-- big - - .• - - - ' =Eli . • _•• ~ • , t _.• gai - ittftattt.- t - laws i - - - .Y.::_ir a • .... f'' l '- 1--*--- VERY. x O KIZST 4NE Iry S . '-..,--r__-. , 4 , .1.-,..„0„,..7„ .1,- , - -1 , 1-1--- , " u .- . ':-. The Assassulatiollimai, 70',,1i - , , i 3VI , rtl V - - 1 ;i. AIMPI Iff: Crit 10 1A.. 4 t • ........:i:, TEE QIT A STIONTEIIIESIIICTEM. • . #. 1 • 1 :;,, . - ~ 1 4-•;:, -. +•Irvi!I -I ~ .i•TJ: • - . 14NZ1 1 0149uDGE -- Abliobvirs, 0 .1.741111 ii : -.....:..... ',,,;,, IiVIIMMAkfiIatEGD 04-11101ita. , tar %.1 i 10•424C514. .-141.....-7.0.--54,-, -.-.. . .- 1 . --- !! prrF_...fi c Pt.o.,' - , ?• ..7 . = ton specia.l mit: lierenly Jo .0.-. 1 , , fth 447 1 0 1 Mr4 'the C•siTal , a..,l , ;Atit 9 Adoitp 1 aftv attotoiio the ligation of jothatlion ' - of ate ;ammo* atimeitgritooptlaatt% to try the we. Johnson maker farther objection that ' - cartahtlfrigritheiabgetoi .P.henaiblitiaiiiiiii chulltairememikatitr.lintrannetalltalettOClP 4117 diS t u A l L ef lifF 3l7ll AP, 64 l/! ( ". ie rcE'.. The Judge AilVelie: in reldy to - the - Plms of - 4111 F 114 9 11 seoNPalViasicus tape-jar: Y , l , af tile COISIZVCSIWICiIIreIiCI I IIISI-.' F er ret=-Upon • ':" MI tßOCLunatiou of rho President of fieptember .2dt4 r illeAdctallegthstdmingthebannection, and as INTlgieserithiliateri. fez itappaisibig the same, all rebels and abettors, and persons guilty I of disloyal practicei,Mtall isfitakinet to martial law, and, 07 (Ariel rind rusialunenthy:ccrat7 rairthartar tailifiltatr-coawleiloni. , , :i. : ';,.• - - ,'. I_, ataakili', tter .#4lll, Advocate ripliggl that' ' f - walk:. P.itilVili Jtir# l lll Poorer I :ntlTelhde . I therm of war, ana tlnesteoneelq or the ieedol . -., crisis bad C . o' Med this coratassion withjartelle -1 tdsraianhe accused Fair forgotten thole, clell. 1• poshlon When they undertook to•biterleie Whit. the °parolees of the army or with the Govern: - 1 '',4l==iltataittr.ribaternetlerend tocaMimkefthrimalltit.lla&i-, I clothe thasselvm with military garb and thus 4.,_ _make m azer: l i t: asa ntu ctio bject im : . lol4fe eweof war -Idt=l,..Gurnt,„.of Warrenton, lfirginis„ re 'Payne sar the roan who& alto saw last Christmas in font of her hone have throe Union soldleialiecUrne. An aktistopt4ras made by Perm's men to kill the prisoners but witness ; • . With With 4: 7 l 4" 47l lefela n d en w as' 1- when tki'paterlittadercred,' and `it;iienedid r ' not see thememlierwemu k ra r:Tr - -r... It' • int 1 On crossrvuwrleutt ea witness said Payne was .- i•• ara l thWik'Frltil Ina Illit ifeembon , • . Jed. Grant, Ithatsoda* the thyme; witness, testified to the tune elfscf. J:E.X#4101ro11,1410,11144 that ,arigidia was ' I with hini On the•trlgia of the lint , btApril end Inot near Sec re tary &ankle's house. • On cows examinsahm , witness testified that "l I O'Laugialn eplAtits tbatAe had been to sea f Boma; about eta &chck thit iranle*,: And *l* -, glairtn*Oldarr;natt. nwide*.- • rime- sweat • ortsmiatitstmasaw O'Laughlin. liessidghs; hod 6442 4 44'am- Bomb; but ttht. Aavieethtatvi BOOth was cal ti!Laustath am hot sine the rth r , I„ Jett in seeber . Booth; O'Laughlin did not suggest -r sta)tag Ireliashinglog witness himself made n. - I .' 11 =eattitted. that J. 1 7..400/ lea ; iS.4 11 11 lt%troamanITUo"4n;thenes ,pai t.llr,m Adju a s M. p.,Toinis6'id iiiiided to the. PIP* °tams In esManicerwassenadand the eboorsramit on iftoß k rthe hand writing of a mldefof. ftpl fie ; it nitr 1 / a ntral - In the coo Wolin Ineviter WY auneet,. was, dated D. cemberlath, law and addressed fo - Capt. Z. , . McDaniel, eoinittasidlug the - .ltoressio. COM. Pnel.'ildialsilgent: Alin liarwell• it sets teeth Nri atthstennt - mot in - west - 6i to the orthwot Me mesas to whom it.irtaddromed, and withicEittnijand equipments furnished by • him, the Witter ler.Michmoid on: tire Seth of 's July July, /99t FP .Taan a W r to. °polio with a ---..., lorolotted sortie& tit 6 .- en are, • vessels; - writer:lw akeerePan ed by R. B.DM/et; after annill_ , :..estantscros then, the , two„ men isach i arg a int beige #laybresk on' the 9th [ valMor gives the result of lea ; operations ad ihtiewie= &guesting my corneae " km to beleind.about a half =De, 'I am ' , ate Mina:with machine end • '' Au— ,is ... mall • - box: ' Bind [ =diet 'Captain - Asa ' anna'xisbyre from 1 the baigetitakat the wharf, I seized the oc. , •td 9 1 1921 foilystrS with an . bar. i oint Of the "go , - i Sae= 1 ,2 , Id itati - try'ft*, 'the Captain - ordettall ha RoaltTalat.fsth.,-Oltzboard. Hailing t -man Iman • tba - harm" _a Fa the d Iwo , It , in his. eherge, B,2kin 11 . 7 . 'Ther,lagailtid . - lewd about tirettle =fi de 'ef pOwder.- ~ T hen , my companion lire , retired ins 1 1114;05- , VligeliktlOoeflket of oar . e ff orts 4ln =B=CM aerate* arta Ith jo, 1 ,to another barge be. yo we - cps 'rice& fpcifi ts i i ii . ralso -Mr f iNi large wharf building con the dimwit ' mores, whieliLwasSotafiy dear° The ellittAnMeitt3fik . Ma letter were, 8. E l, C ' fgVl4l4lo,;tret• Sersice, and G. A. Rains, ft• I 04 ;" ~ t , A requortinas su rtatlt' complied with, sub stituting Dr r* I:.r. Nieto% to examine Into the gedtio Of - 4"ftne's'lnsanity. The President of the Commission gave notice that Identified flail rillEillitr iithe i t l .mtsectires from C. C. Clay, and which 45.1 C. - A.IMM Vuefstent Secretary or w at.v herein' . ''lasted that be saw Clay weittiontit6o tiaha:notalattrit to deltur the'doenntattM: • . Benjamin, Coniedentin Beereiaryof &afro; ' teraertmelMblenksto be ffil cpby names; to baxage knot& to ;witless Anglo( readied Biebreond; the fetter war dated BtvNetwilmtli. : Canada, West:4Erevelblor lit, 1 864 ;•It &to a ; detailed account of the el=nitarteastlOllllCCltedi T IdU Llei ti4.. AirP l 4 4 =Z i rting Hiat 1 11.- 5 roan Maks hilt as one whose heart was with the Sanity and; 1:1111 - 16 - filt attempt to lame tha .town ofi _ Et. Albans and rob the banks„, , laHteted 'al l cording to the writer's Instructkons, and wen! the Confederate Government to asthma the re-t . • sponaidlity. The letter also awake of Capt.! ,KridletiLaraeLTol.7***l Feta*/ ftlXl_el rebel Sanest's (=mend, who was man out board the steamer Michigan, on lake Erie,' Irma engage-Iln an attoraptio_cepture the veer-, eel and liberate tha - rebetpritoners on Johnson's' Island. The writer protests against Cole being, treated an a spy, and gives varigs reasons why / be should be remade' a primer of war. and concludeconcludewith the statement that all that th, large portion of the northern people, especialiyi iwtholloarrt, wagt,in °Norm roast thev ; Pradoes espolistriaCW'astlegtotr, lialsa i sr. They are rite for resistance, and it ms.l come soon after the Presidential- election. The . Weevil za.,l - . , -ftt-.-.1.4-:'lt-- lad . t that so eignatuniwas necessary, as the caisson. l eTdre= l eold s ire:t t ily i I =ti t le. wiwin it " 1 Several witnessee were called to tatifyto the .goarithaleterinit 'Marcus P. Morten. 1 _ ': 1 'WM. fir ktitilf identifier:Me hand writhig of Clement C. Clay in a letter produced ,by den: iloolgometY• , - 7+-7 , k • o,zar- P- 1 1 , Conrt then aajonsaid. ' . iglad""*Mii3ifr of ritilii, - ltai•Marie Uri dhatraWratiest, or Atmettey.Geneiw V itjthemislotnen.LettanAtcliMs, reeentt ~ iygoadod for:Moon by, the stlrand Jury I . . .. ill ialiCtiCili rgili li ..A.,. .1 , ..7A , ' . 0.V...01. I.IA ,a _•• ' ••• : ' ....? liire..l;t4•l4.s brtiiitolailiblit Itit , MEMO f; Ii *1 . ii•5 7 ::" . :: . ....•,Y..1 . 4 - 4..M.:-Tt!i.1,0:;: . i:i ~ ' ; ' ,4 1101111111AIIONIBMIMMA161 MO mit Of h I ..1i.,.1 'V% tot' 1T1;i0.0.8 . 4.? t:..: • ,: : i .Niiiiiticltettitleioddit .40P0n,.4, 1:T ;r1 , !,,...:! ' vi: .6,.41„,;1i.t . • h . L.7,.; ...A:. :, i' i i a - VitibitiklYr a rhofkiki.o" l 4 llll l* t ,-,-- .r. , .1.4 7;0 • ' : ...wk.- iz 3 it.; - ,••• , •.: i two, 1,,,,,r0f . Thi, ttinudimaliesablorcir . wise the ACW Ordar 41,t1Ings la' ?forth Card AilkiergidYeindittatged-unat 09 ftthilim if l that Nato. • amber of eandidgmfirtgagno c, , i ,tV a l=fr aai ctll i har. .,.,. 1 clashing sad tornsoll, owing to the new tomes ongiklgainß La mai •Mps We . sad alarm bare viddelly" * giand thmseirre., ' has plart . Isay=zoortaton! to with taa :tTilibq — elm for t t t lig na=c47; Vie tr4D4 We grorbitast rtratracrodlon. ..11:_: 7 6,tiumotiotow - sa ys. ntomlit=7:*.rs - 'I parson in the unary nerylers, and diincti Oa nolloannadagurtagatrioglonvidlii titbit facitithignkenthairtznoapartatingt --44 ci' At We gamut onauxotnedlagit •112allbd - 42 1it laf r4 41471dirl fa .;;Zi EA. 4TEIEWING - Verralinala `IIIP,AII&ENT 1'1712‘ OP MOBS: im, , 5 43 40 7 - rfottritlow:' • i t'ATE OF +FFAIf4 r II4AkABAIij. indgeliarkeitobeirovisional ' Guiezna , Y. SMITH, OF VIRI,OII, ABOUT TO SURRENDER, gikeditro ~. ~ ..... 'Slair Your, Jrmo 1 ,3 13.;--Tiop Tritium's Bich- Mond correspondent debts the treatment which the degfilimplin'abliesko INS tskilltY,Mbh !If einity, showing that the poorpeople are I treated by our antheritkipfiminpralPP44o7 were by slave owner; and the slave•drlvlng authorities. is 5 gliWilYSSII, .. 4 1 11 1"bert0 3 4,..- "r'. -.-- An app eal from Prehmonenegroes for pro tection also Washed. The state that they itc4;ll,,,mwi,iiiiiuirAdta also m rspitas, to enable them to attend to their ly ,occopatlop„ without w-t.d4: 15 1 9 . -.1 1 % arched dyne thanegibMarpen. The rebel Mayor Mayo has been reinstated, d SS hiligiappeffiggi Mlablialgoliteffsm, who glorious and Infamous nemingberiklgnik ho now occupy themselves in ereiligg hogiajr,' Inoffensive negroea, dragging them oundril , Ding them. ;rrri ne a ta P l T l Agn i Tir a hi to of =" ra „ s ti bsohtte :wrist demaralbstion. Labor Is 60dt:e land by thew ..NW , , ... .I.4.4they_ristamily.Wer star- Ivatlon or bt,.- - Illo , "*Mk , la "low 'Wm, and {even In their pen and wretchedness they sbolethesrs p t oc,Waffection. Military 'Let igidt63lloW traction of the whole i4,l7pepdatlon s by anachy.l Zktl: 4 e it 'A ; mpbril and R. ld. T. Hunter have bow. taken Itrelftr i ==guntailv4l7 , ll.l:,` 1. .7.-" Z r e l. "The ' a l ' 7. b. tamderstood that Judge Sharkey will bo made provisional Gomtor ia,t,AlaNgw,. i....lleZint , ' ,- . - A4&' datc=aftft ?I.IOT. S o lt " ,o . Vkiintiyrli to dam If. Pg"''- g lashb4l o o. „Weill nip; The dint will latruevivrochimitlbrd RAISE ,an and to the purchase, by the Government :arms, of thiptihrctinf ebsiggeluietaotlott-; lam Stasek-' this ;I:embeing ;the 915lieriblie. tat;. bed haying the Pronsetf tots! , foll/....t#0111....4Ffe1f the:general-laws as In other Mates. . ......,, Tee World ' s Florence combs - ponde r- a - says: . S . , and tabb iffloS:between tho Pope And Victor Emanuel. and that the latter will be leig*Wed-Eifiperor of the Etimais by the termer. Ir We are officially notified that for:Hifi 'pregetffi- Ithe extentge Government business over the ifiouthern i .nesornitates fr tne sgsfiensloo I of catiblfghibt old rbrns= .l4ls the km:dated Press and Edi. Itors South of Washington; In the meantime ac tive efforts are being ands to. Increase the tele graphic facilities so as to insure the prompt des patch of all badness to or from the South. 1. , ; f ~d r r .--, • i •••• • fj - y vitiloiii Ltheit r 1 Haw roam, Juirclik,,Tho, following is the lh tar of the Empercir ilajaehit`to his coma= hrokin.:: l DikfaliGekitiritßigthrg i entrain from jnihrwang . you of the painful tin. / hair* ftpaienceil.mihricalving Ora te-Wjacticii4. ;dealt-41W absence with the Shipresekatstaty goo; annual ;President of the Privy Council, I meant to give you mprparfsrteny friendship mut rey_amtl4ence,„ !an )110 w . .thaz.4tllFit ifosericeLrypiir confi ne; and your language would testily to the union !which relzna la ll= fatally; but the political which von."Vace under the arms of the can only lead the enemies of ray Government-to - Judo:mate which I =mot ad. mit; - day, belong longer to our -To arply the -co_ideas of the Emperor to the pmeeorthlei!lVlCiasterssestrtbA laW -WU& ttfrbettsilier etiattristsler; respAtildlitr 4.21 paktotaidteOles, - ge.low mlectirweAre; appriciating7 all of:14 MEM. The grand MAW/ea Sguro,RClPlPelen. as etetufmg - beforn aco nasal statue, we are unable to vicw.the whole at once; we only see Meld& triiktutt outaight, cotopletenees of the reproduction, and the dirtritentM9fiellP44ol.- -.e/eme to the duror 'every erne - 11'MA to prevent an. hr. akerefkaltad" that,formidable cuemy of true liberty; the Emperor: hid-established 'Mt In bin family end aftetwittaadi gtottingans, that severe discipline which admitted but odes will and one action. I cannot henceforth defl ate f. omAtkvielinefocTic figlldreon. Monsfetu - ' 'tidy God to have you in Ids holy keeping. =)— NAroutos. ( • taiioleatiehicahnifitis Ply to the royal metal. The Preue. was tX eftllSlTeizAtypi.Yrio,"-Impr- . In conseciuence of your Majesty's letter oflitaZ4‘and.l.liejtetrßeattokitt the dfoltiteur of this morning, I resign the vice pleeldency of the pricy moth., and Menthe Presidency of the tretiVirsfetutalaag=tsira° Rai of theft& i tont with which I am of your Majesty's the moet derrted4tonaln. - ottkriedl4.A - Petals Royal, May 27th, 1865. General Slocum in . New York. Nsw YoRX, Jone 12.—Major annul* Henry and.XitsrrAra Went' -vsogenr%acconspareled“ Hagan, a leading member of the board, in .142411ced Mut to the company, upon which Prossedftiiiiii4Trodavand thrice three.chums given to the man that captured Atlanta, The General trimmed his pleasure at diraluite"; augthakedi. Orztrailigtft perceive that the war had left so fewinarks upon our national prosperity. General Skentn Is a MeeldetnngeY,WyAYS N14317•1•110,4141009tid district of Onondaga mit, Le: 'the 'iiiaerobly of 1e59. e.thr qtr ilrlinJa ItiaslaWerg4ht4-Ap#lll.Pbbabk - • 31 1.t4.##V . i WAMIXOTON, Jllll4 ( l33.—Jadge Under Wood.; ot Afaiw_hollar, come here, to noniron will .14.! aeneralllpetd; 'brims* with' biSn' 'all- the; do.nments conneetedrl l . tbo isldls.""not treason: Of Generals Leis, Corierl.wellind Lona alllali.( l . 4 3 l nreenors Elmith and Leteber, G. etymon and Newton YeVelgh, of Alamadziej and &bolt forty others:* _. <: • The Alexandria Jotiviiff nye tki r . pie r kaj halpolo, 11111 q mli!rin sett of the trgislatore do 4 tslar.ll . 7 111141:iitia (IE4 faQ thin pupae eonfldenUalchtmlara bare bean sent to the members of the body whleh has heretofore; .rsostotarlealis- Ateirosderrrtiottiorttsgstuslarsl oletetttt es contradlstluniebed frog the labi rebel letuleure it - Richter/2d:- • Ibe litottl/a2 alarmed for 1 11'1110110bl niade ' t •Lb T.arr alsxmoring ha dlrablltty ltapuied oa Or at Aci!ratekbees Identified .whav•the .rsblY l!on and arstorearS thin elemlie &melds% add! I Ight to attlabdtd otter. Theists tio - tartan. 1 - .l6wtfir; that tub !a Mr o !cod appbajtiaint by the Ocnarnureart, Ger: erel ex , retels to tropatoot rodtiont,tir.Tiolattoo of the qlortltolloa. • ''.Perekral orectiOP 1A 1 79 Imid e r IPPIi mq le of Alexandria to devisein ni • for tall orno9acn2.l ' ..tt_earatt4T Atm, perfectad theft or - gamma/on aid 'adopted a aeries otroaohtUons4 • doe ofirtile tttreirtapir,,entillA,ll4lll I of the solo:al 124-030 ••• • • f •.• • !i, v• Res Quatro atom i li k m i rsi 9 L 4 . ~ i ! ' ' New rdire,'Jisne'l2:=-"Ttni''ffortrraftlihrtejud letter says: The work of roonustructlon goal Co flinch more rapidly: than, one- might =pea sner - acian etiiiinitthg liar: an'd' atstil rho hi , the hope that the reacifon and tandem VII be as sudden art complete as Ina themithreakr - In Sher r conversztionsand, the tdadifeet Is clear flew bt Me& sittaala mild litre atticht PA ti f "clans 'et . Buda .. ea' on whdied-beasUlythat tholiat th nAght... In prudent, now frankly admit-QUID:my ;strt" loan to be picsfirl loyal citizens of the repn iiefenerylkkkeillatartottOrks a terateatioa to abide by the teethe of the ifif. Yl. I Ifilai n i NA II amoini na :ir tAustmointo Nt6llVOggot NMI*. , I=atiae li rti ..., trutil gl i b UZatelthesegaar ' ' 77 N Bank of Zanesville, 0.. dCIOO • tetnateArtiLleeNey• t irsommos Pm* 11 . • : bid " i moramouremy wane h. - , Q.t. Tr ;0-xi , 1:: I%lMt iiitudiANAtitt lirorrianxidtat tom. 1, , t Fit ,r/nott-_, 1 . I 1 Wentsuotnta, Jitnelit..—Tbet IbUoirisgoir,ea., lar has been Issued from the,"stitcumer Gementihn calm : _ By direction 6614 Freitdrit, etb itetilebe be- Inning to the excepted elessea anumexated by the rferldetiett AmnestyProt:lamatJon ',of May, =ams t ili) may makespalarapelleitioirtcy I*, Wesldiret for _ pardon, are hereby named that:. cps thele Feliiettre'vplleitiOneitill ISO eon. ered, it must be shown that they have rupees. - i rely talcs _nitgritioarped,,tiLlak . Pf farm , ' uon In ssuals w,o , keemsnett person de_slring erweial pardon s t ketr uttldttobbe i5t1P.4.4W... ! ,1.r.i.44A/Z or InNweeci K erefor, and enema transmit with n ave io, Realm: tho origins* Ahab via adirnadlon,:se innteskincribod, bp the,nftloar authodrod. yr the roles andaniagam aft Ellate4 .l 4 Me geereeermof ditst.o.4a, r e amnesty oaufr.prAiuko,w,so4 : - ln*D xl orth*- ;1;V::, ; 7 4 "::_l oj i ; ii (,:„ . . ~,.: ~ ' ' :•,..,.ltgiWieilekiE; ~..._ . .. , , ARs W 4ll4l *t iPaGtat v .„ 6,p . ...---r. ~; 0 ~,,' be : Actual ' e 4 Republic hivoliiiii - ovx-z. Nee:Army atlas i 1■.,..- ,iili enitalfgue Swage tirfrii ' lbo*ctftOceintat GM the Attu. beieise "Otraltweinthewai / .44i4iy . ,40 0 iiie.,. t1 4 61 * 1 1 .0 3 V1 4 b0 t r. 4 ) 1 1 .. ' areguay on us unt• sae and.BrialCow suo ther. , lF is teportedttat the Paranguyanei+ Wert. pullet& Jots; onnir,- hinott. oideAuk, Exec otttttqw•2o44; = 0 tised .. and,,eaptturthAwo : , Luna Orellik pg 4I: COW - blood, all the album uud , Vets - . ' IA„ Vilit'att osotpetO3 ittki Metal IWO „145144 pert tit lined ti n . e Pa/. on yak da411 . ,14111 CandialtrinPa4 Fe r wait setting in fatoc , of l'ar‘roY against 14t*za Atirohir;Aaduciax..bi the' L 1 &Straw , , wiTtail.., . , ... Fawn= Porn, June 11.—In the Howe of Eliiiitiblestfafirefi6aerai gialrirpolMl 14 demands of the American Government on Sr: ?Omit Of ihe Alabiiies depietiOonzi. l'? ' ' I Lord Palmerston Said the omiiiiiiiiieithinV !fflAdiAat boots tokloS•illgo' .foi.elalma.latelr, gitewere of the tame kind Itinnegy et,llectuld ; not. soc.wrnetbetthe instrne: tiornewere issued bi , PrealdeoL.johnson or Lin. Wirnt lie an incprualce .prevallsd, slice potonsOn's 'secession lhat new' slat= hid Wes 011034 itiletnuy diftereut:splrit than fotalsrly. *, pat hapresisloa woa aliogetlier r uagiiiatiL Air:, ftiord void 'shalt dangled bed beetrJallar i , eree mare between the ..nperarsutd•Frince VII:~ thinotteg 0 ,- ~.. [ Vt 1...1. ritil c - Orrekfteatiotitk'Xielire oiii 1 4tie g1e.444***411440.4 60 4_, V OA__ l i Vo PreMent Agiellial =WE acettietiguiani:vish on. ,ThatPrieceleebry inUellEoureedoc,, f.nne, and he feeling perstiMet'ffietebielittened, of the Fes,OfomA:talon would be the touter oftwitteaged French ma- Onion 4f Mexico without a fearful war. bir.44liine ch ief oreaf , Cabinittot-libeantl. lon, had arrived in Parbyand had slaw gone to Brazil. 1 Advices fonniFlOten„ Cesielca that negittlations are progressing favorably. Prink and dgoney Matters iib-Nisi I ,_prk. 1 New Yoe; JIM M—Tbere was unite albrely lmarket on nillwur shares at the Steen Exams. and aunt/deg was Tarr strong with an.opward tinntutent :brim. , :There watinlarg• demand for storks aesalpa. sitit : innui t re ithe bears 'were R aringcoheir: d•ntraeta,,. There were 110 re outside orderi.:and.the largeinvutrigs !of the ] pain roads are attractinuflo el.derrahhi at^ tendon. After call there. wan qatt l e=at iusitifor r‘ , ... New York Central, lerle, Reatilitif i llteli- Igen Sinthern and Cleveland and Pltubtaldt were eipeetaily active. The danand enstianal all dr* In the afternoon the greatest exeltautou Ivrea od Cleveland and Pittsburgh. - e. Goan: meets were dell. partially be new venue of a dia•Ppututuunt le the gelleraleePie. union that the Powder' woahl report a 44*. ' theiadTance ln Leaden. State beads Are taw. init 3 WelaltrTileilern*ig. Railway niortni. I&a inN blink Wire* arc Assay: *melted otrri Legs: cod' .and i-itdseelbuienis shares arc_ all ... goIItAVIPS44 st an ad- eft , * Esegid Ail 144 zo Otackoir,tbei haa:; .4 i c ip r # 4 o 4 .4o loll4 rPtielgs to stiffen the - pica: Thipriare - will ;intik re', lithaeleaftebeitiabliffliM6iugbfthedrlis.Tireit tigtagnsAgkrottheATA Wine4=elk Li-MIIp .•rb The ExiiirikeaftrillresiMattansoga. Afmtelcracattaal3,4lo resaahaassloaelal, grZar ui rll dated . Jaw , UMllMMettaarta re* A. ' Ind, Are occurred - three on thtceTeAOS .40 11 4 " 11 I gi="4 th m° o earelesaruss. e I 'lntim a molted It; thi , woe:damn depart Wthgintiods44 leni& ammuni on and loose palter. Shot and shell were lent Mules atiressthe town„ and many were killertand wpm:de& The lipuuleraster buildings Ehlreltlibeind laMelitalttoyed, Inmerihr lag a 49 loss of a quarter million dollars worth of 401140thiiinfdkl.bethilivn ativaric WU ruiii.it.ti#,-.l4.oTaltiV.oo) APT frinfl:..4., - 'J• • .." 'A . • ' , railroad is teisii «114 , 136aidAuiiiii ? PraMmeht Setallsmre byttNntr tfraodit,l. - ft#Sittrigna:::. fr?': . ''fzt":" 3 „J' --.•-!, • - - , := 7 4 P Jane-IL—The - (noon 'pedal says: The cavalry gaiety IsE cached to the Army of the Fotonme, and tllai now encamped on the orange tine Again 01111114,4 cit !Offing ertagentseetr and-oansoll• !WO' jtaMinerilleece,ortheqsasteaffig MEW thAa tame tettivof strilcnAlre'llirloeto - OC: Ecibrild. tabollifis'ilpihdy' Wien *Olt Ural ant; 8et14.00 of-the,sataa comae Imbe gvdte rajddlyoselveintstiecesmillper. .keimmkartmdlw from the Wif Deplcit; ment will ffirectihe ,vdtpte .term of sevvlce. mires before Jemmy . 40,A866,•,- u ; TA ii— (1:11,]: ) 9111eadlteielltiviArrleirts—Yiew "Art va, Mute. li4lieilikailirj ,1f.4 1 001 .Bt. Lonta;hu 56 Wes of cotton and howl- Altidiret tOSaffirfWert3o22.ollllatalutrUktrlT No. 2,1a5 41:K/ balm for Evansville and Cincin nati, andlbeliilantle; , from Weir-Orleans, 100 .449.49 r C*112414- Loal. Jo hn? bealttE, ralsetarfee,thli , inltt of New 'Oneana;leretbr thatvortteodspoo -enter itpon ] the discharge of his official o deem; • n titatko. ot, waturrii - Tal mitt gr....Zubit ibulA.Wealtorppl, math i To4ber orderet - - Flntarnavaita. -:.'r *ner teirgi T mi im pram Or' 'The definite etateiesiou °free: PeFelngo bele beet I rccei n s e g ei d ortiVirestiesair 'Sanaa think. the Araellen eceitrancm - *mild be detael,OpetOtherfixteeteteeri 1 1 1040 Aticiiitp;f ^ , e 401 hietlen, Ml)e.._ • • I ?be eritcrtaimeeng toilt, CUM= ot. aisultnu ' ilnizfriet petietoff 4e armpit , esifell bleu eer. antleeetles kid 'elated the'inoelkirli, :ftlirthanfitrett , giallleattoir Marcus. Aniel.-Lafattleals hens Maims &In, reentrant MoweTheytktalho.o3ll .of May. Ttie tirtatIOSIMILVIMI la runt without a.uy eei ;Malta =Mts. „Tbs. report ,• of the bean , was net eoulinnedf. -There lisd bean ocesindit,' I log Dear Gonalues. and It was techikhh the ha/ %goal malii Moindottinst piton sad fall tick .an .idario.":l7esdent 06ffrani Wait . - uukklair mat ezirtioiur .41k.lorffirdinetiOuPs. trent • Pm. ./di Prima ape ;Ike ..nalporuNz Itie ineetbm.s.. • • idit.th,p, coned. a I f 4r. I m irwci a :Z i ffate l lr dot i ge t? : I l i; % S r " Qnpl . 4 1 1 tee tvw., onplUitiVen bl'a geelikaj _alaßalt TkigtjAwa amities are yet la'Wlelaril °rail newly an of whictrwal give a 'Weft th conagaition, Which, togeteum with the "otters Tetaone:viola - thou/ail. a, to cope hi. will _snake a majoilty to tieVatiepthat fio aye • • • .2° l o. ' • • A "gni . • teal tee eon Ma price akay ad raZall to 160. has • • dated a dlrpealtioe aa yet we nola pO LEVantlat OfletalUMS an • accoaii.;l:l<. Ofiat hAs . 1').3 If I •,!.'gret/Inridre Claim fffl i=ln 4 "P4V.l 4 l9= • loasion Amid= tbo tibiae 104 - 0. •• f' iljageld deired sal. thtr e WI Wog td fr • • • • Nadler" Going Home —Draft Wheelr. !NEW Yana, Jima 12.—A I.3lotitagacekti timed soldiers, enroute for their homes la New England, paired thleugh tills city today. More The wife& erfseted-atWed bytt offewerawielavu farabala in trr fling the drafts in New York, are to ba sold at ,aUetion on nest Thursday._ el 7 ' T -r oconietfre— Extpl Persons Billed, :LoursTrms, June 12.—At Frankfurt, the bolt er of a freight loeggloklyelovirout depot exploded thfit fiftlFtdon;sfutliineWs.-whale of the city, and destroying a large portion of the depot. Four person were killed, and eight or ten badly, ,perhau.s.lbtarlfi-4401724.4N=4"1 41: of the explOslou Iffluitutartf.' - • 'Dealt of Surgeon fipneral Whelan NVasatrtiorta, 12.—Siarreon General Wiliam Whelan, Chief of . the lillteAll of Man che, andfiartreon*flne I)4vy Department, died last nlghltaftell aVro.k4cW ninciaa from disease of the heart. I 1 Prisbnera Released from Fort Warren. i Bowies', June 12.U:it:ie. - ''OP-eixty additional • Prisoners, Inclading several captains and lieuttu. smote,were liberated from Port Warren today, 'P111441 .01(1 surVendirOf "Exit.* Bitty Smith/i" I•New roux, June 12.—The rebel Governor ilmlth has surrenderedbiniself and been 'released 4 21!T la a ItC) EITI.E0("1 ervitt Smith on the Rebel Leaders—Hie View' on tiro Dist to be made of there —lid Ifiln fsifiitcdiversal Forgiveness. i The announcement that Genitt Smith would Iftettinkon the folloVng stiNocti "That the Gov dremeutlias Weld life thilitbAnorairight to try ihOitij . o* and Rua the,Way to: a stire and r4Vtltar. RRd gea co, d it Adel a large *adieux at Ctoigide Institute, New York, tk.llartndieftrreclog.3l.'."q -7! 71111." Mr.riatli Vita that, the Obvernment would commit them eatiest •orime of ti se age. In opposites the punishment Of rebels. howteft,lreasd - inverse-tie to those Concerned in the *assassination of the President. Let them soffits for their blames and Minions triune. He meant that the Southern people ihoulk sone Tunieteditiritkoctimisoffelmilkki F6t;loseiear, *witted Warbles' riot •• °ugh; not because the safety of the North re. Orates that they shield not bepunishaL He did not say that the Routh has not been guilty of Li me% for 'she libations gtility s dif *kW, iot trutdeh tier tioeituie;" ttit6:)l4oo6l” not to punish her. We " ad agreellit - hondket the war aceording to the laws of war, tberefore We should -Dot pruilsk them as tritium, hid kali:tried lb:sided of the nation% ertiftntited ee belligerents. Instead of punishing them as • traitors during the progress of the yrar. Oro o t treated diem la 'prissmErti bfwat„ pefON time we had exchanged prisoners, ifirthire ea flags of trace for the burial of the dead and WI agreed' t iter perge&Eplyplllikeitilltriports bows that eed' frith IFiceiiiitiipo eauditer! Theeecturar then read-extrecte from -Vaal Hallo soppea paltlatoitidiahlTut Only *toad here Edward Burke bad when he rebuild to in a who'd people. Another reason why We shoutiot panis . COpy ~,,__TareareijO that there bad be n enough et rdelatest - byritte-defeaad Party talthout a dditional punishment. At the elm sacksofti, .hou:1 ~3111Tal. 4.20661666105 Ca" hhe destroylag angel he he spoke In behalf of the Jura: 4 83ay year ha nd, It is enough." It Is toidllaxeme quart that In the lateruitrieWstapeof the ball or we might be gthremieti*•the here of war. and at the Incipient - ad cooing stages we iogbe tot to be governed by those. laws. Tbls s a i pidieea,4l,etinesbna„ Thet,. agreement to exeb prlitoterslithirtild" act setrowrotlvely as as prospeadrely. It should Include ill Manyed before and euterptently. He did tot belleyo that there weld be a proclamation of amnesty drain a chil l er International war. That net, was, oar able to latyryolntiou. 'rte speaker. said that ite — esse of the rebellion In Imbed, while not reaching the dimension& of Steil war, the BMW . - 17 , /,Miroment knti the legal Sight to punish the taentirgoctar OBI*. only pu pated xen, and not one of flute with death. dots act acute fradoro-loying,Amarleau that the vaapilshed a civil shorobi be Weld as prisoners. He Inquired how tila audience would have liked toAsore bid Wall:Won and Frank ' :11n punished* they bid heed ~ v sequisboi to the revelation: It In likely that In all More retel- IlloniqelnedetextelWlrotriwill be Co the Aide of freedom -Waset proper for -Amnia& aset an example of lasing ettudshed men for tr 6.1.106 1 tr:rtr° of "Yea, OW, slo.r j grofted Leads will ilewfwileece point to the example eel ' s. Mee ialtarteeeleei, sibemoveleemd - rorushleg a nta.lllon. Is It for America to put i It In thetrmarearAt try men fop Steloottr., In answer ton kqelry, Mr:llinlth add he I bellevad the cause of Washington and Frank lin just. and the came of Deets and Lee to be lunprat. But, said Mr. Smith, would the tyranta of Europe view the distinction? He was speak. inic-evez 9f4gPeticaiT,Lo o = • Sapp: 1e minted anus. succeeds In subduing a rebellion, would It be soy trontda for blm to say that his cause was (J1:66., and that of Ids enemies unjust, and go to banging ',prof [laughter and applause.] Ti d 4e4rr referral to the ctim,, e of starving P ttle iittritlir wileirPaidatlY remain It proceeded froffillie prootalme epirit, for which the North Is • little las respon sible than the Beath. We should be reluctant to punish for that crime. unless we can certainly peas upon the rtaßty. He =tinned and said ittdilhe gßodtteehuonseignoayery,., !u the South, and that If that wan ever a lime , on tinuivoitlibutt molt *ea%¢q;l l 9lPilti I DOOM *A/kW& PIS* i o, 6o64:,tanoopico. „1.41 only duty of Oa Neagh le to pace buromil by idde brek Bobtftei tv.oontisonJirepluttonto the for 040 0- l Orif e rli*r atES . Air *Mal ai we fro blank theifatth;' iteiabelpeek: alythautritioEupeatuute.,,Thou r tet ueivftl flanteralliolitelintolivittuaeig like paanalag aloten fat Rlte Of'Whigh , is ieldiiiiirtguntv Tbeni ratted neenfieblation of : lesideitt nellottlflUaillitqtal tot it: /I A. lac' of the Southern people had been taken stoNtat: 46601131A* aduldifuetholSW alma gualmota - :(4 ag it t speaker coo tied; that the Sobilt knew that It bad not a friend with Innen . - ittlidtp feeling for her than Mr. Lincoln. That crime came from the proalsray spirit which prompted atatit l 64 AIM iPlYollatpiklUsttort to be reepoisibllify °Me - Morel h bject of siavem_toe .-pw.k4e : g of reconstruction, he lad thiklol****llll644ll3WWl4.3'4l revengeZtrat to provide for the biturd. For that porpeurliar WS* 0144 niirst a Y 924,/ of the South among the poor of the South, Ind eve to the . blacks the'rigittotr'rote.i He would de. prim soloed tba, rebels of the tieeflas froultar on ter.4 . 6o,kiiinlll4llErs forever. He would alai .feirodlete the rebel debt. He be rebelaistAittlatitifiluramieu,..MAPW4l% they anould pun Z e olairi e° aU st f iry ted id AKA sing, Mr. Smith pai d an eloquent eulogy 3ir. ... nTc.,ssaiiif. Davie plata ..Alivatosgateils* approctof antemeetel -iisetre•tat fie; tatietry the Overt, al t!Sff . tar R te, . elics Jeltn a 9 .? so - m Bocce. oeneteemtrepileestsiut oattr tree with bretiblen theta, sopportlea six anVese nips for coorectAriery, ftn{t crr [lowers, end the 4..jitro,of the laliatPfleatart tff iltrite El ms Jefralineted folgaall &Tay. uitiostri eland. lei it: the hetet/A*l.ra gistavo. f.trqAtff a • fittreL eartieleal erased shall feet hlah, ' ;iota on phiteri ibinitotor • talreptpunott ; Wirer, tcpenlioVoiststi rad gram • I . crThki;Auver Apergee tram peld'fry ionetlon;• to. - gethes.whh. 'effeetrraffee-boll gr.:nude jo repro. ! not •• tattoo:4v. Mid'. leader by Jeff Davis, a ; short than before he fled from filettseedi to a: . Mr; Belted, fer.llo.o:olit ;confedinsyseipeer. : The coffee boiler was presented ao.t=artricatt; %Johneoti„ sed thellpevar OMB maw Me brother,; r tiottehittptoh,Aßrelet amen, oil • "84ton. wbobsi pieced lionenhlteffi Rif • :#All' vamp:Let atactrebtrettnodied deflate.' • MI, bi n% P(AMPKTic-h.ai' spOltl*., • • WOftli, the Owl Ilse bouiol, ,yon, ttltl thin isulland bas hoe to a larm/Re Psis I. receive Its polftlead cirstial hots this bird of night and ern, ASR Atudand awrait;Rnirvand swim/ may savo,Edi4h . ,The bt the bird 01444 illUt Ind Alit is if It were {to. . yorteta... jt to tko , , itutittie bm .hoibe Whitt' TIT/Vaal, Sand. grndwi,,' led IS a 'firrn anls/ah„ muil . e/s7 24'rew. nm_ end sSattrn 'words to Amnifes. Atar ltiLrds /t 2.4 NallihaWaSfor Annetta thartnara tot No innoisrM , 22 ss4k.ATitl an:TA - 74 T .• .'c ol krfirtabeisda ft. ;,11' tats means saapdaksa i l ilecteti3o? liniebre nottiln I TKO . t3i& 7. 'l;in' t7,74.1.10bAut.......-•......44,. • 1,1:f .- T - : :I • ClTtlifili Ples—P.,/-.',6° Ifar,l"; .. - .. „ ;; .0. the broke ctd..yeatenhia tinning about hilt -ma*: it*e.iiitt,vio'cui E hdiliew at the OtEteitlepot .of- th e'. Ranges& - _ ... .... Ther*e gml i tesßAVibaAkiPt OtOcß49 'MA divine stneelned tti ahe Ailbittig wite:amall.. - !,tAhOiCtiiiiiins7 kteitibou'Tli i ere, . . - , , . „... ... . *lle discovered Ile ihe:l7.llTitrif Mies . W " iithigV 1 . 0 1 4 i w ar d . fiiigt, l o4o Wan th * 4,,,,,,, a1 ik t tbi d ° ~t9. T9 , !!94 .?z3,ll''!° damage - liiiiii tali gilitiAii, that the three last. "rid In tile - 'cal,' here . tieeillit Ae !Mitt' -liar& " aid na far from then:lntl Of the Meant cri that, they could not andytednWroundllCtrofe tnibe , of Dutch ‘ tuthanade.ptiou,of that at,i Scanner and , .4 tfiriirtg; whore, .ertilath tlteditntata notdd'inot; isivEibe-btitl4l4l. :Met - Th: .. l..tattett- beteftt . in: sating: three AlJelnhlg ~, Vliell,equiot t o not urea , In tint . kbrgte tity yptild'setaislo , ittidest the npiee ,ll / 1 44teiaditkiiiii1,14axief,",tobiliated VW the boluidatind, ilia Ninth. nard;itid: Voir': tpineibt.. ~, Wei.z,teetictetimid the f asideettdeat tr Conlin* endeaterhkg woe `the.:prfvf :11 6rPrettzhkit et :Cjitirleisine - ink we art , dlrtriddlNej , will be iiiide.eirtit - ; ~ , . • - s~: . , 4111sa killed on ttweßallressLz, -I •Abatit'ilateisici6il Let` eirdaiii;...l24e. ' . ' port.-Foit. ITs7***lfikiiiiii4l,ll- 44 144441 14 iit .144 1 Ilattldt'iitiigror etitieti ' te,fteitigeetlme man vaihthg2ot the jiil titinikrsWeiii.c4iiithliiheitiallt, W the engine.AuKtlii4t44#‘:Pialtkll PkaiLic aPir e dthlirglie,',. diner en d : taitititati ."siting. l'lto :# 11 4 1 ,.,c9P 1 4. 11 4.1r . MVO" . .JP , tike, and pia; litaAWALitteticka pat bji: tbelioW-' ObSer. sr lebnineelataMititaniii killed..Tlio7, loony was.broato flip Station in ialegbanyt.- bet had %fat deritliladQidit iiighiP`,Tior - d6. L. " •...! 111,1 ' i;ativiadilliodiedailitiat,' pais arid L'iiiiiidabota. 'lritim-his drew Ile ap;` Sind to be a working man, but his hands were kio sift to carryout the presuieption. He hal kr hie pocket a hen/kerchief In which were Sled Verge number of 'writhe of tarn and' itimpled titawerapora, and it was thought he wan some In. ne persorriika liadiSicipa lienni litzeloitt Im itate. „ lie wan euppmtly.about !Orly pears of aim : 2 etrrinan. lo 6l3llldBOTl. ketiniCoroner„was no. ed or. itie accidenb, I mid :dearth/big"; at: i.the , empanaelled a Jury. An investigatkm and Pnest will be had at the atileghery.- passenger- ot this morning at 1034 o'clock. It -. ArAniimP4ilitsozi.: , I - • cono r ta 4ll -Anie01. Litt 11.1 ening,,the occasion being the opening of, the ''atidethrgii llinStrifilng th eanaissi . within d last heaths of one late lamented President 4 is the moat thrilling and llfeaite history that ' 4 itnos be written of the great National Tntgoly. Ire bare witnessed many an exhibLtion of the istmezde-etuusehmilwalwavi'llthetto - with' the plaint enneclottantha that the lertiletimag -4 Palen , of. lakes,litettit: Zed hen - Aram %len if , tot Ibethoinetdeatafot lama for.-Intlett- of e &title. :But th ispietww:la taming hi the h tti• • 4* aggra.'ettd ItATes 12sloro rafting hirtorP or the rodthrbOrr inlledr.thall could the Of ten volumes of . Metal taittki. , But It Is *De the pictorial exhibhien titat• theranth he ittsitor. Mr, IbtfusSomerby aco.ompanies each ittesie with oaken stilling and masterly descrlP tiotW Ori/ 11 91f,Pre 1 7.. ltYm.aukoac or, patrioti c hese in the audience. line gehtlemaix,fi :Ast mai ace :rim and: powerful elocutiontsti and his film:Tie should be enjoyed by eTerreete Nero woOlcherlia'a• brtillinc wrung Adam,. -- We toinnier a to Oleselooil tnildren and teacher!' a .trash to hear and otaterra*tde , eteelletit .thlooter Cr entrachdlon and deelannstion. - This eater taththent will-resnAln' all the lieely. and no doe should fail to ain't it., - .. . t net of Qua Sesstene a TheAdiewiug bualartia was irahsected hi 1 to mat Monday afternoon : In the ease of-John hatt.liebeeaGoti, indicted for lareegy k a ytirdil, 044* iii..fohu, and not guilty for .Ebberr.. A inetloteAr a mew u to G_tibert. AWL liquor caw were disposed of by -"tairiehArine,, S i t ames ' - ;' 4 " 4- hoOlGtil Sawa . ;Paklok Dino, iler George fipecktrulyer, Cbrh $5O; XaGeelleiiralt;:tW. Charles arid Robert Gibson, logidgmr tOr, !emelt. and . .battery.. wee* foamed Vadlt,rauttlea.wur tined $l5, and Hoban., CV. Aifey . Xeritedi; awninged forth e•larceny of a drew and a ring, Wlll3 acquitted. :„ The ease or ilosoim-14.1totb, Elizabeth A. EattirAtd 'James ii. .LoWice, bidieeeb for,forziblo entry and detainer, Idolytkon tad, •The "pailidt - 'la MAW tfliete_vaae.-/e - eorreietnatenr, voider ,theld,geatataat • !Tratts,,'!, corrects an error kat& relfietr_trevrevihtiaidierteetkr led ii•ervvad a lff of the aria Juzigeortng the bid trooght ass: )the partylio, e.eflegat, await. The Nil lsr- Oored wai'sigatagt,ltihnltania ; and not Demob, who WA the aorta '`Treth''fettbermaro soF: rTbellevegl• Ogre, war woe atiparticle of - aridence to sustala the, cbarge. - John Datil, SSW tot thewade of Dennis. The enciel bellerve to be a good tilt mut. As to ths ne hew I have nothing to ay." litre wad as to the confcrandleg of the /names; bare nothing to say tisdeftillintotlW iltdrey. Of John Davis; but oar stithorlty . visit ',,3l46leadaegtilblirldob: Truth" believes to Ink istbrepresentatton, I4°°P6ift. • In the City..-Militant Ramsey. Esq., formerly 112 auccde n(laber - Pentedterddes,.antsed in the Ichliestendal Wvdfrthe arloy.eantheteen bon. 'orably discharged few days since. Mr. Rim . my ha been in the service of hie wintry nearly fneVear**WIRCIRO Plato Mtlitoilotßes through which he passed. At the battleof rive Yorks on the first of April, be received a severe trona and had hka barrel Mined under bitn, by the esploakm of a shelL Daring_ the recent severe engagements in Virginia through which krwratty gnMedjprovionp.'"4o the .atirrerOttor Lee's army he . was attached to Om emitted' headquarter,. Mr. R. Jame for his home Jo Uniontown, Fayette county, today. OPealleriorilb We are Informed by the ON:crib &mix% that It Is the Intuition to let the water Into the Pen. n be mined bedevil' between and Ifellldayarrarg. on the 14tItlinti: and that boating will commence on about the 20th. That part of the West Branch and Susque hanna canal between Northumberland and Dan iaolsblotlytialtrfPfetallraffenzbeffre the trite TY; an Duet Noithumbeislnd fw Loclharen until the Ezatot September. Crilemlttere....k.eirro . ‘ lads kiintS:--LThe flolklyleT adaltlehia. s , Ol'rntticma kill.titek received by the IlubeleMeeconOle " Cnisone Homer, - Vtacia 100 Cetehm., • • •••;• trr,t•:•-••• • • •"•• • ... Deulep Creek Ladtes',o: • o: - .:. r .. ... 04 , - • javelulivild • 10 ttailette ' r ,of Js pleb Ypr ep,uf• itilltamsrttb s ontets•ht year o f i[iy s on ovee.byli 'twin. on 'Monday isl.l And. had Mgt.:her, ' ;mar bit ITheittl/c girt ..tt4.llld. plow on the took to ha _fiatbotiol owe its,the wheels. The tesiti , Worn in .two tir.this toshiritgitheupling, nekl • witirwi the to plck %wino ohd•lattes part of: the train; lmpot h4 momentum whlch had born ktre4 it, ran crrer fow . , .„ . .. • • . 'llterifnnies' Maii..-41.D: ttanders t a meetid •:loit of the ISAlitireet Virginia regiment, la Roar la campitt Mtelpg., lie 142 404.alept for four teen plan, the ftl.of,,wakefttlnamt hildt!S CAM, lamb A OgllliONSti EXICO which time he. bee Ca `fLtt btca dtoll4h , 7S tif ukeittildwhi n • :.tie does go to *leap he CH te.o k ling nap.: Ha jostle ta In the till orient of health. llyeklieppily, anti kArowa ;rig reas4ii tk 134 Un ,,sobrand unnatural phenomenon. • • '; • 141484 Rebel: Prise uers. —A I moil • oval'. train le teltwilig in a number of released • rebel ; .'lWlAltsere frOmFort• Layfayetto..• Only the Oa. were Grit dleobarged, but now they are all balm/ reltaied -ae• fast es - -trseeportatlon can• be fur- • cashed by the Government to tekw them to their! !mince.' • A number of the nrst: arrivals, who! welegunebte to - proceed any further. Were. tatierd to the hospital on First street, where they were lauded by Dr. Dyee;- , ;-..• • - • 1. !Returning _Trpoper.-The ,21st • Klehigen,l Abertic .totr huddted teen, ander 'command, M. Vet. Plllehopi the lath michigitt; nailed o f of-Xejor D. Andetsou, nattnumbering threes , lrundred , end .blinAy•sevan Men. and the VI -Mobilo:a Independent Buttery, , ettsched SO o"Fttentletti Corm - Tweed through the' City • • feeteriler: r eetrltliut- Thel :We ll tuvipAithl Algraidest wimp fair. . 1, Jul; • 11;t.: Litt 1.- •• , • • " .•s " The Ir*t ' ittnlii6: le'the'leitifoiltl4fbt ; :Onset ,i/rafq:Aliatei atidSallaCl Mdi EPo4.llli . Acllt_-4#61 idisghsaitOtot illecs‘uneimr waft ? ser stinsi:e I,lt *MI 0h.14 t , I . fir,,;" • • ?it parkl:l74lo,Totu: Pitt V0C1010.11,1, bled hid Ali • WA- IthuiriShlri . liet tweet' twel,c, sait Aft= iffbeiflsllrtii•Dry•4ooth, and flostatt asp 0 441 "44414PA1V10N 4 11 4 1 4 1 0 1 ,4414 4 1 5 1 r 1,4 a, ttr.7•A7 n 'lll4l titnl4 sl i g n9" • 9`...t . . sz : Att , "l... 2441 ~,,,,,,F., 1 XEITER, Fiktiii"WAflialtatT rt. _ SDe!L l CeteeßwaCaalatthePittiticrattilailttri , I • Macititiririclune ISIS.. Thie city IS niarfung with term:dug .oldie s; bioflied*lth exposure to the nun and liorme, of ih 4thaiWorkls dona r andthey can axe. Miura. with 6nbi• both& henna and &lends,. who will 7, wileoiste then with'a Joy not often perinltted to ',Mi . :trials. •-• • (oiihe soldiers the city would . beridat al-' Clough ti.e beeinesi in the Departmecacs Ts' 3 . riri indsimir.d Pressing. The weather If quite :hot, • and the streets about as dostywe theyran- ba .The erect railroads aid cars or this city are equal to 'anyl have seen ; and It yearns, ittre' tugs now how ';people got over „Iberia: Ntiis^isilicent 'diatteps" , -,teibre alds syatem urban-traiel wad etitnted. ._ atop:ram trials nOW atiatie .thelnakotadleV yr elitlotta; eibriay nothing '. t e „oretkih:46lt from the falldrilly, rec-Anta yrlveklif,the . The illsictOl theta . dada. coves of tholuilmegined wedaear.of thly rabbi A -leaders : ol)6k them and Melt ' Canoe ; add' the' cturedlaaltutior. which mile mu Whit - thou am, td - Aifftakiny so profcnink.thia:air Men, to all goiOltic## will regark4447;slb..lP said horror., !I .haf_Matiterview with . yeast.- day at theiltataDepartment...,*, is cheerfolrillit 'panda several Emus every dayaills dadr: lle .says be feels It to be he dutyto:dosnibut I never 'saw a merchant or %mallets. num atlas desk or :dunk:tin anal a stateaitheAllk....llesiaaterrlbly worteltirho -attetnided .hls lifer Hl . . . eisegla yet dlidlgoraf t alatopkte lthink It 'ma :Cialiind.tro.coriveress Witla &Malan painiluid'lds terns aralow, , . and, aud Vat vereiniddening:influent ' wellyh Waal! : feele . 'ams four deep; tin earerWa kletf., — reillg-hli. edit Vrederl r cti To wbesn' . d has artattdbialadic*o. and Wheilisild to be well deartringisi r it:MW" . ..ttrinhen. 41e1 kind "Ma Candldf ann - lua f egplvamichtititelf as • deeply:grateftalor.the synnaithy of his Mends:: cut the Mayday as short as I snail with pro- . pal both to save W 1 1 7.11100 andaere,him from. the,myleas pain of eonverslngt and as I gave huh My .karidtotalee.l4l . 6tliiiir was. .warmth of , heart Mailleatea of while the world atlarge hardly gives_ltinacredit terrlble'afilc acme maylave bads- softening influence upon bin', and .10 neginfed,.althongh a Ilying ; man, he seem to havathe sacredness of a inari.yr. Ml THekinson lectured this evenly:iron the desaLacLititobt. ,II one Ala moat eldquent dkomnies I heard,whd'one Of the mdst ctaiprebensivii and . glowieg ditaations the - greet principles" for which . ' Lincoln . Ithenabo urged thoduty„. the neoraity and the Justice of giving the' right .of intlftsze to 'the loyal colored men. to cciumerbalance the rotes it traitors, the applause, .witleiraeemed to be univertal, wait- lone, and long continued; and. throughout the lecture obeervedahat the most • realest nfteranews of- the speaker were the'most rapturously appl,auded., : "John:Brown's. soul la marching au" here; and If w.lil.marchstlll.far ther in spite of traltore and What called con ' Tlttabtergi This anoble repiesentative herein - the lemon or liaftw Beton, formerly of the Gd .` 40, . a cum Who !surer ready to emend to his • hinds those hearty courtesies nod acts of •kludj. time which are only mauve to 'noble and timer- , ono nature."-And in Colonel ther State Agent at Fesitylvarati; mhose province it la to loolkalfershe.lntemetr. ofowr soldiersvouraltate is nobly andlumeratd_ygeprawdefl42l.l had occa sion to ask senicat, and the prompt and . courteous inanner la which :he did all for me that he could do - left a Ver7;ittftefiainipresaloti7.l on Any heart. Ills 'oftleela an llatiStivettear E. ,: Thera's - another °Moir *bait iotstrar utitif orable metflot mern D. H. Lusk ; siet Clerk Charnituf the rolls in the *Met of .the 9d ditor.- In the vast and Intricate amines.' earn.' ratted 1.0 Ile care, be bus eutteeded la organic.. Int a perfect iyateni,' and thinuszds Of:soldiers owe to Ude abloi7latorions . and chastlin gentle. - man the . prompt , settlement'aflareli warrants anditeir early return to:their ' ' • /1. is nine yearn since .I..waslaaarhare:- Then -- the acauspbere of adaelty.waadeeldedly.flonthC, ern; and slavery ruled; 'now it is' Nortberer,.aiad bath white' and are • The Change= Is;: more obvious to probably - onn,WhO' has marked' ahel:Auceedare.-steir lit.din great tram/anon frbtobtaidage to freedom:- . . . . • : The :Byron O il conmany.-Tht4OffeiPitOT, is ameingst the„ lucky ones of the 'pretest - day., having struck !sat week;. on tktgoovei.lraini,-a very' Ant well, variously estimated at. nom 50 to 1.0 tor id , FS!: der. The company have also an other well on the Hoover Farm, pmdachn oil. a.very fine lease on Cherry Ron of art Acre of ground; else to fee steeple one sere of gmund on Enter:Creek,' for Which` the - coMPaby int paertd 4,5,04 - f In thoopeng.: Thiicumpany Ira(r:C:oeraepl, able 't,ti ita s # 44i - dud - or Cott aedii-oft:lts, Meet viola of Mi. ;MU espLtot of the mpg. by It. 0100,000: 'The:docepeAiti.rer'foitaklo,-. 000 Ogee of itoek''fht uko,poe c 4 siting down two Otoreirella. - , The of. this cone-. pony Is`Not 4 Hand attest. :-r r - - ' tilgoriltuy and Toinidrai: . . A Saralag Spring.—A few :days inn iv an. pertntendent of an oil company near Blansafile,.._ for ea Mk* of testinir oll.beartn2 nee ef:a wing near thefiantewell; In the nnlnh t . barboodorl24tharille, hoot] the. 4177nurfane Whha march, when leltameniarely robk 2re. but bewnedlTi days and Was burning at last I tratbly matchirrEatinee 'off. IX* afteroodreit COMB; "Pak rot purse' or bite lumdred ,The..llosebade,..Toe Ho. islelt,ribtoen Vinapbell asiC - Maggy itarrio, will Tbe boneswill Cart at 334 !Np. witabllnt, beldlowid pie grotrads. . , Judgment EntereiL Omani was en ;twain Una,. Conteyeaterdo against litufellunt9a; foe =Oho tenuity ant , mots the setting liquor iettltditt - tkenneZ 'Ttiedefendant 'LW teintsed entatOn*eshiM 4#141/t0 nn!., ' 611e:44, excise went of senior yostezdiy:-:for ' rOrpoeepftnaktnit repalnhvbleb, It . Ls expeqd beaubplited lir two wteks.' _ . •- • - , Ilob•Cialled-Broguis cheap at, lacCleThmeje Aucion, Ira Flitisalreet. , - . brAkrAst TeddsoknpA. , -;.-Onti of .the novel features of-Site t041080_1141 been the ;woof the magnate nargrooll for . ma' tart:yorposes. :At the - nomtneneenent of, the *next Welyear. In July ,"1863, there: were In' operattintA.s6o rolls of telegaßlu.'•'of which. Wanks. were setonaartoo,os-th51..3 „.,„ ,wo mThrei Inelnding.3B . mlles of anbmarinetelegrapbi bed been ainstrtleteolf stone' Iltd WO broke oat. Dnzlng the gear comoientkieJolp llktlr: the expeneee of 4he 14114 k, telegraph wern4bont tf46,009,0f - titled" $406,000 were absorbed by the wages Of opitatnrs and Incidental expenses the rentableg 1 1 206,000 were upended in the PlOrrhaeo..,or.. ;14tortka. 1.800",000r ,telegraphicm .e sl .knoiireto tottp4Atik digkig year,,; al 4retl gt VISCOt ildrti r u t% " 4 1:411.11t. evestitutitet -edopted by MetTitnit Wee ttettif fo Weide efieelikany thette eites of wallet betiesu . State ti]wiliatiodor authdr!,. f1e,116-01e0dief Woo duo to the latter.' 43h.d.tiiie /tet.4 ertsokide erleh', - }e arlittAtloo; - sad she dmeTts 'grad - prottiOt tonedelpatlem of hot 4.10.1e3; and her Mena._ Mod duet theough.thoWeir. ilkt. ol l' garter the /44 Ihur.leere,` holvldgstood.mg, 4,1 30 - paceeston Proldittleuof eels° Of -.het: =pun, 44dri; Pitt an, old olaveholdlogCouunontividA•may betoute thodAughly :7 , , .• .111 :-SR brelniNEß f`f We Iron plated ram Tali, mi. cow Liaising as TGUIOII, has been east Is that port •wtthl coenplets- !rumen: Tale hags Weapon.. Weighs /1,114 Yllograwance. It has keen conveyed _to the dock•yard at Dfonrillon, where It Is to be died.' The' dick of, the Tau rean Is plated ..wlth iron; The Iron .plafing Is not to to tied on the sides of tho ship soul she Is Isunelied: ..Tbe . Taarenn Is not to slay any . gtupi t It Is "ppecied thainho wUI sibk aWyytak WA the can inceeri In striking with. Iter,spar. . .. • . , _ - 'inn Dublin - International Exhibition ' 11 1:.• wards or twenty cotonint are more; er leis teailvely representod, tr.: Canada; 'Mark/W.4- V% sod Vancouver; o.V:in Notih American; the Bahamas, Gmbinica, Joio+Ocs,•.and Trinidad; of • thil Weir Who group; Veyloo, , Meuritios„ and ' Malta grille ELALCII), all the Ave Mentalism col. °Mu; Natal, ht. Mink .Bteng Food,' the Gold Coast, and Logos, of the . ..fade= group; and the Falkland Islands. 'A trin e thleeingdodge has ;been :ideezded In New York.' A genthemen was secreted In the 'arm,. *DA kod to . rlalt, w.alck 'Person danger . malty 111. o did so; 1214 ittlle Nadine over the Ibrto of the pretended sick man OL pockets were MO of • gal Watch end clirdnolitk which the 1 ItllMil diallimPbt . 74 ..l , 4l eilmi'imnitnld. Mini; !eiriddh # P l'artelni We errftt of moot the thliTy I i R d MrM I P 4 r'rrnto.' , r q- a r- • *.,litdierparbt e nt holds IA ealtipotw i r i n :yetelyahavet„vteadtet4.9altke ' ,:Tigetro ,ptistor, 04 . lablinLk. htiAl/W VapCibe:dhs. cettorn,plautteratho &say etOtirin at theakkimith cotton and anceseded.:: , He eent nientimmondi loam tdthe Merlial%lo .I=-131wetosiew irreWe, whiclOay"A , .lii o. 41 i UPWWI O I4.III. Imil 40:1KricAbl,..1 r e- , Aletto4l, ,lat , thipl lite 1141. k'firetcatim, es o L a c m" elithauswaioaf.4lls. peceottnJ . Veleilthe rh 1 , W e itiyV-Z," , t1h„....., ... y0,,,:bil ..*.n.4.1.4,, i ' i . 1 . 1, r 1 : 11 A/1....1.), CL -et • ::,---.:•---;, •••-:',•., ...'''r -- , ;',4,,4 -.,',..-- . ' . '-',-.• ~ ' - ...,,,,,e- Avtr-A 4 •::.. - -.':1 7 . 4 ;, , • -...__' ' : '''''•:: , zitc;:':;' , ,,. :-. -.... --).,:--,- ,:.:,,?;, ,-, :--- 4...::- , 2 ~.,,,,„,-.:„..; " 1 _ .": -- :,4i - Z . , 1 , 1 Rollas•d's %leers of RecOnairdert44 - ; lira late 4itieber of We jrintei4 !mine soma .. ~... ... ::dessliPtionomi - s fe . aqastioas - from: the: list , beak pa/Hilted ba.Eleluaoad; , :tbe stitching of ivideff irate* lashed:the day tagtoo the - en , ,Aufei , e nip: -E fon- pa. -, We understand that it t ;l. , the a MOT, Is ,at esent e 011 inf 4 - • . I ,i; • , ih . 4dito:o iibrifiNr.lii-t l "grßai- tCabl! , `,bir :44"PPS•Aus - .4444kktt-PA • eibltbodthi.AT/4.4M 1,1 ! 1411.upon.mufint.tinzideds•hirio;bgelt altered trt• reel ovento;i7Oneiporodroblilo DMZ/ling/ 0 f • nimbi thee: t - v . jkCitlii-j' - rir.j , !; _'' 4- - L"./Cii tipper sibleShat laierip rmsy he s o m e fools' - trholese t 'oe Wit Li RfehMml,"aider retake& 'rale, itio , xrifetit ' K ri tai-' , lb. We' old ' established' reethei of - thetellveS/ 'ldisitif.solftim , alone. ~.Nifek was dilbstba• Mote 'faltri, or Igor 'lt la perfectly agreed :atootig. The YinbSee 'that if Achmood sbobld ever ha water 4bele dolma- Vim, a teat Mass.beopplial to it Samima r eevere l i tmilas eqmset:Utem. eararoad apaskials.T. Port 1 ' 3Ag AA., 4 4 , ;9141fi1a - PoNglihabt-A.:1544411 eit,". rk e h re ga in WArae., . 1 . 1 .1 1 4 e f..4 4 49 1 *.r'°C; e ? Tlt la here waevvthei fatal : :e.#l grip ' la o tviagli . , iriineo ,zO , - ,lt, u &law. 'tbatimbneeenld-bmitho-Mlle attootibeie 9r 1 inditi.ra iiiii*ioeir;Anoi4d'thelolth'O t ane Ornai tills vlrtaimmti.. it to taVei-b6Pprovaii , " Atftbso Jett devil bg tharmo,taiirtaffitfiet taloa' C. ,orisit iiibnizit *lbw,' liameald - ; itatt Itlelmond. :thomd itedvitbLoten,. who would be his mamas . in eveyttaag; Yankee*. wosta!teeplha, hotels, paAIM ets..neaspepra i sell , .the d' -,gooda end, logeti!:-;11e, would be VI ;out ..tall mit 4 . plogotent„ortled lie ,IcatAht '' tha(Or clerk or, roareraftsg* . Aci:taime.7g6' hiltd! Nair;Eav lintel'. 1,116 Vantat . 'ettesp tidp:' He woigaiat t'iatdiF:odiThestif.liirviittsate'.'atia atilha dry of attrf atieM34 , sibWiatklit: c hoose to - aell life *Ma takflo s tlte , Taakid provost fdarshal.-.. WOald &Moths Irdelerabla to ittei.”,_ ~ . . ' : ;':,. We tapptielieveo, th is audacious . - tettel , par ..n. new* She narked contrambetiremilds pre . ,r cpaceindagajga.ot auk : lasas of reeygmatzstba 1 sad the generous systeral.4o,44pos Adopted.. 111iilad..Presu., - , . .. 1 AM Tonfimiliercir.-rdlieoViry AsL:bakis Wade in a ptiVale prOpertfair , lbe WWI tbe ,l4l lntaoantlereiyieard4ctur•%llS Ls Ultl. Itower.ll6Orrof ajtotsan bouseporfollyptsserrea, 16 waft one °Me walls arecass , wastoarid, decorated:wltlttrescaes OA a red ; grotd: it ,Is ELIPPosed foliar; siTre4l:sa a. 5/Lnet44: :Or thp: 401!selkolaitosu..; • rim Duke' 'iiirl'itrigey, to his piiiiPtlet re miry L petaletted,' leye .thirt'lz such •absolnte commenter et' 'hitereete , betwee'Prenee ' sad Ikiy; that If tdtoorroirthe Eta had Frauee were measieedi eal Italy - wmild4.l46ll7ttbage. .anstiof osi ~~~ U :~i it :tom'; r! an..y *'~ . . . OHN-120 Agent: or Om Aultweb: tirauee Ooy NeosicteginElnir.ostirst — ted dills Peng Mutual X.Ue latutangeOw MI& deltaiii. - No. IVAlarket.streel,Pittsbiugt. ;, a. 1"-• GARDINER ••COFFLN ; 'Agent for Um •SrankV a delphin and Bal an timore/4EI al Coso s i li. D!orthpist coma! UT ',JONES'. Agent. for , o e airseirtairgyriaitira"Atilrs IA QAIdITEL :REA; Sec . retary CRizems' Lattro: ince 06mpartheorner tfid :VW!" pENNSYLVANIA 4.O!I.CULTITI/41, 800115.71% ,, , ; 't" • Iciasylianla State Akileuituril Setlety EPTIMBEE 26th 27th 28.614 had Stiltb. At ' . •• itimiunpeay, - 11601111116'6011 ref. Ai tblertinithiti posons dashing td exbbi, applications for premium li sts or poet's," Irby menthol' of the 6oelttyioirlllbs_ilicia by tbe im.,v121,0r.A.80YD0;.6=1.71111,-Presitbach r .1311 64E111.6404411tby RecttirrowsodaytcP„-xt . letchasetd Ro4. l o . lTY:Ceg.a‘tG.iry • i t OtiomOr Pasoilismil eft. 4 6hate SteeOta; • ! • prris' - . !The lorst,'aboOtot sag raett6elloaishil .311 BUSInSt lllVS ° bOrsthat;:. I Students enter andteriem et saitime. ! Sat- etre ulary, coataudro fun • If oniattabi *EA , re to wry itdiartiow appliestum Pladji "'" . 4 I 9aNSA 5MV 0 0. 411 6 *I L r 4 ' ipjAu;},)F ;AT,L, 'ILIADS.47O6S'''' ' '' '' •''' a." 26 btdi Potitiosa iltrific' • • : -, -- • Igo ha!res Lake. do.. ' . .... ~.' t„, , g i = bi ztat l .r.lig &i , !) ,-. , .f. , .,-.-,....: ~ 16 'babes ' 7 - 1 4 . ''...- , do.j. • 1. .. :, r e E i s s artee... r , d1:;,.? , 4.,..t . , 0,:.- ~ 70 t. I , - i i ii. to r d r iti'ilir' s . siitri'fiiiiii44.;• 2 ,... , t. , 'lOi halves .• '' ' l :l6;:nit id t . ':' :-'‘-;.,.. ' ': ''.., r ~, • ~,Hi ,quanaari. 40: ; . " do.; 'T„ . 4;I -. .... 15 ' .....,: ..:..;.- [ . in , baiell riro. I vo.k .- t_ '. '-IL 1 , • . Aeizetaite rc - iiiy.. , :dchi„:::l , : ~- ,v •f. Fri '. , • ...- . ..Itkits: "' '....! Ala. .;tdo4'.:',l r.:',..?:!. i:: , r,,,,l'r.it ~,',. W u Ir e .. 714: -do:: (,b % ; ~,,,4 • ,4 Snit:W..4 , 6oM( fkler. thii;'l.lllLl6lidlienitlotivad.- stiatl it i n attislossad for solo Vl' , '- , .... • • - , 1:7 .5", ....., . W.. 14 P n 7. twdeaTt7g' TON, lb Maolocit SgaW• I'. !MAO CRAM% • OUTLET A TEL4I4C§E Craig Stree4.illi4lieat: wire Baba A 1191,0 gi • .; ‘. eteyl4,lLY 7 ; t ., ;,, ip6i3 bash Ear &tat! . 4sAit Baled liar • . • Veer ,Peseh blow Pcitilkki% 'n bbleßutter. in dp. nan' ••1 - • • barman Often Appic: tn. an atom" an p inira cet , isfeasiff MI Penn St: glif 4 leinkbig .?; •_-: : piv Ess iw. row etkplit, r '. • , •.3 'Levi ru..on.aii.tini . .... „ i Ow TA YLOR bOViMaLeara v . 1 : si than; VI I.b `gook order. ".• ';.. • • ..,: t r wilt to soul !tritualyslin:. ~ wet 'J . ! , ~_ l , warts • .. .. , . GazGEITIL/M. f . vv , IatatiEVARRIV - AM ,e• .---..• :ueliatabs aft• -4418E4 :!tgb... ar ito' N O.fiff, .:•f; f fti:rt 7 r . 0 4110•11ZI . .g; I.li.'n ' .16 , • NV:l:n . 11 , 944 • • ri NoraakilerrOvi 1 . 4 % .1 04: 1:14 AMl ll l44l , llllliiik Sikh! ....tokinuales...:.. ..0 4 111841k1i0UPTP..%. 1 1: etc bq a AN tv.i AO A. Cent* of Graft ad twit p I,fla .o. am nut; • - - ". A" GILA aßgar. .RBITER;.PRODOCIA .00/1- zamaort AND ruawAsunzuk aurat• vrraNTS, and pa:cum/Ai_ aVnta. for. ell Pltte• ; troreb Marattetaxes. W rAI ouy No eIV Liberty Street, Pattoteueb, julard CIBE.ESE CUZESTI- eltetie; r do : TaktW *unpin Centel - do go reogyrj LO. •we shell ceestautly itr oil balk /eh stook 5 goon Creme. Gentrel_produee omen solleftetl DOuIaTTLE 4.110_ -)1L. jeci wit . .09 and 70 Water paseC h 4iL No. I Least OA.; ; a' dot • - ".foo 0, - Pits Ditilteiliel4Lldliektidr. tilt : 4 .inatori setter late Era:.l 4.. JAMEX,WAIZSIZA b aftia. ; fen' • • : lull SOW - - - - - (JET): " • . 81111 9). btla t) Baelc . 7_ '4O uxivottio ~BI • - • • at 185-Lsbeti7 knot, • ! • OP* • I- P. BPOIC & Ott. . . • 1 1 'bonels;Plifto Lor4l .TO.4o,fteettitt 'iota for sees • 1' pETZEU ARBISTEONG.• r. larva comer Market ILA ATONB ON CtiNISIONMENT. r, CM Melaka EiltotyPe10111110114:: •!,;. 117 an Aid Pol.fitats{. • . , t 7 Ftliiikl/ 1 14 161 biter street,•• • J 7,7 atiu2 ip ' :.. d e , MN .411 tal. At fait • tor __Jamas. Ditimer IMO. • _ - _ ~ a. .~ • B:+ebO -canr*.l3plced ,i;r=i ,the An 4, i f4/Airi,rx xt, mirk% Irt.lstur •••• .• I; fr, g . cuRAN Q 8, lotijOjnirmairtaitiltt flaw . "xlmarnationllnxilsk uldr,;,a 27: "Vele. • I: 01 Ekien • 140/3/Xlik •'., 'ARA 21,1 7:x'Mzt.,„ ( Hicalual. linrp449purarmaar,=. 15", an Mftt2t RETURNED BOLD lERflaritcrULTl-q' .oange6 - ciiiiturrebiipa 7caCe so - 4;iit good. Arrlcsable, 81161;.. ` ; I 7:- ; SI AT NEARLY-, HALF pareg;,' , i....q.:L: :- . . , . ,- ,•:.1.: , ) . 2,:y: - :,14. • 2,, , ,: - . - r - ,1 7. AT ' P I 4.T• ..' - I.'P:t i , 1'.1. , ii in gr,:% 1 Great/1104i Rid latOßßOUgefta!frrrl zi `i 7 ' - qi g, aax ""i.uL.'3.3.1Lp,.: , Fa '' 1.1 , 1.; 1 :7-111501:1.e' ttiii - S JutovElrooßAßßE_ • .*lreqd - OW' 1114Pitiio:Vt ' Aiiiffiq)&eivittati4Itu te,..4:31-10 4 ; = 4 ."itaLt4r.tor.:l to iiwaratas prow talnatiti,;4tis atiakiitirsolt ii6rbicithat. e t tai is asked 'totznoundcbrdoinb.simizio dpalwis. and min elm vdmir timegistea‘6itilwAi,l rod will not'lle taken , itsibiAstok lurptitafte. pktisforAziathisig /4 the ifoot int sitti*.ltieurta , 4in e lit st nier %.1-t:11.1 :t: f b l / 1 1,3 1 . ".=1.! 'd 7,;:f7 0,4 9 . 4 * Firm grylgt ;140 "q 7; - .Tiistli4l L;ciorr, alOctit ffP 3 To o..viffirs . • -' ;1; .v.i Et r‘ts .:, ... •L. , 0 : ~.. :::-;', : : 1it...'1-i'i...: r ,•• •' •-•*!1" . ...,....,::'Z ~.„ 4 Iviereha- ut mmuoir, iiit ........,...:, r.... ' . .L.1;;•.r.11 .1.4 lo L,i,-.4d a , .itt Sato f-na out: at their netWeterelifo• OF I 1 AiTS >. , T. under ttoneert H all ___, sna "also it oid . stand,' No..nr 'FiltiTt wraiNNT, it;:inbell I cant anottment ot New Summer GOOde Ter Butte. ' . menarWear;arltien havieeently. beenvurehued figva 4 the- Zest, end which thay . pill fmnate..prferdar . . vi veatlrredueed mica. ,In , orisisatookarill be round liirthciaracit. a. destrabjentylret of the mason, such. se _pai r s. teu.nd • tre.li • that deatestiibltallmetaite in 0 pa4.o aftpaanmematinean of+EnanatiAmit .. .,1 4n4 Calmern engin - 1p anent naaree V Mot: ertdall.are w ill make tipler Order la a • .v. style Anti manner. - . ../ , Ait early tallfrom'enienifoiniiiiiinlthe II ;'" ' 4 I n iie,rattirreepeetiully aolldted. r ..rj__, ~. r, ' GRAY' PuSSIEL A Baer, -= - rim' meteor •-.tet IS., GNAT. at SON.. ~01.1: Stand , %.0.....•, in Fifth learizk N e w . dtand, No. en Filth St - , `'d VEVILBING: R. - • •--- ' d' i.- • . - - G ,irrt Gas and Steam ipezte tti ed, ?agues! BATH t• ' ,:1i174."CP10 &O. Clitiitinilr7 hard Ea Lana Ix. EtirD • , X .69 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny, . .ac if it:hlll99l,dt: .1 , •^I I ~ A . I;LEGIIKNY ttartvrti 44 4 411.. ' O. i ••••••• UoudlollOonunon lieu. : i d.;1.:1 , :p1..r 2: In the natter. of the Bp. „ ~ plidallencre the Bewicillet dlo,-.4td01•, = z ig...r 9 1 . -.°l J' sP...9 n t•llthrd 13 /. mar WU - itil i nt j . wirtit,ftr.m .' tor.l- . th e..... ~ 17t, , Z 37 i gt . per . .... m i . 1... . 1 :1 toolanee tetth toe -Laws ot % tate o lejksl tllll, 'and Int °ldentity to the lawn In Wilt tun lohnione. to the toublat-eood,-ddre, us , laid Antin to be Blot In the °Moe Of the'PEtta - ' thonetatv and nodes , th ereof 40 be Voldhuhadawa towing a law. rebind IMO Mal w t 3 e , D i g 3 ta tid has been - tnede for's tauter IS 100 di •••- the aldnat.loll be granted at the mt. Ulna Of 9011411;f holm exeeptlone are tiled thereto In tprop tlhae.-2 : dv::• - : Tsi,, Thr-401 0 1.f t Om the Recottl: • ~. . . ~, Jecfm. H. • Lin*. ,r littittehMarrtlaL o • 73 AlVipetiona In •-•- • - • drill .takeamothLe of mein jorder of COWL-, , . , ..7.•WILITESELL, 1 tnyledarddaw. ,, -I , Mrattornev tor iopismiatuUt F A/3_HI6NAli] r.• •:g rat?:: :-. 001.PD5. b213 tali a *it ,%rtite. zit a_ alai ,s , GenVs .J:1 ~.. I~ C . N i 1~1 ~~GY• ' ' SatagiPatiA 3 OUti >o6y °, •,. .% Jfits,.l.7,,TY3•J IL IL NOBBIEIi nut A ..t ? • • • —IF4AIVOMIVtasi Xor 79 ' scal4itird .t.i.niOrlz.—r.. i .: - 41.1tt • • - 4.. 0 : 'Wig." sitOoto 'Io - Thugglow' TowasiONL . tals.t.'n"•,lit'aValt-iMr:::l l .l;ttr- ; :- b..dted-. 4 ... . Um, re Otrw , r , ' , " two Ms tam Is, 4, • • • - alt t ug aid!7•:. i :WI l'Or WO*. intlrwargtwo; boo Into 0 , - • ~L...44 15 1 :1= with two log dw - • _., nx i.....„ 1 , The low-ra* load ti . 0 , - - • - - • . douses ando th or liaprono. -• ti es L. .thr t -- '. i' , . qiiiilittiitifil:dai the 10M. Chott"" ... y -cl - r - - for, ut= edu srpgittg.. bO r • r ..es,locools, - i' Lo the- , glligllo. •. , Tt ,,,i ;.. i . ,, ; ,, i, c; • . uik i i?...i4 4 .At zHidtdi 1 .,..). 1 ~ .... - :.* • •• . !AigrAyMell fiett'lqo4sl CtOttir a • 9 :74d — .Affir44)l[l' . • oaf: co i.3.cg ) t.cd M=Ei -a!! 1 - rWrf:. Ittrei h7,fel c. -6fW.419.PRCR.0.' e.tAllthir istua • • ep - x zctrT 0 R !S ..N 0 TIOII.. ' Ak , JAW/ Mama: taZYQn tiler loot, will of W * fit Yedivellite ir og/fltr or PI tribtugb, Get -hairs-btei. dui/ tolta:nifJetrall-koa., gee tqlbtett 1p tl?e mote of 5ab. 1 4ke......-... gem -4ofoo .4tianie.lolytoilt, Maw - Aod; ea . . ._ ,r..Yhr.e'ft, . ae,V44lli:ic, -. .!:.!7.4 :! -- ,i( . I=l =UI MEM ^".:. T;a ~.ttf Nil e g b erate ull% rea at
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