ts Sittsbttr;fll Gazettt. - , giniihrtaimailitautos _ BAXWADAY. 131317201ECE18 Q. . 7)365. 14 t 5 t UNION STATE TIOKET. PT t Amnton, orintstaii "1 -GE.14,4011N Fe IiaIiTRAINITT .1 ,3 :': / W*Aigdatierr Co fnt litraTEDMOZ:aglial, - 7k-VFCigebtottnaftcl ;at • p i g ,C ol l. l 7Vl loll 47 ' C; ' • crYka, illgTalrhos 4 34 • \Sall MIA= thusicaziurs, NUINICIMWEOZZT, Towniklps • , a" c , , 1 0 , 01111111.113% elabettra`awado. sax IMT% sawn s • ' ' ..6X65 1•. CaUnn9lls2Efic t eriTi _ .. L, . ta ll y 11 • lit i M&lro,4=- „, `&. ZS ~.. 1 ra e arinUlt raftatlyi - , , ategaQg ' • .: .11.4: , 1 - 4 444, 4 A- frirr , : . , , 1 ”.• ct,,S, u Vt _:. -pi 64..tattr , IY • voz- veirmi nni 1 L4.4 1 W1R•‘2, l-; a, i.":az - -.. no tait :V . , A, itilkicl44, , the si.Atil,tb. reit_teda; `to-ollid t' ,-., utthfz:kbk,4444o2)„iip :ip: President. The Preiddeat's .. ituaxe.une, 'stated bi..thelieesciarr u 4.71 1 ,, ul 'tea *agent:km stisoluutoAttetimtali ;rid DLlticwrbitONketWAtegructi4ol, " i lfrgle Y°llto I ,w 4 e4grivey, ,4_,„ To r , k 4 44) - fP 4I ..)Mr,ASTA, . 5 / 41A a rl-25a ficr o z VlAlltihigaTotittiesaheofthe• -- InstßlX*o4 l tAitcir# ll4 o 6 ) ll l 6o P • Ahemik‘estircia S'ua m : 'thinbtl7o*,iel - Gotenuncart, , lrtitcha favkkkroi4gegAW . to tote ertgattherryuniuswiu:l42 Ro VuViViittlltel should 'be , !ertiltted tb shoo :State 19244.1:1*, c 1 eait g ere n bs :il e .V7lll. lllllk T saY. u : 4 40; Advari thiAMMLN= tthe Let tike 'Unita 13{*101.04 not efutterett Ittbleetterat Gov% W7 l -o#''OVilf - OtMlnotir tlftf Ms2telit , scr• Eitatiyl ; 1 ern olvls vicra 14 4 e tbel i aurintegot &Wm.; . Treitazdati6fiv 4r,busytholitivAttagetcvp chiaid ite A.lokritbk!r: *Whig She .-exteqtistlous ef the NT i.e j • . 1 4#40.11 1112 )V-V 4 049= 6 * lhauto • rlitl‘ thil*stor sthia hetividadmik torsy.vlio . , , control ores6the-wbole just aslavrtully eglichlitlfalonally permit Sh O* 7o2l t. o4os o 2l lle rt bbit l " o24ll /' atiOluirts:iittlileshfciLidiesitatiat tif fr t,t^cll7 , bP^ • * l l o4o:3ittia risbumiti4iitaAovi:4;6l%iif):42.6C tato in VDU Leiroltod eiatoN ;brisittn& id 1I fit § a9Ctlinutandet-inChtedolFte atikir.'"" finOsiiA Ottetrise 4:l3kiltisf by Alt r.roylidoptd, rirraxid T. 1 7e.01#0 1 814 6 qualifiestioniztvotersinthe . inifiailattge4 for elicting dgitgaWo Upsend their Suite Constitutions. Thalanen who voted in idissitsdad z forteletates to•the late Comm. thinnithat Sfite thePteataint+gprb not have deriustibsinsight fronhtho gist° .......„..,,r,,,rutint-iterethumtm noltronillielladsil3linfr Verisiltidaitie lifilsopii,TheciniusTheyi6itworgai,„•.; - _ all to vote whether loyal Sr' disloine-laptil J becatiseAke- needs - rossmslistq , . niblvde sapgaittuu 11# .A o .iletWg -L4 41 1rA 101 4 ,- forcolininatitelylinoi'fa - the ptslage.br - thigitiiiiing . k_ic ge4 l-12 /0 111 10 1 41, sultpttlutfit tent now in forMiktrulse the: Preafdelit.etniM legally-do .bli beeintidi as legally larva done the 'otter ' tie' fib ' or to do one involves the power to do both. Tlteta,,is no force in the argument that I h l*.#4o) ° 4oll / II # 4 1 ,,,1# States. They will - never ao justice to .black man. To remit the negro for his 21 ,01 11 M IttepYlP f l tage.i. PeeltiPtat l PlP 2 P4 sari and la Mill htelitier eienites;:lll lien to seeding tic lamb to the wolf for justice. It may sound plausible. o talk _about this Iter as properly belonging to the States; —lbtamilatause the argument know - that it ta equbfffetife k5:41-srattc-Itaiiiclanlal of the right sought for. If the general goy -erament does not possess the power to see " 4111 442 12,5 -tP , the P.9 1 7 14 '.° swa 1 $ jtAiidertibirtitia ttAiugl . : 43 * talkttaf then justice will never be done them. - . 4 I I,i BECTISTAIIT BTANTON.—Mr. ItIONTGOM. it .. Maw Beam seems to think, like many .other staloil,Sf&terpini' el.ttintbbcanse ;i lir. &farms entered Mx. Bucuswases I f ,ffileabilstration at its close, he must have -7 -: :.•,'" ,•• been a sympathizer — Wllß the treasonable 3troclivilles of tke Old Public Functionary, tiithittliCtlia izialiWitalriltebOrlfii43, land speech. Ile forgot, or concealed from ibis hearers, that after Mr. Bucuawsn's Ilecereion Qatilpot z wm- i tapirget ,ny by the ' Tfitlidrawalof non , andlisiklow tbleves, the Prcsideut was compelled, in deference bineubllcieeptimeol, Mibriacin lool,caca, ii i retielf l ifeleieefillkx, [ llbuti.laiia oliOttiiiin were appointed, In the last days of 80. clue:sexes Administration, not that they lad the least sympathLfor him, but to save him, by their loyalty from utter condem. ration. , The Chicago Republican, coni =tinting clan a fact then well kuown but , miertflide.hffofghtftre;Rocb az Iff.o The troth is, that during the whole of those (ark asd threatening days which • *Wendt d the-tortslueinnti.„ltypDemo . ccatic Aclnilnfaintlioh,' tlie Ye c was awed by the efforts of Edwin Stanton, Joseph' Holt, eind John A. DM. With a 4mmagede devotioAapertinacity, a heroic 2stiatnOtalistztentit.4 o #o ~.,•,, • crappallin dangers end =comes, SD*" . .2, A. 'Mite patritta and statesmen were always i , . ) -et titetliflaggllifrEr2a t iltireag= A ,„... Meals' sympathies were. all with treason, ,r,, . Apr to om t defiltr uti te madd there wenu, r,„,' , never mahout., never a moment, in which ~ „.&i,. • .Iheee- -dace faithful Americans proved 7 1 - mat liVnitt ...ttit tix xgr eat frhis to: ic esuat,„-,, , g 0 4..- -- • lffinitio:tiotrettixtially - ille gratitude -it-UM . - .=-Ammicut people is due, but It le due to i' Er . ll= all... The country and the "mid will .1 , suMbeeheiff hem drtitursiostice lathery Ines. , • .. .. vinsb i gi*, , a ify :elf the 041Mogill Met' 1 • partisan iregree.... fly am invent, or that indi, . ~ *dual ;mace can hiss abroad,- . . ,- : • 'TM Krerennft Xtron - ,Dirtrr.—They are ' - a queer set down in lileslssipit While 4 //4111 . 4Yl44„"' , F l in 4444l Y 3 P__Yg 1 sitnia Wails irpaftleat: , they gmmd -I I, unenviable notoriety by repudiating thiir , •,', :0 otatelOser..,-Amtn.LhttNt - aroken' , 'l'... • Itli an ;mil utterly unable to do so, they ' 4; pose to pahhe rebel war debt incurred by the Statairr"llTS - Wery Qrdzottstu -..:. a __— of hones*. They are scrupulous to halm ', • '-:, Vi t taihneAllo afly.. ktheuxtheAretaus 1 to wage I/aim= Weil:inlaid:lt, buitheir , . ,-;',. • •obilgatioriaio.thelr old creditors and the 1 varmint W*111041:4 ilangonal debt I `, ' i ' seem to.hs tecondarycontideratious. mamba* gos; an extra sesqlon of the \ • /tam Inislatre*ill'fieiatiled r ahool theibth of October.; ,} -; ; . T , ...;,- . . ~;~: MIME imigarmicCAND fll DOR4. ""aliiitstrolikrialOCiiarreOTEiliereir 4. state. sack ae Berke, fi9huylkill, York, d - c., the 4emocracy are careful not to nominate Wdkra fat office. Their 'sympathy for the scaler Mehowttonlyistoomillasard 1 ' where ;they have little or no, chaste of success. - In I fitir"Jenley limy tate Indeed, init up a "General" fOr - Governor; but he ..tarn out to have been n u Gentral only it ,the three months =rice, and a stay-at horse daring the war. y . , • 'ils to the kind 0(661(11;6' nominated by ~_1 ' I' ll/7 '4 1 1W invali*lt t l 7 - to fi nd such se , weie not rema rkable for their 'loyalty.= 4 iil, 1 . 1 1,11 L Ohio aTta running : Gun. (]co. , r : ... : mw f mrfx:.gcky.evicr..4hi4aAdl*i,. 1 T e '"' iltzt , may hoinußed., ore In ~hla, t !nrrreedetriet mut retreat.from Cumberleral - 'i 143 4 0 in 48650 , = - Amthe Overnmett slbbnos.t I,',Weiminy othir-lerpertent points .81* 0111 r - id the siebelifirlfe6rlt thrifts of gaup:V(ol l li ' ti'em Etartaxiiittlifeilke'lligatr to tire' iltld, and' e mt - tt;i.tt 4Firte,? Into the V !I l !" i II ' andl 4 l6 4* ll qsPCX '• 10 • 4 5 1 :* 4 ;, 1111 ' f 3 • tate ktat, ire:at _.tii, pr*Ohink I'4 F 4t are t;l ' Anif 0 c'ilii 447 i/OZR 44141 i.li by , the4sentnation of , Otom, pide t ck a u wa ../eitii . Ortillei. Oefe:t l :444ltirlereilp 1 - I ,lt , mettof litiliiiike l 4.Abri.iiilitAtappi i pen:_ 4 ril!h°'laltlil&Wdlihinetr Ida ;;; ; A f c„,;, 4l4,3l4 * 3l L,giVii__**W r ' . .!vivy . ig:“......-pralatery rem our ,Lease..' grf!,l l o, l kisf/lt Wilittw.etr i kijaiiit* !7:* tk ttiolirAutcflßWcMueriArßldQe t e h g a i l ta di I m g d -:l ; ) c l3 et lt t l4 lu 4o c o t laws • t t gri '4 401 1-6 4*TattFinni: gkaUurioutinnehiwas.comli el tdotemeve , 014 Rtild ttOW110;lindl W ,t 0 i1ti i ; 44' 44 1 4 1 04004. 1 4 it4Ardift' 'CI Ot NEW York. Lrn ,-. , ..rn lArLuLor IL • • . ,at• • 4 •.-• .. • AllEIIIICA! AND 1EN07411104 r 4 11 9 . Mr earretPandeilt isrthe Loildoni , pi :, .„„,itrite. llama; tad- ar Apitd trO fee —*t 'tr 4T114, ' pY.7; se: . ~ cktif, Me • A r e diclp.kik,c9A, , i s atkfigceomuloAvaa =duit.t , crtomitteut tttoput,thidi..-ts ' 4 dal p . 0111:01X1U0 111 , , IMltieuceelriu , the , _pursued and As stlutotaus chilli '. war: 4 The Tionst- devotes , tur Nidnorlalcto - stursvinstlititilthielf,-:lttrilYttlie i tioe!inerer .: for trir,=l4llol),_ ItoStalki is folly-and , , It e A rhtlio' Vg§* 6 lW o .o 4 lt ii ii#l,l l /qv mihit a , - . -011 .0 - - . t- 1.. trtvoicionAretilli.th4.ol4 l pN,4loz,,, do ,werftu kumment beherva,toat t In Km , , makercearum _England:because of the, aid, and comfort its gave , to She rubel States,. I 4r. Y. Tisces.. , .a.cri—.7.l 11: -es The Eactthat the bad conducted Jangbad taiittirtisletirpt AO :f a rt,trli Ott dt P••?' k tr, ifdtakto.wer.wfill that iitilla)oOeW the least change the other-Act mthat the redominantlieling hi` the , Milted- states il tra kii= B ,ql,lr% ' k raiii aniiiiii•Sisl *WO.: T* flpeet,irtlttronflarerdem heft& ° ' , .i414.'f , ,i 14 ,04.,"gq.ai)!'14644 , ,t! re,td.,,taiz t azipitumb r u. Ile`iolition=, yjirritaftrilre l l ' , rv' or 1812;: rr 4 sl4.tft r adtkharSO:wiatire nettling WA pared Vibe , present - tram. The come_ of Engliatowart ash) malice Of alfver. l fifty snay not lie kits& li canse'er ir.0714 • otillas..raela 4114" - attiVer Tlagland will . realise to tho fail how deep is the resin& mesa ishe ha* fostered in the hearts ;af this . PETTTRontE Soya.—lts an Instanos of I thO 'Way in whack the Synth iris riittol. Oa:: fore the war, het 8w cite the carte of,chis. 05*p; TIM= M . ,Chirleston; S. C.' 'This', las princely pile of white marble, support ed by .5 • labyrinth ,of colorides, and cost ottr• ;:IQilitin4 Treasury, up to AA WI of June, 1881, the neat Lttle cam of 82,088,57 Q- 4/444 this was lodate& upon the outae altuto, it Will probably raj, 4rdos•another tothlonarr EMI& up the to. terror. Tkoil4lo i cOst to the public torso,' pry for custraurhousee In the four chic marts of The Caton, via: New York, Phil , adelpida, Mat= and Balthnore is' 62,932,- 400, or a fraction under thiasum, and from Orem almost the .entire , national revenue f10.,;',5:44 , the Via Of ..eltali, with .a lamlted-commerce, to likely to Imam lai edlpeO Witt Oa absortra sum equalling this whole of these.,,,The Northern- cl,tlea , 'wta .- COrrOgied to accept common tralkh:- . Ingo rift ..c4itbra ..gousep, it, We 'fiheapAit, possitdolfice, -whilst the Ijonthirn cities, were tritairsOted with pnb4c bliulinto :kw upjnilia, most ESperb.styl4 raloiiip46 - , • pfiloss to ther nation. ,no Otustam- Roasts iailki*oniunli f , fa Ids*: all'eluitild!ott lor thie:.poini. as .that, at - Oliariaitait .ttili : l freozersOiey had.been. spent by' the. goy. lertimik At Cie . lima ;The 'war broke out,., `upon !time . two Custom Nooses, than. u*Pilat 06 .. P`c!'! ' .:._,'/ i '' l°o° l lll j ab • T r PM f Pja. togethe r . : . ~ I _ , ,_ - , ' , 1 * ,, 1 , 3alidawn.GLeatnncntoli. , —Ta4t4s ialltsiptavodentotth"-cinclanistiVo.4 0 01 : 9 9 1 _PA il k o P ie .WP: 0 ,..4..!! wituticasaltiarcattloti tato two wastes; tool ilirlairlfeitoFwea:iltie:TV Vtllr NVllliaW Ina former is largelylii CliiVitlijelkiti illit" 11!s.tell by aiiaiiiilioilf. Tolthk)n, Chats. 440. 1111r :C4404.740 if.oo4 6 kia, themdlnisxtof .seiestacti .ip l l4l4lriiilti l Ef f l .o.f 3iPeAtialllohr ... tvwkengtboi 4 atobbik . lif,4o4eip*ttiiiir: - ;ll*lii'lere,i. t in:pled thvottr.larraii:iih:44zikeitti; powerless. I beg of you, genital:lady tote, l'%thiblo:" r }:34ll.9uoit)iii**.ittrho, !puns; When leo . Pit again. ilsettia :iia loortellis or all these restrelata.": The only differenbetwertf the ;Trish Heaps of the I ce BOA ona the'lllii Yan Vi.tokiet ill that tie former sic onork.politte:than, the -Latta- The Trews pleas; by being. ocotillo," they i g 4 )4 , olosotiAli MO" ; V OA; 'O6 i VanNinktes, tn. bringing hackevary thing to the condltioo of Wogs forty years asq. • ; tOZl . PeitiNott4i tose. *tett; the Stenberville- Verettef , new Demo. ,Vaq c 7reelqi,Fl4ol,.*4 . Ulm maPC,., q*9)4 6 ,Pep l F.. V* go- rpeste*OrAi. e .pilet marent.„al, 0.:4 1 ? ) .9 1 90 #0 1 ,00;0111 Af2Anch,p4tspeckas BAl:up beisassligitteillatoolwn., De_gitMgi IkkialraltVKt:l#l/4. the pitta don+ v2;2 :_2l! 'Ol , tune Awn* 'ascii 41' Sivi . gas= rtagtber OB,Stemphla Aißear; 74.flawimpAta:re,t).. Ovum utoii. WA 41 We lot 42iitratla 417 eg 1414 1r5 41 4 1 . TAX... 14 5 1 % ,. t 51Sb:eon Is proptabY , offidsl marts, mu of tfilifftFrtkaiimpyblaelts ejAltes•tie ready. 144-Auo6.loidgoidOluitt thug) '7o=6 Aintigf 000,140 6 4 - ElMlCAbilittet. freernsemttie shown themsdires to bomare costkeeitxirtlarthetriellie, itunrsamot 141 r P e44 . 67dt P e ß o ,: en ", . • 1) totripa44a OKa!oefr,Pfi' ' 41;4/ 4f. 144 l Vkitoon'Ttfed-Tot as' NOttat MEa all! FS kOitt - ii cri,tVidzatti coAtaie.tiltageb"r Kolk.f4P4e4 l'fieregr#4, Oeif lasottoalit maklaie the oft Aim?. -Wore sltsulao irstecarfistr• its I soon ias • the PSI! , breaddrip'dti 'figq: r el Vag., ',The )pr -414foc,tLq Tao ors .q 45 1 iirt ipistioffo ocksu**44,4 o 4 **W. .#0:00 ibontaoloth.of ist fiatori:oulockow igurds-Abitabf• tormOugp =eut 1 41k *P Oltst 0 ,0 0 1. t i ttP t Y' ~, • • - IttiWoDectgratiloto policoluatee .i; as logued iia.644lll.nriftiv.ittA ortoPtido or the : eteiteament to the coostiqty44,,gintANl4 4 9h and mea to VOto. I . . - REM= d P WHY FOft we,oNGs. The gratuitous CUMa of itiakhern Copperhead sad auferiaga or the faithful In the South, ts.. , =V appreciated by the Bentham 1 01 ruag: 1 Abe Blehmond - RepeWiesays t "We we funned Co suspect that the only effect or the advocaat of oar cause non th y firWtherl ItErY le to tukothew ints of ltecUtzt." It Inflate thiit the old monads, trraddrer an are. should he bested. E a kept - °pm , Thee- have had prevlona impedance of thlsiettiOeratile char. Icy whic h Jest uow :Stabee .10.1013:114 i r a t t leaders; sad they may be -well attaptclann thar there Is a method In Its anathislutele. The fact b palpable knPtigh 11 * 1 4 sWPleir*ii . endeavoring to . couloildateigiirehtler ippitAL ~„ortAUST!kllflletllt belltitUmprlrlikgtb.... ert de3.li3A./.411 *.j* :64 ,....k dit iA5itt t1i _ . ,..,% 414. ' • . during the war, to the:ekm - ori rapt' I ahnrtfaittQWEl2 , -elrceitatitleiv'-41kni..ens:a4 1 L ..... _,.,0 1r . ii.:,,A. ,Olifitet*dietttio : _4o4 3 ''1P,We2'...t44.f:72_ .iiit.44l4.* i - "Ft; .ittoma Itladradtelarnd ' Ciatodgetc6l I , PaiTelA , tiYii#llaind tglald their f?attc - - .)- l ig* tl i t.**,l4 o 4' l oo. - '.. tr , oicreavn:i im i,g f4.i;,...i44g,;,, , i itidigvhat:ltodldid, --- The' tettallOtta: wilt 1 . threriloo l eooll ll errTiu?,- ..} A., wave.xlatvoring:vgagajams: ealtioratiosyroosthy.t Fortunir • VrafiPoStaitit, trtivjfe raiiiStalo • •• • *tli.X 1 W ' ih f i v :e .4 loo. .P7lfr wieg i rkane:Atua u 344:.a.isor.iik A 444.404 1 -in ttridrotootr-retthitsbat blicitiestheusibto 4 1 1 4.4 4iftirititiocrierro*. lt, Ait'Ole 1.. of. iiiie - 'ept' 1i744.4,kif4 5 1; 061 pg to encOn FostAirposee and dniikai4iFin lined ni,tfdda-ttal.-tlitan. .47 1 once oesa 4 thstr s talm idirli4tora theui " --,4!0f 4r i.. f4rW i d ot4.,- Vi:Mi Cjlit • Manz end /nada:. iielrarranvirthed'ilo poi,. : - 1 .. Mae istetthfialsotedsterti they - dd sok 47: ~ 4 , - I MS D AVti 'ATP L.; t o pi.P li et,,iti'*'' A , T.Oeggs)mtiß_ litit*.li)igutkg. f .. ~ Lead. !MIMI. , initesterrettltreP•Nneltz .1,. el not get up osteritatlotus redelltateltg &Atte s mond thei t i ild truA 12 if irgnIng humility ' ha i r Ao the c*:.'llif ° ,o-. 4 4#1 . P 1 C ad,ataw .thdr 1 17 54 , ,,inteadrann.tiim944) 1 41.11: - .AndirrtilelteciVteritkads7arg 00114 : ' 3 aniitfattiirtug #iii i _riiteptOtie Nita*, - WlSc'ti 4101 1 j 7 /1 • 64 *044:1** *21 1 . 1 4 . :Jtki lti 4A l ' , Obtertp chat Mama a apnag.lanattantaratlnn: -'t by Mb really loyal class. - IrbnY are , 9304.130' a tto act on thiyielfiard expert. 774.3 , t3P4P17214,11.410° 47P.P a Pi.• ttit - dtueW4cututeni oynntrkui 44v • -4. , ,spitied , Wdaninicaberataiv ..istatftional da,-nney , the filititii4MbEfite7ilk-Itt:,:yit. OA IV," ..:Itl 7 1 KE?f U,P4Wril f OM, -. '" I it theaithtiiii in.:ging iittli ` ert4iiitAi- b ,' . ;Y*llloll of 4VOOi---Manticact- lied In I I : Vhimadelphfiii fa 191116eikliy,iadma inioditant r _...v.0,44„1014._ :aandidna - of inanciltanfe iiratti*liiiniere - lintid! vAw. e take the tollintiagelateugmt at A the_ ameuit ' I wool oximAuttgor theia lotipleeveral bates for which returns were toads: tFactories. Pounds. /*Taal 11 ,- .1.4, - •.'..4•• - IZ3L I masa° e.uosllsanlat --.::...... v 128 , %WACO. Or- astripeti4.. .„,.. ! . - 41 . • •:TA27.000. 1 tr r idlana - T '1; _ _ ,406 000' 24 1 -' ' 4•M5`,000 . ..... 1 ti ell r ' E n" ......-...... ..... -9v ~ ..j NW It. °M.. acoaa~= .: ."."'"...- ....r,-..••• . 8.. 4. 4,:.. • auseanta ... ~. ~..., • ~,, 1 _ 345 . , • ; • unaelanaetta —4.... ..... 154 t ,13,, , • .1 a.adaTlalavd..hi ~........-., 39 1 0 4 •• ' ''' • .... . .... ,i 0 _ 4,.„ ... ~ 'Ed 11,881.000 I 14 • ... . "'—'..'... •". . ' ' • ;1 4PIC : els Jersey i t • atati,... 20 .43Z30.+ . i • : p= l 4 l : ' . 1 131 •• • 15 a. 95 ... ' 2 2,„„,, ga. ~,•!,,,,„„ 1 -320.000 3 233.099, _ - „ • 146 4 11 %0 2 /0 00 Pepin WCAViltill . 1 1#APOS.:!0(iltki0 received,.lS appearElkatdred moreUlan' three. fonttteeoflb6totdl 'OW/year-less be a' . NPlrted; ittlal 4 S4o bun sited airpi any a:Mims or -pcoes4 u the co 4 sintrpqr or bat year, being doable tea eon. Ottemlible OspOlvs , 1839. , 7 o t l4rew 0412 the itoisomption la 1558 yicea•la the; censav of 1860, loetha throe role• cited wool mateitieStuizir fltei es, Is eta gorily %twrpby the Incomplete returns t0r1864, seta, we as redloits; . • - . 2U" 1841--ieugag . , Mama Pale. d3v 000 Hese " Per-Ley - 11%1g4... 6,92.3.850. e., .4.13.547.6Q0 Bo far as recirivtd, -than- rams , Indicate a Wait; tiositf inciiirikiii'Petldeititiaa - titia in talc!' , . _btsttiiicLnsCt; n" *rPinalaerifrOTlVES pgralffLll 1017g1 bElititter.l4.—Ting CHOU= COMM& fabWiTeragrnt‘hrne akurett urvim o on IPA Meet. Preaching tri. the ' , Bei.- AWES el."D1011:111130N 0v5 1 7,497 , 5;RAN;A1i tozi - sad. 7 , 10 . Sund a :PM= el grf Stili4gesioltticrabbo, icrdtd arlr• 429hte: distei'OUredtTlV2lol ,- .PMMot, JOSEPH HIM-, Lvace.:l4.ratul 1, paid , PrayerMeettniparWAY, STEM, farita404v.Y.10:45.14414, farilhEflAveiVllSOlMLlli,l42ollloltpayk:r :41.guiprdii CMUKOti-mptymillearmorati, their saar•Bom promMy TIIO.M.MaO Pt ~ par. 4-• P. , E likAaat Bralikearilf premaii . ..meq..hkilefillA. Lii m il it ; liad immimiiii. be IM , 'alMiclimmartmorir OM admilialainial, lllMmulaililmigin tkiiis Ana ;um& WitruaktMaar'r, lig .1_ I - Mei in g d =4l=ttillitiii fa "IMP willow* viritta maustheimuolustary..ooll l 44% AriL 4.14t0. aatitMlir ,a 4 iprettraFf s imi I. Tapiwi pox* . ono: iittnilra lAN iManithas, 00 piIMWSZti Primary masa hi 1.:1- -,.., -•:' , • . • , tlf . A ll zub 4Pair 0t,e4.413; s ta i Val u ta - tsfaz p:r io, ," a. - ..miti Q ir r atammtwiaam•teak. --- - , "te. Stayki234ll. • • 'HAI PIPAPPi VilualYal 'A imEIXIINSIES4II3I Irlors , a rt A n r arrscuml atniunrrnu m serrrbtuauww. krown SOINITPOF , ENO, =IND AND NAiLIBALSCILENOF.4 mill cabman* . Syrup BNA P.M ..n• KEW. 44 1 /1 1 4. 1 . AtEGLi., ER or INN EVANS rdl L0W9440b !Mr, Yb 6 ty.toto by suirmuty rapF,,CB - ...= - DEOIIIM - 113byttor A •'• . - rtor.Nim Yo gi. . 1 N Xia -AL,LEbiTOW44. - ;Nita bkiViaidf Ad4TD4 tavitlOriliribliaMiinslatia# Mu rg ia f t ,a• t l32 for -01:ninitc?-=Ntraus a 0C...16; V, Al* iidi*kito Ire ti • - - ,;6701 - TWO E vela mitertaioupoutta • • mi p a , tate ggy i54413Ye*A34•00, 4 'VeleAtell, too tdatiroAa Effeatifibt , Rid -widow , a t .irav soarrisucaiws.semstan: s, ~71‘,1 1 1 F ETIFFML,,' - Jr7.4eAttirbra medal •at the Stoattudday of eLa 60P11/4 , m nittai vit.tounPairr nem 0 - 01.14 ,— td*,'Itii.p)13Laittlie ^ BatuF4a7 * 9* 2 ' ' 9 . olo'clep! oiler of tn. Pireplent, .02r, -Tigaus.o•ctm.haifiry ittiotari, - , iikVtik k iri P ji g n Arr . 211 6 .432 .94 Vit i ertli° 44 .'" . ° 12 Viriret aVrmitimairtateAVV, arteuts the ve VirigMTaZrwlf''P'Pr""°"'P 0:11 8 aticreir , Flurth Italural Mak; (”41.;,41 katagi tlCeUOtt , r, e a A ,Litelisigata soMmindy 400.94.4 ' air ?d " ,ATlMArttmipij Ortas Pptroleism. =NOM ,c , Pf I , :luiLdrnaLWAIRE. Anci4. 0 ' ig,: ' 0 A r r i,All i ti# ildin ~,)11- I .ri • ':Ce ' ' ' ' :16114.11M1L1P NIntiSTOCK4I 4 vrftesttaittellM44 8831 E MD. 11001011123 'Vika, itEll aYi .1 1 PftVi ~. •<, .‘, ..i_ L y .. .. . 1 A' I •: • t „Ito wi n o c a rn . i y: rnstripl3s4llintaxid4449 l 444re Nati ...4 %411f. • withely. sharnei l linti ftlii44 4 t nalrEsali sottlika itat IZAtundwith sail rir itteads4 tO. pasting op .~i~D~'~T BE.iFf~~ { TOOTS OF THEIR OWN HARE CAZt • . PHILAD • MA. BUOT AND Attirrits good ehtractes &Unit* taped '~ ' CANVASS/5E W 'I. A thin tharonshl9 incitthinted with 'lnn l.eis homes to thu city. 01 ioothl.aaArea, and sho aaa Otte reamonstblo city refezens., to obtain cut , so ibets tor oar tionsolidatest Butters hdrectozy oth•ow York, Baton-lain—Ptainholphla ADO/ •try .ettir,.to & Iceett. Putilisberim_Conny It, Ne w Turk. 411BIATAUFABIL DB 4:IOUNTErBBLT 21.11tEtir—Eiltuategg}g taLlem (tam tha atty, 0 the Washlngtgal Itteptka •aotta=resty• three. atm; hugs manaton, addles:le aglibla. eardsgeshe ae.t two stehardeot sales Wren. ;Late the addends at De. Phialater=Shill , tot • Shyetalas... 35111: teal tot a...teray 0: you& .:Apply to 8. MoUlai cO. - . ~. . • •...I#l. Ai= tOCirr_ .pa , mutt G im.„ , ot 5101 - P o 2lfilt.' l Stril li at,Dillelp_S!* . VSIIO . ,s1,111:14:106-26 ..w..11 , SAM J ta t Aolimpiatt,t3VEM Ail stiwitertataab act404. 4 -13AsIti _Ol . VoliscWl r u tla i' ISCIATraVtgrA I ,g0eb.t,44.... ftwainkiZirrx rl.filiSt tolotlaWirtriaitict.aumali- -- Tudi • ImazuzuraLtalzi. liowilrtatAtose tosialmi: ie , " in l iV" -: - r'7l3FßO:ketwl.k.'" .----- • - TRAbirraiX A% ~,/ ft-. „: . ..arl'ri . = .-..* ". ~WI • . 1: . - atar Ws Oast " „L s : Ari t eleit..4oll# it . • thri4..V. 4 4c , fattbar 4 k Malisdasivest Insailast ersoro;l7: expvr ... u, • slam I , i r t, to ' otig n itt a i —:t -I r . l . 6• ; 44 4 4, Isk. atilatly' ,A1114-1 eedlift.tl ..• 1143011 ltita Motto Irks scak4: task at klisZarhe DlM r* Li At* ftilrd- of LigNlChlif iinr ilatliraket, ;11! ,, X 6 A 1 ...• 1 445 044 4 1 *.pq.er ~ iltyclaidi.!. athy, as adose& • . Mitt ' • 'Ave* TAY11711.7 'ls-:;lltsfer.z.j - .... . : B splendid rgsh wt., of, WM ittlicccit A hie , W pgetesthawcatoltr.stO attracht, ' he,* Watt Wacw WI, la rat! .WoWfata , driatibalS . uR h=4- thWt-MhtithetwawralLOW ' hAt taat, Itilk.. ~ RP — , 0. t m 4141dmit rprrAA ' nt,AtifittlntnPtivit• . . t onttess • ; starm `th n'ak..t.bgt c rlageWcose and outtcrwmcwhhethed, snit tWO 'ler IlkorgowPw4Ww,lcT Fictlatt WIWI line x enr- . lar Wtstifi, likAtzt..w/dp 400.0,1 WI, ths Muse Wtth rb tvd OW inter: 111 %KIM t* crotthr of thq i tien , of cinks. IMO Wlttliln w erratie .ap was In baighki o, b oo d.. rue piZrUstdars. son ';rl2‘,Will"thet, ra,I6§BL I TA '..- 16- nly , , .-... ~, : ..-,:: :g. , ': 'Mary mixt; 1/01,111 ,FOR, BM:E. Ili ~., •.* • . . , i], ..- -.1t011,041 INS. _ _ ,P. .• , ' WNetig _ . liiiiinls6Vrc4 iiiiiklliiitari frtertt i•kwntenA L etn• ile i a o two for We. I. 1$ llynallitqf 111111 1 In Station 0n.....- w lo . 2 about &atm dmiliw,.twietr tha lay,. 21 ustanse.tettioed. ..I_4*.blteue* hodmaamanacamin wan a muse on the p .ses, NO apple trees ln good [ Mating coneltlon, toe . . .-treal rile§ plea* De,........,......0. I and tams In ins ecTuntly. There Is o• on tlirTatualm. The whole Vim_bt= r w:nelltloey WIWI .be sold on, ceiM ' Xr. _ __. , ...1 11 1 ' 1 th ,...L _11 11 :- .11! ;; C ra . • i ‘nlen •-•-wil-s!cuilcrilr.M.r.SVElXll7ollll3llltAettOona.: IiWaIf4UMW, -Mlll , l WiJah eia balsas tettit .7.4 # l true.lisattemnaum4MlUm Dee _ 41 ,51 4 18 11 4.41Pr... 1, ra - Vl7lBl 11411)10391 ( 4 GailfiliS 7..w."o4ol2Plittiß 'tr. Cte , s 2 B66lribiglitifie Mote; earner or - Mana ititlet az& tbriMigiat4, vonin 'TO BUIVDERI3.;=-Pziminds a. Pet the ITUILZINGEVPOtt 3- BOBgH LiXtrffitYllVE AND C&B 1170888 wilt be retadirect LO: Weeteeestley,:ther Uth lasi" &Woe of oM o9eneisky, Ao. 47.01 are et my ket,stteetti r ona!! re4* . andlp t olyyp, Ride slur Welt* toe AM tan= dautp4omaeMb , e, oetkl P....2110-CLElTLezetiay. gOILISD GOODS BELOW • COST Al' . ►1 W. OABRAALAIPS Mot at d Moo Sum% comer all /Wks; watt. sad the blamond,' CEITOEICXCIIPK-44ttera . vikbeellliate_difErlidtild th e Mela i tg chg , t i telegme ffi . al/ Wletes, uy •inty, lha., too seam& Ml•perloeui 7 •6;d1 "- teeld Inali ealellet:eY• here*, seined lo aialileLlealatedle4 Pik/MITA Gad thou bay' us dill= will prawn tuna at aCIUt delay, duly authertleated for settlement • E PINES AND PLANTS A Eras had maul arlast Adock et PSITIT hzuloB.- ).A M t NTAL MLR EZllS.Gliagil vuirs sod ORKERIFICTSE PLAITS. 80. 41 . 1 ' " acaUtir FLuicil44 p 4) cad•r. sead for a eataP4aurt•rdidl had. larAwhe oar stock. Joarr B.- a -K. swam* Putobarge Maim lad Oakland Onteattoue. BATES 1 131rIva—. i 1111PITLD. DELtilais 4 4. 779c1' 1.0 21. ViStlziareirdscrt. I liATXti Jot Aizettaa 104 Qi • EPdPiOtt3B- --CLOTEIS, _ . Aza.cowas-rEu rsaitsp, wring STRUT fIOOKUML pjazDß AND • =Lim, ‘') ~>rov, Faso: BLUE LEAD GINLITiD ucon.rus-pArstu Q ou. watra.s. 03.10 10 1 5 THE ANNUAL MEETING -OP THE *HIBBS 14TI AND PITTSBURGH OIL AND MAAWFACTURISO VOIHPANY, grill tie'hitLF HAPATETTEIIALL, conuir )4, µIAA *pd BiovAzu.sta, Pittaininn. ( entrAnteeSo I ' VA :V') 4 " . W ; D PI SD 4T.I I 4 I, !DO lat seta% • • ' 11.9o8Dm8.sserr67ary.--- _ , rirrrlSS/ Vrin k ialliWl E S 'ofitsit d' arcitiotlitilab" !Inn-bads tik I Ls MO toudty cif 411111,hentO kiklrf: thli d.l3daatariddi at.iewristati; _th•Jacatal stook+ which . hl d L ity4 at.cicicholdeniost Wit legal 1 . / presto; litC4o l l 440 1 00 1 mi* of IC llohhey*Foad, and aftelas I jiwo. teen. • MAIO Tteuursr. Oas . .A 6 2, R 440 4 ., Ativ. i tboott _ •, • • wiw • iathALmArtb 'Brun s HS, , ottuivtutitt. A PROTOGnifireitkOliT, . nti rtigtolpil AttebrVittibdith. ruhuttsez_ ,13 - end zaatPL ris 44v. ur , th 6 SittLlLl.llll , ls,-.Vor.patlanlatnear • ; • Dish a . ° ' •-• ' •, • Rz.NRY G. LIALII, ~. r • , iTailor ,desc a n t : Norrimuet amtstr'or 41 STAMM ems; .3,, .iTLISMIECIII, lA/4 i"s" Ste miasma to fat trusser fthi poem icastallvdeam . Itr al -Astiß..erfortflibellr4cF4o4l Ask MA, ex* t gt P rAtf SIDI Its ' bodsoi Illy started *Kati AtUyeut Auset'approvai astastats +lll4l4Led,Stiirenttraslaskaataratrista 10: 1 111 Mes a h Ratiels AIItiiPPILMA4/ 0 1 1 .4 1 ,4* - A bo r n m Nei . Alt :ttitbat'imta(9, shOS'llleulakoriarsatial , colors, lou onauStrxtunA , '•-• _ ,„. DIALTOISF-AAOSSet-aa4--othar-Asw coattail, aswAylsfOltAnAllgi -fat / ft-L?: A ova telletY ora g usa...siblZßEs for Teat iimpiammi; seulitYlattArsisar. 1, MOE • , 1 ' , Mt, • --, TA NOTVEAVICEREIz4net, rteett*l'a I SresVstppli df saallOriikets; lbw MlAs's': <• mud- coo orsaiial•Cemelorso• POT•asiii.by the , Smote us at gem!, it tkattgaili °mew Btn11)11 WWI A. RENSu .. es.W t sei =au Ltterty sad liallaarssus ."Err-41iric - 02 4 11MWEA - TEIM 471 . X rE D WOMMorz I A- ki"l4-4i • • • • tar da . ear rpverai 6apaza. Lading 0 . 011. jrreaa - sad Zualeattais, Ltalsaanak .braijk nrarooao Dallas aairatarota l24"4" o Gattars, l3" 6; itylra that are saaaaractscred, can be found_ selling chesp for caatyst J. FL BORLAND'S, ile ELM= STEMEr. Second door tram WtaTE, ORB it CO., 25 Fifth Street. lur.naw.con lar4 • var 7 choice aseartment ot DRESS .. 4, I#,T l HU* - ORZBK 04. LAND FOR Ent Troia 1 414 61 i 0 tif - AIiOPIDEN Wm, 146,izoii the . . 11 teer-44ki" q,' ° In at ' ,j 1 7(-^ , ,-, E1211$ WIN. PAWL • ...:, -,*€ 17 - 4 4 :4:„.. . 2 - cai ~4 11,;. ,t tm. bii. ' 5:47 laltiA zng t La. its 1091-itir ::g ai.bot,, , . It o wag, .7, ••ari, : -: t A Vrj , i. iti U l Wii i ...: I f li " Atff Me" i 1 ;d : 7; " Ira. Hi rbllitfi /St, 4 0 4ntritP4 '• AinteDelOrlOON -Vrt'''''' . -- .14 .1 *ititoCie,4oolot ErgEW. sr#E7. 970 prqtr EON TILE PNE2r2ISES /MY 'BOOTS, ',IIEAUGENUINE KIP LEATHER. cussoa~.mwnE`lYiiiam~s~l~; „~ .c : ::..c aLs7 Three,Dollars a'Pair. at, Amin norm I •,•_ sp . t. ,air An Arab& •at cogh to.askatroom tor to, SeB r .• NEWAIRLILSIM =MEM BE 1 1 1 .7; 11 .9, 1 1 : ?1 1— .1. 71.44 .1 war. k,Jl9#,(4Prif" , Vas Am* itiamer wedi 1,01 4 / 4 he whmi fax sengetel nall, win Lars fosahsabotracentair MONDAY; 'SEPTEMBER 18, 1885. roe-Freight of fix:4l444ply on Baud scald ;SCHOOL BOOKS A large amt so:spine assortment of scsaoz Boom COPT WOKS, 91.11.TE5, DEL WINO CARES, Ere., Ere., EDO, Aml.oflered at the TINT lowest prises, to the pub *, and to idual - dialp bows, by Ida Y. Ellin. anso O MTH:3z. /7L450810 LULL. , Matil.;100'10111/1 TAXV3.—No. , Moe la hereby strerkto meow concerned, , that the Annual Elst,lisiDie Terenty.t Dle '"l26RimPtlittalls, his b•• la Played to m beads • by the Asemearoned thas-Serill thold la my oM e, No. gl WATER STREET, Allegheny, from ThIS DATE to the glailYSY litlaTE RIMER, for the puling* cl ttet lnif valet Taxes oa In. timbre, LloMmlng.tarillrer litlat i t Also, I mill attend la_oascm, or by Wet, at Ito isorough of Tartnettun, at the Hotel o Suite ij/OIFD, on TEDESDAT.Ibe tott WiWideadter. Seatte4 inf Wile& atEl' font 'Web& et itanaLthaßtuough of Seirlekley Stan g Pampa. Qaston,,en DIONDAZ ?YrapiO. th e latistnett. tram mean tOntssa tesir •- - • Payments moat be made, ta ali, ems% Vaned • fErnitlettel Tender, or !Stational Etnee Notes. 'lf ma pats mithbatbalemona! Ms" thspenal• Ilea at MOM, DAVID .. WlWWdaw Doling= iii Platrials nog tiog:pulugl gummy thorraoggttiglt7Zl/ AA., tr...o4,,K at* ie.:v=lv° "Arirvioes SOY MUGS, AllegluehLagiNootashAtogruag. Whitton OhotroYet a t .thhoth...4. liaili2; o lohn "7.. %V% VA:01: ,IshOl4 rough." : - Vuloße Det 4 es herebrglgimObattho Vlowerh wlllaagetoa. the p=i4,:on PLTIMASar Oa goy of September, at which MINIM pw ties ra. to Interest lOU please attend,lf they gt think pow. JOHN E. PLR E, R. II KNOX,. coat .as--Li VISCISTON. WOL•I3. BOSS, _ D. PATTI:IESO2g, ' .10sEnt ALLEN JOSEv . 4 plyinvic 'A nc, swan. WO ' FOTO do Solo Senor for Plttiourgh, of the ligitTED sureimit_comrtu Alan, Adaautatiaciaa Swan Bill ark • ' and /37:9 COMpStly. r ai ' kSA Tl UV: P forf e joeeeproarr4 SOW Ilnt4 FL% by oak. SPL-8, I '• A011§14 1 41 8 1 / !lOW litikeßtait,‘GLlME*Vck Itetioasori • tAillitlanntaMalanoa+l4analbart. MOIDELINQUZIMTAZTeI MIS V o*Lnut Au rr eV TAILICOMMIrrAiNotzto la tripwinLl, ju 1akiku.LAF...,14447.. Aoksot, dem -0 7 1,i Ma% slat -es arsiartitat Ca an tem as Vat dw - .at DataammilXlvtaxn.Call py it.. se4 VI! 14.,,V12-21A de s gl wet pli Meta ' r a earb,.tit t iazail tiNaill to ratadnadtnalr sob rg laid nt forft tiv alla nett aU mesa 1 2 :4,‘SaFt a MAI% Maar mit at, as ' La' bun or atitraai kw rut. - - It latitprEHEON,_ 1414rUmmir. HX)Yrfirkr , 0 0 t., " Orkti. CIUM rrrfellorliE4EAll4.-. tlie J. thioSidgeabtiniaietriviiiirea (tar, tryirCloutters and I J 11Q1111.0fAIL,EVIIIWIr . inlgf3P4 . l4lolkt ,77 i'lnii$4.giotititVA4orateivi l d 5 Awe: : 4 14 %eie .woou,26rEsbaN.li.• r i,„,"Th. Ithlt Atiguit. IBS% JoutD gp! t stick:SNOW:La_ !Mat , arapspiwriottO alitua 914,1c0IPAMi., f • ; ; " r , r 7,± - , rt. rt,ti.,3. T 'e ttsg...l "I'MUMS= r :f r tfr; . 11raitr b al l eit?ZWIr bja$ 11 4 M it . 41 . l e t! ,I.M-Nd:44l,l4.LArtrqtlir. t Ng " 4 1 1 P '' r ,! rrr n r :42 rST tisq4., 'MAU 3vilirialicstunr4-4 ink, for NU at No. icoliotikot Urn/. sue JOS. it.t2LOLIRES zrEW KRBDI PTpliT CLOSING OUT SALE!_ To(militate Imprxmoolanto oontomplated in our Wes Rooms, 55 and 57 Fifth Street, We entatenee Trkaies peep to 4 /11 the Errs= stubs or Boots. shoes, DRY G,OODS, AT AND lIIIIDEIt COST. Auia rz.yoicei-Prides. Colt purchased at the Low Meta of Ja!y, "fall and Winter Tradi3; mw.px .p ormas- xectivzzaugq, T -... trow PPE plq,1144.11;113 CratZl2,2lr ZitcprelAgli.l3:llNr. • IlalTf7slill2diatrui4uilli!ichwa6e to rOplealstif .4,17 -7.7 .7. 7 t, 1 ,7 ,b71• ' les:lr Stoats. oklarAvilus.oo !, 4 .444.ptivj0..,414. 4 , T. dicOnnt from Prima cliirifiltsbellutiise' • • , 11. 1 erything to be field In 20t-Days. PL4IIX, - awn zumaus, T. A. MeMlMUdni AUCTION sticLontai Noa, 55 and 57 Fifth Street. MASONIC HALL MILLDIN. ==3E3 VALUABLE REAL EIiTATE TO ITIVISOLIT- OCTOBERI9th * IBM Fluvosal to Ike authority ;rested La us by carp hatpin adopted at • me:Us of Oa Stotkholding W the Delmont , ifoll WOckkilinopkay, MAI reg tut' twentptaird day of Aft'etnitgia. the andetthated, !yenta on behall of aid Cellegtatlaa. • Will Sell at Auction. At the Irons doer al the Owen How, la the dly: at Wheellog, ea • Inesday. the 10th day orOdeber. 1885 r arifizebelna tag Lee at tonWidadt a- Inn na LW. valuable Real Estate and atiptutatudaas to 8 ath Ward at natd allAkrunta a. • TB DEMON MON WORD And Nail Yactoryi ' Botmdsd ulcer" vizi Wed.kir the ObtoOiyeri !Worth by Dlrlalon , stteil.lllme by Ittabs:v-4 andtkmultby the seinen, ollattataa,Ualdireil Lansatter. Kinard mer trot W A IL . . Ipo/ Cc iton, and ti L lY a lfety =4ft.tina kfd sasa .111111• And Alm 'Bral-Batitte and o be. Imftba . . lM aelg a =r tm e t t=allio-hlot otINI - .ll,M=pletli, and the oboe= Menottad therinetthr end 111 , Town. Lei In Souldr Wheeling, lately yozettased the Ift;at :baulk and , cdters, endleit. Nowt Il i a l,l3lhailgerq ti 4dli e v= artret i llti Vlttree,== cast It Ii simposed tnateeal - to bill sad ern Weekelf Ithillttent tor tt eapply Lb - Irtaltator Twat ccr. . .):Chlteeld Bal tO sul4 math* follow! Clna.tams, via e a Oho cash. as 4 thik slittos with Intents; BIM the dap of sale, to' tam edam lastelasteta, payable In illx.twelve and eighteen isnenthe Los sate =at thehutsbaear litho Beal Estate to tato the nog; ott:timutol mateitaLs Iron, sails, tools. end <Matto rwtopsity at an an. eralseisent to be made by three distotarested per , theparthater iota oboe.. one, the nberatr=tortts %MAW, end the two soohm , sate third, the tentsion" al any two DI Um three WOe bindinei•arob the steak **taken to be pat 4 for in mai instahnanta at bar. ale and eight, months, with i to nmost from day or sale The do. lamed oit both • Real State nui meek toP r with scented by pape ta r sat/ifteterylo the oltderidgm.4 giants. and • Um to be Method an the .propptetiy until payment In anal.., The .our. them Noll have the optiOn or parzit to bane the w hole ratline money, or any'hiM-0 ertioA utasot Ohio above • . 3,11.11/E4,:PAUTZ, O. D. lIIIBBARD, B. 08A.80L.F.„ Whittier, W. V a., Aug tetEltd. etrlteld 1 FOR BAJA. ' ; Colin-tens, . .Ccruittters.. 10.11' , .. 14 0.01 4 0-1.41.R 4 MlllErElt B ti ,'aaavpbe vp , BRYAN,: Broker, block. ant/ PO. 57- E0 ..,• MOMS ardertter the minim and Ws st OOLD, sad .akxvinerrazirri NAlLROtaintialoirritOLE-, UP.' 'MUM PrMaY. eigc,OW tibltl36.! i#1204 t a w)," kilhote.; the iteritrtiew ittleaski.lo2o 4 4:404010410 - 1 4.,thegroir4, Nolkaii kb tbbisidee du* " • ST.• CL I 6 • s.N; LOT , ps .oLau z0 . 614:Ft.ii.4 Itpi iraaaltle fils,Clatr steibeteiftwiltal Omit ed Ihmadeals Ws., about ani reettronh onotinained. Goa B.IF - BETAN, arakere: , +Ans 4 i , il7ealtißTA:B7.l Markey SuPanz • )4. RE 4.l.Egagerbsx( au 4- 1111 . 0,1 2.. 00 ,A, - ;, - „, fro Jl:',lmetilatt l i duß fab . -iisetithr ._ 4 isw scrany% ., “sasostreiou.saa , , l Ali f - Otlivr RUT , 37 - 1;114 ,' .A _ ... r, ~, ~., 1 lsepsi4ot utile i l i:i . .... , ,t, a mkt) i i t iti n t rattiltrestUritetal mum Impactrus AK .. i r.', L , .:I ~ Flielaill bri n ia imi t i , o ,i4 2. 1 ,, , • •Ortialiliglablad twat °ilia-W:441 Ela=lZil:ZEU kocwairenux—wat.s, - the lab radon of .4. oe 04e.4 rat to Um Mall= M 4ThaMtooalo• Pond J. 1 .11- 1 . - 1= omen "do Aot ats* of tom Oorafoommtay. ti b eojcdosa as the lit meal ma fafroo -attach ttect2fortabitletand mfonurMtpioch mikes law caftans:a to toologlaa. • - theme. JOBN U. LTEWAETAboffs tho ' at An. k. mag......tberedbro mato kaaook.oa • Ulf pobllo itbm b>. Tz; •51,12 1 47/10N • A • • 2" , d 4 .6 the Ft 0 MI TllllllDirDth - ritltlrOft • tart .1 the wren& VlsoUta• instdot. thgzsUL •• directs:l tty isiitlalsasthlanat Atit Witty, ilt a l I re.haertlm" s e hy notre 4 ti t = =r 7 anol•totrot - p r pat- crolletto toot , the tlatbeitStatoNew Othis Ottaa•cetel snysittf,oiltmcit , porstel district, whether • crosual•don•d oat= or other. else • snithatosthatkanac aiTatte.bo•it. or. Lil that ontlei Isgtalactrhaseattrearith that et this faze, or dna lhalted•lltatio. orate/it: 2 V toctect diztrict• em gr. tt•t " 3, 7 ls °Mpw Contme., sod of the Stink we...tumuli of the-edict aofcmmoo cranctl•iitlarchtt, at scsecolistottrag, .1 - T NthiTthatsd titsthat, 447- Ws. lathastaaaLbstkuag el, lb• pane Simi the othos cc appoint:amok Jtuts., Instooret Clitc%ot say slthloa af t.blsoawaszt. instdr. anti st to Inspector, TAP. 01 or any rot►gettion shall be ellithi• treat cdtics to tos tths . thritter, nut by Wu tilt soaks of Coe Act of leth, - 1340, ft ig provi& d, Lb* skomsold -134 sectiao of the Act of Jady• SA, goal not be so 'Coastroed as to mend. soy militia oflcer or looroasit 'doom, ening am Wm apy puma or special lo this m.mwsll.6. . The doctors of thsyfrart Wasd-of,the city of Plictbaret to aorta: Palk &boot Mess fossil Word. L. eletisirOof Ow &end With Of 31Issity of rir_.- turgb to asset at the Public &hoof Hameln said Reed looms of so mach oliWnart Word of du city of IW. shralib. 9 ititi WO, 16.:Witti 'at 01 Cis do Wed:.ash corner of Teasel sacf Witty streets. , Th. electors Of the laostlfWlStot Ow a4 of Pa. tontbitttiaecoallltoUPobtla fol;tO al.. bt WA WAAL • The elector s of bath pteciact . aof th• fifth Waorcityr of Yittotnegh to nea at tturiairlohoca Hon" comae 9l I= lad.9llloootatgiLl.Latp api rL, b6o . Th. tfectoniaftheiliath 'lfni of ,to oat at the Palk School Ifotooltoveld West of thji etoottth Wor49f s hifitro. l _ s4l s l , it wee at thiPtiatbSebaallbttehlo' latLf Ward:. elm boa of the Shihti.ifotal of lb. oily di Pitts . latest to 45.T 5 55 am P.thlic:._llin.aiilrard,, Oa electon at tbilrfath ward id wartitytd ; aarai plesdeatat.'d~wtoto4,Wm• to rid Ward. ' 1 ba•ojeatiers or lit. Tenth ward, - city of Pitts to, I'M to Wart atttarlansietaraere saalstUt } lir. 311545. 1 ,. . 5° ,1, r 5ti 44 ?1,1 " ,1A 2 5* - ! fla Valgg=iiidfforlOMMOSVorAlNOW :Ufa? Itr,i,,bnL=lVlVl=t;:ginolgtaaf' It meet at that Bahl &tool Mose, coma al ft elk . 1 . L9,. '.la=l* ta r n . , r afrarda,,,,a, , . MO lowit!4 55 . RIAU , / Agb.o timom fi k t . & LI TZ karma fool& pm Tart,7l..lntWard. rAmot at 5 r. Ww.o.-134, , 7itat4ri OM dowt,.:.• 1 ,_1 0 u .y,._. • Sao gwtors at- tit. Iforollr.Want of tht-Al rt / 43 4 4, - I tTti t aTa i ra l a a l i l a = t r=o; I - at atalt ' 'thaw tack arrow of Mama awl Waw. I Stur altotor. of thlootneiotlßlttotatelifthafir.ollo • oto eo ct., ta neat at the Public School Hoax; agoolotfotta, Ea. .- • I . elector. of the' bona:Lob or Erst runnaigulsa le atotet at School Homo flialatilarifhotolortit,' 4,, 7 % - li.Um electors oe itoquions torough to ascot *eget Pah- School horse. la add Goiough. The electors of do leatcrogh of Costroorrin. to mot . 0a...W0& sfahool U. 5 ., ht . 553 50 =45- . • _. • , no ahrtan 0( tlw barraadl it . M a tritterrmarat riboawarlicoiso Mop In rard 7 r:. • tla.aatuatrof tla x = fit . , to.:aa a . • To r roput In ral Mr alartOrs Of Os lamer f or-. Titorcutiolll% to ilaoratattilas= o nn tn i. iblii :TO* awl It Ww Poldlutda ."- arrreurC•twww4C ASIR - of 1 sod Itrornartlla taxeridta toad. t Tn. aetekta a ta berm:lA.or -WitiPttliabeiglt-to warsattbarkbakilawrittoddWattlidr• • t ito electaroof ,kb.ot 0 ofFrid to colt a wreath' au iardinkkaten„-t ;•if ir7 v.. 47.1 Ilw Walnut or the baronet ot Amato* to gawk al cbg==ol= ih aa!d , lw aijw,,k f tact., th. ref , = n d r,%: -g.wsi k ath ib ui t i l „ a 2 i , ham formally =aided by Johltrirlattqlo said. . st ' ia .'...ati me •rl!“ awiiiii n i to .- In ,... ii ii . Helgaiiia bIiNUMW - 1 , 4911n , Y 0 alegal al eellx o o ll 4 ...4;l,th.thielele th e ml nom tiriald EadiawlC. ' 4401,.. The doreoliorldtdtti tonthfirto orsotatta boos W John Balder, hi taUMWASIIIO4 itrataatal strtsclitarDiftrittiti4tdWdedieitirwtr tate 411011.aar Of. AU toWtithif, A:WO PM , . boo" 'oirotiatlatdi' UMW vidawd OW war LEW IcswiSsoitlawcii 144 *Pk. the co dbitidlia t , ?IL O 4= - labs: re of . Men W at t1 ,4 4r Itar Wartiow at Ikittor_ Wood at Um boa= ..t It wallow, Jr, ta Oa TAW ,4wt. Wm% The Medan of irattrattat Pallet &hod I/OmM all Map . . to tad tow. 'l t Alibi , $i i .iii t riboi.Y.o7.b. 7 .ii She dodoes of Partoo-Wwwhip to mad at that bows !at,AtbraltrprZtylort itoP.,.ll,4o4MMM",tn,'o4° ." - It7letart of Penn totyindttp to meet at 'tie bons ot r lpbtztd. l2 . ?.! A.5.!4 In mW .4 1 tie' Pubtic &turd Etna, alt aorta:mot David altaw, war the Wltttollittaftittaturty 9=241 t 7 rtacowttookAM Mr ales= of fThabothattordap to iota ot the boon of M. G. Taylor, fornactly acoaolod pi Joan. Walter, la alloatatl. The olocrarnatarlati toroiltlp to owl al we boon of boded fat% lanranly accoplod byJohn 11, la aold I add toarmhlp =f =ton= tatosta an boast fq Juno MICA ta SU deem, ori l i.. tit iiiar :;ihip t .....4 at tho hoes of Hoak 0 ..etas, In sad tinruship. +Thaatortoarefiaerat.eldr towstatp so meet at W. loam WA, k Co t.by.f. Ada at. tatinactloa of ato fllr itinietato sad tt MIJ toida,tor allinomatda:••• ilettotionbartlanttronahiplSo awn at Um boats of W Otai. au tan riatinnt• sad Stalbonvilla St. p etoototo of Hoban= toonalstp to moot at au• avatar parch *Ta.tural, rormaui r y nate., lelatiand In • VP •I•awaraf r iflaV towlablitatatoot at flu boon d b, 6. o,.. 42l; i i nisu lated Ai tuia - 17 . 7 1.4t 6.-Ti o aMl . ty I. jet =, 1- °ilk ' 4 M a q ie s a4 , at &boa' Efooto Man *Sodom olagao Oachaldp. fa Waft al the twos dillto, V.Tbortspats,laanla tortablo. lb:, of. etOra of Yr- tills - totrathip, ant fradze, to alataaa , taw •taiaa wafttnat: tirataa.t O.U. in wad km-Shtiv . th• *ate , of woad precilicf.to WWI al On SW, tow* 4 /awl alloi., fa .4.1 toonafalp, Tta olooonobll,ltaiOnla tovaialp s to meta' Or School liookle X an.tatafitnanialp.. '- 1 .. atm offtproat egatala 1 anittatto =WS Ate tome afJaba - otty:thlataal.toortibta. , ~ ~ ~..„ Ito•alatOta pr lisfifore toonalitp, •tp limy st fbi Moatt toiv Hinaa-thoa a r tlaillailo afftiltria, at Woolf Itoa• fttamiaboi •.. . :.: t• •• ~ -.• - The sancta cf ItomlatiOatatO to mast OM= hxoir of hart bo ot lanai toonabip. • . • , 1,-- Abe ...kraal , of,llaattatattio townoldp 111 Me al Ai ir -45. df Ict• pAri; 03M. fOral Ca n. T. CO pier; ti lila Ito obatomof Math Wayettountufblio armed at ra. tWallt WWII, =DPW ea 'nom amaigra, m logfpza , 11W. In aactammalp. . 1ra...1...t. of Ravi iniiiiii 'vita it iii ica: of tlegb Wad; °alb , Ifnuttlia 'Woltd,'l2 oda' to o ottlf.P. firtar &moor at , Pllnalontad4.tb. angst SC-Wow af Jame !Ida alla lan arld tartiattp. ff , , _iao :1- • • sbe,smter. 4 wouakik, 4.1•44, to,ami, Las go tato. la thn-lt ransom la oria Anitudd9.-. - • a 1,....,,,.... „,, ft r zir ti=a :i#e'idi Obi • llbe-akemartg , Zon.twir m lii - miaall it fa L o thiWaSsainkikiisgtot; Amu: - • polklonierrsql, iminn V4l?lltat t° ' . ' al ID acimnaosor.llli aqaa. oftearirkthet. ll 4 -12[11 t4,116` $6l//1166311.1V ' -..e. skean* af AM ataaCti Wadi Mau Nal ftioaailar.tiitaaillad. I. , • ISM +41401 , ,aq5e44A,M7-taladapao Rrit st Vik• holm of gamma .I=talialttowtabl. •• . 'ita abeam of aaaatdp' hi =oda tit boa* Ilbreentplieettp4- - 411stAtcommpOgeddll intithlti. ;Ito :ROM Of LUZ tillalltbiaklibil larsiat9, or recastromicat lota tbirßit 4.. labs- boasonueuss:74o a S W 14 ' au Aaurpay siTm 0 P. 9.b• .P. ben *go.. E mad _ stomellsra. maw aitinew taa _ t ali , at a dd Wilk Lid Saba b a the swath:NW dreablnitarto-aZioso Imo wsiterfy coma tees+ 844. e's tosatala. tatalaaail a =Wag at la ma' briapol Saps at iota ahoudadJa Iflstanngtomfa; dla. OW. sod ishoirt. salbli Mu tic% *Ulla add bound .ll-4,10ba1l horeaftor oda fa INV 'worst et m 7 Ur botoni of Shatpallato at the Okada!, 'polio! add bar na olactott . af Mak, amain; to Toot h JOn tihiA pti,J.,44.to.nap. Tbs. eir 15twashow s r ikum or omar . q tosislikp Ai tms at the School *• -1 ,, z . . 'Naas -11arrptra anniebtp, to ai cist •o 1 tLa caorri Warn Pi ID odd %MN. P. ..;frtifp Scuotql.laioxytensohlp tiaras.% •1 Cris to toe of ?ftricrArjcialtl tkitiVkirir VC , ' • - "9'.. 1 "”"t WitlinatePi 10 tPO%a6tAr bow crilioslectoa.•B e.to•reichtp to met Y. iitt tp toS k 56 ° 4 1 4 11 4 11 1 1 lialantolir. ifter-.odd& ;11praaild pGeY Ito goallni4 eliicton d cliWty . tallat you perebs fur Atari*. Gleam! of Potio7trocitar Oniegassoisarrlairs•yor Gianni at. Posoniyhmala.. One peraia-ko-Illstrics—atrosaay-of Allocravay OilitlirWifil6kilAtiftlfi4 l 4 7 4ecia Oar prim tor magma "a .11y opacity. Ono person !or GUMMI, o f Pearoylracila. : titarrelUy erv"rzt Ow Comoroirr arlegasoy county. EN art i l== il tatf t = . dap dart o i • yassoalar Director of the Poor or •Ammy P•arity, • •Irticiugar tLi . e r - sad O•Vfidtb arf:th ,ytk4•Y o.4 *wi - i - h* UT.' , Shad 24 - Iry /mop Itsai • Ascs ifileTtz4Faol. I “3=4:MM=E2 RAU:=l=6 , l.: 'ff3l*-ei'll;lleAld4lll.'44/4.41 111:4 , 2tYsiad,80_01110:EplUZ 44 1 4 1 30, 14 4 , - Iti&CHME -.01401 k.B. 711=jitillanaL4Ti hi, - -._ ,-; 2 ' , (UL 137 74ra1. IPO It:ILI& i sarisaarcrogrrik munlimi l il sw o s iia.i llw ltir d. e x.i..Taza... and n 'she giortonta br Mir ......t OlO • . zio.iiimeratsmtx "------ ' eek,i' i n , 1111,11 .:I .! *1: , ! Ta r t i AtAttalkelligi* 4 , late us, I es, ( Putt tirThr= A".• „a im , emu,. • ugr a tall wawa wawa, I I,l=iffi v nion. paw 4=l4aqua . 121 . 1' wr it glizzazNi r k e gienu mi s a ttej tualts fa To _ Im t s aktoi n s ticsMtainataz . r, , w ALL , R4g311,--if few il: l o.4Truh sti ris; „TT. in tueett mul ,,Mt ire ir mtOßle. al ' - nclaToo..this dal sod broad REVIVE Ir. /I/ iron. Ifo walla Wood and • DRY" fOOODS. 110 THE TELE! sa.scoo - STOCKINtt YARN. ;;L Full elsai _meni of Ms o - OusrAr. BoSTON GAS`! EII YARN. Cjty aia.ciruiia*ge_ru plied in-quantity, At Y.owest t - ash'Rates‘ . A .,.. ef. 43 v 3 2, ... , 4 . 41 4,....14 li r s t E, -,:., :. .:.-,... .. ~..i. .1.4 ZiCiIOYMBELZET• Afteool3lll.o 5;11 J[frank can Gorderand-fahla Fag an; tititaeoddiato4lotiiiiroloisso Rot , .ust&storosou io N 10391444 . a Co. •.. AV) 9 i ,Li 45 GOO , E nameled. per t ; mars; --- f.5,1)00 Camuiliw , Vilo.cl- , do.; 2.ll4;torunds:WilitEaUthig taro; 2,000 - dozen WOO ana.aietiaollose; .14 kitirtrailitrfa ,PPAO4 e veers= . 4,11,'LZ.Z12.1-2, I WOVICing Bra o ;90, 7tl, ti Z.ta:J-114,-A.,111:: SOO doz. LaditO Linen' Udkts., f ati4 , 1 144:14 4 f extercielomano. f ao 1.0.4:44x 3 .44 • • T o,,, A ti t ityie r - imam. fi tC -,11 LI to ißr die* I •Bly n`i 471T-.1 i‘f f c . ...TO BE ErSEIP • •: . • 3EALTOINNO, Fifth Bt wit, The Terplex An' zaii,ri,ss. WILL BE FOUND gifALL, pO,FUSI9N I..deduc..ftugnesaziiod:ot Trimmings Ott "Notiow, _ . WELL 13.4111:1115D., Don't Fail to: lit4nino the Stock pELlsll4ll3ParisirSzaus..: 4/01Hrlir, - tr,rtietiiireit;'; NAP claws F. 3 r 1 L . - abi E viEL IWAO - - ---, - _ ---,*.,11- -„,thidai,iiii. se '66.o(i'll°Pfii itdaiailite,‘ '.,pzif07.17/VIA4 i,iP, ' - -1 ' t s r id Wirbi la—a4 l.-lrtifiZWltht, 'frgq*ltf itelliiie w't&c. tkvAiiratait,i,"g4t ikttalUi 4391113? ieu':-rtiagatriNittrtifta "tumuli ii IdwoNr .. 13.6 . 40.1. ... ,topliz.rksop 11 1 11411 .04,..anthiltika 411"6"' 84* • 2312.0/2 6 G04atf 444334 1.4 tifeest i" , *11,17: .Atirazul ~,s. igs ahadalt 7=tr- ~,,.. - • , ) MioThruliosirri . ~,. i , z: _., t ++.-,;1 1 ,, ,-: .....1 sr l'''. ' lEltiAl.a. '' ' " ii - 0014161.trp err.ami. . Ti 5E4.11,'. .v_zt - STD, . • , • 1014r0t": . 543 ALL slattitatroA'4'i - - , 111 - 13 White and Ctelarol; nenulivi ' :T. ..ZoLszs, nosus**umPlattaxsi.ki. itrotOtti takcat4ll . 15r-inria f. ~.i,O2,I,ALNIMEE.,:eaREMMII., C 874 :e: • DAV . IthILOW tg .D/631 ipiataluks ... ___ _mama - ..zaipowtd.,NClL4a* A...*F9WWQ. fv!rq;.,S • "g 4.! ;,!„tosesitteL ta,V3 , I . 11. . -11 • 11 4 4,azgliaizairara fate le r p r j ui 6 c : . riar to D mi i gintgat m f :V44,p o tti telitm* • Atromtarazoni . 1 4C't 0 ../BA .1184P#P40 MfigaPriger'ltiP, intimornau•edwatiiigatiotrowea di mourpubsi ant 44 tWeg agan341 4til__o l l4 l l l ,/ „ !LW feEßOzt:rzo :4*)/41TaTati 7r vtrA t ipazig : zati . 1 Z euL wafterreeetiihrte *-:; 'kb some PrOP• ' :341=r1siti;1,00; bilartienr *outran thiritsurogr .zodi ettv and • ,Trlntimmegital ottkimpos Annie stir -, r. • 41284 fr! li typierru er itzA NsT.: 4 -IPEEtrt 51KoR Alipl:IBI.;- *mu m twitfrgerot inox it r m =ft., ( u ourstopift4ric -49,4174.402,5 , :-.174 ~.P.T., ,714,tka.ivtigintigir. ;Li4O..IIEMIGIT urn BARGE.4II . St (.1210WIVOf !!!'1 Lig -- I A . :,. i .1 'Ell!t I 1 4 . .? 1 „ a . ; A ~..---, - w. • MEM I1;11E1=1 Ils
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers