_„,.„,..__,,„:, _.o..: . " . '' , '""''' - ' - '=l.?:+l,lW,' . '; ~ 'A1.1.,., t 1. J-., -i,-•Vt...1:,..4,,r,,,,r..,,,.:.;,::,-,,:.,-7..t,:.;....e:.:';,::'---,ir.;:,.-,1: -4; - ;'..-- 90.1 - 4:piMf, LXVVIII.--!7WX _ -- 221 101iiti*.r . iiiil'ii44. [VERY LATEST, NEWS - BY TELEGRAPH: GREAT CONSPIRACY TRIAL. I. 4lxrangements for Reporting the Prneeed4ige.- qtIF, PLOT CONCOCTED..AI 'RICILIONIII. - • PabOF EXISTIV G. iia eea's Pripositions to Eaglaad. =FIGHTING MEN GOING TO MEXICO. . _ .. '' Na * lfoix, Nay s.—The Warlers'epecial . says [-,-t the trial of the conspirators will not commence ... until about, tile middle of next week. Proceed. • 1 .bp iuw toiroe officially reported by the Daily iVa ana lit corps and furnished to WatthlngtAn papers i aueciated press. No other reports will be, 7- The CammerriaPs Vratthington letter says: 1 rWhen the diaries . and speclOcations ,are pre , t.lsented to the Military' Committee, which is to try these concerned In the great couspiracy, it i firth be kurid:l=ailthrte. proof, clap that the at Niehmond, matured in .I tlCada ar% m exectited in Warblegton. , I,' Ills now well tinderatiX4 that Louis Navel°. -eon has for some time past' tad a secret treaty §:before the British Government proposing an sill / ace on the American possessions Tan Tint two 'r,powers WM to rtspectirely - - guarantee to each t . other the poteeraion of Canute and of Mea -1 leo. ;But rautiotut Brit:tine were not disposed to - enter in-to tbe arthnucineoL . 1... If Louis Napoleon persieta in eupportlng Mat. J . ithilian be must do It on, his own napartibility. , ,y,rend wi th out any backlorqem Queen Victoria's 13,91thisters. -It is no aecrer.'here , that =Kuge -1 I, mots hare already been entered - Into - that will .. torero the depirtnrehf:Konetf trickiest tighting. ',.. seen who propose to emigrate peacefully_keyond ...lee Ilks Grande. - L..,; , "- ..e. -."""- - - • - WASITINGSON, May 6:-Tito trial of the MUM tins will commenee been next week. Ind it is gentiallY understaisi on Monday, although tier mamstances may compel the postponement until the middle or the week. The court will be well elected of gentlemen of superlor ability, andtha "trial will be rapidly pushed forwartk—Extenstre sureagemeola hare bees' mado by the Govern. , :Mint for the retort of the proceedings, ,six citemogrilphers belng =gaged. It is Supposed t s teetotal will take _place at the amend, arthe foot of 454' streck,where the aseutears are now An custody. closely guarded by a rogimest. New Tax, May s.—The Washington pondent of the Philadelp hia Pratt' says: The confeislon of Harrold „ and the 'documentary evidence tow:tam Booth , e - ..borly,lastens b ryond cavil, the plot; a'ud'its ' tall-san c tion 'upon Jeff. pis and his Canada conscolmioners. himir Yoer. Mij .T;-;/t ip:clari to Um :Neil' York PAK from Wasidagton, says additional ar. .-rrests hero berm made to-day. and - further lefor watioiotgeined-throwing more light upoti - the -ea Imeyab assassinate the President;' Vice t and Bccrety of State. FROM CALIFORNIA; rival Of V 309,009 In gold. 1n eei3~a . IUILIOAD- 7 -3EW CONThIUI. 'PROBABLE RUPTURE BETWEEN - SPAIN AND CHILI Tan 11[1161111 Are -vision: ma. ANOTHERREVOLVTION BROKEN OUT ALELDER WILLED &RD PEA.CIE RriTOILED Prete( 4gaittifthilntitani. ARRESTS FOR REIDICING AT LINCOLN'S DEATH. TESTustolliAL To MRS S, lincoLzr li m o. y o irCiiiiii„,—Tha ilea:new Costa Rica :brought sisclundred aad sixty w.2 l u l . l '4'dc 4 llrs %in gold froth Sat Inuteli. - - ''''''• • ' -• The lw lit Silver CLoud. fom the Cape - of Good ... iffirta DO Verrrilail 23 11 , has, the crew of the ship Edward, cf Now Bedford, captured by the p - 1 - The Pantrixrt itriffiewid Criiipiny bare secured 4 a new contract for ,the District of Columbia, which:only needs. the "sanction or Congresa to brooms a law.. It secures perpetual ownership sof the road, and no other road is - babe built within 160,000 metr and es on atnlateoThe est = l ::othe ent.rCo i each Government. The ompanyll to transport the Timentmeut 'malls, troops and „armaments &c. gratis, and charge tO per cent. low for. the,transportatkos of the producta of I'lanthe Republic - than those of other countries.' In ds. &c., are concaded ' return they are to pay no tuts. The necessary A French 'company have secured the exclu sive pritlicget* to Construct a canal ammo the Isthmus from Chill. It la learned that there is a prospect of a rupture between that- canary and -Bredo, grade; out of ealma by the hour for the i• treatment to her fleet on its way to Perm; Therepotted capitulation of Montevideo to the Brazilian forces is vontrmed, and Cleroval . Floret: hu emceed Supreme power in Uruguay, • . under theprotectorate of Brazil, than terminat• A new issoluilott ha tcokeu nut heisted by Gen. Belza, who has been procithied President., of the -liontale. • Freedom. licleauge' im mediately marched on Gapozier. Alter p desire , rate stittehle for the possession of the 40114, General . Beta was `AU, lila: foram aurreidermf 1 and peace was restored. • Thu whole souther?a' i the P m era enl. s - th T= o :te r t a lZl atkla e- b 3. pe agalml -., that the PreTdAmit w ilt-be able to maintain tut poet- The kriaitid Stites ' gunboat *mitres left:Aube , wall ealaeliim, and I,be United Stales steamer State ofGeorgla arrived on the I.l3tia. . [: Ell, Pais' ctsco; May S.—Genesi McDowell is • swing several completes of troops for the pro. . , tectlon of the land route to Idaho, along which the Indian a • au _troublescenc., - Eltatlena will be - atabliehed Si the cestral points of'Northem and Nevada. Cavalry will l, protective the made, A largo emips*n to Idaho Is antlchostoi, ' ' ' = genial Maatriirreste base ban made of persona in thinStette sad Nevada for rejoicing over the death trt - Presldent'Llocolth A maid& •eashis nentbegof these tends p.m =dor dort!al .7 Yort:Alcittros - - - A movement bee been . started in thle city for •doliar sithend- palmate a fond for a testimonial .to Mrs: Lincoln: ltls also proposed VS build a - moniraten t Wife. Lincoln's momory. • The Board of linnendsors toansidm7niMref. -olnUon for islcbsa , authority from the. tore to. are the Government ono of the City -selareerfcc alel taint bultdiet. VORDMON OF MRS. lINOOLN. :40,..tile;nicisetea7Pith herideit. THE DISPOSITION OF .BOOTHI3 BODY.. Nzw tong, }thy 5.-The Trailt/A1 Wiehlag ton 11 3 4M1 1 , 1 Mrs. iftlePlee lierzotre lint= seemodatrromei and more composed YeStArdlT, 'het she I. laboring ender great depressianZgain on &emend - of the , hada of Mr. Lincoln it Springfield to-day. Bhs -will leave the White Noose as; inert as permitted by her physician, and proceed directly to Illinois; Goremor Aiken was closeted this morning with risitid6t Johnßon. He had a' tang War- 'dew with Secretary Blanton last evening. . Be has the 'freedom of the eity..and enjoys the Bede . ty at his family, who came on with him, from -4 all of which It Is aripsed that he b herein aid of • the Gorerummt rather than to receive its d:ad• The Washington Repellant says: Neither of the statements detailing the muse:loos manner of foully disposing of Banh's body Is true. Baker and LL brother Llent. Baker, are the only two pence, ashy who know what dlsposttlon • was made of it, and they are under oath to re• . teal the fact to no human being. Any state. ment prisfesang to detail bow or where the re• '= mains were deposited, Is not only gum erotic, but a sedans reflection upon the faithfulness of Colonel Baker and his brother. • • I , , Friday:* qubsiritittotio t o • ty Loan, wr *li the Seyea.Thlr. 1 . Part.thxzsent, De 5.-T he 1.154) . 4 3"tenlaY. to the 7 £o.),(in thayclu e mainikteym ik- -----, 41: o tr : m Ageo' i t: irere erri e7 l ,4V7,lso 111141t0.4 t eitteinnatt • $135,1100 VI ,Nattonal f.'. dos e , sio.,-o;t:rth„.l Bask 7 Tra-; agQ. a low y . . and First National Hinz A Co .. iiantalcma $4H,000 frm Brewster. Ebeeet)f ~., . v . T he number of itile,ldeel c ub. s _, *clown f $OO and MO van 210: • . , , „ ”. ' M. WILM - CHARY .B 111 Addi of tie March. THE EAGMENT 11, EBEERZEit mum Itevulb3 of t-to.gxpedition. OUR LOMB 'if nts CAMPAIGN, Large Amount of Cot= in Alabama, _ DOWD BTU ,Co4lll_l IN MO tit an I, XiliTilit.llo/511,;31fitarcriecrilPeltd eta Withlit etpedttton furnishes Malan el delaly of the mach throtigh . Alabazna, and of the battle at-Ebenezer Chnieh. This'engitge ment took 4oliie.at a. point called. Ebenezer. Ctnich, abaci t twFuhy-fire lionk. - Una; The rebels, were entrenched ha 'the wands and had pliers or Minim" in position.. Thai. WPM about five thousand strong, commended by Forest, ITttahnitni, Armstrong end Adams. *After conslOerabiefiring On both elder, two eoinonien of the 178th Indiany led by Capt. Tsller, charged them with the isabre, driving their winners front . the grins and capturing , one batten, with three gank4ind seettelitig the enemy in all directione., While they were thus demoralizing the ieike;: the 51 brigade of.the 4th division, which-had tcelo sent out the road -to -the - left,- arrived, and charged awl completely' touted the Mt me. Our tau In Oda engagement wu about WO: In killed sad wounded.. I . . . We captnnsd onr tbiee hundred 'rebels, and tbelr,lnts and. wounded was heavier than 'curl. . . We aim captured foiti 'pima of. art)ll cry and many small arms.. Captain Taylor was killed, after having wound ed -Gmr. , Forrett the arm with his sabre. "•• •Our troops salved In front of the fortiilca• tiori!of Betroth about four In the afternoon of April 20th. They were immediately formed In line of battle,' the fid division reoccupying the right of the centre ofthe work,-and the 4th di vislon the extreme left. The fortification{ consisted of double earth wombs Ma setaclrcla from bank to bank of the Alabama • riser.: There • were. also thirty-two bastions and two formidable forts. In front of the tint line of works was a row of palisades six feet high, which, together with the marshy nature of the mound over which tne Murree was - made, rendered the work very difficult of access: The works `truth defended by 7,000 men, with thirty pieces of artillery. As previously stated, the Second Division was formed lu line, dis mounted, and a skirmish line formed. A brisk fire was kept up hetween our skirmishers and the 'rebels until about five o'clock. when at a signal from the Chicago Board of Trade Battery, our forces charged , on the breastworks, yelling like demons. The revels poured a murderous fire of musketry and artillatry into the s teadi l y ut, troth. Jog daunted, our troops bore ' forward, and In five ageeteeled sealed the works and were driving the enemy - towards the river in a 'terribly demoralized condition. . . Many annum Were, drowned td attettrirting to cruse the river, although a few succeeded in coursing aid escaping. W 6 captured 9,400 prisoners and thirty two pieces of artillery io line, besides over seventy phew in the smear.-- -- thir loss was 324 killed, wounded and missing, and that of the enemy equally heavy. _ erfs engendered Witliont a fight. sit Columbus the enemy made a stubborn Ye. sktaace.trut our troops scaled their works ea captured 2,000 prisoners and over seventy pieces of- artillery. Here all the government prop erty, arsenals factories and railroad stock were destroye d. . lo ~wteen miles out of Macon th e rebel Gen. ZelmirOon sent a message from Gen. Howell Cobb saying there , had been a suspension of hostilities gruted,by Sherman. - • - • - General Minty replied that he knew nothing 'ofitaud told . Gee. Robertson that he must re tire to,Macon whileire sent the message to Gen. Wilson, who was In the rear. Gen. Minty or dered his advises move forward, and In Ova . ninnies after the delivery of tkis' answer to the - revel Gen. Robertson the advance was made and as Robertson and his command did not get out of the way, they were all 'captured.' Macon was taken omega= of, and - here Gm. Wilinn received official Information of the armistice. The malt of the campaign may be !mewed up is follow' : The 'capture and "oc- Cuietion of . foar of the most Important cider lo the Confederacy, 6000 prisoners, over WO inns; and a large &apply of small arms, de of...th&m:antuillftstlrliatk'wnorotth r a s t f ' lust 0 ve-5h.... dish tir - ktirectly.belonging to the ptoperrvr — - Rebel °overtime-AL - - • Ilse casualties of thd gatepalga 1 have not as yet hetet able to"-ercura; halt dollot' think tLey will 'meted 400 In killed, wonil4ed end missing. use TinseaViltashlagton . special CO° letter rtceltr d from Mobile. says User Government al - cars have information of the existence in various portions of the State of over half* million bales of crittoa, which will soon be brought to Mobile The Hcrctd'a special says: ,R Le:understood that # fern at demanddemand Lan n& his L 'Maas riOwa the Canidlan Government for the surrender of such of the WASBIIIII3iOIIISOIISOIIIWS es, may he with in iti!jtuladietion.. ADVICES 'CiIiELESTON. Particulars OtOeii. Pottefs-Expeatilen. REBELS CHEERINGIbii THE UttROM: 'rpm, May s.—The Charleston Gburrer piiritcyasiv:* General. niiitr's expedi tion. It says General Potter VG =fuel In Charleston on the 23d, and that tits Antes 'nom ;Odin trinfteditle.titareie .Potter hating beta Thad/ of the mita*); Qt . . _ • it at !is; ac trace interview held at l'ultan; - Sahib Cwailint, 'the retel troops abated heart il y - fertile llnfoa awl thy/ski-flag— ,Theeathastum was nareitrsinetr'srad Ilstired ht by i great many or Chair officers. A gainitea desire was ittazd. rested for the termlnattort• ivr Chi Way:. . _ - Alter the . I.lght Stiliter tee fehills were aitaln enestmtend“On' 'the 19th Mat, in st 'strong petition' , at floyelln's MULL The Mk Ohlo - and. 157111 New Talc 'chanted gh the swainp . up ecr . th eir Waists, completely muting this en =nista* were alterw ants pureed - bythe 4111 Driusaellusetai csvah7. • • The rebels left on the field seven killed' and ,twenty ROlllldOC Our loss was only one taped . Gen...rotter them : Imbed c ot his command to Camden., 8. C:-along Wanes mail and at ,otherpolgts. 'Hedditrbyed°llllocemoUru and a lam datuber °Capt. besides tearing up, Or :some dietance, the - track` between Camden and Floretce. :Law timbers of upon followed While the cered of Gm; Potter wait an kh g headway be one put the the State, another expedition was operating In other portions of the line, through 84mtor and otherdistrlcts: • Condition of Ateetntary neward and non. • 'lfs s -4 Sr • Row.:Z. at. .r.T.; qf ar hare the honor to report that the Pao. retarg of. State s:id 1,11. W Sewall ire:dolose yeti. Wissmoroir,ifey 5-9 r: ' Y. Ron. E. Y. Stanteis;Senytrip of War: I tore the honor io,report that the illeernary, of. State has stiffonid a good ?Leal from Ida frac tured 'Jan to day.-- Mrr " - 9mM:deb' Seward is lissidediy.- better to. night. T. K.Beeua. • . Surgeon GeneraL Our tick and Wounded Restored—Ntilerr , 01111 Beaigitatlons-:=Getrenclun out Wsiormorcer, Mav s.—Thealek sod wounded troops from. City Pant' . are being rapidly ablp ped to Washington. The hospitals at tilty Polst will be abandoned as mount possible. Mint. of tho rolunteer °Mears of Um late flagship rem, nowlykethere, harm restate. Large num hers of naval officers are aridly seeding la.their resignations, seeing that the war la - oTer and' eestrons to game at once " In civil poisnits. Steamers are daily ardvlegbere,tosrlag char. "tared vessels, which are brought up to -be -dls chalked from the Government terrine. The work of relrenielusteats goes on In all Cignaldes In the - Attack Oft Selpti Nnw Yon; s.—Tho Seroldh corristandenf Frith Wilson% Qatari, says: At the attack on Bekaa Um following officers ware killed and wounded sated-,-Ggonei G. W. Dobb. 4th, 914; Cap tats Roby. Company' G. its obl6 Woundenerel P. Long, !wooly in head,' Colon cl 74111 et, Vat lath ca, nonnwidlng Vint BriPda. Ilamlltit sad Prayer Day Appointed • Boyrox, Kay 5.-4 n accordases_"siftlithelsoe ... Irmation of •Preddost Jo/moo., TWA% the Ist day of Juno, has bean eyoloild 17 pet, Andrew for a day of 'Auxottlattoaloid, rim Mileatbn , 444 9 . 1% . (91M1 9C Ail,deak OrAbffr • - ==IMMMME BAND • _Aid) Tut: EE. Man. Cato fo Pieskfent Johnson. PROPOSITION TO STAND TRIAL hicorressr.. April 4.-600 nm Sanders and Beverly Tacker are one with another manifesto t 04. 1 11. IN/drew:a to Andrew Johnsatt r invbiett they accuse him of a hellish . "plot to murder their Christian President, but give no partlen. hrs. abey agree to ga to Rons.'4 Point or some other place and be tried on the charge mule in. the President's recent procianiallon, it the IJelted States government will pay for their do. fFieci;and guarantee their safety. A LETTER THE He'Denits Knoirleage .the Tonorre, Hay 5.--Cleary, one - of the parties for whom the President offers a inward an -MT proclamation; publialies 1 letter declaring that therejs not a particle of teeth -in the statement , Altai he concocted and Incited the anntainatiow, . and Maeda that he knew nothing of It until It tad been committed. • - Interesting from %Workington.. Heir TORY, May 5.--The Commarcial Aden*- . titer's special sate: There is no truth In the ilat Minister Adams has been riketlied to become Secretary of-State. Ths Mexican recruiting agent advertises open ly in to-day's Ors-nide DA discharged Officers and men to emigrate to Mexico. ':i ,l l'resident Johnson will occupy the late resi dence of General Halleck, on Georgetown Heights, during the summer months. The Pose's special says : General Sherman's headquarters will be established at Alexandria, Vulinta. and Ms troup . s will be encamped on the Virginia aide of the 'Potomac. General Augur permits full supplies of provis ions to go to Virginia at points opposite Wash ington. The Tribune's Washington special says: Gen. 'Augur has Issued an orde.r directing that no more transportation be leaned at this point to rebel deserters or refugees. it is confidently asserted that the Government has tuosekdge of the aid and encouragement given by J“r. Davis to the plot to assassinate President Lincoln and others. The propriety of abolishing all trade regula tions to the Southern States will be ilnally cussed at a Cabinet meeting next week. Action may be temporarily postponed Dail It le known wbcth.•r negotiations for the surrender of the nbt 1 forces under Kirby Smith and Dick Taylor are consummated. The Herald's Washington apecial says: A large quantity of railroad iron has boon forward- td Richmond and other points, to repair the rSilroads In that section. Banks are to be est/MI[ISIM Immedi ately ar t garannah, Mobile and Montgomery. i The Statement that Dr. J. C. Menet had been drummed ont of hospital Is a mistake. It Is mutradleted under orders from Samson Gen. Gov. Brown, of Georgia, was lately bowl from at Aln2asta, endeavoring to get up a State Con vention. to bring back Georgia to bar allegiance to the Matters at Richmond. NI w YORE, May s.—The Richmond Whig of the 4th, states that Robt. Cull, late Confederate Commiesiover of Exchange, and W. 11. Raki, ids aid:dant, and aeveral other attaches of the blucau, have been 'rutted on an order from Wabhitglon, upon a charge, etcm cried with the administration of effdra deiolvintepn them. Gov. Plerpont le exwmcd to Richmond there within ten days. &Tern! other Governors are ex pected to accompany him. The emancipated negnrs; it ht said, each take ■ horse or nines from their former master, carry them to Richmond and sell them. Au order from Gent Haneck allows all persons, without regard to rank or employment, in the deli or military services of the rebel goTerament, to take the &musty oath, and they will receive a corn.* ponding certificate. Those excluded . froni the bent flt of such an oath can make application for pardon and restoraUon to civil rights, which applications will be received and forwarded to the lir per channels, for the action of the Presl d-nt ci the United States. The fact that such pcntoua hare voluntarily coma forward and taken the oath of allegiance will be uldence.4if th4r Intuition to muse the status of loyal citizens. ar.d etatalltute • claim for excels:lre clemency. General Meade bad waived In Richmond Ttti on of the Army of the Potomac:ear-hod '!farAeeter on the pleat of the Sd from City Polnt en route for Weiblogton. The beery qulpments and paraphernalia go woad by thought that Bragg acid itatapton ac reapt:ink! 74193ti.f. tumknOwa, tbq latter la eoEoalGa6 of the Meat. - • Racke t Money and Dry Goods Matters. New Tout, May s.—The market br Seem - ties Is dull and settled-=atlih. the morning ,Dosed piers 4,eneniny wearer with no disposition to operate largely for eithee P rise ov a fall. The bears continue to ha/tuner the; market . with no thither inteccas than checking the tendency to e d higher prices. Governmeataemtales quiet, pending the absence or news from Europe. Gen eral expectation favor, en ultimate material ad vance, though tt Is thought poselble the. news of the Peesident's ausnalnation may produces tem porary downward tura in the price or 5-20's. State tondo drat. The Coal and Miscellaneous . shares generally are lower. The Gold market was firmer today with Ein lied 'operations. The variations- were Vied% Slrmay Is in ample supply and without change In 'rat:a.. Foreign Exhume amputee dull.. _ . The Petroleum Stock market Is quiet and ae tieein.large buskins sea done. linked 13tatts i.PIO and 99 1 101 5 00; iblellanan Farm. 124; Delzell, 550; Excelelor 455; Rend Fenn, °.50; Taek, 150; Empire City, 200; Pit ifoleVreek, 600; Knickerbocker, 55; Ocean% The Dry floods trade Is active at a slight coned don on aU domestic fabrics. The enmity of these goods for immediate delicacy will prevent spy atrium decline. Yorisigh Goods, as the ses eon are gefillug.quite scarce. and prices are advancing. On moat of the desirable styles there were general auctions to-day, and business was very 'Wye. At Haggerty & Co's. sales of Cloths, Catsitueres,:etc., the attendance was of the largest and best description, and prices in many cases being greatly In adnnee of precinct ones. with duplicates to a great extent. At the sale of ribbons Prices showed no material advieee, bus the whole catalogue was sold. There was a very fair and successfel offering of Line* kid gloves, etc., and there was consider. able ifirit in biddln litabacriptlon Started t• buy •• Farm Ur the • f Vaally of President Lincoln. raiLADsuim. May 5.—A subserigion bas been started here for raising a fund to applied to the Prdeknass, of: is !arm ',homestead, with an appropriate mansion, near Springfield, DI, for the family of the late President Lincoln. It is Intended to be a Vibree from a gratefal people to the merits of their helmet martyr, President Lincoln; bywhich 'his family may be rendered Independent, and his memory perpetuated in a practical and useful manner. The individual subscriptions are not to exceed SSW. The money Uto enclosed telstytialus tete say forib It loan agents, and will be publicly re- The . fend Into be disposed of byPensterllse;. leo, fkcretary 441We:for. and Joaeph Barrett; Commissioner of Pensions; lava abuthet. iabeetiptiose for this purism he ta4 up in the various:thatches and amebae throughout Umcountry, with the,same -of, the donor on. a 'Allis of paper accompanying too amount audio:Med. • NEW Yong, May 5, C2 G id contlnnes strong old 'n at about 143. :The expectation ors reaction la the American financial antra in 'Europe, on — the news or the assassination connplrae i, 11 , the ?bier cause of strength. Evannto.--Gold tonight 1433 i. _Barris Court Martial. • Wienuicatirt, May s.—The //Mil Court Mar tial met this morning. and in the absence .or %vitae/sc. adjourned. Death or a Dank President. Ilmjrore, May AmerrDavla, President oftheßuffolk Bank, .dled this learning alter a Viet Micas. Tad New YOth Pog pots the cue or Jeff. DaTbs;nt Co.,"ronnitierway•with their specie as follows: - -"The robbeey of the Richmond banks le one ogle most barefaced, shameless` burglaries r on record. Davis was. already preparing to ran away from Richmond when he and his gang con ceived the idea aim :.banks 'and . reeking vft'with - the plunder,- They. got Lee au! his man bi fight:Grant, only . : to gain. time to complete their a , Piufesatonel thief would' call RiSpd or they bad got a fair start with the uttrag," they left. Lee to am fie him self, and, with the ispo in a - freight car ; hue their tongues thefr cheeks. ran swig" LealtallePsper says that, lad flood Fridiy . aras WI In England "with OVIVI more than the 'Waal jolty." .It deplore - a the desecration of the and alFrat by way of prevention. a holiday. _op Awiellattle , asirilatoitrtiag a %Otte dt for rejoicing. ' : L - .1 / ~.iw Yi --.vim.'- ... _L.c ~?.t..v''lo. ..»I+..a .. _•.Le:=3 ~'.......e. _. w' ;_ _~5.»...F~..=.~._R'h ..- Y . .. .._. „, ~ ~,,,,.....__„„_,,,,., -.. ~• - - --------- . .. t ~,, ~••,,,, „ t ,, , ,r1,_ - *•-- . -, I - '•*:,:i.! - ;' -•-• --- :- ' -•-- - •., -' -.•- - .. ...:, -- ' " . .,-.5 - ',' .t .;- it, ''. Irt /`1; 1 7- t', 5 :,,.',..• .!g: .. - ri'-., ~.,, ~ x ~c, - 3. - ''' --'-' ~ ' . 1 . - r.c, , - • ' ''' '' L " ''' -.4 ' 4 ' '.- ' - ,--. -',- - • , i , f,2 • -. 5.V.. \ ‘...1 ^ ite! ",f ',.t . T i c , f# 4 .. , ' , ' '-- .g, . .., ... , . PITTSBURG , SATURDAY.' MAY 6, 1865: . , Milne's' Wei"Gaut this G eat Norte Weer. Ceiveapionartai CASCADES, lifsannen ne YealuToltr i f Marc 21, 1885. teasiesdes In a village on tbrittieN bank the Cele" bm river, where It breaks throush the ode errant/Ma. The writer la notetwagod directly or I 'unit:ally in the•mf mar bustara.—an.l • • We hive favorable reports-front sit Pottleniof the mining region. Every moothadds to the es timated wealth of our "upper country." New •, diacoverkeire being .corestaatly-_made of . rich.: mines, on both the Columbia and Beaks Kemal, but itis nyi the drake river Metals great wealth L. There is now no doubt but that the OwYtte, and. perhaps, the Boise ebuutry, are far richer than Nevada in silver; and In gold Nevada Is not to ha-compared with Owyhee. Like Nevada, the wealth of Owyhee Is. In Its quartz lodes.. •Quarie rock yielding one thousan d dollars to the' ten, is quite common there; tea dollars is the-ay. Nage yield in' Calibrate.% • Quite a ntimbN 4 of quarts mills went up laid season, ell of which are said in be doing well. • Noir that there in no question about the ex. tent or the richness of the mines, we expect a rah of quartz mills to that .sectiou. this scum %Meal these milk are made to Portland, Ore. non- some in Ban Frauelsco .and some come hot; the East., Those coming the East are said to be owned principally there. There are a number of ;BM now on the way, which are tad to be owned In New York. t is new thnnght that there merich quartz - k ee on Burnt river. I saw a short time ago a pi cc of rich sliver-bearing quartz ftom Eagle cretk, a branch of Powder river. A larger yield Is' expected front moat of the mining camps this season than ever before, he eallee.Of the, capital that has teen brought to them. This Veer will make Idaho as &mous ae. Nevada. They appear to have found rich quarts at out Salt Lake, not much to r thesalisfactien Or . Brigham Young & Co. There are many permanent settlers In Eastern Oregon and to Idaho. - Farming there is an ex cellent business. For small grain some sections of that country are well adapted, and there Maud always will be a ready market. They have the priers here with the coat of freight anper-added, ir bleb is now, at lowest rates, ten cents a pound to Owyghee. In time I think there will be. cumuli grain raised east of the Cascades to sup ply the demand. . • - The oil excitement of California and Nevada Is txtendleg np here ; but no oil has br-en fatted yet. unless li should be near the mouth of the Columbia. There appears to be considerable oil': on this coast, but come doubt Its' being petrol°. am, SS they have not succeeded in making It burn. Yesterday's paper, however, said that the point has been settled that It Is the real article. I dont know. I srele in one of my letters of the immenre gnantlil.e of Iron ore or the Willamette. A com rm pany Las been for In Portland end New Twit, with a capital of d 500.1100 (coin,) to work Me ore.. .They wlll build their Minims atOswen go, ety. miles shove Portland; where there is a : good water-power and plentY or wood. The ore is not in veins, butthere are entire talleof It-- enough to supply jhe .world, If, all accents. ami tram I never saw so mach ,aa I saw there, un less tt was In Kansas. This era is "so time that blacksmiths have made the Iron they mad tam it. Before ads company was formed, the Ponies had the ore tiled. It yielded 40 per cent.. This, I ht-hete, will be the drat sundang furnace on this coast. of *by coal I spoke ono* fall! have not halal ;hare. That there la opal on. We CawUts river there is no doubt; but la what quastltle• Toon know. None has been brought to aucitedsikki - I think coal will be discovered sootewherelit Western Oregon. There it coal within:NO tulle* of this place. I saw same of It. IL* Mood coal, but theireta Is only a fed inches WM,. to wild the man who showed It to me : He sidt As raced It In a creek, and dad to the bottom Of it: Ile may not have found the top. I shth And ate tome day. But where, there are thla veins, thick Mies should not be far oft. It -Is a 'bard affultl.Tto "pfosPeul," far the molt or the "bed-rock" is covered with' sand and Armed. Coal has been found at Seattle, oa Paget'a&nand la considerable If not great qnaotltha. •' • ' A woolen factory has been In operation at tia lean, on the Willamette for some yeara. It was small at flat, but the addltlonathat hate bum put to it hate Made It considerable of a con cern." Theybeventadegoodclothand blankets. Another Quite extensive factory of the same, kind was put up therelast fall. Amalie: is ter beteg built at Oregon City, and anothe r s Ab. - Notwitlistandlog our 'mini, _ country, and far out of the way, us. si .lt the tariff po !fry shouP'. maintaleedfer valet) , fire years, the W l %. eue sus for fro* mad Ire:lirz; eu hoods h now for big red apples. I be saty time since of an oppontion line coming river la opposition to the trregeo stesta Navigation. Tke Int named company barn lex tight that line and every other boar on the Hier. 'They now bate the whole trade from the swath up to the bead of navigation. The machinery for $ boat to run from Colville to : b e Keto4ela WHO panted up a few days axe. We spell iLro bare it steamboat on the bead waters OS the r—thia,u. the uaar Indian,” h. ft, sot rounded now ! We tate had a long and hard winter. (Our winter would not have been oonslderedeold with you ; et we should have very little cold weather here.) The spew oa the. rnountalna Is deeper thee err, before known. We look ror a blg rise In the steer next Jane; but that depends much upon the weather la May and June, 'the Work oi .tatcruauUozi Terrible is the congition'of the South; swift sad effective was the vengeance - which her re. hellions traders biought upon the' country. Is four icara of Irairtiltelost. not only everything that was fauglit'fbr, hot but besides more than 'onif.talf her able bodied men. .The official 'records of thee Bute shoe' 'boil North Caa-olins . lost on the field and In hospital during the war fifty thousand num. Intelligent Southern men at Rakish estimate the total lose of the States In rebelllne by death, in field and busied at throe hundred and law sad it is:fir , thee tatitileta that th&e are not now over two hundred and My thoniiihd able Dedied white men flim within the limits of the so-called Con federacy. In addition to the lessee by wary large numbers nothten the litinth, td oielpe persecu tion or consettgon.. lisey of . these wilt never retort. We thus see than It the rebel kat* had bah otee to cam' on. the warmish longer, the trout of extermination would have Peen complete. As It la it will require many years of, Vine, land a free tide' of Immigration to bring the %wham Btitesup to alCitTecw condllioa of pro - spumy. Barinder the Influence orfrem dem, 'society will be reorganised, and a new 'spirit! alit be infttsed—the spirit of Northern entenirbe. These will eventually cause Use Southern States to grow and prosper as they *never did before and the next geeeretkel Will tie very different limn the slave aristocracy Which has fallen with the robeition.-4‘ol. Oac Twiarrs•omelitssus, inclnditut Louisiana, Tent - ewe and Arkansas,. kayo maw, tierodigh ; their ';Leuisiiisirtai,' tlie' Constitutional! Amendment abolishing- alaver7.. Therein 110. doubt: OU' that . New Hampshire. Ceinneetleili; lowa, Oregon and California will follow their. esetopie In doe season. The assent of but one' more member of the Uslch will then be resals‘ , ed to make t h e Amendment the law of the • land. •provided Louisiana, Teenemee Mums are recognized as, organised' &met.. Some emslayeation wal le' that ease, bareetie bettor of 'giving the casting vole for , freedetm , U be Keutucky, North Carolina or redder , As to !Delaware and New Jmney, they... Occupy the unenviable position of dodo in tee eanniter,- endenteing to delay what they -mined hope to; prevent. The Amendment will be passed In spite of them, and by the votes of Bodes a thou sand Aimee more deeply Interested in the per. petnity of the accursed Institution, and =ma vIpUT affected by its abolition, than theta hat Mad semi-free menials of the slave pawer havo ever been, or ever can be.-!-SiX. Tribune. Tun T-30 loan ii bet el : dtstributod this ireek, ilth 'Darya:ma .The dilly. Wes, thus far, bare averagedls.2oll.soo,, (as against a daily average of 1 e,238,233 last week, 'And of ta,954,140 the precedlug week.) as fellows: Munday, $5,176,0001 Tuesday, 13,231,100: The current sales of the loan are at theextraonllnary' rate of 181,2'21,000 a week. At this rate all the unsold balance (1 11 . 8 0,000.000@1110.000.000) of the feeding series of 1300,000,000 will be mar keted before the and of the ensuing mounter Jane, or needy so by the date (June lb) when the motes formally commence to% bear Intense The orders for th e 150' Mid 1100' notes - if the loan, this week, have averaged 3,138.: 'The hfay coin !Merest on theft:Xl_ halide is being eagerly sold at, pfinrelllog rail tor gold, aid the aro ceeds, very generally. relavrated to netknaal decks . • mainly In the favorite Serven,Thirtiati whichconstituteeniehigicallf "Illno9ldaf)c4P „untie gdrenimeaL . , nTon ual anew' Rms. the foreign ts. " Mein M slonary Board of 'Old School: Presbyterian Chervil, wai preached in New Tarlton Monday night, by Rev: Dr. AL Elichnle,.. Tits treasury is free from fiat. 'nap ..rtsmalos, hoverer, a heavy liability' for extra exchange on Mlle- sent out but not yet matured. ,The entire income wa : larger than in any" preatding year,'Die receipts Leidy +1'0,489,01; the expenditures were on,: 442 tit liMateen misakararles sad assistants were squt out dining the past year, .and &nab. returned to their fields, of.labor, MK number' of !tithe laborer's:his received an in- creme of. twee:train°. Orer thirty churches are reported in -dlifirtot countries, with upward a Malian& Mosennticants, and many thousand liehablii la the schools. ..'. - .' - ' .... '.''' . ::: , c 1- ,.;i:••''- ,. .‘ - . - ; - '7' - . '..• --. . , :. : : : ' - .' ,.7. - -,,. • - _ - ...'r. 4 -:•,.- : .; . :::.'. , ._-.!-.:f;2j.: -, ,,; . . -,.... -..--- . -.._ ..• . - ~. .-. tin Mr Otletlitßill. • - , An itipettiatt sweat-SWUM . . . lltiense efallmiseny County Ye The MM. bum/him, tOkbenrile flaiffisad tt Weal, was beardiitsiertleg In the Court of C niali.Vluse, before Jedgibteliett. • Thd action is brought by . ibe Otenbenyiffe Company for Ike: purpose of I,berlng canto why the toenty of .2tlfegiteny ,diuth) not plky mtgs. enbecripticms coatracted ibiaheCea*Cotendasloners on behalf or the 'County/ .01t1 - Jury i Limit the following arena • verdict in the case: That uttorithe facts the jury are Ignorant; inSoht t ;glair, on which aide they ought to atidttie lasnet thatlf,:lulain the whole matter the Chart shall be of the opinion that the pieintiffisbititied to Mover the whole amount paid for the ampont which ' matured and:were lifted before the inatitution of this mat, then we find.for the tur $319,458 74. _lf the Court , shall bold t - plait/tag Ls :entitled ito recover laig th e a Ilvad for coupons belonging to bonder/Inel a mount to the par value of the etc& ownetand held bg prabalff, and that the ti f plaintiff la not-entitled 'to recover for coot/one paid, which Wudared after tlie sales of Plaintiff's stock,i then aro find for the plaintiff 8153,974 80: but lithe Court &hail be of opinion that the law 'ls with the defendant, and that the plaintiff is. not entitled to recover, then we find for the de tndant. , .—. , ikteisine tight In Factories. Professor Stely,,,or Mep Intiriproposes to em ploy the curept generated_ by an ordinary fric tionalelectrlf inschlne, and obtiiis the light by interroptiegpte eurreet:' He pruposes to secure the continued. ;illation - el' the machine .1n all sreathei;bitrisillejg it with 'a glais case; and, ~.keeplng.therele- " Vitidei 'the - ease - brweaus of s `' .. deof reel* or o th er hydroscopic ate stir" ce. - Proreasei Seely Is` Ow. engaged In ex pertinent+, Wisteria' what material twlit.pro. duce the niest.lntense light, end tribe apparatus - .works atvg. to anticipation, a factory In which iney is employed may .be ,Ilghted without aniAliednfonal 'expense, except the small power reqahtd to turn the electrical machines.- As in rats ariten by *ate"; there, le_ always a surplus of iiiprer during the winter montlei; the atilt' time when lights are required, there would 1 be no expe We this light- exce7 the first cost.. of thee' , :: ts,'whlch-seenild be quite moder- • ...; e concert .Troupe. On next dayeientig life. Mix. galliCo62/10 _ presents for, ellet time to the Pittsburgh nub -lie the two g' at 'artists be bas recently brought; from 'Europf--lildllii gidetrand "kr.' Wall. Millie Estonia pnbetlyAbe beat lady vbalbscel itst in the wirld. Bbe hie a pleasing time,llae figure and atitt extnraelve features. Bhe plays . the "tollncellit with grace and delicacy, and with rale:warmth fee ling . Mr. Webll has • place among the . ' elexrperformerr on the piano- Ella ,executtdd lebnlierfal: With :either hand" It is ficalilets; 4 tbstriplinty ot Ids monemmita and:the -Ugh or his touch, are truly marvel lous. Therelurre been ' many eminent pianists in this col, but Mee hats had such sudden fame as Mr. dal: -: ' . . Tba seats fa add concerts have been selling 'dr VseV fast. but we oderstand there mean some eligible owe left, Ticket office at Mailer's, : 1, HMO Wan LiWHlECCeutft. - ' ~ . . •• lliDa.rki—Ballare Jullue Mcemeic Wile ' _". - -A_ r- .., ' The e.uwaL up the csseetlaeutaermi et Wet, Indicted for forgery.. Th ttottiaaicet tolk. leged tol n made certain __ :MAIM& elm mti,g 1 ant from the Unlaids=ent list se,._ ristenta , an - kdebois fisrubdiekealsulh P.,,,r the ON rtintrfltdilik Yddlittlel.' -718 ... s framia I =l PlPPeri 6 0116 ic6 6 6fieakta rildboce, In 4 I , . .rbrctl or fieqece pie; doiog .t•p iuou ., co . oi k 2 8 , 1861 ," Ptirllordoif toles el. ii i t h 'l: 37 Duntrtiget, te lag gun .4 6 I —er for Mlgl. beltby .. 1 1 Ind another 01 ... The Omit Iraq &till with tbs ,„.• . of 'Nonmetal. lilies:4,w -de w 11461 1 .16, hour engaged. for Gut &Mew , 1 1 4 81rrafewaldra h, • Hamm ' Dubois, it.' entertaltiMentr—Prof. E; ,C. ü b m ....- ...4 mist, will girohie secorid p0p ...... .at eat at Concert Hall to•ninht. .ne anbJect*f • hla lecture vill be .IPrench,Eoge lb& end Aminican Blunders!' It Ii one of - the , 'scot witty iind fimprotokbig entettainutenta ever given, lail withal ...mite' testrucUre. The. Professor is gifted-with a rumaritable vein of hu mor, and hqry the rare inanity of infusing Mier will no, tato Ala homers; Vel s* ts °tribe pectin/41dd of d threat people in • 'banner truly ianghoble. and we heartily commend him w all iota* of fan. This , to the last lecture that will be given la thla city by the, Profetror. . . Assaultinr.Seititera.—A mao .named Ed. nave who beiwgs to a crowd of rowttles who coomeste aroma the vu arrested hut night' tor wanking tiro. 'Weevil:kg - to the Veteran Fteserse Corps. There soemeoto be' CO proroc.stion fur the distarbanoe, Hays hariog deliberately Strict them both In the free. - ft hesuirg wu bad before the mayor, and Ilan was iced $lO4O in &Wilt of; payment was conamittmt to jail, where his pugnacity will have ample opportunltyof cooling down. 011 on Decker's Croels.—We learn from the Phtlst:aphis Cousaberetol Llat. that a. Decker's Creek Petroleum Company Ms beam organised, and In atesst to :cointbellee bating operations. Decker's Creek Is In West and oroptige Into the blbroorgibida'Arel" town: The tact that ucadoslsti ban p=opuised thls portion of West 'Denis as good oil, Unitary as the 01l re:eons in remaylvduis ba irdindqtdid. a rush for ti do laud, !tonal of= Mr. Hollcoae—The Mends of the ever popular somata' will remember tits; ha takes 'a bentilt ie.:night. The'perliontanne CM' consist of the exchlok play og:•Sirteeilloiogol Jack;'' and :"Joaa otArc.” In the tomer be takes the characterot Slepton..) ub In the It tter he appears. aco c t . it% te. n . ,,Z u d, 3 Eb er th t perionste "Jack," sod "Joan of Are.'! The 'Valuable Library of w groutietaitt library culture, tegaker 'rich ,Terreatial and Ce lestial Globes, 011 Painthige, , &c, will be sold Lb* ercaldg by eztatourte, eleaotid door of biellyaine's sew Auction Itooraw,lol3 Smithfield fired, opposite . Nat OttleeNow woo to ex- Mtloyalty and Drunkeenewa,—Paddyow• ens, a referent character, hada hearlngleat lug before the Mayor, charged with uttering en. seemly and disloyal language In referauce to the death of President Llaocdn. fined $2O„ and in default cotronltted for thirty data. . Ram at name, tbr 1114.—Thiatii • bona. fol moonily publication, •taaned by Chattel Scatter & Co., New Tokkokrdlid Ural' and.nretal Lnesature. The astielai" lire *7- and able, mad, so ftr ea wa.has• rend thaw, are mines in a truly Cludidlan SPECIAL LOCAL lumens: , ' Tit Wr rizar . Eats Itoothe i she In Americas ' i r -1111i09* WM% Once at Aleahadar•%lea the Wake , Wain, Pittatorb, Pc 210. ' 18 rib, Li Z ace, great, Orden hiaaadeS to. All he warranted watts Ina lajpattiat ththe at tha donna sake. -no 'bine ma repairs, lacsidat Os rapt is sait Assad atter It It sat. ost,' . - . ... . . . Nedeetkosial blen i tiolast. Weer,, No., MI Federal street -- wee to the east when the ghettos 4iteratit capture of Nicht:mud had the Manioc and rebel Ciericm a/ Lee was -received; oodhatlag , alveolars of. the pole produced, cud - iteewhod thoreaction that wouldfollow.medh , very kett7 tonchnes of the finest spring =dm:nutter .foods at about one-half of the old prleet. ~ Bottio of the driest cloths, easel/hens and ratios* are included to his stock, which he Is owed tosmake up,to order, on short notice In - the'latest styles, and at correspondingly low rates. :, 4 choice assort , molt of I=l.llllloz rood!, and ready -nude cloth ing will also be fband his elegant establlsh;. meat Our Allegheny Mends Moult lan him , Theatro.—The Teti '.poPutar. Comedian, Mr. J. O. Sefton, takes his benotli on Saturday night- Ile presents au unusually attractive en. totainment.. The -vest .".sensatlon &am* of Sixteen Wittig Jack.. A' young lady of Pitts burgh will dance. Miss Maud fltanleywill sing. Sellotti In two of his nest condo cluiraeters, Tho great Idatoi teal-play of Joni Of Arm Att.' ale Stale will,appear,..a*: the RolithoS the HercutotJowol-Area , l.ii.,- y - . Bente your anti assosoM-::: - . . 3g; Go to McKelvey's, N0:47-1 1 1Altistritet, fbr all` kinds of Goofs, , Shoes tmk, gbatnin; largest., sunk cheapest ;boo store In the .947;_,W,Iikanitez. amine stock. - _ . • *ltticii; talti chi liistaiittilta. erienllow ks this week., .1140104 U ttui. kalif Meprittes. ebkr(weehq..llls#lied pipers. and the New Yorkliklfitsi '-'•%l'7.—:',"'::: - • • • Photographs other Preehlii‘lknnthiiicA lob, lire: Lincoln, the Thettekt others, at. Plttock.e. •••-• • '"" • Portraits of Groot. Ltccuip t 131eiapus,'and Bheddazi..4 ?Mock's. - • .Clasided Student* rec.:dyad stream - .ltitt , tuts. Ott liar, Albaske,,lbehet,: Books';:ae4.111 MUM the portrait pr the Prealdeat bleated. aglttahls. .^5.:7.e.Pau.-2,:.a~4w , .ea v.. z: r 'K:=~~.._.~:s>:.`. ' : '•!'..i. , ..';':EZ-:::' ,. :: - ;: 7. r''''''''''' 4 ' -- 1-'...:',..:-7:..:.?....,':::"::,4'..':-...',-.:(:,':-,..,:..;:rr:...el'i'fi.-:7::',1.r;,:-:-..-,-,7:.-,:.T.,-:;,... ~.- . : - . .,- ' .- -. : y : , - . :, : - . .- j :::. . ..., 1 ....:,.., : :, : : , :.:;•....,.-.. . .•' _ :welted • w_toihneh ed letter the etaaet from Geo.. N. B&dwa, tilled with vehement abuse of tailor having hinted that be p?ablyfraXaornethlng tO do With' the plot for assaathiaosiglite Pareldent. George put an the au nr.an , mud - Innocent. Ilathanaht limonite= tint he should hadeemed capable of rob a airier* and in ordee, that the lie tight be the more impressed - by brayed ! testatione, he offered to come to the United States and aided his trial Iwo: obis" charge:lC the gov erment would:nine not to prosecute btza• on any other. lie had beuer Comm -He la Wilted —very badly wanted by Abe President - of the United States: It Beams the ,eridearsalowArr. posseeslon of the military authorities, renders it pertly thac . Elandean was noneerninku anggesteil, in the conspiracy:Which:led to :yr.' Lincoln's murder.-11: Y. Tnnts: NkTIOXILL &intro.—The wads of National kooks ban VeograzzedraY dinak the limit lied by Conroe proinism now way, soon to be reached.. If ICU intended ~,tomnthor, Its banks in thifiebeilloto States , which arena, comfits under national control, -the addition of mew banks 111 the froitimmt:Stator - must case. It appears that.theie Is now In operation over eleven hundred banks. with an authorised capi tal of $265,000,000. , totaimmounkimthort. zed is $500,000,0111. The amount. ternyikin& - gierefore, is bat 11116,000A00. , .0hki fair' share of thecaphisl, stan lotuih In the list. ~IferslaYork is nat.. Peonaybrinda aecond, hisinachusetts Mkt sod Ohlo next. ' Mal. Gab. WAL.acti, the ?diddle ?dilltaty Division, has Issued . coder dated at Baltimore prohibiting the sale In that depart, rant of pintralte of any rebel officer or soldier, or of J. Wilkes Booth the eanrd.lrer of Prest, dent Llecoln, and directing all coututandlog, adieu's and Brovoet-Idarshals to takeyeasession" of snob pictures wherever found exposed for sale, and report the names of the north:ago offending, who will . be nada to anyst and imprisomeat it again guilty of s stolation'of the otder. SH I,—On Ftidav sowing, lfity 6th,EOHEIT SHE ,to the 6eth ma of lus age.. - The funeral will tako,plooo fromkto date root. ?donee corner of Hobtialon astlborrstretta, Alit Alleor 00 70 xoolifor (Studs's.) .opTicasooo, at two clock to lirotted to Mi. Dolan OinnOt 4l 7. The oda tithe UMW Onfrespootullyhtvitoo to: &tut • . - . JIITERCH:fX7 7.11L0188., 10112.21X1V8 BLOCK. 1.1 • W. YL: - • 10 ST. GLAIR' 16)TREET• Would will the &Meath= of harm to ids etoek - t nixode. It hes bees selected With'ffirest ea" ai motel/up ell the NEWEST STYLES 1;11 , 000D3 to be found to Mt elm haulm Gents whither a 101 l of clothe. made to order, will plows call and en lambs our voat andlatowt: • :41/not, ablin obi aPlete NiOU al ■ot Vro. lo sr: otAte JUST RECRIVED. - ♦ ZE124 ,- 117 5;iff 6P , 130 3 ... Cllothingi „ FOR TEE PREBEI4I,I3IROON, At , Greatly 'Reduced- Prieek ' -GRAY- -spit 4 - .Airr. !EithiViiebiEri ! REA OPILE.S. t 13}310.VAL. -, - - • , , , : • .., —•-; ' Ay . ..% r...- ..;... ~... 24. i.. .',..... '-"te,e.. , WELLS, RIDDLE it 007 . Dave :moved -SU; extenstre • - Itiet ` e old . lutirrydo : No. Mir WOOD. STS= . corm at Vizi*. Alley. errata , thiorzte provided to ell all °rears toe WNW ..LOBBEN. , a2(II - 1311eXTOBIEB puemptl7 at tbe lowan setees:- , ~., • , , • '' aye: . • r R it Dril lr A. L'.-4 , .A.1 0. .:' , 04Wr01u), Coluirsuie mecum ts-Ifif Milk . . is,. Du removed hts aloe Goal NW IN WAVES 3T. E s **COMBER Or WOOD ost4 ariumsts, our Peoples' Natio:Led Bulk. boo Mama ettl beam= tamed an la all tersaehos. Out eideutees made. LiotelleOu= a64 . ... ......,—:* ~• erir•Boters to tho 800 uterer - of tau etty. ' ....... REMOVAL —V6 "io2llopid 4bas N 5.411 r.a Mat to haw Wee. Poooll Dew NAM:, Pl" r a N, 6.101.0ik. 00. Ps Baas: ,Asol • lOW ' Dier-'&100,101: • w. 47 12. 1 4:aavIDSCOAXDLIIII • WDZON, CARR 00. 1 (LATiamicirf'rAtia 6'00.4) - Moltal L r e dealeer a ta n rOVION AND DeNta iicTas'abaie Mama& alltt; 'tlitrailr""'itT4l7. ELTON,. MACIAI3I Co. Wholesale say! Metall Dealers ill a aueleaan GS, HI BROIDERILEI and DRY 000Ds, cde 6 ndeserlp• D inh Nsfrr lesaltllllllstria. • CRUM dr GLYD ' " and Ret4ll neg. . in F. • TI I : 3 OODS,LTLIKINOBORM D u beteree. Diamond tad Foluil," PAulounkr7 B RCILIFIELD Whokaiak% J. Retail Dealer to VAPIX AND 7_,A11107; ti Ocolkins, Nottitewit attar rolzursill slisbeets, Pittsburtb- - • ••• `; - 10SEPII littfti%ltho - 57 t' W: ..,b4 .81", Ars tiII4,,TCE .4011a.r'78 ' • IPOHN ROBB, Agent of tha EqUitablai; mama, Co., M Gs. and the Pena mates Lltalairtuaceeoo. et Pb& dalphla. No. VI Market htraet,iPtalatautta . Cindy J . cIeitDINER COFFIN, Agett,lbr IM paupdievia. BalUmano UM* &me Cko ris iePee, Jtarthrit sonar .WOONI Nal THIRD 8 11.1itM. , . t Ix* urr. JOE6!.gent • vv. •listeibbi /Ina% Am. 00UpilAD AP WA 1$ MEW! • • • . =poxCITY VOLLEOAII,- . . • .** t+fer Peas and St. PP/IMMUNE, PA. •IMEaIfEaII.MANSAUUCIE, . =At varrED „; • 'Ottani' lrataars, ihetatamtne *met .6w 110 &ay *Maar, on applbiatralirtilt '• • - a sla,ussA 101111M.'; tt.,to . • lk./ MIURA ALM • :,......::... ..:•.:::-.T.:. * Artristalimsanti Nor 0 4 % 1 04 'Mt! Zbliriftit `:....-; 21 122 XI rt,i l Prrt 1 1`ti1:a.4.1202 la; • “, r ' • Basl . 2‘:l4;il Way years la the Croft rsa4 loon& T i at Anim tet il o .i mlaut ir A rA. l g n:2l7 ww 43oV .: mull roomier, II 11.12crir •• • Il..4= i ir tit. g . nas of BA per 0ri1,1•E 1 1242.12.: ._ MCCORD a 00.1 ' ' . 11 1 1 .1 101, 0 0 44 6 / 4 1 •i;:-: ' hats, Cape and- Odra,* nave now In start the Isrm . 's_ atos "ek • •• •.• :.'ntattCA,,,s: yet GOODS FOR FALL 11101LOVIcf feltaad lz ‘ Lhe c7Littottt .2"g r" a at trary ; low USN. ',JANiffix',#447s'.7.: - • , •, pcfminr Encei ATjurvS, for tuba of suall =pa tlootratop_gl, floggin scrj . sze, lortanso 'Lula* QAW TER'S, , BABBARty 80Aps.-1- Lj *VS for go pmt fOociroare oied & wrissis BAjunowo• war, and ormaldrr awortor to °Ws Illotro over wood.eltfor krrtha tafliii or fog Alvan: ' .14,1111.61.. apftdf , - MAMA/SW.9o, rOYPEA BUM. FOR &UAL...A tags' m. 7 tot 'of 06ffoo Bselto, , joifies.ittingskli' . ipts - • Lanny wilt. • • • r 2144 TRANSPARENT: SED OPAAMC 1 44 011a:I Made... tor obla iguagAzab. ^ 4s4 N -w - ~s ~ ..s;- IMIL 1 104#1C:5, !;,:. 1864.. I . Y r V N lA - m :-•• fte • minemir • : ;VDA EAL B..B—wiNTEßAlNLitprogtamuT ,•,o4 and afte MONDAY het- Obteglid,lol4,trahtli EAST D ecor ' daily eZ i E;ldayi OA ilestm.... - stopping - only t , princi station% . and . BMWs dim; Uonnections at ihr,'NeW-Yrrer• • Baltimore and Wealth:lace, SrillibMWlptdc" for _r New York ßoehm and inteentedlit• - BAHAVaIingESS.• : r AOCOMMO - stallyeln sent SWIM at NM a• 01 .1 OtoPP At.. , Acuity station, . between' Pittsburgh and hat' 1 = close. eminection with traisecia. . Welt PelmrylyaniaMacd _. , . . iiitua Cresson It: IL, and Ho_ FlithLyi PITISERIRGH at ...M..MF EMPREPAS,' er.-_.. rept Standity, si 1.10 p.,?1it 5 =1 1 &,,,,, , ,, ,11 - p a the shale= tletweesk rime and anummion with - Tridialitrus" n'. sal; bburgand A B:R., Hollita=U.Bll,LL .:LlT: i nt-and' eleartield sat SollaorrrOWN A060DIMOIATIOlif; dal'', ell wrPt Sunday, 112 p. xi, stopp ion at regular sta. m. tlons between Pittaburo and Johnstown. and (c meting at Betcslrilie intmemtion with trains Oa the .lana Branch and West Pennsylvania 8.8.. PHILADELPHIA REPRESS, daily, at line f. Iti o tw i ll E r l Ith . ...I.sizober:Vosumnau ti Gal/ltaas. lag Ha c rris .- burg„ Ler , and II ; ..eersi, .!mytaburg direct connections:a " m. "Raft for Ballimore, Washington ,and New Tack . at Philadelphia, for New York. Boston mut Ltda. mediate points. Erg Oars run throurh on Sidi .train fr om RUM) to Baltimore, Philadelphla Sod Newworkh . y eAlleatown route. . • EAST daily, except Sammy, at Lae a 0., stopping -at at Oonamatuth. paint= Altos na, Huntingdon. Lewtsumn. MMus. 'b lyr~ey~yt, ewport, Harrisburg. Middletown. . sdlivibetm. 'ellnilL oy. Latallaville. bantemer Ana Dow ingtown. • At Harrisburg conneettonv are inaCie for New York, Baltimore and Wealongton.at Phila. delphlii, for New York, Boston, and intermediate , Find: Accommodation Tllliil for WalPs Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at at a. as. 'Second Acoommodation Train for Weirs Statics -I"" Thi m AY . , (ix c eel lgo u rlVdt 111 ° 4A Statiea . eaves dairy (except Sunday) at too p. in. Fourth Aemasauxbution Train for WalPa Station eaves daily (except Sunday) at 11.06 p. in. . ' The Church Train knives Well's Stallion every Sandia at M a.m., returning leaves 'Pittsburgh . . . .—.• ,-- Trains arrive in Pittsburgh asw Pittati Erie Express al p. m: Balt l /minel Philadel AM p. to. _ . - a. re. Tohnst l ow ie n Anconinaodation 10.00 . is. First Wail'. Station dooosistodaton... 1.10. in. Seensulwaya Station Aneontmodation WM& re. Third Wall'a Station Anmionatation.. San p... laurel, Walt'. Station 4otommodatlon add in. Baltteicire express will arrive with PhSadyylya Espress et 'LSO p... os Mondays. FOUGE.-In caw of •loss, the Company wll, hold themselves responsible for penman' luegm e Ws. and for on amount not ex lAA ---. ' - W. It. BECE.WI • At the Panspraale Central l J .4 1 intt . „Distant. on Alberts and Graut l = 4s . im tl er ITTSBIIILGI FT. ,Sr" . .. .11. , WAYNE & unuove sin..we_ , ___ ID .. Y A.ND BURGH. .AA.flatiosAr ..AVEI. AND & P=B ',: Di l liel. :WlNTP aiseer•• AllitAirtlEthiliT. ..... t as Ear.% .- .owiesn ber IStb. WU, Unita lin ron 14" , ... - •roi -I- .roe For it.' ;,-tstsevithi l chieage: Menus& I waeoung. r .lO • .06...:,-.... to r. m. tto &as; 110 a. m. cl.pissa,.... - ......:. P. in. -La P.*. US 1.• In• 1i b1et1 1.."...... I.lo ' i. st. _." z .. %For. ew Castle and vonl Me am o a it. --- - ntes iii Allelaieni-F. F. W. & ti. MUM. Lie a: 5a.,11.10 a. m., ASO a. sii. And 445 p. in. I.•T'.Vak i te l VititlllN;Thket , . 1 Vilma twationiPutaboegt, A. U. . Y, Ticket - istalel ' ' P.M. lIITZELS. CteuralTlaakeß Azad . 13ITTEIBUBOH. - ANDAmigims 1 1.mtrirax.q.#y!14.. ENTER AIEtRANGEMEIVE. e a/ter MONDAY , Nay. 11, VW .. , the will ve the Depot, coma of Dom sad Wet • Pllt Limes Animist, DEMI 4)04 fthyoloalemn. m. IMO p. m. Xspreee - - . PAO p. a.. 111110 a. m. First keKeeepert Atoott.M.i. a. 11M0 ot. MOO a. at. 6400sid ILL 6 Sat p. Flat Domddoori Imo a. m.: eao Sommd' ' • MIS p. 'ED p. sunder_ Alluireir Tate to sia' • ' Doti McKeesport. tee p. m. irauth tarttekett apSy to' -, k• • •T• /MAN; Agent. - ' hoop In B. STOUT, Supezietenot. A LiMOßEart VAL,. allumMil ±,w._ -_ LLYW AILROA D.— OEULDGF. OF TIMF.--On mut OW MONDAY. My inn, taal, tha totkywing a m al Dm will take enact. WAIL TRAlN.—Leivet Illtab ugh Wine A it. - anisiiigat Kittanning at 10. int Leave eat it. tesmrat 440 11. oi..- mires at .elttabaigh at 1 YiLtEN.-Leaves Kittanning at tat r it t iant, at. PUtitnugli at .Z 8 a. ER. Leave at 1.10). a., arriving at Kittanning at 7.1 a ut - . , .. A °DATION T)IAT Lasing Soda W at /Je a. 14 artivingatrolttabsugliaallilo , a; ' ww , P l OldwillD ID SAW p. :a, arriving at Dena Watts' at 11.01_p- tn. ~ .`P: WitTGaT.Dinerintaw -, .aat.., SOAY I 80A.V1 I ' SOAP I IlThe C FIRM ICAL OUTS ERASTVE /30AP, manufee. tune by 8.0. at J. MBA ?TYRA, is acknowledged tea O. most serviceable of any kind yet othred to the i pobile. lie superior advantage, are found lAiteetwae,.perpane m, abates ef Jabot, and Ile ehlealry i t . point, tar. end without tn. 0:121.1M11.0 41. .47 In Um limit wise dm:meg - lag the enact 1 condlry of goods. It oak be used with all kinds pf irate, • • • • Re fa Me 14 liadliwitk pleasure to the sithlotord .maillitate, ems from mamma well known In M of l cam mailtyolll4 Who had every farillty a ale forded oaring It frulykral fairly Ward s Qugieresager.a Depresses! of thenletith,7lllrterna tad fremeere ct =mmto Pe. role.: ..8,03..gy al Culve Eras!» Soap" having Wes bird vs extensively to our reale:mete. we but. ao in airlifting that lt was femur admirabl adapted to the usethe sors. awl deelgally y the most superior S oa p which could be ' , procured for the grivice. JAMES A. MN, 0 4;t uartermaster 15th Reg. .• ALEX . Tossrrs. nertfralelter tun Reg. • *. S.*994hirehl.:, w.u.etl4rfaealee 'TM Reg. ".:. I'II vlf iMlefitirries Chemical EM111•13 fk1,19 rtcvstes=argh:laTi.cbgre " 111t2 i'reri 11 4kvitieet1 to the emu:. . .- -:!'1• . ` -, ~. ..ictig; red' 56, 4 .• .. . :J10467162% 317Cel,Stulen• Townehlp. ..,...,...:.. . . Allegheny roomy, Pa. ~„ .B.: C. g• J. li. drever4:-My (smog hag. lotto or chesmotottee Enmity Seep for several . Slid ban found It up le what It ham been Itta"tril..• Fire using In herd Inte.r they think supetior to any eosin in we. ott i r A. Cl. LMTD, Etas, Allegheny Co. po :1 ORM KZ CORD Atnei-i6an. SPool Cotton. ApaCtrt EVIAM FLED SPOOL COTTON 111 fie ibrerlishi warrarta4 of rape:ice gaunt, oaf passatbet to raearnr• Zal yards to [sari. Obb ba4 Wen colon and law:shorn tillantalletiirad by the PWITSIdDIMI STEAM FACTIMII , sad fez an)a e 7 ins iznaa Mann 1. " °HAULMS &MOOT di CO., . • SELLING ACM2ftB,• Tele a All ase reet, New YorkLINI Thrroaddeeatrealt, Church Vert, musOMpida. t. • 0 71 %irgi s h t wgigi-Rit,:d ni ) : of aps io ffs.....oaresi t kaa eallat La n, led of t?tracrlte "dM4 as ware, yeeea.Qo2lSUMlP taed Tll7ll awl as *WI7 ;plated ma. Toot Eyeny,?llia sad chat.. marl her . aie 7r e tust ao u nr i ir 411,11 • emelt to 22. a mortal chaaire." ha• 'loot 0. 0 fix &avatar stipple. Yeats. wn.cre , Mais Bt. My 110,talLOWN, abaie La vertattum as t Lot ono of the • Ma seaalva. - 0 11.1. JAIMS , OLNAASIAS W. WWI Is tamady that will_p_odUVew i s ,oayndul and BROM eaha of a aLegle bon* as ant. Met e 2 63 pee bottle. Tlanat NN. .11Da. amS Olatamat, it es sash. . ..- • • OEM/1000K ft 00., • - I • 4 2 ratirtaael PtJladat ibstauserta 'l4•Seawir • • NEIT !?(1?1, - • . :SbRiLAND'S. - - • - „ "cirrr.a.9 s r ati.noaeLs, ktril IWO dirarlptllock jolt mend red ' .4 . . 14 • 10, 4 .g .d 11141, 10 Watesdneeil pilaw& , Par 4,11 r, othr t,Z.e, lowest glutei prices we r i ll= w eeli as T. a e beet tr_ll.llL,e cheap du see Att . 'irtiffomtexrellweiwlabe . l l :r i s in :r O s eltsooa::d r I” .ret Tim* arestAt *kitties irltitt:'.• -AU aHl~a, intomu4 , ,oiesier t six; ./041glinIODIV*14 - , :(41,° ,414418061111i,A . 1477 7. 7" ~* - .4 1 /IND:4l.l3l4,lllM—Jast we , • • at camaivaiikidac-oruips Ip•rub.bat nun, 'taut stsermicir ova!Or 6r mg . Atait • .O Em • „ s ;7, i'kitlikgrAgfirSlM f mißezt.L4s*Orli• -LSTONISITIIIO . 01, * • A.srrcvu - Nrarria PAR EXCELLENCE Con sidsr this Wait - I WOHEIVS ENGLISH LUTE*, ctroz-o ixoem orreaseir 7 7 . • , T'or . 01 23 • • le Co Is the lowest price asked to other keue for the time goods. Clincert Hall Shoe Store, ,--- No. 60 and - 62 FIFTH STRNEk. Undersell the World. . iirßest Goods •ll waasaise. THE GREAT PIIMPIRE. HENAT'AN,Mi.A. .. Sinai the hdrodu , alon et math:tag, the arises dare has nediatos been the subject of more se, none and 'Sletnitille sonthleration by the mess learned of the proremon than say other oottesete4 , 1 with the laws of the Great thestort aot • few bay contended that all diseases nava Shots origin lathe'. itomachr others, the solids of the bodyi ,etlege 'gun, and by far tne greatest number, ocuilead end reason that, the noon Itself Is the my toornoan ell ''.' 1 life—that If 0 becomes impose; then dlaaliellifte worst forns—Serortals,thinser iu tithrgr, 01 4 AM indeed, la tip ethnic:an= tQdL atm by the blood.suid there/7y li • their and. ewe, ;prove this 40 11 1= • -1 ,' cornet theory: acting Upon whicktoOry,the wage Wee now known as 811:111:111JAIWILi. was Sorgime , and brought hthiPtnuthrerldthif II" il l ag ase soon osereliee,theh a many ever ". • : ticrgon_,lmontemplow , PMPLI2I - Tan FAt, :MIME% _§h/..? REUSIng.. - •k . L/Vlelt 0011U•LAIRT, LOSS CY . APPETITE- DYSPSI.h t - .• • ' .. .. t inrlnt:Cfnflt - itt.r{: 4. as te et% trona the time at. it . Slit tab= ,ewers' . - : segment to the patieat, by making both_ , meg fet, the good it- is ateut to :accomplish. w p b thought s to out It nn in bottle:Lades. give_; ; `,. eaca,—as many parsons are disposed to try as sits: . eta brit are often deterred at th e es the -... t' trial here coo ts roads K. a. m swh. satiety the oin:hazer' that the -, -- , what Is claimed for it, to ..be t els i imp =in cum' aver brousht before' the Delicate Females will grain it too inonatoo . - - nerd .. That the piddle may forth some Mei of Ibis. el • - Liu =awe reedit: mitdoth a list Of the in'lla i-' pal articles at w it la composed, with a Ship • '' dem:Myth:pi of the and sdairtation el soh. ken from the highest ituthort.ty known to wee ' - . , . IS need with a beilalkial apart In upend/ Rhine% • -. ; tine, Scrofulous Alectious, tlutarreoua Thasauso stud other &prayed oceanic:du of battik. • • ieirDEr.rort ‘- • • Is tome, &nestle, sad • aperient. It 'hie a epode.. action upon tha fiver. exciting It whoa laugahh, • acctettou. It tics beau much used hi pitssusukhe diseases of the dist:entre organ.' : lODIDE Poressiisti. ' • . • There ire Low dletases in which It has net pram. Jeclenclel ; It ts need In Scrofulous Affections wtat pest hematf4 U. has also been need with matinee sees to treatment for Indammatlon of the Er. I Aserally Inereaaas the sppetlte and AWL LA IFENDEI 110 WSW . . • • Are aromatic, tooth, and distal intriontln eases of Nervous DelnUty. 111 Imperially valuable In cum et Scrofula Ix SLArizia9EF.: .EHAMOMIIE FLOWER Are adynn u treouoly usc4 moo ontniceb.loa mtleort Debility Cl . l4C a las: pllur to 11401111 MSZEREO.Y. NAIL In sots tavorablyas an sitatotlro In Chroall lections, Chronic unouscuttlsis Ann obstinate .1 7 seam of the Mao. Tb• bat... of the formals .8 wilbasid •• • pir For NW • SOH IOM9T011; , • - • • _ cow ssuiirn#axia T g r • newityp" re. , aria Freff ilblifikrool . 4lldak elsbeabbov. recipe. • eiligtaioni. • IN THE DIBTRICIINIVET OP.; Ara; . LEGRENY COUNTY, Pollees NO. 114 Wirer • " ' :tilion, Ro. 8 Apra Tam. 180. James Dennlatod / Rlll ht Equity for 3 * * TB. f Partition. Andrew Dennieton; Torrent= ELL Weill WA' Jams ILL, Ills wile, data Jane IC Dannistoa, el . n r s (Cr of said Andrew it,,,,P1e ,31 /e1 =A L Ills wife, late Lydia and daughter . . , Anelnew; George 0.• Dann tan, sort of rl4 - - Andrew; Jour Atwell Deounotan. inn or. ..as ' ' Andrew; Nay R., daughter el DUI Andrew; Ass. r dime J. Dennlxtrna, a relict eon of uLd ',em. • : Cable 1.. Denntstort, • minor Km of iald endow Samuel Denalsion, • minor 800 of said Anarowl " • Samuel Illehards and Chrisilasa RI we . 3 Chriallm. Demnistoa- Demi* D. Illeheeds, , . 3 I. Tuckazda and Sea'nel J. Motwdel , sona of rail : migt gA insults ; Andrew Clouse and Kea laill'.;:l l .l2=lltitl 4 = ; Bu e r il x ' ts klab.' ' ''' * arra, widow of John M. Ei r e ilsetliwko was s •:." • 3 soil of lath OluisUano...a; Cletharlee H. DellelatOor WeahlAgted Kaufman lUld fll4Ol X..: ~..1: WO 112, Jots Nancy VI Denruston; Georg* D om . •• IL illwai IL, Jelin A. sad Samuel 7...Ka of DILI Nancy N. Keutwael and listeseel R., and Eu.r .daughters of sell Raney L • •' - * Rentman, all o 1 whom, emceed mud George D.. 1 - . . - • Sr. minors, IBOd of wtoto estate Dealausie ~ ; O. Bmwortb, of Allegheny comity- le • aid 471.111= 11, Jo...ph F. _ „. and folti thu lt - • Denniston, mos of Did , James Denalsto a, nom. plaunant„ of whom John B. la a ;ulnae. Devisee* • ' of Ileorm DeruLtsten, late of the city of Pitte. * 3 " burgh. Allegheny county, PeiMillraala, deed.. , • February 18, L9N. It D ordered by the Court, .• that nolite to glven of the substanee of said Int.l. ones &Week for Ili ruseegslve weekslo the Pitts. • burgh Gazette, to all mnons own whom statue* wrens cannot be: given loworller to Isle, ay - reason of their residing oat or tho counties of M. , . 1 leeway and Meier. rennsylvanta, and ale, by '. : , • " Meier. nislikag to each of than. tainted copy of wad Oa . Ike, directed to their present place of abode, wean, - , known. or to their last elate or residectoe tour week, before the hearing In this ease - 18,Pursusut to acid rue 8114 defetflebts are 111.• , . qulred to take notice that said MS boa Weft SILL praying the (Dust to make perUtlon, ansongsahl . ~ puttee, of all the Deal 'Estate of .aid GeOrge Disie - - • Liston, deed, wing a piece of land in and Ailota log Ewa Liberty, Allegheny county, containing I ants, 1 roadie - 14M writhes; a lot on Fenn street 3 putsbunth; and a lot In Metter, &Inner w att le whteh 11111 the proportions to whlelartt be wallow; tact .el said partite Its entitled ; aide the bin vie —, - of George Dertitlato are let forth; and that • Ml*, .., -t pens hal, been twor In sold ease, returnable to the . TIRST MONDAY OP APR1L,1964, ,:enel, of ; Wad dadandaela then to sp-per " ' 'loaturttol . aris ..... e the jeml...°Lind the bitansdp., .._ I . , to saki Ri ll , and instead to ma - - ant oos ribroTairana denies of geld „Court Bliereoll . - ...- ~.302121.11. ErTIMMir ?IMAM X .11L Pietas ire L OLEO F. sokSprososw lartussel for Dowslitaeimd.. -; 1 ,-..,;; - HM.lllln BATOR'S NOTIeS.—.LIS: ~•-•• tam lsms thel:eitateefßllifill r . •.- , •,•'' . P Swift, AD S ,tee.e. or AargSwor...._o l Sr_,__•MilW 3 •,--,, retry ko s r i lo.p . bano barafraillia....www,:awyr Lent', N1V1141=011441/1U ' 104...,, 121.06ehilripz clalad, RELM 4 et° !Ire . .:''' 3. ' * ' to mow thew, daraullkentlfete 11/OXID ~..„ • • endtlyiew . sars IL tiftea,7,44-iii;•l4, .a •r• Ai* HXIiRLNIX-41CVrialliV0 1 4 . ..", „ A uk A, B.,ii m. . mem. AallallA . 01 4402-4 ,* ':' m ade...,.4 ii. Ws eta .... BOW A ....,..2: „ _ ......,...„...:....‘..,....,:,..„, ......,.,::....,„... ..:. ..-,:....-..,,,,„..-:,......:,,: . , WoNDIEwm!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers