` l': I ' l'll 5.114 1 :+ 1 4 1 1n5 24 -9 ° U 4 41 4 .t . , 49 ..T.1. 11 " , at Ate cusuand's, if [ Vitreie• z GI / kg tioiiits ~nliil ' 3tlll fen ` L sonAmtlatrigalfriliC nadetlittlogasiet 3[o• COUAD VI All ,S t aptcSPlT4 .•1 .=.t. Aooi rot.. r i ri tor - ZAM Hoop ElrAtize,st,At MecnennadViauctic .‘,.m V.44446111.16"44"44traid. — .":;... .. Andrew Mien - WWII; Eee.. ,000 7 5 0 .47,' i .ke *jig " • .4 4 51 4 :# .1 . atad I.Q • • • .' J . ' .1...jr ' - thikentanteneu4o4otri:se 4 BlWleltuld'a ape Emp.rium mawiu.wmaie 4; J t r% etioet.,.Explw[diner? )firirp3w, - 1144. ',it TIngrrrT.YEIP. bIefCVLORII Ile torsion after an wee of three years ill OZ. WKSASie rte142611471121P la,llorta off oblithitlealt CUbCtailbliAt MV ifiltir; larsinit.WtattreenSautlileyltitreet andcharry alley. OrdAlVdkitodiklitiiiistitit iztenhod to, • FALI443SIRXIANSW IroIIMMNAO7AtriPa. CLIV emu"' Bite Roo 2 Dt a 44ll,ll 4 a t atiouu Sloto, of 'WWI& oaf.: ro. 4 kid runner LausbUres. neer the Trater Works, MUM, 145MILINA,LIVO/Vite itYdrriZOrdare Promptly attended to. All work warranted water prof. Repairing done at the,ahofiest notice. Ro ,egarge tor repairs, prorided the roof is not ,sbao="4IAMPIN.4IIL.I7. aztp Card to tFP-F-elic". - Bovrokality,v)l.ss4i aubscribpir; the POW W-ttbatolVTlttatt - r --0 4 11 i n Want,: tat att iio " 64.tl H V* isetealhilt=rtitn 4idirno new ,--azA th ole Plano4ylAinintrogo meat comprises - 1 - 13,1atilai i rianted% Meunt,ghttratiniLnAct_nti.all thintry choicest .Inatinments;aatrated .with. e the greprr - MnVIOTW repeated teen, Thin stook . antra and be readtfor eednttild at.lhanddr•Wber.Awnna- . " 1 /4 Vrie_g i ste a K il k a ßtl P lNA 4g.. a thruratteurn t Ira to the: advantage to erandne this asinottntnt.•( , i i 30 Onaphrh O. Mzuovc, VigituteL444" #lt3l4Frilli.' et W ° K.- erre ". • . • -.— - _; • t ' Our ;Ctlii; Mr. adui. Wl's Bo y to Nerd} tdirt; ikatchal ! Awing isisantattespostosiluctioani lad cUlTrilude34l,4l4o,l44:vaiiat delved, and tiling Akilyantage of the pada pro. 4".IIIPAIR rolscli9drUidliro#l.ldll, • tavtft-',wer.. iiediterftierit mug awl rammer 'goods stabout =stud( of Ma Oldprices. Soind of the dant eloths. eaulCOetU did rdwax. 4 ot ll2 o94l. laPilt-44Dok elrattb.l.of.. vripattd ' tehisraiiiplo &tar. ;on short =Lido% 10 the esta n A > lec orm ~C F p u o b o a El t . a grlJy jjwirea. Acute!' asimiOAQl. tizr o / 014 r 00 4 1,4 " • ' d a tm" , ,w - dkuct bitibkatti s.033:1001d6all give tun , fTil StrdakirjaCettr' • I Tl)ll.zsaAmc ' I has aPatt a / 47# VSSPa I L L o&UPPSENO . ' re mplai't,rualmafrikestatiortin whkhlwabress men and the public generturitilatitia lad.' i r ,.....t, . • i int, The returns of Mashes which have been :qt.; • --A1 so extautirdsttgelndpme ans:T;.•ol.ltthe •, t Nalaable antrts ge }t haute WWI to -clicked by - this means. These, together with - 4 • thth lettaufarfisues"wanurAqumete•Wiriven 't 1 the' iiirimWet Ise costrolii,"'.. s , :1 U collected and istethinlits, to an annual en , 1 mit deociiitagiroi:ja 4411.1 wastri of more pratneal-ulna than the aver lila Atiollii-4.qPi:.SSAY9ibloomesOni. of d ata ' M Lemma obsedete. 1 An order wsi Lowed si few daze an by the 1 .Ben‘ihstal litieGfdliectingaratnnanssi.Esti . 1 -organized in the AsUestsza Genewit's onleafor the I IXlTledialSiMiNtqlo.o l p.. o '.. :11 4 archives Ofdlpfdisatherlito ;`tfttf-r.iiiif • the. Visited State Gerranuseat. This is very welL Butif et sham b trt were instituted I for the collectionand dissemination of statistics, 4 1 • d the_MtierfedmCdgte#l:hFlalidt ; wee :sot a pert of the duty of the =sus-of : fleialrosome glAnitt,itorTl4,theit biEtopon '[ ry to keep In WiVallYsitotilt:vrit worn - se. r•complish ariobject or much more-reel. gine than UAW titestnrktgiret titroltfettaJ 1.3.11 Jeulging fruoithe avidity with which scattered and incoMplete statistics of tle_kitsiarereialyt ed w 'hisnistriihed lirksanotietel rfeini, the people would not begrudge tbeWicOnaeljiblef' MailiccAl cOciatltbkik/Fp#4•lllr tOe&( sarhettrectumitiewcreketintil,las.C4l. •of a deceentel'one , :;:ror`thwenil lithe prat;tl• cal effect otutsmis . aelfeyeporiosq. no Increase °swam& tilltitfrii4'noltonsttai It eta besot*lpAttlysntintatol from year to ypz, Ultimaa and production arc mare frrego: ler in their chaser: ifia 7 iiskihem the latest eta, - -di alo v rpwslo4 4n esElegAornt . al their Ve f l g A.l l:m ., " ale ' ' -w • m ''' .as to, future °yr...Whs. To collect, preserve and Publish these would Vatbly not oast a hundredth pit ,eietteer.*AUX.Mitieti4 ereer.' A *IOW daPitelPisThitEt i 4k t e, G .A 4 isays 00-Xliebbleniterrialertali- lft,4l;dertni e Vitaikattraird Winiteara=, of lionotwonma thelelottroLdtatetedr ilsyal2 Iris iretrantitiatilfrida r etlytteeggsht /de m 114411, not oaf diinipdthitcr. delay lrithons , thaqieneatioarbert -- eretn - thm a ffi ti -e 1 ;1. • The whipping post is as natetilebras ever; and freedmen n esanol w ieetTO th-etf. fillArlere • vittwat passeearined‘by , •:their nide =I mre. • v4er this harektreatmeat plaAhle,basileshaer:: oritel4ted,Pbehleereleaelos thtsid d-• e Mi . :Seacoast, where the wills ea! {AIM protection "or -the Governmeat,earet,*.nere ' -they hope to be selt4 op, the plauirdions. The women and efilidren* , entielltheldnd to the ten -1 der mattesVl-the - ite m deicers. who 1p away, Instances nameto teed , thentratiteienbei the fidnallag among the aged an helpless negroes as eery great d eathot Wag- iptematteal starved to', in order =to I e got rid of, RTIMIAIi r R Tile slave O AAI margaintrafftre& -••.ernalaie allover they were, and spett the owe-. 'icipatkrapapclaatatiMll'uabir kindred -net-v*4: : , soudetoptuens lam" eon o sr 1 tairia , 4 'lll6 agiik ouimoireitsire*.lllthli heir Mande slicruk - 6,t believe that any of ver(espekle nate ,erneltd=-gmn Iryin cite the temerity of eons restairthbeliiitait: the.puatonspr,sgctS'taeA. T 9 natlonaliorkataMonetheidtratolit piellefiarogaLtal ta.reados -eel& Eiger tear:o,4mM. condltionlhan'fTrOhlngketi raCeisliinuNkiti& igeriadikheo 461trca caate gement gomerntatpkiatcholdiCjra'; tfAato 1 0 1 4•002 4 1`4 1 9bi:t21t s=s:tstihi 4 :Pr*Fra l tt vi A t e;i i;: ' •• • - 114$4eitteds lis,r4GunGo '• trp iotkiatiet htlit., the Lgoofig , 9-0 ,00 8 ' 314 urit ceidacmalerith is: =lowan SVlCtialr4POu ',Via all their shoncendleg* lie Whiy;ii.:llm incited In their-ranka ear only ' triendoeMantiorad ore are' saddiertifi red Sl*/ ,4 0 0 , atklina-al Xs,Gladstone of ' lie he ion. Ti defeat of Xs, Gladstone at Ob'd, halef,touno' s of regret, It them welt danger tilt depriving the • Liberals of his portend rapport In then= Itn , eianumh but sawn as Ida defestereakeopie; he pied the nomination rel. lientli lanclud *here he cannot bitten elected. membee for a thorongtdy Mend ,tonstltneney,are,i3D,4. atone will beplettitake ataanch bbldcretandla ayppertofthepriaeipimiendtiteaia ts Or the ad iraneed Mend fartVlblit.iretad tit) beea con *tent In GM represeativis of the , reactionnry and . Van MUD v Rrvire. , -Wi crossed the Anattidanddeot 14nrfreeehdrough Phatehe Ulm, ,ead sew etrettlegro wing Over the; dead, Ididno In 1.- tle and imbed inionrehellow' trenched. now ' P e soldiers were burled if seFo; Allred - dliffn oey Nana to belle` On Co' krotaLdenid dirt' towed over there:, Insueny 'pieces Put droO l z, • . ideoryed tgnee•woreviethleo,lhe blahs fought •°,et Stone Alva' sad Idrutreerhoeough -were neoli , I - 'lv se -mg and Wl:bed of the thoneandildliel giving rood to the, cotton plot, . JO , . a-. Rs- , . ' c. wenn the reineinhigvistODlßlN where , they • t b ur ied, will be plowed down, end no _ mark of ...Lillelt ratinSlidde seen.-per Ari•-y. amunr. 1 , -..-. - . )TERM LATEST IEWS CUM FIiBEHEi fOR BACK PAY. 1 iS, ZlO 910 1.1 Dick Tapor,.Sept /ELLS NOT APPOINTED PROVISIONAL GOVERNOR. tt pili4llllldEfloliTlik'l fait 6 num, GRAT/Iyill . R. ligljeSy,yggp#. 1 7C.-.‘ • ' ' .-...:—.- rs_ 1 ItTgtofteXt? ;04. ink .e.l l 4l l l l 4rni 1 I'i-ft.Jrtt,/.ai ,e',.....4., , - , ~1.-, -, n., - ... t c9nartiriPM , RAIN-7 1 149.1',0 0 490E;' . . , ..;dB -, . Iv/ G4....5.r,-... ,igi.3.4411.7.1•3f. ,zl/.:. ,Z 1 alipo34, 409#14:13"ing Vacated. aNDITION OF EASTERITIMEtGI44 , . ea--karumoll.: Angt44.77h.t.tlt fermitedlhari: ittAini s id tittlitiWk •mti4ia tie' ‘,11.1& 'of' F en r " iff ,I T°9 3 -#4o !t if. 0 4* - 3 3 dues t. e date of the prod amation of freedo. , 1 - vivriMitaitot VoldilVdotOWVit6l2 l iiitiC tee CIVIL r d.teiViabid‘-go tirturarie; Mit l earn • e President gent1*1448404410 YIN* SW.: his lanai , to restore thepe j ny M loyalty. The statemenl lia tbov;ltinlikacheen made o Provisional Goventorof-kbouislan ad a, to not The . Au applicati on hos been me for a Pro v Ic:UN/61026P Q. raTa4rcui :lasi - Tee iieMiT I - - '- 7 T he trial ofiviri: itle niegaile risiM t i n weer a ..:::”.-. - .1! ...:., en •. N. .• : -, .• Th ke , e J e n u Pe e d w im r : t A fro d U fena t :te m r o f 0 th ., .90:,..,::„,,.1;:it1, th q _ntiocoetes4iv.mo.• read nemanitety is s sa m itt eea tt e toltr uti r z el,ail,, Cr'lie:n iwu erarateelottrill it: r '' s. 1a.% i tt - t t i V i e IT - Weiril= " _ It 1 • 1 1161.- ; luircalll lM e . l 4. 9/ ' tl ikPar .itiptliM ; k.`' be very an e rees u Pro rmacimento Is looked upon ' ' entitled tfrltuleclcalha..7'..r,..l4 'I all. eneral Lee %cot at Niagara, but in Virginia. .: i . permed Ileintzeiman e innb „ lishea a e rd this t t p ti nbils d4 g, %Me h t all a ilmis it understaindiol eat ' rat rank, watt General Keyes, at the battle of 2' Oaks: - v— ;p t - • • 1 r I:, —: the emote of the present - month. the - hew' lion to the Government printing office will completed._ Pliteegnew stegun power presses added td. , the tirmuly'lerce ' estibliShM og to the extraordinary demands for milit ia by the War, ne& Treemq Jiepaltteems, so aof thenedrie Oedirtind , eixtr - list • 'Webber n Congress. remains incomplete& The In crisseol facilittex trill insure mare ,promptneW, AmumbettiftaMnsisroftleent In Cie - late re bellion, who bad been here for several weeks, waiting to see thu,.ent, - • iteve_left. tiUteitY without this bbeg fled: There are not more than two thousand patients in Pm yallsree 941 , 1anment.lrestsKes in this city angneifflbeth99d- -- lieerlf ill of t- Me how, beingntesialandthe'pat entrencentride.p Al i Washington Square, Dottiest end' Stantoi AM. pintas. ....._ ....,, k Tr = •/ 20 ../ 113 last 7ecclactfroat'ai kir uglithe counties of Stafford, SpotUyi. Fails and„GranM_Tifirklia..tepOrte, Xtutirk ,finin,... 01 1 1 ~___/0141/entliOrferePlA.ll. MO - 4mat. .....gtolooolfrith.no Money sea orery li ttlatet lnyt OA a from the Itteseatl.metz. The -Wm crops, though not very exteastte._ mu •• . ittleclWY taate. Stile Git •IK /3 WAAL ' • 314111X1111 . will be raised la proportkm to the -homier of ecrercrtenteft .than .Imo am . before ~.wrmuced In that section of the State. The emnlncill reert ; ' igi - ratv r a. ,no w f"..eftd—r' hi thg re. zi ali old"l"l324ll224El ti tate re . gime,c li e ters t r 7 a e el aal ladtllPPeard 7rnOk nallii. t whla wriltO thti...T.!!Bentlieft• de., 4coucc.....,taicM Ante, captains, m aj ors ttivlde4tris •1 ri ta Ming the soli. who, beim the war, would hale considered Emhart obarbadon degrading.. Po)44l3T9Arafetamizuamars A .--- , T Torbert giiireiekiii'Winind. riel . , 4:.:46 ,. . !...1' gib:• • 1 eTa 7 'sr 3l' 47 ¶II ippopinais . a ltiffraEßN PLIES. . rowniar7v,V,:titiu.agatlistd:LriulianTsrarsile3erve..rocit.e.:;,.. ; . 4,11... ' •m w...-int...,--yrdrEaltra: Blithe F or eas.. l 6, 7 beeo ? oppgaeki..h ,4 4 p of ja z_comaic AB 011 e a WS board ofernian7 - ets chW4n - tLfraFcnflMi cerF ---- - -=',..::: .... 1 easys.o3alt abitillitdibißinii relliise:ot Itlvels of the Cincinnati Commemtai, men who Lan tore in consulfieen With 'dill Bieretary of ' a 4XreuarY . . LI-P.42X* ElPlo,4 2 .tri;i4 o. a the inbjeceof texas and internal roman, hero gono to Novemtreoatiout mizzocekoer. .W meet arid confer with the committee_cos nth., Ps tau"' rau4.=• , ,tr. - 0 - x - ed 4, •Rfloo. v., . . .•-- ", , .- - .., tl. , `''ArsPeCiarg 6 ,B4aidgiriii on`, the 81 1 t.illiew , Jilthangh ' President ;dotes:at' ' has derived ranch benelit notable frequently*? =dream oteA t ig ht leal tm th i ltft be completely- livlrfas onngeor tohhielfie vecit brief. audience:l l .o4as, ~ and Was nestliltileioN rati Ode-this , wrerfteg.' , Herpes are entertained that he will topWrkte had itke usual CablikettfatingtoLatorroty,„thotWE , Jinn no meson Certain Maths War: The hirgestjuld.traristimportanlconne l l etTe l di ant ever beta uporashlaxontezat•WlTdisa ble at Fort GitiscrnaboutStptimbeejetao nFotthetv!mtiveqgetto ne lo tho vez 3,l4an s ent;,' And to give ngir and positive isanrances of their ,god, conduct apd, loyalty.- liarm 'SWAP stibes7 7Teill be represented In the glen) centrals an ~t hel Whole stantenindcine, trowel:ls6f sereaty: I 12 ' ° 1 etto mope , thnmesimPsr tnbtnedt Of th eGbadsiamt o n C r am a e b m r eh p eres seonft t at ~ i e q meate hrCjAkte,Ceokees;Ghlckassm e , k iaoles;cot wcreesrrd - Tatrfawe,' g ? f , which aroyepreSenttd- an id= ofa4dispttedAraVerVand-Ireetil4: s ea . are implicated more or less braiding in the late bellion of the Booth. The representatives . `of th, Government taeltill confer , with: . them i ti npon he arthcoming =pion, and dictate the stet theyripocallednpowto anstunOtew the. Red Ales= CoMmitsioner Dole; dill° India Bra is; Commissioner. Edwards, of the Land! Office. Bnocrintendeit ' Bells, of the Bonthern Agency; Colonel Parker, Military Becretery, on Geismar Granite Llitafr; Geriered Mariam 'General T. E. Herron, and Colonel lieut.! The, Times , Wristboin'enecial complains .of the .f Caterer Awry, in command of the District 'of the Shetundoeh, in rehiring Gem* Tovbett- It appears that General , Toy bett.went teilireshington a fewl:laye eirtm ,and' - 11ene ic rf e Emory, learning the Wt. relieved him command at 'Winchester end ordeefer Lira report at Baltimore - under arrest: 'Geo. Emory also preferred chargea-against General Torbett., ark of which was being absent from hie Poem oiledwithg Wet atinasof Oast fraparf,- - , sage, The correspondent institutes a cower - lion theadleern-muchito-lhednadigb ' of 0 E mory. • ,• $' ,": A s elel to- the World, from Washington, r 21,ip,..,,,,„1timet,,,,140,1,1,,,,,he,m, Gen. Dick TaylotobtainV permission ifte ate , : :ft,i, ‘ G with blar,hnotber•ltr-laiaaJeir. Davis.: ,Ve /or tnnlPPPoteSon Bat y tow - Iron , roe. ..usippllcaWn or a paroledto', Instalt Barope, it irmild, Inns refueled Ides. . ...ILnumber of soshunWWntees In the South have been tumbles.° excentotheiebondn ftti d ` fake the Oath iteiltart4therthey , haler -,n vOltaltarily borne arms, or given aid *IA cnaensell or encouragement. to penesalerigagW , in armed hostility against the United Sweet ;mid that they-have notyielded* aptaWy jeer% feat to thalatesebell 'covemaent. . _ , , B,lrpeohAtertheßecen,,Arons Wesbington, era' zit t o gfilv a lL it ln eases where pre'UoPtiotte have been re ore_ del within est 'MO= ipl , . LAE= Be an 4 WilittbitnitosoUr, b$ the iwenrap , toe troring title aecortllng tglaiyhe latter had born tatola toPar- the 'appraised Yalta , "or the • lend, and sleet the Valle et Orlalart improve ments. ;Ist this'eonneation a ease .has recently arisen mailmen decided b 3 thaeommledenev or' ' the General Land Dilice,` that when thap A* reilrop", gl tion claimant allegeaat' there .are Wien ba proves:ll6W on thejand la =Amway. and tiling aflidaylta'afirte mime at-rim' Land Odlos for the district itrwitlehlt Ley& an-retamittation shall be orderedhy , the ConantitsienetY'of Si. ?Mere, and the prelimptor ~ and Icahn "Agent , notified of the' proceed gel, and if ao former ehallsnceeed In istablisidn the :proof of his averment, he will be elloWedi g-„ p taltriPa treat at: the land Tab`' - dioru `' -, • ~ , , • ~ ,1 !, "Illilt0:aylot-Blartli c -Cirollni. ' [wig Wssuiroron,, largruit 1....0te1e Teller hal ve* tamed to Washing= <from , Fremont Ileevert;. ,It Is voulantood he bad an Interview with - Jeff. , Davis - ‘ - The inch to Seed Or Aorth Carolina pardons reeemmended by Gov Bold en and Attorney General SpOdi-hare pot, "ignetest.lo" l 3 s Yrteldeati Who still'holds'ilf ceder advise neut. It Is almost coals tba, , ns, idu .1, 0 , ze : doted:..;.' tM=l `of iPiesidentlrohnsott =MEI IZZ2== ORTID CUARUUNic- MiOES. Insloyal Newsimpers Suspended. ArrEOACIIIIiO C 0311111611. ;Serious Trouble•. apprehended r,FULATION Fr NEWBERN ftllney from lio/Sig,h,to YttyStitutrino.„ i rle • . it . 11 '........i.. .1. ... 1 •, , •c•Aztcnr OF pnonsms rrzinwHEßg, c --- ~.., ,l 1, -, ' L : LNEwrzirs, N. C., Jttly_p , .-3,,irtior General ger, Commandins, , the /110Nriment of North Carolina, by AS OfOr-diEVI the Met last., has impel:liana' publication. or the Daffy Union .patracri , yriblland fetiastrur3r, in this State, "ir Promulgating &anal . l eiltiterota.. - There, rail aeries' new rapers which Mir littered In Fcent Pa4 80 T,4 4 . State; the -same stamp, Ihich itilyderribtledebe 'Cippressed ` Ay, Goural iger, 'atethey are . joibißbliig"tilroyst anti ents of th e nereaktdoirgivraivAktha yettertile DattOreirs,KOW,Drimustratsber I says that 418'1100f ol,thlattiala'selll 'dui 4ttfy and degrade 0./remand. by ,adtptitig the -401Duriltutlesoilourdsulasio litholbtang slavery. and that the new State Convention most leave rkiverlrdiero Gal? data Wag it eftstas, before the war. Ideal oirthsEtrerthefiti Iterof bounties id this State bordering obSeritif Carollnir, hare histrected their delegates to the &me .CIOIMPT ti on to take this position and insist to thereat on by that. body.- I tilhied=9,hre=rwLs nerrgoctter than at present. Bache oma tti w t rOoCA5O thorough 'oat the Stater.• Ttarpoptdati n of Newborn Is inereaslng at the rat,t,pf Am. thousand 4car. Tke'at :Ware tit,k,L*4N,Purabere l ,. about- alx atolls aim', .it newMgrbersabletyttoesand, which rakes it tbh largeetaatintlaratatels o Wdarap - I growth Is owing to tbo enterprise and, ath o the Northern 4de - fhb:del ThohewalirPapein A to be started in Nearg th_la fa, villa wili., 'm rare; thenistielit ithlo , illl.ll tiotbaltb , Th,ttne fila,rinus• ,-,, 'l. >. • r 'lnt - Tbsoi, liel.L'llte . iCioss:V.Mrrea t ' e tT:tc.: l o Islrdimortoteser7tionniLtratFasiel„sacuyietd:rt.o:OuttlevybTiwulmeatilotlatarefqbenalfe!grmN=4::iitebriarst:otaentec:wiatnizepree44ChirOsi:ittipii;esssen;rvermsenTast. e rnt: " l i gp zit u um , consist iii u r n zr lie r e : e 5 0 8 7 b0, 1 b: 1 I waoaxl.:1:0: 11 1.1 '132 n. ami very,little work Is beteg done, , The In tbe thrown lino:111M Sao far supporta It is Of daily occurrence for rho class to he driven °Splint:PlM miliaria Uiltattialwl ..,," „ The correspondent' isa3iir 'Wel saw very few cotored people or, any,others,laboring,ln fields Wing the jourday.:" Wherever they were (with tort they seemed to bo l, working with will and wq • in,their tol A arty tot Mi d 0... bliwil,iere'plowft fi eld a deld witicarare ta thin usual energy... They were working tendon ta, Wino- ‘• .1 , •,_ p , ,4' • • -• • , mOiplizir# OF LFRO:F:firkieGRINI. • .. ' - ' / nuril' s'-VI — SO latantiiiii ,Stass. Ellit:411311/41tIsi***IaTtAirmYr s i; ...-,. ,Xntinna#46_ Pe3teptioil. 7perridure: •-.. i .;..., V ,!.... ..,......... -4 , FpcS,P ,INVIVIEW,YITH BM, Ga. Did: ' I t .. STOW, August I.—the pros ordildisea G t from .805t,05 to Portland,swas sittaarlak i w hearty; crithusitiE ' ti... tu4i , k Popular :- - 7.9400 - •Th• - iir a Nona ata-all la Mormarmdlealaglitlailre r° ' l t li r eil k i btstrf W*4114.04* the iniettatwaslhosied)rirecithericiftelßN l an Mirtgt*iii34o6*lif gitifiga**h 1 1 1A ' , kali. I Several of the inba balite* Aph besialailitaleiol the eltittdttitlYtulOTC', -at , sp r e :: :.ths• Pal ActrAvr9ll4 Agnit. the po tionleinectla Nos i rteestitepel. Thar a. putt ireni ".. sn idn ' ..‘ ld ea tt.. C4 r at i t z l tigthi t at o,is t a l in :, tinars •-• ce L l fi t ilinf, l L' received by theei alOvernmera and *large cc Ofk a mUllari lVitiei glAi lad aCirtd*C att am ill "-PairWif "wts' thr b overolcf tba principal Meets... l 'Th.: t ouitacas, cat *Mantled tnetsdreew star Ire , tad'the' Genera •11.1 'tilt& WWI groat enthusiast& - 1 ' A.' k 4 ' l ' • At I.o:2Cate4nOrMO - morning he will hold a reception - a - My nat. Br u nsw ick.. k• ha will I In a es pec i al trabi for to attend the =anent ceremonlea cif Bowdens„Cith, leg wirdrdedtt'll tti totijapotertti , nt , sts r tow of the College who have fought in the war lie will return in the-enessiagrd Thursday morning he will leave ty,spoza..., D . f or Augusta , rotund:Me linatibt#Mr" I Fri yhe will make an mmtimion among' Isla do on the revenue steataer lifsheming, ra t ag before noon. Alone o'clock he wilt tak the Grand Triode. earetihr Gorham, New HarYpeddre. - i . ,6 - 1 t ... :,.. Od Saturday miitaleiciiiiPirM leave Gorham for Oureixe„ where he is to meet liajmileneral Doyle,tentettanderatheffitiftis trAed letorttr America. TM General comtemplated,embark ing antra for flaws% • to ineekfliOneralTioyie at that place, hat ha changed AC route, 41 order to ,mecti e that ellicer at Quebec. What his route will from Queheeja not. stated,. ~. , , , , G eral Gower( passed 'Omagh this city to. day, n his m vlt..- 1 ,T iz 7 , ; j 20102111.0 'FLOTILLA. Fariwell Address of Commander Pais c. , .C' .... ''.• Y—l t .n . . ',-,.; D 1 , A,3— in aOP THE ISESIDEn. ~'- , • *-f•••* ' : 'l . * ". " ' liver Ituituand ; Dollar Wats Pardon, • ~.• , -3. •,. -,:- ~ ,- -.2. ~,, Lr WIFICEIGT01 1 ; AtillA I.—The vessels of the r ` " '"g 2 91 1.114 41 P e1 " 1 . , _Wltlb hate sailed atl the i aebtoeton Navy Yard. Commander Par ker. bkifortritiktOrders. PPP adalnelead now ISM t to bid ofticurs and glen, dogleg: In taken iel f r , ke*lf'lle."lo, Ik-....wirillkil.klitubelckal• 1 ler g .soctoted, my heart in filled with varied "thutl es ti With morrow ,at,,pattleig,,gladness, s void tonnt 1105 .. ,bc,t longer zealot us, and hlei'lest`ilride, that when. I entlect' mo set ,and remember the r taking up of, torpedoesfiat the Ildpilahatin4r, frith destruc tion r mitts of ate ;whole rebel twee, , engsgedin putting them.there:therilby milling - PredeilekAtog.a seems-base of stypties for Gen. Grant's vast army, the Mooing of lateen era AL Matti grsels under, the severe , musketry greet the'enemy, and damp, day expeditions op ereflreand through swamps of,the northern neck of Vtrgtnie, all requiring' skill and nerro, I can Waylay th at the rotcrieac itotilla_has not been unratnrifel ,of M the traditional aerand glory of the 0r074: , :'a ... • • ' , , • I I L No vlidkirs foam mummy or to -day received by the Preatdent, nor- a Cabinet meeting held this morning, derhigtOhia guttering front 'as attack ofilekness or a:101mm diameter, . It lc 004. • that over one hundred pardons were mated to•dory all of the twenty tamtutagd• dcilar-thlut.' t, .' ,f, , , , ,CAB , Ii filitMEN7 ontßA -- ofdiFif ..,9rlix,....:.porpa , :.Disoontinned4 - i.... .' / :,i . ... r : '' 4 ' ..Vl • li(eran 414M1111:4,Ch61)11cliblarlaf rition '!War R9llMl449loifFk-.130 1 beom , Mado, ~ , j- . Giiligntl'42o 114 . 46::,4t; .s , :. . WAil iset,Anhmtirt rmwivOrrzssa:, • ~,- ,--- , Vamzetorr, "July Stl, 1 65. , Ali' dl4MlortrOf , Om -.llmlllolB of . 001 Buda!" pietMlowlopoiM7fielqt- 1115 c0M1 47, I tea f ts 4ionutiOildse'.' _ ; • ~.. . ~ ~1.... VOitKrltibi-sitie2sWoisci.l., .: ~ A . i,..: - . :Yowt corp. trout w igrust 114 1881 . ,',. - 4 , , . • 1 4 Birth ump,,_ from JruSo 2800; I. - , AlMllC4s e fibm June 28;188,5.' .. , ,Sevenili rpir,SMolligtat /4/ 865 . ,:".,' '''• ' i -*, Z•gbtti 4 41%.014iistist -1 . 4863,- , ' ,- .- - _:i 'Minh , Cow, frau -Jolt la, 0154',7.-:, ';',,:, ._ ~; ';42Vniti Qum, froor August 1, 1886. '. h., '•.•:,„:.. + . l'ourtitomili.Corp"o, froplAngast 1,160,5•1-,•. , ..: .:' . I , llltfi Corm frOra - Auraml, 1864 , , .• ,-:'" ' - t iSttOntei,mli Corps, from'lmtst 1.1505. ~ -,-,, a l -. '. -I* - , eih`Crnr. WPM Jane 1;1805; . . _. , ~ , .;:Ter4n pßlalrd Corps, from lagait1;1 885 . 1 :: ~ ;Tirept -Fourth Corp, from August / 864. • .'•' , .131. Or ex of the Secretary of• War. - '7.•:•.7:..;: Z. D. To 7 nienD,AlsBll3Cey of Wai:" 00Y917 - . ?IAAI1&L SUOT • ! ; , tliplriTurterio Lodged in fail. sr., - 1 A - • 1 1 , a., ugasta.—Jacob-Oronse; tato ,ieirlitirioroat Marshal; 'irue shot . dosd the 'BOW , today by John R. Seed, a / I W/rat/Med CaTlB4ll rem% EU brptheri wlrolourbeen In the rebel army, ram also agell lathe affray. Ha has bun arrested ardff god - WAIL, Greta; beivixtute of Gen fillteik , tiar.'Calltpnda. 7•lzlvll.ltr'46;"4entral icelb7 calitgotp; . . . • ESE . _ 7 - -_- T FTHTF .• .., _ i .. .. ~ .___ -Sy - R -- GAZ A . 4 * ..... • . 1 . , MtiriAMWEDLD UM!. Address 'to lhe• Teo .ocorgia. .rar The Late Electioritfrri r/r.o4rtia• (TOUR OF OiSPEPON • NARINEAMSEITAIS: The Commissar's'. 0 t Patents. `oontsellint OP' »saa ADvociii tram pllmapsigrAorkti. , --114 7'ritaniiirabitti es e Est of Istore than six-.hundred ine-dimiug4a bekp,,boigleile title as of the united ;thetas, which were bald ,to, subleelankfdrest:Hdaixi during the WAIN -ISM -Of A'.sthetr ,, lßOdlit;i:teei bite illadikoßelt A t ilkiealTilifpfit r igisTe `" einiobera, , inditile','Sitinsatea awl is'ilpscalowV Veffiel4, li' Ps ,thii""era kai,44.m.igi:eiiiithg the dare and strip,ran Dar sallink tett iptliffe ' olorif.' The itoseity iirthe uessele transferred le callMeadatianitaldndthoussitiftees. " • The Milder lauenals ' earadonden& fur , ' saheb a synorsinof lilt Mantling address latiok aria of Georgia,* 'if:" chaplain of laitO,nrundr, , IS addchltre bbtreselgthOrhugh'snbuiliSlessiotberf iratted 045-1-lottaratclib: tl eil 'lad =Mayo d adilseabilthellortna febele to accept - more d. tit -1 410i* , bitlientbirs though at Meccas of i.e *Winless of slavery. ' _, IThe tolOPollrresPoliatot SaYll VaitokEroPts *Lit befitted Charlatan calßevannah mete blg latidly rebuilt. Ga. Dwight, , latebpdoes. , unending at Barscrantr, has left theCeitY,undet orders to inistmle lommempi of Vie 4%014 a TtO ZotoriOY's r ;kBiica.fma the moutho , . i o 1(11 rivir distinctly reiterate , * Masse dame, t ere t lititA i l l gt i g:% l TOlld a r ga 'lnns $0 dam 53440104 'Pro! upoa r peehon. ;I`xibitha'a Bichnucsid earrespondent saytci e, tshatstotee•tweive eitizetalsd been rs; . . .. ed the rlgill of. Arni g epe. o het-loottn.dt i th ien. Tlitttt OrJo ~ato 01100 Tri lj tr. htT,lsanca ea order declaring air late ,c 1 4e 13. maned mold.' This ut•tre accordance wittetia code .of • Virginia, Val* AIL bests, that the retrial of one loyal veto Chan destroy the wlibre'bidlot, andis in Manes* with betatadthe men Omen wire wen Amman- die. le.indletv.strA are Oil sympattibers• with mew, alop,Alse perseverlntr tyrant/ Of Mart 'Warp -tbfdOilked indllpotition of the lill=at Mit a late basion to biallorate lama 1 neon the' blacks tele i ro ny of Sta, Toiros.of Peters-' burg: In hie striebuxo awn Pet , . to tba negro -, ' the tmesigned disidialty of Mary Slingilig o f . Fredericksburg; and, the varverted and distrast flol,Ostla of the pmts. WOZIId.4III conspire toles tlfl the General Garernment.inD3 continuance: l of martial law and vigoreascouilsankh Of prop l arty, Twelve mantlielkont now will be time enough to take the drat eteps trosionla civil got-. i This Arrald's•Washington gaols/ sap: , EL Toike Atler, of the Treasury Delitetriteut, - *ko Ala bid-chirp of the mantelmsielals for Wa _ . wild keel:awe aux Of; ,I , klei.. within She nratt, coattails, tothWild.l,4l=atlatitntionsi Urthrough nineteen different Btates, ttlaeatioard tiad-Ghlf.. Ella report will. doubtless, tbinAr maltastopcnn the practleal waking of these bee , which velum am. touted by as iregureae ummsl tax on the Etdo- Mr. liolloway A Conunisalmier of paten% Ts." -eats his CfIIOSIO4IIOTIOW, and leaves Weis borne SD Indiana. Hit suceasor will be Mr. Tr C. Thseher, an ex member of Congress end at pas. hitetrulef of the Board of Examiners of Patents. ~-Mal. Gm Howard, head of the Freedmen's I st u, left Wahin b gton,thle atternaen estir!, d sojenunnbilis kotainlin.usta,ifalati i. Turner. Judge Ali S ' General for the mot o f. Assitiuglonv laigneft Ids .caux-• 'lli , l' l dft in MOW:LAO:a iatiOnt tibdo.l- - BALuinons, UV. I.—The i llichmond pima of tellav,haysbecarteelrid; 10 4 betcrxRISIC 45 1 ihtl'ElieUlr They mutate , nothing er„ am , - TOIL" Toeisiy View axe reports that~ yelection is about to be ordered, but there Is itiothingentherale*outit. - .-:-r ,- •r • / rtle . V . V.A . ? 4 # Oki iPttgi.Clilhirialf Mitintethir . tap Pflicers e feted gums be permitted toiler. „ o:tablet: fanetioyx, and ,thatlro liastiliip to Me klothrtaient la intended. - ~ . i 4 , :Slip OF - lIIIIICIERFLOS mete:, 1 SW V 0 We Opts. 47.1 6 E arietic3 6i r s -, 0 1 R. L iv i n tr.:1 3 .11 D A I4 j3 . 4 ; illi 4 . .. 4R J , 1 i 8 4 : e. NV l sstneso'ioi. ` Angelo.—Whlle the Nary 7i)(T4TILIaYAt4s*a•POS4 POtOlon4nauetion, the Quartermaister's Department Writes waled provable tbr rad plachlanliif Ile now eiriesi .piriyerty.4l Chdunatt, -LatlitTalb, Nashville. 'eh; Louie, Little , 4104;1, Viloktieit;itgoiths. Newidlearst anarPtl.4li;agi• ,+ nis 4 a . cla dog' molvt.han oho faisdrad isteambuits, - iihda fold huncired barges of Ailliseent Vas. many pon , - Won WI canal. bfottos. tegter 'lA.:tip:4,3g' . , Taii riatotilie Department has shOwn idPira to merOthe ' , trts Of thetratirons ptihilo Ay- the boar ar tiro, .nevr uldetteaot stamped envetopes; , viz. M*aep lellAirelso whit double rate. (six Bent) mw.and Meld also, bearing sited!, rate (tince cent) aterepa. Hertiolbrolli UZI., taig &Vetter iifikohn half sectresio be more., in /at - a' site litorernment envelopes 4 it ass been hemmers to tee en adhesive stamp, to:pays tbe. excess of wrap: lbw distiguring tha emigr ant:a of the envelope, and a cd r iji m w dlean itiereaso of labor in the work of can w , So re gard to the official size. With an &ido l= 1 las weighttlum halted ouncer:Atne use 'ore ped envelope net:waste the loss of. one rate of postage. With lif these Inconvent , enceearnobviatsd byShe iutteofurovenvelocars, which will soon be for sale attic Priativellis*i . ether., throughout the errantry. The,onriaoPse 'snaffled appciMmetklinving igalgesed stamps in the usnal farm, the &toe an,the leiter Oise; _ belng , prople, that on the oftledal Else 'elsodedge. ..t fkdend Grog!, ooldliandlOr at / . ..ricliburg. vs., has recently limed ram= dec laring that the privileges granted-by paroles in eenshOsilce of Lars surrender, continuelndy. dg - •gOodi behavior. 'Mien a paroled ViAlriarintulisiany igna , ar . 0 0 EOTOPIACAt , wadi, L grant:LAU. rerolet, he forfelte 'lilts Windt, aulbecomes a prisoner of war, liable to'to cruised it the will ofthe barter, or punished as a milhatmorcurds elon may decide. AD the paroled men in Lynchburg are required by thd,teme order to repod themselves at head quartits within twenty.four hours, and make knows tier menus of living. , EMIGRATION TO NORTH. CAROLINA. Ufa ileported Diflotal Sentiments. TELEGRAM FROM GOV: HOLDEN. , .: - , • ‘:,' llutv Tens, August 1. -.' M e ssr s: Reek and Bettie,i now .44: the el. - , liicholita Rotel in Mds Alifor the pnrpose of inducing, emigration to WWI Cerelinsi recently addressed a telegram_ te11:30,4 hlolden relative to the statements by the nitteux . A t e, to cenceriaug tho , dieluilt.lfeigiel . in that etate, and tweelindtbeibllowingroplyr 'Rex .4, lß,_/ 1 . Q.. Jar 20;..TVIlitstpi A- , Bsols t runt/. „kr. Hedy 64 ~Nichalastroki,2l% L • . Gent 1 Runde}} hireplyte year . mipeXch, • I 'lain' to etata.thgt thogreat body ef,the pcoplo ot. Run .. ' 4" ,:i loyal m Ana i'lbgailglte.tothe cannel ;Made 1 that I do not appmhand ..that'Unicire men* bdharitldezprinhilnelourif allthel Moore 0. 1 4. betrlnfll= a b Oa ti4, v ° have, eelelent pollMt them might.: 'and' ; hardy - Weide be eome dbrturbancett,ltO tuna tn‘uponlite Whole,' there 11 tui gropd fat 'appreltendine that =leatt e vrill,;' ingolve hentielfes bielvirenite:by opting , do North. arolfes;:-Let them come,. witty cone.; 'den* the future. Om' people, generally, will .bis Cid see them. . - - - -- • *. ~ - T. ""leery iningstially. r:- " - • , ~ . :1 - . , , 39..W. , 11camen. . . . . 'l4terk.! illifency 'Matteis In W e York. Icen NEW emr,Ater..D:-Theeteek market : 'gyre path vertiltrectly , trith - the stringency of money. Thera in Almost no speculative demand ior olindundar4lol-Pretalllng attneelt loll ' - ORR; are generally lower. &leis rtur libig do n as rapidly ms It went up; the Wee al, `the mo mg board ;leaned 4g; eMeing at Mg, and, ant board offered at 82g, - Hudson ßiver fell 2 5f . The Market we all the, better at the second ard, with mote; del . :Mud for stocks. Rock laltind web U. 9. taverna; and' : ! sold emus freely at l ea 'alliance." 'After hoard ' : Erie was, letter, bet the balance of the market wassteady: At th e lait board there were but, few, Mock". of• feting. and the market Wad'-steady. - Govern ment Btotits r are ,unsestied.^l.chledy owing in the large sniount of 7_ 80'5 coming upon the mar. let. 's The Geld market biebiet; "The bias are los .grig 'strength on =mint of the stringency of money. Operedions ate light. During the orb , mat of the day therewas u•searelty: Of . money,' but the market worked cooler towards the close, and there more, .capital .ointred 'ar.o • per - • --.. Vire fn NIT Maven.._ 'Aug. arci Imilcif out Were last_night;resuitiat" In the' 14!lestrueilp* Meal:110a au Orange +te e .:X!ltipvco..W.letilsuAbont.ono lag tas4l4, EIZE LATEST EEROPELN rIISTELLIGENCE, Snore Fnd of 'the Atlantic Cable Landed, montirtan : . Difficulty Between' Roglind fnl4,Drata Settled. . ;GOVERNOR OF HUNGARY ,RELIEVEOi • GREAT FIRE AT CABSADLk; TURKEY mb.c. M"drctizia. auxu,,T.,..ingto , 4 -The.: steamship' ,1413 b ithleit left Liverpool at W.vi W., of the32d, and tneextetownnext dan-has-snivet i ,- ) r • i, Theeticavend of tha Atlantic cattle - Was lid& and thectinneolattri made; with the land ln• lramelit,BMl , 9 . 2, 7a - bist., , ,la t l B B li B e BB P BB "Of a ge corieottWoriileoPla."Elithitiliistlicli• were roade4.3llwellehoore were given for the . two iincl.Prealdent Johnson. . ' , The Londo n Herald annOuneee that the rola lona between the Britian end Brazilian GOXoM eats will be nes" tahlblea at .ireflr date. 'Xi -nhatiltad that The Girf*Azipon, of IWnall Mai atceobted the propctilt)on `mai bi dm aritlak imabhiet:.." , , ,_,. • Lifelfx4 AIN =-ErraingThe report of riesttortvoarkrt f o r week wad lsOlial Vet trx t a Ilibernian.• ',' , 1 . , • - The llferichenter market Is enbil, hot prices er. - The Broker's Om:der reports sugar s ea ch; ffee !Beady ; Petrolened; malt tales at " . .rafin 6d. (Cr refined. London.-Barioit's Blrrnlst .1%13V* Itritaill ,e. rare quiet and steady; sales at Bla for Americid heat. Boger Cnn. Coif,* Steady. Petroleum II tit refired 93. 8d.€023. 6d. . , . I•Londrisiltthiftd Reales 5•40%11.33.1371N. ' Latatehr truerostmeli=Lig, July, P. L I --Cotton-The sales today were 10,e00 bales to. 'ftrl In g4400-baies to speculate's and Imfirriers; ket . firm and 14d higher for - Egyptian, Anirriciin inchangeh, ;liresdataltt Wind ilbirli.• viril e and • prices easier. fbr /btu , 'god • wheat. Weather &trembler, for the crop4.;Osi tti; dress ; ono :dall . ;anCtite ,tendelmrdfrionwead. er . trodnee*k (riga gaidistoadb. s.- • . th . 7. 91: 22 : .r.: , ,Af.--Consszta, 87A(Cticsi. al S taten 13:11s ; 11.%®414(); 1331nIcd :,tites ..7lPosid, Veto 22.-Benne excited r.r6triotrs74, norea.-Tlas weekly returns of the bank of Tanraltnow Is decrees In menial Of 4,400;000 tine& The &one, on the9lst, RCM firmirentes . deed at if7l,•=e. . - ..stosnait.-7nit' Imperial deereehad beeniasaed' • ecualllcifi,Pfall,t.:kalf, of the Governorship of Ilinterg.. It Alas smelted at Thalia/ that all relish and Iltingsrlen pplltlced - peildneta_ will heamnestr.d.' • : The /4Wer *NM PP/ voted One beget even points 'adoceidg the hews of tne„,Upper - ftensa. • SPare--It is rumored In reinfsteriak. circles to 9latllld that ttie ppanlila Beinadecudive le Cal orlWho4lotalsee on aseermO fot the late Asciolletletalta 'iendacted. .Tbe: port of. Lstf. Pena, bad bean cleeediko a decree. of the Pree. . Trier-.A.dolets• Craw ConstantbsoplaitiM thot kiltof the town of Omiella ti.d ' leeee'detM twisted by, ore, and oafs, lives 105 t... The 41ders• 1 sere ts ettleastedattwentr Million plasm • a. -..., : I-1 ,Ah a cholera Ina annoatt illsappeased at. zolendde• It tfnlelo9.decreasing at Cambia- tdc,..qPles: 1 ; . • .:?'!-: , '. • opu , -A tdoinua from Calcutta, melted eine* the restoration oflhal,llces 'Mord' an .111* err: pot gitari.:-. IfedWiihnlohdlit lia lieiltdcale of geldiesiasithe Aut. the. mud , mum . rbfaircottnirviimslni hl ,threP per esti. The lepreadou, hconwet, Ortetaltel'tbet_: ,11,' area lamb lerldfile ': It ?re* IYINIc?46FmtIY (bb. de4 u 4 r 1 4 bl* . ildt T 4: -,., . , •., 081111L111 . FILENDI7 it 7i;igi'F. - bilii: ~..--2.471/...ia :. ... . I.sitrangetnents for Ins Defense. sPiECHES OF`VADMIENrbfffO6I.B i- e l i .r i. T You*, Awls; I.lTP.e.lngt. *01 ,1 41i x ns • .1 or the proetredlngs at • private meeting attlje friends of Jett. Davis, held in this city li•tetday, to devise means for the fair andfitil dedisa of AIL Davis and his s...eP t ee. so that .._, ''eh happess ' ylmtlrg'l/ I ..rjel. Pne• The We g was 'Vow at the rooms of Mr. Carlos . 13' e 1 4 .1 04 lele• IMliqlh Al the Mite . :tlOnlo.l.4tPetettlsT: CoUert a 4wanklttaa was; 1 indmii d lo MVP .theda fnididahliet dated ; to co salt With Miss. l),Tcludltf, pi:. corded, eed .4410.1*, at:lei Inerrellennzmsswerml , Th• folio l PK dletel_ . , mutfyl*Oßuief 0 tit na a in*: tee: ajor Guithir Carlos igtertkeld p Theo- , m d... Martin, E. Dmitri*, and tr. -'„ - Llay r or Vii iftthttg, - 9 rceelllta timid' tad ereeeee of tear* toroperstica. Sam. . nralrovaant Ms. Ltehnottalmf- Erbde, were moon theae*Oteeent. )143BIS: CMler, Tarter and LislnOston volatile pried, pal[ pesters. They ressrded tho, Ware 4 tho rebellion as but temponuy.. Tho spirit that cal• sinew it MIN lives. and by rho lassisterice of , theirfriceas at the MAW le.e.r% ll.!..*leeeetPel 6aet sr way. .. tarp Ltilattston SA i .570 r ' " la 44= ' hid be ap. raed in Con gni' br name wholverezot del, . and body In favor of Southern inderdidenee; that 31m. fiurratth exeduion'hed *edited the itidigtmion of the world. milted the Gotent , peut dire Cot Mr. Dula to that. Mr. LW i trot n said that any pmean *to wadi regard .the strim of theSMb is tressenibic, would be , .'loot upon as a madman =an roa. • 110111lla ISDN . illlffitti m motiei: and Diaibier Chopped to /Rath In Bed, A SON PROBABLY THE. MY wudat7:raty at daylight, at the tibias of 0 1 ilibtaiiines east of -Ws Bev/e ` »in §4 4 kYrf f ,44 l . • PIA. at; dAiittitnii; fourteen:inn Nemo eifefteti to diirdir fp* tat lon en `The' tddiri — itofired the ski& time and. the bales -Ptennntnit,Nborlid - stabbed In many placu. with a butcher halle„which,..wl-tit-tintrtme,lnut been f4nnd. , A ben , of, bits :, Starknieathees to btleg ezemine4„ b3uks'ns ttho committed thOdeedfor . a sun- of four tuandred dollars, Ha drat gave: this alarmiarld the bids were found on,•fire.—tils ,crwalind his mother's, Tito (Tighter, breathed,. but, dicd in ten minutes. - ' • • , • From Fortress Monroe. - - Fortunes Mamma, - ituruse I.—Pincident Johnsou and party tatted the PIP RAW - last eve Mug on the steamer War Queen, They did not Wad hnre, but at ail a'dock this evening they went up Cbcsaperle'Soi.' ' The Wainer De•hlolay has arrived- from Now- York with troopsfor Bdebniond, and *landed a plituud of convalescents .. Itaketutturterd.;',_ - -- Boierar etertur halal hoprtl,tittehalett at thlft XA *lit; ,411410 r.. • Fonlassa,Uoam,•JultWoallief stegtii -Blaclatbne, Capt. CoMel fitiu7info4l3 tp the / 9 th. wok WElLtr*Ptell.Sgatts lad ,Ml}l. talaitte a periMits paean: ilfj: ---“Amegetf4 larAt nialr-s: • t Ntirllrinug'Afekt I.—Tho r keinkt'a Farts Mdent Asap! the. zobodoo -*SIM of e, the print° Secretary of th Empa, ,rol.)Thorinlin, Maattto take ;handled ob , tab:dog cry, little ,ma ter _ tai Iron' flap M. (if. fa Avon lutterted' that had no.otfter , dtplotaatto minion than the honorary o ne Of dc.- - baertag &gate!' to eta king of..Belittnot. 14. Mitarow to ban loW.l.ayerpoolgothialloatlit, atcompWed by an emlnenbconnaallor of pits, wbosoca to Mattoon! irtdanoe,Mbilstai, John 13: insnianiftabahlY AsresP;C' Hainnosono, ohnetreVl. 4 =4:lnan Arpin .0 be Johna. atirratt. of-the conaptratora kw: ..taleated tithe assasalnetlan , of Treeldent Linr colV, arrived here _ln assitechns'inel under.at . lo themornlng Iran 'hoof NSW ..nroperr a nusgb.na nn d I shtar Wasnington In the Northern 'Central train et wan to.day. He was "arrested sornewhens o,Te:eas. r , , , I • PhllOclphlakliltory Vasa Closed.. • runAlimmtli Atigettl..--Tho trOltCd. Skies School A)o4a ciil been owEc'' conseatteice of the Ce.l5llllDlll of the W. 'The school to tcrolshol, 400 alms colOrod tiroope, frees exposil te ; the Garcitunent der the 141041stodemci oL CoL , Joba,ll..*. Gold ~11farked. , . Maur, Mpg 1...-42101d15 dull andiriak, the bas betng =bummed b 7 the cohdttion PP .thotansie,* • market.' Th 9 quotation* *tied i i t; 144, werittptdl44% otit down apla loom Enzwith-.OPI.d , WX? _ ; Tye Philadelphia Pnetntarder. . , pirmaenniu s . August The-1,.. Nenr York Mere Incorrectly printed the name of rye pten.; • teeeterat rixedelphiel 401114 Wm:aide& T• abradd . C. tz,•walbornittithad Of_ *r.iTeel UT!. Any SlJAHlinge'" The TtnehungloixietonoMei axid Cie Works ...The qtinsmd, Menem ' ‘ tm Tuesday forindcm; at , ' aired' oPaoclrYtha ceremony of .attteaklng:itainid" forth gee lit' Ism of the Plualitagh toitintotive and' PM Works . . ~ to place fri ihepresenCe' of entitater of the etockholdens several men:them pf the press, and: others. We have aireaiy Whiled 'ha thleaffifin'' tantanterprise, and we damn thaliresent a fib- M pg One to FPs a few of the most higgfilialf,, facts conneitaimilth M • The 'ilastiZy' dee Vcij ionised In 'May bilk tin nit thingen ' ,Pn' innfoci , I Oiling' lave, with a eaplial 'OSA 34.A4A00q 9 : Vr't ,fohn- A. Yeilabt. of Pilliadfliada,..tuar bane. elipiept I*ldenta D. A- Shmarts Ms* Preel#d; • PI,IL WI". r Scctetarl and Treasarafr Thatcher poh e e,fippednlenalani.;‘ , Prominent. amod g thsaitochlialdmaufeollestail., Amen Y. 'Bennett, ' johlafinani, ianm-i'arli, 'iJr.,- A. Carnegie. pr. ..fgewaxt, Clark h.Thaw*i Tb3mas lii. Miller, firiong,' Chalfant lz Co.. C.: .W• lift t51 1 11 1 : 0 , Thos. Bakev4, and others. 1 r 1 , 7 ~iii . The t iantielarabetag tAO ehtaPrinttLeb o, erge ,I are' I 'known for their energy, eXper,tertee eta.. Innshaerttact, and there_efili* , will tais,dlrectlid, unearth making the isatablithblent one, of., the bat In the cOnrat, L'ltetitkil ierintetdent, ilfe f ., geritina, was !foraletlyinaploYad 111 Mister Ma. , digits. of the Baltimore and !iMieltinimd;trud ' , wee M i me Units. a Mamba, of the Bra of &Mils ' .!& NAM", tocomptlvo builders flat Atekindrts; ' Va: ..The =ln' tainted out : at th lteeetabileh , '1 • ' mrit lib "the Very Mtfactured In ~ , t . elle StatetOind,ii num optima are now 1 esedethc retessiVitola ~, f dr•-fier, Mier, thernfole; lig the edc4144 1 .40f 1 1 4P 011 ' 4. 2 !fence In thstesinist, coMbittedlnhlithitpugh, Keenest lantirladts oUthere.M. of,rmantifoo tare in its int/idol ", istagee' ' , lis'•hielhielatfois, 14 the erection of Ithernetivrotko. o to alit bins- If all the./a/Pet leelleelfleaunla Ist reacllinery, , w i r eelableed,rith the , unslupassed neturol a d it:nal advaatagteLagorded Voile great! man* ' doctoring oboe, inu enable-the.company tir., enter trio 6 aptrlted and Mittecesful compelidem with the !Mewls mtablish.tentifpf tlua klmtyrt I The grounds selected are .roireligitai eittieSedr in tte,thrlling borough of • Mitheituster, Lod Mo. •balcro some nine .arses lorateMbetween the lire Cr the Manchester fitilway aril thts Ohio' Mitt *Thlgerii4 fo l l!fivil lomdted end flarty44. ,on exsfxset,.(excepthtgatpidth of sixty feet.. oceurr d Wald Clerefaad ansf2lttsburglaißaUrb road, the 'ttlieka br ivldelitraverm the IA trinn, east to west). The Tor &Apia thkgrpundbpon , which tae erected' the rebid fis4 art:intik of - the Manchester Passenger laikerny,' etid telint a short &emcee aortal el the ducks of thel'ltts. burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago liellway. The • site is an exceedingly desirable one for thee:ic e= of the works. _, . ',- .• Thu handbags, as we h a ve imam Mumma, will be -gotten, up In the very batityle. -atm mein Shop wilt front two , iltaidred and ninety' feet en Beaver greet, extendhig hick one hua- , died and twenty feet. Tugs will be supplied with =rimier, of thsmost avproved platen* and for fining up ten locomotives at the sometime., In the rear of thebnalu brildlng,at chevron% ink' had fifty feet distant thersekona, pill he bmatad : the Boller ShOp L reventl feet Inds by one tine , deed 'Sind term feet lA, ength, „Immediately:l .oppoeite,,at 'OA c ut eind_of.the man building, .ylll he theßmlth Shop, eeeentily,onp.,..handred and twenty feet.; le the rear Of the - Bonet Shop will tat the Ftrandry, ulnem feet equate. Three I ,buildintns milt be•ereetad of-brick, In the most satintratiel •teunter, coveted 'with' dote." The light will be ranshshedsProm Memel by 'Vey: lights- ten feet lellikansithaventilation-trill be, 1• . MRith completed, the works wahine.. mac- Sty to turnout tome sightyna ninety boatitrotlece. Per linerum;' with larßlllell Tor ihere#Dg tha. numb& If neeettimy: The Stea4ao l .*of Traßla • care srM aboO' firm ariteepatebe.feernre of the ' ,The Amgen:Boa 'den eettrprise of mai onnefintia ausdleuportsucm" Marks eMear iptib In the wolPat Omar doinestleinenstrYlaud it lobar. proper and fitting -that witithosid noterthe ' ctrelnony of "breztatit .ixtu , modestly and lankily performed by some-half dozen gm demi% irts;i, -tittts rieeinPlaffilitoirtis,..mt& tut thiligplafl! Palaaflevirers Mete end.having.. , hap lo3 . tast,, Yea ft torottpsebtortnistun The . :ills& witionsed the pact of • the, caty ; dealt, the oflineniar byi Whom, they. ~e r mit ettgent dinner, Wilded.ke theta lb. r!eridne,'Eultuter - belug orkt.Ceet. Batchelor proposed , ttettettlth bplinteapmint• tenders. bun tlarZ ittuffellealistif o=2 much "Laing." declined the ncall,Manti.• .r. tinned to_ bray .Istruteli in conuibutlay to 'Phe , «mat Of hle &iota: `The /tout Bobser. Mo.; Baia len presentOetie,:inlied . upot ankaa , ' . * )e a kili fe •la fart af‘blatlVllseah:ni of ennui. hes could not matte: Ira' mode Is law, very happy remarks ,la refereire to the -Importance ' 1 MUM work "bleb thetroce.Pmflhadhordertaken. • and mitai,that. Berm ',muds of mrprimEto tam. , ,th# ,idtkAll it, r , „....,..... ~....i.e. ,—....,,,,,,. , g beer negfee try , am tm o ltallst‘, r ldpleed , he declared -It a aluseie - and ellsgiahs that we bad 'not liargatrxemutered neon thltinanch df - b•-••- nera,ead be thtmghtithotlhe'dmiratiCantannitY' here' deeply indebtaitiatheltatermbsiag gentte. , !ma Ida., had : petoeced the ...preeemlc estab li sh.' anent, and Id reference to themattreernmemof which there could - tmaritiyhe a doubt. Or.p. - IlutclitwiA a Well:knolen and "venerable" me! chlntst of Allegheny, ' , rid- preitent, and inning called upon made. a tow sepproxltader tutaiiire.' ,Ile - declared .that .therewas tus Tana la thla ar 1 any this. Countri, - where locomotives could be VII , trap, .battritOY*aerettuiit in ntatritchi sold e avowa -that wes„,erer,a SO IlOotrp hater a..fl class kiConniOhlororkri lii this city. .We - had the bin and the coal lietnindstiep.p.4 as ` fin. "thilledlabor" he would 'Wattle eriecurges, if tba r "Buds City" egidnePert otterrin th e eintu 'o The ecf°7 o 4 larlalalleaded,-M the initiator tit i l6Onvencla th em. add havlrig, done anWles • emit to the "peat and drink" 19;0111:Wand/ es Cbeteby Ili. Peril:2o63lr the cars far the city shortly after one o'clock. :We'ixts7. aleila, th ai th erphostruidtv'•itaistions of nick buildings are not completed, and the only contrectot sweiddihthierfOt.thassonkmente. , which, has *us Ant e to4teelfonui.,t4 3141 be oterzeitteti Athreillnj CO COMM ' , the works are expected to be In ogyasicrotert EtER:' I !Prize I. ; 44i0ifji !Pig 0-9314-oHgiik;;.:;.se .. ragtag'. Monthly meettegAt.thatAl/eghedgA Biardlof Controllers was held on Tamil Virtrl . idgsialgast US- Preseldi. yiii4:!:444X1013. Jr., Boyle, Dr.Brcarn,: • ta Illasher, Dunlap, 'rreakeill, Ingham, iie,'. Nesbit, Geo. R. • ..P.lddle 8. Biddle,-Swift. Scett,, Thompson, Torfenee„ TUDDA, end ...T l i... ,cIMI4-Pr k eliderlt. ' OPened witilev Dr. er by D gi o .ni, ..1 si k. n , . . , • , .. OA 4011013,2dr. DbrUng r 63 /AlAptel-, 3,. tt4 Musk Teacher (Or OM schools, end the riomlna . thin con fi rmed. ,- Dr. Nesbit submitted the report or the Com mittee on Grades and Teat Hooke, as follows: , First. That no request being made for any change In the grading of the schools, the,COIIL =RICO , recommend that the grades obt.Aniag last yea be re-adopted. , . • ,--, - ~ Second. That en ethrt was made to hare Rely's - Arm Mimetic substltuted for pewee. bat therom mittce did not deem the reasons adduced suet 'eleuttojentify the change. They therefore M6= Q=lP-1111 09 TO4IOptiOXI of the listof text books now in nee. %Report - :seeePtlll enekedoPted. , h On reetioh, timitti'i inuatmod Astronomy, Lamle Post. , , mil, DI .GeoloposnriliVehrm's Babel PisiniarllND.4B l .s l 6d. tP.the Bat of Tau' Beets. 1 , i . , Thil &Bowing . rfinnhiltlone otterobst‘taait litthe Several Local Boards, were confirmed: ' rizattord—Wrlrge. F. 8444'. Alms M ine - lii 'filmmlllar. Ma* . V XlMSldsiri Agrus smadnt , lesnskte • Medium, Annie Nie1m1.2 4 .1 .1..,5eD0ne1d,51.41, Burt, 'O. C. Nixon. , rril truez ideKeir,V. E. 30701 : 6 1 4 1 4. 11. ton. Writurg Tamar, Lech7. Becon ward—Prin.• • /S. M. _ _ •Amdst, , i ant, 8 B. Nichol, GrAllm.. , m 1.. slum% rate:hes, B. Eale7mprzes ... Mety,D Heeler. hieddlra. =alba Nal u g T iiir: s , I 'shimmy, Eliza McHendry, babella Harriet H. Graham. Primsry, Rachel mccuin, lilsamSkrfis.-ms ... 0 //role*. fierthA. Draft, o,l3allaltoailhiala, Writing Teach er, MU . • • i , Third War —Principal, D. J. Luekif Assist ent, Mll Ogehrhy. , . Grammer, . , Sasses 'Wake. ham. Shrill'. Trliilrt,Placlf..Jiewkis.. BM*, 1 gedium,litsses Reny Ci,gurcideld,Laeacce Lenkard. l Primary Misses ,Boland Inte, Mat spea k er . requigg. Vellooleidlibl ' Vallrill. Writing Teacher, Mire Bennett.' Pourth.warcl-Llzinelpall H. D. Spam% As.. sistant, Hiss& It Ilatailion.„- Grammar, - hils. I era 8. Hamilton, A. Ihwideon, hit 'Wallace. /i• White. Medlmn, lasses Thompecm; :Witham, Hamidenfi, and Smith. Printm7, ...Slues .13el• :tat and Duncan. House No. - 6.—PrineVat 8. P. Darner Assistant, Mies s AnnslAcCall. ,7 Heli um, lahmeallorton, lirsramond, and Alm ;Jam , shm. ,Pr Ilssea Bays, Jen.nesM4 and, , - vcored &hoot i-Prittelpal, S. A. Reale; AS A mourn es` made requiring ill-t - e - a& - rs Mr. Pled hJY.he Loud Boards to sign contracts to teach during Ott-school gpar, - Ds:rewired. by' law: After tome discussion the matter waste. kneel to the Ural /curds, withpower Warm. ` ' The school year,COMMOZCIBIS mealiest' NEM - dal in Beptemberi, at which time all the eAofils an the eitylerine opened, , . . t • c" ' ' ' BobgitecO CTCd. TliebudJ.ofMe.*At . FA",Lizzi4 llama wham drairrAng womention .' pas paper otrarterdni,lutO)Ntook reonivred; Coroner Clawega hild.jaiinvaroton theroosninn isat'irtenthll. and a ter,itawne'riu*elitorAedr {tmteldrowning•.i . /-?),:ctrazi-41cp4ent Young /Raft: It t4.lvithtuticlgpct; =row We spa 145.0- noinaCrnent In' our o/bilusiy column of, OA death of David M. 13tewart„ Esq., of pial3a.uk. log 'llitinsi'oetkonipson Bell ..kliii. Titi de mind:was 'a tirtaer of Win. SieVrai. ; ;Esq.; Gsneitil Freight' Agent of the Cleveland and; Pittatitiight Ralkoad. and Iris one if the Mimi' audifile;attrighs +SPA :4.Mettitsl voting men with' whom walnut thespleturnro Mari acqUidntaritte. -- W 0,301! QC nonectta the Maw position, Etat badißlP_PriPint PrOatects• of attaining to the' ei4sTettgat'qfa.solepriki fortune. When hewn f''arteria., Para.kf-figLi-ka- anllkl :gm ClalloY of. , di& C. it.F. X /C,.. glei..biOaul4 Paia fII thiiefital, a tiktiihitii tiblo r tdbeeamd Rion: ! °POW ybradr‘in ralticaid mittints4.theieiliantd . ttbarkitig.ngsp,A4kompsun Bo atemots. eeper.-,,•; &ineptness, securacy and „dm 1 splrelawitlfirtldelate performed the duties of SO' , ac69l4aMallto*SlOlt fdtdthitillammildeneeires specg Midkesteem4 of . Mut. ; mambas of ) MAI i tem..' ' , Of 'Ms vette' is'' it:Mete:zit etidence in tholualhatlanthplastilette hiii laS 'built g=ein trktp.poilaaWkdelkhOgrip pre teed TILE ' ecabba .ferienif of Vsith ligkida BS . Inutineu.'? i Although havnia:Arditlng his-Way' ineadily pp into_the eaMpaclat of worldly witaith and sitninction, he Old itieglectthe 'things of 1 latP. -.Me teak a deep interest In eichislastdr' aatters:ruutels deeper thiusla genenalljank-' - .07 by young men of such a youthful agei , Hawse_ a Mamba 'of the - chmetb,' and &Most ' rept:, larlinti faithftti teacher:lm the. Sabbsith"SchtoolVl Ma services We been so-emment lu .phe canto. 1 of tiligion. istO to highly appreciated ~,by the .vgatlliti - sritti which ne was ifionneeted, that Dr. Frespeyr , kia ,latapaltnir, Iva arer inflamed. (,wEett J er correctly ormot.we -cannot .sayo, mil Improve the ocitiefo'cr Of hie death by a, next ISMIII:111 by. hisChnrcbi - on Saithetreet; nectsilab- I r 111 r: Stewart had - a litiii circle of acqualeitan i eta, all of whom deeply mourn his preniittire deetk. `,Wirbave seldom kneriart Cyciting - rcan . ;4 twenty-four mammas who. wee waist 1 =Mr -135 --. 'MUMS. &funeral will take plue frernabe residence -4 1 19; 111 ers , hira. Martha ethastrong, X 54 IBA street, this erten:Mgt at threw o'clock., Ont:',3f 'reaped for the deceased's& well. as for bis,w otttiy - °Millie; Mr3-17113116ed Steweak; whole services, as Freight, Agent base berm win:asks ble terthe'COMpany, J. fr. DeTeratz, Each. the Seperintebdent bee given Orders that Ike Fenn ' , erred 'ilepot, of: the, Cleveland and Tstlabtigh , 1 Railroad stall buelosed this afternoon.; ,during a4e hoer : SM .- MU Inherat-:aii honor NrciliraallPed .an• 4. . 1121, dif4n rfie' d ' in ' ice°l Sisti r l d: Pltts ' hut " g - it. -' '„ . . !Between - drife Mid Mar - ti'elcick yesterditiylaf, tetunkm - a, tire broketnikkitbe cella - of tia lid Ale Manufactory of Aluil Cbamhes ',55' Co'.: on tbi3 same: of Bingham and Fifth Etude; &ith' Plitaleugh. The fire originated in the slaw' room4which wait •,. stored, with wicker for eovgring „demijohns; end: carboys,z. and was cared Inirci,clndersfallingfroin an oven imme diately abine; Whileh' IgniMd a quantity, of Plraw, used Mr packing bottles, etc. . • andThb 7fdglnaisPeadily 'arrived on the'gronad, d the trauma- worked diligently, but raider Est disidvanteges until a late bonniest. men. • leg, when they ineccedid in itiying the dairies and preventing them from cocaltinnicatidg to the Imsersent. abort. Diem diflicuisyr was exprzi eneed in'-reachligthe,fliewith hone,, mid . the fkudng'itiestrts and' Mitts 'Wens all conitunad, as were:atm the *maim supporta. • The Ewe: pleat floor s which waa,pavcd with brick, and ob,-. caland'bY the fm'alw and - evens' used In the mezaftentra of..botthei,•pattially gave SiraY,!and tt'asa thouttlit•tita imAta Max wools fail Um:WM • `list, night: da the packing bonen Is totnetdis, soca. , removed treaty titesaarks." no - Mary 'war snMaMed, kilt ithamtliar containba tolgbuieti:'' :wart, andlthaprincipaldamagaiathatputtrused , to she bullinnt which we understand 10 14.03 in, axt....d. Changa:M.l43ovaidattikaanniand ed Z 717 a fortnigl+, „Ile lomwM,o_ of. el need ll' few #nd.reds,quld e v erything wiir diafthuess b c pus niditneepaiktra dude faethdYall Otiening." y' . - slitsl Outrage lIPon a Ole. D'pe by thciiiihientOui olfenies, ,which attould bq dasiiediccdonitthe . blgt eat'arne kaolin the la4*--4iordrigiktpon biPeilson of ~n child; --wsivAniinaltted•yesteiday morning tene t East :Ltity. Tao victim was a girl of tweirriarros . lora w.*:darortior hf sitsPeetabietteteterr flying 43114VEXtrel.hithelflraarard.) The girl had tat , 4 ou **Jun tailertatolflOn F.sit .I.lberty, - and*rVree startest company? with two , gym' , its win oethud t e s i nhd ithhear b ileb d o er ue l le W d h n . ilow salk-o,f 'age,t lng the tugaogertosap y welesuedl t**AN . **win that."ho, agksto,they, .wetlgoing: Te' children - replied that" cney• were I*okt:slot herdes thendold that6too awl, he w,ould show,theut where they gatherthertile - plenty. They Mow .hinkatut atto* *Blame sober'ifistaittli le s edok Jho alder girl .Into. 702014410% I wood; leating ,the twoothisichildren apart Bather' outraged ta i t i perisot, leering' her' lin& 'prostrated; , and y able cora& her tureleshortss. , like' to now orider,medtra; gurapsent'laud Liberty, being too ID to be removed to her hulas, and her Phiatelan expresses a belief that she Will not aut- NlTej ghagaven.descdpiiOn of the .Irdautan; txuaritet• who perpetraUd Ute-1 1 04 12 4. 1 1. ;:Thy lath* of the girl appeared:4llle Ave a.eftles lset dretilug and comet - onlestedfilte hbove' Cada to the, Mayor. giving the:darigtder% 'deg:caption .! ,of scoundrel. who v are trnst, will ,beraecarest: 'by the pollee today. and the severestpettatty Meted ter this grosaaicd litfausoni Multi - • , , ,--„ .. . Plashurgh7ind Stenbeuvpis goad. , - ~ ... .., , , • This g:short ,coito' 0' Stenheprth!, p pp F ly inown 0e the OlPWthandle,"li,.t_.aitim aringiori'. petioa,andthivith iralni7.lolllit all.t.mbililll: - f.y.be twining upon It hytivi - jai o f dethbera:gr .- - 4 " nur-..T#P 3O. 4 111:401 ,11 :1sIth %Atli .excepw.onrof, Mori* hfro.lll, ges., to he te.O. 3 i .0 0 0 ' 44t " n re th 5121 the c1&T; .the tunnels au so complex. to, atidthe heavy - - Work - pietts , tittiet through with. i Vier hedge:Berms I,MCAtarcongatosla Is ; reedy it , * , thc.pdle, Witt thl c e49ePtion of, , the •. I chhn tipMt.' Workteen.ans nrrisjsesl7l,:an- , gsged t , etcrpletldehlkdeit , ef therttreeture,. , whle stLabeonsansb‘fdaridde end gibtdOlensy 401. - Prituit.,R-OFAAVbzi, dt ostalhetlbeaseb Tun rorrr ~ da, -..wee,w..„ be reagylflo th e - berg in 'e • se" weeks.' The 'lama . tratelz,beilteenwrithshaell and Btrenhen . o6,lll.l.l be ehertened mnebelr,hythla route. I Instead'efgeingllle` elm :atoms mu te b the rice.v.klglity nolleek=wheulho Pahhatallois completed, the thstancem.llllp pnly abook forty - miles. This wl,ll be a great ady,aotap to PALl beret and the traveling priblic.' ' l ~.. . . Retid3, ls /U 4i.4%01e About helf-past.tcn o'clock on thundzy night, Mesarfl. Lindsay find twO.teapeetable . citizens residing on Itch:Tea streot, Allegheny, rettandit home In a - buggy, and aller,Putting op their horse; were in Ma act ' or gob* to their respective ilwehinga; when they We auddenli attacked by two rowdies, WIM.1:18 ,IFZ4 knocked dal"' with a l'haa4Y billy," and Mr. Lindsay was attacived cut and - with a imite. Awls. tante aCegfeenuized the 'lrJuailleted PurtY.'whett the MMUS beat a hasty re,treat, lezylug &lista behind.' If Ls:probable it was the Intention. 141 rob the getitlemen;btit theirobjeCt wee crigtra -ted by thititlw_eliyarrittil boo, 4`t4 B erm. *OS are bOtbiaaßlPS 04 1 0 Will ulthitddely be ar. rented. Tile Men were not dailgeitiliAhlirtu - „ t # 1111re:thy itOtonbenvi le On Eland's,: p*, theAcdtdtiz7 Ohre of lir, .1. Llttlfaitstehigtivillh. Igo bArgliutouslycl . wedLainu 4 mdo.4o the azotnint avves2,ooa egliqi off; v , Mgr • alto look MTh itiuthut gold watch belongligto hir:Little,viOrth tine huadzed dollenv a- patr-of itiddieeetteles' and lortrittabt dello:W.ln &lunge.- Tite , tore WU : entttlet. IT it's?, at "%caw 11044 'Affadf4s tang tined ny the fatally# bad Tot Wet lectnni.t _The thlevee, elan ,In,glo Veller. eP We'da which were *lb yeamord, get ,n;aa Am barrel atiPthanctintti . ,the atom. • On the bead of the barrel thee vint of a tare ,foot, which looked very mach like that of is woman. wu eneotteredrt No elan OW elms has yet been obtatetd4 - teMeral.Claiii A t frop—Mi( o to/topic:lama g the aMen of mts,-reSma., to the mid of.: Slagle, in oer,advertlentednum. 21 = got tienlen,:bOth-well losowo ladle iommonitf. Mee Inn Peen amodated as -the film of - Whtte Slagle, for the: traosectioa- of all badness per,, Wales to the legal profesaloo. We can hardly xecommedd them for OroPsOmena faltbfol. em la the &edam of all badness .o:sodded to them. Theigiva special J:aifp:3llonl.o the collodion , o f c lams Thiel the Government, ,jMa or 81a gin ban bat reecntlY, baca discharged -froze the mdllttot aertim,la which , he.bore a • stmantah ',.edpar For the ra Pant t ear tum - Fmeclos d Ad voc ate bt the Add.' • - . , , .4,l4lerodOwt.Thsgo.A. man Strad sh e ll , Utping a Olocigiin 110.1)Lamosid, w o , ar T elod 7eaterday,4=l heaforalumilag,- aii s aim 'ot• losPllquis f Mdasts •dog: ..6: Itrzgla named QTricxk ruiltdsriza ty.tao irarsinale..3l . firmer . Comaninding: SAO of :118; monong.z. help hafg 171144 In %AMA:U7,:Odb tacizting ht ttio lgogupigeb . ppo f pass . • .Arreattit;=-#ltainholtet,mloo Mili•Aha mare dormassault on a man zadie.V,lllkla: Mb ,tbm fewdo's ago, .)ao pont foreftgd:ami, z 1,, [.': .. 19MESE - 1786. - almrCLerMta — Asaafili. — A - d tstle' place Ln an-letshilimarrin- 44WriliZtfi, half-past' 6lx (Ma& iesterdar. math* E rn "' by whiskey, And•thelluSband Ore r ektas wife the head with an .area aja R7entleel .thriX.-03 woraltn's .kTd l td trntundraiyittistA ter Wi n? ` lea will proco fatid f , are:Uo l .o. , UrS tOla names or add tonal patileggirLuntif me aft of Justice are effettad. is pin atrial., Of guk4;* Central PRO Skating !Company. _meeting of the stockholders of the Central Park Skating Compaq.. the folkrelng .ntacine Mare 'elected to try &tor the teem'g tleetreete reetere--J0n0pk , ...11. - th, 1397;0.'1 CcerainetolltrX..‘.Plezer t :l- kt,„ amid, John SumeadMadouvellOAP . 'and J. TL,"Shane.. • Treastatr.-:-11:1!LAIII: liteg Ett„ % Il i a iii e r t y rA The itatal, t The WesterliThafigi,, pnihLrahgd tikgaris, Ken- ? ' r tricky. descrai the, atampede pf_negropa fogs that gentian oTittitnat'y 'as ,7 ,:ndrmods: Whav- - Imp been annotasced - That` tgalnilltufanthott... flea at that pc& Ltsai 3fe'ffsassetitho tegnue, the,haadquartera.:4l , theconnundant . Ives ,03121;VdIrldraPPIIVeAtatet.tttsZ attSt4eo iltel On the, Mb. the tatiltltudairtenatatd.,thn . * &Ede' etsg 'with ttm3XL I .7)O7, e 00t,In`RngOns; an 0n buirnebnekl icupg snail° klldi the, sA nd', the wall; 4 Oger nu the aket a hstsras to.s erYO safe etridttet trdrai Maned , lieedone. Aateetty•brlsk Irtallneettiptst hard beentioter y tcr, In five days, 1.300 passetr,t ainriteliefbittlln ta...4731t0,0tett• pus. - had betartunot LTUP ga, 1 39 eXA' Pent vraa „witnessed, attLesingtzer samnberrts In the ennevieberapasstaluaL : been Din - nudes General t one*, cam is ootote tfir4'not 1m2 7,614 f- s &°° °- P e e' l .etitrrek , / rut • 11 , 014 _up? ir passes „enabling, (ben ' t°g° at wllf in !9/9/ 7 4 4 4:1...1 The Pirate Steil:nit a LfilerP 91611.. on the ntb, the ,Rapptaarikosli Omer:Alit ohne of Sniffed) entered LlverPo o lo o _ In; C, . 11 it Abe ple a' is pat ' uta - I4te nas"benn.;smnr wn. • aprerpeol merchan . t. , oreqttui t d s Amu. of .tar bluest cola. _Mr. Cone:alb:4u atm= obtain. , ed eminent legal /4110, anion. the , instrzto. led We coatel to Institute tun bi'thd Ittitoth nilraltrClusts.c to unave7r , her fch. the tinned antri-rf ProPerlY.athatlnfanetandanundered.„ 'Cinnfideraey. — Tbri i giyi g. qrd Ragland/An ,of hie OWO - Xi/advise that this eemplaleenta.:4sl nialpol*alustdd go tolasp e 'though be Itces ntoipainPant w:bnt cocain. thee ebouldretort - to."1 n4t ileir as to the,,,exad, ; „grounds upon silleh:thrs telt Is bineghtl bat Mr. IntdlFl peog• fineintaft Jbimecif thasdouh&o less,. taken caresot to amapponidits the Got- „it ernrahem ere now at Llverprofthe pirates fitrinp.: , " ter. gidinlottWßSPltahnOnOett.nnd • Utter ? i &%in lievernbtaltig. he{ einnuneall.... • ' Apra? Purs's airdemeat that: brit one-tfo101i , • ,1 =in was s . ealird. by, Ws ,4dlanlc dq,-;2; 7 , nrrantedaaallo by a member of the Srd lowa ) •• • f CorsSm-who'orrltes • • 4 "Dine evideasa %bat ellrlit membemOLmyuidi • ' lf. realmerd—the „Srd wn 9ardri - 74F0. • Pliek, cy • on th e field et Pia Rldm 'Owe Wag *maid by 'lkea 6 5eivillzedul o , sad War aII-abab(); 1-1-; era _Cameral (them Colr(nel) ,Il2Asefo report,'rurpablished in tha. MintariLfirmefal'a , (of lows")) report 61'1 So3;* - iierein it appearallat Col or t elOasseilid.thahOdleiCeshforiod to toffO l ''' °calm...evidence ot the ordrags.", • • - • ••• ) Dtrrn Owia , Is tiling tei idii s rirengeulr 4 nt. Pnirtror tor thefotitemlOttrawituter 41whiggi hia pretensions wamtraatezli =I lea ttatietiol,nt 1148E116 the line df th'entle• Grande, !be rpose=etabtoltthe .thiitellAiturttf,l-1 vith . He taXancted; taitt ffi lhetzfr.at • the taluitdiatitier eNtiieheatlettal dlepatett,ll3,,," cl ,ating that the Preach vim eeneni & tratt4_l6 large array istlfstaittdraCuLd isotatkarTh 4.4aninence of httap t ies, VAR:Mems. I Ontsora date! - or I,his Wtti an lacerating mama, !Avant fronaTanciazidil the !Rio Grande._ French tram. had,:boankailel -moved - because of the gtear among' ~, than,. 'The .Cliatkiketollethr apPiSattibel flit bread, and. , murk and obblagaat tag 1,0 Cline." The lapel girby aczzsh le Ceamtlittadia&V Selastrione: tba' en - Y rig / 47r Vezteri. r c , -. • ,4•• ,i , r14 ,, r) 0) ,F 4 .k.ribecia • fu l tio iri d i c k th a w , reiteatliomd byway ancimiluur.bbsted etc SMI4/..11T-.4)a Itts/Laz „Webbil Aisgaif at atc Va/Ock, VLVW YrANY 4I 4I II P 4 tnaill:; - ; At FlltMrd trein On Sekatiettot hil oiotheA7(o.l2 FraiOLlLastioet. WAlnitzumrAirrszsoWasir J C"1.66 The lli~ i °~e ,_ cn r a ni lathes to it Xalgions serricea at, 114. •-• mosazz—onnitifai awsiqi Itt"ftitilAYM" . reddeace. liretth=mateAlleghtgerr - J. AIGJEZ. aLteyear DU age. - , sunzraLTur tan tame .1, - ....earsow carer. 1,7 - 1 '114 1 7) "724,7°C44 Wonr o'doct_ataa bla isa• :11, :3 i 2661 0 4,16 The ridigivel , .: l 4 4 M te 4 4s ,° l the PlalF tlly are ettfal Wawa: e ~r~i•'s~[•Ie2;~N~ ~~~ ~wiXri MEIN= ,BAI , IGAI:M3I - 13Mritf(Eit - lEEE -J:!! :a5-u , • 110"OTS1i7AND - ''''SMES''' _ : t •• • •••••;:i . •• :" . li • ESS MEM liffil Lou!klerig •. 'Okla SUMMER. GO D . , , . Concert Hall Shoe Stor e : co , Pm _STERid: .t‘ , v,.zioifert FOR - . 74ca 1 - 31 - , ENOUGH FOR , ALL: IllOtfilf , rns PRUMI7II! twist .-' BOK ITISIESTEMIONIRM ELM =IN ./*=3.4 . 41.14. AVYALI& " as, .As.they are dateadiedtatirrigratal(*' - , ‘ - P llO ° FBOM 50 TO $5OOl • ' 9illl*l4l#l4llloguo t 214 44 * "4_ .-c:L:s x c 1i MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers