Prdtf/r2 . 8. . . WANTED. -.--$125 - PER 'MONTH.— Agee* swathe irervvierre to I.4re Oser •he Improve! MAW. it CILIUM FA SITLY SE VlNth macnintr- the .osJy, low . prior notching In *to eroaattf, ofilthle hawed by thorn. o Onkerr Wheeler 'tr. Uron, Some. r.leger Beelbelder. 40 other metiers err tefelegroreo, sod the seller endowr ore liable to Yee end im yrtoonateid.- Sahli sod repulse., or Leree roar; filustrok elrentara ee.t Addrree•SlLAW GLAFlEJteterford, isyCnod • s r WANTED. 4 sonrrs TO AN WAS. S for ems of the best rolling and paling !arra loos of thew. *cents are positively cleartt if from IRS to Sb .ppeerr day, and only small capital teottlrtd. •A remployileut forttivilded wed diuttarge I aoldiert. For partiattlarn call on Pril.W. tliknE, Room DI, St. Charier Rotel, for one, week. ' • urANTED, AT =ISO PER MONTH, A. V BECIABLE CANVASSED, le every town and eetuar, for THE WORSE. AND SPY, Pee noel exalting book ersraubilthed, embreollit the *dyed:aura 'el a 'woman fa the Palen error as Nan, Scent and Spy, pries a =Nit 'Did inner wietaretit the war. We anew Agents cleating SILO per swath, which" we will prove to any doubting siln4Nand for strealan Address /ONES, t CO.. No. Ohestaut street, Ph laid. Wars. . mylamd asAIiTED.--470 A MODEM—I. - want 'Agents svergerbere, et 070. meant, e x p ens e s • .to reU SIFTEEN ARTILILES,, the best sob ever ogees& Full pertlstaere JO* Address :r. OARIM, Ilkleenent, nal.. =sten WANTED.—A MAN to work M the eelesury. Apply at 163 Llbertr street. spa • W. P• bEOK a 00. To -LET.-ONE HOUSE.—Three rooms, with Ceiba.; •• Sec It, ino • year. Pat further particulars, jeoqulre at rio. VPAIrIE STREET. TO LET.—An OFFICE on Inn WOW' Soar, comet of water and Smnhneld onset,. Enitutte ai , JOHN L HOITSE t 00. VOR BALE.—FAMit.—Situated Plum -ft- township, Allegheny SOCllltr.' cantata*: SO sores; SO saes under tense: the remainder timber led: WI setts of goal Enquire of • streinwi . B. GILL, No. SO Fifth street. VIA SALE—A • GROCERY STORE.— Theistock and good willof a Grocery Store, dole( • good busing*. For terms eugulre on the preadult, No.nt WANE STREET. Potemkin . Ores Immediately. Gauge of tale—Dl health.. eny4,ll.d BALE—That lsts. TIMER STORY MUCK DWELLING HOUSE, Nate Foart, street, Pritsb uaquirs rsh. o • Possession given oa the Isi of awn next E JUREI W. RIDD 'f ELL, Attogney-ateLsw. de2lll No. lie Fourth street. VW°. STORY BRICK ROUSE FOR SALT.—Nilth lot of grourill torecktylour Pet Stott DT Musty deep; htll, six ro tog sod dolAhod patio, We ►lien. N 0.197 1 h l ro Wee., near artar. Rapt B.I.MTUBERT kSONS. OR alorket St. VALUABLE 'SMITHFIELD STREET PROPERTY FOIL .ALE.—Forty feet i rout by 11 drop to a pared alley, 3J feet is,de: a brick lavers stood. fooesesslno October find). a back boUOlsayand-twAtbnce story brick dwelduge. my, R. 011niRERT A SONO. et Market St. • VOR BALE - CHEAP.—A FRAM 119VSE, U removed at ores. Sittutted con oer7rllle 11111 d WILMA= ATISDUCII Allegheny city. llotitilte • r • • LITTLE, BATED tr. PATTON, , Nos. 11.2 mid 114 Second st: Pittsburgh. VOR E3.LF.,:-150 Acres of Coal, al5O, 12C 0.- ace= of front mud In pool No. 2; Coo one track 4E coal and ridlroad; and other Iraprovemezdas to , gOod working aided • pool No. a lose tract on the Youghlogheny rhea , 11.1:14 eennellereo Maguire of • - ViLLLIA2d WAED mad drat door is PINt on Grant ern*. 1?OR SALE •:.: 0 00AL • LAND.-Situated on the Pittabluro sM WaSohlittob Tuntlgitet - time *kilns ;from Mtaburgh, eontalelart twenty two nom sat . tilty-nine - pecrettrat Bartlett to "11th state of cultivation, suitable for ItavdeAnt. :The teal wm be within reach of the Steubenville Rauoed, when - opened. Apply coon to • "lAORELL & JOHNSOR, No. SI Grant St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Fos BALE, A coirosrmarx norms Of Wm avOnlicwithin c mid a half squares of tha And oars, to Manchester. Good water And amp "I.ftft sonrentent.- Pomo:ton emir Lamed= Par taus nplyllo loam Paanc,TlFederal or at Thomas - Harm% Wagon Shop, Beaverstreet, - 14 ETHOPOLITAN HOTEL, No. 16 ST.. AT- I ,4C.LAIIL 8 ITIELIVFOR SALE.—Clensistlow -of bite entire furniture of the houta,lesse .and :good wilL•rTba house lain a very central location. and has and 'snow doing a large and proilusble bus. near -To pasties wishing to embark la hot-e11:m.4 new, the above presents a rare opportunity for =kW a politab e investment: Possession will be given at once. For price and terms apply to apt. .11 - IdoLitiN &UM. Pri Fourth street. ••••po.R. BM IC—Thee new iStitsin Ruguitia, • f ell= built purpoiely 01l bob ollinder, Look straket.Tery for strong. Entaria shaft, crank 4 sonsectlng rod of wrolught. from . . used for boxes. ' -- Boilers 14 to a fee( iong,l2 fistula Illatootor, with two tl-Iseb Suss; chimney 18 to. by feel hot end a soldowsterpompa:- Enalthing "motets atirsuly. to skip on debt 13.13011. Mop, maw Aint allay and Duquesne street, • asst tof Alletbany river. near the Paint. dealt( VORSALIP=AIIIIRISIS, STORY BRICK. A: DWELLING, costalnlng Het rooms inn la emu. *ma brilerlllolooe On Smetl van it [Feb. near Dim , . I%o_ :L i r YBAME 1 1 ;101 . 17g 4 Cl e t 7 Li r an ". in a t, T n W e O n, and La complete wear, erzUb a lot 00 by 117 - feet, U lisparett; Tarte/nk :es; epP!.s et the SW , O. S. Bealai& t a mnits, sea Apnn, Lairreneerille.ra. TNOIA_LE.—One SECOND - HAND J. -BOILR, Dei t y stw, IS toot long, SS Maws Om St het loag,Cl lathes dhantar .3.11 lath One SS bowel Winced bun Teak:; • Enquire et Übe twousTaTAL WORKS. - • HIIGH X. BULK & 00, ear. Point /MT end Duquesne Way. Pitt/Vb. FOR .IU-tit. 3111:o QrOvoity. POSSESSION 'GIVEN APRIL • .FIFST A gestrabb pivrwety fn Xiallttre township, well Imworedi ami Rom AllegtiAq. Alm, an Elegant Residence. • SR Fiffflf lakioY. • Tor 'partfralars exiquiro cok the preedspiet T. L.. IaiIIINAGEILN, or of J. T. SAMPLE, Real Estate - Brelrece. .Na. 116 rodent etriet. Alleatemr. nRIIELAN6' COURT SALE OF V N.. , OA= LOTS IN THE EIGHTH IMES LTISHURGH.—The undersigned, by order of !a Goy% of allegite- p eonnty, as Guar IllauVre rehire 'altars& of Da-vid Greer .dso4l;- - wilt eteer etPablis S at üb• uouar 11005E,, - is they City of -Pitts on s&rnst.k&Y.l Airy eth,. - UlS,cat S. o'clock it. the loneW• jog - meat lots the =girth ward, dity l'ltielmrgh, VII, I lota on .th• corner. or Ma. ,Lawl ,Port,es strestrile by al feet, being lota 05.17 .and. lb wad Green plan. recdtl -10 flook.voL t. twee ITS; 1 lot on Leenstetreet, ie a lSf feet. beinglot No. szi is, said plan; te lots On Mans st7eet.2ll by Inl4 tem. being lota In talon, awd lee to 112 Weald .Ist 6 lebron Vtaktoy street. 110 Waif feet, being Noe LID to 'lnt tn and plata; • sad iota oa the tenet of leereee and Blairetleve, 10 by Its feet, bass Nos. 111, OS and tie said' slant making allogother /03 lots. Some .41 0 = lota 'Owe*, desirable =building sitar, and, an vitiorsiitabls•lcer ideate (Mande& They will be meld - sepandely or all tagether 'and 'ow way 10,00 Tit , gt-warrA, • • "MOB BLIAIf—A TM yandable FARM In Deny township, Westmoreland meaty, Pa.; oratalnia a shout 120 •ewitai - well' ImMotod, sad la or cuttivlUOa. - A FARM OF ,FLITY•TWO ACMES-fa Deny p, Weetreerelatudeonaty, shoat two ogles from St. OW? Statioa on the-Penns. Reg. mad. A Mesm amain nearly completed with all Um insigages7 .or donne' notion the rendses the land le of the Dort quality, coal . and as iln aboadance, and mood nnlidations of OIL _Will to mkt cheap. -AMOR! : acne adiolnint the Mlle of New rimy, in the, very beet state of onitiv. fon. ano abundance of fru.t of .eery doneription. • • Also. a FARM OP In MMES. to St titan taWn• • MWelitinureiand 00120t7. ,pa.„ im Tub Bug ' 'tout mar mile from the Penn's Railroad. 4 The isamorentents are a good imam ham., and ivte (tame airmail Fenno, Se aeon In Derry tom:undo, s. i Weetm Psaso. y t elast4 (Musty, Pa.. - ncer thistles of the §Also. a Farm of about WS acre. II Fairfield towa;• .. ship, Westmatedaad Monty, Pa. _ _- . . Also, a Fenn of hie s in Fairfield townaldp t.,.. Westmoreland consa • .., a . • ',• , 11e Also, e egy valuable farm of Int iereanesr the - C, Sewn 01 Bolica, 10 r tirll44l township, Wanner.- , land county, Pa, and About one and *half . rages 1 eon the Transylvania Railroad. • The Improve. a seenteme a laryekrkk 00050, sprPg house, smoke 3 .:houbs, a torte 111.01061t1 001 , s large Mow 040144 s 0/ 2011/01. 01110 apple orel•ard, with ' l,' l at:r ate fe r nirtrees. ••=ll 'le ruidensto with Goal. • ' zeta of ere brkk clap and 10:00t oattuared saes iof Ito. I white oak limb. ?. posseadost even kn. '„,.. 1 . 111. 1 1 " 16x 1 . 'scree situated la Ligonier tetras/lip, I, Wegaioreland !county, Ps, adlolatag the wont al Li =ta lots; with a lugs brisk /magi. A Imi •,,C • reddest's In the borough of Ligonlen Will be i "1 2;:a te rseres of ism!, with a lino tort thin . lain. 114 =1; sige P oif land, alleluias same stem: . Also, & Pane at 1100ut,,30 1031.811 Elizabeth Da county: Pa,-euttolnina Etna. bath' borough. - -The hapreemseett are cod, and F the land of. the beet quality. Will be sold at gold gime, oak Hill ;pare, eentainineWeenw, wilds., galf same pia" lOUs all the trnPralements. - Prl Allah= a Tana - of 110 am.,, sear tlis town. of • gAgasier, Westmoreland ornately, Pawney Amp. &no, • Large Vogel et arthis we 11001001305. el the Pennsylvania Rallecoe. The b Udings are good sad well inanded foes hotel andet t Ont Tide •P"Ary wl I bee* lita bantam. ,--.- t iartbee partiortainSo la - - , I • 0. H. TowliaL mitissaiirs, int • ;-.. - -....ria illt Powthatrest. pTiJl'7!lßTlt .' ~; e IrOUPIL nomgmarj, et Tamitom ind GRA. , _ /WM/Arm—Dr. LIL Pollock. 2:161"11.1"limolari ReAmp , Unwell Rm..* • bbls No. Y. for sale bv • . itatilit H. 1/9/.61161, (.11 CAT,JII f.:.V 7 :1 4, IdECTUREN. :111TTSWIR F T1 TI , MANAn rrn-WILIFE(NRDEWItgX:: Itenedt and last eppefueeee of the gregt tregto Retiree, EMfdA WALLER, . . who 10.1 ataxia as the D 110111.89 OF Pldt,Fl and JOAN OF "IBIS ETI.NING,IwtII be presented the great Ellzabotitatt tragedy., entitled the Duchilos 'luaus' of 'Overture 1 . Orchestra. To food'ade with lira hl.tilde•' drama of JOAN OF ARO, 7 4 .1 E EMU OF ORLEANS. Joan of Aro 'Rama Waller. Satorday, tomtit oi J. 0. Satan. 3., TENNYSON CLUB LECTURES. Lr LAFAYETTE HALL. ••• ALF'. BURNETT. THE GREATEST LIVING HUMORIST. POSITIVELY THREE NIGHTS ONLY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS. - MAY 3d, 4th mid sth. When he willprammt hLsOrotetque Pieturce,Oosde Elocution, Miraculous Utmost, of Oharacter and Mteltattons ; Preacher from Ilepsedara t olabsid s and t3arr etre. (debate); liar/ had a Litt's Lamb ; Sheridan , ' Aloe ; Selections Dom Hamlet in eon tome, hoas Oven Dodworth Hall, N. T., for an nicht.' Tickets SO emits. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; per to commence al Y. aphkr..l CONCERT HALL—MONDAY AND TUESDAY, may eta and 9th. DE EATOW. WEHLL • MAX STBILEOrt It line. tho honor to announce to the citizen!, of Pittsburgh and vicinity that when LUtnile he sueevededin marl uarrangemente for a bri. Concert Tour with the NDERS UL RCS:3JAN VUJLIatiELLIST, • HELENE DE ICATOW, end the renowned PIANO FORTE VIRTUOSO AND COMPOSER, Mr. JAMES M. wEELT, who will give tv Pittsburgh TWO GRAND CON CERTS, an allove. Both th ee Pallas have !het with unpreeedeuted avocets in New Yore, Rotten, Philsdelonla, and Anther ch les, to here they have given over 1 , ,,ty 0 an cert. during their short stay to the Milted States HENRIETTA BEHRENS; the Swum sod Popular American Prima Doan veld assist on the occasion. . . DD.loll Director and Corductor....S. BEHRENS. 4411 - The., will positively be the only Concerts In Pittsburgh by these 'Rosiest Celebrities, as they shortly Worn to Eurure. Admission irmluoing Reserved Sests, St. Tick et. end rents may be secured for the Concerts oa 111.11RADAY MOWSTINO, at 9 1. Ir.; - at C. U ItiELLOIO, MUSIC , STORE. Orders from the eruntry for lieseroni :efts will be Promptly at tended tn. . . 45.7-Caleketbag.e Grand Plano will be tilel on hn oeve open at 7: to commence at El o'clock. TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES THEATRE. TOW STRATET. MAAS BT. C. 5.01. W. 0. SMYTHE. Lease° end Matelot.. COiIEINCIII AT 8 oVioos. GREAT SUCCESS I THREE-NIOHTS MORE I STARTLING t STARTLING I • Fite Simmons' two act veraloo of SIX STEPS OF VICE! The g eat American Prima tonna, 151IiS MAUD STANLEY, The wonderful Female Personator, • FERNANDO FLEURY. Ethiopian Cougresa, HART, WEAVER, CLIFFORD AND SLOE. 20 Versatile Artistes I 10 Pretty Lady Dancers I Dabble Show and Double Troupe Monday alght File ' , Ammons* two act Unlon Drama, FALL OF RICHMOND! SURRENDER OF (MC LEE I LECTURE, . • PROF. 7:1117Mt COX al T co.revic T ICJ L THURSDAY AND, SATURDAY EVENINGS. Scrsiscr—..FSENol4 ENGLISH AND ABER IOAN BLUNDERS... Adtetaston Musts.. Comitenoe et 8. °Merest , . digs" t ran& mySsit PLiJrOS. Al US IC. Se. T ER ]Bradbury Piano STRONG INDORSEMENT The mmeleal profession of the city of Now York Late. with noes unpreeelented unanimity awarded : WM. a BILILUDOEY, the highest mead of praise foe tew and beautiful piano forum They state, among other highly complimentary notion. that they inure examined with much es.. 13..liradbaur•at new coals pianofortes, audit le .in. our opittlem• that In power, ptutty, tichame, equality of tame tanditiorough workmanship, Mr. Bradbare's inetrbete. ts excel .IWe nod greet cy, and beautiful %Inking quality:ol.ton% `most happily blerbled. Ws have rareip.'ann-.a emirs piano combhs• ao essay or thOre qualltle• a0 . , -easnottal to a PERFEOI M.- 121 - •IO3IdENT..• - Masi; ll i -" fob, a.o. W. Moroi n, Theo. Thom; W. Besse. Jotus N. rattlaon, Chas. Fardel, Robert fieller,l3harles Grote, Strakosch, Elam W. Bransco. Max MLitt:et. Veal atuschuts, El M. Oarrlnetr o. Harry Saoderson, Ohs% Walla, tie, F. IFlrunear, E. B ref ola,Oustara R. Eckhardt, 0-tarrie erotic. IL: E. Mathestoi F.-1.. Ritter. F. H. Huh, Then. Melling, John H. Icislor, R. Stale; Henry .0. Thus, T. E. Perkin% Mien.. Bagels; edi. tor-How 'York Mirka! Revive, John Zundot, ne gaillot Ist H. W. Becobsea rhum b. WAKEURK. & RAAB, Sole Agante, apt - No. II ST. CLAIR muse. Two Splendid Pianos AT A BARGAIN $76 LESS THAN FACTORY' PRICE. Two fall land Seven Octave Sloes. beautiful dark rosewood saw, elegant caved legs, pedal and music deo, lull Uoa tram, overstruac bare, asul . will be • sold at IPS lea than Farkas Sate to make room for sow Kook. Each One Warranted for Five Years. CHUMS C. MELLOR. at WOOD arrersr. 110FFX&N,F074214 & Co., =PUT& -111111.1C8T. NiEgEiN ApLODEONEI. . . 855. 870. 885*. THREE SBOOND HAND MELODEONS at 'boy° pkfosr. egAgi,E3 0. atszum KNAttEI3 PIANOS, PEJNOE'S ZILELPDEOI'IS eNU traRIJUTS, Le Dann the world. For sale only by cramaarrE BLuxE Y Firth street, Sots•AS•at. it. .1:1113801.11TION or ADO.P.S.RTNER. AkitneradjilieretOfOre /Waiting bitarreo the Widersigeed,_ ender the do nll.lllO of URVBEMIN 00.; tor the eisearseture of Barer 'Pearl mid ether Seeps, bas this day bests dismayed Dt ettaxial coastal. SAMUEL M. K ni n . Paisbulik Sept: WX. =MDT & CO., okreum to CRIMP TON r , C0.,) • Xi7 . II7TARTIIRIZEI os Silver Pearl and Superior Rosin Soaps, ut I.ll3tirt STIMET, P/T7'SBU2Q/k deßayd • DISSOLUTION OF CO-PAII,THER, SIIIP.—The tint under the style et KEITH, P&INTER & CO. and J AS. M. NEVEM lc CO., to /Iteselved .by mutual entuent. Either potty. will mettle the Mallet" of the Vote Ann, and dip. only In U01a1..ti... ; Pmmennott, Jennirt tot, talk e tawa CW , ARTNXII§#II'.' We bats aissOldsWd co the Wwir_ipol2.l' MlZlMl azur bwithowy2l 4, a s g 7 = N r ic a l d . RU - I,l* WpWr of Paliwtolniar a Co. ' WATT mu— Avatcm... • rcrorissx. JORDAN, HOLIMTBE'a CO,• cominsistrion Arnwhinitih . fee to. iii. of motra,a,ium, utek.onll o l SEEDS, LARD , Burr m. WEIS, oat= LP. P 1.4.14 to., to. IMNI. LIBERTY . STREOT, Pitt& Eefentwors.-Elmaillaf bletigsz, PitiaISzATEtEWS. •on gate Oe, PRiabengh. spUdlyd TAPER-'-lgew;d4.o and:hand -TV , obi.:4Por a, DAM Market street Jos. a. iitrimiss k ego. sreci-v! LAIC*. to rf.ll4,tii Copper Bill and Smelting Works. PARK, McCURDY & Electufsoturers or SaTATRING. RR AZT= s. at BOLT COPPER, PREVeSED coemat /SOT TOMS RAISED [;TILL IiOTTONLY, stPtiI,TER SOLDLIi• Atesitspmtere and dealers to ME F ALB, TIN PEA. Sh.f..ET IRON, WIP.E I Constantly oh baud, TINT ERS . MAORI: I ES sod TOOLS. Nirsrehouse. No 1.101 , 1115 T nod ITS SEO OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. SpeCilti orders of Copper out to any desired tutttsrn• siy26:trdsieT & CO., Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Nos- 20, 22, - 24 cod se PENN' STREET. Emma Wallas Having secured a large yard, and famished irlth the moat Improved mrwhinaty, we are prepat ed to manufacture every dererintion of BUILEItS, In the best manner, sad warranted equal to any made in the country. CHIMNEYS. lIRICIREN FIRE REDS, STEAM PIPES, LOriomorrvi BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT d.NS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SKr TLING PANS, .BOILER IRON, RKIIWII,M, SUGAR PANS, and wlemanurseturers ofBARN HILL'S PATENT,BOILERS. Repaid • g done on thershortratnotte. . ifktf arriTTElßUntill SAW WORKS. HUBBARD, BRO. & CO iPATENT GROUND CIRCIULARtio Varmint/11 CAST STEEL. SAWS, of every fle• sortptlon. NW, Milan Cram Oat, Gang, and all other varieties. All kinds of KNIVES arid SPRINGS, madaYrcon Shoat Cast Steel • Extra Refined REAPER AND MOWING ENI ke. 11%•• Warehouse and Work., corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to Retoothing, Gum 'tang and Straightening Circular . Saws; also, re. pairs of all kind. Punching and 'Drilling dons at reasonable ratro. arstady_ ClZOkor 8E1T1M....11, P. R/L1C1..28 I. HOLLAND carLA BELLE STEEL WORICIL (sneceason to RI:ITM, HAIIIICIZI & 00.,) Manufacturers of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW sod BLISTER STEEL; SPIUNGS, AY. LET, CROWBARS, roe. Qr. Works, :GUST WARD, Allegkiny. Pod Office addrew, PITTSBURGH. 1 1 ,1101IINSON, REA At CO, (suocessors to Ronissos, 51nris 6, alitanns Washington Works. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Prrrseronon. hlsoufacturers of BOAT AND STATIori ART STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, GEARING, SD AFTING, CAST INGS of all destaiptloos, OIL TAN KS 6 STILLS, BOILER AND SHE= IRON WORK. Agents foro I PEA RIPS PATENT WI Et7D OR, for feeding b.,llers. To NT.HVOUN SEFFEINERti OF BOTH SEXES .-A reverend gentleman has ing heen restored to health in a few days, after on dergoing the usual roatine and Irregular expensive mode of treatment without sureese, uonsiders it his sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow crest nem the means of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will send, free, a copy of the prescription used. Direct to Lit. JOHN Al. DMINALL, 188 Fulton treet. N. Y. • othi 1 aidalrT s- JOtIN COCHRAN dit BRO.. Banana:. 3=7 toren of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING, WINDOW Satyr. MIS, an d GUARDS, beta Nos Wood UND and INTIM]) STREET, een and Illimitet, have on hand a variety of new patterns, Dory and plain, suitable for all purposts. SW Particular attention paid to encdoldrys Grays Lola. Jobbing dons at abort notice. au2 TUE cusmaurn. AN ES. sAy 4 IF WAPNING AND INSTRUC TION FOR YOUNG MEN. Alm, new and mita. bit/treatment at the Urinary and Sexualgyatent Address Dr. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTO N, How and Association. Philadelphia, Pa. aptly rigralIESHY S. 41111.1.1111, FORWARD IRO AND coarmissiorr MER(1111111 and erholeule dealer In CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS, FISH and wodooe geserally. No. 111 WOOD STREET Plttaharacl. eel COL. L. 8. DOFF — ILL BE A asmatdate ter the °Moe of DISTRICT /LT IX/MUT, Wore the Onto:, (Monty Cenvemthat, which meets Jena ttb, mytxte or Tie COUNTY COMMISNIOIVEB.— 11=1 0- THOMAS FE.PGUSOIV. of Temperance. etllw, RILL be a candidate, auto/eat tolls cocaina of the ruins, County unnvention. ap29:to nisraier A rroaNEY.-4/01131 a. KIRKPATRICK I. a canclidata for reanotti- D ation to tne odlca of District Attorney, ..Disat so-the action ot. the Union Republican lJoooty Conventlen, whieh grill :sett noon Tuesday, the 6th day of June neit. Delegate election oa Satur day afternuon, June 341. apet,edaseF arl WILL BE CANDIDATE FOE. the office of 1115T2114./T ATI . ORNEY, ent.ieet to the Lognir.atlon of the next Union County l'envetttlon art I:tu ALES. TI. 'WATSON. 0. r. unrw.rfe. J. N. OA. 100071 . 011.11011.0 AI cMA.bTER,,GAZZAM & CO., ATTORNEYS FOR CLAIMANTS Licensed U. 8. .dgents, for p- . rom Int PIP.NSIIINF. BOUNTIES. AR. RAARS OF PAT,'parzE NIONET, 004SPEN SATioN FOIL iIOBSS.S, and other property loot or,difotroyei. Wile in the service os ths United State* STOPPAGES OF PAT ARO OTVIOSIIA, 0.111.1 c ASCE AN O QUARTI R ASTERN MI COUNTS ed,Pic.eirasi vertiliestes of indebted. oa pelatUrell. Applications by , Mall attf ndfd to es If made In possum NO CHARGE MADE UNLESS SOO. -FS: TVA. 'OFFICE No. 98 GRANT STREET, U . B. WAR CLAIM AGENO 33crtaim.1163 ma, .lEtescar... Paw =I CLAWS OF •LL BINDS PROCURED PitOILYTLI. W. 7. & HALL PATTERSON, WPATITDED SOLDIERS. 'sloo Bounty to all Wounded Soldiers, Ls now being paid to ell wish a eDemberge.“ We douse made I=ll the monef ts collected. T. ALTER DAT, Licensed by the D. FL Government. Vo. MTH STRITT, mond door below the cathedral. nyttrat BUTTERFIELD, OAZZLII & CO., Arrow's's AT LAW, _ McMaster. Oars am k Oct..tataburgh.) colloctloso mode Tltios outatthol.atad aa other Ina buskins alterided to In Western. Potwar*. nth, Eastern Okao and Wed Intittota. litlffotonoto: Megan* Ltekhart sad Frewanka Harper, Eat, Marshall it Brown. kOL BIERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTIES , " PENSIONS LED ARREARS OF PAY. Promptly sttmuled to by ANTHERS dt RIDDEN. No. ID FOURTH ST., Plttstousb. Ps. derbfloadblef • ANEB SW STE VENSON, T.A. W 4oarwxcrio, No. 144 Fourth Street, rnissreas, Pd., will i notice In the various courts of Allegheny aedneJoLeleg counties. • apSly4 lILLOWLIL M.A.CKRELL & JOHNSON, v.s. LIOErf BED SOLD AYD lEESt OLAIIN sauna Ihnuntlee for "Wounded Etoklters colleend to grow es to twenty dnya. iffirOdtee Mo. fiff (Mere wranwe, Pittstnu - gh. lull with discharge and two witnewm. denMy w i tatay, 1 1.11 6 11,13 .1 j i l s ughs i CLAIM of wary deeeription, ()enacted by the subscriber at the tellowlog sates, iris POllllllllll UN Ml other claims ssho. 0. 0. TAYLOR, Attorteepat-Law, No. Grant street, PRtaburgb, Pa. N. L.-PO charges are made It the claim dam not succeed, sad all Intormation given grade. seldy NOAH W. SHAFER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , No. los rum Bizarr. Pittsburgh, Pa. dais@ . Eof somay, nazis iporry. - iko„ vionntudir inoseetod. Avv ‘ a Eirse - Enticirt DRAWINGS AM 10MXI: la r :h All IdsAl of bullillsp, into, tea& ansotton on rennonabLe term& 6.1 1 : * so_ irteriIERSOICHTRESTI batmen • . •tikrult, uue eiCOTT u .tatrit oriiiikrtia *MA POWorileli Malin image ofesiliidatfilivisdarmita,Pidstiertak. - _ VEW PARLOR P&PERS TO AlSRpfil As this week at Na Ws Ku. es stmt . •P• I L: 40.9. IL ROGUES IS BEO. -WCI 'rag XA1117TLO1V&1IA OF REITKO. & CO., CAIXDIDA TES. .17TOR.VE rs. FZGEZIII3 PENSIONS, Attorneys-at-Law, 144 FOURTH STREET. FHA NIEWN„ PA., ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW tee 0014nrtill itAaattro f:i Y, hiaT t% 10'01 cAzuvru. i IVERTIIiING 11P.TVA 1,3t1). I week It m. 11.4.1 r. r ! , 4 el.v. Ilne 1.14 m.. 4 ' , 6 ; 5L 44.. ;1) I Feu tin ec I, , 25, 10i Three time: I Ca; 96, .. -- . . , Four tiwen, ! 1 90' I I;.; 1 ! . Plvotircoo.l, 2 201 1 30 (./ne wc:14... 2 60; 1 40' 1701 56 ' 85. 55 1' Ivorksi 4 35; 2 50i 2WI 17J I 451 96 There... lie, 6 01, 3 30', 4NO 2 20' 2 IX( 1 10 (:no niontll; 7Ws W. 6 110 1 1 • 270'2 76 133 TWu rt“. 32.1 II 2.5, 003 1 53, 100. 375 201 7:1-tee mo'3l 13 73 100 9 13' 1 73', 4 CAI 235 Six months 20 la . 12 00. 13 65. 6 00' 990 1 00 Nine 0401 . 6 27 W. 15 60' 16 MI 10 30, 900 6 16 ().,, Yr.,. 71 0,1 100 21 33 12 90' la 70 600 /..I)T.IrTNIIM LISTA. For one equare, thance•thie nne time each week. Finedn to the Immediate buxlnese of the a4rer• AU larger advertleements to ease. pennon. : I 1 t time hells treck.'• week. C/00 Roath • 935° •4 , 901 $ 4 701 • 300 Three m0n1h....1 17 WI Al 15 60 00 SIX mant'9 24 001 19 00 15 75 10 50 One 11060 I 50 ow 25 00. 24 60 14 1911 Fist Notices doultie the shore rates Rentlt Notices, each Insertion al *mangy nouns,... Sle•Mbortt adVertle.rtrient., per trip ExeStit ors' or Administrators' Notices.. Local notices, under special head is boast Column CITY AND SUBURBAN. ►ROIL TS/WI:M.4'B CT•11111161 aaarrral Pennsylvania Post °tikes The Postmaster General has ordered the fol; lowing arpointftients : At Kent, Indiana county, Mist Mary A. liens demon is appointed postmaster al Le William Bruce, deceased. At Forks, Columbia county, Daniel realer Is appointed postmaster In place of Etnanders Unanost, drafted. At Hunter's Cove, Greene county, Isaac Johnson is appointed postmaster Via(' Morgan Hedge, moved away. At Winfield, Union county, Samuel A. Waiter& is appointed postmaster, vice Leal Rook. de. clmed. At Annie Creek. MrKean county, Davis Jackson La appolniod postmaster, vice Mlles Kinney, .derrtsed. At Eu lalle, Potter county, 11.11 T. Nei sou Ls appointed postmaster, vice Austin White. re signed. At Germany, Warren comity, G to. W. Roper is appointed postmaster, vice William J. Reeves, resigned. At Grettle, Lebanon donut!. vire Jermnlah W.Wiftto,re.lened. At Waymatt, Wayne county, Milo C. Stanton appolidei p sst• muter, vire Francis V. Carr, resl i teed. At Laz ar, ttn Station, D-vlawsre county, Lewis Kneeler Le appointed postmaster, in place ot Margaret IL Wright. resigned. At North Washington, Westmoreland county. James M. Lafferty is ap• paiDitai postmaster, vice William H. Guthrie, resigned. At Eintersville, Weatmoreland county, Adam M. Carline Is appointed postmaster, vice J. E. Hayden, resigned. United States District Court. TUSEDAT, Ids* 4.—Before Judge M.•Caudice/. Wm. Marshall, aged about fourteen years, was arraigned on a charge of erobeealing letters from the Vetted elates Mall. It is alleged that the defendant, while carrying the mall between Kittanning, Armstrong county, stud Maharani:, Indiana county, on the 10th of February, °paled, rifled and then destroyed a number of Letters. E. B. Golden, Esq., of Kittanning, and Moo. J. Keenan; Esg., of this city, appeared fir defendant, and District Attorney Carnahan for the Government. Mr. Gourley, postmaster at Erma Valley, was the drat witness called. Re tretitied that the defendant, on the day above thentlutod, canted the mall on horseback, on the route between Kittanning and Mahooing. The witseer did not notice anything wrong with the trail big. except that it had been worn con siderably. The silmeatt marled limr letters that day, to differtzt points, and the boy, after remain ing tea or fifteen minutes In the -odlee, started off: On the following day fragments of letters were found along the road, some of which were idestl'ed by Mr. Gourley abasing bet= mailed by himself, and tuntsdning the poet mark of hl. omcc. Oa trial. Obetructing the eltreeht Mayor Lowry has been engaged, during the greater pert of to-day, he hearing charges pre /cried egainat teammers sad others, fielolah inn the ordinance prohibiting the obstruction of the atom ta and alleys with vehicles. It ban be come a vet' women gractka throughout the reline city, for vehicle owners to permigthelr ye bleb, to stand on the public streets and alleys, not only during the night, bat for 'days /tad weeks at • time. The ordinance daeleres that any puma who shall place soy wagon, cart, „dray or other carriage upon 'the pudic streets and shall ender them to remain more than two hours, excepting for the purpose of 'Medley and unloading, shill forfeit and pay for each offense the sum of two dollars. Suns eight or ten parties have bees arrested and doe/ undrr this provision, and others will be d•.alt with in a ehrflar manner unicse the nuisance is speedily abated. Parties owning vehicles mast find pleas for them. when not in use, apart from the public thoroughfares, or be prepared to pay the penalty prescribed in the ordinance. Professor Dubois. This popular lecturer called upon MI yester day. Ile possesses • certain air dia Wirt:with a mirthful turd amusing wannerthat at oncecon veva the feta of • rich fund of wit, and ha wrdiately stamps him a man Of talent and a dcxxving favorite. The New York Past urn I "The Professor Is • fine specimen of an idtel ligent French eentlemon. lie knows how to cr.:whine Instruction with humor La a way both to brevet and amuse, We believe few of tae . aralicnce Wednesday evening had enjoyed so good an opportunity this winter for arreattine hearty langh. We bespeak fur the Professor a .full house wherever ho may favor the public with 64 lecture." A IThshonost Domestic.—Mrs. A. D. Reno, a theldent of Bomb avenue. Fleet ward, Alleaho• . ny, appeared before Mayor Morrison, ann entered a complaint against, a servant girl In her employ, named Mary Cadamos, aha-ping her with the larceny ofsaventy dollars. which hen accidentally , been left upon a table. Mary was arrested and taken before the Mayor, and upon a search being Instituted nftydbree dollars of .the money was found In one of her shoes. Bha then acknowl• edut.d that she had taken the money, and had ce. ',ended seventeen dollars of It In purchasing cictbine. The Mayor committed the deiendaut to J.ll, In default of ball, to answer the charge at Court. Pirc:on Penn titreet.—Tbis morning. about two o'clock, ens was &scarred inoths and perdue° store of Mr. Henry Rabe, o. 44 Penn street. The fire was discovered laming frnm the third story of the building: ' ,The en ,pincs were matt on the irmidcl, end the dames subdued, but not um& the upper part of she building had been considerably. damaged. The neck in the lower stores wee completely drenChed with water, and the loss will bo quite heavy from that cense. We did not learn wheth er Mr. Rabe WWI Insured or not. Blew Music.—" When Spring. with Bad and Blossom," to the title of a new eons: and cho rus, just beard by itesers. Bberratt On.. of this city. The words are by Mr. DiII A. Bmltb, and the male by Prof. Edwin Bbetratt. The niece Is dedicated to Mrs. Mary A. Gray The movers of mule, and especially those In. turreted In the enconragement of home talent, will of course add thls production to their repel . Railroad Time Table..—lTe leant from F. L !dyers, Esq., the very energetic: and acetn e:a:dating General Ticket Ageatof the Pitts. Ft. W. &C. and C.& P. Railroads, that, there will be no =aerial change made In the summer time ta ble of the through Eastern and Weatant It la thought that the winter arrangement is about aa good as can be made Any changes that may take place wilt be principally of a local character. Trlet' of a Milled danuon..—The fi•ineh brt . teh loadluir rifle gun of 11. W. Mann wits tested at Fortress Monroe on the 26Itt and 28th nit:, by direction of the Ordnance Departnient. resularg, in Its perfect success. With a shell weighing - 118 pounds and 14 pounds ofpowdtzsu average velocity of 100 reel. was atteined, and a .range of almost three to Dee at 15, dqiretai elera• ttou. The New !terry at the Polnt.—The new Incorporator* of tho above named cOmpallY tend organizing a company tommedlately, and place boats on the 11110, _Ma Meet tke wants of the pablic. They purpose toadied ;fiti the mouth of Baw-14111 Run on the south *IV mind at the toot of Liberty street ion -the Pitts+ burgh side. • . • . C. 11l T.7..Allezheuy City Commits mret this eresilutt.:' The- Chambers have boat tote fun." &IWO, tt• a token of respect for our , late publent, °Mei. of 'the Councils.. On, Cal at 99 Federal street, Allegheny, mill satisfy the cabet,lacredatou that ,plev wlll, one , tntstey 4.7 buying their. Boots sad 'l3llhee At. tha above mentioned place. • Romember. 03 - tederld stteel.• t. • W. FL: 11Miturrond. No Half Price or suetfolitntek rat IN Federal OtrrlV„, but good Boots, ghoul sod Grafters, o*s: er than fresh elsewhere. Ladles' Shoes and Clatters In esuSess Tarte. t rb hand wed. ,r;1, -I A 31; tTIC/". 'Sena Ar W. re.snl, prxri.lcot Slur Mitt r ; rid. .t.r••71.011: Slam, of vertren 0111 , Leturblin'a, near the Walter ergia, Ritritknoe.. , . No. 7. 4 rite tem., OrOrr, Liampily ettendui tn. All irerk trarreette atte'prnitf. &pairing done et the elaor4..d notice. No charge for repaint, pracid-d the rrot is not &used after it IS pat on. Ite“,ctlon.--tkur menu. Mr. John Circler, No. I Fmk's] etn....4 Allegheny, was In the clot ‘, t. n the .glt.rioin, news of the capture of and the surrendd !tithe mho' Genet. al I. n was received, andlnklng alcantremof the p..01e i.wKluced, sad knowing the co-action tl et won!! foll o w, made very heavy purchases of lb- finest cprlng and summer goods at snout oni-hall of the old prle,s. Some of the finest oaths, reach:nerve and feetlngs are jacludwi in bid clock, which he ia lirdpired taco up to order, on abort notice in the latest afYles, and at corrcepondingly low rates. A choice assort ment of i um:ticking goods and ready-made cloth the will also be found at Ida elegant establish- Inept Or Allegheny friends should give him call. Theatre.—Tbe very popular Howledlin. Mr. J. O. Sefton, takes his benefit on Saturday night. lie presents an unusually attractive ye- Hainment. The great sensation drama or lateen htring Jack. A young lady of Pitts burgh will Max. , . Mlu Maud Smoky will slug. Soma, in two of his nest comic characters, The great bittorical bier cd Joan of Arc. Miss An• Me Et e• le will appear as the Robber Jack, and the Heroine Joan of Arc. Secure tour orate at once. 3t. BB Federal Street, Allegheny City, Is the place to ganwod Gaiters, Shoes or Boots, cheap. tiny wire bought cheap, and will be sold ac e sill:nay. DI Irl 0 E.rll S. D - IVIDEND NOTICE . —M the annual monies f the D.reetore of the Mare.. GIiEN'T 0 &SATO id PA NY, he'd May Ist a divi dend of FOUR PER OEN C. was deolere? out of the proem of the lest six months, pereble on and Bart Mop 10th, 184. m add .1. N. DAVIDSON, Trammel'. FIT NetionAc SANK, Prrr.nouon, &lay tat:lE46s. DIRECTORS OF VIE' FIRST • NATIONAL INANE, (IF •PITTSEO'RGE, have thi• day declared a dividend of FIVE PER i 'ENT on the uaoltal , took, oat of the profits of the pan sin months, c,ayable to the Stockholders, (tee of I lov. mulch! Ten. tar: vrd ToIIN It SCULLY, U”bler. DIVIDEND. tincoan NaTionaL Bann. PlTTantranil, Bloonar, Kay Ist, VOL Tsee Itoutd of Perest ,, rs DI this Bank have LI day declared adivhMDd of SEVEN PER OE NT., free of tlovemroei.t Tax. on Ina Canital Stook out 0. tho .Profha of the last sin mocha, payable to the •to. I.llolom or their legal represent/11VMM% and dyer the 10th inynnlsrd 0. U. RlMlS,Vashter. CIiII‘NAN NATIONAL !SAYE. Piqv.nunsiii, 31. v l tn , Z. TIM 'BOARD OF DIRECTORS (F I til. Rank doable d A q , larterly dividend of F. UR PER (SENT.; flee of (love. umosif. Tax, payable on and ann. May 6th. enyidwd • U. A. ENDLEIIf, ()ashler. On/set Euuxxs aura eITTTBUW.III., %IRV lat. IWW6 TIIVIDEND.—AT A MEETINCI the Revd of Directors of thollompsoy, held this day, n dirldrnn woe declared out of the pendia of the last year. of TEN DOLLARS rER SHARE titan each .0000 of the Mattel btock subscribed, payabl-fm tbs. II h. The Company also SIIIIUDIOII the payment of the Revenue and State Taxes upon .20d kilvlderld. myth ad ROBERT k INN EY, Searetary. DIV/DEM ) : o.lloi WrATLRIf bIISIIIIAII3 00., / rvrreatmon, )lay 2i, 182 S. The Hoare o f I‘..eeturi t 1 ..ta4 h.oe thim day declared a,dv Mend of Pi VP, DOLL upon Pet Agto otitis Pt;:1141 stc.X., :tut 9 , the called 14teee Of the lett el: menthe, of Goo erconent and Tate TRIM. TWO CO PLL R`t,par abate of tall. to be •pplled ac a eroOlt to eitoalt screw:lla and }MEI; DOLLAR: I per *colon to be 44 In Lab to atockholderi on and atter toe 9th WAS. P. I.I.2.RLIENT, eeretery. lIELMANON NATIONAL PANE OP PITTS/KM - IU, Pirrrnazon. P... May 21. Nat THE DIRZOTORS OF THIS BANK Aare declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT., parable no or after TULSDAY the lob that. Ibe . 0 encen Steles tax ern! . bo paid by the - Bank. M. MURRAY, Uashier. 1072 Nd llani 01 Perventrion, May td, IneS. TITE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOL • bee* tat. day.eleelared flu hatairella rephor thrliklia of Ws Beni, being FIVE PEA lIE.Y T. on tie Capitsl wet, not of the pronto or Ins lest eta months, isbieh wall be pall Wilke Staelettoldera or their les•1 representative", on o+ sal r the 13th Inst. ire" oi tiovernment tax • soplhe•ttirr JUHII U%flPEq. Cashier. UCT/O.X . 8.4 L S A LCTION SALE ON CONDEMNED LA INDSIS. 44:0nIrritnXIIITER Dena; Film! Lltlnator, 17 7 /MnrICITON CITY. April b, OM. Will be sold, at public auction, to the highest bUd r, at the time and plum named Weir, vie: BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, THURSDAY, May g, HO. CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY, May It, 11313. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, THURSDAY • Maw IS, 190. VITTSBURGIL PENNSYLVANIA. rani, May , 120. TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES: r SI at eartiVance. These hones have beaneosdernned as unlit fOr the cavalry setvles of the army. twee tad and farming ptuyoese, sonny good bar. gains way be bad. ' Horses sole stngly. Sales to eomMence at 13A. IL Trews—Cask in Vatted Si etas currency, JAME: L. ERI, Brevet Bripdlee Genetal,JA chAree_Tirst DI. violas 0. M. 41. 0. myßlearnl. V ALUA FILE PRIVATE LIBRARY BY w CATALOGUE—SATURDAY STENIIO, Mao 6th, at 7% Wei stir, will he a ad by catalogue on second floor of Commercial Sale' Rooms, 1011 Smithfield street, appoints the Pols Offisinteutnume In rewm ofdtomat tromesdately from Fifth street, la addition to inside entrance from Bret floor Slaw ils.ins,) the valuable Private:Library of a gentle man of Literary aunt", removing from the one, In .-blob *re included grew works en Theology, History, 'travel, Selene., Hellas Lettite, he., elm .2 the rare old Ensibb blviaes, SCtltngfleet, Greg. ory, Norte or tintlilogrorth, 3 trotad:Visaelmus Knox, 3 vol. ; Writings of Av.:train, 3 vole.; Nerne's Introduction to the Seri,terev, 2 vole; Library of the Christlito Fathers; Seander's Life of Christ; Andrews Lela , Ensile% Dictionary; mi:Nitn Time; Sir Walter History of the World, 3 v01..' Work! of Toren Moore, 7 val..; Cobbett's Writings. 3 Tolls Collection of F.ralish Eolvans.2 vole • Itsmilton and Atadlion'e Federalist; Mint Manua of Coins of all MAIM'S; Precedents In litidtaly Law; .2dOntaigoe's Billups; Burton's Anatomy; s Mary of Cooper,- to.' Catalogues now ready tor dlstritttiOu, and the /leeks en views/Iday Saturday. my A. - MoILWAINT.. Anetioneer. • . VALUABLE. CIT I PROPERTY—, r MARKET STREET ANTI EIGHTH WARD. —On TUESDAY }MERINO, May Ott, at e okilock, will' be sold on second floor of t.ommerelel Sales hoaxes. ltd Smithfield • Streit, OpoNste the ll'oat (Atm, (marmite at rear of the Room, directly Troia Fifth street, in - Addition - to Iwlds 'ottani* from fret floor. Sales Rooms,) the tlutie story brick ai oboes*, No. Id arks t street., next to corner of first street, having ID felt tient sod M. feat In depth to so eight foot Ailey. Also three - lots ois Per esylvanis Avenue, In Lightk• Ward, . between . Doi ti Arad high streets, each ft fist front end OW let .1n depth to WAWA filmed.. a AO. toot street. Also a lame lot on Boyd.' HUI, fronting 118 feet on eilhertoutatrest, And 140 fest in depthilfoondlid by Ylatoy And Marla Erects. • Tanks or Seto—thish.." • ,• eye A. McILWAIRE, Atictleitier. . • T AMIE GLOBES, 01 PAINTINGS, -1- 4 FLUTE, he...i4 4 .6f9t1/111P lltVENlNthildisc o'clock, on locoed floor of Uommercial Pales ltomna,,lo4l BmitklfuW Street: empodbili iko Post Office, in connection with catalogue sate of a valuable Private L'brary, wilt be Gallia pair at Inch Celestial and Terrestial globes, Cody !notated on tall Mande, with compass. :AlM:sapid! of same, It loch diameter. a lto two fins Landscape Oil Painting., and a valuable, ortginat picture , by Blythe. Aho a superior Flute m 3 4 , A. 41IcILWAINI.; auetk, • . LE OF UNCLAIMED "FREIGHT.— u. MONDAY TIONNIN .1, MayBth, at lo o'clock, will be sold at the warehouse of D.lWali lass, corner off Penn and Wayne *treats, by order . .T of . J. Houston,Ueneral knight Agent of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Obiletato - RellWaT. about 4001st* unelaimed Freight,eompriaLog every . variety ,of Merehmullza, eloaericv. Maallnery, Funali use, ke. all of which not claimed- Won. day of sa fe will he sold as above, la the Withal pianos of aldpasent. - aye , • A. niaILWAINE, Atiotteineme.. , C)A( BALES OF HAY.,—SATURDAY` MORNING, May Itth, at 10 'o'clock' will be .old, on nototutt whom It may 1:11311011e0 ' at Doh 00. W Warehouse, No. St.Weter street, 240 bales Kay, allyhtly damaged by rata.. Tha Hay can now be aiamitiad at plate of I,le. mtn e. McILW INN, Aw flower. DR r GOODS. nm. wmanx...l.llll.W. Caltit..DAVID /I'd • WILSONiCARR & CO, • - (LAT' wrr.sor; r*ll.* wtiedemale dealers fa FOREIGN A.{ll) Debt= yip: DRY GOODS, 'No. 91 • Wood street, ', third howM - aboire Diamond alley, , Pittsbninb. spit FVATON, MAORIIN.& (10.i' Wholesale and Retail Dealer. la IDthilitt NG% RM. DROIDERIEZ and DRY GOODS, °Fever, dean* Liao', Not. 17 and 1$ Fifth street, pittablUtit. MACRII & :OLYIIB, 'WILMA:OOe lind . 13 - , t Retail Dealer@ In FANCY AND STALPGR DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS; Oa, No. Mt Market tree, between Diamond and Fourth, Plttahurgh. M. BI3RtILEIBLD , :ene •• • Retell, Dealer, to STAPLE AND FANCY {Y 'GOODS • • Northeast retest Tearth.tadillar.te :TOBEPiIi HURNE; holesate and Retail Li Dealer all kis of -TBT7II/1111111%Dair. CHXOI)9, taa. 10.417 mei 7i ararart skeet. PORTEMEN'S, HEADeIIARTERB, .134 WOOD ' STREET . . . . I ir.41110710=15.3311C)70172%i • tatitaathe ftorpmen Aus °then ti him spinal mach of Olnel; POWMIR SHUT BlELlSroukd POMMIES, Illitaldl7AUNlLE sod - ainmuninote nl ••trory kiW.. Hlir "tbsig 41 the =bat Mit becilighttOUP.4l jiT . ll4 = BOOTS .11.i►"o SHOES. NEW GOODS, AT BOB,LA.ND'E3. Gov, snoEs, GAITERS • RALZIORA.LS, of every style and desariptlfro jut reestred'aat will be sold at the lowest evinced prises. Pars abasing our goodS as the lowest market pficaz Ws Jur Abu to sell the beet aruals As cheap as any otbrr bow. Is the city. Don't tall to eframtne oar stock helor, purchasing elsewhere, Usti soon 'and secure good bargains, at 1 1 W%AgriTZa:i. ?INC reTit7l7 HOOTS AND SHOES.—Wo are receiv for oar • Spring and Summer Stock BOOTS, lIIOEB AND GAITERS, wltieb. we are offering se 'rho 3Cacrecreart Pricked". MrAll work warranted. NEW STOCK OF BOOTS AND sawn. s l ed well lust 'stunted from the East with a large and well 'elected Moak of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, •e. Which I have parehased at greatly radioed firkin on aEouat of Qs pante, sad oonsognantlyesa oar Superior Indtseetreetsts- to my old customers generally. Remember that I have removed (comae to St Fed. oral street, 2 doors below, where I. wilt :45 pleased to show try stook of goods to all who may favor me with a call. W. E. bIeOLINFOOIf. nal N Federal street. Allegheny Oily. JAMES ROBB, No. S 9 Market Street SELLS THE BLST, THE NEATEST PITTING., Cert 3 EILNIED 1915089 IX any house In the city. Lie bits Jun received a megonicent SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK MEE! "STAR" WORM IUST RECEIVED BY GEORGE ALUM SON & 100., iiiffl No. 93 WOOD STREET. 1 Balmoral{; 8 17 .' sadYw i ta'a ol Thai Bootees; Children's Goat sad lad Shoes. sondo3o opt I elsl ordsc, hoc warnsotod wstuus.L... iustom work. nom C4UPETS. OIL CLOTHS. Ofc. G RELT REDUCTION • let price of CARPETS. Dedring to afford tne pablie An epportPOPULAR PRlCESueity of purchasing goods at Decline lent tie Decline In (Solt, And the tweedier tumble In Ilterehandiee genotally, We hare thin day Marked down price; Thronrcont crtu entity !Meek, este: offer the lamed m And ust complete assortment Of nett and titmice patterns, Brussels, Veivets, Two and nate Ply Ingrabs, txy floor Oil Cloths, Rtndow Snadao, At a redustlon of Twmtpen to Tiirtyiltree and one-thlid per text. MoYARLAND & COLLI3B. Neat doer to Custom Hondo rod P. G. ratat NEW GOODS. Carpets AT ALMOST PACE PRICES. We are now receiving oar Seexmd General Assortment for this season, bought at the BIEDITOTION. We etrer to parchaaers the greatest advantages of the marks!. • The Newest Styles and Lowest Prices. W. D. & H. MO&LLUW, ENTERPRISE MILLS. ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., Nanufaciarers end COMIIIIIIIOII Nadal' CAEPETrNGS, Oil Goths, Millings, Rugs, Sc. No. 619 CHEEITIFMT EiTBZErt rearm Pli/LADELPHIA. BOOKS. 2:IILBUJES. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! Husband and Home, tbs. new alrriti, by Mn. rion flarlsod ' SI 711 Parsonxad people{ or. Ineldents in the every day Life of a Clergyman; by Ray. B. Brio. oar, Visor of Wanton; Middlesex • 1 IS Derrick and Drill.;. - "- 50 -Travels to Othunl Asia, by Amino, Tarcv 'Luatrall of Arraniby Charles Laver 50 Uncle Miss; a tale of Bet ran Hough • 76 Christian% Mistake; by antbor of John flallv tax. ' 1 60 Tao lbllyseo sod the Burton% by Nipple,— 1 75 Under the Ban Is Konen). A save. 176 Resnialfteneel ceillauounktag; by .151712.... 116 A new may of Palestine, °eland - • 76 A no. postal laity of Biblo Load - *World. -76 . Dian, otisaKE & ad.. - aril • • No. 91 Wood stroll- '.. TUBT.. OUT:=4IALLOWILD :BONGS,. MUSICAL 00.. faostniosllint work, now. ' •. • MUSICAL LEAVE& 4,6* sesta. - ANS • was sold the first month of Its publtestlon. T'HE MOTIAER OF Vaz WESSAYS;:iIs oe. Jost issued. A blosrapAy. TUE CHRIST OP ~THE . GOSPELS. 111 76. Lectures on ußoosn , s Lire of Josue. PHtfrOGRAPII ALBUDL9 Rata& ALBUM .(lARDS, STATIONERY. apt L. READ, IS Fourth, Street' ,RJEJBO,r4LB. REBIOVA,L. V ELLS, FIDDLE Jt 00., have removed their extensive Whip Store and Tottery to No. 143 WOOD STREET, owner or. Virgin Alley. wear* theylee prepared to fill all orders - lor WHIP Last'Es - AND SWITCHES prernyUy at the lowest pekes. • tayS . RE o v .—rke.v. oftewportD, oosiiibdme mattlaid Ii ne.setath las nomad Ida °Mee from No. is WAITE ire Ito OORNEII OF WOOD and , FIRST /MEM' arse Peoples. National Bank. The Item I.lantosn dal, badness 'amis.! on In all Its newtons& Cain advaneas mad*. tlonalguentota • Sr Well to as Leon Nanufaaturees • of this REMOVAL.--Wo hat) tlda day removed from so.o woos stssee's• zso u& U 1 Pm MO,' Peat , " new boUdinie the oievithwitind Pittsburgh Prelibt De PA ON. ANIAION & Piereeitiveel And! it: Inas sotxt-. CHJNDRIBB ON- C ON S IGNMENT. 1.3 • two bb I Prime Plumb Blow Patatoedu • • 'lO • der :White Mans. • •.• 111' do Extra Pickles; - • : t 0 do. Ito, Estya_Large Mackerel:, , r ~ID 141. bids Nit. eldackeoll; • • : 'lO We Obsealpagee Olden- -• _ • , • do atid •tudfcliblW &stoking TOkeolo. • 10 .do.kLabeader Bordner . 10 luxes W. R. Uhearel atteet, S blots Pie Floor; • _ 10 begs Buokwheat Flour; br 111 0 2 apri kr Datil . Ettak. l3 kl44N - BillitOSS; lost , No: 101 Weeny street: 30 01314.1.73,V , r gop:ta DRANDWrat ipati bush Du 4 cue klayt • • • ••• -• • • ICu Pose Blow Potatoes; b • Parr PM lB mum • St-Often. maw bolldisg, • LAX nrif. 7 -26 . . 134-rF B a.r.o E.4.lrfLEll R._ I TriEaSt3i; REPA EN. OirrunA or Comeratt.L.rat or tits. - 13tratut%or, WAstmrartrir, April Mb, 180. WHEREAS BY SATISFACTORY evidence presented to the sadersigaed,ll lus beak mule to appear that. THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, the city of Pittsblugh, to thethe county of All& gbeny and State of , has y organised under end soconthigto te requirements of the acts of Congress, Penn entitled " h Ao Act to been dul pm. vide a National Currents secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the eiren 186anredemption teereof,”approred June ad. d has compiled with all. the. pro gimbals, ot said act required to be compiled with before corn., theholng the busineaa of banking under said iact, . Now therefore, - EILEZMAI Otanita, Comptreller Of the Oar Ironer, do hereby certify that "The Esobasge Copal Bank of Pittsburgh," in the city of Pitt fd s. burgh, ln the county hied Allegheny; sod State of Pennsylvania, is authori to coo:meow the.bnaii• P ee n of Bankingnuder t act aforesaid: BORLAND'S, { °u . Se n 2ol S th . • 4. . Ocnnestater °fibs uturenay. pessary Department.) "r". EXCHANGE NATIONAL LINK, BOHTII & NOS*. Of Pittsburgh. Chadomf by the! *nal iOrgenized under Slate of Pa., 1816.1 81,00,00k - Nattel Lair 186 i. 63 MARKET BrRiIET United States Treasury, and appointed admit for the sale of the ties puEvery rchasing facilit for y will be u e. offered to Joyrider% or par ml Of Pittsburgh, CAPITAraIOOII .000, whit privilege of 112.000.000 And THE MOST DURABLY 111holasale 1 - In testimony whereof witness my band and seal of o- day of Apill.l9ll. PSEEKLIC MAXIM apseamd . 'Comet:oiler of the Optima/ This Bank has bees designate! • DEPOSITARY 7-80 EL M. MURRAY, Cashier rEOPLEB' NATIONAL BANK, Banking House CORNER FIRST AND WOOD 9 . 1 This Bank, °rescind under the National Burl ing System In now prepared to transact business at its Backing House, corner of Wood and Tint stints. Collections made on ail accenible point. on the most favorable term. :pedal Agents for SAY COOEE, for the gala of the U. R. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. ISAIIESL REA. President A $. 6011 DON, Cashier. I; 1:;. 111e1,1-IERSON, Teller. BA.twaria mum N. lIOLMVS & SONS, No. 57 Market Street. Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS REUELVED IN PAH FUNDS A/4"D Gonettled= made on all the principal points of the Dratted States and Oarisdach STOCKS, BONDS AND OTECEIB SBONBITDS bOUGNT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Parties'lir PM:anon OM' to 'the p3ushase sad salt et UNITED BTAT SECURITIES, INCrLUDISO Vale States Olio of 1J Do. do. 15-m I Do. Into. 104011 ritti=li.tattan. oriDERs AND vouoszsa sovairr 08 jliBdy COLLECTED. 1)0 1 " ..„ L!,A.R s ttphalt3 BANK,. NO, 65 CH6HTERED llv 1866. Open Oily from sto f o'clock, also on Wednem day and Maturda eveciag, from lily tst to No. member let , from I to o'clock, and from November lotto May DM from 6 to $ o'clock. Deposits received of all slims 61 not imam One Dollar, and • dlridead of the profits declared trios •pper, la Inn. and December. Interest has been semiannually, in June and December, alms the Bank was otyardsal, 'at the rate of six Interest, not drawn out, in placed to the cradle of the decitor as principal, and bears the came intermit from the PM day of inns and oDeeembee, eompoondier twice a year withetroubling. the depositor to eall. or even to preep is h p ass book. Alt this rate money will double in lan:than %well/ , years. stks, contalnier the Oharter,!Dy.Laws, Butes Regulallons, furnished putts, on application at Milos. PassinaWEOBIIE . . . llain J. Anderson, A. M. Pollock, X. 0 4 John G. Baokolen. Robert Robb, Benj. L. Fahnescoals; John H. Shoenbarger, Janus Hardman, - James Sbldl. Junes Hasnloy, . Alexander Spear, . ladso M. Pennock, Christian Team. Calvin Adams, Henry J. ISTlnsh, John C. Bindley, Pater A. Hadar; John 11Dodiall, HW Halter P. Marshall, AIOAZO A. a O 171[2. Jams B. D. KOMI, Charles A. Dolton, John B. morsaeohi WM. Dough; Joins Orr. ( John Evans, Henry L. John J. OMesple, William 11 1 % ria lla HUM= 8: Hamm. - Alexander Motile, Peter. H. Hunker, William Vaal*, illahard Heys, Wm. , P. WOMAN Jassas D ; Sell ts DAM Whittler, A. OOLTONI lar , rloTlP—JA.M.Eli B. D. MEM& Mahe, TREAntrlit 'DEP/MITE: IT.. Orpnrs op Comrrittnzza or Tab Chriumsor,l Wadangton, Maroh =I, MI6. IAT LER EA 13 .. BY BAT.IBrACTO Y , evidence presentedto the tinberaliraed. It his been mutato appear that , , • • lIRST NATIONAL BANK 011BIRMINBBAM, ' la the boearigh_ of Hlrnlnfhau, to the county of,` Thomy and State of Femur-, -An* has bum ufted under sod accordlag to the reaufreniente he Acta of .ILlongresa entitled uhrt 'Ant to pro vide a Natleaal Currency, secured bye &dO, - of. United States Bonds, and to,provide for the ellen-. LW' end tedelopUon thereof,u all June id; net, sad has compiled with all . the proclaim of sold act moulted to be - oontellrA - lAthbeforecoar instating the business of banking under odd eat: _ therefore, Paarasa Chain . . Coaptroi- Jo the Curr, do . hereby certify MU ..The' Flout National of Mrainshaae Lithe bore 'lough of Dlrmlischiskla the *aunty of Alligheay, - and State of Peansylvanl Is authorised to coop MUM the 113:14 . 11Ot40 ,OS afar* , , _., , . L tisttaioaf - Whersof. witness say hairduld •ot 'o tap ffddsy,al •".• Op:now . .52*/ of O' w. Oworolier of the ranscur oLunc, smote& ' conpuguor of tbo thumney JIIIERQR.I.4I' AILELORS: TIISSELL'43 BLOCK. 111 T. H. MAME, '.• 10 13T: *acid Wl the ettsaticaLat toren Str;tals stiik i goads. It has bob eolsetalArlth volt ate,u eaatehts WI the -NEWEST OF 43001 hi-: ,to be towel faiim ohm houses: Gatti wishing AI sett of- eletbehetede 'cadesi please tali sad stemtee T/Ffioale ead Wm" Also, et sad aempkta eeoeh of .. w. 11 "/". Masmm Taxien. XUBT RECEIVED YEZSii SUPPLY 01. toys' `Fa TER PLUM ' BEABON 4 :ts;reaM r • It.3dU°!X/ Prioea GRAY &.LOGAT , - : CO *Pi. :OLLIE STlFfarro7, c.. • 0:14.,4.12.7a k i VlderintikVlD 4. 7, .4511 i t MIES% Is 32 NOB. TECIRD STREISI a pppalo • : • `'"• 14 a .. ""t . ° t › vl4-4 ;fIiJF:DICaL litnarrtirmrs HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. A poi EBB SUPPLY aEn THEY HAVE BEEN II trsa roe vitszs AND TIIOI7SADIVR stAvn BEEN -.. - CURED BY THEM. READ TES LIST 'OVER. No.l--Cnrcarever.Ceateettonand Heat. Palo , _ the unite and s trulainee - sters Meese& 'Pelee 35 No. S-Cures Forma FeVIIP., Worm Collo MA' _. eelons gppeLlte.. Wetting the lied.' Price $5 or* , No. o—Chlrea Collor Teething, Crying sad Welt rabies, Slow Growth and Feebleness of Wane • Prim?* Cele.- NO:4 ,, Olites Diorites. 3t 011114 ten or tultal Cholera Idao.t ra and &mum:: Ooougainta. rite SI senta. Foal oath aura Umi vont eases of °break* D' N0.3- 4 0ates Dessatere etMoats Flui. Onl ONgelet, Nino= 'MINI 713 Diossiteliy. IPriss No: e-For Oboists; Chasm Nietirag,..)taiik Iromiting r Astp..mitio Breathinc. .16 ands: - .2. ,co' 1-oriree Omuta; I I smut, lames" sae Sete Tbzuel. Primes Seibili, r . pi This sad No. I goner ti to ours the stetlethlese: A and Coughs, . • No' 0-t7area Toothache, Tree sake, Nergell was and Tie Doloreux. Fries SS cents. No. 11-01 use lissaseha, Sick Headsiths, Huth of Blood to the Need.. Price IS mute. In oddities with No. 11, it never fails to core athstiereterste than. No lO7Ouree Dyspepsia, Weak, Acid or Derrip,' Minus C MAIII /4ond iDoll, Coon. nstiFp at es 10S cen Li tsver Osaipisielt • - . , Inl imams for all came of Weak Digestion get BMWs Gerapleinth Na n 11-Ouree Supptiaaal Manua, at Sant% alt. , : no • l'ainful. or Delaying, Green Sickness. OS cenek, Ifs. 12-Cures Leueorrhes or Whites, Down too Profuse Neases. le Dents.. ' _No. 11- 1111, Croup, licalrea_ Groovy' Difficult and Opprused mmsaing. SO meta No 14-Oures Salt .Itheum; Crusty EmptieelleT. Erysipelas, Scald Deed, Barbers' Itslurllrdarr,oll the Face. - WS Nola Na. 15-Cares Rheumatism , Pain, Unmanlier' W Somers In the Chest, -Desk, Side, Or Solstice. at cents. No. IG-Cures Fever and Agne, Intermittent Pl 6 • var. Dumb Ague. Old lereterate Agues. , Na O-Cures Piles,lntemal or Eaten:A Hui or Bleeding, Reeent or Obstinate. GO tent.. , • ~; ,This remedy has enrol thousands of the weal possible eases. No. la-cures Opthtrudcalai,Wesk or Istrignela . Eyes or Eyelids, Failing Cr Weak sight. SO oaths. thsy always be relied upon for a ears. Net. th-Ourea Catarrh, acute or thronle, dry er„.•• _ flowing, Cold in the Head; W 09144! ... NO. et.4:lnres Whoo Omagh, shortening Mt, i p aneling it, or Spasmodic Clough. le Dente. 7 it is infallible, and always relieves mai cum- . ..-• . NO. 21--Clares Asthma, Oppressed, Difficult,Let. bored Breathing, Dough IshaZlFeathrstion. Moo' W cents. Ilundrede have been trued by It ; • No. 22--Cures Far Vischerges, Nets. in the , Heed, Impaired Hearing. . Earache.. , No. ra-Cures tterotuls, Enlarged Glenda, 'sod Swellings end Old Ulcers., le masts• lbw eared the worst cams. , No. es-Cures General Debility, Barthel at Nees ' Toth Weakness. So cents. . No. ffi-Cures Dropry, Fluid Anctimulaidens, ado Dwellings, with Seentl secretions. , N 26-thuts Sea-sickness, Prostratien,Vall Nausea, Vomiting. Ed eehiG• • No. 41-Cures Urleary Diseases, Gnost. Calculi, Difficult or Falnird Urinatton. gl sad .• , It cure. etc •• . ;maser Imams. No. IS— . For Seminal Endaelons, Infoto Inseharm and eontsgnent Pinatridion Ind Cy, Stid Sandia of, °ands., Piine 61 , , Tint. molt remedy known. 'and gala ' - Odd upon as • rare cure. • • • ffoda—Onrea Sots Month or Stoma, °sundial : Month of Adults or Children, and and: aft Vomiting of Prow:ant rainalen fo,senta., —No29.—Oeree Urinsti Incontinence,. Wetting' the 'bed, too Frequent, Fateful, or Oftldlng Vete* Non. No. ri—Onrea Falnftd Nenstnatton, Preeini% Croup or Sperm; nurittla, Itchtn& rod WNW Non of Female‘ el te... • . •.. • • - ante likes thane. No. ai.-Ouies SuSetim at Vwsov of Lijo. Flushes of Real, PaitolUdlM, and Dlsate oftha Hoare. Koh. No. ti—Ottrea Illpthorls and lilloscotor; , nard Sore Tbzoil. capts. No. Itt—Eltiroo Convulsions or B,mo of Ll* or Adults,' and Grompszt all Iclo. - No. U—Cores Bllioneneta se Want of Apystlfa, Lowoell of Spirits, „Treuidlee, Cbastipstioa,osag , "LiverComplainta. No. S6-4.lures BotL, Oarbuneles, I 0 any Seg . of the kind. • • No. sla--Onres air Acute Skin Eruptions, se SOO, lea Elver, itte Isles, Chicken . Pox, bra • . No. VS—Cures Chrome Coughs, 'N 4 Dry Cough, and Cough'ilith ronneetorotlosa - - - blra 103.—Cures.Sabille ov Catarrh theseed log Infanta. Bottling of Mdens in the Throat... No. r,Cures Constitutional Olapoetttokko guent Attacks of Headache. • - • saratitiltioN4 P/IP°'4"' ea vial Well ease . So via 44.4 l fatally ease, elevocclo So vial sass, T • `l6viaTease - 111114‘f le Vial Physician.' ease ;UN'. POND 8 EXTRACT DE -HAILig . FOC lima Scaids, coa,ornises, sorineta; near, Sprains, Ithenisuithroa 1,, tticera Sores -sad Toothaalse.' II adrAte • dialesC Prior so seats. 'She trade supplied at New York prima , disurgemeellea "ilea cnieille NM, Maze Ili i awe at Wbat Yea choose, sad Malmo the asecentla a imam astir or -.stamps, by mail.-tor my. address, aed_bb medtelae will be duly ref. by mILL ore "14.'4 ' 6 T . . rusiiissreee,ciorga , • ' ' seaci.ut doei below the #I7IKCIIA' le MOlelige arstmtfor Mobursit abd rYt it* ab , GOUGH NO MQRZ. ... • .. ins= MiLLIFLUOIII3 00IIGH BALSAM:; '`: ; . EiTRIOLLARDWI • INXLLIFLIJOMI 001:08 BALSAM.. Is warrautoi to owe Ootigha„. ooroonsio, Jlathini., 'Snooping , Clough, Bon ,„ Throat,' Conatimptko4 and all afilioLlono of Utir ' saSsot=l. Cilnetal Der* 1;u . , • TA :Clinah r anew. Noilealma resosai' DR. 5T11413 . C.I4MYS ax r i coifs, NMI TIME as the only =Wm remedy forldantaaaano• . fa a ootablosUou of Astringents.' StlArAtata and . Carminatives aril fs warranted eaDdi • ante after all Maar . Yoe' was by Drutyitta. General - Depot, 1 Ilia. STRICRLARDS TIM DR; • BTRICIELAMPOI x•sr.a anted thousands of thewont oases or BUM insedwinu. 101 11 humediate -11 %altf a t. kola a rum* sure: Try It durati!y: For- ask Wait Ihvgglsty esnacal p09c51210111,-. Dyspe pets ' , -II ermuntem. STRIC74I 'TONNA " W.:.:'x.oommmatao.. Adllmitivtili - W",:ri,oirmtfz,°te=hLtsd=rild•• It Is a regetabli ProPozotSONfte non 41011011 .- - 1.11 Ilileogtheas wholes nano= ' littlest*" good SI POtlta, sad Is " 7 1 4171 Ma W AI4. biL II Fourth atmoinpail • jot ads by DR. 080.-11. mut obsoorrill &Monza of Wood tt7ttaad vlipp a g a ir mi o ;""`.. burgb;. aai PA.I3/X 111 TI• A MAN. Or- A THatraAND:A: 'ool 7 U' l 4 - 11 .-BIIISPTIVE CUREM—Dr. tired phyldellin of plat emMem" divamsmAlMPAG-; LS the But India, a sertathi curs for °encamp. '.tten. Asthma, Broschttlyneoghs.Ookts. and yes:. erelmemthy. Ths remedy was dtseovared DP Ma' • whets Ida only child, a dthehtari was glees p AM. - IM. that was artnod. and Is now ells*. and. • well. 'Destrons of beneattlng,hts Whig be will mod to those who wish It, sontain i tag.'" arreettons for making- arad'atiosessfolly urns :remedy, Ithnianc receipt etr:thartr sitiass. With alter *Won, ,10 11 ,1 1 , etaltatisear Meth Is not &adagio , symptom or Consumptlonihst it' doss sot Misses' • . Saks' hold' or and disrpats.• Night swags, ware' ._tchossai entre Darras; Misr" areas dralsalti espostorstionothrop Mane Is UM norm th rees; chilly sessations, . names, st . - -stomach; thsethrn: .cd-this band; wasting iivair,(iG , , ATTE& writer wilVptates Wm ~p 'paper that see this adseittsmaterdln. ..Addnek..Wi.. QIsADD irorifi Seiaia street, Ildlidolphla._ heatdrallawdssotrwr • v s w M - sOlgA X )2421:3 PRA.0770.51‘i , 0. 1 1 • • -IA lII= O 4- o.4 lWlllinit (Heel au shoo: 1 p schloa demi. Xy long satel In - etty..7and; &mount of pau it *mit mirowirmt surattent moor of mv mecca(. • srmancroaaticehtiatsExtrAnNirmulattss' ,, And dhwasea Utast therefrom. Sae egrvi'lle zz mach shorter II e • it borstsfohi-hts • VTOETABLM - , a... ilmWmea 2 I say part - Otto c 17. •,,mliettemrsmmt**llllo , 4 staaPtc:lttgt*. lab* 119 4 :1.*ine.inh `•l Asetedr unse, MI tam • 4 •1 0 14-411 ~,,4: : !Vatic, RIVATB-4118BABBEL: nsa s¢g trvl t : t 74:1 •• 1 1.111 " 161 A 1 119" 118 ...: i.:4 4 °: rbilsoluiripituuersoggets terowisturamm owl 1. mai -.--,*04 INS P.M ADNII ' ....."-."",.... ', ~...... 1...‘ 7,1. n. tirja I a F a r I s ~.4 c kc j i t eigeMm i tiftbi l ;.`,.:,,1.m., cc* .. ,4 4 : , ~.. • 1.4 . tc:„ *4,V( 7.,12,.......1Ci.-Ci ..1-7,...,,44,4,7:1,541 . ii. b i..:l,r,sstabligbdes brim: 4•1111 at. It Y:lb*: 5CL10146 1 11 6111 0 FADESIIIII KAW-tia.ectma I.l=lll , be ffi to.ibuiesieatocis& aft Auto *Op iliars demi 4.4 bidabymbillgoa- 4 nla , portilikerfigelsoW au jak, , , scardie. - Mllll. Illit&CO‘igicirlii*I bms ii j . LIMON AniaßTOlSp,t; 14a _ i i ii i..1, , ....7: :_ ) 1 7 4„. .- .,. t c mator l,e....,, , , saiiii • ...-- , -. 414 , --- Eig... ,,,/,41,- . ., • ;•,- , ,i, c..„.14 `..1. t:..-, - 1.2 , , , r,...,,T ..-.4 tr,11.4,. ~.x-, 4 cc , -.1., c , St ic.c. .j3.A221.ti ~4 4r,cl. ,:. , 4c,5. -4 ti,,, ,31,.,0 ', l , 3 1 , Itiii, t . x .>. :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers