ebe Psintroit 61204, mama MB 131:1115111p, 4300004 WiairriDANVAIrGIIB 2; 2. 186& • valoi-covirrir TWEET. 4,4611.$ zarnormlauta. - t.:•• - • iratetscrwroomoissivg`' larEMT*ll;l3l74 sliAlltS'iTwqßA , 4 l 4i44. l6 7.. l trintrAzazietsv , • it4gAgLraiiii _o4l4ProthAli nraimilitalets ToFsaattir 8LA.034 ofr X/9=7 o ar ' • ---o n h am ,a rto t !_ls,l l 7FSPr i Fit' ai Stir;; , ii, suseasitua.. • d!--44,34kwiiipia5:,,,,,,,,,,x0„f.- • 0 ' 1'0.440- • r d 441113 bo*Misilorr. mute Camentlitt - wl3l44l•ll•4l l llsnisburg, On =nun)" Tux aviteixfoucti; tv, ti Aydaloll;l7frwepnrpoisof puttl•T tio• - • ttiii,rappoltos* tab thaauf t radii iktik sirolii gaol*: guotasi. 'll4 - 4ii bpAteq Oils legOica;p:loyil people , ..trilW*V*4 And : EMU Me 'll/1461MN,L•nigril um.4••olUltna All • Whim • fitness nin nevi' inatiakninei•-ont items, 04 stewnp.bunthtnninasai naturrni;andiesse laGnray trtend 111:4 akin in tins ; M i t .tain' ea! be lkirelnatoa in *it; CoitnnUniii inn *tit it that j.h• truttl of oni - into*Cuipi4Vonitgine Amain; , sadness of Tot teofiFtlyiesitiu bil , i4itsdatect' for toadderptstOi. its43-irm d.tatr4i l• state 4 0 9/ s •FeStsotl 4. ' • . it! ftp!lF of ierfloi aiona.cromhow . • •=oxi:R.r.T4N, ctimman. AL lir,: , l3mancreq 04,1,01.4 a. ''''.'• IDE OXE,T...ISSII'It. , 00,ThAoltEtaie,'Coliiention Will ' meat oaths Leeman% of 'Ude month. • Only - 1 - ttbstiti7o weekso l P 3 o4 lllll br it ,she be ' - detamithed whether the Hepubliclut.party ' • 1 gokniklOArr ooo in favbKorrotroTool oPol liglzt.4:Ar atielSiittoOlflithiraspthudhillty of salmon ens raotamatous:question to the fattr - i. Vete* that the will be no , such • lack e n44ecisima,in the action of that =solo.; Mage r lit we have our doubts; notrish , standing that `Many and „ influential voices ImrOL-aoshensout in.runravering'scants in favor eta caws that titillat!ii easy heal; tatedVetspeuse l , 'Vie' :Isis,, is enough , to bemuse:dour gtsx&.llittt If the•rinciple ) of et* iliklinilie *lt `NI And inlopted , Settle no;itsirof the shiakendl. . United; i on such an Este We , can carry 'reitrtVvtl: skis, Yrid'lt 'll.c), the - o**ty of • tho :othin z -13tattAliill ,sasnredli 'fallow The tthfirt• •1 . ' sacs of this State litho 'l4g L itoutof*Ylit ' V ie F. . 1 , 1 9 A.,... A., Alif* , bC.Wleac PA away l - , ' . by m emos as snaleariXtrig it is not (Amax. 1 louskos4l.4 l ** ll o , o 10 , 144 LtVe her gin**, he niiii become- a magnet 1 , , that shall thaw OtheF43tUtelp iiPtrioP . her, .=• _ - 011404 1 deif.` i ' , l AtiCrgrUili i renor/e« bit 410 2 3 ,311- i ' sideration of expUll. , ing and right we ate' 'al.illdetlAn4o47 - • lo t lenfiri the negroes to the filkelgbUt offatincoulliftv" ' " krlfenefditinids'lt; : The'ensinnoi ,' the piksii*wieigiip alit:4ll2m eniiiin , l , this Wa'y tamir:serst4Wtheof ,* i ' w ax . 04, t5•4t,..# 4 1V.4 kliiireisktity , to b o ast of The spirit of rebellion and of ''• s laTe r7r el lifo3;244:llliii•aW. presence 1 ' of a PPMeg.resdyereinfilsto:smmessfnlyop-2 - 3 - . pencil. Yettiduckwer_iley latent_thrlitigh t r , our neglect. In the tiegniavote of the - t SoutlAltute.; In stienple - securt , tx ligulas. . ,tit 1 - • TelaPletdeltbalgl4 Oi l thOti%tf•at 1 ... • of lisluskajayery . .c.also--klyal -palms have i but..tospeakihavoid and , tbilit thslievoke st.tfawlitzfl.i•ititur 21t1411.*it Lis --- "as la u 'lloo e ;; ; i' ,prAa1..,, , ../.1 ,I, '.:. '4' COMittOME4 nam.dla oilittr, } • 1n0th0;0444 1 *4.l-Otig-ligtilitit hue,' t been tit;egilitnee.;: ;While' olir; Wards - Pro , - .claim that leturdity of tre-Wdlencist 'Mlle •• i , than.• l 4lllba l itot*kiik.o4 4 4 ) l , :ir. FiTileiw-ii-Eni3pe , .. privileged' • . • class opitstittg...;mutstlslo:llll l 4 becabia • ; we merlins more ntanerods. Now theri is ~ an op;crtunity given us to remove this i . 'anomaly. New for the Mg time, if wo but ' l. will, we can exhibit to the world a perfect iexample of a Derattatic government, a rut ; tin where no man, hrolitsy_.politleslisdvant 4, . gage : ever another, where all are comp =, •in one political system, under the same laws ''' : - 1 and poueßed of the same rights. Is not ...'• this an iffiesement wortitthe Escudo° of •;.;one - single prejudice? 4 .r =',, Humanity demands it. Each day brings i'accotmts of wrongs and outrage, committed _ , ''. < by thospiraysemb amfast,pursolvtislihs ' [ beerfehittriatigiliti thattfiblkbre'sichut :.e more violently against a class who are pow. ri r micas to resist these injuries; powerless•oe cause they sr.ege' , dlthelioningefueciretii, 4 'Which, while is defchin,iolll date '`" 0= own security. :As they are now slim e • ted, they are amenable to laws which they '4 had nopart htintsking, wlticluate made by "these whose alma are to keep them weak, - -oppressed and degraded. This has hitherto been the course puretted by Southern legitlA.,. tors in enacting bisiseconkillhg.the.deiext' to remain in ignorance, and we have seen no evidence that they have changed their Sentiments on this subject. By enfranchis ing the namt,' we give" Idea; t :sttesttrd againitraia iniquitous &idea Gratitude demands it We accepted their substance in the war waged against us by Gish masters, and Shall we remand them into it' slate of subjection little better than els- Ne - ii? What a Mimi:gar their faithfid ser i Is!and devoted loyalty! So long as we. R 7 them equal 4ightsi-thivi sertices; can- ,1., ' '"Zr4 be rata; and we - reptidlitelhe debt:- 1.,. 1 , _,:,1.41 us sob:w edge the obligation manfully, - 'llid no Term Withhold - that which is Unix sine. = It -4lntlooll!tmAeitueutiOn!olttulgitt* 1 i,.. . nib may mail ;too - strong an assertion, k. , but wo.challengeany one to show the op , -Veda to be true. 'Upon what basis ()fright '' we to tostablish the dominion of the ,'• bites, unless wo deny the common hu ' ty of the blacks. If we my by virtue . t ad f superior intalli.euotLe,„the sakno_rulamill .. - clude ttasll4 of our 10111....V0M1 3 We' of Mtn this right as hereditary, for ; of one generatien bas passealpsnce both s}' tee enjoyed the prerogatives of citizero, tin, 1 7 State btirolort 011 r ' Itichli(iti Mil' 1 . i s arise from our power to have it so, from this alone. We li - iiiitiade right "'"5 4- c l 'q p ,. 1z lulu Functioned . th e l' d, until the lonncliles 'which underlie mtem of gdvernment have become un ing to the public mind. That all men 1:. tont igtol.. l hes, come to be, regard ,e 4 as a i ID t.i., fencrijknot pour the plain' atateMent of on , IWO fait; lt is for us to reassert i . - o."'ith's principles In thtlr.oxigyndforce, stet il i a , .4 ping, to elevatelidoitn-tioddenchos, ; . 14 :pay the obpothot. iiir4vei incurred sificcepting Aid( Ida; and to establish n ''.. • ' Votive defelloo...agumk oo linl tt lOlT S .To icriately rebellious Stites. • - -----.-tv-' - • , - ... --.. '...`-' ; Tint Hier okcirt'Almn : ing tosrsaYetial I tse ladle scht*Wgtthat titychaTe beim ba so: done? of , being closed fii - iiiiir or '' *nay to 'carry them on. One, adlilort. ~. .. , it hundred 1401aan(lbilaiii'Airsi ;rota !- „ their matatenance, but there woe. no , - yto pay It aM the racraityl'ead not to belniitred- The teachers are now OP* dug for the ErazOott aus thew in WFuITII: ' • - _ .. . - 1 , 1:7PE111011 ISOM CONPAIIIC, were .very mud:ill:desisted Mid Mali, "'fed yesteidifyln a vliit to the new railroad iron works , of thilppuipany on the _north blink gibe Ohio river, a short distance be ' iiitflitinichester, and UM dwo miles be -10 W-this city.. The works-count -of two smelling ftensces and an extenaiv Tolling mg for the sole purpose of itinnpicturing rails. This is a Joint stock corepany, with .expitss or $OO,OOO. JAY= BENNIV rresldent, Jo= ficord, Treastami -8.) 1 grime Manager of the Polling MU, and Vairtsannt Csoirrinin Manager of the Fus4 I mmo. It is about one year since =the com pany, commenced , building, Ckne furnace b ee beer, in operation _about sir months, turning out•an average Cif RlM:di-friar - tons orldi inn Pel4l9;sada**_ they have -lltilidfeakfftorta -, 0 1 049.11 4t 4 ; 404 9? fox , ti>e{raoll'niU which is wit IrtilidsrlOr 6iseratio2ri", ." - ,dhia*C ritto 4 bf,e 1 7.0 1 , 411cliiriP ?emir to go Up blast, which Will inareme the or Pig =meta t 9200 17. flO* l 4o (*a Ww.2 other Sarnsicleaare bacontemPlathen.o Wass Wynne , lot Contains ten: ithriacii4 , extends from the, /Idaho:A . -Voir, lirsAa, and Chicago Railroad to the Ohio river, giving an 'immediate lw.th ILTeT and .ocianunicatini The.zoning mill lot deontalns' Meal acre's, on the lower cad, or.Whicli.tlW-oompany, have meted 'numeral, tenements Ibrtheir workmen and. their r"lximeo. Me, at titcc rgOrid to' the river; surd a trrancti railroad supplied with tarn-tables, enables them to deliver ore; cast, cOlrei directly idihe Several butanes throughout both these extensive divisions of the eatali-, liramene We were , very much strict with the beautiful arrangement by which the gab, fiorn the smelting itniaces lamed° net only. to heat the blast, but to pouipowerfni- , colj tarmat , of-dame under the await ,ielfers; t4t- rendering very little a.iditiotsal :fuel 4cessary for that depiliment or giii, rqqalj ly , die-wq, , w e. may mention in teLscon• section the interesting fact; %bit one-fifth methe fuel used for Salelang =side Otis's,' al, obtilued by means of a shaft one hun dred feet deep, :from a mine, at Thaton, twelve mSe's up the .tllleOpny river. . ; The coal appears to be of excellent:panty, an4:l being relika4sahlY fres (font sulphur, Wind' , Adaptpkto that purpose. The lam e dam .frent this raw.uoal centributes pewee:Lillie to augment the . escape heat and davie just erzokin of, and indeed- it is used' es:l . -for' - giving light to thb, foUndry and bUtei , pale', - of the works.' , ' " ,- - " '..,,, ~,,,,, :„ Vg h elievn that Wiz 4ha only ixtlilyati &aim in this county from - ttnrAf thee:, di 810 kl:lol9llt4l3' 6 +th; all deep mixes will , , ~, this BeetionPf aouritry. At Bieuhiniiille coat , . is mined in the same way, Tend W"estikol' thst ll 47elfl'at' B 44o Pi..vii, *ma-161 operated uPon at Steubenville. It is net' Aroprohable thanhettei'4sep;pgrtei irillA" 6 ' l / Old *tlq;Aid4i44 , *Akilaannittenre : of iron than those-nearer the aortal of. the .1). Thecoke "Used in: these furnaces is , m tUttred ist the comp:airs atm Coals , - mines near "Conueltsvifitt It Is of*cii- , a 'l ,lent(inkliti. e-• - - ' .„ . • , The ',mp g mill risen extensive and sub 1 it l antial structure ;We did not: 01,14,A. ;1 sueitio4lifeeti but when we: fit& ettat ft]] ' if t 4 be of lAt suflicient - cspacttrto Rain) filly - tone of rui, 110 i day ornew `iitateitik be-. )1464.7°'01/114 ofd tells ". a buli: - . 4 . 0 4. ,go:ree Aden of its B i rd =ay b, (orated.- I: . will F ready togo inhi , 012Sradels.early,Ja • Min steam engines:l:SO:lln these ~artlaka were , wade Conissa, , Of , iProeidenon, I. They are Upright; werrimbattiedtal, , ilOdted,indirdrfellibearatill:' But - Fmk loOrted althemand admiral thee, pre ;could mot but think ' , that Pittabelrgh Ought not to hate tosetql t.O . Pbvidenca for : :etealzkOngintainniessik ihcseill be ono'-or 1 , stiVl just "4"1147 of samples. •i.ll•tbe 42 thei*i*PerlielIii fade IkerkaittznanY ,, oftket.. simpler east:lnge, !particalarly.- teed *lutes; pre made by the company; im their; ow,itgiusdry on their fOrnaOst lot. , are need In these Works Is all brought from 104, siverior,,,* its , quality .we needinet speak. The quantity of Altai- , wt. rivalled are •DOW' .btcight'", to and tettoileos this Midis lalai-nal very hirielandis rapidly intreuing. - _ Soma ft& naceetii the la*** of as wotk.it• thfied, `Vthnative oxe n ,ilithigsTitte; Hein it to need most if not quite exciuqvuly. It. in prob le OtAliiiita!*llot beir&ifelizse Penarich ililei-Lalte‘kitelito the fu4llEiltiitern become .3fitseioA3 6 4P2Bei''i"" l e. , , 'SsIE EtrcisvciND ELECTION. The illehmeral liffiirot - 13aturday pub. 'ashes ai'ordei Obi General ' tinity . - -bibltleg, the insemination of the Amyl, ' =tell city goyernMed. ' The Ofileer who naiad - 0.44 6 4 4 - ).tai - 048 i .6*(l* was not at stile She Season, for! the 'adtlin of thellniter litiMeinthorklei , They kerelnief hdtiiver, and voila :be vide known threugh another . chanrieV:' VIM tonic!' Acquiesced witho u t' remonstrance, and the Wary reports the proceedings without comment. ' ••'' The retsina .assigned in the 'Order, ,as after Ward published, for this action, were that in the election citizens; who had served in the Thilei 'army were prtwented from voting; the officers elected had been noted rebels, and the issue was distinct*. blade and aviVed as being between men who had abetted the rebellion and those who had sapported the guyernment. We obsezire gist the work - of Confiscation is still going on. Last Friday about 1,800 sluassi of 'She 'Petersburg Bailrad stock were IlbSlle r d. The vigorous action of the government:seems to have thmoughli pressed the seditious spirit that'vai lately quite rhmpantin those puts. _ The Gubernatorial Iliecession. ' ' Althbugh the Constititidnal latin'ottha present -thatmbent of , the Onbensatorial chair of revolyirania will not 'trotter mall 1887,people are already looking among the pro men of the Oommanwealti , for a' ft Mont° servo as . a-euccessor to:-tito distin .ed states= now at the basd.of , 4 , the' :of the ;BMW:- Some , of oar co; tentrb est:weal/tidy pilso4llthe names ..of favo tastatimmerr at •tho had of ' thole col as the choice of the 'jittrtijAit of. nch', 1 locality Thitlibi high - ofilee. " 'Other jone,f, 1 l ictr was ha elirdiestedlbeir s pranenites in al-; laslons ',ether embient.nwn, for *hi, earao. positio ' told Wetrits have prominently be fore the people, , for the-ftbernsterisl - elle - .. wain, men se BOILS. it. Morelia:A, Hon. 3 ottthiliflitabitel,' lion.' ,17.- W. Ketch ; lien* John ' COlrocle, - ;; General Geary, General thirron, Colonel ,t!. lc M'! Clore and Ilon: - ;Yrancis "Tordsnr - These entlemen have all had MOM or - less expo henceled public affairs; they are all ten' of • meld st intogrityand ability, while erteltP, so far as intitekbal 'influence , andi-serk - vice a ; dabibited the'nohleat ••Itg o -1 Lion to the conntiy - derfrig its , sUn4gles with thtilately Conquered rebellion:' Bone-. ' dyer distant tito.porlod for the olettloit Ora G oren int," We 'aro firmly convinced .:that; either ofttho gentlemen named in connec tion with Gustiomination-onnid r b e t a u te r.- plutatly elected:-4Lsrritbsrro T e r egr eph; .-- , • Tom CM)is. In IndlanaOentral Minim th . : Mu 1111011,Lliorthetalltertimi; and sixth: ra l em low the wheat,...harley sad oat -crops , haye an red orbital Injury; Inaba limb:. em WM liazatio fa, And throughout r.' the' 4 1Tholo of Ntitgaltant vb. eseta and Meld= on, thee xtent of the damage dOne bY The long y term`, to - lovensidertible, e.lng . seta itterxidettrOp, willthluts ;been 'llisteriallf.*lnigd Mid to some wheat so* In. thit,loillsite;:—Ohreqolournat. - 4 Thtk trelltlite44of the Tree:sit*. TliuStareiery-of tle Treasury •ean - hopit for no eld from Congress before fsbont the iirsterstext-Fettust re rely: upon till then? The act of March ad, 1801,, authorized a loan of $200,000,000, of whiCh ...therelesuantea-tusued-4*-telftre-per. cent- bonds the amotmt.Or $1720 70 , 900 leaving yet available _the sum or $27,229, 7 , ow, which may be limed at any rated in- 1 terest sot exceeding &X per mat in gold, Of five-twenty slam cent. bondseutherized by aid adopted under the acid June 80th, , 1804, there rethalim unistunikthe.:snutnt, $9,211,000. Of other bonds anthertzed by ' the act there remain '1170,000,000, *hoc' may be lesneo either se . a triven-thlety lean " [ or eethree part eix 'per ''efent.-lenemchind interest note& Of , fractional' currency authorized by, the _ache of, July: 18824 and.; = Ifirobi l t 6 9 2 ,4LexagabisOzuss 2o , ooo,- 0000 f tit:Edn'tocti - ed eitheirjAcurrenzy CIT llollairfaitll,oo 3 / 1 11. Of the.JUD,Ount a I temporary ' lol4l. 2 1441:4ZeO r li,the act_ Of • Sulyilth, ,, lBAtherit remains at the 134 , 3. 0. , retarrstdmitimi Octet ,000,00 et - ) 1 0f 0. , JAM AitinglAtte:4 l B 4 , 44l7 o oo ,' *tan the . Bec,: x ..fiV, TAtti.. - put out-OLn loan in,eothe ' TO - fi,ol' ,, ,egter.-Yvithout reir_atetime , rmAtto: peelt [Of; Corigftea,., - ,The , internal Amen* 4' 00 44 070 not ea large Its , entreated; 1 mli.ftraettnifrata. this , source ftdni *herd ist, isca to February 111:1$80' cinnot be les;fthen4l2o , 1 1 000; aid *Om oven* 1 br fifteen m u • , 'in* - "rlie , -7 06 [4talzom Cinahme - W1 . .. "lleiX;Perlod Will hardly:be tindft , ' TdtV. tliri;,,utillirkd Azilialare and nro'.,lllteN: ei t 7,l*:' , ,eineueug toyer .tha t flOrt. l ocitittallmext all rtdricallaneotui • eouttea le , • eame , perra , [twill rack at • letseiwoo,otn , q Here la an agpAate of revenueof not, leatAttah , 411%0,q00 ` in allcsseil its Wang* NiisfeitAitei ' = Of any ate whei *be nieuiddered as pp, an thotiliCWhiWft lunette ',ot 466 1 alltb o - ! rlty Mate thunkpitin not I tas than .12Q,000,- 000 ,..1:- TIP rug* t or gold Am,. in .the.Tteltl. '. Y 4.rut 1 ,Y 00 .0 0 (lt and , of ,, balances in , [, the a )crearunertio: , thet , credit af lho , De 11146eittAbout .-1,89,00c0ct0. - Here in - in aggregate of actual tevalleibte Men! foritto I .cbminn dummies, as Tqu'lvfd:' l6 lW Mk' ~00,4)00.; reverent ; Igo' TON, ltr, least , L , [tp1i.,91)0,000: Arlie i - A swim,ooo;: 1 bongt fotal'ofit/Mtet • r ixtu a a g idii . ,had that uos,four,gentlemear La-positron to htiowlagly Indg _ti.of, , the revenue. recalpti , , Mrtug the periodito tht4 first o(iFebausry put - the summit stirrer 000;000 0001rtateid of $170,000,000,c :which ewe Is niti.”: 'To: Allis aggregate of 11,426,00,0,00 nitwit* ad ded,takpart of the tapitat' With which :the Tremor/ can be ;waged daring ,tholail 10 win t9r ; -'* ll ' lo 4 ll =car3r. iti [ Issue, math- I . 'eateltef iniltWariptaiiiihout limit.. _Within 1 a yeetibe imennt of tbisbaper outstanding, wer.ovirl24ooo,ooo.• It now hien than sl46,ooo,ooo,,and of =lns $lOO 000;000 'can be issued without particular detriment to the Mutat. gee therein ittreio ;give: -gatv of everts69o,9Co,oo which tile,. " Sam - taty'uir the . Tway can. Mb Ititereen. • this date - Mad thh . 'ut rabroarynext,Tfren HoigT l uqi±inorfFince Obicaco Tribums, • - : i• : V a p P i leq 9 -11csai -NII3A- il be :' ltiern i'mrint ple of -- Jur ind o, jurt r al* ln2 [.' - eleTerea: among, she ;recent exolyatiolo Ur , [Three 4inttdred iskaltiont • were I found , etrowdett-ifithinthe - ttantthut, iipsys, , OtiatcoVantOel;luMng lseenlitian), th o, - hovir, O'er were plavA,alniea-, - , Tha statue of the ;Wage tilleika otteadant peacock ' [ thei tkikod.ligreit of Os Altar, the [golden i [• maser, ahe ewels: on the. preen of ' the ptie ate se th e, riebt„ , yesseht= bolding thelle. - gollt, of Lime blood, are the mein parting' ', lard dwelt on; • The et ciattuottlit - I Ctt[ ~u 0 meat vivid •emeniit 'her arjulP l 4.• her., u g t [ , W fe''' piton delay _ I het" 5, heitutag IPA_ 022 1 cLIdent.wi d att [ cluster of g lit tering ge , =Alexia. Irre_ tliesty , lay •aleiw.4 with= , the censer l , 'while gorgeoris,liimpsfand • broths - orni. Amnia strewed the tesselated vartuteat, • - ' !Wive rrEss. - Tun Atha arPsyne, ' the Nrottiliae murderer. ottothretory . 'l3earatek fifdes on o te tt , phututtion three smiles(' fro vs b start on the Pnroutoblar.add r ats Rai d,' He. /ivf - gue`Pon et- HIP - Itilk , of Ideltittakbere'; 'snOther" t retakena how tesitnedlorlifad -toulerwaeldsonly hope in. 14 orldAke, - Al wnsia LiatAizt annistor arbiltahetastabld., , t ._ ou t grtr. Itlontreal'zrerea • Ores that ft .wilt: cost .10,000.000 to on. the - proOsok, .14=e Of 6 60d4eretf '", ant./ 'mMoue behm*willoweal Upon ter/ equipment , forthicattens encißthel knikodardtre works. ; , •li.i. iscanfideritlyssitt Attest. thet •President has reads , (Wan& WOW- of Lonhisna, -. pioildolua G overnor, so so -tilt I"' Aln . iioib•Cßtli Iltitade, toar be Obtained,' and fetettlirer.igedi:rWillAS °44... .., iII 4,ll34alitnin 0 . -Union. Senator' ftti totroasfywili. 'E.) . bided, Us I ' Otte tbstediter ofilus Brooklyn 7lmei for , defamation:l'ot -dib:i' - thotrairM. • •• 1 with mra, 11 - kgifaktir Prticti _Ceir. ' .; S. MOGAN Su= apolgoo elocution ist of Ilaoaulelphia, is gtrlimselect "readisa' frote 6064640 4 1 11 among , -the. fssidos s o 3 o tekters of C 696416- Me 1341 111 Y PT ' Li Portions' of irentneky, , where' rebel soldiers later parededeortgregate,eifortiate Openly tende.bykthose, lareWhel tei prevent , 'Wen Inert Atm tonropterthesttirop.,_,• , BositaiWl'llige.cifier 100,000 inhabl• testa in Isso the population *12177,840. PgosesEinstruntri the young' rflopeftd o f Butyl, Is seriously IX , PA3a6PittatliAr4-iutuve ranwairtibl _ . . • 'Trill londcal.Opl hag suspended pub 446- tlon. • pail:now) f: t • t t • TiluselerdiriedwrapirpmpsWl Apiiie7seatessiiid'iuktiiiivlititta. lO If ,nueszenuainidasjoaattagir ;.' ' • Na4o , /4111 TY .; ."..YaL 4ta, SJ liffiVL.4lo.ol(r 41413? "1/4, }3°°t 15/I"FANOY:44 WOAta 41r.01195,13,3 6 WRIALORit CONNILL & Alt DEMON. , Chien* Eta= Job Mho, OA Fgsh moot: WHITS di SLAGLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 1.00 .I.ftftla. Ettr.ooli, FITIIII*ROIi, Wig attend to all imbue to the lle of their FrolOstozhr- facial/1g TIM COLLEOTION 00 'Mara AGAINST , IFS 99173P114.M. • • kr.. Saints :bailor tem triosterK dot Of the_ Vaned State" heveottte akteo—d Min to the begone of the dna. - malt Bat ixbIEBIGPS ''' 7, ""' '. ". I :,• , .1. ,raliatilllZUS ifirt iitIP:A, inf i 'foqiii+lll r • 'Mt ! otora odO o#ei xtWrual,= ii, isdlly, LI t di , . illxistioases eabh-Varlov - ` '— ' " rot 'Filo la 'Um ClElt •lilli fiTO ... orsuilio6lloll,sll3yfrfiejnatil.ga j J,4olollAlKM• • 1 ‘• •-••55 / ' <., 1 ,•(.5.•15,55. ~/. I ' .: 1.• .'• .• 5 :I ' • •7 14:5 il Alin,, ',. .r. , 1 -.4 1 . , GEO#OII A Kari% STR • cow. , , stray • Ito:tiff°. DI East Cosopon ! Antitient; Whlt f ik am 'cacti ttlfithri yotts 614, • Alitecipriattou tki mut :to bet with* nonesilie#,thl - bi Withal! HEAD ft NEXECIA.B., „bilAttris 24a Malty sksettnal=tlllll‘ - - - - - - ifil.44Llß Rs• OF .THE FOURTH :.11..1 1 7 ~ ALLZMISNIri , • •Ci .1.-.--:, ; i . .. 1 .4 1 , 1 * ?MICE' - , •, , _. IrkorlrOi yawn x imi .. or WO :Ward, assenos "tAd" Xr.. • ai.Looruivoi /hattnilinsa lola Toopt , . ....ty at tu tut rautii;ielto.aa A mp, ' " • 10,.m.,,N0,- . 53.1411,234.150T9N Sr.% — ji:Sict —' ' " 120Birn rgirmi Ton BAWL •_62 :11i;arteAsccikx, sprt OA.; , , , v7b nitiver Well, if kra tty, US' 11r41 pee tobricatorrlutditterreamag_for eitherebaratospt InD licitukft et I,MBABBOVIta 00".• 'Nov* Datums Way. . - A E11:L4.--1 p l s.pußssa AND OLL.EDOLOIII.;' 110.i.-.lllsllisupplyalifsys osiumai and for InlollB**l44. _Ma% at - W: India flubber .DrPerot jj.= ' Wig; asid se St .ißaies LTB3 jeca RI F ATING NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. 131117rWith tiss Patti:n:7re aFul Oosityallstllbi,ESlDOApy# hill *sit Bronbila Preittm's PCIP• WE WILL Eot-EE QESTE....77mTrom- milaz—pninttir NO TICE. • , , A. J. Agent P. 1.0.73. R. C 70., Pittsburgh, Pa. NOTICE. 12=I!= _ . The Stockholder' of the WEST VMEFTEIII MEM , OIL COMPAWY are rm.. 12544 C to meet ,et the once of Hebert Wrs7, Jr, Ro. 4 Rand it., ON z0r,..5.DAT,10411178T s tag, at four (Mock p.lll. 'Surinam of imporftuase l• broorbt before th e mbeifog. Sund BY 01rDER I oF THE Imam B !MIX. EW7E PClAllginakZa&,!vompzeti,- Init.bl• for a Saw, Gristroi small I RolLig 7 rs e r tirfirolZ l 4 2 at y lltos T u, , sttrniviziaisneter. SPECLAZ • • . INDUCEMENTS TO BUT Silk ail& Luta teWithis. .FiLTE9-8.111=9, , ..• . lb Fllbbiltrect. tigOrt, TAAL , , . , , . , , TO:XIXF. or,Doo& The' Ora*, o Zap ,withia city. of guts., Dinah; ata Beitliaottfled chit all flop Ismael panaitted to co at lair, Nittkent balm prdperly nittalad otrill. b 6 taltetvap sad- degyoyed. se , at Chap.teaUeSeet- toga -4 , Valid la at City DM` of Ordidititea. JAMES .L.Clippc, 424 Zdaym. PlttaintralOiily 01,1665. autilw BATZq &SBELL'a- FOB Neu Chintzes and Prints. aV2 71xtrru. swat?. ' DISPAILEU.TRAN OF 'PARTNVIStiT i ; 44 ' 4 ' pac"4"Lti, tturgAsouradd Ml* AYITI,II, wsualmalf...l2 by tato Ohl emit." rb tba,t4tb 'dAy "el lult, A.D. „an p en ., hw.bg elaillabAtalast ISrtei Iran. iitoa c tor tar /it ettmt, d.o th• -- aa. pi tor:psYtkalt,.. l l the W~ -• • • ;, tam. • linte? SAFFETZ. ,GOVBRNMENT • 11111,E3. , s iyFrtrii , tt los - ciT=LII.II.I4• A ZVeIO %' ju Anauceou, THURSuAN. A* h i t ' 41, tl5, at to Waloas- ta...41 - tha Fair Oroaaa, Bean/S. Mules sold sincl7. . - Fermi—MS% lialtid States Curiae.. 0 , - =Fa; Ontratut ttiFttlF •• • • or Tail ctollll.o*ll4 07 Atznanirir Ocitnrrr.' 3nrnsiwzan, Anima li, 16415, ' • frpt,eformAcrroßs.ALlDlll, Tawas .111.14 manna Antall omen until Inikl.; barmier., lcur. , llMlanek slettege semis 'irtaanty Oreek. on the One between Allegheny Ind Wept= ocelea4. seontbeerieelr4klendeas. It glitt=rbe"."r434, 4'4"r' ,P_rUantarkWlll be ftuntintEl on ifppljeaghi: By dlressisnotentiVinonsiiont Y a ;-' • ENE FURNITURE, _l4O. 41 COE'. WNW SITE.T.Et—gTMZSDAT nietlVi• Tl‘o,_Ar W t eakekt eetealr,nellthe act% ss gle e= , N o. 41 Wynn street, a fay dams snore fLritiii ;In resna Warn, q suantaxel saw. =are, ta Werkept Genetios, saterestnr„. MarrieW elpen OarpeW Tetea,Tete grist i r i ge ..l.o=.o . itrv ,r g. - 'T , :cGanll6., genet= Wennt- Re 15,904- , stead; ruble 'Top Table, Card I'eo2e,.lTladow, Ifs Parley Mars, Loans.earths Stunt, Ade, Cot Be. Beak. Enema Tattle, as. " 21°411* Anettbaseti 'Van . aim . / ;SUMNER BLANKET-Eli - EMU liWullrYi= gtvius. iUti3tfi . A.li l Q , o24l* ror warm 013-84 •. ' 45 - 117111 gr4irr... n VERB/a:NT BAL3.=-BEDISMG" m ks. ....o ore..OAD.O.V,KONSISAVARsigi Othi to &plod?, fro azdar:ol 111.11• IL 11 4 o. ,ll..l. austu Lovill i be impo ',l 4 s * Aar % suumm lUsltad . "Is" Math Ward. Oa Sol.Wwlag.rso_ pasty, most or 1r eb b isalsaly Inv, zsd rimaliao tV MU •'.. iSI taa'atissis;a4issn . _____llbastiM ' .•• ~ p. 93 volcartsis.SlSConasersamps .. •-. • .•- . Ussa inrOssek IT tisis 404 ~ . •'Va r , tea; art Bet Bet' ' , ...' rtl ~.?Instula IA Insult al.atisassasi • 4E6 los Behaaao„ 4ea caws smite: I.r . se out utora.h ;ex vroolinorrspparn . 64? sobs Drawer; MS pats BbpDaiss '• Al . e .4 WarlasmiaLaad Tg Beebe. of itair. . ' ' ' •'.• ' Abel rattlas.l llsaßastatsr,. . i . , . •,i.. Ss Risders , , 5,13-I.bk4; MIMS; .. -• . ~111 Ws. Vistas. Tiplan ia „ „., 4 vas t Masa i vaslls4 Caen] ~• a Us Val, I Mrs VW; p 1 ' iit absitha tu r.ol.llll.o4 .. —• ; • ' , St d5..&11• Wear eallansf* -:;, As aitst._s_ . I a assallasalskisa -: • I 4401,--10 - ing.; 9torpramest 11110. , • • As 2 l - f , ' '"' ,' -- - IL - MoILW4Int, atict , r, — inrlrreklN 33A;i40F.P/TTEB;Wit,,, , , Prrtsztrasus, I. tail. • ktZar Leaps, Bills, Discounts a• sod v. ' Deinitottes of IndeAs3sels.-....1 11 , 543 , 131 U 172:34n135 ...... Mi1,=431 1 J !Us Eiltte and Omura ilett...; SWIM 33 493 2Uszeissie9 5,10 W 93,523 13 Rif ° 4:499, thu eredis ks . • Tres. Notes SMITS 03 333,5311 97 ~,„. " . • .. s . i• , ~,,,,,, LIABILITIES. i 'OOlOl Steck - -- 111,113,603 00 I Pro • And.EsTainx.,,. , : 1 4 1 17 aßli3o7uSalt3l3ooo. oieo .:10,111 , 73 =tem Banks ... 1,05 73 Um , ~.....,..r. 'Z.3,001 00 peril's: .• • ' ..,,, , T,20,130 CI • ‘l iio 410010.4 litstotesstlrooncet, to bast. atm? knott Wits ssull Pellet _ ..._ ,_ ' • .. . •' • • , JOEllt Ramp Ell, lisatet. Sworn to and 0013021be1, this Id d y.td Auurt, ISA •• al as. . S. SZITII,, Ro i t ' sry gublia. ,NER('GROOERY—Tho ta,dereigned luta 1:111111iy , ESpirtExar wpm .ffrovs* of food and WISLY. BruzarED I,O7OERfES in incr. NEST noes: &dation to tnef new ow" Lau msrald call • Wootton to their stoat of Eastern mass BOUND CEITAS MAIM SCOTT Ob'SMITEI, jy2o Tyra seiner mini and Terry streets. i1121:12333 A NEW THING. Mann Miele?. Patent Pocket Book. Vey 1/aal, arid annuitant an in one Once; no danger of taarfor, or owning abaci. • TOr ago, wholasala and rata% * v . J.0,14 . 1 YE1S 17311 , ti ld i htlarket ate' tiorraolwirset Wee% , „ t • • lisizobater,4 l l l l 2o , lB4- S . EAVAD ruuroB,o , 4.4ddr004' to. • 'the i Committee an !Vaum ogt): be rtmeteed .thiasmairon=nzi t tj a or , C at T Al o lff AlVito,l4loll It arossul/lito t,t3ttoeti i et . to Vett the:Wan Aide , 0 bulk • , WO: p - -raancet, mom*. -"1-41....qmit-abi:4. , ii... FaBTZ mittoii4" filtiaidita.'i 00. t tr.; truAsgiii' , tu 4a 4iiii de 'on itiOlOsitnoO rioI41;sioi1Oot oi IbUYOr 0 •a. irs, OnlYtiltaly 0441myy.b• gow.. Ibg *ell 41 barmier iirtrb bia Nub by the 6 N EED on. in b. L Vito N 0..: l l -11&11,15,T, Py —_—..".— oni-4 . 160vi5. 011..0h011113 1-4 ST ~...114.81.1Comanco,1 WM* n. , ,atb, of blabs bad.palnnib.- Aline ateakfon baud. bad, ter'4sta'yi,tr4p Innabakll, 411. Cletti 37 &Et '081:111PS; Jjil . and 28&.:1.11ait neat RAICEIVEI CHOCOLATE AND CtO 00A. AWI nurtment Week (mace, mics. Disoutd POefs , OnCLlStong- 'Airco Franck eboodsta<sa 4 ,100 70 4 "; P: 4 ":!h Ply sgs at th e Patallyprmat. kria, ssav _ cps LS and u n . ! a lma; caortf t ss.waumarip I , risted trockll.=l) 4=Atietittli 4 " bet D•PAPOS Se =ln BLIP au „rp, ,__-__ &It a PHILLIPS. 13Vadqx I.,B<lNekri=-Leittlier Bad utis ilubberaellingcautel f rm adl ri Guy Lace LestUst ,and Rivets of fO„As_ stookja,rwilfArOwit.llll f . cP ,,x . :..• - L5O dal as IluakCltaz Lariat:log . ill' ea 10'Aritersireati. MANN NALLB AND LATE for ale b •L' ue ;Alga sown, to W9o_d stmt. TIMORSRS' RXAMI I ATIONI3. --Thceo -entitled to Proilittati will meet In_thol,l2:drd Ward. A August' rythi.ati Watch, a. m. epplumntz rod tichdola SAytallearing Oktriata wit rismithiribriowa Avg. a-ladlana and Sharochnir at Stn .r.imv --Avrlv-rtiaftrerWridirnfon,atlinditn'asattool. :mg. INI-Shalet, at Stewartatown. _ • _ • Atm% lb-hicEeezport and Vedsdilles, at - nidKiiea: Port. • AELE.I2,--Msbeth towxu!hlp and E/Isaltsth bor. Acrb, It INzabeth vg. 24--Sonth - Fayetteand Lipner Si. Ohdr, at 11 - ±'Thrib t apt Noblestatem Ir nie ' Ang:W-Polcinson, at School No. I. Avg. 21-Snowden, at School No. I Ans. Z,TeJ2brecit, at .I"Mvence'anchoolliittan. •IdnAd;:-Iftudta,'at Itbindn. Aug. W-Tszerdust, East-Deer and Pawn, al`a• • - - Ans. 211-Harilioold. Natrona. Aug. 2}-Penn, at Han-.Murch. Aug. 29.71:Wm,. at Tomas. Rapt. 1...,•-re.t 011itton. • Sept. 2-Noon, at School No. C. Se-Hampton and - NoVandlass, at .School No. in Hampton. z Sept.p 6-Weat Deer and Richland, at Bakers- Wen. t . Sept: d-PAnir and ItlaYstual, - Rinitestindwadlioil 1110tIte. Sept. 7 , -Traiikilti and Dina at Perhatills. SePi-d-Qh3O and Neville, at Sated No. 4, Ohio toWaship. Nept..tt-Wirkfttr. Wittinsbunr. rept. 13-Pattoncat Tsults Creek.. • • ' ' The azaminatlons will ocvn , mence at o'clock a. Tesehatirtming itrAt dock vrilhnot be id. hatted tee oxamineticin. ,Applimtnis -be esambied oldt In the district; Where May apply Sor out be admitted arapecttWrs t itnyAntaminaalons theniseives, peen eaatedned. Private examicuttiona me alma tritely, rieused, Applies:tar will pmvide teem 'Wye, with.sattunneAsmvelope,beasinethale ad dress. odd Atieldtlng Weir but ,Tedir'2 t,Tddcate soot ate dentreveate Naar - - • • • • 44. .I)OIUTECETT. itadt' " , qua y Su. rhaturdent, A'( ... . . .. A 15 - °lip • 0011 xelAllitg,te-theziathd. 1 •Pl ink of tilt, lie on the City Wbuieskie. ~ . . i ' 1 Bei itsfrittairiefr slug' midi:a Py • Ike "'Mager,' AFa r 1---...,....00f P als °"racal4 : Ait o utzei rdin tw"B4*44 :7 NB4' lo.44.4 n Ylill ee Tha , at t'''''''', l4lt n4 ..b. ' 012: ania nt: 4 77: 0 011 .a t"46 oils= 14: . . 'e . oil, helysele, benzine. Or na saied an' . a=a theerharres pfthe" city of tsbnillb. . a wharfage at the inland two Leentopebbarree for I e . _ 1141 ,' Wag • d 1471801. seventrtwayhearel at. 1 me bet barrel for the ti ;nth twenty foot harm, b 1:1 -ten tents per beim( for the 01100110 twenty-four we. which the .14 bottle or Packager may te• inonzandistierves t Peoefded, &meter, that en-' Or no alrautostaseee shut it be lewfol no keep ' / 7 tA t tt.,„ltz" s w llarcca 'fcr greater or r u.4„e. dey+ from . its time the same may be ..loaded: doe_ protkled , furiker, that robh_barre!sor Osakeree khan POt be faced or kept within err elite feed of the line of . lots .fronting A u lt !Item hiattetagatleti Ltd ' ,e b" or Airlthin oat huadred - teet Of ' the 'ete near f t aid Oren • m to. t"" 7 " lit etePti barrels or pack4a *lrish yliatt twin tithe la containing petrOlense, cost g, embed nit, benzine, , ntoisole or myths, shelf eultiest tontorwane ernarfage and restiletheal Ala lbaireis on oedemata ,mentloned.in'ths And sertiOn of this cadleances" • ~. •-; , _. :- Set, E' - "ltist - einfreteen or person' butters - 4r putt bangle Obpsakegg - whether Oiled or esipty., .pir.ine., part_ of 'said , area, not antherfted til .thisferliaeheerOr permitth.4' new Duni& bn.‘ ,o. Agr...tto runaln.oneekt wharves, or 00) port Mire., of, for a lontef bertha ttetn Pro days. shell (wren -,ancl payn flee 'of. My dollars frit every inch of. 1 , frost; sad the:irks-044ns for feerress such ebb, , lantusiof ea 'provisions of thleordlnance Shalt I ~ ttli i iiing .bei cOheccsl byan of n 1 daht 1 , 1 , .. •1 the of iggiat.;,./4 Witt ,nues As,pen,du,,,. , 1 -- I. s, iy isg . f -That t i l oi ll I t reb 7 to ear' a t t fi b rOAiAg i rt . l ,I Ai ance 7 4euretans oirserned; and .If they of either I ;of thesa.bianottlied _byrinlnitlitels Of a vtolitlen of I°Y of el DMisloAs 4exeSixcaritedned.-imi-Ao . Oct leaned! tetylalre the necessary . steps Icke). .hrcertlotorollitancerp then' In ouc h case the - Wharf. 'outer to othriding, or failing to 'perform his dab Shall be subpart too One of 0117 waders, Sabato/. 'tali se of net Aiwa are reeoverable. - - 'fie .%n 041: Tint All , metes .or of, perte- pnlb ',renege" coesistetrt hetittlON, At su c EP. l 4APalth as and the- sane are iterehtinpeide , Ordained and enacted 'lnto allise the. "taw' et . el, OSA .- A , *ai E. , illialsrEir. , • ,'. tkeildefic pr n teet,of Select,Clostasil. Attest: Z. 13/ alonitore • - ' 131tele of fieleet'bottetth '' ' . . , . . •. - . - - -., ~ ...THOMAS ArrEfs.• • President - of Oommontkoenril Attest; liron hialessan. Clerk of Cotaatoh CO .. TE1V1.Xt17.14.10A.T1013i3. til , Tura= stilioNs , ixs , rEttarr;riatai,, - _irtut gasp and awls:it:lm 410124 t 3 ' tiritrix-runcorED .21fLP- or velstsaiGo' oqiNzir /3201=3, thawing farms, poi' .)10nOdkWAILOLda idd4OVx ' L , 40 1 ' s rarspyr.o amp .or - wit grf , ob Ter r,,Pn t . :l .ldatons Mfkp, pltrtt.s arm , or WESV:VIIiaI.26I, Ain' t 9 *T' V. DICAGILUS , AND nsoisrsn FOB MG „W,21.113. II CIO: VI. -- 0116 LEASES—tian kinds. to Mts. 'TILE rErior.,runi publlabed weakly. 10 oam4, VI 60 Ind annum. . 70112 P. HUN% Pab)isher. 'IS PrITII er.. !ammo' aux. br toiOnt post an n 4 ' 71410 Om AITARIVOTAXCE -, eutherizing, the ,terierliod milting Pries Week itOel Pensayirsobiarearia to Oehrell street, 13rel. I. IN it_ordgrined and Anotleabsi ta. Mayor, I na : Are , =r, .. l„A lgr atiltrr sa l a w ..4 ...1 .by minority HAMM, 111 1 Har ll* , jRe tor is hex directed to advertise for for the grading, min and embus of Wee; sae to Ist toe wail to tbs swum dim br aziHrtiltutnee of OortattUkrasad,Adt. rut t; A. D. , 1267, sad as Act of • caddy, ap. , prtireal dinuld7 4, MU, and that any Otelnariae, or . 'Stif ardlnanon t wank - tiny tilintbepasar u t s l 010 leneer ApArto faaa eot t i asiltraffacta. ()attend and rutted Into a last In Cenifiells Ude 'Pa dap of. July, S. Di Wm - ' 1. —: , PiciWM. Z. BROWN,. Preiideot tern. of Select Connell. Mart: E. S. Mom:Rowe Clerk of Select Oemeil. THOMAS STEEL. President of OonnnonOonnell. Attest: ilvon alcaLurroz, . clerk Ot Oonunno Oonstep, ~_. G° JOBELBS... MS tun idOdditotetioled Ri o Oo4Wi 1111Petd Old Ooverranna hors IJoarel u abeds Wiled anti Mao* Tool ioia.sdipla•P. flutes) to do: prim• 044 arm .„ Odlttar'l4% 40 .1 ebolddloadelo itg , u eddik 911 M L I s 4 - bodes =Macao, id did 1010 d• lads. Emokusd Ad: d.olyldg and In dors. iror sa D yr a trl nurroz , Jtm lion l ad lid liecodd Pitddlm4L Tt , lawrha, 'OR SALE. .ittectlre et the GAZETTE OFFICE. jirthltgaa pT)R 124LE..--600,000 BEINGLES. 500,000 SHOED PINE, BECtiGLES FOR SALE MI Liberty Sheet, near St. Unite GPNPR 4I 4 DuttOiting (flee and Patent ligOnST Na it ar.A.l3 muumuu , = • • 8441‘ 11•1'14 3 6=004:Villi ANN'';' 4 ; .'itonsiDaßte.l4 D rerndaTs - AND . mito,Es , ;., Dewso, alleiVand•P•bi td ‘ ttoets,Dbeell Nut . cl:D•diadaents, zOtttli rnt4 4 Pirttioss mute is t• sip• Stockily] stmallitott• and took Estnros , ono Ara of :Vt•pt•n4 lykritollateto ttost-zwiroto - , 123144.1! . ; WPM AND EE= LEAD. I.EA__ L n i rnmer edi MI6 aid iblokaesses. ;.,A ff.tiEET LW) .o! thinkcilsiyui mad !al ta 'rat .tiallirno44 CIOXDOiti 'Coureolgilfak Dlottaupt, ac!, Urea% (M.ltiTillAggrarWE a& v E REVERSE J • • Fiat i!k;COSCelebratid lug Cloths, 10 , car m e s i 4 ... • :3/0 „ : „ at, hisUs, Waal Sind. TIADAX.O ROCKBREI*OI7BB2 , I, - 417' IMICIPA* I3 OI .1'4)..*1?*4114., $ Jo 02.1.0111!1«bitto.o• ... ..•••••••0111WWIII 110*IIT qa s & 0 0 ° , 7 1 7; .- ' *CINSITTT ; rug °ZOO and Serraltr Ands, MAD usiu LARD .01.14-10 ReameT arrt ' nice ! virmli° Maxi i:to 1:1 ArrTA",?r- "1ive4440-ba rreas.; on- Steamer °. Ur?" IsFa= HE OLD STLAD Egon, Murata & Ca Xteceived this day EATON'S, NO.' IT 'FIFTH ST BEET, FULL LIBES OF leconet J'aiXlM tingly Isconet ;lonoefigs. Hamburg Flottusings, Btviss74l49, ' Swiss intettkirh Treat& thuotliel3ande, • lairds' Iteildertri labater Embrof lered - W lUarlr Threa d &UM/able • GRIM. /.641111 am! Ed&gs, all ullthe, BIACIL and Wldto z 4,hkeadlaienZarbn. • Tau Eddlaga nndj,a.nrtinp, BOY'd YrtlMlll; 7l ldrz ow,) Woo On ' ' ' • Pant Lace Ilk's,' • Linen Collarsaind Ondtk, Real Lads Ilandkardads, I " Atiii-iitAeled.Hicalkerds^ ' ricbieblesed Thread 7.,ftes 4ret* ' gk V(tanci_bordppsi) •• , Mario Class* Nets, • Invisible NOW, Watsrfal. Nets, e144,g,5• , O spies tb.• esserteieut abet itibbOUßTithi Leib( arbbC4lll,l7eCk Bibbousi Barre, Mak Buttons, Velvet Biaxial North, Bugle Trimmings, axe, ea:, • Black Silk Belling', ell widths. ISOO dozen LINE* 11ABDILZ1WFEIZED Superior quality, of (rpm 123 to 25 du esah. ..All Ms latest styles of GOTS' FUPSEHEN GOODS.; .11Gr Liberal Didnoements otter:4 to thole:Lobelias' tridl). • o.k. 0111 . OVA CO2dE ALL FUREgfiISG STOILIE. 14cw.1.4• and 15 St Clair St. ,TM attention of eta pubtOtt Mdled to the farts and extensive stock of GENTLENLEIVS 'Kra , :11191111i0 GOODS, oigned — at the above. OtentltmesiptMse. mdlerVittistr.ix veit: =a. • Airy o want 6 the atsive Goods, LL th nd It to their ad tsge-to give me call, akeimatne sox AtOsi a gefore Pox wthhChd the largelihand . beat se ted s of Me White Otarte“seirA sizes, Keg roe , Woolen, Cotton eidTside Thread Under , ahltts tact DesireunkelearAtiVen% Ties, soangitatun. pc fn; nelerine,; and everything pertaining to the Oratlemenis ruralshlhg - 00Wa, in the city. itse ,,, N7 the plass, Ilhad Stithattlite titr C. sAntrillt:=ribr. it B. AWV stook of BOOS Cale. Onsra Cols lasi, Lockwood's,' Unlversm4 'Byron , . Ihmtedgesf ZdassessiL • - • JeSayxhlas Oitil 0 ailitetkW:ire • I .P. IittTERAV, Peribleat''" e- -- J. P.r4rlPATcrt neurarest , , .1 . • ( dna o= n , an, 1=1,, , e0 1 1: 122 p1e i .11,.:Itiogiatelso. .lalt e i b .- atirosetaltus da - 11=7 ' I: e lltdoa , '4, , 1 , Inn an i llab a r w ega mm eteek. i i. , • Ladle, amens ibigleerja be went. the names, pone et ttas ebted rut med maddra ceredre tract Leboaratoda troailts li tt: naisoncrai bliatniympied - br 'Uit ' Vit le i lir celebrated alb ptodattag term oa 011 rid abendt_ Ftalbrecut la dealers proximity te.tbe , tr4t au t•tdototCard , !' genii; ebd *WU AXIS Criaa tha Wilanc Beta VOL ' -- -• ,- - Clatipsfirceerflf lisdited umbel =ALM: at intwidAtailloq ~ L.: , l- ; SZIIITY!FlIIS 'CENTS- *ER bHARE. m pe or the papists, t*idtgr with eli taterces.' la intro* the rapatt: mut ortiamaton el We palm asabe - attakines-st.stor WWI Si in= di MALEY, dissiota, to ti • . WiLiGilei RAW.. CISIVII3. cbtimits. iroua van= , Bs. =Mean ot LI PSIS' ATLAI IICI MONTHLY. ESUIIEY'S LADY'S 8001 r; • . rt•rmsfix. , zatsrays morerßr.M. ARTIMES. 4•4 . curines .is Oih j " 1 'Asa' ONLYMI ONLY Of ULM% acme catty, tears lily* all gat" at i'Vrcere. TAToatsoa VULCAN COAL YARD, DALLZELL. arftl.daelic=Zl3=432lo,l.44.ith;. Pitts Best ireaghio4ktay Fiaalluted tad Nat Coal t ALWAYS ON: skarm COAL DELIVEBED'AT 81101VENOTICC so l gtriAr d " r als ol l arTSlM% OFFICE. sum street. ' AMU. 6 8 / 1 1.1eoa'S trYTIOR. Cc DISTRICT re, Ito $3 Wilt? street, hileatienyi_ JM` 1n..965,. ASPABOB'S —NOTIOB belteby ewe te all Valles , Inttaestel, 'hat an appeal will be held at thi s. OMCO of the Asses. Der of H. &Taira Ito. CI Water street A Alligheny, on the ad. eth end nth DAYS OF AuGusr, for that Onion of the twenty.third collection cur trier of Pennaylvarda, ootatmeed of that part or charyunty of - Allegheny lying north Of the Allo. and Ohio Eitel% at which time end place the anthill list' and proceeding of the -habitant Adeseuenc for odd county will be open ti) the speetion of all puttee interested, and appeals . heard and determined, relative to any errondoui or excessive valuation', easessmanta or entunewo Lica/rude by the laid Aralitant Asuman. 114—m All appeals intlatßade wvia-, and 'meetly the particular 'flatter Or multi log which's docisiod and ra atata the pound Or Apriaal 'of Writ eom EihritllF.h: „yn tuwasaor 23d District, rtmaa. . imams, luau • • tuaiwkssisoss tuivss wood , the wing ; TES. OF"CONIMIBBTON• . • (*trod thereby rtillitlitittif 2 " !Steaks • 'ten and anger, II SOWS. for do. 113 and no to la apar wet • 4su det $lB d 6" . dO4 crtisis , "toil per end. W. BOOT= NO 03 TO - -VONTRAOTORS- 1 4 11 - • - arellnite d . and will be:re:dud • OW • mattes on Strut; or CUT Aliddlidni until REDZIESIMIt, tbe•• of Ailendi =Oki' the ataldur Pular or Mums Urban C* S 1 straentesether Wilia= • • et end Alen tenths . t • raTint a td Rue ailaYra Robinson street • alley, the north ant.' Also fertile tillse • of Patterson alley, In the A l so W a r d 'ln • • . north tram Ilebeees street. Also Su the re • • ' of the sewer at Hurl &mot Bridge together on • . will gate:coon to the river. Pa • • will boneWle to theuntrutera attest Lithe aro • Utielleetwl or the property boldest. • Proposals t• be RUM , zed littailtit B. /I PRANSIS, Metro 1401124014 Street Clomminioner, or JOR SMUT, Mains an ot Comanttest. •Wu pits,wyr,r's • : • . 1 1 ,074YWR.ICW/Ii ' FOB Tins sets,_ . _.... Lied:olllmgal byaUsrbishayensedltao be d dal-14 talc doubles*. and tor coninced. For sale lit 411140114. U 10 4 4 OffIeiniZSZEMEMONINIMIN' • . ,„ , • Tana IL' . . -'6l'74#A Lit finXil. EUrmu' Milenrr antkaungso nlO.-foi twarafTzr bala tends 111/11. .4 XIS Alligkezial itabisina. comm. , CIELDEBRE! , —Fresh - from-the the bairn also, Beaton and Golan Creek. to, pit neared and toe- ale bytlun_beriel or el rep by JOHN-A. : N..- HAW Gina Warty And EWA MO& . . 8008 NATIONSiii mi t a Of P. ' I ittObtlii h • - • Corner of Eland nlid - Liberfy .Sfreetss Special Agents el Jagifeeke toz tke Ws et • : ;; ' ..t NEWEEViltiditia l i r tioiN• nil is ability the People's Loan. and la WAS absorbed at the este at aboul Are imp;tompeol.o4.. Thug bongs beat aglAtaiest TWO Coaxtgei . itbOi.:6labir e.ilk gad ;i6i6 racy into D. 8. nve.Tweatg-EAr. Per Cent giAl l Bedding Beads. • • Pill •eoadeisatilei ira 441 anOintiZer, Baskets, sad Stakes. wiscrtszestu ies for I • re. mon, hoebnii - iironza BUMP .11/1110111tii BINE Of I ., "tt.pbtirgh. • entered , ty I=l6l tiiibt IWO of pi., 18116,1,11,09(0110,matel Law ISO ads Baokluts been todpirteds • DEPAiSITA.II , Y . • United States Treasury, ioutsppoltlttd sett [or pe all. of wad,:., 7.80 X 4 CA agh. DT. tatty fiuttlitt tittebe afraid to layette:l ot.itt; ties 10121!1:talnititm mutt. , M. Fl74El'l°l'9 4 OB THE HOT BEASON Another'lniolee of those Destrabho BLACK AiAPACOA Ir. H. BATON. V . FIrEa STBEET an sixes ileat ckitfaity, Pric4:t9ut UMOrchca. t TaL2Qrq, wow etdoto4.—wsmo Now sz gErigNocirPoods fox , ligunimer Weex. trhit u tri se Wet e#helo j eteit atettett, an 4 'Weep , t tter heireAllteree . 3¢ the ttialumatoras.tteedeihe . the publla.- We ; . artll/witettetetate. tot et t..,.: , ', -.1 ... .. Fit: LINEN , GOODS DDB ilip, , , , - -Axe a ceeneheittioittriies .. , • : , 0 ,r., , ! I• .: - , :-. _ ' • . c ' , ` , 2lll2l2Eritt.o B , ''Zgf irel ‘ 41.1411.1%*3. =I 04 Qua stream •• ' • t ) E,S_rA 43ealati- sc Dl3: -1 1 ir-GesiVa Ttitakti"illothistfi' - ' IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. 11',.13.1108E5, . IFE I F-wiT , 70 rEnzauriertAitroasii. segirburk f•: .1^ f7Pi 3,6E03' 801171, .. , ELIINOTAOTURES OP h.i . ROVED BOEING TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt and OtherWella . . No. 130 WOOD STRUT, rrrrssurenr, P A... ' Tools inn's:LW made of tab ram lest BLIBO AND LOW 110011 IBM, i s ' , , -1 ''. WELD BORRRO , ...; 1 , nrelauxi as ' - Y iiCtervogre • cia,,a2a; wirepieu, iiritiC 4 atliga a Tut Lecieuszrio goof eVerM irls I , . _ ~ ' TN* - - E- - ',,.': ;., -, -,,,im m .' ,!tope, ' l4attiei -lind.tkilia f Mu* ' ' ' a#o iiiaiusisTvxx*.ray mow* .' ,' r,dtriong. THIS DAY, GRLY,OSEIEST. &nal G 2• FIFTH 67.1, ET, creaT HALL Firat-Olass Funds)4pg,atiotu IDOM,OtTfIm, ..-..c., LSO prpt. rid. e ii va i i ii44 - • „, . ,k , V 7 J • I -. 4 3113.',7- , .'5 - ... ,.7 . 1 ' I „-. - ir, Than bent. tm a t e tisk_ _ix neinierai i , . = ., 0 ,_ $ , ,I it 4`. !.) D. I.)ltt IC ~.., t , ~ )4' TT Wally aIf,frOTICIL. ? .....d r 4 Wire lip l athe Nostipprovett Stgle: - ' l2 , - ''• Wheeler & lifth3on ; - rinks mica ii a la4,',?o,i i i,li„zie.: , QE Irmo Arderri.rie 7 : lllTUrlutata 9 16 • 1 5...71, 1.. .7. ~ ~ ~ L ' 1 .',;, liws.v6l - • • the g6,,t'i;u 1 ,1.,' r ' `, '154 80-16UCMUML`pritarii1V atter t dbm,„ .to . J -a • Iscleast—ki. thi Itdaraational - Slikow -1 B iilllX itemurrits a do / few to ,Mm c ram * the arposatio-drois, joosat, gro. /In 8 ,a 7L 7, i7: i . ii. , it... , i 1? 1 .-: 3 1.0 U F M A gi t'' .;,' ili rf.‘"P".! $.....041 ? .1,1,11 ,tiOlvgazuga, aittrziebirnlimlter, itA:,' - u Leek litltedi iiirinilliciaiies 1 ,., , .FEI. nrsaartzautat 00. ~1 ~.• 441 , 144 nuchlgint pre ~ , - ( ..., ..,IC, 1..: •,'. tit gretttrloUrcuttTuit Eflatat,ions Of If vet Lead;, Lead -Pape; ', ” iP4lllAPrisail........ ... ....., . Ise. L, , er‘ .- .•. 7 - ,:. wa er i0...........4.14 , .. ,.., .-.. :.. , 11 .., :.. . ....• • ffial,t!e',34.l4-.M. '„ , 123 AEL, .Iza.-' ',*i r st i Ali. ,l eneratbst4zmitorptimie, vmacialbutt EMIL Sass Eora, , ' tatassratols tar Wate4 ,l %sa L 4 W Stem• • /". Cl rAlTh • it., PitialiaXtu- s -sP gu 3, .. 1 7 0 P:!"*. 04.1 Ph 4 A. . 1 1. 61 . ,-' B. P. 0.1102111Eit; , ifAl '' Sole td. lirruotw- - mApgrtizt woluitt— f a: B. zana.mar.arlds: olll . • Idea Min lizomplrcet. • - • Olt VrEaetjVciotzi. - - 6iitBoll MOST MIDI W.LLSEEFO -BMX IRON a nd. all 1-irruszs slam ursum. I TIM O.I.L`SSID SALT. WSLLS, One:Se end ee tom 13TSXST, on to ttPllw=tw a the i ta a • ante! Pariener 'P t %4.44tatih SOX • IN ALLICEIE4Y Iitt WI igi ' Vnalto SU late I. artlontat &ties roommate la Aand Joints. elk toothy et tne - Tared Sligo and Low Sloar,fun,W4pera cutm a ra l Y f : d l r d i gang Ind StionSWOlen7 s e t Mimi my " . 114102 01. lam wanntiattusitartos• the Bute z=bai.- Stem &Weft end SLIM= and Work ei ns au de Ijitals. . &Lunar tog Owl and Okada.; Mamas (BLOOD •DOBB.) II 1 ' lmo . ; tu ArC t il uttiho arttale=ttre f Ma =Em ' InulteM , ofk DIBP4I. 4.;_ A! lot . •a• duakserot th iwthum• sed ALA Voittartt ittitlit L ' s ' potted' 4 . gnu= , attd il wholly ?atom 'um It zitior b ti hArlia t9Pnril u f wm• .. 16T - 11418, MIMI SCHNSIZIN. ' •• " • • - • TTY co cis - BART/PORD, iatAottil Clutstauta beglat witrifnes Amino we, Omitldstes Sas eaamlnatlan • examined the day teriotu Pot tartbu aw Isprmatlan about:as 031,, Its sthlstalDs, apply la. -•••; • sordst B. =soon bawls; lisuß•vicu? • - • A 'Bu'iititainmeraand kgehamt4, F.. it INBvaiditeClONrivitir, • cfnall - so. 87. *lift FIRER ffaIIALEVS =OMEN • J. i..ruzuct.rr.p?lopuitt.,› J. y. vice Presient. Wm. P. :owns; 84 'NIMES MEV FMB- Instadi Stiihmboatittia. i ,-- • 4 rprfillulfi .: ~.. 1 A izarca L . ~ x w - rl4- 11 .m•trammis. "f. moorz. SOWliairZ .• OBALTAZar • . x .• •,^ .113ktiNDIOKE, .T ECI I ERT PERM I reh WILEALLK vr Tillka , . NI. W. WATSON,- . B. 0:411: 1 BEE , , , a , L. B. ASAAJWY , VOZULW44O.I% . , _ , , 1211182121 * inniUNr.nZ3- liVgibig nsurance • Compalayi, Orge,i'll?).lM7l9.o!kow.l%, • , ictreqonatesFaulgßm44) , -• =ovum . kitamot;,,Prosident. DAVID IL:PAZzo"I PH,sl, l 4•Pt• nontutimunir..*ctitity. WiMain ligablst FIRE i.* lidemerostirl ' B. cr. trBAT . ' . '' ' nTakveack_ A • . . L JANLE:3: ''...... . , . ! . EMIg - ruNi" ' W. OLXV . 1 " . Roam MO I. , J6.11=13 EL WiOdirri 4013.1c'GRA_ __..VP'• • ' '*-- ..T6llll P. EI Zi' .I.e.flitilaTe ,- 1 DAV. 4731..W1 1 1 1 Th? . '- • ..7. 14. . - - , •.. : . IDT 2 eskuul ' , • ' ‘• , ~ • ptauataiop. 11M _ • INO ORAN O - titAn ; oilre f fcortreflrateitiiiNOW,fiti;;;, 1. I (BAGALZT.'§ i ImOENBPSGME.PAIeIoiuIt. , W. u.diruncii,otteivreesidenu simmarrnsatt ik.cmiet:i4W 1 • • ; , t i • SlMMOVVimmitsTaliguats ••• • • • ' i 3. irfinOirtktitilla ' /E• "1 3:4I.I7DIEEtt3ON, MOUES LL EMMY = nik-W.EIZL cx#733 11.1D.,COORR&N, 011161113 T, • 11-IT.I.J3EOH maw. tzsgrzar z. rt. Psriziostric, : ornozi pAnkrzst. Arß WAIN , 0 4 SWANN '2 ' „ ' l'l 1 r 115 =z Jpm/awn% cm: J Gas _an(' ,•Stearr,pittits;-1 I :IN 165 Webb 611024 • , 1,1 (OPrOtairialt • L .".1 •": r • : e‘k Pm:rip% Hyclrants,Sheet Lead, 4 -1 W Wiese io4 ` - MAINS! ' -' areotor , iwento: Pdtedt Rhos rook vliXacztrgolis scold -tet; L add aari.fait • yo*tAdt eszkaurayd; Idly lrerAlittAl.rati sakmiaps.tyiritAduk • datillidy bid pdat'ileesylAti • ~ - ' • In oat its atottehoo, earilaaWy ittoaded to; tiir &Aced- niamal Irocluadd.' A Itrif duartmedi of* BSD .• Wil tallTtrA t ' •'. WATIEV I RIAM • Oeutantpr iaLl oadA s to ozdst„ , .-' TAXII atriz4x : 17 .60 FEDI2I,II.BTIRDST, allostkeori . • gazrILMIMMITZLZEC , II=I9b, sohil war Bpoixiit,',Atut,o4rs; SELLECTIDE _OZ : Va - 114itetif FlAR*l337.4yroozelv: DAVIS, a 't •:-.*Pai Awe itlV , 42llPri , 6 , 6lti • - • ( Inn' 12 1Vign. ka.k ISM pinti!.umNi skatioszu;sreact;, - z g i •z s guitos insi w o min ta u i t• 4. , Nam% =egat IVEY -4 / is 1' sST :151.111ahl z,W=Einseuut 1, .g , - • Bossier, Book 01 - Tatum, =tVgjav, Art - :.1 Partisita -Tazugces - .'.- W i ettesPooktiDoistebek. , 10- - gin/ 71=410 Psctet Prfigi*atlOA MA Iranian muscooFFatormrialowtori •• • • BOOKS -1 1. 130011.41.•1300F5 venitius kwasuni.• vittanassa. other P.ea o._ ; . • • •••••-• Jother et TtoWtalsys. ;.. . :d rke ueller.. schanno•soatui SeleatAta Ida r miloartzt4.l] --• * 7 t , : 4 .a.Youla Eonn z „ , ..ma t orirot tht nobelium; Utb , o= l /2111.0elizastra Pa=llopightul CHM.' . /Ph Alotimswtsgelealt...i PAWS Alb= Qe ,eat Mardi a' Latz&D,a St D1PT414!,.1340.4 - ._.' .. .. ~ _.; i r ~.• ~tf. , 4 1 '.----: banixiir. '''iliito IFFPFuII -°1`'3'.vr...'r'.;,..,1 ES MOIRM; F' - ..•.:,-.;. ... [ - gex i c k4si o n itA i lazzg , 36;.. r!, ~‘i•? , ,, 1 r, sonr cidWivilba an • ' , , Er p: ja sa. act ozio maxim ins ; . erzagamr. =ES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers