'ESTABLISHED- IN 1786. Saw urolt letit;trOTlClM, Este m .k a prupi 'Goode, ifigv,lieirs, ICA - Mil On; e Welk: cP 4 4 2 , , 64 4 e1i ' 00 ,4-Ellth 4tcet. —Llnen Mgodr, sisitii at aciri, Path . ALSAiskli al.reet. :Mien= 6' 06 4 - : . 4044:*tifyirOt rift 441 - 8.* 1 100#4C§0.0: ' 104Notyusiii3s, bittatis. • abZ•iiridt.i=ftarecannuesiOrestimt avenue; reartalitlittwlUbirscadin:Thundwisiorzang by A. its,` aatiOniat , - 2- Via ..PWA7, kertetpateg at Opera flocycei 13 .M1 141,1 04 :05 2 64Pr arida *if yistiklatrimediAceomPlietiK: ". -6 :ll s :Cunit 4 akat Mt* Ittilostdealiidetsalinianitx ribs rehttivirsußapty aidansitiAlMEMs. rautx) .I'lr 2.74 r.: „ =DA I a. tkailarlPONlP , 11 01" k2l4o.lthabatalq A II4 . I II II F. 69fiI I S9 AWROY4 O .;.PM AP9i'l 4 Atiene , cut Mit tianret stockoPitte:QWxx. y, apcM rce pblchottag lu 4.411**41 1 0 1 .4'. r gica‘4 11 444 611 14 11 ; .- tete,firftiggi wildiVaextecartmadtaelaited eind,teecishien eatlP xcliarAptipit , NOFfeolt , slur's:lan^ eetapletb jmegACtiitisgtAti3ilipast eilatufrAututed. Das =thrill . lixt Pllttletarrtvg 0 1 Oil new _igtottqp whlth smile. expected walla tan daps — CW.s.,tngrsalon. - Bola Agent tot Oltdketltertgant,L if.. 1,1-3 PIMP* greet. ItootetteVlW-Xelebrated,.lBtomeeh Bitten:7. fir.. 9 OY - 01 }BEF ! LEV,s - imrrEn. t ip4 . 1.(10r•X•007, 28 th. t Sxriat .grounwn--/ 32,4411: weak', 104 - 1 - t 'Age to Y4Ouid3O.titikLWiblfolit expiess r"ItY belfrtY IPPreneef^theti.OZoOt epos me. itanirtirote'i'uttiffn far empone r sa4 S, abhor ,11.41delf.'thai'lltiVaii. 6E' qitio4cerk.. But your ~ .Blttefolareerentieolp.froMooMtfrom tho level of r.Citfrujnfpf _the day; being _patent nuke .r.:3§,W**4.44PtiON47,tber,:tf"4o)el'' They AO: mire. !3,lll,24rirf:llut are reem=mtded to assist motor* ia.4ho alletlet 'thef idietilithiettetutsitng of meteor the 'Mort eatehlOtiot the body, IleetnntlisN Lads'h r . = =sell for. two months, OKA cabal 4 think tho'f pr tag, I ay Slonisand MOSlalrttrettreltd , tullecnd V IR*01 " Ctit ? tl i rltitinht,ll,4 tha=gfrenzt• 101 Q tiSge.:4lst746 o lleotOfaiscittiletd,thriro. feseiCaa'autissisrelr4o7*ea4 b .A_Alciw a d . Pleig 0 . 1 10 117 ; oPt.etlt flout& tatith of the ttme owe• alio rilemd.t'd la teen, iokleuront - - :-weak-a-WieV tog rigor returned; tiler cello+ eemplegonakaltione,..l liken& mideoElfane mar I m joy the duties of the mental application, whielstorecentls *ere so mg irksome -and bur' tlehlteheth aftt.'`'Whiet eked - Tour -Bitters, If& ' 47- Aavatitealfiltdor.Shese arefitalk - Alltafetenes bezz.illuttootusktorp , swi • "f PilitoForGeta ,LirianyPtizbyt.iriltt Olaratt . . Oo%blead.,llG'l6b,NFrati Noil9l- Federal vtat its the 'rut glita.;:the • , s eain=oLtba capture' cit-Itlebtactia aad . .Alba'stitcriati,efir:iteta•.rebot;Ocaetit too wai;rl. tbkiair; adtibtagli Or tad pant pro. %•itineNiusil Imola= the mutton VAC triin34lol. . taktiivia7 /rays , barctua' Of the eitett, 1117210teihtehttIVA;1160d$ at stout onillislf 1 44P1P,,.. 130111 attba finest &....:.. - asiodnia‘ . .eafdlll , l ll 74Pß are Included In hli stock. mulch Mt. .irapatedio taikkaup to .cards, an ettoci notice, In Itatilestsqlwatut at earteapatuttagylikiates.. &dab* anartmaat bt tabilabtassiclasitid t *alp toatut ate are elegant '. Satatilbtaatat: ta.r.ll3lstbstar (dad should gllns • • - TA= w _ sti„ . Parry & Co., YMadtiral'SLOW ffogoo, and Deslcre is /made= - , Sista,bt VEriIIIII -: colon.:: Oace at Wee=la the Water Wake. Pl.ttabtrra. RAO street. Wars Alf srorit wari4eati wates PrOci f :Bel i a gAtagn e ' t thelneg"Ptioe• imoyi* _ the toot t. nee e-Vniseelafterli is pet The Eighth Wender tltalishymalea werld, le Scaoffont, Late, ea they see their =stinted teeth and roar suns re. - dialed hi Vier 'toher•mtrrors, and gentleman se • theft whits hulsol ihtoc#, their dark man• itzbes, =Wiz hOW elm*. broir • u•O' folk of twenty the tectlvbeantlfyloZ. breotb.Mituayg Bozodanf. Jobblng ftop. ,7-anifinlisturinikil*en ettende !Attar Tem - nabs/mi. I tUITO te.OPelied eltoP for al aorta atiObtxt M o ths armlet- line, at the cad runt, IrrOn aller4arean . SMARM *treat andClaer , - .oidaisiollege4 and.ProzatAli Attendad to. LEITER FROM WASHINGTON. IStree6s- 7 Bpidiugs—Rents—Theaters—The ,Tr ral Of WitZ. Froaum Vecaticmal Corrapalckne, "t . 2: 1 4*11;OTGli CiiT; 1865, ~ r r2 liorriere thizerriM—Solirithitasullsg the war„ :'4ICI , , -' linerapd..deSOlatijig, ilill , city has . .I think largo* sil wiasiniti itrata;honses, cit., within' -==the - laSercittg'yeare than It has In the ten pie geding.' UP to = within a very recent period, tii • asap pavemen ts la Uas Feder4WletrOP*war B ptiltd, on rennaylisnia avenue, and on snme of thaehorter '41%4 tit Rs= iratheatetti vicinity. ...,.,;11Creri, on..sia r the pthicipal larvae- of. the city; ::- ifirritree‘t#iriallnele, pavement as-Broad way itsel4lin - 4111.8 really i'diftgots to :we or !:•:::',3o4lrWeir: it., iiiiiiiitili thei; for the fiiiimetto. ~,i ' , Alibi of the weary, thread the main tberrnigh. 'T. Sagestres that you may ride in a comfortable car I 2,'_ Sothic 'cab* from the - ti - as 7 YtM to Geniis' ,iteml.v. Aro miles, or an maul distance -e• ismoss the city, for the same sum. - Ifluporer, attention Ls being directed to the - 10101Uoli - Oftheltreetsiand shii, surface of the . 1 r,, • irooltidlte, Oterlog ',upon '..the.publie, health. I , ) =lna are ILI/mate otconetriction under the. • ; luta. mew,: which:will .carry , off-ttus Wolff. 0 11 /* ederearlidrik;fronv standing and stagnant :,..., ',ltatere aridPitoti filth and !Wattles Whiels bay. :shiliwys hitherto oraded - teto escorting noses of ,- - , lblPsolde. : , Virtrei the canal, shall-have bet. , „--tildther filled , up earealord oral ' mar the works '',;:411101Y! jibing , forWer*, completed , ' Washington .I'Wiltbcolune.,•dellOgeli*l. of *4OO in o4.titheitilegs ',-; ..-'..;- 7-:-_ , , ... _-, ,- • ~ , ~..• , ,-.. • L.,ltt.view..i4utt4itai -Woad for .stweiroge , V Iteteirath ' mat etesuoisiz men with ' it= 'capital' dw.ritoteetWhillo „ stp•.'huill .11X•Elbotutial henosto-mcia as 2 4 , d r the. .simishilling class - of People, who lerg. h lin -- lilt place to have irvoice' in. &Zaire alta:o- than Rieretafore. A Amon from one 3af ' the' well. built Mahan towns Cr. citievtocenlne bete. *lll .-:be , struct^Abs : ace with , this peculiarity IF ,111 4a'o; 'easive iihrellings, aide 'de r with- m "' or low and bumbles • ` ,ilasoders hocum nisi think bra rcs nited from . ' 4billad'that but two classes; for the 'most pagt, 1 , , , ,310e: lir,all filth. cities either in, the *am „ glioNiri; ei la lowat almnBC exclusively inspired cjl:4o,ollstrOilitd bpropla from thget Agate% The strar has .madu a change. Respectable mai of Zuotlegate' marts; but of'self-respect and taste, e. ati , W7 aPPIke, in -large .nutithent, They are not i Migilli:dlvithrtedfidwilliagis.kroly fit for dams , ' -0 /4 ' arc mot able either to hire or topnrctolse .:-.--.„. two and =passive bows Where the mati rtlllismerstarAtehaldtheir touts: or Mai Slaw ii?:::;tip-buildlligir,therefor6, adapted to ! the want of r.o.,... ,l thh,VmttsttiOCO' great isch. Let me, e urge a l*. aII:VA kUll4dratO COMO F tit '; Ira invist. =, are warm, and high ?;t'-: _ "preeedezd;-1 know - a man who pass "a :- FlalcOlitb... - fer.ihousisof eight roonuich la , ./ hued to antla 'lather& etre rani k go for --:,, per amour and that swot , is, the Anita 4 ,41 - thiit. - Houses :which , ;before , thin, ' ' ' 'Vented ''' L ; for $lBOl - 26 , 7 , annum , ; ' h aw"-b r ing ./ .Z...t . ISltl ' ' ,' A &de :on:4l4oßa. Ina ib,a igilLudellterftrt "aj,..,Menry'dollerriper ,!agOloarth., ,so taisktmimbigs row :111 Jrrocireo 9r: ,Irecticra Ind not Italfrose rented already at Z-iturnsiel„fitiMdolrarsi - Posatt each; and' more: .1 thin ar.gazta, ..were made to the • - swifir ei,s,V W rIL — . - -e s al;° °FitlAwy,*% l 4 s of • ti ~ I, or ttuf toom ' Ss -tk twee larger A nd: 1. 1 :: i . znitietrelyniolPuldalEtr Asketi!bylicala -71 PM, aud.lgtopresitntatlyesothaott:Aecautoes. ~ .atorios attiteld...,A.Aoyr • iMmO meta last seer ^. 4ll.2o %, Ti oreaf about - sixteen timasand dislthrs • Ilnit be d In MAT OW stYlei_is 'Muted to a . )2(eW_Xprk....Cougigesom, far she goo Maidon," ' ; 2 ,. :. for four thatuomditellars., „Ono cif the PentillYi , . .; • i Amnia SiselehMe• paw two thousand^ antlimvest .hundred dollars ;fora; figs , house on a good' , .liirett, fel Rip f.c . rt..ts , 4. So member eft/gag= i - 4 ;r3 I tan get rig .M of moats hare .Dow for less tbattorm ' 'dallaraper mouth arid oftener taut teirmre• dred-idaL Sweaty-6Th ~doUars 0a bi ro -d, _IWO dcdlarati idark,Abis Would n ot. - taarding, .but simply only •Illudter a nd f . • : Nat do IMt -presactiftriir„iiwyect of a 'WM= o ff in , t onn eaoraiona - mmi Cannot triniderateinducoltrwmicli a prosimet as I here teettout, - -to came. to Weattingtorr and share in ibis golden - hares - al- :Thus only can' a reasona ble outlay . for dwellngs and the necessaries of life be nandi, tor =filer-- As it is now, no salary bi encregh to . awry you through the year and Afford asurpina of any amourdist the end, for the maroons' bias the more he needs. I trust yon will try to' Impress upon people who live where some moderation prevalls....how.much • their help is needed here to reduce tamps to A reasonable standard. While they,:would be siding In with reduction, they' would grow , rich. '..• ..- . . While the war was In progress, and the city often fell of oflleerwami - soldlere, the theatre - here mica hint roue lunch money. The old: Vastagtein Theater--a bed box In a bah mutt' —fill of stale odors, and In a not douldfal `n - elattorhbafr- - -Xsed to affdri the late-resort to the totter cifs'•thEstagc: Itat , Opni a church eras paeldused and rte formed into temple' , This'atOrded a patlal stipply or `mimic Isle",W theriaplair krottbsloir Rolgaa - Thls, however, took dre andbrirneo down In the faltot1882; after which thartinse erected , pppon iate, •.haa• stracture,knowsbYi 7 484 r 71 " d's 27 4 2 r.fallrelei0 11- Odowt t lkeiolug "In:'aorrfitanl i ztabmired , er.theseepeof.themiitarcultaT ern•topeso- , 4=T-bste Ada-that this • alldlag; e•ereeritrippaisttesiall.rof , ereuthior which add reffibirribiebrlLeciagittardellg*Tilrolie • sirefadlitied and rellttetr aakereettaelftdf the; Teel archives and mazy mementoes and etuldsa-; • tleiteribeerar. • • filet _thasterht Theater was also belie Ind fitted up at great expense after the war began, and is .probably, as the world goes, the most respecta ble and redieras place of amusement In the town: Then, a swarm of dodos Ulla, and beer gardens, and, "Winter Halle" aid dancing bow .„ete.,,ete,.: ern here to witness!' now the exdkmeet of war begat a demand for all thLS sortliifi 'amusement, athlete-a healthy normal conditiorrof !society rejects for the moat part. &place to which almost every other resorts at leen once, In visiting the city now, is the oar rearPritalbetitiorthe Court of Clahns, to see - the Xman on trial for his crimes at Anders:myth.- 'Henry With. Those who thinker him as a creel 'n'i.hkrod-thlrety looklng.:Yillaln Would - be'enr prised eliiiipld they' the the thlld,'darltdoOking lace ho carries. He:is a small, slight mini round.shoaidered, billions, -cleanly dress, of quick motion, hr anxious expression of face, ' thin nostril, black prominenteyes, forehead, sallow complexion, halr Inclined to curl.: .think he would be the last men yop would talon from *crowd as a fit agent to nary out the d—l Work of Toombs and Davis. Tot may the a hundred such Cal= as his 'any day in Broadway , 'at - Pennsylvania avenue,' I believe he is a 'Swede by bill, and that ho.was a criminal at twone„dittvlint Lefthls country' tor. his country% ICI good. ,:lkotbtleas be bropOt credentials with Km, sadiStnetOty to ther.. scoandrels who employed WM and, rejpked . his Work %SW at gratwach inutowiln our awn army, buttortoninely had thrwOrk;fort them, one they ~ w ere dragnet as son as dbiesorered. . 'Who drareitiOextesietvely at the beeps:leg of Vineontifee,Winitlie ante sort or. treiture. - Hs ii: noi aDjegnkighi chance for teforinstkiit X443.141p8bi WhilethTrecli. _of Southern tsitiiiiism„ .thi bloody 'butcher and tool Cl ammonia than be litalLtraTurtion'aeekeni fat .pardonlak wlll,l-doubt noveneetthedhomith so natty itel Wm,: Dia the tursdr of justice' be Maid 0 4 this paw. :abject creature, brought into Court 1141.14 Fad, G - m - yract,.:thnildertaig.: . with utility :tams Xatilid6ard; ea 'theAMU O.Y.Sia victims put beAti.:2lll..solcs :ind."..kwialthig and ahrinking as her loot upon some broken:o:2=l*i. torvithessisloirif cassyllrig- With 'painful step - interthlt:WittneSS-2ieit; isciestdo to the 'fiendish craeluo.o,4ll4ch ke wadigittldctirtf Or shall shaft band.; dinceed.,.with. crashing Lowe upon thonesoattle:mswesaff (outman who used him : 021 103 1 .0 0 11' 0 0=SkPlehMett ain't tr a rillY Itresch - ./ss a poem I.llevilatoyers t 8 this Witak - erintl' cud, whose Crimes are but as a drop thrizustratku,:t4ualtten by thearrordpf justice, while men t 0 wheel lomat heeatonitbs were cull ISSIMIPAYgrIiPIairDPV4 escape SaideserY ed stroke ? The blcod of tan thousand martyrs In the cause of liberty crieth Nay and let all the people say Amen.. . ! LATEST FROM PITHOLE OIL REGIONS, MORE BIG "STRIIKES." Prniots, Sept. 19,1855 Last week the excitement was great, caused by the striking of oil at No. 110, Booker farm, and 10-day the oil fever la raging at No. 47, Hamden farm, which started yesterday after noon, end is new one of the largest wells OD fgt.- hole, estimated at 1,500 barrels per day. This well la but a few rods from the Malted Btatell- The oil will be conveyed into the tanks of the Notted States well fora few days. No. Ms also being tested, but up to intim/ the water Is not exhausted. As the seed bag In No. 110 tightens, the wel ter decreases. and the Sowed o'l increase% It is f 61,1m0.4 now at 4110 barrels per day. No. 35 (stealing. and will probably by a good Ira. It is pumpEog and Sowing at the rate of 05 bawds per day. idale wells are to be teltedeoos. Tere has been considerable said of late through tee various pressetof the euuoty,mostly by eperlal correspondents, in rcg.rd to the amount of Camas prevailing In the oil regions. 1 wish to say this—l am and have been aolourn- Mt this season in the oil region, and in all can: dor and truth must say that the sanitary condition of the several komlities is good, and will compare favorably with localities outside, of the oil region. Of course, there is some mk t eas and a few deaths, but nothing to warrant the ado made by the prem. Due we are snr prised that so many paragraphs &beta Linn 4Beir way into the papers. with deeleratiorri and Arandisgs an A matter which no special observe- Alone can warrant.—Correapondawe Erie Di.- rata. • ge in nigh Life—'['be Man who Owns fludderelleld. o regilehnsPerit atate that Lady . 43 wendr.- i I o IL Maur, the young - and nely daughter of Doke . of Bosonset, has just been married to Air I. Itareeden, the yrnpg Yorkshire Barmaid; who owns the land on which wow house in 410idderafield is built, .save one. Sir John has . Offered 'anions same for the property, butin vain. The had belongs tots-old gaga, . and on Sir John offering to purchase it from him he , rePlial '-'When, askrhee to whom the down of linddensflelld ' , than cant say lirbelongs tattier' and me." . The Baronet offered Aolrive the owner as many sovereigns for the laud sus would cover the property when the _quaker „Inquired, "Wilt thou place them edge wise' It is perhaps neollWl for us to state that the Baronet declined placing them -edge . Whserend diesDriterabh) of the town of Lfaddera. field is therefore.still divided Ixtweele BtrJohn Rameen and the Quaker. We may estate that lately Owendoline Bit John's bride, le the daughter of the belutiful Duchess of Bottlerseti who, under another but not lets attractive name, 'was queen of beauty at the Eglinton tournament. Prince Napoleon, who was then a kaiak:es edvathrer. greatly admired. her no pumice. -.Fortune since that time has dealt Aenderly with What them; but perhaps, on the whole...the Duchaut' is mare team ;envied than the Emperor, - - . .Peiioleitte—itry Goods. 1 , 1 Nrlr:Tong. get& gd,..rith Anus ,itaye: The. dentin& gm Peiroienot le quite Active abbe "srelll;anet.ptlees have advaneed to four dollars per burden Plthele, and front airto air and t /AU donaxian ou Creek. - Stocks .11, Phtledell • 41.14. Bostor-i" and at this vedette tinusuilly light for ea isessan,andthe.enpplies -aV Ma :burgh birebeen drawn upon quite heavily. There sub still a number of mauls loading for Beropet, end expartereare taking Loge anulante. The deeriand for home eatisureptlon la' lemma- Log, owing to the opening albs Santis to trade, 'Vitro IS else considerable emulative feeling. The same paper ma e In the dry'grans man' ket there la • fair bnalnaus doing ln foreign dress Woks, and .the prices are firm. Domestic cotton goods rale heavy and the tendency Is towardetcrererprices. Buyers don's come for ward to..any great extent at the concessions granted dttring the Past few days, and are hold. 'lng oft for still lower prices. CoUon,goode Ire Jar above the present pies of raw materiel end there is a wide =min Or a decline yet. , : 6 ' - 'Ender ContriuUttedi • . • „ Nmr-Yorte; Sept. Oh—A: contradiction id %the retort reetesto put alloali itvidez*Jwitb the dodge or *lntim the cause or the - . )(Wenn Reptile, that Rnedthelak.hteM dart i° 116 4 ••bln conaryized iecking refoge exe,ll am -,ulnea - to a ieltaritam Ltd diatingetehed riders dated' MOW land . 17th; hob just been' re. -ceded by a Andaman in this city. -Mr. Jana , says he baa no Idea of abandosing , his , cipsern tde conittry's cam. Be bad ferm:waxily - Ceiabliabed tbo Ebilannneet at bilpaaa:but,snrall wan take up h 4 residenee In one of Viz interior _tonna. lie has detann . bied to•dellf hie day of pie th e *w a oar temmeat of VA pdhre, and does not despair of sticcera. , . 1 " ' • : Specie tar . littropo. • llltor Yolut,l3ept. 30.—Tke utossoacHootta took oat to•day.for EatepOt3so,ooo la SPede andUlo pmt s& _ . • • THE, LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAM. Our Special Dispatches. OMR CAROLINA CONVENTION. tiov. Sharkey's Mississippi Militia THE DAILY ISSUE OF PARDONS The Anions legotiating for Ocean Vessels, IMMENSE PURCHASES OF, ARMS Bondi for the New Irish Repubre.,, Bipedal I:Web to the Pittsbargh:Gazetta. • . Partkvattshltaaeia. - A` • • Governor Perry telegraphs to Preib ' nest trona Coltitubil. 8. C, thlfAtstite Shari p . D4Ftitsail tote Committed - vioiVitiiain - ta4 146ing equelletig tioti;eleeUng Governor and rPiesigehttal.Eleci torahy the people, • and- totlag ofihr bed/ la tkoi t l ttilitkplre L . and that thetas - tidasares will gam Everything le hallaoalollll. Thom,.aon, a delegate irntgalsrly elected by-Northern citizens, et Beaufort, wee permitted to take his. seat. A peyote letter train Vicksburg, received in Wantdriginn, 4iiverunr lilltarkers faisals refnan to be innstereo In as Dialte4 States tvMve, end sit only 'willing to nave as Btatta :troops under this flude;tlam . • "At Ordexintued . by the War Department pro vides lei this%teinaportafion'of ttmehant,, shares and Bellied itanki far freedmen, under the Bureau by the government; and also, that freed men seeking employment shall travel in search of It at the government's expense. There is a very brisk daily issue of pardons, fifty being announced on Tuesday. chitty Vic. &lens and North Carolinians, among them being Harsh tato President of Richmond and Denville railroad. De Bow has been pardoned and will resume the publication of his celebrated review. • The Fenian! In New York are negotiating for the purchase of eight ocean eteamers, each war ranted to carry ono thousand men, with the certainty that the purchase will be made before October, .They barb also made, within a fort- Idtinense purchases, of arma Sm - the Government, through artier . 13ec,r,0tly Idinspied with . , them, and propositions 'for Ittrf,hei,.gur ctdmrare equeldiration, and nra) of esr . York)Yarryg q d OodiPitiatea Weagaged pod t(' 4 0. new Vtstt last Steamer; Ole' London Tinter Its isgrueletlie-Nea:, York correiporideat to 164 a - 04 watch on the yentans. BIIEMDBT ORM DDD YEWS • Great Procession_ in Baltimore. 137A1'1311 OP cEmwrrusrvarr..np, TIEDE srsznEr JrIOXITZLE-It T. Letter from the President. Bathnsoan,_ Sept. 20.—Oar city pr es ent gay appearance this morning. The various dl. visions of the great procession of Odd Fellow's are now nuaeching to the varlona poeltlona an• creed for their farmatkohyreparatory to enroll ing to participate In the ceremmies of the meshing of the splendid statue of Charity. The procuration moved at li o'clock and occupies Jest one boar in passing. The column marched four abreast: Most of the lodges ap peared In new regalia, and there were many new sad elegant bands displayed. Five bands of mimic were tnterimsma through the Hoed. - In the body of the processloa there ap peered some halt a dozen large wagons Dade a:nal). decorated, and crowded with orphan childnm. mostly girls, who bare nunierotts shields varloos ly Inscribed with the names of various States and Territories. mottoes,: &a Thera cam were drawn by six horses led by colored grooms dressed In Turkish costume. Following. the cars came a large number at orphan boys, who, like th e children la the ears, are being eduestedat the eipense of the Getter. There were alitoMany orphan children sec no panying the mime lodges. The rear of the . procession was arrayed In costly regalia. A conspicuous feature of this portion of the procession was the tent of the Grand Encamp ment. In which was seated the High Priest of the Order arrayed In his vestment., with the two Guardians on either side. They were clad in Mack mirth, wearing helmets se flack °elect robes. Last of-all time the members of the Grand Lodge of the United States le carriages. „ Then to the disappointment of the vest ky of spectators, the President of the United State. was not present, haring been prevented by oat dal dates from accepting the invasalon. Thellead of theprommsion reached the mon ument shortly atter noon, when the line was halted, whilst the Grand' Lodge marched from the curette left to the. stand erected forth. hue of the monument, where the cmemony of unveiling the eletne of Charity tookllae.s. After prayer by the Rev. Mr. Williamson, the report of the Wlldey bloaument timmia.ee was sead. Past Grand Sire hilcherbren then formally presented the Monument lotto Grand Lodge of the pahei Statue, which received on - theft pate by Put Grand Bee.. Vertch In an eloquent, &lams. BALTDSOIIE, September nt.—At the d Fel losrs' convention to-day, the 101 l loner es-cell:red by the committee' appol Invite the /MAO:lent, wag read by ft BlNiehol son: OrscrnstrEW: I have hoped benblisto accept year kisul inVitatiorrfor.to-morrow. hilt I have found, uponcareful 'survey, that it Wl:Sid be in compatible with existing arrangfettents. I pray you to believe that I regd.'s:, In thee reunion of your order throughout the United... States as an auspicious presage - of the restotion of or der and compleMpolltizil harmonsharoughout the Unlon. I neW hardly say that.i.iy J udg meet this is, at the present momenirMe proper elm or tame pattionsm. , I have thaboner to be, very resAlilly, your obedient servant. '' 6W Jona-SON. , Addre Mann,ellverod by Lieut. Uovernor CO.'y of Mr. Andreersail Texas, Mr. 'Fisk, of Kentucky; Missouri. Theknot ; and ,CoL Duncan„ of their remarks was cOngratulatorra the re union of the order, tho return of pitman and pre saging. ebony future for the country. !Curran In Montreal—Dope* 'Pardoned - Winter and if rank Gono fomc Wow In Washington., Mgr /roar. gentenditr., 44iiritses's - special saps: •A: Portland, Hidda. 'raerekantalw 'Jobe Anrratt th Ilfontreal.e work . "orPtclary. , has.-been emanated there. for eldanthci9. •Xta one occutort, wbga thwootee• "Wee r were In, close pursuit o f. Wm. Wm. he ,Issa se. erefed - nader.thealtaror one of the chinches. /t *Wieland in Montreal, lad week, that he iris intake paaaagefor Glasgow; ovate du n= Bt.fininfe, which was to aall malettlay teat. The .Poses,epeclal en& Jas. B. BolcO, of Booth Carolina, has been pardoned. P. Hunter has ironer.° his home to 'Vir ginia. ma parole. Billy Smith has .sine gone hove.. He tiled no application for pardon. Ex•rebel Gin:meal .rlllow arrived In Wasiden ton this morning. 'Hattie applied for pardon. Another Deatructive Fire in Now York; New Yoga, &pt. :A—Between /2 and 1 o'clock this morning..ll OP broke out in the ripper part of the /onetime Bleb Yips. No. 1.7 t Fourth st., between 'timer and Peek it., and before:. the fisnice,:coniti be Inbduett. the entire ,tradleg, a large tire story brick„,.wlth_ Its contents, were constunod. The Are cpmenn. ideated to the adjoining building, omitted by . Archibald Id. Pats, grocer and' stdp and the time stories were badly, injured, gad , the stock greatly de aged by the dotage 'of water tented upon It by the amnion. The ioseCatanot ton ahait of 1400,000 or 8500,009. dergeon, Amgen. t • „scamp* alosnon, Sept. 1.8,--aparga T. GarairoD.who brought Ma box of wenches to m eow lag weak,. that were taken • from out finteirioniZleptiliGners, was errata at Ids borne In Dmannoutown on the Zukun Shine and brOught 10-Fortzuus ituaruu to-41N% Nisi Via; Bait. 20:4/old In eetlyereqamt tor_ czetomai, Mewants or Important for the toreloet , weektheylea .-theerg 'Prove a + l to d the busiest dap of the paean. The, advance In Exchange natureUrdraers up the prangs= -The ice' lae.riasid at 11,44®1,4431 this morales. ITIVSBURGII, n - : ftSDA.Y, SEI'TENBER 21, 1865 IkEW YORK REFOLICII CONVENTION, Speech of the Temporary Chairman, PERI/NEXT ORGANIZATION EFFECTED Ilciainations for State Officers Made. arnacasi•, Bept. DD.—The Republican Mate Convention assembled hers to-day, Charles jralger, of Cntarlo, Irra chosen' temporary Chairman. M. Yelp:, before Liking the, chair, Bald: (Imam= ef fhe Convedtk‘n! Beyond thank ing yon -for this honor conferred by patting ma In'thit 'Place, I shall- detain you with but few Orman" for 7011 need not muds. The Union 13 .not- a party or words but of deeds, rather of Ideas-' and I deeds. Just 'returning 'from a four -years* mighty war, it mange back sante =stilt of its loyalty, the Malan en Integer. The Proc. •hunation andinelpatigm is • •Axed fact and lays; _peer* the .world as :goo. shackles 'of four - Millions bondman 131serithralled. - lliteiltrintring by solemn vote 'resolved `war a falittrty - ir needs not to bluah,with r lhe shltße of Vatected r inithinils;lf the nresidhifoi4fr of Us "eontrutiou opens its sittingebrith hanninutttee-1 'Meet "that the war for national hitegrfkr hart 'bend-brought to asuecesnfullaske fo 'nor, among! itadelegates are . Brigadier Genmstli of thairtrine 'GUAM. fresh from a paper defense& the North ern frenniet,Witusteting In martial Might, with 'redeem red en before *still for erae,'• ems -now loud for warriors. Not advocating there:results time of State mitlthi to protect theltstas from 'Federal aggression, doer it put In 'nomination a Federal military officer whose lull:mown' net •weeamillcar tiltierto imppross the 12111tiii of! the Math: It has no such ides or deeds ar these. gentlemen,lint though the war Is' over, the! • =Utast. Is hot Ytini an eixt Begumintheforuni,' ' it was adjourned to the field.' As welnippored,t it is again adjourned to the !Onto., and an the contest in the'field wag began' by aterslbur the people's ballets, co the contest in the forum Is to bo initiated by stealing the people's - ballots ; but thanks to the' progress of events, the drat was done trader Baehattan and Floyd; the lat ter is not to be extended under Andy Johnson end E. Si. Stanton, for so long as In the months of men, Jack shall stand for John; Johnson al all be the same as Jackson, and Andrew Johnson be the synonym of Andrew :Jackson, sad the administration of the one = of the other, stand as a front of wall against tile Etre ing tide overweening state rights, ited.! by Its drum, unehakau, evear--handed power hold ell the spheres of oar complex political ; system, circling In their commit - littoral orbite.f Under mush guidance any Ualon teeny to burrito- part In this new contest 13 Rhin to do well. It bolds the power and moulds the policy, and; °haps the legislation of the Federal Governmeac not only, but of every State in the Union; itirgress end powerful, not the accident'of a day, or the chance result of a single political scalabina. lion, but by years of adherence.= plata% pre mulgated principles, by acteistmt, Daylarl ad heres= to Om cosattree . canes ,a - time of extrenlitY,J.; by steadfast faith e. the . principle}, ...of American nationality; an Impartialjoiners adroiniatetedsmaerimpodial lawn fiewingfrom an Impartial representation, and . based up= in partial sufftege.• Nor need we go abrarldfbr a declaration of prim:biol. nor for crardi nor seek for standard.bearers among captured prism:tete or dis•ethillel- deserters fro= the enemy or to the enemy. We have colotear ,gauna In our own ranks who hays sustained the =deg where rebel light was derma{ sind blood lowed fastest. Of that Will properly be, our honored leaden ,sad faithful standard bearers. (Cheers.) The Chairman on Permanent Organisation made a report which wan unanimously adopted. For Preeldnit. Ron. ettanney Dipew, and sixteen VlopPrceldenta. Oa taklag the Ohs% ,Mr. Dcpcw eddreseed the Ccurecatlan ereomelength. A Conn:algae on Itesolnitons .wae then ap- On =don of Ifr-WatO„ Mr. Mod, of Onei da, 444 Jan K. Porter,:of alDan7, rare noml° aatattry aaelautitJot for the Conn of Am*. Mr. font for Ma long Wm, and Mr; Porto or Me abort farm • It was moved tOproecti to the nemPusilon of a candidata for tlerelary of &Ma if 11C Day toz, of New York, noMinated Geneva Wanda C. Barlow. 'Chas. B. Spencer._ of New York. nominated Gen. Chas. B. ran Wyck. Barlow racelmsll9l volts. Vanilla steered 03. Mr, dpencer memrd" the caw:4mm toralnetton of Gateral Bertow. - wtdch Was carried. The vote for Cotoptroller'restated as follows: Thos. U. Withal:Lao, of Ontario, pnonlnatlid by Chas. J. ' , Alger, nit:dyed 253 votes. The nom:- nation of Thos.. It, 11Whotuso was made anvil. 12101211. For State Treasarer, Col. Rowland was anti Imowly nominated. At the rooting session General T. if. Martin• dale was nominated for &Maul' COratend: J. Matt Goodsell, of Oneida, was nowt:toted for Sarrryor ; R o bert It Dora, of Soltenertakty, Canal CoutrolostOnor; General Barnum, of Unondoza, Luspootor or the StAte prLson ; Jones, of Cattaraups. Clerk. of the Court of At. pcurk. • Henry J. Raymund reported from the Co na mutes on ticrolotiona a series, congratulating the people an the oVerthinwof the rebellion and the return of peace, the preservation of the Union and the extirpaildn of slavery, returning thanks to the soldiers and sailors, deploring the death by the essuctinahou of President Lincoln, recuitnialng, in Attdrent John non a stateman of Ability experience high toned patriotism and nnsellted integrity, and renewing to his administration anuraneter of cordial support. Approving his sentiments of kindness and confidence towards there cam niunitiat and individuate lately in rebellion, who accept the perpanatirm of the Linton trod the perpetual prohlbi• Uon of slavery ; approving into initial Mops towards reconstruction; regarding the several fitatee Ln the Union as MMus Juris diction over all local end domestic affairs, mpe. daily reserved to' them, by the Constitution, and whenever It that! be deemed comps lble with the public safety to restore to the Idtatee lately to rebellion the renewed exercise of then rights, we trust it will budone to the faith end on the basis that they be exercised In the spirit viequal and evation and bat Justice, and with a view to the el peer ectuation oI rug ternahlp of all their people( Expressing fah confidence In the. restoration by the Govern ment of dell tribunals to their Unit and na. Uoaal supremacy. Elegegiofting the national debt as a sacred obligation, and demanding of Congress legisLition making taxation equal and Impartial upon ail daises Endorsing the de termination of the tiovemment to assume no portion of the rubel debt. Exeeeting at the hand.- of • the Government a large rednetion of exPendlturos. and wise and economical administration Of public affairs expreultageontldence In the ProSident`e management of foreign affairs, Wad adhering to. the hlonroo Doctrine; tendering congratula• tionstoldr. reward on big providential escape from this icalle of• the emsv•ro, and rejoicing that bid UWE gashed services s h a ft continue to the nation. The retolutionswerecuirmted ninon queenly, and one undershirt the °Metal conduct of Liao buretury of kitate,Depew, in the courner• ;Won of the Callell9, and tendering Crooks to the brave men wino sustained the cause of Amer-- law nationality ln England, and mourning the death of Cobden, etc. Adjourned. • ADVICES MOM WILMINGTON, N. C Meeting of Capitalists nt Eiebmond NATIONAL EXPRESS COMPANY ORGLIIZOD. New Yoms,,tSept; 20.—'}'ho Wilmington, N. 0., Herald, of the 15th earl : Fanny Mom hay -Ist doted to CeptUM . Besth, of thellossulmeu'i ihireiu,..gpitit6seU and eltildren, after tilling imireorop,higlicernMiteng,by her Armee matter to Rue tit, place, re!),P111 eve her' any !Wets of the mop, notlfeetleteleas sent iessteof ebutpleaued thet she' isrentltled to ono Ulf ' of the crOp,_aud that -II most be 00- livered to her. The Sth and 37th Regintents of colored troops are soon tote mustered out. tip to a late hob? on the 14th only 319 pastern' entitled to vote at the coming election were teg hawed. ' • This freedmen 'held a large meeting 121911- mingtOn•on the evening of the 14th to appoint delegates to ths Convention at Italeigh,t on the 29th. • • 'Me Richmond Whip says: The meeting of `tapltollets on Monday evening, to organise a national and interiatlosel Expreus Company. was largo in numbers and representation of capital. Hon. Mo. R. McFarland acted as asuman, and James A.-Cartiardin as Secrete -17. In a few minutes the sum atone hundred And unpins thousend seven hundred wee subSeribed. The emu to be alien la Bk 10330 14; /a' to be limited to sessopori, of a ,maximuct aigtal or IM MO; the tottif, .r 2 5 0 .99 4 itia betel: ell in Anthenslittates: . Governor PierpOlnt sibanibed fivethonlapd dollars, aliening ftelt.ennisnle. ,hesonttnnts tregellt 'and aubeeriblng was the rebel General geboba. olganking - tbe company' lls, purfooted.thir ito Mom .ind•employeed Mobil Iteniliters-and soldiers ofthe lands ot the Oal . ted Mates and the • Lite ponfederate Btates—hi• the Northern States the ofilcera and saline» of the U. S. 'War gain the Southern Slates the afters and soldiers of, the late' Confederate Slates arum. Al'.. the head of the company blew: poyAilata and coMnetent 'officers of the;tWo. es wILI be placed. . The object, Is logien ens.' ply to many of he'gallant and bilges blink now out of etentwfmellti rod whose familiee are almost, If not entirely destitute or necessaries. as well as to •estsbUsh aineßY of Internet in' tween the two sections. VHF, TREASURE OF JEFF. DAMS, Payment of Pacific Eailroad Bonds. NEGRO TROOPS IN TEE SERVICE. Alexander R. Stephens to be Released. GENERAI. SCHOFIELD GOING TO EI7HOPE. The St LOUIS Postmastership INVESTIGATIONS IN THE FREEIRAEWS BUREAU New Yank, Sept. 20.—da special to the Tunes dated Washington likh, Says: Davis' trea sure, brought here in citalpt aTreentari Seent hoe been counted In the Tressuitiria oillee and found to ixwird of $87,000 in gold coin, 80,000 In , silver can. mdesUy Mexican dollars, old coinage, lead thbrtj , 'barn tifl'aittetri tate; Take slightly o8er4I00,000: ' = Sortardlobbt &lista arts° the cairn the Gus , : eminent would adopt sato the payment of the' Pacificr.Rallroad bonds. The President .0? the Bunko; the ,Idetropcills in this city, has address ed a note to the Secretary of the Treestu7 on the ant rject and received the following reptp MOUE= Darr watery, 8801. Elm —Your letter asking whether the • oblige. lion of the Government to pay at metttrity.lle, brads Issued noddy the sets of Jaly4E, ISSIL 10 and Juli first. 1864 , aid In the traction of the Pacific R. R. Is absolute or duvet upon the due performance of the railroad cor poration coitus oblikations, Is at hand. From an examination of the terms of the acts and the various provisions wherein made, la respect to the lane of dean beige lem satisfied that the faith of the GovernmEnt: Is pledged to their re demption In the hands of any lawful holder, and without regard to whether the obligations of the railroad Company are ultimately follilled or not. I remain, &r. B. hicenxemt, Bee'y. of Treasury. Tc, J. B. Ith - rcurneoa, Esq. The Iftnartra Washinron special, of the 19th, says: The whole number of ewe troops mustered Into the service ethos the commence ment of the war, is In round numbers 180,000. The deaths and casualties among them greatly exceeded the proportion among t h e whites. and amounted to over 50,000, Sixty thousand of the remain leg 1:M.000 have lately been ordered to bs mustered out la the several districts. and these only ate entitled to vote under the laws and regniatcms governing the the service. This small. number distributed tuteng . the several Scales, would not be an element of calculation in enrol them. It Is sald that the ex-rebel Fleo•President. Stephens, now confined at Fort Warren, is soon to be released, ud• will. return to Georgia to cooperate - with ex Governor. Brown and ethics In them:construction and restoration of that State to the Union. Gen. Schofield Is still la the city, but to ex pected to leafe for Europa about the drat of Octobstr. Efe goes ostensibly on lava of ab a:Zee. but the imimissiott prevails that he is charged with some sort of mission to some of the foreign Governments. _ The friends of General J. S. Fullerton are pressing tds claims for the ail= of Postmaster of St Lon* Gen. Fullerton Ea a claim of that city, and prenons to the-war was engaged In the practice of law. He Is known among the most efticent of the Asalstant Adjutant Gen erale of the army. He was for a long time at tached to the Fourth Corps, and slum the dis banding of the army has been assigned to the Freedmen's Burma, In thin city, as Assittant Adjutant General. A speelal to the Draorss from Wattingtomaa the BM. Melt. Gen. Howard, of thelfreoleasn's Boman, Intends to make a thorough perwonal inspection Into the affairs of the Freedmen of Virginia, and for tuts purpose leaves here with. litt a day or two. After retooling to Washing ton he will laurney through all the • Southern States for the same purpose. An anolßclal recently learned from an officer of the Freedmen's Bureau at Sheridan, Hies., that of 211,770 destitute people eubsisted by the Governaseul, but 770 are nevem% Another pirate leiles Ifoul lilltalulpul sap than utast of the Militia now being organized la thelStaus mom their determination net to be muttered ender any other but the State Sag, the mars and stripes not excepted. The same letter also Mates that a regularly organisedgeng composed of es-reoel soldiers, has recently been farmed at Vicksburg (3r the purpose oterabarrassing, la every way posalbni, the action of Gprernment officers In the State. Two young Virgielans, who were recently dis charged from the Union army, returned to their bonnie to Greene county, when they were in formed that they would eerteilnly be aasassina ted. If they remained, by the ex-rebel soldiers. Brig. Gen. C. B. Fisk, Assistaut Corainiselonee. of Frooimens Bureau for the states of Tennessee, Alabama sad Georgia, has recently been address. leg the people of Tennessee on the polidy of the Government relative tareeimea's affairs. He recently addressed the Inhabitants of Spring Hill, Tenn. on the same subject, after which he wee preretLd with a series of resolutions in dorsed by a large °ember of prominent citi zens, In which they Imartlty endorse the action of the Govern meet, and express theirintention of faithfully carrying out the wishes of the gov ernment in respect to the freedmen. FREEDMEN'S AFFAIRS LN ALABAMA. Operations of the Freedmen's Bureau. OEM. 110177AM:113 VISIT sours, Naw Tone. Sept. 20.—The Herald says. Gement Wager Bwayne, Commissioner of the Bureau of Freedmen, for the State of Alabama, has directed the jeillcial officers and magistrates of Alabama appointed by Governor Parsons to act as agents of the Freedmen's Bureau, forth. administration °Matte° to all cases whereto no groes are concerned. Gov. Parsons advise all judicial offlcers of the Stater to accept this ap potntment conferred by General Swane, with Its imposed condition, that negro evideuce shall be received in coons, and orders all such ,efticcrs to report pimply their acceptance or retool of the appoirttment tendered. In ease of Boa-acceptance of tbb.ftnditions, martial law is ie. precalL The Tritrentes phingtoa . special says The Quartertrialterec r el one ordered quer , temente-re haying e possession money bo lo:Waste the cot fond, to turn It oter to 031. Bullock,'pt reedinen's Buren. This fend 1 1 ratted by easing each contraband in the service of the Govgpment five dollars per month. for the suppnikof holplats colored per sons' Gen. Howard will leave to-morrow: on a taut of Inspection In Virginia to examine into the condition of freedmee, and the operations of the:Freedmen's linnerhe that State. During next month ha contilitPistex making a M aPjeta taut clap the Bouthibru States tot the purpose of ascertaining whether the new relent= be tween freedmen and employers are aullidently astabllthed to admit at curtailing operations of the Varese. :The R rtedmen's. , Borten.wae, de elgned by Cony , th,to be a temporary efinnfte - meat to, adjust dMeultles , arising :between ,Yreednem and 1417. ate masters nada. the new coda of':: and •when ;It ' than - be 'toted thet',Abeee 'tem ebiesee" work bar mozdonely' tegetlM,Ahe necessity for 'the Bo rten Will cease to exist; and . it. will berdistniatte- - tied; anal it de-naderstood-totothti deem of 'the President , ' that inch Inspection as General, I'dowerd As shoat entering upon, shall be made to ascertain delimit* the actual condition of - tbealtalre between' the freedmen end employers of thellouth, which will determine whether the Durum shall ho maintained or dlecoottroma. Flrupmelal Jllatters In Nekv 'fork. • Raw Yon; Sept. 20.—The stock market has ld acti raritmmed after thartmprovament of yesterday y tons ovity: , Brokers complain that the have rarely known melt a perioriXdulineaskand operators • are bOcetignit. &Pad with' tkeir business. The lona of themarket la in whole boarish, but bast no spirit for undertakban a movement in that direction . At the Stock. Bs-. change moat int.anse dart esa pmveUed- and the market wad heavy.' Hudson" river, Prairie Shier and Blinois Central ware , abodt the only Strong cantle [bribe list. Governments :ware test with , fair demands for Sans: Speculators lateens Banda Bap int* and prices were lower to-day. Miseesaupeus 14f ia quiet _tut' gen eral/7 SterelY.• Sold active on• aceentut of the demand for custard and'exporS, theta is veld little speplauptt, Money aban*CitLUSAmht• TelVgiiLetter Pcinie '' • • ibgton. • n:trasttrarriorr, Septamhar 711—The rota of loetratompois-tatomt to . Ballawlig-,Holatork jot loreoberr, by the Pnirmlatt stored znall,; sin Ateivafterbe thhtroale tentittt'sblele'rato vivo. ao,dthirt.Shros =Mt MaVirgo if tiger ; Abijee'& Brlerslogir la the Northeast part of the city, wia 'dalitrbrel,l • bratrlsst Med; together with ;las i eqs.. Lou 115,,OCOorhich Is covered; by, co. Among th e jou onittalsimoi. the 130 Eyßepel Gororoor Villibunamith, of Virgtr.ir THE TRIAL OF. JAILOR 19TRZ The Tettimeug of Surgeon Thornburg. September folfowlog is the report of Dr. Thornburg, given In tests mony In the Wliz trial to-d.v: Col' , MD/MATE ATF M ILI TA RY HM4PITAL. As Diat•SUN Li A.:Svple:mlxl : . 51, 1:64 HMV-4 would me t rtsp , et fully cad your at tention to the very had sanitary condition of the division. no 1, , • 11 1, the whole hosipitai, to the Immense quantity of filth nceutualating In the streets, and to the hi thlums of the tents and patients., and to the fart that It cannot be calwswise until we are turundesi with moans with which to work ; the patients are lying on the cold ground, without bud or blanket, and also that we have a very scanty supply of med- Mine, and that lite rations are not of the proper kind, and not isaued to a proper quantity. Roping that prOper steps rimy be taken to rem edy these defeat obedientir. Your servant, A. Mom:Duna, Aaslstunt surgeon. To It. A. frrsrEffsoW, Sorgecra In eh urge A. v. 8 The witnewilatui made several similar reports to Dr. White.' He frequently saw prtsonera hays pant* made Oat' Of What little bed clothing they eididd.get. During the administration of Dr. White burfirarr egetablee, and - those in small quagdities were kissed. ~Witness knew there was en artier from the War Department pie bissultals on thOmmalbandng.afteo cra t e teen drawn; and 'lt would have • piled the hcepital with vegettibint. The meal was ramified and very coarse. Under the ad ministration of Dr. Stevenson things wera'very little better than then were under Dr. White. It was very difficult to promire medicines, and when requisitions were made, IL was Many, days before they were filled, and ITeattehtly medicines mostnasded were not tarnished at all. The mortality was great; witness . attribu led it to the want of proper diet.- crowding Of men Into ED smalls space, and Pack of shelter 'and fuel. The worst Cases were brought from _thehtfielade to the hospital. There would be from forty to sixty deaths Per day, and their places would he filled by sick men from the stockade. Deaths Jr.:num:ly occurred in the stec.kaile. Some died who bad never received Medical attention. Persons waiting at • the stockade ;ate for medical attention would die before being carried - 4) the hospital. Witness was here shown a hospital register, and he stated that be recognized the book as being a hos-pitol book kept at .kuderaonville. He Nave no marks to indicate that it Lad been tetnie red with, except some pencil marks whieh he aupiswed to be check marks. The hook was here offered in evidence by Col. Chap man. It is a record of the hospital at Anderson-, Frederick M. Jayne, clerk to the Commission, testified that he had prepared an exhibit of the number of deothit from the book; in doing thla he made the check marks referred to by the wit- Dr. Thornburg resumed—The number return ed in the stockade from the hospitals was very small. Many who got well were detailed IN nurses, or some duty outside vi the stockade. Witness hail frequently seen men brought out of the stockade and no one knew what they died with. One-half of those who Met could have been saved had proper diet and accommo dations been furnlabeil. In Abgust five or six betiding", were erected in the north-west cor ner of the ninetieths. In the beginning of this . year some four or dye other sheds were erected In the south part of the stockade: Witness knew inothlneabout the capacity attic sheds or how sonny they would hold. Many of tie. prisoners built shelter with botighs, old blankets, or anything they could get. There wasdome frost mkt-a little lee da ring the AV - Inter. In the enutelated. ccurdltion of the prisoners, the weather wan cold enough telTeeze them to death. Daring the summer of lBfd, In the botteetvoeuther. the thermometer goal at Ve or 100 to the shade. In the summer of 18113 iLwaahmicht.,vrartner. Col. Chu titan here called attention to the numb of O'Cierrlty, of the lottie Petuasylvenia regiment, on the register, who was (roma to death daring the winter of Liar. ISy MSc. Baker—Witness thringhrthe were erected ID the stockade by order. Of Capt. Win. The register offered on evidence was the; property of the hospita l , ri and in charge of Dr. 4 ,l 2tners ean .. weirt .er lit ... be sickwhsn they ted . person who bad received gambol. wounds In side of the ; st • Wituass saw a manl leg amputated he had been shot by sentinel; but for what cause witness did not know. Be had frequently seen men brought out of the stock ade with wounde upon them .• they trete dea4t. Re raw some who had their skulls fractured. _ Witness had treated one or two who had been wounded In the stockade by their comrades. In the early' part Of June ho treated Owe ban dnd patients a day. Never was nitetiered With by esptsin Wlrs,wlinswilienet =Wight. derived a dlspeeltlon for Surgeons to do all they tenni fertile prisoners. Large quantities of vegetables `dire entered upon the hospital books as bought, but they were never brought to Abe tiospltaL Vmet ,, i o ,os were bought With the haspltalload, and there must have bmii fraud noterattted. If the amount of hospital fond allowed by - the Government bad been drawn. It would have been enough to supply all necessary %I/Icm to the hospital. The hospital Mud !hunk( have. beendrawafroM the Conindatadr. . zWituestastattsithat if it had been his duty, end he lodiorenfursdahed with money, he could bare bought plenty of re.getablea. All kinds of ble diet wan required for the hospital, with eggs, butter, chickens, do., that would have been suitable forseck men. Sometimes they got wheat bread; that is, such patients as ft was prescribed for. In the fail of several priest, term permitted to Visit the place and 'minister to the prisoners They also gavo the prisoners money, and sent a huge quantity of flour which woo baked in Inc bakery and distributed to the prisoners. There was . icier forbiellng any Person into the hospital withont a ism from Capt. Wirs. Citizens were not allowed to trade with the prisoners. W tine. received some blankets for his division, which had been sent by the United States tianitary Comm Lssion. The rules were more strict white Winder was at Ander sonville, than afterwards. By the Court —lh.pltal clothing was Issued in April, After the hospital - buildings had been put up. witaeas had heard of men being treated, who had received gunshot wounds In the stockade. False cantles were made In the lhapital hooka, heamose the Surgeon could draw more medicine and lustpltal funds. Shlpmcnt of Arms and 3lnnitions—Clrcu lar from .eeretarq McColloch. If asnrscrros, Bept. 20. The Secretary of the Treasury to—day Issued the following Circular to Collettorn of the Customs Tarternr DEPA irrx September LS, IS leg% f Sure—The circular of the first Inat, relative to the shipment of guns and ammunition Into the Stales heretofore d‘clareci in Insurrection, la hereby Co far situdined that you win hereafter grant permits without any reference to this De partment, for the shipment of sporting gems and ammunition therefor in any reason able amount, find also Wasting pow der for mining purprom.- You will make weekly reform, =the last day of emelt week. of the several applications granted by you, ohowing the names and resi dences of consignors and consignees, the amount and character of the powder, shot, and of teed Shipped which must be stated hi potulds and not in Itegi, bags Or casks. It to designed that these shipments ehLdl In no case exceed what may. in your Judgment, he necessary to meet the ordinary wants of the country. , All other applications you will renna, - With great respect, yours, he., 51cCoxxoeon. Secretary of the treasury. Additional Foreign Few,. !Caw Yana, eeptentbez al.—We have the tot lowing addltionst forelgr: news: lavenecut, September 9, Evening—There Is no newts of importance. The London Tim,. of today has an edttorlal oppmlog the proJelq9of saddling England with heavy ohltgationines account or the Intercolo Mal mliwO' nom Quebec to Halifax, andtaking. arguing ahast the e_xpesileney of the undor. Penns, September 9, Evening. It is asserted that the French Government has addronott a note to Prussia In referent.) to the 'murder of Ott by ()omit E , nlenbnreh, and dwells -Wm , the tart that France extends proteedon to ail' her ml ir c e 1391 Bourne ki easy. Routes closed 'lsteatl,Y.' at 9-14' Livitorcen, September o.—The strerasbip Scotland from New Y. orb, arrived at queons town to•dity. I.4yEnrom., September sales of co ay P.— Ev ening ln 43omM ; TOM balm o n pec a l d aton a and o* xp b ormter*,eoMi - stuffs dull„ and tending downwards. Provi steady s t uffs firm. • Tallow firmer. Produce Quiet and . , Lonnew. September 0.--Consols for money WNW*, Illinois Central shame, MSS; E:r l f, 645 , ,eked; United elates WY 683-6 i • Chaittable Fair In BOSSOD. Baccroer, Septeideer 311.-"ree Pair Orthe Mar itabla__,ldechantes' , opened ' with ..atterint ProsPeete alma emcees& Bo Penman awl quina ass rifoCettPte4 OX- Ideltlen, being connected Dy temponiry bridge , . The Pair wittiest fenoverid dnya. ri Mktlnelsl4d' Visitor!' In Ney,Yeirit.l Now Wuxi September at-Lebtfti - Ji'miloe Secretaries Stanton and ;Wain orui Oceknntixo==it MiotykLeionatMillorra will give en this evenin no . _mbar_ _of dlattinEter per- SOILS harp UMW , ' 10 meettitO • Arrest of an Iniandlarri, poirThAND, MAME. September 20.—A lobster ro=named Jones, has been arrested and oon to setting dre this morning to Williams' raanston. Ho Ls Ilse suspected or 'causingrhe Into great confa at Atigusta. , He Ina anted Wil , b./mAW revolveps. • • Componhd tnterest Notes. WasormaToar,Bept. 3).—Ttie Treasury Depar tment-will not issue, at prellent, any morecurn- • pound interest notes of the denomination of one at hundred . dollen; Willett Maya been counter feited. azu di M i befollietfiuree to canna such Sat are In' on: • • • Mingo la NOV York* Niw To*, 8ept.13D....-A. lolegatlcal of 'lli gaittezato, `.comprialnir • 'portion or :the Aldenzailantlia Gald23l oStna. 10 4 1 7... ok Munn, ankTl4lz.tble i.01t7 PllkerdiY. . 2 407, will =Rift tare tit th e &at at mixt wattaatt ihßilmed€l.to Bostoti; ADC thcameoicalltLidol, gds. Wattlaball and littfiburgh a write': had inithaul i fora34ol. Fiff 2n Portland; • r' '- Fcarreanp,,Un tl Sept fire - 00 =0 Chia Miondng ma 'Federal etreet:bentreen"Peart ind Franlellni destmeig) ens adtsa tk . rbi rib o late Oapt; . :Ohli Willlains and Mead, destroyed. the houses betouFepto - 11r. :Mlan, 167 the east;and Edward Harkens; . on: tie real, ::and AlcAllitulg ittlitrl HMSO 99141M111 StrCf.i. ITOLTJTVFE LXXVILO,,-,23% MARRIED WIUGHT—r A Fr 1.5 f —On Tuesday erealog,fiet. Umber the nth last., by EeV, "M" hi " Shield. ' Dlr. WPC A, W ItRITIT, of CU City, !aid Abu MAGGIE L EAKIN, of Bridgewater, Pa. - No Cards MERRICK—DOT:D-0n the teen that., by Rev. M. Man - wall. Mr. 11. A. MERRICK. of VWo tewuhlp, to LYDIA L. DOUR, of West Man ebestee, Allegheny county, Ps. oleveleknd, Ohio. P. 1.. Pleb. rOPY. %lE➢EE—CD Theedas.,Sept 19,:dr.1011Aiti.E5 KIEFER, Aged 5.1 plan and fight awash. The friends of to family are invited to attend Ilia funeral rcolluir, at 3 o'clock, from his late tell• dente, spith*Garden Ilud, 'Reserve tameable,' • ardszermEß.3 'Wednesday. Sept. ntl, AMANDA, Vila • ot.A. Q AMA/Lade; ta .. the sath year of her ale. The hmertil will take place from the residinee af her husband, No. id; Esplanade. street, Alle gheny ally, mums AZTIB3OO/, at tont o‘ol.oo - friends of the temllY are invited to at 424 BAIIIGLETOn . tne 17th inst., - at Wokkleille, ti all. r et tAht hroy n . esm Ayxi sa L y k o f n Tl7, yea bo a. ld Ferrer. Ni. R . R : REAVES ' zrzTpErwrzhammit, 88 Fani heAll Street. near Filth Street aa- OOFFIIPS of averirdeseriptlon. CRAPS .GLOVES, and FITSCRISIILNO FOS ALA conebtilly — zr FIRE IieIESE aril OAR Einolos. • 111,11.411 COMMERCIAL OIL WORKS Pure White Burning Oil, I Constantly on Itand. an,l for nth at MD LOWEST BLUOTET RgTDS B. C. & J. H. SAWYER, No. 47 WOOD STREET . _ DIINKARD CREEK PETROLE aM OOIIIPANY. Office Corner of Penn and Wayne St: This company vvu organized on the 29th Mat. wider the Pennsylvania' Xiang . and Manufacta ring Laws. The territory of the company ed Jane the lends of the Dunkard Creek Union Oil Company, of this city. Coplias fitocit 0235.000 Working Fruad 23 000 Par . Value or Each Ethare • 01 00 OrTICISIMI President—S. A. JOILNSTON. !Secretary and Ilteattrer—lSAAo NOOK. L. S. RumoS. .TA.xxe. aiLOSA., W. O. Kato, Ilixrars. • . S. Q. Jotnneros, FaAsa BirrDas, F. 11. GRIST, Vayd - ,EL IW STANDARD FETROLEtriI'REFUTMA% CLARK & SUMNER. Works sad Office, COLLINS. TOWNSHIP. Office In Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD !Militial. These works lave the largest meaty to the country. The Masi Duals the W.O.at fa Ms country and In Europe, for .qUallty arid= sad the oil Is put is seasonelbarzebk sertla ct for ea - port sad .ILE PEOPEDIQBW I ROLS STIL Io%S. TIMICE4 WeIIa dettly CHAMPION OLI co3u,Oy Pratncas of Crude and ManntaatLyncs Baia* Carbon Oil. Beni= andlnbricating wow:o3 ()Pros= SHAEPSEKTEM, Offiee No. 69 lIIAD-Itreet, PITTSMOII, Pa W. D. CUSHMAN, Sap't. alum crams a ii7hll.ol3 CI7RTII3/3, COMMISSION MERCHAFTS, CRIME ,AND B.XFIEKD PETB.OWM. LIENZINE AND LUBBICAMENG 0.14.9. No. 134 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, PA ler Storage capacity (under covrz,) for .13,c00 barrels. Also escellent facilities for shipping to American and Foroigh porta, at our what( on tha Schuylkill Meer, near the platform of the P. EL BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, Foot of BALM & Iif,b.RISOFf Sta., Brooklyn. REPINED P=OLEVII, In Tanks and Barrels. See CPlnnatra. Office, No. 15 BEAER STREET, Now York oca-Iy • J as WILELLN MU.=TN CRUDE AND REM= .OILS' Perry Block, Duquesne Way. Piers Mal /Dr lel attention given to the SALE AND SHWA OF PETROLEUM. and Its Products. OonsUpooterns Ageney respectfully solicited- Pittsburgh for VENANCIO OM TRANSPORTAT/ON OOMPANL " AND SS-POST OFFICE BOX 142. y J BENIQ No. ISt. CLA ST., PittsbuiNth romv A RDLNG AND conrwrCSlON 211ERCELIAT. AND DELT233. LS QUA; ELLUMINATING, LUCIRIOATTITO,'ORIMMI PETROLEUM OILS, &a., constantly on band and for sale at the !matt market picot Vonstyn. &PI-dm mantatutd order. liolidtcd. 210LX19 ../Alllll Dm: JAMBS IRWIN it co., suannumniagas os • Oil of Vitrid°6 Aqua _Ammonia. or'icn No. 15 Bummer Bt. PirrsuuuG PA. EMI -------- WILRING &MENG, oonsrasmoN Breacauras, CITLWEIPS .12ffitTRAIXOR COMPANY OF PITTSBUBENS= . comet . Mum and Water gecGWIrI3AI324".ALEY WM A. BEZPARD,:Secrefer:" *,•• r bdttiel Steamboats and Ceristes, .„- Thrum against ken- and daniage fai ths titer the t3onthena ~n 4 Weatera - Rirog=ll and Bayou, and the turrhgetion et the Beal. Insures agaßul lad a4tl datesCe S. ,bIIITA, Di : trß aL ainu puiri l e l ls stau. '- • t i tt s r e , .0. . . B. • ,B.Sateeee, J CUM . 4 • Saw T.. M. Murk :Jolul . Budar Presto:4 ' - IkFa" rki;le7 Innnin ''g , OP/488' IIiBVRAWCUS - coidawne PETROL= MID ITS PRDDUCTS, lusdl dcaler• In Heffelzke Ilatcftly. Ma=l SToo)ll3.—flee'smderesigned will N." en( partioular fatoatiOn to ita. progoso fod sale of st oc ks iTALT, i, - traTTAßLircominadz • • • , sixdrue buytniazid itA4f iD . c$U 111. :41014180111 LUCENT 011 WORKI3. ' : DITELiP it CO' . awrcsurnmaas oir , Pare White Refined :Carbon Otte rto. 131 Fara= 6721E67. L E AI 33 • 9 • • • : OIL LEASES • . . eau be bad cui Uzi west favorable terms a Leta dt tour or eve ears, on Whitely Creek, =tartlet 1011 , well ( A bantam) .eartatk but, Week. by - ebe Standard :/1143:epany A. __utPglabureb, Aped? to War u.,0„1 ITIVIZST, AILEICONZEIIa ZICLAViIOI2=, NO. 21 WYLIE STREET, igu ffi 7l) nc l ilitgiv ium ix= i nt. °l6 ! 11:12MISUB - t 1 : NEW GROClErli—Tbs'uadmalsped bas :5 - stexaffiallaNDl Aber mimosa. unusual' t..; cuts, tw l _nz t aa call Weft= totted' sunk ot EestAsa =MA 21017 ND WARP. 17;_a_BCCiTT ...II:alms-. on= mum . sal nem anew ONAN'ti FRIAND- SOAP—Twenty. T.• Alm boxes Geri= MOW (the gerimbelvo =Ws Mead) t3ospann realm! and tor IMO by tag opx, M the if aralkv.QMIFT 5 4 , 9 11 , es cot co m er U U t ley .NIV win A:BERSAItw_ Nal g MOM .7fE-ff••94DMI'V/Zifilg/if re: AT GARDNI---_ . . Concert Hill Shoe Store, Directly: Under The OPERA HOUSE% Boots ind 51L0,04 OF 89Sart,'44EsittanI08; .trt Sol:d riir a Mere( song COMPMOON TO WRIT ?,zr OTHER 1 DEALERS .I.Bg • -'{ ' -. • .: tTz.- t In EASE c HIND EP SOODE. Children's Shen tau can yet far • TOG, Men's Boots - . - - • -SLOG 11.00 War.eps Elms -1 As A CALL . 4V iLL COST SCE. No. 80 FIFTH STREET:, BOOKS. , . A • . p.lll ad! ei . N T • : - -,Ti wort: 74 7Fiftb. Stre;e 7 .i, • . W EY 3I i BY HICIIIIINEF il. BOOS OB Unit i rel.hilo g nes:gegt4ree to '''any AMINSIS CHAUTIIIi ' ls 9 . ,1111111111= 1114511CLEIK . FIRE INSUBANUE COIVANI r im , , . .. • PWTT • A iIELPHIA. '' 3 Assets on Jaxisuulill. 1884. $3,4.11.11148 INS. Chridtal t or* Accrued Premiums... 4 171,0011 Ineested uu rrezelums s - I .OS.Wa %all ome for lasi .. ~. • . *Cepa L lnc ome Paid aleco-7322,:-... BA4FirFB. s Perpetual and Temporarg Pollan CA OM Ulna mitc, rem. liotat" tg li n... : .I. l rward i ltate, _.: Samuel Oran i L: George F L Jacob E. Smi , Allred Mar. - - • George W. Free. W-Licole. litlll ca.s.aLrs rt. orsa, E px=2. W. MAALIWAIIII (I.DALE'6 O 6. . 0S ' AS. sl b=6 .s.gerG t _ ernW moor Woolard =karma , FillE AND ZOiStili • Insurance Co. of North Antrim; PHILADELPHIA. Hartford Fire Insurance Companii mr-ittxectiort east smirlAfa the anove'nticis aadlmabL oompaaleNsi • .. li:10M-19,-Acnnle0 .7ater. Strout. catistaftsJ VirTERN ENBERA.NOE 00ELP6Ta. ti NUSALWS, Mtn Raliilleri VTIOS HERNENT:l;Earetary., , Office, No. 12 Water ,ByelLt It CO.'S WAYS. " FM ranr. 4 NW= t Haase managed try, Dendon talks an =GI tams is Le eammuaity, mut Me are 6tbeia mined by proms en! /iberality, to' maillatn dueracter which they 44.0 enema, at VW belt prate:Mon to illom mho &Wei to be Usto.A DERZOTOISE I E. miner,‘: - Andrew Liaday; ; - JamesManley,Aleculades_ L SPeevi Nathaniel Holmes, . David M. toad Ales. Nimick, • Rau .1. Thomme. • George Dar.ir.., • Clitss. J. Cara*, pa Ca ell B. liineran,! John /MOM' • lava Wad. D. HERBERT. Ileseetirn mace, N. E. corner cf-3rixdim4 Blth llt 1= ABB. =BM AMMO w.m.PainlpiL S • tukik Watactis. lieu* Jolla s, • amuel P. JamE. Puke, , O. Haman-LaWawa&m Charles B. " Charles atiataXllV Wak.vari lurk; , • .145bA ladvOlolci •INDAs D. Verw, 7abla - " WEL PIXICLUIPS,Prutdest, .10EIR ' WATT,. Ficalttlana WEI.V. GAEDIYER Santana A LLEGRE2ILINIERIRLIM3 COMPS •- NY OP PITTSBORTir-Met/aci!FiEtalk In t r~ca saw; au ; ..uuut of Ore itt4 VIVA Maks. . • ISAAC 3O3la u Stafeny‘ ar;!. , ) JOON .1)., , prodijk Ingeaore = s. , O. CAI .. cußano.,34, , -.:'• ; Cot. Intil ~. ' .Toft io., A... • _....- Mt 1 .../ALVF._., ~ - 1 ii. S... }:„1/1uPftek. . . Rolm% H. via .113.15AQ Olitaq't: • - . OUTUZBAWIIOII4-'1 AND 'BAXtes' TILED' • t" . "- - • '7 • tratg street, sitesterth OR. 1101..vw eiri`exgrule=,ZUZ42- • • .u,no•oca,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers