younn ViitsturAlt dasia , ''' VERY LATEST NEWS : Bv . azonips..ElL . , ~ , TRIAL OP' ThE COISPIRITORIL ).„....,- -- 7,..;...4;-..r.17 e• - •- •s-••••-. , , ~ lONDri/Off ,oi? Li iNUSTIGATED. i *REIM e 1 NI Itscreared. ft ; irusi.r.tonli 4:4lscogriDEandk • :- • ,L. , ......,..... '•- I. ,•'''' • -04 0 01121/11ai thin ?rib* kornini . I ....... il 'WissurClTOY,4late 14.-.'The predend derdi ... mad was partly read, when the aloha recess pall tWolo r eloele. tit ardee t tte esmineltreie — o Pajeteby ttte commit Whaled fee that , =rpm The Commies! - alseintdidst twtio'elock. " Mr. Dotter Nd he had closed rieLdefesee In the case phial. antl arid Wophi to Calriii irlt i ' • . InellicalgenthoW l oo- 10 4 be* M6O, p heyestighe the Condition of Payne as• to his ..Indiee 11/reteste Brat stated that thaw ral ,saumwould les egledibrthe Getverament. - "fiberembietton olDr. Hall,by.indge Musette -lolt—Witmer examined the planer,. Payne, ps monelag and watt heisted by Dm. Norris ed Porter; ted Ina subsequently jollied- in the =Atka be lia= n. Barn= The , er was asked t i the same questions eat were put to him yesterday, In order to "certain whether his -answers ' '-would be =U r. He answered with rather more la:imp:nese than belbre, and , his answers were ' nch the same Question—Are yea tow prepared Co InTralt let opinion 'whether or not In your judgment the • iffsoner Is a sans and responsible. man I A.—l * now prepared to . My- there is no evidence f Insaulte. ,The primers mind is treble and Imatrested„ but I meat ; dimmer =Efferent iladhaa ca—meata itimpicity• I Cross examined by her. Dater: L.lq,, What are you premed to state ea to his • Inity I A. We asked him today herbalbersd Ye a God, sad.ter esid he • andlitibeilmithe was* , just God. He No acknowledged to n.e that at one time he 4 . ad teen amember whe t her ptist March. 1 '''.ll.rel him the questio fie thought that beassassination of= enemy in a time of war rue Justifiable? He said he thorneht It was. i Examiestka of, Dr. Norris-:The witness * compsay with General Barnes and other mad= ;~al gentlemen made an examination this morn = of the primmer Payne, aid mired at the lon that heeras Agana. ,There was nothing prisoner's looks, speech or cdhdriet to in., tthe ry e that , he reasoning w asan as ott=es appe ared unsound to be onthe ais ,r6Aas aijo 111 daddadtait." ,: • 'IA:: ' remamineel by ere. Dotter; I am not . , •endhar with cases of insanity ; 1) don't think , re conduct of the prisoner during the examine caold have been that of a re ad man. ~The.. ' 1 a ' aisoner might be a monbmshisc: If such were .., i the me the witness would probably have had Oh suspicions housed, as ouch prisouhs almost . 1 ( Wariably. in conversation with strange parties, ' efer , to the eubjeh of their Insanity. • _ - Ereatreittion of Burgeon General Bream by .'edge Advocate Holt—The * hbotter Payne was `• • maned by the *ltem and other oseMcal gen .er - 3121e4 . ' Tlos batzg eob irtl erh ael t m u lum of er in r whi ti ch wal he di n sc arre. "- his story of pieces at which he had been and aacat Stas (pore important than the Aiken of MU:pleats made by him pester ,: which'were hoots of• his menet& * emanation of Dr. Barter by Judge Advocate t an —Herring teen eresent this morning at the • i , stigma the prisoner Payne.witness be , acted he was sane =we his contreement, in the , El i ' al; and tom the Inspection which he made ess arrived at the coneltiskra that he was a fiend responsible man. .; r2 T he idr crate etemlnatlon of this witness was lywith reference to what constituted men and morel Insanity, and was terminated by President of the court objecting tone course ," .1 the examination sallenproper. . ; I • Asaistantarlimddeocate Bingham entered on Ws-recce&•several papers, among which were ... , . 1 certified agy of- a ates i =ition of w t a i l: Sem an at d s e 4:_f Lionsioir thdAPlMizttMent 01 William H. Seward, ,os Secretary of -State. and the qualification of • !Andreae Admit . on the 15th of April, 11P35, as i e.; utidret. } . Judge Advocate Holt raid that some additional !•bestimony, relating exclusively to the general , , naspiracyand not affecting either Of the prison , • ',41: particularly, would be offered in behalf of the vemment. Having understood that ono of ..I„te arguments for the defence had beea prepay, :d, he desired the court Where It, zetwithstand . Ong that It , should be handed in before that ergo.' ttnent was presented to the cotpt. It had been Vionght possible thathir.lotmecalhimaelf wonld vat preterit tomorrow to deliver an argumeet 'in ~ , , ,rensen. If he was not on hand, Mr. Cheamet. !re agreement among the counsel, world present .It* argument to the court. - • ' • - t. The Judge Advocate Inquired se to which of the prisoners the argument was Intended to ap ' 'Ply. Mr— Aiken said, It was an argument:' . )elative to the jurisdiction of the court. which • area prepared by Mr. Johnson, sad. In which all ;he counsel =rennet, It eh* Intended bar all .r.he prisoners. ,- i . 4 Assistant Judge Advocate Bingham said that - .Johnsen was not counsel for all tete pdsoners. _ - • General Walla-11 the argument on Make. ft :diction Wallace-11 of the court was ready, It would oh Improper for the court tohearit, and In War "',.. •to settle the question, moved Lima the "wart be rThe motion was agreed io, when the Baud vas tinned. Alter some time, the , dears were r eeopened, and it mu hand that the Court had .7)iejoraraod till Irridry Morning at ii o'clock. ' rEN. GRANT AT 'ALTOONA, • -. IaELCOICIY -YU- EOM- 111Plalik . .. Lthuslastleßecejitlon . iillarrliburg. s •- .Aixamk t .lwaa 14.--Generil _Gnat met a flt, , 1 ~:. pi g math* hero tkilitionting is he piaaad ow t nit As way embirard.' The Grand Contuumderref . ~. , Ma Templati,Moir in session here, formed • 'Una previous to the arrival of: the train. .: . ey were dressed In lull regalia, and accom ! I:i ss i e d by a splendid - band. They arranged . Pienmelves In lioubly columns at Ma depot, In i halt of the Logari . House. - The Hite 'extended -tomthe track to the door by which the General 'istas to enter the hotel. The train Mopped a . short &stance above the: repot to take on the Committee appointed to In ' ;bra the General of the arrangements made for :4,ils reception. The crowd .of peOple, - which ft timbered tboasands, occupied every available . bothold below. It was with ,dlllleulty that the . ats Tsar • _could_ keep In line and keep e ' hen _the train !Uinta at the station, the ap es of the General upon the platform was ' aa signal for deafening Lcamms whits. 7 th* g week up Hi ll to the' Chia He 'wee 11,.' ITed at the head of the column by-Sir llnlghts r muol - &land, num:quid Roblasoo, after which he betweeitthe Ana; hit When& while th e • omd sent up cheer after cheer. Ladles waved . Itelr handkerchiefs antsbovreted bouquets la tis ' th. The Column remained in Una milli the merit had taken breakfast, when' be pistol rHARNIBIIVAO. Junel4. - -:Gen; Grant met with I, n entimslastie Mum* dekck this .NDITCES FROM Bovril , CAROLINA. I rptiou of thedlou!aty Probunatica. Saw Yolk, Jane .14:—The Mraid's corms 'ipondent Dom Charlestinh; Jane 10th, refers to Lhe *MGM of the Preildent's amnesty precis, * ;cation, and iapa It warbeing. very much dis ironed. - .lt; auropticiied by the radlcala and ne. condontsts, sad approved hp .the masses ef the ineetinglfas held tho. 41st, et which imehaloas were . adopted: , Ism the title= of each parish to take accomary ktope to call a public meeting, for,the appoint itaetit of dtlegette to the , general - consentlon.: alas meetlekims hcldpreirMai to the recepttotc, fed the Peesideathit "atetimetket. Since that all ~fiereguiceila,.ll 4 ll l :MditiadAteetkom hee bean :Mlihdfaxifi 01.01 1 111 ,this appointment of a I'M,. • 11168BIEMERAIR OKDIFFICULT.L • - AMOS Nr 41" ho. w OW* M Gam BOWS and Stone- Alan bare valtaintlegtsii rit'..thie.liVelDkart ,_ileni to rePlY,lo.ltnietnoos upon 6701 made by Mo. Shornma; '7i*, Ride& 'ls undenttoed to 'shwa all the raponsibility or bid saga In the j=upon Lteut. and General 2, , to dithn, that hT acting ItkIIIILIG 4 DWSk itiftinear,l , be , compelled Itie th tiveJcir. Davis and his party totidte up the lino &march :trblalt rcnilttd in their , capture by troops sent cot to ;wad him ' - - • G{,-f.,-i ~ `t XXVIII-NO., 155. Ik6O,I'.MBRIVIDAIft=TON. - ' PLUMB MOM UM OP LUIGI/NCI CONVICTED, OF FORGING ENLISTMENT PAM • - Male Gen. Assigned i colugamd. OEM ErHERMAIn ,91PORT. WAPENAPER4XcEPRIPA Al[ IMPORTANT CABINgt METING. wei OP eonnuer nerurr at. 11113/ITILLII ,114VANNAFf er f is x e I I WialittiGTON App nfir Additional Oceali Wall 7; l4 . *Yeir, Jona I.4.—The Hoar, Charleston ..etirrenamdent eafJi SrGoi.Alken arritedthins on hie return from Washington on the 6th, and had in enthusiastic reoeptiba from the ehisens on bla hiding at the wharf. He Is on patolek with MOTs to reporgteuxt a tanntlito the oak- - - Ampler tit the post. The.goreraor wen .wellr. famiably impressed with President Johneon t &E innwha in high terms of ME. The people are much enamel .ht ikettssing the 4nest lo~ of who is to be their proiislonal gairtireor: The' trainees prospects of Charlatan were Improving. A numbuttitthe old Bantle.Vartid na planters baying taken the oath of allegiance, , being willing t o make.contracta4or labor with . their former slaves ; had gone to Hilton Head to confer with General Minion and endeavor to recent their Plantatbres; • Delany, of Augusta. Maine, who was arresta. for. forging. soldlera'. enlistment, ; mien, and ftw:irerlottiiithar Iran* was coif- - Irleted and to-day sent forward to Concord, New • Hampshire, being sentenced to imprisonment for the period of ton yearly and to pay a line'or duty-Mu thousand dollas and',' to remain In' alma road tha fine Is Paid: Before Delany' left ho offered to pay the dne If he could be pardonel. If Ii addle:nada - it large fmtnna by e* swindling. The Valley's Washlngtedi special says; Gen. Ord his bean, ed to the intlonry com mand of the State on, headquitters at Pe timid. . - ' • Delay, the , Maine bounty broker his been Ntnconditionally pardoned by the President. Cirpt.'Fiek;orthe Yellow' StOne — Erkiltion, lei: for his western tour this evening.- gen. Sheridan has submitted his report. He tfartiemerry severe upon the exidaes or Gen. The Herald's Wliakitiolll special hes therai lowing item: The,,;wai a long one. It is understood that arrengementa were agreed npon to remove the twenty-are per cent. tax: an, cotton; And .that .other matters in connection with the Pill resumption of trade with the South, were determined. The Nadeau Minister here is- conUeni. that -- the Wench will be driven one of big country be.' fore the close of the present year. The heavy loss of. Governtrant_ property at Nashville is aninected with a minor that the diameter will wipe out many doubtful offirers ac t:create, which tumor course never can be set. i• dirdialoitlzama of ii.rransatt, Including the old acor of the city, hare err' ed here to coast* ulth Yreddeat Jaime= • gent - Teeacc!tctte!: Gni or 43111 Goirernmeat there:' Vance and Lecher are yet. confined thelispitol prison ' and have not yet applied for pardon, although it is expected they Will do Andlealicin has been Made ,to the Pistol:lke Department to pat Into operation one of its sug gestitmr, which his also twice had the approval • of the 'Berxetaries of the Navy. and' War, and, also paelelly mimed by the late President, .vie. To employ some of our ntimercnis sittplus anal sienna as ocean mall packetsrfortAwith, and to commence the 'work - by nitabilidditg e, line front New York to Gidway. The 21,00 Washington special ea land= Konnikolskii the agent of then Piles. now tetnporarily sojourning wa i tlad; has arrived la this city and will th e Pres ident to-morrow to .learn what,!r any, concus sions can be mated to these 'unfortunate peo• .ple. They number from fifteen to twenty thous and, Mostly peasants, and seek to emigrate to this countu isnd engnge , h a d.ngdeuiture. ; e Austrbuil Gove rn ment tum voted one hed francs each.. and the French Government will pay their Omega to New York. - An effort will be made to tate them setae in THE WAR 115..SOUTE AM RI Citizens of (be ileerinitzte Musa. • - atoned en Anna. IMPORTiNt'..',S)3BIILTB Al MPATED New Tom, Jima 14.—The Trgeme has papers Item Buergai giro containing additional details : of the first movements of the belligerents In opening war betweerithe Argentine Republic and Paraguay. - President Mitre: on receiving the news of 4einvidgit of the ArgentineßePtibild. issued a proclamation to his fellow.countrymen, surnaming them to their poste as citizens and • Acbordbas to the press of Buenas Ayres, the proclamation has beenleceived with enthusiasms and all poiltimlpartim ere sald to be united in the determination to support the government. The Republic Is declared in a state of alqu. The National Guards are to be called out. The troops of the line are to be Munaioned toßuenos Apes, and their places on the friautter supplied by the NationaLduards, The Amiga and native mercbaeta are going to ladd a meetlotfor the purpose of offesetg alma the national government._ • • The Tribune says: According to ,present Ap• peirrances the war may become one of the most Important that has yet taken place In &nth America. The land forces of' Paraguay are :es timated by the Buenos -Ayres Standard at 00,- 009. Those of .thekiNes, Snail; theArgenthur, .Neriblic end lfragery,tart expecte! Wreath , -Mgt but the greater number of the force his yet to be raised, while the Paraguayan force la already in the field. It Is , thought, , therefore;` that It may takes few months before the allies can assume theaggreselve. The combinedpop :elation of the three silled"minntrlea, ea far out.' number that of Paraguay, that' the success of the latter would seem impossible. The Par ,- spau hope therawlll And many allies In the northern provinces ;of the Argentlnerltepnbile and In Uruguay. FIRES AT OAT/10001 lAD IikIRTILLE; The ~ Work'_o[~- S ebel lecenillaTies.. Wasin , torttlkiliuM 14.—Ofileial- Information was readied lo•day concerning the recent ilrei it Chattanooga and Nathrilla, The loss at Chattanooga is , estimated at '11200,000, and that . at Nashygle nearly three mtilions,which augnasW may Peellllll9 be reduced one *lf prom the IMO chain; maeldism7. ' dim. which may be wed. from the wreck. About Meanie time • Ore oe etu'red to Gallatinffannessee, the loss by which is not reported,. nos. . was ..alto ,ona near' the Chakstootgo depot at Nashrgle, which wassoon suppressed. -. It Is Me opiniOn in the Quartermaitm's DO partment• that Magma tsero the work of rebel locendhules, and but lot the' itre wall buttelky. Gen. Donaldson, Chief Quartermaster at Nash rille; in thit, place, of the tire, : that portion of the bullellog,'Where 'ComMissarl storm were deposited worth 4 5 , 0 90,000, would shut hare . been destroyed, . • THB_-FRENCH. LINCOLN 1111301,1 e ECHHiII; Substriptions : Stopped and • . . Witurnurron, Jane 14.—The following infor raticuillisheen rewind ini.his pity recently: A Ardor sabstription of about- two cents a 'head was,cononenced at, - I.lsntea, illFrallno. for a grid mode rs for M. Lincoln. Tide medal was to bear .the following Inscription 4, ,i!Libcrty-- . equality—fraternity—to Lincoln, twice chosen President of the United Btatos—from the grate -fat demotratTof France Lincoln wee honest; be abolished slarriy,rrA.ts,b I the truk:n, ' and eared the reVa.lic Witliont ceiling this statute ' of mini. .Hsvai asswishisted Mae 14throf. April; tsintlhe 1811:( of My,- whet' thaw:lnter antscrlptions had reache d eleven thousand'one hondrod and twenty dollars,, they were...cued try the ptallsk who, stated that the, ;anitannista,to Onatoimedertirgstherst lit France., • - , - : ;iiAr ' t. ;Ape 1.4,71 be t 2icto v ~' ' c lros '" 4 :lll .er: attle brthg yank datek i to the 1 : 6- tuella , * of 6t. , toon!lngo.42,9.s;Slautal was really to take Nam , , . .. ~ .:,•7-14,,,,,,, A . • Sambas of persont loyal toillnatil, ivied letaf " lag 13k Dornlntro as' se/ogees for the steamer: Jargo; and some leelo ilso evfkented atXavana.,• A number Wpckp3ns twat ! , to leave.: Havana for England to be sold. -•'' - . • The - weather In Ilavanairsattcol and healthy;. ' The rt.•tel. G eneral "Slaughter arrived atlltavana ' I. ftora klutautoras on the MA ; • 1 . - ..,i -- A4T::':', ,- , ,.7..:T-lITTSIWROff. :-.-:::..GAZETTE: ~,:::~ A. FINAL SIPERATpIIfi, IN, 'MULL Meade and Sheridan's Reports w.Ast mwrrsro New Tons, Jane 14.—The Bala Plats Meade's :and Sherldan's reports oleo anal °pe rtains in Virginia. Paolo thernovament 'TM*. nienced from near Petersburg, Meade's personal command consisted of -the second .corps,..lhun phrey's; qui; Warren's; sixth, Wrightty , and MN WWI, baker's; Gen. Grant ermeisklifii-per temal surpersision over the entire army, eMbrac- • leg In it - dation ;to thosaenumerated; portlens Of the twanis.ablod aad tirealf:fourta oirtos and the•eavairr.AlterAbaridake.Arlaaaeo jiria a t. tack upori Fire Forks, thpiPth corps was mot to him and remained subjecttobie ciammeMa daring the remshider ofthe calipaign. . • When the hispetuntannalaaghts of the caval ry. ettrgxiftedby , the filth carpi or infantry, had so diverted 'the enemy's attention , at to weaken their left ind center In nom of Peters,' burg,' Meade, who had remained , back. with three corps. ag anddenll. on the mornig' of 'Apell hurled them upon the weah in 'livery dkenol irectionlln: e eN vfhhi4- they broke thrn Gen. Meade seam The gallant assault„on 'the 2nd MM.; by the Alitlf corps, was In ray jndg - meat the decisive movement of the campaign. Me again praises this command fir their subse quent menansfal attack at Ballor'e Creek, and also sneaks in the highest terms Of Ms remain ing sorpe and orate cheerfelness with which all submitted to. fatigue and privations to pursue the coveted Prize. • General Sheridath effective forte of cavalry numbered 9,000. On the 29Ch of 7darch he left his encampment near Petersburg to Make, as says. a cavalry raid on the South Side Railroad, 'and thence join General Shemin or return Petersburg, as , circumstances might , dictate. After he hail proceededavell on the expetilticat he received, during theilleig;lnstructkeis trout General Grant to abandon it, and, acting in eon- Vert with the infantry sispportinridm. and War ren. ( s th eerM) turn the right. of Lae% army. He accordingly,. at an early hour. on the fol lowing tweaking, - directed his coulee for. Five; Yorks, possession of which he bum would ef fectmaly turn the enemy's works; Mlle the ehSaCemeat was going on he relieved General Warren ftozn the command at the Fifth corps, and directed Its Merchant/ blinself, until Gen eral [Griffin, was subsequently assigned to It. General Grant'wes fearful lest Warren, might not be up to time, and he accordingly, as Sheri dan says, unsolicited hy himself, siothed him with authority to remove 'Warren, should .he deem Sheet to do so. Re adds: Gen. Warm' did not exert himself to ,get up higimrps rut rankly aa he might have done, and his manner gave me the impression that he wished the sun to go down bornre - the 'dispositions for attack could be completed. Agate, he says be was dissatisfied with tam during the Anigagentent, adding that par• -tions of his line gave way, when they were not exposed to a heavy flui and simply for want .of contidenceon the part 'of the troopa,.Whlch Gan. Warren did not gawk himself tolniplre. I therefoterelleved. Wm. . Gen. Sheridan details . atlingth the movenumta ,of his command after the battle of Five Fork., •uutll Lee 'surrendered. • At the time the white - flag was received bringing au offor of surrender; Sheridan load,hle cavalry .add infantry. in ps slUon to make a heavy charge upon the enemy's trains, and conquered columns °tenon. New. Tone, June IC—no rums prints Made'and Sheridan's reports of the operations securing Lesson varrender. -,i/3y - Gen. Shcridan's report, It is lairds, known; that General Warren was relieved and sent .to the rear for lack of energy and tardiness in, the execution of orders. It also appears that Gen. Wright de. clirred to obey - Sheridaa's orders until directed so to do try Gen. - Grant: , ' ' • - Stterifism's report Is - exceedligif bitarastinki and the multiplicity of she movements lie details, their rapidity of execution and effectivcoess are astounding: It appears that he had 'nut one Idea from the very commencement of the opera tions, end that was, to. break up, piecemeal and capture Lee's army; and to this idea it is evident taakhe was In advance of Grant himself. Jan Mitchell 'Arrested. Pont,Ntrw . Jima Mitchell, editor of the irefiy Sus and lately editor of the Rich mond /disparage. was arrested this afternoon and _taken to Pp Lafayette, it is supposed. New Toes; June 14.—The Erming Post says of Mitehelnkarreett "We learn that the arrest wee made by detectives Bela and Elder, uader the direction of General lihr, the latter haring. received orders from Washington to arrest Mitchell on the charge of treason. Boon after the arrest of Mitchell, ,Judge McCann visited General headorouters, but coulatearn noth ing of the prisoner's movements. • The Judge saM the Governmemt could nottry the prisoner rug traitor, for he was an alien, and none but citizens could be tried as traitors. The Judge also declared:that the Government could only bold Mitchell u as alien enemy, but now it Is supposed to have no enemies. Daring the after noon Judge McCann visited General Dit at his residence, but probably nedore that time Mitchell was at sea. New York Stock and Money Matters. , New Tom, June 14.Itailway spectilarson this merntng •%unnamed a firmer tone, and thrtre was a general improvement La prices. Dieing the day the market was active, particularly on Western List. There bane been hesfy sales during the day by holders to reallmre profits. but tha market takes Moats and damn with decided tendency to advance. Toledo, Hudson, Cleve. land and Pittsburgh, and Curnberland are In de mand.- The Government la% continues, dull and heavy on liriveoTwentles,' but other- securi ties are steady. Miscellaneous Shares are irreg ular. Coal Shares areheavy on Bituminous, and firm on thedatnracite. • ..linxis,..-Goldcontinues firm to-daywith some activity. The export demand promises to be (quit to last week's. Some operator say that the President's prod/matron has checked the up ward turn in gold, as the removal of rertrittlons will cotton to come out at once. lag to See the President. Waiersorow ,, Jime:Hte-Beillisen / 0 . and 3P. M. to-day, there were at no time less than Mt persons to walling at the Exam jive Mansion to see the President; one-third of their were ladles. Among the visitors were - Amiss Kendatl, - egJaeksonli thednetould Bltnon" Cameron. , of Lloiroin's Cabinet, Goy. Sharkey, of Mississippi, Gov. Hamilton, of Texas, One. Lyon •of Idaho, Senator Williams of Oregon, - Repeeiintativa Spalding,. of Ohio,. and Dinar 4113 embus of. Ceinigreev, besides army and navy officers and citizens. John Miner Botts, Alex. Mies aid other distinguished Virginians had interviewewith the President this afternoon. "Weislie Firly—Tbe StoordiotT/10,.Villt • '; ; to Boston. Dirrnow, inne,l4..--i-The large. building of Bright do Co.; to Saginaw, City, with Million feet of lumber, - .was destroyed by Are. Loss By some misappreheiislini the recent visit of Certain Beards of trade toloston has. bend re garded; to some extent; as a caucus ' to the aseembilng of the International convention. The viiit referred to was purely of • social char. alder ; having no coonadlon with the unedng coatentiog• Jud iM n/Vmeigea• . . 13w . - .. Loma, Jima 14.--4 edges 13eyer and Dip des, of the Supreme Couto: this State, having declined te 'locate the bench,ln condmnity with an ordinance passed by the late State -Conten tion, 00vetnot. Fletcher today; thronb:Aeb.: ColoWon,nommadinit tbe:X/Itie.7of. DU-- Witt forcibly distiossessed them , of Chile - Beats, andinstalled Ids apwintees, - lion.; .Thwel Wag ner and Thie.- Wm, Lovelace. Judge Dalton' ;Batts resigned some time since, and the Gayer.. nor nPlsointed Ifattuutici- Mimeo in his stead: The affair - created a good dealer excitement. Hare Rebel Palsoneis Released. - Borrow, June 14.—Fifty4ria more rebel Prle-, euerd were releaecd from Fort Werrealeaterday on taking thepath of alleiglance.:..,Ttittlicrston Trcroeller eays Borne of theca wern . abown great, tentions by a number of eltizeius;who seemed to 'spare no, pains. to make them enjoy them selves during their bridge, in Boston. Theso rebels freely acknowledge that though they bare taken tho ' oath of allegiance, their love for the ;old Union is not very enthusiastic.] • it:Adler!' 'rating Wrench Leave: `New Yong, Tune 14.--The Triburw's spoelal• says: A large number of soldiers. believing the war over, s and their moral' obligations to eerie fertile War fuldlled, have taken French leave for their huples. Several hundred have passed. into Marfrodi'Delstrars :and Pennsylvania. - Today a small squad; attired in summor linen, were,m city 30 their adja cent, cam , haylng bee:L*lMA up liddaryland. Botta and Rives In Witablnirton. , Fosx, Putes:trfishiagz tett speclil says : Delegations from Virginia, heeded by Ifeb1111: - Bottl'end Rum arrived here: loft f and ant.atrahlptlmjs4ernalf with- She 'lleeldent: They - masa °all the Measures 'of GOveimi PI -aped:o,B2d •elatut, that :Abe mew constitutigrtfillgginta was tram:47 , a endvms:„ lion of only eleveddrehtbsig6 7 ::. : :: - , . •NiVpirtoransylet...9vlrboapS., • 808704, , :Clarkes: isbArt,. In East sostan;tarrnigail Otldeterdiallt" night, (ha tinderrnang bMbf-tottin,,licithe COO blisbalwor raft fit9ll4. in amallb.,woodan ten emeLs.-wrog lost. The total damagels estlnpiteck At 1.76,0011, . • .... PTITSBITRGH. THIJ_RgDAY, JUNE 15. 1865 ANOTHER RIOT IN WASHINGTON. , . . Fight BEtween Nem York and West Vir ginia Cavatry.- Nrisitterroir, June 14.—Another riot took plstee on 31•411 and avenue today, bulimia the Irene of the 21st New York cavalry and the West Virginia caudij brigade. ..It originated In mutual accusations of cower:Pee. Some ofB• cue tooi part In the effete,' and the Men need thettorerrolvers freely, - while Masa without arms 'hid metre to brie' and stones. There Was • :general stampede of - all the ,citizens la the vicinity. Thee of the.WestVitgloimis and one eltheen were severely - wounded. , 0 A strodg guard has boon stationed on Mary land avenge to prevent, arepeaticru of the dls taitiane: • cortgrepflenaileattsmal., CouniM, : :Morrow, June 14-f-The Math:mid CorticH of t h e CoagrEpttoial el*rebeirecinvabed today. Atatrat fosr hondredwren= were present. The Wowing ate Ufa "officers: Moderator. Ex-Gov. Wra. A.Buckingbam, oteonneethmt; First As: iLitant Moderator, Hon. Cho& G. Hammond, of Mlools; Second Assistant. Rev. des. P. Thump 'Boa; of New York. .. lhtee iin4one Gentleman Drowned • • Togowto,,Jnne I.4.=Laat evening alt a party consisting of hlr. E. Colernae, Min Carrie Colo man ,_ Kate Genie, Ulm Creighton, and Geo:Creighton, were rowing the in Deapardines canal. the - steamer Argle - pamed, waging their boat. Enna were made to tare them, bat untortunatsly all 'except Geoege Creighton were drowned. Mayti--The Insurgents Reported Marching . on Port au . Prince. * Raw Irons; Jane 16.—The Tribune has pri vate Intelligence from Bald Biattlig Giat the insurgentibras was reported to be o 2 the march: fur Port an Prince. The rebels declare lhab It Is their determination to establish a more bberal Government, and place themselves under the protiectlo4 and patronage of the United States. Honorably Discharged Soldiers' Arms Wisinvictrow, June 1.4.—A1l the honorably discharged soldiers havabeen .gianted the privi lege of retaining their arms at the following rates: Muskets, of all kinds, with or without ao contrementa, tee dollars, all other carbines and revolvers,eight dollars; rabies aaA swords, with or without belts, thrM dollars. Deatractire Fire in Brantford, C.. W. • Basscrroito, C. W., June 14.—A Tony de. stmetive ere occurred this morning, by which half the business block was destroyed. The tlre was no doubt the work of an Ineendisey." Thirty balding' were destroied, with a lam of hum 5100,000 to 5125,000. Insurance, 850,000. Over 1.000 Passengers from Hamburg. Naw Tors, Jams 14.—The ship B. B. Kimball from Hamburg, arrived to-day with 520 parson; gTaltip Du Tbtn chilli also ren di ar e r d tror fixtm he lf l a ' at u burg, with nearly 500 passengers. There went tweor trthrse deaths on the passage. Mew Your, Jane 14.—The increased activity in Gold continues. The recent rise has pro. deiced speculation for an advance, and the price ahem a corresponding firmness. The premium during the morning has ranged at 4.2,,q@ii4234. Gold closed 'to-night at 143%. The Atdant Cable Completed Naw Toni, June 14.—Prorate advice:a from a Imminent member of the Atlantic Telegraph Company announce the completion of the cable, and eonildence in having England and America ih littgraphle communication next month. • The Stash:re Lafayette. 'Mew Your, Juno 14.—The Lafayette left for Brest on the 31. Bhe passed on the 4th, the Europe, two hundred and forty toll& west of Break which she should have reached on thehth, making the passage Inside of ten days. Wlllsky Seized NawYaur., dune 14.—The Collector of Inter -nal Revenue of Albany has seized lu this city, a large quantity of whiskey, sell to have been made In that citywithont paying the tax.- Guerrilla Steward Smiled. tomcat-N..lone 14.—The guerrilla Fileward was not executed' yesterday as reported, baring received . a tee' days respite at the hour assigned for his execution. BUbscriptlon4to the T-3 _Loan, Pines onu•nrs, Juno 16.-44 Vooka,l7. Bubactlptiou Agent, rcports isuitscriptioni to the 7.3{k loan to-dap, to t h e amount of 61,653,630. British General Williams. NEW Yona, Jane 14.—Gen. IWillLams, late commander of the Anus In British North Amer- Mai tailed In the Yenta to-day. I. The Eorreepon4enee Between tee Empe ear Nepolemk ayd Prince Prep°lova., NAPOLEON TO Tug narics 'alonstntna ago nun Connor: I cannot refrain nom Informing you of the piinful lin presakni I have experienced on reading your apeeciein Ajaccio. Ia leaving you, during my stem* with the Empress and my son, as Vice President of the Privy Council,l/nteaut to give you a proof of my friendship and my confidence, and Lipped that your presence your conduct, and your language would testify to the num which reigns In our family. But ;the political programme which you place under the spa of the Emperor can only serve the enemies of - my :government, To Judgments which I cannot ad mit, you add sentiments of hatredwhirl b?.long no longer to our day. To apply the ideas of the Empenir to the present time It is necessary to have passed through the stem trials of responsi. billty and power. And besides, are we really ca. pable, Pigmies as we are, of; app lacing at its mast vahm , the grand historical 8 of Napo-% icon 1 • Ail In standing before a "real statue, r i m we are unable to view the whole once. We hely nee the'slds which strikes au eight!'-hence the lncompleteneesof the reproduttion and the divergence of opinions. But what is clear to 'themes of every anal% that to vent anarchy In men's minds—tbat formidable Ow of true liberty—the Emperor has estab bed, first In ids family and afterwards I n his government, that severe discipline which, ad but one moi l - will Minene action. I cannot henceforth devi ate from the tame role of Conduct. Whereon, kronaletwand dear Cousin, I pray Ood to have you In / 114 holy keeping . ' t ': If &sox." . :. - - vire Pu n t© many. Prince Napoleon loot no time In-ttSlOng a tapir' to the Imperial ceasore. The .Preet was exclu sively favored with the .document: - "'Bra:: ,le consequence of your jeaty's let ter of May 23, and its puMleatton In the 361“- fia tem of this morning, I resign tiatt V ice Praslden. ey of the Privy Connell, add Liao t e Proeidenoy of the Universal Exhibition of - 1161. - ' "Accept, Sire, the homage of the profound and retry:cunt attachment with which I am, of yone,MaJesty; the moat devoted eotisitt.' Navel :MU (Janean). :, . 'Taints Royal, May 27,188: :" 1 The Anis remit, sap Olathe Emperor's hap tar was brought to Pints by a operetta nattier' It adds—writing, however, wlthoutl knowing of Prince Napoleon's answer—that he puma leavlog Prance for his property in Bwltserland. The Pads correspondent of 2'A. ILomdenDally Nemiliays: - The reeilgeatlmi of thelflerirPrldency of the Privy Conner to be inatitable, because . „the ElrleMrel: deMares his Moan's "cond. • aunanwo Tor the post. tl e ttle resignation of thee , Presidencyof the CM . Exhibition, *litilthich Napoleon's name was favorably eon. -meted 1n1855, indicates rancor - and a complete titnaidi. - It Is bighly prebabl3r that between , this and 1881 :Trines Napoleon , a Meat may hale -made great way In Prance, !'.- -' , . ' The London Timm' Pada. eop,ondent says: "On the publication of themower's letter to (be Prince. over 150 members of t le Legislative N ir Corps celled and left their names t the Palace of Th e Tuileries by way of 'testi g their Baths- Motion. I bear that the number would have been considerably greater—indeed,:l4l the Opposition. would have done se—but for the unpoputarity of the member, M. GrituLur de Cassagnse, who wan' the propUnin. - L , The Euipress wee- greatly applauded on Sun day night, at the Odeon, owing, It is said, to . the same Cause, as the Prince la not very popular In that quarte r of Parte. °Prince Napoleon's edition of his &ludo' speech, in the form of a pamphlet; was belled at - Onto'', but oily I am told, for want of a "temp, which I suppose he thought hltalmilf privileged tel dispense with. Re will now publish a stewed edition. He le 111/0. it IL said, about to bring out the first, volume of .11 Welkin' of the Ilona. padefamily. It Is feinirked that b 6 Ea, ter Yet resigned his seatin the nomudialou charged to superintend the ,coritapoudeoceof the Boar, Tent! family'," _ havejlist bead 'Oak ;he - EMpressfteigout has declined itoleptlig. the Priaces resignation as Vice President oflthe' Privy Council, tai the .ground that she has 'AO itittlitti* , to do so, end 'that the Eakialtai Only caa decide,.: Her MidaltY. -hail also entreated his Imperial - I k:mato publish the AJaccio gawk as replied that the:Qtrlreniulerit : proaa. o ..a him If they thought.; ^per; bac Abet publish he Accordingly. It has been published." l'efklandom Bele/cotter' glviag - the tub— etimet of theEmperort letter. ..- "It lea: disavowal as coutplete spidt mid as cleat sod preclocin forth ea could, berdeslred . bi. Abe mutt ardent adventarles or the -, idets' or the Vice Pr ecident of , the Privy Council, those who. la the . Gorentuient, itthe &Mtge, and In the press; heti heel; eacited•by hly words as %lough by an nitrademagogical and revolutionary nun ifesta. ' The Chid of the State 'takes the oppor tunity of :recalling the severe discipline estab lished by Napoleordl: in his family in' order to Prevent divergence of will and action, :Ind or declaring' deviate henceforth mule lf does Sot wend to from the. Of conduct adttpted In this =Pettily the thunder of ids dy nasty." , . . The, ehl takes ti eery different view ,of the •malder.' Is says:, "After the &rad universally unfavorahle.ernotion produced'_in ;Prance and 'WOW b.f. the epee& at , Ajaccio the Emperor- NaPoleon's Letter is sure beforeand to thrums *bare welcornedwith the utmost satisfaction." The Pa& pamts are vary eliarY of their' Com runt& . The 'thrice says that "the latter of the chief of the Nate, appears to bef,ono of Um' most important -aloe of the present • political , situation." The es . ir Yokota say& : "we mightystrly seek, even in the history of the first umpire, each' an admonition addreesed to a lersonep of each. elevated rank-in.the. theta NI Dines Napoleon. Never las a muter spok:aendorider tone. or more authoritatively . subject {return to the path of duty or blerarehleithuterdlnetion. Nevertheless it nliist be admitted that tbough the letter Is severe, his jest im , an perial regime." din strict amformity with the logic of the - Neither the'Asada& nor the semiofficial jmurruds; the Colutthitkomel and lisp, tate any notice. orttur Prince Napoleon's letter to the ntatyl Euiperor, , •. the vice.presldencY - of the. Privy _ .CMlneli and a presidency of the Unle sal thrubitlea: a 'Agri* yenrares to give but a etiolation m the Prase, and In email print, as •If it a document of small im portance. t The London Globe says: "The,Einperor Napoleon has done - a strong thing, ,t bat is nothing new In his political. career, ; ' ith tail publicly and severely 'cornered his coUlt Jerome. The recent speech of the Prince at Aluckt has. attracted attention from all sides. it appeared In full Inoue French Jour- pat It wadaltogether minded from thePfortibrur. No oneithere exactly what te make lof it, for while It indulged in that extravagant laudation, of the First Napoleon, which' is the orthodox' creed, at least of the Bonapartism, it set forth some pretty stiff democratlevdewet andjwhat was more important, it 'contained sentiments plainly hostile to the policy of the Emperor on the Amer ican continent. The LoOdon bay NEWS UT" 'We Wine oar comuspondast In Parts has discovered the real cause of offense. The one great and unpardonable crises of Prince Nap- Icon Is that at this delicate crisis of the Mexican be gimined the Monroe doctrine, and declared thatthat Napoleon I. had foreaeem it with acquieseente. Here la where the shoe pinches: The,Emparot is bent upon maintaining Earl-. When in Mexico, and he 'sees that the country is Mamma unanimously disinclined to support him In Ws the greatest mistake of his life. One has only bread Mr. O'Quin'a report on the budg et to see that even the pecked majority In the Corps Legislatif is not prepared for the sacri fice* of men and money which France mist Inev itably be called upon to support, unless the last French soldier speedily toms hb back on Meat co. Prince Napoleon rejoins in the dlseomilt nre of the Booth, and feels pereuaded that the consequence of the restoration of the unity of the United Rates must be the impossibility of prolonged French occupation of Mexico without a fearibi war. It Is oh this` account that the Emperor classes his cousin with the 'enemies'of his government- _ _ "Hem hi one of the vulgareat weaknesses of poor human. nature. There Is nothing more In tolerable, even to a man of senae and sagacity. than to hear the one great folly or infatuation of his life called by Its right name, or to be obliged to Bitten to advice which he knows to be good, arid hates all themons because It convinces him euraituit lost will. Men ordinarily cautions and cling with a tenacity 'too likellespair for pnithnice to Muller' to some one disastrous error Into which their passions have precipita ted them, And which they. know - to be a diem trona error. It is much more endurable to be hennaed for what. our conscience approves than for.alist It coademne. Thus, perhaps, it isWith the Emperor •of the French. At the outset of the Mellow expedition—not the Intervention of the three Powers., but the fillitrustering expedi tion that aucceeded the intervention—ha dada tedit to bi the 'weightiest affair of his Be: bas long since found oat that it is the heaviest blender of his reign. Uuder taken at a time when he counted. upon the dlsittption. of the Milted States 'and the estab lishment of a Blare empire In the South; at one moment a religions crusade, at another a gam bling epecolation half a dream of empire and, half a khan° o f Bourse, It was only when It had cost .£13.000,0® and .73 1 ,000 Bras; when It beau& necessary to cheixse . between the dis honor of Itesertieg In his ntniost need the gen erous dupe who had accepted his patronage, and the derv? :of [supporting an' Austria Arch duke by permanent garrisons and Incessant loans . . and moral gueratitlee, In defiance of the reitera ted protestsof pubbe opinion throughout France, end of incalculable contingencies looming In America; it was only when an independent French journal could declare that It would be . throe to pay the Emperor Ma:Wiliam .fi.10,000,000 and have done with him and his empire, that the Emperor, began to understand the aignifl cance of his own prophetic saying. C'est taplus gross( teaks ire mat nvar. No wonder he can not forgive Prince Napoleon for thintingao too." CITY -AND SUBURBAN. Larceny of Ladies' Clothing. Sarah Hurst, a domestic stopping at thole:rasa 'of Mn. Young, on Smithfield street, appeared at the Mayor's office yesterday morning, and made information against another Piled girl named Mary Rice, charging her with stealing a dress. It appears that Sarah had made a visit to some friends east for retort period, and Mn.s Young hid employed Mary to attend to the house during the absence of the other girl. Sa rah returned from her trip on Tuesday, eed on the same evading the temporary hired girl look her departure. Alter the had gone, Sarah missed a dress, and made the information as stated. Officer Messner was tent up to Kiss Mary's house, en Try street, but on arriving was told by • little girl that she bad seen Mary Just leave the house with a bundle. On being shown the house She had gone to, the officer entered, and discovered a silk dress and two ladles' cloaks, which had evidently been Stolen. Re brought Mary and the goods with him. The clothing was Identified as belonging to Mrs. Young. The girl Mary was locked up for a bearing. Larceny by • Girl. A girl of fourteen otop:oved as a servant •at • house In Birmlegtism, yesterday morning Mole a $lOO greenback from the chamber of a boarder, which She managed to find among his crams while making the bed. She loon; niter started on a chopping expedition on this Side of the riv er. dire got she bill broken In Diamond alley for the purchase of a bonnet, tad then bought aim VA worth of Jewelry at s store on Smith. field street., Afterwards she bought.. consider able quantity of feminine notlons on Market street, and In this way all the money was ex pended: The gentleman who, lost the money, on discovering herreturning, made her confabs , the larceny, and Started with her to the various stores where she had made purchases to restore the goods and have the money renzeded, bet the storekeepers In every. Instance refused to take the articles back. Officer Wlllison was then dispatched on_ the business, and succeeded In getting ninetyklx di:4m of the money expand ed. The girl could not remember how the re utellikl four Igen were expended. The loser has no Inclination to prosecute the cue Antler. Impitivement 'of East 'ComMati. Wo learn that a number of ptibllo spirited citizens of Allegheny ire taking steps for the improvement of Rust Common, from Ohio street to .the South. Common. lfgbacrlp• Con are already being made to a fad for the impose. A contract has been made fir the grading, and fora neat and substantial fence, whichls to be planed ea panted, and the work to already commnced. The square will be entirely enclosed for two or three years, until the trees havelairly, started In thair growth, after which the trholegnnuid will be laid oat In plea. ant walks leading In anch directions from Adel° , nide agorlll be moat wave:dint to foM passengers. The plan df excluding the public until the gram and trees have attained some perfection lea good one and will be generally approved. The rm• promment will cost about live thousand dollars. Had te Leave A piing man by the name of-Elliott, who was born and raised near Bellefonte, teat there some time before the breiikhug out of the war, and went &nth. When hostilities comilifene4 be Joined .the notations John' liffOrgan's com mand, and was taken' Winona' by the 'Union frees. *Be refined to take the oath of alle. Vance, and managing to esespelfrom prism:, re turned.Botith and fought !" out to tha and. Last weeirhe returned home to Bellisfoute. Melding ammo of hts formeracqualtdances, he held,out hlii hank but they refilled to toUeir L .The , driver of the omnibus refuted him niaiwitud be was forced to walk to.towit.•:'iri gitioyeaing a delegation at sithwatt zwaapd, ;04 idol. add invited Mal to leave; iralettlie dIL .Duqueane . Pledio. - -Tbs Guiliano itaie Pieste comes on lo•inortew, stlOletawood Grove on the' Coontettgle-goad; :Ampleprettanitions: bit...been made by the Boartof at onagers to make this ; one ot.the.6ost - a* , 'dirt Valles of the Reno* and 'allirbolviab td enjoy pleasant, ARY a b oald be on•bstik-,..: Paspeerbioaek.---Thetlakftittecekaili r(417. ment; Wodgoad;..:tintabering anent - font jiandreitnnii;tirilvedlpst Eight; and lan'escorted o eltvllall 4,a.cltv band. Atm:timing regaled 11'4 a wryer, they !Mon the woot,era train: Court of Qoarter Sessions. A large number of cases were tried in the Court of Quarter Sessions. yesterday afternoon. Dan iel (Mara, indicted for aggravated assault and • battery, was convicted, and sentence deferred. John A. Redress was also found guilty of as. suds and battery, and fined 35 and coats. John McCune was arraigned on a charge of deserting his wife, and upon conviction, the court ordered that be pay $3 per week for the maintenance of his Wife, and give security . for the thiftliment of the obligation. Lizzie Barnett, indicted for surety°, the peace, on oath of Kate Percer. was .ftrand not guilty, and prosecutor and defendant eaclito pay half the coats. Capt. Morgan, who cernMitted an amain and ands battery a few days sgO on Major Cline and 'Col. Ewing at Camp Reynolds, plead guilty to both charges, and was tined s3Und coats in each cue,' The card of Wm. Meal, • colored porter at the Monongahe la House, ,charged with the larceny of a cam, was taken up_ and went to the jury. City Hint'llly. Dr. George 1.. McCook, Physician to the Beard of Health, reports the follcnring deaths In the city, from Anie 3d, to Jane 10, 1865, • Yak 5...... II I White,. 15 Females.... '6 Colored.-- 0 !Tots!. 15. 11rtiler 1 year 5 Fran:4loW 15.......: 1 From 1 to 2....:..:'2 1 " 15 tolo , 1 " 2 to 5.... 2 " 70 to 80 1 " 20 to BO 3 Of these tbere were: Congestion of the brain 1, consumption 3; chronic bronchitis 1; summer complaint 1: effects of burn 1; still born 1; ulcer ation of bowels 1; billions diarrhea diptheria 1; wtstro anted:Jai ivariola 1; croup t; convulsions 1. Bow to IPreserve Schwarz his commtmicated _the following simple method of pram:ming small quantities of ice, which - he har . pmetittd with encores :. Pat the ice in a deep Allah Orpig, cover it with a plate, and place the vessel on a pillow stuffed with feathers, and cover the top with another pillow carefully, by this means excluding the air. Feathers we well known bad conductors of heat; and. In cones. wine, the ice is preserved from melting. Dr. Schwarz states that he has thus pre erved elz `pounds of lee for eight days. The plan is aim pie, and within the reach of every household. Concert Hall.—But three days more remain of the beautifol serim of pietism, 11:nitrating the last hours of Lincoln,d no oueshoul d neg lect the opportunity which qp yet remains of visit ing it. The painting is executed in thehigheat style of art, and , elicits the admiration of all. Thelccture by Mr. Bomerby is eloquently ren dered, aad Is always listened to with delight. The painting will be exhibited for the last time on Saturday evening next. Trimble's Varieties.:—Thla establishment is still on the tide of prosperity. New attractions are the order of the day. Mr. (irsorge Edeson,. an old Pittsburgh favorite, made bis appearme this week. and met with a hearty mention. The bllf for the week consists of new negro ea Oultrieltiell, song!, dances, and a. popular farce. We advise all to go, and whams a splendid evening's entertainment. The Draft Wheel Ito:dd.—Yesterday morn Lag all the effects of Provost Marshal. Poster's °Mee were auctioned offpy McDania°. Among the snicks was that terror; to non-combatants, the draft wheal, which was knockut down to Captain Murphy for $5, less than Its cost. We congratulate the Captain on his bargain. Coln' Ater Roe=lts. Captain Walleestarted down the Deltas to Vancouver, to bring ups party or recruits to fight the locomotive Indiana. He stopped for the night at the Cascades, in the house or an old man galled "Uncle Sammy," an Inquisitive old fellow, about cishtyslx and deaf as haddock. After supper, the old man, old woman, and Vi r allen drew up chairs around ► blazing wood fire. The old man Immediately commenced plying the brake (good expreeslon for pump): "What are you kohl' daowu to the mouth of the river fort" "After the reetrilts," replied Wa ken at the top of his yoke. ..,A M 7,, "Alter recruits," roared \Yellen again. "Can't hear ye." Then the old lady moved around, and putting her mouth to the old man's ear shouted, in a voice that would have done credit to Stentor after he'd got &little In years "Re's aloha' drown—arter reerults—stiar-- and eoffeo—aad—Plnkertoa'a Wahoo an Ca llasya 13Itters—aud rich !" The old lady vraznet au far out of the way after all, Their itittent are unequaled to "recruit" Impaired trital ener gy of every downiptlon. For sale by R. F. tiollersi ag•at for Elttobargt How To Enna TIM NEGRO SITTFRAGE Qom .rtos.—We would give the suffrage at once to four daces of if•cuthent negroee. Phut,. and emphatically, to i every negro who has borne alma In the cause of the United States; second, t and every negro w owns seal estate; third, to every negro who Mai ul write; and fourth. to every negro sr o hairbeinged to any religions organisation or wet for the years before the war. These poin void cover every 'one that ought to vote , and they woeld Instire in every negro voter a ' splrit of manhood as well as disdl pilnei some practical shrewdness, Intellectua. development, and moral conniptions mid cul ture. It la well worth the consideration of the President whether something like this should not be Included In the scheme of reconstruction. N. Y. Herald. Aa elderly lady, named Turner, met with • singular death - on Salved', evening last In Chica go. It stems that the hones in which she reed ded wu being mend to an adjoining lot, the'oe cupants, as is customary, remabohog In It during the process. The deceased, who had been Bow leg, went to one of the windows to sec hew they were programing, and while leaning out of the window, a sudden forirard mama of thebulidlog brought the had of the unfortunate lady In con tact with an adjoiningbousewith such force that her skull was fearfully crushed, and death almost bastardly ensued. GM Cox has cantered the °Metal asncapond edee of Ex•Novernor Vance of North Carolina. The letters are written to and from all the rebel dignitaries from JEN. Davis down. To Vane's crdit tt appears that he remonstrated with the rebel Secretary of War against the barbarous treatment of the Union prisoners at Salisbury, Tan conduct of Goverrior Pierpont, of Vir ginia, Is, to lay she leant, atianicionz tie has placed in Mee ngsdn the rebel Mayor Mayo, of Richmond' who le bitterly persecuting the freed men, and haecelled the Legislature together, width last step caused an indignation mating of the loyal citizens of Alexandria. • Swaim' lizarmsoa, of Tennessee, the col,, Immo of Andrew Johnsen. who withdrew from the United States Senate at the breaking out of the rebellion and. Joined the tweesalonists, has tiled an appllcation;fo*ardon and piteously asks his former brother to forgive AT PUMA,. WAIT. SOMOMISUB carried off one of the figures of the M a arpmal in the street* of that city, pluidered two others, and - profaned three 1121:04 The bishop of the diocese ordered menace for three dap a reparation, in which the population took put with pions eager neat. T/111 demoralisation, disaffect on mid indolence of the people of Alabama described ICP 3 f" fectly frightfal, and nothing but military pre. Wawa 55 , 106 the State from popular anarchy. DIED: OASE:—On Monday morning; June teth, ehout helnpast eleven o'clock, EMMA OATH. Her numbs Will be Akan to . Latrobe by the I o'clock train Thozenee tronsuro, to be laterred to the Unity Burying Ground. , Funeral. cervices at 9 Welook TIM uvulae, at the iesld3nee Cl Lee parents, 81 Maatend street. N ORTON'S . OLNTNRNT, For Sall &thrum and Scrofula. naranutently cures TETTER, /WALD NEAD, =SWORN% AND W ITCHING AND BURN/NO SORES a d ERUPTIONS OP TEE SKIN. TEL Oin'anent penetrates to the bade of the dip to the very source-and aurae tt Item teenier tTeneath to the 'ILI oni the surfaee,thro the potion of the dbease upward, and every pa4l. rle of tt la dieeharged thsvugh the pores—the 110C13.11 cd the la are expelled from the gab. nese enmity thus sin no re/apie._ 'waren si Oa" 3011 Ageitle . 6123X0AD.WAY, 171 W .ItORK. Soul by DR. Klinan R. Aging. (WOOD BrisilyPlTTSßUlta& • - "El X E - 011 T OR'S •NOTlON,—Wheivai,L tetten3estao ryoc thcolaat; 'ill! of. Wtt. ItonYount.latilot thedtyotPittiburith,ll6 lova 46.66 duly parted to ,116116=.1411516,"" 3166 indebted to thQestato of d. )14.1fr• quested to settle the same Of, delit7,!and patties hitting clattaa itplost th 6 66141 Witte, wtg resent them for 66tt. 1 4.166t;to.qaymAxount, ~; 4 Y.l2l:l2tol__ . JOH YOurbril, m1t640 226y11; 1866. .. , y1146W I ECIV • Aci ElirTY • 1.11p4 OIL B~RRFLB .7.ll,VAREizuu. puss P/Ll6B I Piptili TILES. or rwmanm MOW MMXWM CTI;IRBD I Below wtli tel Zooid seertAllente from one of Wm moot monmeoble eltlgeas of Wilkun sownablp, fopra to Dr. Keyser's Limbers Blood Searcher. The Dealer's omillleates are leftist' resch,and no ens need be deceived in regulate his preparation : Ds Ono. H. Emma: I became satiated with Piles about Martyr:as ago, and every year ttey weregrowlng Worse, so as to tremble me very much owlet: soar times ea to unfit me ter work. Some ines reaping had thatl could ma do anything on account of them; they came em on me as Luse as hickory. nut.. I had tried • great deal of medicine for them. I used to buy and take whatever I could heir of or meta in circulars and Dilapidate that fell to my way.but I could not et cured; some. times they woad do me somegoodfora little while, at afterwards they would return again as bad as ever. I also applied, to tare Doctors, who visited me atmy house and gave me some medicine, but Lt would not do, 1 could not get well. Over a year ago I got an advertisement of your lindscurs Blood Searcher, mate by yourself. When you sold It to me you told me one bottle would not cure me, and that my whole system would hereto be renewed by the medicine before I got well. I bought one bottle and took it home with me, and used it according to your dizectiorut I then called to see you again when you said I could not expect much berusittrom sae bottle. I bought it, one bottle at a time, until 1 had used dye bottles. After this quantity wa used. I was entirety well of the Plies, wadi had tortured me or twenty. years. In other teepee a my health is improved, and I am as weal -as eould be expected for one of, my age, being sixty peen pad. I have been uli now far' ix months, and there Is no appessanee Of the return of the dleass• 1 cart de any kind of farming now without Work he Piles coming doWn and hurting me. I can pitch hay, chop wood, lift, or do any kind of work wadi before used to hurt ms. When I !band out year Blood Searcher I kept on taking It until I got es tirely well, leondder it my duty to make ray can known to the country for the benefit of others who mop be suilining as I was, and do sot know the value of your Dredleille. You may publish this if you like. I live In Wilkins township, and win be pleased to satisfy any one of the truth a tile net. Mute if they idea to all on me. ' ELLIOTT DAMS. 11th, INC IT Loos ont for the neme of Dr. GlSOftflle fIZETSEII on the cover of the bottle, end purled over the corks also for hie stamp on the.. United Staterrtamp on the top of thebott% to prevent ln the baud IMmarket. POthd ApOnhy • spurious eL which II Sa. Sold by the Proprietor, No. HO WOOD ST.. and by &MON JOHNSTON. corner of Fourth and Smit hor.4field streets, Fltt ugh. HERNIA. OR RUPTURE. HERNIA OR SUTURE CURED. HERNIA OR RV - ETUDE CURED HEENLA 02 RUPTURE CURED. HERNIA 0 . 12 RUPTURE CORED. ELERNLi OR RUPTURE CUBED. HERNIA of RUPillWg MIRED. HERIVIAI. RUPTURE CURED. HERNLI OR RUPTURE CURED. *RTURE Od HERNZ4 MUM) APPTURf QB HERNIA CORER Wink anteru mut 11 - 11011 C HERS t GU= Juirras OR HERNIA cunt suPri4 OR NICENLI CURL 8VP717/1M 01 lISRSLI C 171.611 MAZIWS RADICAL CURE 721785, itriTEM.PATRICT 7RUS& PITCH'S SUPPORT TRUSS. BELFN4LIMSTING :RUSS. Piles. Props for the support at d cure o Elastic Knees, for weak Cep knee join to Ankle Supporters, for wookankle joints, Self-Adjusting, and every other kind of BMWs. Hard Rubber Syriac's. Dr. Baanino Lace or Body Rrace, for the cure of Pro - Japans Uteri, Piro, Abdulzi. nal and Spinal liVealcneasee. Dr. 13. Pitalea Silver Plate Supporta -- Dr. ILIMIER groe Lis personal attention Wee application of Trnuei tn adults and oldldnan: an be is satisfied that, with azdoxperiance of tweta ty yews, be oral be enabled to glee aaltafinitkey. ' girOfnee et Ms Drag Stare, N 0.140 WOOD ST., din of the Golden Mortar.. Persona writing for Trines shook! send the number of Indies mount the body, lameastely over the rupture. CATARRH 1 DR. R. GOODALEPII CATARRH REMEDY 9 • It, penetrates to the very seat of this tesidide and exterminate* it, root Cul branch, forever. Dr. DALIt tithe ant and only person wh, ever told the world what Catarrh really was, where It commenced, and what would 071143 Dr.tGOODALE has spent a lifetime to battila with this fell amass, explorlig its secret ambush end Makin/ known to the wo II the Last the Cat arrh, which has for seers netted the milli o * search of medical men and,authors in this country and to Euromi ono nowbe: eared, -with, thd SAM uniform certainty that morning follows riliet. Thousands, who tiled every known cure in vs, have beep permanently eared by Dr. IIH7OD °Amass /1.17d.EDY, , sad now Widen it In the most extravagant terms of MP- Call At Out nearest ••••••7. of aen3 a etas_P Mt ft pain et. i L.vteed.pnpaied. by H. 000 11. D., New 1.044 . • I fORT 6 I! h AB., 901,Ag,t4 Mi NeoeawAr;saw mow. HaiG. 3l . l icErmß,SoteAtent. ?to, ilso *aim Erraxra, pusenut. IVORFARM'OP" landr situate In Hampton Township, Alin. therm eenillYo4Weislirsllesilogni th e arty of Pitts-. burgh; known as. the ''Brarr.rarrn,”soutalalug two _hundred atlas; snare or tar; to ollirred• for sale. The Sarni_ br,favorably Wasted,. now aillthleroada,. • well,. Tatum about. one 'hundred sone plowed-, OIL , Swo log dwelling honors and othe ;Imperil*. The laid le of - a goei"quality, 5,1 trauathaloaa, tied' ls very- destriVe fte tanning pa Q l•paies. - eters; eshpolei 41 ,n.ihr•Jore,lreat -own, neigh , IOrA-ernis - •S .111LAIISMILL-frd,UROWM -• 'Attorney's total94p pro4'slielcs. *. USHER IN 1786: AR IP" ADriro,R T/SEXICEXI'S.I -RETMINE,D BOLDISIII3.—EaP4OLUI. anahillislenta have been mode so that you tan gat a good, ateviceatd% neat and stylish Boot or Mona AT MMY WW 1 MICE., AT THAT Great Boot and Shoe House, COMM . - 1011 STORI. Wok Side of Fifth Street, ABOVE WOOD STREET.. I tar MOW YOUR DISCHARGE to !noun the proper Wootton. It Las Aetna!! edged fact that we sell better geed' for leas mesh than is asked for Ilubbiah by ekes dealers. and Wll.l give you a lure guarantee that you 'will not be token la or charged exorbitant .Pflool for anYthingln4e Boot =I Bhoe llnettyoa will cell at wo. oe Finn STREAT, y GENTIOWER. GRAY, POSTAL & REM Dierchi3amt Tailors' hay* opened out at their new store, 210. 0 Fula STREET under Concert Reid, and also at theft old stand, No. 19 FIFTH STREET, a most elm. gent assornsernat of New Summer Goals for gentle. men.s wear, which ha. recently been purchased ba the. East, and which. they will mate to ordinal greatly reduced prier . • one stock will be found sit the leadingsni desirable styles of the season, such as only can bib found at a Ent class establishmentoornustiV part of a splendid usortment of French Coat • and Gisatmeres, and a Ratline of Alarsellies,Y logs, which we will make up to order in a entering style and manner. • An earl call from ear customers and the Pune in is rupee:MAUl solicited. GRAY, POSSIEL & REM, successor to S. GRAY & SON. Old Stand No. 19 Filth Street, New Stand, No. 112 Fifth Street. scFN:Cindeod PORTSMOUTH SIX .CORD SOFT. FINISH American Spool Cotton AMORY'S ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON These threads are warranted ci? superior Tian, and guaranteed to measure 20) yards In tertian.. Can ea bad to all colors and numbers. • Manufactured by the PORTSMOUTH STEAD( FAUTOITY, and Tar Bala by the trade generally CP/ARLES ARMORY a ,SELLING AGENTS, Be Murray tweet, New York• 166 Devonshire street IBcatont 206 Ofaurelt street, Philadelphia. adttilataeod foLVNBING. Gas and Steam Fitting, • In all Its branches, carefully attended to, by.eup named,rge ptlcal workmen. • A due saaortmauk OAS FIXTURES, BUW ATTI '-fpm • WATT (110 n 7A Constantly on Mod and made to older. TATE & SEVICLE, N .59 FEDERAL STREET, Alleshemyi And mldl2andin XTREET, Pittabeza A LLEGICEI;TY coingfry, th* Court.of Common Plea', In. the 'Satter of the ap. Vacationer the Sewickley Ha—,.TrineTeren,tEln. Academy for a Chaste . r of Petition, hs. . Incorporation. - - Anonow, 1 the Court having reed, and examined the object, articles and conditions set forth In the charter, and the name being fn. 11.0. cordanenwlth to Laws of the State of-Pounry/va. nil; and In conformity to the laws lir genera, and' not. ialuziots to the public good, the Uowrttintiot said writing to be filed in the °Mae of the Prtry thonbiary,and notice thereof to be published lb cording to_ law, detting forth that an anpllcatlon. has been made for a charter as aforesaid, and that the same Will be granted at the next term of Closst, unless exceptions are filed thereto toti me. From the Record: ' J - • . JACOB - H . WALTERH, Pro th onotary. - All - persona lateretted wall take notice of order of Court. J. WEITESELL, myladierdoaar ' Attorney for Applleastut FASHIQNABLZ DESMAIILLE CfOODS, For Gtnres rosierei Ciothing MADE TO 0ED721, IN THE BEST'STYLE AND N I INNER, R. B. KOREA /KIEOHASIT 110. 70 .IFEDIMAIr. 6T.. Alleorbaiqr. z FOR 134.14L-bOO,OOO BILLITGLZS. ' 5C0,000 szararati FOR BALE. W. BOOTHE. Memill.lll IMIUU SOTICE.—I RESPECTFULLY AN ?MUNCIE to my friends and former otueomera that I shall - continua to - carry on the LIVERY' AND UNDERTAKING. BMWS:3 ,S next doer ahoy. the old stood, formerly tempted by Rodgers tr. Thorn. I will be happy to receive the patronage 'so Ilberally beitowed on former °outdone; and eon furnish Livery of all Made= the shortest notice. , 8. K.. RODGER& 21U._1 Drazetting Office and-Patent Agency., No. IS Cridaß STREET, near Surpenitni - Erika H. R. GEXGEMDEX, Extpasar. Realdoure No. 14 ay diet, 31 - 111 'EELS CHOICE BE/UWE PAS[ 00 ILY FLOUR; 5,000 buds Oats' 1,000 bush Far Darn; • 4 can Baled Ray; 1 ear Peach Blow PotatOeli . 2 Ulm Butter, to sloths; • 50 barrels Green Apples; In store and for ante - 02 PATTERSON, AKRON & Nat. 250 and BB Penn St., Seat , * new beddi n g. T' PELETERE. , • - PRESSES RoHEALE. One TAYLOR CYLINDER, bed Mao Mahan. One - TAYLOR DOUBLE UYE,INDER7baII 12* R.lnetuts; all In good warning ender. WM D 0.50421 banns, • A84= 1, 545412 a. a ouess. ' a GRIGIGS SCOTT, - marl . c!Frr 74 , r05.w0 '• • owner otattaiiud ThilratSN'L TTNITICItakti 'CLOTRMWRIZiGHRS. - - sd .—Acknimtedsed Mum Wog antikocillas 10 Oa .i. i' , the' best .1n wakes. They wilt 01 Str 011. 1 AWL - Mao* •ct that is cevremtel,_ •' :sages, 1, .be •ct 41110 . ,t .' 9° '- at s,.:; `'., N l.= '• kn. , ' f , ' , :, Solo Ailia4 fOr Allegb,TU P U4t TA:..f. ii 'I I - 1114!,942;.,, 4. 4,47.. plaramvt -„,.„ :,... .par, B f qcx AND 'PILE for Bale by ' '.!..168 „ . ... .J.HENRY'LI. CQLLIIOI . . EL • ales for sale'byf,' ..T.S.`caNytEur 0.1.11JE.,--. 4 14 bilk for able by ‘ J ' - 1(6 • /10 .i /1 / 1 4 0/44/Zia.' --s 4,,..,..,,,,...1 . :. p.l - .7'.t. ::.: , , - .',..4, 1, 1_,•.; ,,, -.. “ . ... - j. - ,
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