LAITED.—Ehonse, 'eocttalatas tOt,tre or oh rooms, alitterla :Maw% or Anson", to Wanted about tits, SeNclPOtriOr Otto*, •wtoo clod two etilleres. Adorns, tAx.m. 0 awrovi W hiIsiT ZD.CIARPRIITHES ,-2 . ;- _ , MegYADThcamina t i ' , said, to sort In the any. Good mei Rim Try r• ad stag initaol=7 laionestay, ITP, D MEE Pinafore,. A EriIIISTS W To canvass tor D. ECILLAIII79 LT7E, N?eliou I JOHN A. Eatiurr, Generst Atent' I,2ll2autE&TV LiToliki it , Pittabtuirty Pa WA,rin FVR g_ 13$0 , liStgpfOr, TifE FIELD, Tait D. DUNGEON AND THE ESCAPE." BY dramilw, A glionagroacor, New York Trams. Gorresposil.,„ .r. ... a Med a Wedeln:a for,kow years. traveling thron h an Strath in the secret service of the, at the outbreak of the war, with clog krmilre • ~_, Malik ink East ands- Wait; gilding Simard t rears of the Ifebellionr his thrilling capture; h , elinsammeart for SO months is seven didermat re i 1 tils pave ever airman telmital one foiNnea..., V ot - lharir ete ease, it'vetu 'abound tn. events, and einitiLLO more of the fact, incl.. dent and rentance el the war them say other wont yet published._ . - , Teachers, ladUM - eneigints young men, and espe.. „, -chilly returned cud disebledempl officers and soldese, fn want of proyment, win and t pr. scpillittly 11411 A el .M to e their Mmaltion. We ) I ham, agents clear Slid per mesh, Which we will prove to any doubting_appliaant. Send for arch. lara. Address, . doubting EROS. h Oa, , , N. P.. corner Sixth and Minor streets. ' jentwarclawr Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED.-1125 PER MONTH.— Agents wanted everywhere to lutroduce tt e' 4 ieffwiSHAW & CLARK ISO FAMILY SEW et nuror..ast 0pti01w.,,,,, all ir a th.ietracedipmcnr a,. . a '', , T a Wei;)44( . 404:25,04i .40 ;z....„ ...... .. . . *, . ' ehrW ie444tne . L: 0 4 174.0. . r 4fttrde. co ' ." . ` . l' :''Zinvett.. A * .cI.4T, • i, - 4.14T111) A.T MT gr.M, 1111 V . 4 , -, • ott.r.4r9V3 : 'l4ll, far , Ii , i ',:; pionT. oo,* ,pok P ar 4 W 044. It, 4 ".' tl. 7 6:lZ , Tr ''' N e . i . ::lr s.# 4 6;fiir,, tbiL4 a, V, Idazt j ore * ' ' *4 011 . 01 w ,iit' t ' 6 '4 1 71, ; 041°'e r0 teAr4 As elm , a ' ....I,&pueagic,,fiathet tut eucutariN .. Itulate.lo ..' 4 Wai NtaCCW444I4 MOO, r 2 thild • 1 ... 1 WURT.D. , - , -117p. t.',3lo3l7•ll—ilt ' -,, '', .14±atut r . ....,,whiers , A_Fro tid; Ro t ler g % 6l4 ; ' AI 1 1 :4 1 11 j _N b A l . 1 t i51arr.,,Aid4c103:,.,, r1 ...;....„ : , ,oa B4LF~iai R,'JIT. , prt elklar-..E. Farm of ationt :40:9 zeros ' Jartarittettillowa4lll.l77*ltsiorelgad Clooncy, ' A rikteerSAS Sat*" ht EV:IWO SOirhiattp , *Um ono% ra., ' • • • 11.3iftl ValtiVlC SU II onet Xititt Pt 01 t'OnPellPOTerttatio. '-'' . ' lit iltiA a= 4 tat VIM I:,- 0 4 im i -R: /. 4 . 1 , ... !Ott.' T a Ati 11314trz 0 % j . .h • . ' 4 ' 7' llttgi r : 1 i ' 47 40 1 ft " liti .1 g tni. , - It , na tt alt etour t t o d . ust iotit i t ' , llWricer iitiokirlit - sifd sliont. on,lll.onAr4-• !Oils ~4f R. Porlig*„Fisit, ymbp.% Zoiloss/004044/01a • - i •• ',404c .- EM6 iffo444 la' oiraos a ttgordat h iatfilatt • • • T's 011 i top* ' '' ' • 81 ;0 ,0 4 41 11L a LittiOtaaoore. Ail= '' '4 l Rol. lazovA a ,t4sorsea. Wlll be litilitijaikA ,srp, gain* *mem som, . " . , 4 1 4 4 2 4 - Or? kiNtitt two PIM , . ;beg: vs sa* =Mel& laser. • iki a ir% t i i r4 bats 11 ,4 11 eParl.P., Own liSittel. ,t441,442ra4444041s ..A l * o tratoo4 l .l2o;tao. 441=4 so'!" crib. LA wagon , AL5a,.. ,..... , VIA =St 9atbcdithar ti 4 Jam Er . of.bocupso 400 awl Wall i s e 4 co . fiQ7.lO peirtreek aid 44 Dealt ~.,... A ~, , tr .v., 0 .,„.... 4 ,,.....p 4.'4 '1,1%11! • loriTS4l a% ,Blalalto fatariootio4, 1 MS gamy kalsitailrosd. ' nil I, Mims an - 00 Ala wallmy:A bor d for o6latsforo, ,1 . 144 ileo 4 lxrao SOW 4 4 sercs4 .5310 44.47 bcoutllnlYarro 14{7.47•04,44;r4a1erl ' to 14-444;45.4141410 Turcastapsiaol4l34 at , 4 3,, ' net tAri taw* of Vis*jilicton,-Abont- lour as [mg the Padatrronla ,thkurvisl, me Iskm),lrt smuts sr* two Itsaar. arrelillif Ire 4 t n . luxe. Itgrol, a tux. Awl f 944414441 a 44 roils t =‘,. '77 : 1, Z1, 1°, 44 g a'57 r1 ` i " ,:::: 'wkos -.,,,,1.PrgP0rz.v-I .44 eal Tsr7 raoSP ', - Aloe, ta twits rum }a.Ellasbsti Toirnrbis, ftr i tClo.Vs kon alma Oa Mas 4, alf -0 grthaw . , 1 9 3 ,r i .c e r ta l , U0 a t 0 . 7 4 t A ei t ,4 -r .ii,4, also ,**lll listrlisr mos; a lon lo fr0f4 44 0944 4 441:4•4 t rz o rd , • ..f;, NO. r *WI mass other, ; was at Oa Toff bed W 6 to gle+.9r f . a s bee eloality of ),14,01.0as • , amai fa allusoff;44.l4 ' , McGill, ~ _ , kat latu.s- tagatakor At l t r tk Ak * " IR fr zw . a..s - vs r . ' toms, ." ' .. " 20.44tt'amta. arta. A BEA,IfT.T.FUL EARL% . „ . - . " Cc4#04 1 4 - #4. 4.cre3: xrteitiff tOlet.tblp, edurti Pa., d iti ge:temtlaiSawllbi,%inrial,tll4644l2l: iy ( , ),g vtal i mr. AP frri:'4;4ohas " 1 . 4. mesitictedat e6l' PR "- beady' bed ...tottreataa ~etgßF ' 4lOO piniart Vrotigh grvi Wavy Largo Dri eel "' ire adraddit4".6eidt Idief 1.,1MM.8 BUM, .I;Vdt arale4beiaipt; btatrta , weter at of, tiotulatfitU.U.7lll: -Buil t D. 31""3"-C atTrAr a L a. Zhu rJn i.c c j 'orleY oei the Bti , L fatdi..ei Via Clal:keti 7.',;,7,o`.l9Meilhihr , zeittniermAtt vf, , 'qy-katred_ein ..• •••• rr , ' ' 43..170,1 ANS AD LEY, 7 '. r..'2,trZerart - Dttilte preadaeL • WOK= BALE.--Thai sabacheer offer; for -&- leint.••::08c• Is thw , 3.o,lpies. shwa's cm ^• It EBWITA. , MSC 'FIFA" Wird, faltLEtilit - • - FT.. • ,tr -giver, , t(crviiit* tat, or soohep, 1i required.. h. . • , •." , , The HOUSE talavlittteett Itadols, with Wit. tantlite, , alid' udder., lautdovee cute, • Odd l' • iddiirf 'Stable, and• • other ,, Uuthoutot Timm it , • • alrettt. , eo Adz* of eroottek Well Improvet, Wool "•••• EX•ubbery, , Cfnftet 'rued . i.atqaud Itta tlaute• is i' , <ll* &goad Atte Of I,xttrvagtoti. ' ~ • . ,• • For lefts, "AO , st tNoxofte r et vr"Seveilth ratd ,••• ofirahretreetai arose thellgeaplase. , - - f -7, •2islail- I •" • " A'l)/1.4702111, Yu.; ~v1,13- A L.t.—A BARB CHANCE FOR r.': -:a gotiatazuf dbeititifolemtutry I , Newer. Id -, ‘ .tea *was. walk .tteas il; Oakland P•ane: dz. mta war walk from , i .•+ than Station,* t he altratutUrvlne Railroad, Cifirg e gmt. .0-atntE• OE tatas MUNll,Wlllrogooti Woe two ~ .*:•iterdidi carnage , :dAtlmOlateltat. • l i tt i toties4 , • wtth feel di I ., ranaterg , flint taawattetne if. thole° • toe i • rdivitatteer•Jual °variety as •osermem• • bare,. 1 - 01114rwatot , water.. Pr ea Etutdre -of osaa eat,: , %Aran- : ,;. ,-inernerParamrwAyatattieta. stet:^z u z • parpounly tonal wells M‘ high , 'SS strskg F straw, > , -r.U.I g ta r ![ ; asedeaaaeoting at. wrought! Dual Bali= Lite teat long,s:thaShes,lllruerar,ll/i dilreilldsate i lZdamney by an Gas, bat and , :Assad watery= oEyerytting earaplateand ready - . • 10194 . HAIGH BoLv Gomm °lnt Alley sad Duquesne streak • Irak plAlitt y #mac aaaliba Pao. dela= - :ZI3IE ,rsor.en r Troll Ni . sezz-aa thq steubwriu... amhoney sens ;Aka P4s Sita GUY. , IDOITAXLIING six artikrzo aspEackEri ..BSeSsi sad - IrstSy ,Plotulua and. Sew, MD, sail otheS fine Umnrovements. Fur fonber Inlmaistb2U, PULLS/LDS WARD, . rt . • tOPPOtite the gliktdryortnt,) ..1712, -: •Otantiotreetaio. 110. ed.L.134-404i , 8 ' COND - SAM) `BOUXIS, neirly new, 28 fee% long, *a Umbel 41Reeeteri 146 144 tam On Teet late , , 4o Inehie diametee 115 gram .01* !{.lßet lei*Ce 'mikes. Mu:2st= lig iseh 6D Darrelrought Tent. ra:Zeiheit, the INDIISTRIAL V7011X% HUGH BC M co_ fer. ?eta allz+ sad Duquesne WAX ay. s Ptesal.4. inbl73t FOR BALE. B.gArrnFra LOCATION FOB A FRIV ATE .REW/DeliCE, COhtlihitrit 113 d On*Fourth. Alree, In Pits llotaship. r ev utes walk from the line of nee • lberrelllBl.' ger Railroad. For putteuters , tehtdre Of ' • r • Cr. ft. CO .V4R, b 22 . No. 164 F^orth street. • . OR BALM. ~ • • • 4AELLI j •HOUSEI . Atu thir buzugi:Z.Uorpoot, croltimblgins . 00, us..trut; fru fr9U,o2c..eP,* 41R.861: [This. property win attm foo iuh yery cheap, For knitter Jurstoulus wurtitu t st: , . .7. • - :0 to Furth Sufo,. VR 8 . 5 4. 1 4 O =.l ......00iimi_aisma gazi alatkidges • wl ileMs Nesdilerttratarsad I 4 1/ I =ll4 lren' I°' " de Al Thomas PARK, IfFedetai a appoimigno:7 ::,.7.217.r.1P1v4" #COIDITET, SRAM. kOS. , EALS,, . ,CalllAttykiLVAAOßerw•Whwit.a= virtr7 diliatlptlal ohnoltertatrie Musk 8 inn wet* tea; 0+ • d a ban n..r.s. planted. wltti Grape at tout i 'growth, Waned wag Pratt. Ma maiftl.l=VAl-12,1Ntg„', P*l ' . A •'y to a Me .: ,a 4 4 .. ' . ' • .......... L.. . ONE 'MI I :AMY LO oust reams so. 4fp uy, a geed i rWC4=B:6 ' WAO AI ONi len t tra• OVA P it PPinilKl C 4 Rea' LIBERTY STREET. inimommimi arcr2oir s.azzs. 4 .,`• _ l it.Ft.r,9 6 iki_RY; 4 lY)FCE. _ , ATORER. .42.4inzatirga got, t. . . . 'TPIEWONTITVP AXIEFUST,r- , 're the Staiti-oi Jim:Tort Reamrybsiits; at la Ppiewar, Ma. wad N ew • . • letseyol3l4 the enwpwowr. Co/amble. Qnsszensuatiraltlylranable OVeue, Waimealto., ber void pubbtinlittinn, to the hlzheat blekl e r . nt ilutilnipt i 4Vzstioltlnail,belNiw, viz: Allot Wets Yttleilitre:Tllllll4lalifsetil F llOl l of inkt% Ifeek4oolslollliselelMiAlW, /1,3 Ifelser=l.3-alW,OdzistaireF ellen Web, = 0 411101 04 .14 . , 444, :s .-11 M ,14. 04ntr l int 1.111,1 I gisiZOViruouu.y.,tuisos *semsmensiL ..vmszssyr.Tesu. -,,ssenid eto*brayieleyi , t,qeyseeek,ecinimem Vid=ttair, Weatttli* eacb weelkloo ttlg= t st 'Pi tarp, , 1314 16b Nubia POttlnrater, Trani," Abklit V,' tOO Mutat Mlfithstown. Friday; AS O, 4, boo Mutat YOrb, FrlSny • 114tPtst /114.11- ' Jtetrieltlei Thdreasy, Hasten ItNenryittegtmid7, Alm= , h=b l :4 l 7Was u glay,../14 se, 100 Horses Site, Ttonnilay,AlWW4 F6looMnlneto il =L ti r= l / - 41=Aki i HOtea. ea l Mmdlis *Ma a l l t laiSßrsea • 8121=',/gurailt,l4 2I 100 Ho ei, lay Fzlday, Ambit Ilk organ earliele, WaSos.erey- Alma HP Rolm. - ciesueb,.#lFlGVF )thytua, yr.lo o Mass. QMO. Flolttust7antsetnntilol,,AlblUSl.llloo nonFai. Pale4ll.,We4 tiefda7. *APE , 9r.100 Horses. traP% B T2tnr . re:Koloslo, 2 l o r a ltra : 011:rels4 i4sesiunfiraro muslin*, Tpudisy,,samsets zeta: EaA s sfps . , % " 4:l ‘, 4 , TF,A m iL u iL,.. Fort Ws /NDLCSIA. yne, ylturaday, August 24;1,030 Muted. , , esehday. Wilniostoc, 'Thema), of east - 16eMs„ 100 Ithrso Wltnifultblol,Pri4aF Pr tun week, smi Untie tut' 4 1 7. riftw stssry. TrectOo, Ttnaroday ,itzbtistl o . 2 211110.• Ttszav*, Tpsu4sy, 'thous s 4, srUMPir-s• , 3 14MFLAND, Maliltenty, WedtleadeF.Astplzil_l l , and Welne star each thesnafters .03 Heraesstaels da . - w 2l / 4 . 9 nsrior9trix.r t, , r r ;i l owfastu, m" ?disks- aibyGIES/081 _ . „ _EI - ' Zolk e;4 , ye xirtnes¢o t W An a opportbntty to purchase a superior -clan zadOl "ad _draft ~mats, at fir less, than All I t &gni Taco 42 1 Motid snit visesens, th ey ire no 14pr mut:o,l'ln tho altag, led `mint be mold. Many of the males were bought In tbe,nettnn ll l Cl the mar, when yoct, eseoutoalslad sae musses in all their march.. Sc..estop...lad are thorourn ly broker, tusrdened b enemies, ger •tlo and ke scabs; from Was su long auLtiunaleal by the 04 Were. Anittalt mill !a told tingly, Sales to commenoo at to s. m. Tatma—Orin, In United States Cormier. JAME:* A. ERI N, Boa,. Brig. Gen d add. id Div. (;),, 13/. G. o. GRtAT BALSB OF , • GOVI.RNMEMT. ,11911131 AND ,MULES ' , Q,srAssasituint.CfsamaSios, Ornos, t W.,usarsiasoi f 11- J01T12.1915. 'Writhe sad tsiTubllci it tiotim; to tas, Ideiest tgdzi i, 6 3 o. tla ri tl i m k t .. t o r d 4taam, y ed i L e t l n ar l htz 10016reirseti • • i., SALEM, OW% WEDNE4DAY, J . Logust IL, 1 00 Thirsts's' A.1.11,11ME, Ohlo, THURSDAY; Mink td, 80 Romeo CIANT43I , I", Oldb, SATUIWAorseaIT. Aura% ith, 3011 : OLDYELLND, Ohio n , 'TUESDAY, Auistat StS, "00 MuI" SLASSLIALUN, A TU ESD AY, Atw stideVZA . )8 ()BERYLINE, 011.10, .THURSIPAY, Alagast 000 Mutest aLETTLexn, Oblo. AtONDAI.• Atiguat Eei • 200 Heareiles FORT WAYNE, Indlma, TH URSDAY, Auk • 24M 1,000 • These animals ars no longer required In the anay,u1:1011114 be geld. 'As opponnalte- le thus, afforded far and others to f.0.b., s supenier to hied =HMIs at Yet Men Molt: value. • Matt of ther Sinks' Were bought In the itneor tar who. young, eeefrelPthie4 the so rules In all Mete irtembet and mama and soot Qualify hrokta,herdoned by ex,e;et,... gentle aI falniSer; from behmao Mug by tha so • • Animals sc Id stngly.' Salts to .nommecca st 10A. ta. Bath day. Tern a—l/.1.511., In Milted 3tates thirremey. ' • JANES A. EB.llq. Pres. Brig Gett. to charge }lna Int. Q. M. OF. O. frIM.E'D STATES 244auttr,RAII, a 0,4,8- VOklpi OD ADBIS'4I7 tafalataliADDß% W.usl4aMSo,4 u, 4. 1 0 2 4 I , , JillgtOß -BILE , OF Actiltili &TOM Will be sad st • PHHLIO lA:H=OM to tts, Vgttest butt:, theltalosinie Ito , ltog l took c _tro - ttY, at lb. POrdind Yo b rigge "nuo , ="4" 8.1.) 14 ' THCESIMir September H. as Minkly it IV Malta' soop Hootoo, &Um, rrr (. 4 ) Lc* motive 1 ogine.. On filorflpUuktss us 2S, atire 2 not ScßarA tostrtuta r, I'M roo4. ‘ y rourßbx Maga.; VIA rmatTre slut! AZ*IDUED . ,_ va Wr.)11E1.18 roipte - art.m :T. at ,icttra# q 47 11x.r,T •4 4 " Mg • DP P loot (DOW, 'I lie above*T4rlidi 4ea;, upt t,liq oozy bait •Oar Eriliftml .1 0 tive tuf par,: Um feet del apP ttOLOSeril Mt; uann. 76.9 mut bS , niMiowipmgett trIM I 4 e sP en l e • EMU to coosseoes At to 4. m., Teass,--Coth CruVer•APeot rr H L, uatnm, JiMmAdi It! Bteel r'olone and A- CL, M. GREAT bALZ OF EIERVICEABLE7 MULE'S,. • , ii . ....annets.egr a Gartaanc's Oman WefcrrOtt CITY,D. nIY 0 ONE taotfstorD.mtri.Es will be sold at pak• Ito suction, onset the.ruseeton al-Captain O. day, A. Q. AL, to thohistpist bidder at eI.F.VELAMD. bidder, • Oominessing TULPSDAY,AusnstfI,s96.I, and mut- Quaint from day to gal ;Mall are sold. Many of thescrivern hOnglt to the beginning cif the War as boring mules, at conipant -il 510 &rotten in all •he's taarche• and .suers, sad hretherotiOly broken hydened by, exercise ; stmile and. fa o.s tar, from tistos.lio longlnirrontidied ay 111 soldieri Thou g h ,sonost sod serviceable. they are no lon er required - hi the trim,' anti dad be pnrchasod Wel-sale at fee less tidep-Aties true *aide., • rater,t ' 2.e l o d itt i rWie is, each dal. Terms Casa, In Vatted States Otirreoey. . • • JAMES- A. - MKIII,. • ..Brerst Brigadts (lanes! in charge .• Ytret Diebion 0. ra. 0. 0. .I.t . seise:fib, pzillsoa4L PdO,PERTT :LT ALUCIPIO O 7N. On XONDAT, AMY S at 12 2 14 , •,. • , Ad ididnir Glensenod Drove, Conaellseille ihli rosilorr I be sold. Ow following' Property of Milian. Two, • UT—Leine of valuable Laud, Ork wide' created two good Hoek end dee risme D selling it mum, Core Cri r omear he, -Also, three impel dry ibenTY Preii ioupCiertejiVelidn, Leery, doubk-dorts EWA, Wbool . sorrows, Mak ,Moulds, Stub:MN Dew. Font da.,Patotoce I, sled, two Tonowarel.Row Boats, • Maw At na , tl., .172 7 • T. AL binOLELIAND,Anct,r. 113.1.1841fALVTIoirs.. • NOTICE 'OIiDISUPLUTION--Ther firm of FLEMING BILOTHEAS bee berm Cols day dissolved by , =anal comas; 0001EIRAS FLEA*. .INO , withdrawing from the firm. tnetmelness n hien will be eindinned by Tenn Fleming, and Ice name end micas Fleming ßrother - du bwel lows All unfinished bullswes of tint kite nn Inn telofdtir 71 gu! Elemitxr tN • JO FVE • '• tiOUaltAPi Ai Fr.* rrart. rrrissuoarr,, PA., July Ist, MI, bridged , •ryssoLuTiori • OF • - 0-1 1 411TNEFI r Aar SgEK. , ..The Partturrahlp heretofore between the heelers - limed nadtr thrr t o nart B al ORIIMPTON Ic 00., for the paannfeetate of SU-yet Pearl and other Soap; has this:day been dissolved by mutual commit. SAMUEL M. HiER JOHN O. ORLINPUHe JOHN I , ttetezre,b, Sept. 6th, TOM= wet. late II EDT IL L Wes AIL KInarEDY & CO., to CR UltIP TON - ¢ C 0..) 1142, IIPACTIM11116 01 Silver Pearl and Superior 11063 Soap; 167 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBUROh iitipatin Flax. s REmovArm W.r/o/4. RIDDLE k OD" bare removal No.. Whip, Store Aka *ketone to No. IRI IPOOD STREET, eorner cf inclA-Alky,mhenti LASHES AND to fill al, maim An WHIP LASHES AND SW/TORES PromPUT at tholopen-prkeik,-, ..0.103T2 AKKA.I.4.-"Waliava:this day ramovefl ffrg 4l Vbbl &MI WI% OD mai Eartabuisffsgzottrccueektve pmeimaiii VS` 46/14 " °°' spittl .WTI JO oTEß:rk•row • MO CiraT4sitkrOktLi. took" Artit,NoUttA.4o.-hatubr *Wen "ant to tatintouit thcOttzttiftetoottotthhi .0 7, 1, 7 ,94 P10rriaif.?r, 4 -•_9°i.bein THE MST DAY 97 A9a977, 904- • i 4 o noi BF O . o V m A pt A t D y E i V to O t R o T t F Ta th gu rtMet .... • • 10E-"- Z.V.Pz igWell,TT.' -Irickitil . - illtta PHEW Adresse er In iome active or li. may merely keep Etur i P a c telatnia=33lMotr= Is M tre- tame* trenharsart:E4 oat th ptultesabg, i•nisteg the 1 0 -or Illk tem , IslgeruttesettenuttegOrilat th Widtrihrthtt iihmages-Iltageoultplatecureep 0 WM plaints whlen ere mused by thipmetT One t i r m , .per es IServybkmbe , lDlY‘ "4 T'S ' re; rol, o 4 cli'/DeDO, - 8 2 . 14 . 1 5" S r' 'Ais - Itra,ibmeeir Erysipelas, Deere MMus, paip ? r,,,, ' Hee Et W Cancer dt`Gbeserse Th ee; Sore Etus, Dtseasule=*& Dregutwoy, Su WWI, _ I, 3 altp tiliamsr..E ungarti==rteaduse for . rowel( the e l arLdne activity th .4 a , I t the bl end mew theeemirusues3 During late care the public, have been Wed by ; I hlrerra=l i s:rsitt r i llr e hlc . ll of t o lfisseh r :: - il .iirtr.l'i7Datr, 44 ' 1 " I ttif?&°:',?:4: tre properties' whateves• Deng+ b/hKr Ileal. late o ft he Mead the ne °mh sreterg ta of Elassapartlla which cod the maket, mall the name Ilaelf he become tynonymous NW SloOngietteat. ,Erill We enthtleontsfund • =parillan end Intend to manly emit • resely ea shell rescue theriesd of ob u r which Tee etyma IL We thigh 4110 IhsVrir PO far. poosug It has virtues effle-..oo*lrrels ma omits. ry run of the Messer It Is Intended to atue. We 'Cill thighlriwalwvlbilla Shah We othm tbuy3 the teems whbris, we know how to prod,.., and we have wean' to believe It le by far the ost e metuel,pnrifler of the blo od 3et direogerel hlrma;s7l3mbs 31 , 3urronsi I. 00 mamml, 'mown to remise mat omit'. remelt for the en of Co CAD, byturime, Hoarecners, Croup, Brwt dins, Incipient Oresupsytten,, end foe the reed rd Donantsprive Perianth us advanced stages of" . Meese, that tt Is vele. here to ream the Settee Of tm mrtnet. The world knows then. -- prepared by Dr. J. O. /Web 43e., Lauren, Wite, end sold by B. A. rytarzspooe & Sow, end by* ea DruITDM. : , Jybkinizewmod tiiir &LEM RUPZIUOII VOW Mgr obt Smelting Works, • m.'intrammom PARK. McCURDY & CO. or turr.Artirrrek. inaznens> & twa, oc g l i ga rr pE t .ntr oi sp iu m Also, importers and dealers In MET. AIS, TIN PLATE,HREET' IRON, WINE, do. Conatantlyidittand,T/NifllES' MACHINES and TOOLS. warebolutato. I idEtlitEiT and LIOS=. OND STREETS, PlttabragH Special . ordera Copper cut to any desired pattern. 4131 D,, Makeralit lion Workers' ,1 1 1P 4 ,1 4 ‘ 1 1.1.4 44,v1 Alz4ra B.IIA4Er• Raving atieured a large Terri, arid Malawi With thegnorthvio‘ed machinery, we are inittnalbeture emery description of BO LA TM best eirinnfv, and Warranted *vial to An made In the amy. CRIDINEYS, , FIRE BEDS; STEAM PIPEZ, LOCOM it; BOILERS, COND ENS E R'S; SALT Ptln TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITA.TORS, TLING PANS, BOILEIR IRON, BRIM% • SUGAR ya Ns,and aolerignnlnoturera of BAH , ELLLVD - PATEN'T ROAMERS. Repairing done on the alzorteat notion. ISAMU Pte' frrs . Dunun sew WOgUb HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. • icasirrecrrunzus cur PATENT GROUND CIRCULAJIH, 'Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS, of every "am seription. MW , Mislay, Cron Oat, Gang, and all other varieties. All kinds of KRITES and SPRINGS_, made irocp Sheet Oast Steel , ells Refined REAPER AND MOWING KNI he. ta tir s ta r honsa p r t irxkli s eollam WArn and Paittentrir *distill= givtViNfitoothlng, Gnm ming and Straightening Circular Saws; alto, ro, reasonable rates. a patriot all hinds. Plumbing and Drilling done at piEdy IarsWIANII/00111 BOW LOSE, HOW BESTOWED I—Just Pubßisked. In a seal. cd Envelope. Priee Mx cents. A LECTURE OS TEE Nal DRE,TREATMENT, and Radical Cure of Sperasatortbtra , or 'Seminal Weakness, russet tingary Etaltslaes, Settial Dadlity and I ospedi meaty to Marriage generally; Nervousness, Opp rethetton, Epilepsy, lied Fits; Mental and Fatl. gal' Incapacity, retaking' ham Self Abase, Re., by Rest J. Vicgliskeriad,, 21 D., author of Oa Gross .AshY, v. “di Boor To Incacmasapa, or Stattruckii." Sent ender avid. plain 'Wrat hy", to lay poa pout, on receipt of .0 I mat, or toiraprortve starao., by Dr..l. O.I=NA 12,13tartrp,New York. Pon 00co cbsy; I.ll2maiqa EirTO NE:IMOLA SHIMMIES!! OP - BOTH SEITS.4I. reverend gentleman hay g been restored to health in a few days, after stn del - going the nonal routine and irregular exT,-.leve Hods of - treatment Without bureau, cOnalders It his purred dirty to communleato to ttla afflicted follOw , %natures the meant of cure. Hone,, on Not rooMPt of en addresabl envelope,ha will aentlaroa, a eOpy Of Hie lavarrlption Direct to DV JOIt (M. DAGNALL, 18/1 Tattoo ativet, N. T. nOillttrilawT eta. samert v. D. Dr-aura. .. J. r. DoLartfut. • LA BELLE szw. ivoasta. & CO., AlskatafactWor• of OAST Br EEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER DTEELI SPRINGS, A.Z. LES, CROWBARS, Ls. S" Oltrr, We. Oa STREET Olp it stral Ptt T 5.131111411, PA. 172.1, mroIIOBISISON. ILEA Et IDI:14. (sucomor— to Roorstsos, Mists s Atru..xBA. WAslitugton Work', INAMDEALS A 2) NAtEriErfUrrommos. 131anufacturers of /30 ribiD TItorIART . .sTELALENTILN B BROWER, BILL 'MACHINERY GEE.R.../B0 SBAFTINO,__OARB. INNS of ell deitcriptloot, IRONaI KS & STILLS, ROMER A2tD Slit.ta' WORK. Eir'AgGl for CIVARD'S PAT&TT ENJEOIt OR, for foe boilers. • ' Jon3r 4t ECO., ruanufw turera Of DION Vell/4_78 deND VAULT DOONS, ENO.N:AAILING, No MDT. MB, WINDOW . GUARD_ ha., Nos. Si 'OND and El 4 TEN.RD STREET, brier= Woo o Narita, have on hand variety of new patterns, ,faney and plain, suitable for all purl:atm rtir Particular attention paid to enclosing GmWs Lots. Jobbingdone at abort Dories- std. TUE BRIDAL cu' Annr.z. V. 'far SAY' or WAVNLITO AND INSTHUO , 'ITON FOS VOUNG MEN. Liao, near and tall* ,Itte, treatment et the Urinat7 and S'eattal Spatula Addreas Dr. J. SKILLED HOUGHTON, How Ltd Association. Pbiladelvltta Pa.. aptly LIMY H . ts;, AND tiomusszoN meno i 4-1 A nd dealer. la .4,THE=4Z, ,SEETS, FISH, And prod Ac e. gwaerauf WOODS E rr Pittabacsa. riot SENT PHEE.—A PAZIP/TLET or I latmenso Importance to bluvold and young, martial andletage al batasArms, vytl ba bebbfres addresstag, with stamp,Lhb wen* ,T—A. =MARL= b. co, Boz o.ion Pod .Ortic* , rar4blPlkWY NtW.STOCIC Or OHICKERING PIANOS, WHIRR 114.VE BEEN IPer el amLnary sole foci ;JUST ZEOEIVIRO, MID FOR SALE AT FACTORY PRICES, CHARLES 0. MELLOR. ei wool) Os ANL ORGANS. Tat OTLEIMATED BRIBERY, NEW YORE, Schoomaoker cgs Co., Philadolphiaf PIA NO S. THE .I.IITSSIOAN . awl ESTY3 CO.'S LIOTTAOF. A.S, admitted by dealer and all who have heard time, to DO dperiot tat. to uted ill G117401=14 oI ID. blot WOO /Levies made ►ttansemente with the beet man hearers In the ionatry..wa ara peeparod to oisb, at the ahorteat natio*, Btaaq and Genium Lilvei Inatramantii of *very dneriptiory BMW and OoNiet Bang, tp educed 6 p.tota., Viluicratatt , o4iuottuz imil Rnt r e 1 ,4 Insalabed applicattcw. *eir sna Stecia-haad . Plaim lor. gsak • .. .-. , ' f :14,4titutor. lb: "40ita, • 1 • ' ina • :, , .. rto• 4 AT. CiLll.l3.ariztr. ' . TIRSMONLU...F.ROWL.IL.GOT& ..)11ALIE.—APer having played on the Pianb of -the - Magena - Ectabe 4c 1 39 . it •litaioolalble tun itaneat•itegilianony to'eheir na.Uties;*2l44l. 442 ugtcts*T dor then tat emUtont•rsp**lrtcro * they /111,10 , 441qc Plating Of thede gai l tif eAttr! , a zi watch / tisii NAM, lure eeeeseleglyiremartset ; Vrtritge s rjentoa T i l tgie 4 ri n =eicapAnte mt4VElrpijtilOctint si h Ido not Dealt kronen -rnara tir theta t attenuants miy,entire-eatisifel%eiskto declare , thatAkey iir avta.ll.ilb I f . e n. 4 ftl ui ieusatursdrect In Etiropror • County. by moat celebrated mate's. L. it GOTSOH&LIE.. CrlitatlAT PE BLTLit.S Sole Leant. /1 2 7 a Futti asset VatrotAG . :,;. 4,4n1i3g .., EMI flaga,..l OrValbiAarrUSS. MAtV*F Da W;V V elang••••,.....••-•.-„, ISt TAU% 16- ..„. 40 7f. , le'ramtbl ;snafu. weet,y, ' PeN ILVIS c9I 4 C- 8 •••••• - • , - - ,-• - • , --- aAtts cum poiramo—mistmle atierzul: $ P,µ1041.. „ , Two, time... mss': Faux Fire thass-.., Om week.... Two weeks... Thrseveeks One soarkr.- Ten AerLth. Theis months Ellemastka:.: RAW .auxatts. One •'-.~ •"- 1 ' IF: ' , :::: -. :: -, : -... .: E A al /Pi 4 IST - .. ..:; $ E 475 976 900 195 •l 11 . 59 •25 275 , 900 115 '655 . 6 41E7 g 510 ' 22 • 600 509 • 476 413 111 00 10 60 700 475 495 22231' 11- .5:60 4al•11 01 as ce 17 10 29 00 3'03 11 Ce. 41103 , 26150 ,11103 1000 90 00 Myertiameenteumeritinayenmemy oe Mks ittiIMMWOMPIEnt 'Atilaulleass4d yer spars, (os _2O centa pia at sna Whew= nitrit'oe Cenllftd to tbalmoymoti boatman af Admixture:mita contracted for adhering° thatl ' datl7 Mill be Warted on Rich days as omca may Wait.; ," I ranaleaVadreittelng emr. • ..Wicetteek'eackiluestion.— • agenottces; Steamboat' advertleernenta, pet trig 3 EaSeUtQn o Acticialstestors , Notices, 300 . . T.IVILAUK, :Aylutaxstaita. RA 1110ii6-•ke p tltivilditi fAcdtaft Of th O_ e ad vertmeromi not to Malone Oletit amPash formation of new ftnitit, Paittle. ac.aaape; en" a week. Any auto to be chancel :to tt 'mein matter. (3 Umosl3 Wass( tin ts week.' • nuns months.. SIX months..... Oe.e Yea Nips moth*. i. r. "mar eli oo it Go {BO) t% 4% 4% 4 . 0300 .. .. ihrt. Suttees doubln Um! &bora' (I• Anted one malt or mom For lea parlad Cola) open. Focal notbtes nt mob rates as be Stird equate to be considered as the van 74 pled by ten /Inca of the ordinary advetitsing at the paper.. CITY AND SEBUM evrvaturs Warms cuzirrra ) The TaxiOnkate Iktoigment—arrange mente {sr a COI:toe. of teetates. The seventh regular Meeting of thdlialdon Temperance League of Allegheny City Wm liel l ; the East Common IdethodlstOtnireh on Ttl Any evening, Res. V. Lucas, mailbag, and wa opened with prayer by Rev. J. Black. The committee appointed by the last meeting .f the Lempe to prepare a programme of eat, hoe for lectures with the dame of suitable per. tone to lecture, Flret—The Hlstory of the Temperance Refond is America, by the R.Cs. Mr. Dickson. 3tcon d—Tbe. Ipepolatme Al 'Temperance Rel. fain to the Church and State, by Rey. W. Reid. Third—The Indneace of latemoetance on !if)ral sod Social hire,. - by Rev. W. I). Ilawardi D. D. rototh—Tha.lannenica of latemperacca on hica's Physical and Identel Natago, by Thos. F. Daos, hi. D. tilth—The Biretta of Intemperance ar. Bildt,le ted in Crime and Pautkrietn, by Judge fiterretk Slat—The Duty of the 64tato la Reference tO Intanperatee, by Rev: tO.'Lytich. &tenth—no Doty ,blthe C,burch in Re-fen. met to Ditemieraece, by Bev. A. X. Dell. F.lghth—The Influence and Resporustbillty of Women in the Temperance Reform, by Protestor Hamad Wilton, ix D. 2 . l .nth—,What ire the Beet Mons for the Ref monln(latewpereace mum the Land, by Roy. D. W. B. McLain. Tte Committee farther suggested that the beet lecture of the course be delivered on the second Tuesday Of September, end that the Ssc., retell alibis &clay be instrneted to notify the persona nominated without delay. On motion the above report was received and adopted. Dee nonce will be given of the time sea pima or each' Izetturo. 6 Gommlnee, con. shningof Dr. J. R. Chtrk, Rev. T. X. Orr, and Prof. L Eaton, •an app.:deed to prepare and forware a communication to the Temperance Convemiou soon to ensemble at Saratoga, State of New York. It was snored and carried that a committee or fire be appointed to prepare a form of TEO2OII. stracce mate. the granting of any license fir the sale of intexlcatiag liquors, and to report the same at the next regular meeting, with the Dame of two cumbers from each congregation to the city to circulate the 311010 in their respective churches, and secure the signatures of all inter. sated la tmo esuso. The Committal appointed by the Chair coneLsta of Rev. W. Lynch, Col. .1. LL Clink, Prof. L. 11. Estop, Hon, fus e r, H e . Knight, sod ft,t Ja.ulo Liect.reL Esq. &vend addressee were made by clergymen and others., after which the meeting adpunsedi with the benediction by the Rev. W. Lytle!). Severe Storms—Damages by Lightning nu f 4 11l ti Vi On Friday about noon, a severe thunder stort4 burst over portions of Versailles, Elizabeth and Minim township_ The wind was quitelligh, and the rale fell In torrents, doing considerable damage to the grab, fruit and other crops. In ileKeesport, the Tremont House, kept by Wm. McMullen, was struck by lightning, and 'several persons were considerably stunned, bat forttrnatay no one was seriously biased. The lightning strnek the cornerof the house, tearin4 off a. portion of the corner, aPxuat two feel equate, and descending the tin candueter burled itself in the ground. A bay stack, bak:Qin& to a German tenant of hfr. Risher, on the opp3slus side of the river, in NMI to township, was struck by lightning and entirely consumed. On Friday night about nine o'clock, another heavy storm began, And raged with considerable violence in several sections of the Coality. Ta the cities the lightning was Incessant, and very vivid, but we hear of no damage being done. The rain was:very heavy, flooding the streets. end gutters.. A scraps tornado swept over. .por. lints of Union hewer Bt. Clair and Pushier tx.roebifet. and very consldmblo damage was done, though no lithe were Lae. an far as we have beetnable to lean. The tornado scouts to have been confined to a narrow belt of land, lie ravages being plainly marked through Union and Lesser, St. Clair townships, .and tern crossing the Monongahela giver Into Pea hies towtudtip:. Trees Wert twisted off, chinine# tope blown down, fences prostrated, and the fruit and vegetation considerably damaged,. The damage 'abbot Oakland, andin Seotch &Moira, was vain rzianalvn. The storm, appeathcf t 0 j have spent its fury befoee reaching • Wilkins township, as the drimago Clive was, vtftlog , al. though the wind blew- Unusually strong for 6 short time. The Crerosell SoldlerV momuneat. Re home received the following • commimicar the from Mr. George 8111112, Chairman of the Committee epputoted s under a reecho:lon of 111 late. rtdoti Ccenty Conventloe, to eaperinten the elm ion of e suitable monument to the meat, cry of the heroes from Allegheny county phi fell In thelete were . , Cr./wits,ly 27,1&35. Editors Garettte your paper of Monday last I find 071 editorial - reflecting on the anion of the comfoitte&for ereittng a rhonnudratio the memf ory of our noble dyad, There Is no person more mortified at the delay and seeming indifferimed of the people In regard to thin noble Work, than myself; and as 'was appointed Chrsfrman of the Execntite Committee for *ding the mono. meat, It is necessary for me to explain the rea eon for the delay, no that the 'public -may judge who to blame.- ;4,1 - , see; en Mr. Drown, Chairman of the Helen Convention , appointed the cotemntern, In accordance with My-resole: don, andl was notified of my appointment, called on Mr.-Brown, and- on consulting with him and Mr. Herron, who wAts a member of the committee, We derided to .call the Execnts3o Committee together on Saturday, the Schield., at eleven o'clock a, m., at the office of Mr. Her. roe. The members of the committee were notified accordingly, hat there were none of the members attended, but Mr. Davis, Mr. Macron and myself. and not having a quorum we could not do anything; and when there seemed to be such au Indifference In the matter that we could not eTen get the Executive Committee to. getter to alert the matter, I concluded that It was useless to yeah It any further. But lam glad to see that there is going to be another Wort, and I hope whh better success. Can It be possible that the loyal County of Allegheny, which bait done so much to redeem our country tom the hands of traitors, should be behind her Mater counties In• L 613 Coble work / I have a higher oplelo*of the patriotism of the old Bau r ner Canty than this. GEORGE Sumo, City. Mortality. Dr. George L.lslcCiaik, Playvideo to'tbe Board of ilealtb, repntL thirfolleirnig deaths !Oho ftomJely 15111 to . Jail Males— J... 151 White. Teapdee.,.. 8 C,010red,.... /3 To tal The direeaes In the above cities weren metier', 11 deletion) crOmeoa,l; getters! alba, ty, etaientitio; 1; latemjecanee. 11 dirseoF tail, 11 motto. of tho tliil lb /, Veliplera. • land. g; minnlelais, 1; fletitary., general debillty,Zro y, 40111 boli_A-584 vietifra tfie'brti 19.012.;4•=154P7 'tin; enniitaee Ak k e, o l4 . 0 0641 , Parie u ko to u 1s pitailin (tutor, V Of thatibove ennl3'wi336: • : • Under 1 p3sr. ..... » &From 8 0, gg. •• • I - .Front 1- to 40 to 'ft 21 -11,-to , 9 " to 60• til l to Go ... t• v. ,;14.89 to 90 0 "15 to W..-- 1 " 90 ; to 100 co , " Wu) ~,. A Brett& 4 rfut ued OrTbersolly evening a'.-meet disinfiu . sod exceedingly brutal , nevi toot 0 1 (io 1 . '1u:111631k, at the end or 3.lth hrournmnbala hrides, bmweee two mill hands, named Robert ifeKlbbln and Hugh Chambers. - The men dis agreed during the day While at -weak, led ar ranged to "fight It out" In the evezdwg. They met mid fought fot st considerable Urtichi eegu. Itr . . 41 40 1 Otte:// igooldog. . . the ruins: of . 4. ' Shen . the mpa got iirP 4 esettotha ,with their date, they helm tallith one lltOther lifm lots. Ifelfibbin tuntgui enet 4if lose :hatthe .entWAY el; and one of his fingerw ?Men Wont the hone. Chambers had the upper part ot.4:me of his ears torn and *trued In A dresdfarmaiinef, and when the parties were separated they presented' starry and dlsgustMg Mght, bleed, end. suffering gmst pain. number of penoas witnewted the brutal exhibit:lab; and-rt Is • not ta their erndlt that they did sloeSeptrAtirthe partied' eofner. They no tionbtcon4ontiOnd • with some oho* of reason, that U gren.4ollo to eat eAch. opit -v7 pp,.U. was noon of.thslr,businsts. ' NOirrests'*ere unktti, its the peace, Are falter armee' lit that locality. his ertem Of may h em. Ablate :becOmilpg guile fregneat in ottr mtd", pantsbed tinder the crimlaal :code ty keg; im- • prlzonment, m the peolteastary, bet as • both -these parties are age ely- Entity there le not tss y prosecution. It Is that , ItrEltshin sa repaired to the office or. sa d stugeon ULU& city and had the end of hi nose stock on, with some prospects of Its remaining there, to prevent the frlghtfal disfigurement which the lour of seen the mama portion of that mufti organ OCCILSIOI2B. What the other men did with his torn ear we are not edified, but we nrorame some doctor will get a good fee for pitching d up. The question of "supert arty" between these two men still remsled no. wined and from the nature of the Injuries mu tually Indicted, It would be difficult to determine which la the better dog. Tot 11213 Pittaburgh Debi Gazette. The Markets—High Prices There are no People in the country that hams greater. cause for complaining of the WO Flom demanded for every article of consumption than those of Pittsburgh and vicinity.. There la an undisguised combination among garde:sera and ahem to keep every thing at the 'Yerrltigh- Mt dm*, and some otthem have told Lite wri ter that they will eettinext to do so "as long as the people will give the price." All dealers have grown wealth) daring the last few yearn, and they are now able to apend a little more time In disposing of their commodities than formerly. Some year' slate, the market men, when they took a fair price for their vegetables, had their stalls cleared and theirlasketa empty by nine or ten o'clock, A. IL Now you can fled them full at air In the evening. Any one who walks through our market can see that fruit and veg etables are rotting by the bushel, and yet with all this waste the dealer, and producers are growing rich. They say they can afford to "lose the one-half on account of the high price they get on the other." . The blacken, too, make erlairbltutit demands for enamel food. A-cccinlbw to the prices repor ted in the Gann= for live weight—and we know the report le correctly made—the very beet etas amid not be more than 16 canto per pound; Out the two-thirds of Inuit la sold. having only cost about four and a half Ilea weight, should not bring more than from also to ten cents at the butcher's stall. - - -•. The people ere to blame for all this. Madame Petrolia walks Into market--a few years ago she , was seldom found there—her servant carrying one or two baskets accompany bar. She stops with the first farmer ahe meets, and if seventy- Ova cents are demanded for butter, and the same for eggs, the Memel Is wild without-a murmur, although tee would as soon .use petiole= as some of this high priced butter, but the Madame knows no better{ it 13 excellent beernrao It cost eerenty five cents. "The more 'cost, the more hotor"whit those who have seen darker days. • These prices will be demanded "na long as the people will give them.,: , So the dealers, far mere, and htortleulturtne say. The people hare It all in their own hands. Then we heartily unite with the New York Mass, and many other sensible Journals throughout the country, In pro claiming a national fast in order to humble un prittelpled speculators and bring them to their feelloga. Most of the artless ao consume are Inxtuies and not "necessaries," and we venture to declare that a complete revolution can be crested In the prices of marketing generally, la lets than two weeks, If the people will Only can nue thatorelets to the nteeesaties. The writer does not wish to make public what he has done In the matter of abstiner_ce, but he hesitates not to et y that if every one will de as he has done for the last six or nine months, milk, butter, ergs., beef, mutton and vogetables will soon be ea low ea any one could desire them. la the meantime, let all those who smell of petroleum. and whine large tneoulea—as published-1nel• ems that they have been veiling goods at an mon:noes percentage, be sent to Saratoga, Cape May or some place else. There Is mere than an abtmdante of every. thing In the mouldy, and there b no reason why we should pep panto pieta.' While on this enbivci, let us Bay that the coal dealers have reduced the price of dlngbig about one half, and vaterbfly curtailed the 'razes of their other Pat:levees, Have they reduced the price of coal proportionably ? Some of the itnowlnu °nos are offering it freely at Um mute per babel andget few purchasers. Lrva ss - r, Le-r Lrcr.. Sad Case of Drowning,—A bay named Wlllio Adair., step son of T. E. Webb, Esq., of Wsynesbatz, was drowned on the 24th lust , while bathing Ife was Just fourteen yews uf age, boning been drowned on Ids birth-day. The Young Visa , . Friend.—Warranted to care Private Diseases. For sale by Druggists. Ask for the f mpg Itiaa's Friend. A pamphlet giving the simptoms and treatment of private dlecases accompanies each Boa, or ran be had by addressieg Young Man's Friend, Bog 99, Cineinnatt, with a three cent stamp enclosed, to Jos. Minim:. Charles . Super, J. IL Fulton. or 8. W. Fog h Co.. Allegheny. Jciiitem lETTERS REMAINING uNctaurt- -. ED in the Pod Ulnae et A/L.0.1.y oity.P.: To adain any of them letters the appltrant mud cell br ddrertfud letters ' giving the data of tild lid, and pay one cent for advertising. if not idled (or edibleone ramint, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Orlice. Puna Dauverry letters by corder, at the real deed. of owners, mop be eeeetteD by observing the following notes: 1. trinnom letters plainly to the street and( mum her, as web as the Pod (Moe and State. o,ltaabletters with the writer's Pod Office end Stale, arm/ and awaider, alga the plainly with full hem., and real/eat that answer. he directed accord. knAttent to etranged or transient Visitors Lt a town or elty, whose opeeal address may be un known, mould be marked on -the lower left hand corner, with the word "Tranalent." • Place the postage damp on the upper righNiani corner, and lame goat between the damp and di rection for pod-marking without interfering with the writing. it, B.—A enumser for the Itettrell of a letter to the writer, If unelatmed within teener PASS or leas, written or printed with the writer's name, Pod Qffiee and Stara, across theleftddrui end of the envelope, On the face side, will be complied with at the dual prepaid rate of portage, payable when the inter is delivered to they:niter. (Sec. St, fpm 01 1.9 6 / 1 .1 MTGE: AY, JULY 20, 1803 Grim Market Grubs Nancy Gibson Nettle Grow Wei M Minter Rosy Hill Richard W, Humer Thomas Hanna Thomas, Hearsille James Hopis - Ina John nation John Hobson John Heoderson Jas Hastitly• Jamas. Hay John Reship James Haskell Radio hl Hasiett Hirana Holdoa Hefendt Mullion I) A 'lsrael Joseph P: Jlmes James Joaes M T /luaus Mary Jackson Lyman Jacobs Lucinda JackmA tlbas Kerr Kensady Eliza 11Collock Royal Kelker Rudolph Lowell Lizzie Ltv her F. Leppo, Ellsab% Lutton John r Lyons .are E Line Samuel Lyons Hanoi. -Lowrey it R 2 Merriam, A J Moore flatbeds,' Mordants') B Mathlot Ltasts Minis Emily Mornay slash Mammas hanalli Militias Jamas Mlles John Miller Jot, P lailletqlasob IMarrick M N i Nelson Wm Neely Robe 0 Ormend Ellatbh Oliver nos 'CY-DThrts ' Oak Win P I PCIII/Uril Amos Fermus Amelia Yontitis & 0 . Fulletterbari A Pap. Rater f , =:fete Perk Emma II Pratt F. Paella* Ppol Harriet Irene Sarah A !Perry S F Pierce I M iPseller Ins NR Reed Chas Rees aunt 0 R Re oss S Farman y Robb °Winds Redpath Imetn Renktn Jane Robison Firg'ne R.,ed Jas . Robinson J 0 Rose T I ,Renoli R R I S Smith Anna Sell.. Albert Smith A W Swain 0 el la Pr l g " j e o rd" IScott Sam'l ntone. Sophia ISteritt Jes Sleight Jpo Smith Jet . • Smart Letstbrpt Sterns Jab . 1 (Stuart braj" , l is Misr NA Smith IN El• .- 4 Solder Remota ' StOttlNtar RA Ab3ott Ju fl AloOkadtr Net Banold MJ Finstry.Araby Briar* IFlluta Behoget Ellen Baran. Frances Bober. :Georg* Brutlel 0 .9 Belem" Hannah) B Bonn :Samuel aawa • Bro laekJ wn John I. :Brown Jobsk ll 13**er Lena ; Baker Lexie gqßradleyMary Mary le Bind .klary E Boyd Mary E Bradley Martha Borieraeßri N Bennett Wm J Bryce Wm Brine Welter Belr Wltlazo send a Co Coopfr Amanda , Carton nate eaMee Cath'e Cotmena Daniel Crettert Sarahr Je John I Collma,lamea Cut.latthata Courad Jou, , la CaUm, J • C/vmay Mag 7. Caldwell Mettle Clatworthy N Mates Wm N Umtatalabt 8 W essedy Thomas Dotaldunn• a Dmigberty Wm. Davin! Rev • • rainuan m A Lldati Mete:son Jan Ihtivjohn Dn'tl•l3l.o • Delka Cba3 • Milner Chao "DUMP Agile& 4nititpliuk • rytt IT Zanjetarrqui Zfilot.E . &I% no Frck aa A 'Fran .4_, r Ann • FilhacZnank Oa bar 1:9 . Wean xranall lalkw• Jobs F Gnat Manama ?ruby Mrs .Wldto Mus : %Vona Wllsoallecide White &triad Werner Feud r Woodhouse H 8 WUdatoulas 2 W.b Whito,.J formes laud • vitte42 4 4.ti WWI SO Witt l'hos", • WoOdkok id, 7.light, Nader Young Amen • McMori nnnest Mex. letoD foligr 4 o 4 e gi = r4 lA . McGuire releabAry. 22701 DURUM J - 31 . DlOColatin6" -. 2t01:82j.43.21 on 4. n Mod R Oh* RA Noßesins -Wm lren2 F McLean Rachel anasen Mottntro }tont i .q' Onion Huy"- - • writ:roil& A. & to IN P.N. Drir GOGI)S. N EW GIX)Df3. 1111ACEUM . SL, CLYDE, NO. 78 114tLIL3MT BTRRET, Have Aber o v a for early /ALL TRADE. a spier,. 411a.5t04 , 0 ITZW; o ltr t i u : . /S i =g, whin!). er//1 NOS'3EIT-f L' Es • • Belt Be e Hair Nets, Pe,* T las, , • Drees DrOntam eeumm,. • • ru t r Nottemeaml Panay Chnds, coith; 4 ( Alen, Bleb, littattroiderlea, a 1 oret7 ememptima fitnilmen's IluirdshingGaiils • Fine uta. Traveling Sb/st., Drlllll2l U . • dam„,s?cks,Suipandank as. MERCHANTS will And oat WLolooolo Department. Tel? &Mt. plate-and srtraottee, and prong as Los, AS THIS LOWEbTi FOB CASH. We I. Newel:Vann , Apes for tba szlip of PINS 110083 , AND EYE% By the MO of lea. fi - Oho as a call before pare/mato/ elsewhere. N EW GOODS • • • • FOR JULY! • Joist. Horne bays Just opened a new dock of. abaft° Dress Goods for the present SIMON to whloh they Im vile attention. Pule Errs and Banque Trbananys, new style; French Billions, new style; Garattnno and Beaded Setts; Lace 001/ars, Lace Heaultemblets; latesS novelties to /0100 Veils; French Embroidered SUM.; Duplex Hoop Skirts; HlBußmal Skirts; Stockings.; Gloves; See Side Shawls and Hats; Corsets, Head Netts; Froaoy Combs; Parasols and San Shades; Basones, ktuallmn Plain and Striped Swiss and Nalrwooka FINE FANS In Pearl, Ivory, Handle, ho. WSOLESALE ROOMS UP STAIRS. 108 HOSES & CO. Ara) r l r-,44 - 7 5 -meali# STREM:r• 34 . ACRUkt, No. 19 le.a . .rtt STREET. Wholesale Departmen NOW OPEN FOR MISERS. grxrmi COLD Eaton, Hawn= & Co., haring been dissolved on tha first atJuly, tha subscribers gill soutiuus business No. ;LS_ PISTE STREET. Our Retail lELocona, Is now being fltted up in • plesennt and attractive manner, La which we nom toapea with • NEW STOCK ...9.1134zmwt *tie 13th =apt.. OUR WHOLESALE ROM • as heretofore an the aeoread loon of No.. 17 end or we Now Oven for Business. vane me WIZ be pleased to tee our old et:tam:nem AACHEN di CARLISLE, IYfapeicr■ No. le FIFTH STREET. I HAVE JUST ARRLYEL PROM THE EAST with a carefully sale assertment of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, among width will be found s dne Dna of Radery ln coach and • Ma. Glovbbons, Flowees, Crapes, Swab, 00111.11,51X1 ~ allthe new styles, &eluding Rubber Collar; to which / parttaularly call the attention of Um L Madame Dessoreets kirdicj o Lava and Lb= Hand ail ChM, nomr Swin .Sets, Loot OspAb Itt Barba' an Conc.:" MwrWam Cape, nor* laews) Lana la Crotched, Linen, °Mon, Thread, Valenciennes aad PolntAppliqrtes WM. Linea Lane for Pillow Cum Embroiderisge et AR kinds; Infant . . Robe., of all Wad.; IleW idyl* Mankato for infanta; LiCIICS' Lids, Jaunts', Al Mimes , Rids] Gimp and Steel Bead Seta Sets, COW, Card, Curd and Tassels, Tasaela szhi Butte= in wrens now styiesi Straw and COryaral Meals I MM. 44 a Chry tessites to Lazastal Pliny" Straw Silly, Gold Leaf! Appliques J Rata and Trimminga; . , t, and Pearl, Fancy Concha, Chry e eal Drops, Points s ard and , sal a variety of other cools, te which would Foils call the attention of My kind =otos map and theAllMeroralwil ii Fourth emsgt. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODSI W. W. MOORHEAD'S 81 M.AILSET BTREErI. EC BEOLDERIES, CORSETS, SICINTS, RI BONS, LACES, ao, Ica 'The STAB SHIRT the most pet toot mede, ChM LA RS, CRAVATS, SOCKS, Sa, &e. brie NTS. Oil. CLOTHS. 410 CARPETB. PRICES REDUCED! reeentiS Isirshrised for; the FOUPLT/MME this season ell entire assortment ,of All grades of. serpeting. Ire., we offer . reverter selection of Ms newest styles, at prises , occasidersoky ris• duped Sos Was the 1604044 stock, OANTOA writ OOTTON CHAMP LIST . -AND iaA O PAgl'Ers. Window Shades, IA large larotee last raaedvsa W. D. & S. BICALLITA JW C 7 FOURTH STREET. 'WE HAVE JUST PURCHASED AND and are now incoirtnit, a new astorttaapt of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, U., Whitb, to addition to oar. hoary wool, or gow t previonalt on band. enables us to offer to oar ens. tomer+ all the advantagrwthe market alibrda The Lowest Prises Reached this season. aIcrAZZAND a CIOLL.II% . ITO Next:Plat o l Le Poet clAlo~ • • ,• 17 / a 4 TE 403 km =Karo l . P 2 13 / 1 114 04 of t#ll 'Med 1 4,6itattaL VANItrZ AILTTINYI. ne.; Old NOOPIe rots, ;.113+.1..110.1tinaliati roD,wLa. 1 cotwo 7.77T144h Finn attc, - 111 0 , • L• • . - • LAKILI I / I =lll , 4 ! X*Dall.4lKO! gojn f f MP Bat illlifatiiinatti, !,!; VALUABLE; PAIITBEFIELD . STEUM t:; P erV I T T ft- 19 WFeo; . wry iti va tati .Arlo ci. : . uurapzwr sogcs,., ices TO=TAT.-71.1 OFFICE on lao 4 = 4 JOAN 1. :maul him [it How S & $ OS, Fl.A:l.C'a^,F.i.. as sr math stmt. Imosns s rri PAR i lin Di ; al/ tbllVTtheW vatted scat...m.l camas& 'I, f.• f! , 1141 1 5 e 413 1#6 Z 63 AM; 9 1 ;a4aelErall= • etturir AND SAID ON COMMISSI(.4I. }nic6ol►R oneatoo polo to cto,prirOlooo WinE Vatted Dates !tea et Mat - Do. • do. HU - Da. • flv 10.40a1• De.Regea-Taletletti _ • - De. &Allows -of ladetaahteet. • . minims can votamies Botrata pc s COLL.EOTXD. • • • DOLLAR bAViitGB /14.!411, OW 65 OHARTSBED ISSL OPon tally trout •to 1149eloele, also on *Whoa day end Saturday (nen -May. tit to Nci. Tember tat, from to 00 , ock, and I;r9L7 into May tst from to delock: • _,'•" , Depogits reettred the afaollainnita Donor, WA dAld4dad of elks milts deetanul - a yeat,tt Inaa , add Daaciabet.. intersat teao dealaredln -Tm and aim the Bank was organized, st the mkt of 7. 0 a4r,r244170rn out, la placed to thii , the dtg i si . taas tu r d :Ap , , l l,At besot the Detam lea,,n4 caropoundlng Moe • poor without. troubZng the denocitor to call, or even to pricrentklajtase took. Af this rate tooney'atill double In lass ttsn. both. Booka, oonta th e Crhattoa, By - Laws. Enka and Regal:4lons, fu.rols. pep; on appkaatlan at the office.' - - Plist • • Milton J. Anderson l7loll , 1.- H. Pollock. H. lb, Joan G. Rubor/di. Robert Robb, Benj. L. Fahnestask. John H. Stionnberiel James Herd:nazi, James Shane, Jamey Mall.unT, Alcsander Speer. Isaac DI. Pennock. Cluistian Team. inzoarris. Cillivia Adana, Flelary 3. Imu.h. ; John wit ter, O. Mullah Ja . Peter A. Madeira, i GADILI g Rae i n Marahal • HSU A. Walter l„ James P. Manna% Alnazo Can B. (Marks A. 00/ton, John R. Mo F W Wm. Done/IJ., John L . , • John Erax i t ...,,. : John J. G W e ld 11=44 E.. Wilma S- - Y1 1, 74, Alexander Tlndle Peter H. HD. Wllltant Vankirlr . , &Rudd ays,l= s Ja= .1 2.,A.5. H.e1l Wee A. COLTON RATeknII—JLACES B. D. NEEDS. Malan Tkiß • . , PEOPLES' NATIONAL BM Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid is $1,000,000, with P#vii lege of $2,000,000. SI BEETSMaking House 0011INEll FIRST AND WOOD •• • This Bank, organized under the National Bank a g - Sprees is pow prepared to tamest Mulatto street ita Banltiog HAIM, isomer Of Wood and Kira s. Collections made.on W aceessible points op most favorable terms. Elrestal agents for COOKE, for the sale of the U. 8. 7 8-10 Treasury Notes. REA. Preside:id. F. AL 'GORDON, calmer. J. C. MeTarEILSON, Teller LOCKWOOD d 3 Co., BANKERS, Late moored from No. O Witham Greet, iB Hoe. 9 Broadway and 64 wall . Strati. - srcomtsm. Orders for the pmreaae and sale Of GOVEUN. NE= 4.111) QVU R SECUSITLES ezecutedna the tumid term.. Bank and • IndMMus] amounts reeelv4andin tere4 allowed upon current balances vhlcy entry be checked tacit elahspr tee day.• ncitice. sap Six per cent, Interest allowed upon depoilts of Oald. ' • mollattel etTrolurErfi. e. Y. YL7IHSIII..i.I.6dtLY.J_Y.II .. AIeVA ATER. GA ZZA CO., ATTOI3NEIS FOR OLAMANTS, Licensed 17. fi. .dgents, idr proenying FAXISIONE., 1301:114M23, REAMS OF PAY, _PRFZE DIONEY, 00111PEN SATION FOR HORSES, end other preperty kid or deelioyed while In the service of the United &atm . • _ STOPPAGES O'S" "PAT ANIL r Lunn!, ORUNANOR AND QUARTERMASTER'S Mk COUNTS o gnascal and atrtiticatos of indebted, roc Ap p plications by BUR attsdided to as If made in 'person; rU NO ORANGE MADE' UNLMcS OFSbla. OFFICE 80. 138 inyt ' PITTSBURGH. U . B. well CL.BIII.A.G.E.NOI. PENSIONS. ric. l .usittlocs. 2301.c:dz.. 3Pcevi and CLAER3 OP ♦LL LUOJS PROMPTLY. &HAIL PATTXB2O3I, Attornevs-at-Liw. to roturra messrt WOUNDED BOU)INES zrr The Vint or Second Tim Tears r Bad' eau recites the tall bounty the saawas u St* bad teu Yea the Still twat Or ennstmeat by 031111111 t upon . 21. WALTER gollettot Tor Botmtlea, Patudom and Pay. Pto 103 lISTEI ISTRISET, that dm: below tlik Clatbadral. 3,IILITARY SLAW, PENSICtIiV 80W1T1R 3 ,14404T-4X.kwilmaT2.27l; cLip r of every deogitottort,:aoltectok by they tube , at the to L6O. slit% Ili t Poralonir @to, other elaiau 117.60.. . 0.0. TAYLOR,Ustritst-Law , No. 77 orant wen, .tehargh:Pa, N. 11..—N0 charger are outdo It e claim does nolp rowed, sod all iotonnatlouthrert gratis. relax ''; BeTTERFIELD, GAZZLIt & CO., srroxNETs sar PRANIEntrt, P Garzsm & Pittsflurgh.) L s Oolleations made. Titles examined, and al stater ;teal Madness ',Mended to in Western .Peansylvae sda,..Eseteen Ohio and Was; 9MaiMs• TlerarenCe l o Mesas. Leckhart MAY Prase, John germ req., . Marshall & Brown. 6%9 1 AND &W. STEVEN4ON, 3r..8107 cirumcna, No. 144 Fourth Street, PITESTCBGE, PA., • Wlll 1 tactic' in the various courts of Alleasing and adjoining counties. . ap6:131 If Cr. itilacttil.C. • A.:imaging MACKRELL L'• JOHNSON ; ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. V.B. LICENSED SOLDIERS , CLAIM AGENTS Bounties for Wounded Soldier" collected to Sao en to tweets days, reirOffieer NO. WI Game wruwer, Pitteburth. Call with &Reinert° end two witnmeee. ddie-!y NOE P' TOLII W. SHAFER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW / . 100 Fora STraarr, Pittsburgh, . Maims Ear PENSIONS, LiDirl y, . PILIZ4S MONEY, &a., rigorously yrousculad. ,_..'l:,',•' - ',,(4.11,.7n'A•1i,5i. - - mbar X. L050....-Tor4.4olmxacsiiM .14MIL3PiS kr, .( - SIGN *Olt BougiPAINTEM ...ttertaiso , OF; -;#01 1 : 7 , A *61,j ~ trated - terpvt vc r lowrguirZfuiT l ES, 0 _0 I_L , l4._.stanc seats* /up ot.poprt.r . • r, !ix=ty.wl e m i .p. scrtreg•RAMMOG '4'one.`ifilfer3 taunt tamti.tart l color,.aws, . 1--4.IIV NI V IF It igM B P 2OIO . I / 4 ,> MA Last mew Third apt Market sty MThatweEB4 YJUL ,yLuzlni 1164, 1 f f t lilt' ' cal nt,0615 rotraltarkit. LU .tra wee thaildla Is nom the most reltetl,ll it Pf , (4 41 ( rt4 0 - M C A 4 umnurltsc tub! Lur , J : •tz t.l ;:q f EMIL( ItiES 1-Ml3lenSe S ate ajid onbonnaedvonlaittnututtistlilth'ol:ll4l iliterthmL.l i c c e ftedlolzebattoktavrebatab c pp =on • , 14,;) • WIDELY ILEONFE • , . • • , , r:1 thibtbati Mile" Diegistvif leafirtitED. ZING filtliznitt3, *Mita thawbeointaa its testi Man him Icantumnao4 lio •Q' a. .1t s zgabsizes whl4 has zeitillfind MR emu kinui to resq-oz7 #!, Ueda OrartalbittlO*Fild !i Tag TEIT' .r.didatartriztotsula tts erase. Red. awaked W'Oltuatettel... 1 441410 Ikon Irtro Lor,vir P;Dearfaff nen to taw Pitt Olt it fp:mutat MINI 64: ta' *ire tlietam: o 7 date,lllol2 "fiFauftilina-flufaut noz 11414 imiee aliims to be a Veldll46 I(ts Strictly a Vegetable ryeppratiini 1 3 , WI EN PROPERLY ,PNOI4EI? AGE ALBREE. Pure MaterLaliii AVCOU . IDTNG TO DIRECTIOfific ; . . . cannot poraibly Wore the most denc.eootutitels Ooze:eels often the ease whore mtierator.meretre del preparation' are stay emelt:tag - in ad* amp, the truth of the old aartag, that ^the rah% edy weeme than the aware.. : • • ts Oleataing tad Ar:)g Quantfea operate !dike on the, realer Infant, Un r female, the eld and young, the wet& en 4 alio* and while IT ERADICATES ALL .14 ham the blood. whkela _he the foutale 4,1 thy Wlt.e tee{ body toile*" ai a oteivainealle: 111- that The rountthl Iftwi be or the strewn irtil belartdd and long and attend dlseate ikea lta paw. theltalaz Rr •0 1 14rofit body', eararocui 'Benxi ratiri' arearrillab mind that an tropurerstato of the. Ward le DOM daattoomi to health and Wu/lolls to thitintalzb the Laprorad Blood_Seareher alai= to alum sad partsi the fountain of /ilk mot la limo sr UNFAiLING OANACEA For t a care of all dloroset vilin4trara"l An Impure State et the Blood; . . scro °enema. mata Formitioni, .. Cutaneous Diseases, • • . Dry=las, plm 13olls, tbs . • - oa Tsee, _ .., Sore Eye', SmM Mead, • Setter Affections, Cht . • Stubborn 171cets. , • abitunatic Disorders, . ' pets, Costiveness, , ') Memorial D Geturnsi b Mity, . „ . , 'Liver Complaint, - Loss of Appetite, -, 1 Low Si:DRS,_ .) \ r Female Clamplan) : Foul Stoma*,, • , Together With all other Martian ikon an improper Condition of the eirculatory • hisetem. Ae & general . • .., 7 . .. 1 Tocuo i ltax . nmeoaramost , .. )." •• . r t, and cannot ~' ' Tail to benefit whetel flied term w at z ur end '' &resume The proprietor has- earildeates ettotoili as 4t1~3, to ff will oreriogs of thane who holm been anted by the Blood Senicher from whleh he 'dens the Ltd:kiln. .1 • • Litre, Complaint Cured by. gladder% Blood Scantier d 1712 •=WIT - , • •- Perseanny a ppeared beforenteeOrtekrt tkit Stib tires of Bram, in andfor Blair county, G.e. Eofz s he,. Wag aCcoyding. talaw,d Pit and, ~D Imes ago Ivon titliztadnilb Dab between the shoulders, almost constant coukb. lon of apetite, Milltr - trat a=r a"=„t"" to Mold'. fat imglll ase kat could hardly walk; my physinati did ma nogoorte Sometime last fall I aemmeneed taking Lindsey% Improved Blood : Seaochenby the use of tmtbets ties wu perfectly curet. I feel solo to i recomMeg it to all who coffer tromilvev_dlamses, general bility Mu of appetite *Met= diseasegelylng ho ot mpurities of lb. Moral. IMAM: MKmate do without It' :I - consider it an excellent r. medicine ( GEOBqK KA PP. Sworn luid =led thle 16th day of A. D issz,berbramie, : J..GQBLZY ,* Ncrm—Be. Kopp Is a residentef toreph and I. well-known - to the eitizent of Blair i.e Bad ford anfatlea as a I= of Caneneal Chneeetia 44.4 ft:mum • _ An case or se 'orals Carel el 41412 e ecy's Mood Beare-AO, - , If there be um , lobo dal doubt tbitidmimml Itpßoold Blood 4as:olio? ham asurwlld poir:ELa . :: iw cure Me soOlt citiPente an 4 lineltagling enaf et i3muula, let thfm read the tol4oiTiog and be 004 ~ ofteed ; Dts..T. ET, Lanny I I Fat &Meted !Or - airline bar of yenta with a disease, bymy phstedu—ill to be Serefude. , Far the last threwyetts watfeet had that I was unable to get out of my bed- / Wad 011 the remedies mot the bed physicians I was ebbs •to immure, without any Demential rent& I gen. thittedgrowingese thetethandeldn .entizeiy eaten on the left alda nitYfwat. itelA , shaulder and arm.- iquulferths WES ad I was ao far reduced that It remitted tha ended two persons to turn me In bed Thla was Me eon ditton whin I was Whited by the Maim IlairtOta of EL/erten, to tryyour Improved Stood Beard.= winch to my great, relief, and the maltreat/On:of my friends, / soon discovered was belping_me., continue the use of it, and gained so rspidlyjnist a eobly to someone year will able to gis abou so p ttend to of my household duties, and the arts alfeetial were all healed up and coy. ' . brad mai:sound, healthy flesh and skin; and have .0 continued ever since; and now WYs Maker health that I bad for years given Up all hope{ at ever again beingbleased witn. NANCY ramurxEr Atrovvr Bth, 1816. , Near Elderton, Armstrong ceituityiPt. AS A TONIC It has coequal Inalke 11.8a440 :vile ratxturts calla] o ftittets,"/CeFaates , Nee .slipettte, but gm tons and Irtioz tops STILVIS giadatafir sulpernmumuy. ~ . • M7Cl3,fi Or; :2, JfflOjj CODtitt&Billi ; - ,;•;E, rr '" - ' l. • ..- • It 1-4 Aft . lfitiiiii) a nd -Reta ; - il-:Agent s : 1 . 1 01:1! r;) , GOdoss and - Pala trna t 874 !rpl Dr,.2 O; aa . TO nag la CCM Mid blatestig i J MMIIMI sic ate' ,'21.1 C?:.lAf:.' 33:31 an:11117A AND A.DMilitatEmal. CE1:313 NEM _.-..:E.1127/30414 rdtig
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers