. PIZZLISKXO NY 1111 81/111711. .PEELIBIIIIIII ASUCIOTIOL - sBvaBDaie ;` 4 ~1;, I iIItPtIIrLCAN COVEI&MENT- • The gnat question of the day is, Shall*. • adored people of the South be invested with the right of indiaget And out of this' aptings another—By what authority shall lie be se invested? Under the Constitution of the i llijihpl„ . - i3tates, WAIT ... 6• . the 1 itilijecie " taw -. Wa s • land, parsiso* to sad . overriding an State' • coestitutimasand brers,.` , the prerogative of • determining who shall vote and who shall i *mot irote—lthether theru,shall be a km VW+, ' ideation tudalaannsilranla, dr a irropirtk. Qualltiodkrn, as In South Carolina, or a lit. Crary q cation,' as in Ourinectiout or ie litlaidce at all, except sat and age, as ti lo s es the new States—ls vested in the Amaral Ei tsra t ssach Ihr.jteritf. --Tats being; so, the of the United Stattai lenot` a w * Mm to bo, by a national and general un f . . , .qualilloatiorm . of i voters,. nee to sa to tate whether its privilege. of suffrage shall limited eraniverul. -This Is ft question which each State, by its *institution or:: Mani; lies. the areingivi right to detehnine for itself. In the foregoing concession .we haie as amaid the 'Bidet i,.:l' 'be properly in the Union. If having been out by recession and - rebellion, MO they base hem. or alma to be, nattered, a; for example, Tennessee and North Carolina. were applies - also to Shags that } reties Out. Ai ro'such . L'4: have takeniiii steps • towards restoration; - ' each as Sonde Caroline ; Alabama ;' -*WIS.. eippi, aid Others, their present Statue is al together aatuardirea, partaking partly or the nature of Stiitel; partly that of Territories, and partly that of conquered provinces. Of . them, in their present -attitude, we have nothing to say at present, other than that • they are grate as much ruder the authori ties of the nation, both civil and military, SA are territories or conquered provinces: • It is of the resumption of their place in the Union as Etatei that we hare to do at pres ent, In which the question of anfrage comes in, and of the co:rename:sat LEX MUTTON of their power ever thatanatter, ... There is as emphatic clause in the Con stitution,rtquiriot:fisrirs- (king, but re yeiring--Congreas to gnansntso to each State il Relndal4m4ireel of (Amnia's& Sup-. pose the ptople - sf a State'should take ii into their healthy to establish i• hereditaty laxwarch7;.aheiliiiitund their ..monarch With a tat* aristocracy, which, jointly with the monarch, should constitute the Main genial . tig power. - in the State, Con- Una in: TMb itbat *A - liii4terPgse• and'Pre. Tent such action. Or suppose they should eatabush euilatAiaiy, il, the strict: sense-of that word-( B ooth tezOnea WAS, : ieslly an, oligarchy prior to the Rebellion; what it has been dnce we 'hail not undertake to say)-, Congress would be equilly botindio inter pose. Or suppose, a, again, that State were to bust one clauses 'of its people with the molegovernLog power, to tfie exclusion of clu‘ smother both classes being native to the soil, and iisno.. - wise differing from each other in airy - of the - Essciumi - attributes of humanity, oternid• (looms; Constittithinally recognize such a govertment ea piPubUcan either in forrp,ur sprit t :Inthis last:hypii:" thesis Is found , the question under . dis cussion. ''' ' - i ~,:. i :. ~!',r' ' i :: _'. ~: t i* What is it repttblic, or a republican form Of government? It is a form of govern went in which the exercise of ihe gover n. `fig power is loged in representatives chosen by the people.• In lie reprnentative feature differs from a democracy, which is the direct and immediate rule of thepeoPle. In Its popular thature it differs from an arittoc• • racy,in which . the'governipg power htlodgexi Ina privileged class or order. When that. privileged order is small iris called :an oil iptrelly. The .popular or deMocratic ele ment is as easentlara - faart . of a - republican forni - of government as is the representative feature; and hence the: phrase 'denioeratic' republican' la just about las tautalogical as' to say 'popular democracy.' It is a repro-, aentativogoyerameniof TUE PEOPl:i.—zioV of a clar4L hoiever, large or however! ralremeMeee prove princiPlea It is Bald so we shall take the case of South Carollen, • .la width there are two classes of people white and colored. • The latter are all loyal to the GoVruntint of the : UploM the 'other . see' not so biAnymeins. The latter are the. moat num:thins- and. some thourituida of them= are nowterthe Government as Mann . tear soldier while not a man of them has r dualuillYthecatuatof the nitelifori: Now suppose each of these classes should claim the gaminmaut of the State - upon its restoration to the Union, to the exclusion of the other, 'Which would have', the better claim?• The etegroea, by all means, says every man who km any regard for truth and - fair dealing, Impure Con peas ' should admit their claim, and put the BMW under their rule, to the total exclusion or the whites, ',Mild thathenienublican frirti ..- Of government . within the Intent and mein mg of the Consthidion t..No; scat[ would aristocracy, in which ooloied 'Men woWd be the privileged..dider e the ruling chum Loyal Ishii* -men, -hoWexer few, would be grossly wronged by set such Pro' ' needing; and °Meese could not OM:ithing of the kind without 11.1 " 1 !AMIC1,0rAile . CoIL . . 'Medea; because auCh a govennaintmoOld not be npuldleas eititer in form-or Toy weal: now apply the convellecof lhe propoilllOn or hypothests„ and the login is complete. It used to'be . tartght'hiMrtrdn Pedal schools that Mtgroes were not **irk tithe pohhl al sertitiOf that word. Bo long as they were In a Bite of alrtierrmi?adilll , that they were *my but under the malign Influ . ence of that; accursed inatltutitai the sad status of the-slave was forced upon firemen,' merely because they happened to bear the': Same, COIL g This: 'nag gradirany• grew narealrn4ig PrejOice eutft at length it culminated In the atrocious - - Indicts] dictum that "colored' men had nit whlch r ibite men were wend-to ;U r apt ct." A-vague idria'ptuvallcd that they- - were not cid - mini, hot OCcepiedlanundednetr, rearm sorarwhere befwecn the. slave and %the freeman. But all that has been washed away In the mirgledblo,al of white and colored patriots, who battled shoulder to 1 shoulder In the late triumphant war fur the salvation of-their common country. Noir Congress can take its stand upon that great clause of freedom; and sternly refuse to it'lmit Staten, back to the fellow thip of the.tinkMunill!ttn* 'adopt ca n;forrimiflmveniment.P4Asiflite of Pongreavokii'Blilfllifratieldoi the ne gm. of Seelig' or Muth ' „reach Wee negro or Non Byirari#4 .17,0c.t7, 4 Vligiiielion l44 *Vionndfii - onr theta logttitattion,VVii' InatattoOl thglti 0661511105/44* so the, ccirritckf tS Ste can t he 4,S4, S.O*P III 4P . •L'''A4t to , ?bole Ottr.id or Off ioltnie tido* th - 04-; helve oat of t hrTMOK T .tifitl l 4 Pie 41 P -, las aiiiiliii;*e.',4,;l4sitalid..fP'4w: right in a/b rit/4 , 000 - 1k Piietion 'ingestion. - 34 - et:set nntwith. ttie deote;,.. 'Wu quit pod erected equal Id the Senn of yrldeh we are ispeaktog, we aWI belltvo It • tri:ltettorriin4We ilKit :Pe; loyal to. ohr t:pa:loins If=opt ihr peat4e claim teem cuitty.r. publican; but If we croak four millions of _our. cormtrymen to perpetual_allepag er professions are , litts We elaun to be Chris. Alainh'brit ifWe deliberately resolve that it thirmatterwe — will -nor* tcrothenrar e would bays others 2. 36- tolik'ouretains ' satinet and - Will Atli be allowed eitberla hea yen or on earth, TH MISSOURI CONSTITUTION. It was thought for a time that the major ity of the vote at the late election /lad 4 :cac cast against the new Constitution otiasiouri; but the full returns show a 'realotit) ,. of at least five thonalarld :waif are = 1:ow; This a great trinfaith. :The vely: party fought bitterly against it, but they have been defeated, and now that illatracted State enters a j cs. , leer moretteerlng and hopeihrtifin it enjoyed before. Her vast resourees, the developenaent of which were repressed firm by the fraubrui of .Blavery- awl latterly by .00Mhslort and war, will now Mei . ° her one of the most populous and prosArous of the great central States. .1111E'CIOLORED TENNEUESSEEAN. Thk Is the Me cer a neat weekly paper recent. ly established let liaahviiktat le oondnoted with conaldmable ability, and It zealously advocates the came of educatloa among the eolored,peo pim and Mimes. with arptch brim the negn:Ps right to leseraid : politicid - No people' who ma Mrs Prees eillelently, and at the lame time hear I.4,er:smut the natioz fidthtediy and 'bravely, can under :; root, the next generation= the race hatieen the mats 5 the yr/dte . terMlidliM at the shunt and- Me elk ,education, wilt colored imasiat; ih 'Metter ea ti be ill' liaerietbije one; led it it be true that "koii*lidge la power."' this contest. will settle teepees whim are aow puzellng- the wisest THE COMIRERCrAIL. AND.WEIIRO , .. - SUFFRAGE.: ..• Erarrone Gazgrtm—l have been much grail. . fled by the noble courant - taken by the Gentteon the questiMe Or negto ItiffrAge-": i koPe lutfßli per will continue to advocate theticeesalteßf t ree gutting the rebel: States tiiiirat their Regent the ballot, beforeette7 can egain be permitted to co, 'quits j khe exercise of the Tights and I:marmot States In the Union. ' ' " : ' - . It la gratifying to perceive the rapidity with wAble Idea is gaining ground tbritughont l the The article Oß in toornieks Com m ,iary entitled ”Sgrinerin.itrausylosnien Ire • divulge that that paper L elsomoaffnigaronnd to `tfili tine ralth - on thln"ipiesitien, Bit ft Is not't up to the litres' %Aids partlenlat.T , l protest regatta the Ides that-Ike eitrarrate of - Pcinneylv•- - Wien* :not to beat on giving - lee news a 'balla.. In the: southern States. until tee ballot Mint:Aim him. In teens/hula, . This • wee, pies. It is well hisoWnlhat. ,It will years before this eancliderared change ' can be effected Li. the- ermatitation ef Pcmasyl. vitals; end It Is enzially..well known thet belions . the necesterf :time . required for effdetlng a cheap in :the - constituncrit of rentroilvsoli [ would itlapse,-this-whole Onestforitr acre id ; Sage Is the south will have been settled.- • - - - It la ',err well for the copperheads feittotiryl. yenta to al can'take tee- besucont of Woe ewe uye," well knowing that befonsittle can ae _ aecompllebed. , the. status of the negro - far the mat 'generation will here been agile& In the South i but It Is to be hoped ..that rein:alien ejournalewill not aid them wit-lance argenneuts • The Commercial abioerre in conceding the right ot the rebels to regulate the question of negro surtitig en snit themselves. This is a question for th e e people of the loyal States to decide through their reptesentatlvee in Congress rand Pcaneylvanin has e duty to perform not Only in txtend4 the right.of suffrage to her own col ored citlmus, bus also a exercising her great. .influence In Congress In favor of extending the 'right of Ituffriage to the negroes of the - South, as • condition precedent; to allowing Amy rebel &Maio rename the functions of membership in the tinker: - Senator Siermen well defines this point to Us late CirelevUla speech in the following Luigatge. 4 / conciede,tLeref we, on this sub j ect of aggro voting, that in all States who can tlahn their lull rights under the Constitution It la a ques tion for the State and that in revolted duitea 'lt •Is a quest= of policy antmllits7 government, to be decided by the national authorities until the State I. rally restored to Its formercondltlon. Is some of the Southern States I would leave theta under military rule until they provide the only sure security for the faun% that 'the M. gross should be* their share ia recotetraction, as they have borne their nbare lirtightleg." X. Orders lOr European Goods. From authentic commercial ad vices in 13oston, New York, mod elsewhere, we de rive Information that the orders now befog sent abroad forgoodsare of almost unpre cedented,' amount. The Importations for the suirmiler slid fall embrace, rot only dry goodsibut other merchandise in every va riety and in lirge amount. The demand for all foreigiigixels Is urgent. and inereas , Log, the stocks on hand beteg very Wade- Atiate„ . and Monty beng plentiful. The consequence of these arrangementa for im portsilme la that gold is steadily *bibs& end was at ore o'clock yesterday within tikoi bf fortyper cent. polonium:: if the • emend for gold to remit for foreign goods. Whines, the premium will soon be much Out exports will not for some time equal or imports We cannot export breadstuff! provisions 'while they are higher here an they aro abroad; nor can we export .ur clovenirment securities for the same rea n. We Must 'send ent- . in Payment for •• ports either geld or cotton. • The aituin -we cannot reach; though t • ere remains in. the South sonic thirteen • founcen Millions of , bales, all of which nbe readily brought into the market by .rrnitedia e lers, if the Govennneat..had not . posed barrier by the tax - of twenty-five r cent. vied upon its purchase... /tilt ths erciratilisPpinion that if title 'tat 'be abaio,L ned or nitrated; cotton . will go o ut freely s. d rapidly, and that gold would, ' as'a nat. consequence . deciine to thirty or tweet -five per cent. • premitun.-4folf?nal fa The abo4ls about as strong in cot as could be written in favor of a;coore s dngent tariff. Bo long as these commer c al flcodgates araltipt thus oPen, just - o 1. ng will ibis country be kept' in financial cubic, and gold rule high. BIICIIMFAN'EI FORTEICOMTNII lIIIITOIIT. donal Forney *rites to the Philadelphia "Ex•Pretddent Bachanan's long•throat • ed vindication against the charge, already ponied in the unalterable Watery, of t .4 war, that his administration hurried on • stems which led to and encouraged the reballeie,'.is announced to be on the eve of publicitUrin. The venerable sage of WheaU _lsar preserves his equanimity to the Int. TT tha robe of cormelms innocence and. satiety' convinced that If at ti cwitthe last of th a line of modern democ Presi dents,:he ssu also,,the purest and the beat, he will , doubt give the world a work of some Ittglnuity and labor. The old Public Functionary Is not a 'prentice band at mak. Ittg. the. worse appear the better reason." • A wurrais in the Nom. Minimum/ for 'observation* June makca th e follow 4. "It is not easy for one not accustomed to the West to realize how tot moral Interest fOls upon the amender* of the few,. In each pew place, who have brought hither the New England. 'faith. Mid 'enter prise. While the truckle/a pniirtabiesrved Into fertile iarms„-and the WWII!' i n . tin _Ube mushTootns, ;it ill '.ll' id* Indkjifi,d i c mostly pthr enough, upon whouCag ines the burden of providing for time peculiar New England Institutions: Ndblyf'they bear it, nobly New England reaches us. a helping hind :Proudly wesee'New,. Eng ; land enlarging her borders to:they'd) , bona dulof eissat , £oo'aetetal lsteavair -wrote tbeiv Woids: , - "If yettelt • the riestroTte iiihistragre for any p ,heMe e right to stay in er cell, and 3 when theAght..la over the hand est dr t : ierbitster -thetsqehlttnetfis• I advance theboot 'fpettin Atipetient .eltsep, of-, Poslu pe ~ o, esneot , has , 'exhite'etirtOse.th theAlgdirrONl,AllllVl4llz #Le quest!** 6' the - ;' - : 8f the taw* of the eurioettf..., pertteeit.bflhe - chleigo Far is-`Alutthites blecole.'e log setelerlilltithho-helpe4§o4. with his own hands;-to hlch has beer; brought from Its origin l leeitioil, • • - A Velem - ST 'Veteran, d ~,r . „.recanitt;at .beside us a mild eyed Rl' `" .4. Ll e g .. ll =' - AiTs ell Tgrh d is ill ar le ca,iff'3 I has turned lecves of experience, that In the •-eitier-Nspoleon'edaywouldhavedoneshon or to anOld Guardsman. This boy 0(01111 at an age when most youths are y at , schooLor. Abe novitiate. of active life, can , look back upon hie twenty-two battles. He I. participated in all the tremendocut scenes en .• Virginia soil; the advances and, retrogrades, the snixessee end ' reverses,. whereby we wore out, the strength of the rebellion, and disciplinedeurselves the while to be worthy to conquer in the name at Liberty. One day f four years:age, while playing marbles, or„ tlying.bilit,iffte E ' he bad a severe attack of the, dium. Tall Mlle Year% and precocloruk the sphit of patriotism wrestled hard with him: . It was a 'muit, for proMpt action and a changsof - cliinaWand he Was sent to the retired homestMtd - in an Eastern State, with "the ialunctlett. .to help on the farm, be' a good - hot, 'and. earn the en comiums of grandsmanuna.. Buttberyoung -- eagle; finttered,over the edge .of the neat and soared into.the fields of blue, ii the recording angel , washed out generous Untie Toby's oath , withw tear; we doubt whether he would not kindly blot out the entry of . a boy's faliehood, told with shining eyes and swelling heart to the iiiniterfrig office!. - At all creme it is sale now to beltive 1,4' Slice, happily, the great ' ay of boyleh teiriptati6n is overpast,-and they need no longer ask to be dismissed from school to goarielatkVo Um' country. The yotaii of fourteen, bevlng thus taken. tong years to himself and . getting the fell benefit of kis 'fitatiire by standing, very else i in his shoe; W.BB ill the Army of , the Pato. mac .. befere grand mamma's ;frightened news . or the light , had got-home to the West. In all the vicissitudes of his coin panions in slue behore span lie was in A fighting regitnent.' lie taw it melt ' awe in. the fierce heat loran the great butt* bet=' fore Ric end. With twelve pole suit: icireof hieoriginal Inc `washed off the dust an d blood'of Antietam. He was in the thin of the battle at Gettyaburg. Captnred'a Chance. loreville he taated.pris ort eat:writ. at Bells Isle. „..Ite-onlisted he li ' *l4 In at. death and saw Lee- lay. down arms, his t the age. when most boys come loin , from school he has returned hoed mich Idlere, experience as few men pass' thro h unscathed Ile was never 1 , wounded. ' • We take .im as the, representative of ma ny boys wh SO, living 'emus in History and Geogniphy ie been taken, ninske tin hand, these past . our eventful yesis, en pages whose lege ... were battles, and boundaries died by the progress °farms. Despite:the regulations the Department and the air tout watch . 'nen of guardians, the boys :bare a eWning share in the hero work of this war, as if to perpetuate' the remotest possible enreirorship of those who can say .inTar off coming time, 4 Three.score years ago I helped hi put down the great rebel lion." And the boys that hive not found Jr the camp a deadlier enemy than Lee's tien in alms, who have not become prison ers to a in4 e re merciless tyrant than the keeper of keys of Andersonville and Castle Thunder, may be all the better men for the work of earnest patriotism which Was the threahold of thelt manhood.—Ohi eago rribu NEAIt Newark, England, a few weeks ago, a menagele was approaching thp tOwn to attend the annual "May (elf.' One of the Caravans eras drawn by a Camel. Tide Rasmet by a cart which was coming irishe opposite direction, drawn by a farm ers horse. The home caught a tudden viewof the strange beast of burden, gave a sort of snorting scream, plunged violently, and dropped down dead—actually frighten ed to death. LARGE part of South America Is now engsgeo in war.: The Argentine Republic Brazil and Ursguity have formid.p triple alliance and made common cause against Paraguay. The first named power, former- I T aYmirathy with ,Paraguay, now takes des against her, owing to the unprovoked aggressions upon her commerce. - istawLic JrarscEs. TIME CSICER ZIECUTITS CO!- TEE, of Allicthesy Oci col y, will meet on SATURDAY, Dace RDA bait, it o'clock A. c: it the Oboe braltsti&LL BROWN. No. iii Fitch strest, Pittabsukh. .1415 W. J. OILIIORE. Er em IC a E.—AT 1A 42Gr TthN R A TI O NAL TVADItirOuTATIoN COMPANY, held trite day at the Hoard or Trade Rooms 1n Pittsburgh, Pa., ft was Xnatmr. Thllt flail meeting adjourn moot at the HOZIONGAII ALA HOUSE,In this to atty . , on JUNE 16th, 156A.st *Week A. X, when Hooks 1.111 W opened foe, ontomiptlon to the Capital Steek el .14 Company, In aareedamm with the snot Ine•fp011410II. 8.. C F. /MUM. OtuldtTn SPRINGER HAI:MAUH, Semetary. ai. Ferrenntoi. Bay IX, 181,. mykktd LIBIRART HAIL COMPANY.—The subscribers is stook of the MrressalleLibestry NAIL Corns:way, are hereby ocitsflof that a saes•sissf of the shareholders win be bola at tie 110111 D OF MADE BOOMS, Ca FRIDAY. Wdis LSS 103d . 0. fer the adoption sf by.lass. - theeketlon of officers. Tbe-tlass. owing Committee are requested to bare their books at tb. place of swells; ofstods JAMM TdrAOLEY., 'THOS. M. HOWE. w M. LYON . JAMES PAUSE. ALIX. I. PENNOSIE, t. B .lllflOhliftdD s JAMES SC 000 PEN, WM. OSIOd.LIST, GEORGE BLACK. JOHN- F. SING ER. . ORF W (ASS. '.M. Jonnsinzt • O J. H. snOtnkniconn. NATtri. nuLnim, • FLUX 'a. - innsnor, jest - " Otsteslssionere. 0- - ra-110TIVE TO ALL NELL/OWES? Wm& IJORPORATIONS OROA SIZED " DER ANT LAW OF TUE STATE OF PENN , Natal* hereby Naga to all companies Womb latte by or under any law of the Oommonintalth ot rmnsylvanla, and organized at any that prior to the Ent Nouday of November. i% 4. that have failed Co make mood to the Auditor General, -Under the ;Act approved April AO, LEO, that th Are required. to Priori ate the-Auditor forthwith, lefollows, via: lo ease a dividend has been declared the Treas. drat will - repoit,"under oatt,the amount "of capital psio ln, the date, amount and rate per emit. of etch ' . dividend awing the you ending the first Monday of November. MS, and any previous pear or years in whim the Compaey may have had seashetancet and Is ease cHvidend has been dosboned tut afore. uhl. then d ock. aam or the sash - value of the capita me it existed ketwael the ettal anCifteenth days of November, must, be mad* ibr,tha Fnaelbrat, or ,Treasurer. ..d Ai major. its of iDirestors, wider osth. Wheo ap. pralsement is made, Ik report thould state at what time the ilk.mpany was erglablet. • in addition to the above re" under the al April 111, INS, companies na ff spylog • tas on too. nave Ale requited to mute • separate report.. under "oath of the Treasurer, of the amount of not earn. 'April na 'home received during the period from 'April tO November 1. bbal, to aroordanso with Cho second seetton of -the ant, approved April to ; IBat.. . . comPAturs INCORPORATED ST OTHER STAVOY end "doing basilicas in this 115mmao. wealth, ate nc Semi that they are made subject to the tai on net earnings or tomerw wider the ild sect los of the act ardor/lON INS. and are refuted Co repot to the Auditor General th e *menet of aneh not earnings or Swims received Maw. en use Both of April smith' !.l of November, Met. All delinquent _Companies Ineerporsted• under ant law or the State of Pennsylvaniawilt be afforded a reasonable Moe in which to make the several reports required by law sod abeveenumer• atedy het eenrlatied neglect pr will.subWet them to Jeryiefere' ef Molar, ander the NI proviso of the gd maim:l , ot April le, tallb.whlells fa the • followleg i . I**MM:dse That luleyeratioa whish has failed to mein,ase, returns tp-eny the Oonunonwoalthy as required,b) the eat at April 2t. A. D. 18119, entb tlsd act for the betiersesaring tattle Oortunoti. wealth the ayment. of taxes du* by ineorporated compagies„ mey. make sush.rottun within Altair • days War the passage .of this arit,ony-law WU,* canners "Notwithstanding{ eel all . riellnquent companies failloF C o r refusing to make full returns I pamea of tto Slats. salequtred giuk -end laws t a mmonwealth. in, relation. thereto, shall.h all their rigliteor prig da Oared forfeited by yr:elan:tattoo from the 6ov. • ernot.. , • ISAA43,IILENKER,4I AtolitorOsneral.. , • . W. 11. ..n.r.m aLs, ate' Them tear. • I May le, MA St• style:find. buehel6:BLalled Co In' CCORN,-»2,000 store ai<l.2r rideby JORDAN, HOLLIS TER k tlO., 3521 Liberty . strait. I kul . 0020124 a CR•II2 Meats. _ A*, B Jo *l.o* Kul for WI, . JORDAN, IfOLLISTER It (70 . fed, Liberty street. . , CONSIQN NI ENT 8 bngs Ntitio • II:0 Wadi Volalleal lreatoaat • '24 I do , Damburxlllo2i* 1:0 do , Creala lareasei' 20 barrels Or* Odell Just reae r ed and for-aal PI tV r EII, l i at N SEN D Llbtaxl2loll2. COITSIG.NMENT: — • baqau Boskeya Potstoolt - • = Posed Slows de, 20 WIT.; 111 barrel! Sorgollat sc. bash White Heaney. 1111 hall sod q.aartar. Abla liaate2olJ 1 3 4, t rras 1:410d0;,', d _ * 4:41 . : • ut 1p. 41 .,, _ . . la? Ati iim-4410PL tre :. 11 - . r - -• • " & RELTEWAr-' OURIFIASIFO rag'. iGARDIErcr oh - pueeostodrusC Aa 0 90 1 !per per Isom of an li3O x to 4. Stui , in it...t r .. WOW di. s*lol, 0012, ,ba22. ha 12 . 11. roms 1 / 0 /4 HfO k • BURS amerkettit: IjiIARDB -4131 D4. 1 40 — ErbUT — tili ender In !very r JAMES wow dna. , s . • wg : . • • .stre: a . PI. hinrzrzmiacroaa N.. 1251 Seeon.rn Pimentos Mtn at once. Bb Inquire of A. D. smrra, pA R CO R MORNIIIO, (Thariday,LJUlie lath. aria OF sow - at Clara sternal Sales . H000t5...108 Smithfield street. ea ao taunt Whoa It may colas SO bushels, more otleinEattlara. - JeuS, 3t; Iktol MAINE. Anatlaaeer B ' — BEArEB.—This " A" aMO WBR AND at the sanitary I,w last and on exhibition tortberSilnltaty ClozotoloirorWho—dive" no. owned 101 l Mayne*. Lupin, ' or Brincluir LLIV I LV IcuT ' a at . Critics or I's ern:tills' Ixert.lmns Uo., 1 . • Prrrsoeiatr. Jane 14. M. $. TINDIDISND NOTIOE.—TH.II ptaypßEe3l. D.ENT 'sod - Dttoctort Ms Oos_ have this day deehrot • dividend of SIX LW1.L1.89 PER SHARE, froo-ot „Patted &otos TU. pAyablo to the stockholders foithyttb. WM. A:. SHEPARD flotirotit. "ECE 'CREAM • IN , YOUR MENU'rI/8 -u.'xinv l / 4 callank and: Gump .Steessnataa I quintal . . . • _RAM pocts, #IIIIIGERATNtS, fsr uI. 1111111• 0 - Exllltaapirua Warn of leanedea Fidlllllll strestrAlleginial. FOR 13.W1. A FLOURING MILL • - steam and water power; situate In Hornll Town- Ship, WeNdatorelind _eotaity, one mils from Ohm, ,Oleos. Station, on the Allighent Friary Railroad, and SS miles Dom Pittsburgh. For further partio7 'mars stutilre on the minalsee._ joilLiwriawr • - - PEVER MUTELY. TO ACCOUNT VrII.OIIIT.MLY CON. tIERN.-qW he saki at ?obits kale, on FRI WALT next. at ono Walesa: prollsell, on the Ail& sheer Wharf, at GOT at MarawrystasteS . about CMS Imply ilamarkoill 011 lltarrals. Also a lot of variously marked barrels/ Otalired from thalate Ombra. Te. aao 4.11. By order of t Oil C maicittee. T. he A. meour.LaAND, AO:Owner. Armies liaricocr, Itemiser. - Jae NEW BOOKS. ir46.lwArg's Orval.* and Horticultural Bulld o I ACI to. s Young Liontenaat a eluei to the Soldier Bsy, by Oliver Optic $l O O. frilinrlk i eg i tlnrY 'a itVrri;tl7.6."tense, Orpheus O. Kerr Pacers; third serhis. $1 St • Looking Around; a novel by A. S. Bee. el 60. Mulls:re &lease of Langusgers a rots 10 Fi11 2 7 Flugers-vo novel by Anna Om Bitable. 13. Wylderis hovel, 4115. Sermon's Preowned in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln, with the funeral services at Weablogtoa. Twenty-five amain a WM Our Great Claptuns—Grant. Sherman, Thomas, Sheridan and Fankinit. 41 TS. The Clever Woman of the Family, by theauthor of the hear at Berlelylla Si to. • Far sale by DAVIS, CLARICE k 00., jet 6 N 0.113 Wood Maier. GREAT RUSH. EdII Belling at Greatly &dame Prices. Netwlthetandlng the edrahee JOHN P. HUNT, 59 FIFTH ST., HAZOBIC HALL. Is ersastie Books At Albums greatly Reduced Prices. Mikay of them at less Mon ONWILLP UN Pub. liatusel prices. iol3 FOR BALE. COIL LakNI:IS FA.RAIING PRICES A Tract of 590 Acres of Oil Territory ISITVATE OM CELIOMZEL, NEAR YORGABTOWN, West Vt.Waal, valda a tow Wks at the Raw tad B. a O. raillstiad, abetuadiag COAL, IRON ORE, U=STO.NE BURNING SPRINGS. will b. 'sin at tl buten, If applied for soon. There ere Ø. WELLS bring tested in the i. mediate YLtnlq , with good prospects of MIMIC No property to the werket oirerebenter prospects to.entesprialng 011 00septulles. Will be Bold in Yea Title Indisputable S. O. BRYAN. Broker, No. SO FODETH STREET L ICILY 01.7.8 4 0011053P411.1%T1. w.IP. feI.TEHAT, President. J. IL Lit LAY, Secretary Wig Trimmer. • The Company owns to he aimple a farm centaur . lan algteyeaven ames Cad forty-ere pinheads's- WO on 1110/01% Bun (a tributary to LIMIT Roos) and tytog between &Merry Run and 011Oreek. Twent)ralghtlieses bare already bees =Adel* "responsible, partite, among whom Will be toned . Um name or some of tbe oldest and 008111141:01011 oMeThm on the Uraeer.'.-: lb, entire tract rrUl accommodate from 12:1to tie Wells. This Latta is 'Mounded by tour to the' most celebrated oil prodnathe farms; on.on Creak and Cherry Hun, mid leln elms prodigally to the olteedr. and . Idountaiii" peps, and about one villa from the Walnut Seed Melt - • The Company efilirsa.lheited Mamba Of shares at the suherziptioa pi**, - • - SEVENTY-FIVE' OENTII PER. SHARE. Mop. of the peeptil. together wilt all informs. lion redarduur the property and manlistion of the Company ante obtained lithe Webs of . • •TZMI. avrtgir..Aisimits. BILL, 01111.1 C OF THE Cl°"11:11a °Pt Air errit i r r eJui l aitit u r op Lialt. oB ; 8 BAKIERS.—EIre PR A: will bit reeelved 'at hie ogles SOth'lnat., htelualviyhar moo th e Atte County lertanst WWI Bh LAM, foe mo.,ths from July ISM LOIYee to welgh One SOO their to twopennastimpettivoly. Bide. te be , made ito muck Welds& BUM ,proved by the Warden sad probated at Ude °Mae AM I e paid monthly. Bond for 11 1 ,000.2w/th fru. eo city to Approved 'be' the EOM/ or /noble oth will be retulted. tar the: faithful performance or . _amasses. Ter risme. of Bur surerfee mast meow pony the or the song of impeuten By rot Prison. C", 8111a , LAMBERT, Oontrefler 1301 t. , 14.1*—:Eleolea. Prepcioalo trlU be received by the, tlpounittaems(lity Atop: 547 until teeloAk e. is; or guile 90th , le4 1:or theereetibe of Ugh* lionstint the ally lot on ,WebeUter street. TO nalndormetoPro• novel. for thaS.recdSonot,Mostree UMW= Wets' mi. knr the ettoqoq or Ad Esittni mitioooo It. win street.. To be Indorsed' .Propoeste for the Erection ofiEngine House on grads etneeto Sd. For meting with tin. ..d !leant g of She • Neptune lEinV ono t.T on iseveath streeo be Indorsed ' . P . r o for Banditti andriourlhg Nep , tune Brener mule." The Committee Omni the right to reject soy or sll bids, RS jJ. Y. faeLAUGHLIN, ivroTIOIC TO .TIIB TAXPAYERS' OF .L THE that Or PlTyetHUHHtpt e pptp ta go (promo you that the Ulty, Poor and BUIIIIIIIIII.TII II ell molitioter Foote are paper'. At the wry TREAS. Until% Ur'PlirlY, No sla rnarth iltreti. A dia. eount Of ',per eent•Ht ;thawed for prompt payment. ert thoWeottoua r.I imetottmonoy and pleole 001 l Soot). ' The Strap Mennuttlia Liam:mos are Motets° dal nod suet Po-pall before the FIRST Ur.JULY, aa tioe Tnmeoter -must : outs, Pdo »turns to Um Hint* Depotatast.at.attat lima. tele 1 •f'WX: ElCReAtratanissurer.; oaaluso> s, . ; saa.,:eKoroo. • --- _••••••••• ; 1 1 '.' •• ! .Atulth AND. '.' • - ' ' /iftf!crpti , l4 , 11 at reseed rtorsolt —. pt . #. 41 •"'' er!!*.asW! ll 4 1 11 4iatiii,iip* * -r 3' - ' , . - --' 14 • 1 40404ig• !lato*lrkorsisatat v,ilica.4 4 ,**,, re gersaus,lll'orawrrablist.sSontskto• iiiSti 8 ball pintholu* sale st se/twist Es`ffeirlt .itil=gtV 0C lite '. .. j • cornet Liberty sett Haag struts. TIRISiNFAHT BACONe-c4. colon i m ply_ Fitt* tiliat .C 10•4 Xis* RANI .04fia0Orkilit 'a. eitived fro* tallathosit 4.4, fi f i r , sato at Uterastift. Grocery Stott St -•- ''" - ,- • ..- -' ..r- . '. • .: 3011 - A . EtfffillAW, ••• .' ,let! • tomer Litrafty sad UAW strests / : S 3 XT11.. 1 LiEiV ()F *IT LICA.TIO*I.I X-- for -MISLING- LIVICURrbied Ameba Clockle- Office. up CO Jona 6th, nisei ' c Naas+. Kind. Plate.4f -.lamestkooks, - Levan,. lac Ward, Plitabli. John Clonmey, s .• Philip Lothar, . n James McColl, Thos. IL Rees, Frederick Weis, 0 n Catherine Wilbett, tatter baps, . Mil Dimwit e• Sons, other goods, Joseph McKee, tavern. 2d Ward, Pittsb'h. 'Rotten &elle, • •• 0 Valentine. Feld, s T 6011.11 outings, We. Timed, eating noose, , . Mush Coliegken, other goons. ---. Wm. Cook. , fibrin, ed - Wald, Pittsbqt. W i 1i 81 .4 ,1,,. , 9 % 5 ,1 4 , 1 . ,i gth Waved ; nttabli. Samuel liar% . , Wesley. Hen, s JaineaM. Laaskaa. ' .., • Whitehead Sr Newell, •• •• Jas. Bleck. other goods, " James McKay, , 66 - 0 John Inetionoogh, 11cCUllongli, Smith di ML " . Mkbasi Welsh, Jarak &dael , nge, • • Warn. 6/1•: Rh Ward, Pittabli. Ma me] L - 'IL Josetb Weber, s .. . m Samna' Cameron,' . 0 gogiutos Climanarmiatlrlif Musa, : Frederick Seam, P. & bi. Rana, other goods, _ .._ Fraak Ojita, • eating house, Ffarraaad Bachteld, tavern. Mb Ward, PlttllAL George Sehirodtb, " . 0 Obarmi Kate R SOakefigge, 00442 . g. how, " . , • iches., Saba R. Dletlet lavers, Mb Ward, PltleVii, Revert' Ed MOMS' ilo=h, H, Oh Ward, Pittatek. Jobs FLerr. .. n Nth Ward, Mali: John , Smith, . 0 0 • Geo. Speelnares, ' ' Piing koithe; '•• W. A: Nate, Frank Hallow's. - H . H JohnZ. Hetrutelts, tavern, fist Ward. AlleWny. Harris& Shafer. " 24 Ward, Allerny, E. Hem, 1 - -- 0 W Ward, Alleeny, Lawrear_,Spraa, • " . Rtiliard MOWN mattes Lone, 0 Frederick Katier• . , " Whinitred.Sweeaey, ravera, athWard . . 4 1•Uarar . . Lies iterated; eating hones, Macy Aare Ettscan ravens, D rabighalit biro. Oebrst Krogh,- -- • " Hamm et Oedekoh, ether goods, . Catherine Frank, J. A. Lippert, - tavern, leinnaumkam bole. Robert J. Taylor, other goods, 0 Lewinyers, tarn, Duquesne bore, E. Walliet Bray.,t, eating hve . se, Lawrenville bone. ou ___. " ce J. Furl. Wacker, tavern, • Makielaport biro. Peter Schmidt, eating house, , •• Pete Sager, " 0 lII.m IL Lindley, ether goals, 0 Rachel ILM•pler, tavern, Diturompbobs bora. Margaret Mayer, .. • 0 • • Rebut Emma, 0 Mum:heater bora. Yaleetine . Shost,o " Ilearrlnplds, caking house. , • Henry Wagner, other goods, " Anton Rauch, Ming house:South Pittab•gh bozo. FW. Stneen. othergoods, Miutin Frenderrir.h, tavern, Sharrhurg born. Frannie Richey, eating house, John Schaffer, tavern , lemptuallie berm Marraghea, mitten tissue, Ben :min White, 4 odi Bee . Stretch, tavern, West Pittsburgh born. WAR., rraHrY • tavern, Helder:a Ty. Joreidla• ht . cgoc, . Ceiling - Tp. Joan b (Master, . I. A 4 aeon C. Brant, Anti= Loam, J. Shrew% - T• thvacent, Tp. Wm. E. Chester, (Aker gaada, N Miasma 2 9. Mathew _McGregor, tavern, ' ortb Pipette tp . G. G. Garnett, • . ISentb Fayette tp. liargicet powers. : indlana tp. AndrewMilter, 64 . (Amin Emel, eating borne, Minn tp. Jobe Hartman, tav ern , 'McClure tp. Jane Taylor, - Patton tp. Mackerel Older, 61 66 Anthony Whitaker, . Peebles tp. Peter Zlermennao. sting noose. 41 46 John O'Brien, tavern Pitt tp. Fred. Berberlak, atlas below, Reserve..o. i Richard Turner, tav"ern. Richland tp. °neon C. Lighteap, /loam tp. 1 1 !Nicholas Stelmer. . Lowest, UL Chic tic, John Schack, s s 44 II . Andrew klegaeaty, eating boasa, Scott tp. J. C. Weber,• tavern, Studer tp. Patrick Dimity s . . Chm. Miller 61 p. /Ted Vitrhen,er Thelon Sieber Sieber street:., eating hones., .CI Peter Perehment, tavern. Wilkins I.y. ( IMP FrY, eating house, . LI tteo. Snyder, teTeth res2OTP. The Corot. will sit on Wadaridar.theldt4 day of Tune UWE, at lo o'crock a. /I for bearing the above apylicatteaa. Applicants will 011 their bonds to My ofnce before the day of bearing. llama:mann. era tact be died on or before the day of hearing. Certificate" of license" must be taken out attar ascend within fifteen days alter having beet grant ed, cr they will be revoked socredine to law. 'tieing W. A. HERRON, Clerk. BOOKS. EgoOka, Books, PUBLISHER' PUBLISHERS' Presentation Presentation "DEPOT DEPOT LOCATED No. 74 Fifth Street OPPOSITE POST OFFICE PITTt3BVROH„ PA A apPOT FOR Rooks oflllry ULU and 'Description Mat!ll AND EUROPIUM 1111110113. Asplecilld motto . =I, of Bible, rymn and Prayer Books. Call sadj 4 esouklne our stook Wore purchasing else whole You will milts a promo with orrery book, worth has Fifty cents to 0511 e oar Catalogues maned to any piut, of the Called' States 00 apylisattoo. • 74 TEETH STREET. HIS WIDENING OF CENTER AvENvz. , :..The Quoit of gimlet . * Sidelone having finally decides the goodbye amorality the data. ages of John Lytle for the widening of Denier Avenue,persons on' whom imilesimulolll made, -are hereby required to pop _their assess. Looto tothe undersigned within rantrY DAYS -OF TIM DATE: or liana will be gled for the lame, with eters. atterniffoit tae., ki. ' J.W.oity MAY Slit, ISM -A61:110td FRialit ARRIVAL OF FISH: ...to lair No. giLerge egaekerill Ise ee do No -40 II chladinet . do; !,1.411111 21,141.1 i ac i iiel l e6 P l oti si a°l Ho Mar bble Lake I I • kreelvedend for ask kw, by jet kEtiTME • .00. OUXENE! CH-HEN/St VHASSZT 00 hosrs Prime Wi 11.4 ' • - 60 ;du do •Hamborey • _ t 0 ;do superior New Yerk Goshen. - We are constsotly In receipt or the above goods, which we etkr tote NAM, at low prices. & VAN GORDEN• 201, • Liberty sno ut. VA/tITSIMG7 • Pale (]oath Rods] No. Furnittue Turnantinei No; Booshuri No. 2 do. do: r superior qisitty and low. by onto ,r. rvaaorctiestms, a Wood St .4 NTZAM pa vac I. of el} the different sizu sullen for PH Widls -aid ad other purposes. Par. sle, tt theAtelle 4 11121 "ur PePOtr 1 , 111 2 1 2 f; Flak, .JllO „ J. a .BA - r.tIER 'lULL'istook Oa hand of allaises, Which we Wittaat to satisfistiofi, and at , pries. as Im• as • 1.1 the city. J. ; II and 22 fit. glair street.. 0 4=ll and Disek*WlrlireekbritiOd %MU 1.74ai1c OWN , -rta and red Pieldeadgra liestirld am fait lab iSi waned HIM, bribititaft OP lielaalejar, - JOUN .IMteSiMIK. LARD 10btLa N 1 - • in aintuil ; Isamu min' k. aQ :13A FILIVR -OE6/RATIONS. flings ler I) O (I.IIUZZLES—As d jaiib at ; _ JAI f. MABBHALL , 87 LL' r EwAcoctaruvw UNITED STATS.ks _ -7-30 -LOAN. THIRD SERIES • 85380.00I:41:01000. 0. • aIMAW se the Secretere of the aoconeT the muterelgas4 the Closieil Subscription Aires for the sale *Felted States Becturittes. offers to the pubite thethird eertsitoithe Trump Notes, searing novel and thretrtenths paroest, Interest per unium, lusolfnMeal e. 7-80-LOAN'. Thee law ate. boned 4WD". data it Ade 1 4 19 05. MI NMI payable Mae plars troaa that date aUrreZl •at 411 soaTutllge at e OW= a tka the . .69/Aer tilt* 11. ti. 11-211 tilx - Itreeiil . GOLD- BIG: . ; Bojam a These Bonds ate now wtotk a hanasentO, minim . • , and are exempt, a are an the Government Ronda, hem earie; County sod ihntierest tasorkq sftgi ad& frees am to arra per aint.rper angels re rhefr paw, accordibm to the rata levied ups& other Propene'. The -Menet la. payable sead.samuellY by covens attached Le each _Rote, whi sk ,. maybe mat MI Gad, mad to . any bank or banker,•- - - ' tietttareg IX •t•xe Per eitat: mina% %. t o . . , ... i 'Tli thle it - Celit oeips . ? Ili . 1111. ' ' ' . * : 911 " 11 sl sls° oo I # -, Tel. : 1 * • . 11 . .'_ 20 IF ,: ; ... 6 :II - .. ,II $lOOO I.• . . .. . . $1 , ; MOO f` nio,4ii cit in . . the denemleationLeanied wIl be 1 l'741:117. furnished T hird I Strierd ' ü b lVer'Llt -Use In lona - and privileges te the Saven.Thirtiee already cold, except that tke Oevernment reserves to Itaelt the option of paying interest In gold moan u 6 Per cent., Instead al S-101hs la currency. will deduct the letterset In currency to to July t at the time when they sa Martha .- Tbe dellvay of the notes of this Udell series of the Serenathtles . wail toirmence on the tat of alter June, and wi ll im roam promptly and eentanuoindir that data. Tke Might change made In the coaditions of this MED 13XIIIIMS affects only.ttue matter of lam. est. payment in geld, If made, will be equiv alent to the currency interesiof the higher rate. no return to Mode payments,.in a event of which only will the option to pay totem: lu Gold be availed of, would so reduce and equalize prices that putebsees made' with Ma par mutt. In gold would to fully equal to Woe made with seven and threestenths got *satin eturatutp. This lx -:. THE ONLY LOAN IN THE HAREM now offered by the Govern:mit, ead lee mentor advantages make R The Great Popular Loan of the People. ttu, 412koailso of. tho Loan aushorlzed by the hurt tiongresa are newton the market. Mill amanat. at the rate at which It 111 being absortwel,- will all be seheamed tor withha two zionstup, whoa the date: ticaoabtedly : ecnomand a gyeadturi, sa hat imitormly been the aseetinehielag tma olihearlidlOna to Wager Lams. . In order inn the intlzima of story town sad sortlon of the moats, may hi s he Ms taller the loan. Me National Banks State Banks, aa4 Bankers throughout the seen. try have Smooth 'gnat us meals* aeret ne at tar. linhaeribera will select their own la whom they fume imago:lease, sad who o iy are to be rasponalble for the deUm47/ of ell shots) to width they man swam " • - _ JAY 000101, gabseriPtion Agent. Philadeleds. Stibibatytlens willbe rwityld by tab ;trig anima Mum, no :am FL. leaps • rum ' . Smirk . I*twat' Mies* lasirls UMW rally IWawa. ilia lithalullitiatlaaal Oak If Commailh bats OCI , a , indoesasai irans,rs meow u Medianles • E 2 1,1 reopen: Serino nano. rcn Semi myautenarter e ufl,,y. Orrr op LLIIIMT, TnetaramVs Or A rice ßS , June 10th. 19M. I s LLEGRENT TA XES.—.NOTION hereby given that the amassers him pieced in this eM74 . ! Duplicate of City, Poor, City BUsiness. 1, school Etilld!ng and ftriunty Taxes aod of Water Rents for the year 1865, and that said ai r will now' be received in purimance of the Adis of Assembly Of February rith 15 0 0. and of Attl 14th, 31Wis, subject to the following " FA " Cent. if paid on or before the /tat day . °LI oly. of Ator Your per cent. If paid on or before the Int day net. Two per cent. If paid on or before the flint day of Septembet. or If paid after the first day of September, and on will be made. befote tee flat day of °ldabel', no deduction If paid after the tint day of October, end on or before th e tint day of November, an addition et. flys per cut shall be added to and payable on the After the lint day of November; entreats will be tamed to enforce the collection of ail tales re maining unpa and t with th e per thetas* w aned thereon the coa . ID. Iif.AOFERRON. 'cat wd • , City Treaanrer. DRY GOODS AND . . Each bid Met be aceomparded by isipsamety'for the execution of a contract to case the bids bean. cepted, and good and sualcient security will pa no. nulled foethe due performance thereof. 7 ' Biddara'mmroptepose for all of the above maned • arucice, and be present when the bide 0 ied the right torrjert all the bids being Papnent -to he nude In Government fonds, at the expiristtcm Cr the time for which the contract Blum tonal of Ms and guarantleimay be p row cured at ttls onice,personally or by letter or tele. graph, which must be enclosed to an envelo p e sals dressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Yr"Prop..for Subsistence Stores.. - ' ' 13 . P.OgGE W. BittflPHY L Jeri Captain and Oommleaary of tinhaletenen, Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. ‘114481' BO . WN, • • • Hoop kirtB. IPMEII4fiIy,S AIIOTION HOUSE 613 3F•XtIuV3Et 1131I3Rierp. camp GREENHOUSE AND BODING FLIRTS nor GREAT At the Oakland Greenhouses. JNO. R. & A. MIIRDOOH 011300eloors to John /it0rd10g.26.111%) • zr• oakum sad xis* Ltbat. Bßiwot to tbe orsenhemoss !taloa tolautes 7 my4swftwihrais • • • • D UNICARD GREEIL PETROLEUM woe Carner of Penn pad Wayne . , St" This onatany Oss .or ganized on ' the Seth inn, under -the! Pennsylvania Mining and itanniaota. ring Lawn. The Servitors ot the' eas_pany ad. bias the Janes of the ambled Omsk Union 011 Wonsan et this alty. , Capital tank . ' Salli.ooo :Menial Fund 90.0011 iime.Vol eof Each Fiber° ' • 01.00 _ 'Plashieni...o. 4 1 . , JOHNSTOM. -• • _ -- seenetisty snit Tioanwpr--o.lllprepE4.ll/1:11L. 0. il..rotririrolt, nufe - 1.. is...zoolxiir.. -. Inestarellienaaa . , • - JAatae Gaaßlit. /F. : . D. 011111 T, -__- • - 'W. 0- /o.Xlii, • --' . . L jat • lyd .- H. W. TCIIIII. 4 allanlits WierDinli 11.43•401031.,, • ate Public Printer. Zak 0111, Glee* Stab. WI, WWI DELL & WATSON,', Presetslie Claims Before Every Depart. ' meat of the GII•VP1121110121S. orneE 1100118, No. 115 PENres.wrwrtia. Directly oppoaltd the ZdettOpolltaa Hotel ten, V: ealunstan. • •• Jeadred EMAPANA EA, (BLOOD CBJ RE. )-- A 3 A mast remarkable snide sod positive care tor' BORLiFt‘LA. NEURAI, DISPE.PSIA.'EMI" dismiss of the SKIN. , As a' Tonle, it rewire* the appetite, perfects di gestion, apd wholly restores the painuest strength anti It tees' but a trial to prove its virtues.. •• - For Web, • • . Jtiti/iSTON.:Dritaglat, ' t eernerbantnaidd sae Fourth streets. HADL , Ir & RoOICERB PUSAN, ~urature wad oftpdx... 240 -.npristay iFritzer,, ;- - .BN4 ' l3 aig4 NR I 4RT3 ,. c ... 1 ! .. 1"1 1 ?. 8 77UF 8 T.:: Ili* : a stack slur Emirs mod • amt sauna/Una of ma, Idad: , lita'abladstia MIMS Mire 1.11;501 to ULU *OW. • LBW PARLOR •PAPERS TOARRrni -6 , this Meek at Zia. in Maraet 'Wet • opt - JOS. 11. OITZ4, 6TAT323 7-30 Lo a THIRD NATIONAL BANK. Cum . if' Wood Sired cad itrgli Alley rlsa&L. AGEki - OF THE TOUTED STATF2 end SPZO/AL AGENT et Jay Cooke, 11. B. yes toithe'sate el the . ' • • , Seven-thirty ,140aiL, mum LOAN OF TEE . imong, AND T3N Only Loan I,n the Market O!I • Pri?3:EITBLE IRTO- tr. tr. 1-2 six GOLD DEUUUNG 3V3XDB. ambers' Goon/wan sionrad to.sagess,. J.. a LITI;BrOOTON.: Cashise wow SECOND NATIONAL Of Pittsburghj • • Center of Hand and Liberty Stroll% Bowel Ageede of Jai Books for , the sale or NEW SEVEN-TIEDITY LOAN. .2" "at ilat=:ehOf People's , 164 natjo u ggt hu a nese bonds bear an interest •• ; Tiovvo Oematim Wier May cub hundred dollars, and use eoneertlble IS nate; rity into B. B...llToMweety Ste Per Oen& Gold Bearing Bonds. Full ensmalutens will be ittrowim Seillanki, Baskets, and Brouni, who purobase for mule. - mrsdtm C. FL RIGGS, Castile"- • ADDY i EWENE,3, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, No. ,16+5 {[OOD • fiTISZT, (OPPOSITE FIRST ommatt, Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet iead, LEAD PIPE, PIG & BAR LEAD Plumbers' Materials in General. OIL REFIXERIES Filled lip in the Most Approved Style Teaks lined with lad or ioPpet 14tises IMO up with water or pa.. N. IL—Al'orders promptly attended to. jai Crysta:Coarynteartv oy Sunsunoreaz, .8.4 L, (001.er Ptltft street saS Garrison alley,) Plvtrnetkon, Pa., Jane 12, ISM . REALER PROPOSALS IN DIIPL CATE, 11l be reset sel at this:Ake until LI rif. on 111012 DAT, the iftt, day of lane, leak for tha supplying and delivering at this Put, at such Game was in nosh quantities as the droleistsned may re.. quire, for one (I) month from the dabs of contrast, fir nett lama time as the Oommluat7 General may - . direct, the following nulled articles, of. &good sod marketablequality, subject to insperdimit • Prime glen Pork. Thoroughly Smoked,Newliaeon, airs/seldom. First quality-sugarenred Hams: • • •sr • Prife• White Beats, well demonedend dry: - • Clean, dry Brown Sugar. . Best quality of Adamantine Candi . ld ounces to the pound ; in, aims . . • Good hard Soap , well dried befre peeked.' : . Oood ellen, dry, fine Salt. ' the boxes: dumb and casks. enclosing i s bid tot eech. tores must be the test in use, and included la ths : The DIM* of seamen trith - *mat, -gross and ' tarn, must be _plainly marked en each paskegs, all old mark* bring obliterated. . attpted copy of - ate advertisement must be ached to each Pomona, which, whoa made by Irmo, mast name all the - parties thereof- - and-must be sweated, to complying precisely witk all th e teams. xmriracrrtritEß or IMPROVED BORINI TOOLS, Bird* Oil, Salt and Other !ails "1f0.136 WOOD STREET, ITTITRITROU; P 4. • Tools warranted made or the eery beet SWIM AND LOX MOOR IRON. *ELM BORERS Furnished at - Jr.al;:nm:f.ol.lt C a 0112: With andyirtielem u are aeoesury to Ammo. ANVILty, BELLuwal, ; VisEs ZAMA) EatoVELSi . HoPes: Leather an HATCHETS - - SAW& ` 4 SIAVAtik rkkatES:WRANCIAS, • •• . - .21111,Arks. d num - Belting, ai which I tare eniu . ft , asktly stosf, paINSYLVANLS.. AGRICIAITITIPS.L The Petuisylvanii State Agrialtitial aeidty . . will hold It. Eolith on esprzusEst 26th. 117111, esti d */6HAISPOItt, ILITOMNO .0019 M. Any Information deniretrby person noshing to beftl•bh=liTtUr)orty,___lntZl i!,:itioinT;l74 undenngnedorA, 40111Iteutu/..0 vPresidant, "britROWR. LOtßiAinat, SeiretynT• Noantatnwn,,Aley 2341. jetstairt4 • DRUM' t! BLSCK , has On hand n lai6 , lintattnint of MONG MACRINES. azOorupto 3a.a.3 . asst. - Stray Catays, &Mrs 41.11a7 Askji es, ,_ :. craffitreti :wa Ali' tt t: ,' ' 0 R; !iylifitliANC,E. i• .....,:..... nts Manufacturers and Merchants _ InisvgAlicE "COMPAITIre' , -Of Pittsburgh - .. - , - BM% 'No. 'ri 'IIITER STRIEtt , _. , , _____ - • , crudzalars Esnumni.. w t J. 1. inninA ,17.1- - .. - , it. s W. CHALFANT, Vice Priehleitt." --- - Wpt• r• 40 4PiltSeleretari '`',. - 1 * JastriEs AHngH LOSS-IT TI ,! - . lzumreateamboatisinatirgas. -' imaige444o. 't •',... _- • - / 4.1. 7 1:11:17:/21-51,121-"IrakTso":77,' - R. l62l4LwiLu i l ag i o 2 l ajw-PAINTRikr z A-647"‘ ' L. ii. 114MINfriiiI:A juliNizlia.44sl34 1 --- imiss . *aid I:=2MMI Pi B u/4?' l a9c BOADLUOrIME 4 l RV 'WINN' Insurance Com.rilty . eft : WISP nuft tom fteplei vatigeal sia4 ' RICHARD C GRAY , Eirsaide bA 47 / 1 ) B, PARX. ykto'Preakesit'. a ßa t Urr PINN4 M- 13 0titan'• • Will hiaure 44;itliiiit all Eizida. • • FEB /BD *BINE Oft- i R. 0. ODA% -•• . : IL 611. P4LIIZ, 't • • I/00U; RE • L . ' T..M. HillitT9X L • ~ , .. XW. pup . Is„.". JULE '4111.41.1,,,,. HENRY LLOYD,' ' ' JA11.1% , W. ' wale an JOHN OR._ ___ ,AtTY- • ' ' .11617' P. .821,1111 4 A.-J. DIOL,' •-• 1 ' ' DART ORILWAID ailtecnsa .7.. x. GoatioN. ~ - NBVIUaIOE. nismica commit Of Pittsburgh. Ogee: Center Water aztallarket St& (IM3ALZI'S2I:IIP:.II*(4 , S. H. ILBoBll2:6ll6ll3l..Preiduat. W. H. SWlCll.'lfiee"Preaddeat. ROBERT nisannt. Ilaaretas7. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL RINDS Marine and Fire Risks. j VT. J. H. ETEOEITETERGEB, X-. NIMISOZ. - ; W. J. ANDEResoN ; 2.4.,ANDERsoir SA24EB L BENNETT, ra.w.azurzßoatrifir, E. D. COORRAN, . - J. .A. 0417GEET, : R. T. LEECH .22.. ' W W MARTI - ' LIL maiobs, ' synort a. pAurrrp.. fitted Fallible steam ,ingines C FI from four to fifty Mese Power. - Ei (10)004 ttiatly portable. Soh anginal, In i. rl i nfarti. i. g• I vary li" bP r ettr ir: 2 1 ,6ri cf ' It b6ilA l BOILINUND WOKING OIL WELLS ig x i BLANDYS' - - mCO alm a Poitable Stems Sow JIII6 k g z Also strictly portable. no brick or . Lismi..... , masonry in sating. ' Wm-ranted to um "E . oia. cut from •to 11P,MM feet of iambs,. Mamas Circulars sent to . may addiew. a...x.t". r• For prices, deicrlpt,ons, ita t Aulin ~..-,-.PII R. & P. BUNDY '. ' _ . , .. . Mandy* , Stoun lfloptneWork,ZazistruwOblof. or BlocaysyNowark .111Eactioe Wining, fieWArire 186 b, 1865.; -Nooavurst mrsaaixersmois.- "00t3fAit*". 'EXIMIKEretPI4IS. • - • • . EXTERMIRaTOEIR 005.7AR110• EXTIONIKINATV22.' ' • -• . 04,35T68 , s ;HII_itgiNATOR3.. • ..• - fiam(lTATafte.,,,• • Ef c . r .Im...NATOIA- - • • • • zarmismilprfa.AT°Rs *COSTAE'S 'F "i3oB7:4kwi a. fillffrati ° oM• • .cueriars'n ar,izinTßunctliTgisle .00,STAEI!gT ERMIN e T ORA ';•.; "COsTAwsn: F E : l x .Mi n raf o URS, ESTEMINATOt. 4 9; - ' "CO.STAWSS EITER &COE& • cosio4J /5 04Lard i ltr, o r112.; ' •'. ExTERMINe "OOSTA:tI.! EXTERNINA.Tositt . WEI EfI r t1:001{131. ERaIII . 00S ida i & i ,SEE.12..M;NATOBT 1 4 1 ' 1 • - (16S•bilygo r x .tratatiOfts.. , '..;* I O.ETZENINATO RS. ' *Ow, lifsiaeh 111 41‘, }leas, Ilona to fru,...7 4 ned * jus T eg lll ° o 4 l ,ol !/.." a' Aijomolr ienil • jean reablfohod In D. Y. Qty." • .;gegagilr w r, l4Bn Przq,. -- • - "Not dOilltuotis to the Raman "NAB come out of theft bolos die. " ' i n - * " .../f/Affl Emig:o if of all filtothooo. ffitTataremos Dzihn . ,lB3T37,Liway,N • nfunfofo Motalfara Meta • 800 PIGS GALENA_ LEAD,_ 33, " t 4 :?1 111 !•U:t3;r. Hand and• For "Oale, Low E ...*.O 9 .._ DAI X •EIr ;rAAIIi P. 0. iek uns. .."2"1".6104i • aux-or 6rai0,340.45EL Q o klltrultlintilut • • Wesereeroa, D. U., Nay eh. • atarnr-r uoveArmiscir , utir.tsrirke.di c dummied of Ntraialastli 4 '^ 4 The sales enikeortuene =WI tin e number of nab. nude IS- reduced in proportion tolthelednetion - the armlet, now retteg on • -- There ere - to the armies °tale r-osormon the"' many of .thern were, hOOnht , h!!• belYthntalt CC. the war, aa young mules, accomparued Lae ernbeit in all lb* mantles anti 'tamps, and are- thou oughly broken, hardened by ertorahos, yre,rtio.suall ' randier, !min being no law aurrononeo by ,ttge • soldiers_ The whole South' .eirtypenofihereturttith. and the North alto hes ennbaLrorn the ;animal., taken to en,Pir th• „ • Three animals are aoi,__4_p_ablruhlahtiOti;Tgl, ...WILL NOT lIR/rtGAril/NrILI.B4 TRELN •'• e TRUETALTIE.; and snob opportunities foe fuse= to, , get working .indroara to itooetheir Ihnwekandl =for droters 1/1411 deniers In stook. to ..aaakaull., rion by, ptirehesing Ilium 4,4,41 thetoril, iihser occur U.rr-°t:•,',;;.,;. .Quartermasteuttesetaz. MEE pALTON ..... ,••- =-. ~... -.. .APP:Pinga,,i 4 .llr,/ -,. A ..,NI: TINGf ATACIIINW ---- 4 . • -,, tim.,N .9"aar The 112411.4 4 - Zt "- - 1.11 - i l k •'• rtZ i..,,,.. • , th . . ormaist —J. 'IP:. 004 • --- • iniewmas sat lEFVONS, fat NW kl.aftAt Intends their emotion ea reaaonaAte tams., - • .411WANDed STILLIMILtotityeO2- &soak aad litAktuma, a•litieskrol,t-i 13211 . . t,es ToTorTic:irinnEri:'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers