Vittsburgiveaultt, TRAVELERS' GUIDE. and Departure jof Trains' PrtelisylvattSa Central Railroad Deperra. arrive. Day,Exprers.... 1:50 a et Mail .. . .......... t :2.. ft co 2.l.B.3lAecoalmore bleep 21, Fast 1.100.. ._.. - 2.1 , = ot l'ataisErle Maio 130 pm Pitt& Erie A.t: ;25 , p m !Ails. Expmaa,.. ilela p m 11,Plat,re..E..x.p's i :alp m . , AltstLine-- .-. tr d 0 .p In ',. 1' ta la. Ex.pre.s.. 23 P IS i, Sankt:OW.6.4.oa 3:00 P 161.1.013.cmt1t .6ce . e. IQ ,t , am , Ist Wall Slattern 630 a m I ha. Walt St :mitts r.:.2.1 a m -.0 0 0 11:40 nm,ll , S:S; I m 0 0 — CIS p 0n'.1.1 " 2.05 orn 4.111 , is &OS p mi4th • " 64.3 pof ..11100LionwiV.1.06 p Pean,AccOmierf. 1764 a m Abe ohusell 12010 haver Wale , Statism every IStuiday at 90 S. W.; return i ng, Lesvez PlUsbura., -4 WM p. re. • lirittt.burch, I.4trt. W aynesad Ctilcao. • Deports. rrme.. - , . 9:20 a M'Expristo .... . . ... 2 . 20 , re .. Euless,. ..... ... ... 2.* p m.F.:3.preas 3;30 p LP pmm.":. woe p wExpret* ...... ... 6 . 23 p m -- Mgr.... , . ~, .. - 15,06 m' ; 51311 736 p m ISPl4:ll4l3r.ilejr.M6 = i 1;9. 6 c i. l, riii7r 3- .) p.m 10;9; s. " m., tt:iso n. ~ .;A ace ssw 4?.. .flochester. 2ris p., ca.; New Cl.tle, use 404Esonami, tl :... p. m. Lt4ta 11ltirgE".iRlerelatid 4.111131-DOCellug, •, l . . Prpsott. drriVa. lEil*P ...... ... 2:10 a op' Expresa .... • .... 2:10.. IP ling! 1. 7 ... ... ...":13 p raj Expreas ...... ... V. 4.5 pm 3115U1e.5...1-4..+612,a, rel I Mall . ~. parr p 61.40e2141110 ActoMModatioar lesves ltaz6 p m. 14 1 •, . -. , ~.—_, , -• ' .---, "I"lttfibui•ei 4i4aVoli4e.lllervillle:, -• ,- . . . _ . , Deports. • . arrives. • i11i11.44s ..... . . ."255 a 131' DIAII-,;.4.4",.....61:03. p la! ..... :, 300 p 6', Eir.prtei . In -Ist,mehemport.ti)9 o a mma 1110Heaspart 6,50 a m ?Mr --' t = " ... oda p mill . .••" .. 2:05..p zostlitilißldetelr.V•• 7110 a rwl tst Maddock's. 6:30••• 62 I, OS .., ° .... 4:15 p m 0.3 " ... stlo pm • I ~, Alicepy L',alley Railroad.. , . , ,' ''‘,P . Depeitc. -- i .-: arrtvet..... • l's. fdail.s 3Do a M.Fxpriss ........ 0,30 a m Expreass.4.....Agrp-taillfait:.....w...oMo.lP so ' Astecartsatidstitaa '...50p 101,AcM6MOSOdstibri'dMhf m —.............------... ciTV NOtriCEB. ti QbeCrVc. Gad' traitt Ftanea, petacFlga ;lithe:Late, 'Rai. siniy*lur6, Federal Apple Owady, Cueoert Tstripeiti2 Federal itta 4 t, cizoicomßnArAv. (=Urn V niver.ity. 14:£41.1Temeielll'oper.ori September 4t4, with very koperior adVputspes tut .103p.srtigg trqtrue tioulAPPl9 staUbtridvitY rialidingoihmeru -So Disraor.d. stmts. plow three Dollars a Pair• Meals heavy Kip Boots,' custom'•msda, baud ~wed, Aur.aell R00ma,,53 sad -73.11coids at arid untlei coal, to close ant by the 23tti inst., to Inn= rapslisAa4 improy a- Ladles' and :Massa" flatten and Balmoral' !Soots. selling at cost; also ObiLinz's elems, in great rashes, at the great -010049ut sale ot Shoes !Lod Dry- Pda 'l3lolarrisuotton &ooze's , sad 17 rarh vtreet. Privatessiss every day awl evening. . . Alm Second Great Sale of Lots Ea gerarianirs CiPart,..pgsr Shady Shia, Station, Gsitl4lberiy, wait. otionXondaydezt. Daly Ciro aides (rotethe Clierrt-Ireinee le, Pitisbirrefi, add essityreehed by rail and Saber roads, these lots cleat lad ready purchasers..., ---; Carpenter Jobbing Shop. ~,f}attlili &Culled altar an Selene.° Of Orel , yeas in Ste innY: Slw F ore•oyeileAly &Or , tor nit f or ofjobbing in the carpenter tine, et the old stand, Vi n iinAlloy.bOLVionS 4l . ll2llletelatreatandCherry lloy. Oidetn eoliclted o2d prcimptlf iftended to. ani.tan.n FOIMnT. The Ladies . • Will Cud a handsome saiortuient of 17ieei Good. • 12 Dab fancy and plain 40045, at the northeast • eornettot Yourtlistd Market streets; also French DlABlOS,ang..,ololttnerea, at leas than half last Uinta littio,ra.. Remember, we are now on the —storthstttoorner of Fourth and hiarket streets. 7, • • • ct• [leases JAPVIS tr. 800. From the Lava of Snorlae, Tar etkaials, come the aro:mail roots, or ortaeb Frairriora .sciatexT is cOaposed. to this prepare ad= the chesetstre of the tollethes achieved ite -rooatifireadiithrli: tlittUtrai. Pure. suudguaa teeth. arA adoreable Meath, vat absolute exemptton from diacesc.e that...effect the zuma, are the re tina of a dailY apPlleation "of the Sozoooat. Wholeßio Buyers - Of troodi wiiritial our stock of Tall Dry Goods very lull azd ottractiso eobarge arm otter Dress, flotebOelql tlisn—otesefr Easterr Frees FlllllOll and Musitntipufoluaie4 Odors - the 'late adesuree. 0111 and see our stock before you pur• ehase.,,Etmcpster,the ylace-ron the rsorttseset comer DI Fourth and slat bet streets. C. Hs blow Loeb k Barb_ • Thomas W. Parry &co. — , _ ?mak+ yerto Rooter p=d ttlett le American t • Slate, of variant colors. 'co Alexander mar ihe Water Works, Pittaburgh, - Pa. liesidpnee. O. ^Tr" Pike street. Orders atter:teal to. All work warranted water 1 1 prcel. dap? timehorult n etice., No ! e.harge repiars, presided - the root - Is DOI ahtsed.after It Is put an. Dr y Goods. ir Laker a. co. haye just reoelve.l lacft" new assorplont of Fall , and Vflittar Cloo3a, For,4#o 4:eftillbtag to the . Dot qoods 116, aiWr rtnoy. Orolsoped'onieactO, sod they tiro! it.441t0 lit 010 si'ip'eiy',6ttefilloule In Merliags, elf vi 001,,, and AOocly tv lao li 10 'loanly of it6elioF - ,s 3 tOpieo WC ie 10. with • ittkitt tote r ana:puohaied at ' cheep tatis; — Vei nit atiatekilidoi that per ova puthaled as bneuiadtiiit s atoek of goc4la *as Vail be been istlaci,ViAkca etWay vie Frlovi. Be- Noemberihe aka; ids v'etlliil itt4et ROdUetlEine •• Mr. JOtai Fier„ 1.2 i! Fegeral our otertd, "Way ille 3 exit'"-Jihe • ck j likkiollo)news of the capture of Richmond and the usiOttaitr :06% obelnencial Leo was re. ellred,tirsel taking advantage of the pante pro. &aid; kaawthg !hie it , -aackol , that would rot jaw, made very heavy ptuchttwa pi the, Afloat aptias end sticom . .! goods dt ebout onakalf of the ' old ➢Pato,- Some of the tinest aizthic - camilmerti .inste makings areittaluded in hie stock, 'Which be le • iSrvPallklei make EIR too, 9td:ws,9n chef! notdaii , to ststitleakd trtirresponacily los?' rate,. as choice assortment of InstaidditaEOM lo and ready. imetinebithltut Nyilreqso tit totted et aka elegant astablisimicat tra , ,ddleghsyns , drismr 5 di04,14 gist! Ilm calL . . Editorial usetht Votume. We *Oita bleier". 11., A.. Baldwin Ss, 64 k cedar striht,'lViti Tort, are stout issuing a Oori .llol444l4irieirtipLtectory NeW York, 80. ton and Phil a eights, containing the names and addrew all the Maid cal:Wm" in thosn 7 iiirsi web; eltuidavisnd arrmr4ndi bit Mid and Pen fesslon it veal also contain s finely executed sink, Holston and Phil - adelylilea it will Le a very useful cad very muck efigArsf.'referenre ,- Book for Dlerctants generally tagolystigna the ginned Stains. As an additimull fadd of toe out Inemlitints to sittarrite for lt, their biudiihsi and addrees.,wili be fawned - .Inabssienrk witholt =Ms clisige—upon sealing • -that instesoriytituut to thc:, :office 'a gam. It. A. Ettidirtik thh,64losdhh greet:New York. The Peke thinsedidited Directory is only , give dohorsi vempaianible: when the , size and char. mites: (be woilihi Won-Into aohaillaiattai. . . , . `Take Time by the. Poreleek.. :The Inlasnawhielt generates epidemic fuvers In clouds undon.the blazing hearts et the deg day RM. Every Urban body, as refuse in; teal ankngegable matter, emits unwholesome eeeoggsad la crowded cities and the dense assent. mem Witch !Manias and pleasure dell - together. the elesr,ota ofdisease sum aspired. ThePresaure tiPoi I T eTY iTtaf **lb never to greet as to the almond WA tbird wohtbs of summer, and 001110146. Oita taialeiliri..o4theSe Mara Milan to be selntarced to rtteOtt. We hold our lives, in to speak, ori a repairing ite m eF4I hk'ths Riot= 'when :the repairing vr oceiji allajAdattoi Is most rapid and repatcs hie mutt, Thereto" buill uP 'gild e leeta 7#44hrwers it allure Ninth that mighty re i g it a bie . r eetipiigat, Hostatter'S' Tiltteri. Who transit mai besert!ta clothe hfirsoll In can ttart,rWic.illialP et 'u rheti ePUlemie geeeee wlll liotadue4 le rah.' This le no hifrl gra. t i e tmitons assertion bntXtt medical fact, attested by twelve /ears 4i °Ddaete et the hatable glebe,,Estrfim teelPer±ter* wayt illsturb the heath:as of the istentsah, the bowels, the liver dart theilari; HU Mil/ugh thtM , that the din, tons lnaLsillas Owen TOue then In idearcet4 with Hostetter's Bitters, end de fy beet Wid masierie. Sold by all dreUrgiSte MEV TrEaSatlottor Wed Association held He gra annual toeeting at the Board of Trade E 60130 Dailadelphis on Wednesday. kr--*-- 3 I ' 1-I:idA 4 4) N 1 ILA ii. VERY LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH 7E" VC GA INT ca x - a, cD lc rr -se- F.peclol Dve.rntch to the l'ltabugh rinzette .56:, OIL CITY, 6epi.. 7, 1 There is sixteen Incline water In the channel and Tallinn. It Is raining a this evening and Icatkb as If It wnu:d rata all air ht. THE IVOR TOUTVIBERS: MIX U. S. Bonds---Important Decision CIIOLERA ADVACENG WESTWARD Montgomery Blair's Speeeh TIE GOLD IN THE U. S. TREASURY TUBE SOLO More Troops to be Disbanded FEARS OF A NEGRO I 6151:11i13MOTION Suecial Diapateb to the Pittsburgh Gazette. PillldDELPlltd, Sept. 7, 1565 The - wool manufacturers banquet here test night was a flag affair. Speeches were made by Galore. burrosids. ti. C. Carey, I I Seaator M.Aseehusette, General Cameron, and others. Statistical returns allow a great Increase of wool manufacturers since ISO, Pennsylvania show* the greatest rMe of increaseinrease In the valucrof woolen good produced and ranks second. Massachusetts first. It appears from the reports of the United S atesSupmme Court for last year, Just publish. ed, that two decisions w ere rendered., both against the Constitutionality of a tax on UM ' ted States bonds by New Yoris State. The de cision was unanimous. This settles the ques tion of taxation of Government bonds. Advlees, received at the State Department say that the cholera is gradually coming west . ward. It rages fearfully on the Coasts of Tur key, Italy and Spain. A steamer from Alexan drla, with eighteen pilgrims, lost dm hundred At ADC3IIII eight hundred died. At Coastantt nople four hundred are buried daily from chol era. Montgomety Blair's speech Is condemned strongly by nearly all of the Union papers in Maryland. Secretary McCulloch contemplates 6C111944 all or part of the forty-six millions of gold In the Treasury, as It Is not wanted by the government., and the continue large. The War Department has issued orders to dis band four Illinois, three Indiana, one Kamm, six Kentucky, one Louisiana, one Missouri, two Mareachnsetts, one New York, one Tennessee, I and erne Ilissomrl regiment, infantry - and aby, besides three regiments of United Scarce colored:troops, and fourteen batteries orvolun teer artillery- Fears ef a negro insurrection in Virginia, North Carolina and Mississlopl, baring been expressed, the Freedmen's Bureau has ordered patrols to lie established to preserve order. The inquirer's Richmond correspondent admits that at length Virginia seems to be becoming loyal, and attributes the result to the firmness -of the Government. PAM* OF MUMMA. Advices from Port Mallon, Spain CHOLERA SPBELDLIG WZSTWARD .1!&-irr livva. of Pilgrim■ iinw Tone, Sept. V.—The Timm Washington special says: We mentioned some days ago that Gov. Parson,, of Alabama, hal telegraphed to the President -to withhold action and not to grant pardon on any application's recommended by the Executive of that State until the Goveraor atirmld again be heard from. Gov. Parsons has not been heard from on the subject since the re ceipt of the above unmet dispatch. In the meantime, a large number of pardon seekers have arrived here front Alabama, and are now anxiously awaiting some further action which will enable the President conustatently to deter mine their applications. We learn that the cause of sa.penusion suggested by Gov. Parsers is founded en the practice adopted by one of his der's', of receiving from important applicants for pardon a fee of PIO or so for harrying up their papers to enable them to be forwarded to Washington. Many milli representations 'of this practice were made to Gov. Parsons as ied him to rear that some corruption had been prac tised to obtain his recommendation, but It Lsal leged that the clerk only received a fee for working after the usual office hours, and that therefore his extra ten dollar fees were legiti mate pay for honest labor. Theisen:le special says: The United States Coon] at Port Mahon, Spain, informs the State Department under date of August lath of toe arrival at that quarantine of a Turkish steamer which left Alexandria with one thousand eight hundred pilgrims, The steamer, he says, comes with one thousand two hundred and eighty, and reports having left on the way Iva hundred. Twenty deaths occurred from Cholera on the passage. The Captain on his arrival at Port hishote r reported all well, but on examination of the steamer dead bodies were found on board to Bead .state of demtoposition. The Captain's • stelae:n=lM are discedited and the five hundred not accounted formay have died by the same diet TSd • 'The consul stated that the accounts received at that 'Median concur in the opinion that the cholera la making its way westward. Thus far, the cholera hasfollowed the pilgrims, who. he saps, are packed like sardines on shipboard. Their religion does not allow them when passing to Mem, to sleep •on a bad, to wash or to eat and warm food, They are covered with filth and vermin. and are spreading diocese all over the Mediterranean. RECORDS OF INDERSONIILLP , PRISON, Number of Deaths 14,000, COIVRIDING - AFFAIR IN RICHMOND. 'Derision Stinting to Banking Institutions. New Yens, Sept. 13 —Captain Jas. M. Moore, who interred the dead at Andersonville, will with the permission of the Government, pub lish as a public document, the records of the Andersonville prison. giving the names of the regiments, and the residence of every prisoner who died there-as far as known. The number of ami n e on the matosscript list is upwards of 14,000.' The Tribune's special says: The Richmond ReirePirc of to-day, mentions the cowhiding and .severe injuries therefrom, of Mr. C. IL Wynne, of tate Times of tat city. The castigation was infficted by Mr. Raynor, agent or canvasser of that paper, ind was for some real or imaginary Insult offered by Mr. Wvane. As a preliminary to the cowhiding, a challenge was rewarded by R. which was not accepted by Mr. Wynne. Mr. Raynor was held to bail in the sum of two hundred dollars, and will be tried for his of fence ial es The fieratrra specys : The Currency Bu reau have recently made an important decision in regard to the banking insti.nclons, an im perfect statement 'of which has already been already published — its purport is, that although a bank might be permitted to organise vrithent circulation by waving their claim to it, yet the law requires all back W depodt at least one third f the amount of their capital Ln United States O bonds, and this requirement can in no ease be dispensed with. Although the privilege of oirealadon say be waved, the deposits as abominated must be made. The United service Society. Nsw Tong, Sept. 7.--The United !legatos Society met last night, when It was resolved to OEM e MU to the Executive°Mom and men of .1.113 national army Lug navy, who served during ihelate rebellion, residing In the State of Nov lark, to elect ,delegates to the State CoaventiOn. to be held at Albany, on the 'llth of Octonar. Some measures were adopted In reference to the organication of crabs In each Assembly district, and in regard to a mass meeting to be held at Cooper Institute in support of the Monroe Doctrine. Nrw Sept. the hook tee to day prices were fully dp to 7.—D.t f the starard of the previews ealee. FEARS OF A NEGRO INSURRECTION Pardon of ex-Goo• Brown EVIDIAT, IN THE SVIRZ '111111,4 Resignation 01 Oen Mille' CONDITION OF THE IRGININ YANKS G 2111 boat Dispatched, °Mr Lalic.N. tAiI , F.NS OF TIE 101RICULTEFAL BOREAII.I AN ENORMOUS YIELD OF CORN NC" Your:, Sept. 7.—The Tirna' Washington.. special soya: The President has received within' a few days past numerous lettere from prowl. to_nt citizens of Virginia, North Carolina and Mississippi, expressing apprehensions of Insur rection by the Freedmen In thoseStatiw. These litters the President referred to the Freedinees Bureau for consideration, and General Cloward has issued a circular to Colonel Brown, Cons-. miesloner lid Freedmen for Virginia. neon, mending a patrol of the citizens on police sys tem, to be wader the control of the deroutenont commander, in counties where there are no agents of the Freedmen's Bureau. A citizen of Uulew sentiments may be appointed. to aid the Bureau in preserving order and forhvardlng contracts for labor between the Freedmen and white citi zens. Such appointed arc to be responsible to the Assistant Comenseioner for the State. Gov.:Brown, of Georgia, was pardoned to. day; by the President. Gov. B. leas served' three terms successively es Governor of GeorgieL The President to-day appainted John C. Wright to be Secretary of Legation at Berlin., Prussia. The ifereld's special says: The revolting char acter of the evidence now being deduced In the Wire trial, In support of the prosecetion, is Reid to be wearing heavily on the mind of the ac cused, and torturing him :Ain the most fearful ap prehensions as to the decision of the Com mission. Some people who are watching' the demeanor of the prisoner closelr, give the opinion that should he continue to be a party to tne fearful doubts that now beset, he will not survive an. other month. So far about forty witnesses hate been examined in this case. The record makes 1,100 or I.XOO foolscap pages of testi toony. At the rate to simony wantakeu, fear or eve days more will enlace to close tlacease for the Government. The prisoner continues to occupy a place at the table with his counsel. in writing and making suggestions to thetu to the cross-examination. Brevet Major General John F. hillier has re signed his commission In the army and will, in a 'ew days, take hie departure for his home kneel- Boni a. The Herald's Richmond correspondent says The commissioner' appointed to examine late the condition of the banks of \ irginia. have re ported the following The banks which reported on call are, The Bank of Virginia, at Richmond, with its branches at Petersbnrg.Frederleksbarg , Lynchburg, Norfolk, Danville„Yortamonth and rniont'llte Eiehance Bank of Virginia, at Richmond. with its branches at Petersburg, Sa lem, Clarksville, Abingdon. ddtichhUre and Al , ex:runner; The Fanners' Bank of Virginia, at Fredericksbtu g, Wytheville, Blacksburg, Lynch burg, Danville and Oainesville; Theßunk of the Old Dominion, at Alexandria and Perrybnrg: and The Bank of the Valley, at Leesburg and Clitistlanaburg. ' A/3 an illustration the correspondent states that the raehange Balirrholds of rebel bonds and securities F 8,700,000 and $150,000 in specie; the Bank of Virginll,4l-5,000,000 in bonds and rioo,ooo in specie. In other securities the Banks bold considerable amounts of brenther& State Bank Notes, and have claims oft Much dr the specie captured to Ueorgia. North Carona& and South Carolina. The notes of the follow ing banks are worth at least the current raise of I State stocks; Bank of Commerce, of Fredericks. burg; Bank of Winchester, at Winchester; Southwestern Bank of Virginia, at !till% Bank of the Old Dominion, at Alexandria; and Perryinus Niercb.ante Ball, of Lynchburgb; Yemen Bank, of Fincastle. The following ito dependent Banks are in a much more deplorable condition The lionticello Bank, of Charlottes ville; Bank of HorrardscUle; Bank of the Corn monwealtb. of Richmond; Central Bank, of Stanton. . The ll'orkFr special says: The documentary evidence relating to certain rebel odlcials in complicity with the Anders mettle prison bor n rs; will be presented In the Wire trial in a day or so. It will prove to be the most lute, i-sting chapter of the trial. The Trill war' s special toys: The ofilcer who raptured Captain Who has presented the pis tol with which be summoned that fiend to our. -ec der, to Niles Barton. as a testimony of her kindness In burying the dead there. The Navy Department has dispatched from the Washinctee Nave Yard today a genbost to proceed via the 6:: Lawrence to Detroit and the !ekes. This action of the government Is deemed Important, as terminating the long eXtfiting treaty stipulations restricting naval prate:tin on onr frontier waters. Tne returns to the Agricultural Department for August, from all parts of the country, though not entirely complete, abelgretiat the corn crop will be enormously large. cad is ma turing in ;excellent order. lie CTLIVIS over part years more than compensates for the dell. clenches to wheat. The potato crop is unusually taro and prountses well. In some localities ttre rot has appeared. Buckwheat Is a minor crop and onions promise an unprecedented yield. Ibe cereal expectations will probably be larger than ever FROM WASHINGTON Gov. Fenton and the New York Troops PARDON SEEKERS AT THE EXECUTIVE MANSION Gen. blarmarluke to Leave the Ccuntiy BEACUEOLEED APPLIES° POR A PASSPORT W.ILEIIIINGTOIf, Sept. 7.—Governor Fenton is in Washington on bnsluess connected with the muster out of the New York troops, and the eettlemen ° of the claims of that State against the General Government. It Is understood that about one million four hundred thoesand dollars of these claims have been favorably considered. and drafts will be Immediately drawn In favor of the Stale for about three hundred thousand dollar?. The Government Is of the opinion that vouchers can be produced that will result In the speedy adjustment of nearly the whole amount If not the entire claim itself. There was again a large crowd at the Execu tive Mansion today, nearly all of whom were pardon seek6rs, including Mllne Taylor, former ly representative In Congress from Louisiana.. Some of them had been standing at the door for at least live hours walling for admiaslon, but bad not been gratified up to three o'clock. The President in the Intervals of public business received a few only of the 'letters. To have opened his office to all the comers at once, with the thermometer indicating about ninety degrees, would bare exposed him to the risk of suffocation. Fifty-two pardons were yesterday granted by the ?resident; to-day some of them impatiently repaired to the State Af partment to obtain the Secretary's signature to their docu ments. General Marniaduke. known as a prominent officer in the late rebellion, is just gone to avail Mineelf of the privilege to go abroad gal [Main without the United States during the pleasure of the government, and has received a passport accordingly. General Beauregard has o,lse, ap plied for s passport under the same official order of the Department-of States, through the medium of eympalhixenfro Alabm.. Pan Doak Sale New York Democratic Convention. THE NOMINATION OF 1 STATB TICHE At.uswv, Sept. 7.—The Democratic theStaon vention has adjoaracd, haring nominated fal lowing ticket : Beeretary of State, MAW Gen eral Slocum; Comptroller, Lucius ItoLamson; Attorney General, John Van Saw; °anal Com tialSlollo. C. W. Armstrong; Treasaror. 3{ in °ll6 M. K. Patrick; Inspector of State ?Mon. A. J. Dta"Nett; Clerk of the Court of Appeals. C, Payne; Judge of the Court of Appeals, hug term, Judge John N. Brown; short Morn, Martin Glover. DDT!' OP GENERAL SCHIMMERFIFIN p Ei n,Areurnre, Sept. medal dispatch to the Butlege, It Reading, ?a.. Sept. th i s : Brigadle!,,jietreiritehlU menelfennig died ths morning " EM tads city, and will be • ed et twos on Betels, next. Be bet been &tin from oonerunptlan eon treated In the erriee. Nesll, Orleans ArrivOL Nov Toan,N September 7.—Tho atastnot NelAnne. from Ney ik\ Orleans on the Bth, has arrived. Sho brin no aeon. . -~_ . • r ` , lrr r AN PLijj Y I I t " Ft4f_ii 11 =;_01.4 THE WIRZ TRIAL. W Sept. 7 —The record of yester -Bnv bevieg tree read, Bernard Callahan, of the ,g!ment, testified as to the 611001 4 0 g as d 1: , 11h.g of eve or 51X Union prisoners la tile crane flaring July and August, 1,3t14. One lb c. men was It the ae , of washing his clothe-, ono another tea& trading hoots with Via guard. Wire eh u.k the witness for not answering to :I's route, which bad been incorrectly called, and thee tied bid arms and legs together with a stick. Be Ives kept in that position far two hours and a beef, Witness had seen a man who was badly bitten by the hounds. Cross-examined by Mr. Baker. Ile was precept at the hanging of six raiders by our own men. Be had nothing to do with the trial of the mirk] s. Be was bucked on the 17th of May, for no ether reason than that he failed to an swer at roll-call to the wrong name- Sabo W. Case, of the 47th regimeat, testhied that on the 17th of September, those who were MAI and wounded were told that If they could get to the depot without assistance, they'con'ti do so. They were to be exchangeaL Witness could not readily get into the cars with his crutches, when Wire called him ad—d Yankee eon of a latch, sad threatened to blow his brains not. Somebody shot, at him previously, bat struck another person. lie Was "Mit near the dead line when the sentinel cried out "Balt Tank, I'm gwine to shoot.” Witness said four or five were shot in the head. Shooting 009 was a cOmraula ocCurren(s3 every night. Rs frequently heard men crying murder. Cous-examlued by Mr. Baker.—Witness heard a ,louttnel gay that hart:Cattle fitrloaett of 30 days for every Yankee he killed. Ile knew men were shot during the night, because no saw their bodies clbetimxt morning. Q Capt. Wtrz nel'ar littrt yaul A, No. Q. Be only threatened yen? A. That's whalltethe matter. (Laughter.) Edward Richardson, a resident of Albany, Georgia, for twenty-three years, tastier-4 that that place la 45 miles from Anderson elite. Ile was at AnderSOXIVIDO every month. In the year IVA, until August. There was a gaol corn crop io but not much Wheat. 'Doers were many sweet potatoes In tStl4. A large wheat crop was planted, bat the rain destroyed It. Taft pin (otlons in the vicinity of Andersonvide wore large, and the farmers raised Vgeteblep for their own tile. • Crosscutmlned.—Witness said In two ware houses In Anderson viNe, there Ras considerable bacon, syrup nd corn meal. There wits not much garden truck In 1934. There was a diet cpity in obtaining peed. Mr. Baker said the prisoner was not well to -414. Be was suffering with Dales In the head and breast, gad troubled -with the bowel *slat. lithe court could now stiJoure fur the remainder of the day, it would be a great.facor to him. The court at one o'clock adjourned,Major Gen. Wallace saying that the prisoner would re ceive medical treatment- New TOM Democratic State Couvention. Sepl. 7,—The following are the list of resolutions of the Democrattc State Conven tion, passed before the adjonnament floolsed. let. That the past history of the democratic party is to he found In the proudest records of the country, and its creed on. • the Ounstitution, and that it is ready to meet the great question of the Notre with the patriotism fidelity, principle and practical wisdom Mal have characterized Its long and ampleions bleat- Mention with the history of the nation. That we congest Mete the people of Ws State and of the nation upon the ttrUanallOn of the dell war sod on the return of p e ee. amt. especisJly that this blessing is attained with a preserved Coloa and undivided country and the reassertion of LtorustitntiOnal liberty throughout the land. 3d, That u the first frulta of this triumph; the people demand the anbordinatioe of military rule, the rcatitutiou - of the authority of tile courts and the recognition of the equality of the States. That we regard the efforts either by pro looglag the military rule or by denyinghe rights of prosecutioas to the States In order to compel them to adopt equality or num suffrage even element of titer Constitutions, as tending adery lay mid to and presub vent vert the the psealastion of the not principles of the Government, and endanger the liberties of the People. 4th. That In the Pau of President Johnson for the sp4mrly restoration of the States lately in rehdll: roe to thee old positions in the Unto2l, by toom-enctuit the work of reorganization at the '. . 'pots of st•cci..sion, and COllndiNc 0. , " their recognized Delos as elecore by the laws of the napectiserttates, leaving, the :duration or soffrage where the Constitution maces It, to the Immo action of the rave-al States, who recognized en lightened statesmanship and an old fashioned time honor.: regard for Use relations and rights of the fil-alds and the federal government as es tablished by the Constitution, mid that we plehre tit, President in thin great work our and energetic support. sth. 'that while we stigmatize as alike fatal to national proof:nit) , and the rights ot labor, the doctrine that. a national debt Is a national Woolen, we recognize the obligation by which the whole resources of the country are pledged to the payment of the public debt, and we behave the instincts and honor of the people are In volved In its faithful fulfilment, sod that all conslitoolona! and legal means should be Liken to compel the whole property of the country, nal and persoohl, to shore in the public burden. bettering that equality of taxa tion is tor only eqoity but also the sound est possible basis of public credit. 'lig oth- 'Chat the thanks and gratitude of the people are due to the aoldters and sailors of Ltd ,rtle. and to their brave corn menders, who have illustrated the pages of our history with deeds of valor that elevate the fame of the people, and predicate the character of the Re: vetblimin Goverment. 141241 Ulu Thai the position originally taken by our 0 weintnent in reference to the Interference of the European powers with the people of this continent, called the Itontoe doctrine, is a poli cy which has preserved peace and avoided for eign entanglements and cannot be abandoned without dishonor to us as a power among na tions nor without danger to democratic Inalitn noun eati. That the frank and generous acceptance by the Southern people of the condition in which they have been left by the recent war, tndud legq tu tus , o n ru t o n e t of ; I t ' i;re Y sio r' re ll t l it7h e' d h is e ntlemabil'dttlie feeltun among tStates, and that it should be met on the part or the Federal Governnacat in a spirit If coacillatiort and kindness. Sib_ That, banishing minor party considers- Omits, and acting in the spirit of an enlarged and g,sieroue p cordially support Presi dent JO .1501:1 in the policy which baba! avowed toe le the States lately in revolt to put their gat ernmeots In practicable operation, and in eft each Constitutional measures as he may iheugurme to harmonics the country., and re ' Store and cement a hobo of the States. 1 On motion of Edmund Dreggs, a resolution was adopted charging the, President, Secretary of State and the enumerators under hitri, with the perpetration of frauds. In connection with the enema. The State Central Committee was then named. as follows: tat District, Charles E. Corry, Peter B. Sweeny; ad District, Romer A. Nelson, D Wm. `M. Parks; 3d District, Pter Cagger, F. I. Lap Om; rith D istrict , Artheo e 31. Hunter, W. J. A.Yerill; sth District, John A. Green, J. T. ; 6th District, Henry D. Berm, Christie: Itireiff. Waldo; 7th Diet rim, R. IL :tosses, C. B. Wallo•r; Bth District, Deena Richmond, A. I' Lamina Property Claimed to be Coutigcated. 1. WkiaIINOTON, September 7.—Binlor General lioward has ordered the Agent fur London county, Va., to suspend the action with regard to tbo property claimed to be cent:lac t ated. until the record shell be carefully revised and corrected, sod this, it is believed, will tend to allay the • distress and consternation united by the publi cation of the order for the confiscation or ap propriation of a target number of farms in Lon geesd Freedmen . . e of the ureau of Rata and A verbal e rror whiCh has appeared in some of the papers, has been deem ed of sufficient importance for the Official cor rection. The Secretary of State says the section to which it occurs to as follows: "And be it further enacted, that persons now I. bylaw, entitled to a less pension than hereto fore willed, who shalt have lost one foot and one hand in the military service of the United States, and to the line of his or their duty, shall be entitled to twenty dollars per month." This section. the Secretary saYs. is Printed lu the pamphlet edition of the laws of the last session of Congress, precisely according to the original roll, with the exception that the word b111:1" is underscored, I. e. put in italics, and the word "their" placed in brackets. Tha rea son for which is obvious. The error to that the newspapers have printed the word "or" instead of the word " and ' between the words foot and band. The acting commissioner of pensions esys: Without this correction the business of the bureau would be uselessly increased without , benefit to any one. Foote Permitted to Return Rome (Zw YOUX. Boot. 7. —The Commercial delver— Waer learns that the President has permitted Mary 8. Foote to return to Tennessee, and he passed throught Cincinnati a few Mats since an route to his home in Ilashvilia, on condition WM lie would not Interfere In polities. Rebel Es.Becretery MAO!? Alm Tons., Sept. 7.—The "sea epeelal ants She President declines to release tbti tebel ex Secretary of the Navy, but gives hit permlaff ion to visit bin,: _.- : Lateet prom Lerida. Preeident Johnauri alit! the eioutlei l hn Blahape—Peltcy of the Governeneut in Now Your., dtpt. 7.—The Tribune.' lesp,nden'writle,, free, eteranr e to Abandoued Property • Anew' 2'.2.1 coy s . Oa the t efface every A.5T117.,;7‘.5. Sept. 7.—The President will 1r not ids, hut s•wial, moral and political Eot ilatelf,e with tLe aetlon of the Smlthbrn elerreele ceatteless;y at work. The Governor Th,ystep :tolte with the North - boa resmitirs at the Capitol, a elose Agnew ri.0,,h0,11,, en please. ;n reply to the tthll he temper of the pebble nod of pa....eing 131,00.. ~^T., t ranci. of the radicala, he ranted that tha It le todetVy not hill to to he is a hurry Co7.lltt.iion was ei lent on the subject. about conct,trion et frame a consult u• (le - . Howard', order to regard to abandoned Koh, Vet thedelay wilt eat be very agreeable to rot.. I n.operty le I. .don e.ttanry to 'warded ea the pool le. They-any. auxin. , on many acrd to a It d, , ltltyc of the vh.t.bzt d poll.'y of the Govern too..' l exchange martial -for del rule. The ides ment on a ,utatlor. that was regarded as settled. that their priccipaL :towns are garrisoned by It was thought ti,:e be very Salo ennfise to n i i ,eva, Is pohegreeahlc to their old pry. tlon, if law r 1110ene , 8bc , 11,41 Ile forced to pOOOO indered ndlt•rs. They,wat4verything out of the slay f the ratiefagtion of houthern Court', the disloy• that will remind Gists of the follies of the rebel• oily of the lion and to have theancient order of affairs re stored. s We ore left mostly to covjecture in regard to the reasons whichhave induced the Governor Co postpone, or,.at least delay, the rail of the Convention. Ills lestructions from the dint in reference to the freedmen are full and definite, and hu has no idea of a hind of l;.ta• stitation which must be formed in order to 0.- cure recOgaitie by Congress. Ile fears that the people do not shllielently comprehend their changed situation and duties growing out of the new order of things, to act safely in the matter. Be Is anxious to secure a Convention whose ac tion will he acceptable to the tiovor.lgn Govern ment at Washington, and at the ramie time na ceirc popular Indorsement et home lin his arrival among us he Issued hit proclamation Or address, and delivered sgx,ehes at Jacksonville, Lake City and Tails. hassee, scattering among the people ideas which, in his own judgment., must be incorporated In the new State governMent. He lextow Mune every day at the Governor's rooms, In the State House, receiving visits, hearing complaints, learning the vie - Es of the people, and giving them 'Zits di it" Gela oftclz eauterriar with Major General Pager, commanding the depart ment. and thus la edueating and preparing Florida fur her new condition. The Galesville Nev Eril publishes the folow ingr In the COW.° of peace, after the National debt Is extinguished by oseatton or disposed of In some other way, we think It very probable the slaves wtil be paid for as If they were a spe cies of Property, according to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. The planters should not Imagine they are ruined tor ever. It Is tine, the lows is heavy, and the shock Serve, hut they have lands and stock to work tham with, and labor can, therefore, be employed profitably. The negroes are to the country and must work for a The State will enact laws to do an, and al though they may as much as when they were slaves, they can atilt be made of some use. The correspondent says Lanett is said by India-. erect parties of what will be done when the peo ple got the power in their own Maas. stock and Money Market. Nr.w Yong, Sept. 7.—The market is more active with an increased strength . la prices. The movements ii railroad. shares are very spasmodic and unrtibsble. The market Is wholly sustained by cliques of brokent and railroad managers, who hold up prices in the hope of getting up speculation for a riaa. The cttrrent fluctuations are chiefly due to the movements of these parties, who are necessitated to keep up an appearance or activity in order to save the market from betteg demoralized by absolute dullness, • . : Ac present, the outside pahllc - are too busily employed with legitimate business to venture upon stock spcculsOlous. The prospect is that the cliques may least to wait some time bereft they are able to draw asp Importat.t °amide support to the market. Present holders map prove site tarearryfkieds lopd :as they plans ythimuk arksidetlina: hi . ..nrineat Today there was a slight advamerros Iladioa, Toledo and Rock brunet . on remora of ~div of ideuds Iltere was a general amity t044.19:i ditrea the Cleveland Mid imasburgb road early In the day, Ondho irthVzri Or an over larria. Govirranicata are quite firm, but not native: the chief movement was In 5-90,;a, for which there is a steady foreign demand. 'I be recent advance In the old issue may help to draw up quit Latins of all other securities and especially the new 5-20'6, which it Is sup posed may soon be wanted for the foreign mar l. ket. There was but little activity in firm. mis The cd taneona shares. Gold re mains very demand for customs Is active end olual to four han,dred th ousand dollars daily. There ts a pre valltasc opinion that the nett steamer will bring In a Meline ts, American securities abroad. °vim( kg the announcement of the Ketchum frauds, Cash gold is scarce and worth one eighth per nest. The money market condones easy. Itejtabliimay State Ceuventtons. Itabisom, 'Altvoirearr, Sept. Charles R. WU ivaroonalnittetl Attorney General. The Convention to maj ori a4hered the ty re port, laylatt the minority report advocating negro autlrace on the table. The Convention adjonteedrbte ST. PIL - L, Ilion., Rept. 7.—The Republican Convention yesterday nominated Gen. W. R. Marshal, Governor; Hon. T. R. oog, Matte...Dant Governor; Lieut. Uri. Rogers. Sea ruary of Btate; Gen. C. Slacifer,‘Treasurer, and Col. W. Colville, Attorney tleneral. The following rrisolutlien was adopted : Rom!red, That neither a man's color, race or birthplace take away his political riats--that no portion of oar subjects shalt be degrade!. it was also resolved that this nation shall not allow the Imperial government to rule in co, and we demand our government to force the withdrawal of the invaders. A resolution approving President Jobasou`a military and civil coerce, was voted down. The Russo American' Telegraph 811.KA, AUCirra 181 . 1 X, New WS.TYINIS- Toe, Sept. 5 —The overland teiegraph bark Clara Bell, will sall from here for New Wc3L mielster. The schooner Milton Badger will 'also sail for Andayr Bay tomorrow with the :exploring party on board, and full supplles'or equldtaelltb MIS party Mal ho Coe &drones ex plorers of the route from Andayr river to A moor. The bark Golden Gate will also nail Fort St. Michael and Yank= river. The party who will explore Tankers river are also on 13 trd the Golden Gate. The ttcamer Wright will also sail for the mouth of the Yankee river and the Gulf of An dayr. Col. Charlie 11, Buckley engineer-la dle of the overland telegraph expgditlon goo, on the latter, and atter directing prelinxinarr operations of [leo explorer of Yonken, will pro ceed to Andayr and Boluings straits. every thing pertaining to the great expedition le pro gressing favorably, and 'Russian officials at Shim Dave extended every aid In their power. Ficalth of the expeditionary corps Is excellent. Meeting, of the Indian Outrontssion. Fun? SUITES, (Ark.,) Sept. 7.-7Tbd LEA= - .4.2ommLsaton extembled and held is preliminary ecsslon today. Fitly persona compose the Com =lesion. Judge Cooley, Commissioner of In dian Affairs. Colonel Wells, Superintendent of She South wutern Indlane, Thom. Wistar, of l.'hileuldpltla, General . Parkens, ot Gen. Grant's, eteff, General Herron, and General Barney, representatives, were present. Ilepresentatirm were present from the Sem- Inoles Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws Weshltes,' usages, Wyandotte and Quoderns, The Choc• taws ars holding their meeting at. ArmStroog Academy. The Chickasaws act with the Choc taws, A bitter fend between rebel and loyal full and half blood Indians,. will Interfere 60- rionbly with the Work of comminioo, The India= will °Watt to the emancipation of their I slaves. Organization of State Militia. New z okra, Sept. 7.—The elneittensti °owner rial bee a dispatch dated Jackson, September 4th, which says General Slocum has Vetted an order by direction of the Presi dent, ebtpirdng, on too officers not to interfere with the organization of the State militia, or dered by Protielonal Governor Sharkey. This is directly the reverse of the determination of the Government upon Ude snbject, ea reported a few nays dna,' and to accounted for In the tact that the Government is looking to the grad. nal impereesslon of the Federal .troops by the State militia, in order to diminish the National expenses: 541 a Per Cent. Compound Interest Notes. Wssamovon, Sept. 7.—The Treasury Depart ment has printed thirty-61z talllion dollars of the six per cent. compound Interest notes, to re place those received le business transactions, and cancelled eight to issue them for five per cent, interest notes. By this arrangement. about three hundred thousand dollars of ac crued interest has been saved to the Govern ment within the last three months. MI these notes are legal lindens. There is no Increase et currency, tint merely the Issuing of new notes for old ones, at a saving to the Govern ment. Execution of Co Murd n.erersThe Turner's nventio • Cram:aver, Sept. 7.—Hiram ()liver and John Wesley Hartuv were executed by the tary authorities at Columbus yesterday for the ractr-' der of J. B. Cook. Assistant Provost Maratud of the 17th district. The Tames Convention closed its proceed ings yesterday after s session of six days. Bele. gates were present from Dearly all parts of the country. Ralmad AWA!WA-4UmmaWUon Car Blown U. biseavurs, .—T S e pt. 7he wain which left hero for Johnsonville this morning et 11 o'clock, containing military storms with a paisontet coach attached, when seven Mika from tho cloy, a cur cooudning ammanitbm blew np. scatter ing the train la fragments in all directlans. It CS supposed quite s number were killed. We tpilidec full particulars this evening. ca vy Rabberv:— . l , r . - tan Havana—Texas NEW TORE. Sept. parcel . uf money amounilny to E-4,900, tielonging to ...tomer, was etnlee from the counter of White, Morris .t Co., in Wall street, today. The Steamer Manhattan, from Vera Cr. and Havana, brings Sll,OOO la (laid. Pasrengers from the city of Mexico, Fay there is no new, of Importance. Great relief was felt there at the dlabandonment of Bherldan's army in Texas. The Hayti= gantioat Jeffram, arrived to night. New England Fair—Trotting .Match. CoNcoau, N. a., September 7.—The third day of the New England fair passed of finely. At least twenty thousand people were in atten dance. The trot by the Empress, Blackstone, Bend interera Daughter, was won by the Empress ttraight heats. Time, 2:33, 2:36% and 2:30. To-mortow Is the last day. All the New England Governors' with their staffs, Rhode Island excepted, are to visit the fair. They are the guests of Goy. Smythe( New HamnshLre. From Dlesico—Deteat If the Liberals Con- Lirmcd—The French Itelnforced. Sue, Toms, Beet 7.—The Commercial's special says: Intelligence from Mexico, confirms the report of dtmuster to the Liberals. The strategic combinations oT the Itriperiallsts seem tOpre elude the hope of a prolonged resistance by Juarez- The retreat of the. Mexicans from Ching= cc coutlrated, and It Ls not probable that they can sustain their position at El Paseo. La that case, continued resistance by the filezl- cans withoutstielcannot be looked for. The French have received reinforcements, and are in a better position than ever. Appointments. Wssuallovos, September 7.—James W. Matthews, of Virginia, was t o- day sip pointed Collector of OTISCOMS ; for the District of Tappabannock, Virginia; Richard Hall, Reg ister of Deeds for the District of Columbia, vice N. S. Towns; and Charles Mathewson, -of Con necticut. agent, for the__ Rlpaaß4go beam* on the bilasouri river; The Wire Donation. Wasumovon, Sept. 7.—lnstead of receiving donations for Capt. Mrs, It appears that Rit tenhonse, Fowler b Co., of this city have only consented to receive on deposit, in the ordinary busineas way, *Mounts Of money to be held sub ject to the order uf the prisoner's counsel, Wiaconsett State Convention. MAD'lsou, Wis., Sept. 7.—ln the Republican Convention to-day, Colonel Charles B. GUI was nominated for Attoroly General- The Conven tion adopuni the majority report, laying the minority report, advocating negro sufßage, en the table. The Convention then sdluitnod sine Billiard Touruarcieta—Deery quanapi.l2 of America. • itpartS.TEEt, N. Y., Sept. 7.—At the matellor the champolnaun America, Doug won by 26 paints. Fox made a run of 276. There was mach excitement, Fox being the favorite. The winner's average was 16 and 50 400. Pcutiviyivania State Debt. ll..intusnt-an, Sept. 4.—Governor lamed proclamation declaring tho Payment. 'cancellation, extingdahment and Anal diaoharge ot seven hundred and forty-five tnonsand dot tart, of the State debt. Gold. • New "Volta, Sept. 7.—Gold tonlinues strong with a continued large demand for rust.= and for shipment South. The price ls flrm et 144 X" 4i,14534, but gntlrely Withal/le speculallVe supply, CITY ,IND SUBURBAN. The Cro r the Murdereru.kre for T ed reason. of a Brother o •• The grand Jury. sitting at Bedford, on Toes- day presented a tree bill In the case of J ohs P. Reed. la. charged with the murder of Deputy Provost Marshal Jacob Crouse, on the let of August last, and Ignored the bill againet Men gel Reed and Schnell W. Reed. Immediately after the dlacharge of Mengel Reed he was ar r.. eted by the U. S. Deputy Marshal, Col. Alex.. Counter, on a charge of treason against the United States, Instituted by lion. John Cessna. It will be remembered that Meagel Joined the rebel army during the Itivulem of the State in idti2., In company with a man named Lyon, also from Bedtord, and was afterwards tat.= prisoner of war. He was brought to this city on Wednesday. In charge of..eal. A lexander, and appeared before U. S. Commissioner Sprout yesteldry morning for a kr‘rit , g. .As 11.. was deemed hir tolgut, be required ate. witness le the Murder trial now In progress at Bedford, the U. B. cOMMlSsiontr Issued a commitment., cetera lag, nni to the Bedford county jail until the 21st lest.. epee to appear before hint and answer the char:cot treason. It is alleged that the Deputy Sheriff of Cam bria, wbo.its eraniscopperhead, fused to give his prisoner up to the United Ststm authorities, and violently pushed Colonel Alex ander away when he cause to take the prisoner In custody. ills discretion, however. finally Rot the better of his valor, and he resigned ins charge. Mengel Reed will In all probability get his hill deserta, as Judge Cessna will prosecute the ease - with reientiois vigor. The Reels are a had atficit. , 4 1 10 tiViX with accession preen,- Mies. If Mengel la not Indicted by a United IButtes Jury, the State may then tryialm for trea son, which makes his case rather dubious. AO Interesting Case of Valve Pretenses. -The °unicorn - Creek Onion Oil Com pany Pronounced a Swindle. No less than eight sults were *ought before Mayor Lowry on Wednesday ag ainst s Samuel (.; [ahem, Eeq., of the Duukard Croak \ Union 011 Company by certain stockholders, charging him with obtatologmoney tinder false pretenses, by falsely and knowingly misrepresenting the tarrltory and property of the said company. The stockholders who have instituted these pro m-dings allege that they have been swintivd ont of their money by misrepresentations of Mr. Gra ham; that the company bad not the amount of territory represented, nor th e property alleged to be ou the ground, and that the pros peas for oil are anything bat nattering. ()nicer Messner took Mr. Graham Into custody on Wednesday evening, end bail was entered la the sum of £4,000 for a bearing this-afternoon, when the workings of the company will doubtless be fully ventilated. Westley Coulter, sne of the directors of the company, was also arrested on the same charge, and held In ill,Co o to answer. Civil proceeding in behalf of some fifteen of the stockholdera have been instituted against the President and Directors of the Dankani Creek Union 011 Company, to recover sums of er mon are ey paid by them tor aka. . ,The, -stocktholda represented by B. G. Childs, Esq. ..*251,33 ..... 431,13 . 020.13 .-.,---- Total ~, $1,605,53 Mr. Bewley offered a resolution ror the re moval of the gas , post tit s front: of the Hope Engine House Mile Northeast 'comer of Corry and Martin etreeta. Adopted. Alas, a resolution instructing the Committee on City Property to provide a. number of foot - —. scrapers to be placed at the entrances to City aOMI3, - . GOING, GOIIEI Hall. Adopted., •-''' 1' i' , ' The President offered the following, which 121 , was adopted: . -' ' r;/. --.••• WMMt" , Sttne three years ego 'the Mayor !' gave permission to the Pittsburgh, FOll. Wayne .., 13111 ITS GWEN AWAY v.. and Chicago Railway to ran their freight trains PRE - through the city caliundays, believing, ha wen 1.-, • represented by the company, that it was 1111=3. tj nary owing to the demand of the Government -7' _.., Vi for cattle, and, Whereas, that necessity no longer ~. 1 ' ' edam, and as BB; a :source of great annoyance to at least four religious 'congregation situated- %Ma i HONEY AID WITHOUT PHEI , .lJ ',on the line of Bald road; and in also a violation of ',,•: . _ the law; therefore, end autaoirerl, arlied tu Thet th e o uu Ma e rr m be au he uu. h ereby , 1. , ,i II 1 , -I,:i LT 'MI deem best to prevent the running of ears on O,m‘. ~ • . ~. - Sabbath day. .. . . ?....: . ..., lie. Patterson offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Streets, in ctatjunetlon with nnefunistits maliTifillTlVllllTi:- m e Recording Begulatur, to report at next •'• Aiwa But ova . meeting of Councils upon the propriety of re- 11l d oc ing the grade . of East Lane.,Chesinut and Sycamore streets, so as to dispense with the. 1."1 ' images over the canal. '' Adoptod. . • . Mr. Hanna presented communication from the Controller In regard to the refloat of the VZI Inftle Street. vv.; _ . Rope Fire CoMpsmy to pay fifty per oent. of the • 'al ' - . ' ' ' - - ' amount earned by them In pumping water from cellars La the inundatoi district of the city, lace' 11 1 w q r u th g thls . Th arr e Aul m em Pan ent, her are o: Utin fter tet t° as they "o es tab lishm ent nitr i lliPME" tc uaror l gragenta l°'l6tell *it Funeral of Officer Bay,--Tne funeral of have recer.tti erpeoded *375 in luiproving the • ~,..P.. . P pruvhsales books Olthis Wes. . mg= Chaska Bay, of Mayor Lowry's Police, city property they ask to retain the balance still ..,,, . ....,.,,,... ~e n to,- . took place from hie former residence on Boyd 's due under the resolution, amounting to 6200. E4fia Is' WW l ' " 2:, .." •- ", nill. yesterday afternoon, attended by the Pon- Qu motion : of Mr. Hall, the requast Of the gi.I3.IINDIOED BOWAN& • : -.;',' ' ",' tine Tribe of Bed Men, to t he order he be, company was complied with. scja for areata.,.......--------- --- ortm ' lonredi, and the members of the City Police. In ell action net otherwise uoted thore Was a --- .1101 OliritO barrels Extra No. 11201 l The remains were escorted to the Lutheran bury- &ritual concurrence, when COanelli ad. L g it ,,,ar. "ol We LiAlAlf, pig= 4OW log ground on Squirrel lilli, beyond Hinemyllic, 3 or mica. Diet; - 11 ; . . • . i . Larceny of a Carpet Bag. Two young men named Andrew Finnefrock and Thomas Hanlon, residenta of the Seventh ward, were arrested yesterday morning by Con stable Barber for the Weeny of a carpet-bag c o ntaining stationary articles valued at fifteen or John W. Fry. It ap dollars, the InoPe rt Y pears that an the previous afternoon they were Wrung a buggy ride out of town, and on re• turning stopped at Stratton's saloon, at Oak.. lend. where they picked-lip the carpet-bag and brought it with them. The carpet-hag and con tents wee sold at a teem:id-hand est ablishment, as the boys admit, and, will probably be recov ered. Tho young thieves were taken before Alderman Sutler. who comnritted them for a hewing at aloe o'clock this mornlng. Their gullt seem clear, and as they are both under seventeen years of age the House of Refuge would be the most fitting asylum for them. Two of the Williams Banking Boum Robbers Arrested.-Brown and Bobioson, two of the peril who robbed the Banking Biome; of W. IL Blllbecet Ce., of this city, were ar rested In Toledo on the waning of the 6th ' while attemptingto - rob the.awidence of a Kr DruillarcL The police had previo yusl =aired inraatiori eir latentiona them o in the act. th It to highli PrObableand a ttests whenever the Toletilana arc done with 144t - S O 7. dons brace - CI buigleisi, a frAilidiirio will be made for than by our chieroProlleo;iand they will not he wider rho protecting wing of the Canadian governnamt Allegheny Connellet. A n golar monthly meeting of Allegheny ns held on Theirsday evening, S,p .a Sr!-r( . Present, Messrs. nierall, Ir.eln, I hillier, Miler, Meßrier, S. 1V...A1e, Georg, n. I, Riddle, Thomas ape Wright. On motion of Mr. Thomas, Mr. J ,be Wr'irhi ! was cliceen President pro ton. I Mr. Irwin, from the Coma Wee on ( - Ay Prop- arts, reported the bill of Moue. Morrow 3r. Reed, .1 for painting the City liall, as per contract, amounting to 8200; also bill of J. W. Hum, of :602.10, for lightning rods. The bilis were or dered to be paid. C. C. non-conenrred as to the bill of Messrs . Morrow it Reed, and it was re ferred heck to the committee. Mr. S. Riddle presented a petition from the Part Ward School Board, asking that the place for holding elections be changed from the school hone, to the Hope engine native. AcCOMpany. leg the petition was an orilnance providing for the necessary change, which was not agreed to. Mr. Atwell presented a ealliMillaleation from Martin Vorghtly, relative to three bonds (two for 8'" ;1,000 each, and nue for fi000,) which were destroyed by tire come yeari since. The first two bonds are now due and nnpatd, and the holder oaks payMent In fall of vrincipal and interest.* Referred to Committee on Finance. ,le. Atwell presented a communication from the City Controller. setting forth the amount of warrants drawn upon the Treasury durinz the month of August, to wit: Contingent Fund Water Works Unpaid Claims • • Total for Anduat Bogen mantes preceding Total for eight months.... • a SVM,O69 o The Con also reported number :Ails, whichtroller were ordered to be paid. Mr. Mcßrier submitted the report of the Water Committee, with sundry bills for labor and zas. mrials. A motion was made that the bills , be ordered to be paid, but Mr. George R. Riddle objected, upon the ground that the bills should- his have been Presented to he Controller his examination. Laid.over. t fdi the present. for Mr. Wright presented the report , of the Stmt. - Committee, with the pap roll of the Street Commissioner for August. Mr. Geo. It, Riddle objected to these bills, for this reason that they had not been inspected by the Controller, Mr. Wright remarked that Inasmuch. as the. Street Commissioner wars sworn officer of the city, It was not deemed necessary to present these bills to the Controller.. A resolution was passed; authorizing the pay ment:of the bills after they shall have been ex amined by the Controller and found correct . The Street Committee also presented ordi nances for the grading and paving of portions of Church and Cedar avenues. and for a side walk on River avenue. Adopted. A communication was read from Ross For ward, Erg., re ative to the badcondition of Ohio avenue and the lower portion of Western vete , A resolution was adopted authorizing the ap. proof - Litton of three hundred dollars for repair ing the above named streets. A resolution was passed orithorising the pay ment of the bills presented by the Water • Com mittee, after examination by the Controller. Mr. d. ladle submittedlhe follawing proem; ble;idr;nolutions Wrmanss, The ginal founders of "the town o r Allegheny," did with excellentjudgment and foresight, reserve from sale certain grounds, both without and within the original survey, to which good Judgment' the citizens are now Indebted for their line central squares, used for market and other public purposes; and Wurumas, The ample grounds outside the original survey known as the public co in tact, grounds, afford opportunity for greatly improving the appearance of our city, and adding an attractive feature whieja canna add materiel' , "" ) ':;calue of the real estate. when 11.1noved and enclosed in a liberal and-substan tial manner, after a general and well plan, comprising the entire grounds; and WIIEREAS, The individual plan for the im provement of the aforesaid public common grounds, nowever public spirited and commend able, must necessarily result In a partial and In harmonious work --lacking that symetery and harmony in design, and permanency in execu tion. which should characterize an Improvement welch lutist exercise a-potent Influence upon the future of the city: therefore, Ractived, That the Public Common Grounds should be thoroughly Improved alter a mentally matured plan, embracing the entire grounds, by paving, planting and ornamentation. at the ex pense ol the public, according to an equitable scale wises:anent. &eaten!, That posterity should be left to meet the principal of the debt thus incurred, wired the value.of real estate shall have been materially increased through the agency of said. improvements. Resolved, That a select committee of five be' appointed by councils, who, together with the City Solicitor and the ascending Reglator, shall prepare and report to Councils a plan for the Im provement of the improvement of the said Common Grounds, wan an approximate esti mate of the expense of the said improvement, and t.sumgmtion with reference to Its equitable adjustment, and what lif,gialitlon or other legal measures may be necessary to enable Cannella to earry out the said improyement. The esolutions were read and adopted. Mr. George R. Riddle offered the following: Raiderd, That the Committee on Streets be instructed to cause a sewer of sufficient dimen sions, under plats of the Recording Regulator, to be constructed in the bed of the Pennsylva nia =al, for such distance as will thoroughly waste the sewerage of the city, if In their opin ion the same be'deemed expedient. Rewired. That James Richey, Isaac Morley, and S. H. Hartman be and they are hereby ap pointed viewers to assess and apportion costs arid expenses thereof open the property bane teen. The emulations Were adopted. 9 In Common Canard: Present, Messrs. Bea n ey, Beilsteln, Falliauber, Hanna, Hall, Patter son, McNeil, McDonald, Robb, J. B. Smith, Wm. Smith, Thompson and President Drum. Me. Smith presented two petitions from zen's of the Fourth ward, praying. Councils to pi - scent the Allegheny and, Freeport railroad company from interfering with the grade of the streets crossing their road. Beferve.4lo Street Committee. The President presented a petition front Ted dents oi the First ward, represmting that that portion of the ward bounded by Margin, Corry end Craig streets, had of late been Inundated several times, owing to Improper and Insufficient sewerage, causing much damage, and praying that the evil be immediately remedied. Refer red to Committee ern Streets. The President oleo presented a petition from Mr. John Tyler, residing on Craig street, pray leg flowera for loss a astained by the ove of the sewer on Craig street. Referred to the omminittee on Chime and Accounts. Mr. Benny presented the report of the COM name on Engines, with a resolutlen for the payment of sundry bills. Report accepted and resolution adopted: Mr. Hanna premented the monthly report of the Weigkmaeter and Clerk of the Markets, as follows John S. Edgar, Diamond Scales Wm. F. Anderson, 2d Ward. Scales Duncan Dallas, clerk of Markets 'I,ISHED 14- , 1786 ,, :s • - Am gents. non Tuner:4-31r. Hackett takes a b", and wttf, appear as Col. Nimrod Wildfire in a prize coniely written 1r1 , 1'e5 31 .9 for ettitTed..-A ithstueklanbt Tripkti Near Y. tk In 151 s;' also asi,..killlons. Media," to the that ortype. t rl'Saratt'a Young Han" will: conelmlo the ,iotersainmes. . hit:mine holds sway to night. 1.0 t 71.000 ilcctts —01d:l1e occasion of her bane. et to-night, !ties ,Vlt.arlotto Thompson will appear as Eeadne. tee-the play entitled. "Erael. no or the Statue." His a character in which she dl-plops her finelds' tricmle abilities admirs to, a nd the eleelkinee of the play and atie mar Or Mini Thogitsou wig not tall to draw an overflowing kotts.t, Fall Fashions:44 reference , to anver tisemeut of Mr. M. J:oSpeoce. the enterprising proprietor of the rillAbttrgh cloak angirtieptthia store. 7:1 Market WV, It will be seen that ha is now mannfactruittgrall and 'winter garthenth for Ladles from all tri popular brands of cloth, nitrodudug the stylOilmultanecnal9 , * lll thlibi r appearance in Near:Xi:lrk. It Is said atorclieks this season surpassacir beauty sad eleamacei raj nut° since the Intn:4Pslion of the cloal tradein this city. Robbing a . Tll% , -Two rade named Seines Hornet and Jamenoan, entered a tiduklng sedoon kept by an Stiglbshman,.on Beeindatrea above Grant, yeete#loy tater. noon and robbed the drawer of el:Kink twenty dollars In aciall bills and fractionalibrreACY. When -they unto"- ed, the proprietor ape In a baelf 4 rOciin attendlde to some temlnets, ea coming Into the bar qulln =Molly caught them In thereat. Sloan bid the money In his ,kienenatOM and SUC4ted, Sitkl making bin escape. : :Hornet was captured, and, is now In the wateh:thouse. • t,rico 60 18 14 .... 410 67 .. 5,335 87 " 627 24 4 40 .... 1,440 62 New Arrival„—=Ve take pisstmre. In • attention to the arrtisoment of Mr. Wllltsre BeraPle, the wel l own dry•gooda" nlerchant. , located at Nos. 1 ionllo2 Federal, atreet„4lm lightay. , He has jiiat received a WOO.. Wag — , tut and well seleaed stock, embracing everV. thing pertainihg toedegoods eallatalllllentr and la now frilly Itrepared for a Kira 1.4 11,70: 67 112,365 65 A E uspicionaUaracter named Jacob YoZ, was arrested by ll:policeman in Allegheny City, on Wednesday lane:moon. and UtiOn . WIC searched three pii:ket-booka, cont.:digm in wr .bept, f o ur haadfDd dollars, Were tOnSltt..rAl., his person, Foe. Old Mayor liforrison'anumW , of contradictory Juries, and' he *as'acOordingi ' ly retained In catifOdy wall he could gives beke, ter account of hlelf. 1 2 1, , The Allegheny' P Ol.O nine Allalt.--MIR" w Grinder, throngester connseli Rind a heahhg; on W ,Bl:taw:ma ednesday IS-the Mils tcl'oning,• case. She will lialYe a hearing on the charge of murdering Mrs. Oarnthers by polson, this alms noon at two o'cl.:?c. The Late tf,e at vromvg Run.—ln , nut' report of the traniteg of the Animas Oil Hisaft-it ery we omitted :th . l mention that the Was/doge. 5 ton Hose Comphdy, of Arleghenp, was on the, „ • 1' ground, and restatmed efficient service, remain... 1 Ing till a late heiiErin the morning.' ... ,- , . , . Case Continue d.—The trial of Daniel Box'` aer andJolna *Me, who were arrestedla f lagbeny about t*o months aluva,. on charge. of being conaetted 'flat the Men! Pant as Of Mundy murder in Cambria county, had. ben postponed tmtilthe December teme. whoa it coma up In EpePburg, Cambria county. • AppointmetWor Physician to the Miccin • 3icCandiess has beep_ aps Pointed by theAehrstaff of the Treastny. a Physidan WIT. the Marine Dosphal, Dr Brooke, de.cessihd. '• • DIED. • , kleSTEMVoradayafterotiof Myth! ea, at four o k, MADDIE, dater ad 11th easel and Ca • e tdeSteeo, aged three revs sod eix montek - ; The funeral*, 111 take place from the reaidflnere of the parrnt4 . o4 Crawford dreit. at 11 11194 THIS AlTlEntlq, ' jc , t rtalic_4 on beytemble 6th. at I% 0D00k,,, , P . M.- , T W. trite of Wm. Park, IA the Out year of Jr , * age. Funeral frolii her late realdenne Ife. 28, Wabeter Allegiitky, no r 111912 the Bth' lost, Lt 2... o'clock 4 ,- tuneral BerViCeS at 14 o'closklf.gra. The hien& he !may are reveatfolly lDviLel to attend. PORTEICIULD.—On Wednestay. Sept: 6titai: l MATTHEW pdatTERITELD, aged 71 run, Funeral fri+M lie late resilience, No, 51 Clani6l4' Allegheny, cifi:Yrlday Ment.l4 at lo Welciok. The Mende of tafarally are invited to attend. • ' ae7.2t WIEIrIIDrEIiTISE.IEJ TS. R. R. IirSVIDS nicrlvpoNcErJr.a..2 3,3 Erkt. 88 ExcithllBlll Street, near rah Street zr corners of estry desartptlon. GRAPE, , GLOVES and-FORNISGING FOR FUGER ALS_genESerliGt._l2l-FIGE IGLUISE and OAS ;; =AG ipagaw and SOIDIE4, GOODS GOLNOAXPI HOT CAHES;7, AT HOES THAT ASTONISH ALL, Concert Hall Shoe Store BAR L OAIIIIB YET WITOLD ..,.., POHL% 11NT . AD 31101K.IIPORIPI - e;',: . . Cal Void Secure Thera, I i, I . * 4 4=o ckaßam Aim JFV 60 FIFTH STBMT. 1440 BE FOUND la THIS • • 1 ; j ,',71 ERE Tr'S TOO-LATE.
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