she Vittiburga oaatie. PITILUMM, m PaLllllllllll BMOC ATtoe FRIDAY. EMPTEI ld 3 9 Eit O. 1865 UNION STATE TICKET TOR AUDITOR ORPERRAL GEM. JOHN F. HARTRANIFT Of Montgomery want NOR BURVIITOR 131131.11R.LL Licon M. CAMPBELL Or Canabna county is . CO ; • (:4. 70* DIETAIOT IITO2SII 16.Vi r i B. DUrr, 01 Ancgaray. PCIII 0017171. —_M ET LAIIII3FXT, Pits Township. VAVID AILEEN, 1 a., or [Abort,' Township. ..A.111:B6 L. ORLUIAM, (Ulestms, FOB JUSAVIIIGT : OED. Y. AIaKEL, North Fayette TovoLuthip. HAYS B HEREON, Nieoandleaa Townagnp ALFELP..I) ISLAUK, of Allegheny. DAVID SHAPER, et. Matt. 3. P. 1316AhlS, Plttabuz., JOHN A. DANILS, Abater Townatnn PGA COL - NTT COSILIIA3IO.IIB OMIT luar FEELY c f Lower St. Mau Tr YOU 00VVT7 SVAVMTO6: B. L. DIOOULLEY o Btrmingt.i.oa. 108 DUCWTOK 07 7000 UOISES 0111 M of Ofiorttar• MIROPEAN VIEW ev TUE DEmoc- The &Nun democracy of the North can natter themselves with the high appreds %Jon in which they are held by the aristoc racy of Europe, During the war of the rebellion this aristocracy was openly cow• witted on the aide of secession, and its members certainly ought to know who their friends were on this side of the water. The Raw York correspondent 'of the Lon don Times enumerates the opinions of a "bate class of no:them society," to the elect that the _war was unjust; the South Ras right In seceding; the constitution has been violated; slavery is net abolished, '• ao„ di* and adds: "A very large section of the party called Democratic which aspires to rule the next elections, maintains these opinions." Of course It does; and that "large section" is the ruling section of the democratic party throughout the North. Ise orators of the party belong to it ;the news paperi - c tho party belong to it; and every prominent controlling infuenee in the party belongs to it. The stock In trade of the en- tire party tor four years past has been to denounce the war astinjust, and to charge the party In power with violating the Con stitution In its efforts to bring the war to a tines. The leatrang and the led have occu pied precisely the mime position on the war as the freedom-hating aristocrats of Europe; and it 18 not, therefore, to be wondered at that these European opponents of ones IlhOUld Beek to justify themselves by citing the similarity of views held by the North ern democrats. _ But the accord between the two does not atop there. The English friends of seces sion are looking forward with much eager ness to the results of the pending elections ruse anticipating the triumph of the Demo oats. The wish with them is fat her to the thought. The cause of the sham democra cy Is their cause, and the one fondly hopes for the eticcces of the other, as the easiest way of getting out of their unpleasant atti tude tovrards the United States. If a large party - at the North, and that a successful party, le in thorough accord with them in sentiment, they will be eaved the humil ia don of caplaining`awey and apologizing for their hostility to our government during the war. EIMIGLATION 10 13R A.IL—It IS sincerely to be Loped that the Southern scheme of emigration to Braz.: will tucceed, and we fruit that the itverdy.rwo committee men ;pent out to that land of ornmise from the rebel States will bring hack a more encour- agtng report than the t welve spies did from the land beyond the Jordan. Fortunately, the Anakim of which' the rebels are afraid are to be bound I s the North sod not in Brazil, E.O that we need not anticipate any bad reports from the scouts on their account. We do not wish anrharm to Brazil. It never did us any harm \,tliat we know of, and we bare LlCl,a,imoavy toward it from any other. cause. And yet we trust It will give all possinle'ed to dos southern scheme of emigration, and open \wide its doors to receive not merely 50,006 of the chivalry, but DOCI;000, If so many can be found willing to go, as we pray they may, If Brazil wants them she i welcome to them. They 7371. 1 00ftrvAt "..:...tme, they certainly . , There is a story current down east of a wan who bad been very troublesome to his neighborhood all his life, causing annoy• althea and vexation„ without number. When he came to die, a good deacon wait _ odpn hdin and among °that questions asked idm if be was willing o go. The man re , gilled that he was, “Well," said the deacon, 1 "all the neighbors are willing, also." With like unanimity these Southern brethern of ours will be allowed to depart. The neighbors are all perfectly willing that they should go. 4010 nnowsf—The New York Times to hn article evidently from the pen of Trinitow WILED, sneers at honest old JOUR BROWN, and displays the hatred felt by such men an WEED towards the old Ah• editionists who stood by the martyr, whilst TfrUnLow was consenting to hie death. There Isno representative nun of the put Who exeltes the so , een of the conservatives SO MUch as Old Jour: BnowN. They hate him with a perfect hatred, and all the more because the grave lo ,vhich they consigned Um will not hold I. on. Ever since the war broke opt, Its soul has been harnessed to the car of freedom. and still goes marching onotlnink up the Tri”E.LOw WEEDS to as' terecirinlignallon as liftman felt when he saw hio;decai sitting at the King's gate. The conservatives, however, may as well keeptheir anger to themselves. The soul of Joists Bnown will not down at their bid ding. 601.1711111:11 PLOTECTION. —The new clause In the Constitution of M abolishing slavery contains a provision -.poking it the duty of the legislatare to notect" the State and the freedinen from "the evils of emancipation." What use will be made of this unlimited grant of rower is thtu3 foreshadowed in a letter to the Cincinnati aerate, from Its correspon dent at Jackson, the capital of linewissipp: .Thes.: Is great danger that the civil an thOrities here, if reinstated will smother the negro with "protection." They talk of regulating the price of labor, segulating the manner of hiring, regulating everything that pertains to the freemen. Thereat:knot be persuaded that labor will ever be able to regulate itself. They seem to tabe for . granted that a freedman will sever have sense enough to make a con tract. It is to be htoped that the negro will have a little more chance yet to show what h e can do, before this extensive legislation In his behalf begins. EVIITAII,to Evrcarrr mid Judge Story went to a pnblie dinner. The ordinary toasts WEI) given, whetandge Story trrose and eald"Fame Nitowe wherever it (E , erett) goes! , Eitel:lt replied. "'Urea to the legal profession; it has never got One tht Ord etors(Btory). . COL. CAMPBELL As A 41LDIElt Referring to the efforts of the copperhead or- gene to destroy the mtiltan and manly charac- ter of the Union candidate for Surveyor General. the Johnstown Tribune says the leopard d.)tn not orange hot dpots northe Democratic party its tactic,. Dowmrtgkt lying has always been ope of the main instrumentalities relied span by the leaders of that party to secure succee-, atd those leaders will not now, in the day of , their extremity, forego their ancient prcrogativ-. To msg.:llly the merits of their own candidate for Surveyor General, they have simultaneout,y Ltd by evident proconcert commenced to falsify the military record of that candidate's guyed, ff.cer, Col. Jat on M. CAISPnin-L, one or the beet officer, that Penns) lvaala gave to the C G 1 00 attny for the , uppreaslon of a Democratic retwl. lion. We will not now reply to three bat that a tifeue of vile- falsehoods may not zo uncontradicted, we a' l briefly the foi.,w ivg fe.ta IT IC NOT TUVE, a: alleged. that resigned his commission In the arm;. He WILB enuat red out under a general order from the War Department, his term of service having exotred, precisely no handrails of other good ultreers have neon honorably disci:Larval from the service. evold not Inwe forager roasinucvl to cite remits an a L'utonsi hod he so eZscrecf, the regi mer,tal organisation tieing broke., iv is NOT rata, as alleged, that Lieutenant. Colonel LINT./er led the Fifty-foarth la lbe h.,. ilea of Newmaiket and Piedmont. He was cot even let the battle of Piedmont, Col. Cs e- DELI. hiervielf gallantly and well led his non reii• mmit In both the battles named, and In every other engagement—with the single exception of the affair at Snicker's Gap—in which that reg iment participated, daring the whsle period of his three years' service. After the battle of Ntamarket, Gen. Sinai. personally compliment ed ci.d. CANteell.t. and in ,igit of tn, whole regiment. IT is Nov Tare, as ailee - ad. that L.l.nteaant Colonel Lr.vicos was ever one day in commend of the Flttvfanrtb before Petersburg. or any. sacra in that beighborhood. He was not in o•.r of the many trilliant engagements which folicwed..he Inauguration of GRANT'S splendid campaign against Richmond. PERBIBTENCI OF THE MOUTH_ A private letter which we have receiyed from an intelligent gentlemen, whose truthfulness is beyond question, now resift', at Decatur, Ala bama, contlrma. so far as the field of his obeer. vailon extenda, the common report of the embit tered feeding of the late relent., and their inten tion. as soon ae . theCtee any prospect of succem, to attempt the restoration of slavery. This In tention they them freely express, and their acts Drove that their words are not void of 'netsu ke. There le the same tale repeated, of daily cmtrages upon the liberty and persons of the freedmen. The presence Of the troops Is all that restrains them from fhily compassing their designs. The single fact, that freedmen's aeboolu are generally not tolerated ualeas pro tected by our forces; to proof enough of a deter mination to keep In degradation, If not in sla very, the race whose enlightenment they so mush dread. That many Southerners co further; and contemplate armed resistance to the meas. urea of the government, "when Its troops are withdrawn, and the States are readmitted, is affirmed 'so often that we are constrained to believe h. Such treasonable threats may be mere vaporinge„ but they would Justify the administration In continuing military rule, and in f3rbidding the reorganization of the State militia in the South. which, It la said. is now permitted in Mississippi, at least, and is de signed to replace the national troops. The ostensiole purpose of the organization Is at se cure the public tranquility, but a more subtle and dangerous scheme may be larking beneath. TEE WEIOLE MATTER tie A NT:TEIIIELL'— At the late meeting of Union men in RicLmond, Va , Mr. James Lyons was one of the fbremost Fpeake rs Just before Richmond was cap tared, Mr. Lyons, who is an cld man, said at another public meet ing in the same city: "I will wads in Yan kee blood up to my armpits belore I --mit the detested Yankees to eater this b.,..ved capital." Now Mr, Lyons says "We have done- nothing to forfeit our rights in the Union." These utterances are char. acterntle of the entire class ca.iing them selves "Union men," now in the South. AkOTHEB STATE. —The late eiec't - ta in Coloiedo indicates pretty conclusive:y that the, people have adopt,..! the Free Sate Constitution, and that the State will be ready for,admisstion at theopenlug of Cun erees. This will add one more to the votes in favor of ratifying the Constitutioaal Amendment abol , shing slavery; and as it is not improbable that several other Western territories will soon ("Bow the example of Colorado and cone in as States, we may be able . to ratify that amendment without New Jersey. A new military company, named the Butler Greys, was organized at Batter last Saturday, and elec ed the following oeti• cars Wm. Lowry, Captrtn; W. E. Moore, First Lieutenant; Tim.. F. Parker, -Second Lieutenant, and J. T. Shirley, First Ser geant. Mn. LETT W. GROFF, of West Earl, Lancaster county, has in his possession a a heavy silver watch, oath the property of Benjamin Franklin. It is in an excellent state of preservation, and keeps time as tree as the beet of modern chronometers. CAPT, KIRKE, Provost Marshal of the 23d district, has published the names of drafted men m Butler county whe failed to report, and who have thereby forfeited the rights of .citizenship. MICHAEL GUAIUM of Cheater county. bung himself last week, in his shop loft. Ile had for some time been laboring under melancholy, owing to the loss of seyeral members of his family. THE Mercersburg Civets has bought the old Mare4ll College property in Mercers• burg,' Pe:, and organized an institution ander the name of the Dlercersburg Col• lege. Mr. DATTD MCCARDE., of Indiana, was found dead in nis bed on Saturday morn• ing last. TEE hardware trade of the oil region is assuming tplendid proportions. The sales for August in Titabville alone eroeed $73,• 000. Rem Uoff Run The month of th; - famous Run is about one.tourth of avail, .above Petroleum Con ,e-r. u . Creek. • deve:opmen the nip for the distance of about three quarters of a mile. Toe mouth of the run and one-fburth of a mile upwards forms a part of the Wash. McClintock farm, upon which Petroleum Center stands. The next farm adjoining on the run is the south end of john Stevenson's farm, the whole farm containing two hundred acres. The iext above is the George War. ner farm; of thirty-seven acres, which em braces the whole run for a distance of half a mile. The-producing wells are all upon the George Warner farm. The fee.aimple is owned - by the Bennehoff Ran Petroleum Company, which also Own/ five twelfths undivided interest in forty-nine acres which lie parallel with the aforesaid George War. ner farm. The forty-nie acres were known as part of the John and Lobed Stevenson farm The first successful operations on this tan were commenced in December last, and the first well struck was the Lady Harmon well, 125 barrels, struck on the 22d of of March. The second was the Getty well, ai , out one month later producing 250 bar rens The third was the Spence well, about the first of June, 140 barrels. The fourth was the Story, about the 14th of June, 125 barrels. The fifth was the William Clark well, about the 20th of July, 100 barrels. The rixth was the 'Bows.: well, about the 26th of June, seventy barrels. The seventh was the California well, about the 6th of Angust,ll barrels. The average depth of these wells is about GOO feet; third sand rock. There) are fourteen more well going dOwn. The leases are acre leases, and the Company ask a bonus of $lO,OOO for each. The expense of putting down a wells is about $ll,OOO. . Roy. /Ono J. Cositor has been appointed Callollr.pithop of Albany, New York. =ll IT pE. proposed in France to lay a tele graph cable from Cape Verd, In Africa, it , Cape B'. Brazi:, the width of the oct an on that route being only about-halt that between Ireland and Newloundien This may, after all, Le the moat practkwhlr p'an for the continent& C 010!• El. SiN 0n70., commanding the lltstnct of the I. per Arkansas, has %firmed a treaty with the ben! men and eti'.eta of t e Apache, Com.nche end 1,,0wa Ly which the Indians agree to cease all , PCTEI eor 11.1jUr) to lie Ironf e,r settle. P rid to It ve,cm un the 5.4.nta Fe toad. e us u:any r o , l r, th , e ns ; a s ru pp s „, n e 4 o I ilxt wouldl3 rn h r k e I.y an Increane oleo:Ova too to tniAcJllltrY 11,111 }:crepe. On toe eitut,rary, there is it' creme,: lb the eight mouths of this year, as eel:neared with the' eorre , spotti_bot; p. Hod of last year, of to enty THE high water of this season has made inroads upou the dyer back pit far al-eve the town of Napoleon, Arkansas, end the town site will probably -linappe tr te fere the encroachments of the Altstuaalppi in a lew years more. Tnk. loa hut in yetinth, thirty alit years ace, Inc first white te...thi child wan Dorn in Chicago, was recently pulled down upon the day that child was married. Tax Government ex endi ores, which la.: before avetaEod $2,000,000 a day. di. mu tailed during the month of August to t4lfb, a day. A lit.NO the measures of reform recently d by the Russian Government is tit it rminan n grant.. d to Jews to eataullsh this aa.vir In a t Russian Tee new Naval Officer In the New York Castom House le startling the sleepers by a deetee which will abolish sinecures In his • spiVment. ONLY five of the horse railroad comp.n !es It: New York p-y dividends, and tde sv.rage is but three per cent. A Gt.:, ElLlillitt•T war steamer is to he p'se.e. on the app. r Lakes to a tow w,eks Tux famoub Thames tmanal has been sold to a tailload company for a million of dui at A. PUBLIC JrOTICES 1: 2F- Ann. /4.11•121111 BELE( T AZIOOI, bo. ISA ttELLA STRGEr, egtieny, e-er ' air sat Bridge . I am (~t, Ire • flea. 3t ynneg 1,411e3 to Whom I • iv. matruci ion o Reuling, Writing, !tight ow tic tirerumor history (leogoaphy, and Cuo n,gy S ne,lab retain. e•peetal at ecti n in ore, or pu e lls mar become go. dle ow a mere. T. ,ter—.l.w pet mouth. Owe mon I. to it h branches. $1.4.0 per month. Primary elute .1.11, let monk N. a—en kinds of BM/L.:eat .1 Needle Work t.rght, ticket with or without r ud:es, per or. eaage ent Et enitig ohs. ae. twice • week. afkl •02 I 4 to E SMART, Pal:wiped. 0431.BOLDERN T NILE NOTICE. Neering of of the 11, SS OT CIONIYA the NlB d_trekhold•r• be nelf at th i i °Mee, No. 4 lined street, on Saturday, September 9th, at half-past one o'clock. The object of toe mat t. to Increase tae astpltal Sto k of saki Oompany By order of CO. Board of ['Rectors, arrAt BOB'T WRA Y, [ a., Secretary. HENNNELAEII PIULTTECII Nit THO Y. N. T.—The FLOC TY-SECOND ANNUAL SEaSION of NUe well koowo SCHOOL. Or ENOINEEIONO AND Cr AT ORAL SCIENCE, wttl commence atm Ins, MA. The NEW ANNUAL REGIS , IER of 1569, iflylug full laformatioa, may be oh tainea by acAlretalful PROF. CHARLES DBOWNE, Director, mull:Lutz Troy. New Torn. ISTOCII HO LDERIS: II E ETI NG.- Ttere 4111 bee Meetana of the Stockholders of the COPELAND FARM OIL COMPANY held at [herr office, Ro. to St. 01a.10 .tree[, on Saturday 9th Inst. at 2 o'clock .p m. BY order of the Preatdent, te it JOIN B. 11111.0.ILS'ION, Secretary. Fics• Et ILITART CO LLEG E, ALLENTOWN, PA , With Privileges and Superior Advan tages for .o liturtlah, elsaaleal, Oosimercial nod Military Edueatioa. reopens BEPTEMJ3ER ath. For Ctretuars, call at Usurp, Hoops & Uri.% Pittaburgo, or .adieu REV. Al. L. ROFFORD, M. D., ani: Irseo.l President. I:gr./Pt BLit it UTILE. Female Education. IRE FALL SESSION OF H. M. 01615 HISIIIIIET YOU GiCNO LAMM DIAMOND DTopposite the Uourt Rouse, Vi ill commerce tt:e Firstonday %op t. sober. Cir. Wars at HAT & Hook Store, V 0...1 street. ansal.mad .41E IV'ER T 1 SEATEXTII. 40 casks for sale by A as I. R. OANWIELD. y 1 • LTA E-109 bits reie fresh white lime for . aeLle b .11 1 B CA.NVIELD. 1.Z0078 OF 111Elit OWN MAKE CAN , Be se.: et the PHILADELPHIA k3ut.7T AND E h Oita toner of Morsel etreet sod the blamon4. Pittsburgh. sea I ARIES AND MISSES GAITER 4 J W CAHN &HAN es O&. B of end hae n e, eo.ner of Illarret street sod the Diamond, 1;••. broth. •()ILILD GooDz BI.LOW COST AT J. W CARNA FiAPI'S Boot at d Shoo Store • 0.1 of Iltuuct Ware and U. 1 lamood, Pitt. Mb. pARTNER WANTED IN A MANITACTURINO COMPANY Which cm he ma", to pep lee percent. a capitel ot F., or 7 hree Tboo•snd boilers required For tirtber perticulars inquire at No Be Ft it , rSiti ST R) ET. merlut 1.01.27 D A SMALL AMOVIST Or MOSEY Po the Street, on Mauler morning, eritigh the owner can have by proving prnpsety, and paying be applying to CAPTAIN SPENCER, eI the K•el Boat North Star, at the Suspension Bridge, Allegheny Ricer. se,eat - - NOTICE TO BClLDERS.—Prcrposals or the BUILDINGS FOR THE PITTS. BI'BOH LOCUhIt.TIVE AND CAB WORSTS will be received op to Wed aaaaa y, the ISM lost, at the Office of the Compuly, No. tt alas bet rll ect.(up •atatr troare Plans and Spcelflas. Boos may be seem Bide may be. for the whole work, or for the dlf. ferent deruiptione of wore separately. reader• 2.. P. IL EILL.LEIt, Secretary. 11AVINO REMOVED TO 210. 32 FOURTH STREET, I have opened • splendid asssortment of the latest styles to BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, PLUMES, TAN. CT GOODS, fte, and am now prepared to watt apes my customers, sad all others who may favor 610 with a call. sel.ltur od MRS fit IL WRIGHTEIL BATES & BELL'S— Linen Damask; Wool do.; Napkins. Cruh; Do7!Levi rieno and bland Coven 21 virra STREET. COOKING, PAeLOR ARP t`ii. r r V 11:S , At HUBLEY'S, TY own' No. N 3 Federal acne, Allegheny. !BATES & BELL'S inos, !.. AT HALF LAST YEAR'S PILLJE. .3 , 1 SIM Wirth IStreest. J scisoutsmAKEß. Pittsburgh White Lead Works. INCISE WHITE LEAD. BLUE LEAD 0 ROrNI) IN OIL Full PAINT INO OIL BARRELS. DO. 63 WOOD STREET. THE ANNUAL AIEETING OF THE oiNcrINNAITIND PITTSBVIVIR OIL AND MANI:FACTORING 00XPARY, qW aa held at LASAYETTE 11A-LL, corner of Fourth and Wood stmt., Pittsburgh, (eutn,,,,... Fourth street,) cm W EDNESDAY, loth teat , at a o'ctock v. se:iot OEMS. E. FOSDICK, Secretary. O . PELQUEBT, 33M01:1ZEA 3:IIAUMEEII, NO. 21 WYLIE STREET. arAKAS TO ORDER GEAR =MOM AND MODELS FUR DEW IRTEITTIONS. atZSaumi EGos. 4 BBL. rawa EGOS] Jest received arA for tale by FET,LER b. ARMSTRONG, ICI corner Market acid Flat Sta. I'ABLE LINEN PILLOW LI\EN ♦ WK. stuck nt. Plt,S For .a.e by W HITK ORB. it CO kNI.7 A fIEdY 1.11)01:, HEAL LEATHEIt U. , TOM-31A1/1.: WIND SEWED Tlirt Dollarr= Pali-, at ITN LEI. LANlrti AI I TION HOUSE. Sri Flit ix is t 3E - 0. t ANY All good. .t Coot. to make ;room lot Ito F OR NMV 01{1.EAN! , ! ,IZ.Li IHE STEANIER DICTATOR, WM. B. DONA_LDSOH, Master ?he Cheer steamer whirl) has left the wharf for serernl years. will I. my< (✓r she above port on MONDAY, sIT EMBER Is 1365. For Freght or Passage Apply on Board . nttl F ,ENCE cu. YlNti Copying Books and Presses, Pas. Boob, Time Books, Dray Books, Check Books, Blank Books, Memorandums, Stationery IYKRS, SCHOYER & CO., 170 E SALE. CHATTANOOGA ROLLItiG HILL. V 7 all DU' LATIMIIIT, °Mee of Director and General Manager of MilitarY Railroad. United States, 111( WA111111.01031 D. 0, July al, IBIS. Proposal. trill be re ceived at {kis Offloe, until helve o'clock noon, on WEDNESDAY, Sera... ser ti, Mak topurchase the C. S. Military Rail Gnat , enamel. Tenn, with the Jlaohlnery, Tools, Bulldfoga, Fixture., cad Track econnecting the Roiling Jllll with the firaskvlir end Chattanooga Railroad. The Mill and Bleehinery coostracted to Railroad Iron are entintly neer, and of the most Unproved character. I. or full descill.toon sod detatls of operstlo. tapecity,_ aloply in person or by letter, to A W ARDLY, idayerintendeat, Mat t NM, rename.. All bids should be Worse. " Propaaal to Pur• thus Chattanooga Rolling Mill U. C MeilALLUsi. Hie, 8114. lien. Dtrector and Geseral Manager 51.1111 ,, Y Railroad. United 81.t4 a. a&teeptu lERNAL BEV EN I: 13 TAX KS. —NO rice le hereby to Sil bore°. eoboerned, that tae Annual Llst, for weuty-i bird Bt. Wet, Peoncylvacia has been placett La my h.... by thr Assruor, and that 1 'oral be bound 1n my offi , e, No. 10 STREET, Allegheny, from TBIS DATE to the Mb DAY OF SEPTESIIER, for the punt. we of meriting said Taxes on In come', Lletenso. Oarrbeb, Silver Plata. aw. Also, I will attend in par•on, or by Deputy. at the borough of Tareutunt , at the Motel of SUM. Provo, on 1/1111SDAY„ he Bat of September, trom tee o'clock a. m t until lour o'clock p. m. and at the Borough of Sewickley at the store of Sompel Oaltost, on alt-INDA. 'VENINU. the Inn boat.. bow seven to nine o'clock. Payments must be made, in alt eases, in United States Laical Tender, •or National Bans Notes. IT not paid the required tune, the penal• ties or two law will be enforced. _ Vq) N. WHITE, •e6aw is sr Ckniestur 224 ' , lstria. Perin, DIBBuLUTIuN. The co-partaershfp heretofore a:feting coder the name of WOOD, STEPHENS a 00., was oluolvise en the lath of hhituet. John and Chariee Stepheas al. no are authorized to Bettie the old accounts. N. B. lobo end titepben• .till continue to nary on O. Brick Making Begelman, et the old stead. k.cet nueet, lieghen y . am usual. ICtiri S'IEPdENS, see:fit CHAS. ST EPH EN FUR SALE. A PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, fin one or the Principal Streets of Pittsburgh. VUlifilsl4l2), and COMPLI.TE sk:r UP IN rILIDISSITS. Por pertioulara, atlases. PHOrUGIIItPII, Gazette ego. ee4:fv Pittsburgh, P. Mononuanu.• Batnao Oostr•vg, September I, MU. THE PRESIDENT AND MANAGE S of the Uompany fox erecting bridge over the Monongahela river, opposite Pittsburgh, in the county of d Urghear, have this day deolaral • dividend of live per OVAL on the capital stock, which, grill he paid to the stockholders, er chair legal representative., at the •Banking House of N.' Holmes .d Sons, on and lifter the II th last ae4ll. N. HOLMES, Treasurer. POCKET KNIVES, SCISSORS, KAZeRS, KNIVES AND FORKS POONS, Of every deoctiptiort, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at J. G. LAUFJI'B VArloty pod Toy Store, Bei 101 DUrket Biped, near P Mt itIESECK a BRO., /angina Su/ideas and Machinists, Manufacturers of Illeaeck 'a Patent Balsa.* Val rem _ . for Steam Engines, 011 Engines, J3revers• Dlr ahlnery, Shaftingßangers, ruflays, /so. ' Corte? Bantam' and 'Fake Streets_ ,Plitstrargli, Pr Eepslring and putting up Plsurslnor7 promptly strAmdeel to. auDlto R Ew GROCERY—The aLdendipied.hae MEE tent DiEW SIOREIn addition to other no, Clue., tun , would oull aVontion to nett .tOOO. of Easternllll6AAS BOVIIID CEDAR WARE. . • scxyrr & snare. tyln Lyme corner I.lnertv and yam Menu. ----- -- • 1.3LA1411 111.41..PLFLX.11. 4 131-3] CERTIFICATES, At J. L. BEAD'S, eel No 75 y uURTH STREET. ARRIVAL OF FISH. HO hall bbls No 2 Lentil blaskerel; 6o do do Medium do; 160 do No .1 Large do; 20 do No I do do; bo banish, Picketed Herring; 120 Lett able Lake do; '"fieeelyed and for sale IoW, by JOUR I HOUSE k 00. A •Viiirifb MAN, EMPLOYED IN AN °flee In thU ally, and haring a few leisure boor", to the mot Lungs arid OIOCULIVI, wish.. to TARE *MARGE. 01 A SET orHOOKS OR ENGAGE TO DO A FEW HOURS WRfT'INO EVERY LAY, either at his own office, or tae of flee of the employer. As to character, Witty, lie-, the best of tele-rearm e nod urity, If required. Address • n LO OK B OX c 115, auglds, Pittsburgh. P. WALL PAPER—New - patterns, at re- Muted yd.*, in vast variety of rtyles, at Po. 107 Market greet, new Fifth. stai JOS . R. If TIGILES h HILO TNIVERSAL CLOTHES W RING ER Li —The lent le use. Another large Lot Just re eelwd and for eel. at Nos. 26 and 26 St. Clair street, by J. fa H. PHILLIPS. LC4 Sole Agnate for this Ovorpmy. 0 BARRELS BLACKBERRY JUICE, s+ suitable for =kir g Blackberry Wine or Bran. dy, for sale try L. H. VOMIT k CO. BBLS. ONIONS Just re— cetred and for robe by FETZER & ARM,. ref corner Mirky,. 1112.1 k.rrl lii TIMAPF. PAPER COLLARS. c _22_, cf.: ail.: ct : AND WITHOUT (LOTH 1.1.V1.VG. MW ELI NGS, .11 AR The llutb. I.lne , fro , lst, male I I. wi.ft• arooa n n. 233 Plough 111:r..1 %ter.. Phi., Ls., La ct gezet.. t‘elthstati , :ing , ofthe o hale he.el., ett:l faux to ROY C 1 hey %re the 61,1) Co tars lam I •hl °loth, with a ley, I . 1.1 r aper oo eana .1 le, shaped l-pnr. I •rmers. or u•ouLas, so as to n: • Int neck and dti w s,o.ue oi the crs. pe••s• list prr,eall bild In tl.etr • Mac noG.. cu . K• 11 the!. e Urea rei else,), when flnoued the nun.. of the cloth. e I tle spl , est,lo, • I Ibsen to ite raper. Th•y ere re y stro• c. aid ot twat . a.. 1.. U... 1 ~., qui s and are the °Loy • mad. .an tur es •nd woo:, :, ZS ei F-rti Lie I,!ton hot, nu I txp per tem' g P.m"; tot !Est tr,..1: eon,. I. . tbr La,l r u..J 3t . fy era,. (hi . • h$ the boxesthLarrp.roeuta outs,: 15 the Oli‘r I••eif 10 eon LOS sly, 01,01. ih, 11.•14• • •ho.o is 0.4 geL.ull,o Ttreho.p.l tot thee,' go•Ws. 1550.105 r,ss li•pt •=1 r1)••At • •••Ar er•rl I • I le% VS (I• k.M.• Are ...J.. •“. ,u ,•1. or L0c1.w00..: MI. 1 .;.•L•... Hunt's 1.11.4 l ivl. n o •• PII”el • , , '”Ilaro ..«r d, 4,1 V., c • 2 p •rt.e. S old. 10 tr. •.. , 1 14 •• 11 . . .r: •re sow being r gorou•ly :• oil.. mew. ....not In. I out morn or tn. sr. P4lOOlB. e.tx. supphed fkl-P1.16.1C/,1111 FACLOrI NO. 19 FIFTH STREET. Pilt•hurql, 47tv ea.( Wh. ns•le ~.44 A VALUABLE REAL E:ITA rE OCTOBER 10th. 1865 to the •othortty vested to n.. n 'Lite t• ...Woe,: al • meeting of the 1.1 • • I» on t Iron Works Compel's, aI • '.e rr.' I ..1/•' ony of, tn. , Agensll henna of Got tot 01100, A t! e trout dol. of II la the city 01 V; :.(rll/4. 0:1 Tuesday the 10th day of o.toaer. 1335. COmmenetag the este .t s f U.S I lira ‘l,Rmble Re. Est ate 4,1 eumuc a S ath Wa.ff of •..t.l eft, gru off THE BELMONT IRON WOES And Nail Fadtory, Bounded as follow., /its West tij A ,the / river, North by UI claret Slast rip Mort street, sot South by llts property of axes.; Catilies/1 a •rato, 7 tie 0.1 Diu.. lu mei •r ,oorterr ti orkett t t , • S e t , I iot t .o tittoo and tee cooneaog said Mine rod the Notting M IL &ire, The K. Ai stair e d t'rral Property be longing le the .1.1 CorpOr ali• , n la end • 'lc 0104 south Wheeling, in ludlog that recently porch... ed of Dr. J. C. Campbell, sad the mactorn connected thereon/I. ants it Town Lots In SoULCI Wheeling. lately pottrarami LI the DI. It II Hook and Moen. end Lot No I in fral lwelPs .1.10100 to the city of Wheeirar, southeast ourner of tllata end Division streets, with d. e Tetramenie [Lem on. It Is suppoeed I hat the tract Property to be sold with the marks Is mialeraot to supply itt W m its tor ran ty years. 'IL. sold heal Ptelperty to he sold on the fol ea. log terms. ell One-Deurtat trash, sod the residue with interest from the day or sale, to three ego.' le•ratimente. Dar We In stn. twelve and righter o o oaths from said data, the purchaser •I the Heal Fatrite to take the &toot on tuna of metal rats iron. nails, tondo and chattel preperty at no sp. praisement to be Made by three drainterested per of whom the Dwells., is to choose Cue, toe underragned agedts no the?. and the two so eho sea • third, we decision of say two of the three to De binding; cod the stock Co taken to be paid for in equal oratelment• at four, sit sod eight months, with interest front day of .de. Tn. de lamed payment. on bath the Real Estate sad stock to be secured by peper ratistracterrra the underaigned agents, and a lien to be retained oa the propesty until payment in (tilt The cur eharat shell her e the: option of parity to bend the whole purchase money, of NU further portion these*: titan above stated. JAMES PAULL, U. D. HUBBARD, H. ORAPICILY.. W btelinr, R.tiA. Aug Rt. !SRL saltßAtt T agar rhea's reics, Neptember 1 tont. TO DELL\ QL' ENT TAX Y ERA ()F. • THE tIITT VY AELE7IENY.—Not ea in hereby Oven to all pornons who hare ni.l, pat." their Rates, Levies or Assessments It the said ally of peahen,, t hat they are required to pa, the s I before UlO 1 , 110.. T Day lit tH Ti .frikkl NEXT, avd if the salts is not paid on or before the rim dayof Orcober n. xt. then rive per real. will lo ad.P.l to. sod made payable tier. oo and Ilia' :l the mime be not paid on or brio, Ilse Ws: ot November seal toll , vrion. warrants w.ll he .Itt exted to properly .visllhed to.reone,.striosolttng peen ot than/ to levy roe said loses. with all C , ...4 sad chem. levy thereon, of any go. ds and chattels o' the delta quebta. r borers., WY La. and .0 maze sale therm(' after adtertisenneat, ea it cases o Lustre. (or rent. U. 51rWrEe. hON eel lw B AII ( ) N LIE}3II3S a ploaaallk, n,ffi,y autrtLyous Soup r Oittel for 41111,1m0 dr 'MTN of the mother'. allk, e,.4 lovell.• of ail .see. For sale at the CENTHAL ORthl sh/RE., tomer of Ohio and Feder. wee., to the 31arkot Rouse, Allrgheny. M=C:3 JIIHN STEPHENS, CHAS. STEPHENS. ThNANT FARM 011, COMPANY, Mire loner of Prna and %Tope Streets This Company va ntred on the Zan inst., under tie Penneyleante hlaung and Manufactur ing Lau. The Territory of the Compy le sit uated on Dunkarc Creek , between the man an tle of the Dunkard Creek T'ition 011 Company and the Dunk ed Creek Petroleum Compmr Capital Stock, Working bumf. Par valve of each Shane S. A. JOHNSON, President. ISAAC NOCK, Secretary and Treasurer. Samuel GI ahem, James Graham, Stephen Lawson, atann.l OIL LEABEB.4 eau be had oa the most favorable terra. a lets 61 four or Ilse r tea, to N.lately Llreek,2•4l. the door log well I A barrel.) struck last week by the Standard 011 Cotepauy, Plttabergh. Apply . to le STEEL ta SAILET, WWuna Elsa. COME ONE, COME A.LLI 1e13,1104 kllllllll3+ll Y: kEel Nos: 18 and 15 St• Clan. St The attention of the public is called to the tarp end catenate atoek of GENTLY—IIk:WS 10Se !VISAING GOODS. Just opened at the shove. mentioned place , which I am now otTering at great hargaths. Any oe In smut of the shove Goode, will and it to the ,: advantage to give me • all, sod examine my atoak baton puraheming elm. where. 'I hey O. llld the Isrgsst and hest 'Mooted .took of Floe Wtote bhln a. extra MsAm, tf Imlegee Fhlrta, Wooten, Outten and Lisle Threat Dudes 'tarts sod Drawers, Scoria. Ne-lt Ox. 0.111,./J ,v.emt ualug to nt:vven'. , ..• :a. p y. ; .acr, we.: S'. t'l ftraet. SAMUEL LE VIN. N. B. A largo .took of Sato, Cope, y's 001. lan, Loellwoalli, Untvotell, Byron'. Seamed.] and Biasses 01. ly2.s,ly•usta Quinn Dxrcrr 5r6.5141,51CZ, AIIIII,OTOS, 0. 11, sepf emher NSA. PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR -SEALED sa OPUS A LS *re Invited until lath Mt, of SEPTEMBER, It o'elxlr. 11., 1,1 the Subststepoe Depaitmert with Ooa Thousand Barrels of Flour The proposals will be for what Is known et tale Vefet a 11011 I, 2 and 3, sad bids will be enter tained for env yoantltr less than the whole. Bids must he to lluplmate, Ana for each grade on leparate sheets of paper. The delivery of the Flour to commence within Eve days from the opening of the bids, and must be delivered In such quantities, daily, as the Gov ernment may direct, either at the Government warehouse to Georgetown, at the wharves or rail road depot to Waehington. D. 0. rho delivery of all Flour awarded to be com pleted within twenty days from the acceptance of the bid. B'lls will be receivel ror /'lour t, be dell :ere] to new, oak h tyre's, head lined. Payment will be made to welt funds s the lior. 'raiment may have for disbursement The usual Government Inspentidn svlll he mute just before the Flout is revolve,,, and cone will he accepted which is Not Posh ground, and of a su perior quallty. An osth or •Ilsrabtace must iv:company the bid Of etch bidder who one not the oath no Ole In [PIN office, and 120 bid all bo entertained from pa-ties sa to have previous y failed to comply wtth their bids, or from biddert not present to rcloon.i. Government reserve. toe right to reject Lay bid for any douse. Bids to be add...el i„ the under Egned, at No '2 13' . 0"Street, badoreed •.Propo sal, for Ylonr." E T. BRIDGES ae7114 (tat. O. B. V. .I_l3r"LE4 LEAD PIPE of ell sizes and tnteknesven SHEET LEAD of any thicknens on hood and swede to order YrI.AICDEIL GORDON, Agent, ConmllllMlNeyettant, No. In Second greet. ' igitaxid • MACBUM & CARLISLE E=l Will :-;. , 11 at Auction NUTRITIVE FOOD, GEORGE A. KELLY Flenir Snyder, J.O. Weir, IL W. laitehle. OIL LEASES STORE. PIPE AND ESEIDET LEAD NEW coops! :NEW GOODS !!C I=l la= =EMI =ME= MIMES 111:s i Jll%, HJ I F. S'd AI N IJ J. 1212121162 1213E13112 =ME= IMIII=I IN I A }IL}. IL •H MT It ,N I=l MIME AT PRICES Ai L'iW Can be ro 1:4 Aeyev:lere WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, . Itio S IS2 Federal St., r , AL r_.• MO Cilr X 3 /3 f."..7 V ho!esale Dealcrs n d tt to their s.hoottare ^vt and •nuctro. our Aeon. se4-1I Bo YS . CLUJ ILI N 6 Vi e arc now receiving a very Large and femplete Asiorlment of GARIBALDI HARNEY LEONARD AND CASTAWAY SUITS• All the Late F4LL STYLES cowprierd in our present Stock, To to ex - Amin/Aloe of wole we respoctfullj •et the atter:aloe of our cue:omen LOU the cubit, GRAY & LOG-AN, =LI SC HOUL 1.3001i..5 A I.rge fonplete •nonmeai of SC LI OU L BOOKS, EIRIMEM 13!EIMMII!MIMI Ate catered et the very lower prlces, to the put ha, ILI,/ to whot.bitle buyer. by JOAN P. HUNT, .i. 430 IMI FIFTH ST.. 01A...0C1113 HALL. I~ISSOLUTION.—The firm of PHIL LIPa b HES r eras dissolved os the tat day of ,aprri last, and the tr.terest of Wilitsm PS!til .e In the.ertbi firm, sad its effeets, has been THIS DAY purchased by John Beat, who has assumed toe obliestions of the late firm, sal Is Mcrae au thor"at to red,ropt for moneys due the .am,r, August m, 11th. 101:11V HEST. LAVING PURCHAEED THE INTER. EST of ny formerartner I the Heartt- FIXTUEIIIO GLALS. I offer to the trade, •Ild the Menne of the late Orm. en •rtleie of Granular r/int Glass, Superior to anything prod.:teed to market, except from Lead, for which a EATENT, OAT El/ J A.:Y ULE? 10, itie, wee granted to me ter the produe ttor, of earns. Alrordere received will be promptly site lei to, cal crony packed, and forwarded with aa little ow JOHN ncwr. Try street, Pittem4ll, ey as I o.lblis .40 taels ( 1 0AL DEPOT.—FOR LEASE OFTEN LASS, the Square on Try street, from Third to Fourth stn eta, running back to Hill street, le for Lease. Celli the lath of SEYTEMBER. pro posals mitt be received for lessing the above prop erty, eitusted on the Steubeerille Rialroad. now ready for use, switches eta betuade to COO nect sottla al. the Raliroadaantering the clip, and the most Oulvettleni depot to the cite for the lisle of Coal Sealed proposals for the above proper ty, directed to the undersigned. twill r«elee the MOIL prompt ALLILitiOII. JOUR BENT, na3ol.t Try etreet. Pittsburgh. TO LET.—FIRST- noon AND CEL LAR OF STOKE, 110 feet square, on corner of Becood end Try streets. if required, one to ttsr horse power osn be 6.1 for running machinery for 11{Int or fancy 'Turning, ...V }mfr... free of ex posure or risk of tire la use of B&W Store !squire on the premise. 503001 SOHN BEST. -- NOTICE. We A+r• tA• So'• A eroey foil Pltt.burgb, of the UNITED 2.T VIES PEN 1.01114 NY ; Alto, Adamantine and Swan 8111 Hook and Eye Company. WIIGLESALE DEALERS &NP JOBBERS ena buy the aboya,gocle by tiva oast., i 1 raci ng rptlyitt a pQ r/h4O/fl, al Now Vats ?MOO, Oh CSll liqg al Kos. TS and SO Market Elreet. MACRUNE, GLYDE & CO, sc6 FOR SALE. Counters, Count era. Re have for aa:a EIGHT SECOND-HIND COUNTERS, They ate aa 0‘,01.7 AS NEW ONES. %ad will be sold CHEAP. MACRIDE, GLYDE & CO sea S BRYAN, Mock and Real Estate Brokrr, NO. 57 FOURTH BTT:t.RET. Orders for the purchase and ands of 3OLO, and GOVERNMENT, RAILROAD and PETROLE UM srocss, promptly executed, nI tel. graph, In New York or Philadelphia, at the REGELAR COMMISSIONS as established by the Board of Brokers In the respective ou2s . - YORE STATE APPLES. -4 car loads prime Lake Shore Apples. now In store and for tai. by L. EL YOIGT AGO. • d 0 W = W _ = Ly P :.= n - t -o 4 > 5 1 f.tGliEi:_ll-9 0 = :i -=:1- m 4 .. Fr 4 17 COMPLETE FiTOCK OF NEW AND DESZELABLII FALL GOODS, Jost received tech:lio; • very lame sod splendid lui• of SCOTCH CHEVIOTS and LONDON CLARAUNEi, Hie largest stock In the city, very styilatt. ~ A full assortment of FRENCH sod BELGIAN CoATINOS nod FRENCH CASSIMEHES for Ow:veers tO sul4 . . Also a lull line of TRENCH and LONDON PrIELTOICS, Including 'sew colors, all of oddrab we Will make up to order In • superior mannet, and to the latest ens most approved mode. An early call LB moat respectfully solicited. GRAY, POBSEEL & BEBE, (Successors to S. tlitAY k SONO TIT ara la cll. t P 1.1 62 FIFTH STREET, 12==1110= HENICI G. HALE, Merchant Tailor, NORTE - MT MINDS OF IILIA d ST. CLUB ST& Takes great pleunre In announcing to his numei ous customers and the pupils generalLY, [cat his purchases and arrangements for the FALL SEA. SON see now completed, having been esereonally selected from the first-clam cloth house in the Easters elLts S. Unli snob a class of goods AM ems really be recommen ed wits he otrarel, which erns braces the newest and most approved mstetla,li and styles, the entire .took twins very large, warted and select. Mr. Elate has much coandskacelo. ineis Ong an early luspectwo. SUPERFINE BLAOS. COLORED ctortts, AND DOE STEINS, as usuat, warranted fast La colors, son rund texture. nit.Lruti CLC TIL sod caber user costing* new style for entire suet. A greet variety of FINE I AASDIERES for FULL sod Vesta, for Morning sod EverOrli wail. austi M U RRA I" ICIOLT, C3C=O MIZEIP' alkiNTlr. J. B. LI DAY. Secrota.27 and rreasaner The Oompmy o.cis to lee ample • farm contain. lnir eighty-Nivea rinrim mid forty-Ave perches, ligr ted on Eh aeon Run ' 'a tributary to ()harry Rua,) and lying between Cherry Run and 011 Orack. .Tarenty-ehrht leues hue already ham electe to responxible parties, sesansi sellout aril] :1= the names of sorsa of the oLden and nos( aperaters on the Crees. The entire tract trill accommodate from 11:i to ISO This [arm is surrounded by four et the MOSS 001.cOrtael oil producing farms. on 011 Creek and Cherry H i p, and is in *loan proximity to tie Heed- and `• Ountain" Welts, and about one mile trent toe lnut Bend Well. . . The Oompnnp otter • limited 'lumber of ells:* et the entvertvtien Prue, SEVENTY-F VE CENTS PER SHARE. Slap. or the propertY, toortharirfta VI lllro[m~. tion regarding the property and organisation of the Company eau be obtained at the offfee of myna! STEEL a RatLicensase.ts. I VESOLUTLON OF PARTNERMP The partnership heretofore existing betweez Charles U. BRA sley sod Frame Vso Gor , er, under the tole name of HALSLEY lc VAN CORDER, 1. TH3S DAY diuolred by mutual consent, P. Van (Roder Atsposteg of his entire interest to UlawLes I: Halsley, who I. alone authortud to eolwet ell unounts due, and settle all claims ageismt the aid firm. CHAS. C. BALSGEV, FRANK VAN BORD ER. Plttsburgh, Auget 9th. RSA °TlCK—Having_ retired from the firm of Healey it Van eForder, for the purpnee Of again embarking La the Trimming. finalizes., I cheerfully mon:mead toy successor, Charles CI B:Utley, to the patronage of all Lay old cumtoatate and shippers. malt FRANK VAN °ORDER. N OTICE. The undersigned bating beta appointed by the Court of Quarter Seasiona, tonew and asses. the damages, , In the exteeston of the followilpg named streets to the Ilorouth of Manchester, vi Manhattan street. from Franklin street to the line of the City of Allegheny. at Wasters, Avenue; Chef tiers street, from Fayette str e w. to the Rae of the city of Allegheny, at Western ArenUe; Franklin street. from Uaortlers street to Fultoh street, in sold Borough. Public not , ce la hereby given, that the Viewers trill meet on the rt•Ound or SATURDAY, the 9th day of Sept•mber, at mulch ttrat• and pl.. or" Iles ti. Ir'• • rl.l,ate Attend, It they srolltd •nk ;.,•;.1011N E. PA RICE. R. 11 1f.110X.,. JoliN B. LIVINGSTON, Whl. H. ROSS, It. L. rArrEcts(v.v, itt , EPH ALLEN, J voLXIS CHAD V lUK, rept -t FL Rl , ll'l'2llE, &ND CA. NE AIM WOOD CHAIRS, wisIOL.a.;A_LE OR RETAIL. IAII. W WOODWELL, Now. THIRD STREET Oppocte E. Edmund/lon n and nab, Fo. 11l FOURTH STREET IfFATO r. WELLS, RIDDLE An (Xl., have removed tneu extensive Whip Store end k aetory to Pio. las WOUlt STltErr, corner al Virgin Alley, where they are prepared to till enters tor CCHrP LASHES APM SWITCIIB.9 poamptly at LI. lowest priers. my! JANES M. BILLPH, 41.xN:31:alte.oit„ rarmorr DRAWINCIS and SPECR MATIONS, for all kinds of buildings, antkinita, Intends their erection on ressonAttis tame, • fir ONI On ANDERSON STREET,/ betty= LA DD= endd /1.001/00.6 LUAItPaIIT oara .4011 CULLUM reothaltL at ST BAILEY, Stock Brokers and Real Estate &gents Stocks bought and WA sing on actzunia o likrthStae. WXLZIN3 nazi s T.A LLOW-16 barrels in 'tore for sale. te4 /5.61&11 DICKEY ir CO. r 6 000. i. v E.rrq TUE TRADE Sat 600 POUNDB 131_1LTI , : STOCKING YARN .10‘a rtme ail of Ihs ORIGINAL BOSTON CASHMERE lAN. City and Ccuntry Dealers snp- plied in quantity, At Lowest Cash Rates .71 A. CARLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH STREET ACRUM b GLYDE HAVE ADHIT TED 'AS PA EiTNEILq. Frank Tan border and Calvin Hagan, The partnership to date from tturttat let, and tae and the business to be coad4sted :mar. Chit name and .tne 01 Macrum, Glyde & Co, AT WHOLESALE 65,1100 Enameled Paper collars; 25,000 Common do. do.; 2,000 pounds Weol Knitting Yarn; 2,000 dozen Wool and Merino Hose; 300 doz. Understdrts and Drawers; 75 cartons Bead Gimps; sr 500 dozen Lace Veils; 500 doz. Ladles' Linen Udkfs„ Lod a very Leavy stock of Fancy Goods, Notions, &c., AT EASTERN PRICES. B RADLEI"B BffIRTS THE ATTENTION OF LADIES Ls solicited to the splendid azzortzient of Bradley's Hoop Skirts, TO BE FOUND AT V'. H. Elt_rr4:3o.l'S, No. 17 Fifth Street The ,Doplex Elliptic, WILL BE FOUND IN ALL PROFUSION thaddlclon, full litter of all fortis of Trimmings and Notions, WILL BE FOUND Don't Fail to Examine the Stock of mrmm.rirrtrri N EW GOODS FOR JULY! Jos. Morino dSr, Co., have Just opened s new stook or Choice rens Goons for the present mason, to able& they to. tte atteatton. Paris Dress and Basque Vrliaratnix. law atYta; Fruda , Bugorsh caw rrlill4 Garrilturs and Swabia Betts; Ire. Oollars, Luis Randssrardari; lateai novelties to Lase Vela; Facie Babloidltrlld Skirts; Duplex Hoop Skins; Balmoral Skirts Stocklossi Gloves: Sea Slat abAwls and Hats Corsets: Head Natal Fancy Bombs; Parasols and Sun Shada: Basques. ffitullas; Plata and Striped Swine and Nal/meek& FINE FANS in Pesti, furl, &Mlle, la. WHOLESALE ROOMS UP STAIRS. TI and TS MARKET STRUT i JUST AARTVED, And Fol.. Sale Cheap, at W. W. MOORHEAD'S, ALL SELE. EIDLTINGS, EL LBSBITEG FLOtINOIN6a, LACES, HOSIERY, HOOP SHIRTS, &a. MORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS Always on lutzoy and °Mors taken to cal °unmoor& 81 MARKET STELZER' yETROLIA MACHINE WOFLA.S.— H. H. LECKY, Manufacturer ot Ma Uwe. Mated Patent Improved OIL WELL TOOLS. sa NSW,. POST, AND WALKING BEAM licoNS, and all FIXTURES USED IN SINS, 'Nu OIL ANu SALT WELLS, N. as and at uleatoe r S TREmTp, H allw POA odfa m the , Mao. Box lae tnvftad to hie lets tan. Movements la Jars an on d Joint, * 41 made, of tat purest Sligo and Low Moorhammenel eat Crfor Wm.. All parte warranted and =dr andard abee tha plus cookrna of any on. set fltUng any ether of his manufacturer harlal the same number. Steam Engines and Ideem - 4 Work made to order. We tuvitettal tikke tOetH and examina, and judge for tneMielVel ; and erf thallange equality of workmanekly and oompetr lion. Send for Cud and Circular. lytkaninaa WWII at BLACK, lure on hand a large worts:mat of MQWING MACHINES. laccoPu3El peagsiczus. Straw Patters, Scythes anAjlay Rakes, Ho. 28 and 30 OHIO BTILFET, A.LLEGHEEIT 4 STEM & BAILEY , STOCK BROZZIIB araxims the t ille Bankers and Brokers Board lasing adopted ailwind RATES OF COMMISSION' in win to governed thereby from tato dote Stocko oolloog at VI &d coda,sena maim. dA,do. , to. ern do. sad up to VII pa , mg. do. 11/ Ida VI Clan do. do. COS and one, on per Nat ell APPLES. . • to BBLS. CHOICE APPLES; • Rut metreti and for sato by FETZER Oeasracco, tee tor= Market wad licit ass. " • e. .-. 2i . IAII ALFA.) Paris Trail, And go:press, /08 HOBEE & co.. ill BLsok, Whito and Colorist
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