no.d.rTs WANTIW FIVE oAß.P.sies) Apply nl POHRESSIS SHOP. VAGXEI 'ALLEY 7 Y_ Letzeca Idler a viA Itreeta lrl -r". WANTED.—HOUSE.—A B=ll hotusb,.' emenintrig - roUtTIIVe or Mx roomp, either in pit,burgh or Allegheny, is wanted about t4te: - *Witt liatimbatoluitotel, bys caticiaai; Jutdtwo children. Address, I r . tr WANTED. Gararrre Omni: 11VA.NTED:--CA:RPENTBRB 04e AT, titikitrigßB w an ted, to work in the airl. Good wages OM, :19*I ite !‘ /7 1, 2) P l Ift g * APeZ if 2lO , Ol V. AI Ro. 1341 bNITINIENSTaiEr; - Pitroomh. r. i t i oo AGENTEi -'l"7"Acrjau:rercluhuoxi.gars Lint 08 LINCOLN. Terms litersL ) (10F6T kpFFßl.Cirtrajt. jr4l9auhrks !Vat. PlttabsulglCP4. "IVANT,-4.q.E1FF13 FOR "THE , 'IS BZ mix =IAN THE DIIRGEON AND THE ESCLAPRyt By Ayala? ` 6 I ptp . 444". 7 127A /inM A irkb3 2DBCl4 te r n." IV Y otrikerftffiV°:triZnerasr. aura experience for four years, traveling throngs OW Booth in the .ecret service of the Tribime at the outbreak or the war, erica our armies tad Heath, both Dolt And' Wert, during the first Min pall of the Rebellion; hie thrilling capture; Witelthement for no months to ocean different r 1 rist r hilthlie , 41312,14602.10u5j0 in ' might ol nes,Ay coo Wine. If Will thotuid in events, and contain more of the fact, Mei. ant mid romancenfltat is ar then any other wprk yet published , -, Teatimes, ladles, energetic young Men, and ceps daily returned and disabled of and aoldinre,, fn want of profitable employment, will find MP* eiluirir ,vaptd• to Emir condition. We Bre agenth oleat Silo per mon th , - wid th we . wysilMoyabtl o igareit os fiVa p ir . c • . 4 '-' ' ' - IT , R4firliilibtilfitil and idincirlar...4 ,;,..40ailinlerrE , ' '',, , , PlaireaelPlitto Pa., ; , urI4ITED O -4126 `..:..f . %1C....119211 1 1. ' ”ty - be vented. eiremenese to catrodnee Ike' ~t SHAW ei ESSILEAPS FEEIMY SEW i '"", El a teHlSE•aborestpiroa:rirlseranseriant in ,c t err, irlibiliiis Mow& by Amer A L lthinsf7 tr i . "1.,,,,,,W1.110,14,110vnr, rrfitngente,ioor, I abd -,./1 '714. otheemse.Ums.nre infriesecienu, . "..isargreaabte.iaird nkfusweiatatdoobs4 an 4 0i1... '.jorkidosett. , fislarrieXpenecniEriir AMP, win. -. - sadiurlon;tilleived.r . ,lEnsaxW einnalscs wart If rim. ;' MIMIC MAW iirilAABS, RiddidiktifiliXante , i , ~.i moit. d i at or y ..i. n.-. 01.1 ti,:tio., ego: v.^ WieliTP'- AN loot= "lc ,pREGIA vmr.ClAlPßl,ASlat,ln7 , opeij_fawn tar,111.121 nuEss, ANA 13_ _YY. tha saostexdung Wok star publishokaraprpr,L. oNg 1 4 , e soma area a , womaA 4n, ttor.trido,n,ffpir ItureiiiSeout and lipTiOring it 9414 int= 1d 'Wotan of Canna, nom Astra* 11 15 C r month, whicit.mre :wilt prove to nny.don ling aoracant. Send for etrordara._ Address .TONHI3, UAW.= ac Coy Sio..oCo 0/rotnt4ivirp4rwPtdiadel• ;AVANT= -r 670 ~ MONTH. —I want 114eists.essrywherettAidsltly expenses &UAW irfETEEN, A I Um best set ,: 41M atienta. psalm:dais es. Address niamms. atattatottior44e. • - .7,Tr00414.LE-roA lumrn F ,atL SA • --:43. FaThi ' at taat 203 acne .- e. • anFalrkattatassldp, Frettroarelend ilonety, ,e'realm l .. Alm, a Fanned leriscrea .ioWnaldp , I :tl. 74 sllll ll ar lidVi e g = ' fa l. 4l64 " aene"tha town of a. Beilser, In Fairflehl township, Wmtmore;.. htut:ecruntyi Ph... 14,1 +shoat ago 844 - i half wiles ,- *Om the Permaylvaaleo Ballrod. 4111 1 ttelneee• -. Melebe ate • Urgent:We homes ' , Print homier semen hottee, IN lergelramestableall fame i s barn ten :L a vin " g S W nate lalge 51. 10 with &ate tzees. 2t. I.2,,tmder eflen was, a 'eh' Of arlittbillelaY.SaigibOtit ono tisituired scree of No,i white Oak timber. RosseallOrt fine to . toodlately. . Also tad aces situated to Ligonier towaildp, - Westmoreland county, :Pa.; hdlhining thatown of i 'Al Crlitl lota, with a large bitch house. A floe I resldense in the borough of LY-onher. Will be Also I sad Of land, with a largo flouring rein, came ' 44 =o cres P of laraieababigicarae shoe I Also, rte a -but. farm, onths Monongahela lliear, *bent onedetle flona llen , w l POrt, Allethee* Co, . Pa., contalcion anontiftserea. Theron provements are a franw irdnie Ludlam, coin crib and wagon shed, wittrorther._qutbnibt , ege A. large apple orchard of botwerm 400 end OW trees; ha owner ". leas, sci pear tress, and 4,50 peach trees. Alma, a Faros ot 150 antes , near the, town of . Ugnater, Watmonnand cothity, Pa, Tar cheap. Also, a large iiiatel a: Blairsville Intersection, on the Pinsurylvanialtallroad. The balling. are goo:land well arranred for a betel and store. This m-Artyvill tm sold at &great &realm. .eaqil,Vary beautiful Farm et acres, situated , la,WestilFheatileld Tomah! Zane Co , Pa, t e A , . steam theAtliVa lef,lFsabis_ r,_ • abblit four miles Irmo the Panasyrallla Railroad. ifw.. e •Ireeneere . meats ass two tame fret* dwell he. two frame barns, a lame store Yeomen mine yocum „apple orchard. The feocleg la goodurery Groove. .oleat to chat schools, mina, and seer" , helm , Cita iocallon. This peppertyl,alli entirety cheap . -and =easy teram. - Aleorthe Noddle FaMa in isabetti Townsidp, Allegheny Co„Pa , contabaletelvertail %fret, sit. , , nated,abont ihrong pallet east hpeharhoth or -..- Elisabeth. 1%10 =oral:km=4a at ' large brialV ,ontlage,-bonee 'With nine. vtell al sutras; 5 . _bearalfeilawn In japp6aarr4io svy ornamental amen a. Noel balm with , hy tither Willman , gmcal Phelan lo•Crelkel thlt very felt Whitel-Mk' timber. It is the beat Manly of limeatons land,: atoltia all noderltdd pritkenak., : For fortherpartienlars Monne of . ~ :fly. .i. TOWEB,l l4 •Falfate owe ;A ' - -,, . • bin ~ -,, . ,e. -NO. 10; roan st. • i)r ' .4I3ALE:-L-The' sl.thE:crimr virers for sale, the prenaliee he now orcuptes,eltn.te on V,EBERX.A.,STAZET,TIAt 7tVitr.t. MY* 4 2 : 16 4 1140 4;E".: N ove m be r StOZeti witir:wa• ter, Gas, , en ,a.pactdern, lapoyeaenta,_ eood XeOlei Stable, eha Other trothnueee. TA re *bout ifre gtouncli. thtpmvel. wltst -1131anbbery. °lgoo 17.1141;e0., And the Garden , Ist is good stole. of olnivetloo . • For, telear, apply' ttat'eorner Sevimth egg! •Grant meet, 004 Oretelses " - Jeremr,enat, WM, DI/07.011TH;". IR RA.UE.CH&NCE FOR. ♦ tOcklisrreitmentatilla bs.utsruieoant.,yres‘ Idenco,3xi *Oland; tea ideate, walk from the :Oekleed, Station' andd - lee Mtkithes walk from 6n- Itktirg Steno's, opted Ocknetriville Rat/road, ONE klElr-"Or. enovrizortur good holm stery Itente;mustegetotme sidefat 4 ee. erne 0.. ulna eigfir urge .rocme,Wlthliell lax fret wide reaping. Wolter thy": opiitttg!" A.: shotee lot or • '4ll.ll.t.ttetti and 0413147:0 447 4 44; • 41/v4lf k fitlEct&WeEof goodytater. Plied Zoo. Ettotd.te •• " lea ABS k' CO , Witt' eomaergerotiqte-lesytte treets. OAL ,4111.1.? lie• stBALF rl be , l',lloo,PEßTY Baflrob 4, FO.eve.R .';(00 f . '?" the 'UV _L VI*AVONCIONEHUNDR . FaiiND vicGHTY., 'fleati and Water Flotulng and Saw 'Still, and ' Other One lieproyementa. 'For farther taforatattan, , WALLIN-RC WARD. 'tOspoelte thaljattardral,) o "'''jyth' "' "". • Grant street, 0. Dd. • • 1011(11{.8.8,4E,••TbreE - built putpowly recoil wellirPA !nab cylinder,' • Ilt Mar strokeq Yary-strong. glee shaft, arm* sad opostnectiagrx?d,ot =ought Iron; axed forbases. , 7 J' , 8014014401 11blestiOnt,39 Lulus diameter, with, two 114een ants; eanintr4fel= b 7. 20 fedi not gad • ealiterater pampa, -.Eranltlegenmplete and ready, %,,skt.Pol!stOt. 11 tali Id. BUL% . attnp,voiMar Pettit galerand thaqueu... Meet, bilkWATlegbourtirar, Iseu. t, Point. , dell= 'Pg I3 A /411- 9 2 . i:-.0:4 0 0.1 1 D • HAND . BOILER, neer? , nand, Said letigra .1 06 # 01 (kw 11 foot long, 40 Inches diameter' 2.1.5 One 040 10ng,12 Metter diem-Me/ 2 46 10412 etieldkbarrettgrzeugltt lino taik. Zuvit aL flu ItiOUSTBIM , WORKS. -•-• 111:011 AI.BOLE WOO., - ear. letnt Allay and Duquesne Way, Pinata. •134LE:44,15D1A.11.1L09.1P:ARK— : A Sun Or gag 50g00,•4 oleogsa,ltdortatim tom Aoiriod - Etilkoprlos! StIVBI3IIII 41tosto foOr - muoi.Poio.potolvOle,Ont.hs Hope.a roadozonvealoot t.0.4i0rae5,54.4010. mill 1 2 ha. There ilk %toms ;iodigigiegoo of cool and ./1 18 12 iroo4,4aanoo Putc4ll 6 p.a 5 P And -Inn Diana. ' ForktrUmilnforniation` apply at the WALE* tato finCipagrome,OtHze og - • • • , • G. H. H&I'M ' Hater. ;trod, La:n=6MM. Pa. F °4- ' SI * EL " or FOR,'. 'palT/TE BEJ.FIFULr•X°C47. I c Itir'S .1? 4WD • r - • tkantalsiLog :Fly& X ate., Lo Piet ifttrstfaap, a ..fewOffnutco wells fru:tithe Lino of ,ht tttnerssillo pusofiger Itstlrood:' for portlaulen inquire of (3. IL TO WEEt, f. 922 NO. - 1041 Fourth' stmt. FO4 -HALE. • _ the borough of-LlverPool, Colu f gtans on Kent Worn, 11 feet, eXtettd back 60 reek TU. property sold for ounnory cheap. For further patient ire fru:faro CF; ll+ TOER, jeloll 192 Rana W SUVA. km -BALA, Dwzr.s.rra 11017 SE , ooltrozreims wtMc iM %Ur I•o=4llel3hisi ow lad a hall KW* of ths 1021141 urs t inXtubestat. Rood watitszieruer Wag sonnainit: • Poseessical glYoO Irer teems lixtt apors ejosiLra Purs,T7 Palatal sum, = Wagon 13/%111, Mower Meat • • =llO • A:, COUNTRY, BEAT:, ' BALE. twatataa rivalAcials,crawd - • with Fruit 4rwaydemtptloskrocatottable H•• Ststas, - well watered Ow sad NW Acne planted.w/th : four quire 'grow th . lounearvith Pram _vas Data mat soid , brlnn Of Almost. Purim ; • fzinatteleirOwtodzi - Sest hazels s bAztain•- , APPri• to a Hwy,. .... vat MLA= fr. CO. WOE, 134L8...--(= TROD: - DLO .11:' oust posrs.,:pw.444 to tnood TWO4IO I / 1 175 WAWA, iron praf tz arsa 'ISZIrgt INE. 2 •An OliffflOß an the second oss4 gmsshaela Ahab. aLTKIT ionN L HOUSE ft 00. E.A^ rs. °HETI. 21.6.x.eara alyeV i r pliroprsB orc szooari; , ,=!alugiveatteve*.thituladmthose-ww ' u ftr 2 4 I : 3I M 3 ESS IITGEtt7.Ir. 4 M .4ignectiet Evtrattg, ditia tputbseets9erf 11/03. dual.% Wat Uc• tut tinuttgkiti2Uscrout. ettt• stoats, tu t ..„ ~ouPa 110 = 34411, APB, igLASS Idtrodurtrer rne tete receillott THREE EXTRA. ORDINARY•ffER, BILL/10froetuting the follow tegtyrry rorehtemd taretheble pure e.: • petopef7ohele Ira:floe, The 46ddetis of Liberty. HExtern s ußemo. Ottere,ok iterroerltet Metttelag Trattr.:OttroOlftv.poad Permt Ithc ririqa Pflagare Teurefarcereerr tl nsegiewe etre bito,l3otmerteXemeter Udenetn, Pealrbro Ler • FlXTeyfreMfn . 'rEOWTts . e„ttrottrelitome Ser. 7rhEliftAH juLLOOII A.SOF.NSIORR' re referee le Hrt ?writer*, e rd t r ar i e EVENT MLR:Iy lUleenetert, 71XTIESD•&T'EVEITlateetlalt m.llO. Ilreraint Wert hisAttreettosi forth° be:WU of hie otAtoefielldlt , ..Plireifitta Radiants Mr pg; ettogleSettsintOrtvata Bolas, el 125._ .;;CSlrtialntrlferZ e ” 3%4 ;Haiti Rtirti ,e.° _ _ rimy,. T ~tEAfi_-BALE. VF+(}OVEItNMER'f ~: 110119'W1,4X11 muiirs 23,41oti.x.s'irs:trg,:t3o4n livfiord' • • • • Vir. DLLOSiEf 0t...6U0 UST. . . _ • tiOktfitre ID* Y.ofeetkholoylvaikl.t, Os lo DoloWark9flttyLiool, and No • • Jeroey, mod the Dinrict. of • • • o°/10114,*.., • , .0 . • 4 2 AirrX 11Alltioars Olisto:4 - Wiebtedwolf, „ 04July nt t 1865. sold;otilOblIO sorsa... u. tho ot bleglertutHte Hirst 5.,41215.fts named below, : • i' , NetO ,,.lll.tesday, and Friday, of earl • nesse, Cco Horst. eachalse.- rtes. York otty,, Wednesday of earth v700,4200' Alubrattuat day. kliesdaY. anvil A 260 Hoists. , •PMlttc"raetCll,6. - Avian in, 600 motes. .afookl, FriOyiLoomit US, 600 Mules. sobs y„ august El, 601) Males. rt.. t..' UVAfiffi, Philodelpfdo, Thursday or solo weAlr, gee Horses Caen dity. phlfidelphteMsdnesday Saturiag of often ' treek'WO Mules 'each day. • I • ' , '-'Plitibttilcherbursilay of tacit - Tintele, TOO Mules OttsWitesdity,' - iintrical, 200 , 31u1eA Flidaly-an nit 4, 200 .11 - o;el4 , FelesrlyaustUrt lt , :bisirsilleiThonusyvatignstfl, too Horses. Nearville, Thursd.y. August 1 , 000 Malta -i,-Iteading, , Eridaci,augus) % ) .9 Hanes. Shippenalitlrg..WedneciazlsUlLlS, Koliorses.: E.leThunelsr. August IVA* Horses. Sitlfumolhorg, - Thursday, Hagairt IS.-teo Males. Willlantspok. 'Friday, August ifvfoo 'Hams Indiana, Moods I,,,August 21, .203 Horses. ObarrOte.raburs. , Wealuesdsg, aug. Z, 100 Hoes. Chazobea a barg, Thursday, ugust 24, 100 2iloles. Mat on,'Frlday, Assault *tat Hulse. Carlisle, Wednesday, / 1 4 uvnt 30, iOO Horses. Therelay,.Aissurt 11,100 Mules. - OHIO. Colunstdana, Tuesday, August I, 100 norsee. • ' Salem, Wesnesday, Await 2, 1 , 21 Mosses. , Alliance, Thursday, Augusta, WO Horses. : CaMoe, Saturday. Luguet.l3,.MlSl Horses. ! elmlaud, Tuesday, August 8.1,01,0 Mules. , , Msslllpo..-Tuesday, Atigustlo, 200 Haziest Crestlhl2,lB2:l2ll, 000 Clerelarta, Monday,'Aisgustlr, 200 Horses- . r INDIANA:, - Fort Wayne, Monday. August 00, IMO Males- DELAWAIM I . otAlakh week, 200 gorses_ sash dipp Wtlmlog Oet, 11t,22cy of 114 week,sco Males eactidaY. - NERS£2". , Trenton, Thum-Icy August to, goO Mules. " Trenton; Thursday, Anyust VIII Mules. ' B.IATITLAIgry. •• BA/Moore, Wednesday, Angus/ 9, sod Weiner. day_of Aseh.week tba_eef(er,,•tee Homo snob day. WASHINGTON, D. 0. F•"* weer:dirt 230 nlv. ' _ '' . 01:05130D12, D. CL sr....warAMCIA 0- ...- Eat/ORO! ' &Of, eunept Wainsaday, 9:10 Horns. gm - opportunity an pc:lnhale *superior class of waddle and. tints animal. attar less thaw Melt true falue, L Doer °need to Ihe public!. Though the maJoilty of them are eound and Ser viceable, they are no longer re, nirod In the army, eel mortice gold. Many or the mules terra boughtfirthe beglrusieg of th a ws, wheu yotug, sesoniciaaled the armies bi - aU their =ram and camps: cad ern Lhotougti .tircbrokun,,,hardencell be aserelea, pestle and fa dmilial% front being's* loci ellemunded by the EA dnimals Will he acid singly!. Sales tomommenea stle asracs—tiastc, to United States, . • c Etre t. Ting. ilea In °newt° let Die. Q. M. 0, 0. GREAT selats OF GOVERNMENT HORSES AND MULES • .QU WAsan A.SerI.r.XASTEU 011:11, 23. 1111.11,6 rwroa.-D . behold et Pohl,* Auction, to the highest bidder. at thetiOtto pM Tasese named below, vitt , : !;0111115411A14.042 v ici. r. TUES9 1 ', NPVDNESD.I9, angan 24, 100 Iflorsoot 'ALIZAZOO' 'E, OhIeITEITIRoTDAY, /Logue. id, 909 Ildlebeet • Cot rith,t2oo . In*TY.IbL • ITP, fibln. DAY, Augdet'ith, • - 1.000-Alcilerre .oblo, TitYLSDAY, Aautast 1524 • • 200 11041411 , 614 cEESTLINE, Ohio, TELUESUAT, August 17th, 0 4. 1v 4,21,-411°..74,47Ai.. tug.. . 4 ,- *pirttlclr'R 2 l.lo2ti,TAlßSDAT,lAntinS , 24121, .000 Moles. xd 'Thesihinfli are 130 longer require.: In the inlay, and must be sold, :Anupyartnattp is Urn alterdAl tanners end others tri purchase - is euperlor elasiettlAtett unlash zit Lar:)stes thaidtrreir true , Nab:trot • • • Many of the Mutes Were bdught in the begin. • tag elite mat. when young, szeompaniel the ar. , I law 4,Oribl these marches and mans and ere tiler Itilikty broken, hardened. by ...rare gentle end - smtuee, tontxbetne so long earrounded by the se/e diet. Anfmaiaabidttd;l9• Bala to cotatee,ea at to a. m. each days tnupalaitvDEViT, [lnv. Ting Gm in elkarte Vint Div. a. M. G. n GREAT tar.r. OF 5E:114.10EA131..E MULES Ctizentzaiseirrsi Grastiathi Orricia, j .Wasemattrcrs Crrt., D. 0., July id, 1861. i ONE VEICYLISAND 11171.. ES will be now at pub. 110 auction, lancer the &email' of Captain C. Ray, A. Q. EL, to the lashes: bidder, at CLEVELAND, Unto, 43tiauaereing. TUESDAY Alltast 8, Sat, and pan. tinning from day ittday till all are sold. Many of them .were bought la the begloolag Of the war at rOmig Males, econmpani4" she &raga 'ln ail'Atlelf. arebeemul camps, azu/ are thoroodhlY tichkeh ; ba , deliecr be exetelle tootle and Sur am polar se/Ungsarrounded by the aoldiert.. •• Though tound.and serviceable, they ate eo loaF teen: mired In toe army. and, eau be purphtted at ..tbis gale tibiae lest Uwe Mete true Value. Mules sold tangly. . Sales to eommeneast 10s.. X. each day. Terms Called States Ourtecev. JAMES A. ERIN, _ Brevet &Saadi* r General In charge „Ivlen'aulo 'Filet Division 0, EL. G. 0. . . - - iItEAL AND .:PERsomil, PROPERTY 21.2 , A.1:74:73Laft).1N; 1 On MONDAY, JULY 31st, at 12 N., musaust Glenwood °fore; Clonnellsville Rail. rand, art') be sold, GA tollOrring rroperty of B. W. MOrEn4:£ l4 l. 3 Eatoteres,of valuable Loa; On which le erected tiro rdrilrßrank and lira Frame D norms, Stant*, Corn Crt ,ILuatbar, ad. .61330: Gass ape. rl or Deasy, Draft Hones_ four Clarts,leagoo, Ulm bury double-dark Fists, Wheel Barra ars, Bilek Blovdds, biz Acres (tarn, Four do. rotators oho, two Fan,. Flo W Boole. Terms at Salo. • LTV, , T. A. AIeCILELLAND, DISSOLVTIO.IIrB. NOTICE OF DISSoLUTION—Tkis firm AA of FLEMING lIROTZIERS has been this day dam:dyed by mutual consent, 0001[ELAiN FL ING withdrawing Irons the new. the business of which Will he continued by Tohn Fleming, under tae name and style of Fleming Brothers as buret. fora. All unfinished business of the late firm will be closed by John Flemin JORN riErcurrq, • VOIJUJI.A.N FLAMING. Pirrostraini. Ps., July Ist. ISO. Iv :stud DISSOLUTION OF CO-FAATNER , f37lLP.—The Partnership heretofore ezlatica batman the undersigned, undez the dt. oarne of CTRIIMPTON 300., for thexcanufacture of Sliver Pearl and other Idoeps, has this day beep diseol7ed by mutual concept. SAMUEL AL HIM JOHN CI. OBUTe • JOHN POSTE& Pittsburgh, Sept- oth, taw • WM. KENNEDY & CO., (Sio.fors to CRUMPTON fr C 0.,) Silver Pearl and Sir r rior RoshSnaps, LIBERTY trim prrrss i oh REMO r. 17,8,. REIttOVAL i.'WELLt3,ILIDDLE 6 Ca. natal mamad their aztanalva Whip, Store and Vaatary to: No. 111 WOOD ST : earner anh Virgin Allay, where theni n ts. prepared to fill all aeons fox HI WP §wrroszs promptly at the lowan prltos. ; an* MOVAL - We im;ra thus' day remoTed, 10.4 wools Mat WM= and in rata sift. SeotVa new trolldfre the Vineland onel Pittsburgh rndfd AF&IIIIM ON, da10101 , 4 h 00. riTTRIMFAIII April nth, LW watt PE( :J rtt.• JJ' - .1.1.-11../. 6L I'SKIUn Omer 101 and Smelting Work , . PTITSHUSGEL PARK, McCURDY &CO. litaniffer• of fiIIELTNING,HUAZIEILT at. BOLT OOP L.TMESSED COPPER. BOLDER. BOXTOMS.SPALTIKEt , I„ ,W rzs l witani ;afftern am 'dealers to ZdEft ALE, TUT SILSET IRON, W_lftE, no. Oonstautlttjgainoti ST and TOOLS. WaranonaLfib..l4olTßST and L1081:0- ONDASTEEXPIIF2ittabtash. ' , Special a s el Copper cot toosT any desired pang= 1.: layTBdpda . J., . • - ar . win. assaalula..4 Co.. . Boiler yak, l'orlcp TB, , ~Skeet .. . /los. 2022. 24.a:4," ,ezmi ritiarl t . - ;! • • -•- --__,•-•••• t. -•- ; , ,, ri t Samna =norm I Lain yard, and l'arnialuxt with the most Itupneved machleteryora aropegt s i: ed to manatadture avert debertptton orBOrL to the beet mamma,. enntaaarranted equalan n ag made In the emintrj._ICIMILINEY_BRI FIBE BELS,STEAM,PIP/Olfg LOOOSI BULLEILS, O 0 TIDENSERS, _SALT C a -TANKS, OIL STILLS.,._ AGITA.TO_ p.FIT TLING ", BOWER tam • EISMIDFIS4 SIIGAII PANSand sole nfsetneen of BARN Ernaoq pen= xto Be rwizindlim elm tbaortad. antk.w: • . , IL • . ...... ar/722113 , j1:11ittikBAM _WOUSIIA musamoi:EiFiVJACoA. LInE7MMMI S 01 PATENT GBOUNI) CIRCITLARPI, WSrranted'oAsr P,TEEL tIVIES, I AT every de. scritAlon. Nulag, Cross Out,. Ciator, and all otter varieties. __,_ ' All kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS. made from Sheet Quin Steel Itelnedt.REAPEß AND MOWINGK, as. 43. Watelionu an d Works, corner Vf & R and SHORT Strterata; Fllttaburdh. Particular atteatien Shun t° FiatootAtig:Ocon ming and Straisktening ClirctAar Saws;re. pathiof eltilnd4l PUziskdAlS 61,4 -1441Lnir do n e at reasonable rates. sptaly MANHOOD i • HOW I.ORT, HOW .D.WSTORXD h-sbst Published. in a seat Envelbpit_ - Pelee silt' Ones: A LEOTURE ON TILE NA.IIIRE,TREATMVIT and Radical Ours of SrertnetoribcOn or Sexeidal Weakheas;" Divot Witty Entisidons, Sexual Debility and mpolt ma* to. MatTeuerany ; Nervousness, Doti.; auciptiliAllen and Pim teental. and Pb),l4. cal Dica , dog-Hos Sall AtateOlka.. by Roux. . troteisrovAit.,. M D., author Of the peen Boot, to. ..AO - 4300N1 Itrauremme ,ov $1717EZZ.145.” Sent under seat In a plain civet e ns eo t eht eda sf ee : e 'r Vie s eee4 e rO P HIV ii, 4 1;13410 P :5r Velc.l l 46 b inac;yfi r , 4o236. jerithinrwT • TO NEBTOOO-1,11:LETWOO oY ar BOTH SEILIES.s&reve nd gentiensui hay beettiestotett to bealthitl Ara Osysoifter no • derig tA,„__I 4I I4AIMPPOazgIittgOOI ,X PO MIV V -tmeme s r n tobtO irtteeess,Sonsiders it his seem &Ay td attaiicrete to -hi•-alftlettO creatures the means of owe. Hence, on thd Seselpt of iuktrtrula eavzolsritlimgdra, • coP7 of the prescription - Meet toTt.3ollNl9f., Waele/SLl., , titernlten street, 11 , T.•••rohltitycleirT . Oro RYtTYY 7. tiora.KAN LE 8161443 STEEL WOIEITS. - RtITFIR & CO, Manufacturers of OAST STEEL; • SPRING, PLOW and-BLIS ARS TEIL STEEL;APRINGS, AS. I.ES, CROWB, U.. , . • Ilar Office, Mr. 96 WA rER STRECCInp stairs) P27T5111314071. PA. .17rl IIoBINSOR, BEA it OIL. (ruccosson to Emit:Otos, laurtp. BIE.IXES Washinctoft W rice WENDERS A3S)XiCHENlSTS,frrriatrzes. Mulutattuxers of ES BOAT AND SrATIUNARY 'STEAM 'ENGIN, BLAST ENDIFES, NULL mADDINEEty,r+EARrNG;'BRAPTING'-OAST. ENOS of all deorzi._ pIIoOL3ADIESb.*ILLS, BOILER ARD'HitEEr IRON Air Adi4stot GIPPASIPS PATENT RP.TEOT. OR, tot I,l:tir boilers. .1011211 COCHRAN it Bub, znanntaa. Wars of-IRONIWYLTEVAILIaD FAULT ' WBS IW IA R RY9r it tMLN '14 : 17 8 SEO. °NV and BO THIRD STBEET, betimen,Wood and Market, lawn on hand variety of now pattarra, fancy and plain / ,ndtable for all Dulpoana. ParUenlat attention paid to enclostAg Grays Lota. , Jobbing done, at short notice._ att2 TUN BRIDAL CIIARINNII, AN NW SAY OP wearmo AND HISTSUO, TION ECM YOUNG N. Atio„Apw arA bid treattneat al the Urinary and Sesnal.Systems. Addrees DA I. SULLEN HOUGHTON, How ard Aseociation, Philadelphia, Pa. apidy Or"multi u. cox:marg. ?tined.= ' ING AND 00IIVILMION NIXSOHANI end , uttrolesedri dealer lo CHEINEA . :BI377SR, SEEDS,FTSII,_and. produce geaprolly. No. 26 WOOD ST RENt Plltermrsse. not OENT PAJOPOLET OP 61 tommorimpormcelo the alitand VQE'. minted a alagle'of oenklOYa, ba cent free be add:m.loV slat itatir'e%O.odi=gtoO, • sErantLcar. a OD., BoxTa, Poo Ciftfee. -!0:1111:01,Ttlewli, BOOTS eiIJeLA davits. FRESH ARRIVAL OF • Fulmer Boots, Shoes,. Gallen and Balmorals, 3ac5.14. 3 .T, aixr.icret. coudiant ri Men a OW Boot'', only IS par pair; da dO.Valatials, $11.15; do. do: Congrdsa GoHan, len Prime Ono:reds flintara only la.• lairsol sod eldldroVa Gotten and Balenora4; 11014, and Tooth's do. do. • /X ot laden arttt be Sold at wadi.• le or nand, at lower rates Loan • nay other earaddlahment. Glad roe a Call baton . I.nrcnaalng clacsabolo, at J. a 4944351013, • - fe YARIOE+ 5718 Er, 80. ?,. Shoes 8z (-niters, 63 MARKET STREET NEW GOODE, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS I would sal 110 attention of tiletMbli , 1 0 by large stook of ' soars, SHOES, GAITERS, cow,onatird and arriving every lkirstnektmbrapos everytiOng In uots Shoe Line from a TEN .OENT TO A.TEHOL.I4AE PAM All I ask L for erreryttpay CO oal si No. 92 Federill Ekreet, and examine mylrGiik Wars pasehoolog, elsewhere 11.24. corm plooe,No. .11 .11103 Federal stroot. fi.B. SO Peden) attest. Alleghany (.11ty. J AXES ROBB, Ao. 88 31arket street SELLS Tux likqr. THE NEATEST FITITITO, fuel TITE MOST PHEAJHAS, .Etercvms Ax6s ist3Agarzics. tz ,zlt houselt the city. Ile ho . o litrt received • SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK. THY 131D1. Jff T... 4 "Loft 8. TEE OT tiILASON II ST ItEOEITED THIS DAY, Another Invoice of those Desirable BLACK ALAPACOA SACKS, All Sizes Bed Quality, Price 3 Low GRAY, POSE EL & RESE, TICE e, x- a Yik. ex xi. t 1r a, 11 ox• al , 62 FIFTH STREET, IMPER CONCERT HALL. NSW GOODS.—WS ANN NOW lir, OEIVING our Goods for mom Summer Wesst,r, ivhl eh We lave bought at the lobrost market rata% and will be made up at the lowest argni goaneet the althea of our friends, sad the Fab ll o, We are also receiving a lot - FINS LINEN GOODS MADE UP, Aim 4/ atmas szasoTicrie or First-Glass parrahin4 , oood3. ROBY 0, Eeir., DIFACIEWAT T:141413, t: Nortt;nrem. swan Ponsiand Mt. Olsir arum ~.'DE.N"I'IB~'R~A TOEMPS ADA.III3 136414. Donnell% Thanzn e IThecammtedoninobbinahltoin4Emu Chr '`lirtL'unrtil ttauttt. BATURDB.Y; JULY 29, 1885 Do . ,per !mauls do. terredln tsrnors, "oats a snot. net griming • .. 411160 pes ) ' do. ' do, serviklby carTiesa. 15 MAU Wpa. iNetkiyo.llVllll.l do., vLoglo copies. -do. RATES O.F AO.VERTISU4G. mr..spoAats...-sTaSMaG ilArrits'‘ One ,tio Tyro , ttnee::. n 126 1 .15 131 Three times.. . I'l6 i ... I 176 Four tam,— I 111 . —., 210 Five tierce._ ..• 2to _.:+ .... ... 250 • One seek...; 2 751 $1169 1 25 75 72. Two week... 615 / 12, 200 i 25 1 2.5-. Three - ire - dca .-, 6re a•n 275 040 176 . in 00ntu...1 a 25i 650 4CV a 23 2110 - Tmo month. 1 12 001 900 6 03. 2 15! 4ns 1 Three ttlontbs , 18 00 , to 60 7 oti, 475 a 35 Stiziont22:-. 23 50 flt 151 2 601 a ail 12 250 Niue mouth@ 1 6{ • 00 00 17 70 12 00, 960, 171 0 0 One Yesr-...1,411 90 , 26 60/ 16 (2), /0 00 20.00 ._ _ _ Advertisements inserted-one year may oe manger' at. thertdverttser pleaedre, at a aharge of 24 email psi ignate, (Or 10 'cents if paid at the tlme,) but Pitot - ie rOdUedititheltamediste boaineu of the advirtfier. " - Anvernsemsas , a^ntnistrgl for otherwise ctnon danyoral be. Inserted, an stub days as the oilier! my . soleen. Iranalsntldreerdstng beinti Notifies, each TozertiOn... itterniso narnses, Signakboat 4Avertuatoonts,yertlip • sof Ezeontors ,- 6k Altninnitentors..riottopti..a.t.. a o 0 Yg4ULT One tqUelio—otOrfin' " to tOci totimatait by Ineu of the ativeituer, and not to Include dlesoluttona, fornotton of new lime, wants. to.—ehengeable , ditediis week. ' Ban amen to bostioned &Oran gent matter. • Three months— Itd 00 , $l2 00, $ 999, .$ 4 40 six mouth& 190 001 19 00, 16 CO' 1 0 50 21T11.4 menthe. i.. 411 001, r 4 38 0W32 00 15 OD One Year 52 001 33 0e; 26 00 11 00 Arotitte. dolAgn'tbejalana rater 'if th : nerted one month or more. 102 a tesa period 23 acute a IWs. Local :notces' aft_anoli "titrri .Ae ally be agrirod riper, , DH' A ',pare to be consider/oil "A th a Spier 00C11, yled-lpy Ws Wren of Lae °throaty ailvattelori type of the paper.. Congnegatirmal Ric-nips are hecorntog OSA ' . . .lbahlonable; and, as a moaned prOmoting so cial Intercourse delongtheinericbcre, are certain ly cortimrendable. 90 Thurs.UT, the. Third Uniteef i resbyterian oupgregathiliored Sabbath Selioel'of Allegheny, trader the pastoral cam of Rev. Joseph R. Kerr. participsnedifet - i' basket pic rient Dixinent Station, wbleb T r ims 64 off In the moat pleasant manner. The place selected was a green spot_of hinh ground immediately north of the Dixmont Hospital. from widen can be bad a grand view of the surrounding . peeper), The day was spent In a pleas ing Variety of rural spores and enjoy ment-a, and nothing whatever occurred to mar i the (cant-ales. The dinner -war: both plentiful and excellent, and the ladles under whose Man agement It was prepared received the highest praise on every hand Among those who were present were the venerable Dr. J. T. Pressly and his estimable lady. Tie ''doctor has always aniseed a warm Interest In the welfare of this congregation, and shows a most kindly (we might say paternal) regard for its esteemed young pastor. The re-Tinton was one of the most happy thaLtfoulci be desired, and old and young expressed themselves highly delighted with the feerivitlea of the occasion. Fe are mei:tested to ntske mention of-the kind attentions shown by Dr. Reed, SOperinstmdent of the Hospital, to a timber of those who visited the grounds. His civilities were drily' apprecta. ted, and will be kindly remembered. 1 Ratituto of Reward for Orplmam of ea- Oneof the methods of cotSperaticia of the in stitute-with other organizations and institutions for orphans Is to Wilmot scholarships f o r patriot orphan girls or boys qtudieed for schools of s higher grade. Including &bitten In the best Col leges and tolverslties of the land, generously placed at the disposition of the Institute for this patriotic purpose. The comer:en:Wing Secretary, In his address to the orptume of Allegheny City and Pittsburgh, yesterday, (July 21%20 illustrated the true prin ciples of economy In the Individual, youth in rightly developing every natural tome for good, and the trnepolitlcal economy la the State pro viding for th_ best development of the physical, intellectnal and moral forcm of these orphan representatives of these, allert In the defense of our homes sod free institutions. In Llsetromang , ac tha first United Presbyterian Cturch, Seventh xuct...t, Dr. Holton spoke of Other departmerts of labor of the Institut% In cluding the ol+Jects contemplated to the Wash ington Friss Food, rut more fully steg.wl In our PnO On Ws riatam from his Western tour of vtrltir. Hearn auxilimiws of the Institute, we hope to hear unto on Oxen Thal queachnis of 1;sollilerld economy. f Robert R. Lowther, formerly of Artesifong cevaily. and iate a Colonel ip the rebel argar, re turned to Kittanning last we'a. Ho found some reintlere, but eery few friends. Lowther, after he entered the rebel eerrice. .wrote to his se• qnaintencet there, tome tern Impudent and In toning letters. Ills return; tharefotei nyder the Mrcumataxicrainaturell3 l ,fwee4. l some indigna tion. A committee DT gentlemen ImmodintelT tailed - Ppm him and n2tlsled him to leave. Mr Lowther left without delay to return to Ott homier InMitsonri. 3Tao whole &him Was deny Ina quiet hnetness way, and without offer:Pearl cloknice, and he had the good sense to leave, whey Ire was informed I.4at his pretence-wee of leneire.. Semmd Mug from Fat& - . 11. r. Lowther was raised In Armitrontr county. He went to Missouri some years am, whores It is isald, be was. a bitter secessiorrist, voles- Leveed into the rebel serviee, held a commission so Colonel and remained in the cervlce from the opening to the close of the rebellion, and then returned here, b rebel oftLscr under his parole as a prisoner of lust. This, In:connection with the Insulting letters previously scrittea to his former sequaintances, Was well calculated to rouse up the publielndignatlen. BOUM &13.053 Inquest.—Coroner Clawson this morning held an levies/ma the body or Thomas Martin, theman who died in the Lock up the previous evening. No information whatever was oh. talr.ed as to who the roan was, further then he gave his name at above. He was forty years of age, and had dark brown hair, with moustache and hoperlaL He wore a barred flannel:shirt, gray pants, and shoes. Fin bad over sixty dol. laraln money . in his pockets. Death - of a MGalster.—Bar. Wtllllllo A. Fetter, of Millerstown, Butler county, died on the 10th Inst. Lie was the revered pastor of Bt. Mark's German pitheran Church, of Butler, fer about fittebn - years, and by his exemplary life and deistic° virtues, he endeared himself to all. IDs death "Fesulted from cancer, from which he bad been suffering for came time. Larceny of a Trunk —John Tenon, Seim, was arrmted by a merahar Of .the ".emef - • teeny ponce," to-day, (or the larcer4 of a trunk fall of clothing from the Pennsylvania Railroad depot. He had taken the trunk, cut att . the check, and would have made way with hie booty bad he not been apprehended. He wan finally committed for trial. Alleged Larceny of a Watch.—A man, whose name we withhold for the present, was arrested to day, charged with the stealing of a watch from gotten Bands. The watch Is valued at forty flee &Mire, end the larceny . woe per. petrnted last night, at the Scotia flow., in the Plamoad. The accused will have a hearing dile evening. Alleged Hotel Thief Arrested- I —A man giving his name as William IVililame, but pos sessed of a number of date; was arrested to day on a charge of stealing pine dollars froth A fellow lodger at the Eagle Limed. Ile will have a further hearing before Mayor Lowry next week. Barn Burned.—Durlng the storm on the evening of tho 21nt, the barn of Mr. William Patterson, to North Beaver township, Lawrence county, woe struck by hal:doing and burned to the ground. The loss lasupposed to be between three and four thousand dollars. Begutta.—To-morrow evening a four oared match will come off on tae Allegheny, from Hand street to St. Clair street, between the crews "131,g F," "Enterprise" and "Tiger." A eptrlted and enlivenlog time may be anticipated. ' Meadville will soon rejoice Ina second Col lege. A Catholic Institution of thin kind will open In that village, September let. A new bding house, worth 830,000;1s also tieing erected with Abe Allegheny College. Luaus Natural.-Mr. Jacob Anders, of Web. ater; Washington county,cecently dlecorored'ln. a litter or flva piire, one without hind legs. nod but three am ! and a third vatiouely der formed. The other two were perfect. An Old InhabltanC—A tortolite market "J Daily, 1824" and "J. H. 1827" was foaed a few days awl on or near the firth of Wm. Balk, for marl) , the Day farm, Rostravor towhaltlp, West, Illeieliad etataty, Pa, Atalatilt X 6521 name& lola* Campbell was committed to Jell to-day by %yr; lairwry; to answer a cbdsgoof assault anal preferred by Isaac &rouse, of thilthtledd' Wait. Frost wag clearly Mseetioibli In the vicinity of Monongahela City, on die morning of the 17th hate Brost In the =dale ot.lnly la a rare thing GAZETTE FERM Undy vcre.2 vOwds, lli times;2 thaesj I nese .IDattr.:teweet.liiiweelr..imireek SUBURBAN. 'PEl:llrEirlEnl 0.1.11M1L L~hnreh PLc. i , Rebel Officer Ordered to Leave Incortutt,of suck magnitude have 'unsure porteez, _Wes and even In, rttrEl - dlttriets, r =fly persons, iliat taxa reented't;on PAlV(lteeli secular and religious. Aal it Is a:' the m , pt , remarkable fiChAtie I:Ea - that many of theie pavans' have Tun ttottreomparative erty to affluence hca brief spice of time, by some fortunate 'iatrike," and unlike the teditins triy-InktßapAnneof :accumulating • wealth. It is conce,idg4,gett,etid, }hat as wealth increases responsibility rises with .eyery.advance.sten.mindeliyita"Piaegeser. The; snare responsibility - , r..,rx*:f;'Wilh a 'lo3geinconrs berondhi&watittist the wants of Ids: family, involves inintioni 'a r greas importance in the final account before kloti. A leading religious journal. nefenring te the sayie? 'lt is natural, and easy and sight 'l,oi c atfy if his owl 7iitifo2., 80 it is. And.6o our , business. to talk aboil it, to discuss the principle ofd. thing, and see if _there Is Rarest wrong in this great dis tribution of property, tittil ( the use °tit" It is quite common if a man Who is known to be rich to, be subject to the attack of every this who Wistes tor get tit'oncirfor any object:, of charity, public , orprivate. If he refuges ,to Aye, he la judged harshly by the appli cant, and even lialategrlty Anelticared_ A truly benevolent - rich man is usually goy : rated .by .sonvs , rele In. Inatiegi,44 t icon tributlons, under the belief that he is a 'steward and secountabte - ftr Ood for the wealth he -posaeees. The duty of giving a certain OWIL to the Lord is 'very clearly taught in the - word of .1:1 , 3d...s All that Ne possess is IXls, and He regards with fartira gift proportionate to the ability of Atri4 "to nook) froca-tbeasme . -paper," hy this tait ie etridenT tit im mense MeetcibeiliSlit,o l ol,./ 111c 4T ule re " %ups .rto, the, Ring's reventusa,. , Oar Gov; ernment :"tZOur blame, and . , yeryjuotly tares large Internee at a higher figure thanaraall ones, If the same rule' applies, and Ircerts4ly does in the ',filvhie government,- ; then the man with alarge incomeAck i nght tb give , to the Lord not onlyin theiatee proPnhion to his . Incense with a mark. At limited income, ,but he oughtto give tarpons in proportion." If a man 13as an income of 41,060, and gives one tentlito various °Wets of Chris tian benevolened, he has but $9OO for his family. A man Whose incomois $lOO,OOO, what returns should be made to the Lord's treasuri. , Surely more ' than one-tenth t And yet men with such Incomes and high er sums, whii dive to object! of _Christian benevolence and respond to other mils, $lO,OOO, are trumpted tar and wide tot their laonderfnldeeda I We kepis , of insta6es of men whose wealth having accumulated to a given amount, thereafter to give all their yearly ipcdme beyond what is required to support ttieirfamfltee td benevolent ,;ects, distributing 'lt proportionately so cording to the wants of each cite. It is a fact, however, taken as a whole, that the man with large incomes give ranch less In proportion to their wealth than Cue toot. Let all remember the Lord has his assess ors and collectors. ' —lndications are apparent dog a closer Union ameng evangelical denominations of the various denominations: Several muses conspire to make this movement evident and poweiteL The New Teri 06r,reer argues very strongly to show this to be the fact fro. the 'following considerations: First, the aggressive and demonstrative ex ercise of the papal prerogative as displayed in the Pope's last Encyclical ,anti:Eilahop Potterle-recent Pastoral Both these doe• uments,liowever much they-differ in sub stance,. agree in their exclusiveassumption of the right to administer the word'and or dinances. Secondly, the progress of infi delity as seen in Me Increasing rat loialism of England and Gerinany. These tenden cies to all pho are of one heart in loving • (lie death 'dß tt is In .issue to mints their bands In support of that truth. And, third ly, the re-Anion of the States, undo and encourage the religious poitiqh of the pee, pie to get Weser together, and cement the' nnfon with their own. Theta points are elaborated considerably. —The Episcopalians In Canada have obtained-an act allowing Ministers ortiabael in the States to hold !,e - efices ther A ii. Great ofre4e Ifftsit4i.n by the High Churchmen at the recent miedng of the Convention at Montreal, becenstithe sermon pretehed be ,the body was so extremely "Low Chardii." In Montreal and Toronto move. ments are upon foot to establish female col leges. A most cesuarr'k l able reason, says the Adcocale ari4,,Tour442, far this was given in the latter place, namely, that when young ladies attended Wesleyan female colleges, they frequently went through "u process called conerrsion," and in the 'tbaj , rity of instancea were forever lost to "the Ca arch." —lt is said the Methodist Church South persist in leaving of the proper appellation —South—from all their notices. A St. LOllll paper says they even had the meanness to leave it out of the recently published City Directory, so that strangers coming to' St. Lcuis and looking into the Directory toga their churches, find their chuichas — ptib lished as Methodist Episcopal Churches, thereby deceiving the uninformed —it is not generally known that the An,erican, Bible Society miring the war, -principally within the past two yealit; has donated to the outh in the aggregate, more than three hundred thousand volumes. Now that four millions of freed people, and millions more of the white race are in need of the Bible, we hope the Society will be liberally supplied with means to do the vast work beforelft —Henry Ward Beecher and Prof. Park were offered the opportunity to preach the -annual sermon before the graduating class of the Cambridge Divinity School,. bat were not secured. Bar. Orville Dewey was ',treaty - 6nl and consented. His tort was "Prove.all things; hold fast to that which is good." He commenced with a reference# liadkallim , and Conservatism. In applying these to religous matters And especially to the late Unitarian Convention, he expressed his regret that "broader" grotoid had not been: taken, since the'r need to be no difficulty of fellOwship and co-operation between the "right" or conser vative "wing," and those on the extreme "left." He did not, says the Obserrar, see why the words "Lord" and "Kingdom of Christ" need have been used in their form• via, troubling some who had a prejudice or account of their use in connection with "the modern doctrine of the Trinity." —Charles Waterton, the distinguished naturalist, died recently at Wakefield, Nag land. He was a member of the Catholic pt e bo h eym inth, iiiseenet receiving dieton b o y n c h a, is yra d p erk- bed the —The friends and advocates of Conan teller:fat refOrm, and all who desire to: heor chtscniunid, are invited to meet Ceuttaption ciatite 'l7th of August, in the - U.. ,Ilharch, vestrrri ln Ctmanl la in onsburg . pi Pgrea.B„ In the town of Somerset, x. Y. It its estimated that two hundreponveridons 'hive occur ted. About haff that nuntber have united isißt thW . lyanolutelittitthOs, isnti-the work is stlit . gptiag on. , ..—At the Fielkiiiirealeysn Conference just closed, Rev. Dr. Athby, imports- Sentient of the Methodist Missions in Ger many, stated thollethodLits ha Germany t .v:013.6 C•Stal,n4 l, ••• L..e $L senty thousand Germans In ,r, 4.---lt is only a little more than a year sinita the benevolent movements on • higher scale began among the Lutherans, and dur ing that teriod upwards of two hundred and fifty thousimd dollars _hare been coi- Crittstted, for the * endowment of literary and Niel:44W Astitutiaus in the Lutheran: ClairEti ' 014 __.--.. vs m .. •;•.,•-..hiecoraing-to,tht dapest of the Co 4 - mitten on rarelgi ifttal4l, Stibmitted to and adopted tree General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Obtonili'Allo total reociPti during the past yesti amounts VS gs§„gia 22. - '-'--The Vnicarte Oirat.Nlll - liari one hundred Priests, all of the m COMMAS front the Anglican pulpit, were present at the consecration of Archbishop Manning of England, sticcemor or Card* IV -”l The Yang Haws •Frtead.,--4lt , . :. " ' cure ritraa Dinsm'M `For sida by , I - - .. Ask for the Young Sian% Friend., A,pantp ¢mng the symptoms+ and treatment of grit , dilleaSes*S"Wiee Via Raze or , can he: d by laddratlall th Young Men'a 'tend, s hirr , it ,Cincinnati.' •vt a Wren centittaum eneldrad, An-Fleredng.AlllWlea &soar, J. 11. Fulton, pr, 8,,W. Fox & OigitAllesibees....i j e at z g m , -. ear 6100108 NEW 9)t? -'6 FOR JuLyi oL •. Joe, ..“-,0.17ne..5t bare, plat epeast' Catty dealt of (Thefts Dre.. Goode lox the priqtt usuoty ta„ett4eb atti7 ta sttesttentlasi. Paeli,lbsta ind'Saave TrtmFaulimiiew . t 34.; Freneb Buttons dew otple; ctiyiE,,tt,* . lipil Beaded Sett.t Lace . 9elbere, Lite! 19ustletchleft; 'fiLtims novelties la. Asa" von penalt Embtsilderat Bilttet,Ruplas Hong Benda; Baltaorat,Blattit 2 Steeply& OlpTeet Bea Stde - Beaarla sad gate; .oaistitsbleteet - Pette; Fancy Cletabe; parallels and Bast. Blades; .11amttos, tolsstlott Plata end ;NOM Bien tad Naludoots • • FINE.FAN'S to Foul, !TOM Boodle, /so. WHOLESALE sooratt CP 6T 1B& JOS 110P.M. & CD., 41 wad 19 /1613,Kgr MACEIJR CARLISLE, No, 19 FIFTH STREET. Wholesale- Departonni NOW OPEN. POE BIIMESS. TS-37 CPTII2/ lob s. Eaton, 'Kamm & Co., Raving been dissolved on the first of July, the subscribers snit cOntinue buslasta IC No. le ()ur ll.etail "Etoorn, is now bang fitted up 13 • pleasant end ottreett amount, In whlett wo Dove to open with a NEW STOCK About the; 18th 123. 1911t1 OUB WHOLESALE HOOHS as heretofore on the 'moan nooroot Nos. VT and to am Now Open for Business. when we ertu tet pleased Wm) or 014 easteinsam MACHIIIIL & CaLISLE. Jrlyearai r(O. v Firm• Erntalas A HAVE JUSIRAREIVED mom Tas EAST crith a carefully !selected Assortment of FASILTY AIM STAPLE GOODS, =coy watch call be tor* a line Itue of limier, to acetbu auct UAW 'Worn, Ribbons, Flowers, Crapes, scarf" CallerA.and a ll the rev atylee,Lnetcollug Subber Collin, to %which t portioulurty e,B tM attAatbut of WO leAlee {_Madams T Atocesmict's Cloraerw, nee Lietan akna C k a .rc laga, Zaps. aud Ooffenue, Breaaroct Ow, sttaianu Saw*, Tldlla,Laew,) lace OrSAhet, Eauen, Mut Tra4Yalenclanuet sad Pawl Appaqua, fn Law foi Plllehr Qum Embroydartee I Vatt i tilinZ E°l" ' ' Tr; EAll.k. imp. }3 .... 4 U"u -8.4 a, Cable and Tame* Tamils nod ggf i r .11=67=7= Jak!tn Cb.grial Fringe, ,Strawilatt andTrimesiacs; Bo'. tarps to Lace, Applique. Jet, MlO, Gad Lae ardi her which I ode, to would call the atteutiott . to t yrloluA cute. 'Zs " the t Y.i l loo l )lit.2iTcrulth Oboe). NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, W. W. MOORHEAD'S Et/ MARX= 13TR1U7T, EMBROLDELLIES. OORSETS, SKIRTS, 818. BONS, LACTES, U., &a. 'lbe STAR SlilE.Ttha mokt peireot matte, COL. LAItS. UHAVATS. : I§OOk.S. Jyts Plef.Xlols'. MUSIC,. sc. pIAI OS Al ORGANS'. TIE OELEBRA 'MD BRADBURY, NEW YORE, Schoomacker da Co., Philadelphia, PIANOS. TILE AMERICAN ORGA N, and EST?S & UU..S COTTAGE ORGAN, admitted by dealers, ADA all Who hay* heard them, to be superior In tons to .11 other thetrnmants of the kind menu. lectured In the United Ninths. 1311. lag mine arrangement. with the best manu facturer% in the • outcry. ire art riniparod to fur blab, at the ehorteat notice, Bran and German Silver Instruments, of every description, for Blass and Oornet Rands, at reduced p , ices. Illustrated Ostalogues and Prase Lists furnishod on application. Row and Seoond•boad Pillow for Rmt WAS de BARB, /SIB N 0.12 ST. CLAIM .• rer , TESTIBOMAL FROM L. M.: GOTS ".. °HALL—After haring played on the Plano of the Hewn. Knabe Co ,It is impossible not to bear testimony to their qusiltiek which lave acquired for them the eminent reputation which theyjoy. The Plano. of Mali Ina =facture, on wnich en I have played, are exceedingly remarkable for their quallUes of tone. The glass is powerful, w.tbout baftimera, and the upper notec sweet, clear end harmontolmly mellow (chrystalln), and 1 do not healtate to express in regard to ems In. Mr.:manta my entire satisfaction, Ana to declare Lb" Ibep sea eqUal, if not aumarlor, to the bast manufactured In Hump. or this•county. ITV tirarthe most celebrated meters. I. IS, GOTSCH . CHARLOTTE MAME, Sole Fift 43 h Wed. lIOFFILLN, HOENE a, 00. 4i gnilm 63 NINTH ISTILI* . "ma taste writ rloolmer'a WlAlaseider sr Best Pint a te Aliens& • MOTICEB OP AIEETI"I9. prrreßuitosi as ransammilaa. OIL OOMPANX.,,Nottoe .13 hereby Oren that the auteartptlOna to the canna 51 0, 4 of thin 0 9 1 OWIF UV he due and palsbis on or before . . thz FEE= pAY OF "41.13CRISTi l 8 5, • ofte ales al iitiaknop6NtekFourial .leBlll B. F. Veriura Treasurer. OTEZ B Bi CHEESE! OfitESE,l laa : ba t" tr E iteferand for age by 'ULU= e L vAyit CIORDEB, J5B _--431-ZolbertY WOOL pn0r0. , ;41.S Txv - rriNci pßorosel , , FOR . FEE I.l.iltUil,tars OF rWMFFF•THREt.; AUX DEED GOMONXIM nunxs.. Greaursmuntwa Orgiltit4 Meat WASHINGIT D.OI. G., 70/11VAr" SEALED PROPOSALS wtlf he mold 116 . office until 1.1 116., TIIIIDGIAT, Anna I, MD, few the purehaapetV69 - .1111.74.65, In lots of fifty an: Anwituadren_each.wt theolacea hawed below, vi 6: .Uhr,RlßUllmo; e keeps° etch. lou. 100 b, "! ixlt r leoleetcne, Del.. I late, +so tu b. , , 6 106 eses. 'I.E.SIe tGTOR. D. G., 10i 6 letn, 66 'set. lots,ltweaelt. . PiTTSSUSGD, P.A.., 4 lots to euh. • • •••• Do., f tot, 100 cane These Sofas tttltbe pot aside each lot by Itself, senor - PI tbe tree for :cholla tapeetion of bidder., the pliers named respectively, for tut days prior altegats • • - ' Zany of them iv= bought to the beffint;loll Of the tun we young moles, accompasuad btu armies In all their marches and maw, and ore tborougo/Y brew en, hudaned by szereise,gentla and famillu kerb being so long surrotuuled by the soldiers. Thongh soloed anttervieeoble.they ire do longer • - f r r z le s s t ha t heaniru e n e d n tigcue. h* t vVcbtliped it • The troweasful bidder. will he notified in perscin roD by behllgnlgth, and Modred to receive the , mate on or before Atoms ;Ism: e office realiTes to Itself Alia' right to i rejest ri....1 3 2AS aftrea• alas should be w6drensed the Underage. , and' Marked “PbopOdali 'for the Pcothage bf bibles." Payment inustireesedsia Government hinds at .ffireltinentf de-DWG,: • By wan 4 thogwartarmatter emend. . • ZAALES A. z= s 4. . • . Brunt Itricadiai General, loelogrgs, • 707; Division. Q. ht. G. O. - - SALE Or NANNESS AND BADD,LEB. Curls CliptunrcatAifisrti tarinti, ti W.A.SIUNATIM, Want , ro 4 i J a r " .zw' There is on band.nt* r age; %boa% td,tde sets of CC ' l 4 3 ,14,3 single sell ofArrarbonle.lnalrlsr . l., 1,14 Wheel i s,sso a ';;lead snap' MIL Ireton! " " /sad borrM A. l o3,l44lkiS r arifarss Thnebarn , ati Ain't° tr wheeli errin en I_ t s t ragmarvlse, but Is sti ll seryfeeable ;or road Intro r l4Prit• poses. Sealed prepare:hi eve Invited for its purebase,•ln lots or Lou sets am% opwsnis. i+ropross.he must ;Astray state what kind of bar amrid tor, whethe. wheel of lead, Mule .or L bps se,• and too sZbulance harness, whether *heel we lead. • Prenosali ere alas tnvited tor the Virelialere of eir m e si ueperaerAwore Sanding of rarrouil petrel La, apts . of IGO "np%asres. Sterndlea of barn a 'and saddles cap be seenatttie eoternmint la gis 414, ea applisattan to tbjenal CRuddes:R. _ • oonieEnr.Tirentreeetina and ° P ° rrr i poe COtL fill'fbr the eibrehribri altar! hare 01114. be recelved tri, Ws office r nail 12 Dote!At:gust, t,and &mild bs endorsoo t for the Pirilhastr Harossmume.. Payment, ar•PoTernerbaa. Mad:omit , dd. 1 4 eli b t e sio. n tl P = " es ta. .ler c - 71 1 : 1 is. The rindererVed reestvte tan Mstitorssitnti all Pr Tgrs ' ale " Orte=s t eTt=a r ret=eetise:i ' Tone Il Is discontinued- . Tie sale of seagnmsand mules Is still gpingd, from day so dog. Pietessers are Wilted toast D. II ;IMRE% Brevet Maine Gen. and Cltartetratattr. GIRIPE r TS:iIM. CLOTtES.,ffe caprs. PRICES REDUCED! 417=1"h:071.1%.thel ,•- - - assortment of al grad. a carpetAcut.; So., we ri der a f imertor selection of the. newest styles, at pubes eensideranly rw, idneed tocsin.. the season's sthek. • °ANTON DI Al Tlfirth sew styles; - i I • COTrOS CHAIN LIST ITi3=3 Window Shades, 4 large It:iv:dee Jiat received. VT. D. & EL ISICA.TALI:IISI, _ _ . FOtiRTII STREET - tv F. HAVE JUST PURCHASED AND T T and are now receiving, a new anortmeni of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, &c., Whlot h in oaltion to our heavy mak of gem o covloosly.un hnhd, runtdes,us ICLA ttOr tO OUr aua , tomert a ll the a 4 vantages t h e hatker MD:lids at The Lowest Prices' , All this Season. isoreawa? k bOtiLINS. hilO,th nth street, Jr% Next hoer& to ths Etvit N EW MATTIKGE, - - - - - VI3ITE AND itM CHVIKED In di a - gotta, Cl the latent importation. VANTY MATTING, new wad handsome Kyles Just ro,elved abd for awe by IdorkELA.lTh &RS; .71 and Fifth strimat• SELECTION OF Valuable Medical Books, FIZVM. TICE STOOL OF • DAVIS, CURED & ID a IPV tx - t Mori , 'Suttees:, 2 large leather t 515 00 Dungintone* Medina) Dictionary, revised 7S (Icor Anatomy, I larao•Vor : : 05 Comte octitt.eates ovtlhiltirett 4 : 00 Miller. Principles of Surgery. l• 15 Millers Pinata, : 75 Mamiltott on Fraettireaand Dlutoeations : 53 W thou'. Boman Anatomy t—f ro Bea.leysfliook of Preseripttona-r.• CO' Tanner% Pt - talent:l Ilitedlame : : 10 Part isn's rraerletill'harmatry t• .• : : 00 Tamar'. Ilemornitd. of Poltava t : : 60 Poeltra Anatomt!a : : 4 73 Wyatt'. rotdicentqw Zook t r q ' tvo Peto.tre'm Pocket,Efelatiottork Boca t LIBERAL ioxsolisrrito to PIIIESICIANS llzwirve POLiTRICUM. rottlraz Hem, is ocknOwledgod by all who hare Taal it to b. A. No. 1. Try It ri &traders and be Thorn:mod. For ►►lo by all druatoto. a iTadid . . - • • OIL LEASES. OIL LEASES eon be bad on the o most favorable terms tars of four or flve.rea on Whitely Creek, near the flow. lug well RI b arrels) arruek last smelt' by the Standard 011-ooroPunAwf Pittsburgh.. Apply to le= STEEL tr. SULKY. VTUklnt Eon. TYPE METAL FOR SALE ]aquae it the Ci &Z ETTE 0 gE7.OE. I,lBlUam FOR BALE. ODD FIVE YEAR OLD DUMB, races under IniTnne. Inquire No. $35 LIBERTY STREET. .TORD&Ist; iOLLtSTER ar. co. W t. J. 1....11.cK_8E, menfintir Mr attention entirely to the paellas of medldno,aml will promptly attend to ail calls to hu priefraelori, day and night. °moll; Ifp. n SE'VENTE SiT.EtTe iFlaltadlum FOR BALE.--500,000 REOLNOLIS. 500,000 SHAVED ME 831INGLE3 FOR SALE W. BOOTIIA 152 Liberty Street, near Bt. Mgr. CIGARS. 10,000 Washington; 10,000 floury Clay; 00.000 Nsbajas; Espanola; 0,0C0Tiloteo; 40,00 °errs/Aso. For sale by IitiLI3LEY ft VAR GORDEE, OM Liberty street. FRBBRARRIVAL OF FISH , ISO Ulf do bbls No.l Lem Mackerel; 121 ' Medi= do; 160 do No, 2 Lam, • d o; 16 do No I do do; 60 tans!' Nickeled Barring; tar eau able Lake de; Received aad ter sale low, b . .14e7 „roam!: Roust le '049 Ol I OIL OLOTHB:I42 or kureni, CUWEß Tables, Gounterai stairs, Win& arc ounn Irma, and patterns. A largo stook oa Eared end for sale at Wined lake., at the Wl Walk DePot Of PECILLIPS, Ics.lo3.and2B St. * ortregt. IQ IN ELTG . MILTING I:.,Leather a 441. -LP India Robber Beltlan Woe. ratting. H Claskatari Laos'. Laattar ass Ewste of St, tut minty". ." a eLll stook alwaym oa head .at floe. atalefit.trlatr tired, by . r Jris it, PHILLIP P. aosura;cuzzer.-100 boxes Supe rior New York Sta In tors end tassels kr • Bt. T-!q!•:PI te, re VAN NORDEN IY~ Sal 14barty swam ACON.- - -2,000 ' , pounds Ribbed Bides, Suet rteeivea aztfer Web? FETZER 4 eRDISTRORG IC • cornet MAllift And Vint stmt.' BAIIKI3O HOUSE. HO7,MFB -- it . SONS; 3 :fixm allWget,Sqeet+,)PiYAb4rgh: - - DEVosrrs pmersip FUNDS AND • t CURRENCY ilia+3 OD lather iiriDTPabag4a-W -, ratted 5t.45tie11 i .. 4 "*.;- sivcal- , , BONDS LAD OTHER SEC*arrlT 61311 G di I.ND satO COPILSSIOL ract.ioular aft:ratio.LW th tlinhat a P We of , " • 01, 1 1:p Anna SIZURTIVE, ~_ ~,.__, ~.. Imattrws" , ,,'_:' ,f• . 1 .4 WO attesities 4i.13511 . . ' '' .'.' . 3 11 . 7 : ' ' fl =c;TeTtaidtit , 4lBll:' rCiSPEEZ.S '.- *-: iklaCi6*63lMl6Bo#llcr OH liaii:`,„.. OOLLECTVD. , 1. .11011.5411 bAVMPE -; rcararra - OTEWAiierrizrlsaC' '" -41 pen daav trim .1110 t o'sioak. 1_4017_441 . _ • y and Saturday events aqat. -camber lit, from, to t oak, and O . 4M' OTIFou alt to Hay tat from Ste ffelbelt. _ AbepositareeelYed of all 'shrub!. tot laterthalt ;MS -Diller, and a Afyideind et the prciAtSdelelPl4 tFtre a:Yaar, In June and Deramhat. to been -declared semtanpually,".ln. Jrlha9eit.eniber, Atm° the Doak . Gent. a rest, .dntarest., nqf ir.8,l Oat, Meted tiiiherbeedlt al the deposttor tip:64l)lll4W 1)641 . 1 , - the' gnu laterest ro 'the ne daYa J ant lind Ptalt. 1 . 4.. herr emnpounding tyska & year IsltheUt-hrtillhour the Wt.. o r even tertdesent.A.,pliail 'book. r At Warmth mentl . .`filr 6 . 5 1. 1 ! vPrIIPP I Tt4 T. atd BOokfc oontoabg the Olutrtuh__,,,_ l3 l-rd . o Dubs , 11113 Regraillons, handahed Mt= 7 the .4121:2=0:2w"liroacrig:magfer. Willtasn J. Anderson, A. ki. FollOolt.-, . 73 ; Jahn O. litseknten. Bobatitbk k. ...• Etenj. i'ahneatnek. Jtht , If. /5/1' James tterdman, ,J=Ma dIA; 3,11115 ea rdeAraen Spettre''' low IL Pennock, 'Ohriztlaultaaklal • ©slums Adams, 'Rimy .T.tiguit4' Abu O. Maley, rotor Aladefitse Gen= ' Sean IDS at P. Ihuttuala Alonzo 6...1.1arder, Jamas U. D. Wads, Charles A. Colton. John TdaYs.A.,demr , Wa.. 'Douala*. . John Orr. Jenn'Evan ..lohrt.J.olllesplo, sommerr.z, NitueS. it="yr i g e .s. Was. ..F L lifffmhas ijo u taVrr" c i atrsta&mtary—JanrEmi a n..resaim • tEOPIE' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. t Capital Paid in 81,000.000, Prvil lege of 82,000.000. • Banking Eons* CORNER ITELST hDD FOOD r E i r& ank, oraardned ander the Nettiona Bank Syetem Li nem prepared to Comet& Intaines* et•lte °Banking Rouse, comer of .Foal scut /Din .: r ecta. ; Collection* made ors all meet:able panta on Most favorable term. Special Aloottil for JAY COORS, for tho sale Of the C. S. 7 S-10 Treasury Nolte& 6A2111L1 862 L. Prorldist F. mr. GORDON, o*lkter• J. O. AIePHE ISOM Teller. , 4 49 2 b 1 .. 1 OCKWOOD & CO.. B ANKERS, have removed trove rio. 71 wunototottw, to Ito•. a Broadway awd as .{Vat Street. ' I3"T Yore. .: . c A , Orden. for the purehasa and Isla ofZIOSMOi• AND OTHER sEcustrrestieznitea an AND tenni. Bank end Individual acctranta recel.ned, - and In tercet alkared upon current balancesiwalch may be checked for at dent or ten dere n lc& W Ste per tent. Intefest allowed ii ntepollta 'of Gold. . . ; riporlenund atrTOßAffErE 4 c: a. sc. xemazraa. Ve1.1266T.ZR, CIAZZAN COW', ATTORNEYS FOR OLAMANTS, Licensed U. • SOT P_ldeowine PENSION?. ROONIEHE t _wr REARS OF PAY, PRIZE MONET:ASOMPEN. i serum FOS HORSES, eO4 Altus uto P. 117 Ton deetroysd while in the senate m the united !STOPPAGES OF PAT AND DYPIOERS, ORDNANCE AND QUALETER.M.A.EZEWs COUNTS adjusted and certificates Of , indebted. . has procured. • Applications by Still attended to ns tf made to yen .N I .01W,DIR ItIADE lINFESS RUG O . OFFICE No. 98 GRANT SMUT, myi PMUMW H. TT B. WAR CLAM AGENOI. PEINISIONq. cmaisßedlees. Scwiz Pay. and CLAIMS OF ALL KEYDS r,ROWILLED PROMPTLY. W. J. & HALL PAITEIZS ON, Attorneys - at-tow. WOUNDED 6OLDERIU3 nfirarszst The First or Second Three Yefas Service can eeoelvestte full bounty the tithe as if r t ly 'had saved - the full VILIMP of enltstmietttg 0 . 114 t4 'upon • • r.wezrzta Al, Solicitor for Botartles, Penadoits and Pay. Fe ins FIFTH STREET, third denebeloto the CaihtdraL ,t ISM • M CLAIMS.rLMA"P a?A43 t and CLAIMS of every description, collisted by the ..idiscribar, at 74 rata, P 1114.010, 7 /1 watts alabn;ll3.6o. 0. 0. TAYLOR,, FL • • No. 77 Grant atteet, Prgh, Pa. N. —No doom are made li th e cialm doe. not sneseett, and all Information Wen tri7Ja. melds .roIITTERFLBLD, CIA.ZZA.III CO., ATTORNEYS AT LAilfT, FEAR - ALM, PA., -; (MeNastas.alOt2lllll.6l 00., Pittsbur g h.) owe, Titles examlned,Ud all other legal bwdoess attended to in Western Penasylyse nix, East= Ohio and West Virrlodit.,E , Referents:ln Messrs. Leeklinr . t. std Trerr, John Raves, Esq., .ITersUll h. Brilent. = ap23 ;ANDREW STEVENSON, No. 144 Fourth Otreet s Prrranuilt, PA, PliUbtirgh, Pa. will 1 eactioela the rations conitetif Allegheny and adjoining enmities. giledyd O. icioxama. WATKRELL JOHNBONO , A.TTORNEYS-AT-L*. V.S.' LICENSED SOLDIERS] OLAI;Nt AGENTS] Botustloofa! WOundod Soldiers aolpto tod In froze en to twegy days. ATOM", No. Oa Gaon. Call with discharge and two wttnettOs. de -l7 10 . 02,11 W. BHAPER, ATTO RN EY-AT-LA*, No. 105 7 . 17111 STW?, Pittelirgh, Pa. • ;? Clatrar f PMISDM3, nouns% P3lllll PO/TEY, fa vf scrawly pram:l43C 41AL11313 N. LONO....JOHN =WM' LONG, Lll2O 00., SIGN ARUM ,a- HOBE POMO; No. 60 6:1110.6016 St. Pitieburgh, . • - 3 LETpeot TERING ith or' ti , Au t. KINDS 0:Boatel lalywoaarAl_. mod akia.aeo. , - OZAOTWO/.. aaew OARDS ow enameled moral all colors, and GILT LOONS ON GLASS lap& to order and Bezel* 00 Poos01:11Be eountry. PIOTORIAT.Di . SaaNti naoW.OW,F4 a blibly az. sotrssnitiTurocl' -Witt i : ieard Liakittrisparmay ot,qoatr, sad ammo of Wats. Nay- work at ramonabl• vitwa.•,;, Daheaw EL. BROWN, (rata OW gm of /30W1 kMiniscrw.) HOME raw sumvitivemaa. ,‘ *Mx Zarb goessriAlavaiza matiet, M g/ ESTSitingif4e' . i% 144 votramEts3TBBrl P.II.7I^TE a S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers