OLUDIE is KX VI II --NO. 220. Pgurn' prAY LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. I *swim LiNcom Amu. Onsu ;limn !Bataan: agiMpEs AT p4x RIDGE CEMETERY. a , l evestutastl.Bl MOP mew. 4111FORAIN8 PEPt*ITED IN THE VAULT. .i- _-- Alin= PROM TEM cinarrEErr. 4 arrim . , of the `! oust •.ttona Washing ! • am to isprhaviese. r - V- i AT l C lftto " etalt 4 tb7f 4.— er i =id n ree bt" of 1 416, . Piesidint. It: Is hung kith mourning, i t, and tasteluilit decorated within. - Luce , i • ow from the adjoining States and neigh tettlemeate •Itare tieen ant rlng ihretuqt a night, and are unable . to dud seelimmo- I. The weather is warm-with an Uncletli . • . de . .The Elate HOl2O continued to be vialted until iff O'clock int-night. The ladles of the Soldiers Aid Society have laid , WO the coffin a beautiful cross of eventreent, aided with ramie flowers. Other similar tokens been contributed to-day. • . 4t noon, twenty-one guns were tired, and • ddlorwards single guns at lutervala of ten min . . igea. About , noon the-remains were brought 11wde the State Rouse and placed In the hoarse, Illbkh was from St. Lento, and was used to the *Send. p 1 .lion. Tbomaa 13entoo, General ,lloon;:and Coroner Gamble. ' Ibebesitotria surmounted by a rdegatacest Valli of flowers. In tbu meanwhile a - choir of Dasdreds of voices, accompanied by a brass band, tutgtbe Syron of . r • the eal:eel win Journey"CehailvLre B let us slat tent the portico of the Capitol. The Amaral proCessiun was indeithe *I direction _of- Maj. Gen. Hooker," Marshal in Cale; Brig. Gen. Cook sod Stott, and General .Cakes and, Sta ff . Themilitary and th e drama . 10ade. a flab' appearance. Thu guard of honor ceotalated of Generals Barnard, Ran Admiral Davis, licCalln*,Bacco ey, C id w. ll , i Thomas, Trnritsen'd and ,Bakin. end Capt. Field of 2 0be,,1J..8. N. ate Major Field ofthe U. S. Mar- Corp. Tbe relatives and family. friends I Cl tbs deceicoad wwie-'la. icarrinow,. including ' *lodge Divis, of the Somme Court, of:deleting .4gorgymen Bishop Simpeon, Dr. Gurley - and .40455. The Governors of slam seven States flare In the ,procession: Members of Congress *OM officers, and the Strout and municipal mi -1 oggirilles of Illinois, and delegates from adjoin- E Slates ilhe lorgllne of item and other citizens was dhsed by the Tree' Masons, Odd Fellows and .1 :Adkins' *tiara% including colored persons. i 1 The bearae was followed by tho horse formerly ' hilengleg to Abraham Llecolu.• Da body was • Covered with black cloth trimmed with sliver There was an Immense crowd of people in the ' Vicinity or the capitol to tee the pmcesaion as It and persona for seregaimiles occupied *The proceasion arrival at. l .oak Ridge Came pry at one o'clock. • the left of the vaalt, on ch the radian of ' be President end- hiireitt - t Of ., Were deposited yeas i latform on wldels singers . -Wad an instrumental ? la nd hatriediately joined In Ike chanting and 'dogleg of appruPriate =isle, Including a Muhl hymn by the deceased Prat . dent's pastor, 'the Rev. Dr. Cituley. 'On the tight au the epoiket's stand appropriately drape iliti with neurning. tb i - A short time ago s property, containleg edgfit •=tini located in he heart or the city', was by the dither:is. and it was desigaed to .: ralleire7hO'light additionally beautiful and at. `..teacylve,ind to erect thereon a-ramming-tit to the Illuetrkens dead. , -, A.vaalt has jest been einapieted for there. octagon of the semaine;but owing. to`the wishes 1 bf Robert Lhseele; the xeiralee were deposited In Oak Ridge Cemetery, awl two miles tetra the city . The vanitatthis pines is ' at the foot of k m loud lwa beautiful and owl added pert of the geenindg. which contat. fates trees of all warbstials.' ,11 has a .clarile, marble' : resting on' pilsatires the. male• bring - , rustic. The vault Is Mom feet high,s od about the same In width, with semi eircula wings of bricks poi. Jetting from the left side. The material Is 11=- 3 atode,, procured et - Joliet Illinois. Directly in . eldest the ponderous d is an . Iron graUng. 'The interior walls are peed with black velvet, dotted with evergreens.. In the centee of the - velvet is a Itnuldetion of brick,', appal' with h . marble flab, on . winch the collin feet& , The front of the vault is trimmed with evergreens ItieDeltd. Medi' In Saul was sung. aecompa. sled by the bead. as the remains were deposited. Thousands. of persons were aisembled r at the cemetery before the of the procession. 'the scene was one of solemnity andlotense inter, en; and the landicape was truly beentifel In the light of an unclouded run. The religious exec- • ' elms end the singthg of e dirge followed brthe readlog of isppropriate portions of scrintuns, and a prayer. After a bytuu, by the choir, the Rey. 3dr. Hubbard read the last letugntal'erfEresi-. dent Lincoln -,next a dirge was sung by the • choir, when Bishop Simpson delivered. the fu neral erettnn. , "It was; In the highest degree, el . avast, and the:patriotic perilous of it were tip:. pleaded. Then followed another hymn, when the benediction was prononncoi by the Rev. Dee *Gurley. The pmactstion was reformed and re., .turned to thecity. We have . followed the remains of -President Lincoln from Ve'ashingtoss, the meteor the as. easelaaticer,to Sprlegileld, his former home and: sow to be his final resting place. Ile bad...been - absent froth the:city eve. since he left It to Fob nary, 1E61; for the national ' capital.- to , be in taugureted President of the United States. We have seen him lying to state In the Executive Xasuutsy where the obsequies were attended by numerous . mammals, some. of them , clothed with the highest publici boners and respouelbli l .. tits whir* our public lustbations can bestow, and the 'diplomatic repraseatetlves of foreign We have folk:oared the bonsai from Washing. ton-Baltimore,- , Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New Tork, Albany. - Burrito Cleveland, Colnuaboa; /nalanapolis;and-Chlr4g to. Springfield, a ctn. cultuons distancey-sevezteen or eighteen huh. -tired mike.. All an the route millions of people have appeared to manilestby the means of which they were capable their deep sense of the public , lore, and their appreciation of the many vistas Which Wort ed - tholife of A.Lincola. - AU classes without dietinetlon of, politics or, creed span lancoasly, milted In the pa/100mm honors.' All hearts seemed Wheat an one at the heresy:anent • And now the funeral procession are -endoi, ogre , loogental deity of artbrting-the martial recei p ts • ' of AbfaltaM Limb' hither Is performed. . - ' We have sans them. deposited In the goweb. • ' . Weeplig friends with subdued and • strleleso ; - hearts have taken their Mien: They turn their boo homeward, ever to remember the affecting and Imye reeve which they have witnessed. r - -1. The lo unction so o ft en repeated on this way, egal olleatr in. googly to his rest." has teinebeyed, ' • and the great heart or the nation throbs heavily ' 3 . 0 the p ortals of the tomb. - - ' ' '•• - . THE TrURBUIT OF BOOTH. -A Snla -. 11 Airay After . Him. C . . DISTRIBUTION. OF THE REWARDS, " xA Tots, May 4.—The W orld's accerent of . . Sheparlitilt of Booth and Harrold heaths night • utter untU th ey crossed the Patinae, . , ! like military and civil forces togellier _ .„ sot < tcquite issnall army . and , constitetid by far the bumf - is:4lm organisation ever known its_thbi.elds of the Atlantic. Three . ' grand par !•,- . mina we:reorganised, one rearibing up the North - bank of the Petomac Sowards Chain' Bridge to prevent escape by that direction tot. Virginia, • where Mosby. it is swelled. awaited tolail the . murdered; the amend starting froin Richmond. Dorthward s forming a broad nivancing Picket or ritirroPik .between thealue Ridge mad broad aesoufilliog 'totems; and the third to Scour the peninsula towards Mat Lookout. An • regeeimelticsary measure Washington was donhly ' 4...looifer'Tho.intioldl.k.i In all North. Ms town were adirlied of the description of the - amirderer,and sequoia- were made of detective sibleflt in Saftiotere,Phlletielphlt and New York. • to *surd to Washington without delay, thole • I-- - hoWdemys, At One timemot less than &elute. died detectives were engaged: The military , tdunes wee commanded byColonel Wells, of the Nth Michigan, and Color:lel Clendenning, of • the4lloi 111knolei 'witty. ?articular credit eo the °Meese floes New Tort and Phil o. -- rhuistertiVti Sm. the capture of Booth wait bri distil:Wed hetwerweery many men. simmato to tibia SMIPIPO, but the War Department may I Immesse it at tts dleerettne. The entire coma anoostolo acs Imorthad and AMY odd teemed 4 ' ..Tbelo Lanni 4lepon nen ..tio GENERAL 11 ILSOYS AIMS EXPEDITIP. 11.18 ABRIVAL AT CHARLESTGV. Condensed History of His Operations. AN 1111(61 , 11E AllOOl or ruorszn DESTEOTIM FROM • JAMESONVILLE, FLORIDA, Arrival of Andersonville Prisoners. Tone, May 4.—The Herald's Savannah correspondent of the 29111, says: • Gen. Wilson's famous raiding expedition ar rived here 'Yesterday from Macon. The follow ing lee condensed history of ahe trip. General , Wilton left . Chickasaw, Abihtima, en the MI of Match. It is not proper to - give any statement of the number of his forces. Ebenezer Church, near PlaitetivMe. ALL. wu taken after a short tattillt Forrem'acavally. Three him dred prisoners, and three guns were captured. Fermi.% forces were driven to the west of the Cabawha river and separated. A column, war sent to Tweak:pea which captured. and dczareyed much government property. Selma. four hun dred and ten miles from the base, was captund • on theld of April, togetber with 2,700 prisoners, 32 guns in position. and 75 in the arsenal. We destroyed three ruillog-mills, with fixtures every a amain!. -large naval Maed aud ( second In Cortance In the Coefedersicy.) powder-worts, magazine, and a in- number . of cars. Ws re maimed at Selma eight deys. Islbe assault on Selma. Brig. Gen. Ell Lang, of 'be second division. had command. of the right; sad Brevet Major Gen. Emory Upton on the left. A pn liminary assault by the escort leas unsuccessful ; the eecond division charged over the works In splendid style, carrying every thing. Were them. Theenetny's force was from 6.000 to 7,1E0. mostly militia, and Our assault .Mg force was oily 1,250 men. Gen. Long was wounded and bra arrived here entente for the north. Our losses were 250; and the enemy dllielaily state their loss to have been between 400 and 500. Our whole loss in all the expedition was vuly;1150. A total of 45t miles was marched In 25 days; averaging over 20 milieu per day dada: the time. The Alabama river was bridged 650 feet, the operation occupying five days, from the fifth to the tenth. The next place attacked was Mont gcmtry, fifty' miles distant, destroying all the bridgt a on the A'abama and Tennessee river. the railroad to Columbiana was destroyed. The enemy destroyed 25.000 bales of cotton. Mont edmerx_sulatadered without assault. Firs guns fell into our blinds. We destroyed two rolling mills and fourrdries,two magazines, one locomo tive and sixty-three cars. Five steamboats were captured on the raver near Wetempka. 'rho rebels. burned 85,000 bales of cotton before ever, tutting. Columbus, Ga., distant eiglaty.llve miles, was taken by assault by - General Upton-after dark bn the 10th. One thousand two hundred pris oners were captured,firty three g-ans,seven large cotton factories 100,000 bales of cotton, and Immense quantities of ordnanceopiartermaster's and commissary st o res, a large arsenal; a pistol rectory, an accoutrement factory, a naval foun dry, a rolling mill and foundry, an arsenal foun dry, thirteen -locomotives, over one hundred can; dePois. machine chops, de, werecaptured and desttoyed, , A gunboat mounting all seven-Inch guns, now called the Jackson, hut the name of which had been recently changed, was captured here. A detour to-West Point. was-made, by La grange% brigade, who attacked. the Weiss and carried them by . storm, ungluing the. garrison -.three hundred and flny in - number, and - tour guns, and . killing the rebel. General- Tyler In Fifteen locomotives were destroyed, two bun dred ears, two Inidges, and two large ,factones to the vicinity. We destroyed large quantities of szoortermosterood commissary stores ottani'. en, and th e bridges on the Selma Montgomery Banns& Wereapturedalong the road five guns. MICIM wall taken without opposhlem. It-has not been' necessary. as yet, to destroy any pro perty. We ciptured Generals Howell Coeb, - ...Gerstavna.W.. Smith, Ibrmerly Street Inspector of • New York city, Robertson, Mercer and The captures are 133 guns in position in the field, read by assault LW guns in arsenals and lecture, withammesae_ amonatit, of ordnance, quartermaster's commnalmarVeotton,- ins.o_d?s, The iltrard's Jacksonville, glorkia, corras_pott dent *aye : About one thousand .- of Um Bakst Soldiers formerly imprisoned at Aidersonville. Georgla, were, on the morning of the 28th tramp. sled' by the rebels down the Florida Celatral Railroad to wind's ten mtlei of Jackson ville, where they ware unconditionally released, and left to make their way-into the Union noes, which several litutdred of thernhad reached be. -fore night. - An presented a pitiable appearance. and -were barely able to walk, but their joy was great on !lading theraselrof once Again under .the orotectioa.of the'old Sag: ; The :lliriskra Hilton Read corresPoedent says onto arrieslof Governor Aiken: Gov. Aiken claims to be "an original Union mon an on ' poeer of 'frellin cation In Calhoun's time„ - and a friend, of the Union and the Constitution ever sleet; ,Bot thdo 'are reports_ contradictory of this, and among others ho is accused of fannsb log a portion of the brain which has enabled the rebels to held out for four yean, and of having held several advisory interviews with Jeff Davis. 'There are only reports, but of cOursa the War Department most have had soma foundation for its seller iagstnst him. *- ' • G. B. Lamar, a-prominenteltizen of Savannah, has also been arrested. He is an avowed enemy of the Unlou. He was 'a unill deaden man, and has been one of the most industrious and suacess - fel alders and abettors of the rebel *cause in Georgia. Efe . makesoo secret, oven now, of his .bitter hostility to the Union. Courteous, ena ble and sociable in all other respects, he hates Yankees most thoroughly, and boasts of it. It le understood that the prisoners are charged with treason. and will be regularly tried Users for. Tito Tribune's Washington special has the fol lowing: The court room for the trial of the Presidential assassins has bean fitted up al the - arsenal building, and the trials will proceed without. delay. The number about to be put oa trial. Is. about_ forty._ and the %lens now In custody will probably be discharged at tha cue progresses and their testimony is given in. Colonel Clark. of the rebel army, who was captured by one of our scouting ,parties while endeavoring to escape from Richmond on one of "the: last trains foam the doomed city. asserts that ha WWI in charge of all the ipicle which was re-. moved froth 'Richmond; that 'brat his train broke 'down and lie nand it Impossible tee get it on this' Mack and off again, and see lug oar forces approaching, he ordered II 84 on lira, • and that all his efforts to Ease the , specie were unavailing ; that the soldiers broke open the kegs and mold the et dteman. and the tumult the soldiers aad citizens appnaprland all there was.. Re asserts that he. knows that nootheritiaounts of specie notin the. ..pickets : or lis mum ware taken from Rick.; mood, and thatthis lot was all stoleul Re Mates 'further that tho anscant hat Insert* mutely over estimated,- mud Conllrmillai statement . hereto fOre atadafien Grant, that It amounted only PAISLED MMEEIII EXCHANGED. liIDE FOR FLOUR 01.0.E.TED. ,WLBEIDI67OI4 _May 4,, , ,Tti0 Mowing order jost. born =dabbed of the WarDopartmeat z WAIL DIP'T., GENEW.:II 017101, 14 . 41511M0T0N. 4 0 [11 26, 1!3615.. . J. 'Grenert4 Order 7t5.--rtret- 1 411 prisoner, Oyer delivered en parole to fetinial ofticeis e4at of the .511salerippi river, to' nd including ttio 22d day, of April, 1885, except those who may have tow elehverai at.Darisf, Geogta, aro hereby declared duly =Oen*. ,sfivantntandera' of pniitlel canape will !Inward exchanged offiems and men to the armies to . which Ile; belong with - as little delay an p:.. *Me. By order of theflemelary of Wax. • ' [>?troed] • W. A. Numomt, A. A.O. The bids were opeuedliereyestord ty tor fur olablog the subelsteuee deportment with flour ; 24.500 brio. were offered at prices ranging from $S 50 to SO 50 per, barrel: Alt the dory offeredwu of gradrNo. 1. except 5,000 barrels otiffo; 5 5 td $B , CS and 18 75 per banal. • . STILL ANOTHER, SURRENDER. Jeff. Thompson and Entire C4mmand. . Shamus, Stay 11—YSI Cairo, 41.--Jett Thoetip-' eon werreddered as ; Wien, army, yesterday, to Citit:Mitcliett; of tliel.T. S. navY. • !Ingress *Me_ entkelT , AusPellded tai" coy in accordance with the proelemetbe offlov• City' Poise IroatonleaGer. Allies., • . .., • trattarapros . . 'key A—ln'asisisposee of the serenest or troops the owner olden to the past cake- st`elty Mit. Olsoontinled.• lfo sore postal ornate payable thereat vas be Peaed• tl_poststheters. • Tim !Von that exaor. - Allost S of Werth Valli- - nosy Est Nei ethetteltted lathe old meal pAsos hoot CAW - He ytot bls pird• and is stopping stO harnsl. •Ile wits on the= streets tomlay with ants 131 a Meads. JIFF. DAVIS ISCLIDIitAIIOIIO DIUDDMISHS Abolishing Tmde Regulations. ARRESTS FOR• MIRRORING BOOM : tions of Volunteer Naval °facers. PRESENT TO PRESIDENT JOHNSON Mespect to President Lincoln's Memory. New ]fora, tiny 4.—The Commercial Myer lows apedal Stir!: Jeff. Davis, and several leading rebels, will be included In the bill of in dictment before tile court for the trial of the murderers now In custody and yet to be cap. lured. . . President Johnson le understood lobe In favor Of abolishing the trade regulations of the PICAS pry pOactment. The subject will be ll:missed aniddielded at the cabinet meeting on Thuradoy hest. c A Post Speclit says: Bight Marylanders, ebargid with harboring Booth and Wing In his escape, have been arrested and lodged In prison In Nfsahlegion. The marls received by the Navy Department this moving were laden with resignations of volunteer officers In the naval service, In obedi ence to the new orders of the Governincnt for the reduction of theacrvice. The charges against Ex-Governor Aiken are preferred by the military authorities in Charles ton. i. "the Tort says a number of prominent citizens of this city are about to present President Jona .son with a magnificent carriage with horses and haruesa to match. W4BMICOTON, May 4.—By order of tho Sum ter, df War tho War Departnacnt,aud its bureaus, Rare closed at IS o'clock, and will continue so throughout tee remainder of the day, in round to the memory of President Lincoln. Minato guns are to be tired every half hoar at the arse nal, Ilosleg at sundown with a national salute. Wastintovow, May 4.—By order of the Presi dent all. pubUe bulldogs were closed after twelve otelork to-day out of respect for the late President, whose final funeral obsequies were In progress at Springfield. The coons also adjourned, and all the muulelpal diked were closed. fieveral of our citizens dosed their stores and half hour guns were fired all the latter part of the day, do ffing with a natieual salute at anent. Gen. Casty, In obedience to an order of tha Warintartment, has suspended the recrultleg, of colored troops in Richmond. G . EN. El HOW FORCES DISBINDED Col. Gilluer's Cavalry Surrendered TIIE SCOUNDREL TURNER ARRESTED Rebel General Rosser Captured NIFIT Tonic, May 4.—The ftlehmond WAfg of the 3d bas authentic Information from South west, Vitoicia that no portion of General Thomu' force came east of Bested. The only United States force that penetrated into Virginia was a pm tion of Stoneman's command. General Echols, commanding all the rebel forct s in Southwest Virginias (3,000 Or 4,000 lo number,) disbanded his" troops. Those lying cottignoutly returned to their homes. Colonel - Coltner's Kentucky Cavalry Barren. dead to the United States authorities on the terms accorded to Lee. Earil Duke's regiment, formerly Morgans, staried for the Trans-Mluissippl, and Vangnsn's Wild Cat East Tennessee cavalry aro still at General Rally is confined to his bed at Lynch burg with rheumatism, A report at Richmond said all the silver plate taken from the people of Richmond. In the last hours of the Confederacy, has been captured by our:fes ens beyond Farinville. A rumor also said that Major Thomas P. Turner, the scoundrel who commanded Libby Prilon ender rebel regime, had bean captured following In Jeff. Davis' track, and Is on his way to Fort Warren for counflement. The rebel General Rosser was captured cm the 28th in Remora errancy, Va., where his wife ra !NFL D6)fIIGI i 0 ETllijifrlGNST BARRIS. Notorious Female Rebel Arrested RENIGNATION OF GENERAL SCIIERZ . Nuts Yam. May 4.—Th3 Tribune's Waahing tcd epselal say's: 1 - 4 c evidence thus far ad fluted against Congreeematt liar& le very dam- Col. Baker last evening arrested Mrs. ?arsine, of 'l:hairnet*, itt . this city. She Is to be tried by a Commission of which Colt:weal Chapman is In . fige.Adsocate. , Mrs. P. satiated in distnbut. log the spoils among .I:Larry thlotote4 les. who captured a train at Gunpoirder Bridge Dot summer. She has been a conspicuous rebel ,during all the war, and stood at the headof the female secessionist* in Baltimore. ' The Nan Department haa the gonrnment primer running upon discharge blanks. All ap plications for leases of absence are most cheer fully accorded, and all resignations gladly so. owed. The North Atlantic Squadron, which was composed of about one' hundred Teallelli, is already reduced to thirty. The Tioiso Washington special says: Gen. Hoffman, Commissary General of Prisoners, has cone to Memphis on important official imsiness. In his absence the control of his department de volves upon Maj. Geo. Brogden. • Get. Sebum to-day tandemd to the President Lli resignation as Major General. Ills resigna tion was accepted. • 111PORTANT ARRESTS Ei (ARYL ' AHASSINATION OF UNION SOMMIRS SJITIXORE, May Se...The* were brought hers to;day ffi thargeof an armed gaged of soldiers under Llent. O'Brien, two citizens of Calvert .ronnty, named N. W. Browne and Wm. Coch rane, and three other men. under charge of be ing concerned lit the recent amasslnaties of Union soldiers stationed there. Cochran as. ketowledatri be bad been for mouths in a start., yn¢condittou, which tying imowtt to Browne steel Otheta, he Wall oared huge snag( of money .tottake tbelhes of certain soldiers. Be accept , el the tenriblorbilbe,' sad deliberately &marina tel twoaohliers whibt doing plebs duty. poetess* received $175 bar killing the first settler, and was to have tee hundred for the murder of Measlier, bet was app-ebended before the money war paid. The parties charged with this terrible earn° were taken to Washington this afternoon under guard, and are now In the Old Capital prison. An examination will soon net held, ' A Jew nights ago, while Mr. O'Brien, . Superintendent of the Government Fee, . In Alm 'Meer counties, was riding through the country he was shot at by a concealed foe but 'fortunately escaped. ills horse, however, was 7be rebels in the lower counties within the past two 'Weeks have beCothe - exceedingly 'defiant nod dangerous. They have been cora mitthrg depredation upon the inhabitants and slaughtering numbers'ofßevernment cattle. 06016'8 ERRAND 00 ARRESTED. HARROLD IRE NOTORIOUS DR.IUNIBI.ETYI AGENT litjunellon *lna New Me CIIIIMISIIOIMII. 'Yaw Yo ' its, May 4.—A boy his' been tweeted at:Brooklyn and taken to Washington, whose eohversation leads to the belief that he was pos- Flint! of knowledge tit' rthe aasaseinatiOn. He Was an 'errand boy of Booth. It appears that Derrold turned out to be. the agent and 'Conildanta Of the notOriotis . Dr. !Inmlalety, who lately suddenly disappeared from Brooklyn. . .An Injunetton was gest bet by the Elainrome ennt iaday, eanraining the new inn Comm* , - . 6kintrifroik entet*lipon their mai, dude* ; The, itewiTde 1 r IDala ant Otbell. s.—Commentingonthe Ward °abed far pails end 'pitlet icignaptes hi the mar6er ;or tireohl, the Tabun. think& doie 'in 040.11'161 Ve !attired by do-. mend under the Aeldn„ • •, . • The Thom eeje ike mill bardly be stir priced %bat the murder •le to he brought home directly to leadingsetnis. Booth, Beall, Ken, nedy end others web till hired_ As deiperate - In struments by Richmond ootapiristare- The rime thinks the albr fa Darla is not t he IWorld thinkable - "iirrer for Darts Is more "coefibteat thaw for others, at Um are iltar la cap alis; end will never wane voluntarily within the United Maim • •lf deemed b wade for thei r . entrendis ander tie Imlay no reward is needed. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PiIISHURGEL FRIDAY, 3iit.Y LETTER FROM BEVERLY TUCKER. Knowledge of the Assassina tion Plot Denied. SANDERS STILL AT MONTREAL Morrezac, May 4.—lleverly Tucker publish es a letter stating that whoever asserta ho had anything to do with the assassleatlos, or any knowledge of the plot to capture Lleeola or. Seward, blackened his soul with diabolical per- He says he never beard of Bno - or any others arrested before the astwasinaHon. He was not here when Booth was. He has seat for a copy of the evident* so as to disprove It. Sanders is stlll residing here. SECOND EXPEDITION TO GARRETT'S. Several More Arrests Made. NSW Y4IIE, May 4. —The flee airs Wattles. ion correspondent says: A second expedition was gent to Garrett's plantations, where Booth was found, on Saturday, and,• returned yester day, bringing In as a DtieotlCl Jett, who took Booth and llarrold to Garrett's,and a number of other*. It appears that Jett -introduced Booth to Garrett as a rebel soldier named Boyd, and wanted Wm to bo takes carp of by Garrett a few days, when he would be taken away. These facts Garrett bas la rain enndeavorod to prevail on Jett to certify to. The Herald's Washington correspondent soya: There are twenty-one, and perhaps twooty.three, persons concerned In the aasassinatiou who will certainly stiffer the death penalty. sew- Turk stuck and Money Maltese. Few Youa, May 3.—The Stock market Is quiet and prices sterol'. At the Seat Board the Bears showed little disposition to fall short, and the Bulls showed no disposition to make further efforts to strengthen the market. At the second Beard, the Bean succeeded In pressing tho prices down somewhat, but were unable to pre vent a subsevent rally. Most of the operations were on Erie, and all the rest of the stock mar ket sympathize with its fluctuations. It is thought that nearly all apeculeetion at the Stock Exchange for the preseot will be governed by Erie. Government Bonds steady but quiet, operations being held in abeyance until the next arrival from England. Quotations were about. the same as yesterday except on ten-forties,which adTOTICEd State Bonds quiet and arm. Miscellaneous Shares aro all better. Coal Stocks firm and higher. Railway Mortgages firm and mice at full prices. Bank alma:quiet and firm. The Gold market was stronger to-day, owing to the Increased demand for shipment abroad. There arc very few pnrchasen on speculative account. Money continues abundant with a limited demand. Petroleum Stocks aro firmer and In more de mand. Bales: Buchanan Farm, 1511 Maahat• tan, 52; Oceanic, 230; United Slates. 1450; Cherry Run, 54; Excelsior. 495; Empire City. 250, Heydriek, 2550; Tack, 1= Condition of Seuetary Seward and Son. Wasitracros, May 4-9 A. If. Boa. R. M. Stanton, Serentaryqf War: I have the honor to report that the Sseretary of State patted ► restless night, but hts strength has not been affected by It. Mr. V. Seward con tinues to gain slowly, and rroaannees Igalaelt much better, (Signed,) WAS/111 , 020N. May 4-9 r. r. Hook R. M. Skint - on, Secretary of War: I bare the honor to report that the condition or the Secretary of Sudo, and Master Seward, Is quite as farrorabiC u at last report (Sigurd.) J. S. Blaass. &rpm Cita% Crime In the tteuttp—.Pald Kite Depart.. Nay Tons. May 4.—Thu Tribaute says there Is gram danger that the season of vegetation will pam unimproved, arid leave isrmti sections of the • B,uth exposed next winter to actual famine. It suggests an order from the President, urging the -. people to plant, and pronelaing them the fruit of their labor In any EMU. At a meeting last evening of the foremen of Ihetro companies of this city, all hot me -toted to oppose the enforcement of the tr . ! iilW or-an- Icing a paid de - postmen!. The completes ralas to allow the new commissioners to act. tenant Won Royal New Toga, May 3.—. The Steunu Arago ar rived to-night from Port Royal. Gros. J.dfriet and Long. are Resumers. The capture of Macon, Ga.,by Gen. Wilmot/ smarmed. The en. Cre 11 ,ce launder the proteetkon Of Union whiten. Gov. Brown was at Auriga endeavoring to get up • State Conventioti to bring back Georgia 17 allegiance to the Union. Cereal crapt to Goon. lea pramlsewell--little cotton planted. Wilson, afterentering Marro and placing with drew a large portion of Ws family outside of the city. B. B. Collar died reeently at Macon. Ncw Tcom, May 4.—The ifensld's Richmond special says Beverly Tucker and Geo. N. Ben ders were to Richmond a few weeks before the. Peace meeting at Niagara Falls. 4a2ders was 6 inquest 0011Itatitten wlt4 :air. Davis and Itcojamla, and was generally accompanied by Tacker. Just before the Niagara Peace mat ing, Sanders disappeared from Richmond. and was man followed by Tucker. Bander* was re ported to be negotiating Cu the construction of Iron.clads In liaglaed. It Is not known what other projects were discussed at the Moos of his visit. Bevan-Thirty Loan-tatabserlptlons Tester. terdaY. 110,103,250. Prmanatenta. May 4.—Jay Cooke reports the sale of 7.30 s to -day at $8,103.:350. :The largeat western sabamiptions were $603,000 from the Firit NatiOnel Dank of Cluclatotl, and .200,000 from the Second National Bank of Cleveland. The largest eastern subscriptions warn $700,000 hum the etnth National Bank of New York, 000.000 from the Second National Bank °Monson, and MO. 000 from the National Metropolis Bank of Washington. Trade tO be °petted with the Staten., Ness , TORTE, April 4.—The World's Washing lesion special says: It is currently reported today that the President sad Cabinet hale do ceded to open all States to general trade, and .tispend all regulations In forge by order of the Treasury Department. If this Is confirmed by itie proclamation of the Presldent,,lt will be a most Important - step towards the reetorstkm of Beam The Auau!nation of non• Be Berten• Ms . MaY3,— on. Burr Burton, oft thy, was ebot by an assassin, at one o'clock this A. M., Ind will probably not live through the night: The murderer, In order to ere at Burton, broke out a pane of . glue, and as be stopped la. Ms night clothes to a door In range of the broken glass, tired, the ball passing through the lungs. An arrest has been made.. blew Yong May 4.--Gold more 'active and firmer. Yesectday's export was larger than no. ticinated, and this morning purchases hare beco undo for remittance abroad, to preference to pay log t!e present rates of exchange. The pnee opened at 14234, and advanced to 143 . 1,‘.: -% Evening—Gold tn.nicht la 143. Tbe 'Marrs* Court ri.rtial. Wssmierrox, May 4,-- , The court martial la the caie - of Harris met Ills A: M., and In the thereto of witnesses adjourned until. to-Mor row. ben. Sherman was at Point Lsokont" yes terday, enronte to Wuhinglnn. The principal portion of the army of tim Potomac! In already on the march here. Municipal Election at L. Angeles, Cal. SAN FRAIICI,CO, May 2.—The mulleins( epee• Hon In Los A ogelos to-day. resulted In the elec. lion of the entire Union I ticket. Ihis pl*Cei always heretofore been a strong secession s►m pathizingdistrict: Drrnorr, May 4.—Quartss McCabe, for many years the Great Western Hallway ticket agent on the steamer- - has'lmen appointed -agent 'for, that &rakish& Ids headquarters at Detroit. Trade Betoiettons ,nemoved. /day 4.—A1l restrictions on trade :within the &stator Delaware, Mirllithdr Fano' sy Irani& and West Virginia are removed, by or der of the Berretary of the Treasury. 'eanstitutienal Amendment ItalUted. air=Otto, May 4:—The Colittltutkinal Ateet o dmeet utetetteeitelf; pond both breeches Of the Coloiseetleat *tele this mernt.t. Valuing° of tter weoeurtni depth of. feeling produced in that city by the death of Yoraident Lidcola g the tie, York Earning Pose says in tnribez illizatration of the condition of the poPa. mtod,we may here state, what we hare learnedwith* authority of Mr. dcum;one of the Pollee Commiardonersi that during the 'Ol4 week there have been'fewetartrata tbr dnanitee nem end disorder, than in any 'Week since Yolk containedover one hundildthimisanllMP^. `NEWS AND DDSCELLANY . Binati IN DM LIINLoTAT, 1:WM . 2.1.;7Tc the or annlzatlon of national banks iu States that have been in rebellion the Comptroller of the Cur rency, conforming to the rment _decision of the United States Sufferance Coort, will require from applicants who have been reabients In those s ta t e s during the rebellion the oath of allegimee to be sled. with tho 'papens; in- otdeStiert appear that the parties are gnelifie/ in the or ganization of ;thank; and.undeisueltdwollides as wonld , prevent the granting of ofraneld3o L.) them; In the organization iry bank it 13 necerary that three-fourilts of rte directors shoe have been residents In the'State where the pink Is located one year priortofts organiza tion. ' Beaks will not be ontnnized nor payers received for orgeoiration, In any place not fully under thu control of thn gorernmnot. No the appointments niado - by Gov. Fen ton is that of William P. Powell„to. be Notary Public,. Mr. Powell to a well, edonatod man, of great respectability, well known t 0,1.00 wramer cl►l community as engaged for nanny years In the Waimea of shipping sailors. yesterday took the um:m=7 oath of OffloosOlte Jity, flail. It la the first that) a colored man ; hate occupied the position of Notary Public In this city, and Is one of the signs. of the times. Mr. Powell la perfectly competent to discharge the duties of the office, and It is creditable to Gov. Fenton that be should have given hem the appointment. As in rcany other cues the result Will show that itwad only neceseary, to disregan toe presumed poi:polar prejedice to show that, it bad already nearly disappeared among all right-minded and respectable people.—N. Y. Tribune. AN ; APPEAL TO EXOLMID.—Yie see that that • - • - - • Intolerable busy-body, Colorado Jewett, is said to have arrived In Europe on a"Speclal tnlason" from New York: We are glad.for a double reason, that be has gone to England—we get rid of biro, and we punish the Britlatt. We fervent ly treat they will continue thel! fa ith It. his as aurancea, and invest lamely on his advice In Confederate bones. lint if they have any wish to befriend this country, now that It no longer neada , even their good wishes; we beg them to keep Jewett on the other side of the Atlantic. It they win do this, we can afford to givo ttiem a grad deal of their "neutrality." if they aced him back, their hatred of the United &rites can no longer be doubted.-21r. Y. Times. GERMAN STRIEES.—A Berlin letter Safe Al most ell the teliore of Breslau have struck work for an advance of wages. The eta°. of Lite compositors at Lingle still a:mutants, and the pubitabinn trade Is thrown tato great eonfttalan. . . At Burg, n strike among the factory bands hes teen going en for some time; 04 till the efforts of the police and other author i*s to induce them to t Omit to the terms of thainutoters have pith• arts proved futile. In rupact to strikes and cembinatlota among workmgo, Germany is foot following In the footsteps of egland. The In terest with which the strikeslnatoffe.rdohlre and Northumberland Dave here bean followed Is a remarkable sign of the times. Tits LION AND not MLSTIM.—At Monroe. Oirode, In France, the proprietor of a traveling menagerie named Peson, had been performing, with a lion, and was on the, point of leaving the cage when the animal sprang forward and threW him to the ground with hla face down wards. The lion fastened on the man's backl, and began to tear his drabs*, Tria - aPeetate* were much alarmed, but Pesos, with great prea- • . ante of mind, cooly asked for tils whip, which he had dropped, and then sneaking .t.o . the aaltnal unix authority, succeededla disengaging hi 4.- Fri f, and soon brotozht his assailant to porfo t obedience, getting off with a fow scratches. • KfLL TUX Cavanrit.LlAL—We bayo sere ectowentestiena uruivg . itlso those who o o trees to devote s bolo tuns now to the destra - slur - of caterpillars' nu% 'which ere names' Jr" tem-roue Mt meson. One centlernau. whob v" five* of hia ovilk wet!),t,”s o ht, uittibor's oordru; ' sied Militates diut AC killed 10,0110 of. throe mischievous insects In an bour'e time; audio PO doing toot:ably saved his fruit. trop ur..t lbll. An hoar - spent sow 'le-drawling three pests is of more value than tea' hour* will tfe, ei few Tette hence, Were ham 4,war Or ei• jtermination wtll eierrriowo bo waged igafnel " thele...-Boatosijoaraal. . J. K. lhasas. Surgeon Gail Txa B. Petarsbnrry norrespondent of She New Tort Staid chararkerbre* the report of the prevalence of the "Rustles plague' la that city as a "peat: hoax.", ,The disease ammo a typhoid character in MDT CMS, Rttbatit pro. venting generally any very grave symptoms. It, la sometimes complicated' with cerebral conga; Con, pneumonia and Other coutolslns. but is almbat exclusively col:dined to the hospitals- The statement that the Mlbertan plague, which is nothing more than the malignant pustule, had made its appearance Cu:retort, said to be ne• Tin great adratace'ibei;ginade by Moth la Veridetatt er T ,4 =Wag see uneasiness In Europe. Thit - eaptentof Khgken has given the Rualaus, a sure lbottrArg on the frontiers of China, and very near the northwestern frontiers of British /udla.' Ttos Sanaa of Kohkan has sent en embassy to n standnople to complain of Russia's after° h- Meeltei and the embassy wilt proceed ilkowla to England on a similar errand. Remits de lei having conquest In view, but simply a safe mut the interior of China. MAJOR CATLlptalt and Wet& MURTON°, he rebel officers who were captured some MO the Cote In Indiana, where they had gone in - guise to help the Sensor Liberty In their traitor one designs, were afterward paroled against the pt.:gest of Gen. linear, ant: tent East to be ex chenged. President Jimmies lies, however, had diem rearrested. and they have been returned to Indiana for trial. They were unquestionably (plea, according to the laws of war. A Contontasca.—The steamer Atuttndatian, which carried to England' the news of the fall of Itiamorid, arrived off Crookhaven at half past derma o'clo ,1 " : 4 .'111 of April Ittb, and thus by a singular coincidence, the people of Europe In general received the news of the fall of the rebel capital at almost the same hour that this country was thrown Into eoastarmition by. the announcement of the assassination of President Lincoln. A Exhume private letter says lb tt among Mr. Lincoln's papers has been found .s package of letters, marked In his own band , * Ming, "As sassination Letters." While man- of theta threatened Ws We, others warned Mitt of piers to take ft- lie seems to have teem:fie so used to things of this sort that neither kind made any Impression upon him.. • ' Now 'AND Tlfttr.L4lllll before the last ?reel: dupla! election, Mr. A. Delmont, Chalrutan of :the Nattonil Desneeralle Committee, made • I public offer to bet 1110,000 that If Mr. Liacola should be re-elected, the war would out-last his second term. What does Mr..E. think &boot the matter noW T • " Eaohten troops have arrived! at !Italie. llon: dotes, to re-laforce the garrison there, audit la reported that the whole feces at Jultulfte is or. dried. to be In readiness for embarkation Udther. - j This la believed to be done to cheek Msaimithinh' attempt toabsorb the colony .. Into Oa Mekleas e. Ciao: IS'. &rag, a boot and algia tun rof New Twit, who had lad. Ivry Wavily tv the rail In gold, died very sudsiest, 04 itliooo , night, from an overdose of (chin. Is ti sup . ported be committed aulelds. • • • ' . , non 'man who has netealePt Aar Itiaran÷ar l s fines a rival in Daniel . Mottos, of s, Me. who sleeps sla weeks id a theisousd wide awake the rialto& the year. L+ . , Is a conversation with Ear. Dr. Ikdkwrat. New York, a year ago, Seerstaq Seward said of Mr s Lincoln,.....lleis.tbe hest man elver knew,l. ft is abaut time to begin to calculate with tolerable certainty as to the looped for fruit over the country at large. To begin with this %tete. we can asy that the prospect In this region never was better. There has been a wonderful ly luxuriant blossom ot every spades and almost ev/ty variety of fruit wherever there are healthy trOMS . , The peach trees were greatly damaged by the cold winter 'of 18634. Some.. Indeed scarcely ant, of the young orchards received any damage fr. which they- did not reooyer dating 'the growing season of 1864, haylug. nothing to do but to recuperate. They are ' now full of wring huh; and the orchards that did .not wholly re-. coyer are doing es welt as could be expected. - As to apples, there is a fall load on 'the trees of most sorts, some being nearly out of blossom, end others Just unfolding. As , to pears, there h ne limit as the quantity-of young - fruit set; and tbe trees being generally la good condition, there will doubtless be a largSsupply.—Ons. Gas, Another Surrender. Stephen U. Mallory' Secretary of the late rclkl navy, has sarrendered rit Pensacola to I William Clabeon, commanding the guaboat.Nip. ale; ksfilory Floridian: and is ProttablY &caking his way both'''. - Is thefirst bead of driertment bfthe late rebeimmeniment that. he; corps Into , our hands, and the coarse to be par• sued with reference to hlm will probably be I Treendent for all cases that may occur. We are uninformed is to the terms on which he has sur raidered, but annual officerhas power to maks toms with such persons that will exainptOem from trial. and it Is therefore pre m:arablethat MailorY will ..be made • . an example of. nil vol. malary surrender. Is an- bulteidtht- that catinotdispersed after leavingglehmcmd. on the maw , quo pad plan. ThiCothers will probably turn up before a meat whilek.-..g'fiti. Aegean. No CONDPIRANOPIII TO us Itaiutonair fa Cava pki—Tbe Coastal General of Canada. haa given forrnal rodeo - to tho Canadian anutoritlea forth° saander of'all *Latina', omi:woad irttft=the are elitation of tbe Pr—Meat and Beerotary of i F fr. r • Buts.--Gen ',FtwinitAftker who Eberautsi'i, twig ital. .iii-i'f.:', , :z.'Zil';;Z-..';' , ..: , '4;:z;'ii.':'c.•,; , ',,::Lli''' , ':-:. Extortionate Charges of flack Drivers A case was before Mayor Lowry yesterday, which fully illustrates the delectable manner in which travelers and strangers are. taken is and diPne for by the bee/to:mu who attend around the denr A driver named Phtli2 Oakes keeps a brek, ettl her a boy to help him in his voca tion: A young man who wished to be taken frith the depot to some point in the city, laquir cd of bie,bey bow much the ford would be. The boy replied be would be reasonable with him, • . but did not state the amount intended to be asked. When be bad arrived at his destination, Oakes coolly demanded three dollars for himself and bripdage.' . The young man paid the amount, - . but west te r the Mayor , / office and made War !nation saltine, the driver. As the law regalat . Mg the amount of fare to be charged Is a dead letter, having been framed many years ago when everything wart "dirt cheap," the Mayor fixed the amount of fartatti which the driver was en titled at seventy-dye cents, and ordered the driver to refund - all the money that he had re ceived fltoln the young man over that amount. The latest- ordinance on the subject, we be lieve, was -weed over twenty years' age. It fixes the amount to be charged, for each pas senger, ten cents for each taint or box, ten center and that no charge exceeding twenty-five cads shall be made for the conveyance of the buggage.of any one person. Toe nackraen are required to have the legal rates of fare fixed eon spicubusly on the inside of each vehicle. ChM Councils fix a proper legal rate which will justify the hackman, and securethe traveler from 'lmposition and extortion, the traveling public will continue to be fleeced by kackmen, and there is no legal remedy to prevent it. The: Mei'lt Pmep,!asiet. F. P. Bide was do, only . desired an sdlllll~o. to 'ma of scoaesty.- CITY AM) SUBURBAN. Interesting Presentation On Thursday, at noon, the employees Of. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company assembled at the Outer Depot, for the purpose of presenting to A. Carnegie, Req., late duperlntendent of the Pittsburgh Division, a substantial and 'beautiful testimonial of their esteem for him as a gentle men ard as efileer. The present consisted of a pitcher, salver and pair of goblets, in solid sil ver, and a magnificent gold hunting case watch of American manufacture. The presentation ipeech was made by iMr. •D. McCargo, Assis tant Etnperintendent, Who alluded In appropriate terms to the successful and highly satisfactory _career of Mr. Qameg:e as an officer of the road and to the high esteem In which he has always been held by the com pany, the employees, and the public at large. Mr. Camraglo replied in a most happy and feeling speech, th eking the donors fur their costly and generous ft, acid alluding In warm terms to the unifo. kindness and courtesy which they had at all Imes shoe a toward him, T i • and to whose emAlalfind generous support he was largely Indebted r whatever success might base attended his ha ble efforts to advance the Interests of the company in whose service they., lied so long been employed. The speech win •evevedingly chaste and appropriate, and the oc casion was one of unusual interest to the em. • ployees, who turned out In full force to witness "the ceremony. The present Is a matt elegant one, and very, beautifully dislgnei. The pitcher, salver and goblets arc of solid silver, beautifully chaise& and oreamented. Or. the front of the pitcher Is the Ineeription: "To A. Carnegie, by the em ployers of the Pittelmirgh dirt:doe of the Penn- I Central Railroad, April, 1865." On one aide Is a beatitifel representation of the Goddess of ' Liberty, and on the other the Scotch Thistle, finely wrought. There ate Mont . :MU other appropriate designs, on the various pietas, whited add .to their beauty 'end value. The watch Is of the veryhest Work manship, and is a fine specimen of.• what the ..Yankees can do In the way arf making pocket timepieces. The articles wdre gotten up by Messrs. J. It. Reed & Co.; jewellers, of Ylcfni street: and display an amount of taste and skill highly creditable to the firm. The eat of - the silverware was about $6OO mid that of 'the watch /300. in Rubbery. of Clothing. • A laZYnamed Catharine brahani,teildbeg on Leaecck street, Allegheny, appeanA before ay or Lowly, yesterday, and stated that about six yetis ego a large lot of clothing was stolen from her Tense, belonging to her brother in the army, and 'which wra undkr her care. Owing to the bite - deed, the ball-doer of - the house hid been warped. and wee in consequence unfastened Air two,weeks, and during this time, she supposes, thertialsalog articles mast hays been stolen. They consisted of Lwciar ere:date, two deem (>31:11, two pairs apish", sad a pair of boots. (lacer Lowe bee bean endiainring So find' a eine to the robbery, but thus far succeeded only In recovering Outten of the clottdok The overcoats were both found at a .pawnbroker's shot, on Hand street, who tad purchased them from a -boy-rime (a pilot-cloth coat worth at least t 50,) for $lO, and another for $3. The dress coat bad been bought from a boy, by a OlOred barber at the caner of Sixth and Wood streets, who also cleats end cells secondhand clothes. The coat wanyalned at and be paid IS for It." This adored man.says that be bought two pairs of pants answering the desertp• Lion, lir ,4 prierwards sold them scan. lie also thinks be hougid a pair of boots from n P°7 and sold them *gala. A bearing In the case will be had at ten o'clock ale morning, when further - derelopmentelo the case maybe brought to llglit A Sl:tucking Affray. A terrible teens was lately , enacted between a German named Ferdinand Evenback and his wife Ernestine, In .a stiallitlia &report in Phil adelohfs. It appears , they bad been married about eleven years, and of late have I,:d frequent quartets. On last Tuesday afternoon the ed:4ll - were Attracted to the house by cries of Maw -der. On ..entering , In, everything inside was . ,found to be in disorder, 'showing that a terrible etrongle had taken place. On the floor ley the knatani: with a ierert wound in one s of his :temples from which blood woo running freely Into a pill. At hie side uru a bloody hatchet.. la ens of the upper . 1.000111 the . wife was dis.' covered lying on a bed with a fractured bather of them wet able to gireany account of ' the origin of the Occurrence. - Both were- re• moved to the hospital. It was believed that the husband could not - stirrlVir bender. wbiln thowlfe also seemed to be dangerously hurt. Serious Aee'dent. A few days anice, two daughters of Mr. $oI semi Waterman, of Plerpout, Ashtabula county, Ohio. when Silky . r n COlMltece coal oil lamp„ by accident brought Caudle- cOuteci with the 'awn of the can containing theoll. ou which the can was Instantly exploded, scattering the fluid Is all directioss„ and filling the !ohm inflames. The clothes of the gi.rbtorhp are nearly grown up, was set as dre, nod they were burned Inm most f leh U hl nuara_efs so that the life the eldikt.la diPPlLifed Wlllia.recovery , Is birds posilbla with either. :11rplodons- of- Wu tartan geld hare been mortise.; motif the Mils of proper quality they nem occur. But the .01l la some time. liable to. explosions; and 'on that account care should be taken In - handling it, to keep It from contact with flame. Dioebaried. John Hinny, Charged with Dm larceny of a cord from the Vigilant" Yogis. Eosin, was dn ., clogged yesterday - from custody, and lent to the hospital for-no silted teatmenti: it appearing that he le on the verge of mania potd. - - The neat wrs 'regortd„ and it appean he only wore it while he was gettl9ol3 old one, mended, anSboade no effort US' congeal It. The hoots repOrted - to ban been emien, were taken hr.some other party, and restored whlie'llnnat was. In She watch holism The young imp GA recently veteran soldier, Well kliown the city,, and friends are endeaeoting to save from the fatal' cosine to which he Is tendlnrbr. an Indulgence in strong drink. Assault and Hattery,i,T. H..Toblits bad a besuiag last evening on a chirp of assault battery and was held to ball to answer at:Conrt. He is a salesman la a JeW clothing Mere on Me• erty otreeti sad `lt appears had drawn in a conic. tryllan Into (be store, to; endeavor. ~to sell him - soniethltisc. ;.A-mat was tried on, witlat is sear wait objected to by the 'customer on Tattemtnt of not; fitting him. 'The sal'ismin 'loilsted on hit bnylerltAnndall , pmenastort, he struck 'him *Leh hieblentted flat herasethe nose. This conga's fineer.wsy,oidologlembsess,andtre are sorry that we eannottive the lumber of the , &tote for the benefit, of 'nett as admire the style. The Eloquent &ad Impressive sermon ed by the Be?. tient& Johriaon;' p,f, Pitsibyterlan Chtirib of this city, on the death D c t .pcnweet„. laic which wo potteedPkthe time leniti litcli nodes tbe compositor evidered• ;swop, ;blind onti Tord),..baa: - been publish/4,b pamphlcti term fatextenalte insuibution. It may be bad at theatore, Of Welt: 131. Joheetoo. atkeet.:' - nltietentleiiedn' paid the expel:lea - et Ibo piibltialtint, to that the: proleeds of ltd dale rm. Fo 4,i4lieehrtsttaxt C,Olll-' Pittsburgh Theatre,-Broms , „Waileitates hqssflttb.algbOubi maim' her list spkar site*. tillteaPlPesi-in Abe ~Tuchess or, Kola," a ebasacierjn which she stands pmeml bent sod pospissasSbabie, .It is bar zratidept. perssmitlon, sad.bee won tbr . ter stberevor act: rd the Onetibted'tecmminsdbt pressaad public. Id isldltlun foals, gibs sill sonar. In- "JoCO of Ass W .- thirstier In *blab' she liss Waved pianism& Aalcg.ein Coun A regular monthly tmmtln.z. ,et Al!egheny Ctunellswaa held on Thamday evening, May 4th. In Med. prcrent Me.ers: Atwell, Fr Ilaikins, Trwltt. Mtlicr, Sfeßrier, S. Ittdd , n, Smith, Thomas. Wright, and. PreaHaat Mar shall. The minutes of the proceeding mooing; wenn reed and approved. Mr. Irwin, chairmen of tbe Committee on City Property, reported.tbat the committee bed lamed additional inaumnice on the City Hall to the amount of d 10,0003, making 620.0 00 The Market House has been insured $lO,OOO. The report was accompanied wklan - -laolallon for the payment of 1100, the amount required for the enening year. Mr 17:riyht submitted a communication front the City Solicitor, with the following resolution. Resolval, That the Solicitor be andhe Is here , by inrtrueted to. Convey any or all the tots add on city !leas, held by him, to any parties who May be i wlllitut to advance the amount dial the city on the lot so to he wild, with Intenstr coat and expensesi In caste of /trading and Whit, the amount due the city to be ascertained by the. Street Cotetubrimer„ Read and referred to the Committee .coktiity Properly, to report. Mr. Thomas presented the report olltioWeter Committee, with • resolution to Pay bitsl amounting to $5,721.95. Also a resolution au- thorizing a water pipe on Rrilitesou street, be. ' AWeell Anderson and Morgan strew,, with the necessary fire plugs and atop-cocks. Report ac cepted and resolutiona adopted. President read a communication from Rem J. Thomas. Esq., tendering. Ma mal,gna- Mon as chairman of the Water Committee, for the reason that be wan mainly occupies!, during tandoori hours, la the city of Pittehurgh, and and was too remo'e from the , chltensukattend .properly to the rile model:port him. Ifoltction WAS Antral. The President also read a communication from Wm. Ekendrett. Superintendent of the Water Works, tendering his resignation. for the reason that he bad not been sustained by some mem here of the Water Committee, la bleefferts to place the works In proper order. The communi cation was referred to the Water Committee. Mr. Atwell ,utruitted the report of then:m u:titles on Finance, in regard to the ordinance repealing the ordinance assessing the business tax for 1665, by shanging the rate from one end a-hali to one mill on the dollar. The ordi mume was returned with a negative recom mendation. Report accepted. Mr. Wright presented the report of the Street Committee, with a resolution for the payment of sundry bills. Also, an ordinance for the grading and paling of North avenue, from Fed eral street to Irwin avenue. Report accepted and ordinance adopted. The President read a communication from • Mayor bionison, asking for some explanation In regard to the resolution in reference to the light ing of the public lamps. Referred to Committee on Gee, with power to act. Mr. Miller =brained a report of the Police Committee, with an ordinance Increasing the ter of the Night Police, as follows : Captain, 88.50 ,per night; Lieutenants, 82.85; Privaes„ 12.00--fromond after-thelirat of March. The ordinance was amended, ten the Increase • from and after, the Lt of May, and In this ahape it passed. • Mr. 8. Riddle submitted a statement Prom Mr. John Alstim, Ex• Superintendent of the Water Works, giving a detailed statement of the opslra tior a of the works during a period of nine years, which war redelved 'and ordered Lobe med. Mr. 8i Riddle offered.% resolution to prevent the placing of dirt and refuse matter to the Diamond rquareavand to regulate the use of the rowel by wagons and other vehicles. Adopted. • Mr. Francis offered a resolatton instruettoz the cittudttee on engines to direct the drivers' of the steamers_ Rope and Grant to use: their teams 011 - latt/91/0 days for the pirpose of heal- lag cinders front tee Water Works to each places as the Street Commie:doter may direct. Re ferred to Confriittee on Engines. L- A resoltition was adopted Inatractlng Mr. Francis to confer ' with the Preildent' of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and , Chicago •Rallway Company In reference to the .etection of a gas lamp at the cresting on delnitiski street, • In Common Coated: Pninent; Herat. ten. ney,:Belltdoe,Roglisb,, Falbanber, Hanna, Hall, Domgd, bletiod, Miller. Robb, W. tilatitb,. J. B. Bmltb, Tbompeou. Torrence. Amid Proallent Drum. The credentials of Mr. J. C. Patterson, men-. ber elect from the Fourth ward, to fill the va cancy caused by tbedethh of Philip R. Hill ware prmented, and the customer/ oath administered by Major Morrison. - • Mr. Bthney pretested petition fromthemem bers of the Wasbingion Hose Company,praying to b• placed on the same footing with the steam -era. ' Petition read and request granted. 8. C. nort.concurred, and 'referred to Committee on • Mr. Banolliredltesothilon ehaniting tho sal ary Of _the city Cootholler from $llOO terlIWY: pet annum, and s the Select Connell be imputed to meet the Cothmon Conned in Joint session for the purpose of electing • suitable person to 011 the cam 8. C. bon-coneutved, and a com mittee of eonferenes was appointed, who rarve•- ed le rarer of the tetkx! 0 r 9°.°'!"en conn C r. Mr. Patterson presented ;e s tition from the chinas of the Fourth Ward for the [trading and paring of Rue Alley,' from Robinson street to Rosh Alley. Referred to committee on streets. Mr. J.B. Bmittiodered s' resolution' to sus pend the paying around the City Hall until the grogods had been laid out in ornament* style by the City Retalator. The resolution was adopted, but Select non concurred, and titethat ter wan finally withdrawn. Mr. Hanna presented the report of the • Com mittee on Markets, with the amount of revenue for the month of April, as follows 8. Edgar, Diamondscales 121 s Anderson, Second Ward leeks.. 183 81 'Duncan Dallas v Cialr. of Markets 2.310 40 Mr. Buena presented an ordinaneo Increasing the rates charged by- the Weighmastara for weighing. The ordinance wits adopted.' H. 0. ^cocurred. and * committee of conference 1 "" 7 " - - -tell, who reported in farm of tbeac wadsll9"" , Ich was agreed to. tion of C . C., sot., thy Ensinews. bfr. Birnenfrnal 7 .‘" nay of the preeented a resolution bacressing ".50 driven, of the stomas Hope and. arenas. per month. Adopted., - - Kr: Bentley. offered a -resolution instructin g'. 'the Committee on Streets to confer witbthe Man agers of the PitLsbnrghort Wayne and Chicago. Halfway, end enquire - Into .the mactleatfity of militia a passage way for pedestrians -ender Webster street, Instead of a bridge ever Also,* resolution instrueting the StreM emu- Minter) to see thatthe 'Pittsburgh. Port Wilms 2 0 1 Chicago Railway Company complete their • ccniract Icr grading' and paving North canal street vfthout fufther delay. -Adopted; , , In all. action not otberwlakaoted ;there Wm. mutual teammate's, whin mlerriatruffter."—' :rt The Cagedle tbettwent 1340011 d session: ro'r theyntroseetelettleg strAty,tbatteller, Peed.' dent Xatabell in, the -age.- ••• •• • - • - •• Alter tbe objectof tbe.eteedee: lied bee n en. noneeed s , the Colitelts *dieted te the election' M r: R. i t * A . - I ' l l l ° l 9m it ol42 4•4_lna Atria by eche:tat-lon. 1 .6 Peenelli then iteitiited:. A.llamorous Mktertalizaant ' F i nl: Paoli' *lii#Me 'ftt 'Canaan Half last , .. .. , ... , . , nigla . Oti the mailed o! ,!'ijOigtch, English, and AmeriMM Billailirs. i ' wog' 6 4 4 0.'r°4 11 eldoi ea terthinment, Itonststing of the most, Isughable barlerenes on every oddities of ell sorts of pmide. ,Xlis utsoner is exceedingly , frestrisal idgesiii, - Md lie niriy be veld to 'be satiatiritsi of •an Oddity himself.' Of his lecture went, only ape Skin . Ye6eril tempi—ll WO Chlitlieteltitle of r hi - 1 4 sParkllng'mitsage of wit .and sentl-' 1 me t;Said the most ibis table Mollety" •-•- , . e•pigitsoor'will repeat big lecture -on next Bat rdsy bight, when those, who hale , neves timid hlut will, nog ,regreLpsytng him A visit, ind,those who were present list night willheal• Iy to the excellent merit of the. entertainment. zawie Ehde. • Mg =Other of the tickets to kibille Ka (owls concerti; were disposed of yesterday at music store,' Where the sale opened at . ,nine o'clock .: Bo' great . yrai the crowd and so blah the ecieltemint Chat In !eel than - en hoar about ono-bait the entire scats - In the hall were , •ttoldt • A few choke seats are yet unreservcd, iiiidisihich may be had' by appljtut at once at Idellorbi:'' We are corulident that these concerts willkethe most brilliant *Oren in this city this season 'end is they will probably, Ito the last of the Seaton, our coneert.golerpeopie should turn out is mane. Mrdlle listow and Mr. Wall, are greet brake, sad Madame Behrens is a prima IlinCor at:acknowledged merit. Bee.: to your .01er Late IProlidat.-;-The citizens of !Snow demand-ssileining townihips. Win Ina a masa meeting at Bethel Church (Bey, Dr: Chem* liar, on'Tnesilay, the 9th inst..; at eleven ' 'o , cleck a.-m.l:for the purpose of giving Mtn. 'denier , their slaws in relation to the death of Proddent Lincoln. The Rev. - John - B; Mart, D. df.Allarheny. sed - Res.'Jolin Douglas, D. D., etthle city, haze bees Incited to deliver ad dresSes on the Malan. We understand that preparations are being made on a grand and ox. tenalvescalefas4lltekiriceting promises so beta IVVinkratinß.One• Vilx i llopt . Asas n i a i ttt e v . Tlieetjfettroa=, gatte a toptitit' abootl e =ol=s. - Az ang ral be held to -day. ~:1s .µ: ~:~:j::~ _ : tata-- ESTABUSHEDi7E i g6. 3 111 till Lands. , ..Rnre . Opportantty, An opportunity le now. Pnweattedbi M. tri al), in an adirertbiernent to which we call atm tlon, of purchusing a tract of laadi at the price of agrictiltural I=4, which arillakno ablaut day bo foita to be rich in IhstrotinPu Burning (Tlingit eiiit on flio met; and itte tti derlaid with coal, Iron ore irk lintestotte I ' 3 c:L Is now being bond for In the Introotbalti , riebitt ' ' 3. with goon prospects, aud capitalists bionian portunityof raking a . thing by , and a good chance of • eking a big tLlnt bike or . the till, which pro y abounds, snit eemiddres , the burning sprb) Bas tbs./Montezuma. •Burnett 4 Eatertatoninstta. '' ' ' ''• '' Mr. Bunictt tatted; ducked . stg : l imo; ~ I .. t j . Valued one of the est .atullettessarellimer bet ) ,1 ;th)il the pleasure ;ftteeln,g . at Lafayette:lW; lila - 3 ll '0 evening. Rods of applause molt ottltramtal4 'Jul 1 Of laughter tested the.succesa of the -Perhlnki ,:'-`:Ri arcs and t e ability of the performer:, t1i15, , ,,, ~ "Shames Brien," "Will the New Tear Coma , To.night." d "Beautiful Elnow,"- were really . "/ •-• -i' excellent, bile biz peculiar role of the itali. it:l'l . cons was totally, beyond deseeptkin. Efts tam . .„ ~ his final rfcrmanco t o- night sathe Wee prase . *Moogea lire new PrOltr•Mme: 'Wo nOtiOti • ' 7, i , t others hie "Queer People end Odd Ohm?. . , steers." Those who wish to •Djoy a rate treat of " . , wit, hump ; and pathos should mot' fill to attend.' ' t This mayibe the last entertainment that lir. B. ', ..,::, will glve, here for years: ' litrlls• -- ' Olt Fitrlke.—A dispatch waa recalled le der. day, antooncine Mit a strike Mb been made la the Haywood and Egbert wcll,on the lilliside of , Egbert False, which flows fifty ffy bands pew day. : This well Is on 011 Creek.. A flixth ward mew • , p parry is putting n well down on the same farm. , . _ Citizens' National Bat:M.—By ref r estwee b. adverthement. It will be seen that this . beak-oa last Tuesdaideelared a dividend Oar) per Cant. on Its capital stock, frac of Government US." • DIEM• ANDERSON.—Mayad, MARY JENNINGS, t. font daugbtrr of Fr onelin slut Mary Ann Ander son. aged 1$ marts. Funeral To 3(012017. May 6th, at 10 o'clock 4. x., flora the residence of Its partraii, Marta street, Ninth ward. The friends of tha LaaiUy, acs respectfully Incited to attend. PARKER—May . 30, at 13% o'clock, at tile red.. drone, N 0.167 Liberty street, THOMAS A. PAS, KEA, aged 91 years. Funeral to-morrow, Fanoar, May 6th, at three o'clock r. x. Services to commence at a quarter past two o'clock HERSET.-019 the 4th inst., MANY JANE 1.1.1115H1, ascd ar, years. The funeral will take place from the resides's' of her hushand, Christopher Hereby, on Ewalt„ erect, Lawrenceville, on 70 Xounow, at 11 o'elOck • • a. w., and proceed to Wilda's Ctimsterk. , T ODNO —At his residence, No. 31 Sixth street. on Wrenestl afternoon, nay 9d, VAS, sill o'clock. Hr. WILLIAM YOUNG. aged7l years. Friends of the family are limfted to attend the . funeral on Famar nosurnso, at 10 coalook, to pcs teed to the Allegheny, Cemetery. JIIBOVELL4MEOUIL , ABTONISHMG _A_S'r43I::TTEOINGF WONDERFUL! PAR EXCELLENCE! Consider this Well ENGLUIII LASTIN% 111311.11 E. CIADre; 5001 CketSAerr.:, 1.1 450 Is the Idwest pries sake to not for the same goods. Concert Hall Shoe Stork '1; ii0::60 and 62 tilirupTuct'i.,,.::i., Undersell the-i*Wp-rl4. 92,633 99 ACi-Best 'Goods in the World! AU Wairaate mit McCORD CO., Hato, Caps and Straw gee& N` . . naie 1/6' 1 1 .4 :L1 1 4 11P" hr i e 1, 1 4 . 4 14 .9 14 ., f M4 444 „:,i1: if Goo DA . • • • - zr ei ediffidHa lout ~Nerek, eigudell t o s o sad smaasine oar 01.cm4f 11 m ,71u Nkt , al " 23 ! ra ! " • • - XTOTICE 70 ••.IfAiftii.elfggitaba- , i , -LI a hOse *tie esters 011 s for labrilistatotab_. , do better. than sad oa as, for - .2IILLOW LAIRD Ctn.& Tallow.:011.1s at preseallba end thespest lubricator now to be had tot ordlaal "" m lasaufsattaars of IditeleatiV one abt woablillteb,ll? i make a wires to salt oa as Tallow Lard OW. - "ft -b""1 " 6 1 .0, , • , act 29 • .1111ALUVDIIKLT 00 mmosies iroiteszn. t , 7 OusTALTLOR ti at ACl2se TAYLOR. POI7BLE ~,UW&ll—bed Vat • tatbeey all le good 'bran . • • • • Win.b• milt al • bilro.th7ltquire of ir Mate: , • . : GAZYTZT. PUtsboxdu 131CA011118 , TOMATOEB„t&c.;:, ,) 0,1 moo doom Trod' RIVICIINI 1 80a1 - ; So •dio ;-131ockbenloo ' do; •' • • 1. •f ,t• Ia stoniumlforssJo _INCI, -• _ left - N ' • , • NEI diNllOB. , • Not. 12$ and IN Wood otriod. t 3 ,2l A Pll E arite_itertng, o yitititep •" 1. 5 bbls Extsaleo. t Large , B2st• =e0 2 ... • , , • t 20 helt bbleietart ' •le quitter MO No 5 :•• • . 4 0 1 , tOOO 'pounds 0005.121 • , vit , ) irpriesa by • . -11.11737 LY a 1-eItetORDEI4 . No sOlddberty meet. _ 60 bb/s No• 1 -Lard .; too PuteDuelr.;lsreek Lubtfaatlng 011 i ; - 4 ; 10 ' 4 Itt4 F r f ; • ar SZIVS DiLZEI.L VOR . BALE L0W.... x 6 Digs English Vs:atlas - a asses Cb • • - tie Es Est. Parnument S een;e at - . T. tOiIOuNILD.E.ER , S, 61 Wand lig.. . . ICIOTATOEI3,..• • ' • lc* bush Oillroinla Rods', ; • too - do Peach Beceired and for iale by •• • ' • " ••••t•PI .. •• ; , • ErCZ.gll ta-Ailturtsorrov-' ,. t apw. cornerbratkot, sad tiro' Knots, , SEED - POTATOES: ." - • . tr. $9 bbla flueketee _sod Pesab SWIM 7 ~., 430 40 sacks Ob,to Pete* Blows; 7., at pi us Liberty Egok (lIRANGEI3' LEDIONEItist"; calved • supply 'of Malta otsripc.","•-• • : and Lamm, for vile by tbetsmor , JHN. A. WW3S We, apt. ' econeeLiberteznal,Usaulmsem 44. A. COFFEE BA.l3B'„ErO.ll jet of Code. Pablasdroo4 Aulses,„o0 1 1 411 15 00 ,fur sale lop by the inbacibair. --- •JOEUI - 31.12 081 41.1 1 spill , eoraer as l - MAUR I- FLOOILI I.! , FM/Wilt - I=4W amo . 66 mid* Waal' street;: 1 ,1) —44) blallLlplQileforiala „ _sr= - xr. °Affair:li for aftlebr 4°11'43;- 4 . B T _ ptLITTER. - 25 kegs nice puked Butte.„-...-' its aide b 7 J. B. BARFIELD,- -:t ~ `~w ~ . y • _3l] f t , 1 i,, r Whotsula Des as is IMMI
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