?BID►Y, :Blllg}~Bgß' i; t 18U. TIUNETIERS' GUIDE. 1111 a *- It— ',Li, " Via 141 eparture of i i. Pennirybrailla Central Railroad " I• . - ; , i 4 .- rkp a d,. /. •, , , 1 :::1,76,2; pia r. zitiniacal..l; alag.L.‘e Inns m •:. •'' dtalliinannmcia 6eOp at Fast Line. 9.1:o am r ' liaa L tErientaiLLlM pin inualate Wilma° pes , Ealirats”-.4.11,ea BeltimoreEzp's 11:10 p el 1daeh..... , ..i. - Wrap m ridia.Rintets....2go dm .*. Johnstown ABM ale pm JohnstMlivo'n..lele sin mat WEI Station gm am id WtliSiation, ado see t '., 34 441 :4' --c'e'w--1141,:: sa i l r' e: '':: 6M p a : ' i 40 1.,..,..., g. apple pa' .... o ilzo pm i ~.. Item neeozootn.mao, m Penn Ateemo'n. ?LSO ara The chic O&M leaves VriaLP Suknocunrery :1,:. ;t .IStin4ap.M&SXl.l.2 a. 01 4ectuenfrig, leaves PiPaburel , PLttabuFgh;Fort Wayne - and Chicago. Pipipti. : "'.. Mj- -Artists. ....-,- - . ,- .expempa.,.... ,II i m Erprega ...... ... 2no • m Fr e1int1x.......... S OS, Enpinea saopm , 41 2 i iela-,......... IMO pla Exprem.....,... em pto ': ' •.„X _ ...: ~......"1.1)0.-nt Mail - 'MP la ..et. umileaVrine 11:10 & m IP. nestle & Ma SSD p m - E r awarlghiemiLmommodation leaves Allegheny r' ,, "illoot at 9; s. ep -4 I" 6. m., 4.45 p. m., axed Ann p la. Roeinisier. PO P., M.; -New Castle, 340 ,'; p,, in.t£4ollomy, 1120 p. m. ~ .." . z1;••••..e. .---.._,, 7 ,-,,,, Pittitmrgb, aivelind ind - wheettne, .1244...4.. : t , ~,,- . ".7.,•, &ream . .:'..1 - . -Express. .S.r . .r l A o YeinEliSmal..i......tsso a m f u stress.;m2 - 31m Fat p in C 4 triatir , ti " lw.lacomZetation 'lnver 811metteas - gm Pm MSS° p as. ' . • Pittsburgb and ConneA ivtlly &raft. Artitea IMM aam r e !: Famass : 2 22 - 112 , 12Av0rt,t194 lat 2.121224:2.01. aa p 2d tat mlidaoctl.. 722) a M 14 ,2224dociem. 8110 a m led .. 415 p m Pxo pm • Allegherif V Dei,cres, Irge - cia Expresa .. 'tso m diretunooZit ism MOO p m fiTirA.mr The VlMltik FlremeithL=Ple bad prepared $ re l 7.hilk report Oats excursion of the pupil , IntentAfoeleaed..lidder Company, of plitli deipbia to Phillipsburg yesterday, In company 'with the:4We Firs Coffman - yet thls city, wham :guests they are, but an exceeding prom of oilier .matters Ii otr columns boo compelled as to 'forego Its publication title Morning. It will ap. pear In our eserLeg edition to day. Marshall, the Burglar—Fits Implication in the Hubbery or Rau nahausees Clo thing l i:ore—Strongly ,Sen.pected or be -4.7 in ,o ccrued lu the noyo , s Uhl mur . Wahartilieediglitithe'rramb - of - a `large nuodlietof gorge( Who. have ldtmtldtd, artiglea among thi great bud of etolnn geode made .by the MaypOitolleeiood, trialekarsetetopeaa for lorPpitlf, COO F99131,.0f trliar_or..P9liaa tiChaligtlitiiiiC carbon4l4l44 "ofPltitiai'. yet tqcjunid4olled;rettial of which arenew at d In itie.;.:Cirici ot inn' •of 13:11gonsfia othlers No. 16! Smithfield street, whoa atom .win enterod and - robbed two of ihroo mouth" Erns, and about 312.000 worth ( 3 1froVIsitirittaiteC appeared at theMayres - Olilealiecfeiifilne and !dreaded tiro pair-0 1 4 4iM, veil pattern, a coat as.d4eiStataili Varian of the stolen Arcoda. One pair of the pants was-recognized, -as =tomer pants, haying been raidofor limak • Bralwen and which-Dore his name. • number of the stolen _.artleles, are private - gropetty, eridentleobtained froliytradering private dwelling houses. A email stomp or sass, engraved on Its malice a pair of cross keys and the 1eit17.,31. 1 .11n script, la one of the do= fold . pocket boob: alio a pair of fine boots of 'German make and s silk bat were also fotmd. There.hi a strong Probability that Marsha Is .'' one of the murderers ofthe unknown man found on Royals an affair the leeldente concern leg V4Stallnlirnkippbcceihrouded. in- utter Aso paoL'wltifoand iu big hanseeon Boyd'a HID, which were stained with ' boo**, *though the-person wearing them had ' wiped los hands. whirtrlacte.hlood2:4l2n Oa= ' The hat and the boots, already meatball, . Were tha - orily two article, of--wear which- haft the" arpesitrance of bating deed previbusly' woos; and It Is poselble.they were. the property. .. - of the murdered man: The taectife:that thsll flets,o4/30PAR111, "boa the distnum of ,threntquales from the trend of the murder, and in one of -4lte brick-yards el tr r u ae t'V tly iP tft .r pla i re,tuid eeeel , conuartion' with other clrenmstanms, to efLad some ground tor-eutertaltag such a suspicion. At all events there Is andlelenVie work upon, sad perhaps , • 41%11 at this Jate dirresure end certain clue may • ibe afforded ke, apprehension of - the peep& itnuore of tilimostinfamens ohne. . -!Th'e; MottCatent AisoclatIol;—•&o _ctora ApEoluteiL 'The fellewfifirealectoiv, taller:Med their pot& throat th.usend dollarexeiretettthorizad to :cotbct feces cur.the Sioeux.eut Asagelatioa , lit Ward, neuter, 1.5:11 csitaviy:::.•tt• : • • 24 Welt Plttsburub—Tline. J. Foster, 1.40. h Oth tOcb Wards. Pict burgh—Stan dieb Mar 139 ab P. —•- Ch Ward, Plttiturgb-'‘ Gen. S B. M. Young. 24 gq , frs4lsllldl.4l,lrghtms , ,Jt tr. asst,:m., 1234 P. V. . 4tti All , gber y—Weat Shane*, 15arPo. P. 'John ston. '155r12 P. V. goorkelacjitataka.-3. H. McCormack,-f, - ,31 P. V. &alitesL,pßptdtljß-4 - ipoi Efatt,.Bo. R. Ind. - E %Oltit ik:Z9 ?" lll2 *fiter. ii;Barort Deci - I ; koin?ehtis 2 .46dpqrart., .Bet. JET •-Fltidlay T arnetdp..-T.4,40A0f, 140 L P. V. ownso. .Indiana Thl . temes Joyce. ItobLepon Goo. 8. B. M. Young. ItoommgEorneW-.-411...McCorrolck. OnOiroOll -2" .E.A.22Johnalarptiii; Esq.: 114" Clair TownslllPl jobn KANN 1024 P. V. Jkott alga= Townstil - P—Daiiiig Ea& o.YOq. ==iM "•• • city belled wiftra clarabt lovenile w • • are Deng trained op in a school ot carer.* , fdlecurfor the cenitentiary and ta,, love. Go aloni the atreeti . at - atiy 'time after' dark, and you-are conetaaly coming in contact -• with tilerotele,from attleare ra_ ni op• wards, whore booth, are tined with oaths and tile language, which setup, makes the flesh inter ,. Needy every day cotes are brangtt to enotleeof the Mayor,andi Palotee Of boys, who lerlott-robbca r their'parentSofJome - one et a% hare left. for parts cob:Own. And even girls' ' do not mcansUbe genergeoptagion. It appeals twos that 4 theevlrmight be-to a great extent remedied by parents immOellinft their children to be„st,,home cecry ni,g ht after dark , to 'Bee ataktiteysttendaylobl 2 deriegthe day, and to enforce rigid attendanceon some Sunday i 4 , school or church on Sunday. Walking along I*,ltekkaftt tile_dileghoPY_rifer4 net above_ the zuroso bridevs - few days stare ,wo,ooticed a •cfp,Nd of boxe,,thp oldest not serfotteuyeard of set„„saditter ytineeithot 'cleft; Ithijfaffng obtained INettetalun oftwailitelote SerlbS were .eigapd is gan.bllre, glace tft•in, one of the "hole ftal tObPed to my widowed mother of left a home wh ere be ' never experienced -hey ens but k • • 1 •o rod, and spoil • • , too frequently eumplided In the Trete t getab , tloo.totheso , theinotice of the parett n ost blind( dby lore. Father, mother •or gnardia., remember that by indolglog a &lid fond retnaleg folauftaltit when trams -committed , an error, you ater•ktoWtheiseedri the -frnite of f -which will bringetourgray Wars in sorrow to the , Arno.) A Perieteritig Robber. ...A4ntenkl 1044 spta hare been uu4s. to bargbg ••asly otter the dice 'Or Vizi • Taal en, on Padflield - s*wr,but each attempt bas petit!, telot 4:14 tubber., hamming tdarited to inatlrg aira About tiro `weeks glace "‘" • jiindialata hestleg C . 61 RPtelons / 10 / 515 bniaie .thguagtanrOCeedettjentO VACS aud'aseovered •thblluz" / ".....11 341 •4 tfalc part oth•atdw . loact bad been stallat, folelhisthro;ws open as if hay: itit ' * -1) leg been dadthr tad, a satztrday; .gursgsphdott bulagbetustwslunied In a •Lud, , Iv s r bison; he 'taw &Wad that tbashuttar • •Lueculptved. On Monday night, .1464 a ' s em i " • who wag In 11 M - kiketen.< - wati . terriblY, .rined IP= Mtn 104/ s 4 . ? ?e3trietnd c1a 5 P 14 .4 b ulti•OrtAwsbatuiumusatter arotald the.lama :314 emus' alarmed the wuald•ba whd ,basing doesitpaHl."HVit MadAesday• gat o td Met again hiebtesedbly eosin • nom larklag the Twain sad ht the Midst Of title ahuen the , man swiped. Kr. B, bas -' =elate Wed TO botiatsatidwudZlest the supposed • robbettwOpld yet effect Ids obvious purpose of r . Taridedilim doitiurArtidittiirrho,Eny be. II . wwww•thathe vialtathsgdsteroT,thd Obble:per. 7.7 0 . 4 p r !two: and bao}y. 5 • P l'- 1 4•11 3 ‘&#"113gs gq oz thetteltWOWsittessawele lest point of Lam At this time the bonds:dots •c. l ug tgaal•lcl ofcr . • I ts r' r o li r -N L I HT• en tutus; nPolf:' estiaen" divBfieseriptions of ell - , . . often principal -matinfaettring:establithanettia-1 in Pittsburgh ead,ittr environs', Br is with peen 11er olt,iakird ihafgre emotes:nee our ilat with the immentie . Vetailleltenent, name.which head, this article. 'There is probably no prints establlehtneaft latbeworld—eartainly net within the limits of the Untied States—to which the came amount of attention has been drawn, and which has received an equal number of visitors. Not Only have civilians, from all parts of the country, in passing through our city. been con- strained to linger long enough to pay it a visit, ..but sibitlngilehed army and naval officers, from ell parts of the world, hive taken the time to cave their usual avocations in orier that they might satisfy their minds In regard to the re- SOnfees of our City for turning out tbe heaviest 'on:Mantle to the werld. It is Impossible, m the limited *pace allowed in a newspaper, to do fhll justice to every department, but we shall en deavor to embrace inch general Ideas as may give come idea of the works, and the amount of labor that, Is annually done there. ; The FOrt Flit Foundry was drat built by A. McClurg, Ekq. , In the year 1814. The old foundry occupied the lot on which the present tnilidingS Bina, together with the lot now oo led by Bradley's 130V1) foundry. It was Ltikr4 as now; designed for the construction of =4Ci3, an. well as heavy nulling mil ma.. . About the year /823 the firm mat: &Ade ed to McClure, Wade & Co. This Inn was sneeeeded in 1840 by Freeman, Keep & Totten. The urea - year the firm was again t abangadVythe retirement of Mr. Freeman, and the style became Heap & Totten. Li 1850 the style of the firm - changed. to Rasp & Co., but none the death of _Mr, Thomas gAel,,, whi c h penned • alutTrf.taie: 411Ser;. the firm angle ceanged handl', and was known as' Keep, Wade, 6 Ca bulit Ma tohth Be M r . M t e n en r e eh b t l h h M e . n t Budd can e Into the firm, and the Foundry was to opredlly rebuilt, theism the let of July of -the MOO 'writ was main la operation, end on that day two hag-bach guts were cart. The 11* ed was then changed to Snap, Redd di C"., and In 188311. r. -Charles Ramp Turd's - aid the entire interest of all the partners, mai the busl nem was carried on in his name. Oa the Ist of Joy of - the prevent year, he disposed' of the en tre emery' to his nephews, Meters Willi= and Orlando Mgcalf, Major Joseph M. Knap and James G. Keep, and the style of the firm is now Charles KAup Nephews. The Foundry buildings at prevent occupy all that lot or ginned lying between O'Hara ant Walnut streets, and betwceen Ems stress and the river, being an area of 403 feet by 290 fest. Trey were frected in 1858, '6l and '63, at a cost LI 8200000. They one a hollow square, and are arranged as follows: The offices of the Foinden , , Naval and Army Inspectors, con structors of ordnance, engineers, dreughtsmen, &c:, and also the boring mill, goat on O'Hara rt-e A. The boring mill extends maug Etna street to the foundry or canting department, which-occupies the entire space oa Walnut street, „from Etna to the river. The machine ere pattern shops, three stories In height,-front on the river, and Ilext, ty that building, Is the one erected exclusively for the 20 Inch gun lane. Running out from the Foundry into the hollow square, like the stem of the letter T, Is thybell casting- departnieht, and from the bo • plo mill, branchesout the chipping ahoy—where the tea guns meelye Mesa finishing tonctme—and thcketaith shop. The ettull Shed is erected alongside of the chipping shop, ' Xll4kerear of the_ army inspector's office, a teeting._ hhti, Invented by Major Wade, sod Improved by Major' itisiman, la-eat up. with whicliftegeacimen froul'each gun Is tested to as certain lie ten'aclty. This office also contains a hitikVituater, *by aneelilsotpthigh the density of the guns are =attained.' but as it is a epecialityot itself, mishit( damns s serferate ar- ey Bllroad. m accommodation 910: run' The buildings are fire proof. The re quired-50.W canes oleos& itrePiturs 'are to dr, found la different =floss of MO Yards with hr ne'ilwisyeltt realities*, so that in case anything inalienable Metal take fire,-It can be deluged in a moment,. -Tbeentire estahlishmimi,frtun 'One. I _end to the. o ther is gee. .. _ Entering the boring Mill we ibMitlfl!tY; lathes engaged in boring and Minting game- of an elses. The ;swelling ignmernyhiott drives the. lathes, shell drilla; gland Metes, fans; =chine and pattern shop ntaehineer,ae.; is as 'folleirs :- In the boring mi ll Is a large, upright, doable engine, two 15 Irml. Crlindera , two feet stroke, IMIlt by Campbell, Whitney dt Co., of Boston; ohm engine, 18-Inch cylinder, two 'feet Menke; ontrestdllator..l 0 Inch cylinder and one foot rettuke, besides the holstbse and polling engine, into the engines - in the *team crates. In the ..untchthe shop are two 10-Inch cyllutos, one (tot entice, and hi the foundry are six steam crane% four MM. ton newer each. and two of 40 ton power each. There are six cranes In Ma. botteir mid,--two of which are worked by steatn;--by means of which the guns are passed. from°to-lathe tjanother. • Bekre entering any, further Into detail of the modem- operamdi by which ordnance-Is ininnfac tured, In order to give our renders an idea of the lottutnee amount of work done at the Fat Pitt Vsmndry, we afpend the following table, giving the calibre and clam of gun. the average Weight of It on need 13 the caustAtetion °feriae rims, and the total numbers:if pounds used for each, brxidea the weight of the finished guns, from July Ist, 1861,, to Jay 14, 1385. This 4,.a tot mchida po Jena' a.. of which we shall steak hereafter, the average cast being about 100 to each run. In order Mist the unintia tpi tray understar.d the meaning of the term. #e wield state that the "blocks mentioned In the table me It navy gun, coA wAtt.ut trim- Mons - , :hey being cast seperate, and fastened on tir °lrani of a band of iron, which is shrunk to the. beet- of the gnn : z - 6 XX-1.,0.1 , j Rudman. , /,17t,tlo i 17.2,t10 X v do 1.. do , ED 71620 0,921433" X 111 do, - do ~r 1; r,Blol 62810' do 6.55 Z 7C1ud.1.163,60 , 1 V 1.17. do I do ICS' 11,3.9, 1,921.800 5111 do ; Rifle. 1 t' U.'llS; 23146 ; VLEdo 4 do , I: 14,2061 . 14,2631 fis do 1 do 1 123 j d. OOO l ,7 13 . 0 410 1 ....iii „1, ' imis tout , ..., .... 1 .. t .,.... r la. 1241 3 d 72.83 .; ,salt, mos , ' ' X . .412 1 ~..... lat. 2,60 0 . 338. ed. ?"[lido ,co 1 2. Lao! . iss;000l rirli./ do Howl' seri. ' 108 ' ~7600, 3.8,001 . . if ay-t 1 360 mule Blooti. r toi .20 Val 599,856 3, 60 do do ~ , 13,000 4.44" 1 1330 do do . .SI 9,000 "„48.7,000 . do ' do '4Ol • 0,11111; 299010 ;XX loch Navy Shell. 4 1:181,2351 101,3:6 ;XII XV I do ddo I do 1 89. 00,000 6,408,000 o ' 1; 60,9701 60,997 Xll do Rifle. ' a. 71,000. 2t3,000 1 ,XI do - Nosy Shell.: 721 30,020 2,130,020, X do ttsey Shot.; 461 27,001 ,t,216,0001 11X do do 1 I. t 9,000 t 9,001 IX do :Vary Shel'. 627; 17 C1.X.,10,63 . 3.C0u IVI/Ido Navy 5h01,.1 If 1800 / . 18,5,W . 1 VIII eo :Nary Sliell.' 7s , 11,700 1913 Soo: 152 poen I 1 66; 8,400 462;001 -. I—e —1 . 12 . 609 , 160,735.1.551 Before Aldenttan Strain At tha deal Leering yesterday before Alder man Strati , . in the case of Mrs. Series., the laundress charged with the larceny of a act of moors !rem Mrs. Fairmalu, the accused brought three witnesses to prove that the spoons alleged to to 6141(11; had. bees; puchised by ker last winter at Cheap John's. Wart. Wilt. charged with malicious ciliate, offt,th of John Van ettl, was yesterday dincharged, as the mischief was Orel, accidental. Veneta washald to ball r'hls appearance at court, to twister a charge of surety preferred by Wilt. Cornelius 04;m:i ncr. charged an -oath of Patrick McNamara, "MO 'reside , la Manchester. with malicious mischief had . a bearing yesterday. It la alleged that on Wedueslay bight be threw a 'done t h me etratrtele‘wrodow.dereOliebLeg a Pope of glass and breaking other ,rattcles. We tees held 04,4 to =Mier at =at-, ,John Barka lade Information' olr; ratuct kraals' for the lake* of a whip:. The panics ore both back Martin-was held co ball fora bearing 04,141- • , . Miss Lanza Keene, the eminent comedienne , takes a be:milt - it di-Pittsburgh yhw it , N . , a d , evetilvg, whin °Oar American Comb:Eolln to .pthduced 'matte last time. This pee has been dnrwleg very urge audiences, and the spectrum 'knightly Stymie the highest decree of enlarge slop,. Those who „hevh•loot yet mien the play should' embrae the proseht oppoitatity....The ebaracters:are.admirebly stistaletd throughout, 'and it mast be borne In. mind that this is the .ortethi rerectisif the pieyi purchased .by Miss ' .Erma at'. the .rOund ' stna of fifteen Ihroldredi dollars. and prodeted by het with news Weeted . success le the Eastern cities.,; • . •••.• - At the Opera House the Webb Mums take ~/t, fan wcJl hcrept this ereeiegb when the poptuazi ...befeknivor "Thalovllltla plebe! will be; pr ; slaced....2ls•se mutat ladles have hea l 49l°Xill sveodl4 business during their brie f cbgaesowngt, , and they *Math denbVe greeted by •astuser-i Armies anStleoce:ea the ocasstoh;cf..the}r bon e- .. ht. ..In-ard Oat it Piaci" after plat; Personaun-wa r p pleased to . orzt, mat 'cot italtstru..of the' Tinaserania Retli meat, =she stiest-torits,y.„ Hell direct IA Victoria, Texas. Where the tegitatat is at .i.„tieested; Imketestres us.to Butt Ibtlba.bate• tilt of those havianttienda in the regiment, the% ..he intends returning to, Iwo week Had will b i sa hth to id' to take ... charge' 'of seriatim they may w seed •L'rbw Colonel iniy he fasted 16111;Iiiedsi.thi 2Gth inst4Stt Othßanitinglistne-of.ltoblason McClean & Co., Nolsldostra stteet„ ' • ' • .•• Arrt atee.-;Ofeccrs Vfilmit ale Kemp leateet day meted Michael Marr.es, teen =mut itith . Mn. -43 enht lilting bat itrttelvai itarecoe 4ileai on the bea4.leith, a hatchet. Thealfalroccerred some three months and Klima haft eluded, iPlyigihince of the talon sip to this tbne. ~ i ~ w ~ 118,437 donoa 23,5111 15,000 0.130 17A00 . . Aissiksifocur Plutppearstkee. . On last Tharsday.weeiro P. LAgin, leffl4lo,sclittiii,gfilefShVriiN Ohld. fur Wacky pi. the papaws of boleti stswfify orttr chi ucidedbilibitfln bilotifirWhh tdm some eight, hundred dollars: Not.cauritint et the time specified, hhi,Wifebeeatne itLV:tied, tied canyeiciihe citron 'recede/ In search of film. He was yep Issi.fietipley, a vreelLago,.la Do quest e borough, ant titt leaving there he told a friend that he would leave that afternoon for his home. Mice' that time be bee not been heard from.. H 0.19 represented as being a strictly temperate dun..ked egesrod 1A the Union arroy_anfi wee honorably dbscharkol. Lokan thlrtYklz Yard of ,4,ge' els feet two - inches bigh , dark consolfmon, hazel eyes and - dirk hair. Arty onelcsowicw *helm of bla firherestkwfiP Wateon* ' Jet' a.facwe on ids wife by leaving the Informs., Ileir4ll.ll Itinchati to'bacconist' on Wood A :miesnesits. • A ISidarned Rebel--Anisn,qaostd :ittliortiL.Forotte tofingdo, wept BOth ii few yaws ago, and when tho war aimaie l ia a a, ha loldidthe Saber vroy and . was - prontosed Loa .-11,1,4 • /ma wadi _ha 'rebated bolas swan, bat I -ba was no saes . bo i than Ufa trot= bays,' who had served 'Shred izark id the treadlatn, where gas said officer was , one of tho driters,f and Whare'ab'snanf one hiSSIa `boys were' ground fodesdh, walta(4 on Wm and gate hlirchorca eIH I ttrentriont''bt,trrs or 4 stratchheap. Hi bas Dot : been 'coo sOOO., , Hononby DlicharoperL.43me wcebl ago eh Itch was fuldieheketating that gshn Alkezi,l the wid&hoolli Bbdeltar4f thiS ratt ASA a-gtgl , Vermin named Wheder.fbattillovemmeat bees erettractim. be4"been , charged'ettat;-trehandleg tba Goverbment „fit Abe saleofcattle. 1 dispatch hein New Mute; rettived few elgslelece: anzictuntra that thee have been boatprablrats charged, there being tio. grand , 31rhateTar for' the Prosecatlcsi. .Pittsburgh, .Colunobus . Visteinnati RA+. The trent:Mtwara. theOhlo river at Stem =hemline, Oalatracted by the & Co. was completed on Tuesday lasts and the teat trans alnudetk...l tit! ten Can, blamed with rationed kokend the locomotive, T. L. Jewett, trotted at 3:30 r. sr. under the direction of Su perintendent WW. Card. The bridge of the Steubenville Railroad, which crosses the Mo. _notureliela. Is now completed, so far as the hen work is coucerned, end the workmen are, now engaged In tearing down the scaffolding used is Its °Destruction. The bridge presents an aspect of undoubted strength. The Teed be tween Colon:teal and Stettbendlie has been re. lad with new rah, and also equipped with new engines, and new ventilated palace passenger coaches. The road between Steubenville and Pittsburgh, well known as the Pan Randle Road, is to be finished this week and on and af ter October Ist, trains will roc through rega lerly. This sborten, the route between Colum bus and Pittabergh at lent tit:dye:dies, and the distance between New York end Cindun ad will be reduced to 744 miles, many Cones less than any other route. From Yesterday's evening Gazette. The Burglar, Marshall—Stolen Goode, Idea tine& In yesterday's paper we reported the arrest of Bernard Marshall, on a charge of having bar &dourly eatered:the store QC/deism. MeCal; Tough & Co., and stolen about two hoodred.dol tars worth of cigars . We also stated that hid 'Loose had been otarebed and a carkload. stolen goods hned. 'These goods haveninos' been examined by part ies whihad Been - . phhe3d' at rations times during the past few months, and a large portion of them fullyldertideß. J. H. Meyer, corner of Obestont street and Penosyleanla avenge, identified two chute of tea, a boa' 'of netmegs a bundle or' woolen yarn and gibe*. goods to the vales of two hoe, died dollars. A great many other articles were stolen from Mr. Meyer's store, which have since been sold or need by Marshall. The robbery was commlttol on the-night of the drat of Jan. nary Leith Mr. J. EL Baker, No. 18 Hand street,- Ponith wick/del:lost two silk dresses, two elik Sabel, cloaks and one slik velvet Cite, and other arilt eke.. valued at about two hrudred dollars: Other 'geode, to the 'ohm of three hnodred dol. late, were 4tOtelt at the same time, Atitt, had teen acid or shipped otr. The goods 'hid baeri stored, and were stolen from Baker, Bml h dr, Co.'s, Liberty street, on the night of the d'uth of July. John H. Dltder, corner of Pennsylvania ave nue .d MrGee streets, identlfted ntne,bauratellei hells, of the value of twenty dollars. Ills place was entered on the 2d of October, 1864, and. other articles, of the mine of over onatundred, dollqrs, were stolen at therame time. ' Calbarins Berger, who keeps a email Jewelry atom at No. 119 Pennsylvania evenne, identified grods to the value of about two hundred dol lars, which bad been stolen on the night of the 6th of November. • Herman Bier, No. 117 Pennsylvania avenue. identified als te wearier apparel. worth about one hundred.dollars, which had been stolen oa the 4th of July. Amelia Allen , wife of Biward Allen, No. 23 Chestnut street, Eighth ward, claims a clothe' Wringer, and some canned fruit, which had been stolen on the night of the 15th of February. 'At the same time there were taken five dozen named Peaches, two dozen bottles of domestic 'IT a keg _of butter, MI buckets of lard, a ` ole hoc," a barrel of applea, and Otter • Informations have been made in all the Maya caws, and commitments lodged agalnst -Mar .!hull. He has been Wag a large sad profitable truelness in the way of plundering, and his ar rest is one of thermal 'reponse t which tuts been Made for come time, as he was riot oara der leg brirslar, 'nut etrecteded well Irt combs np hbs aunt, tee had thecoolteestoapply to Mayor "Lowry, recently, for an appolatmait . .on the nlghtvolice, with the double propnwrof ileeirrint better. &dillies mz steallus, and warding off suspicion. Ile wall employed...id Minfit, In one the brick yards on Boyd!!and Managed: to maintain a character for honesty. There are several other claws yet to be bivsistVapine; him ba inky Oe'pre himself for *few years }Proulrement,* la the. Penitentiary. • •„ • ,401,1er Bobbed of 6212 A dischargediolger named, Wargo Kidey,. appeared' before' Alderman Butler, (actin Mayor,) and-preferred. • charge of lare . elir against two men employed at a tavern on 'Grant . street. Kattow stated that he went to the on Wednesdirevelling, for the purpose Of staying over bight. Ha teal to his "poaketan envelope confining' leht discharge paper. and two hundred and twelve dollen La greenbacks. While In the house he drank three or fear times, and was helped opus bud by the defendants. Is the morning his money was gone, and liet be lieved the parties alluded to had taken It. The discharge ponettliO3 of one of the de fendants. who Is bar keeper at the house, but he called a young matt named Hartle" who testified that Keleow and • little "chink)" Fishman came In together, and eftet dritlang three or four times, went Into the bu k room together to play a game of cards. Kshow came ont, after remaining some time In the :nom, and handed hie discharge to the bar. keel, er, who agreed to keep it for him, and also ad, teed him to give him what mosey he had for safe keeping, but he replied that ha hal no money. He was quite drunk st the time, and did n t scan able to take care of himself. After hearts g this testimony the defendants were ad mlueci to bail for a timber hearlog on Friday, vls, u they expect to be able to prove their en tire innocence. A warrant hue been Issued for the arrest of the men who accompanied Kvhow to he tavern- and who was with him In the beck room. Kehow resides at No* Hams wick, N. J., had served three years to the Third U. S. eivairvoras discharged at Cl eel:matt, and Is I now on his way home. The bar keeper stake that Kahow told him an entirely different story on. getting ti 7 la the mornmg sod miseieg his m mey. He stated that he bed fourteen quarters, la an envelope, and asked the bar keeper If he had It, or knew itrotbing about it. The bar keeper told him that he had not given him any money the prievions night, but denied haying any, and gave him his discharge to keep. K show then eatd that be had bees robbed of 013 la Cincin nati and he supposed that he could stand the loss of his fourteen quarters. He had no money the previous night to pay for hie drink', and did not pay for hie bed or breakfast. Tat bar keeper thinks -he had no money, and conee whim* could- not have lost any.• line Anther hearing may lime to throw some light on tho natter. Charge of AbandoumenG The late act of Assembly, making it a gener al offence for a Man to AnandOn bin Wire and children, without making - proper proviston for their support, has been brought to bear against quite a [wisher of men in this communiljr, who have either been compelled to mike proper provision (or their families or give bona for trial at 'Court. The la test case is that of Mary .1. Arnold, who alums ; her husband, Wm. 11. Arnold. with aban don went and surety of the peace. She eaten the t abs was married to Arnold on the 19th Of Fob . nary last, being then a widow with four children; that her, husband has not been treatiag has well of late; that he recently threatened to "blow her /sans ont,'! and finally left her wirtiontSho means of support. Re was arrested 'an/laid to bail in 1500 to saltier a charge of abantion. merit, and a like amount Os a charge of surety of the peace. The partly reside on Vino street; to the Seventh Ward. After the above cult was entered.. Arnold appeared beck's the Mayor and espoused ~the determination , to au his wife for blown and attaltay s aSeshsg: that she pad a hita h o sed living when he married her. , Hale St4ICILE4O4LIF ,•••• - chief ofPollee Long to dayondenal % aeeend . imereti of the Wee" 2 of Bent'lrif gen the burglar, and titt ;emit was thelindlea\ot; a dock, three encertaiste..fanr palm of box of Candles, a bucket oflaird,a brass a piece Of fisandelOth, per. jianteloon4, and a barrel of empty fruit sans. Bome of these . articles have already been described hypes par" ties losing there, but othin yes require Mangl es:Jon. The goods' eadle seen at the 'Manes office. •Ittershall•inilat have been 'dying pretty well, and has evidently - not suffered for want of sauce or dessert, since ha has emptied so many cans of delicacies during the past few months. Coparinealp.—Mr. John P. Haat has as sociated with him in the wholesale book, sta tionery, periodical business. &e., kr. W. K. Thomas, under themame and style of John P. Hunt & Co. Mr. Thomas has been connected with the business for a considerable time, and has proved 'himself to be an energetic haziness man. Mr. Hunt will still give his personal at. Lennon to-the business, which will be conducted at the old statuil, 43'irlati street, Masonic Hall. The Taxing Maths Frletia.—Warranted to care Private Dismiss— For sale by druggtsts. Ask for the Young Mies Friend. A pamphlet giving the symptoms • and treatment of private diseases accompanies each Box, or can ba had b, ad. dressing Totin.4fan's Friend, Bor 99, Cinctonattl. with t h ee . cent etamp enclosed, to Joseph Fleming, Charles !Riper, J. ).. Fulton, Ira. W. Far& Ca, AllegtimY FINANCIAL . AND VOININIDICLit 689HE88 AND BAMIERS BOARD - 7(dartasarso) sr soszasoxoroxamt & 0(0 TkintsDAY, Sept 21, MS. GOMA V. Si 6. % r ... U. 9.! Selritribi gnittles..— • • gg go U. fill Ten Farling • •tl 0 ODO g01d.... • 00 • Allegheny Coulfy Firm Is 60 Allegheny City ea--- n - 73 Pi lit tts. , Fan Wayne lit 0 0 0 16 Le 00 Lawrence 00. _ 40 00 Bosteatts Inemanes Clsmh rnearance - Western Aliegbeey Valley. UpaeeLaylße R. IL Lafarge— 9 73 Coneeileille IL & Stoakoian Int. 9 23 Eschruige Dank of Pitts ... . . - Farmers Deposit Pat:Bank. fecuriti fiat. Dank Defame Beak Com enere5........ Peoples National Allegheny & Pitterrugh-011— 615 Columbia_.._ 2t go Cherry Run fs. Murray 011 Ohio Valley_ nib, Lae° and Cherry Dun gy ' - Ilttsburgla ta Philo U. ft Telegraph C. na t e P e l Phenix IS 30044 Ferry Co -- el co Oertnanla Oil e oo Franklin a Sandy Coal a -- Gold rather Inactive le New York, but Girn at 11. a Twenty bonds improved one fourth per cant during the day, the balance of the gov ernment list remaining unchanged. The Railway Let without epecial change. A eight Improve. merit made In some of the 0444400 1.0044 lee agaLn to-day. la 1 oo 00 . ...... 00 ---- cc Our home market was even len Intonation than yesterday. The only sale reported at morning board woe some Tarr, Story Ss Cherry Bun at 46. S2a.t4 was bid for 100 shares or Columbia, none offered. We Mara azalea of Made at 60. and of others cm pirate terms. Wale's ho authentic, smiounommeni of the promised 'per cent Weed. • We and the following axle' reported at the Boa. ten Bonn' of Coppet etockd held to Mae as tent In this market. t there, o 0 d do Pittsburgh tellit).-- ...... Woo • "do do Etstleas , re oo :03 do North ... 574 ICS do Rockland 4 do d• Concord (B.0e), ...... i 6(I do Pewidde 59 de Idldnesote. to co 'The Boston Treerner of but evening says : I.l"hs messy market is wltnorri y cheat's to eupply, demand or -rak an e of fatalisßollert. Siam Worn on substantial collateral security era " Neatly °Maned at the hanks and oat/dela or than, at six per cent; and there is Mit little-Wog ort longer Wok With a better supply of asetelosat Sc neva Masts no lammed buignese In Chemnitz. The best mute, haring a few motels to run, are ganged at fromseem to.. nine Per Cl;?. Ttf,stook soaker eontinueetnite extrema; antitheft seem. to be.. rental desire to tely sir to mit t at the ad vanced inters. Tne penal*. wearier. aoltkt ap and are In good motet for investment." • -11 is - following b the econparatlve daterrnmt of tan exports of 11PeCIC) Lt m 1,1141 port et New York to foreign parts Sc, ale week =dial Sept_ It, end rinse Jan. Is tea. 0367. Foe the week.... 112,048.1111 65,195,484 Poor. rep0rtea.....i24,797,42.4 11.5,8211,1196 110,1,4,50 Slice Jan. 1..... 4177,441790 161,0313.4 D 114,04,53.3 Priv. of gold—. In' Is) CENTRAL LIVE STOCK MARKET. Reported Etpreuly for the Gazette. Err tanzstrr, Sept. 11, IBM CATTLE—The market hat been fairly seam dn• ring the week which has Just cloud, and daring lite past tee or three day., • Mauer (Oleo( on the part of holderm was manifested, and buyers *poem. cd %Mitre to operate even at a material tluene.. The leech:. were Lot up In point of nunthers to the tidal average, which was owing to • tureZeilll of cent in the wed, and rosily • good tat eatUs, suitable for retailing In the Eastern mastets, were tearer, and consequently, ruled from Writ per pound blither. Stock tittle, have ad - vanee•, la ale nt tgnaf prepordon with fat odd& ant the sad c quality which a few Weeldelncs cold at from ikart4. 1 fought from 61.0614, tat week. 'malacca et the advance, the Cement appear. to he fully zip to the suppiy. Prime to • ttr• mark t curls, may be h ley quoted it 701 cents, which Is an sty &net of roar Is coot tog pound, and holders exporter:Hie no I.lllcully In telling at chreadvsnee. There if 11 fair sue/ideate c f bul era 'during the entire week, anA a ole emoent of stock was taken for the Palle ed. Ii bur, New y, rk and Rale Imore morkela rehEEP—The treats/aloes In thle maws of stock have beta • little larger: Mau tultict Outing , Week, and, hire rho market was pretty active, end firm, there lets been no quotable chance In pee or,. As will be seen by eel. runes to the sale. so. nrfrd to thin report, prime ranged (rim 6 to friZo per pocrod. erossoatd onto Oilier head. No sales of Lomb, reported. LlOGlS—Alarket centlutlei very Arm, and with a good ablhfing demand MO very hurtled ererds, prices have still further idvaneed. ashes hevtog bees within the past two bream days a I/Whew to rable en and one half dung per pen/ark gross—the t irs ' en figure. n t w t I h lVit tit ult:: record this euotigh to frighten packers, but thereto no tel ling 'what May occur within the next-slaty doye— nne. may dcc toe Mao per pound, though the in. dleatlons do not point la that Mreetionjust now. We hear lt stated that already eontracteheve been med. for bovemta r and Decemberdelvery at Gine climatl, at $12.012%, net. .‘ 1 1 / 1 .1111.67111 OP 876/CZ trroat 1111 Wert TO Tall 20111. Cattle. Soo. Sheep. `PlillafielpL s—. Nil a pets Baltimore. Pat 1,111 Near York 1,764 Bittern.% Puinte—.. 2,449 ET= Se;kr. Buzer. . Ns, doge, Prke. . b1c(1.3.....-- Pfeil on 121 86 36 93 ' Porbtm . l`sylot ' —. 369 84 aCO H0ekb111........ ...Heuer....... Hs Hi 600 Andsrion.-...--.llesser- ...... .. 379 91 683 Lew Hesse? ...........: 171 93 6 03 Law-.---..Hesser ' 193 02 6 01 blsere ...:Pesiecisilt. - 193 76 600 Or.ldinslll.---. ..Hobstt. i--..... 600 at 96V1 howl Gesbata........ --.80bert5....-- 620 st 66 V bead Huff Keileager --- 200 09 6 62 kletts.-. ...... Hinsebbsties... 100 91 6 40 1.11937 -.....Pre4tria.......'.- 199 80 6.80 Onsidenl-...- ...Pancoast 204 93 600 H01m'ef...... --...Heaser 97 90 6 19 Bbielil6-..... Heuer ..,.. 656 91 6 7.3 g1zer.....:-. jill: Mtge' ' ' H es t er' 107 Si . 625 119 KW • 600 Valifteroo b;(7o Helmer ~1.:._. . aa 93 673 tlemeriti'a C0....Ript0........ u, VI 610 Orisrfoid----.„l3esser-...,-..... 999 93 603 Cranial 51— • LaffertVi'.....).. 216 at 11311 WNW Taslor— Heller.t...-:.. 184 st 33 V bead • Heard --: * ''^ .0001 tla " Hi' 10 4Da .Tohostas ....Nesbit.-- 393 91 ' 983 Hablkee....... • liaag6?,-,-447 14.4,5*V1h°44 • SALMIOP .HOOP. ' . . ...*.nlP;'' ''''.- ' Buie,. •,, W. awe. 'Price. Tilden ..... ..,:....g1ager....,:—.4..209, 2 0 2 125 0 'Tilden..., t•Loger , - .,—....112 220 i 3 12 1 103 .4 ..... .......913221:.. .....;... 430 218 " gt 73 tirehnni— --.--011ehreli5 102.257 13 Go zioaomman.«.......ollth.relst 22 224 13 RS Floinne. Oaehrelet—. 23 230 - 13 *a Tad= "Em51,—.;‘....... 151 =5 13 Oa &meant , • 610g62............„ "47 240 13 03 N0tir.......... —.Oesiplbeny.... 55 212 15 41 I&ti op CAtflr. Beady 11resiet MAI Todd 63 head or jceioct static vatic et Oh; el bead tow Ind heifers, miyeriglet MN Waco; el head c f Rood tow. and .N ATs s iTitt gi al " ,2il t & o fee D l7l . l M h ' Xi G tee &cattily, (retina., 'teeny averagle; 610, at Voter to Jones ZS head of very common stook tattle, hveraglog 7;84 at a. - St Dads 10 JohtrSosltti fathead of prime hu110.% 'cteers, Touring About. Ito% 'St itll.llpa .to .3. ho Stank 18 goad of pretty tool. Waiters. Rase roe Cattle, sr, raging tl.u). at 6,e7). .abitOptidif Ilead;rf, fear cote; and heifers, Imeragiqg lON at per.head. lial to - *epee' el bead T!r,.Verf" Fool 00k i 54 ,tililliVir il itclotht l ieTirt454 cow= llu¢to.b~l6bhead.bt p.fitik - eoro tad heifers L I U t * fif '044115 154.1. *14505ae average% aboOt I=o,itt'St,y;. „ IbotOpspll.lo BXpOor,tataltsd'of extra core tan helfris, kvtanaloB;o6 o l.llfA7giika 4 1,14 . rtilltefo Nome, .batett of Wile =ln =4 hettets at in per bees& 101 0 , l'atSth to eettlle Tot4aS7 tatted or piling ladtaoliettezi, aversetir Alt MS ADCS at:01 5 Po! Jobs. Multi bOitgbi2Blseadot en O'erad: • 4 Rot be eathet to' -Follttada blAdot 141;lett,eattle, areteetea , ElXtoss 8 1 ‘., Kraus to Fuller 06 head ot road itte r et4llioll,l? tea MO, sta. • Mott to Falter Cl bead ofealtswegea3Prili Vt i orkVa T atNlugip h 11l bead of ' , sus good 11.1'4411.45X0 P PIiTSBUSGa • Tin7B3. • The metal mutate NeatlatLe moderatrLaN atis,thotieh the treaesetlon lh yenta the lead lag ertlatee sa• Miasmas 'ex • beat illisruter. Priem, lowirreyi haft . .suadergosta ea qaotable change. GRAIN—Wliat legate& and very ILL tls °Merin's email lOU from wagon at 11,2501,60 s‘or Pee• fled, and ;Loam for do White. Batley L 04.11 demand at 81-1100 'offering. Oats Beady and moderately octave but nnehangeM Sale of 100 buab, at depot, at 48; and 280 bush, new, at 50. In stere,Old held at M. Rye and uorn mum and uld. itta—The demand for Floor Is moderate-1y active, and pnoes are firm but urchaoged. We note regular sales In store at 4929,23 for Spring Wheat Funny, 159 ! Winter„and ,60601.00 for half Spring and 810Q10,60 for all Winter. Rye Flour 11 selling In a small way at 18,60. PROVIBIONB-13.8c0n is firm and fairly active but unchanged.'” \Salta of Shoulders at 18 , 4@18I4; Ribbed Side.,lisalls34s Plain Hams, 203.027; Plain Canvassed, W. Lard Ls dull Ormly at 2184 e 28 for prima keel* rendered. Small inlay of lieu; Polk at eak,alraka, and Dried Beef .tr. 21. :: ERRE E—There MN", very lair dem.% sad the market is am, and awl:11y llgat, t.ales at P 3 for W. R.; i9(81934 for liamtengh, and 20221 for Fes tau* and Goshen. . BUTTER—Ia In tale detalm ' d and Ina, but prices Tetaaln unchanged ,• sales 0f0.2 pkgs packed at to, and 10 do do, at m®!s cents. EGGS-7 be duLandappearisto be aomerwhgt In agm u of the eumly, and the market teems, though prices are Irregular. We have Sales reported at 04/121e, mostly, however, .1t 20 Dell • a shade hlgnarM3alea at armies of 21 leads at StaGgla per toe, as to malty. MILL FFP Sale of 10 tons al $1,50 ggly6pet end.; also, small sales from tome at the u t i t l LV v —Vi a. s'a ot 850 Mb, an track, at 41 2 .60 - per liv 4 1e red. also, mad sales.= store, at EVOLYEt,M. de- SEEDS—SumS lades of Timothy need Bik es per bushel; and Cloverslo2. Tian seed la ward, ed at 112,75- noirelis market. LIEII.IO3I4.IiBIES—SmaIt stores of Eastern 'Or. Ole par btd—butlew IA ntrkev, and the demand OftEE/V-APPLIM3--ill fictive denuind p er aa With mule? sales of lab to prime UT SW hbL SWEET POTILEOES--Firm and moderately at- Live, oath sales of Ds hue "femora. at 15 per bbl. PEARLAIUR-4 (mutton blithae—aales of a tell! Ivr& LEAD—M darted gem, aL11%.. PITTSDIIRCE PETROLEUM MARKET • • 7300 --- GO Co .. 61 00 THWaSDAY. Sept. 2t. CUIVDE—There is as ofr in the &mend for Crude, and with a light mock and limited re mint., the:mu:net Is flun and prince are tending upward. We now quote at Wft2r.i.bbls returned . and 21a.21%, bins Irrinded, and thus may be re puded as the extremes of the market at present. Sale of WO bbls on private terms; WO at 22, bble re trantd • ItO, lid, and 95, at 21, bbls Included; and one tulk haat, to arrive, at 2234. We hare no late adores Rom the netts. I=MM:I •• • • -- 148 1141 lib 00 • • 17. 00 •• 170 00 /01 00 REFINED—Bonded oil 1. In demand, both far p:eaent and future dellrrry, and with a re. y light stock an End hands, prices are dam with an up• u aid terdeney. Sale of 600 bbli for October, In 605 'Globe,' to be delivered betwer n the drat and fifteenth of December, seller ie option, at 53, free On board cars here; 500 "Globe , for ell Dreetebe-, buyer's option, at 60; and Orri "Mace," to be delivered between the fifteenth end thirtieth ef October, at 61. Free oil I. arm and More 000-100, bit unchanged. Sale of 403 tibia at 70; 200 at 71, and 1000.70. NAYTILA AND RESlDlll33l—There Is some In quiry for b ezldouto, but holders geserally are ask• log on &Create, to sebleb buyers, as yet, are no Italia/ to secede. *O,OO to freely offered, without Rodin genet*. lgaptha inay be quoted at ripe, In bond r ind Man free, according to gravity, pacts.• gee and location. PETROJLEVIIII STOCKS IN PHIL 4- DEOLPHIA. 81,ftlal DUrpatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Pitikkeaursra. Sega 71.180. Oil stocks generally were • K. action better and mcu e actrv,e, and Inc Maple Share an advance of was realised. Naple ?tads Drone% 11%1 Eg 2 . 1 4 inißleElbesmy. Sum a r egg, sun , .Tapeg, 13(; Walanl blaze; 3.,1; Dalai, zit sic. c Lintcck , 1 , 61 ; Sla Sank,.. 24; Ontr.tn,.2%; Gorr. kllntrk,%lJuaetion, 234; St. priebuLas, t 1-16; Tarr Eorneatead, =ago, 2. PEI BOLETI = ISTOCKS 13 SEW YORK. Special Dispateas to Westin* Prom Nsw Toes, Sept. st, VMS. Petrol's= Socha were Onoestoday. E►mllWn and ISSollAtoalt field for $721, sad was In .555111/156 Webs.er and Suebettan rata wets moss active and Ore.. Ms sales wars al the foltoWlef ?Sten Boalesoso Fate., 554 Essestot, txt; Cherry Sue, to; 011ereet, tts; Eyed Farm, pot Webster. 1 4 3 1 Watiros,l.oo; Foe Simple, u; Pteddeal. 1 SO; Mt. has creek, LSO; Baallatucl tam, 77; 0 I Creel, 2 HT; Eyed Fans, 81; 2.(X) !dowses, S OS; Tint Natlosuil, 11; 05511115 ; - 55; Sailed States, 17 is. NEW VOLK PETROLEUDI MARKET. Rpocial Divot,lt to Western Pr n. Raw Xonz, Sept. !1, leas. Petroleum In good demand and Arm, a- 16$11 / 0 tor Crude, angle 4 r Reflood to 80W.% and 11H3a0e for do. Free. ELMllilTl3 BY TELEGRAPH, New York Market. Nev Yoke, Sept AL—Correia a Bands muter a. a to moderaus demand at 4 goiAl46o fur Middling. Roca-6063ta better, at 1,7,71,21.63 for Extra Rale. ;9,6ac683 f r Trade Mandy the market <loathe inn. Witless. —Very arm; Wmte, 112,n3441,10, emalr i inn at the latt..r price. Claare—Wbear, tijy2a bade., at 62121,61 for In. ferlor to good rDelts sad ill:watikee Club, Meta 1,53 f A. bee Mile aukee—the latter Oleo an ex. emer—V,U for t ood Winter Bel Western. $1,050 are for new Amber State, (2,70 7.23 for Whi te e tat.. Bye ateadr. Barley aro Barley Malt quiet an A m. tit ra 102 a bnce , , at Want tot Cutouts! and 10094.: far eound Mtxet Western, the ist'er bungs for Muth allied In Store. Osts ~ ,yo better lot ennad, en lie Unsound Ls beery and deallturg, ofitiffale for unsorted New and Old Werefel, Sod geSinia for toned New and 914 Western. titootalcs—ta.lree tteuly. Sugar steady; Cubs Pau•eorado I:Uralic; Ravens !Quo. Molaases t, Scot. • V Sot.—Doll. Pwraorat w—Flrm at SVigirre to, Crude, Wine to. Refined to Baud. 000 7141,11.16 lot Free. Puormions—pork dull at A31,17Nfj12,60 for New alm.r, ditto{ at e32,r154 foe ettu; 111413t,ed for M-.'s co., t2c.ge,66 for Prime, 11.9 60®19 73 (or I Lms Mess.. Her more snipe. at for Fleas M. ss, and ittelt.6o for Extra Mess. Beef Hams dull. Cut Meats In moderate request, at It GIS< for (boulders and leeA2t4e in Herm Beene On I. Lard armer at 24rY2f,m .Suter liroisr, at ingysie for Ohio, and Seal for State. gamete tiro at 11016%e. New York Stoek,and Money Market. Van Ytom, Sept. 21.—ItIoney acid? at. MG pee cant. Merlins I. sottatoro salvo cod Ittot at lady, Otto gokl. *rat class WM. Gold timer. openlai taX tad clositig at Gorrrsunent Stooks heavy, Eredghts to Liverpool dull and 30. lower for Grain. Stocks steady: • 6 Ms Ilauyous 10131' Central Coal 66, do. ume Issue. WI ;New York tkotral. BR 'lO-4o Coupons... 0431 t Aria 87 7.106, la coad swim. M:14 , 111. lc O. preferret.. 23 Misseurt Sixes.-- 70 111.1aU1gsa Southern 6731 T 4 zu cane Sixes... 63 11. S. prerarrol —. 120 0. It M. eettrecates 1:92 111loola Central—. LiN M. ea M./fonds.... to P3.t5bury6......... 71;4 Ututoo at, U. &N. W M (.It.mbel land Ilea . 461., K. a P. I). U di Lt,tdckaltecr 40 Cerra Haute 83 Cluelanai! Market. VISOLISNATI, S pt. M.—Storm steady Superfine aces—Wheat d, mer 11141,90 for PrLine Old lied a= !IA! for prime New el. Cora unallastiell, at Be for strictly arum! Ear. Oat, to good de posed et a2642Na In the claret pr. K. dull at 630 for New awl WI tot Old. laity dull =4 pricer 00=1001: Watawr—itdranced to Abe. Pruyietone—lirmer; Mei. Pork le bald at 02, but fel Is the best ratei - offe.ed. Bulk hies brawn Shoulder, lea ; Sides Ile, and these Side leo. Bacon tending upward; Sbdulder. , f Ides leligjlec, and Clasp bides Rio Lica Is not offered; small sales of prize city ware at 26X0. price; and In good demanl at full prints; ()hems Mu; aro; at leggle,tie. Butter dm at 1203f10. Mortar Man - sr-001d leis 4, Weather clear and plea's:lL ' Cbleigo Market. • Caicaoo, Eel*. , 41,—notqa dtm at 0,C1V513,12,X tartly:lsm ELIO?. • - _ Oxam—Wrest ibd htibte,"aloand firm at $1,4101,41% Rat, istrlipll442s for No. V. Oom active aadlfirto atoilnig at atm lop t 70. I, at4,11:4,1110 fot'NO. 0.• Oa I &cavil; ne, 110hIVINIC9-DUIV ' ..faopeumm—Moderately active,. raitiouTa—Oa • 45n Com iMel 940 on Meat Buffalo; . • . c /1947 ,00 - d r o; d M . U l o h o o ol 4 d0 . , 7be4.4,000 bulb; 'Snirmilifs-riout. 4,7.4 Obis; Wisest, 16,0 W tin; OotA, 4.3,!.10 do. bt. Xouta Market ET. Loptr,Sept. 21.7-I,IOTrON sttady at Ilene; tee. Ipts 656 baler. Toalcco—adraoted OtlaCEI per ewt. EL.p..—Lower at VA; fa Slagle Extra, laftl0;15 for 1/t uale Extra. assaa—tlora Arcs at &Mak. Osta le lower, at 46649 a. stJ9,J@9,2e. FRovisionis—Uleas :grits 210. Butter lower, at Oa too Choice tub. Buffalo plerket. itorrato, Bap , . 21.-21.00ditea67. 4:MAlN—Wheat rm. better; No. I Milwaukee sprit , g IL/3,61,6W.. Corn Cram and mon active: . 'No. Waraki 113133. Oats nominal at Op. : Barley—atatsllakk. • • . , Pnovtrukaa—Pork - Bial. Lard, .253.' Waraza.-42,24,_ Li ''" CAaaL akre—to Neal' YOHr e Wheat, Hai .Caro, ll4t OM,ge..- .• ~ PLAgdeLpld a Martino run APV4m I 4, • 30 12 1 . ,- ; I • — P ,, FRoLzini—trA* ikaagra. f' , Fuatralttali Saiartlna farm, arat Extra id, Cjiall—V7Deittititee; Old Aterat,lo. Cara! Ernst Tallow air: . xrii!attitttalto7 " 0 , 43, tialthilart—Mittet. davrixolir, SlV,2!.—Furod Arm IA , e 1 liana rood for Trade - Studs. a Lux—Wheat Craig Hrd lees. - corn salve{ Viler gwratt•-a1c8.4 310 , sad X• 110 of edo. 014 ,advainFO 14r20• • of ß = Ag _ s P t . L iTa b t l i ( thla "mg ertitti?v e : popper Ta 115,1121,11 '""`"°`l 2 alum, 442 Isle Hotel, 5; Qulsch6.2l-11,2012. - - •••••....• • 'The Troaliatte Tie recent meeting of Traci Mairateincirets at elyydaud, eyes us the materials for calculating the decline of Iron manufacture In MI below the azure. to *Mai it attained In Plea While some shoran( this decline II dititlo the 414eirforritaillte prices of labor and Supplies prevailing or the list .11 admits, still more la doe to the_ ti.ing of thedoor to foreign Iron .. The most strifaetir reported at that meeting Were,' gm, that of twee : ty•one anthracite furnaces la tabschwilidn vol ley In blast in 1664, and making Iit,OZO tons of icon, but eight are in blast in ISO, making WOOS to SO, 000 tone. ,01 twenty &gritted e furnaces On • the Lehigh, making 211,000 tons of Iron, butelaren continue bleat, making probably 75,000 tons. Of twentpose furnaces on the upper 2 usouebanas, but [Oct remain In tdattillZl Of MCllteal on the • Lobo. Susquetuutne, but • ire remain in blut. Generally the anthracite furnace, make not more than one-third se. much iron in lardos to 1860. Pritsburah has thirty two Iron works, and sin great steal-establlahments. Of these, the number ellen{ le eleven Iron works; and two steel works. But one furnace out of Lite Is In blast- Phll.del pldn, with eleven rolling mills, to low producing but ten per cent of Its production In init. The great Danville collier mine are silent, win mayn than half the works of the like character through out the country. Banimarc 6la/ko „ —Sept. 20. Alcohol—We nohee it& saleof 60 bbls western 95 per cent it $4,60 pertalL ' Coffee—Very little doing here. Some to nary, but stock small with very little prime. We no • lice a sale of 68 , hex, ordinary Rio at 151.41 c; prima held ab 813 322 c gold. At New York today WU 3 bags U.o Bald st rya 1 :4 hush Were& ta-daYI Included In the sales were MO bush white at 112.20 i nn Ptfint or cbales sold; CD One red brought/Ala per bush. eorn—Only 1207 blab received; Wee reported ,mbrece Use bush iltfleriOr white at Sic, email 10 ■ good at 0)c; and 250 both yellow at Bra pet bush. Oats—Mae bush offered; demand good, Is It eaten of 480 old • crop at 0)c weight; 000 buck new at 43046 c. Err-rat= el 0:0 boa t' at EU cat" per both. bum—Stock. light, sad at desirable qualities 'cot... , Tket main compd.. ICI Mid, (Juba at It tie ul4e. bulk at 0t101154.1. and 261attaa Porto Woo laoo34aper la.—Sua. artgland frlarhlr , —.Sept. 20. Flour—steady and firm ; ales Sao bble goo \tty brands XX red. 4t.114.50;m bbla choice du db, Whest—dull and heel'. mats 2000 bush. new Nor red, Ore on brlerd r et 1;99; altertrerdllg estiKdo do, at 91,641 . NO bulb NO 9 red offered lit $1,94X wltbou. buyers -0017 end held strove sqvgeof buyers ; sale I tie No 9 mined, from store, at 611 OW,. Oars—dull ; rile 2ears/rpm store, at do ItN""l7,fo—nottting doing. Barley—dUll; 40V No S aging horn teems, at 9%00. Iron Market. The market continue. active and cc the at. c.c... with !MTh or nothing . doing In pig meted I'm the want of stoelt make,. generally haying cold us. at prier. within tit, tango of 1135640 for knee, and teteth s per ton for frundry, which t. vel y centre and now generally held Mauer. Scotch pig lit r nod held at *Mate. Bloom. are worth ,ttteC IRS per ton. For' manufactured the demand'.. good ands prices fu Iy sUatainell and dt tn.— Norm American. IMPORTS RY RAILROAD. P1TT571111.6131. FORT W•llll,fiC 1.7H96.u00 FL it., Skri 21 bbls Heed & Johnston; 741.11. s oats, LI Hes, Jr; 2.4 - pkgs P Stla, etc, Mesons& Har ps, ; Wm //sawed, .1 1.1 Canned; 9 doo tubs, E Hex. slstno; ado vrash-t.ards, H Dalzell; 114 WAN nous, E & co; 2 rolls 10007 er, Overige &. Chest; nut; Z 6 Jos palls, Means & COIN 104 bias hour, bd Is broom hannbes. Watt & WUson; 3 bbls sp. 0", 6 pkg. lane, L H Volga & co;Xl cur wheat, Ks nne, , y r Elm; 20 bss oandls, 6 1 c0ntIousb,1calth & co; 50 bbls flour, Ora am tr. Thom.; to& aka rap, Clodfr. r & Clark; 47 bss cheese, Shoo:sakes & tO bbls hlghtelnes, Lambert & Sl:Upton; I ear es, J J Halt's; 50 bbl. floor, Koos & Me rtes; 17 lbss peaches, 6 pkg., T lac3ItIlso; 6 bbls mins, !a .0. 114”sed, H Riddle: 7 bbls apples, F. tzer & Arenstrore; ico bbls flour, Culp & Shep ard; PO do dO, W Llnbert; 26 bbls-lar4 oil, J uIl & Son; 33 bb;. hassles; T H Nevin; 1 bale wool, Ithllde & Semple; It kg. shot, A Gordon• too dor trona., .1 Palmer; bbls lour, Jas. 01;dIster; 50 pigs tlasseed,Rhicputach &K 00000; 11l Aka barter,' 7 Rhodes; VI DNA collets, Majtaly It to. CtsgraLkan 71..t0 NI - rascally' R. R. Sept. 21. Rabbis apples, Stingeort di Bre; 20 bxs cheese, Grail & Reiter; 4 do do, John Daub; 9 Olds pesrls, J B Csadleld: 390 blues, 0 N Roffstatt; 1760 bars trob„ 'Hussey, Welts & oo; 680 bush wheat,l Lig gest & no; 11 tons metal, Jas. Wood & Son; I boo O'oes,,iit.L.Fatitsktook & co; I /did tobacco. 0 W Jet ktsisoa; kV flour:. 60 bx. cheese, 9 bbl, sppl , 5, UR . &WM & Loot; 100 bbls flour, s 7 B Leedh; 37 calks tobacco, J W ?spent pkgs and oat meal,Ji.ba N Porterfield; (1 bxs theta% A 1 ' Itels• 47 03 do, B Didzstl & .00; 9 'Obis' apples, 4 M . 9! s"ti,r and e . g., "' l l l 9 i"&rdW ss Has n; 45 pkg. b utte r, 4 sous ftgs, o. tisk:lmo. 9 • co- t Obis H Riddle; 9 bls fl oor, W LU aka IDII4 Spenser & .9LeKar .eat sato, D N tloostti•T; 2 bbls seed, At 6011, Le ' s & oat 3 Nam. tobacco, John George; kgs butter, Gook, Bro & eo. BITES IfiTELLIGISNCL 7 bete was eight feet mat In the channel last night by the mark. on the piers or the Horton. gybe* bridge, and the river we. falling. Dual pas was about as usual, insights earning down rather Blow. The Weather wit nitinb Wermerttan It haebeen lot someday. peat. 76. Gleaner, rUspt.'.l. H. Potter, from Parkers burg we. the only arrival yesterday. Her man- Mat found lo ado.her column. A prom. inept article in her freight wee a large number of new On NUN'', chipped R, m Pezkuaburg to parties &Lig buaLice• hare, She leaves tc-day at the regular hour on her etnra trip. On eecouot of the se strati , of freight., boat■ losdit et the wharf and advertised to leave (or their, e•eral porta have been delayed. The Dic tator mooch olised everything wh Ile she wee in The Caa ells, Cap'. Jes a Dean's handsome packet yid mate positively for Cinch:lean and Lenient& dal ti sitar, Ilm• cabin Is nearly filled with pas or ken, aid ht r fn Ight will all be down to time to el use Mr to make an early Start. Passengers •I d . hippo C. will pie... take notice. The lilt. Capt. Arms rong, is about loaded, am will leave without tail title even ng for St. Paul .dthe ports on the Upper Ma elestpid She •DI take a ba.m. loaded with about two hundred tote of r 13 . 0_4 I.oi to Hannibal; MO. The hent.ldes, tient. M. A. Ces, with Mr. Fisher la t: e la there. Louie pa let, !ening to. 4.:ept. Loa hlmrcll le to command, and he to to w. tt imtwo that any endorsement @UMW: Gam.ur hams wou eupe,dloll. Remem• be e, to wilt go Nsitivel y, The ••31ton!e" be name of •ve bone& sme little biome, lust tl• lobed at our wha.f. ry ller bull wee bit It at hiehennon by •4. htioeloger It Son, tad In Its ft.et nn lent feel, and 162 feet on deck inn ral . Mer beam t Si to et a Inches, and he r bold Ilse feet la 'he clear. The cabin, *blab Is re, y ber,doome, was built by Manger & Onaldy pi booth Pittsburgh, and /s finish,' in white sod se. Der mm. hint ry was furolehed by James J a, at da;e ot the following dimerialutas On- Ind.,' a, is limbos to diameter, sad forte foot stroke; boll, rn two 1 number, 43 Inches In dine s& r, audits feet long, wheat, In feet in diameter, ilk bunker. M feet t inches lo leng , h, and re llebre wide. ebe draws tt inches light, end lin • t. 4 111 . y.e 01 Lona meaouremenh bhe w it painted by Wm. Selma. Rae furniture le In m the lengths...nit of Healey & Soaker. allatuen, of Federal Men, Allegheny. The up. holsters is [welshed by Rodemen & Weiderholt. eFartend It C. 1,11 • fund.. the carpet, which al •Ss ry nt& me. The uueensware and pantry lumen& to from Gott; te Dore. 'The chandeliers lose buui,lat of Wm. N. ()suet., oo IllArket•treet. The e.lacus sad gulidlete ate the handiwork of J. The gewt.ipe fitting It by Calm. & aw ford. Grecey did the blabkareithing, and Pseidge I. Roberts ittniblied herb oche and tack le. As she now lieest the bonding, eke cost 033,090. bLe wee Lullt under the immediate aupertntend. rectal Capt. IL FL shew,ehe tr , il. command bar—end L owned by Capt. Shaw and M. S. Melt. hs m & Bro., of St. Lout& end wilt rot as a vague It. acket belwent St. Louie and Lucille Blur, on VI bite riper. Her cabin 'acwommodations are very frhe, beviegatarty4wo state rooms, eight of eta, hate In the ladleeseebtn. liar pllot bowie is , the mete.' lateen of the Dictator, being eight el di d, sod surmounted by a Ilgt.b.house. She will Wilsey to leave on her And trip about Tuesday ar W, dnesday, next. In the office, Mr. Alenander P al m er. McCannel pre• Ades, w as by Mr. Star Palmer. Joel Bake and J.nn H. &atm'. Oct as tint and seeded mates; 'The Azlnenla, Ce%. A.. 11. 130Patac pa stet, loOkitut as fright as a dolt., haring been tbo , oughly escheated and painted, froth •stem to etc., ulna new furniture and new carpets, and to fact lookity Jun 1 to a new beet. will be the mend trd. lout &Jackal, end will be ready to receive fseight on Mosey. espt. A. Me Joltu n, Jr., pnaidn. In the office, and a more genial mid p.ess. lien , lenian to travel with it woold ho bar/ to nod. It, tl e way, ladles, Ontl. MOM um has t•un hand a new p.. 0,, f the Anent tone ail ha lal, and that aellltte a great inducenent for you to travel lo his bosh 00 the 19th lost., the Mlailmippi river was el. erg item the !twee rapid., do • n and eta .1.11,1 abate nu medds. There wee nun:teeny, flinch.. cal from Colo to Keokuk, Led thine' and e bolt feet In the rapid,. Thelllinnie woo aWeilind, with ten feet In tee @haunt!. The Missend wee also with Ira feetl4l the lower, Met of the rise, am f. ur feet at Len enworth. 'rho • Cum. Wee, Dine rag Tour feet in the . . tow er Tennant*. The iievadalirrived at. SL 1,00/.1 03- tht 909 bud. be Bete 'Patinalit Vat- situ due osAtitt C 5 5 Yfle . nlliactitl tiVet at Let ington , to returning to-the nine, elllneet-.9. 9 ..vreSpoq ptteea year. on. -The nit/lieu lan last ilLibt tjr Ott Oity. We are yew med by one or our oldest 110{13115,5212 Captatite,l that *Utile IL It linentork Ct that myt enl intik/Waal utheoldest inhetiLant," there hat only been one season like, the past, and It Wee rueceedrd by a very seveuttelnter,Auring which, the rive, Wlllfr sea over. et this place for three qtaths. A e hopentillkeAlllslutu may bailtru. this winter. - . Frompestrnlavalnuatt commerrisl we leant that the rivet had medal' at that point dining th B:retie/leg rt :kturs thirteen Wanes. There was 18 fe. t of watet to the ehtnnet to Loniatida an I tLlere were but two f Ist ed ..t i li t e j. lir v lbtriaail r iver The Delaware peeled blaaltinatt bound l lar a Pg berth day beat° staterday. She" had 6114104 d on braid. Pala let g na-tnehdilek passage on the Nevada al PAlrbdrib tot LonMelllm. On the way down r bat, ccaS uid chest wore found on board, but tie ream 11.1nyilning, Search fear ed made, but he cculd torte fence), cud It la feared be fell Oyer bean., end wail dcpweed. -lf au, h be the ease. hls Wends can find hl baygage oo board. He had oa' *late etrdenly pants, and was about. forty•llve yea (dant from appearance . Walt..li the steamer Olty of Calm, uf ob his 'reliant from' that steamer, was 'pre. strati!bp Ws blather onlitra with a bandit me set' ofillsontidelaltt duds. ' The:Sew itirjearharfeertme,ol the ups : the Cross reporia_ aciihing fun hie concerning Red hirer than what we bare &hell Ptitath,d. rts : One and ball feet water oat e prtnetpat bits; Thaeowia had every good trip ot cotton. We onder.taadthat. Grlgb6 on cotton, at Shreve:, part, tuva adtaneed•to Ithe pre bate. We are in. form d that thervkidge Pletcher took cohort et Inte , •9 4 " la 00 Pet Aga. This to whet may be .h er a vnT a:Testy , ftillfuvad. : plial4.lla4JiAuus were but eater eitougla.tti ited.biret, we don't .oppose Bowwe_ IVY ountlil •havepri UAW - Imbuing art ianywhera lo,liwad ces - WILI, donetit sesTeM one. ' Hatet'Thr es, rapeAlrews. rh arrined Wont , Pittabtogk, leithight :113 bales of eottbri. hThofgeleety &Brother sold yesterday, atettation• the - Clyde, for Atli. , 711r.Thottuartiletr 4E111114 grantbaser. 'The. GOveianieat steamer,. TJbarty, withrtbarge loaltd 'filth hay in row, while going dewrithe • .elseirpt - firer no Satneday worming, the Skehtet., • before Osylight, wired:at:4 the head. bt Prophet's isiumgv:ata will ptobebty be tithed. . The Silver Lake was admtlatd to ban "atta for this Os es 4l 7. • T1 . E, ! 1.M1 Mar rs. I.)ALTIKORB AND PRIMER VA.—Ttai new sad conatiodlocia Steamer WZNONAII, Qapt. Jos: //Awns, rune reaniarly between ti shove von. ones • week, leaving Balti=rem bat wharf, foot of South street, every BnDAY AFTER NOON, at a olebeek, and Pet derintsatirich"tm TUESDAY moalun G. P and carried at low rata. Throtigh attended reia,. Eferchandise from Boston, New lirort, Philadelph or elsewhere, consigned tO care of SteamerWENONAH, will beisken churl of Mei tortstaly upon its arrival In Baltimore, charges paid, mid forwarded promptly, free .or commis sions. Parsons from the Northern Stake d to view the Battle Midi Of YAWL% or.t a Ngl en after the bodies of frids and dohs killed in the battles of the Wildememe, Obanullereville, Ender - kW rush. or Sporasylvarda Oond House, have a eplendul opportunity of doing so by this route. The WENONAH is provided with excel lent Statorooms and Berth Aceonunolatieme and Is in every respect a tirstelass Boat, being new, fast and commodious. For information, freight or passage, apply to or address JUS. WRITE, Purser, on board, or JOG. JA NI FS TATLOE, ASertt. 2U West Fails as.., Baltimore, lild • of HANNIBAL, KE O L KU K , 421HURLINGTON,HOOK ISLANDIII(tE AND ST. PAII..—The dt:ga' wager CITIZEN, Captain Azntrrt,wLl eavr DA T. the above and intermediate ports on For freight ojpirsa i t Vi o on board or to Bell JOHN' FL.AI.I.: "°D ' eieats. FOR CAIRO AND BT..LOIIIS. —The Clue new steamer MINNIE. ()apt. A. H. Shaw, wlll leave as above. -oa 8A USIDA_V, the Ini Inst. For freight or passage apply on hami N . t o J. D. COLLLNOWOOD, rA „.. t .. sets JOILTI FLACK. 0 R CINCINNATI AND • LOUISVILLE.—The llha ste. rue OA MELIA, Capt. Jere. !Jean, will ' isage .. tug =LB DAY, the 20th inst. For freight or osatagg apply board, or to JOHN salt 3. D.' OOLLINGWOOD VOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. —The Ace and COSIIIIIOo4OIII passim. ger Meanie( LEMM' Captain M. - Colt, Imre for the above and intermediate ports on r lllitS DAY, J. the *7th loot. For freight pan WOOD, apply in board or to J D. CULLING 'en JOHN.FLECK. 4 . A lf° ate. • drIEDIC4 G. cotroa moat. Ts: STRI MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM STRICKLAND'S NELLITLCONS 008 GB BALSAM Is warranted to cure Coughs, Ooldi Boarieneez, Astlecos, Whoorini Cougb, Son •Tbrost„ Consa=pt-ton, and all effeations 'Of Hug Throat and Long& Ror mile nett! De, Hai PourD We; ; tom rI.T..I%.2iLrajECCEI436. Ali the Illedlnal me an! the Wow mamma 4. STRICKLAND'S ANTIAJELOLLXA. 1)131, PURE as the Only emtaln remedy for Mamba:alai Dyrra nt tentm7. It L s combination Cl Astfingezta, Abtorbanta, Stftnunusza and Cfarmfmsy fen and L waed to trent a once site! Masao Gaya Wed. • ro v tfr r th ....w t = 4; u c . itm a STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. DB. STILICTELEEVS PILE lIIME:DY oared thousands of the worst cesql of Blind mos Bleeding Piles. It gives Immediate relief, and al tents a permanent Guns Try It dlmstl DOA wu For sale bp all Draggles. General Depot, 4 Hut Fourth street, Onclonatt O. Dtrepepeia, Bervonsneia. Debility DE. STRICKLAND'S TONIC. Ns eau recomouto4 Chose sofferlog• with ton gi.erate, logigauttoo or Dripepsts,ltenntosuras add Nervous Debi:son or yd. • Tutlo It Is • • regetahle prepara,,osi, hee from aladtholle n 02 1; 4 strongthear th• whom =Tow; trates • good appell s tutuityul Latest:mated= *nets sod Nervou of sale lby • • • . GEOEGE H. IC Eysta. Pittsburgh. R. E. SELLERS &00 , • JOS. PLEADEO, • N. DeOLAREEN &.00..• • Crs ARLES SUPER, - 0 •i• =MON. GEO. 'A. 'KELLY,' Allgttustr; City. oetrt:lrd.rast FORTI TALES PRILOTIOa ,sExtrAL Duras= Glveo me a lorkowledga sol4ozo aoqulroct by Phial cans. Wy long frobloom La MU dry, aria. Amon= of pefP , trotted ananaly by nu% art ITfliefoot woof of 617/ memo.. P L EILDLATORIM a.A.oeSEXIIILL WRAzR .Abt 41 &sews orking therroftwo. &IV frwzrA anieft-thortor Mao Gunn beretafors b ypr2(slll VEGETABLE ILE IdEDIPS. kfoclldab wad. shy part cattle Union. AU lettormost actuain.s. le stamp to pay return_ poAtogo. : Cormipandamot Ulf oscreo. Office, 1311numpaL_ -steels; nowfiNs WetAddyess J. W. GRABrEigfp, M.D.. Y Vox foo.P. 0. Pa. FRIVATIS D 151168.313. Office 233 PENH STREET. neer HAW, For the aura or en diseases of a private nature, Aron two to four darn, b an -M•thntiraeir and lap treatment. Also, r3emlnal Wealmess, and allot-Res diseases of the ganttal organ; and Melt prevention. A sure warranted or mono refunded. lobes hours—lto to a. m,. t 34 toe, and Ito F. ro.. Andreas letters W.. Ow Pean von POAL AND LIME PROPERTY •✓ SALE—On the Stmabear the Railroad, atm ogles from the city, CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SIX ACRES, Steals and Water -Flouring and. Saw and Otberelno IlapiOverosats. For further intonnaGon, apply to WILLIAM W. (Opposite t Oathe AßD drad, /9 111 Granet a street, No. O)a. GENERAL .DRAUGHTING OFFICE AND PATENT AGENCY. No. Li ST. CLAIR STREET, near Somme= Radio. H. P.G=.7ERERBE, In:wince. Lexideneo No. 14 Nor street__ llEwiTT's POLYTRICUM FOB. THE HAIN, tar eknowledged by all who have Wed It to be A No. 1. Try lt ye doubters sod. be gm:viand For sale by all drutglata. 1 BLAB& =LEL FLl r ti4LiptrEt CERTIFICATES, At J. L. READ'S. set No. '3 WORT!! srsEET. SPENCERS AMU y PALE, CRUX AND AMER ALES Plicenix Steam Brewers'', errrsa URGE. Pa RETItov - 11,. WELLS, BIDDLIL h OU, hays -removed their szteadye Whip_ Store- and Factory to No. M6 MOOD- STUMP, oorner of Vixen Alley, wboro they are pmarod to orders tot WVIP LAZ U.== ASID SWITUHES promptly at the lomat prices. awe B Vr sweet ir.ER-45 kegr.l Cii=rE-25 bcxea t xtrs Cream Chem. EGGS-4. birri/i treili, now tag:saving and zurFtzw..x l NQ:. 21 WYLIE STEE.rigi !titan TO. ORDER pEA.II CUTTOTa Az! . p 1110DELS , F012. EW DSTIVITZDAL _ Antbazatai J. 80114MIBLARElt- flitsburgh White il4alt-11:0Zks., PURE WIIITZ LEAD. BLUE LEAD OBOVEM OIL r y a PAINE. LNG OIL BASEELS: etB NO. GA WOOD ISECE.EI% jaarald, 21/51411, 43 . 1 tPllitgatv. =IIMPLLOIT DRA asor ONS, for MI lades ilt ootkotteora Intends Melt erection on ransonsblit term. SAM* .an ANDS/MIN sTietEr.• bismmt: Lucca and fifties**, Alturnoarrilirr! IttEgfEcit. & imo, .7 , - rpiriiii Ilandeii6lll 4 ) 7 4:o 4 n. its; .. nrazuraitimiiditiewli;.Patitiii awake. vsl.6l' 1., steam Engines, 011 ED 0 went , f 57.6. ....chbersyShaltlav, Hanger; COTItP-11217t6011 SIG PULS Aug Repairing sad passlog . o,p a Prom 1 .4 1 tundal to. • . . ,•. . r, Aug I raotrwrzat ' - ..44:.;.;a9lurroar STEILL it BAILEY, matr 4tae4.l 3 oketsApil!esilEstittigapti utsinesua 131:1•TTEe1yc, keit I'olll_oMo' -.• •: - Tor b '' % iftuckits Watsteitilisseccvs.lls4Str. • ' '• • 101 cetssocelik4:4414 Butter • , y- •-• • • - 1‘11.V11.113T,100- • • : - nostraanding to toi i!a4t. 4.%&10,EL DNISXIC . tcoo. B • - G.TULur. - N. HOLIEES' Sr"; S(VISJ fro. 57 7 . itarl4t, Street, Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS SIMEITED RP PAR PONDS AND ‹ • • Gollectionsmane an all the principal hs: OI United 4tatai and Canada& sivoiss, BORID LAD OTEIEn SEXIIIRITI.II BOUGHT AN SOLO O f COMMISSION. sale partutthr attVittlol:l pal to the Rumbas/ en of UMtED gr . ATIR, BlnittrlES, 1;11Dd !Rani 15640 of ism 1420 s ; • Do. Km. 10.4013_ - as. efrrapnirues Do. Dqvilimr of l3gebtoiilo.. ODS:IEDi AND tOtratiliaS 'sow= as "Agar otaxEcrth DOLLAR bIi.VINGI3 BANS, NO 65 Foam SINEW. ret ums. Opera Dom ceeloek, also es .Wsdnee. Asp and SaturdsyPrecdp e4 freat ?Up let to No , verther Ist; Dom 7 thee' fee DOM lst to May let treat *to °Vona. . Deposits tesehipt Of all raw atm* kairthailOte Dellsr, and a 11hddentt al the profits ttordered twine • year, la -Tam 'extEl:Dedertedlea Latereel has •beert dedirel- sead4attaattp, Itt,Jtute sad • sloes Due - Beak "irtufergaaltett, at the r i rKM per Beat ; sTear Merde s esoe t, sotltor draft cot,, Is . phuted to the RIM. the as ftdpel sot burs ths Mae Interest Broom De dod, darter „Thee sad Deeestberi, •• eteepetuullor twice o Tar without Mathes the tor to gal, er oacy ,o pr to pAr ouble ieleatimuhtsms be t , thu tats . Books, etentatnlng _the Ohartir,l3i , Lsia, Rabat sad Regulations, Ithatehed ‘ gratla, ea lIPPDOPaea et the omee. • . # Perimmit=ii:ollOE /MtIMIS; , WIIILm .T.Aadersozhj- , . - .••A..fll.Pollock - , ht. , Jots G. Itsalcotea:- • :Robert Eob). Be*. Es•palosetudy-"- John Shoseberter, 4t; Sautes Herd:sum, • . James Jere es. IteAtday, • Alexander DPW. •.• lasso M. Pease*, Christian YeAtar... WIT ZIII. - Calvin Adams, AIS Henry J. Lyn*. John O. Bfndley, Petra A. Madeira, George Bieck, - John Blarthell, lilt Buritwia, . Welter P. Itlsodudr, Alonzo A. Center, Jamie R. D. Bleeds, Charter L. John Coltort, Jolla Orr, B. tdereddea.l Wm. Denies, A Evan • • Dewy hn John J. Ottlesple, Is S3e matt, Willlant EL Haven, Alexander Tlndls. Pates H. Husker, WWI= WADY, Richard Hays, I; il Pat Jam i Tr e eS, COLTON. er , • Geoessrp--.7ABIES D. D. DEEDS. 11.1lxlew PEE EXCHANGE RATIONAL BANK 0 f Pltebnrg• Chartered by net I*lloliOrgaidzed ander Stall: , of Pa., 18164 4,000,1100.1Na1iel Law 186 i This Bank ma beeniesignaud , • DEresrrAny 0* TELE '• - United Stites -Treistiryt And aPPoLate4 , 7.4=4 Every twat/ win 'grim/14thie,ff:krPar.$ . . Ec. MIIRRAT.otWaeII'-'' omit . - PEOPLES' b - Of PittB u-Tg - Capital Paid fa 44006000, With Lev:to:82,000.000.- AND WOOD Makin Hot= CO lidaitank; eissaisedlnidei the National Bank , ins Stem is now mitred to tiansaet badm strets. an at itßanktneitonwsornez of Wood gain* Collections clads on 'all accessible points on - stoat. Dismal -teristr.l,6oeatialldninatihr.444 COOKE, for th e sablophe _ . V. 8..7, 3-ti ream Notes. - sanutrs. nes Preiatiii . • ~ • F. M. cHaaDON, McPARE,O O W:TO II7 . `.illil.~'i'L~'.H_=TllSEltB.;lTe'. I•lT4 . nma - I>H • ,G4 I UW) .• jsuccesiors a-po u!!:4'.irr• FOITADERS.. A QO .15Iannfaetirous xot thißiat Boilers o f all atetti Don, Steel, Brass, Ziba, Copper, Silver. Straw Ilowis,:_Parrer _ant India mama :Woeforf , ateo, M.lll - Carnage of all &ascription.... • 17 ark Milla Patent Dotfele tirizuler, ulth a yule. of other 'patterns, altop oz. hood and Mood to • " order on short-notice aneiNiaeorable-terros. Oftloe and Warehouse, US Butt , iie..l4 street, Pittsburgh. - • ABrENAL .61.1.E$ 170.11113.- XODES, : g,YRIFBi.OO4' Elm* and green tasoswarii., Drucifirts.l Ware. mottles.Dedlloblin,.Carbors.'4te.- Workout:X(4:M MairES STllEET,Bsrprzzar a511.2)3F/ELDANIS Q44.PrrlrritEErS, P111113.1.1.-RGII,, • ,_• We vanszt our Waxes to oo NlZtt6e m &nand - tired ,West. oti.he tab= L , 'hare on band, GI/mime o tile above disealptlee. dll orders promptly. attended to. _Petticnttst • Lttote ilea paid to NUM.:I=O4XL. -• ---in6411/ , 8LA.C444.4.740/11? - 13T4gra rErt 5 1 1 ;.4 1 38 Pi g is . _ - PARK; POTHERAt- txvT . BEST GLOALITY FESZNED CUSS Sqiire,ltisflaS 00.ftta,* all dm; Wisaal/ - :Legg!? aT . l7l..apos.all!/^ examallasaaat la itti, isr coke sadivareoti Noa." I 11121 , 161 z. d 12) Sind =I SZOOND lllN=lll,Mtrazgh.FlßS7t SUPERIOR 010 we ire 'eOeitinetfdr, oikk.•l. - sul.Ticsr . - •s - 7 - o=4 1 ZiI.M.V.SisXZM Either a Common or Zabittii-' Botlei We ielitaparties - needteg endue foot ate par. pm, to gal end see utezi eCtneE , Of. PUS 1114 tYLIAI3II isTHELlV.neetcts7 water Wore. leg 2.l49ElNTOStknZattitiLL OM s .1e buttir. ItEDDLE.; p/LTENTED`'IDOTOpER,S; 4.4(ar. i nth - MD(744 MEM? orca Lamp lasimnelleil • Mainfaciiiielf'dMVPruit Glag, - nese tßolormi - aro =Wtan for USG AstarrOoks oesitiror on posts otAka,Pfts ak(1140 palm it to motion, Dri ' FotkEit4 o .*yy:Washingtozr-streeti' aPttr i ; • • --PittoblE4r4a'airt's ilai 4 wrzi.": - '3111.03.11 , 1 941 P '_ , Eomgr.t• • , ~- riali } bit ' t tattg ll AM di !rat t i L CC 2 gr ozaz;ro, between 4erol - Anil thos467, , ; 4ousosonry ,ziiliofoOtaioo . of Tr !GET 4. ros , neniatlit '-: Pokrem.z. oscruswaaget. - __ exNra,enattaPantr• dm . Ezra:tag or klas n to ' lei-Tit . JO= E. =max. - JOHN B. HEffai . . 004 - - Asti:ma ZitretzkifXaotrareara, AND IRON, FAINDERN ines‘iii Fn.q • tlB NO. bi tallEßTi STRtZT4. BOHOThaidICW . J ---- wr r_lcunritactmeta-av'-,-,:- uel Dealer In LlNSE3Dar4lsl.,ing4 JAPAMS ZUNTEBS , BLIL tal /to. .02fte• ar4W Eta: Iffiliur-iusituttsixa • BEMULSAOI474O. Water,.. 416' 'MtelislauftestaijoiSOWElL____)47. SELLmaisonagamplwßos s , • ? ?1 =u12 4612 = 1"- orstutist lute or unit, mar sict. eftesaituogli stoko94 pod- asasetamos amistikazkasMa4.- ImMilara D.. 131unett#1, and In; ereettl_ WARS - . • , 7, fST.opaer-4t,r,04,40a PLAICERD 000 bitSlt for *Wolf iro martatz Sricts4 l : , .-;-;' , —,.., • ..,' 1831.therty street. -_ ;- . sess_ . , 'Ile; it...33EuBir.-09. A PPLEB,- , bq - , - ' 14,10AAFTELDA =t=M otatmaicrt. lat2l7DElta &Domed • •
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