c-.~ ,r .., ~,itt , littsburgit Oigzette.i WI iiiiiizgurarf: sass MODESTY OP, THE ESGLIS ; 'PRESS. . We must certainly feel grateful to our sllsh conduit for the lectures whichthey ticcentantly reading us through their pe t cal press in regaid to the course to be Mimed :1 10 1vardatlia1rebaleadelli 'mow In • Antrstisti;l4. .P4e,ll , oalfi Walt fxonfxcad i in oo . -P l e*.. .41 ' lle .A l7 lofakPal ) .e. FIN)Ell e f i t _ppm= time, that th e had been specially ')- COmmissioned o the custodians of the rit.ll-VX.AlltaltuitS... plivilegfe of. ali_ nuraidndi and partic 1 arly of rebels 1 In coiling are, we too - delighted than the versatility of their g nitii. ;ill through the rebeMon the Great *defer extolled, with =measured lands ) : Abe . ift,,p*ltil4p , StlaPelailie aid .. 11 tai!gfaillt a 4iist; ItaSelt DAvra. N. however, when it is made, brim" that , rebel chieftain no loagligralthi. ) . - _.lit l3 .E"iiiit- ' -- is wrapped in the .. e folds of his wife' s 41 balmoral" and ) - . to the huge cir cumferrtatots).":_)lex ellifitic,r:ftie:Timse cluingeilti tone , • )) denounces him as one of the "mestinvete ealunadators" ofold 11114***hboielmllibilnut"Matir up the feel tags of his countrymen ageinst"her. He is de. oWedb7.# l9 )l l PW# l " 4 MO rsad rigrnsifor of the famois if l .l.llppi seheife of repudiation". For such an one, who could o i thtuiegomiateashismeana f MONIS Oittita "Almeria ho-ould in fl ict Itisneighbors,': l , our landon contemporary can , " h ave little: respecteizantLentetadn: regard tfor-his , "motives,- Ids sympathy or his,shorostsr.". Arolgtstitipisadaint Ids , . etolo spared.. Now if his life shall be spared, a thing which Toy am desire, it is quite Hdent that he cannot be **IWO to Ur* in this country, and as the arch-traitor has already declared) that he could rather live among hyenas and rattle-snakes than live among the yankees, we suggest that his desires in this case abould be fulfilled, and that he be sentenced to live the remainder of hls life among the contributors of the Owiendthr 2T f • We could *Aanpprea 07_nvben our eyeafiltirrlon the folloWing , prosiige In the VMS: e bgd a rebellion In Isl Bin IreistiK - Ut dlialalnedYci dtP i otiehande la of the rebels." A. rebelllonin Mlinh 1 1 948 1 - 'We ire with : dlitiMY . Indite; Cannot lizarabertitif Lula 4t true, , thatin tite .. !grtry . 11gPskelfurnorulageboutlhattima,iimhiber ofttnittahnoldlers who were on , eatridei, tuOrrAvlrti at the reddetire of :e• poor widow, wornan,..hxdred - intiLhar end seelugliAW. white ludr.bege treadi irdatrook them for,rtdmAMul r . ...making : a desperate: chmit put them to - tiitt• ilia, and by an un bloody` listilie; (for there Is nh bagel eir - dii - to - dip theliiiiris la,)-entrpreised what the Times is pleased to Call Cebe4- - iinfatinurto friend of ours . who was Ireland- at the- time, assures us . that ID less than sixty thousand troops • were ordered out of : the ,gairb . Mit of Dublin lit one ;Alight to Mrppiess three indlvid-uabs— tsar of whom were blind—for-shrift bal., lads in thhichtillu.streetof &rebellious char achur.' "Thai Wu the" rAtinderer's rebel.. Titenesasptya ihrther,.”Tre pardoned kit= b'Binin and and Main, ztgge', It lmdpe wcflor this ueuntr,:g. the Unitarian preacher's son Asel•not been geuelonedyet, and,_in• eur we sitikild indthor tePreseriethepolithini: eibllihrWth4 . o , ther tWovountriesi by giring: Davie iiireboria . 4 Ithr Why:, 1 66giii*** 612 . 02 .*igt 1 0 36-011 :' Ai* thidiAter-prerriate4 the execittkinif tiottv rc% Wile; beitd Vmg Zhigitan-Bastew. Bet • wlirothst be sense'idili * fort. - dlozainkt,_ -IMPPaT, the :4 0032 U na *nth ifiraiententioned :by the: VA Najd th titj inhumaniti',Ur ;bort : .14;rialrIlow — many Mili4ol4lW" ,I;_sti their lives through the. egcniiiirthe tonspiraters? Dena. has slain thousands d wrhough-hand lob; iiihiuul, - tha *kik 'Aida' not' '*iitt- dlreadi exceeded berlfroltile lime not mica eisoughtor.psy:our respects , trispriolAscorTlesorlFteresio mucli,escr , deed about the "clew Cie - di of the • Arnerfialiii.l s l We feel grateful for the'lfAc.ffet-thu,intuArcrit for in, but we as. tare' thern, - rhit RS we harm conquered a re lesiftlirldili they held'th be , . atrium Vera Ur ..P.i - _ .-,iotio.4littil? matter without ruitrunteSteilip; pill either: itaiiiwt .60.Mihriteis aheritthe pardoping of (Pliinnx, Aff.egiier. i&d Mitchel, we ~will nin.aitxtbeli, rif 10;1e*, to what we shall' do with d'Eswi tins de - CO. ;',. . •- . :..- --..-,, :. ,- ~..::; , „.....,...-' - 0 ,t,. ! ~." N IFFAULS ...17 . , itte il lnunil: , e. ~..-e / f....Wealitti APlePe nuance on - ail the . ,I , POstitglatnanit ns ,ftonl Richmond . libir" riper cirri* aienii:iiii soSi`etiiireit `fiery: eirisitionlihrtfiiiranietoleif tahrthatiorut. at ehingiarkiitnot to ,cpttrince 14 - ;kat; e state of things there' knot such alit: should be. :It II Only a Orw n ?daye, since hi laulezninViee4; l 44: 4 l4o :Colored ,schools .4 hid to be cloud on account of the indigni• tlitfOliVitli IheWhitit Children towards, d e pup il s. Even violence may have been offerech.rlaireiteidair eitirrehSX, the tale-' liaph . .-brought thelatelligenter that the hot:, ' - iskti;entient of the Itbii'Tsulf.:2 l at - . Alektiiid;Orcescrtmced the_treatmeniabown; , Arkihe Colored people, br theduthoritlesch) , ulki-mirrsie, than that Wbleb'ttliey: rs. 1 `cawed ;: front "slive-ownep": and • Pax* I ' liltiirl,fl a sid'iltst an appsaVlad been pub- i "hdtmilly,titif tiegroes for protection: . 4 tl this) e explained by ,the _ fict that the '.. I Mayor luta, been "i'reiristated sad re-, # o o 4 s e sxlgs rebel - poliCemen, who were; -4 1 eterione/qad:in fathol th nee) hunters" and „kinigOrkrtherdseireirin Metering de houses * , :rtogktilfte . 314 40 F 11, '41404 ,11 ' 6 M * 0 "Ilina' , biillig - '- them." . . Tell it not irr i *filf4lll( It Price be' Melthined .lethe 1 :crf,interica that, 'iti thevery_capital i of rebellion, which colored troops Were the slat. to enter, niefienelye negroes :are treated worse than the beasts. We are - no . 4004•',.711.rgirk bud believe thSY'are ' human beings and should be treated stanch. Lictilte, 1, 4 8410 . 0 f *lnge, is etch as is repro. idea, the Federal Government owes It to itteKlehlintanity, the nation and the.world ~. _-- - lor . Atarteche txAtter investigated end remedied; linniedletely•t:-..':We: ask not for iiiredleselte sl.44! ' ,1 04 Attie tiewiii9Afiglig into the .11 1 0. - ewa te r.lP, !ler which van adopted by' Anwiorciwi 'rrni.rit.tirearitediencruneut I Anu** - :xitioi,3i4ihif agilatuniaintty I I -11.-ftwovrini: Stexaussrf,-Triti l'e-- iftiiiiStiioViCi:Yini,ofi late diteliskts ; %7, ilijr, , ~-4 0 .11.*OleilP' '''',.^:.`• • , wisdift er = e wealth: otek ereteli..t : athilikikog,%:ktimetlirelictric p...inittrut & le .- - ;,e4gairisilragre.introuk. 'factory, AIM - - —.. ht : l l _ohlifql o,ll l_,L, .4 eueln.mineiZr •,,,',. ' Ill'aoFigutiral twanteht! anicupot Wee!!.: , areil,Mi.#,.. - ~_•• • ;____,Pain, 414Wfr,57 1 _2 4,4 k1m_,_ 1 ..Zil io lgotWol l #o l / Uow aV "MP! fof, t be .CirthelOtteit Work. , ... E=MES "='? 7,= ~~.~ ~ ~~ Y MIN .sualgrits. aotbita. iikashio from tha tondos Maim) We-coArWills_iettlL =CIL/Misty Wit leek forward for the probable'fate of liierothwOresi dent. The uttemnate of Ullinsed hate for some time been such 6.- - mole the Itvdli6lT a. the mind of all Who' are' miximiettr - thie'wstnt - strifirternithairsr mom-'blood. If sinews' 'cat heal the Woancis-of the repablie,, , enorigh bf-huntell liecatumbs have bent offered at its shrines, there needs not another.life to establialt.the forteine - eflilie victois.' But t e ,President hatl''eve; since his accession, - Continually' talked of the guilt of treason , . end - we far • ihe has detemthed to-conciliate the euttemr -1 tparty 'of his: supporters at • whatever ex , pense of policy or of "merry,: wive be ire may not be misunderstood. The lima* tants of these isiornds Aare • tittle. reason - to 831,70jAjze wigg _Ay r ,, Jeer/art Davis. • XII . k7lOlOll to us as ens of, the Molt fneeterate tu/usilakters of mei multO . Y.. - wilose Emile)! ;t wos t o o u r o p the feeliage,tif every class, of big ecgadroaertegalnst :We also re.. member:him as the author and originator. of thelastesetrusierippi sederne cif rep udia , ' tip*: -Ens plait of rebellion watith'undildertr" the:ides that the - deprivation`; of cotton wood he Entolkrabie, ,tud• tbat,t•drivere fly bail necessity, :should Illid:titittlelves: compeßidAs* trippolt thalScitillimitic the - - Whok:foree 01. --the Emigre:. isloteS, ~ w ho 144 apostaato as displease of suet( eat on the suserim .he tan. indict eat neighbors eta have tints _Vespeet,- - and.it env pieadfoothilffitif Mr. Jefersea DostEltis iwffrOsi any tattle fer life inoraisecorSysi, pa ft with his 'Maras/en' prirelyintlie -, cause and fee.ther:Midit - Of the - linteritnin" Union: that - we' llfge ititittatennen,iftherair yetlime, to - MAdef:e:tAtt;eiateggii the: extreme imitilloy Ofsetkg) thekloodtif tests , .i.Wherm. little success.3(oUld.:,,haffi ! transformed from an attairsteil .traitor into: something very like a anccessfulsMemarch:: ..The - stakewbeaD - been Iplayed , fairly, las , ' been lost entirely, end the victor should is, content with biskneceux [FroyohaLata!pa Nowaj Thu situatkut of this Mammy mai is now, . aka tunsould,sexcite pity, if lt were Polk ' ble to think of Max without remembering the; unspeakable woes which his ambition has brought' - upon his' country - . Me was not - only ead jai the erate Govern-- men), ttr b tispainits mover Von o it f t d he conspi racy which plunged the people of the Son into s causeless war Esters 47114 siMegii - enthent to. deliberate 0,0:310 course: vtosceomfortabte WO, Were"- sad surge Proportion, of them protested. smiling, secession. General . Lee Ism excused daimon the grormdthat . yielded to the solicitations of others...) ;But. bit speeelrba • the'Renate- of •the Tatted States ors - the - Slat OL.Tenuary,.l26l,-Arould stare to rents this -statement if we had. notabundant evidence 'habit contrary from othetimitten:. And not'only, did this war; •.•but on him chief responalidlity of eolatilittitka m O / 114 . 1 One ' tsar: -;r : sepera' - the: ..hopas lel . , flat , had -passed- away; , From what Lee aird - .Toon find Hardee have Stela since the Ali of - theTttufedlinialr Itas,ttolf ' deer that Mr:. illrvis:prolOnga the War at 4 -, ter his bist Gelteirilskad lirgellAthrit§flalm perlteC". - -It bpwere annwentisie for nothing waretrAbliti.-'•itki , BreA,_eeedfiee"--0 pits caused by the rejecticm of Mi. - Lb:Moles, - b at Hampteut Roads, the weight of . rrli lonise rap** tibiliV inithelmeß 4reet down the stoutest heart.. Hiskimono acteduring the ninq months pre his tilghtzlions Bielunoad'suflicientlyi - died the min of his, hopes. Until then n habit of self-restraint hid - concealed to a great ex !mallets& ellaractert -- But from the timitliervisited Georgia, af ter the felt of .Adauta, an called,Qovernpr Brown a scoundrel inn piddls speech, down to' _the iddresi March last,'lnWideit referred to GYani end Merinos os, el : oaf& tams he' foottid -whip; thereoaraenest of the inan'a suture has, been: apparest. wits about the time of the reckless Macon speech that he began to authorise those atrocious outrages, which hits Made it diffiduld klittret is hal cosspifeity teititheplot which /V. suited in Mr. Linceln'sdsath , Thestererrant Forger...llint Vagie of Do charge from the piny on a Xarrant of Frederick Theodore Bridal has been ar rested, and - will in a day or two be arraign ed for exarateetket one charge of forgery Made b JohnNi'. Schmidt, , Cmund•Gener ral of .--ahe_faclawitich enema,* i the papers are of an ;mums! character, and the ciretnnitanceatlnderwhich Beydel, who :yras,ia_thrafnited States army. delie ered apron - alprrant of extradition obtain ed by Canie:Genelil, axe iOf . , • tenet Seydel was the Aire Mad of in iron found in Chesmity; Saxony, and Is` :eh with forging the name of.Ms employer, Ed • ward Kertapcber. Wit bill °rent/sage pur iporting to be nisei :Kertticher,', - andfo be Accepted by him, bud payable in Apollo. to Theodore Eteydel. • This bill or entange, which was for thrtitiltiundred and thirty.six Ithalantwas sold to Knanthdw Niel* ofLelp. a c• and Seidel iledwith hismenenuid with other Inndahe halettaal to title country, iegt4a.wire and Sour t.rm Wide-city he' Sent UM the etkiilliiirialtljlaW Imonenkeptexpeasiee comminy, and-alter ; wards established. himself as l-bottnik ker. In this business he was unsuccessful, - I and decided finally,to enter thsaanks. He did this, he admita;lartlf from tear that he would be caught. The German extradition cases- bad'occunaLcoavinced him that I there Was clangeettf hliFown arrest and turn to Hanoverand he thought that even if be should badisboveredl Ms enlistment in the army wouldprotect him. So he went ta..•Jattatatthusetts; in-pctober-lot r .and. oblige's- Substitute; was lietstgbettlo, tlta , Second regiment of that State. Id retire , ary be was sent to Hart's In Long Island Sound.' It was subsequently discov ered, by means of letters he :wrote to this city, that he had enlisted, under;the name of want .Heielsk 40eWPar0',daei wIM 43M, Sherman, he - joined It. In the interval Eleydelwelicliimedliy The Consul-Generak on setztnethat, had rear - ed this pity from the Hanoverian govern,: mi4'atiditetTAuttlinit'iliendfl warrant ,or anestin tAeSttitig:lo3li -.1 . 40 - fact VIM Se el was in the arm4dld atitiippbar. masa Seul7Genefiti l _ a Ii I Mr. L - Lapa ware tugh, then began spe soldier, *Melte found was a work digest difildnity r _tittlithieApptiencetiwentt of a sin gular kin d. 'llO. - Mok, the warrant to the Acting Secretertof State, Mt. Hunter, at Washiligted.':imd• ditcesl'.fott.tlnt ;release tit Seydel. Mr.' Henterluitrice power. to 're- Icsee vise Cody fromMie Army, Mat he_Watte Jetteintettlite.Sei retazi 61. YiYar . gtvittg , the „ facts, and asking Ma. Stinton-tosesist 9fr. Lepaugh;,.. PozgLiorsempta. on.this let ter .rmbrice a listiny of the -- subsequent( binges of this AIM:. • Finally, after a great many endorsements, t Marshal Jarvis, at'Washington. : • Leydel comeilidnecVliat he badflitien - aft Ito walk thit. r •Way ' ll ' llloll3 d !reflex; to the federal capita', to be arreated..., ;ei •- t leilalatipre. • etetiloti. Net satisfied with a hot'climaivend a suit able republican ,foriti Of governmint, WlM ber et discontented persons . in:the refkuh• lic ofihn Salvador-have undertaken to get up a ftbenitglind 'Overthrow the national goverment • • _ The details of the MD'S' ' flif•Eas they are from, *gm like atiny Imitation at the late rebellion , this country.- . Cabe - nay, the leadedOf fhe`felolt; like Jefferson Pa vie, was high in the confidenbe- of-tie gay eminent, and dreeelyedspecial eatirksof favor, Mid filieelJlollorWat official positions. The rebels in both caiea .:oliceiseised ilie public klub:jilt 'and texts _in_ their-vi cinity. The people of the country. gener ally, on hearing, SPOOluoixonlX "Oltudemed their stipport to the goirernment; and nteers tocked to the national stindardln unprecedented nutabers.' comparlsonmay,-116104eic:iaply he fanciful. = All the news - we:ime - about tite San Salvador tronble.is from, the Sexere , l mei:A(lBldd newspaperi. Undei onnertances a - revolution; In the, gq.-7,0.1111)- lie of San Sillicror very "IntrA liaa ' a ternilf6J4 , lliteslot:. • 1,1 Otvld El E - isTlesttated sa Mr4L:Glattatortei i ' Aitenant of the ea tbst- - the ::/i It yo titott goth 1,1 ... ,tit tletheer dritnlca ago d.,or elOp M ot a ZAT.,44To'oioiAttl e . **.i.iTerws.or* , amor - an SR* AltaWertbo,L, equ eateption TON 20040,F t etillite.fir.. 4 "Wrb! 40 411 C 1 rPernn.'!'': :76....i11, liar Leta mot. an atnetame mamma , , 024 +a Ph POMP IA ZOi( tobtlo a 0 WO Inuit , .....3 by ofli e en and men drain tab war. - DuAug, the month 'for:ltitf,"art were received at 'thisliffitte It6,237=elitirtui and officers'.;property: There, have been: 69,418 claims and returssessmined, settled and adjusted, 1064 chime. registered.ln .. dl .briefed, 14,604 - letters written rg6orded , and Mailed, 8;457 examination arm rolls" and' certificates issued to the Pemnaebst 'General , and Commissioner Tat Pettidons. Upon their reqtreit seven hundred le, tprisitions were registered , and%Poeied. - In: addition to the letters above mentloned v , about 600 notices to claimants and replies ; 'to inquiries made by them or 'their attar. ,corded. 'ate - sent daily, which ' are not rei : Tim following table, taken from the re-. Tort of the Census Bureau, shows:the, value of agricultural prodttee shipped: from Can- Ada tO 'tliii'llnitetr States and 1 5U:sr - the rlinited • Stotts to 'Canada' tor a 'periOd - of I s ',seven years prior to 8611: . •• ' I/4110r Imports ol , Slairef Imports into"' r'• - - the tutted I Canada from the Mears: .',lreeneenada.... • .1 Ileitedltatat. ' 1856:......1111,81,1, • '• • - - ',64,97e,415' - 11,804 *. 6 0 1 ,// 2 . - ;" .:1857.: ,1.: - .; 1,t00,41 -- ; ' ' . 5 , 6 7 6 ,151'7 ;18511..:...t." .1,30 t 1 7 .1859 6wis- ti "40T1.;169' 18611....'..'..-to.ots,vatt' - .-I , 4, 003 , 1 14: vol., . 9,580,105 .. 5,119,028; V I Total ` !8!,879 ovoo;to lj '.. 1':: , : :, - , 31,-B !sk. 1 :I',' - .' 'oThitzetirs,!- Mt6unott;!Vite. doiiiithodoiiiititla*mil - Reim* 4itsle: sido4 totageld' 0 1 0..Pgregl* Ott 'and • "ttial' • , tecopieti dered chase mot tion; bus-I *mot tht and =van, may 13e 'dal Stokkg tie:64oo\ tellfgeritqi, Tot Onto Dot..tazi• by. byort. bleated out feted lest: be One of I pa a tail rail y = Liz guard, to • jinn Ci arid front ingeropa-- _ _ wheat and bay cro) tepiesented to her nni theyield is expected t & common &Yenge.. , _ Tux Government to aidd to In feeding no lea thin 200,000 of the trittiblemits of floor shylbleek and white, *1)116 'LOOM - rations are Isened 4o; , clllreits lot' Itlehmond alone. At tide rate the ,whole Bonth lids fw to become nee glgentkl pauper aeyiom. `PMILIV...fiI!)II - ClllB. laltlLTLlffil OF THE 11=-Er , Cltl /MUGS of ths.3►TlOff LL TILIMPO TAT/011.-O(OIPART__, this.Asy it the 13coblof piris 'goons la rittaShill. Ps. That tibia -martin • to wawa it PLOPlllll(3awar-e. Ittillarris this cite. oh alilcflt. lAN MSS, its Ohikreir.s. 10., whirs Books is opened for subscription to tits Illapitel Steck of said Compsup, f ressolsims with tas •et.frae.""2. 43. E SPIIIIZMBJ,Ofoec Obs i nsi a. 5 . krrsMuac i SHAß • WM ei7.• ra, ay - • . - orlat_ , -XIMIPANT.-77t0 - sattiolttoota to stook of hi Meneastillit Wavy; ROI Vilapsay. w Web, :Self , :t.E.I/1 2 2,watemmitaiwirar. Ocnotattedi seqtiottod to tato that, • •lis at tlzr place of .10 oilotk . 11 L e tR IZT ' Ark st PENNOCK, • :IL' MovanaLD, JAMES N. COOPER, .11t.11/IGAIXTt' • t:ly..a Ft' Oillf T. • Y. L.: ORM - rtritUlliN /MEM atqaum. ItZLIS. L . I tTlfo l ll - AVI 3 O4B AL OLTLif 12411rile -1,232 ANY LAW OF Tll2 STATE Melt. alt AVANIA. Nona la drawer glees to all ant le= rated ley or ander way Lewel, th e on hadornaMM at any ate prior to th e Ent Monday of November, Ink that have to wake newt to the Minter Gewerat, mean tin An approved Anil /22, nil, re tkuil= yalred to - assort, to the Auditor fortheilth,sa Mela nie Ti. • Is can Melanie bee ben derlesed. the Tina& war wlll report ,ender emeirtheamount of capital Lath ts, the &de, eateradatad ran& inaltaf en% eldeod of Novai t'll lit t erid tun ye II ar or yeale la which the y nun re aarthitemen and la earns di ad hub= drone u afore. nth, then an' Col the oath vane of :the endtal sa actated betweed the din and Mena der of Nonlrenti. pets bi,ende by the Freakiest, or "Inseurer, an a mane lty of the Dinedore, nadeLnatte,_When an op. • dalVidev the. reran Should titan,* !wan wee the ;on o. entail/A ; • la sedition to the above ilipm% *WAN Nip an of , Anil 21,12Atainenint not runlet attn.* toe./ ' o= th .l =wer t* Of lbs anew= trara. lop ee inetual , reealred dung the Oiled ,Nta April 20 'Lb Worember 1211,14 act with t the second ,N•pilaft:or the . ati , appraired April SO I VOIMPANLIN INOORPORAVA2 pima NFATAft alailmdeney..lnuanfoll ibis commie' witathi . areinetiOnthat thay an made subject to the tax. so Mt 'stung or income under the satin of the en efts tan, tad are matted to report to the Auditor General the amount of erneh net earnthet of tneasui Yenned between the nth of A ill and theist Novetaber, • . All Compasine Inceeporated by or ' unelereln kW of thatMaloof Fationniude will . be afforded a reasonable tune inlabila to.asks the several reports required by'law and abereenumer• and; bat contlatted nightie or rental will sub ion thereto ferfeuite .iti• Warner, Doan the 14 pearly° of th e ed amnion of April se.nal, which la la the • farther, Tint my emporatto4 which kas felled to make return to the Oonunonwealth, trillearer a by the ad of Apell 2.11121, nth art far the bettering:urine totheool22loo. tilt Minns% of Ulm flte bY arearestes,* may make each „return. =2 " l ' i d W /lays wild the panne of this set, ninny's the *outran ,nonithstaadifilti sad all delinquent eampanHer taint or rafting to make full nines and palmist to the State, netetteirol by the gen eral laws Oramonwealtlh fa relation thereteashall have all their Hate or privilege. do, clued forfeited by pre eternities' from the Gar. - 'MAO SLIMIER, • - • ripsivisctimhtitoilr 10 . 186 ti 1, mYte:Und Atere rOarIISENZ•rn• OLD —IIIrIFJI- , 111.10011- NNW, WlTH tar our:snow: l la% DOCTOR Qii MED- Tampldet ineiled free on reeelOt. Olen mate. .liddiemi-E: mei% 141)., - No. into POosderefairer York. ' -Varied ..101 , 01011 lA/T. 'IOW EZSTORZLll—J.nit'rdepiliSd. ta . T a i Tn Vvil i A4c; , t4tua Tmzia tinlta. . at stattagamii.'ar Aiezalaal .loyq,i -unta;y Emissions,. Santa nabtlar.444:llooll. :ums o: Manta/pi graerallr; Piervbusatin, ma imaption,Sallioar astl ,- Flta 1 Mental and Vasl. ul..Uaapsalty, zerattlag. trwa Salt Masa, lia,,bv Hoax, J. Cut.vaawsims, at. WS Gran Batt. Aso —Som. To Taouslirm ape,Saki -414.51a1a. Naval ape, to any Wrap, poS pate, aa'reselpr or al: tattiyartwa r rstfs sUftvill lot Dr. 74 0.-lELIMS, 1271kraery, Sisal ark, ? Past WSW tot 4,684 .'; EVM4ITUtt/t.: CARVAII3'AIarBIIIt- DRIES AT Aticrrierr:44in wEvrrailitY ' licaorirca, inn insc4.ali . ld o'aittek, at Magnum - Nall 'Auction ifounci.ls6 Firth rAtoet.wl/1 Mcold 1 .withPIII. TIMM*, s.ilici ltfyt Ysretture °AWN, .nomprlainn _nnutonitALtilact i!anc, - *Altirlde Top 'Witch • stanO, 'New warden - Hat Racks, t Weintit.-Wkst Not, Mir Sear Centret IrAd Bid* Tables, Extunsion TableMuut Sect ' cod- Mood !f/ifittni ton- liciakeurgliqw.otiore, mut Boolom one idonbleace inucli deans : son Itinciarsil'lq I , /11111 11 Low Post lieditends; ClAMlS'Attory erns stiOTrUtidle 13eilsI-Ilitadronte• , Dreviitalrt Atirrocr - Inonnr cue! MritA3liver "Plated Ten laini:7Table 'lpoons .neld tactors c t iibls (Jailors; Supasior.Weching t Mich nr. Arco new , tiOnitio non Sinit/eZitinnucii Bridlte; Matt rll, TLC. :Alsoone tarns Iron Sailk • Jell" MoOLllLLAND,Auctionoetv , . , bi)IIBIGNME . I b bathe!, Ifuelorrerinatote; • ! Yelair,vfalt• Bonk • Otd v il i tatar 6 0 1, . I 1011N:ran , Obillsep • ' '' 7 4 lll4 g;= r - • • rgiV4i- 1111.13RET817.1 MALRELT,.t. zairarDsr.L.- BERRY - NG_TRAYELi, 801147b1.- . : AHOY, or.crra%OPEN; OD forWe gu. Wend Au wauow vrarahoi:ll: - - Eltowi. BURLEY, JeLtud:,, FaWatAttiol. Riltelielaz IVOTIOE -2 70 - TEM TAIEPATERS.OF TRISALITI .PITTEIBTIEGUE-ATfids totto. * Worm YOu that tha Oily, Poor and Bodnar" Titan -ma Wattr ants yable at the OUT TREAS. 13}1 VIOFP/OE, Pia Ilti tarth:httoet.:-a ills. t or 0 perr. centas allowed for prompt Payment. Art 'thine Oestrous or saving Imam and Umo will r The State Moira* Lioeriael are likewise due slUd. De PAX berate the FIRST OP =IX, as tiro Tresintrer 'murk ,roake hlor Maras to the -State Department at. that ' !WM: Mi.OHBAI7M, Treaaurely OovisioctirOlOr :Azzoottowy ',avower . • r PrITSMI/414 ?Ina tote; to .rrOrBABARIEU—SEALED , PROPO vdll Nratestridr - attalic blibotottltOthlost., ineltlitvOr tor golotaktn •Uult Gouty -Pitoos with StiZAD. for as moths Moo lay 16,1e1t4 Loam 'tow ototi Mt ono slOilfto twpomularupwciway. 'Bids to be' loOde - ito lamb per teat lilpa ap loon* by Auw.wwww sad proOstOoottate soma ...win Offload mogth/y. ;Bort .torotit wit& mow Aitt.i 'bi' lwi=sorl' . .l l :thrui put .° awc i =no 'On ',...poituONOOtteiOo 'stoma' moot 'coca; rams; Pre - icTsrial.: Selleredeg ferirblalt there Is helester palate eurr — TiblokiDerikesad 1 Pollster; Pakerso eihoirels,l,Yealker.ruet ,z4g4ir: sieow Inkstruidil 4.ltraere; Ou Pirneants,t ()eel Blteketsarld risen_ , eresioktog atop, ITreek. Beekets sad ID net I, arerissipties Wheal..ate pair gym:tad Tee= ItsaerAr , —Cesli; Government fund s& s. Jen A. reacrYWAlNWAsietionati. TEES lIIIIDERBIGNED ARE . . 43.10 .a.guLts re. EeP caratea - Writing fluid. El's CELEBRATED COLMAR LEE, Eqwil terArnaid's and mach elitapkr. Diaries 100 .. 18:66, $1 cost. statleneraind Blank Bank Deidies, * partlentar ars prward, and be iniineneely over VrxT OP AL - Treurnrazn's Stair..1111111•toth,1111L ALLECIDEST' TAL.....R0T1011 IS . Denby' glean that the amens= ILST• plated is tab .*Me the - Littpllaste ofView roor..olty Iludneerk. atm* 'khool-Bathitag and Bounty Taxem and of Water ROWS for the pat thtd, and that maid taxes will sow be madded is pursuance of the Acts -of Adoembly of February' attar MO, arid of April tatty we, subjoin, to rate followiod mud. It paid re en or befo the led day of inly. ' /NM psi ant. tf paid on or before ea tat day o Two pat amt.!, pald ear or before the drat day of Septaraber. If pald after the ant day of Sitptember, and on or before the end day of October, no deduction mint* made. ' • If paid after tie drat day of October, and on or beim WI first clay of Nairetalier, an addition el dire per cent.be added to and payable oa the same. . Atter the Ent day of ltowrathet, Inmate will be tithed to enter** the eolleetiou of all tame re maining unpaid, together with t o . with:Asia se emed thereon and the Costs. D. meorminorr, City Treasurer. BLANDYs , Cl= latent Eortable Rtnm Engines . - C0,C0 3 Cron hbar - to fifty Bono Poona. 4 &dotty potable.. Each *spot b so brisk or staasory a la idling. I'M very beet tot .) 111 ij w io c BORING AND WORKING OIL WED& g BLANDYIP P•alboalle Ittessok_ *MI' amp Xl' Alm atristly pertOds. so brink or mono,. le satin& Wensiriad to. e.X.aIP set hoe • to MOW Cost st lumber $6.1 day. asourt,spr.... 11.11zeulars mail toy say addraai......, ). =,..... 1114. For pima, Otaniptioaa, attlEmi dim the autastiotuatoo, els Blio t+ isimi-nasts• *irks, Zasavillia.ttlik4 or Etaadys. !!.w an abotda• Works. Novrart, Okla ' JellawdawS GREAT RUBEL Still Selling at Gradlißeduoed Priem Not wilhatibithe lbw irintos bi (fold, `JOHN P. RUN% $ Pins ST.,MIIIOIIIO HALL. - • 811 :LLIRO 'l3ookg lar .Albrtin.o Greielly Reduced Prices. • ltaay - el Wm at big tbsierizziar.r Qui Pitt:.' 'lltehees panes, SALE C.°l",OWnegiu!/41:)1EPAIL QUAATZSVAITIX 01IIIMA.L.8 01171C1/1, I , 91.1111131.1111211iDollalUIS.,11115: By Bruges'dthkeQuertenuatat Oesetairthere will inlaid,* pubtla anethm. to the highest bid der; ht the Um, and phone, named - below, els WILLLUISPOBT, PA. TIitIRSBAT, tniirts, . 40a11111 . 0002f; - rilL; • 21117.1 . i.50A1te Salts t. iStR*FITOTS; ?4..; TRORSDAI4 shuts -112, DEP.' Tllll,oso.ilic . Jlia, IN, T1TT&111034111,. , PA.; tI".IkSDAY. "Zane ' lIABRIBEIMO,-Pia4 - THIRIDDAYT.TO/11119, ttie rwoliasknpkßEßVlCEAßtt - tatrLEAt au& itra assolOot . fol th lt g at t f ea tat Ilea gartaddi Oda swaps, tad italbotanbly 'battled, karataad•.by azaralas;gsithf patliftlas • mint belay so:lDnir sucrosnaell.br• the aoglers,, !Ta li :at Ilt iu t4 l4"* _,V2tV szi =l taste 'alai at raittalsitian their ttairlZtat. :The attaatloar at botla .oon a slut fassassilt Matt Sold sla forme— ty,BaJas aegulaws• a s—paga t _ yaltair Statia caresa m a Ti • 'tltittitttsikattlitt Oeasrat I.2.4kari%' ALUM Mat 4:11,10:00, : y. U. 0. 1 .' •,.- . --::W - i--th,, - i b , o I le mPeriaiii MiStl i pitatJdn n9k /tS. B.•A. ,likrla mw is a id lerland allyl QEALED :,PROPOi&LS , 4N.,DII W P_ j GATE; .111 be received atVs mall 19 r.' ik XlcoN DAZO.ba 1 etn:Alay o , t 863, tor the! ' our plyins and delfreriny at 11111 ;Mouth times I ' aod In audrqdseittiee as the dehlef Signed may es.; quire, for one (11l month trbnittwdate at oonttikets , se snob less time as the Oconmtssary 01mnd ml ; I =44 l 4 4 lA li ntrl i t 9g ro = ftillZ116 1 11!" ". ' Prime M‘ h tnrg. - ' ' ' ' —' ' - ' 1 : ' - 1139ren* Smoked Row HAMM, - olear aides: ': , - Ylrit qua Ingimaured llama. .• .., . ..- .„: ! .._Prime White Sena wellaamoned and dry. , . Best qua ta p ta anmattae',Claidlai, Dr Cowes, ' to Um pound', in likes. : - - -- • - - , 13ond hardl3oap; - - dried betatapsakid. - I .. , Goot eleaa,diy. flue Sala Ii" „ _ All the boxes. barrel* and (await; atialealag pad stoma must-be lb* beet la am, and theitidedln the ,- !Thad tbr. u sita....: Ei ce .,.; A5.iii,.,,&4, inoht. ..-, t icst E ~F lind tare. Mon IMP gal Wal an' enehpim 11 ier marks being tbutelt --.. • - .4- .- , • - . 0. 6.. kintssreorr oYthie tidvartilaiseitt 'limit • , as emit nensosldOrbletyWbsninuld44 Anna, moat ease 111314 h• PRUClAbfreet 1 11 4_ .0 1.6L...4 40 1 1 4,4*.f4 , 4414+1411 , ,TA r ;Vitt - PA 1 4 :7taMi 4 kiititifte iiiiiiiv' pgriilibri girlithatr to the execution ot a ecuitiaat ta - eau mamma twa t , esptal, and . sood mut asaleleateamudty will tor 11,019 W Aran* diw PM rdlaino 11 1" Milifit v . - it i f dl ess, " 4 . 2l=be * ,.. '!" 14 : attlh - " • -_,-:••• . be male A tp: o ui d s . the =Oration of the tins for. whisti itte . is made. . . .. __ + Alb r Nage putt . I RL :' 4 , 1!11 . 1 . 11 • • flitlif , TVO • h. ld ttat i l ' n - ' ..9 4:7r . ;.,°,' g 4 , 3 :. .. 7.4 ..._______ "4, iiiimmitiiir .feLtilspilltiludllikstmiliwllltilaklialiqao. • iia ReZb' ----- . :1111 - C.A 7 '. t. • . . ............,, m ,Peritine Mt Womit+rairs &MN tlirliiioMig- AM tor gas Vaal= alb. , ttliefazetartroc s,0111) jeLt Mar Wady sad Elaadga= =IBS; SOHOTILR CO.. lib Fl7lll STEZZT MMI ~,. .. F':': ~ f ~_~ ooliiii' ;.1. • q tiooks, PUBLISHERS' PUBX.ISHERS', Vressentsition. Presientation DEPOT. DEPOT. LOCATED No, 7ififtkSt#eil 9PI'OBIT_E POST OFFICE rreraulnmit, re. A DEPOT ME Books of Bray Class and DeserlUlia. nsgituf MID EIII,OIIIIIIIIOIUI. 01.01141 assortment Of Bible, i l l= and Prayer Books. LO.ll and amine our stook before purchasing she Whets: You willreeelve a present with every book, Worth host . Elfty cents to 6500. IT Cs 14134, mtiloi to any put piths Milted 'Rotuma • •Boakton. Iett pFIFTHSTREET. it A iterttli : 7 :. • ... .i \ BUMMER • -: • . , litircsoli: , p-spimis'.l 1 LA.Wlta kvz. ' . . • 1 ( ! k° OIOEN I SIES, .. ') i 70174.111#61, I . 1 . IlliiCraiCe CLOTS, I a. .. Lace "Mantles , - - k.,REDISCED, - ... Ti Ciao . Old the Stock! -- J - ' WM -4 BAIL rpm GOODS AND Hoop 'lW,lireS AUCTION HOUSE. Boots, Shoes and thdtets. errs arzwerzt To BVILDERB.-Bealed Proposals-win be feettild - by" Os Comsat/4 oa My Prig say-twill it •Wook fr. Jaw' .• • Ist. Irarthiketsotlow aan Mem Hens on tlas city -lot ea WebOitz*set.. To INN badoried urge. Pouts for r. Ms Zrediaa'ift DOM Miasma 111:p.: so. Fir tas awattos or sa win Meet. To DO ladormidossuitkr,thik 91r i g 'g reWigr i ttir i l w i 0 t tbs . 21 use Zegisia Jima 'on ea* dreg' TONI ..Prcesbifer Iprefintaati iloarlaj Her The OammUtila mom the tied tO-Ajept• saki ea: &Mai. • • RA, • IreLillolll.l74 caratrsaiii4 13 xtes eocnwts, ffiMUIR ;131i&VM1 Ailaimm:4“32s levarre,osit-a Co..' • 116 STREET. 'Fp 1341.11,-4509,01p:13111/iGildra. 600,000 BRA.VID pant SHIENGLIM FOB 86L8 BOOTIIE, .1. in itabeit littest, swear SUOMI& RESPEOTHIILLT thaer 9 2 l 2l::tiV i t: da steL__" " nril tamer y' ' • MID lINDERTAIING:BII3an o ZE6 . cIut :Ow .abrfe the vid stand,- leinstly ovcapuid Raw:. .llc Thom s o pngzeod4:tgtitn . JOIIP gillenktil4Waltitto tt:the staitionVoUT NOTIOII'II3 El =REST .01VBX later . OIL A mottint tb• Stockholtlers at the STEEL COMPANY 11,111: Libi at the PEOPLES' EXCHANGE, Vane& atrteA cm TUESDAY, ;NMI IDA. Ar. *0 'A: 3t., kir the purposirot os. "flaftuis add Comptcy =dist thVemessl BEDGoir Laws periAsylvaats, eleattartottommou,„ T. S. _MAME, DmrstAl7lMik Amu HAY 23 0 801, Dif?tawd .1 - TNIEJSAL 'CLOT_ HES WRINGERS. :its, belt t ri a thz=attg . Ue w elo . t4 Oven . *Wi t . lf.oi Sbettie /einem, mete tbe. mawbe eerungleL''Nee:eale It rto, lad ablSt. SIT etoeei - - 010 Sale Agents-for Allegheny County. C"E0101' VHSEBE 60 . Prime W. do ;_ -do Haaiburn • - atipertor Raw York We arooOsallain....,Apt of tfa itbof9 8 09 4 1 which we oft to OM* at tow oases. I,,ZY .11a,d1P,GORSER,' ' Libotty lame!. I , r BACQII.--A dun sOppli bid 4 11 4: Wotiu,Viii;sll=lnt 1l ». arms" is or • I i s u goner mere iind EA tER B • large ' awe hand at in . -lbw wldatirs vrairralit to civ • rausutfuos; ants* price+ lialow,u is Sheeny. L: 1 % , 1,3910,..:;,,, ~a, Warr 1 11113 1, wow walumfiXsetwateiesubrattectesw Alrusast MAUI Pkini ikargestred • r jets • : : • fx i t i VIGNAOA/UNL15110,145.,,, r , , ; - 4 4 nartidiX.o....itibig , . *MN dED. - • istatus,Dmuls(4,l4o44 -1414 P • ; J•yr aro& ' 'lll7 - 41.L • APER-1-, er.orri usaus.-JtorAide as..izoLur ' Writqctilta 6WM UliffED BTATZB 7-30 LOAN. T Fid SE R I E authority of the Earritetary of the StutrarY the letileratlia4 the Clesatal Subsotiatiou area, foe tbs mai• at Yclto4Sesta soyasSisk alai to the Fano the third serierof the Treason' Nota, Waring soltai het thralietitha per that. tutored. perteettueluuttra re the . .7-sa N Thaws notes st, * me net et date 1111 7. 15 . 1865 , ma are pay Ada tbriaireini troai that daub tn tauten* are wart:table at , :t4. OvUott or MS • -.. 11 t3.:l,44olii*Calit:: :-:,•_;: ciiio;•.,-,,,.*.ool6:::Biiiiiikt; . . Tien Eteedeerseele wee% sbseds - cusiiimeisa' eiad ameiempt., as are ell.t.lieGovercussitaander: from Slaie,Ciway aa6 Maigapat tarassatmardet tads fries *Neil aro per as& 'or's:lmm to tsar sighs; ..eocianttY Mir tatillivisd spoil other prepirty: - The Interest Is psys:l4• mrsOesienallr by eeepeas attached to aseirstotkerbta'amy be sit Oebsid 01d 10 sty Waver banker. ; The interest a* If•Srper mt. =went to tint l'esat". pe r: dajlik.a •' • Two cents se 00 AVM , 20 •i!f•:!;1 0 -,%.Z 14:, tBOOO 7 641 $1 Homier it ibe demilintlenliimod W il l .14 Zrptly furnished-upon veadpt, gutseriptione e Rotes : of the Shied Series - an 'titsr.iiiiel4 in font and prittlegeg . Webs ilevendrinttles . Already sold..ezoept %bat the.Govecase* teserves IN) !teen the option of parnoginterett to gold coin' at per eesit..3neteed 0t.2,130t1i :In- eurrgogy, ilaboaribarkwlit deduct tbiolobwit. router $o July at the time giltatthey estooribe. 61:/u) dells o eI the notatorthli third genies of will commence - thie tia of. Inns, and will to inadeprompUy end sontlattnaely alterthat Tbk•siii•• made IR . i114141= 'MU' THIRD = ab=.l &Mate only the matter Of War. est. The payment in g014, - If•made;will hOttit , *lent to the enmity interest of the higher • , The tetra to gnosis payments, in ths)mint ef Which only will the option to pay interest in Gold b• availed of, would so Whoa and eqballte prison that. outshone madifvirith "six per ealt-ln gold it=tily equal to Code sadnwith seven awl per cant lit evanaugf. This is THE OILY- LOAN 1E THE , NUKE% g4l7.:nmi r dlte , "Fm. 2o,o l l, !M.4 ol l ol !it The Great Popular Lout of the . Peeple. , Lao teas =worn Of the tota lick/Mud by the Imottenreeeetts wontiw kM. u , 1731$ Owlets scwatati tot:wing siotbsi e , Will la be intteerthee ice AMU* too atoelbs. Ilibs& the . sums vilLoodouttedle . easensad a pnoultum; es hem tuilformlttoes Mame eailiti iLa andreziptlear to ether zoom,- was, fast sir eattesis evert Oren lied etettoteol the meaty/ lost be aflame teellltlen for Wins the loan, the netionel. Beaks. Mate Batiluto aid.Prltste Radon threetboet Me sees. toy OIU Niue tast eipsr. e hate Subteol votthitttote egreed teeetve rabetootioat - etratigtase. le whom - %her _itsoleoelktessee. tad trio mete are to be rutimtltt.Ste d el, Ile Poor to • TAT COOKS, flubsaription Aged, nntaidletis' entralptisos wllite resetred tr 7 MI Ilstlewd Mall. Msbus% h. VON - • Met% • - mirth agamlatleul IW.I .1%. rUtamill 11113m11 iui oraotions, • Padinannil - • • . 11 • ahiOn4 Gamma " 11•6010 .40 rkIL BWATABBALIMAIOG =T Y =NT. eusts Dittos ma arg Znipttoot on Ike • teeth a d SOZODO run NT, s.tot elesougor mooning' No sad • THE •LintDOIT ILA = BESTOW= AND DBESSlTOrestore Gray Hair. Mt, SIIAII.EZMERGEtes it.rea • Anti AGUE AIMIXYTE, for the epsedy. safe aaA leal natio( Terse sad JOHNECRIPS EnzuZarui owiroutts. for DR JATICICS EIPZ011:11tAlfr, lingo rOn_giede 117 r• clouds - et cesuacia - tkrughs, always *a tree and for Nita at the Oak. •.• maser Clblb alma' • amt. - , • • 0.101111011 ULM • VO/D TER PUBZ - ANIVIBM01;01: BiniirrlETAUll l ;oo ll *. :OM n., it• - Time tasviimase tosx a ms dude duet, Balm =dodo, bOCI doors aid iri. saes your eitheltif and household seeds from meta and. aunapauteor stfies,•eart.lis mad VA. • MOT. IllitU.l.llelemalletaly.lloted opal , WEITZ ALWANDEII, No. ele And Vse r Lew cook exoteeteeedithe strest,Atleihsey Cley,thaatelve dna Meted the la Allea," Oethaty..T DIBSOLVIIOII9FIX4ABTEBRIMIN .Tbs wo-MmelW -_berrloAere JA MES H O AIAA ItmGRARS re JAMES &HORN, out. rot Jim ranee of Redeem A ° Thom to be LlT: 4 7out :1 1 . 13 4InakiAlt. bu 3 tholor l 4 , - .karst? lit!. Tbe tmoli sad armours or the late Oru ere la . thy wigwam of AsmecS.Tborm who IsMono authorised to nee tie Arm mono for tae eattleoutot .Makfj..m?m notoraza.a. nicaut -,esuinuarieVint'.TWAS, ' . =.2 . . . . . ~ . CABD —HAVTNG PURCHASED THE' in' itt !MA U= 011o 11 It . t a =it Tll4,1 R 4ll 3 l E d i tit 1 mW-..- tal/y manila sontlnniknoo ot Me patroltnite ot Qs 10=1 0 , %tide old stand on 0140 qr4r..gr, UMW Pillt9lol.littli Allishemy Oltv , ~ -., .? I ALL MnMY anaimu3ldAimmrct mirriar wirtilizu ' 111 r. ALLSOirIYT OlTY.'Sjin•lrs INS; .0:111050:1.4 BIDRIUY co=.•_o4:ozwzeAL*r•lr.. W. P. MlTtlitAlt, President. J. H. LIDAIt, Seersterrand Tre•turer• . The Company measltinmateinte a hum econauti. i .44 ellttgAMT- 11 =on inttPlise PetenesJoesok tea on Breyer% Mal tit tribttnri id Onerrr Hun?i nod bug bstmetwOherri ItomandoUoreek.'.. :..Tmenty.eight.lessee i Wisest/n*lY been mast* responsible parties, mons- whom .nrill , be found, the names of come of thentdat,mniattut reofestnal i spershns on the Cheek. z - - The entire track will unman:date Iron= to:. Wells Ttds Ginn surrewidcil by. four et that most celebrated oll.produelog firma on 0110r/ink; and Cherry Bon i smile Li sloes proximltrtit thei ...Heed" and .31oustalr. Wens, end about , one; zone from tee Walnut Band WelL • , • The Oompany ottani a-.llmitednuinter of dune of Pfl!tibastlPtlditP lloo l , , „ I SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS '-PER..SHARE.i Maps otrillenrinWtrifeWTthall informal tion regshilils'tba propeatid'ontaulattion o( thecompany aanbe gbHtntsttt ttle of t9rZEl.A:na76elt4 Airelatai , ' %truants -HALL. DiThi : . • D OREEIr ' PETBDIX 1,. ate corker 'of Penn and Wayne Ste . , The compezyWae otgantted oct Abe ethtnst. tinder the Pennsylvania tins stitlatanuteata l tins /AVM The tannery- of mho .hoit pew ad. joins the huts of the Dunkartt Creak 11210004 Company-, otitteelty. ------ capita' litetket.. .. . ...ar..4.......i.,...14313. Weelrog ....e....0,4 as. Pa; vaine r iftieft lieta.re el . , .<-, e , '. , oreicogis i ^- , e: t , ' , .; ~ J3esitateri slid Tteseuret...eithera - eeneent t;A. c , as,. m oTco.. . L., 21., °DOI, . 1 341 11 ;01Y.1, ; 17 '__ ' ' r -IN IClAilith- - - j12:274 .1 t .e,ii i 4 ILOW.• MEL :' , ' t V/ 44 4 . 44 44 r ban oi,luaulalsai.iiipcgtinat .• • •• ~M AANX, X S4k...• *A. ft;PF,MX , S. liiiiitidteth“ l /46091PAtAatjakes,': . ,• • - . • ••••". , • cq ..6r, , t , i; . • "2,•;;;11:±3 t • , .• So. 28 id 30. O.Mp !VI ,e.d,f) -,1 3:o:::, , ,,,Afita n . Ram .I. 2 2&Vr i t mo li c r t # 4 3V2 1 4 iiitath - itm c -- wovora its ', saw iis the lattililosAill 64 ; _ • %, ~...4 , 0 vic :',.1.4:!: gip '. i c i p. i ; ` . DaWu. 2 , '"'" ." • ' • 4 !_r ell°4 UNITED STATED 7-30 Ma o T DQItA~IOItAL:=I. filneLat net :•;rISCIAX , £GET Orbs Ilx•rreav graTatil %ad SPECIAL AGE7T at ,I,a)f- Cooks, 11. s. /Lied tqr the mai of tbs • Seven-Thirty Loan, NWELAII LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, ARM TELE Only Loan in the Market Ilk-20 . 1 0 1 M, 510eX711. oory IMLAIM:IG EOM& itarubieg thilawo.* io Tge • • SECOND • NATIONIV,IIiffif:--. . , • Of Pit.tatitixigh,l'!!. coney 'of Hand and Liberty Stroits; .Booka.Agants of Toy 000 m: for t2f sale of war s:Evittr-naßty LOAN. ',Alll.T.lo l ll 4 .l::7.Vit's l = l .l3trbritg% Time bawls bear an Intermit or • , • • ff t . T 7 C O ;*: 443 ia•tii . . headred dams, and an asseerlible it aue r 4. r any, la Vag. FlT•True, Pr got Go* Burial; Fun aoisealedeas Win jai "Nova's icemaisim Bulge" ard Broken, elm Omahas' !km rco de... • • COTIL. I.4.A.MENS FARMING PRICES U R Trait . or 580 Atres of oli-Territory OINOLTE ON TZAZICXCZMVah=I=3. nzaszoacteNromi. Won Tie Oats, within a low nliu the =wit and B. & 0. Bailsaut.aboasullag is COAL, IRON 011 E, UMITONE, BURNING SPRINGS. mlll be ookl at a barfata, II lIPPUoItor.OOO II . Them atm. OIL WELLS Wag boinot _ mediate oloioity, wttn. gootproapeata at samaaaa !: No property in Ma stark* otos titter moods Will In Sold in Fee. , This Indisputable B. 13; EMMA* **km. rto. es roturriuterszar ADplrAli ....: - .11144MAL - MIRA - Gas and. , Steam-..:Tittets, se: 14.;:inim:Sitzgr, • L. • (on*rrit weer civacqta . rithiPkgrik i ait B l . gai#o, l 44o - • PIPENTIO • • 411,REFILN76.8111Z8;''.! -Fitted lipid the -Mist APpreved Stile. I.- time. iite . ivit* Ind* water or pi. ~ N.9.- 41110,4 1 1P •Pr. ! INA - 0!. , tigissa imsay „ ~...,..,. -._ " -IitENI.I4AOTOkEII OP' • •.' _-- ' - IMPROVED , BORING TOOLS,— siiiklux:, oil s giatAtOther:Welli, No. 136 WOON . ITNEM .t. .. . p4l • 1 ‘ •,,,.. pninnorz; 2.4. 4 i Tools inuranted =adept the wiliest 01.11 . 0 AND LOW ?/99A, ID ONs' • . ' . : i • • WELL BORERS zacmcconve ..amagia , mpitoeig l ' w/M ll irliam 0. ' Kt !.T. B !Arr c il ' e. P4. 4l *Peratteas.Tirt.. ~-.- ANVILS .itiMMET I C.. j '• . BEI. OwB,` '''' e , , BANTA... -: 3 ViEllll _ ~- , 0 11%& 1 21. • i 1 141".7 „p r , 0 ,I , aHOVELS. , I , , i ,taimergs. 1 cril-ir ~- C .., Rope, ,Leather alit! f il s t • 4 Beit O, ' '' aratlthub, .A.., muianur el ito* . I . warm.= 85. _WOW iIMINA LOCK Mai SevOng - Machines, e;e ,, wiiheete they' ei l e tie rdrehee bee Ke el „WARROTO P9Rming TEARB•' ; Baliaval*At*ifik 411113 ' • ; , z.V4.IILEGMAXDAILAMITIMJAIPSIMI.,.f r;t: IL; ;xi:4,A wit v. kra t t KNMING;MAPH ' • ' 'll 6 lit i a fO. • Agra 3100BNEBROUSIN, t 1 "Al 'k 1 1ht . ZiVi ' . ... °11611 T 4 T i ., 441 , 41 , 411r . 3 . *11:11 wyttaido niattli* Oft • wrarnewrign `ramAMR. • = fir - uTerP ,1 11 ./...L - --' ' ariniiiattf - VittP)Ai,g4it 1f17,, ,OFFICE No, 67 RITER-1171Z81-- (PlX(FdlarZili 'itrtLrOCREE) J. I.llEinomit , ri c isbient• - ...J. W. caAr.Fi*l;vlct , erssideat: „ • ' Wiii« p. tosp.s,...siii, "tA;i, MIMES, AGAINST LESS. BY IMUL. • • . '. , -- ~o 0; insureigteamboatainabargoes. -.. -- -, J....". : - - , r,,- , r MITES L Brinisrr , a. it:PAIIVIICK`''' JACOB L. SCWARIZ, J. W. OFULLFANT. • apstaer Lie,_ • Ismta Diogsri Lq -, t J. O. PUISIM‘G. WILLIAM WaLg,_•• Z. W. WATSON, iyIIiVSIINELL. k'S ' r ' l44l EitiTVWZA.4lol. l:4 • l9ls ."::"' ~ INSITRANOR .1111MIKANW 111E4 r 111WWIro: s ura xfP - e`Pqnl4-17's low mon no IlYklannw " .DAVlD:x•PAluc,.•mnoistiPiadasw : :, 1 ,ROBER7 - inflil*;l4 .. kil i tii:e*'•' - ti) 1 , 4 iVittbisute•'Ataillgtlif FIRE; R. 0. GBAILL James BPlta OLIVEIi HENRY LLoy6,JAMES 'lit QAT. JOSSGyukrir ray It *T. Fir#l#ie. Y 07diWYDZDIi:` 9B INEN*4 2 (• :t. . Cashier Imul'untOuZcoluff Of -Pittsb urgh 1 0inte Corilerifaters4ol4l4, gituaa,Lrm BVILDIMF4 ,Nr. emonrninmpz:preiadiat. *M I c#l, 140,1114; RODElry MESSY* Seeretanno AcientsT ALL xxiDa" urine and Fire~~ii~2~.; . . 1 A e.secumestuazu, iv . .. - x. irtirs_ _ L oit'-L , 4.1 - .1 W.4..A.IIDXR.SON,_ , IL.J. , ,ILSDNissoa . .... - - ' JAMES , .7,I3ENIIMier, aLWMELMaIOOIIII2I, R. D i COCHILan,... c z a .741.. °curare:, ~.; IL T..LEMIIf . Ss., ~. W. NT: MARTIN • LX. P22 , 41:911,14. '-' arum 4:: PALlifililL'. 4, 7 25-mmv:: '. ::, . i:,•.: ' .• •'• ~." -,, , . i.1..., , . • - EXTERMINATORS;..',- "COSTAB/3,1% :HTERzuW 1134711 9 2"85. T0 70 2.9. 814• . .. z nnwrAmA '. f;,. 008rAwsit-MMUUSULL ; - -EXTERMIKATO ‘„ iiiiirrjuits EXTEEMNLATORATaBs."::.;::, _ 186 b . -, • ' eODISEAWSI. EXT.FRAILILTOBE„ . ,J... ff "4 10 FrPr47 .l aTElninD: :7 , 1, ~ }W. ;- - --:.gIbIOTAIDE , ASITEWEIRATORS. 100:MAWS! :- EX'rWRILINATO ~ EXTERNMASONS; ' l i EMILE !di n'xxvintaurrieroalu- - ;! 4- ----.-, • _-.) ,:. ELTERIEINATOI4..:.,:4 - -. . 1 00STAWS1 .70LTEREINAR.29. 7 ,,,,, umerraw.sl::EXTE T , ATora • 1 00STAMS., - NETER INATORS..i. ,•; 00:MAIM': EXTEEMI &ATMS. ' l . ,!..i. '' *l COIMAWS" EX • BS:',":'• ,' • : ‘ -, - - - , ':' , -.ESETESKINATORIII, = - 4. I .OOSTARIS/ , EXTEEDIINATORS3I_ ;I.::: . :7. I aTEEKINATOW4 - ..Tar - iiiarea, : / Maw liamaiettese - An514,114. poirevriesslEothirimirarmiindifelirlisi, DisieeiA.ol /P3,1,1*.;1.411..#34/.1.0.6` ' 4 iit im: .i' lestgabica if. T:0117 I g , z , ' ,,, i 1 10471 tilitlinaßrillnitiell i/Mtlfrar, ' rx, - !cri • . Not, dangerom to the Enviearailjt.l.."..: ... :-, o Eaga rOnal-ned 9/3•1dr•olot Fo 'dna . -:- '-.- AO I 1 r IbniAns 1 Ira latireithlanialtdleimi •-•3ilarPamcarat Dreeri MI Broad way4(.l* astsom. 47 Drum:taut s4k4loallas 0":4- i t --!- ',..,.• 'u'! , . '.-',. pi•: - . ' ' ~:"A•:- ; • ', - . --- , - :': - :.:‘,V•7•:,... ig. - • -I, ..,,,•:tft..,.;,. t Id, 11EAMORtIFI#LE COMMUM ilama.siesalk box/od wit Dime el GINS ever 1114 namr, ic, uji 11 , Tori i I tress 45oftilticand tiretiaredients laarets . lif AIis I VERMLNE MAG/P.itinLia t r* ietc Meath each plea*. see- wekl Ptsle ot resterbekeel wife, tfitsulattoil" 'Far by Ati thi iobbeto AMC 4EM , 'Masai Oa Oarzlwar, , . vicanEenasiinutinisNEWlOtai „ .14c,f 800 - PIGB GALENA' LEM) • I . 4 311' it; _ ‘7, fgxl-447..: I'llititYlUtd For Sale' to BAILEY FASRILI: QAi':.:. • .. . . . . - . . SALE OP i.1[7,11t ; essEux. , .anno,s, Winnorwroj, sts,yw f • • • - I:AX tfflitr34l)979i 1411 . „: 044", a . ofst mien Wei Inlfeontinut the& MOO de ink mods I. .redneed In proportion colheresinatua et . „Ups Are. ,the armlu asa o pld tthe ao_ enno,nt-$4ll 1-63/111-"tbrI'Lo!AME°4"lll4M- ili.0•0610.. Or tliE 3T fir iiillt. . sliaryfter thentsverer tilmat bb•lNVlLlPtlitot ..tha Otar r ag voting mules, at autoPanitd Mid Mille. ill al their ausratres actil camps, end an ther. °uglily broken, haulanier by eserelte, penis sod JP:OKI% irn.r. 10 49 - jol."; !, M1 1 34,11 7 ' the The whole g nwollai r r. , ilin4 Us North alsobs• Ala 44 a - tronoshilaken tote tireenews, ......L, - .,...: Thesosauwas ., ___Evitio3 . suction; THEY uci A goa WILL4I.I3T BUJ& A....• WC/ mg TBITEMLLIfie; euchwpport to r get working d=e 1. 4 0 shook St sa i ' I =l= ititaigangenr 2 itit 161 MostkfirMazrow ...t. WEI; , G - g- , - 1,6 C ~, '- , - lawatinailitt swap 041.20-, • ..., -,- Prfrirei 11 1 4 ft Cigsvoi. ' to r plam,.; ARBON) 13.0_ .VITS !a:al. • li t 41, ' I 14 " ? a ,t A :664. adday4, GratehOttaik, ..f.:!f:r47.T..= i': , ,!s 10. - -ACIVAvISIEUREKOOR; %, 4, , I -'4,.' . • r r y.c.u.-1. At 3411'43114i U.:01+0 n.. / .. ^ .e. ~,,Tri..i hri ra igi ...`... iw.:4l4lWMlOllllAir . I , ,,nfi , "l,ira - .4-9‘lliri r jrNif;t:j3,4l:7 "" ---.'— fiartalm 1 iliskiitudildienalVillstrsiveskroeiti WOO 0102116.11111Milbta V4.lt: eAllalllßPlarraanatial - r.Or,s-etn M- ' . . itiMitig.W9 ll. :Atsl . ... rgittlE . . f=Bl=4 4 . - IM=IMI ri=ll '' ,- M 1 70178T/rSTILECTIA-' Mtniii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers