'! ---- "I VIVALIATED.—HafIII. — . 4 4O a - unions°, • v v owt. ,sohiVrorwitwr i la isirairpa IV or Chamig, by • rectusman: hlo Vl.l .ll lW ire A . 4l 44411i WART -RD.-BOARDING. Ea Plttatugh or :11iiia171rit3&gam A m wife with oaa child and nuns. Two ad. Anita totals,WOMitthe sramam 117 praferted. Iteretanees azdamsel. Address X. at this othae. • D—AGARDENEEI.OnO: who =Satsumas till busLonaland la Willing to Wand to • horse and cow, mi man himself natal noon illarkinue. • Anisind. Inn Wltlioni alindreapieferred.“Entela al ; DUNS. VAN ER ' • No. 'IS And SO Market BLIe•L ? ANTED, A SALEganuld, Ong Ivh4 d's or the Dry Goods bad nsn"e ir9 cf WE , muse.. - -- `PANTED.—A SUIT - LE MAN, TO snd ittntit Wens of coat, Ire clay, malt 011. about flti Wien from tkla _city, in a tqa oendortabla ant plea:sat location on • ranro 21 ossa Band apply onto isnot essopto eat PO moo IV the whole Wog with akill and ability. -To • rood manager a nay &Wattle illtUalbln fa °glued. AZI appliaant mutt Inzaftlan• 'ra ybat testiolo. Milo and quaillloalloan Tanabe/at , meld . ..18/LIAll,lplrgET tr. CO. 1500 AGl32"ra W '' ' , ;;TO 73 1'!.! W : f. ' L T " OF_LINOOLIC TVir Vc:rciN i q fralatildiiiii% 'NM Meet: ASTrApiwoiko 7 Bi• it.teklitre , •-t, t lintarmr.,,inui, 1 ' gm ~, 0 ' . -VIM EtilllPAMlSTAmildt ,tc ....Vl"' afeier‘YokksTratteerOadtaritril” Mgad. InfataiShiraa V. ^ % lukir a li i '', Mr ihtlatedrWit ,h. .itylt .... ilitt; ed . : thottlik, Vditt - 2 'aWirrid; Itotte, t Mteed, , Mti=3 . , yews Ids eanotet lididuceethdbc pis wasp* and almost seitactifone Jourciey •4111 Aar tail) dredd -abound to - IXAMILVIZIOMOtitL.OO. lad• dad en4romeoso of s lip war than 007 Other mak /0 pauthid,—..is. .'.. 4 f —. 1z...1 sta4llisebemLtdiety etwrirette, and eurpe. assaysoild ad dteaded Wawa Asi apktlers, is=of profitable employneet, will Sad it. ro• ea • toawe 'eteididazi Wehliatre spay 10110 pidtmetab. whl4ll •wii ,will rots to any donning appliniint. tread for elm. Uri. Address,: 't - JONW, - 8R05.,& M s 1 N. r.. comer dittiltund Miner attest; keddetdoirr"7l 1 . - zi: - 0 . Philadelohla.PA. ron : tran FOR 13AL1. Eriiin of about 208 Fm In FaitligMtottri4dßylestmorelann Chanty Also, a Perm at mierei,in Union township, Washington eannty,Pa: Will be cold cheap... Also. • Pam ntsan nazi In Furman township Westmoreland county, Pa. Also MS scree smutted In Ligonier tem:wide, Westmoreland county, Pa., adjoining the sown of 1 9=Thalcds.. With a largo brick bone. Agm Tedder= In the borough of Ligonier. Will 'be -1.27 z..• /4/ 3 4.1#4 a large PR4Pg mw, Al.o.o6oacoflsnd, sdiotnlng anise slams. Alio, the best farm on the Monongahela River, about ern Odle frate - MdlCempOzt, AllaillionY Cu., FL, eant!lolagabord,34s ann.-a The linen:revs:onto c er x e s Camilhigast,ind blOirieto m n yWailtin eh ' IMtb. Jathee.elith.„ A. 3 apple Cr betwilea.4M , and , = educe VON SG pear trees, and 410 peach trees. Also, a Warm oranefkaores.• dUrntzttee• tettnt Pt LlM;eettnorsland eotuar, Ps, very cheap. Letneelifotst • Bbnemenhtlz=tereeettoz, on Us branfitlThintent- Thebelldhags are Irma and maimed foe ahateimid store. This , printl s. will be mold at ascent bargain. lirloddle Farm la Elizabeth T,ownahlp rll i zal+VAT=7l • I:Wale:h. Ths-itatte,nee a large Orion t=fintaitiall 'wi th nine vell - Iniabect.roohts;.a orwritopteitanaind timomsAantal Miley a 1 10.1 wwern-mtery- othet-bendlese, =klepliv&erif i tZveerMLPlte Oat sad Linn nneetlabi with neti l " 4.-. ".7 7- -; ; .?• 441 ! - tn/W6=l=itit " l eithat tUj ==itl e t, Une2onhallti9W . 4P.A. Will be sold at a great r i = ,liresTrm Ot (74 Ileatzty. •• fit "gt:Ztrzalleubwitl,yrpyf see z4l '7"' o.letarontaltWet.7: FOR RA-L*lner ry d wcu:r nisoctou4.4.l7.o:sorr elsirin SIX Ho6lffialewZy.P.itered end Panted, StIf!EItOSTICO A H DRAIfT Imelda mu] °mud. • . .Mll 'Boum ME MOTU Fertreve feet ft, Ity One KIM deelf feet deep. , YIN £osil • SCSS. FRUIT TREES,: es .trouoleetnatell falrlM on tae fat of 141] und” A bbliiNFß-SytiRE.RoCoM L .WITH •rwo OWtLI.ANG4ICIUSUS. Fane.ePtrtrablf Irina gullas.ht of, ILMzet The proprietor will ettem - ee l , Or me ICknuxtry vtoperty. Inquire ef erdlikwastf o. let Fourth street- OR BALPA leCtli SALE AIM tutoina.Negisrlitin=vegParro. oC about ONE EONDEECI atiztp war a blab Mats ptZwnratton, winelt.b Wide& latO Lots containing loan Tanao,Tnteivr.aarPri awl 'Oita told sit wirboW or la barcellata ccat:m.r. cbaaata.Tao I.tspsoaentents sto s Twoatory PittairDireLibig,tibira, and Stone Sprint. 17:11=rt e cornt . gl7l7,4 4 :k t udlct a li a e rf. ety of Praia consunng otAliplet;Peathst, - Pears, E . Mtaluessoatierriee, tax portion ot.ths Pro is ukdatisid witb 00a1, and - Li well wilt. Eindaso Etunun pp l y ntreasna Tim Outrun fintifinstiono t s af;Clia: Beal Ma , , ~ CF. S. /3 WES. viltrnTaimuggil,4,t , Corsemasilia, Pa. ta , LX 4 /IiZZFY aria= eilm,'lul4l stl one sons story Crime Cottairellense:'Con , tiitningtvaparlars,qamgropets.lilkhen and few chambers, onto interned georoestpytagO, Jot S9l Sul, lushly cultivatc4aadomsalensed with shrub , . be ge=alezitr r inj;i4Oteri ere Pie apsLstor fre.leu r, Ael tal t tios !oTiok the three e lfOr4tOtheEo74 t it tclagtav to: • ~ ."I:ourth•strestl Itorke's Scalding. • '`./.4ivilici&retitOttat iinrivolobotaisiatuts li irbis imp teca- ag grAtica m propsrly• asstecrtrtetui- 411144 - 0 Thlsi srill es sold pie south vary asap. ro furtialr , 11,L, ,a.ti:77..th street. HOW WOE, BALZ-CIVALCPer 4nEne • ..... Imlle pp:moldy !oral walla; laah ay dar illa Isiah stroke; varyatpaa, ,lia abaft, ...,. awl sanno:Umg rod -- Sellers tato le feet 1 oriia, zil.aidaraftwiter, are IbtattLettai; ddirms , agi. - b7, 20 fast; hatan. itcdaZyamyft,thaatmapltta aaa . ~ -ID 114 p as M s ' - BLUGHM 1101, pittsbtszet;rz• MR BALE ..-- One SECOND - HAND 801LE24 nearly new, ee feet U611.4' Umbel' illemeter, slei Lash Saes. Ont! liates! dlasitettes, 116 feet I' OPP 4. 4 ArA ARLO . 4 4A 444 !4 1 " 4 " t47 . 5.11 Ina lOns 66 banal Irzemet Iron Tank. • 1114IWZ " 1 Zra W fillt.Pbta awl ISO reficeleelew Wei. Pitfall% !-4, 13 44 11 k7 tr”r:: cl) 1' .144 o #o, lo ttgar l traPt fAs "" 3" applxbit_ j4 - A g =iatfribeteral or at 'Maui stacrora wuntitniPlVeratwi - Do • I F °R .44 l- 7A141 ,- • , $7 g t r,,Airg i kic4L, 4 .4.* TATE • 2..r.,<;1: , I .'. C ‘,: iiSi t W ' lttinVltarAtf Ott: .1 ,124614 . triti4reita Vriiii.l:ll '4 * t.i Vtf 94 Al ' tuttkAtreez, ; XitiermA. Edri pa cpumirr t t e me ; 4 ° '" Rt:Nr. " 4l4 CO rbilartwertr .2., 04.a 1i MAS.Mi t i t a hntra X o • vArroolootab a, ~,jr,4 -- — t i o,. --, 'Aid 4 i AY D' r rel al frnt‘ il maned lists rerldebps AL' !..”. . Th,... rem of' feirM ' Ca 6 4 4 4" ''' ••`-' 7 iLlanualta co. , Aivqw ....1 t-•• t : - •t , -t - •:- .• , , , I ~. t FOR BAIP. • t. ~.'ill:lii • K. , , ,t;-.C-...P.IPPIPPP V i i Li ralookrotemplee,l Snits:Ws'lr44a4,etist;i - kaiu /Wilzg EM; or as other bribe" resu , trini_a ~.asPacd, ,t 7 of Fermi a ATM filn,R.P.sre OP r aT ' 'i 1 -- a - t - riliti * *- - -1 4!ntrA.Kig4D !EMM ET ' ; Rim tore.l• .. std, ~!!!~' ..0 •,?,1 I i Q v:i de 0.„ ATV 3Gr—,tl Z- 1.1 rra Fortmor Aid" nclact4l • - rt't k- T/0 DDT GOODS, So. Wood strhl,,, - thitt Pe L l , WO O UARI2S4aIIeTOTIO/PIESZkI. VIO dub if SEas EXT- (VERA. HOUEOL 4111 *. zonirmr. ill e,4% 4 Vl v r„___Arailismoze-Oatit i tX; Ida W r.4 o: 1 4 1, 0 1 4 I. Caro, 1 111, deem skosite t to 4 dOcAlopag' , " 7 , 8 821 4 We** 01 . 18 0 f APP AID WEB% • leas tlifiLisibus 4.411.6. I , EIDAYa , Seit. 49. the . enterWaillenti. voloriaavva .Niria.rite I:Or/QUI brakiqUe Of the . rzyriuxozz rairtor.. Graceful' diuiai Eatnestlne.. After which'the brostuttati . bluieNtio of lii drio: our OP PL ACE. To voacludealth the favorite farce of the ammo DIAMOND. ' MONSALY—The awl& &O 4 handsome • SUSAN DENIM pITTSBURI3II THEATER .1- lam and Nonage? WEL HENDERSON. inures OrlibarreurOu—Drees Male, mete; Fran fly threle.23 otal_Thlrd Tier. 46 as; Privet Box, gg. or 001 Stogie soar" gl Co. Douai Open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rim at 7X,.. Fourth night. of our Amerloan Cousin. Begat led te, _ and fifth taght.of t of the °clews" WEIS icettati ICEIEND, Who will appear to her original :Inmersinatien, Florence Trecena by the young ac tor, 10.11A.B.11TAte.WL.'elltre. Machette ' r: gested.sisb the gran Bawdy- a the Ckmila'Artsnekea to thtraost popwly z i o4uc t r ..3111%eltgus.. V - ! Qt4tintvillOari 41orense Lisp Keene. zur by Vie tlitc.aWittxx-comoan. 'MABONIC HALL, • Wednesday, ftraday, Friday . end lidnrday, • .... • • - • . • ',; - . 3 COTEsinEn 20 ' 21, 22 .And''23 a '. • . . . T Taf t Ils• PUtabargh preelnie td Ilia' It to. to Europe., of therolobratod PreaUdlattenr, 42te /cant and talented PROFESSOR ANDL'It 30N, In hi. brilliant and select enterialnarent, The World of Magic, or Tiro Roars of Illusions, in the irottraa,of which be will present and fixtlolla to the public the ao-ealfed spiritual feata of CCM, 'OI TES in the MIMe manner as he did In the Vatted States Court at Buffalo against the above slotted Filen> I l/aM=E=l3 How to make tables rap mltkout the aid of ma lnery. el How to make tables move. The step will be titre.) up with Proressorstoder son's new apperstne, 'he most gorgeous coot im ported to this country. Doors at 7y r. commence at 8 r. M. Admialnn Belocreell Seats sels:lw.l JPI.IXOB. AI IV 81C. Bc. puma AND OMAN& THE OELEBF.ATED BRADBURY, NEW YORE,— a NDr• Behomacket it Co., P hiladelphia P I S THE AMEBIC AN ORGAN. and aaras 00.'9400TTAGE. ORGAN, adadtted by dealers, arid all who have heard theto, to be lePeltar to /me to all other Instrucheete.of . the html mann tattered in Milted 13t4e1., • We ate progaracttafty at fht CiaiteA notes Biala and Ekrxnan,/Pm4pirjuamits. oi Cornet Ilant e lt pt 36 ctlifir"" New ma Amend dead Pim?, ATEA= , ALL THE'LATE SONGS AND'ITECES ConetWly on hind. • • WAEXtnar & BAWL :set No. to ST. CLAIR STEELS, TOW BEING RECEIVED. THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CHICKERING PIANOS, selected pewarcelly by the subscriber, elculnd • recent visit to the Feecory. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENT& are now open. wad reedy for exersdantion. V b • public aro invited to call end eed =am. Warr . raited for Five Years. CTSABLItiI C. riria.oa, Ed Wood Street, sue Sole Agent for the tildeberiew Pianos. :FP - HARE & CO.'s , HIGHEST TRENT -4-•• sa, Grand, Parlor Grand, Square and Op right Plano% with overstruzur bar; agnate treble, full iron improved frame, and all Om Minable im• provemente. The tone la pure, brilliant, entirely musical character, ottile bent vorlunanalll p; touch evenneva end quality of tone mieurpaand by any. 'Seth Piano guaranteed for eight years. CHARLOTTE BLITHE, No. 48 niers IiTEMEr. seta Snead door above Wood &net 110FIXAH, HOME & 00., MI /711711. &TENET, rEiR?F CABIPETE4; 011. °Zorn's. s POUR rH STREET OIL'CLOTIit3, Widg4it ROV , 4,61 ga., 8 .VF 4 71 variety of 'style. VERY StYPEELIOR Cotton Chain, List and Rag CARPETS. W. D. & 11. - m'Arztrtir, aeis Err ViiIIPST STOLLE, r: , HAVE JUST PURCHASED A and - aso now receivinm a now 111110 Carpets, Oil ClothsllatUm striiJ cria== . autrassazustoit;iiiti; 77 Nr:i jn bore a t,: r tito PcrtnEllial NEW nuerriliatf,r , - AfistrivewszuvriazoKno, 111,,th40 if4‘.4 - # ll °°' renor MAMBO. now Orul handsome iCYIW Feattired andfor solo In. ahIaPARLAND OEILLIZI Ira TIVIEIIIII Plitt ottani. TENdIiT FAIIM "WV COMPANY, igike 6714 r. , *sine Bl' ts tPyla wolf rtt oftinized on Mellon inst., I lutromnirlvanlallOinnne and Blancastdr- Log Laws. The Taiiitounl Ana Meow at_ tinted on Dankarn Crook, ba.woOn tholtnthr oi tns Ihinkarathot4l 7 4 lo .3 o 4l l DorOP.4l/ 1, 1 :0 the PDX'', anlttroeltretrolotun tompanst.. , s:a • Capital fif;p4Y : Itscom VorlthigAriond Worn ittilii-No9l4Eldemtnal and Itreniurer., vi • i •-• '''Sinnoo.Orianzo t _I J. 0. Miro. want !'KEY.TOTRyII orareb..6l..latrlDlB , • ornaueetzp INVALtaBLETRIVAVR RA't'lUltß.~ V lute ..eitha o LincrE;Me*:l3l2l.l6 ; Ai" rit 75X ii3r VA BOOR for MUM= Or aILOWII.Vp2II4XII. Ereirbaylike= Baal plarataißtmat WM* LARD RA UR Tri =6l'VAlleki.a.;:h!Zi,t; 14,411; /100.1ADIJSI tirmwssinmen . wospio. HMAIWI.II";* CO , • ipArprr , cinTotrisb• Aatitiperraitso .strtuAlivs i -to war* tarrj:A u t -411 ; 11 AA I LMVPIN • *Au idea ontraicii snimo etedettom MOWlNttattest thistift4<ri Arlie/ Alfa ar,Wereticia= Works, earlier 1ni 23 1 24 EMORT STaIICEES' MCADOO. - rtutirelor attest:lon etiSect to ' autoothintr= *deg Mut apritreittalicr Circular Sarver re. pates of all nous. Punchteg sad Drilling Qoas al reesonsblerates. Arad, gromoi. nanarami, Boiler Makers it Sheet Do Workers, Nog. so4 22 su acdti PEWS srazer. Banns secured s largo ard. add .PfI II4II .XL . moot Improved I.w• ea ton:moons:tore every description or B txr - tbe, best manner, ond warrent.relati t y made in the CHIMNEY BM FMB BEDS,' Err^ TIFFS • ontonini •Botromas, -1) 0 NOE IMES d ir SALT. PAM, ANKS OIL STILLS AO ATMS,/ SEC, MIKOF PARS, IRON, - B. 0 3 0 6, : a % SUGAR PAN ,S and sole inhalant:a of 'PATENT BO dons on the notice. aqatila4l.ll4f lar•ussug eurziuoit Copper ariuxibi stheiting Work ,rdintEGH. PARK, McCOROY. & CO. • nfenturers rot SHEATHING. SHAZIEMP BOUr OCEPSEGt I 4I i r z fIfaOOPPEIL. BoT, TO •• z urrroms.tlPALTN6 Tin t• L TIZPIItr E tt w asalols ell arm •• • • tirn hand, - I'INN M•W ILA6RWatut warehou" Na tarTEUST•ad US no. WITNNETS, =lama. Spacial Wee sl out tO 612 0$014 1 Erp- . szsgrilmer . • 1/21TX1 'W. D. 111111.11 i trocraur 54i BELLE STELE. W 0811.6. PanErt & CO, Ea=redolent of OAST STEEL; SPEER% PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; SPEMOS, AZ. LES, CROWBARS, so. Oce, Pro. tle WAL rase iTHEET (up stars) PiTTBIII72P3R. PA. /323. afrniatztooni LOST. ROW BSSTOBE/11.4tist. ln a seal. Envelope Price ids rents.. LIBIBBE ON TILE Ith.WlE, CitEk&T,BENtand Radical Care of Spennatoraces, or Marta Weakling, Loyal, :iintary Zonleaions, SerilVe i b, i llitY and ImCii• n. ! "2138 _30.11,We01g and Fig; floal naaear i and i'hy -cal Inc:putty, rest' from Self Abner, he.. by :Bony. Ortiliarrai.c,, M.D., alnior of the Gran Beet, &a ' , A. Book To Tn OnsAiroll or Sllltinneu.e.. Sent anderanal, In a plain 'nye/. ape, to any addrere, pore 'pa{d, on receipt of six cents, ortero portage rtempe,Aly Dr.!. 0. KLINE, ill flowery, New irork. Port Moe boa 4.6321, • int Snout. Wl' TO B =MOUS OVWFRIRIZZII Or BOTH S 1 ZPS.A cavemen gentleman hair tag been vertored to health In a few deyx.after an de to the usual routine awl irregular expeive mode of treatment without success, madders ItMe sacred duty to commuideate to 111... ialLthted creatures Oto means of cum.. Rena, on the receipt of an addressed env4Lcys, he will send, • copy of the peemiription Direct tollr. JOHN let.. DAGHALL,, IBC FlM*O street. N. Y. mtatairdaver sozoNsosr, SEA & CO., nseessculi to lionnraos, Munn & MW0r1ti44.184.1 itildneton s„ „. • ' .FGUNDEB.S.AND MAITHINIST.%Yreremaz. Maaufacturera MAT AND aiTATXtINA BY, STEAM ENGDT BLAS ENGINES, DM; MMIX, 41.sarn_ i T Susrrula 'OAST .ING AU &INV, Ou.,TANKS &Wilda.. so s ,ncos ' iMPAtebts tOr ck, CAD'S P4.I7;NW MEM. O rot replios /mums: „ . ; igso..sateg o rcairAtuo , ass_94easaaNap YAM.IS'ArfO VAULT' DOM& ICON ILIJI.JDO WINDOW BRIM TRET, .WWWWIDO lANos. 11. m s. on add as s: 0 alt betweea Wood and -14,01., WM Cal 'pl'Ogn ~.., , m - o'llo/ patopy. gAoc7 &DI PatoothildMiar Vt. Paltletair-44entro_rt no Groluirriscieirt • .robtdatope Atonal, notta k t:- : , . •-. lig2 ENT FREII-J,.lP4hZUni OF . rEltanienso initiorthant to the 014444 yous, azolutogla of bottiwwwoo, he aim; from addresshio. with stamp enclosed, the wont; F.ENDEOCOLIWOO.Titow Is,Dodos da Foot Moot insWhirwit far TUE DEWS AN ES SAY OF_WABNISEF ASP INSTSI7O - YOUNG MEN. Also, low swindle. Dl* treatment Cl the and Sennal System,. Addreu Dr. J. HOUGM. V. 1% Ito-yr .213 Aammletten. . PC. split .1g " j491 1 01312:11 .11314 1:101. amid wholesale dealer •ta• CHEESE,. B BEM% FISAS4 produce gencridtp,W 2 4 WOOD STUD= Plttsenach. roil" GI. a.. ItolidAtint...J.llt: GATZIX..J. H. ZAVITIRMII. MCMASTER, GA 7 Z M c.s CO., ATTORNEYS FOB CLAIMANTS, ' Licensed U. 8. •dgents, Tor preen , the PNINNONP. EF. (INTIES, , AS. REARS OF PAT, PSIZE LANSPEN. SATIUN FOU I:LOUSES, sad .Leer property ion or deetroyed while to the serrlze of the I.7altal States: STOPPAGES OF PAY AND OPTIONES, OSDNANOS AND QUARTEREASTEWS GODWIN eAeuted Awl eiNtlaatee of Mulabte& am prl2llW.a. erg. 14 _SUS Attended to as made La pessaa. NO CHARGE MANN CINEMA SUG, • CFSeFtGe. OFFICE Na 98 GRANT STREET, mri PTITSEIIIWIEL J. w. V. virsirrit....-----.•. , ...--J. Y. 131.....L.s WHITE a SLAGLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW No., 106 Fifth 153t-rerest Win attend to all boat am In 'CM Una of Intl! Praleaton, lnalottlng THE 0041.F.0110‘ .OF CLLIDIS AGAINSITEIEGOVEU'rinIENT. Mt. sr.sats taaini been mustered out l tbs Monad States Berates sill besitstter lye attar Mon to tbabasthess at the fins. staatf WOll/41YED 1301.D18R8 43 EITHER The Ertl or SecoAd Three Years Service *an reoalva the full' b0w:V . 124 ,isite Asti lad annul tla NU tetra of enlistment. Or camas ,npen T. WALTER Dal, dolleltor for BountlagaPeaslons and Pal. Cath tos FLPZJI STBEEI, thlld 'door Wow Ma edral. • ?IWO . nArpih. BAYNE 4t. SHAYEE, ATTORNEYS-ATAAW &o. si Di,ticurD Plttibtultt, PA. Court - HtMlnen Reemlittint Titles; Clcmveynne. Callietlons. nod ell kW& Lova Batangas promptly attended to. eel AirILITA.RY CLAIMS. PSNSIONS, BOUNVEgaACIK - PAY &tut terructstcy CLAMS, et every daatriptlON =fleeted by tba sublerteer,..4 the Yollutrteg ritesalt: feastone, {to 1 all other datum 14 M. O. U. TAYLOR; AttotueSeat Diamond street opposite the Court Ileum N. s.—No chaste are table lithe eAtto tines DM /EMMA 1111 a all lIIRIIIIIIItIOSO7Ca gates. se.ay H. Cy. MLOKRELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, B. LICENSED BULDLEBS• OLnita ILOENI. tenßounties ter y du nr n ounend Soldltes impacted in Cron to twent • • • iler•Onoti No.inionesor mow, Pittunossi, tti Mutants tut tow witgesses .usta, ANDAEW BTEVIGHBO4I, . • • 3t,:a...cv"ciwnEiriaza;' isto". 144•:VoOth_ • PlTTslignaff!. win 1 /sail* ute-vartocte eemita et Anstetual and ndinirdnd • • - *Sara ' '6lo.o#CB* .44.3Vitifie. 1710:1AV9: 1 ,11E - Mr",'%f • -611114 T HARM, • tam . Dusx, °FA.. Arr °mixt ,BY 888 VENI&JOB GEO 808 WARD NICHOLS, • mass•cam9 ONE HANDSOME vomnr, umo., wrrit a At i tev,NIcIMEROFI3 ILLOSIZATIONS. 111 75 Aar t3aot tree, by mail, ra any ad4reasma DAVIS. Ufa= .1 Co • Ban . az WOOD STKEE7'. 800181 BOOKS! BOtiFBl Dome:ale LIU la Atlanta& Vteteets eatLother Pouch. Mother of The.Witeleell. , 2b Se benb leteso m of. r pan.. SeOatte • .A.Afouthht UtMore,Ot. th e. e Mao, Hours Among the 01.? eigoea pphh uteleacas ' • Mart Album Cade. , . - 6mltt4datert. a - • • ' Ants., • 1 , A UT.r.ADOEI Fairrltt Snips* 400EPiCAIUtc j itiViatinra . • .^BulMlMNOcaleval eVAiuts ih umak.l.Phi. • • littnelLSmart ==ff3M rim IiiiiitZRAVITSCM4 Ited - And SllvitliebßaPeri alum, lesua Is c otattoaai rotsatitp ,• • r‘ B6ULU spzcs.si. .Iroilems. .477011. XE ra. P 1 crsz - /LOH, PA., date. V4ll' intr tom . 1663. ~... . 4 40411 Mr• I g, '. , ThiLly vamoharp. . 'do. d l mtrZatitiaAern, ssisadtd cwitar.. - DWI Ey Pao par lean - - 7.10.• • ilo.Vr aloanartrPatrefory-iderora awash— : Woohlrr had hd00.............--mPLIP Par yew. .40. Angle c0p105....., ....... d 2.00 do. RATES OF ADVERTISING. ' 0 1. , * sQukresi—generneng Arena : Tertad. ; Daily t a Fl 2 ta 1.11 as , ;Wkly ..... than 75 Three Four Mmes... 110 . nye Waft—. 160 . • .. •••. .... •- 75 •., 1 Ora week.... 5752 1 . 73 -• rii Two we.. 476 275 200 . 105 Thste weeks . 106 425 275 .2 60 133 M month— 525 560 400 225 • Two months. 12 00 800. 0 0) a 75 Three Month 16 OtO . 10.63 701 475 131; months.. soe sal it .ss 1 a •s co MA month; 24 Oar .17 70 12 C 5 001 Chlo Tsar 61 001 25 50 16 0 10 00; ettes peel g;tite selsertiser - &pleasure, at etut ma re y e p o e t c e r gr equate, (Or eedter lf pill ' at tea tbu nut advertiser. Atteurbseintoata eantteetad bet ethaeirhe than Id.II, trill be .Inearted snehleiya es the alas Seeethies. CISIL Mose, eaehineeettem It SO, n0ttp1e,—;.“........; • " aelvettlpeitrip. $ 00' asentemeor •,e„,,„per Nottees....«. $ Oti inf*RL.l hONMITISI4 4I ATM' s tuteeaptelf.o4e• nett to the tationtlate humbutot of • "'Mg, awl net to_ Include ¬ations, .Aa7' eieear LO t» lb"; lesltte. et --el ollatte S ea this, Irftur. I.A IA ID 00 • 0 m°13211 5a5......1 :1 IN " 1 41 $ 1.1106 9 " .00 . TOW WOO. u m W W I lir Fist No • . OVUM one month sertla ► lime double U. above rates, II 1.- or &lore. For arm pactixt2a • J4Seof p•tieas at eutal Wes ,e• auw b• aograwst 111 , ch• A. square to be emesletered as the mese eons. pled by to lines of the or4laary adrer type of the pew. . DO 111511110/1.,r-°Att ..JP OISIIONOR. f i t ; e Philadelphia wren says : Ltinding money, sal a wise man; ta , an tinostentions way of no leg • present. This Is a fkict which the En fish looldsrs of ito4cla the."so-halled'Con f te" loan are about id:Wilt:U. They have hel a public meeting, In London, at which It wa suggested that the United States - ahould pay aft he rebel debt : but the Idea was laughed at. and the meeting was adjourned to the 18th of October, when the subject Is to be ventilated again. Of course, they know, as all the world knows, that the United States will never pay one cent of the rebel loan. We have been curious all along, to know who were the fbolish folks In England who- lent• thet money. That curioslttwas gretlfted by the ` publication, yesterday, of the names of some at the dupes whose sympathy with slavery induced them to open their purses and lend money ;to the slaveholding rebels. ,That especial ninny,, tho Lancashire baronet, Sir Haan Rouen- Tow Do Hooarrrox , has suffered to the extent bf raoo,ooo. The yopeg.Alerqula of Bash has lost V 50.000, A brace of atraty mintramors andjelifp "owners hareem* $1,45%.0 31n that slough of delpoudz-hat had probably detted thrice as drich by trading (sending supplies and emptied - The blockade) with the S,nih. Hiroo Wailid &uteri, a member of the Brass of Lerds, pal ffi c t 3 3.0 X. Lard, Caiteeaut. and D 0301700, • a, who used :to _Spud: bodly for the ' Mbar tn . their place In parllammt,' ventured only 0,000 each. Several mem- ' .hereof the Haase of Commons, who were vice. : lent rebel partisans, were also "struck" by the rebel loan, Mr. Unto, of Birkenhead, who built the Macros, put Is 'MOON Pasioakend Httedesile who, abed :berate the Union Heershitent. • &PM. vestu re/ only a fifth of - that- Amami. For the tuat..l bankers, capitalism, doetora,' lawyers, stock., temkeis, and one ittled old lady, kalladtly risked their money, mid lose It. Well, it wu only a bit of gambling; the spectators paid about fifty-three dollars (or every ,onekundred. dollar note of rebel stock, sad I f It tad reached par, every one of them would have nearly doubled their ventees. The flee old Gab' which gormand floughtott Tower will have to be thinned, we suspect, to bring back - the nine hon. dfed thousand dollars, the foolish Hoccureve Da Horawron, Baronet, ha, lost. • By the published list, tt appears that thirty. clabt Pers.as L. En 1411124 .ti 39.0.10 In the Rebel loan. This le close upon $4,500.000, and Is probably two-thirds of all the money so approPrbtted by the Higlish people. N 3 doubt those who levertel small 611M5 did so, like avpsee Sawa, twenty-five years ago, la the pleasant hope of receiving tan inatead of three per cent. later-est upon their 'newsy. They knew no better, and may be pitied, but the no ble lords, the semi-noble baronets. the right. honorable'', the honorables, the bankers, mer chants, and ether great folks who risked their funds, to sustain a most unholy muse, merit no pity, and ought not to iteerie any. Several newspaper men west largely Into this loan. Mr..lsoze SPMice, the well known anti- Union Liverpool neut for the Ebtah, and special correspondent of the Times. put down e. 50,030; Mr. SomatronD Horn; proprietor of the Satur day Blrei<TCy ha, sank 5200,030. Mr. atursoX, who writes the money articles In the rows sported $75,000: Mr. r D 'tuff (originally one of the Delaney family` of ;Cork, ventured only 5.50,030, and -a Mr. Broom of the /foreleg Pad, LortfPlistimorreat'd organ, modestly risked $3000: 80, all the elute that the runes, Morn ing Ara and ,tiateretay Iterietr. seemed to be writing the Linkn doted end welting the rebel- Hon em, they really were using and abasing the great power. of the poles for their own mean and selfish impedes. For the credit of our craft we lament Wk. Lastly, forall things meat conclude. the Ilat closes with the names of the Hon. Mr. A STILLY and the Right Honorable Wr . E. Otto river.; the Snit for $3,000, the other forslo,ooo. posh, who la pilule eacietary to Lord l'Atar• =SON, his Villoi•Steo-fatber, is son of Lord ensriesensr, the plons, whe has long been a great real-slavery spokesmen. Guestsecram, Chancellor of the - Et : chequer, Is a Cabinet Min. liter. Hers we have the Premier's tear relit. (lye, who Is also his privates see rotary, Owe hundred potuads staling to:the Confederate lean, and Mr. OtAtrOlfie, the man of the time, Investing four times that amount'. No Won that. CILADSTOXI3 1711:61 off Mr. Jarsansea Dim as a matt who,iiiid fonniled an eraplredia Ikolda .. Ida court in Fentress Monroe of lete)i aid- made his Mfanio'ne Newcastle speebit evilest our. Union. MI was oratorical in order thatkts twathonaanC pounds In. Confedarita stock might fructify,.. . - • Tun new mute ALtice ketnyspltol Is rapidly approaching completloa. litlf.insohed the 4qPMN d 44 thq ironanc.,. ) .AF to P ut tip tbruratern. 44)110:ants thhiloa of the Carl:- WI 1 ,14 44 41 4 cit(s 4s ltd; /S mint* perfectly, 21* proof, It has iron jkils; which vrill be orchid with..figiclt..and a 01#11*.tald. There tir {an roans on the fret door, which vifir haosalf dikes. ‘he gecko: st'or7 *lbe one near , 14 04 room, In which the atatellbrnryarill- be 'placed. The front of the belldlnF will correspond to 121.° 014 front. 1404 the !mine nbmber of pillars. A Cmaicrr Exrcunn.—The Episcopal Cern rentlon of the Dlociiii'of Maids, hold at,Ehl rag* loot - week, pissed resolutions expelling from the Diocese, Greco Oburr.h, at Cialechati on account of Its support of the Rector, Rev. Mr. Creeraft, alter be had keen allerictil by Bishop Whitehouse. It, is - .intimated that the end to not yet, Mid ;bat tbegaeetton will come before Akellenerill poptirqtion which meet! hi Philadelphia In two or threa weeks. • Tunaersisatuusallnicritet 94, 1 .111. cditfePiatai cotton lout was dna In London der the Intinst., but Jeff. DaviaLltnsaidal instians :Informed ttai bonditntdein diet they • halt no , faltda wttnrtilottl to redectarthcroidhilUddstof girt Mott. , Theaill POu n ge n ;9 l ,M44:lVi AL, .TLIPPAIPPIII street. In new of Isom! Uwe ineidenta *blab, have occarroAlile:Side,iokeirster, WWILI R 01.80.440?": • szrxricrratt a singular 04 that Ma Aw l thia,iibblnis, and other birds tap. are to the habit of disappearing insasataia ,la : ,,ttetehir; have already lefhforpasta ,suilnown. This, II progupetlestted, meansan 'annuitylX!l4 itialeranreiidAV STATE HE LS 8 Tmg West Master Record says: On Tuesday evening laat, Ems;U 61111111 e• of WCUtopia townstap, Chester etnasty, driv , , log to ttat itogner 3 4 "Market, ra tdgloraytan lladd4bla. 119 was tttie 7n a trapff, thmt inwel ladi sidetdtbsP tridge,L West , plidst: • Thu aisolunbefs mmunenced opt. raOttabp drlvtoz Into blotuaraea, aadrePeatutit If several times,.atr... L. began ba reatlce ;bat tbdr object Wit 10 hey td tifnet . 11.012.- They fblkitred him In ' this mauler from' the trdftu.bli the Mattel House, at a break-neck speed, and aa motes Mx. E. alighted from his wucarttwo of this ruffians made at Alm, and a fierce kale ensued. Mr. E., after some hard fiChtbag, finally laid theta both low, and looking around for the Odra, found that be had "pulled up stakes" seeing that Mc compludons_bad so signally tatted In thelr mutants. TWO- were taken In charge by the police, who did not haws any difficulty in handling them alter Nr. E. was done withhhem. This makes the third attempt upon Mr. E. Ersaxixo- of the age of the Oil Basin, the Erie Ditparch mys the indications' that. Petrole um has been gathered and used In quantities in the 01l regions of this. State in fanner ave, con sists mainly of vats or tanks, canottucted of logs, and sunk-in the ground,..soma of which wire apparently of a capacity of one and two hundred barrels. They are found In many places contiguous to Oil Creek.. with trees of • great age grown. up inside:ail:mat. and over them. some have been found four feet beneath the surface of the ground," with. largo treet , which .bad (aim root and grown our them. But there are nolools. no iniseripthile. no hitle-' oltinhicei totadicate ibair.agoor nationality, They are enveloped in dlntotecruity notwith standing the light which theponckst likely gave til i a certain purl:mot tha.4dtlS a4tt. Ina aantud Pair of Washington county cow.. tapas In Washington to-driy,lTalirsdaY./ and cootinues over tomorrow. The • Tribune eves, Front all we can learn, the prospect for a highly creditable display's' flute:rine with the excep tME the Print department , where it will t `Bk. fall short, "Wrltig a to tee failure lbite:op ,in locality. :The number of. onixbra la :the other departments up to this time indicates a determination on the put of our people to make - the exhibition worthy of the Society. The ceremonial prom:atm . ad laying the corner stone of the Normal School-of Berke 00., took ph= at Kutztown last &tag. The edi tor Of the &Wei Record; *Add' have person ally preferred another dip thin the Banat' for the telthration of such an unmakes. There wan luge mamma of people present. Lawrence Gem, IN. delivered the principal some& The Inauguration of such en Inetttathan ln benighted. perks Is an 'middens omen. TnE Franklin Repoatiorw trays; We regret to annonnee the death of Miss Rebneca Magraw; daughter of Hon. Henry H. -Megrim, formerly Slate Treasurer of Pennsylvania: Wa learn that she died on Tuesday week after a brief illness, at her father's country:great. The deceased was a young lady of rare personal gifts and ; intellectual endowments. Tug merchants of Meadville haveentered into an agreement to chose their pietas of bllBll2 atB o'clock D. m., on end after the 2.5 th Inst., ex cept on Saturday evenings, ,with the professed object of giving their clerkan time for rest and recreation. A um named Daniel Gelds, about sixteen years olage, was run beer by a train neat the LebanoeValley Railroad Bridge, Reading.' on Tnurtday afternoon, mating oigone of his legs and mutilating. his body. He died the same night. gag. Erne. an Old and respect ad citizen of Wlstembera, Lawrence county. dropped dead . from his lieu one day lam week. Be hadarrived et a very advanced age. and hie death teat.- Wited to the natural .decay 01 We Pl:Wake' BITHUGIS : O the . city OF*. tot received of it s andira4 l .4 , o4 by w, ofThittslo. Bat now the tattles iito mow. plittoti cants to 'Erie for anthracite. tart thininetrt' was - fiend., last Friday at . aggo of 160 tans. Mu: Virfifit . : l3fkiri, o Warne% Lenetstesonity deft altd p ic ked,"'ogi eigbfeen busbels of potatoes, a taw days ago to three howl. W.'S. is seventp-tworars old. A PANTY of. ten. of Mom imotinmaii.of Erie ,city : started.to Canada. last Saturday, 'on , tne settoonerliouto Polo, on sr smting erpOploo. NEWS ITESIS• - • ErTZSIOTE and valuable dhuoverses nlcoptter and otherMideral Vail 40 Dave been recently made, on 'whet Ta hut:rif"its' the 'Eyler ' farm 4[stilo. Tredefick cony Maryland... The copper samtables the Vireo. pre of Lateettpertar a and Molten found Kansa ably rich; lit -Vie !AVM; ; PfOrteSer BOW £r4 (*I Chettest kt-thaq'tilliattffitht Wash.' Ins tau, his ',Weil el*. 7A Uty alza =carted; the speiffittena, and considers them sufficiently promisler to !Usti!, mining explorations td de termine the real asters sod velasof thedePOISISIL TawsTvitsw new hotels 'hero been opened at New York during the buttour year,. and sail they want more. Two monmer ones will be bolt wart speng-..-A. T. &STEM being inter. ested in one awn the Wanda in the ether. The Fifth Avenue Hotel la stated to have cleared 1175,000 during the last twelve months. A PAETT of emigrants from Idlegouri, who wereso wedded to the institution of slavery that, after its dew - action,' they could not re main Is their own country, .had arrived in Bra zil, and gone to the pro Vince of reran* to settle. Seca the close of the rebellion the Vastness of the United Smuts Patent Odlee aradaally In creases. For the week ending September 13. 126 patents were Issued from the calm, and 133 will be liStust or the week carting on the 19th inst. Inu.kiew.Havain (Corm.) Parladis:rm, which fbr thirty Yearn has used etc an I motive pow er for lie preen, now cum st turbine wheel about the circumference of a straw hat-brim, driven by a stream of water only an inch in diameter. MOUT convicts escaped PPM the Althorn Stow PMCD last /friday evening. They were reTer d a . r.ro o j ' y ere twO h ancc a acti l ' n 'd ie ro ccl '' g ur tc e ie n l;. freedom. TSIZELM are eight regular female physicians In reiladelphia—al of whom are in-good practice .0-end ono of them Is so overwhelined with brig. been that she keeps three horses In constant use. The bloodhounds Ircia and Jack•, which need to &nerd Union prisoners at Richmond and Au dersonville, have been bought by George-K. Goodwin, of Boston., for ri,400. Rower M. Easitevon.—To no man—not excepting the lamented President Untolo—is the Itettoblie more indebted,. an the score of tin _tini.ttgealty. Incorrapuble integrlq, lofty profaned Sagacity, - and Ineaterly Inhibit In the diechargo °IWO: quntenk than to Mr, Blionter. In some respects , his 'ainponeinithfes have bocci enequalled, and leottcleat to crush any man, one' rak!' Ltdnk harmer. physicidly ppoo wetted m nag if MUM g• It Ls really n,. that he luta not long silica 'snetumbed lathe *mighty pregame. Tet, if be had one ao„ where could his equal have bean feud; Of thane, ho has lusdhle fall share of shute.,:mieripingentatleit end disparagement to encounter from the envenomed Ape cif rebel" and Copperhevls, and even front ;note tasking the Intniten pnofeulons of Itlaltylo the Union, bat this he has met with admirable patience and mervtilmis sell-control, never once stopping by the way to notice any of hie assailants, either for explanation or defence. Can this be invalided in political hlstoryl—Bolton 142cr ger. OIL YARD - AND ~.)1 13, 7 1 TANKS 113 "r In , , Meat Wawa. WI sozautageaßiulul_g, OF I 2 Oil Yard W.LownntenvilliOntin Tauueuas Warehouse, Office, Stablefoaue ethe 5.% ar futures.. .h la Ms beat..Lsodiaguear Irta can bM nTfiT eauvesdeura for easllv sad asset/ lying 1:t IA bulk az barrels, nom the dew to took on ware. house atonable the Alleatame Valley Billacual, such asPuraps,..Eruitn.aust.Aillar, Baseptlon _ Tanks; trona limo W6 i rehouallld tad, taste fa Mules wanclue- to els esisous. = d o _,lnit a Clrade Oil bualuesalu. the SUM 11 99. 4 9..0ul az , TIM As az tavola:taut tor mom% wo doubt Daum sled= 10 samteolupoote sits ilad,pzaf, !table, could slo bet‘er„. Mat laake Mt for a prim that.v.l/1. tuff et Wit, ;trouts Pa ant- on Ouz .I"o2lo7thenßonTANTee masa IT Doom.): 'VALUABLE - FARM' t iOR SALE.= -Alma nstaatalber offers facile aim VAltlf. t iat t t rai c rg i ltly za Tz li a r n miles &cosi - LairtaTia 6.atiom • Therm 1111) at ,Ut **UM:Mr Ciarlft :MvingaT*Th tarar lff t thre'•i tia litha V e Trln s T TW h O_riUNO&'of O fleet Ma We MerUm lltttai TWO aPR LNG. ROUSES. ft also. (oaten, a Lkitki+P-OROO, Al!!!, or Apple and Petett - Tivea. Io ai ao core! teat location for a Clanntry-tnota, end La. boast . o c.iuggn Audi for it namhat at years. .T . 7, . PltfaFY4 ll "Pigrtiallialtrreof . • • itvl l ,o. Reolvl44rllle,' Or lik&l[ll2r. DYER' , • porno alediltirLacoak street". 10711reod ' "..' Aillseilizty City.' LANDING FOR tiALX • AT. OIL CAT x. The ittiabig awned by Brower. ibukr *Co, . 'MA Shads, Dm*, Tahiti and Ylitores,vd, tow*, of Wileghooy .rtter az,ou. fdt711.511 be StlidAt f Abitbwh-oa,TYRIII3Daia do at do. ber. at two ad p. it oat , 4 nritUfg=blN,lcs itg... t ='' Let ye; fottitassout4 rowing Ittotbs two ; ' Utah with owpro bud BoOm awl two 4 40, 0 , 0 ?,,111i rd. Ituarolz ata gsatto pro. isy Whits —cl ist v , 1r 1 gooier IthQu Yrr i fy MI Hams* 111 4 ....,..4. .. .„.............. :plop& porwaTforfs Pr r .A.B off Cciactients sag yr wanton% ALICLEILSOMIEIM vottla 40 , will tis ca " X tko yaw wnws ammo& ewe,. aouthir l igt, corner Ohio su and ,plimoladi , 103141100 CM . : UCTIO4,II" 801. BEEF AND -STOCK CATTLE AT AMITIOL Crincallipar COacentgairr OP O Sr:worn:nal 1111orniorron, D. Same.l4, Z. ,Will IT offered Li P . üblfo-Anstion, at th e Gov ttn't CUM Tail, ter Inetan4r* ye., on THORIZINE,44O2I3fIt tost4lor., u d010.1i„4.. abort 1/411 hood of Fleet 41 , 11 d OtOCII Cattle. llosontintut orlti ro rorazatuatantado dads knoirtt before out male. ap O. DEL - 4, Mi . lei . and 0. 8., IT. S. Ur - -GOVERNISITENT MULES. Du.," Quiviurairarera &wig:We 0 .T:I Tressettitost, GOOD 80117MSERVIGE MULES bcsols at Public M titis Oar Grounds. 15 ill. city. to.h. blgtleau, blddet, an the d ll 9 l In M ay a tonabot taken . 160 ale, HITHSDAY, 6.1366117 ,14 . -7965 * 5 0 " FRI D AY, •" • - 67. • 150 " THURSDAY, ", 11, " 150 " FRIDAY, September 1, 150 " THURSDAY, " 7, 150 " FRILS-Y. • " " 150 " THURSDAY. " 77 1 " 160 • "FRIDAY 1 , u 1 50 " FR 50- Tacrit OSAsiay, Y, 21; Sale. to , common* at si4 o'clock a. tn n, . Nuke sold si.mle. Tams Club, United States Crrreney. 0. OROSS sollSl6 Lieut. DoL and Deputy Q. 4 . LARGE BALE OF GOVERNMENIC RAILROAD ENGINES AND CARS. 1:41+111D STATICS MLLSTAILIC BAJLIO/14, 017101 ON illiensT.ur WitillrilLlZSLllTsa, WAIIHTINIT`OIt,_aII.; , 7I it, Ma. IN W be Waal, 514.14Q1SEST oppeaUe Rid,. gam& VA, cm 'TUESDAY,' I 7, Two:aptly* tilt) uselllrst.stios ganottnkotlys 11a . I=a, Rya foot gauge, llys ,fost drivers, aylio. 01:111.13.r capacity of titak, I,lloe-graots. glee t6).:2M-alium - gesoolsollres, a leol le.g lash g4e. , giro a handtdd andilixty , ftys tom) n.vßoz Frilled Oats, flys Jost gaup. .. . Pinata (15) net Platform Oati ro foot gauge.' Tan 00) Ftd,ftt Oa* I fret 5 auge. 7 Stu sal* to.eonllntut trogt yto day Rata all weld. Etaleto comnutap• at 15 o'stosk. litios—grAgß, 15 Govettitseut funds. . ' in i 4.. .yd r.. p , - ,....L./3-4...50/31.51813N, urey. PoL and A.. q. M. Lulea BALE OF qt . : Tam - Anna Cars, `Ends,and Railroad UXITID ISTATIA MILITARY B.AILECOADB, CW 51 0 5 _9 1 /Ratak? Qvalrexaxasvon. Witernurpor_L P. 0., Au.st it, MD. Will be sold at O.= POINT, VE, W SESDAY, October tl at It o'clock . About km: thousand (LoN)) tons ltallread Iron. At PORT9IIOIITE, on FRIDAY, Oa*. ter 13, - at Floe (5) itrabolaas Locomotive Rs:glues. About illty (150) Freight Oars and ono (I) Pesten ger Oar. At EORFOLE: VA., October it, at 5 p a,: One nee Loomuntive Engine, 6 foot gaoge. At ALEXANDRIA, VA-, on TUESDAY, Or 17: Filly (60) first-clam Locomotive Engines, 4 feet IPA hum gangn. Eighteen (18) new Platform Oars, five foot gauge, goentrtive (10) new Boa Oars, fire Root tango About Rase hocuired and fifty (IMO) 800 Oars, 4 feet 81.1, inch gouge. About, two hundred and thirty (210) Platform de., feet 8,4 Rt. gotta. About thirty (so)niteelt do., 4 feet ft% to:gartge. TwentYko l4 /Pansettgt - co., .• " do One (I) Wrecking do., do. Pao (2) aew Truth& Dilly (11:) do , Droned. Fourteen (t 4) Flats, About two Olousand ( 2 , 000 1 toll. R , Lorso Iron. Roles ta commence at, ALEXANDRIA, at to a. .arg to ountigote from day to day math all are Tentut-034513., In Government [mods. H. L. ROBINSON, Haw. Hot. and L Q U. S. SlWltary.Railze ads =:m ye.rolaaLß REAL ESTATE TO SE SOLD OCTOBER. 10th, 1865. Pareneat to the eu th mity vexed to no Oa ewe thtteauradoptdd at a tootaloir 01 Ma Stoats°then 'ot the trvir Works tiongthop, told oat twenty of antat, Ma, th e tiodendrood, Arent/ Ott 'WM Self at Auction. th• Croat door of the Conti House, La the city • . of Wheeling, an • - Tuessbig,the.loak .daar of Oatober, 3 / 4 85. . . . costieivelnirtkomrticsF °hailer& la., ail tbpit .thiablig Dail" Estatli AppnrAnzerei La Ins S.xth Wag ca , knows se _ BR..'IIIIIONT 'Met ,WORRB And -58....d.das.allaIrs, iii, Witt 1 U. Ohio Mrer : Dhriak direeli c } BMA - street and the ur praperty of Eri Bepara. Caldwell is frinearter. JIM% be Bbaillitte lal4ll7arl,sow worked said tiorparattoo, end Ma Baßßai connectlag saki Mute and the Bolling BUIL All" Tito Real Mete and CoM -Property be. ,the said Perpetration /need seljoeung enTlii keeling, inellththg that recently purees. ad of fen 1. o..oamobell, and the abases In melon contested thererwillit and 41 Town Lots in South Whriling.lattelY pthrliase4 M the X. a M. Benk and others, laid Lot NO I to ilaidereire addition to the city of Wnee/ing, southeast corner of Main and frlvidon {trees, wash Ore Tenements where. on. It ismappcsed that the Meal Property to he sold with the. Aorta is sudlclimt to supply th Works for thirty years. The said Real Property to be sold on the foible tog terms, via? Onsfearth cub. awl the residue, with Mere.- :rem the day of sale, in three equal lastalmenta. Payable En six, twelve and eighteen months from add date; the parakeet, of tbs Beal Estate to take the moth on nand of meter Ws iron, nails, tools and Mattes property at an ap pralsement to be made by three dislatereated per sona, of whom the purchaser le to choose one, the andendthed agents another, and the two so abr. sea a third, the decision of any two of the three -to be-bindings erne the stock so taken to be paid for in equal Annalmitate at four, six and eight months, with Lamest front day of sale. The do- tarred payments on both the Beal Atate and btoak to be mewed by Impel . sattensethly to the urciartlgoed agents, and a Lim to be retained on the property until payment to fall. The our. chaser shallhave the option of paying in band the hole purchase money, or any further portion thereof thin above stated. s . . JAHES PAULL, V. D. HUBBARD, . OR&NOLE. Wheeling, W. VA.. Aud.W. 18 sumad CLOBING BLLES OF Government horses and Ainles. QIIA.ETICILYAMMIII GLAZE A.L . 11 OTT ICE, WAISHMOTUE, D 0., august ea OWL to wad M male auctlot daring the month of SEPTEDIDEB4 to tan llgh•et Melee at the time and places named betas, MEW TURK. Brew •Tork any, Trutadiy al each week, 100 Horace each day. Brew York city, Thursday of each week, 200 Mules each day. • PEZ2I2S4Ti.V&PTIA.. Philadelphia, Thursday of dash west, too Horses each day. Setlude7. September a, and• Wed• andel. aml Saturday al each week ttulrtafter, tdo Holes each day. 2 Plitaburgh, -I Thursday , and ' , tidal Of east, week, te September inclusive, tee Multi each day, Harrislorts, Tuesday of cmak woall,:1150 Zolfo • each day. Olaush Chunk, Teuraday. Sepe. lac 100 Hula; Inolens, Temday, September le. Mule.. Oreeesrg, Thuralay, September 11, 100 Harlem Reacting, ]heredity, September WSW Haim Altoona, Thlusda lN y• Septa:abet 29 00 Horses.. DIANS. - - September 11, 12, LI% 25, 27 aad Si, 160 Homes nub day. - tedlanapolla, September 14, II and In, 150 Motet each day, ILL' C70.1c %kips September fy 1,9, ta at, Rt al4 20, ted Ittulese. Ohloaso, Baptcat992 a a 5, 18, 2009 sal Z, 105 14orael nab day. DELAWARE. . • Wltm.thitaxt, friday of ease week, 150 Mules Wll%gten, Tuesday 01 each Week. too Hone Gatti ea). SEW 3EUSET. Trento,. Tizesday, September 0.160 Moles. moan. Meade& Seratar 1Y,160 Males, . Saltimotey TaluldAY , September 1, ,10120100. Thurattay, Septem _EL • ber 21, 160 mas'3ol.l St. Lent.. Ttmraday, September 1. aadTueadiyi Itla/ TaUmscuiy of eaeb weak thercatter 210 111515 A59/19. ' • ro,O,Leivreziwortb, E. commencing Tuesday,. asp, tePber 1.1., sad tantinateg thereafter at .1100.thatll 11.2 tbk 1.404 Quartermaster may dellgaela. 5000, 4 WESSON% D. O. 'MOW' aotT6aaday of AosoN was; NO Dories each day. No Wes of -MuloololD - las-piano - al' 4 ' • 5 WASI41171 1 :0A for i t e t3=o i rogol I fbitiraih w fp:;ll:Th r ; lallotlip *film* ors soutoLats. worilooobt . t=di f ii =l/I , baTE cif "r -oma; apofors ovollgteß , Flictitllf tPltorgO ih o 0000 t o road idagly.7l t r ,1344440 oamisienCte 1.0, 5 . ea. each !lir; USA to United Stageo flow staNidige-D. . .F ir o l "..• G1.... 21 ? G. (4 Wl= Is. D.Dio.j=nellll srtur.li.sozarbotss ftv ;LONG,,*Axil- CO, • SWN ARTISTS* HOME WWI= 140. 69 Emit/Meld et ..Pittstrusti. szniium ;mg agazzes prEAVILand with onracQ citrate& UTTRUL ,SRLEW CARDS on eninseled Psplrp4alors t utA CULT MONS ON WASS Micas TA, atafsent puts of Ine country, PXOT,O DMIGNS am,xat•od In 'MAP U. raMo r- - BOONS PAINTING dons VIII ►retard da• til i b M w b c 7 srol4or, l a s n A d tm.aw*aach. *rawAzaorot..rAtram , . eitEtast of Third snit suet* su, r atti3r r'ff : CAM toiol3 - 4 Hsi adorstonskiAtersaY Atul itaystusastAlSWlNATl A 7.1 ' . LLL.I.V.E . (1 US LAMIS GCALaniaarr wax. OF Steamboats,_Wharf-Boate„ Barges, and Other Property.. • Qualm:metes Gezritaat's 071101. Waranscpros. D. 0.. July „Mass, SEALED PEOPOSAIS ars Invited and will beleeelved at the planes, and until the Urea hero. taalter mused, tot the porthaae of the following named STEAXBOATS, WILIRF-BOASS, BARGES, and other property. At It eV , Orleans, „Lonlsana, tmtll.Wednes. day, October 12 M., Forbo toe =odd barge Dlalllgan, and one (1) coal a Which cab be seen at PORT ISUUSON; LOUIS. LANA, unUI the dee of axle. Ear the wharf-bent Natchez, lee tons; ant . / Teo (2) coal boats. . Whl eh oan be seen at BATON ROGUE, LOU ISIANA, until the day of sale. ALSO, For the Side-wheel steamer Colonel Holcomb tbui. registered 220 ne. Side-wheel diegl) eteamsr ILltnots to , regietarcd 600 tone. Stde-wheel steamer W. a Savory, reetstered 61 torte 51eOs:rsteel steamer .1. M. Brown, registered ID tOl3. Sitio-wheel denier. L. G. Brown, registered 79 tone. ' Sloo-wberleleemerOldo Belle. retletered ereitonS. Stde-wbeel etetuner id Mumma 138 tong . Side-wheel eteemertiant Oherice , regteterod.Olß tone 81de-wheel steamer Diana, regiitereil 'l3Citetut. side-artmel steamer E. IL Faltoiidi, registered am tons. • Side -wheel steamer J. 19 . 1snm. =Watered g 37 tons. Bide -wheel steamer Switzerland, registered SI Stern-lrbeel steamer Ida May, registered 990-tons. Stern-wheel steamer lowa. nwistered 492 tons. titern-Isbeel Masser Altamard„red 892 tone, Stero-wriael steamer Dlek Fulton. Ro„ registien ed 118 tons. Se rnheeltteamer Colonel Benedlot,legistared.. lel KM!. r Sts 19-AlalrmVa•tellliter ColooriCbaudier 90 te St -wheel steamer Corn* rogh2ared tons. Stern-wheel stearrier'Llzile Vast; registered tons. • Stem-wheel steamer Colonel Chapin registered rei,ied • Serewdug , lerristban, SU tons. Seremluttittatentoke. registered td tons. • ' Beane tug Settle,' relistered lii tons. Screw tug Captain Pltkitur (now bulidlng). Strew tugi no sumo sun nowtgi• , Saves tog CI F. TWer ... lie t 024. Sinew tug registered 419 tons. Scow cps Ranrecumeresit6O-torra: Screw tug admiral, VaptstidedlllSKina. ' Screw t Cilediatar,entons. • : Centre-w ug heel steamer Reeve:, registered Ii tons Centre-wheeEsiesunartieneral Ransom, register ed lei tons. Centre-wheel steamer Colonel Coburn, registers 9t tau. Model barges Nos. to and LI, and Abbey. Canal toot Rows. le. Teo (to) try welt bar.ea. Tircnty four f 24) pontoon boats. Four (4) total boats., one (II anti boat, ooe (I) to. tante boat, aye t 6) aktlla, one it) set of ways_ Alio( width can be loon at NEW ORLEANS until the day of tale. At 31oblle, Alabama,. until Thursday, Oc tober 12, 12 M. ' Tor the 61de-wheel simmer LerirsHlll, registered 783 tem " Side-wheel steamer Warrior. regLstered Old tone., Side-wheel steamer James Battle. registered Ell hide-wheel steamer oil_ registered 262 Cons, Side-wheel steamer N. W. Thomas, registered Ell tons. Side-wheel Mauler Startleht, ortered MI tons. Side-wlyel .Leaner iserville, re :trod 4 06 tofu. Side-wheel ateitmer J. D. by , registered tone. Stern-wheal steamer Jeanie Rogers, mesterei US tens. Stero-vbeel steamer B. B. Hamaton.(suilk),, reg. leered 199 term. • &crew tug Perry, registered 164 tons (orew - tag Alph Cattier, registered ST tons. , Sere* tag Blesmm. registered 61 teas _ mod eLbarge lesrdi cans ) boat Gold= Ess, csaat boat (no name), Pirty (40) peaterm bream, thirty SAgabosii, sad three (I) sectlecal docks. Alt of which ma be: seen at '3IIOBLLE, .54+A: until the day of sales • ' • Perim making pp u. for, mom, than: one . boil or barge, thoubl glee the Hama or nornhot of each boat or barge bidlfor..vlttthliprine Droopily! oho given for emit -• r • • Each t nvelope containing stadaboold be mead, and the name of the boat oh bed, or stseerfmtlen of the property, indorsed thareos, and addrsued to Brigeollenneral L-,B.Parigum, Ohletef and lilverTransportatton, In care of the offiotr ftr charge orrtver transportation trutpoint deal& noted for °pent:46lam : 1 • The Goirrnment reserves the right to, ithdrav rfietri= low. s....lB , 4,stPmcgais arandbr tabs made la thittedniteeettmiw, the eemmtanee of ahy propeitellind prior to : A delfterr ltur:rkesolgtoa 3ert ete=t .may be-oh. tainegon:appllogirittr4 Col or Edwards, Asalitant querterMaiter; fit Linda, ftflestrtut Byordet of theMilartermaater General Etrlgadler eaters! and Met of Ball and River Trazdrortstion. sti9ltd FOR SALE, • . • CHATTANOOGA& ROLLING. MILL. Was Derartensoer, (levies ow Inzsotos sap Gaszaai Manors es 31111.4 TART ILLILIMADS U. 8, WAEIIINGTOA, D. 0. .3111, 541935. . Proposals will be received at this Oleo ant IN o'clock 140(112 00 WEDNESDAY,. Septeenbei 111, totot m pz u reitta liat o tag..glatea g E4ll4 , 7rilts,ll. with th e rasa s buddinans, fixtures, and track connecting the ile.gillSairwith the Nub* vine and Olutttanooits antiroad. • The add and retanisinery eoestractel to enroll railroad iron are =Molly new, and of the most Improved nharacter. . for tuft descilotinst and details of letter 10 b 131,:t i 1. 1 4 1 : 4 " Tenn/sees. All bqls ahoold be malcored, "Proposal topaz. chase cluittacoos• Bolling mill D. C. NMI/SLUM, Dli ßre iee v ol t al=ral="ter . Military Railroads U.S.. No satlyfactory bide having been received under the recent advertisement for tea r la of the Oast tanoora ItoDlra MOI, the time fo reeeirttor bids to extencon to the 111 , 111 OF OCTOBER, OA acme tour. li. O. bicCALLTIfit, Brevet Etrltealer 4:lenere4, Dtreasor .nd .7Ametal Dia:WU . seMoct.s military Railroads It. HG.NRX G. RALE, Merchant- Tailor, 11011111-WEST CO ER OF MN aFL CLAIR 825, Prrrssua.ou, Takes great pleasure In announelng to has warner one clittamell and Oil genetalv, tonlads purchase. and eats for the FALL SEA. DON are now comp ted,'ltsving been personally selected from the drettotau cloth knees in 'the Eaatetn clue& Only each a elm of gPods lan wally be rile ed,wlll, be °de which Occp braees the newest and most approved etatertsbe aa4 stile , tto r en . tee ae a t teLk . ach bebur= t ar i to tpvt tbialapsirlytnapectlon. mu.BLADE, ,cOOOBED aLOTEis„ AND DOE SKINS:as wannnted /50 th =Mend botilld text Use: TON. OLOTIL.I - MIA Other new castles; mew style tor =Urn salts. A. !peat vadely 'FIRS OASSIMERE:SII for PbUti andTeatd, tor . sl.olllng sad Evening wear. BOYS' . . DRESS AND SCHOOL VATS. A ra w lot or eholett (pod. For Fall Wear: ICST RECEIVED BY GRAY & LOGAN, 47 In. elslr.Streell. DETROLLA MACHINE W0R204. E. FL L.EUICTOLLA %doctor:a of bSa t.:elo• buten Patent impterien • CaL. WELL TOOLt3._ ; sessofflacer,AND „ WALKING Lima:Sl ixortsi,_ .m.TtiTtES AM= IX SUS& MS OM AND SALT WELLS; Tifog.4l and u OBI& STat-ST,og the now route of tiusidaii, Mese I,itg..ltailiPar.: P. D. daresit,l49r, tr;ALLcatuth: miss, is Id Ss eats: "Jet otn_tao4l gams bone go aid Lan. Moat- tdn4 assumed ISM el for 'UM: An mu winnaled,sadAu4 suuuLt ditua , tbapta** 4 4 l POPAnofAA7tm: set tait#MV:7 04th st. tin manufseta= AIIate.DAUDULI:: 5W14411402 and Vs& aside tsiaNtir.—lire invlbe*Leptadlettoi And' asamtne, and .fifilis.rosititemtbg g *skid, duillen t me many workmanantp and cssaipsfs. .1.1:T1101113A.ND. • • • • . !?.; .•; ,•! A., VOMV.BErgrirf. §grArp.. lama, II Mired- physician-of user rid. 00000, dlietweiatt„ vhlle . li ;le Wen •ladiss; a vitiator Cosinalptioo, Asthma, Etionstittis, Ootettil, 00Ide, aid Gamed Dettlinn :Tao remedy dindvoind Way whew WI 624 ddl4, dlifelitter, Wu gfrenerp;itt die. fkii and ' . =ed. ,azdi la sow diva ' end *IL Desirotur at! - lid:tildes. nil fellow be will mead thototheiwilit I the teetwooniattins foil di I recital:old! Was feta , etto, CO p; of thaw naei, _with two W or ietl ia. giota.'iLirgeil i if, MA ill, illl . O I clor. catst .. tit take hour o sad donlpate, - Ant !s .paey. ta4i is, Irritation of Ina names, itte of o,oonr, MIMS - artwelbtatiark 'Ono vans „ ocoo „thiatt, faddy_ amanita/4 nausea in et sana-1 Ace,,4dlza at take bowels, ;Wing awl .51 Vie musols4".Tho Tentet 'win:Dieu* age Ilitioa of the zappi eta" tntsildffierttiedent in. etd. 42111.11Idnxur.li o • t,oardnidatarrarin4liokst,•nuAdophy, 110 1 0 131 %.74A 11 ::# 4 4APPULTVE414 hts rena l :Nato Aiat#ofraiiM 10 - fiety! -onirmattars _ris24.2suien:l23otat at-. I • 1.,11:: *l44olirrs ircetin; S .14 LOY on doldred by perms dadeAP ..entablW i btanohe fat Inds or poSlo wry." in or the soul be von WU.) a do aVs!r4.l39X4. 1./Y1451P1• Ai ) 311 0ft311. 4 3=24{444 SOnntart• • 16714271114 . 1 .0 noir kuniums. jugiby 1-1 diPAOLlitil 011 •,inZ • . 1 . ' •• • • • 1 , 3 . •.) . • • 1..17. , az.kblnirss. THB • GROVEIR. & Rum* FAMILY- SEWITRI.-lleig .• ":3,-,•,,,•:•••:-- 1:13 THE MITA =OHM WRIOR - --:-_-- tELE oxmor...na.cripxr.rwitt4, Nakeethe Elastic Eltitett; - ' nip. army atm:lents' waling .71:Tsespao TILE OBEY IS&OItiRE-SnglNC.';.“ , "- • 4 Fasts the Rads of tlie4tPalltl n • T 55 ORLY zerAcaarcs4stou • Brakes a Itias.Seani , - 1 , 74 , vitt nOt bras et ravel In Mine l:m.lhr . - The Only Sew* Nachtne Company_ . we,l,en nazis _ If,o•Cmar+siltairtirt - • Driblel:o4-'*;:o4dl Ittagsinek. Error:Users cut ilashlogivl*l4l*, if 1# ttitpg=u'iing=, AO. in:e7g leraner • • r..f A. 1 11 ,CEE.AMONETill,“- IttifitTeodxklt GELPERA'agfERY.— wELEELsa IVILEOWEI Lock Stitch sewjna' r.t BIIITON-HOLE MACHINE . tigency, Jro.l2' 7 Fitib Strect. 1105 Irr BOOTS II HA N& 830;000 ra) H OR , /300T8:AND. , '• ,••• 33Q REN::•• • New Yell and Wlnt:§r :Goode are being °mei every dur t io: tape time -to bay; !Pia . soak Winter Shoes,: Balleprras, Buld.os,.eisot Over', Grui asiters;Lasung - ocia: ereiur end -LeeekiatterlyEtalasoreisMaerretlitle, marW44-Morocco luaVitomecta 45( etyLa Met Ineo - erilVeleelt - terbyalele theixp fartoult. g • t cditganta2 't -r, 14-01,44Eqg!ii141WPWZ.Z SOUTH & •80513!!'i • : 4 41ine4,44010 - ciiar; Boots akid ' . REDUCED, - •TiCI pun ‘,. READ AND :REM.IIO? t Stive -'our Blon.eye St Unotaa ral kaolin tact that .111 C T CIK 9.2 Federal ;Street, Sens the bed and eltecitst • , BOOM O L ATT4IIB, FILLIXOB.ALS, ; • '• - Of any °Omer hoots mof the ci edu ce .Give him Gall, aid Oa will o A well .elsoced stook olwaya oa /wad. asOS tl.:Liw No. 69 119iliet Stre6l BELLS TEE 13IST, THE pT4TI9Err rrrrirtG, ' JONI TME MOST DOSAMLIR sam , certs .amotauaccansw: Of any hi:111111ln the MY. Sa WA Jnat qXogVed SPRING AND SUMMER' STOCK.' TIM SPRII ADM', OffELDIZEN'S MI FS Roots, Shoes! and Gaiters, Qt evert StploatlelotoS 7 0 : 1 4$ at • COYLE'S, Oorotz RA 110 .Willa &treat*. J 47• Prima to suit orarirboa t , otaS 4,t #1,4 1, i gif:l7-11_,Vkiff r7ll A njYg 4 BW4Ftlt ~~~~: Gas and Sipani Fitters,' -5 No:fire,wmtrAinum, (OPKISYri ,, Pl4.= Ptun :#761-414..8/I,L9et LEAD P72E,:rt-td d RAJLlaltlk-ir tin) P 1 beral ,Mtu;riall3 hl ft/0A OIL • Fitted Up tirtlitiftist4pprove4Blllei =DILI • 7 ••:: '*iks stibi4futleao.i.4.6*t.:'!Dgwol44ll _Hrquk . , Waterer pa. r , ,art,:w4inazdarsicrett•tv,attethuato.. S treet 064 - 107 , StaithliVid „ri ITrrsitUaGlL , PA.: - ::: ; • Water;-Bte►i or E•rli 4. 4 , 7 - , L 1 C01111412040-fri I. /.1/11111/144110Vte : ; • d ‘llcd” Era. 4 2.. • T4alq - line"dley crw • :4iipitieit EWA htel stc ur 6414. EuilislOpluitigOrdirtatiguinuvogivittriri --- --- , loom:flax:Nu; ',....,!$ 4 ,; lelr -,- -.7.:;:,:.:.!,)..fi ...L. , la'in ititinitatior, essiAtrigterulat mkt'' , me: L tiasemecisidwiltitso.o.4l l / 4 411 0 594 40P010 . crCt&S riOrri:ROZ3r ~ ,,,4- : :::t .o .z.h-o icizica %111..fickaltdi t . - ‘fr W..: -- 4 . e.,.:- t 4: - ..2,...) cq. 8b..7 :. - -.) - ni :,;. - --.z .: ,7 'a:: ,! : <T. , ..;••, --, , '''..: .ii:4,111.,10111A11.1141424*,*P.P1.2,1rn 162.1..::::: a 1 ..i.,. .'i s - ;... .... .. - r,tr, C:.'.F ~I. •71-,,r4 idl. . -m-,. : . Aisami,,,-, 2 i ~,,,,-„ , -.1 1 . .. , :iUsairtltaßEErtiniar,M4o4, t _ JUL .F. ..r.,..__L__l:llAt'AgoiLSAC/443/ 1.%.`4 .•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers