T I:. 172 W •-;,- • the r. - eadi ; .•;.44 . ... . ..... . . • , . ITAiTiv., If slsl4FekcirllTA ,A' NAM ~,,,,,,..._ "yan' toita adzand onanty;, TEE '..........' 111) 15PY tat la miwilttok, arm soddlaaotar ag/ Mc ; .•41. tat on ' y- NI Urf k 14 • ant ft"; 'bids a 'most 1 , 1114 low • , t loan „In IMO Ageota aauulnd SIBC. Pm Valta, W. 'odd •ptOte to any donut's'. a. , Is lot9deetdar 'Address SONIA' .. .d,,,40.05*.10n- cla,pitti at; ted,-Pidladat.' Pauli -,: ar t _ . COVITAT 13E Al FOR BA ia'7l-4-Pleak' P ' etiiili 'jai! - theata ' d ale ilishon.:AVie soap Melton Venrneldp, (kid, .host near tlee 21Par Men to n .host Ora sign ftwit Cm otry, harlot ob. of Mop SOW 'ol 'owl •olosoloo Tiovant lido 17lint and . .pf - 7 irmes7, lo Wand kr W!' 1=4*84.8t,. ___ t lid a w . l% fr a la 4906[11A 43.liev ...En Slot Stsoo sod Pm* a =o.. 0 sod oiMorettl: -Jo.. ram/ tilaji ' 'of om:o .watoi to Wilted 40 118 to b. nom, or oonmanee to thaliottae. ILA new pal/Atom thaliropeetrOwnlan b.plane variety of loplaa, readies, Grapes, Strairbenieskplrrants, (1 oiaberi. ... .., Two womb et, croeulow. W r iter and @Astern furnish 110,11 Msdana. anpols, The natural a d vantages of U. p is aflpgmask_prtty t* 113 t, .901Str• AIN oaauty of land, are me. ad to room. neat gtoneW ODO leek log a runic home soneeny . - e - • , . •.• , r •G - ----- - A: y 19 D A VIS. ...- , : „ -:-::94:TEEI w nasEs, OE TO' , , SAL .11ZYME, :gn or ui efgi-, Tatrfi ar le AtalltiE iwarbaaa se i rlaboutaorekivill tageg sainis,: Mictillpf e W a r , 'P Wcataioralaaits 00=7a, ea Tob " 11711 . mniiv:aitajwifle lallo from tas Pima% litathoad. liaratgril Met illialc atlo4l l2 :l/19 4324 4 3LEasaftrivadv oimt y 10 - w Ewes"( EM acon.la rainida ti . iattaits iratvral= fay of 234 urea. near 15 1 1 1 0704.____, tinelt4 tit ,Piiblleht town/161A tlre me? Zed.May44, l ittrodt vas aoi a hair miss tarota_ ans aialgutittaltbatuie, aptinfiroka allaskilSll2o Ittlftaot bun lam bait tic IV, water saw a lams apple orchard. with inDerlaittit ttets..-. it la underlaht •Gaia . vita it Eta likkalay and about mthttadroda, OW flillifirogik Umber. • Posaankol m's • Elio Oa 'sate sibistolf • mfr,....._llistatirdamt afoul% the.4o"l"w -7,17471 1 01, idea rarema. asktarro eber; • lit:.laF!' Will- b. Alas I r o l abo o mmitylre.,,, • 4t , rant of 1:460ar aszarl. Athathatl *mgr. Imuenzaft billobaoodk., Tay lakpoonosoeata,ata:ok an ► t Ma Lai orflui best quality. Will be aoal, ticad AL% Oak am ipore, aoatallan ozobs )J..• c :. fag alta!plaal; with all the Improvements. Prios IWlr;:gits2 et igs t 4l;se'i ' iteir •VW 6;61.'0 4. /dito Hotel at -I° 4 =l.al TY oh:: att the Itaufaliallroad.-Tha to.IIM SOW aa=attaa_ pd fora botaLoodAtats. Tbla ileaDaltylirtlLba sold aXa gnat 7 !; ll, V ier r hnlian 124 VP. ay::- TO TOWERirai Estate A,praa, LIE= 1 •4 3 1 . volsagemoii GIVEN FIRST &drib.iron ' miampod; ono from 9 Jan, an 1 . l e : 7 -71V.Itietivt Residenae. floirlokrik? t&nreuuUß, or Of on - *0 AM sie 7.34. s'ea u4t. 'Emit l erg] street, Alma 7 A: kat new Bt eam theik atre" W 61111 124 4 ''''!'.o l .4 l7 - riErienme.- amid 50i....."P0t utoust4 aima r ilex .:_t4leigast.liai c , 410oaa=Tnainass•ovvre:c oa t w ath Aaampol,47, •Perth.tageosimie....4 Pad , Wietrit,:rm,r l, 4 J it gait zr.r . r . ris Awl, am Pleubutim—'7,-,. .__g-~; ~'~ ifECCOND , _ pz=rizemr,serwada Asts,,kagos pithas AI 43 P 4,1 ; 4 41111 - .1111114. fad, 0011114 , 111 - 1 644 11,56*411 1-711,1-641 zwq - taw at titt STRIAL AVOIM: - rf -, - ; =Wl44Lioeda . hhauotaioarqau ~`~~:N; -4• A ':Y ' a' ',u ./ .i FOE outin...awy - 'Burr Aunt . SALL-Klioateletag ta mem me , AA mei/ tukd pltatei la holt of greet eattpr And ebblee ikliklinionZ4ls=l"4".Midmh "11111=1/ and ZlOndAnnd ninerdng re. a", iing b"" f bunimd w i rtia,,,,... ; met ea/I . NMI*, 7 QUa-Ant.' situ/ad ars e froas_ttio eity mat Vloltltt abarreh." TAU mop. i , L .r. exty titoneee,dat iigtairtm ect.. ; eamtz l ams. i tt B:841.4 . - T/lit -00 timlitteCi , 011, • 01' i imibete as torrieweve b Aitt gift/Good !moot. Etogi no Moose ; C''''d ' aftli.l4o:4' iliernaltrt_. Eli-le = s j V iis ~.' .r; Ir. ' OD" sOtt,'ilad outfit otworsodi ', Ca - Mt envy* Nlitirtsis rot the Phrotkolo or the-Mood tax.mr•lot. Th e OnintittAtornoott* • 1 .P 41 10 1 21. to rtittot set_r ,or an the bide: - • - . . , -lee — • ' : . Y. - areratiffistw. chstruihn. ' ff iFEIMPARICI L. •,....qta cuozrubiarsztorass e . tom abf good z oput %Meat a ani. C OU TalitoriVioastaa studs; • Var rati4 vile , 1101161 70.JudIse from - Olt a•oldo Elinit4thlati wilrbi gtd ocal oh' . ? Mem ' tt'-aa , tor room., War " ' .....„— g°n "ke NV? suiiftia atuumitt 'Lir* J ow ~.....—..%:: ; NV? - t t..t ....,,. 04,6„. i• :'' „Me 7. :- " ,, Ekiller strati :....... Zownelll2l2k „OMR LAIMUSTONVI: !Nadia" Job ravagfraot.lMlXlli Aid sok ~......6..d.f.itrtland "I`nri adtristillitak s p¢. utis tined. ? Ai , AZlLlbr i ir M UM. • andalailthe Eau Elitsta aid Lan.; .nms 11; ,:, ; main _ _ - .111, 15.. BATE& , _,.:„ 1..,....„1.1*.Pa; I ' 404'44, Oensirostiumaltarrsit -s ratniscrommi,, g oad mit k = ° " 2 l r;tlertizirsalsaL r-no weimm elves idiz4 eh* -119ParatioluensPruts,771119dersi CS' " -"MUM nangreWiliartabop,Bitaverstrest. ~,,, mon= 4 ~~. pail T h--- -; -- itg.-- f 6,4 Aiiiii-Of 61ii... 'sons It Itoilt OW ;spool No. I; oloommi . Yeellea, MI roStreat,,aad. otlserto II V workin groot Imo: a rcukr , tract oath, og l hl of: loyoi./Svor oiol tloosalsrll.o *Railroad • Noqulrs , ~. _ .... - . wuzzast awa . I ~..., , Awl . , . ; Mit 50r.. 7 . wiltth Ra °ra w nt maw. VII) TrifrAtiukcit_A:. FRIL ~ .. ONSE,' it.roaurrill It arm- Intuited cooi .nte Inriat aill Western Jimmies Allagbony eity4 'lt - '' a --r ,,.....- -.. ' .... ____die: . Nos:- n u i r, T Ll % -, Ail / tiVS;i: . " I .l' '''''"' i -.lion awr ,, L•rilatlogia - TiEt,—l'llim Tr, ~ Salm- DIMMING HOME, No. 0 roll ltillot, oval Poomotoon Oran Go tIel;I o - .41ipoll . „ Ewen oit ' MEN W. NICIDDELIA Atlornorat-Lair, I della . - No. us Poona stroot. ; ..4 0. 0 5 = e ar °91 " 1 orSi& swil 2j 4 semi , „ e ".artx. no atm LIITION-: :OF ::00 PARTNER) SHIP.—Tha Partriezildp liteetolore befilaul "....._ t he_Pdorstmd, nada' the drza • = l 4 IMuaarroprek. 130,1 a/ the of Silver Paul ast other Hasps, has tbla day been dlaaolvid iyaistashoomais; •'= JOHN "Ismnagcz : itr O_. Ygebht~s4 sr eth ray 7 . • . Jr. . = Enni (succenomsectomPY * CO, roki - c0.,1" *4-7mPA4Trapy Qv ' 4 4 11 harrearliiridEnperi o i I,`,..4,4P2werxii.Tozz'znzumak •r...„.. 'D"' 4 - ,:, - ,-. i ptcputtei tar- 11.4-wadi - biatiforlAXlml - 3 C in tg r i i i:7ll:= . 3r .114123 p la • a Clow -P-5 c,:, i 7 -11, 71 ~,,,,,..ft r A . • liiilleteill. YO,:;.'i- /authicaxitost,,,- . Irattat, !tanarriltroutt . Imo , itinui :,. ita.7 fIV:A 7.7.......mi11it,....prt'i . ~.. Falifillii illiaaliki**46oo4l46lleill 1:,.1 4/ zr....,.. , :1.._ r t.• z o ii., .'4 , ,,:c :(1:t1 ;t:t4aTAILAPPE Co,CMlnalipaph a.- , on salitiwk i ww" . - 0 2- .. ...14- 4 6, :th w go. ap,alleik s. da.-., aryo peusti musa - c-vsti, a rt., 4694 siti-x4r,t, , ittai ail =a= - VOME 11 1 4tibr Atai plhaio• • • tetrodiekivis PER M© ,t• WART led iralliz ar • ag wag kw P St.„Wr ine! , i chvni eatZ 41 , 4 r u r — leZiat i r v i kt sh..ftio • . ~~~Fo 4:Rce YER/MT/NG -..T0 -11028$‘1_01eNTD,s,A;• The lebrated throe Trlsons,ldesars,,lgitElficat„ ' AND DUDLEY, will give ahe-eitizese of:eltte:- burgh and Allegheny cities u. - exhibition .of bonen.. nahlo with 'their celebrated trained star, liens TURCO "d E IS ROT. daring one or theft ardrt,d ninftnialyto castlaberithout taidle rein, bri or traces, with brad and neck entire', free,ter NEI_SQUARY, &Waage/ ffihr, eut WERNISDAIN '3 KIIRSDAT" AND - EMILY: Scone 14th, and .lath, at t o'clock r. ",, each daY,PronantlY arthehottn_ftof. Magnet will also deliver a Lecture on titelten tar litt of the horse. The two hone/wilt to ...co loose on the Square, and. shown . ea , nick Horses. Each day inacedintelyalter the pribileexhlbition, they'll' form a class, teaching -Char system ef hoteconan nhiniteninientdm-nti'wetTrimble's Varfrety fdables, a n d atteet.lPlDlttult, _lt - Watt la nesr,'criglna and ' leal.'under than :f'eel'er I in canoe abcomplished than cinder all. ether,notoblned-systenue In tne workt. We do' not' %ht . yotnr nr, horse" .t w o bleat theist neither do we acurdistsr- drugt, arra fall to obtain weepier.. sulandsalon aver? short of thstate—lareuenjoes to lestanstyett by aappaecoee cal deraceastritfona. anottenunowing - in your hones of cony led 11, A , Mltcfrella Ike -tlettadn colt to thn Old fragrosaw, who 'knows no motel; and we trona." -: to 'band lbeni • to' yens - entles--eathr Almon: "We 'humus :wastrels!, Mak "Mhos, brittle end halterpullers, Plungers, ahrenn, holt"L ide-rennet; nervous, and moss thew will net stand' for ton to get Into the: tentage; Meld sad Chose afraid of umbrellas of aalatillt ottiost; ollty Dues that tan the tongue cut sync the tat. Alma the must:mans Innis mho almpis lacks sirs; Ma s and ithuzos to nunder,and those_ that ars net. vow, end . nilubmit to the ntseirasuiti and hhenna holonittnirta minaten andle6 LwowOf ohargeltitfeie .the e1aaa...1170 also showiest to present eowe front itualog w Jail. nallttnat. , Tuition, ea These . gentleman &Men& lied bribe punts whatever theybaystbeett., lel tad SPSCLit 11CLET0r8.111.4M14.13/4 ClaArrosurasssis Ormi&zig 0 .1801;,/ r . -- ~. _ --W aancearon, , , , _D. 1 11., Jane 1.18n5. ; i 13p. ammo. Of the ..4.4,,,, Ozz there SlUt.bissoldat public ,AnAkss, to MS ' 1 bidder the Salmi andaWs 'named batine..rta: CHESBORD, A, 1 liE ACti'Mtne A r m. ' GrZSBLIDO, D. Cr.i..DATIIRDA.Y;JunaIO.II9IA.' 1 OpDA , DOEVA.D. a. mo.m a r sir LI. DMA. ' I ..# . 44 .f n .. 11119 Rra:!119..-l im. .. ~.. A; ; 11 lind frig ilizaamaPonT,..p.e.,..asTainxwilkne A i .. . , .. . , Den ! WAS/V*Pea,l4ll,4 2rl W M lT''.ll, SYP ^aymnyknbs.:D: if -AWED__ At Alai IT; ISRE; I DIEBBORO 'V: 0 , EECINDAT, Jinn 11,180. - I CII.M.En, ae,TIDDIKT . Yana -et. MS FU ' .P.d.. 8 41,Y,, Tansoni, O .IEmEORO, D Ct.. RON .D.A.T June St, ISM • i rirraßva PAL S AwaglADA._ July. L l GIESBORO, 0: 0,-O,II._IIIID,IVID4SIy t IBC 1 " walltanhedSE7yEa ft ?vp., ll4c 'tftmt- r .- - ".;i'Dnu'llaii. - . elaaeoll Draft_senny:at mt. Du than The Una saluerlai nom- a,,d,w to the publig. The azdandn thoadh, 000 0 4 and; 70177 Ceablit."Ste - ISO Jong!? reenlredla• -the . Ai ngn.and•tankt".bee saki. , .TAt agralloa .be maniere= of city pdiroiluardf panhAnnpelea, •le enendellfranedu,s,bei-i-eide4; ,- - - " I - 'EA_ _reed add innely_. "Seter t 6 eonnaansikatinn.l `,'tt: .-nana....undlait=' ted Staten ettneng. - . .. I its:l-'Eitesitt4cat ftir Xof ,11111. , haul :' apinr.e,illthi leharz.:W, , singtonimr home.n.:m.i C ! ' • `X..,liteirs a:installer ems:A in awirl-c• I 1 .- irdn,iyi ,! . I. __ .___._______ .-: ; • LtifiTheime,,,Q.l6-14....Ch - AZE'stlik,oo • ac — Cas.' 4 v 4 k 3 '' L "thayi'S : I l i• , wai ti, intfroyorsurslotr, AtiLi„..;DDA. - 1 , • _Oldest., 48 tbeaosnelpM-D,marr....1rt...5 . ,L I AldtEneDjart, AU/LT ~ muißAnuMi. ,I.dietrASlZr .P.sart robialli,; itortsa _L„ ,__- - Alt less a. ins., - • • i • ,Kr.. , warcs , P ronithrr.valas, - rlppigpi)ri -- - = • ! • .... ,TtnlDA;n63.- .L , .. - •••, - • ' WEST.' : .. 7 tasrz:vA...t,', , IraussJ m_....„ •. DA. ~ Awe 25,1513,, • -....... i s yap-, ..PErs its si‘v /h Du.* ~ ~V,igussoAri ATPDAVIITAtGIi..taaIcArVASTIA, .TH11:3.1 DAY June 22. lAw- EiL:l7l (OR. MARYLAND. *P.DII.ESIVAi'I :-P/"Piglitiiii-il'illANlAr.44/4'DDILSJ • , SLY - .Tusur it - 180. - - -.- ".. ' 1: , TWO iiinaußit; fottLy4xair.itakiEti, 7 1 at each Late„ ..3 - -,- - - •:•,_•,: - - --.- I left Fo r iambi iiuposii,-*14:60.1bir4 s pay -be,--had r -.- -- - - Damp aohtymmy, fialesto somtheine at 11-4.14 .Tmum,-.Cashila Mated MASH aurriam_ r ' ,•. -, - • .71LIKEs. .1. /wart,, I rerei thrive - G.ensmiA,ln . ...ehmer Pim Dls vision Q.. M. .O. - ,Jetztfaxt 1 I.:arm. grAnsolus unit t.s . sissAws Oprzos, - ' .•- Pt I Ye.._,_• Jana 7 .1801. rt; SAL4'O.I‘§.4RV/08413LE,41ILlia: I EinrOmfbrifiume:::.,., I •-•will • bf4old st • Public Audios; ONE SIMI DEIVII• GOOD saumnsmcnoessusdrurms' .--at Pittabargh, pit., on tho_flar. DAY- OF J UNE AN. et the/tate Grounds- Plums:wet , . . sulks sold dotty. Sale to commute* at;10 Welock A. sr. - • '-- - • , . -Tames-08W united StitiiettienST." `• t ' - ••?•-•, I • , , ,- _.' 0..cacr. 4 13; • I - • Lla ut•VoLAlM.Dlipaty Q K. 0. ' .. W ILL II Z . e,LB;AT PUBLIC 9A ;'aY on PR/D , lath feat, at one tvaloak.r. -Alleghanr b eaahjoraosonat of whom It ma 'onorm2 on ME; TROUSAND EDIP gen on/ RBELS rasa allot of ratio ty awaked liaMelaftathand hoot es Aste te nd BI prtiar .of thaOtt Committal. .u.sertr zumoocat; lueatvg*. REathrAz. -4) / bin nimoris ..taatory Co Pre. us WOOD ATI fto °nas -=T, An ; i r villittbsy atd.llo Sera tor:ft :Alma br•b nn -"toptJytta•lowrmi prior. .... It Jr, ito Nr4PlS..bli* Ike" P 30014 118 Wade iron liffp ols curagrowaalcirriass over Ifiittesudaink,lionvia Comm minftras -4Urlagt;EMl , , :Marn. , • . 9 611 viurv..,_ 44, +7iromt. -1 4* dut • - Uiirestarses tagx, 'l"ir.Pi ‘ W • • 7*-* ' • ' • ugail , ' „t;.• __.....,.....„., J.Aord,i(i:L!,-,t.,, ..st ut w y tt ....,,,:v„,..„,..1-12:1 E.:-977 J.firl , 4 Ll:i4i.n.fr; I - „,_ 2/TTSBURGH T REAT/Inv :, ~L; • . 'Lamm i v iD Lutrniz,LaTimaitri. 'mom, _ , -,-. : , . —,::•., ~ ..„ . .M.F.l r matizsmistsdiraaliesoralgiotil 'Vs raatopthfixtectupti' ---- ' ARTlriktv: '' :..........._* ” ......„.. - " Az.. ..r; to ~.... to ........-th,77 ' au " is, P ert m , uace • ~, ~ - .igraid tztatirarteetti Eftwanil7filltr. iii. Diu_Mseetr moat ettili— Li iiilitrated by tairsa itt a M U2SES . ' at. g... ‘ .... ' dtbe 431.4,11111 G OrEICIPME.Lic Ji777777.: ." oJielpne .... . .... . .... .. .. ... • . ..•.. 43;a4 t ic •,, T o con - amai wili, the COIIIL3 z L payt. ',L7'ne' Trumirsis - Nia rentra tnavrts. vr. • !!!!!!!!!!! —vs? ..ne world.renenrzwa Coms4lan' . t• and xtteradoLlet. .e GEORGE-R. EhESoN, etery rda t - - c— whe Fittabliqth Favorite. ounxi-'4lnr atuttor.4. - cuFampionctiorminers.--'; The renowned Vie tilst. ANITA EeINFRETTA, LlLeZight Role. FArtlla RITWARt. WE/L _per, l 7 RAILEth .11.44,17 119 LES. &nsul tAitAgia npfiesiln itittittani4ri; • CONCRIZT lIALt ITlTSlkinzolt • FOR Bg OLSON, 004)b!Mi]lifei . Erpititay Evening, June 1a865 THE EMITYR,KArkauwaT. Mar A reietetr- Arril (stew .Doltttaitare at all Cur tha( kW= aid plettireaque pageant in the roV . irant litaugtoratiorr "of ittieteett.ti at ot the tinned , {Statist* , Me mini Mimi at Springne ld,11.11nols," minding - thC lieeasateation - at-the Mi e l e Theetrer- Booth Fifthtt The Felonis Fate,__and ma Sapara Fun Mardi bort the Wlilte the Pattioti rime: ----- • '''' ''' •'' e• - • tone. proptletora. monsMona thit t obtain • thorough knowledge of ail the setae' pu and,latta COlMeCted with ;UR Ante TIAT/OXAIL CALAMITY, which-robed' the-Lewitt% Inlitrrning, Promptly engaged, at. a vest gummy no /ass than aware competent artists to employ their Who le lime aud genius test' the produetion oC !histamine:us isente or Pictures, fertile fidelity cif *Mali Okay ecalidemt& :couch. Mr. Eurrs-onszany,-tbir lot, win tell.- et , ' a lecture at each exhibition, de neriptire of the *salon, deeply exciting arenas Ticket. centr2 - A limited, number at marred haute may be rkuined nuee eastaasub,,:.: ' 1:4724a a t '?"4. .Izateltt9 eca4lenei- I. Grand Mailnee tV:edriesdif SAM:day-after oons corommieleg at a - o'cloalte when, children be admitted for 16 cents. Jelaitt , • . • - • I, 71 E._ Nt 0 IP..cMs . . . . . • „,.-.- T IW IGAIMILVITraI - de VW,: ~ : ,; , , ,': . y, Men fit Sheet Inn Wor , 4 I Vieskik iiiiiii ill* firsomt"'"' ... 1 . ....4.d.. Am .d. 41146: thw.L43'....."'llurir.VßVlM isl UN, bed , aid WursaZda Tudottgr ,:rzits_ 1a7.-WtherM9.2klatV. l' ..x . kpm , ,, ll ,,,P N DENSAL itt agl 1 1 1 , ~...- 411. Y. -BOIL 'IRON,' EreDGEMe. 4RM11 1 2 41 440 4.PWWW91 7 -7411,1e0P kilOU4Ma..4ld2w2y4r, dthdiddl taccos. wog/ph H.L1#1340, BRO. & Co. , .PATLpilr .GROUND cuteurairts _ Warranted OAST sa r.e.L SAWS. of every do. aortptlos. , Pllll, Way, Orme Ow, Chum, don na °liter varieties • All Windsor MIMES sad snips_ 28Shaet'Oast Stee_,P Idelna Refined amkpyag Aria .IWING KNIVES, no. Warencittia furl Wadrai.onnerWATTA and RT sTRELTS, Pittabruth. Tatittealaratteattowntren Co Rettiothlng, Glut. Along and Sknightentoretnndar Sayrin-po,- ye. trawoapaltioralYaithin., We rates, ?!'-'. I ! l' ! D s' a fi l 1)414144°D. at LasueITIPSIBIOE "i Coppir Wil latuttzusiting Woria. ........,—...._ , . ' 1 'RAMC, "McPU F.LCIY.BS-90. .- Sanufactunrs of 2 MEALTEINCI. - ' BOLT' OOPPER, 'PRESSED - 00 PP ', EMT latkiSED 2311,1,14 .9P.111 4,...... TER .. nisitort 16 -..'--. 00 011 .. bar Km feePIIIST end WA EUSOd Nrk. STREAMS, . mei. : PPer cut Speal orderciit. e° aa7 disked peteny , „ peellgAillumem 1 / 3 3sTNLY, irCaggo • OF MID.. InFERY. who `h howassfolly 1 V - wOotwassim Dr hswaiha tot thug yam. ettastdtmas lonal; at 44l ‘ =RS. at by P.w s g= or by latter. mad rosalahte at by mail.. ?Jangle ladle who require safe and certain rantoy for removing obrtruo. (lam from whatever cause. can:rely upon her cal& Dwell infallible French remota Monthly Pine ?to: - LID reants tritliarlty to *vitae:sal ot shore standiag, bat obatMatarames Of staadtrog may rewire NO Ili3Okteimere leamiegreee stronger than No. 1, an d eau newarkilk amine nget Fee. U. per box. Uaa. bar 'Obtatoad. ot Noel araterra htnwt; Now York oity. or amt by rasa, tin run instructions. by oddment/1g No.. kW brew Yerit•Post Men. Copyright sesnrod. jtiensadx 10 / 11141111 1Wnta.....W. D. MIL.,). 1. ROLLAIIID dT , I Ifta. 'Bram: EITECL weass; 1 • REITZ3I &CO - :f olsors u. aFiu, Raz:lu a cal..) - Era. Bonir s a n;: kutwoßin T oork7wßAßs:Fißer ,Filso o rrisawa r OAST 7w anoo ; * : _ :ww.k. E vu E . : 7 l3LAlNG irt LOW. am- Run= , ffrzza a aPaktpzis, az: HoAtonsoN, & BOl.Alimm • in.,6}mii,Zatilizaw i r s oiti. i.iii..6. , „. Mantikotur_ers of BOAT AND—OTATIOIVARS .....______BNOINEI3, BLAST • ENGDim.. pIMAL...2/AFIT, GEARING ' tiEtArTmG,._____ ..• OAST oilawAseayg, AiTA NKS BS. . . 6M/eats I Vl:igel,t3 PATENT maim _ . ErIV NERVO , , lllMuizaw -OP BOTH SEME43„-Aaemend gentleman a n le12:1 In g teen reacted to healtliin • few clam after an log then:nal sontlneauelfitewroye 'novellas. of treatteeetemhotteneowwsweldets lt Ma sawed dutz to tenanuateat• to Ma r o &Mated fellow. creatures-are measlier due.. Rent% oaths receipt f an ialreased enleeliaevna wilt 11•04"r..100P/ Intent to T. Dr. JOHN RE. DAGNALA let lifinio 11141 414 1 1Wer_ , u rrolia -------Thcanisar a n - isimust4 , orera of IRQN - lbkill.TS &ND VAULT" 1 DOORS.ThOIt FarGING - 'WINDOW sum 1 TEES,: aelMovir QFPAR p g.ka, os, 111 WM. OND sod M THIR STE' , between . Wood arid Market, bare on band ii,wasints 41 aew_pattaraa, fancy and phini tultabl4for ail paposaa., AO- Particular atteatton paid to eaakethir Lots. 2 obklMrdeto ea abort nottea, --, ... • au&ran ' lgt r lfr.„fp_t zassii.r.,,d;—.opartuci,fturlELET or loglo or both faint lan with is b• Mat ere:, Office. LaKic jrat!tents 27112. DisIDALL CN SAY OD WA.IINING AND A ,----- ----- T-------.—_ILHNy& AB yrs. /NSTEI7O- TION DOH TOM. Abo NEN. , now owl sal* Notrootioontef lAA tIN ands sant! IllowA.' Address Dr. J. 9 HOUGHTON. Bow aril Assool ''' " , MAY i tiO: 4 PULOdelpfda. 784 '; _____ sELZAtm, „eicsmifusse°l93l4lmoumnir"virrmw"D _M qZu"invAnail" WOOD ...Err PlttahuilL • ' 2ra.- al 'no arrost.rners. _ O. 0. OCILIINTIB.4. MicKISASTER,, GA7,,ZAzd 0 CO.. mourns - 'POt 0 1 , :MANTs rizeztifsß.Flgnmt, ja l3 1 73m::1% . 61 A EIA_TION ItottS . end uther irepert toti or ottererhi titige Itt:ths eet;tor • OH - sTorpAtems OT -P AY _ Attie? 01418;6118, teleD Q tt aRTNIIBULSTER'S Ast troormr !tot ,estOleates loteloos. NO ettrolid to ee u is far.wen. anti ,711111t1t: OFFICE , ;Ng. 9,8 LUAU : sum • Z 3 cruutalkieg. t. 33.A03t, 271.*43r, and CILM3IIS Or, &LEA. AMfDa w .• 7 . 4410, I.4*.jainr ; Wit AXMlini-STRZICE aloe BoinUrti illiirsended gel , WNW botiisiim tiolothrfloti st oieump sroNovita Nra:ov a oausetot s aso No 1 ff-P ll ge, " :l7 . 4l Mso B ,,rnektir _ arkinir I ltraTildent 'OttintlnV 2 M. n . v *talt,, * _YAlNV lNE"l ‘ _WWIVs stdset 1/65'Varetatsieftedris161 3* C. 0 . TAY -7-777-1 N Los, Noma ova* . u • Att crtle:#; .— Ea. en6' I t does not] ; RUTTZEJAZZAix. AT Lii.W PA., artriuta i t i t& l M eds ra n 4 111b ustANSAttooded to, tn'Weltert Potutirsbnt. **NYC Ittbftt°l4":4l9anfrirollgete!""l64. MantuJA.Bl'o.A. ' • ' AZ!DR,B7ff- STEVENSON; .A. 1717 •=e3l.2l•XCria. No. 344 F . 4urti.,oireeu. P f TUB OWE, 1 . 4., Wilti Oak* the vithnse rude ptsuothshr and adjohtteg , eounsteef - - speayd !,M:911 C. ILLOILMIti• ...... • •I. 40 yammumminzats ra az AGETITS! I P, P IL. Cei AU:AC AT TORNEYS -LAW. In eo oantles for Wolin*, Soldlern lled fro frog, : Al e iii4trado-i; i.. 1 ect- , . ilafellintbs itod.hro witnentes.l I .801,110313 LAlldji," .301/RTLTO_ ...,.., =moo zatiPfur.ass or r4T;'.. .... finmptl7ikttpulad4 pi :' ' -a steireihilfiiiiiiisa k ! No. di LISTOVErit ST.,llttaburity Pi. deltinelawr NOAH W. A BELIWZA .L. , 1. • - t ... AT TORNEY-ATALAW, : ''--'1! 13"rrAt4.445P16 '. tarc owoeigonitui ior Pzemiro Bomar. ;- Mln mmmisi d „i ' I} ;.' ..' ' - ''.‘lD -------- , - 77 •"--:--- LON%n=o W. L 2 ,_ll*. -401111 LAlrt....JOinr Dolma liarnigriir Or§ Btoll4l2,TlSTaft HOURS PS. 4 1 : 4. I • . _• ~ :47 0. 4 0a kdamoiarmittoun k, iftrawia 2 ,,Pc sacwatzroVAirz- . ; ot eel" all GILT SITIO ON , • Mahe annumren sw !416 novas rynetpianerakitao mira rabin%ohir a m of •It. Mitt IlitionoZ UMW W IL L I - 4444 41 4 ftwi Y..t; t eklif AIWA dt Vft VationerlAQTramotmn l ff t) sr4s T. xis So ossx g. „ frikni 7 l r ~4,l!ns ft a , ilzon v v t A 44.1.11,4 aeuat7.l4!. v.r PLASI7III/.OTITILIS Of .... —....... , . ~ •. I ... Suicide of a - Soldier's Wife. -• . , . . . . . A-Km Peterman,.arife of I Union - soldier who twas - reeently named to lienth -in Andersunville uition, arose from her bed at her mother's rest!. dense In I d. utict: - LYcontifut collutfi , where ebo lad resided sines htudiand's death,: !short', tinlafter midnight on Windily night-. testi arid MI . on a lima, without Camera oi, shotweleit the house. hho was alinest immeciuttely.missed, nd Lear* was made by the &tally sad Mina. —the river. *elk and woods.wate aearehed, hat hhont MIA until on Wednesday. when the !lifeless remains were disconnal Joke Welk : The = Watonfan says : Thia Is a sad, sad case Indeed: :ThaTessere no Blips of nor insanity, but It is •auppcited-tbat senifig.'noidierli , Tefurning -Wm i lit death of her husband and the eirentostaiices wider which he diedhafeigbed.so heavily on her clod as to dethrone reason. Two 'orphans are eft by thissad set... ! , Compliment to General Pearson, Major, General Cirithe. of the Flfth drmy . • Cot*, Die forwirded the *Honing complhneu. :,. tary letter. to lien. Peareon, of this city: • JIBADQUASTE63, Furs Alllff CORPS, , I • - Jene 3d, 1865. 5 not havhsg seen you Brigadier 4. L. reari0 befor l3 e : y ou!en—lregret • eft. a th tio feel willing that an officer who lies b rid net een El eon 'Aeneas for gallantry on •t he Geld, courte ' ous In the and camp. should / save the Fifth, corps and ohl,PirstDivialon. withoutreceiving th e regrets Cr" one thit will littly.-nilsa / -The Wilt tat an end. end yen _Ma! ' return op. to Peer bona' truly proud or the regiment,.you tire oommambal, and of the gallant part.rni have takim In the great strife . Ex. the vindication of. the looser our co nntrtynd the goodvabhes of many Mends wilt ern , attend You; ' - CUB. Grurrns, Brerei hlskilenanil. Womething ter Scheel Directors and Teaebere. Tba Leghlature of Ibis Eltate,at ite Met seselon enacted tbe fort/odes' Mry: • 'That twenty-two days shall be !Ida (o be a school Month, and that two Saturdays Leach month, as the . proper 'Board shat! deslgnate (wldrh (CO ( Warders shall be held to be a pirt rhe school moatb,) may, at the dlacreo o .. aed AT aillrmatlie rola of . Le majority ofoa, all the members of the Heaf enrecons °comp trolleys, t appre to r t ttetet Gyr the im provement of teachers of the Old dlstrket: Tided, That la which theachoels are. es &hill be kept men and in operntlue; thartwal• mum term alldwol by law, and the Meehan em the by the the 'theiroin chum, ta to namkw.m,yleys tha sehool mend shall not apply any farther than the repoete'aid, statistics 01, LN:ear:Ns shall be Impt in acm u e dance therewith; and that district ttnylmtea be held ai ikaeby directed." may • • ! %. • Butnored pendeatio n . _. • .n . ao Wb eellcg itteaigssmsayu Una. Pock, late mustering and disbursing odlcur at thlsposi, wits Sanaa a short Umlaute. We aldemmd thatjse leksadunly„ a_tatlag that Wariness re. autreifkia presence. it: innocuity but that h i s h would retura Le a day or WO to taro over to s oaocessorthassmatement Ihnds remahring tam buds. .Stforaleavlag, however, her drew et the beak Ililas Milt thousand dal/ars, and has tot altos bevaboutof. Rumor says that he Is • defaulter to the ' intent of lam thousand dothun. TheLkateneet was a eery Gm young tame, Idle Wed dee I:Ugh ea and dressed In the bright of fuhloa. it vas evident that - ids sofa- Silva/toot Cat to rattan lam la hte in vie I ofiltitg;and Ws defahmkin cuplates the opts. J ry of hls Mama. Frrrsamett. __..._._______.. .. Corti% of' quarter alensions. --•- . The fotlowlagpametY defargiants , who" plead e'uflty Co Illegal liqnor'selltog,'ensra atuficueol on .. Monday forenoon: • ' Y•L Mann Miner. tEkt can Jentanfii, Wigan= tit' Gedeko.. $10 ; Treads Fisher, CA; .. .auclas Leec ha t i ls 3 l EattryColidas, SiOt FredertetErome, SIN .JerMx,itray, sill?. Thoonsu:ll7fiky IA); .4.3uulacltattroll, $l4: ' ' ''" ;Oho Gok and Zbirtul Gol I Lyrere c,ao , --a rrAfinlta for the lareerreofnfirir' log. • - rna aecetretti are jitfilter ang.litdreelde at Litr‘ichiey._ A largo, log, the pftmt.r it - Andrew aloha. %dila bad I been waged frenzttentoorlag; vas ibnnd in the I scgoentott of the eon, who had lame Jag final.; Jag pc0p0.,1•4 at the'landint.• dm, elk . _ ...,.----___ i .11111 sea Death 'lie : Cambria...Modell i .'lloyers ; a Nina; of Croykalawnship,Cambrts ' C 'wile iltheZz intinutt/y. %dilation Konfisy,l the ..tlt nit., while eiritgod" in heath* lambed' to the v illegeof.ettrarserbill.- .Wheil near the' rallroadME - tionies 'became trightenati at thei ***Of a kor.OWO/tre. which capita, Ahem Cu ' start on a run, throwing Moyers molar that geewheels of the wagon, which so mit and Aszt-i him as to cause death the same day. T 1 eased to of thmtnost lndttettlottorelin respectable citizens of Croyle tritynship.r Se leavens wife and five eroukchildrn, tnel "Mt i ,zor 'Other' fritruditei torhira.llll...'nnd'.,up.l timely death. . _ f f t . 114 .44er1y - Two' well.' known ers.! A ul trZraxgarpt Uinta 444 &tau Moore entered.; I 416 'i taratzg , terhar of Obto Arent and; West Common Allegheny. oa Saturday, and! banal: Alts:Toteonforiyananhar.ishan they; were ejected from the premiaes. Enraged at' -the, EtthgnEY whiefi had- been 'porpetraW rlPont them; they attacked Oa house with/ Cowls, and; soonthuonlished the arindoirs gad doors. -Mrs.! liattstort-thett use he end; et ruelvitaryllfoore wedverti wont -011 tloS Mao: with a teary hammer, felling her to the-ground., TbF l i l 4 Ol F RIM were . a rreiNfd Sad wren to the. Mayor's ofilee,wheni the CAM! VAR' CM119113111itrod: . 011 In Cambria COestyi—Ttur RhOnenint dikg/uatfis of title yea- ahnoueeeaabaton Sat.; urday last, the Olt CO MPanYlfhOrunt Mr• Philip! Collins, ot Ebensburg, s 'manager 'shack 01l at' a distance of 'three eintadrud • sod. aweetyaerere tea from the seri**. The welt !! ideated In Al 4 legheny bilitiblp,Citobils conaty,'abiat eight miles from Ebenobtiit Gwen; nitiar tan of Lo: rot W, and In clads prozindty. Co. Gibbon's Lo 4 recto Spriege Opendthea wane erithemeedr:i the well OR the Bd'of , Map . .and 's•ttidtith rater . ward, to rit____ „ day; itheoeteethWeixt 'Milieu ,A, Derteg-Tidef.,:i.o4 denday algid a hone athd: belonging . bealy, th ar. D w atl4 Wlehle, wth- Voleavitoth near -the Meth entlin hiedyl;l. 'Mr. Welklikhlia 'Wteled ht 4 Ig9Teil!Aba ',kW% 'sad Wealflaiddieinee&lnc time.- Its rein . athed - tthill the - theet;ae ter . okd uP. and nPon confine oek'.lrathed: ibit - ltih.bli and bnlo7. hut thecora they were gone. I thong illeA9 ~,Itorai pupatmea a -day noithoesthaireth,Yertytheia Anothevitdruse a lllutu - -.-„,The Statham(llo4 troritgittell"lV=l:ott g li s Vg4a nl iisik or ionts:e and - roll 4 city. Thema elk, of tverienced I rtsburgh, li'dolutedion —* Mktg ikitenstlakida ,:i -,,,;1,1,10 I miiii24 3 _ • . , 01 1 . 34 ,..leigrraph (MIN, au ay,troal,eak 1 • 7 ' .39"; D. Moo* CA tlir ttiellALfr i ? A targii r it . . tbromigkePridge. Afir. , / toartei arm was lUs plaoawasidlicsimus i "All.loMOll l itilllc ITY 'it ' / A WI .. Al 00:W4 '44r. ii parratist ittsbur TUESDAY, JUNEI3, 1865 STAWDIIIO MUTTS*: Iftits I 11 Week. • I I "tek Otis Ilme. D e time; IN re Th Mew Fourtimea Fire three One week. TWO weeks Three e One month lm Two Pohl. Three mo , a Six months . Nine me's. One Year.. -] 0 4 1 , 2/2 — 7 . 13.- ...... 16.; , 0 ... 8 1 60i 96 a sol , 1 16 229 - lab- - 4 - 4 60 -t. 40 i . to „2.23 .03 O. 4 MI. 460 :Ala "ilO- I 43 136 - a am , Lau :' , 41 ,• 233 ' 2 1107 1 160 '• 4'03 100 - 31:: 2 , I 313 .11 113G9 00 1. ~4 00 .$ 13 O3 ' 1 373:17' _ t"- 4 74h 4.36 8260 ' 53 151 - .36 910 i 13 ."91 On H9lO ,19941-... 12"9:1'11.0:/4113 gli, ) i At° 'I r,.. .__ 4iwzatraxxcmi: ' .- etoontimedAgwr.r,it:„dr..m..ugatt.,.,..7l.-...4qpiuttowrel4t- a tisseslS Ulises; I time I Dally. Tsw ekds w 'eeka week. 0r234713 0. Tarn laoutos..:, I It' n. 11,45- 14 , .4 , 8,00 Sta mouths ' 00 10 %I 15 10 50 One Year .. iso ao 23 cool 54 50 14 00 ;@ Flit rfoidia MDeath Notices, each hczertlon ................. BO arriage notices, . ... ..... ............. 73 Steamboat advertisem ents pertrip. . ...... 00 Executors' or Admlntatnitorar N0tt0ei....... 2 75 Local notices under apedal head ............ 16 in Local column. .............. 20 • COITRTMCICET TOR DISTRICT /ISTORART LEVI a zu rrorranwienv. •1. .• • • , - "on comm. &arm, ,6nt t' • HENRY LAt.BEIM PLit. Tfornsbith !OR TRUSSES*: DAVU.WRIgrat CI4:f *g.PM3I II . I44 FOB STATE SENATI -JAMEW GRAHAM, -Atka. est.T. Not ralette Towni4V* !ANS B. HEREON. Ws:Wilms TorrnaMp _LFRED BLACK, otAlleftaty. /AVM SU &FM Opp; 1414oUlalr. /- P. MASS, yuttibprgh. cant* r.O .S,..SWITTIEISIMIN cos cou tri . a - dmiitesioltia : ONAIRAIT FEELY, of Lower S. Olatr Tp, WEB 4301F/ELTARISIVISOIS3 L. M i cißT . *WAY, k , 41T1 AND RBAIP. " rikriraol:r4a: Reduction.—Our friend, Mr. John 'Meier No, IRS Federal street Allegheny, wee in the esaliten the glorious ' news of the csigure of 41 Richmo wand and the-surrender of the vebel Goner- I r i - 'reitelrod. and taking Vantage of! Ltut partic , produeed; and kticarbm the asection 1 that wooldtblkiir, mitile;miry heavy a t of the finest erring and sauna, goods a Mai ons.bilt.ef .the old 'Mime. Rome at the most I elotta,, eassimere• end ,visaino are Melodist la! I diemick which be iik Paps* to make up to onlekum ahoy& notice la rue Latest ntles, and itt torrespondlegly low 'rates : A anies'issort-1 meet of lumblaggoode his leg vrill also be found at his elegem estabilah-1 meat. 901-Allfighinay •OlendiPaticrum give him I . • all. NEW' BOOEB. - • ''-zoonort. Fo rsythe. WLifeads a ro. MT. trot • of fon d s -00. h kF. W. w.iwae. ultutal Btul tke:teigtuLt muriew"rostlitratjtoa. $2.! Ay bl Julia t x11111.15f; by BarryOriy. DAMISThitt stagno r of Heirit our "...ape* 6044, -it o f imaaVint,‘%f!"-',!4-9° , ot RagtAtter„___fir. sroluog.. sk itisoma.ryPrithon. •••Woill. gm,:.,4,Wro,rmg4i.kii tiles —tojan.s.tcw e llNigtriditraii, Jen bk -DAT/r4 itts c rij. 4 fte triMPONG: 4eit . . j:4AP:7IIW 4 1: t :18117414 :926611."1:11.r%8.--' :1:f1111411:11417)700.:":"*: rrA • lOU m: Nomsg. SeffiestS"okcwekt4*Pldrc:43] ' .. (pi -yawn v i t OWl,Tave: .ewP Aanatate NOT wlth 4 nese portrait of the - author; lied' a Tie fr. r hie rtaidepaaat...p..4's atit.......V015..1 and-li. . a Thseowaretriusa. Trisiiirati" Llinitfatod fro f l he T adrleivtie4rAlso,apleatAbe.trititltizti.t,_ oU; E4lonofDnttof c worbt by.ldbeldeetk(k. r Isionakltthe molk ffi s ig i lwiiilgriMig 1x19k5.;,.. Mr PihiNhed iwthleireatry, hal_eonalsts of Amp. edie...yelhihesinibliabers"isertalbilY demerit ~ .. , . , ... great medlt teethe sitemesaltil manna la ailtich• they-bari,phisetitiatd Ihngrelet lutdertaldnir to. ctimPleilon,lietheseltrile.._We hare freqiiimllf ilidrealif -the irlttarlefi ..and-kwrintitY. or Ws' edition..:lt sutwalaes . any.that- has betai baited IMEnglaad or America, The print ls clear, the paper. enoteiibife the-bindin g Slid tile engravings In -: th e very boat .style of VA 'art' The notes of trek author's tem- throngh the . Chita States will be read with great Interest. But the matter of Dickens' wanks needs no coin, mendation from us. The Yoram Lrenisnatrr• Or, The Adventurio of fArmy Meer. A sary of the Great Rohe. lon. By CilverOotte. Boston: Lee and SUMO. tttsburzh : Dave, (Barite a Co. Thin beide H a limativh of pensioner *Oen t dozing Operations before - INcliniehd, ' a *MiA-.llliskmed to.-be a sequel to Mot:habitat. rPoL":Y7_llhe,Mme author, The style le collo . *Rd lhehisffii MI/readable.. ~- r. 1 . - e Posn& or Dime, with a 'selection etNisd., 3ard Mode. a pprourtately.arreng. d to the 'anti.. , r , sat ,ot email - realm. or _poi hoe of Psalm. BY lihani:Wy.Es u r,- Esi.Phliatieleptda: .William 11. Bentoul, 26 North Sixth Street-Pittsburgh. U. P. Board, Publication : Third street. Our nrealmelaktig" iNeedtarettudir mahy • blfgations to Mr. Keys for this admirable work. tie have notowen anything for a lock time that so Weil calculi : did to. Improve congregational ging. Thematic has been judiciously select. from listhrinxilidwal by precentors in chetahs lElall parta of the Union. " The harmony has revised with great care by Prof. Leopold eigurn, of Philadelphia: whieltd• a sufficient antes that It is free from imperfection. e great superiority of the mark emulate in la, that there le ippritpriate Meek debits eaeh aim or . portion ,of a riltaM, throughout the FEa° thatAlthlbsider' has the tune already' ec wlitld.the:6ol4plegation can join a l 0 0, / the heist note Is - soundelL . ~ t "Pinvitzotiormis Writ or liabeai Corpus his the eoustitution, reita ...Tart. Philadelphia: J. B. IbMplacott at Co. 'Pittsburgh: Davinviarke i a co. _ Stolen Horse Recovered. , . tttl On the night of the 3d hist., a bay horse, val . ed at $l5O, was Stolen from Mr. Joseph Den• arson, of East Deer Miwnship, and on the same fight a saddle, bri - dre' and A sheep skis were Stolen hem Wm. T." Wiliam; living-on the farm dJoiningki. Henderami. The thief" managed make Ma eseape with the home and ether irti . lee, and nii.traco k of .thorn could be found. On ftaturday, however; Mr. Wilson came to All.. heig VW. and whilepeasing the stable of Chas, Poole on the bank of this canal, observed a ores In • onie n it which rem:Maid the one Stolen from Fligv." Henderson.: ,"Upon"..closer.examinatibit he S enabled telly identify the animal, and dis vered the ._ die ; bridle andalieep akin belong to himself hanging up la the stable. /1 ap • eam that the hoots had Yew left with Hoots a awilays since by - wpm ' calling himself °serge - and at the time of , lie. Wilson's discovery, era swatting Ms return. 'An Informat i on was. ••• • • before •Hayor Eforibmn isgalnat_Lel kr . ' 'rs9 stealing, .Imt tithes doubtless made good; •is escape."' The hams and other property, were •.• stover lath and owner. "- •• • • • Xtutritall 'kit: - ' ' :1 ' ' " Ai:mut thetieit me most, toteptahle gam, net now seasonable, are those exquisite publics. I from tiona Bo thehmme of. illeatint. 'Prang dt Co., IBoaton, who hare brought the lithographic art ho the higheir tie:fi'letkii. "'admix/ to the liscrica_whlch son for them so high a reputation— those' ran ;Simi ' Nauru of Buds, - Flowera r t fChiLearea and Mosses—.they haio now added a large (variet " y of new subjects. Their, beautifully eol f ored ildren of the Bilke;" each with its ring. igestlire Paean of settpluto s ma -MOO, aITNPT/- l am for Sabbath School and family presents. , bringing, In a mastattraitive farm,' to .the ere • anis child, familiar scene& sad quotations from r the Gospel. idthle Red; REdlng :lood, A Visit 'tram St. NlchoLls and Robinson Cruses, present the neatastposaltde illustrations of thee famil iar storks, while the superior,ereellenee of the ehUdrea, lino:Amnions cartnot fag to I:Germano& alone the children, bat -their 4x/tlms. All of publics- Clone are real grant el ant and may be'foilad at the book stores, Allegheny Cfty Taxes. D. Itaefaeron, Esq., City TresSurer of Alba gheny, Ores pollee that the duplleates.for Chy, Poor, Btudneaa, dehool and Bounty taxes, and Water Reati, have been placed In lila hands for eollectloe. For the Information of tax payers, vagina below, the ngulatiou and athrwaneee provided by law • .ms i.ssoin4,:r stuiodisd &kid AV Pat cent. aU taxes paid on or before the let of July; few per cent. on or before the let of Atnznattartee .ipa• cent. •on or before the lit of and before the-lira 'of Octotor, dtrniegioa be tr.ade. If Feld - after the Ist of October, and on or heroin' the Hat of ffoyetaber; fin per 81.614.4. Alter, the. &at of ererna .licrreanher, all unpithl taxes • will be colleen coll e ctedby te, with the Ter added. eentaga and. eats of soft Blandy Ando, Portable Steam Same_ NM, and Messrs. Bland y appear -in Oat (*l emma today with • new adrerasenient, and su of cur andel* lia Seeks -ch amohiery of:Wads:el will do well to make • note of them: Tlay are the oldest, largest, and moat successful manu facturers of iable stem saw mllls and en gngnines e.panahg le tbe Uponited ed States. Mantthenring an themsfarct. and patented, they do'not - really , eonut- ha campatition, with other makes of sena-portable or portable ma. chirefegg.:. That patents cover the vital points bilortabilteiginee, and haring sold no pinessary tights, &by conanue to be sole k Matt- In the mar afacturera of Blandrs Portable Stsam:Engines et. liabit Cashier Senfinied—Chas. if: °Ori ent, formerly cutter of the Farmer ' s Branch of t he State Beak of Ohio; at Belem, charged seatetAted ultb purloin to ing monies, bee been .convlcted end bout the pay a dot of 113,000. ffe- ytedonaly honorable reptthulOn of a good citizen and an aim -- • .. . . To be Mustered Out.We andeistaad that all Btageobs &Boards ot - Beraluteet. Into to be mustered'outee MINIM the Commis sional', bare alreastrAtess out of seee, and none will remain but tbe-Pratost Marrrshals. . . ffuld4e. - 11m10: , KeCandb3s of - 1 1/Mdeld. ITamberigum ccrunlyi eisamittad salelde,to 3flae day more leg 141'66 bi tsaashul tditiserf.' Deceased w ri % aa a4l4 . by : #ade, and much addicted; to . d tkPaes itatter, of eiliahlza titewal teitty_ fix the Eaymatte.to•morrow, St iv expected. MaJor.Etrelt ¬ pay ea the teen at ramp teriVedatatdaT• • • A New Ilante.,-.11 wldepetedleostid be girls barethAtttlits wort u veturntan to ',Tailcoats." iiiPlgefit VOCAL ITEMS Thaw R. rusrefill Mate OpWsa e a r elkee-te a , - i tP9n A i ,tll*teazclaim &ate, „et ea cTea,rbßoo t; b e dla ntn'aotarhe m h nre9* gh,Pa. Reeld'NaltrP ana . ROlRptli. attendt4 b.. -All woe! wadated:vehetilroof. Rechiardoehat ' the f Abeam nottea. , 1.4 0 . 014110 the reel le abeatuted,altil , It Is ell'''. 7 " ---- I XOOBB. dLBD.~BS dta 13,/ 14 1111 ,9 ( X ) PS: Dirstuit',!Zir ',GFly4e" No. 78 XumET Triannhigs and Finley floods, NOTIONS, HOSIERY AND ROVES; And Gentlemen's Punishing GOods trouitt 01111 , the' Magoon billerehaatit, tied t Iradli kezertUr. Yeetz eery eetemare . stock 1 the above 11ne of vied& Our iikike Cotton. Hose anct'Socks e oPecietlY. le the Largest mad best ever °pelted NOrOtIMPAIRMIM will be found van' aitesaalye and eiraiplatittr al ha bilinahm and at Mille, that *a:mot Dal Rive tio ce/11 before purahmatag enawhart. • . : j RAVE JUST ARRIVED PROM Tin' A. EAST with a earetuntaehteted assetterant at FANCY AND STAPLE uUolnivanantit width will tre hrund 'a ttne line of floahnalt notion and 1/./e. Okrres, Illbtants, 'FlOwere, Pos. &AM, tIollals; and all the new 'tibia,. Instating /tubber • Oollare. to whtelvilettleular/y tall the attautlen of this Whit r bladama •Deaorest ... 's Vomits Bono 'Skirts. Laos and Linen owssusarehle stl kinds of (AMA new Swiss Set. Laos Cape, Bart • Barbs and Coiffeurs, Brw,V,,, - st Clam .Sh Shawls. ?them, _taew,) Laos la Crotchet, Linen, Clotton, Thread, velenelennes awl Pointe. Loos, Wtde Linen Lore tor Tlllow. Qua% - of all idodsantenth notes, of all kinds; nsw idyls Blankets for Wants; Ladl , BMA Jouvinl Hide, Waves' Eitte;THrets and SDeJ •Beed Soy, Cord Sete, Cable lOord. Coat and Tassel& Tassels end, Buttons In twre, rum styles; (Beep In JotiElleal,, Straw an_ _.l Chrystai Merlins i EOM Silk' Midi , palatal yrings, Straw Ilate sad Trimmings' But. ot Mlell .in :UN, - APP J SU, Gold Leat and rearttnasy Conant, lhopir, Pam ankt and oils, and -a' variety el'other goods, to whhdrliriruhr call the attentlat of nay kiwi gusto. mere and the putrileffeneriqy: • - - ' ' • agor , 4.1,1qz tioARY. 12 Fourth street. LOCXPIOOi3II CELISBRATZD Cloth Lined and all . Paper . Collars. EATON, *Amyx a eck, rweing. 17 se 1.1;) aPittla leta - SOLE AUErrl; i:OB • -• LOCKVTOOD'S GOODS. Ltet. Th. - 16. full emu wini be itkOpitea it Manufacturer.' essortment on-taw:4,, ova J05..1101114 Co., =stai n s , . szaar. - AnD MILLIMEgr GOMA Rabe= and Bonnet Htlke, Rimer andt Tattonungi Hrotraidetlea, Lace Good!, Handkereblone, Panay Goods. Balmoral Stitt., Lodi's , and Paw Wahine Goode, Bead Olzopa ond. Worsted liaelmt and Clkrves, Hoop Skin; Ho. Moo and noteH Watoo, arn now resedvinit QUI trot aasoetems ot - - Man" is'PßAva goon', whleb win be Anne ancensa/l_r_attraette% Soles becop_loiteared et LOW GOLD in we ran otter taiII;OZAL MII }3l7lrAwL Our . 0144:02. 3Zo47i.pair*aaiszi.* argl at all tlaist loaad ll nap ued. • wo-louoti tall Scam wa • Nenhaats, 111eine* Man, and the Palk bcdpir oonadeat that In can nit aIL Uld 71/ DURrgr :W CluDl3 I zaw - GOODS! Arcrisv csip.inzg-sai AT W. W. MOORITEAD'S. Ple. SI Illarket Street, • Seltfen and complete lbw of Em_hroldertem Laces em Laos Co Umllars;brell Queen min Jeuerebeth Oollacs • n S hades, Sum as, &a. A Ikalsolortment of Gents rundildng Goof WI w: iffolsl nalFigFr primer. mint:tibia" pextsoLs 81711 WADES. SUN UNIMELLAL Of the amen etyles mot atlowesi paean. What& sale and retall ss "TON, AKM, 3 . 1 ,g 13111 0,0•73 v F AZ I i ?! r i " B I aux, Lima AHD PA Ll peis, of oforrdesortptfiu‘it.,. EATON, 7 A.0813X & 17 Fllt street. px.vros. JWIIBICi ickering- Sc Sons PIANOS I , Pkgang ...Eno stock PERSONALLY SELECTED Min SUBSCRIBE Jon noshing vatter,aate at rACTORY PltttMS Ciltat Bug 0:-EILLOR TEUI VX.IIY REST BRADBURY, NEW 'YORK;' Schomicker t•li 'Coq, Thiladelptila, l ilAlNTpig AI) . W Shirll.ll43 Arneritnt Organs,' I , wrrn P/1111? tam , Mann :9 "Witt/tad for bits %a ft' They met itii* inreertniiii of; fit- gaboh ern Jost main* r,! ,whittikinc, ft BARB ' , 1 : • we. wet tmlit t • 1116 - 64;1 t tft l o., . 4 '4. 4 . .4 t l ,a 1 I] l, oll A A, It * 14 . 4 41544144-,;,- LIXFM,Off in. At: pm itr' i ' ii g a i m -aii Si li tt% '. ' V - 614 - VZituoi jAW. - 37 - 70 a . 10 ! 7:. Y:ift - til e ' no•l', "? l, t i rtel'Tff, aq,n, 7:4;) ,a ,C IA , !Malawi iad Rain 7i:swill% lOC HORNE & CO nOLLA R orums bSmarr_ AIIiNGS BANK, NO, OS D F . - ' • ORARTIDetro pi taut ; Dm daily from e a to on Wodoes dap and rszdnatio.* also nr, Dorn to No ! eember Ist, Dom 7 kli o 'o.loek, had fIIM No ce raber i 11C to May let Dome ton atiotk. - • M u n i •Dopemfs received of all same of nenle One ; Dollar ; and • dividend of the profits waived be • • year, In tune and December. Lateran has been declared sesil.anntudly, In Jane and December, since ther Bank - ins organised, at ea Ist* at mix P" lb " no ' ‘ a Yrigii drama cut, tio tb - mom • ; of th.d•Doaltor on prtodpal, and:bears Cs Immo Warm limo the au* days ofJnos and. December, i sompoorsiom tette a year without troubling tb• depositor to tall..or mu toprm=t Ilium, book. t Sian ,, Al 'Wads money !lit douta lea sant tireds• : Bootireontslidur ilia aunta; birlaurs,:aulas ; and Rero/attone Innibmsd Ensue cm, oppllastion WI:11m . 7 . - Andeson, ,A. X. Pollak, IL ]John G. Bsokoten. Robert Robb, - a Benj. I..._Fahnestook, Jobn IL ISoss,w w , Joan nordmini- _ Zioilbr Eitadle, Junes life.Aoloy, Alexander Speer, Lama 11. Penaculr. ' l llnristiag Team. Mists Atims, Rear, J. Lynda, .TOfui C. /Bodkin , Peter A. araMirs, teaminpriNg.,k. job* Konhan, Rlll • - lirsttar P. ilfsen.u. Akeso A. *Amish James it j ...:. *sod ' Charles A. Colton, • John 13. sradm,,,,A MM. Dennis; . .folut Orre John Enzesok, Henry L. um. Job': -.. .. -William B. limb= a Raven, ' 'Alexander Tied* Pater R. Sugar, - wautioniakizir, Richard Rs ~- , - Wm. J.. NO laccrefsry-4shERS B. D. BIREIRI. • T .octito ..... '::.BANKERS, I, Filth street. w. . dire retaayea tnior 1111 nuLta stow, to *Oa. f nivamtnn, end ea Well Stret. ' °eddies for the Imbue and safe of GOVERN. - MEET AND SECURITIES executed on Bank end Individehl liclionnts cieelved,nn.o Akan:- *Doe mStt ed upon derrent balances, which in to ny be checked (brat Wight Oran& dpa•nott ~ ea, ..CLOT`. arc. ti.. , :eAlpTl4.- ' Delimit t• ed.ta• pm* ... . All 0Pp01711.11 iti Veda lia . .. • . ,-- -- '..,usdk•'ll2.9oEle, 4. . - .• r .anit tfichtipeffmos tillable - • • •, . "Ln.gaeceetaatalliw u rmai!3 . 7. - • da StitoUtea tvinafge%dk , .1., :'4;: ; -:inn a 12117 the iargatt •- , • ( te744 - !.... . Yelvaln, • Two aiid ee P/rl= flo.w 011 M oths, 'Window , Ail,. At • reduattoa 0t.. , - . Tweatpdy•tollirt4Arce aniloaa.itaki potent arctia4peg.-coLibrs, ... . . 71 astanllPr STREET .i: Reie,tiosiliOastO4.Rattli-4d . P: O. www STREET. W 900)8. AT. ALrgostr PEACE PRICES. M;:MM iEN=M Ilkit thbeieupos. boviretit uto BgDpQrfOi. we Mar to putis the peatest'adrantases of Um Laimatthice s . , , L ,.. ctual l OV"!!t rE4 ' „ '" l," Alip ', - '17 178 71) .1,3 ' cAmEnltiteipzr. tol4l4lftaraglali , , juotttletw r ;;10.• j iglqiiiois,Thipyattett , lo44 ifft 161041 - • -.4, i • itlialiredialtaiblA4ffilaltittell ~enprzoinr: 1,011 1 4014M1d41""1r1i r T 4ti 7 : 7 7.:37.777 1 - 11 "."' •Gja 31 2 I .1436 ). .4•Wia . . • • Bernatte nous& Ztd ROLM:ES - - & SONS, ~I_o4:ls;titzket w No. 117 karkiiti6„4,l lll . ' smErvari rfr -PA4IrIINUS tri'D cossouonsana• on all the prinelpel poti t to • Ithilteel &Mee "id esnadja, ""` a STOOKS, rleiuPS etiis6sALBB:6iovarr BOUGHT AR teat ON masa ikst4zation paStl to , the purchase att/ UNITED EWES Odle. Mrlos Ines of MU: , Mat , ThiVar vegilessai URDI33B AND VOtrCjagu BOUGHS . Os ta18:17 coLzronzi. ' Oriicic opTIZEASITRY,DEPARTMIIITI, ruri T nith el h3is. i WM:EMU& - _BY , . , 134. 1 . / 8 FAC if TOR . =dote ervideocemimbeted o the- undlowimod,ll Zia been THE MAKE iiinowt BAktiitiftitautt to the MT O t r e Ptlbuto r in ...the ' iit:4ljhi.. -,,,:ilitany an goireszr Pftnamanikhars. Auty.. flbs otrof -Ooneveran j aZain w rt i . : wide a lfationalOntreacy, secured:bye pledge of -United.Statea Hondo, and to 137 ft %,,e-CirCU. letteo and reehrtoption teereo e fturoem June ad, lest, and hai tamped with ~I,:iiajvialona oi said act required to be complied witabefore coin ineaday the btitazare ,otpazdzifyttulder said. cot. f;ritztricur Mauna Coiettreiler of the Cur. renoy; do hereby ; mWy the !The Iftobange s, tional /lank of rittaburicho In Um city of Pitts laugh, le the: antra, of YalrefonlYi and . Stets of Pionryl_vazda, to authored to ecnameneethe btu& area el zaanking under thereat-atone/Ad..- L --C hßureau,' Seal of the - Opaiptroller of the _ , . Unnelny. D.....t. To taitilaaay Salim :sot wham toy nand and sisal _o_y °film tali nth dal or Apruoss. • nlmllw7-oLArtirt, EXCHANGE NATIONAL ,BANK • 0 f H Chartered thol Capital: !Organized ander Mate of Pa.; l8:6.! 1 1 00 0,000.;Nate1 Law .186 i Th 4 Bank bat Deal dealgnataa a DEPOSITARY ' OP ?EIS United States Treasury, and appobted Nreu ror the sale of the ties latturattilMebia",e4l° 14111UTI or . _ EL X. MIIIIRAY, Cashier. spe4f PEOPLES' . NATIONAL BANK -Of Piftsburgh. 'Capital Paid in $ 1,0 00.000. with Privi lege of $2,000,000. . . Banking Hattie 00811 HE RII6T AND WOOD Si ItErrir, This ing B illiest ank, la organized nada the ?rational Back- ' g S no; prepared to :mosaic builaeii reets. Ita Banking lionsei corner of Wood and ghee moattlolleetions made on all aisetalble points on the favorable tenni. 000 Spatial Agents for JAY 1/2; for the sale of the - U. 8. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. ILUIFORL. SEA. Presideate F. M. oonnon, Cashier. J. fJ. NoPITEIII3ON Tall r leci;siEc. Ca /Vets pRZOWARKrinDi .'l. i-ti. 4, 4 ..-.,..., 2, , ......, , ,zi.,..t.4_ Nisi"liriPs :llemeopatido_ . - BPte _ _ .- • .--. • 3 - ,--. : -,-. =:.T ..:..., Zi a -I , s „ •:aii,.. hrnl,linoetbainosi 4445 MI '.. - attire im= imple, eillsbnit slitar , fitalf -- sum th 6 only Amuses reziaradgasmmf larense—so itmphrthst oils t' el da L ir In using -them: so aimless la toy bo tree from ' flinger, and so efficient as to be alma rellabka Macy hart ratted thiblybeanno43.• 'all, and will always rob et astlasatlon. No. L surairPlWirt; b onsectionr.. - i , .h.,.4.,Vis 25 Wonns, Worm Form, Worm Coll. 25 S. ' o ;.•CtryliurVMl,orlastldas ofinfalts IS , C. " Inarrbms of elithirea or adults.... sti.4 4. • Ai. firma...J., 2 1 11pIscrallibmss 4.16416., il. o Coolers. atorintsruu2,......i.6C. 7. o vomitus; CobiSi. . • ~ 25- 8. Murata's, Toothsche...Fssmishcn. - n. " lieadsehm, Star Raids:hes ' - 1 35 lc ' " Di,sp.pels,l3lllous Stomach.... ..,.. 25 IL " Srppreept4, soooty ono pansfuil+ riods. . . . .-..: .. .. .: . ...... ...... .. 11 . 0 - Lossontom, of Wh1te5....ut...... 96, 13. - . C7ratte horse 1544.. eaten, . , ... . . ~.. 1.0.. 4 - U. 'o Salt Jammu, Ernip.siss,_-.: - - -0 ~, time ........ ....., . -Int; ilhosomasam, MA _silVALla 95..:" I 7 o Pave r ant Arlo; vow Facar.•.... - ; 5o '- i 7. o P 1.122, %Waal OrittarnaL.......... 11 6 , - - c , PI. o Ophtslmyi pore, lo mind *rm. ilitS.l 5:...,,,, , . r. o :thi z ouspi : red or i. Chio . Int razrz infillenta , 5: . W. " Vrh o oni ns 00 0tk ,IP,Ilax•Alo 21. 'gym ghs ....... .;:.•.:....'....,,,,..f1y.17 tr. - 0 "Scrofar,-enistnal glands WI 21. " Geasral Debility, physisal weak. nem. ...... ..........•. 51 25. • l:nom an d neatly omnam,,a,.. . '.. , 511 ~.; 211; -. Fes justness, or 4 k,?:ltl.kli, ttillk t ~,,, • Kan...l.e ' _ ..• ~, . 4:4444;:a1ig6tt 27. " Ilidney_ csrasai4..4:.., ...,..- .411 S, i fferSoulr D6hil 025Intnal _4211116._.,%=.•-,/,.. : * Mons. involos=romsorges,..lW.,;. 22. ':: Stno Moniker ..... . II 141.7' Thins /neoutinsalm....4:.-i:..;...,..56c 1 • 31: ," inniodasi with Spann, 511.::,( n.. , ' o Ettlfarhiss at 0 6 1 , 54104 ' - ilkt, " anisP_lYarnms, C.llltos.lsascliM....7" i 24: " sg.pflisna. ocratadtm.Throat.,4llbre.: ... . . __ jAA.u.,,,,•,,,,a,. :,•,. 4 4....,,,4,:,,Pf lissell:of 28 vials, MO 7 Oesii. - siste'..int blink' 1.,'',1 'complete lai. .., . _.440 Ar::: . ease ofd lams vials , In, taorotco-a00.h.04.61111',:- ems of to Urge vigils, p/aln caso.amiteok:.. .5.00,,,' Case of_ ls boxes (Nos. Ito 151,an5.000n a 05 %; Vine remedl.s, by tho.casa or , poidooax,.arir . 'tat to - any part of t h0. 0 0 0 0 1 .h7 i Miff or ani- Prowqoe of ohuoe oo.rooolo it 10* 4 • o4 roorV •• • - . - FULTON; riltd!iiiiisiC: ;, . • Wes. 67 and 691 7MuSTREETV'' '-' • EKE:I974IRa OP •IDEETATIOISra.:r • Parifl yo'gr bloud . D7 . 4tlia Dr. J. M.LINDSEY* IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, k s i np s au ht onamue t o fulaiud isoasr: • ' . , • .1: N. FULTON TRIoh each bottle. as Mae amtiom.SPV.RICTS AS.kin .LES /DI THE ILAISICEt !kali emrotheated. - • llitaasportnieht ot •T•Ogyin•,ll4l:ll''.o6: rie Finp toilet Soaps.-- Luzurrir,s. cos4:lA-Ntrk: • num alb Dres,gxesde. ,, i CAL/ FORN4, OHANPAGIVE WINE,. • • HOO%:WIRE, - '~; DELL'S poitz .iwatsitr.' , znacntrizAirr*ncr na &MDT Azinvom DIAZ for Distrinna And innenterY; wine Is.conaldernd the bast•rnoved, nu. fteCtifWgkrarCOONA.riatrit"4 FULTON'S -DRUG STONit, COUGH HO MOREL Tar imucce4 - inpii haumuous govatrawwit twx..uptuctozroores -17414- litaarsens% asu ima, Wbooplag somas : T£ Oa 'Moat iuldr ")tW unja '-• "4 all '1121"*111 4( AU the Melted seem and Qs _Meow D.R.. 13TRIUBLAtezn tam& . 21:188 se the only eettabi Mindy forDlstrhel obi tat.. it te • etnablnattoe etjatetsgsgt Stbaulauteand,Untltd. . 4 edJ ma warranted *awl a etneidterell . , ~ serge". hays Med. - Tor gale by-, Gone ~ :, / , ' b b. Ma Fourth Arm, .0. .• .. , c. 614101MAMYS , PILE ; REMEDY; ,s - DB. entuna„,u643,Azzasasinwir foxed tlemszade of the latt=lo4le . Meeding Piles. It glees' ntßuda • rumen! ease.,%Tly - g - 7.ll.li7"lebgf o ta r d sale a bradl letigigi,4:, 446i - aehi t i- Fourth street, Othebanatfl3. - ---, -1- 7., .:, DvapePela, . 4 (4,41 1:! 419 A .131344, Da.erztroxrdunnvoracc ..,. . . .WO OSA rimommind s tri ad ___titbilli ': co, lodm,;:or Disredzl.24l atrervoa Nl ,e Teak. it le • vegetables , t ame Reparation, of 4011- Doors; lt stzttbeas.ths Wholi=et and Nervous ,Dilfrerpraligrzatm.etaili.: 4.etiei'Y. pbQnts 4- DX A. e3zust4 O. ---" '77.1.,7 Fee saw byllE. COW& Wood street add Ptro...47im a: CO,,,eteeat stub .lecond buret; mid t7 or PAREWood A ,8314.4 i11e..77 ifteig,eutereelebi - ..! r-.- , ; --!, --, - ,• - ' - ' . o eueded.dsde - • . . , . .. • . _ _. .„ • , _ : Fra nra - lIIARBIRRADTIOs,,, ,;'-i4,:- . ~ xis suzruivoamaaulim cures via a tormadra aahuent.,amulaibrilstih atana.,, utp,laudolease k in wit .4... *mom* of pa creased ausuauy or ' tut rrm%),21....v....ww. 4,a- ~.,. .e g ad all Masan, azialag thereto: a% Ilia 0 _l4.a much' iholter • time thaa , heetetofors-bf my - 111 VEGETABLIS IHINCED/I*3. , alatutasc San 10 i anY ; IV , at thinittraloa"aa,,Alt ROMs zigst II mon& 157 00. 81 Bliditi . . ' crest, 4"2,180. ettoad. aildleas • -J. Wcaftlaetz.D.A., ' IWO - - = A4l pRIVATZ DISEASES.. • 'Me 1153 Mop aramar. nellitid: teamsthrtura of all dlseasei if a piivafe o tofonr &ye, by en entirely new endelifie ..nt. lso, %Woe Weakness, and all Wye alammasoftbe yattaimmine sail Muir preyeatker A mire warranted or f ;noi7 ityreas lettere w • Penn • TarEISAPANARA,' tBtO CU OD a-a A' mint remarkable. article add poaftloa eats for sonorr LA, • EtiERIZATitatijiNEURAL. (1141, DYSPEPSIA,. 41.11, ZlMPLys.;=azat Au a - Wald, ft- terlvin rttie 141 N i m e s ! ewes dt. • Fgallon and who natant tha stramait ' or crew .but a ttial to prove Ira rartaaa,..:., • - SlMONstioale JOILASTOM !Want_ man Ban and FOl2llll UMW, G 2 / I R.2 a. Dratigktinf _ Moe and Patent Agency' No. It sr. inalrfirakezie.xisti''' H. P. axaarainak 911.11, R_44l.lenee N 0.14 Hay stroelr "Je WZNDELL PiA.TBO4 sw rrnecate meat o n * E'er ne iti•; Ott! ,31eoverneue4t. on/0E aootia rro_. rzerreA...tvzlgua. Directly_ opposite the ereeropolltatt Hetet P. Q. Vr aliblAttoM4 D. O. . ...... jesima erre riatieed pica, at 7.mumeechmekikkAedvis6,4l44. xa of OR :,;gitecotl'olut Lytiro We~o r""rab* loto6t. ~auy l a dfr - ors ~/alstbet a Kußa-DATW t g-b i rie g MiS- 7 Wllf TO, S , 7f.1 .... ,440- wegi-,-;1.F40441. ,-, / I 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers