'k.ice e?gilt** otrastttv PITT, 49TT,PFS, s. ,•}• 4 , ialfte6f iteilegiii ShR at4sarnatri airlidee dal* klMatPt Pri ve Pew Jenny and Delawarepear.bas, which they ate Efieff* ;11,yr,opil - Dry Goode. The bei4 di:keit:Leer the lowest prtees light :.Wrth4l.o s , COW WV° Cati:1121611!Ilif 103 - 34VOiti:odr to otOptioa. ' . '- • - il. Al,_. „1 0. ,1141r1W,t**,&138.0. tog and As creel {'raja 6.46(etitolar,sll Junits 01 --drrsoodicatinr4 nds= ornate thelowett for the retulizaertyl.ollottetebet the Plate.ttaget throxt..lun t hitit Aortlrhat mob* oT Isiiirth*aalidistiderAhriturv'Ariator tAI ' MT former platelet bualttea 11.1 Dry , c . canfa d: V Vataaliailfa ll Ailli.tifth itriteo Was giant other siov plum, a. brilliant aatortoient of Peach 4:btotzac =op 'At theerlttleatkqr newpat it' Which ere worthy the attention of Indies w g .thllhoaldhs.6lolfltattin.• .31:21414D.0 th1 sea. •op rete !kg tzde of thelanrotte Bea side Shallot la irfr'irdirk*Wt'thatilorrilt ihrtii to be 119 ---- Great Reduction of Price. I , ITA tnituppereet ottectikioeteaSollarr,s ' , hi a. are green st °dicer bla4ittiF. iittdin; sad very thing in sly line proportidnata cheaper Win for three fears Put. 'teeth extrieted without' Pain nridaligerto:toteith , Yolleatterer_tion goartulteeh. ittiiitten eich' tritliepieserration et the natural teeth. , C. ti./.4 Reduelifini < ,:co••,1*" - • V • . *• i .. A iid. `-.t. *. . rid. , .l ~tz4 t ,,Auunim, we',.,,t4, ' - , **4 th y ' i iiitoogoi 4 t.o 4 ...imitasil-bi:Bt;aimiza aild the eurtendirt *of the'rehel General Lee4B rii - eared, and taktng advantage. of `the - pm in dated, Ind knowin the 4VipiitiltAdlthst.:* .. r fol, low, made very heavy partnere' of We eat eyrie, .g ind Bromine: good. at about orfehalf Woo : " algrief - ft. , Otairef, - I.luT glint' elopti 'desalinate o i r. 1 - and ireitlnglitrillnanded &hie sieelt; r'igtc he 4 PrePrid, ,ti. makp_iv}prordezi pa short n cii, Ifi . the hate 1414, Bid tecoAeigondlngiy low ter. , „.A...tholite ituortftent of furnishing Food. and ad,- It' '' ' : il;lielid °Mug win' she be iciuud it ntir agent astabllifircient. Our ralegheur Wen& fhof.4 l give 4onth SCRoskellitirie teeet, 1 reeetv iiiektsgelitzek , oftn3Ots,lsti.ies :Lae GrAte re, . MiNatiMetiesinsitftrintliNttfilieLliatinore ro pa. able pneee than any other home in NU QUI. ,11,344,Purer4 Lep4e.for ynsh, tey' ere -ftatrieo..to itetoigr4aftmenti to persoits. They also bine s choice stock of city-made itoodsi width they offer at rety low prices. ~ooeeeerering prtrehssf astAtildlo ea#y sae learn bugainii. •"-* '' l Remember theeplace, No. 63 Market street. Sorra a goal: , . then:tan 111Pnttli 'Prattle] Slate pix2fO4 Dealqatti r li.mertean Nfatit;tof vadbus colors. "I:ifilei at iialeniandes Lnitiffitttele.. mar the , Wateir'llrorks, Pittsburgty. Pia. 'Reagent*, No. - street` Orders promptly attended to. All sioxiti iennranted wttal, proofi Pipairing tab shortest suntan No -ohugii for repairs, the roof le not abased after.lt le put on. .t'Arr 'that's 1344i1ie Must Fade, rtup9i, applyabla te apse mot ecteetkartushed Tragradt Elazedairs. presarvatile _ . . and h.esutifying pperties nill preserve the white. neae, poundneas end neturil pellet of noidleietlV thnoothout life. And when unsound, It will anent 11 - decay; hid remove fromthCbrehtti the nedit which deconspoenfon generate.. - jr....sdwced Carpenter Jobning Shop. itoog tatitmed after an absence of three years In thti army . , I have re-opened my chop for an aorta' iirjohTini z ix. ''02 . 1 - 23=1‘11.5i - . *kali as Vlntto Ovoetaanltened insybpwleptly atte al to. YonaseV. - *Ante - .. 7'9Ql Ji i s= 4 l l pl sca Vt==d ß art, " Lind'Otrarialafai ab thia.ttida' it NM" reasosuala a.ates; at hi. tore, oppraltithsPaatallos. f ' Pocket nOtttit.: : one can atibrifidetittii 'Pocket Book, sta:Pittoot I. muting ettfOtsTherge stook at very at Mx Bore, illtaitlipe Postal's& cheap @eadlkg BBittir. B Ct uniabeis of Magstines es new, it - •fott,..f!sre stit ; seed i them,On.iy . 13 .cfAtt, st eto tock,p, oppoettilbe PoitoMS.. • Foreign' Po - siege' swops. - - Collectors hould-call ii bat! mut lay la theft arapplr at Pittatk% appogiXe Mer4staffice. ,plr..ifiewnrd, During his Illness. M*. George Vocite;ituitattended Mr. Selfrmr; guest the following account, which is trumbeted fronethe Illinois Btaais Zienrag • . • • • Orl tfirrentheilrig afteri the - rattail/eat - Um, he said to his nurses, his sensations immrsearoy after4e assaulthial by no means been 'of eis • ,1 usiploesent: - .fietttia. experienced ma' eatrecatlinary pales ; but while the blood had, been gushing from his coterie* he had supposed. t.r thlt - libi!ffettfeed ; and thought at the tame time what a pleasant thing It was to dild . thus, without pain. , -" • .XeWard;his nurses ittoward all who came. niii,hiniduring his MS; 'Mr. - Seward wars uniformly friendly, even affectionate. Acid never when awake„ did his philosophical firm .flita misdated him; °Ai 7idiela - asleep he would, at nines, during the that two weeks after the attack, suddenly start up and beat around-I*k his hands when dreams brought the assassin to hie imagination, but in two (or three edema ..„. : the was always quieted. • , • - , •Dagttie firaVtiuto weds Mis. Se ward was Itandantly, day and night, at the bedside either. ref,her husband or that of Frederick, and these eerie Leis have'ainee haMetted the death;of a lady evilly distinguished for the email •W, qual „,,lgres'of her head and of Iher_heart. , lime no. ' • • fke-conilttirt - -oF4r."Seiward'a daughter, Mlealanny. Indeed, !tie perhaps to her coar age that her lather and , , the nation owp the sal. ~, ,vatiou of his life. LikettermOther. Mkas Finn.). , was 'an untiring attendiat upon her •uffering. , - relatives. -' ! • '11;te• greatest trouble; to - the- phersitlans was Reward's mental - security, Which did not - even' during his greatest physical weakness and' • severest pains. In order to prevent all excite . -Oiftelenlterendraw"?lrdad4 and on account eo 0 en. joined on , him not to illeal,lut was =emit • to_gAthlzitto comply , . , was not mare idle lognacity that rendered ell lesicesoirkeitie te The statesman, but chiefly patriotic anxiety abont the Republic. He desired T• tOrrinAnds Wed ewe* the, couditloa of the oteretl7,4o tobliltis official duties-es Secretary • ' of State. The atteadiag physicians hadlprohlb iced 'speaking even before the attempted mensal. ' .atlon, but to express his thoughts by writing imp-settleable,' -as his right ,arelyras . • tuition. Bat as , soon es the coudilltor of his , - fractured bones would Clow; the -- medleal - gun - `third bad.o,• bandage .and fasten the upper third ot the arm . (where the . frture existed,) • -- sate enabler - him to use the , lower pert, and • . • ukol;?epd_lbr,SiTltitig. meaner haven wiled-fahVie President daring the last days of tliatlatieeptetifueeticiearrallte. The President • would sit at, his becisideland ecpcms himself ' - Um exelting.questions Of the day, when Seward wouhtlwrite his violet oh' a Elate: , Is the same - manner he conducted his letervietie, before and ' alter the anaisination; with Mr. Heater, the • Assistant Secretary of *Ate.- and thus actually reonductcdthe affairs of the Department of State, . the papers, dispatches, documents, etc., of which had to be carried to.ltiaibedsida even daring the mitten] periods of his illness. .. It was• the same patriotic restlessness and ilAtivt‘Finf Mr. Seward” which prevailed on. the •phyelmatte to send fee a - dffiffel - phydclan of Ztevr York, who amatured an artificial wire ap. • • will* in - ha-month, t- which enabled him to speak without risk, even before' his Jawbone was licaled,- , Tlffaapactitearid the illastri •cmanalliot at first •alati.eg pains, and .at !!—,- • -mashies, bedires Aupleiced;' , to. that the New physiclaultarilto,be teltriphedln order to replace it. But allibese 'exact sad little uhuoy - r. • 1-- Old not foe tr.mrselent disturb Sowards 4-•••• - .1PhlksiAPhle tittellectintirslitelcon his patriotic. Sc: siitr L . ;leg:nth la laUterr..havei, evinced such it,. jtedry of, olutrectet Add strength Of ri m7 , _ &John! On-hls bed af i cluzesit . • Tniiii*Milted.bLCite:thrMtV;of uters' ant mbittenter. these . "us= .. d o st ia tza • ktipanty .4=vca he Neely the additional blatrOf.tbal Intelligence of shd deal; 'Set PA faithful T irane. 4. ." - j two of rowilles'eleald illaw34.l(ew Toni, 'on Tailiday, arid Deltaic& la an'irelregerms realw ria 'toward erceralonlatalbera anit the entered alb. para. 'The latter weredrirereet of their &aim which were robbed and destroparl.:..Bar teal persona were Ward— Only nil , cwiliz rote were made. THE -NO 193. VERY LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FROM MF,XICO Desertion of iiilimperial Cav . airy Regiment. lAIII3IOIIOI OF fitilßgraio 111Bli00. Gen. Cortenael EN• efiELBY AND IIEN IN' VEIICO Cortetfaiii flOpeflll of Bucctss. "l i EhRI7FPII4 iNTERToR ttXAv Gett:Atith *lllllO, 1Y DIFTICUZTY svinsFKIMICO PROBABLE. riattadir bait . = the estate:, am trepea NM Yong, July 26 .—The Triberies Wethlng ton special says Semi-official news fro4M . tisio been cecalweiilkonr General Ortega, aced Teionfinae4loste 01' 4 /buboes. lone ad.. He mentions the desertion to his army of the 2d , eavald reginient-of the Imperial service, ;and that he Is daily tendered the services of large pombern Pf pal= pinceni cowing from Paints . . In posses/Mon of the French. He also states that Maximilian has eontnieted 'Fore!pu speetilatien for .szhe introduction of a large cumber of Deg - rec.', who are to be kept in slaxery.fo,c,„yeara, arid that they mu 4 re ikon ea thiht of coioptigt3f4l -Watnient before the magistrates, and that their tempera,. ry bondage may be renewed, and they can be 'Unaltered ftintalo without consalting.thz v3 - Yo ""'NnW.-c; Jn17. 4 28.-Tlits etennier" Washlngtotiliiinge New , Oriceala .ilatee or the 22d. Our files contain the following trumpet as, azdatexico ~ • The lifatecnorea C'ennowerce of the 12th,; says Gen. Steele has required Cortina, who Is in • BitAtlllf", tO' Anitarcilitio , piece, but having e:enah Malden; he Dant:lopes to fob on' that • side of tleariver,.seeking refuge; on . the Amer lien. !Soria had received authority from the - , Emperor to raise a battalion of Texans for goer rills service, instead cf 10,000. 111=1:11 There are beta sea seven and eight-thottaand Missourians and Texans on their way to Mexico. They are organized and armed. :Governor Allan, at Lottia.alta.Mat hourly ex pected. Compthint raldeliacattstahe federal author. ales do not fgraisti,transportation to the paroled rebel &Mere listitiWish to retdrn Ate the loyal 13thtes4 , . 31:n4.9gal:tr. to, Texaa;bufera the war and were conscripted. Busman: WV:cming dulloadiva sat, An tonia. Theugh„ranst of the people ceased ,busi nessnthenalvastuelefeliCAMn of the 4th there. Some celebrated the day by hoisting Union Bags; others by haellik the flags down. The Noss, commenting oitthialatter proceed- Eki,frn, Molted States bas not been extended over and there am no oftleeesi civil , 'or , -scitittaryi•-•• to enforce obedience to. its,„ lam pled practically we "me - Without •egovMaMebt. We can see Alien no good sews in tbolpublic ..rlisplar i of a token of power inadvance ol.the sottbllshotent , kbe po 4 1 general lafiefart ar-reabed Eagle Pass, but the authorities of Pledros Negroes - informed him - that be would not be allowed to take his men In Idesicolittla Sums id their ands. He would, however, be allowed to comb 'lnto the ,coontrleiathla_mr4- 1 14.ePlgrang, He 4 01 1 agreed to this, and delharedhls *hens and cannon to the Liberals at Pledros Negroes, for which he received $15,000 in specie and $5,000 in bonds . Isitiedhy the,Liberals. • Tne arms wefe immedi ately shipped to Chihuahua. • -n The New Orleans Ilmes' Brownsville corres pondent of thq 14th says: Cortina..., who is'therit; to very hopeffl citsucoass• by the Tdberals, and looks upon the prompt movement of the Vnited States forces to the &render as edvsmaZetuts to 'ills cense, Ile has a gl4.at nuinbef Of AMiricans in t h e ranks, and speaks enthusiastically of their dash aad..¢atiag. 'Cho .earraspon,chtot la very favorably Impreat , eti with thh aPPurahoo of • Cortinas and has a high opinion of Ms capacity. • r.Thelt altettOn 'oarriPPOßdeet : 47 1t Abe n'nel rays that there la a reign of tenor In the lots. rim of Texas; murders and TM:diaries are pre. veiling to a terrible extent. He dehlea the re lict; that Kirby SOLD and Remoter rered into &limn apealatfaxtC>ilitli.luta to )Tronv money to go to Mexico with. The Hisortiville .Repotilic et thtv.sth nays: Gen. G. F. Smith arrived here on the 4th, with 8,000 or 10,000 federal troops. Heriston-Trkeraph repines oVer the tact wAbut iktajs me omnibuses me driven by tateilxien,trad the' city is fast tilling 4 with Intiutto ions white mechanics and laborers} Wan/moms, July 28 —The . Datlg. 414linasirls has received a letter lIIMI New = grieans em. bodyjcpg tbelollowtog, extr av ; (rota, oise written AilLatentleinangoisneetedlstithlhalieadquaners of the Upton forces at Clarksville, Texas. It is datfil blitltiolltt4 ital-la 10 follows : y I inn lying at "the - Toonth of the Rio ?Grande • OPPatite yogje,d. The hicxicans under Steps ' ' , guard ih'e OpPosast 'rule% and- the respective pleketa are not forty rods apart. Timm Is a pod deal of untrftitaly thellorbetWeen the two taralet altd - they.egonet long refrala from blows. zo:On.the.4nly,onr of:icers went over, and -morrows tecturrah ~.F. T .heartt , this , fooroing that General Brown, !,°°Arian''lrtt 1 aftwbsvme, T ustin :lay tma an in 'se W withand Promised him the assist s:mg of thealni.ted States troops,. andlhad or deredlhe 4tlldndlana to cross the. river. GettAttelq4partment entosaander, Gent up by a alihatbOnti 4 entuttertaand tne4rder ly 4.4141)N. pat even if they r-163 -thin canna& long'-reMalnAlie way are. • DEB WAR AND NEIMAN AFFAIRS i llal l itatilion's Agent • to 'Europe; MORE TROOPS AND MONEY WANTED. Liam:won to the Austrtlin Throne itettoreg. air:Timor, July 27.—The herald Imblishes the Lowing relative to Mexican ears; Inantedist4Y upon thart*lbtA r t Maxlmillian, of the news of the death of Mr. Lincoln, ttWs sorrow der-of nen: Lee, inti:trltia*.complete of our war, be diepatched to Europe Ithd especial chief of Mr Cable's., to ad %lee with Louis Napoleon, King Leopold, of Bel ,gum, and. the Emperor of Austria, a 4 to what ...should be done- under Lids" chanige of affairs . ; the Erollireln. Mexiod having' :been undertaken under the conviction that the Altil:ted States wad perbsanurtb , disrupted„ mar that our civil war would continue forwatuty years. ' M, Elgin left Vera Crtigollr this mission on the 2d at May !sat, passing by way of thiscity, end retbrns by the same route: - ft wad then iv .ported that while:here he had an laterdiew with President Johnson, and that the interview was" of a very IlsatLfeetory character.• Thta report was entlirly without foundation: We hare reason to Weird that the mlaslon of grippe here - eine hurtful of Impor tant retts to,LOttla .Napoleen, He was jot etroetedby Blasinulitan to state that the em pire could(only be established to tranquility, and Shp ypectfled ,by ' the' elf of ltugely ift• eed-forte Of "forelgrarbops and en outlay of much larger seine of money, which meat also ba furnished from atnUad, as it wee Idle to .place,any relizinto npork: tie tnyeneeL in exico for some . • years to came. Thera reinforcements of troops and necessary funds mtarbe furnished by .Vrance, for they could be obtained where eke; and farther,' that In view of the changed state of "afriirs In the United States, Franca and miter EntcroAcd European powers must tosaranme his throne against any, attacks from without; Mat unless these ecinditions could be 'compiled with, Maxi milian did not choose to may In Mexico. M. Ebb was Instructed to procure the rtotoratiou to MlLlLlitmittl of his nghta of succession to the . Anstriaa throne, In the event of his returning from Mexico. • _ . This la the only part of the mbaloo of M. Eloln which hes been lattonned with any too cem and In tbla ltatese baa been ' complete. 3dar:indlb.m. can now return to Austria pad regain Ms right of 'anceetalon to the throe° at any . Moment by 'lmply giving op US throne In Met- . rte•. ; t l • yte have ream amadjsz sion of M. Melo bubo= i belief the the mis- latittactito!br th.+ itr• ther _result,Olutt lut ourjes,baca with 4 1 ,14, Ifft.bm as advice of Louis , . Mapolean'lical 41:lopoltii that :lades all- eircamatances. Ateeittglhat now evident.: that the : people Alf Mexico do , dat'detice..l6: have an Emperor U414ifb1Yr•321146: - beet Plan foe Mattoill lan betti 'haute aatatly-a momentu possible aad iitaxti.to Eur; Uteri the French troops having nothing fe.. to do, thew wl/1 41i0yetlre, and eel the whole - of the', disagreeable d mttattunataltiectitrit tpialgettt'ttli be cued ,without twit= trout4N bfficszs erns JelY r;—eggiato. Dooutag Foacecaad Rah ad anneal VcCpon, ad PR 17, started eastward TINA. LOW+, to-day. u...... 1 .- - - ...- -- . 0 . -- -....,----. t • ' , Comtog , Earimml. JP' -.." MORE INDIAN DEPREDATIONS. Platte Bridge Station Att.•.cked. DFAITEIRD IITIBEtt 01 THR - 11101108. Dead White Body Horribly Matilat'ed, THE SAVAGES 6ON'T - DEilkE -PEACE astrattions to Superintendents and &gents, INTHECOVESE WITH HOSTILE INDIANS PHOLUBITED. EGET LLILIMIE, July 27.—One thousand Cheyennes, Biotor.iidtrappahoes, Blackfeet and a few Camanches attacked Platte Bridge Station, : on the telegraph road. on Tuesday . . The 'aryl lonf,nutiiharW less a l ai ifirofinted flfty. The tight lasted two days, an refit:die& at a heavy lass to the Indians. The lofts on our aide was Lieutenant t Anne and one roltitea matiof the Ilth Ohio cavalry. Twenty-five men of the I th Irene's' pp e , ‘ 1411e4 anti ,tline wounded: The Indians retreated west, tearing down ; the telegraph poles and destroying the wire. A note was picked noon, the battle-field, wilt ten by a white prisoner, recently on the ibuth Platte, which says the Indiana do not want peace, but are fighting for all time. We had killed, one of their chiefs in the fight, and they are 'Ming to distrcrythe teleriph,'lnd that they ei4wet rethforcetriebto: -Thetudy of Lieutenant Collins was horribly mutilated; his hands and fret were cut off, bin throat cut, his heart torn put; he was neall.cd Pp 4 had over ,one hundred arrows in him. - - ;,‘ There remains not the slighest disposition on the tart of the Indians for peace, which was only tobeinbtalhed'breeterelyrpettiehingthem. Oder Of the rWirdeeriver tedentnidis now moving to join the force from Platte budge, which l 4 fol lowingthe Indiana.,it in, ptistecthat the tadopnilmhdatledi* it.ta Litll.4*-txritsAlthlo wOuld have been in the field long ago had not the pool tractors failed to deliver supplies according to . ter tosq Piet!, contracts., New YORE July 28.—The Tribune's Walling ton special says: The Commissioner of Indian •Affaire has bssmedan Important isiArni .. 4o Eiciper -intatsfents of Indian Affairs andlnitht.iPA nut. They are instructed to subordinate their action and Intercourse with tribes in hostility with the • Government to ttre policy and :operations or the War Department., and met to deliver. goods, money or other property to any Indian, Patios. tribe or band while in hostility to the Government: to be especially vlgliantAbaVirs Under wader their supervision has any trade or intercourse with any member , Of :such' &stare:led tribe or bard under washy of the revocation of bin li cense and estliDsion from -•arlittlaYheirjurisdic lion, and to suspend all intercourse with such Indiana except solar as tliii satnettuty be sanc tioned ptiljtary officer; charge of the operationd 3 - They are.turther instructed ~ ,to impart no itt forditillotttethe public lipid:Pei' sehJect of the In an Effairs..and.tprgenget,theAsistance and crtiperidlon of the 'fidthffritiee where 6 ±# 00 , 4 1 , 0 8 es egorcias cifil policy of the grifdriment' toward inkligni' at peace with th,ltti§Ds4 and.aje %Voted lip make a full are explicit monthly rephrt to tan Indian of the condition of the nribMg tr4hokx:Pirethdr charge, 4.lth such suggestions is they may deem beneficial to them. KittitiGNlZED DS -11ilriltilSiDinT CgrtiEpalles 'f indebtedness Reduced. RESTIMINU POSTAL FACILITIES IN THE SOUTH The Baltimore Federal Appointments SAVINGS BANK INTEREST TAXABLE i iraltrad;WY 41 : Cb`lorid Pere crtto Wisnraire* ,2 July 25.—The Presidextt has recognized Adolf Rasenttbal as Consul of the Principality of Remus, for Wisconsin. It is ascertained, on Inquiry, that theie L er . coetloued reduction of the aggregate amorirrhof Certificates of Indebtedness, the number refereed being much larger than those already Issued. The Postmaster General is gradually restoring pc:situ' service all over the South. This Is-all walling et the Washington Postoffice to he Ca..l. 'te541.12310:4 Itininsttto Richmond and Peters g. Contraota—trase Just, been tasnod for car• rifting. iliac milt by. railroad :to ICanten, end (Wm CairlA : to Jaetselemtent. Other hearlibf depatitheati are eagaliod 16 restoring the stud machinery In accordance with the Pres !depth ProrJamation appointing Provisional Governors. 1 • • The Cernmereid.4derriateve-lilhiablogton spec ial says: The President has revoked the appoint. ment.Of Col.-Webster is Collscixc,lCllstglmoro. Waitmeopme, July 28.--The fuid between hi. island politicians has bent decidedly in ear nest for several weeks pasf„ And delegations representing the opposing parties hero Mall, prpuittAlitihei to the President In vela ion to federal .cfliceis fog 'llialphincel , STleo ens or appointments were heretOfore agreed tipdn, but afignesnis were partially Ignored. X,lis follow ing, promulgated today, are, hOwever. believed kilbsconeltialve : Cellenter, E. El Webster, who la a imereber elect to the United States 'House of Representatives ; Nava Officer, I. Hemel ; Pur veyor; EdiontonT ld alton pansinal, Washington liontlh; District Attorney, J. Jones; Chief Apnweistr, J. G. Meredith ; Assistant. APPmI• sere. E. I" Anderson end T. K. Carroll; Post master, W. K. Pnmrl4. • ... The following cider was Issued hi:day: Until otherwise ordered. the malls fbr Allanpa. Augus ta, Macon, and Went Polar, (Ignited. Moutgem =7...Alabama, and for parts contiguous to these several pieces, and between them and Cheats. rietlge,TraPae BB te. may' be ISrgarded to their dem Inatfon eta NeshrMe.,Tennessee, and soldiers 71tair7tig norm detained ots:Shetzeeiveral roads are plated In charge of the posts:dikes wisereyer there issonslatuerY Pcqu- .." At noon to-day the thermometer In the shade indicated at digerent points from 90 to '42 .64. gran. • The Giemmiaskroes of. Internal Reveritre' has decided that inteteSt • liold - to 'depositors lerthe savings banks in considered dividend within the meeting of section 120 of [below, and a taa• of nee per cent. should be withheld therefrom and paid to the Government. . •Gen. Anger, In his general- order, dated yes. toddy, sayer. The civil -eorirts In that portion of Virginia, within the limits of the Detiartment of Washington, having declined to: rad;4oe - . 'tile testlininey of /adored pemoris, a 00.• reit' court Is hereby established in Akmanditit; to have totelusive jgrisdictloq in all eases of perms be pt i oPerty of colored .:pvsohs, who ern residenss of the district aforesaid. This court will re- Calve the Us:lmre:l of I :'cOhned . persons wifia;',llo Abet •than those now .affucting the testimony. of white- ,persons. The Prervolt r idirslikl • General of the defences _wash of the Petomac is chargedwith the mem iron iefthlidttief'. - Title order Will remain in force until the 'Virginia Comte hive brought their prattialhorbln harmony with the erist log State of affairs. Captain Df. P Pielfec; of this second District of Columbia Volunteeie, is aPpoloted Provost Judge of geld county: EXCITING S,CENE ON A STE4BDAT Thr.ce Shots . Find by an. litslao ?gad ORE. IDAIi HILLED LID. BOTHER INJURED C - ops in Excellent,. Condition Ittprammt, July 28.—An exciting occurrence took place on hoard the steamer Annie Johnson, while on her way from Ls Comae to St. Pant yfn erday evening. An inDatlC,l:lllln named 8.. king approached a group,of passengera on the deck and fired three shots, the , Arst striking a passenger named 8. Roberta,! or 'Syracuse, killing him instantly, and another shot atriking eoldier In the 1111:11. If Ll l O l Injured him severu ly. 'Stocking was finOrdhsarmed pad secured arirtaken.to St. Pant for eXamthatlon, . . . Te crops are In excellent condition and the weather baa been line for harvesting daring the past th,ee or four days, Theybeat crop exceeds anYthing we hate tad since 1859. The Crop ra the Wed. Crocsoo. July 28.—Reports in regard to the nireti or the recent kalifs Id Indiana and Illinois sheer that the. winter 'wheat in !brawn In diana le badly damaged and half "grown 121 the eldWir. acute 'parts 'of Illinois. portteiliakil . abotrt and the adjOblinit.ConnUne.- the - spring wheat tow been injured considerably In the northern part of the State, but; a week of good. =ether would insure • hem ;yield- In Wisconsin and lowa the,crOPll :VP not dam aged to any extent. The barley crop le badly . - Kirby WO and rally Captured. New Tolle, - My 28.—A BrownsTllle letter of the 13th, to ther New Orleans Times, awes that Kirby Balkh rid bine:alto plowirere captcul4 on 4nIT 4th,rat Piednne-NAenn, by the Governor of EnILIIIN together vrlth fear pieces or artglin7. 900 new Met era 15 *lion Wee l!Uti talon and prodelons. The ,011leens and men wore paroled. • 41. r—. 4 norm. , G . B . .!.,4:. IWIE111;1 P TT bt 'SATURDAY,. JULY 29. - 165. HEALTH OF JEFF. DAVIS. Joe Johnston dpking kor Pardp, lin3 BUREAU FOR REB4I,;,AWHIVES Complaints Againt,the Treasury Department. NEW YORE CMOS JANKE 1110108 Claims for Prize Money . i LETTER FROM GOVERNOR PERIM' ~ h pprtafili Itllceiiui ; Bl%iii of. J Nlsr Irpng. July, 7 . 044 Wastanition eaya Ail jot De4i.e'' heel Is better than at has been is five years. General Joe Johnston has applied for pardon; - and It is , pliable, he will get It. Amonglthet., grout& dent 'tor I;tithlllg this exception, la/ the fact, said to be well authenticated before thel Attorney General, that Johnsea did all 11144 power to bring the rebeAlon to a close, before Itt become palpably evident that the thing was 'collapsed condition. Tboorder of the Secretary of War creatltki; Bureau tat the rebel archives, was promulgated some days ego; but as yet no appointment CA;a 812 p m -intent ent has been made. The appottit , meet will be made this week. The reward of two hundred and doe dollars, for the capture of Lloyd, keeper of the hotel at Surrattaville, offered by the county commission - 4: era of Prince George county, has been reptti dialed. The offer of theseward was signed I PC': the prclldentaCllfhbtiitd Of edtlliti comals; , „ elopers, and had rather an extended circulatiOtt r , at the time. ; •• The litn.cad's Washington special has theifol:c lowing: The complaints against the Trcasttrp: Department lb regard to the New York Castors - :Wyse:nemJogs, *refound to be based'. entirely' upon rernlations made without the sanction of the officials here. The coot of one miler pound• on cotton, charged for Ceus m' House fees is not authorized by w. This clam: having, been. made heretofore at the New Fork - Custom nomsti in addition ['ldle legal Internal Revenue Impo rt of two cents per Pound paid on all cotton arriving from the floitql.':ltie puttees° charged will be mall' tei to recover the rum back' on application duly authenticated. A good deal of trouble it err pears Is also occasioned between the New ark merchants and Collector Draper, by the ar tra ry regulation which ernppels .ittery articit, of merchandise from the Ermth to be weighed, In :Tooted and anted by Custom House Ttie6srtamili regained as unnecessarily opP elm the whale system being without this an thority of the law, presenting the practie4 re. cult of Imposing agy Mill on goods frets either States. Tbeeo regnlationsare loudircompisdned of by, all the mercbatittlind very curlonstsw, steatipiiii are eurrentat the' dieposittion Made of'f:he Tait ewun (Tallied from these exactions. The Tribune's Washington special says: Da. ring lbOsatinib or Jone hat 2.ooBelaimafOr money were riled at the Fourth Auditor's °Mee. The handsome turn of E588:1137,55 was distrbu. tee In scene varyioleFr4 surto sn.ooo toesch claimant. A. large aelboaf still m4l llllB tO Mir :tinned among the fortunate sons of Neptune who cleared them of the rebel navy. Just prim to his departure-fax South Camille:Ai Provisional Governor Panty addressed:all:l;er, tp Gen. Howard swing that he was not only 'will ing but desirous of pig Pith bls browny In ths-menagerneut of tbo affair:Vol the freedmen In his State. and asking for instructions to ene.7 his him to carry out the intentions of the Gni. ertifiniat tit its treatment of Degrees. Viers' Howard will at once tarnish tolG:eit. 14 copies of &Millers, orders, and circulars .froM time Ultimo from his brae... front ' attiebi ft h• presumed, be trlll reeelve the net' sv.: easy Instructions for the furtherance of hie dei . u . Attn. The Commirsloner of Internal Revenue de-; rides thaifinanufactured tobacco upon wbictra duty has been paid according to lea, may be cat into smoking ttibaceo Or doe cut chewing tabs:• co, done in the presence or under the supervlsi ion of an 'Depicter, witheet becoming liable to en additional dcity. -- Tber tobacco must he weighed and no additiondo or subtraction:from the saute.tnadebefbreed cut. - The Timex' special, speaking of Jell. Pavls, says Rising . at an early hont,- 1 514.'ffavis takes • bath, Wen dresse 1, after which ho ts'Visited by the emcee of the-guard, the officer of the day. and his medical attendant. lie then breaklallgin erblek be walks up and down his roam, converses with Gen&-al Miles, who geterally vieturifituntaleredihoutddiol„ time, and with Dr Craven.,and reads the bible. The Herald's Fortress itooroo correspondent of the 211th says: A secoat boars' wale inside the fait 'Veen yesterday permitted Jeff. Davis, the NIMES itourd ,attending hint at lo firet,walk, and the:tate will nee 3iris kept upon his part inid.4ititpr his mare.: The salutary effect or 'tins vat-door exercise on the itydrits of Davis is Already apparent. If they are conthaapd there can hp no donbt Of ble heaith IMprovrair.' newairamois risiedi as Of tits apetdr removal Washington for trial, tint -no credit In given them. ADVICES F 4031 NcIIITU CIROLINti; Goverkei Holden'. Health 'Recovered GOYERNMT TAX PROMPTLY PAID. Dtkas Against Enion Men and Negroes. Yi.D&B/L APPOLITEBS ENABLE TO QUiLIF RALZIO/1. Jab , 24 —Governor Holden has re covered hem his recent Illness and Is at his past again. The large land holders's this city and county, who co sine the aristocracy and leading rebel sYntpathliers, made a strong effort through Gcriernor Holden to have the government tax but and - ere no* ProuIPC7 -pasting their tatis'eo 1/1107/1 their property. The:Raleigh Progress continues to make fresh disclesmres of the desbrna of the rebel element In tble Biota againstlhd thion men and negroes, Whigs put Mto effect When the - troops are with drawn, and the new State government goal Into rtlert. • The Raleigh Standard says Rebel papers arc spawning up la different parse of the Stem, la they openly dOrY the °oval:meat. awl promulgate tram= of such .a du:nous charac ter Ulla their suppresaion would lie jasdnabla. • MOM of the federal appointees' to North Caro lina twain. able to qualify, not being In • ;meld= to take the oath presnihed by Congress. Among this number Is Ron. B. P. Dtek, recently sp. pointed District Judge. The.nr.nouncement that the arrogant rebels of Virginia are to receive the full bend:lto( the con fiscation set Is making thatrY 'friends for the adrelmstration: to North Carolina, where the same vigor Is greatly needed. Cotton from New Orleans and Arkansan River—Troops at alamphla. Canto, July 28.—An Arrival from New Or lepe brings 479 bales of cotton for East St. Lonlir 630 bales -passed to 81. Loulslaat night. -' .9 Meitner. from Arkansaa river arrived at Memphis with 300 balm. L . The Memphis market is =chanced. Re ceipla from wazons are :very heavy, but all In format= confirms the opinion that in two weeks time the main bulk of the cotton will be in. The limps now at. atemphis are estimated at 5,000. It le supposed they will be divided into squads and posted over the country to maintain law and order. Troops continue to arrive at Calm daily, el:innate for home to tie mustered out. Troops blustered Out—Tlte 4th Corps Gone El:E=3 Naw York, July 29.—The Tribsou's Now Or leans special says: The 11th Missouri infantry will be mustered out of the service in e few days. I e term of service will expire on the brat of 0e to? or. The last of the 4Lh Corps have left for Texas. The tun of the command are In excellent health. Nearly every State of the Union la represented and.the organixationhs almost entirely Of retcran I. " ) F e '• Beat ln New York—Treasury Requisitions. Ntoi , Teta; Sury . 2B;—T4al - thermometer hart; to day marked 90 In the shade, and In, the( atm 110. The secretary ,cifabo Treasttry ts ,of theoaln. lon that the Dena:baud - arta be tibia t. Meat' atl the ssonialtlonabefoto the =Wolf of Uongtooa. t ily as the receipts arc lat on tin Inerease r walle aspennitacta la rapt reducteff hy.thaAlsband- In of 110,Ettm.Y. non ot et eanses. ' 1 - , Asilehnh• • Thum at bly E3*-PO otenta yacht Clam frPlag ftetrlbrlf iotAspey Bay with the engineer and party-on Wail' arrived There •grok,, terday After perfecting come arrnegtmecte at , .tAri =Mom On board • the'; 'cat will raft, far.Aotty Bay. probably to-marrow rttengtag. College Boat Ilse*. Woucr.ans, July 28.--Thegre3t raeOctwoen the Taldaad Harvard College Ong clubs for the eliam~lp,irwme !or day, ;and retitattd to tbo vietm-yed the former. , Thy vas,:rule 17m. threef lisreard lOsee. Theidle tenet rowed waerl rape& THECASE OF EMERSON EFBERIDGIL LETTER FROM GEN. THOMAS TO GOV. BROWNLOW 01',NILRABII=ffiFf:/,I2OCEDIUTgSED. The+ Governor Sustained by the Military. • Nastry-mta, jef4er Is published, from &nand 'flioinite 16 1 dovemor Brownlol4 In which Thoufas gays : lam only waiting far , a report from Colonel Debassy to determine , - P a . eraCn 4 , PitigtE ; ; l 4 heh9g been guilty of the language charged against hlin, he is clearly amenable to the authorities In the absence of the civil, and liable to be pied before a blillteryAmmission. Iffy eritentlon has been calla to the Bowel:en of other parties. As yet I have not seen are _lepers that) woxild Justify the Interference of militarY truttomillitest. .14 , 1nre ther ti me ;i • 'the Jedgmentlethe irrresanieit; it any necessity for such luterferenceler . eohsequetiets ,Of Inability and indisposition of the civil author. Ithas of the State to take action, the expression Ifatsyleeire -on the , part of the Dervernor, titelnibility'or indtegicisitoti br the civil 'authorities to•aetoyill be etiglelea. end - I will ,cane the palliest cOMplattleil Cr to lie attended LO ACCOrdieg tO the oattiri of.their case. The State of Tennessee le under martial bat the military asithorities'*ll l not be roseate& :to unless theeml authority fella to net, either from inability pr indlaposition,,Erah in the event of the failure of the civil authorities to do their dray, the military should refrain roam .intm•- fering fn eilmlnoreasee, .becatist 'the -milidarf should, ars far en possible, austalli ;Cral • govern. , merit, and never pew*. ha fut4ohit, name cases In which prompt ac'lon Is necessary to Pt, It* the-public safety. • . . ' 'le concluelOn, the Dciverbor, my, rest toteured that he will'hnfullY suretained . In cattYlig out r the policy. el the State and Denetal GOvernment ' , tus long esthete are troops on duty In any State in the Union:'_ • • ,'•••• Governor Brownlow Lai called open General Thomas to lend troops Into the varlotteconntlea to nfre order and protfqtbe bflor bor. Financial Matters ni New York. Naw Ton:, July 27.7-The excitement In the 6tock market has paittallykabeided, but thereto still a brick speculative movement on some sucks. The bnliettivit sold freely to realize ;volts on the lato_advance, causing a partial depression of prices. Erie has thou declined per met. Oh other stock there is still a lively' movement for a further rice. Cleveland and Pitts burgh are among the most active shares on the list, the sales being 5,1005/Ist-ea. Daring the middle ofthe diythe market bras quiet, hut at the close there was an active demand. Govern-, meets werokomewhat excited. The advance In, gold enabled wme foreign agents to 1111 the En. ropean orderm• • The shipments to-morrow of bends will be probably thrm mlllhms, which will preclude any consideVahtecaportor specie. The purchases of 4 80's for foreign account to. uiwir amounted to one million, and in 'the week to about four millions. The adactienerrarrilst le comparatively devoid of .ellex.,Wative „Interest iwel prim are gelleriti , t lower. 'n'hfi iiae In Lth — goltrenartet Is partly' attributed to the mailean news telegraphed from , Washington. After the news we dlactipsod and Otelded.tenwl s catiard3hettif.rnt, grew weaker, the bulls are preesing every opportunity to se-' cure an advance. There is en ictive demand? for tebaei esistegitosocerfinereased apecialeOotr and the rate of Interest to Clemer. -Boma lowa were mid° at aeVen per 0e4t.,..15t1V the general rate la ex' per cent. • • . , General Grant at Saratoga. Blip Yang, July SS.--The reel eneelal, da ted. Saratoga Sail, save General Giant arrived bon last evening and was met at the depot by a committee ofeitiaena and conducted to congress Hall. The onsk`dait thedttot add" et:the hall loudly Cheered the General. After nano' he held a levee in the parlors, where ha reigalred th ladles and gentlemen utfx.he home- Dewing the arrninghe 'lrked Lelaed's ()perry House. On his ranfe.to Congress Hall be wet serenaded, and kad calls were made for the General, who made his appearance and bowedta the immense gatheting. and teen retired . to histapartmenta. This morulug the General and MOe. Ekant. Mrs. litigiowlikda. Parker, babcoelt f l'ortet and Bor deaux, •ialind Congress Sgrteg. Shortly after brcakfaat the General rtvelved a mleerletneons crowd oo thy piazza cf Congress HAIL St•kea Returned—Prize Vight—lllorace Mapined Nominated for Congress, duly 8 —The stakes la the eon-. tenrrfa.ed prize Ben betwein Clark and Keating' were drawn yesterday, arcurding to a dealslon Of the holder, and returned to the respeetara. haehorn. A debt took place iwsterdny antral:team, tt, berween NewSII, of Pittsburgh, and t3hrtas..of Cloth:heal_ for two hundred dollars a side, ro. golfing In the defeat of the latter In fourteen rounds. liarim - Mayoard was unatinated-lasZtagress la Opp Stoxyllle (Tann.) Marla yestertiv. Eceret Berrie* Records.. Nitro Yoke, July '29,—The V.tnes says: It le mated that General Dodge, before his departure for liht new command ea Leavenworth, closed up the BeCIVANSTVICID ROSCSII 0, the YrOVOIST. Slar shal ptveral'■ oftice in Si; T.oule, sod forwarded thhjapen ar.d records under seal to the War Department at Washingteit. Among tbq docu ments so sent were 3,000 pages , of 'keg hand cries that embraced the tentimony given from lime td time by the United ttates detectives. Gold Market. NEW 'roux, July .—Gold upimed at 140, but ut that price there were more sellers than Levens. end the price r nbseyuectly duclhioi to 144 q. The speculative movement 13 dull. Tao beans are not yet tamptedta MOM: dons. Teat at Mactalreery Wiennrarcrar, JEdy. T..8.--Seereitra Welles has ordered • compotlthe test between the Machin ery of the lAlgoogum and Whaonsk , at the wharf In New York, under a Board o. Exana-. Wets. TneSfobile-Berristerand Advertiser has been resuscitated after a lapse of three months, and Mfr. John Foraith, In his saltdatorj, saps — The first of sleety war. to over. The South' Ims fought It on one Fide and has been ovaepow, ered. Thue Is no diabetic:4 10 the knight who, having fought a good fight, yields to the sepal. or skill or strength of tabs adversary. The ver dict of the war Ls that the Federal principle' of L., etrallem and consolldation In Government Ls stronger than the opposing principle of State rights. We bow to It as sea Ansruicars; and the Kerr battle thefts fought on the reopened question will not begin In the South or be fought on Southern soil. We have made our bloody li bation to a doctrine we believed vital to a true, enlightened and permadent freedom. We have lost the battle and u thrtityn lip the sponge." Alabama has lOat her &oven:Natty in the Lune. be bee New York.. Georgia has lost hers. So Las Ohlo. It Is very well for Mr. Vallandigham to continue to talk ebbed "Seats Rights" In the presence of the mighty revolution which has Just swept over the Government of our fathers, but who can conceive ,of •praellcal value and vitality in State tights, when the sword has Just 'how bloodily proclabned that there Is no such thing as Stab Remedies." Mmtnnasva.ux—in a recent trip to the cap. hal of Georsola to were agreeably disappointed in the appearance of the place and thenamber of Its Inhabitants. Prom remorts we bad expect ed to find it desolate, and to see nothing but black and charred rain in place of stately resi dences. But little damage wee done to the town proper by the Mending army of Sherman. The people are quietly adapting themselves to cir cumstances, and are not inclined to despair of the faturo. Sensible regulations have been made by the military authrrritles with regard to the freedmen, and little trouble la anticipated In the future . The Governor's mansion will be occupied by ex-Governor Brown. Governor Johnson's family, we understand, will remain In Columbus. Governor* Brown is recovering frorn'his recent attack 3f lever, and is now able to sit up. Re advises the people to co-opens% with Governor Johnson, in the establishment of civil law, and urges them to qualify themselves to vote, by the oath of amnesty.-3facon, (Ou.) Tctegroph. TIIE Congregational Contest In Tennessee Is greatly mixed. There aro numerous candidates In nearly every district. In some of the districts there are as many no six—most of them profess ing sound pelt ciplea and attachment to the ad ministration and Its policy of freedom. Bat the redundant ambition which produces this Muhl. plicitrof Union candidates will give the opposi tion the advantage, and may math In 'ha Men. Ilan of wants:samara Copperheads. fx TAnaderstood that San. Mon*Boers ilho , itoTtganacd to seine a Beet In the Senate, now deslre cto. enter the -Bosse se tln_ enecessor of !'lillWorthy member Herds," from the gaab„, ern district q c Ifargland,' who will brOt(44,be,, rdepted .an 4. Ausat, declared vacant WAbe =mum c oogrem • Blair 411 of late, been versractlye apd pro,74lloOtp Maryland pastes. itsgatolt to lbe Ohlea/10 Magic tog I: , 14,10, E, Lee, late Major General to the rebel army, la salaaming • at the' qUfton Geese, Niagara raga. Valiaridigiutraraeased the river yeiterdev. Ii le said that Imbed also ipme the same place probably, to hArq e conference' with the netect c oflan. • Tnl Trifles' VoINI pf,New Vitt hue eolve,dto make tight hotQi lastaircif tea a diy's work. - f -Y f.7,5k kr.7- OTT - OD SUBIIRBIN Jewelry Stand Bobbed—A Portion of th Stolen - Goode Recovered, together with the Spoils of Another Robbery Te Jewelry stand of James Kennedy, adjoid- Mg the Pittsburgh Theatre, was bedkan Into Thursday tiight or Friday mornnig, end a con slderable. quainkty of tjllcies sti4ext, consisting , . „ of two watches • inalmusi an alihnnyand,a lot of watch clonhaand tingetelngs—rtha wheittrah -4 at Moat:in hundred dollars:." Thet.goods,wen; , mostly of ii , eheirp oturra Tha thteree .tered by forcing' the loci and -taking down , ft across the do4r. Tuly itoakriksf the pbllda u obaerved'lh t the 111eed , lisdItiekokei 0... and seebog a man leaving Am spin took' !IMO 'tbkmdY: tht exaMinatort -i , Eloweve4 , the* tits 'ab evidence taeoratectlihn with Ow, hrobbeir ors. the contrary, It was evident that' site/sarengwest , W vagrant, who had laid.down by the Thetira letups to sleep- He was sent to jell for, vagnaticy, and effons are being made to as. some the thief or thievm. Yesterday :morning opts of the police disco,- eied largebundie of +stolen articlls tied up to a hendhlleldef;eicirmal In an out-of-the way plaits Spring Alley, near Canal etteet. It was (nought to the Mayor's office, and on azam. Magnin hound to contain o Dorgan of the trin. heft stolen *VIM Mr. Kennedy, innuanting about $65. 4; "'Saigon, thE‘ bundle contained A large tion.hig zrallt amnia an elegant pat.' hp. one Velr 'OW and a pair or buce-ka torts, One two or three cambric hand - erehlets, two 'beret of collareadd'othersmall articles. Thesegoods evidently werestolen troM a (=tithing or clothing store. • 'Thee may be seen at the Mayor's office by spy 'person having - feat inch ~arlleles. It, would seem that these robberies, are . the tvcalt of Dog pl. borglars banded topthei Art use purpose:or, ettrrying on their' neferidus rteltPktion. It Seto - be hoped that the 'effbtte of tai 'pace may prove sua cestftti brtoging the midnight plunderers to justice. , Allegheny Valley Railroad. .1 3 Tilts road, which has been' cotppletkd bet en this city and Klttiomhog idd, Is now building ten miles more Mlle road betinona -tanning andOrorrilla In a few daysittell be completed as tar as Mehoning. From. Ortwrille to the month of Red Bank the road illutalso been located. Title would make It' tin atri6s wive, and bring It 'to ' smeller rest "mid* Inn Sides rot the OR Mid iron business 6f the Clarion and Red Bank, as well es for the Iron works at. Brady's Redd: Tho new President, Colonel William Phillips, Is a most estimable gentlemen, and will, we doubt not, push Ma work forward with a business energy and exper ience hitherto unknown to this cerporstion The Kittanning Bourret in a review of the advantages to be denied from theread, remarks that If It were possible for the (ample of tilaribb and ftrooktille braid branches from their re— spective Mans to the Junction at the mouth of Real the thorn mineral and agricultural co in} part of Pennsylvania 'would be orebetiltp. , It urges upon the 'pleeple of that: toelghtortMed to auskoproper sae:oneta getout _pitch that object, sethey would theroiST ridbatioe She inking ot. their land lifts par oeut,, which aX 1, 14 ;Val theln f orth P - A ec,4 "7 vestmerts, which would Tic required . 45 perfect -'ttatifiengemdbt' Tbo.fievanciaCoanthonott "Let the road pinked vigoronsiy tproniatto Franklitt,,ood let ; the,peopla of Clarion do their duty. sad no he man imaginallon can foreshadow fully the para mount advantages and proditr.oot rdults of 60 grand an enterprise! The ettizens of Pittsburgh should urge -the completion of this root artrhout delay, as it would be the most remneerpuve transit flay would have. Kit. were eanapiered to 011 City, the entire carrying filmdom of the Chi regions would thus bo direeted In a great mem ere to 'Pittsburgh, Wherestrif any other rood, tither from Philadelphia and Erin nefrom same Otter point, should be. Mari Pittsburgh would I ~ E rne this great staplotradm Let the espitaillts of the great ircattnetropcdis study their own in terests In the premises, and with united aim and totter/al aid support the President of the road to his plans for its completion." „ . A ( oat DMA Inundated and Four Men On klitlay last about nine o'cleek a beery rain sterile prevailed to the neighborhood of ToutSgitown, Ohio, whist swelled the Mahonlog river and tributary streams to an unusual height. AI TowerS' coal mine, men attending the engine used for prunping„out, the water from'the pat were temporarily al:nein, aid the cul rare elms . . by cue adobe Anna b ' e'came crammed wit 't drilk wood. Ina few momenta the water rasa to the top of the dam, a temporary affair. Soon after it.f.owed ever and Washed away the dans. aril the rertlncrinret this tide of turbulent water plunged down the 'shaft, Into the mine belotir, The men Verne& to' their eurtine;assistance_ was called, and efforts made to shot off the stem from the shaft, which was riot &Cann piloted WI the nekratornine. Meanwhile pumps were kept whiling to their utmost cartel:l, but by ton flananletT Morning they had etyma out. Terremb nebula SaFelf flndTrank were known to have been working. in pery low robins, *lda least here filled with Prater. Two others were working in moms much higher, and It wee hopo.,the water would - nbt 7 reach them. lair Ihchhole was drilled through In about fill, re howls and where the latter men ware . eeotking, but on response came or through it. Air wee next forced down. On Maeda morn ing early a response was heard from below, and the two. men, after the water had sufficiently stibsidedi were reacued. Toe two others, It is believed, have perished. The Armstrong County Murder. A few days since we noticed the ending of the dead body of Mrs. Kilgore, near Rossnon, In Arrostromt county. She had been last seen alive on this 4th, and on the 14th her body was kun ' l ' ve4 r Much aenoruPcosed. e dIC ism sup. Posed that she had been murdered. The follow further particular; .from this Kittanning 14affed,' show that the women bed been foully murdered: . She Win a into, robntit 4TOrtianj ' and must have made • tearful 1113:1Wie for fife * .aa her ear drepi Were limed on the road side, evidently tOrratun ha came and four of tier front teeth bad been knocked out; hercollar had also b=a tortOoff and found some place near the scene of the tragedy; flier shawl 'parasol, eardrops, and dress prove , her identity beyond dOttht. Oilna to Oa eiteetzus advanced slams of deeom postdate, the physicians could make no ease& nation ea to tiostrwounds. A knife or ballet might havdcafilidd",ber death, but the putrid and niangaed &nabs of the fleshy part of the body reedited this particularautopsy out of the question. That a most foul murder has boon committed there can be no doubt, but by whom and under what circumstances, remains as yot, a mystery," A Brlgadeof Troops Passed Thrtolgh • Yesterday morning the First litigadi, *lest Division, Ninth Army Corps, under command of Ilrlgadler General Ctuts. Waite, arrived in into city and were entertained by the . Babaliterice Cemmittoa. The Brigade, Ia composed of the 87th and 38th WLsconsin and the 27tb Michigan regiments. The 87th Wieconsin, Lida. Coined John Green, numbered 840 men; the 3Stit.Wis -001151111,1Ae11t.. ColUnil T. H-Pler, 373 men. and the Eith Michigan, Linn. Col. Leadbeater, 450 men. Whilst the men were walling fur the dours.to open, Jr. "Gm McCook made a patri cue address to the brigade, which was received with hand and prolonged cheers. After the men had all partaken of .refreshaaent s, Gen. Waite stemmed the platform, and in a few Ml:narks. paid an elegant tribute to the Bnblistance Com mittee. Three chears'were given for theCOm. and three additional for the ladles Or Pittsburgh, The brigade left for the weal on the next'de parting train. 'Periodicals. H Al ipszes WEEKLY, containing a good ilka. nem of the late Bishop Potter and - Rev. Newton Reston, a practical sketch of the boat race at poughkepale; tho launch of the Dnnderberg, As.; Frank Leslie—a good sketch of the Gt . ,uveotion of German Musical Societies, and pa mini variety; :The Scientific American, Fourth Number of .the Nation; The National Polka Gazette and Appleton's Railway Guide for Atignit have all been received by John P. Runt, at his news depot, Masonic Rail, Fifth street.• Atutrric 3192v/tux, for Angost,rontaine Interesting artickn' oa ”Among the Honey. Mahe*" "Strategv at" the Fireside." "John Bright and the Ruglish Radlerils,r "Beconstinn. lion," and "Negro Stamm," With madlothers• For nalnby'Frink Case, 10 • Fifth+ wen, and John Plttook;opposihs the ?ontigEhte. Identined.—The rennine of the man -bar Ileved to be Thoionf i lifartJa who died fn the, TliollndoY .eVA4og. Yore identfr fled inortona to the Women; In itllldale,veton; enruleaterday,:anemoon M.she..hody of that , person.. The # warn reeognhoed ,try a • ftletnef Lieutenant of Co. I, 111th Poneurtivenhe: reef% !ntent.lo Tbleh thesinfortuitate2nan tea Onged.„. The` eleeened had , congaed In the reglfo etthetnete erblle.stn , Phllsdelphht. Ile charged on the isah"taat.'as camp Reinolda allansgroplace has not been asm.;tidned.: ' Hag ftor 'l"urttlet E1e1414-11ititstst of James °Mamie, against whom aalafortpatlon, ass mile some time since for Intirld WNW : sett. , log, esitto up tor a heatingyestefitap, Gat ib prosecutor Ming to a pp ear Ontoisrke iris held , ' to 'bull for fi ftuller bcarthg a welt bcIICC. 111113.0Dt Hoopltil • This excelleetlltualcm, for the Insane, named after that ,eohle,-and plilisntheepic lady Apse. may tr t ally. to regarded, from tta ar _chltectmel ba . schtg„,:ind the h4ney location se tbs4ed for the RAO, as isneacelledln any-comma pity, Borne Idea may be Cord of the retest and the edifice la? the patients from the following; The lot:gidn it-eight miles feebly the thy, an the • flthieirlsitr; sEcesaibla by 'Water 'and nosirritini. two hundred and eighty acres of ground. The .!prescat hospital !betiding 'nod' , tinaus attached • stem 'erected at a beet of abota one , hundred an4 4 ,tbirty thousand !Po hospital at ipmstmtinakes,a front- ' L ageoeSts feet It compilers a central budding 61rby,130, fenr,stotice, with a wing on each side 101 by SS three stories high reel wing furnished with a Dab:ling et theend'Ocit`4s tip SS, and four onintinmed 'Etie'anant enhstantial meaner, the 'Wan • bane tea 4tiangea in LO admit of•tbe manwslea of other nr:nim, Recently work has been commenced to ,a4l two bandied and three feet toilatlratetil i etid thi present Whemthediontatal.billdinge - , twe en tirely completed itenordleg ;Otte original plan. the frontage will bailey& ifundtatt and dltydneu feet. Detachefartiris the litispitni tt , s•braldhag tor laundry. hishingsmat tenlerreons,. two etorlest high.' ,ll '=4., l 4 ,ll 44l ut FjPgagdnO r om th‘ river. Then filk.an mire the?shrank, station: , 'ThehalMinehsit InseiY.planne& with a -•ViLIW to being subststabd. capnfortable,,elegantP - • and combining n 4 themodern cOnvenlences. It is also bcantlrnlly liated who vas, arid heated • withateatn: lentotad seem as Mr. J. sr. • Kerr, the able and time-honored . architect,. bad eoncentnded all his genius on this struttute to Make it creditable alike toile city and to its phhtzaahroplin work.; rand as .ttus same time be ,roonareental..-Fte 1111, to himself. 'The course of treat:dent WO some features, that world - strike anelaq Madly p ossible; and ,Letluta thadmireb= Of t e dirlellrllee, that It ritay. at least in respect tb ease - not regardeMes violent cases. , Patients 111'66mph:eyed: varkinslyi•tmiler she idea • ...tenwelsed upon ,them from, the tirstiltat they are doh g emisething. for their own good, obth outside on the spaeions =MASS: according us their tsMee and habits. Throughout the 01l Pettits and beantlfitiprints adorn ha. walls, and boons end paean: are furnis ed. ...Marble suntans, and iron lieu* are P . * in rooms,' Concerts and tableaux arit'giyea by frieods rano . the mt4tany. 'Quite a fond ;:hen btait collected by gratuitous offerings to provide cursors Of arousemeht: Twopianos, we believe, now gracithe chapel. While thettatelias made liberal --IPProlnia time from Veneto time to the Institution, yet a number of our generous thirst:a who Projected it, many of whom are still Identified ,with Its management, contributed freoy and, laobred assiduously for Its success, overcoming all op, position and hindrances, until Wises bow reached • a point. ,of prosperity. of the:Most gratifying character. ?Tomb:mat among Sheen we may name--vot as a mere minty ceemliment, bet as an atirndwledgment 'Of tear , diabsterested ser. oi CV —N. Holm es. Sr.. John Herron, and George W. JLICHNAL, new alideceased,.. Of those living, Tecmaa Bel - mean, John Gralutyn, Johe.Aarpet. Joes-ph Pens relt, James T. ;,lauesTd„. James McCandless, S. 'Karen, W. I.::ilerron, and OW. W. Wallace... Some of theie desehre special . Mem on far berftcoTence end todefatigeMe lab9o to prOthote the !literate nUthelnetitmlen. A Novel Wedding. A couple of "greebiss" were recently married near rinleyville, Waituagtc4 county, with a, great "flourish of trampets.": : Wishing to em ploy a certain Equire relidlugnome distance off,. and baring no cionyeyance, they applied to a . friend, who kindly . agreed Oa' transport them if they would be satisfied with the mesienf convey ance. They eonitisted to any arrangement Which their friend might make, and Li s short time he procured a yoke 'of dzen,,attathed to a cart, and furnished with o ileigh r bells. would beitaPPy (Menlo. moth ingdatutted, jampoii into the oast, and, followed tit a large crow 4 of noisy villagers, stetted oh their journey. The Squire was roused from his slum• bus, nod the ceremony : was . performed In the astral style, after which the-bride w” smothered with kisses by .the - itfonesaid noisy villagers,. Quiet having beetionstOte4 VrePard• tone ware mentor the return home. The vol ' =leer delegation elevated to their former post. ,tier in the cart, the bias ankroonk• and , they . pocesded,on their hhigigyrardloarnet Amid the Stilewing of cattle,Artgling tit bells, "and loaf peak of„lsughter, jolting of the carVand bark ing of ddgs. The delegallow reached home la safety with their charge, landed , ttlent at their doore, and left them to their own reflections. cbargt , or-Foeijary eharue of per.jsl7 Wan .preferred yesterday by officerithaffer,ef theallesr' buoy pollee, heft en 7 Alderman , . Brehm, ,of the Fourth Ward, Alto - Ybevy, egilbst • Wm. Etsetiteris. It appears that Elsenbeis, about the Britt of JOAN was no tified to leave th e hensein Which tettilli beta . • &mg ,by the landlord, tad:FEW:I4I Not Wag able to procure another house l ed the time, the landlord gave Wm - 111011m /Oath, at the expiration of, hich tired, he took wiO him officer. thaffer and,PnYer two others, who , us. Mat*. by Elsenbete himself, removed all ,the I,orniture out of tho house.lpto the street. .senbels shortly afterwinitsmade en afildatit agedt st emcee Shaffer. „Featherstone and others, chargine them with forcible gentry and detainer. 'A, Elsa, bets was himself A party tb the *et. mint, the charge of - perjury:against him in ma. kir g th is affidavit was deemed well supported. and Aide, man Brown held him to t2OOO ball for a hearbgat court. • • . Assault And batten. Isaac Strome., a jeweler oh tllLh street, yes terday preferred a charge cit - ukacut awl battery , against a tilsehargql soldierhamed .lOhn Camp bell. lio,ailyges that somo;days ago Campbell bed selected a watch at lila; store, ° pros:llll2g to take Rand pay for It whmt*.reseived iris Morley. Yesterday morning be came into the store much excited, and throwing a allverovatch pa the counter, dentanded_ the one- he bad bargabacd for, alleglrg . that he bad paid foe it the! pro-au evening andltad palmed off oa larm an infe rior artlele.. dirotis* 44qtvinziptd . thos - watelt, and rettised to 'comply with the detwand, where upon Campbell committed ita":iassAtilt upon tdm. It Is but due to say CamPball was under the in fluence or liquor at the time] yet he' strennotualyr : Insisted that be had paid fa she watch, and; re- Mr* d the wrong one. Helm heldlo andoer the aline. _ IL, Ditteyeneg i —llie 'Steubenville Herald Fey “Cludtrmbers are eel/leg Pittsburgh - 04 r two cepa spfseg—potstpile 90 cents's busheL Itr eteubetiiille; leeumbe ,. sell at' 19 cents 'spltee,or three fotZ eents.-ixasioeit,2o6gis a peek gar $2 00 Damietta, 'lt Ls tr 'Stahl Strange that our vegetable &aids So stot, :supply this market by drawinzon•Plaalstirgh. The pleb not correct wider Orginary.alccumstanees. bat when regetibies eagn4 behaql, in We Mar tel, al Anything like reasonable , pikes, and not ib,earquato valuates; ratt(e,iobdient ta, cettahity,lttsthlablto"Thi sarnn:Tniti with m ord 10 appazd by oar own citizens. . nuprez & iqylents Stlostrels.—Notwlth !standing the °breast— ye helitl Succeeded by the violeot storm of Isit Lever:lag, the IflostreLs had a fun home... To.bight is= oat night of their engagement ulth MM. Hen n, and It la ex tremely Improbable that their stay eaa be exten ded another week, dthouo they,mlght do so with rAvontage to themselves, In the matter of having paying houses. !The many lovers of HO:pylon minstmlel and 4brlescraep wW bear , im mind that ea le their last - ,omarttnily of wit nessing this trotipe. An olferflottlog house may be antielpated:s` ••• Three Children Urowned.—on Wedne& day of last week, three children of Sir. Jbeeph Wentzel, residing near Pottstown,: were drown ed in Soroglell creek. The bridge across the creelc being mandated, MO. Weasel attempted to take her fire children Aterose the creek In a carriage, and when about the middle of the stream the horse fell down, upsetting ttia CV daze and throwing its eeetWentii Into .he creek. The mother and two of thriehildreti were eared. but the rentaning twee were carried rapidly down stream andjistrhshed.i:, Altered Postal CurreaCy.—Ftre cent postal currency notes InEtnlonslyly altered to fay cents are in elrenlatlan,asO as they are Maculated to deceive the :inwary, these pestles handling smell notes &male fiery,; careful. The notes aa a general Wait are much wore, and the fraud hrpap-d- by pegging a cypher at the end atlas 5 on the,Wki: the Trout being 'go much worn as thmslm ihe`trriating nnlglpillgl -hU. In meal Aiwa the cypher Is much smaller thiwthocktic;lllFrar,,, /13414' " Vlcarder *ma.— - Hotaw, ntsklinz , 2 : 0 .- 48 WO* 'atria. *23 held' to two ball, *blab attatialdledeitay,'Eorher appearance In OSOKZO OVITWOCZIOiCh t IIygO brie eying alLsor dePytirooW %.3.- • . LOn % Tao Mob!te:Tribroteitere.the mama of cotton Id the sotith -ta granzy oer-swam:al 61 - the North, Compriregyely ; ume. ootOtt hal - heeo growilgte holt tero years. - -Eaoligh s tofeeed sod Wally eraarbmpticm coterd..thit *bele of it 01 tie Urge V c rr ; lt t (41beensr, Tarylittli Mlabo: deittoyod by fi re, ' de.teifoltr.,4 'Watt and indrate,. eOntragteS by iffabistli manitfacelles; qua • th*o.gb. the conalaored, atebettatinteotonle Illotabalettar3Et4,4lll:l2o/11 thee wirer lathes wW SW ti market. . „ . VkAttlS•"'"" • 166- 1 X i l ir .-- -, •te-v IThirii . l iS repotteettailtatinataigin. Par ; tract with follgtt 6pe SI Ntri the lotz °°.• into idexil*OtaflnialUtPlOClAOSSlDega I . who are to lipt„,,ht the woucladad of elart, i since thes IGO be ohagetitellegiefilroll*Yalitt _ r for the benefniot theta arßelitire and flmued toLlyw: ; uohliee the data of ocantlalntMilgitAr ""*. ' ters in &PO or! in jrcauned," - Th nmuy • bondage can he mg:el :Ind l irsolif , TlAll We I witnont aid:towed.. -' •, '". • I is ‘ the .P.A.*o. Politer Orgi:r4t, gaa,hald lacatn wa.i . tepps entitled tolatiatthrotWa in public eonibiancea then littarelnatt; and when Umlaute-MY fa AIWA auY.lututduPeu_r right to, .oetetypera, 00 lotlefeethttroondua themselves 11:-. a : proper nuttener.' Wtaintlitetor was shoortroperlined SSIU flatocjecthsy, eta= , , tome CO bytlattiolse reitasbd 1161061064 U tO a aroman. tI TatearrolOtn,Pdo., Dretorost" ;451thi 14th, atk• 1 routes 4114 ;oil has been Muck at Abe Mo. -, Pikes treit ha Rag coady,inear.theissestara line of Cara The oil was found at a distance of about ,101 feet trninIXIMS•. Wen yleltsobeharielperdW ti no , that the triangty will as soon as j tisb , lrtolek ishomplete. .'., , , , ~;";l Roam al peat Ebouth We thist2f ooo lroli 1 , promotions by bravetlaave been made. Thitr are „+ &Fedi of the'volanteer soriled,hted einhidee all nooks, frota3l4o: Gl:Benito Lletammat. nen Areqel•mUSYltuure to be rO G ur er r**.. • • Ali i UV. BOSIII - Or Clilim3, ifileffilcli Ikt Rfeikuland. ' harederided.the "Libby Prisdn'icht delta" to be good and bin, and Uri GovarritrmaYWßl psy to owners far the me of It amett r Aprilitd.l.S6, at the rate 0t,4135, pevabOOth. -• • . r • 71/ 2 (chrislblo:CooaolidOO is 4 0 up • Inialtou; Rost of the .P.ielem and Southern branches have bees suspended. At ihe Close of its trork•the theihiission Willpublish starri vol umes of l ihirlAbary. 't ' ' f'; ' ' , A worontai is on toot —origttiatlng bOttlan. to, thi.—thr stonvention of the SoMnisatEresa„ - to endeasortd obviate or ameliorate "tha great ~ difficulties nol:t: which the yea of an •pouth has to contend' BECZETLIdSTASPON hilt] Orliglia the organ!. satrap of a birean in the Adjutant Ciliiserars ofiltefor the collocate; safekeeplog, yob' ph limo= of rebel &attires put have , tpt% Into the possessiob of this GOverantent. A sap accident, from 'kerosene oil, occurred on' Monday edornint./by which a vrepag.llady, livingat No ho aladitemetreetyallciuttymm.4 dun `lv/ats, r araa so badly burned thather:Ute IS . despaired of. 'l ~ >t..,:;, A orbs calihsg herself Jolla Po:ion intake of a lop , house Of prostitution on Wastifeopirstreet, ethOlunjitl, terminated, her wretched : In this *laird, Toesday nlgit4bystrallo Mot , Thine. ' - •• - ' i . l' ) i ' mu tst of....lxtccmerettults, publishmeAP Chir cago,,e4csalbat.therape tiitrig- Btven pcWIDI whose (Ammo eict/' OOO . 'and tam trandied whkee'lnioies ezdecr o=l . of 120,000. ne..No., •le woman i tam, In, Eagla3d, re cently buihther child's eye oat tir ! th ti red hot skewer. State the 451 01 , Slarch last the rattittoVifica has k.euett ot,r four thousandyetieete• No :gess tN, an Otty .thutuuth4, AlMutre re-, ceithig Uulte•Stata , Ilellelen• - • hicoraeof uwiE cusit'VeixireWin the Ditrolt pdprrif at $20,747. ' !• - MARILIEDI; I.)IINUAN-41{,IWILY- 7 -011. st the rell{ppe43 fg qui kWh fah. er, by }lei. T. Pre.silk, D., Itti. - !tiltilL!!..S `buritlavitt:+awasi alibi, • P*lshalkialwr. Div tursr,;of AtleghwAt DIE PI •++ ' 19:1 _ .1-00ArT-0:4 Erld 2 9 Moraine, Itily MA . MIA Po WARD, cpaly dengater of Enthen4 Nary age nitre. • A bnn of perfect parity.. , ,p, . TrataPtented tiontah -,lntli,the Garten nt the Lent, To pteectur is to hlotlai, - • ). ~/ t3 Gob The' arntels called - then-hasty -7 . 1 tnpeg • '773 lams‘ Funetnl will take p/aelltto,in,the..pliMta' rut. - deneello Ka Alley, neat 'Nolih - 00annolt, AUL. kheny, 'rare (Naturdny'y'rtrin — unlx,r, Tricaa of ttla family ari , respeettallitilited to ettzlidt. . ;+ I .. • .! HART—JuO 2.2 th, at 2 o'clock za. L .YaktemE, little daughter or Edireird -and Oman Mit, anal nineteen gioLthe and diter.r . 0.6311.. The Ituteratwlll Ware pLce from tliiitputaenceot her parent., heitria iftrf (Eatnrday) tiarnanootr, at tteci6nl4Wrjtienda at theist:WU - axe reepect.',2l.l2o,l4lrltellt9nttend. D.II.;WORTH,On Friday ht , InlyAtkat 1 nicloak p,„ , OEONOE Dthworaptati.vinAhe eous, - pato at his nO. , The Ittnanl wll.l:takil : ptatio tronihle Into real. Once, No. iClaxr,2ll st.teetr (Sittnniap) AlrriClMthr t 0110 iiiiiickllaorient 01 the - family azl vaayeatialiy inytuatlegetauL • • dirEw•,urienu!' : . • O ra. ' '‘ - OREJN. - B ItF:DCFUTIONS.7S samara plil7l,Elll. IN THE; REMAINU/A ,STOOK OF SUMMER• Gdo',DS, wet.b treasVexce will be closed old immediately, be orde4to make mom totthe Lmmeitim FAIL STOCK: Now n proms/ of tronntsiture BABGMINS! BAFIGAINS Children's.roocy Shoe. for Boys' do' do . • Girls! Moro3cto Boor, x .; • • 'Woo en'. French Morocco paloidrolo; diio lEd ?den'. 'Working Shoes; • 00 Men'. Calf trorord Ties ; • : , ; 95 Wen's Calf I.lslaiorsir, *1 • • • The Cleapegl and Best; itimotpinent of Opqa in the !Inib4 .310 RE Q00 . 17 . .5 MORE %DT'S; BEntli QUAL TT 414 LOWER num raw EVES. Coacort Hall Shoe Store, Zia:to FIRTH STREET. 13Etigaiiis'this Month Perfect- ly Astonithing!% t1475 . U011 FOR EACH ENOUCH FOR ALL: IHOCUII TEE PRESENTS GITEN BOOK PUBLISBERTFI: 3%16 DEM Hipvn BEEN EUMMSE, Tey have just zielitied*LATZE SUPPLY . • 1 ?.IL""resentsir-% . AS 'iMEL,I6 - AS BOOKS. As tlrty r -ate .deteamlecedto*YAVACtik . UNEII. admet➢suj worth .1 no ao Ands Tc., . O ALL-AT: g4r kurtl4, &MIME i ~- k =NE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers