j ~. 1)11 Kit J. tk .. ...a..1.51.4,A.5. V). , ~ s,'„itk, _ fo h l . getm ~~^Sk'i'Ljj~llJ:~f~'J~'~Y-~t+~~Te6s~ i • Itintragti TlVOrinira Co4r - ' se. 32 . 1101 G , , 115 ""544.4 0 731Oarnti pritanuratt. ::::Trnyll4.: k 6. a lare rueeprel in PAZ FUNDS mad awn -71 capnrilidislaikispwUittettcOgned 63 4 14, , nay and 5ni . 1,14 innin ratan re 3 . - 44i atzsaiskiranati _117104,': 4 0 4 3 ! ,- .601t14104-:' " per tant. =AL ( 17 13.19;4 3 :11i0n0r0 5"Z. ROW. cliT=sioK the Now York; Phinutalphts, and WWI BoizOg, all kinds of Government seaurit - took 11 . aig• rata ; • - - ilatilairVitt' zMnlittatelAls, •UROMMIP. . AlM___ ______,_'f. .r.o Rol,Ty . BOAIt4I. -1 0 7Mrit r AcquilOarcti.tesne oo.) - L "Vsti.aishikii Jalilisie i-J,! ill. el w art Pr l g w c4"73 , 1 7 : 112 . 4) 4 ;-. IL S. Sena Tturtlee. ail tedep4 r ;• „,, 11.-8.'Aer1itieate5....4........ el tio - -.4 ll W'L'rti.;./. .. ~.. • 7" .....ret-. 0 1. 6V 4 - 4 1u _, , -: . 4 ,Argiiral, J ,W::= 1:,: k . 50--..? ~./...4 `'Cana43l=4ll:ifi'r'it'F'll3l:"?' 'l4-1 ,1106 . 7 7.7rf/; X....rc..=_•/-0, 00 . , •ar.r.•••rro 64,1/I:.ay up a .1r.0ny..4 „ aro iv .„...k.;.„.T.v.-:-. '.....-..,,,..q,-:-. ;.„..,„,... ..„,_.,...„..,,...,_,„..„,.:_-__ . Veep Natfunal 4 Uatde..l.os fge , ,•,, - 1 aaer : 434 tigebil:-.- " ....,;.. -- f l ' ./ 117 17 *. is -,- . - -es if . ~ , gikeeli SUN Intlithe.:. , , ,49 0 . ,:.•!• Uhett7 Hon It 1t , 4tq1ep5t:. , .1,,:•,:. , .' ,, as r;h 00 / '.oentraLitesill:- r. 1 ,...i.; ' n Taitte4 Chew guli„,„ 4 ,; , :.,..,t,'; ,s , , blurts' Off -.... —'.' ::::' - - v.1.01104,41Acif.1414104p1ts - - it 00' 4 ":oVtit./... , R. 04 •'"V•i'. ;143 ° - - 'A g Ilttiburgia lifle.=*77 , l ~.. --, ll r ' 1 ca . .' Ptuabunth k Rex iellt---L---- - ' - %felon( Lublietz. T2O -" 25 , I , t ."....“ , -.--, .UGO hn tr M°49PigaoA - Pioni l " --••••'..,,.. f'"" Z ''' , -` , /• , -. 0 0 r.' 1 Chrld..o - yeued ,hi .4 ew Totk ',te , klsi iv las, qr 1 ounoeVeaSly.tottanjaal et sees i t Vila quo at 111gi,,......1)iii4,.,5y possibly be able to pa a my to 4.6i . :(,-bill; It: - -i&ms a wife douDiftaa .from IteiseittAndlostions.. iloYeralielltil Illte+dk, 4411lindkaittily : Wive, but atithortt,, decided . .4ibent . .12ee•.MWikehat,seiteh done leily of io o pt 40*. `aa= tire le qulieskatek dernadifor 'Co ,1400 e, • but the'leittivtipt:t - of 'holdets his elerelthey to rettrie'9*.l434l, Si' wee 6SereOt beilliti ttmhor, in !.haste alb, th• oat ininatoiiii_ Siii An0w. 1 4 6 bkin g l44l9o ' 1 4° - • --faunkkent itk Bonk, Ballroad or T:Laurance shires.. There au rather more life In Petroleum 'Oaks/ but there la still, in all conscience, an abehcleude of room for improvement. We heard of ealetof Oen_ Ilti/4 frasitrltherg Cherry -Jinn te-l!Lf,tuale at GO; and ''''Pltraburgh aryl Plalladellinie at I, There li tome Legacy for Cherry Bun fr. Pittsburgh, but we Were uesble , to heat of iip Ales: NJelumbla Li civdet put held firmly atxrevious quotatiolui. • - An iiit4lrival . old ielbsge hit gsal aft In Prom Green ehuhtlMl,baa,kladtplVilehed e s . with the .Tollorinf,itemi in regard to 01l operations and de/ 'Velolynlehhi iir that !igloo ta Oa Dunkatd Creek •!.. a the moat vigorous etTorneukfaibi OPetetor. . ~, • ,e0 develop the the territory, sad we lia ' S , Moon. , ' • espeti to "bear oriitstlent Strikes . before ,long. !At the Nunn nine! we =ir k initial , state Volt Mao is a large amount OtttriAA4b=° - ry to the hands of 'eottipanlea - wham are end thus become a drag ,upon "tht ehasireter of Ole oil region. The.old "..Wy/in" mououos to yield! my nicelY; ! and they tot, De eunaidered a pen:Linea yielder. The •47.31yde" , Well, owned in Pittsburgh. Is now the best pumping well on ?he creekJ The wSeeton•l- Well-Isnot 3 lading at nrese/it r , owing to a defect to her mricidnery . ' Other 'wells Meng the creek are producing...more or lees; aeeoldlr6 to the skill of their manage ment. The "Stindard" Well, on Whitely, Is being initinink Tpert has been a strike at garrets Fort, on ' "WhlteliT, *Tell fbeesinnot iThegme,torr,cd 133.4 waltr,eng,lebrla, out of the glreirieltitgreat force` " - At Brownsville, on Redstone Creek, about three S. m the town, a . Pittsburgh Oompany etruek tiottitig weili3nTiniredgg lest. Tip well • Licallt4 thrud•,Lynnil .a3td is tairuired., The - extent °ldler yield we cannot tell laitimed thatltL good. the New,'lions i' 14 WILIISh 11-leiVettstelcseartad that It thee:ll6od sigUlsolta - Milltims were Prewing ;;;;:.:7 lll , crnitorlresinny•Depastauaals again, tarEirtills tlQjplbAfor debt. 'tiara - Crain lid , doubt Villa the -misstatements or mei irspere, intended to create gamin an the vaDdihotUla P4.F.* do maze ,to eotberr a tlde triaistu7 ttnuviitithelr_ agalns eat scheam t to pal off the debt will do good; be ab 'Windily of tfie pirobeieeeteiii 'will Timone ,:smottoemery.smo Who has leasumf ibi s nolimeots., I.:(6yeziamebb4Mluthhe martial= that - the public ': ‘.. " ',44 : fietithialeat to a third past of th e. Milne of - the ' . property of the country, and that thoim who • • • ' , lli: iffi4l6 these Stupid suggestioiM. have! not ot *** MOMS of thiftirottm Weithetitind.l49.Crops., ~LSPeOLI pivateties to the dolcago 'Tribunal . • nuriDla...,' BOCK ISLAND COMITY. IQ, sin, July te.—lt b.gan CO rair w g tee. o!cloelviantsoglit, and +Mee yllght ttail salami quite hard,'At mm. It -it still mini% awl hot, mash prospeoto4.lte. o r leafin l ytt • , J43.1 n .5 r. 7„ .. ..1 .5 13 26,-- p The Su g tt u rase clear tali morn. all day without lutert peaced alsalon,llVaough been teentWlyg. .121 te ra_As to th l e o : k ara l l i ap retorted yesterday. Pare ia Soar...tees, July Prospisct vu VA for -% crop - , all grains. Loos rains twill re. ' dune them considerable. No manic's esti mrsion can be made= account of continued rates. Corti is good yet. ZA3r COST3TT ROLVIDZOX, July 26.—thonds still oveneas the now, and I shlMr.t ran this p. m. nearly as mulles %old yesterday, .notouileee blacken felowlsAnit eotedng.up from the southwest, and ate passing runthwest. f=•l - .'...e* • Lan•s4 , .corfrrri. . • Orre.w.a, July 28.—rhere has been no wheat. ant • • —in this county for Mb dad" aceount of Cantina edrales. There has been= talons damage done_ 'thus far, but - lf It continues a day or two longer, roe vamit . Astd oaranrop -be very mach dam. " 4 'Med. Everything else. la in; the beat condition. I"' /t has rained 10-day shoer light,without hes.... • OnrDOT.t. ay The ' ferstims ere almost dirPluragV. • ; - • . BAI3OAXO3 001rITV. FPIIINGeLILLD, Jol)o2o.—Thir incessant heavy relate continue 40 - sytesti alarm amongst the [Ar menia this filially. many of whom hare a lame -• : :quantity ofr.unbalirested hay, oats • Anil. wheat. Ain in abundance continuer to - descend. Tidos morning -ire were visited by one of...the heaviest showers of the seven, which has nomple; i y del uged all the fist lands, In this neighbonte . 3303 rOtr3TV. • GALZBIItfito, %dr - T.—This morning It rained • • g aunt t be t .m e s e eptre k w i ar t b m ega :fire Le set r ilet. ,• And elands. Nothing ..done to crops since my' 'post oftillt, • - . _ Ottlxraton July Zitilteiniag hard Lids D. m.. " • and has rained dire hour{ out of lsreull - facw since July nth.- Oats are nearly,ruined. whalit, what has beint.rat, is. nipidly growing. .-Beriey tax Muth Injured: Corn begins to wow , hard ^ I . non's. July 28.- 7 Weglier Rein . rr • lug bard teem co.findt nodes to..lay. Lair prow Root for another storm to-night. f lelirrE3lDE COVOTT. • ' ',lllonssOn. July in,,Weather rainy.'. Wheat • 0. .most cut, and yet Lithe add Lavery tad °walla-- Don. t3virattrol,' July 213.—alaiM quantity of Min fell ' here during the last four days. It' is feared that pearl& till the wheatthst hmi been cute m ii or i e jir or • co jured... Po - Innapeet gd Bo rn crop. Oath teifiehlY Veeesehlel rood. - JO DAVLE33 COMerT. Jul, 23.-4 i. Minh PraPartidu 01 oats_ were sown atm year in 3113 quarter than heretofore, on account of- the chinch bug, which • not only destroyed the wheat, but got into corn and other crops. The little wheat put In was look. tog finely, but the late heavy rains hive lodged a a gnat deal of An immense crop of ,corn was WeWed and ha. male a fine stand. in tinosualty crop of potatoes was pat In and are looking With Warns weather the harvest will be very abundant,: It was cloudy to-day with irt show ers in the niorning, but later in the day cleared warm and pleasant. wuranneao notary. PiteavonlCA4 July 28;—bairdalt all da ,spoiling •-- the Wheat. . . j nozhaircourrT. ittooarfacrras, July 26.—Weather v pleasant. . Yesterday,'Zth.-contmeneed raining; add at I ..ett r • this fair litospectir for 41 wet day/ the Pas., , fagrapeoLynsterday Lays: Hardly in the memorf - 01 - foe oldest Antlecca has 'there • beena rseeessith for Weenies. 7or,nearly ten days we have had • futile dry weatheri and the grain. lagwing on = the stooge Whichhu not been out. hay crop , •- badly injOzed, mar even if the dryl ther 'gets • ' inimedlately,the standiroggrale las lent • Mach • •Ijf ite life ate; tifollity. Dalielers in" the moon ear"that Mawr •is a/I ; right for '• the .nsealetek or so. We hops the moon sill exeridas `-'' full'oantrote if it has thy, as oars maim . was =arms erre was tr,rf nm•=4 for inter. " • aSartEscrret. - . • •,-,„ - - - 0- ,•,•,---ronwerrooorerrw. • , sot anus, July 90.-Thera .ttirp a heavy rain here Entumor; and elijnt ahew a n here on BirOdly 11113 Maga. -,TO•ilar LIS Ilan nanny day, with a beams.' w e l l koorn and barl with hem. n abontloole vary W tterprOspeeeyte th an for 'some Tart past. '"lfarveltilig- :royal w_ he s _lit :ha s • eamniessedlathe eouthern Ya/191 th e s ta te . ~ Wrgotrac_July Ite.—Leal Sunday sandy [sin all day. On N.mnet we bad rear heavy ShOWeli. Tuesday no island clear. "toads bad and no Vida gitriting. We apprehend no sertettlidallare SO EMU FIMEOM pi,..•1411144-WhCit 91116212.=14 :ST': '•:I tdeittkAh from the PitnelpaierWt 'edam fa tbirS gqdLtgpp7mtate nikrtt Tea bteele and.present appearan oin plea/intThe wectemarrit the %cites been for the pas a i r Faname :mot yet' commenced seleet. r .1 noct C OUNTY, • •-• July- te.—Weather vto-Oey .'eoc4:aria pleasaat. , .Tary 'favorable' for uene4t , LAT tiL••••-7 p. m.—The n eatly part, of rAediIINTP! setbnOyaidiregy littlerittaolum emough.WP3TW. !turnixtbs uperaticantate toolatel r. : Crepe are yet tang bubasattelr: . • • . , WtAtt' &mm.' • Li t o;4**—Weither, taw stas warp 6Ahia even,.; with. re poet of Lair weather. Hartfeeles Diva tot [glared Pate.' . t -'01: n DANS t CCOVIITY• ".,‘. • *minicar; Ito - s!e.—acuesl. low very Riea!sid• r , cttv,3 aa7.1 6 4 " - 'll"iibtr"; say lc Mit ramify are rar. 4DIN n9l ;scarce& damaged tqr =lnes. ti 40me Pdalltids .01:11 1, 1„,to Pu s . ioat crop willbli lava.' • • , • .1,11 r: 0UTA.0.1.111111 . a. r Przsro • Jilir l a i i 7 Weatturr • clear ardl ararin. litsr,•EC• ," ~r inaddrally Icalcura‘ will. ararpr •rd . " did vnry little de .*go ito A 4 c IS 9LINTO Q? , nrrrt Sa.—'l7ery i rainy hl ULM a:torn. 4%.14441 Berm.• • • S2l4"dre• • neat • and rye mostly ,eittp. • .164: l 2 ini B . —w oma t dt, • cilto " saved, 'endlt will 01711— e of the plell vittgliv eroprthin, here before'. - The yield OrOsta 'Ms ennoble Very fair, and the cup, to zdasOr tiken care Bat mug. barloy ar ldieo. Wee.l ,a ;MVO g Venn "among Ildt the gidu4d beteg toq wet tcroldw. 4s u r.b,weather .fte td.dl r YOU. cop give mesa th e ndennbage, ben , ' WI be be I T Y al*, the Dormers ate abtbiltd. - A • ' e ' atiosapeact.. • • ae..tcsam Couirre. l u ir.ov-The weather 4ei lgratlay, and ptekunint, cool end vrindyen Tuesday.. 'the ' harvest of wheat and Oat, la over. r Ttet•ethestwaa all areuxed„ Ittg, aome .were I.ll.ttle Crotra. ' ' *., yihrhtltithlty ao averaitqlAd three.amirths ; i4ail-saar itoarld twatolyi tettlnir wet. The via. t ofthbVeTbeett'llte been le lent, fair sod • Illbl6- • Clatn attril was hitter at WY season or e 'ear." Therels s large erdp - of lt goad a r. Theta be rya or • " cotrarr. Tverr.i.vivelfilif‘—rhs'xdeintlOr te 010114 PO warattoeiay. - Them ,ha vo been bawl roans for t Ov " a ..the pentane*. The ccrps.• *Able, Battler, are en- J¢tem tern and oats esncllsat . , B.ya and 6 .rley, ameseellast crop. , • • =las, July . 25-11:50 m.—we have had Alaiiistak for Mei pest 'two days. The harvest •forrirwas ryewas completed two weeks ago. 'Cirrisi" milt miteldidgrowlng w the rust. Toe oat 4rop le good. No barley woo raised ln'tale "penal?. Corn loam Ireff VeU. • - • Jaminidicarzoirs-rf. MADMON, o - 21 a. ra.—Wea•her maL , dnomore thank...lla erop. Clorn, ryl ,l"" ba r rrey and hay, better than for many years. rult, pat r. trrracattos COUSTY. ' ' • ' ' ligrurarre, 9.-;•Thel TOP of th,a Wabmth Valley LB almost a total (Miura Wlthlu uhrteh oat. a-lmfaresis firm- hau bought alt. ty thoussad bushels of wheat the °Mosso maske; Wlllateulatlon, ' OHIO uamtaotr COITIMT. • . CINCINNATI. JIIIT 26.--A. worn, awtemparded by thunder smditelttulng, la flooding this *cotton of the constry, =Wag the twelfth day of thlh un paralleled wetnerteon. „Into, oat crop and a large porttcm of the wheat crop will rl Me towcultnellklo/ - Iwi for ao be longu ad by. a Mute. In , PTTTSIIIIIIRR MARKETS. WEDNISDA.Y, lay MSS. There l a decidedly firmer feeling 11:1 the general roarketi.siblchtiaiall: httrhpte4 to some extent to the advance in gold, and a epee/I:dative reeling begfrminleto het in. There is no "Sbetement to the excitement in Floor, and we hare again ea• other advance to record. Wheat, also, In gym wally, Sad Mottr,',ll somewhat excited and some what higher. aftfilii,-tiara !Inlet i but steady..o uncheogel rates; sate o(200 bush, to arrive, at 67, and •n. 4/1 sake at 65550X1 Wheat is in active demand, aurae and Ode of 1 ear prime Red on:privets, tennsindisitimel to be about e 2. Cora 1 Wady with nasals:ales of p ri me. from store at 7341. No. thin - Coin Ist Eye or Batley. -F/PCIUR - -Qoatinue. excited very firm, and with 11 4r5ledt Ned limited receipts, we have to re. IdtitifEelridtance Of fully 60 cents per barreL We olv tltadte Extra Family at 55,60 to $11.60 for Slicing and Winter Wheat brindle—some holders asking 510. Sale of-Mtbblintiprititte terms; and We do 70 d E o ISI t O l7e aut.. to qu i w rm it ,N B, but fy. with regular Jobbing isles at previous rates-10 for Shoulders; 19 few RibitedEldui seep CPS Meta and Piste ()en ema Llama, and 29031 for Sugar Cured. lord Ls Iceldaten:adearwe, tut ttardemd4doddtdadda vary f i .t t illTS—TtreletelPhiStf Pearl:mu were unlacing - Amps to-day. end with supply considerably In <3.4111 of ma demand, we reduce our quotations from Wo to SI per bush. Some few small sales wets, made at 62 to go to the- early parrot tee day.. but in the afternoon the best qualities Were freely , offered at. X6oCogiX s- Apples dull and dre09 4 .8., -Dried Frufedollabeß - Pb. for Apples, and Waal for Peaches. BUTTER—Ie QnteZ stub dell, notwithatataling thews is but little in the heads of wholesale deals MK. We Mire Munn wte ft 1.(51d for old packed, and MOW'S* rime,: ERGSwkearceand flunes, : and may bs.quotad to Remand at 2l 7= ITIETAL . --.llarket somewhat exulted both bare end le the east, and prices ate looking up. We have op , llareported at . lip Sees . offehordng cal • E4/ D AtaliAkVieti.rfar- of 100 Pigs "Os. line a; !deeds and giodeMoiety active but unchanged. Relsset ,W. R. at laJlMZersburg at 17(518. and Gold= t1(50. taIi..I4,F.ED--ssiahot I car Reza, on track, at 77%. • Shoal quoted t tillos amalliota, from storm arid bilddlinn. at 51 ,SO. ASRES-vSate tar .tettxPearic st 84. EgroguußoWygracq , r.uat 415 MAR NET • • ,•-• VrSbiO4..JUIY.2fI, 1581586. Tbiirdailut foivAidicdohtmttes comparatively quirt, sad with only moderate receipts god sup ply,ptices are without quotable ehaugni barrel returned, sod 254126, bands included, bales of 600 barrel at 20%; 200 at 21; 65 at 21, cad Ififfaufo: - )lfOte eme inclutin for s tuf =Mut , but the 111704 ore nottulilielently large to sonny our •dealeri.% nentat, ballad, was In demand to-day, .and syhaitps,mitelfellnuf iiednewhat are= there Is nodebbled Improvement to pilbes. Salt of 500 barrels ' , Hutchinson's' , brand at 45, no the ears - here; nO banuie•Tfmthisrell" at 44; aOll5OO barrels, brood not named at 62, delivered to Phtladelpbta. There are quite a cumber of ordetsi here for Phil adepltila delivery, but a our refiners ere all sol up, and - Inluty eases jhlity and sixty dugs ahead, they do not seem disposed to operate ab present figures. Free Oil l quiet and outhunted. No .movement la Ninths. of Residuum, both of 55.111 ch araveay dull, as there seems to be no demand from 'Edina) whatever. - . The receipts of oil by the Aliesherty river sine Lir last report, were as follows : -Bleb/Ltda.. re Harley. 122 Flzher 6 Dro---. 3610 Jae Wilkins 4 60 Lori 60 R Lafferty -. 1i W P Logan 261 PETROLEUM STOCKS IN PaILA DELPILIA Speehst - Illipateb to the. PlttaburgbMitt!. PHILAIISTIIIA. July 28,1886. Tea...teem-shwa were more- eseUve to-clay than tor sever al menthe pea, - led prices wete better. Capvvell sold 2%;Ourr4h, Balza, aNi Juno- ttob 2 14: McClintock, 2 3 4; Sugar Dale 2; St. Nish otos. 13 . 40 1 %.. Aa will be teen from the abets quo tations, ValreS.,,thutta and St. Nteholasd have savarteett considerably above the rites of Thurs. day. . psTaoLEUM STOCKS IN NEW YORK. Spacial inapateh to Weeten; Press. '2llrut•Tosur, July it 11,1655. -Patsyleum Stocks guns very quiet td-day, and pliers generally 'serer. Cherry Rue, 32; W 034; .2 se; Mole Creek, 11 05s Buchanan Taiin, 32; laealslor, 1.65; Oil Czeek, 5. 45 ; Munkatues, 32; tuned States, 31.00; Sktiplrsi Clay, 1,65. Wadley, Val; Heydriek, JJ3S; Peallps4.69. NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. Special Dispatch to Western Pram. Now Youx. The Petroleum market is inactive, and pito e. shade lower, Crude ale, Refined In Boad.47elek, Free elelle egpoieTs BY RAILROAD. • Prrreaunen. Fsir VANN' & Omosoo R.& July 211--1 ear wheat, Fererta & eo; teo bble tope, LI Wallis:6;2 o o dodo, Jae Gardiner; 2 cartel, Jas Wood &Ron; 1 car lumber, J 0 Bldwel ; o.barrels eggs; Jos Montoo 04 , 288 eke mBl Beed. ll & co; 20 bales broom busks, Edmondson; 100 barrels NOW,' Watt* Wilson; M bel i e f ; wool; JlO BroWn; 103 do N Wright; 208 b s tarn teed, Zoos & bleKee; Risks oats, - Rea & ell; 1 oar Joe* Den Wallace; Et dozen brocade, Wm FoopErj 1 keg Out.. ter, J OHlte tde, . Ozzeitzsll AND_ Prnarrtattl It Salt lc:stone metal, Pllnitok & co; i 3 111 &Iraq MAN via; 6 bbl/ lehlett). 2 , 6We11. /AN 3 60;27kg Mill - lee B ,WlLdnhatt ;tat Om oats, PA361 . 7021 k Ataraorki es his ukase; Shomsker & Laren 0 do dO, Oran' & ! Reiter;toasksonly dt/AblkeedgM lBl ... '& 41 Orrery &co 19 ckkeerA . tzar, oort ,°" ' & 00 1;3 , 0ex brooMs, Autak9Aoo: butter . &_ . I k oB 4 lo . l lora .; 7.1 I , :rt XL, Otromsar, AND rOurmucntos..,lB. K.' July 100bbli132, Eli Dithridge; CO dodo, W H Hanw • Mom Weez - nopper, Trak, 31SOutst/ &I: 0 1Y cut Wheat ~Roble, Amite ja eo; so, Ws' notlr.Y.o :JentiattUt eiddleal toWit Jou% ni t ' imps, j 13 LlippINC O 3O6W363l- 1010 W .2s as oats. roan, &mu& & fiturguat ; 11 baill_P o ' V i r s tl s l l , 11 0 P&Per. (* .30115 it pul, hah rag. ) EP=A/& Irwin; a° Lbxe'mtusese,L H Valet recut 13 do do,lßslider& . Vam:der; 20L Zik them*, I,,ai v t a r t a„. co:so do 'do, 1351111^ T 8011041310 IWO leatter,Oholel 'lLeger. • -••• ilizaintrirr epic:4cm, July ss—i snub t3cus &to; da & Weavemri do do s s. Ilea; ado 40,1151=1*re do 40,A fro, :mum & martini out buuer 11224 egp, copgawill 0 Obilettlidd do, L Illiteracy a bags, core, 23 oats, 0 & oewart; dozen br 00 1:1114 5 Dyeri .spybbls Wltay,l2lthaan & Getty} bah sant; II bag' Asammed, Ewa & liaud&ony Obis oil, It bble.dree.l3 P Schwartz; t dozen brooms, Hahn & Riddle; 10 bier theme, 10 caws matches , fibula, 801 l Ca c 0 tegtion nv TrimicAtir New York Market. 1 • Vasa ;YOH.. July V3-1302T0a more active emir Brier 41049480 far Middling Yireng.«.l.lgiggribeir.-ar; 117 legit lor Saito SLAW . 1 04'68,0 for comb:mato abigninr brands of 'Matra LB- I 'FL. 0., $41,00610. reads Hrooderthe market closing quiet and scoireely so firm. Wn78122-Moreeettive; Western 13IaM.Wkeat :pooled !Vas' , be I =osod imalltai, with . the .gagrcn r essent 5 1 1 50 04 60 to chum, ,tipting; sl,s2 for Amber Milwaukee, 31,83 'tot inferior.White,Western, 62 fee common Amber Miihleini,l2,lo for Choice do.-an otitside n. Bye Ou thttet^ grown geo; email lotted fit. Worley acd Barley Malt dull. Corn opened 1i no theitd*.iregmnt partially:lm; sic f ainA r T )11VhfrAft TorareAt or tha isldgadandlasonimisr.. with 'a 3 oicoau• letive..demand t opeidng et VA and elolidg Orin bt a goa siwa,ctatii dal. Sugar dun, at itiir MO for Outie Mtuctivaifo, and 1104110 Vme re fiaMinali Nausea- dull 'zisutfasf to better dl mend, at=gala for-labick and =sso for Statw. 0740 047711 - 0 ,1 8 0/ L 'ain/ , , X•aguotsvai l ,-Lonii 33 •.3 'tor for 110100 ln' Hoed, 07920 coido: stet; rrc ~ 447rd0t.-Fnan4 .1 a us.,- Puovisioas-Potk *WM and ,Idgberi.s33,6 l B. 437.78 ler -Hew, Idepsoksin ai $3/,. 271 ,far MOM; =7;lt' Prime; .thr 'Mew; • .01 0 1 AO, Etas; lei*. epnda 'Beef Mriddiletetzd t'Mull :21 . 7o L tr t iShedidedafttlA011.011.•:Ba 0 n, Crater ate 11'WHi% r I r , - enarirerrittoCk , Han T01it....214 - dS.-=.ls.llltrn Diens= steed, at a per cect.-13terting dull 010007102. Geld, opeted Omer and and hearxendlower, opentng at 148, declining to 144%, add illOaleg at. 44Ma'. Government Stocks a whede eosin, ; STOCEP-Sleet of 49 Coupons, 6.2 0 Conte ono lift do. new Issue, 1 • Mos or 0-0 Conoco., 07; second tertes,99; and Missiulppt Certificates, 2.511; Ness York tilentral,Janten, 0,6; A Waldo S teamship Company, ; Quink. , Erie. 2716 1 7 Hudson, III; Readi ng, ark I Rock inland, 108 , 4; M lchtgan Southern, 6636; b~grrggbM 713' 27;1t; do. praservpd, At the Tour Wile& taaid 2617.1fWe Maher; Erie, 106; Hudson, 113%1 Heading, 107%; Mouser; Southern, 68%; Pittsburgh, TO/A - Hook Leland, 109; !forth Welted:42B; do. referred, Erorniu Id, 10%; 'Sew York trail Erie .0 addion, ria%; Reading, 107; Mlcagan Southern. 61 7 4vEit4ebur,h, Bock Wand. Wmfiempreferted, 62 ort Wayne, 7610 Canton,l4,4ltuateglatid, 0 , diekllver, 61. • ' ' l • Chleatelbetket. • Olnulaod, hag gif.- - ttotris adisincoar'Sel • Coding ftbmt the available Meek ik very . 11~h4 dale 69 $6,115497;60 Itir.Sprlng.Extta.. t • geeoc-Wheat active irrefildari.PgLa ranging Tim dl 773,. % to $ 1 . 30 , !otitis haldattl $1,112661101f, 'for i, and 01,16191,184 Mr No. 2. Corn active and irregOlar., at 6 7 4901 0 104 1 n8 e.t 70 01Mio for No. 1; No. 2 geld at 7uerso. Oath firm at 0101130. - • • Flunonvs-Steady.. Hmawnrste-Active and unchenue& , • Puovielosrs-Firm; Nem 621.76C0L,_ se-1,800 bbls 'Floor; 21400 tem Wtillety 68.000,Intelk,Corn; 80,00) bush Oat. ginrummt...4.o,oMOntsitF. whooi •revioo bush Cern; =l:_is Wheat dullat $1,300131. Corn 9niet at 2:70100,C bats aria at 620. Osnogo, Market. tkoraoo;luly 2ilittirlt unchanged; 67,60 tor No. 1 Spring, 0,60_ ,fcli Bed 7 770teM,2616r and ;0.714;6100r Obeible Haire; ' • ' GRAIN-Wheat in good demand and WY iinV o t better. sales per temple of 5.020 bush Ch Spring 0. 7 41,440146; N 0.2 111.11wsu5nb t rive at $1,42(61 lost cilghte,hoo ,Tio. 2 Mil waukee Club to arrive at M.,40. Corn eto better for No. 1; last night 2,60 bush at Ma • er grains Carat, Frath.=*-Firnsi Flour 41041 c, 'Wheat 9r,to New York. latrowrs-27,60 bunk Wheat. Caast Ezron - r*-2,673 Ws Flour; 22,100 built' Wheet;ll,ll7 o bush Corn. Sruppito sr Relinesti-1,162 bbl. Flour. Buffalo Market. Brmisto, .117'y 21-FLOCS dna but quiet. • Game-Wheat quiet and scarcely so arm; 60.1 Chicago 81,40. Corn moderately active and searoe ly so fire.; Wee Mixed 01849fick. Barley and Rye nominal. M`nrear-Blare salve • Capst. linmonvs-To New Yorks Wheat itiHta, Coret23te Oat, ee. Ilfroirrertelut,lt,s22 bbls; Wheat, 39,050 bash; Corn, lean bush; eats, 30,1 m bush. CANAL EarowrisLWheat, 176,681 hush; Corn, 20,20 bush; 0ate,47,00 bush; Bye. /0.012 pink. Mining Stock'. Screroa, Jnly 28.-The following are the prieceof Mining Stocks bid in this only to-day Copper lie F 4ll4 ,_ 18 14; elsekiln. 35; -Heccook, 1; Huron, 22; IslenuPel, 8 8 %; lakimmoforn; cg; Rock land, 2. Toledo Market. Tatum, July 03.-I:llura—Vjbast• higher; • gaea No I White at_tnberlatchlgan SON aloalaltat at 66a, No. I Red Wabash Ma, cloning at fLlu. ()urn scarce and tiro ; sales at 1300. Lagn - FlLluoura—Dail and 74ea1nal. BITER INTELLIGENCE. The river rose a few inches yesterday afternoon And rraq cull rising slowly last weaning with about live feet eight Or ten inches In the eriannel by the pier marks at dusk. The weather continues 6oudy iiml oPpressively hat with frequent heavy. showers of rain• r TbEflp Frot elate amount olbualown dope at the landing yesterday, taking everything 'lnto oon• ilderallon, though there la loom for tasPrOreoreut. EThwahlroreuU,of ftrlghLarn moderate , but the re. SUM Ueilit. • • 314. 4 1 11 a - RIO. the arty arrlyol. ma Weak Speer le ft Clocuan'ettl for this city on 'Wednaclay, ikr4.slat otight attire to•nlOt or to-morrow. Thealtnererr, tram .Parkersburg, la due hero or Burnt*. _r • • The lonello Voir had rot left et raven o'clock bat ereolog,' but It was thought. the would be readyio couple of hours tater. Ob.:Liked uo eallent freed Mt, sod abOut al the YOrtargen oontd rwernamoUntc Tye J.K.Gllniorailnapot yetrair tor St bouts as amounted lanr,Trentas, not •re. .rd tepaatad to nay thst 'be wtu teliva today at noon awl no oda take. me Surd Times, Captain Ferri BtliWil Hulet elcrk,,ls e s, to leave far St. Louis te as rennur.ona Pusqlera 4, 14 o.nt.PPen ar this rut Utnanii, ". • STZIFJWMt BALTIhI4RRii2iD ntEDPB; lad wEsattutifi, VA,--Ttee new an eolaniodleitee ateknier !BERL/NMI, QA t- Jos. D. Dmwent,dmits ow:WI! .bieverearl Aber. ports once • wev.ll,leaylng Baltlittore.'front_her wkiarf, toot of, South street, eperyllo.l.lttY /amt. NOON, at t o'cleek, end Yredidicksborgb, every TiIESDAY Aloßiamt. ,nuatetigers and Freight carried st low reetts. Throngb Freight promptly attended to. Merchandise from Boston, Rep fork, Itelltidelphla, or Meow —km*, ego to tare of Steamer WEBONAII, be taken charge of meoiately upon Its arrival In Beltimore, charge* paid, and torwarded promptly, free of commie. Mons. Per.= from the Northern States Coalring to view ties Battle Fields 01 Virgin* or to look after the bodies of friends and relation. Billed In the battles of the Wildernest, /The e, Fredericksburgb, or Itipottsylvatihs Oourt 11011.0, have a splendid opportunity of doing Ws route. The WBNONAII provi ded extol. lent Staterooms sod Bettie accommodations, end le in every reeptegitirst4tles Boat, being new, fart and commodloom For information, freight or passage, apply to or address JOS. WHITE, Forier, oa-board, pr J0N.,12.N.ES TAYLOB, Agent ,_ jjkitillm 212 West Falls se.. Baltimore, Aid. _ pOR 117tD moolonadu ST. LOUIS. On it i -The dn Panel. ger etearner J A.011:9 0111ltE, Captain H. Barton, will leave aa abotre on VIM DAL the Dab Ind For freight or parrege apply on board or to J. D. OULLIdIGWOOD, Age ata. .1 71 JOHN nakOICI OR CAIRO ESA T LOUIS 'p . gad —The One andel:nomad/one steamer BAUD TIIKEY, Cripti P.C . 81 - iyrii wilt !Leave an above on THIS MY. For freight or • manage apply on board. I ' JS le ._. _..~..t01i~ .Ij'pS3IIUDIABLE DESIBABLJ For Gent's tr rouges aotMng MADE TOVEDEB, IN THE BEST STYLE.fs,N Co MANNER. R. - 11. NORRIS, 79 FEDERAL ST., Efen-lawa 300 BBLS FL CHOICE BRANDS FAA; ILY OM; 8,000 buds OstaL . i,oao but' Ea UM; . i can paled Ilan I eat Pesch Blow FotatOsili 9 bbls Butter, in sloths; • ria. barrels Ore= Apples; /I ' s,""Pli L tgA b gtii,.A.SEEKEN & CO., Nos. :SO aid . Me Penzts, SsoWs nem building. CHOCOLATE. 1, 0 ." "W. 8.. Nan Oboeplflei " No.l Norfolk 9_ o l . " Des Yamithr 716 do . " Double 'layered Y 5 StO • COCOS atleri la store and to;; isle by REVUE. uu Jeri • ''Nos Ile 4120 .1% Wood street. MUIIT4I/B: PRESSES .1?011 SALE. 'Ono TAYLOR MANDREL bed WS) MAUL. Ono-TAYLOR. DOUBLE crx LINDER—bed sal Inches; all In good working order. Willlab sold at ;Amain. Fannin of. or 'Mew la mint GAZETTE, Plttaborah. Pia .L.l. muses - ' • • " • siAzuma bony GRIGGS, der 800TT, th's ..11thwor 3/40 1 1 corm oilkszst Sernots stmt., 1S1001410:i' ITARNBIEEN I. V ' gal/Veda/Wyk R 0..) rupture ...raty.+, imam , Mirka amt Firstareets. IaRRELB.-26 0 !V Now Oil Barrels, '—' In store o* F L T_ Eir k MINSTIIO flO Jere corner Market and lint Meets CHARTER 1829 . •y, EIRPET 11 . A L ME ThISIIIIANOE OQIEPANY AE • PIIMA.DTIT.PHIA.. astaetabst Stuail 1. 11884. $2.4574119 95 . Capital I 1 03 ,C0 3 Mated Premiums. IMAM :laaeated.Premizuna 1,031,1 93 17nsilttled Orlaitete .. .8,411 Lumina farlBll4. ..... -.. . =On Lows Paid since 11121""" - .". ' B,lmlol - Perpetual and Tentporray •Polleiea an ulna rlizordua. 131tatitaltatineezr, Isampase, & di* .Toblaa W . , Rdwird C. Dle11 ) . ; Bantuatti - ' , 9purittipatati '" Jitoolta, Auxemt ir . Dl:b. . CisotTs W. Zrar..W. = ii.t. JAB. W. w,&P.A.L5..., 3 OF /14 .1... eel._ t,l i 4 1 - R 7 o OA CI i i :kJ 1,1 2 = MIME. haiD MARTNE r.-- Insurance 00. of North America. '' L PHIUDEMPRLS. .. , .. Ilatiford Fire Insurance 'Cogrptuty, iiispets».... ! .. ‘ieeteetien' esz he seetiektlia the above tamed antleottabievalayardes. ~ • , . , - , WESTERN .LNERJRAACE corepeary .yl. ca:PITTSBIIHIV,______ ' , . "-. . IL 's w . d..,,liar:t moll**, W 154,72. HERBERT, O UR,* No. B 7 Wet& Meet.; eftime & 0.5. , e Wars bll* UpilillitSgEttt 1 . • DhaYen feettwa'DyiMbrcftreta,.. Titia4:"l:s°"47lWn''''''''l''jfr'L'*"d"2llditir-vgl" ettierecterteitiott.ay . Am ea re. ben paten= to Bon tap desire be ... muter, ' muc ntlier Aticsey,.. ;umes tthrfimbnaday •i ° " 4 . ..Rila J. Thotma t <amp DardA Ohm. J, 02 . 111 . tlampbel B. Reif.* john 11.-IMOttas. fl-W&13. 0 .^. , ‘ m. Ma° (17.TITI2ZIPS INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITIEDERGIL—OnIee, cornet Dlarket -end Weterirtroets, second him?._ Presdord. WE. A. SHEPARD, &Meal , Insures Steamboattend Oargoen alltatlr against lose ithd damage to the earlerw Son of the Southern and Western Elvers, LoAeu *nd Hayous, and the naartlon or the Seas. .Ineurna airsturtiosa datenc• by are. Win: Bartley, Samuel. sea, . Tae. Perk, Jr., • W. CLJobnxtrat. • E. F. once, 'Eon. T. EL Bows, Burial ETerton, cfeorge Bingham. pEOPLE, B' pit3URILIICE CLOMPLNY Mice, IR; E. corner of {Stood and Fifth St, F y s:;:frA 111,11:1 vp:01:1:itigu1;N:1 DIAZOTOEUS WM. Phillips, Capt. Scam 1.. Rhoads John Watt, Samuel P. Shrive', John E. Parks, O. Hanson Loin Obsess S. Bissell, Charles tabu*. Wm. Tan BINA John F. %irk tick James D. V etatr John WM. PNILLIPS, Prcektent. JOHN WATT, Vim Premetent. WE. F. OVEDNIIIi Seceders. pllaily A LLEGIEIENT. INSURANCE CORPA AA. Nt OF PITTBBIJEGIL—Onice, Nan FLU sheet, Block Block. Dianna wanat all kinds of Flrs 104 MaclOt lAAAO &aka SOICDIEL PreaMeni. JOHN 1). EiVCORD, Ma President D. B. BOOS, Serrecry. D 11017 1 .030 - john D. IffeCord, Capt. Adam Jacobs, B. B. Sterling, Capt. Wm. Veen S. 1... „McGrew. ' newt. H. Dayu. I s '' sB3 .' nel, k. Harve Mun aptJ. y OW R. O. G ray , ohn Irwin, Jr., Fakeettoeit Ara.ritairAICTURERS. ae. CINCINNATI LEAD PIPE AND LEAD WWIEES. /MORN:ICH . 8z GIBSON, • • =emir/ iStiatib. at. CtrYCIYNArr, ONTO Disks W oraer PIPES AND SIEELVS of say a= -weight sad oot nod upw.g.. Pipes, carre,l lash to 14 team wary LIGET ME or fiyalseallsjians and far arab'. w old wpm:tally ask the attaattcas of Plan hers art:Proyrkkors of 011 Works and 011 Walls pITTEIBUBOS- FOUNDRY. oailitscor. ' .1011111' 11101.1=00111 - *A. GARRISON & CO. . (Samosa= to &Mutant. earltbelil. • Omt) FOUNDERS AND IKAORFNISTX a lit os damnr e ra of Chilled Boners of all sizes, fat /roo, Lhasa Rtna. ooppe, Gobi Straw Boards, Pabas Bober W Boborks onto, Bolling Mill Castings of all description% Bark knits, Feel:altos:Mkt Olinda, with r ands ty of other paParlm, alwaycon band and dirl° order On short ' notice and favorable terms. Ogles and Warehouse, Its finahhnold Street, Pittsburgh. May PATENTED OCTOBER % 1861. These Chimneys ate toter,.leo for the Elat - gstoeh heath:4 all parts of the glass equally, does not es. pose It to cracking. F.- D. DFraRIDGE, Fort Pitt 01m Works, Washington street, apt, Pittsburgh, Penn . • BLAU& DWI, UND BT.E.KL WORKB, BEST ctvelary FEITRED U& TT STEEL. Squat 4,11 at and Clets.con, o all 41.9. 0414101- od -,1041t0 on Imported Or toanufaxtused thl couoszy. 4)Mco end ortrtbouse, Nos. 149 sad sod 190 and 1?9 Swoon wroXoro, I'oloo4oi flan fall-90 SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. we. we constructing, mei will Imp on hand reyexter style of pIEBOFFANT T.01:1, . .. . littler :a Couunon or Tubular Boiler. . We Intrite parties , geeding engines for this pur pose to call and set than. corner of PULE sing 0 , 111.11 A tYPRIKETB, near Ott Water Works. jefs/ . rea.oll.llWoi3ll, BElifirtiLLl. h 00. gikvEßrL,Lb - w was Viralten, Oss o lois . , , fr d t id itt o ral , for i the WILES Fe ISKei, 225 South firth Et, PHILADELPHIA. Jan IL UZ* 1Q i ILSOA.WaI• JOHN B. HERRON & CO., Ettseiro Iletnamulta sus AND IRON FOUNDERS, .OBRo Anil Salm Rooms, fele No. 179 LIBERTY BTU= PENN MACHINE WOMB AND 10IINDRY. WIGHTNIAN, _. ENGINE BUILDER AND KAORINIBT. LaeOct MEM botwam Federal sAAßanduay. • • draSinizerr arm PA. MAttailftlltt rot W /GRTAI4 WS PATENT PORTABLE OSIBLIAIING STEAM EN GINSOring.MA . I Re Eß of kihd a4At jet4T J . SCROON.MAIUM suaronixtrasz of , Mato Blue Loy Litkangn Math rattr, Lc, iar Dealer in =raw cH r e a4 vAnann, RAIRTZUEP paw and s" "mous% No. Woad labiaiy4 rturatl 41,760,000. L. JONES, &grit., Watar4treilt, (upgaira) ERBIZEiT, Swfttail DULLOTOIIIe Slur, . John Shinto]; James M. Cooper, J. USLlwaii, B. liarbaugh, • .Tr., Jabal& Dilworth, Wm. d Roue.. doioard DLUTIIREDGES PATENT Oral Lamp Chimneys, RA3C7LOTII:III3ID Of II FLIRT eiLmes PITISSURGH PA. PARK, DROVER & CO. waingf•PtUter. 91 CI , XX.a MIrJCIrX/4,2-23 ELCPICCONVIii ^ 8, BEVERARCE, 84. 13;3, wa PII M) sr/DION . iilmdlV , cl ==ratajoriellgESlK4llTZMl er locali, =Ks to mac os duals Edell D& W. BENNE__ • 111U1 Loporters 41SE.ENNW No. Ii DIAMOND STREET, bet wain' Wood and Mazkst sheets . Pittsburgh, i'4 mhl DLLS. Itc. DITNEABD mntoix um CIOMPLNY. Moe . &tie' t of Peon and 'Wane Sti nts company was organised oa the win twi n . nyder ens Pernsylvaida Khan andlfenafeato ring Lave• TEs Leath:my of Ile coinpany ad joins the hunts of tea Donnell theah Unhen Oil Dompany, of this ally, Captlitg Sleek Working' Vaud 23900 0 Par Value of Each Stowe of 00 0371072 J Prestdent—S..A- Secretary ard Treastary—SA2n. S. , A. Joinarroa, 1.. S. Atom!. WICIILZT COULTZE, JAN= 4114.13.6., F. D. Gsucy, • W. Cl. Hum, jeadyd H. W. were WANDA/11' PETROLEUM RUMMY. CLAW& SUMMER. *rii)ri3 ems ottice, corians Tovntsm:P. chacein Pittibiegfai*OODlfrp77 , These weeks have the largest arisen," in the eonntry. Thirbrend ttandi the hiOest th this country end 1n Europe, fez qw4tl7 end ate' t'l.ll sp, tb i z i o Y ki t te l Le r zaleaenea PrP.rm " rulsettari P llOlLElS snit BOTUNGToOLSSTLT e OT WAee• eitO, CHILALPION OIL GOlttPlail PrOtMell of Draft suctCrufseturars of Caned Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oa WORKE4OPIfdIaE SHABPBBI37I" :ifirite 10. 6 4 1 'ROD stretti PITTSBURGH, Pa: 4 , W. D. CIISEENIAN, 811" mei= ILIPAIXADX. W . WALLACE &CURTISS, COMMISSIOX IfEiTd4NTS, CRUDE AND BEFINXD PETROLEITIC itERZIN't AND LIIBRIOAITICO O!1.4. .Yo. Us SOT frAI4.II.YA3 I PHILADELPHIA, Pd. wrStorits capacitin (under somii,) for 16,000 Carrels. Allspe eacelleut facilities for shipping to American and Forelett pdrts, it our , wharf no t the Schuylkill Sliteroinat ihe platform of Utak.. at , aerettly B . NDED WAREHOUSE OF, Phenix Warehousing Company, Foot at BdiaslO a H o kßuioN sta., Brookiry BTORAGS Op MINED PETROLEUM, In Tank. and Barrels. Bee Ofrotaars. Oftleo, No. 00 13EAFX. STNS r, Now TOrir. oes-ty BENTI No. ISt. CLAM& ST.. Plitsburgb. pogNADDINO IND COMMISSION MSIICILINT, AND REALES. ISt OILS ILLUDLINATIk 3eG, 010:1311 PI:TROLL - UM ULL NO 1,4 , co A, tes. IIIOATI stantly N on hand And for sale at the lowed meet prices. Constscs. mods and orders whetted. WA= JAMES WILKIN ISOM 611" D DC~i as I 7 (TRUDE AND REINED OILS Perry Block, Dcarsuesna Way. IFlttshOglis attention ems to the SALE AND OF PETROLEUM and Its products. Consignments respectililly solicited. Pittsburgh Agency for VENANCIO OIL AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. B POST OFFICE BOX Itt rut& y WM. ■. L. WILCOX WM. M. MUMS Ike CO., Commission Merchants,. sad dealers in parDE AND REFTED PEEROP L hEdl, BENZIN Ara " fir taus Lactlitl E. ea for atortag oU and empty barrels. Warehouse and eOlca vugur.sNz WAT, near Hand street. Pittsburgh. aptitiad Jeers ifiwth s 00.. Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. OFF/CB Na 15 MART Bt.. J rmoirran n, PA. .-AMINET r. 4111 W &RING it KING, UO2l NI tSSION 51£41011.AFT9, MED BIIOMMIZS IS PET3IOI.EITE AHD ITS PRODUCTS Alai Izalco la EaLaing Mato:MU, c 02147 Ra. it MARKET ST. rlttenuon. LL'CE:i NT i.) 1L Nomwp D'OVCA.N. DUNLAP &CO, EANITIPACTIIIIINI Pure White Refined Carbon Oils. No. 791 LIBERTY STBEET. ------ OISTOCIIB.—Tbe undersigned will g i 'lre particular attention to the. purcitasaa nd aale of 'Staab of ALL - RELIABLE Companies. I Wive buyers and millers to calL J. H. 11101Witir. Po. 107 'FOURTH STREET _ BOORS! BOOMS! 1300wEll Domeetta LAG In Paleethae. Vi m ete ou la er and l o b t . her w Pzva rn e. • Mueller , . Setae/Mot Lanittette. 3l Part-;, The Schenterg Gotta Temily. A outh'a hilatort• at the Hebei&len- Hours Amoag the OSePett• Gennep POQUiII TSIOII. Grinm. Papers tor Thoughtul Girls Photograph Albums, wholesale Pratut's Albion Gude. Slacken! y. Smith's Amer& a Ink. laketeada. Penholders. Peas. Jen .1. L..1/EA-D, Ti Fourth Street WOODSIDE & WALLACE, 12173solosizale 37r-I.2.asztostsa. Whits' Lead, Red Lead, Litharage,` Paints, 01114 ViotiMei, Dye !Duda, Window Glass and Putty, Spines, Perfumery, Denzels, Carbon Oil, tea. ADO, Agents tot Wlntay'a kletallis Brows Paint, 11wanton White Lead, Marta"' Oak White Lead, mud hilksary h Whiten's Celebrated Patent Dryer, iri one and two pound Gans. No. 37 WOOD BISSET, (OPPOSITE THE ST. CHLLELLES HOTEL, PiTTS'S CF GH, PA . FURNITURE, AND DANE AND WOOD akkaq, 1111/iLIII WHOLESALE Ott JAS. W WOODWELL TUmD =BET Opposite E. Edmondson & oo.'s, and mh7 ffo. 11l TOURTI - 1 STREET McCORD a CO., Wholesale Dealers la Hats, Caps and Straw Goode' Mee now In More the lamed and most complete stook of GOODS FOR SUMMER AND FALL r Everdraws] tithe wt. Merobants are requested to sell and shandies our stook, whloh will be. 0414 at vety low salt. nal WOOD STREET. EVINBYLVANIA LORICI4.II3II.AL The femmylvania Mate Ilfditilthtal, Society 1t1141014 14 , pthibitIon am, sErrrime sistArr s t, 28th lona 28th WILUBJESPOIIt 1100iinG 1700311. Any isfoknatiott &Windt)? ,petiono oolktoo to szoolt,=iticr fox remizr, or pollen. or by i n4ted, ord. Blitl ZuLtortA b aw, .S.:BROWEEL WNW= SOM. ilosolOssissnr, may Ski. rroIgUILERB. HAV E BEVEReas -L'pleoea ot Du Four & Co.NDelobrated lag Clothe„ *, for Lab et less than New York mites. J. s.l.aaozirr & do., Ott, Mills, Liberty Street. tticf#ltEti t t eitO LP 4 ,,r Ey ao T. e. JIINKIZjEk, Commission Merchant. 1389 3aX.l33El.lFiTir AVM. • • 'KU MHAS trio 'AGENT. 'PLITSBI3B6.II, PA Dealer in )lour: Grain, Seed& Butts, rruit., and alrFarra Products. Bast brands Fans nyigrunal (warranted) always on hush Wan, HtFIBED ULLS. Pinmpt attention divas to entudgiumga and correipondsnee. Weekly Price Current. aent to consignors. ' Orders and Conalgrusada sulicited wiingdears .11r. qtrintirr a: co., cotamisipN mEncatsrs. Ho,ylo SOUTH WATER ST., Give neate,i,!ttel?oisso vutaustra "limn Graf n4 . AProvistols9. Bc. For AM acoOnol. _ a F. 41:11.111Y Es GEO. T. EißoWri. W. D. PATTY//0D..... A. A/IMOD ... J. 6CDMIL • p ATTPXSONiTAKILOIS eb CO., Conitnistsiais Merchants, Flour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, • Pos. 380 and 382 PENS STREET Beare New liall.ffing. cippirate 0. & P. H. B. Depot. •D. a BANE & pin% commission .ig€Tohants, Go-Oink at►d rivdttee,', tieszo6gb ` t fetveda - srood a smarmed, 1147 INTSBIIHGEL, macs.or= .. ligAlt,.etterincer A. emir AILD porm, La-7,4 .I:I3EEEPARD, Gommissiac MERCHANTS„ Foreign mad Domestic Francs. miur. Bolter, Cheese, Elm, gtotetOes. and prodnee generally.. No. MO lABERTiI STREET, Ogg Oppostte...Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh. w. doassa. trottsprza....J. s. rowsza. jortivai, itouleva co., CommLisiors Jlferchants, Toe 'the sole of PLCSTE ? GRAM, HAY, GRASS SEEDS. LARD, SETTLE, EGGS, GREEN U. PLE9, e. 0., Oa. 26e LIBERTY STKEET, Puts• burgh', Po. Refeteticei—Heest Tettgs% Plttabrirgb; "WU ion ,Cerr &Do., Pittsburgh. R. EL JACK;" GR O a ma . Nos. 1 and S 3 Diamond, =IA 0. TXEL. aBLYF & REITER, PRODUCE, COM ‘A MISSION AND FOP.W4RDLIIG MEN CCELA.NTS, sod purebselug agents tor all Pitts burgh higuitesetuna Warehouse, b!o.pia Liberty .Street, Pittsturgb. P.. , jesayd wusrss (S ro ISACE.EOI47I t EMMAII.T,) M . X-011CO'Cri = 1. 415 Cirl = l-/ataaVe Produce mad Commiseiets 7110kraa.t. relay No. 351 Liberty at, Pltialiapth. 1. O. D 001.17 1 .1.11 D. f. VISOZ. • - DOO.LITTLE & PECK, . , . qpneril Commission Merchanli, Tfos. treperl6, 7 97ater street, Plttaborgb,Pa.,l2l the vele of Door, Grath,. elleus,:. Butter, MTrritirrthits, Provisions arul Produce 6f all I Ofdrtb forthutors 011 ailed at the lowest mar. het price. ' irea - CoulaPo2et.t.../iMea. 1111:71JJAIXT 'DANK VA adnoU. RAISLEY VA.N GORDER, Produee and Comm Union Merchants, Warehouse, - No. 201 Liberty at., Pittsburgh. Pa. 'Wholesale deal. era in Batter Crimean, Lard, Epos, Porn, Bacon, Bemis, Tallow ' , Feathers, Broom* Potatoes, Wm bay, Dried Frulls, Online Fruits, Onions, Flour, Grain, Ulovei Seeds, Tinuilby Seeds, Max finiala Game and,Pooltry, Particular attention given to Produce Consignments. jau 'T BATRD'it PATTON, Whole sale GroedrilabslOmataalon IderchanG, dr..AL er• In PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON, _0)11. PSE, FISH, CA MOE._ AND LARD 0.U., IRON, NAILS, GLASS, - COTTON TARNS, wad PM. hunt, stamasclustlyleneta/ly, 113 and Da Secoad tared - Pittabingh. , • . - 81111,1[LX LE" . 11" 1311EPARD; Comihission chants sad dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN Ain/ PRODUCE, No. ael Llbertyatriat, Plttaburlfl , Choice brands of kin= for Batten and 1. antily asc constantly pa bawl. Particular attention paid to Piling orders /or Iletshandist gallantly. • octfiallY I:ETZER & ARMETRONG, Forwarding, and 00t1111111Mi00 Merchants , f or the 'anis :ot TIJOUR4A3FIitINWACON, LARD, ETTe c~ t s ER, Market atreet, t o rr oAr Penal. ' . . • IV M. P. BECK & CO., No. 185 Liberty Strurt M littsb P. WADlesale Oroiser eurnrnission ruhunts, and ilieltru In 00UNTRY PIO 'DUCE, PROVISIONS, 13A0ONSIRD, BUTTER E , EOGS, lUDEISE, FISH, FRO. DUCE', FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, GR DRIEDFRUIT, /so. SALT .Di LIM& • N D JOHN B. CANFIELD, Coniredeit - and ‘' WESTERN RESERVE ot and =.7 l lsgra LARD, PORE, HAWN, FLOUR, Fis," ND PAL ASHES, SALERATU% _LIN SEED AN E D R LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT , and Pmluts,lghersal7,ol4:ol34,l and tia Front street, • PRtsburgh., W JICIIO KKKKK CllO.ll/AKER & LANG, Wholesale .....-tlealess ta GROCERIES, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE., PROVISIONS, FISH. CHEESE, SALT, CARBON OIL, 683., Noe. 1/ . 2 Arld 174 Wood Street, near Liberty Street, Prttiburgh, Pa. eets-dly 011.01 to V 6 Maw 0.... ... .... Zona Ifsnosa. HEAD g METZGAB, Grocers and Colo minion Merchants, aad dealers in ell kinds of Country Produce and Pittsburgh blitaufsetur No. WI Liberty street, opposite hoed of Wood street, Pit•srturgh. sp3Aly t. AZT NlZaa J 0 11..111110..... WM. D. 11.6pUtli. TEYMER b lIRUTELEBB, (successors to Reymer fttitutrio_._lii i_Wholnaalo Dealer/ In FOREIGN FRUITS', and SPICES CON. FECTIONERY, SIDITIALRS, FIRE w ones, So., Noa, and Fa Wood ati not, above Fifth, Vit. Dinh. - - DWiLLAGE,,Uommission Inerttwit, • and Wholesale Dealer in FIA)US &GUAM, N 0.35.1 Liberty street, opposite Pennsylvania IL IL Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, P. Storage Waregps. con= Wayne and Penn streets. , MAW_ Jo a. tavern. .. . JOOO 1.1.1/ ST JS. LIGGETT & CO., CITY FLOUR • mo MILLS, corner Leda/ and Adam streets, pittsbargh, . . r Capacity, OD trarrel• per day. apt sau J 011.31 WILVON. rATT WILSON, Wholesahir ecrs, Commission hlorchagts; end dealers In ProShace atul Pittabafp manufacture*, No L 69 Liberty street, Plte•burgh. lush J AMES DALZELL BON, Idanafac tut.. of LARD OIL, sztd Commission 'Mr chsfits , ,for the plusbase end sale of CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, Nos. ItS sosd Water Ere Plcubusgls. Masa= awls oa eorostus. mat. , , O --- - REEBE WAREHOUSE.—HENRY H. COLLINS, Forwarding and Connate.Lon Mer hant end dealer in 011E011E, BUTTER, Lalrg e FISH, and Produce generally, No. S 7 Wood -greet, lawn, Warm, PittiaMrh, ioIIT l 6 soder.. COW hALD 11'4C8.1. J 1 OFIN L 110UtiE 4'k CO., Whoresala (INOUE RS AND COMMISSION MHZ. CHANTS, comer • Smithfield mil Vittte, street, Ilttoboreh. simmer DALUCI.L. netzeb VOBERT DALZZLL &CO., Whole- Lae Grocers, Oommiesion and Forwarding Merchants, and dealers La Produce and PMsburgla Liberty etrcet, Pittsburgh. • t==MIZI IVIO. YLDVD WILLIAX 71.0 , 17) I OEN FLOYD 8c CO., Wholesale Gro ti sera and Commission Merchants, Nos, ITI Wood and ttlS Liberty streets, Ptttsburgh. jell CHARLES L. CALDWELL, (successor to James Holmes a Co., PORK PACKER and dealer In PROVISIONS, corner of Market and root streets, Pittsburgh. DAIVILL SIIIIPG Z. G. VOGT H. YOIGT & CO., successors toil. L G. Graff, PRODUCE AND uoMatissroti MERCHANTS, 'ln Liberty etreat.,-PlGaburgh. DAVID N. EDGERTON, Wholesale GrOCef Commladon blerehitat, le7 Hoot Street, Pittsburgh, P. feblg LAIIBEST: .300 E 68111703...1. 0. WALLADI AMBERT, SHIPTON t CO, Whole L -IA ash) Grocers ear;Out° Mm r.i ai, o. 0 Sixth street, Pittsburgh. _ • AO ffA L&Il DICIEKT & CO., Wholesale I Grocers Commlnaba Menlints, and dialers in leirODUClia No. La Water street Lod GS Front mar „Goons 1111801%.,77:3511.. 0L11.31..11A.V1D IMIADLIW wmsoN, fitim 4 , ,5, co., raga • 1:04.! deilers In FOIGN eND DOILES TIC DRY GOODS, Na. t 4 Wopd strait; OlDi hodait aborirDlaziostrallerf,~s ,l lt 6 &Pia WATCH, MACRON & .CO., Whole sth 4 ' 4 am* Retell _Dealers In THEILDIaNGS, lad mom euviDET CIOOPS oteverydnitatir UM* agog. 17 one 19 . MACRIIII & GLYDRiailliolesale -Retail Dealers In • I.4olicnr 'AND STAn DDT ,000D.VTUDENIGSFaa4 NlB MASA I roes, b e Inamond a nd Fourth,l o. DlChbuom TOBEPH HORNE, Ni holcsale and Rend 1/...1er lo s/1 kis .• af rannmailiS, Din (HOODS, ikm.l ROL 17 sad IS SWIM stmt. ELIJ - EPITREYB , Homeopathic Specifics Have proved, fltim the man awls entire anersear i = a s tandem sod =M a tt 0 , . the only perfectly adapted to poor.; 'Ur art-4o spritall thatmistakes cannot be made in: t h e . ; s olarml,m- at to be fees from Minor; and so eikciens a, to be always reliable, No. t. data reveals, • " Worms , . Worm r Zolfo. .. • " Esping Colic, ot teething of In. butts • " Whirrhast of clahlrel er aloha M • DysinslerY, fiMPingt Ootic. P Cholera 21corbnaritlalloi 111 " Cmugho. Colds. Enrochitts—'..— . • " X euraighs, Toothache, Faceochs • " Weadaebes„ Pick gealaohes... Dirspepairs, Bus Statioth.... Eleppressed, scant/ and pain- hal perbals tn. " letemarrhota, or Whites. . ... 211 U. " a roup. horse email OS lc 0 Salt Kamm, Erigirdlar, rattp. [loss 16. illtesun . attam, all littenniarl. 0 Fever " awl Ague, Wall TO" 11. " astern; or •". .... le 1 8 . OPPtalmy, more, * its.. le " CateeTtb, mot, eilten lB . " Wh ooping. or. Cough. in 4Z-0 maths • " Asthma, 06. ........ fe • " Ear Ellsea.„ impaired re . haring Merofula, erdantod glottal be , y. General Debility, physical — h • nkness 01 H. • D ate ropliy mid oranty Secretiona fek • " Bea Sickness, or Itsloniss from .1 .... ..... tr. " Kidney Pleeaae. Qavel. to • " Mormons DebilitY. seminal C. emissions. involOntary dl. , charges • b vs. " Sore nOnilti, or Lancer So. Urinary Ineentimusee. •S . st. " Painful Periods. even with PO Symms ..... 12. " lingering% at Change wah .• .3. Epileyan* EL , Dance Spasms, It. DlV l se rt rio. thobrated , .. goret,L.. ..... ealksliA Uesee.eit morocco. ;Mite ihafflioOk complete ease of 211 large visit, In.mprOceo en& boot. 1000. Oen df 20 large sislli,luMfieSse and bbek... a*, Ow of 16 twee 01th. 140 wow! book: . .. *thir These remeelfrsi by thi ow or single box, fife' wt term! )art of the country, b 9 wall or ego, pre., fore o I charge on receipt of unto. Addresib SUMPHRETS , BTECIFIO- BOBLEOPATEW. MEDICINE 00., odbiefulddepeS, No, d 62 asap, New York. For. sale hi Idirondlothis d a -.DZ. W•II:7X.MOSINTS' • Wholesale Ageut.,Pittshitih, Dr. Humphreys Is consulted daily Ai. Ids attlt pcionsay or by tatter, as above, for alt lonq °Lease. For .ale by E. MIKES., 261 Smithfield street., Sold at Jos spn FLEMING'S Drug had rot Medicine Depot, N 0.84 Mulct at., voruafeiot the Diamond, sod near Fourth at. , Jytotial COUGH HO lama. snucltaliniti • ff :00TIGH -BALSZaI sralexiaNtons WIELI4FLTJOI I H vorilß. asT•qata ts warranted to . sure Gaup; Cnilds Hoarseness, Lsttuns, Whooping Cough, bra Throat, Oonsumption, awl all affeeldens of Abe Throat and LIE = fode •try Occeral Deploll. I Ha, urth Wed,' td, 0., 3=a: MI Fa Mau i ativ4ra.OLEPiLe, reacalFegae. IM l eVtle only certain trateaay,torDla hauiartil to aouthinatioa of ilLtetartattat A p rafbaseta, Stfroeuetuui add Carmen* nu 4411 warranted - to arm% a aura after al/ at map* bare 411%1, Feu ey. lir= G Fourth Wali t. 0 o.ana L ma. eirl :4 BMA STRIMANDIS ETU • DR. 6TR14:13 PILE ILEEMEDY ;, , has eared Duman& .af the worst ease. of BlDothasl Bleedlor.Pilea.... It glue tourarltate ari4 ecta • parmaaent cure. try ttettredll• Itltstra . rantafto cure. tor sale by all Dragging. Genemal Depot. aims _Fourth street, Cllnaltusatt, O. Dyspepsia, Bermisimm, Debiliyp Da sruicricuanrs TOROS. '• Ws num reernarseed ,now eastireng wee svpoe• Isubsertioa Drsprk Neon:AW/I ItNervous Liebtuty, tuse Ackland's YOnta It Is a vegetable preparation, fees [nun Ala./hobo liquors; It exemptin's this whale servos* trip= It creates a good appetlm, and Lit warranted Onus urepepate end bier7Qlll Debility. Fos sale try GEORGE H. GEYSER. Pittsbugilt R. E. SELLERS OO, " JUN. FLV NO / • as ta bo .etutEN e CRAWS 'SUPER, a f J. N. FULTON.• 'T T• uEts A. KELLY. Wigghczo , City. ostrtardwias - • - MADAME RESTELL, PROFreoiIEIR 151 - OF MIDWIFERY, who treated all diaeasee of kaiaks for tid can be consulted as usual, at GO 0 STREET, New York, or by Isr.sr, stiSsstietse, test by mail. Ladies wpo impure a safesag certge remedy tor removingobakuntion.can rely dpiintam ltbrated infal li ble French Female litehthlt rUles No. t. tc; restore mularity laid luus, if Of-Shoch caliche& bat n obstte C. 11.1 ofto, long standing may a oke requ Mo,, which are fo thkatea Stabag Ana N ire o. l u acannever fall, are sae kW Beilthy; pVI per box. Gan ba- obtained at Pftl. Chambers Street. New VOA( 'City, or sent jrpuib. with fuil instructions, braddressiug Box NO, OM New Torsi Fast Mies. Copyright wares. • • Jetissbt i• , A . :I 1==:1 - - FOR — TA ',ITARti I'EACT/OA ' l, . -' ' " nit asiruszenzri• Gives me I k .bWIedRU leuxuaaecsuredb ' lit Manx. dly lons resmance In this cttpi .., amount Di patients treated =MAUI. DT PA .+ls mine:lent 'moot army icuceeta. , SPEEMATORREMA, or SEEEMMEM I And all Masson mixing thentram; are, - - In A' much .hotter time than haetatnre Ellr VEGETABLE REMEDIES, M itt any part of the Anion. All tette:NMl:at anntaba 4 - =to pay return porMme. Oortasponditnenludd , Mos, 611SMITMM.E. , etteelt t nea4ol": mond. AdDesa J. W. BRioist not; Ludy nes Me: Ea PRIVATE DISEASES. , 2" otqp) 253 PENS STEZET..near nag, For the mum of RD &teams of a private na . fe - ,,_: from two to four Ca,ra , b V-an mtftzlitund a'sn treatment. Also, Seminal Wentut cu, and otaim Maenad of the genital organs; and their preveiltinat A care warranted or money retundtaL • ; ••. Addrem lettere W.. MU Perm - ieuntl • O' ' 8 FOREIGN MIGRATION OFFIAS prrissuwat. /int*. sac,. Ono. Passage from the "Old (krseatry ... .' ila The Liverpool, New Vett and ' tlilladelp (1w man ' ) Steamship Company haring mope ad the teldtrelehed th eir Agent here, Mat hie. Th psoir deceased, he is now prepared to bring out wee home Passengers by the Steamers of tote Um at i cricsuALLY 'LOW RATM. - The S te i lnds title favorite line leave Liverpoalereary Ink, DAY, tor New York, booking at Queened° 0 luxe are among the fasterd, safest, and canal vessels afloat. : The undersigned is of Aan i tCe Liymm . , and Losidonratins of S leaying"Were DAY, and e at Lon tt• L c % - e nUUt Pasamuters end Malls. ThrOitri l im• ore of thbrline are built in the strongest ktermer, and furnish choice accommodations for naszemgets. lie is alsoagent for TAPSOOTT'S LEN EM cols • brated Qintex Sailing Packote,leaving Literpool for New York twice a week, and th e . X"Zble Of- Lad= Wad., leering London every thit days' The ships o f -T Line hare l no ted for their quick passages ami - the exseliento ot the pier lido= fmntehed the pamengets, and their Mud treatment =We on board. "Pestles who wire be friend e brOusht ant by sailing vueseki, , shoold luill means patronize Cdrune. i. • ramp to Dailhitisla at greatly redured rates SlifiVeD.D.An'S on all pal? oif ZuSePe4ol &de at the loweet rates. i i APP4 .4O •,. ' uortmuL; g amigo Emigration Litho, co' Smithfield Mew. _. S TEAM' WEJSKLI :TO LIVE -e d as Oor Ptl k &Tt ° . ul."n the s w ai ellAria g oins S VEER -r° tham " Tof'the I.lverpool, Now York and Philadelphia Steamship . Oompany (Inman Line.) earrytuy the U. S. Plaile, - , ad I:deeded to nil ninnies... , , .: ' GLASGOW • Wedneeisy, ljaly 26 WTI OF WASILINGTON.Saturday, Jelly 29. EA NGA.EOO Wedneedel. !Wrist r. wry OFLONDON Saturday , Allan a. And every sueneding Saturday and Westand, y, at neon,trcen Pin 44, North Elver. nana OP ?AMMO; , Payable in gold, or Its equivelenti n em it euer First Cabin. 185 00 Steerage . .. 0 ...w.e0 1 . to Landon— ai 00 • to London... 34 00 • to Paris....-in (s) •• to Paris.:;,... 40 00 "to Hamburg- 95 00 • -'.to Dambdry- noo Panelled nail forwarded to ,112rrr4Tramso, Rotterdam, Antwerp, ea., at equally low - para. Fares from Liverpool or Querourtown—lat Cab as IN, Ad& Steerage, We. These who anti to seed for their triccu)a can buy tickets tare .10 these _.-• Far further ndonaation apply at the Ont's , thea Otte.. Yoarfla. DALE, Agee:, . le BroachroW , oc2 it 0. ai l i=o.= et, AVM. CIIII A 10 LI ffil E..4360un riomar, Lrazarom AND GLUACear .05 o th, gold, 6r its *iv:Linke. to ourraniy; yawl NEW TOES. WA la 02 " 1 4 1 ). - • BaW Mal WWI. AVM tO - ,macatAsl&irrlQAlt, l~i is O F i z ethrial d gum. wrest sht Az4 0 1 t* * * EMIR= sponsmwe I):,Nlap;lJlgh US 'WOOD BTREEf t • . trzaramme .33C9W7A7 Writes Nut site of Sportuttos_ai IS= Mi nit:wild stook 01 GUNS • IP.:WDEB - 3 a i d s SUM BELTS and POUU y ls VS ,D 3 * WankFLA333 at ever- : LW tutod drip lacmaht to this katlL motkot. Is tto OH, HO I—WAIL PAPER AT REAC elr c" ' apme. bUrstsuaLL. IT wskitivet, GTII3II3LPTIRZi tat aro t 173.6 tr-tiatCl-9. Wl it Laborirt trnder ;that Maus SEAWEED 'VONIO 33411 - , A 3 141.4 it - alas sums( gran THAT DililiAll GREAT,SIPFESP.4ANDIING ~yr • • • . Missy yetritages, Whilst residing i sa i lliLisa.Phl • I had milti,lbe , fd grodeiedly Lath LW.' Meg •Prelsitteary Illausumpilots c rny u c being tilesspateeF,S. Writ e aew b -ter IlYsiciass; Dr. Peal-ft tli.l Malay into th. . MonrettoWe .N. Jo Arnit.ll miles Mr • to alp. tact ile straw • i was .retnore -thither.menspyingeerestard„Mall in the het father, and all hiMfinnilMhad dim atiete—and died of Pithaermaff CoeswriPtl.Ms . /. m • antral . at liforreatoweilwats put. to titLere • laribr many weeks .th *hat was deern hope less. cmidition. Dr..Thoreten,Mto had ' Irattera family physician, and pas musalitim hie lasedlineo, gnu called toste me. Hettioush my case entirely beyond them att a, metlielse, an decided that I must die, end glee me midweek C. arrange of ytps:nal sng. Be" natt i ly m rdseMlirleatlgfut ' tr i e ° 4 1. 1= bad': canals ati! tny kindred to the grevelwould also rake m thee. In this apparly herniate , isoutlitiolo. beard of the .I•=ets which laow makmend set It seemol to me rhat I caulthecel them, workle their Way, and penetrating @Vary nevem fibre tam Moue of my eysrem. • ... •l; • , • My-lunge and liver pus ft a now action; end th morbid matter which had toeyeere neenmulato and irritated the diffemit °mato et the hotly, wa tclimiteditadlobercles off -mOunge ripened "Mgr/Woolley lung. riansueth els %rat a ye o vet Waiter ervety:inensior. - s thi 'expectorittioffeiblatter subeiclot the feverhbated the pain let me, the nougli Siteshed to-haraimme anti the exhausting night. mem= were no lonee • known, and-T-Intarefrething siests,--to-whleh I hat Pang been- estranger. ,bly apPetitetnow began tt return, and at time. I formrts.diffieult t o restrah myself from eating too much. With thhs retort of health, I gkiped 1n etresigthsiclid am ROA , fleshy. I mu new. healthy: man, With. a Jared. hooks, anemia in. the middle lobe of the el:attn.; an, the looser libel topotined,Witheernapiete. adrosiot of the plume. , no .11.O1•111.0,w joiound, owl th. uppefFortoof the righttule fifva testable healthy condition ' r•-! . • Consuirlyttordat that time Was thought to be at incurable &Mier, by every one. pthyrdnotes ae wel as those who were zUdearnecl i n medicine-saps . malty each enemas were seduced to the tonditior I wall la This induced. many people to holier,. my recovery only temporary. E I now prepared not gas e the medicine to wasamptives for Soma time .d made many wondeotnl oozes, and the dem,. in teased so rapidly that I tietermicoal to offe them to the public : l.d devote:my andisided ettee Hon to lung • diammea. _Muth, :Was next tc forced to it, for people would teed for aup far am near, to ascertain whether their tares were ilk,. mine. Having 0CC611413 to 0.:41612W many cases of lung ailment,l tens prompt° ido invent toe Metro meet called "Seisienelee iteepiroateter," which materially assists me in detecting the various, stages of lung ammo.: r or mmy years, ut•coniunbtion with ray mind pal office 16 Philadelphincr -have beets staking rig tiler shots to NewYorkflEtcleton, Baltimore ant Pittsburgh. For several yeers, Past I been meclevi m.'"U • Ere hundred examtes•lons week/ Wrath* * pirometer." For otels'exa on my charge it .three dollen, and it enables; me to jive even pa .L.tlent the Nine Mutelitani of is I...tease tau his --PilkelYxg._4ereth"lieirstilldgente I have with pa afflielL withll:Mg "digest., le- to convince them be As taking I Me Whlds. • Many think h they takt= l nedicinmethey.snonni can, no mat they,mitiL both that- War This •fe•gtext rrer,' or•ir any end !wilt rasa! over Mu .citu4, cares which" I -hatetptililmhisd from Maw tc they will End' the! Meld M .- teem - were ghost of perceive Who •were:Ooollaidto thelrbede and geoid not take cold, and-by-lift careful, avoidana (Weald thetuagewere - heated. If l hytielans aisles their patinae to en out ttg and inhale the tr ean Mr butdo they cure be so p ' ditogY Let the hundreds 'At cleethe it mfttion to liVermhity entwei JVt46oitO,• • . , t y ar I ~elfght..o many than Watt' hills boxer Insted by my - stiedicinof,ltheathil eilleinagerbrokmereroao offers alse,that Inge'Vetild e hrodirrecualn la the room and yet they got, Wiefftrithiontesikteare to the opts The greet' reasons 'why phydaiudo do not cure comuteption" .- M..thar.tbey try to do too much they give medicine to atop ire rough, to stop the night sweats, hectic fever, add by so doing, they deratige the whoie tikettleh spited, lagging up the meretigns, Mid OVC6tliOttr the- patient diet What. S,dct- la to iirittnelte a - caret:Ll exammation With' ray legpiroreeter; end if died longs enough left. I dime; the pattesithertrehe ale the throe rem. . eau, and thus mire. hint Elbow lthes , well that it la at/possible tOfflake new:lunges er-Oveo restore the, portion that.letrojed, but Iknow at the ,'tame lima th at ent ity.in - She lungs and ulcers. tIOIO 1.1 th tdoechial tithes can be heeded, and just moth cases are eared by the proper ow of SebenckW"Pcdttionte Syrups and . dekko PHU," whilst, they ate dying !daffy under. the ordinary, treatment of plilsrana• It is a great Mistake common among many Intel. ligent peronleathat thereare molicleetWhich will purify the, Ulood. NVetett lee. hided IS diseased tt cannotbonarilledsit , Ia tima the camel. other di ,stare, metier In tee system endWillftyp to be ear. fled out of the system jsy 1110Korgent which are appointed for th at - .PhrPeee, .ede -- Nwleeed be new blood, whieheanbensanyiMprorclustke entails! facetious and Wain* therehgestireapharatus is good weriaworder. Tluillogiaelf.thver and bowels mega restored to As Stitudihy 'coefirtion. then an abundance et geed,. nottrishing.fOoff make new basod,Whiert will peek Mit, es It were, and take thirst of th at which 1 s cfamsztp4, end thus off. pi • street. oh the Doily— Pedatusid Snail" isMne ofhhel most talus allieleedlanto Maim • /idermiiiceeteluowerfuily, tonic, and bellittg loilselLt, 1111 readily digests:ft, and absorbed into the biota' to whirl it imparts he:Jaw . properness I. know no mediane that ha. done or eamedoas much tot/Wald, worn-out end brokenteeten conditioneof the system. -Swissvale Sakai= Toxin it amine! from. • setsweed, combined with other Smile a 44 alterative! !route and, barks, in such .a meatier as to make .deoldedly pleasant medicine heeler/ powequl ,tooio Mimi, without the tOritbk/ disastrous results arising from alecooll• stimulants. 'The Seaweed Tonitr•producesleatting restate, thorobghiy invig orating the stomach. end tilgeettee System, and enabling •it to eliminate anti•make• Into healthy; blood, th e load whightmaytbs null for that par.., lore. It le so wonderful In sabots, that a wise-; glass full will .-gosstalienety meals-and • little of tt taken thefose .Weakfast will glee a tone to the , . stomach. Which - few mediftes Dosses. the power ol' ••tiolf43- SIM manna/are Piths tah'yhe tatoa with entire Well by all Iva mai Offiditiona, prom:ming alt the good rendra.that east be obtel=ff.hota calomel or, any et thismerentlal autdielnes t ze ue l :without any:. of theft- hurtful 'results: -They- out of they eystetalne feaniant and sediment - eta re loosened and dissolved by my Seaweed TO/Ith abd Pulmonits Syrup. It-wilt be seen that all three of my reedis, amen are needed in most eases to cabs Coasureps . t. Mont and, In fact, my lergaexperienee enables me: to decide any they have c moss oases of that agouti than that comblnatßust Of •sctedicine known to ann. •• - •Y • in the 'radon' editions eft pamphlet. I here Dlittal tithed many of the most bro.dierfni curet of , monery Consumption on record. remotes, many;; withhoth lunge arrested; actreetimea large cavities in one lung, heated Meer briny media... ere cawi living lad enjoying milieu Malta: I will glYa ' a few ewes and asieet shim:shoat diffeteet parU of t `the country, set that these-Who •isists- guar vita or= !write Sothetng or tied* poslUve'information. Hey. Haley Wthrgau, a minister Of:nigh 760114 , - la tie - city of Bostob, tea well known over the: United States an a man of great abllNy, was curelt by taking my tattllelels lifter all'other treatments: ,Sied failed. He haatifterileenarriting to me with regard to thofeeng in his Mae, anff.alwaya answers "I am the ' than?i statement of nu case may be seen in my pamphlet.- profuse hemorrhage of the lungs, and wee - very meek. emaciated. • • . ' Robert . H; basil's, - of . 31:Aimed:ter - N. S., was - cured of Scrofula end HMesolal awls.. At the. time. he commenced aging the medicines he was. eldest a mum of sores. Ile unow PerteGliy well, and attributes/1 1 s eureentirely to my nuallemes. • 31004tleful nen" Petersburg, Kra! )40”g goonty, ohlo, MU a ptrstbdd cafe of Pulmonary:. ffesonagifirs, and row enartig eared by my race:Mines. He Gs welt Loewe to that, ctattulity, and has been ate ' means qj inducing agreed six/typos./ in Oita to cars Mess resoulich and with greed mama. Ht. Photo.‘, lea before and ajTerll.e Ica, cured, Goa be seri', ,ecl tag dyearr,RNlCryser, , IVetegt Strta, Ptesbwrclhe Qenaa 3Valitin of Pittali : • L isosh, Pa., was, mined ot a very bed cage of Dyipepala and Liver :Complaint by the Seaweed' Tonle and Mandralutt Mrs. j. ne Huber, of Washington City, west cured el a bad case of lipmepal• eat Liver Com.: plaisit, She is an need woman embitter complete recovery it very resuarluible. Mem Prudeffee Johnsoni wife of Cent. Softie% k now reelftig at SiMllll4,Thirdstreet, btltf. WuOwed Id' raletenstry °smallest tiort, bad del lleff %se be sty be 'ittr S tyket Seeks was Snakes runnykahle. Ithmptiott, - Eft eeeUgeat s men sad Otheffseell know!. alas nary 7Solorlidts cat hao chine dl CMasnmpilits andenfferedgfeatlyfrour matt thaallotly lodlatt la lentheirmuft tsars i her Sassily is hiind ttasaisastka • Dr - Satiiktik'sjrineSt • 'North Sixty,...bleeh cOalf delpitte, •,.WlS'it.u•ordete can beonr.gyieres ItBDAIt • ' =!:=MI HOW TO , 013 HE IT, 1. - .FITLI AN, ficip3lWO, OWN Caq; ..earD gow ais 1 6 prLmoxic sykup, .ARD TEE ' CYO GEO: It IMB., • NO. 140 Wood Strtet, Pitisburgh) ts um as agez ; 2 tar the gala fat ag gaigulusi umiak.
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