l x --..."44 ESTAilirditte-IN 17g6. Witurik.Gazdtt. r : *, 4 CITY NOTICES. For Vii<COPag, haw & BiL.'l4ll; rums nd; _ . - frog,Dry GOods, - bUs t ren-41.040. Greet; " At:OF - Pik 0•• & Egt& — iiree 416. t. For_Dry G 6 40 3aiestiOtkirtlb.E..fith bliss gooam.. , • 4 _ A Mist**, uemember.thoplace, UtthiAtF•pliVit.ior IrOtirtlitufd market greets. • O. ifiirsoN Lorc s 8110.1826. rivra fA geed iti*o ZioPilel.alus Coburg m*Plagl Draw, tneC tkiltiii, Luker aOM have a 'arp amorpnent, ant are saltine them at very kw prime. inkinr_tielettlMM#Ao - 4r, Velerid meet, Allegheny. 9ta-131403bawlar MID, wig te,,,•44 apipauroint - dnaties of eel- 01, ieolge_iiiaKalliOrhltf ceditria wad colored nOrdeffl-oPei" fib dcy,lioethe ff. E. comer of Fourth ancl biatketAareetir, - iont tcit pleaseatallurtP o galevt than Wantifallcul4ths and Outten Lots, Is also:Used to come 0tr0ttAt04 1 74. 4 4 1 4, 1 P . 1414 sr e be " Los taUtti* titittfistidthosi-Nll=l to invest Stoltid Atoll Ws rats. 01/111WIlideir./4WOO liketOkershbk, XfignEßlMlAWAlOtirarkr that lieDili op. eiritualties seer offered to Ike cltir foretbsients, ere Offered flOteN et, 74, Fifth street. It List this piece you purchase a book or album which 11 sold at the publiihkr? pries, and receive Something hattdsotte witteevery book, to the • shape of a present, worth front fifty cent. to Ore , hutted dollar,. Gobi Le. A Cl . reliisiolTea ' etdelciiill the dttreitent (Septet ; Aente—a lute . pettlon ot theta purchased for ceth et gm Auge,Ae:MYOttr. Motto!, and will be sold at molar sdiiiisee.-zat - either wikoleeste.tir tittell. 'Remember the pleocon the N. E. corner of Fourth and Ideitket streets. C. Cr atm= Love h I:MOTILE% Go and See The papelar sts slate rs ,2Alaais Emma and Ids Webb. whole slieettbilf enteriitniasnts are draw lbs nlshtly ppttedatins and tsibionitle audiences at ttii l pore Renee Thew .aseocienetled ertlatea Maga no Ingeraulb•Un,sPretexit week. A fine billl2 Preniaeil etiregrst,iriii AstilrdAY Mar . noommatleei wlnbliglve,erlsy.the Webb Slaters, }Deli ailitt Mil will be offered. Cnalo, ' . . _ rittencriairsepi. go, isa. fitteidiesilfir bees Worse the public that be leaves for Boston tt.lay, kr the purpose koc,lng l,4l eilletT sew Ateek-of farvAlleiethlekering ands hes been so great during the put few weeks, tbat,44l4/Ffint,“o-Weg—Cd*E'd ticutaht on OUly banquet:AWL/gest tipa.-nciet brought to tee ally) ls almost entirely extort:med.. Dna notice will be ; given of the arrival of Miaow', aditirAVV.VM:4"P")?It witlithl 43,4 , *Pt elrecidO; Sole Agent for ellskerlng Pianos, .7.7,211 LL 2 )..3.'211 C 1430001 street. llastetter , e-Celebrated,-Stomach -Ilitters." BEAPAZY-,_ Vt. 8...1.7.-WSLETTBR, _ r. ibiocia - .-Kmy.ost,,,,.mh; Mi. - )t o. SOIITITTEIS 111,636g11t,1-,CWJ,tfI! , ..-4 I b a y e tiled your enters awing' thiAaraiivArpiy, I and teellt due to you and to the pub` lie to express 1 soy helstlf rillientabot thhth sMartzturna min I never Wrote a "gruff , * for any one, sad I abhor 4W.:Wog that SITOIII of .susekery. But your I d are imtirely removed from the level Of . tam e mamma of tile - day,belng patent elfin -- 1 fte all, ermetle what they preen to bi. Thai? I are n , advertlatd to cure eVerglalag, but they j are r =mended to amid nature in the &herbs : 1 tiorrand ulthnate heall healing Of many of the most potampi2 Snermltles of the body, and thin they will • iseeettal• I hail_ been =sell for two months, 1 litb , 104dukiivittaiiethe Fgrlag- ilnahll• /10123.*1id etiffectog from indlgeiticm, and a general . Ahem of Mucous membrane. an-t though cant i gelled lo isiteP itlwark inlincillsehatim of =Pro t stskotcal dales. was very weak, of a yellow eons. 1 Ideates, no appetite,and mach of the time eon. Allred I my DO. Wen' I. had:been taking your . : Bit • week my' vigor returned ; the sallow 1: imp was all genie, I echidna] my food, and I now-i 1 4 0 7r,f, tifo.4,dittif rthemantal-applleatkul, iWhiek to recently were io very leltiosin grid bun densetae to me. When I wed your Bitters, I felt llta Ye gain erl !kip •Theso ar•fads. All taferenee mist to made byelehlnaliridital for htraiself., 1 - , Xintno tape:trolly, 1 ' i Basta, of dream Avenue Pre ebyterica - 11bUtah. r- - '-. - CacMc. • Oar ftilresd, 117 z. gnu .IVieri:l4o.,l2ll Agogtl,!xv,....4c.as the east ;rhea the fa 16 .... elittUal, cieitaitibad -sad. the surrender of tas rebel General Lea was re. stilied.UffeithgTedrentaga ctikyiants pro. kiiiiialnk the tektetlon that would tel ;low. inadoaerli, UM` Purchase of Val finest ellxigAndit er ::; oo dr i n abont oae.halfot the etditgass. ,Senkottheg4tel , ;44,.1.4 eastfineres add Seetingsanineluded to his 'stook. which he is ltrePerttkpt r.t.P. „ , 1 / 2 °4l " t4 "' /D be Weft styles, end at ecripondlngly low rates. • elotatiasatsiicatiiittiraltaZingliAtuf troullt , ens& elcehhA ill also be found at ale elegant setabllahatenV t. s hilashiettegttnid:ahintld ern, - pirry - 4 , !AA etteilAile Ramos, mut Dealers lu lowneso Alstis - iit iirt6as - .Bl(eacutez AusprAblrnear , thp.'l77ster Works. Man/MN lbsidauss... No. ' 2 %1 Plka — : streak` tears Pielortlf at tat. All rut WarpSz4od vista proof. Repabiniaoilit at iliesikarleirrialat! No *Ms /of rel7alltr.Ptevi4ed.! fi e dou r OI "P" , Owed after It liPut _ Of the flahlgßaValf o flaah Sozodoot.,. Lunn as Ib luetttlf teeth find foiy sum re. Anclicentimen.tuf. - Ida lcuslsors flash ilitragh - thele dirk za;ls: ralk of twenty rears ago rot &lops *about. theATVOmOttrylag, intalt.parfutaag zodoitt. I i CstrPePtcr.,...l9bblng_Shop. _ MI SI ritutoid after an sbserice4l three Sean . -- b the aims. I hue re-opened my shoe for ell sorts of Jobbing la the carpenter line, at the 014 stand, •-: virgin Alley, between Sent@ lad street sod Cherry ... , alley..strdericelielyeened promptly attended to. •,r. • OPINION OP A "CONSERVATIVE: , 'birillenSV . P.rirrtins:—rilnd the following in • WlArtiotred ihr.the ssmoend,ji Ls bdiffitaril 'l4 thaVlba .P*4lololl6l* the relief of Ate des- Wehalre "repelif•thar the' ankh 017140 would do a - deCetit Ode; by-reeignlng tAire.elfOr it boldi it the - betide of An Madras. Wpfentintietei , oalldleres'll . 'flume two • lueviroglot togethari we , breve riodisPs• ltdistarti their embraces:" , . , . . 'The etumeridat- , prpfesses to be a Republican paper; put really, after reielhigASS aboire, was ready almosMionbkitspr.ofessioo. for I think - when it compares the 014" - hided. and faith , &wits with the DoinditinewkAat.,!lt. &Ives e iiketto9g, doubts or: as to the loyalty of the • 7.0 S.Z.TC,r'r.7. The Gozita lenot meld your milk and miter lOneentS-0 ii - tratiftlittial and honest. What; it bellefeslo Tust;'ltiar It advocates without; feer - ifmnfor patronage.. /Pie Gauge, like the' Yerit Tribune, is one Or the few yams thst Air:Gifu banuen-a-speakribekArcittliini the love of Is governed by principle. :midi aa 'lot exPt4lency—it has no principles for sale.l ,1 in. shott, It Is nearer` tight always than anyi othtlr , p.l9mdettmotensty.,Thern Ls tleit loWaelen the gazette I, cert4to qdartersi as there is the New York Tribune but there Is Ao In o ll7tralblet'lmPicr , - xtely?: ‘4O Allegheny: .11/OnnUarl• the t a : the Gaulle. Itte ditravace,bctweelt 4.'4 ,2 403 -54 d Oa7n4 *wash tut emir as I min make It out, is this The Earrite advocios the doctrine of keeplog the rebels ont of pfsdeand authority as Icing as eiltiag r them ; unworthy of trust of brifret - andhY the dediehstrati me their l iestilitytAitelforvernment, sad that consider; Ilitlegresr."(rutstions before the "PeePle, ea: the payment of which they are ,Wtlyeeetiltbst:t,hey ha, e no right ' to hold the I = or SOTetilWleat:.'or tako se*ll la oar na ' e.Masteengtteleir.,Ttle-ccnniair9.o.N.ullao lip " amid, upprora of pasta:li redtnm,rettelei. s ie-lentredlYlin ena g- evilest L'Alteititerdka:.,oViWtforth. - d0... whom An den? ~obnedn 'Pm "hisfplane: and . f 4 4 . 4 1nr4rjrpftlisPatrallfige.4 Watuttommend serarrelerto be behest and laaVand earn -1;7 dvigrate.^thVeldit _of. right. thew/4 the k',-..htlflrfri tell In ite`,7otith faexperienee tom dusee' Rein:palm in 711 ; ! i e q e 2 ll , ll. P . P*k tll . 4.- I 4:174114. :a r '1 MITER . FROM KENTIJOKT. lgillatidy Oil Prospects—A Big Strike on Paint Creek—A Thou and Barrel Well Struck at TharkiriAle—A Band pf Armed Duff. Middle Prowling - la Bergin add AdJefiling Countlesz—Etreaklngap of RM. Bare Posts—Advances In the Price of Lands—Navigation on Bandy, etc., etc. Vqrrespoaden re of the Pitteletertrh Gazette I ilhonld have apprised your readers soonor of , the glorious prospect we have of an almost an 'hilted oil field In Kentucky and North-west Vir. glnilij but I thought It prudent to await the result of the pumping teat, rather than to base My assertions upon conjecture alone. About ten days ago Captain Dickson, of this place, who ban charge oftboborlng pita wall for the I-Big gaudy boali - ofrand [nitrite aiiinpany," stronk a vein of superior oil, which the sand Puglill threw up. in what was considered, aufaclent quantities to justify pumping. Ac corfilnitly Captain Dickson repaired to Cincin nati and procured the necessary tubing, pump. ecc.c and on Thursday last got his pump In oper atidn. At Brat It • prumped-onabarrel per hour, and before night It had Increased to nearly two bla per Icon*, and It Is estimated by compe 1, ten judges, that when the water is "cleared"-It w reach one hundred barrels per day and it lrnot leas than fifty, which espies the unction beyond a peradventure, that we have an !abundance of oil on the Sandy and Its trillittruies. This Information Is reliable, in the t minute .partictdsr, and the fasts I kayo Pe eteteheri-eflsed, guile p flurry In all til t de id .of linatdeas . 'bora: ' 4 TM' wlflr II located% 'Pallet( iiillaS'aboVe , PentsvUlson Patnseiiiiithil-ths , ail was mot at otrdeptlg. of hinglihndied Abdthrlityllest.- I aressatlatiefk tint ditirlOWlit ,to - .gratifying '. to Many,- in. and areltmd , Pittsburgh,. as they ane lIIIICIAS the hellvieat land holders in tho vicinity. By the following from the Louisville Democrat . . It *III be seen that there Is cone loondatlon, how tellable I cannot say, for rejoicing on the ednaberland. 6ne of the greatest 01l strikes In the United Et4teslis that which occurred a few days ago le CAmbertand minty, Kentucky,: 'We 1:111V6 seen a dlspruch or.d read a letter,from John Nichol -40P, matliter of the Citieberland OW and MI Cereepanyolated at Burksyille. He states that stip New IfOrk and KhaturAy Oil Cadrpany hod struck oil at the mouth of Crocus Creek, and that the pill, when he g eaw It on Friday, the Sib lust.,NM day olt wat Struck), was flowing at, least one thousand barrels per day; that a)Me persons Who eawllr esttensted It at eon as high es three thousand barrels per day. Some Ides co be fbtined when tat 63,3 , 5 it was .11oTlaga stream sometimes from fire to six feet high, ,through an eight Lech-square, and gaffing pure - oil. - • e have reports hero of a band of rabbsrs , mimberingeorne seventeen men, and nowt:tied! ed by one J, T. Williams, mating considerable excitiMient in Morgan and adjoining counties by their boldness in plundering trio' chit:ans. There are said to be vigilant committees formed is these localities for theprotection of their I i l e perty_and persons, and for the speedy appro. h slcm or the offenders. The military ' post h and those no on Sandy River have all been broken up, and the troops all sent to Louis ville to be mustered out. I Already ErChaVflee land•hereatrate In up. Holden look-verk wire-ideal Matson struck ite. We may look [or Oil Creek, Cherry -Rao and Pithole prices here very soon, as wale ;.•are going dawn" In aim )st every direction you . :tdrri to, and certainly some will be anceesaful. The navigation on Sandy is good and has been / f eCyear without cessation. Sandy Is the best n riptide river of its Wei in The United States. ere are tour small boats making regular trips ritow and hays all they can do. I expect to are a rproad located up the Sandy valley before win ,teraety an this discoveg will give a fresh ins ptaS tb t vitrithitic hereabants. • - ' -": I i ETTEB FEOSI - NEW' OAME. , omegcs by Etaln—Would-be florae Thief —Accident. - - iteeViiattiii 40- ring the test week have done much lojury to the Pennsylvania iiid Ohio Canaiid Edanimrg, In this county, canting great inconvenience In travel over that-line. , - George Ideifilrd, or this 'county, 'Med - to deal a bone and carriage from JEISIGS Edgar In &ew Brighton , last week, HA wca arrested In den, Merearsounty. toi.V dna 111 ttoain jail awaltiag dusk Yesterday a team belonglog to Mr. Brain, of 81Ipoeryrock township, in this etufhtf, ran away when he was going home from town. sister was thrown from the buggy and badly bruised. The telegraph. wire on the New Castle and BearerVeßey Railroad has been put up, au-wa how have communication direct eolith. IL is quite a Convenience. 'Pe-boy the fair ammenced. and the town is crowded with people, all anxious to see and be Sten.. Tho Wool Groirers , and !lamp Broadens' As- Soclation , of Enon Valley. will hold its annual Ctkapd sale on the 10th of October, at Enon yiaey Bistialront the Plttsbn.gbi,. Fort Wow, hod Chinagri'failrinidin this'constY. . The Copperrends of this Sanatorlal Ilestrict hale nsinicattll Col. Wm. glowalL, of Armstrong 'coantraor that omee. The. Colonel flare a pont...chance. In this District against- our 142 w ler candidate. Rev. R.-A. Browne, who is true tl.,oentrz-Zha back bone. Brown's mejurity In LW- District will clan from IMO to 2100, limn Prcsetliaedleatione. Tba party l; wldo•awake 'and doing In tbls,connty. Public inset lap Mn pateditcdifferitt oceans. • Wearg.rte atanag the crowd to town to-day the irrai: G. V. Lawrence, of Washington county...the present Congressman -electAtoui ibis district. He trots well, and no doubt will do mnch'to make new converts to the Union Tanks while here, .PICA. - 1 , 116 ropond , Great. Internatlonak Vapresa Company. New Toast, Sept. 21.-,-The Richmond Whig ; says ar.other meettne to establish the Great in ternational Express Company was heldoe,Tnes iday arming. at which were the rebel Gmerals lEebtets.: BeaLt, Dub; Itartcui had Nl5O/6. Do sides many other rebel officers of tosser grades. 'General E f eholS eITdiMIST Pfe - ONVT. or 414 An ' termise, blithe course of which be said "The fact that tbeslisahled andwortby of both the late armies era employed In the - dish aging or working derartmeat of the employ, wined conzlilato *rat sectione r7 the,oeuth, be cause she loves to see those disabledTn a caste they espouse as jest, moved—for the north, be cause she venerates dime's:Mad' wounds were re mired In the war for the Colon that they deem indissoluble." - • • Resolutions were adopted tO.Cdosuletica rations as 6001 u dye per paid 1Q Oh the subscriptions, aneanatina,to42sJClX/ OW n 3 ' MI otherwise ordered • - thi ?dile of nealp ley w1;1 bo In Riche:lond; that the ReaucilAassne. bly be petitioned to allow an lacrosse of the capital to five . millions • that the tacreased amount of stock be divide/ among the various States of the Uslon, and that the books be closed within thirty days after the opylla t. the apportionment for the present being, New York, 1000,000; Massacbmetta, E?..08.000; Cloonan* cut, 182,500; „Peuneylvania, 1b492,000; b0nd, , ,104,1X/0 Vlrgibin;l2so,ooo. ;cyst:Vona, Sept, 21.:;:-The Stock blatant" hi 'dredger ind More- ittlfe; tinder - into:an .-bro- WOO trot Vto get op eknovelnent. ,, • Promteent operators Watson tuindatda =n2omlnp OM the -Wading steaks were.briskke tdd ng. ttallan attallinS666/20ililgetiblgt!.far,6066 0 1, 4gH664446 tha;ol?ea,bentod and Stock ,E..cchaago, 4.4er0 2m4AAtrArOWPstrwmtkistelamWsk Tattce . cif . por. . 0 dri =den _WO lower, qnd aboarthil okay Citegtlo; tiitheled. eta market: "Aftektbellrist"r4gdtire s siititlif. prices were steady, at a concession of !/,', per tent,. from.tho highost point, Er% Readitli, Michigan Boehm :and Pittsbnngh acid bud, were the strongest and most active. Governments are activ,e and generally arm. There Is a demand rot the' old five-twenties. to fill the orders received by the Australasian. State stochrwere lower on Tennessee and ,MissonfLhOtidr. but otherwise 6teady. Wsee . ).• laneous 6L666-6 were firmer and better' In some respects. The golstgiastet-has- been very te 3 e. The demand loe-eastatas Is large, and the Amount of foreign goods enters(' for oonsampt.on is ,yery_pmary.,,,3lq,ney putlerige ea!ry et fire per `'tent. easute 101 1 0 1 .1; • the IndiuhTreaty of Peace. Font SMITH. AML. igli01311:1er W.—Tho'com. missioners decline io-reocind their action co-; gardlag John How they disconnect his care from Itualoyal Caudal", and swum • tha, tter thirtheir rtilob Will bn"nrotactedt ' The disloyal Choctaws, Chtcassws. and Sorni nobs filed staterrientaactplanittary of their coder. Minding at the treaty. Wan) in much destitu4. tine among the disloyal Semicolon. rrlbuttilygira loyal 10 ruventribaridleolal "delegates, not raaudihg chtt% elgfialla.creati crpeace. CATLETTSBUTIO. KT., agPt, 1311, 1865 Flumes an& Trade In 'New York. Xfii eciftiesitkin Mewraotrzny. ALA., Sept. W,—The Amon. ntruction Convention toothy adopted_a rejoin; tlon regmettitg;theXtoetelonlilebtethirtto4all out the militia of each county immediately, tfi repreta diatullei: and jawleamthis whtch ozlitld ufahlatlntlee.'42lctailinititator of alarm was debated at length. when farther enimgthallon waa deferred until q 0• morrow. • . . I .. VIE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGBA fl Our Special Dispatches. REVENUE COLLECTIONS IN GEORGIA, The Cotton Crop in Alabama - - . DUCATION OF THE FREEDMEN OF MISSISSSIPPI J 4. Court Room at Richmond. BUSOES OF NEW GOVERNMENT LOBE, Spatz' itpateh to the Pittsburgh Qecette. ' ' Primitgrstrts.; Sept. N. The reports fjwm t cist Collector of Internal Revenue in Georila, 'safe gratifying . eilaSiice "Of ' the lbtirdEtee chinanity hi titOadittib:aoOrititl.` standing the exhanetin,g process It hasbeen subjected to withii She. last fair:, The collector at Angs,l eePorts 4 51 1 n g.-94 :1 9 c ;7 1 two , hundred thbitatialtilhirs' last three months, and B ibb collector' - it:etll7, ° i'E` pot{ one huaied , glet Altkp thOugand dollar . within the same netted!fiom -, - Covrhig to the irregular trinvorietion Wad_ WltaldimAtilii iietipts have not yet been forwarded to the bri• reap, but are safely taken cafe of, la one case beteg deposited in a State bank, and In the oth er placed under a milltiry guard. The collector at Idniugomery, Ala.; reports that there. vrilj 4'100,900 bales e( cotton ant to znatket ( r 0 itbat ,a lbt2lCT~ aloes ' Ilb~oit time. Ae the St* telVer-hiteeteellAineP"l°,9l° . vision for the education of. freedinen, and the Provisional Ditiernment has made none, the Freedmen's Bureau has appointed AI committee to aid In carVYidg on the work of education In Vicksburg, a committee being authorized to assess colored people and Collect Mods from the.n to pay expenses of schools. • - The United States Court Room at Rlelnond, which had been divided into small rooms for rebel efllclale, has been restored to Its original elm and repaired., The court will soon sittthere to Mame of a large number of cues, and It in behaved that Jeff. Darts Ia to be tried there. Rumors of new Government Mans are persist enily 'circulated in the stock markete,by men who ought to" know better, and whose poet thin gives them impedance, so that the effect Is to depress the prices of all government loans.' Yid there In not a shadow of foundation_ for any of these reports, and no far from intending to fghd Ike eetapouid:4ntarestaiotek thisetta4-7 of the Treasury Is pursuing the same policy as before-tbci_to, withdrairlig the Phl Qom by substituting new ones of larger dates. W. R GM ltrAs H I NG TO X: The French Universal Extkpltion. FREEDMEN WASENGTOi North: eiiiolina Poatoffices Opmedi INTEREST ON FITE-IWLVII ROD& Condition of the. Crepe. THE COIATEINBIT TREIBUT ;NOM Policy Concerning Pardons. GIALPAL. IRAtiT bacTio UN SATURDAY John Bonind the Indian Conugssion THE REBEL STEAMBOAT BURNERS WIIMINGTON, Sept. 21.—The Department of State has published In pamphlet form, the offi cial eornspondeace of the French Universal Expedition for 1661, for the Information of the. citizens the Culled States, combining the gen eral bgelattera, classification of articles, All applications for adadession, with a 'descrip tion of the article. to be exhibited, must be pro bated before the Slot of October next, Sir. Beckwhh is the United States Commissioner at F, ris, to whom all Ittlem should be addressed. The Freedmen's Employment Agency has been effichtUy instructel that In dirdsursing sup plies to freedmen In the District ol discrimlnatinn be particularly male between these dependent, and those who are natives or residents, in order that the latter may be re rilthed to look to the proper municipal authori ties for aid.. This action anis a to have bee erne necessary in cor_sequerice of the large number of nevem who appear to think they are entitled to mrvernment supplies. The statue of Caleb 14011, of ,Lyonadale, has, It Is eald, been determined and that he continues to be the Clovemor ofidatio. . The Poet oMce Department to-day ordered the re-opening of a largo camber of Post 001:es la North Carolina, and has accepted an offer roe the conveyance of the malls throush from Srs elm city, LonWana, to Galveston, Texas, " the MTICO to be three times a week. The Secretary of the Treasury lass decided to. anticipate the payment of interest on the 5 gl coupon boads which Minot:nes due Noveneser • 14, and the same IV! berpald on end after Sept. 25th. upon presentation to the Assistant Treas. were and tboaadediumted dcpositarlea author• -• • • „ lerd tops, ititerest oo government seattOtlea nor. haze Newton, COUNIIIIISiaItr of Agri miles e t authonzes the following statement as to the eo,dltion or The crops on the drat day of Septa:Abe:l—Tb° wheat mop has received no ad• ditlonal IrJa. - Yfrorn'tho weather elnce his report of lamcmuntb, bat the quality of the crops is not good, espfchdly in. the Western 'States. where It 1186 atExted by blight and nut, as welt as by wet weather during the harvest. 01 old wheat on band, therein not as mach as was sup posed In the hinds of farmers, for the reason that much Dl it was bought In . July and Acting. In the Eastern and Middle States- there was bat Mlle at asy time during the latter pert of the summer. The oats crop received no great injury from the.tvet weether,:end It may be ro garded as one et th e . largest oats crop ever rats ce In the:ennnuy. The blurt° hay in the West was very gtwat; to the But it reeelsei brit little damage from the wet yveather. OrearAUT, the quality Is good, except in the, &Ma ;of Vide, kidiansr..lllleols and Missouri. • The ,corn qop,..,ourleg =MO. exthtihßeA heat and the tidbits= oU tbo weather, =hat , escaped material =twit; thq..West. It posy he _thew dee as the grettoif erripyet raised In the loyal States. The condltbon of the toba=cr crop was favorable; help.not It very much, but. as reported ilk fttollth. Ale "Meant planted wad tench lees than last year, esmilellif tri" the lar gest. tobr ccogkodnelog: States. Sorghum; like the corn crop, Is excellent. Bite% wheat , ' it ;het hiluted , '" o PP' ralhaitmoT Kom i will be good. 'many localities there were Indications of rot. and la some places the crop is much Injured by It. The con. tinned ind.. and, motet weather eines the Prot of SepteMber octagons reprehensions (het the dis • case may prove very injurious, but still the yield may be good, as the amount of plants wee =couch greater than ustraLle all the Staten ex cept New York. Elope have ripened' Weil, 'but in that State thettop bas =stabled an lejeryof foul end b writer tenths, 'lrani Tao cusp is therefore Injured serlotialy, for in 1807 NeW Eork.prriditeed .0.750,1k10 pounds of the 111.- 000.000 pounds raised in the whole country. Every State returns a decrease in the number of fattentng 'begs. The 'general decrease La, about oetr.tenth,from the mamba; lutlear• B 3 far =niter's seem published •of the number, pecked list Teat.= the west. it was 2,423.779.' tenth deP , Fin this number-Imald la 31'.-z 277. L ei te r ° AcconPa47ing,tllivreturps of nor-' respondents Indicate that heti arelotruger and' smaller than usual, but In good conditions ' '^ The monthly report for .Bibtember„oantapiq lug Pill returns of crops, die., will be publiihed! next week. j3eczetary of the Ttealem nes lune confidentlat - eittulne to Thevernment Deposi rice. 'wanting them against the counterfeit on , bellek-cotePeteld -interest treasury `tad; fiat/ dircovermrtetutin decllation. des+ citing the differences between it and the gent ai o, Or,gzelf,ls3Pßrigoction- I Tae pabllcattoe xitibeid frontneptial..grculatlon at .a lament tiotidOr defutrn ldtNiari•S:Ttiarrour ury.Departrocat iC tuna; at :Tema en, wore compotrod intettst notm of the gettomina tioa vac htldrc4 A • - , s =., .--;" --. • v ßrc) RO: .. k. : - ' --_-_--:-..- it . IM. . . • .4 . . ..4. 2 . . • • • . . . r.t. ~,, r . - .... 6 ... 7ALlErt..firh,''' 7'7 . , SEPT]Pi Tfi RGH, FRIDAY, VBER 22: --44.6. coursierfeited, and will adopt measures to call in such pa are In circulation. i Tbb President has either adopted a more liber al policy concerning pardons, or has an lotPllrf ed method °foaming anthem. The tunsiNr [steed within the week must greatly exceed that of any icorreeponding period of his administration. fleshes notified the Attorney General to send him no more applicants at present. It is esti mated,that fullitiLlteen thousand are In the White Homo awaiting his signature. The crowd in hinreceptlent rot= this aftemoob was dente and clamorous. / General Grant is expected to return by Sat urday of nenaweek. Judge dated Steele, acting Chief Olerk of the Indian Bureau, leaves the city to-morrow, to attend the council of Indian tribes, now on Lit. tie Arkansaa river, to be held on the 4th proxi mo. I There axe indications that treaties of a velldeofrable nature will then be. ratified. The Tribunes Washington special says: The Commissioners appointed by•• the. President to negotiate treatleotwith the Southwestern In diantuibes, and who ' are now in council with Gunn et Tort Etnliin . - ittive,:histilled Secretary_ 1 ;Harlan. of the Interior Department, that they 1 attire ascertained that .-,Jobultosa, nu educated Chenekee and fdrmarlyChistof this nation,was I rehetiecalsaary dttrihg the - rehab:el,' end by ineabs'nfhis superior hdtication and adroitness ladneeitcutny.ofs WI people tO 4 J°I° ktud'all6 ' glaninrUs the - United States, aid tehjoin ties ar -1 ml oillitt COnTede,rinerStattas. 'He still claim to VllPF, 4 4,lbit'ClietpheerS.uttd - es' nett Is earn AM oft Wile. ladutheif to poison the 'nand, of t our Indiana.who era truly loyal, and whO ,-twe disposed to enter into perennent peace and utinßy willritiettaltedifitates: .itelleving Inane° au an elus:MY lo ,-tlit ri o wnlittocti „tr and that he Ride; not 'inures= an emtlfderableportion of 1 - his Peeples thef'Commission has formally re. Aged to-veeogiiilvbisi as Chief of the Chem kua, and have' notified the Secretary of their action in-the matter. , The President having been consulted on the anbiect, approved the action of the Commission and three gh kir, pi arleilOss ipprilfiltAtaembort to that effect; and instructed , theuritt negotiate with sack pules only esare diefroas of .again resuming - their 'ltrokr, friendly retaliate - WM rthe tiovsfairetnltl . 4;L:e S,t r , „....-.-,-.-,. . Seyenty.two cannons or cogent nave ennui. lated in the . .11ft11et1)13Maa TrenWri OP AO to' day, This 19 the Seat time since the outbreak of the tebellion that there has been an tuerease of funds. The evidence an file at the Harems of Military Justice against the gang of rebel incendiaries, who, during the war, combined amosementwith business by burning steamboats and warehouses , In the Southwest, brpheatcs abOut thirty-five persons, about one half of whom have been apprehended. and are , now In prison under going trial. J,.ff. Davis heads the incendiary 11-t, as grand director of operations. Berderain acted as cashier of the omelet:tattoo, Seddon as arbiter of the validity of toe claims for property dentruyed, a bile JuSge'Tacker, of Mobile, was chief of rho boat burners, who reported to him for orders. The chief of the land. Incendiaries was Rich • and Barrett, member of COMMAS from Missouri, who superintended the destruction of a ware. house belonging to the Called States. butane the gang „was is-man monad &Mean who, held an impolant office in the organization: Haws ton of Toronto, Canada, who operated on the northern lakes, Slaughter of Illinois. Edward Frazer of St Loafs, ohh P. Parks of Memphis. and Isaac Allibll , o and William Marohy, of -New Orleans. During the was oiler 11 0 1) steamers of all kinds, valued at from 625,000 to 1t550,00 each, were degroettety iiiih:Utilvstrons,butd, Involv ing net only an immense PaciatirY laid to - the Government, but the arterblee of hundreds of valuable lives. COL Vial. Thorpe, fornimir Chief of the dec-et Service, In the Department ofi bilssotirt.• Merits elievredit of . ferrettart ant• most of the gang and of obtaining specific and deplane Information in regard to Its operations. The trinity now is progress 0.13 t. Lows, before 0 lillitary Commiston, with C if. McKee Coon, Mintiest •rnsto:A4toeti i - `litevo:ldi v ia li T n tatr f : i 03 the. 00 Le T h 1:1 1 12 t i . , ~,,,1 11 m r , I I C01...7 fin the deans:, as ! sidled by several other eminent lawyers. • A delegation from th 4 City Councils and City efecialaot Chicago, visited Brooklyn to-day. They were kindly received by M apse Wuxi, City Councils, and . City, Officials. They also ',noted the Navy" Yard, where Capt. Pennock took them on board the Ironclad Mien, tonontah. Oo returning to City Gall a collation was partaken of. The delegation arrived bark in New York at 4-30 o'clock- To-morrow they elan the Move= Iron wort,. by invitation, and siso call on Mayor Gdather--the latter, at tO a, at, Tne dttegolderr, are much pleased with ' their reception hereabouts. Lattal. frota-Er..roptn-Arrivol of the Aus. trenihro. OS'rrs- Tentri.llapr...'al.—r.ar.--Tho 'learner MiuraWhim. from. Liverpool Bapt- 9.44 vla queer...it:ma Erpt..loS, arrived hero at 9 o'clock LO-tooht. Late accounts from COPStantlooplo piney the dean:idiot:lof Disallows by the ti.ames est fire at ;SOO, and twenty- two thousand persona wy.re rendered honselam One estituato is as high as twelve tbont and buildings. Ifrri, Moore...o,llkm al Thomas M )ere, the pet, le dead. The Par 1,3 ndriessys : A monument la to ba built at Portrenneth t, commemuratette wish of the French neat. Theßourse Is flan. • Rsntes 69( ♦•):. It 15 rumored that a -ManitCLOOillt alliance has been formed 'between Anita, son of the King of Italy, and lbe Pennine Isabella, daughter of the Queen of Spain. Ainother rumor paints to the. Prince Arnolones as her probable Itnsbind. The Cork &parser eminences that the Gov ernment bad ordered 4 number of manhaats and two Men of war to be statianed ofr Bantry Bay . scd other statinasno the west coast of Ireland. Cyrus W. Field Is a passenger by the Astaire lesian. Ho was present at a meeting of the British Association, sad made a brief speech expressive or the increased faith in the atonal• plish meet of the Allende cable. and the laying of a double line next year. Consols on the Bth last. opened drat, but closed at a decline, 92g@t0:." for in mey. The weekly back relums.show a decline .£167,337, of atd gold condoned , to be withdrawn from Bank. In American securities bat little bast. neon thle wont, ex=pt Brie, In which there has been much speculation, now qnotol at 5045. 613‘. rinds Central 733.11371. Lawrpook &pt. 9.--roar weather , castle= dry and hot. The harvest la nearly cacooleted. The corn market Is generally dull, and lower; Flour, Inactive; Wheat very little doing, about RI. per et:natl. - twee for the week; Clara, In fair demand, but al. per: 130 los, decline; Pork, Pearce and Wady at. full prices; Bacon, vent light supply,.and deaßss generally obtain 6 1. ® 1 td. adrauer; I.srd,;atock exhausted at his.; Itniter, ateady for due, lower for Inferior; Cheese, heavy arrivals favor buten about Is.; Petroleum, firm; sides on spot 2'. 81., for re' deed; 2a. UM. demanded at the elm. • THE It% DIAN COUNCIL. re at y Of Peaco . ' Signed. ADJOURNMENT OF THE CORMISS,ION FORT Sarni, Ark., Sept. 21.—Tho treaty signed to-day bet wt . n tho Commissioners and theChectaws and Chickasaws, provides for Nap and friendship betwieu..the United States' Mid said tribes; that they will exert all their In- Malice in compelling ti's" Indians of tho plebs to mamtalu oeseefel mistime with each 'Sheri. with.the /Miami of the Terriusries end with the United Btatehood th4alevery guilt be abolished' forever; that the (reale:mu shall be aultahly'prcl, sided Inc, that lauds shall be mined to the tedious cu Kansas and elsewhere; that the right of way shall be - grouted to ralLreada, and that the coo, solidetiOn Of tribes with- a territorial loon of gosernuife shell be, reef:miter:oda bir them to their respeelltu coutiells. The Commission then adjourned sins dia.. Colonel Sells goes to Humboldt, Kansas, to conelado A:treaty witiet tie °sages, Violent lhoek' of anP.arttiquatto at Porto NSW YORK, Sept. 21.—Intelllgence has been reeeived In this city from Porto Rico by way of Harman to theist of September., On 29th of August the people of Porto Rico were startled from their sleep by as earth quake more violent than any living citizen of the-place bed ever experienced.. Lt occurred at a nuarterpast.tra o'clock to the morning, and consisted of territlei oectilitioni from east to -west, predinled by a fearitil+etibtgrTaaaan Tt l s . b" Ithg. The houses were violently shaken though toneofthem fell. The people In terror rushed out Int° the streets llj their night clothes. but the shock, which only lasted forty-Ova seconds. was not reneged. The shock was felt all over the Islaadi but was Mast forcible at the capital. Adltleee trblAßllablf. * • New Tons. delis 21..,The news received `to' any from Ilivans lotto to the 18th lost. A robildericifiarders that the twat) , in Onba ,sbould,.be rtdneed to the same bath* al, before ibbßin Dambigti. This 4 0 21dimPI.T.IC dental - to' the itstemente that OPald * Wee AM determined ur to-conquer th e _ Dominican lsle. The Mare, La Marled; L declares. tbenglt arltbout kiting • aide' . afithorl- Sy, tbst the Inland Or Cuba now owes to Spain $78.000,000. In 1827 the debt amounted to t107 ; 0 0 4 0 30. , The news. from ~.4eratts includes retiring .fittllfer from Meet°, there having been no Inter eniTals from Vera Graz, . DILEGATE ELMO'S IR P#RDONH GRANTED BY THE PIVERIDENT L 4• •-• RAILitbAD aornisni Tan Bourn The NellrOne Enadred Dollar Cattiterfelt Note, I , . APPOINTMENT OF ASSISSTANT 4COMMISSIONERS Noir:Zona, Sept. 21.—Theelection to choose delegsfre to the North Carolina Reconstruction Conrentinu, -which to to meet on the 21 of next miratlqwill take place today, and an order has been Dined from military headquarters of the Departdient. forbidding enlisted men or officers of the army throughout the State visiting the pals, and no one will be allowed to leave camp, excepting in case of neceseity; host if there rho alto attempts midi to createdisturbance at anyhl the Polling places it is enjoined upon tho ml tart' officers to sea that order is pm served,,-even without a' request to that effect front thefprovudonni or civil authority. t. The Motes' epreivl says: The. Proddent to -day pardoned T. R. Pride and . R: IL Cunningham, proulltient rade . in Virginia; and Frances Bu chanan, repentant mall robber, convicted In the Platelet Court. of Wisconsin six 'gam ago. andEfeeaced to Ytumf, was also pardoned. "The Government of Alexandria has pea , sod bout the control of Military to Civil au comprehensive eci.adale of railroad eI:IMM' In the Southern States, on wbiehrpostal servile Ism been restored. Is ob, tat from the officlal record of. the Post Office Departmsnt. With a rail:Mid map the 'reader can' readily aid le .euretely stacertaliw Wanly towttstaontes sad , offices postal Berries boa .been restored, but 11140 whit, southern nitro/As 00again' iskalsr pperallotoonid iiMpfstion of 'postal swat, speedily 'follows the cesamptioa' of • fisiloas4 facilities. nriblia—Vi r athingtaa icillichniond, via Rich mondaredericksborg end Polon& and thane and Me:Sandi'la Railroad; Richmond to Danville, Gordonsville to &Imo, .Virginia, via Virginia Central'Rallroad; Lynchburg, Va., to Bristol, Temmssea, via Virginia and Tummy" Railroad; Charlottaville to Lynchburg; Richmond to Weldon, North Carolina; - and Pztersburg to Lynchburg. by Snth Bide Ittilrosi; over the river tto Warrant= branch Railroad—total 11 routes. Nottri CaMill4l.—Goldsiwirci:to Charlotte; Ra leigh to Weldon; Weida:it° Wilmington. rfotal four routes. Tennture.—Noihvllle to Costtanoora; KuOZ vflie to Dalton. Ckotstia; Knoxville to Goodson. Vlrglnla ; • Nashville to Decatur. Alabama; Nash ville to Johnsonville; MCmphls to Paris; Mem phis to Decatur. Alabems.. Total, seven reran. S,ruth Carolbut.=Klaireitlfer to Wilmington, North Carollm Kingsville to AngnSta. Georgia; Kingsville to'Cialen; Kingsville to - Colmtible, Branchville to Charleston; Florebee . Cneraw; Charleston to Florence; Colombia to Charlotte, .North_Carollna; Columbia to Granville Court Roust; Cheater to Yorkville. Atom) to Spar tansburg; Charleston to Sava nnah. Total, tint teen roam. Georgia.—Macon to Calumtras; Macon to At. lento; Marts&flay to Albany; 111liedgevlite to "Gordon; Milledgeville to Ealculton; disgusts to to Atlanta; Brawl; to Warrenton; Double Walla to Washllsgtcist Unloa Fatal to Athena; Atlan ta to West Polnt; Atlanta to Chattanooga; Kbromton to Rome. Total twalye routes, Missistippt --CaittontAtJaelpion. Tenn.; Co lombo to Artesia; labile, , Also to Coln:atm, 14., via. *attrville'tt - cblo Ralinnad..• Total (oar mitts. ' - • lori.tiea. —New Orleans to Canton, Mies. " The Postmaster Gillatal'has also invited into- Noah for the retire mall service or the' enteral goathern States. from January 1it,1838. to June SOth. 1567. The litter date being the time w h e the regularlettleg lakes place, and the time when toMmtett emelt have expired had there been tblntertaptlint by the war. . • Proposals dll6e recelved by the secood Catena Posteaseter General till October Bd. and. decision rendered bylievember 15th. • The liereitiP• await says: The Chief of the Curroue.7 PrlutbaC Bureau made a report to Beeretery — lifeCallongh stating In referenee to the nett f LOD enunterfeit which has been the autiectot ineetticatton at the Treasury for Sinv end days past.. The In the report te, ref ern= to the production of the spurious win tram portions of a gentaine plate, are substan tially those given to the Erred. Vbe Beeretary spent several hours In the eon. Aldmatton of the repast s and exanduatien of cx. lams In Its Support; It Is stoutly maintained by tb(l{o that there is a gigantic fraud some where not - Maly of the nature of counterfeiting; and apparently they have settled to the nulls fee tion of the Becrelary that the trouble is not In the Printing Decortmeat of the Treasury. A well executes] twenty dollar greenback. In two parts. pasted, was staked at. the Treasury on the keels of Simone hundred dollar excitement, and gave rise take repot t that another:dangerous counterfeit bed been discovered. Oa investiga tion it: proved to be a grouter note which Ind been cut in pieces by some cautions person for safe transmission by mall. The followitc order Ii published to-tlar. Wen UEFA HMI' CAT, theme OF IiETVOSISS, FIIMED)IEN ASD A RAN DONRD 1,ea93. Sirk3LIVIGIT.YS. Beat. 19, 1805. The ibliowleg named tankers are announced Assistant Commissioners of the Bureau for the States respectively set opposite their names: Brevet Major General EL Saxton for Georgia and South ("arenas, at Charleston; nogg. Gan. Davis Uwe, Acting Assistant Commissioner for Georgia, and reporting to Brevet Id aj. Baxuan at Angtarts, Gs.; Brig. Gal. C. B. Fisk, for Kentucky and Tell3o3sea. at Nashville, Tenn.; Brig. Gen. J. W. Sprague, for Missouri and Arkansas, at St. Lords, Mo.; Brig. General BWitypa, for Alabama, at Montgomery, Ala.; Brevet Brig. Gen. E. M. GregOrT, for Texas, at Galveston, Texas; Col. A. Brown, for Virginia, at Richmond; Gal. E. Whittle-ay, for North Carolina, at Raleigh, N. C.; Cal. Bunt. ?amn ia. (or Ml.sisalppl, at Vicksburg; Brevet Cal. George Osborne, for Florida, at Tallabasse, Fin.; Rev. .1. W. Conway, far Louisiana, at New Orleans. Ls. (Signed,) 0. 0. HOWARD, Major Gan. Thme art tadleations that the present irrO• sponsible method of administering lattice by the Freedmen's Bureau In &althea' States, In all eases arising between narrow and whites.. will 600 D be modified or abolished. At present the Agent of the Bureau in s dint:let tills an arbi trary power from which there Iles little or no appeal. The rmeldent Is understood to oppose each unlimited usurpation of Judicial authority, ►od is expected to order some needful shears. An official report read to day at the Freedmen's Bureau for Alabama, brings the Intern/one° that the onnsettled state of social affairs In the rfeielly of Menlo has necessitated the Impor tation of a mounwallurco tothsacene of tumble*. 'Thu nature of this disturbance has not trans pired. THE TRIAL OF WIRZ. Government Evidence Nearly Closed ANOTHER ANC ERSCNV ILE BRUTE ARRESTED. WA.BLIINGTON. Sept. 31.—Tbe evidence for the lielte‘l States In-the Mrs trial is Impacted to dote to-morrow.er aidurday. The boveroment bag shown a proper disposition to afford the t ripener a fair opportunity for his defense, hay lug thus far subpanuted about seventy witnesses, thirty of wbom have alreadyarrived Washingi ton. This, however, is pot all that the prisoner) throimb his counsel, desires wants yritteasee sought after and brought to this city, but this, it appear', cannot be done for want of money, only about two hnndzed dollars in 111 haring • ' been subscribed to waist jam. &Tenn witnesses, deemed Important, hate lett here, not towing the moats at hand to pay their'endinary expenses. Under these circum stances both the prisoner and his counsel seam despondent, while they attach no Month 1,0 thh . Prosecution. . Today, ono ni_the left - mats who W 53 re- called by, the Government. testified to acts of cruelty committed Iby Jansen Demean, part Of whom business was to distribute bread among the prisoners. • , • - Mr. Baker objected the statement unless It was shown that`Dimentt was coupled, with the cruelties ciiiiked against the prisoner at the The Court , Informed. the counsel that the Comaltuloa. was libin for conepirecy. it? line/Slam testified that, Duncan. kicked and beat the man who stooped to pick up piece of bread,' and that the victim , of his un merciful freatinent Pied saveraidays afterwards. and also that the same Duncan alaillarly screed a poor halfwitted fellow when ho came with hla Isagon, on another =Aston, to give opt bread. , .Witnesia was asked to point oat Patti:snip the Ccoutoroom, which be did. A .. A abort, thaiitfter tbeso proceedings tho surd approiebed Miami arid • Informed bbia 'l4 Was now tie der emit bir artier at the Cont. This ta 'Aiwa& eubpotnao sea wits essitor tile deface. apit bee* eppearo ba.Coart.fbr figural deo pot. A Aumbet of Witnetutel wets exemitel bat the bastlmoay did oat materially Cid. faint that greedy gtvea. Win tk tosiumhat tmiiroiroa lq health. The 111 re In New New Yen% Bent. 20.—Innrance itiecabri. arty &atm b 7 the ISM 8 0111 1 1 lAOI braes, /1•5003009. MEER ADVIOES4IIOffi "NEW ORLEANS. • Gov, Hamilton's Doings in Texas, ALABAMA CONVENTION PROCEEDINGS State of Affairs in Mexico. Nr." ORLEANN . Pep?, 18.—The complatlOD. SST the . JL ckson Rallrond to beim: Iglatta olzor ouslp. OGYEMOT Weilß will leave a.proelamation for the eleellop.ot Bt4 and moniclpal officers, the Irat Monday in November. Governor Hamilton tvordered an assessment In Texan according to law before the var. Telegraphic communication with San Antonio has been ordered. The bark Houston, from New York, woe blown übore sixteen miles from- Galveston Island. She will probably get oil' without sedans damage. Arrived tc-day—The 'Star of the South, frail New York, and the Palmyra, from Roston. New. OnLasas, Septemter 20.—The runes' Montgomery special of the 19th says: The C.:invention met to.d sy. • , - Resolutions were offeretihy. the President to. gppoint a COMM 111,1450,0! CO prepafe peti tion for the pardon ot Jeff Davhcand tO Procure the Moisture of the memberate. lerreninlio the President of the UnltAdtil tate* Wee* SS Kilo' *feeble. Referred to tra' tOmmiltMl on • time. . , The Convection ,resolvt4 that all amendments to the conetituttOkOr.it general *rector, ex t; alkyd% 'be;rellitrinti to the pi 416 at tha • . 1. The ordinance _abolishing altorart was taken UP. Alticieby ditelieefoirenetted: The Comteltseeon:Eleciiiinetil en or dinance for tlac,iilitcgon .of,CkillirriPisaieti and State (Acerb on - theSrat of liofember. _ . A dlemisalin mime as to the power of the conferment° order the election of such Coe. gresernen qpposfl to the Constitution of the United States.. The Constitution vented the po eerie the Legislator's , alone. •. ' The report was feceitted. • " • A member from Mobile moved to amend by ordering a municipal election m Mobile on the first Monday In December. Agreed. MONTGOMERY, Sept. al.—The ordinances providing for the election' of Congressmen, In the State election on the dim Atonday in No— vember, the municipal election to Mobile and Montgomery en the first - Monday In December, and the meeting of the Legislature on the third Monday In November, _were adopted. The abolishing of slavery was postponed . without debate. The Convention today adopted a resolutleere. questing the Provisional -suppress to call out the militia In each courd'y to suppress the disorder and lawnesitiest Widen &Isis to many counties. The ordinance abollahlag 'Livery was debated upon at length, , Further conejderation was postponed till idinorroW. , Gen. Woods, corumaddiug:ln-Alabama, di rects bin oilicers to enforce dlscipilec, Orlircut Improper and unnecesea4 littera:wane between dlisette and eoldlera,tand has adopted the chat Langaystem pa a pad/limo:It for negroes. Ilearoomauv.—The first through mall from Columbus, via. Mobile and Ohio R dlroad, arrived at Mobile on . the 18th, In two days time. Naw Garxxxs, Sept. 20 —Tho steamer Cu sandra smiled from New York. General Sheridan has returned from Texas. Governor Hamlito - t of Taxas, directs the • present orgintsations, dlitricts and towns hold ing Coons to continue.' All negroes must be put on an equality witir white men to respect to tho proilahmant of crime, and when they are tried by indictment, heretofore provided. and found guilty, the Indolent of the Court =MN the same as If the defendant were a white porton. The special /devices correspondent of tho Times of Aurati,9otlt, says: Military operations •N VI be artivelyremmed In October. The col:mi ta is rapidly Vag to destroction• between the Trench and the Liberals an d guirilllse. Cont use lied made a held of 'a hundred thousand dullam In &flyer. - • . - Jeans is still in Chlhaahne. There aro porta of many arbitrary errata by - via 51.mitall gOTeralIleat. The Liberals are masters of Durango, and they hare captured several hundred of the Belgians. Maximilian promises a lino of steamers between Vera Cruz and New Orleans. Slant Cents Tunnel—Mammal and Pre cious littonea Found. New Yong, Sept. 21.—The World to-morrow will contain the statement or an American residing at Marseilles, relative to the recent stowage of work on Mont Cents Tunnel. Accompanying the letter, Is an affidavit pur porting to ti" given by one of the workmen on the tunnel, •to swears that on the 16th hr July, the workm g party struck a deposit of dia monds and other I recious atones In imenenso quantity. Since that tine, be declares, the French an.] Italian governments have taken possession of the tunnel and forbid any lublic mention of its character. The American who forwards the documents, says the author of the athdaytt has been Imprisoned, and the statement he for warded to a Paris paper concerning the matter was suppressed by the Government censor. From Fortress Monroe FORTRESS Mosses, Sapt. 31.—The wrecking steamer, Alpha, has passed here, boatel to Wil mington, North Garotte; to raise the sunken blockade naaners. General George T. Midge has arrived from Washington, on an inspecting tour through this Department. The object is to nut down all un necessary expenses to the Government In the Qnsrtermaster's and other departments. After completing his work here, he will go to North Carolina on a like mission. FORTRESS Mornay, Sept. 91—Last evening the steamer Washington on her way no tke Bay, while off Wolf Point broke her radderand, thus disabled, was espoused to a heavy sea which car ried away her smoke-stack and most of her wood-work. The steamer Blackbird towed her to Norfolk. Government Vessels Sold PoitaDscrirri, Beet. Bt.—Fifteen govern ment vessels were advertised to be sold iet the navy-yard to-day. The, attendance--woe not large r sad cloven steamers were withdrawn. For Deseret there were no bide, and for;Others the priers offered werenot sufficient to warrant • gale. Oa those disposed of, the bidding was very spirited. partici:duly on the -,Bantlego de : Cuba. The following vends were Bold et.tisO. prices named Toe screw tug Clover was par-' chased by li. Elinor Sr, Bon Tor $9,100: - The wooden side-wheel steamer Connecticut was purchased by B. f 3. Wheeler, Jr., for L. 37,000; the wooden slde-wheel steamer Santiago de Co - ha was purchased by it 0. Roberts foritlOS,. 000; and the Iron earew propeller Bermuda was purchased by W. F. Wells .h Co. for $41,000. Wisconsin Democratic Dottventlom MA-D[llo3, Wis., Sept, 20.—The Democratic Convention to-day nominated - Darrlsen G. Bo nen for Governor ; D. W. Maxon for Lt. Gover nor; Gen. M. Montgomery for Attorney Gene ral; Gen. L. B. Slim. Secretary of State, and J. A. Davis, Treasurer. The platform endorses President Johnson's restoration policy on the basis of the Federal Constitution, and pledges Its tmquallfied anpporta tt opposes negro enffrage In thin State or. Interference with other States' the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, jud farm the most rigid economy and equallastion In the tax Bureau. . • Fire near Cypress Cemeteri, New York.' Now Yosts,,Bopt. 2L—A destructive tire oc curred this monaing,in the town of New Letts, Kings County, opposite the entrance to Cypress . Hill Cemetery. It originated hi themnflfle room of the lager beer brewery, owned ,by Mr: Bow man which nearly adjolye the United fitates Hotel, owned and wadded by the same proPrie ter. Both buildings widths contents were de mole& Blghtorten dwelling houses adloltdrlg. were aleo:destoeyect,. The total two la estlunted at $50,000.----- Excursion Down the Southern Could. Nate Yowl, Sept. 21.—The Pods specie' siva: the Nary Department ,has ordered one of oar most commodious sidh-wheel gnat:onto` to be fitted out for the purpose of conveying some distinguished adhere down the Southern coast. It Is *aid that the. President has hat In con templation for some tlina . past, a visit to WU mington Charleston end other Southern ports, end possibly tit will cirri out this intention be fore the meeting of Congreps._ Statement toncernldg Davis , Removal , Untiue. • NEW Yonx; September 31.—Tbs Herders Fortrßss Honroe coritspoudent says: The Sista ment.that Jeff. Dm:181m been removed from his cseenente, intim Bor4ata. to Carroll Hall, IS not hot; q WI the arrest of B. F. Garrison, to whom /miff Winder committad the property takentrom Union primers at Andenonville, was only I 9 MOM 4 wimps of him la the Wur. Odd Fellows Entertained. _ asurissona.limpt. 21.—The City Cm:mails gave a maid entertainment to the Grand Lodge of odd Fellows. it Druid Hall Park Payililicm this afternoon. Mazy eloquent speeches were delivered. The grand - banquet to be glees. to night by th e mereStantit, pongees to Do a grand airily.. VQLU T,XtVITT4io.. Line Bell een America and Brazll-4AD- lcOldie it Book-Keeper Sentenced.: Pinar Yoga , Se p t 2L—on the NM Inst. the steamer Costa Rica will /cave ails Port for Rio to Janeiro, bein the pioneer vessel Of the new lino between the ' United Suttee and the Empire of Brazil. The Costa Ries will touch ea route at Baint Thomas, the West ladles, Plant, Per nambuco and Bahia. The ease of Jeremiah Townsend, took-beeper of the Townsend Saving Bank of New liven, Connecticut, who atkounded last Spring with 'shone one hundred thousand dollars belenglotl to that institution and was subsequently arrested in England and brought back to this coniltrv. was &sowed of la the Superior Court In New fifteen on Tuesday of this week. The proceed ingsthe charge. He was sentenced to seven years OnnnweuemenbtritneA the &tensed pie/Wing guilty to the State Prison. St,l&Bis Visitors In Phdadelihius Pirmanimenis, Sept. 'Sl.—The members of the St. Louis City Connell and press hare been bandeomely entertained by a committee 31 our Councils. They, abated ,kinyttmenalng prison, aavtral large , manntletaring enswishments, the m& School and Valimionnt Park. atotwill t°-morrow continue the InanacUon of objects of Interest. They leave for New Tork on Sas arday afternoon. - ' ' • Indians Attacked and Defeated. • FORT Lanark, 140. reeelved from treneral Conner this, tie- annebsd and defestrarateike Forced! Arrapakoen _near Big Born, inn , tke 28th of August, =OW-. log dye hundred twirl of tattle and large, smontiC9f plunder. Wo lost a number of Med Auld yonaded; among them several takers. iVirgthla Episcopal Convention. - Sept, 21i—TheTlehmand Wen to-day contain the proeteedhPUht.gfilea. pal Canyeedien Viratels. Bishop ?alias earn ;ally reeommeada reidato3 with the Nottbere branch of the-Charehi Conilderahle debate teldrr . plaoe' •JP9I IO o to appoint a come:Wee OA lb? ratiett• ff r:Ctfeket Hatch.. Nate, Yost, Sept. 20.—The cricket Hatch be tween the Young AmeriCa of Pidlodelphle.and St. Georges club, terminated in' favor of, the former, ty total' score of ISO to 119.. The Bass Ball ?match between the Atlantic's and Raeford clubs was won by the /comer, by s' score of 28, against 23. • The Etzg,Ush Visitors. Sept 21..—The English capitallota will arrive at the Falls to morrow. They will have ti•grand reception ball'in the evening at the - International Hotel. o'clock tho. balls are to be Illuminated Wittidlamond.lighta, The party will arrive at Buffalo on Tuesday. Nnw Yonn, Sept, 21.--6 old continues ac tive witb a strong upward tendency, opening at 143 K, The price advanced steadily to 14434. MARRIED ROBBRTS—SEIAIS NON.—On Wednesday; Sep tember ton, aga, at the ehureh of the Holy Tiinity,Rittentsinme rolMie, by the Bev. ItsettarJ 'Newton, D. D., SDLOBION" W. ROBERTS, to JAKE ELLWOOD, daughter of Ellwood Shan non, 01 of Philadelphia } 'No Cards, COII.IIERCIAL OIL WORE Pure White Burning Oil, Constantly on hand, and for sale at THE LOWEST MARKET RATIM , B. C. & J. H. SAWYER. =OaAo. 47 WOOD STREET . - 111:11 , 111ARD °REES PETROL& 4-• COMPANY.. Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Ste This cam say whe,,orguized on the ath last. tuolos the voids Allanlttosoi id ring Laws. The territorT of the company Potts the Was of the Dun_ `d Cheek Mafia Oil Company, of this on]. Capttai fltork..." 9223,000 Working Yana 254000 Par Value of Each Share. tl 00 ornasn Picedent—S..A. 30EtNaTON. 6corettzrand T4esnirerr-ISAAO NOCE. 8. A. Sowerinvit S. graccrir. Flux. SETDEI4 31111121 GBAILIa, F. D. Osurr, W. O. Kme, jesayil S. W. iiITCBTIL STANDARD PETROLEI73I REFINERY. CLASH & BIIM'REEL Wo!kI a.d Ocoee, OOI.LINS TOWNSHIP; Office i Piiinburgn, 24 WOOD =REEL These works have the largest capacity Iti the country. The brand stand& the highest in this country had In Europa, for.guallty and Ire and the oil V put lx well sessanedbarrels, prepared especially far export. Manufacturers of ASOIDERS, STILLS, TAMES, and IMPROVED BORLISO TOOLS for Oil Weld. dei9ny CHAMPION Oth COMPANY Prodnocii of Crude sod ranaufacturcra of Rotlne<l Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils. W ORKS OPPOSITE SHARPSBEIIO. Office No. 69 HARD Caret, PITTSBURGH, Pa) W. D. CIISIEDIAN, Sup't. am= BONDEP WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, foot oigALTIO a LIAMEISORSts, Brooklyn. REPINED PETROLEUM, in Tanta loud Rural& Sao eicaulaii. Onnoe..Ro. to BEAER STREET, Nem Took. oan-ty SEIM LID DULLES re • CRUDE AND PM= OILS Perry Block, Ditquean• Tlfisis*lttab i gti ' 4T Special attention given to tho SALE AND SHIPMENT or PETROLEUM cod Ito prodtiottt ibuislgoments rerpectfully solicited. TRA Pit NSPORTATION Otlatsburgh Agency for T_WEN AN ANY.OO OIL AND ZO-POST °SPEY& BOX ltl ohs y BBNIi 18 t. 'MAIM ST.. Pittetrourgh.. 'IOIIWARDINO AND COMMISSION lIIESCLI4,V, AND DEALER IN OILS ILLITIEENATING, omma I.L;Txtol..l.•um OIL S, &a, nonstantly on hand and for tele et the •= 4. maticet pmts. Oonsign. 'Dents end order" &imam JAZES ixwus & CO., • lIILIAII7AertraIIaS 07 Oil of Vitriol and Aqua- Ammonia. OFT/CE No. 15 MARICErr Bt.; PlTTairlipaa, Pd R W.WAXIREI WARING KING, S.. • ""3" aui apanupiort arEacrawas. PETROLEUM AND ITS plurracrs, , And dealers la Refedes Materials. 0.331-17 No. 33 MARKET ST. Pi laselleitt. OIL STOOKB.—The underaignO "eve partleedae alatallea to theodeohlep fad tale of stacks 0ff , 14.1. SELLABLE Oompaiiies. bows and sellers to eaR,. J. E. axona.arei -..m.101 METH STREET LI7O.IINT OIL valuta.. DV LAP & CO, • , 11L11411076113120 Pure White Refined :Carbon Oa. no. at zamaert . n fyi.l4l4Y 2 s. 0111 LEASER - can be bad do the 'Welt reekrable Was et ((Weed low or eve acreeoalablielyereek, nun the flow• lag well ( A barrels) week 'week by the Eitewler2 011(tompturoot Rittebnexti. Aglx io SW.U_ba4.44l4W4Pall# JlEsi dDr#:IiTISEMSJI! T AT . GAIIDNEWO; . Concert HOI ShoeStoreg, Directly flTrider Th- OPERA HOUSE: Boots dnd Sho'es, OF EVERYDI2IOIUFTION, .dre Sold IV ee Sass * a Jilr" sy COMMON TO WILITLa , v. 0141 XR OMPEROL'4I4. ,71 . , .3 • 44 • :ixos, 111 E ELEE?!EIyiD Children's Rules yon an yet far - Men's Hoots - 47. Women!' Shen • $l.OO AS A CALL ':PILL CONVINCE. No. 80 FIFTH STREET', pIIBLISHERS' TRICE • • BOOKS ANDALBUAMS B ar .L" TECE BOOK vernisEuras , , PRESENTATION DEPOT, • 74 7Fiftli,Strpet, — AND .114.19)8011:E PRESENTS,. OBTO FBOR 50 OEATB 10 500 DOLLIA - ; arc EN. VETE &WE BOOS. gen Cali or a4l for a catalogue. • • ••'' CHARM 1 5 2 9 . YEIinTUOJE • Mai= FIRE INEURAIME °wont or - • PHILADELPHIA. . Ames, en Jammu* 1. 1884. 62.44117.84 e viii • • Capital. Accrued Preardwas..i., e 71,0012 Investe ed d Eromluma ' Unsettl Clattes...Z.j. 8,41 X Income for 1664. .. $03,0011 Lows Paid 'Uwe IN2 Amapa Perpetual and Tateporary Pollalas OW Mora tdrnm DelotorOnn. Charles N. Eanekeni loam Lee, , • Samuelagner, Edward 0. Dain, ran .a t t A George Sall% , Jacob R. S Alfred Mar, Ciaorgo W. Ric Fran. W.l4= M. CHARLES" . DAM/ EDWARD 0. DALE, Vici KEl hßeildta% JAE. W. rdaALLIaTEI/4. Ser. m,__tenn. J. G. OOPP/li, arn29 - eoi-i s or Wood and Ildrlgl. FIRE AI D EWRINE , • Inumuice Co, of Noel America: PHILADELPIILL 41.760,000. =2IE Ilartford Fire' , 7lnsurance Companyi Assets.. 11:1,5198,0000. isr.ProteruancAn4execuP4WOMPT•4ll= and maws cozapanilts. - - • • .- W. L. JONN4i, _ • IWWater Street. (upstairs.)- •-; ESTEEM_ 120311RASITS 'COMP . • p T as PITESAUbi , Onace, lEt Write.. Sow, p ip pin tO6YW4tb f , biotite, up rtstri, Pitt-graze', - Will them ogothud kinds of Thu tad Moist Stain A Home /nOihtltots secastigett ey Dire:care laid an reit /amok is thaorastunnity, eatiristio aide n. vaned by promptness Und ithenaity, GO lactates Oa character which they Mut harm .4 a:offering deka probation to LA= nitalbrarbbo bt WirwW. DratatOTOlls t Andrei* Alexander Aellen Speer. David Long Ohne. J Eon J. T. Olatg hyme; John E. NOMA% Manley, . Nstlantefilolzoth: Ales. Mutat, 3 , GeorTrep ( C Mltitketso e n. my2o .wr,. FM:III3r.J3T. S.se:nrimr. PITMEN'S_ ingoußeNc • _coge• • • OF PITTSBIIFORIL—CeIIoe, eau= Mittel! , gm:Melee state% .01r. 'Wit A. SlMPADDiSecrelarg.• Insures Steamboat aud.Oargoes... . .; insures splint lbw sad daurage Ell Ulan#lllo • tka a th e salaam Pm Westeni BATc 33 . l + l Oll and Bayous, and tlietsvigatturs Sc Insures agalast lots and damage by - Std. :"..;; 7ff. sier . -. tr:,:tries. ' thasec., ' JA L park, .7 - , ~ Joseli 0,011,:tt : - ' 1 .W. o:johnit6' _A . .E.Joiles, ~. ‘.4 1 ,....,„tZTan. -- I war. T . M. Howito . r 4 - ~,, ,4 .4-.... ~,,,,,f •' - ald*, Prodon.l 4 . 56 ..... - ..'"7 - 46 7 d.'" Georg. B l u 6 hst4 - .- P'"..- )ZOPLSIY Mtn:MHOS VOMPAtilt ) omce, a.E..corivF GUM/dm:l4 'Wing" • MIX AHD HABINB INSVHAEgar ;rm. Minh); - .lJant. - JohnL.-lihOUTI, John Samud ShisTar... John E `.[.., litasionjors,. 1. Charles 19. Mang, .• Charles Atb Wm. Van MA; John F. IrniyaWs.l4 Samoa D. Verner' • John Wide. Panxies, Prosideni; • C. JOUN rr,-Vias A LLEGHENT VIBIITALAA: 011 00311 A , NY OP rtrrsatatens.—unue, xo.v RID& streat;Baak Mock. , Lan= a.ll pads offrlre tra. ismtit ammo, rmseara. JOIEN L. "8.17, nes rrathigiqi D. M. EWE. Seg ./,'!A1.:17, lota alltedard.. Eat Atm- ;tarp", ftew - r l,r- ,, • Robert H. Duff,.; time Jonssi - *. 14. 11= 4 aspL Oteti lona trwla, Jr, B. L. Yakuestods E.' EEEVE:S ;12$7***A410 Etnabitelt BiOetlrxXiithimbraub, jai-65141 s ifiyondeigetiptus.4.•cstritvz. ourtzs,ana rcrammunra.vos EIJNZPI ALS_Meral . /T. wrins azvisz !szatits ;lilBl%/46 , tendsfula , . - Ang*s_ A PPLES. 3I ; bias hoses APPbSII., co'llitothoto zest rinlvcd ,:~ _.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers