'' oitrmg ' u.xy - iii--No.-;• 194:, eheriPittsiturgktaset4. topic jw.; teal and Personal Property at Auetion, ToOreOltielleaffltlymmtur titaold on iba 4. 1 7 1 -411.44.1.4;e:th1afft0.1, °San di a les . wiluableland, two lfsk and Overframe dwalur ~ '• ‘ gtstAlid4lbrtis dritetteiswinitinsi; carts, black 3.)01d5, flats, two sow boata, lin acres corn lied rjOyaVatta *die oe!: ha'fte.4 Otinzattnitle o.4ogicklioli street, it it ' T. #.24COLTLI,Isro, Anettoneer. . '• keinetlin. Our blend. tbleAnbattligar, No. MS Federal rltintei 4 k/1 4 444 1 . To; FAS,..th pie . : east wpm' th e ' ,lNNlOntisittnieel.thfistiture itt , t,taond and . theAltir*aiit".:44tbe rebel stitierat tee ithe ,re• . of: thi. Paolo r;roo • iteeds'andthrowin , the re-sololOtt- thiLtitookt rot. • lorry InadiSfeei• liestyiptirchases ot.the west 1 ---4 12 *tenderunrcer .itooda-at about oni•hatt of ttor old Wires. Some at the dace: cloths,. csislmeres and I c ! tiogs are incited In his stock, which bets' ft. m}keuP,4 o c r4er, 'art ShOjilapticei In the Latest styles, and at correspondingly top rates. t.• A, Ocar,o t aaloriment of fltrelshlrgeoods And reedy. I Uses etothiint will itiso'birfoonli 'at - hti elegant 'establishment. Our Allegheny (elands should kivo :•: _ . nomo.. Ik'arry S Co., Prsettell Bode : ere, 'and' flealerein American Slate, of farlone c010n.., Dints at- Alevander Dinichlti i i, - air - the Viler lgorkii, Piticburgh, 3:4o l =E:qv rfo.ji 7? . .; vine eiroet. - Ordcn inosiiptly - attended to. All work warranted water proot:SepairlogilorairdAhnstairteriCnntice. No chugs for repalm, provided the roof is not a t. L .nriedlol.or‘f. in put..on. 4 ' Carpenbey. Jobbing -Sbop Staving returned ilk& an absence of cafes, years ttillin =FY. /bays rmopeneilmy /amp for ell torts offobblall la the sareautarline, at the old stand, Wren Alley, between Smithfield street and Cherry Alley. Orders.solteltall and promptly attemdectto . ; 97vt.u.p. Yomassr.. A" , ; 1110- ..Ail/OVNT 'oef:4llE PUBLIC . •-• . • DEBV..j-, Trfbunt Aim , "lVe brire belie usa retnrn, aint , byTequest — _hem fhe - Sterttery - oT the Trcasury, in which the Cron •amotitt of Abe •Trablio - dent, - and the items of which It is made np, are brought down_ to July 22d of the current 3 , 611.11 and , fey the sat- S'ni isfaction of all eoneeed'WS gladly 'transfer It F terour eulthneiti• The total debt-making no at•-. • lowance for recent este!' of bonds, increasing It, about two hundred and thirty - -mblions-is $2, 055,205.762, the annual interest of which Ls , $L5050,874. • Tterunountof debt; included in • . the &bore, which pays no interest, Is $472.822,- 270; and. the. following is the exact statement Of the legal tendets - in circulation, interest...par lug notes being Included viz $652 320 34.16 -11nuiln uptit-follows k , k" -' - 012•111 d twit Ittarg6 per eant.luistent-.... $ 50 , 15 0. 290 United States notes, old tssup---- 472.603 Un1466'865t01i notes, new tu :,- na ...:.....132,9t6,763 Compound ittemt note., Diarch3, 'es. 15,000,000 Compound Interest notes, Juno 3c, '64._ 160,163,620 • c """ Total; July 659,290,366 • Add 'to this - VDU sum, the amount of 'the circulation of -the national banks, intimated at _. .. . . ,onshundred: and fifty, millions, And ell, ilfq inAllerbs - refire for . the notes of - the old State - banks yet lo circulation, and we have a total of about Itlnbt hundred and fifty millions, as the circulatlogpedinot of Albaconatry.,at this date ' , akin . tribiote.exprases the hallof tbat we need :::• I 'n'itOthepe : .fet l un early reaureptloti of 'specie pay ments icithiach amnee otvaper encrerey afloat. - I, ` , lire'COntot that I.lls.araountis not tee taiga, provided the revenue latirs are an framed at to ,' --- Itttt a - strbisi check upcna the efflux of coin to foreign countries for conithodities crie'catt better i • make mutates, and the making of which will , 2 neither drain the coon of gold, nor disturb it when It Ilea as the bat of-a sound and convertif Me currency.' lio g 4.lite can tide- us back .... safely to the specie standard. A uss who have hie name as Edward Doer, ar.d,rold hrWaa shiny year. of age and a native of Philadelplda, was found lying in Weaning ton park, Brooklyn, about dupe o'clnek Thurs day morning, suffering from the effects of a ilsitunber of 'stabs in the reaton of the heart. He wiurisken to a yokes itlllol2, and at first stated that his wounds had been Inflicted by two ma Nato atteeiredidni for tile purpose of robberyt: inbst - Wriently, istibiliak informed that they - Were fatal, he confmaett . that be inflicted theta, 'himself to a of despohdeoci, being homeless"; . Mr:Adkins andintineiless. • ' - .7 • AIIOLT a WC& 6111[0 two men dreand SOY. 'dleri'apprormelrod the tense af Jir, Shoat, who lives at Carrolton, about a Mlle •below °Hiroo, Tenn., and demanded ea pper; which. Mr. Shoat taitainely filtrated bLs women folio to pro ilde,,feresta.., White slipper was being prepar ed, Marren 'lnvited Mr. Shoat to go tO the gard with therman4 nee their horses, which he did, and atiarriting at the gate separating his prop. .ertytwom,the road, the scoundrels (Ist d ten ball! I Into lila tcdy. killing Lira Instantly, when they •,:;immidlsteirdeestnp,l- 7 Is. cue of flismas , historical novels occurs a Tenloa- Of Ai - Infidetat in the flight of Marla Antotheltii Which was not satisfactory to the' I - - dtseendaata of -one of the tharactera introduced. They absurdly MAUl:tie& a ,snir against the i author, to compel him to alter hie-narrattre to i suit their wishes is anharquent editions. The dent Ctlirs In which - the case was tried grouted ; - the , rim:thud order, but the appellate court re. retard the decision. and recognized the right of M. Dumas to frame the plot as lie pleases. ...-Yrtmorssag In elected Mayor of Richmond by pliant three hundred majority. This is a tri utophoftherebel soldiery'. The election through out las beta placed upon that bazia. "Sturolvant just attic the surrender of Lee, rind previous to bin (a.b) capture, tried every manner of meads lovable* guerrilla force In Ainemarlo county to , defy the Yankees twsieles be had raised and commanded a beitte; y, named after himself, all through the war. _ Ton case of U. S. Grant ys. Joseph W. Waite, for unlawful Oetaloer, 11 , 65 decided by a grey in -JrnatiMcannirgliam'a court, on Saturlay, ad. .Veniely....th the General.. The snit was for the prateeuden of a farm In St. Louis county, which White had leaned from Lien. Great. The lawyers were very mating In their epreches, - tired great guts at each other, -and came within a Mlle or two of a fat light. • TiO New YorU Custom-Mono officers, ens feeling Immigrants of smuggling, have been matingeolds upon their baggage. and after great ly fillibtenlng those pone people, who thought they were being robbed, and personally injuring them in 1101X16 Instances,the save officials camp • 10 the coneltalorthat no ensuggling was done by them. Tim Richmond SSht g is again before the pub lic, after a suspension of two weeks. Mr. Ridg way heepepologlzed to the Government, and Goy. rieepolat, bathed by several of oar promi nent eitlzettcarcong whom are 3. M. Botts and Frackilft Sterns, have petitioned' Gen. Terry in behalf of-lilr;R: LO reamed the , reatrictions. Town 111 a general arrival throughout the Witte Of ekreladdlers who been been residing for acme time la Canada. It Ls.vrell to remind , 4hem that by -Presidett Lincoln's proclamation. Made In pursuance of act of Congress, all de eMtera who failed to report before May let, 1885, are forever dhfranthised as American eltiratia. Most of theleading seceseiOnlsib in Europe, , t -Who were-so wondrous prourbt the begioulets, of the war, are now extremely hard up. Mason upon charity in London, and SIl tell, who to along while bad the creditolpos, , eseing untold - (testa of dollars, is a pensioner upon his father-in-law. . A CORIIRIPOSMIRT of the Dunkirk Journal ZAP the celebrated Indian warrior Bloody land, of the Seneca nation of Indiana, died Co the Cat . tirauiris nessrvation CM - the letb fast., nearly one hundred yams old. Re to represented to bare been Wale with the tomahawk and scalp ing kalle. ,* • RanDirs. .14,Catwn, of Lon.^ - re county, le a sutemafol ennica le; ayr. He osa already cent sixty raukSt•LIREW R. the different, chits of the - State, -ALB 61. - 0 , 01), and has nt his Some a large cage filled with I:vlsz After catching the pets, he extrects their fangs and renddra them harmless. bi Nuivllle, Tenn., 11. 11. Pa ne shot and killed on the street Captain W. 8. All, tt, whom I • he charged with the seduction of his wife. 113th the men were old residents of the place, - An , otlfer china named Cochran was wounded during the shcoUng. •• 1w accordiumil with the President's order Gov. Brownlow has called !pion Gen. Thomas to • arta trcs..ps luta various c,arnice in Middle and Vat Imamate, to pretend order and 'ace that ' 'lawltit rotes am not di iverfrom the polls. • WW. FON Beam, Esq., of Burtown, Pa. eittill• - Mine pars of age; has lost Dime eons during the • VAT Eight wemkilled in Came, and one died a, 3pritienser at flallebtuy, N. C. eating Me own right hand before dylpg, so great was his hanger, , . refanntmphinted betide 'lndian' corn two or three years miff to, degenerate MS to render the - teed to lit for Wei. • • Miasma JuDD, at Berlin, has forwarded his resignation), to take effect on the first of Septet's -Ea? labia beetles arefn great rev:testis Paris for ladies' ornaments. Csxmoiceom has been appointed to the com mand of the antis of - Parit, ' • P 3:B wine coop IA Prance Will be masmiftcent. THE Vti r tYILATEST- NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. -STATE OF AFFAIRS IN TEXAS. „ . The People Desire tivil Governmerit l ellEllllllB :OD ./ATIIMEIir ROBBIIIO . Facts ~Concerning Rebel Generals, Nnw Yortn, July -2a,—A Texas earrespond ' ent of July 12, says Tex& la in a blue way about ' lts Goverament. Gan. Jack Hamilton Is not the eholde - of eithee eflhe inetoritylor the Mianbled Union men, or of the late confederates, but as be is apOintealby the President, they desire his presence. They are without civil govern ,rient.antl, ?Malt. fl`ttemilliatr.authoritien do allthey can to Supply the deficiency, but they can only.eit at-the moat important points, and as yet in only I v ey of these, the rest of the coon ,try being dellyered4o Lawlessness and anarchy,. An order has been -lamed at Houston, by the Commander of the poet, deelearlog the Ignited Statealriiiitry notei as Debi& tegal tender. in the payniFtli orall debts except duties at the Custom House. They will be received and paid out In all business transactions at the post with , entifisfount 6ederireelation. • ' A guerrilla party by jay -bewliers' are re. ported to be still on the Brownsville road, robbing every, team and traveler that passes. These ontn:igte' are chiefly perPetrated beyOnd (lead: The United States troops are minions- . ly locked for to give protection to the ;country. f understand that numbers of these troops bee, already restored order and security to most parts of the country this elda of Ciallod, and this th .y have caught many of tha vllltana and pat them in close custody. • A statement comes from Washington that there' are "Lamy thousands of - confederates in Mexico along the border. This, I believe, Is un true. Gene. Smith, Magruder, Shelby, Slaugh ter, Price adn scone of less note, are here, and ex.Ontemor• Murray and Clarice, of Tenn% and Moore and Allen of Louisiana; but there are not with them, all told, fifteen hundred men. All -of these ism °allele WAY to Sonora, except a few Who desire to return, if the exceptions to the' . amnesty should be ;evoked in their favor, and these will remain at Monterey. There Is no touter a desire uyon their part, as I em credibly Inform ed, to enter themilitary service of Mexico_ If otberref3ourees tail they may be complied so to do. lior,la in true of li.trby Smith and Magru der, as has.teen frequently asserted, that they tad feathered thea nests with cotton specula tions. Both were compelled to live an borrowed money, end a mere pittance was all they pro cured. . • APPOII TIIIEhT3 Ift IHE PREP IDENT. Retivn ofFonner Washington Residents. THE APPLICATIONS AND PARDONS, Itt bels Pe ..m;ttt d to Leave the Country. THE NAVY AGENCY IN WASHINGTON Wssithierrow, Jey • 29.—The Prestdent has sppsimed William B. Thomas Collector of Cns toms at Philatelphla, also Edward Wallace, and E. B. Myer Surveyor of Customs at the same port; C. Taylor, Agent for the Indians at the Upper Platte Agency; Samuel L. Day, Receiver, and Id A. Williams, Register of the Land Ogles at Taliahasee, and hi. P. Daty, R eglster of the Land Office at New Orleans. _ Efantiedh Oahe Termer reshlents of Washing ton, who left for the South at the Areal:lag ont of the war, continue to, return hither, but very few oithenkbave micceaded In obtaining employ ment. Sister General Augur has Just weal an order requesting all persons heretofore belonging to the rebel armies arliin In th‘s eltY,' to report Immeeiarmy on their arrival to the besdilaarters cif the Department of Washington, and furnish •a copy of their authority for being here. "-lapse now lathe city who haye not already done so will at once comply with the requirement a this order. 'About two hundred pardons it :ye beta granted ,dneing *spat Week. - Thereremalns on tile over two,lbousand applieilletta, and the petitions are Ain conlitgla-avthe lute of froM'oneto two hundred per .'ay. Thefresident to-day 'pardoned T. K. Sillier, aenteneed to be hanged for the murder of C.C. Long, a deserter to Canada. - Duff Green, of Georgia, who le welfknown as having formerly for years been as editor In Washington, also Charles Gree; and R. .1. Blair, .and Arthur Cation, rebels, wore petadttel. to leave the country , . • The term. of Miles of S. I'. Brown, Navy Agent at this polnt ;having terminated hynrelea. titer, Pomerter Ilemeetton him been temporarily assigned to the post thus made recent. This Is In accordance with the act of Congress, placing thelmaLimas of Navy Agents in the hands of paymasters. and was the last case requiring such a change, the transfer at the other stations hat ing been made come timki ago. LATEST ELIOPEiN INTELLIGCNCE Great Eastern Off Valencia TEE. ELECTIONS IN ENGLAND. Chclera In Egypt Decreasing Cent Rscr, 'la. Asrgr Bar, July D.—The etramihiD btuw York, friam Liverpool on the lOrtr, via. garenetown on the Dth, puled this paint to-day, on mule for Nevv York. . The Great Eaetern Veen off Val.cia on the Morning of the 101.h' bast. The elections In Ehgland still absorb titian— tltu The liberals had gained eighteen. Mr. Gladstone Ie defeated in Oxford. I:vernno, I Wes of ;cotton for two days was 41.000 bales. The ala4ket mewled buoyant, Out Mosta dot/ ima downiard. Brea:Waifs, quiet; COl9. &Inv- Provisions, quiet and stesdY. Consols close d at 853'@90 for money; American rater us: 11, B. 5 40's, 7:46T y,; Erie sharer, 541,4; Illincls Central shares,'BsXg.B9. The Orea EaStelll airiced off Valencia or; the 10thlnit., basing towed the steamer with the shore end of the cable In that place. .Me. Gladstone Is 00* 111.1112iLlg for South Lan• castlre. The prince •of Orange and the princess He Iran are to be married.' The cholera is Egypt 13 decreasing. No American VeA3el.3 were damaged In the late gale at the Cape of Good Hope. The steamer lowa bas. been ref ead The ship Wm. Vail, ifrom Card:if for Mobile, put Into Qaeekstcrwu on tho 16th with hot pumps choked.. CLAIM FUR INFRESSED MULES Char grs gweet Faint Academy Recammeaded Neer Yotot, July 30.4- Tim Commercial' a Wash. legion special ears : dud= Wylie has granted a rule upon Secretary 114Mb:4i to show cane why a mandamus shoedirnat, be Issued to coin. pel him to pay the clabins of the Messrs. Porters for 510.000 for mules Impressed into the Mot. nice espezitlon.under I mpressed Johnson. TBO third Auditor awerded tide seas in 1861, bat Mr. C bare refaced to pay It. The hoed of rudtort to Weft Pilot Academy, It th, it nivel% ri corn raced the superintendency te thrown cpcn to the smote army as well as to I . Pg'llll err; I net the corps of cadets be grain ally lormaced to four hundred ; that the stand ar] for aamlsclon be aimed by admitting Eel:. lich grammar. et:walla-lye geography and the hi-story of the .13u bed Mates ; that legislative pro visi.n be made for complete examinations of cr.tdidnies for cadetships; that In the future no one be received tinder seventeen yearn or over twenty-two years of ate. Varian, other changes of a minor ChBraCter are recommended. MOH:0 HEAVY BEFALCITION. PilylDaSlar sad 'two Oaks 9rrested. RECEIPTB F&011 INTERNAL REVENUE. New Tom July 80.-The 'hibtow's Washing tali ' , pedal rays: . Parmelee Walsh, one of tho pinelpso officers of thn,Pity brEartutent city, was, wittrids two clerks,' arrested tn.day and lodged In the Old Capitol,.. A mew has it that beery defaleatloni hays been dlscoientd in ble accruals. The receipts from the4ternal Doyenne tar the preerat month foot rip the handsonie atinl elf 1 , 20,000.000. No such amount has been received from Able 11011010 of rer enact for the present year. It Is estimated that the receipts for the next two morns will be about gr 0,000,000, or abort b1.093,C00. ''.,,,, i... ,-•,.,. ,::;,2. , : . 4 400 .=___... ~ -... -.^..!C"....,.:S.,,gi:Wf4kst44eiti:?,gatN ' S:kl_l,al;3:-. . ' -'' r-77-7, -.77- ' - '- - :-• . :':: - ;74-', -• .7-:•----'!=•..t.'•••4.7..gt. :". 4 , sc , 'S g, ao-; -1 -',.. " - .., • .:.,-.1-7--,.:';Z•,.,-7. -.4 ,•.:., '.-...._.-L ...-i-....,.-• er .:L.4.!..cit.. i-,.:-' u 4 , ~.... _ -4, a;‘,,,.. , = - 5 • '::::. -". 7--, . .. . . , .. . . . . 1 ,----,..,.., . - ... ~.4 .. ...,.,-,4 , -. 0 ,—,,,,,1„e„,... . ~,,--,....,..-;.., ~ ...,-.. -. ~...-. %....,.,-,-, :-.4.- , ;. ...:, • .- ... ~,., __..-., ~4,7-., _.:r..--,'"„,. - - - --7.3.' ~ ~ 7 40011 1 , , .1 .7.:.--f .4:11: N. ' ' -•- , - '' -• ''' ..-44' ;:'''''' .:CV ' ''' -7, ~ ''',' -.7.1t•'-. c' , ' 7.- 1 "r ,, ,. :.- i':, -- - ' - a 2:: .. _...,...,,....„; •-• : : ••--..?. . ,- ;--7-fl-•;•'... 0 .. e .,,, m ........,,* --5 -•- , - - - . , , _, . „, ~ ._.- - -•- i . ~•:,--: --.•••,'• .1 , -,. ...•-• - - -,-* - •• - -,. .. -. .... ? • •- • , ..`...;: - .;_it. , •-•.•::•,-,.'4: . 1 ••.-.--,-, . %.- -. .---.,,,..,... 1 ... - • -• , . -. . . - - - .... -- - '-• ' • --.-- --' ';' , .....;-. 4 ' 4 ":•% - :' -.. ••- ~•T Li S n, .- . .. ~ . .„,_ , ,• -• r•-• —.----- .4.44..„ .--,..4 -,- .- : t---„.•• - ~.. • ••••= . ~ .. ~ . ...., • .„....... . ,47. , ,,.....„.. _ WEEKLY REVIEW OF THP-I.MI.4I4:',MARKE(S. _ Advance of Pork, an d lieet„Piner Gral.d-: TILE -441 • ihrliktii::47l;iiti.O. -- , HIM YOH wrola Nnw YoneSuly epee dative inter est fn Stocks eontinnesilmi, and it L. lne gdn eraL The chief activity was In Erie. Yester day all borrowed stock was called in and 4:a borrowers now find it impossible to return the certificates except by purchases, there being he stock In the markettor loan. The gales at lie board were 8.700 shares, of which 800 shares were at the seller's option. The speculative feeling is eheekdratnerhat by a very apparent tendency toward stringency in the motley market, and the prices area chiefly. supported by 1 the elrenkthoi Erie. " - Governments are quiet but firm. The second series of the Besenahirty notes continua to come upon the market freely, and the price la, weak. A lot $105.000 aold.ali 99X. The 5 - $6. 'sty to-day's tithainflts for Eu rope are estimated at from $3,0u0,000 to $3,500,- 000. The demand ( r money is decidedly more acrive, and the rate of interesfils one per cent. higher than yesterday. Miscellaneous shares were generally steady; there is no activity in Geld and the prlnes are weaker. There are no :ndica4one of any hnjportant decline. 'the Post has' the following review of the mar ket: There has been mach exeiterneet le the wholesale market during the past week, owing to the fact chat 'many heavy • dontracts are to "be filled to close this month.' The Stock of many articles or merchandise, and especially pork, is light, and persons who had to meet:en memento bad to pay enormous prices Coracle= their contracts. Pork' h as advanced $4, and in now selling at $35, for meas. The stock In the market is very-light, and. was mostly Maned by three or four bonus. It is currently reported that one or two operators made from $200,000 to $300,000 each during the week, on the single ar ticle of pore. Beef has advanced 50_cants, and Is now selling at $13©13,50. Flour has advanc ed 75e@fi1.00. At the close, the market was , heavy. Extra &stets ulnae at-$7@7,25, Mid .frittilly brands at $12@12,75. 13pting L Wheat has advanced 20 cents, arid winter wheat 32@33 cents. The advires from the 'country are un favorable for the crop of spring wheat, and still more unfavorable for winter wheat. We quote spring wheat at 81,560,1,60, and white winter wheat $2,20@2,30. Corn has advanced three or four ante, tint clones heavy at 111,@:12 cents. Oats have advanced five cents and closed at tit@ 05 cents,. Lard la selling at-twenty-five cents wholesale, an advance of one and a-half cents. The cloak lathe market is veil • Cotton declined early In' the week to 40 cents, substimently, ciwtog to the light receipts, prices advanced, closing Ilan at 43 cants for middling. The sated for the week were 12,040 bales. Tie receipts were 15,233 bales. Ns* J 29 —The imports of dry goofs fortha month of July, show an Increase of shoat half a million dollars epos those of the famemonth of lest yomoqd of r im) an 1 4 half 'millions upon those Of July, 1933. 'hle amount entryo,for warehousing is touch lass than for thr r nMe o rnth of last year; while the ammo; enteren.for censtmption Is larger by E3,0(.P03.13 , ). Ibe riot thrown upon the market daring the mcra h is V7,C30,455, showing a moro vivoraan 'limp . of tratleln , ay) foralket dry ... needs lasereet than s year ego. The Imports for the past weet show a decrease of ab mit f Fitv3.ooo upon those fur toe corresponding week of Pitlt. 1 he wtelris {dude In doteentle fabrics opcusit dtir, and with a parlittl - ylrldiuk In - prices. Tile et - nciweions brought iu speculative buyers which, with the advance In kuld, has produced a recur. ety In quotations. Prices have been unseGled, but close !teener. Fairs bare been tolde of imitable tote of stand ards at :tic. The a;fents ofidr them at about one cent per yard below our lan ribcatloris: Ruck A, talon head, Lawrence, C. Appletfm.d and Indian Orchard are heldat 32 4 4.; Grantrille, 227„; do. 54; Angtitta rectory 4-4, at 22, -.;; d Foe-asset Canal. 40 inch. 34. and Porateot k , 31;- Applettu.le, ftli for B; 23 for C. and 30 br D; Sblaing!, 24 for E; 25 for W; Naetien, extra Bleached ebirtlngs are-scarce and arm, eepe- Melly the leading m kes of One ;crates. 'NOV rnik /IMES are delivered at 47!; Wamautta 4.4 at 45 ; 9 8 do. 52; do. 5Si Lousdala. 42; !lope, 40; White Rock, 45;41 V! euregan double-S, 40; Foreetdaie. - 40; Masuoville, 4'334; do-11, 45; !Pam/Trine, 7 Uat.34r - Drills—brown, fair ;supply CunteetleareCiti th.fladtor cradi and firm. Laucekrag, Brown aril at 42.4 e; Good llo;e, 35e; Connettagn, 45Ve- liashaa,4o; Elam- Cion F,.47M. In bleached ' stripes and ticks there-le-4f reederate buttress doing. Ticke re main the same; Asnoskeng at 80990714 c B. 67t4r; C, 60c, and D, 45s Whinentruts, 45i for A, and 55 for L. et. nanalltOe, B. F. a' 60c-, Printing -sloths are less meth° and prices are yielding, sales of standards healed been mode at 2( 3 cents redretlon from last -work's Snores. Pilots have been more active dana; the week without any change in pries at dust kande. Tan leading Jobbers have kept up a llvtly competition to two or three leading breads, Inc:tiding liferrlrazeks,and kayo sold cotsabt ratite lota at a redaction: The operation has had ea upon the gnats:tons of agents. The following are the Johbens' Ts:dation, for the leading markets: Merrimack. 25:jd1: Co cheer:, 29 1 4 - s, Sprague Fancies, 20; RI dr mond, 22; Lawler:ice, 20; Americau, 24; Lom Dr lls„ 28; Srunders, 2754; Garner it Co., 30; A moskrag, 28; National Mills, 25; Arnold. 2.5 k; Lowell, 2614; Datchees, 25; London Moaning Spragnes, 2734; Atlantic Mon vin., 2714• ' York klournir.g, 21t44; Amorkeak Stoat-a loe, 2344. Store Dni..usres—Demanda calve, stock rearm., ed. and pricer steady. Manchester, 32 1 4 etc.; Peenic delaine e; 3544 ;fur armules, plate token, 3744 ; for scarlet chore, 3514 ; for robe. de Crmer. Lowell dclatoes 3214; Atlantic Dtlalnes Company's Color; sell at for 24 Inch; 45c. for 30 Inch. Fine Pacific Company's Ceburgs are out of the market at pre-sect. Item llvm are not vet offered. Woonms Goons.—Trade in wool shawls la Tory act!, e; ikon: Is an ample display of glade and some uncertainty about the prices. 41 sta tions for Wetef Yliet are as follows: 14,50@10, for 7131144. Is bleb colors; $5,50@7,00, for 035- 12n, co /5 at, for 541.101 do 91,25 fur Mon ' 15 equate; 102 , 4 for 40 dri and $2.2.5. for 47 do. Sup rlor Cheeks 38 354 , 0,00, for 72,144, 97 00' for 97:1351 and 6.046.35, for 1351451. brown and mewl-dna.. 34.25, for 7"2r11-4; 116.75, for 1771125; and $5,50(0,75 for 63x123. Gents for nos, doublL , and twist, 70r154, Wing ill. Chiba art In active demand with a limited sul yv, and prices are steady. Fine grade of Sailor la are active sod firm, tad of the lower qualltirs tlarre is an ample supply, and prices are steak. Ferrer Casslmeres ere generally very dealrable property, end the supply does not appear to tare 1...“ ‘,Ter done as was expected. The pricert are generally more satisfactory to seller than to boier. Kentucky Jeans aria scarce, and better grades are 234415 higher. Carper* are quiet as usual at this season. 9114.5 for caper; $1,60 for extra super, and 41.90 lor Imperial three ply; Hartford company's medium super 61.35; do. superfine 61.30; Impe rial three ply $1,90; extra three ply 62,10; Bras eels 12 . 50 foe the.. ply 01 It, $2.40 tor fear ply of it, and 6210 for aye ply of R. Flannels sell freely at toll prices. Plain scarlet and orangs of It, I,arlrd tattled 47440 - 9 TO for N, mid C; while 3935; 4 4 shaker GO®80; blue and mold twills 45(111. Gilmore white and colored opera hare been adtanerd about 734 per lot. Army flannels, 7734 for standara. he drumna for fcrreign fabrics during the week has been quite grilse. •Jobhere are very bare of goods, and dud it nrcessary to bay (mai:Y.ln order to provide a fair assortment for tbrit cnktomers. Titre Is s prospect of are active demand from Clcclopati, di. Louie, filets phis and Nashville for itat Elouthrrn market, mad already a illegal wade is twine dane with those vshicti ac cement for the trade opening brialily at no earlier pilled than was exp tied, The ido sett profit. cis !dant a lighter imps• tation than lias belga anticipated. 'file prices of Molt gro.i). to Eckland, eons. qurnt upon Le ac tive at trend from this Conti cent, and tat dAll roily of l rrehrlng twrOte late In I he reason, all the knolls that importers were lin•pared to wrier, is likely to resit!' in o material itrolt.ttlon of or derf, while the fnilu re of the ink crop no the continent ilea 1.0 muses advanced the price of French anti Samna silks, that the lat. portatlrm of these tobelet is likely Pt be: math less than was expected. Present Indica tiara favor the prospect of a fair Importatloa, and a profitable business rnr the Importers. Primmer. for Fort Lafayette Dime TORE, July 29.—Cotudderabie excite- Meat Web created hero, in the vicinity of the `Battery, yesterday, oaring to the arrival of Ina geard escorting a few prisoners to a boat for Enrl. Lafayette, and statementa were made that proOdnent Generals of tees rebel army wets atmoug •the number. The following_ were the prlronera: R. B. McCormick. Lieut. Col. P. P. Anderron T. A. Homer, P. Mottle. of the Ord wage Delitrtment,. 'dent. T. A. Film, of ,the lee — rebel navy, all rebeht„ and Lteut. Wm. Kane -.of tbe 85th United iltatrts Colored Infantry. .11 14 , hi, PO —The Eve persotte cap ' tured off the meat of Florida bomb lama Coco wbllatbdiavotlet to-make their escape. In a !mall boat. wcreciemerday Item to Fort. L.sfay -Ytteal' 'vitas! prizoncia. PITTSBURGH, liAilkrDAY 31, 1865 Till? TO 1 111 E - 11ITE61011 UP MIshISSIFEL Battu The Corn and Cotton Crops, PEOPLE HUMBLED iND atmiudAtED Spirit as Litter as Ever FREEDMEN TS.E.I TED WITH TIOLENHE. - so.—The Tinies'• Vicksburg correspondent bar visited the [ulterior of Miss* sippi and' gives the following result of his °bur,: vatlons: Except In the vicinity of Vicksburg I saw alinost no cotton growing throughout my travel; between Jackson and Grenada I saw but one cotton Acrid titan,' extent. :the war closed too late in the season to allow of any consldera, ble attempts In that Ilse. The terrible cost was altogether unexpected and even now Inexplica ble. They expected that the war would con tinue throughout this year at least,bothey plant ed little or no cotton, only some coru. More was planted after the surrender and most of It lOokaWell, for COM eshbe planted Much later than option with-promite of a neon. It wpaa great mbefortune ware teaterial in teresti of the South, that thedid, not eloSe two months eaciler. There can belittle danger. of enifering for the want of food when so much corn is • growing: and-when, c naequenUy, so much bacon la sure to be made. Patches of cotton will be mired about Holly Springs, but in- Ilitadieon county, that once raised One hundred thousand Wes, !SAO= hundred will be raised this year. The people are subjugated and humiliated, and so accept their situation simply because they must. ,Their spirit is as hitter as ever. The ',Stream of thilienomons hatred of the Yankees are found among the women and young sues. The older men have more regard for their Inter ests, and those who are In business are general ly better mocked with good sense. There is a constant tendency to go back mid fight the battles over again, as everywhere et-. countered yen can hardly talkellve minutes with a oonthern mean but that he w/11 Ciampi to con vince yon that If they had only done differently the result would bare been materially changed. When there foil, tee blame of the whale trouble Is cost on ilia hated Yankees, because tfi • ey would talk a`iont slavery and so agitate the South; therefore they went to war. One Youth; woman In the ca, wished teat not another bolt of cotton would evecgrow; she would rather wear woolen the hourri day of August than come-l ute auy thing to Yankee man Li fact ere. A dozen of men art end her applauded these oentimenie. t -.Another woman, after censuring the lack of spirit among the men, wished that the women could tight the, women of the .reorth; she was sere that they could whip them. I oirserved that all tech violence of expression was commenly revels, d with approbation. .These woman did no l?- - long to ilia lower close, but represented Rte ruorelellnentlal class.; 3lost of the froalmen remain on the plattations and are laboring for outesietence. A majority of plantors are grad to retain them, but many thrust the (reed people from there with greet violence, threatening them with flogging enliven with shooting if they re turned. In some cases these Inllletious were actually suffered. Those who thiek that the old spirit ..f slavery yields anything to conciliation or to 'aught but fewer, are mistaken. I con versa' familiarly olth several scores 0: nontbern tee, nod though they differed In the degree of Ise ling manifested, yet the kind was one, sad unmistakably they yield to neeessity, but they dislike the Government and hate ore aic Ipatiou, and Wany hone and expect to,,4estore slavery through new State oremlsations. PRESIDENT'S TRIP DOWN TDB P3TOII.IC. limn Stonewall in Our Service. A4PIRINTS FOR TREISERI CLRRISRIPS. I ecisica of the Pension Commissioner. CF THE EXECUPVE CHAMBER FLOODED WAACIMITOI4, July 39.—The Pre.slannt, ae• companit d by hie family mad non, and Preston King, left Weoqiington ycterdity on It trip down the river. ra:Mrcting to retttro home to morrow. h is understood that the rebel ram Stonewall Is cow in the , eer Iwo of, one Government, but will Dot et present be brought to the Catted ..S3-roinJwUnnr.-0.1 the .yellow fever, prevalent et Ifsrans, where ♦he IP., may [bus be intro duced Into our country. The Secretary of the Traksary has decllA to make no moreclerlcal appolattganCa excepting in casts of Tenancies. witted. most be stippilel Ores fifteen tfiscisand applications of unsuccess ful aspirants tint cleritsnipe are on file to the De partment. trising accumulated daring the rebel lion. It is e.iirnsted Quit- Urentare aaarly OSIEI hundred s od sixty delis e nd four hundred copy ist• rmployed In tits Treasury building. Tema is o panic in Dclouna find- Hessian, yet there has Inn to 'eaten a etioleta.• expepr In M'etslna ofa Verson Trora ti . nitinacrircrat Alex andria, who tried. • • - For the week ending July 20, Mien listlonal Banka-have beenrhutere.d, with isti.anrezata capital of $5.01,70. Tut Coramtatioher of Pensions bum decided that rebel &Arne's, who hive substquently en listed In the United titatea military service, do not thereby heroine entitled to Ws benefits of the pension laws. It is expressly provided by congressional ena c tment that CO pension shall be laid to soy person who hat born* arms sgairst-tho (lover oment., or may have given aid or comfort to the rebellion. The executive par don, has co tarot ti sot aside or toxlify this 15w. The storm of yests.rdey afiernocm, though brief, did eortleeratle damsgo all over the city. A Pinta lesallag from the roof of the Ever: rive Maneloq, and extending thrsugh the went wing of the building, got clogged with tho refuse ma. terial left there by the workmen who had Acme ilnakhg modes. the c no, nit Orj which was acme of the chambers were coyerel with water to the depth of several feet, and the coil ing of one of them fell. Much alarm was De ese.hmed to the in Medea, and the titMOISt activity wu required to prevdet the east room and other apartments from being etwillarly invaded. CONDITION OF 111 E tOETOER:I Departure 01' Orea es Steamships BUSINESS LICENSES IN RICIIIIOND Ftatentat Cfinceraing Dick Taylor Ntw roust, July I3o.—The Herald publishes a statement of the present condition of forty-seven different Beano( southern railroads. On some of these Wales are again running through the en tire length. Many are being rapidly repaired, and sill soon be reedy for through trade, while, to wlil others, the railing operations of the war hare it flicted emit extensive damage that many works, and perhape months, will yet pass before they can be made completely avail shim i went; ocean steamships sailed from here yesterday. Of these, flee were for Europe, four 'for New Orleaus, two far Coarleaton, one for Savannah. nod one for each or the following port Wilmington, !Needham, Beaufort, N. C., and others for different places on the Atlantic coast. Seit rty three vessels altogether or all claesce Geared at this pert yesterday. Of thetetereoty three were strareers..two .1110 g skips, Ilya barks, (carte= bt,ge and tockly-elght actor Dre, Cr,. leant nine bni'reft persona In Richmond have nbtaincd licenac.ft M traneact ermines., compel,. leg one Oath of Ihr entire autolrfr (aimed la butinces of come tort In fla city. The analant paid Ono tar into ill, United &ars Treasury by town., men of , he city and a. only of lionrlco, cannot fell far rhos of $200,000. Tito olllecra have to, at wench only Fix week, The /Jerald', l'nehl•Fton special ,aye: The Aaternehts In tho eveilln4 P , Mrs DLok Tee• for halA left here far New York are entree. 11 • t I. er of the eity. but mneb more likely to 00 In Fortran Monroe than In New York. PUPLAINTI AGAINST GOTEANON SHARKEY, N't gro Shot by a Planter. Now Your, July n.-A Vicksburg correspnn , dent of the Trthans complains that Governor Blum key has not only relieved the criminal and probate courts of 2disalrelppl and set up Jetstiees of tbe peace everywhere, consisting of rebels, but be. even declared valid some of &Do laws passe d 'by the rebel legislature. A planteta few days ago, shot a negro dead. fru' denying thatlie was to plant cotton instead .of more in a cortilleld. The planter wasitrrest• ed by the military and then demandgbi tit° civil authorities under a writistimbeas mitt% Instructions IFom Washington were called for before responding to -,tise- sertair Tbegeople in theinterior look for the rtatetratloninfilaverl. Hon. Anson Burtlngswt. • late Minister to Ctankla In town, on tote P/MbErfa 'CutiIIITION OP In :eolcsinf:' Erported Tour of the President Coutradictidi sti7L3lE3Th 01 . FithIMILV • .••••!--- Nirn YORK,JnIy so ' x The Herald's Washing ton special says: Jebri:d...,ll'olemiand, of .thl• nom, and John Coettranc„ol.New,York, ain en-! dersteod to have bad slie'clal 'arid - Protin' died #l-. terviews with the President on the present eon , ;Mien of the cotmtry andihe relation of -'pirties • thcieto. • , Thn reports started every few days of thei tentlOn of. the President to.make. a tour:tiro. h either of the Eastern or Westerrr States ore wholly nisautteurtrad: The President's dntle4 are too pressing and Important to admit, of'anY.. prolonged a bs ence,, from the capital this Benson. Ha will content himself Itith !occasional = excur.' stone down the river, which have proved already' so highly beneficial: Commiesionens la the Southern .States for the. Freedmen's Stuiian continue to arrive at . General. Howard's headquarters. Col., Ely, reporting, from Colotabla,, 4 Bontli Canalhui;tteder data of July 20th, nays he finds the affairs of that bureau In that locality progressing, much better than he had reason to expect. The udinary,authorities , havadmie all In their power to Battle the freed men upon plantations and help them in perfect- , Log their labor contracts., The crops were look- Mg promising. lip[ little suffering had pre vailed among the blacks, and hut few plant*: Lions had been abandoned, and theseyvere only of email video. Col. Sprague, wrlthurfrom .;cn:ds, says that on the 10th thetrefageel s and freedmen's home Id that city, which yr sustained recently by the Government and tlie- Northwesters Sanitary Commission, and costing the Gpvernment about 620,000 a monthf has beeh numernded, the city and county authorities as suming the burden for the future:- Some reports represent that dutingthe month irflf asslist the Govern:AMA 7m called uponto lame rations In • minogitto finir,Andussna fOur hundred and fifty-tWo white refugees and two hundred and , thirtyilx freedmen. The poor whites are re- ported as crowning all the posts :established for the distant:ton of rations, and are willing mendicants. From this fact strict orders have been tamed to stop the Lame of all supplies not neeessark to prevent starvation. Though the freedmen are still, somewhat bewildered with their new states as freedmen, they are reported to be generally provident of inch means and re turnees as are afforded them and are doing well. MART AL 1,119 IN TENNESSEE. Letter from Cow. Firms,low to the Mayor BI=El Nastivdtitc, July 10.—The .Preu Gas morning rublobes a letter from Governor lirowalow to blatior Andrews, of Columbia, in reply to a re. monstrance against the order of Gen. Thomas, isnapendihg hie performance of the office. The Governor says: You are accused of using your rflMial power In opposition to the freed people of Columbia, by preventing their education, &c. You will observe from s hater of Gm. Thomas in the city papers this morning that martial law Is 6tllt in force In Tennessee. Out, rebel courts bare not yet given sufficient assurance of return leg loyalty to the general government so as to was rant the withdrawal of the military power, or the abandonment of military courts. it is net strange that the authorities should distrust people who, tot four years, applied every means they could command to destroy the nation. in• deed It is too great a coacemiun on the part of the General emu mamtia4 to declare that the 'unitary will sustain a civ.l government that never will atom= Its functions except in rases which prompt action le necessary to !nerve the peddle safety until car people have given conclusive evidence of their intention to obey all our laws, State and !intim:oil. You and and eitiaeos are all agile liable tO be arrested and tried according to the foram of military practice. It le extremely Important that all conflict between the civil and military atabori• ties Mould be avolockhaa see arc now situate ,j att oat of a rebellion in which the people refused to lay down their arms until forced to do so at the point of the bayonet. The civil gorernmont la only allowed topeoceed by the perixassi en of the military, hence I deeply regret the occurrence at Cewumblei hat the high character of General Thomas for la:lido:Ice, Justice and patriotism, werrabti me to assuring yen that ha will gladly receive as.] impartially coaeldcr say testimony you may wlell in your behalf. Grncral Grant In iv.ton EnSTorr, July 29.—I.lcutenant Genera: C. 8. Grhstt and. wife. foity.eltrildrere.. two a-area:Assiut. Los Sag, consisting of Colonel 8. 0. E. Bab es...lr, Garage Porter, Alam Boltetu and E. L. Pari.rr. Chief of Gr. SII s, arrived in this city thin Cl . r1(,11 At ten minutun past seven o'clock, by a special train from Albany, which place they loft thin miirninin. Toe train was con.p.rsed of nut two can, a pa.sscurrer and bag. gage car designed tapecially for ins' use of the Genera/. An immense crowd greeted his arrival at the Worcester drool with the most frantic en thusiasm, 'making the air ring again with tore cheers fur him and his suite. The General and his party Immediately proceeded to tho Revere (Luse, where he la to remain until Tuesday morning. The General was serenaded to night by Gllwore's hand, and afterwards visited Inv Union Club in Part street. Borrow. July SO.—Lieut.:mut General Grant etten.l.4l divine iserrlee this morning est the old Bomb Church. At 3, P. It., he dined at the Revere House in col:Riney with &warrior Au drew. Wherever the General has appeared la public he has met with the most heartfelt and untmorded eutimelassm among the MUSICS. BOSTON, Jury t!..9-1 P. S.l.—Thlf thermometer nets sseads nlnc-ton ArgrrrA the •hrde. Condition of Alabama tine 1 . 011%, lair 80,—.The 11-rahr, Mat, ma, correspondence, giving a Akt...i.eh of the condlaion of the e•matry, and of the present feelinc there, presents a picture In co way flattering to the loyalty, or rather dis loyalty, of curb of the pr pis of that State as toe .k part In the rebelllop At drat, on finding that all was over with their Southern Conti:der. acy, they felt themselves completely humiliated and subJnemted, and were loud In their calls on the National Government and officers for mercy. But magnanimous treatment appears to have *roiled them, and they are again becoming as overbearing and as Imperious In their demands; and now, Indeed of being contented with their iroi,oces, tiny haughtily claim their rights; batttd of the National Government Is earn as ir.tenite an ever, and they are determined to orntrol their Mate In the old secession and rebel ir wrest, Their new Governor, hie. Parsons, only about a week previous to hie appointment, In a speech at iluntavlile, contended that the Degrees were not free, as ater.matelpatlon Proc. lamstinn was only a military measure, and the renatbritiOntal amendment abolishing. slavery had tot yet been retitled by the neceurary MIMI:Per of Sinks, and In his opinion it would not Di. Thee rent Iments received Immense applause by the pn °Phi MES 9 • The Revolution In Unyti New YOlte. July _U.--Advises fromnytl re ceived by the way of Neiman, N. it.. awe that the revolutionary wee in the It !retitle Instill go ing on, and that the rebels preteen themaelvos willing to be hurled under the ashes of their townn rather than be longer governed by Freal• dent Grifrard. Palmier, the revolutionary lea der, hie issued a fiery proclamation. winding up with the motto of thu French revolutloalsts, Litealy. Fraternity tte. Ile claims to have bnea comnlttely trucceistul In all the battles he has fought., sad to have twice defeated the army of GULard recently. Santa Antnee Pronunclamento Naas lonx, July 20.—Santa Anna, who 14 at present residing at the Island of St. Thomas, has Issued a pionnoclarriento, In which he de. nonnees the attempt to esistitlnli a in niarelly In Mexico,, and cells for a rally Instantly, and urges the hlrrlcans to light nga net the Invaders. lii clldanis toot hie declaration in favor of Frenen Intaxxcnilon was forced upon Ohm. by requtrtirc him Io sign am-ti a pap, before Iro wool leo p milted to land In Mexico and slalt his nick wir.a. The Dundeu erg NEW Yone, July !M.—hundreds of pnrsons daily visit the Dundenherg at the f.sot of Slvtit street, East. No visitors are allstved on board, es It irterferes with the rrozress of its temple.. }lot, ?tiepins. John hooch dr. Bon are putting in tLu balers and engines as rapidly as pdtelblo. For Europe—The Heat. Ni'.. Yens, July 3O —The steamers City of Washington, for Liverpool, and the Hansa. for Bremen, dallied to-day, taking 873 090 to specie. The thermometer at Donn o'clock Ole mot n ine Tee 93, et noon 93, and at ale 80 In the shade. . . Acquitted. NEW Your., July 29.—The WorOs Malang. tcp °Pedal NW , Sergeant Lewis to Chubb, otitis 13tb atleldgan light 'outcry birbben:acqUitfreili of tbe ammo of peicuitizur AlscfuttsAucibulfite arrested, to pass our llues and go y:r*orylaucl. l y tite 44 tise i lli tili ent .4 ,l 2, l l le t W t iL Vor tue mounter mu heti thaety.tbses degrees In tiumbsde here t hat Mg ICVCII this ra034. , - , . T.4i), e,r,_,„EtpATigw. ; yirivolkiecoblst ;q:z4Tt*,4spiiisys 4 . 0 ,3.luriernisut noiret wwit.ti.u.vote6 10 utemfig trinitb 4 ' o • !Wan 4, 41, Cefehiat,edpl4tat:ine: Iykrelisy; 04:ae. Irirrir.loicrf,4:4:*l - 4 , Washington. ?Pedal ear.: The CeIVIMMAkerg whiskeyeaae.ot t xlM'aci4 ban j ah„jettal to the Latta. '-'ll9;etlen Ortir C6D' CIL. - The Government was edevinteditl•theboria2lda character of the aid. , rances Made' bj• &Mists' , 6 .13on, of Chicago. 'Upon eshorongli , extualuation of the entire ea- Acif: It Watt found Vag there was sufficient to pay the Government its- tax wagut taking therefor eny.af the tdirtiwines sent forward to Mei: York, tiperi which Startle , t E3an had so largely•wmanted. ISrthe arrangement agree& -mrPanthl3 Government-receives. MALT, and the a:Ankara who advatted Arrion the wince-in good faith. Man - Sltot Pead. . . . . ' . I , lol'oBor, July 29.----Soineph Van Minn:l,' irehrher;Nd. 40 'Beaver area, Irus this altdr. won .Bhct dead, by one or his elerts;who, After , thiug than shour am, but Wait taught. • cr Ssw Torr., July...SO.—The 'name of the man who nhot and lolled Ms. Van Doren on Sacarday,t James iF_4;olame of be arm of ' °gun rt.. Thomas, sythilien, Oson nays ho fired lhoshot, In self-defense, , • . , • • . , w ol i r brsitik; July; the two Ole *berry 'Kelt (014 bosh Ord won In 15 thin.. ntes and' 15.seeenda; . Rlglin cacao In second, and .Radfcird ttitrd.: In the _three nine race for tour-oared boots thellcOlelLani of Boston. won. In. the three mile race . for- atz-oared boat, e. Yale College boat won In 19 minutes end - 5 eCe• °eds. The Harvard was - neclond. - Railroad Freight"ll.slnel:tut:nod. 13ciraio, 29.- 1 1 to Ceritial Rafiliald freight house at Batavia alas tpartted 'at one o'clock this 'waiting.. • Loaf. abmit 11;30,000. • Gold filar:iv:l: Nor Toni, July 29.—Gpld gatet, stud for the moment yielding. though .the uodertorto of the market to deddedlistrong. CITY Atui The CHI Ben's Regatta —Bietting Race Between the' "Big V" and "Tiger." Accerdlr g to previous announcement, the crews ' Of the four-oared boats "Big F." and "TigerP were In readiness fora trial of speed on the Allao gheny, at five o'clock on Saturday afternooq. A large number of epeetatore congregated on both bard,. of the river, and. the Suspension bridg woe literally lined with ladles and gentla men who had casualty stopped to witness the comet. A number of persons had also assem bled In their own beats as spectators. Promi nent among them, bat only m a "looker on In, Venice," we observed that prince of rowans, Jaa. Hammitt, In his scull the "Aleek. King," mov ing through the water as graceful as a swan. John Hamill and Frye]. Wolf, were also there in the "Surprise," which won the double 801/i taco at Boston. - • - - • The "Enterprise" had been previously an nounced eon participant - In the regatta, but owing to Ite having fallen from Ite fastenings while In the boat house, it was rendered unfit (or service. At the appointed signal the "Tiger" and "Big F." started from the Railroad oridge, the "Ti ger" being a little ahead at the start, which ad vantage she lost when about the middle of the course, but on nearing the Suspension brisze, bad gained a boat's length. After passing under the bridge and turning, the "Big F." gained her lost time and an addi , Clonal length, by the•ei<Wy and dexterons man ner in w bleb the turning was effected. She maintained her acquired advantage on the home run, and before the —Big F." reached the start ing point the crew, of the "Tiger" threw up their cars as a signal of defeat, disdaining to make any ferthf r efforts to reach the gnat. The crew of the "Ilig F." responded with viCtorious cheers. Tte Cre•irS are composed as follows: J.;, I.—Wm. Vaadergrift, atroke..ollyer sic liwein, A. Hancock, Fred. Fisher, bow. Judges .=Captaltt Janes Wilkins, William Evans, and J. K. Barbour. Umpire--Col. W. P. Logan. 7iger-4). Bly, stroke; G. E. Beaumont, 11. Bryan, B. Metzger, bow. Jedges—P. Weise, berger, Capt. Jake Hill and Capt. J. Id. Porter. Emoire-0. C. Brown. A challenge for another trial was accepted by the "Big F." from the "Tiger," and the ar rangements wilt be mad: In due time. From the Oil Ilegione. We ecruplle the following Intelligence from the Ott idly Re t resrem The cor street-ion of the Iron City and Pith°le Railroad hos been commenced, and will be ptailed Omni: with nil passible dispatch. MIS theirghlthat the portiiM ,the road. from the Obittd`fitatte - Weilielicettextreirth or Pieititde be ready for the Iron In about ninety days- The Iron for the mad has been manufactured in Pitts burgh. Ibe 7ser Farm, since the adoption of the aloe, ,: casting and seed-bagging rho idle and abet:Mot:ea wells, has become one of the best reducing farms oe the creek. We esti. mate Its present daily production at six hundred barrels. The Tarr Farm now ranks among the leer in the Olt Region, The following. wells ehi..h were more or leas affected by the flood of water barred upon them from idle and aban doned wells, now foot up as follows Cornwall well, one hundred barrels; Sterling, sevente-flee Darrell; Pratt t Sherman, seventy-flee barrels; Curses wells, fifty barrels. Tee renewal of the old wells, and the striking Of new ones, has In fused fresh lire loto the citizens of the farm. Many who were about to pull up stakes and go to Pithole, hare reconsidered the matter, and are now busily engaged upon their old leases. A welion Lat No...,,Efolroden Farm, (Pithole), own, dby enteral parties, has been tested. It Is now flowlee at the rate of 73 barrels per day, It to e-sumated. The prospect la rood for a large well several ether wells on this farm will soon be reedy for 1.C1311124, all of which are heeler every Indication of good wells. Probably there • In nowhere a basin of all equal to that underly. log this farm. The sucker-rods hare been drawn from Twin well, No:2. (lioleidee farm,) and the well la cow flowing, il is e.timated. flee hundred bar rels. accompanied by an unwirel enmity of gas. The "Pill:role City" Poistoflice Is now an ac complished fact. much to the Joy of those stop ping there, who have necessary hems subjected to gicat inconvenience In getting their mail from Plurner, Titusville or Oil City. Tithing t being IMO, to the month of Pithole to convey the oil to the river. Judge Casey, of Wiutthigton, Is there as one of the mthazers of the company, tbo pipe, we learn. It will be a great saving Lu oil sellers Teams are now gt ILlng 50 per barrel for hauling to Titus ville. The city grown very rapidly. The roads ore horrid intend any deseriptiou about there. Holds ulthout number are being built, but not erouub to accoMo3oaale the great crowds leg thither. Washington one Jefferson College Tile closing exerciece of Washington en I Jcffer• eec Ccßede come off during the present week. On Sunday morning the Baccalaureate Barman was drib ertd by the President, Dr. Scott, and in the evenleg Rev. Dr. Hodge, of the Weetern Theo. logical Seminary, preached the annual eormor of the Society of Religious Inquiry. The exam. leaden of the college classes will occupy to-day and to-morrow. On Wednesday evening the Valedictories on behalf of the members of the ekess to their re.spectiveisocicties, and responses thereto, will be delivered the College Hall. The valedictory to the Helton Society will be pronounced by J. G. Patterson, and the response on behalf of the Stookey by. R.- H. Fulton. The valedictory to the Washlgtou Society will be de livered by W. B. Wataoo, and the respouse by D. C. Milner. The Annual Address to the Llt• erary Societies will be delivered on the game evening, by the Rev. Samuel J. Watson, D. D., of Pitt, burgh. On Thursday. .morning the An. anal Commencement exerchseq will take place. A Nutioanco to be lirOcen Up. The assembling of loafers at the Allegheny c, bet house on Saturday nights , during t hours, bas been the source of considerable. , annoyance to ladies visiting that elem., ninths occasioned much mmPlalut. Iteepectable wet_ men bare fr, quentiy been subjected to the pointed leaulte by these blackguards on the pectin - 1n that they belonged to an eh:l/dotted elms who make the Welke; a common resort on gneh nights on pretence ot-' , l3nying: Upon att.. structlons received froccillajur Morrleon,- the police al that city arrested ;number of. these m en on Saturday night:, .TheyAvera cliaohargcli on Sunday morning, withilteundestondingthat: If caught again itnterlng In'the'enel4erleme they et 11l he severclyllealt 'Strd. are" Qled to perceive thathlaype.hlorthson la detenoluett, prto up the era practlep. 4et i;teati ",g4. take waraing IA tithe. . '"" f : a :, I? 7 1t 111 A Oilman named Heney ifirger.srate.iiialy., at the coal worked* the; : 4 1 .1ba ve § o o:ElttauFFbi o.4da olotbililef4;• . • /AP l : u2 o ol liffr! t ebV9l t6 * 7 - 4,olo C 4 i#P li ' thevinike p; : _ the Firma otootaining*OrliNtiezrftigaleaccat. 14;04, ,1101011toWlis injuries on ijgoclat morning:Alderman:- rbppldies;w4bk r liptgivd; vmpitrkelletVa liqieet66r4o AtOrnoepi.tbut owing to a nifilenict viiinvbeivietoi gather, the hicpbetaviialiaattariell till Tneadeg • evening. The deceased wee forty•ona years - of 'are; bele:o%4 , lW aintiTaiiiirbotatifili 4.ll47reittutedolmodstalaw , ertymartab* MO; -4.olo:9lll4ll44lollteintogii-•:o.v;.N Alr .3 -1.22, - • • : 7 ‘ ! : ', : ; - • :Z, II4 . NITSTIA ' D Ili` The tr' ii=e3trtrAttlllattee4.:::ll - Our litteitiOntitheliegleillitV Eta Ce : ha the wiciftipajnage, bithignit.Wai k . tor off Try Strek, wherd it anissaillecoit4:Ala well kuortt that gle'relln - .4 1 . 4 .4 11 '04. ..t Puny, 7h1y.1? 4 erisr ged la 441*014,,. „Waftecr,; benyille road:tette made* iiiplem*Orl* ..,,te m Atm place ar420 .- ,:univieNit;*ilatY road. Second street; at thisidint,ilij and graded to the level ei.'thi tramt..:4 , :iiiir vies also built to carry tneirater •6644,.qte14*.. to the river but It appear; to lie s sit i ..ettel6irtall. „ ~.. .... ...„ dimeasinins that it D of little er no",.titter a liesvj rain Lhe Strcetlecatties:floadodipl the water runsinto thd baleraenta t pf Utah ;tad,' jointer, which arebelowthe lovel:Cif , t, a eirrwt. On Tryafteef, opposite theglaselonatioafess* Phil lips Beit. the *ater coifed/ ind'iticina ma, Immense slough: .. Centiderahlidataftgo463 . lllo farm ,sustained by- this :firmqfztaid Uldivistter Acceding Into i•thh• • bases:dent AL, their - Anaht kr .. rmie,, ,Formerly,therearere tWoldridmrciti,this street,. but,the raljrnad. company-3:M Ahead, filled cep, BO fiat aft er-.a biayy yaba the stptat tags dooded,tnakiiigitilina,graird axidertailni Kasai" crable diebsip3 by Watet..'nie'Miliiria.on:fien. , . bed , straet at itslinictiote with' Try, ritei'la4,oltaxi: small to early tar the water after w` heatT rafti.... For a considerable time street his bisiii - pg - L tinily Vocitatied by a bageintutber orlroutitila 3 la/Faded to be used in the cimistractloaTa!:ll..e el aline! spat of the rail:bed taidgeitl3yiivhet right' th,1.1 are pennittect to te RO .l4 ti k erey ottsphattiact-t lug the public streetiwe eanuotnoneelithgtieißit evils should all be remedied, ras _tbsy,aatag bettoi , PJEi and considerable •Indonveitichliti WF parties la tbat,tteighbo'rlinee '-'::', : ?;',...;. '., Loin; the'-ttimer-ktutie •iil St: Etilitli' • Chttreb„vi r ~ .. , . Quite an in terestin g carem Cook Pis& ie.- ,oni _. i .. ter day afternoon, at the laying of thecornet, atone ot . Bt. Bridget's Citholle thurch:, AV , - site Selected for the new edhace ie. On , , Welt street, near DtinenOyin the ' Seventh Mr4ll/j . !tleir theold church. Theveriouatellgiouiseelelles f the ftatholie-falib, . belonging- to the tweet' , . . . and-the adjacent boroughs, met attheCatitedr , 'find forming into rancessfoli,proceeded uilify a . ~ _ _ street In the direction of ' the desTgnistetr ground. The processibb was a most eplend sight, i•sch ecciety headed by banners and • tional flags, and Ara:jun=lW by the Great Wes g i r mn String and Brass Band and the Washif Cornet Band. On their arrival on the spot ttie solemn ceremonies opened with mass, followed byA Sermon by the Rev. Bishop Domenec. T singing was conducted by the choir of Pt_ Bri t f : pet'e church, aammpanied by the Great Wes ern" String Band. Appropriate music by the brass bands was played at Intervals during the ceremonies. The laying of the corner•stone was on imposing and solemn affair. Tho Atone Wail Bret blessed. and 'after the locantatione bad been ref:menaced, a variety of articles were depwlted witnin,ineluding- colts,. newspapers, religlona documents, pictures, etc. A large multitude cif people were assembled to WirOCBS the ceremOnlea. embracing_ many from .dliierent church denomi nations.. After the dedication had beta coneln eluded, the procession marched to the Cobbedral. where the various societies separated: l:` Build [louses. • l' We We have before ndlerted to the grellt want ee l ; periceeed of houses to live In. The (lemma fo - , suitable houses for tVe accommodado of rents ere stems equally as pressing at thli time air jt was in the spring. In different portions of the city some houses are going up, but riot in such number nor of such a description as tp meet it wants of the community. It Is nextto impo'. Bible at this time to procure a houseLef any , scription for rent, much leas one sultaMe to; small family. Many a household has Veen co . periled to accommodate itself to the marrow commodatlens - of a boarding house, simply Is cause sultaole dwellings cannot balrbtain Why do not our moneyed. men ethplop herr sure plus. capital in the erection of houses-for the ari , i commodatton of renters? . , • I Labor Is hamming plenty, bundloge.materl cheaper, and we etc no reason why hundreds # homes should not ba erected this failed coed* sinter. They will •all readily find or.entrants has fore the plastering is dry. We are atildreA Will , the scarcity allowed has driven many,. families from settling amoenst us, - who would otherwlait have remained. No city in the Colodhasoffsnit better inducements for obtaining emplotatent td mechanics and laborers, and it Is to theintereit of capitalists to secure this class of cithhins providing homes for them and••their auntie! Wu believe there will never comd a time In thk • Idenory (dour city when houses will nateasU rent: The thrill and enterprise of otir ppleil plodding, built takes no neg. haekirar ,hays all am elements of stability. ComEntabi ' India& ire iitillfwitir Led tow, andeveloolttteadt„ - : capitalists to supply this want. • It willqay handsome interest on the cost of their constro taon, and they need never be for occiipanli. A Case of Drowning—Probable Identlti of the Lad Kennedy. i t The dead body of a young man was rotale id the river at Sewickley on Saturday. We mAL: tinned in our Evening paper of Saturday tits f or a suit of clothes having been found 06 1. MA lilog In the Allegheney at the mouth cit" thli Pennsylvania canal, in the First ward, Ali,tghe , ; ny. From papers in the pockets bearing the name of John A. Kennedy, it was presmea• that the clothes blooded to a person o ffthat name. who had probably entered the river:to bathe and was drowned. The clothes were tate ken to Alderman Dyers, where they were:x=4e nixed by a lady as belonging to au adopted ',eon. named Kennedy. It la therefore presumed Mull the body found at Sewickley Is that of the unfoe'S emote young man. Cornnr Clavewaon was nail fled on Sunday of the finding of the body, and at casco repaired to Sewickley where an inquest was held upon his arrival, the features of klili body bud become so swollen that as to be alcuoit Int-44.04e of identity. lie believes, howeveti that this was the body of young Kennedy. ..711 verdict of found drowned was rendered. This body was interred la the burying ground at Sdt whisky. - ...r Eire on Third ?street, ...,• Shortly before rine o'clock last night a Site was discovered in the cellar cf A. H. EnglisliA Co's Printing and Book-binding establishmeili on Thlrd atrial, adjoining the Provost Marattsilt office. The steamers were promptly on the grouud, and succeeded in staying the flittn% leit fore moth damage wet; done. The fire barnesl tb roues a portion of the first Ilion, tint was 3301 t cheesed. Considerable damage must have bee' sustefuel by water, as the burning substancek created a dense smoke, enveloping the whole bulding,und making the trait location of the are very (Imp: Iva, The flat their of the betiding Is occupied by: two or three large steam presses and a numbek of smeller ones, witch we Misers escaped fork serious damage. The second story Ls occupied as a birder) and the third as the composing rodeo. These departments Vera damaged t' some Latent by the' water. Messrs, Euglish & Co. were unaware of the fact that their estater; ellshment was burning until long after the armee had been eztlegu'ehed. Wit are consequetdif Livable to obtain any reliable statement of thk loss incurred. ~.:. A cnlden Wedding. Mr. Casper Standley, aged 74, aid 71* ChnetianaStandley, aged 70 years; . celabrat,d their Golden Wedding, at the residence of son Caipar Standley, Jr., In Steubenville, Ohlo . on Thursday evening. The 50.1 anniversary ot tbesnarringe by these "old folks," Who am noW ei.joying mr ,, llent health, and, for. their...years,' tutted life and vivacliy, was an nardually pleas+ at.taffair. There were prosird.,teyerV ehildrent of the aged couple. (two_ absent :). thirty-twit grand-children and four great grand-ohlldren -fr.= generatlOns reprisentcd,ozeopi,:occasloni; Besides, this faultycrony,' therelveie Vi of invied &Este,. tnoatly-fittiO ther.f*Fatber+ land," nrimixiing some swo .Ituadiixi.faind. IV In nil: , Tne Golden•Wedding.was.rnosa Unfair • cortneeruerated,und Stm compan renJoyedSheul avISTA as only Guinean know kow.; „ :.'' ..I.6lrtou'Alriz.Y.!L'-..4:n affray; ' 41'44 Git.a Nek' core; Ch. an stibec, 'Alleo9ty, tin 13 .ti!!, :tirdaYniat, fy. whiai 'a' biesiir vamd illttai ' wae.teittruFly'. Ircpre.i. `lt, steiti's -aid - Attila , CAL Ittt.a.'a (I.lffitlltrwitb , ti Mitt niOausuirnsi 4 etortv stat .srmexalattryiwcads.-irens.u.letlortibul q the datti.r. picktd - ufti cbslrlindstnibtthmtiftLit , ,a;Tlciausrblpit otr.o4l; , bead; , .cart irlibtat • . wound, - Stemacber ImmsAirmly.kle4lkg.4 444.1 N. nil lhaiittat yet, beCZ.ltarited.'lDl4/ 13 rtmfatj. ~-:. thb3Ot. cu. '. tff : att :' i4 g *•'4d.-.in,:-g,,:- A lbs ir4 - mr. r;a ~ P r AN - FivFS .l ' 1 8010 % 1 e 001 1 4 /t l/04 AglA r l`, . 56 # : r.. .... , am :Ht . • .. si.—.Thir.avOmmtie ag •auti4tennik„. . ' I'M bilat ciliaq.orzwas. - . 4.9r,v*vmano tiot , 4 -4 4tAti41404Wk. ~.. pat. 1410741 t ,4 0 t 1 : I r t irVtait tdifortinaMpWilkitoteliatclii I, lide VVelf#liiifiiiiicticf ili*ii;ii.”' rtillr4 . : , liiiiiiifirsia:qtaiet TMl iiiititiolikt..ituf 4Cca :ki. liie3y4kft4dlrelreitii'V:Ciaoo4w.TtibmPits 4114 Iliandiesnsimailftor Merv:Mg idintrorot =ilk - Mg/IF/1 14 EILIIF"AtteI.4IOPIEterOW::O];T -, pi etatie.Anfoilaifiii,qo - d'T•'o ti( .iFFT4Avreelpwietwaqmid , in 0# ~._ vit , s ~, it, 0,, 04,71eyeR.701,07, • JA 10, 4-. - IT *PC. P . PsiA l l',. 4 tratio.ll:l y wks Aukatbisintit. %_ pr. litiolVild iefik nxitibiC,roiktetdineirtm .0 Aledeibb , farbitillieen:^ltrat kiia s Oze r kililit ."-kbettomittts44 tronillabortiVr OS: J l . !,;;.:,-;;•-•;:::-..- - ~,: :. : - '': , ..e.'.0.•, , i)...,- '. - .7..L. , ti T'r.*Tig.,,',,4:' F. Axdopt th e .Stara. _ `: .../1 - ti bigiiiiiisistirtlt iiiiiiiiiine it IS I Tin s 1 lar Aid' Illiiiiiisfice:. , Ltlui lisakiit Taint wtiozi matey Its apz.nnin tali thossontheast In the Cearly avian; ntddlntiliclficEPP*T the skr . to_tho ilaissivo ieo;o4ltii.kilaiartie lia *. '..4 l iiis to that of tie enttk:izifis ihp-,eviti kii tow newly between. Um ant: the can, I r B are idztra . . themes:est tcrldrio dot lift:ovne:o " ppromm; " 1 " /n this •Poe4not-hiselatuninated Mums- 'pliers Is timed most, pearly tewag a r JO _ _ ll° lr pumas his law/ u 4 .'.o b . - t - aPPear• ante., : .135 .the bid4ll3; Sit4l:47,spy. - glin ihnt .17E:et, km his tbOr taoons:coo!..ao-resa'-forildstit nearly a Stralstit Llino vlllClte:oec i ta. iir 'OD planet' at etiopy•glass to a'sool one the belts Can also be made ont. EMI, /flask WAS' woo, 'end soniewilitiatitax to the Strati; in the c on ; oteltatron Virgo, , li - Ban= liitb bls ring, The Pang Is veryslearly.broaEht out by a three foot • Deshlp'h4Cated Chal,rnplijii Ise; Mr' Ids'berilt it. the mouth of Run Bitqa few idled above Bridgeport on the river struck est sughtebot-Teill °fused in triads noraceof suiphuroszbe &WWI 'ether by a t em or ky combustion. le the Ammo coal 83 shit obtained by Bilisy, WciodwarCtt. it lAsitiel.'hatb. to z)tinptaand quantity- is it 4 ullec±zi,..ime! . better. ed. :This discovery win be intpLriant to the Btric magiirieimieror Wheeliiis andidchtliy. I audgoitteKeevir.-.Mot:alonsa ,ldelleextur, for s .cozabitorablet•period .-Assoctatis Jeidge., , of the. Cambial ..Conittot. Washington ~.ectinty;c a lsa. a& Its rcaldeucent West Middietork to Oak county., on Friday moralist; las. :Ile rat a ittaii§f Ins attiiiiniantkatia wee legit:arid 'ln - the' neighborhood *here he re sided:-:oWing to a Cataract tintetheyeroindge McKeever ha, - for . .ittiutt :Yr..rs . , tiirr y been - !a. ItAle - d.-01i*lisdaf, thus . .41tIt. bat:, it little eon of Tiennlstatterriltion d ensuing neaLriallliiinti.UwrviO - catialtr,was insfaiitly killed 'W* tikixm fcohi a WagoiL•the `horserhavircrtui away. The father of the boy Wall in the wagon at the ;bit; pII-vrisk: 1366=4 hurt. _One of theluersenhaiLaleg. broken and was sto!the next day. 1 . -. h zr oo ftaa te. c:L E, Th u z bei ontrt.-- g Iflcle tt. ga d n red, lhaftr.. lo. command of Lieut. • CoL Bogby, errlvedln thIA citron Saturday evening. Wocompatlea ware composed of Indiann. ,Tho fegimentoraa aab sistad at City flail. after wig, ck.lt.doll thervreatera train. - ' Consolldation.--The LawTonec Itsamid end Traisportation Companies ofTettni(yledila lad Oido.base been consolidated. , Their road Which, Is now in process or .construeilon, Is to extend from New 'Castle to Yonnzuweli: . opening a tbrongh routs from the latter Once to.Pittsburgit. . . . . H me Again.—Capt. Hiram Calloi4 Qum , termaster of - the Eighty-Second, boa bee:emits tend.eut of serTice, and arrl§ed L 3 tha ellyyna terday, looking in bealtb. Ina a loht of fticaole, wbo hill be pleased to'ettand blithe band of welcome. liilltary.:—Capt. Albert Mebel day aMlaccett command of tbeTostofrittalvargb. and the company doing m u.o!,;t dnty at relieved by a company of the IS6th regi Oil Indieutor:—A Louisville firm., that they have an lustrumexteh , VI:- cation of oil can Do surely istertainA and its use will save a great deal of tailless lorlak.- Thomas Clary,-an emplor6 the '.krio PhArburgh railroad, was•rourA *opted at Pu laski a few days ago. Ilia death was caused by drookezneas. A Pew Beat Boule.—Tii ticdlne Club of this city are taw building a.trizutullThent bciat house; the cabin of which wiTheost about 6500.1 Argument Week.=-The Court of Common Pleas will Open this morning, and the argument list be taken up. Ciritizirs J. Fe trlatNlZa is Otifil a edit through anent hie friends, danying thdt, while actintas out'llinisier,to France during the .first days of the rebellion ; he aided the rebel mime In any way, and affirming that he Bever` was offered and neverined any civil, political or diplomat ic any kind made, the confederate government, and none ;under . . the rebel State goveminent of Virginia; thono he accepted for a few months, in tha :winter of 1863, a position on Sionew.ll Jackson's staff, perform an act of ptivato Trientelttp • OBEW—On Saturday, Jul*" 2th, at Loretta .1131M1',..accotC1 ion of A: Y. and Maggio M'firew, 'aged oh:stoma mouths. •The funeral will proofed Crain the Tableau:. of ,tabu liDttroweabcerratory Slit, rain (lllndidaY) arrersoon, at fooe decoct Dierlager willlcteu the Diamond, Alla zheray,nt three o'clock'. Prfehd of the family are lidrited to ahead. • • EJlY.PliEftt—thu.Frtday morning. July 23th. 4 at lii o'clock, Dlr. ANN SH.ERVETID; aged eighty. three yews. • XEiY` dD v'~tiTIBE.I~EJI'TB. BARGAINS I BARGAWS I `. • BOOTS AND; SHOES LESS THA' :COST Closing ;Con.t., SUMMER G'OODS, Concert Hall S4oe Store, i4: - 11ii..,' - ,'::.,i, lIIEMIZ=MIi - ENOUGH , TOR RACH.47. Dr;!;' ....^ 'slr/OUCH FOR' ALII.-- ' • ''• ,-71[CUGII 1118-PR Eliik &lON 41.)V - . ausailtf FattiTid ts 44 - .1t voa t io r if, . al” InATAst , &W44.AIP3I.I.T;i Pli , a • f ..ar,i3T Si rZIVIWAt.PJLFAIc iiit* (l,l 4 2. CS AVYL titieititiatt* Auloriawzac k aza r torat:l, .64'1 -K11111.4) r, i . . 1 , 4•3 1,4,41 11^.:'.?.. 'f4f ,1 It Ir. COliik*q t TN. - tzr -VF r ,;_66 : 1..6.417: - raw . ;"..113:5.friluprlvw;:,37,:zfr: MEMO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers