fhttitdillagiteNatito4- ._ ItONDAY,"*LY En Him r/Q l 4- 11 ra1. 3 ,, AP. - (- 1 • 146N , .9ELE,R8. • 0 - TROOPS STATIONED;ALONG THE RIO GRANDE. sislolAgeBr,of-Pari`Red Belll_B°l44o, .131V6L OP i nUarCEC TROOPS, ' , Aroeilneitte of ilfneega 8 4ekdan• l r lumpy ;vs .ins itnoris og. GOT. WO. , .. ~ - .. W . ... 2 ' VEW - Yoetrt, JW44.7.-The ItercarPa Tula z: - 71 : 151121 iiviae 3 : 4 r •eartheilarger . master of :oar ...1, es: zetkerattroope. Inbrteded. to be stationed dong fil; . . - the Rroi_.(kande; had . nrrived at their destlnetitta se ..., tY . 1 611 011P4190i,:ditl' _forPA lil l #9. l Posis ii, r • . -,Attaitig from the =alb of the strewn to soar! 'p. llllflialifte-abtle-/14neerilin. • The cavalry cols e ~ .:..tegettuOttider Gonemg.gmrlttand Cusiterothlen 1' - -'4lllll,thrtvePoilktiti4lexondrini La.,. - in the - bes c' . -r inittlngifAleenedildt - 'iitti "expected the reitail " f 'l,l4.roltrAilti . lil AO t. ---- 1 f- - . ,ef4OV.Y . Sur • t _ , 4 ThVteWe or Broltt, siilre - , which dialing the 'rebellion, was the good. entrepot tor cotton Cr eh ' ri „,.016111teliot of..texak,.roid.wbero .an lonnes:a ipobutifia 171 thi State 'wise tranliMtted, is tirdr.de , l r iterttd by the rebel m clients, who accumulated ; , monster fortunes, an , in a few months its bust. 4 ,ipamikaouv4y,tx.cept each as an army gave II Ism 4 - ... I L pu ltui rear.s:dgpatted 5 , ~ . - Tge,:battery Of Ste gwati Which the rebels, on t.« . - 1 - Villodribetville, bold _ to the Itexican lai. . ' e- a for' sl l l,ooo;setai dna - to the Halted 1; f.' - . - vdmitnanatt atthat piste on this lOthlnst., I.: - .bytleder of gaxlmilliani •' ' -' ' ' --;' ___ -- - It la said ;that- Ili the interior of Texas the - ,4 ---- paroled Mildleirs are Committing the grossest ant. c orates innrefl direction and keeping fh, -posest -ftdy dlspoeat inhabitants 'constantly in con dl . lion of tenor. - 'sil l .i . - It is estimated that there remained In the State ~,..- at the time 11. was occupied by the national • *Dope about 175,000 bales of cotton. ( ;It liateited tliastiacribei General Kirby Smith if' Mid his party, whlch,:ere suppokelnclndes Gen. i . - -Magruder and three or Our ex Governors or il 'amnia and Texas, Iwho fled from the lattef Gtate with. hlttfi have been made prisoners and 1' lerolottey the Goverpar of Saltine, - end that is eetonederibles" army train which they had With 4 them Was captured. ; , ~.. . Twelv; t l e pandred French t ro ops, direct fro th 11 . lerance • 'isitill at Tampico id the begin -1 --• largo f th s month' : and there was - N a rumor, Wjnettanot 7 im.n ch 'credence, tha t soon ~. ' aßer there arrived twelve thousand mare . 3 . - The Tritemes Host Orleans correspondent of t .: - 4hel3lld 'aajui• ldajor General &amide° left for ", - - Texas Mr.last Thursday. It tostated that the ; I..Cioneral Wilt risit Gelvestoni Brazos Santiago .e.and-Brornamilla befdre his return to this city. ' . The trip will In all :probability occupy two or ... • tiro weeks. r .';-• --... 'The Quarter= ester and CoMmissary Deport . ..:-. ',.,,Zielths are forwating large quantities of supplies 1 . ..'.• .e-forr the rumor the troops in Tara?: Capt. Hill e' taa Just returned from an inspecting tour of the ,Commlosary Department , ei l and represents the `,.:".-: 't - irmies as being w supplied With comnilssrry S_r - . -I :ltdieti.' - - ii, -. , I . ' -D. to rumored thatiGovemor Monson Wells, of r ,-. this State, has takrri or is about to take his dc. 1,,: ,- . ; torture fur•Waahinon„ where he is going to t . .Cry.and counteract the influence _Which:set:wing .t" brought to bear on the Government to effaet his ii. removal and the apirintmeut of a Provisional ',. , .Gorerticr. 00111, WASHINGTON, 711 e Applic4ions for Pardon. ,•• BITIEGB BAAL fATEBEET TO BE TAXED. I 'tided of INTERVIEW :4 Tailor's Visit ITH PRESIDENT JOHNSON. °Veieral Modal 111 - iitigretl. a Command. i. ANDESSONTILLE 'MOB. _Tnul Or T • New Torts, July .3.9.—The Renald• a Washing. , ton special sayer Another heavy instalment of •i applications for pardon was received at the , • attorney General's! office to.day. Among the , rrinal er was that ofithe rebel Brigadier General W. IL 1. Lee.•itrut eighty requisitions are daily made on the tato De;artment from the Attorney General ' , office The remainder have Ti to wait. It is rep orted hero that Dill, the editor and proprietor of thlt 3femphis - Greunda•Jalcson. , „ I Meriffien-Atlents Angusts BerchkConfeders . cy :tipped, has obtal ied a. pardon. The Cotatuleslonit - of Internal IL-venue has t decided that', the It -Most :paid to dap - alters by 3 the Besiege Bank,isheonsutered a dividend with- Ltt the meaning of ,oectlow." one hundred aid twenty of the law. eiwi ege tax of flea per cent, should be withheld thirafrout and peal to the Gorernmeut.• He his alas decided that' an en etertratidiron the claim by a third party under the New ?fork stainie. is a j.lint a{reemeat, and Is subject to isitalnd'daty tef five cents. Tribonei-Waikingtod ape. lel saver The karMobject of !telex rebel General Dick Tay q lor in viating Weriblagton'is to inportune the' ; President f.,‘• an latirvieW with red . Davis. He succeeded in saritilt: Pm-anent yesterday, bat ' ~e,yrealeed no de fi nite ' ewer, and was requested .do call again. Major General G. 3.f. Ilyive has b,en assigned to the general comniand of the liulted States -forces serving in Kansas, Cot N,..braska, 1' . Montana, and that portion of Dacotab lying wa.t. : .and sow h of the Mfrs, ail river. Major General Alfred Pleasanton has been as , 'r- sinned to the command of the District of Witt - , tensile, with his headquartere at Milwaukee. . The trial of the Andcrenotille Jailor did not etenme off today, as anticipated. A preliminary ...examination of the.mrinereses is now tieing made for the purpose of pre paring the specilleat.L.me - f• to the charges preferred against him. The trial offal, doubtlasecommence in the early part of the tart week ---- 7 ------, 4 ...LATE riIIEXICAN NCWS. .___... ai .....Ailiged .Persecutions Vtterly False. ~.._ , • ~, ,•. ml 4 Tons, dniy 29.—A gentlema n - A ' ..*isle the city of Jsexlco, through thb I . fcrold, 1, .t..-- ~,. , - . 4.N.oriccPß es utterly false the statements of a •:tt: . -Ifilipble ntwipa* regardir g aliened penmen. '., -.. r.... ;% ,.7 ;3 .. , 4, of Americans le Maxlmillian's domiulans. .41,0e:sayo also. that the statement :bat all • ..p, /.: •.--,.r , . . it .i , 4 tans have been ordered'out of the col:intro 1 ~,.: esituilly untrue, and represents the Emperor, 7 . cr::;:'' - 41 140 Tea favorable to citizens of the United t k4tairi ,$' V,- : , - 1 .. - i,'l - .4101#1 ' , and Ii desirous of, their presence and the ~4 .p.....,..V;A:itlstanze of Mali: Ingenuity and energy in do. 1,:_.-4.4.,-tiorlng the wealth-of the Empire. 1 ,-,:,(V,.:._..,:.,1 —— • ______ ' - 4 ..,.---,:i.,i,,7...-w,.-, coking Immortality to the East ( liver. 1 L'--i,,,-1-,'P,..--143.ecePal notices rasa recently appeared In the q, atei,l7s,"tawspapere abont.a, young .man employed in 2 Talton Market rescuing persona who have fallen e t data tlte-ferry ell* on the Brooklyn side, from i; ~ tettrtain death at m peril of his own life , and 6 Amaze of the loc alretorters have attempted to ~,, ~ _thimertelize lam, The amount of tills youn g , '' man'a tweedsm tiny be thus stated: Lie Ls an er . • pert swimmer, and has a rival with whom he ...auts frequently quarreled on the question of ex. • ' Tartrate. ..Both , meetly agreed to turn their t *kill tan= acobant. acdcotommiated a bargain , by which: pie shstuhl settle', e a reputatlou and We '...Other (whole of it niercenary disposition) money. ..7lieegrecrealit was that both should travel fret ,.. "-ellicttly,pn the East Elver ferry boats, and when .1 ' Al good oPPorninhy presented itself, one was to "actVentally" fell overboard, while the oche Tat tO, heroically ,plusge le and rescue him. -'This bargain besbetn_carrird out to the letteron s are dititTent octons, the rescuer paying the I reseurd five doll for every time his name ILD. ' ,,kerel l In the Pee - s.-IV. T. Trihlor. Mailcatt F.titiltti —The capabilities of the taw of Meilen bbve sever been teett.4l by the ap. ~ pllestlon ot the [nod-s of cultivation prevailing •in England nee the UnIPA dist:a. No one can " jueire orwbat it is capable by the °result. aystern . of M.xlean lattairg. Yet we ate vaults here with little help trots man, which would - astonish the tattoo!, ctttt Ergiand . Ti Ibis dny plow. leg Is Core bir dby a pointed slick attached by e T pole to the hon sof Mermen. The plow, than which Adam Lams& In Ine first attempt at cub „Oration could not hare used a more rude and 37 Eldest [caplet:nat. pus antes the sell torte *-e, four metes, forming ei'drill Into which the ettOrn is dropped. Barley, the staple grain crop, is icatterto ever the turret.. emonit:fit the weeds, r d then plowed le Manure Is chiefly used to x• ad the beads. led yet the -haelendado" 6. :as del:Lemur:l for this sort of cultivation. air Examen - BLecnoys.—"Liberala' , and ,".‘:-.neervatives" both claim the honors of the " " A LULM/pa:lame:Airy elections which have . Jeri Mho' place In Great Britain. While the 'so mows of Lord Palmerston plume thcmsehrea cr s , holding theitown thus far In ttol returns to ihtnewAlonre of .Cotritrums; and exult in 4=ll relative gain noon their strength- of the 4 „."last smitten, the , followers of Lord. Derby point oterlitidedactcoefldeueetothefactthatt he m at Important eonetnative Cll4ll have been made in - the WSW craters of population , while the 4 `4l.lbwal".gains luxe been "seemed in small bor. 'mid pranmably therefore; aosording to the theoriee of the ',Liberals" themselyee, by the use of government patronage, social hilltumee, j j iid othe r Critilllatell of 00111114011. ROSMBON, M'CLEAN CO,. 3113sua7rAiros eft Ebro da 76leasth IBL.Plikabasefiy., Ar a m ' "c=4 to pea rulcosini.. - oallsellans In all pasta ' Buy and sell at ssarkei rates: 11. B. Spar sant. lan, Bonds] 11: B. 17. El.lw des aeon Cartideates Bulailltadnais /BM O . 3.7.. N Treasury Note& . - Alley alai anIBELVOZY:COIItft at the New York, Philadelphia, and.Pl Boards, all kinds of Goyernnund. ,Baskeltjes,% ttneksnlnklandiallalli usirian Arai vossinut All/ BOAR& ittsureourii&i:lo.) Eyrunxer, July 119, y:, •••4', - Ask4 - ti. 8, Flea Twenties, .108 Gold - AttiesbeniAoo 'ID - 60! Cermet',vine Ws 80 CO Eureka Ins. Co` 49 60 - arotruarmor -80 OCI Zeith. , MAnlat. 52 60 iAerce... .... : " - -- —. II 63:- 55 - -..- 1 " .........., Coltuebis-- ; 115113, Merry Rue 13. Pit,Role. —.I GI 03'. hnrY. nun k PjusburgiC. - •• ss, • 1 IXS -.Dented Basle • ...._.. • 001 bit Abey Cherry fie 7.- . 53; Murray 011--e -011,51i51e....:...., --..— -•CO % 00 Crefi b. Cherry Run—_r lel —.l I P arsi l urp aU 7Fhiln- ....*". 7 -I;es' 00 —ft! 'Velonl ...nbrio....:-......45.--- -- —, ' --' -Nino Coal.- Terr,Rtqry oCherry Run —...- Monongahela Pioneer -- Percale ....--- r --..... .. = Mac — kelluifi Petroleum 00 , ' There has been no special chanfre in the Price 4 gold since our hut report. It centlxtuel to fluctii., ate slightly daily, we might any hourly, but th'ri ' , variations for the peat two day.; have boon portapt: GoVerneteoo — hrinda drat:, with a fair altwillit ofpotivlty,hut, without deolded change. 1 here has been but little done In any of our 10• cat stocks Nome days, if we except. Otto. Roll ' tte4l;eqd Insurer ea Shaine, dull and neglected, and Eank , Straka, ditto. O mail tot of Bank .of Tilt3biligh Stock changed hands during the week at 03. 'Mire 'le some inquiry for Iron City, and hi and Perplee National but the figures DSc: ed aro not large enough to bring out the stock. ConnellsrlUir, Ball Yaufli Bond. sold at BO cents, but 'hie advanced rate failed Wining out any re. mtikable amaunt, buyer, are more nnmeinua than TellersntUe.nbove eitnrit. Stini eketth an}' merit, hive touched bottom' and the market 11.1111111:66/1 Quite a different attitOde from 'what It exhibited since the pent, in - on shares, when all suddenly malted Into the market arti became sellers, Immediately saerifidlog bo•h gocd and bed stocks alike. Now see dad more bur era`than sellers, but at very low prin., while the fferenee between the buyer and seller in too greet to ',droll of lane traumatic.. it permitted to judge from the chanced tone In epere•.ors, who now begin to adm the: therein value in good all eerie., we may reasonably suppose that there will be a brisk movement bolero many weeks. Daum. bin aloha sines itself at $37,00, 'holders belng'firni, and declining lower rates. There L considerable Inquiry about Cherry Bun and Mhole, and 60 cents Is offered, but holden decline. The well the company is now testing on Etickorylislanel,one mile below Oil Clty,ta soilPterrid ,eiLto to eze et thew) good steady wells obtained in that neighborhood. They own the whole work• ,log interest., On their Pit-hole property, Dr. Bald. win has s well down about three hundred feet, and other wells are to progress. Central, Basin to lnac•dye, and the rates are not 'lto good. Cheesy Ilan Central, once so popular, for some re as( n or , ether, has suffered it:ruinous de' cline, and the stock Is going a begglneat less than 'fifty rents on the dollar. Cherry Bun krittaktirgn la changing Lando In Small lots, and the Stack mai. tains itself admirably, and brings tram PO to 95 cents, 011 Creek & Cherry Ellll brings about $1.,55. Paxton is sluggish and we hear of no salea. Pittsburgh & New York appears totally hog leered, although dealers say that under proper management if would be a good stock. There is very little Tarr Story and Cherry Ruin offal: g, and until to-day there hes been no inqui ry for It, for some time. We learn, however, that the company has received Saran very favorable ad' arts from their wells 90 Oil Creek & Cherryliun, and to this may be-attributed the disposition on tne part of some puttee to inquire after the stock . to day. The last number of the . 011 Oety Rvieer say, that the "Sterling Well," on the Tarr Punt, in which the ran Story & Cherry Run Ou. has • very handsome interest, la now yielding sa centy -0 we barreie f er day. Wettest any particular stock does not move on the market, it Is no sign that it lacks uter't. On the contrary, most of the paying a °eke are inae live, epeculative shares as a general thing taking plecedence, —We tare emitted to notice (say' the rhttnael phln.etrs) herto a scheme recently started by, some of the National banks to New York, Phils de:plila, end Boston, to preset be the circa' sttnr„ not.s of such of the National banks to the in.. realer as do not make artacusernenta for their re 4. motion at these several points The tribiset was brought before the Nen York clearing house lew . days slice, and tater being dieetinel, was Isld en the table by a cleat , vote, !nit it to tiow gild that th- scheme is dead. 7 Rita tray be true just now, but are hove no fruht it rill be resurelta /Tato. nod lead to masked &Ire rendes between the eitv and couatty national bank.. —All s f the great urea-thirty hate now been marketed. The three certai or notes tato which be Iran wen divided were as follows The tint eeries s I 1360.000.002, twarlng date August 15, 1981, al d ntw quoted at tar and tnteresti the second seder, also, of 111000OUS00, bearing date June 15,, 1E65, and new !tenter to this market at about 09%, adding interest; and the third goal series of 4231,. (-o%o'o, beating data July 15, 1565, and Juit cliteed nut at par and Dv erest. There three serial of noes nuke a • greed aggregate of C 930,000.043, all diepesed r f within • eingle year, In the home mar krt, exclusively, and et par.. Under the direct supervision of the Treasury Department, between the barb nine of August, 1551, and the tat of Feb' Inary,lfra, a yertod of six months, thecae, of first males rf the loan reached 3130,000,000. or a weekly .verge of 5t.,606,000. The Chicago Evening Journal of Saturday ears: the weather ha. taken a ecidtdly favorable turn for he deeps nag sky is clear, and with a steely breeze from the nottheamt the road. and fields are fast crying up. Reports received today by tale. graph from along the Obteego and Northwestern and Rock Inland Ronda, are of a much more favor. able character than the athlete of the put two days bed led nto expect, and we are now of the opinion that the damage done by the /event heavy ralen sill be centr,ad to a very narrow sea ion and that in the aggregate the Injury will be but am all. • -- -nem In cow-going the rounds of the prose the foto:tsirs list of the number and amount of cud tel of petroleum companies located In the attics In dicated: Number. Capital. Ihtladen hie tat n,224,000 New Yo.k, 1133 179,175,050 littehargb, 107 24,310,000 7,300,e00 (lees-land 1 3,030.000 Pelt.n Ore 2,750,000 Menge-- ..... 600J00 Cinetnnett. 650/03 Ir Weenie, .... 1,150,033 Erie r • ...... -- _ -__. 475,0:0 Wael,lngt Coll, O. ti T.t1,003 4,00/,000 Oil Clty 1 800, Ps 1 160,000 0117 564.5,161,001) —The New York Peel says that the nettonal ex pendrags for the „year ceding Jane 30,1601, are r, ported ea : and mita lieneous.....--3 25,3:64223 21 Ft.r.aen foterte.urse—.--- 1,229,4,9.1 to I. pal I meet t , f the Interior 1,615,419 61 7fit:lt erg re abliament 690,191,003 IN Naval establishment 85,71:4,963 Tuttle debt 481,47,415 73 T0te1.... ...... t 1,145,611.114 66 Of +his sum, the Intercet on the public debt WU :63,603,743 fOl The Mr at Trade of ITlnons, Minnessotas [Fr , m the Winonaftepubucon, nth.] Tie w eetp I LT wheat at Winona, last Week, ter: n n,tioub , edly {{rester than during any sintlisr noct sir ce wheat became to ar:tole of e sport 1.1 m MID,.. an•a. The arrival. by %Lessons 41qua aversge fr. n. 60Ce to ;toe bushels daily, In addition when all Ike rolling stock on the railroad was kept busy b. losing wheat In from the various w thi Win o he Country, fiat of Which woo purch•sei by , a by pees We estimate that wlth.o the t.let, days there have been received In this at, lets lb.. or. 611, dreg thensand Mahal, of hest. No orher.point Writ of Milwaukee van sbcw ruck an amount .ot business in the same time. Ike prices pate In Winona are greater, WO, tban their paid to any point to 61.1.136t.0t• or Wasterp Iscoesin. During The pail weal our le3 tee have been rating daily 86493 e per bushel b.r Tot spring, and even as high as We, while In Lot -orate, the only point that pretends to rival Whim a. the quotations. as they , appear in the Republican of that place , have never go. e over Sc 6660 for the same grade. Railroads or no rail. toads, Winona is prospering beyond all &Wolper lion, and will continue to proper. New Tort Iron Market-42b' 29 . MB" the ludo operations Ia American Pig no. tined in our lutone market has bawl compere, tire/7_4unit, 111141 111 only notice sales of aboUt loop tors NO. 1 !WON In Lou. at 141,5ardi owl Wee is pile end Mewed, $4 l , deity* at Elltsbeth• port. No. 1 iney be queer tat Wan, Forge .4A and NO. 2 Foundary erigise, vb e meter prices sidled for Teasel YK have closeted the denim; end though the 16141110 eustalned, the mutes n a pqut.-IDO tons Ellengareont so w llliA4oBl.l4 do trend' Eallinn.araoho en advance CO= of w ile the be grotto Cr. no blear. aarteken item no no ea ,. slay English being offered at tie gold. American at worts, add currency, For invoice lota English. there is a censlderl.l difference between the views of buyer, arui sellers—Refined ie held et ICAO gold. The jobbing rates from Wore. SO long berth in the opposite direction, here been ad. ',Lacedl'2,MM, per ton on all deaeriptloas, with a rather better denand. 51_,IRKESSe • Savantrav,ltilySti,l„.Y.S...- __ • .--- -I%rgerieral Markets have been umewhat'lrge — :, .elted.dnzing the . week which- has just cloud, and . ..especially bu this been the cue to regard to nertili end Wheat, both of which are in light eupplyarti . , .- 00eiiderably higher Where 0, also, some niarket;and we understand gala% . . ItaVelisten rude during the past day or two ate: lards' advance. Groceries and Plvlaiontdiroi tiCt !r#ged. - ,"; . ?: ;GUAM—There a good milling demand ilw . :,- Wheitt, and with a very limited lupply,prices hams' .: . 1 1 deithaidItiry&einti nettinihel Within thepsid , .OrildaYs.' Sales : today. of . s.eirit 'antra Olibiag* Spring at $l,BOl 2 ears prime Onto Bed at 11117, Coin Whin but unchanged; sale - on Mark oT 1a cr smelt ewes from stela %i &WM.; thilsstessagtritli rfoltlochl dement 05552010, lqo movement in Rye or Buoy. FLOUR—Market Is very firmrand asking 0.111 higher raids; but buyers are hOldine Off fur a minion which they feel .proity=sistiiittel wl/1 come sooner or later. Thelteck lit present lir very light, and pricessue so lirreviar, that auto' rate quotritionFainnet - he given. Some dealers are IMIUng the heat brands of Family at 10_05" ;whale ahem are asking SIOI; r IR 4 V . . Spring Wheat" Family tosyloiljneted et' 50. ~41. 4 0FIWONS.:Bsoon- clesn'acitlikqhd beam prices no* current reStrinting the demand,. but theists no change to Make In quotation. Ws, 0011tiereeto qttoloat tEfor - Shouldeprpl9 for Bap lIIMIERMSICIi Cote Plielit u lpsr" tSf for, .• rind WWI - for - 5r tared. 'Lard Li nem ; v rind movement Bless Pork. • GROCERIES—Firm with a fair jobbing do. Weitcllebtitilmatirket ieeppifrently devoidotel jiall-Selgars are _emoted. at laGiti for COMmen toprlose Cobs; log 17 for Porto Went 181 for "(YrOvfnee. Sugar, 1914 for "B" do; 2014 for .".A . ? CO, _and Slygpt for Couched. Rio Uotiee Arm it MOM, and Rice at lifjt2. • FED It-ePetches were In good aupply, today, . Market ruled dull and weak, with pi 'dreepine tendency. sales at $203 per bush. Green `Apples doll at tize. t er bbl. Dried Fruit dull and Ilrettailtite •., . ,,• 13/210SaNSatee of ,15 sacks Flax Solid at VW - per bushel,: - IStemovecacot In Clover or Timothy HAFT•renot Coming is very freely, but the de- Mend is vmy trwentestricted. sel a4l. We auto some few imall lee—Stesst9 w s,per ton. EGc i.h a rw.d local demand at 2le il3-Reeelprs Light and impel . BUTTES—Is pall and neglected, and while the supply net very Jule, the demand seems lobe -very ls lit—Wel aotinue to quote at loses for old pa cket, and IRIS= rents, fur fresh do, as to namity. • • I .C.IIII,ESE—Is tearly with a fair local demand at Rite tot W. R. i7Gts fur Hamburg, and isfmcm .Ifor.ooolo. - -PITTSBURGjiII PETROL eV 31 hi tRK CT 4./..1 - 011.0aT, 'Lay 29, 1965. ' The crikikreakket hu been remarkably gullet- ibransee tew,da part...and , obllothe general-feel sad tol4 Ititirall . It weakness anddepfer- Won, these toe eon JlO marked change In prices, WO continue to iu is at Waal, this returned, anoi kbleldelu;:, std these may Winegar . ..l4st the extterries 6 6 market. The only sale tepotV ed today - war 400 obis at 23, en the spat: •Tbll Operatkies la bonded oil have been remake s aw &ail:deep; the past week, game I,soootpgoi bbls abetting birds, - meetly far present delivery, bulinntif te.dair there was no improvement in pri ces, The bulk elf the sales above note l`were at el Sy4s for-Immedlate diellvery ;on the ears bore, and 6ll.oll4:,;dellireted In Philadelphia. The only eale reported to drylwassoo bbls fur Immediate deity pry,-at 45: Todo ail Is quiet and unchanged: Notblag -delai i ln Nap , ha or Residuum—no de mand whateireelor either. no receipts 0f oil by tne ills heny river Made our last report,lwereas follows Guthrie & Gilt 81 SR, to & Gallagher.. 169 Reed &pane s Maxwell r. Special f +matte. -ly t, Ids& 1 here Inssingtingnanifeit improvement in the market Tor re denni Shares since the dose or last wes k. and Wit h more dtspodtion to operate, prices for mOd.ngthetdding Ito kg are direr, add foe sere rat, &Alai' en has been resileett Selleregener i ally hat a the s v antage, and th ere is no inclination on th e parlor kers toforne sales. Among others St. blebs:tier,- tiiscri4rOllntack, Curtin, Mira, and Walnut - IS d ruled higher, nod the Ile[ dosed with an hors tendency - and stronger than for some time pis Thtfollowlng are the prices re altscd to-day as compared with those of Last Sat . frday: _ - i - July 22. 1019 . 29 .- 1 60 1 12 1==!!!!!!!!! !Mi2==;l ... .. BA. Mcbc138—..t......... 15 2 81 53/ , g0—.... ..... t...,...... ..—. 212 Big Tank ' ..'.2.—.,.,..-- 100 302 125 1.81.mkarn—....:, ."......... ..; ... -- 50 62 Jextey we 11.—.... .......... 125 I 50 At1n5....—... 25 31 Dalzali---....-1—......... 8 82 3 SI .... 2 20 Walnut 75 Its4n! 65 It!epic Fbactr—_ 10 1.3 15 01 Tar Hoc0 00 estentl.. ........ 00 W.tricw— PE TR oa.sties:_tai is V. VE YORK, Spe-rls.l DiapaWlo97estern Frew. Nnr-Tones, July ”, 180.5, Prim:cum Sbxkt were gain to-day, and 112.1.14 wr:e wade a$ thellelloWlet rate.: Webster, 13;01.410. F1110:0,1414 - nobr areik, irr,O; Emp;ra 1.31.), 1.00; E5e.1.10r.2.00: Germania 42; rilet,6s;olloreek, 6,94 Ilayerick 1;65; Uzitel St. tee :2,C0. TLe iteatner and the Crops. [From tbe"Chleago Tribune, July y , ebyot Meg topic of Interest for thv pmt fear r ve days hes been tem eannitlon or Lae er .rpa Ia be Nor: b.e.tern SeLeGe surattleted by Clio late . yore cod heavy wage. FOC the.PUrPO lay. tag lh fore the putilliethe evilest awl cow a cz a e thformetlon cyn 4115 i4bje(Y. of naive,* sl later .; wa have employe!! the talegrepl wl th out tins. ue put:44h, Ulla , Matenlhg, saother heavy oath !Intro. of crop elspil Ches. which tettl he the at of the to! , le. ' unless !Lathes ausoo of rats hall *uperVette. t o rev:tart urther inforetattoo do ts able. Floes the teaor of the dispatches publiahed this vu r. mg It would - appear tee% Whet/unto but ben luu. m d, aad [Mt We Web edop of alga Stsia New be pethape the triestebugutet ever gathered. Mot loin 'Shoots end Northern lawn bare suffer. veri little .damage. ThEntehltag floe to too from F snkak%o county, 1111nem due west to the Missouri river. Nostla of that line the In. Jut y hes been nutty or nothitur. South of It there has b en esseneive destrUctiosr. 'Michigan seems beer solf,ed wore-then the other State* whttlo the same parallel of latitude. 'lt is eeCtere.- ted het en, third of the'Wheaterep there Is ruin ed. t entt el awl Southern Indians-have also ant. feted heavily. ln some partsol the Slut, the wheat . rep is entirely Wet. it IC. tt.a Alton Teltgropb, .18th.1 Loot evening the rain began to fill in torrents, and continued to pour down In immense volumes until about all ocloce tins morning. The float has done much derange by wreatting [beetroots, and tee cell,* is a number of our businesi rouses were submerged with water this morning. Suet a beat y ;sin has not fallen far years. 11, 14 beat and oats, much of which is I at stead ies u. the fold, must now Inuit, a total Joss. Cho Way will likewise be very aerienelydatriaged. (Fee re the Kmkakee Gazette s 2711;4 Tout a:ca.—The rainy weather we have been er yang Jur ewe weeks-pest is Working. ruin co the rhrat and oat crops. The wheat Was more or le e onjurad 'by the bug and tog, end now It II Isla !; to be meet; damaged in inirrakting by thin wet trerther.—how much it is linpossiela to tell y. t. Once are heavy ntel ninth lodged; they are al minus]; by the mutat weather. The wealls. et I, Ito cool for c.. 114 It is not growing all 11 11/..,1.1d be. . [From U. &woos (Minn.) Republkmul Ihu cro, s throughout blloriesota are all la the best rod most pretniming coodniOn. The wirAer whent harvest commenced last week, but It will be Dome day's yet before spring chest will be ready for the reaper, although It Is feat ripen i ng . more favorable season fur the grOWth of wheat we have oever had in this Slate. The only dan ger that can be apprehended nett° the ‘crop is toe mueb rain, widett would tend to Create rust. Thus far, however , have heard no eomplaints of env anti numerous attacks to Which this grain Is subject to other localities. nest:opt the rave. gee of the grasshoppers, In a few townships In the the upper valay of the Mb:event:An aerie, neither blood nor &leases hove appeared Ibis year, in the great grain grow leg report of the State. .This raid./ f. oml (ZAMA lion from the ravages 00.1111OVell by the (Otte. COrtaik. of the wheat MOO 10 other :votes. but adds to the unrivaled repepatlon of .611opts*CtO 1111 the very garden Of the West. Bea leW Of the New 'York Groner'''. Market. (From the Commercial Mat, July f 2.) • eefree—The market 1,., Brazil coattails' quits dul.; there le a. dispezitlun to Meet the clews of buyers, and re reduce our gold g airatienc pets pt••• lb. 4100 bags 1110, per tertuneo, and 1097 die per mita, Were sualp.eviuua to arrival, and 631 do per 1.41. Itt, einee, on terms not male publle. Ifor mom ktou• mere .has en pretty r.ttvo 40113, 4 1 . . 04 fig Ins& the to trket Is htmli r. The tole'' are seE9 to.sta A..., tun du m Bston, to come here, 200 bags go,rnmect 1351,1 LegUnyrn. 23-1 °md VC . O n Msam ...if I^e t,oela Rids, aui , boo b O ll l r se .ibti. bulb 1,11 220 told. 6..,nr—'there hes only bee., a moderate demand for raw close out met, nod with • idylt marlat crises at our limo le I etc;; of a coat per IN Nit wit AM a day in two; owing to the ashatteibli rates sod fhlnuerS of 0010, the sugar msraet Its sireneth. and closed firmly at .tho ClUtTebelf rate o lumday last ; Helloed Is without partieulat char d. sort I v so , covl e llr Modarna l r~uhw t e n t 1 137.iirs..iesrari hurl, cot ai led The idles of Item are 2910 Idols Cubs et ny,611% eta; n3O Porto litre, 12,410014; WTI ben Havana, Lipe r t , 7 :i stook yestetlay was snout 12,4,27 11,7gd bpi!! Abe 112.419 or Sugar, az/drat+ hhde Meted°. ' Tykes —tor is • better teeing Nutmegs,' and high. pato! have been paid. In Mammy . .. notice mom movement, tel sales reaching too bade berg, yam at 7p, gold, la bond. The .other Wel are 100 miser No. 1 Nutmegs at alittno,. guldt Ai 4 0 chaste, about Tat 1030 mats do, 7s; ltd burr &reps Motor, 4.4 i 100 du Baca, CO, currency{ and 100 WO cloves and 6 casts :Lumen on Puente. terms. mutest, With moderato sceptics, NM, tlnues rem, bnt aloe* Curless Nierebas not Mien much dot e; 60 tee Corollas sohl at 110(00,60, .0 0 4 INV bags Rtuagoor, part, It got- 111, $3 9,71, 4.01, Cleveland Market—July 20. Fleur—Demand Veld, but metket Era. Citl. brat:fist eld at 112.trrlor XX red; IMOnOtAd Tor ZX errata. Sates Ito bble superfine at filton, Wheat—Firm and deeldedly higher. Timone. Deis ltsbt. Ito I red held at 111.8(41,93." Beim I ear doles No I rid at VIM from sum. Corn.. Without /spotted sale to-day, cloth/ nominal -at We. Osts—.llnettsaged; demand mrdsrate. Sates Dulland n o m at 60 s; Han ey do id 510... nonstasl st it% nominal. . EAU.81:11 1151 TELEORLPIL Mew Yak Market. laxwEoax, Jals , Z.-TOcrrroa active and Omer at aailai ffitaaltag. , PLOulx — lta 2so . lo w.es: Elks State MlStriXt fOr licarintia to good lEtipplcur Emits Extra Bat O. itattie,EkE9.4s Traaillniadthtliataarket alsab2g • .Wettera MAW:M. ~.G>WR = Wheel - opezett. quiet seal elesma dull, 4 e igig4, -44 ,2 01, 55 gatt,to Spring,. Tit 11.0f:Aia*liti4iiviat ' iut to orrirer $l,Es- It r. .k"..,iti,lred'Atite.t2 tog Pettis.. .Whiter Red 1 1 ; 1 701teliq ita..1:1,6363,10 for • Amber . ittettlian. ft , otit - :ettietial dull dd closed beery, and lo teiter; "aIWS I O or.Ustround.ooB92e ler Sonarl MU, ehXll3,f - ItTD36sle for Prime Shipping, pat. ,ufmcitaiitortqtlias:at 61465 s for Western. .. -;' ,... W ft..r c te -'ll lex ult. —cletl - tt; /33 for Oroae. 1M; for ttrtal BMA, .-! ~o ' iltoelestes- - Coftee -4 1i r gitr goleti ' Cuba- Ataseo t. vaks; Molaases drill; Porto zwFo Doc; iteetiblOgir — POrkeiteltedititihigheri Sates 0,703 bids at.aVo. 2 , a3 roe Nth. Mess, dosing at 04,0236 lye eatilta MOM. fots.ll..mo Mess. , Abbs a,253 bbli ,Mew,Merdse Await, seller& :opt:oni at -.172-04,60. 7.oClitatieriM494l2 for Nei ess. . Beet Hama leareeandAteteW Cut Meats ulrm; 11e for Shaul. 4ataiatilattqatatortlatos. ' iceOr:ltir S tock and Malley Market. „! . .r3g,wlrenitjuly.7l:.-Sterllog 41i tfer.atoa, ggopld. - tor tint' elan bills. Gold leas active awl , Itirg'openteg".atil4s%, deelloink to 144;16', and -rze f expetisot Specie geology's s‘o,ooo. iird,i ll- Thntre S ts lay: tte6drepWeatiarvr'4"c'eeliCroe delnetil' for - mot:Lev - to-4a F, o .ettig to-thc ino eased Weals - Me .locks. Toe lotins made warty In ibe , daY , oatere stayer coot but towards 2 o'oloelt the lettei WAS advanced to 7 per eet.t.., but there was Otobay . ...ezeoght at this pe.re. 'rho demand fell off cOkllAdtroblgJWt lietwo a o'clock, and o vital was entre(' Iteely: - There. It more aolintertial purer efteg_ dr ai:d ' les.' inclination co discount. The ratezare.lolo per cent. • The stock market Is very rottek.posettl.d on the street after t o'clock besrd . thellellta Saturday afternoon tau Old not. take 'place (Or the Atli limo to tight weeks. Ao effort wia..otrtie , te rally the market In Erie, - and stocks sold la the extent of Rood chutes at 06 cash, while he. - .regular; p lea: wan 94 , ,V wet sumo to. ward - the clue or the day and .borrnwers had to PAY WaSi,gter.Ctrit,eonlinission until Monday. Al the pie the amend n.erk , t was very teat y and lower, - W.lll a dUposition - to sell. The .gellopihri Were the_Charing ales • n the stteet. at -- 4 p, m {few York Ventral, 9114; 9.01.4314gf Hudson 'Blear, 1114; Reeding, I.o4l4g.Mrcblailig tiouttiesn, sotpliien%; tilevolsod Pi:Wm:rah, 70;d Rusk Istaeul, 104; North Wee tere'ptifentidi6o%. 'flit atlstews b 0 toe City of New. York quoting a Are le to2ol td izy,•hiot tee of wrakt4g the prim, of 11* ReSti - tiserketiaetitclos to 140014 k Govern. Jar wtateady aftetanOn. Ise the net!' tee. too I .tr have at y efrect, canines being over at an early hcitir tortS6ttireays. . Chleage Market, Cu ICAOO,JuIy .29...41,005.--Realred. 1,700 bbls; sblj ped,11,112 bbl.. 2.1;14et dull sod 'boot 294 per bet •over, Itishet Spring , bbl. Empire; 2vo bbia Eureka,. lad 3 00 Ws bread o,ttfoost 109 bets do. st 209 obis do., low etaiei-511.41,.25.: Npsing Soul rune-403 bbl. Ay.% 200 bbl., brawl not named, at V. 25 LlAA. , r3cLeh • —•Eltelitul, 00,750 bush; shippu., tchth alarket .excUr.l and 819104 Sat s atre:-Wtoter—So bush No. 1 Hod at sl,as; I . * a t.ush . lo. at fie/. Sprlug-89 , bush Extra at 17,000 bush No. t a 01,13, IG,Cksl bush 00. el $1 1, 120(0" boob' do. at SI,Z!, t; 80,000 bush do. at 60,27'1 1 9 .099bUstado. at St 245; 50,150 bunk at *421; 23.1.10 bush_.o, at' 111,; ,, ,,-1..,000 bush do. et 01.=; vo bush' ife;2jt9:lll,l6, I,too bulb do. at $1 ; 11; b.:10 bum:oo44st 91.11b1,tre burs de. at 01,1 0 —sil Cotta—Ertelved "e2,2:3 bo.a.h; ablpped, 155 ; tl.l brah. Narket 443G6irioer. Saks Wort, Adeot halt;` NO. r. ate;67s; 6,900 bush do. .et 630; 11,01.0 bulb' do. at 84a; d,tdO bulb grieetal at Ede. lo More: AM NO.I at 6.t,.; 0,000 bush do. at 64 tic; MXO - 419311 . Oh at 630; 18,000 btiSh do at 641 e.; 100.00 bulb Ott 00,030 busttdo. at IM , o; 00,000 push do. at 0230; 1.600 butt do. at 630; 6,t00 butt do. +U.(310; th 430:0 bUide N 0.2 at Gle; 2,00 0 barb do. at CZY,O; 14,000: bon do. at 61a; 12,00 u bob do. at 630: 6w bath Rejtatod at 62e; 2,600 bosh do. at 654. Oars—Reertatall9o6 tomb; nipped. 153,00'2 burp. Mal tat Irregular. .At thus OPentat. 6 10 9 99 6 0 0 paid. tut at 15060.1009 Mate Were sellers et 45.1. rho traulactioni were: tcao. bush No. i at 620; 0,006 1 toll go. at. &a; 13,000intsh do. at 520; zoom hush do a: son i SAO both do. at 42e; o,oao bust dn. at mac; 3,12.0 Ittlati Nat at 0.P0.-111 Lo atom Kra— Fcceived 1.499 task., Market ltilss low,. Sties : 660 bath Ito. 1. at 1,000 bash du. :31. 633; 6:36 t ueh dO.llll 63e; 1,021:1bOsb :iv. 2 st 413—sh outs. 11.sittse—Ftece1ved,90 buss; shipped, 361 bush. 131s3ket'ensett,10,14 Salsa ef , 0,0 34 ) b , 4 -, h No. At 11,103 ftv hush+ o. st fl' in store. lt,.n usgs—llsoket Grin sodas/is highor 13:31es tst n: 1.4513316102,12; 260 bbls at 03,13 j 10 1,131 s aw. 33,11. hc,r l slo2l3-.4601162 but firm. Sales were: 422 b . :. Iles. Pork st $00; 1001,51, do. at pit; zy, au 1 0.11 d Sleuth Steel at las loess sad 165 , ,,0 pisekel Puma prirrlll., July =,*-5Z111.5-4.11a re:riffle of cloverseed ale triUlat audit le wanted at ffo. Titroth4 or.el Flouted are *came. We quote the forforr at :565,54 atel the latter at 43,45. 14000—T0m lea sexy era feels"' in Um Float ma: let at d a fair.deroand, bulthe yaurity of eta ecelpta sod atookaletd to materfally tartan opal , About 2.00 bbla Extra' Falohy ;vale di. cues ofatOP Mr Uhl far old stork. 1C543 ,2, ,a0 Ireel Otoued and MIS for fiallttwestero, 0 Vt. r.ey.44110 cold at 410,10. The sties :a the "home coast:mm*ol4e from ilkiaaLLlA tot up, ramie. t 7, 7S for r.itrae;Valf9,so for ta.tra l'amoy sae a , . Michel . Vilma for fanoy-llrtada—ac enroleg .0 qnsllty.:. Jo'Flourlsaa advanced and 120 oo.a aelu at fO,A; I¢Corn DSeal there la not..- I , t g AlN—The Wheat Market L unsettled amid but era and 'enemata annaleerably apart In MEI • aa. 1 e only wales reportalare 1,503 boa .0 d t.2;22---a foother •atlvattop., Slaw Rol 1. la d• maul at flan., tlerada seem and boa ag4l ado ✓ r DueUtgOolth Wet raf..1.500 au.dfefe • al 11.0.1411,43. pate are former; 4y , 00 hash New Vela wino Rood at 02e5.14,41d sore 000 at t.,4( "Me Wirlamv—la m boiler dratraill lake of La, bb!S 01,1 a at 12,20. 1 1.16 10 23 in 2 23 63 4 12 73 Cluclunatlliattet. ATI, July. Sf3,-Funta et:mottled and Niers Footman, 4160cloweribut buyera ILL. ..nec - count u the pur/ta.tocia eau be given. tte la- NS brat deeltUb I J 4 There were au bey." et the cloud end. their-bre no ort,tatloas 1. L. sites I ora dallta,C4. o.t. dean zed to Co. /110 1111/11114,&•-i V. n,jal -SO. sneellto 52,17 n the afternoon, IL. tr-h is LLe Ltstils , St &Mei Sat, COI Made at 17: lir r1.10.-11.1111':Potk is tIlL! at $31,514i1. tt.tia. Men• erwitr. , .tstaitllCLS Wren uttered at j 1.4. 1-are bele at 9so-co Wl* BiAcher.' Lord a 11.4 at vi y e and la la decuattl. bottlers at ton C 102.0 . It to g o slll.-Firm at full rates.', Egg' lb.. But t. afi'.-'. e. Me a lc rr-Gald Hl. - ()mete Disirket ii.u - roo, July "s.—Tgocrc unobiorid{ Vim far N.. I si.r. rtg. 6b,bo rar lle4 WlLLUitiVaAtifor Alta, nrid .9 CZCLU,or vouble Elan. an 111—W btat arta tilt quiet; traharg 'White u prirat utmt. lot; quiet; taut, 61%, %ALI. t g. tm [part •AVoile llQik, Whet Cora &he, to New - York. 1.1,i31,—.1 , OW" V.,-00,3 bush nv, Dannl u.h . • btal 231 M bush hr at. 1;1.; EL or RA L 6.041.D.41115,bb/aVOUX. Ballad flhrkeL Ju Wh. at Wattle* 1194 80011 .11.1 y lower. Letl re at 7 : 1 4,,3 7611 tor 24/x/21 Usti—mei to an ire et 07e. Hu. wy malts. u 0221221. Uarut Vumuuru—To itw loskuVirbest 41%0, erre I rl4r, t 80. lurour.—Flour, 2141 Wheat. 42,124 b 122,21 Cerr, 46.4 1 bush; lissAAsso ' bwria.,l - - CANAL k:Nrutrci—WlltSt, 81,60 00t0/ INSNGL. bush; 0nt5,43,680 - Toledo Maiket.. Tea.nnet, July 29.—CtuArs—Whost Wall; down. wen.; Amber Michigan opened el Mt sod dosed with no Hirers tear air, flo. I It...di/Jabot!' SY; No. t k ed Mimi , 16c, Thew prlees oat amino t.tnrd at the close. (lora dm; 711r , lis4ed and 160 otleivit anion sales at lit: LA KIS Str-RillT.—Vely dull and non:dart. Alining 'Sleeks. .• • Jolt 29 —Tho folltrisints are ituiplees of IIJo Aoek. bid hi this' tity today r , ()type, Vrei. kiln 31; liontork, 74 Hitrot,sr; lro of nitoreroto, quinty,94lit Flocs. land, t, Suptin.r, 1. Philikeelphla Produce'Sliket—JUis 29 —ra,ckerm I are doll nt theists desline: -, 3sles ol Soo bhla lrorn the wharf at, *lO jar rare Ito 40 'ln 1 , 4 lmhll and f. 15,60 foe *OW NoZ . Theaters 10101 sr. 1.4014 for Shore No 11 114 fee .Bay dal Oil for Shore No I; IS for Usy Soyltl forlants aoa Ohl for smell Not. riodflah sell to lot.114 : :od Pickled Herring 01 10003 per btlI; Frites Of sod Shad ere uncloses , d. • . . Prods—Dui 110110 doing In any +itactipiiiiii: 1010 Termed Is very scarce, nod Is taltecOon AMPS' Al A. ssieof 00 bushels,- from intend btaila at 48 cents. hales 0(000 Timothy 'At SSTS ate per tonhcl, and Iron denim' :heralc‘at Wither figures. Vlssotel comes In slowlyi dldoolinn3 OAS 2,4002,63 per bushel—an advanne, • --, • hotter—Thers Is less coming forfeited, blst , the dressed In limited. hies of solid psesisl at 104014 t, as In quellry, sad .festieu 01 0.303.10. Ones se—Moves slowly. Sale) of New • t -al I %Otis,. and Westero a isal4o. - Englisk - D414 1. held cert.. , Ens—Are selling from 71 tO Ind pot no win Fruit—Ore. /fruit of atlklDdt Is ittni: Inn r rely; and Apples sell at aleg • Per. paid Apply s are nowlsal. at 66 9 . stmts. To ..Disl , l Peochts tootling ding. Fanatics are AO. %los awl 'elites fre o ely at fl per basket. ' - llnltimor. Grain irlarket=4uly 20.1; 0.4 / ( . . • Wt.ra —Tu..lny Cal burtua r:ealifal.l aculiag ia.. tier and priff s very ilrmi tunindbd falba .11 let ...,, Imo bush. puma vr to nt 44 £O.. WO Utrbl 'lr do at 42,23, or. Sum b., . rod at *2,11'4141;P ill n furl cr advance to C 1a11e.C.,' , ...4:0:41-na Y. I Ply ino bllO.ll ollered, I whilrlittailkleta , tair , rt. rd. .Onta—To 7100 buntui raCelVt3t 3 ahl9:4 , pais 6 , ~i .1 aJittalu tau yore ni tu quatl.4,4 114 •:0.174 a clrl.•—all Len. art p, 161 BOIL re. BY ll AI I,ltOAO, '. l l'u,sern..ll. 1 , 126 T W•vett & Hum* .0 II , tt....... Jut) , ID-26 10.1. 5141mnes, 61 aleUnIS/411d SS Sell Is et, V :rile. h on; 20 barrels dry_ peailbey,.l4ll, Vetzt h 0 ;1 In II mdse. ,lelo F. Iteutedbb & done, . V. A. Ism; 2d bales broo co m rd/ BeEleo dal Set; bills dour. elinmsker F. Lsegt elk bake . Wks, Hitchcock, 111eCreery F. ea; 1 bhis pearl shea, }try., Mew., e se; 4 keg lard, J Etekosti . tok F. ~ n r ,. ; :ou tugs lead. J 11 CanCieldil bbl mit J 8 BUsw, rth a ea; is bdis forks, whitmore. w ip & co; co to. cheese, W rl3 Usti...eel 20 do do, d zwa r t, F. etult do do,neehmyer F. Vosksemptlo di t do,2l Wken kin; 16 do do, E licesiewnt4 do% nibs, Grab" m o Thomas; 2 bbla butter, 2 • llakkel eV, E Heszleto, t6O bbla axed, Ilakawoll, Pedro &d o om, ells mill teed. Wm Biugh.M , Od o l l _Be Se 1 1, Pi rs Fehnestsek & mild doz. washboanse, 0 081,, K $ F. Got tet rks oats, Julus Harebell; 1 MilimEAT,rat Vt.ternssur, Sand PITC6I4IIIOrt IL, IL J4p 81 bbl. flour, 14 Lindsay F. cc; 12111881 (ml, Blallnon F. Enos; 100 bags wheat, .1 8 Lanett/11 1 ? Wile Metal,Nlodek • cot Oa OW, 10wd,.1 B I, St din do, E /1 Ulthrldget 60 Rae Waite HMO Ina COI lase rage, DJ Weight' Ibis leelte, nedelo-Lail Is, 1 bhl bison. 8t Orison & Beal Well Shand, weir Better; El do do, Wm P Beek &COI I par sadiarf mi. tap & McGraw. • ALIZOISINT &CATION, July 50.4 Mulrbitt. el btadlop, J J Mo o re ; 26 hides, Jos Watemmut, 3 9 . o .! alnetos, .1* tlalblanst 8 ski bald, 3 di 1.10 ;.t. apPtra, Wotan. , & Keynoldat 1 Rd dUI. a , 4 Lesson; 2 bales wool, 5 Smelly; 1 , OliPlllOlodel ,Stoops St coal !Ales hemp, II Geneld &m:IldclOo btoome, 0 H Helen II ears wheel, 180Padd- F. .UOI. ''.. '',. • RIVER IIiTni.LitILACE. The rlrer roseconsiderably at tide point during Saturday and Satiugay night, but yeetentay forenoon It came to alined, and soon afterwards oncenuced to non*: 7The stage of water in the only part [litho day ingelght feet three inches, butatnoonthenmaainateight feetitaring retain three inane The Weather was den cool and ipoioreritlY iettlod. • tMuidness contlnnerinther doll at theurharf, the 'Guerin' .Of freight being may light and even at kw wee' bpi experincs connection's , &Malty is Letting;he env, 'the only arrtral we here to note to the Minerva, frow rarkersbarg. rho Edina Graham from Sanesvfneol amine Meek Spear from filneinnatt,' were both dna lest night, and will doubting be fondle port this morning. The Emeet Olty, Capt. John Gordon's new stammer, Made a trl.l trip on Saturday, lad we ate informed everything workedlo, the entire satinet- Morin aliconcruoL. The Foreet.Olty ' •a very neat and commotTu t. tl ateamcr, and will make an admirable Low w• pukeaot..Gordom too not, am let, made up mind u to what - trade ha mill enter. • The J. IL Gilmore left far St Lambe on Saturday evening, pith a very fair freight line, and quite a number of Plumengera. The Petrol's left for 011 City: , - • The Hard Times, Captain , Perry Brown), A. J. Mullett, clerk, I. Oiling up rapidly for St. Louis, and will be -ready ta Lake her departure to-4 or ro to-morw. The Ida Rees arrived at CiaelnlMtl Thursday and the Nora and Nenton left there for Pittsburgh on Friday. Tie Id. Rees and Yorktown were ad -et-lured to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh oa Saturday. The Railroad Bridge above Steubenville is cuts. tog considerable trouble and delay to steamers as. em leg and descending the river at that point., bud km,e the trouble and delay the channel is BO oh. ,owned; that it le elm dangerous. 100 Ultima wr her recent trip down had her .mote stacks comutterarry damaged. BTEdAllthilTS. I,tAlaTI 51 ORE ANp PIiEDER- PST . ~~UK3BBhOH, VA The nue and .4.fakef— coa.roodious Steamer WE'NUN&N, Us. Jos. L. D....ea, rune regularly between the .ova ports once a week, leaving baltimore. from her wharf, loot of douth street. every FRIDAY AFTER" CION. at 4 o'cleck, and Fredericksbnigh, every IiSDAY DifritNifttr. ?.risen,' en and Freight can led at low rates. Throtign Freight _promptly s ttc oiled to. rticrebandlso from Boit° a, Nw loc k, Philadelphia. or elsewhere, consigned tn care Sc. amer WENONAticiariti be taken charge of no. meniately upon its arrival in Sala nore, thistles and lot warded prosiptiv, free of imam's. .tons renting from the Northern States desiring tr. t the Battle Fl. ids of Virginia, or to 1001 i atter the hostile cf friends and reiatinas , killed In the battle. of the VI .10erness, ChonelniOrstinr% I-f. derickelfurrh. or Spottsjlesols Ooutt Mouse, I. tie a rplenthd open, ttrotty or dotrnt so ay Chit ra. Vas WENUN ts p ovine! with en el. rutteinne • ai d Herta s.cothrsOnstioas, eat la in co ery respect a tiret..ass Boat, bettor new, Is, son commodious. For mformatton, freight or passage, apply to or address S. WHITE, Pager on sosrd,or Jf JAMS TAY WEL Agent, • 131:1;d 4n on West Falls ay, Baal:tom MS VOR CAIRO AND ST. 'LOUIS fil.j —Tho line and gororno , lous passe. ge• Eesmer JAMES E. L.111.1i E, Captain /1 , 410E4 will leave se above on Tina DAY . C/a l't 111 IT •t • For frelght or poseogr app i lj on board or to J. D. CULLA GWOOD ,(Apotig J)27 JOUPT FLACK, • 1.; OR CAIRO & SAT NT 1,0 CIS. jr.Ctua —The fine and commodloua steamer Lust.' 4A RD TIMES. ()apt. P. Brown, will leave as above cu THIS DAY. For !re.prt. nr passage apr.ly on board. jrls tirS f[II.4XCE CHARTER 1829. PERPET . FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE 001,922A1NT PHILADELPHIA. eumes .. January 1. 11464, 62,1137,14.9 u 5. Unpaid Accrued Pretolux. Invested Premiums I:meth-0 llalrus... titanic for 1854 LosaesPaid Orme Ifs= 1,01 , 0,000 Perpetual wad Temporary Pollcley ou Ilbora Ulna's 13E317:1Z! 4...1mi1ea N. Ibmckez, 'ewe Lea, lutMe Wegner, Edward O. Galt, Samuel (Dent,° me Alex, levott Smith, A.l7red °Gorge W. RichArds, Fme. W. Lewin, M. D OILAIZLES lli. f.NCEER, Praddem.. EDWARD O. DALE,..The Preadult. JAS. W. AtaA.I.I.LSTER, Set: pre. Lem J. a.. COFFIN, went., entM nosnla Wood and Tall su:eta. F AND MARINE Laurance Co, of North America, PHILADELPHIA !artford Fire Insurance Company GP .I..ittctine the he 'geared la the above camel rt toeble ccaupeules. W. L. „TO NTS, Aarrr, pa %C.a. - I, loot, (la, It lilt j lat .E.3J l7r E r l i t_ T N ,B l u N , C E COM P.S..,NY K. No LLEII, Jr, / 1 1-Baeaji HERBERT, un o ooey. Or.ve, b;‘,..52 W nice Alva", Spoof( 0. 00.1 W.l.t o.oare, op .efts, PittebutgE 01 toe againef att blade of Flee and Marino Aura. A Homo inalthotion wowed by Ptrectar. are reit knows la Ito to=couaity and tato are dem *mud by praosphads wed ilberobity, to ovainfein Ltro ..14ctCrl, aey h.re onward e 0 etf.lloglle Csd pro:ertion to [Lae 0410 d,oO to be 1,01001. =Mil Andrew Aching', Alexander Speer, D‘Vili M.. Long Rock J. Thomas,. ehos. J. UlArk, John McCune. Ct. 'Miller, yr, ass ..110A.1...1ey, Nathaniel Holmes, Ales- Maarll, ,eorne I•erste, Carny.bell H. Herron, C. R. Rieketson torso WM P. HERBERT. Secretary, ( 'ITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY • OF PITTSBUROII.--Otace, earner Market sad Water streets, second near. BAGALEY, Presider-4 WM. A. SHEPARD, Secretory. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Insures against loss and damage In the navies. ttou of the Southern and Western Rivers, Lake; and Its your, sod the navigation al the Seas. Insnr, against lose and damage by Ara 01DEC71 S.U. lller, John 9hlpion,l Jame. AL Cooper, S. Illarbnurrh,' Y. 'Caldwell, Jr, John 5. Dilworth. wea. A. !lodgers. deSO:lin V . U n i t t l 7 ' Jet. Perk, Jr., W. O. Johneton, Pic : Howe, Prestoo, George Bingham, pEOPLES' INSURANCE COMPALIY ):Ice, N. t. corner of Wood and Fifth Ste FIRE AND lIIARINE INSURANCE Capt. John 1.. I:hoadit Samuel P. Shrivez, v.ll. Phillips, Itlia Wrtt, IZEIESECEI I:SlZeZira .... - . . . .. .. Chivies S. Bleed'. Charion Arbur- Wth. Van Kirk, John F. Kirk rink James 11. Verner W John Olyde. Al. PHILLIPS, Prethier.t. JOHN WATT, Via Fresh:kat WA!. F. GARDNER Secretory. lulltti 4-n -A LLEOHENY INSURANCE COMPA NY OF PFITSHIJIMIL—OfIIse, No. VI Flfttl stress, I.i.k Block. Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marin; Wake. „_ . JOUN 1). M'UORD, Vice PrirsiErnl D. M. 1300 K, Secrdary. . Przwe Jones, - John D. rder.lool, U. Bonney, I. Moro Jacob* (arey Chili* I. H. Steling, I't.a R. U. Grey, Capt. m. Dena John Irv/112;3r., U. L. MGrew, B. 1.. Fohrontoele Robert 11. DavlN. PROPOSALS INSITITO PROPOSALS FOR THE PUBCE.tisE TWENTY•TIILIEG HAYS EAU , OUVEJINMENT MULES. Qr330t011333.63311 01101.3.3L'a 03/100, WoninaGTON, U , Juky its 62. SEALF.7) PIN or 0-tAt.54 0 , 16 fie to ter,) at ollhe until 12 M., VIENNA 1" At. u•I I, 1161 role the putchsee ul 2.3 , 0 MULES, In 1.06 of fine an One 1 4• cry l etch, et t , ,0 pines. usme6 0e Or, 31., FtAH , Pa., 6 lute, 60 each. 4 1011, .00 loan, IVILIIINOTOIsi, Pal. t lota, DO each. De, 2 lull 130 ea,33. W ASII IE LiTON, U. U., 6 1 1,1, w 00011. I n.. 6 1003, 1 ,, 0 each . PITTNEWItCIII, PA., I lot,. 111 0.00. 1,0., I 101., 100 sac . ?bete mules u 111 he put weld, 0' oh tot by Itself. and Will Ie flee 1., Ibe 16•.' 611..1 oe Inddere, at the plaet• earned rebnoctin. ly, 4144 lea 4311 prior la Amp" 1. Woo, of tbeln mere bought In the belluale.2 or the wee at young mules, neut•lnplan.ed the armlet In all their mat ches ADD camp., aOA are tnoroug ly hro.eu, bnIDCINd by • itemise, goo, to end 'emitter fr. m twirl no leag surrounded ey the whiter. Though Nailed nod etralceoble. they ere ao longer requires to the y, ant eau now ue obtatne2 at far lea than their true value. The elleee.efulb . ddent mill 6e nail lel In panne Of Ay telegraph, Ann required to melee the oat. :eels On or before A agues 3,1663 Ttee *Mee reserve. to itself the righ , to reject •alltifde thst tos y be offered. • Yugo:wale should be 11 Wrested to the Undersign. end marked "P. °passim tor the Purehsse of replant mast be made to flonromeat 'undo At She ince af delivery. • By order Of the Q,aArtertnaster OrmeraL JANIES A. EKlti, :.•• • • . Brent Drig_edier oenerel, to charge, • cl i iiobsi Fleet Division, Q. Al. Q. o. - - PAST BTEBL TEETH,- for_ Sulky, Ha, aid Ch.s.ta Elakeso'racy shape regain& ms Hal+ed Grab Bakes cuiatitiatiusdby • O. °OLEO/LIT, !tufa/x/I,mm', alLetpany City I<rdL - OSE CONBIGNMENT.-40 kalt bt4i No. and No. 2 /Mackerel, now La cool ii4Tor isle cheAP, b 7 L. U. Irtakr & 07. GROCERIES, PRODUCE, • I " L c. =KM& Commission Morohant. Bee Is X .13 ZlNit. AND PURCHASING AGENT,' • • • PITTSBURGH. PA. Dade' to Floor. Grain, Seeds, Button, Maass, Fr olta_and allPana Products. Beat brands Pam. 2M :tea/ranted) always on hand. Also. Proapt site:atm glum to aosuismnents and sortopondencs. Weakly thartaata sent to CoilidgimOra. Orders and Consigrunanta selturdasat , 13 , F.. QUIMBY. Ct CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Via. Uo SOUTH WATEHST., ' 13311016 10 , Give sputlal attention to paratuuday, 12012 r, Grain. Provisionee tic. For Eastern aottottnt. H. F. QUThIB - GEO. T. BBOWI mb9-19 . • F. D. P 11131$011 All1011..••4. eaatasm p VIRSON, AlnitON & CO., Cesnmtesion .711erchants, Flour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Not. no and ald PENN STREET Bsott's !taw Building, oppoilte O. Ea P. B. H. Depot. apety 5P.1372.1.1 . i ANJER, Commission Merchants. Eraser, Grain and Produce,: 1L37 SECOND ST., between Wood k Smithfield, 11-17 PITTSBITEMI. Taos. rorras...riro. 4111301..OTEPHVIri. augrAate MUTTER, AIKEN & SHEPARD. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ♦ID DALLIS= IS F 01144471 and Domestic Pettit., Flows. Dotter, Cbeese, F.Egs, Potatoes, and produce generally. No. uz LIBERTY STREET, feii Opposite Pamsenier Depot., Pittsburgh. W. is. J05p00....e. II la. L1NT116....J. 4 1114111.1. JUHDA.N, HOLLIbTER Lt, CO., Cotnaitssion Merchants, Err tile tale of FLOUR GRAIN, RAT, GRASS SEEDS, LARD, tturrt'n, Erios, a ite.Ex AP PLtS, &0.. &O I 1 LIBERTY STELI:ET, Pitts burial, Pa. Rrftrenote—Helot & MetzgoE, FlLLAbll4:iiFd;lll souxur & co., Flew:mu-0. R. H. JACK; R co co E R, Noe. 1 and 2, l3iarnoud, .lell PITTSBURGH, PA. o. J eRAFF & REITER. PRODUCE, COH MISSION AND tUR WARDING ZER CHANTS, and purchasing agents for MU Pitta btu gh Manufactures. Warehouse, N0..416 Laverty Street, Pittsburgh P. • lefairl iir ILKINS LINIURT, (Sroczason r. 2, DIACIKEOW3I 15, LLTHART,) DMI.L/Vit ID N.LaC)I7I./. db CA- Pxoduce and Commtsalon Merchant, (tidy No. AM Liberty ot-l'indorgh. I=EN=l General Co=rirsion 'Merchants, 7os. 69 and',., Water sweet, Pittsburgh, Pat the sale of Flour, Orain, Cheese, Butter, s, Dried Fruit., Provision . am? Produce of all yin,. All ordws for Carbon 011 filled at the lowestmat , bet prices. Consignments solicited. mhlCely e. o. artfiti.W - MUTE VAN GOILDIUL IALSLEY VA.N °ORDER, Produce and Comluisslan Merchants, Warehouse No. 201 Liberty at., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wholesale 'deal. era In Butter, Chew, Lard, Eggs, Pont, Bacon, Brans, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Hom iny, Dried Fru its, Green Fruits, Onions, Flour, O rain, tilover . ' .., Timothy Seeds, Flax. Sends, O .inc and Poultry. Particular attention given to p. oduce Consignments. jail I I'rTLE, BAIRD & VATTON, Whole. -I lisle Grocers and Commission Merchants, deal els in PRODUCE, I . Louu, BACON, Cill-LSE, I ISII, ()ARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, FAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts burst, 1211.1ULSCIIIPC• generally, 113 and Ili Sooond stt,et Pittsburgh. 81,730,000. CrLP Otto ellll[l,ll. •lILP & SllEPARD,Commission bier- Aants and dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN AND lit , DUCE, No. IV Liberty street, PittabuiTh. Choice brands of Flour Tor Bakers uul i• nadir constantly on hand. Particular attention paid rabas orders for .11nrchaJadl12e generally. ,66-4/1 ei,345,000 ZElt & A it,ll ST RON (4, Forwarding y g r=d tiontralanion Dlorehants, for the sale of 11.0 t If, GRAIN, BACON, LARD, nUTre.it, 111131 T, and Produce generally. a. is fc arket street, comer of Fast, Pittsburgh, r. am, feltS•ty - -• Air 31. P. BECK S CO., No. 185 Liberty Sure, Pllteloaryb, PA., Wholesale Omar" t cliztlanletanats,suad dealers la COUNTRY tTtl PROVISION.; BACON LARD, _trous, Es.. mat, 6., PRO. FLOUR., ALTS, GREEN AND DRIED FINIIT; R. SA sad LIME. jyill - J (MN 11, CANFIELD, Commission and er from,. Merchant and wholesale dealer in ErITERN RESEEYE CHEESE, BUTTER, LAIiP, PORK, liACOrr, FLOUR, FISH, POT II PEARL ASHES, SAI.KRAUS, LIN _ LED AND LARD OILS, DRIEDERUIT, and generally, Nos. itl'atul Front street, V.:T.04250, w. irlacrataten..i. BItSP*TUXCB..J_L. Pirl2olll. I:I Hl< PA'S RICE, BRO CO., (Succes -11 rs to tomb Itirkpatrisk A tlo„) NIGIOLE. CALE DEA I,Eirtr tiroocr.ea t Flour; Grain, Fro% udoof, Flab, Cbr. se, Salt, Flans, (Km and 0.1•, NOT. Gi and G 3 Li b erty street, Plttab rsb. a. . • c.,;,CIIOMAKER LAYQ, Wholesale 0t..4 , 0k to IaROCESITZ, FLOUR, MIAMI, rhorwc.F., PEUVISIONN, FISH, CHEESE rn LT, CARBON OIL, bc.,, Nag. 112 and tl4 neat, hear Ldbacty Strtet, Attaburdb., Pa. Cannot t.. ROAD • OZOIIOI EAll & METZGAE. Grocera and Com -1 mission Blereboots, end deniers (oral kinds of Vonotry Produee orid..Pittsbersh Blexittfooto. o. stS Liberty street, opposite bead of Wool 01,4, 1 . .. 0 11001. Sp34l r .... • KitY3lllllll. D. ICUTICCIL It EY Al ER & BROTHERS, (successors to Br Darr & &mimic%) Wholesale Deilets to FUIIEN3N FRUITS, NUTS and SPIUF..'i, CON FLOTIONERY, SUGARS, FIRE WORKS,' &e., No. t&t and red Wood stroot,above I`llll, Pace t r h I ) W ALLACE, Coulune4ilon Iderellant, • and Wholesale Dealer to FLOPS e.tISAIN, rk a. a.i3 Liberty street, opposite Penosyleseis 1. i'sissontior Depo t , Fittsbnrgh, Pe. Storage 1. arrtmusa. corner Wayne arid resus streets. J. L.1.01..T? JOUN LIODSAT LIGGErf & CO. t CITY FLOUR ,' • MILLS, corner Liberty and Adam rt c Pittlibeirgh, .0. - Capacity, 4.00 bArrei. per day. apr JOIINW ATT JOAN WILSON. UA TT & W ILSON, Wholesalo Oro: cell., Co.:W.lop Alerr.h‘Ota, arid ilmlers 10 Praluse and Pittsburgh manutisitbres, P:o. Iti3 I.lt.rriy street. Pittsburgh. .tu2s , . _ 1 AYES DA LZELL & SON, Matafao t, tune of LARD Lal, and Commission filer. chants fes.the purchase and sale of CRUDE ANY!) It EFINVO PETROLEUM, lioa fa and ID Water street, PlitaburgL Advances made on. eowd4Pl - fE WAIiELIOUfAiI.—ILENItY It s -J coLl.lnin, Forwarding and Commission tiler• chsot slid dealer in CILEEs E, Evrrua, LAKE. FI,H, and I'rnduee gonerally, No. 97 Wax] street, ahoy. Water, Piusburgh. my 2 HOUSE C CO. Wholesale tniutiEu at s A.NI) coatthstos A NTS, corner • Smithfield and Water street, P 4110.1101. - P. Datrati l)13 EHT •DA LZEL L• er CO., Whole:. • sale Grocer., Commission and Forwarding NI( rrhants, and dealer. to Produte and :Plaaburgh manulactures, Liberty idreet,Plttaburgll. • • • • • ••.• •• it , liN FLOYD t CO., Wholehale rriv auJ llomn:l.ntun Merchants, Nos. ra Wood streets, Pittsbargh. • ' - j ell 'P A I:1. ES 1.. CAJ,D W DLL, (succeiwr .. .1 alines Holmes a Go., PORK PAL:Et:II and .14,11 r is PIZOVISIONS; corner of Market sad 1,111 strert•, Pltlehtlrgh. J • • .•-• • • I H. you-a & co., lucce3sor3 toit.' I. O. Urnff, PnuDuct: AND eo.sll l .litiSiUN I , II.IiIIiANTS, 2fl Liberty matt, rtit*burA . I ).1VII.) M. EDGEWIOI , I, Wholesale.., lirocer en! Corncrimalon Merchant, tit Woof Mr.... l'ltte.burqb. ob. - . .. fe2:l v . - If Vt• ItT Ls DI II . -JOHN NIIIMOIr.. C. WAII.IOII 114113E1iT, C0..-Whole .Aiut le (tracers and Produce Dealer*, lila 5 611th aueet, Plctsaurgt‘ data ISAIAH DICKEY .% CO., Nilo:sale (3 were Commlulon Merchants, and dealers In PEOLII3Og im N4,- so wow street .se 410..Prostt uees, PIM b. _ Lraun.a.rem •a6Ex—fs. MIX ROBB, Agent of the Equitac oursooo 00., Kenslogtoo,Firo 10 aural:to* Oon and the Peas Mutual Lite trumnuics Go. of PULP delphts. No. 113 Dlosket Arm, putibarin. • - way . . J GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for au • rmilatthn2R No adelphis and Balos a " ° ecimPa stheut am= W O OD THIRD SERE WP. JONES, Agent for North Anrori •OkEtato of Penns /Irani', _and Hartford b. compile s.es WATER 11 TREAT S` AM REA, Secretary Cl_tizece burr- Oosapaoy, comer Mag.= and WATER .GELeiCOL HuitriißEYs , 'Homeopathic Speciiics livs porredi Mite the moat "ma expstiones, entha raccessoSerblier t&o2 maul& Ts 4'3 111* tbs Only isedi perfectly adapted to popo. lar nse—scrabople tolitakesesuot be to or cuing Mum . soluzeders u to be freo Cross nosier, • Snare Hiders Ss ttablialwaltzellable. Cads No. L cum Fe ver& Cougedlens, latiersmo. Um. " Worms, Worm Fo Vers. w ti • Vend " Cry ing Collo. or teetbingta fano 25 . lie Diarrhoea of Mildrea or adage 26 INS " Dysentery; Griping, Adiolle Od a. 0 Cholera !Jerboa, Nausea . 121 7." Coughs, Golds, Broaddtts' • IL Nestraliggi&Toothsels,lis 22 0. " Headaches, Sick 13esdsebes... 22 104' Dyspepsia, Mons StamOCII..- 25 U. Svppressed, scanty and I palm Jul periods "‘ Leseeorrhcia, or White!' IS " group: basso cOnicb• r 26 lL " Salt M • • ums& Erysipeles,-Einp- Orme 9 IA " libessmathun, an .112919;10 psitul J 22 IS. " Fever and Ague. ChM F ever V . 17. a Piles, 'mama' 'or external 15. Optitalmy, sore, Inflamed Iles.. 60 :tA Catarrh, saute or . shronloilndo- Cam ' 60 I 7 Wbqoping Cough, .epartn_ callo • Coughs r e.. 60 11. 0 Asthma, 0ppre55ed.........5 0 22. " Ear Discharope r . .1264.1 50 bearing .. 7. • • 9. " Scrotnla, enlarged Mande 50 24. " Gencrel pbyeltal wriknees ; lie 25. " Dropsy and e may Secretions.. 60 26. " sea Slickness, or damn boa tiding 27." Sidney Disease. Gravel. 60 " Nervous Debility. umbra emissions, InrolantarY di.. . . to." thrioni7 Ineontfstsores. It. 0 Potoftri Periods. even' with 60 Spasms In. Nafferings at Chums of 1.110...100 Epfleysy, Spume, St. Vitus' Dce 06. Dintb u erio. Uleerated ' Sorel Threat 60 • l'&2111.1f awn ,. Cases of 05 morocco cue and Wok cm:spine 1...510 00 Case of 20 large vista, In morocco and book. 000 Case of 20 large 11915,p1a1n cateandboolt.. II 00 (lase of 15 bones (Nos. 1 to 15) and b00k.... . 00 these zemedlts, by the case or single 56. are sent to any part of the country, by mill or ex. promo. free o f charge on receipt of peke. 'Address HUMPHREYS , SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO., °Moe and depot, ito. 5.19 Broad. way, New 'Perk. For sale by .11 medicine dealers. FIUT-Ort:s2.o* . Wholrrele Agra, Pfttsburib, - Pa. Dr. Ilulaphieyi commlud daily at hisonloe, pfrsonaby or by Irttfr, as aticrra, for valor= of cizeaar... - - For rile by E. XINEII, 3 Bml•hfleld street. Eold at JOSEPH FLEXING'S Lerus',2sd Pat ett Idedlelee Depot, No, Pt Xerltet at., bora+. Of. the Dlemotd, sed ~ear rourth at. Jyte:tyd COtOM NO MORE. TIIT STRICKLAND'S! =mous COUGH BAtS' wriuctaaNve 2d - uarzrors iVOZIGE 8AL5,1.51 V werra4Led to ouro Coughs, Coke Hammers, Arthr..s, V7hooreg Cough, Sou Throat, Consuruption, sui all srruttoh.l . Ot trA Throat end Longs. , a , r by Lrugststs. General oepOL, I Mrs Fourth street, Cioctunatl, 0. 3:P24O—VIMIIECCEEa. All the Medloatnen gni the _oxen reeommra DR. STRICKLAND'S ANTI-CHOLERA ML TUBA es the only =tato remedy for Diaracesand Dysentery. It L & earetnuatloo of Astringent, Absorbent& Stimemants and Careelocr (es and la warranted to abet a acre after ail IMMO hare Called. For sale try ... , 17ggis_ t m ta. Gene pot, air, Faith street, Ofe STRICKLALID'S TILE RENED" Y. DR. snticrimaNirs PILE lIKKEIIY has aired thotemas of the must eascrof ;Rind aid EramaingTiles. D Ores immediate fella and ci f ears a permanent cure. Ery it directly. mar meted toenre. Toe tale by ail Drugg ist. General Depot, a Ear Fourth street, Cingrmati. 0. DvspereiN Bervotemese, Debility HIL STRWILLANDS TONTO. Vts can reecrscrucul those stattering With tom Appetite, Indiportlen or invert% Hervouseas acs rierVOUS DebtUty, to Use SUISIUUSfra Teel. It is a vegetable preparation, Ave troto aletdallit Uotturs; tt atrongtbens the whole nervotis eyries It creates a goat appetite, and is asarranted to scs Dyepepsia sod ticzyvaa Fat sale by GEORGE H. ZEYSED. Pittsburgh. R. E. SELLERS 1k ]OS. FLESIING N. DieCLARREI4 CU.. - CHARLES SUPER, .1. hi. FULTON. CIEtJ. A. KELLY, Alle;tteny City. edit:lva-mat , MADAME RESTELL, PROFESSOR (.. , F MIDWIFERY, mho has rdecesafully treated all discuss of female. for thirty years, can M consulted as usual, at MI CtlildblEgm la CARET, Nem Yorb. or by letter. and medicine sent by mail: Ladies who remmre a safe and cert sin remedy for removing °hairnet lon merely upon her celebrated infallible French Female monthly Milo, I. to restore leg - Warily In 48 houtulf of short atandutg, but otatim.te cams of long standing map require N. 0, Which are four dnreee stronger than No. 1, and can Lever WI, ere note aid heaiittkr; rriee 15 per box. Can Is obtained it No. lid Clambers Street, New York City, or Irene by with Dail Lestructions, by: addreesing Box No. 0225 lt(F yamdst Post 0111 c. Copyrlght seamed. lernOrnm .F45 - ETI YEaEd ni.a.onch IN 15.8.11116.1. Gives me Ilerletriedge sell= sagnlaa by Phy.S. clone. My to realdearee is MD el . sad the .mount of patient. treated annuall y are mattf 3r ee s st ztrAi vn k luorvi ,• And all abeam. ashes* therefrom. axe used a moth shorter time than heretofore trjrtor r erbtl VEGETABLII RFAIEIMI. Merhelate lent any part sitter Caton. All letter. math contain a • stsmp tom rano. pastso. Corompardeaaelhek awes!. Oftllem lM SMITHFIELD street, onsiElle mcag. Aaress 1. W. BRANSTB.IIei U. too Plisibtosh, pRIVATE Often PENN STREET. nest Hand. For the cure of all dresses of a private mato a, from two to four nays, try an entirely Ow and ash Ird treatment. Also, Seried Welllkll4l2, 844 all ochei dtaeases of the genital organs, and their pm - cantina. A cure warranted or money rehandsd. . Addreas tatters W . Penn BECIPPI:4I6I. O'NRILL'S FOREIGN EILIGRA.TION OFFI la yrnsstrami. rEsbrA., Passage from the "Old Collar:7T., The Liverpool, mew Tort and e Lund.iphi3 =4O btessultap Uontar.ir having appointed tut underkeumi thou Agent hero, Wet Als..Thon 3 P..d deceased, he is nowrepared to bring ant or or et tome - Pe mengen by the Steamers of till Liee at UN USUALLY LOW HATES. The Stec-nen oi this laved te line leave Liverpool every.W,MbiLli DAY, for New York, tonahing at Queensto . ,wn are among th e re.ete4, safest, mot moat tan - admit', motels admit. The underolgoed la also Agent for Hid !Americo° and Londonderry Line of Steamers, Hoeing Liver- Poe/ every TlitatbDAY, and calling ril Landete deny for lash Passengers and Matta The steam er of Hilo line are boat In the atonal* Milellert and furnish choice aecommodations forpasiertga e. -Ile 11 OUZO agent for TAPSCOIT'S LINE of tole. -bran/ Clinger Sailing Packets, Hanna _Llvorpeol for New York twitt a week, and the 'fX. Line of Loudon Packets, leaving London every ten days. The ohips of Tapoecitt'a Lineltave ltmg been no ted for their quick postage., and the ekridlente of the previsloa furnished the passengers, and their kind treatment wane on team Parties who wit o bete friend a brought out by eltilturvetaels, atto-ld ty all means patronize this tine. I Pilotage to unliktrais at greatly :Maned rates. SIGHT DHAINS on all porta of Entope for sale et the lowest taus. Apply to ; O'NEILL, I conga Lbagratten Ohms null tat Smittideld strew. sr&N.2B. AshL.Y TO If V ER- ela YOOL, tono.kng at caILENSTOW,N,:nars tiork Harbor. Ile troll-known Staamera of tte carpool, New York and Philadelphia Stoacuatp. tlOmpany (Inman Line.) carrying thall. 8. Mari, aye intended to aall as follow.. LASO OW Wedneada l y, Jade b. CITY OF WA:ill/Nur, )N.Saturday, July D. Ka FOAM° Weartesd ay, August CITY OF .I.u.ND , tiatunLay, Au-)ww.l. And every attceeeltne waterday and; Wiet.tel‘l• at noon,frek,rat 44, North River. ' IILATIfe OE faSSA.ltin. Pnabll3 ID St, or la equivalent( 0 eurrsour Ftrot Cabld 036 W eteeran,...4 ISt 00 to Loudon— SS oil • . to Loh..ten... ut 00 to Yert5......100 tel to Paets....- au 04 " to 'Umbras.. SS 431 to liataLurt, , Prareugen 0140 forwarded to lirrYte, Rotten.lam, Apt weep, to., at eyoutly tow rates: Fares from Liverpool or queenstoten—tat Ca, us OW, 0163. Strerssa, ESI Ttiose who wtsh to 40' for ttostr trieuas tau buy tickets Coro at tlt. se [steal. For troller Wort:tattoo apt.ty at tba earcipso Zao.. JUIIN tir DALY, Alr..• N . Broadway, N. 2. att Na SO I = rMettat=lt CUNARD LIN 8.--9tcsuis tromisp, LIVERPOOL AND QtrEgrinOWN eol,d, or It. eqtaralcat In gummy. PEON NEW TOES. id la wininsi. SAM mil woe& Applit to THOMASSFLAITIGAff, Am.* lthedd arm& between at am ate• .SPOETSMEN'S HII&DVA.RTBRES, tliti WOOD STREET. '3414:1!1017nr - tavrdea thdatteatted of Bpartaataa and others hal___eletattd dock of GUNS F - WDER FLASKS BRUT 8E2.T8 sad POUCditS DRAM runsas aad aduaardidaa al stay- laid. Ellmarket s Floe* is tba arrest rim leanatd to MS I O H, R9t-..-WALL PAPER excd"l.lEtillmB+&/.1.,n ZLe/Di'-4 •. CONSIIISPTION HOW TO CUBE IT, WITH ;AI/ X xi.* co x. 45 t 1 lErlisitax-y• DEL SEZENCX'kOWN CASE) Wlil Laboring traier that Disease AND HOW ms prizro.r7l4 arnup, SEAWEEP TONI°. sta !: N THE SiSTEIH IN CiNING DISHISI3, AND I E GREAT SUCCESS ' iTTENDING IT: • ifs _ • Many year' ago whilst landing to Philadelphia I bed progressed gradually into the -last stage ,of Pulmonary CotutumFilon.' A!! hops., of my recove,ye being cliampated, I was' Maisel by - my ihysietha, Dr. Parrithr to remove Into-the country, MorrestoWn, K,11., about • miles Cl.. taut;' being - my native place. s was removed %Luther, occupying two full days In the transition. My father., and all his fakill,• had lived and died there—end died of Ptdatenneey Contamptkos. • tat my arrival' at lionestown ' Ines* put to bed; Where I lay for many weeks 'in abet wet deemed a hope. less condition. Dr. Thermiinnt, who had been. my father , . family physislars, Wad had *Winded him In his last Ilir.em, was ;called?' see me. He thetueldi 'my ease eatirely beyond thethesch of medlcine,mel decided that 1 must die, add gave me one week to emerge my temporal Waits. lie badmen Mk ml family die of eonsumottoni and therefore corielts• ded that death from the disease-which had carried all my kindred to the grave would also take me there. In this apparently hopeless coodision, I heard of the remedies which I now make end sell. It seemed to me ;hat I could feel them, working their way, and tenetratind every nerve, fibre and tissue of my system. ,L;- Alp lungs and Byer inn on a new action, and the morbid matter which hear for years accumulated and irritates; the diffe,enpnrgans of the body, was elimlted; the tubercles cowl lunge rlpthed and I cape ctorred from my lunge as Mach as a. pint of yellow offensive matter psetymornleg.'.ds this expectoration of matte' miffelded,The fewer abated 'the pain •le t - me, the cough' ceased to harms+ me, and the eximustingstightzesecam were no lodger known, and I s had reltesetidg - steep, 10 whic.lliad long. been a etranger.' DlYptepetitestow,tegan to return, and at times I fount Ire4Haalt t gy reatzale myself from - eating too *deity—With, this return ' of health, I gained in strength, and am now:fleshy. I em cow a healthy mail, with A; large:healed 'meatus in the middle lePff of thelleht lung She lower lobe hevotized,,S.l I I complete adhesion 'of th e pluera. The left , - le sound. and the upper lobe of the right oat ISlOlerahjetli Ithy, condition. ••; .----, , Consninktion at th at tie4;ireas thought t d ho incurable dip ease, by evert•one..phylimana Merrell `as theses who were tudetfried iarnerticinerslepos comfy-such casettes , wereSdueed to the condition ..1 ,was In. This, Induced Many peoffilnter believe my recovery only tempers*. I noespreparede.l gate the medleneto constroptirealbraonee time, and made merry wonderful the demand in- newel - so rapidly Olaf:Z : 1' detemelbmil Or offer them to the pub'. std devOte my undivided atten Mon to lung diseases lilt tratit.'l Wesnext to force4'to It, for people weadd send for 'me tar end near, to ascertain whether their easel were, like mine. Having ocuseton to:examiner many eases of lung alimentil was premiere I to IliVent tee Instru ment called “Schenek's 4ievpirtiteeteri , l• - which tenurially ambit. me , in , detheting thee ail: teal stages of lucre diseases. itt ~. , ter manyyearS to coniiinetton with my Nine!. pair:Ake m Philadelphia,lE have been making a nd visits- to New - Yorldp3or oa, lislthnore and Pit,'?egh. ., F several - Years past ff hare made as Many as five huudred - elLamlnalallieweekly with the “Rea. ph-meter! , For such eithruinatloa. my charge is three dollars, and It enahlsw me to give each pa. %lent the true condition oisit +lsaacs. and telltales frankly whether he will get wall. ' -‘• -• • One of the greatest dileicuiticilhaVerwifh"Ps• Mode efflicted with Mimi rthseass, la to convince them to avoid Udall I ttte colds. Many think tf they take my medielnes they should enttv, no mat. ter now careless they scaipe in that tray. This la a gas eat UMW, for if any load will read Oyer the many mires which. I . haropublieltsd frorestims to time, they will and that Most of them wererthose of pereon..who were coSlined to their bedrand cou.d not take cold; and his this careful avoldenee of cold the Illega Were 'healed. Physician+ laaytao their patinae to go out4rel Inhale the =esti air, bat do they core by to dein? Let the hundreds of death• by eooatitcptios La every city adaWet theet:melon. -:-, 1 would ratter risk a patient to alight, illy yen. 1 Misted room., than let them ger out end take a Might • cold, Many seto 'have been cured by my mouse nee, When the abße.4laea broke, wereao oxen. nye, that our thuld hanily remain In the roma and yes they cot well without exoosare to the opefi The great. reasons 'w h 4 phyldCarts &toot cure coneumptien ur, that to try to do too much; i nt . o g e gt li s ' W ve rats,b l e d eg tfeviV.,Vat c o ug h,t aodt.oltr,pththeye derange the whole digestive systoon.locauts up the finances and eventUally toe patient dies. What I do bito first male a careful examination with my Besplterneter, MALI I fled Itlnoge enough left, I direct Ile patient have t 6 ulathe three rem edies, and tins cure hien / know very well that It Is uspossible to make Ow Itingnor oven restore the portion that Is destnyed, but I know at the inure time that cavirls:bn the lungs and ca n be in the to ante:bloccbtal tuba can be beead, end Just Such cesei are cum by the proper tie of Schenckia "Pulinollo Syrup,. and ../East. drake Pula.. whilst the are dying daily wader tea ordinary treatmeat o lama It Is a great =lntake eeritmon A mo ng many Intel. /trent persons, that there are mednes which gill cannot the. W.V. When:qthe blood is diseased u. cannot be purified; It to then the same as otter di tease matter In tee systeerieed will hero to As ma rled out or syatem hy the organs which act appointed fir that purpitso and replaced by new blood, u can be had bk-P.Provng the nutritive fur-ctionr and setting the dttestat_g apperatas La good Ic orkingorder. The al,obssb,llVer and bowels orce restoted to a healthy condttion, .tbeis 7 so nee blood of gotod, notrashlng food .wlll evoke new blood whim will oust:cut, Jinn Were, and take the place of that which Icl...end, intlAtt o ra ply the want of the bridy.q . TEE lintworrio Skmsls one of the Diestioln able medicines known. 11 is Darken% powertule tonic, non healing In Welt It, is readily digested and ebudbcd op en t he Oast] to wt.:Alt impute Its betting properties. know no I:104/Cleto that h. dime or can do att ain niit to rebuild, worn-put amt awase-tawn comat of the system... Sonasonta SEawaro IeONIO is Isom seaweed, cos with other terdit'and alterativa routs and bark,s, la eac h manner as ;areal. a deculedry peasant u.eolisitte, having-a ;owes ful tonic Once. sal:iota thegyrrible disastrous results ming from almanac atlentlenta. Tho,Ssewee.l ions produce, lag Mt alts, tharowtitly lung orsting the stomach ink digestive system, and enabling It to elimnaterrod make itto healthy blood, to foal which nts.y.bo used for that gar po-e. It Is act wonde. fat Its-Hama, theta tel. e. glass full wul digest. a f trrty mest, sada little of a taken before break wlll give s tone. the stomach which few medi ;ailments Cho power of doh g. Tea 151ASTAUSBPIZA.13 may betaken with entire safety by all sges and conditions, pre laelog alltao good resoles that, can beicbtained irom calomel or any of the =curial trießeln., and without any of their hurtful. results...4They carry out of lee ys•em tne feculent arm Worn out mat'ers loosened sod dissolved by my Serobeed Tonto sad Puleacetto .Syrup. It will be aeon dist all throe of my medi cines are neeced in most epee in cure Co udinp• tan; and, In fact, my large expenenee enables me to decide nay they have Fired more macs of that dues. than that comblneStona of Medirtrit known to man. in the r erto. editions 0./ pamphlets I have pub hailed many or the mosuwoelertul cures of But. memory tior gumption odi recant Persons, many with both lungs affected, sometimes IbrilLeavit!eb le ore loop, healed over L my mcdkines.lare now notes and cojoying end: tent natal". Eariligtve afore eases and aqloct .btss from ald'erent parts of the et unary, so that those who Wish 11.. e VIM or write ,0 them ,or more pereitive letforinstsba. He v. Ilenrx Morgan, icAritnister at nigh repute la e etty of Boston, 50 well known _,over Lae United Suds* as s man ot: great ablitty. Svasetand by taking my media-toe Ater oil ..ther testa las had felled.' He has often/teen writarg_to me - with ergstd to the facts In bin Oslo, and ontrayeausware .1 am the wale.. A full stetemout of ifs coos may be seen le my patsphlet. He had profute b. morrhsge of the turtg o li, and was vary mina em.lated. • Botta 11. Deacon, oißralbeiton, 11. was clued. of Screfulaend hl tourist diseases. At the tia.• ae comne.red ueian the malleineehc was at a !rats of aorta...Be Isttow per oc,ly and n a rt.-Otis his eureetttrely to m 7 reticules. Barrio Enth,fanner, 14ing NWT Paerey4eg, olfs. bonier/ Ohio, 27am *eery bai.ca r trof rananary Cencomption, and tau .re a g ~sy medicine.. lie is well Leann to hat wairtssellY.., 444 fat breaths bleans of irtlyetng a great yi any peer P.IS 10 MD 10 1., Mess remedies, - and will, , •r„ cat staxey.4* . pho:„,. ' gr ?GM trfore and Ole:the t. 21 Cllll4, can be seen ately Agent's, Di. Ervrr, Flu p Wood Street, Piaaburgb, Perna. Idiom Alexander, OT Pittsburgh, Pa,' Was awed of a very bad ceeof tipape,nisand .was Con platut by the Seaalel To stub naudrale Pale May. Tana Barber, .off Washington C.ty, was cored of a hut case of iIS - upepaisred Lira Come yiatea Ste la eta ayed rOnzatv and her complete nave)) is very rams. k , ali Bin Prur.a. Johesoni wife or bt. Johnam, now leaking at No IS V& TUN street; bwy. N y., was cried Of Pulmonary Oonanenpa Hon, and is no as hearty as old la -ly saran bo [mad. ' Peter Sty ter Beekma#, of S martins. SP.PP wan , L eor Ler remaraabla ante of Pn ettsry Oen suniplion. his etelleewe In attested irk Madam , man sod other welt known citizens.- ' - Alfas Mary Schmidt. if liens ogton, Pa , mai a ban ease of Consomptltas &Id Esser Complslat, red az trued greedy find bolls, aortas at Dan time more than torty boll/ nota hes peraott ohs we sad el stud, wad ls as* nbilTlea and/twiny' • her family in Llamaastiy'Onlo, Dr. SCBENCIt'S prltelool oaloe lie: No. Path SIM Eareet,eorter at Chaalederee -delptle, laws all ordeal IMO. be eddres•rl , ire eaa " louid then, roledslosally,BYEbY 5.4 r. Da. ano. KEYsEtt, , • Ito. Ito Wcod 810 et, Pittstilgrgb,7a, the autbottsta age 4 for Oro rrar , :ot en's) iil444‘ UME cos! stmt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers