rit gittsbittgh emit. .:=irtoa dmizo !' I In unnuttlPLutaktuacutfilair Patoillr;, BRET. 22. IBS% Z►NION STATE TICKET. von, urorron 4 monmpil., .4. stir. JOHN F. kwmaript, Of - Montgomery county. 1011.8trIrTATOIS 921;11#,U. COL ;TACOnini ;Of Carabris WWI% PERn77IO:OI3I irchilnoimmi - Avvingsior asvi 8. Diaz of Alletnern4 ...PoSPlPoorry ocrarsoiLas rEIEMI,y A.A.yauswr, Pittatira#l4:4 7 9z lualivi4 l 4 l l •IDANILEI maw, .1 p. t. of Maly Townalap. magmas': lAMB L. EO. elilar GA tlegt es AAMAR! f. . alsfah o um Y. N h hleD a. ,2 .74.134 4 VID SHAYERM OLE liflklVa lb .B=4oA T lititt. ..1% hit commis oosaapatoszs AMMAN =MY, 01 Letypp BL Olals Tp. pox Gomm stravlltos: IL L. NeCtlLLEyiof Bircangluun. roi,Dß , Krz EOM muss. asissacteratnabla SCIB3I7'IPIC CLASSIFICATION, 'feCP LE AA" We bmre beendisiristitatitingom'iietili;" ligna of the Commercial down to som4thlng • definite and precise, In relation to the math -debated question of re-construction, and the supposedpollcy of Me Preside4l, they have pfOretised to falpport • is 2 appea l:ion to the platform of the late Republican Convention of this State. We are now favored - ihth an exposition of thesoverat Vasa hoi, differences of opinion, which are • - -Itltippd to' divide 'the friends - of the ad dainistration throughout the country, which "We 4*e-for - the purpose of showing just .bow much these new public instructors, who have heen BO roundly rating the . party andits doctrines, have understood of - the subjects pf which they talk so confi dently and oracularly. To.be fully and -easily understood, we will specify some of these plane.' There is lie plan of the President, which Is admit . tedly experimental. It proposes to trust the Southern people, under the sanction of the oath of allegiance, and under the unal lerable condition of the abolition of slavery, ' - with the rights and privileges of citizen tAtthe rpspisi Smelt reserves to; the <MVemmeniihe right to infidel the loaders -of the rebellion, and the right to anal and reverse any. action of- the people which may "catiffict with the above conditions. This right has already been-exerriw.a hy.anuniling cor a / a tte r , miulicipel regalatfOns, __and State elections, which contravened the 4.starditions above named. The plan of the more raciltnan of, ; the loyal-people is to extend d lenient policy to the man of the late rebels, to pianist, the leaders, and to adroit the emancipated slaves immediately to the .right or stamp.' pie.. plan ,of the great •body of ther party•Nthictris now in the ascendancy, agrees substantially with • that of the Administration at Washington, reserving, as the Administration does, name details of future measures—that of negro suffrage among them-.-for the'consid -vnidon of.portgresur and for further discus viten amortglisa peonle. Anotherplaukto regard and treat the States and people of the South-as conquered.proyinces divested of ill - right -of protection -and of ell- civil privileges. Now,-these plans, with the.ezeeption of the last named, which is directly exclusive of the idea of Union, and eo. is destructive to itwreliot so materially alfr'erent from eachkither that they may not cozies/3 e. It seems then, that the o_lm of the President proposes to trust, inter words re ad mit thine States; on the - isole condition of the atolitiOniif aldveiy, reserving the right , to annul and reverse any action of the peo ple which may: conflict vvith_this condition, 'lslets been already .4orte Jo. eases of Judi victual contracts, municipal regulations and Shite.dectiens, which have contravened it" alad,'.`aoine detail, of future • l i:. ~"~(=i j~ . inekstaiesnch as negro Taffrage--for the consideration, of Congress, and further dIS- CifEiOn among the people." sow, as the comzriernal proposes to speak for the Administration, we have a question or twO to pat just here, which is es senttalto u:Oroperunderstariding of the case. We woUld.hite to know, in the first place, --- how, and by What authority, these reserve. toils are to be made and enforced, unless those States are now in the condition of conquered provinces, or in other words, subject to the law of the conqueror? If they continue to be States, as they were belotelle.rebelllon, it is of course impossi ble for either the President or Congress to retnnex„hay,epntlition whatever to their re ttg—tfiliey should, however, what isthe tesoddveperoadi, andhow is that condition to be enforced? We are informed that it IS to be in the same way as has beea dose skiie E . Ctilieis'aiVitraqiioniOelpariekl, tilations and State elections, by reversing andiAtifittli ihkr-:!neta„. But how are et 1 4_,. fgt.filgAllO444ol , snnt powers or sovereignty i - - these r actortf wliffli onlyi conqueror could ~.. pert:lli - li, Id be diefilsed, withontinVOkinfir AluPqiiiite'red s 'PrOvAiieer„doctrine 16 MC', laWtheni I' Ards are they to be exercised •sft•rtitiO-Stakes ire re-admitted or before? 1 iiraiiiisitelitoo;hit the "plan" does vouch- I 'ate some of thr - Mirror details—such as steno euffrage, for the consideration of Von'Oesi and the people, for which Ittust -we 'are ; allderirateful.-owe would ilkii to kr.otv,:furibeywhether we are to be al lowed_ to OCUS,S, themnow, or ~w hether COkriiitted,"SOltil#s aro to, wait until Ilfeiraktatefriatre adarillfeilbaorO.ici under-; take to , Interfere hi there matters? Is it ex. mected — that any'af:them will come bank -with Constitutiliniallowing negro suffrage? - .a- . ..,.:-.-- if they derikwill..COngress be allowed the . rivilegeofexiludin them? lint how are it , ,,,, ~ ~,,, •,% a ..;; ---, -0%-o ,---avri...orir a recourse to that -Ittiomirotbler, *iliro,ted province doctrine? ' And if tkey'arso,tfr admit them, what then alaeritirliisEirwurfrage, which ,111 'conceded ,lbetioltAtiitif,. jciiiiiirliglA4 l 4.P.'ier;2lo . 4 4 - 1 1 1h,*(9€.:ta:PSinilt.9Pa 84 1- #4 62 * o,ll34u;biketo l t o anw i ti th ? c e.: h 7 ,u pla wn.o ' of 00 ,4 1 0. 7: States, liillllltv .have lleble"li.(; :o e ' d pr t h ey -are 'i r: :tt t l°: once 1 li r e 511 1 : o iris " t ut i l - If t: on rt t the yt 1 eart h o - . . l i il mvi;i ng rri rad(cat portion of the 14yai • ' 'People. t ' •li:ta? purdah the leaders and admit -'4. the eximrthipated,slaves immediately to the i t 10 .. .t , ,„4n..g„ wen, tut ur our plan, • ' 14-. Or may, sad, 0 1.' 1 :9 14 14i It not the c , preOepps, Buffs It lils;platt.io ;admit Th. 'third eventtialtyr,ll It le, how ' does he ii IiXOPM-,tit*:#iplialt It?, lilt by leaving ovpispifigio.,,Wireir -litalanasters? - And . ' .wheiriall-txrpeetiiiilliat they 1411-take _the '• mettfr'iiii*l4ii4toricrship?/There is another VallMAKrels which must - -Per according ii o tharViiiwaerifal l 4 classlileatiori, ;o'4 ; or. iiii radical who are set r loygrjuid that.* ,""to ropriloird treat the #tstesorthe Borah - Ots atiqtered iiffilGeiticf -t of all; Thstvivolifitlectios. anftt ilLittitil prlvi - : • jeryes-suft#o the floseolorefol seye ‘ . Ms ; i dPpoilf, - .*4lRAti:4o.l4qfs, ...* . 1711 4' 21, 1 A wer_vis destructive' to w' , —;nussrang,i of i course, the old.eiers governed Unfair-I Now - 1f atif : eilAllj i i*Pilrf*PqßCPft ",ihititirstreeieSt4tittsitsilASlty of the iondae--) '*isiiiiiiii iiiiiiipriiii;evert to comprehend s the graTeVielliMtillalgq4 tram tuideitake ' to deal so familiarly, we have it justhere. Z 1 tea they t tO coativiesaalsiovinces-doetrinQs - is 7' 0 • ly obvious that they have not the alighted COnceptton of its true *elf in the latnepalle4bl quoting approv a In'froila siteiciffirJedge Kmany, in ,whichAtidoetrine atiterted'itt It , ai audidort vigorous sense, as we; kn ow _ `into be held by that gentleman, in common with Ortmelves. It never yet seems to bele entered into their noddles, although we have tried to cudgel inhere-. that all the several plans 'which It describes, and every other imaginable one to boot, that looks to the imposition of terms in the shape ofeonditions or Otherwise, upon the lecedLog States—whether relating to eman a.pation Or - negro suffrage—must necessari ly rest upon the hypothesis that they have forfeited their rights in the Union, and be ing now conquered by our sans, are sub ject to our law,—which Is one of the cense• quentes that- always follow a condition of - war,' resulting as this has done. If they had only looked into the Proclamations for so much Of tip President's plan as is dia. closed there,llley would have dlecoverad,. thatin assum ing the forfeiture of the '-live franchtseAy thes" whole *hits popuis , lion of those Kates, appointing ProvlitiOn al Govern r ig coAIeVIRILB anti de': , , Whig who are ' map9o 34 14444, 1 0 0 . • 'to vote-le ins rartutily• naemising, . high *vent, Of'votieftd gay as *En g fret the law et conquelit. - Veuld:cinder. : Berne: body hal putit't =tb4@hdatls,+bowevar, that the 0 :LOX/TY. .ofMt' 1 - *lll4ent 111 Pat/ these Bastes ergo fifidf - ut_and,have been made indeliendinie our tale by their sub, missdon io"otkelii6 of 4Egeatia cotulevence •• by the Way of a victory—and: ' thus it is, thatitt their zeal to defend - whatthey sup posed to be his doctrilal; and dlcthot really understand, they have • blmosiereditato ab surdities of whlch aff, ealtoorborshoteld have been. lufiumSed.. - - . To make thie ignorante-more treason xentnhowever, we give further extracts from the speech of Judge4Lettr: Ido not demand universal confutation, or _to chafranchise every rebeL i am Ter mercy and conciliation, so far us they are consistent with the safety of the .nation. But I believe with President Johnson that treason is a crime that must be punished, - and I hope he will soon quit pardoning leading traitors that a few may be brought to punishment. I believe that at the close of so bloody a rebellion the law of treason, end the heresies of State sovereignty and the , right of secession ahmild be eettled by Judicial decision, and that the fact that the people of the United Stems are citizens of a nation should be sealed and sanctified by the bleed of a few distinguished traitor& For the southern muses, let uahave amnes ty and pardon: for the laws and honor of our country, assertion and vindication, and for the peace of the country and the free dom alit/ humblest citizen thesurest guar anties. To secure these ends we must have no restoration of the 'peat no hasty and ill , considered rectoistruntion. The . cork of reconstruction must when done, be perfect; and, in acrordanterwith the Con stitutkM, pecureilomac-k - Otato a republican form' of government, and' twesch citizen of each State the right to travel In safety throughout the wide national d'omain, be his 'opinion and complexions whet they may. Reconstruction must be had. man Wein to hold the Beath as a subject prprinee. lam for readordng the masses of the people, ane,will exert my utmost pow ers to bless-them.- • Let us restonsto them lisratfidlT Wet= all the benefits of bow _ and government Let us rapidly as. we chit with - safety to the honest . Union , peoPle of that eeetion, confide to thine local sisitim arriment,:whether It be rinderthat _name of 'States or Tenitories. But may waned be. justified In deellniig, at least fot the Mist est, to Invite them to govern as t toprovide . for enzymatic= and National debt and ett tabllahly the aid of the free undepeutne, racy of the North, a system- of revenue that. would close our factories sad eyerwhelm us in National and individual batliraptcY. Let us say to them,- govern yourselves, gentlemen. -Do it wisely and well, and thus give use guaranty of returning utility; but for the present you hold your property, your liberty and our fives by our mercy; and though we freely grant you these, we decline to resters to you. those rights you rillinquiahed when you overthrew your State Governments and made sanguinary war on the nation, until you shalt give us adequate security to keep the peace and be of good behavior. Nov, maik the italics It Is a good point theq think that the Judge does not demand "universe/ confiscation or universaldieran• 4Lisement" Neither does the Platform dr Sxxvxres, or anybody else. They do do not see that this language recognizes the propriety of a partial one. It is another good point with them, moreover, that "no man wishes to hold the South as a subject province," and they italicise it also. Well that is true, and indisputable, but has nothing to do with the gyration whether they are in that condition now, except to /firm it—as is done in all his subsequent remarks, wherein he treats their ultimate restoration as a matter of mere grace on out part, and says to them that "they hold their kreperty, their liberty, and their lives at gra merely." Strange stolidity ! that con— demns a. doctrine by the silly reiteration eif a parrot phrase, without knowing what A means, and thin almost in the same breath, indorses that identical doctrine In Its broadest and most offertaimform-or Pre aenlation I Hadn't the Coninfirial better turn its attention to the thaiketii . and' let Politics alone? Such zeal without knoszl. edge, as it bus teen displaying,- will only annoy and disgust those whom suppose® I telt .o be serving. • The early to be Defeated by Ito own Doc- Tor., Commercial of Vredneaday morning rays; , "The Pittsburgh Ger-eltels-dolag Its ut most la_ defeat the 17nfron party In this ;State. Feeble as Its efforts are, this is their clirect tendency. Itts,not thp first instance of unfalthfalnss,'&c." • •• The Gatettet maintains no other than the ,doctrines of the party as enunciated at Har risburg, rinditatilie Ciniimerciar has not yet had thelardlhootlto deny, It is the party doctrines therefore. that .In the .epic• ' ion of that paper are threatening to destroy it. 'BM liciw any newspaper ; . that ,denonn. tea them, can hope to maintain' - itii norifiL dance or teepee; 'Va '4lu - cation that the Co/MUM:fat Itatfe- an Oppetitra4Y.On solving. It pill find oat, by and by, that it is not a brazen face that can tory It no cesafally thratigtt such atrial. II tee luvre been untatthAl in any part'c ularin these doctrine's, we call upon the Commercial toalloW ' And This is a de mand thatit cannot evade. mint either most or maho up its mind to stand brand. estbefore the public with the double crime of hypociisy and falsehood. No Albany dodge will answer here. -TEE NEW Yona PLATFOILM seems to be a compromise between, the Radical find Conservative Republican/ If Ippicoves the administration of President ffoitisein c and endoieea ififtlar steps towards recon stractßOl; bat'adds that "whenever it shall be deemed conipatibletwith Citepubilessfe ty to restore -to the4ltsles- latelyJn rebel lion the renewed bibitise of those rights, we trust it Will beirondin'the faith and on Rai bssliithelAihn, LimS.Mcilied the of equal and im partial Justice, and with a i 'view 'ideation and perpetuation of cltizetishlp - of:al l their : pelvis." :With this radical, qtudificatioN we see no oh-' 'otion :fir-the plafformi • x.' he Convert., •tlnn It b plaiwiteisno .falth iminf,4ll*; .glitAtlkti#44lti/OPTattre_ Is44PqaPP,eti! - ,Pi{ ItlS,,,NOMPstible. She,. public' figef"Z:O`Patfaiienient;'*e'' venture to predict; that will pat it off for a considera ble season. tie ow lA-. Ale— • ..•••, , We have elsewhere observed upon the Commerefaft - chrissificaticm--of the -Onion party on the question of reconstruction. Our own views on this subject are that t7O phasp,s of ppiniun upon the gennraliatteith:gt--one issimiti4St the 'Rebel communities having destroyed their own government, hay* lost their status as members of the Federal Family and for feited their rights under the Constitution, and by the law of war to which they themselves, appealed, have - fallen under the dominion of the 'conqueror, and are really at his mercy, in rights, perm:mond estates— to be restored only on such terms or con_ dittoes not inconsistent. ith the spirit of our institutions, as that conqueror may pres cribe --and' the other,' trislottnethst •thelle states have forfeited nothing, slid still re main it their original condition; subject only • to the constitutional liaillilnirthe part of their citizenli* to answer before the courts of the sovereign, tor their treason against the government, under the Constitution, and laws of bust/Lilted States. These are Abel ; divisions-''of aentiment on which tryerYthing turns. Therms:o' .hedifterenees, and probably are, eat°. what • these terms insisting oh negro , suffrage , , Mad Wigs dissenting `6l• , 411 - '• Are VIVA. WO balleveyes to:the- qUestion , , ofthe abbilitait elever7„ Tut Wherever the queiticm ol trreai or, eendigirri to the case, the distmt mew Of theoldrelhtioa and the forfeiture of r . Constitutral rights la always admitted—the pow to iMpose new terms-=-whatetrer they may tieel- Warr implying that the old .bargeln is at an aid, and that the conqueror has a right to say What be will shone to exact for his. Owe futtiossocaritY, And thisla the here tical end damnable u stinquered•province" doctrine, vrincliii held by everybody in the . WA:retry, with the exception •of the, rebels and their liortheni •and' Oven by the Como/erns/ itself, and all others who sup port the policy of the Proclamations— though sometimes as in the ins ante of that papev—without knowing I'. The other doctrine, that these States were tot out, and stand now as before up on their original rights under the Consti tution, subject only to such penalties as _lave been Incurred by the treason of their people 7 -wittch Is the universal ides of the Rebels and the Copperheads, and which opr Republican President is very strangely supposed by them to favor, even wheats is dealing with these States as a conqueror— disposea,ol the whole question of Decon struction, by affirming the right of these &rites to come tack wheneVer they choose, ' without any condition whatsoever, and leaves all the righti," fianchLeins, and proper. ty pf the traitors, unimpaired and unaffect ed 'by their rebellion and defeat, except so far as they may bo - resaied-by the process of trial - and judgment lathe Federal Comm. In that • view, however, - no man in these State* hart legally disfumetalsed, and no right of property in . 'slaves his been divested either by prodartustion or war. If t', e law of war Mut not 'unsettled their relations and brought them Wont:a power, but lelt an thetrcemstitationaretettrutam- , Paired. it has equally Wei to dlstnrb their property in alavea,Which Is. one of them. If the President now can insist on the rrerv . t reader of thatinstitution, It is on the Same ground only on which he or Congress might MEW on negro mileage or anything else, and thatis, as Judge gsu.r well re marks—beeanse they are now 'at our inercv, and' can only receive back such ' privileges, as we may accord to them, as a matter of grace. All this is well understood by the copperhea,da and rebels, if it is not by the Commercial and its readers, and therefore it is that they are so united and so slamorotrs In the support of what they understand to be the President's policy, in keeping the negro-down, and having things precisely as they were- ••DSUST EMI PUT LUPIN." The old slave drivers c aunt forget their plantation manners, and the moment they me an opening fora return to poorer, they feel an brealstable 'lmpulse to crack their plantation whip. Thus the Richmond Whig. tittle editor is a candidata for Congress, makes a lotions 63- malt upon the North, charges It with incendiar• Ism and with tormenting strife, and adds : "These tormentors of continued strife may be few, but they are dangerous and should be put down. The work of subduing the rebellion Ll not thoroughly done till these rebels &gal net the peace-and welfare of the country are crushed Bad quieted." And so, every man In the N )rth who to not ready to bow the knee, as of old, to the majesty of the South, must be pat down! This is the sound of the slave-drivers! whip, as It used to be beard In Congress. Slavery was the very essence or Intolerance. and Its devotees are to this hour as bigoted and proscriptive 'as ever. They-cannot hear discussion, nor tolerate tree speech. The man who opposes them must bo 'Tut down.?' It is not camel to outvote h im, he must be climbed out. The gag-rnie, adopted In COZgrelsa when Anti-Slavery petitions first .fMen to pons in, was one of the earliest „maul festaticrne• of Able spirit; and U. was naturally followed by ransacking the motif on der federal iotholitY. And* airliettaltde: atteotpta to sup press free rpOoth and free press. From that lionyto this; every Bentham politician hes been lalteeill to neighing Mce p free diSZTSIOn of 6mithrrn instltntions. • To ortn the doors of Congress to those fel !or; is simply to bring bear the reign of terror that prevailed in past ream, under their sway, Already we hear them clamoring that the .di cad Republicans of 'the. North mast tm " put down !" They are intoxicated with the ides of 011pj; back. Into reinter, and smack their lips with gusto over the anticipated revenge upon their enemies. t o fe* months , ago the country was decided ,and enhbacic in Its demands that teach traitors sa.thie editor of the .0711 g should be Since thane more kindly spirit has prevailed to ward thirds ; many o f theta bare bees partioubtt• atA•nolr,".4 trying the eneduient of rester• ing.them all their .ancient: privilege, 44 are waiting to see what will bathe effect of trusting. 1 spa i linplitliJy and . Creating them ataguard •. • . c ° li r • 464 ,_ . 0 , 4 t § I. Unt omln W. tor lento. Ls be ~` pat OWll'. The did sbeheholderef rule is to be to ee jrLtd. 00 114 , 0 1 6 0!l ie l a ir P#V sted i liis theloyat mem a ( teoctonutq,whoare to be treated as suirainalst dS that, have .to do. to brfilt beck the good old , times When Bully Brooks - trai 'weir of the open the doors of Congress when the editor of the Rich mond Whig applies for alimiselen,rand bag him and hie friends to take the Government ant of our unworthy lurede.' we ate to be .put am)," In us anticipate- oar irretrieltible * fate , ' and'ulacenar necks voluntarily under their feet. If their hands are foul with the slaughter of our brethren at Libitty, Belleijele or AndeisenvMe, wbsaneed wean i Is our Place to blicalAveg. and theirs to • If the fair of trtusibag the political • ,power of the &;tah exclusively to rebels was, not - before , appentnt... it meet begin total* now. _Every dose experience contributes something•to toe itt the faith of thertuitylvenla Repub. :110,44 /1 4tin, ”that the :Mild and Crezierens ;method of seloriAdleflott Offend by, the , r . o . that t o the 11,30p1e astely .rebellion, his not Coin accepred in the spirit' of honest loran, and' gratitude, but-with-ouch -evidence Of defiance and tete thipel to' the convidlort that the, tinthoi s he safely intrusted with' MS pollticiii;fi;) whla they ;Pilell!ea by, thelZ trearoi,i , : , • BERM% Eleptember2l.—ln the esse•Al the' United States vs Colchester, the , spirites! medium, Jude A. K. Bell glued Coleherte $4OO and ~: - __. Sintmity - dur4. Er.„7' -Ate tent far immediate universal negro cage -andysturvbere ivelndttest-doetrine-in-the- Hahlitrur i g Resolutions t t f r . r Thik hi not true; ' 'Are !mite iuit'dhiensited . y't ste inbleci et alVWhllerttr - may bear . opinions, *high we shirt be ready to glUe at large, whenever-we shall find a little learns for that purpose. • As the Commercial is, however, obvious ly in want pf Information in regard tp the Harrisburg Resolutions, we have no objec tion to furnish it when asked for. , We nits it therefore to the third of the settee already quoted by is—where It is asserted that the- rebel States "cannot be safely intrusted, with the political rights they have forfeited by their treason, until they have proved- their acceptance of the results of the war by. incorporating them in Constitutional provisions, and sseuring to all men within their borders their inalienable 'rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of hap- Pintas." Will this do? Dir. Mal an says that 'he llboties of our people are safer without the privilege of ,votiog. there is any other way in which. they-mm.lSe Secured, we should like to .be (Advised of it: Will ' lhq Col*Orcial Infbral ne if Pitt ,War not Intended:to mean that they should sots) TweVerglnterrfa (sap that'ltyr Oat.* m4intaida.tbs4Atik fiebt)i leadeia ;an pro perly be treated only as prisoners of war." pubiCtidng. 'All,lbat we re- Markediras that itWas idle to talk of prin- MIME.; any man for treason only, and we had great douiSs w4cttller it would be even proper after having been compelled to ac- knowledge thefr belligerency. It wads, wortaver, that wa discourage confidence in the President. 714 leant true either. We have no idea that the President.ja by any means as nu. worthy of trust as the Commereiot would represent him. It la tha_ Commercial, and not the President that we have been cau tioning the people to distrust. If that paper speaks his mind—as it protases to do—it will ruin him In the estimation of everybody that is loyal—neither it nor the Post, hoWever, are to be cenaldered as authority upon such questions as these. Either of these Would make a Copperhead of him in very quick time, .FrE Fr an rz ft risaxtE.Tra. SHOE 1311IIHRES.—A large ad3OftMent received and for sale by JOHN A. REFISELAN7, corner of Liberty and Mad attests. QUEEN @LIVES.— he lines • import ed. A am./1 lot itid teeetved, In Maas Jars, and ter ante at Me Fatall6!ri i ree ß vllit s l ef u eot w ne22 easter Liberty ad nand street& ctvL it4-2te:Prira7r. i„&., a :.,.ea retr4S the haltraosery St* of . JOHN a—amsrsnAw. 1.4=1 scrum ;Omar Nut 1 4 8 4 Weed+ TEN ACE.EII, SIVA MILKS-BROM the tit), ordhatelof 156 that% best irattbt Irma fr.ine hare. KILO* &I.; eery aPatetele by 10117 and named. For rti . o a k a l l i v r ol 116 s. .4222 . 61 • • ri1101 , 113 STOVEPOL./K t re t.—Jus. 44006 Mao. Staintt.Palluit,tpall P Er l 3 l ol,Brick put, 811ret Nap b 7 SUM , Plata Brutes. for pottaltlng. Par *at* at Qv /milt Omar, More - • • WEN A. Execurew. am. . easaert.tbartit vat Hasa atraata. U 21 L OLOTHBB WRING— war Waage, -Mal has the egg worta attalal.ed, - ato laths 0..17 Wises that Orel aatlatactlen. A largo dealt en hand utA fat lab at et.adla, St. HMIs liteeti 6,1 . IR IL PHILLIPS. saPt Selo Aiwa' to Allethesl 14.15,(3114 0, 15.8.1,1 LNG.--Leather and Glua klattlag, also, Guns Packing. 1 110 3 % kat, Lag Leatttar.lttreta,ato." A lane ,to Attlotd, wallah will tot bold at the lowiort_prtaas. stetter wholesale or rata!, at Ma India Robber Loped, ea • J. at b. PBILLIPB, 0r.211 No.'s II attA ta Bt. oar striros, TIE SECRET LETTER WRITER t AT eras .I. 1.. READS, t o. is Foartb Street. WEIT.F., ORR ct. CO., No 25 Fifth Street, Offer for cafe a Ear aanortment of DRESS GOODS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET P6lO Es. se= REAR CR ERR RAILROAD.—PROPO - S&LS will be reel the Grabbing, Cleating. Earthwork sod !amatory, of TWENTY sunions or THE BEAR CHEEK R&M. ROAD,. boated from • point oo the Erie and Pitts bursa Rellocaa, two miles south of West Green ville, to a point eastward of Mercer walla o'clock P. m., September Seth.. All Imm:i o mb. mort be made for separate seetlons, and may be sent to L. D. WiLialonS. Eaq., Secretary of the Company, at Meadville. or beeves at the St. Onarles Hotelc West Greenville, on SePtearnafi 2610 i when fho Bored of Direetion will meet for aware.. All Information can bs onelned by apptleatloo to J. L. BS/GUEN, Seq Ermcneer of the Com pany, at Mercer. WEI. HEYNOLDS, PnaWent. imarao!. rare Ore Toe, E- Atintineerv. Se, INA E— SEALED PllOl - 'OSALS WILL, Ittb BE H vEI TED as refs *Moe until TIFF-SCAT, Mb but E for furolealtar UM. feet of four lath W ATER P IPE, eeoh pill to oil (et; 1012 g, %Halt think. end tnpable 01 etildln* a 'mesa Or . /00 POtindlt.o the muddy thee, , TtiCploo to be dells eyed at sash Masts ln,Allersheny, ttur Unaisatan 01 the Water Coettailtee may WNW.. Binder' en* request% to slate omen they prte Dom to [menthe eatitreat Mdaplated." Dy area:ton Of the'Vretar Collmitten. ' • . . aB - FRANCIS, •• Mall • OH/ CdotroUsr ttifE colikti. OF COMMON PLE.I. 3 8 P" &LW CM Writ COUNTY, PENNA., 1519. 4 - 1; Onbeher Term tin, .1 wild Weland sad Ana U. Oslielamidge alit, vs. S. allathentle, emelt. tor of- Nary Robulioa,•deneesed, with oottee to .r.`,°4llS - 4flltwati:l4,7sa,Fdrifig r .;l l l: rfor Indadent.' 601, tranber Term, tel l , reduthehle to the heat Monday of °maim. MC. 'if.. defendants Ire hereby notified to appear to JAW sotto sod ebovr cane. mho judgment herald not boentet*l laid Use mentrut them for debt, latent sod still, and aby exeoutioa should not be biased to taunt the same, A. M. BROWN, A. JOHIIN 00 11. 0E STtor WftT, Shedd. E n. ern .3..1 CLOTHES, MARKET, w..a.zvcrs 13.44.83Eciwr.9 OF ALL, KIM).9, At )11713VETS, 14A CS FEDERAL STR VET, AlloghenV. , weave,, Te • x•Payere of. Allasheny Take Natio, Pubes malice b earet4.tateeti 0 1 0 1 .0 14 :idett tax, aaaessea War passons,. ripttiop, ono Otopoit_y of said ward td now do and pap to mo at No. E 0 Wasbloston atrearia d Sundt., paid In thirty dye from tiatil dioarat'llallatisnis will ha DaedgG against awardin E g to Law. ~., • LZ iStralnunagtO, ukeET EO Satiniod : 0 PEN LNG. • • • 3:11X: SITOBIEIDJ r Win open on a &Tp,(ll:4!Y ; cilko Asa lost, an el► mitOttnxent or NEW AND FAbHIONABLE MILLINERY. • , AC No. KV lIDERAX. BTII ET, se2l:4td Allegbent Ulll VSTEAY.—Taken up In Allegheny, on Wednesday, seetembeenelniamo en. • DARK BL ELAitE, . .fifteen hiksdil htgh. not rb 000 1,.0 both hind best with Isft,MAd test Neum be by given of ;hi pope, to ball 64 tits Uhler ttf'l , Bl/01, per 1. ages trig ;stetter aday op litie *di be dip°. ea - 6000=g UMW( sattnnol fiRTNERISHIP.--Tho col) ytnej , , - orrA k ul l LTEretairn i =744t-A2P. ' Was absolve' by 112121.61) consent eo "tie 'Ws day oflootemben n&elh . . 1 5 6 * The bolo of Lao A m es arm bikutl4ol,4 PAti clf !wilco; ilk' ":' `" IrtiosAtoweite tegiate - , n'inaLTANOB w , arm& _, 'jog oRI3E. You saLE!' - litre Ir year an "V irgASK A M. " SOAP BTONB.-60 bblo:' for sale by 8. 'rt. COMM& OIL watrims-,-Fprliexib.:6l4„,„ AIM PLASTER_ 50 bble.; fir sale by lII'MAY lIBRICATING OIL-60 bbls. for POI LL. Lt. COLLt!t& dfIEY! .411 rER sz.AurorTH. .GoLD P 22113, - SteeUlna. Lithographic Pens, Mule Pens, Quills and Pens, . Slates, Rulers, &o, All kinds of WHITING AND COPYING. INNS aJMIII FL VIDE!, For sale by NUBS, BCHOYER & CO„ 2:ltd IS MYTH STREET COKE ONE, COKE ALL! GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING SWORE. Nos. 18 and 15 St. Clair St. atteatlOn • tbs publta fs called to taut tarts and ezteuiva • kf (IZINTLEguop.9 PUB, VIE 4 • e ' • *mud at Qs aboYIN• aka wtoArta=at= taw •ItS" advadtsai U atm o call, sad =sada" ( stock bettors mkshaedaa olso whets, 11•1 ••• • : lb . o . katratao4Outifektatol , •• • 'la • blilavun Sou e:3 to / 404311 Daitt9+ !u n i ZMOIfirasl . __I L UNIX' (1 01 sol 4 loyal thfut esti. • trttit.. .60011.;1, oa . j . Ases, /4 4 , Vv4 ava I ! ! i midskfr . = : t. ?i4D. A lamb . r LitA tt l i e s to ssiw, :iieoo.3 r trtligymiting APLEGELENE COLLEGE, MEADVILLE, PA- . clekleas'acia• for 1.84315.0343. WEDNESDAY, SEPTUM= 20, TEYt.RI OPEJfH. Wednesday, December aO, Fall Term closes; Thurs. day, Tanury 4, Winter Term opens; Finley, March DO, Winter Term, Mosul Monday, April 2, Spring Term opens; Thursday, June 28, Spring Term oIonts—COMMENGEBIENT. Location beautiful, healthful, and euy of access. Libra/tuts Dabbiett. and apparatus on usually en. truly@ and valuable. A new boarding hall with completely itirnlilhol rooms for the accommod. thou of one hundred studeits. Boarding from Uno {Ol4OO per weer. Clout. commencing Latin and Greek will be formed at the beginning of the Fall Term. J. TINGLEY, Mid m. Secretary of the Faculty. - - N OUCH. We have the Sole Agency (or Pittsburgh, of the UNITED STATES PIN COMM ; Also, Adamantine and Swan Bill Hook and Eye Company. was:m=4ms DAALEISS AND lOBBLItS ! ; gtiy , 24 above,,in ew li rg eeht (t*w•weing ing et Km. 78 and 80 Market Una, CLYDE .& CO. see pton .01.TIr COLLEGE, Corner Pews and • • - PITTSBITMEC, St ! , largest, clasper% sad awn auseessral 1:01414 A gs) DT TYE MUTED f3TATBS. &Watts enter and review At Any time. /Er Mind Are, eontsinfos hill two tree Or Any Address, on optimism to the Dale I • 41ENKINEI A MTH, noithasirdNieirT PITIMMInatr. P. BARON LIEBIOB• FOOD. FOS tardlilTS /USD INVALIDS, Tor ranking • pleasant and highly nutritious Sou p er Oruel for etuhinui deprived of the . and invalids of ail ages. air Full directions on sash package. For aide at the ChlifTß&L DRUG fr= earner of Ohio an/Ye:Loral stseela, to the Douse, AJleltheny. GEORGE A. KELLY S.& BRYAN, block and Real Estate Broker, NO. 67 FOUTII STREET Orders for the purchase and sale of GOLD, and GOVERNMENT, RAILROAD end PETROLE- T'M STOOKS, prompUy executed, liy telrgraph, Ia Rev Tort or Philadelphia, at the REGULAR. COMMISSIONS as establisbed by the Board of Brokers In the respective eltlas. case )RuPOSALB.—SEALED PRuPOSA.LS far eupplylng the troop, .t Allegheny Anew. el, with FRESH BEEF for sin months, eons meocdng on the lei dap of CUMBER, task and ending on the Stet day of MA %OIL leek will be received by the eubserlber anal the tad hut, at t 2 o' 31, when they will be opened. The beef to D4l of a good and wholesome quall2 i In quarters, with en equal proportion of ea ( acct. and shanks to be , The days o Lena, the problbla quantity of beef required, and the tern. and conditions' of the contract can be amertalned on applicaUon to the eche:llb= at Allegheny Arsenal, - near PI Isburgh Pa. GEU. W. ZdefLEE, setild let Lt. Ordnance, A. A.. O. B. VNEECCETIC MEN WITH LARGE or •mall 'captt,4 tell' and a raze oppottaxilty to make =nag Liam et:entirely new sod useful Invention, whirl S to great demand And meets uttivental aPProbatleo Call upon STNS it BLOOD, telg.ter Foorab etrest; (up mirk) (nraus or. IlTillsrawli skis Cowetsr, i 1 tilittoer 1 / 1. 13. PLECTION OP TRUSTEE& btoekholders of the Pittsburgh - 03 a Own. pear are hereby slanted that tut election will be bed at the *Moe of tha Company, la Flitibufah, CP the Fit ST Miniltiftlf (Woad day) OF Ott. TOBEIL NEXT, between the hours of 13 O'clock, Les 0, andi r rit . o r k s r. i t i -for the purpoad of Meet- Oont it pany for th" e tt 3 Imp as Trustees IA a. ss !add JAN Et 131..!(11111.15TV, Treasurer. RiaIOVED TO 11 0. - 22 FOURTH STREET, I have cmenee a Ili:dandle antannanit 01 the latest styles to BONNETS, HAM HIBLION6Lo wEits,pLIMIES. CT GOODS, Ito, tad am now prepared to wait upon my or stamen, pod all Malta weo may favor me with a mil. . s4l7:ltutod Mts. M. H. MiraTITER. 1/170c f n /48i4 1 m Nee. Ye 4cary sciroot.—:nook. . h pit experlopso4. lu s t, f,.:21 1 =1 1 :,;7417gittit11111 1 11. 4 :3;if ?1 6 1 1 49 - /adviacci. „ lifinttag o 4.4dteu I L A , s' t :• i c ' n) i? r irtieltiti LL Istd SUpitridteadant atOthart Catt4o B , doluteater sc B. figuagnisks,ttgke „ •,;" • Main "br e P i E c'o;t 2 7o b = towb bnt Y, h.! at - their office o the 9th that., the capital stook of the ctitapkar was anneniturni vale of atl erentoinetsagetl;TWEßTlr—FlVE ILIIDIRIAMptatLkinge. liteckholoers wW please take notice and Kit Lcd , take ont their pro•reta shale of the netroteek, at It le netestarr tO have funds immediately to Wary on the work now on Dann' try order Of the Roars. • • ROBERT. WitAY, Ja.. Secretary. tWmciovrksournmittaxtel tistnaanwr OcnI2MT, Pe., .. . Pmresunoet.Etaht. 14 141. 4 1 0 lIPBOISTERS.—BeaIed Proposals ,i- will be remised at this oftlee nattl the =I la. stem for furnishing SIX DOZEN colarours for, the roe of the Cloudy . Jell, 'morales to.sein .plee width elm •be lan on apptteittiOn. By at. reetton of Conmitte• of Hoard ollthepetiots. We ~ HENRY LAMMAS, IJontrollcr. konop . TO'CONTRACTORS.-pro. ptwais for tierrbbieg, wring, end eeicisx , eftth eurbetatut at' (Mora greet, from Etna] street to %b , peopoer4 fins of Dlittlenel 17 1 1 n will be ;coracle] at the odic* of the unecrilgo e e in the 'Merkel Pelldloe,unt , l the Thl eel of Sept • tatAfiLla 111310 USP FAH ft, w it . • ' Atecordlar gletaletor: , lAtionT_Arz.o.s.T., 7 4j3kiff, painted Hod mill B 11414" between' nito.Wo .tod (:1 Ctltl. Vhoouroar4ma have Ito smut by oalltot o °gum jrBZEB,ot tketoPtlitt Of Saw Ktlia at ii PrivOi ar 0 21 1 14 and PWAS 44J I!!'• 4;ADIEB• Arai mitiss§idairtpit4 .4, e ,A 4 41. W. CIAIMPI46,NA thea. Boot add :Rhea fito sbtitatto.vomig pi, 44:AA,Ati:fe j t }t" 4 th!Bitottitleti Pit. • 011LICR , GOODI3 1 BILLOW COST,- i l l , ~...74., W.NuMINAILAWS Boot and Shoo St° tbatabomes et Mutel suel. Itact the If4morut, Imo . • • ' see I VARIOBBEB.--A argo brazdajust, received: StraCli rokof, &apt iotritiactri, w_1.4440,4. 4 'ORB STAT 4 APPLES. prime Lake tsuat, Awl! . 2 car • •vr In More and IUT a IJU. Awn , . 4-161PiER riaveigori4. ALLEGHEIir;oO I fair Agri - Oulttral gOtiety TENTH .ALNINIIU.AI_. FAIR, IROS CM PARK, OCTOBER 18, 19 AND 20,1885 WEDNESDAY, THUM AID FRIDAY. The Bout of Managers annotume to the Nadia tllet they have leased for a term ot:yeats the oommodlous and natura ll y beautitutrgrounde known as the IRON CITY PARK, Situated ►t Lawrenceville, nose Mean, Urn: Large and WeU dlrranged BUILDINGS Hon*: erOOSIIO , tAs Dols) et 111E6Asion sarra;nostres, IRPLF.IIIEN7s, oATTLE,' SWETT& . 'WEEP. FLOWERS AND SWINE LSD VEDEFADLZSI TR PODLY. LIBERAL ARRANGEMENTS .San been made to Wore EIiTIRE SIIISFICTION To Zihibitori Rad Spectator'. LARGE PREMIUMS ARE OFFERED. And the display In all departments promises to be EXTENSIVE AND DEPOSING. II ()It S _F., S. The ➢lmagers hare provided A Euitable Course for the Display of 'forces AM, In eddition to the testa al:melded In the Pre, Intim Lana, the trace arid be open each day for EQUESTRIAN. PERFORMANCES, Coda the direction of the Committee. THE GROUNDS ARE Supplied With Pure Water. Hay and Straw ITRNISHED GRATIS. 431 ra in at Ciost. Effort CTTY PAR C oan be resobei. b' the Ott. hens' Poseencer Railway. Also, Sasonamodatlon LT;will be ran by the Yenfisylranis Railroad corm'. • Prentlzun Late test. be r srocaored at the Erenne of the Society, No. c 3 Fifth Street, or by abblication to either of the CEEerafiped, lair Article, and animate ea st be .en the Eicretert i e m boOka Won TUESDAY EVEN CI /R, 00TO It, and (exeept horses) brotight tritium the 1/3C10•11111 aa eerie as TVESDAY NOON air - 103nm Rand will be In attendance. aff'Ample arrancinesite for meals. PRICES OF ADkISSION . .s,lattle Admission 95 veins. hildrea, each _ 13 cults. :rwev.horee Vehicle* 23 *cote. Siaslivhorse Vehicle.. ........ —...... 20 peat* ,Slagie ROl2B 10 mita Occupants of vehicle. will pay, to addltlou, Lae regular mon of oa. Judge.' Reports will be reut Rom the Pres]. h..oe tent en FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2 , 3, at two o'clock r. eg. LASH PREMIUMS WILL BE PAID I=3 For furrfier Information.. aflarena Capt. JOHN I WING. J , Superietendent ium. lien. JAMES £L NEGLET, Correepoottos Lary of the Soeusty, of S. SOLIOYES, 6.ftreta ry to the Board. eelhatehrh.t. IF YOU WANT • Any of ths nen Hooka, Papas or Magazines go to IF TOU WAFT School Books, &ad School Sta. Um:our, ro HUNT'S. IF YOU WART The Celebrated Oorrogated Non - Corr./re Pen, J nate per dOzon, go to ITUNT'S. /F YOU WANT Photograph killincroi at the lowest price, go to IT YOU WART the but make of Gold Pont, war. rutted ate of bait goattty, T'S. go to IF YOU WANT 13.11 N AoV of the popular Dian Book., go to lY YOU WANT Arty Rook .r• Job Panting dons neatly and expedltlott iN gto IF YOU WAFT • Pocket Rooks. Pmtfoltos, Writing. Desk., Playing flares, Booksaav mon Boon* go to AUNT'S. JOHN P. HUNT & CO. scllo B TIME Sr- MASONIC HALL Taz FOURTH NATIONAL BAHL 11. S. Government Depository 55 X.III.IKET BRTEET, PITTSBIIIMI, PA. (*phial Paid In 8300,000 With Pr jo of Increase to 600.000 Having extenehut crarrspoodence with B►nke sod Haulm, tb.ughout the country, we offer unttsu• el7uWti►s to those <Suing butane with us. 7 8.10 I'aCiTX7F3. And all other Government seaurittee, furnished le ikulos to colt nurehevers. Del:mote received end lets:lest 'Mewed by !pedal agreement. , . mos. imnrizz.ve, Rum; D. Pd. SMITH, I Jed:. IJOIM 11108. SMITH, J. IL ,EIREkATP.I4.7B, molt Dtgam4vr;:riaieitt,,, _mualti ' .4eurivxwb.r.V. SuPER4 wrocur s owssisTusto uv 11 !Ifts•IFL'imtidelliongor '.llol4:4istings, tlmiots, Carraones, =thin AND, now EIEGTONS. Mao a lane and abates dock of the oar/ anat. Imparted X"roaaszka Croortixasat MTD Fancy Clafilpimeree.• Width emeriti fate mat pleasure In °Carlos to the Dahlia wtb the feeltaa that thee canape tali aa give gatklitutlstaatioo. Thy will be made i d x o nk t r in Quintal way: tate beet mad mostag• pettor manner aad latest woke. We guarantee out Oise* to be as low me any otbrr drat slam booms in the west. An early call Ls aunt respest tulasollatail Uoia oat Ottn9tallils sad Da publba, out Tose= 'Alsz (Sucetuots to F3:GRA.T. St SON.) ez-crkutaza.* a• is .62 P.UFT.II STREET. . WV/ .13WDS. . ~,.?~c-~ `?t:.B for ~ :mss:., Of , 101 Nriar,KE1' B,VIEVA til6efi of Nast 43004 fa ofitai irtioil; juri Cott; Vt A g. ,WitteeMiarrows; Math, ' atUtit 'Basketi, - 410.07 Baas:Woks.. ttlloawtelmeil Pilaw • *Oil Immo wIKDow-(Stih33SB._e nea l dikelx a Market arta. its, JOS a. Ruausd t B ...yE Fir efLD rEEt2IB ~Y QHB ; • Gold Mining Company PITTSBURGH. may Cioaptio °Salamis and Allipastpi Ukil tallowlas valusUudwaillmaig• Aid ragglii... PAO Lttratebt dormlasi =du platilat. Saws o=3o, Dolorado Teßtitoti. rtlay pre. Poo to fOruk • chnipagr wan forAber.Utlihta, ••••10P Irak NW Wm*. Tb. prop 103nr slats of :76 feet on the Lillian Tale LOde, 200 do Patch, NO do Chester, 300 do Dan Motor, do 160 do Tonkinoon do 100 do Grant, 100 do Illghland do ao do McFadden do MI do Queen of tho West Lode IN ALL 2.05 E YEE. The Company will be I.:'xixn:.4linpon the folloglag terms anal oanentione 003oPaorto W oMatizod - ttader the Irini of or 0 11 011 4214 &Labial 1.• Weimar, _ , act CAPITAL TO B$ $500,000, IN WAILES ar The Par Value of $2.00 Each. Tart 50,000 SHARES Shall be Offered For Sale ND WN 40,000 ZEIXREOP ARE BOLD, Or 1131.aboiscrrilbed M"ax• AND THE ROBY PAID IMO TUB TREASURY, The saki Company to be ofganisederul the estate aforesaid transferred to it. Iltist qtrlpioreeds et 12,6t0 ewes shah be appropriated tp , tbalpasinent of said estate, and the inoneeds 11,6C01,a661.1 be paid into the Treasury sa the rirorirlsneapital- of thls Vompany. That after the organization of Ike Oompany, one hundred thorurand share, aludl be transferred to the present Chanipany.ltarCone boa deed thousand sham shall be theists:reed to the sadmorlbers to the first My theaucktplutraa, be to pro rats to the number of elms . hab: by emh or acid subscriber, Tnese Owes, amazing by In the aggregate to two hundred thoOsami shares to be marked and held as gold UD, without farther at say amesament, belay deomed the Imam of the mad estate when the m'' eery la !pieced open the property in fall work:My:order and gam Wien. That as a preliminary organlzaiihn, and tall officer! are duly elected, the following rowed per. lona ate hereby appointed IN% M. irasideitt, WEL P..TOIDASTON, Beareiary: PH. 11. MERTZ. Treasurer: P.APNI•vi ws , llmlAci.o w 441 GEORGE D• McGREW ALEXANDER C, GRAFF, .1. T• CHILDS, WILLIAM McKEE, DAVID BLY to be ialdin to the Tres . sure:And appropriated wider alai direction id tali Eteeatere taiaarbfiani guy be made to either of tee:abeiresrotto WM, cot 5ita941 3 9 41 vtlun 4.444. gi..blail• • 7 Alm ietitAttLams famlguslocation 40544 otaus roma reltstectedeab sa4 be irteleketi of the: arasied quartz as ladleater4. not oely b 7 amity* istdidt Itste becalmed*. Sri ideet7 Iterates aeei(ltrhtdlrfl Depirsdetowleotirtficsiowholus War is *NM Weiueataii*Wrtowithisait Wish) tedilthiai4 indispuswitvm.trtAtiOuidtitiAti ica)o4r4 Ofort v foT*OloViiithAlitaii ? *** 81 4 , 30.441**!4*4.ii•• 4.10 lie Received • ', ex THE ornozs or nen JOHN 111. lute/mica, Gov. Wxn<Fi Xolinston. JAB, 111cGliEW & CO o J.T. OR OS. DAVID' BLY. t•L Speeimena o£ .the Op and Quartz FAT:4EB=AT OFFICE,. ; - MUDS* 24 - EVITh fitrat ;6* ,stairo - iT,l[;BlsßPd~l'B`iCß`u~ides~' a - • • ,•.•,•, Vni;E•l7 - oEnierifing, Begraii, Kitt( J3 ) it'r 60098 p 131: BECEIVED AT - ,ip*OL - roms, . 17 ma slaw, • Lace Eddirgi awl tia.u.p, .4.aeor • !pies Trimmed Set* Point 4.ace Fnmob ExabrAt d K+edkub .. ., aad IFente Embroidered A . Robes and Wats% Ineonet Swine and Samtmre E 4 S4O. tnnertlas . . asul.Elsmneing, :1 Tretelx Oambzin BanaP2 lloyal Sandringham' Fri Urns. • . . C1at 47 4 1213 4f. all WW.ras. . Waterfall y, . Marla ... . .., all:u/. rim, . , invisible Wets, NaieStyle .- Susel/Wipt iaz attiStOc An WAWA r• Tlinuid.and latte'reat, Gentlemmls Derartateite A AM lins oflnns LI:Del Albarts, rift ri rg " llm lai'l ltiiiiitsLA ' nawnop, sumacs. Itatiroia Had. Tric6ltat WAWA - Taudauswesi Rua *199 4 14 nr i C: 9 *L 01 *rat - WHOLZELEO PD =TALL. AT r.l 7 • l l:cWo'3llt „ VIM ET NEW .090 DO NEW'NcIVZLTLES 1 At MACRO' a amino, NO. 19 Idle:cu. STREET. We have on hand az@ are dolly receiving ail Ms new Ana best ety/es of Drees Trirczninick Fancy liribbeas t ! S carf", /few UMr Nets, • Bradley'; Ehiplag Skirts, Zepbyr Sear% Sontia go Zubilitati.. "TieS, - •• • : 111n ananilHotEltivls. Boston Bllitxllll33ol.E ate. tttigif Use of REIDS,(SI and q°l;s4ss 011'Y AND_CIMITNY Immune Will end a complete 41 . ` ., ,ziar am' Stfroleolific tio• partmentoindat acrigatifialres to combo tuna/ saysteare,;;rs r . ! fIiAeRVEI.4CABGLSt " . NO. NI PIPER SIMICET. sett WM- 2ile @Pentair azt iSZtznsive.fillicqt `011" Ig IFanoy D; , i.ess Goo&, ELEGANT IN DFiIGN AND MORI, . , T 1133 LOWEST' CASH PRICES, ' , 21 0: :rrli sTaxer. 'MB Vid CRUX & - GL*DE HAVE ADMIT AT-8 - TED AS PARTEDEB, Frank ran Gordo? and Conti Hag' aii; .- '.' . The partners in to debt-tram August Let, sae thi and the Nuances to be eooducted =let the moue and etyle Of , - Placrum, Olyde & co AT WHOL.F.SALE.• 65,000 Enameled, aper Collars; 25,000 Common 6 do.. , do 4 2,000 ponds W#ollinnitlng Pith; 2,000 dozen Woql, and Merino Hager 800 doz. rnderandlsrawerni 75 carns taing; 500 dozen Laos veils; 500 doz. Ladles! Men Odkts., And a ray *tar) Wick of Fancy Goods;:. Notions, arviti -sea . AT EABT/iy,Yr PRICES.• „ NEW GOODS ;t: F . 3 4::',4.:;:tit.•tr.,;. t ~~ -., a, •- 1 Jos. Moyne Ar, Cloo. haft' Jan waned a *4_loaci iThake,Tiran Goods for the preeent 140 whigi.ll!N • Ito attention. ..- 4 earls. Thus sma batatmli.lllauntagir, r nswatlial Fano Butioaa,nalr straLOstaliarsami Bub! Waal Zioi, Coital; .ZittO iii(Wit Attest notettlea 1 Laos Aet_ 1 ".144et016,„,.,... metal nude; HORD ikettilek Stoettagorlatovett.lkeeliildO •, Dossers HAW igattla "gatzW..ciontar:Vamrals sat 'Saw iSandost.3ls4o*Atcnatui.AluAlad • 4 VIN,III-Fazmi - WHOLESALE *OMB 11P:1524.1143: 03.4134 Erg • I',lo tyritirsi NEW FALL' °pops dlp3T OPINING • Va'Wo-AI6OI R I REXPA ••4; , 4 tusattzins-ea. - ftbrolder!es; 1 ari-ixto 'itatitt,itiii r 4 tdisA4 4 ,ftWat 31 00RHEMAL ►teO orpr KEt7=4l4- urataniggft, wirrn -• [tab _ Vicapri m. thatriITSTORLA ri ntianiattatr _ ci '"AIaW,PCIPP tta431"14111 CAEL egiCer _M t rinittietTleftia. %MELIA l d lC l aMkt I06.0;0? takckrett „..odpotwq=o„, ' EZEIZEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers