;Vottftri if,„l„ Mcr= ATI ,4 .1 . 7NE, 1866 "-'' W4 02 0 3 4' , amstistia _PAAYtiiinti and nalt. "mb; sapling oiinti diuted m• min mattes rime*: , 1 ' , +4:faLOPIT 4 °4 li ttry coat. Ce l t : maw .14Y: 41 .1 114 gi . ...M1144 . Teak,. -S1:1* UN oininussion Sona ski t Mb& ot... , pove l etairt rirottles „ . •11•14 . fa& 7 ':MD VONMERCL(I4 .... ....)341136r ai '... BOARD ryaOntaimn. ade A ed.) •; - ar .. i. - .• i . 10 . I', Zusi* ". 1864 : V. likliiiitaniom / " --- " . ”4"otaine u--- " - ...... i Ida% • ~ i 1 05 ,X ag0nne11idgmer5...........r...........111 da! - . --- leatkill..R..ld.ii!!?? . Anna Zkonbenellg X.., '' - 1.7 - ..., 'as - . i Malidgialr.. _ AddaaglegfaTaiff 1 ,1! 1 0. dd. .—. n0mea,......g........”............. t .. ;h r .. • br or - . ' __111.2bi1igrJr.810iXt....n.........,.. - ,i' `,l'" CO , • MiwiTZ . 4lo::,., "-- ` = • ' .12; i ----- 1. Mar/ la cdnandraa '—• ii go runbar g na r.--,7..... , 1 N •Ple .t...-......:..,.., N. 4 4, weeNNieoPPer idn••-- • '', '; 7 ; ,. • ' . ii,} c le g a i a i ". " 102 en - '•+,4•ti - . • 11uin.......... - .1..r. iaS ... I Vow, In • 1a1ta15....... ..... -... . ..„, . .... .ii-i- .. i al . . . .-- Wager& renontriti.... , .....i..., 1,.i1l 442 t.. -Club lna-.....--. --.......—. aSO Mum= --- l on. BleekagunZkliarialk 00....«...; ' :7;-77..': -ass .. Allekbeny Rat: 8ank...1 - —' *el booe Itoturgile.... .......... 2 Theriiiiildra carttamiltin . litttiiiitock board ' . Udi Meriting, a small lot. of Dee Twenties at 114, sad Mike lontaltien been soli gine same figure. Stooks l au t t" and doliii..nad holders are determin ed Set to aaertgoe, preening rattier to walt, Will von the rb It of future derigopairats. Gold &ilia - infer sod" Uglier. Oaddignt 176 , 4, - and closing at noon In New York at tall: There is no 'pedal C•l3ll4lliunlgued for tha'adraus, but the y otteral batwing= seems to ini that id Will go still higher. - Governments remain Atom', at about pre. - 7 10 4•11 1 alifPilil.. ; :, . 1.. e . i . ..' 1- .- i.. The dispatches from New Y ork to the board ..r. Pork= aglOariV•rlYo Tacote". I.o3olnd'Aialanl'a.. ldgft 16404,2 KUCIAR> r e inates. veSigabit ' Plttabuigh toying rates for Geld; 13542131. Pens 1a . go movement in oil storks, and %hotting looked for improvement kas not, yet •11:11 , 1141: An a teaml thing, holders are anxious to maitre, but • buyers are very spi n ne r. and refuse to operate or, hese WV eon toy at tolitirikr lemellgfinn ' - . 7 ißrte4rit net *single transaction at the stock twitmtlystit'seentrig, and CM Mash the Attendance _ . was wiry allnt.edeial 'Wise islibierd at iMeritt bid Genera 'Basin, 110-40 bid; Oil Creek it Cheriy Bun,: 2, ,215-1,201114; ?MOM 'Henning storing, l-6,511 . 01d Ritchie, RI-46 bid; Ross, eg=47 bldi Tank;l3l RI bid. .Beforecalllng.the list, is view of-the datums and- stagnation which he charm. Weed theilitock market .foraonse time IT 5 4111,3 , , _.•seenAlinee,, and 4preeilvelybot weather,. - -resolved to adjourn over until the lit of July. ~TltecellsP93/11/0 Peak* Boston over a unie hundred . barrel =jart, tnaditon PiV•hole creek near the famoua 'State, Welt. here Whccoiniedi otiiinutand dollar sharVart said have refused thirty thousand foltilhar Intermitt. Th*..Wtriken hen also • made happy a quiet Boston Institution called the w Webster,-PeitsoletunGonopany of Boston," who •. linesman of U * M T. of diet:. arid Within a Wonen rods'of Map-mild* roatealii: There It is - great - deal of money yet to be made_ out of oli wells, but it Win be done with lege novae aid excitement.— . -The Wilmington, N. G.: Heald of the ad bid.. sr :ilt'lo l 4 l Dritlil to those-who have been in thide env ;Moe ga l otempitkia rbitbe 06 4, 1 , 6 lerthidr-IVIA 21; unlkdorabhit.ellthatllO the - nuclei:et ti t t4t;ltati; - tbn,tiftlet !t tlt e oh and dray loads orcotton, reeiti;iti., now - biliiiiered , In Us warehouses for aliment to the northern Madre. Arfierti.it_ Tin 'lays MO all kinds of vehicles for hauling oeig o¢u Bl.ldlenen on the streetsibut sines QOM:de °noun Srade-aot oni Ii to be eeen—all busy hatillugM,, : —The new national Darks have - nearly all head' supplied witchireilithin to the ama,,ot of which thirsty "itllledi andainmlattan,wlil sot be leaned ittintrerteil hankrfaxide tetisttiti State etreals: sittlividOottiat the bank note drnahation ot its of highest. 'tit& tali' of XIMstOW . dtsittier, Who . 7tinnored /111121 ft 4012 kle , dletWe . iiiinaeretse duty, Government has 'felled themmonntni , hand tote Itl 7 Manthanim PoeePan additloord penar ty of ipla,WillTtiniatil,ooo rillubuque WWl* had been pied k21{.913,cp0. erg"tpnhaltlefridethtegtno l tto hes teen imposed; polling - forithiaMintent of sipboot..tiittri peor4 . thweithe triode will bewail hundred ofahonsandd. peaalti • Mien Me Matte= VOnwry.—The- If7tig_ pary4.a. Maw York company, oPeradlay. for oil la the east._ entyPik 0 - Of 40e11 1 07.alttack a got'd ./kOw Oron Aiudafh :if LICA*, 4324.: . 'Lem:two mina — above Simeon, on Hoagland's Itrosh.YWOlTvii bi4T abvtii ifipeethmi o r tb4 milt;r 7 l2la,tliaintentlis of the. 00 1 340.4 to ream a koJ }, And commence PC. o o.rlit once:- It teas it will yield it leastipcbarreis • inpo:Wwl - st the Wisconato haply Comptes!. wee mOtitikly 'statement - show thap.onliLebeint. " CI A" isall 2 _ Ida lorrenr7 rentaine,l , S.-nr netitir 1111,r,f01,that was iq thp hands e the,people er;carrenesirlth.liawn ACM* the past three asonthe te about threahLbs tkat'Ve in tifetqatiOn , . Thal hilleuritir WijaM,Wtnilbaup,..tioraeg;rmi art -five. cents o ninety cents oaths dolls?. • a.'bosill ascountla At t.. lit 4 44t - h7r4 the lii:.=lloPot acia'li ties/p . p .- notes. ' , a r s Veyrytirk7 reristdrattetagralta ma : cemeata iiiiii*learket t "ciiie Tfi l tiii "art laCthrialllB li b r i at l UM:firirataltilAlltraraaP:ajOitinii our libreign trade; but the absents of fluettuitlons Jrn.Like pica _makes _the- nalame ipeoitiatire ; t riraaCtiOnr 1/114c,..3/C: 4 1 : hoot illllll,l44bet belare. lout Said will be quotedit sttleeat whieh a Ihrelgn market would Ito aittk far Ana bolas Ona l i'Paillai• =fa rite ' Ritheßreagura wonlddettato(pbe oar Valfetlre itdit iittedvir ehrok: the Aat-tobot rip ote ddrionj llsat ViStsig fart 4 11 , l a trt`Va t r i t h tobinonswiltobsabi onnr, ego bofer nPropillotione Minnitaiters ehd,tver!tstonstr, the western coon a i rl iri a ,co shrleaP. o 4 ‘ 4 o nilie 'Anlarlien pro ', duaelstlibiewl SO highball's; sgabwrd mukeep, at, _idijuileWe_seeptilivis, It la unprofitable tO ctport It, and hence we koli potb,ingeirxeri jppl .+7lth whkb tansy large balaneeg nelest d td Our ex thilltiMb The -111%xttateallel omit Ptpoitv, over ear OTPolllllrOlad not be an wafer° able feature? fiCi l k i ft .e 6A. ifeeleb'aifs cr1 f "2. 31,r/1 7,e iPld r lwasartiffer3-tlt algae Oil , : ino*Licemlnt Ati& • lath ar webers teen shindy losing nut specie tile loyr_we have but fenlyidir toillionYtu the Ifortn4 -,ensi - larestern J oe 231.141 e Califoints ex.; ausl/410e,f private *laid aa4 at VIA pies.! 0 2 1naof WWII^ ehilitaiste bow „long sari, wa ..atistutChe train ,wkhont airing the ern a. ret oral t4b lodrobe- pestilent' +teems 'pore ii4;iriot4, Ansi v,-Wopeelve4 less ,than thirteen in !Lions off igl# - froo - OalLfensladn.l3l4, and law than twelve! lan: Oar"expires of eolil; on the tither: haudiare between two sal;threes wallow; a Week, *ad, our roarketo - through - ora' the boUltrY twerp' daring the lest - twin ty- ovo rears In proportion to ths snot 4 - - P l6 44lll4ptilklTook Marketi June IKI. , " ."/"Aiiiiii4ilri' aUidition . of . ttie 'market teamed! lir:tog e time put 011 exls.", qu4prlses hare dc -1 Mimi( 'NO II Id' di ice -. lb. - Vhc iiinufactureze - INP 44 4lrith AVMS. 610;10X0104 - ihttli4VlOUtt, . I b. ~,FTPUT 7 I'M:W.4 Irthere is &Tarim' lull. In A ilitec of tttilsita falUoj eir.tco the demand for fo-! _moat of army, weliKijiirrogiestgriiiabs , a4ll. Aivel . ,to raga ti.:., Vtiayler4uvportjouatedpoluo Usal 'la kiia if ht. 4 , 11 ,t_W 8111 41: the . ..4o* . tia - P'r ., ;/401Pi l Wane the Iniell Wily field yricir to th e OPULing oil : 0 " 17 4 0 . Alutlailta• agerworti , f' : :: , - • 1 .fl now ANC tnidsalo jud Melt' gams 37.........1041)Thi , ?.441Ztla i L ' dt ..... eee .,„l, - .' , ..... : :„ . .....-19e' 1 Zee he 0 0 --- .. ' ' '. ::::611 sg,lb. t O.—. 4...4.....:‘,..... , .., lbovrashett Jelser.:.:4:-.1.4- . :me 1 it's Eunid..?...r...7-...... Ciacuo , ins.=4l . m.:::::-:-.......... - 513 I . umn......- , errerre - Mr' , "4fttilkce - Iti!iltrkl4.-411.1L• kr/ Artille.Allarnistat. Ther e have been veree i s itil ~..,..„..rvi0,!....,, .0,11it,4,0„.0.4.0„,., wr..,--fti-1i0r0xii.._41403.. 4;re,,..41,,,, Iwo pad $1459 tarp akri.: , anzieknukoko tiyugl./o . 94!*fiz.l . i4gup,Slad I#rigktigilidgiirilull,..miil Tittles i ti l i e #l4-, A ,9> i f °l l . - 4 41844 ii . u n dlieltlidie .*LI4IIII. : My 110111samliew Tom;-taistomp sk =4."oatrfqtlis -- -i4i • r • 1,..d..rb.. - . cg0ir,...1 "'i , - c ~' EEa* - ?ii fr %Oki _ . —'-whfitirs.UNtilllitica • * 'V -i.e.eiztickete mottle* j erea= e. w ilt tlllty a mare* Ole Sattos.. Marameriatme, and whet le won, Out all,tbere !tudteatloos, atft7raciaileuedttsioroinw ~..intat. Gold, It el limier • hihoo, rout the dull le now itt head, and the Suede. • etloos IW l tWelef i ll enteiftLibtetleesie it AN ''markets In the future Uutu has been to the ease to the wt. ,ThatarA, uwdeumed !lath ePeell.filegdt !Te r t u a si oy of the lelo4 MAO" of 'produce. the t alone beteg Teri tiliited"l''"ut ordwpor. ten , WheireeteW.-.. - • aahlorf—telmat lantry Wei buttUthlifferlot am not ehA Waage& WA 11.4!1:FISIOAqi°9°1 from Wagon at el,ldegla. of loge et 62., delleemt at therlmuna Depot; a lso, weed Wee from store at aogss. op,eple,t4pptaild 4 442,Areluid zazky. I • ,Tw—There 120 Itoptdreteefit nO n the demand 1114 ;he market Is dull but enthused. Smarr Uhl of Zetrer...PWll7: ~ store et $7,76f/eAD for Spring and Inter What' shativertimid Weill 4 don and weakwith' a droOptor teadester. Firmamental Hams are bald pretty lirmly at tuft rater-21 1 /AM cent' for choice Mende, miasmal. lard I{du at itiging TO kettle -rendered. Nett'. bit doll* to Mere Pork. • _ Asubs--very didiaktt , notatnaurlizaintiit; We quote nominally tor:ld ler common Soda; o).‘ for Iladordi 'coalgiatle, Mad 8 allay for 'POTATO leadimitlt , ti tar , deramdt, light supole and B. ltestreeelptailteda may be quoted at %Aim; ace atimeeti cliEtZE—Clomlog in,toote freely, and prices are; iibadelotortSi r ilterti Beeffeetafigliiclrom iligJ t little 'wanted; note Snits -at vaidltid 14d Vier, Les 13 , - - ..... W Byrtm • t tte" ' " Tptal' PAILADELtDIA STOCK :1 1 1 , 110tE7i:! .fr .pectii 'ooi7iitakt - 4'. ratshurnh Gatatta. ... , - Painanzursta. Jong al, 1 8 / 3 1... Petroleum stocks were stronger and. , raimanetire P. 14 ,7, but ttutte-Witalta =IMP; chaos, In prices. ,tlloalnt quotaillas tieriaitiolldtia '''' 4 Naple Made..........134.60113eur5m0re.. ......t 55 •Dunkard ' i Jill Keratollu.-- ts 4 : Ake ni ta Pl•r , - . 1 , . 44 12 Junction.. .3 60 - E4rber - .::...t, 312 Altne....fdr 1 Ma Tank. . 1 60. Usldwill. . ':....:...1..2 ntr Daltell-........,-1 , .., 4 011i ir entey Well' Is 7 Royal ... ' %I 1n1d0w...... - .:V..:. el Walnut Island. 1 tlecuanlasuir.... .... - 3 Oa Sugar Daft -- I kit Wafeeku --.- . "A 0.2 : P 0 1:01 4. _ pl.. OW IMNEW E. YOR f Speclat . pi n ,t4. : -• ~ ,-,-, Pet:peura atockfte --sil a Lio o i w ; rikTe e. 1818. 1818. y nale_,h ;asps the deallne la dlis to a repot' that the /Ladd*" General of Pennsylvania intended to emanseate ali t lands lg. feretoeerpo Paqls"?"4 theyiskldnot ware,,lield* .11a4. that ` : ror23liningpurp3sefi.M. was Marta that tot WA not • consider bccinif9r l .ol Mlailler,' The Committee ii , shunt to mcanied to Poo*shratoo to invootigole the-inattek:.'.FSiarai... to-dal:.`; at. fie lonoftie: rate.: -Dualism& Pakia4l tai Manhattan, 45; Cherry Run 33; Excelsior, spt; Knickerbocker, U;Webster, MS; ifletiate;: 60 ' , radii tai Odeon:to' Moiltylot, 24 417 1 45ett - 3:ittf7 . 1 1 01., -•.,-. NE* . TO p . : iio4o 7 ,4lg4ifix t r; , 8Fi:141,. 144,P .t t°1111v-" i 6 1 / Z1 6 , , .. i 4 o s i o i I A ii-cieig - dillf bli • fAkAiikitirgil* 3 4o34) (or Crade;6oo6M }l.stkriel t!:i bolild a,nd . mert . f?ri Lr. e 1.,...- t., ,- .7. : • -. J -IF/0131128 TEIZAM.4I2, W tone, 4.-4,ehre Ckittan. la fair inquiry; and tinder the last liowe from Lunne pilLealaseo adrentardp2e per, lb Co. o'er an 4NI afiefor Middling, and g grin at I % o ex—opened d &ad drooping and cloned etude firmer, with wore inquiry inl,pooTatar expo, t, 4,4010,811 tor. Sn e State; for as, tra•ritatet _tor Choice d 0.,, 111,5605,113. tor Somlne cetera; 1 4,20111.75 for oommoa to Niddift' semi Westazo.,- • 011,115(0.00 for common to good ehlyating breeds of agora zoned hoop Ohio** slid V aea ld o6(o,7l) bog trade. Bye gout quiet. Ncitri _ , Witurateywrinn, shieb-of Weetercr ak G nr—Whe at. without any decided Orange la price, withaughor lemorwerportry. *Orem.' nicut , to - fait' Oldergrarthrlog ,43; Sating • bWises att1,1401,414 - loferfar. .er red, -Ai as tern;• si,ge - Nrlsereepnee, :Barbi twat- doll. sad_ IiONAILIN,AINra•bearY dad MialaWar;tSe for =Noma =WA Warders g.83104. - ,for sound and cloeng at We for-Xllndried ; o7Goi for Kliadrawe Weirkra "elan'. Oats scaree cunt klithe better art the fez Western attest; and 88010; for do. Worries. 110o,rairs-.1114 aim Coffee doll Sager quiet at loSiGlio for Cuba Miscoradorand 11kitili‘e for Poi to Biro; and leo bases H at it% .tfoloWies hull . Hopi dull, at 1063010 t *Opus= to prime. - • x,otv.-Qolet, c , Pgraol.rox—Quid for Crat tor Refined 1p 'food, ant 7007 to for d ,. frae..-; pnovrentare:-Pault opened he it to ell set with more driesees, at - 47,721NZ1 for New Mewl, <lrian 4 WB, cosh; 321.5004. W far, 141-4, cash aril regular tray. closing 1 , 24.754:aiti: Prlnte,.andolo.oo42a,so for ?true. NM; silo a,uto this for Jena and July, sellers , ,option at,ins ci27,lsfarplaiti man and 01.1011; to , extra Anna. Beet Huns qtdee..lLardheavy, at 1.01401 U.. But. ter quiet, at 24301:0 lot Ohio, and Ilfgaio for State. Chersequietal,lielhe. r New -iviifrttiocA.ina Moth ! Martttt..'.2 Ntrn ,Torar.,-.3na• ; 11 -, --MoneYAIING ,Wltk large mllld9 0 atep.ital Inking Investmeat. at 0 4111 1 1e1 cent. for rail f. Sterling exchange nano; 110 gold for first elan bills: ileritilcangold awre ctir e and tirractr, opening:it 11104, , and elating at tc. , 7;:. Government stocks easier. SIOCICE--Steady. Gold, tit; ;Nock " fidand. Kr; Burlington and gularty.--104;n; hilfwaukire ba d Prairie Du Ohne lrort Wayne,lls4; gen Sonthera,teilleig 5410, 111. Bonk wett ere, 20; da p eye d, Qatar Bier, 63i‘ Adarlpou, ii; Sri*. 'Z+'' do preferred, 83,• Hudson 104 5 ii NliedieL Olerelandanittittsburgh 4 4ts New 'York Central. astir 5.20 ' 8 , - .Coutiods. 1 10.40 catioi;Cqupouszm/.1.614; 140 , r e.. trtgi; =uplift Ca, r. ruin Yonx, lure 12.—The prices of Wining Stoeks lildlWVOitou tiNdliWwww,Owlarer C1'..; . , Fran, all Nincculc, - BKr ou, 48)0; • "JZ BuTal, 8; ulory, 65: Roc kland, 4. Caikoher's • vexing Earaleyed--40 id, itl New .1 - 1:401. 44 14 111. -b;4O. :Read. / ire., 0044 Old Southern, 6000; 43* ' 96 5i)wosthiresg iy; Fort Nyt ;me, W4;040 Oft deatesa(4- 1 i t ., iis‘i ...Vim's:laud,. 4 3 1 %Mu: IPpia, after eau, 10 . --moueduu.l . GRAli—Wheat heavy and insotire; No t Chi cago cad Milwankeivapin 11,301•Aruboy Nicht gen $1,65; White de„iliB6; Wititet "WO tivilanzArt.i Corn—Salem at 81a bar mixed per sample, sou Wel fur Par. prime do. Oats ite 114444.14 at Oa to arrive. ey noritlnal, B vranKT-.4202; 001'0,14' CANAL Faxvittatu-Firmelsou , mom attire; to New York : Wheat We; Caro ifter,.o4s Ba. . Lea, lwroauct 4 .Flon4l263ll;bb; it heat, WON butt.; Cons - 1111,800 bush; (eta, til,loobush. Cartel. Exkowro-F10ur,11,14 hblayWheat,lll,B9s bushels; Cora, mot* insirtivfliper, 1,099 do. ctiteiti• gb, Moot. - _ ! CNICAG:3, Idea bbls Flour; ' b.,0:0 bush ; 104,12001u,f.krif 01,0001-2 03 S t rilritiaro-.6 . .000 this 0 • 14l4413 0 00 bash Whuttil lee bush Corn; 69,000 liUsh 94 8 . I llortwrxiB.4lllll.` , Fecontucrera=-DulL . Firm:...- ' . f !,: =- - Wheat :steady and aim at surto-No:4,i and 0.4 for No. I. Corn to good mutat at MO I ( I . I° , 1 u kaudi4o,iffle •7o higher ; lob ea."T. firm DA - Atinirelp :motet. N , • I Gawroo,' June it—yletw ingood demands% WM. t 0144 Mali►Whfother grains notnitaL . CiNALFinuottra-naiicgaper oh-Mut-01,i to New Yark. LUCONN 20 LO fOb Ila ' LAKE luronturin hest, I ,, ,Otiohnsheli; ELLIMINN a rococo • CANAL Eiroatriour, Imo hp's; wheat exo inurbels; COIN. 7,(01 do; OMS, 18,800 do, Bye. kgoo, - Boctoit brae Manietz.zhitie to;. • Tess—Therels no change to note la the market. Oolongs eonthine in Light Ileassad.at quintaUlotui same as last week. Involoesarekeld st 6:0 - 43 gold, but buyers are not plenty. Good and foe legs 'Or `not. ,',foeiy . . trffered,lnit anamosagg la. relic r are pressed tor mac and Tell "IL . 10 noolor., ett , Jerome Aare to 'steady demand. Sales 103 h.le - elitalk.likilOct W If ballerinas 1408 e. lintro,ink,lol4,l ads verynne at siel,lo: ~ri - .flaisaaghantbasta fang / dem scd. Sala* lie. ballenas adored Jammu. $1,12 lii halt cheats at 111,1501,40, and • for small 191I LWArreTialfri k tere:lat i el g trtitii4;4.1 modity In 4 all the principal maraand thaughi ittatkaVedlienaha L id Plumy tin Mutter ereatid, - onnkulairaluiTif Melina th t g i r ItS44/0",110 innek-loWer, and keno the and Miran are Inclined to. atoek. up—,Betas 't _ ,Wlettilata. insteder Indiatiogidii :14660 new. ales Ss bran Cuba yellow tiliply er 100 bone . a r t tie. KO boxes at at 13)4(11 . ta; 74 , 01Mairiatighadt=Wa t ik 1 eaMelkipaip api I crash "powderallinor go I = l47l Ant il liend j oi l trti It i rglirg i a=LaZ us t4it . k ~ I. , i ti l l alder Oelaaligi ft io n e o n es ve are t • , log k. tai .uk ro . ,tram, tbinftd , 07,14 , ffergiMaalltra . suiaetrajattoboatmui own i ii i :Asuo._. Me riflaubst 'West at. .2artainmi tatirnignen porttallipralit Van of let 9514/1 11 ntlit Nee alalk ' • ' ....es. I latistole WOul kee o, figkes . .1. tiestOck Of Sae ercol.Vt idedateinSll gin s : , and even a large portion of the heavy, no. grottos Of Weslaco has lately been worked of=st,,Monselege.. lialimiaropitadcguaat, a IhilFfeetricat,hiletla SWF Webb(' wetted is sOon u that stooks of flash nOw laths .hand. of manulisturom and jobber', beeti to moire oft? the distributing markets. Hies foreign wool le falwAt bo k th e - Srulnfilwotsroblvathitv 1 ebecks the ellipaillian to Opetsdeti ..,.."-"-- .^• -, ' widely ong 'ln regard - to the new clip continue at mulance, and at this early stage of the season the best framed themies may, pipaa wholly .eh fault. This' old, Meg certain' in re/meta the Apnea la, ibat potful. eonsmaar. nor grower, are lola hull tO coMe to terror, and - thit, contrary to 11;tran =Amadeu, enviat oftliez:p will not . it 'TlchgestulrOUPdatibt=retriniQpirm% o ,extreme views between buyer and seller. The d stle yield this season Is unguestionably • very w l ted en t e et bU me t et it th w e ili reg all ul' re im m d en m ts " Of co stet; and these wits:rialtos , underthe immersion / endbe' disappointed. Very few agents have as rittesV iri etwer SO Scot.% Mbitteldatallesecoi th t ari hs a g Uk ood. to I t western farmers • will 'lingo% girt their ' ellp a 'this season , In order to get rid of It, will In T ROW out on prospecting exicelitions ; but mers, catlike, correspondents mention,. ,as the probable, TEin tiding Mk and Ohio, and lOct and upwards fo the best qua ty of Perms: inelm aty. ilug Washing. Of desuestligiier tbcgreekt foot gm some . „OW /by at a ta ngo ej rk for_ home, sod 47: el , dal MAGIC at I Ofbibionslo. Iffrohigan,' N York and rlf yak WOW, eineddersbis .1. a of one Ohtani lee, and a few parade of choice 1' ararylvanto at No. Pulled has been selling In ...dean •quatisitifs. at -,..eldfliic - far She- .venous_ sit" thenathgeogrblngis dull-at ODlMSOtiOrith , e . all sales. In foreign, the transactions have been II ht, and at foil prices, Includi _ISO hates Maps a lOgNelooesigki do Ateatimeat W91130..1i ..aggin. ~ ... ng. ..:. Cleve Lead Market.-Jumiio." ~., .nr-Sales - 150 bble choice XX red at 10,101; 643 DWI auperdnqr s iekeletchanged for No 'rated, with It 11 efitedt=pod eon me On et vire& art idles 2 cars at 51,56 from store, and 5 cars at 1,51. In-No sales: • li•old nomitudly at nano for dui:Wl trout ettne4 , l)lo4-4deeloi4 solid. ikdon , , Oat kninsr.• Salesttenn frost monist 6 *4. , 4 1 10 0 -: let Cu froolstotsatl&k,;l34ols; it a .o ...tecauteo- I 3 cut. Lake Irtill-Flem and 'Mrs. Bides 25 ltalf , , Is:white - fish at 521301 SO der phrkerat- at $5,0:1; I& ;t tr0nt:441.15:10 itdlof rrlR5 At Al& .710,.419 shed 166,00; lb do tom at $4,50. ;: • ;,, , r...,. • ! • l • p..'e.., .. ' . ta . eo . k ~.l. i `, .E nk s .til.. e . m •,eni...-,'.y .- ; Dean..-.. .pswTow rune 12. ~..„,, *4,8. 0, . a . ... 1 . 11 , 1 • 11 .•••••••••••••••,,,,,.•• os,_ g1i ,,5,55‘,_ __WI, ululation ...4. 4, ..-..........:..........A.,....., i,A 1, .. - . 1 a., Ease -, ~ .:......tlkiv.,•A .. P. , ""..,... ' . AlVe osits-. • .:.....4.....• • 4 -...., -.. 188,609, sist,. - . - ”:...v..i.... , -.... . 1,225,10., T.essi Tender,..e...4........,...,--.;;, ,isoNtir Xxlenpute.... •••••!•••-,..?P 5 , 1211 4 9 1 ! L 7 . . isirosilis ar RAILROAD. IPiiriarrient, ..*C.T . ivriinri'&:.'efinikoii It: &- ona 1- , -4om,„pidir yearns, .1 •II tlidwoll; et Pa - limb, jahomst4r af:Lsiszpiltd.lek 5 Odle peke, a N RodidatU}bblasse,s4asidontsottr„ lot Itindriss; 9Wauuolc Loos: s• Cat/ all,lTlbl.e..L ialighligti a 4 k 1411 11 1 ." 00 0 1 9 it Clatkiribp chew, R. Dalzen , & cot tan teeteleNtmlek.6Coot 5 asts wheal:? $ • paten & cc; 100 - aka own, '..1 IL atidstott;lo3. baba il ourraols A 95epiod.-130- do do,'T ::::I•Tenkitor; lot scrap iron, Jones .& Deughllcel'i Ott keedlage; lalempblll ago; A oar /umber, J snsasis;s cars clay, 013331343113 a3rD Prrrsactaan R. R. June 12.-1 bOleNish Adam Dlppert; 3do oat meta. Seth. toyer &Yolikanip; 6 do !do. / .4 Recteluoar; 10 . 0tre. am& Behan' , &Ten Gordevlit dodo; li , Dsheal & co; 11 bbls not/d0e5...0 do ears. SalaCO. Pall, is tail chersa,Wmk Beek te. e 0• p dodo. Jli 0..E,- Acid: 28 do do, Doolittle 6. Peck; 100 bids dear, P 3 . 11111& U/ 0830 , ' • - V L- - ' • ....--,.......,. • ..III•••......- ...... i I - RIVEICEITELLICETCR. The we ' attifilmitiiiiiii‘deit,kiiit pliriaant4 and awry tameable tor ..nutditor _business while the krarliss bitt ' llettichauge. ) :the recent rams weer ot great value to the crewing mots, but we fear that there woneteholighlo It : eyeing material influence on our rivers. 4 There has not a single snivel from below Ilse • #ZI Ugh the AilielePtees e o4ol ldrten Beni- 0 :arcboth ftegdue. 'the Emma Graham, also, ought to have arrived her, on ' Sun .y dlght, lout* . trinn ber — nonwrrivid,- t /nay poi lamed that,* baii gone' into insister 1, 7 . 1 . 1% 1 1;k:ens =IJ. 5. teau, - both iaditiiiir up y aftersootu and would doubtless set of ! t r Paskershug during the evenba.. Business continues very dull at the wharf, both !receipts albileldpmenbr being verylight, and with :but little over two feet in the channel; nolmme ;diate impronmment need be expected. These la ;usually arise in June, however, ..ad we see. no ,remonewb this month Mould: be, eseeptlon .to ; The Hard Times, (*Lain Perry dlroirn, Mb , 11011121ted to have: fur Cincinnati and Loulivile :thmerseptog, She ‘ tifia smellent accommodations ;for pawed genc and below tit tight - des' ft, will go ithrough with dispatch. iWS/earn that Ulf Inn Otty Tithed as St, letubt , on ETU* last from Parkomborgewlih over sin , hundred soldlerf. site 7 0 3114 1.a1.+1 L4[4l tot Ws% dinars aMpttiellatgll; .. The Silver Cloud is somwhere between here and Cincinnati, ea rents;a! thlaolty e • . 41Lpft • Cliat.1rz T4I.LOIRS. CIrOT.I3I/1(.1 _FOR Summer Wear, FANCY AND PLAN CiAsaCIERES, - METROPOLITAN, KAZNEY, -- -purAwAxi, Ayer • • • - versiner.nr suit& Ina '4194 ; 0 1 01114.: Dnek Suk Pl4l, I' ?r!!!7'ff. rimrs , For and : Men ' . BLUO,ID.69YIN FLANNEL Coats. - LUNEN AXIMALiii TIT.: A FIT . CLAIR STREET 'VW GOODS.=•WSAREP NOW RN. A-1 OXIIIINCianI I 3OO4II , Summer N'Vr4tllo-.ii‘j 10,441 xa 9ive 6**414 u usiq9wllstAprie, ii4 - 4 - 414 - mai idiaset the wishes of our friends and the poblia. WO ate SIOO rOOCITIZSO lot of FINE LIM • ram MADE UP, Ara a °wows siumtom OF F"irs~Glasa Fni `.`..`-(~btte 7 H:EtNItY .G, HALE, i s . i.. .; t. 6 -,-; ' 2 i''•ifriii - Atiiiiiiiiiiti . i ' • • . . If .0 Nortr•wen , 1 01 Penn and Si, Oleir streets. • mtrer , - 'OR THE-130t WEATTIEW—Just, ro caved and. Will be sold at reduced pricer, FI MI / n 4 9 11E : A ` II Tt99 4 )f ATS . Best Quality. AMIE MERIN , r.LlNEtting VESTS. Mull" .Ta la aaz Misr DUSTERS,. - . together with the largest ihd :bow distainde,nl atoeleof 31.11118RILLES YESTIRGS lathe city, ; i; LTG A:7 a GRAY, POSSIEL ea RESE, Cagy Boa ' ) DIE 32.aat "1.1 car , New stgriaitirifftat*/**, uior Oast. cart Hal 4 Old Staad, No. 19 FIFTH STREET. Jee .I . ' 0 R . CINCINNATI. —VI:AA ~ -a. , 1114* sat- deoMracor Was, paisegger 4 71 1 4roar_RAWT/DIEB. Opi.V. ern„ leave for the above and Intermellate port., oa 'X VESDAT, 13,6 but. , Far gr eirptri oriapply7as bops, i oi to ~..... 3012 . J. D. UOLLINGWOOD, t-,—.--"" ,4011 x plawg,.• grin ' etßAlrint .I StOchitaiker#inditeal,EStalthigelta L-Z , ;:a4.. tilt/ ,r Stooks bought and Wd exitabliNlycc pasktols ROROMMEMOIIIO3I3EB.-40misphot2 B orgbu a va pst teollllttd M i 7r n el ori IDr Aotdlier FLlret 11106 ; ,200 HOZSEITHIM/AftLD CHEW., .1 Rex: j. M i l l . 1 GLAtiazenturrousas • /1 i -0 74m-100bbla mow is ikxra.. Par sale by P - ,z i - • - •1311,111.15010KIST CNA f .BANlT lza —AND 4 .ssjwypg . Tos Wx.ns • PM)" o' . 11 - u. I" - 7eXCEIR iiiMalint. I ~R !,;,,fit •• 200“ - , : ••• • nopri. • SU? FOR SAL • vaxnazai. Ara. rupacrunzas,liv. • • . • , • _ witou.a- inAvauvik wows I t. 9. xi: abut ii;oet: Antiftim;:- INIANUFACTURZR. OP OilliNTOOsoi 'ma Tow mann= asW.Oir Sinking - Oil and 'Ealtg:: Ina& • Patin's/ attintlea fa fantod t• 2I M . buo Wmama bt JOINTS, sop of. ed as tbs beats Poe wpm. TV? oak oOtbajoast also at Ur Weer Jaimisewl Sarin' i trEnt, a T trt i l l t glii2l a soy, oto win agree lath 004 Bilbao of Oa: alba obi it Ms otauflatas i boutog ow saw lomat STRAW ENV:TINES sot bloslato Walt muse to cola. . Pal,effhas box I?. •• arunnat POST rgons,Wu WOW to sbow ost wor ' E in ITTSBITROU FOLINDRT. !* Joier.x. /1110EIMON ' A. GARRISON *iti .CO . ; isecomon to apa...a f ailaiiiii " ami4Ronstiot Wanes' • M il f settm stiK ".. 14 'Brack Zia% ck,nok. 1311soketoln spow Boards,apo&attl i s e iv znhbes Wort* Ca Att u notaroltise,widstriZV, tyr abaft latrayor on taw sad ik itted to -• oder tot .nOttoo sad torclobto tenon 14a V 4 0161 . 11 . ,111 ,• 1 4 P lat • Pntaburga.v ouroßßEl , e, tasivrau iwrore , I para . itimo• Oitiominp, OILA XII. ifilini•Ohlr Wroth* for lb* Mit Sala; orating &Ups a oi n ks , st rasa ftnil4 a noes not Sit., • it to'erseltht. - F. - D. zorrautomp, • Fart Pitt Ghia Work% Washington Mont. .11, • • • , 1 ), • • r,Pithanunis. Faroe+ :LACE to/A74 . 41iD . EITEEL.,WORES TITIVMEGH PA. PARK, SROTHER 09. - . Niumuutwers of BEST • • 4 1 :74.2..trr titIFUIZO CAST =Ws. uat @Mai i n Octagon:o all else& _Warrant. oounuy. !a te /qua lto any Imported or_ saanutsetuteel_ia thl, air Mee end warehouse, Nos trend lit sad I*/ and to 9woap Rams, Pitt Dinh nose v. s: IfAOYITI ti:.a. inewirsa. lf . •. ZAR? IRON CITY WoRIEN. ." - 1110011ZINT0011,' 11.8111PUILL .11. co. Oorietof ELECEiuid 0MA.71.k f , Fumanti lirAiltirr STREETS, (24" Ci ta ' ter jatt ENGIIOO3, IttaiMival) GS .sad ?L031070 "rat tat=ormiZZaVi=3en.-Rdiaafei. SILVER :TED -711!!A! na.A.INrCrirJA.CPWC/Ntlr. ' RsSten, Cutora Ste., La snitible fo(the Trade - baud and ler ui*br *MIR a 1101313,. 225 math sth st„ PEELADELPELL aoal 1 . 111211.101 LOA OWL I'LL !JOBB B. BBBRON & Bt.ooCriD Zdriliza:ll2olloeLlXlDTlll4 . . . . AND IRON FOUNDERS, intioczad gilesitooas, ' • ." tee - - P 16,1111 raliaitTY srzsm-r- DEMI MACHINE WORKS' hNIf rouzinay., - • • we - Garda BI:SILDER AND M.B.VJEINIST, LAcood enact, between Federal sad Sandoz PL ildeantaeturer of WI GHTMA PATENT PORTABLE - -- OSOILLATENG SFELIII DINES, swung, Pulleys, ae. • seig:.lontotsaikladat Weeded to jei.iy " - • - .., • .Itesetradnia...tl7 - • ll!idtei Loa. SO Lesi‘llie L ere eaf, 111144 ti t llle sag Dever ZaNdIEED TARNISR, JAPANS, PAINTERS' ZdA Office aod Wrehouse, No. a Wood street. alLtedyd BEVERAIICE, 113 - Water. St! S Pittatmlsh, manufacturer of ROLIMATT 1113, WROUGHT IWlDAllocoosas mot rallf Pa=odoro= a =I2HTHRHARIMITTB jam or moa. awls coder at "bil native, ' A 400 d ofe co kiumAk - onl&fro r & - Mosneacturen LP/tiad- W 'ottani-Ow uumISWARM YQa n MANOWD- Irby Fik 0028 41.01-0.8110118: FRESH ABILIVAL,9I7 Boots, Shoes and Ceders EIMI 68 MAILIZET 'STREET. tom & Bona TEE "LATIOZEIT, • 40St i fkle6 Kand,b7 fat the cheer*. Elion,tion Gains gib Bangui To be found la - tbe any, Whelesele and Mall. Call before purcbmllstreleiwhere. P C) X t T44 I :S I 5 ", 4 .. sm yt er <m u m, joie inisoeddoor iom IttostNearruilx. 4til4B•:lrialut4al • z ~. I Iltesl rise Gibed Ptarseo Op n Bola. • do.' de.' do, - do. <- peds Gaiters: do. ' do. do. Balmoral and Oxford Ludlfll BMWs Gowen LL - 1 12 1-thattql• do, Mord Kid ealtenießld Battmorms lll W edes — Plne'Odpgrelm Laatjpgthitets." do. - do; um); tem. 11"1"d 162u,13,11,133oot,aadati2i0Talct" :.(Iklldres.!Bbsed of evininlltlln4 , l7 /LAW more sout4 Shoes peat i _____ irrßetmosiber the plies L N E ') k.1 1 . 1 M 3 1P , ..;'.6..oidir,c.n74odoci.X#4o-litinaT_ruthAtartmit,.f. :1 Itpur apcs.PEL. °,iint2iiciOulf 4 tirir GOODS! .4.tm , ,,,A.*itt f iattia the Pt hlla W* rte:;; IMMO, - . .-• • , L • I 5.•,; ‘ -.:-.• 1 ,-- - . ~.; 011 4 110 iSt :- I . • - , . . . . , itriwon heed Orotintving story-day. - • - i ',. by dOak mileage irrerpthlrot In the Shoe Mot trona a TEN CUENT•TO4LTEM.DOLLAIL PALB4 , .i.O i &elk le tor eleribedr•tikiall“ —. , zr ' , moo: 9 ederal tree • aid idicelneirlideek 1 Vexes roust the Owe,• efo,. 92 Mend street,* .•.• Filderel street,,./4114keee 13013 JAM War • ifOi 89 - - AILCTYST TESnmeter-_, --- Ina TIKE.:4/0 T40,142_5" elplOirys46STD Olija Or any !Mule lis piip . p4. - ' Ipliptiifrairititd spFuN4.:#,ric.;:sUmmt.Pm9o4 5 i P 01 17 1 0 1 4X14.4 1 / 1 44114,!W 4 : frr, , 4.• e.karoomotim. two 1%1 • : 3, •01 4 10 2ziS 1.4 IN Sas " a 0 1111, 04P4 1 4 1 r,2 IllE=l nrirt Pict: 130 n GALSTIA LEAD, brew.. . VAANZEZA Wass If A /-P: 44,kg. • lIM3I $ ll l O OOlOOO. aau'a'rv. 1885. , 1 6 8 .07.74geta •rA. , I '' .. • ilitE AMC MiLAID-1011111011. Agesoles la.all Alfa price' tt* Miles sad. Towns In the Vatted Stotts. boded tr i llteattons forluttesnoe ba prOmptly at. . to and Pollster inlaid toy' " • t." I A. A. CARRIE:It tk 3E04 ems.. ! • In FOURTH emu:ET . , T A B -.182'9'--- P44rBT U 4 Fiturigior :--;,-_- .- .-:: i i FIRE INSURANCE OOKPAn . PELTE.,AD - v. T.tilliA. Assets or7 . ARDArwII. MAI. $3,457,549 D. °spiral ''' I s' ll 'j. ' ' - 130,000 ocrood Praminadv. , ...., .. ....a. .......... r.V7I„CaI Tested Premiutaa.......—.. ,054493 mottled Claims moo (or 1864 B,4te pains Patel since 18211 . ' • ' • 8, 0 01,000 Accrued Perpetual' add :ToMPOrazT P Ol / 4 1. on 1 /%4 11 r• : Mules N. Raaakar. Immo L4M4 - - , Tobias Wamuir, , Edward U. Dab, Samuel Gran itr =air: i lea, • • I. ;Lom b IL VP L EI. . Fru. W. Lewis. " ' ' RLD p • - - CRARLEW . Pr.. ~ . . • EDWARD er..parar., Vice maideat.. . ' JAB. W. Dia&I.LD3T Sec. re. tam. tatal ' eornirWoOd cad Third Ants; FIRE:AND'.WatoIs 0 Teßm'' k ritt America. /Wets 174.5016 a. !Ffilrin) Fire . 1 4suiand! CoipPaiY. .441165.900. 1111 - P2roteetion can be wired In ale abet' named and relible companies. • W.' P. , JONES, , late% Havaers atdidingl, 37 Water St. IarESTERZCINIAiRAIWE COMPANY Ur TOE' ITI7SBUEGS" o.ll±ltßEltt iscr.. "" ry. Sr " Pre"ti oillotfo. "Amer dlaset, Span" 09. vs Warr tons up stairs, Pittsburgh. 141 a:isionl TOW' .4 44 04 of Fos and . Marini Risks. A Hem wraith= waived by Dfradora adhil" ars teen Amnon 'fa Om, canatunify and ebb aye ate. mined by 7r +a and biberWdy,ta 124bdaba P C =l "kki to at l iie tt'l lii:7o== l47ll4 1418 ... B. Mier, Jr., oy And Lakla, James Malkol, - Alosardai Speer, Hathazo.l Holmes. _ David Y. Loos. Ain. ?fimialt, . ' Es= .1: Thomas, Grorre - Dimile. - . = 'Ohs& J. Clark, • '',Aryill B. Kan, I Rl* B. AlKlriark. moo ~ . • •5hr:r...ta5er,6.240,37 CITTIZEITS MUILLITCII COMPANY %. , UP I PTITSBVEGH-01Hoe, - !order Harksf andWatesstreete4 attend Boor. • W. A. SHEPARD, Secretary. Insures Stesobbats end Cargoes.' • Insures anat. . lola and' damage lis tha emigre Hereof the Bantam. and Weateni . Htrera Lonna and Bayou,. and &be navWatJan *lade Saee. . .. lasarsomakAti!cmcandsuuta-brAze• ~ . Ikea - 'Hicii S. at Swabia , Johaindpson,_ . .., ... -"Jaw Park, -, ;:= - . ',Jame 2 1.:Coopla, 1 .43,1 . 0 tratas Harba w u e g n h. H.rJ , Hon T . H. Howe '. J o m . niJor.., t n), ' ,- . , Barclay Preston, , .. WB. A. Rm.... Georg* Biothus,. , , . .:::, .-,,7770,1311 r.oras , nistriumor.- 'OO3lPMft oane,7.El.toraerof Woad and VIM Ina viz An' ustritavii at cape, P. moms loba,. wit; • 'Emmet P. Muting; Jaho E. Puke; 0. Hasson UM • •• • WE. V Chaitie S.KEE . C JvhF. Kirk. harism .11itmor•- ; • aa , , jaltill a yarns, - John GErds. • : . 3 " oEric ' -E wArr"M 0m0 .P 7 rn ,,,,, 4 6.1 " 4 • ~ •N P/L OARDlCER.. , Secivtant,. - . Palad7 • ALLEGHENX 4181.1BANCIE 'COMA NY OF PlTTSlloll.Zo2llzpjfb:l7.F.Utt street, Itank.aladr. • • • Insure!' wane. sll Japas. !Lela DLILAO - 4010/14,-Prortilast:_ k at , =cur 1 . ~.:ru k" . ..rgti ii:' ' -•, '• • ii.1, 7 ,:= . ;:..-Itt earns 34.1' 0 ,:,' . = ind .. 43 lrirw . :,.: , 01,024ctw,uptio: ' :.• ItAt2.o". '' ' hala.' • WoODBIAS & VliUPl2‘ . rAItD nisea.zus two; Red LeaikAthazice; .Dabitol ll 4 Vandstits; Die Staff; W indow ( iii O and i tali, Splcet,Perfumery t Ben zolkDarbott - 011, as ALo ArYnta ror WintiterNwillicultrawa Paint., 1 'DMlitlfen :Wham Laid. 4.lbitetot OalrWhlt-• Laid, 'ad Esior & WhiloorN well:l4 , od fate* Drier, .1n .oss aid poead calm (oritosars vas crEPuttao licrrimo mssa9=A - ~ war* AzatpainAl4 itrittkEßB.l.iASlL,,:tcentA, Barink—laltei7-Relp3Vool 171 LOUIE 'STREET' .A . ...iiesii.enp4r4:ol.tar..,:-. th•F' -ttu 'Vt" . i . " llthafr4 " k4 ""uo' I gubtr.:wa— Nuthrwasi!vatTntterr-IA PMI sa -MOULDINGS- , add TNKS made to d and onstadtlroatiand.l Scroll flawing and Brooked, Assam. otatpudo. RODUON 0 9N 1 44 151 MENTIS: - NT! T Sae buslrlir/ed-Applea; ~ - - . 0 00/ Poundla-Olear oldest ! .; /000; doUoußtrygrboolden; 700 bsrrell Old „..setrdoseaArreab I . l a oo OxlPluithad; • •I . 30. , do r.l Ouaumpor Pickles la Glam;;; :r .10 do: - Kellog.a Pure . 1 1ttataZd: - 10 barrels Staple Sugar; : 12' do ' - lhled Peaches; . • • 20 . bozerfaerman Soap; so barre# Pore 111dar.V,qiattilil, 10 - do : Sweet Oldet;' • - di) Treoelftfurralgo,;:— 00 , b0a11 , 010 Hale/raft Uhrefet" ‘"` 201£amiliLltrast/101/a`Dtiad MoodllV/ El l llwonap Corn ?Broolaa; y o,b , ,„ ,4.w..tzorinumr . . , VUREFITUREi!AIiD. .A.F• .s‘glN::3‘2 41144 i; ra'• ~Yd fa OYL ERb Od kri, 4111 mill '" l.l 4 ll Thig,4?- 1 ` ". =s ' • small ?arum, ' n -a c t 1 • ;ANY:. ON 'OIL - coat.... mrd. Pioduocrs4_*93ll.4!!!4Amagoctut, *oils twos= sitmtpsmnto. - Oda tkiCWD shed, ?MU% Pa Efarft,, BREwEß;pmuct /to.: COMMISSION Globe, Pacific and tibertiCOG •`lPorirsl Pbazai eaah MlVtillOte =ids•c4• otgaiivuneata of Relined di Ciudi.l44 DuQinesigs war JCI~IY - >- um, Agaiut„oilazii , wezAcEA : allll7. Manna 11i - t , ORM AND kitISEDIEMOLIMI, *mimic,. kilt DEz.mt, '*fitOtajto inpselty quaer Prow r - fo;Bri* omen,: • atm oxeolten efacillffe* fOrilidWar to- Amnia= sod , Forelgh ports; at our 'yawl on the' tzar slyer,:nag Mk . Wigton:li Of the ,P..f9t- r ~ I boHARDsoIf;IIABLET ••leisimiirsiiric.p.,, . • „ 110.141:.ersussik advancei.on tbitt.FgliorEluitern Market.: " Pt . eusn szruissE6 -- Z ,pp m% J.S. Dllworth 09.,. Irthe'r ' Presi:Commerilal • QTANDARD &J. PETROLEUM :RELPINEMAY. CLARK & BU I R EBe ; Works and Otice, COLLINS TOWNSHIP. gltdee in Pittsburgh, M WOOD IMIiMiL These limits have. the mrseictti r it'. entry. •TM brand. stands the, la this, °nary snit - In • Europe, for quailtisnd fire test. the OULU Pt is Ina imm/Kail . td Wrath pripared tbrexpmt. — • snsfacturers of PloWafitS, STILLSTANHS, neMPHOgigt HOHIP(0 TOOLMor Oil Weis.: ONDED WAIDWITERa 08 Phenix Warehousing COminity," iots otALLT/0 ir. BALBffi9A fits.. Brooklyn.. lUllp=D PEMELOWpM, • :111 imui BstieL. Bu . apvinius. • • imie, No. $6 HEAES STREET, Few Toxic, B/ 24 / 1 mi. f IL CLAM , 11.. ritisbursb, FOR Dllii 3 4sw gonna:ex- mucirayri. AND DEALER IN OILS. • - ILLUMINATING, LIIORICIATRIG, , PINEOLSI3hI OVLS, m., eonsiestly on hand wad for. said at, the lowan' market Inked- Medic meats and orders oollsitotL syNitm idounemh 'AVM JAIIBBIB-WCN & CO., oii:Or= vitriol and Aqua Ammonia: c47*El No. 25 *25255:111T ,„, iisslau4sll. wiuirma • • rt. ilalte WARING do SING • PETRI:UWE 7 Alm irms - ntoDung odri..tir No. 33 NARNET ST. Plitototawb. jAmEs wrtmitts, , - • -, - , , dm ARD - 1111Fitilay , Olt s g -, pfiti Meek; 113aquesnee WaninttsVilti lint=linttetttion given to.the BAIA:AND F. oir.PSTROLEIIM, ead'AsProthicti. nsignments respectfully solialted._ _ _.. = Pitlnatuldr.Apensy •for.YINLIANOCV. PPG ANI NaPOISTATION.OO.32PANE, .. • ... .• - Sir POST OFFICE BOX ta. - WS- r - ', W .MURRAY - CO.,— C o r ni# llll 4i o a - Nerehanti4;, and &tilers in ORME AND BEFERED'PXTED. LETAX, B Mri2PENX;PA •,.; .., °.E f , . ST Extra WALDO for 4itorhig - oil end empty r WarthOusAMPOditVDDQtrltiiNE WAY; Milt Band street. Pittsburgh. aptsimd . . urcrat olitoAKe: • Di nF4 l dk 00, Saittrwtotinrces L "- F:grezVbile 1 4PRe4 ciPitqn us. iti7seiLtbitirry STREET WILLIAM TITA 111.1111_1: , AF / L r AMLT I e• Al l 0. RIM PELCRAVEREAY: 7 ! • - /6 AL ALVLT. 41kAt gfCY ,1 114. witercliauni, Bentlxit,i idam " • "liitMallOilsiblifttr-, , _ rittattuth4L . ATOCKB, _4 ,4 214 , gj Te pattembir_sumwoh &Gal of ' ALL xiirdt•iiistiaaa ileum?* all: jug • .; No; tMerOttirrtrabraZ OIL WNLL STEAM morns prigtateo to bumf* ENGINE! ' , ' ' !NE!, so is*:::a t ri or rot out ,Vaittnt,, OM*. 68,09.t1ada. .iiat - 41101! KOONS ppbthi•An:boaccommixone4 wlta Alm PO AL taw %Intl 11z:row' tox r WILLIAIk RE8,1111% letirt* sad Pittab ' QUO= - Wja: fiW P I ' . WCORXICK 84 . 10D350N, - , M t ATC:O. IEO rtetast 1NT.1,324.1a. Mt. j • - •^c ,liziNcurNArr, olitto itilkice to PIPES MO, 81CF1M5 sir Mute il lpft -wil / 4 far l i r t a i 8R1F1AL , 14 , 6,=. -49 taltil w aTe ,57 wade wipedsme etteorrion of bers Ltd Proprietors °Cell Works and Oil W mlablisd • poiatimouTiusa CoftD ,: i . ;SOFT VIII= , t" I AntericaniStgosl.4ocitton% _ v,, , A.J-7PlitigV 7.T °TA 1 AMORY'EENA`M Tz:ED SPDaL COTTO ni .m,. cr,TToqt ~,, .., r ,„, ? These thrudiatoWintiottod ofimportOrmukUlyi and guaranteed to memos St m arbi ii ma., -OoreitltattlOotteolarcand . . 1? A lm a& a 1 1 ,Trgr u ZT E ETAr a " 7- gitztotosy. - - aiiiipaimvAiiioits pogo ? : . i. ;.:.:Z,41. ri..a aatto.ll getZtatt littTh e ectemeithigeleatbeti t...,... ' iiiiiiiithiett , toin4Coidif th 3 t Z t " Vr7.*ftry..;.l. ! • • . W.)9 7.• • • •/ /al )G1149,,, IN4BO/18 ; , ,ZowAlarnpyiniwastraew • 1 4.* 10 4*fitig**1 11 ! 0 6 4 2 fL**: • • • • pidwitirgftrel..Lll47- . InariyEtwou.l • /1 MU sat COTTON URNS ,and audtle smastasatasssiosesistfith sisripj so UN rate of Ms per OMR ditalad • I,oo n L ilo AM' VOLT XlMiLip ti Max sa store ana tor ode Nslliin SAPS* - GROWempai lanantrez. a r-T 0-JA#E-Pirk, • aretelitint; - *ID' xi Ilpll3-Wltor,r P.URdFIAS IN-41 lAO it Sri" • .Itrnsinnitenire,..r: Dealer In Flour ..Drall4. Se Dattoe, Moor, sal it PanteProtloota., -Basibmade nab. ET..ol7Reraresolod) away* on 0ame...414%; Prompt attoulloairgewtoorMiimimiante sae tioneepoodernm:- Woakly Pelee Otaraats aoat-tO, Dpartemom Orders AMlL.Vonalipmamma atiteDieh er-rtzpOtoro . B:z givnißcor. alluding *Rotaiin We. ae SOUTE(WATIat gr.;, CHICAO4I4 Otis medal "mention ti.mulditailva. JlTour, G-ratir,:. iProntsiont; ( ' .For Eastern aocounL ow. T. irsownr. le, AnnieON VD. aal. p;Trreso LAMES JOHNSON. • JOHN Su PANERSON„ maw 00. 4 commpanioliWthrelsants ; Pto4r, 'Wain and' ' - •' ' GENEPaLPRCiIIIJOEIDEALIiiii, • lea oso and -SAS PSlilq ISTEISET. Seott's New Building, opposite O. & P. H. H. yrs': k[R44. Firf Co OTWthrtilt WiOte Ott, Atitcriek Ettrniare 11 . TITSVOGGarrA• tv GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS' For the lourgun of attAlomallkixtds. * =, 1./K.lo'lllr to SLIM • ILAN. destets will Had It to their advantage to comospond fir m, fur sik yrs, hay p greater taaillttu tat ; _tome, 4334 puttlng:s9o4l4to thin wilt Eattem ket; tltita *oat ostaq 4 , l,trs tatti.ity. Th e - cticir nOtteggeli ittrAntrAtgizmuired., , „ CUI.tE ANJ.pR, C42)Xi liSSiOn• Me're4allt43, N2our -Grafts and Produce 92slexoriD I ST, re,ax! !roodAt. j3mittteld, 1.147 . •-• errrsataulia. aos: elicaff ..staxasir ..a.anzrA4 TOTTErtiATEMN-&-BRUPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - • Batter,Cheimo, ire , sults, noar, - end - Bosilatitte Potatoes, . _ tpad produce generally. No. WO LIBERTY STREET, fell 3 OPPteRe Paxlenger Depot, Plttebnrgh. W. W. J01LDA1,..19. BOLLISTBI....J. B. I.I3WILL. JORDAN - ZOMAIbTER & CO, - II Commissiots • Merchants, ecr the . gala or-FLOVE, ILILT, GRASS SEEDS LARD, BUTTER , EGGS GREEN AP. BLAB, to., &a 284 LIBERTY stasis, rat& burgh. llefereDve, l _, EiliA ketifiar.:PDAlburthi statAl•sr &vie.; Prttaburch, -• • .* altudyd • • • • 4b, . „ Nos I 03.41- 2 Diaxaand, • - • - Frrrsatrnatt," • - WILK1210:LIN1114%. .(Suanasson TOLALICECYMI 7IrKiO7I:MIL-:c115•• Cll4ll6.*:riT o PrOgiOto and Itereavd; ::1.1:17'.N0. 35i,tat4itiit, inttabuxth.... D9O t L i; ITTLI 4T PEGS, , * S. *iCL. 13 titutral_Ccibitlieidinv,MerchttrOey Nos:oval:141o, Water:dtree Pittitgagh,Vt4 the silt, a jerour„o4ll3., heimpsi:Buttaa Dada lUDs PradDaaas aid Atlanta of an All! order* 10$ Orads,o Off 1;40414'i1i 07ellf 114 , . omdinaiiiitssobeit44*. -, r,.. - , isaii4il , - . .. .. . Ltzsiire , 'maw v,is IOtALBLEY & VAN 'GORDEN, Produce -.LA end •Colconisslen Dierchants; Warehouse, No. gel LlbsZW et., Ptttao Pi. Wholeaile dscul, _ ens In: Cheese, Lard„ /gnulissom Beens,Talloor, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Home Inn DrdW Fruits, • Green Prat* Onlons,Flour, Glide, Mower Seeds, Tlinoth Seeds, Flax Seeds, Gan:mane Poultry.. attrogout/Ten to Produce Consignments. jets . . Lrrri.t.,isAgn.var4elTo2l;l6-01-i. . sale Gram Cow Salon Witt:Lats. era In: racunioN, CARBON AND ''LARD 'OLL, /NON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON TARNS, Awl' TIC& burgh ;mm,v t=7,l aeaßaD y a to mad ltt Second :j01:11T 33: 'O.SAFIELD, Uoxiirelsidow-i43 rohnistin Mt:rasa imeWheleidle diiileriln M CREME,- MIR I. .. al 7.143111r.i. }WM/FLOUT., rrisa mar .''PEART. wrung sa.r.lnLi-EAM , M ) ci al TeratH 7 elfin.: id ill- let : Lea 'figeet, sazr ' P'& SELEPA3II),: mission' —chglats AO Zaniest :1xi..191L01111, ; P ODUCLE, SaLlbertOtreet, Pittabura, brands lf.f. rlouicror Btkerf. "and Ass Paastaatlysiti land: pirtlauLsiAtteOttop!Pat to tilling brawl' tor Nengliuglizeiteneraltr FETZ*R4.:"AIaiSTROiG,. POiiiii ...an& ComtillidairNtrahanuarlot the sat• - o FLOUR, GRAIN BACON. LA8D,4171:2f BKEDB, DRUM ERII/T. and Produoa Awnedidi ~ No 1$ atraat,aannar of Eind,.PLCI 0 Pensia.., " • iwx BE.9,KA / 11 ,0135•Ll*,rty litluiPlUShUrgh, Ythriiisslis tliuse%_ , ..43amialalosi embark_ Is, and deiters /3017ErpliYi PRO1)110E, PROV/8101.1111AtIDN LARD,, ~ B LITTiIIt, EGOS,. .P zi lff&P/104 1.01.108, PLIDUR,-Clatelbr ; S AND' DRIPa..PAIRTBi.IO. SAW and Agte: .601.25tAszsC • .. r. ware} ..,SeIf.O2iLLIKER . :-1: 1' . LAtiG oaAki ErAurc,-.orestrco, 4. .ttai en crou t9. PlifrVlSlDlCS- VLSH; 0112=, SALT, CA,RSON 4,0 a. 172, and 174 NyNd titreet„:heyLw;r7.7 Strft Pittsburgh, Ps4 i~FlidiY. .; .„. . GEORef .E...!1!)1,t1D_ .191iMEG/rICSIZO/Litj .miazGAR.. grocersand Com-t '222l2lnntLeriiiinti nr idsdat4 (NVV Etqlt a 37it 'u tA h o t xt b A r ta t bee cl ‘ql ZZI IgneArrat!hurgh. _ 622-ly T. RZTllltn S JIXTXID2....W*. D. I c i t . e = xsu 0•30 *zoo' ItAnd6l . 6oAAßMlesalo Dealers 103 WREIU-N-111131W and 221PR2;§LCION FECTIONXIM Sir= Yir°4l4l"• bp7.126 and'l2s vt2w%bovs, t•Ial 01 , W.., ,ALL Ai aCßCcquanssicn Merchant. , l.and&Alec hPL4IIM6 BAIh No. 343.14rttmePygerteMTIZTa4 Wgtcnoaee~ corner Wd Penn Wee.% - I ,°7 ne !! fer , 1 T LIGGETT* CO. city FLOUR .I4be, RA 4 Ad" itfttPittabiltgh, "`" papacity r 4oo bane); • lONA WAM,..., . Jon* Mined/' Ntrm ., k-WaSON,-.:Wh O es a l e /OXOI V V cers;domm.fisiliiis Nerd:dual, and dentin's. Produce -nd—Pltlmt,sninktraokdos NG. 1 LibertkatreetiTitu ___._ W7Lr .... .. . .406: aaaerarmo %IKiRKPATRICILA :BROTHER "su eiddiers •to: ansonva MO: that, "wHOLT4 SA.LE GROCERS, /Tow GI lad GsLiberty stmt.; J.A3188 ,DALZELL 80X,-Manutc. turns at LARD OIL, and Commission Moo; aunts fortinkpnronsse ind 'sale of URUDRAND .rgRQLETIZI,,Nos.O Anti 70 watet 'motet, ?mimeo. iditanceicipade owsousigat I B EES BIVAREHOMV,-EIENRY-311 VOLLLNEObrwitidingand Oionualsidonliteri chant amide/der OUIESE, SUTTEB4 LAKE! FLSH, end Produce genera/1h no, ZS Wood ot..xeeti Om. Water: rittgitindt.•:, -InYa JO= 2.- 1201161 L— ' ' 11.1212.1.1217 MOMIti _TORN 1.,z110118R? "4t.:13Q., Wholesalci u _ aILO,CLERS_AND COMMIssiON ZirER4 CHANTS, corner • Smithllleld eAd_VirOK.4treek Pittsbusgh• ' -1 .soirsr? zuitzraxw 4 _ . 4 _4 4 4 . IgkOBERR..DALPL , 4 *** .o 0/e4 ,15GeN 'COthjILUSIOU 0;1 ForwatlM boot 1 5G ftlatts harodtwetuutTittab Lt4mailbo4l.Y Weer, RittsblartM 0100.711.0 TD ndE t EZUSO. Wrilterered4 '. l ‘P d 228 Libertl EMU. Arti7"lB:l""lrfr 8 'L. *CIILDW ' try: Csacce . sb , to:Rimialioluia r 00,, PORK s•ROJCSRiot doollerla PROVISIONR,• sonow-oilLiaksiaol teat MaustafPuteßingt.in j ttrafi it o ,Lib to erasty streett-Pltabutautilmt -arAtrgh, 6marr and MO ea Z an yele --.o,Pattaburgis.o. nt ai k iov_EßT, ar4.=,aLw.„ 1-p2ilAll I)Wg e C- * 7•R jMMAIt,%'I'IW • Nmeil,,RPX , , - WED:i - L8826148 ' onOCZBI Ifa i d 00.4 stratiMainz, 'lB ~'. :76141221 Ey, NARMPit r clan the after as 16 me m lieltax:-.94004W q oi Depot ,, li It EXPREtardally tosteptSanaii, . Ateitemi -- . to .1 etelAAtecOhitha al CAW*. 71 .,,,,,,, „ .......4.,,..., : . ..r .* .',.., 'tot Nestr4 , l7Se a ply, NAM A ONAArtaI9L 0 daYi ..at a.* 4. ;rd.. 'Atopplue, 'it *t - =atadone-betweea Altehan,..,,,...gartri, :,..', .'vreluenleaeoan,L4un, -- -zwittu v" - - *, 14, ,, Pr e tatet pri „t h ßia t k a , m a .. seitunday,st linrOppinirAJ,. iol , 4_ Aft„ 4.. Atte station between. mentin.W-rmase , - andatisimmamection , ith tratekOnAker entire oiresionTLll..nollinand Qiaataelda6d Utt i • 4911241,,10WN ACK)6IIIROIfATiOrt; dalp, elf "=^ mtSmulay, at too p. mai morph:tar etelnlar ett, eib t& betwe ira rit"it etet l egr "n MCti t aa eal rgt ; :: :-n % 1 4. s }hunch and Wert'Pezintri B . Re ''...' DEMPIIIII. EXPILIZS; datiVrit CIS P 1„, nt.,ldayphx- oat , Latrolle, tiOnemaughe ilallfinen t ; ,- Al _Hunt on Lewistown. litifflln, News -,, gtowa, - .71t , , 4104 .00Allatippl Wil min fcr-liallinorzt, ashinFina alidWenr-ratt.. at Rabe:aphis, for sew Your. Bosuns, and Intebt gti e fi l iters Tittab Sill up ei glt a i2 a orei t and.riewychri t hi .. ! Allentown ratite, _ • . ,_ , • ;EAST /ANN , ra ni., stoppinconlY7rokonan= . ' L =L a rtitt ms, Huntingdon. Lewistown. Mittlini Newport. . Marysville, Harrisburg. ltaltittletown. Alltanetn, Won. hit. .roy..i.:aimissuie. banotater, Ana DORA* UIitOWIL At Hattlebtaf ocuthismanne aft made iota Mew Ttelti Hansom auedtfaahhertionAt. PArkez.l deipke, foe, W aF Torl4 PC 4 44 444 4afanaatiatil r: FreslVY' ' - " ' suit' , 7ribi tieFiranhitAat* ' da y7l - (iireept Sanaa:Vat tab cam - , •- , ••.;%,.., Lwow Aotaapp, m eittfarril*,, ri slaty * ln, *I -1,1.1:14.1i: ' 411 ted d re l etirmVatioTtlial- - flir WWII 1 , , :_ ,1 ' Opocidakt_plc,cpotuutii_ Ast.. l s.2Zav‘. '''"", , numb, n.atlon - ziamtee , trilPe • • I i amdailar SW,._atUa gAOSinta fPffytk'Stat , 4.7 ~k' f The. lakeL , Trelitigav,eete6ll4 it:smu t 4 0: 1= f : St= at: cce.sow; rebinTopleathin , pit , - •x , -.'" —,.. .., 1 Ititiiiblag T rill O ia rn# l , l Z lll 4,W4l . lfOrtelni . Filt Lilt''' " ' .6. a.. .. . . .": .:4 .... r A ... S.OO liallb - Mat VA'a 's Station Accommtalstioe:',..; eSei S. in. .: Penn Aetofilmodatletu...' .1 - ... ......................... nil WalPs Station accommedotion- . &DOW , ohnstown Accommodation Maim se Wenn& ARM Jiliai x i,..4 . 7). Maj. Ma Limon, Maidens ' 140 p. In. • }Palm Stack% A...,,..,, . . I.ao Lai P.M. Phut deWs Repine - ' ' '.i. - ,... Itho p. in. cd ....r. wsiPs -Statlon Accommodation La p. am paw-save Train • ' Ina p. ra. L ... An Agent or the Excelsior Omnibus Company mu cia , tioncitremeh train before resetting:the :kepo take up,meam and deliver baggage,* any - part o tha atty. Mum rtissioAtennatreet.44o day kW night,whare aditestars Instils anovermeiti timamatert sat beans waif rectireldnaint I ItattnnOrtimpreltsivill arrive vilitt' n iMopreas atnanp. m on Mondays; • ..,. .. .. ~.. ~ . i PIOT/07.....in eaatt/oi lon.- the ,te 3 C . Mit If, lioldrissametres responsible for pree _. ~.bamiage Only, sad for an amount not tOO.- ... ~,, r • OH At the Penasylvin' ta , Oentsalatailromi litalonreniamtv and Chantal:WAX c a • :::.s: Altirlt prrnauattk_r eoa wions ! - wArzgr. a. OruciigA BILELWAY - AND.. OLEVEL AND li. ..FrFrig^ , ... . EiltanitEß , AßßAkl2l • '', • On and after , May 10th, mm, !slimly:111 tithaiii .I.ittlitringh Chkago. hut& Whimanow nivesur..-...siir t itaa a.m. .2.10.X.rii AlCae3r..7 Etpre5a........r.00 p. m. 4Ad p. m. Fa trac: ... &Mt p: ni. '5 ~...... . .111. Ball 1.. 7.00 a la : .., i litivklait For Now Castle and Erie 8.10 a. m. . - •.,..e.t , Anive at Pittabingh sar —F. Ft , W.. ....di - D. Raliiiiir. 990 a .a.., an p. m.. a.OO p. m, 7.60 p. in, flap p.taik c4-1,,p. R.rpg ~..nlil a. nu. aAa inm.aliohl A a..,;ACC0XX0DAT10.,",r.:! it , ,e LeallrßibilDuhig- ~ 1, - t ,-. , r . - .........t. ~F f... - New Kocher :Bev, .1_ _..: ~... Brighton ' tar. .., Dulls, Imam:dal r '''''''''',', . WC& m. Ltap.to. &AO p.m. 1 .0.70p.,14 ,NOIRpt, at' 1 ii.60.: 11 . , • ... . , ;-... ..... .7: ..1 . 1 1 , 1 ns , v./maw -...: ' z.- •",. " . - a',,,, .c.r. t :t.:' .' , 0.4,.... •.' .1. , - ' Ticnintigrimp.v.--,..•-,+1,-1 Arrive it Allanhany....P. F. W. A ' C. Bathing) 1.15 0. W e il a. , tri.; 10.25 I. in,' - SANTE oi. UDR l 6: and ~-_, .... .-, ,-, a _ D'EXBiaII•PABAELD, Titbit t. , ..., < • ' inraroaststion, • , • A. tg# 43 AßßALßlaßlr,,Tlikililypai.. to 7 , P 16., ' - H.R. nAnatEi.Chinend= Asept , ri.r..n.„,„.„ -- , )ITTSBURGH. - - Al'illaiwamil A. OONNELLSVILL RAILROAD. . .... -.'..'.:,.. •Te_.- .-- -•..-, :'-r.: 1 . .' , Fi!.` . - : i - - WIRTER - r ARRAUEME/a.. ...`2 1 _ !. 06 ladanarlilOND.A.lf, Non 141884 tba,,,,,._,, streets,ve the pati aoraet 131',.:i• .iiPil . .nll - , as folloara: : ' ~-, -. '.'. ''' • .. • . ,_, .::-, - . Zaatali i Tao a 1 . ‘, 7 , Si • -3)!•-• ~i, p inibm. , „ Ab , g , Mate sail from ral?niort.,7AS a. sib, apo p, a. i IV 'Express -' • • .ii'.. - i N - s - ,top. - Ja: - lioo a.,AL Elm Maßteiliait,'iciinzeir: . .:tliol .. ml , too a. vs Second ~..t „....,146.P.,P, LINA in. - ' Fual Rtiiiiiloik , a ~ •- ,“" - , •:.: ' two a. in. , ox a. nu .-Nit second- - 'L . : .-. LP. ini ... 11 .4. 0 10 11 .• Sasiaa7;ob : Traiii° " 1 -- ~... i ► Awn At • ....•.'.;,..'...,,' a ?:liw. , -. .oiff s.ali 0 4 ort . 2 . 0 r tuketr Ft. w J. w. , }3. . s .. To , - trT -...... s : pe,,tatio ; .:_, a m,„: I ,1 . - . . 4 . , LLISITIO2M VAI.I , " , ".....-.r...Er a 21.1X•110.&Tht• tttarros•cu imp l y tlitlvftttur folio • all m. -- ,l64,TV'Eri.i. 04,1iMmo My:m.lOAX tol. .. arthlugAM - Icl .. Air at I "salt.' immoillra. taluall‘ n itik.. 1 4 0, 1 1 .". spl, as , 2ll4buzA 42. julits ''-'3oanussis .- iltax:W-r.i. • inttabforn_irli .. ID Mill= _ Ilt iltub . at Llikgs.l:et, '.it • 14 - 130.11.1 z; . Its mmirAgitts• ' ' e&yorditotoktnyftilire2lo-151iMovISeds Works at 5.70 a- tarl,Mr,gattfia , 'WIMP,' ,I‘,•••Mn4ls ism. Lems . 304Amigt itilMl_p. to: -._ . natt, r, .; 7. - . F. WATGRIT 811.1*TballaCIU26 . O'ma=". roi The 1,. Nnita,) PAINLN. 1 =gad home.P. UNU thia el n 4.1.1 ILIO UM venal, at ., .And LOl, li6ol tie. ____, • Otertior-..ua P •,aasolegraariAaa...... ... _ ere et, thia line are.ipullt la ti , ; ettoatect:Weiwies• laid faxidth shale* me= for o I lie fa aloageot totT . taw bratedOliplier.Saillow P .lealriat Ltivosoci lor new Tack twice alifecti talk!'nftig Lceocexpeiketaa leaving o n ashen -Mos obilw lot TaPiCottV. have long Overawe , ' _,... pte9' totor.mwtra=cow...oo.=zs. . 1 ,, LI sfestinent lib= inx Want: = L g tlitkirtiA 'lsbir Vil Orleedettnatec eat by 111111 7_8 1 ,Ilir f' ealW ime t l- ra t lMA i r=l7.4 .' . , SMErrj:FEAVA on all pilotiltßoptabv , :.' i t th e kii ii it , 4 1 , i ~ ~ , ~, _ 2 .. v, ~ . 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It 03 -'l l ' 'BW il a . • '7., greasers 'alio 'Wier te .. . • N N ttIAweAPTIMPs kO., i it 811 9 . 1 -. i dekaia. 1".1111" "P'elleqhmenteella ft!'": 6- 14. , w f a s g's 4 9411,b , 0%..4m ht :‘ ;LIZ - iatafur, — await ..- .Oz. e If HARD -D11119.,i-litainVlTs...ll.,• •::_-•.-.l.fitzErcpPAlclo 9 ,1 7/ 0 474n7i.7., .. Nola ,adixim warrant la attalfm7l. NEW ZOREARkleoltlaseilr.. l ,!, .17/02LtS annetarmitt44-; . miseuta#l!ifzeit. tram= ataactaa; inasawar • „,. Ptaanno "At rilitr--4400)9e: ',bro. loss 04 wsc • * W 144%04 . sfr , 170. tel ; i n akiTaadM l 'AtAtat 11 •tilt - Dinianvin FAMT - 41.1IDAttn . DEY.:OOODB,- TELEKKlNocaVircwor a *xi" • vrea,A Au* J. M. • B IMling i tp GIS .altolestile Retail _ ervi, AND PAN- ' • tr, GOODlR atuir m.i La" rstiggfiltlA,ll"4: •irt; JOBEIVSIMIVMAiert4 00 99c9 14 . VrAltr i rl 'V N liiii. i -- ~.. +.2'l wit74Mr . f.firnitir. ,!..t, - • , JOSEPtf. i i atai tligl inax Dasgla old tba etzlaimsolle96llll/44
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers