.4 ...,...,40==b '''.. rfik; - 4 , ''.. 1 .- "I ' ll',/ . -::: :'.. ' '--j-i r :' ' l'• !-. :': • JULY 29. 2965. - -- , \\. Main TIMM. • liedairrinor tam a mill, Of rAneXOPOS% ' fOl onarrr -coininottas . , • ilibextY "forOtil• 30ir, ' iiktitutppegt ens% oro. T. NO 15toWe vi r=t ip. 1111,11111.,CEEC in eri T t ijilial) LVLD " 3:l2ifi m evi ail lVer t. az% au tz - .s.PiElla.ll l l73,Piaabaszt.. , .uSta 1 4 9/ 3 14 / 42 P4'= "3, ". 21a e r 9F 7 044 4 4. • 1 0. 0 " r" °W .I3 IPMSO I ZI; G. itiVataXIMEELY.OO.Or2 SLOW TP. PDX 0007 'T 11171.VEY01: rc „A 1 1 1 4 104441 r. otrlArnangbiz , * 4 ,- ..110119:13131=58.-019tuatlea. Township. :POLICY' Attrs wettiertzr -Prc,,trEtASTVELY. f TAackwood's . Magazine Ihr June, in , dia. • e r attisliictheleypi'lle sys_tem Of Treat i;;; , : 1 44 8 recursi:444tOriiiar of . . tea - i , :zdtionovidelikestained the , various industr i a l intotostiti . fgifiteElneorrr,tintil they , were t, al ‘`i#P.44 4414K;itt0 11 i !alone agalnst the • Compet ition , of , the world: - ' 4 •Eogland iffed foie a nation which could . IstoAst of its cottoti r tiide; its silk trade, its: iliteregt, Ids colonist interest,. r ‘•- : 41,1110Phigkliterest,, ell of theeprotected onorit.PrltettCfrom, forelfi:a..-Ofitto ll t/a4p all blended harmoniously together, and con uttibuting to -the -prosperity of th o e. erryditg 'The in direc taxation 4oeunts aeblfaedvia r chiinf.• ontheafairaofgo v d m om w o l ' .:.-,yon goods impo rt s This N ast what we remelted a few Ufa:a :•,,,,45'1Ititt,iiii);trAciifititiiiititcturing supra-. , oroi;..,based upon that, ''"'her' ecnidierOlitl neatness, are the result of . her "steady a Tpng c Utianed policy of pro j.,,ttemting, by.realkcAVe lags, her groat lead- • She' did net throw down her 'seal:folding until tie' Wells , up, nor , knockttway her proKuntil everything was • • Vbf f rC „ g o Ming an industrial and commercial structure for a great civilized •io",anation, hke England or the United states, 01'100 deal like the building of an arch. • _ . ,theopeuttion - el, the lawspf_ , - fiade in the One case, and of the law of gravity In the Otiaer;, have 'tolbe 'artificially 'counteracted iiutii the work ie tompleti, - otherwise the, o ct.h.bar G annot :be done pt a11,.1n _the one Case we-interpose legal restetiomi upon eitenierpo, , sy fit as the introdue ,i., Uoa pF, cat/tattles kin fOcalgn:conntriei, *Melt 'Conflict 'With thelderesta We wish to build up, is concerned,. iiist as England did. In the Other case we set up shores to sustain - the atones or -timber, to protect' . Aort from the operation of the law of ty, _which, if , not thus eannteraCted, bring them to their natural levelvery quick ly while the stricture is yet in an incom . pieta state. But if we suffer these shores • Otprepa to reuudia:nitil our arch is com pletekwa - 111 V Men.•retrieve them safely, for then the l; lire of grafity„so far from en dangering our,work, is the eery thing that gives it solidity and strength. England's .arch is completed; ours is not. She hatitio - mt'up some two hundred years,' ' and made a thorough job of it. We have, '• titd'ontiatihtd down ludf liven time& , . fliometimeswehad plenty; but nets maste:r -• ' , -. l .;bizilders would come in and take part of tlipmJdown, so_ that the remainder being) ; ," , too yieak tosustain the weight, bent and; broke, and made a wreck of our half finish atyucture, . That . 1s theoase atthls mo-.' L-,....:..%nnenttand ma ny of our wisestpeqfie' 4, -itiread tcdisaelrous fall of the vast rmfuzish is: calling to us: lustily to clear away our entire anntartingg! TriinHe iqait';,jlist.is,he has done_ He lointB , work, and lectureki: usnpon the , _lnui t ; isat Of styli: twiitteal ' `;-I.prtslurif we tict not !remember that it , I d* 8 ittaii ahil&Vindfhe himself bad the : Uggestidnd of atemporary structure under his arch while he was engaged in erecting) is a violation of the laws of natnittron ninny. itracture in that way - Which hi not self. .sustaining—that the tree J. - philosophy is to let everything find its nate, This fe ',ill' very well on Ids part. lie, knows what he fa about. He knows that if cur arch completed more people will pittresize Our liiidge theta ever made use of his; and he knows that if we once get it finished he may give up all expectations of • such fat dividends as he is now enjoying.? But it is passing strange to hear many of our own peoPle—esPiciallY those of Neat York—echoing his cry. But that too can beitaa o antedfor; for Mew- Tork lies en one theof priiapal thoroughfares leading tO JOHN Bxru.'s bridge, and if we get oars completed, much of the travel on that road will be stopped. - vaz,PB9GBESS SO . BIGHT PRINCI EB. The Milwaukee, Sentinel, after discussing': th ; question. oflteciprocal Free Trade with Canada,: and . shoising that the effect 8f each trade would be det4 m ental to theintereste of the fermiers of iteilhafthireist. closes liteartiele with the foil*. lug itindrable reasterher?' "What the Wen needs; 'and west It meat have before its unequalled resources can be fu ly end atostprolltably developed, is, not linen • Of transit to the ' sea, but thegttrwth otmenufed. Andlig and Othne than sqrripdtural industries at home, thus bringing the marlit to our owe' doors instead of going to Liverpool for It. And-' he is the wisest -political economist, any the Wit ,-,friend of the west, who devotes his ellerides nth- er to building factories; had turning a portion Pt our productive industry into channels of lebtir where the fruits of agriculture are =vaned aid mot produced, Insteedof spending his time aid olette)lnd money In the visionary scheme Of conking the Northwest d purely grainirrooring and farming community, end flattering himself and the people that all the west needs in Sheep and esqy transit to tpc seaboard." Let the great Northwest Emile in such MlT ancceas Ws, end th e prosperity of the cou nt y end the perfect eotmdnois.of the national sacra ides are both insured. We were tifreld 'that those bile:mita In the mighty agricultural Cereals of that section would not view this all. Important subject from thexiAt etandpoint; tuft. the above end other utietinces of the letaihag: Presses of that section show us that out aPl# B " nenalohe were groundless. Pittsburgh will all Con.p Mon In 3itchlgen, Wisconsin, dllindle, -Efenourl;chdevery place within our own bor ders. but abs abhors it on the other side of the Atlantic. It oar friends of the Lake Basin wish to bring sibonk a speedy, peaceful and cordial annexation of Canada, the policy Indicated In the al:gime:s treet Is the very one to do It. Tile Cenadfans Will very soon see the difference between a ko- Tutrectimeople, with their markets at their doOrs, and a' people whose "Inaziret - Is - four thoattand miles away, with a chain of rapacious traidlide• — .suip;Siglitalutd 'carriers between then} and the corummers of their produce—between p people_ ..Af_dlyectdfigd indpstu, and a people Whose if; Agfa are all expended upon the production of vomit) is* awariale.i • 4...kignalPSTlnzi) Anton says the Clougitsadonal canvass in that District is '-)•tortieldialli reduced to n race between Jahn Hugh Smith, liskiir of the city, and • ex acm,-Wm. B. Chuiphell. The only differ. , Once( between them Duty we can see; Is con - tamed to Dndth's claim upon the 1 stamp, that being himself on better relations with the President than ;.Campbell could boast, • Taiga do more than his opponerti to "help those who Were in a condition to ash ' for Wm" " -_ Thisti tirttrilfthtio ot, YE rem of 01l Mti tiabg a nrimOkfance; air 'I soon take ihs_ place_ artio . a . the einnatis English-Spenking communities of the world, ultimately become an independent na tion. -The. tibceiginal Joh.bil.me are com puted at from sievairy-five to a hundred thotunind.' Although savages, and until bite `year's crunilbabi, which some of them are still, as they thawed area weeks ago, 'they are more enargefie'tlian VitliVertge of die Weeders el" tbeticific,':ahriornsi of them are - yielding to thiltifirienCiadittbris tinn dvilizgtton _New- Zealand consists of two ad ticeot is lands, divided, by Cook's Strait, .andmil tedly are a little inner than Great Britain The northern:island is fertile, heavily tim bered, in seine parts mountainous, and hue numerous flee haTbont, eipeclally on the ., western' coast By far the largei lumber . of the natives are found on this On the routhernlgand a lorry); mountain range skirts tittweiOrn coast, as the Andes do &nth America. Between that range and 'the eastern coast there are extensive grassy - ,443; -onlipxooa by numerous =tapas , These plains, as they. are described, resent- , his oar western prairies . There are several English settlethents., colonies on both thcsesslands; and althouglf the tolonishi halt hapfinebietableritremlife and acme war with MatirlesAas aborigines are called) they . are prospering' finely. But tLe. recent discovery of gold along-the streams 'lrhichi IMO from the mountains is lartittifir thousands from Austrilli and arse from England. This, combined with the , rich soil, and fine eh matemill EOM change New , ,Zealandfrom a savage end alinset unknown portion of the globe to a community possessing great pow er and influence. It is a noticeable fact that Greet Britain. end .New Zeaiturd4 so similar in air*? and conformation, are almost precisely •antipOdean. A Plea for Delai. A very forcible plea for delay In recon struction, addressed to the President, is cir culating in - Beaton. 'Die danger to the pub lic security and to the welfire of the colored , race is ably let lortti in distinct and un l , answerable statements, based upon a dispas sionate rtirvey of the elements which are destined to compose the new society of the South. Disfranchisement of the blacks, by increasing the political power of their white fellbw.citizens, is shown'to'be a proportion . al disfranchisement of the entire population of,the North-, and, under a nevi apportion- . meat for representatives in Congress, the three-fifths clause being abrogated, a hea d-d : voters - fa South Carolina, would equal o hundred and forty in lowa. The class , towhom the ballot is refused are althea!- ' astiCally loyal end would 'cheerfully share V.lte`berthen of the national debt, which they , know to be the price of their freedom. The clean who. are flummoned to the polls will Lave Aevery .dispoeitlen OA rue same` bertha', incurred, they can never forget, for their defeat The expediency of justice to. wards the colored race is. clear, while no one can demonstrate the wisdom of casting those_ who aided us to victory helpless and powerless into the bands of the lateenemies of the Union. • If the colored vote Should be controlled by the white, it would also be divided with it. Capital at the North often influences the suffrages of Itshued laborers, but no one thinks of disfranchising then. Bur, as it is, the whites will be no stranger with the entire colored vote than now, and it is certain that they will not get it all. Their Very opposition to negro enfranchise ment let proof of tins. We emancipated the slave for our own safety, rightfelly, but not sq for his peril and, perhaps, destruc tion. We perpetuate the spirit of slavery and•deny him the protection of self-defence. The-penalty of the nation will be as great as its wrong. The sake necessity, the same justice, and the same expediency' which united in - the attention of slavery, warrant and enforce the removal orettsfran chisement. The President has 'only' ito take assurer step in. his legitimate' interference with the sublegated States. - This done-kis provisieval governments anould be main tained till tine shall have operated desirable changes in the people, black and white, -over whom they (41) set.—The Nation, lilreadlizi Scene in' n lemma Asylum. The Northarriplon.twokr ,, basetts) Oo rdie of. July 25th,isays; fearful tragedy occurred at the hospital last Friday. At oboes ten o'clecls.4.l4 night previous, an Irialimah, large; stunt, and desperately cra zy, crawled through the centiliter in his 'MGM in one of the rear two-story buildings, and reacned the roof, where he established himself, 'and bade defiance-to - ill the world. lie was soon (lir:tenured, and every effort that the ingenuity of the superintendent and his aSsoclates could invent, was made to indite° hit to come down, but without &call. A hole Was cut in the roof, bat Willi pieces of slate which he fore from the roof, the madman beat back rill who attempt ed to approach him. The roof is quite steep, but the crazy man is said to have run all over it,' even along the eaves, with. out fear and with perfect impunity. No sane person could possibly accompliah what he,dldi He &clued be would neve cone, down, slicc,,and would kill any one who should conic upon the roof. It was there fore an ruipossibility to get him safely, and it would be certain death for any one to go upon the roof and grapple with Mm. Ha was perfeee "master of the situation." A. watch was kept upon him during the night and tho-next forenoon. "It was thought that Father &Mean; the Catholic priest whet had previously vis ited him and seemed to have • considprable infirier,ce over him, Might 'lnduce him to come dawn, and he was sent for at Holy olse,litif being sick he could not attend, mad sent-one Olds assistants, but before he ar rivedthe madman.at about 11 o'clock was seized with alit, to which he was seddect, while sitting beside a chimney, and Curling up, rolled off striking on the solid hardpan below, breaking one aria, and injuring him, , self internally so that he lived only about nnhonr . his disabled condition even, the fought despeotteli, and it was with dif• olty that he:Was , secured. The ,ventila ,. tor through which ho escaped is oval ramped 'about eight by twelve - inches, and eztended from near the top orthe wall -horizontally about ten inches rand then up to the reef. This hole he enlarged by knocking out the He entered the ventilator by turn ing his bed lip against the wall." on:=8 • . . The new constitution of Missouri im poses an oath of loyalty upon all clergyman. Some clergymen in She State, either con scientiously or through hostility to the Constitution, intimate that they have been called to preach by the Almighty, and that the State has no right to compel them to take an oath. The St. Louis Democrat, Goy. Fletcher's organ, having plainly inti mated to these nonjuring preachers that the Constitution would be enfi9eed, the Dv' patch, the organ ofthe neonate, says: We are prepared to state, after considera ble inquiry that a large majority of the biehops, priests, deacons, minstersj elders, and other clergymen in this State, will not comply with the condition ; in other words, they - will not take said oath. There has recently taken place a very general Inter. cliange of opinions and views among the clergy- in the State, and we are assured so lo i on result is an almost unanimous re solution the Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist and Christian ministers to Mere gar° the oath, ll :and yet continue preaching and teaching. It is tolerably certain that the "bishops, prelate, deacons, ministers, elders, and other clergymen ' alluded to by the Di patch, were not long ago secesdonists and rebels, who need no•conversion to Union. Ism at least, hirtmer exemplary they may be In other respects. _ - - TUE ADVANTAGE Or ADIEU n G. —Be fore Jay Cooke brosghtlds rare, business es- ' diq Pelt, to the . lAttifik of the tz , the loan languisnw'biroie 'the ptio le, the 'bean/7 was eteleir. *Gov° t, credi tors were clamorous, and the, AG rk and their families suffered-long and %MCI' til. Jay Cooke brought 'to the work the same iss crctom talent which is necessary to sell • alas:.-he 'deficribed'what he bad to , sell-its character, advantages, and ..oni pubilehed this information throug,b e col mans of the pdblic prea4 and in every nook and corner of, the land. • The,radt was that. from scores and hundrods l i: sub scribers .to the loan grow, to ousands. When publicity , was gained the k was done. ME= I'4 \ latig.er Belgium hasiihroMig.lai. eons, the Duke of Brabandt and Comte de Flandre r intaaatatisof-greatexeitanutat-hy a determination to marry a Madame*, slyer, widow of an artllle °Mem., who lice been , the-abject of Ar•tio-s-rnt years, - and rat:wincing her sou under , the title of Count d• Ardennes. `lt is stated that Sing Leopold's niece (Victoria of, Eagland,) whom he lately consulted mutts particular domestic *abject, expressed herself more warmly than politely, upon what shocalled. Its rank . folly. . TUE General Conventlezto th e r "ZOibiajaal. thuick which meets in Pidiatielphiairt, 0&•• ;ober neat, will to note many stadieles in the Honed of Bishops: Buice the last meeting of this -bodyfrtn 11hiti * .:1856, eleven of -the Bishops have ,died; including Blahopit„Browneli c Conn.; ,Delancey, Y.; D9alie. ; bitter,Ps,; Buidp, vs.; Aia; Teli.• ,Fieemoo, Arki, -Boone,; Chitu4 . Ondesdift.' -•'• • Gnat. rtirit Itatistted la 'order assuming cenunand ,of the, Department . OK' idissourl. embraclnj Missouri, Mum's; lowN tonality Dacotahi z =Montana and Nevada, General Curtia,.commanding the late: De. Vaitnient erne Northwest,' with headquar ters at Milwaukee, trued his farewell order teider. General Pleasanton Mims cote wsall: of nutria or Wi n. . , . Ais important law, passe d AP111.30, 1884., goes him effect on Monday next;.-the Ist day of Aagnat, which our taxpayers would •do welt slot to overlook: The law imposes tin addition of five per rent. on all Blot& taxes remaining unpaid, at, that ppriett 4. and se this addition will be . ,inde atter Monday I next,„ those who have State. lax to.Pairtuttat Mosey no to if they wish to avoid it. , El= ' IT appease that the famous Willi or Po litical Testament, long believed to be Peter the Great's and containing a 'plan:for tho su'Ogittlon of Tqr:lfey; wad palipf . iln of IPole4d;.ta net:genate: 'Peter '.'tkes Great really aid leafeu 'polituralteerament„ but its contents are 4alnekiically opposite to them of the document long looked upon as the true will. Tni Bo** Trip i 8 authorized to Say that the estate' of President Lincoln, With' the addition oftlie ernitributions made In Hassichusetts, Rhode - and Now York Will amount to one hundred thousand dollars; and that the active labors of those obtaining subscriptions tujhe Lincoln Fluid have now ceased. Tim New Yorknapers announcethat W. Story, the eminent American sculptor. has made a bust of General Meetenfold. It Is said to be *a - fine piece of workman ship, but we antibt whether it taw com plete a bust as that gentleman , got -In No yesuber lost. AT a picnic at Haweavilld; Ky.; on Mon day, a man named Cheatham drearlds pis tol in a gunnel, but instead of Oring at his adversary, the weapon went off accidentally, the ball passing through the heart of his wife who was standing near hilt. Tim Louisville Democrat etitinifites that over - 10,000 alms Jane 4:milled over the Ohio river s tinder Gen. Palmer's passes, since the that of May. At this rate the whole slave population of Kentucky will "pass away" In less gwaillutl Year., Twa Northern yea* RaUlti l y Corn pany Dave ( ontributedl 00 toassist the borough of York; Pit:, to pay for the as. setament ramie upon the either 3 by the rebel General Early dig the lest rebel raid in Pennsylvania. Ina= new Wetthirreligious newspapers have rerently been started In Richmond— one in the Interest of the New School Prets. hyterians, "mother representing the Old School, and a third a Methodist Episcopal organ. YEA - lama, aged seventy-flve ,years, a resident of Canton, Wayne county, Michi gan, on Sunday last was gored to death by a ferocious ball: Tax Bt. Catharine Post,„the Gait Repor ter, and other Provincial newspapers hare indicated a decided tendency in favor of annexation. V 7102011 EMANUEL is living' near Florence in MOTglirlik iarriago• with a • brilliant coral woman gtto has long been g his coin . A. }imams of leading railroad men from the South are In. Washington of busluese connected with their reapective companies. Gov=Fon "Bne;wwww, of Tennessee, is suffering froaklitiories received by a fall a few days ago at Knorr-Ole. Tali • following : Is gentand Alabama poetry,' Is Is addressed by,si female secestt to her /OTCr in the Confederate army If‘if blvd . for yo'culatelere fu melee Iva hard for rar'ens Uteri,: the Yeeket Sts kwl f..r lookika see ire'4ni Wren. .14as rowan.. fl.l If up • retthime got areqmso heart.. BE LIG1:0 9 JeT.lO CITRINTIAN CIIIVECCIII, AL .l=7 tioararr erVit3El.3ltlP. HALL .coreet,of , Fedora' sad k streets. Pastor, Jtt3 9,13 Wt. §et p r xciv !Atigridi v il'. - ,V 4 7 VA: coop: ta cordially Invited to attend. fi*ltst ---- .111.1L I Olei VS • etERVICESI.—ITLIE BAPTISCHURCH COMOR CATI ON FIRST hereafter h o ld their thumb senio rs In MASONIC LIAM, on Firth street- . Preaching e byt r h y e L O RD 'S R D a AT . at M l O tatn. dD 7uMvr.z4noday School at 2 o'clock Y. V. Strangers and the potato are conflallyturlted to attend. Sesta Ira. jViattal ,- jr AD rEnzilirii. VA LCAELE SMITHPIELD STREET V PROPERTY roil SAl.Z.Tmenty•llve feet trout ,by SW, deep—pro Pvar.toryll.thaAp. avratto • S. LOTH:BERT 1i'1.038, Jr 24 412darketetreet. • ' , P.1313UR8.R14 RESIDENCE FO li RENT .-, —Elm:mt.-0o DlRvent• WRiattEßtpro, mmiag • Eno slew of the cities, river, ,surrahaßing cturktrY. PUP Route, of e or tea rooms, Mon Oren. Apply to ... , 1;t"lei aultagali f7,ol7l 7 l4..cEr.fla 8 " 04 06. "2". 151.111aket •trEtE BFEECE TEAT ELS BEEN BO lorg spoken aromas Giffin the FIZZ T MON- DAY OF SDPTEMBLIt nita hlgeorh e0." 140 ,Father Abraham', lint arutlast words eoneerolog the Woodall . Ito 2 ate hla snap. All lame Soldiers will pail that night - , free grata, Lover"! of old AbrahamLtneout will aomota as the gad CO.W The second night will bethe remembrsaer of tfol. Blank. the gr..at ridtma i d,Cada. aid cti•lr.p. the Meads of the Ooloneriad the Dr 'a, en the Ream] nigh, will Vous to attend, It iffilleede Hen. 459:141f BATES & BELL'a- • MOOrWhitill; intle Whitey Scarlet White; Bar /T 29 Sn oettre,ert... TAXPAYER 13 .113? 'MB FOURTH A WARD, ALLEGHENY, T6IIIE . NOTICE That the BOUNTY TAX Of laid Ward, succeed °lithe Tenons and properly, Po accordance with the Act of Assembly at .t. 'sat .ession, It pow doe end payable to ma. No. 80 W cur/ ST. Jrritet ' - HOBERT BOLE. BATES 2t'BELL'S— . , CALICOES, •T TWENTY CENTS Jrzs n MYTH STREET.' "NEW GROCERY—TI it tu,deralped luta J. , opened on' ENTIRELY NEW STORE of fresh end WEEt . BELEOTED entopErram in their NEW STORE. levaddlttou oUses nay- Otte; they Would BO U NDatIon touttefe stoat of Eastern ISIMISS CEDAS EINILEIE• scow a; stirr4l3, jrx, tTxas cornet Liberty and /6111 FUN% 83 MILREST .13TREET. 1. W. CARNAHAN . & CO.. DEALERS 111_1300TO AND SHOES. Sneed, NiOled and ?mid Sods, Shoea and morals. for Lades, Gems, Bop, Youth/. MMus and Children.. 710121 Mations are' reads every week to m. Steck, sea ',Smelt Frill% and Quick Retnrusla our system of' seSilni. Premst and careful oaten. Um site& fel °Mara JyZimai inrxrinuolr..l. zuLltrATlttOlit...l. L. Maas. ViIIKPLTBICE, J3RO ot.;CO„ &WAS.. A 3 b- ion to JoiltAlrlekkattiok Odi,) BALE' DEriALZwn OrOcrottek r Protition% nib; Mottlio n : n 3altiltono, OM, Ratan and. 1101 y strosuP ttatir, TTNIVERBAIe , OLQTMCS wa' at riduodowthirbset wOn uss ood wansatedso asUstiWa= MU moth= ttul badto !dubber Dtpohltro. r eoil nowt & WALLOW 01L..-20 barraliv *Steamer '..l,opter, to salvo. ,r 4 o.t,:t. r miltiNZT & 00. ROBENDALE OPUINT,-2 0 0 barrel 's native tor Ws , - T,. ?IiMUM. .4-7 r Al) F'll'n r 0.10 1 1 1 )0 - ctibinhatWniNds, " ;'"!If aeic•tia. 31151 4 /1261 MING, iIArD 'FOR SALE AT FACTOR! PRICES. CELRLBS C. JEEILLOIL al WOOD WrEIKET TINIT.E s. D STATES lELITAIt Y BAIL- Bok . • myna cot Mthil/M.lll. QOAxTa6VHTxf , .) • • Wessurscreas, D. U., July 23, ma, AtIFTION 'ORE' OF ROL - LINO STOOL Wall be ,sold. at PUBLIC) .4.o(yElDlir, to tho Itiglo3lo, blide43llo.fillOWlng BO ling block tin TUESDAY, September et the Portland Company's Shot', tn. Pottl Bane, Six ( 3 ) Do. etesepire Ost , TEiDRSDA.T. Septeniieg.pl r Hinklg ahop in Boston, Pow (l) Uwe niatilre Engines. Un MONDAT,Sepirmner Wet Bennet Squire, near Polledelphis. Paine, Fifty (53) Box Preight pus, four fenreigbfeandlibell Won gauge. Ua WEDNESDIs K. .ieiptenseer 31, as Elst,ty four (Si) Sox Freight Oars, five foes Ti• pipe. above Steak it all Strew, sad of the very Opt qua. TI,. Engines ere flee feet (mugs, eve feet Psi,. *B, ono eyilodem 10128 innitee. They ma be oli t m i d t lo igtlin g expense. Teims--thist BOm fin floverxm 8882 at le int.Poride H. L. 17.013111 SON, Brevet Colonel soli 5-0 Q. U. )3 9:61.5el • TUB •• • . LEGAL JOURNAL, REAL EST ATB AND INSURANCE . RETORTER .80. I—VOL 1. NEW SERIES, Use the DLOISION OF JUDGE AGNEW, on the DOEP.TII TAX LAW. Speer es. The Sehoo) GI .ere. Damen and Conn. di of Blairsville. Together with the DISSENTING OPINION OP JUDGE TR QM ....... 113 Go itiksT annum. JOBS P, MINT, Masher, JT29 Firm ST., !lissom° HALL. VOLOIN.IO3B AND PAINS IN !MATE elibripirdeation, debilitating the nervous system, eogeniering diseases fewpsontly fatal de stroylantr charm of life. RAINBOIrs ?AT- P, byoffecturdly coon want eir down- ENT Want pressure wad nil-regulating to requlrements, restores health ,' strength and vigor; emu! and physical ills athtdras new charm by its manna help; the weak are made during, and the strong armor. It fa the may partsa and sore ours for Burt" Iterate andFallitz Womb, ant for re. sPeetabla Ambers, herratth4 wherever introduced, to prove thews feria en wiled to the world. It heed not be taken off theinfaai or avid for este, until a cure le perfected. It Wars from other Supponers and ,iwas--they take these off to teat. Rainbow's are put on to rest, Dulling the weak strong, and the strong stronger. (Jell at bIeOLAILNENV Drug Store for Clrerithrs, No. ID Market street, or get relief at third story, of the Market Honse. Olty Council Otimaber J . Fri , da73, fork short tame r/9:IM FRUIT CANS., With good sitticlo of CTALIKIFT, ci 1512 lio. 05 Federal stmet, Allegheny OTRIE TO CONTRACIOR3--YllO- V POSALS insjted and will hi reedited ay tho.Cbtaarittae on Strestsof tbh city .1 AiMeaty, natal ACEGIBIESDAY. the ad of August neat' for the Gradlag and Patlny nertilt street. [ram (half to nation! Wert. ha • ether with the unaware susietonis And for the Grading end Paving of Rase al.hm,ittan Rabineon street M. Rose Gary, In ch. poluth Ward.. 'Alan (tg the Greolag. of Patterson alley, :AO The nret Ward, rannlAl north from Rebevas atreet. Also for the repairing vtof thysewer at HMO street Bridge, together with the rip rap :gutter .. own to the river. Pall:notate will be mete sothe contractor salad ao tholue oo 7 Ii collected cattle property holders. Propauls to be sealed and left with B. B. FRAWOIS, Obotrel. WM R f T n . O O i N a S nn t Ommtsteo. ner, o ) rJ v O ,t R I E pRIOES REDUCED , Summer Shawls, SITIEMER DRESS GOODS, For sale by WRITE, ORR & CO,. LS FIFTH BTREV7 ON CONBIONBLENT. 10 bola Delaware Dried Peacies, otteap. ball bbla Lake Elerrlag, CO Iregi - Lardi - IS Max Bazar WO boelsela Dried Apple.; WO de Vete; 23 boxes Prima ilesbea Cheese; 30 do common W. R.. do; II bbl. No 9 Maekerel; 'le do Sorghum Nolasteel 23 beau Pam, Tallow bandies; CO busk Damaged Hominy. For sale by KellaFF & REITER, , 17 No. 916 Liberty irtreet NDIUZB. 10050 bbla Extra flour. ..Empire BMW Extra Flout, 15 " Oat and Dry Tobacco' to " Viand' He rrin Extra NO. 1 Salt; Ro " Beans,. 10 " Flint Homin y to one galled' stoca blapla Syrup— cab; Ito add Corn Broom' 10 "`.. Wldid In store sod for sale low by BAUM= a T df.tt GORE% /78 _ '751 Liberty ;Amt. NEW THING. Eaten & Ragbag' Patent Pocket Book. -Very neat and desirable I all In one Wee; no danser of teenny, o coming apart. For aril., wholesale and :Aldan, a t J. 0. 1.41Jr.R , s Variety and Toy dtere, 3711 rut Market. street. Ua R2C2a. GOOD STORE ROOM, With DWELLING ROUSE Of 811 ROOMS , GAS FIETDRES, In • good business ' lOCIAUOII on Wylie street. B. CUTHBERT Ir. rk !s SONS, et Zdaettroet. COLtEGE, m YORT A COb N.—The Cthrimmes Term begtrui FORD, THURSDAY, AVOUST Mt. Candidates tnir examination examined the &IV irrezl.:rsaFolg.hru,itlextrzmatton about the MI. ' i t yllAlard2Law 'INSIWIT. PresidonL vis-a -25 barrels maw No, II Largo blackorel; 00 ball Dbl.. do do; 26 do No. 4 do; 28 do No. 1 do; Wight* No. 2 do; 20 do Not, dot 100 halt bblz. Like Harlin, for sale by irn • J. B OA.NFIELP t. _._..- BAKER'S 0110430 LATE AND 00110.6.. lull asso4mantia Baker's prolousd Mom lata, mussed .Q AU Drums; alsoosweit Perna .11hocoluto sad Uoutcoopatala Oor.ofs, for 010 sttU nosily 0 room NSA.of JOH RENHHAN, jrN ;'corner moortroodlianO streets. 41.13ZE§8.--7100 boxes Hamburgi • •AO ' do OadbAld; , • , do W.'11,4 tot aids by hig J. B. 0111iVIELD, 00 bbl! ii*GlidCWltast TI• • I . Fouls 11, op 'WALL PAPHR—liewiekesp and hand' n& rat Hu at, At. X l l ,O Etre" ' 1022 • .TCS. S lannXE4 Eno. UM 011.-10 2, 'on Steamer -It4 peer, to arrive. For tale lirt • lk 2,000 L iaß bl °rr I.°LaLamLEAL) .tE sr 4/ 31r-r4 DIFW eirkns. - MACRUM & - CL t "ELAIIXI I- ji3TIO4,ET Rion Dor open ka-riarly FALL TRADE. • spier. did 404. of !TAW c)DuDR, among wttlot will D. 'form:Ube Lstest. NOVIML•FIVAS Belt Hoek] .1 I Dees. Buttons, Ornaments, Goods nu Notions and Panay Goods;T an ttomby Also, Bich Embkkidales, of every description. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode. Fine &cif rpyellqsl.l.rts, Drawer. sad tiaks, t3Wpeussters, &a. MEEtCHANTS 1701 One our Wholesale 'Department very eem• piste end ettreettveonal PR,CES eta LOW AS THE LOWEST, FOE CASH. • W. are Manufacturers' Asents for the sal, of PINS, HUOMS A.ND ETES, By theca. Or les. ,;„ Ifiralye us a call before purchasing elsewhere. THE OLD 13TAliD Eaton, Maornm & Co, 'Received this day EATON'S, TWO. 17 FIFTH ST aEET, Jaeonet Ertgino, Stewart •os.ttlon, J wovuet t Locum ngs, 73=01/41( Flouncings, Swim Ede inks, Stu Insettir p, Wreath Candoln Bands, It...pis:ay Baal* ~.. intentsiebroldered Rnee. We Embroliored Watts, n 'lc Tbresd Edging., ell widths, Grimm Lace+ end Menge, all eddies, Mack and Nalattelluicad ZdaV i l l at Insetting", unite aomething *,) 3911 htalteali t iara ( Feint ace uotlars, jdaln Collar. and oars, Real Laze limikerebleds, Beard Hated Handkatehl.t., Illabrefolered ilandkerahlabh Thread Lana Pella, eraPra nut Veikseney bordars,) Marta e art ?rata levedbla Nara, • Waterfall Nets, eta, ate. A spkodl4 assertment of Sonnet Rfnkons, Trim cans Ribbon Neck Ribbons, Boggles, Butians, Velvet Ribbens, Bugle Truxuninirs, eta, eta., Black Silk geltlaga, all addlka. 600 Amen 1.137.19 EILAISOILF.IICIIIEr& Superior quality, at Gram IN to 25 eta. each. GENTS' FIIIINERING GOODS, Sr Wend todneemetate offered to toe whOleests Wide. OE= WC.RTII Y OF NOTICE. THE OELEBRATED Wheeler & Wilson SE lIVIANSi MACZUME Was awards& age f[Pst prize--a large .11- jet . IW4sl—at the' Internattosil Show, ;held at Stottin,-Pmksla, a few weeks . sfsee,"a. ge r wiag machine tar ;all ordinary rnrruoa."--/load ~/asts TB:13 V & WILSON t Lptk . f3titck Se . wing Machiaes. _ . 1 I r.:Alva:1- th e blerbegt pre•nlu fal at the 'great lekternatiqstal Ectatatone at I 11 PAR CS, Franca Pelt. LONDON, England teat EDIONSIBURG, Prua51a..",..1653. Nerne , e all the Storing *Lachine, of Eal rope and America wale to eampoUtlo4. Wholesale and actin Sates noon, So. 27 Flab et., ritt.boigh. E. P. CARPENTER, 1s l Solo Agent. A 6874-11011 0, tattoo, a •-• ',Jarmo? FM No ildWalllpittestgaen a Ti ss. A BBEI3BORa- Au. hereby g.tren te till portions li:iterated= au appeal will be held a t the Oda* 'Of the wir of 11. S. Taxes, Kw de Wateritniah Allegheny, thude ad, tth wed &A DANN flib' AUGUST, fot. portion l ot the twenty.third.colleetion. trict of Pcncelivanis, composed of eft put ol dlf the gratity of Allegheny lying north Of the Ala. g belly mul OW Ricers. rof Whine time Led Wee the senora list and proceeding of the Mani Assestors for said county will be open to the in. speetton of ell parties interested, and appeals hcard end determined, relative to any emotion, of excretive walueticuw, sasessments or animate. tiara made vy the Paid Mal/tent Aesessors • N. appeals must made In , writing, and 'patty the particular. ca n e, toetterx reepectlsig which a decision le quested, nioreirrer, state the ground or principle of oomplained of • SAMUEL MARKS, Jyttoodtd• ••, Assam? fat District, Fenno Drangl#g Office and Patent Agency. No, LI Wt. CLAIR BTILEET,Aoss timpani= Bride. a.r.arsamenata, Civil ,Digoa•ar. EaeMatto No, it Hy Meet. jet C.ArTneki..L.gles Ussics, 1 AatainmiT, July 2 0 . SEALED PROPOSALS (addressed to the Committee oo Strerota) will he reee,ved at this oaks, uniii RSI•A lf Angola 3, 1860, in clusive,. for furnishing thuitoiron Gotten for the Yea} aids of Federal Street, where it eroSses Ohio Street, similar to the one on the Weft gbh. Its direation of City 00UoOti. )320:td R. FRANCIS, Controper. • L PIPE AND awn. LEAD. LEAP PURE of allatzes and thlekneases. SIIEEX LEAD .01. any thtaness on band end made to oiler, by _ ALEXANDER GORDON, Agent, Commlesion Merchant, No. 102 Seoonil street. jeliatod NOTICE.,_ -1 ItESPECTFIII.Lt a • NourreE to my friends and former nstomers that I shall oectione to carry on the VERY AND UNDEItTAELNG BUSINESS, pest door aboye the old stead, formerly occupied by Rodgers A Thom. I Will be happy to receive the patronage so ilberatly bestowed on former omissions, and can harnish'Llvery of all antis MI the shortest notice. jeltratod Et K. ROWERS- BADLY At ROCKEIIIIOUSEN, 2/4x-Irmat - uxo sam;Lel ClkusUirmst 160 PEDEIBAL 13T11110T, ninlSmt. Jere 74. Blarft, JA-reatilteat, , ' =Ow= DRA.W743&sesoi /mom for all ldadir Or tango Intends aural:4l6p on m mag• N I Mice Jon AND STE ,1 bangs Law* and Robtoseat:• or ~,., TNTB %.• Until Trash Peliitee4 do , liimbhssOuesse; so Co /thesrMeeset I Just tecelvpd ant for We se itel LuDers_y_stripet. Porrrl. AIKEN • auxueeßu. SCROLL OIUOKERS—Frosh !from the &Meson; errei Batt= and G E T re Chaak. aria Jain moved. sad tot 8010 by_tho lox at wail. JOHN &AI HAW, wooer want" and dream win BAGS FT, t , LOWS ea I 4 , ,TUBT LPA•m , rearavedana job 1 -' fly JAMES #OWII, W Woo % stmt. AU the latest style. of F. H. BATON. n Fr?rß STREET 11,B3LII'LNAILAI (BLOOD ODRB.)— A mod remarkable article and positive ewe for SCIROFOLI , 1111EUBLILTISM,_LiEttn&L GIA, ITO/1, PIMPLE.% and a disesses'of the as a Tonic, it revives the appetite - ,perfecta d gestlon and wholly restores the physical strength Imo it waft but a trial to prove its striates, For sale by SIMON JOHNSTON, Druggist jea •aornar Smithfield Lod Fourth streets. ALLEGHENY CITY Amur.. ILLNOILMITMO2/1 07 A 15EM!ME NEW STORE-FIRST OPENING INACIIUM&. CARLISLE NO. 10 FIFTH STREET. ROOMS RETAIL Wlll.be open for bylaws on Thursday, July 27th. We heg leave to =wham that out, stock Wu been replenished with a complete assortment ot New Seasonable Goods, Saluted lam weak by one et mix firm, from Fresh Imponetlona ; embracing all the RICH AND ELEGANT STYLES Of the most Desirable Goods In market, end the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. Oar Mends will Cad tie fully Masted, on and .It that date, to ■apply teen wants, as far as possible, with Dress Trimmings, Embroiderie.a, Real Lace Goods, Glanmv, Ribbons, Ha& ..*is, Zephyrs, Fine Yarns, French Corsds, Marts, Piste Shirts, Catiars, Ties, 'Outer rests, Drawers, azul a eomp!eth aamortmeat of xv "r c 3 cs AITD NOTIONS. DIACRUM & n A RT.IRLE. NO. 19 ZUTU NTIIEST. pIiTROLEIIIS PUBLICATIO2O • TUB a nd ONS UT PEItnSYLVANIA. I.th map chart/ Oro. Cloth. 12-00. RUNTS lIIPSOVED BUR OF VENANCIO CO. OIL REGIONS, 'bowing farms, illations, towasMlNl vt 4,4 ". a"3. 11/.. STINTS IMPROVED MAP OF WADI/EN OM. PA...uniform with Mop of Veting° WIND. HUNT'S MAP OF WIMP VllllO/NLII, AND 01/10. M-03. V. DILOILAM ILEGLSTISII WELLS. lILCA OIL LEASES—toro lands. to carata. 7 HE NATIONAL PETROLEUM TIMMS, pub. I.6the4 weekly - - t 0 06.646, S 3 60 par szumm. JOBS P. HUNT, Publisher, Q PUB PU BST.,L&SONIO HALL AID - Sent by return post on riseipt of prices hol 1,1U2 , 1 MACK, have on hand a large sogortznont or MOWING MACHINES. asccoiuoto raalairzins.. Straw criers, Scythes and Hay Hakes, AT ➢IN 28 and 30 0810 STILIPICT, my/• 1 . 84A0 CRAIG'S OUTLET SAW KILL. AND BARGE YARD. Csalg Street, Allegheny. sTairza BAILEY, STOOK BROKERS, wramiars Jima, Tba Baoken and Broken Board baolni adopted tba following RATES OF COMMISSION we will be governed thereby trots this dote : stooks Witt% 2512 sad =Ur, 2 mats. pet glare do. do. Id and up tone, t per cent. do. de. 015 do. $lOO, WO qv share. do. do. 8100 sod over. 3j of I per amt. vtl SPENCER PALE, CREAN A8D11134 ALES Phcettix Steam Brewery, PITTSBURGH. PA CIOWMOLLSR .B 0117101, A.L1.601111111T, July tO, 1864. SEALED 'PROPOS/LLB (addressed to the Committee on Oity Property) will be re. e WOO at this office, until MONDAY. Ju= i , linitisive, tor supplying the Public B of t h e City with COM. • direction of City Ocruriells B. B fiIiANCIIS, Omitroller. rrwmaarimehatairs,' No. lie Fourth strait, Plitibuisa, Pa. DORMS of all Janda 011.AP=. EiIaDVDS,= and= script/au at Funizaalusdatang Doada Doom open day aadsdirtit.: Hearse aid Oarriatia tarabasL Dimicetcrsa.-Ber: David Karr. Ry 2:. .11.8 V. as iv. zamoauk sumo clang ar t Tana HI =lst ' • tam* ' STPai • . Steck Brokers and Real Estate &Beata facia" bimitit and nu MN pa sosatoSe Arafflop IFLIACIIMS BALI 9 0, BREAKFAST 8AC0117.--IIIST reected! from McMeat& another supply of Bum Owed Breakfast' Bacon, Foci ode by the pieee, at the Validly Grocery M ors JOHN A. 82:NISILAW by , coma Lthaty and Wad Wogs; • • BAIXR uralzn 157ATBe _ 7.30 Loa n. nun Ignotis BA NK. 4ieraer: if tali Itrut Illty FISCAL AGES; Or THE HENTED EMATZE and SPTEII474 AGENT of Jay OocArA, E. UM belle Web( the '; ' Seven•. Thirty Loan, POPULAR LOAN OF TEIN,FBOYLE, &RD TEIS Only Loan in the Marl uaziviwiTaws INTO lit B. 6-20 811 AEA ~(1/411-k, GOLD ID:lUnti'S BONDS. illinAbooot Closora!oolong allowed to daslars .1. a LaiTIVOREITON. Cambial astes4:f SECOND NATIONAL BAIL - Of Pittsburgh. Corner of Hand and Liberty Street s,, Spa:lal dienL st lay Cooks for the Bala of NEW SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Thls la striate the People's Loan, and le beini absorbed at the rate of about nve m*Lonsper day, These bonds bear as Warm'. of T's:Pcnca Cleat= Paz. 13343.3 r even tooneetel eofen, wad ere ecoseertible et mete. zity into V. S. We -Tommy Six ' Per Cent Get , Bearing Satoh. • • • allow XBanker%sd mr kes, n h b urohaiee ;:o, C. B. BiGaa, peeltdpg meet lizo I T EE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK O f Pittsburgh. Chartered by the Capital lOrnantsed under Stated Pa, 1836.1 11,000,000. , Natal Law 1866 Thu Beak tuis been dedgnstail DEPOSITARY OF TUE United States Treasury, and irppolottel &fent far the Axle of the 7.43.0 Xi . Every tartlltf be tittered to Weeders or pu ttee purchasing f ore•ant • pats . H. M. MURRAY, Cashier DWELLINGS FOR BALE IN ALT P,GBEN't CITY I. am authorized to sell, ma REASONABLE TEEMS, All thou Dateable and Convenient Dwellings, . Sl ol e Ea th tE e X N T o N u D te ßl i V re E o * m , AVENUE ezr..trz.6Ltnitilet...o Io good repots. To the, Safe and Desirable Inveelat enl, Ot to ray In went of 4 Comfortable.. Home, AN opsorrusurit 18 loam, OFFSHED Fuether peuticulars, on.APPllff4tlom! to B. B. BRUN. Br o ker, No, 59 Fourth street, (Burlrei Buttatag.) N EW GENTLIKEN'S'III*MIECNG roi. Nos.lB and ' l5 St. Clair St. The attention of tho,publte is called to theism* andextensive stock ' of GENTLE MEN'S . FRS NISEIING GOODS , jest opened •at the tbore• mentioned place, which I am baw oderinglat great bargains. Any one la want of the above Goods, will find it to their advantage to give mo and ISllarlillS my stook cc!ore purehving else. .where. They can find the %rgest and WM selseted •stbek of Fine White Shirts; extra due, fleAßgee , Shirts, Woolen, Cotton ,sid , Liele Thread Undgb shirts and Drawers,Sclifs,Neek Tien,Socks, - Sule%, .penders, Butterflies. sod sTurlthing perceiving to the Cieellemen's Furniabing Leonel', fa the oily. Remember the pate. II and lb St. Clair N. B. A large stock of flats, Caps, Traffics and Vallee' amist”llv on hand. , VULCAN COAL YARD ROBERT DA LZE ILL. Office adjoinhar Machine Shop of Oa -Mimi burgh end Ow=llsolllo EatlrOod Company , . .1 Best Youghiogheny Family Coal and Rat Coal ALWAYS ON BAND. COAL DELIVERED AT SHORT N4ICE.I , Leave your orders at THE OFFICIA r tr A..Wir.rt; SOPS &CO Boas Street, or at THE GAZETTk OFFICE, Flab street. . i rer&t. i: MIIREIa om GICAME O .A..Nir. W. P. SitEit&Y, Prestlexit. .7. 11. LlDATOSectratarianzl Treararer. The Company owns In fee simphsn tam Oolitehir, log itighty-aeven acres and fartydive perchse,lown red on Unveil, Run (a tributary to Cherry Rona and lying betsteen Chary Bun and Oil Ctreehl ' Twenw.elght lean, have alreadybeen radon!, responsible parties, among wham arilltbe found the mimes_ of some of the sand and racer nextrifft operatmon tha Oneex, . The entire tract will acromModate from 123 to tea wells.' This farm ts mewl:noted 'by roue et the most celebrated an d rodueinga on Oil Crone and Cherry HIE; is lectors proxiMity ter the oIleed" and .thlountainu .Welia, and ORO One tulle he= the WalnuaßeaulWell. The Company orders a limited number of shaeln it the imbsoriptionpriee, SEVENTY - F VE CENTS PER SNARE. 'tom the property, together with ail Inforna. ton regarding the property and organisation of they Company MID he obtained at the &Tee of I:I STEEL & BAILS!, Agents, 1: WILIELN3 HLLLi CURLING CERAII Mme, Demorest's Curling Oream Ali =fat:MITE POMADE, For 112114 burling arliesnUfithgru E 8 1IS eau be procured at the CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Cortex Cblo sad natal attests, in rilarke,t KotuF., Allevhem7. GEO: A. SEL,Ly; DETROUA MAQHI & WORIM.- B. U LEOKY, B=Utsatttrer of thi OitAr. prated Patent Improved . - 031.. i -WELL TOOLS. .4: BON POST; AND' WALKING BH6/1 IItONS, and all - YLITURISS - .IIttEDX 73M& , Vitt OM AND BALE WLLLSi Nom Stekeekth 01110.8TBEET, on the aaltr route of the Men . <Ude! P LoanAr.V.. Address,Akrg I7LALLEGarmo,',/1.. • ' •• rortleakr latest= is , Invited te ho. ptotromfate.ln-Isze end JOlote.O11: read* of the purest Bitty and , LF.F . Moor i pixie iflolty..mtlezt 1: 14 ,1 /7 3 ,,i 4 :4 41 kilt g i plea omilWaolorkt 2 ll: net Milos .3y other of his maatitsaram fanny the eame - romber. - Steam EV= and, Maeda* Work aotOlo,ardrz.. IWe Invite the ;OWn jowl so e, and 11 4 5 tar tot themselves' await/nil duomvcioatity rlcoumato and eompett6 'wei; Band An 0414 sad Clizecag. - 111.11:Settual URti.‘ poußawr Mannfe,oturera azA Morchanta 11111411111tN ColN PAR Ir, Of Pi tsburg~. SFFICEs No. (n&GALEDB suss aufo.s 3. I. IMIMETT, J. w. WIALVANX,Vio Prvident. WM. IN JONES ; Seurtirp WOES MINT LOsSiBY FillE Bares Steamboats and Cargoes. . . 'Wild/HS - I. BERN/Mid E. W.? ;JACOB L. ISCWAIME, J. W. eximpAlcr, ;ROBERT EEd 1911.611 DIME? J. aspzasnma,.: WILLIAM WaLiElt ,r 31.. W. wA , f . som 113,-0. BIISERICLL, L o .E yuf. , 1,10)11C,WILSON, .. . ". Minna' • - - INSURANCI3I,r , EnATDIAW A I ME 'lnsurance Company, most twirl 'EOM EIST AM, Natlasal 1311:111111D. :GRAY, zProsident. aavia 33:4 2. lhiir„. Vhie Viaaidortt. ROBERT FlNMirr,Seergtary. Will Inarre Against all Kinds FEB Au mum tan ZallllOTO7l3 S. O. GRAY R. R. PARE. _ . T. M. RARTUR. JAMES BERRY W. T IM & IL. ,- lAEE TRIERSBEIXINPIUGHT, MORN MUFF, isimp,rianny_ iz. J. RIGLEY,.. , DA ON. ' y gOAD. rod.. GORDON. .., 1 itITAMad TRIMIHANCE. EUREKA INSIIROICE cowin Of Pfctsl?rrtiO. Office s Corner Mater and Itlarliel Sts., ~aeQezasg itrathiß4, a. H. sudisamizseßn. rvegiants. W. H.-MLATILCIE, Moe Pols: Adria. ROMS= AMMER - T. Seorifou7, WILL INSGB3 AGAINST AIL HINDS Marine and FireAisks. J.H. SHONNEMBGXII, W. K. Plalla ,W. J. Aramasorr R. I. AND Jell= L BElTrilikrf, At. W. BELT/IWO H. D. 000KBAJA, . I- A.. CASUGHEY, B. T. LEM; .lA.. W. 'W. AUSTIN As L,. riaNwobs., BYRon-g. Pealing& A. D. KITH. '' • . laymPista JAMES SONYA, DIANILMACMI=II pr IMPROVED BONG TOM, sinking Oil; Salt and (Mei Wells HO., OSB WOOD STREET, riTisbratos, PA. Tools warranted made el the very bed SLIGO &MD LOW. MOOR MAIL WELL BOR.ERS Ftuadsaed at Tacmcra.itst • •Cfamaa. 4:Morl.class. with .oak ankle! of AM Abcl:9lll2Tb 'madras opera Qls2. . BEANMs, 13.8.11 • Da.% SA. • M WILE EA SHOVELS, PLANES, rICTJES, I , . MEW ? NA TT &a. Rope, -leatkeg and *nu Belting, Nhtista, I ffegmenva{7 t o nom Jai:in/41M ADDY & EWENB, PRACTICAL PLIJI'MRS. Gas and Steam! Fitters, No. 165 WOOD OBEN, copposrra catracni,) Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet Lead, LEAD PIPES PIG . & Bpi LEAD Plumbers' Materials an general. Fitted lip in the Host /*roved Style. Tank' lined LaiLII Lud or ittn*c. Housea fitted • op.wlth water or gas: N. B.—All orders pomptnr ititaded to. lea BAILEY, F.dRIIELL 4t4:10., Mb. 161 Snsithfliga prrpistrigni. PA, xiirsTAcrrinant. air Sheet Lead } Lead Pipe, _ exn _ . , . .13 .A. Fit. Ls r :43. =I . i Malaysia furalshilis housailsrPc tars' ?atm riall, firms Goods tor 'Wal t Crulz and Stasua Pumps, Hose, lio.tyPipa . an d teeny, at loves{ 1 Latent rates. . ' '' • ,_ •- , /Or Sole :wogs . tor. Eziossles , and Silsbee'. Patent r team PWvap, which ittpplies • neal iosir Alt as oilman, for a pump trusi,wl/1 gmsaust rap! Idly awl wort. with , case soil t art withal.... entailing too great an impasse, , '11:r Orders sollolted..", .3 , jyphi . pranrstme, - - 5 - .. , eau and ,Stextmil Fitting • In all Ita branches, carefully e/teruied to, by ere& i ricrAl marl workmen. f . f" fine easartruent of i "6312 ani T 0, .. 1 • MOW... ...TM , WATZR or.osrra. . ...1 airmusag . 3 ouswitiy.ack hand and ruartof.o orlq. TTAE i SEVILLE. 5 ' a .ta FEDERAL oTlllll33gbetn y; ;itttabsugtui ffM et..P.008R1.F.&• *r ' ' :.1 -- I • . ••- 0 125 begelutine llnd their* Ma . ' 00/0 10' 1 ~ .. 25 pockets GM Goirstomm• t iirs Oothss 1 re nal( chests Green o:;4 Alai T 1 ' CH; 1 , • 20 pep prime Pater i, • ' ' 1 ',AI o = l . &Me P. Blur • . . - so 00, 1 . , 110 .10)11. - Warr " . 4.. dal , . 1 1152 00 74 d t ':Bl. l3nb ra VaVn umi rr -- 1'22260 = 0 1n ; ''''' ere " 40 10 ran CtlenlnPur k 100 boxes Coarreo1 d 6o i . 4000 100 1 . - _ , L . ..^., , ,/errelds.bnintrint ,•_ A.D. ,:-. 1 Arriving andln store, Frie sale la IATTLI VAIRD Et' P._ . t Arrort ! , .Jr4l, :Niel.iis ammo - - •ad et. intranaryi, .11 : CABTiatt;kcisAylhaps rap 311 " 24 lt"" l""VjeoLismear 1 udoa Azgossiv akr Maw.a
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