VOLUME 228. gig Mi*buillt CITY NOTICES. Iv 1 7 ,-;' jUqd Pen i177-T'lnT .t; Al Photographs - OI im proialssol men sad women, at Pittock,a tki As kittook , s, Moodie Chi Postotttee. ee mm&( _ON *Wield !faeces far ale, eitnettel et. Oakland -oll.Ohaft 7 o Avenue, vitae tt short dietetics of the zweeitkapilitwity:f s',"l , ' Free, Gnats.. The Book Pallid:ore LIMOCUlt101) are daily IttrlrS..lkWa7yreslaal.a ya n k Item 60 ossits to pop with *it* boCatilodeit eitaiiiisidnrdiV7l You LIMO Your Ekonei .14 iambs it oartlektly In poor pocket, so call arpitiontcht ppposita-the Pact oboe and prat= • r00R43*,". n $2O and $35, )10.11*11usdTailasing Sewing Blashima. sea tow is #.004444 4 / 1 1 1 311 Wcnnutcs4 N° ' readititelleh "ben uutr eau De seen. • X S. Lova, Agent. I== l =M minor. thin oath*" tataPiit3/1, 1 1 - 44 - an,44.4.410 . ~ Kffsas..o,aoCl.Vl 8 .50441/luosarorantatbsetutoolcai, f ittliirrihviildsisni4vozstatsaityrontne. . fl pisrfloOLor Of Fourth and Midget oixoeftj• ,C. la=Lora& • • rye... , p; lOW, figs, On SO alas. Phlatird46 lll ()shalt WAitaut s'agry s ,4 reps* grad, Elltglieny. a i m l ig e/ bgtkIWZIWW;I t i . , ^ - ;Mstern.tVnive Vann Talnwill opium, September /th. with very ttan.'Appit Adversity Ballduag, coma Ross' I 11 F.Kt: vmtripit.G.lll:sl . geti.r, At TAcrittlyra.iirOse, near s.v Stitidn, Zaat Lihnit9.4lo4_Pt "Ple/ r -4 *- q 46 fi lMes - v g: Drattayrittemooti, the Ilth tun. A sada u 411142:11.111e;loi . a14 , 414 Depot at i *Work precisely' on that Say to to *ale. *,,3111/4.1 Cupola !TOWN; Nippy, gook rasa.e.g.aa atusence of three yews fo rActlP l . - 41jobtang t.l* maKiterc. that At: the ma t tuia. VribLAZOMOW69OII2II2III,I4 ktrealzaChairf Ley. Orders sollaitedlcas . 1 . romitli*,iioi3 - oritta4 reitilizi 5 From the *Land of Smite. rAsAgAs*loPrtha-arPinstiorocos. of which l l igi al4llkr4o44-bioiLzliittib oUan thi s chsmlatfl of the toilet has :ado — lt: sulginlOciPt4.l4,ung6,Psut, taeth. Awl speeibuk bresth, sea es ito osseopties Soon A diseases that enet the gams. era the re. 1,1*11172110***37 coo.loozuryfr, Valuoble On Litouroii Pit Illeie L be r eeie ter Sale. W. eill sttemthidt thitiaertalitestre to laved fa .ii Titrit* to the tail Of W.l.a Hell Patter -cagCtft4ligg *IA' Cisme ca pit Pi me-Exus.betsecad ludo creeks. Thu touuty u the most prom o any ou topitual,44poost dtstruis ,o 0 threat. *Wahl eWiltife eltWittatt*.as tle a tends are adviaded French merinos, Cashmeres,. and deubloArriarh kigettOlseatido Nark suetioas, cheaper this' you losis aeon for Ent I la n 3his,hbehtatful4YlrthY Dress Croce% of the viery bleat Auld, And the cheapest Flaratelso idungotaikips, in the city, on the nertli r east scam= a Fourth and Market greets. O. Hisraola Lora & Bao ' up ' r e j i ihre trattivadismthh This but. Now York detains Uona sEI Dollop. Aithongli let taingi halm •enough,eipectally the hank sauna, Yet this este. kV* othousiabegicit mostdart gerdirildiur Uytiti living. - Vinidilotii , pooplo in -other cities sober down to the good old Pittsburgh style, and putelme thoiridbunar K Pittock's, op Eteioffice. AC, ParryCdi traetleal Eibda Eagan, and Darien in American B us.* muiows, on. 911 Me at Alexandee LstisSayseNwt.ttk.ac'AtslkfixEi:PUYSWth. Ps. Itesisests, leo. 78 saw stmt. team IM3ol4li,ait,lFtelri_3olrant'ed water prood—Ret=s las &Mum. scam' "So imam for petnidelE tab Aool'ACeitet abused Is Dot am 11" • • Mt. IdaWlf f. NeCl2e a Tedozal • Allegheny, was la the esia when the • • WWI of the imptare of Iltbmon4 and Misrules . alum rebel theacialtor was to r . ;=,. • - - 11311 4.41428~ p A•P Li , b3 plink m. ant irlailmtroactatut -eat lia — alil rod l kar. made Tea bean Massa IS the firma ra1f03161#0.12,.„ . Coods. as abccit ore.lialfcf the • ~ ollAishlikeit'cdt • lii. aiisiniiinis larseatliffilrilleliall'in &frail:l4 Wit* iiifs ammitgu W SzAlwape,ardq. pylicoitinta* - 1. / i :.1 1 44 4 4, 0 44 a. .4! % $ ? tliisiOt I .o Logiltdff. £ seP.M2osclentltA6nlslithit soodfaiiia tl L s, Atl4ll44o4t*Calii);!*4l 'LC Oeigio • '''lbassent. - eAS Milewski if alai give -. 1 ' rhirfaliarilsk No f t icca,s ,, A. - Utfefal.-Volimns ' , z• •=didligielicelLas , lifeaula 15. A. Bs/Mtn 4•044.11‘ ,•--.-" I Veda! One, We* Infotiflza anal Waists, Om. ••' :1 • 4silidattd Btudneas Dire cto Yak, Boa. • • ' ton and Phrl;:;•4l,ilg -• •• •4"ihe sumo araf .. , Manx' of all the bsuliness Banns In thee three ' , l adlles, alassilled and afscresl. lip Aradeslual .gro• . . Colons: , It will also contain a daelyasecnted AtarailinbleSavtditer lorkallistlldl- • , . ~ ;••.i adelp.tda. 11 will be a serf useful and ea ma' . ~•- ; nada telsienno. Book fpliterenasitapsaarally '" - -11 throiiihiniCthe Di li & Statea d an ddllional • .• ;• . : 1162liebitt_ oVacant merchantato autism for It, • .: Abets liana., holiness and ilasiztil , !iii/i,billtiellM, , i i' i iti theltrOrk without extra cliarde=stPD • 'MI= . • I Ake: autocoptiona tothslica af - Nett10:1,4.. , .1. .; .1 "IlibltrlatoCiA -6 i Cirisr Meet, New Wk.' Tim ,t, - 1., ;eat of the Consolidated. Direttorir Waif bra , dollars l'- } seif r - isilinliderwlien Mir Idseind eUr 1 i . ..... , : scurf of the - work la talon intmosaddardosi, , ! 5 Take Time by,the ForeJoet , laiol Tae 14t14tionnes exackaa Lana Isi • -otooteoutiozvettas lowa uto 11:4;:izir.berims off $440440.T.W.- Erf 2 7, 111, 4 1 1; boarp, MAIM 111 1 . i 6 /"Onia; vaponand crowOot cities 11/3d outesoosto-1 oairoi-sklrditiudielliorpgisore forithef,i ihed.meatao(dfMaiiiit • 41 t eti r vltair orpribr-seirarlliiVll*l4 thtela*lktorikianuar.salpemekmi AktrP r'l4 l ". Mei s9►a but adolotoottotosetu.; -„ f , • nook* , 14..44 11 34' 01 r yaeA 1 L prikiarion' titiceillid With , salwaliakaPkiatkik la most AIM lier6mar. Pr0X 64 , 5 ; W ll° 4' " Mr "' 1011 _v 4 h__,..9‘rilicti - 11135..4444 1 ! linirre Of ustrrre - VIW igfltj .t** 114 • 1108 5 4t0 - Su* U iihcuiiitooltmas bo WA to skim bum' UartiflAto4 l o ll o l,4ll ***M etio ' U +.IO4IztHOIY. shal:m. • Taw to.ttstoi - - Anitotioas Woo rtooymfoote.aittot WOW" inVOltirri l p4 120,410,41,11.*100-441..xtrage -1,41z1PP11,1a1,4 -Arrayialtaticcb , 4l: talsallmirstat.l2o , stagisethe t• bora; tialfisilco4 44.tW0. ItiotbAtittiso ... t*ttuiiliattotkittotui tdaladlosstata)ia::Ma iO a ß e u ith utiotoUitli BUt*.(l4l)i :fil e #4l4A4 4 l*;'=P i #o7 -'O 4l l • 3.„ teo, Loniesttriectatex. The pri4l44 4104tetfettalayia:tabonto in p ii ng* c ock °'tufo 6aeMer..116.-ineadtroalo2lo tee c=oo rrtme; 4.ttret; meopi lag; bee talk. eventot - 'slink P0je.164 • lee, Boam,-aluarhe wa! Vowel bra MOW . 0 4 0 #4 4 , i/E4. 12 P ma :*,xtutoco.Colips. rhaa walar,COAA z :.,yeetAnoptcy.ot MOWn of IbiAose ..tereriteCesere:aad wthelro movsoz the y offlow' Alailm, mat( se Qua At - The h it r i er irtivettatel =olo64 l 4:nd_ trite* polajble that ea 'fray suffers taW days - Tact: As iwalersad =bloke hal aright fo! dawn a eithsez wbrarootet- tem 44.-pau t h What hope of freed= for appie, w h o b e ' all rcreoso attataat 11 4 k tagti>tlt eahtagen to tterrlothes ca n , : . ... . 'i , , AtOolcof .the_a!erlZY dtafin ~ dOeniadhatika iliac oath a totaltsr req the aew Canstituuort, ts is proP 3s l: o 6t '. log -4 fi c il 1:w of .10=4:Who di i , regard loyalty Lsincompatible V[011951 •• ; 4 • • C , • • • .gS 3 TEELSGRAEIL xr• ws co xis c••x cxT Y. Speetiit DWatteh to the ny.so cult' Gazette : OR, cm, Sept. B.—Thera is three feet of waleite the channel. The eteemer Petroleum baa airived. BEMIS OF THE STATE DEBT. Taxables of •Philadelphia. COMMON OF AMMER NM TIRO 1711 g. A& Compound Interest Hetes to be Issued, COLLISION ON THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD . . 0147 4 41410 the 194174etphls • Cost= House. LilTll:74 s Q , F MAIL aOsmuicra. ht ~.7ilditlriaus B elle' sieriPtornicetoPie - PatlAnuth Orem& Pußottman. tlept.- 7,•1865, • !Ibtwainers Gorerner-Cmtin has pelt emu • miition fonrtecn ilvataidd Vote tun:deed rut 4:thrf iitellks of the &lite fir i more than. ' , ce of th ree ATlllon_4l4tag:loaubf '24m 1861. ' - • r ilkappeirs that the total of larables rblitt- : OMOntabiroi ind fifteen 00:11ljaid hr +ad of one hottlinnt indieastliOniand.an create. Of tqueltuuSistlei 6 4-P U q r 4 1111114'anOtheiefilie yardiblinielit4 4 7 47*i: 1 44 1 4W Wtße.Wittellitate!, Die t r i l te • l3 F e W , ) 9/SVltertrrw l / 1 ellberalito ew comiiound blitimietzotoiti tot ~oftt to tha t eka 'ant Of bier/fry-five mit:.p, ielebyaavitlF tnEllion lute:lnto I i:t•LYl as ifrnOrrni Oil the Camden and lunboi t , on ''Pl'irineedlip, two fratoa collided. latarbur many m ono: A ihrernment abetted aient, tient [Mal 'MAT fiaglA44lrfirlakt.aing the Philadelphia Ombra aokeiN Theraranalnathatte seem to be general; etriagent inderecitee, • . Postmaster General Dv:Edson haslet all hie iionihen: man contrietaat folly ktiq..por cat &lbw the retetr , tturrged before' the rebel. Mau ::liaise alira.....ent• of all ti•el*',Anall. MutesSt . 1 4#9.14 4 •• ai i itert l ee ta°2.6win ' pcitaii.austainttz... • Tkdsqc4velul#l47Enit.ticaidißcAuPott resostnitetidlsamtirawdostAtiusliss t~tditlgn'ofeWrestheresenti7ortb. Narfont indPdrtamanth are isoir7 - norteroatulrolot the' 63114491b21arieN,e ClCtt *tYvs wig& • ' Ile /Noon, Loietioi Corneioadent fa* Oitelio:"o,.44roit ;Ad . - crat of attetey end 5014 br pawner tur i , jewehs.-•sprt .barned. aub of a bolel farai:ll=piplat of tioitpl; 'fivrls gotog on the outgo, o play 'tunacc been =in= flxr Ler cosy! toeliZ'Obl 01003, ' W. FHB Al 119*SEHIF,11 GETURD. :40beinent with Indian Chiefs'. THE SOUTHERN MAIL SERVICE. Beekrve Brigades to be Discontinued. FREEDMEN AFFAIRS IN TENNESSEE, NEW Tonic, Sept. B.—The Haytiii war steamer Garrard, troilmed to be the bearer of dtspasches to our goreittsment, has reached this city. The' rance Wealtlegioa special says The griVeiresicridlnirerrestodso=tifttott Colonel Leavenworth, - dated •Anus; mid,- at Howa creek, on the Arkansas rtierorerwo. part of Karma, that an agmreeet has been entered into with me elite% of the - Airapiduirea, Choy; eaces. Biome and Volnariehe Indians to meet . commissioners an toe part of the Untied States on Meat: of Cretobernert; at Blufferreeit, forty ogles south of Little Arkansas, to treat Ica per petual peace between. the United Stab* govern erruneat-and therariows tribes. Licht, ateetida iiihraplirea Willi probably...lead ..to an immedi ate cessation of hostilities on chaplains. The flonthera mall service will from this date be eelFertstalcong. Notwithstarullng the great redociloa, the ; Postmaster Gteeral has ordered in Sullmiet of sertlee„ esie.„Datellson bee discovered that an lromease crease of service was bring performed la -these States at the =gout of the rebellloe, mins re-establlsh lea; service to thellioMkbe hat bean governed by the neceselleo of the llaOPla -Orders were lamed by .the War Department yeattlidandlecontinning therarionebrigadesof theveterem reserve corps now stationallieret- The cogunguling .01Hetre impale= ordered to their.regimente,,thns, doing away with a Om bra of istaff cams sad strati which will have the effectbrgreatly redwing the expenses of pie garrison ofVraililington. ' The ffeirird'sis-eart: ilien,misk.latzt• almoner teethe ln Tenn., rei cots to the DePartment - from Nethviikrander date limliember 241 hat a loge tromberot the Tonnes elevate:yaws hayli testilled tliglidelite to cooperate with the Commlasion to Revue Wan etillltyaed arderAma -addirlowetterato are ttianY who rellme trihecald the Urfa condition of thingsandsamir. the Mitten ef tius' Geryernment Its Was tanotteal withoot endangering personal aster . Mucluefthe tremble and Whitton now ettistierna ihris State, 'bowing to tele class of ritLemas.. liornendatesee Oemrts are crowded applimaite. ,liir InStlefil -Scant and lue earned wares am withheld from colored people and - the creek of the ttttfp aod use pf the attacking are in , many 7oeai damn:ion as the dogs of Mali —seviCe. Theini . ent. dementi for labOr daring the ,"cp,Mng -year Mild° enrich .towards regalslint wagaad and securing their prompt payment. On the let 'day cif dottiest there were 7,150 • negrosis arab sisting on the Goveminient In contracted, es!Pfs of Tennessee. Mire are now tat 070; sad they are chiefly geed and-infirm and orphans of colored soldiers. At the ranged establishments it Nashville, Clarksville s end Stemptihs' there -werisse. the let .of Jaly enthilatinrieV : the expense of the Government. .6,03,2 dependents. addition to the large mamba drawing ration. for their families at tumne; of the former awn- , 'bar there are but 156 rernalaing initiates In the 1 refnifee establishments, and the litter h:ste ceased to be Tarnished with public bounty. r IBIEW kLULI,IbIit UNISON t SII CARS- BLOWN TO . istounitta,, Bcpt. FA—The elifiliadon todayi on the. Notthweatern.ltallroadiras is terrible! o:instated or deal:arson Pm" sager coaches. Thema= nearly two boo dyed persons on board: - The" two loreiniatinks,' contained powder, shoaled slieWandit Is app.! paled:.- that -sparks from the v . ammo-i 'ecno . nilulte.gen- through "some 'cricks: into ` 7 tls - , - ts;--''cita, • causing Abn.t_ - ; &eels yessons were killed ontri o ld, and nearly; all 'rtatiliednuSre or less Wary; The itrantual was killed, the engineer badly Injured and the conductor slightly. Among the slightly lojarei wasidaTiftatielkiiribailatantilupatintend-; ankottalt*Aph. All the cars ware blown td:, Picea -'exit it AIR the -rear, and the'eFilne *6O rokeita tiI.CP;SI6IOII was jet; indahriaitlie ImUdiogi In'Witt lika an -,- ,aersudsallopor-Colorat Trootre. • Ile4l;P.4sflijor ',Vents:lX:l44 ietbuor the Act' fegtatitate of toil Cm* now sayloz the went of Itentneki, Into one dlvhsson. of th ree.brlgachts.i Wheedler Gobawl 4000 - 6; Bristdo - list been 0/0001totebniinsud the WITIcOtt with Brevet, Wana.W . Genersl d. 7-"Nado,%C.Olon al 8. A. Amur:sod Colonel M. -itcAchtte for 'trigs:lo iccntnandors. ,, All the white Iraq* to the 0°- Pantie* *0 to be ninst/00dront. Palmernlo tllrlettln'iore the only 'fitcetsf 'billeant:4low data Ln Xecorks. . • ' - go,/ Vire In Torok°. , ; • .Vmusew;belOrg--.A largo trews =mammy € lOO2O/enttnr at Dodges & etiA gtheerh DIX the totten,of 7 l.9.oelv sher ;Tetalessnee streets, width was mUrely destroyed; together - with Ed 'aints*. slatkmery shop: serereV•hallthige Ten/omm street end the lichoslha • chmth, j 4 ,417%1 00 AM , ', ' WHIZ MILITARY - COILIIISSIONI Prisoner Asks for Spiritual Comfort. Wasorsorox, Sept. S.-Col. Chipman read to the Commission a letter addressed to him by CaFt^, eating, although he Id . ConielOntof , ha innocence, that bemight aem tort. and suggesting that Fathers Wheeler and 11111.111M.011 be permitted to visit him In their imatoral capacity. Thepelsoneelmallaila the . cam of the Court, the lettter - wlll be referred to thq War Department for 14 action, there belng no 'doubt the request wEdWtiranted. Lieut. Tracy testified to Wirz's cruelty, and among the acta mentioned, was the shooting ana killing of a man who had slipped over the • d e a d iine..lahlle caulk to bbtaitt water„ CoL Chipman said he now Proposed to dime documentary evidence to show that the detainment at Richmond dteddcnowledge of the condition of the prison at andersonville in May last. Capt. 9. Iry , sd i st„ toi ttr; rebel Ermwant four yearsin 'Me `Adjdant`Generarei - office at — , Richmond, identified the handwriting of Row. itittbb In a letter dated May 5th,186t, to &d- General Cooper. „ Cobb says he has ex .atalned the prison, sold lie .presnotedi IA fataraei telt Is well understood at Richmond, and there -fake gives no description. The danger of the , :deepens esesping i wasnotripps stip INV ith g guard of Madre lettledred , usenj= .in 1 pieces of artillery and a cavalry company; l apprehensloas of escape -would be quieted. ' bad ammod to send two regiments of the idioms : Imo,- Efa,taFolnanniffed.lthhnrectieo of a htlsPßAfilifdAlf ontalOCOP 4 T ff lV l i ti opinion o p eirery seuelble - mati" Who e mined the prison says that It 13 already too Ch crowded, and that no additional prisoners slendd be sent there until It has been enlarged. . He bad previously stated.. Wal l ,the. , fa wens tiro thousand prisoners there. - " ' •-, I 1, . , I The effect of increasing the number within the present era, mast be a terride increase of sxes and death I:Urdu:the summer months. ( understood that an order has been given for Lae enlargement of the prison. If It was possible I te =lto mmtbor ii, nrrl ba math 7t 11l . ter,ribadontit vety...' 1 k.h etheltds iteld; D.l De sufficient for the ezeolnodatlon of the ed number of prisoners. The general agemeat of the prison . under competent isgooff.„,:lherlutliapf the Inolde COM ' d areadenD'ablftetteertrotatur Dol. Wire, hose place it would be difficult to filL I still chink the rank of the officer of the post should .a..W!ltr Glanspraichry law ief r ihe od:Aba.,pir: the% bb , deolerLidemittedd. , - ,, , fa L r' . 764;1,M from Conn. Accompanying this is a report from Dr. Eld ridge his chief Surgeon, which says the pits• opera are too much crowded. He scigesta var ious leoprovereeedslawkireys „4-eeteeptesr i to Dr. Mine; Ifedleid lfteteleteiddr... 1 A report from Ware to Mai. Turner, dated iay 1864 was also filed. He would commence to enlarge the stockade as soon as be could get . . • enough oegroes and asked promotion, ' no tegivaigllasskAlso E. 4t 4-Qfp" Fthper, dated July 2lat 18114, as also submir stating th e number of prisoners st.2 - ,900. mamba.' of puervleaLtiolugr.ozactlg souk .. bend what to Intended of It. I know of hat nelniy eriltsee theisf. , nad*thestrto pat thaw. Atuita• ‘ teckepAltere they have but four or , die squire yards tO the Man ' ' This Inehtdcli streets and two acres of ground about the stream. 1 A letter was also Wrote& In eridenee from llasting Adjutant and Inspector General Chand ler, dated Andersonvllle, July sth, 1864, to Col. Chula a. Alialita dgiacauttc4luerxt4:ol4tir' eral,lllehmond. He reviews the account ol his Inapeatog of the prism, Saying: Excepting the egress, of the stream it - is-eastly drained, but for tirty to fifty yards on each aids of the kucam It Is • muddy marsh, otailLuntlt, for accupation, haiingteen‘ Conetsaftlrultea 'WE a aliskablianba prbßei was drat established. It Is now in a shocking condition, and cannot fall to breed resilience. An effort Is being made by Capt. Wks to till op the marshes, =saws a : slate; thnusgatrr ei.ittd 10 , bn. used for battling, rft.., the lorrer'end-an"rtaink; brit thedifflenity of iprocruing lumber and Wok very mach retarded the work. and threatens noon to stop It. No ;Ishelier wl:o!ieva nor materleb for conannrilm • my,lomo UnnlnovMo.l brAto_ sprbon ritti4 ' tleOriet vtrand belneettMtlt birdof tend; note is within reach of the prisoners, nor has It teen posaitde, from the surrounded state of the ' enclosures, to arrange the camp with any aye teta. Eath men tu6l, beenpermltted to protect himself as best he can, by stretching - his Ilan ket,or whatever he may have abase hlm,on each etlcks as he can procarei of other shelter there 1 has been nom There la to caelicalameadance with!), the stockade. -litany -are cm:ldled dully who base died I rem unknown causes sad • whom the medical officers have never seen. The dead are hauled out daily by the wagon load and burned without COMM ' their band. to runny f iqatanora being first mu tilated ; with an axe la the remoiliot arty limps dogs they may have. Rawratlana have to be Lamed to • very large ;onion who are - entirely . un pro vided 'rattan, PrOlter ;Ala era furnished with so limited • supply of feel, that they are fiettipillett 10 dig' With' their , bands the filthy marsh before teeatkieed for tooth: No Boyar cicithhig4serer Dein luned: - Aftiti, thaeby the miter Is confidant that with 611014;r ertionagreen corn could readily b:obtaina. T. 14 present boyHM errahp meata in:reality handed for the accommodation of 10,000 men, and are totally insafbeleat, both la btatraeur and az , ' tent, for the present needs, themarder of Os onentbeing now,otore,thaa three dates na great., Them:mhos of elan „revtirly medical treat- , - west Win an bicraispi „ratio,Jill ityaulble 'albite the aabiberii of alcht, may dying with in the calomel whoutthatmedlcial officers have never seen. A supplementary report le made Lathe sanse adder: thyltig that the *Sedum or Wks hi , entitled to itommeadtka, and beta properly qualified for hie Position. and Wow, ment lll 4 l 4* fit ...Voir:Woo. It appears from other Papas that the Secretary of War enclosed the fnmst. Miff .thust thcy abets a cps:algae of thtua which call far.Alie:leterposltion of the dapartmons..the prism being a ropy:sub to the Confederates se A.nallon. • Ceknef Chipman 'eared a ettisiiialie ' port of the abel Swim latherth Ware, ltt, slaw-that thelthlt use thos.butplaleta awing tb Dr. Wbitif,the tatter holm fated towable rrollithum turiclus to the usesileal patiteror; thel ilus not •having,: them was owlet to lits, Volottet-Ctnetillerdt appEale . Dautlhe dom. , mentOnggesti4thaterootal of Queers! Win-' der ,thlaperint.thirept - At'atet misorls, And the truMallutiort of soma 011ek Imo, has feettnis or humanity, and who will - nett btu Wader, awns' the prison to enable u it was, to order-bathe, excels orpTisonera may beirettoredlyy Olsen* stud death. The discomforts apdanfrvings ate. trprelleSlllXl lobe Waist ineroltola. lath Is fear fel per couture of mortality, thus shoving erlm lad Pealed on these: 'of those charged with their care and co mfort. Captain Salpb was also orlon to the odeita character of other rebel A:Palmate, to •snow that Geteral Winder list poste!. `tol Make Ito. tenements hat the motors of prisonont. On_croeael.aosination. the whams umuldoned the bureaus to which he sent extracts from Chu dlerhi report. Answers were received from at, Mato out! neollected Malta otm from the pigeon , thateraPs office *as to the wee that the I:capital at Abdaramaills ehould be La the samo conditldpcatithe hospitals for confeder- Tbeemtit then aajapitted to-morrow. From New Orleens. New Toast. Etepteu ber B.—The steamer. M icor brine New OrManadged thntrat.; Ps. e. pan contain no items. Gov. Hamilton has or deredthe iteeemary Steps te - eall a convention. Ex-Governor Homey of Texas, died at. Mon terey, August letb. 'ioirtaTur=4. #l6- ftiV b f a r ti: JsPlest a - 1 Aoey under onu,Erspskausopewol o gAztoydrip. 14 - in Hail= county. 'One wagon trate was captured which Muttalneal:Merehandire valued at 1.30_,Q00.. Thatooftr s orninteat° "taw. out 'ln .-Istoree - Andiaol6.4o -Opt day by the robbenr,. The WU= hartieneutwithla thirty miles of A.12811D. Higher up they are inerdaing men, women and children jadjecrimlnately. , • - The mitkof eroPlin mutt* Wand; feta Yorm. Mr. ISlll.. l goon to extet.. _ The venerated Judge Barnett, first President of the Repmbile of Taus. bee consented to CO to Washington and make en appeal In behalf of DaTta The mug was made by:mewall of; whom wsu Aug' AMR the ittnltA ONO indVMdelse- ; , • A Houston leiler,to the Pits .hgos Asp; ;The opening of the Engadine at ilairoston,apuier-I en_Ylitor 'lnd life 'lO dyed , branch 'Of trade. -Cotton bas been rolling thsoug the atreeta tO the ears, and the crowded leogou!sherdslulTe been emptied. Came quantities of fancy gro , -• enrlesba& mired mad toned road, age: , `-", All the tmons. accept a proiselgnserof three hundred men nape Ipft tbrkAy..-x:- Govearior Hamilton's appointments Qivs pull •enasstierset4on• ot. yesz4 ,, nnexamckled, verity. ibr the Bute ialooked .for. , from the North is tL • IGov. Gbartey Rod Maataarpol Pre Neat Watinsoitoe Uttar_ rouor from Prod- , deg Joboaon, t rovislonel Governor' Gnerker lb Ida cam: liftaiftitiod onto"! 1111,4 th. )4tittp.9r‘3ifelholppl, ,and , mid= ambUdius orvirautlor,Asi.pollsbad.. atm = Pm:adorn/a alw rental latrOittddel pool" $0 , 061316. fof yard /II Islam; ot ispollnd fa:l'oo4cm.; Pierdiucdp ra pplfteuvibl, of any lararreCtraMll7 o 4brilziek organ ization. itte military will be thpretO ittpprens IL oiffro - . ltrftr4 aquarium. " _ _„. - URG--- . _ . 1 • • • • 41, e-_-- ALIV/CrES Zinn cix InfOßTiliT SUCCESS OF TIM LiIVIR 9 . She Imperialists Jubilant Oro the Se duction of Sheridan's Forces. _ Nsw Tons, Sept, B.—The SeraWs Vara C Vex' correspondent, writing on the 28th nit., rays : Since the selling of the Vera Cruz on the 14th, there has been trnrone engammutoit tifite, end: that is the capture and abandonment of the C 11113,11111 city of the west, containing 10,000 In habitants, nearly thirty.t.tres leageteis smith or the city of Orizaba. A week ago to-day the commander of te:An4r. , Arti temps there in formed of the approac h Of aiodyOf filferals. Belmmediately made application to the Prefect fci susebstanee, and 343 feralsbelf with a fere /Agility 'tmofsei; anif -at'''their iheddi 1/10 , tmrchea out to - Meet - the IjiPriiichliirerikla , whom he, found tri he a formidable force under cciamand - Drilla' vallaat'fabisied .66,.iltnimiet, r Festiess, ~srlyno forga,.,having, Peen.. a eated by rtinforeetnerita tinder cOtturiadd ,o 1 Col. Chain Diall;:pretesmed quite:au army. 'The comistandoLthe Imperialists saw his only ask i tratt In serf al atfce tefrchtektd.thd : to _where, us met by" the lat . * -Dram, D trim- the latter advised tLetwacuistfon Of As , T, but the commander chose to make 11.1 awl M:tense; If& retired With his force to a con y tent spot. hopinkihele .tosesist the Liberals, lzsuccor conjd ha ,obtained from the adjoin towne, bes'lle IdbMarermd-siZoilioeifeil ded the town and compelled his surrender. pouters were dispatched, north to Oriall?s, by the Prefect nf "the upproaeleof the enemy, end rdnforeements were at once emit to retake the iled°acorn city, 4 del.pckusent,of Exench.troppe, , Met the antlie . garrisoirof 011zsbe; walr'ef-; a . tllerN . - - , Eltee7o) ingnetos 1 8 0....'•C01e5 1 ,. sto v.., h•yt, .4 h I an I feadni • Esepal2 7.. 1 in the town, and atter secouvatitbrinill rLion and arms of the garrison, raised a d lean of $OO,OOO, and, levying on wealthy (amigo houses for 11100.000. they left. That *is riatatiginernap its shalie,:ti tetraippattil. : have held the town, would have required all a Liberal Laaopa la that State, and strategica ll y t i dly,ll4if siG This'ilfterbeptWoriniiiesiftd enterprtsei thin swe.ral m loges, and the Imperialists try Ysoo &Matt t the truth. The pones , per a eopythumnsertallete sepia an insane ono._ Imewre only 111,000 troops : end they 'lre:di- , " ded Into a hundred different bodies, now_ Lo thar and when separated , there Is not one Emuccialijahilrig iiti.lll4oo.rAllOingYttig? t' eau to this force Is the arrival of Ave haul: , men, mostly from Franco. -No force lees 100,000 men will ever subjugate this coon . r•-, , ,. -- . .f.. 1 ss: :Slue VIM - ' 4 I I he commerce is rained, there are no exports elve the buillan sent to France. Mr Nom, an American citizen and Assistant Engineer of the Ltupedal klealcan—ltalltead, , tad ildsj.. Wm, *demon brother of Gcn. Anderson, Ipsil been Waned, 'bur- anon discharged- with apillskles re,the civil anthositles: - :artiste: were because Mr. Noyes' children laughed at is dronken French sergeettt, win fell in the • 4reet' ,_ 1 ; The Imperialists wesa-clualinsi over the sup pmed reduction of Sherbian's force In Texas. A idialk - Mktif tat taseherged soli bppoillted ai giNit our., stfn. into theernmeirgentwal itesslon.thlakternorra and prasemted twelve indictments against Ed- Ward B. Ketchum., charging him with larceny forged. - Rata= friPtioa:4lo lll eAUPtal to pleat to the charge and the legal proceed; will then be frilly In progress. Tire ittendariCiraftlfeMblilialk ;irk*? 'W large. and price. good. The roses special nye: A meeting of the Cabinet was held to-day. The First National B ink on the Pacific COMA, has been authorized fler Portland, Oregon. • Several dileharged soldiers have been appoint ed to clerkships la the Treasury department. The etearnar C.a.. Rica,-boom Arptuwall on the 81st ult., hat' arrived, bringing $09,000 le specie. Much needless excitement has prevailed, et [Panama, concerning the revolutionary-more 'pent In the interior, which appears to result In Mothing. The present Government piny may. !be overthrown. bat there -uo danger of an longue:lk to the city. Th e . contending par !ties nnntber about three hundred men each, and both appear afraid to light. Some excitement that been canard by the. Government ..appropria. ;Ong a conpleof Area:nese vends for transprta.. The AuteMean tlattani had blundered into Igivinl these pepent to tradetm the coast, wheh lthey.had no right to emit documents. The steamer ArieLhad arrived with troops for San IFranchicoonaLlhei l'he conduct of the :treope on landing was dlegracefuL The S. B. ISpealding Mil alto' limited - with , troops on the !Mat fur Central America. AFPAIRE: IN NEW ORLEiNB. Fietdmen Violating. Mir Coatrnotsk TEN. LONGSTREET IN 11198L88EPPL Town of Marietta i rt, Ruins. Nz'arOßLP , - - vsi . 4. 1 %. 7 . - 14 freed:ma Elve . rometrectete ha violating th eir contracts, lenrukt tha PlaAtritheris at the cOmllMtimrsemit of the Pletticg 'imam - - The raga* (MO 'Mop M4sj :friedef* tem& Irmo! terongb. East men to Vidhe a xis, tire tar Mbuilarripp4 Travois Bayer The • beautiful !town of Marietta la ono mass of rains, and the greaser part of those who dwelt there in had pidtmattionatiteorasartittomelsesa and almost 'Bo.gidgiAtaittritue Imar , from: ooga The Yi44.,aedrgte, :r.oerespotalen4 ,a Augusta Treourrfpt sayer. ~ l uttgtag tram the number 'QM= the - amnesty .oath in that , anki44., !awly the usual vote wilkee,jogled at . Mienoming election. "Tee white , troop - have brae removed from Idecon. lee city has be. Wen comparetlyelfrudreorith. bat iStrt offences evillest Malawi. - - twe Charlaton Coarter, of the Ist am I A daily mail Ncrith. via tommauced off Mat day by the Forth &ratan Aailmad, and the Wilming- ton and Manchester road. ' FROM WASHINGTON. ARRIVAL OF COTTODI`. Crilliti• iib the Thstriet of Colima& - • , WAstimoTon,l3eptenthot es,-"Yettediy aliont twenty live bilis of Cottciir were ihlppol from , , , AlifmMdtta,iit, 'a New 'Perk s the ItMr -*Ark Steamship line, the Bra ahlßpot from this MU= dUlitte 4 the,Put fiat Team toad ibont the thsofor kart& thlpeecat tif thus' etkpla ever made frets Altnuradria. -florettfit -to, expected to Mow mar . 4 • rtta eneriateedeati of the elmi:gx:dhati pppo-- lice,statos_lnso .441ctal report, that robberies end burglaries avelMVlOlonremoir --ln• -DM. IteetttlottuldtaiexerthaX3llollllihehdlOC aod paiwg eintifthe =tilt:shay kebitet, and Mmtto hitter large dateless of desperate charaeters, who'lr<akes landficht of fehtltt 10_6 *ldle s eteattot httraoi and, coottaltttaS;OePeaclithhee Oren Prnitts7. adds flit titettls,s4ast cit rnth'ahapptia.oor elm whose ape boom:rand PoODeetwate from 'Ohreialletrad- de Utter& fad desperate .4gteo, acid 'rotbd -- t . th gretne .se oPele thaTeettre bight; ooze Keglteep taw to prevactitexa' a the moat of robbery and *tract that la pmetrited upon the =mew. Through %been mort4otpeelally Woo th at keep A(01.44 hec Argun:lloli U.trolv fealteL Natters 1p California Eisn FalßCisclo, Sept. 7,—The election throughout - the State pierterday mead olfrittlet- IY. The vote Is large. The prleelpal districts Mum Union -WIZ to • the. Leg labOare. See ' .lerancisca 'eleett sera *People's `bidependent Utters mew arm Dentoends. The vote van nine thaieinadJeuthan • .teet, li•rewher:: Thattenli Is regarded AS enellOrsble to .1, B. Pallonsbesand T. J. Vhelpa.both ;aspirants to neceendllefkoitiod inihe United States Sanaa, sad holing to secira s detagellatt frOm - 11eltbeelreS ea tooter heves „ „ ; Thenews froze NewliftertabdristertolheiGth I r esit; IC Warn", in xame co,mpleted thine ,brandandaereettY miles iiorttarad Awn that -' , NeworLeens osiers contidnr hierienn- eaten , Stating Lb* ay the refogem who have 'taken' no; their arras Irk 1110 )(Wenn canoe. except see- ; entgeri.hirvir teezt. ordered to leave Monterey and domleUe themselves. In Ban Lots Potosi or { `Outlier te ltdiptesicn7;'- 741 le ilniMlf; ll liP ;•••• - , ItitttAiibperigtpieeitta be teentned arming , ' the Liberals in Daring and Sonora, as:anon asi the ealeY errefeerls over. Pre-anttums _Orr a `Fline6-Mallean'faixtatloil Into Lywer Wit row_Pettecerde/c.' .OfICEIS num Pi THE MICE Operations of the reutial Eanitary Cammissiou RAISING.OF THE FRIGATE CONGRESS Pins Your, Sept. It —The Tribunes Wash ington. special any,: Gen. John R. Hawley, of 06n D:erre MAIL CoL Ingraham, Prorcest liar seal fitralto District of Caltunhla„ and Colonel IS'ialei. *most Marshal of Baltimore, are the only Wiellteer officeprwto learn been. retained by. speetalorders. - Vol BMW* IsPecial_miihe ozrations of thq Cern* Sanitary Co am Dot by any m •Cdit eteee Willi the ektse.' the, pat: ' The pta lif the Cablioiraloir In Ala chy, are ea rn Ibn elaintegancy he , •••rnaq whichibida ie eclipse that, of all ! rich - aro nandrn come Pitied: They nowl‘a do ..d tlatMli per tacnith Inall the deo ti i , stos• WOG' than , bail or in No elAw 'Jtie t'.4s Mine*. one huritifidand fifteen enbeagencieskern bees castellated al proannent. point. lathe eicashem ,'Atiltes, and the Inuslnem ,le , imparted to reach tweatAryd thotesendfithhe per month. All 4,u7"'"1".'01:#1.2411 clines business , Is ed fort dlichargert soldlinstree.atowery-- ;3 4 mrejAhtlori Is' `tardettannungopente to. ate laeltunistun),s t Ocic of sanitary fitorrn retardate on hand at thotontof tic asbanillieg, oftheafrnks , It consists of tamitel furniture; i lorn e pribi Pfterrlekrael melit'and ir —ritstle- , 31 f go g and attubilLanotel a igneVrbiaa . is abbe used bar, rebut' deheis.. question his been raked , of distributlag, se voltam among the freedmen, but Ills a n mions fact that the new race La leis IR t - eed o 'clutrltY gait tboufaiiek - of pane vitiates ma' . p.:bzyttia the eta*, for whom no hureans . or .. e . ' et bilyt , ' established. - :, -' ~ .tf • edreta#:orptoTrentutfyt , .'• nttao - bruia terAgy itspoluted tit' —man Aleonnuiwn, ,B. C,,,,0.0 caul net, tithe proseribrelrnak,ln cousemninta alma. Injr*ticipatedlif the*belllon, hot thartoatal Walla enotateesiAtturlhe tidies of.. the oidensithont Pad tßit/i PONlCintii flatetbMibi they running the risk oteongress providing for the Perini of theirialarve , : The Bercacre Partreerf Vamp earrespotoput othier er4 gb ro , pleces Li t t gyg fefor xt eol=e 4 , essraftted o ff Nelgat7Ntswa. hiTritthe Tend. o and Brenton aLthetai7 yard . i Theta are two Verne Oldwptnit'ofthe side of the ship hairolodede - It ltl bort:membered that sty feet of the aterci wu tauten' et, Vlach rained nktr,to mu Azistritt recently of the portion of the 'The baton , oft is still Fertriterit tiprcat, andslll ba placed 0rn.D17 1 50a04 thitnilll RA lafigateol4t, c be stusitaidor this purpose. . , .11 DIELAND. • 131, XxcliitMtiiit.. ' kieitilting; . ~...... . 71, , • n-I -. 2, tiva4gs Bev, B,,Tito Irori4ecilirtsbeiti t from thiblin, Ireland, anyist j'entsrdaro lc lleer spresdhterhera It • can do the moat Read evil. Agent -. litrobstruttln , relestdoksid In tncrallbly short - apace or time; hive treated e most terrible excitement. Not only here 6The s4 t tbrni*lldfalMllientlblNlllirdnia; -, --i:T -w •+!t rcrestest dam pirate - atom' the Prifeab szoolntity of irtuane though:opposed to thle, donnas from the Foist the Etta]: Bernherhood..lhe manor their gyp,- oi , ' t_i4el,the ottlut-0 11311 mi e ILlmPle.trqmA49 Priesthood- They favor the &must, gully". Alsitill wltch. Pl " := be guided them, We now hear of Orilllng all • over the eanntry, 0 opme plum In letitade and et Otlrers In entire regiments. Ihrt IWO ...conatabnlcny here have had It ."> Ten lead' tinm of at. of, Igo. The i vitharhiea , tik many Inlander sent thdrd 61 , reearuseitenneederd r4e.penisas are Owelling,.-Xbar an Ir., =stunt, cin the tnareh, but it Is seldom that they towes with their enemy. Only three colliskms haver taus far tabib_plate, one of th em resulting In thetas at life, Young men In various parts of Dtailltf hare clubbed tolintber and subscribed money, *nags they cannot all go to the country and encamp there for several days, they have plied halls where thes . isre gnat the military drill. Tile constabulary here . -are aware of these secret assumbiles, tint either dare not, or will not Irnebfare with them. and pretend not to know their locality. gar friends In the United States ,can nos look Attrnnl,lce isome_ppoical,w o d , 'badly. 'Letter from Gov. Marty . to Seeretai7 or ,State. t Vi . 113111.301.03,' )3*. B.—The follosring hita been eddressed by the Provisional Governor of (3 1 4/ 811 P14 to the idwzretary °ratite ' • grEct.rrea Orrin, . Jacasol, (•11:04..) Aiug.' 29,1865. 5 !Hon. if tit= Bernaary of State t Bra,-1 have the honor to lay babes you a ,copy of theConstirotion of Mississippi as amend. 0, together with copies or tho general ordinance adopted, which I hops oLU bo satisfactory. Respectfully, your obd.l , sert'l, , Betteirr, Goy. of the Sumo To Alch the SeeletAry df43tite replica lows : GMs Excelkney, Wnt. ffltdrkil7Prowistcmal Gov ern > of Of 054140f-Af t wissiept4 a co ar prrffa i metid c el Ern, - 0n. 4 th es Pa a ti d i o ed ol y by the reeen ° t t Convention of the Este, has been ;received and will engage the early attention of the President. - I hive the honor to be, You Excelleney'e obd't aerv't. y!'w ? LiWAR.D Order by . General Asbooth. Saw Yong. Sept. 8. - -:taceeedal Ashooth, Cons• mending at SureeneS, 'Florida. tins tuaol an oder to the following paromt: At there ap• peens to oe some arlaeonception in relation to the parole Klapp to the soldiers otithiP late so called Confederate army. tt iehereby 'napalmed that the spirit of this parole was to obey the laws of the Etottod.Edetca, end any Violation of there laws,6i Yeß aotheeproclamationiof the President of the Delta! States, !n regard to staveryi-41 be Slqd Military De. pertinent with slued, penlehinent. • New Eni!agd pair. . Coaconn, N.ll, 9cler.'9.—nii New Englaid Fairinst .losei.,has in ,every sense proved e perfect success. "At the eweepttakes trot this, anersoop, lilaeltston.l3.llllacid "rank 'ham= were the conipetitore, Empress hiving been' withdrawn. Frank Yams won the race la three strai,ght heats.. 9:25; 2:40 and 2:99. Betweenaheliaiaa ¢ cunning race was made be- Wren 'mai Della, owned in apringtleld, idas sachusetts and Jessie, °fruit's Etowninstham, which wail won by Tom la two straight heats. Tome, 9:15 acd sea. - rroperty In the InenarrectlenagyStstes. Nrwminw, N. C., Bept. 8.-3iN.ltodleeon, • loyal widow lady thing In Beantert, N. C., made application tor back renSpi a building oc cupied by the Government. A dadalon recently artivedlrOal Wastilngton adverse to her chain. Sallie ground that' Et4ntart, waq 4 captured .city. there:cell all the' pthivert.f,' lubluding per sonal, In the town. la a lestful pas of war. Tbledecielon will apply tp the properties of persona In the Insturectlonaly States, which are also congieled territory. •• : - ~dl to ~ De Trtiir,. Wsmanoran.l3eptember &.—Judge ..hdrocate Chipmanatill today, that ithiliiWira was in atrocious Oita_ l. 104 responsililv or 'a gold than, canon, untreftm9 others shire and higher thin telhat ,OcoyertunCat will seek and hold respotusible for graver ethnic This was the theory oftheilfottermirear, add tttr - pti.pose of lintodneing ref All eyldence. Thltaffatnnoa'hofotnthd. Military Commis. Moo, ,amongthosa present at the trial as spans. =torero' How. 'Arthur Hiniaalni. Member 'of the British Parliament, and Lewis J. Jonithig% the correspondent of the London 'tuna. '*: 'Doha V.nteiltk.iti . nova:m=4 Sept. S .— The members at the Alpha Delta PhL Gouventlow, met ter the cest.sfrO dfife secret sessloturatiltde olty,teogat,)f , tneetlnfr was held In Boor J. Dtillon's.hoos4'When Prof. Edward Nova', de orition and Henry F. Colby read a poem. &e.. The bestatintgeoniwrithirW4lll be held at Cleveland where the 'Right Rev Bishop Co: will delliref the twig*: •aad,Epirldge L Cotta, Professor of Modem langtiagca at Har- Wird UOTeretti• 7 4 11 be PoOv. Latin :Contract. - Wasmmorn,t3rpt..B,—Tho_7 , t... atattar Oca rina .tnadc 4 contract witl24' . F . Orrier of •Wincluster, for ccmrating tho malls bola vat totthrtt Co Li:tear& Va., and thntatermadlata nrins Per 'Year. The neeapien bidder to One we Ikea lint colored:nienjto,whout contract far cornmina Ins malls was awarded Wee tlns•deputment.was-sninitnbrad.- Of his fren tree- end :semi /fienteig no.llee stases on the. above road), 49,,esnui:foternen :With cononcendatga enter o43 4 4 ' 1 _0 1 4 And tendered a proposal for afretes. . Blew Work Triqle !get.' dine y,Oatt. tept;itl.-"The. at the trade sales rooms was quite as lows as: stiffilday. .rzievi mere gotify:weedrio niTh. ou ury low_ butes al 10,4 - 041' ' sathlied with Ilberallt; of toolek . ) . riseelota for the', sale of Appietost'slookee amtwOtted to • . - Stink and aloneY Market- New Yonz. Sept. 6.—Tho apathy of bus iness In Wall greet Is loterrttpted by the Increasing desire to Sell," el to the precise cause of which, several opinions ire gang. The ef fect on prices has been slight, and was not de feigned till soma I.lntos. Chef the close the morning semi= of the stock Eiehlorge Beard There Is a disposition In some quartarS to put Out shorts Mans the stipposition that thereafter was long nen certain controlling, stocks. , Erie is. weak, and the therm =trolling that, stock, show en inclination to cheek the decline. The Optlnned llamas!! of Governments In Es , ' rape torgi inflamed • strength -en gold bond& State bonds' were- firm, with farther rise on Tearressees. Miscellaneous, shares were steady omealL The gold market is steady, with a fair demand for enstoms. Thar=eTes4kesb eteedy. There 14. e /err ! „,pnki.ottaxida. but noexcem over the deumud, ..Tbeyttind rite citi sale le Hve per cent - , with rerertmeemtleirk at et: per cent, The ctin . em , la gobigiscrt to :the West. and Tenth Le huge areauuts. The pvemmt.. cue or the market must by ikt - u iw tg d T uber to the &Moms Of the local atexteDVl,abuladiteee bribe suPovor funds. Ito Accident oti ibcLicoMden AO Amboy , ROlimAd. • linw Your, BentOlittpei - 5.- , -The possomeer Winn whirl. left Plilindelpiiis •on Tuns. day..nnornmg.. - tame In. =Union— with w.- Irelghtualn trona New ,lork, on the Camden, nuid . ..4nnoy pod. by Flitch the, flowing per. Bann witte - lepred, Wu Eliza' B. 1114 Pon, Agrond r Hie: e t .lins. B. Illtettell, Alderman ,Wel4- t i O. J. Bumph.. azull4o Am aze %4 of T g Vlgelphie6 • l'hogibeb 'or New ltcnia NOteincit . • rfato,pn tatta•-Bottln 13ipt.Ftedle,ttt,t, , the gel*, T t ÷,Tl:ke overland tele -graph-bier to Calfosabiti in exierkent Working or 1e egaini- -ThereAreno Whine on the route,' end no Anther irtnatAtt .fonto,.that source fa so- 11W1P"'"' - ' 11 expected ally of a battle etifeen. 414 , n1W.Ordiet 1 / 2 (weer and the froilens at or neat Biletatecrleer, , a 'branch of the Yellowstone In .the Rocky Monntedne. - • Fran . Pert:ices Monroe,. ronims. Moans, ,I3ePt.. T.—The Govern .meet eam..tets were ear at wort u few days , aliteeto eonvert the old telegraph °Mee inside the fart kilo quartos for Jeff harts, bet rester dey orders were tuned to plop that mark and prepare Carrot Hall bid:Wag, which lis - lailde 'the fort. nem this IC Is pretiattie& 'Mat - the trial of leff.Maele will taker -place -hew - end hence those preneratberi,-, • ' Nita t'ofik,'l3OpiemtioilPeho 7eo'oti4 of the Wostan , tillan'Telegemplv -Catooko7 'hold emumeei, for auly,, ,11305,- arse` 1M14834-.: sod for thecorreeN s zuliem memaL lagl, SIBI,M, aQ Incrause o 568.L2ne tOtal arrange from '310w 11 7 IS/ kki 731 e ,tit.Toras t.1.73743 ) 10, apd for pee'damo time, }it _1 . 864. 5 1,148,320, an locletteeror2lo.,- ?. /kelp arra:l9o3mm°' rage. Wrmtaigpt. ?sr-, 14.Grovecaor Jobe Page dieb.ta morVsig,aa . ); 4.#lildeace Hanover#,g. CITY XND ttiBURBAN. illegbany Library and Reading tinnaks At meet,* of the Precedent and. Medan, j'eSterdelf,' the following standitig• ("on:minces Were appointed _l k etttare Committee—a. Riddle. Colonel. J. B JOIC M08r1er.24.7 ireeder. Aimee E. Stevenson, wm."-aiMaloo. Librnry Pamelnee—A , H. Mash; James Perk, .Yr j . Leggate. De MoFarreni Mr. Iti o6rhaff; itobeft. Ettore.•6oorco Hntchimwa Committee on `Curti/dam and Rellait.z.Drr-T. A Hmelit. H. W. Baneroct,l. M. Balpb, Jamas Robirt Len, R. Lladaelt r: Mattbll. HtCommittee on MerabetthipPlret Wirt: H. W. Benuell.; A. M. Hare*ll; Wm. Thool9-, son * B. P Shrive:, George W. Hebler. &tend' Wand t Joseph Mvere. Hobert Lea; Hobert Anti-' worth, John lin)wn, Jr., H. E. DAME. .111 rd Ward :'Win. Hamilton, Jahn Smin, Me-' - Gonnigh, C. B. Herron, George Kiefer. Fourth Ward : H. B. Fnincle, deletes Cantrell, J. C. Pattervon, A. NVl3nreh4eld: IL E. Sintinee. • We are glad to sea such erviderme of progress in Allegheay. The establishmast of a public library and reading room is something which_ will recommend Itself to every good citizen. ;Young men who have a tone for reading, but who tniy nor have az opPortanityldigratlfsing that taste, will fled a want supplied. . Those who are in the habit of going out In the evening to Spend an boor or two,'Svllt find I pleasant and instrurtiveolVorteolly. We hope the ser era! commlitos will meet with the success which such a good work deserves. The Atwood hat commences under - Vert le eorable auspices. The elty has give n the me of a fine mom In the City Hall to the Anderson Library Maoclation t whose collectbsti consist& of trrer two lhousena volumes, embracing many new and valuable works.' National Temperance League. The tenth regular meeting of this association WM. held. Azi , Els.4lpranlba.. Lynch to AIM pintsbyr,theiHer. Mr. Crosier. Mumtm,of lasi tneetrog read and sp it was moved and seconded - that the WWI have an opportunity of ageing Petiticataeasithig the coon not telreet lteet ieee this city. After aosereoluttefrinefteva." end swift, Mr. 'Blab/ and - Prot: Eitdri. the' tnettna was wii.bftsn arptp thy tie= meeting. Tbo .IMM:es.ThisnertephrtEd•Pligrelt.'. The RM. Mr., Darldsoil,:bebig pliant Arjrll-7' vitsUon, addressed the seddga, sad his remarks,_ vete Named to , with greict Ed felt happy that there was Mitt assodationla ex. hasace as the Temperance ',Eagan. which was • composedoEtheitiembr ottmaninityisaablovers. °cove order' andgood' meat, Ihrthis inwpote , 'ciptineue end reietnine reeleV the spreading _photo of inteinma wlth &Its fearful train of Clornaelic, tocral eternal woes. 'The elle= of ;the Clkotrelstralte Mme Of trufportimee ferchalast four yeinslat , lnetentehle;and;hh percelveri tna the intesellera flarpnrl of Olen allegetrillat temperance toidiireptmret War , land:with the replan and power ot '4 tetaPelt;:bartArdcrirn everything In iteecrana.lHs hopedthere was no professor of rellffion' opfsmetirto ;Wittig the PetiNceismOw drenlittorr. touteVeripoor opinion of the - ihtigniet and the grclor. .who would manufacture drtil*iuds teethe salve of palsy gala. Bethought was - Vale Ilarthe eltireas to rise In theirmight, end he Wm happy Mk an torprecedBnte4 laUreat ;this wart h ad; been recently melted: anfiwas rapidly strength ening. is this city. At the close of the discourse a'vdiabf thankiwz4,teatrelduKcsewastasn: After a few",relaarka from tiikliev. Lynch, thi meeting adjourned With the baroNatiOn. The Dent meeting will be held in thenapUstChurch, ao telidarlry siritet,. on Monday evening, Sept. 9 th, at 73; A Fool and His Money Aicin Parted. en apt 0 13 7 1 77C70 tfals.P4ed yetterder 'Ultima; prObebly dlseharded soldiar, after 'bleb:WU du! a'saffl elan& number of potatlans to destroy Ms edoll- Reim, went Into Johnny Walla.delzadny house On Liberty strait, and itsageringti) the bar aMednprombody la Hie hot= for a treat. He drew a plethoric' pocket:book 'out. !took. a one Muldrld bill W0rgr0P4. 1 44 , 14g9 AMA) Pre: Wang-it,to the larrdomper to ottanim- one -'Ol the part 7 milted,; .****o4 ll 4 , g the poekeadaxAoeontabAt • $00(1 0 ,, and ran as fast an tdi lega.oonld mum Ore Thd gwPtir. Mid* Ittlipefare ilim..ii*t.iteps hays been taken- toddle.; the •thblra.onomr. Atcot Um! "previecaly. Um mime man had dAtatiPlit =PDX ilPer4 l2 / trinking ,hOnse a few doont fromthe scene bf th `rObbery,A, alao U was retnned to .blen. Upon Ito Wag. temal ed to Mat, ho IndAtod 6 .0 0 4,_ -01 sk PAI:ctr-Igus, ter, end drew , A ritiVAPDA 'a, proprldar. aen. who emu= ta *tree Aare of theft money deserratext litUe'llynapatby ititeetim become the tintless of Amara. - • . - Eixth PrevEiterlan Church. , EA:r/taloa Eekr::#4.l. wmon,a. ixised tlie comfier .1121 and ToWitzer/ lOM's his . Eeen elOted'E# two months. olidenMilM , rijoidck Ada, , now both &leaned., and,t4O:kiceitfit !ming§ meat mseris tiler662ter'llypeirandy The walls and milieu of thafiligte#32, isntri and entnumefisk Lave been - refeteted, of a peach 'hue, mitt derlibeaderligiand leisentnoestand testy Vb. PerkeE. lee Elm LOtretic , L.- dm - Wain iceheft ..aitctecn burners,' irlth thlftplwo rer , the moat bdUblarittltrin the:auclteme , Ohember. istelth tlurlteeelltr. , Of any ;OM SI , IV wan •pat np .-9414 9 P The, cherib; via hivepetted - ror =motet 80-41 4 1 WVttlocit r „ln4 slog At 734 in the eventing,. he- seT eivleol will bo cosi;trAd br Prof. A. J. Wlman, the rennlsr-postor., iroiliiCbilistilgtiiiiiney; W 1.% day pqtre Orce,eilvap thedepth.2fCbulm Bay, j Nis Oita . rdpg'4on or_ J.:W.ll3U matz.iirbo. held' todiloa Llcateaant on' tLe satergency* . cces;to thick office Rol= , hae itiptedei The Grinder Poisoning Gases. ANO nal FIENDISH MURDEEt. Palm Found in the Body of !Irk Carnidera. VERDICT OF THE INQUEST. .; The Jury rammed by Corona Clawson to Investigate theeirtfirstiaieeecoutieeteTirlth the • fisatis-ofMns. Mary Csuolita Cfamtherh; inane ads, ettraing;at tholdayarht nate°, to ilea the .}estt 100 In the twee.. The commonwasith was feklseUtittiki stutiqafriSA*Witiick who goilaaf* tho PAPA/A - Won- Thafallowing . testinumy - maxim Di. Dia, lan3L Dr.• . Yirim . faintly phy lean for litra:Vituthere; she was sick 115 from the 2711: to - the fat the month;' Sae than' went to her fathers, In New Castle,and was scut for sonie time; ibcrat the ihdridlualyi elm 040. W CMS underlay cares . :.ar trosytettm.: wens at cbutaa martme--somittnitergiligOV l =' PAlatii debility; she Nano ed 'or t ,berattlgln the stomach—thltst, headache and" eho had great atiqcolty LoPliffArtniiPqa. 'from spaanothc affection pf the organ of the throat. ' Thls was altrattetost dein Iffrestiff 6 riW ' ..m.Cf.ni" poison, of an decided a et:science Mtg. krallM her int anion ,seitgin at ,herldsop Iff . #4 *oh Grinder woe Eteat deig - alidat the miaowalialiaga prtae*l atteidett upon MIS: ~ , io,teisopallo9llllg irk(4o4l OM*. 4*Taficxxs kinds. Naar hank tee sayanything,,about Cartacre, disease. Told Ma: Grinder 'Lhasa thought tffre.:Catuthent' wet -obtained rPolsow Ilegtettiltet*tcP- • Slit 1 zrAllerict= re mark atm% the water,W4Cit ibo cons - Mired Im pure. I did not a mid& the :liana it Orbit. noting from natural saris, and etruht not bat attribute It tosonainc.u . ...f.s. TERITISONI strwataix7=lP , : ``Ann Bullican.:artaPrath .7aintaca rags et ate; lived With him Grizaq i p . ,.Bl, Woks; wan wltithor when She was • jltaaw bee .10 Malt Mrs. Caruthers:, inft, of het coltfulf for her, toil giving her ' Medicinal lette,„lived - 'Eta dOrecieier heard Misr Grinder ituY'Westt' , scue tbe mind With her: I 'give. bought 'days • tar Mrs. Gsisultitralia often soot: tile for drtttrol gat the august Brawn's anti Or Xs/Ws: Ido tlikhow;artist :the .drmouwera got fors am t, nalleuthrtar.antetic...dittett. the. : male wait thruh hViai W duillver heard e. .e 124 neseriaw her tt eats t,terres hemetatt:tguir dUietiO the far. ` getta riattr 'Or itrietet' all the time I was there; °ear - telt tweitr_ cents' worth, and the otheriltreiST goof dimmest Worthy The persona In the drug.elora always uked wind I sant:Alba :drugs for, end' Jr• - to Lil them It was to makattinancul. :.,.• Irlt. man, ar^f,,,m. , CartiriMerla Is it eertaiLtCand Wilts poison, glum in sufficient quatitttles. From Oro to dye 'Argue OS Orem forsMetle purposes, It 11 4 MT' elmai4 titalltizei ramp; easts-warth youtd klll smumber 44 perms. . ; • nr OS. :cf, I . . I Jeri B. Garvithemi,Aworn—My cf wifewee Med ort, f the Ist rot Attest; Mn; Grinder Wit her War:* tonenantlyig .; ivinit-ter- medicine t . fool I irdtrhitaitshoWel_OG= e4th her eiloPniernien.r. 1 laUylrt the afternoon. The Oritlime •she got bn ttre' 27eh of Inner; 'She hid - - been - perfectly healthy beforel..! I eatnalminaltdin thee' store to the cumin; and stutaomplabood of feel. tug unwell; ,I eat (loin - to 'supper, mid she dm taut much ; she said Mrs."Grindm Mir hem- .sincer of peaches. and coign Sad ' ' Mee had not lett well itincep'shei. was well all evenb:g, Mod abont twelve' o'clock it night she ir r y,k„V._m_e up, being. very sick; eke - romlted sharras.not silo tolet ' up in 1.. Morning,. gin. - 1 'Cake tidy own breakfast; stionall spit in bc4 Pit slilts 'O'COSA•vibitli Cate Atoliee; bite gOttiplained of Wig sit,.: fig: her some water, and airs --gradioally -became-better. On the tlatunlity night week following she took pink latinedlately . 'alter supper. I wed then eiclfraysell; sadhles. - othoder got sapper far:lien . My wife was. perfectly well begin supper, and had Just come back from NeW Cas tle. She took sick about twenty minutes after - hating, her symptoms .being Intense Molting' In the stomach, pain In the bead, thirst, at; After treatment from Dr. Dish she got better, The nee Monday morning she took - sink ap.l.; the symptoms being always the mime. . Grin der had gat our milk that morning from the milkman, as we tuntally slept later than her. My wile drank lively of the milk in her wife; - .butl do not am colic. anddthill:ol take.los'.. J want to work, and when I rettimed.towards inowi I Pitied my wife prostrila - on the Liar and very unwell. The doctor Was again sent for, and she got better sometime after; On another occaaion„ while I was sickmyself, Mrs. Grinder told 113 she was going to market, and asked me if wanted anything. I told lust to tiny me a Mule veal: Bee nougat a._pound of real, and made soup for me. • 2.1 y stem, Mrs. Leslie, was !present, but Mrs. Grinder superintending the 'cooking. I ate ewes lorw...;spcninsitil of the soup, and told her I. could eat ,no more, as the soup had a beinoingtaste, Stiersald It was very • weak, as she bad skimmed all the fat off It. #le look It dowo stairs, and IraLwiro 5 44 aUak. .both took a testa of it, but could Mit eat It. There were several times whin Wei .war* sien, biSt tt always happened orMis entlat something . >lns. Gdo.,. dee. Mum my wife Med Mrs. • Grinder was ipreseet. '- 'The -evening before she died, , Mr.' Wear Herm:awns called, win/prescribed enedi !eine tole.. maim in fresh milk. MA. Grinder gig. the Intik' ftom arrow belonging to a ne bor.-mid •ridenledstered t h e a; My wife , soon after experienced a burning' seneattm in ; her stomach, and I erns elected •la the same I • way. The next dose - WM luitalnistered by ULM - j Smith, and • my wife 'remarked that Geer milk • rased so good. sea felt bermatted thi , Grinder., seeink Dirndl; ,proposed to take the milk Into her -cellar. and pet tt In thelee box. Aired o'clock, whenrtlie nett denvertith be taken, lins:Grinder Motel out ; the. mtilklamd administered wife at complained of h - ti tit bring her. From that time on shriang ran ' My, end died at: only o'clock.;:alits Grinder, imildltintMY wife was Olitslillrhen ito? Ma Doing • • . a& Wlrrit'aittiMMOisi. • . I;tr..Otto Watb, tall-fled—l am on JitilYi# 4l . eirn •.4 2 mads en exacta:Lai& Of a porgies of • Ithe *talent of Ifeti. Cardtheri. ;;EtanGetrilthei ettanichi:thesliver„:_ihe Woos inaddoo4nami. DiKOTerfj4, the presence Petsbn these resales." Tuepoispnitiere aritimonyand Steal; 'The presence Oiliest polloas was un-. • The,Dianict. Attorney staled tin. he . Id. , Wish to purane the InvestliStlon any farther 'at preleat..etd' the Jury being ratified the tenter nommluation of witnesses was-dispensed with. Thejui ilea found the .foI lowing reotlet Thatllary Caroline Cam:beta came hei death on the Mart day of Ahem, um, at ale reside= Onyx Onsbaad,As Grar4 allmin QM' Tourth War‘oftha cItY dt:AUcithenY, In the county of Alleghtsj, by blew Of pato= to her then turd there aamtelsteredhy Mrs. Martha (Mader. • A commitment agaiust Eire: grinder, charging her with oaarder la the above , Again I n „Trouble. wicelptiNelson, proPi{tor cit"the Whlte Hared trent in TeruperaneesMe, wits'arreeted gritty, by officer Meaner:, of the Mayor's pollee. on a , , , charge or artutult add bitterf "referred kby 'hfs' sib Caroline. The tdatleihaire dot bein petted* 'together for were} lietrutind• 'every , cow and then the,lVld.Boy"..gets the- better of them. gemetlnies they separate, the wife going off end thresteohnr to stay away forever, but ate comes - biel. Ilkda barb M, and George his to. Melva' her.' The...Viper' et Venue! , is then Smoked,. and things goon swhatinfogly until the heat !germ' gather!, 130 bas gain withdrawn front tho , efts, tildne the 'better pert of the household goods with her: se George idleites, tot, 'accord/4 to hcr atatenumt. nothing more Goma* fa entitled to, ..Georze denlos bairfacass nulled her, sod gives a very odious mimeo for hei'litedng to leave ILlm—but then George may not tell the truth:. Selmer; this bss aothleg to deerith the assault and baucryt fore/nob offense 'George was held to ball to aroma at Court, Monument.—At best maettn of the goldlers , bfonateent Justoefittati; Hammy, hem the Coiningtee on loxation and Dwrikreported, that Abe Committee of Ceti fer- Wirt= Meaty Coultas bad Seroreesed their Zalsirness- to- denote It bust -one =roof the 03 bash& .lot• lot , the ..barattottof the proposed eenotiph„ bet permit tbe'Association to beton , a notch tamer_nen' titan It wettlit be wolfed Mr an Warren:ma ofthe basal ante= metunitles tire, wee AO plated to cotruntadoste with, theorken cler gymen of the emil_ to tattoo their 04-03:_orer lion. and model:heat - to addreol their cosign!: gallons de,alf *Mb roper.: .entagn, Omit kdne'yetus of aitterie points 'relate on 'Wylie street, - fen -- frm- the" wend hteritiftbe cellar of %a* unntslatted ballelbg on Pastore slierArth.ward s . lfrifleystmaltel. and scrawly his Ms leg. belay Atettneenaa., Do. • . lett Pollock atten de ebalod- bf are be Will nilte belated.is who sot thet eittr Ii seem that he, with other boys, basting One ot the ,Wdricate; coming - hr lure the tedldhic I when yenta. Itectiniten% tdotollit 'footing. It was rstnien!cadltuytheltall did tot piTat more **zip % % 7:-.:.. ..- . 1 • d Opening of the -144- Union Pas:ledger' .N 24!, The new Union reStrPgde DaPol,- - with sldeirf Liberty !ow., betiree'a Canal O'Hara streets, will tiortieted . fof Mt:tilled - on Monday end. The iiiilowtniparttnenta are .11/- ready titled no and fe„thr . idleet, prosentlng a die sPPearanca, and mfr.; convenience which the public could dewy brio *dm' `aught' so -tea- Mined. Two apartavAlA are set alai& reeProt. hely tor ladleelatelteelldtas Nato& Teat for the ladies n es. , rreeding room for their win ctehlettt n,q. with, every Other -ecmvenlendi — fcie`tWri toliablt Vhe 'elate btilldteg will be .weigt u7 d Pr:4th= .t:correpedt Waugh pipes lain jpart of tt. The passenger Li-gala thelianelare • 4,the east end: -Tbe,phlettire' and 'l eattneetionn ere made Wth - tWo tracks on tke north aide. thr fee el:Parade ere the - tacks of the Stenbeartlle raihn*L The tartatirnte , the old dried tan be idiconthrtel entirely, =- lent for the storstartezht oh Imp= zootte.l.., n e hotel will not ''.ftwdy tor ocenpatlon for many ' tKeeba. ettlthalfg the intiltis - prpimas, • ing raPidli• , .•. t rriTsll4BBll Tgadittlri`l4l. - 4 - plt mAkes., las Inakippearami us4o,4l4 . aiiptariatirigißiiii.• . charlatan- as Felix CrgidAlittaX*l4 l , 4 7 l o - 4 izs;" as "Morui.'Xiarrealidlif f iCtot=.t lab's trip to flew-104 , Froxis Um ' • . mato of the horisela:Ci Bp doubt not the • acOditlpaol, the lea _ Blecfn,toiskight _will* sure aziotheilarga: - '- ~.. I .%.,"!•lifitt" 'rehearsal 1."-- - . -•-•••• ,• • ••. •-, • I OM Boran-- -- — AWlieb_,"Bileliftar. , Adon "Ingmar the"; _ "Oda berflAncelt e ,.. with a darsea by Tda ' dandliptio- d• Inthafflreehrifr)glfalailear ciAlle..,-,: tat hdrappeatartee In ' ~_. ,Jamizu and also IA ~ .l l fßat Baritialtir 'addict:eta .wfdetr alali r for4 Pcißr . ~-; aIIV acting • ate Ir-n befii r 6 ebil/Meal 11116 ' - P =day 'her sl,o6plitelplkflwillber gut •L , L citasille bouts.rt' i'•`4-,i•;.•,i -• :••:. f .. , a;.',. - ,',`.. 1 The Ballroad Cent Ylidi Eadftefett L''':-.v,1 qirith , lfietchioval Ei2te raffroed:treck how the coallniiiWaidet atire , loested ea. the 'north :aide,. entliwaebe tranicroott miricheo; this. oti sxilittt):4 ttitreidewo* to 'eeeslailible - extent, .beett 'maltree'llei the eenth elde, ample aepAillmodalloteldielste . beet. • ppeeltledzy toe? Pootalitnigo . Itattroad Oetatait Et., ,Tlikapards-are laiW r ieinAder the trachk.sod„ Tirm e44. 4 . tioßzh'*r-terept toostmien-wi well. This exckratioh extends !fond. IdietT: lited of the;,Factory hae, !ad te , ebept WAY, fect.d 'rive la helot. The , o .enway lit paved eistdde-r , -' , • Moat* erldle the —pante ea width ea istel ',411190 thaveNe_u_structe(l of httliTTUni-ji btr The alms, BM*, ete;:i Waif within the mated iv • ~,:. 14Yalvid a Heliiii4e-keeess. bare sad Wastes! C D of the Den': ' bird pt-0:1:Toloa.'011 , A thy sevesil. , ii the atocifthidca., oh ! : tiuoed - mancy:l4lalektiotagmeat 'foto to had:aheattris boort goVott l 4, milleOtired4ity. tint I'lo th e advice orgaeir conneel the latesti.;: stattin viaeliiwa,ttaitthiltartiee gave bait fog Mal court, It la pet Per. to state_- . -that then aehatimikideaylatiaithsed sky tattle 'mate% diapoetag of theirll4o, Im4 ea the „whole *atter tato undergo ledeficratioi l ' can a ff ord to welt pit die' - fr - - - WAd.to33-01.--Trarct u Ateitawd gun 'ateftk p&i . , -gate tillute -3 dollars. worth otitaaodaerD 'from Jatat,i r W. had a tumble; ore Aldtroan Butler. tots morning, andtrltat'hcit qi...1A11, for Witt' f , 10 ' • . -1,40t.TP1 . 'tea. - t Ttrtir i VlTh "Teatti7bitt-ttakialil•Clia4B44 Igt-LAS3 ' . rrtr.r. c rrlr -•- , We .ers present MA ," and bete, 4t ns etypiine the hope that fO • • and ids beautiful young:Ortde will With`, Ida - . int wad to ,*4 MTCabi aid thlahrafiod 6141 etas ripple; andt'Sew that Shay arnittentrditt - :1 the ante/San of each err we hppe thuds resisted. life trill be e . stmeemdeit of delignts,gunti wars , enjoyed inalgly the lanotttei Of Pandits. ' • May I.ovei meet §-Stet, like a golden dressy t' Hem errs IM the nraknthttio lquis Of this young mar, atiro, in stations thanes*, ELeyejoutedtheir dazes: fortunes muittudr Met Fur mutual weal orlptituai won. Bb. rdnlCE.V9—Thed, 63114 =MAU dineleital ar, Lording eo n Wednesday, September gm, JAS. ei rdaKELVY. of tarP:II. , I3. Sigma Carps, and oldness:a of-John Imitenr. !b* gob year of his stOFIA SOW* of 'the Orem*. • : t RSVP 4i) rol2lBlVggiMi.- Xf.,ll;trantik; 's .17.1111 2 r 1 49.13:E1Eir 88 Street si-COFFINS e 11 .4 desniPtici: !minas sad • FURS RISS FOR' FUNEUt.' tardgraß tni Zig7 RISAJOR 04R, swdmzE aoop. WING LiIigEHOT , CAKES a 1.4.1 T PRICES ASTORIE ALL, ••• • • ' •-;- ••- • - IF,trr • • y t . T:.: I I'3EIZIEC ' MANZILELDWV, - -PL:h •. 1 IK Concert Shoelitor Finn :STBERT. P 1' T I , MEM= 1- rf4.... Vl~t tOLn 1 , E TO BE T"4 l :4'D AT 'TALI ; '" '' • • '' - • IVF•' • ! - - '•!---', , !-j PtMlt , ! BOOT i . 430 morupOr !•,` r •,,1„.,;..1,„ -. _. , .'i , ...:, ....:' .. - ..J. Call and Sgen.r3 IThera, -,.., • .17; , 4 : 4 . ~, • - r ..1::-.• ~.?-'', -; "..I"ill'i' , ' ,' , '''''' '. r 100.:7?1,:,,, 2.111 , . 1 n ~:. n- i - 1,4 1 ;q. .• , I ',,, I t „.. • Hrery. ` ~a Will oaf d[ ISht varry' .• -; r , I* .0.11.0 z '7! At :74. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers