LINNE MMM towiZ u ggit D 4. In l cil s attaxr.bicill - 444:: 1 4&, irsterbklne %haul 'the, lay, aF,Rittaionti.l4if ta •lorlithgabWeraipettiattog - .W:bO• Ihr order or tho -11.4704," ; - , 501at ,, ,v,f111:70.1111:Z0 (402141,0f,T.0nci:::. W-MITEP. *4.4* oviAilighwalast=ini#4 l ii ? adt(th. _ inwaior. =arm_ ' - vrANTitc4:4l Vv,Y-.7944tRT.z.i.v1813:, L. tiwilAiavia*ityfl ood ! , ,iimtkeaArm3oo: • , ,Rinuntettr.. OWAGalliTS•WitiirED, f. • -; ' - .V.E5t , .T , 0 MOM& to 11***42 1 P,1 ./io r 4 - 2 ei tl:ji .1 i6lo*; F E4iiiti ; 444.74 : . ;,:i._, . r 7 ol4 , l74 i ii i tt ai; t w l i t‘ , l 4 6 ,... --, _ Wffe Sta n-li V i ta a. 7g , Ttrn44 to Wealntritzonoto.nlatilltntbible 4 ItunilOgni On Allt worraltt Miro to rail g to. WOO With &nem bletbanics or Nosioractoro ass.. ffillig4 - 4 1 ** re Ametcasoittrep et rees.4 Ir a Asp, prOy *or w.m.,,y.. i .i . &r: , e , {: .:. ONA I I S r A; r t m A rt ..,/fOalrilEr.o4l. 2l :. '- 44 sl4 l F igt :•,, .s-' .:, - re Ifolettoutui Alta,: f iirAzersty-ApEanir:rum,'§'lrul tatialoa,.:Tite3uttgies, =,,TH EsaNPF4IpatitOSAT D. *.Alow sots Minot 'Clorrpspond.) eataatatirit4szul ezattiortvat Mt , ni4 . ;lan alattanton*lotonnw.. On ortn loiltiatarelloxlbrOngb,l 'Vs erna In tbo won invite of tho Motu at i t ..40,01. , ! Ann Wen t &IV. *t i t ,I m p ' in fra ..".i. a eßeeeutoey Mg tbri ca l ktoxey.till ead • , . lerpalbsaginteitil sresitobal t twitperands.tount. FatabuiotoJownsi, . . •• • - tr,„ ... _,. . Tr . go, tpiti; IS .1111,*Danna to. ' oz, ant6tnnaut.Wro at %bap" loc. dat szri tit never tnis, A ar cap tract . rt , ' lm Mngglltgl Z erV i call g a ai n " . 14'44 VIVI ' br lNOTCU pti titlill ~4 640 . i. tre, gilngrOdllialfe".. •Ink Wilt. 4 it. *lT lCtir t ,_orr ‘ iltr!Pr.-; Z'Ai-#4ol3**, ' iir=ro;ol4,lA - • .•••••• *. WarrEWail/2P 4 FUSRJ llEtniTEtr: ' , eMei:Wed enfrrtehno.tolatrft l 4o6 1 1 aRAWtvOrrAISTL•rti I3I Ar„ abW l ZANl P a giler t.l li ' we tr. .06., • • WlNelit , •Wttlied4 4 c a. wa1e ,,,,,,„„ . ,,, „.....,,,,_ ~,ailW•l4. fqucto-t'a r7 7rit taltnsitar - • • .- , r l3/14-w 1:4"-arPflafrAiniff ii. ( amisAutier.4t , vk • AWRD,EAS,4IOa2ERIBIOTa . illitaLarAwly•% ,. l 7 A .jord ootaktvli. Vi11) , _."4 _. ~tke, mit -imgMAlrbaMvilinFrlXo 4=rtmny,_, el wirolinres of a woman ba. thp Alon tainr Air Kam, ridat sad atit,gitUir mt=l 2 J 11 1 ~, .... • ' :pliguitSttbit witP:Wiralcmivelots INC P 46l4. l"wil tEVlZ b et=t=2o ........,...... „ ~ ~,,..,,,„,,,t..., ANTED.-470.4a0NAL-I wept a ansrabari,a4ll:l=l:l6rpetatil , EWeil , 4.M . T. ,, 4142 CI Ir.IV! li Ut ' =l.' areaffimet..dratkguatientsrs • L.T.,GABSY.M4datoraiallaW)l4 antpaxitalitier , l ,3 .4 ,l !! , t , ?: - ".• _ _ lovr,ta.r. GTIBAI w ax- OF GOTiratillEta ra . HinigEB4 . 42kOngdpiii 0 . az ,r,lzr, .0 ~..,..........-,-,.. • z ' . mow A M7drA rst ,TO-BE • SOLD 4 ON/O/cl a . PIE MONTH OF A ,. .HSWHI"..; - .4 .. .. /a tad States .ei gm York,,rendOitis,Yll fa LVM....,,W1M . . /dtrava *MO . tha littio at,, ~ .1., zry" -- 'statiattitit - " ---- ~.0.1- r coimiejoikri:ll,;rtiaiscm,f 7 1 2,:i4 n rirrib i " i 4std * Ii 1, 7,4 . b • b all dd , iltAtti t • 1 NEW ?OM Now YoVild i aPPSlDlLakr4o4/4 1 /. , urlt weedy HO H d/14 Bigik. CM', AY 19(. 4 4 1 4 49111 1 4 CM "rdeiedelY.ll. tilt gig ...ed , ~ e ~ .,Tiesreklajr,Azigneer. 0,020 tif at rritear.Ativad-.24 MO Mules. IPPU IC ‘' I P . 1 4W4 1 11 , ~ 6 , 1 . ..., . t4 1 40 7 0‘ 4 4 - 3 41 / 2 411 . 04 T i; It 4 i“4/ . . 4 M 2 6 atUri.a,..ii: a di. % 'it . ° 4 6 .1 =1 1 4.441..x0.45.,71 , 04 ....,-;;121,,,,.tdita1;,; flCMiltho SCO Mae& - York, Fra i r T , Orill agat .1 ' 4 44 rickbils ttair twirleallyo N •• -T.t ' , moray i ZOOM • ISCI rintrear . c. , .1 Ballgingnan attaaaasyca.actijaDa . Ertes 11.4,,Wwast tWsraridmiliisf.-1 W i •i4Xrbiz ess izstanigl. -tu •j,- biHrl 410211 , 0groliWitiefHD.HltHIS LI .. . tuir,tilu Ant MAar a te HIHDII. '',l `.., ---- 4:11 1 4 . 4 , 4.1411' Wi "Gat( WAD Harl.l • 1 • 451 ArkiggriltAlg laaltalear, •_,ow - 44:04day l ictaistY, rcidd. a :Waratsaava i .:=N "Shalla4Y.' 01 0 Hon g., ...", e ' 430•147 ) A 14146 abliela ''' , ! vwmaie, An14:69 21 t9 1, .#4 _ ' )104/I",&n.roo"l•Yr.AU.Sait• sOO norms ii. 1 " 'LITAlb*d 4.1:, airdWiliftralis.F 2 r - MI 3 1: moi sr .1 , an muzie. . r imetraMetwt 2. l'W!Ar 5 wtha.;4o.,Tritai.cialch wPik.P 3 Ho 1" Alle/A 1 4 414 ...yriliir.ll Each ._.. . : L. i; mos Oath Est.... t :r.. i ,, gJ xi igi ii i Tratelig ' Thlridn, ACV/A 1 0 ,0 0 Maar, Stradb•nettilayikruttaki,kktitinled. i t. , liktilitkkiliradleStli b . r. lnk t kO' 'llir ",•,,, 3t t HijaS tbtr— tr. D . . cVI 1:41'. Em ir / 44 . 41 7 twitalack-f , . , ,- a ./' ''' , fr • ' , ' . - rll ' igb4 b =oYW4 ' igz*t.i. iito isirekasew Slaw or t' , pasrue'iltraran. IMNli r t i it e wlms 414 1 ,Y4k 1 •true ulna, Lwow pdtdia: _ •33, um ipiclity 9i OATS 11111141141:1114.) 1 4 4 ..g. .., 1 irlsr their in foloftwreqtdrikl ms= 111111111 .aaalamatba said._ —, , ~ -,. , ~ ~_, . I. _ Maly ail. mulealirastalsagglawaa , •el es war ohms y , accompanied the armies \ i• - ktri t t =ON 1 0. 411 " 4 " 7 CV ly e se by _•Vigo-, 1:14.„. • ' , WW2. pax WI iAH„.!fiFOU 0 114 ...... , ' i . i=e4J.111"10011144 42 3, • •,,! . • SielqS.llli • '1 '' < .-f e,. '.2 lmo.r=Mnited .T States eloyekkey. • .t. . . AILLVI a.. EMIT, r Ettn-BriglOincixakarita rt -• i - Ar- • ut Div Ct. mi. cr. O. • tinaD STATEEMILITABY RAlrri R 01 1 1 !. 8 ..i . ' AntarMinCiliaTTMaggsmnieil - insane Tom D. 04 July SA c S&LE OF,ROLLIN6 STOCK. WIL be tilt et misiar , -Atruttorr; to the .thgbest biner,the fonewieg Eating block: Cm TUESDAY, September 0, at - the Portland ,Cmaysay!s Shoo, in Yining, Maine, Six (6) : 11 -Cateetive Engines. , r - • TILUESDAY L SePWicper MI at : &UM, 'Williams! ahoy ig Menne ,ZIILT9 1 : 01 W 1,4 )... 0 °' • Oa MONDAY Saptember_n, at Kennet t3qusra, 411 tat PlliladelplPattamilltey.(6o) firm Freight pots, four fen/ teand.a.lutif inn _ .• WEDZIES AT, inW;ettaecrOk." wilu4a r Dal., Ilsigy.four.(Bo Freya Uari, Ara gaugyo c m shetrigneeirnallat iwrattrolgiflvi?fo Aunty. t. The Engines in gra tesi piage, gra ,t9ct &W. . one -.Anders ling inhtm. They east be Aglillgeg to atarow gimme st. ; Saleififirsetaila :4‘ta - - "4— " h 419"2 1/ 3 .1. 1 Z e kttisoiy . .- - . , lhelittcoloestteax. Q. Di: faREAT Mid; OF sOERif 6 & ‘4.A ` Lir e.° 9 amed, e w r .MttnC tr.... 11117 t 6, vaelariFlXO win le told 4 Rob. 1 ;+-114MiellfilklutAW 414711 , P14? 3 t 06 TT,, a.90.11L. Mttiost bidder. at , _ arArvziAND. wilot , lomasituur Tusspiorstfiosips end La% t= up um ma. tin the herranini'dt we i r if young mules, asoompaceed sea =ales In ell char manna and came% sadarothann 3 dgt___ Oak= •tand per gr sr=_i rlceable.Me Wu" lS fit the arsiv, and, can,bo mucheked Ma et ems tale les sOI4 d far leas Ulu poly Una oor. Moles to tomnumee at 10 , f M. each day. ' Termsß_ aehtl4 treltedleaCes Ourzeujeff. JAMES At. AVIV Brpittl?rlpdier.asmrallttc kwp run Dituko P. X. 04 r t 11,1880.LVTOWibPip.‘_! 'MOTI'MOTION OF DISSULIITION-LThiillrai ON of FLlMantitibsug Ole*/ Watered by mutual tat:mot, wousgpvigf• mckwingeswins teoutAtio - nna, Me raw or " will be ecoritaraeo trierisme arotetele et .blemmeltrotbers fore. All ireeelitora busineee cr,pirist, wt a ibe ebrred b/,4 91, t mul3 1211 C iti Orrereerreolielf, rer. IBM dysand, np • , 00-PASTETBII4 • • '• Ore -..- rlmso• LuTION p haptint_ i d= ;,,li/ito,"'Tb* =der =at aura ;-.4 Demos Um zi l i th 4o., for ja s , 4 , 1 ,1,7 beea mmt. d illitail2TO . net pow and Other ....k . " Mal i nTr ogu lf er '... molred P 7ManitiKnU lt9S.,, _. x in§ 5C15321 '., f ..•t ,_:,‘, :._ a blue4,o•_"7"-r" ' -4 '"' .ii: IL 1 : 112 ~ ~ ' ZErlint.4".'" y & Cari • • '..- , - 1 rENNED c 0,,, • JO CAMPTON' i_ *, 0101=n ..., ' in '''' ' '' willgoa filvErtrearjanamiSuMpainpnar, 1:44 Lumar sin • ,c, .itadri , cli li IRIZrr; FOR, 'B . ,kr.t.ILIA," - AbLi/ - or3imiciOs.icres. I ii , , In.rflatopmetv),,Westmoralaailthutaty, I &Wield tostasktp Wastee -3189 ' ( fi e Wlep i4; :yl74 l°- 1 .. h, ,-, A . hm, a leer ishigte farm o• ell amok near the ; to nf iwtrer, ttur cr4 atiltattOPWA s 6pr..Wastmort . M ." 1 41,130 • Ireentt 'ls t l e gfars eat! f UlP mlum rome remits ars a IsMe — tilNint hrome•amohe Um* a TiUVAYLM OW% 11 PAM fmmobsza 41a ! T t ot w frt " t i rkaa t, ..,A li 4 VerVto ° , - ,Pe zn 1..6f h r. Inla.... 7 .'.otputowitmneftli l i a By; I vadYr.o4 p . Znasettion even Me , •imur I.ra#lsl . lioakad,e l l, , ,,;fterl ' aln 2 ii i trestosor e H l sotyLtyr"., ‘ ...,,,0 the town i C W r aiielotroilthlflamettia,iteam Aram 1 Maldeneein • the botnittk A .3t, .wuk to 1 ./11**•tional,ultaatrt11 , 41,t7: fLoartsmr i lly 1 e=hggialtreittraastioncantis4ada elsee,,,{ Llllo,ot**llVtanzi onikelartaitsbesi Mbar, ' , shrub. astioanstraia.MaKeeqaripilalectm 13o.• fra e aktatstrght atanitMinizemThetteprOveasents 1 4 7 44 014rd 1 2,1r adl.baznoromvit) awl wmon ' .... A br n l*o 3 :se t t ml43 =Vme t e ' 4 ,4 6 4= *qaPt..l442lle4==athe'terelal of . ~. ... • . M i t in v , == . . F— Fe a. 641 * UMW: • Thab•lhilny sr 'aim, itMtfWolnizastors. Thla Svairidattra Farte d - p.t l ents;a ' lttilited Wert VeWahlto •• , . . Co., hb., the - TOM' , i , . N - • .t.,!.... • ' Oval tour cgties rtlei ' irwr • ' The tummv*- ICMAIIM ~. . - ;i1 • bow**, pro I t =4l e l rellart' , . , • 'n" lc" utte. •, Alwrcan.,..4 3 „, ~,,,-4,1:: m „,. Av... 7.1.704L..4 Yew alleg. 5 1 - 1 - ke%3l disirimelitheiVeth Township, en) Gorgerate 4,1 .11110Z1k lei , 11 phybom ot . 7 7701 - WM , l arge k bohlesith'idnir ed room 1 tre C i i val r i r to rlai Whither tool oet the tV beat - Whita Casi. 1211 t aiMai1d1211724187;41 lesle" Ind, Q. icul" I T 0 W N l i g tit ateyS 11.1 'i,•• . , , 1 1 0 :114, . . 1, . •A "'" tALEG ,-0 . „ . ni• Cbitl . " i i i 7 . i ' ~ --- 'f , • '•,!- ': ' ~.-.-'.. ' ',., -", .. , . !r 'A;eola to cwt, dm mak:4mi= ,g.)l.lo , l(p.ilitioinimove,tacquglig6,, i Mated aaAhOtortlmaataytycoyart of AIMED. i i rlflbOTttill'irAll•kf*VlSt4tlT4PZ. 1, 1. TlLetik ` welt btaff;andinirebtrei4uV,,To' iiii )eepuar-ou 'aisklng a ~-' ~ ; '4. t. , i I' _' •• " 'Safe and pcsirable Invedatent,' sg., :.i. , . . _..hat 'T._ c. l• " °I . SCV43" I •R Via Of til• "" ' •:' 7j _ , -1 ~ • 1 Comfortable , Homekil , rt/`4:TIP,I Yr lkliT4tr!PY/Pflgil. ' .1 "VIM I.?l,o4Calgh cur apocattms,,,,,.. , .. . S. S. fatTAN, Wolter, • 4•"%•:',._ , :, , ,Hofffi l'auftli aMmt, (Burtch IMCALOm3 , _:: ~., 7, : ' I c :ItIMANTrgIILL= g AVIV' , :', I: • '- • - '--" - •• -- - — 't --;b,.- .' ti. ;,1,11.-C . . .. ..r(. Orif niTnliq 114 Aprea r - t . t 4) vt: -.. t , •:tf au, iv • (Lg . Qiiiiiilli v indiani.ciiDztotwilittis... -4 to a good neighbothood, eat/venial:it to mil* WI chds=d JUllooo‘4ll4.ooot - fOni !WM Vat t Aor tne_vbialy!iaslanNZlancossaaosE l as oa f. +RED rom ; weil thear w a aters izta % it iminicaa n4 wall eal ovsl,,_ aniated . I lidliVary toldataDOSlglit Soon*, ,Is ata ial ltatart 74 e c i Tfra th i = DEl LSZ aluastamt'7 lall4 NV kapolkua tt liaguayartilitarallarpria_m , r W ter at the house; all zmigarr-euPz“ , 3. S i OBOBARD. ka. atePt i all: la, ,raPlati-arlar as th e. Firetoll.D. , i: - v - . •-. 3. :1-.3 V/ 1.•• • .. t ,• i ''' anitateAMPFl,7,lttgeir la Ma wakes :1.1 car fatttlarinfaintattott, . tit, • - ,r o ,- .1 ,I•:4, , WiAL: LEGOLT, -,-, .?,,! a*.••••:. •,-...i.tai Laawratretar, , ft L,. ~ ! c., rr,...) 'MAMMON 111711=. li t 'it . SAMIS- 4 ' . i'iitittiortOt clotteasfrlor .. ax= ' litri • • co 0 aq111191L . .. ,4 , 111,1.! 1 .:.,11 .011.1E1013SE e Enottiuvrituwitwmii w k h w •Tiuyttatre all Ifiti'alr — lt• a.... ... :: ,,_....6.A.f.olcogiCklmirelt. iceptiftit wi • . 4 = l cm:can, &e., and , ita 9 , l , apfax : % ' •=ii —' liti tr. . .. _l •IPPM.9 1' 1 ' e,.,...,2_ 30, • , , -,, ' DM • : AIL, ttk.i - : — .1:(117,:a„ -R . .‘ sag ',ORI ekininsestinems and obssailtal sonar, siss' Osklank ten a. r , waft ism Us lastasundsungs WSW dots kW udicumaumuladuemy claw %vim:tummy Oista iiii*roonioritztusUadzWysiser thumlca Muumuu a/Ventnoi 7al u- sad instistVot siltrEnanVicawSOY; E . anickoduma Ps_Us fflin. u. asl. 0 .41 corner Pear am Wayne West& - :- ' - -gtatiligivaa&TA: •• •• ,!-•-• . - .. g ood data a, ...101 • v=lazro l. in vi lind =WWI Ilintal ,Pnay•Oltgat _ • - adlei 4aueleiNtrrittm_wlsteN Clete . AV.; ° spew = name OottalMostatz.MMt : • . 421thate, .. . 'Altlll334...enstgavr ' ' ' ' ' tcu&Dgl Js :4...,,,jc,..;,!..,1::-:s33taw:-..,..,„, 4 re..m11uvr%.,,,; V.o.lffr:: exuat umplorilum 1 varietref •Fraltrsbeintlirtag,ll vita stow. foot Th. terostorg Frame 44 House. or MAI Eerie.. s ~,tws.,m",•&:MegaZyslittsteiltort• Make el the Onio river, above high water j • tor Paso tFa W Soehlroteg•lienrgetesittri: • Mid; S Wiwi, on the , Wa11i1MM,11907,23.4812,L„fa.' 114 -,421r504.tAM11":54,;::.;0,41:11 .1711 r*4 • • ? RliAlat--Otur-SECORD 433 5 ELM) nearly &mai bat 10 Mao ci a4 tir 4b and a ro hes diameter fib Lbith i ne 4 4 P4ii, 0u.5.4 top.* ; Rim fd earl at W!Pt t Iron Teak..., lita ) SISIAL Wulf kg z i l6, so= a .^ s 4 ;P :Pdlit 4 /1 1-P / T 211 Fr 744. F oRrBAlark,4artiteellesSir IMAM S:utisapoOt very ty tato& Itolltf_ tug!. gt_llOOFA St tt strait; - moms =so ? =wilt haat Tat ol tuned% 1:02; " • tal"ze3.- dlizedentith - MU:mint* least ow, a tapes . two 11.40 ti fitowt clOmoty !Si/I.ft! V feet; hot sad told triterputopac .E:verything oomp _tete sad rasa 141 6 1;011 Oro& • • Striap i r..lloLri a. i 'lo2=i i'olittAlliy and DaViespo sttecit bank 0 An etheow thin non Eh* Point. dean COMA AND LIME PROpERTY 808 PALE—On the StoubeaTale EarOads Senn 112nita4pat the city, CONTAININOORERITARRED AND EIGEITY. iSIX - ACRES, . , Steroirand Wirer T'loutlog artTfliw Hdl. =I Mart flue Iroprovemotri. Tor (unbar leorolstlop, OpplX • . - WYT.T.rorR o r tt ARD street. Xo.'llo. A AVTIFOL t I.OCATJON FOR A 'PRIOArg PILI atipAtes walk from 00 tiAs et thy 1114Fast1. - 17ar i spartleilfux tok ," ' 3.44. T Wzas, 101- SALX•.,OIVZSCHANOB FOR F O.IOD OIL STOOL—A Maws jitoSiair Sack Undies. tweatrlneh itrokel' teen feat ay twenty , taut 4ea„ts....4,.tnepa rlll3r, aloa older. A PP r i t 4 - IN St- 00 .,. ..JYtt le2 fourth Unlit " V. .13: A: a,EIS : • lAA; . e7:4. iron SALV--Twindr.4lmt. • • ty deep—Two Fmnirtoilki • . 1 121 •",,- OUTILBEBT &Boss, FO . :. BALB.-4:M12 'THOU 0 .. 1,1, 0 ,. a L 0,004 rwo- I gicTiSz s Tmitt lira pzefitzT . r, -•• siflthair - kit= Je rig T •'""A n ce 92171 1 21 , = xe nz i u 11 =2 1 r. iota h ioExrzernir.' lOS, :atik • • I. • v IttinaßSPE gADAM r a se et B DiantoND and 0 : - Sklentoces.-Ds b . • . DL IZINaXI k assßoaloso P liadaelk • P Clef L ;XV, TiCES• 1121—nuLEA10118. THE cur -1 Alibi ll•Cret It wi t tr tig t ougl yd eT e gleion u ores ' l or In some active disease, or It may merelykeep you listiessilepaseal and good for nothing. But you nennothsveffoodtreadaVirtilleyour blood Is Aran'syarn Impurities grApAl latea the purges c r i t ue tts: vigorous action, restoT he ° sl r tri nod expelling &mem flemitaWCes awes aVarfatgof son. I plaints which are caused Impurits of tne bloody ' such an SaufuLo or Raw Evii, ram., Uk.., sma t floos, fienpla, S tatutes, Rolls .st. An- Skonre F ire, Rouser Erysipelas, rain or Sail Shouto, Dead Head, Ring Weea, Cesar or Conavour To mas, Sore Rya, Female Dun.% inch a Retestan, ainderep, Staihifin tinniPB-` DU. or ResaarDfacen, Liter Compianis and Heart Diereses Try Aria's SMISAYARILLY, and sea for Ira:men the enspristrue atlvltY wkict‘ it' cleanse. the blood and quren-thesendisordere.. Brirlir . egstagsby of Sir apstl [ L ta r im gro pe ad ono in jo t fle_ of these have !been rands rms n the, enek,far they not only 000. ?lain little, If any,9amsparlila4 but often no ours igde properties whstever. Hence, bitter asap. bitter has followed the tile : fif-thevbrlnlis orglintasplailbi 'Which hood me , market, DUI the name itself has become synonymous with Lmponttion and cheat. Still we Within compound , 81 emtrrlm=trad t bil r ound sy Wh i ter reel, nB. We think we ; hi for believing r im virtue, which are t o by the inn of the diseases 1.1 ts Intended to cube. We can only austopkthe slog, that : •nro pelican= the Wt. altatintabitibbitiVe know how to produce, pad we have restos to believe, It II Yif ifOOdi_J •! r , b yfar the i st f etftstualg i n i rifer ogh bloryoB OOyared Arta { "tbars ol tuveradlyE own to surpass every other remedy for the cure Of rfte-es, Cbldr, inflisencri, Hoorrenese, Croup, Thu*. mwWie , if Wlriali4 for the relief of onsuniptlvi Patients in savanced Cages of the awn, that it is mien here to mount the evi. • awe of ha virtues. The warldknows than. Prong:alba 132..1.10.1Agssir.001,1Lberdl; gaol Di sold by B. issutsirrocin 8n Boa, and by all Midst. Jr tfamwswieod PTITSBErIteII BAIT WOBURN HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. A*2o . ~04di:4 6 . 01S ' ' CUtilift . . ,i' diAtaAWA OAST Sitne SAWS. Of Mr to -1 ..' • =6 / .. , •b . SUI• SW* 7. , OrouCluk 0 and ill. 11?:45,1604fttai prO n a e n r IMP I Warebome Orks;eatteiWiTES aid ' '.igt ST=l.ttalrart.,. • • 191.8-01zmuLtr il eag pl ahre... • 9;', z PDAtldAsidd - MSIIIIS .10 • , elgart... , ~, 0: ~ . .. . , ,• awady •. . . 4 01/14-HARNIIVICLWiIt Zebra tle ra heat IMMO.** • • I*** 044 opirAtiv sits= • : it:l4 0.37104 uit.34, mut • uortmer. implored . *My:* arkpr , MaP - • tiiayiaea taitasindtatttre'llimrt d ptipadt 2WATF,E4,-• ' • tletbe . spaztuer t ot au g n w ,, ritt_ t gliK, r ntUidOn 7l4' j3O , O ,NDENSAB • 4iLL I KINS,- mut •••• • grruos.. HIM . • P. otr t It% role um44o=4, at BARN WI% DU,U4k#4N Aosta 11— ZAITM 54PZ 4 1 474 !COpieriEtLand iineiting WO r fiC4 + FMK IVIPIJFW & CO. g ' ll r geß, PRESSED I ING 30 1I PPER Irj, N al kß. wasED ju enmr. 130TiOnar t rT is a rt._ Sni AI ZE% - ißort, iste. :Pr co lutad n vEuirmaw ELAyburt and •ii 4 No. 141IFIRST ft:11208EO. , smmEn3, pe Dumb. Stiirial W6lO If 1. P el im "" m •Y ' P atteL , , ~ , • ptioorol , non , How. ' a l Ty l g s tat c a i m i tio • 17 1• . 1 ,I#oo/X 4i gs4 ' • ;to vAluytegit gentrally frorr tlinatlefeeT eing:Elts" , Mental , -And • "spool rostating teem Sell 4ltarok Lo.i try. •T4i.rumnunwsza,:ftle, , 'Aeuthor Of ebo Akar inn r'& 43001 e e""•Ttollsemos - on • • 114.1.1:1102,=£ Ha, Lac *plant chili o any Manse poll paid, 00 'ocelot of do tw nostegeotr ae, mine Yoxfa' ,Post _ Dom szciz.,-Aommicatmissa*n •- •• ••• • to taidtk.= isnerfial' • • :4; ANr!" l .llg= snesma, acciakt=s; toaommPakW t 01 4.021 -111bgtat u = 10$11. tit.Th 024/../.010017r ifirrotft. tr.,. • 7:: ,• brelaller, t . IttePcsii?.___*:2 l 4;.*: slgisilaii: .-,441,uw•*,, Akwolasis.,.„• , • , '.l ',' , V. ~. 'lllliXtaiAitiVi!. - . 1 .: : : , 'V; - : . :" , : -. l . lAn td , 8 ri..5 TE R47,12 4 4 4 3 i lmaiu s.i.:imAiie.iimsgsvisriccista' • PAs ... , 1,....1 . . , , .r: . a , . ' ` l7 :' . ; t , tailtalzksoz *lOl b. ' '''' 614 " 0 1 42 . 0), . .. • . . itr i a, , .It , „p !VMS e ATnti t eir . SA(L iao UHI ell ••- • t • ~ '•• . I: t ' l l :e 3 Mat '' • ' 1214 P t : ':' UV. :. .,, , ;.;.: . s.t: ~ ;,,tt ••t :.-. I c 1 1 . :1 F 31 . ; i;e; tr 0100 " iar tdiat antig°4 9l ~ 412 ippuov ß a4 wicsugon.A.' , • A pp. ; E. ~... • 4 Initills• "-•-•• '.. ' BA.Z• . d V WAS 1 411: 1 iPAI I 11110. .4 , • lit and SAW •,. , 7 le . .. .. pa. , , , *NIP A. St: tiOLInITIVAISDt SID wholaudo osmiza atrOlk :,:mateArduZ,, s, Warm UstrrQtaX otti abletl both t r i g lust} Leos E4CZID 4,844 10 TX, ildstokn ll, gl. ast ,310320.11 dE104112'13 WM BMW& . Matra"' Og Jammu Ikkol4 Shea, Stitt's and Balmailh, 401's alormA.22 - xweis. cant of m.o. oucacesifindris tifr do. do.ainorrk $2,76&10. do. C=a r so f Ma az:Children% Galla and Bahreat il i Cora and Youth's do. do. A n ll of to tan Dom at wholesale or retail, at lower tales than any other establishment., Cilve me a call before parcnailns elsewhere, ai J. H, BORLAND'S, - ea UM= STB.MT, Second door from Fifth. B° 1348 ? . fit3];topo. .dtfr 131-aittirs. ST EET r e VAIN 41-30t38; NErl:loopx , -:. :.'• ii ' , , ' :6( MitiDii : iiiiir 1101YDEr A li 0 will thEsittentioa kr: thapabllo to Vel U M . Of - • rizA. - . • cuunms, iticia bind =4 inlyin eves Vim; shoji Lim &ask emttraciti o , e nem y TEN 0 411. salt fstot terarlbOdi N ' ri, redertil. Este . andl4 =llSlYitalitletC4l 4 o , rbilaitidaaniSa DOA% torget.the Eedets'' 117/6 " Federal litgalt. e 7 (MY. J.A.IIIES EOBH , ' 3e. so 7itaikefi street BELLS TEM HIST. ' ',TUE MIATEST 112720 s • End Tlq ate9T.Pl:OlOl.4 um ,use COWSr2f6=ll3ll 3 , 3l2Mailek _ a likt,b , e e q rib nu Stun mired a OPtl i r AM summon STOCK. um Irrim StIgiCIER Ne.ltirß •' L . CiLEAN - AIM' MUER :=ll5 ' Mans Brewery, PECTOBT/Bani PA tilf-PtitifiVrOettt —0, Vilitoli — Bili . iki. " l4.-lIGUST : , 6 - ttl4o.*.kiiiiiiiic ' parry ~,, stß.per *lutist , to. db.,' '•ddeltddltt,tlittial; 23 -dial tilt 232. 12631Y.Evdelne— 14.60 - trat:,622. ' da do., servo] by carriers. Is tong s ttbek. " NW, pp' , 4 10 41 do" /Ingle ...... t.. VOW , .( 1 • RATES 'or AtIVE:RTESINO.. 022 3013.11A111-.171.11rD1X0 Per iihuty fa czaNti, oil Is wfWILIT . 120 7.:: ::... 110 960 . 111.15 15 ' • , is' 200 125 123 :.l 10: 200 116 2. P 3 22 2 lc! I 4'4 711 tl,fi se IX , 1 , 1 ! 'il:21 1 , it: 1 00; 23 00:' Dm time • • 75; -..., u l Two times... 25 , .... Three times,: 'l6 . i.... "'Aimee.— , 00 .15eek:::- • ..• 11 75 Two weeks—. 1 In Ml"eeks . 50 , 4.45 enUr...... .1 :25 .. 860 nrimoigho. 1 00 800 awn I 0- 10 gliiiiant:/10,. 06 0 , ii, 75 Rine mentim.‘ • _MAXI 17 10 Ohs Year..... to 1:w 26 60 I advertisementalweettedoneyedemayoe nem Et er the advertiser's Massaro, ate aharee efts excel Kama, (or to cents If paid at the thee, out nit be confird„%thatroalleMihraineas pa advsettear I Advertisementsrattacted for otherwtrs than ally ;ha ithataa act each days arthe Mich may salad. DeathNotima, eacht yrundes; adverttlai ng. oeva g , fr • •'6N` MAlTlsite [takes, SIM:00M advertisements, 03 or adminhafattieseldationalihen„ , I it i r lecutars yzepiar Apirramisiera. opt sipitil.abiilintal to thlt , oimediede Madded dfthe advertiser, and not ta. inelode dissolutions; rmatlon of new likcas,—Wantih 'ft—changeable (nee a week. Any plow to ‘ be charipedY trap. Maori:MOW. %..• t". , 't 111.0.3=r.zz:zttz iismantle, 30 • • "le 111 • • ..1030 Ins 0n311.8...1 1:43 • • ill W.. • .11 00 no Year 83 •• 33 48 • • 18 00 Flatagetkes +MIAMI the Above 'rates, tf d one month Al mose,, Joe,' loss period 20 rite a Use. 01 . 4 1 be ASROS , 4fir . A sonata hYta , imitatdefed es the tyde k ottss• • by ten lines of the ortilanty. : o4smUsimt type • (.LO. e Firtmak , a iniradeinVelladeitdil2. i Thawed, of the Pftlladelphlet greeted, wblcl thices loft in Oetotter nert; natir t erhith tlitt Vigilant Fire CoitiPank 01' this ' buy 'idu ,tor.o. part, promises to benne orr . Validate:o4oP- Md '1 edl,skindacer. gothm itp-in 'War 66t r ., {Ye learn that already the several tonlisidat net Turing the WP4l..J'l T <N ul efi r Ithllsi c-toa :the . cation. `This feature of the agatirtida fair-to, ' 146 erzerfolMMitilint hiadelUtatat fit-ahead , y all the .Jeaglog bands at home and from, L, ..,.4 IT TiYgInFM.IWT!rkir).I.OIAMAILS;;,- a r gi ein a m i t, r 343 4ir tuta ns ; V VI ; 1 1 - 0 NM, tork,4 , n46.orith4 Uhffe l l l-60 PtIP - lw k ose Company, the Unifeff Nitre .44 : r(q.e 'S la d er of firt" Was: l fft iMr :iedsl el :rol, lA" i 1 er, whose creell: g frformartolik the : pipltAl , L 'grcraads have um 'them' - litionet etliq; Good-Will e Comppy,.Tomp-,.. - 1 7 lite3,-or•WitterbittylChndeetleatr -- Inher , " al itmeneCobipittf 134eWee haii,!&•Phllatele Ctrl 2 ....VViatt.._,., ` , Eagib,..., 5 CthtePanYt Liohardt's usw. . ttatignort ; . n e Morn!' Saginocom- Tati, an efficient banCor :youths. from :Bid& • tie re; Philadelphia Engine Company, the i Sa thrift golPftt Obit. !Nilkattlijitrgliellt /go te 0 r clty bands appear in the line, bet, even ih services (orvitriettr *thitalas',cpautiy' , Or 50=1110216 714.pe_sgdpigt.,. ; ', , c. , . liter' . Charge - a Lorelei, •• i kihtodey lett a tootAicia Max. tiloracti, tete of ,a beardluKtnrste irk f uvrto6eqiii; ha *01,64 , u fo*/tuzi, .4_ i - 44:4 . iing a o named IdtDon4l4 and tilt irttevOnterOd' ilgeSlVthett:betnte, Ittl :834031431 in ila'e 10 V 4 P 1 .' A - m* l o lrirtgOrin *MO.* At i 4 'th 4344tUcrhataind. Ida agelieretbre. $ •‘ NY atuelLtaLtat-withact iiiarmitaay JUN! tb P e iran t M4 *O 4 mid `Pi l ,e#:*erk* 'b*thi'liiliestici4);on, ten*OWltil 0911 14 4 622 P et • UTh e ttht trti§i !'tr l , 014 44 7:41 41( 1, *Ai hitn tolp , " theond t OAS Pretnllflarreal.madisaldr-M - ' • f°r itl PA' a V AsV :q ce x i i - tIT WEirltiititi . r . 0.:14. , s*9lSVt, , iteotobeel , Ailt. se say better , Tros 'toyed, 'Ad.! toe ... 'booed MAY*, was ratan/ to the cite, eh .• thetooftlat oh WI Met robigottOata to ppm eat , Saitteday text. ateltonal le a t oo • *allotted , so • the Mae tastes Ammar az" `liax# ct good eerdattoo: 'less ere is iv • • .log4o feapaPi' luld',a9tb Ad VP I Y I •• -• inc onsegLeaggta 049 Pnanin: , 4 •Vt.• '• ... le whichen ham beeloulbelsed. Itb " ~. that another Plat!. an Inmate of Me , b 0 " •14, OK 04 auto as now Wog' to • 44944,4 ergo up= tdzibillienatnivenibla '',W.- Ali ot tbo (plea ;Amoy lb•abate,•shit tate believed that 1 1 0) Vet • *Utile doh thaik,••bred cm tei IdentUed iu :? 4 , AlYalerCe o4. 4oipf imtotni'ior - , ~ otia. 4 .'‘'.ili',,,riv colaiii.o - tats .46 , -th ilt Dvltig iskPri#ln 1 3 1,,, Ittatiltb*r 1 0 141 'ad eiliA4 l of Jsal 28t34 ioa foUgnisil 0 1 ~" 141nd In PtistinradszahOjeggiatinie, * my tag tobd to bear Wedges of the la 'Ols enemem*lotaotry tell bore* the , kb* welt' ttwey''whea trentet, by the goat; 'an loyolpeaide 'int Bltteborith. what 'on ttude_ ret home. Ittirebook Imo told ine that Psi" IA free, the. ioett anal .they had Wee obi , •••114:11),ote hams three vend qv. , 8 made me feel proud ot my wain di ota-anldty la obleh I bad Head:. • ” Mho= may, Wick attat• moats &Wiled i i -tot totlon t :tbolMWolltl'aetbatitchOc 71: , 'AR tbtaable IV , * • 'RV* , 4; sibt , so to 9ftla u , C bieti their special ObJeit and pleasing ow to t a elnieregood ot =sec - weaning MBl i iing e,, to Mil MOTO, eitifella without P , r . 0 vs our;:tzspou.„7.' iivt,iir the ten* or: .anda ,wbolune'passed thecae), •whether se . doom. pinto the troataabronned ,yeter-: alga retu ntr ig from anullot, ell 'lola rer . liw ta Pitts the aohoithegat Moltb ut : the New& In •• at praise to No Wh else In the coaatelbara 'the•Puha Üblool been enedolbr soldiers # emelt, and no Dotty at won end woman Woe =lad with , more unllagtang tool than the Ilttobtdsb 84. - tattoo ccusraltke. A Mean 'Mt. ikime days ago, Major E. U. Oath, of the 21th. Melt:gen Infantry, while paining through this eity,lentere4 the Rash Rom on Liberty street, . for le propree of g e tt in g ' meal. While there het w a the Spencer repeating carbine, be. longing to Oliver Graham, one of our returned Bola*, who had paid for It on his discharge. Cosh took the gun, and demanded by what right they kept, this linked States property Li that bomb. lie wall told that the gun bel onged to a private soldler,who had meta/led It from the ~ governitettOut be Would dot listen to the az• planation, and took the gun with hlns—puttlng oh'ad air u though he had antlawity to pick Tp xrattoßtates property wherever he found it, In plaintEdglialt Ise isle Oialteun's gun. , , , ' - •• Thiel ..frgallant” Major has aineeheen attested In Metro% on a telegraphic lAstrateli from Map , or lout and now Irf • etatody In. that .city. , 1 Ire no doubt amender op the gun. mud hy , illicenettioactrher.c lateettittottllor a i l lw 11. end ' ' tenkwri' hOwelefi Amerce, :be an examt , le 4 i .d A odleex , who :wo ea dem 'mama es to of the property of a. , ,int should have his „etc** , APO ad 'vir hie'etterd teroltaildiumwm of gds fell,' -, , ' tiowdyhirniinivnannati.. i. 7 • , ..6101414111111% In the. ATI/33111:dpi ClachnOi. was the tseene on fittniday e Usk tfuigqirtisor i mad 'dlitirban*, A large Une.:aitieof .. petMl , uning whotel were a, number et egif char re, lute Collected , Ia a barloong'what Mon them COMMernted imarreAng'lhd Warn , Inge angmangnmenta - wlth bleu, 4,` num ler v Es eibTDMVIATIndolge la the lung of a ' llghti . look Wet with the tw o MVO jorel'o the dlfiletdtp2dija,'a very ugly ti gh t WO! 112111 lately,',lgangurated: .Platoln and halms, were deed kaly, fanny° was smashed up in .a manner most eustressingtoAr proprietor,lad the creeldez. of wlndows,ldehteg•glastal del =Urea antibeer-range, wed Introducod u a ten . Or In Ulm grand concert of the noise of Matra. tlon. {Two moe nametKiandell and Illdreloils the latter forint:Hy osf •tbo 'pace 'force, ywho, unwillingly became mixed troldthe alfatr, warp shot, the former through the left breast...and the latter through the right, ahonlder. while another . ri rece " .. Pll/0-stAkthrova ..utanta , . . e g . Millowrs CoMpUnnentaL— The Boaters Co Aherttrer, alter gluing ritetv,innun iashow the promptitude with Well ?Wale are !abed who break the iair. when tho are up tenre.hte goner. law', . • w i ce glue malted compliment to Me migusneo`inek actlvit of oar genies,- and tons r:Tee 4 .!'llat' Pula Mayor evidenthr _mum It:Shall 'be ' end that lams mean somethhist bi hie Mt,. ' - and t lanqualomsahall notgonnan , dshed." . . , „ , 'Merl linlede—An elderlisum , named Thy. Sloan wan; killed on -13etrullay at-the boatlard , in ' , scallop, Bearer county. Sloan was working at the twitter of a new boat , when, by some -Mena i it became 0.40. d and fell upon him killing him instantly.' The deceased had a wile. and family residing inFmedorn. Trititors Sneaking into ttk it ., cgt ' uraixti, t Damara GA-er" I : k,few days ago a man made his @Ramat In out villagn who had re sided here. before - the rthisiffseis, ehd who, lit was ' ll 7 lll2ll l,ltad.beem In Ake rebel araty. R e was notified by some thlrt7 citizens that his preter ee , lusts objectionahla. and that It would be items ia447 id Picla 36l6 -0 5 d'llitTll A . 'liPergled lame. er !the necessary- etepswould be tagellt tai "enforce ,tae order." TO Hie goiltle'lte,rsegak by letter; relitteednif a hettring, whirl was graated. AS" . the appointed. urge s timiber of,,qtyppo Mgt gllm at the-Postoglce,wrhere our grlaymites Were 1 ' 1 Wed, to which he replied that hdlgibteti the rebel arm,. etc. MC had aid in 04 ivy Yard at. Mobile, bat he "only worked for Hying: , tie had F enn there Wine the war. and "cmildn't get. IMO." Ele. etrimowledgett that 10 , 1114 bode cenartiptied, pad then datOlnd to Work in thelifaryTkird,Whcre he remained to the surrender. He situetlesd On a elsit to his picrids, and be claimed the right to go and come' when and iyhere he pleased. HQ had not taken top onvortbod Oath: of 'Dom* Wants the Provost Marshal at Mobile had informed him that It was mammary, ;Amami; as he wan annendered as h "citizen:" Now I write for Information. Has a =scrip. td rebel a tight 'to 'VEratebtaate the country ,rlthottt taking the oath, of allegiance? Were they not all held as sadism, subject to each or arliDMOte t7n gara ilW man a l i ter ti Verv 'll e l d th i:o d :t 1 e ttecessilLof can La the oath? . - Ai thlel Is sal anlsolated case, It may be well Inquire Into the propriety of suffering a horde f tutconsclanable villains to flood the country. outing of thearslor of the --Southard' dlitilrY nd the "brute force that•tidircer subJ egged cm?" This fellow Informed us that Binds the pagan of Mobile by our' army, he hati4mard anY'Nederalofitemw altylt would be an_,ontntge d tabled kith ar at . as . 1 1k.b b00; ,, ' at o familiarly call the great leader Of the rut: oa the MeesnFitiCrkitialtilaell'idowif Atorioa to AU retrNition bribon I Mttny , of MY COM , 111.kruut ?rare entirely otaivpd to death , the prison papa ofthothlvalroveleOptederaea, I al hate *tuba, Ile T . lista •.•thli Mid of all yg. ter Sad H amm It ono rebel more baleful than soother tabs tha rebel of. Northers' birth. , The question la, shall we suffer these nutmeg criminals to lefect Neither* toddy rlth, their. Idouthern trebtra t, VW Mot' derNW w4telight, Mg for slarell4.'lla warneetl* anddadbfally as if tiley we:mints:rested In the • ivine lutitntion . i" god yet thoiltheht sot' fe to epoth to' the ortatoerady: WhOefin fath natio deogi opina dearadallokt, ,1 , ~1 _; •, I Vitae fellqwo oft ;tlead i tthercrero"cangns. in the Soh* it tile fifes ant ' of tkii.rli el= ' lied rand Having been only teraporahhtit4o,l. tiomn g t ch -N an ce g P e n e i,r&mmnai.d fivsit t t h k ey t Wi ll ntaefnm citizenship hem, notwidltig th elr pantr of alleaSlitif toilhe bogus Maf'eders4 ■ and the r Pete' DM driPeo , ' to AO 40m,. will bo 0 dating' at _a I t he l oollartrot to their , Deaoenraa - tincta. will th ey ho allayed the imetnei t ties, o citizens withottilifing thegiseitot of e amnteltrrilfaretf i i i e Presidt',EA,,' • hitt th e' oadVAOti ; aok , rn. , favor of mob-law. bat , lthillovelthe should bra !deka oat of Anger .ilnemat.'bommtudtrllfcrt - they st.lll treall pf cinersiesed mind atorror,trodon' priaorterCand the Meador- bntehttrod innocents na:ednnithatf-haiddel- LEVlttehtiailt Ofiddo l 'bil placed upon them, and Ict them be ,spuwied ; actlilftwilsialletyl. , . Whig bar olfetillas` en wine down on many a baktle-dell. thea, " 019e4lAnitkilrla ninaniiplietk bYa- Attu-, a Can 1 and when the Confederacy collapsed ' a,oun:Masille.,sltroiitir,imd'united pith their. els in asomblat { ,4,lte "brute feria!? Now th y tiockttAliVertA,lwgme In searclaot tread, Ao eto reettperata altar tong montherof watch- - , I. tug in gene riaB.ciitotit some to bn i d rrils"' */ ere cider , and:.tho,%-legiPlete iht'ili voile 1 which AT wept' *pato itt.teatte“. ~ ~ 101kIlintlikEnk.. 14 . 1 savor_ltiev4eorge,'Ostairia4i Lf •I'' ; tifi*Ut tiirik•*& - triMalrY .tics iwisi:. tb symentifgesttbitrbaotheoveibifagitynkaulf an euculld *Mt, limoadtatcly ommtbi the k ulnas Fate ormiiirif., tiiiitarClA'rest9n * ~ huge mama gen wsilost,ere , !bps deb:444llA ,farYa l l ii tenible wisit;iila, vs.* . - iit!: th ek *atm a Sollokiti ,ina. slut • eutaittbe, ~ lepithig!** Miff: •so mid org , yr freeuddetable i*tama: . Oa ttokt valitable•gor** tittle mill iebiartiettfu;' te - MI it'aelfriiapitafr facietlca=gt Ilier • •• • damg. Mid Vtda Were oft• des cattuitM‘y._lloloA9MpitliNgbl TP, .b.••• Itgbal mutuateS.,:l*.e t l brtbu - ' •e" me, be eoutected 1,176). we WOO aiira, - bed flu Imougb to embrace two tebyrapb lail e • Co bi nn Uf i rry tw il gomauger-qalmoir . pease* for tmacrtnv litg and C O* obetrectlen would be calmly te• - • ed before may other train was due. '_. LI:: . ...IL G.T. . -- • 1 ith by irriiiidnig;-11nrirde the'last trip ° t ' e Emmaqr l 4 l4ll 4_4 l ? 1 1 ._•A ads elty, one or her II • en, na=W46ltrabluel, fell overboard near Orstalian. 0191fI3terlIngn andnirssdreornotra TT eoessoi resided at Loulavlll., landlleemere: wlr andiwn ehlldrert" , /311,•:41boVe_ Olk Ne rest eat of,Al3tWor Irisf,:nout4 bgiAt* , , ef,. and" untried" hie Mat r vat. WY 0 • oundilsec net euriged; lbs , noessal Is Ids top% in Clito'dt.3l, bdt On- swab Onity! Liss been acting as Amman on the river.''' „ , I ' , r. E. 0. Joneit, tbr b-rerma Perke Lanier VI •a Clibeens Bank al.Pittstnigre the - lihl• and =twin CsablerAt4st Nation -0 ; . of St..Lbubs liMM.I.I, Vairterly . •.. of that instlintion, Ind tinned. we leans it the Ita intrtAbi Inwrnew theietted- SIAM 02 current ezieinses, $1.94103.) bakir4 PaY., - ) Itlnit tantireVretakitt byeite OW Cant. est:talcs. mines business, JliunT . Int, li3Bl. __l, 1 ' • " •-, ' - an si trudiane-at . leper.thz Of 1 ; 1 Bomdt Pf n 4t n e i tiodioner'ibuo* , l itql , .. 11, desiol , toArrg. l i - _ ecentithig satoo stem, druunsas •-•••$ 1 ' — ' l a ti l vt , 7 s ,lr= e V+ , Fans Lyle, Atlas Manta A. Newzooni l 14124Jenate eithSiloik. r , ii , (1,11r+....1 selling • Prisoner.—Thomas Grady was courndttlktle•lail -today; •tkit 'Mayor to newer the charge of rescuing a pits and also for committing an assault rind ry time rdlieet; l Mlinot.t .1114. &Maar out of the arrest of Hughes, whose cue we already reMteq: 1,1.13 • led by Llgtitnlng•--Daring the 'Went • • ••• er storm ors Ssiday slltspoon,lll2.ossrlets residing bear `Colainabalii 'While ridi ng irdg In , UsaltMuislthiett-Idre the •ei bls body. • and then !Owing. along Igo spa Wigan, Isnied•botb. of Idstorted.' i l ttiturPo ErfAed---1 - 44 bats of sa coin soldlee. itardhesed to belong to Pitts= 1 , was found in, 14.8cluqlkill a few dip 'ego . . e Young tuna irritid.-4arranted to mum Private Dtheaso., Box mkt by Druggists. Ask for the Young Maxi's Friend. Apuede* - Whig the symptoms and treatztent.of vale tBtesses accompanies each Box or can bad by addrcashig Young Man's blend, Box 90. cthelensil . with a three cent stamp enclosed, to Jos. Fleming, Charles Super, J. M. Fulton, or 8. W. Fox & Co., Allegben.V. ,lagloilm U.ArD Eh Tat HE R 9. A I4EL 171%TrA1RM1.T.A..1=1.114 • 1 Fourth otrootAlttonuPo. doFo 1101 Of I Undo. MAY ' , ..,13L411fp0, and elm de. oa dp on of Funetal Farntatung -Gob& fOrnMher •undy tt e‘l " . en fl u il=tna ilg t. 4" —llikDaVid IC Ci og,t; t.W. lisobwi s I),L.OZnosoas Ewinx, nt alihr ta :';‘.lidid El!. 'UM. HI I I itls4' • Ot AND 9311 ' .01, , • •P • SO • 9 102... 'WTWIVIAT:- Aar! toinunt 7 Eq 'xriva,a4isaAtavargegustotters, F veal • • tt . nualo .earry_ou tlle c arlial 1 1:IN . ! ir. ‘emr'. `7 by ~ - Iwtut• • fly baticnrod &Lau eacurataos, 004 uau, Lira 91.111MUM i ft 11 2. 5 ul . • ..nar,.GOOD: ' %. VIWELAKIIK,TIBOIII4I,I.III . I.4I.I.IIFINNANOW USW, 05 1 1.9 Ca 004 •. 0 • imam No rounretruerm =sad -11 u raty ' . W00:1 . strati MN ,bottalaboveM il l nttatillinak $ EATON MACRON it CO. Wholeaali lad. shim eimaiist :few, CO. trrros, - 113MERILS and DINT.(IOOA9, Of SICITAMCAP VOL 11 sad .111 Filth ismer. rittitionme " • '3l A lletgafin a l iffartY Wh() ANlVß . . DFir (HOOD*, 0WR 440 4 sreet, pentrada robilli"Watul TOB ' PH BORNE; liVtiolesale 4 anditetat or soon. Maw at Tnutnalrodi mts atiOnSitra. Liam sad Th Mama atm} Orr Ojaraalci. icorlieur Fenn ane oar sired* Frrrsntracutikm. - ' BusThiEss, l o w4-rotaiza s St*Oitf eater atiou l tkg r eannufaitgfin'ittaiiiitioN% 'B6 fte°l4l ''? ,7 ,, 11 N- 91 ? ' 10 . 4 .4k4!kt0 4a4 xxinis • thalami aBI ' - ,nowaimamairr, -PrIMSUINGII, suicWilliawe grlaprlt , Stocktßrekers and Real Estate Agents Eitodulbougtd and sal4 culls am sommlN aroma, wigarne nub, IK)1) $: INSAant!M & CLYDE, NO. 78 NAM= • STILEL-2, iTav sans f dia o gin,4,:ir Nglj r, l4Ll.. TRADE. s w tera. [oast tuos'arg swim DrOG ar,=4 1 N ' Belt Males, • . , Usie Vets, . . Zia& Ties. . . . • Deems Butte *, • ~ Omsnerses: • . , Tusk Combs, Notions slid Taney .3. 0 6., I},79.Zikh Etnbrottlerics. ot every description. fientlemen's Filniishing Good& Ylas sad Taman/ EMU, Prawns and Vaal* , Sado, 6tl4Perdazh to . ..,. 1 TAERIDHANIS 1"' ID find 1:13V 'Wll°l6'l'll. Depertatead'verr cored Teta and itteictrthaoa PitiOVA Afi LOW Ad 'IltZ/ O ,wlT, AVE. ()Apri l , • We ore AteepLacturriltrimts tor tee salt, of ~ PINS, HOO AND En*" ": ,: : . Ny ttude often ,; • I sar awe culiman bane pubguilitos elsawbete, IrCRIJJA & ciaUaL4 No; 19FIFV3 IETINI/ r / • Wholesale Department NOW OPEN rOR 'B lIME . . iroktgi t '"Eatalif task distOref On 'et OM 00* the s4striWri Mu contgujili btu4=l2, Ernit =MOM .11/1-10- 1. I,ln vw, JetetEkii. 14400 e iidithaivittpgiou.pboas'anaittmlive **"$16,(X:::: VittOßSALtitoolt3 , .0 4 . 91*. 001*110b0IIN ;19,910i 41:fitylf* ,fbr elatoize: 11 . 7:1131 'FM: GOODS,: • .. - Y:1 • t „-, : ;. • t ilp i4t . e 7-71 J .• )?i tmrla just ova la , tiair sato& 40.1.4V0.. . o .dda PI, Mul j.V 1 . 3 4....C. 6 .4 01 .4 go , wits , attantlcat. • , "Phins Wag aniIaaAtuMS3II4IWRCIIMI 5 1. a Thtt9 5 4 s APif t illati .4.ol,ll.o a Lam MEW% laaaslit atilt :no tal Iratii VAC I - tair am Vobeciat 1 Dupls. ilicacp... _tamtztrx a t igi I‘ ar ea :tte s r F g litt r__. Itil= :AM Ban ataa.da 5e.1.0.v• a" rm. lOW MCP FAI O • - •, - ;:i. ; ~.l ai J '4 4 1 ,A7.71.4 3 .± 3 4 0 0 0 4: •,- .-. 3 .- , ::, •1- ~ ariftanuma iniataii.ui ist4ikui , 1 't . • idithia-4-410,- t. .- - -LT: lAD ;-. r Voloa rECAMM T:STRiant : • YE JUST ABItiVAD'IMO. , ,Tsol •• . t3T APRA jutirtteallT stettqlko4 ititastatentat - . UT eXn STAPLKt SUN lona Ii• bi t % i titqi, mits.unig, , • 7114 era Rubber rill to - I y imaLl Ur attatintm • Skl , • it . sail iliEetiAA tteM•DempegiVilt afir? - ~i,,,,,- • TAD= :1., , Z. • MIN ratort3wlr=rll • • •.« ma M Ocaot ts. &law.) Lao w o =6, , Mtn.' ' .......t'.. • “tr -- _- , r. . Anti : • 4., i ,i t. tlakalli „. ' ' ni r , • • • 'S NA SA Ve rli gM r aa l • • •,Fatuty (ketbs. • & earl lid To and a Von •Itteis, to nag - MO :i2.li3ltikettest . 11Z _...,. W. W. 2400g,HEAD'S 81 BLAIMEIT STREIVr. Emßsonmuzs, cossars, Batas, - W. BONS, /ACES, to n as, Thp swat swim memos' meets aim*: 003 LANS,I7BAVATS, BOOKS, fv2., &eL 4913 O.IIIPETS. OIL , OLOTIIS. Se riARPETB. 1.1 • , - • , , ' , IBLCIES •, BE 111111tER i • c a ra t , mem= aa,,,eattte carat traded " l e 4 =ll im ir :h a ffei . Ito sraeatioa of the r ixradi.,.atesea'S tess scoot. 17 I°. ARTO — N 7.1112T1L, new Mimi .. -. - oorrolf optiiii';, ; ':': , -, 0 ono) sea ainiiiiii` '' 1 -Vvin'ticiw" Shade 4 141 e ti m in g l ea g ue ; , ~t ) _win: alis:rabeFfcreg, esl 47 rermainfmET.. , wIf a ,iIibT , PUROILLEED AN 1 k i M sto,Fiettlinaislag, a aswassadssanaot to I . Ca r pe 4141 VOlllg HAMM ale gldei it adgidas . .to %tory :stick at goods pmt_glW I , 34s 4===uter , -*/ a , I -.1; ;1 The ifowegilqices , Reataienbla Sim kfo'Aittslll3ticirEitrs. 6; ; i 725 ITIRT.AOUIO GO the Past mos. , ; - c'' ' .I.4IIrMARD azo gicgcnitz, ' otrea . P itki-iiiid,Zertiatiligh' jubt, u tt ar szz ra ‘, i , - 71 and 77 FULti gnat 1 " lar-VoratzEr. talu`c°7*'' : • -- • .1 EWD.4.IILiCIO4t, E' SPL Flater7 to NaitIONTOOD; ; %rg . % it tlet,gr y ji tha r a g ro nra to SWIM' atthalotrestrotots, IWEEKOVAL.—We have alas day mama ~±4l , t , NO.II Woof KM la Jo. IN ad 1111:1 Pen Ka% Pitt aaaboaavalta tas ►Manama fallrzel fesaN, AIDIOR h 00 . Praraurzaz aFAtath INC • • 'rzerawratit.; N. HOTAWS. - ,k *SONS, Na 67 Market Street, Pittsburgh. PEPosirs EumErvED I. Pitt 713109 AND 1.161 , 4:4Adahl • ?allectionanuale on Staler a all the awl thos principal anta: of (hated alaa. =CHB, ' . BONDS AM) OTHER inztarma ID sr' , ' Er t i te rrya sttealOn 04 to thalinaiiscap .grATlN—.SEClllWElF4 Sputa' OD SOLD UH.UOMMIssim. T.CLVDIMII I , ,' . CMOS , . RAM aces tot 13241 , ' De. do. 6.20 s t • , r :Do. •tr t , Itivr: 2 10.4033 • . ''' -'• t • Do. z. •• Barat-TDDIDD l t • .1:L ty- , ••• - • Db. C'e 4 ?- t• 1 11 . 6. 131 .• , eXiDEDS ,enii„ , Ntainizi ...noinuce: int rr...,,...11r.-; isladv . MAW bANITI6S' BEM NOJ '65 Yam= Semis. oaarriatErrerma -- .. 13 3CIVVerlm a"*16 troxr: lazy id to No. - teift4 4 gs f 4 d =e k lest i, .C !,?',7l97Vl ' lieposits as)) suessof egiesetlestast ..nee,seeds sighs profftse7l ,34 a Tsg-, Wes* ase Deoienber. 'lseetertlas • • - sestonintstbs, ta Jun, , • ' • tbs •8 43,1 Wal XPAAZOI at..tke Weal SW • MI& 6 Tear Isterest, - Ybol enSittseit, leilleed toils , the • • tar.-Al' PISA*, add bears tea • Serest •• • thserst ys, of lassAta•Vonseszi, "e .....• twice s Without tisubilas ,d 0 , • L tlaq4oAn= Wiltdo ltzwt, t ) ..ks; eSefethiss , _ *IF _Ot r useteA.Optdal ica tidss . • Eastlake., =mum laseas,"es PlKl3lPEcatgr. "V 7 - J. ktittericet ? J • blue/ Ekeetafeb. - obit itebb, . Fstmeetook, John 7L Shoen.balgtre • kleTtus% •: • • - "EletAteriv .al=i7att_OPOß. PeousxX, •Centetlatuyease. , " , • 011311121111:103. ...... • 7 ••=2j.••• • catisalgak , •.• Peter ' ll ' " , . ..',..lobnleseshea, ,t. ,• , • ... ,•••:Nira ter P."..aLusbak • A. 4ateesZt.l3: . 1.11 • e.rra al'uoltos, Job_Lß. reb,P= a PcaNrs. . ~/311.13114: 'AL./ • 40enne, rl ": 7}gaater-OSA9. A. • Ta, . 1 0&101,177.7 . `t." rr •.1 .A 3 4 4 3. 44 Poagliga I N l~(c.. Eitiittiio NATIONAL° 'BANK ; petpitiartia iiifstoob,tioa, , with PrVii g lett of 82,c00t00g...:i • • • • aurfniftssi w :ATERSII3,,EETP - t 4 1: 11:E L 9PA I TM. Bank. orianized 4 trimiter the listing Bank 1 4, SYstets le Ithle Preintred;f9trel ustneire '1=4,1441',11 Wood l!c4NtEgi • Wleetiors nude OA eiOBOPEINfiI tado ,moK -fres'oraDlerlthic* Apettet dontarjb,r J 4,1 .0008 x, i'clpAtigs tile of typ _ . . U. S. snigt treainziffota;Z: , • - ;(lilaitiMWDZA t 'lptesl4lll4 ~ Y 1 M. UOBDORtoltif4ler i 1 ' iirPAIIF,Ort. , LOcIENTOoD ec 72 giTKERS. " "71r; tt'9 , ;(*..:ll 7 4 ll l"Atitp 4 kb • • )'ois l l4/ 7,lll!44.,liireet* . . z , timalar caroM3C47.:l' ens , fbr the- y___lratthas skid saliot= ' 4.6l,lll4mwousixnnungs • attid-tadllettalleitottatif_ _ *OITA nitla*.sttupesienzreattenatimes.Nralc, aist • • • Myst :or•tafit.n.licrate , ' sue pastas. I?.PY ll . 4l eAsitt, .144_ •• smrts2o, . . Arrro ; a. xcisivricsumi.snumue..ezi. I . • sium • :TE11,116.72AX 1 drlQo' ' ; arcms A BEMS see :wawa% , ILicessoal iffsgh •igintios' * ' . i+ 4 1 f -1 0 10ESIONif.. DOttfrlnfEt_taf. OR AT, PRIZE.EONEY4 00=EN BAT OE FOE DUEEES, anaisthes projec t = at d ratille LI Itkil:Arrtall of 1318 AToppAggs.,EF I PAT ~ AND J OPTIMA, witatexcm AND troArTEEDOLMIDE AO. CO * a.u ttd 'aid etztlfinatOr ,at 13140 • 241,D -A . • as IT Xlit attauted to uaf made fn • • ttO • CILLEGE 'MADE 131;IDEED DM • • * . ;80.'98, OR AISZ IMPT.,',' . : •.• ' C . - it. , , onat CIT'AutAGV 4O /•'1 . „ 1 4 4 , 10 t 48 , , Et Pi 2 gk=4'' 3546 v. amt ' - '9* 144'. *4 1 4k 11 0 rEmlue2) Egaii--Pgnitsolt),:i - _ li.ttprn„eys74 144 mama erszer. apt NV IR can had r upon F IT 1 )T.Tftitu aoriprOal:lN gEtiithr trl3e6ona 'Three 4 letan tanice ATII the MD bounty same salt V' zr fed the lull term o enlistments r lot smullATIpa.E.B&A: tee aria 132,1/10Wthini door Oaf ow _ T au rol, zrezY cmums LPENBIGNI& 301=130, BACK PAx Ina Me of esery descrlptlom, (*hooted. by. ihe (ter, at the following rate* elm Manila= other daises . 0. 0. TATLClEL,Attoroepat-Law, I Pro.l3•Graat street, Pfttsborah;Pa. Pf. B.—No charges are mede If the Walla does niA stoleeeld, aadall Inforolattoashrellirratis: 'zethr ,-.., , .errosaiwpi'4*'ip.,,iiv.;• , ;•o . :-,- ; • • •'Theirtazar PA: -= ' V,' nat Ga ig TILL aat Ota. rlltelalltla); . g% oad. nil all' calla legal =bleu atte a adol su to La WeSPITII Peemaylvo. lab., 017.1.3liWeag YlallOa„. -Balteeatram, sal rrew s Jobll fLarpft,Z o l.4 &Mow= ~1,, -. ..' f •:, ' n , , n.--1 novo • I . r - 47-••• s:• : 4 ZbN; r ,1 ' ;.,_ , . 1. zaam g i -6: 7 , 1 4,m 144' V 46 tiitlirtaiiii:ei. , 1 ;,,., : ~„,.,, 0 .,,,,,-_- ~.,--, ..,. ' , ; ~ .7i... ~ -.........—„, , c-.- .• • -.; : li-ii,1;,..-,,,,i.iit,.....1:.41.,..-, , aonacus.. ,wa l ti ~ . II • CIULL la • KRELL& 194M303fi,; ‘ ,.. I 0 atrortii*Nt4.444 , AiiianzbrimpsoLD/p4.. 4 4.4 1 i.i4ERT 6 , for Wax4l4d lll/12 t r °Zg an to twentydlpa. i • . 0_ • • • rfixlinurrirture,li Call • discharge and tsco crisnessca W• BELfri r EtA olitat A " 1 "- UAW iLI 4:m. a ST4are: tutti r ' fte 'N'Ziferieeka:4l 24. l fitri. 'Mat IitOriEVAP4,,IM*TI?PI . - nci EIM=ZEII=Ig ntiv a lcaur r . l / 4 .,.!",19401111 010T -4in.4104100,04`44.144iiii C 1 : 4 . G ' crit .. . i ,• • . .- ILi )511Lin,CreAD a 0,2 imasalat • • ell colars.iL ad4ZMILT•SIONS oniel•SISS Ws& to otter awl amt to •11 pada of 111•eamstrlr , • Wl= ALIKU4 II2 "IPUI, itcruiv. Panama - dais 4ritti itt6iot !ability. harmony of •oka an 4 iseittuzza of flaw. - work at namable iratos; •-. sklasair VLF.= EL 'BROW% • - Grate Outs maoi Banos! fillozsawa 1301781 i AND ffIGR POMMEL Intik Zut emu atTlard as 4 tioitet sta. n 214, I N E- w .-. _.-u,~,.~ yX TIANOIVI CittOrP =SE • w/119 HOP AM; =• • --==-• =I) z•,,•• , :•• -, • - : (y r s 1,77. - rE , O -ZIECKELASkiaIr • tatelOCStoeler , . • . , oiatt,..l r • • uss lkiXiElherCi, AND Di.b.1?... FQ6', FACTORY PRIM. A : . : 4 113 (1,93212( i . 1 . k2032, pro 0 0 4 tot t g . „• e... , 3 3., , ...II i Z . " .. t'IIEsCrELEBTfIaW) ' , • r - BRADDIJR:I4. Itilirn7oll4lii , ::: ! ..,-• tu &shoo' maoke ri& Co., -Thiliael ty.-: ~ _...,. „,.: ~;,:,' !.. " 1 , .1..1A N o.g:-:...!:;;,,, 1 ,::: .___. _. _., , . _ 1 , _. w' 3 1!..i /1 , 1 i rni3 kermaciiiV Oteisitt, ,- ,a3a , ifii44l - ',l , s oarrear.Dßaeataiduatedt by. amame' ,l nil who taxa heard Stuiruto ne malaria ~ •i, ne to other rnetramentE of thelisullaerate•• . 3 la r *mold Bralah. ,- ... • .•tt•t.2tt,. i‘t• 2. .Vine ', i' C . .. gti JO ti: . ina,ntaleits`witXtb barLaukato, 1 ,itter rLlV'ettrtrY. we nre,innttenenr tqh '' Webb atthetenatut!h act.- .....,, _ ~- r I ri• .. ~ Itnal klie 8 viss ingruz=b4.3l - r 0 oily acircrkii2,'loilhisi tingi btimitithi444: . . a redrotat• K roll . • nnutrateti Catnip s/I , o' ,• • I,.tehe en en shvlleattax•-• 1 , ~• 2: 3 4 , . im irs mm ia,, L idiwa t ia bili a ,4l .1 3 .E...1g1 I ~ t • • t• • 2 t , 1' ,el re . , )a u I , 0/iiili 3 PEON rliPit .13102%" ./ 1711.e.LX,..-Atta , juksing puma *0 Us MAW 1 . 00. the Mews. Kr,a . be & Oo ,Itzthltapanahlestot, ,t) %Vat% V.VAlL.'otztvik - 1! • ;= .121 - , -.1.1m4d.g................,.. , , ,,, ati ‘ Te r Car, tr,,,,, q* i teethaPette.t. 4 th their quail . jap.l,,Thit 1, powprfulo bear u,„_„,,, 4 tee 'eppe . Autos gym* , el state npremapilly ;Inelther.tclmthllia). Mit, L. Ertieeime tO express ip reger4,4 they Agkc, 1 elltellair 'CIVIC tlitletillon, and to &WM ILI t" , :thit Aro villzmi.if het super io r, to the tees mieA — ele i rsced la ref= r.. or litr- tnil GOT ."" s,Ole 2744ll Varnialt.ALTTlVßlLtralAt3dleAg6l; 7r— . jeg,.., ~, .9.0 . : ~,1- ,:a ruucseloeVir , = l- 110MIldittom zrecr' '' -',..-, r 1 . .ssimemwnizari 3 :010 lail(ii ''' . ll ,.l'. ad i VI, ,:j , lt el.d.N. . • t7" : ;•TI.ILT, a'•• - •:•• vtill - .1. I: .1i =CM 02 t...ea 1.1134PA1L43. 4 t1 itimi''' i '." . '" b fliff a *# . 4 I *.ln4Verf i t. r A ~.,,: , t ' • Wllik-,>lr; I ..) ~, ~y trlt puNKABD•E , MBES •• PBTROT,2OI' F r COMPArnr...^ :, , r , . • 1, • .t, ; .., I ..-.... -, I <'-''[ 1 ~.. 'CoIIO pf Amu 'finilibiiinelite:::: 5 ,T • - ontipe4 Inili• 'At nthnit in the tithing," ''''' gerblirPoolol7lThniallnolng and 311Atilltatty." 1.1 Amu. k ph , _swum: , nr.. , ths any . fie c 0 0 OR is gt.4oLOPltga o :4 3 4{4}4l NV Pl. Ilan " r,/ 1 . ' • ' ' -'' Ca tad eitenin."• • - " 'i . ,..' liiiiid l 7,-, l ..ll.44.a. :251 " 'Mr IrgAmt pi . f .. e . 5tuire...4.41. , t t$L1101:ow ~, s pri Gs.. ..13, ' lerealaeat--8 _ ____,, Gmazumr , , 8 l=1)a: er,r..' ,3,7, 2, T 4 .., z K o i • • .L 'm L !o.V.l7u.tTz • : IE.I qr P0n11N1;..,1,,. /L ... " / . ,, .i t i , .. 1 CLS AI 7 A . O :174 .t.iST., ..1L I t...:C .., ..! .1- . ;. s..+:t STAMMER , ...- ~/1 :t; c: : .1., JP '., ' , ..1 Pt; V i : .... . P r 6 •.4.% 1„) r cr) gc'T ~,,, f Jr-1..1)1v r :n1 PATROLME " ItEEIN E T I TI ' •1 •S • i ' • ,I. -.• 9-A... AJ: 1. 1 4 •. ,„•, Itp , I ;mt.& Rwarlirlieco:9.::, lei e.,11 ca ' 1 :,>: ~ I"Yirorl2 ..1: , !2..,! , : , ACI Ann mina bottrerl 4/11°04:Vaikb241•44 iiiii4 Ogiais/Mc. n : o• c t =edit ..sritki itia , the•hAtert' - • - arbieto - Nifflit' ' ; 'I floottlla f Mb* blacut 'duds Um 44U-A vet49r.),l-, A ppzitry. a r d Atme, far quality al:0141.1 9 tt of ISOTLP'4I_4 _S"Mtia,T.LINZI* : a AU> . ihd Dres9Ww,P 3 EXCL Twiizi sarwoulk.-. !la deltas .-. -- 144W 3. 1...,9„,....,„,,,,..„..c,,,,, , t ... 7 - :: .. 77 , : ..,,.........-,...„t,,,, ~,,,,, 0i1...... ..,.,—olls: t .. pttl 100 69 tip dint ? rifilltaiskit • . Dt r Ointeliall, SIItetl';:::1 1 aljam . - 1 ~.1 , , , i r • !. \ "6 Leo , ) i •:;,-,, .Yo s. wAssitO. 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