rM • In . .. ~. ' ~ .. ~.t.„:„,...;_e_:„.,..„ , ilaratit 4,ll.".tita:P 1865. ' 3 931 L Clanffriligna: 4 . l i t . ' 7 • • • • flastsricr.tailtinstri - risvrofilikiN f , J *at 1111711:131G '0,1,7. -Pau . :.-,. c,t,,,,ecys. 4gra.ftYwesis nt ..r. Ali; tatil oi "''. 1.6 1 V) 8 34 -71iM641 4 . 4 ~,,`;," II IL intiCiindlat . ~; , l aximarszaLas,ritlinegaerA . -.1 ,, t ' - k ,;,..! WWI llMUrn it. l 2pptzb.c.lllAlt. .; 124 • a , .. .. ~... ...,..,. .. lu .a. ,i, oPElrugfivA77..4. 1 , , • • _'' Z(41:1 49NA.1144tAMTI OtlialeCt . Z . ... ' Tid YOB COMM airy's:oak, '3l. L. -:B:7**4 311:=,4- ..;s:4O I Sii.cif•ASEI;P; cluitd6ielt. • , 117/110N STAna' CONVENVION4 " :- AMltstirtionwstan na'Eceld skTinmsDAT, Inn AVOTIS'Filala, 12 • tif far lhe p dr • tandabss VOlodk., 0 /5 10111 . 031 4 , , " WU Malan ed, mApp,A14 . 4 • 67 •La Meads st 14 . 61 t 14' Oa *ant giaaniaindrialonsiot • laid people mina& In gnat 'MUM, An lead Ana•Elale the • hwarithlalrala nosadairdsnonneed ass Latta • Ma. • ' ` g Al" %as salnlaUted-sla essays de. " slazonrearain. Oat nrearral, and penda re XAt trirla lap rum IA W! v uvell al s -', 40 =watt to IN repreg.o.l ti that .i,RlKkenuell• Vrea a l sai'to is that um trilo of our -sioSisi saittiosf to the tratio4 Pillapalseitvairt insportaires wilt be presented for . • dasd every district to ' the 'State atones boo repnwented. BA" Cider of the ttiion ctAxtria aqmgatee., • = innos mita MN. CDs•iris*. A. W. risruDirr, I • 'Wads , ?dainty . , 4 socreuptias. THE FLOUR P.MC. The - stellar' Tile of aboat two dollars a ; blitOPl,flour; Net doe orpne or thy 0403% harvests with which the .country - :was ever blessed, la one of thone freaks of . (ride dlftlcelt to acecnint - It ~ la, not, tlifficult to underehuld how holden . and ; oeapators ehouldgat axaggaietal :abbot the damage done to the wheat `liy.t 'elate coptotte sltowete, bat the marvel Aii:thai time stories should receive so much Credence net , roma grain has been ilam ..7*rts *Orel lineation; but that tha ag- - -Areiratequantlty will be much dinuniehed, or ' the qiiality seriously deteriorated, ilte do not believe. The mine of course gave Canal& arable Writ lobar to tholarmet% 1 140 be ziot.aptqllgaziiivi' thane was mu& hmadane.'-Yesterday the weather *as all that centid be desired; and -illrota appearances wejtidge that all the grain :cari , hti got in before' any more rain fella. 1 . .40- 6 0 ) . 4044 Rzedixig rapidly Chicago. THE `INVEXICAIiI QtlEsnos .We observe with 'regret a . grong risk of our drifting into war with the Mexican Em pire and ciusietittently With Franco. • A. dia l. position:ls shown among certain .adventer ,,headstrong politicians, and, which z:/!;Qtl3:l4Vexpotßeat, among oar officers on the Rio Grande, to purposely provoke Scot .. ROorelvieb,ranyvolve the nation in war. trorwar to originate in this way mould be an, irlo.l,ro)eeelel*tY• -must, be trfigeir behta of title ugh • •Latermationsi , minciPlea which have :been • tithiei reg L g 4 k t u fpi independent ty which ma sought Oho Mashed, and not , b4X2llBl3•Asoitier worthistrATelloWs have pro ' 'irbkid' liij ivies fer'plppitoa Mnvenge. _ It is areeshai-thangh h • .t fides may coin- Irene° In petty:quarrels, they may yet be ;elevated to the eharacter it contest ter them a , eec -, °Easy consideratitivrwhere they ahead lie the firer otte: The sale Oue 0: 1 0 1 :*11,the:40.4 2 . diArPageO mexico. port this questianamithisakme cam vre enter inte theremnestrtrifb di '` ty ••• - ' - linr - ttiriartillibiltiettpfedlfintlio be 'ha* 411;• eldli "vizai-iris to progress, our government wisely abstained. from foreign wars, and for a like reason they should be avoided until the country has more fully recovered from its losses and exhaustion and Its do. mastic disittindatia!-;larti more 'thbr ou,ghlY overcome. We trust that the 'ad. mixdrdantion will make haste slowly in this =tier. It hacnot committed itself, and a under no obligati - 61a to c sheep the French posseslion of Mexico, until the country IS prepared to render effectual support to its • .11irLaPiFpn. enforceitt demands . ilothlng C. A .siMi btiffdsChy des I•earpnr• ate our strength, tho Empire becomes snore detested by the people of Mexico and more,onenkust to gnu:ff. „ Pro)ably,lt may fall ofilrielf..; ittiall everts the 'Ob,tuiees are that contlnuencies will arise which wilt dis. enable the French Emperor to render misc. teal assistance to his confrere, when a mere demonstration of - our forces would send Maximilian flying. There Is luck in leis, are, and In this case the saying is peculiarly aPP .qtlr „ ; THE'AILARTIC TELEGRAPH IV rile time, cadet probably, the teak of 1.126 great Eastern la more than half aceompllatiedi Eke pribrearge ot_the 'criblelotcsir re easy I expect her ILMTah on the Aneerieaolliovia • ss - at the last of this week. Tont the line will be fraceessfally laid we have but little doubt. That tench was ecomplisluad . with the other cable, which was much weakerend more liable to pc: cidents than the present one. That message* will be sent through, if the cable be anccessfallY laid, IS almost curtail._ The pint about which , soy cable in worklag order. Its greater sue and strength and perfection of inaniation almost Blame It a mach longer life than the • formerAtioutio Telegraple, through ;Oath more than f r etntilhOtuandvirordir viwre, Pint before it gave out. But matt lines of, ocean telegraph tease working at Pines and have to be taken up • ger repairs, to do which to Impossible with - tee: one across the Atlantic. \ Any defect In ii Is Irreparable. The probability of each an oc 4 , (Terence we think is very considerable. At thiai _gime PrOlitica of °con telegraph,_the Postal fiarllne and that ;Brun BaSlßetbldlakid 44114 mainland, have ceased operating and muketwi overhauled.. The Mesa potent cane of the dei atractkos of 'sub marine -cables seems to be thd direct - action oltire• IVatiltheinteela•i It I ItnVoistbie - te Maim th• irradiation absolutely- perfect, and wherever tbd clectrielt,y men through itj tendato flecotnpoor Llke4itthar Orguideaubi stances, the gnus ;mocha with which Put wire Is coated . •more to tabu 'from this action than glass Insulators{ 4,7!,}90 4eddei twoppnodiskoseur toil_ti 41 the 004; l Uwe will be another generated by the coypu' and I+oll-yOnea- .If ilia 4Ni! , ,.-w4tejt re o peret constairstinci"alligi6 gam* sielt of groo 14 •", length, and tend to Increase the risk. Yet n or _ eslerYdriiiief4iiilleitiettcite Itelt , tivalii4 cam and thq_er4_remelysmal.ppwer of /ha say widelki•eait liae lialsractoryslv ... 00klikey Oat tyekaowee logre 10:=:. 4 95441/111642 eetb*ode— thi eablettow otr L litill n aWCO PO 4,,c.iiPi 4 4 444. ~ z w ooeflosts taxon wittortdolotlog empty no • their Omens la 500 =SUM instinct, the cltlie344 o3 lborproPoop sl37,¢tekotylte . Too New fork noto utterly dlecrolltethere . port of thistrdvatecitteebd Malmo troops bay • tog been - seat to. Hata:no** to - atzteb the equa, sulagtelAketfta thAiiiitintefin; me glebe good moons for Ito disbelief - :. .. ‘7'.):... I lAreento thrieeeiS Ici6eittatonagon, Lake Bupe2ior, aye children were drowned. rI • --_-/ Iv-R. -ft,- w _„, ____ _____ ly F 3 Nr iv 1r . * -- 4 4 r '‘N _ e. 4 - asmarE' arc Elitttiti *AIM A:,A• af* arastmilis a Denounced—Santa Anna Ready . to Bight fer the Rerthilt,..&c. , ;..Attonio Lopez de Haut a Ants, well-de g citizen of the country, and General of Mahon of tho-Nationai--kraderof ice,to blaetufnlmiern r • r ..Mimnatal Ma who-has always address ,eiszrov, on maim= occadousi whether We* 5014 to yow hlapolltical conduct, or to give Jtkladifo-0.9r, 19 offer you,his *Togle tbo tame Who now &hie froth you the rest: isrvalmanar and attebtioU, order kat yotanay Wen te- hate each tnota. rePeah to-foil • llann -the heart. .I have neverde mend yew, be came. truth has always teen rel !hi% the reOPeet, ' Which, In all Octal and un der - 4drcirmunstantes I have paid the ma jority Of the people, imposett Neon can the duty td impress upon ytorthat which you I hate , lready read' in toy manifeato, issued at Veraßrtis on the2lth Of INbrzery, 1864. I . adhered to the slate= of Government which ap pe ared be We/4mA by a can - Addable, majed in obedience to the Pin' 440 which I professed, based upon sub- Eafseijsm to the National will, under the nonviridon that the Mexicans were those who, exercising •their civil emalpotehoe, bad given themselves new institutions, and were, tiling tO find the way to conciliate orde%With liberty. Bat what a painful error From this hospitable island I con. u mr , template w ith ft,n e ag indignation the Scaffold which the tyranny of a nserplug people, are raising in blip beloved country to stain it with the blood Of oar taothera, awl for the destruction of our people. From this island I have contemplated also, with pride, your strqggle for.life with the Mvidere of yea wiggly; the seldom called forth by the interiention, and the trumpet of the free.hat mademy heart pal pitate with joy, as in the piny days in which we combated together In defence of our firesides and our outraged...tights. The popes Of those who sought in nic e r the repose Which the Re bite d them have been disappointed; the Na al dig nity hes been contemned; yastice derided; -our holy rights trodden under foot;thectiht enslaved; prostitution elevated and virtue vet ad; the sanctuary draped In moarnikg, and the Church afflicted with tribal:44m Terror is seated upon the scaffold, li l ld t; ishing over the patriots the knith of e r teination, War to the invaders. l Li or death should be the cry of every q uota bosom which honor hag her 0 , Independence her altar, and liberty r rites, We thought that the Archduke Maxi4tll - Anstrha, would restore to us peace, and ho has been the new element of dis cord; that with wise laws he would enrich our treasury, and he has verished It in an incredible manner; that • e would hrbeg us happlitesa, and the misfortunes are Man• merable which In so short a time he has heaped upon the mina of arum:lobed Mez• Ico: that, in fine, he would be consistent in his principles and promises and he accept ed the viewsof President Juarez in all'that related to-reform; at the same time that h pereectites him and gives him war to the knife. European adventurers formed his guard of honor. The Yraech bayonets am the foundation of his titnine, andin the mean time so many see themeelves condemned to oblivion , to the contempt Of the veterans of independence once the glory ofour natiob, and now objects of derision . and mockery for the foreign soldiery, Such kistato can not be tolerated any longer, The hour has come hi Which we shinild exterminate from the sacred soil of Ili fine, the farcical rab ble-who profane the ;land with their feet, and 1i3601t, as with their presence. Menge and conservatives, fOrget our frr.tricitial contentions and advance to the rescue I Let us unite togeth it against the common enemy ! One banner covers at, the flag of liberty I One thought alone ant. Mates us, that of war and death to the in vaders who destroy our towns and cities, and behead our brothers. Eternal execra tion to the tyrants of our country I Campatrlots, lf, en reading my manifesto titian year your attention should be arrest ed by tub expression that "the last word of my' console= and of my ;nvictions is 1. constitutional reortarthy," re r that I also said on the.eame oecrialcute , " am not an enemy of democracy, but of xce.sses,' end above elide not forget . was the founder of the Republic. A. people is free whatever be their form of government, when the heed of the nation forgets that he Is human... List him remember only that be is the organic law. This, my toilet, was also yowl, when the Republic Was ,chauged.tO an empire. • — lnd we have been adokatert. The Vance whom yon cheese Ls not the organ of the Jaw, bat the waiver of.our ,rightia. fler is not the defendernfmational 'independence, for if he, were, he world not cede Sonora. ,fie. Janet the sovereign of the nation, but thehutuble Vassal of a foreign potentate., In order to inspire grEater coeddence In llie 'new form of government which ru hive just adopted, and to carry -to the throne for your benefit the advim of ezper. knee,' weatto Vera Cruz, to meet the pzu claimed Emperor, disposed to' give him without reserveall my support; but his ar. button:mini and discourtesy closed the doer* of my conntry ninon me. The . decree or 14 rimildon was' written in a langiage which oar.feirefathers did not sptiak. • I One yohn au cXliTaxisScro- The Pol l e journals ofthe capital, published my rimer. eition of the French Intervention. - Thl3 tv4 of mine did not originate front ray ow* will, ant was imposerittponsae by the fort of tarcusastaticea . Scarcely did'theatearner that condcomed me anchor In 'part ere a French coo:Man. der presented himself 'before me on boSid the vessel, as the Chief Superior of Vers Cruz and made known to me that 2 sniiild not be allowed to land, hut, on the contra. ry, he-should oblige me to return same vessel if did ,not immediately corn , ply wi h the conditions , which he presented to rue written in ''French.: These' condi. thins, Which, boWever, did not liberate-me from the annoyances to which L Wasesposi ed. . All this proves that-the intervention could not be supported without, mistrust of the prt Bence of the soldier, who had always de. tended with energy the rights of , his coon. try, buinbling , en various occasions the flag of the haughty potentatee, end meltie their so called invincible legions bow hodel the yohe of 4etreracy. ; bfy'fitebds„inddresstng'you to-day, dm only inspired With the' delft° for ,you Mipplutas end the g;ory,Of Lleico I'a a-1 worthy, sentiment* dictate my words. Lave - shed some *pact my blood In yon defence ‘ mmdl mroalti shed it: all, were it r.rceasary, fighting to yourormiesi itnottt yoaxchief,•then as a private Beadier.. lath meantime- while circumstances prevent me from joining your ranks, I With you tq know the seuhrnenis with which I am ant. mated. "Cardpatrietel on the memorable second of December, 1822, I adopted as my mottcl these words— "Dorm saM Me Empire Mee Me Reputillci , " [AO4 a el Imperial -.Vice to RepuNisa/"] • And now, from the fowd.gn soil upon which lam exiled, I repeat that motto with the mine entbuksam. • • , . A. Ir. Da BANTA ANNA. .15T. Thomas; July 8, 18811 • Cili;Bimupe aII. Enra.CouirrY Ondo.—+ ~Frain Kr. If. 11; •Otillnian, we learn that a fine -rein of oil was much day,,, before yew terday at Vermillion, in this county, et.: L depth of six hundred end twenty-one- feel from the surface. : 'robing was immedistei ly inserted and the pump set to work' in the space of twelve hours they pumpe eight 'barrels .er the best , lubricating and ,quantity seemed to 1,-.,ioncantiy,ixo :auelltsg. We examined a , sample of ihrt 401.1-andleel safe in , pronouncing it a very :fine article Excitement runs high •An, thd neighborhood, and in less than s; month a (Mien 'other wells Will • bp'uorittnenced-7 ' pe„m:afer.. r ' ' • -•-' • , ', l * Fte'ldnxi " ri S"r,-""e"-,--- .1-17 4 61 .° O tt i iil3:/° . 418 turs.,040.JACts2,04r 111 0,' , 74," sal 6 neasislty' 'onto tbui9det 1y0r,5 , ?4 1 - "Fir itioa 3efOimil , 4.4 . -vamp , . ~., , *l4' ttewsitekit'Wortesir, Ur rOksoY-11., tt lictm....4,o::eutt,, t iitnectoth , bt: .1 Q ' *at ti rliVßAT i l td:vi i ku - A ' i ble4 Ai. mriat: -6 10. 4 , - 14, i 4 . , ,, * 41,;,11r46 * ll,l4 xolegoirEPP•-i-ni i ii 1 4t44 Nfaaltimumiaespiormg)ympay . Jn one • •cttrillii.costkii esbonationa,nin , I caubjectx c ' , Time, , shilevit,,mB73lintrds , others, is westing-away, Goats advissasise promptifg - Inro - , ". %Volt , celtlWtnid' 'John' tidked AIKV4th , b 119Y 4# 1 0 1 0 11 1ii, - pr Oa 31944% lF l ' n '3* trr 0Y g % :to, ,t , 11 5 , ,40.4 4 Pin tit r l • tuid . /WIMIWAPI , go 09Pontata luau!, back of tholteschAlut blur Oylog-loco unmet) of Ids wound OH Monday. Th murderer is in custody. ' 'V? t: 4 I WS ITEms !.. r.t : _ PATE= O'RETLEY, Catholic priest at Fenian Brotherhood In the !severest terms, and assured his flock that any of them who . Joined it should not only be excommunics; • • • • • 4 .. •• • rChtyliliffrli; — • "irj , thlsTiittiellerbittel.`" 7rifitliskisthallikmot Piet haae.er been trittOit neetian; ;‘ f:ll liancock nounty,lllinbli; last will . 11 Y- Farwell ittitbet section .report that every stock of corn has been oat, a, as it try bullets. and thatthergrapocropbentieciruinad , For trmately the worm . did trot extend ever a yery ism section. = , • Xiskuratii binfittt‘ii i bilibitlan, Wend with-&tal testate RO one or:Rite compet• Ia anhiale, came often, the road between it ngsinn and &Renville; N. Y. TI11) , dis tance was 28 miles, and one of the horses dropped dead while on return, having made the trip out In lees then three, bourn Tux Vadat object of ex.rebel, Gen. Dick Taylor, in visiting Washington, is to importune Um , President for an interview with Jeff.. Aerie. He seems exceedkurly exereleed about the desired Interview with Mr. Davis, but what hie particular 'motives are Miming him no one can semis% ' THE rebel General Kirby Smith aid tetr. ty were captured by the, Governor of Sal. tllln.(Mexico) •at Piedras Negros, on the 4th hastant, and with gene four estinett• nine hundred rides, and seventy-five wagon loads of ammunition and provisions. The captives were released on parole. Banana asked the advice of his friends as to continuing in btudneas after his Museum was burned. Among others be caked Some Greeley, who replied: "Take the rest of your life easy; go fishing. been wanting to go flatting far thirty years, and haventtlusla chance yet." Pnovnuorraz Hoveravon Penn; of South Oarollni;luciasketTleneral Howard, of the Freedmen% Diode for Instructions to regulate the mire 001 w Treetitnen in that State, which Itirintends 133 do in con formity theloyey or e,Government. A. T.' ElT's'lrlivr: elite* Tole, is build ing a residespe 1.0 - COBt at present, estimates $42 . .(l9,PW,AMagit IVA qpicted roe up to a higher fign?.. - To. secure a alte . for this struettrre,lie teaming &rem one of the finest restdenees en Fifth avenue. • nig express train on the Little Miami railroad; from Cincinnati; Friday morning, ran into two platform cars, freighted with railroad iron, standing on the main track seas rnalilllON smashing laaangillea and killing Samuel Raper, the firemen. Ittaton RODIUS has been relieved of his command of the United States Arsenal at Watertown, Vass. and Major rinsgsbury is to succeed him. The citizens of Water town twee held a town meeting protesting against the change. An insane man named Stocking shot and instantly killed a citizen of Syracuse named S. Roberts, and wounded a soldier In the arm an the steamer Annie Johnson, while on her way from La Crosse to St. Paul, on Thursday. Tint leading merchants and alayetraders of Cuba, am seeking an order from the Spanish Goverzanen; toecap Muslim trade and permit African colonization on that Wand. They wish to bring in 3,000 at once. PAULLNZ, the youngest daughter of Mr. P. T. Barnum, the showman, was seriously injured In Fairfield. Connecticut, on Satur day, by being thrown from her horse. But little hope is entertained of her recovery. Tunas is a report Crain Richmond that General Terry has leaned an order declar ing Sic recent alectiona in that city null and void, and prohibiting the candidates elected from exemising their functions. Bretton Parma, of New York, has ad dressed an invitation to the SOuthern rips of the Episcopal Church, to participate on equal terms in the approaching National Episcopal Convention. , A PArsi.shooting errs) , occurred at Has tings, Minnesota, on Sunday night, 'between two brothers named John and Charles Gol den. John was instanUy killed. Bad whliiky wee at the bottom df It. TIIs disease which bad caused losses of stock, la Crittenden county, and other por tions of Arkansas seemed to be on the ViSae- Tie losses of stock, especially hogs, hay e Lein very' great. TEM garrison at Memphis, 5,000 strong, is to be brdkon up into scattered rivals for the preservation 'of order and intidatiOn of the disloyal in Tennessee. A - DiVriorr dispatch reports the sudden, -and as is feared,. fatal illness of Gov. Crapo, litieltigan, at Marquetry on Lake Saperitm Nsblie era strarbertour. ' -Galt. Dan. SICSLES, .latnea T. ) 3 ettdYt John Van Buren and Fernando Wood are mentioned among the =Mantes for the next Mayor of. New York. Tot Roosac Tunnel is now being bored at, the rate of sixty, feet pet Month, but new mactineriritta theWghtNlll multiply . this ra:.e, three or Imo ; tit*. Tire ermai tolls. of -New York for May and -Jane amounted -to $BOl,OOO, being f4EO I GO9 less than the receipts for the earns 'mOtithe last year. • . Tim Congrembinal contest in tlio 'Nash rube District .Las been narrowed down to Campbell .ami Carter, theother candidates baying witbdrawn. Durdir e m 'Ritmo and six o[ Lie twelve Apostles have been in king stump Speeches fn favor of Wm, B. Hooper for delegate to Congress. Air extraordinary gale prevailed at D. trolt on Tuesda• doing much damage to rbipptng, destroying trees, fencer and grotak lug-crops. . TiiF. taxes .isteased on.mmOlgacturers In raodelphie ammo:lt to, 80,765,054, repro. coating an. estimated gro4s Tralcieof $163;- 149,112. GttrAT preparations are In prowess ro grand meeting of the merchants of the' West and Northwest, at Nt. Loots, early b Oc to• ALL the street railways running beyond the corporate limits of St. Loale arc about to tan ettni try steam. Scrtit loi s Pa., the Emil trtfle at grog cut Id tauter dnll but all the zullis und fur. auces up 3 us work. Als extensive swindle of $lllO,OOO is re porte d Orteapa by se Operator whO got tilftlf Sway. - ttri r rresiderdlas revolted the appoint tnebt of Colonel Webster Collector for • Baltimore. Two youngg - ladiet Were drowned Quincy, liass.,'Lwit week, while I h Whin Eissow fell In' Washingten. Misstrmi , oa the , lBth instant'; • -I • Arz TIP 40 irks * l 4 ,szvtiwri'ilf• flan. tr-rib bluiebill°'ll4l?24tiloutabirletting. .. , i ,s e . lUk t and , 7; ‘ A . '‘f ll ' o ' tat rr j./.:vrt:4.,"kn pplA frfl. R Ali d oplL th.i9rgi toti*tiloWitioaAatia,aadtot taus • whoteistriOnt Statioir the 1414 , 1 e Rabbet D r pte, pt, ;) 'J{• 1. : J. it 11...PU1 LJAPSi bet, axe IP 41. OlAir umeL WINDOW I+EADE9 • of all stytes end wsor. AtiO t It nal 4 /I,I O OYO 04 and, - 4Lid far lisWbr "i ' froietil 4na mac stua NIVESSAL OVOTHESWRINO Si s, tkrudmi plum; abe s st win Far to ae - nol t u artitraterrpr t , trAl7.l'l MM=2= HELTINQ I .118LTING I--Lewhar I.dia h 'Aber Belting; elan, PaaltlBll,. al . 8 &Wads, Lace L umen tufil Root* Of tee rennin,. A full stuck Aliestul oft Axial sc . :toe we ano 28 lat. tllair itC4l4,-by • • • . • 4/ • • 4.•41A, fiTh CLOTHS I :Oita CLOTHS t— , B;al ilatos, Taulesiltothatan, Wilda wi Ate et *II widths 111 1.1PstiAmN AiarpatNak Dl haqut,si4 ,ter recluall pOspihij, Atup 1 01 ‘9Aq l P 64' 0 1 7:♦u mittaPs; Djytt. , • TT4 laud its SIJ Walt Omit. BALE, dir 8x,c4.4.W -- 14 -- T A 5t - 0 OUD OIL STOOK. —a S 4 / 1 9" itatbut,""aill Irak cylind•ZZO ptrokfßowe. ally , ton, feet .1001 . tf. Alll la trod rub *rig:Order. •,, Ifr fie . "`" - ' 4 " -) Thig ir trett'gki, •L t j3UBB HICSIErSii7A9H / 11019 g.gittlaW4, Wilda Alll7ll tl i g i Uratit=r i s T rikrert g r minute &a." OnMell 4.104 1:4 o 1 n.. 11 11 a e 4, j it , 10•1 i7 ls 44 . AAA `r.f s FU:11 Y "' 77 4 71,7 7 :7.47157:111r .1./11; .ITbstitor NOUNTE %I WO* WI lasidrioarase on thavastaufladascrpardrild absosassor , wit um /us or asassobta at fts tartdasstaisits'rotra do and rayed* to ass, No. SO VABHlrrarort ESL ),seat BOB= SOLI, at* uAIITED.—HOMES AND PLACES MLA AWL - Ire to Sixteen Years, wheat moral training awn lona aunt, we wlll werrnat Al= wErtlkilvflw owicatzcv*rlaelv t llrechiageo 0 /' ere. of th em nave no parenta living, or persona -oho -• Monolith:op, will &stereo" so to made al Ow Office of THE 'HMIS OF MiErtiot, iysiesTx Ito. 67 Fourti street. BATES &.BELVB-. Shirt Front.: Balawn/ Martel . • /INVti• Shetland Slut wiz j fai Intreet. • OR BAILF4.-A. CO UNTRX R about Flamm Ames, under • good at 4e of cultivation. highly Improved and unditiald , wlMl coal twisting tut-the o/4 a, pptkf le+out three mile* Irma /once Ilituy,na Which Ihlo , ereeMll-rie,V Tread Gottageonf 431 x 'Rooklid and Penult,* Pdablecd othmmeceitaar7Outbull There lawA tu anxiety F 4 MI, eolua•Mag of nlet ' , Plana, Nacho, Terme easy. Apply lathe Edisto and Inmranoe rifilvo of Bars & BISLL'Ef-- NEW DRY GOODS, Now Opening, IVO rt PIPTH EftMfr. F OR 13111,R*A FARM OF FORTY. - FIRE magus, us2dar 'good ivaprevestentn; ha.a vatiiity of Print; abdut Twenty-Ere Aorta of Coal, arfus tour tbonvein. .The iniproreavints 41.1111; 44 - ‘0•40/ 0 F 0414 Rom, of E4annl, Stabla, - Spring du. ha. PlenitangT shunted on tha apt Dani 6" Unto rilmt,4ol , o, / 1 18 h, TWO lastly-lbw mEUft likeheitaf, Beaver meaty, eptoo likad StitiON Ne the Illeintand ihrtket InfocazDas apply -al the .11•614:6. lea na4.inunso• Maio! . 'l3. D. 136.1124. • Jytl - Batter n1A611, - Ln6r6thosvilla, Pa. BARON LIERRIV. NtmrarrE Foot+, iiisaurrs Arai u(vezuls. per 'vada t & hieetettsail highly be/Mitten, Iteve or Glatt far :children d•prlved or the nother.s entilrotexl Invalids of ill ages. FUU iiketaloas 012 flea package. Far sale at the OENTSM. DRUG STORE, censer el Ohto sad Federal streets, In the 21141,01 411leshany. OEORGE A. KELLY `OMB ONE, COME ALL t GEBTLENEN'S FURNISHING STORE. Nos. 18 and 15 St• ()lair St. The aMentiort of the public Is eaNed to the kulso and sitanalva hock of GENTLEMEN'S FUR, - N/SILIY/0 GOODS, inn opened at the above. mentioned plus", which i am now offering 66 great bargains. Any one to want of the above Goode, oils find it to their advantage to Ova me • call, and smicalne my stook before pkielossing else where. They can find thalweg% net best Weeded meek of Floe Indus Shirtaiexwa sizes, Neater'. Skirts, Woolen, Uotton aod List. Thread Under shirts and Drawers, naafis. Neck Ties, dock., due p.ade,•, Butte-NW., sod sensitising jeactidil-S to the Oentlemen'a Tarnishing Goode, In the city. Remember the ylmm, Rand US St. Vicar .heel. SAMUEL LEVIN. N. B. A large stock of Rata, Cepa, Gr. je 001. Jars, Lockwood's, Universal, Byron'. Emmided and Nateas il. b - Masnalls Tat— LEGAL JOURNAL, BEAL ESTATE AND 111911tifiCH REPORTER. NEW Ultra, O. 1-VOL. L DLCIBION OP JUDGE AGNEW, on th. 1301124T1 TAX LAW, Specs se. The School ny'retore. Illarteas and emu. Togetbar of 1.11 tha DISSENT/EG orutioN OF JUDGE THODIPSoif. $3 CO per annum. JOIN P. NOBT, Publisher, 7529 ca rirrEr. sr., ZILSOITIO HALL NOTICE TO VONTRACTOREI--PRO POSALS are Stetted arm soil ha thrived og the Committee oa S‘riellont thecttirrt AtleAtteet until WEDAE.SDAY, the 2d of Aostig for the 0nk41.4 and Peeing of Merlin street, from en* to Sawed street, to. ether vrith the maim* o.tsione and whiserelk. Ateotor tb•Orettitroo4 ► l e -citt i o: 4 l2ar, .t,r,fifjo...ll.lLoble..o Aiw = t ir Soot or ITltterso o n et y, to Me First Word, tocolj north from Rebate street. Ws* (Or the repalting of the rawer at newt Strset Bridge,: together. with the sip tap gutter, own. Lo the deer. Popo:eats Wit. be iambi tothecohLreetcui ea tut aseho money L. collected off the property nolderc. Proatalt to be gelled set betrwith S. & FRANCIS, Control. lir t A. HOBSON, 802,00 Clommisatoorir, or JOHN Onsirman er.Clom mutts,. isIOMI T)ETtOLIA MACHINE WORn.S.-, B. Et LECE.T. litsAutiontaret of OM Cs*. braten Pst.atr improved OIL WELL TOOLS. F A Pl3old PoBl' AND 'ISIWLITING DKAIII DIDNIS,and all PLTTILID.Wit USED LI SINFL INir OIL ANL SALT. WEIL,LS, Nos-s 1 and 21 rlllO PT RELY', on the upper tout, of the glut. ebtstar Paimenyer Railway. P 0. Address,Soi W., ALLSONEN T, P. PartiaWar attention W Invited, to At. into Du provamonta -to Jana seal Joints. all Made of tee purest Bilge end Low Woe Iron, kammered oz. mew, for Own, AU pacts Warranted and rank to wands/ad dial t the tAns sad snatch of any one art allln. any after of his manufacture Wring the IMO UMW. Steam Plonsfurd ateVl Work made ``o t d. WO Uri Pl 6 pnblla to I sod macular, d pap for - tnetaselem f sod we eriL etuallenf• ' Or rf•arminnartatilp lid compact. Dom hod OarnandOtrauisr.... iv/maxis STiike ID ilitTfavratiMoltiffig, WILBJ3 OA LL. Tba Rankers 444.Brokdra Basal:wilds oulaytel Uolll.l . 4towiti,l • RATES OF COMMISSION •.,I,lll.6lgovirded Iltaretp 6 11 13 thl4 dIP• 0wi144,144 IP q nay dtpar, doud. mu* dn. dd. wad op to Ita, I ker od2 f . do. a r r. . 123 do. 111.2, Marr. do ds 41da sad ovary ol 1 pdx vent. N W: 4 ILOC , BIIII—ThEI , tu dere:gaud has ENTIRELY NEW -STORE • • of fttlltjnod•W ELL.NEltrogra ReocrElLlNg In tnelr PHEW STORE. In addltlow to other noir. eitter:thoy would cad Wootton to these stoat di Lemma BRASS SOUND CEDAR .WARE. IM!Elii! • f„e4MARKLT STREET. . J.W.CAII/S/1114.3 vt, zti Bohr& AND szto*s. - Bowed, Awed and reigged (toots, Sboeb mint 144 'mutely. In? Liulen, Gents, Dots, Watts, 'Milted nun Chtlaren. 'rub •adatose ire .ntatt• every vretk t• out *pa, ••4 I•bakokil kquil• amd (Lull% tiepin:ter la oto syst.ela of Belllng. Prkmut Autu careful xttor• Uoo pima to ordure. 'Mich% D R. 1.. L. M.o.H.E.E, 0, . . , ,014. t. Dte,attetttlop entire') to tba Prnatlss or Inanition, ant will promptly attend to el calla In lin plotesstOn, Parand neyht. Orritra: N ft SEVrßill STRBET, Plttaburgb, Pa. .ruama■ae Num & Engles' Patent Pocket Boole,. Wry neat. and dealiablei all-1a one ptecey no tamer of tearfog, or eomlrlx apart. • k whuhaale ant retall t at 3. Cf. - LACIER'S Variety daff 'ry Stare, tot :dar o ks% etrret, C1011%0[4E211 firilec, ActudikiLlCTOUlll2o.. UM. c:FACED PROPOSALS (stldressed tO lho Clocuroittee oa filreroto) will NI rOOO vod a Ibis °Moe, uttAi Tkil/1031 AY, A.utEu4 1866, I cluFyar, fdt . Mil:baking Out trod (PALM tor th - Ohl .1 1 4 44"4" ,,, n . l -9 1 1 1!if.M 1 X*70 .' 4 01 4;. ill 'r).l4 p 4.11/144C4W-NO. ALstgo Idaokettli • '". 4 . • 0?. pall, .44 : , !Yeekitte . ft& ~ ,1 ,chltetickigiet.l toe halt bbht Lao G L fiar suia n. „lyt9 qAftr oc• oe_ 'A fill iltsfottlient Ornaltitiht pa km! Ottooo - soda Bychlar AV" , Bereet Ftrac Chocolate aad lioxiceopethieloocolteletr iMe at the Fatally Groeery Store of RENSHAW. ' Gomez I:lllartyoad HAM streets. inn= MIRO rigrtritialOMXTS. TZW GOODS 1 NSW GOODS I LARGE /11IPORTATION TOBEIGN AND id:RICAN GI -coons. WO O plum of PLAIN COLORED malsrmlESl NVT=D ASOLORES; we AVM of BYLAWS I WO ;littoral COLORED COROBO, 600.\ eieeme et CALICOES; a 0 dozen of DALRIORALST GO pleas al 44 DELAIRE FL IN pleas of, 01.11 TOM HOME FUSSDIIIING GOODS TWEEDS, 123. Marbraeo 4.Qmadzatityle 411 These Goode will be sold at es small advance on Eastern Prices. 1.t1a11.41 1 4:izii4:431314 BATES fAiLti jy24-ttrdtotlaw 1 1B OLD STAND Eaton, Maorum & Co. Received this day EATON'S, NO. 17 FIFTH STREET, I=l inconet Eden', Jseonet In Jam.% innannings, itemborg nottualtigi, Soda Easing", 'suedlt gs. Trench (Umbria Emil; Erner , gy -••• • Embroidered Robes. Infants' Embroidered WAWA, Mock read Eddins, all Ideal, Oa*aro Lases Th Vents, all widths. Blue and White 7Li cad Laee Barba, Vat Edens@ apd i RoyMalaltase • reitlin c t(tii r ks new.) Paint Lace oases, ' Linen Collar' and Chin, Real Laos listulketaWAN • lbso.titehed Haadkmed:Wris o Etpbstt4r.4 . o Liandlureblels, Ttuvad Una Vela, Craton "Veda, MLA Veda, (fancborders.) Marta tuartNet., Itmlalttle Waterfall Nets, eta., eta. A spleoCia assortment of Donut Rlbbona, Trims ming Ribbons, Sea Ribbons, Bend k Ties, ettz. ; ooroa, Black SU BeMop. MI willltis. 400 dozen LetaN' risimizztcamrs. SuPella: quality, al from 1.1% to w eta eldu MI the latest geyies at GENTS' ITTUISEEING GOODS. ri- Liberal toduoementa o Meng to tSe wholotalts trade 1. ELTON. T Fll , lll STREET IVETItta Elll PUBLICATIONS. zxs 11 1 1:EVOION9 / ur PIINVISYLVANII4. wl,th map and curial aro. moth ) szoo. BLINDS inviTovzit dAP OF VICFANGO )1X(2110:(09, ittawlag brae, acacias* , oarteldpe, etc. etc.,\_,/ 12.01. MIMI'S IMPROVED MAP or 'W &MOM Ou.. PA. =Mum .0 Map Of Vuunge gloom. *AGO. OBW rv. IPONDS MAP or WEST TOballirA AMP , StAO. mikonett RED REGISTER FOR Wa+ l 4 1.1" OIL WETS—two kinds. 10 ' , ALL .7HE RAVI:MAI:PETROLEUM TIME, ipt4l,. Med ipekly-10 atati, POPper annum. JOHN P. EtrlPt, Publisher. nrra sr., taAsolVa U.U.L. gar &nt op return post oft accolpt or pass. JY 2 l_ • • ONLY, 15 CJ+ZVTe. conavrn TO . VOLVNIS 1 Back antihero or HARPERS' EMU MIMS ATLA TIO ON }thy, of.,i)kik r .s 1.411 Y% utiOif, -. PETERSON. , LESLI_va nicarami. ARTHURS. - _DEMUREST. '.ll'd 411 'Otitis , :Moor* . efeo' ”..: • , ONV9 4 tS 0131STSL , '' • , ' ISSI 1 . 41 L ,111 U Y IS U .SI LNA&M'X'S. „ te 4 brte#7 l oo 'lleitis . ' ' I I, 1 , •• Mr.);rioA it. / :a AsirTzkA:li.gj .... ; '..-44.0,V , • • i 7/ I .:,?:.:;`,„:'•—:.: 1 ,lit, ,-., r.,t7bt i-, , v-,•,, •,; , t:, ~ . '..;',r,D9:11/74TrITANTIPM , : ~t •I ,„,..„,„1„..a..,..„.1. ~. .11 „ r .„,ANDh,BARGE ,YARD: ' , l • Craig Street, illegteity.— 701;ty ! -FTR57 , 13F=KG. MACRUZ.& CARLISLE' NO. is FIFTH STINET, RETAIL ROOMS Will Ix open for trasintu an Thursday, July 27th, We beg leave to ►euonnoa that our stook has bees reploolahul with ► complete Assolintent of New Seasonable Goods, Se/octed loet week by one of oaf Az's, from Vesh Importations =Droning ell the RICH AND ELEGANT STYLES Of the-moot Destrobto flood. to market, and the NOVELTIES OF TUB SEASON. Ord trteads•wlll end n. fate Tttaaszed, on wad after trial date, to Bopp!) , trials wards, sa far as poulble, with Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Real Lace Goods, Hosiery, Glow, Ribbons, /fair At's, Zephyrs, rine Pars, French Corsets, Skirts, Fine Shirt's, Collars, Tiny Under rude, Draivere, Ord s complete' saaottment of 7P AI. 2%7 0 "Ir 4131- el 0 93 kJ AND worricoNffil. MACRUM & CARLISLE, =l=3 WGRTHY Oir NOTICE. TILE OELEBRATED Wheeler & Wilson as Irrara mAcirx.rE was .ranted the drat ptics—a aer medal—at the International Show, _ I held .at Stettin, Primal., a firer weeks einee, °se the best searin g machine for ; all °nib:Lazy purppies.'l—Rome .roarnal, 'Jung litt. ; THE WIMILEB, & WILSON !Lock Stitch Sewing Machines nteetved the hie:tett pretate nr at :the great Lutentattottel Esktblttoas elf , EgIVIVAr .1381. I RontriidUtt n Aliiii . " . ' - '114: I•Wtere all the SIM 1111( elachtnesf Be , ;rope and Aelerlaa were le eompetltteh. Wholesale and &Moll Salsa Room, NO. 2? Vlftb Re, Pittslatarzls. B. P. CARPENTER, Sole P.reaL DWELLINGS FOR BALE IN ALLEGHENY CITY. SLIMS r . authorized to "ell, an REASONABLE ill those Dotrable and Convenient itireltinp, al1 701( . b o Tl3 '' .;gt i h rt ma tratTrilklin 6- . Tbay ore Well :milt, sad Lo good repo% To 410 copitot:st, bikini Rafe cad Desirable Invearnen*, Or to u) to want of Comfortable Home, 1 OPPIUHTIMII7 IS HERE OFFMED. Fanaca par Uvular., On OrnOl*Stinni tn. S. B. SATAN, Bicker, - - No. 811 Founk stnolt. hal (nukes Budding.) OIL LEASES. OIL LEASES , • , , can be hod on the most feetwable tams u lea! ma lour or nee.. ' am Whitely Creek, aver the no - Ina wells A harms) smith. bat anwjn, by .. a Stazulned OS Otadpanf, of Tatebtlreb . APPIy in, WM STEM 4 BAILEY. William min., FOR BAL.& OR FIFE TEAR OLD IARR, Awes motor Noddle; MO. fa tuiroosa lnqUtro No. 1:33 LIDENTIC STREET. JORDAN, FIoLLISTER & IX), FOR 6ALX.-400,000 Sliumaa. 600,000 MAVEN PINE BECINGLES EE=I W. BOOTEE. let Liberty Street, war St.ialair, TYPE META I, FOR SALE. Itarlits St Uts jytttgllmul....,,,. - 7okarna °moB.! gain , Stook Erkerr and Reit Estatetcott . stOCklbOUghtiptlliad VIOL' ' 1 . 16 7 14, 44,, , ith r i504 5:1. 4 4; 7 . • ;itii3Etragt — flAsPj I , tia , m , hoOligriei*Eseibiirre' • • 'A. ,, !:lir.B., , ,radeMrsaeterialeby ), Las ., Boo -8.038 tir. LOUIS SHOT, JuSr. LARD bblo. No. 2, on Steamer Fpcer, to turive. For ma by lart./1611 DIONZT a 00. it,t , ,vm!? SI.I.AII!rEA-8. UNITED 6TATMS 7-30 1.4 THIRDALISONAL, come; or Voiiiiiii`ona nrcic rEsekle imarrio .07 11E6 i3idi r l s ti srATEs and SPECIAL, MIENTof JU 0N. 41 " e• 411z* roe gyi was w itta . 211 ScsveltsThirty, ii 4.4174 T 333 Norm EOAN OF TnE PEOPLP, AND TES Only 1..04n in. the Marli.A GM11%111UL:13 /IWO P. O. 6.20 BIX PER CPA% GOLD MaiMING FONDS. dip-Übtral t3otelalealoar allowed to deaatra. Z. a LIViNGSTOZW. caddie MOND NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh:l Corner of liorni 'and Liberty Streetg, SPectal Agents at ,TirypoOhs Or the age of NNW EfEVEN-TRIELTYLO4.2t ThU b strietly the Peeples Loan, and Co bettor absorbed at the rate of about Ave tolllleauiPer day. These bonds bear an interest ot Wasivcr (Coatis l="au.sr IZlDerip each hundred dollars, and are convertible at unit* rity Into B. Five•Tereaty Six Per Cent Gait Bearing Benda. run aommtvions will Brokers. wh.nre. allow e d t. ^ te C. EL moan, quader ummal TH EXCHANGE NATIONAL O . „ f ' Pittiabiiro3- iminod by that Capital tOrganicrA arida Stated Pa., 1836. t $1,000,000. Natal Law 186 i ada sea haa hem destattatitd a DEPOSITARY OF' nal United States Treasury, and anointed agent for the eats or the 7..80 X CS .A.1%.1" . Every faeility will be offered to layette, or pal% ties purchaalag ler meals, H. M. AILT.THIMY, Cashier. arrotr T EE VULCAN COAL YARD, ROBERT DA LZE Meer' adjoining Yaehine Shop'of the Pats. bough sad Oonnellzellie Railroad Company. Sal Youghiogheny. Family Coll and Tot. Coal ALWAYS ON BAND.' COAL DIIIVERRD AT SHORT HOTICt, T1 .2" 1 .11-15.gtz.""k OFFICE, e]ll.. Immo. ,ia2feaf Ml 5 WRAY COMMA CPCIaId.V. ALatrir e W. P. =WAY, Preatdeat. J. if. LIMEY; Poonttery and Traienrei. , The Cr.:opal mut in Ititeiinide C term ectiteite• eighty-seven =us and tertytlreparchu r ier.s. ted.ea Breinirt.ltun (a tributary to Merry Utuii) acii lying between Cherry Mut mut Ogle Greek. Weedy-eight .Isases have already been made to responsThis 'amens whpm Will be !baud the of assietir the algal sad NM avecempli cperserrewo MlL ttact O all The imtireecormmodate teem =to of well, This Latta L eurreunded by lone al the most celebrated all prod:Wm farm, of Oil Chock end Cherry Huh; and iota Close proxiceltP to the "Reed" m antle Wa in Wells, and4bout one mile tee the Walnut Bend Well. ThaCompeay pflarsa Wait; yonnibelf of *Man at the antaariptloaprloa • • • ." SEVENTY-F VE CENTS PER 911 MM. PI th4P r `Oy t ?g o rn b y M al ltf Une Company canna entail:tan at the °Soo of WIXEL 4r BAILEY. 4 4enirs. =3=4l ' WILICI_Nr3 HALL oP , Valuable Medical Books,' FROM THE STIXIC Of DAVISi CLARKE & CO. 08 AT cl. Et t eats Gross' Forgery, ;largo volafleather • so6os lluaglisuores Medical Diode:mg, revised a 76 Ots)'• anatomies" Lugo lel • : : 7co lk•ndle no Thaosses t Children 4 or: Millie' Principle' of tiortery : •5 76 MiLler's Prestlea i 'ls Hamilton an reacting's tad ,lltsicsmilions : 600 Wilsos% napalm .4114,4037 4 Ce Head • Pabk 61 Prescriptions : • : 4. (X/ Tanner'S Pactlceof.filedieisse s i 150 F'antstee lginectrat Pbarnacy : rr. 500 Tanner's Memoramia of Poisons : p, r 50 PoCker „Ariatondst :_ : . 3 3 1 /41 Wierll7 - rOOll4. Doso BDok 1 j i 100 l'arenrs'a Potrket - Preserlotion Dock I 125 LI lomat. miScoo airs to rititSiciAus a .1.125 i• lIEWIT7I3 POLYTRICIUK, Iva THE BAIR, V s:know:Y.lmi by ell mho hove noel It to be A. No. L. Try tt is &natal' tlid be convinced. rotonle by all QcgxyLta. 4,1511 d TE7. l r AIEr4T. • . • XELISLTALIECM _ 0fN0.105 Fourth stresses PittsburEhA Ra. OGITT/SE sik kinds. 'GRAPES, GLOVES. anl =.l . r suiptlon et Fonarairsualsitung OocOn Ecorse open day and night. Hearn sad ()Arens*. ennated. Inniooracts—lLier. Darn Zen D.D., Her. EL.W.Jaoshas.A.L..TObisas gang, En: Tian 11. Mast rqui. ; - 11 , (BLOOD ODRA)— A. nett nominal& ertieltana es . for B{3IIOkIILA altEpismusia, Nzumea, 004 DISPEISLIA and edienlirieorthaSn.W. Al .a Senn, 'lnvites Mil app'ettte, pertain asp d and wholly restores the phylum' strength ant It areu but a trial to prove ha nrtnes. rar snit by .• MAWS JOEIVETIGI. Genes. jet sorter eitnatinald and Fano., streets. LE" PIM AND SHEET LEAD, a . LPAT , PIPE of a ll slug and Mantises. SHEET LEAD 4 any thlelmets on bond and made to arceN bsp • • .M.&s.AISIyiER GORDON, Ageo2, Coinbatitbau.X4erelubt, No. 102 Soomull Mad. ellunnsd Ii" 402:Liakta-sli : . r 1.60. rasl3o l o* • GERERAL ' - Dranghtiag Wee- and4atenl dpizei;,, eu . ,AMtfigiu4qo4l rt aftwarialrah irs4 j2ildEß IL':'• - - ; , :, kyaak446i,anisit. 7 stA 1 40 1 4 1 e 4R4r 1..r1131 41. Sirthllke.iin ANDERSON' urafißEZ Vberesii two* Robiams.:Anurteir Ur ALL PAPER—New, cheap sit timid • 110218. rOt 1111/11 at N 0.107 Narkft wins tiez i rld Wert, try_ JOEL IL ER7OBB5i zuto. /XS BURANCT i . I. ° } •* lM lipf;Pitt6Alt ; I } ll % , 3ifoF, (RILGIAIdrES mu:arm) -Ifro+l49 .74 L BElRNtFrr r ittetllClLL , 7 CipiteViVriEeri:eidaentl r. Joust. semrptsx7+ , 'E M S ` l4 A l O*. PT nal insures tioa4oits and Cargoes. TAMES. . munitTr, e: Penrrim. SALMB l. ulsowasta. 3.r.. v \p : 1"...478A.T,TAgry, 7,,, t .. T,R,..,. ~;. LI&IA3CDI .Vir r.n....0. VII.,,LIANt V ' W.' , WATSOIf.' ' 31. Eh Brr L... 1/. AMBOY . .-„ 70 OLN - 49 . 11,80A, • aibar#. WEAVNt. . , Arisimd . . '. • . , . p3ITSANCIL BOATMARViEKi IMUIEB Insurance Company., °met& COINER WOOD AND Part 812., Meet People; Plaitonel /WOW tacaant. a (*Arr. P o uddent. DAVID EL PASS, Vice Preto!dent ROBERT PrearDS, Secretary. Win Insure Aosimit an Kinds FIRE un kilt= ititasJ, =M:=M LA B. 41 GRAY ''' ' D. E. PIS= JAMES --- - ~,- T..XL - ILAILTON. EL NV. 0 ifinc J Rarity moy ;., .'• A. A fi l is jii r i ntitiOlcik JOHN Glil_ ____,.APP . '!I .TERIJ P. N. J. Blol.ook DAP. USA ISI MINP 2 r. nr. otawoN. =roams EUREKA INHUME CONANT, of Water and . Once Corne r Water and Marker Sisi; aaa/ , / , L - r ;6l 3*Uklna) s. U. imosasissure. Prestd.wk4 W. H. 1:1321011C/Li Vico Predde3o4 SOI3KRT =amt. semtai. WILL INFORE AGAINST ALL KESDB Marine Emat Fir6Bitka. marctans t J. IL Earasommicaur, v. I. minim W. J. ANDERSON R. T. ANDERSON JANES L BENINfri m.wousurzaoobas I It. D. COONRAN, ,- T. .1.13/I.IIGHET, BT. LItEINI, JA., W. W. W. ZEARTIEtt__ L X. PEKISOOK, : ETRON FL reirwrEsa A. D. NTTEL WRSEattul JAMES WWII. :: .. ILSDI OTAQTIIHEB O , raison moo TOOLS, Fos Sinking Oil,'Sali'and Other Welt 80. 186 WOOD 6TREET, :PI7II4BIThIGB, , PAI. Tools inimarted clutO of Malay Wit, 6LIOO ALND LOW blOOlt 13( . .et. • • ' WELL, pop,Eßs,,; Macycsreart Cltasala.".l=Wloetis. wall J aeades a Oa: ~ititeslis4,4),xlfena mg • PIS SLERT I 3, • • • Wain SHOVEL% 1 / 4. • , MANE% , NUM, Rope, Leather - atid ,Ottat . ' , •Rrtlag, ail of whtch I kftl4lloo.ll:4Otir 111 . '119C111 7 , 1 . Jel.:Smdbi ADDY di ENVE.N.8 2 . PRAUTICAIRIMBERS; Gas and. Stearn Kitters, NO. to ifop Tou t (OPPOSITE MIST PUMPS' Hydratits, Sheet Tidad. •„ , . LEAD KM PIG 411.A.1L LEAD. Phguterte Matozait4B in GetteraL OIL neix.reniss', Fittd Up in the 1114stApproved SW% rink lined WM les;1 : = copper., nor.iPAU.t.st tr. with irstat or gam. ' N.I ProEcVol aitended ; }es B AIL EY , Y ARIWIL Pq:. ay. 107 SaidThlleld Street, .; . nrrsatrarkar; ve, Sheet ,Leatt; Lead Plpe, • 23 AL I re., Za..14 wholtßis turalabing noose toi Plunitc itHistet vials, limas 'Goods to Mater, Olis arid team. Puzarsaioset andAlttingri gat /Malt Ertatc,nt tateu • ' .• , - - t. so 80 / 6 tot:' Vidalia ,. and Silar Patent I team Mp, widen 'applies a aced one telt y oil nit°, fay it pimp th at eV] ennautt ap• We:and - work. itith eat* and certainty wittoat entailing too great aa. expanse 1 gia . " (hoer' soltalcirt. &Mat CIIRLINV CREAM. • , Mme. Demuest'i Omii,ng Cream, AN EXlZUrs}TEsoxenE, ForFixto , - urling and . 23 7 ' ' 1111111 rEcz *a re Can bo procured at the „ , • CENTILLi IY4tr q)lll 7 1 t r'_ OcazimU l o:4ll 442* Pkiek. b Markel: itonsig L•:*EAR RUM ' 8:1131ideE• ' '".••- • " • • • h4.vis CO /10143:11V0,11, KErthleat,9t.l,. . •.. •1• •ti •••• :• lo tt MACHIN, ES.' tlb Wm( 2 CP.'F•41 1 .P../ 0 463 -, XXV* 'EttiVt COteekflaWitnlttiligieS, f,•,! . •;,.; - r ci A 1 ik4g (1 92.9P.M.% an 4 4'iuties.. • 4 4.V11GG8 & soolo, IdtartatgawladaM amaredema aid laralaili steseta. Pidab=lda mid . rt 4~ SS '•Y •g gaMI
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