. I • AO 4==lll llllllp . . . , .. 4 '4;• - 4. , - . (..j..,,.z..:..,.-.,7-;.•.,,. -..,*; .. ! ENE - She VOttgit gaztite. NAY 5, 11155. arClaratN 00.‘ rat, as . 312i.100411Ceirly, NIP; . 4T$ At« IPlttabeir* imarfa+e6ir~d In PAZroams - wit atria; ts w. Oetlastione matte allparta Vitas Vatted Rates. "ay sad sell at taarket ratan 13.15.11 per east.lBll., Boadsi • -.V. S. do. ft do.; . V. EL II pa ores. Certificates Indebtedness lir, V.8.7.n Treason, Pietas. - 'bay also strl and SELL ON oommassior; = bra York, 'Philatalphla, and Pittiourgh all kinds •of Goveruatiat 8•0111itleS, Sala. fiends. 0010 as as . MANUAL :AND:CORNEICIAL . _ 1111136121Lbi MID BANICEMW - BOARD p7lsenntairr zosmosorqsahm oall Oran ntll. boMis AUelamsoY Valley B. R -40011lie4illa do et no_lat- 1 , 11 do - do do lat.,. .I, IP / i =g l atlonal Ban nv it lie B. - Ostambla-- -- 0,50 Olf.Badtilowitk die 1 0 . 120 ' Oil Omsk le Chem Run CheerralassUantssi. • -- 1,00 TWIT beery& Cherry,lrsa:....—... 223 f, —.., Xeschakta." ........ --....—.• Massy gun 03 ••••• 1,03 L its r t;lk Pluab'sg- : —..... lea WittAbwg I.lbarty 1,10 ="" ' 1,13 Weal .. 1,70 liTakes .Lubrio.- • . TlttstoPm: &New 1,15 Eonseyille . • s'eo nimmtatiikavtgatom 'O4 • /hoax.. . 114idtaintritiCirofen7ntiO....-- 4,15 neronr - a 4010 U.S. 1 , 51, . - • 1101hases Columbis ..... . No do - Central Basin 405.012113enp0ns - • IMO shores T.rr, Story m (Mall .11 (told rose twOpereent. from lowut quotations yes*dstf- resting at clove of Bank hours at 'l,43 , Mut'biew York. Pittsburgh rata about 1,42. It la stated on good authority that the Clowelludelt is not - desirous of a Bather decline in gold. Represent ationt reach them from New York tad other roma% that any further decline at pres . ent will bringruin upon many branches of trade. stadessionsly rmact upon the National receipts from . tatoomet and other sources. Theme representations Meshed their erect, and 'via. said that the Trees : wee would prefer to set gold,adrince.lightly, natl. ' et than fallfrom present rates.. . • The Stacie. Mani is heavy, salea inmeased what in number, but without aail . mprorito; ¬ fa market rates. Sties May coipons, reported at 1,44 Columbia 011 -Bands 1884 I,tOK There vas • fair attendance at the Stock Board ... this orieslng,bot the transactions were remarkably lighl,l„he -crest (majority of the audience being .11111111 Of sellers. The most p(omlnent opera, this o4r,lie evening. ran • Ueda of 600 sham of Pittsburgh 11.17eie York 011 Stock far an equal llamdmr oftilierii 9 'of Tarr, Steil' k Maury Ran. Tair, Start it Marti 73 .100 4," • chemrlius &Pittsburgh ...—... 1 00 109 The 0111erlags and Ms were as follow - at ELL !Weld. 03 1 30 Ml==l=l Central Basin.... (Many Klituo Blood.— . ' Mem Rua Ceutrat Mani Ern ac Pit Onlwabla. Duck .... SUM 01/.2 Zidotado • lasissaeort 1 is .I=unt,Psizalatn:—. Oa . 213 . . . .• . • YaMmay tßterty .1 1 00 IS National aeLam storing- Ohlo - •" Oil Basin, of Philidelants. -a OD ou tseh. ailhezryhtun....:..... Boil 4ln - ' 25 IPZE Whitely Creek. 003 • Wq tiliethefollowlug from the New York Ttmes, el -Wohtesdam The °unto= Revenue of the Col ted 14attajorthe damlyear now drawing to 'rte chortler estbasted by the Secretary of theTrects. sly, Mblehanual report to Congress loot Decoct her, at eereary.two oiidiose to Gold Its had then . only the actealrecetnte of the tiritquailei of the. Yeat-anlY3,llol, to renteratm 10, 1884-es the beats of Ws talerdatloo. ..These receipts were 011, MAD, shins, multlplted by four Wedlld Italra .111. thottred an estimate of enlgnshee o for the . year, ee agar et fBB,ootooo bold "Interest charge for the year on the funded &Mb:ids/IL • Hut Mx, r eases den made mimethandue a/lowance for the appro. headed falling OS through the second and third querairs;sind even for the last quartem.. As ten mouths of the Fiscal Year ";hare now elapsed ' producing at the port. of New York, 1110,601,01, seHtal, on the Oroporti a t 4,03 per cent. of the whole, to &total of ggi,likooo Tie the ten: months et eltthepocati, we amp:knitted In believing - GM Um StMelvin citheate for the }tarMidler Sine aO, will be esneededtry from *into eight Willem Ia other words, the Customs receipts, la Gold, of - the Amidtm fromenktro;oootO 810. 400,000. The iounedtite Improved look of the-4m," port trade; and the prospect of a truths/ - ,tacrease an the pursuits el fence are restored to ihiSontit. era Stator might, author/es even, 1. larger esteals- Ul The following are. the customs received to Go'd, and ((old-Interest paid out at New York the aloe eflite - Tri 'stay dice the tegtesise!af; the eurnittliseel Year to thelst gay Instant: .bastents Eseeived.i Gold Laterrit Paid. 41,666,646 -.. 61A- t-,000 - August 8,207,144 August- 2,1111,714-. .132=2"-.'' • .tl.l4llit; tummy November.-- ate 4, 0 i2, 650 'Decemberri-”.. • ei -. • „SAM.= - "sw t litr,tte MN, -- 'ff spoons -6,0*166 163,1e7 eet6l: '.1..646,40,416 - :Balance ear ned"lnto - May.-----•—lMl,Wlet Tothle we MeY add at lama sa,aoq,ool- far May 41211 Joao at New York, calor ill the ports 11111,- s perliWprivedlng W/10333433 tiro iCtold Island charge upon ttoranded Putdle.Dcbt of the Milled Mates will 00:014,01.1031, abut every rest_ as tehelhprithat the Ousteles-Revenne for the: yeas willamedsrebly exceed eashisdred Matiens its 0•41 , 3 t wee enri,ooo,o2 o the year before - thelprer, eat coin leirersialeot Tariff duties,' and with no trade with the thilithern States then la.lanzieo. The folloWt einaperitive stateeulat .41 Ute traperte (avalasive of speole) from the OM .stf: flevel:lfOrkto hirelpt pride for the week esMeg Jgapkileinalime Jemmy u - ISM . • lot the week. 112,4MArn Py.tt,o34 MAID= Pest!. tapntld . "SWAM 61.641,40 in,t13,02S 114001. :.el tw-eet,~aa 419 1166. 00 , 01 elfiA l , l a riTtellef tsar .. 141 , eyr York Grocery Market , cr irrei*AhOComatembil List, May Soiter- lir further fall ter Oold slams Friday, r wttliidtsopoetry,,,Pgiteaning, arid mare dlepose Goiter the, orrket fdr ,lieW has ',peen dn. precut. sad mires have farther falisaof Mil)i of •cent"T Infoglog Yea Eatlaiat Cuba to I'M, • .--415Ceeltue,.0.0od do to 111011%, Fair . to Good OffintriflNVA GI, Priam to Choice do 12MOOM. Yoram* to trae:, end Um same La , bier 10010 'losing dult-our Um -our beteenttir r above than beow sword TAILIAI• _O4l l / 4 IS s little easier- l aird, Wi l estits ; ,113,10iSat t end 174 Willem . Stuart quote GM; Crashed, t rolled ' sad Granalatoe,GH; W 1534; and,,Tellow 0., our. , Tae sales of HAW-Pati: before our wit-mann tads Guba at 1W,4/14 cents; Olsr illseleeyeetekrt 110 bbla Oluilied Martinique, Its aaPorto il160.1118 1 6; and 1003 efts ‘llWlasa, 160:11.5% 4 aloe. Ter.There LB A fait 4flitt 0 of activity la theme! , - holders generally are arm At previous primmt We settee' eto) bt shuts Green, ROdo no r sedered4aPent lontrit oo Oolo6g. Bonds* the atiove tt wait earrently _reported and asserted yes- terderthst that thlreargo of untanned lapse, *We, per Veloreade, was sold In bond, but we r scold Wet after dlillelet inquiry, amertain the. the tmlwereit airily consummated. We have revised 4fteretpotieGrall for All ,desmiptlor • to conform, as . I .ames as may be, recurrent mires. • Oothile-Wa notice continued activity in the alas. • with-an. admirer of half • oeat in oar gold quotation. Inotber deseriptloas there is, Wale of coalequenea nolo/. The sales elm* 141.- MOO bap Ma:lm% Hereasate, - st. II) trete, I bend; 6003 do per Gum Tilt, 4116 do per G. . illearraml, anal 110 per iii.lotsoas Al p er Garment*. And 101 l do pang amely All ..oa derma net trensplrai. etbsr sakes are Moe muds Java at Gamier M andla. basitigslaNtr on. Aerate we 414 nos leasacttvit fa the iztliktelsoe earrest. but we Bailee ens partlauler, plum _eoet-antl qualitiss" con= Slane scams rod wanted, -and Tor Uwe NU priori are realised, 'stn melee, are,l6,C.ead 1 04 Porta Rico at akerin centiu. Gan Stiles and 6$ = tree Onballiar.olll l / 2 ifecn,a/1460 -ftworli,etirisidieshliii:trMaese la the had pima Pepper sod Pimento tante). wood.' - Sales too esserlee. t Nutmegs at -id seats; %HO botb;grad; OM air 054015. 10.111119:_eareferife..1,Natseses,10,10, with; *O3OOl 41 ° 4ad im°lo6llPlT,Pe!', Boron, oft terms wa did 11=1;eir is i; iasia Ing .. forward army thedesdars for emasseamart oat itudedmag , flea Out heads; 102 teurs itangroon seta at lis,isA 4114,116 gold r yLbentli do, ltfteofplie and ler " 0 1 WPM 40%4 curtsy, duly pat& -._ DAILY litatfilitif • PITTSBUROS ' - • Tnuassoar,' .. Mar a, 12133. note has bees sallow features in . the aemorat markets taday, - sfarethr SkepastalasUeir. Thad,- masa for produce of all kinds mahatma Teri light, being: reetrtetillibiba tolikediati rants of commis. as, aid pieta; as Sgeamal thlaa,remsin notula °Mini--Them is 'au - °easel:mat loqulry for • Wheat, aadtlaolaUons may be glean at 11541,90 foe prime Red sod White' from Mace. flames eon . tinsel Tei7 dell. Sala oft eaiNo. 0, Ohio Spins. at 111 . ,00. (Writ Is quiet' arid anahauged; prime ls selling at 63.93. Osta—sale of l oar 'at .21; and asto lambs, ln Mom., at 'LOCH—The deminfil'or thie . commodity (c011at.... llat.... lei y lfght,and the market is quiet and um etonerd. Extra Family is sidling from storeatilB fie per bbl. as to quality. eIOYISIONS—There is • eonUatied fairjobblag d• mend for Samna and we nn. regular sales at t 7 Hi7l4 for ShouldernlSHl9H for ittebog _Stdela sot sea 20t,gfor CMar - dolgleglfifor Slain R Oa k sad Men% for Stigar Cured do. 'Lard dull/ass MP t/ as la also, Mess rork. • POTATOES—Demand ler prime and the market is steady, witty' ele& 'Mow. atlft:tBo 3 . lBo per bbl. • Comm it lee in -goal supply and vary dull. • • • SEEDS—Cloves Seed is Tell seams, and we note. small sateen 130. Flax Seed is steady at 02,00, • while Timothy le very dull at 88,00. • • • - SUTTIVII—OontInuei very dull, with • drooping tendensy; sale of Al packages at 28403 eta for strict fyptlais. Common Butter la In good sandy,. and almtat uonlable at 101 pries. OSIER YE2LI/T , 4lale ofao blds prime Apples at 8 et napes ib. No sludge tri. - Pesohes. einat 7 , ..1.721073—1n fair demand and scares; tales to a fair at 12021 amts. HAY—Baled eentioues ,verl. dull. and may be fairly quoted at 1184116 per ton. Sale of 24ons me Mum quality at CIO, - • ~ PICIShLS - Sale of tads SOH tier AI: BEANS—In good supply and very dull; unit sales from store at WM perbushel. PMI3IIIIIRGH PETROLEUM MARKET , . Tura"trav, Hay 4, 1865. The Petroleum market, both for tiro& and Etelle ed, Continues active and strong, and with Urge tranlmetione, pilesiare gradually advancing: The demand for Crude continues fate and another slight advance has been established; sales of 1000 Ws at . 23,ii,.bbla returned; 1000 in bulk at 24;206 at 24, bbls Odurned; and 230 bbla "Horse Creek" thl at 23 The receipt. continue liberal but the demand is pretty well up to the supply, and some holders are &skin. 25e, in bulk, and 30 cents including barrels Advice. from Oil City up to Wednesday, report aides of Crude at 63,2308A0 at that point, and 67,50 • on the "Story Farm." '1 here wasponalderable ev er eaten. In bonded oil today; and we have r*rt. ed sales, all for future delivery, of 4500 barrelliVis follow= 1000 bbls, all Jude, buyers option, ed 49; 500 from Ist to 15th June, at 49; 500 15th to 30111 Joor, at 49; 5001st to 15th July, at 50;1000 all July, buyer's option, at 501100/ let to 15th July at 49. In addition to the above, we also heard of a sale for August at 55. Free 01111 quiet and Elmer. Hap. tha and Residuum remain quiet and unchanged. The receipt* of by the Allegheny river, since Tuesday, are as follows: MeHelry k 454 W. D. Hewitt— -- 100 - John Deno-- 625 Jas. Hairter.....- 41 Clark & P.ek - 293 Porter & 511 lier 53 L. 8u5hne11......._._ WS Fishes 415 A L. Linton--...-. 450• teller h 47 Jas. Gallegher--. 11l IL H. Oollrets--.... 139 — O. 1. Wilklne...-. 593 . ' Total -- 5192 011:LADELPEII.A ST(X:K MARKET Specal Digpateb to the Plttstrurgh Gazette. 4' The market for Oil Stocks continua dull and drooping, with very little disposition to operate, and to edict sales lower prioes had to be submitted to—the list generally Mound • fraction lower, TNS closing quotations were as - follows : .Derinmore._._. t ...- . .. 2 ba Atlas G 9 June) • Wella.-..._ . t 82 1 £49sert 287 Wm. Penn-..... • 1 1271Clurry gun 2 ED - . Big Tank..--....... 2 on McClintock 323 Nieto ...... _. ,_. .-- 323 Junetion -- ...... - 4 oo Uiltireek - & . thierry. Caldwell— ...... .... 4 Z Run-...—..... 11 32 Dalzall- .. -..-..- li 112 Maids 51ade.....-.25 fit Sugar Creek......- 8 CO Noble & Delamater. 2 76 Drinkard- 1 23 Cloropiapier __,..... 3 6f. RO9*l 134 CM' Creek..--..._ car ____. - 1 00 83 93 18$. 190 IS . 93 - 61 00 I 03 100 NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. Gpeola Dtapateh to the Paten:ugh Gazette. N Tons, alLay 4. Med. re.roleenu Stock on hand continues very light. Retelptato-day malt Crude firm at Maze; Rif** in bead, URFA sn&Fre• 10/0. zi.l:ll:4:ll:S:ved3A*): 7 /34:1 Chlcago . INarket, Fpixtal Ilirpateh to the Yittebutiti Gazette. Oraoecievlday 4, 1665. 2nous—Bcceipta, a,p2 151 L more active-end steady. exam-2 1 beat—Nceelpte, 25,617 be; native and flrl2, end advanced Ofella for No. I Spring; melee at 111,10;61,15; Winter In light supply and non:d na. Corn—liteaelpta,lik= bur active and .5 1142 0 • higher, sales No. 1 at 624512 e, at welch It closed ann. data—Heeelpte, 16051; firm and I3V; hlgner; °POO actin; at • 41X(221 0 and closed quiet afthe Imelda figure. Rve—Becelpta, 7.62 E ho; neglected andi nomlnal. Harley—Becelpti, 1,147; dull; light ules of Na. 2 at 660 on the track. !M:73 V7111:45-111110 at the decline noted yesterday. sated Timothy it apasst, . anwisin—Dull(stodut 230 bblo changed handa . et linn;yiitOna—ane wake' erpetied duld andheavy nd claied with more anima. bleu Pork sold at . V2daill3g,Cloetog with more buyers a than velem at the otitzlde Spire; Prime Neu nominal it ra-se gin. Sweat• Pickled Hama quirk at lit. Beet Berne itle. Prime Lard at Ufa. find—Lard Otl Ware: *Debt .aIIPPIT sziPla at II 10. Linseed Oil more settee and anti at ELI& ligas z Aariee—Tery chili bap-is-wan eir, aullerfatleg reduced rates; .the supply Is limp; sales or 1,400 at Yedrlha—• Michael-closing' musk at idle.. for togeoil. 'EtteereMompan for Inferior. Iloos—ln yood supplyl:deelisied Memel sales of 1,181 head, chiefly at Made, New York Market. Ilse' Torii, blay - o•rro . s—Operied Iltm and rimed dull and bear; at 4154441 e; 11•11111 Dy suction to day, 6,094 bales Sava:taxis Cotten at AelMio tee ordinary to good middrlag, payable In gout. Emus—Dull and trorettW And loViSc lower, ' 1t5;064,96 for Extra, 1D,0001,80 for R. 0., an d, 117,1149,20 for trade brands.. Me market, closing teary. • rusty— y , 0°2,1 t for Weston n• GRAM hekt dull and igte lower At *451 for Choice Sorter, sod 31,64 for Winter Bed Western,, . 5t.1,6 for Pio. I Milwaultie Club, and 114160103 fors , Amber ALlchtgam - -11,e—QuMt. Barley and Bst. ley Malt—Dull. Coro — Dull and about lo tower, atp,4sfor old wised Western. add 61,4531,0 for Pe 'Yellow. Oats—Dull and IletiolOwert fo Wetter.; - • IrooV—Dult. , • -•- • Penrobrox—gilet at nen Dr Crude nod Mb for Relined in Bond: - ' °Rooters's—Rice—Dull. Cares—DWl !fugue— ' Quiet. Oubapul Ri.ussovado,ll3ol°A.-blourases Pacrirtmotra—Pork—Lower, with fair demand at 1121027,211 for New' illeuy closing St' MAO cashr t*llda-for len and MB do cub and muter wry, MAX for Prime, and Mao for Prime Mess; also, bars Mew Nees for "Kay and June at • sell ion, itt21,13027. Beef—quiet at for Pl a in t Mess, and 1611130 a for Tatra Kest Beef Hams—QUlet' at . fltegb6s. Out Illeata—Steady 34W6301 for Bkinaidere Ind l'Uglity‘o for Hams. Baeon—Quiet • at 16%45116%e for tlumberlarld Out; a if Me for Stott' Ittbb - Lard—Steady at lee' 111 1 4 Butter In to demand at isszaa for uhin; and • DaSefor State. .IDheese—Artlet atiltatte. PewArork Monet and Moak Market. Irlnt Toad,3llse IL.,Korsr—Steady at Mawr - ft*t. Sterile; raider mere satire et 1011%i1e61 lot drat dim Mils. Gold diner arid mere native.— 'Ocellingette, sdrAnetng tO la n. and elegem - sr 14.Gi . Gorerameat Stock. and lees active.' brOeuri•rlieary. Staudt, Ootoall 110344.1915ee 41err lune, 106, 'Mayon NISSOUrt dtafe Ohio and 14 1 1: r .bri thirtlZastits 4030 Canton et; - =rim! erred i tßeadtag 101j1; ChUtek• irML wipers {:Newlrork ventral' PTA; - Ede •MW Godson tie; Us* MI; Illetitillat :Berke JUlnola CoOrel Int; 174 1 PulTti 15 / :rld wine 09/. • -aaughattiomisip Eardeege.,Oced,' lOW New :York. Veatial,-Inyi;.. 75,W,4 Reading, 1043‘; hatehVia Southern, 70 , 4 i Pttunourgh4gl Boot lidend,UXUarrotthWerters;los4; do preferred 141%; :hart War er, 11% (WO slot Mt 44144190 Odr ,lll ' :tette. lot Canton 3934; Cluniberlaad, Ogi_ ClSlcksit• • - . tor, al% Stocks teitrery e Ire. Wild after 144. United eiteute realinint Stookspaned a 110, 'and wooed Attila, Allen Wright, 64 Goa r / 40 . • 4.,4torz—Diil:And iartras — ; greatly umetteld) uonuriou *tavernae was oared' at SP, sod the same [Me of•••ft.tra 114,6f4 RIO grades" ustobaugsd, at el WOOL;. • - • I:Mate—Prime Red Wheat atel,4s'euidelaUs Wr en offered but $l,lO. - OM dull, at POW. Rico and Barley ukiattarml Balit Waisiro—dtte, -• _ ; Ity Mm Pork Batt IrnAl Aulk Bleats 'declined to taMiltaSayar oe. sad Sides. Lard steady, at yr o f,m - 4 40 , 4 mouse Maaserr—Gold,l4/ealfali. , lab Money abundant. • • . 'IMPORT S BY RAILROAD. !P1TT551171013. FONT_ Winn! k. 0100800 S. May. 4 --liktaks oath ' M Robinson P 1 bbl _ son &Peale; boicee.lnk, J I,lleadt MO aggs, Jae Montootb; 16 bbls apples, I do potatoes, well, Lee At to It do d 0,.) Shrank; 1 bbl amp, l'do apple butter, 2d Lytle{ tbbts bacon,o ram & Rat tor:7 kegs lard:2 bus boron,' keg apple butter, Les Kell;30 pkgs Ilsb,Watt & WllecnaM3 do do,bleaas &CoftLotte do do,Jd W itanklp;4o do do, Heed In MeMpert, l qt mcgal,7olla itoorbeedi.l. l3 , 3l ,Pork. b, Quip h r.brpart; bbl. Mae, latta eloyd; a on, Wiley In Van GorderLl3o bbts Lour. She maker & Laing it car lambs:, la r,rianos; 97 ski rap, Godfrey t,OlarkiNdogsasti boards, Atwell, Lee & e0;26 do do, , Orabaca Tbom 16 do do, A ' Smut & co; 6do do, G A Martin; 734 bulk stdmi, F Mellen km.; ears eten.,,A_lg oourtrum; la My, • Md.', El Umbala at 00; bag butter, I Golbltats;_ 1) 402 biettrni, BoEtrop litodilearlumbekL Lang, rarrimaana Prmisirsox E. U., May &WA' wins, Maleartle wets; drawers,,Weldla & Mally;l6.bseetarc4,ll Jaak &Segal 66 doj WM Gormley; 6 de d0,.1 Fainter & toted d0d0..) Porter. field;6 bus cheese, Mahn 1/.111/1dle; 6 Imp potatoes, 13 Montgomery; I air lumber. Guckert Ir. Moot tom. lop obis nouro Watt&WlloonsUaldo do, Gregg In ttl•coleatag; 100 do do; pulp tu rd; tbs. but. • ter.{ bbl eggs, buomaker h Lxng. 6 bbl. beau, • GraCe MeiterOdo do, agentonDAkson In co; 4 bbl. mdr, Jobs Orr & co; 6 bdts paper, Wood In : *lake. • •"" . ..11butania . ig May 4—Milict oat*. O In Stewart{ 160 bbls glour,lllmptea ♦ Knox; $4l at,. Mill teed, Alex Vtlon 133 hid.; I bbl. t•tllosr. Lappei,Welablll 6) boo teuMlea,lishn bottom* meal, A Kirk & co; lb pkgs twine, It Go olg;613 bdla PoPell FMteldlrgb Perm est d ski PG' . . • 'PITTSBURGH DRUG MA:RIiBT. THIIIISDAY. Kay 4, VMS. The followlug quotaAlona are carefully COeTOeWl op todat e " Citric T Alcohol SS pee cent DB Aloes Cape ' Soeotrlne. Ammonia Aqua. • Out, fa to 55 .11 31 23 to $t 3o 65 to RI 1 23 to 135 " 445 V gal. 460 7, 40 to 45 WI to Ito 15 to 17 62 to IS •• ...... • 9 to io Ashes Peat* 10 to 12 • Rot 9 to 10 "•• Soda • 5% to 6 A seam thla • 45 to 65 lialnass Copaibt‘ 1 15 • to 1 " Bay Bum. .ro. 600- to 700 12 24L Black L ead, American.... 4 to 5 V m. German 8 to to " East Imlla 15 to 10 21 to 93 • Borax Reid 45 .to 47 Brimstone 7% to 8% FlossMulphur.. 9% to 10% Calomel GO to t 112 .Canthnrides 220 to 27.1 Cochineal Honduras.-- .. 1 151 to 170 Copperas • • VA to 3% ,4 Camphor Refd I 15 to 1 20 Colseentrated Lye.. 11.25 to 1200 91.8m0. °bemire Sublimate f• .50 to 135 $1 M. • Dorees'Powder._ 3SO to 715 •Extract Logwool 113% to 10 Gum Arabic, White 90 to 100 _ ;" _ Borts ' • ' Go to 60 104111 1e Reatiblltura . 731 to 760 ladlgo 8. F t9O to 3uo Midtlerh.„... 17 to 18 0 mli e w l3,:fe b°''`''`'...... , 6.11 toi I 2 :. : : Morphia Sulphate.. 900 to 926 0 Opium II 00 to It 60 ia 00 Cutor 311 150 to 375 11 tut Cod Ltrer OH . 375 0. 100 Unwed Oil 129 to 110 Sputa CU Genuine 300 to 120 Tanners Oil . 165 to 175 1111 ~'hole Oil Bleached 160 to 2CO FOtasa Clorste..l.- 70 to so, ip lb. " 10did0......- ..... ..... 800 to 160 " Quinine 266 to 296 Root RhubarlsE..J • 390 to 4tO ilil or. I , Sarsaparilla ........... 62 to 55 " Ipecac Pow`d 725 to 7.60 Resin (bbl of 290 L.)......_. 28 03 N bid. Sal Epsom. 8 to 6% t or. Sad Soda 4% to 6 eal Nitre Zierd. 18 , o 33 ‘• Seed Canary— .... I 5 to 18 R0mp...__...._ . 9 to to " Mustard..._..-..... 24 to 26 ~ Soda 111 Corb.,..— 9 to 10 Soap Castile Gen •23 to 25 Spirits Turpentine 260 to 161 ili gal . Varolsh ()opal 226 to 4 oti Wbite Lead Foie ....... ROA to 17 f 6. " Fancy brand 5........ 9 to 15 " CENTRAL LIVE STOCK MARKET Reported Rxpresely for the Gantt.. EMIT LIRTUTT, May CATTLE—At no time perhape during the past tear, has the cattle market been ao perfectly ring 'noted and ilemoralltsd r 0 at present. The receipts appear to be fully up to tie usual average, but there in a material (anther oC is the demand, and prices, as compared w It h loot week, have still fur. thee declined. Government contractors are taking hold very soaringly •nd lien only at very low rates ray from $8 to 118,50, against 59,50810,50 a few week.a since, and shippers, owing to the unfavor able advice. from New York and Philadelphia, are Very aby about open sting, tne majority of them preferring rather to hold bit' for the present. Nice heavy atter,, suitable for retailing In the Eagtern markets, sold at 9419%—mostly at 9, against ii 10/113.i a few weeks since, and even at tie decline, tie demand Is very limited, and forced sales could not be elected at thee,/ quotations. Peiiicia.ruu., MAI 4 JEN& SALES 01P OATTLII. J. B. Huff .old to Montague 66 head of ales Illi nois steers, averaging 1530 IDs, at 9. Vannatto wig to Myers n tiro, all head of good govenreent stock at 96,5.41. 2 do do, at 63,40{ isod do tometionlsh, at 6%. Ken sold to Myer. & Bro, IS head of good go, entreat etre+. and oxen at $8,23. Baker sobs to Hash , outer is head of common cattle, weighing. Woo In, at o'4 Kann sold la John Smith 48'kead of extra West ern' steers, we !shine 63,&25 9,5, at 11%. . Murray sold to Kahn ;ahead of fidnak govern meat stock weighing 19;315 as, at S. Newmyer sold to Kahn labeled of fairish govern ment stock, weighing 29,375 Its, at S. .11 Aul sold to My. rs i lito, a head of good g errannit steer!, at SLi. HOGS—The transaction. In this chin of stink Ease been remarkably light during the wean, but ona lot having changed hands—el head mold by Orr bin to Etnenck & co, averaging bet Is, at 67,91 per cat erase Them in no demand whatever for re tailing or Al {nuit, and the market to very dull ens eroopLog. SHEET-1 here Is no laiprovement to note ha the demand for Sheep. width° market continues quiet and doll with.a drooping tendency. We sow quote at tall cents for sheared, and 839 for Wooled. Ken. win a. Duff bOught 164 head, wai6l,d, from Charles Shomaket. nFW,Ic and tad h• ad, sheared, from Graham a Co, at ST. Duffey illo, bough399ll head wooled, from Graham is Co, at 9 cent.. . Belisle Market. 1M7,7•L0, May 4.—Moar—Dull. ala.r.sa—St cram :Ilea: y; yanks L 50 9, apart. &Ma Y 3' 1 " "1 Vanav—Sal. at O. r 7n: 1. CANAL nonntrra,-To Nom York. Wheat, 17e; Corn, ta3; Outa, 104 Lacs larrorro.-Y 40% Oata. lour, Wbest, 10.1170. Ctivaat. Exoorm...- Floor. 1,053 Whkat 27.125 bud.; Cosa 98,110 bud; Oats 11403 batik.; Batley, 11,600 bosh.; Rye, WS bosh. BITER lATELLIBENCE. She liver continues to recede otesdlly at this point, with shout seven feet in the chants!' last evening. The weather yesterday was cloudy and worm, with every appearance of rasa. The only arrival we have to record from below IS the Bayard, from Parkersburg. The Iron CUL frau Parkersburg, Golden Era, from Portsmouth, . and the Alex. Speer, from Zanesville, are doe here tbli months, and the Yorktown. from Louirrille, nod the Armenia, from St. Louis, may be expected , in tenths the nest twenty-tour hours. The UnlOa and Echo got to from Oil Oily yester day, awl the termer boon was making preparations to return again when we left the what( last even. leis The Emptily City. Copt. Eaglets, is tilling up rap. Idly sod will be ready te leave for St. Louis., this events j. The iron City, Capt. Noss, Is the regular picket ' for Parkersburg today, 'menet et" o'cloc k * 4 • 44 passengers soul shippers( will bear this In misd. TheCiolden Ent, Captain Kerr. leaves here for Portsmouth, as Saturday at. soon. , The'Armadillo lett Ciatienatt for this city on Iray, end the Centralia, Camels, Wednesday. S I.3lwet. id,ativia to follow:On The Maggie Hays was ads/BK.lml to leaveSt.Louis foryittaburgh on Wednesday. We take the foliortog from the St. Louis Don. error, .• The St. L, nis and Nashville trade is of little ac count. A couple of regular packets are nuaktning In It, fine' business* boats they ate. Yet 50 little freight is there to go or come, sad ea Lew passen gers that they cannot find It else than a losing af fair.. and perhape trey will deem it proper to withdraw s wot. How different I. the ease with Cleclonati. About sire or elm boats leave that ton daily for Nashville with full co d ices, much of 'lt private too, at good rater. The St :Louie .and Ark anaastrade has brooms considereole during the loat few dept.. We judge from this fiat, and the other that haste are,bound down the Ohio With Inilostrgoes Of SOVenthient wagons, ka., that there is an early expedition no _foot from Little Soak Perhaps th o u g h erooperative t h e of,a; grand CA. pedition :Tessa to the Ri o Grande._ VOR SYELNB4I - IZE .!N. 13AS11- Ai VILLE.—The excellent , Mesmer• PILGRIM. est& A ,MlltillnyillPL *Wag on 7ATI RIMY, the eth Inst., at ,4 Wolper. P. A. • IrerlrelyAtAr peseue apply go Mani et te, • _L-Dt•MIIINGINGOD, / Agent .. • • •. 40/111 FLACK. REGULAR PiTTBßultGii &aid PARKERSBURG It PACKET.— Tie saw and Light draughtatenuaar x:Etcaw itrAnrir, • .7.rLs Nees. Suter !L L. Mammalark, will 'lure Pittsburg!! era 7 Tuesday and Friday, o , l4ol4li.~l.,arzasrorrua" WHEIZING, SUNFISH BULL uszeic., MA, RIETTA and MIME= BUIAL and 11l Warms. dtato ports. I/et/truing, Wives Portersourg on WEI/AWAY and rATOßDAY,st2eolook For freight or paniur i pti:Larl nosrd,or to JAMES 001. 3 1 1 frtti, l'Alge4ts ...lApiIIIETTA L.N DTAIiKERS- L s airr i a% . ,...-• ANSI} PAIJKL. I:INE —HUT— iII./Jjt.PASSENGIGEL HTEADIERIVIt L.y , . JeVerl 4 ,ltAVOLeligirttinsirtla a-blik new: salt fist alas latest masainget BAY ARD, G. D. Moore. Master. Daniel Moore. Utak.. Leaves Plltaaurgh c rely MONDAY.. li THINbk. V Tod Il A. Y. I s .„ w v A eo r, Wheelloo m, 3 r. M. 67 m. Limo dor s. . 7 • eturning,:leavea rarkaraourg TLIZSDAY - sall , Leaves Marietta at a r. N. oaloo dojo. __ i 1... avea Whaeliag at 7a. it. WEDNESDA Y sail or. freight Oi passage, baying iiasiiriasaad At. 44111111106Cri *Pry on mord or to - ' JAHN FLACK or JAS. rOLLINk i, o gents; Ho. m Water street, Huborgh. EGMAR-W ENEMY PORTS ' MOUTH AND PlPP3Stratill AdLIKE7.—Tbs due paoeager steamer (R 41 4 11 E1tdc.24..1L Karr; mister} IL Bryan, clerk, Waves Pittsburgh every SATURDAY, at t 2 dolook and Partssunith every bIONDAYott 7 o'clock .11e Cioldiut Era make itunisatloal at Pmtr mouth with. the splend4Lateentr BOOtolls, NO. Sr tar Oinctratati, and will recoliptinditit god,paiscuo gam through to that city. • • !‘ rice. "FOR sT: 7;0IIIB.-:.TheAini P A 4 awmiger steamer EIIPIHROITY, wou26 6 cia 116616 p, ay for the abeursa T"" n2e cau• P6666,:0n 66 . : 6 a'ack i For neliht er piano apply on beard. craw ' 7 ,np6o .74W. COLLINS 0116114" w wL . . ALEXANDEIMBILIIIN &SONIA , Nclapying Their New Btoilitil ?; .: to sVI North Frau etw =CH di II .41111s114;' PHlLADthdlaii. HaelatbeenWay years Inthatrade oitid know., all the wasulaclarars la Ma vueniji, a ao ell e• nalpiments o WIMPL - WOUtiEltt yARNS; Neil .4.1111T0N TARNS Anti will make! eAoll advances ' , 111 , deeleailioli a ' , :alilliweats, as e rata of;#l.oee ectol;Per =Amos- • . VREbitIWITER RECEIVED ROW ziotairl, by exPr e "' b t TT p, • 14.(11C MA L fie Sag TO WSW striet. /JP'S erliaJME LOBEIES PAID IN 46 YEARS $17,000,000. Net Assets, January, 1805, X 8.677,888 71. li RE IND INLAND HATICITION 618113. ilar Ago , *lra in all the principal Mlles and Towns In the United States Applications for Insurance will be peompUy at tended to and PolleLts Maned by A. A. CARBIOR AIM., Agents, 67 FOURTH STREET. PERPETUAL CHARTER 1829. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANT PHILADELPT-lIA. Ammons on January 1. 1864. 92.457.819 96. Capital Accrued Premium. Invested Premiums Unsettled Clsims... income for 1664 100,1:011 Losses Paid since 769 8,000,C1M Perpelual and Temporary Policies on liners tarsus: 1:1(61,70113. Merles N. Rancher, lame Lee Edward G. Dale, Tobin. Wagner, Samuel Grant, Grorge Vales, leech R. Smith, Alfred Filler, George W. Richards, 'Fn. W. Lewis, M. 1) CHARLES N. 1,14N0K ER, President. EDWARD O. DALE, Vice Pmident. JAR. W. hIeAIiLISTER, Sec. pro. tern. 1. a. Uorl/N, Agent, rah!" corner Wood end Third Wean. _FIRE AND MARINE usurance Co. of North America. 1 4 :eiff30D+A4:•/.1 Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Apseta $1,3143.900. Alii - Plett eau be mewed to the ebovelgaxed wad 'enable companies. W. P. JONES, dainer, Brasiers Buildings, Bh Water st. lyfTltlNSlipliCE COMPANY u. A4 nu R. /LLEM. Prys•tra, WM. P..11E1l HERZ Se A cretary. Moe, No. P 1 Water street, Spain • oo.Ps Wan. tioUse, up steam Pttsburgh. iiworir iiWnst all binds of Fin aid Marin. Bids. Dome bastitidio• mallard by Dim:tors WWI 010 ail bums arousualty, mid solo nib 44.r' mused by Firsoiptaess 11744 liberality, to outishrio fb rAstorler Kidd tAry Aare osneni=erlay Qs WO ;rota:Wats Now oho desire to lo Andrew Ae Alexander Speer. David IL Long Rees J. Thoenna, Chu. I. Meat, John R. McCune. Jr., Jluars AUAlan', Pl:thou:tie Holmes, Me:. Si mirk, Qeo vi Vente, U ORst Herron. W. Rcketron, islyro- • - Wm.P FLEA BERT. S.retan CITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSDURGII.-oMco, or Market am3Watet streets, mo oed DbAooot. WM. ,11. RY, Praidest. W3l. A. SHEPARD, Seteebtry. Worm Stessaboats and Cargoes. lenses agate.% loss and damage In the navlo. Cos of the Southern and Western Mears, Lake§ sod Bayou., sod the navigation of the Som. lenses naiad Res mad damage by Eta. DMIGTQLS B. Kier, I Jamas Cooper, t i Ll ' A tl / 4 /...,_ • John 8. Dthrona, W. it* =Hid I:ECPLEB' INSURANCE COMPAItii mice, N. E. corner of Wood ond Filth SU J w u P lllll.7 . ut, J r. , FL F. Joan, Hon. T. M. Howe, Barclay Preston, George Hingham, FIRE MARINE INEWILAKOR • 114211110T0N1 I W. Phnlipa. Capt. Jan To . Rhoada John Watt. Samna! P. Shrlow. Jobs E. Parka, O. Nano= Gr." Marko S. Moon, Charles Arbed- Win. v. Kirk, John P. Kirk rtak /MOB D. Varner John (Hyde. • WM. PIFTILLIPS, Nat West. JOHN WATT, Woe Presided. WM. F. GARDNER Seerdaro !0!4.17 ALLD:MEM' INSURANCE COMPA st NY OF PITTSDURGII.—OhIee,..No, sor riftt. reet, Bank Block. thrum against all 'kinds of Fins awl Nada , Make. 311A.A0 JONES, President.. JOHN D. M'OORD, Vies PraiskaL D. X. BOOS, Semtary. . DIAMPTOII: Is .Tonee, Johpnt. D. Metiord, O. to. II RartraylM OaAdantJaeolas, Sterling. 9.ll.ll;gi,Gietr. Capt. Wm. DOA, R. /.. McGraw. B. L. Yabetaka, Robert H. DATIL .__ _ PAIXTERS. Wrla N. L01110....J087 LONG, lsg.NE CO., SIGN ARTISTS & HOUSE PAINTERS, o. 60 Bildt/Mold Bk. Pittsburgh. LETTERING OF ALL RIN wonted pronA N oVfion ,O to nnenrpeuped elegiu DS xe. • READTIFIIL SHOW CARDS on enameled paper of all eolore and GILT SIGNS ON WASS sonde to order bad cent to all parte of the country. PICTORIAL DESIGNS executed in a highly an Wile wanner. HOUSE PAINTING done with a regard to du rability,_bannony of color, and 'teatime of finish. air work et resionable roue • mum y WILLIAM 11. BROWN, Mats oft e Ilza of EzOnf & SotliaS.) ROME AND SIGN. P.AIIIITER. oath ZIA monist of Tblrl sad Nark* Sa., Wfiv• PITTSBURGH W — OTIOE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS; &o. O ifatee II Well given 011111•111 of Drays, aria,Carrieges, - Boggicer be., whether resident or nuo•reeklelit In the they of Pittehungh, to pay their Lkensee gat the Treasurer's - odic* of the oft) , o Pittsburgh fottiverithi.in accordance with an Act oPaseetably, approved March eN len, and =Ord. slue, of the Councils of the My of Pittsburgh, ' passed April te, Wen All Lime not paid on or before May *lee, will be placed in the hands of the Mid of Polue, feW cellecedon, subject to hie foe of 60 cents for the carnation thereof, and all person. who neglect or ' Ere to tau out Licensee will be subject to a any, to be recovered before the Mayor, double atettont of theldeense. The old metal plates of previous leant must be rtturtied thetlate Limnos are taken oUt, or pay Id cents therefor. RATIN OS LICENSE. *hens bone yeblele,• 7 OS e.h.ttew hone , • 12 00 VS 00 7sch tour horse iEach two horse beak 16 00 lOsonlinises end Timber- Wheels .drawn, by two herses, heroes, eighteen dollars each. Tor each additional "se wen to soy of the above vehlelee one dollar. W. ElollllA.lllkgity freasurer. IPernesinton. February Mb. tow. . tet7gl pPRIVUTTR BIX, CORD ' ' FINISH Spool Cotton. - exim • .41:m0*es ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON orsus;:rioe kia...goarasiteed to dues::: nint yards in rtinn. ' ilWa i tlVrespo=thinsuruu * oinrousatotoaloty the titans pnarally: CHANLIS AMORY 4 C 0. ,. BELLUBI AGMS; Ittunsystreet, New Yorks teallasronsktrostrost; Boston; nni Mann stud, Pnßadidoda.„ tobnltsmeod ~LWYBR't, 'BARBERS'.... ISUILM—I #.l have or tbotant tea pears KW SLWYVVFL LIABBILBS. SULLP, and Moo no hesitation in ans. Las ttukt It In its. Inenttlailiplltark vetAloi kg. naabLas tho Wilmot tar sassing. P. s. splint( Fourth Street 19hathli81110ou. .31.4.friri cr Art? EI. S. Sr. pig ft+131:10411 FOlilvlllcY. AL. G•lntSost. JOHN Y . scasardON. (4.1 LitillEol4 az CO. (SI:WM . ..On to Boilman, Garrison, h. G 0.,) FOITNIZES AHD MACHINISTS Manufacturers of Uhilie.7 Roller, ofell area, forlron, iron, rdeel, Brass, %Inc, Copper, sliver, Gold, htravr Boards, Paper and India Dubber Works also Lolling Mill Slastinx• of ell descriptions, Bark 111112, Paten: Double Grinder, with a varie ty of otter patterns, alwars on bond and lilted to order on short art ice and favorable terms. Otte. and Vrerehouce. Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. feLly R. H. LECRY, MANUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS, AND ALL THE rISTITILLA OBOE IA Sinking 01/ mid Sat! 'Netts. Particular art...tine is Inert set to his lit Im prover, onto In JARS and .31.11T1 S, which a of. lered as the best in the tt °rid. They no all made of tbr pureal Slfgo and Low Moor Iron, hammered espiessly fur [Nye tools. 17,es•• tools vro made to SI AND fiRD SIZh y, e• that the Pine and Sortie , . ol any uue will agree with and tit tense of any otter tot of his manufacture bearing the mine number. ' , TEAM LNOlNllearid Nei:line Wort mad" to order at hie Shop, 02 MAW STREET, oral the coruer of kkevrrt street, Allegheny Orty. Post-office box SA Not IM POST IRONS, be. No trouble to bow goods. aptlatrrtl 13LACK.DIAMOND dTEEL WORKS PlTTABlllitill PA. PARK, BROTIIER & CO. Manufacturers of BEST QUALITY YETIVED OAST STEEL, Squat • Mat find Oetwn, o a Mies. Warrant. tat ectun .to any =I art or manelastusod la tot etrantry; lii - °Zee and warehouse, Noe. 1p and 161 nage 1.1 la) and 172 Saroxii smilaxes, Pittsburgh. FATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881 DIRTURIDOE'S PATENT Oral Lamp Chimneys, DE=EI These Chimneys are Intenoeu for the flat !Isms, •sting alt parts of the glass equally., does tot eto toe it to erncking. K It. 111110111KIE, Fort Pitt Glass Works, Washington street, Pittsburgh, Penn's ACKIVIoNII...I. 'N CITY WORKS. MACKINTOSH, 11EMPIIILL CO. FOUNDERS AND bLkOHINISTS Comer of PISTE awl 011 ARA, old (Near City Witter Works,) Zdartfaetyrers of stationap and other MOINES. , NULLING MILL CASTINGS and MACILINE. HY, Of aN kinds, and general jobbas. Prompt attention glrea to repairing ROLLINO MILL lIACIIINERY ROBERTS, BARNES & CO., 111.5mNAKRL le. ha Third street, Pltiteargh. TEE A.Nb SHEET IRON WORKERS, and Stanufacturen of JAPANNED TIN WARE. We have now manufsetnring and hats on basil Bathing Apparatus of all lands, Toilet Ware In Setts, Water Coolers, Grocers' Tea and Spice Can, later*, Caah and Spica [Wadi; Tumbler Drainers- Spittoons, &a., boa A large lot of Bird Casa + for tale low. - aril Cans of all aimot and pattern. Tin oondoc Conductors, and all kiwis of Joblrl4 Work done to order auto SILVER PLATED WARS Wsitots, (tutors, &ay ha, suitable tot the Trade os hand sad for sale by l' & MOSS, 225 South sth it.. PHILADELPHIA itichm VAIN N. 111.14110,4..RLN1NA POW Nd JOHN - B. 11E11110..N >t) CO., ISAltc.vc. INXsaacvazialwoll - uurctris, AND IRON FOUNDERS, Oflce,aod Soles ROOMS, RIO. No. 171 LIBERTY STREET j)ENN MACHINE. WOItEB AND FOUNDRY. H. WIGHTNAN, ENGINE BUILDER AND MACKIN I. Lncoas 17W?, between Federal and 4twy, ALutunewr Corr, Es_ anufaeturer al In IGHT STEAM 'Li ENT POPTABLE OSCILLATING STEAM PAT EN GLEES, bludtlng. Pulleys, no. Repel:lug of all Mods etteaded to T 13C1100NIttAKER, u • AarrwAoruitza OP Atilt. Use. EN Les.. ■toe Les.. LtibiusireiThie nuts. flatly. at, tad Dealer la LINSEED OIL, TARNISH, JAPARS, WATERS' MATERIAL, las. , Oaks aad Nuabouee, No. U Wood strut. snaladed CE, NO. 62 Water. tfi. BEVE RAN PittaburP,oduautaetnrat al BOLIER It/V ETA, WROUGRT SPLULS, mamma and railroad of every ditaanerlon.. Factual:dual - zed sr anaped SMILES mad RIVETS large or mill, wade to order ad abort, sotnaa A gond marartaual aonatantle oo bee& inenaat .110 7 .'kETT, Mahufacturen D: and Importerst 41.IEENS WA RE. No. $1 DIAMOND S TREET between Wood and Market atreedo. Pittidnunha mkt PETROLEUM. 'THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL etz-c. lisum Compe►aap 020ANIZED CINDER TUE MINING AND MAN VFACTORING tetra OF nts STATE OF - mr YOBIL CAPITAL, ONE MILLION COLUMN, ONE HIINOBED THOUSAND MARTA • AT $lO PER SHARE. Subtatption Prim, Fire Dollar" por SW*, Not Liable to Author eutoottoent. °VETOES+ No. SI EMPIRE BUILDING. rro. BROADWAY, NEW YORK. PORT OPPWE ADDRIZAS:BOX No.i.W.N. • osmoses t Hon. DANIEL S. DIOKINSON, President. WM. T. PIIIPPS,_Vice President. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. • 11. J. 13DRTIS, BMWs Superintendent, , Mtn& silts, Pa. ATLANTIO UMW, No. 1411 Broadyst, N. It, :Thum. , The wag! of the 00mpaay ars. now prOduldnit oU. Payment for stock maybe made in drifts, tared notes or Government bonds and runtlis, which bonds and securities willbe tak aat their market value. Remittances may ha addressed to the Oomaany, P. 0. Box No. SAGO New York CUL or to " Abaci Bank, Treasury of the New York and Liverpool Petroleum Company, No. 142 Broadway, New Yotk City.o• - I mhOn 111 E NATIONAL REFINING AND. STORING COMPANY ',now fully creased, and has ' coniessineed bust. nen at their niporriry ; office, :IRWIN STREET, (up stalra,y Pittaburgb, Pa. deseelow prepared tor* a general Dullness In lag, Relining, Storing and Torwanilow Oil. The Works are on the beaks of the Allegheny river, above the city, and will in e short time be capable O 2 manufacturing EGGRT It ONPEED will b REI7NEW OIL. PER WE= which will be of the test quality and in p ri me pac kage.. It is the design Ott& Uompeuiy to make a trite:lass brand for export, and no pales will be 'pandit* give It that character. They will also give the forwent- • leg of oil to points mud or west, particular Wen: Son, and In Ibis branch of the business will 'have unrivalled facilities, a. the Oil will be token from the boats to the cars by mschtnery, and thus avoid all wharbigo, drayage or delay. parries *wigs. leg their 011 to us can rely on having •it. sent through with promptitude and 'dl • • • The Company has a Capital 0f.M.0,000, with the' following officers • President—A. M. minnow.. Secretary—O. BERINGER. Treasurer—J. R. IllettUNE. Directon—A. M. Disaahall, Haws, James Old. J. TpKincald, Arthur ILIrk,J Little,S; Keller, David Kirk And Vfm;llandltoil. Serrintendent and Eltddneas Mahler —1? ANTD correspondence And orders kauipo, all oom, *natation& so be adoltesied to irational Stain and /Wiping Colitkan 1b .1 47 ^ • PlTT&Bliktni, "BAltaltßS' soos.;-Tho' 1 , 7 luxury of a good shay*, and ttstlai . turd ot the rntsto nti St c e d ,co a p. " .44A W At'S.4l '". aLA ' t 4=4 SUATING. d. TOILET 00111POONle: 1 set Mink to imam, mikes the and liither'for tog, glad b Abe Attest - to, WWI- pllrOosiaiitiot Itavalor .3 ass luml :th• tQlusure of a.lot td ZIT boldness. NAT.gaNIEL ELLEN; " of the WD0015 1 .4 1 1 1 / 6 limas Shaving dalopod:f ;SEED . POTATOES. —Tho Cusco iPots-. toes; the test or several bun red- veneUei. 'rams frost , tha ,seefl•balls.bv..llr. ttoollish' and "sell adat.ted to the country., maul"e pettedly.. sane sklu sad nest, goad quality and Caroled' Wane pctato use. arm Irma rot. For isle by aten 1. 11. Vpiti vac um OILS. dc. PIKE and WALNUT STREETS, .ds-crriaril.-w. Prodneest of Crude acid Manneacturers of Refined Cal bon Oil, &Mille eadlabricatizq Oils. WORKS OPPOSITE SHAEPSBIJRO Office No. 69 BNB 'lnd, PITTSBURGH, re W. D. CTJEMMAN, BREWER, BURKE &CO., cominissioN mautotts.Nrs, Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Works Liberal cash advances made on consignment! of Relined or Crude PetroteuiTh C. DUQUESNE WAY and HANCOCK SI., PITTSBURtiIi, PA. OEM 6. - WALLAVZ WILLIAM 001E1180 WALLACE & CURTISS, . CRUDE AND RUINED VETROLKOX, BENZINE: AND LUBRICATING 011.8. No, 134 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, PA. la-Storage capacity (under cover,) for Atli Carrels. Also excellent facillUes for shipping to A merican and Foreigh ports, at our wharf on the qchuylkill Myer, new the platforms of the P.R. B. sett.ly RICHARDSON, BARLEY & Clotnaiscion and Forwarding Merchants La CRUDE ARM REFINED PETROLEUM, Bis.lo IRWIN. STREET. Pi Liberal Eastern cash advances to n oonslgnments for ttsburgh or lIMPIIELINCI3I. Menem I. S. Dilworth h Co., Sprlnr - - Tiarbnueb Esq., Thompson Hell. Esq., Pent. Commercial Bank. totd&fin) S'l Aw 1/11 - RD PETROLEUM REFINERY. CLARK & SUMNER. Warta and ()thee, COLLINS TOWNSHIP Once to Pittnbargh, 2-i WOOD STREET. These works have the largest capacity in the entry. 'The brand stands the highest in this entry end fa Europe, for quality and dee test, ,d the oil Is put It well seasoned barrels, prepared pestally ter port. Manufacture's of BOIT.Fit S. STILLS, TANKS, d 1 el PROVED MORO:0100LS (or Oil Wells. deftly BONDED WAREFIOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, rcvt of BALTIC 111.11.11hRISON Sta., Brooklyn 11T01/140i or REFIRED PETROLEUM, in Tank• and Barrels. See Circulars. 0111ce, rlo. SO BEAER STREET,New York. ocsii ~, ii~N; Re. I At. CLAIR ST.. Plltsburgb. FORWARDING •ND COMMISSION MSECELILVT, AND DV%IIN 011.8. LiIin'CAMINO, 1:111.111:11 PVT bo-ononstatitlr on hood and it, tele at the lowest market prime. Moslem. omits and orders solicited. arhtica Ar• PAWN° — URI' X. MEG WAKING •to KING, G`O3TXISSION MERMIAM''T9,, AND SWAMIS IP PETROLEDX ,AISD ITS PRODUCTS And 4ealas In Refining Ettatatia.la. Na. it MARKET ST. Pittsburgh. MSC astoraa AND wawa CRUDE AND =NED MS Perry Black, Dootseasto Way, Patrategh Ats - Special Wreat:Et given to the SALE AND SHIPMENT OF PETROLEUM Bad Bs product. Comic raurnti re.pettLully •olteltaal. Psttaburgh Agency fur VENANOO OIL AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. tY PorT OFFICE BOX re. W Y. haulm. j AMES IRA IN & CO., CAP Oil of Vitriol and Aqua . IXmmonia. OFFICE If*. 15 MARIEBT St.. 117 PITTSBURGH. PA. LUCENT OIL WORKS. DUNCAN, DUNLAP* CO, 111.11IIIMOT1TIMILI OP Pare White Refined Carlon Ofl. No. st LIBERTY STREET. not WTLLIAINI ?Ma HAI RV J. LLVILY ORION Oth REFINERY. rury. a LATELY.. (Successors W Smith t Pottemns) 011 Reamer. and dealers In Petroleura t Benzine,, Lubricating and Paint 01 Otriro, No. 'I HANCOON. STIINST, Pittsburgh. Ps. OLL STOCK B.—Tbe undersigned will give particular attention to the purchase cold sate of Stocks of ALL RELIABLE Companies. inette buyers and sellers to eall. J. H. MORAZIOS No. UN FOURTH STREET OIL WELL STEAM ENGINES —lna . prepared to furnisla -- STEAM 'ENGINES, .. So much approved of wens and other ptce - finishing poses, on the shortesti Having different sited Esetines on ban finishing others, the pubs ~,,an be won= with. almost any size they want,• the work for Itself. i WILLIAM .. HMV, Fifth Ward, between Meatus& and Harrison greets, 01401tor' , Pittsburgh. Ps. SSIPPI.7 6 FOREIGN EMIGRATION OFFICE. P7MM: Sloti. EZNNA. Dump fraw the "Old Couutrt„ . The Liverpool, New Toth and Philately-0 fa rean,) Steamship (knonstiv having appointed Mei tuntersigned their Agent hese, Mee Mr. Thompson 'deceased, be is now•prepared to bring out or sent home Passengers by the Steamer” of tel slams at Oft USUAL= LOW-RATES.' The husanors of this favorite line leave Liverpool Men . WIDNES* DAY, for Bey 'fork, touching at Queenstown, an • are among the fastest, safest, and most magailsom,. vessels afloat. The undersigned Is Mai Agent for the Limorpoo • and Londond w a l L s r A lf ; Sgri s es4a a reLirga .11gyerorrirbh Passengers and Diana. The steam ere of this line ors built fa the. strongest manner. and furnish choice aesommailtionnfor oassengers Is also agent for TAPSAJOTT , S LLWE of tele Dented Clippes Sailing Packeb, leaving Lb for New lark twieisa week, and the ""vino London Packets, leasing London isvary.ten days.- The ships of TapecoWs Line have bag human. tad for their quick passegas and ttui.amellatme of the provisions s l ut the pas/smears, and their kind treatment venue on board. Partial who wish their blends Mould. out by ulnae yeamli, should bc , s , iira t n:Faltwat i te una tly •wandrote BIGHT BEMS on all parts of Dime at at the lowest rates. • • .• • APP I 7 to •2•• 11 °reign Emigration Moe, • el Smithfield street. • STEADC,WEBILLY TO POOL, .tUllallig at CtIIRENSTOWNMINI were Harbor. The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, Now York and Philadelphia Steernalup Ooropany (Dime Line.) carrying the 11. B. Nage, are intended to nil ea follows. • OM OF WASIIINGTON..Saturday, Maya. CITY OF LONDON • Saturday, May it. ' CITY OF BLiNCHESTER..Battuday, May lade lvery M enee r. eceeding Saturday, at noothercen Flu rth .ILLTIS OF Itanentia. . t Payable In gold,' ar lteequlealentln eurrerwyt First Cabin .1616 0018tesange oo W London... 96 . 0 ' to London:. 00 .10 Pali/. . ..100 te , tO p' "to ilaisbt74,.. 16 00 u te Hamtniris ve r i Z I riturzillets also forwarded 'to Havre, - Rotterdam, Antwerp, &a, at equally low rates: Fires from Liverpool orStueinstowa—lst 1166,11106. Steerage,loll. Thaw who wish to aunt Or their Mande sin buy toters Wye at them Wen yor,ct F tl L F ;44 saatteks —li it this Oonitestrn I Llti:''.ll=strid=p=i;'. Cll IT A'. Id) LIN riorgitolua ' irsmaroca. ANDAXMCII*I9I/L Sakla~old~asl4equinlea b CUrgaPait 'l l IS9IOI BMW TONX, ea iII 1 Lai ' elea3" l4 AVar 4 ttoaras 'Barn:tam, avai b : tbdibleld Knot, bidwdeu ad Ed attaddaill G-lIIIFIFIRIES. PRODUCE. 8 T . 0. .7..ENK1:15 Corn miss. ion 'Merchant. GB 9 33 33 Ft. 'X' - sr *3 ANIJ PURCHASING AGENT, PITTSBURGH, PA. Desteein Flow, Gmtn, Seed; Butter, Cheese, Fruits, sod BIS Farm Products. -Beet brands Fan-, 1114;1..01 , 11 (warranted) always on hand. Alen, it !NM )OILS. erupt attention green to conrlgnments and correspondence. Weekly Price entreats sent to Alonapenera. Orders and Oonslgnmentssollcited. serraydzars B . - F. QUIMBY & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. NA. LW ROUTH WATER ST., LW = Give special attention to purchasittg Flour, Grain, Provision'. tic. For Faatern nepourte. H. F. QUIMBY •080. T. MOWN. orta4T W. D. PATTERSON. JAM E JOHNSON. PATTERSON, MOWN & CO., Catmints/Hon Merchants, Maur, grain and • GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Nos. also and 332 rzsm PITHELV Stott , ' New Building. oppnatte tl. h P R. R. aptily _ _ WY. W. UMW, .. jiERRON CO., Corner of Penn and Wayne sta., (WALLecz'n 13triumte,) PITTSBURGH, PA. Jti Trldas arrive la Pitishßigh Pittsburgha. Erie Express Mee p. m. Baltimore Express ' • I.mµ m. • Philadelphia Express &Kip. Fast Mail " 1.20 a. M; ' Fast Line 2.00 s. test Tormstown Acoommodation 10.0 m Float Wall's Station Accommodatton... 11.100. en' Second Wall's Station Accommodation &Sea: m. Third Wall's Station Accommcolatiom. 2.10 p. en. Fourth Wall's Station Accommodation: 51.3 pp..ee Baltimore express will arrive with Phil . Express at 2.20 p. m. on Mondays. NCYIICE.—In case of loss, the Company wit" hold themselves responsible for persolud baggage . only, and for no amount not exceixiirmslo3. W. it. BECKWITH, Agent, • At the Pennsylvania U•ntnal Railroad Passenger' Station. on Liberty Orntst atewts. 005 /Flour, Grain and Produce, Ip. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purseisse of GRAIN of MI kinds. Also, holcsale dealers to BALED HAY. Western %kakis w ill hod it to their adv.tase to earre•pood with our House, as we have greeter facilities for Storage, and putting goods into this and Eastern Markets than most of the delete In this city. The boat of city re ereoces giverivriten required. Ja.3l:3End ALEX. 111 IthRZ Ai:BA:NE Sc ANJEIt, Commission Merchants, t= SECOND ST, between Wood & Smithfield, 11-1 y PITTSBUEGU. Tn 08. TOTTIE..JIKO.♦IKKIS..DTZPIEEN A. SUZPA.RD. MUTTER, dIEEN SLIEPA.RD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I=l Foreign end Domestic Fruit*. Whom Latter, Cheese. Emi t Potatoes. A and produce generally. No. aso LIBERTY STREET, .oalte Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh. =El= "vi; li. IL Id URTILt Y t CO, Commission Merchants, and dealers fn ("BODE AND REFINED PETRO.. LET2bI, BEN ZINE, B - j.stra Mealtima for garbs , oil and empty tenets. 19 Marebouse and rinks DUQUESNE WAY, near Hard street, Pltililursti. Midmd R . a JACK, 49- XL Clo a Nos. 1 and Diamond. (Brea:silo& ro DIACISEOWIrt & LINIELLET,: DELLESI Wizill=lll:TXL .10r. Produce arid Commission, Merehant, tet:ty No. :at Isibertysti, Pittsburgh M. C. INNULITTLZ D oourrhE & PECK, General Cinaminion. Marellants. Noe. SS and 70, Water street, Pfttabergh, P. for the axle of Flour, (train, Cheese, Butter, Dried Fruits, Provisions and Produce of all All orders for Carbon Oil filled at the lowest aims ket pmts. /kir consb nments iollelted et o. xxx.bar VW IL vat coma lALSLEY d: VAN GORDEN, Produce nod Commission Merchants, Warehouse, Wo. rot Liberty Bt., Pittaburgh, _Pa. Wholesale deal. cis in Butter, Cheese, Lard Eggs, Port, BUM. Beene, Tallow, Feathers, BrOoros, PotatOee, Emu. my, Dried Fruits,,Green Fruits, Onions, Flour Grain, umber her ,,, , Timothy • Seeds, Flax Seeds, Game and Poultry Particular attanUou gimbal* Produce Cobsignments. jat9 91=E=I LITTLE, BAIRD & eATTON, Wholes sale Oroots and Commission Nunguints, deal. eni In PRODUC FLOM - BACON, CHEESE. FDA!, CARBON E, AND LARD IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARRS and Phis. burgh manufactures generallyi UI sad Soson4 sting Pittsburgh. JOHN B. CANFrELD, Commission and Forwarding Merchant and wholeule dealer in WESTERN RLSIMVE CTREESE,' BUTTED, LARD, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FLElli, POT AND—PEARL ASILES, SALERAPU_LIN SEED AND LARD OLLS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, Nos. Mond Front atied, Fittsburgh. ocd CIILP _ aTls.llllEPAllik CULP SHEPARD A Commission chants and deafen in FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. MI Liberty' street, Pittsbursh. Choice brands of Flour for Bak.ers and 1 anilly use constantly on hand. Particular attenUon paid to flung orders for Merchandise generally. octlidt.T VETZER ARMSTRONG, Forwarding T and Commbalon Merchants, for the ule FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON. LAIC), ntrrrEn, SEEDS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally. No. 1.6 Blarket street, comer of, First, Pluaburgh,, Penna. . . OMIT P3l. P. ISECE TEM. MITCHELL U 7 M. P. BECK & CO., No. 185 Liberty T Street, Pittsbargb, Pa., Virtiolesale'Otoeirs,. Commission Merchants and dealers In COUNTRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON,' LARD, BLITTI.:I3, BUGS, CILID.r., PRO DUCE., FLOUR, GRAIN', SEEDS,-OREIMi AND DRIED 'FRUITS, an. SALT and LIME. Jilt OiOnOla S. DYAD 01.011/71 XET7A.UI.. U EAD & KETZGAIL, 9r.ocera and, C01n .... mission Merchants, and dealers to all kindsof Cenntry Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture., No. 249 Liberty street, , opyttalte -Bead of Wood street, Misprint's." ' ap347 P..IIXIMILTL. a.. ESTIMS..•..WIt. D. =rata. 111 1 P , EYMER e.t. BROTHERS; (successms -Ll+to lloymer h Amiarson,)_Wholasolo Dttslen is k °REIGN , FRUTTS,NUTS and SPIOD.,,OOii- FICTIONP.IIY, SINIARS,ITRE WORSS,nd., Nna Ina and =a Wood al.aaat,abntra buigh. iY2S4I WALLACA, Commission Me _rc_hp.A 11. and Wholesate Dealer FLOUR &GREW% Ni. SU Liberty street, =RS Pentssylviudis R. Worsenger Depot, Warehouse, corner Wayne it= streetl." l. hort-1) _ I. 5. L1008?i Lumens JB. LIGGETT & CA, CITY FLO.UR • IN/ u nTlLLS ti rrnee 'Marty 'and Aaiun in fte g s tl apler, l l l oObtuTale per WI . • sit sr; acnossicalt • • • U. P. Lazo PIICHOMAKER & LANG„ Commission Merchants. and Wholesale dealers In (MOO& FLOULGRALIN, P. 11 0 .017913, Wo. y street;Filtatough. /CUM WATT .70H11 WATT ' a' WlLSONV'Wholevele , Oro. ars, Commission Merchants, and dealers In .Produce and Pittsbiugb , manufactures, No: 159 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. ju2S WM. .. . ..... JIM. CIIIKPATILIOI. KIRKPATRICK & BROTHER, sno t , tenors to Brown , to-Klrk,pattiok. VM01.16. SALE GROCERS, Nos. 311 mut / 113 .LiPertY Wed, • rAIi s ES DALZELL'. & 13014' Itanufac% :.tiantincr of LAND a:L=l% 4 Mi. lIEFINE r D PsivROLEUM, Nos. el and Waite attest, Platabunti- Advances made on acssigo- CHEESE WAREHOUSE.—HENRY H. cm...uxs;rorwaratog and Uonunnsalon Man anent nod dealer in CHEESE, BUTTER, LAKE. FISH, and Produce generally, No.= Wood atm:, above Water, Pittsbutat. - - mrs JOAN I. BOWS&NOVI& JOIIN L HOUSE & CO . Wholesale GROCERS AND COMMISSION DIERO CHANTS P Sugthaeld aad Water lIOBIRT DALZKLI,' A: 1. DALZEL ROBERT- DALZELL CG., Whole we:Omen; Clommisdon and Merchants, and dealers ln Produce and Pl= manuteCtures,Llberty street, Plttaburgh: WILLtAX 7LOII JOHN FLOYD'k ,Co x l m esal m e , wood ro ; 4 ,16 Latium , dm*, puts un jGd ' CHARLES L. OEM • .' , ll7l.4:(successor to James Holmes k Oo4POBIE PACKER rad Sealer la PROVISIONS, comer of Markel red O. Ora. O t lGT pßwo . L.,med +t ,. .oO 3 .., Argi)t.t. gnanWn t 0 coritl=m4tu Pittsburgh. Snag 'roomer...mut marrow—A.: a.4igattalOg T. AIIBERT; SHIPTON. & • Cll. Whole ' it-s sale Orpeets sad IltsitiOg Dolma, wo. flslxth itreet, Pittsburgh. DICKEY+ .Ibk , oo.;' , :Whoisalo, L BAIA mml oa Btezebeat! awl deabus In (" M l ift rwavt: street and'db' greet, PitWurbb• •-• ' , • Wp.. •ht BADALEY, WHOLZB • IV GROCIER4I,..Wood strtet Pittsburgh. TrIAVID!••Mi,•EDGERTON, • IV boloula il-Groveriutd CommtudosrMareskaat,,lM Wood' pi net, Plttsbnirigh, Pa. ...-t , .61217 , - UA PSTU2U.-60 barrele Powdered. ^ 4 . }WIRT UUMANII. RAILIi 4LW S. - C :N IN f / 1 844 11A bi - 7:l . 2 . .... N eila t ial — Aß -71- aa g g o orotErcr .- -TEN DAI LY TRAINS. - • Oa anJ g ru.,. ozwalc,t,tot.., list, iFss,tratas toll lease the Depot its follow*. FAST MAIL, daily except Sunday, at 2. etas. -.tot - ping only at principal stations. and making direct connections sit ararisbare for Neer Yon. • 1/nlLn/ore and Washington, sad at Philaddpbl.,, • t.,r New York lii•ratois maid Intermediate points. atanustatizo Act_lo3lmoDar2oNelsUyes. •;- opt Sunday, at 620 11. M 6t nr/"C at M at " • r station. betwein Pittsburgh mid 'Harrisburg, and ' ntin wta:::r6r, l7 TTt.lisdi c .: l 4 ;m uTz:G e t. hr. eft,t o a cc urat t l i .ic ii with trains en indlitra , Bruach, %Vest eensy Irani aIL R. Ebensburg d Creams B. R., nod lioilidaysburg Brsectaf - tape Sunday, at Lun p. m vi tun E . tourgi s l EX t i o : p . l) . Mog Yt t ES sr a h e ivi n sw lart;6 l y 1 71 4 1 .. , nod making connection with trnins of the sod Branches • JOIINsTOWN ACCOMMODATION, &d in apt Sundny, at SIM p. stopping it co stal stow Bens between Pitteburgh and .1 camatown, nsd eon. aerating at Bialrtaille In with it tins co the Indiana Branch and Wrat Pennaviennin ' PtILLADELPIIIA r.xkqmss, tinily, at AZ . in. stopping at Latrobe, (MEM - 66116h, *A wn , Buct.,cgdon, Lewistown. Miffltn, New. MarTsvill.,llareancrt , Lancraster.and Down. Ingrown. At Itarrlsborg ,!'reef ernmeetione made fcr Baillmoze. telling - ton and NOW Tool lir,i6 at Philadelphia, fora New Sock. Ibraston and iates mediate. points. Sleorinc Ctrs run Mum/rah on Ws - train from Pittsburgh to Snrilmore, Phlbutelphia I and Nov York, by the Aileirtown routs. . FAST LINE, daily. eso•pt Sundny, 9.ii• in., stopping only at tionnmnurn. tinliltsea AMW , • Rantlngdon. Lewudown. MEM, (Newport.. Maywrille. Harrisburg. Muldiellown. alunetA, won. Mt. Joy. saantatiter and Dow . r ltigtown. At Barrienunt connections me made foe' NeW York, Baltimore and Wsalostamonwl , Phan. delphla, for New York, Boston, sod intern/01st._ point. ' Accommodttion Train for Walls Station leave. daily (except Sunday) at CM 5. _ Second Accommodation Train for Walra Stattco !envies dolly (except Sundny) nt 1t.40 Third Accommodation Train for Wall's Statics , • eaves daily (except Sunder) at LW p. re. Fonds. AelitoMMOdAtiOriTrlin Mt WM% Salk& daily (except Sunday, at 6.06 p. m. Tho ilihurch Train leaves Wall'a /DMUS May ' Sunday et 11.06 A.• in., re turning . traces MUNN:Up ADAM AMMON. JOHN NORM:LEIN 1213ZrZI iTTSBURGII, FT. ' WAYNE b. CHICAGO - RAILWAYS AND OLEVEL AND & pirrs • BURGH RAILROA I). WINTER ARRANGEMENT. CM and after December ISt.h. 1864, traits will Fun gy as follows, iris. Lesves • For Pot Fer • Plttaburghlehleago. ItlievelaroLl Whealthip - • Express....-....12.i0 a. ro. 2.10 a. m. 2.10 I. m• - Expre55.......... 9.03 p. M. 2.46 p. m. 146 1.. nit Express-- ..... 3.00 p. Jo. Mail 6.40 6. m. SAO a. m For New Castle and Erie 6.60 a. m. Arrive at Allegheny—P. P. W. St O. Railirs. 7.10 a. m.,13.20 a. ou, 2.40 a. m. and 4.46 p. m. C. &P. R. R., 10 .00 s. m. GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agony Union PISSOCO.gor Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. I.IfISSELBERICY, Ticket Agent If URN 0e1.4e6 F. R. NLYERS.Oeuet l aM h exes en Agana 92E= pITTSBUROII AND ===l=o2 CONNELLSVILLE- WINTER ARRANGEMENT.; CM end sMer MONDAY, Noy. IC tete, the .. eritl leave th e Depot. earner .M Was• Bees mad , , •'- • Lavin 115 rattaburgh.ylttebth. Mall to end hole Unloelewa..73s a. sa. tee p. m. Eapreas . " • kaop. Fins McKeesport Aoeozen...ll.llo SAO a AIL Secondear. p. m. !alp. at. Firet Breddook's 740 a. m. OMB a. so. iecond " " • —. p. p. to. iusiday Church Track to end • Mom McKeesport 149 p. m. 1090 a. for ticket!' apply to A.-J. BRANS. Agent. . • W. E. STOUT, Supertateeß PTITSBUZIGH. LLEGELENY VAL- . . ... . Z.WILVIEN /1 1 : LEY. II . :, AILROAD ORANOR OF TDIF..--On amf after MOND A Y.' . r! wiu take Disy lek; met. tIS.4, the following amangessent M Ms a • - MAIL TRAM—LomeliPittrE sa. argit at 'Lse aes -, striviag at Kittanning at to ' • LaMar U. '• . tannest. at SAO p. m., arrives alttablugh st I - r iIESS TRAM4=lsaves %Maiming et ORLI • rs a. ay arriving at rittstrargb at IMSS a. tn. Lease , ; .1 Fl urgh at 4.10 p. m.; striving an Xsitansung at. , _IEL ISIMODATION • FRAME—Leavy. iecieS - wo st AM a. ro.; sullying at Pittsburgh atIMS a. • m. yes Pittsburgh at Valk in.; arrimog at aria F. WRIGHT; B*Waxtat b M ' •''• PIII.IHRRRB ti GAS FITTER,. FRACTICA.L.PLMOMpk` Gas Filters and Steam Beaters:-- ., Dwern ge fitted . with *rater mesa lathe .0„, 1, 7 11 r, au aunt mottos. .41.111 Reperiwt Mad care wag dispatch. TANKS, TUBS ON. =EMU . Uned adth Sheet Lead. Seams burnt la. • air Orders reepeetfulty solicited. . :UP pIaJNBIG, all fta branctun rw earethlly _attended to. by one tir t hr s d,M267 l ansa, 41..,nasibumtnugot , affiriam vi HSOa?. 00bdantlY on hand an d ma d e 4 o o... or . TATS oIIIEVII.LE,., . es y STREET, silieghsalri iSTSESI'i pttutnepe Arid loblitawdir jOILIC. RoBB;Agent at the manes 00., - .Konsington Piro Inanzaneo 00., and thereon Mutual Life insufaneaClo. of Ph11a, , ,1 4 dalphla., N. U Nation street, Pftaabtulti. 1 - GARDINER COEITN, Agent for Qsr A u F Ildladaliddib and Baltimore Inmart, ante CAnn NOttbilla owner WOOD aad ; - Ocim W paie le i. j : l4 ,W E A S: Trl3 l47 Si lanib 'RECP 444 -... W. of for 11"itala4 QAMITEL ILEA ' Seem Cithe ns' hung.' - I .! MOO •• • 4 . wAraii:' 'FoRICLON BRUIT. NUTS ! bole* Tit N-11a i . .- • -IC == l k7 ariuckdai • %Stag Ski Lt u A""F ds !: do 'El. „ t. m I 6 do - shell Is boxes Shelled AlaloiSlll',.. ; 1 0 Ooeoa Note: 00 bags Pea Masi.; In atom and WuYagiIUITMEB f egos.; makwood stmt. too able Madison CllttEttEa !Nally 'gloom •60 do Extra Samna. , ttOt 10 . do'. Kit itomtnip... 7 : -do . Wroth Ho Button • - do ChoiceßotSLss ElTtlii 10 do „ClhamOsittuatrital_.- RA N bounds 00untry Liston Hitt./; cof e o h Prime ot Pesse ddS kniow rotatory, Na. Oil Bette* In store and for este by PRODUCE COESIGNM ELITS. --',. "';-',• r • 400 bentts'Peagh Mote PotatosS;. ' '. ' '' 's so do Prime Dried Apples;. • , , • ::. , - 150 bushels 'Stalled Coin; '• `. -'. -' '' -.',.'. ' 400 ,do .If lass fie=l/011ide, .." ~ ': - .'.: 1 .' ''' Id do do•Wester's • so /keens Olbeeeil •'. -4 ''-''''.. • .q. - 4. ~.. , Softer (fralb, '. - 1 0 barrebi Roll Ballot( ' - -.!,-• ' '' l i I. ....:., . S lisklas do -, • do; - , . --,.-, , -4 Distort lid tat Lila by - - ' o '. .. 1 .., " DOULITTL2 a PEO_ ,E. - ''..l, 4, spit& -,., ,••:.. . - .db anal" Water srises. - -;;;':" • - ;. .ISO barrels Posgib 11l Potatoes.' - ' ' - -'' 4 .* - ••••- i• '... ...• 00 boles 2Voll , . • ' .-' bo som, b bd blll bolim Ptinl lermi, :lor: piskmuieu Sesol ;l . ~ ~ , , .... • ' ...11 boils F r e s h llatteil , , s boxes ?garde btu- -,• , _ _ • • i •-• es boxes W.rt. , Obsess; ‘,, ' ''.?, 4 ,tr. , 111 I : 0:. Ilb Store abater ule'st 3/10 Libetty ~, ' ~ ..,,,::, 1 text •.. POTTER„AtICENts SHIM ... SLYMPS, - BARBERS' ,- - SOAPS: 4 . 6 Ir T , ... 1 . hare for th e plyit_ .lotir Yea?' . used 9AWYEIPid,.: , t•EBEES"'Stlare bed easelder - It sopefeultO i' y tabielletvo *sae besk either forth* tall* oe- • • " for obeying. A. w. Lusc.a.v. - &pleat roar* flirettSoortag Smoot, ... , ~ . =MI No. 188 FQOETH ,_STB3XZ Gas and, steam Fitting. IarIiVRAIrCE efeEXTS...!, FEr a LIISISTRO „. corner Mailtst marl:at st.i!ibi4s.:: L.: ea 4 , , ,,.. ., i EMI Ntiel
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers