• • - - ' • ' • - - - - • --- -----'' ' - - -f '''..- '-' : ' ' ' ',------ ' 4, -' 7" ...- ''''''','. '-. .... '- ''' '' . ','' '''' ' ' ' ' '' '' ,'' ' '' ''7 - 5 .7 .. , t;;;17 . 1 , :': . .i", '‘ . : . ' . ' ;': 7it ~ ' 47" ., 21T t" . 7.ct:717. --4- : .I ' 7 ... . .. .. ... .... , . . . . ....,...: _ . • • - 7 ,, . . E . .. . . _ . • ••• • ' .- • i • . p . _ ~ . ..... .. ._ ......... • ...... . , . , ~ .. .. ... ...... . E:. ... .: :. ~ 7....,,..,..„.:„...„.....„...„...„,,......_....,...,.. • .. ..... ..... ....... ... . ......... . _ ... ... ... •._ •• , „.„..,... „: i.,..:„.• ~...., . 7% ....,... , .. _ . :, . „ _ . • .... •-•,,,•". • -.L.. , '. .. • , • _ . . • • . _ • „_ _ • • , , .. _ . _ .. _. ~..... , ........ .. . . voLuidE LXXIaII--Nd..„ 219. I She Wittsktigit fiat*. VERY LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Important Proclamation, REWARDS FOR PROMINENT RUBIS. - hi; DiTM, alb Tbatis(ni, (kin flag-Tackin r:.....1 otea,womo Est TIE .4On partici. Implicated in the AseaMituttioa.. UNDER THE EXTRADITION TREATY Iletertpthin ' Of the PatliethlitArell. Virmaraesos, May 3, 1865 Waltman; It appears from evidence La tim Btsmettof Military attire, that the atrocious qpilrati'of the late Pr:sideat, Abraham Lincolg. •. tad the attempted amasainallon of William if. ibemaid,bevretarfof Staus, was Melted, eoneer ied and PoStmted - by and between Jeff. DAN* late of Richmond, Virginia, and Jacob ?hemp. ton, Clement C. Clay, Barony Tucker, George .... - - -- M. Sanders, W. C. Cleary, and d - other rebels and '''• traitors against the Government of the United •:t - . ;•.••• States, harbored in Canada—. - I,' Now,:tkercfore, I, Andrew Johnson, President .af the United States, do offer for said persons, or', althea' of them; the followitrip •. • ' - • •i ~." - .' Fifty thousand dollars for the arrest of Jeff.. ic..i, Gavle, • $25,000 for the arrest of Clement C.. -.,- , Clay, in,Coo for the arrest of; Jacob Thomp. :i ,• , eon, late of Misalasippl,.s2s,9oo for the' arrest of George N. Sanders,,i4s,ooo for the arrest of • . .'• Beverly Tacker, and 510,000 for the arrest Of LeWilliam C. Cleary, late a clerk of Clement C. • Clay. 1 . ' The Provost Marshal General is directed 1 • , ;:ti cause idescriptlon of said per : sous, with a no iLtice of the above rewards, to be published. _ - \ t it. ti the 3 Addled al. k . 4 Ili it. iiti t r, 'Acting Secreted of State. e 1 . 100 1 11r8 ' BMWS.' ASSASSIN , I - , : - :•;--4. _. - • -- I :TIE Htsla LIB !MAT ROWEL , . !.. i "Body Buried .among Felons. i c , I ! - tERIARII IN CHARGE 'OF TEWIROT4 tteUmoby whereof, I have hereunto eet my i4ti ifek to be affiied.. NitAtaidthigtou this ieeinut day of May, Loft, one thousand;(sht ,ttisbArtiTe, E gr i eri spirst or i ii Heavily Ironed.; ALT 4 ?AVIEP BRig!P I kP!!CA4r!li :N] Coufbied in the District Perifrsttim. ens 1,76 . ;;; wais-4 question as to the disposelorthe rematrukof J. 3d'ilkes Boothia at length Settled:l6y stelebneat' 1 , which may be regarded Latina.- 'After the h'ilad and beat; which have been deposited la the mn . l leal museum in thiecitx, hadheen removed thet 'corpse wns placed' ln charge of two 'Mu' who, after various movements, calculated to baffle in!perthaut: tetudeniii; dog a grave In a ilia spot of ground close to the pen. /MOM, • where, far . some jeans; Wortd lanaheen burled. llooth'a body was deposited, 1 here and the earth , over it was smoothed ant carefully sodded over. Other graves of leas ha , . famous felons had previously been levelled, and ► strong guard Is now to Charge.Of the ppot and , Oldflenallntle - to keep 'lt undhambed until_the' grass lus grown so thickly that no our will ever : lb* able to distinguish the pines where Wellman ', "Ades tinge ' gas interred from • other - , n armless rmietaronistit..: • . - • About soldniptit: lass Bawdily, the: steamer .11zytort was ordered to the Nary Yard: Shells. tilted from the monitors Baum atd:Moutenk, PerNmularbo have been arrested as directly con-, eaniEd in - tea conspiracy to murder - the Petri.' dent and other Union leaders and who number. fifteen men sett ono woman . These prisoners , _ are all heavily Vaned, with a and c.in en , each leg, and bandenffed to a seh ,a manna as to keep their bands several feet apart—acme of the more desperate.nes lunrlng.ther liaridelas• - treed beldna their bacte. A rort of seek cov ered the headand face of each, leaving only the mouth and nostrils exposed, so as to prevent' thetr recognition of one another or any one else. :A. spechd untinel was in charge of each of the' prisoner. As the mauves/ eget for the Keyport to Atari, the steamer's bell rang eLleiy, and nearly • .all Spa ranfttedpaisoners garo a conTri;:!ro at the sound. evidently thinking their hone Pf relrlbntlon bad come. They were transtaisd to • 3ballsktiet penitentiery. adjoining the arsenal, - Whireeells had been arranged for them. ..Two :Prisoners occupy. each cell, bnCia sentinel in - )ehalge of each.man prevent& any conversation. Notwithstanding the large number already in reetedyi several more of the,. nesurin conspire-. No are ellll rri large. more; early apprehension,! Awirarer.butolideregi almeet certain. ; - SEU'LTARY SLITARD NEARLY SPELL. Attempted Assassination.' THE TRUE VERSION CF THE AFFAIR Tfmr Teat, Ray . 3.—Tbe POW.. W.131110E -ocuresp_trmtentz ft, ifr. gOrrard le ao well that De Jr opcetta his place tile - Cabinet . meellty „etew i , der. - The i rlowspepar se-- ;mania of ;the•nibinipt to AUSSelnate him are ltaaefld l 7 fueettnct::. Pane, the assamlif, bed an =dty etrlke but one blow at _Mt. Emir em at that lumen% sitting m to bed. keffentrack the rwelling orm.the irutarod Aar, aad did not touch the stood: '..41 that In. etant Ileldollon clutched Pelee from behind, and - Moot let to his hcdd,thony,h he was stabbed four • Vents.' lir. Reward rolled off oyon the ' door, ...110gOeg death.' To Mr. Robinson he owes his . We. Tbla Lade soldier la In the hospital harry - , AO la..dolnn WO:though ray badly wounded. award now dictates the:bruit': &apaches toltr.'Hunter.' - • . . • iiEET. DAVISIT TORKVII,LE, L C. - . - Cavalry fri , Chyle Ptirinit, Emsaraliia, May 210 r. ra.-.lnlbrznation tlarp,Aoppasu'e cavalrystataa that on the Davis was at Yeticiille, North Carolina, on the Nth tiL anCBtthienian 4 . brim ume'ln . on the rd . anew day. "JcIL has one day's start of Stone-escort well soonatakand commanded by Gen. Dibbrell.. Eels accompanied by Benjamin, Breckinlidge and other notorious characters. and will probe * be jolted by all the desperadoes fleeing from 3Mb:a and from the vengeance of the United a. It lo lowed UM du. Elonemenes forces will 4uottaktud'uptturo Davis, u Lois turdonod ,whit OCrlft rigm. supposed to eoniala specie. NOVERLITS OF TUI 813(111 CORPS. A ttuiek March to iqsw volm. hby 3.,—The Herat correseond . cek , _ 711- 4 comt,roaded ultimo int main the, much of over one but illesiViobr4i -*tam dap: Oa ilia route, and at •ViartOte llama among totTaluablattoparty was initialed; befouling sleek and machine• y.atolpj from HatmealFerry. • ; • It I. oted that the Sixth Corps will mmain at i .aome time. General Sheridan. with ha antrdry, got as far as the Staunton and Dan 'SMS shire, but was orderly" to retain 'on the number of.7ohnoton. ' Xralas will soon be ruining from Lynchburg and Dattsille to Washington, via Richmond. 4 TEOININENT CITIZEN ASSASSINATED. Tke Esepposed,4segusin ..frrested. • , May 3..-Eton. B. Baton, a void -anal ittlaraohlyraenat, waa abot (be lions° . ld• roar lag Lj as autatiata, and Jo ropotutt. aesq. IV=a i hai I,lten, erzt4s4 9uanipition. It, s':,~, "..'r:-- 2-.+s,.ea::y~"h.. ~cw.~-..cxa~s_: ~ , ..-.~. ._.:0aw..5u,~'.,3"~..5~~. ,~ 5..+~t,: : •I►.. -. I'ENSIONNT LINCOLN'S FIJAERIL, Departure from Ohioago. DENOISTRATitin ALONG THE 101111. The iterspitts "Caning Howe:, AaiRIV.A.T. AT SPRINGFIELD, ILL LARbE AND IMPOSING PROGESSION Carosoo, May 2.—The etzvetil fbr metal henni were denselicrowdokto witness the-pas sage of the funeral permeation to the Chicago it Alton litall , rot . Ittalject; fr om which theetaruslas are to be conveyed to Sicinkll td. The 'eroeds stem to he larger than Mate assembled yester day mortar* what 'the' Snivel passed. The ccflin was transferred from the hearse to the car deidgeted for Ira receptlen. - Many per tains jolt leeinglag the dirge. Hells are tolled, and before the music of Oro bond has ceased we leave Chicago for Springfield. Mr. Blackstone, rho. President. and the Superintendent of the raiload company, with many other now seem. . . Speaker Colfax , on leaving Chicago, was made the medium for delivering to Prosiden diadrew Johnson a bfief addrees from the dude patina Order of Odd Fellows of Canada, sYmPa thizing with the nation In Its afiliellenand tender ing that- wishes to the President for a SUCCCAS. fel led beneficial adndribtration 'of the Govern ment. Mr. Colfax Was "seleetelas the medium on. account of his being a distinguished member of the Order :,01tUte wa) potions are scattered OD the road for miles. - • Lockporl,l.lo).---hilaide gnus arebelthr fired. Many netsonallne the %Melt, holdlng torehee, and ha the baelnitronnd la an immense house drarcd, and With the motto "Come Rome." The Unto passed an the stations slowly, at Nadel/ time the bell of the locomotive tolled... Mier—Minute tuns are being tired, bells tolled, and bandsplayleg a funeral dirge. Many ladles and men are ranged on a hCavily draped platforro. aingingabyean. It Is estimated there are 20,000 people gathered here. It in raining. but this does not prevent even women and dill- dren from participating In these marks. of reg.. pert.. The train moves across a bridge, coa st' tinted or immense timber, decked with flow ers. and mottoes, and evergreens, and surmount ed a lib the Goddess of America weeping. The hymn. "There is rest for thee In Heaves," was sung by mixed voices as me slowly left. iiarningion-1 o'clock IVerinewley morning.— people are .drawn up In line on each side 'with teveles. Guns are being fired. Al Gardner—There to the usual display. All the homes are draped and Illuminated. ' This Is the place .where the Prince of Wales and the coral party were, entertained. . • . - leringicat, 4-4 band of music is playing. ,LerCatale, 4:Str-.-aherty Is also a large assem blage of people. . dt Roreldregfort--A re large arches with the la scrlptlon,..getto thy rest." - nrivs Brom bratt—Mlnitte gun, tollitur of bells and zinging by choir of ladles, will recurnfhl effect to the occaalon. Artattra,T—Wo - hare a Oaf. day. The banal badges and draperY. Theausanda arelimembled. Guns are betrg fired. Theloterer. here Metals.% LiaMn, TVelock.—Thy place Is named alter tie Prtstdent and mistake between "51 - ,000 and 13,1:00 Inhabitants. The depot Is handsomely draped, the tables *redressed inwhlte and black, and aw Wein. We pap though a handsome arch on each aide of which - Is a picture of the deems. ed President with the mottoes, "With malice to none, wlth.elarity for olL"._. ,/lretdralloY low ecd ep4 we are now afElk Vita—men stand with uncovered heads and ladles wear flags—the de. pot_ handsomely _ draped.. We are LS mile s tete -Eptlngtield—we pees under an arch with -- "'"IrlIr drapery and ever „ tee tut. • att.. tabu/ are draped tied there are . many little fine and . banging out. We pass under another arch simi lar to the above, with the inscriotton "lie has' fulfilled hts mission." Eiptiegfleldat nine o'clock': 'We have 'Envy reached the — city where is to bo deposited all that remains of Abraham Lincoln. Blom leaving :sVasialugton to this time we hens traveled by . a clieultotts route, 1,700 or 1,800 mike. The femoral -cars with .which we started from 'lPahiagtotrhave' come all the way: No se .cident of a trivial character has happened, so perfrct have been tte arrangements. Volonel Roberts, irho Is- eouneeted with the military r.llread, now composes one of oar party. The Tallinn of the Journey has been relieved by , kindattentlinie Snveryivitem . and perioual tattoo dors and hospitalities profusely bestowed. The romeins of President Lincoln wore re- cr Wed at the C.llkeg°, Alton& sc. Louis station. The preeerslim formedln the 'Mowing order: Brig. Gen. Cooke sad staff, military escort; Maj. •:Gen. "looker and ataff, guard-of honor; roladras and friends, In carriages; the Illinois delegation ficrA Washingteul senators and 'representatives ftrilleCivogreaa of Pietro lied , litstee; tidal/ix Sirgeaut.at-damaand Speakie Geffen; the. Illinois State Legislature; the ffeeerners of the afferent fitstesohe delegation from Kentucky; Chic:go Committee of *tendon. Judges of the different courts; the clergy; officers of the army undnairyf firemen; citizens generally; - oslored chives, Sze. • While the procession was moving, the. law rate of Abraham Lincoln • In a kW& otkidid lop, As pointed out. ThiNtdranee was draped in mournieg, and at dip door' hung a portrait of the deceased. . Thc. Marro „which tarried .the cella was epludidly adorned. was brought front St. Louis especially for the purpose, and coot OYU was drawn by six black horses. The henice on the ,:stresta through which ltyassod tore portraits and emblems of mourning, the Mites: And Missouri telegraph office ,inciadad. The front of the building Occupied by the latter was very appropriate4"Prnamenied• The, remains -were .deposil4, in. the Stile Mollie with usrusitolemn forinallUes. TO. outside of the dome of the capitol le In deer. black, and this together with the cornice and pillars is festooned with white and black. Sias. Our drapery falls from the columns supporting the pediments. 13oth qll tito north end, sinith - the entrances are wreathed with evergreens. The general arrangement is artistic and appro priate. The catrancetesthei capitol and the in letter of the rotunda Is heavily draped, sad fee- Mongol poppy= from the dome.,,, Tbe: t lteClul reseeiative Hall, the gsileelea or wblcb areanpl,ortedby eotimns, end together with the panels are covered with black velreti fanged with sliver. In titacenige of each paaerli W rePieeentatfoia of a airig cif - myrtle; made of silver. On each column, under the gas Jess, is ko.e w re h tzrcess wreath ; f whits flowers, and tied with it-S.-ribbon. On - tbe west tideof the hall is a painted blue pound ve lite white stars, and alternate white and nd, somewhat representing the natioaatilag, with a-black. clondaboyo-analeigmatleal of the natiod'a - •'‘ , • • - Immediately in front is the eatafaleo. Brom tie comers eLm plilkA, surmounted by black plumes, 'and caned' with velvet. The ceiling Is lined with white lace, dotted With golden Atoterli hkh glitter, ltt, the light of numerotra pas Jets The effect la iMpresalerb. • • ' The coffin is placed one platform approached by steps. The, walls are,wdomed by the follow ing inscription. "Washington' the father—Lin coln the lavlour." - Thdronahis wetp pan fitter being: placed In the:Siatillonse, espoeed to public view. Branenrittn,-liay 13.—Tpe funeral train sr. . rived hero at Bine o'cloelftlits moming. All the way from Chicago persona were gathered and emblems-displayed. An lm crowd, was attembidd at the principal t 'hide.'" The re mains were conveyed to the apitol; where the sPartMaila WeilredoCl.3l/Itedift tin!: Opt 'beauti ful slid 'ela:lied manna'. Deep noromnlty provalkd.. _Bells were, tolled - And warn* gone fired. Itudivianditif*ple aro here from the ad johilug,titates. - t Wri —NEW COIIBNI t Y I 8 01E8 81 lock I{ sell, At 1:811, boll York stock and Nosey Mitttlik 61011114 a pear dtati attempted to lowa the prices, and 1 y succepled. Tha street "potations wee .. . . Flinn at - lower thin' yesterday,' hitt' at the Stock 'c hange, there was say little pressure to sell, and'a sharp VMOTC.Cy . ill, 1111 . 005 from the . lowest int In the moralise: liter ; ln thillal the tru I party purchased moat of the: Emirs offered the trears, and made the boar issofttr... meet • !hire. - The Stock evoker. lenwored on, the street after the opening of the Board, and was strong at the second, with a further slain sde, Pittsburgb,l3ld Scuthcm, Canton, and Cumber land. Ipall was •• large demand for Stocks 3 0 - 311 1 1 4, hut they were not ePtitd freely. • Goverantont Bonds active, bat Sal's some what weaker. . Towards, the .elose of Ithe day they rallied teliyeaterdara priests. State Bonds quictand Ira Bank Shares epd Rellwarlfort gages firmly - bell, and offered. Ter, sparingly. Coat iltir r l:lficellanoous Shares Arm, and gener ally belt . : ...., • 'r. ••.3 :• .. ~, . r The GO market was ,cry steady and nal form. Priers ranged from 148Lic to, ..14.2,. with the le - Ski:l Iriles---st, lt3N'@l.l. ',Money easy at 4EO per cent for call. Leans only ItecIltulldo• rate demand. Sterling Exchange dull. retralennt Stouts steady and moderately set Ore. Sales, Cherry. Sun, 624 licydrlck.33ool Execialor, 4451 Oceanic. T. 46; Eyed .Varm ' 5001 Germania, ehr•United- States. 13301 Tech, 100 i Allen Wright, 4731 Empire City, 231;11anhat tan, 52e Bottleneck Stem 1113. . . Tba Ha of tad Flees •of tutteiois 'Of Waif inerkeithe cbow t heavy decline It everything "". THE Al3lB l / 1 88INATION PLOT. Boot 4 the Original 'ProjeOtor. THE lOITh PLIESED . FOR THEIR ESCAPE. Waimea or Bootie's deeonspHoes. SUMMATIONS EBRO MADE FOR NEM TRIALS. Jaw Toni, May 3.—The World has a lengthy, graphic plot against the rulers of the nation, which 'a:attics the following points: Booth wee the original projemor of the crimor tt wits recommended by parties in Canada, and was furnished with a tnurdmona accomplice*Paine Ascii that section.. Birrattwaatho toottam of the conspiracy. Booth found another bloody accomplice Is A. T. Burrats. The mute for the escape was planned. Iwo weeks previous to the act, A. T. Sump was the man wholual the the yeomen, the lirice-Prees• Rent's. - Ito ran awairito hastily that he knell his arms and baggage, also , c coat belonging to Booth. When Booth escaped aarrold went • with him. They reached Stu - rates nt midnight. and stopped at Lloyd's hotePand got a bottle of whisky, Booth remaining on his. horse._ Hat , mid went up stairs and got a carbine, Lloyd offered another, but Harrold said Booth had bloken his leg and could not carry It. As they rode or Booth called to Lloyd. "We have murdered the President and Secretary of State." They reached Dr. Mtidd's House before sunrise and Booth had his broken leg set. An °ldlest:toned' wooden bend box had been split up for splinters. Dr. Mudd says he did not knew who they were. The following accomplice; are all under arrest excipt Barrett and Capt. Jett. Spangler, the stage carpenter; Alfred Samuel Arnold, of Bahl. mare, who claims to have tacked out of the panty; Capt. Jett who took Booth behind him on bin horse, T. Zerrot who was assigned to kill the Vice President; Mrs. Barrett the mistress of •Of the conspiracy. ' McLaughlin, a friend and confederate' of Booth; Dr. Mudd who set llooth's l eg ; Lloyd who entertained the assassins and gave them -a- carbine; Samuel Coxo concealed and fed Booth; Harrold was captured with Booth; Payne who attempted the lite of - Secretary Seward; Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Newport was believed to have assisted Boothi• 'Mr. Wilson of Newport, though cognizant of the crime. did not assist Justice. The Times' Washington special says: The preparation of the conspiracy cases for trial has devolved upon Colonel 11. T. Barrett, who con ducted the treason cases aLlndianapolls. His great ability disclosed in these cases commended him to the Government. He Is now sifting the setts of the testimony In possession of the Governments The prisoners are clmely guarded. Among the prccautlons adopted to prevent them from committing suicide, is the padding of the brad of each . thickly with cotton so they cannot butt their brae* out; this was suggested by the at tempt made by Payne r few days glace. INTRIIESTIRG FROM WISHINGTON. Confession of the Assassin Payne raPonsArri C.A.BINZtTA_MBErTINO Qs/riffmi. of iii‘se Trade South biaw Ye= y 3..46e Tribune's spelt: says Payne, the assasain of the Seward family, has made a confesalon otitis guilt. Re said it was useless for him to withhold It longer. Ile had been fallyidentified by eli persona, and the Government bad oilier FidSsc 4lo Its PossessOti . . that be was the party cosigned to tliai latotible crime. The Tribune& Washington !pedal One of the _Trot protracted and important cabinet e',..11 010631 r. Johnson's athessinst to the Presidency with held at the Treasuryto-dzy. The subject and matter •of discussion „Ir. the flee trade qumtioull its,ingerde 610 death- TL that the whole ayatece Of giving cotton permits and trade pamUs to st contain class of favorites was thoroughly ventilated and denotteemi, although there wan a decided pre ponderance in favor of opening trade to all parts of the South not subject tr. the I.Tedou au thority. It is believed as the result of Memo trac Led silting that every faciLty will be, attend ed by the Government tba all proper eoiennenial transactionN and us tr cot:eminence of this fact cotton pe•ts are at a heavy decline In , this market tomlght. The address delivered 't(i. - the 'President by the delegation of the various Swiss residetts entertained the hops that' the glo rious success 11 the Union trill bear on the preen action of all the other slater Republics on the Arderleasthewittneat. - : ' To tee treat' astonishment abd indignation of the delegation, the Winn Secretary of State, to tlmo the copy of the address Wag COMIIIIII:liC3- prcylorus to its &Scary, struck out as beteg Irrelevant Me above mentioned paragraph. • -It appears Benj. 6. Harris; meatier of!Con gressirem'ldarYland;-was arrested for persuad ing paroled prisoners from Lee's army to violate their parole and go tact to Jobs the rebels In arm. A number of these prisoners IMMO to his gisirg them money for this purpose. and anima he breaks down this testimony he will nenshtlY be am eted. • -lbe ymnittottent is death. - D • ADE-RUNNER CORA CAPTURED. iii Desttuclion of thy itam Webb. WA.Q.LINGION, May 3.—lnformation hu bees received at the I ..favy Departinent of tho rapture of the blockade running steamer Cora, am the fath ult., by t'be U. 8. steamer Quaker City, thlrieux Miles tan of Brazos, Texas. Tho Con le a etermsheul steamer, and was.bound from Ccriiit' Christie, Teiiis; ta Darla. Mesleo, wittiartargo of !umber: The Departatent also #ecleral the following: , • - ••PLAII4IIIIP GLANCOOW, • New Owezaxi April SI, 1965. flee; Gideon Prrtles:—l hive the honor to inform the • DepartMent that, the rebel ram Welk Pan the bloskadect Red River this morn ing, and passed the city at a high rate of speed. Soxisexpetted was tier appearance that ahe et ised isaly'twontots through the buil hi pass ing.. At sheapproachei the city she wan flying the Unita! /Naha flag at half least, sad she ,was mistaken for an `army-.transport. • • The , liolybocki , :. Florida.: Quaker City and °soiree were dhipatehed in pursulhof ybe rain, the Itolybeek far ahead. When about twenty. Ave milts belowAhecity .tbp ram encountered the Itrebiloorld' Condor up. -'The Webb then bead,d itto,the. left bank of the river. ran on store le.Kilirsttlet on lire by her commander, who prored to.be oneNtloard G. Reed, formerly of theNtittedliCittceNaiy. liar crew consisted of about 45 men, and bet; cargo wee tottep„ rosin and Serpentine, so that she tech idew-ltriy, , tho' crew escaping to the swamps . except three, two of whom were captur ed and are pritoiers ; the fluid was Maitre* with the vessel. Rer armament consists or throe gens. The whole party will probably be ovine. rd by the troops who will forthwith be ME:patch ed is pursuit wf them. As; the ram passed the city' she bid's torpedo so speeded from the spar. I have the honor to be, very respisetfully, your obedient Ferretti,. N. K. UATCII3II: Acting Rear Admiral. Aultres,-,-0:41411,G. .40ME. GRWD REVIEW SOON EXPECTED NEAR WASHINGTON, TETEILOVIIERVB COllllO 11111EtilNID. New Tom, Raj 9.—The Commercial. Adver tiser's WatLington correspondent says: Shahid not circumstances otter to prevent, Lieutenant General Grant will _review the armies which bate been .the immediate eduilhand . ..of * Maier Generals Sherman and Meade, not very far from this metropolis, at no 'try distant day. The 15th Ind 17th corps are expected here yia Richmond, and the Other corps will soon start or their respective routes to the Capital. After the review tho troops will be gradually mustered out ofthe service, unless it is found neccuaryto stud a fa:cote Texas. The regiments of the regular army, sonur of which are so much re. claccd In strength, will be recruited, and It is rumored that theNtteran Reserves corps into be retained for proyoid duty. Cosidltion orSecrelari !Seward and Mon. ' • ' Wastusoeux, May 8,1886. Mori. E. .Af. //Mutat, Secretary of War have the honor to report that 'the Secreta ry 6f 'Stat e has bad a ; comparativelycomfortable gighe, she apparatits pmeinclag.as eniehla• convenleneo as mks as tkipatedv - /Ir. P. Seward. hoe gained strergth the p peat tirenty4bneSmars. • - {Signed,/ - Sams. , • .. Vratietafrfo. 311 7 3,1805 ., refl. Sfaatee.•&erefary of War z_ I bate the lever to report that the 'Wetter, of State bas teken a &lye to4latand ii freifram pale and aux ger. Kr. V. Beware le soraembet better; perfectly' eceaclois ' tied COO comfit/des Of the lament err of hie c'eurribel. quiet. ,( 13 0 1 f3.) , J. Valtlas.) • - • • • ' - t'lStegolon . PITTSBURGH. tHiIiSDAY. 14/11 - 4. 1865. TRIAL OF BARRIS - Fat TRRIOON. THE CHAIIGES MD SPECIFICATIONS: f ) Evidence o Paroledlltioners, . ttralutierovow, May 8.---The Miming officers ciennprlie the Court Martial' for the trial hf Hon.. B.G. Harris, of Maiylluell; Maj.Cni. I: C:135. for; Maj.' Gen. John H. Parlie,llfij;Gen: 0. D NV Bent; Brevet - Heig; Geri. G. H: -Sharp Blig Gen.' Wm: Gamble, vol. g harlee 'Albright, of the 221•Pentisylvania VolanteerN,Llent. 0; E. - . lratagielt: AlthderCainp arid CaPtida of IL 8. Ellahlept!, - all of :wheant were present 760 kilkilltheanCall dOtagOklitit .ware • not present : My. tin. Illitapttricecinti Bret*, MAP! , The dairies: nil itinattleationn Yolks% H anis are as follows : Charge—ViolaUon of the 50th Wide of oat. G.tr&' this, that Benjamin t:ltisen of Maryland, anda member of the CZ:egress' of the United States, did re lieve with money, to wit: The sum of two dol.; Inn to the public enemy, to wit: Sergeant. Rich ard Chapman, awl private Villilant - Read; 'of tkroPlat S., 381 Rgiiment Virginlaitifautry, soldiers of the' army of the so-called Cemfod crate dtates of America, then In rebellion and at war with the United States, the said Harris then: and there well knowing said Chapman and Reed. to be soldiers of said army, and treating and' offering to relieve them as such, at the same U \ me advising them to continne In said artny and make war against the Milted States, empitati• catty declaring his sympathy with the enemy - and' his opposition to the-Government of the United States, amt Its efforts to oppose the Rebellion at, or near, Leonardtown - St. Mary county, Mary land, on or about the kth day of April, 1505. Epretllcatiors wand, Is this, that Benj. G, Har dy, a citizen of Maryland, and member of the Congress of the United States, did knowingly harbor and protect a public enemy, to wit : Ser geant Richard Chapman and privateßectiCe.R, I,ld Va. Infantry soldiers of -tho ao-called Con federate States of Amerlen; then in xebellion against and at war with the United States, by preceding them a prtrate.bouse and tarnishing them with money therefor, and said Harris thou knowing said Chapman - and Reed to be soldiers of said army, and treating them and offering to give money as such, and at the same time ad - vlsing them and inviting them to continue to said army and to make war against the United States, and emphatically &marine his sympathy with the clump and Ma opposition to the Govern ment of the United States in Its efforts to sup. press the Rebellion. This done at or near Lena ardtown, St. Mary county, Maryland, April al', Iten. Sena. Win. Chapman and Prirato Read, of Co: if, 52d Virginia infantry, Confederate army, were examined asd croaatgandlned yesterday tefrrre the court. . Upon the °pules of the court to day. the. proceedings.-which are as follows, were brought forward• Two paroled rebel prisoners were examined and testified that Harris had, rt. he residence, Oren Item money and &dallied them not to re gard their paroles, and to continue their 14stIll ties to the GOVenteelli. Mr. Morris objected to their testimony on the mormd that they were guilty of treason, and, ttereforir,being enemies of the country, amid cot be admitted. .. • The Judge Advocate offered to prove by the neighborhood: Llama, Ten no Women' ins disloyal, and. with the witness, a mutual enemy Of the United 'l3istes, Sind commuoutiv not privileged to mako an eiception ton their testi mony. The court ilea teak a recess to , debote .upon this point and the doors were closed. Upon to.opcning, the court adjourned tlil tn. morrow. • Tux EDER connant, BOOM'S MST INTENTIOX TO liotot 'With Undermind, Aparionts Bit • Naw Yoan, May Ifer4 4 seeennt'Of , the conspirers to, murder the President, and °Metro of the.cabinet sap : Ulm is no doubt Booth read! Intended to kidnap the Pfeil dent hefore the Idea of mirdeilog him tilts een ecleut—riestatetbioafiset, beyond Ms minas- slon concealed in his sealed letter,. has .W=l found within thecity Hmita in a bona. belong . lag to one Mrs. Green. It is mined and fur nished with underground apartments, furnished with manacles and all areassorlca to private prhonment. 33orn the President, and as many as Cou!II be gagged and conveyed away; wero to be concealed. in the event of failure to run them Into the Confederacy. ' Owing to his- failure VI group a&und him as many men as he dashed, Booth abandoned the project of kidnapping. The tame was disenvered last Week ready tote blown up at a moments notice. FI.AC•OF-TRUCE PROM . DICK TAILOR. MOMATMENTS TO SURRENDER HIS. COMMAND, ?Gm roan, May 3.--The Hertad's Mobile dia. pr.tch of ths 10th salt An endear •on G 11111414 Richard Taylor% stsrarrtrod jast:nowtritb *44 of trace at Gen. Csoby , s headquarters to mite terms for tbe'surnendtr of himself' and Nut was under Ids cow:nand. Nothing G TM ifiCITZ of *bat transpired between the Gienerarand Tat, lor's A Id-de snap. - Ve Change in the tailinet—Our iteeuriele lu Europe—The President's Carriages and Horses—The Hunan' Disaster. !env Toni, May 3,—The llerattra Washing• ton special taw It may be "stated as a pealthre fact that for Ito present, with the exception of the Secretary of the interior, them will be no change whatever In the Cabinet. Information Las teen received from our Con. olds and from Miamian bankers is Europe that there are now in the European =theta between three and, four Lundred .udilluns of Veiled plates Londe. The largest amount of. thive mollies are held by German capitalists. anitAPf. the ellftnee of the pecrplo as a permanent latest meet. The ezniages andbortes of the knienied Pres. Went Llceoln are to, be di:we:seder it Orate age. A ready 'there cm uitterbos eters' foe piton by pet sz.n. .lalcus to 'ewe them as mementoei. Col. Adam Bodeabotorgeb.firant'it et afr,hts beta tint LVtst to make epecialluemtlottoe of the 1 CCCIA &Mater to the blotting up of the Ad- Isom' Wivldaster., raw roux, May I.—The Trainer's %athlete tog spetial imp : Gan. Shaman Is Misr on hl5 moth to Charleston... Prom themes be will more to Blenhiond In time to' meet Ida army, width Is expected to reodearons at dlexardria lion. J. W. Arnold. of Illinois, formerly-mem ber of Congress from Chicago, has been appoint, ed Auditor of tbe Treasnry for the Post Mere' rtment, Tien E. /lolls, appointed to be Indian The voluntary surrender of the rebel Beeratir 17 Mallory Is deemed a simple of sharp prim. tier ratto r than returning penitence - and loyalty. A thorough examination of all the Depart. meats of note printing and Cutrelle7 by of the Treesury base „been Inallt4W 07 Sane. tut IdieulfeeE. • Secretary tiarrlogtoo- bear with film to Europe, sample* , of a ll Vatted States ficaurl• ties, bills,. Ae., so as to dotal attempts it coon. tertelthitt, hare lisaslged' to Semi , ... • Frain Nevileins. Nair Yoig, , lday 11.—The liew - Oritins pe pas ;the a lergthy, letter from Ac. 0.. P. Mai' env. lato Copal* of U0..8,8d laillslana cavalry, in which be mates an earnest af.imal to tho ems of. Mt native &ate; and beseeches tbein - tri return their allegiance., Eht terrace it length the 'offerings and abuses lustpof upon theireo pie by the rebel authorities; aski for the return of renett,Otidtho dos° of the tfebolyf warfare and states that the canoe of Jefi r Davv• is !Pet' llon. A: Burwell, of has made a. Outlier appeal to the residents of ble Blale and seggested the election of deliiimes from each' county._ to attend ;no convention to be bold IA the, city of Vicksburg on the first. Monday Jana Jeff Thampson'ti Troops not. In South-Bast - mbaaum....lndellnite Armistice Granted. Be. Wins, May B.—lt la officially contesilictad that aoy of Jen bouipson'utpoope are Mouth, cutTho%ructiors•of an' Weill"' aka without foundation. The Watling &nide Mist i Theailead guar tars of the DepaitmenS of the Mississippi gnats them M III4II OA siallejliat an lndefialteltnik . buee • ngbbut tbo'lleptilitimiit; begin= &taloa o'slocksmi the litith ult.. hisS beep upon tester OM. Thicke t - of the trotted taco., snit Gen. Hodgo,,of tho rebels. - Tim Troops alospned for;Tens'. flaw Totts,lasi Washlngfon distlatch to the-Boston xlzkeriimr saps , Conitderablean tette Is manifested among military min to know nhal,ctommiderilltni !Deluded in the *speck= thin Vetch - rumor carets shortly to sot out frOtn bore,do complete the densollden of the rebelllied blltile.ocOPPlkli'of TOM.* W Owed krub! able that seine ofthe troops now massed se balm ily About,. Washington mid Altmandtia-srill be weePlefed &walla JID,rI ,OB O. • , 116S101' CORDER'S LIFE lIIKATENED. Pay for Discharged Soldiers. }olooFilill caml r 0; 1N0011123011201. 'Ziationsl Banks in etie Benthern Cities. Nsw Yonz, May 3.—BeigennPoston Corbett, Awe the Post, writes to a frlend 'under date of May let; WI follows: "My life le threatened la mott. bloodtblrsty . manuer; but 'God Is well able to keep me.” . - `• The Foses special says: The 00meinutentwill Ray 11100,000,000 to dlacbargod se:ldlers ando,th ,corsdtring the month ,Fortymillions ofdollars of certilicatee Of hi 01ebft_dness were redeemed in. • Application ibr national banks at Richm d, iSarannalt, Petersburg and Charleston hare made to the Treasury Demutment. • Thera are 2.200 troops at Riker's Island w o will be mustered out of theaerldee this wrie:l' Keay 'Mound for Tigara , -Tabacca for I. timerc..s3urparles in Richmond. . , • New Tom. May 3.-The Richmond IVA ,of the hd stataxthat Mosby took leave of his Men at Salem, Fatumder cousty, telling them /to disband and return boom, that he was bound for Terse, and did not want, them to accompany bin,as It might put "their necks In the h er. Se t hen, rode off with asmall number of lets old Companions. i • , A steamer was loadlnl at Richmond with to haece for Baltimore. „ Rebel treasury petal ere,quoted at $3.00:51 MOO per $l,OOO. - Many burglaries are reported as occurring in Richmond. - • • Ex-Governor Alken—The Potomac —bberman Expected. WASIIINOTON. May I—The Star says, s. Governor Aiken, of Smith Carolina, arrived at Fortress Monroe yesterday afternoon. Re ar. ruffed et Washington to day, secompanied by his daughter. • The Sixth, and other corps of the Arm, of the Potomac, have broken camp, and aro on the march to Washington. • Geueral Sherman and staff were expected to arrive at Fortress Monroe today and proceed to tide city. Orders Prohibiting Exportation of Arms, Horses, die.. Rescinded. WASYINGTOW. May 3. 1865.—The Erecutiro order of Nov. Slat, 1862, prohibiting the ex portation of arms and ammunition trona the United Steam and the Executive order et May 13th,1563, prohibiting the exportation of horses, mules and live Flock, being no longern! i nired by public necessities, the aforesaid ord s are hereby rescinded and annulled. ' • Br order of the President. . Entvrx M.Erarrrox. Secretary of Witt. Ptnatylvanla Delegation Visits the Pied,. WA 817710101 f; May 8.-6lmon Canteen, 'had; deal Stevens, and other citizens of Peaveylva nla, ralled"ou rreeldent today And were In troduced 17 Mr. Cameron, who addressed the President In a few remarks. assuring him often confidence of ,the State of Pennsylvania in Ida abilltkijusilee and integiity. -The President re. plied at some length, reiterating his future policy towards the 'fate rebellious States. lie fare 'bedewed nothing snore than *vim hie speochea •. already. pp' , " ,• d • • - - • - - ttcalgnatiene—iltduebig Expenses. Wsentsevoit, May ' large amber of usisnations oriole,. and navy elute are now Icing ectelved daily at tbe War and Navy De . foetwenne, which aroimpend a“ast . received, the governmenbeing t lea-4—doeida“-W.. re duce th e lead awl AATILI Orce, EPtell i r "; • . , . - In bider to audit In iodating lila (nettled of I.llo2 . Qatrtermortel's Der cat, It bad been --- .... • . drciddb to barbaric. .... irasktimkb. Aid detail men Maud, to Mood the ProPortl of the pc' Tb*Olitev n Thirty loan -41.266•300' Subscribed on Wednesday. P.nulsart.rnia, Ittny3e;•Thir subseripikeitace dey to the ?-50 loan as telegraphist, to Jay Cooke, amounted to 57,901,300. Including the tingle aubscliptloni ,091;800 time from Vitk & Ilatcl4 1,108,2',30 Irma the Ninth National Bank of NSfork, /500,060 from the Second Na tional kof Boatou,Sloo.ooo trot% Detrolt„, ,1150, rein Sindriely, and '.70,000 (Marta fayette, Ind. The indlvidnal subseriptlons amounted to 8 4 081. - Deductlpa of the Army—Trip South. haw Tool', May 3.—The Tines' special says: The War Dsparlmeat has ordered printed 600,- 00 blank discharges, , on parchment, with • large somber of muster-out rolls sad other pa pers for the reduction of the array. Ike:at:kr, Welles.* accotapalnd by the Chief Clerk of the Navy Department, Fact, and others, propose to leave In a few dap on a trip to. Wil• ruloglon, Charleston, Savannah sod Rama. • . Ss, Toni Ittaj &=Gold continues dull and week. Tbo dlebonsentents of the snb•Treanve en amain oftbeldnyConremstaskithesupply to the street abundlit, sod peentitun tends money datenward. The. piles during the allenscon acs been 1:41i3114131 Eram.so—Oold tp - dlght / 41 !4, - - What, Havana—Spade for Europe, Nsw Total, Ms 7 6/ ": — ..caer Mona i;LeUe brings Llama thwr;, , to the 19th, ono du biter tban by the (loblier &at )eitenlay, bat comities so sews. The steamer Persia took out $103,000 In specie, and sr 9 AlitadfSd • 12 . 4 qktrty pumwttr4 to-dap . . • Surrendered 11[weir'. Towner°. litarJ.--' Dad& the rebele'agslast übom the grand Jury totted a true bill for a breach of the neutrality leafs a fear data slum yeatereay anrreadaull himself ateraice hall' is edSCO to stacd trial at the October sealsea. Ballard Ottert4 for Ishani C. Harris. Louvrruurt • litT Beata •or tta Slate' 'of Tat tested 'adopted 'cod lae4 Sat tirdey'a rtsolutiot oftoing 0,000 for Sto &Ur try at Exlicrtettor Lhasa 0. 'Hartle to the Oen attborldes of that State. - : Ting Mango - ruus innidatt ocms*mablo an masincts and alarm a the patarsticarof certain extracts from Ita past lassos. It *anginas and antans, and dams tbanwkew It nttemilwatal or bona dlity at:ambit "a dieliaated Morita, b a high tenseor duty. It sap . " .bave only to sa here centestalnit our comments upon Mr. L ncola sn>seW notion, that they were In all Inatome. governed b What We believed to be Its accordance witlibr depart= from contlltutlonal principles, and the Ingenue IL would exert.upon the grand object of °meow. tad the, restored= of the Union." Hen, lo oRe cents ft econamontO"which "II believed to be In socordsaco with einothuthinsf - principles • ' Oa the drat of July bat, It taxed the.aosriSsl, Osiloti of Abraham Llsooln, thee watts "IL could not be more wortnees dead than he ix /Wog, bug would be laftaitrly tea mischievous, mud hie seder, irepodefre O.& It' . otwakt:be 14-ftedese date and` Tidied avid Inuit "grardid would tog be the moot appropriate saerVlee wbteh fur insulted etetioa could "err to alononeettfor it; tub *mission WO imbiefifty aid . derpotiem." - • '- -- Three days aftemard, July 4th, 'on the "day when the loyal portion of the American people were celebrating our national Independence, the sante sheet, In an outicie deprecating the oh. herniae of the day on acconntmf the war, again: noun:mended -the innumalnatioti -of Lincoln In' the following language "Lot the peopleclothathemorlies is saekeloth ' and sprinkles 'shot on their heads. It beeeems to put the ambloure of mourning deeplyon and wear II In their hearts, over fluke dissamed, discordant, bellgeranti.tv laud rout with civil fends and drenehetr with fraternal gdro. Let repeoleace and rozo7re attend their humiliation. Let them oonlemptate Ma 'weevily whith a few months they precipitate, of Vomits° DOWN 0801‘1 , EU AI/THOM; AZID VINDICATING BY IMO BLOOIi Or A DOM WS AVltin ISANUT , ..ITY Or culesirru novas I'AILtDOSI.". No commit on-the shove to IMO/MU to ex plain Its meaning. It, wilt require considerable contrition, sackcloth end ashes on . the put of its author before forgiveness cousec.—(77lfear 011arliHAMS nt nattu.--flubJoloed will be found gm usual arcekly atatement of the amount of ; ruminants held - by the teaks of; New York atid Pldladelpbla • . , Atultdd. - Apd! 79 xhitAatiptiii • $19,18t1,878 - n 0,900,009 Now Tod: • 57;934,9117 • 88,096,974 Total 1177;143,01d ';';58,01X1,974 A Breirr Arrawar.--A sculptor of some noto riety 'and no teems of loyalty applied to beeni• tart. Stanton ibr• permlssicet to take a mat of Booth's bead. The blunt war minister replied: "lktter Bike care of )our blunt_ boat" Tax burner of-the Vetted States .eleamet St raid hes been eaettnd and hangod on the Ten! Zz Ig said that the only newspaper In Ws Butte, heetteg caslat Of zooming /or the Pleelelest% drat= the' , maiden, le the 'West Cheltdr, be Direction of Ha:4o'e Flight. Since the death id the 'assassin; the Import ance of his crime and the dignity of the iletim make the verticals - is of his mysterious escape and eight as much matters ofldstory as of It set= that he fractured the smell bone of his leg in jumping from the box in thothestre, but-his horse carried him safely on the road to Bryantown, ten miles from Waahington, to the tavern. of Mn.s lannatt. Here he arrived on Saturday morning. The military were the first to call at the tavern, but failed to got any definite statement until the detectives came np. The tavern was owned Mrs. Sturatt, and leased to the old, man who keeps Upon a close examination ho stated that Mrs. Starrett lead' been - there on Friday afternoon, and left word that two = men would arrive dar ing the oight, who were to ' be gem:misty madded the:. she also directed that two carbines suspended by a string between the plastering of a partition should bo given them. Booth sad Remold arrived as expected, and re. repined until sometime - on Saturday forenoon.; but on leaving Booth declined to take a car bine. Mating that he was too lame to carry It. Harrold. however, took one; and the two set oit for, the lower counties. , Upon coaching the neighborhood of Bryantown. near Port Tobac co Booth's leg became too . painful to proceed further, and the services of De Mudd, of that vicinity, were called Into requisition. After rho fracture bad been dressed and Booth had loft.- the detectives arrested Mudd, who dueled all knowledge of the character of his patient. The book however, which bad been cut off from Booth's foot, the Inflammation rendering it Im possible to draw it off, was found, and It was written with Ink, '‘.l. Wilkes," the Word "Booth" evldenly .having been scratched out with a knife. •The next place where Booth - and • Harrold were heard from was at the house of a. Dr, Coxe. The latter, upon being questioned denial hating seen any such parties, but said that three paroled rebel soldiers had applied there for accommodations, and bad been sent away. COXOB servants, however, all assert that the two men bad staid there over night, that their master bad entertained them In the most hospitable manner, and upon their departure next morning gave each a quantity of whisky. The detective next came upon the fugitives near the Sadder Swamp, to Charles county. There they found a dilapidated shanty, occupied by' an old colored woman, who stated the on the morning two men, ono of them with a crutch. had anise out of the woods and asked for something to eat, offerina to pay any price for M. She being afraid of them told them she had nothing, that there were no white people around there, and that they could get nothing to eat In that vicinity. The lame man had then Inquired the direction to the great swamp, which she gave. and the two went off. The shanty stands In a small clearing, surrounded on all sides by a dense.pine woods, with the exception of one side, bounded by the swamp. The Sib Illinois cavalry and a nepotist Of colored troops were Immediate ly sect through the swamp In every direMlon, ' searching every thicket, but without finding any trace of the assassins, the latter having secreted themselves in the pine woods, and made their escape while the swamp was being wove& On Sunday afternoon Booth and liarrold crossed the Potomac at Swan Point, a short &Sanas be low Matthias Point, and paasing through Port Royal cu route to Louisa Court House, wore captured (as previously described In the Star) at Oarrett'e place. 1 Irintribreve come to light which show comae thalltooth and his aceemolices had, before carrying their plans lato execntlon,doelded upon the route lobe taken on making their escape. Mare, understood io he in pone estori of the , !e! which are known to live be , tinged to these parties, bear distinct marks of the route* laid out by them. Booth and Har rold were to escape to robeldore and seek Jeff. Davis' protection, who was finally to assist them In leaving the country. - ' What's the Uset ' • ' *.as lasted, through General ttc angertatim , .._ _ iza or, kt I llekt4 .•_ tr lZ: . ta ir l the CUttls or!aua. der teljoirbrg stluecTA.• —.uses to yarns* glance of erery" person who pis., Niels - 61'er probeatiOn seeder the Fedi.... Even to get married, the oath of loyalty Mist be taken. _We doubt the expediency of mutt , Leg an oath to be taken without a common un derstanding or agreement u to whit the oath Mtn!. The ceeeesiou theory of. _oar Government makth It'an *tagdedy" of the several States, _ which olle kr..4Kß4rpritseli Auld istelLawa. may witedigi or repttdiate at tpteasure. General La held himself bound by hls Federal oath noil Vin inla_seceded from the Union, which Recision (he held) released him from his oath of fealty to the 'Union and carried him over to the rebel camp. lie regarded the rebellion as unwarranted—a mistake—a' blunder; but when Virginia "weut out," he felt bound to:follow her. ilence„ he' does not. regard himself as a Remote traitor, but as a loyal, faithful pa. Wog. And if he were. now' to renew, his oath of fealty to the Union, and Virginia should w ade again hereafter; he Will of course feel bound to followler., Nile, we see no use in imposing new teats of loyalty until wo shalt hare determined and agreed as to what the old one' means. lithe auto sovereignty" doc,trine he sound, thou Rail. to 3hia Union ia-a mor e tery at best—a grimace—sintormonmarrimit.4 'boundary UM! ten Item a mow flying orer a toted to wisp flickering ;trough sFata.;. The troCn W&Olfilla the last tour or Are lean arid slauglatered to destroi.the 3.— ja had, for the preceding quarter of a centu ry, been least rociferons In their protestations of fidelity to the Conatitaton. Let no, then, hare a common and clear understanding as to what, the oath of allegience maws, or let us onst* exact It. .. We bare had Tau) ermaginok denims, lamtless twearing.-2/. Y. 21,111. i.IIPDXWIT Antart;:.—"laba Carter; a radar well knewn resident of the :Ta l ler° leatia_a ar thla city, was arrested Olit Sattuday :Zat• by Col Woolley. he (Carter) havlog returned from smith without authority. 1161dt - for the south In Ib6l, and le charged with , being one of Gm. Windtee detectives In: Ric.timOnd, and Ls also' cbarkrd wiih hiving caused the execution of several Federal toldiers In Richmond. Bela held for trlaL.. Ilarry Krebs, another ,well Summon . former teildent ot this city, was also .arrested yesterday - , . and Owed in the military prison. Hellas lbeen In the south since IdOL, and to charged. with beteg a rioter on the I.oth Of Mull,: Tee antlelarery.clonstltutlonal 'amendment has' been ratified by the legislatures of twenty dunes, Tennessee. and duitanens hasitig been almost tl2lllll/13094 In In ( ATM • lieW .701110.7 alone among the Creel:Untie MI bath* refeeed the measure. The amendment will unquestion ably he milled by Vermont,:biew; Niunpshire,f Centitelletd - Xedifornla, - lewaded'Oregon. One Mate more will be needed for the requisite three. thumbs. , -111s.ena easily - Joe obtisineththy re- Terelpg . the tint decision of New Jersey, Dela wale or Kebtlickf, or seeming the Toto of Flori da or sobs° other Southern Mate. - . 7". 'MR Lucca-Ye grandfather, siso named Abrit-' ham Lincoln, was murdered by an Indian in. 1774..whi1e at work on his farm :martin) Ken tucky ricer. 'Re 'left three' slurs; the elddir of whom. Thomas, was the father of the ntisident. Thomas married. In 1806 Naacyliatiks. a amidst, of Virginia, and settled In Third= county. N. V., where the President was born February la, 1800. In 1810 the famUy' removed to Indiana. The great•grandrather of the President emigrated Iro,n Herbs coupty, F. to Rockingham county, la the bbersaudbah Valley..Va « about 1780. CID v..,tfite GILATITUDE . AND MODUSTT. —A gen tleoian in this city, haying obtained a promise of the release from prison of his:abet nephew, as antias 'the young man should take thermal of alleglane% apprised the .8. F. V. mother of .the youth of his succoiui c in reply to which he metived.from the grate fat lady o note, ta.whieh' 'be said t , ".1:111nk-ltis the least on may do for your own broth is child to get him pirated and obtain for him *government derkship la Wash- Ington.P— Was/ant/too (7hroniFlr.; - Ax Aliscrlowsra flranarn.—lhens is an, undertaker In Newborn whole also an embalm.; er, and when his wife died he exercised his art upon her remains In his best'style,, mid now keens kir in Ms room to exhibit as a specimen of. his art, tatting her upon 'the forehead to show Its fitmnese; and saying, "This Is all there Is of my-poor, lletay." • , Aw English sculptor, haring an order to erect • tablet on the grave of a follow-Islander, la the- Protestant church la Route sent (Mt 'deel,ca to. the cenwre as usual. Under it were tha com mon words, ...priuteient yoies." ThroctOt thlt. the etheee gtrackhls pcii with a tremendous burst of holy Ire i s '`A Protestautto Paaeo t No I No peace for a beetelo.” - Tun I . :trident It veld , to be preparing a Proc. 'emotion deelartnir all 'console Wilms under the Confedr.reto det.plrates. nes ans to.be par, rued, end if eePleireel to be treated sr enokt. SANDS.—Nredtiesday -mot atm Mar t 4, at oat o'clock A. at., JOHN la HANDS,* ap MU pair of tilt age. Funeral take &ma Iron% hliklatl residence, No. 1/1 Obto sfreit, Allegheny, elty,.t f o'clock Fill , AT.Airl9llloo24 ' Monti sad aeqiittnt! .aces otitiarisully o,9sattully`inrltip to K= 'lollNa—ft Ms restitt4oe; rid. if 811111 en Wrilorsdriy aftetanntt, May &OW. tV ,10 . 3 k• Bar. IXILLI !QUM). span raw: Ftt4ol4l. otAtiertiz its ," 9 Invited to Mined the rut 1 1 1 .tour941•0er ttcmatnada Ipc!,olopir, t01t .. 07 ie Sit.( o ,4 l * - AU ' fitb# ll / OsiK4err. A. 4 • QTY. An SUBURBAN. Dlttrlct Court Arnmzu:om.—llefare trlldge bre Can Cum • ' in the ease of T. H. - Austin, indicted for pass. inn counterfeit postal enrreocy, the jarv'found e Verdict of guilty. The prisoner was retnandol for sentence. - . Joeeph Deihl, a sonng man about-sixteen years of age; was tried on a charge of inlbelt- Ellug , a letter: The Indic:Smoot Seta fdrth that OD the sth of las: January the defendant fraudu lently obtained a tette, belonging, to another person. fan:lithe Aida Part 'Pasta:dee,' In La- Tema county,-by pointing to the botbahtalnbig. Wand signifyleg that he was authorized to re ceive IL The letter was directed - to Corydon'll. Wells. The evidence mtheease was conchal's' ruste the prisoner, and, the only. wltatiseles ta: case were the Poatmasta arcli bk cleft. The jury rendered a verdict of guilty 'Without lesslog the box, and the prisoner was remanded to await eadence. Robbery at the Red Idea Hotel. An officer stopper% at the lied LionHotel wan, robbed- Tests/tap about noon, of an American denble•cased gold watch; by an adroit pickpoek-' et, under the following Circumstances. Howes sitting on a chair In the parlor or sittlng.roomi and had gone to sleep. He had not slept but a Ifilmites,lwben the gong sounded for dinner, and on waking up ho felt for Ida watch to note the time, when be discovered that bin watch and chain were both missing. He at once secured a policeman to endeavor to hunt up the thief, but as he bad not the remotest Idea who took the watch, be was,unable to afford a clue by which he might be apprehended. The watch was present, and bears the following Inscription In aide : "Presented to Mat. R. F. M'llvalne, by Co. K, Seth Penna. Vols., as a token of their ea:eem for Lim as an officer, &mellth, 1663." Alf. Burnett This gentleman gave his that entertainment, underthe auspices of the Tennyson Club, last evening In Lafayette Hall. The audience was large and respectable. and, judging from their frequent outbursts of applause, were highly de lighted. If "laughing makes people fit," the dimensions of those who attended last night must be increased prodlotisly toalay, for there were continuous roars of laughter during tha performance. Mr. Burnett elves another entertainment Oda evening. The programme will embrace the fol lowing : "Richmond on the Jeems, "Prof. Snooks," the " English Showman," "Shamus O'Brien," selections from Hamlet in costume, and others equally as entertaining. We have no doubt the house will be well tilled. City DI ortalty. Dr. George L. McCook, Physician to the Board of Health, reports the fallowing Aleatha is the ally, from April 231 to April 22th, 1865 : Ma1e5...... 9 White. 14 2 ......16 Females... 7 i Colored..." __ • Of the above there 'were: Oconsumption,l; typhus fever. I; chronic pneinnonla, 1; asthma, 2; congestion Of brain, 1; tpphold piummonts, 1; emotion of lungs, 1; dysentery, 1; pneu monia, I; varloloid, 1; debility, 1, still-born, 1; acute hydrocephalus,. 1. Cruder], year . 4; From 50 to 60 2 From sto 10 1i" 60 to 70 1 " 10 to 1b....—. 1! " 70 to 60 " 20 to 30.. .... -51 " SO uitlo 1 " 401.90. l " 90 to . loo 1 Fearful Accldent.,,A man named•. Fay, who was at work repairing a railroad bridge be• tween Port Carbon and St. Clair, Schuylkill comfy, met with a sad. accident last Saturday. Whilst at work he perceired two trains coming to:opposite directions. Ito immediately slipped down tbronglithe trestle work of the bridge, but awned: to hare. lost his presence of 'mind, and clasped both arms cowl one of the rails. The wheels of one trabr ant off one of Ms hands at r,,:i.ser onu s other &Ida bliCarnneir; the druPPoi into* caster" below, u? . was Wet taken and his wounds Is dressed. li e :LI' doing as well as could be turetted from the nature of bin Injuries. The King or Planos.”—Mn George Rail, one or the moot extensive dealers to piano fonea p thus writes to the manufactures:: flaring been in the plena Mishima one largo scale for., more tben twenty years in the great Talley-of the West, end bought from all the principal makers le this country, I molder the Bradubnry the king qf pianos. Cleveland, May 1 ,1%4." ' _ For other testimonials - from dlatlndshed idattlitsi see card •in another column. - The agents, Mears. Wameln& & Barr, are eanitant ly In recelpt and disposing of many at .tlease splendid instrumenta. - • . ' • - Mrz: 'Vmma ilftdler appears this' evening ,as a tragedienne, oommedienne ' and .comdist. She will represent /Ally Audley, In the celebra ted mutton play of Lady Andley'a Seeret--be lug ,ber int performance of that character In Pittaturglu , She will also perm:cab:. hic avitrlte comedy rOIO of Kate O'Brian,and lutrodude two nr*tilsr tongs. Mrs. Wer 144 har rare" well - Immetlt to-Mt/POW Mimic* The performance of ads talented actress last night was tplendid throughout.- We regard her Meg Hurtles as the most natural and truthful conception of that character cm prxiaccd upon the stage. Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead.—We call the attcntion of plumbers and deems in !Ind pipe and sheet lead, to the advertisement of Seem , : mkk ik Gibson. of. Cieclanall whisk Will be found in ;nether Minim!. McCormick & Gib son makc to order pipes and sheets , of any re quired weight and size. They also manufacture very "light pipe" for hydraulic rains and drain age. We him the, re olessu of Myna se enaintimce with the members of MIS establish ment,, one of the oldest of the hind in the cows tit we,: know that they. will faithfully perform every eoniraet *Web they make: , • Stamp all Asalgismefils.—Wo would callthe attention of all corporations, stock compsolm, and 'banking etitutiora to the BLit that the Commialoncr of Intim* Remus has lately do-' tided that "an asaignment of Meek awls by tho owner which passes the title to the pritehasuir, whether made upon the bonds of Mc corporation or upon thecertilicate, U aubjcceto stamp duty: ol,fire (5) cents.": No general publieityhaving: been gim to this decision, the c...wporations, consequusco, have felled to comply with the law .1n this respect, the failure - of which makto the The House etate:—.lu .mower to a correspondent who wishes to know. what tdispesblou has bestumsdeol the gambling house irate Which Cates up bet are Alderman Fitrale !Sometime last February, we yroaltiMars .thist The Greed Jery has fond sr true bIll: nalmt • Dyer; for mehitelnlag a gambling house. ;Der, however, tali. atetended. Tho ball has ;been fbrhited; and a *Deets Is betas leaned 'atielastitts surety !ormolus it. filawy!sra' ftap.--dawycps' soap b too well. known torequire any xecomeatmdatlon. at oar- hands: Their ."Barbers" and "Brown. Wind - ;sot" are it least coal to anything imported,'; And arc highly recommended both by 'barbers' ;and dbtlngulshed officers ln .the !tient] army. Tbcte common or domestic soaps, are sold to be pnacr.std of the most perweribily dttergent. prop. IPlttebutglier nitinnt . aldeentle notoriety, named Ed. Brown, who hal ;figuredlargelyln pollee iepoete; and"gnito re- Icently ea a principal Ina cram. can. &Telexes shot ;yesterday morning' In Clnetenattl. - u we begin, ,a,dlapatch hating been ilorwanhei to Ws wile 'conveylnic the Intelligence. 'No, particulars aro, AtteMpted Iteectic,:—.as Lieut. Beth Wilmot, of the aleyer's pollee,. was bringing 'a tibtorder ly chavicter from the "Bull Run District," he :wail boa, and a rescue attempted, by a`number . of Ike "mndiarks" working In the tunnel. Beth, :however. brought oil his men triumphantly, and lockedhim up for safe keeping. , Prabyterial.—The Presbytery of Washing ton; 0.8.. met on Tuesday last, in the First Cturch,', Wheeling. Ron. David Davey and Alessauler and _Messrs. Bsmnel McLean and S. N. Orr Ruling Elders, wore appointed er Cemmiesionli to the-General Assembly, which will m,ct In Pittsburgh on the lath of May. , Reporting Undertho PrOelamation.—We. learn from Captain Davie that the number of :drafted men anCticaorters, now upoiting =dor' the Amtwoty Prftelamation, haa inercatwit with; lu!bilPtet week td an afenliCe or. B ix P 3 f day. Sole of Tickets to . Katonla Copciti, *IU colornence this w e working; at nine o'clock, at Mel.' lore. 81 Wood Street. • As the lash, for - tickets' Telll be mat, be 011 Land Lf . .you want toOtecuro . Isti Auction Male this morning, it Sle. Clctlu.d'M Auction noutO. of. good ruzulture, ceovir, Cutlery' Sekara„Tobsoco, Indigo, Ti,e Soap, Platform &aim, &e. Tbeatre.—Ther 'very - popular- Comedian, Ur. J. 0. Sefton, takes We benefit on Baum' vi Wed. Ile promote an unturnally attractive en. , tertelnment. Tbn great! sensation drama of Sinters Wing Jack.- A, potter, fatly of Mi nima will dance. Übe -Maud Stinleivrill sing. Baton: in two of his beat comic characters, The 'grad !Astoria' play of Joao of Are. Mu An. .10 Etcrla will appear *a the•llobber jack. And the IleromeJuan of Are. , 4 Ekcar,__eiockt.znatilikomee.- . ,t, • ESTABLISHED IN 1786. Au . sl xLs.4JrRoIYS., A BTOIOBII=OI - ,4A.S;rcoinvroirriGi WONDERFUL PAR EXCELLENCE( Consider this Well: WOMEN'S MUSH Lig*ll4"; 18121r..arp.re Seel ara►itezi i'or *1 25. COes is the lowest priCe asked to °their for the az.mo yeah'. Concert Hall Shoe Store% No. 60 tad 62 run" mum, Undersell the World. 87. But tioodi in the World! All wirii* I'RE GREAT PURI:ELISE. , HEM A PAN A 1Z Wu* the intananation et wadialne. the artfail disease hag pittl•Aill been the entrepat of mats lions and acieslids oonatieration by the learned of the yroforaion than any other with the law. of the Groat Creator; not a fluirksie unneeded that ail dllealeS pave their origin lathe stomach; • others, the solids of the body; Vern soul, awl by far the masa muster. sealsed ese. ITILIOII that the moon Itself is the very levaSeln lite—that If ft becomes Insynni,thee dieeeirelte worst foreui—Serofuba, Clanger tiloers. Able ana indeed, exyarlenco In this etaa ace ren. caw by inaitysay the bloat and thereat e their eradication and core, prove this lo be corrrct theory rattfrig upon whkdi thumps seer Wile now known as KINAPASJAXA. was. amt brought nto tpractlse:produnntShe Met ••• TAN soen ennnAses inigh neer. 1:011.0FITLA.- -TILOERnTiONI4 , =TER, SAIR . • Loss - wr APPErrrr, DYSYMPSIA. ' • RHEUMATISM, ERAL DEBILITY, , • • ' • Ike.. ha. ft& - ' as to gin. trom the time - it Is lint taker. .cement to the patient, by making both I s= felt, the good .it Is about to accomplish. . R.was thought best , to out It up In bottles at Me. sad OUR ean,—as many persons are disposed to try as ale but are: often deterred at the~spmw,—p, trial here can' be made at a mod=r= sandy the - Meitner +that what. Is claimed for It - to be, rid: the gt OAt anus Wm brought beors'. the pasplrl - Delicate Finales will Lod in It the mialiame ' That the gentile may form stone Idea of thr liar curative merits, we subjoin allot of the prlc.. pal articles of white It Is combated, with , itelcise description of the uses and adaptation of.= kon from the highest authority renown td RONDUltdd IdaId.P.ASILLA . - Giouax - FaIL, - 11 ,2 tkml , sou iMi tut i ous bee mftt eflelal i., effeat, ch,aaw. ttLesseels . =. ; sal otlw 4:auditions of . mitt ; 'ad aperient. Ms 'apnea. ' Is ton.% di a. a . a action apes tbe• Uveriexaitins a Wit!. uaragala secretion. 'his been tomb and ~ D - !oprDs rOnatsrniar, - There tin few diseases In Valets It Menet Darieneial used In Scrofulous Mitotic= Mat WWI; It has also boas used Nita mnehoupt Om In treatment for IMlaainuttloa of the mis. gesarairy Inereape the appetite and.aselL..., rENDr!e rz.owrsir - Are orotestio, tante, and highly kisi‘oilltble,l, oasts of Fences . Is especially vpuble . In• gm», GU &Waft , . CLUXONILE floll'Ett Ate adyeategeonaly nud In cues Of lentafSeA _ • gentian, bet ate especially applicafils to_ seine General Debility with Week appetite. insaros Lutz It seta favorably as an latently: le Obrenti faction ythroale ZUenesties and - etellnale fir The baiaa nof en lamas inntlaisla Si am , teeth:ye gag against fraud. For by - MON JOHNSTON. VOL FOTI/ent • ' PitfitraffikePa., • *VA& your Intelligent Monet= his oploss t flee abase ream- RODUCS CONSIGNMENTS. ICO barrobr Peat* Blend Pot/toe:Bi , • 401 Prlsa Driad Apples; Wldlo 30 40 : 371300thr 40bOiekWeilln, Flettilli 2 1101 %401 • 30 do do _ do • • putted, II barrels Roll BMUS; - ' 1 4 tubs 009 kin Bottert: Ia itteqe tied` for rate by • , asull9 Water ort,syst.. FOR 13.&10E LOW. Tenitton' Sid; ' SO oo Spanish Wotttogf , 3Mos °drone ' L 100 Ibo Ext. Pendodent-Gteenf : .7. WOHOONYLASEWS, Os Wood St: poTATomIOO - do -e cuirant. Jui n Etecinl loo Tor dk Bi ms 4 FETZ7I a exuasraci_. mint Nadal and 1 Int esnomm. . p, LED POTA.TOES. at IRS Llbeetyatztet.. • •• ePtt. wz. P IsZul & 00, 1 3°Ti e ° t4 8. Clonditett Whim ibt;itOrai We Buckeye - for mile at lap LialatT.stML Rum k. mo. plia CUT CIIr.WING to Sunny . side. Owlet Owen, BrsOPMII• (} 4 ld -x.", tint " " IVialtraogi. j BATHER BELTING AT R&DUCED ; 44 418 ra l i t r i eWstiVe 6 sn i t t li` k o o f 'hal:ca ws J. er. PffusaPs. .Itk G.-200 WI biols TAU— ..AiEtteg.' sla l tmo ' Arttels, just roottn4 es voli• 31,034:41 f" W. 3 * lew O ßL 43 7811 ' 141A 211 TM& ZIBP A - R , 44R - ,0P4 011eaf Dm! sale ez r - ,Irjuis MP.Sary 6 gornviller" h ,_ 8p... U.. 5 atato 'wogs Dimeek . - ; T. ACE 4,llATAlElt,—A i cipayior 004 ; Icy isle at Se Si; C Argo V . ___ At '3. & 11:PIIILLaurs,3 Agora]: HOPS t—Bede red this diplk "lel Fut!" WM formthECV ' • WS • ' 1.:11 Vulva Ai 00: 4 Rica WALL -PARE • ; —Velvet , wee?' sts " ed aad . rgia wag f isti, r i UtIiTCATI I IO. On; strpetilir. ' nywavlr.: otliaxi97 ' 1400 thtsr,sisoir, OWN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers