Wm:Wm DAT; per. II am TRAVELEIREveGMDIL, 1 "dt rival ABC Repartare of .Tralagb 1 Pcianiibituii &Titia taurimo. • , . - .... i • -' 42)Texpita 'gri ;f:;1dosmfitzin4somiztop. tso aO2 .. ..--: ' =MI Aecoantoo 620 6 al; at N1...........7.... 1.M21a N . o'.. - Plus &Ede 2afi117.12 a ;a; Past.Lln ,.....e.. .`. 2MOAM, , 'Anoop.s.saal , a 'Map talPlna,;..l4.l;arla 1,'..:. . Phila. Express.. 4a5 p N;BakaareiternnPatl' k - JOhnstovn 410'41 . 40 PMI Phila. Express,: Sae paf - 'fast Llme-......:. 11:23 pmpalu l aVa,ticatt.l2Ms aDi , . Itt Will 51•110 LI 6= SlTl l lBl ,Wia.%Attila alii . lo i adMOam x_,ai. ,_ - at • ".;'" 4 , ' t wpieL 3 . 3, ' - _Y - ,.. - :. 4,.. .. rtereva Z , ~ 7 . _4th' .a- a , CsaSp Nf42o , w, ,, , - " , :a. AIM p a 1, :- . ..traasdicanao'D..l64lllY2l4..altartaa;eiest,alff r - _ The- Adniss 4, SeltaSes• - 17(4 ad as ;,: - latatio2 every. ~,,-..... 51:22ata i aa-Pg2 6 ..2:4l lattaaLl&.laaptll.ll.4.l4arga , c . ~.,..;=.;‘,.,..fltubtrgif; i colimbus and . .ancinnat.i. , 1 10'.7 7,.. ,k• - . ,,, , - ite:r..:,,, , . - .3 -•- - irrim. r e. ,Zi." ekt.,:,;:..-...eittit' tiiirzprest...,...... 725 a m --,W '4;V'4,.....4"..,' :I:ifatireas-7:.,... V 2l : , n al ; catitaiKkliaAc-- • A b p ~ 5t.,,,,, amoAa 1,7 , 24„C',_;062tUaqat101.3. 419P= - - aaglaodatloa.lo:o2 am " . .. - ..- : A ,it ' tilb4r a i i, . I. rirt: YraTzte and Chicago. --"Etr,PrilS-..... •••" ~1!!!!:2faxPre"*.:::::::: nliYiel i !., • -• ' ''---' Exnvir.....7...:*. :;;, 6 1;:z u reu..•••••• "X , P N ANAII 7,014 irk Mal. •.'t ...... I'M p m •,, ' : ' •• N. Caskets Erie GAO 3la K. Olhall, fi , Biltt ro:Z.OP 0 .New Briabtan decommodation leaves Ansa/May - ' depot as, : a. za. 11.41344 'Lli. 4.43 p.. m , , ID. I,...eheate ' r; 2 16 p., Za ; Near I tta ' atha, 18A. ', ',,i , :.• 'W 41 .1E 0031 .. O mY, *MS P. m. * i . •.:-,'• , .... --- .Pfttebssill; C/eveland and-Wleelteg. .r...-.-:., ilepari. . ' 'Anta: I- ~•.. : :, :fr i p1u5...4...... 2 , 9 a ;al rtxprcia ...... ... 220 a m t'; , . , ..,','Plat re".. " .. ... 0:10 :fllttlar al..”.. " -- :g 5 2 ry : 1.-:.• ~ ' = StattMename - AccOmma4aLloa. loaves JaPed6o47 !..!. :-.:-.,:.._ .- , PlNiburgit and Eanitellasillm ' :4 'l' - - _,,_../kPcrW - ' . • Arrive's. "., ..11.11 .. .. .. i....•.. 2;65 6 olf Mail taaPM. : Etetia 'i2o p mit:rpm, 1090 am MaatIISPOMILIV a mitat. Jalalteespart. 040 a m 24 • a - . .... 4a59 m 23 - " •-• zos rla lin araddacaia.'. 2.llosmiist Bradiloak..A. 822 act Allegheny. Valley.ExErOad. • • JEW: • +ask a m Fxprem P*3 s m Express • tee p m A.00117111_ OdtitiOD 900 Pm A.C.Coaunodatiork EIXUA LIEI girgtm zi 4 I) Ily it d; CO. as. ~ 0 o. anufaeturers of t. , Flint 'Glassware. -." One of the principal Industrial enterprises _ •1 . and one of the great sources of wealth to on; city, la the matusfecture of clais in all ils Vali ,. sous departments. We are not , informed as to I , lPa exact period ... of time when' lies manufactura o glass was commenced It Pittsburgh, but from ' the beat dab that tee can obtain, itiras'about the year 1602. At this time the Only ware turn ed out was 'window glass. Great dui:Malty was at, first experienced, not twig from want of shall in the WGllattel:. blei, frog the..tnfosiority of the artieleaused in_tho.mantifactur o of. Stet glass. „I;;IVIth nett aurea...dint yemr. &mayor, , hill, Jade 7'f'nustek, Jahr, persevereace, enterprise and aloe ' deuce haveiMited tin - bring it•nearc Terfec . , flan, until at last It has reached a polar, not au i Mud by aby, iha equalled by [aweless menu / berating places in tho woitld The glass-works. ofJas. B. Lyon et Co., were I : : estahllshednrany years ago by Mr. Wen. WOW i . iy, but were-bought Its sae sear 1652, by Mr. and Wm. 0. Davis sinco which Wee, Metre& yo John:P. Scots, Wm. John:ton and ” Wee. 8. plant', have been coaaacted with the ,-...„. Arm. The srorke of the codpaiii arc located 1 - mat emr. crofDequerne Way and Smith etreets, in the Ninth ward, einupying an &resift' 102 e , feet frmr, by 265 tett deep. The departments Eir :_areasfullower rind, toe glass-houv. wheru i " the glue Is manufactured. In tell; buildingaro .1 threciterosecs. of which.however but one bee d been wed ' since the commencereent orate we-, l• , on account of these:unity of labor. In aiditton ii * to the men who watt to, the war. an immense •,, number of hands were employed In the tome ti factur e of petroleum lamos, and' the chimneys 1 iler the NIMB, the latter-branch palatial' bar "*. lag grown to be`en miormansteskiess,ef which , we may speak oa sometattire .occasion.-,Each .‘ d_furnace MAW= ten pots, - and - each pot, when ' , I filled, con tabs D)00 wands of batch. These ...;. i . p ose are made of clay obtained- from Missouri. • k.,1 nova en the Christy clay. Berne they are pat I, In the luraMes,Alit pots are ;dawdle an oven, . . _. -- r{ Wheeled to a whiteteir, or annealed. They ,•, 1 „4 are then filled with a buck mixed Whit culla; of broken gloss ware: - The meanies used In - s i ' snaldng of the batch are in proportion as ;for. i lows: Berieldre eancl , from_krassacatusetts, 15. i i 000Ihs; pearls, 450Itts-Initre, now, besides a - , I ' - smell portion of borax, arsenic and manganese. , t These latter articles vary In proportion with the .., 1 - different degrees of temperature, and are used , 1 i for coloring or discolorlog the particles Wing I i very =route. _ i. I The firm have adopted the adarto patted fur -li_ nsec fender, by which they eould,, if riecesurv, 1 use both herd and coil' coal. Title Turnice Is • i , „the cheapest nowlkusa, ea- It eaves aboid 52 i I per cent. °fetal; by consumieg .he smoke and r i RIB, besides doing istray With all • annoyance to •- i ) the neighborhood. The runciona gasses set free ,I. 1 hut the waiting of - Other. femme - es lainrcs the i I color of the glass, bat owing to the intense heat .1 I created by theEr f lano patent,- the furcate con enmsettees:aiawe, and gime a quick tirepot !r, Ish tothe veriousertides shed there Thessvorks, when ruunlag their full capon i 1 ty, consume yearly 100,000 brahels of ow. , This would ha doubled by the use of the old i furtace, but *the consumption of the-gas ,and make, augmentS the beat full, as much as the e ^ additional fuel would. The reason la obvious. ' jiy the old method, the coal was thrown 03 lop ofthe Ore, thus inventing a cold maraca be, , tweet the cdr.f.es and the pots. In the Delanot ~, I = - -:,,patent. the cent is shoved underAttet are la an 1. _. ' Wow bucket with a moveable bottom, which, ,- 1 when it reaches the point, ht-patheil up - 1 , end emptied, thus keeping the Gold ,coal below, F. not itnUfartuo• with tee heat passing to the _ I bottom of bawds: c01 , ,-the smokaand gas gee ;, i • , era n t„ls consumed on Its Passage thrc th the , im g eindefo, If theOclano patent or some • ‘. other smokis cousin:net wns udopted In all of [ ,:. 4 , cur manufacturing establishments, we would 1 Iloon not Mir losecou right tie LAO title of-tee . k.- , ..Smoky City," but Would ba largely the gide % -, • ~ 1 craw the article et th e intl. " f -1 - The Arm hava'been for some -time, experl. Ineethm with fileman'a gas furnace, bet. for I mme reason,. it has not been' formil:th Work sucesmfally, ;Alm ars, harthrert Carrying on „..% . their experiments, and have every reason to_ , 1_,...-4 a , believe the: they will .ultimately proms succou r,' I tut Mr. IT. 0. DiVisi r - who is &bele:tern! super - E I interdenthTthe warks, - althanpraintodeuds the • i. , , =pedal eats In progress, and - it Is to his eoutteay, ' ,' f 23 well, li ScAB that of r. attr7also..a lumber of ~.; leas firm.-that we AM/ado/n=l for much tiscral t i itformenion. ' 1 WWlCAVW s int.Vßlifl:b•ww.e. With its rowing • i ffertaers, it rql hatpins of glass, Its hilay crowd i:- • Jen. , . a neatatten the. glass into beautiful •-, lz i ,„_;.37./ , • king far themselves a little world t Jt."':!7T` . r olver r :and-.,enter the. pqctfug-rodat.' II is hero thst r.te - ivare is - antraed, and propaly 4- packtd. read.Y, Or the market. This depart. ~. anent is unduthasoommi of 20. W. B. Dmon, also a member of thefirm. "Thera is also the ,A• : s m x ipg room, where the Material of batch Is irerared, And _the ethery, for puttying the ii. pearbs. The pearls aro oil brought !stun Ohio i' -_ #eni gattidd.l. - TROdsh dud 'a otitroom for the i manufacture of the pots Into match the batelies are Put ana,atelted, and a mould skteePfear Phu • manufacture of fhe ~ifferent motddaased.l,TbLs ~- Is a very import= - Jett of the concern, and Is . k Studer the Control •of lir. August Sperber, who. k la perfectly. converst it:with tiko_bulluess Which , - Is assigned hire. 'is tee are twsmisould rooms e l•A la which Om mould , . when not in use. aro kept in regular ordf.tio bat at anytime when A psis:, tauter paltun Is disked, It can to obtained eta ' ' i .. utOment'a 'warning.. Teen moulds aro about - leer hundred In nember, - theaawast of which ~, east atxret SOW and the highest about 5100,00. " - - The average value of these moulds Is about t 450,00 and thaTealintathir•Olucfof the sleek On-. - hatldll AtlOUrf2,ooo; Althb - OZhlllO7 coat moth ` •Connected with the Wilts Is the gless - Colting 1 ' department' where all the tine cut glass were of the Inn receives .Ita finishing ,- tonchas; the • leadftwtery, when the - Ethane used in the com- Peitlen of glee: 3 / 5 -litstutfatetured from oaf:lead; f '• . the annealing arena; `for-'annealing the ware after It is manufactured; a blacksmith ehOP, r• , :'carpenter shop andportant other shops and °Meta of 1 minor and leas Im detail. * r iAt the present limo the number of hands on . ployed by thglinn is sweaty-trine; but - when ; the farnaces are Alla work it requires a force ' .. alone htuadretl and ten men, exclusive of the clerks, s ,varchousenten, Jac. • . 'These works lewe" the<capacity , for turning , , `.• cut 5S00.01:10 Werth Of Amos/are yearly. The 7, ,Tatid perfection of their ware . has been ~s-'` Is gilt to its - prestrotetandani gradually, and •,- making use of every advantage that could -,, . heobtabood fronsecieure and experience. The ~.. maight Of materiel used by the Arai In the man ' '". afacture of their ware is about eight 'hundred i.r .-,. tops yearly, and the finished ware front that amount arms mate4l IS about seven. handled, •,,, ed eight tons, Mowing a Ices of material of ederat fourteen par tent s - The amountof 'capi wined rattly in the manufacture of their warm i'.. Aykb,rit, erne hundred end, nity;thatteeekddel= On en& loom sitaltriecipaloftiti of thirecno., - -tattled ni . ftllln Water attest. Between Between band . *troika is Paftt Atelltiette Oritad 0 4 lc itept, 7dr. Win. Johnston. who has a general -411RTTYbdin reingrelerkat Patiktdisrlf of theTollimand pack... , lerroorer;b the'llreeks, andadeo a ," teepther oT the arm Metre are received from the warelsottee by lifr. Davis, who Ails illebi . ',. and ldr. Jettison Aharges thins the same manner as,to arty-Other-debtor, WI; they are -' - sent to the ware rooms, from whence they are t • .dellvendletheir =lsomers. - - - 7, * -Jlt belga Sanitary Ask had ta -,ageghety - , city,' this ArineshilAtedsonsawareknowe as the • 471leagiii patiatt,'COMMelliClDEWlll3 wince, end ithaJuvsh rave been pleased to have drawn more largely, hid time and crate permititd. La an article on preteen gloss, honeys: "America can claim the c tdlt of great Improvements m the needful ma eatery which has advanced the.arttoilipr',scot perfection- More than three. quarters of the "weekly melt is now worked up Into pressed elm, and It le cc Masted that upwards ot two millions of dollars has been expended in %ha moat's and .nrachlbee row used in this particular branch of glass making. This helves Europe , far behind us In this re pec!. Wan no there le active com petition for excellence. It is, however, conceded that James B. Lion, et, Co. of Pittsbutz stand first. To ouch a degree of delicacy and fluerns have they carried their manufactures, that only experts In the trade can dl tin,„„malsh bet ween their straw stem wines and other light and beautiful entrie s =de In moulds, and those (down - 63 i the most nettled workmen. When we consider the. difference iu the cost between pressed and blown _wan% this rlvalryln beat:drat the former With , the latter becomes all the more important to the nubllc, as IL cheapens one of the etaple necessa nee of civilized life. Great credit therefore is duo this firm for their serer, in overcoming tllillculties Well under stood by glass makerw, and doing away with the w r e ej u u pdiacel omf ltihnee d ski o l Iped t b t l h o e w nerw, who flow ale chanical. process of manufacturing .h:dass on a par with the handicraft of the old. Lyon also excel all other American firths in large ware for table services, as well as In the mom delicate objects of use." The reason why this firm has excelled all other houses In the manutheture of Punt Gloss, Is because they ham made it a specialty, and have endeavored to improve it in alt Its depart-, mente. In this they have eminently:succeeded, and still they arc - endeavoring to Improve upon thatArhlelt to any but a practical eye would ap pear in have uncoils' reached perfection. Their wore rood and glass honso is well worthy a Visit, not only from the stranger and these who are frivoling in quest of information, but also froth our own eltizene--especially those who are Interested In the advancement and perfection of opr Industrial pursuits. The Indica - especially cannot but he gratified In examining the spies did an-ay of eamplee which are to he seen at the warcroom. Sudden Death.—A earpent, mooed Valen tine Milk,. employed by Mr. ,lamea Wood, and railding in Chartiera township, died: suddenly about leer o'clock cc Monday afternoon. He was at work until within a fuse minutes before his death. alien ha lay down upon a at ttee and el' Wed almost instattfy. He was fartPelittit yenta of e s e. and leaves a family. The C2r3- r. r hcidan leanest, and the Jury found a ver dict of neath from natural estmm. Tine (Mesta was a very worthy and Industrious &hos. edger.tal Deatii.—George W. Vaugh, :resident of Moon township, was arOldentally killed, on Sunday last, by the falling of thelluab of a tree, while gathering grapes, in Company with his broths and toe. Toe grapes were wild, 'and the tree upon which they grew WM dead.— In pulling dawn the vines, a limb fell .'upon bin head and iilar"ed , 6lm eo that death ensued in hbcut retir hours. An Inquest was held by-Cor ,onet Clawson, and a Verdict of accidental death wee rendered. ' Cozener's Inquest.—Valettlne Stiller, an tmnloyee In Woods' rolling' mill. at Riw MIII Rcr, died suddenly. ou Monday, (rota heirs disease, end was annoyed to his residence on Pike curer, Allegheny city. Coroner ClatetJu hoc as, inquers. yesterday, the Jars returning a setd?et rd "d:ed from natural causes " . eras ed-wan fdrty-eight Tease of age, acid leaves a wife .and•latge ihmily.• Took a Decolot In Plat —NI - 1111nm tirridler was before Alderman Taylor, yestertlay,tilinigoa with deserting his wife, on tho nth 1n tun Ho *as - arrested, had an Interview with his Trite in thOinagistfates office, paid her Immo money, for which 'be took her receipt "In fall" and :prated company on apparently, amicable tering ? shc ,promising to return to her"tnarrlagnimes.' From Yeste:day's Eveminz Gaibtte. Case of Pauft3ym—Three.Cb4dieti The Mercer Dupateh states that on i'frldaY evening,. Septeniber esth. Mr. Willis j4.owis, residing rear Indian Run, four 'miles South of Mercer, Wert froM Mater Whitt battle to get a few -articles to take with him to. Brownsville oi Saturday morning.' Before he left" Merctw he mothered afew articles for family use, 'lnd e bal(eplet of brandy for his own nee. On ar rivirg at home, about. nine o'clock in the trai ning, be got what allele' he wanted; and left again • far blesetr .re he "had to be there early In the morning to take Wpm. sage lo Lbe Mnsvevance which'. carries the ) mall ' to and berocd - Ehtnensville. Before leaving • boleti; bCieser. 'he left SOW°. jira44V pa • a cup for Mrs. Lewis, smirking. at It would be : good -for her, as, she cam plaincd of being unwell. • That even- ' leg.. Mr. Lewis - states she talk Sone brandy herself and care one ortwo spoonfuls to the eldest children it not Injuring 'there , in tiitf least: The next .morning about seven o'clock -she sent two' Of the children' tea - nOghboin to' borrow soap for washing .purpoies, and shortly 'afterirards gave the three children a small , por. tits of t Leanne brandy she hid taken the night ~previonst The- children were rmwell still had feverish all night and she ttiOnglititM , ould fiebeneflclal to them. in less than three.onar- Mrs of - an hour' the three children were 'seized withspagins, and all three died In about twenty Minutes thereafter. It was suspected Uuse,•pol aen lied been administered, anti a coroner's jury was empanneled antra post mortcm emunination made. The physicians.testified that po,r4tr hail been adthinisterod. Mr. Lewis was placed tin der arrest on Sunday; and the matter It be further investigated. MS. Lewis maintains: an . excellent character for uprightness, and is-said to have been a kind husband and father. j IPcoplea , Trading Company. r This is the title given to an association of Citizens of the borougli of Birminghain, who ,halo rperied a retail grocery establish:ment, tinder a mutual pannerehlp, or Joint stocil or " rangemunt. Buslisess ices commenced Ma ;the if,th of !September, and. la to soccessful op4rs - umfer e management of Mr. P. ward, the busticis agent, assisted by dlr. A. C. &filth, both of tthom are members of thelloard Of pi. r. cram. 'The number of subscribers Mayarda of 'hire Miami and forty. and of theAe some eighty ~„hate been paid In snuff. varying front ten to one -Landradoliars, the lowest - 'and hlghmtlitit. The subFerlbers consiA of men with tontines, prim/Pally mechanics and laborers, and- the. .tririlege is allowed of credit to the amount of one-half the investments. The capital is not _limited, 'okapi as to the amount each. indjr,id nal can subzeriba and the comp ' any Is daily in-, er.casing numbs:'. The followinr., are; tho . bathes of the Board of Directors, &1". Minh* Pate, I}.N. - ltirsett,'Nlebulas ~ Oregor Fox.,c.:,sthlth, P. Ifonmrd. :Tim t-tore Inentof- en i3e corner of CROCill..aftd Cciltre Etrczts, borough - of :BirmingheMe., 'the Water a the South Side. TLle_tecardak wo,. me 4 began tho la In Atßtt , ltr , " att . lbff tore eel of if , e Lela. ties melee are already down thre3gh East 4rmlnctuita, Birealegheta aad Beath Pittab sad the orcsent very "favorable weatbe will be taken advantve of in pushing to:completitrO the,Water "Mks. The . dOlicultiOl'. met within thilsottetrinitiOn :Of .the' basin' dr' resent*, Ape; we understand, been Overcerdb:' Gat already: been supplied ,. With , no, addition of water;' cenvenienar SCIPPIIad, ttig* march df Improvement on.the other aide caned/ e otherirlse than very rapid larceny _or Tnuik.--,A ytiong girl nail.* .loimaton, hailing from Chicago, appear ed linfOre Mayor Lowry. to-day and. preferred charge of LIMOS' ag4lnSt, /Jane, AtTialaa9l,ll Anderson, and George May. The menare broth- CZ, and it appears the &ill/sheen livinron - terms or Intimacy with one Of thein; Alter thefr arrival iliac ihey. stoic - her trunks, containing about one hundred' dollars Worth of clothing, and left her,vithouta cent of moiler.' lamlga left on the cars for Wellsville; Ml6:lg the - irisnlr with ithta• TiRtYcY war. armstod and be Is nosy in the lark-up. An officer has been sent in pare 'suit of George... ~ • I The Fuse of 'August Freeke.—The case of August Freeke x for the or the Ger: man I ~. Igrast on Bord'a Wi1;*111 hticsnod tip T redutadsq.zeornlnget :elan o'clock. "It 14 waders thatllerchallolilgo uncut the stand: end tos Ify to he -thous In. regard to the Ile ICI no doubt adhere - etrlctle 4od 41.1 th renients Inane lu ths'confhairon, 'Ado ' upgrades Freche as a prlncipst hi- the murder. The ICrineluel Comet,-Thls Caner. "iris Id Newt* a abort elute thhi minting. ..John ILI gt - erk o r z f e lbe &coati Ward,was stetteued to ; ties s tof twenty dolhut and coati forlllegstl ./hltiOr ecnlng.. Charles, Colville, chergetredth i ink dbutfon, was dletetsied . on nrOttdrlng tot tonnOrt Itlstelfe and ,chlldretu ';'n,' nuotta oft ,4,4ttiw- bailig prorated charges of surety of' the mine, ,wcos 'callndi Pin not Answering were; ordered Lee poi Mt' - ''' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. I . , Prof.' usocuplitoe,,-- Th w ll i em . orout . runt.; eidt"ll P I" a Mati = l :o , e for e'fff=")lia°ll (11;111IIE .) the pros , ~ go , . 43 , 'the•UttiCr4 Q 4410113 A S Y l t i a4 . - I 1 7„,,,, s i b ro nsh the atom,e i ,t,, chug:l3;44lw , clargta, led op to goblets._ This , ware , was. eadd 'to hare been the &Ingalls. etbllfspkaimtra t 1 rani, or ita itratam. =Kt, and Merl! heady of style.' Tee rciiiptltleatt steam= If 8. afe pham nod Dictator...tura also dttad out e slims irqe by thollrmiand the nireute - Dainty or their atilt tWU Clbglerla by alrlthu vi , ited Mtheta splendid . - aleeelmmea of river architecture. ost of their tun eats. howeve-, goes asaL . Fortnetiv, glass. wan all manufactured from the fume...material, Emelt taud.leal and rut' ,ta 4 . h tt ~,,,,,,... th u , Tamer portfort Of the, ware surned.cut Is -medal Of end, hate and go la. 6ebtela t.elremume-ehm . rrer. makes n 'trill:de ' glut Mile.. .- - 1 We cadent close tits ertlele wlthatat Met ac a ilzadf on Nei p.oultig Jan-es' "Remlnlammem 0 - GILES M., itlig," a marls, eminent's, *ago aWllnearocare to all who are laterested la tr, Mimotaci ore of glass, and fromwhlch we should i .R OBI NEON - eDiceLFutli 4FgCX), 'Brokers. it.. 73 ,liti netliiitafemPt. Pittatfaxasta. 1 to ikr " 3 " 4 r frt.atre 7 la Pan pimps Lad ortt impirk-, cour. diimsmscal4alljoartaqtthe United States. ' E 77 Ce.d fell at =a:tetra:ea: Q. S. llper oaat. Bond.; C. S. do. 333 do.; tr. S. 5 per e. 3. 10.31 do.; U. S. ti er cent. (krill:Watt!, Indebtolnen Raw r.5.7-.o7reasurr Sutra. The 7 silo Strl ara wpm. us culAzussu ng et the re „ yore, Phfladelphle, and Pittaburgb eGarde, all Made of tfotrerruatatt Seeurftioa, Sleek.. sonde,. Gold Sa. ha. at, FINANCE liNio COM4ERCE VROHERS AND IjANKEEW BOAR r 6nntlSOlt. IVOLIZAH re ) 1.7. S. Vs lASI V. S. 0.7h0e, U. S. 140' y old V. S. .... . 11: S. Certificates Allegheny. Co. Pittsburgh Itonnellavtile R. R. Allegheny Gas CO .......... . Cosh Western Ina.— .. .... • Eureka ........... •••• l'ennsylvania Ina ..... St. Clair Street Brliirre Connellsville R. Si. Interest, Connellaville R. IL non-Int. Folarth Na Exchange t. Ba . Nat. nk .. . ... .. Peeples National Tradeamens Rattan/if., Allegheny & Pittsburgh OIL. Columbia 01/ ..... Cherry & j e ll-hole ( fro r f-L n . on & Piu " urgh "" urray.-- ..... I Ohio alle„y I Oil .... Phila. Lane. & Cherry . Run - Russ Tarr Story & Cherry Run .._..... IYcalcrn P Ventral Basin V. S. Tele,3rapli Co. National Refining & Storing _. • Pittsburgh Grain Elevator Ralston —• Phoenix Oil Gold at 11 a. m. itildc;. Latest advice., from Europe state that ot,. entities at London Stock :Exchange were ad. roared, and as a consequente, Governments ail. vanced at hew York to-day.' flatted States Five Twenties quoted at 103 , , , 5, against 103 yesterday. United States lEBl'n at 104; Ten Forties, 8314; Seven Thirties, 98; Certificates, 933.4. The money market here,asilt New Yorkle more stringent than a week ago, aialcommands a bettor ruts of Interest. ....The bank statement at New York show. an in crease of nearly seven millions in loans, and of One millions:ln deposit. The legil tenders h,,, ..teased nearly n (told fell at New York today to 145, and un. witted at that; the consequence is all small hold. to arc rushing . into sell. Wily did they bolt on so firm when two per cent higher t fit COLI9.ILL.OO Of • the report of a deAtructli e fire at Pit.hole Creek, the quotations of Millet State. Olt l'ompany of New York, and other se. Curates in oil were depressed. United states fell from 30,60 to 213,50 per Share. We saw a private letter today h . oni Oil City that the Phillips Oil Company, of Philadelphia, have struck two magnificent wells. Ono of three hundred barrel, on Egbrrt Farm, and one of two hundred barrels on Stevenson Farm. Later re ports confirm the statement in was offered for Columbia at the board this mottling, but increased to 431 Oda rfternoon. But little of this stock is on the' market, and none is offered for lest than i 35 The 'average yield of the Columbia Is report ed at five . hundred and three barrels per day, with a surplus of over two thousand barrels on hand, •nd selling at from 1915 to 1,10 per barrel at the wells. five reported strike of IMO barrels on the prop. arty of the Cherry Run h. Pittsburgh Oil Ca has not yet been confirmed, but the managers are in hourly expectation of a valuable well which they arc tubing. They also own abbot am acres In fee wimple. on Pit4lole, which they are developing as rapidly as possible. —ln the West the railroad builders havegone to work with an energy exceeding even thst dis played by them provious to the war. The vast resources of the West cao only, be properly de veloped by a complete system Of railroads. The western men understand this Matter thoroughly, • and have gone to work in earneit to open outlets for their wealth of the Laoil. .The track of the , !dinuesota Railroad has been laid to Minneapolis, and the first trolls of cars entered „that place on the Math ult. A ...railroad' be built-from Ceder Rapids, losva,, to mused with the North Missouri Railroad at the Missouri State lint. This enterprise is to, be completed-in Then we have the 31c6regor Western. Rail.. way, a link to the direct line which will noon con acct Chicago with St. Paul, Minnesota. —We take the following in reference to.tho for eign trade.of New York from the Timmer Mon day: The import entries of the peat r!lreek,ineledtitg the dry goods return in our last paper, amount,to t.,538,9r4 as aga the total entries of et3,1147,6M, same week laat yre r. The export elearancea of domestic! produceamount to 112,4113,52 r, against ,f5,601:7450 xisMe, week last. year. The export! of • Specie amount. to 13111,092, agaltist 1M7,738 game week loaf ear. The Customs for the week are 1269e;9114 The see...Mika of cotton, coastwise and by railroad, are . ...n,scs bales. The number of mai grant passengers arrived during the, week is 610.1. - Department at Washingtoninow requires all the Nattormi flanks, In their regular quatterly• statements, to return, to a . separoie and. distinct , item, the indebiedieria Of direetoo. Thefts being Some 4 . ll rersity.negentlroent aito what constitutes indebt*exe, applegtion was made to the Comp. fruitier of, the tlurreney, and Deputy Comptroller Hubbarchrettireeditte fellowtheanairer • • • °By 'lndebrodneskor direetorii,' , is meant the 'amount omoney loaned to your „directors, either by discounts or connive security, or in any man ner that Lanka theta , individually.; liable to yotl. Note, aro] drafts discounted for a firma whrth a director maybe irmember.ahoUld obi bet classed as an ladidatedneet of:the Cream:. Finance 'miff Trade la. New York Slaw Yong, Oct. 10.--Thera. wan renewed itatmetton Itadway triteetdation at the early swims of open board and higher prices were. `gil:kindly made, Tha New York roads were mom to demand, and Central inel Hudson River commenced to move up. •Among the Western shares, Prairie Da Chico and McGragor were, stronger. At the Stock Exchange, the then Market Was weak and lower on Michigan likinthero, but firm on the Wattle ol'the Bat, particularly an Hudson Roek anti Praire, Da Chien. Aisne business Was •transacted fa the leadlag shares. There have been Important L Judea order, far Bete, and under the growler; feeling. abroad in tav,a of it, them Is a dispetaitloa to aend um the stock ou speculation, the quota_ , trans in tondoe being equivalent to 5 53,1 a, Raw Yolk. New ore.Cratrat active. , The Michigan lifouthenarliqua ate seillag out. Gov. runtime's sham. were sold at the board at 2 3462% beet yesterday's closing pekoe. Cleveland and Pittsburgh: 8.1.1,0 of 0„200 stares w i n fro, doe below yeaterdav's karat. Milwaukee &Prairie Do Chian in tirtsk anecala thre demand; sales 5,700 alarm at 62Q)53, an advance of 334, acveratuenn securities Morn action and higher under the foreign advice.* and large Biretta or ders for five twenties. Coal social are attreet• Inc Increased Interest among lave.tors and apse -Motive operabers, , Compound notes are morn la deemed and firmer. Dsmasber notes roax, Apgast rory,. July 104, 0 C, Jane 10514'. State bent a generally . steady. Ititacellatteons shares alsontr, and most of.them ratherhiglicr. At the second board the triarket was weak and getter ally lower, owing to the uncertain feeling in re• gatittohn future course of money, -- prices acre again blur, bet at the lag tonfti, thine wad h' firmer' feeliiig, anti ghe mai lett ' was stronger, Gold closed at 1451... i. After beard, the Market was rather tame'on the strut. 'The followlna are the closing figures: York Central, 'lo3alo3q; 903i5.90,3,1; Nerthwtetern, 8014 and preferred at 65,,1a65511 Pert Woya2-10/9 alint Pralrle,gachlent, 625624; Ohio and-fdissonri Central. t 202Xa=a To-dayht business at the 011101) 0( the ASsla: taut Tr t a eurir Atm ßrotir , e2 014%- i= so.; l i ayinenift, 11,8,50,05 el /lOU-Cgs $08,847,115 Si. ; There wait stood demand for cell loans, but the supply Sample 47 per , cent. ta the best houses. To others an advance of hoz per cent. Is naked. Cotton biles are plenty at 04.2 per cent. • 'Gold continurd Tref& untie' fortigh adviectat, bring apparently probable that tbaexpart of no. amities and atter' inlr be abcmt daillelont comporsate for the dolictenclaa ln our balances with Barone. The rise of the rate to 7 per cent. is drawing Metter towards this ~ p olut and there was a large amount ottemporary !enflame gotiated at the Sab-Treas eq. Foreign exchange is dal., Importers do not care to bey with the present promtecta of an caster Market and calm for sterling are ;lam' lower, Good sterling' bins told this morniag at 105Lfait0,sg. Leading raw '-fre Min ask nominally 100Natuivi, Dug Goons Tnarro. — Ttao lmotatl6lls. at the Dry Geode 'Redwing° to-day were protnt ehtetings and abirting s —Atiantic A, gsc; State, Mt inches, tr2ciaw Market, 854 do: 33. Bleached sheeting* ;,R and shlrtlntrie... arrisbn.. 40640; Warrisutta, 414., 45341 Recital Steam 4x4, 45 cents. Prints—Sprague, ;rep Garner & Sal Altanelteng4ink, , r 3 lci Lowi. i4o. ell; 27 -Standard' cotton" geode alit fictive and advancing. Good stylesof InepeStagnode arc In demand for ladles'. and .genticmatt's wear. The common atul-ldwgrades of Imported goods are slow of Bak. Linen goods-are scarce end tbe Market is item. Balmoral' skirta—Bne noes, s3o'perk t donen; Misses , Isabelle, V 2 . 1 ,6 0. The Boston market has advanced. "All styles accds are in quick demand. A large tradoiS beteg done bens today. Pm:unarms. Oct. ro.—oriton goods firm and qg the advance. Some styles vem with drawn for tho present. Woolens via T ip close aid firm. Oct. IC, 19:0... Tuwariar s The depredation In gold heal, tendency tocheek the speculative feeling, width prevailed In the as produce mark - eta during the past few days though, yet, everything renusins very firm, and prices are well sustained. Flour, particularly, Is firm and dill Somewhat excited. while Provisions and Grocerlea are steady but unchanged ORAlN—Wheat Is tn good demand, and tending upward. Sale of 3 cars Spring (Dillwaui Club; at el,hu; and can lied Winter at 33,16. Oats arm, and In drumml at boo on track, and 53 from store. Harley is aelling (torn wagon at ' Sbrin,lo for Spring: and 8 1 .Z"@.1.25 far Fall. Corn Is Is rather better demand, and we note regular sale, from. store nt 76E Ao. Pre is dull and neglected FLOURIa Una, and still a little excited, cad ' prices •ve still further nth cooed. We aow quote Sprit; Wheat Family at ,10,10(1,21, Irinter nt DI lAO. e•ale of - 8 hnee e b, "Eureka" at lc: lOU bbla, varions brands. at $:0,3 10, , a, end en 01,1 A "I 'lty Mills" and "Star lfilln" at !Heil*. Eye Flour has advnneed to 6710 per barrel. Pitt /VItA —fineon firm, is I• l'lrg demand tot tat:hanged Ann: L,l ; quo', at 20"030", ft, t•l' ent'lerni 27 , 4123 for 12:1•Ne•!, nd '2O for r Slams: itotl 33 for , terar ''aret If Int, Lard is tittered nein at Ith for country nail 10 for city. &tale, el to 10,, Aletin Pork at 637,60. ItITTEIt—I rito,l,l Item at 330.1ta far print, ten chniee front: i•• :1.111 oaks of prim: do,: at 40f,"0. EUGS—Firm. and prime fresh park no, on or/it - al at NA C lidE 3, l3-- , tettly but unelinn7•••l: rains of I,l'ettt erll deserve nt lit Hamburg at 19, Fnctory and Goshen at do 21. . 3 4 , 3:1t0—,a1e 0; la inch Thnothy t• Mth: also, small antes At 64;:n. Fla . demand nt aa. Nothing . doing In clove,. SALT—Is lirm nod higher. It la now 1.0.1 82,73 per Ltd, on track—sales front 0(000 at i3,UA CSANIIERIO.Es—Less nett re, and a eh late lower, sale Otto l'bla inatern at 613,50014 per bat, and 10d0 do at 3,14. POTATOES—„peach Mow,” are quoted at from ta,25 to :450 per hid, according to quality null Mae of barrel. New "Jersey Streets , ' are selling at 161,356.4,50. eOO4 demand and in 11 ght supply. We quote at 33 10,7 per bbl, for tali to choice TrzEin.fr, Oct. to, 1%7 °gen , Aa • --.... ID7 ..... 107 f 0 ......... sa 75 •........ 99 60 143 00 T 2 50 SO 60 34 00 —sa on 01 M—_ 61 CIO 41 00 .... . 975 PITTSBURCII PETIMLEI3III2II4RKET OCt. 10, 1.363. DE—The ( ' rude market Woo unusually qui. et to-day, the trnaanel ions being remarkably light, though prier are firm and well suet allied, Sale Of 310 WA 01 Ol ld , bile returned; 78 do do, at 31; 8110—on 13 . - 1? It, to arrive; and 201 N! bbie Included WA hai.• report. I” dml bb;. +old In tiwley at sad ors do do at 4113 ht.:. ThA continue fair lidt the sulody IS ...eiparatively 111 ;FINE11—.-There was not a single trantiAeLioll in hooded oil twiny that me could liens ot. market, however, seems firtn ne ever, and holders are asking n OW farther advance—OS . 43W cent., In bond, Mid 713(see cents tree. The Met tale renort ed for deliver)" W3a 51 5 0 . Since thee, however, t 'rude him advanced, and refiners allege toot they' ant ray cents for l'rude and evil Refined for lees 11,00 6u cent. tree on board mire herotm, r , •e art of 300 bids bonded bnting bean sold in Ifidladelphis to-illy at G cents. NAI'TtI A ANIS liEstifilir ern,„, n „ - movement in Naritlin towlay that heir of, and In tlw abseil, of moles we vontinue to quote al MCWO2 I r and 34343 free. Sale of AO hhin Residloin At f 6.23 tier bl , l—pun, rOl3 hold at Am e;0 810 M=E REcl:ll7s—The reeelpts of MI by the Alle gheny r. er fluting the twenty-four hour. °soling Otis et en m we, an follows: Breo er. Bur g, l, k. I '0. , 06 •reitrt 'll.lorl'n 4 , 13 A L 33.5 II Itouhnell ...... I 'out< ft H0rner........ 2/5 I E Striel4 ler ....•_ _3IX) 110 I`.* Lotton an I T I .... urn . . Ft° Ins Iltxter ....... . trO Porter tt Miller. . . ...770 PF.TROLEIIK MTOCKA IN NEW YORK Speetal Dietiourh t o Western Press. Nag Yong, Oat. ' Prreottrar S'ro, ca- , -Sales of P/tholslo, atLai& 7,65; Ham S. Afee/lotoak. 8,60; Buonan an Farm. 08; E.. pste City, L 3; Oermanta, 8 4; K olskernueker, 1,06; 0,1 Cot , k, 1 60; End ram, 1,00; United States, 29,6 ; Flrat National, 35; Shads River 1 35, Benne. Koff Run, 12,05; Ex.elalor, 80; 1110 gate 1,00; Me- K leau , Y, 7EO; NI Vern.u.,911,1011M15..7,501C15eery Bun, 30; o,aanle, 06; Wild Boar, Ilk )took Run, 21. II A LUNG ENT CATTLE Di 41{11( ET. rliepo led (or the Pittsburgh auxterrawr erre, Oci. to; ta. CATTLE—Themerket for Cattle sets quit n eeto. (Ivo and unusually stilt Ms wee:, and not with speediest hero was a full average supply, the de. mind was fully up to It, and but very few were tell over unsold. The whole number on sale was estimated at from MO to =OO haul, which Is some what above the usual average, but there was an unusually large number of buyers In attendance, and all the different grades sold readily, and that, too, at very full prices. Good fat cattle, such is our first-class bufehere • are, acenstomed to bu ,ying may be quoted a fraction higher, and good stock cattle still meet with ready sale at hail rates. The Adele. from Philadelphia had a hendenny to antrea up the market somewhat, and several bunches were taken (or shipment to that plan , at a slight advance ovet last week's quotations. Upon the whole, the market turned out mualabet ter for drovers than was generally predicted at the opening, and we presume, that nearly, if nob every man who had cattle for sate, realised &Very handsome gdwotit. Quotations for the different grades may be fairly given as.forlowa: Priam to Extra ..... 60n9 DO Fair to G00d... eTOOOI DO Good ::lock Cattle. 9.. ..-...... oared soCommon stock VC06.5 70 SllEEP—aarket steady 'and modcratelyaetive but unchanged Good fat Sheep sold to butchers rat from 0 c, end common to (sleet 5,4(115X. The reeelpta continue light, but the demand at these yarns in. restricted almost entirety; to mu. plying (he retail trade. LI mita remain . about as est quoted. 11 00.ti—F7nte, though. the demand. continues light.- We continuo to quotegood Aversop at IE4 • Out, and oats' do at 1414- lfow long these cs. treme prices will be sustalnetlit rs itlVOlllibrO to col:4*e urn. BALES Or CATTLe.. C;unntegbans wholesaled 41 headof fairldt.Ohlo steers, averaging 820, to Rambo nt Jan. lll cAllister•retalled 65 bead of COWS s and • heifers, awereging.9o9„ at: 1.415714. tl. Hudson wholmated to Needy .12 head of cons, mod ntoek of 536. flood, Hurts & Co. wholesaled to Itaferenperger 89 bead, a r erag lB 6 l,lo . at ' Anderson retailed 4 head of. cowainsaraging• WO, at 63i; sold 29 Hogs, averaging SI& to Enact-tog en. Co.AI sae. Eels h Co. retailed Ear head of mlirxd stock al &M. • Lehman sold Brick water 37 head of Penne cat t Z. ' ge ' . - N i flt .7i 'l lt 1 :1 " 1: 1 &11 of cows a heifers, at ti!.,:138, and wholesaled 42 head of llogs nd to kb:aerie's 1 & t7o, aver:telex 216, at 11. .1., herieln bought 4 head of extra Waahlagton Ce.:(Pcsinnl steers, averaging 16110, at 8. Moses Weller sold 22head of faielslisteens to 7., ligaiettr'rEZetAatoterarrikliTraurrnri .49 bead of fairish steers, ayeraglrig 910, at tilt': 38 head tame qoallty, Horwtg CO..arergging Beo, Ot.,i; recalled 02 head nt eskts3, erouno Haan sold to Gatchel 106 head of steak •eattle, averaging 710,. At about 0,1 ., ; 29 head of , goOd ateragLoglooo,gl.l;:tg: tailed g 1 hea. Narks& Traurman had In all 610 herds sale. R bolesaled 111 head of good cattle to Milt fr. Waggoner, averaging 10:4 at 71i; la fiend stockers . to Briggs nt 645 per head; 64 tend of good cattle to to pleidorf at 6%,•'; totalled 203 head i5t , 5 1 ,4431, cattle on alcaars. sa 31. le & next expect tohnse oleo lot of stook DfontlA well to bear thin In ceded.)y, and farmer. Would do 0700091 d seintiod,tp trend 41; - yrirfotta prices. sloe k hrlil lnglalre a,. a rouging drupe 31; 4<o retailed Itta .4 head of mixed I'. s illorks 0014 x hand (al Halt aLila to "NIA, aver:wive 920, of 6 9 ,15; retailed 41 hood at 6 '407. le Ciller 63 head, amt Potter wholenalcd 48 head to ItatatutO. (149/04 I.Attrily Kola /8 hood to 91e:InItl, 1.001 'stork rattle, sv.ragleg WOO. at GI rottilletl at'43.f.fg - .61,Vers rthatolterg mold to ifunritUnrtor Si ho o d steers, averaging nnO, nt cambial so heed. s, 1101,1 sold 31 head - Of oxtra steers. aeral;fni: 12/9 t I r...0b Nee,ly at 7,1U34; Udo tato.] tiorllts• to Andy Ackley at 7 4;18 head sun" Ity to - Ilonvhbergort nod rotsllod 09 bend. (From the Louisville Journal.) The bog-packing artisan' Is nut ni,prunobla% but AS yet we have lured of uo ,eriutracta or oa/ca In thfs locality. One of our he:string 'city packers has sulvieca,trom, an ngcni that parties 14.141sslo• slppl•hnye 8,1311) hog•s fattetting,--Whleh 'are ofh,red et 4 centii gross. The LoularlUeLetter Price-Our. rent, In its Isaac of the sth, Rays Thiv•hag crop --as the Torlt.paoklng season op. preaches attracts attenilifa; and th e openina or rulle,, price of hogs foe olokughLai ts aaktal.4lo far as our qb , civations extend, the partiatet - lp this etlon Ilasl4lB rot ulnae ea uilbulias'e he atategt price, and of course hove made no cur tracts. For. mers and drovers bore high expectations, isms mng that tho crop here and throughout „him West will be short— , tisigt. , Lould, a (alveolar/sets have been reported for early delivery, and .the Hat pack. .filiKa4 11l cents gross. The vfeurcol buyers at all "the leading points are of course below these tires, and no.contracto coght ite.apvieritthat prima . lii Atlaotiti tluserop la •ettiisitlered 'to 'tie abort,' - but we learn that late feeding and ; sus abtindanle 'of corn 4111 males the product some nearliip to a fait average In welght• 4 l"poilramitlanls lowa . and-Wlicnsin theyield sald , to perito and in Illinois full average In number, with an _excess in weight. In our own State, Kentucky, nod Indiana and Ohio;. the. 'nisi:int. lisforgintlort calculates a short yleldln the n umber of hogs for elaughter, but a very material Increase In , the weight, sit comparel with last season. This great, • attrpins,of corn an d late reading Will relit& In n 'Mitch - Leerier product of pork and lard than was anticipated sonic time ago,. Patters and buyers are quietly awaiting the at twin. clog no dlspriaitien to contract, arid we can heari of - no reliable otters at any prise. The pork-parking hero thlaVeason IS expected tome heavier this lien son than usual, on increasing fatigue, trove boon • made, With an accerslon .of dealers.. The ,-eity, packers will be prepared ter slaughter and pack Ag, .tunarbegs as at any prerlouarericid.. In Oftleago,•` hear that a few antes hi t o !for 'fall ptickg 'have been rands atllol2e, grins; --•- • • , . 'ton; • •• brotwitlislandlng thetas Updtk iron, thedemand, for all chases of the' article, together, with. the abort sepply s ts making it one or the most profit. abloof any branch of manufacturing. Everyyear it Is Adapted to new uses, And made. from =User. Misery causes,lta consuMptlon has a steady growth —the wear and damage caused. by. Use war have noW to be repaired, net only at the South, but through the tubule. country, rha fall ,o4 da.nw , " bfallTare short of running stoell—both of engines mad cans—the de:needles Iron fottolVate Orders, he large; andluereasing.... Altogether. the prospects of the trade are most encouraging; and prices area nom The only unfavorable feature - about is, prices have too soddenly andlergely adVanced, the result of large and urgent demand, to meet `vrnlclf there has. been Inerealled:Veat, 111; PrOdUcthia.. .One of the natural abets will be greater economy, In its use, when down, will go . pricesi- below Aho Wet of ,productlerf perhaps, eaualog In the trade' Another of those rstruLsione dins:trona to those em salted In it And to trade Weer. A I,: laly produe ameronrirni(fTiereitlifest,Vsfderirna. girl.; ""lr at our mil Maples, coat fgenn Au= bonen u., KARK.I4.`. New 'York tattle •Iliarket. . Few Tone, O at. 1 0 i—The fofftewlog aft, the I current mare fothe week, at all the marketer Dar Carrix—Plrat 'qality, per lteu3, 1117 EV tie,td; fair to rand, $13117, COMM AND CALVES— 'setae, per hear. 1193,293; ~,,,poary within Sag 6a; common. 1 ,13 0 45 i lathe 110 r, ettGie Veer, tleeves—Ordlelry quality, per pound, 11 • Purse ASO LAI.S3A-LEtra, pee held, $743 ; prizee,4646,tali ordintirgal,6oss,so; eoartnon, 53 1 4 00; interior.. SefiKM for li ght and mediiak—Henvy; um. co , per pound, 14401414.1. L-fed Tor market for Beef Cattle was depressed and meta were firmer, with intre at the more es l reene razes. The quality of the offerings were be ter thou Inez creek, and the irepresalon was owing ea citrate-ell ter the C.X . L218 or the receipts, Whirl, are vier thee the li.nre artive!. of the foot ttiO we. ks. Prime eattlr sold at 19c, and some shore,: Leering. wore put down at Id*. 3loch were steady .11e qafe,eathrlll 52031 y ek: Irt a.B to Lid It, • the letter rate for choler. ~.cep ~ L, , ,e In geoll deminnu nt our 014:: Hog. eenewels el hens. The total reeerpt, of all stock at nil tea ` + for this week aril tart Week wern en 1 , 11 iwe r At Allerton'. yard—Beeves. 53i; e 0073, hie, entree, 416; etieep and limns. 846. lot broariiinVvea sl Beeves, At ;c entre, 18; caries, 278; cheep an 1 lambs, 13,454. 'Brletr'*—fleeree, 53; cent; 15; calve.. 13. 'heel, and lamb., 3,973 At Chamb 53; cows. 3E; veal enters, 21e; sheep And 1/6/..be, Oti. To butchers threat-1,2p bones.. as, reels; 3,550 Cheep and lambs. Poet of 37th etreet bertha, 17,000; cow., 97; seek', 1.138; slice and I. nitre, 26,368. :total I net week. Beeves 6.351 entre, ISt veal onlien, 1,113; sheep and 256,13; ett I3IE , 13,019. New York Alarket. Nola Your, Oct. lo.—Comma—Steady, FLoun—ileavy, and Ina lower, at $s for Extra State,eB.laQa,4olor SprfEn ' Western; a±ASO fti,4o for Superfine Western, awl C 0,1609 for aaoa to KOod Ahippulg brand., ER H. H. 0. The IS salmi cis idpA heal y. —Steady; Weston, 5.2,281.kr.,29. vfrxar—Henry, At $5 05 , foe Cnieneo I • 201,71 for Milwaukee Club, and 51,73al ;76 for .ber Milwaukee. novisions—Lard dull at 21.5feT29._ Butter In d. wand at sOice.doe. Cirsebe firm, at Il@lnc. Illoxxx—Active and Amer, at 7 per cant. for lota , . :s:astir.; ezcttaagooull , at 100%0I0oX. I:uttalo IltarEcet. BcresLo, October 10.—reorn dm but gnlet. • rsetAnc—Whent dull and lenaloal at 111,70 (or No. I AIIi.AUS/0 spring. Corn Inactive nod nomtnal at 106,73 e for unsound. Oats quiet and very Inns e. Cl'utgki—Dull at 52.22. PLt ISlONn—p,x n.m at T ,27 ,0n CANAL FILEINN Irm,t'OC, ctrn, IS:; rye, Ma: ote, ,El 7 bbls; W bra:. 20 013.5 hush; Uorn. 111.672 bush; 1)0ts, 22,UU0 bush; flottey, I 2,11.1.1 b 1.11111; Pen.: 28 bush. 1 ANAL EN.lollTs—{went, 53,190 bush; Curn, 91,- 8.0 bush; thlts, 22.,=0 b.sh; Barley. '7,000 bum, Oswego 51arRet. Onwtoo, October 10 . — i'Lnra—linehanzed, ar 100 ya,co White, end 612. for No. I Spri so ng, tor Dotib.e Extra.for It,' anotar, 611,60 G natty—CV test .1 oil ;No a print, ' , I'M Corn quiet; No. I lodlaws, alo. Onta scarce an 1 quiet. Barmy tencline Sow...ward and market Inactive; hoiden, nrk for (la , ndit. watch ia above buy er,. yfye buoyant and Iu g.md demand CANA rn rzn will—steady: Flour, atitadae; Vbent ;y r; i l 2( r; Barley. MI; RYa. (On; Oni,, 64.° —lO 61619 York; to Aniany--.B.riey, toe. Baltimore Market DA LT.1,1: K. Oct. khreet upertlne naizr—Wtent ateady; lien 6/.66 Vora det. a• White •.)64a9 , 0. P 114,11,101 VA-7.111110:trO. Dull, with a dna. ward tendency. —Nominal at 11 .9 to.—FLor a dull; Howard Toronto Market. TOCOSITII. Octoberlo.—Fnnvrt—D nu h le extra, $6; eat; et, 7,7LG7 6 ° 4 lop" an., 662 $14201,15. nanc—Fall wheat 1 11,4501,60 p LW ley, 76c. Oats, t9c. Yeas, 67c; mullet better and moderatlce. Toledo illarket. ToLroo, October 10 . — Ganin—wheat, old, bet ter; taloa of old white Allahltan at 02;30; old Am ber 1111calgao, .2.19; new, 81,85. Corn doll and eon foal, and late lower. Olts .tendy wilt ale. et ve. Philadelphia Market. P/ 1 11../DELPIIIA, OCt. lu.—Ttie election to•dey Cele mctes tally lt.terferell wlLti npenctAotte. I'Lot•ll—e Lot, eniee et ♦9,79. Wntee—Steany. bloutreal Market. 11/, IVTUE...a.," October 10 —Fe..nera—Super extra EB,flees,rn: sates. $7,L1100,11; fancy. 511.104-19,[734. No receipts. Assket isli4 fair demand. Cleveland alarket tt.ETKLAIID, Oct. 9 . — Flou, , Qulel, atcody nod unchanged. Held at E X 1f411,Z for X red - , city Grande; SIMI:4W do do XX white. Wheat—Fair demand for olCl . red No I and 2, but the stock to light. Sales 2 cars Not red (tom afore at $1,P.1. New No 2 red held at CM &Quieting. Corn—Dull and notolual at aIC(Zo for No 2 rolled from store. thtte—No salsa reported. Held at 4t4348e. nye— Held at ezs23e frOru store. ttortc7 -- golet cm; noselnal. 1.311 3 011 ill BY HAIRLHORD. P1271 1 / 4 1310n. FORT W.LTIII a Ottlesoo 11.. R., Oct. 10.--:n bbl. apples, S Bell; 10 bbl. oil, R•E Sellers; to bbls whiskey,rLechling; 10 bids aleohol, A.l Rankin; I do do, .1 0 1 Fulton; 15 has laic.. Little, Rain & Patton; a bas clothing, .7 IL Smith; KO bbla flour,rulp &Shepard; 1 car on ions, Doolittle & Peck; 100 bbls ;tour, C II Leech; ,1013 do doillay,Beirke et co; .1 car barley, Rhodes; 3/.4 pigs len, McKee &Boo; 1 Oar scrap Iron, W Mali:men 24 dok palls etc, Neghtnyer Sr. Voseamp; sedo do. W 21 Gormley; 25 do do, Sheet. b. -Ls r;ll eke rags. tlodfrey & Clark; 23 do: brooms, Wm Cooper 19 aka wool, los Kirkpatrick & Dr., 4 aka seed, Wm Bingham; 0.. D. stave., Smith llctop4lll, 60 his Aoap, BAUD b. Patton, 70 do do, W 31 Gormley; 40 do awn and edndles, 11 Dalaell; in do do, C C Balaley; tear barley, Hitch cock, Slccreery & coj 17 pkg. pearl barley, W Mo han; 11.bbls ems. 1, IF Vo_ light & co; 25 Into oil, II Parker, SO bags aced, Kirkpatrick & Herront, la brooms, .7 Pante/1A bbla boat., 1% H . Kirkpat 21ek. CLATTLAND AND PINTSDIDION . B. H. Oct. 10.-- 2 Ina cheese, .1 cobleurs• 1 car oats, Patterson & Animon; 1 ear stares,l44l,ide; if. has candle., IF .Sellers & co; 4 hlun tobacco, A ;Schaub; 1133 Ltd. llour,l car barley, Shomaker al Lang; 100 bbk, tlour,LC Len:all car corn, Simpson & Knox; I car potatoes, Top Caskey; UM apple., ,E Ilea kletoenn pkvi tobacco, Wan & 15 do do, SI WllakkJn; 00 bbl, lime, King & co; blobs On 10nA. TO Jenkins; 81 bbls apples' 10 do potatoes, 3 Klee& 11433; 16 bits starch, Jos Roam; 8 bbls seed, (.3 O Paisley, 31 Ins cheese, H Riddle; 100 hb dour, CO aka barley, Patterson. & Ammim; 8 bk. apples, A Howard; 85 bales hops, (I Terri; 100 bbl, sand Ltryie,. W elk?? & co,• 2 can Wheat, S Liggett & .fi , enstear barley. Rhode.;ll bblei apples, il - pree. nl6 do r 13 Jenkins; 15 bb la pickles, Graff & alter; .1 car wheat, Hitchcock, DleCreerY,&l23. ALLXatuskTlSSerto., October 10.-1, car Ilitabet.. W Dilworth; 15 bags aced, Jos Oral ; 6 bbl. vine gar, Diener & /1133,1tuton; 14 bags Qed, It Sander .oo; pkgs 'lnduce, 11 - Lear; 2. bbls apples, IS Dental; 10 ears wheat, Kennedy & 'fro; 4 do do, Manson & Knox; 110 bbl. potatoes, Owen. & Mon. oedy; go bits starch. Slid; Son-4460; fetbdie, chain, Lemon & Wenek 30 do do, ZinkJicad & Andress; 27 ski, llaxseml, twos lc IW • bbl. Cour, CI & J Stewart; 40 ban cheese, trai A 0 Carson, ISTEIMI3ON/:'0 FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOU- 1 , • IS.—abe hew steamer carattaa; uspt. Sine Delia, will Dave ail abort DAY, ata p, For tvgb tot Damp! applyoo board CIL. to J. 11. WOOD NOUN F 14.08, &Banta P 0 R CINCINNATI AND. • MEMPILIIi—Tbs light deficient and tine' steassar PILGRIM. Us pt. 'McCann., will Nate as otiono. Cu Tliln. DAY. tot lath . For Irstanner passage. a. of y on named, or to JOHN FLACK,. • $ - ran J. A OOLLltialil4.4), i ` 65. "`" 4 _ _ FOR CA IRO AND s UN...US. Siesmer LNA. Cato. - Coa nay, will o.io i as above og 1 lIT; : jZV7 at mat' nt p. to. For lielgn't or, passage, nj on boned orto JOAN FLACK, • J_. D. eta.Lll% WO liiTTSBURGII AND iANBS-- VILLE PAOlt},T.-1 be flOO 1,44./w„;•-4p,t -ri rote eamrr t•tdagilt Ult t HAIN. Clapt 0 R ;dull. S. 11. Hog!, vlerk, leaves Flltsberek for , Z. 11'0 vets' 'Ff.Y.FSMAY at 4r. Amora -1 , e 1 !er,v, a Zanesville for .Pittamergh every rub , DAY htlii A.M. -" I'M fall Ilt or Peasant, Apply on board or to 003.11 J U. t:CI L.L1.1;41 WOO% Ago.% _ .14ALTIMONIC AND FREDED-14.re,LN locsimholl;TA.—The Pete And commodletis Stemma WENIUNAWOApt. Jot. ft IMonin; runs reg , :larly between .01:0 above ports 'ones 'prep, ug Bottlntore. from liar wharf, lout of [zonal Erect, every JIMMY AFFEII- NOON, at 4 o 'r'.olt, and Frederloktburgb every TUESDAY DlOnNlitft. Fomenters and Freight curled At- tow Matt Tetouan Freight prow-wry Attended to. AI ereltandlre from Boston, Now lams, Froledolyblaor elsewhere, contigned *env o f *e Of Met iv. ,„ ONAII, will it, taken Phtrie of tin motetely' upon lee arrival In Bahl hore, charge. ertf forwarded prdolptiv, free of commis. aloha; Vert/ma from the Northern nis desirl to view', the Battle Mild, Of Vlrgin &A ts, or to lona alter the bodice of laced., and relatlena . kilted to the ditties of the Wilderness, Uheheelloreville, Frrdefieludurgb, or Spoturivanla (Tout Houle, have a Loplenthd opportanityordpim withy ttits roote. Trio WZ.NONAN Li provided enrol. lept titeterocen and Neste aceopenrelatiOaa, and Ii In 27 rcollect., 0 dret.clece bate; near, fart oototoodidtio.. For ortnetlern freight orliorearte .. AN:dr to or a dd re ,, i ; Jog, gythya ti rer, 00410. o::. , :• • JOB, J TAYLOR. /tout, JT2i,dko,.._ 212 wart rano Ay.. 00tIrnorq, • JIIACIIINE 11.• IL L‘EOZT, Manufacturer Of Ida Cab _ boded Papua Improved • ' OIL WELL IDOLS. SANSODI AND WALKING trE&ll2 IRON% itna aII,FLICTIMES USELI 111 SINS,. Ultr OIL AND BALD WELLS, Nea. 32 and at OHIO STREET, On the appr mad bf the Xste. acetyl. , Palsagert 'Thaltray. P. O. Addreur, Bolt ' 17, ; iPartkarlar attnetlon la Invited to Um tare lm. provementeln .71131Laild Jefnts, all_made of tka paten Sligo and Low,Moor Iron, enamored es measly for them. All parts warznabkl and mad Id standard atm L the Was and awketi of any on. • /id , gnu num b s of Ma manufactdre a s - the gams Imam &Wats mid familia Work mad* to olds r. We fame Um torbka tor st. ltd esamlne, and Judge tor_teleMeOlast accsm , challengesoaker of workmanship add temper Oen. Send far Clardlmo Malls& .ivpamstaz • lOAL AND LIME' PROPERTY POR SALE-00h4 Slstdalrllo .Ealltosil, seven ft . °M 01 " At r•T 8 • • ••- eoriTlarri No (ATE HUNDRED &Id) EIQgTy Water,lloarlig. and 60. kat: ' ether tlevmptvvatnents: For tustherleformssr4 inky tp wjr.r.vs s a w 04 ,2 . Grant streets; Ism Li: vice sr= ' sows! STEEL & BAILEY, ' • Stock lirotien and Heat ['A tt ie Ag ents Stock' &Reit And saTa ("9 4'40=4 o.olllo,wwitriS RIVE fi /Si E1:L.1.644i Is, • Axamr.aii, • : . PeerlelSL.........flusiel.-...Ship Tani. DXTAILIP2I7BIM. . -.Porter Cie!:lartatl. BOATS LaAITINO TO-DAY. .. McCarty—Memphis • Lout. 110.4 T'S TX TOUT. Peerless-- Copt. A. I). flussell. Belle -Capt. Tom Loughry. • VsOda ----Capt. Saint Echo---- -Capt. Gordon. Lectalre Capt. Kelly. • Petro/in-.- Capt.— 41 Purrim ...... .(•'apt. McCarty. Lorena Capt. Conoop. Cam ...., Capt. Dean. ulla No. 2.. t 'apt. Coulson. Kewon rapt. Dunlap. Any:rata t 'apt. 11 1etiallum. t . lll er Cloud Capt. Shuman. Yorkt own ..... t 'apt. Ebbett. nrc.,, TEE TT( En, ETC. The river continues to recede slowly, with but went)-six inches of water on Glass licamm A dense fog covered the fare of the mother eurth yesterday morning, but towards 110011 it elehrtal up, and old hot miph. his lIPDLSZTDCO, sheddh* general warmth over all animated nature. Iks. Iness at the landing was rather dull, pllnelphlly on account of the low stage of water. The Peerless, ('apt. A. P. Rl.lnnell, made n ['HQ trip, and then came up to the Allegheny landing. she Is a beautiful craft, and during the trip, worked admirably. She Is owned by Aleasrir. A. D. Russell, A. Brand), T. 11. KMRintne and A.'S. Stephenson. During the day she was visited by a large number of ladles and gentlemen. The Pilgrim, ['apt. McCarty, hng on board about nll the freight the wants on the present stage of water, will take her dererture this eve ning fur Memphis and all intermediate point. To those drift:log a pleasant trip to St. Louis, w esse e can cheerfully recommend our old friend Capt. J Bean, and his nett packet, Camelia. She is in king out a barge and can take any freight that ay be offered. Capt. Lytle will do the honort of the office, Anil it In needles to add that he knows how to do them. She will positively leave this evening. The St. Louis Democrat, of :Monday, nays: Francis P. Gormley, the sail accident to whomthis paper, on the Alaba died a s in e i fw Mobile on days ago t he Wan relat that. De ed In .141 ceased was a eon of Capt. James A. Gormleyi Of this city. He Wall aged= years, and was bon Brovneville,Fayetteconnty,Pennsylvanix. When In the accident betel him, he was clerk of the little steamer Montana. Captain James A. Gormley, In order to bring the body of his son here for in term., it, left for Mobile on Saturday evening. • Ti.,- M Male arrived yesterday front Pittsburgh,o her,. Nile Inns built, She Is unique and handiwnie, Inc first Of I Nuneu style, which wit] 'opted with nd, e min rlotibth.ns Le ril gy ml, en. en. i• Plea:met IN very light ctn.eneral nn l 1 rico n lerge load on little. Ivnter. or, In moirey In her. white on her there lea gent man co...rat ing, Captalti A. H. Sham. Thr h.ts a I 41,4 t. freight, and was full of people. She will lea: c os sen” us possible for. the Arkansas. (Succameon ro - MAOKEOWN. Dad [MB IN Produce and Conseniselo/1 Eloreban, felay Nn. 361 Liberty et., Pittsburgh. LITTLE, BAIRD PA.TTON L sale Cre ere and Conendssion Merl deal ers in PR, rtirCE, FLOUR, BACON, OtIEESE, Mill, CA lIIION AND LARD OLT, /RON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, mead Pitt. burgh manufactures manilas, U and 111SeCond - • street Pliteburgh. • w -- Office earner of Penn and Wayne Streets I'ENAIiT FARM OIL CUAIPA-WY Thin Company was organized on the nth inst., mder - tto Penney lyants Xining and Menuhwtur log Law.. The Territory of the Company Is at:.. ward on Punkarn Creek, between the lands of the Dunkard Creel/ Union 011 Company and the Dunk- - nrd Creek Petroleum Company. Capital Stock SC orktuft rand Far value of each Share S. A. JOHNSON. President. ISAAC NOME, Secretary and Treasurer. 01-1 =1:01101. James Graham, J. G. Welr, Stephen Lawson, B W. Ritchie. Frank Snyder, aubtatf Dr UNKARD F&Tli OLE Ull 00111PABT. O T his ffice Corner of Pena andon Way 29th ha ne Btr company wee organized the rt. under the Pennsylvania Xining and Manutucto ring Lawn. The territory rom_l oo ol 0 4 John the lank of the Dttakard °reek unton Oil Uompanv, Ste city. Capital ock ......... . .Bthrt4ooo Working Pond .... Par Value of Each 0.1 00 Prealdan—d. A. JOHNOTON. Secretary and Treasurer—MAAS MOIL Duir..:mostn: S. A. Jonsterox, IL. S. B r uns , Pam Serve; .Tainsi Grusaut F. D. otUrr, W. 0. Mad, jelayd • H. W. HaTouts. STAfiDARD !T AND AHD 3 PI BOLEUM lUREMoifRY. CLASS & SIMMER. Works o Oak e, COLLINS TOWNSWP. Office m Plttaburgh, 2sVOW) STILEZT. Than brae= tame th.Jargett c_apaclty la Choi country. The brand stands th e nect la MU country and In Europe, for quality and Pre tad% and Ma ollfor la put In seasonedbarreLprepanli' impala. Sy export. Manufacture", of BOILERS, sruas, TARKS F and LISPROVIarISOILIXS TOOLS for till Wyy CO.IIISERCIJiL OIL WORKS. Pure White-Burning Oil, GonataatJy on.haad. and far saki at TSB LOWEST MARSEC ELATSB. B alt J. H. EI&WIZZ, r'r& 47 .EIMIX MUM Wiliiartb. SIDDESS AIM DILLIMI is CRUDE AND REFINED. 01L3. Eillrs Stock, Duquesne iiiraiNlPllB.!SaMoi 43-S al. attention M u oto as SALE AND S OF. PETE awl tapsoduas. C° ' IT' solic i t ed. ia%S% MT as 1 - .St.CLALISI FM: rittalmsik, rosivesanto Arrh corclussron al CRCILINT, it.ND DfißLEg IS OILS. ILLLN3NATINO litritlCELT/fiG ORME PETECI.ttrd 0.1,1aS etietetantly on hate and ' . tat ea...ht, et the lowest market p ri ce& Clangeer meats lied enters soLtdtett. aorta _ .... . NUM OCTOBER 8, 1861 DITHRIDGETI PATENT total Lamp Chtsancva, Manufactured of XX Flint Wont. - Muse tgatuurerys are linesmen tor cite Uno Pasting sll parts of the glass equally. doe tU. nose it to masking. E. D. 11 i.U.TDGE, Fart Pitt Glass Works, Washington street., spy/ - • Pittsbur, W WARMS NIA /1,40 &ADIGt coal ussiorq uratmerrrs TROLDIIN AND ITS PRODUCTS, And dealers In Redoing Material& No. 221 MARKET ST. Pittlibutrb. BOLDED WAILEtIOUSE Or Phenix Warehousing Company, root of BALTIC 6‘ 11-41.11115 ON Sea, Brooklyn. REFINED" PEEROLEUIC n Tank" and Harrel. Sea MutWin. • Mc, No. OS 13E.AER STREET, New Tork. or..S-ty MUNI , OIL ENGINES. wo aro voostruoting, and ulll.kosp.ou II•od • superior mules of c)xx.• m=cii-xxvxm .Patte4 a Coalman. or. Tabular We' limit* parties ocedlog casino for this phr ase to tall and see them, corner of PIKS and STBELTS, near City Water Works. jai 1 814.01111170311, likAletilLL 8 4.70. - LUCENT OIL WORK& DUMAS, DVNLAP & CO., lUNLINLOTLIIIIIita 07 Pure White .Refined Carbon 011 s, No. 491 LIBERTY STREET V 17214 21.0LIZE. " ' - Jens Isms JA.M39 IRWLN & CO ,*.bannicrrirancs or Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia, or' xcE lqo. 25 za4nmEß6t., prnantynoi. PA. OIL : STOCS.--Txte. 'maderagneclwill. pre trarticulat attar:Ma to triter:mama am Stacks-Atl ALV:RlCktfaLE•Copipsux* . . tatte bowers and iellaitocalL WO; in 1.6 it I 'ST CET OIL LgABILB. LEASES tab be hid maitre lion terrirekle iorzai a lets or fouroz Eve acres, as WhlteteOreek, our the Cow. trig weir ( barrels) amok lan week by the •Steneard Oil troropeny, or pretsburgh. ' Apply re jUt, orttz - a DAILEY, wukira 4au. GROCERIES, PIODTIMit- Bm. JE#RIAB. . Commission Merchant,. se zismnittrriri AND . • . PURCMASINGC.AOENTs' ' PUISPUROHPA. Dean , to Mow, arain, Seed; Butts; Mines% Pirated., and all Fa= Products. Best brands raft. 7 FLOUR (warranted) always on band. Also, REF/ICED Ott& Prompt attention given to cons tgantents and correspond... Weekly Price anneals sent to Consignors. Orden and Consignmentn solicited. Sen:sygavr • W. D. Perron A. Antatni.... J. eCat.Z.Mlir pitTTERBON, 1,21310 N & CO., Commission Merchants, Flour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Boy. sko and .Is 2 P N STREET Scott New Dtt oppoeite 0. &P.R. B. Depot. spely ArBYIrE 7 tk, d23JEB, con - rmission Mere-law:as. Plour, Grain and .Prodince4 SECOND 27.. between Rood & 11-Iy_ T2OB. io - rrzz...Mo. ;tram ..cm'brllfrlf A. siiszaiii pOTTER, AIKEN SLLEPARD, COMM ISSION mERGAANTS. lorelwa and Domeestio Frullts,,• Mar,. get ler. Omen.; raze , ' Porislaes. and pralace generally • No. rug I.IBEILIT ST•EGMT. r e m Opposite PIaIICIA R TT Depot, PlAibitrah. CHARLES C. BALOCEY, PRODUCE and Cc...missio n ilteresitnt, ,Warehorme, No. OM Liberty et., Pittstuash,-Pa. Who Mills deal. er in Butter, Cheese Lard, Eggs, Pori, Bacon, Beans, Tallow, Fennell. Breams, .PotatOolom iny, Dried Fruit,, Green Fruits, Onimis, Flour Grain, ulover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Flits Seeds, Game and Poultry, Particular attuntion Ono to Produce Consignments.: ;MS WILKINS LENHART7 1311 LP OTIS 619.1CPAILLK ULP SHEPARD, Coaunissiom ! m chants sod dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN 'AND PRODUCE, No. ai7 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choice brands of flour for Bakers end Family ale constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to ailing orders for Merchandise generally. • octn-du *a T. BECK TllO2l. arricxxr.r. Vir M. P. BECK CO., Na 185 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale Grocers, Colededselon ISlerchants, and dealers In COUN/RY PRODUE, PROVISIONS . , BACON, LARD, RUTTER, EGGS, PRO. DUCE, FLOUR, GREEN AND DRIED rs, ege. MLTI and I.Tivv 171. • $ Ino,ooo 00 Hamm! JOHN B. CANFIELD, Conimission and Forwarding Merchant end whaler:ale dealer In PIN)WEST RESERVE (MEESE, BIITT_DR, RE, BACON, FLOUR, FINI4 POT AND PEARL ASR EN, SALERATDS,' LIN SEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED MUTT, and Produce generally, Nos. HI and 14e Front litoott, Pltteteugh. tier W. KIIIISPA.IMICZ..J. XLAXPIVZSICW..7. L. IiWSOW. KllOl PATBI CS, BRO.. & CO., (litmus. JA. Nora to Scaepb Elzkilstrisk Adlro.,) WHOLE SALE HEALERS in eirreerica, (Grath: Provisions, rub, (Meese, Salt, Halls. Glass and. 011.; Nos. lid and In Liberty strat a Pollblqba. DANES DALZELL & SON, Mattnrar tureti of LARD OIL. and Omaralaalon-Atar‘• chants far the and :rale of ()RUDE AND REFINEIcta D PETROLEUM, Nos. CI and do,Widdr MGM. street, Pburgh. Advances nada on onalfgo Iin!LV.L.I QCBOMAKER OL- LANG, Wholesale S. dawns In GROCERIES, FLOUR, GRAIN PRODUCE;" PROVISIONS, FISH, - CHEESE SALT, CARBON OIL, ;he ., Noa. and 174 Weemsed Steed, near Liberty Street, PlGabatel, Pa. 13-44 612011.113 I. HEAD • GIEOII.IIII ILICIZGAZ. EAD & lIEETZGAR, Grocers and Coin mbrabie Merchant', arid dealers Mall Muds ot Country /Produce awl Pitdburelt AtanufactAiree, No, Ma Librty. stree, tippet timul or .wood: ..a. ni5m05.„......1. • iumunt......lnc. aslXint. R.T...171LF.11 & 811 , 09W13 , Clowothsacts .FICIIIEMIttzi .14 u n iS and SPICES GMT. . N 'FECTITONEBY, stbeas, F185. W08.141, em, os. LIS and tZli Wood Alva, above , EUth, W. .13,254 Y 'VETZZLit A_RMBTRONG; Vorwarding Me sale al B.E.EDS. DRIED kRUIT, BUrTerallE44 No. le Market street, comer of Firit7Pltteburit: ream. ' ,, G I MS IO AND FO RWARD IN G OM - 'DRA M , and porohistait staffs for all Dint - mop DlalaufLobres Warebottse,NA6 Ltberty Abbot. PittaborßA, Pa. ' jeenbl - • 11 WALT...ADE. Comnueffion. Ateithant • and Whole:W eibeiler in FLOM &GRAIN' zvo. 353 Lit=ty air_oprposlte PonstsylvarasA pPawsger Demt, Pirtuibunb, StorNs itrettonze. comer Waynis sod ran greets. nor 74! HRIDDLE, No. IS3 IBEKTYIST„ . PITTSBURGH, PA.-43 nthataaton : Btu. alma. r attclesede Dealer La Veuntty- Produce. avx. PiCtsbuttti idanittacitutes. aliak aareumeo oz :Vonisgnaten!ilsie. - Thattl Promin gent:ally. , SEM:maw S. . 8. LIGGETT &CO CITY FLOUR gb;etroutita earner -Lthetly. aad A4aal AR" CspMtty , ba a. rrels pa day. ap2 401:Thr L .1101/81. NDWA.S.D 1101111 L. joinr L 11.0 USE & .CO., Wholesak OCERS . • .ss Is,. •OR , , . r. . ,fy street, no -carer DALZILL. 1. DAL= 'ROBERT DALZELL CO. Whole Grocery este Ckunmiesion Fo estbante, and dealers iu Produce Bud Pl= aso. noTt. JOHN FLOYD & ,CO.. Wholesale' Gra; cas And ComodAsion merchants, N05.A12..W.004. and Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. • jettl. (*ARLES L. CALDWELL, lelaccessor tO James Hmes & PAIIKEK dealer PRO V ISION .comer of . 111Iarkst.aug, tout streets, Pittsburgh. I ;Otis wee? 40atf -WiLe9ll , I,VATT & WILSON, Wholesale Ora. Ty - core, Uommlealon Mere/mats, and dealers to Peoduct and Plttaburgh manufactures,, Na 158 'Liberty street,Tittaltursh• 1 urgli. Pezta =l= fEAIAII DICKEY & CO., i'liolesalct Grocer., Conanthodon MereLonta, and Beale. fa PRODUCE, No. En Water str... and 6 /Yana ' - DANIEL en um y. U. VOG? li. a VOIGT Co.,succ=osit. -La. o r ararr t PROM= Aral Cinvnems MUCEIANTs, :sr Liberty atree4 Pittsburgh. DAVID M. EDGERT__ r .ON (}raver and Commisaion .11/ezato4 W 7 Woof Street, Pietr.bureh. Ps. Way ENlcrai I.4wnsmsr...ron-w sitirrosi.s..voVita.Acur LAMBERT, SHIPTON c0.:7513.010 'Bale Grocers azul Proilps Dealipm. I 03 Stith street, Rittsburgh. ' . THE .PITTBITURaII' yAcrutur.9. CC/UPl:4'f Geer !or, I,a4p ..rll5. crown' Wrapping pap 4,2: 1,0,16 11(932. 21042111211 1441 0 Otil. tatti/x.in • . . I:0450 and D... 64; do. , nityllarcslio on- Coed ant ootdantlftectiirtnj, itagt t MIL. MANILLA PA.PER•oV 411 tiroglad nacl HARD AE PAp ?. of sroghta and axes, REINTA,. DRY .and:114.211. BAUD .ROOF/NU, &a., an. AliAttentitter end sizes 14 PAPER TO OIIDEB et the shortest notice r to eat ad:tomer& 1,0O0 : 703518 OF GOOD - -144D - Eft VeS/lEEOIISE : S 2 THIRD ST/MEW Parsaufteat, stialtt - °°l' SIDE m WALLAGR, Vtraa.ploncao 3ZOinag6lr33x AND DEALERS .I.N MAC/ Lead, Red Lead,_Lltkartie Patnte 01 VaraJibes, Dye stunt, Wladoteuges and rut Spices, PerlomerrjkaizolkCartan 0.14 ton Randhop W AlsoAgentsfor Winte's aletallla Clown Paint , Matter Oak Walks Lead - and Slasary A.lton' Celebrated Patant Dryer In one and two wand cane.'., No. 37: 14Q01) WEELIZEP, • , . • corrosrm =is* itmiim num,, E34A.CA, ,-- , . ' , have on band a largo siss,cltaietit tit mqvirixG mApEatims. za . ..A. 33 z zua . Straw Mai) Scythes nit flay Hakes, es _ So; 28 a nd 30 OHIO _ 4/33,Err. .a142.1364Eriy. T I P..E BRIcE i set hv v- • cOLTmI.9. AND DramEllB /7, CE=3 PEOPLES' INSVataica comer an , Macey "Hz B. corner ift Wood andlilrth IR& A2il) rim= mount . A LLICGIENNT CiONP.A. P rrrapkil l L- 4 :51rear . 0.17,V1N street, Bard'Elticla- Inures agt;l4l 411 , 11thas of 'rue , Aid puttiu:. . , XSAAO 01IMMi - Vag& :.!, Di. .. Jatilf4): .rPUOIEDi RCS Prakilid, I 1iaX0Z0i34 ;.7?0411. ' n-nuctis4'-'i..7-1:: bO. t:. u •iii7 .4 ,,..-,,,., : , 7 ; st...adma,_.l t A ? t s i l tnll7",-, - ; s; •70 Irwin; ix, ziii :"":" ,', a. - r. Tacoma: '.- ' '-' B. 1.. Fakramodr., , Eobect.H.-Davl47' 1017 GB NO Hilianalara 0 0 11€171: BALWAII;p - Eriiicariauni d inzricarraktill aims' teasear.ls.wasmi zed ova Coughs. Gold' - tioarieuesh,, Azttoria, Throat Whooolug.,_ ugh. . Soz• • rtrolat, esusauw,Cory. arst - amtooto Co ua at me . For aalgazatt. euzatal Depot" • Sita „ulltbit_maittaimen . - tat a imeiauunni- :- B...ubukuAtuults Nu 4 rintz as the lutty eertata remedy foruurrtma we • =r Itd ua a ccuo* b^t , na excannempi i -• ; - u m ; blizrutipiisuP Cazzavatrat-sna srarraatad egte, a oars liar 5413541.‘. Tor nwei. Ccy l2 *i Fourth sueq,. QlpgypsiLtG y ~ -. 811110MA.WS Du: srummasys- ?um- lumskinr- kil ettroa incei , w gina' *g tva s . A i g m ora d c i a a m ts * n at l s . E l3 4 lL w od ad Mim /lIUe ror LllO bY ail/1=134U. ' * abr airDePOi!ibig • ! null / I MA 0 •4 . NerniMBl3B Debility • DR,Ml.3:ditearOSMDOit. ',WOO Can 2=o:l2.l=l.mxmi .4cpi:diii,l.lm&larsta los APPeUtti inva=ruNdell ma • ramble Prepariuure" dye LK= aketual. • .-- 11 qtiorg.Ustreogtheas tkus %moo Derma irmatt . Lt agate& agood Nervous wA itirpelis wananted.sairmr mut zoaGEH. Evxmtil. picuhmi. a. SELLEIIB,& . TO& pi.EXJIS4:I4 . . BIeOLMIEE* a co., • iftlk AL. ii£4.9 0/ty ostildnUmL A NAN OF TOOIFpAND. ' A CONSUMPTIVE. CURED. D r , pi, muted ohysOilaa- of great eat, ante, discos - arid, matte to_lho West India, attain ante for Cookoniption,Asthms,'Elionaletts„ Consha, Colds, and General Dahilltpi The remedy was -.Namara 1p hat, wane. ala ear child, .a datillittat, Wee-glair r. , . to die.-.We child. was awed. and is.now Alive, end welt, ales/rons benefiting. hia fella tr: =Mak, he w ill sead .to those who svislilt, the reelpeocontalL Ins , full rations for ,1211ellig 622,4 stoatessfully.nslog this reiXedY. beet as tactile of t heir na.106 Wtth .two Wasps ;to pap expel:ism There -11•1;10t tinerle rsini.tont of Conatutaption thailt does not at oak take hold of and dissipate, 21 ttAi t sweats, peer.. : isitineasarritatlat thenarvial Ltlitranif inetienTs. Wl:fault expectoration, sharp :Veins la the lungs, Imo Moat, chilly sensations, nauseant the stoat. t -achi Intialott Et the JXrofe/a. Wasting away 01 UM*. • punka. .The writer:lva pletacatate the swan et the Pena Aterms this adveirtlsementia. then • CLIMOUCCI/C &CO., - .telEawitiiireT loC,ltsco FOM - F 7 414 - F.H — AVICIE-- - Gtvas the iimaikd snide= acquired by Ptyit ebini. Ely tong - ¢ethm Ist tab; cty, a= amount of.pirnentriamsbnd saiumay =4:4-are SPIIILZIATORREL ••erS VTELUZIMa-: And all aware* arldnstlmretrinst, a s anind ant o=loer - time Um - berate fore • byinT MEW •, • 1 VEGETAILLE Bv*,l Slaildaez, sent :any part ti to of tba 41111.otnintnanzt tiganin n• • stamp InAy kurn_pAlam -OleraspactaiteaW 7' lannd. 4414Ars,- W.BRANITISUP f M. pp .1 Ugh!. RIVAT.3 DISBASEB•Ii °taco 253% PZarN • ustarlEard• . • Far the anis of all at aim:S3 , oi lista* from tAtO to toter asps, ay as cattnlyaescazat sofa treatment. AttiooSotatztal Weak:pass. and all Mum Alteniao 0f40141 mono, atl a trizsaraagrat • (==moon-7 to tO ati 4 llo_ l 4. ma, Address kite= W.. 238%Parot.ittecot, - cot, , SPOnTBMEIVB ELEAD4 . --- 13090011=6 • - wife/ the attoulon of Sponvoifo otheis fpleadld stock of GDNO Cita FLA. 110 T ILIiLTS and PC/MTh flutudism IS r . . d ammuottlon of curry . klad. Ed* best coot to lads rfllale*j JAILE3 N. EZlT.ll l 7 ,'ki , AL...r01131T ' _- • , F.MILTEI 12 .PLICI 2 .DRA. -1 " siut SPEOI - - ~; -.• FiCATIONS, or 01l Rinds ot ondsapool- - 7-.: , "-: Intend' %Utz emotion-co is t.4ozzpcs oz.A.litlraStttl Ixttyotal AM Ittibtosouailleoneo -7-/ PITTSBURGH. PA: CLOTHS! _OIL °LOTUS I —ror:_ lbore, Stain. Tales. Ccdades6, Nral.c.orr •ades ard Trizarausir_al!lng6 rat foe We, either Inalasalo orfUli.44" Clpth Pena, No. mina sass. mat strada )/1 RVBTIU INLNI)OW 13114 4 -anew . 11113 d sirtif-Wlrhieb wal . l'all Cb"P it /VOA .1423, St. Cinlr strectl" _ . _ fi8,..110 2—WALL PAF'BtfA'r PEACa O H, prices, far p sasbv E ! • ,w en • W. - .,uLHeooe ' aros. NEW 'BALL rAPEREL aziRIi, sale la 2707 107 „line et - Attrzt r i" w et ,. •• ..10t1.2:'.111;011-ES-tt 139SZF r f o lg ig/Ztty •: 0 4 ° ` s""Vg.V.let74tr '. . ..`r., # . . .-4-.--•-• , 17: :'.i.;... rtvsUßarta. 'eatimm.- 1829- - rsimquAr. -- ,- , -. . ."- FIRE fl IDIANOE COMPANY 1 of PEEMADRT:PHIA. ilaretia on icutimair L 13616 * 1 . 47 . * r ay= 41.zind excnalins: IMMO Invested 1ite1,233 ikutettlet income far 1%. ZOOM Lotus PAM aLlc# 1929.,, 8,900.0), Cara:: PerAtUAZ mdl Tezvorzay Pond= as Mara !, anzaatti. •' W Charles N. Bantam*, rasa . ' • . . Tadas araai brincrd De '' - Samuel Grant.; ; G an, to ales, Jnocb R. SzdtbA tia. Gnome W. file ,, Ards. Arts -W.. 111 CJILAIMES . N. BAN E.DWAIiD O. D.4.llW.iarr JAS. W. bleda,-dasTER., Sea. tam A t klutieu. il . J. G. COMN. ad= - _ „.10 .. tner Ward and TlAnd 4 = 6 . FIRE ARIN)IARINE Insurance Gb. of North Antorioa, m:w)ELpm Assets ezaue;oo%. Hartford Fh Insurance Cavan.- , ..... 11/41533,4XMi . . SZ - Proteation ctri stewed in the a blininazes Fa JONES; Atm% sSos Water Sweat. la statret WESTERN INSURSICCE CO PA OF FLTTSBOROH. - • WM. P. EIZP.Hr tr T Se ar nT fa T m • Jr., Pr/Sl4 4r6 - Offte, No. Er Watat ' elSeet, Elpitag& Do .V Ware 6 igt = Li t n4 ezW,- as -Pu r.„v„,., Lists. erfirese indiAtios sioneved hp or: ell• cre well knows. foram goad w4o dater.• mined prosepfnesritad to ineintsia tiarr.cfer Wad, Rd , Live casseasi, es eats, Re bar Readied WM= tax! fterfrelo be mums& • DCtserons: • EL Miller, Sr., - Andras Ashby, Janda Mee.u.ler, alessnder Speed. • Nathaniel Hottara, David M. Long - Alx. NuoirE, Bees J. Thomas, • George Darn% . Chas J. Clark, Crinpliell B. iderroni John .13.1MCW216 _ C. W • Etar,ket. I nlysi HERBERT. SeeretarT. pITIZEWS INeuRANcE COMPANY t JETEC - 'H..-o.llse, earner. ' Mertes and Water streets, second goer. . Insures Steamboats-4nd ()argon. Lanai gigaton lon mad damage= thasarigs. tiara of the Southern - ''And Western Mier; Lake* and Bayouscand tbonevigatlon of the Seas. - • inrareir &gating/tar abd damage b 9 era. - tr z % . e . i V er ery . hn Jaarrark, Jr.,.Lose saanyer: • B. P. Joan , , J. Cril tnhili:%4"., • • , Hon. T. H. EDWIN Jetta S. - , Barr-lay Preston, Win...6.ltodspers. George Etngttam. 4 . , . wm.p plump; • - , Jahn ats, SametelP. orrrar. Seto E: Parke, . O. Ramon Lore: . ua t J A ObarleArS.Blirai g• Obtain labtlekt; i4 -Wm. VaalCirid Atka EMU" „lames - 05 'Verner, Jeka Olfd.- • - •• war., - • _ JOHN vALT . - WM. P. _ , i of i
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