS o, ADlE ll3 3lo3 , —Dress C111111%60 Eta; Fam By (little, 15 Ma; Third Tier, 25 eta; Frivatt Box 64,00; Single 80,14., $1,25. Down open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rites at VA. Re.engagement of MISS ANNETTA ISOE nd J. H. TAYLOR. WEDNESDAY EVENJENG, 00tOBER Oth, wut be performed the sensation Phu, too acts, ol THE OCTER 00 Nr, OR, LIFE IN LOTIISLLNA. Web-no-tee, —.----.lfige : Anaetta Lite. • • • -• M.J.r: H. Taylor. PIANOS, MUSIC, &C W BRING RECEIVED THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CHICKERING PIANOS, galected gerronally by the subscriber, during a recent visit to the Factory. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENT us nom open, and ready for examination. a public are Invited to call and nee them. Warrnn.ted for Five Years OkiA.RLES C. MELLOR, sub Sole Agent for the Oh!chorine Plano*. pie Nos AND ORGANS THE OELEBRATED BILIDBURY, NEW YORK Sohomaoker & Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. THE AMERICAN ORGAN. and =TT'S and' COTTAGE ORGAN, admitted by alers. all wbo Aare heard them, to be sup de erior La tone to all other Instruments of the kind at nu featured in the Malted Staten. WO are prepared to furnish. at [tort the Drags and Germ Silver Instrninente -idevery dium lar titan and Cornet Banda, stanch:mut . llustrated Catalogues and Price Lilts on application. Seer and SecOndkiand Pianos for Rant. ALL THE LATE SONGS AND PIECES Cznunanny on nand,. • . wemzuzix a BARE, . So. 12 Si. <num =tom rietiTßdir 'II L IM37. ramm t. um Grand, Parlor Grand, Square and Up rfall ight Piano; with overtime ban, acmes treble, Iron Improved frame, and *ll the valuable im provement. The tone is pure, brilliant, enthely mnateal eltarsevay, of the bestmoramatemap; touch ioxes,„:and qualital loot ttrunirpassed by any. CHARII.OfTeStaIE, Fro 4,2 FIFTH STREET. Second door above Wood street hoFind SOEPiE . 113 PIP2IOI STE?IET. saza Lowrie max aoogcar-® mr-imiaessa. BP Best moos Li Amides BOOTS AND SHOES FRESH ARRIVAL EVERY DAY OF FA LL AND WINTER Micncntes /wawa allickertn, and anon /loan. Balmoral; Gum Beats, Own Ovum and Gum Sandals. Woman's ablel2o. rill Congress Gaiters :and Lass Umtata Mai d:ant Shower all kinds. Nov latns time to buy Imre/land Maser Stook,clump, Al J. IL BORLAND'S, es MARXIST %TREE?. Second dam from Mb. v I' • • b "ALL GOODS, Reny Watkins Shea far Mazes, Balm:its for Ladles, KIP and .010 f Boots, Strong Boots for Boys. PaLLAIIIELPHLIL 8110 E STORE, No. 83, COMMIIf the Market and Diamond. J. W. C&RZLIGEf&N & 00. OUTS Ss nose Are gelling off their stock of Boots and shoes EtEDIJOEI) PRICES. READ AND REFLECT s Save Your 14IConey It le now a well &mown fan that 1111 CLINTOCK, No, 92 Federal Sheet, Allegheny, sees f ;. 1110 best and cheapest ROOTS, S _ GAITERS, Afi'D TI OES, setatonitia, of =Father home west of the atotuttallui. Givehlez a cell, end you will be eatlifted. A wen tele:wig/stook Aiwa - non hang. • sun LADLES' -. -111t313Z8' AND Itp;its;4liikeir and Gaiters, Of emir Style, Hake and Ettrza, at • • • Corner Fifth end streets. *Jr Pala tau suit everybo49. 11018 BOOKS,-ALBUMS, tke BGOICS t BOOKS She:matt , . Great naval •hull Polley In Anneal Draper, The Sabbath Panlt. ns. Exiles In Babylont llochm , a Seminisertocesi Fifteen litchis', Rattles; 1111Ps intuit Blow; PhotOtraPh.A l huntsi 'Poem Books; Portfolios, Stationery: Smith's Amerleau Inks' Slates; School Booths; Inkstands; Pe Pests, at nholdort: J. -, f,./tEd.D'S, W 0.19 Fourth street. THE STORY. OF BIMMAIII3, MARCH, rom the OF A - STA.F.F. OFF4OEFL , - BY.RBEVEtAIAJOI GEODE WAD AICIOLS, DNA IT$ ZdAP MfD,Zruar42OI7S.ILLO:STATIN. 4 1 11 " " SI '73 r. ar Sant free. by men, tom addresvu ,DAVS, CLARKE & CO.. • • s3.woon sraErr. TT Magrafacturore lb !iV, ItalaNE_ , JD. cut__ porterlin s tig quEENSWARE. ' 11.0 .• gt ULISIDEDND STREET. base= Wood na Arprkes anctikrigatusk ra. WU ATER'S ISAIMAPAILIALA 101 A concentrated mu ran Attie eholestroat.sti oomnined with other enterfoneee of AM greater sitmatire power as to send effretualimeldote • 'lot oiseasta Sarsaparilla Is reputal teioo.lll. Shots . a fro is surely wanted by those "who who gruffer • front Strum complaints, and that one whish ow 1 accommbot their cue must prove, thighs.. a _a memo service 1.0 this large clan of our at. fe'low tithed'. How completely this Om pound will de it has bum proven by experiment on many of the worst ease! to be found in the fol. lowing complaints Scrofula. Screfulont Swellings anti lore; Skin !Hums. Pimples. Pustules, Blotches; ErnPtiohlk St. AnthOny's Fire, Rose or kryalpelas, Tatter or Salt Ithetun, d_sed- Flew, Elogirorm, an. Syphilis or Yenerfol Disease, is expelled from the sista.. by the prolonged use of this Sarsapar illa, and the patient is left in comparative health. Fema , e. Diseases are tatunsi by Scrofula in the biota and an often coon enrol by this extract of Snisaril.a vo not discardthis in medlars, henna. von have becomposed upon by something pr.- trnehg to is noresporilla, while Wag not. When you have used Ayer's—then, and not till For MiOrte particulars of the dlesons it cure., we refer t to AnteHean Almanac. which the agent below named will furnish gratis to all who cal, for it. Assn's tlesnansto PILL, tot the Owe of (los • titaness, Joundiee, Dyspepsia, Initgeerton, Dy. earth Foul Stomach, tioadache, Piles, Shaun.. Um heartburn arising from dloornral stomach, Pas', or Morbid Inactloa of the Bowels, Flatu lency, LOU of Apneti.e, User Complaint, Dropsy, Worms, Of ur, Neettralgis. and for a Dinner Pill. They are sugar coated, so that the moss sensi tise can take them pleasantly, and they are the best Aperient In the wort 1 for all the purposes of a family physic. Prepared by J. U. AYER a Cll., Lowell. If sse. and sold by R. A. FARNESTOOK, SO* a CO. and by all Druggists. saialmembitaw arIIAILE SIIPERIOII Copper Mill and Smelting Works, PARK, McCURDY & CO. Manufactuthrs of SREATIONG. BRAZIERS' Et BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER ROT: TONS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS. SPALTER SOLDER. Also, hoitarters and deilscirin MET ALS, TIN PLATE, SIq.ET IRON WEBSConsUctly±an hand, TINI% ERS' TOOLS. Warehouse, No. 14OFIIIST sod 120 S OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special order. Copper cct to any decirod pattern. cartflolgosorT TO NERVOUS RITFPEREUX OF BOTH SE2CHS.-n reverend gentleman have log been restored to health In a few days, after nn demotes; the serum routine and irregular expensive mode of treatment without success, considers It bla tamed duty, to communicate to his afflicted fellows matures the mew:morel:we. Hence on the receipt of an addrnared envelope, he fo nd, free, loopy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DAGNALL, tel Pun.= street, N. Y. mhsllydewT tEr.P/TTNISIGGO, SAW woman. HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. PATENT GROUND CRICULAWR, Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS, of every ie. scription. SILL[, Mulay, Cross Out, Clang, and all other varieties. All kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, made from Sheet Cut Steel Extra Relined REAPER AND MOWING tso. SEP Warehouse and Works, minim WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to RetoothinLattal ming and Straightening Circular Saws. o, re reasonable rates. . pain of all kinds Purtniting and Drilibig done at Kaki, 81 Wood Streat, Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. 20, 22, U end 28 PENN STREET. Thivirel.. secured r• large yard, and furnished Wan we most iMproVen machinery, we mem 01 CO loanuiseitire every deserfpOon of BO 'ln the twat nummer, and warranted wei l ti c T iz afi t i made In the eountre. 0/11 FIRE azDs, ergot onzonvii 'BOILERS, CONDEN SER SALT PANS, TANGS, OIL STELE, AG ATO&SET, TEING PANS, BOIL= IRON, =GAR PANS__ ,and sole m uraeturers of EULD LOWS PATENT BO Repalzinif done on the shortest noilee. dalEttf GEO. =TIM . D. 11811. up...LA BELLE STEEL . WORKS. RITZIER • Manufaottirers of OAST STEEL; SPRING, LES, OROW ELOW BLLSTER &o. STEEL; SPRINGS, AS. BARS, , Ro. IS WAFER STREET (up ite_pj) OR, PA. firm.DAmell/SA AO CM, VA, 00... be to Bontosoar blurts b. Dinsisly '. Washkton Works ', ... FOUNDERS AND GIL hianuteeturers of BOAVANKrWMPIRY STEAM ge t' MAST ENGINFA DULL BIADEDNERY, 0 G, SILAPITNG, OAST. ENOS et all deseriptooo, OM TANKS & STLIA.S, BOTLEB AND oituEET IRON WORE. orr to tor GIFT/GGps PATENT INMPB. dB, for hollers, - 50/11111 MC/MAN a litta!„, MAOISM. Duero of IRON VAULTS A3M VAULT DOORS,LRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUT. TAMS, wiNDOW GUARDS, fer... Nod. W. SEO. (MD and haveTRIED STIGMA between Wood and Market, on hand a variety of new patterns, taturyind plain, suitable for an purposes. Lo WarPruticular attention paid to enclo•fed Grass ts. Tabbing done Mahon notice, an 2 y BST.rim IA maLET---03" immense importance to the old b e Mug tDf oanliel and angle of both saxes, will be senttecto . addresslax, with clamp enclosed the agettUt, RA EN . KDRiOIC & CO., Box 73, Post dlca. intructlrdawP uz ABMS. .T AYS OF W A AND remsvo. TION.POII YOUNG DIEN. Also, new and sells. 1"41/tment 1 _r, and Sexual System. Itetta _Saue HOUGHTON, How Aisoatatlon.Pldlordpide. Pa. aPir/T ATTORNEYS lIcJ wyn.J.t GAZZAM. 7. D. Del ?WM D Me/LASTER, GAZZAZ & CO., A4I'ORNEY3 FOB ' °LAMAR'S, • f Licenised U. R. dgents,' - BEAUSproufax PENSIONP. if , . UNTY.M3,. AR. OF PAY, PRIZE MONI.e. OtIMPEN SATION FOS liOrtStS, fine' Wier property lost or dettrOyed *Las in tha service of f. 'Tatted States. STOPPAGES OF PAY AND OFFICERS, CU3DNANOE AND lAIMETARMASTEWS AO COUNTS • usted and certificates of Indebted. UM 'App ' lleattorus by Mall attended to as lf medals CHARGE MADE °MAASS SOLO. NO OFFICE No. 98 GRANT MEET; , - mil prriontracui.. WRITE & SLAGLE, acaardi ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. .ILOG 3Pitth ISta-ctort P/ ITSEITEGII, Pb, Will attend to all THE In the hue Of ttutir Profusion, Inch:Wog THE COLLEC7TIOIT off CLAMISAG AINSITHEGOVEIINALEMT. Mr. :iitootithevlng been muttered out t the Mitzi Stain Service, will buttoner ire &nut. Hon to the business of the ann. stets(' WouzinD suLDuraii IN EITHER The First or Second Three Years Service can rexelve the full bounty the same as if fltly had saved the full term of - enlistment by falling upon T. WALTER DAY, • Collator for Bounties, Pensions and Pay. So. tel FIFTH STREET, third door below the . Cathedral. • 1111 WY. Y. 11 0//STI. 010. IL I.IOOEMIX. M °PPE FT & COCHRAN. ..A.ttcsm - Act.ayis of X 110117171 Croce—No. 03 GRAM' STREW. 2 / 3 08 TL 13•71/1 & SHAFER, "An M. 8 BABBB BAYNE ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW aO.Bl DIANIOND STSKIST, Pittiburgb, Pa. Court Builness Examining Tltlec, Converting. by, Collections, and all Wads of Leyal 11111114611 promptly attended to. MILITARy BOUNTLES, BACK PAY -and MILITARY CUMIN of every descrlpttou l eolbsated by the tubtertber, at the following rates, viz: Be -MOP; $10; all utter claims, $3 M. TATLON,Attorriey at LIM Ntamead street opposite the Court House. N. 11.-0 o chants are amid If the mates does nos sueceerl, Ann all Lifornatlen Oren gnats. setay CMACICRELL, A TTORNEY'AT.LAW, 4.7113 Q. LICENSED SOLDIERS , CLAM AGEN2 Boman for Wounded Soldiers collected to Iron ten to twenty daya. Atir Office No. 81 Einem eranr , Pittetnirgh. Gall with tllschanre awl two critnewee • su21:11 640:90:ta:4 - o:rtni X.5.4161i717' 4:3 , 13 . 5X08p No. 144 Fourth Stre .,. e . t : Ent PITTSBoir, P. 4.; will radian in the various courts of Allennen9 and anionang counties. ARCMAAL Graßß WORKS. - lITODELELYELE & Meek and Green G1111111111147e, DragWit,' Were. Itiontlen,'Demlf *brut, ebarnern, l Worrnouse: N 0.144 WATER STREET BETWEEN aprriinELD AND oatarr szkezT4. . 3 PITTSBURGH PA. We warrant our Wane to be superior to any rnantifeetuted West of , the •Zonntalna. Always on hand, Otanwine tbaabove deseriptlen. .at orde rs. promptly attended to. Partin:day linen. uon paid to private Jumada. attlaY OAST STEEL TEETH, p • l a yam/Era3sßaks,ofsayitha gay" mam;tad=AVAcopre, te. tkT.tll9 SPECIAL rayrzoEs __ P/ITSBURGH. KAMOIP•t2II7IPHS OP 1:r.1- 4 .1:1iirr.w.11.11116 Speech by Gen. Grant. In the course of his Journey to the West, Gen. Grant stopped Tor a day at hls hlrth•place, Georgetown. Brown:county, Ohio. The people poured:out ism their houses to sec bleu, and he was constrained to ataka the following speech. the e longest he was ever known to deliver; Ladles and Gentlemen of Brown County: Ton ale well aware that I am tot In the habit of =lung speechm. am glad that I never ed to make speeches when I was young, and now that lum old, -2 have no desk° to begin. I had tuber stait out In anything else than In makes a speech. And now, ladles aril gentlemen, am only , say to you that It affords ms very much pleasure to get back to Brown cormti, where boy boyhood was spent.. W1712' /UT lIE Dotes wtva WOD.TOINde LAND. —A gentleman la Middlesex county, Mau, had eighteen acres of worthless bud. A few. years ago he resolved to reclaim it, which, he did at an aware of three thousand Whirs. 'He then pat .the entire lot crantoales, The land lay convent. ermy to be overflowed whenever it was desirable todow It. The vines grew and dearished beyond expectation. The grower picked his armouries by band, never suffering a rake to be need for that purpose. lib crop some years has been one thousand barreti; be eulinces It this year al aix humored barna& Rome years Cranberries are wroth nine dollars a barrel The value of the crop any year is greater than the original cost of reclaiming the land. Tble encouraging story to farmers, who way have patches of a slntfar character, Is to ld by an exhibitor of cranberries at the thaw of the hortichltarthoclety.—Bothm annier. Ouzo DawnCuaor.—The Cleveland Democrat, of Oen:hernial, 1864, speaking of President Lincoln. said be had 'gilled the land with fear and mourning;" • "causal a toilllort brave men to be sacrificed for nothing ;" and "won the contempt of every honest man." And "Ict those who can support him dodo. Let them flog their flag to the breeze, Ems' with the al& cod cross bones painted in 'red or in bidet, and Shout In drunken glee for their pet. W' The Orrot Widom .!faker of the Nineteenth Century!" There's Democracy for yen, "pore and sim ple ' GAN. Hants.—The Bpringliela (blasa.)- puUkan sake s Gen. flanks has commenced new pointed career since his arrival home from New Orleans, baying made a ePoeCh to his old constltnenta at Lawmen, Monday nhatt,land there is good pros. Ped that he will be nomnated for Coegress se Mr. Gooch 's successor to i the Gth district Law , revue has elected delegates favorable to him by a large majority, and other towns will db the same. Small politics and smell , politiciatut may prove powerful enough to glve the Waco to some one else , but the General's eban . ... are InCrele ing daily. - TUE neorecride paper, Which Is lo started on the Mitt of the late•fdra. Closed', wi l t make As appearance In New Marabout theist of No. vembcr, Is said that one of the Eagllatt fall mad capltallua has nndartelien to en9Pl.9 the money and a good partof the bodtut: -Re 'must be a amart man, and S bold one. too, whoever be Is. A r d 82 110141.111,19 wedding was celebrated at Grace Church, New York city, lad EettirdaY afternoon. Ilev. Dr. Taylar The • bride la Mae Mary EAT, ftrnitd-datkher of the ttc.Presldent of Columbia Colley, aa4 the hdhe• groom, Chan. Clark, - CM, or the banking fired ,of Steadmez. Ewell dt . CO. The edhlce was well • :filled by the friends of the parties. 'Fitz Greene ;flaileck was present. STZLLIPER M.01220.N. the Niel' York , correspondent of the Boston Traveller " wag turned over by Justice Dodge on Saturdalatter , noon to the Comndssicmerii a Comities and Correction,lo be committed to the Lunatic Asy lum. Mr. Ifattlton styles hiraselt"Steillfer, the King. RRei ning 'Primo or .the : Boom or David. and Gear lan of American Dcattuk.'f Tnal tatemootthottien. Iftemont LOCO:10ga the Iron buslooto teems to DO marmot.' lto Lo to be cblef officer of o largo comm.?, :which h as p ed Catlntan, Niacin :Valle'o Iron Works In Bt. Loot for 425 0 001 ! Issoinmes berdi' ot clhtle ere pouring Into Lindholm front Texas, and the price & beef In New Orleans has fallen Ineents. In other parts Of the State the ;Irk& pingen from seven to ten Ceuta per pound. sus re st . , E th iect e Dedensti about candidate; linso l r t u b v sk delegate to represent Montana :Territory in• geogress et the election held last month. • ght pittsburgh (het Q. WEDNESDAY,'OOTOBER 11; 183 GAZETTE TERMS. Dully mornin g . . .... . ........ OW per annum do. do ., served by earri,ja: 63 cents a week. DadlY Evening 11660 per year. do do, served by carriers, 16 mato o wo=k- Weekly, ln clubs.. . . ............ II 50 per year. do.. Blotto copl et .••. MOO do. RATES OF ADVERTISING, S QUAZII - INTABOTNEI lIIATTEE O s lar I t • w: Wkly tnna uroe r.cr 7ime,... 7 7 - 1 --7- 7., •• ..••. .... 75 rhree 1 I 25 15 ; ....1 126 Four tnnes...l 210 73 One week--; 273' ia7s 8 1 151 751 75 Two wee24...' 4 1 275 700! 13' 23 Thos neek4.l 6 75 50, 4 25 ! 2 73; 2 00; 173 One m00ch.... 13 251 5 501 4 00; Z. LO Two month. . IS 001 Eloo l , 600 73 2l Three months IS 1:41 10 fo 7ou 75 625 5 - 1.2 Month.— 23 50 II 74, 950 09 12 00 Nine months 34 00 17 70' 12 to. 03 17 00 One Tenn....! 43 00; 25 60' 10 00 I 00 20 00 Advertmenienta mutton one year may be anaimeo at the advertiser s pleasure, at a charge old, ACCILII per square, (or 70 cents if paid attire time,) but must be coadned to the hamedleta hi:minces of the advertiser. Ailvertieements contracted (or otherwise than daily, alit be Inserted on such days 143 the coffee may relent. 7 raiment advertising CASH. , Death Notice; each ineertioo • Marriage notices, Steataboal advertieements, per trip.... Executor,' or AdminUtratorsi Notices....., YEARLY ADVEUXIBLAG BITES One equnni—connued to the mmutiate buelnesi of the advertiser, and not to include dissolutions, formation of new Orme, wants. Ins—changeable once • week. Any ernes. to be charged as trate ideal matter., I 7 tlmel.2 times 1 time , s week. weelt..e week. Three mouths— SIS 60; 012 $ s 1.01 $8 CO Six mouth. WOO, 19 00, 18 001 10 60 Mae monthe.... , tr 051 20 001 27 OW 15 00 One Year Uri. so m l 28 00, 18 00 N' Fin Notices double the above rates, It In. celled one month or more. For s less period 20 acute a line. Local notion at such rates as may be agreed • A. square to be considered as the van occu pied by ten lines of the ordinary advertiaing type of the paper. The Poet Bryant. - --- Mr. Bryant will be . 71 years old on the 2d of November next. He bears his age well, Frost Ilea white upon his ample beard, but the fire of youth Is in hie eye, and his heart still beats strongly and steadily. with a vital force that shows no sign of serious physical decay. His mind, working alertly and clearly, is as quick In prception and as logical In deduction es It was twenty years ago. Lila slight and agile figure, passing rapidly among the crowds of the street, Is that of a man of thirty years rather than the frame which men aerially associate with a sep tuagenarian's weight of years. He uses no glasseito aid hie vision. The nearest approach he was ever known to make to a c•mfesalon of Imperfect eight woe In my hearing about a pug. ago, Going lb a window to read a newspaper, he tabled a good natured remonstrance against the tinmess of the print, observing that he "dld't Intend to wear spectacles eo long as he could help It, but wished toe papers would not use etch small type." ." In the matter of dress, Mr. Bryant Is neither a Count D'Oreay nor a Horace Greeley. He greatly prams cleanliness to style; le always tidy, but bit:shiny unconscious of tho require ments of faablon, and, like Domini° Sampson. would quite be likely to - attributa to the weer ea live qualities of the atmosphere the exceeding glossiness of any new garment eurruntitloaely introduced into hie apartment over night. Yet be Is Orderly and precise In his intellectaal almost to the extreme of fastidiousness and hy percriticism, as It Nature's principle ot enn mutton were specially illustrated to his case. He has a hearty contempt for shams, strobe, and silliness; admires pluck, perserverance andain• (Matey ; adores Nature, and works hard for the love of work, and readily recognizes a worker when be ems him ; dads his recreation In re matte studies, to green fields, babbling brooks, and the study' f natural forma--in digging among the roots of language, In planting trees, making newspapera, and observing mankind— In the Prattle of 'children and the wiaddm of the schools--In short, In everything that the world does andmen think. He lias pleasant ways. At odd momenta he Invitee Ids friends to little trials of gymnastic ex. ercise. "Can you do that?" ho said once -to much younger mesa, aulting the action to the word by lifting himself to the top of the door by his bands, and swinging up and down and side wise, varying the apart by grasping the door-ca• aloe, and repealing the feat in a morecall. position. The Junior tried it. but failed; be not leaped so many high rail-fences In the cors. try as Ur. Bryant had leaped, and the brown beard could not wag In air as the white one wag. ged. Rarely, If a fence or • gate is in the way at & lye, doer itscomer stop Co design it or oPm Is. He leaps IL 7f a horse Is not harnessed, ke' wails. If a storm howls and a valued Merl Is lonely In a distant house, be trudges off with an umbrella In one bead and a boquet of flowers In - the other; offering the latter and his company, where he knows that both will be welcome:— Mambas. and Chrentrfe, TUE CONFIDENCE Gag.—pa Saturday v log, an elderly gentkmat. v7:l , I f eto:Ting at t it Contlueutaffotel, Phihutelydda, was stein.. died out of seventeen hundred and fifty &diary:. by the confidenee game. Ile wad by a young mall, who was 'nutty t.iressekl, and who represented that he was formerly a clerk In an establishment where the ferner frequently purchased goods. A eonversatlaU ensued and • the young man said that he was now In business for himself. Presently a third party appeared on the scene and inquired of the young min if he could "settle that bill. " The young, man said that he Couldn't. The other said trit he must, that his sister was dead, and that he want ed to leave town. The young man then turned to the elderly gentleman and asked for the loan of fifteen hundred dollars until he could g e to the (Ake and , I.Ra it from the eaehier. Tile old gentleman drew out his pork,. I.ook and count ed out the money. " You might a- p'.•ii • tit • INTO hundred and tin s didlar." a:•1 his newly made aequaintance, and the adh , i,ital sum was immediately forked over. The pat y then separated. The borrower went I owanis the office. The old tfentletnan suddenly thottght that he had done a very foolish thing, and start ed after Ititn, but to no purpose. The sharper land vanished, and so had the seventeen hun dred and fifty dollars. Tut Tit u..tville Herald has a letalled account of a highway robbery att‘l unearthed murder which ocearnst L.ll the by-path through the weeds leading front Bull Ron to Shaffer on last Satnrday, In broad day light, a lit tie poet ten o'clock in the morning. Hat. W. T. BOTSFORD Of Jamestown, New York, on his way home with tillegn hundred dollars in his pocket, was knocked down by a blow which felled hint senseless to the ground, and while in that condition he was dragged in to the woods and robhal of the $1,500, and his gold watch, and then beaten 00 the head until bin assailant thought he was dead. In a- short time, however, Mr. Bostford recovered Ills mus en, and perceiving his critical eituatioh summon ed courage and strength enough to crawl on his hands and knees through the woods. n distance „ r 'hi, y where h e was diecoverad by some passers by and carried to the Skinner farm hotel, at the head of Bull Ron, where he now lies In a Very critical condition. A large party of horse men, at Shaffer, Immediately volunteered to scour the country In pursuit of this ' , demon in human shape. But at the latest accounts had not found him. Tun Fair at Conneantville came toa close on the oth, and Wita alifllitteli on all sides to have been the most successful ever held In that place. The receipts were over $1,400 at au acinliSsloll of only fifteen eems. It is eMtnated that near ly t en thousand people were present. The dis play of live stock, horses, etc., was. the (burst ever seen; lit Western Pennsylvania, ' rind was much better than the show made at the Ohio State Fair. One pair of yearling steen,old fur 8150, and a pale of two years old for $l5O. MRS. SARAH 11cDowszu, relict of Alexander McDowdll, Esti., late of Franklin, died recently at the advanced age of one and ten years. her husband was the first the of that part of the country during the. lust cen tury. She left a nunicrotui pro- any, and...lived to bee her deiwenclunts of the third and fourth gtnerniion. SehOlield, member of Congress From the Erie District, married a grand daught er of the deceased. • THE editor of the Erie Dirpsfeh was shown on last Saturday a branch piaci:od from a plum tree In the garden of Chariot Noon, of Peach Urea, which contained several well-developed blossoms. His trees are said to be literally filled with them. TIIE Oil Creek Railroad has advabccd ite freight on coal from Corry to Titusville, a dk lance of twenty-eight miles, from IL? to 124 a ear load, which is at the rate of two and a half dollar', per tt on. VARIOUS ITEMS Ton 1111nofs Bade Journal of tho 4th inst., says a resident of Union county, to that State, has two hundred acres of title cotton, which he fears will be lost for want of lahnrens to pick it, LS a large number of the Inhabitants are; at the mesenetime, sick. He wishes to hire colored help from Cairo, to occurs the crop,; bat fears he will not be permitted to do so unless protected by the asiboritles, as the people in. that section are opposed to the Introduction of colored la borers. Tau Vaidte. a Colorado Met. that fwd negroes who were hanged near 13 lbeow's FerTY, route to Montana, a few weeks ex., for having ecamterfelt gold dust In thelr POEsessl4l2. are now believed whotil Innocent. They had re celvallhe duet In goal fall A from some one else, thinking it to be genulee. The ease of: these unfortunate men should be held up as • warning to all who would resort to so desperate a remedy as that of Lynch law. • Tun eegro mi of Alexandria; Va., have formed a Coal' Proteesive Association, and now buy whole cargoes, ate great savin g from monopo , list pricer. Some prominent white entrant have gladly purchased from the association. Iv is said that John C. Brechinridge, rebel ez &creasy of 'War. Suid er-general, proposes to become a Brltlah subject. and enter into the pock business in some Canadian town. True deficiencies onoutheas postmaitcrahold- Ing Federal appointments at the bre4klnt oat of the war, amounted to nearly SIGOOd.. Prep arations are being made to enforce eritectleon. Owszust. FITS EMIT WA.RILEN annonness that ha he going to vote the straight repot can ticket in , lowa He don't go In for helping the democrats under the duke of • "soldiers ticket" azonntanv Wutta recently told the editor of the Hartford Prato that It Mr. Johnson was at holt; arid a private citizeu, he would favor negro suffrage in Tennessee. • Tan students of Switzerland, Ibilowing. the example of some of those la Germany, hate passed resolution& against duolllng. SE,M;NG M AC HINES WIISELBR .t waeowa BIOILEBT PRZlntril Lock Stitch Sewing !Inching BUTTON-HOLE MACEEENE agency, Jtb. 27 rum Earn GROVER &. BAKER FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS THE ONLY MACHINE. WHICH Embroiders THE ONLY MACHIINE WHICH Makes the Elastic Stitch., rim LIMY MACHINE WHICH Uses. Two Spools THE ONLY MACHINE WHICH Fastens the Ends of the Seam THE ONLY MAOHINE WHICH Makes a Bias Seam Thu inu not break or ravel in Streteblns material. The Only Sewing Nadine Company WHICH itAXES LOCK-STITCH • AND üble Lock-Stitch Machines • •1 1 7•Prireboae a can choice.exclienge for eiher, if no tilted *Mt their can Examine for yoursalvec at NO. 18 F/FTE(BTREET. A. F. CHA.TONEY, •tia:inoams GENERAL AGENT. lANH 7HAOHINy WO RSE AND ' rouNDRY. INIGIFFITAN__, ENGINE BUILDER AND nIAODINIT, Laooon asztans, between Federal and Sandasyi Ammnners errs, Ps. Manufacturer of WIGH TX A N S PATENT PORTABLE DINES, Shafting;OSOILLATTNG STEAIR EN Pedlars, ne. Repairing ofatl kinds attended to _ del.fy pizszox JIM EtighnelluU4ers and Mac: Meatasttttrorm otilloseek.4 Patent Itid mi . Ott! rei for steam Eozattoi, diner% sbaun 11 314the ltimi e innr " Comer Harelson lur e" ' liePairtrw And TA. m , Bll =WlLratt;l44 Mended to, - ROMAtIy ON XACIa EWE • 'no Asegar.. 888 • B. -.IIEIIRON • 00' • - astenn", - 22tili , AND IRON FOUNDERS, Ofbeana Ewes Rooms,. foie '- • • Zio. 111 =wart STREET) • . • • SIATE • . L A.Okiatt A It—W I N T II A NOE- "•,=llllge gygIig,—pENNSFLVANIA CENTRAL. IL IL. I —TIOSN-TTI DAILY TlCALbrza lOn and slier MONDAY, Oaunber tr.. 14 Oliti,srases will lease the Union PrutsengewD=ruer of teashlavort and Liberty Meets, as I LAY EXPRESS, dallyeseept Sammy, at S st„ ai..aupplag only at stAtlons, and noskia Mum connect tun art=rtug for Neer York s , Baltimore and Waslir..gton, end et Fhtladelpbla for New York ,_Boston and itAermedtste points. BALL ACCOMMODATION, daily *inept Sun• day, at 6.50 a, m-, stopping at all lettllakr stations between Pittsburgh and Harrlsbnr& and making close connection with trains ®lndiaae I Branch, Wed Pennsylvania R. IL, Ebensburg and Cresson B , R., and Hollidaysburg Branch. prrrsorawi ERIE Ran t daily en. Sept Stu:slay, at 7.50 a. in., stopyilligonly at Gretna. burg. robe. Maim Me Branch, JohnStown, Conetnautti. tin Insen, Altoona. Huntingdon, Lewistown, R. min, Newport. Marysville, Harris , burg, Lancaster and bownunt.oc. At HarriSbarg dli cat emneett ma a. e made tar 8./Limon, Wash ington and New York ALTOONA AC.`timminixTroy, dall y, except se.. L days, at 110 p. , skipping it all regular Sta. tIOf, etweeo P.it °orb and Aitocan na I nab. Mg connections with resins on the Ebensburg and Cresson RaliruM and lio'ltdayabing Manch Rail road. JOHN STOWS ACCOMMODATION , daii, sept Sunday. lac p. m. , mopping at regal., ma• time between Pant:osh and Johnsiewn, and con necting at Blairsville Intersection with trains of the Indiana Bronco and West Pentiaylv ant& R.R . PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS, daily, at 4, 5 a., stopping at Latrobe, Onnemaugh, Gatineaue. Altoona Huntingdon, Lewistown , Mifflin, New port, Miryst - We,Harrisburg, Lancaster, and Down. tagtown At Harrisburg direst oonnentlims are untde for Baltimore, Washington and New yore at Philadelphia, for New York, Ramon and into - mediate points. Sleeping Oars run trwoush on this train from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, by the Allentown route. FAST LINE, daily, except Sunday, at 11.63 r. m., stopping only at tionamnurn. teallitren Altoo na, Huntingdon, Lewistown. Mifflin. hesport, Marysville. Harrisburg. Middletown. eiltrabottr• toWn. Mt. Joy. Landisville. a.aneaster. md Down ingtown. At Ilarrianurs connection, are made for New York, Baltimore and Wmtdogton,at di !plan, for New York, Boston, and intermediate points. First accommodation Train for Wall'. Station leaves daily (stacept Sunda) at too a. m. Second Accommodation Train for Wall's Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at 11.40 a. na. Third Accommodation Train for Wall's Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at 3.05 p. m. Fourth Accommodation Train for Wall's Static. leaves daily (except Sunday) at 0.05 p. et. Aecommoaation for Pan Station, leaves at to a 0 p. m. The Church Train return Wail's Station every Sunday at 9.05 a. m., ing leaves Pittebta. at 12.50 p. Returning Traine arrive in Pittsburgh as follow,: MalL l.23a.m Fast drie. 2.00 a. to. Find Well', Station Accommoilat2 9 n... 6.23 1:12. Penn Accommodation. • 7.60 a. or. Second Wsill Station Accommodation 0.60 a. re. Tohnstown Acoornmodation ....... 10.06 a. to. Pittsburgh to Erie Mall tate p. ie. Baltimore Express p. or. Third Wall s Station Aceommodation.. 9.05 p. Philadelphia Exprese Aso p. m Fourth Wall ' s Station A ecommodallon 6.00 p. Altoona AccomnipdSticsa and Emigrant 10.70 p. at An Agent of the Eiteelelor Omnibus Company Will pass through each train before reaching the Depot. take up sneaks and deliver baggage to any dayof the city. Obite No. /10 Penn street, open day and night, where all paer for the movement of ressengere and baggage will receive prompt ar il Calif on. Baltimore express will arrive with Philadalphi9 Exprese at 9-30 p. m. Mondays. NOTICE. —ln came of loci, the Company will bold themselves responsible for person`baggage oldyi end WI amount not INC W.H. BECRWI H., Agent, At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Passenger SUMO/2. on Liberty and Warbinatoe etreets. I 1865 . P1 T TBB COLUMBUS SRL. CINCINNATI itAmitoAD. The Great Short Line Mir via Stabenvillr, TO COLUMBUS, And all the principal 011ie., Train' leave Anil arrive at WO ' trN/Oir DEPOT AA follows: DICPALETS. AILISITZS. m. 725 ooa. M. L rap/till 145 P. PI. 815 p ; ILL &Aqaba:mina AccommodaM.4.3o 10.03 a. m. Gang Ticket eat S. F. SOULL, , Staubenville,_ 0. M. D. MOTNERSPAUGIL Ticket Agent, Union Depot, Pittsburgh. oc9ard pritsittn . WYE `C ORIOAGOCIME A AND OLED P/TIT. BURGE RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and alter May lath, MB, trains will rut Colley& Ms. Leaves For For I For PittabturdOldeago. jOlevebust Wheelln Eames: —....12.10 & nui 1.10 a. m. p. as. tied p. 1.46 p Ito) a. An. kW:a. Far Nay Oastla and Erte azo ILW Arri annumeo. ve at Pittsburgh—P. Ft W. & 0 .. . Rail a. et., p. aps 7.60 p. B.ns Q. &P. R. E —tits& p. Lai P.m.. !M.P. p • 00 0XXODATIO111 MIL Leave Allegheny. New Boone& I, Dante. I I villa. L6O& ter. I Cant& 1 Ecouwayl villa. ILM&. , LIB p. m. 1.50 p. at. 10.30 p. ;Sp. UM a.m. L4S g.o3p:as aryraansa. ties. Arrive t Allegheny—P. F. W. k O. Ranges e, Alb s WAS a. =OAS p. 41.60 in. and t2.ee p. O. &P. B. Ft.—kw m. GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Felon Passe. Station, Plitteburg ag M 4. CIASSZLHMg.: Ticket. 01. /. PARKIN, General Agent prx - rsstiita 43NN EXALSV/Llgc - -Nry BAILHOAD. Sl7llO IEII ARVANGEMENT. • On end alter MONDAY. June Ur. Ulke frith W !save the Depot, earner of and Wow dams, is follows • Lama Andras at I to and Qom enlonlownPlt at. . Ida a MI M. _ L. U •Cm p.lO. tap 11. :411. That IlLinaeaport • AcaomM...lt2M a. m. fan ii. la. Soma! ." . ... CM p. a. MU p. m Elrat Braddoakli " ... 'WO*. n. ILio a. 7.1 Beeman. " " and LIS p. m. 5:41:1i, IS Sunday Mulch Train to from alaKeesport. . . ........ Ina p. m. taMit. Pun ticked apply to A. J. MAIM Amu& W. B. STOIIT. Suporintan% ALLEGHENY VAL- av g — i ----- m 4 LEY RAILROAD.— OILMYGE OP ITISLE.-0a aaa atter MONDAY Oetob a td. Passenger trains win be &meted to nu as folloaa: WAIL THAW.—Leave. L Pittsbarga at 7.6 a 6 arriving at Kittanning at 146 a. at. Leaves tanning at 326 p. m, amlvea at alttabstrgb at 6151.gIESS TEAM-Leaves Kittanning at ego a. m„ arriving at Pittabargb at 0.0 a. re. Leaves Ph:Worth 6 4. , t 1 p. ta., artiviapat Eittansuag at LIM p. tn. AGOOPIDIODATION TRAIN.— Leaves Soda Works at &AO a. tn., arriving at Plttaborghatgoi a. m. Leaves Pittabtugh at 2.1X0 p. ea., arriving at Ilia emlnetas at ete. mein P. 'l' OWL Sunedntendanh DI6SOLUTION OF PARTNERSwaHnIP., Ike partaerahip heretofore existing between ALLEN, 211•CONI1IICEI In the FOUNDRY BUSINESS, mu cUssolyed by mutual consent, on the ISM day of Santee:the; leati, Wl:Lula! MoKEE _haring purchaael the int erestIiVIJOIDIRTB., The business mill be continued under the unto and style of ALLEN. 31eKEE A; CO The rem him will settle the builuess of the old JOUN ALLEN. G. T flepteMba 16th,190,—oo4:tadrkW°1°11". riti3SOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER.' 11133P...itt• Panne:WO lieredanrei between the sutd under the erns 0 11.13112T0N & OM, for e asanuracture Snug Pearl and °thy' StusPei L ee tble dsi , been dlistdsrod by mutual comsat S AMUEL D KEERzuir 0131:11,3TT JO= Mints. • Pittsburgh, Sept. am, NM ' Wm. xxxxxxr .. ME KENNEDY &CO x on (auxestert to CROMPTON a C 0,,) S R or Silver Pearl and Sn_perior RominSoapai 187 L 1136127 STREZZ PITTSBO73OS 4.4:1111 INSURANCE AGENTS TORN EOB4 Agent of tie Iraiantiiiini. =mice co, Kenstegton areililllMl2o4l 00. s and the Penn Mutual We insurance Ca. at Phu& elphis. /10. 11/124C atrelt,aitt#lll/10. • May • U. GARDINER, coF A ant. for tor : Imo ProMdbahllottelobiat and Ent Com antes—liothoad comer WCOU JONEE),...dkerit for Novvh. as ..Avatai W ..ea,StatirotPennslranfis, Commie mat StailiwislTE-Or - S+l-?, REA, tazyptizene E. 7 , T;u4Arosarise retaairmr aa4 WArkat UNPIIRT.,uI3NG: Al..= AIKEN. 12- Zrki.lEa t it e l".".2iCOß, 113 Forth street., PE4sbnrll4 Ps. corium of all Mod& 0114PF.S, 13 LOVES, and ortoy strlption of itinarsl Furnlihmy GoolL (ordeal_ Booms open dos and Wel- ---ZoarooMdth.niam fnrolitioa Rxrawasoos-dlev. Dasid item D.O. W. Jacobus, D. L., Tama!, Elquir, 76:0b U. ELI :•5111.10r En. 23;17.4 RAILROADS CINCIMPi AT/, LOUISVILLE, INDIANAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS WEST ARO SoUTH-WEST. 011 ♦ND AFT= MONDAY, OCTOBER 9th, ME, DISSOLUTIONS rosmm - A"urEo us . AitY DIVISION OP:TRIViS,N.: : NSSBEF,CIarsi 011,Lar, V. l i t. rem; &Ts,* m.l. ',Lim Sale of Cartrnmeat ,Property, will noes at Public; Si le the fallorotoß dela rib. edifritterty.% Vii:tcebir.Lt=tilazisvint. Tenn., meat. ninzainces. atmh Ak ut.torehouses, Rafts azid Dwelling Hotline, On '2 hurrdsy, October 12th, lUD. iFITO HUNDRED DVILDINGI Of direaent sizes, such as Storehouses, Vans and Dwelling Onuses. Stanles,altuateg in the vicinity of the Chattanooga Depot, Zia3t3lll.l Tenn. On Friday, October 2 , lth. 1565, sear the (Thetis poege Depot, Nnehvlll c, Tenn., sale contluts irg malty thereafter until completed, TWD TIIOUSAISD TONS OLD gierLaas LIZ oN, • (more or less) conelstlne of Oar Wheal, and Oar Ethics, Etridee Oestbsga And Rade. And a large assortment of oat and Wrotetht Scrap. To be sold In lots of eth tons or more to snit the petrehaaer. FIVE MILES 01. D sTRAJE. EAILBOAE. IRON. alotable for a country Hone Railroad track. MOUT ITDOOMAND POUNDiI SCRAP DEANA AND COPPER, ONE EIIIDIOO. O n Ir ondaF, ontonen nL th. at Storms, N. and 0 IL. It. it 4 o'clock, It. ONE DVILD.ING. On Tuesday, October llsr, ima, at Tallshotrift. see U. seek On ONE BUILDING. :Weilnead%T ater.P. N. end G. IL E Nove.ber ISgs, De TIEN BUILDING 4 , MESS MOUSE, Sc. la Thlosday L,, Novem ., er 24, at Savrenspa, N. aut4 POUR HUI LIONGS. On Tirtirsdey, november 2d, 1665, sc. Bridgeport, P. and U R. R., ONE BUILDING. Un Ditiraday, November 'lt 16. Z, at Shell=And, N. and C. R. B , a:4 .oalock, P. ONE BUILDING. Friday, November &I. vas a: Übattanoogs. On Tebn., and co,ttnuinz dally until compieta. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY...FIVE BUILDINGS, (more Or less) such as Storehouses • Men and Dwellug Ronne', Offices, Stables, An. A large proportion =the a'.oro me ntlon= Pula; Inge are mamon= end well adapted for either dwellings or s stores; at the mune time they are so constructed Chat they can be readily remove/ l( As s=ary. the land on which there buttellogs now stand does not belong to the flovernmeat, the right tO, remove them will be guaranteed (or ten days Rout dat: chaste. Sale to commence at 9 ;o clock each day, =alai otherwise specided. Any Atom:nation desired with reference to the above property mop be had upon application to Capt. B. B. liattua...A.. Q. M., at Nuhville, Teo= or Capt. W. it. Hormas, A. Q. At., ohattsiloop Tenn, Terms Cash, Government roe.. F. J. 0 17 .:1.LY. octalt(kL2o Capt. aad Q. N.., S. JUT Aitaß GOVERNMENT SALE OF Steamboats, Wharf-Boabl; Barges, and Other Property. Q,IJAETERILisTart Grewirsul...B OPIPICE, WASlMiniTols. aCI., July ( SEALED Pitt 6 1 . 08,1 Lit 8 are invited and will be received at the paces, and mall the time here. Walter named, for the purehme of the (pito nlag named STEAMBOATS, , WHARF•BOA.TS, BARGES, and other property. At Mobile, Alabama. Until Thursday, Oes Mbar 12, 12 M., For Me Side -wheel steamer Laura tons, BM, registered Side-mbeel steamer Warrior. reel:tend 486 ton.' Bide-wheel steamer James Battle. registered 01 - fads-wheel steamer &tie!, registered 302 totta. sidr-wheel steuocr W. Thomas, registered 611 WPI. side-erneal steamer Starllrld, registered 551 tons. Bide-wheel 'leaner reemered 505 tons , B steamer J. D. Swa. 2`7 rzglatered i ton. Sterntons. wheel steamer Jennie Rogers, registered SI Stern-wheel steamer B. B. Hamilton (Junk), tell lamed CA tons. Screw tug Perry, registered 154 ton. &Mir Vag Alpb Cutting, registons. Screw tog Bloosom. registered t one. !laic' barge Fend, canal ) boat Golden Era, canal , boat (no name), hrty pontoon barges, thirty (so) yasaboat. sad three (3) motional docks. All or which eon be seem at MOBILE, ALA.., Until the day of ale. • • PersOMl Makin yropotais for more than one boat or barge. shouts gentile name or number of each boat or barge bur for, with theories proposed o_ be gime for each. Each envelope containing a bid should be sealed, and the name of the boat or barge, or description of the property, manned thereon, and addressed to Brigadier General L.. B. Parsons, Chief of Rail and River Transportation. in care of the officer in charge of river transportation ar the point desig- nated for opening bids. The Government reserves the right to withdraw env of Lite above property, and to reject proposal If 2eamed too low. Paynaenta to be made In United States turrene e y, rgm thre sec eop i a , mce of aay proposal and pH to A Mil destripUon of the • property may be ob tamed on &MIME= to Miami Arthur Edwards, dmistant quartermaster, St Loral, lithrsoari. By otter of the Quartermaster General, LEWIS B. PARSONS, Brigadier General and Chief of Rail andßiver Transportation. suittd WASEILVOTOS D. 0- I SePtatabeZ 21, 1863. ( NOTICE—AII teats, de., at New Or +, team, and Mobile, for which bide ani not so eePted, Will be Offeror a Priblie auction. TUN et New Orleans, at 64 place 6A SATUB.D.CY, the 4th day of October, aad thou, at Mobile, at thee plate an MONDAY , the NM day of October. Bin notice mill be Siren of Pre •e'_ .beur and locality et Bale. By order of the Qiurcertaister Geoeral. LEWIS B. PARSONS, Bed Brigadier ateneral. CLOSING, SALES OF Government Horses and Jtfules -- ttuAaiinucArrmi Claasaat. , a Orme, / Waaaraorow, D 0., Septem d e SS, 186 S. { WWI* sold at public eactloa drin4 of OCTOBER, to tae MOM Um math bidder. at SI time ead places named below. viz : ___ - - 'Here,"ett . y, Tuesday of each wast e IGO New York " EW TURK Lyerrp" _ of each week, too Horses trytn o:iptd,4l34nnuir 01 each week PM Mules each eachnallrialcuT, Tuesday of each week, 100 Mules day. Huniabwi. Thursday of each week, 103 Eames etch dsy, Reeding. TUelleY, October I,' tde Domes. Greensburg, Friday. October IA 150 Homo. icalleaster. Thorsdcw. October ii, 150 Muses. . PlUaburgh, Thursday, October 20, tea Rosen, . Allentown,luesday, October Si, 150 Roam • DELAWARE! each da Wihnington, Friday of each, week, P Hones M Hoes Wila y lngtOn, Tumidity of sack week, 10 0 Dole/ Sash day. DIISSOURL Nuke e.sch d St. Louis, October. S. I Ed la. (05 ,ay. Si.Lopte, Oc tober It, is and tc; 150 Hone each day. St. Louis, October 21, 25, MI, 27, 28, es, and sl —GO Mules each day. GIESSORO, Tuesday and Thursday of each Week, 100 Horses each day. Ro sales of Wales will take place at WASHINGTON. a 13. The animals to be sold in October are far to any heretofore offered to thepublic. The =clarity of them:are gonad and servi ceable. is ospected Nat of ad, striaot x Sales fie ice plus Government derstals ,0,11 d sod of. Bogen ni ty to Naas diere,foro two g ltalosooloto of to tart opportu purchase dnitnals will besold tingly. Sales to commence at 10 a. m. each day. Tern s—CIASH, to United States Clam JAMES A. Dreg. ark.. Oars charge First Div, QM. Cf. O. L==ll _ TTIBBUIGR STEEL WORILS, ANDERSON, COOK & Co., (6.7ccE130n3 1 . -o Jose:, nun) 4t r co.) mantitatturets or .me tut reined - Qest Eitoa, - Square,F,at and Octaganot ate% SAW Pintes, Sae, F9r.and Slinet Unit Steel, 'Vast Steal for Heaping and. ..Elowing:')llachrEtes.: . . Sinai Piny Wings, Springs, /Wei,. CU.rculars, to Cast and Common Plough and Spring Re C olllol —Cornat ci!ri 4 , a —ge o g racu stnir kto strez e. tk tvn BBUROR. FOUNDRY. 1111402 i, am! Y. maxcrreos GILERIERZI & CO. (su.e.sors to Bolhnan, Garrison,! Oct,) FOUNDERS AND MAD, itTooilroottoolo or ÜblUed Hollers of all rites, Iron, Steal, Brass, Yana.. p anute Slabopper,. SI/verL_Gold Strawrlßoards.and,ber works tot B I A /41, ' da l'' , Lent DoraVstVrilleTZVPat: ty cd other patterns, always on band and illsted to cedefon rint•nottee and to nage Raz,. Who answay d Warr-hog" watrist4l!lttabunpV. B LA,c7R- p72oiwiD 'i3T.lal4/ Woo s : lik:Onithil ,•:. . . • IXDU/*lih!= of BEST cvniummennto veer sz7S:m coßue o n u It a l a i ny h o zu 4s i or mallg streSUlsaat. try- Ltd: . 111. Mace and warettause, Bo& BS and; Bl_ an d 1.33 and LB Broom) sTesses, Fittburatt mos. , fen-V. BARKS AND lIANICERS Do_rauter , V.MGl3,4lMatir . rto ; saZnrrirEPtieraw • • . • ITER ISt. Opkm datty fro VILU m. Ws* ED othck.,-ausooot Wianes. day am Sattudey erect% Pine Near bet to New ember let, Dotal tO Ceelocikliaa Crum Notwaben Ice to ))to ist film. to 8 O'clfra. pelage, teeelvectofall muds) atmA Instil= One Dollar, sad a dividend of the manta declared Moe a yew. /a` in and Deem:ben. interne has , been dechad senulannually, in done• end- December, sincWit. Rank wee °rename% at the rate of Eli Interest, If not own out, le - Nit:cad to the crew ofeta delmalear prinelockand bean the Mai lateens from the mat days of .Itmit and Decembers .I.mPopc.tunine twice a year wishout troubling - the or area rata to moment his pill bola Team 7 Oubbget / 777 Dm= Books, eoneauonemzedehmitr, Bylaere, pules and Regastiana, azr-la, on application at Me °Mee. Paeaaamrr—JßOßOE:dl •RR , , vlca rasernairre. William J. Anacreon. & Li, am. ritepoime X. John G. B lt, achoten. • Robert Robb, 13ent. L. Fhninuctir.. Jolznat. Sheentrot. nnitnAl2, - Jamer.abidie, James AleAttley. Abamader-Speer, /me M. Pennock, Otairrlan Wager. . • 2217112 _ I Oa &dun, I Berull. Llrltek. John V. Ilindler, Petrmth. Madeira, Gnarl Blank, John lilarshalL 1(111 Bargee - la, Walt,* P. ataralailL Alonzo & Canies, ...Immet . B. D. Mao% owlet A. Calton, Jeta ki-ILLFut?cAI Wm. Dooktes,: • John Orre John T. Gill Jabn Evans,exploi 471 . • Hew: 11 B. =4L.I Willa:, S. Harm, AinalVir Mail; Peter EL Hanker. Willie:a Vanktrlif Richard Bays, VIM. E . L . Waraaa. Jame, Rolle. /ease wormer,. , Ilreartov-.MaS.A. ("two's. - - - eartruy-JAXES B. D. ECIPINIR. Lawler BAll ,SING HUUbt. N. HOLMES t SONS Ho. 57 Market Street , . Pittsburg& DEPOSITS - RECIESVED IN FUNDS AND . otamEricm.i 000.cctionzmade cm a7l the printoll Wats/ Vaned States add lUarladaa; groom, BONDS AND 6 TriEtt sEutratrth BOUGHT AND SOLD ON OWAISSION. Paiticplar atteAtion, pom to the purchase sa sale at lump sum, Stmin traltel Hato Stud of ISHI - Do. do. Min; ' • ' , Do Do. . der - 10.0*: _ - en-TAirti _ DA. Vantages Ed or Irk.lebtettests. ORDERS AND VOUCHERS * ''HOUGIET • OOLLEOIE FORTH NATIONALS3/ML 11. S. Government Debository. 55 JILIIRKET PITTSBLthGII., PA, . • Capital Paid In µBioo,ooo- .- : With Privilege of increase tip 30 0,12110 - Having extensive eartesposstanse iVgli Rinke ti-. Bo.kars ihtgulltatit the eolintey, wtegter Anes t i. al fracuiutt to ;Imo aosr.ittguo.... Orilta ram 7 8-10 ZriOPPB46ll‘ !And to otbez Oorenuenent tea ; 4l . l 4,' itinialuxt sums suit mamas. Dextattemodred Auteoss allowed by special agreemeati nints: THOS. DONRHGLY, H. H. IttS4 O. is. slam& - Is. J. alatar, JAS. neitay, so= ~ a - Kasai. Taos. SMITH J. H. KIR.k.eATHIOS THOS. DO : BUTLER WARD selkimmarr EXCHANGE NATIONAL . Of Pittstnirchi quinered by the finpital 1031116 M Nader ;tats of Pa., 1816.1" s l , ooo ,ooo.lNalletltur 1855 This Bank has been ateroated a 1. DEPOSIT4RIiI OP TES r. 4 . _4 United States Treasury, aad appointed neat for the sale of the ,-1 7.00 Ma CI) 421. MC; as [nattily m el ee. oea to forestbreT , or pats tilt. pureaung f or a. M. BrOtatAY, COLL*" _ PEOPLES' NATIONii, r Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid. in 01,000.000. I lege of 82,000,000. House anymanssr Ara!'woon MIL Bank * organised ender Nationil Rink lag Sgzterk 111 noW PrePared to traolact.Uutaan My its Ban Jung Rouse, corer of Wood sfet litst =mita mo Collecti made all *mantels pointii on st favorable ons n o on ElpecLel AIM= /I :Al COOICK for tae sale of the IJ. S. 7 3-10 Treasttry.Nolei,. AAIIIIEL REA. Presses:a. .F, EL CHJEIDOET, Cashier. J. 0. ZePEETIBOi Td:ERCEfIipV HENRY G. HALE, .::- ' ' -• - . ] Merchant Tailor, sorra-war comma a rmnr a sz. mpg gra. , . - PITTSBURGH. VA, ' • -, . . - . _ .. . . Takes great plasmas In annottrodng to by Milner • ~ • . one customers and the paella generally. tug Mi . ' - E.rchases and arrangements tor the PALL EA.i ..'' . BN' are now corenlated, ttavlng been eersdhatly selected from - the Lint...elm cloth helmet In the ' • - .. 7. .. - Eattern ante*. Only suck a clue of ode s•s atm -:.-;-• - ', i -- -. N42511 really be recnzurnwed, will ha wllka ecca.. - • .... , ..: i Drama the newest and matt &ppm mate:Ma/a ." . . .*. Cr,.ar =et the entlreatook Deftl/try Imre, varied 1 I. - 1 4 ten Oafs Dir. Hale has much c c: 1." - kinet.. "I EL/iob. COLORED C 507113,•,...... f , . AND DOE Stuart, an urrael. warranted latl. /a j colors and wand texture. • .., : MELTON moras aniv caw . 4w. PCiitillir. ':' :-' ' ' . anemia for entire trults.- -"-- - • . • -, ",-'• - i A, geat nutety of - PINE CASSINO:MDr .0. ' :._ -' •-: :, - ' 7 Pant. r adz =livens, fat aterutzg lad ETt,O4l u gar• - -, • , -I.lola-------7---7---71 - --- ' ' .-.• ' - . 143128 AND: SCHOOL .8111 TO, Miii=2 For ]Fain Wear. '- . JLISS.BF.pEipEjj~gf ~~~i Ciil;4:l'2:4:4oqo i . i - ; t:'; -- i:;. : ,':'-;''r- 'it i .lie - Claii;'a4i,"l,.'l': . 2.:':, : .. ii -,,,t. , , ".- A ASHIONM;II4.I3 D~SI ABl. GOODS 1: , 4 _ For Genre 4' rout.Ves CrothiNt' W . .l)s To piptg, N THE OIESTSTYI.EANDMANNERi: - .13: . B. NORRIS , • • i ; 79 Firctitaz sT;;Aikgraitian.--; nortaimi • - : : - To_ LatEcnra traumas ..- ..... ufs m ugn ottsity 9 TagAtur.Or, ' ' 1 Caning Man - and Hoye Gangenti,':- Br AOTUAL AlE4sipteant.l . l,. tr utua, do iroa b r cambium- ~...T.: u...sUrdT. Jr..' • , "4'24-ORA:MPS Vlbuttag - Stara, onawest , mut Mast. sad liddlood,' ..itor. pin&-Russzu AND -01:141) CLOUD-- Ipro, of tubing licuility loof ofloorixOlotf- - lazgestockeratatal and for saleotither of ortetalls iho - Soffto• -Rubber Dooot of •*. - •• c - • ffo'sZlktft.tMiCzite Strait C' - MorAgsz .4;a• passop,splvsrpryi reFetved, anCror stte!kt f tortter.:44l4MMtai L ,l: f ici~ntd' `R Y. er*Stient Cashier. t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers