accuramr-kt co . _ • ers andlrokerg, • • r:l;Th limns at..evput.burgft. F«e,rtA » . spa °us. Clanitiftai Ems ta all parts oftZto Mita:Mate& Va 3, sh#4. Sall at market tata: it. S. flyer Saar. UM, Bands; 11. 8. 4L0.. _ dal 11. 8.6 Pv"ert".16411:16:14 11:5:?*: ladebtedneu greir t7.8.7-w vim= Note'. Tbsir aloe Bra and Srla. ON 0011212SSIOA gdfictari' ••'• • • gaudy al kinds Gavermumt, SaattritLes, Lt. SOOki. goads. Gold ika• fats - i - _ , lINANCLtL AMMINMEICIAL If , a3lloll(arAliffi i3iNBERs , BOARD. ~ . (colutimmss soantacar, 301Snar a 00.) T , . ~.-... ‘ ,.e, .zr • ,, iTtOntmkT, - Alllreat 1663. •'' ~ , .t.ll rt.,/ 1 . -.1.e..... - oiro t t•-• M.S. Thpist .., me 75 L . ' 11 4 . 1 ft 13 . 7411' 316w ' .. " ."- ed 1 - 0"ir5...7 . 097,3 - 1 . C4 -. 21 - c; = '''Ti.S.Temp .......... r ...96 20 .---.. '`.NU 4k Alft ,s.„, 1 7 17;;:........ 1 =0 2 I" °° •.. ....15.”..Y.• , ID 60 -n......• , 5 .00aWirelliLecir..... ...... L..... MOO_ ...F. Tilde.root wave .a ' ( 44, t ... - es De _ a •- 0•3•." . F Irntny Bank ......; - .....41203 Net& Zaanfae..1iet,„........„,„, Ga oci „_, - iortee. a..i.i............ - . '.......' , II OD ' •_, Char, tither - .......'',;;-..••.. i. i 6S t; 431., min & Pitiahurgh ' 83 OS t' rea1ma1.............. ..... ' .-- '"" !-; i11=a11T.,.....;:,= . ..Zi ~ 7ioti curtykua.......,.. ti i; 1 ;, r , Cheek & OhI:AT 1tun....- ... - 7 ? 00 i .;' Te6 V tulthrdw:Yeir".:== -.... ". A 2 -1 6 - tinitheleibile - ........' d• , .." •-; "t • 27 ' r" ; 13 , 5 04 .• ~ i............' z 1 63 , ; ' I'CO VI [ • at ... 2...& silver 31t01n ... a1;:t0-n*.-; , ...- , .- rite 00 , 1 ; There ha been n 0 special chldjo IA : the geld :, i ''. MtAftWfoi , e:dskei:Piee , ACe mut Arkwu beini ! -Al o liit 'xinizoititteint—paed .at, ItlKillXolr , . 'Toth at noon today. fliiverntaentii.,inc , ady and_ ' t . , thodithaMerlreanit"thielizingeff;rt-I , ,/ MI r- , • •• 3 4 11: 11 1 , Me4•Qt.° 4 7:IMPO rt4 ORP - steCks.t9s / I 1 114g1T140 ASO= Lei tnuis'actionsiekUlie . :cry ,i l c Bug ts Pitithurgh thl Stott ar, ifillWheili Ivan ail.; ,•:• " - vane& There ars burrs for titheitrylitin and PS.; Mai at so, hilt sail's are sating 63. - Central 13a ,, shill more r d. for, but we. keno; ono sates -they be teal stainer at n3..','.(loltite'ehla %quiet and 4 Ind, pith but little'orerthg, :,..., ^-4 13 tiniValitiitiontil bliniti n ; ,,,, ~,,,,, Wit` • 'Weell 7 o 44° NM-UAW Krailtal BM* iftithisinreff,• •4141 ribi Theaggregata capital and arida. •tiosisraliatalepottedi •'' " • ' - ' •Clltlld 4 ot new banks'authorised last " , wissitgc.i.3 .. .4....-..--....:-... 1 Tressessop r0p05tea..3...... . " ..-... skaTig - ttaitjse..thober - of psttoosi-liscas sat - ' - IhMii4 , itrasoth 1 , 04 * wit,h . 44 artif 4 f . gatesteldtal of d .. - .........".1....,..110 - 41m, „kmeatit of tifttaLttionalnat,llol4lo* ' baar elte a. : ;* 4 .-,-,-.......... its Tifilitn nto ialg biested i week. ..i.... r ...»....• ...,.. "-i..... „ IM,foir i y •ztw ---, ” ..; , •'•••-' "--,':, ' ''''' • •--•--- T0tai1.10.0,4;'..'.....:4..` t ...6..i. 5 .; 4/ 1 /41Ialnia • - Warta*tkd kaldwAng.tnilliMitetilbatelptas ~„ atativkaams. or Monday : f• 011 stoeks were •tereflith,":„lsTaple Si - 4de - tisiTii - trifle WM; but ' Otheffree-. Akan Wee very 11111e . ehaid. roe 'lan% of uther• at these • othentegitulf-I.MbitWover. hauled by tasauppobsted stookholdero, and some rlch derelopmeitts are bible made . Others are ix. i thithig thetsafolte/ fitallb - reduthig MEW allicats end wadded, dna waning earnestly Wolf the lima oraTectriudra , 3 Sou? so _es t0.„ . b0„ able rthiniedely =di toll iitii n teithoee whohan, %vested then , r"..„bm, ...p-1.4 Ike abort , PneirePAlllAraii 7 • pur,ana we are of the opinion that antotaintlne t nirstikonate4prostneen,vempastlela_afe‘ft wr : qulte s- e, o i tAretiac,..Or oni:ooispoidea,Nra ast.aof.t. i snow44tAitimae. ,that we taco thn wad MM., ; l -- Mtn etbogniisonspsaleue:;licre, ttiet.theie a re Phlisirsatadei iiiit*lttiSir &ablest *at ;Miriam • I - nntaPhit;yihiiiftng their liestguaithis do, thle'cith., 1' vaaac.oo4,4loo.ll:,l.4. — .4422itelii:ima•Aggrlarp• -I wow. bee igraauf ,aanafitted-aror-atisnaa' ll-- .. „... airlatrx and nidndlienent; - •-•'Aist s .s- • - , .,•.tc1' - •.* ThetinwfilnaMmil 4 -BtananT- Inv Min Atlr• port entries ef thepat wear,rtsellal34the pry °Goad BetattilisieMUSkitiPer. torMantiltkaS: i /•M-Ita arain - A IiWA e eatrieS Or In7l6;n2intima . ',, ii,i k i n i 3 ,,,,, r ; The Eawattliaaana of Domes. ... i t/s PreatiiirionVia:EaiVri, 24B . - sTalot Mafia 4 lime week lilt year. The eiport of Soule amount E to 4193 Mi r riV akS T , tai n d a /a• Willtielltelr.r., - ; , Wu mica •- tite Week are Wa r w. The re. • :1' netPtd or Motion, lOSOFPIdpad , , by - Tallrap, ere tops bales. The ifolintbitltagranriessengera - f wrividd li nin .R.A b A , WW l . , td.f.Log't,;:f ,9. - .•;:l tor -. - , I ;.. -The suture course oithe money market fa Mts. • . ly lobe issere •-• :incd&l V/ tlidicaist' iiiiveztitbuT trvezielP,AtelumuirfuPPP kciP6 Ai ; rots gutpriet. 'Of tonsanattlarlutranot declined Inprolentlaa Cal the rilitiA 2 4,._ l 4 4l * l_sla,ln4Oftl.',, Pr, , 111 7 i re... -ate Mai or !raw nafdeatlch, pii44ttatisete , i dined' AIM MthireEitherileatiersisithe • Snit coftlislialibealtti wpm chisith — z464l,46 - 4 ...S t ,ay m atuat g Ab q rs-thalte laifil= - • 1 betthwilit or Um fasin 4 thate d'lnletlint; •, •.: - of preduce, with their sespeetirego'd sad currency i "itergaiblidfdOtAlMAAA ita:t aadilairamosts , S - trill illastrate this tact: 4 • , ,i,_ - ,'' * ,,s‘ -' iae.a,..iss.r.a.s•zat t ,a 4 .:.. - ....a....* Price. Value. Price. h alite. 'Flours ref nni••••lP't tall° 4 ,••-• 4 • 9 21 'a al l ttl 1 whastases ll,ll 4, 1 ~,,,, a „ st , , c 0.., b„...4 ~ • . . , .- - ;-- 4.01- Its • .; A (0;% 104 Th qv'', .••. ~ , Meer, per el-. 23 . 00” to 30 18 00 • 10 23 .... L - A t :g r., De . 1 4... ,. 4 .. 1 , , A L; z itt - c , Ila .- - ra, , %, r, whiS ° V .r los pi. aes Ito ais isa' . ._. , o .Tallo pzi: 4 7 O A , ,—.-- 32 •, -- 7 - ... i ' Total aroldprieee of . ,1• , a 3 . 7, ! uu ,ii a t : ,, ,. /Ti i . ' ).,• Tx ze t e g artt imi er.:'... ii t7.t.ferll:fiert C , i V... 1;.. 1 . Dine .i. 4 ;, ~--, Eae we and 11 4 sEr • ri " -c f Pg'-l° • Ides to hare tremens e tith o . Jantia, Se i l / 4: , 4 - while: lat I.lWlTAVUTglFilitalrgaimesie3o o .. , 3. ' .. ' vela warth 3 l ,4 fa/41 53 .74 1t',4 0 ,P!, 1 : 1 11 ,1 i mo,r4Ar ; , • . 4 sisix aosoths - att; loto l iriog timely eat' ptlar of .prodosthwrot_astea,lalsit,ittaille Wra th = t , • : 7 , to the ileidineth gold. On myeefactiinsd artiele the dc.p*Aoivwscpook. tii tie,,iidi.,. '7 _ ,ma AU sea4resaitostaluifila - =Se erttolairttuil. PL 4 1 . PrOdUCtar46loll4"3l,ol44 ' 1,01444 • ...: : '.. f too; ttoislailleala,enn opxs4 ll -- nal' - e "darnreata --Actween*Vredfuse.aisHistanithertaiarJ •. t arlsea Wetly froal pin faet,that ,Sr.eletbeTS not. • : t pet been gesieretiejedueedpthiieliteannisoltaitth • ' "Caroni to reduce the price* of their products ' k .0214 so larsithriatityft.Ptittbithllantithitsiesivese li been reduced,_The minced cost of raw produce g,. ••isod theincreale of labsiforliWicilgiition and the ~ , .-dielseuximentottherscriniewerillibow.y..lllCTFOr , ?,' /MI Vita lirfigei;elWeeliirdiVtleti will bin gem. 1 - .trot and materiatropin the once of ,allutant i..: lacluted prcab'e ' Tri' the • meantime the coon 0 , ' ipet4tlon offOrelloa wake% yin hare reduced the , . , A -- -plicre •esLlstiduce-to A nunconl guld value. This .•;;.` promele tow In tonne of °oarsmen; and, la two ' - portion as it progrenseult must read to increase * the sur ly c- 4 4— , 17,1„Vutittbihrt exchanges r ,- r!7. J.., tfali u l;f434.l .g.„. , :„Pmfat.u'r ipp,! g. z r azzr,:...,....7.. ,,, , that II eels atonal .1, ' tioicatous to istgollthe li i tg p llit r i mi t i ' , =,l ':- 1i ; c lf t ultr& w l i s l a l .I:. ° 4eato, tboM,OOO,OOOS4CIII. . ano*Allost I represented - .041:0,11014coal ''' 41.1 some cireulation reoriefeate about .of ._ • , • ,, k - : zed valuectlidwinglet a teg 4: lb * 4;11 4wa ;-°r oga i i nf t 'sL - er - . ilinerlompledeal " Hirthd ~ -, .tltat Ws InAoldeselnerelfe okAriener Poorer . , 4 sMed eo eiotOeS seamnstton.and. CO eXtib• 0 or dinary disturbance a eel ma/tot ie al alllgs, prove iltti t o . i u tra l OfellVte trl the lainer l i c es i Oneirlir f• ~-..• sup reqithements i t i' t l rod tb :d i :gi f t=• ;y4...Vhdel7 ilde*Ma =lo43, Alt Osier Of Ann% !. _r iel, it:D4. - ' ' c'''' . `' '., . . • • , '5 ;2:: Y Brferacr4lo.ooA4o.ll4ariEet• ''. 3 throne the WillablatThgrgal ' ''' '! . Mkt Atitt pene&ilo...tesslas some ror •',- slays°xericaluoispace or time thili Anon Olin* cbuaodit7 biblebObteethat&V 4 044 . e -,•„.. eery fittest gratharoiWooi, of eatabsisnen PM! . ';: clitainon,broAle the neighborhood Of p 3 • cane , ; rirle. "t 'lt hal 4310 i f "417 wool i. bought. however, , i : .trit r nixtrr-latte r! ,pa rod!, . ....- n. 11 3 -gosatec., 3 locre Ara_ Teri nottneetier ,gb . Alba character of the Wool trade, in [that, dtvotaiontsinivlVlch More. 14-11134 - 094ta Ow the aline price for MAYA. for In ras for better Weal ,es has 41"3 14: 1 5113Adr•tbe &EOM' fterdtente. It is airsv, le things, and one that will work nottot '... the adventsre Ojtheassat=h o ; l 4,f ri ,!,.. were.: been 'old In thie. sena, with% the two weeks, Inid We kept Ma the bulk of the %Wahl/4ton County low hen similarly ~ Wheat , Prospect is lillrols. • ' The most .uarattbstiblo reports Otatallnet o astir/ ' horn th e countsr,lii,reletpia.laLtlls.?ndltioo n tr a fta •,, : ,, Im i l troll' Theo lit ' au b`raTceLy ra lnh :de sad • ••-- • ass of the we ar, , 3=with the Wheal i gEmi r li t 0 1 / 41 % / 04 , --...„„ . i kk, the toad! 1, h / 09 r SLUT ihti :. 4 r 0 ,...-r Ig o „ ' ,Way.. , Y l: l 2th le etr W° w f reat=lll pervious 4 , ,-- i - -. lotiSarnmesonaeat of the thin : minor them, V ing a ilhoth, &alba eanuquedes is,..hee '. • ..ce....g atom* Should dry Omaha soon " • - c -r W. fan d p - ' bit *Mathews who capped • ,-..., lg . ;as -- •i i :l l rioxV them, on examination., la ', r •• better t,O o.a that htilts , e 4 Predirted , "`Vriog . A :7 * RAW - •• - - - - woolly, Elle -- , ~: 'l-* ltrr Tr= t.: The D "" " taiti Ll e ial wod " .., id wort - tact - if I t elef'"lfil'll4"too waywatireeidstoPg 1 tor t , „ i t c attoolo wool ovemzi o in,,,„,„ , Jake care, Zil t t n, :L e t a ggtx aaveuxtag. - Tto. -•• 31°rtierte;liie,„,.,e',..,uc'osAn,atibigitirouhtenaureek,worgiN i.',..k,...1.fiz0ixtg..-•,-Taxmoti emu:it'', eonaumfa prill • 1 -. , litreZDO Priee At 610 I t t P 4 MiU g t ?' 44 ; eS 2az '' I . ' - i actios4_ l ,ltcyl?..,,S. t ?:,M , '''" - ' c=tr'=:m PITTSBURGH !If I.IIK Errs Teresnar, August I, ISM. The most noticeable feat ere in the produce mar. kat, is that the excitement In Tlottr Is beginning to rnbilde,lind, as always Is the Om adder slot. liar tiro /Clare are more anxious to ream, while bnyar9 are hatillefelf,confident Met a reaction kini then a decline - 410mM et hand. Its la soli Seneraily =axial that there was adjust- TAW Xer . running Wheat up 60 cents per bushel, ansdlyittr. 0 Per tinitrel, though It Is %Par true _ that oar dealer here were compelled toad &ahoy ild by the force of circumstances in the west. With mceptlon at the article* abort noted, there has ,ren no change worthy of notice. GRAIN.,Wheet Is gullet butisteady St previous tatesll,Bifta 0 Der bash for common to mime Ohio Red. Oats moduli' el) active, with regular fle/tletr , elltalla at , 1 58, 0 - 4 , k ,00 n/ . II 4till 'Er " ' 964390111pritealnitore. Nothing doles ys or V.TVII-Harkeitiliaii ‘ d l e ' cnimarstirely dull, pinoshereds, Sales, no,markochingedis_nuto tiotir-IMAI to MO foe common to prime Winter heat trandei Sala of 1011 hurtle .ocdar Mille r o ttlSAPktfo..3uN.T9 l - 4 . 1 bregllter 4,002 1 - PRoVisforts-The demand tor. Bacon is falling Ftperce{rablyt 'MA rasp be attributed Lathe ex. me pries' nowinerent. ' We etrotinto %aquae 19 for Shoulders; 19 for Ribbed Sides; 24.325 for Plain and Pima Oszvaased Hero% and 29®31 fat' anger Clueeln - Lard quirt at previous rates-get( Pork very dull. EGGS-Dull, with a supply somewhat In exceta it/a=am% bus:fttioes , , , remain uomlniar 114 1 , or r :""9" . • ' • ft-Is dull and nominal, _but unchanged linen isl e s of packed at tail M a .." eautal a. , ta - 4,neut i . t BAT-Sales of 17 loads at car scales <V- 115618 Per taut; AlaOnc et ;Pal prime'rafg I wharf at tel. ' • - -.: ', • ~ -, CH E-Is steady with ua rlar _Saha at ffilpla for W. B.; Ina for Hamburg, end 19029 l IFEED-te selling from store as Illit per tan for Beign i for mom; vrriofZedonf% and' lgi'l 171 a r -Pe a chlritiil4.lll,r rEnplly to.days fan - a. buena; sal/Ing from aktaidp_er bus . - Applea may imet!of,tixEsp.k.;*.q.t.wildscifromo , . . —„, w:_..„,.., .i 9, IA& irrrismacm ,• • • ' ' he ' Cinda iiiiikitataltolerabtruktt6 t h em' tl e'tit:2;ooo4lo;o,l,l4t;_bitt:thertai cut dultuts• iiiitii{atifitutt - thq mat ket is weaktitttittattorl . Ifttakilatidzi .Itre *At saki 0tt26bb1ai194034; 1190.9arttla at ~29}0. IQ, at 221 200 et ;at. Wit 390= iO 'lit 230 at Z34l* and 10(0 „*. 215 , blottt tree on 69ipttett here:Tketriat tril**oll bozitfoil today, thst, ireicrula litre tit tbitaliaenes of - *Ugh irs+raotittertiiii, -city bonds at 443i#4,9,0te..9a 9044caoa&atO*Nol, 'Unita olet—the only talc repotted to-dtirbettle ~60 bbb . 4 1IntetiliiiinileA r titid at tat '''tiattO Ea 499uum Ii ezoeellyN4.dulj,' ud ' sidei COW not he t etestedillesaNere made. Bat 01:19• blols Naauty-frea al SS. a. 5 . ,!. -:'", • O'ha IlecelplaeoWW#6l.lllszbtartigainall otlr fait rePOCtitifaitollows . •L J.,Wllklas 160 , Duaaaa & 1.3:0 Ely.. lb RID. Cochran:4.h.. 900 i t. too or &8r0........11,1211 99 11 Danver: .. -71 G. Wa 15 06." Weaver fr. Allazeiti W. B. Hozoes....— ! lan • I Total, ritotEink ni ippbodia Dispatch teiViresterti Prete. ' .prkW YOkx., August I. Fetrolenm Efeeks lawn; with etaistderable see trity to Pltkole, Websiiie sdd Vatted Rates, at s _Etticlanea. Farm,s34 Clormaals, 40i Ex - ...r, 90; Webster, 2.oei Fee Simple, 10.00; lais isttb:e, Pltbole Creek, MOO; Brulley,l.4o; ante, 1,60; Olt (rek, !Lee; Dyad Fares, 1.00; 1 1 ' ' WePi.4o.lo. N W YORK P,IITROPETIIK ;MARKET. Spt cial • Niw Awststrl,VM,- Petrotinat dull: at ny,:a4br Ciiidp,t o o 2l 34 ll In Bank iird Warne tar rate. waisTerritiffsaalmr. r i • New:York Market. -1 " Ai* Y 02 14 Afloat' i 49otios aim end in fisli. demand, &Legator DIM • t' .g.. ~ - , Fuovn-Dull, bean and lOgignM lower on Ooze. makgradecat - 111 for =lra Statil= IBA for cummon Extra Stsde and Trade , Abe market cluing hem., - - - Thurs -inset dull; tusettisdeed nominal, and eilgMe lower, at-. 37 for Milwaukee Club. g 1,40 for . - Prike Sulu Spl Bl nsg, MU foridnaber Milwaukee In amile-on" Canada price, and MAUNA:: for Aso ' '?"42...Ergli doll; Wool Harleydd ' , beep et filflM•,-_4ldeM p1011:111: tirt:r. ,il at 7 ' t So li or n f o.u. -, •edinc.fOr Wee,... '.3 G ouruse-Sogar moder;dely active at KIWI 11.14 or Cuba Muocoyndo, anid,rieles Prlf Porto "-V Coffee steady? leotalmer dalL . 'nutter donor ot 11 dolt 1114,: , for Oluo, and Mllec for State. Moue eXtmati li ZatifirOlki itiaiils at idaiiire.'' '.. 'PS witnetuf-Guiet, at S ti f 4 /*ar Crude, seljeliAo Jali r etioutlb Bong, and fok.dulree, ' • owsiose-Pork dull and owe; at $3 fcr ew at SUffi ruby ;for 1863,4 do., Prime, and grrarr,v3 for Pride Alessi 4,150 bbls New Men for August, ,sellera%optime, USW*, Total stark orMil 'ea flOreArbr A Prink,loo,o2o bblmunto date lut month, m same data last goart . teea tel lir q.ulat f ,st gikingliggiO forPlal...ot -end I UV far ~t ra Neu. Total stock - Old ands est, nu* lat,lolo,lMlS:Plaligin one*. ' 'MLR ielt.eluot ll . 7l ,let. PagniIMILUSIMMO - 4 410 Z e t t l yer g ia t eaczagu. Beef maw scarce e for - Sarna.latrt .Laid tlitni, et le . ', tr,..."... A .......... -I%T.lNTlF:CjitAgile.i4r-.-- -7,-:..: anwrourr, Agmtnat. le-M.Mtp1i...14 - seer • t4O tide week Uwe burl emu y heavy for thr sgason, autounting ... "to 4 e i llna i an i sztess over ., =Matey wantalfig Ahaf elty t co resen inrou.4:vot titchetv, trw theref tw o have tt.1400.2917.10 fi le i Atni . o wy r is ,u she coa rttime lo res iargei ,to llue, s4o29 it w i es etrive found truteete r ldce market .HlPtedeldtflaSOlT , llMOdr" i . :: cattle , 7rele 117113 . Pt ag tad grades 10 do taitoriteMt CIVIL - Alike Mablalittroked.: neu very slow, and it was with g,, mit =study c ltil;p . inileVerse at all dispdSMOL , The AO/1W se „fair - 0020., is , largermunier of poar.v re Sittere,lk , WP and /itilfate woes In the pad; A. ow t f the very best were held at 177, tut Seed t gualtuall eltatrialyalid Oct 'enrage wrevieffullow lair u, geedllgilleo: enattace video ioatax6 t 1r4..._ average of all sales will be about I.lNa. u.sue: Ms attest that largu s is= a will st be here for tbers winter sr - tt l aurtiter4rellne.' eel GSM .eletin geed detrAndandprime gunner are rather enter, owlet partli:Lo: adv_anal Itittie rate for. skine. We quote at I.o34l3llo,cammots ta, Ip4d o l-X09 1 40 Wed cligNa.- hePriceed elbeep' at le • 'lnc during the past week Ounce; to 7'4 • cry , but sussequebtLY th e fellkni et iFthiLt• 1 ' man produced g neuy feeling, and mu ,01 Zet E r i A , bout thezresious t Ml a t t e s 3.i ...Mumma. Lambs have been Ur plenty, and - stlthoonly A moderate demand. T he.pritlei We agate lower, closing at lettie per lb. Swine bin I :been; prat] steady timing the week, and owing I :gbe prospective light receipts the market closed I rather firma. We quote etroalrel atllhlgt.,lo, 1 _std still.fed atll,ollls4c,Lveweithst., ... tXbb following are the nuelpts for the week: d.litiltßeeves, 125 Curs and Val Tel, 7,23 Veal; 17,171 Sheep and Lambs, and 10 elo 8 orine,shenelng Cu Lecressa of I,ina. Ewes, 64) Ayes!, send 1,70:7 , Warp ana lambs, and a decrease of Cows and • -Calm, and itfie Swipe. , - , , T /Filif 'TOM StOlp atm( ../fionelf MatlEet. igew TOS. itgt 1.--.3703zY arm at 7 per eeLt. for call' bane, -Sterling dull, and lower. at , : itrilitlf.V4 gold.. Obld a eluide armors optdringist : 144 au d ckelog at 144,7 g ., Goveraturnt Stocks henryand weak.: w eed weak. V. S. 81.178 Mt Coutides, mei.- tc rc d+t 0; L. . S. ildo Co trunk SSW Severpth•rtles, seer aeries. Se; Ot lo and Idindrelpot Sorg/lee ea,. 211411 ' 11" 4 1 t g Pi 114 g 1 t ,=.124; Pittsburgh, ireL, A.,orto o cues, ~., . .-4; do. Pr& fund. t 0341 run Wend, 10di Rat' eVAI'VeI Chic so% Anon preferred. to& , Co ecru , . Ermilap Exchange.-Gold,ltYY,,. Lae Eri%; riVras l3 r , , 1t . ..t Old Southern:, GSM Pine. bun 11. 4 9; B ock Island, 108y ‘ t North Mestero, Mi Tort . Wayne, 00',; BrUzunriek Land, to.. Gokl arm. Monks Gym. . - .. - Eartrxoo,_ Ant:4l.-514ra ,d and unohnotot; 17.50 for licsa ..Epttaat, la for Red. 'Mote/at for :VMS, sad fet,Miti for Double Extra. , onaur-Wheat.qult; rro.l N.Uwanint•Ellatris hen at $1,1,0Q1.52, es. at 11416,_with aeon 5o ender tared at:matte Sat so Uttra Lfa demand, at 21(ft80o tor N 04.1 1111asta,lrblott is billow flusters' 'ett ',stigmata= taxi attaktl,soObatittala Flom pal% Wheat , oats ale. to New ' istroara.-21.000 bus waled. • • EtrrOrra-4311 ,plit ;loan, ;304 lttlatt. Ittattati ',CEO tomb 4301/2.,1. ,, • ..• . - . • •:SEarlip Itart.stoart-755 bats Iltottr. r. .CbicagilMrirkeri •••• , • 7 ' Casa Attguxt 1...,-51.sort 9 all tad &Mania% • Fgriy--atb ist stiloti tales tit 111981,1 W for a1tf541.1:19 tor • No. St. • Oork active at OVA U for sales At 6 /X No• 0 4!" 43 . 0 . aa6.l ' " iconi!-Quiet. s=4:trtrtilAllinri xt,qco pualeittidi 57.000 sett Cortit 211,000tuati Mts. Agarrs-11,00 0 _,01a ilour,rottEtbulttyflatat, I.sol4oltfusb Garn, , ArtattattOotts ..;ExxxOurs-ttetratotO 341730. • . "•:• " 4 TbledoMarket. Torsiao,Auraot 1.-400tw-Whest 'tall ow] se m tavern Wes Amber. fOlchigan at ettyolottos *lib pa buten over ale. Gorit-agra at 770. •• Oats •••2/11t1t..111. . . • 0 IMPORTS BY .51vrtarnon, TORsV*s3nirt & Ihrirtwill: Await 1-273_plgs lesd,J B bias rlonr,. Shouter & Lints bbls oil, Gl3 Jones at cot gras cheese. E Iteszletont. dc, 40: Robiscka3l o dodo, Evert & cot 5. Aga mustard,' .1 Dania ears wheat, Dan Wallace ti rkp lard, L Vol re tot w he at , pep corn, Kamer & Deo; 1 lard, Apo, (D A, 4 , to; 10 bbis = 'crap Won WM4, 1142natt 114 cos 8 skittrOoh El Mier/ Cliterg barrels•N ii Eznlttrur Bs, Antr - Drermlititnir.a. seals Tritest, T Kennedy & Brol a dodo, Strapr son & Knott 40 pima tobacco, U Dalrelh 7.11D.0 masa, NlKlkru mac bbPra White dr. 501 66 'eases matabsaiKkotatker & Lam fn to. pi g i n ., tmtck Ye col bbla now, Culp & eheyarly est lumbar,', l l9 irMinero • ear rate; Forester ft kta 1 4 ,74 i; 6 as 41 15% 4. Ma Y ltt i tmS3 V4l4 4l 34l P . ke(s ' . j 1.13 ogileld; undihems, & Bento o l Ztt, bacon; ak Sckaubtlinbesta tnai_ltat & Slayton Ibbl haft's 44 bales cotton, 33L Etwln3ls want,, asatiosool, Whoa:tiny ar:S.On ' . , , Eiiiiiiii,ing:t r e= 44 ski flaxseed, 5Ws taisw, Adam ,Lipparti , 42 strap. 'Bank UMW ft. bbt llout,'lt Loombn Ms oatsitheinuri _rillezurtdyilbaslatter; a bbla co)i , ,11...Lettrt ins EIK/1151.6344,0 1 b 1 4 111 :w4e5t,*Taym ti 462 4i feed slalom la 4.aari gis Reported Expressly for Pittsburgh Gazette. • Alauunker CITY, Augtht 1 08 66 . CATTLE-The supply of Cattle on sale this week, althoughaninew hat below that of last week. ' was • vary fair ere, being estimated at from I,XOo to IMO,andit teas Dilly up to the demand, Which was el:deleted principally to Moiling tile, retail trade. The market was a fair one, everything into conaidererloi4and Strictly P a rir i ln Cattle were in limited apply...and =hi - readily at lull eiteamh le the supply of inferior and common grades. was limey Nit in excess rif the demand, and the market for these •intlenl.r: 4m.1/11.64P therefore, was baldly as good as last week. The -. very best grades, suitable for lint class butchers, sold at frokt 6:110% . -but VW?' fdlr . blikgrfirlffer. I% There is a coattnuedialvdemand for steer Cattle, and we note sales tali faireatent at 4%5) 44, for common to pzime- , but few selling at over 5 tents. The demand for shipment was o ampere. tively Hot, shippers. being apprehimeivereithe Eastern markets, In consequence , of,tket large amount of stock that went forward last. week. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Market quiet and rath r dull, but as the supply :Was very nicss. p r y, s j e y~ere apparently 11113 r sustained. 5111 5 1 dtlferii et . o B ; *1 $0 2 . 4,14 Z 1611 4 a 1i g 1red 2 :: lerdoelkoo per hend,:sitaquality. nuctr3—eris wilt so nothing doing in thin aims arlock. dematal being mitt*, of a re. tail character, and thatrazillielnoall li t worth rePertlag. Sante (Mr pox d, stark . average of It =LS per pound, gross. Oxwego Marlma ALLEGHENY CATTLE M MEET IM:=1 Pettittaan - viti4letaletll6 has& aCiattltaat IlmatiMma taJitraboiralitt 6%tattoltriabatr at 6 cants. W. &Taylor sold to L. Wilson Re bead of cot& pion eiewa and heifer& veining -8X lbsu ret.&-; . John seflthl.Tetsue6 &ahead Of ocuesmon to fait Ohio stock, tehrgggigeN'at'attNyi. Banter Gray sold te Shambarg a Co. to head of 1111 me Illinois steers, arerscb I 01-25Thioli:1:4; also p w head of eemonish 'took cattle at 4 Enzertek & 00. peteelle ‘ dlo dud of 11 f 4m k Merrick & Dond retailed Pel head of mixed stock, I° 4l. Rut i in gfo. wltate2e 6 l bead of eozoolah doors, lorerOffo.s 1 0 cO Mee iloeterane d; head'at Ergo*. , . ! Myers & Bro..wholesaledW held to Kaufhna and sr headtteltothebilels, but Wirareralinablato ;cet theptices.l . .1, Marks retalled_lol. head of common to strictly prime Western steers, at. • W. J. fcaffertyle.Clocretalled 48 btes4fi ',Keane. & Mae wnolecaled to head o tsar= stem to Selzer at Cajal head of Stock tattle to B.e , • Illatek,averagbag NOLO& at 0o; retailed redhead at eumg . 13otheleilds and hoTestled heiell mon stock cattle, averaging ZOO lbs, to Letumos, at '43.10 M& 5; retailed eg head at e 436%. M. Xon/swieolesalediA-head etemaccoalsh Me storlt H. P. Cannon retailed RR head of fair to good Uhlodare ee_. WOW,. !Ulan fa Kauffman bought 61 facedof !W 0t350/6 '\l J.-Waring whoseeategVl head 44 • 4:41 Ofido, Stock at 6. WoOdaoca Tof fW 4 of 46 ! i tPhilitielibtrreitile . illarkei, Jule 31. e,a,t3eel Cattle are rather dull this week and price' unchanged. About laDettad arrived and sold Patossylianls, Qhlo, and 1111nols, at from 15 6%.0 tor eat:ll4ll%6l4V+ ftr u :i eti,°94-4- " _eglsztO , l6 unti from a—. re tair demand and prices are better, .14 bead arrived ttod sold .aLehtt Aurgeat_ yap* -a from 103 DA teeepealltyl- 1 . Cows—There is no change to notice. 12:1 heed told at from t 25 to 163 for springets, 'and $35 up go'gra per.headfor. cold A zd I f k u me l° q4"4-4 ;likr . Eheey-4itiletter &mime . ; head at „. land aoldatirolit Vele Der Mimes& note . ytion. Lambs are cep at from 11403,10 , Pee Cleveland Market—July 13. FlorrQ.ntet and mmllBllo4ll. ifosslie re ateNnotaff,so' for XX - , Fedi' E t tO totn&rat white country breaks; city made ,00 (or XX red; siopo ' fbr XX white, Wheat—Mai doll awl Wir er. Balls cos btu t Toledo red at tetddr i car No. I 'alto a litlAIX °losing bury. 00m—that and nominal lelistrito for Ifo-11 Mixed from Stott. Oats--Sale 1 car this forenoon at xe, which would be nominal an extreme liqpily aklboolose., Nso-,Dell and , t( 15 TE 4 4.4 104 T 8 * TlALTl.itaill AND PRlMER wicsapacm„yx—ismaser And ea =Alan. Steamer wxstassl, pAi r i DAvse, rtudilegollrlirbOtereerrtnit above ports , on • week,lesving Baltimore. from her *herr, . t y vt i ara i lt i ve,,„ th iverr. InEW, isFma . ilitthAlf - MORTfitt(f. Possess t a b ill4l 'duffed st low rates._Througb Frrtg i h ., sltikadedttl. kierelitallse frosoßeetba,WW'T or • Ptdlsdelphisi or else tonne, consigned to core 15 -Mad= WEgt , ONalf,otrlit bit taken eking of itn• terdlste4 a Its arrarol in Beni opro.,ollsrires Ora, mailir. Vet sit mamas. dom. efunairroin e NortbaniStatea desiring tor .. 4 itkikttlit MY 01,VIrgials, or Ur loOk of r tha worse; frat , end meth= bille or a u al 7 th . bottles of the Wilderness, Ottansidl IFileli , _ . ekspni4. or Spottrylrards Court funs!), i n c, a grAuf u Y ig, a tZ r e:u o rel l pt tits. state.roemikand ASOMONAOPI. it'd IS every leaped a firs Boat, being now, fen and commodious. "7 • r informstion freight °Lone, apply to or ad. • JCS, _ Parseav i.o rda mi. JIM.. J ,•, .- ..32.1 W4il. Falb or 'Eslirre, Md. roll CAIRO & SAINT LOUIS. 111 Mis harMaluntillzsteav a 0:7 S ar. 47 " 7 F bt gunge OM' oil bow& sir ARhavA - Vtirprea. ---1 , IttcrtilartarbiNekt TAritrZrialefin 4 Wei gliklzisaefarllN...... ollsli.o v7 , •+ 4 .t60 4 130 3. sox iwzgli 40;, o , ,eia: Aro 1; do 4 0 i r 0 cu "tio birreliticaWaPtarrtm 120 %4 9+ AU L tr,-- 111f3tuittset 11111311311,4.,, i -.• ii - T r ' ' ..j . 11 PBESIE!if VOit S'Aiii[: • - . w .6 . tbis sZau fgoo d wor tsit oar.. liC t E .2 4 ,, 1mi ...i the .- M . .' • „,': Al v " 4 1 ..7.h.p. 0 :c---,-- v OCOL&TE. 20.13.3zei - uVr.B^Eito Chocolates ~ s t c.. ite..lAsl2pC, . dcr. v Dbable ritt.iiedLlT ', o ) '.; • • • 'lisio.sraaa raywpomitrdet; i3BI.I3 , I3IOIQEOWPMLIII.' tiunimnit ,a - * r11.12, 7 7eve4111,i' , Mugge , • • - PA le' ,A=7l, - * uentuii iotra.nev impure': .01110 M.., ~,,:,711-!....,,:1., osoll,lll2pladtp • ,11 , , . .1, ~ ,,, , , .;•'-i. ;,. . 10 , 0 : 1 0 Hall i his ... r ~,:„1, Til to ,029 Oeivan Yot istoty_ _,.- . " - 1-,,,, . , BAUSLNY &VAN IIoaDEB, j ......:i ~ -.,.•: 7 201 L 1150222.10111112.1. F i f 11 .; 7, . 20 h a sl n fqr N do Large do 7424 ; kere" "' 125 do No, 2 _ dot 25 . .. do Bro. 1 4 :do; . , .. 1 20 intto No. 21 do; : I" 4° Nool do; t00 . 1:61f., ,.. 1, 2 1;12 . . o -,I4DITIost, tot tato pi , • ~ , ,jy22 - - • - .2. B OLIPFIBE.D.' - - - VARNBLEIES. r I Pale Cosoblitodyr s. • No. t Farolttare Tarpelltlno; No. I do. Deo:lmq supetortostny low, by toM' T. SO CO :Stood St C / -BREAKFAST .BACON.—JUST ..4 g zeg i lg tr ß cz k O r regt, another. "4 sup ° ply of at Ficiramuy O HN : " Jißif 3 Coiner ilbsztiegHs2l BlEilthi.ENTß. C. fines Fresh Pcoishep; : laniburglluesse; ,y R 20 Col I Mc= Vhmel reoelTed bait at Siii i Llbettatiiii,' j7l P warm & saryeaD: PAST- BTEM TEET. .Mor z L ila V iratansiceOlguVer • • ...11A10 . .-:;Bial1624•004 . -loon* L0U.1117 V'l7 f,, j ;,1 „, 1.0 1 mid for silo by _ - 4rETZEureattilavitoso cif I Milt Make , sad First st . "EIS.--100 bb•• do . for games.) , 60 39 WA by - 1322' • zeougrz4GlN IDRI FLOUR I S ao bois-Low Gtade wit:areal ` 7 10 Z. 1118 ' ifti.Vo e l b riaa (BEINDBIEl.! 'or eTI etiltrifeawk 422 , 1, t i 1412&1441. ' " vaidt. & . 11, 6 1 7.141P3. 1, ;i , . jrn IS and 23 t: lair strikel. PHZEBE cuzzamt oLtErzEj %00 boxes If ssaltsril So Ai B. Is store sad toe sale " DMAllley VMS 00011E6, NO t 101-14Sesty sus& 'ICKLES 1 PIQICLEB I 11.01iLES 21) bbli Extra No. I,Suyerier Braad, for tali b sr3 SaffiLVE # VAR CleatlEll, , • 201 Liberty stmt. To GLOB& CONBIGIiMMT. - --40 - ta u No. 1 and 11%9 ItLnakinel,now Lama and tormananaar, - - 1 17 IL VOMIT 4 00. (111. • : ARRELI3.-260 .. 911 8am3113, ID ig sal*for Bi r d =: 1 3,siumai. orta jet. • corner Mar groats INAL4 cbtap azuthanU v gam ror sale aF/Nct Igi *.40 Aced ' ll 2/21 1 1 t4- `" 44 " 17 .705. UIIGICIO =a unrk WAGS T. LOUIS frgiot,. keedred end fOrsaliklw3 , - • • • tor JAM ES LOWC,IIIIYrood itteet. pfl;v‘i BAIUMB BATILL-1114.)11} „ 1, - : itarestwytorisals) , / •••-•:? . •--- m isp , : AUTUMN Id:Mara, BEME.-tliew well•cuted - Weateni. .erre lactleaotuloAt 16514Iki_tr street.- ' w. BaulE a 042. IX S U72.1.7rCE CHARTER 1829. LIMPET UAL EMsriang FIRE IliStinitkOrrootseArt PRlT••knErmar.A. _ 1 . .11asetririk - jimunkr, 1..181344 - 02,07.142135. " VISVIDD:a -'.. Invested Premix:ea..... lAA= Omitted Maims. ,• ' ' i • 11,00 Dm= tor 1864. 41••••••••.4.• puns Paid dace vro 4timpettial =I Temporary Polities 02" A ` aiiw.'ThiiilX: ll-'7ra g:stizia - L To Waner, , , wirsra Daiii . • .. MIL G SaiI e l It n b i l r" ''' IC .Frai.W.T.W D -: , ...EDWARD 0: DALE, 17Ie• I , JAB. W. ZDADD.l293 . :tbk o rsiar. , - 1.:4{004 mid Thlid A ggLg . FIRE .6.11 D MARINE , Ckii , of North Anted PHILADELPHIA. Arusevg 04760.000. Flrt ., 4l : surpx . fe Ccppm• .1 1 r. L. JO 114 Watet Strad. ;l it 94PUCIRt°'1.1'1.3;1341 OP PrITSEWBGA__ , • E. Dmaxlk: ."ragni4,, WM, P. BICEIRBEST, Sixrctarq; _ • Offiati M 12 Water dm; Spate ra Oe.ll Wan.' Vase, ap stab* PI 11 _IW.W, taws !going da ttzbu f i Quit ef Firs ma MsrOvi , lifut..,. Ocat4 .Tractitiotioa sosoagc4 kr Directors labs zejeVnetea 24.3=halta.arg: dtaisiXActhickney Gaye-sauna,vul: qNa bt, Prviatical to Mote ago &street, be Nam. , • . • t &toeltAtalmit tueuttatetspear, David Qum J. Mask, • • .Jotua R. Molate* sxj. &jai:tam • ..11133er, Tr., stars M MM aggio, CFAEL err",_ g.yz P. rrizrars .. rastatemcz ,00,4WANY ' TrriSIMJEGFr.;-43£11ce,, now *arks* ..041WIlser stimuli second WOL‘BAWALE T; Pristpot, Insures Steamboats Wad 1:41O5M:. - • • forge s egeoast los, anaLdiquiss la um awn. Me of the Soothers and Waters and Th4otuu, sad the oavlifsticus of theffess, Woes agelhst loci and - . 4w: ‘ , 4 by Simnel ea.! ' JobThabliaylk s Sh4plois,. Jas. Ps" Istess MlCloopef, W. o...lohaston, • EL F. Rau, J. CaLlw Wm T. W.,flienS, JohA B, Willrodth Butuw - Pteitgig. Wsec•Selkigsrs. oma , iNBIIRANQB COMPANY 0ti6,11. E. conies or nitn Sts man nummazom OFD John tai2Loadil JoJohn att,- ElaxattelT. , E. Parks, 0. Mutton Maxims 8. Charles Attain. • • Wm. VLII Kirk. JOun P.' KIM tisk J114 i‘,., 1 *YP! : • • thi& 2 l l /0 - JONES WAIT, Vim Prattea 5 'lt= Jita&RDIVER &crews. lunar „Arjggp:lTY INSUBANCE .i &O r ifiIi nab '"l477 :7•J isluneL i rattLraWl NE.' ' . cit AD. Piirialit''"llM : 44l4 Progg” 1" Butu Dh . B .K- s .1 - My, •• :, ". fq,, ~ 0 Pt: can% , ' , t. • • "oliwiiTam. , :. Jona hirltiJ, k 31.1.,Igterow. , !, , 11441*Aumithak ,Zobertal, Myth, - '4644VVAICTVRE/ 11 1. $c clacitorAn L* o .:l):.'. ViEr::"AlilY Z i 1 3213 7F - I' 4 zAD'vrP u • , 1 7 ~ ... ,: • - , . • • ~. .: ila..,'- xszi 3.1...4 ilath at“ - '` . ' ' '. C*132474 OHIO 1 to -aides sqpxs Amp Scill*Viiti 44 Air:Walla idle. '_ • _ s - 1 data 11:1:1 and 1:71,11allk • „4141 tO 1 ladies. MatoriTy sat Xar Cal& L b it; =mid auk thiestenthris• at Maser bets Ana al 011.11rarks and:ol.l Walls panganwa FOUNDRY. & A.' aktilUtilo 1)0. , , , ioia romThims itAarannal fhiredeettalits ot Chilloaito Onet itero ot-.u,lre pr o. tor az ol3 ; r titeteir Bilkas ,21Z--91,ggresu r lhOld it Scents,Ar cut „mar uoma 112114' wtit Doutroll4tarto , ty , of other patterns, alwaretai NM and Cited tO, roder_osatiOttrnottossolk OrtWtts - tame =NI • son Woreto • moth 119,8mt1hAsta Werth Eithdortett. TENTED OOTORER 8,-4881: hS , DIETABIDOVS.PAZZEVZ 11 1 Ora Lain dainnet" • • , XX PLINT-ClLfose, • Nrisomutaloysioolotooroi toVtiraot' otottotou opts or po - giourociogy,otoopX eV - P"a le la rt e nStal l'. thtfts,lP Milla°4 eshlagton street, apt 7 Mttaburejyydamb 1.1401 f. DIAMOND 44./004 W •ti - Prrrinttntiti - Pet - "'' 1 ,VAAKI - BROPP,4 - 1 I • . *iillepeturiltrof - Bripi Atiidaft Efl ZDVAST sg4are,fsat tint Ortwil; d all du). *arrant. ed eqW Itaany, lcirertad or 4=04 Awed thl . MO Olpce and war./wan., Som. 10 End 151 sad Ito slid 122 tiscolni enuOtra;Pitiburgh mat . fel SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES.: W4)e , ar• earatrantlog, aa4 iraisrottaaa a suAcziof rolapt coatzil • . , wrni: ' • ilith 'a Clo*non or Tubular Boiler. ', 06;14 melts neattn extitnOt OM , tz : stal lve l see =AMA lase, Jet? OBSi Pock VLF= :Th' TED MAUI r:,,- , 1 • I ..• ~,•• it i ALAD411676 WallWl.. ..- . .. • '. on.l" . iiiioullry Ir. A !,!•:., • ' lnrAgitlertitekC ) ,1 . :`' ... 226 oath stii , iit,: trIMILPETA. A • ... •••• ........... Wit•• TO 11.13ERRON db 004 413ter**0 , sitmotrui•Cirsme • ;1 2 ; I :ANii. ; IRON B 'umiak! ; ) felt; 1., • kiio, 101 LIBERTY unisrr , - - - Il s ui • : t Wo ; *. h4DBY. VAtOir uy i ATAxamorr, PA. Annilietures of WIOHTMAN , R.STENT • OP.TABLE MOILLAVENG 'EN Mrs, shAftlEg, PUllsl's dO. BOMA , * PISU kinds actoded -, Jew, EIpHOONALIKEI4 -. . • f s" A ' NAIIIPMNINNIA OP wigs tem. Ego UM. NUS Lest, UNllNtieaLlir • Mite, raNkje.s. - • • • al - vidder in asttsrekgoW 4 *.imils l 4 JAPANS, PAINTERS." RI AL, 04. Oinal au~Wantonp,No, uWoodsilest.J gilattayel - S: MEVERA.MIu it tio, K o WiIt4M ZIEB arvetd EA, VOM I T 13/T41;13, common sa4rigatett N=l 4 ,;eidakamiataimpirini, ISM/ 01 small, ma, -Waal UHF{ Sotto& ~ .BriknE rr , muthictarqs Dand Irupures Us SWARE— 'I „Mx II DIAMOND - STRUET, betwesu • Wooli gag Sari strata, Pittsburgh, ra. IDs , GI OCERIJE'S. PROD CCE, Se T. C. JEN/11118 Commission Meichants 13813 La X -sr R 3 T., ADD PURCHASING AGENT? PITTSBURGH, PA. ' Dealer 4A Mtn Oitify_' seta,* Cheese, Fritts, and all-Pans Products. Bost brands Pam. li ty FW R ir ) $ 1 51 1?" 61s° ' i A proxopt Attention c ii ty to colutgorisists and earrevozsis • Weela Ma Currants seat to Con4PlPP4s 4 o4sitsd. serwas _ v:lttaittßY & .• COMMISSION' !NEWLIN% No . so EOLITH WATER ST., . CUICAO9, Give Valid atiention LciptaalutaMs, 'tour, Grain, Prorisioit% Eoz Eastern socolant. B. F. ctniarev GEO. T. E ILOWN. i mhs-or w. - p. satuacina pIaTERSONAMION lb CO:, l e inataission Merchants ' , Flour, Grain and " GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, S5O , and ; *B2 PENS entgET. teotthe New Building; cfppealts C. ts P. B. EL .1••••44 MN= &La Z BAND Dip3AZIZ dai1,E.13,.. , . 4a - VoynA - t , n M e rolia nts, 4.2 1 10$143:1“11 . ' tend Proiliseci: G 3 5E0 . 92T8L17., between Wood & Smithfield, PITTSBURGH. PO L TTF7R 34 , * AraI:RE P P u ltib eas2 , . 422 1- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . parelen and Domeatte Pratte, flour; Ratter, Cheese, Eggs, Potatoes. k ingrodnee. generally. No. ISO LORELLTY STIIKEP, hie Opposite Passenger llepot,Pintstangh. W. JoRDA 110tL1BT/M:t;..7. D. POWELL. 7 oRIMN, HOLLIbTER & CO., ..oqtataissims:llZ — erchants, - : rbr- tat 'Ass sErms lam). m mon OR &S , nk.S, 1.4.• &V.. nett LIBF,p7 SiBEFt Mo. .'".eTeucel—&"&"..ffrOUVlt. Petabarghpiqu.. .on Pan &lao.,Plttsburgh.. . 0p413,1 1)P H. JACTK, • • a :VII a- XI. CI , 0 3113 R , Nas... 1 and. Diamond, i 04 17 nrrsavaaa, PA. ' 04 . 4: 11:0 F a R ' EITER, PRODIO 4 O C W OM L . mu lON. AND FORWARDING WEB TB, and purchasing *mai for sagging. islighlesoutsoinnea WaitikawleMos. lo LibwOr Street.. Pitts• " .. PS. ' joiard IipLECKB LIM:WM • SsFooximalft2CE.o7 tainIAATO M I ZIA:Verta 421..ra1i pirodded • dad • Coats:dolcda. • Idanduint. '• May Fr*. Abl Ltbertygt. Pittatarid6 T 3100 LITTLE PECK, Otaiial,Camadasion Merchants, , N0...1s and In!, Water id.r,Pitt.enmO t ?AA Inn sede Not now. Ornin. ,Butter Dr cd Fruits, Provisions and Produce of au AL Chia, MT Carbon 011 tined at Ma laweat rear• kt trljcllnnm . ente attained . added? ALEILEY & war pli,".= tl BALM= 15 and Conailislon -Idenhanta, Watchcase, No. 4n I'l4Datxsty Pit b, ,Wholesala. dad. to Mater, Lanti W.wrorn.,.Baeon, X'alloareFastharktitoonor, ann. Stunk .opson. Fran% re01111...MM.. O "cdover Tiounny .Seeds, nix Seeds, wand roan/7V Pastionlar atkallon (front* Produeo Idonslgam . , i,ja141,!. rAXlVNiNbigts. ta neer/ I 1111tfltiMCII_Ph_ddla. • en dIOPRODDITE, z- - Ei T51440/111— r .: ciLUS; BONAND 0171702( and JPI4ttmRON • t r ar trinutututei generally, Ili V .,,,,,,,0TP111WAJ1M 'trii i :Z u M t rl eat PA ni ttli tA o 3 l /lt PR DUll4ll3:3ol.lbestystresS, aping Eras* 91 Flour Gov Elakara. and tug. use I:Mast/only on hand. rarticulikt atteutlao to 61142 " 44 :t s / 4 M l '4 ul . 4441 . gel Tx 1 4. 17 * . vETzr.R Fong . A; '4114 CommLakin Idazahanta, lox Os r i al. li elo SEEDS DHEKD ht GRAIN MOON ' lARD, BZITTIM. ar, mall Product._ gezi Nb. , lftWaskst strestMenief Of Flzst42lSth IPlmniNil: if. P..- .BECIEZt 001, , No: i&7l4bliztj- Dbunth DAs Milsolista•M•&&• — ‘ i . 3cnimi 6 X4eolhants..sact dultririt 001iNtkt EPROBVODOtOVISIQNS, , DADO.N. LARD, DUMB, Viso. Aa., PRO. •.DtIDE, FLoUrt. SEADSUEEN'AND ``DRIED PEUITSi 841.1.Tan4 - UN JOHN B. .9. 1 VP.,,...V0D 11 4COOW. axerwtrolesale &ales ta - VitiSizlnritts cargEsa, LARD PORK BACON F,LQUA, f lu Z I A Arm- FEARII , BB/1 ENATITAtUn• 8 AND LAR/11_,. palm nee •N. I and la rniAl .Ir. ItilatAtliaog..4. - 131524211102,..11.1.4 , 71 , 8 , 10 1 r. VjggPATRICS; CHO,. &CO., (Stuves- LI unia ms,t° ,Inieldaltkpittlek dc,VdaVaICILT, .sA;.E. tid =ALM , S. in Otw Salt oftdeic S IL low., eratn, d , 111.abi Obessc, M, GUIs ad fili 24.a4161-ased to Lthats street, sitteg i n. jipAoNAZIat,..l:: 1...M11.'1.14E14 ' 1 1 ; /41ATAK FM - da 1 LA.N G Wholuale ' &aim .to GRoorarms, MOMS, GRAIN. 'PS • nWlevisicors. mu, CHEESE X& r X he 0,115,, ,;fos. SIS and ,OS V. a , ttstris 181xModlidliblulbiTa. • • s. .. .. Gizmo unapt. • I et 3IETZO4B, OTobers and Coln • Tame% lgenthants;_and desk/5111i all of 4110 • • try Produce .and Tut/berth hlanufseures, SAL I.l,berty street, opp• bind •ot woos • welt, PulArguib., t ••4047 , 7 ZJ1.311/111111/4•,/,i4/.11 . 11 7frix...,llarM RT Y ,ILER•44 BROTH :I(suacessors , I,l4lOTatitrs,,Nr - il, &ad_ .8P it °e V/1 11- MM' 'SUU4IIS, YULE }V0.0.9 1: 4 , 4.; thi .and IA W 904 Ulu% above nnti, WALLACE, Comnussioh 3ierchant, ik3 5 6 3 .1 . 1 .1 M y 1e11e Deat h s: VI rLGUTI- 1 / 4 GRAIN, Fa_ ,svoccr EMAc ' i t tai:p.s ."' b,:r 7, 7 `7wla s R. Varrpuis. COMer ~•ae sp . attectit.. t.lmaairrr 141U4ATTA,c9, OITY FLOUR- U • INC, MILLS, corner Libetiy a.a.l sto 1,1'1(41.1118h, C apacity, atia burl! , per day. • • opt !OWWATT n 421 W/Linnt. ATP 'WILSbN, "Wholemlo 'Oro sera, Commission bletahentse and deniers in Prodhee and Pittsburgh motintscttur.s, No. 163 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.' • 1u25 JAMES ,D.A.LZEIA, & SON, Ilaxinfac toren of LARD OIL And Uomoiluto Mar• paliog6;t r ur a c o hratsale ofURVUE-AND staltot, rittAIAAAA., AArancer roads on sons*: Inn* GEESE WARELLOUSL.—RENUY U. • C.ooLLlics, s%mPa:ding agog Oontaissioa Mee. 1.4 ,oh i l l ni sad dealer to Gllll.' E,PUTTER, 1.6.15. E.. P , and 'Produce geturrally,7o.ll3 Wood street, abon Water, Pittsburgh.' ' air IDIV.Vic01 . 11L::: - ....... • . .....211:191.42 4910112{. r ' 1. rid L i .4l7voiel. tom . brim REQUIIOE APID 00b1111,89MN bilEn ITANTSM7 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. JIAVID EDGE.IITON, Wholesale itt;'esViiget a rrigN n e ,"l44 Muca'a°4ll,7lVt AZIII 141110017. .JOlOl EMPTOS.,.A. 0. WALLA= VA BERT, BEIRTON' & CO, Who% . • [}metre and Produce Deggerh No. 4 SLIM' street,Tttabunsh. • • • jup ppla,ll 'DICICEI( dt...C0., Wholesale GroceKo: e,. azataalon Alartthaatis aad dalliers In PROM No.' aa Watat, atfala At t ad :0_034 IJO3ISR•riJrCE-:AGEVPrEi. - - olitt R913_10 ! Igent of ho Equltabiola, andth r TEr i ensi u latrirausncir ° l ,, Pktlr dalPhis. No. R Pimkat 1400 h Elttabilib. TO . TWINER COFFINS Agent tbr thf V p Baatmoraniu• saes Clamp . riatcasAin Maas • WOOL , TRIM BTR r , , - - r. 301iNt r Agent for North &lied I ecA,Stete - ot en Want's; awl Melba leo CotepsiO LW WA STREAT • - - SANTJEIi RBAißearettalAtlzete Inbar iil?Ot UCIMPAII7,O I2 W MARKET Sn 4 7.6410 • t Igo! • . • =NM -V w.L`'.l:47r.-. cols smarTioN HOW TO CUBE IT, XIA 0 ine tax L- mciamt, DH, SCHErwwq fisE, taboting under that Diseaso /am Tiow Ins Pvzzroxia riz UP, SEAWEED TONIO, Sea can ilarear. r%Atig; OR nig swag IN nutria inter Dom, MEAT SeCtESS ATTENDING IT! =TM Many Tema ago. whilst raiding In Philadelphia had .pciagressital.gmtluilly into' the ' last a of Pulmonary Uoristunption. all hops of my recovery being dissipated, I wee misleadbr, my physician, Dr. Parrish, to remove' in the country. Moorestown, N. J., about a collet Me tent, betas my native' pima , . a WAS' removed' thaher. awv...pying two full day. in the trateltien.'• My honer and all his family, had Head waddled, their—end of Plafauntary Cotasumption, Am my' amsal st Moorestown I was put to bed, where I lay for many weeks la chat wiul teethed, hope. Itits yomlttiun, Dr. Thorntenorho had been my father's Dimity physialan, and bad &Mended lam in hi/1411 1 ness, was called to see me. • Hathetight case entirdy beyond the reach of medicine, and femur Ms_ of Ituranination,fuldJtherefdre toroth. ded that death from the disease which tuntearried all by kindred to the. grave would alsotakocia there. Mit - apparently' hoyden condition, I beard of the remedes which I now make And sell. It seemed - tit tiethati coirld feel them,,worging their way, antr,wnetentingfivery oerre, I%ro and 'thane of•My illteM. • • ' layluags and Liver put on. itnew. action, utile' Morbid 'matter which 'had 'rem years aernallited and irritatenthe di ff erent organs of tha bolt r Was elimitohlbetubercies on my leap ripen Mar espithoweJ , from my lungs as much as aprat of yellow .offentive. matter every morning. ALMS, espaitoratlen orMattev subsidef, the facer shrithd 1 the pain let me, the cough nomad to hernia ttiei and the exhausting night aweats wore ne longer known. and I had refreshing sleep, towhieh Ittal long been a stranger. My appetite now began to' return, and at times I found it, didloOt to restrain myself from eating too much. ,- ,Whihiblarttunt of health, I 'gained in strength, and am now neatly. I. am now a healthy man, witht a large healed cMatiiir. in the middle s lobe of the right lung ant the lower lobe Depotlxed, with complete AM:melon of the Opera.' Thot - left - Teuig is sound, and the tiPper lote of the right one le las tolerable healthy condition. • Consumption pt that time was thoughtto be an ineurshie disease, by every one, pbyelcians as well ss these who were =learned early such oases as were, reduced to the condition I was In. This Induced many people, to believe ty recovery only temporary. I now prepared end" gate the medicine to ernitunptives for soma tim e, and made many wonderful cares. and the IrCreased so rapidly Mai I determined to otter • thernto the public,at d devote my tublivisted attest . tion .to inns diseases.. In Muth; :I , was next to lamed. to rt e people would send for me far and near. to awaitt whether .their dates were like mine. ilavlng occasion to examine many eases or luegailmort,l. vies prompted to tweet the Learn. rut , "fieternelt's /Weir:suet's?? -which metcldelll assists me In detecting the various. Itasca' of tear alienate 0. L l'ltet. ~ slor teeny nark= eemPinetion inth lay pried; pal °Clem trentWaphis, I bare Men asking rev' tiber ylsitit .to 'Ziew York, aostaa,Baltioune and , Po; sire year. past num Made at meres' 'Eve hungred trains i nns istitri the'l.l..` • = e distl ter hars .' . -end " f u n -eimb h kw me to mi giv inT a l' ene hmill' h•pet Stearn& treel46aditliiit - orb seinen andleilhtte Metikly whether braille get meth - - One - • , ta?. Ms ontatiellindtlittes I hare With pi , • tents,..witte sting duoassi le- lai.artridet •.thein,tri sat talctog I We colds. , Many thialtit • WI a y e# they sheaf ton, Tie tetali , ter ow min May WO tole then May; - -Thilit I. e eat .errarifor if say Ons.Wili , read ever _the r 1 -Many cures which I have published from area ire 1 thae,sheryarla had Mahone of them were Qom.' 1 of Pored= Mhos , war* coodoed Co their bale cad • 1 ' could net take cold;; nd by:this careful avoidance of maid tbeluomNenthestoth. - ;ATintelartrorivise, •.: tbelr patientr - 0 , mr ma -wed Winn the Intshalr '-' I ActiOdo they cure by so ,doi j_Let thishundredi or deaths by ecoundoptiora ng :da - are* city answer the questien. I W e rldrattz ilidt h i m s pgent in a tight, - I ollt lly vezi take a-, "el l at told. en who hati g rseess cured 'by my • mcints, when a absersses broke, were an Wren. Nivel, that -atielettlalialtlir reheat la the_ roam, ',- eta yet that! gotarermithout exposers ta tblatAito - Mr.! ' -.itrhis gnat Make* wbf 9bildoiretaiirrhot Oen , rosslunPuoli ife.ihalbbolt All. 10 AUL 400 math; lhei t give medicine:tatty Merft,taik w o the . ‘ i g g riD g t,74tr:4lVolud i rrijai .rift: 71.4a-Vdtlitirtitirxr,..wa,thLitsthiai . hey ftespiredient,rnddf Iliad InnO lIMOUttI, it I and the - patictithore Oa thrim roma, /Wm, and,_thasi =he lilm: .. trirelwall WA . at ti ( p.o.obt to make nein di Oen: reston, _ the , portion that Is destroyed, but TIMIOWUXths cone t riton that Mills khatba jo,aori, ulcers, tiozAlliftli , •a aak landoelll4Mihn:inua be lir ' tr3tret*trell. Span Intreihact by ibardPstl . rat i •stikeittir's ..n=onte. Syrup,ts.attiL , Ilan, ' , Mialit - Pills." MUM ttier:at i r ALlut. undo: tt.praltarit:tatm.wit III:gln . _ _ _. Ufa agreed isitsteltietienitut Cinitdartilateli . lig u t persons, the: th ere axon:ten:data ethlidierill • p the F idttexi. , ' When Vie blood Le Waned it eio tbe budded; lets-then the stitannotherell• seam marterin - thislintelnegid baiter,. ,ried out:brae turtle' bit Nett 'orteoliarhietilito 0 11 Ilecl - for alai' PUTPOO O arab:reeiseod•ur Oa. bioott(atiettherui bahad try impeterialtutaanithivo,' "feietions arid , tatting" the dkettire apparatuald • good wonting order: , lhaltohech,threransiOdistels. ,toree rteloltd to a 71 , saditleiWthrin . Age an dltharef. go :fle - food wili. , to aloe -.A. bielo4.lebilbeiklu pi arire itatztaaiid 00 i 'Ara Wear tiud-eabbilb ilf, - p - Ruedi add thylestlie,, .--, ply tor anal of the body' - ' - .j_ ~.- , , ,:, Tart Potion) Srittrir I. on e s 2oi the AMUvaltsy:', able medicine known. a worGaOv Amile,.ardi healing initeelf. lII* digeliMM , . and , abulrbhX %to the blood tolwitiott t Imparts ite beelloit.pfopitsilet,;X:.lcsow to realiebis We, ltis 'Ciihe or can dm . as Mach to rebathit wOrhata , • ingriktll•eol7/I.olXalti9r4 at, the 11/1g8 , 046- , ..i - 1: - , mg% Sltartinb - TOMci 'ls dlitillai from. , eepteeo; oin_bleelteritbotfoi&toolo and.AIYMI U TI, "toots and liethWiffauth a banner - se to make a - .Weirdly plestalioriabdiebte.latiog - ia poselnal Jloilo eileetaltithuile terrible disastrous results arising tram einem stimulants. ',"The fleasfeedL Toole produtus ha restills;tlibtolighly Melly 'cretins the atomsell end -digestive system, and . enthilllS It to enintee-end esajto Leto healthy. flood, ale faeierbieb may'- a heed for that 111. ro.rt lt le to wonder el In its s ran, that a whim glast full win aigrev beratyttiesc and - alittiaor - it taken lieforcitieeklest %alit glee a tone to the stomach Witch fmesnalielnegnosseasthe power of lux Illatiimettall'atue may betalrenwithenttre tafety by all ages and conditions, soot swing all thd gi yd. restate tbet.eari be obtained Icon CALClatei Of .any e. t the mercuriel. ronlicluss, and without any' of the it hurtful results. They curt out of the Elven, the feculent and worn odtmatiers loosened cad dissolved by my Seaweed Tonto and Yulmonie Sirup. It will be seen that all three of my mall. eines are needed in moat eases to core Consump. men; and, In fact, my large experience enables me to decide any they have cured snore cases of that Oilmen than that oombhaations et medicine knows to man. . In the imitate editions of pamphlets I hare pub.: listed many of the most wonderful cum of Val. , catenary COmumnpaon on record. Persons,many with both loop affected, sometimes tarp cavities In one luny, healed overby my medicines, are now living and enjoying excellent health. I will give • Pew cues and select ettern Rom difilenat parta of , the country, leo that those who wish may Malt or. Israel° them toe more positive information. Hes. Henry Morgan, a minister of nub repute fn tis say of Boston, and well known over the Airdtml States fur a man of gent ability, was cured - by taking my_ mealtime &aerial other treatments' ' had felled.. He has often been writing to me with . regard to the fun In blew*, end always angwere ! 41 1 am the msn.V. A -RH Uatemenhof his -mute may be seen let my pamphlet. He had prat= 1, 1 4/ 71 / 7 of the loath IPA ern very much .. BP liic . 0h . , , Of Harlienit . on, N. J. was Mired 'of Scrofula and Mar curial disuses, At the time i ie-coanneneed =toy the taisillanstaheeras • and e a mass of sores. He is now perteetiretll7 a ributes his cure entlrelpto my medicates Maria Koch,dkriser,.trefeng clear' elersts, IHas, honfn# county, frAftOratra eery bad cadge Yanourp .cminseptfon, and was entirely cured by my oreditinca. - He es itell known in that - rommtatity, and las tenths mean pi inducing agreed many persons in 0114 to sal Ours *mediae, and wilt great sutras. Hie Plotcw,: ,graph, loth before and after he teat cared can be urn, :ego? ;pule Dr. &per, HO fV,Jod Street, PlateunA. , . cured Alegander,..of Pittaletirgh, Pa li : j aw cured la a vertbed WM of DlrPePals and vet Goltlllalirt br tna Spilitcqtl, Awn and Idanditba Pella 1 ' ' Meal Jane Barjose, of Wotan/We City.. Wee. cum/ Of a had essem Dyspepsia and Liver Com. plaint, She le an aged woman and her oomploter, moray lt very remarkable. , , .. fdraiPmilenee Johnson, wife- of oat Yolussoe4 l now ratans at No. la W: Them street, Williams. burr. N. Y., woe Ward Orrolmonary Owesump Hon, and is now as hearty an 014 lady all Can be found. , Petet Styker Beekman, Of. Some-nil* N. 3..; was smother remarkable tore , of Pulmonary Con. sumption. His certificate is attested by hes okra! num and other well known citizens. NW Mary Sehmidt. of, Km/14ton, ris,,, woo a tad case of Oonsusipttott - and Liver Complaint, and sufferedpealby from bolls, ltayingat one time more tban forty - bollsi her Nowa. Mos we., entirely cored,onO 'know married oraltisted - : ' ber.bunely 111 Malautt, Mar, g. Dr. 10BENCH'S pelsedpal.offlos Is at No, - , 'Heath S.Sextb Street, corner of Commerce. Phils' delphwhere all orders mast be addressed. His. can be ound tbsteigreffsistonallb XV-ZitY sax' ~., R. GEC. H. KEYSER, L - ...). No. I 0 Wood .otreet, Pittsbint4 Pao ' Is:the taborized agent (or the telt :of all my eeh4 -- , -.1/Itiaw, : ; i .. r.~, ilinapHßExs . Homeopathic Specifics Nave mined, mom the most ample exurs. - obtoossi,sozo le, oddest sod = smite 'perfectly sdaptedteton4 U4r nu —so simple trust mistakes csanot be amdete laStEStleam oolsrmless lotto be free from atter. end se et:Wiest so to be slwaye - • No. L oozes Fevers, Cor.geitlons,loftsmme.' eton ..... :17; . .; .. W co - r - joi;;;Wor cm, We're.,: (~11 4.ottif,o4.ltOttdns o t io n Diarrhoea', of etafeetroelo 3olll "- 'D'iseofer4fi - 4 3 11 11 1 X1 Et.L4T*Cella ': cholera Ifortnot. 1. " Comet*, Cold% Er0get1111.4....... -2 : 1 ; - Ifeeratteth4Toothsclut,lsooOdut • " Iteadoehoo. Stet Aeadoelet,.. /3111 ons Storisab.;.:. 2d. u.Arrecot.ed, scanty - and 11. 'll a .. tifiUdiliAb; ; 2 A' o Croup. bona COLO.. ...... 141 I If. ." Salt Bbetn, Er:aimless/Up Slats.. Z , . 3thenuustisuo...•ll.- ”Itratrosttio- , .1 f fS Fever awl Ague. alatf 4 . 41. fer it .. Piker totettnisl•or ottentif • Ophestmy, tom =tined eylo+. • 15. - Catarrleissoto• SIM 0 Intooplot .F. 0 14 1 1% .-1 17 1 MM1.C 46. Car .. ... I. As ft,semmod ftt 22 . Ear Dr..toPoind • • fuestiog at, •' 0 Elerofulai ; Vii Goner's', Atzr. Ph 0 4 14: 67 " 11 1, 0ko_rat.lectiter Seeretiote...".' 50 se o Bea 111clo2ete. or sleko.lllo.a. dttrjriiii;fisei; .. . ' o • erroto. , Debility. ..)=.170.1 • z .'ne : - 4 / 1 ° • .... -o. Sore Nontli; Or ettAtte)'' o• trintoildear Ineofit • • li t ' 'Vpitafon P4e104.1., oettl WA& Al: Sputa: llafferingo Wattle of tose.l l O, " " EP11.1317: BMA, 4. :A r got: • St. 11:11=41%. . o 1; . : is.l2ll6g,agetN. , _ ' Cues of 26: "tali; tidroeco case and boOk couplets:. . . .. . .... 03 l'4llle of 20 large ylels,ltr olontrebolddliOok. - 6 NI Case of 20 large yisla, plain cue and b00k... 600 , Ca. of ILI boxes (Noe. to_l6) And b00k...e.,1 00 by the._ tale • c oun t ry , Are sent to antrpart bethe country, b y ma/I or ex loess, free o f charge on receipt of prim. Addreis • BIIkIPEIHETS' SPECIFIC HODIEOFATHIU, .32E0101ND CO.,:ofElee and depoteloo.'662:l3reed. way, New York. For sale by all medicine deader . 13 . .. ~Wholesele Agent, Plttaburgli n Pe. Dr.Eininpkreys to consulted daily at bile office, ,pormorullly or by letter, as above, for all forms or abeam . 'Fat gala b) 141.N.P.M.,14 Elzalihrield inner, old et - .7o.9Erkf Trmuririrs brag `aid Pat. eat, gedleine ,Depot, No. 8. Market st., earner, of :ttle9Ateosd'jindneer Yonrth R hrleasql pOUGH NO Rpm. MWM li3=UOIPS COUGH lAthAldi eraummaiwisi Brulietisttii 'Ciitreos BALSAM L witmolted to qui, oouglisi Golds libuterum, Asthma, Whoa plog oou6lejrfiare Throat; -Otossumption; alibertions., of the Throat a 224 a uth or aalg L : B= l, rat Depotj. IMO An ma Medical men atid the_pres DR. STRIOILIAND'S ANTDOII.O SHk 11 =RE as th e only certain remedy for 'Herrin= ani placatory. . a. scanbloatlon Astrizeoerda, Absorbenth - 13thmtirmarthd Crarrenej" . rerf and ti trerrented to efilret • thla .atc $1 ) if 11: . *1111 balm • for fa 4 4 l} bens - pc.!, el* raustrizalasi Clinclaastgu. STBICOMODS DB. STIIIOBI42IDRPED PILE Xl.l=Dir, Tab mired 42.bttnals 4WD.. Worst. eziseitt 'Brad 4nd Bleedisti Pam Al gives immediate talk-OmA IS tecto t arrn*".*Kra. - ravels by subetnitte. ataiverilD.Po,oFailN, > :, thspergati'Nertoiumeil • , .s- DB; =mom • • Ire iNip, iesammod.thass sataMml r rilaiml 'L AV 'vssla It to x rdour ominZM pre 4 ratiou, a i i1i1; 1,.. trc.„ 4l7 awauttlit Tonls /lit •=. 6 .lamtlathe laws ne r vous ' . tsiEz!,4l!im Wrap. sad Er JEW.! • - - - 1 t -.7 1, • thE H. iurrslx.-Pit s tabt2' - i or , . I JOB . FLEMING 7 . • 1 -.•-•,- .21,,INAOLL 403Gi, t. ; Y• ' • ' ; • , : OILLBLES SOFEE, -...,--, , • ; • .....L,BL.EDLTOIM ,•••,• • - , r - •-,•• •• - •.. .-. i .. ; cauLewgitwiri-lippALyirlifqtre,", .V-lig • :ST:. . - OP MIDWPFEBT. Arta Alga aticatarally tretted presses deaugall for in tal i alikarN mit t• attat prayallsad muds at UM tISSEET,Ar. Tort, *rim Uttar, alit tiettaisar • mitt Ladilszarbe a Bate sat await maxiy tor remortagolori. can Ilttimmrbet eektmattalarallibla fteaatt Femalelm Izto mom ragalarltrtaia tara3ll/__ batatattztaieamestaloatrataaaPts Ear. retttra.lla, %mat= arit fats rate tha* Mut, sat mantas Bilyamlo sae D a m II pat box. Oka obtatoad at" pre- IR Darr Stmt. Naar rarltOitykixraaatty asit, vitt laattnatlx4tdatasattg . BaraW 9:158 _At.; pp! east UMW ~ Obp, IVA samara& jamas FOWSl.zfaxs.ras.onais--lii• } • Ammo:tar:id:mow. a Xrici, a 1 4 / 4 lit= rtagaradbyPaytt. 41144 - ,121 -M , lt rut oat ttiotak ay. traarottiaitaray Ira!" We - And all ammo Jutditg tbstraborkl44 .4a a • .VECtrrABIJI ai WIEMELIS . • any part nrit*L44m,r AU tamers mat =cram ' a Mr to mourns • _flikarapeallases held 'ankh Otllach 1311 strestottugglar Una, Miasma ,T,w,alitiorsTAULPogi, .--RKTAIWANBEaBga; Shtio' 14153 *gni sutiairroastycpusi - -- ,9 For tbAtitteitidl eliein at itairste ' into two tolcrar am*, bran ilatitely ',wand Wit truing:lW , alto; Se.WWWWialeit, tad LI. °that ltseasei aanntiss teOtal organsiaad Shatz prtival a itr mre ir 11201e1rehmOd ~t ditir !Wats W.. us Fmir , • - -V tore BSIPPLTt . z • ItItEIGN EMIGRATION 011/01 PErrgit7un4VVlTUL: - • • sea: is • • iTaigiiihtiud mg* , letliol il;liew 'York anti stegguhip Commit , haYinS AfelAral =their Agent harboring Air. sop a..., le noisprepered to bring out Mae. home PenAngerl_by Steaninte of tali 'Line at UNIISI7A.LLY. LOW HAVIS. The Stet:heti Of this hvorltcliae InateLlc,eipOol evertrertingsv. -, DAY, for New Nork,tonehbig at Gineeratosn sae are &MO= tU UMW, gatecta and most nor moat scuds afloat. - . The undenigned is'alim Agent for,the!salvo tool " 4A i u re ' ry_ d 9 1 1 1171ra S l e rc e altrallatig : ceerfefor er a an prancer; and ?Ws. The Camis ole of Ma line are bout in the strongert and fattiairtholee socommodaticmt fortmneoigma. - lie L ciao agent for TAPSLIOTT , S LINE Or cele• bmted Climes Balling Packets, leaving_leverpooi for New York Melee week, and the .a.4Line 0 Lendbri Packets, leaving London Gray ten days. The nips of TaiseottW .Line harp /Ong Deanna tad fa their quick waagea and the excellence of airdriciolis f‘im the Pamichdete, sod theta eatnient yule on board: 'Patties Who wile iend brought sot by tailing vene/a, should b4 ii alcaeat ta . ZZI reduielostm ; SIGH D R AY oil all yatta of Utopia axle rat thelowest Mae. . eppilto CMEII4: smart Enagration 0M.% IZEINI STEAM •• wpluirj an ci n at : ir5N041,,,,j: Ll Amer eamets of the Oom i allomsti Lim) sinviog =IL flans, . sae to tall as fo ll ows. G o G r OW Lorwozi . :: : .. W E Linesits: ufflum tllvoL ... ~ Orrit .OE-IPZLWliwun.stitinisy, Lily fie.-1: And Efillfill in oo.4. sa,,Avu, Wialikaal4:::figast ilen... :.;.: , et ItomPlailitv Garth aver. t - ..d,, ,- 7i12....„ , . w. , , .., „ =xis . i ., :nratm .. . •.,, P Lipid, ori l e East sbin. 1185 . 4 :7 - Pi;i7ta . k.P. Go a London.- 95 tO a te Lomita... St as ~_ 4,, ;It a Lto 1.a1i5i.::..40 oto -.a' to Hambur g.. DS ai a toHeribaritr o ok Ilusivogsts Also forwarded trilLtsitie Rottattlam, fistortrpOra., - et equally lostrates. - 5 : Mate from Liverpool wrQuesostotm-ist Oab nh IA Sr Stamm Itte. ~.Tikoss who wish to semi tor =Ws .um .bstr tickets bre et Mese t:teyflyer 4 ,liitoivistiori way at Ihe OomptielVt t 1 , 41, Gino, 1 ,- • - • ~ • .101111 G. 111,LE. i 7,t ... t , . . 1 5 1b0adw344106 M=5;2Ell Clatid Rp 4=41 Z.—atom tram& .uinumge Q=o*ls. Min rolCallispl4l,itagariatolge 'sox NSW roas ! 'sigukgraZoi"... sauservir ;wow ,— .".lal=U33ll,nn(ieur,4*;a,a' cai . a3=guiLl , .)e3ibizoila a ' •sPOATBMEWIS 1141V.Willata, tisvocui szEtzer':, 3307:4724r InilteaAbe atteathat of Spada= ail ddriglendl4 'Mock JOGUNS P 4 DES up; 13Hur BELTS tudPOOOILES';DICASI, aadvramnitionot may MEL itoat, WA Aunt innatimonght to•ihL mute— r""WA T &TA.Tr a iIei t XaCH s .'ett a k!--- ;. {k4tp F 4,414 U:l7.Wailitt-eat i -' . . . . , r 114111.1 t Cf‘'lD,V. - - 1864 '6. 43KRTBAL E. B.—SUM BLEB cammemßrlTNNV EGLVSR DAILY TBA.Va. Onand after TdONDAY, May re.lik IS:kV"; • Wilke are the Depot ii folicoria' I. la/ BYYREsS. daay army/ Sunday, stalk/ I. monthly only at rcr,sarapOiwions) and =akin direct connections at Ilarriltrors for New Yorke ualmmom end NTachinatork and at PalladeiPhlra tor New York Banco and interne llote AOCcommoDATiurfolaily , earayt dar t It - no ta atoyylag at all - regular , 44,10 n* between Pittaboran and IlArrann a Na v ili making- Cl?., eonneetion oak 'Maki on Branca, Watt Parzurrlvania B.ftrittarlonag eat. V°; 1 74 • dial! 4 nWa r ta ' fig i alSa Mead Ind '"" v ooesiertloa wit/vim= entre ES brirr t ! fic ua me d =m u t It esi lfa i taia l ar. JOB. 1 " 113 " AC OO 2I4ODATION7daIIy az eeyt Aruiday, at 1.00. y. la, Mopping at regular sta. tionan4 YAttalnirgt MAA.• :ekamawa, sod eon. WWI/ terneetlon with Mal= ^q the:bat= Branch and Weit - Peehraraola ZYBALADELYBIA =MESS, daily, at LIS D. ~Eoona p jr,x at Latrobe,. coneraatilltsan. „,tiuton,mmin NSF L,wltto Pmft, b4town. iyutllaMartebtut. _Ltinmater t andmixmi. maci made for BaltimbraM 011 and N. yore YkilatialphlaaforricryX Bolton auirt Mier. mediate Bleepina Bon runithroarb =tom USIA from Pittsburgh • to PlithaingiTilliaddlgeil and Newi , i2ittry the Allentown rnote. FAST dairy , NOM! MAIM p. stripping o iesaMerla Galltuen Alto*. Boalatelono =in; ' 4: tar, mAroville, Harriabunn i cronallt-JoY, Landisville; Meow= AtHardandrir co Minor& aft Selo 1 . tirrefork, Bentham* andOiluinsW.. Oa,- it PrilltY• r4bia, for New Yarn BoarnanAndlnil . . - ABM. tomormimdatflin Trait Br Sal I NAM daily (except Sandad) Staab - a: Second Accommodation TralialbeWalri learn dally:(strotaiande4 5611.40 a. • ThirAAccomaiodatntor , Titin for W. BB= earn daily (except Sunday) at 445 f Innen Accenunkdatltin Valli for Wail% Mcdlea , Critidally (except StunlaV at alitl tribramodetion for' ".Ptyan Bram*. Rareri fo TIM March Train' Berea NY • .'Siattivi Bendy at PX4I at re, reinnunc mayor .17F4 1 1441-! at Isracipalv, - . . . . . flattening Trains Arden' PitUnnsgti follOtria,:t ROL; . .. . . ............................. Inn SlWAth,z raid .. .1.00110A14,,i Aeolmatstain.:, Robb decotemodatlon. %SOL Elb,:" Bedard-1f11.141 •Statiotr notoantoofattOn. SO, doeastoartr stye, PittabtfighitEthr/dall• p. fltM Wit !nationAesoso2c , l4l.ap, "-C;' ,llas l3l Philedelphla . ..... Fourth , Wall'a Stanton AreotainnUtion 'GM gita., Imlgtant%Trala '.bnP.1 1 1.„4 , nin'Ageat 'CI the-Inoeltdor Orangdniuntailant-.1 Nllll. c aseihron gh esen landn Leto robbing the .1 Ilepo take aft steam and:delltet bastig.4o bar part o .the elty. Ohlto O. Penn meet, open day euld night, silken all at:Lemke the MOYIIIIIIIIS of gasiengnfe byggagnelll , yecanra - Orannonatef ttn 2 24. iripitia sin nirfiti n.nplesi p. to: OP 351=11}p,.: t; s l. NgTe eate of. 1n0,4 6,1 00WW,W14 had tnesmires Tesixmatataor °nu Rama.' 1 ' Amin azulfar an amount net COX .1 L. cri. Mae Pennaltrindi Cere r ral station, ort Liberty null : . not stmts.- •ntais ~ .p/TTSBDEGg,__ o n ' _WAY= k ozuo M Etk.II.WA AMY OLOPOLki =GO SAMBOAD. • . pan= ARuncurziorr. On Ink aka Dray lak."0 0 . UAW Siff ram Ikm:ta • Yls. .FoL ~ Pittsburgh ICklaskt , .O.UmalunL I Wnetomit. yin g,to I. nu 1.104. er,!.. ElPttas. /grow-- 151,P lti " SAO 6. 121. orNa email and Ed* 8.10 a. in. Arrive, at. Patalrazgh.-P.St. W. & Etert;Aly,t L.lO ane_ga m., ACM m ., 7.60 p. ea. ga4 0..&P. R . -4.111 n. a 141.45 P. 111 4 211 ,;1 1 1.."„ t AOCQXIII=II.t . IO6 IMAM. , Leine Allegheny. - Welt koMbes. - ...8014040? - -= Might= ir.Mkomy Alma la. Al 6 pm. LSOp. m., 114i0p. . fY4von - • z - • ,-•••• amp. na Antis 1.156. m., 61i ao 10.14 a acc, Ulf 11:1044.a•pp,r.C. =and - 1= p.m. 9. 1..,11. R.-4.10 a. set: ' GEORGE Rajaa, - 1741013 - Palitero6. Intuannik, lc A. Q. Ob9BSY I , va , ejt, ' 1 1415 , 1 , -LS. Ann7f3.131./AnalAucill.gratit PITTBBI110291'41.11P2MIBNIMM" A. vorTmEripaVlAst:4 i ' ,sunprEli":AßVT,Ftstitter". : .' l4 , • . .....-. t de LaituVoilik KONII&V,IimIi% vsts,thlaL,l: M ire the VI .ri 41,6 _ 4 > ,01 A L24 • Og a .-. 1 • i, -2A tiarinst , ,ff Ictau a 1:4 ' 1 1.: 1 1'41:16.2141, tr• ..r..., • P• 10. VA* e.ct im xu rritr...ijkat kVA', a.uto &as . vow 4,.., •• • *IA P,134 Rai p.; , i < l Tun etagedies , . ' , .'t I '::. 73:0 14. EL Moo •. - xs:,,, ~-, Boma , u " i,i 14 5 ,10N-. 511 :99.5t A ! , mutat y avid' Thili 640,4° •- "- ~b ,ts g , ' Cf°lllslaKe " Wrt '. -, l ,rf .o4 !_ t i lj rAi:#!: , i . l ' A P r t1411" 1 1 .4?- i rl. : : SI A li aI., -.•-.• -..!.• t ....-' ~ ;,, T . tam. ..w. az - strovs: lbiaws. - ‘ l .';• , . X.LEGBENT I • AL;MBRIMIr sm. LEY It A.T.LEOLIE curatetE ay mum—ch our same ifforttaVi , 1atty=4.12:1531/MAI ,itrtnittitekttir • :.;7 1 a ftlzentut:ripitutbutzeks yam*: at EttatadorlEtmet6e4. Lanka • - Maar* p; •• !:EIEPEE — SE . MlLSEc4ditirrof UA • W eur=rgitt EltXtborskyttalSweri. Lowetr-f 2141.13).MWiliMMVIE.Eatt=34 14/- - MX 4/4300.11MODATICa. --121 L• . • • km at IF.EI at.; tigg jitif tLessts ElVAlntrgli FAUA ay sahlair • ,qoarsTr.4-- - ' The Peinisylviiiltr Ittitillerailtruttletittf 1. , will hold its E l atibltdoa fka sotb,jtitio; ism and 29161. d~xs mai WIILUIEVO ; An t.ity. inform:ion .11MX*Q..V7 ParSOUdattIIUSWIOT .11ELI1W4ADDItaitkini Oz. Usta or poem* e:;b7 mem as of the Soo 'Will be Ilsebe . tae. 'slodoftigned, or A. BO 4..EM0.4=f0 , -./ , • 41 =Gr. MatirGaZie NOIIMSZOTag. 7/231114,,,rtvirtf iffhlitaVid— te • W°°DaED X...rW49.Pi%:::' , 7 - ;:: : : , ?; - ; .•.',i: vith - ..i4iii*tiit, - "X* 4 isiiiiiillirl;" • 1 . .1 , 1 , , t Pi.e. '' -.. AND,DFA -, r-3,41,,r . . 1:,::.1..-.,',141: 'Mite Lead, fled Laid madman; Pala* chi, i=. ,- -t ovaralthesi Die Stuffii, IhadOw.cssi anwrasair,,= ',Yi -:bpieros i Perfamtry, 13trav-Itr, Cub= 013, trit. ,,,, .-- F? Altro, Agents tor Wlnter's Mettrillet Wawa, Pattrtryr"' - -ti Ilazdilton mate Lena, sAucearoasywhite Lea, = : 8 ., awl Maul tr. Whitens Ocirttrli t lf 'l3, BMOC" , 1..% ono and tiropottnil cess. - --- •) • •No. , 37 - WOOD 'STRUT; , - , -. 71 , . . _ . :: ( OPPPME 141$_ ei•tg.l=9.l= 3 l4) ' FURII/TUZE, 4524). Prrrsavaou, r" i).)t)Sif tt,i thiorx.l T cai, szrar. • `1211 . . WOODWELL. , Haid. ,; .THIRD STEISET:, ; r eProinte Edrat643:**;Ochhis lan- CM0217 " STMS:Z...f 11/fcCORD•Z6 ' ' 112 , 3, 0 48 /g 4 gla Hate, caps - and..:straier Goodel its - e;* mow Listen tie leapt cal,moit eamplete GOODS titlrtgyiplAri D VOA. 'mulcts OnlF@tDelcppAttti lrlD aze Dig • - IMAM (i'& „ totorLEVasw - =M. ARP BASGE- Craig fitreet4iileitttessys. to bbli 'to Mat arlierrings-, • ;a1 kap Ural 78 Yep BealL , 100 Inalat34ll.W.A-IPP.teg • tn, ae - CO' do' Bo,o= Zoltan; . 4 - do primivrallowCaaresi; For sus - -.. Ka.w ESlTri t 4 r No 216 Lthenystneri .P.UNDILLEII , Soo bbis ExtraLlZ,llMaigni El/a3F 161 Out mid tirl'S'opoooo3 i 9 w . 1 Ewa I/ tom 0;i Eurti 12153u3n1"2"2,' WA (=ga ll on, Sub 3 8* 496 9% M-o° lit s idon IIId 1O 41331 Lailit7 " !BAIA& IS Tear-01311DA,...'. - 3 cPIQED AND FRESH d are . spsocC,l42 Freda:kora Oystankte? lands pound naafi anta l ln store &MSc: sate by - 4 ,atrirlll7.B Allrolag u 4 wips!ttasti I=l _ _.~ .~ • • I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers