.... Lxxvnr. It fft*Bit t diisdtt. VERY LATEST MEWS irr nl4:Gtw%E. PIESIDMIS UMWMU' IX- liESSissupr P 011111011, 1611161 taips'tuQidruox► u;iiaie~ ' sgo►br. - • 1 • • WaitsOtero*, June 13,1835. Sr fla If l4 agyea Biala of America: . --- '-'l9— nadr:4;The - foir disititelai of thirfondis &- fiche of the Conalltalo - n of the UaiteeStates "" det...bm* _ , titut:Sthe Pia:6l.B4* ul44tlkt#ittee i t o wet/ - State in the - Union a repabll- _ . can• !Wear of ..goranment, and- , per left a& ni - them against iiiiaid a - and Si& I bumtki - 7 441, eel aid Witte's, .th Pr esident of timi tinned &eta le, by th e coos , dom. tuader-la42blef a the Army aid X as well as chief civil emadive officer of the U States, • and leletaittels affirtaii oldit; Mire* to err I , MO tberalloefed•Preeldeat Of tha - Unitad Sates; 1 and totake are that lie laws be faithfully axe. I (mad; and Witham; the rebellion which has 1 hem waged by a_ portion, of the people .of the i lialled States'alpdast: the property constituted ' aidhodtks of the Goyerament thereof la the matt violent and revolting form, but b ee . elrypoctised ' and - armed forces I hays lt almost eittrely overcome, has in ' IL nrcol powers deprived the people of i the State Mlaaletlppl of ill aril Gorernuteuei . t , and I i becomes necessary and proper ! to t end emforce the obof the United States to the people of l„, In . samba than la the enjoyment-of a Beeptffill• , can • tiros - or Goveament-nor therefore, la obedience to the high and sclera rites imposed i elLmn_ate. „leri_thet.ConlititallOn of. the United States, and for the purpose of enabling the loyal people Of NMI State to orgaatrd a State earn,. mat, whereby Make may be established, do nmainletagnility -VatriensiVand' loyarcltizems • patatted in all their rights of -life, liberty 4nd PrOPertY, I. AM:maw JoteasCrs, President of the . United - _Slates , and I Commie ,„„- derbrehlef of the Army and Navy '''' of the United States, do hereby appoint William L.Shakty; of the Suite of Missisaippi, Premier • Meal Governor of the State, of Mississippi, whole drat It shall be at the earliest. practicable period. to preterite etch rules and regulations 1 -as ma.bseeermar7 - end proper -for. eutieeallie •; . r convention, composed of_delegates to be cho .. sen byllmt potion nr the people whoare loyal, ' '.• and no •others,•-• for the pones° of allaying ~ and amending the Constitution thereof, and !". With 'the• to exercise - within I •:. the Balt. - 1 3 rV State ' all ' the - powers ; ; to enable such loyal nee* of l e State of Mls atadpQppl to remote said State to its emalimpteenol • e ,relWams to -the. Federal floyernmen and to ',t present suc h a =mobiles foroCat Brae goy ; ; =meat as will entitle the State to the guaran i; tce a the -United States, sad • therefore Its pee. 1 1 pie to prole:tan by the United States against 4 ; tau& w, Ina caution and domestic violence, and pr vide that in any eLtellon that: may be I ,•, held hereafter for , &eosin delegates .to 1-' any State Convention -as aforesaid, no person 'ehr.ll be . : outlined as en elector r . or shall be elegible as a member of Inch convert ; - • - lion onlesslie shall, have pravhstely taken the e- ; oar of amnesty, as set forth Ii the President's lii ' , procianalionof May 25th, A. D., 1885, and is t , aleter aerated is - prescribed by the corsairs , • Mon ac r d laws of the State of Idisdisippi to force !., effiatedy before the 9tb of January, A. D., V f:. 1 ', , thrf date ot the so-called &finance of ;ueerialt, and the said convention, when cen t ' i yeheti,, or tne legislature that may be, there : ' after sasseinbled, will . prescribe the Taal ' Wadi& ,of , electors: and. the :eligibility .- . ot persona to -hold office under and by the Constitution and laws of thoitate, a power i_ thopeople of the several States composing the Federal. Solon have rightfully eternised from .-4' ithr aiglrsof. Mtn Government _to the present time, - andl de hereby direet-- . • .... rom"-Thatthe military commanders of the . department,.,. and all officers and per -I,_ emus; in the military :and astral service, aid ...... and,: assist ' 'the said Provisional Gov. ~ gear I.ll.earying inter-fleet Ms proclamation, ; . 4 and they are relalned to abstain from In any ;.• way Modeling, Impedllig, or discouraging the h loyal 'papdatrota the organtestion of a State as herein authorised. '',,, fi c != m c z 11 , t atist'ltte Seentary of stateiviroceed to Tat In force ail lan of the United Stater, the administration whereof belongs to the State De - ' pare:mita, applicable to the geographical limita aforesaid.c' Third, fiat ' the Sccretaiy of the Treasury pos .!' cad to nominate for appoints:ant, assessors of ee, taxes, end Collectors of customs, and of Internal revenue and trochotter officers of the Treasury Demounted as are authorised bylaw; and put -,..; In execution the revenue laws of the United States within, the geographical llama aforesaid. 113 making am:eh:omens, the preference shall be ..- given to qualified loyal persons, residing within the districts where their respective duties are to be performed; but If suitable residents of districts t shall not be Sand, then persons residing in oth er States or districts shall be appointed. 4 1. FeurtA, Thai the Postmaster General proceed ••• to establish poste:ooos and postroutes, and put k' , into' execution Atte costal laws of the United BMW within raid /State, giving to loyal reel ' dents the.preferenceof appointment, but if suit. able residents are not found, then appoint agents 1.. &C., from other States: ' •; Fifth-That the District Judge for the Judicial \ - Disuict In which-Mississippi is Included pro ' -) ceed to bold courts width:o i ho sabi State, n Sc. cordance with the provisions of the act of cal -1 gran, and the Attorney General - will Instruct the proper officers to libel and bring to judgment, . - coallscation and sale of property subject Co con ffiescation, and enforce the administration oti as otice-witbin said State in all matters within the _Cognireneetted jurisdiction of }federal Courts. Siale-That the Secretary of the Navy take possession of all the public property belonging to the Navy revertant, within said geographical limits, and put in operation all acia - tif Congress' in relation to Naval affairs having application to said State. • Sesentt'llut. the.Becretaryof the Interior pot tem the laws retells° to the Interior Depart ment applicable to-the geographical limits-afore laid In testimony whereof I bare hereunto set my itand, and cailsol the scat of tbc United States to be 'Sized. Done at—the city of WaFbington this thir teenth (13) day of Jcuie, in tue year of our * lord one thousand eight hundred and eLtly-Ilve, s and of the Independence of the United States 'the eighty-ninth. , (Signed) Aisnazw Joaneon. (By the President* Wx. g. Snwann, Secretary of State. Jfly the President of she Delo-a States of .Iriisrieu : • PHOCLAXITIO3. , WHEIMAS, By my Proclamation of the -19th of April, 1803, all restrictions upon Internal, do mestic and commercial totercorime, with certain erceptions therein set forth, were removed in inch parts of the States of Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, B,suth Carolina, Georgia, Plori- Lis, Alabama, Mississippi, and so moth of Loui alarm as lies east . of the Misaissippl river, as shall be embraced Within tire lines of "the national military occupatiorii and Whrema, by my prechunation of the 234 of - May, 1865, for reasons there= Oren It was declared that certain ports of the Untied States ~which had been previously closed against tor ' ego commerce, should, with swilled creep. Clone, be reopened to such commerce on and After the let of July aest„ - subJect to the law of ittttes, sod in punicanee of such regulations as ht be prescribed try the Secretary of the Trmmory; end Mamas, I. ant satisfactorily in formed that dangerous combinations against the Liss of • the United States too, longer exist within the Matt of Tennessee, =at the uurorrection heretofore ezlating within solid State has been suppressed; that lrllhin the - boundaries thereof the authority of the United States Is undisputed, and that such milkers-or, the United States as ••have been duly commisalonedi-amln tiro undisturbed exercise of their eftletsl funiftoris—noW, therefore, be it known that I,..aannzi# Joicescus, President of the..linited 'States, dr, hereby dectsre that all re strictiona upon littered, domestic add coastwise Intercourse and trade, and upon the removal of Fs:duets of Elates heresoforedeclared in lour rectkm, receiving and excepting only those re. Ming to contraband ,of war, as hereinafter re &Ad; and also these which relate to the refi tment= of the rights •of the United &steep property purchased in the territory of 'an =y-heretofore - Impolled In the territory of rifted 'fttatas east' of the'lliassiselppi are hereby annolled, and I do hereby weer. that they be. Itorthwlth removed; aad that Go an d after the day of Pay 'knelt; aft restriettoni upon Wedge commerce with "Oldd - .par% - the ,• ,areeption arm," gbe removed; that the commerce of o atlike ehatti.ba eateducted ander the super. appobted 'calms of the cos. teas ,py law gad. snob Mama of the Miaow shaft receive - any captured' and aban doned property that may be pained over to them handle, lair, by the military or naval exam of the Velted States, 'and dime e of each property • adibstr. be directed by the fiecresery of 'the Memory.l The following attactah Contra. THE !- s AIL bud of war, pare excepted from the effect of prOdamation: Arms, am munition Sad • 'an the articles . from which iimmunithth is made, and gray uniforms and cloth. nd hereby also proclaim and de- Ciarethat the A insurrection So thr red" for and within the •State of 'Teinsmieet• - and the Inhabitrnts of rata State of Tennessee, u reorganised • and constituted under their ietently adopted constitution and reorganisation and occupied ....by them is appraised; and therethre, also; that all anthill ties and discsuiltheations attaching to said State or the inhabitants thereof, consequent .upon any proclamatift/ issued by virtue of the 5:1, sec tine ores act emitted. "An act farther to provide. &ribs collection ofdraissolthuiporta,andforeth erptposes sonnet the 12th, - day of July 1861. ors removed, ULU:lathing herein am:tithed shall be considered or enustrned as in any wise changing or impairing any of the penalties and forfeitures for Mum heretofore Incurred. midst' 'swot the . United States or any of the proylthroa, restrietions or disabilities set. forth in proclanunkni, bearing date the 29th day of May, 1865, orsa hapalthag th e excepting rega le:Mu for the suspension of the habeas corpus, and thew:rein of military law in eases where shall •be noceisary -for the general public safety and welfare, during the existing insuree tient nor shall this proclamation sacs or in any way Impair any laws heretofore passed by Con an°, and duly approved by the President, or any proclamation or orders hatted by Mediu:lug the aforesaid Insurrection abolishing slavery, whether of persons or property, but on the con trary,. all each laws and pre eau:aliens heretofore - made or Issued, are expressly saved, and declar ed to be In full force and virtue. CATHO, June 13.—Now Orleans ad , eighth statithat tke crensee, eight Caroikon, which threaksied eerie has been closed, but another In the s ty le reported kopecial' from Mobile to the A reonuttnictiow meeting was held do thedthi Width asked for a Provisrot nor and perndiskln to take elm to Into the Union. Affairs in the Interior of Alabama and hopeful. Soldiers are at home their farms, and bailee-ea Ls reviving. -- The Mayoralty of New Orleans co ntinues to bac vexed great on. Col. Quincy exhibited no disposition to vacate the office. It rumored that. Canby would refer the whole bled to Washington. Clarke, rebel Governor of Medial I, has is sued a proclamation ordering the herifffi of the several counties to hold elections the 19th of June, to elect delegates to a Con tion , .to be held at Jackson on the 3d of J , the day appointed by the bogus legislature. &mesh itaders openly boast that by this m eat of ' Clarke and the Legislature, they have obtained the reorgaulzatban of the State, ant amnesty for the past. The Imply of cotton offering in ew Or leans ii /cant witirtmt little inquiry. Or dinary, 33c; Low Middling, Me.."cube Sa ger, 843 c. Cubs Molasses, 65. The steamer Adam Jacobs from M his had 164 bales of cotton for St. Louis. nal. The Memphis cotton market IS dull d nom- REPOAAD MEXICAN fidiiititEMENTi UNTRUE, I . IiILITABT GOTEBNORB OF 81 In testimony whereof I have hereunto sat My hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed: Done at the City or Washingtouthis thirteenth day of - Jtme,ln.the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of the independence of the United States, the sighty•ninth. • _ 1310!! WE. & 8111VAD.D; Secretary of State TWO DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE EINIDLIN COinftiNtE 'NOT TERVINATED The Ircrreicrza. Tliaciarimetis. RANDY Roca, Jane 13.--rhe steamship Bcot la, from Llverpool;June 3d, sin Queenstown on the 4th.passed this mat: Her vision are two days later. The Princess of Wak i es was delivered ofa baby on the 3d Inst. The reported -enema ot tto Canadian delega tion is incorect. The conference haa. not ter minated. It is dented authoritatively that France is about to send reinforcements to 3faximllltan. NEW Yons, Jane 13.—the steamer Scotia ar riled rip of 340 this afternoon. dayParliamenkndilninied on the 2nd for the holi days. • The Globe denies that Melvin had an interview frith President Johnson, Be reported by French papers. It says he was unable to open even In formal relations with 'either the President or say member of his Cabinet. The Frenc. government had prohibited the two-sons subscriptiongtriPwesent Mrs. Lincoln with a medal . The police In the Provinces had seized - the subs4niptlons. Napoleon was expected to return stout the Gth. Rto advices of the 10th lame that an alliance had been eigned between Brazil, Uruguay and the Argentine Republies. Other forces were Inarebiag mime Paraguay. It Is reported that Bnnenra Area bad declared' war. The Tbnem t hink there need be no appre hension that the war will te either merlons or prolonged. The demand for discount At the bank of Eng- land, vhlckltas moderate funds, remaloci fluenoed by the inflow of gold. The demand for 5-20'e continues. Tie mace city article says: The discount de mand at the Board on the 2d was moderate, and at the Stock Exchange short ones are offered at between 1134@.3 per cent. The funds were to- tally uninfluenced either by the decline in the value of monmon London or Paris, or the fur ther rapid accumulation of gold. Lryartroot., June 3.—Coffess—The Brokers' Circular says the market was quiet at the open ing, Mit the Elbernian's news—also the buoyant state of the Manchester market—caned great activity. Sea Island is is at 00e. A mer lean continues in demand, and has advanced 13M13 d per' pound. The quotations are as follows: Orleans fair, 18:1; middling, 18Nd; Mo- bile, 18d; Uplands, 17d; Uplands fair, 17i4d; middlings 18j5d;. Yesterday's (Friday's) mar• ket assumed a quieter tone. The stock on hand is estimated to be 640,000 bales, Including 48,- 540 American. BreadaNpa—Richardson & Co., and Wake field & - Co, report flour dull, and Gd per bbl cheaper. Wheat la in very little request, at a decline of 2d per' 100 The. Indian corn very much depressed, owing to the prospect of early supplies from America. and the quotations are 6@fi lower. Yellow 27s 6d(4264 6d. B. Cordon & Co., and others, report beef In demand at Ern prices, especially for tine quali ties, Pork 23 6d lower, but no buyers. Bacon in small request at easier rates, Consols closed at 903,f(4907i.„,' Tor money United States 5-20's ,67@t3734; Illinois Central 763.(g16r. • Liverpar,!, Zane S.—Saturday .rifte,—Carron Bales today 6.000 bides, market dull and de dined half-peany. Sales to speculators and ex porters 2,000 bale% Breadstuff'—DlAL Yrovisions—Qtriet. Pro duce—Quiet and steady. Loa - nori, June S.—Consols c:osed at American securities, U. S. ii534@66. Il linois Central, 75@75'. Erie R. R. shares, forrnow, June 4.—There is no important po litical news. EOM. June IL—The Bourse closed quiet a 67f10r mates. LITE ADVICES FROM MEXICO The Liberals Gaining Ground SEVERAL VICTORIES WON (twin's Sonora- Project Completed AtA VT I W *a lAN AND TUB "STONEWALL Nzw Yonx, June 13.—The lbws Vera Cruz correspondent asps: The Emperor is still on a pleasure trip through the country. Everything is at a stand still In tne capital awaiting his re turn. The Liberals have gained more ground dar ing the haat month than they have beet during the last year. General Negrete *Lill holds Monterey, Saltino and all the country between those - cities Bad the meet. The attack on Matamoras tailed, owing to the threatening :paaitlorta taken by the rthels at 13n3wpssille, when the LiberaLsapproached nata l:l2olW. ills whole State of Tamaxillpas, with the__ ex ceptlon of Tampico and 3lataloorne, 14 In - the hands of the Metal.. In the State of Allsehotin the Count DA ?Artier has been badly bAsten by the Liberal troops un der Gen. Semites. In the .States of Tabasco and Chinas not a Frees , an r.or Imperialist is to be found. The veteran General Alverez still holds un polluted his State of Guerrero. Nearly the whole coast south of Vera Crone remains In the undisputed possession of the Jaarists. The French despair of pacifying the country unless 50,C00 more French troops are teat. Dr. Gwin has arranged Ids Sonrva project. It only awaits Maalmillairs signature. He goes as Director General of Emigration to the States of Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango and Tamantl• pan; 8,000 French Gaups go with him to protect the pants, and to fortify the frontier against the 1 tons of the dreaded Yankees. T e French Admiral has gone to persuade Maximilian to purchase the Stonewall, at Ha nna. . . The Conspiracy Trials. WAIIIIMOTON, Juno 13.--Court adjourned for two hours In or4er to allow a medical examina tion of the alleged Insanity of P.lne, as vouched for by his counsel. - Dr. James Q. Hill, of this oily, testified that he bad 'exeunined the prisoner Payee, whose mind he said, seemed to be very inert; witeeta thought his hatelk4 of a very low order•. He could n. t discover any signs of insanity. A commiesion was appointed to farther exam. in*-taro payneNtalleged insanity. - - The prosecallon in the, conaptracy trial Doi three or forw'witoisses tea examine; defence has closed led onl y awaits the report. of the malice! term as to the.silsged In of gene. • Arnold ', lanai Wu'vernilited 'as interview with hhfOn kklay , the former freely ambling NaV Yoay Joss 3.3.--Qoldsnothestelysithrei the spew- Wu demand ls,rether freer, _which combined with LB parebsse for enacts. Pro" dneed Mill father advance in quotations: t Th price spewed at 141 74 . raFt no to l 9%;then - dcsn 'mein - 4 Eysanra—Fad cloud 142 K. . 112 CHM SEAR WU Reconstruction Reeling a AFFAIRS IN ALABAMA Vex d New Orleans Mayoralty CLARKE AND THE MISSISSIPPI COTTON SUPPLY AND Asmara Joasso Application for Soidi PROYIBIONAL GOYERNO Revised Report of Sherman VIE APPOLITMI37 OW souse Now Toes, June 13.—TLe ton special says: A strong fee expression among many leading favor of the policy of appolntit— ernom for some of the extreutt such as South Carolina, Georgia, banns and Mississippi, and of States under military control are once niece thoroughly rein cations, and the labor status of ly adjusted whit their late iciest of the delegations from these meeting with much encouraget several prominent Generale, wil ability and cool heads, who co settle tho disturbance of tht Elates. Tie herald's special has the following : Not withstanding the order of the President, dis charging all prisoners of war below the rank of Major, large numbers of applications are daily made to him for such discharges'. All parties shonld understand that the applications are un necessary and umbels. Very large numbers of applications are made to the President for the discharge of soldiers whose term of service does not expire until after Sept. 30th. Such ap plications should be made to the Secretary-of- War,:and such as are received by the President are at once referred to him for anch action as he shall deem proper In the premised. The President has finally determined to ap point Judge Partons as Provisional Governor of Alabama. The instructioes to Provisional Gov ernors will be determined upon at the Cabinet meeting to-morrow. General Sherman has revised and corrected Nu report of Ids operations in North and &nth Carollr.a, and it will be published by the War Department In Its amended form. All of Sberldan'efloavalry are. remaining In Ilia vicinikT, and will be under the command of Maj, (ben. Crook,. It Is understood that Gen. Slough has been ap pointed Governor of Colorado la plass of Mr. Evans. Gen. Slough received his first military commission from Col. Gilpin, first Governor of this territory. ADIIOES FROM NORTH CABMAN/ Goy. Holden Entered Upon His Duties PROCLAMATION BOON TO BE ISSU6 NET" Y-onk, June 13.—The &, Id'. Raleigh, (N. C.) correspondent of the sth, says: Gover nor Holden today took posses/km of the (Cent imes room at the Capitol, and entered on the formal discharge of the duties devolving upon him as the Provisional Executive of the State. He has already made the following' appoint ments C. R. Thomas,secretary of State; Jon athan Worth, State treasurer; J. S. Cannon, A. D. C., with rank of ColoneL His proclamation Is soon to be iasnaf, but fonnekn article Imblisbed In a paper lately under his control, and from the known character of the new governor, many important feature, can be foretold. A convention will undoubtedly be suggested, and hopes are entertained that the State may be represented In Congress. A sever ation Is to be made of the acts of the legislature which met during the rebellion. Those referring to the so-called Confederate government are to be declared void, and those referring to State and domestic matters only, such as the appoint., meat of magistrates who have been solemnizing marriages, are to be, retained as far as possible. General Schofield has Issued an order calling upon all officers and soldiers in his command to assist the executive In the discharge of his du ties. Applications for pardon under the terms o the President's Amnesty Proclamation, are al ready quite numerous. RETURN OP THE MONITORS AND IRON-CLAD Attentions from the Spanish Authorities. VISIT TO THE STEAMER STONEWALL Surrender of lhe Rebel Maury Wssnitioxo:v, June 18.—Admiral Gordon, In command of the Iron-Clad and Monitor Squad ron, reports to the -Navy Department the return of the Iron-Clad and Monitor Squadron to Fort ress 'Monroe. lie details the attentions received from the Spanish authorities at Havana. The Captain General visited the Monitors, contrary to usage. Oar ollicers visited the Stone wall, and Admiral Gordon says that vessel would hare cosily fallen Into our hands In an engagement; that she is far Inferior to our Mondanoc. He speaks in high terms of this veasel, saying she steamed along with the Sus quehanna, giving no trouble or anxiety, While at Havana the Admiral received a let ter from the rebel Maury, formerly of our Navy, who says, following the example of his native State, Virginia, its tenders lals:suWender on the terms of Grant and Lee. He was when he wrote at sea, but If he ever found himself within the United States, he would give himself up, mean time conducting himself no If on parole. OVERLAND PARTY TO CALIFORNIA. Their Arrival at Salt Lake BOLT LUX, Jane 12.-13peaker Colfax and party arrived yesterday, being eight days from Denver. They were delayed by Indian hostill tke. The Indians attacked a Mormon train at North Platte Crossing, In eight of:them, and at Eagle Creek Station a few hours after they passed, and killed or wounded all the mock ten der' and soldiers.. The City Connell and citizens met the party two miles from this city. W. 11. Hooper, In a welcoming, speech, 'tendered the hospitalities of the city. W. Colfax replied by predicting a brilliant future lox Altalt e • If her people prove true to the Union and obedient to the laws. Told t a meeting of 8,000 people was ad dressed. Colfax, Lieutenant Governor of ciu; and A. D. Ilichanimm. The party will remain until next Monday. General Conner has sent out troops to stop the Indian depndinkmi, and will keep the mail Acting Annintait Secrettuy. - . Waritatatoir; Jane 13.6.fri connequenctiotilur continued Indisposition of Mr. Yrederir.k W. &wind, Clarento &.•19cwitrdi - of Nevi York, hss been appointed t the President, Acting Analst ant Secretary of btats. - ( , y - 40 BURGEin- OEN. GRAIL'S RETURN TO WASENTON, Mobile, QTTLE. Paymaster General and Sharpers. TIM GETTYSBURG MONUMENT More Colorado Appointments Made •NEw Toax, Jimel&—The gspr Washing ton special says: One. Grant In expected to re two to that city on Thursday of this week. WS Itt.rip Is short... Jun It Is jest as he expected to make The Paymaster -General, In onir to head off sharpers who have bees swindling the Mahn and soldiers, has Issued an order that an Assis ta tant Paymaster shall not recognize third parties the4payment of soldier , * claims; but In all oases here money M due for osereMes, the party Wan It la to be paid; shall make application GI Pe.. . of the ficlaying the corner4tente of the ument at Getz burg are almost cow. plate. Major General Howard will deliver the addresi. dorsal D. G. Ilalpiae O'Rell ly,)sql read an original poem . Major General Geary w i ll act as Chief Marshal. Several new appointments are Min grade la acorn for Colorado Tecrltory. Chas. W. Hollj sad Gale, of New Tech, have just been aPPoln• ted Associate Justices of :the bapreme Court. or the Ilea above damage, Mb vicinl- I ,PRIP,TIONS FOR fiff, DES' TRIAL, TEE REBEL GOVERNORS. 'filching Against John Mitchell, Haw Ypas, June 13.—The Workl's Washing. ton speclel says: The June term of the Oireelt. Court of ills district commences one week from to.day. It Is now Tali cestain that It will. not *end without the trial of Jeff. Davis, on the in dietment)atready found. lit all salmis, Brutal rations for his trial are going forward, whether with the 'approval of the government or not, Is unkno It Is known to have been definitely determine wn. d not to try hlm by Military Commis sion, Since a release of Bor. Brown of Georgia no W t official hu been Imprisoned. Gov. Watts of Alabama hu been released, and Ex-Gov.- Smith of Virginia, who has delivered himself up Is also allowed to go on parole. Letcher and Vance are still In the Old Capitol, brit It Is ru mored they will soon be out on parole. The Republican of this evening announces that John Mitchell, late of Richmond Examiner, Is about ,to be Indicted for treason In Judge Un derwood's Court. ADVtCEB FROM SAVANNAH Bev cal of Business in Charleston. THE BURNT DISTRICT TO BE REBUILT Misr . TOIIE, June 13.—The steamer Felton Maga Savannah dates of the 9th, and Charles ton and Port Royal of the 10th. Among her passengeze are Major General Grover and Start The SaVannah rkrall has the following: The Mitt If assaelmeetta battalhm of Volunteers, and the 37th Pennsylvania Volunteers arrived here on the Bth. The Charleston Courier gives a graUfying ac count of the revival of business there. Every day at least half a dozen new stores are opened. P says the burned district will be rebuilt. ' A correspondent of the Port Royal New &eta claims that the deep water °fits harbor, its readi ness of &mesa, the salubrious climate and ftatill ty of wail, render It the place of all others indi cated by nature for a great commercial city. All that it needs is a short space of railroad to con nect It with the main line. GEES, CROOK AND MOWER Bids for Furnishing Flour. GEN• TERRY" HALLECK'S SUCCESSOR Yaw Yonk, June 18.—The Tribwar's Washing ton special Lays, MaJ. Gen. Crook has returned from a twenty days' atmence and relieved Gen. Lavies4 commanding the cavalry corp.. Maj. (ten. Slower, late commander of the SOth corps, has received tblrty days leave of absence, et the expiration of welch he will report to Gen. Sheridan for duty In ilk department_ Maj. De Grasse and Captor. O'fteUly and Christensen, of his pers. mnal staff, accompany him. Bids for fiernlahleg the lattbsistance Department with eight thousand barrels of flour were opened on Saturday. Those ranging from 58,40 to 58,70 were accepted. MaJ. Gm. Alfred IL Terry has left for Filch mood to succeed Gen. Ilalleck. Treaty tnttieen the United States and Madural. Wasnrnairow, Juno 13.—The treaty between the United Static end the republic or Borderer' is officially proclaimed. It provides far the per petual amity and a reciprocal freedom of exit merceAnd navigation. The Honduras govern ment is to open tegotiation with the varloun governments with which It may have relation, for the separate recognition of the perpetual cents silty, and for the protection ofthe contem plated Horduras Inter Oceanic itallroad, from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. Liordoras rigrees that the right of way or transit over such route shall be at all times open and free to the government and citizens of the United States for all lawful purposes whatever; and under consideration of these concessions the United States engages In cm: donation with Honduras to potent the 6.61110 from interruption, naivete, or luitust confiscation, Gum whatever quarter tho attempt may proceed, so long as the spirit and intention of this article on the eubject shall be prmservell. Slew York Stock and Money Matters. Yaw Yoga, June I3.—The bouyant feeling of the stock market of yesterday isorell sustained to-day, though there was less activity at the Stock Exchange. This morning prices were steady, and after the board broke up there. was an Increased demand. In the afternoon there was a firm feeling, with fair transactions. The num ber of outride 01XCIllatOrb Is Increasing, (boy. rumen s are quietibut show an Improvement over yesterday's quotations; State bonds quiet and firm; Coal and miscellaneous stocks steady and generally higher; Railroad bonds were In demand and generally firm; Bank .stocks rather better. The gold market was grille animated andprices fell to 140%, on the rumor !hit the Government . . • .. . . • restrictions on cotton were about to be removed. The market rallied to 142 , V, when the Si:ain't, advlces were made imblie, announcing a tail i2o's on the other aide. (tire In Louisville—Murderers Hanged— Shermenfa Army, Loutsvfm.e, June 1.9.-7fidwight—A Serious Ore la progiesslng on the premises of 13.. A:Rob inson & Co., Involving one of the largest stocks of wholesale drugs west of the Alleghenies. Probably the total loss la from one to two hun dred thousand %Sunhat Stewart, a guerrilla, and Lewis Col ored, the murderer of McGrath, at Shelbyville, core eitiential here at the military prison to day. The rumors that tio3 Federal soldiers have been corerahting• impropricties at the water works are oillciallly denied. 'vast order op. pears to be kept among the vast number of nhcartaries troops, which are In the vicinity of our cll. Preparations are making to givetttom a barbecue ma the 4th proximo. Prom North Carolina New Tone, June 13.—The Tribeones corres pondent at Raleigh, Juno sth, says: The Presi dent's amnesty proclamation had been published and wan well received. The Prognas editorially tech: much rejoiced at the proclamation, as it ninnoves aristocracy from power. The colored people aro disappointed at not receiving the right or suffrage. Governor Holden is giving daily receptions to loyal people, and consulting on the best means or reconstruction. Colltiers Killed. WasnmovoN, tilano 12.—as the 3:30 train from Baltimore was aupmaching Washington this aftomoon at a point two tulles distant from title city. It came Into collision with the train leaving with soldiers, en route for home. The result was the death of two of them and the injury of twenty-ellyht, a number of them prob ably fatally. The sufferers were at once so• moved to Hongla's Hospital. Mhseeurb—Adoptlon . ol, the New Condi- Navy nix, June - 18.-8 special to the 251 Mw, dated M. Louie, /nom 12. ease the new C•ormlitutkot adollted. Otßela and oomke- Mal returns from emonty-four coanUes. vrth the - soldiers vote from Little' Rock, glve 842 majority la favor of :roothmation. .Tho vote to come in le favorable. ,sjor . _ Major General Terry to Eluecestd Holiest. Now Toox. Juno 19; — The 21;6.'4 ' wash: !mown spacial says: . Gen. Alfred 11. Terry has Tone to fllnhroond to take }lnflect's position. The *evem Thirty Loan. , . PIIILIMELPITIA, June 18.—The subscriptions today to the 7.30.10 an, amounted -la $2,030.500. Searing Inj North Carollne—Eotte la Washington—Rebel Officials Escaped. New YoJime IS .— The Posts Washington 'rectal has information of great warning asiong the yeople of North Carolina for want of food and clothing. The Corronervioi Arivertirees Washington spec ial eaye: Alkelegation, headed by John Minor Botts, from Er&__ ht, arrived here to day , to con. salt with the on the condition of that Information has been received of the antral of Bembroin, the rebel Secretary of State, at Beer made. it le said that Trenhohn and Brecian ridgehave also escaped out of the country. te Question of Reconstruption. Naw Yon; June spwlel from Wash ington on the lath says: Tho Cabinet Is in session to-day, having, It Is supposed, the ones= lion of reconstruction heftily It. • Freednian'a Saving Rankin Richniond. Yiew TOM, Juno 13.--The' Trghou's Rich mond letter says: A Branch Freedmen's Savings and Trust Company has been established In that city. The Suez Canal French capital and enterprise are carrying out ' the project of the Suez canal. In 1851 M. De Lessees, the originator and conductor of the un dettaklng, obtained a Orman from Mahammed • . MU. teen VieeloY Ot Egypt, which puthariited `him to forma company under the title - of ~T he,' Universal Sum Maritime Canal CoMpany,” for UM purpose of reopening theianeleni canal; or, should It be deemed more advisable, of cutting an entirely new canal &Ml' through the Isth. `. sus. The latter was, the scheme determined on, and for ten years the indefatigable knnichman has persevered in his work, ; despite the oppul lion and intrigues of England, until now the ca nal is so far complete that vessels of thirty tone burden can navigate it from sea to sea. ' To witness the partial success of his enter priee, and to convince the *tied of Its rialuabu- Sty, if, de Letups Invited the nations and com mercial associations of Europe and the ,United States to send es to Egypti The Invitation was generally accepted, and on the sth of April eight gentlemen assembled at Alexan dria, and proceeded to Inspect • the stupendous undertaking. From Alexandria fthe company Journeyed to Port Bald, the Inlet of the waters of the Mediterranean, whence they sailed up the canal to Suez. The canal is about one hundred English mica In length, and when finished will have alth at the water - ins of three hundred and thlit feet, with a depth which will enable the largest ves sels to alight timough It. At each term' - will be a light house, a basin sever, metres square, andjettleaprojeCUng It The northers light-house, basin and already almost completed. A vast native laborers are constantly emPiel work of excavation and embanking, dredges and other machines common] , modern engineers In hydraulic operai DeLecacpe is confident that the cans finished by the Ist of Jnly 1868, and gates are unanimously of the opinion completion Is a mere question of money. Bence, we may.cosclude that usability of the enterprise lasso longer and that within a very few years this merelai highway will be thrown or overlent of the world. The benefits of this great andertakli be over-estimated. Tne canal will el nearly otie-hat the distance between I the principal porta of Europe and O. States, and will change the whole ito, trails between the East and the West; and, as distance lessons, commerce will proporthansteli ine-case. Freights will (mane in rate, the t t ly and coveted productions of the Orient rlestilAwlll beeomeobtainable at pricesof eh we can now Lordly form a conception. N is It only India which will be thin bronsht taco proximity with' the Western world; for Ara 4a, Persia, the kingdoms of Africa, the Asian is ipeligo, Anstra China and Japan, wiLl4ke• wise be, th ro wn opsn, In time, to the en t Ise and industry of the West, and their mineral And agricultural riches will reward the tisk and tolls of commercial adventure. Fruit 01112 to last England has been vet erately hostile to this enterprise, and harm v. ored by every ungenerous device to thwa Its .ezroatlcin. It was altogether a French e rt. and not could convince England that Fr cc wgs not..lest to patronize It by some other a• titre than a desire to promote the commercla In terests of Ludlow. Me seems, in fact, to re fancied that her rival favored the work beca se, in the stunt ifif war, It would !brat a coavenl nt highway for-the transportation of troops to o die, and thence lumped to the conclusion tha it would tend to weaken the British hold upon t e great Oriental dependency. The success of L e undertaking, notwithstanding this opposltlo , Is now certain, and must be locked on as heavy blow ,and great discouragement" to that aspiring power. The Bermuda [standees and their Late 1LE:11222 At an early period of the late war, when wo set store upon the sympathy and moral support of all friendly people, and capedaUy of oar Eng- Nib cousins, the Orem held up In Its proper light the base conduct of the inhabitants of Bermuda, who were then doing their feeble uttermost to injure na, and in a hundred way* to aid the ene my. The course of the lehehtionte of that Island was the more remarkable as their 'material inter ests had been for years connected with the North ern States, while with the tlemthern they had bad comparatively little intercourse. The city of New York bad furl:imbed a field for the em ployment of their honest young mon. Here was found a market for all their agricultural products, and from here they received, In exchande, their supplies of cattle, of breadatuffs and such other merchandise as they have never been able to pro duce for themselves. As the war went on It was easy to precelve that these Wanders Pod sundered the iseires en tirely from the North and sold thems Ives cbeao ly to the rebels. They opened their learbors to the business of blockade-running, and the towns of Bt. Georges& and Hamilton became in reality, Confederate ports—vast entrepots of rebel sup. plies, not only munitions of war, but of cloth ing and provisions, of which, at first, an enor mous quantity was drawn from rebel agents and sympathizers In this city. Pirate vessels in the service of the rebels were welcome to their shores, and pirate officers, like Ilaffit, of the Florida, and Bralne, of CFrsapeakcirind Roanoke notoriety, were the lions of the select society of the place. Time has brought about Its revenges; and the Bermuda people are paying the penalty of their avariciousperversity and maligaity, in a man ner, from the frightful allects of which they will not soon teeover. Last year pestilential disease stalked out of their blockade-run nans, and swept scones of the Inhabitants to destruction. The majority of the merchants who engaged In the business of supplying the rebels, finding the trade marvellously profitable, Invested not only their gains, but under the spur of avarice, their Privet!. means In copartnership with the nolo. rises Liverpool boosts!' engaged le tbi erne traffic. These enterprizers discover themselves hopelessly bankrupt on the collapse of the rebel lion. The factitious business which for years gave an unhealthy impetne to tueresatile pursuits has suddenly reacted, and has been followed by Idle ness and dissipation. Numbers of the young men of the place have degenerated into confirm ed tuns under the polluting tntinenee of the loose Southerners and adventurers who have received their hospitality. There islanders, In fact, are, toMay, in a condition to- excite commiseration rather than resentment. Vote in !Missouri on the New Constitution. The Et. Louie Democrat of Wednesday hoe the following return of the vote In St. Louis on the new constitution: In favor, • 4,256; opposed, 9,550. Uhatlee P. Johnston, Radical, Is elected to the Legislature, receiving 0,033 votes. The Democrat Insists that disloyal men and rebels perjured themselves by thousands, to , bo enabled to cast a vote against the constitution; and also charges that the Federal office-holders gave their influence against It.' The papers does tot, give the recall. but declares as follows “Wo-do not despair of-the result in tho State. We are satisfied Missouri is both free and loyal, nod has so declared by ratifying the now con stitution. "Returns from the Interior are yet meagre, hnt unless ail our information Is grossly unrelia ble the majority in this Mt+, ,and county wilt he easily overcome. The aoldlei's Reamed to Cone, almost to a re s-, In favor of the new con stitution, and their vote will be large, and when returned will be counted and not rejected, as was the case when the Conservatives and Cep perheada were In power at Jefferson City." A hammy decision of the Supreme Court of C4lfornla, on the conalltutlonallty.of the legal tender _act of Congress. settles a question which has been vehemently dlepntett In that State. The Court held In the test-mum of Lick against Faulkner, that the act was an exercise :of sovereign authority, withkt the scope of the powers granted bribe. ConstUntlon; and that, If CCOgreill bait the power to make coined gold and sayr tonderjn, Ala ,psyment„ot debts, ti c ,haa ec eqUal rigbi to' declare that Treasury notes: Woad op Um credit of the 'rat ted Shansishalt libm be Ted Oil /1104 PM- .•, Dunn% our war rer , 'berme! Oa strong *sympa aid. Slur has nowdleple feeling -b9 being the Mu reenter,' the recogniinn Or a recognition which .th and Francs led, and vitt ! the minor Surollean pawl Independence, Rolland and lent us zneterial ed again ebb setae good . fßupean , pcmers raid ro id be l[i arot his precedent of Eo , • d , oomPelled her and L to make. i CITY AND SEBBBBAN• Meeting of Allegheny Council& An adjourned meeting of the Councils was held on Tuesday evening. in Meets Present, limos. Atwell. Ropichse, Irwin, Miller, Mader, B. Riddle, George R. Riddle, Thomas. and President Hardie!. Mr. Mcßrier presented a petition - from Messrs. Anostrovg et Co., asking the privilege of cram. lag Flue alley, by trestle work, 'WS they areabont to erect a coal yard In the Second whid, near the railroad depot. sad flub ri nezessary to crass said alley la order to connect their yard with the railroad. Referred to Street Committee, with power to seta- • Mr. Hopkins presented petttkin for the o In of street. Which a wee refer the to the Street. Committee. B. . Mr. B. R i ddle presented • don from the Wcetein *Union , Telegraph parry, asking privilege to ere, new poles ong , South' Corn mon. The prayer of the petitio ems ,waegrented, Mr. Mcßner presentee are rt of the Water Committee, setting forth. that ' the salary of the Engineer of the Water Worts had" been lea. i f ia blank at the beginning of the ear and °fleeing a resolution to fill the blank by Inserting $1,650, Report accepted end resolution adopted. The minority report of the /ater Committee (learner at the last meeting was then taken up, and the resolutions, as adop ted , by Common Council were concurred lii, w t the exception of the one fixing the salary - ofithe Superintend. eft at $3,000 per annnuhietivres amended by fixing the salary of the uperintendent at $1.,030 and that of the Engin eeratsl,2oo per annum. In era C3;rr•as Counefl—Preeeet Meurer. Benney, Belielein, English, Faihanber, Henna , Patter eon, McDonald, McNeill, Miller Robb, W. Smith, J. B. Smith and President Drum. The business of the previous meeting of the Select Councils which hadnot beenreached, Was taken up and concurred lei; Mr. Patterson presented a petition for the gra ding aid paving of Avery street, with an ordi nance authorizing the same. which was adopted. Mr. Hanna offered a resolution inetructing the Market Committee to Introduce gas and water into the Diamond Weigh house. Adopted. Mr. Wm. Smith offered a resolution providing for the employment of two disabled soldiers as watchmen at the reserver on Troyhlll--ime du ring the day and the other et night: Referred to the Water Committee. ....... Bei!stein presented • petition For the grad ing and paving of Second alley, Third ward. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. Patterson submitted a reportof the Wharf Committee, with a mention authorising the Committee to contract! with Mclntyre, Mc- Naugher db Co. for the iremoTal of the surplus dirt on the Rah Commcrnio the wharf, between San dusitrand Goodrich etreets, at • cost not ex ceeding 25 cents per cubic yard. The resolution was adopted;C.trlon-concurred and re. ferred to the Street Committee and Committee on Wharves and Landings, with power to act. On motion, Councils adjourned: arm], 1T Into tit • eta. ' Jett! - are arm • , r of syed In the r, aid • by ly 111.• by alone. M. sal it bp i the de l= the its • time end st the • - r daub al, new • in vent to the lug can • of shorte • by India ad the • ed • of Ilia Canal -Nuisance The Grand Jary yesterday made a special pre sentment to the Court of Quarter Sessions, de claring the canal bed In Allegheny a Pub tic nnisattee, and asking the. Court to make such order as would enable them to prepare an In dictment against the parties having control of tha canal. While this action wan being taken, Mr. Hobson, the Street Commissioner of Alle. gheny, had a fbree of men employed in drawing the stagnant water from the canal bed, under direction of the Pennaylyaela Railroad Company, orbs have control of the canal, and who will d: - fray all the expenses. The work will be contin ued until the nuisance Is entirely abated, and the citizens will, In a short thno, have no ground of complaint. The evil Is one which . required an immediate remedy, and the prompt action of the rail toad company will be !warmly approved by thepeopleresiding along the canal bed, and will, at the same time, obviate the necessity of legal preceedings. Central Board of Education The Central Board of Edueatlon met on Tues day evening. June 13th.18f4. Resent—Means. Brush, Duncan, Lowe, Marshall, - McAuley, :Cobh", Sergeant, Blngerly, and Negley, ?resi dent. The telnalui of the last mectlep were read and approved. They monthly reports of the Principals of the Nigh and Colored Schools, and of the Secretary, were read and ordered to be received and tiled. The following named gentlemen were nomin ated and elected Collectors for their respective wards, for the ensuing school year: Andrew P. Thompson, Fourth ward; Thomas Neely, Eighth ward; John S. Normine, Ninth ward. On motion of Mr. Blush, a vacation of the City Schools was authorized, from Friday eve ning, June VAli, until Monday, September ith. On motion, adjourned. Three Colored novo Drowned One white boy named Wheeler, and three 'col ored lads, were out In a boat on the Kanawha on Thursday last, when by some means the boat was eye , t. Wheeler. being a good ewlauner, struck of; for shore, but remembering that the others could not swim, he went back to the boat and got ttes3aat the boys to it, putting one across It and the other holding on to one end; he then attempted to tow the boat ashore. 'The boys be ing considerably strangled and alarmed, got loose from the boat and around young Wheeler's neck, taking him to the bottom several times. Ile finally succeeded, however, in breaking loose from them, and started again for the shore, but was so much exhausted, it is very doubtful If ha could have reached it but for the timely assist ance of a soldier, who plunged in and saved his life. The colored boys were drowned. The Late Accident on the Railroad • Alderman Donaldson held an Inquest yester day morning on the body of the unknown man who was killed at Courtney's station on Sunday night by being run over by a train while walking on the track. The Investigation failed to elicit any knowledge of the name or residence of the deceased. Dr. Campbell, from Dixmont Hospi tal, testified that he had eeea deceased wander ing about in the neighborhood of Dixmont, and supposed at the time that he had come from the' City Fartn,,from his appearance and dress. The Jury rendered a verdict of accidental death, ex culpating the railroad company and fts employ ete from any Flame in the matter. Thu body was burled yesterday afternoon in flgidale Com etcry. Concert Hall Another immense crowd greeted the elegant series of pictures representing the last hours of our beloved Chief Magistrate, Abraham Lin coln. The public with one accord pronounce this to be the most genuine specimen of artistic skill ever presented in Pittsburgh. The glowing eloquence of Mr. Rufus . Bomerby thrills the audience as they listen to his masterly delines. lions of this richly .colored painting. Every scene is replete with interest, awl from the ris ing of the curtian'to the closing scone, the vast audience listens with breathless Interest. This aityrpoon at three O'ciPelt 11/E44100 wtu be given, on which occasion children will be ad mitted for fifteen cents each. Those who wish to avoid the rush in the evening shoalti visit matinee this afternoon. A Lad Drowned In the Allegheny. Yesterday morning, about eight or nine o'clock, a boy named Joseph Francolb,ut ten years °Cage, was drowned in the Allegheny river, at the foot of Darragh street, Allegheny, below the Suspen sion Bridge. It appears that ho had observed a boy fishing ttom a barge and stepped up behind him and leaning over the barge, began paddling In the water with a conp;e„.of pieces of boards, when he accidentally fell: overboard. The body was recovered about one o'clock, and taken to the house of • cousin of the i deceased, on Darragh street, where , he had been boarding. The soother of the deceased Is dead,andithe father In Philadel phia. A dispatch has been forwarded to the tat • ter; Informing him of the death of his eon. Al derman Donladson called In jury, and a eel diet was rendered in accordance with the facts, A Mr. McCacbeny, a tailor. residing in Plain field, Went Pennsboro' township, Cumberland county committed suicide on Monday, the sth Inst. The suicide secpundished !tin tragic end by attaching Ma silk urcherchief to the beast of a heavy sewing machine, which was standing upon a table in his shop, the end of the necker chief reaching to within a few inches of the floor. Spreading a buffalo robe on the floor be neath the noose. he slipped the latter over his head, and laid himself calmly down to hit, last sleep. Deepondeacy at the abseemee of a son In the 161st regiment, In connection with !atom= perate habits, was the came of this gloomy mu antbrophe, this ending hie . - Fourth of July In Beaver.—The dilute of Beayei and !fatuity 'ipropoeo giving all the re turned moldier* of BMW county a dinner on the Fourth of , July. The management of the affair Ii In good hands and will no doubt prole grind moon: The ameinhllng: le:to take place, la the Tali Groand, atabilnclhe bor ough, where ample preparation will be made for all who choose to come: • r• • 'A Desirable - liaprovereekt,: 7 The Meet, ors of, OP Plkebttrgba ?on Wayde and Clitelige Railway. Company, is resporm to a aagamalaa from theLlty Councils of. Anfighsay. have co. al teamed the construction of a tunnel tinder their 'roadway at the head of (Rebecca street.: This la .very desirable Improvement, and will be ent• teat , beneficial to the dames and the company. Arrival of Gen.G rant—Meeting at the City Hall—The , Recepuaa at the Depot. It having been announces. that Gen. Grant Would arrive in the city at two o'clock jut night, from Cleveland, to proceed But wawa 'topping, a meeting was called at the m uft i of hit Honor Mayer Lowry, at Mille Hall, 4 5. 734 o'clock lest evening to take action to accord the General a fitting' reception. 'The meeting was organised by callinnHon. James L. Chat= to the chair, and thesantmm...t of the repor ters present as • .5eaMlM. A Committee ofpion was appointed, with instructions to tender to General Grant the hospitalities of the city, and also, if possible, to Induce him to remain lover to the city one day. The Committee were aim authorized to procurer a brass band to bola waiting at the depot. The' following gentlemen compose the Committee: Hon. James Lawry, Hop. John Morrison, Honk Themes Williams,Holi. J. K. Moorehe=i ; J. L. Graham, 8. F. Von Bonnhorst, Phillips, Jacob EL Walter, John M. Killen, Win. -.Hersh, J. Ei'D. Cmasan, P. L, Follansbee, Richard Perry, Eanmel Jas Blackmon,, C. D. Brigham, Captain Tomlinson, and James ,Tonng. The layed train conveying General Grant was oe read, and did not mare until de pasthalf- three o'clock. • band of music greeted tts arrival. The General stepped off the Weetorn train, and Immediately took passage on the Eastern train which was lying in readiness for him at the depot. A large number of aitlsens, who had been awaiting the arrival of the distin ,galehed visitor ' crowded arometto get a view of hint, and the Reception Committee wafted on him in the car. The train left.. in about ten minutes. and all communication with the Gen eral was abruptly terminated. Hoy Drowned in the Monongahela. About half-past one o'clock yesterday, a lad named Brant (Man, egad fifteen years of age, wan drowned In the Monongahela river, at the foot of Market street. He was employed at diclifillan's Job Printing Office, and had been at work In the forenoon. After dinner; he and a eon ofliir. McMillan, named Robert, of about the 'esme age, started to the river to take a swim. They got on the steamer Albion, and young McMillan, who was an expert swimmer, dived from the steamboat, while ther deceased got on the wheel and let himself down In the wa ter. Another lad swain around the wheel, and the deceased attempted to-do the same- but being no swimmer, at once lost control of himself and began strag gling for Ms life. Young McMillan seised him and bore hito up, but the deceased clu'ig to him so tenaciously that he began to sink, but finally extricated himself, and quit his hold of the drowning boy. The latter again rose further down the stream, but the lad McMillan, was afraid to make another effort to rave him, fearing he would be drowned Monett An alarm was given on shore, and a boardprocured. but before it could be brought to his aid, the boy sank for the last time. .The body was recovered about three o'clock, and taken to the residence of the parents In the Muth ward. The family are from Carlisle, having moved, to this city last April. Alderman Donaldson:empanel led a jury and a verdict of accidental death was rendered. Laying of the Corner Stone of the-Nattonal ISE= An Informal meeting of the members of COML. clla was held last night for the pirposo of con sidering upon an invitation extended by the corn 'Otte.) of arrangements on the laying of the corner atone of the Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg, to be present at the ceremony. James M'Attley, Eeq., President of the Select Council, was, on motion, called to the chair, and Mr. Samuel Morrow appointed Secretary, Mr. Morrow moved that the tuntaLon be ac cepted, and that the Councils attend the ceremony In a body. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Phillips, it was resolved that ail members of Couecilr who can attend theded !cation, be reel:mated to register their names at the Mayor's Office on or before next Tuesday evening. No other business being brought up, the meet Mg adjourned. Dicellng of Surperlutendents. The convention of Superintendents of the vari- DWI Lunatic Asylums In the United States and the Canada', met at the -Monongahela House pester. day morning at ten o'clock. Dr. Korkbride, of Philadelphia, was chosen President and Dr, Cor win, of Harrisburg, Secretary. Dr. Choate, of Taunton, Masa., detected a eulogy on the! death of Dr. Raney, o. the Lu natic asylum of Blackwell's Island. Dr. Tyler, ef Boston, road a paper by Dr. Wray, on "'Homicide Mania," which was discussed by Dra. Tyler, Choate, Do FLanedlan Wolf, of Hall fazi Kerman, Walker, Grandy lids, of West ; &Arnim, of Kentucky; Shipley and Kett :wide. The consantion will continuo Its amnions until to-morrow arming. This afternoon the Super intendents will pay a visit to the Insane Hospital at Dixmont. Trains will leaTsat 8 and II o'clock Preparing fur the Fourth.—At the meet- Irg of Ci1.13C413 last evening at Wilkins' Hall, his Honor, Mayor Lowry suggested, that as a gen eral movement bad been inaugurated In many ot the cities, Warts and villages, for the purpose - of devising measures to bring about a general cJebratlon of the coming Fourth of July, it would be proper that our citizens should make coma move In that direction. He merely wished to bring It up at the meeting that something might be done. A motion was made by a gen tleman present, which was carried, proposing that the Mayor call a public meeting to make arrangements for a public celebration of the Na tional Holiday. Pittsburgh Theatre.—The biartinnetti ram- Pv continue to attract leirre,, audiences at the Theatre. To-night will be produced "The Maids of Erin," by the theatre company, after which a series of principal groupings by the Martinet(' troupe. The performance will con clude by the comic pantomimic entitled "Vol an Vent; or, a Night of Adventure." baring the piece Phillip Martinnettiwill introduce his cele brated serenade, playin g different instruments at the same time. Harness and Iron Safe,—mill be slid this morning in connection with the Furniture' Sce„ at McClelland's Anctton, 55 Fifth streeQseveral Betts of New Harness, and Iron Safe.lleskl, Ste. Always on II and.—Fresh Dates, Figs,Prulles, Rats, as, Currants, Canned Fruits, Pare Pine-Ap ple Candy and Taal. of carioca' lands it 112 Federalstreet, Allegheny City. tkto.l3BaCLl Purahurt!, Carpets Ste. at Auetion.—Will ba sold this (Wednesday) morning at 10 o'clock, at McCielland's 53 Fifth street, Farnham, Car- Iwts, Sliver Ware, Cutlery ste. • The . London Quarterly, for April, has been received and to fur sale by W. A. Gilidenfenny 45, Fin Street. Thla is quite an Interesting number. Horses, IVagons, 3 e,—Ree advertisement o' sale next Friday at Red Lion Hotel Yard. T. A. MoCurix.strio, Auct'r. Tile Memory of the Maid of Orleans. The city of Orleans, France, hyS Just celebra ted the four hundred and thirty-fifth anniversary of its deliverance by Joan of Arc. The tlale henOied solemnity, says a correspondent, Is one of the great festivities of the Oricanians, as the marvellous story itself Is one of the moat inter esting pages of Its history, and on this occasion only all distinction of class or party are laid aside. "On the eve of the festival the municipal body of Orleans (whose predecessors, In 1429, had done good service that Sunday morning whoa Suffolk, disconcerted by repeated losses, resolved to raise the siege) marched to the stately cathe dral to deposit the banner of the Maid, which Is preserved In the, Town-hone. The whole body of the c' ergy attended the ceremony, while hymns were chanted by hundreds of voices. The hie ' nor was blessed and received by the bishop, and the church, covered with dugs and displaying the arms of the towns which assisted Orleans during Its struggle against the English and the Eturg - undians, was magnitlently On the following - day the Prefect of the de- Pertment, the magbitracy, the clergy of the city aud of the adjoining towns and villages, the troops of the garrison, the municipal councils et the neighboring communes, the medallists of St. 'Mena, the corporations of the working classes, assembled In the cathedral to hear the yenedrio on Joan of Arc delivered by the Abbe Bongaud. The procession, In going to and re turning from the church, traversed the streets of the city, which tradition says Joan rode thrcugh in full armor;' bearing her sacred ban ner, the day she convoyed a supply of provisions from Blois to the famished defenders of Or leans, and visited the rains of the fort of the Toluenes, where oho was wounded by an English arrow. Jan. DIM or OLD.—AO ADlFFlCSll.zolsalon ary in &ahem India writes to the New York iiimmowmar rip ° copy his present dilemma you should have heard him talk some twenty year" ado—as I Ir toed to in the °divine institn co," and the certainty that all - the WM° and este= Btates would join the Bouth and re. • the the "institution!', themaMms, If fionthern Id/deems= would only aaaert their. rights at the peril of obranicao. .1:10r. L tie Catidine of the whole eorditihney.r, . , , yearly~ tlk:Blekalta Prteoda lateli In kasha la New Port, have seat's depu tation to Waltdo n, for a lasolental Interview eilth the President; and submit to him avant° of the in _equate repeating the - President' aid beads of departments to has, all dainties and fidelityfideltyto.eo ordering Wilmot this Booth that an Meal and imp' arual'right of 'franchise shall be seceded to all the loyal Inhabitants of the were! OUR SOLDIERS' WELCOME 1101410, ET GEOID' W. 13171rOAT Ettonted and battered and covered with Ileata, Dr/needle heir faded tin/form, . I. Ring *left the standard of itsm They theythroug the wale storm. • ' • Proudly maraled in the grandrevieW - under the cloudless arettof blue. ' • Through the cheering *uses - T eir triumphant feet , /Keep idep aft the drua. • ' • Loudly shouting they come. Lite a Hier the ealtinin sweeps bn ' • Stretching man raach y.f league away Be gia d 'i moist with :Ara ln r i f e7d ay to day; nese an the men who MA roughs and Medi Ana and imitated so lonsOla . KW. Like acintillent stars Their glorious ' • - • With patriot name, Light the pathway of tam.. They hove °haired fn the face of the foe - Tbrog.h hot temente of shot. and shell s . When the war elouda was halaging low And the red rain In torrents ire, Leaping through sharp hedges of tiD Are, alleyory mounds and parapets higher. With the hansom they bear .1 Through theinbilant Mr, Giving beek to the s k y The Kane blazing high. • , ' . ThiLIMVe marehed through the erearotti et the • uth_, ' And forded treasherotut streams, They bays lookeddowa the eatituM 4 MOtitil : lily the light of tie rulehnr gleam, . • When the sky rang like a funaratell Over their comrades that bravely tall , • . - • On field and redoubt, : And were nitudered out; Oa themt;l d d of fiery drift God m them Into eternal mAilarED: HEA3 ELTOR—MoOIIRDY..OI Maids, HOW lug, June 13th, le&V by Rev. W. D. HciwatdriAD.: • EDWARD REAZELTOX, Sr., and maactui Ry daegltter oiJirhn Ma Purdy, nq, an of untanY4 - ROBINSON'in St. Loot, on Stuiday, 11th, Capt. JAMES J. ROHINSOIif, of the North.! era Line picket steamer Muscatine. . . The Amend will take place from the kesideace Oi, his brother.in-law, John Matthews, Brownstown. ;rata sirrster,- at two deloals, to proceed Allegheny bemetery. The friends or the tamilf.. are Invited to attend without lusther notice, . XV TN 4DAPER TISZNIZAr& - - 011,1 RETURNED 13 OLDLERS.—EPE , arrangement' have been made io that you can a good, sem - Meade, neat and stylish Boot se AT NEARLY RALE PRIM Great Boots id Shoe House, CONCERT HALL SHOE STOEBr. West Side of Fifth Street, ABOVE WOOD SrEEZT. rhi . SHOW YOUR OISCHARGEJA to insure the proper reduction. It is an aclmOWl edged fact that ice sell Better goals for lea nroneg than la nice. 1 for Rubbish by dowrrtOwn etßali dealers, and will give you a sure guarantee Buil you will not be taken in or charged mut!! prices for anything to the Boot and Shoe Buell Will call at No. GO FIFTH STREET. came, GREENHOUSE AND BODING PL INTB IN GREAT VAILEErIir At the Oakland Greenhouses. viNO. R. & A. MIIRDOOIt CSuccesoors to Sohn Hurttooh.ffr4 Sir Oakland mad Rut Liberty Streik' to the Greenhouse. fifteen minutes. mycerrdsmFmcs TO CONTRACTORS The President and Directors et the Cher Run mad Pit Hole 13ranah Railroad of the O. L. ant I. Company will receive, until Juno loth, SEALED PROPOSALS For building a railroad from Rouser!lle to Oil creek, through the town of Plummer, to the Mo. Aboy Cherry Run Lands; distance From four to , fire =Ms. Lillis are invited for the whole we:* complete; the Company to (Undid; the Iron. Spec. , ilicatiom; and plans of the road may be seen at the oilicit of Hamilton E. Towle, Engineer, 011011 y. Prppossis to be directed to the tmdersfoutd, sik FIRS - burgh, Pa., cam of Faigpi St Black. L. R. IL:IA.I3OY GEORGE L BIRA4, JAS. EEN elateod&aLwT Elsa OF ALL KLIMB.-1865, 25 bbls Potomac: Herring; NO halves Lake do.; 35 do White Fifth: 10 barrels No. 1 Mackerel; 16 halves do. do.; 20 doo 60 kits quarters d. do.. do. ; _ • Codfish and Scaled i_ Herrings; 60 barrels No. 3 Hackie; 60 halvei 40, to cluarters co. dO.' 20 halves No. 9 di3.4 10 quarters do. do.; 26 kits do. do 10 biltl sl3 NOW AlrFlTes; 40 halves do. do. Jail received from the Loot sad new lota 600. stontly arrlVlol and for sole by EDW. HEAZELTON, Id Diamond square. mytillwdowT CRAIG'S OUTLET lIA W any, AND BARGE YARD Craig Street, Allegheny. 101=iiM PRESSES FOR SALE. One TAYLOR CYLIND ER , bed LUSO inches. One TAYLOR DOUBLE GUARDER—bed 271 al imam.; all in good working order. Will be sold at a barin. Endirtro of or addce Ault= GAZETTE. Pittsburgh, Pa. JONI DJUILIT STEEL $ BAILEY, - - stock Brokers and Real Estate agents Stacks boned. and fold inuttailnol7 oa aaannlll an. 12;1. 1 -r- , 11•/..vti;.i.*:fAa A. GIIIOps GRIGGS Lt SCOTT, BRAHMA SOOILT .IRON 0/TY 'fan.TGEf. WORK', • corner of Grant and Geormth Dilworth , . Bondlok 0•29 strata, PlUabargh. fiIIABBE I CHEESE I- CREESE I ' , Lv de boxes Prime W. B • do dlr., Hamburg; • CO' • do superior Neer York ttotta... We ere ocallently to, receipt of the abort, goOde,‘ ablators eller to the trade at lew tubes. • - , BALSLEY, tIrADIGORDES, : Zo. ou•s;oui 'sr.A - D - Atitt.ii. ihrs . 0 and 70;Watelstelye, • 31. - OHENSE I len'idroiroTfeTrii.ll.olciatee_ 1 + l -1 10 do ..Ifew Haasbunroneeot We uemidoolly keep on hand I d fo. on all:ka pod Obidoe.. , General InOdned OMAN 110illitibt. ULITL.II - aePBOB.. .- es aze. Water awed; DOELENDALECEMENTMObbbiIkeetiI lee HEIDIT ousaark. , . • ":"Z.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers